(Amendment No. 3 to B. A. I. Order No. 144.) United States Department of Agriculture, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY. AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO RULE 1, REVISION SPREAD OF SPLENETIC FEVER IN CATTLE. ING CATTLE FOR OKLAHOMA STATE FAIR. 2.-T0 PREVENT THE AMENDMENT REGARD- United States Department of Agriculture, Office of the Secretary. It is hereby ordered that the provisions of the first paragraph of Exception 4 of Rule 1, Revision 2, dated March 22, 1907, and effective on and after April 15, 1907, be, and the same hereb}' are, suspended in so far as they may apply to cattle intended for exhibition or sale pur- poses at the Oklahoma State Fair to be held at Oklahoma City, Okla., October 5 to October 16, 1907. Provided, That all such cattle, before being shipped, shall be inspected by an inspector of the Bureau of Animal Industry and certified as free from ticks (Boophilus annulatMs) ; that they shall be shipped from the point of inspection in clean and disinfected cars ; that they shall be consigned "Care State Fair Association of Oklahoma," and that at des- tination they shall be subject to such regulations as may be imposed by the Oklahoma Live Stock Sanitary Commission. Done at Washington this twenty-first day of August, 1907. Witness my hand and the seal of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Willis L. Moore, Acting Secretary of Agriculture. C) ! , P^^NT^^F U.S. DEPOSITORY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08859 2745