E2./Belgian Congo UNITED STATES . Ei-ARTi EMT UF AGRICULTURE Agricultural n esearch Service llant Quarantine Branch Washington 25, D. C. t . q. 448, Revised (Formerly B.hi.i .Q. 448) December 7, 1955 1lAi\IT QUARANTINE I K)RT RESTRICTIONS OF BELGIAN CCNGO This revision of the plant quarantine import restrictions of the Belgian Congo has been prepared for the information of nurserymen, plant quarantine officials, and others interested in the exporta- tion of plants and plant products to that country. The summary was prepared by Henry Blum, i lant Quarantine Branch, from various Ordinances promulgated by the Economic Affairs Service of the Belgian Congo Government and was reviewed by officials of that Service. The information contained in this circular is believed to be correct and complete up to the time of preparation, but it is not intended to be used independently of, nor as a substitute for, the original texts, and it is not to be interpreted as legally authoritative o -&*f Acting Chief, Plant Quarantine Branch Pl,ANT r UAPAi-TIrtE I 10RT PEST n ICTIONS UF BELGIAN CONGO EviPuRTATIOw RESTRICTED Jb lant 3 a nd Seeds (Ordinance No. 53/5 of Apr. 9, 1915) (Katanga Ordinance No. 1 of Jan. 10, 1931)1/ Every shipment of plants, tubers or seeds imported into the Colony must be accompanied by a certificate of origin declaring the shipment to, be. -free from cryptogaraic diseases or infectious agents. Plant products found to be attacked by any cryptogamic disease or infectious agent will be treated at the expense of the importer or, if necessary, destroyed. This restriction also applies to importations of plants, tubers, or seeds into the Province of Katanga. Ifc'roRTATION t ROHIBITED Maize (Ordinance No. 5lA31 of Dec. 22, 1952) The inportation of i aize is prohibited in order to prevent the intro- duction into the Colony of corn leaf rust (Puccinia polysora Hnderw.) hater Hyacinthi/ (Ordinance No. 51/162 of" ay 4, 1955) The i portation into , or transit through, Belgian Congo of water hyacinth ( Eichornea crassipes ) is prohibited. It * ORTATlOi . PROHIBITED EXCEJrT UNDER I ERI IT Banana Plants (Ordinance No. 207 of July 16, 19^2) The importation of cultivated or wild banana plants is prohibited except under a permit obtained in advance from the Governor General. C acao Hants (Ordinance No. 51/169 of i ay 19, ly*J-8) The importation of propagating material of cacao plants is prohibited except under a permit obtained in advance from the Governor General. ~±7 Information contained in Foreign Service Despatch No. 101 dated "September 19, 1955. - 2 - Coffee Plants UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA lllllllillllllllillllli 3 1262 09244 7571 (Ordinance No. 95 of lay 24, 1922) The importation of coffee plants or parts thereof is prohibited except under a permit obtained in advance from the Governor General. Cotton Seed (Decree of June 18, 1947) The importation of cotton seed for planting is prohibited except under a special permit from the Governor General. This prohibition does not apply to importations for the experimental stations of the Colony. Seeds and Plants for Silkworm Culture (Ordinance No. 134 of j ay 16, 1946) The importation of seeds or other propagating plants for silkworm culture is prohibited except under a permit obtained in advance from the Governor General. Sunflower P lants (Ordinance No. 51/172 of fcay 24, 1950) The importation of propagating material of sunflower plants is prohibited except under a permit obtained in advance from the Governor General.