ADHESIVE BONDING PROPERTIES CE VARIOUS METAES AS AEEECTED BY CHEMICAE AND ANODIZING TREATMENTS OF THE SURFACES (Part A - Additional tests on Anodized Aluminum and on linr-Cliromatc-Primcd Magnesium) February 1955 This Report is One cf a Scries Issued in Cooperation with AIR fORCE-NAVy-CIVIL SUBCOMMITTEE en AIRCRAFT DESION CRITERIA Under the Supervision off the AIRCRAFT COMMITTEE of the MUNITIONS BOARD No. 1842-A UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE nr FOREST, PRODUCTS LABORATORY M/adison 5, W isc on si n MAR * r ««■ ' n Cooperation with the Univer»ity of Wisconsin I 6 1955 nesiry of aei . ADHESIVE BONDING PROPERTIES OF VARIOUS METALS AS AFFECTED BY CHEMICAL AND ANODIZING TREATMENTS OF THE SURFACES" (Part A — Additional teste on Anodized Aluminum and on Zinc -Chr ornate - respectively, in the original work of Report No. 18*4-2, except that the prime coat in the earlier work was much thicker, and different pro- prietary primers were used. Adhesive Bonding Processes The following k adhesive bonding processes were used in bonding the lap-joint panels prepared with the 2 metals having several surface conditions. Bloomingdale FM-^T « — A high-temperature-setting formulation of the vinyl-phenolic type supplied by Bloomingdale Rubber Company, Delaware and Flower St., Chester, Pa. Redux E, Type R . — A high-temperature-setting, two-component formulation of a phenol-resin solution and vinyl -polymer powder supplied by Ciba Company, 627 Greenwich St., New York Ik, N. Y. Metlbond MN3C Nylon Tape . — A high-temperature-setting adhesive formula- tion of neoprene, nylon, and phenol resins, supported as a film on nylon-fabric tape, supplied by NARMC0 Resins and Coatings Company, 600 Victoria St., Costa Mesa, Calif. Scotchweld Bonding Film AF-6. — A high-temperature-setting formulation of acryonitrile-butadiene rubber and phenol resin in the form of an unsupported tape supplied by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, ^11 Piquette Ave., Detroit, Mich. These adhesives are of the same general types as used in the original studies of Report 18^2 and addendum, but the adhesive products included are identical in only 1 of the k processes. The conditions of bonding with each of the adhesives were as follows: Bloomingdale FM-Vf . — Three spray coats of the adhesive, thinned with 1-1/2 parts by volume of adhesive solvent to 1 part of adhesive, were Rept. No. 18^2-A -5- applied to the metal with 1-hour air drying between coats, and overnight - drying after the final coat. The adhesive film was then precured for 1 hour at 150° F. in an oven. Following the precure, the joint was assembled and placed in a hot press, where it was preheated without pressure for 5 to 9 minutes at 300° F. before it was given the final cure for 15 to 25 minutes at 300° F. and 200 pounds of pressure per square inch. Redux E, Type R .--0ne medium coat of the liquid component was brushed on the metal, and the powdered component was sprinkled immediately into the wet spread of adhesive. Any excess powder was brushed from the surface. The adhesive film was air dried overnight, and the joint was assembled and pressed at 200 pounds per square inch of pressure for 25 minutes in a hot press at a temperature of 300° F. Approximately 10 minutes of the pressing period were required to bring the temperature of the glue line to that of the press platen. Metlbond MN3C Nylon Tape . --Four spray coats of the priming component (M3C) were applied to the metal pieces to result in a 0.001- to 0.002- inch film of adhesive. The adhesive film was dried for 30 minutes be- tween coats and 2-l/2 to k hours after the final coat. The joint was assembled with a single layer of tape adhesive and pressed at 50 pounds per square inch pressure for k-2 minutes in a hot press at a temperature of 335° F. Approximately 12 minutes of the pressing period were required to bring the temperature of the glue line to that of the press platen. Scotchweld Bonding Film AF-6 . — The single film of adhesive was assembled in the joint. The assembly was pressed for 45 minutes at 150 pounds per square inch of pressure in a hot press at a temperature of 325° F. Approximately 10 minutes of the pressing period were required to bring the temperature of the glue line to that of the press platen. To insure uniform pressure distribution, all joints were pressed by using cauls of 0.027-inch-thick chipboard between the press platen and the metal pieces. Testing The 3 lap-joint panels prepared with each metal, surface treatment, and bonding process were sawn into individual 1-inch-wide specimens. Cutting was done with a metal-cutting bandsaw using a slow rate of feed and a holding jig to minimize any mechanical damage or overheating of the joint. The lap-joint specimens were tested to failure by loading them in tension at a rate of 300 pounds per minute. The ends of the speci- mens were held in 1-inch-wide Templin-type grips that extended down from the ends of the specimens to within 1-inch of the edge of the overlap. Testing was done at a temperature of 72° to 76 F. "he fai] oad (calculated as unit stress on the measured test area) Rept. No. 18^2-A -6- and estimated areas (expressed as percentage of the total area) of adhesion, cohesion, and primer and coating failures were recorded. Test Results The results of the bonding tests made to the chromic-acid-anodized aluminum, unsealed and sealed, are given in table 1, and to the zinc- chr ornate -primed magnesium in table 2. The results in table 1 definitely show that the hot-water sealing of the aluminum oxide film formed during chromic-acid anodizing interferes with bonding. This interference is much greater for types of adhesives represented by Bloomingdale FM-kj , Redux E, and Scotchweld Bonding Film AF-6 than it is for the type of adhesive represented by Metlbond MN3C Tape. The concentration of the chromic-acid anodizing solution ( 5 or 10 percent) and the length of the anodizing period (20 or ^0 minutes) were not found to influence the bonding properties of the anodized surfaces significantly. The results in table 2 again confirm the results indicated in the original work and given in Forest Products Laboratory Report No. 18^2; namely, that adhesives of the type of Metlbond MN3C Tape produce bonds to zinc-chromate-primed magnesium sheets that usually have higher bond strengths than those obtained with the Redux E and Bloomingdale FK-k'J- type adhesives. The latter two types are normally judged by lap-joint tests with clad aluminum to have higher bond strengths than the first type. The type of solvent in an adhesive, and its reaction with the primer, might be expected to influence the bond strengths to the zinc- chromate-primed magnesium but this possible effect was not investigated. The average shear strength of 2,770 pounds per square inch for the bonds made with Metlbond Tape to the zinc-chromate-primed magnesium, treated by method B, is considered by present standards to be unusually good bonding to magnesium. The Metlbond Tape adhesive, and also Scotchweld AF-6 film, gave bond strengths of about 1,950 pounds per square inch to the magnesium treated by method A. Rept. 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