B. E. P. Q. 5^2, Rev., Axndt. Effective December 7, 1951 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCJ3 ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE FOREIGN QUARANTINE NOTICES AMENDMENT OF ALMINISTRATIVE INSTRUCTIONS PRESCRIBING METHOD OF TREATMENT OF CERTAIN FRUITS FROM MEXICO Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Chief of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine by I 319.56-2 of the regulations supplemen- tal to the Fruit and Vegetable Quarantine (Notice of Quarantine No. 56, 7 CFR 319.56), the administrative instructions (7 CFR, 1950 Supp., 319-56-2g) issued to prescribe methods of treatment which will meet the treatment require ments imposed under i 319.56-2 as a condition of the issuance of permits for the importation from Mexico of commercially -sound oranges, grapefruit, and Manila mangoes, are hereby amended in the following respects: 1. The title of § 319.56-2g is amended to read as follows: Administrative instructi on e prescribing method of treatment of oranges , grapefruit, tangerines, and Manila mangoes from Mexico . 2. i 319.56-2g (a) (2) is amended to read as follows: (2) The approved vapor -heat schedule of treatment specified in para- graph (b) (l) of this section will meet the treatment requirements imposed under § 319-56-2 as a condition of the issuance of permits for (i) the importation from Mexico of commercially -sound grapefruit and Manila mangoes, free of leaves and other plant debris, or (ii) the importation from Mexico during the 5-Eonth period beginning November 1 and ending the following March 31, of commercially -sound tangerines, with tight skins and free from air pockets or puffiness, and free of leaves and other debris. The purpose of the foregoing amendment is to authorize the issuance of permits for the importation of tangerines from Mexico, between November 1 and the following March 31, provided the fruits are commercially -sound, with tight skins and free of air pockets or puffiness, are free of leaves and other plant debris, and have been given the prescribed vapor -heat treatment. Research has disclosed that such importations under the prescribed conditions may be authorized without increasing the risk of spread of injurious insects. Mexican shippers have not heretofore been able to qualify their tangerines for importation. Accordingly, the foregoing amendment relieves restrictions now in effect. In order to be of maximum benefit to such shippers, the new authorization should be made available as soon as possible. Therefore, pur- suant to section k of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U. S. C. 1003 ) it is found upon good cause that notice and public procedure on the foregoing amendment are unnecessary, impracticable, and contrary to the public interest, and since this amendment relieves restrictions it may properly be made effec- tive under said section k less than 30 days after its publication in the Federal Register. UNIVERSITY OF FLO iiiniiiiuiiiiiii - 2 - 3 1262 09313 6694 This amendment shall be effective December 7, 1951. (Sec. 5, 37 Stat. 316; 7 U. S. C. 159; 7 CFP 319-56-2) Done at Washington, D. C, this 3d day of December, 1951. Chie f, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine