UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION AECU-936 THE FORMAL POTENTIAL OF THE Am(V)-Am(VI) COUPLE By R. A. Penneman L. B. Asprey [TID Issuance Date] Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory L Technical Information Division, ORE, Oak Ridgo, Tonnosso* Manuscript for a 15 minute talk at the Chicago meeting of the American Chemical Society, Tuesday, September 5, 1950, at 10:40 A. M. Reproduced direct from copy as submitted to this office. PRINTED IN USA PRICE 5 CENTS AEC, Oak Ridge, Tenn., 1 0-31-50— 675-A24348 THE FOftlAL POTTITIAI OP THR Am(V)-Am(VI) COUPLE* R. A. Penneman and L. B. Aaprey The formal potential of the Am(.V)-nm(VI) couple was determined by three methods. The f ir3t was direct measurement of the potential in a solution prepared froi. pure Am(VI) after partial reduction to Am(V). The second method involved direct measurement in a solution containing Am(Vl) and Am(V) derived froin the disproportionation of pure Am(V). The third was an indirect value calculated from the partial oxidation of Am(V) to Am(Vl) with eerie perchlorate. Americiuro (VI) was prepared by oxidation of Am(III) in perchloric acid with ammonium peroxydisuJ f ate. Sulfate ion was removed by the addition of barium perchlorate. Americiura (V) was prepared by hypochlorite oxidation of Am(IIl) in carbonate solution according to the method of Vemer and Perlman. The precipitate of Am(V) was dissolved in 8M perchloric acid and •diluted to Hi after disproportionation had yielded sufficient Am(Vl) to permit measurement s. The first series of measurements 7;ere -oade with Am(V)-Am(VI) in 0.3V HCIO^ solution (prepared by the jieroxydisulf ate method). A shiny platinum electrode was used in the americium solution and the potential was measured versus the saturated calomel electrode. Contact with the reference electrode •This document is based on work j*rformed at the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California under ARC Contract '.Y-7/»05-Rng-36. AECU-936 1 2 AECU-936 was made by means of an agar-potasslum chloride and en agar-sodlum perchlor- ate bridge. The potential was measured with a Rubicon Type B potentiometer. The cell was teste"! with cerium prior to the aosricium measurement. The magnitude of the junction potentials was tO.037 volts at 0.0OI cerium, and ♦O.OIJ volts at 0.002 11 cerium. Since the americium concentration was 0.007 U, a value of +0.015 volts was applied as an approximate correction to the americium potentials. The uncertainty in the aoericium potential in thie oeasurement is of the order of 0.01 volts. Concentrations of Am(V) and A