■) £/, $12 Z/tJrfi + W Technical Series, No. 25. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY. L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. PAPEES ON APHIDID^E. CONTENTS AND INDEX Issued April 26, 1915 WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1915. Technical Series, No. 25. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BTJRE^XJ OF ENTOMOLOGY. L. O. HOWARD, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau. PAPERS ON APHIDID^E. I. STUDIES ON A NEW SPECIES OF TOXOPTEM, WITH AX ANALYTICAL KEY TO THE GENUS AND NOTES ON REARING METHODS. By W. J. PHILLIPS and J. J. DAVIS, Entomological Assistant Cereal and Forage Inject Investigations. II. THE YELLOW CLOVER APHIS. By J. J. DAVIS, Entomological Assistant, Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations. Issued April 26, L915. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1915. B UREA U OF EXTOMOLOG Y. L. O. Howard, Entomologist and Chief of Bureau . C. L. Marlatt, Entomologist and Acting Chief in Absence of Chid. R. S. Clifton, Chief Clerk and Executive Assistant. F. H. Chittenden, in charge of truck crop and stored product insect investigations. A. D. Hopkins, in charge of forest insect investigations. W. 1>. Hunter, in charge of southern field crop insect investigations. F. M. Webster, in charge of cereal and forage insect investigations. A. L. Quaintance, in charge of deciduous fruit insect investigations. E. F. Phillips, in charge of bee culture. A. 1". Burgess, in charge of gipsy moth and brown-tail moth investigations. Ron. a P. Currie, in chargt of editorial work. Mabel COLCORD, in charge of library. Cereal and Forage Insect Investigations. F. M . Webster, in chargi . G. I. Reeves. W. J. Phillips, E. 0. (J. Kelly, J. A. Hyslop, J. J. Davis, C.*N. Ainslie, W. R. Walton. A. P>. Gahan, J. M. Aldrrh. V. L. Wildermuth, W. R. McConnelLj T. D. Urbahns, R. A. Vickery, Philip Luglnblll, C. W. Creel, Henry Fox. Geo. G. Ainslie, Harrison B. Smith. 1*. 11. Timberlake, R. N. Wilson. Vernon King. E. H. Gib SON, L. P. Rockwood, V. II. Gates, Philip B. Miles, T. R. Ohahberlln, A. ! :rn\\ ait. T. Scott Wilson, D. J- Caffrey. W. \\. Larrimer, !.. J. Bower, C. M. Packard, Adolph H. Beyer, Claude L. Scott, S. J. Snow. Desi a Bennion, li. J. Kewley, Geo. W. Barber, C. F. Turner. Jus. S. Wade. W. B. Pennington, W. T. Emery, D. G. Tower, P. R. Myers. F. L. Barrett, entomological assistants. W. B. Hall, J. T. Monell. collaborators. CONTENTS Studies on a New Species op Toxoptera, with an Analytical Key to the Genus and Notes on Rearing Methods. W. J. Phillips and J. J. Davis. . 1 Introduction 1 Description of the species 1 Genus Toxoptera Koch 8 Key to the genus 8 Distribution of Toxoptera muhlenbcrgix 9 Feeding habits 9 Host plants 9 Life history 9 Continuous-generation experiments 9 Molting 13 Fecundity of the summer forms 13 Age when individuals begin reproducing 13 Length of life of the viviparous forms 13 The sexes 13 Place of oviposition 14 Fecundity of the oviparous females 14 Mortality of eggs 15 Rearing methods 15 The Yellow Clover Aphis J". J". Davis. . 17 Introduction 17 Synonymy 17 Generic position 18 Distribution 18 In America 18 In Asia 19 Food plants 19 _ Descriptions 20 Wingless stem-mother 20 Winged viviparous female 21 Wingless viviparous female 23 Winged male 23 Wingless oviparous female 25 Egg 26 Life history and habits ■ 26 Methods of study 26 Generation experiments 27 Molting 38 Fecundity in relation to other species 38 Natural enemies 39 Bibliography 40 Index 41 in [.LUSTRATIONS. PLATES. Page. Plate I . Outdoor rearing shelter? 12 II. Outdoor rearing shelters used in life-history studies on the yellow clover aphis 24 TEXT FIGURES. Fig. 1. Toxoptera muhlenbergix: Winged viviparous female and antenna 2 2. Toxoptera muhlenbergix; Wingless viviparous female 3 3. Toxopltni muhlenbergi.e: "Wingless male and antenna 4 4. Toxoptera muhlenbergix: Wingless oviparous female, antenna, hind tibia 5 5. Toxopu ra m uhlt n &< rgia : Eggs 6 G. Toxoptera muhlenbergi : Eggs deposited in curled leaf sheath 13 7. Lamp-chimney molting cage used in rearing aphides 14 8. Lamp-chimney generation cage used in rearing aphides 15 9. Lamp-chimney Btock cage used in rearing aphides 15 10. Map showing distribution of the yellow clover aphis (Callipterus trifolii) in the United States 19 11. The yellow clover aphis (Callipterus trifolii): Winged viviparous female and details 21 12. The yellow clover aphis: Wingless viviparous female and details 23 13. The yellow clover aphis: Winged male and antenna 24 14. The yellow clover aphis: Wingless oviparous female and details 25 !•"). Diagram showing periods and succession itions in the yellow clover aphis, La Fayette" End., L913 34 IV ERRATA. Page 15, legend to figure 9, second Line, for aphieds read aphides. Page 19, line 18, for sanfoin read sainfoin. Page 19, line 18, for Unobrychis read Onobrychis. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation http://archive.org/details/phididaOOunit INDEX Alfalfa (see also Medicago sativa) — Page. not food plant of Callipterus trifolii in America 19 Aphidoletes sp., enemy of Callipterus trifolii 39 Aphis ononidis, probable synonym of Callipterus trifolii 17 Aphis, yellow clover. (See Callipterus trifolii.) Barley, host plant of Toxoptera graminum 8 Bluegrass. (See Poa pratensis.) for life-history studies of Callipterus trifolii 26 for rearing Toxoptera muhlenbergise 16 Callipterus trifolii — article 17-40 bibliography 40 cages used in life-history studies 26 description 20-26 distribution in America 18-19 distribution in Asia 19 egg, description 26 fecundity in relation to other species 38-39 female, winged viviparous, description 21-22 female, wingless oviparous, description 25 female, wingless viviparous, description 23 food plants 19 generation experiments 27-38 generic position 18 habits and life history 26-39 life history and habits 26-39 male, winged, description 23-24 molting 38 natural enemies 39 stem-mother, wingless, description 20 study, methods 26 synonymy 17-18 Camellia, host plant of Toxoptera aurantii : 8 Carex sp., host plant of Toxoptera caricis 8 Ceylonia theaccola= Toxoptera aurantii 8 Chaitophorus maculatus — bibliographic reference 40 = Callipterus trifolii 17 Chaitophorus ononidis, probable synonym of Callipterus trifolii 18 Citron, host plant of Toxoptera aurantii 8 Clematis, host plant of Toxoptera clematidis 8 Clover — alsike, food plant of Callipterus trifolii 19 aphis, yellow. (See Callipterus trifolii.) bur. (See Medicago maculata.) 89803—15 2 41 42 PAPEES ON APHIDIDJE. Clover — Continued. Page. English, food plant of Callipterus trifolii 19 food plant of Macros! phinn pisi 38-39 Japan. (See Lespedeza spp.) mammoth. (See Trifolium medium pereane.) red. (See Trifolium pratense.) sweet. (See Melilotus spp.) white. See Trifolium repens.) Coccinella 9-notata. enemy of Call ipti rus trifolii 39 Davis, J. J., paper, "The Yellow Clover Aphis {Callipterus trifolii Monell)".. 17-40 Davis, J. J. AY. J. Phillips and. paper. " Studies on a New Species of Toxoptera, with an Analytical Key to the Genus and Notes on Rearing Methods". . . 1-16 Empv.sa aphidis, fungous enemy of CallipUrus trifolii 39 Fungous enemy of Callipterus trifolii. (See Empusa aphidis.) Grasses, various, host plants of Tozopttra graminum 8 1 ' Green bug. ' ' ( See Toxoptera gram in u m . ) Hippodamia con eergens, enemy of Callipterus trifolii 39 Ladybird, 9-spotted. (See Coccinella 9-notata.) Lespedeza spp., not food plants of Callipterus trifolii 19 Lucern. (See Medxcago saliva.) Macrosiphum pisi on clover, fecundity in comparison with Callipterus trifolii. . 38-39 Medicago maculata, perhaps food plant of CallipU rus trifolii 19 io sativa (see also Alfalft food plant of ( uUipterus trifolii in India 17, 19 Megilla macuiata, enemy of Callipterus trifolii 39 J/< lUotus spp. , not food plants i if Callipterus trifolii 19 Afuhl nh> rgia sp.. host plant of ToxopU ra muhh nth rgiae 1, 8, 9 Myzocallis ononi tole synonym of Callipterus trifolii 18 Myzocallis trifolii — bibliographic reference 40 — CallipU rus trifolii 18 Oats, host plain of Tnmpt.ru g 8 0nobrychi8 sativa, ool food plain of Callipterus trifolii 19 Orange, host plant of Toxoptera aurantii 8 Phillips, W. J., and Davis, .1. J., paper, "Studies on a New Species of Toxop- tera. with an Analytical Key to the ( renus and Notes on Rearing Methods'* . . 1-16 Poa pratensis, host plant of ToxopU ra m uhU nb, rgiae 9 Rains in control of CaUipU rus trifolii 39 Rearing methods for ToxopU ra muhlt nbergise 15-16 Rhamnus alattrnus — host plant of ToxopU ra alaU ma 8 host plant of ToxopU ra variegata 8 Rye, host plant of Toxoptera graminum 8 Sainfoin. (See Onobrychis satira.) Scirpus lacustris, host plant of Toxoptera scirpi 8 Scirpus specierum, host plant of Toxoptera scirpi 8 Therioaphis ononidis. probable synonym of CallipU rus trifolii 18 Timothy, not food plant of Callipterus trifolii 19 Toxoptera alaUrna. characters, host plant 8 Toxoptera. a new species, paper 1-16 Toxoptera aurantin:= Toxoptera aurantii 8 Toxoptera aurantii. characters, host plants, synonyms 8 Toxoptera camelliie= Toxoptera aurantii 8 INDEX. 43 Page. Toxoptera caricis, characters, host plant 8 Tozoptera clematidis, characters, host plant 8 Toxoptera graminum — characters, host plants 8 mistaken determination of Toxoptera muhlenbergix 1 Toxoptera, key to species of genus 8 Toxoptera muhlenbergise — age when individuals begin reproducing 13 article 1-16 characters, host plant 8 continuous-generation experiments 9-13 distribution 9 egg, description 5 egg mortality 15 fecundity of oviparous female? 14 fecundity of summer forms 13 feeding habits : 9 host plants 9 length of life of viviparous forms 13 life history 9-16 molting 13 n. sp., description 1-8 opposition place 14 rearing methods '. 15-16 sexes, life history 13-14 stem-mother, description of instars 6-8 winged viviparous female, description 1-3 wingless male, description 3-4 wingless oviparous female, description 4-5 wingless viviparous female, description 3 Toxoptera scirpi, characters, host plants 8 Toxoptera variegata, characters, host plant 8 Trifolium medium perenne, food plant of Callipterus trifolii 19 Trifolium pratense, food plant of Callipterus trifolii 19 Trifolium repens, food plant of Callipterus trifolii 19 Trifolium spp., not food plant of Callipterus trifolii in India 19 Vetch, spring, not food plant of Callipterus trifolii 19 Weather conditions in control of Callipterus trifolii 39 Wheat- host plant of Toxoptera graminum 8 host plant of Toxoptera muhlenbergise : 9 \