UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Research Administration Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine Washington 25, D. C. B.E.P.Q. 578-5, Revised ha " 2 ?» 1953 Supplement No. 1 CALIFORNIA According to information received from the Chief of the California Bureau of Plant Quarantine, the California Oak Wilt. and Peach Mosaic Quarantines have "been amended. The following changes should therefore he made on pages lb and 18, respectively, of 3.E.P.Q. 578-5 t Revised. Oak Wilt Disease ( Quarantine Proclamation 23, amended July 22, 1S52| and Apr. 16, IS 53) Infected area : — Entire States of Arkansas, Illinois, Iudiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, ■ North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin. Commodities covered . — Rooted trees and seedling plants of oak ( Que reus spp.), chestnut ( C astanea spp.), chinquapin ( Castanopsis spp.), and tanhark oak ( Li tho carpus densif lorus ) , and any parts of such trees or plants for propa- gation, except seed. Peach Mos a ic Disease ( Qjiarantine Proclamation 14, amended Apr. 9» 1553) Area under Quarantine Arizona: Arkansas : Colorado: New Mexico: Oklahoma: Texas : Utahi Entire State Counties of Hempstead, Howard, Pike Counties of Delta, Mesa, Montezuma Entire State Counties of Alfalfa, Bryan, Johnston, Woods Counties of Brown, Callahan, Camp, Cherokee, Dallas, Eastland, El Paso, Pisher, Ployd, Hale, Hudspeth, Jones, Palo Pinto, Runnels, Rusk, San Saba, Smith, Tarrant, Taylor, Upshur, Wood, Young Counties of Grand and San Juan Avery G. Royt Chief, Bureau of Entomology and Picjit Quarantine