Introduction to Statistical Thought Michael Lavine August 3, 2008  Copyright © 2005 by Michael Lavine  CONTENTS vi xi X1 1 6 .....14 .....14 ....17 .....20 .....22 .....29 40 kJ2..............................51 ....57 .....57 .....61 ....72 .....77 ....81 93 ....93 ....94 ..... e,95 11  CONTENTSii 111 L-\ .'K \,,.k 40 40 40 40 w w K'AU{1Ul . 100 . 113 . 132 . 132 . 139 . 144 . 154 . 154 . 155 . 158 . 164 . 174 . 178 . 192 202 . 202 . 210 . 210 . 221 . 236 . 236 . 245 . 250 . 253 263 . 263 . 264 . 265 . 266 . 266 . 271 . 276 279 . 279 n 9 " " " " " " " " " " " "  CONTENTS i iv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ X54 h h L", J -\ \__.ti I 4.\.ti -yam y \ \ y\ h .a4 l " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Istles rl,,_ , \_." l " " " " " " " " " " " " " " . y w ll v v; N IS .0 d \,. l " " " " " " " " " " cess 4 . 303 . 305 . 313 . 316 . 316 . 320 . 329 . 329 . 335 . 335 343 . 343 . 351 . 370 373 . 373 . 374 . 388 . 388 . 395 . 395 . 396 . 396 . 396 . 396 399 . 399 . 399 . 402 . 404 . 404 . 404 . 404 . 404 an40 NomaIit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e l"es s les . . . . . .  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" { /" / {/>, f % " ,;i off rrf {/ ,,. V/'3  LIST OF FIGURES vii w" " " " " " " " " " " " " 103 107 110 112 114 118 119 122 123 124 125 128 129 130 134 137 138 141 143 146 149 152 157 160 162 169 171 172 173 176 179 184 185 186 190 191 _: w y . \ " " " " " "  LIST OF FIGURES vi viii k.. it tt) "h " " " " " " " " " 203 206 207 209 211 213 215 222 228 230 233 235 238 239 242 247 249 251 256 . . . . . . ................270 . . . . . . ................272 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;...: r)" v V 285 289 295 300 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "K .302 .304 .307 .310 .314 0317  " " " " " " r " Q/ / " !.Q Qi " /Q, / Q Q in '/rr " %. / rr%/ " " Q, y /ri rrrrr i. r / rrr a/ i"" r "o"Q " " " " "\ "% "0 ''R[/ " "O" / " /rrr /  LIST OF FIGURES x .......,......................385 ............................387 .. . ...\... 4 \ v \.. .. .... .. .... ,, 4... ,..... .... .... .39 391 ............................ ............... .......... .-....................40 ........................41 yob \ w .......................-......................412  LIST OF TABLES .....42 .....44 ......150 .. .......215 .........240 .........299 .... 0345 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.. , \ , a .h ,.w xi  PREFACE This book is intended as an upper level undergraduate or introductory graduate textbook in statistical thinking with a likelihood emphasis for students with a good knowledge of calculus and the ability to think abstractly. By "statistical thinking" is meant a focus on ideas that statisticians care about as opposed to technical details of how to put those ideas into practice. By "likelihood emphasis" is meant that the likelihood function and likelihood principle are unifying ideas throughout the text. Another unusual aspect is the use of statistical software as a pedagogical tool. That is, instead of viewing the computer merely as a convenient and accurate calculating device, we use computer calculation and simulation as another way of explaining and helping readers understand the underlying concepts. Our software of choice is R ( [ ]). R and accom- panying manuals are available for free download from http://www.r-project. org. You may wish to download An Introduction to R to keep as a reference. It is highly recommended that you try all the examples in R. They will help you un- derstand concepts, give you a little programming experience, and give you facility with a very flexible statistical software package. And don't just try the examples as written. Vary them a little; play around with them; experiment. You won't hurt anything and you'll learn a lot. xii  CHAPTER 1 PROBABILITY 1.1 Basic Probability Let X be a set and F a collection of subsets of X. A probability measure, or just a probability, on (X, F) is a function ,u: F - [0, 1]. In other words, to every set in F, yu assigns a probability between 0 and 1. We call yu a set function because its domain is a collection of sets. But not just any set function will do. To be a probability pu must satisfy 1. ,u(0)= 0 (0 is the empty set.), 2. ,u(X) = 1, and 3. if A1 and A2 are disjoint then ,u(A1 U A2) =,u(A1) + ,u(A2). One can show that property 3 holds for any finite collection of disjoint sets, not just two; see Exercise 1. It is common practice, which we adopt in this text, to assume more - that property 3 also holds for any countable collection of disjoint sets. When X is a finite or countably infinite set (usually integers) then yu is said to be a discrete probability. When X is an interval, either finite or infinite, then yu is said to be a continuous probability. In the discrete case, F usually contains all possible subsets of X. But in the continuous case, technical complications prohibit F from containing all possible subsets of X. See C]as.ell ad ere [2002] or Schervish[ ] for details. In this text we deemphasize the role of F and speak of probability measures on X without mentioning F. In practical examples X is the set of outcomes of an "experiment" and yu is deter- mined by experience, logic or judgement. For example, consider rolling a six-sided die. The set of outcomes is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} so we would assign X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. 1  1.1. BASIC PROBABILITY 2 If we believe the die to be fair then we would also assign p,u({1}) p,u({2}) "- - p,u({6}) = 1/6. The laws of probability then imply various other values such as p({1, 2}) = 1/3 p({2, 4, 6}) = 1/2 etc. Often we omit the braces and write ,u(2), ,u(5), etc. Setting ,u(i)= 1/6 is not automatic simply because a die has six faces. We set ,u(i)= 1/6 because we believe the die to be fair. We usually use the word "probability" or the symbol P in place of P. For exam- ple, we would use the following phrases interchangeably: " The probability that the die lands 1 " P(1) " P[the die lands 1] * p({1}) We also use the word distribution in place of probability measure. The next example illustrates how probabilities of complicated events can be calculated from probabilities of simple events. Example 1.1 (The Game of Craps) Craps is a gambling game played with two dice. Here are the rules, as explained on the website www aonline- craps-gamblig. com/raps-rules..c For the dice thrower (shooter) the object of the game is to throw a 7 or an 11 on the first roll (a win) and avoid throwing a 2, 3 or 12 (a loss). If none of these numbers (2, 3, 7, 11 or 12) is thrown on the first throw (the Come-out roll) then a Point is established (the point is the number rolled) against which the shooter plays. The shooter continues to throw until one of two numbers is thrown, the Point number or a Seven. If the shooter rolls the Point before rolling a Seven he/she wins, however if the shooter throws a Seven before rolling the Point he/she loses. Ultimately we would like to calculate P(shooter wins). But for now, let's just calculate P(shooter wins on Come-out roll) = P(7 or 11) = P(7) + P(11).  1.1. BASIC PROBABILITY 3 Using the language of page , what is X in this case? Let di denote the number showing on the first die and d2 denote the number showing on the second die. di and d2 are integers from 1 to 6. So X is the set of ordered pairs (di, d2) or (6, 6) (6, 5) (6, 4) (6, 3) (6, 2) (6, 1) (5, 6) (5, 5) (5, 4) (5, 3) (5, 2) (5,1) (4, 6) (4, 5) (4, 4) (4, 3) (4, 2) (4, 1) (3, 6) (3, 5) (3, 4) (3, 3) (3, 2) (3, 1) (2, 6) (2, 5) (2, 4) (2, 3) (2, 2) (2, 1) (1, 6) (1, 5) (1, 4) (1, 3) (1, 2) (1, 1) If the dice are fair, then the pairs are all equally likely. Since there are 36 of them, we assign P(di, d2) = 1/36 for any combination (di, d2). Finally, we can calculate P(7 or 11) = P(6,5) +P(5,6) +P(6, 1) +P(5,2) + P(4, 3) + P(3, 4) + P(2, 5) + P(1, 6) = 8/36 = 2/9. The previous calculation uses desideratum 3 for probability measures. The different pairs (6, 5), (5, 6), ... , (1, 6) are disjoint, so the probability of their union is the sum of their probabilities. Example illustrates a common situation. We know the probabilities of some simple events like the rolls of individual dice, and want to calculate the proba- bilities of more complicated events like the success of a Come-out roll. Sometimes those probabilities can be calculated mathematically as in the example. Other times it is more convenient to calculate them by computer simulation. We frequently use R to calculate probabilities. To illustrate, Example uses R to calculate by simu- lation the same probability we found directly in Example Example 1.2 (Craps, continued) To simulate the game of craps, we will have to simulate rolling dice. That's like randomly sampling an integer from 1 to 6. The sample() command in R can do that. For example, the following snippet of code generates one roll from a fair, six-sided die and shows R's response: > sample(1:6,1) [1] 1 When you start Rf on your computer, you see>, ft's prompt. Then you can type a command such as sample (1 :6,1) which means "take a sample of size 1 from the numbers 1 through  1.1. BASIC PROBABILITY 4 6". (It could have been abbreviated sample (6,1).) R responds with [1] 1. The [1] says how many calculations R has done; you can ignore it. The 1 is R's answer to the sample command; it selected the number "1". Then it gave another >, showing that it's ready for another command. Try this several times; you shouldn't get "1" every time. Here's a longer snippet that does something more useful. > x <- sample ( 6, 10, replace=T ) # take a sample of # size 10 and call it x > x # print the ten values [1] 6 4 2 3 4 4 3 6 6 2 > sum ( x == 3 ) # how many are equal to 3? [1] 2 Note " # is the comment character. On each line, R ignores all text after #. " We have to tell R to take its sample with replacement. Otherwise, when R selects "6" the first time, "6" is no longer available to be sampled a second time. In replace=T, the T stands for True. " <- does assignment. I.e., the result of sample ( 6, 10, replace=T ) is as- signed to a variable called x. The assignment symbol is two characters: < followed by -. " A variable such as x can hold many values simultaneously. When it does, it's called a vector. You can refer to individual elements of a vector. For example, x[11 is the first element of x. x[11 turned out to be 6; x[2] turned out to be 4; and so on. " == does comparison. In the snippet above, (x==3) checks, for each element of x, whether that element is equal to 3. If you just type x == 3 you will see a string of T's and F's (True and False), one for each element of x. Try it. " The sum command treats T as 1 and F as 0. * R is almost always tolerant of spaces. You can often leave them out or add extras where you like.  1.1. BASIC PROBABILITY 5 On average, we expect 1/6 of the draws to equal 1, another 1/6 to equal 2, and so on. The following snippet is a quick demonstration. We simulate 6000 rolls of a die and expect about 1000 l's, 1000 2's, etc. We count how many we actually get. This snippet also introduces the for loop, which you should try to understand now because it will be extremely useful in the future. > x <- sample(6,6000,replace=T) > for ( i in 1:6 ) print ( sum ( x==i )) [11 995 [11 1047 [11 986 [11 1033 [11 975 [11 964 Each number from 1 through 6 was chosen about 1000 times, plus or minus a little bit due to chance variation. Now let's get back to craps. We want to simulate a large number of games, say 1000. For each game, we record either 1 or 0, according to whether the shooter wins on the Come-out roll, or not. We should print out the number of wins at the end. So we start with a code snippet like this: # make a vector of length 1000, filled with 0's wins <- rep ( 0, 1000 ) for ( i in 1:1000 ) { simulate a Come-out roll if shooter wins on Come-out, wins[i] <- 1 } sum ( wins ) # print the number of wins Now we have to figure out how to simulate the Come-out roll and decide whether the shooter wins. Clearly, we begin by simulating the roll of two dice. So our snippet expands to  1.2. PROBABILITY DENSITIES 6 # make a vector of length 1000, filled with 0's wins <- rep ( 0, 1000 ) for ( i in 1:1000 ) { d <- sample ( 1:6, 2, replace=T ) if ( sum(d) == 7 II sum(d) == 11 ) wins[i] <- 1 } sum ( wins ) # print the number of wins The "I I" stands for "or". So that line of code sets wins [i] <- 1 if the sum of the rolls is either 7 or 11. When I ran this simulation R printed out 219. The calculation in Example 1 says we should expect around (2/9) x 1000 222 wins. Our calculation and simulation agree about as well as can be expected from a simulation. Try it yourself a few times. You shouldn't always get 219. But you should get around 222 plus or minus a little bit due to the randomness of the simulation. Try out these R commands in the version of R installed on your computer. Make sure you understand them. If you don't, print out the results. Try variations. Try any tricks you can think of to help you learn R. 1.2 Probability Densities So far we have dealt with discrete probabilities, or the probabilities of at most a countably infinite number of outcomes. For discrete probabilities, X is usually a set of integers, either finite or infinite. Section L2 deals with the case where X is an interval, either of finite or infinite length. Some examples are Medical trials the time until a patient experiences a relapse Sports the length of a javelin throw Ecology the lifetime of a tree Manufacturing the diameter of a ball bearing Computing the amount of time a Help Line customer spends on hold Physics the time until a uranium atom decays Oceanography the temperature of ocean water at a specified latitude, longitude and depth  1.2. PROBABILITY DENSITIES 7 Probabilities for such outcomes are called continuous. For example, let Y be the time a Help Line caller spends on hold. The random variable Y is often modelled with a density similar to that in Figure y Figure 1.1: pdf for time on hold at Help Line The curve in the figure is a probability density function or pdf. The pdf is large near y = 0 and monotonically decreasing, expressing the idea that smaller values of y are more likely than larger values. (Reasonable people may disagree about whether this pdf accurately represents callers' experience.) We typically use the symbols p, 7 or f for pdf's. We would write p(50), 7(50) or f(50) to denote the height of the curve at y = 50. For a pdf, probability is the same as area under the curve. For example, the probability that a caller waits less than 60 minutes is P[Y < 60] fp(t) dt. Every pdf must satisfy two properties. 1. p(y) > 0 for all y. 2. f p(y) dy = 1.  1.2. PROBABILITY DENSITIES 8 The first property holds because, if p(y) < 0 on the interval (a, b) then P[Y E (a, b)] = f p(y) dy < 0; and we can't have probabilities less than 0. The second property holds because P[Y E (-oo, Do)] = f_ p(y) dy = 1. One peculiar fact about any continuous random variable Y is that P[Y = a] = 0, for every a c R. That's because P[Y = a] = lim P[Y E [a, a + c]] = im] py (y) dy = 0. Consequently, for any numbers a < b, P[Y E (a, b)] = P[Y E [a, b)] = P[Y E (a, b]] = P[Y E [a, b]]. The use of "density" in statistics is entirely analagous to its use in physics. In both fields mass density = u(1.1) volume In statistics, we interpret density as probability density, mass as probability mass and volume as length of interval. In both fields, if the density varies from place to place (In physics it would vary within an object; in statistics it would vary along the real line.) then the density at a particular location is the limit of Equation as volume -- 0. Probability density functions are derivatives of probabilities. For any fixed num- ber a d P[X E (a, b]] db J fx(x) dx = fx(b). (1.2) db db J Similarly, d/da P[X E (a, b]] = -fx(a). Sometimes we can specify pdf's for continuous random variables based on the logic of the situation, just as we could specify discrete probabilities based on the logic of dice rolls. For example, let Y be the outcome of a spinner that is marked from 0 to 1. Then Y will be somewhere in the unit interval, and all parts of the interval are equally likely. So the pdf py must look like Figure Figure was produced by the following snippet. plot ( c(0,1), c(1,1), xlab="y", ylab="p(y)", ylim=c(0,1.1), type="1" ) Note:  1.2. PROBABILITY DENSITIES 9 Co S I I I I I I 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 y Figure 1.2: py for the outcome of a spinner " c (0, 1) collects 0 and 1 and puts them into the vector (0,1). Likewise, c (1, 1) creates the vector (1,1). " plot(x,y,...) produces a plot. The plot(c(0,1), c(1,1), ...) com- mand above plots the points (x [11 , y [1]) = (0,1) and (x [21 , y [21) = (1,1). " type="1" says to plot a line instead of individual points. " xlab and ylab say how the axes are labelled. " ylim=c (0, 1. 1) sets the limits of the y-axis on the plot. If ylim is not specified then R sets the limits automatically. Limits on the x-axis can be specified with xlim. At other times we use probability densities and distributions as models for data, and estimate the densities and distributions directly from the data. Figure shows how that works. The upper panel of the figure is a histogram of 112 mea- surements of ocean temperature at a depth of 1000 meters in the North Atlantic near 450 North latitude and 200 degrees West longitude. Example will say more about the data. Superimposed on the histogram is a pdf f. We think of f as  1.2. PROBABILITY DENSITIES 10 underlying the data. The idea is that measuring a temperature at that location is like randomly drawing a value from f. The 112 measurements, which are spread out over about a century of time, are like 112 independent draws from f. Having the 112 measurements allows us to make a good estimate of f. If oceanographers return to that location to make additional measurements, it would be like mak- ing additional draws from f. Because we can estimate f reasonably well, we can predict with some degree of assurance what the future draws will be like. The bottom panel of Figure is a histogram of the discoveries data set that comes with R and which is, as R explains, "The numbers of 'great' inventions and scientific discoveries in each year from 1860 to 1959." It is overlaid with a line showing the Poi(3.1) distribution. (Named distributions will be introduced in Section .) It seems that the number of great discoveries each year follows the Poi(3.1) distribution, at least approximately. If we think the future will be like the past then we should expect future years to follow a similar pattern. Again, we think of a distribution underlying the data. The number of discoveries in a single year is like a draw from the underlying distribution. The figure shows 100 years, which allow us to estimate the underlying distribution reasonably well. Figure was produced by the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c(2,1) ) good <- abs ( med.1000$lon + 20 ) < 1 & abs ( med.1000$lat - 45 ) < 1 hist ( med.1000$temp[good], xlab="temperature", ylab="", main="", prob=T, xlim=c(5,11) ) m <- mean ( med.1000$temp[good] ) s <- sqrt ( var ( med.1000$temp[good] ) ) x <- seq ( 5, 11, length=40 ) lines ( density(med.1000$temp[good]) ) hist ( discoveries, xlab="discoveries", ylab="", main="", prob=T, breaks=seq(-.5,12.5,by=1) ) lines ( 0:12, dpois(0:12, 3.1), type="b" ) Note: * par sets R's graphical parameters. mfrow=c (2, 1) tells R to make an array of multiple figures in a 2 by 1 layout.  1.2. PROBABILITY DENSITIES 11 0 CN 0 0 0 I I I I I I 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 temperature 0 CN 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 discoveries Figure 1.3: (a): Ocean temperatures at 1000m depth near 45°N latitude, -20 longitude; (b) Numbers of important discoveries each year 1860-1959  1.2. PROBABILITY DENSITIES 12 " med. 1000 is a data set of North Atlantic ocean temperatures at a depth of 1000 meters. med. 1000$ln and med. 1000$lat are the longitude and latitude of the measurements. med.1000$temp are the actual temperatures. " abs stands for absolute value. " good <- ... calls those points good whose longitude is between -19 and -21 and whose latitude is between 44 and 46. " hist () makes a histogram. prob=T turns the y-axis into a probability scale (area under the histogram is 1) instead of counts. " mean () calculates the mean. var () calculates the variance. Section de- fines the mean and variance of distributions. Section defines the mean and variance of data sets. " lines() adds lines to an existing plot. " density() estimates a density from a data set. It is often necessary to transform one variable into another as, for example, Z g(X) for some specified function g. We might know px ( which random variable we're talking about.) and want to consider only monotonic functions g, so there is an inverse Theorem 1.1. Let X be a random variable with pdf px. L monotonic, invertible function and define Z = g(X). Then th pz (t) = px (g -1(t)) d t 1 1 Pit Proof. If q is an increasing function then The subscript calculate pz. X = h(Z). indicates Here we et g be a differentiable, e pdf of Z is pz(b) = P[Z E (a, b]] db P[X E (g 1(a), g 1(b)]] db d g-1(b) d px(x)dx db J91(a) dg-1( dt b X px (g-1(b)) The proof when g is decreasing is left as an exercise.  1.2. PROBABILITY DENSITIES 13 To illustrate, suppose that X is a random variable with pdf px (x) = 2x on the unit interval. Let Z = 1/X. What is pz(z)? The inverse transformation is X = 1/Z. Its derivative is dz/dz = -z-2. Therefore, _ d g-1(z) 2 1 pz(z) =px(g 1(z)) d z z2 d z zz 2 And the possible values of Z are from 1 to oc. So pz(z) = (1, oo). As a partial check, we can verify that the integral is 1. 2/z3 on the interval 2 S z dz 1 21 1. Theorem 141 can be explained by Figure . The figure shows an x, a z, and the function z = g(x). A little interval is shown around x; call it I. It gets mapped by g into a little interval around z; call it I2. The density is pz~z)P[Z E I] _ length (I2) The approximations in Equation to 0. P[X E Im] length(Ix) Px(,)h'(z) length(Ix) length(I2) (1.3) are exact as the lengths of I and I2 decrease If g is not one-to-one, then it is often possible to find subsets of R on which g is one-to-one, and work separately on each subset. ------------ =9(X) Figure 1.4: Change of variables  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 14 1.3 Parametric Families of Distributions Probabilities often depend on one or more unknown numerical constants. Suppose, for example, that we have a biased coin. Let 0 be the chance that it lands H. Then P(H) =0; but we might not know 0; it is an unknown numerical constant. In this case we have a family of probability measures, one for each value of 0, and we don't know which one is right. When we need to be explicit that probabilities depend on 0, we use the notation, for example, P(H |0) or P(H |0 = 1/3). The vertical bar is read "given" or "given that". So P(H |0 = 1/3) is read "the probability of Heads given that 0 equals 1/3" and P(H B) is read "the probability of Heads given 0." This notation means P(H 0= 1/3) = 1/3, P(T 0= 1/3) = 2/3, P(T 0B =1/5) = 4/5 and so on. Instead of "given" we also use the word "conditional". So we would say "the probability of Heads conditional on 0", etc. The unknown constant 0 is called a parameter. The set of possible values for 0 is denoted e (upper case 0). For each 0 there is a probability measure po. The set of all possible probability measures (for the problem at hand), {pe:o 0 8 E}, is called a parametric family of probability measures. The rest of this chapter intro- duces four of the most useful parametric families of probability measures. 1.3.1 The Binomial Distribution Statisticians often have to consider observations of the following type. " A repeatable event results in either a success or a failure. " Many repetitions are observed. " Successes and failures are counted. " The number of successes helps us learn about the probability of success. Such observations are called binomial. Some examples are  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 15 Medical trials A new treatment is given to many patients. Each is either cured or not. Toxicity tests Many laboratory animals are exposed to a potential carcinogen. Each either develops cancer or not. Ecology Many seeds are planted. Each either germinates or not. Quality control Many supposedly identical items are subjected to a test. Each either passes or not. Because binomial experiments are so prevalent there is specialized language to describe them. Each repetition is called a trial; the number of trials is usually denoted N; the unknown probability of success is usually denoted either p or 0; the number of successes is usually denoted X. We write X Bin(N, p). The symbol " is read is distributed as; we would say "X is distributed as Binomial N p" or "X has the Binomial N, p distribution". Some important assumptions about binomial experiments are that N is fixed in advance, 0 is the same for every trial, and the outcome of any trial does not influence the outcome of any other trial. When N = 1 we say X has a Bernoulli(6) distribution and write X Bern(0); the individual trials in a binomial experiment are called Bernoulli trials. When a binomial experiment is performed, X will turn out to be one of the integers from 0 to N. We need to know the associated probabilities; i.e. P[X = k |0] for each value of k from 0 to N. These probabilities are given by EquationL4 whose derivation is given in Section51. (NNN P(X = k|0] = 6 N)- The term (N) is called a binomial coefficient and is read "N choose k". (N) k!(Nk and is equal to the number of subsets of size k that can be formed from a group of N distinct items. In case k = 0 or k = N, 0! is defined to be 1. Figure L5 shows binomial probabilities for N E {3, 30, 300} and p E {.1, .5, .9}. Example 1.3 (Craps, continued) This example continues the game of craps. See Examples 11and,1. What is the probability that at least one of the next four players wins on his Come-out roll? This is a Binomial experiment because 1. We are looking at repeated trials. Each Come-out roll is a trial. It results in either success, or not.  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 16 N=3 N=3 N=3 p=O.1 p=O.5 p=O.9 o ao1 0 1 23 01 23 0 12 3 x x x N=30 N=30 N=30 p=O.1 p=O.5 p=O.9 O O00 o T -0 O0Q Q OQ OQ 0 10 30 0 10 30 0 10 30 x x x N =300 N =300 N =300 p=O.1 p=O.5 p=O.9 CL0 0L 00CL 0 200 0 200 0 200 x x x Figure 1.5: Binomial probabilities  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 17 2. The outcome of one trial does not affect the other trials. 3. We are counting the number of successes. Let X be the number of successes. There are four trials, so N = 4. We calculated the probability of success in Example 1,1; it's p = 2/9. So X Bin(4, 2/9). The probability of success in at least one Come-out roll is P[success in at least one Come-out roll] = P[X > 1] 4 4 = P[X i] ()(2/9)2(7/9)4- 0.634 (1.5) i=1 i=1 A convenient way to re-express Equation is P[X;> 1] = 1 -P[X =0], which can be quickly calculated in R. The dbinom () command computes Binomial probabilities. To compute Equation L5 we would write 1 - dbinom(0,4,2/9) The 0 says what value of X we want. The 4 and the 2/9 are the number of trials and the probability of success. Try it. Learn it. 1.3.2 The Poisson Distribution Another common type of observation occurs in the following situation. " There is a domain of study, usually a block of space or time. " Events arise seemingly at random in the domain. " There is an underlying rate at which events arise. Such observations are called Poisson after the 19th century French mathematician Simeon-Denis Poisson. The number of events in the domain of study helps us learn about the rate. Some examples are Ecology Tree seedlings emerge from the forest floor. Computer programming Bugs occur in computer code.  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 18 Quality control Defects occur along a strand of yarn. Genetics Mutations occur in a genome. Traffic flow Cars arrive at an intersection. Customer service Customers arrive at a service counter. Neurobiology Neurons fire. The rate at which events occur is often called A; the number of events that occur in the domain of study is often called X; we write X Poi(A). Important assumptions about Poisson observations are that two events cannot occur at exactly the same location in space or time, that the occurence of an event at location fi does not influence whether an event occurs at any other location £2, and the rate at which events arise does not vary over the domain of study. When a Poisson experiment is observed, X will turn out to be a nonnegative integer. The associated probabilities are given by Equation L6. Ake e- P[X=k |A] = !.(1.6) One of the main themes of statistics is the quantitative way in which data help us learn about the phenomenon we are studying. Example;L4 shows how this works when we want to learn about the rate A of a Poisson distribution. Example 1.4 (Seedlings in a Forest) Tree populations move by dispersing their seeds. Seeds become seedlings, seedlings be- come saplings, and saplings become adults which eventually produce more seeds. Over time, whole populations may migrate in response to climate change. One instance oc- curred at the end of the Ice Age when species that had been sequestered in the south were free to move north. Another instance may be occurring today in response to global warming. One critical feature of the migration is its speed. Some of the factors deter- mining the speed are the typical distances of long range seed dispersal, the proportion of seeds that germinate and emerge from the forest floor to become seedlings, and the proportion of seedlings that survive each year. To learn about emergence and survival, ecologists return annually to forest quadrats (square meter sites) to count seedlings that have emerged since the previous year. One such study was reported in Lavine:e l[2002]. A fundamental quantity of interest is the rate A at which seedlings emerge. Suppose that, in one quadrat, three new seedlings are observed. What does that say about A?  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 19 Different values of A yield different values of P[X of A we see how well each one explains the data X for different values of A. For example, 3| A]. To compare different values = 3; i.e., we compare P[X = 3| A] 13e-1 P[X =3| A= 1] = 3! 0.06 3! 23e-2 P[X=3 A=2] =O0.18 3! 33c-3 P[X = 3|A=3] = ~0.22 3! 43c-4 P[X =3|A =4] = =0.14 3! In other words, the value A = 3 explains the data almost four times as well as the value A = 1 and just a little bit better than the values A = 2 and A = 4. Figure16 shows P[X = 3| A] plotted as a function of A. The figure suggests that P[X = 3| A] is maximized by A = 3. The suggestion can be verified by differentiating Equation 1 with respect to lambda, equating to 0, and solving. The figure also shows that any value of A from about 0.5 to about 9 explains the data not too much worse than A = 3. 11 n O 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 lambda Figure 1.6: P[X = 3| A] as a function of A  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS Figure was produced by the following snippet. 20 lam <- seq ( 0, 10, length=50 ) y <- dpois ( 3, lam ) plot ( lam, y, xlab="lambda", ylab="P[x=3]", type="l" ) Note: " seq stands for "sequence". seq(0,10, length=50) produces a sequence of 50 numbers evenly spaced from 0 to 10. " dpois calculates probabilities for Poisson distributions the way dbinom does for Binomial distributions. " plot produces a plot. In the plot (.. .) command above, lam goes on the x-axis, y goes on the y-axis, xlab and ylab say how the axes are labelled, and type="1" says to plot a line instead of indvidual points. Making and interpreting plots is a big part of statistics. Figure is a good example. Just by looking at the figure we were able to tell which values of A are plausible and which are not. Most of the figures in this book were produced in R. 1.3.3 The Exponential Distribution It is often necessary to model a continuous random variable X whose density de- creases away from 0. Some examples are Customer service time on hold at a help line Neurobiology time until the next neuron fires Seismology time until the next earthquake Medicine remaining years of life for a cancer patient Ecology dispersal distance of a seed In these examples it is expected that most calls, times or distances will be short and a few will be long. So the density should be large near x = 0 and decreasing  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 21 as x increases. A useful pdf for such situations is the Exponential density p(x) = e for x > 0. (1.7) We say X has an exponential distribution with parameter A and write X ~ Exp(A). Figure shows exponential densities for several different values of A. o- 00 - 11- . lambda = 2 - -- lambda = 1 . ambda = 0.2 l - ambda=0.1 1 N\ 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 x Figure 1.7: Exponential densities Figure was produced by the following snippet. x <- seq ( 0, lam <- c ( 2, 2, length=40 ) # 40 values from 0 to 2 1, .2, .1 ) # 4 different values of lambda y <- matrix ( NA, 40, 4 ) # y values for plotting  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 22 1.3.4 The Normal Distribution It is often necessary to model a continuous random variable Y whose density is mound-shaped. Some examples are  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 23 Biological Anthropology Heights of people Oceanography Ocean temperatures at a particular location Quality Control Diameters of ball bearings Education SAT scores In each case the random variable is expected to have a central value around which most of the observations cluster. Fewer and fewer observations are farther and farther away from the center. So the pdf should be unimodal - large in the center and decreasing in both directions away from the center. A useful pdf for such situations is the Normal density 1 1 _ya p Y) =- e- . (1.8) We say Y has a Normal distribution with mean y and standard deviation o and write Y N(p, or). Figure shows Normal densities for several different values of (p, or). As illustrated by the figure, y controls the center of the density; each pdf is centered over its own value of p. On the other hand, o controls the spread. pdf's with larger values of o are more spread out; pdf's with smaller o are tighter. Figure was produced by the following snippet. x <- seq ( -6, 6, len=100 ) y <- cbind ( dnorm ( x, -2, 1 ), dnorm ( x, 0, 2 ), dnorm ( x, 0, .5 ), dnorm ( x, 2, .3 ), dnorm ( x, -.5, 3 ) ) matplot ( x, y, type="1", col=1 ) legend ( -6, 1.3, paste( "mu =", c(-2,0,0,2,-.5), "; sigma = c(1,2,.5,.3,3) ), lty=1:5, col=1, cex=.75 ) * dnorm(.. .) computes the Normal pdf. The first argument is the set of x values; the second argument is the mean; the third argument is the standard deviation.  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 2 24 CM 0 Co 0 0 0 mu = -2;sigma ---mu = 0; sigma .mu =0; sigma mu =2;sigma -- mu=-0.5;sigr a=1 - 2 0.5 =0.3 na 3 -6 1 1 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 X Figure 1.8: Normal densities  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 25 As a further illustration, Figure shows a histogram of 105 ocean tempera- tures (0C) recorded in the Atlantic Ocean from about 1938 to 1997 at a depth of 1000 meters, near 45 degrees North latitude and 30 degrees West longitude. The N(5.87, .72) density is superimposed on the histogram. The Normal density repre- sents the data moderately well. We will study ocean temperatures in much more detail in a series of examples beginning with Example .U) a) 0 Col 0 0 N\ O Q O I I I I I I I I 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 temperature Figure 1.9: Ocean temperatures at 45°N, 30°W, 1000m depth. The N(5.87, .72) density. Figure was produced by hist ( y, prob=T, xlab="temperature", ylab="density", ylim=c(0,.6), main="" )  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 26 t <- seq ( 4, 7.5, length=40 ) lines ( t, dnorm ( t, mean(y), sd(y) ) ) " The 105 temperatures are in a vector y. " hist produces a histogram. The argument prob=T causes the vertical scale to be probability density instead of counts. " The line t <- ... sets 40 values of t in the interval [4, 7.5] at which to evaluate the Normal density for plotting purposes. " lines displays the Normal density. As usual, you should try to understand the R commands. The function rnorm(n,mu, sig) generates a random sample from a Normal dis- tribution. n is the sample size; mu is the mean; and sig is the standard deviation. To demonstrate, we'll generate a sample of size 100 from the N(5.87, .72) density, the density in Figure , and compare the sample histogram to the theoretical density. Figure (a) shows the comparison. It shows about how good a fit can be expected between a histogram and the Normal density, for a sample of size around 100 in the most ideal case when the sample was actually generated from the Normal distribution. It is interesting to consider whether the fit in Figure is much worse. Figure (a) was produced by samp <- rnorm ( 100, 5.87, .72 ) y.vals <- seq ( 4, 7.5, length=40 ) hist ( samp, prob=T, main="(a)", xlim=c(4,7.5), xlab="degrees C", ylim=c(0,.6), ylab="density" ) lines ( y.vals, dnorm(y.vals,5.87,.72) ) When working with Normal distributions it is extremely useful to think in terms of units of standard deviation, or simply standard units. One standard unit equals one standard deviation. In Figure (a) the number 6.6 is about 1 standard  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 27 (a) 4.0 4. 5. 55 60 .5 7.0 7.5 0 I d)(b) 3940 41 4253 44 45 degrees F (c) 0I I I I I -2 -1 0 1 2 standard units Figure 1.10: (a): A sample of size 100 from N(5.87, .72) and the N(5.87, .72) density. (b): A sample of size 100 from N(42.566, 1.296) and the N(42.566, 1.296) density. (c): A sample of size 100 from N(0, 1) and the N(0, 1) density.  1.3. PARAMETRIC FAMILIES OF DISTRIBUTIONS 28 unit above the mean, while the number 4.5 is about 2 standard units below the mean. To see why that's a useful way to think, Figure (b) takes the sample from Figure (a), multiplies by 9/5 and adds 32, to simulate temperatures measured in OF instead of 0C. The histograms in panels (a) and (b) are slightly different because R has chosen the bin boundaries differently; but the two Normal curves have identical shapes. Now consider some temperatures, say 6.50C = 43.7°F and 4.50C = 40.1°F. Corresponding temperatures occupy corresponding points on the plots. A vertical line at 6.5 in panel (a) divides the density into two sections exactly congruent to the two sections created by a vertical line at 43.7 in panel (b). A similar statement holds for 4.5 and 40.1. The point is that the two density curves have exactly the same shape. They are identical except for the scale on the horizontal axis, and that scale is determined by the standard deviation. Standard units are a scale-free way of thinking about the picture. To continue, we converted the temperatures in panels (a) and (b) to standard units, and plotted them in panel (c). Once again, R made a slightly different choice for the bin boundaries, but the Normal curves all have the same shape. Panels (b) and (c) of Figure were produced by y2samp <- samp * 9/5 + 32 y2.vals <- y.vals * 9/5 + 32 hist ( y2samp, prob=T, main="(b)", xlim=c(39.2,45.5), xlab="degrees F", ylim=c(0,1/3), ylab="density" ) lines ( y2.vals, dnorm(y2.vals,42.566,1.296) ) zsamp <- (samp-5.87) / .72 z.vals <- (y.vals-5.87) / .72 hist ( zsamp, prob=T, main="(c)", xlim=c(-2.6,2.26), xlab="standard units", ylim=c (0, .833), ylab="density" ) lines ( z.vals, dnorm(z.vals,0,1) ) Let Y ~ N(p, o-) and define a new random variable Z = (Y - p)/o-. Z is in standard units. It tells how many standard units Y is above or below its mean p. What is the distribution of Z? The easiest way to find out is to calculate pz, the  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS 29 density of Z, and see whether we recognize it. From Theorem 1 12 Pz(z) = py(o-z + p)- = e 2 which we recognize as the N(0, 1) density. I.e., Z ~ N(0, 1). The N(0, 1) distribution is called the standard Normal distribution. 1.4 Centers, Spreads, Means, and Moments Recall Figure (pg. ). In each panel there is a histogram of a data set along with an estimate of the underlying pdf or pmf p. In each case we have found a distribution that matches the data reasonably well, but the distributions we have drawn are not the only ones that match well. We could make modest changes to either distribution and still have a reasonably good match. But whatever pdf we propose for the top panel should be roughly mound shaped with a center around 80 and a spread that ranges from about 60 to about 100. And in the bottom panel we would want a distribution with a peak around 2 or 3 and a longish right hand tail. In either case, the details of the distribution matter less than these central fea- tures. So statisticians often need to refer to the center, or location, of a sample or a distribution and also to its spread. Section gives some of the theoretical underpinnings for talking about centers and spreads of distributions. Example 1.5 Physical oceanographers study physical properties such as temperature, salinity, pressure, oxygen concentration, and potential vorticity of the world's oceans. Data about the oceans' surface can be collected by satellites' bouncing signals off the surface. But satellites cannot collect data about deep ocean water. Until as recently as the 1970s, the main source of data about deep water came from ships that lower instruments to various depths to record properties of ocean water such as temperature, pressure, salinity, etc. (Since about the 1970s oceanographers have begun to employ neutrally buoyant floats. A brief description and history of the floats can be found on the web at www. soc. soton. Figure shows locations, called hydrographic stations, off the coast of Europe and Africa where ship-based measurements were taken between about 1910 and 1990. The outline of the continents is apparent on the right-hand side of the figure due to the lack of measurements over land. Deep ocean currents cannot be seen but can be inferred from physical properties. Figure shows temperatures recorded over time at a depth of 1000 meters at nine  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS 30 different locations. The upper right panel in Figure 1.12 is the same as the top panel of Figure 13. Each histogram in Figure 1.1has a black circle indicating the "center" or "location" of the points that make up the histogram. These centers are good estimates of the centers of the underlying pdf's. The centers range from a low of about 50 at latitude 45 and longitude -40 to a high of about 90 at latitude 35 and longitude -20. (By convention, longitudes to the west of Greenwich, England are negative; longitudes to the east of Greenwich are positive.) It's apparent from the centers that for each latitude, temperatures tend to get colder as we move from east to west. For each longitude, temperatures are warmest at the middle latitude and colder to the north and south. Data like these allow oceanographers to deduce the presence of a large outpouring of relatively warm water called the Mediterranean tongue from the Mediterranean Sea into the Atlantic ocean. The Mediterranean tongue is centered at about 1000 meters depth and 35°N latitude, flows from east to west, and is warmer than the surrounding Atlantic waters into which it flows. There are many ways of describing the center of a data sample. But by far the most common is the mean. The mean of a sample, or of any list of numbers, is just the average. Definition 1.1 (Mean of a sample). The mean of a sample, or any list of numbers, x1,..., x is mean of x1, ... , x - xi. (1.9) n The black circles in Figure'1.12 are means. The mean of x1, ... , xn is often denoted z. Means are often a good first step in describing data that are unimodal and roughly symmetric. Similarly, means are often useful in describing distributions. For example, the mean of the pdf in the upper panel of Figure 13 is about 8.1, the same as the mean of the data in same panel. Similarly, in the bottom panel, the mean of the Poi(3.1) distribution is 3.1, the same as the mean of the discoveries data. Of course we chose the distributions to have means that matched the means of the data. For some other examples, consider the Bin(n, p) distributions shown in Fig- ure 1.5. The center of the Bin(30, .5) distribution appears to be around 15, the center of the Bin(300, .9) distribution appears to be around 270, and so on. The mean of a distribution, or of a random variable, is also called the expected value or expectation and is written E(X).  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS 31 0 0D 0 IC)- (1) -xppJ 0 _ CY) 0_ CV -40 I I I I -30 -20 -10 0 longitude Figure 1.11: hydrographic stations off the coast of Europe and Africa  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS 32 latitude = 45 longitude = -40 latitude = 45 longitude = -30 latitude = 45 longitude = -20 0 (0 0 QZI C\ N 0 10 T 0 10 T 4 6 8 temperature n = 213 latitude = 35 longitude = -40 0 temperature n =37 latitude = 25 longitude = -40 4 6 8 temperature n = 105 latitude = 35 longitude = -30 -I n co cc C\J- N 4 6 8 temperature n=112 latitude = 35 longitude = -20 0 -J- 4 6 8 temperature n = 44 latitude = 25 longitude = -20 4 6 8 temperature n = 24 latitude = 25 longitude = -30 0 0 T 4 6 8 temperature n=47 10 10 4 6 8 temperature n=35 10 10 4 6 8 temperature n=27 Figure 1.12: Water temperatures (°C) at 1000m depth, latitude 25, 35, 45 degrees North longitude 20, 30, 40 degrees West  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS 33 Definition 1.2 (Mean of a random variable). Let X be a random variable with cdf Fx and pdf px. Then the mean of X (equivalently, the mean of Fx) is IB(X) ( >jKi P[X = i] if X is discrete (1.10) lf x px(x) dz if X is continuous The logic of the definition is that E(X) is a weighted average of the possible values of X. Each value is weighted by its importance, or probability. In addition to E(X), another common notation for the mean of a random variable X is pX. Let's look at some of the families of probability distributions that we have al- ready studied and calculate their expectations. Binomial If X Bin(n, p) then E(X) ZiP[x=i] i=0 (1Z-)" jp( (1 -p)" 1 iJ (1.11) = np . 1! . ~lp - (1 - p)"-i (- n A !- 1) in i- = np The first five equalities are just algebra. The sixth is worth remembering. The sum Ej"_"-- is the sum of the probabilities of the Bin(n - 1, p) distribution. Therefore the sum is equal to 1. You may wish to compare IE(X) to Figure 1.5. Poisson If X Poi(A) then E(X) =_A. The derivation is left as Exercise Exponential If X Exp(A) then EB(X) f x p(xc) d= A-1 f ze-/A dc - A.  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS 34 Use integration by parts. Normal If X N(p, o) then E(X) = p. The derivation is left as Exercise 18. Statisticians also need to measure and describe the spread of distributions, ran- dom variables and samples. In Figure 112, the spread would measure how much variation there is in ocean temperatures at a single location, which in turn would tell us something about how heat moves from place to place in the ocean. Spread could also describe the variation in the annual numbers of "great" discoveries, the range of typical outcomes for a gambler playing a game repeatedly at a casino or an investor in the stock market, or the uncertain effect of a change in the Federal Reserve Bank's monetary policy, or even why different patches of the same forest have different plants on them. By far the most common measures of spread are the variance and its square root, the standard deviation. Definition 1.3 (Variance). The variance of a sample Y1, ... , yn is Var(yi,... , y) = n-1 (y - y2 The variance of a random variable Y is Var(Y) = E((Y - py)2) Definition 1.4 (Standard deviation). The standard deviation of a sample y1, ..., yn is SD (yi, . . . ,y) = n-1 (yi - y))2. The standard deviation of a random variable Y is SD(Y) =/E((Y -py)2). The variance (standard deviation) of Y is often denoted o4 (c-y). The variances of common distributions will be derived later in the book. Caution: for reasons which we don't go into here, many books define the vari- ance of a sample as Var(yi, ..., y) =(n - 1)1 (y - Y)2. For large n there is no practical difference between the two definitions. And the definition of variance of a random variable remains unchanged. While the definition of the variance of a random variable highlights its inter- pretation as deviations away from the mean, there is an equivalent formula that is sometimes easier to compute.  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS Theorem 1.2. If Y is a random variable, then Var(Y) =E(Y2) Proof. 35 (gy)2. Var(Y) = E((Y - = IE(Y2= - =IE(Y2) =IE(Y2) EY)2) 2YEY + (EY)2) -2(EY)2 + (EY)2 - (IY)2 D- To develop a feel for what the standard deviation measures, Figure repeats Figure;1.12 and adds arrows showing + 1 standard deviation away from the mean. Standard deviations have the same units as the original random variable; variances have squared units. E.g., if Y is measured in degrees, then SD(Y) is in degrees but Var(Y) is in degrees2. Because of this, SD is easier to interpret graphically. That's why we were able to depict SD's in Figure114. Most "mound-shaped" samples, that is, samples that are unimodal and roughly symmetric, follow this rule of thumb: " about 2/3 of the sample falls within about 1 standard deviation of the mean; " about 95% of the sample falls within about 2 standard deviations of the mean. The rule of thumb has implications for predictive accuracy. If x1, .. .., xn are a sam- ple from a mound-shaped distribution, then one would predict that future obser- vations will be around X- with, again, about 2/3 of them within about one SD and about 95% of them within about two SD's. To illustrate further, we'll calculate the SD of a few mound-shaped random variables and compare the SD's to the pdf's.  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS 36 Binomial Let Y Bin(30, .5). Var(Y) =E(Y2) - (EY)2 =y2 (30l .530 - 152 y=0 30 (3 = 30! .530 - 152 (y - 1)!(30 - y)! 29 = 15Z(v + 1) '(29 ),.52 152 (1.12) v=0 v!(9 -v) -'59 (29V !V 9! 29 15( V + .-52+.5-)152 !(9- v)!. o v!(29 - v)! 1 29+11 15 2 and therefore SD(Y) = 15/2 2.7. (See Exercises 19 and 20.) Normal Let Y N(0, 1). Var(Y) =E(Y2) / eZdy 00 \/ - 00 = 2 e 2 dy (1.13) ~2fo, 1ezydy and therefore SD(Y) = 1. (See Exercises 19 and 20.) Figure 1i1 shows the comparison. The top panel shows the pdf of the Bin(30, .5) distribution; the bottom panel shows the N(0, 1) distribution.  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS 37 6 000 O 0 0 6 -~0 0 O 0 0 0 ~0 c 00000000 0~000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 y 0 co) 0 0 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 y  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS 38 Figure was produced by the following R code. par ( mfrow=c(2,1) ) y <- 0:30 sd <- sqrt ( 15 / 2 ) plot ( y, dbinom(y,30,.5), ylab="p(y)" ) arrows ( 15-2*sd, 0, 15+2*sd, 0, angle=60, code=3, lwd=2 ) length=. 1, length=. 1, text ( 15, arrows ( 1 .008, "+/- 2 SD's" ) 5-sd, .03, 15+sd, .03, angle=60, code=3, lwd=2 ) text ( 15, .04, "+/- 1 SD" ) y <- seq(-3,3,length=60) plot ( y, dnorm(y,0,1), ylab="p(y)", type="1" ) code=3, lwd=2 ) arrows ( -2, .02, 2, .02, angle=60, length=. 1, text ( 0, .04, "+/- 2 SD's" ) arrows ( -1, .15, 1, .15, angle=60, length=.1, code=3, lwd=2 ) text ( 0, .17, "+/- 1 SD" ) * arrows(x0, y0, x1, y1, length, angle, code, ...) adds arrows to a plot. See the documentation for the meaning of the arguments. . text adds text to a plot. See the documentation for the meaning of the arguments. Definition 1.5 (Moment). The r'th moment of a sample y1,... , y,, or random vari- able Y is defined as n-- E((y( - )r IE((Y - py)')) (for samples) (for random variables) Variances are second moments. Moments above the second have little applica- bility. R has built-in functions to compute means and variances and can compute other moments easily. Note that R uses the divisor n - 1 in its definition of variance.  1.4. CENTERS, SPREADS, MEANS, AND MOMENTS 39 # Use R to calculate moments of the Bin(100,.5) distribution x <- rbinom ( 5000, 100, .5 ) m <- mean ( x ) #the mean v <- var ( x ) # the variance s <- sqrt (v) # the SD mean ( (x-m)3 ) # the third moment our.v <- mean ( (x-m)2 ) # our variance our.s <- sqrt ( our.v ) # our standard deviation print ( c ( v, our.v ) ) # not quite equal print ( c ( s, our.s ) ) # not quite equal * rbinom(...) generates random draws from the binomial distribution. The 5000 says how many draws to generate. The 100 and .5 say that the draws are to be from the Bin(100, .5) distribution. Let h be a function. Then E[h(Y)] = f h(y)p(y) dy (L h(y)p(y) in the discrete case) is the expected value of h(Y) and is called a generalized moment. There are sometimes two ways to evaluate E[h(Y)]. One is to evaluate the integral. The other is to let X = h(Y), find px, and then evaluate IE[X] = f xpx(x) dx. For example, let Y have pdf fy(y) = 1 for y E (0, 1), and let X = h(Y) = exp(Y). Method 1 E[h(Y)] f exp(y) dy = exp(y)| = e - 1. Method 2 px(x) = py(log(x)) dy/dx= 1/x E[X]= xpx(x)dz 1dz=e- 1 1 1 If h is a linear function then E[h(Y)] has a particularly appealing form. Theorem 1.3. If X = a + bY then E[X] = a + bE[Y]. Proof. We prove the continuous case; the discrete case is left as an exercise. EX = f(a + by)fy(y) dy = afy(y) dy + bfyfy(y) dy =a+bIEY D-  1.5. JOINT, MARGINAL AND CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY 40 There is a corresponding theorem for variance. Theorem 1.4. If X = a + bY then Var(X) = b2 Var(Y). Proof. We prove the continuous case; the discrete case is left as an exercise. Let y IE[Y]. Var(X) = E[(a + bY - (a+ by))2] = E~b2(Y -_2 = b2 Var(Y) 1.5 Joint, Marginal and Conditional Probability Statisticians often have to deal simultaneously with the probabilities of several events, quantities, or random variables. For example, we may classify voters in a city according to political party affiliation and support for a school bond referen- dum. Let A and S be a voter's affiliation and support, respectively. A rD if Democrat and S=Y if in favor R if Republican. N if opposed Suppose a polling organization finds that 80% of Democrats and 35% of Republi- cans favor the bond referendum. The 80% and 35% are called conditional probabil- ities because they are conditional on party affiliation. The notation for conditional probabilities is pS IA. As usual, the subscript indicates which random variables we're talking about. Specifically, ps A(Y D) = 0.80; ps A(N D) = 0.20; ps| A(Y R) = 0.35; psIA(N |R) = 0.65. We say "the conditional probability that S = N given A = D is 0.20", etc. Suppose further that 60% of voters in the city are Democrats. Then 80% of 60% = 48% of the voters are Democrats who favor the referendum. The 48% is called a joint probability because it is the probability of (A = D, S = Y) jointly. The notation is paS(D, Y) =.48. Likewise, PAS(D, N) .12; PAS(R, Y) =-.14; and pa,s(R, N) =0.26. Table L1summarizes the calculations. The quantities  1.5. JOINT, MARGINAL AND CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY 41 latitude = 45 longitude = -40 latitude = 45 longitude = -30 latitude = 45 longitude = -20 0 (0 0 0 0 0 N\ 0 0 0 N\ 0 0 4 6 8 4 6 8 4 6 8 temperature n = 213 latitude = 35 longitude = -40 temperature n = 105 latitude = 35 longitude = -30 -1 n 0 0 0 4 6 8 temperature n=37 co cc 0 temperature n=112 latitude = 35 longitude = -20 _T- o_ 0-J 4 6 8 temperature n = 44 latitude = 25 longitude = -20 4 6 8 temperature n=24 latitude = 25 longitude = -40 0 N\ 0 0 4 6 8 temperature n=47 latitude = 25 longitude = -30 LO - 0 4 6 8 temperature n=35 10 0 4 6 8 temperature n=27 Figure 1.14: Water temperatures (°C) at 1000m depth, latitude 25, 35, 45 degrees North, longitude 20, 30, 40 degrees West, with standard deviations  1.5. JOINT, MARGINAL AND CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY 42 For Against Democrat 48% 12% 60% Republican 14% 26% 40% 62% 38% Table 1.1: Party Affiliation and Referendum Support .60, .40, .62, and .38 are called marginal probabilities. The name derives from historical reasons, because they were written in the margins of the table. Marginal probabilities are probabilities for one variable alone, the ordinary probabilities that we've been talking about all along. The event A = D can be partitioned into the two smaller events (A = D, S = Y) and (A=D,S=N). So pA(D) = .60 = .48 + .12= PA,s(DY) + PA,S(D, N). The event A = R can be partitioned similarly. Too, the event S = Y can be partitioned into (A = D, S = Y) and (A = R, S = Y). So ps(Y) = .62 = .48 + .14= PA,s(D, Y) + PA,s(R, Y). These calculations illustrate a general principle: To get a marginal probability for one variable, add the joint probabilities for all values of the other variable. The general formulae for working simultaneously with two discrete random variables X and Y are fx,y(x, y) =-fx(x) -'fy x(y Iz) =fy(y) -fx y((z y) (1.14) fx(x) = fx,y(x,y) fy(y) Zfx,y(x,y) Y x Sometimes we know joint probabilities and need to find marginals and condition- als; sometimes it's the other way around. And sometimes we know fx and fy x and need to find fy or fxIy. The following story is an example of the latter. It is a common problem in drug testing, disease screening, polygraph testing, and many other fields. The participants in an athletic competition are to be randomly tested for steroid use. The test is 90% accurate in the following sense: for athletes who use steroids, the test has a 90% chance of returning a positive result; for non-users, the test has a 10% chance of returning a positive result. Suppose that only 30% of athletes use  1.5. JOINT, MARGINAL AND CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY 43 steroids. An athlete is randomly selected. Her test returns a positive result. What is the probability that she is a steroid user? This is a problem of two random variables, U, the steroid use of the athlete and T, the test result of the athlete. Let U = 1 if the athlete uses steroids; U = 0 if not. Let T = 1 if the test result is positive; T = 0 if not. We want fu iT(1|1). We can calculate fu T if we know fu,; and we can calculate fuT because we know fu and fT u . Pictorially, fu, fT U - fu,T - fu T The calculations are fu,T(O, 0) = (.7)(.9) = .63 fu,T(O, 1) = (.7)(.1) = .07 fu,T(i, 0)= (.3)(.1) = .03 fu,T(i, 1) = (.3)(.9) = .27 so fT(0) = .63+.03= .66 fT(i) =.07+.27= .34 and finally fu T(1|1) = fu,T(1, 1)/fT(1) = .27/.34 .80. In other words, even though the test is 90% accurate, the athlete has only an 80% chance of using steroids. If that doesn't seem intuitively reasonable, think of a large number of athletes, say 100. About 30 will be steroid users of whom about 27 will test positive. About 70 will be non-users of whom about 7 will test positive. So there will be about 34 athletes who test positive, of whom about 27, or 80% will be users. Table ,2 is another representation of the same problem. It is important to become familiar with the concepts and notation in terms of marginal, conditional and joint distributions, and not to rely too heavily on the tabular representation because in more complicated problems there is no convenient tabular representa- tion. Example L6 is a further illustration of joint, conditional, and marginal distri- butions. Example 1.6 (Seedlings) Example 1_4 introduced an observational experiment to learn about the rate of seedling production and survival at the Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research station in western North Carolina. For a particular quadrat in a particular year, let N be the number of  1.5. JOINT, MARGINAL AND CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY 44 T=O T=1 U = 0 .63 .07 .70 U = 1 .03 .27 .30 .66 .34 Table 1.2: Steroid Use and Test Results new seedlings that emerge. Suppose that N Poi(A) for some A > 0. Each seedling either dies over the winter or survives to become an old seedling the next year. Let 0 be the probability of survival and X be the number of seedlings that survive. Suppose that the survival of any one seedling is not affected by the survival of any other seedling. Then X Bin(N, 0). Figure 1,15 shows the possible values of the pair (N, X). The probabilities associated with each of the points in Figure 1.15 are denoted fN,x where, as usual, the subscript indicates which variables we're talking about. For example, fN,x(3, 2) is the probability that N = 3 and X = 2. CD - 0 - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Eu. * * * * * * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 N Figure 1.15: Permissible values of N number that survive. and X, the number of new seedlings and the The next step is to figure out what the joint probabilities are. Consider, for example, the event N = 3. That event can be partitioned into the four smaller events (N  1.5. JOINT, MARGINAL AND CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY 45 3, X = 0), (N = 3, X = 1), (N = 3, X = 2), and (N = 3, X = 3). So fN(3) =_fN,x(3, 0) + fN,X(3, 1) + fN,X(3, 2) + fN,x(3, 3) The Poisson model for N says fN(3) = P[N = 3] = e-AA3/6. But how is the total e-AA3/6 divided into the four parts? That's where the Binomial model for X comes in. The division is made according to the Binomial probabilities )3 Cll e(1 0)2 (3)2(i - The e-AA3/6 is a marginal probability like the 60% in the affliation/support problem. The binomial probabilities above are conditional probabilities like the 80% and 20%; they are conditional on N = 3. The notation is fx|N(2 3) or P[X = 2 N = 3]. The joint probabilities are fN,X(3,) 3 e-as fN,X(3,2)2 e-ak3 fN,x(3, 1) 0)2 0) e-ad3 fN,x (33) In general, fN,x(mv Xf|(N)fxN In)=e A n(I)>OX(1 .Q)n-~X An ecologist might be interested in fx, the pdf for the number of seedlings that will be recruited into the population in a particular year. For a particular number x, fX(x) is like looking in Figure along the horizontal line corresponding to X = x. To get fX(x) = P[X = z], we must add up all the probabilities on that line. fx(x) ZfN,x(,x) ri~x 0)-X 0eA-0)(A(1 - 0))"- e-A(A0)x e-A(AO)X 00 e-A-0)(A(1 - Q))z z=0 e-a (AO)x z!  1.5. JOINT, MARGINAL AND CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY 46 The last equality follows since E,-z-.-.= 1 because it is the sum of probabilities from the Poi(A(1 - 0)) distribution. The final result is recognized as a probability from the Poi(A*) distribution where A* =AO. So X Poi(A*). In the derivation we used the substitution z = n-c. The trick is worth remembering. For continuous random variables, conditional and joint densities are written px Y(ccIy) and px,y(x, y) respectively and, analgously to Equation 14 we have px,y (x,y) = px (x)pyi x(Y |cc) = pY (Y)pxY (x | y) (1.15) px() = px,y(x, y) dy py(y) = px,y(x, y) dx The logic is the same as for discrete random variables. In order for (X = x, Y = y) to occur we need either of the following. 1. First X = x occurs then Y = y occurs. The "probability" of that happening is just px(x) x pr x(y cc), the "probability" that X = x occurs times the "probability" that Y = y occurs under the condition that X = x has already occured. "Probability" is in quotes because, for continuous random variables, the probability is 0. But "probability" is a useful way to think intuitively. 2. First Y = y occurs then X = x occurs. The reasoning is similar to that in item 1. Just as for single random variables, probabilities are integrals of the density. If A is a region in the (x, y) plane, P[(X, Y) E A] = fAp(x, y) dx dy, where fA... indicates a double integral over the region A. Just as for discrete random variables, the unconditional density of a random variable is called its marginal density; px and py are marginal densities. Let B c R be a set. Since a density is "the function that must be integrated to calculate a probability", on one hand, P [X E B] = fB px(x) dc. On the other hand, P[X E B] = P[(X, Y) E B x R] = ( px,y (x, y) dy d which implies px(x) =f Lpx,y (c, y) dy. An example will help illustrate. A customer calls the computer Help Line. Let X be the amount of time he spends on hold and Y be the total duration of the call. The amount of time a consultant spends with him after his call is answered is W Y - X. Suppose the joint density is px,y(cc, y) =e-" in the region 0 X and second, that the density of Y decays exponentially. See  1.5. JOINT, MARGINAL AND CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY 48 (a) (b) CO) >+ N\ "T a1- co O QZI Q O 0 1 2 3 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 x (d) (c) Q O 11- > O N\ O O O 0 2 4 6 8 10 y (e) 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 x (f) 11- co O QZI Q O (0 C\J- N 0 2 4 6 8 10 y 0 1 2 3 4 x Figure 1.16: (a): the region of Rll2 where (X, Y) live; (b): the marginal density of X; (c): the marginal density of Y; (d): the conditional density of X given Y for three values of Y; (e): the conditional density of Y given X for three values of X; (f): the region W ; w  1.5. JOINT, MARGINAL AND CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY 49 Section 1.3.3 for discussion of this density. Panel (f) shows the region of integration for question 5. Take the time to understand the method being used to answer question 5. When dealing with a random variable X, sometimes its pdf is given to us and we can calculate its expectation: E(X) fxp(x) dz. (The integral is replaced by a sum if X is discrete.) Other times X arises more naturally as part of a pair (X, Y) and its expectation is E(X) =ff xp(x, y) dzdy. The two formulae are, of course, equivalent. But when X does arise as part of a pair, there is still another way to view p(x) and E(X): px(x) (pxy (xy))py(y)dy = E (px y (x |y)) (1.16) E(X) =f (fpxy(c Y)dc)pY(y) dy = IE (IE(X | Y)). (1.17) The notation deserves some explanation. For any number x, pxY (ccl y) is a func- tion of y, say g(y). The middle term in Equation116 is f g(y)p(y)dy, which equals IE(g(y)), which is the right hand term. Similarly, E(X|Y) is a function of Y, say h(Y). The middle term in Equation 1.7 is f h(y)p(y)dy, which equals IE(h(y)), which is the right hand term. Example 1.7 (Seedlings, continued) Examples1.4 and 1,6 discussed (N, X), the number of new seedlings in a forest quadrat and the number of those that survived over the winter. Example 1, suggested the statistical model N Poi(A) and X |N ~Bin(N, 0). Equation 117 shows that E(X) can be computed as E(X) = E (E(X |IN)) = E(NO) O=BE(N) = BA. Example 1.8 (Craps, continued) Examples11,2 and 1: introduced the game of craps. Example calculates the chance of winning. Let X =0 if shooter loses 1i if shooter wins  1.5. JOINT, MARGINAL AND CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY 50 X has a Bernoulli distribution. We are trying to find P[shooter wins] = px(1) = E(X). (Make sure you see why px(1) = E(X).) Let Y be the outcome of the Come-out roll. Equation 117 says E(X)= E (E(X|Y)) = IE(X|Y=2)P[Y=2]+IE(X|Y=3)P[Y=3] +E(X Y=4)P[Y=4]+IE(X Y=5)P[Y=5] +E(XY=6)P[Y=6]+E(XY=7)P[Y=7] +IE(X|Y=8)P[Y=8]+IE(X|Y=9)P[Y=9] +IE(X|Y =10)P[Y =10]+IE(X|Y =11)P[Y =11] + E(X| Y =12) P[Y =12]3 - x1 0 2 3-B( = 0 x -6+ 0 x 3 + E(X|IY= 4) 36 36 36 + E(X |Y = 5) +E(X |Y=6)3 36 36 +1x 36+IE(X =8) +E(X|Y=9) +IE(X|Y = 10) +1 x +0 x . 36 3636 So it only remains to find E(X | Y = y) for y = 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. The calculations are all similar. We will do one of them to illustrate. Let w = E(X|Y = 5) and let z denote the next roll of the dice. Once 5 has been established as the point, then a roll of the dice has three possible outcomes: win (if z = 5), lose (if z = 7), or roll again (if z is anything else). Therefore w= 1 x 4/36 + 0 x 6/36 + w x 26/36 (10/36)w = 4/36 w = 4/10. After similar calculations for the other possible points we find 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 E(X)=936 1036 1136 36 1136 1036 936 36 ~.493. Craps is a very fair game; the house has only a slight edge.  1.6. ASSOCIATION, DEPENDENCE, INDEPENDENCE 51 1.6 Association, Dependence, Independence It is often useful to describe or measure the degree of association between two ran- dom variables X and Y. The R dataset iris provides a good example. It contains the lengths and widths of setals and petals of 150 iris plants. The first several lines of iris are Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa 2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa Figure shows each variable plotted against every other variable. It is evident from the plot that petal length and petal width are very closely associated with each other, while the relationship between sepal length and sepal width is much weaker. Statisticians need a way to quantify the strength of such relationships. Figure was produced by the following line of R code. pairs ( iris[,1:41 ) . pairs() produces a pairs plot, a matrix of scatterplots of each pair of vari- ables. The names of the variables are shown along the main diagonal of the matrix. The (i, j)th plot in the matrix is a plot of variable i versus variable j. For example, the upper right plot has sepal length on the vertical axis and petal width on the horizontal axis. By far the most common measures of association are covariance and correlation. Definition 1.6. The covariance of X and Y is Cov(X, Y) - E((X - px)(Y - py) In R, cov measures the covariance in a sample. Thus, cov(iris [,1:41) pro- duces the matrix Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Sepal.Length 0.68569351 -0.04243400 1.2743154 0.5162707 Sepal.Width -0.04243400 0.18997942 -0.3296564 -0.1216394 Petal.Length 1.27431544 -0.32965638 3.1162779 1.2956094 Petal.Width 0.51627069 -0.12163937 1.2956094 0.5810063  1.6. ASSOCIATION, DEPENDENCE, INDEPENDENCE 52 Sepal .Length 2.0 3.0 4.0 10 10 LO 10) 10 10 0.5 1.5 2.5 CO CO CJ LO N\ 0 OD 0 Col CY) N\ Petal .Length L0 N\ O 0 '^ Petal.Width 4.5 6.0 7.5 1 35 7 Figure 1.17: Lengths and widths of sepals and petals of 150 iris plants  1.6. ASSOCIATION, DEPENDENCE, INDEPENDENCE 53 in which the diagonal entries are variances and the off-diagonal entries are covari- ances. The measurements in iris are in centimeters. To change to millimeters we would multiply each measurement by 10. Here's how that affects the covariances. > cov ( 10*iris[,1:4] ) Sepal.Length Sepal.Length 68.569351 Sepal.Width -4.243400 Petal.Length 127.431544 Petal.Width 51.627069 Sepal. Width -4.243400 18.997942 -32.965638 -12.163937 Petal.Length 127.43154 -32.96564 311.62779 129.56094 Petal. Width 51.62707 -12.16394 129.56094 58.10063 Each covariance has been multiplied by 100 because each variable has been multi- plied by 10. In fact, this rescaling is a special case of the following theorem. Theorem 1.5. Let X and Y be random variables. Then Cov(aX + b, cY + d) ac Cov(X, Y). Proof. Cov(aX + b,cY + d) IE((aX +b- (apux + b))(cY + d = E(ac(X - px)(Y (cpy + d))) py)) = ac Cov(X,Y) D- Theorem L shows that Cov(X, Y) depends on the scales in which X and Y are measured. A scale-free measure of association would also be useful. Correlation is the most common such measure. Definition 1.7. The correlation between X and Y is _Cov(X, Y) Cor(X, Y) = o(,Y C X Y SD(X) SD(Y) cor measures correlation. The correlations in iris are > cor(iris[,1:4]) Sepal.Length Sepal.Length 1.0000000 Sepal.Width -0.1175698 Petal.Length 0.8717538 Petal.Width 0.8179411 Sepal. Width -0.1175698 1.0000000 -0.4284401 -0.3661259 Petal.Length 0.8717538 -0.4284401 1.0000000 0.9628654 Petal. Width 0.8179411 -0.3661259 0.9628654 1.0000000  1.6. ASSOCIATION, DEPENDENCE, INDEPENDENCE 54 which confirms the visually impression that sepal length, petal length, and petal width are highly associated with each other, but are only loosely associated with sepal width. TheoremL6 tells us that correlation is unaffected by linear changes in mea- surement scale. Theorem 1.6. Let X and Y be random variables. Then Cor(aX + b, cY + d) Cor(X, Y). Proof. See Exercise 40. Correlation doesn't measure all types of association; it only measures clustering around a straight line. The first two columns of Figure show data sets that cluster around a line, but with some scatter above and below the line. These data sets are all well described by their correlations, which measure the extent of the clustering; the higher the correlation, the tighter the points cluster around the line and the less they scatter. Negative values of the correlation correspond to lines with negative slopes. The last column of the figure shows some other situations. The first panel of the last column is best described as having two isolated clusters of points. Despite the correlation of .96, the panel does not look at all like the last panel of the second column. The second and third panels of the last column show data sets that follow some nonlinear pattern of association. Again, their correlations are misleading. Finally, the last panel of the last column shows a data set in which most of the points are tightly clustered around a line but in which there are two outliers. The last column demonstrates that correlations are not good descriptors of nonlinear data sets or data sets with outliers. Correlation measures linear association between random variables. But some- times we want to say whether two random variables have any association at all, not just linear. Definition 1.8. Two two random variables, X and Y, are said to be independent if p(X |Y) = p(X), for all values of Y. If X and Y are not independent then they are said to be dependent. If X and Y are independent then it is also true that p(Y lIX) = p(Y). The interpretation is that knowing one of the random variables does not change the probability distribution of the other. If X and Y are independent (dependent) we write X I Y (X A Y). If X and Y are independent then Cov(X, Y) = Cor(X, Y) 0. The converse is not true. Also, if X I Y then pv(x, y) =p(x)p(y). This last equality is usually taken to be the definition of independence.  1.6. ASSOCIATION, DEPENDENCE, INDEPENDENCE 5 55 cor = -0.9 cor = 0.3 cor= 0.96 cor = -0.5 cor = 0.5 cor= 0.67 cor = -0.2 cor = 0.8 cor = -0.37 cor =0 cor= 0.95 cor = 0.62 Figure 1.18: correlations  1.6. ASSOCIATION, DEPENDENCE, INDEPENDENCE 56 Do not confuse independent with mutually exclusive. Let X denote the outcome of a die roll and let A = 1 if X E {1, 2, 3} and A = 0 if X E {4, 5, 6}. A is called an indicator variable because it indicates the occurence of a particular event. There is a special notation for indicator variables: A= 1{1,2,3}() 1{1,2,3} is an indicator function. 1{1,2,3} (X) is either 1 or 0 according to whether X is in the subscript. Let B = 1{4,5,6}(X), C = 1{1,3,5}(X), D = 1{2,4,6}(X) and E 1{1,2,3,4}(X). A and B are dependent because P[A] = .5 but P[A | B] = 0. D and E are independent because P[D] = P[D I E] = .5. You can also check that P[E] = P[E I D] = 2/3. Do not confuse dependence with causality. A and B are dependent, but neither causes the other. For an example, recall the Help Line story on page 46. X and Y were the amount of time on hold and the total length of the call, respectively. The difference was W = Y - X. We found p(xI y) = y-1. Because p(xI y) depends on y, X A Y. Similarly, p(y |x) depends on x. Does that make sense? Would knowing something about X tell us anything about Y? What about X and W? Are they independent? d d p(w X=dP[W "f(ys). The collection (yi,..., yn) is called a data set. We write y1, ..., yn ~1.i.d. f where i.i.d. stands for independent and identically distributed. Many introductory statistics texts describe how to collect random samples, many pitfalls that await, and many pratfalls taken in the attempt. We omit that discussion here and refer the interested reader to our favorite introductory text on the subject, et al[ ] which has an excellent description of random sampling in general as well as detailed discussion of the US census and the Current Population Survey. Suppose y1, Y2, ...,~ i.i.d. f. Let y = f yf(y) dy and u2= f(y - p)2f(y)dy be the mean and variance of f. Typically yu and o are unknown and we take the sample in order to learn about them. We will often use 4= (yi+ ... + y )/n, the mean of the first n observations, to estimate pu. Some questions to consider are  1.9. SOME RESULTS FOR LARGE SAMPLES 78 " For a sample of size n, how accurate is y, as an estimate of u? " Does yK get closer to y as n increases? " How large must n be in order to achieve a desired level of accuracy? Theorems 1.12 and provide answers to these questions. Before stating them we need some preliminary results about the mean and variance of yn. Theorem 1.7. Let x1,..., x, be random variables with means p1,... ,up. Then E[x1+ -.-.+ xn] = p1+-.-.+ pn. Proof. It suffices to prove the case n = 2. E[zi + x2] f f(i + x2)f (i, x2) dzidz2 = ff xif (i, x2) dzidz2 + iffx2f (zi, x2) dzidz2 =1p1 + /p2 Corollary 1.8. Let y1, ... , y, be a random sample from f with mean u. Then E[yn] 1. Proof. The corollary follows from Theorems L3 and L7. Theorem 1.9. Let x1,... , x, be independent random variables with means pi,..., y and SDs a1,... ,n. Then Var[zi +-...-+x] =12+--+...+as. Proof. It suffices to prove the case n = 2. Using Theorem L, Var(Xi + X2) =E((X1 + X2)2) - (1 + /p2)2 = E(X )+ 2E(X1X2) + E(X2) -p1 -21p2 -12 (E(xf) - p1) + (E(X ) - p1) +2 (E(x1x2) -11112) =0 + ul +2 (E(X1X2) - /1/2). But if X1 I X2 then E(X1X2) =fzfxc2f(zix2)dzidz2 Sc1 x 2f (x2) dz2f (ci) dci =p12f z1f (x1) dc1 =pip2. So Var(Xl + X2) = 61 + 62. F-I  1.9. SOME RESULTS FOR LARGE SAMPLES 79 Note that Theorem 1. requires independence while Theorem 1.7 does not. Corollary 1.10. Let y1,..., y be a random sample from f with variance a2. Then Var(p) = a2/ Proof. The corollary follows from Theorems 1.4 and 1. Theorem 1.11 (Chebychev's Inequality). Let X be a random variable with mean y and SD a. Then for any Ec> 0, P[lX -u pl ;>E]<2/E2. Proof. (xfh - pu)2f (x) dx~ 1+ (cc - p)2f (c) dcc+fcz- (c c 2 f)2 (c) dc+ f(c) d )f > (E _iff(cc~dc+E Jf(cc 1)2dccd = E2 P[lX -1 p;> E]. Theorems112 and 1. are the two main limit theorems of statistics. They provide answers, at least probabilistically, to the questions on page 77. Theorem 1.12 (Weak Law of Large Numbers). Let Yi,..., Ym be a random sample from a distribution with mean yu and variance a2. Then for any E > 0, lim P[ly.n- pl E] ;> lim 1 - a2 2 D- Another version of Theorem is called the Strong Law of Large Numbers.  1.9. SOME RESULTS FOR LARGE SAMPLES 80 Theorem 1.13 (Strong Law of Large Numbers). Let yi, ..., y, be a random sample from a distribution with mean ya and variance a2. Then for any E > 0, P[ lim ln - pl1 < E] = 1; h-oo i.e., P [lim n = p] = 1. h-oo It is beyond the scope of this section to explain the difference between the WLLN and the SLLN. See Section 8,9. Theorem 1.14 (Central Limit Theorem). Let y1,..., y, be a random sample from f with mean ya and variance a2. Let z = (Yn - p)/(av/ ). Then, for any numbers a < b, lim P[zn E [a, b]] f 1e_2/2dw. n-oo fa v/2 Le. The limiting distribution of zn is N(0, 1). The Law of Large Numbers is what makes simulations work and why large samples are better than small. It says that as the number of simulation grows or as the sample size grows, (n - oc), the average of the simulations or the average of the sample gets closer and closer to the true value (X - p). For instance, in Example 11, where we used simulation to estimate P[Shooter wins] in Craps, the estimate became more and more accurate as the number of simulations increased from 50, to 200, and then to 1000. The Central Limit Theorem helps us look at those simulations more closely. Colloquially, the Central Limit Theorem says that lim Pz, N(O, 1). nh-oo Its practical application is that, for large n, Pzs aN(0, 1), which in turn means pa aj N(p, a/w/ -). In Example L11we simulated the game of Craps for n.sim = 50, 200, and 1000. Those simulations are depicted in Figure L2. The upper panel shows  1.10. EXERCISES 81 a histogram of 1000 simulations, all using n. sim = 50. For a single simulation with n. sim = 50 let X1, ..., X50 be the outcomes of those simulations. Each Xi Bern(.493), so y = .493 and a = v/.493 * .507 .5. Therefore, according to the Central Limit Theorem, when n. sim = 50 XNN(, a/ ) N(.493, .071) This is the Normal density plotted in the upper panel of Figure 1,23. We see that the N(.493, .071) is a good approximation to the histogram. And that's because 0 Xo50 N(.493, .071), approximately. The Central Limit Theorem says that the approximation will be good for "large" n. In this case n = 50 is large enough. (Section.. will discuss the question of when n is "large enough".) Similarly, Xn~N(.493, .035) when n. sim = 200 X, ~N(.493, .016) when n. sim = 1000. These densities are plotted in the middle and lower panels of Figure 1,23. The Central Limit Theorem makes three statements about the distribution of yn (zn) in large samples: 1. E[yn] = p (E[zn] = 0), 2. SD(pn) = / / (SD(z) = 1), and 3. Yn (zn) has, approximately, a Normal distribution. The first two of these are already known from Theorems'1.7 and 1,9. It's the third point that is key to the Central Limit Theorem. Another surprising implication from the Central Limit Theorem is that the distributions of yn and zn in large samples are determined solely by y and a; no other features of f matter. 1.10 Exercises 1. Show: if p is a probability measure then for any integer n;> 2, and disjoint sets A1, . . . ,A p(UAi) = p(A2). i=1 i=1 2. Simulating Dice Rolls  1.10. EXERCISES 82 C,, a) 0 (0 LO C) 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 theta hat n.sim = 50 7-1 C,, a) 0 0o TD M\ F- 0.3 7 I 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 theta hat n.sim = 200 C,, a) 0 0- L 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.5 theta hat n.sim = 1000 Figure 1.23: Histograms of craps simulations. Solid curves are Normal approxima- tions according to the Central Limit Theorem.  1.10. EXERCISES 83 (a) simulate 6000 dice rolls. Count the number of 1's, 2's, ..., 6's. (b) You expect about 1000 of each number. How close was your result to what you expected? (c) About how often would you expect to get more than 1030 l's? Run an R simulation to estimate the answer. 3. The Game of Risk In the board game Risk players place their armies in dif- ferent countries and try eventually to control the whole world by capturing countries one at a time from other players. To capture a country, a player must attack it from an adjacent country. If player A has A > 2 armies in country A, she may attack adjacent country D. Attacks are made with from 1 to 3 armies. Since at least 1 army must be left behind in the attacking country, A may choose to attack with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of min(3, A -1) armies. If player D has D > 1 armies in country D, he may defend himself against attack using a minimum of 1 and a maximum of min(2, D) armies. It is almost always best to attack and defend with the maximum permissible number of armies. When player A attacks with a armies she rolls a dice. When player D defends with d armies he rolls d dice. As highest die is compared to D's highest. If both players use at least two dice, then As second highest is also compared to D's second highest. For each comparison, if As die is higher than D's then A wins and D removes one army from the board; otherwise D wins and A removes one army from the board. When there are two comparisons, a total of two armies are removed from the board. " If A attacks with one army (she has two armies in country A, so may only attack with one) and D defends with one army (he has only one army in country D) what is the probability that A will win? " Suppose that Player 1 has two armies each in countries C1, C2, C3 and C4, that Player 2 has one army each in countries B1, B2, B3 and B4, and that country CZ attacks country B2. What is the chance that Player 1 will be successful in at least one of the four attacks? 4. (a) Justify the last step of Equation 1.. (b) Justify the last step of the proof of Theorem (c) Prove Theorem when g is a decreasing function.  1.10. EXERCISES 84 5. Y is a random variable. Y E (-1, 1). The pdf is p(y) = ky2 for some constant, k. (a) Find k. (b) Use R to plot the pdf. (c) Let Z = -Y. Find the pdf of Z. Plot it. 6. U is a random variable on the interval [0, 1]; p(u) = 1. (a) V = U2. On what interval does V live? Plot V as a function of U. Find the pdf of V. Plot pv(v) as a function of v. (b) W = 2U. On what interval does W live? Plot W as a function of U. Find the pdf of W. Plot pw(w) as a function of w. (c) X = - log(U). On what interval does X live? Plot X as a function of U. Find the pdf of X. Plot px(x) as a function of x. 7. Let X Exp(A) and let Y = cX for some constant c. (a) Write down the density of X. (b) Find the density of Y. (c) Name the distribution of Y. 8. A teacher randomly selects a student from a Sta 103 class. Let X be the num- ber of math courses the student has completed. Let Y = 1 if the student is female and Y = 0 if the student is male. Fifty percent of the class is female. Among the women, thirty percent have completed one math class, forty per- cent have completed two math classes and thirty percent have completed three. Among the men, thirty percent have completed one math class, fifty percent have completed two math classes and twenty percent have completed three. (a) True or False: X and Y are independent. (b) Find E[X|IY = 1]. 9. Sue is studying the Bin(25,.4) distribution. In R she types y <- rbinom(50, 25, .4) m1 <- mean(y) m2 <- sum(y) / 25  1.10. EXERCISES 85 m3 <- sum ( (y-m1)^2 ) / 50 (a) Is y a number, a vector or a matrix? (b) What is the approximate value of ml? (c) What is the approximate value of m2? (d) What was Sue trying to estimate with m3? 10. The random variables X and Y have joint pdf fx,y (x, y) = 1 in the triangle of the XY-plane determined by the points (-1,0), (1,0), and (0,1). Hint: Draw a picture. (a) Find fx(.5). (b) Find fy(y). (c) Find fyx (y | X = .5). (d) Find E[Y | X = .5]. (e) Find fy(.5). (f) Find fx (x). (g) Find fx y(x | Y =.5). (h) Find E[X | Y = .5]. 11. X and Y are uniformly distributed in the unit disk. I.e., the joint density p(x, y) is constant on the region of R2 such that x2 + y2 < 1. (a) Find p(x, y). (b) Are X and Y independent? (c) Find the marginal densities p(x) and p(y). (d) Find the conditional densities p(z| y) and p(y Icc). (e) FindIE[X],IE[X | Y = .5], andlE[X Y = -.5]. 12. Verify the claim in Example 14 that argmaxa P[cc= 3| A] = 3. Hint: differen- tiate Equation L6. 13. (a) p is the pdf of a continuous random variable w. Find fp(s) ds. (b) Find f~ p(s) ds for the pdf in Equation 17  1.10. EXERCISES 86 14. Page 7 says "Every pdf must satisfy two properties ... " and that one of them is "p(y) > 0 for all y." Explain why that's not quite right. 15. 1 _1 2 p(y) = e 29 2wr is the pdf of a continuous random variable y. Find f_, p(s) ds. 16. When spun, an unbiased spinner points to some number y E (0, 1]. What is p(y)? 17. Some exercises on the densities of tranformed variables. One of them should illustrate the need for the absolute value of the Jacobian. 18. (a) Prove: if X Poi(A) then E(X) = A. Hint: use the same trick we used to derive the mean of the Binomial distribution. (b) Prove: if X N(p, o) then E(X) = p. Hint: change variables in the integral. 19. (a) Prove: if X Bin(n, p) then Var(X) = np(1-p). Hint: use Theorem 1.9. (b) Prove: if X Poi(A) then Var(X) = A. Hint: use the same trick we used to derive the mean of the Binomial distribution and Theorem 1_2. (c) If X Exp(A), find Var(X). Hint: use Theorem 1:. (d) If X N(p, o), find Var(X). Hint: use Theorem 12. 20. (a) Justify each step of Equation (b) Justify each step of Equation 13. (Hint: integrate by parts.) 21. Let X1 Bin(50, .1), X2 Bin(50, .9) and X1 I X2. Define Y= X1 + X2. Does Y have the Bin(100, .5) distribution? Why or why not? 22. Let X1 Bin(50, .5), X2 Bin(50, .5) and X1 I X2. Define Y1 = X1 + X2 and Y2 = 2X1. Which has the bigger mean: Y1 or Y2? Which has the bigger variance: Y1 or Y2? Justify your answer. 23. Consider customers arriving at a service counter. Interarrival times often have a distribution that is approximately exponential with a parameter A that depends on conditions specific to the particular counter. I.e., p(t) = AeL. Assume that successive interarrival times are independent of each other. Let T1 be the arrival time of the next customer and 2 be the additional time until the arrival of the second customer.  1.10. EXERCISES 87 (a) What is the joint density of (T1, T2)? (b) Let S = T1 + T2, the time until the next two customers arrive. What is P[S < 5]; i.e. the probability that at least 2 customers arrive within the next 5 minutes? (c) What is E(S)? 24. A gambler plays at a roulette table for two hours betting on Red at each spin of the wheel. There are 60 spins during the two hour period. What is the distribution of (a) z, the number of times the gambler wins, (b) y, the number of times the gambler loses, (c) x, the number of times the gambler is jostled by the person standing behind, (d) w, the gambler's net gain? 25. If human DNA contains xxx bases, and if each base mutates with probability p over the course of a lifetime, what is the average number of mutations per person? What is the variance of the number of mutations per person? 26. Isaac is in 5th grade. Each sentence he writes for homework has a 90% chance of being grammatically correct. The correctness of one sentence does not affect the correctness of any other sentence. He recently wrote a 10 sentence paragraph for a writing assignment. Write a formula for the chance that no more than two sentences are grammatically incorrect. 27. Teams A and B play each other in the World Series of baseball. Team A has a 60% chance of winning each game. What is the chance that B wins the series? (The winner of the series is the first team to win 4 games.) 28. A basketball player shoots ten free throws in a game. She has a 70% chance of making each shot. If she misses the shot, her team has a 30% chance of getting the rebound. (a) Let m be the number of shots she makes. What is the distribution of m? What are its expected value and variance? What is the chance that she makes somewhere between 5 and 9 shots, inclusive?  1.10. EXERCISES 88 (b) Let r be the number of rebounds her team gets from her free throws. What is the distribution of r? What are its expected value and variance? What is the chance that r > 1? 29. Let (x, y) have joint density function fx,y. There are two ways to find IEy. One way is to evaluate ff yf,(x, y) dxdy. The other is to start with the joint density f,, find the marginal density fy, then evaluate f yfy(y) dy. Show that these two methods give the same answer. 30. Prove Theorem1. (pg. 39) in the discrete case. 31. Prove Theorem17 (pg. 78) in the continuous case. 32. A researcher randomly selects mother-daughter pairs. Let x and ye be the heights of the i'th mother and daughter, respectively. True or False: (a) x and xz are independent (b) x and y3 are independent (c) ye and y3 are independent (d) x and ye are independent 33. As part of his math homework Isaac had to roll two dice and record the results. Let X1 be the result of the first die and X2 be the result of the second. What is the probability that X1=1 given that X1 + X2 = 5? 34. A doctor suspects a patient has the rare medical condition DS, or disstaticu- laria, the inability to learn statistics. DS occurs in .01% of the population, or one person in 10,000. The doctor orders a diagnostic test. The test is quite accurate. Among people who have DS the test yields a positive result 99% of the time. Among people who do not have DS the test yields a positive result only 5% of the time. For the patient in question, the test result is positive. Calculate the probability that the patient has DS. 35. For various reasons, researchers often want to know the number of peo- ple who have participated in embarassing activities such as illegal drug use, cheating on tests, robbing banks, etc. An opinion poll which asks these ques- tions directly is likely to elicit many untruthful answers. To get around the problem, researchers have devised the method of randomized response. The following scenario illustrates the method.  1.10. EXERCISES 89 A pollster identifies a respondent and gives the following instructions. "Toss a coin, but don't show it to me. If it lands Heads, answer question (a). If it lands tails, answer question (b). Just answer 'yes' or 'no'. Do not tell me which question you are answering. Question (a): Does your telephone number end in an even digit? Question (b): Have you ever used cocaine?" Because the respondent can answer truthfully without revealing his or her cocaine use, the incentive to lie is removed. Researchers hope respondents will tell the truth. You may assume that respondents are truthful and that telephone numbers are equally likely to be odd or even. Let p be the probability that a randomly selected person has used cocaine. (a) What is the probability that a randomly selected person answers "yes"? (b) Suppose we survey 100 people. Let X be the number who answer "yes". What is the distribution of X? 36. In a 1991 article (See Utts [191] and discussants.) Jessica Utts reviews some of the history of probability and statistics in ESP research. This question concerns a particular series of autoganzfeld experiments in which a sender looking at a picture tries to convey that picture telepathically to a receiver. Utts explains: "... 'autoganzfeld' experiments require four participants. The first is the Receiver (R), who attempts to identify the target material be- ing observed by the Sender (5). The Experimenter (E) prepares R for the task, elicits the response from R and supervises R's judging of the response against the four potential targets. (Judging is dou- ble blind; E does not know which is the correct target.) The fourth participant is the lab assistant (LA) whose only task is to instruct the computer to randomly select the target. No one involved in the experiment knows the identity of the target. "Both R and S are sequestered in sound-isolated, electrically sheilded rooms. R is prepared as in earlier ganzfeld studies, with white noise and a field of red light. In a nonadjacent room, S watches the target material on a television and can hear R's tar- get description ('mentation') as it is being given. The mentation is also tape recorded.  1.10. EXERCISES 90 "The judging process takes place immediately after the 30-minute sending period. On a TV monitor in the isolated room, R views the four choices from the target pack that contains the actual target. R is asked to rate each one according to how closely it matches the ganzfeld mentation. The ratings are converted to ranks and, if the correct target is ranked first, a direct hit is scored. The entire pro- cess is automatically recorded by the computer. The computer then displays the correct choice to R as feedback." In the series of autoganzfeld experiments analyzed by Utts, there were a total of 355 trials. Let X be the number of direct hits. (a) What are the possible values of X? (b) Assuming there is no ESP, and no cheating, what is the distribution of X? (c) Plot the pmf of the distribution in part (b). (d) Find E[X] and SD(X). (e) Add a Normal approximation to the plot in part (c). (f) Judging from the plot in part (c), approximately what values of X are consistent with the "no ESP, no cheating" hypothesis? (g) In fact, the total number of hits was x = 122. What do you conclude? 37. This exercise is based on a computer lab that another professor uses to teach the Central Limit Theorem. It was originally written in MATLAB but here it's translated into R. Enter the following R commands: u <- matrix ( runif(250000), 1000, 250 ) y <- apply ( u, 2, mean ) These create a 1000x250 (a thousand rows and two hundred fifty columns) matrix of random draws, called u and a 250-dimensional vector y which con- tains the means of each column of U. Now enter the command hist (u[,11). This command takes the first column of u (a column vector with 1000 entries) and makes a histogram. Print out  1.10. EXERCISES 91 this histogram and describe what it looks like. What distribution is the runif command drawing from? Now enter the command hist (y). This command makes a histogram from the vector y. Print out this histogram. Describe what it looks like and how it differs from the one above. Based on the histogram, what distribution do you think y follows? You generated y and u with the same random draws, so how can they have different distributions? What's going on here? 38. Suppose that extensive testing has revealed that people in Group A have IQ's that are well described by a N(100, 10) distribution while the IQ's of people in Group B have a N(105, 10) distribution. What is the probability that a ran- domly chosen individual from Group A has a higher IQ than a randomly chosen individual from Group B? (a) Write a formula to answer the question. You don't need to evaluate the formula. (b) Write some R code to answer the question. 39. The so-called Monty Hall or Let's Make a Deal problem has caused much con- sternation over the years. It is named for an old television program. A con- testant is presented with three doors. Behind one door is a fabulous prize; behind the other two doors are virtually worthless prizes. The contestant chooses a door. The host of the show, Monty Hall, then opens one of the remaining two doors, revealing one of the worthless prizes. Because Monty is the host, he knows which doors conceal the worthless prizes and always chooses one of them to reveal, but never the door chosen by the contestant. Then the contestant is offered the choice of keeping what is behind her orig- inal door or trading for what is behind the remaining unopened door. What should she do? There are two popular answers. " There are two unopened doors, they are equally likely to conceal the fabulous prize, so it doesn't matter which one she chooses. " She had a 1/3 probability of choosing the right door initially, a 2/3 chance of getting the prize if she trades, so she should trade. (a) Create a simulation in R to discover which answer is correct.  1.10. EXERCISES 92 (b) Show using formal arguments of conditional probability which answer is correct. Make sure your answers to (a) and (b) agree! 40. Prove Theorem (pg. ).  CHAPTER 2 MODES OF INFERENCE 2.1 Data This chapter takes up the heart of statistics: making inferences, quantitatively, from data. The data, Y1, ..y. , y are assumed to be a random sample from a population. In Chapter;1 we reasoned from f to Y. That is, we made statements like "If the experiment is like ... ,then f will be ... ,and (yi, . . ., y) will look like ... " or "E(Y) must be ... ", etc. In Chapter 2 we reason from Y to f. That is, we make statements such as "Since (Yi,... , yn) turned out to be ... it seems that f is likely to be ... ", or "f yf(y) dy is likely to be around ... ", etc. This is a basis for knowledge: learning about the world by observing it. Its importance cannot be overstated. The field of statistics illuminates the type of thinking that allows us to learn from data and contains the tools for learning quantitatively. Reasoning from Y to f works because samples are usually like the populations from which they come. For example, if f has a mean around 6 then most reason- ably large samples from f also have a mean around 6, and if our sample has a mean around 6 then we infer that f likely has a mean around 6. If our sample has an SD around 10 then we infer that f likely has an SD around 10, and so on. So much is obvious. But can we be more precise? If our sample has a mean around 6, then can we infer that f likely has a mean somewhere between, say, 5.5 and 6.5, or can we only infer that f likely has a mean between 4 and 8, or even worse, between about -100 and 100? When can we say anything quantitative at all about the mean of f? The answer is not obvious, and that's where statistics comes in. Statistics provides the quantitative tools for answering such questions. This chapter presents several generic modes of statistical analysis. Data Description Data description can be visual, through graphs, charts, etc., or numerical, through calculating sample means, SD's, etc. Displaying a few 93  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 94 simple features of the data yi,..., y, can allow us to visualize those same features of f. Data description requires few a priori assumptions about f. Likelihood In likelihood inference we assume that f is a member of a parametric family of distributions {fo : 8 E 8}. Then inference about f is the same as inference about the parameter 0, and different values of 0 are compared according to how well fo explains the data. Estimation The goal of estimation is to estimate various aspects of f, such as its mean, median, SD, etc. Along with the estimate, statisticians try to give quantitative measures of how accurate the estimates are. Bayesian Inference Bayesian inference is a way to account not just for the data Y, ..., yn, but also for other information we may have about f. Prediction Sometimes the goal of statistical analysis is not to learn about f per se, but to make predictions about y's that we will see in the future. In addition to the usual problem of not knowing f, we have the additional problem that even if we knew f, we still wouldn't be able to predict future y's exactly. Hypothesis Testing Sometimes we want to test hypotheses like Head Start is good for kids or lower taxes are good for the economy or the new treatment is better than the old. Decision Making Often, decisions have to be made on the basis of what we have learned about f. In addition, making good decisions requires accounting for the potential gains and losses of each decision. 2.2 Data Description There are many ways, both graphical and numerical, to describe data sets. Some- times we're interested in means, sometimes variations, sometimes trends through time, and there are good ways to describe and display all these aspects and many more. Simple data description is often enough to shed light on an underlying sci- entific problem. The subsections of Section 2.2 show some basic ways to describe various types of data.  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 95 2.2.1 Summary Statistics One of the simplest ways to describe a data set is by a low dimensional summary. For instance, in Example on ocean temperatures there were multiple measure- ments of temperatures from each of 9 locations. The measurements from each location were summarized by the sample mean y = n--E y2; comparisons of the 9 sample means helped oceanographers deduce the presence of the Mediterranean tongue. Similarly, the essential features of many data sets can be captured in a one-dimensional or low-dimensional summary. Such a summary is called a statis- tic. The examples below refer to a data set Y1, ..., yn of size n. Definition 2.1 (Statistic). A statistic is any function, possibly vector valued, of the data. The most important statistics are measures of location and dispersion. Impor- tant examples of location statistics include mean The mean of the data is y =n--1 E y. fR can compute means: y <- 1:10 mean (y) median A median of the data is any number m such that at least half of the yr's are less than or equal to m and at least half of the yr's are greater than or equal to m. We say "a" median instead of "the" median because a data set with an even number of observations has an interval of medians. For example, if y <- 1: 10, then every m E [5,6] is a median. When R computes a median it computes a single number by taking the midpoint of the interval of medians. So median(y) yields 5.5. quantiles For any p E [0, 1], the p-th quantile of the data should be, roughly speak- ing, the number q such that pn of the data points are less than q and (1 - p)n of the data points are greater than q. Figure 2. illustrates the idea. Panel a shows a sample of 100 points plotted as a stripchart (page 108). The black circles on the abcissa are the .05, .5, and .9 quantiles; so 5 points (open circles) are to the left of the first vertical line, 50 points are on either side of the middle vertical line, and 10 points are to the right of the third vertical line. Panel b shows the empirical cdf of the sample. The values .05, .5, and .9 are shown as squares on the vertical axis;  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 96 the quantiles are found by following the horizontal lines from the vertical axis to the cdf, then the vertical lines from the cdf to the horizontal axis. Panels c and d are similar, but show the distribution from which the sample was drawn instead of showing the sample itself. In panel c, 5% of the mass is to the left of the first black circle; 50% is on either side of the middle black circle; and 10% is to the right of the third black dot. In panel d, the open squares are at .05, .5, and .9 on the vertical axis; the quantiles are the circles on the horizontal axis. Denote the p-th quantile as qp(yi,..., y.), or simply as qp if the data set is clear from the context. With only a finite sized sample qp(yi, ... , y.) cannot be found exactly. So the algorithm for finding quantiles works as follows. 1. Sort the yz's in ascending order. Label them y(1), ..., Y(n) so that Y(1) < ... _ Y(n) 2. Set qo - y(1) and q1 - y . 3. Y(2) through Y(n_1) determine n - 1 subintervals in [y(1), y(n)]. So, for i = 1, . .. , n - 2, set q_ - 1- y(2+1). 4. For p c (n-, i) let qp be any number in the interval (q_ , q ). If p is a "nice" number then qp is often given a special name. For example, q.5 is the median; (q.25, q.5, q.75), the first, second and third quartiles, is a vector- valued statistic of dimension 3; q.1, q.2,... are the deciles; q.78 is the 78'th percentile. R can compute quantiles. When faced with p c (-- , n) R does linear inter- polation. E.g. quantile (y, c (. 25, .75)) yields (3.25, 7.75). The vector (y(1), .. . , y()) defined in step of the algorithm for quantiles is an n-dimensional statistic called the order statistic. y(i) by itself is called the i'th order statistic. Figure was created with the following R code. par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) quant <- c ( .05, .5, .9 ) nquant <- length(quant)  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 97 a b 00 0 LL 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 y c 0 2 4 6 8 y d LO) 0 0 0 00 0 0 6 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 y y Figure 2.1: Quantiles. The black circles are the .05, .5, and .9 quantiles. The open squares are the numbers .05, .5, and .9 on the vertical axis. Panels a and b are for a sample; panels c and d are for a distribution.  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 98 Dispersion statistics measure how spread out the data are. Since there are many ways to measure dispersion there are many dispersion statistics. Important disper- sion statistics include standard deviation The sample standard deviation or SD of a data set is S- 12  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 99 Note: some statisticians prefer _ E (yi - Y) 2 n3-- n2-1 for reasons which do not concern us here. If n is large there is little difference between the two versions of s. variance The sample variance is 2 E ______)_ n Note: some statisticians prefer 2 _ ___ -_02 n-1 for reasons which do not concern us here. If n is large there is little difference between the two versions of s2. interquartile range The interquartile range is q.75 - q.25 Presenting a low dimensional statistic is useful if we believe that the statistic is representative of the whole population. For instance, in Example , oceanogra- phers believe the data they have collected is representative of the long term state of the ocean. Therefore the sample means at the nine locations in Figure are representative of the long term state of the ocean at those locations. More formally, for each location we can imagine a population of temperatures, one temperature for each moment in time. That population has an unknown pdf f. Even though are data are not really a random sample from f (The sampling times were not chosen randomly, among other problems.) we can think of them that way without making too serious an error. The histograms in Figure 1:1 are estimates of the f's for the nine locations. The mean of each f is what oceanographers call a climatological mean, or an average which, because it is taken over a long period of time, repre- sents the climate. The nine sample means are estimates of the nine climatological mean temperatures at those nine locations. Simply presenting the sample means reveals some interesting structure in the data, and hence an interesting facet of physical oceanography. Often, more than a simple data description or display is necessary; the statisti- cian has to do a bit of exploring the data set. This activity is called exploratory data  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 100 analysis or simply eda. It is hard to give general rules for eda, although displaying the data in many different ways is often a good idea. The statistician must decide what displays and eda are appropriate for each data set and each question that might be answered by the data set. That is one thing that makes statistics inter- esting. It cannot be reduced to a set of rules and procedures. A good statistician must be attuned to the potentially unique aspects of each analysis. We now present several examples to show just a few of the possible ways to explore data sets by displaying them graphically. The examples reveal some of the power of graphical display in illuminating data and teasing out what it has to say. 2.2.2 Displaying Distributions Instead of reducing a data set to just a few summary statistics, it is often helpful to display the full data set. But reading a long list of numbers is usually not helpful; humans are not good at assimilating data in that form. We can learn a lot more from a graphical representation of the data. Histograms The next examples use histograms to display the full distribution of some data sets. Visual comparison of the histograms reveals structure in the data. Example 2.1 (Tooth Growth) The R statistical language comes with many data sets. Type data() to see what they are. This example uses the data set ToothGrowth on the effect of vitamin C on tooth growth in guinea pigs. You can get a description by typing help(ToothGrowth). You can load the data set into your R session by typing data(ToothGrowth). ToothGrowth is a dataframe of three columns. The first few rows look like this: len supp dose 1 4.2 VC 0.5 2 11.5 VC 0.5 3 7.3 VC 0.5 Column 1, or len, records the amount of tooth growth. Column 2, supp, records whether the guinea pig was given vitamin C in ascorbic acid or orange juice. Column 3, dose, records the dose, either 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg. Thus there are six groups of guinea pigs in a two by three layout. Each group has ten guinea pigs, for a total of sixty observations. Figure 22 shows histograms of growth for each of the six groups. From Figure 2 2 it is clear that dose affects tooth growth.  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 101 VC9 0.5 OJ, 0.5 CO9 10j 0 5 10 20 30 OJ, 1 10 N 05 CO - N\ o 0 5 10 20 30 VC9 2 OJ, 2 L0 10] 0 5 10 20 30 OJO CO] N 0 5 10 20 30 Figure 2.2: Histograms of tooth growth by delivery method (VC or OJ) and dose (0.5, 1.0 or 2.0).  oP. jJ1 I-1 CD O W~ O rt 0 0 CD CD CD C N NQ bm y 0 1 2 3 4 5 I I I I I I 0 0 No Cal ] k I K 0 C- 0 0 No (31 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 I I I I I I I 0 1 2 3 4 I I I I I C 0 0.0 0.5 1 1 1.0 1.5 2.0 1 1 1 0 O _ _ _ _ 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0 0 No 01l C p 2.0 2.5 3.0 I I I I I I I 02 O4 i 01] 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 II I I I o N I-1 N  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 103 VC, 0.5 VC, 1 VC, 2 CO IC) 0 10 25 OJ, 0.5 i 10 25 OJ1 1 COH 0 10 25 0J O N O 0 10 25 OJ, 2 O 0 10 25 Figure 2.4: Histograms of tooth growth by delivery method (VC or OJ) and dose (0.5, 1.0 or 2.0).  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 104 Figure was produced by the following R code. supp <- unique ( ToothGrowth$supp ) dose <- unique ( ToothGrowth$dose ) par ( mfcol=c(3,2) ) for ( i in 1:2 ) for ( j in 1:3 ) { good <- ( ToothGrowth$supp == supp[i] & ToothGrowth$dose == dose[j] ) hist ( ToothGrowth$len[good], breaks=seq(0,34,by=2), xlab="", ylab="", main=paste(supp[i] , ", dose [j] , sep="") ) } " unique (x) returns the unique values in x. For example, if x <- c (1,1,2) then unique (x) would be 1 2. Figure is similar to Figure but laid out in the other direction. (Notice that it's easier to compare histograms when they are arranged vertically rather than horizontally.) The figures suggest that delivery method does have an effect, but not as strong as the dose effect. Notice also that Figure is more difficult to read than Figure because the histograms are too tall and narrow. Figure repeats Figure but using less vertical distance; it is therefore easier to read. Part of good statistical practice is displaying figures in a way that makes them easiest to read and interpret. The figures alone have suggested that dose is the most important effect, and delivery method less so. A further analysis could try to be more quantitative: what is the typical size of each effect, how sure can we be of the typical size, and how much does the effect vary from animal to animal. The figures already suggest answers, but a more formal analysis is deferred to Section Figures , , and are histograms. The abscissa has the same scale as the data. The data are divided into bins. The ordinate shows the number of data points in each bin. (hist( ... ,prob=T) plots the ordinate as probability rather than counts.) Histograms are a powerful way to display data because they give a strong visual impression of the main features of a data set. However, details of the histogram can depend on both the number of bins and on the cut points between bins. For that reason it is sometimes better to use a display that does not depend  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 105 on those features, or at least not so strongly. Example illustrates. Density Estimation Example 2.2 (Hot Dogs) In June of 1986, Consumer Reports published a study of hot dogs. The data are available at DASL, the Data and Story Library, a collection of data sets for free use by statistics students. DASL says the data are "Results of a laboratory analysis of calories and sodium content of major hot dog brands. Researchers for Consumer Reports analyzed three types of hot dog: beef, poultry, and meat (mostly pork and beef, but up to 15% poultry meat)." You can download the data from http : //lib. stat. cmu. edu/DASL/Dataf iles/Hotdogs . html. The first few lines look like this: Type Calories Sodium Beef 186 495 Beef 181 477 This example looks at the calorie content of beef hot dogs. (Later examples will compare the calorie contents of different types of hot dogs.) Figure (a) is a histogram of the calorie contents of beef hot dogs in the study. From the histogram one might form the impression that there are two major varieties of beef hot dogs, one with about 130-160 calories or so, another with about 180 calories or so, and a rare outlier with fewer calories. Figure (b) is another histogram of the same data but with a different bin width. It gives a different impression, that calorie content is evenly distributed, approximately, from about 130 to about 190 with a small number of lower calorie hot dogs. Figure (c) gives much the same impression as (b). It was made with the same bin width as (a), but with cut points starting at 105 instead of 110. These histograms illustrate that one's impression can be influenced by both bin width and cut points. Density estimation is a method of reducing dependence on cut points. Let x1, ... , x20 be the calorie contents of beef hot dogs in the study. We think of x1,... , x20 as a random sample from a density f representing the population of all beef hot dogs. Our goal is to estimate f. For any fixed number x, how shall we estimate f(x)? The idea is to use information local to x to estimate f(x). We first describe a basic version, then add two refinements to get kernel density estimation and the density() function in R.  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 106 Let n be the sample size (20 for the hot dog data). Begin by choosing a number h > 0. For any number x the estimate fbasic(x) is defined to be 1 nfraction of sample points within h of x basic(x 2h=(x-h,x+h) (i) 2 i=1 fbasic has at least two apparently undesirable features. 1. fb2sic(x) gives equal weight to all data points in the interval (x - h, x + h) and has abrupt cutoffs at the ends of the interval. It would be better to give the most weight to data points closest to x and have the weights decrease gradually for points increasingly further away from x. 2. fb2sic(x) depends critically on the choice of h. We deal with these problems by introducing a weight function that depends on distance from x. Let go be a probability density function. Usually go is chosen to be symmetric and unimodal, centered at 0. Define n Choosing go to be a probability density ensures that f is also a probability density because ff(x) dx i=/ go(x - x) dx= 1 (2.1) When go is chosen to be a continuous function it deals nicely with problem above. In fact, fbasic comes from taking go to be the uniform density on (-h, h). To deal with problem 2 we rescale go. Choose a number h > 0 and define a new density g(x) = h-1go(x/h). A little thought shows that g differs from go by a rescaling of the horizontal axis; the factor h-1 compensates to make f g = 1. Now define the density estimate to be fh(x) g(x-xi) = go( z)/h) h is called the bandwidth. Of course fh still depends on h. It turns out that dependence on bandwidth is not really a problem. It is useful to view density estimates for several difFerent bandwidths. Each reveals features of f at difFerent scales. Figures 2,5(d), (e), and (f) are examples. Panel (d) was produced by the default bandwidth; panels (e) and (f) were produced with 1/4 and 1/2 the default bandwidth. Larger bandwidth makes a smoother estimate of f; smaller bandwidth makes it rougher. None is exactly right. It is useful to look at several.  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 107 (a) (b) LO- Co -] I I I I 120 140 160 180 calories (c) I I I I 120 140 160 180 calories CO o-1 I I I I 120 140 160 180 calories (d) 6 I I I 100 150 200 calories (e) (f) C,) a) 0 C 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 C,) a) 0 0 0 0 0 O 100 140 180 100 140 180 calories calories Figure 2.5: (a), (b), (c): histograms of calorie contents of beef hot dogs; (d), (e), (f): density estimates of calorie contents of beef hot dogs.  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 108 Figure was produced with hotdogs <- read.table ( "data/hotdogs/data", header=T ) cal.beef <- hotdogs$Calories [ hotdogs$Type == "Beef" ] par ( mfrow=c(3,2) ) hist ( cal.beef, main="(a)", xlab="calories", ylab="" ) hist ( cal.beef, breaks=seq(110,190,by=20), main="(b)", xlab="calories", ylab="" ) hist ( cal.beef, breaks=seq(105,195,by=10), main="(c)", xlab="calories", ylab="" ) plot ( density ( cal.beef ), main="(d)", xlab="calories", ylab="density" ) plot ( density ( cal.beef, adjust=1/4 ), main="(e)", xlab="calories", ylab="density" ) plot ( density ( cal.beef, adjust=1/2 ), main="(f)", xlab="calories", ylab="density" ) " In panel (a) R used its default method for choosing histogram bins. " In panels (b) and (c) the histogram bins were set by hist ( ..., breaks=seq(...) ). " density() produces a kernel density estimate. " R uses a Gaussian kernel by default which means that go above is the N(0, 1) density. " In panel (d) R used its default method for choosing bandwidth. " In panels (e) and (f) the bandwidth was set to 1/4 and 1/2 the default by density(..., adjust=...). Stripcharts and Dotplots Figure uses the ToothGrowth data to illustrate stripcharts, also called dotplots, an alternative to histograms. Panel (a) has three rows of points corresponding to the three doses of ascorbic acid. Each point is for one animal. The abscissa shows the amount of tooth growth; the ordinate shows  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 109 the dose. The panel is slightly misleading because points with identical coordinates are plotted directly on top of each other. In such situations statisticians often add a small amount of jitter to the data, to avoid overplotting. The middle panel is a repeat of the top, but with jitter added. The bottom panel shows tooth growth by delivery method. Compare Figure to Figures and . Which is a better display for this particular data set? Figure was produced with the following R code. par ( mfrow=c(3,1) ) stripchart ( ToothGrowth$len ~ ToothGrowth$dose, pch=1, main="(a)", xlab="growth", ylab="dose" ) stripchart ( ToothGrowth$len ~ ToothGrowth$dose, method="jitter", main="(b)", xlab="growth", ylab="dose", pch=1 ) stripchart ( ToothGrowth$len ~ ToothGrowth$supp, method="jitter", main="(c)", xlab="growth", ylab="method", pch=1 ) Boxplots An alternative, useful for comparing many distributions simultaneously, is the boxplot. Example uses boxplots to compare scores on 24 quizzes in a statistics course. Example 2.3 (Quiz Scores) In the spring semester of 2003, 58 students completed Statistics 103 at Duke University. Figure displays their grades. There were 24 quizzes during the semester. Each was worth 10 points. The upper panel of the figure shows the distribution of scores on each quiz. The abscissa is labelled 1 through 24, indicating the quiz number. For each quiz, the figure shows a boxplot. For each quiz there is a box. The horizontal line through the center of the box is the median grade for that quiz. We can see that the median score on Quiz 2 is around 7, while the median score on Quiz 3 is around 4. The upper end of the box is the 75th percentile (3rd quartile) of scores; the lower end of the box is the 25th percentile (1st quartile). We can see that about half the students scored between about 5 and 8 on Quiz 2, while about half the students scored between about 2 and 6 on Quiz 3. Quiz 3 was tough. Each box may have whiskers, or dashed lines which extend above and below the box. The exact definition of the whiskers is not important, but they are meant to include most  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 110 (a) N\ (1) 0 10O O\ (1) 0 0 0 0000 00 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 0 00 0 0 00 000 0 0 0000000 0 00 0 0 00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 growth (b) 0 00 0 00 8 0 * °00 08%0o90o0 0 0 o 000 000 o°c lp 0 00 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 growth (C) 0 00 0 o o 0 0 Q 0000 0 °00 0 00 ° O o0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 cob c 0 g ° 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0_ 10 O E 0o growth Figure 2.6: (a) Tooth growth by dose, no jittering; (b) Tooth growth by dose with jittering; (c) Tooth growth by delivery method with jittering  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 111 of the data points that don't fall inside the box. (In R, by default, the whiskers extend to the most extreme data point which is no more that 1.5 times the interquartile range away from the median.) Finally, there may be some individual points plotted above or below each boxplot. These indicate outliers, or scores that are extremely high or low relative to other scores on that quiz. Many quizzes had low outliers; only Quiz 5 had a high outlier. Box plots are extremely useful for comparing many sets of data. We can easily see, for example, that Quiz 5 was the most difficult (75% of the class scored 3 or less.) while Quiz 1 was the easiest (over 75% of the class scored 10.) There were no exams or graded homeworks. Students' grades were determined by their best 20 quizzes. To compute grades, each student's scores were sorted, the first 4 were dropped, then the others were averaged. Those averages are displayed in a stripchart in the bottom panel of the figure. It's easy to see that most of the class had quiz averages between about 5 and 9 but that 4 averages were much lower. Figure was produced by the following R code. ... # read in the data colnames(scores) <- paste("Q",1:24,sep="") # define column names boxplot ( data.frame(scores), main="Individual quizzes" ) scores[] <- 0 # replace missing scores # with 0's temp <- apply ( scores, 1, sort ) # sort temp <- temp[5:24,] # drop the 4 lowest scores.ave <- apply ( temp, 2, mean ) # find the average stripchart ( scores.ave, "jitter", pch=1, xlab="score", xlim=c (0, 10), main="Student averages" ) QQ plots Sometimes we want to assess whether a data set is well modelled by a Normal distribution and, if not, how it differs from Normal. One obvious way to assess Normality is by looking at histograms or density estimates. But the answer is often not obvious from the figure. A better way to assess Normality is with QQ plots. Figure illustrates for the nine histograms of ocean temperatures in Figure  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 112 Individual quizzes ° -T- TT T 11111 T -- 0 oQ o Qi Q4 Q7 Qi1 Q15 Q19 Q23 Student averages 1100 00 0000 °O 0o o 8 °Z O I I I I II 0 2 4 6 8 10 score Figure 2.7: Quiz scores from Statistics 103  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 113 Each panel in Figure was created with the ocean temperatures near a par- ticular (latitude, longitude) combination. Consider, for example, the upper left panel which was constructed from the n = 213 points x1, ... x213 taken near (45, -40). Those points are sorted, from smallest to largest, to create the order statis- tic (x(1), ..., x(213)). Then they are plotted against E[(z(1), ..., z(213))], the expected order statistic from a Normal distribution. If the xis are approximately Normal then the QQ plot will look approximately linear. The slope of the line indicates the standard deviation. In Figure most of the panels do look approximately linear, indicating that a Normal model is reasonable. But some of the panels show departures from Normal- ity. In the upper left and lower left panels, for example, the plots looks roughly lin- ear except for the upper right corners which show some data points much warmer than expected if they followed a Normal distribution. In contrast, the coolest tem- peratures in the lower middle panel are not quite as cool as expected from a Normal distribution. Figure was produced with lats <- c ( 45, 35, 25 ) lons <- c ( -40, -30, -20 ) par ( mfrow=c(3,3) ) for ( i in 1:3 ) for ( j in 1:3 ) { good <- abs ( med.1000$lon - lons[j ) < 1 & abs ( med.1000$lat - lats[i] ) < 1 qqnorm ( med.1000$temp [good], xlab="", ylab="", sub=paste("n = ", sum(good), sep=""), main = paste ( "latitude =", lats[i], "\n longitude =", lons[ji] )) } 2.2.3 Exploring Relationships Sometimes it is the relationships between several random variables that are of interest. For example, in discrimination cases the focus is on the relationship be- tween race or gender on one hand and employment or salary on the other hand. Subsection shows several graphical ways to display relationships.  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 114 co ICI latitude = 45 longitude = -40 0 0 0 -3 -1 1 3 n = 213 latitude = 35 longitude = -40 ~1/ -2 0 2 n=37 latitude = 45 longitude = -30 10 10 10 10) latitude = 45 longitude = -20 _ coI -2 0 2 -2 0 2 LO LO (0 LO IC) n = 105 latitude = 35 longitude = -30 100 0 coo c6 -2 0 1 2 n=112 latitude = 35 longitude = -20 0 0 -2 0 2 n = 44 latitude = 25 longitude = -20 N 6 o 2 0 -2 0 2 n=24 latitude = 25 longitude = -40 10 c 10 -2 0Y -2 0 2 latitude = 25 longitude = -30 0 c - 0 6) 0 -2 0 2 n=47 n=35 n=27 Figure 2.8: QQ plots of water temperatures (°C) at 1000m depth  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 115 We begin with Example 2.4, an analysis of potential discrimination in admission to UC Berkeley graduate school. Example 2.4 In 1973 UC Berkeley investigated its graduate admissions rates for potential sex bias. Ap- parently women were more likely to be rejected than men. The data set UCBAdmissions gives the acceptance and rejection data from the six largest graduate departments on which the study was based. Typing help(UCBAdmissions) tells more about the data. It tells us, among other things: Format: A 3-dimensional array resulting from cross-tabulating 4526 observations on 3 variables. The variables and their levels are as follows: No Name Levels 1 Admit Admitted, Rejected 2 Gender Male, Female 3 Dept A, B, C, D, E, F The major question at issue is whether there is sex bias in admissions. To investigate we ask whether men and women are admitted at roughly equal rates. Typing UCBAdmissions gives the following numerical summary of the data. Dept = A Gender Admit Male Female Admitted 512 89 Rejected 313 19 Dept = B Gender Admit Male Female Admitted 353 17 Rejected 207 8  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 116 Dept = C Gender Admit Male Female Admitted 120 202 Rejected 205 391 Dept = D Gender Admit Male Female Admitted 138 131 Rejected 279 244 Dept = E Gender Admit Male Female Admitted 53 94 Rejected 138 299 Dept = F Gender Admit Male Female Admitted 22 24 Rejected 351 317 For each department, the twoway table of admission status versus sex is displayed. Such a display, called a crosstabulation, simply tabulates the number of entries in each cell of a multiway table. It's hard to tell from the crosstabulation whether there is a sex bias and, if so, whether it is systemic or confined to just a few departments. Let's continue by finding the marginal (aggregated by department as opposed to conditional given deparment) admissions rates for men and women. > apply(UCBAdmissions, c(1, 2), sum) Gender Admit Male Female  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 117 Admitted 1198 557 Rejected 1493 1278 The admission rate for men is 1198/(1198 + 1493) = 44.5% while the admission rate for women is 557/(557 + 1493) = 30.4%, much lower. A mosaic plot, created with mosaicplot(apply(UCBAdmissions, c(1, 2), sum), main = "Student admissions at UC Berkeley") is a graphical way to display the discrepancy. (A beautiful example of a mosaic plot is on the cover of CHANCE magazine. ref here.) The left column is for admitted students; the heights of the rectangles show how many admitted students were male and how many were female. The right column is for rejected students; the heights of the rectangles show how many were male and female. If sex and admission status were independent, i.e., if there were no sex bias, then the proportion of men among admitted students would equal the proportion of men among rejected students and the heights of the left rectangles would equal the heights of the right rectangles. The apparent difference in heights is a visual representation of the discrepancy in sex ratios among admitted and rejected students. The same data can be viewed as discrepant admission rates for men and women by transposing the matrix: mosaicplot(t(apply(UCBAdmissions, c(1, 2), sum)), main = "Student admissions at UC Berkeley") The existence of discrepant sex ratios for admitted and rejected students is equivalent to the existence of discrepant admission rates for males and females and to dependence of sex and admission rates. The lack of discrepant ratios is equivalent to independence of sex and admission rates. Evidently UC Berkeley admitted men and women at different rates. But graduate admission decisions are not made by a central admissions offce; they are made by the individual departments to which students apply. So our next step is to look at admission rates for each department separately. We can look at the crosstabulation on page 115 or make mosaic plots for each department separately (not shown here) with ## Mosaic plots for individual departments for(i in 1:6) mosaicplot(UCBAdmissions[, ,i], xlab = "Admit", ylab = "Sex", main = paste ("Department", LETTERS [i]))  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 118 Student admissions at UC Berkeley Admitted Rejected (1) ai) ai) i i Admit a) E a) U- Figure 2.9: Mosaic plot of UCBAdmiss ions  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 119 Student admissions at UC Berkeley Male Female a) E E -o a) a) Gender Figure 2.10: Mosaic plot of UCBAdmissions  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 120 The plots show that in each department men and women are admitted at roughly equal rates. The following snippet calculates and prints the rates. It confirms the rough equality except for department A which admitted women at a higher rate than men. for ( i in 1:6 ) { # for each department temp <- UCBAdmissions[,,i] # that department's data m <- temp[1,1] / (temp[1,1]+temp[2,1]) # Men's admission rate w <- temp[1,2] / (temp[1,2]+temp[2,2]) # Women's admission rate print ( c ( m,w) ) # print them } Note that departments A and B which had high admission rates also had large numbers of male applicants while departments C, D, E and F which had low admission rates had large numbers of female applicants. The generally accepted explanation for the discrepant marginal admission rates is that men tended to apply to departments that were easy to get into while women tended to apply to departments that were harder to get into. A more sinister explanation is that the university gave more resources to departments with many male applicants, allowing them to admit a greater proportion of their applicants. The data we've analyzed are consistent with both explanations; the choice between them must be made on other grounds. One lesson here for statisticians is the power of simple data displays and summaries. Another is the need to consider the unique aspects of each data set. The explanation of different admissions rates for men and women could only be discovered by someone familiar with how universities and graduate schools work, not by following some general rules about how to do statistical analyses. The next example is about the duration of eruptions and interval to the next eruption of the Old Faithful geyser. It explores two kinds of relationships - the re- lationship between duration and eruption and also the relationship of each variable with time. Example 2.5 (Old Faithful) Old Faithful is a geyser in Yellowstone National Park and a great tourist attraction. As Denbynd.Prgibn[1987] explain, "From August 1 to August 8, 1978, rangers and naturalists at Yellowstone National Park recorded the duration of eruption and interval to the next eruption (both in minutes) for eruptions of Old Faithful between 6 a.m. and midnight. The intent of the study was to predict the time of the next eruption, to be posted at the Visitor's Center so that visitors to Yellowstone can usefully budget their time." The R dataset faithful contains the data. In addition to the references listed there, the data and analyses can also be found in Weiber [198] and Debyan  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 121 [ ]. The latter analysis emphasizes graphics, and we shall follow some of their suggestions here. We begin exploring the data with stripcharts and density estimates of durations and intervals. These are shown in Figure The figure suggests bimodal distributions. For duration there seems to be one bunch of data around two minutes and another around four or five minutes. For interval, the modes are around 50 minutes and 80 minutes. A plot of interval versus duration, Figure , suggests that the bimodality is present in the joint distribution of the two variables. Because the data were collected over time, it might be useful to plot the data in the order of collection. That's Figure . The horizontal scale in Figure is so compressed that it's hard to see what's going on. Figure repeats Figure but divides the time interval into two subintervals to make the plots easier to read. The subintervals overlap slightly. The persistent up-and-down character of Figure shows that, for the most part, long and short durations are interwoven, as are long and short intervals. (Figure is potentially misleading. The data were collected over an eight day period. There are eight separate sequences of eruptions with gaps in between. The faithful data set does not tell us where the gaps are. [ ] tell us where the gaps are and use the eight separate days to find errors in data transcription.) Just this simple analysis, a collection of four figures, has given us insight into the data that will be very useful in predicting the time of the next eruption. Figures , and were produced with the following R code. data(faithful) attach (faithful) par ( mfcol=c(2,2) ) stripchart ( eruptions, method="jitter", pch=1, xlim=c(1,6), xlab="duration (min)", main=" (a)" ) plot ( density ( eruptions ), type="l", xlim=c(1,6), xlab="duration (min)", main=" (b)" ) stripchart ( waiting, method="jitter", pch=1, xlim=c(40,100), xlab="waiting (min)", main=" (c)" ) plot ( density ( waiting ), type="l", xlim=c(40,100), xlab="waiting (min)", main=" (d)" ) par ( mfrow=c(1,1) ) plot ( eruptions, waiting, xlab="duration of eruption", ylab="time to next eruption" )  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 122 (a) (c) I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 duration (min) (b) D I I I I I I I 40 60 80 100 waiting (min) (d) (I) C) C O 0 6 (I) a) C') 0 0 0 6 0 0 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 40 60 80 100 duration (min) waiting (min) Figure 2.11: Old Faithful data: duration of eruptions and waiting time between eruptions. Stripcharts: (a) and (c). Density estimates: (b) and (d).  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 123 0 0 O) 0O 00 0 O a 0 0 00 GOD o a00OGD 0 0 0 0 0 CD GD 0 C00 0 00 00 COD00 0 0 GD0000 0D0 GamD0(a) 0 0 00 OODO 00 0 009D 0 0 0OXD 0(0 OD ® ®0000 0 0 GDG00DO0000 0 0 0 0 () 0 00OG 0 00 00 000 0 0 0~ 0 0) E 0 0C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0D(® 00 0 GD 0(0) 0 0 00 00 't~0 0 ODGOD 0 0 00000 GOOD 0 0 000 @,OD 00 0 00 0 ®~)0 ©ID0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ . I I I I I I I I 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 duration of eruption Figure 2.12: Waiting time versus duration in the Old Faithful dataset  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 124 a O L .2 C) 0~c - NIC I .. 11 11 11 1 I I I I I I 0 50 100 150 200 250 data number b 0 0) E 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 data number Figure 2.13: (a): duration and (b): waiting time plotted against data number in the Old Faithful dataset  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 125 al -i a I I 0 cV LO CY) Lf) V 'YYYVYV.V W WV NVYVY Y VYV' YY N V I 0 50 100 150 data number a2 j0 : 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 data number b1 ,.z) 5 - 0 50 100 150 data number b2 I 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 data number Figure 2.14: (al), (a2): duration and (bl), (b2): waiting time plotted against data number in the Old Faithful dataset  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 126 par ( mfrow=c(2,1) ) plot.ts ( eruptions, xlab="data number", ylab="duration", main="a" ) plot.ts ( waiting, xlab="data number", ylab="waiting time", main="b" ) par ( mfrow=c(4,1) ) plot.ts ( eruptions[1:1501, xlab="data number", ylab="duration", main="a1" ) plot.ts ( eruptions[130:2721, xlab="data number", ylab="duration", main="a2" ) plot.ts ( waiting[1:150], xlab="data number", ylab="waiting time", main="b1") plot.ts ( waiting[130:272], xlab="data number", ylab="waiting time", main="b2") Figures and introduce coplots, a tool for visualizing the relationship among three variables. They represent the ocean temperature data from Exam- ple . In Figure there are six panels in which temperature is plotted against latitude. Each panel is made from the points in a restricted range of longitude. The upper panel, the one spanning the top of the Figure, shows the six different ranges of longitude. For example, the first longitude range runs from about -10 to about -17. Points whose longitude is in the interval (-17, -10) go into the upper right panel of scatterplots. These are the points very close to the mouth of the Mediter- ranean Sea. Looking at that panel we see that temperature increases very steeply from South to North, until about 350, at which point they start to decrease steeply as we go further North. That's because we're crossing the Mediterranean tongue at a point very close to its source. The other longitude ranges are about (-20, -13), (-25, -16), (-30, -20), (-34, -25) and (-40, -28). They are used to create the scatterplot panels in the upper cen- ter, upper left, lower right, lower center, and lower left, respectively. The general impression is " temperatures decrease slightly as we move East to West, " the angle in the scatterplot becomes slightly shallower as we move East to West, and  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 127 . there are some points that don't fit the general pattern. Notice that the longitude ranges are overlapping and not of equal width. The ranges are chosen by R to have a little bit of overlap and to put roughly equal numbers of points into each range. Figure reverses the roles of latitude and longitude. The impression is that temperature increases gradually from West to East. These two figures give a fairly clear picture of the Mediterranean tongue. Figures and were produced by coplot ( temp ~ lat I lon ) coplot ( temp ~ lon I lat ) Example shows one way to display the relationship between two sequences of events. Example 2.6 (Neurobiology) To learn how the brain works, neurobiologists implant electrodes into animal brains. These electrodes are fine enough to record the firing times of individual neurons. A sequence of firing times of a neuron is called a spike train. Figure shows the spike train from one neuron in the gustatory cortex of a rat while the rat was in an experiment on taste. This particular rat was in the experiment for a little over 80 minutes. Those minutes are marked on the y-axis. The x-axis is marked in seconds. Each dot on the plot shows a time at which the neuron fired. We can see, for example, that this neuron fired about nine times in the first five seconds, then was silent for about the next ten seconds. We can also see, for example, that this neuron undergoes some episodes of very rapid firing lasting up to about 10 seconds. Since this neuron is in the gustatory cortex - the part of the brain responsible for taste - it is of interest to see how the neuron responds to various tastes. During the experiment the rat was licking a tube that sometimes delivered a drop of water and sometimes delivered a drop of water in which a chemical, or tastant, was dissolved. The 55 short vertical lines on the plot show the times at which the rat received a drop of 300 millimolar (.3 M) solution of NaCl. We can examine the plot for relationships between deliveries of NaCl and activity of the neuron.  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 128 Given : Ion -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 III I I I I SII SII III SII I I I I I II 20 30 40 50 20 30 40 50 0 00 0 0 0m~ 0 O O O O 000 20 3 0 DO* * J04 6 20 30 40 50 10 C - 1 a E W) 10- lat Figure 2.15: Temperature versus latitude for different values of longitude  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 129 Given : lat 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 I I I I I I I SII I I I I I I I -40 -30 -20 -10 -40 -30 -20 -10 I I I I I I I I I I I O 0 LO T 0 T i - LO l0 E W) 10 10 OO 0 O I II I 0 0 o -40 -30 -20 -10 Ion Figure 2.16: Temperature versus longitude for different values of latitude  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 130 6 T 00 D 1 C) 1 LO LO LO LO M M M 4 M N N 00 MT M T 00 ,'4 a spike train - -* I I.i.. -- -.- ... Iii I.I ... .._..I- __ - . --l-I ---- -- -- -- -- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 seconds Figure 2.17: Spike train from a neuron during a taste experiment. The dots show the times at which the neuron fired. The solid lines show times at which the rat received a drop of a .3 M solution of NaCl.  2.2. DATA DESCRIPTION 131 Figure was produced by datadir <- "~/research/neuro/data/stapleton/" spikes <- list ( sig002a = scan ( paste ( datadir, sig002b = scan ( paste ( datadir, sig002c = scan ( paste ( datadir, sig003a = scan ( paste ( datadir, sig003b = scan ( paste ( datadir, sig004a = scan ( paste ( datadir, sig008a = scan ( paste ( datadir, sig014a = scan ( paste ( datadir, sig014b = scan ( paste ( datadir, sig017a = scan ( paste ( datadir, ) tastants <- list ( MSG100 = scan ( paste ( datadir, MSG300 = scan ( paste ( datadir, NaC1100 = scan ( paste ( datadir, NaCl300 = scan ( paste ( datadir, water = scan ( paste ( datadir, ) "sig002a.txt", sep="" ) "sig002b.txt", sep="" ) "sig002c.txt", sep="" ) "sig003a.txt", sep="" ) "sig003b.txt", sep="" ) "sig004a.txt", sep="" ) "sig008a.txt", sep="" ) "sig014a.txt", sep="" ) "sig014b.txt", sep="" ) "sig017a.txt", sep="" ) "MSG100.txt", sep="" ) "MSG300.txt", sep="" ) "NaC1100.txt", sep="" ) "NaCl300.txt", sep="" ) "water.txt", sep="" ) ), ), stripchart ( spikes [[8]1 %% 60 ~ spikes [[8]1 %/% 60, pch=". ", main="a spike train", xlab="seconds", ylab="minutes" ) points ( tastants$NaCl300 %% 60, tastants$NaCl300 %/% 60 + 1, pch=" " ) " The line datadir <- ... stores the name of the directory in which I keep the neuro data. When used in paste it identifies individual files. " The command list () creates a list. The elements of a list can be anything. In this case the list named spikes has ten elements whose names are sig002a, sig002b, ..., and sig017a. The list named tastants has five elements whose names are MSG100, MSG300, NaC1100, NaCl300, and water. Lists are useful for keeping related objects together, esepecially when those objects aren't all of the same type. " Each element of the list is the result of a scano. scan() reads a file and stores the result in a vector. So spikes is a list of ten vectors. Each vector  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 132 contains the firing times, or a spike train, of one neuron. tastants is a list of five vectors. Each vector contains the times at which a particular tastant was delivered. " There are two ways to refer an element of a list. For example, spikes [[811 refers to the eighth element of spikes while tastants$NaC1300 refers to the element named NaC1300. " Lists are useful for keeping related objects together, especially when those objects are not the same type. In this example spikes$sig002a is a vector whose length is the number of times neuron 002a fired, while the length of spikes$sig002b is the number of times neuron 002b fired. Since those lengths are not the same, the data don't fit neatly into a matrix, so we use a list instead. 2.3 Likelihood 2.3.1 The Likelihood Function It often happens that we observe data from a distribution that is not known pre- cisely but whose general form is known. For example, we may know that the data come from a Poisson distribution, X ~ Poi(A), but we don't know the value of A. We may know that X ~ Bin(n, 0) but not know 0. Or we may know that the values of X are densely clustered around some central value and sparser on both sides, so we decide to model X ~ N(p, o-), but we don't know the values of p and o. In these cases there is a whole family of probability distributions indexed by either A, 0, or (p, r). We call A, 0, or (p, o) the unknown parameter; the family of distributions is called a parametric family. Often, the goal of the statistical analysis is to learn about the value of the unknown parameter. Of course, learning which value of the parameter is the true one, or which values of the parameter are plausible in light of the data, is the same as learning which member of the family is the true one, or which members of the family are plausible in light of the data. The different values of the parameter, or the different members of the family, represent different theories or hypotheses about nature. A sensible way to discrim- inate among the theories is according to how well they explain the data. Recall the Seedlings data (Examples , , and ) in which X was the number of new seedlings in a forest quadrat, X ~ Poi(A), and different values of A repre-  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 133 sent different theories or hypotheses about the arrival rate of new seedlings. When X turned out to be 3, how well a value of A explains the data is measured by Pr[X = 3 A]. This probability, as a function of A, is called the likelihood function and denoted {(A). It says how well each value of A explains the datum X = 3. Figure (pg. ) is a plot of the likelihood function. In a typical problem we know the data come from a parametric family indexed by a parameter 0, i.e. X1, ..., X, ~ i.i.d.f(x 0), but we don't know 0. The joint density of all the data is f (X1, ... , X 0 0) H f (Xi 0). (2.2) Equation , as a function of 0, is the likelihood function. We sometimes write f(Data 0) instead of indicating each individual datum. To emphasize that we are thinking of a function of 0 we may also write the likelihood function as {(0) or (0 Data). The interpretation of the likelihood function is always in terms of ratios. If, for example, {(01)/{(02) > 1, then 01 explains the data better than 02. If (01)/ (02) = k, then 01 explains the data k times better than 02. To illustrate, suppose students in a statistics class conduct a study to estimate the fraction of cars on Campus Drive that are red. Student A decides to observe the first 10 cars and record X, the number that are red. Student A observes NR, R, NR, NR, NR, R, NR, NR, NR, R and records X = 3. She did a Binomial experiment; her statistical model is X ~ Bin(10, 0); her likelihood function is A(O) (3 )3(1 - 0)7. It is plotted in Figure . Because only ratios matter, the likelihood function can be rescaled by any arbitrary positive constant. In Figure it has been rescaled so the maximum is 1. The interpretation of Figure is that values of 0 around 0 ~ 0.3 explain the data best, but that any value of 0 in the interval from about 0.1 to about 0.6 explains the data not too much worse than the best. I.e., 0 ~ 0.3 explains the data only about 10 times better than 0 ~ 0.1 or 0 ~ 0.6, and a factor of 10 is not really very much. On the other hand, values of 0 less than about 0.05 or greater than about 0.7 explain the data much worse than 0 ~ 0.3. Figure was produced by the following snippet. theta <- seq ( 0, 1, by=.01 ) # some values of theta y <- dbinom ( 3, 10, theta ) # calculate l(theta)  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 134 O 0 -o 0 0 O .) Co 0 O cD 0 0 o O CO 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 Figure 2.18: Likelihood function f(O) for the proportion 0 of red cars on Campus Drive  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 135 y <- y / max(y) # rescale plot ( theta, y, type="l", xlab=expression(theta), ylab="likelihood function" ) * expression is R's way of getting mathematical symbols and formulae into plot labels. For more information, type help (plotmath). To continue the example, Student B decides to observe cars until the third red one drives by and record Y, the total number of cars that drive by until the third red one. Students A and B went to Campus Drive at the same time and observed the same cars. B records Y = 10. For B the likelihood function is B (O) =PL[Y =10 0] P[2 reds among first 9 cars] x P[10'th car is red] (2)02(1 - 0)7 x 0 EB differs from EA by the multiplicative constant (2)/ (3). But since multiplicative constants don't matter, A and B really have the same likelihood function and hence exactly the same information about 0. Student B would also use Figure as the plot of her likelihood function. Student C decides to observe every car for a period of 10 minutes and record Z1, ..., Zk where k is the number of cars that drive by in 10 minutes and each Z is either 1 or 0 according to whether the i'th car is red. When C went to Campus Drive with A and B, only 10 cars drove by in the first 10 minutes. Therefore C recorded exactly the same data as A and B. Her likelihood function is Ec(0) = (1 - 0)0(1 - 0)(1 - 0)(1 - 0)0(1 - 0)(1 - 0)(1 - 0)0 = 03(1 - 0)7 c is proportional to EA and EB and hence contains exactly the same information and looks exactly like Figure . So even though the students planned different experiments they ended up with the same data, and hence the same information about 0. The next example follows the Seedling story and shows what happens to the likelihood function as data accumulates.  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 136 Example 2.7 (Seedlings, cont.) Examples , and reported data from a single quadrat on the number of new seedlings to emerge in a given year. In fact, ecologists collected data from multiple quadrats over multiple years. In the first year there were 60 quadrats and a total of 40 seedlings so the likelihood function was (A) - p(Data A) p(y1,.. .Y60 A) 60 fJp(y A) 1 60 _ 1 Y oc e-60AA40 Note that H1 y2! is a multiplicative factor that does not depend on A and so is irrelevant to (A). Note also that (A) depends only on 1 y2, not on the individual yi's. I.e., we only need to know 1 y2 = 40; we don't need to know the individual yj's. (A) is plotted in Figure Compare to Figure (pg. ). Figure is much more peaked. That's because it reflects much more information, 60 quadrats instead of 1. The extra information pins down the value of A much more accurately. Figure was created with lam <- seq ( 0, 2, length=50 ) lik <- dpois ( 40, 60*lam ) lik <- lik / max(lik) plot ( lam, lik, xlab=expression(lambda), ylab="likelihood", type="l" ) The next example is about a possible cancer cluster in California. Example 2.8 (Slater School) This example was reported in [ ]. See [ ] for further analysis. The Slater school is an elementary school in Fresno, California where teachers and staff were "concerned about the presence of two high-voltage transmission lines that ran past the school ...." Their concern centered on the "high incidence of cancer at Slater...."  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 137 0o 0 0 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Figure 2.19: .(O) after y = 40 in 60 quadrats. To address their concern, Dr. Raymond Neutra of the California Department of Health Services' Special Epidemiological Studies Program conducted a statistical analysis on the "eight cases of invasive cancer, ... , the total years of employment of the hundred and forty-five teachers, teachers' aides, and staff members, ... , [and] the number of person-years in terms of National Cancer Institute statistics showing the annual rate of invasive cancer in American women between the ages of forty and forty-four - the age group encompassing the average age of the teachers and staff at Slater - [which] enabled him to calculate that 4.2 cases of cancer could have been expected to occur among the Slater teachers and staff members . ..." For our purposes we can assume that X, the number of invasive cancer cases at the Slater School has the Binomial distribution X Bin(145, 0). We observe x= 8. The likelihood function f(O) oc08(1 - 0)137 (2.3) is pictured in Figure 2,20. From the Figure it appears that values of 0 around .05 or .06, explain the data better than values less than .05 or greater than .06, but that values of 0 anywhere from about .02 or .025 up to about .11 explain the data reasonably well.  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 138 0 I I I I I 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0 Figure 2.20: Likelihood for Slater School Figure was produced by the following R code. theta <- seq ( 0, .2, length=100 ) lik <- dbinom ( 8, 145, theta ) lik <- lik / max(lik) plot ( theta, lik, xlab=expression(theta), ylab="likelihood", type="l", yaxt="n" ) The first line of code creates a sequence of 100 values of 0 at which to compute (0), the second line does the computation, the third line rescales so the maximum likelihood is 1, and the fourth line makes the plot. Examples and show how likelihood functions are used. They reveal which values of a parameter the data support (equivalently, which values of a pa- rameter explain the data well) and values they don't support (which values explain the data poorly). There is no hard line between support and non-support. Rather, the plot of the likelihood functions shows the smoothly varying levels of support for different values of the parameter. Because likelihood ratios measure the strength of evidence for or against one  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 139 hypothesis as opposed to another, it is important to ask how large a likelihood ratio needs to be before it can be considered strong evidence. Or, to put it another way, how strong is the evidence in a likelihood ratio of 10, or 100, or 1000, or more? One way to answer the question is to construct a reference experiment, one in which we have an intuitive understanding of the strength of evidence and can calculate the likelihood; then we can compare the calculated likelihood to the known strength of evidence. For our reference experiment imagine we have two coins. One is a fair coin, the other is two-headed. We randomly choose a coin. Then we conduct a sequence of coin tosses to learn which coin was selected. Suppose the tosses yield n consecutive Heads. P[n HeadsIfair] = 2-n; P[n HeadsItwo-headed] = 1. So the likelihood ratio is 24. That's our reference experiment. A likelihood ratio around 8 is like tossing three consecutive Heads; a likelihood ratio around 1000 is like tossing ten consecutive Heads. In Example 2. argmax f(0) .055 and £(.025)/t(.055) .13 1/8, so the evidence against 0 = .025 as opposed to 0 = .055 is about as strong as the evidence against the fair coin when three consecutive Heads are tossed. The same can be said for the evidence against 0 = .1. Similarly, £(.011)/f(.055) £ (.15)/f(.055) .001, so the evidence against 0 = .011 or 0 = .15 is about as strong as 10 consecutive Heads. A fair statement of the evidence is that 0's in the interval from about 0 .025 to about 0 = .1 explain the data not much worse than the maximum of 0 .055. But 0's below about .01 or larger than about .15 explain the data not nearly as well as 0's around .055. 2.3.2 Likelihoods from the Central Limit Theorem Sometimes it is not possible to compute the likelihood function exactly, either be- cause it is too difficult or because we don't know what it is. But we can often compute an approximate likelihood function using the Central Limit Theorem. The following example is the simplest case, but typifies the more exotic cases we will see later on. Suppose we sample X1, X2, ... , X, from a probability density f. We don't know what f is; we don't even know what parametric family it belongs to. Assume that f has a mean yu and an SD a (I.e, assume that the mean and variance are finite.) and that we would like to learn about p. If (,u, a) are the only unknown parameters then the likelihood function is (pu, a) = f(Data ly, ) H ]f(Xi l ya). But we don't know f and can't calculate 0(p, c). However, we can reason as follows.  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 140 1. Most of the information in the data for learning about yu is containined in X. That is, X tells us a lot about y and the deviations og = Xi - X, i = 1, ..., n tell us very little. 2. If n is large then the Central Limit Theorem tells us X N(p, o/ /n), approximately 3. We can estimate o2 from the data by 2 = s2Z(2/n 4. And therefore the function M (/1) Xc exp (-- ((2.4) 2 &/Vw/6 is a good approximation to the likelihood function. In the preceding reasoning we separated the data into two parts - X and {o}; used {S} to estimate o; and used X to find a likelihood function for p. We cannot, in general, justify such a separation mathematically. We justified it if and when our main interest is in yu and we believe {5} tell us little about P. Function2. is called a marginal likelihood function. I sou anRyl[1995] show that marginal likelihoods are good approximations to true likelihoods and can be used to make accurate inferences, at least in cases where the Central Limit Theorem applies. We shall use marginal likelihoods throughout this book. Example 2.9 (Slater School, continued) We redo the Slater School example (Example 2,8) to illustrate the marginal likelihood and see how it compares to the exact likelihood. In that example the Xi's were l's and O's indicating which teachers got cancer. There were 8 l's out of 145 teachers, so X = 8/145 .055. Also, 2 = (8(137/145)2 + 137(8/145)2))/145 .052, so 8 .23. We get (1 (p -.055)2)(2.5) 2 (.23/9/45) Figure.21 shows the marginal and exact likelihood functions. The marginal likelihood is a reasonably good approximation to the exact likelihood.  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 141 0 0 0 co 0 Qz 0 0 I 0.00 I I I 0.05 0.10 0.15 0 0.20 Figure 2.21: Marginal and exact likelihoods for Slater School Figure was produced by the following snippet. theta <- seq ( 0, .2, length=100 ) lik <- dbeta ( theta, 9, 138 ) lik.mar <- dnorm ( theta, 8/145, sqrt((8*(137/145)^2 + 137*(8/145)^2)/145)/sqrt(145) ) lik <- lik/max(lik) lik.mar <- lik.mar/max(lik.mar) matplot ( theta, cbind(lik,lik.mar), xlab=expression(mu), ylab="likelihood", type="l", lty=c(2,1), col=1 ) legend ( .1, 1, c("marginal", "exact"), lty=c(1,2) ) Example 2.10 (CEO salary) How much are corporate CEO's paid? Forbes magazine collected data in 1993 that can begin to answer this question. The data are available on-line at DASL, the Data and Story Library, a collection of data sets for free use by statistics students. DASL says "Forbes magazine published data on the best small firms in 1993. These were firms with annual sales of more than five and less than $350 million. Firms  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 142 were ranked by five-year average return on investment. The data extracted are the age and annual salary of the chief executive officer for the first 60 ranked firms. In question are the distribution patterns for the ages and the salaries." You can download the data from http: //lib. stat .cmu. edu/DASL/Datafiles/ceodat .html. like this: The first few lines look AGE SAL 53 43 33 145 621 262 In this example we treat the Forbes data as a random sample of size n = 60 of CEO salaries for small firms. We're interested in the average salary p. Our approach is to calculate the marginal likelihood function fm( ). Figure (a) shows a stripchart of the data. Evidently, most salaries are in the range of $200 to $400 thousand dollars, but with a long right-hand tail. Because the right- hand tail is so much larger than the left, the data are not even approximately Normally distributed. But the Central Limit Theorem tells us that X is approximately Normally distributed, so the method of marginal likelihood applies. Figure (b) displays the marginal likelihood function E(r(p). Figure was produced by the following snippet. ceo <- read.table ("data/ceo_salaries/data",header=T) par ( mfrow=c(2,1) ) stripchart ( ceo$SAL, "jitter", pch=1, main="(a)", xlab="Salary (thousands of dollars)" ) m <- s <- x <- y <- y <- plot mean ( ceo$SAL, na.rm=T ) sqrt ( var(ceo$SAL,na.rm=T) / (length(ceo$SAL)-1) ) seq ( 340, 470, length=40 ) dnorm ( x, m, s ) y / max(y) ( x, y, type="l", xlab="mean salary",  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 143 (a) o60 ~0 @ 0 I I I I II o 200 400 600 800 1000 Salary (thousands of dollars) (b) 0 o _D 0 I I I I I II 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 mean salary Figure 2.22: Marginal likelihood for mean CEO salary  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 144 ylab="likelihood", main="(b)" ) " In s <- sqrt ... the (length(ceo$SAL) -1) is there to account for one missing data point. " y <- y / max(y) doesn't accomplish much and could be omitted. * The data strongly support the conclusion $350 and $450 thousand dollars. That's on display in Figure (a). Why? that the mean salary is between about much smaller than the range of salaries * Is inference about the better? mean salary useful in this data set? If not, what would be 2.3.3 Likelihoods for several parameters What if there are two unknown parameters? Then the likelihood is a function of two variables. For example, if the X's are a sample from N(p, o) then the likelihood is a function of (p, cr). The next example illustrates the point. Example 2.11 (FACE, continued) This example continues Example about a FACE experiment in Duke Forest. There were six rings; three were treated with excess C02. The dominant canopy tree in the FACE experiment is pinus taeda, or loblolly pine. Figure a is a histogram of the final basal area of each loblolly pine in 1998 divided by its initial basal area in 1996. It shows that the trees in Ring 1 grew an average of about 30% but with variability that ranged from close to 0% on the low end to around 50% or 60% on the high end. Because the data are clustered around a central value and fall off roughly equally on both sides they can be well approximated by a Normal distribution. But with what mean and SD? What values of (p, or) might reasonably produce the histogram in Figure a?  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 145 The likelihood function is n (p, (7) = f (Xi | p, Or) 1 1 __ X - ) 1 2wu( Figure b is a contour plot of the likelihood function. The dot in the center, where (p, o) (1.27, .098), is where the likelihood function is highest. That is the value of (p, o) that best explains the data. The next contour line is drawn where the likelihood is about 1/4 of its maximum; then the next is at 1/16 the maximum, the next at 1/64, and the last at 1/256 of the maximum. They show values of (p, o) that explain the data less and less well. Ecologists are primarily interested in y because they want to compare the p's from different rings to see whether the excess CO2 has affected the average growth rate. (They're also interested in the o's, but that's a secondary concern.) But is a function of both p and o, so it's not immediately obvious that the data tell us anything about p by itself. To investigate further, Figure c shows slices through the likelihood function at o = .09, .10, and.11, the locations of the dashed lines in Figure b. The three curves are almost identical. Therefore, the relative support for different values of p does not depend very much on the value of o, and therefore we are justified in interpreting any of the curves in Figure c as a "likelihood function" for y alone, showing how well different values of p explain the data. In this case, it looks as though values of p in the interval (1.25, 1.28) explain the data much better than values outside that interval. Figure was produced with par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) # a 2 by 2 array of plots x <- ba98$ / ba96$BA.init x <- x[!] hist ( x, prob=T, xlab="basal area ratio", ylab="", main="(a)" ) mu <- seq ( 1.2, 1.35, length=50 ) sd <- seq ( .08, .12, length=50 ) lik <- matrix ( NA, 50, 50 ) for ( i in 1:50 ) for ( j in 1:50 )  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 146 (a) (b) L10- N~ 6 6 N H- r, -, - I- I- I 0 tD 6 0 0 0 6 I I II 1.20 1.30 0- 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 basal area ratio (c) 0 O (0 0 I I I I 1.20 1.30 Figure 2.23: FACE Experiment, Ring 1. (a): (1998 final basal area) ± (1996 initial basal area); (b): contours of the likelihood function. (c): slices of the likelihood function.  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 147  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 148 * lik.09, lik.10, and lik.11 pick out three columns from the lik matrix. They are the three columns for the values of o closest to o = .09, .10, .11. Each column is rescaled so its maximum is 1. Example 2.12 (Quiz Scores, continued) This example continues Example about scores in Statistics 103. Figure shows that most students scored between about 5 and 10, while 4 students were well below the rest of the class. In fact, those students did not show up for every quiz so their averages were quite low. But the remaining students' scores were clustered together in a way that can be adequately described by a Normal distribution. What do the data say about (p, o)? Figure shows the likelihood function. The data support values of p from about 7.0 to about 7.6 and values of o from about 0.8 to about 1.2. A good description of the data is that most of it follows a Normal distribution with (p, o) in the indicated intervals, except for 4 students who had low scores not fitting the general pattern. Do you think the instructor should use this analysis to assign letter grades and, if so, how? Figure was produced by x <- sort(scores.ave)[5:58] mu <- seq ( 6.8, 7.7, length=60 ) sig <- seq ( .7, 1.3, length=60 ) lik <- matrix ( NA, 60, 60 ) for ( i in 1:60 ) for ( j in 1:60 ) lik[i,j] <- prod ( dnorm ( x, mu[i], sig[j] ) ) lik <- lik/max(lik) contour ( mu, sig, lik, xlab=expression(mu), ylab=expression(sigma) ) Examples and have likelihood contours that are roughly circular, indi- cating that the likelihood function for one parameter does not depend very strongly on the value of the other parameter, and so we can get a fairly clear picture of what the data say about one parameter in isolation. But in other data sets two parame- ters may be inextricably entwined. Example illustrates the problem.  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 149 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 6.8 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 Figure 2.24: Likelihood function for Quiz Scores  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 150 Example 2.13 (Seedlings, continued) Examples 1.4, 1A, and 1-7 introduced an observational study by ecologists to learn about tree seedling emergence and survival. Some species, Red Maple or acer rubrum for example, get a mark called a bud scale scar when they lose their leaves over winter. By looking for bud scale scars ecologists can usually tell whether an acer rubrum seedling is New (in its first summer), or Old (already survived through at least one winter). When they make their annual observations they record the numbers of New and Old acer rubrum seedlings in each quadrat. Every Old seedling in year t must have been either a New or an Old seedling in year t - 1. Table 2.1 shows the 1992-1993 data for quadrat 6. Clearly the data are inconsistent; where did the Old seedling come from in 1993? When confronted with this paradox the ecologists explained that some New seedlings emerge from the ground after the date of the Fall census but before the winter. Thus they are not counted in the census their first year, but develop a bud scale scar and are counted as Old seedlings in their second year. One such seedling must have emerged in 1992, accounting for the Old seedling in 1993. Year No. of New seedlings No. of Old seedlings 1992 0 0 1993 0 1 Table 2.1: Numbers of New and Old seedlings in quadrat 6 in 1992 and 1993. How shall we model the data? Let Nf' be the true number of New seedlings in year i, i.e., including those that emerge after the census; and let N°r be the observed number of seedlings in year i, i.e., those that are counted in the census. As in Example 1A4we model Ni~ Poi(A). Furthermore, each seedling has some chance Oy of being found in the census. (Nominally Oy is the proportion of seedlings that emerge before the census, but in fact it may also include a component accounting for the failure of ecologists to find seedlings that have already emerged.) Treating the seedlings as independent and all having the same Oy leads to the model N°~ Bin(NT,, Os). The data are the NP's; the NT's are not observed. What do the data tell us about the two parameters (A, Of)? Ignore the Old seedlings for now and just look at 1992 data N°992 = 0. Dropping the  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 151 subscript 1992, the likelihood function is (A, Bf) = P(N0 = 0 A, Of] 00 P(N0 = 0, NT = n A, Of] n~0 n0 oo _n (2.6) ii! (1 - Of)" n 0 00 e-A(l-f) (A(1 - Of))n _eOf n! n=0 Figure a plots logio (A, O ). (We plotted logil o instead of E for variety.) The contour lines are not circular. To see what that means, focus on the curve logio (A, O ) -1 which runs from about (A, Of) = (2.5, 1) to about (A, Of) = (6, .4). Points (A, Of) along that curve explain the datum No = 0 about 1/10 as well as the m.l.e.(The m.l.e. is any pair where either A = 0 or O = 0.) Points below and to the left of that curve explain the datum better than 1/10 of the maximum. The main parameter of ecological interest is A, the rate at which New seedlings tend to arrive. The figure shows that values of A as large as 6 can have reasonably large likelihoods and hence explain the data reasonably well, at least if we believe that Of might be as small as .4. To investigate further, Figure b is similar to a but includes values of A as large as 1000. It shows that even values of A as large as 1000 can have reasonably large likelihoods if they're accompanied by sufficiently small values of Of. In fact, arbitrarily large values of A coupled with sufficiently small values of Oy can have arbitrarily large likelihoods. So from the data alone, there is no way to rule out extremely large values of A. Of course extremely large values of A don't make ecological sense, both in their own right and because extremely small values of Of are also not sensible. Scientific background information of this type is incorporated into statistical analysis often through Bayesian inference (Section ). But the point here is that A and Oy are linked, and the data alone does not tell us much about either parameter individually. Figure (a) was produced with the following snippet. lam <- seq ( 0, 6, by=.1 )  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 152 00 0 0ql 0 0 (a) -1 -0.6 - -0.2 0 I I I I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 (b) 00 0 0ql 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Figure 2.25: Log of the likelihood function for (A, Of) in Example  2.3. LIKELIHOOD 153 th <- seq ( 0, 1, by=.02 ) lik <- matrix ( NA, length(lam), length(th) ) for ( i in seq(along=lam) ) for ( j in seq(along=th) ) lik[i,j] <- exp ( -lam[i]*th[j] ) contour ( lam, th, log10(lik), levels=c(0,-.2,-.6,-1,-1.5,-2), xlab=expression(lambda), ylab=expression(theta[f]), main="(a)" ) e log10 computes the base 10 logarithm. Figure (b) was produced with the following snippet. lam2 <- seq ( 0, 1000, by=1 ) lik2 <- matrix ( NA, length(lam2), length(th) ) for ( i in seq(along=lam2) ) for ( j in seq(along=th) ) lik2[i,j] <- exp ( -lam2[i]*th[j] ) contour ( lam2, th, log10(lik2), levels=c(0,-1,-2,-3), xlab=expression(lambda), ylab=expression(theta[f]), main="(b)" ) We have now seen two examples ( and ) in which likelihood contours are roughly circular and one ( ) in which they're not. By far the most common and important case is similar to Example because it applies when the Central Limit Theorem applies. That is, there are many instances in which we are trying to make an inference about a parameter 0 and can invoke the Central Limit Theo- rem saying that for some statistic t, t ~ N(8, o-t) approximately and where we can estimate o-t. In these cases we can, if necessary, ignore any other parameters in the problem and make an inference about 0 based on %(0).  2.4. ESTIMATION 154 2.4 Estimation Sometimes the purpose of a statistical analysis is to compute a single best guess at a parameter 0. An informed guess at the value of 0 is called an estimate and denoted 0. One way to estimate 0 is to find 0 - argmax£(0), the value of 0 for which £(0) is largest and hence the value of 0 that best explains the data. That's the subject of Section 2.4,1. 2.4.1 The Maximum Likelihood Estimate In many statistics problems there is a unique value of 0 that maximizes £(0). This value is called the maximum likelihood estimate, or m.l.e. of 0 and denoted 0. 0 argmaxe p(y |0) = argmaxe f(0). For instance, in Example28 and Figure 2420 was the rate of cancer occurence and we calculated £(0) based on y = 8 cancers in 145 people. Figure22 suggests that the m.l.e. is about 0 .05. When £(0) is differentiable, the m.l.e. can be found by differentiating and equat- ing to zero. In Example2. the likelihood was £(0) c 08(1 - 8)137. The derivative is df(O) dfOc 87(1 - 0)137 - 13708(1 - 0)136 de (2.7) 07(1 - 0)136 [8(1 - 0) - 1370] Equating to 0 yields 0 =8(1 - 0) - 1370 145= 8 0 = 8/145 .055 So 0 .055 is the m.l.e. Of course if the mode is flat, there are multiple modes, the maximum occurs at an endpoint, or £ is not differentiable, then more care is needed. Equation 2,7 shows more generally the m.l.e. for Binomial data. Simply replace 137 with n - y and 8 with y to get 0 = y/n. In the Exercises you will be asked to find the m.l.e. for data from other types of distributions. There is a trick that is often useful for finding m.l.e.'s. Because log is a monotone function, argmax f(0) =argmax log(if(0)), so the m.l.e. can be found by maximizing  2.4. ESTIMATION 155 log L. For i.i.d. data, £(0) =_ 0 p(y, |), log f(0) = E log p(xi |0), and it is often easier to differentiate the sum than the product. For the Slater example the math would look like this: log t(8) = 8 logO8 + 137 log(1 - 0) dlogYf(0) 8 137 dO 0 1-0 137 8 1-0 0 1370 = 8 - 80 0_8 145 Equation 2.7 shows that if y1, .. . , y Bern(0) then the m.l.e. of 0 is 0 = n-13 y =sample mean The Exercises ask you to show the following. 1. If y1, .. . , yn N(,o-a) then the m.l.e. of pu is fy=n1 y = sample mean 2. If y1, ... , y~ Poi(A) then the m.l.e. of A is A= n-1 3 y= sample mean 3. If y1, ... , y~ Exp(A) then the m.l.e. of A is A= n-1 3 y2= sample mean 2.4.2 Accuracy of Estimation Finding the m.l.e. is not enough. Statisticians want to quantify the accuracy of 0 as an estimate of 0. In other words, we want to know what other values of 0, in addition to 0, have reasonably high likelihood (provide a reasonably good expla- nation of the data). And what does "reasonable" mean? Section 2:4.2addresses this question.  2.4. ESTIMATION 156 As we saw from the reference experiment in section 2.3, the evidence is not very strong against any value of 0 such that £(0) > £(8)/10. So when considering estimation accuracy it is useful to think about sets such as LS.1 0 >.1 £(e) LS stands for likelihood set. More generally, for any a E (0, 1) we define the likeli- hood set of level a to be .f(0) LSa {0 : > LS, is the set of 0's that explain the data reasonbly well, and therefore the set of 0's best supported by the data, where the quantification of "reasonable" and "best" are determined by a. The notion is only approximate and meant as a heuristic reference; in reality there is no strict cutoff between reasonable and unreasonable values of 0. Also, there is no uniquely best value of a. We frequently use a .1 for convenience and custom. In many problems the likelihood function £(0) is continuous and unimodal, i.e. strictly decreasing away from 0, and goes to 0 as 0 - too, as in Figures 2,19 and 2,20. In these cases, 0 0 -0(0) £(0). So values of 0 close to 0 explain the data almost as well as and are about as plausible as 0 and LS, is an interval LS= [Oi,Oa] where 01 and 0, are the lower and upper endpoints, respectively, of the interval. In Example 2,9 (Slater School) 0 = 8/145, so we can find £(8) on a calculator, or by using R's built-in function dbinom ( 8, 145, 8/145 ) which yields about .144. Then 01 and B, can be found by trial and error. Since dbinom(8,145, .023) .013 and dbinom(8,145, .105) .015, we conclude that LS.1 [.023, .105] is a rough likelihood interval for 0. Review Figure 2,20 to see whether this interval makes sense. The data in Example2. could pin down 0 to an interval of width about .08. In general, an experiment will pin down 0 to an extent determined by the amount of information in the data. As data accumulates so does information and the abil- ity to determine 0. Typically the likelihood function becomes increasingly more peaked as n - 00, leading to increasingly accurate inference for 0. We saw that in Figures L6and 21. Example 2 4illustrates the point further.  2.4. ESTIMATION 157 Example 2.14 (Craps, continued) Example 1.0 introduced a computer simulation to learn the probability 0 of winning the game of craps. In this example we use that simulation to illustrate the effect of gathering ever increasing amounts of data. We'll start by running the simulation just a few times, and examining the likelihood function £(O). Then we'll add more and more simulations and see what happens to £(O). The result is in Figure 2,26. The flattest curve is for 3 simulations, and the curves become increasingly peaked for 9, 27, and 81 simulations. After only 3 simulations LS.1 [.15, .95] is quite wide, reflecting the small amount of information. But after 9 simulations £(8) has sharpened so that LS.1 [.05, .55] is much smaller. After 27 simulations LS.1 has shrunk further to about [.25, .7], and after 81 it has shrunk even further to about [.38, .61]. -0 0 0 O Co CD 0 0 NM 0 0 0 I I I I I I' 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 Figure 2.26: Likelihood function for the probability 6 of winning a game of craps. The four curves are for 3, 9, 27, and 81 simulations.  2.4. ESTIMATION 158 Figure was produced with the following snippet. n.sim <- c ( 3, 9, 27, 81 ) th <- seq ( 0, 1, length=200 ) lik <- matrix ( NA, 200, length(n.sim) ) for ( i in seq(along=n.sim) ) { wins <- 0 for ( j in 1:n.sim[i] ) wins <- wins + sim.craps() lik[,i] <- dbinom ( wins, n.sim[i], th ) lik [, i] <- lik [, i] / max(lik [,i] ) } matplot ( th, lik, type="1", col=1, lty=1:4, xlab=expression(theta), ylab="likelihood" ) In Figure the likelihood function looks increasingly like a Normal density as the number of simulations increases. That is no accident; it is the typical behav- ior in many statistics problems. Section explains the reason. 2.4.3 The sampling distribution of an estimator The estimator 0 is a function of the data y1, ... , yn. If we repeat the experiment and get new data we also get a new 0. So 0 is a random variable and has a distribution called the sampling distribution of 0 and denoted Fe. We studied Fe in Example where we used simulation to estimate the probability 0 of winning a game of craps. For each sample size of n = 50, 200, 1000 we did 1000 simulations. Each simulation yielded a different 0. Those 1000 0's are a random sample of size 1000 from Fe. Figure showed boxplots of the simulations. Now we examine the sampling distribution of 0 in more detail. There are at least two reasons for doing so. First, Fe is another way, in addition to likelihood sets, of assessing the accuracy of 0 as an estimator of 0. If Fe is tightly concentrated around 0 then 0 is highly accurate. Conversely, if Fe is highly dispersed, or not centered around 0, then 0 is an inaccurate estimator. Second, we may want to compare two possible estimators. I.e., if there are two potential estimators 01 and  2.4. ESTIMATION 159 02, we can compare Fe, and Fee and use the estimator whose sampling distribution is most tightly concentrated around 0. To illustrate, let's suppose we sample y1, ... , y., from distribution Fy, and want to estimate 0 -- E[Y]. We consider two potential estimators, the sample mean 01 = (1/n) 1 y2 and the sample median 02. To see which estimator is better we do a simulation, as shown in the following snippet. The simulation is done at four different sample sizes, n = 4, 16, 64, 256, to see whether sample size matters. Here we'll let Fy be N(0, 1). But the choice between 01 and 02 might depend on what Fy is, so a more thorough investigation would consider other choices of Fr. We do 1000 simulations at each sample size. Figure shows the result. The figure suggests that the sampling distributions of both 01 and 02 are centered at the true value of 0. The distribution of 01 is slightly less variable than that of 02, but not enough to make much practical difference. Figure was produced by the following snippet. sampsize <- c ( 4, 16, 64, 256 ) n.sim <- 1000 par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) for ( i in seq(along=sampsize) ) { y <- matrix ( rnorm ( n. sim*sampsize [il , 0, 1 ), nrow=sampsize[i], ncol=n.sim ) that.1 <- apply ( y, 2, mean ) that.2 <- apply ( y, 2, median ) boxplot ( that.1, that.2, names=c("mean", "median"), main=paste (" (",letters [i] , ") ", sep="") ) abline ( h=0, lty=2 ) } For us, comparing 01 to 02 is only a secondary point of the simulation. The main point is four-fold. 1. An estimator 0 is a random variable and has a distribution. 2. Fe is a guide to estimation accuracy. 3. Statisticians study conditions under which one estimator is better than an- other.  2.4. ESTIMATION 160 (a) (b) 0- N~ 8 I I mean median (c) 0 0 I Ia mean median 0 0 I I mean median (d) I I 0 m 0 mean median 0 _ 0 0- 0 0 O~ 0- Figure 2.27: Sampling distribution of 01, the sample mean and B2, the sample median. Four different sample sizes. (a): n=4; (b): n=16; (c): n=64; (d): n=256  2.4. ESTIMATION 161 4. Simulation is useful. When the m.l.e. is the sample mean, as it is when Fy is a Bernoulli, Normal, Poisson or Exponential distribution, the Central Limit Theorem tells us that in large samples, 0 is approximately Normally distributed. Therefore, in these cases, its distribution can be well described by its mean and SD. Approximately, 0 ~ N(M, or). where s = Pr cy (2.8) both of which can be easily estimated from the sample. So we can use the sample to compute a good approximation to the sampling distribution of the m.l.e. To see that more clearly, let's make 1000 simulations of the m.l.e. in n 5, 10, 25, 100 Bernoulli trials with p = .1. We'll make histograms of those simu- lations and overlay them with kernel density estimates and Normal densities. The parameters of the Normal densities will be estimated from the simulations. Results are shown in Figure Figure was produced by the following snippet. sampsize <- c ( 5, 10, 25, 100 ) n.sim <- 1000 p.true <- .1 par(mfrow=c(2,2)) for ( i in seq(along=sampsize) ) { # n.sim Bernoulli samples of sampsize[il y <- matrix ( rbinom ( n.sim*sampsize[il, 1, p.true ), nrow=n.sim, ncol=sampsize[il ) # for each sample, compute the mean t.hat <- apply ( y, 1, mean ) # histogram of theta hat hist ( t.hat, prob=T, xlim=c(0,.6), xlab=expression(hat(theta)), ylim=c(0,14), ylab="density",  2.4. ESTIMATION 162 (a) (b) (I) C) (0- 0- 1 ' 1 / A (I) a) (0 - 0 - 1F 11111 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 (c) 0 (d) N T~ (I) a) 00 (0 0 11 Ill( 1 1 1. I " 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 (I) a) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 A 0 A 0 Figure 2.28: Histograms of 0, the sample mean, for samples from Bin(m, .1). Dashed line: kernel density estimate. Dotted line: Normal approximation. (a): n=4; (b): n=16; (c): n=64; (d): n=256  2.4. ESTIMATION 163 main=paste ( "(", letters [i], ")", sep="" ) ) # kernel density estimate of theta hat lines ( density ( t.hat ), lty=2 ) # Normal approximation to density of theta hat, # calculated from the first sample m <- mean(y[1,]) sd <- sd(y[1,])/sqrt(sampsize[i]) t <- seq ( min(t.hat), max(t.hat), length=40 ) lines ( t, dnorm ( t, m, sd ), lty=3 ) } Notice that the Normal approximation is not very good for small n. That's be- cause the underlying distribution Fy is highly skewed, nothing at all like a Normal distribution. In fact, R was unable to compute the Normal approximation for n = 5. But for large n, the Normal approximation is quite good. That's the Central Limit Theorem kicking in. For any n, we can use the sample to estimate the parameters in Equation . For small n, those parameters don't help us much. But for n = 256, they tell us a lot about the accuracy of 0, and the Normal approximation computed from the first sample is a good match to the sampling distribution of 0. The SD of an estimator is given a special name. It's called the standard error or SE of the estimator because it measures the typical size of estimation errors 0 - 0l. When 0 ~ N(p6, og), approximately, then o is the SE. For any Normal distribution, about 95% of the mass is within ±2 standard deviations of the mean. Therefore, Pr[ - 0 < 2(g] ~ .95 In other words, estimates are accurate to within about two standard errors about 95% of the time, at least when Normal theory applies. We have now seen two ways of assessing estimation accuracy - through {(0) and through Fe. Often these two apparently different approaches almost coincide. That happens under the following conditions. 1. When 0 ~ N(0, og), and o ~ o//n, an approximation often justified by the Central Limit Theorem, then we can estimate 0 to within about ±2oa, around  2.5. BAYESIAN INFERENCE 164 95% of the time. So the interval (0 - 2a, 0 + 2a) is a reasonable estimation interval. 2. When most of the information in the data come from the sample mean, and in other cases when a marginal likelihood argument applies, then £(O) exp - (Equation 24) and LS.1 (0- 2u6,y0+2u6). So the two intervals are about the same. 2.5 Bayesian Inference The essence of Bayesian inference is using probability distributions to describe our state of knowledge of some parameter of interest, 0. We construct p(O), either a pmf or pdf, to reflect our knowledge by making p(O) large for those values of 0 that seem most likely, and p(O) small for those values of 0 that seem least likely, according to our state of knowledge. Although p(O) is a probability distribution, it doesn't necessarily mean that 0 is a random variable. Rather, p(O) encodes our state of knowledge. And different people can have different states of knowledge, hence different probability distributions. For example, suppose you toss a fair coin, look at it, but don't show it to me. The outcome is not random; it has already occured and you know what it is. But for me, each outcome is equally likely. I would encode my state of knowledge by assigning P(H) = P(T) = 1/2. You would encode your state of knowledge by assigning either P(H) = 1 or P(T) = 1 according to whether the coin was Heads or Tails. After I see the coin I would update my probabilities to be the same as yours. For another common example, consider horse racing. When a bettor places a bet at 10 to 1, she is paying $1 for a ticket that will pay $10 if the horse wins. Her expected payoff for that bet is -$1 + P[horse wins] x $10. For that to be a good deal she must think that P[horse wins] > .1. Of course other bettors may disagree. Here are some other examples in which probability distributions must be as- sessed. " In deciding whether to fund Head Start, legislators must assess whether the program is likely to be beneficial and, if so, the degree of benefit. " When investing in the stock market, investors must assess the future proba- bility distributions of stocks they may buy. * When making business decisions, firms must assess the future probability distributions of outcomes.  2.5. BAYESIAN INFERENCE 165 " Weather forecasters assess the probability of rain. " Public policy makers must assess whether the observed increase in average global temperature is anthropogenic and, if so, to what extent. " Doctors and patients must assess and compare the distribution of outcomes under several alternative treatments. " At the Slater School, Example .8, teachers and administrators must as- sess their probability distribution for 0, the chance that a randomly selected teacher develops invasive cancer. Information of many types goes into assessing probability distributions. But it is often useful to divide the information into two types: general background knowl- edge and information specific to the situation at hand. How do those two types of information combine to form an overall distribution for 0? Often we begin by summarizing just the background information as p(O), the marginal distribution of 0. The specific information at hand is data which we can model as p(yi,... , 0y|0), the conditional distribution of y,..., yn given 0. Next, the marginal and condi- tional densities are combined to give the joint distribution p(yi, ..., ya, 0). Finally, the joint distribution yields p(O|yi,..., yn) the conditional distribution of 0 given Y1, ..., yn. And p(0|y1,..., yn) represents our state of knowledge accounting for both the background information and the data specific to the problem at hand. p(O) is called the prior distribution and p(| y,... , yn) is the posterior distribution. A common application is in medical screening exams. Consider a patient being screened for a rare disease, one that affects 1 in 1000 people, say. The disease rate in the population is background information; the patient's response on the screening exam is data specific to this particular patient. Define an indicator vari- able D by D = 1 if the patient has the disease and D = 0 if not. Define a second random variable T by T = 1 if the test result is positive and T = 0 if the test result is negative. And suppose the test that is 95% accurate in the sense that P[T = 1 D = 1] = P[T = 0|D = 0] .95. Finally, what is the chance that the patient has the disease given that the test is positve? In other words, what is P[D= 1| T =1]? We have the marginal distribution of D and the conditional distribution of T given D. The procedure is to find the joint distribution of (D, T), then the condi-  2.5. BAYESIAN INFERENCE 166 tional distribution of D given T. The math is P[D=1|T=1]=P[D= 1 and T 1] P[T = 1] P[D 1 and T =1] P[T=1andD=1]+P[T=1andD=0] P[D=1]P[T=1|D =1] (2.9) P[D = 1] P[T 1| D = 1] +P[D =0] P[T = 1| D =0] (.001) (.95) (.001)(.95) + (.999)(.05) .00095 .00095 + .04995 ~ 019. That is, a patient who tests positive has only about a 2% chance of having the disease, even though the test is 95% accurate. Many people find this a surprising result and suspect a mathematical trick. But a quick heuristic check says that out of 1000 people we expect 1 to have the disease, and that person to test positive; we expect 999 people not to have the disease and 5% of those, or about 50, to test positive; so among the 51 people who test postive, only 1, or a little less than 2%, has the disease. The math is correct. This is an example where most people's intuition is at fault and careful attention to mathematics is required in order not to be led astray. What is the likelihood function in this example? There are two possible values of the parameter, hence only two points in the domain of the likelihood function, D = 0 and D = 1. So the likelihood function is f(0) = .05; f(1) = .95 Here's another way to look at the medical screening problem, one that highlights the multiplicative nature of likelihood. P[D=0 T=1]P[D=0andT=1] P[D =1] P[T = 1|D =1] P[D=0]P[T=1| D=0] (P[D=1]) (P[T=1D=1]) P[D =0]fP[T = l l D1=(0]f 1 () (:5) .019  2.5. BAYESIAN INFERENCE 167 The LHS of this equation is the posterior odds of having the disease. The penul- timate line shows that the posterior odds is the product of the prior odds and the likelihood ratio. Specifically, to calculate the posterior, we need only the likelihood ratio, not the absolute value of the likelihood function. And likelihood ratios are the means by which prior odds get transformed into posterior odds. Let's look more carefully at the mathematics in the case where the distributions have densities. Let y denote the data, even though in practice it might be y1,.... ,yn. p(Y) P(O,Y)( fp(,y)d p(O)p(y 0) fp(O)p(y )dO Equation 2.10 is the same as Equation 2, only in more general terms. Since we are treating the data as given and p(O|y) as a function of 0, we are justified in writing p(O)e(O) fp(O 1?(O d f p(0)/(0) de or (0)-p(O)e(O) C where c = f p()(O) dO is a constant that does not depend on 0. (An integral with respect to 0 does not depend on 0; after integration it does not contain 6.) The effect of the constant c is to rescale the function in the numerator so that it integrates to 1. I.e., f p(O|y) dO = 1. And since c plays this role, the likelihood function can absorb an arbitrary constant which will ultimately be compensated for by c. One often sees the expression p(O | y) cp(O)C(O) (2.11) where the unmentioned constant of proportionality is c. We can find c either through Equation or by using Equation 2.11, then setting c =[fp()(O) d]-1. Example:2. illustrates the second approach. Example 2.15 (Seedlings, continued) Recall the Seedlings examples (1 , and 3) which modelled the number of New seedling arrivals as Poi(A). Prior to the experiment ecologists knew  2.5. BAYESIAN INFERENCE 168 quite a bit about regeneration rates of acer rubrum in the vicinity of the experimental quadrats. They estimated that New seedlings would arise at a rate most likely around .5 to 2 seedlings per quadrat per year and less likely either more or less than that. Their knowledge could be encoded in the prior density displayed in Figure 2,29 which is p(A) 4A2e-2A. (This is the Gam(3, 1/2) density; see Section .) Figure 2,2 also displays the likelihood function p(y | A) c A3e-A found in Example 1.4 and Figure 1,6. Therefore, according to Equation .11, the posterior density is p(A l y) X A5e-3A. In Section 5,5 we will see that this is the Gam(6, 1/3) density, up to a constant of proportionality. Therefore c in this example must be the constant that appears in the Gamma density: c = 1/[5! x (1/3)6]. In Figure 2.29 the posterior density is more similar to the prior density than to the likelihood function. But the analysis deals with only a single data point. Let's see what happens as data accumulates. If we have observations y, ...., y, the likelihood function becomes £(A = lp~ IA) =1 - AAYi, eA Y To see what this means in practical terms, Figure:2:3 shows (a): the same prior we used in Example 2., (b): £(A) for n = 1, 4, 16, and (c): the posterior for n = 1, 4,16, always with y = 3. 1. As n increases the likelihood function becomes increasingly peaked. That's because as n increases, the amount of information about A increases, and we know A with increasing accurracy. The likelihood function becomes in- creasingly peaked around the true value of A and interval estimates become increasingly narrow. 2. As n increases the posterior density becomes increasingly peaked and be- comes increasingly like £(A). That's because as n increases, the amount of information in the data increases and the likelihood function becomes in- creasingly peaked. Meanwhile, the prior density remains as it was. Eventu- ally the data contains much more information than the prior, so the likelihood function becomes much more peaked than the prior and the likelihood domi- nates. So the posterior, the product of prior and likelihood, looks increasingly like the likelihood. Another way to look at it is through the loglikelihood log £(A) = c+log p(A) + E log p(yi| A). As n - oc there is an increasing number of terms in the sum, so the sum eventually becomes much larger and much more important than log p(A).  2.5. BAYESIAN INFERENCE 169 C) 0 NM 0 6 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 2.29: Prior, likelihood and posterior ensities for A in the seedlings example after the single observation y 3  2.5. BAYESIAN INFERENCE 170 In practice, of course, y usually doesn't remain constant as n increases. We saw in Example L6 that there were 40 new seedlings in 60 quadrats. With this data the posterior density is p(O |Iy1, ... Y6o) C A42-62(2.12) which is the Gam(43, 1/62) density. It is pictured in Figure 2.31. Compare to Figure 2.29. Example 2.16 shows Bayesian statistics at work for the Slater School. See ,avine [1999] for further analysis. Example 2.16 (Slater School, cont.) At the time of the analysis reported in Brodeur [1992] there were two other lines of evidence regarding the effect of power lines on cancer. First, there were some epidemi- ological studies showing that people who live near power lines or who work as power line repairmen develop cancer at higher rates than the population at large, though only slightly higher. And second, chemists and physicists who calculate the size of magnetic fields induced by power lines (the supposed mechanism for inducing cancer) said that the small amount of energy in the magnetic fields is insufficient to have any appreciable affect on the large biological molecules that are involved in cancer genesis. These two lines of evidence are contradictory. How shall we assess a distribution for 0, the probability that a teacher hired at Slater School develops cancer? Recall from page 137 that Neutra, the state epidemiologist, calculated "4.2 cases of cancer could have been expected to occur" if the cancer rate at Slater were equal to the national average. Therefore, the national average cancer rate for women of the age typical of Slater teachers is 4.2/145 .03. Considering the view of the physicists, our prior distribution should have a fair bit of mass on values of 0 .03. And considering the epidemiological studies and the likelihood that effects would have been detected before 1992 if they were strong, our prior distribution should put most of its mass below 0 .06. For the sake of argument let's adopt the prior depicted in Figure 2,32. Its formula is F (20)F (400) 1 9 (0) = (19( - )39 (2.13) F(420) which we will see in Section 5,6 is the Be(20, 400) density. The likelihood function is f(O) c 08(1 - 0)137 (Equation 23, Figure 220). Therefore the posterior density p(O y) oc 027(1 - 0)536 which we will see in Section 56 is the Be(28, 537) density. Therefore we can easily write down the constant and get the posterior density p(0 ) F(28)F(537)027(1 - 0)536 F(565) which is also pictured in Figure23.  2.5. BAYESIAN INFERENCE a 171 b 0 0~ CJ 0 (0 0 0 0 I ~ / I I I I I 012345 x 0 I I I I I I 0 12 34 5 C 0_ 0D /"\ 0 0 0~ (0 0 0 0 ' I I I I I I 0 12 34 5 k Figure 2.30: a:Prior, b:likelihood and c:posterior densities for A with nm 1, 4,16  2.5. BAYESIAN INFERENCE 172 ,' ', prior - -- likelihood I I co -- posterior I I I I -I (/)I II .05 1 . T I I 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Figure 2.31: Prior, likelihood and posterior densities for A with n = 60, E y2 = 40.  2.5. BAYESIAN INFERENCE 173 0 0 CY) 0 CV 0 0 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0 Figure 2.32: Prior, likelihood and posterior density for Slater School  2.6. PREDICTION 174 Examples 2.15 and 2.16 have the convenient feature that the prior density had the same form - Aae-bA in one case and Q"(1 - 8)b in the other - as the likelihood function, which made the posterior density and the constant c particularly easy to calculate. This was not a coincidence. The investigators knew the form of the likelihood function and looked for a convenient prior of the same form that ap- proximately represented their prior beliefs. This convenience, and whether choos- ing a prior density for this property is legitimate, are topics which deserve serious thought but which we shall not take up at this point. 2.6 Prediction Sometimes the goal of statistical analysis is to make predictions for future observa- tions. Let y1,..., y,, yf be a sample from p(.0). We observe yi, ..., y, but not yf, and want a prediction for yf. There are three common forms that predictions take. point predictions A point prediction is a single guess for yf. It might be a pre- dictive mean, predictive median, predictive mode, or any other type of point prediction that seems sensible. interval predictions An interval prediction or predictive interval, is an interval of plausible values for yf. A predictive interval is accompanied by a probabil- ity. For example, we might say that "The interval (0, 5) is a 90% predictive interval for Yf" which would mean Pr[yf E (0, 5)]= .90. In a given problem there are, for two reasons, many predictive intervals. First, there are 90% in- tervals, 95% intervals, 50% intervals, and so on. And second, there are many predictive intervals with the same probability. For instance, if (0, 5) is a 90% predictive interval, then it's possible that (-1, 4.5) is also a 90% predictive interval. predictive distributions A predictive distribution is a probability distribution for yf. From a predictive distribution, different people could compute point pre- dictions or interval predictions, each according to their needs. In the real world, we don't know 0. After all, that's why we collected data y, ... ya. But for now, to clarify the types of predictions listed above, let's pretend that we do know 0. Specifically, let's pretend that we know y1,...., Yn, y f~i.i.d. N(-2, 1). The main thing to note, since we know 0 (in this case, the mean and SD of the Normal distribution), is that y1,. .., yin don't help us at all. That is, they contain no  2.6. PREDICTION 175 information about yf that is not already contained in the knowledge of 0. In other words, Yi, ..., y, and yf are conditionally independent given 0. In symbols: p(y | 6, y1, .. . , y ) = p(yy|10). Therefore, our prediction should be based on the knowledge of 0 alone, not on any aspect of y1, ..., ,y. A sensible point prediction for yf is Yf = -2, because -2 is the mean, median, and mode of the N(-2, 1) distribution. Some sensible 90% prediction intervals are (-oc, -0.72), (-3.65, -0.36) and (-3.28, oc). We would choose one or the other depending on whether we wanted to describe the lowest values that yf might take, a middle set of values, or the highest values. And, of course, the predictive distribution of yf is N(-2, 1). It completely describes the extent of our knowledge and ability to predict yf. In real problems, though, we don't know 0. The simplest way to make a predic- tion consists of two steps. First use y, ..., yn to estimate 0, then make predictions based on p(y 01). Predictions made by this method are called plug-in predictions. In the example of the previous paragraph, if y1,.... y, yielded yf= -2 and = 1, then predictions would be exactly as described above. For an example with discrete data, refer to Examples L4.and:L6 in which A is the arrival rate of new seedlings. We found A = 2/3. The entire plug-in predictive distribution is displayed in Figure 2.33. Q^f= 0 is a sensible point prediction. The set {0, 1, 2} is a 97% plug-in prediction interval or prediction set (because ppois (2, 2/3) .97); the set {0, 1, 2, 3} is a 99.5% interval. There are two sources of uncertainty in making predictions. First, because yf is random, we couldn't predict it perfectly even if we knew 0. And second, we don't know 0. In any given problem, either one of the two might be the more important source of uncertainty. The first type of uncertainty can't be eliminated. But in theory, the second type can be reduced by collecting an increasingly large sample Y, ..., yn so that we know 0 with ever more accuracy. Eventually, when we know O accurately enough, the second type of uncertainty becomes negligible compared to the first. In that situation, plug-in predictions do capture almost the full extent of predictive uncertainty. But in many practical problems the second type of uncertainty is too large to be ignored. Plug-in predictive intervals and predictive distributions are too optimistic because they don't account for the uncertainty involved in estimating 0. A Bayesian approach to prediction can account for this uncertainty. The prior distribution of 0 and the conditional distribution of y1,..., y, yf given 0 provide the full joint distribution of y, ... , y, yf, 0, which in turn provides the conditional distribution  2.6. PREDICTION 176 c0 0 0~ 0 CN 0 0 0 0 0 I I o 2 4 6 8 10 Figure 2.33: Plug-in predictive distribution y f Poi(A example 2/3) for the seedlings of yf given y1,..., y,. Specifically, p(yf | y1, ... , Yr) f p(yf,O| y1,...,yn) d I I p(O y1,... , y)p(yf |,y1, y . . ) d6 p(| y1 , ... , y)p(yy O6) dO (2.14) Equation12. is just the yf marginal density derived from the joint density of (0, yf), all densities being conditional on the data observed so far. To say it another way, the predictive density p(yf) is f p(6, yf) dO = f p(0)p(yf 01) dO, but where p(O) is really the posterior p(O|yi, ..., y,). The role of y1,... , y is to give us the poste- rior density of 0 instead of the prior. The predictive distribution in Equation 2.14 will be somewhat more dispersed than the plug-in predictive distribution. If we don't know much about 0 then the posterior will be widely dispersed and Equation will be much more dispersed than the plug-in predictive distribution. On the other hand, if we know a lot about 0 then the posterior distribution will be tight and Equation 2:14 will be only slightly  2.6. PREDICTION 177 more dispersed than the plug-in predictive distribution. Example 2.17 (Seedlings, cont.) Refer to Examples"14 and 2.15 about Y, the number of new seedlings emerging each year in a forest quadrat. Our model is Y Poi(A). The prior (page 167) was p(A) = 4A2e-2A. Before collecting any data our predictive distribution would be based on that prior. For any number y we could calculate py,(Y) P[Yf = y] = -f Aye-a2 y! F(3- 23 Ay y!F(3) 23(y + 3) y ! F ( 3 ) 3 y +3y ( (y±+2)( f PYf i(yA)p(A) dA -A2e-2 2A 3) +2e-3a dA f 3Y+3 I ]7( Ay+A±2e73A dA ) (y + 3) 3 1y (2.15) (We will see in Chapter.5 that this is a Negative Binomial distribution.) Thus for example, according to our prior, (2)3 8 Pr[Yf =0] =23 (3 2 Pr[Y f = 1] = 3 3 ) i _8 3 27 etc. Figure 2,34 displays these probabilities. In the first quadrat we found yi= pg. 16) 3 and the posterior distribution (Example p(A | y1 - 3) 36 - /3 So, by calculations similar to Equati y1= 3 is pyf iy ly1= 3) = on the predictive distribution after observing J pYf A(y A)PAly1(A Y 1=3)dA y+5 3)6(1)y (2.16)  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 178 So, for example, Pr[Y = 0|1y1 = 3] = 3 1 Pr[Yf= 1y1=3] =16Q (4)4 etc. Figure 23displays these probabilities. Finally, when we collected data from 60 quadrats, we found 6243 p(A | yi, ... , Y60) =42 A42e-62a (2.17) Therefore , by calculations similar to Equation , the predictive distribution is y +42 62\6( 1 Pr[Yf=y |IY1 ,... , Y601 ( J=/ 63)(63)(2.18) Figure 2,34 displays these probabilities. A priori, and after only n = 1 observation, A is not know very precisely; both types of uncertainty are important; and the Bayesian predictive distribution is noticably different from the plug-in predictive distribution. But after n = 60 observations A is known fairly well; the second type of uncertainty is negligible; and the Bayesian predictive distribution is very similar to the plug-in predictive distribution. 2.7 Hypothesis Testing Scientific inquiry often takes the form of hypothesis testing. In each instance there are two hypotheses - the null hypothesis Ho and the alternative hypothesis Ha. medicine * Ho: the new drug and the old drug are equally effective. " Ha: the new drug is better than the old. public health * Ho exposure to high voltage electric lines is benign.  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 179 C) 0 -e n=0 -A- n=1 + n=60 - -x- plug-in 10 A NC_ 0 A A t0' 0 0 I O0 I 2 4 6 8 10 y Figure 2.34: Predictive distributions of yf in the seedlings example after samples of size n = 0, 1, 60, and the plug-in predictive  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 180 * Ha exposure to high voltage electric lines promotes cancer. public policy * Ho: Head Start has no effect. " Ha: Head Start is beneficial. astronomy * Ho: The sun revolves around the Earth. " Ha: The Earth revolves around the sun. physics * Ho: Newtonian mechanics holds. " Ha: Relativity holds. public trust * Ho: Winning lottery numbers are random. " Ha: Winning lottery numbers have patterns. ESP * Ho: There is no ESP. " Ha: There is ESP. ecology * Ho: Forest fires are irrelevant to forest diversity. " Ha: Forest fires enhance forest diversity. By tradition Ho is the hypothesis that says nothing interesting is going on or the current theory is correct, while Ha says that something unexpected is happening or our current theories need updating. Often the investigator is hoping to disprove the null hypothesis and to suggest the alternative hypothesis in its place. It is worth noting that while the two hypotheses are logically exclusive, they are not logically exhaustive. For instance, it's logically possible that forest fires decrease diversity even though that possibility is not included in either hypothesis. So one could write Ha: Forest fires decrease forest diversity, or even Ha: Forest fires  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 181 change forest diversity. Which alternative hypothesis is chosen makes little differ- ence for the theory of hypothesis testing, though it might make a large difference to ecologists. Statisticians have developed several methods called hypothesis tests. We focus on just one for the moment, useful when Ho is specific. The fundamental idea is to see whether the data are "compatible" with the specific Ho. If so, then there is no reason to doubt Ho; if not, then there is reason to doubt Ho and possibly to consider Ha in its stead. The meaning of "compatible" can change from problem to problem but typically there is a four step process. 1. Formulate a scientific null hypothesis and translate it into statistical terms. 2. Choose a low dimensional statistic, say w = w(y1, ..., y) such that the distri- bution of w is specified under Ho and likely to be different under Ha. 3. Calculate, or at least approximate, the distribution of w under Ho. 4. Check whether the observed value of w, calculated from y,... ya, is com- patible with its distribution under Ho. How would this work in the examples listed at the beginning of the chapter? What follows is a very brief description of how hypothesis tests might be carried out in some of those examples. To focus on the key elements of hypothesis testing, the descriptions have been kept overly simplistic. In practice, we would have to worry about confounding factors, the difficulties of random sampling, and many other issues. public health Sample a large number of people with high exposure to power lines. For each person, record X2, a Bernoulli random variable indicating whether that person has cancer. Model X1, ... , X ~ i.i.d. Bern(01). Repeat for a sam- ple of people with low exposure; getting Y1,. .. , Y, i.i.d. Bern(02). Estimate 01 and 02. Let w = 1 - 02. Ho says E[w] = 0. Either the Binomial distribution or the Central Limit Theorem tells us the SD's of 01 and 02, and hence the SD of w. Ask How many SD's is w away from its expected value of 0. If it's off by many SD's, more than about 2 or 3, that's evidence against Ho. public policy Test a sample children who have been through Head Start. Model their test scores as X1, ..., X ~ i.i.d. N(,ui, c1). Do the same for children who have not been through Head Start, getting Y1, ... , Y ~i.i.d. N(p2, c2). H0 says , =p2. Let w = - ft2. The parameters piu1,p2,uT,2 can all be estimated from the data; therefore w can be calculated and its SD estimated.  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 182 Ask How many SD's is w away from its expected value of 0. If it's off by many SD's, more than about 2 or 3, that's evidence against Ho. ecology We could either do an observational study, beginning with one sample of plots that had had frequent forest fires in the past and another sample that had had few fires. Or we could do an experimental study, beginning with a large collection of plots and subjecting half to a regime of regular burning and the other half to a regime of no burning. In either case we would measure and compare species diversity in both sets of plots. If diversity is similar in both groups, there is no reason to doubt Ho. But if diversity is sufficiently different (Sufficient means large compared to what is expected by chance under Ho.) that would be evidence against Ho. To illustrate in more detail, let's consider testing a new blood pressure medi- cation. The scientific null hypothesis is that the new medication is not any more effective than the old. We'll consider two ways a study might be conducted and see how to test the hypothesis both ways. METHOD 1 A large number of patients are enrolled in a study and their blood pressures are measured. Half are randomly chosen to receive the new medication (treatment); half receive the old (control). After a prespecified amount of time, their blood pressure is remeasured. Let Yc,2 be the change in blood pressure from the beginning to the end of the experiment for the i'th control patient and YT,i be the change in blood pressure from the beginning to the end of the experiment for the i'th treatment patient. The model is Yo,1, ..-.-Yo,n~ i.i.d. fc; E[YoCi] = pc; Var(Yo,2) =a2 Yr,1, ..-.-Yr,n~ i.i.d. fr; E[Y,i] = p'T; Var(Y,2) =Ta for some unknown means pC and pT and variances ac and UT. The translation of the hypotheses into statistical terms is Ho : p= c Ha :T PC Because we're testing a difference in means, let w = T - Yc. If the sample size n is reasonably large, then the Central Limit Theorem says approximately w N(0, oaf) under H0 with au,= (UT + ac)/n. The mean of 0 comes from Ho. The variance ,T comes from adding variances of independent random variables. a, and ,r and therefore ua, can be estimated from the data. So we can calculate w from the data  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 183 and see whether it is within about 2 or 3 SD's of where Ho says it should be. If it isn't, that's evidence against Ho. METHOD 2 A large number of patients are enrolled in a study and their blood pressure is measured. They are matched together in pairs according to relevant medical characteristics. The two patients in a pair are chosen to be as similar to each other as possible. In each pair, one patient is randomly chosen to receive the new medication (treatment); the other receives the old (control). After a prespeci- fied amount of time their blood pressures are measured again. Let YT,i and Yc,2 be the change in blood pressure for the i'th treatment and i'th control patients. The researcher records 1 if YT,2 > Yo,2 0 otherwise The model is X1, . .. , Xn i.i.d. Bern(p) for some unknown probability p. The translation of the hypotheses into statistical terms is Ho : p = .5 Ha: p .5 Let w =>Xi. Under Ho, w Bin(n, .5). To test H0 we plot the Bin(n, .5) distribu- tion and see where w falls on the plot . Figure,23 shows the plot for n = 100. If w turned out to be between about 40 and 60, then there would be little reason to doubt Ho. But on the other hand, if w turned out to be less than 40 or greater than 60, then we would begin to doubt. The larger |w - 50|, the greater the cause for doubt. This blood pressure example exhibits a feature common to many hypothesis tests. First, we're testing a difference in means. I.e., Ho and Ha disagree about a mean, in this case the mean change in blood pressure from the beginning to the end of the experiment. So we take w to be the difference in sample means. Second, since the experiment is run on a large number of people, the Central Limit Theorem says that w will be approximately Normally distributed. Third, we can calculate or estimate the mean po and SD o-o under Ho. So fourth, we can compare the value of w from the data to what Ho says its distribution should be. In Method 1 above, that's just what we did. In Method 2 above, we didn't use the Normal approximation; we used the Binomial distribution. But we could have used the approximation. From facts about the Binomial distribution we know  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 184 00 0 0 0ql 0 0 0 0 0c b o o o o o o o a o a o o a ao 50 60 7 70 30 40 w Figure 2.35: pdf of the Bin(100, .5) distribution po = n/2 and go = //2 under Ho. For n = 100, Figure 2.36 compares the exact Binomial distribution to the Normal approximation. In general, when the Normal approximation is valid, we compare w to the N(,uo, go) density, where yo is calculated according to Ho and go is either calculated according to H0 or estimated from the data. If t w - polu/uo is bigger than about 2 or 3, that's evidence against Ho. The following example shows hypothesis testing at work. Example 2.18 (Tooth Growth, continued) This continues Example 2, (pg. 100). Let's concentrate on a particular dosage, say dose = 0.5, and test the null hypothesis that, on average, the delivery method (supp) makes no difference to tooth growth, as opposed to the alternative that it does make a difference. Those are the scientific hypotheses. The data for testing the hypothesis are x1,..., xio, the 10 recordings of growth when supp = VC and y1, ..., y1, the 10 recordings of growth when supp O= J. The xi's are 10 independent draws from one distribution; the yj's are 10 independent draws from another: xi, . . . X0z i .i.d. fyc 2y1, .. . , yio~i.i.d. fo i  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 185 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 40 50 60 70 w Figure 2.36: pdfs of the Bin(100, .5) (dots) and N(50, 5) (line) distributions Define the two means to be py =E[xi] and pou =IE[y2]. The scientific hypothesis and its alternative, translated into statistical terms become Ho : pyc = paar Ha : PyC -/0pJ Those are the hypotheses in statistical terms. Because we're testing a difference in means, we choose our one dimensional summary statistic to be w = |x - yl. Small values of w support Ho; large values support Ha. But how small is small; how large is large? The Central Limit Theorem says z~N y vc) y jN (poi J / cmj)  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING approximately, so that under Ho, 186 w ~ N 0, 2C+ Oj) approximately. The statistic w can be calculated, its SD estimated, and its approximate density plotted as in Figure . We can see from the Figure, or from the fact that t/ot ~ 3.2 that the observed value of t is moderately far from its expected value under Ho. The data provide moderately strong evidence against Ho. LO -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Figure 2.37: Approximate density of summary statistic t. The black dot is the value of t observed in the data. Figure was produced with the following R code. x <- ToothGrowth$len[ ToothGrowth$supp=="VC" & ToothGrowth$dose==0.5 y <- ToothGrowth$len[ ToothGrowth$supp=="0J" & ToothGrowth$dose==0.5 t <- abs ( mean(x) - mean(y) ) sd <- sqrt ( ( var(x) + var(y) )/length(x) ) ] ]  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 187 tvals <- seq ( -4*sd, 4*sd, len=80 ) plot ( tvals, dnorm(tvals,0,sd), type="1", xlab="", ylab="", main="" ) points ( t, 0, pch=16, cex=1.5 ) The points(. . ) adds the observed value of t to the plot. In the next example it is difficult to estimate the distribution of w under Ho; so we use simulation to work it out. Example 2.19 (Baboons) Because baboons are promiscuous, when a baby is born it is not obvious, at least to humans, who the father is. But do the baboons themselves know who the father is? [ ] report a study of baboon behavior that attempts to answer that question. For more information see Baboons live in social groups comprised of several adult males, several adult females, and juveniles. Researchers followed several groups of baboons periodically over a period of several years to learn about baboon behavior. The particular aspect of behavior that concerns us here is that adult males sometimes come to the aid of juveniles. If adult males know which juveniles are their own children, then it's at least possible that they tend to aid their own children more than other juveniles. The data set baboons (available on the web site) contains data on all the recorded instances of adult males helping juveniles. The first four lines of the file look like this. Recip Father Maleally Dadpresent Group ABB EDW EDW Y OMO ABB EDW EDW Y OMO ABB EDW EDW Y OMO ABB EDW POW Y OMO 1. Recip identifies the juvenile who received help. In the four lines shown here, it is always ABB. 2. Father identifes the father of the juvenile. Researchers know the father through DNA testing of fecal samples. In the four lines shown here, it is always EDW. 1We have slightly modified the data to avoid some irrelevant complications.  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 188 3. Maleally identifies the adult male who helped the juvenile. In the fourth line we see that POW aided ABB who is not his own child. 4. Dadpresent tells whether the father was present in the group when the juvenile was aided. In this data set it is always Y. 5. Group identifies the social group in which the incident occured. In the four lines shown here, it is always OMO. Let w be the number of cases in which a father helps his own child. The snippet dim ( baboons ) sum ( baboons$Father == baboons$Maleally ) reveals that there are n = 147 cases in the data set, and that w = 87 are cases in which a father helps his own child. The next step is to work out the distribution of w under H0: adult male baboons do not know which juveniles are their children. Let's examine one group more closely, say the OMG group. Typing baboons [baboons$Group == "0MG" , ] displays the relevant records. There are 13 of them. EDW was the father in 9, POW was the father in 4. EDW provided the help in 9, POW in 4. The father was the ally in 9 cases; in 4 he was not. Ho implies that EDW and POW would distribute their help randomly among the 13 cases. If Ho is true, i.e., if EDW distributes his 9 helps and POW distributes his 4 helps randomly among the 13 cases, what would be the distribution of W, the number of times a father helps his own child? We can answer that question by a simulation in R. (We could also answer it by doing some math or by knowing the hypergeometric distribution, but that's not covered in this text.) dads <- baboons$Father [ baboons$Group == "0MG" ] ally <- baboons$Maleally [ baboons$Group == "0MG" ] N.sim <- 1000 w <- rep ( NA, N.sim ) for ( i in 1:N.sim ) { perm <- sample ( dads ) w[i] <- sum ( perm == ally ) } hist (w) table(w)  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 189 Try out the simulation for yourself. It shows that the observed number in the data, w = 9, is not so unusual under Ho. What about the other social groups? If we find out how many there are, we can do a similar simulation for each. Let's write an R function to help. g.sim <- function (group, N.sim) { dads <- baboons$Father [ baboons$Group == group ] ally <- baboons$Maleally [ baboons$Group == group ] w <- rep ( NA, N.sim ) for ( i in 1:N.sim ) { perm <- sample ( dads ) w[i] <- sum ( perm == ally ) } return(w) } Figure shows histograms of g. sim for each group, along with a dot showing the observed value of w in the data set. For some of the groups the observed value of w, though a bit on the high side, might be considered consistent with Ho. For others, the observed value of w falls outside the range of what might be reasonably expected by chance. In a case like this, where some of the evidence is strongly against Ho and some is only weakly against Ho, an inexperienced statistician might believe the overall case against H0 is not very strong. But that's not true. In fact, every one of the groups contributes a little evidence against Ho, and the total evidence against H0 is very strong. To see this, we can combine the separate simulations into one. The following snippet of code does this. Each male's help is randomly reassigned to a juvenile within his group. The number of times when a father helps his own child is summed over the different groups. Simulated numbers are shown in the histogram in Figure . The dot in the figure is at 84, the actual number of instances in the full data set. Figure suggests that it is almost impossible that the 84 instances arose by chance, as H0 would suggest. We should reject Ho and reach the conclusion that (a) adult male baboons do know who their own children are, and (b) they give help preferentially to their own children. Figure was produced with the following snippet. groups <- unique ( baboons$Group ) n.groups <- length(groups) par ( mfrow=c(3,2) )  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING OMO 190 vIv 0 0 0 0 N\ 0 0 0 0 0 N\ 0 0 CO) 0 0 N\ 0 0 T 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 w NYA 0 0 CO) 0 0 N\ 0 0 0 8 10 12 14 16 w WEA I I 15 20 25 30 0 1 2 3 4 5 W W LIN 0 0 0 0 LO 8 10 14 18 W Figure 2.38: Number of times baboon father helps own child in Example Histograms are simulated according to Ho. Dots are observed data.  2.7. HYPOTHESIS TESTING 191 for ( i in 1:n.groups ) { good <- baboons$Group == groups[i] w.obs <- sum ( baboons$Father[good] == baboons$Maleally[good] ) w.sim <- g.sim ( groups[i], N.sim ) hist ( w.sim, xlab="w", ylab="", main=groups[i], xlim=range(c(w.obs,w.sim)) ) points ( w.obs, 0, pch=16, cex=1.5 ) print ( w.obs ) } 0 0 Nd 0 0 r 0 B 50 60 70 80 w.tot Figure 2.39: Histogram of simulated values of w.tot. The dot is the value observed in the baboon data set. Figure was produced with the following snippet. w.obs <- rep ( NA, n.groups ) w.sim <- matrix ( NA, n.groups, N.sim )  2.8. EXERCISES 192 for ( i in 1:n.groups ) { good <- baboons$Group == groups[i] w.obs[i] <- sum ( baboons$Father[good] == baboons$Maleally[good] ) w.sim[i,] <- g.sim ( groups[i], N.sim ) } w.obs.tot <- sum ( w.obs ) w.sim.tot <- apply ( w.sim, 2, sum ) hist ( w.sim.tot, xlab="w.tot", ylab="", xlim=range(c(w.obs.tot,w.sim.tot)) ) points ( w.obs.tot, 0, pch=16, cex=1.5 ) print ( w.obs.tot ) 2.8 Exercises 1. (a) Justify Equation on page (b) Show that the function g(x) defined just after Equation is a proba- bility density. I.e., show that it integrates to 1. 2. This exercise uses the ToothGrowth data from Examples and (a) Estimate the effect of delivery mode for doses 1.0 and 2.0. Does it seem that delivery mode has a different effect at different doses? (b) Does it seem as though delivery mode changes the effect of dose? (c) For each delivery mode, make a set of three boxplots to compare the three doses. 3. This exercise uses data from 272 eruptions of the Old Faithful geyser in Yel- lowstone National Park. The data are in the R dataset faithful. One column contains the duration of each eruption; the other contains the waiting time to the next eruption. (a) Plot eruption versus waiting. Is there a pattern? What is going on? (b) Try ts. plot (faithful$eruptions [1: 501 ). Try other sets of eruptions, say ts.plot (faithful$eruptions [51:100]). (There is nothing magic  2.8. EXERCISES 193 about 50, but if you plot all 272 eruptions then the pattern might be harder to see. Choose any convenient number that lets you see what's going on.) What is going on? 4. This exercise relies on data from the neurobiology experiment described in Example 2.6 (a) Download the data from the book's website. (b) Reproduce Figure17. (c) Make a plot similar to Figure 2,17 but for a different neuron and differ- ent tastant. (d) Write an R function that accepts a neuron and tastant as input and pro- duces a plot like Figure217 (e) Use the function from the previous part to look for neurons that respond to particular tastants. Describe your results. 5. This exercise relies on Example 2. about the Slater school. There were 8 can- cers among 145 teachers. Figure 2,20 shows the likelihood function. Suppose the same incidence rate had been found among more teachers. How would that affect £(O)? Make a plot similar to Figure .20, but pretending that there had been 80 cancers among 1450 teachers. Compare to Figure . What is the result? Does it make sense? Try other numbers if it helps you see what is going on. 6. This exercise continues Exercise 35 in Chapter . Let p be the fraction of the population that uses illegal drugs. (a) Suppose researchers know that p .1. Jane and John are given the randomized response question. Jane answers "yes"; John answers "no". Find the posterior probability that Jane uses cocaine; find the posterior probability that John uses cocaine. (b) Now suppose that p is not known and the researchers give the random- ized response question to 100 people. Let X be the number who answer "yes". What is the likelihood function? (c) What is the mle of p if X=50, if X=60, if X=70, if X=80, if X=90? 7. This exercise deals with the likelihood function for Poisson distributions. (a) Let x1, .. . , ,~i.i.d. Poi(A). Find Yf(A) in terms of zi, ... ,xz.  2.8. EXERCISES 194 (b) Show that {(A) depends only on 1 x and not on the specific values of the individual x's. (c) Let y1, ... , y., be a sample from Poi(A). Show that A = is the m.l.e. (d) Find the m.l.e. in Example 8. The book Data [ ] contains lots of data sets that have been used for various purposes in statistics. One famous data set records the annual number of deaths by horsekicks in the Prussian Army from 1875- 1894 for each of 14 corps. Download the data from statlib at http: //lib. stat. (It is Table 4.1 in the book.) Let Y be the number of deaths in year i, corps j, for i = 1875,..., 1894 and j = 1, ... , 14. The Ys are in columns 5-18 of the table. (a) What are the first four columns of the table? (b) What is the last column of the table? (c) What is a good model for the data? (d) Suppose you model the data as i.i.d. Poi(A). (Yes, that's a good answer to the previous question.) i. Plot the likelihood function for A. ii. Find A. iii. What can you say about the rate of death by horsekick in the Prus- sian calvary at the end of the 19th century? (e) Is there any evidence that different corps had different death rates? How would you investigate that possibility? 9. Use the data from Example . Find the m.l.e. for 0. 10. X1,... , X, ~ Normal(p, 1). Multiple choice: The m.l.e. f is found from the equation (a) f(Xi, ... . ..p) = 0 (b) +f (Xi, ... , /'t) = 0 (c) d/f(Xi, ... . o..p) = 0 11. This exercise deals with the likelihood function for Normal distributions. (a) Let y1, ... , y ~ i.i.d. N(p, 1). Find (p) in terms of y1, ... , y.-  2.8. EXERCISES 195 (b) Show that £(pu) depends only on E ye and not on the specific values of the individual yr's. (c) Let n = 10 and choose a value for p. Use R to generate a sample of size 10 from N(p, 1). Plot the likelihood function. How accurately can you estimate yu from a sample of size 10? (d) Let y1, ... , yio i.i.d. N(pu, a) where a is known but not necessarily equal to 1. Find £ (pu) in terms of y1, ... , yio and a. (e) Let y1, ... Y o i.i.d. N(p, a) where pu is known but a is unknown. Find £(a) in terms of Y1,..., yio and pu. 12. Let y,. .. , ym be a sample from N(p, 1). Show that ft = y is the m.l.e. 13. Let y1, ..., y, be a sample from N(pu, a) where ,u is known. Show that 892= n-1 E(y - p)2 is the m.l.e. 14. Recall the discoveries data from page on the number of great discoveries each year. Let Y be the number of great discoveries in year i and suppose Y ~ Poi(A). Plot the likelihood function £(A). Figure:L3 suggested that A 3.1 explained the data reasonably well. How sure can we be about the 3.1? 15. Justify each step of Equation,2. 16. Page 159 discusses a simulation experiment comparing the sample mean and sample median as estimators of a population mean. Figure 2,27 shows the results of the simulation experiment. Notice that the vertical scale decreases from panel (a) to (b), to (c), to (d). Why? Give a precise mathematical formula for the amount by which the vertical scale should decrease. Does the actual decrease agree with your formula? 17. In the medical screening example on page , find the probability that the patient has the disease given that the test is negative. 18. A drug testing example 19. Country A suspects country B of having hidden chemical weapons. Based on secret information from their intelligence agency they calculate P[B has weapons] =.8. But then country B agrees to inspections, so A sends inspectors. If there are no weapons then of course the inspectors won't find  2.8. EXERCISES 196 any. But if there are weapons then they will be well hidden, with only a 20% chance of being found. I.e., P[finding weapons weapons exist] = .2. (2.19) No weapons are found. Find the probability that B has weapons. I.e., find Pr[B has weapons no weapons are found]. 20. Let T be the amount of time a customer spends on Hold when calling the computer help line. Assume that T exp(A) where A is unknown. A sample of n calls is randomly selected. Let ti, ... , t, be the times spent on Hold. (a) Choose a value of A for doing simulations. (b) Use R to simulate a sample of size n = 10. (c) Plot £(A) and find A. (d) About how accurately can you determine A? (e) Show that £(A) depends only on E ti and not on the values of the indi- vidual ti's. 21. There are two coins. One is fair; the other is two-headed. You randomly choose a coin and toss it. (a) What is the probability the coin lands Heads? (b) What is the probability the coin is two-headed given that it landed Heads? (c) What is the probability the coin is two-headed given that it landed Tails? Give a formal proof, not intuition. (d) You are about to toss the coin a second time. What is the probability that the second toss lands Heads given that the first toss landed Heads? 22. There are two coins. For coin A, P[H] = 1/4; for coin B, P[H] = 2/3. You randomly choose a coin and toss it. (a) What is the probability the coin lands Heads? (b) What is the probability the coin is A given that it landed Heads? What is the probability the coin is A given that it landed Tails?  2.8. EXERCISES 197 (c) You are about to toss the coin a second time. What is the probability the second toss lands Heads given that the first toss landed Heads? 23. At Dupont College (apologies to Tom Wolfe) Math SAT scores among math majors are distributed N(700, 50) while Math SAT scores among non-math majors are distributed N(600, 50). 5% of the students are math majors. A randomly chosen student has a math SAT score of 720. Find the probability that the student is a math major. 24. The Great Randi is a professed psychic and claims to know the outcome of coin flips. This problem concerns a sequence of 20 coin flips that Randi will try to guess (or not guess, if his claim is correct). (a) Take the prior P[Randi is psychic] = .01. i. Before any guesses have been observed, find P [first guess is correct] and P [first guess is incorrect]. ii. After observing 10 consecutive correct guesses, find the updated P[Randi is psychic]. iii. After observing 10 consecutive correct guesses, find P [next guess is correct] and P [next guess is incorrect]. iv. After observing 20 consecutive correct guesses, find P [next guess is correct] and P [next guess is incorrect]. (b) Two statistics students, a skeptic and a believer discuss Randi after class. Believer: I believe her, I think she's psychic. Skeptic: I doubt it. I think she's a hoax. Believer: How could you be convinced? What if Randi guessed 10 in a row? What would you say then? Skeptic: I would put that down to luck. But if she guessed 20 in a row then I would say P [Randi can guess coin flips] .5. Find the skeptic's prior probability that Randi can guess coin flips. (c) Suppose that Randi doesn't claim to guess coin tosses perfectly, only that she can guess them at better than 50%. 100 trials are conducted. Randi gets 60 correct. Write down Ho and Ha appropriate for testing Randi's claim. Do the data support the claim? What if 70 were correct? Would that support the claim? (d) The Great Sandi, a statistician, writes the following R code to calculate a probability for Randi.  2.8. EXERCISES 198 y <- rbinom ( 500, 100, .5) sum ( y == 60 ) / 500 What is Sandi trying to calculate? Write a formula (Don't evaluate it.) for the quantity Sandi is trying to calculate. 25. Let w be the fraction of free throws that Shaquille O'Neal (or any other player of your choosing) makes during the next NBA season. Find a density that approximately represents your prior opinion for w. 26. Let t be the amount of time between the moment when the sun first touches the horizon in the afternoon and the moment when it sinks completely below the horizon. Without making any observations, assess your distribution for t. 27. Assess your prior distribution for b, the proportion of M&M's that are brown. Buy as many M&M's as you like and count the number of browns. Calculate your posterior distribution. 28. (a) Let y N(O, 1) and let the prior distribution for 0 be 0 N(O, 1). i. When y has been observed, what is the posterior density of 0? ii. Show that the density in part i. is a Normal density. iii. Find its mean and SD. (b) Let y N(O, ay) and let the prior distribution for 0 be 0 N(m, a). Suppose that ay, m, and a are known constants. i. When y has been observed, what is the posterior density of 0? ii. Show that the density in part i. is a Normal density. iii. Find its mean and SD. (c) Let y1,... , y be a sample of size n from N(0, ay) and let the prior dis- tribution for 0 be 0 N(m, a). Suppose that ay, m, and a are known constants. i. When Y1,..., yn have been observed, what is the posterior density of 0? ii. Show that the density in part i. is a Normal density. iii. Find its mean and SD. (d) An example with data. 29. Verify Equations ,and  2.8. EXERCISES 199 30. Refer to the discussion of predictive intervals on page 5. Justify the claim that (-oc, -.72), (-3.65, -0.36), and (-3.28, oc) are 90% prediction inter- vals. Find the corresponding 80% prediction intervals. 31. (a) Following Example 2,17 (pg. ), find Pr[y f= k |y1,. .. y ] for k 1,2,3,4. (b) Using the results from part (a), make a plot analagous to Figure 2.33 (pg. 76). 32. Suppose you want to test whether the random number generator in R gener- ates each of the digits 0, 1,..., 9 with probability 0.1. How could you do it? You may consider first testing whether R generates 0 with the right frequency, then repeating the analysis for each digit. 33. (a) Repeat the analysis of Example2.18 (pg. 184), but for dose = 1 and dose = 2. (b) Test the hypothesis that increasing the dose from 1 to 2 makes no differ- ence in tooth growth. (c) Test the hypothesis that the effect of increasing the dose from 1 to 2 is the same for supp = VC as it is for supp O=J. (d) Do the answers to parts (a), (b) and (c) agree with your subjective as- sessment of Figures 22, 2.3, and 2,6? 34. Continue Exercise 3 from Chapter . The autoganzfeld trials resulted in X = 122. (a) What is the parameter in this problem? (b) Plot the likelihood function. (c) Test the "no ESP, no cheating" hypothesis. (d) Adopt and plot a reasonable and mathematically tractable prior distri- bution for the parameter. Compute and plot the posterior distribution. (e) Find the probability of a match on the next trial given X = 122. (f) What do you conclude? 35. Three biologists named Asiago, Brie, and Cheshire are studying a mutation in morning glories, a species of flowering plant. The mutation causes the flowers to be white rather than colored. But it is not known whether the  2.8. EXERCISES 200 mutation has any effect on the plants' fitness. To study the question, each biologist takes a random sample of morning glories having the mutation, counts the seeds that each plant produces, and calculates a likelihood set for the average number of seeds produced by mutated morning glories. Asiago takes a sample of size nA =100 and calculates a LS.1 set. Brie takes a sample of size nB = 400 and calculates a LS.1 set. Cheshire takes a sample of size Tno= 100 and calculates a LS.2 set. (a) Who will get the longer interval, Asiago or Brie? About how much longer will it be? Explain. (b) Who will get the longer interval, Asiago or Cheshire? About how much longer will it be? Explain. 36. In the 1990's, a committee at MIT wrote A Study on the Status of Women Faculty in Science at MIT. In 1994 there were 15 women among the 209 tenured women in the six departments of the School of Science. They found, among other things, that the amount of resources (money, lab space, etc.) given to women was, on average, less than the amount given to men. The report goes on to pose the question: Given the tiny number of women faculty in any department one might ask if it is possible to obtain significant data to support a claim of gender differences ..... What does statistics say about it? Focus on a single resource, say laboratory space. The distribution of lab space is likely to be skewed. I.e., there will be a few people with lots more space than most others. So let's model the distribution of lab space with an Exponential distribution. Let x1, ..., x be the amounts of space given to tenured women, so x~ Exp(Aw) for some unknown parameter Aw. Let M be the average lab space given to tenured men. Assume that M is known to be 100, from the large number of tenured men. If there is no discrimination, then Aw = 100. (Aw is E (z).) Chris Stats writes the following R code. y <- rexp(15,.01) m <- mean(y) s <- sqrt( var(y ) / 15) lo <- m - 2*s hi <- m + 2*s  2.8. EXERCISES 201 What is y supposed to represent? What is (lo,hi) supposed to represent? Now Chris puts the code in a loop. n <- 0 for ( i in 1:1000 ) { y <- rexp(15,.01) m <- mean(y) s <- sqrt ( var(y )) lo <- m - 2*s hi <- m + 2*s if ( lo < 100 & hi > 100 ) n <- n+1 } print (n/1000) What is n/1000 supposed to represent? If a sample size of 15 is sufficiently large for the Central Limit Theorem to apply, then what, approximately, is the value of n/1000? 37. Refer to the R code in Example 2 1 (pg. 100). Why was it necessary to have a brace ("{") after the line for ( j in 1:3 ) but not after the line for ( i in 1:2 )?  CHAPTER 3 REGRESSION 3.1 Introduction Regression is the study of how the distribution of one variable, Y, changes accord- ing to the value of another variable, X. R comes with many data sets that offer regression examples. Four are shown in Figure 3.1. 1. The data set attenu contains data on several variables from 182 earthquakes, including hypocenter-to-station distance and peak acceleration. Figure 3.1_(a) shows acceleration plotted against distance. There is a clear relationship be- tween X = distance and the distribution of Y = acceleration. When X is small, the distribution of Y has a long right-hand tail. But when X is large, Y is always small. 2. The data set airquality contains data about air quality in New York City. Ozone levels Y are plotted against temperature X in Figure 3.1 (b). When X is small then the distribution of Y is concentrated on values below about 50 or so. But when X is large, Y can range up to about 150 or so. 3. Figure3.1 (c) shows data from mtcars. Weight is on the abcissa and the type of transmission (manual=1, automatic=0) is on the ordinate. The distribu- tion of weight is clearly different for cars with automatic transmissions than for cars with manual transmissions. 4. The data set faithful contains data about eruptions of the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park. Figure 3.1 (d) shows Y = time to next eruption plotted against X = duration of current eruption. Small values of X tend to indicate small values of Y. 202  3.1. INTRODUCTION 203 (a) (b) co _ 0 0 +r a) 0 0 (0 6 0 6 o 100 300 0 10 - N 0 0 0 10- 0 - 60 70 80 90 Distance (C) temperature (d) 0 UI) E 0- o % 00 0800 0 0 Weight 0 LO .. 0 . . . . eruptions Figure 3.1: Four regression examples  3.1. INTRODUCTION 204 Figure was produced by the following R snippet. par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) data ( attenu ) plot ( attenu$dist, attenu$accel, xlab="Distance", ylab="Acceleration", main=" (a)", pch="." ) data ( airquality ) plot ( airquality$Temp, airquality$Ozone, xlab="temperature", ylab="ozone", main="(b)", pch="." ) data ( mtcars ) stripchart ( mtcars$wt ~ mtcars$am, pch=1, xlab="Weight", method="jitter", ylab="Manual Transmission", main="(c)" ) data ( faithful ) plot ( faithful, pch=".", main="(d)" ) Both continuous and discrete variables can turn up in regression problems. In the attenu, airquality and faithful datasets, both X and Y are continuous. In mtcars, it seems natural to think of how the distribution of Y = weight varies with X = transmission, in which case X is discrete and Y is continuous. But we could also consider how the fraction of cars Y with automatic transmissions varies as a function of X = weight, in which case Y is discrete and X is continuous. In many regression problems we just want to display the relationship between X and Y. Often a scatterplot or stripchart will suffice, as in Figure . Other times, we will use a statistical model to describe the relationship. The statistical model may have unknown parameters which we may wish to estimate or otherwise make inference for. Examples of parametric models will come later. Our study of regression begins with data display. In many instances a simple plot is enough to show the relationship between X and Y. But sometimes the relationship is obscured by the scatter of points. Then it helps to draw a smooth curve through the data. Examples and illustrate. Example 3.1 (1970 Draft Lottery)  3.1. INTRODUCTION 205 The result of the 1970 draft lottery is available at DASL . The website explains: "In 1970, Congress instituted a random selection process for the military draft. All 366 possible birth dates were placed in plastic capsules in a rotating drum and were selected one by one. The first date drawn from the drum received draft number one and eligible men born on that date were drafted first. In a truly random lottery there should be no relationship between the date and the draft number." Figure shows the data, with X = day of year and Y = draft number. There is no apparent relationship between X and Y. Figure was produced with the following snippet. plot ( draft$Day.of.year, draft$Draft.No, xlab="Day of year", ylab="Draft number" ) More formally, a relationship between X and Y usually means that the expected value of Y is different for different values of X. (We don't consider changes in SD or other aspects of the distribution here.) Typically, when X is a continuous variable, changes in Y are smooth, so we would adopt the model ElY X] = g(X) (3.1) for some unknown smooth function g. R has a variety of built-in functions to estimate g. These functions are called scat- terplot smoothers, for obvious reasons. Figure shows the draft lottery data with two scatterplot smoother estimates of g. Both estimates show a clear trend, that birthdays later in the year were more likely to have low draft numbers. check this: Following dis- covery of this trend, the procedure for drawing draft numbers was changed in subsequent years. Figure was produced with the following snippet. x <- draft$Day.of.year y <- draft$Draft.No plot ( x, y, xlab="Day of year", ylab="Draft number" ) lines ( lowess ( x, y ) ) lines ( supsmu ( x, y ), lty=2 )  3.1. INTRODUCTION 206 0 0 CY) -0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I 0 100 200 300 Day of year Figure 3.2: 1970 draft lottery. Draft number vs. day of year  3.1. INTRODUCTION 207 0 0 CY) 0 0 0 0 0- O - o - I I I 0 100 200 300 Day of year Figure 3.3: 1970 draft lottery. Draft number vs. day of year. Solid curve fit by lowess; dashed curve fit by supsmu.  3.1. INTRODUCTION 208 * lowess (locally weighted scatterplot smoother) and supsmu (super smoother) are two of R's scatterplot smoothers. In the figure, the lowess curve is less wiggly than the supsmu curve. Each smoother has a tuning parameter that can make the curve more or less wiggly. Figure was made with the default values for both smoothers. Example 3.2 (Seedlings, continued) As mentioned in Example , the seedlings study was carried out at the Coweeta Long Term Ecological Research station in western North Carolina. There were five plots at different elevations on a hillside. Within each plot there was a 60m x1m strip running along the hillside divided into 60 1m x1m quadrats. It is possible that the arrival rate of New seedlings and the survival rates of both Old and New seedlings are different in different plots and different quadrats. Figure shows the total number of New seedlings in each of the quadrats in one of the five plots. The lowess curve brings out the spatial trend: low numbers to the left, a peak around quadrat 40, and a slight falling off by quadrat 60. Figure was produced by plot (, xlab="quadrat index", ylab="total new seedlings" ) lines ( lowess ( ) ) In a regression problem the data are pairs (xi, y2) for i = 1, ... , n. For each i, y2 is a random variable whose distribution depends on x. We write Y2 = g(xj) + eC. (3.2) Equation expresses y2 as a systematic or explainable part g(xj) and an unex- plained part e2. g is called the regression function. Often the statistician's goal is to estimate g. As usual, the most important tool is a simple plot, similar to those in Figures through Once we have an estimate, y, for the regression function g (either by a scatter- plot smoother or by some other technique) we can calculate r2 - y2 - y(xi). The r2's are estimates of the c's and are called residuals. The c's themselves are called errors. Because the r2's are estimates they are sometimes written with the "hat" notation: si = r2 = estimate of e6  3.1. INTRODUCTION 209 U,) 0) ci) 0i 0 _ 107 /1- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OD 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 I I ---r- 0 10 20 30 40 I I 50 60 quadrat index Figure 3.4: Total number of New seedlings 1993 - 1997, by quadrat.  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 210 Residuals are used to evaluate and assess the fit of models for g, a topic which is beyond the scope of this book. In regression we use one variable to explain or predict the other. It is customary in statistics to plot the predictor variable on the x-axis and the predicted variable on the y-axis. The predictor is also called the independent variable, the explanatory variable, the covariate, or simply x. The predicted variable is called the dependent variable, or simply y. (In Economics x and y are sometimes called the exogenous and endogenous variables, respectively.) Predicting or explaining y from x is not perfect; knowing x does not tell us y exactly. But knowing x does tell us something about y and allows us to make more accurate predictions than if we didn't know x. Regression models are agnostic about causality. In fact, instead of using x to predict y, we could use y to predict x. So for each pair of variables there are two possible regressions: using x to predict y and using y to predict x. Sometimes neither variable causes the other. For example, consider a sample of cities and let x be the number of churches and y be the number of bars. A scatterplot of x and y will show a strong relationship between them. But the relationship is caused by the population of the cities. Large cities have large numbers of bars and churches and appear near the upper right of the scatterplot. Small cities have small numbers of bars and churches and appear near the lower left. Scatterplot smoothers are a relatively unstructured way to estimate g. Their output follows the data points more or less closely as the tuning parameter allows g to be more or less wiggly. Sometimes an unstructured approach is appropriate, but not always. The rest of Chapter 3 presents more structured ways to estimate g. 3.2 Normal Linear Models 3.2.1 Introduction In Section L,4 we studied the Normal distribution, useful for continuous popula- tions having a central tendency with roughly equally sized tails. In Section 3.2 we generalize to the case where there are many Normal distributions with different means which depend in a systematic way on another variable. We begin our study with an example in which there are three distinct distributions. Example 3.3 (Hot Dogs, continued) Figure 3° displays calorie data for three types of hot dogs. It appears that poultry hot dogs have, on average, slightly fewer calories than beef or meat hot dogs. How should we model these data?  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS21 211 0 0~ ©000©O 000 (D0O 0 (MM) 0Jam00 ®0 00 0GOD 00 ® 0 000DO 100 120 140 160 180 calories Figure 3.5: Calorie content of hot dogs  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 212 Figure was produced with stripchart ( hotdogs$Calories hotdogs$Type, pch=1, xlab="calories" ) There are 20 Beef, 17 Meat and 17 Poultry hot dogs in the sample. We think of them as samples from much larger populations. Figure shows density estimates of calorie content for the three types. For each type of hot dog, the calorie contents cluster around a central value and fall off to either side without a particularly long left or right tail. So it is reasonable, at least as a first attempt, to model the three distributions as Normal. Since the three distributions have about the same amount of spread we model them as all having the same SD. We adopt the model B1, ... , B20 ~ i.i.d. N(pB, O) M 1, . .. , M 17 ~ i.i.d. N (put , () (3.3) P1, ... , P17 ~ i.i.d. N(pp, o), where the Bi's, Mi's and Pi's are the calorie contents of the Beef, Meat and Poultry hot dogs respectively. Figure suggests pB ~l_ 150; pM ~l_ 160; p ~ 120; or ~ 30. An equivalent formulation is B1, ... , B20 ~ i.i.d. N(I, o) M1,... , M17 ~ i.i.d. N(p + M, ) (3.4) P1,... ,P17 ~ i.i.d. N(p + 6p, u) Models and are mathematically equivalent. Each has three parameters for the population means and one for the SD. They describe exactly the same set of distributions and the parameters of either model can be written in terms of the other. The equivalence is shown in Table . For the purpose of further exposition we adopt Model We will see later how to carry out inferences regarding the parameters. For now we stop with the model. Figure was produced with the following snippet.  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 213 Beef 50 100 150 200 250 calories Meat 50 100 150 200 250 calories Poultry 50 100 150 200 250 calories Figure 3.6: Density estimates of calorie contents of hot dogs  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 214 par ( mfrow=c(3,1)) plot ( density ( hotdogs$C [hotdogs$T=="Beef "] , bw=20 ), xlim=c(50,250), yaxt="n", ylab="", xlab="calories", main="Beef " ) plot ( density ( hotdogs$C[hotdogs$T=="Meat"], bw=20 ), xlim=c(50,250), yaxt="n", ylab="", xlab="calories", main="Meat" ) plot ( density ( hotdogs$C[hotdogs$T=="Poultry"], bw=20 ), xlim=c(50,250), yaxt="n", ylab="", xlab="calories", main="Poultry" ) " hotdogs$C and hotdogs$T illustrate a convenient feature of R, that components of a structure can be abbreviated. Instead of typing hotdogs$Calories and hotdogs$Type we can use the abbreviations. The same thing applies to arguments of functions. " density ( ..., bw=20 ) specifies the bandwidth of the density estimate. Larger bandwidth gives a smoother estimate; smaller bandwidth gives a more wiggly esti- mate. Try different bandwidths to see what they do. The PlantGrowth data set in R provides another example. As R explains, the data previously appeared in [ ] and are "Results from an experiment to compare yields (as measured by dried weight of plants) obtained under a control and two different treatment conditions." The first several lines are weight group 1 4.17 ctrl 2 5.58 ctrl 3 5.18 ctrl Figure shows the whole data set. It appears that plants grown under different treatments tend to have different weights. In particular, plants grown under Treatment 1 appear to be smaller on av- erage than plants grown under either the Control or Treatment 2. What statistical model should we adopt?  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 215 Model3. Model3.4 Interpretation Approximate value mean calorie content I'B of Beef hot dogs mean calorie content of Meat hot dogs mean calorie content of Poultry hot dogs mean calorie differ- pM - pIB M ence between Beef 10 and Meat hotdogs mean calorie differ- P - pB oP ence between Beef -30 and Poultry hotdogs SD of calorie content o o within a single type of 30 hot dog Table 3.1: Correspondence between Models and NM o o 000 000 00 0 Cpo (MC) . . 0 3.5 I I5 5 5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 weight Figure 3.7: The PlantGrowth data  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 216 Figure was produced with the following snippet. stripchart ( PlantGrowth$weight ~ PlantGrowth$group, pch=1, xlab="weight" ) First, we think of the 10 plants grown under each condition as a sample from a much larger population of plants that could have been grown. Second, a look at the data suggests that the weights in each group are clustered around a central value, approximately symmetrically without an especially long tail in either direction. So we model the weights as having Normal distributions. But we should allow for the possibility that the three populations have different means. (We do not address the possibility of different SD's here.) Let p be the population mean of plants grown under the Control condition, 61 and 62 be the extra weight due to Treatment 1 and Treatment 2 respectively, and o be the SD. We adopt the model Wo,1, ... , Wo,1o ~ i.i.d. N(p, c) Wi,1, . .. , WrT,1o ~ i.i.d. N(p + b1, or) (3.5) WT2,1, ... , WT2,1o - i.i.d. N(p + 62, o). There is a mathematical structure shared by , and many other statistical models, and some common statistical notation to describe it. We'll use the hot dog data to illustrate. Example 3.4 (Hot Dogs, continued) Example continues Example First, there is the main variable of interest, often called the response variable and denoted Y. For the hot dog data Y is calorie content. (Another analysis could be made in which Y is sodium content.) The distribution of Y is different under different circumstances. In this example, Y has a Normal distribution whose mean depends on the type of hot dog. In general, the distribution of Y will depend on some quantity of interest, called a covariate, regressor, or explanatory variable. Covariates are often called X. The data consists of multiple data points, or cases. We write Y and Xi for the i'th case. It is usual to represent the data as a matrix with one row for each case. One column is for Y; the other columns are for explanatory variables. For the hot dog data the matrix is Type Calories Sodium  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 217 Beef 186 495 Beef 181 477 Meat 140 428 Meat 138 339 Poultry 129 430 Poultry 132 375 (For analysis of calories, the third column is irrelevant.) Rewriting the data matrix in a slightly different form reveals some mathematical struc- ture common to many models. There are 54 cases in the hotdog study. Let (Y1, ... , Y54) be their calorie contents. For each i from 1 to 54, define two new variables X1,2 and X2,2 by S1 if the i'th hot dog is Meat, 0 otherwise and { 1 if the i'th hot dog is Poultry, 0 otherwise. X1,2 and X2,2 are indicator variables. Two indicator variables suffice because, for the i'th hot dog, if we know X1,2 and X2,2, then we know what type it is. (More generally, if there are k populations, then k - 1 indicator variables suffice.) With these new variables, Model 3.4 can be rewritten as Y=+ oMX1,2 + oPX2,2 + E 2(3.6) for i = 1,... ,54, where 61, ... , E54 ~ i.i.d. N(0, o-). Equation 3,6 is actually 54 separate equations, one for each case. We can write them succinctly using vector and matrix notation. Let y~yy~t Y =(Y1, .. . ,Y4), B (PwoMi, P)f, E = (61, . . . ,e4*  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 218 (The transpose is there because, by convention, vectors are column vectors.) and X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 X is a 54 x 3 matrix. The first 20 lines are for the Beef hot dogs; the next 17 the Meat hot dogs; and the final 17 are for the Poultry hot dogs. Equation 3,6 written are for can be Y=XB+E (3.7) Equations similar to the PlantGrowth data (page and are common to many statistical models. For 2) let Y = weight of i'th plant, X1, if i'th plant received treatment 1 0 otherwise X2, if i'th plant received treatment 2 0 otherwise y~yy~t Y= (Y1,...,Y30) B = (p, 61, 62)t E = (1, . . . , 6so)  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 219 and /1 0 0\ 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Then analogously to 3.61 and 3.7 we can write Y = p + oiX1,2 + 62X2,2 + eZ (3.8) and Y = XB + E. (3.9) Notice that Equation 3.6is nearly identical to Equation 3.8 and Equation 3,7 is identical to Equation 3.9. Their structure is common to many statistical models. Each Y is written as the sum of two parts. The first part, XB, (p1+oX1,i+pX2,i for the hot dogs; pu+ iX1,1 + 2X2,1 for PlantGrowth) is called systematic, deterministic, or signal and represents the explainable differences between populations. The second part, E, or ei, is random, or noise, and represents the differences between hot dogs or plants within a single population. The es's are called errors. In statistics, the word "error" does not indicate a mistake; it simply means the noise part of a model, or the part left unexplained by covariates. Modelling a response variable as response = signal + noise is a useful way to think and will recur throughout this book. In 3.6; the signal yu + ogX 1,2 + SPX 2,i is a linear function of (,o, o b) In ;18 the signal yu + b1iXl,i + 52X2,1 is a linear function of (,, ,62) . Models in which the signal is a linear function of the parameters are called linear models. In our examples so far, X has been an indicator. For each of a finite number of X's the~re hias bee~n acorrespndring popuilatinof Y's. As the next eavmple ilutats ina odl anas riewenXi1acninosvaibe  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 220 Example 3.5 (Ice Cream Consumption) This example comes from DASL, which says "Ice cream consumption was measured over 30 four-week periods from March 18, 1951 to July 11, 1953. The purpose of the study was to determine if ice cream consumption depends on the variables price, income, or temper- ature. The variables Lag-temp and Year have been added to the original data." You can download the data from The first few lines look like this: date IC price income temp Lag-temp Year 1 .386 .270 78 41 56 0 2 .374 .282 79 56 63 0 3 .393 .277 81 63 68 0 The variables are date Time period (1-30) of the study (from 3/18/51 to 7/11/53) IC Ice cream consumption in pints per capita Price Price of ice cream per pint in dollars Income Weekly family income in dollars Temp Mean temperature in degrees F Lag-temp Temp variable lagged by one time period Year Year within the study (0 = 1951, 1 = 1952, 2 = 1953) Figure 3.8 is a plot of consumption versus temperature. It looks as though an equation of the form consumption =/#0 + #1temperature + error (3.10)  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 221 would describe the data reasonably well. This is a linear model, not because consumption is a linear function of temperature, but because it is a linear function of (/0,31). To write it in matrix form, let Y = (IC1,...,1C3o) B = (#33#)t E= (61,...,630) and 1 temps ltemp2 X= 1 temp3o The model is Y=XB+E. (3.11) Equation 3.11 is a linear model, identical to Equations.7 and 3,9. Equation 3.7 (equivalently, 3.9 or 3'11) is the basic form of all linear models. Linear models are extremely useful because they can be applied to so many kinds of data sets. Section 3.2 2 investigates some of their theoretical properties and R's functions for fitting them to data. 3.2.2 Inference for Linear Models Section 32A showed some graphical displays of data that were eventually de- scribed by linear models. Section32 treats more formal inference for linear models. We begin by deriving the likelihood function. Linear models are described by Equation'3.7 (equivalently,3.9 or 11) which we repeat here for convenience: Y = XB + E. (3.12) In general there is an arbitrary number of cases, say n, and an arbitrary number of covariates, say p. Equation 3,12 is shorthand for the collection of univariate equations Y = 00 + OlX li + ... + OPXP)i + 6i (3.13)  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 222 0 0~ E 0, 0 0 0 IC) 0 C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O0 00 0o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 'O 30 40 50 60 70 temperature Figure 3.8: Ice cream consumption (pints per capita) versus mean temperature (°F)  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 223 or equivalently, Y ~N(pi, a) for i = 1, ... , n where si = 30 + E j3;Xj, and the c's are i.i.d. N(0, a). There are p + 2 parameters: (,0... , p, a). The likelihood function is n i=1 1 e__(y2 2)2 i=1 2wu n(iv y-(3O+E /X3,i)2 = 2 eu i1 2r n Y(yi-(/30+ 3jX,))2 (27ra2) (3.14) Likelihood 3.14 is a function of the p + 2 parameters. To find the m.l.e.'s we could differentiate 3.14 with respect to each parameter in turn, set the derivatives equal to 0, and solve. But it is easier to take the log of 3.14 first, then differentiate and solve. log f(Oo,..., /3p, a) = C - n log a - 2 2 (Yi (00+ oji,5J) (s~o)Z for some irrelevant constant C, so we get the system of equations 1 2Z (- 2 (yi 1 2 (yi n 1 + 3 (y, yi - (0o + EXi,j)) (0o + Z/Xi,))Xi,1 (0o + Z jxij))Xip 2 i - o3 + 1: S X2, ) ) 0 0 (3.15) 0 0 i  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 224 Note the hat notation to indicate estimates. The m.l.e.'s (00,...13,A,) are the values of the parameters that make the derivatives equal to 0 and therefore satisfy Equations 3,15. The first p + 1 of these equations can be multiplied by o2, yielding p + 1 linear equations in the p + 1 unknown #3's. Because they're linear, they can be solved by linear algebra. The solution is $ = (XtX)-1XY, using the notation of Equation3.12. For each i E {1,... , n}, let Yi =0i+x121 + -+xip. The Qi's are called fitted values. The residuals are fri = - i = Yi/-30 + X1231 + -- + X pip and are estimates of the errors Ei. Finally, referring to the last line of Equation 31, the m.l.e. 8 is found from 0 = - + (Yi - (30 + #jXi,5))2 and & = (3.16) n 2 In addition to the m.l.e.'s we often want to look at the likelihood function to judge, for example, how accurately each /3 can be estimated. The likelihood func- tion for a single /3i comes from the Central Limit Theorem. We will not work out the math here but, fortunately, Rt will do all the calculations for us. We illustrate with the hot dog data.  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 225 Example 3.6 (Hot Dogs, continued) Estimating the parameters of a model is called fitting a model to data. R has built-in commands for fitting models. The following snippet fits Model 3,7 to the hot dog data. The syntax is similar for many model fitting commands in R, so it is worth spending some time to understand it. <- im ( hotdogs$Calories hotdogs$Type ) " lm stands for linear model. " ~ stands for "is a function of". It is used in many of R's modelling commands. y x is called a formula and means that y is modelled as a function of x. In the case at hand, Calories is modelled as a function of Type. " lm specifies the type of model. " R automatically creates the X matrix in Equation ters. and estimates the parame- " The result of fitting the model is stored in a new object called Of course we could have called it anything we like. " lm can have an argument data, which specifies a dataframe. So instead of <- lm ( hotdogs$Calories hotdogs$Type ) we could have written <- lm ( Calories Type, data=hotdogs ) You may want to try this to see how it works. To see, use R's summary function. It's use and the resulting output are shown in the following snippet.  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 226 > summary(hotdogs. fit) Call: lm(formula = hotdogs$Calories hotdogs$Type) Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -51.706 -18.492 -5.278 22.500 36.294 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>ItI) (Intercept) 156.850 5.246 29.901 < 2e-16 *** hotdogs$TypeMeat 1.856 7.739 0.240 0.811 hotdogs$TypePoultry -38.085 7.739 -4.921 9.4e-06 *** Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 Residual standard error: 23.46 on 51 degrees of freedom Multiple R-Squared: 0.3866, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3626 F-statistic: 16.07 on 2 and 51 DF, p-value: 3.862e-06 The most important part of the output is the table labelled Coefficients:. There is one row of the table for each coefficient. Their names are on the left. In this table the names are Intercept, hotdogs$TypeMeat, and hotdogs$TypePoultry. The first column is labelled Estimate. Those are the m.l.e.'s. R has fit the model Y =/30+31X1,1+0#2X2,1+ce where X1 and X2 are indicator variables for the type of hot dog. The model implies Y = 3o + Ei for beef hotdogs Y = ,3o + 31 + Ei for meat hotdogs Y = ,3o + /32 + Ei for poultry hotdogs Therefore the names mean 30 = Intercept = mean calorie content of beef hot dogs /31 = hotdogs$TypeMeat = mean difFerence between beef and meat hot dogs /2 = hotdogs$TypePoultry = mean difFerence between beef and poultry hot dogs  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 227 From the Coefficients table the estimates are S0 = 156.850 ,1= 1.856 )2= -38.085 The next column of the table is labelled Std. Error. It contains the SD's of the estimates. In this case, )o has an SD of about 5.2; 1 has an SD of about 7.7, and )2 also has an SD of about 7.7. The Central Limit Theorem says that approximately, in large samples 1 ~ N (#1,(70, ) 2 ~ N (#2, (702) The SD's in the table are estimates of the SD's in the Central Limit Theorem. Figure plots the likelihood functions. The interpretation is that # 0 is likely some- where around 157, plus or minus about 10 or so; 1, is somewhere around 2, plus or minus about 15 or so; and # 2 is somewhere around -38, plus or minus about 15 or so. (Compare to Table .) In particular, there is no strong evidence that Meat hot dogs have, on average, more or fewer calories than Beef hot dogs; but there is quite strong evidence that Poultry hot dogs have considerably fewer. Figure was produced with the following snippet. m <- c ( 156.85, 1.856, -38.085 ) s <- c ( 5.246, 7.739, 7.739 ) par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) x <- seq ( m[1]-3*s[1], m[1]+3*s[1], length=40 ) plot ( x, dnorm(x,m[1],s[1]), type="1", xlab=expression(mu), ylab="likelihood", yaxt="n" ) x <- seq ( m[2]-3*s[2], m[2]+3*s[2], length=40 ) plot ( x, dnorm(x,m[2],s[2]), type="1", xlab=expression(delta[M]), ylab="likelihood", yaxt="n" )  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 228 0 0 0 0 140 150 160 170 -20 0 10 8M 0 0 ' I - 1 1 1 -60 -40 -20 Figure 3.9: Likelihood functions for (,u, oM, 8P) in the Hot Dog example.  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 229 x <- seq ( m[3]-3*s[3], m[3]+3*s[3], length=40 ) plot ( x, dnorm(x,m[3],s[3]), type="1", xlab=expression(delta[P]), ylab="likelihood", yaxt="n" ) The summary also gives an estimate of o-. The estimate is labelled Residual standard error. In this case, & ~ 23.46. So our model says that for each type of hot dog, the calorie contents have approximately a Normal distribution with SD about 23 or so. Compare to Figure to see whether the 23.46 makes sense. Regression is sometimes used in an exploratory setting, when scientists want to find out which variables are related to which other variables. Often there is a response variable Y, (imagine, for example, performance in school) and they want to know which other variables affect Y (imagine, for example, poverty, amount of television watching, computer in the home, parental involvment, etc.) Example illustrates the process. Example 3.7 (mtcars) This example uses linear regression to explore the R data set mtcars (See Figure , panel (c)) more thoroughly with the goal of modelling mpg (miles per gallon) as a function of the other variables. As usual, type data(mtcars) to load the data into R and help(mtcars) for an explanation. As R explains: "The data was extracted from the 1974 Motor Trend US magazine, and comprises fuel consumption and 10 aspects of automobile design and perfor- mance for 32 automobiles (1973-74 models)." In an exploratory exercise such as this, it often helps to begin by looking at the data. Accordingly, Figure is a pairs plot of the data, using just the continuous variables. Figure was produced by pairs ( mtcars[,c(1,3:7)] ) 1R, like most statistical software, does not report the m.l.e. but reports instead & - (Z r/(n - p - 1))1/2. Compare to Equation for the m.l.e. in which the denominator is n. The situation is similar to the sample SD on page . When n p there is little difference between the two estimates.  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 230 100 400 3.0 4.5 16 22 0 ° ° displ I D C 0 0 w II ___D ) L CO Lii] 0 0 0 °10C\JQ C\J II I0 r0 0 LZLJ w 10 25 50 250 2 4 Figure 3.10: pairs plot of the mtcars data. Type help (mtcars) in Rt for an expla- nation.  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 231 Clearly, mpg is related to several of the other variables. Weight is an obvious and intuitive example. The figure suggests that the linear model mpg = #o +#13wt + e (3.17) is a good start to modelling the data. Figure 3 11(a) is a plot of mpg vs. weight plus the fitted line. The estimated coefficients turn out to be #0 37.3 and #1 -5.34. The interpretation is that mpg decreases by about 5.34 for every 1000 pounds of weight. Note: this does not mean that if you put a 1000 pound weight in your car your mileage mpg will decrease by 5.34. It means that if car A weighs about 1000 pounds less than car B, then we expect car A to get an extra 5.34 miles per gallon. But there are likely many difFerences between A and B besides weight. The 5.34 accounts for all of those difFerences, on average. We could just as easily have begun by fitting mpg as a function of horsepower with the model mpg = 7o+')71hp + (3.18) We use 'y's to distinguish the coefficients in Equation 31 from those in Equation 3,17. The m.l.e.'s turn out to be to 30.1 and 11 -0.069. Figure ,11(b) shows the corresponding scatterplot and fitted line. Which model do we prefer? Choosing among different possible models is a major area of statistical practice with a large literature that can be highly technical. In this book we show just a few considerations. One way to judge models is through residual plots, which are plots of residuals versus either X variables or fitted values. If models are adequate, then residual plots should show no obvious patterns. Patterns in residual plots are clues to model inadequacy and how to improve models. Figure 3.1(c) and (d) are residual plots for mpg.fitl (mpg vs. wt) and mpg.fit2 (mpg vs. hp). There are no obvious patterns in panel (c). In panel (d) there is a suggestion of curvature. For fitted values between about 15 and 23, residuals tend to be low but for fitted values less than about 15 or greater than about 23, residuals tend to be high (The same pattern might have been noted in panel (b).) suggesting that mpg might be better fit as a nonlinear function of hp. We do not pursue that suggestion further at the moment, merely noting that there may be a minor flaw in mpg. f it2 and we therefore slightly prefer mpg. f itl. Another thing to note from panels (c) and (d) is the overall size of the residuals. In (c), they run from about -4 to about +6, while in (d) they run from about -6 to about +6. That is, the residuals from mpg.fit2 tend to be slightly larger in absolute value than the residuals from mpg.fit1, suggesting that wt predicts mpg slightly better than does hp. That impression can be confirmed by getting the summary of both fits and checking 8. From mpg.fit1 8 3.046 while from mpg.fit2 8 3.863. I.e., from wt  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 232 we can predict mpg to within about 6 or so (two SD's) while from hp we can predict mpg only to within about 7.7 or so. For this reason too, we slightly prefer mpg.fit1 to mpg. fit2. What about the possibility of using both weight and horsepower to predict mpg? Consider mpg.fit3 <- lm ( mpg ~ wt + hp, data=mtcars ) " The formula y ~ x1 + x2 means fit y as a function of both x1 and x2. In our example that means mpg - 6o + oiwt1 + 62h p2 + E (3.19) A residual plot from model is shown in Figure (e). The m.l.e. 's are oo 37.2, 1 -3.88, 62 ~ -0.03, and - 2.6. Since the residual plot looks curved, Model has residuals about as small as Model , and Model is more parsimonious than Model we slightly prefer Model Figure (a) was produced with plot ( mtcars$wt, mtcars$mpg, xlab="weight", ylab="mpg" ) mpg.fitl <- im ( mpg ~ wt, data=mtcars ) abline ( coef(mpg.fitl) ) Figure , panels (c) and (d) were produced with # panel c plot ( fitted(mpg.fitl), resid(mpg.fitl), main="(c)", xlab="fitted values from fiti", ylab="resid" ) # panel d plot ( fitted(mpg.fit2), resid(mpg.fit2), xlab="fitted values from fit2", ylab="resid", main="(d)" )  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 233 (a) (b) 0 CO) E o Q~ 0 CO) E o Q~ 2 3 4 5 50 150 250 horsepower weight (c) (d) (0 IZI N, a) N\ 10 15 20 25 fitted values from fit2 fitted values from fit1 (e) 0 0 -o0 00 c0 0 00 0 10 15 2 5 3 fitted values from fit3 Figure 3.11: t c ar s- (a): mpg vs. wt; (b): mpg vs. hp; (c): residual plot from mpg~ wt; (d): residual plot from mpg~ hp; (e): residual plot from mpg~ wt+hp  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 234 In Example we fit three models for mpg, repeated here with their original equation numbers. mpg=# O+J1wt+E ( ) mpg = 'yo + '1hp +E ( ) mpg = o + olwtl + 62hp + E ( ) What is the connection between, say, #1, and 61, or between -71 and 62? #1 is the average mpg difference between two cars whose weights differ by 1000 pounds. Since heavier cars tend to be different than lighter cars in many ways, not just in weight, #1, captures the net effect on mpg of all those differences. On the other hand, 61 is the average mpg difference between two cars of identical horsepower but whose weights differ by 1000 pounds. Figure shows the likelihood func- tions of these four parameters. The evidence suggests that #1 is probably in the range of about -7 to about -4, while 61 is in the range of about -6 to -2. It's possible that 1 ~ 61. On the other hand, -y1 is probably in the interval (-.1, -.04) while 62 is probably in the interval (-.05, 0). It's quite likely that -y1 # 62. Scientists sometimes ask the question "What is the effect of variable X on variable Y?" That question does not have an unambiguous answer; the answer depends on which other variables are accounted for and which are not. Figure was produced with par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) x <- seq ( -8, -1.5, len=60 ) plot ( x, dnorm(x,-5.3445,.5591), type="1", xlab=expression(beta[1]), ylab="", yaxt="n" ) x <- seq ( -.1, 0, len=60 ) plot ( x, dnorm(x,-.06823,.01012), type="1", xlab=expression(gamma[1]), ylab="", yaxt="n" ) x <- seq ( -8, -1.5, len=60 ) plot ( x, dnorm(x,-3.87783, .63273), type="1", xlab=expression(delta[1]), ylab="", yaxt="n" ) x <- seq ( -.1, 0, len=60 ) plot ( x, dnorm(x,-.03177,.00903), type="1", xlab=expression(delta[21), ylab="", yaxt="n" )  3.2. NORMAL LINEAR MODELS 235 -8 -6 -4 -2 -0.10 -0.04 0.00 Y1 I I I I I I I -8 -6 -4 -2 -0.10 -0.04 0.00 Figure 3.12: likelihood functions for /1, ,71, 61 and b2 in the mtcars example.  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 236 3.3 Generalized Linear Models 3.3.1 Logistic Regression Look again at panel (c) in Figure on page . The dependent variable is binary, as opposed to the continuous dependent variables in panels (a), (b) and (d). In (a), (b) and (d) we modelled Y X as having a Normal distribution; regression was a model for E[Y X], the mean of that Normal distribution as a function of X. In (c) Y X has a Binomial distribution. We still use the term "regression" for a model of E [Y X]. When Y is binary, regression is a model for the probability of success 0 as a function of X. Figure shows two more scatterplots where Y is a binary variable. The data are described in the next two examples. Example 3.8 (FACE, continued) Refer to Examples and about the FACE experiment to assess the effects of excess CO2 on the growth of the forest. To describe the size of trees, ecologists sometimes use Diameter at Breast Height, or DBH. DBH was recorded every year for each loblolly pine tree in the FACE experiment. One potential effect of elevated CO2 is for the trees to reach sexual maturity and hence be able to reproduce earlier than otherwise. If they do mature earlier, ecologists would like to know whether that's due only to their increased size, or whether trees will reach maturity not just at younger ages, but also at smaller sizes. Sexually mature trees can produce pine cones but immature trees cannot. So to investigate sexual maturity, a graduate student counted the number of pine cones on each tree. For each tree let X be its DBH and Y be either 1 or 0 according to whether the tree has pine cones. Figure (a) is a plot of Y versus X for all the trees in Ring 1. It does appear that larger trees are more likely to have pine cones. Example 3.9 (0-rings) "On January 28, 1986 America was shocked by the destruction of the space shuttle Challenger, and the death of its seven crew members." So begins the website http: //www. f as. org/spp/51L. html of the Federation of American Scientist's Space Policy Project. Up until 1986 the space shuttle orbiter was lifted into space by a pair of booster rock- ets, one on each side of the shuttle, that were comprised of four sections stacked vertically on top of each other. The joints between the sections were sealed by 0-rings. On January 28, 1986 the temperature at launch time was so cold that the 0-rings became brittle and failed to seal the joints, allowing hot exhaust gas to come into contact with unburned  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 237 fuel. The result was the Challenger disaster. An investigation ensued. The website http: // contains links to 1. a description of the event, 2. a report (Kerwin) on the initial attempt to determine the cause, 3. a report (rogers-commission) of the presidential investigative commission that fi- nally did determine the cause, and 4. a transcript of the operational recorder voice tape. One of the issues was whether NASA could or should have forseen that cold weather might diminish performance of the 0-rings. After launch the booster rockets detach from the orbiter and fall into the ocean where they are recovered by NASA, taken apart and analyzed. As part of the analysis NASA records whether any of the 0-rings were damaged by contact with hot exhaust gas. If the probability of damage is greater in cold weather then, in principle, NASA might have forseen the possibility of the accident which occurred during a launch much colder than any previous launch. Figure (b) plots Y = presence of damage against X = temperature for the launches prior to the Challenger accident. The figure does suggest that colder launches are more likely to have damaged 0-rings. What is wanted is a model for probability of damage as a function of temperature, and a prediction for probability of damage at 37°F, the temperature of the Challenger launch. Fitting straight lines to Figure doesn't make sense. In panel (a) what we need is a curve such that 1. E[Y X] = P[Y = 1 X] is close to 0 when X is smaller than about 10 or 12 cm., and 2. E[Y X] = P[Y = 1 X] is close to 1 when X is larger than about 25 or 30 cm. In panel (b) we need a curve that goes in the opposite direction. The most commonly adopted model in such situations is E[Y X] = P[Y = 1 X] = (3.20) 1 + c~o+QiX Figure shows the same data as Figure with some curves added according to Equation . The values of #0 and #1 are in Table  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 238 (a) U,) 0~ U,) 0 0 4i) 4i) U,) 4i) 0~ 4i) 0J) E -o 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 o Ho) UasD000 OD namoD IoM ooansam oo 0 5 10 15 20 25 DBH (b) 0 00 0 0 0 00000 00 00 00 0 o oo o o o 55 60 65 70 75 80 temperature Figure 3.13: (a): pine cone presence/absence vs. dbh. (b): O-ring damage vs. launch temperature  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 239 (a) 0i U,) 0i 0~ U,) 0 0 4i) .5- 00 0 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 DBH (b) ,) ci) ci) 0J 0o 0 0 0 0 55 60 65 70 75 80 temperature Figure 3.14: (a): pine cone presence/absence vs. dbh. (b): O-ring damage vs. launch temperature, with some logistic regression curves  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS24 240 /,0 IL solid -8 .45 (a) dashed -7.5 .36 dotted -5 .45 solid 20 -.3 (b) dashed 15 -.23 dotted 18 -.3 Table 3.2: , 's for Figure Figure was produced by the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c (2,1) ) plot ( cones$dbh [ringll , mature [ringli , xlab="DBH", ylab="pine cones present", main="(a)" ) x <- seq ( 4, 25, length=40 ) bO <- c(-8, -7.5, -5) bi <- c ( .45, .36, .45 ) for ( i in 1:3 ) lines ( x, exp (bO [il + bl [i] *x) /(1 + exp (bO [il + bl [i] *x)) lty=i ) plot ( orings$temp, orings$damage>0, xlab="temperature", ylab="damage present", main=" (b)" ) x <- seq ( 50, 82, length=40 ) bO <- c(20, 15, 18) bi <- c ( -.3, -.23, -.3 ) for ( i in 1:3 ) lines ( x, exp (bO [il + bl [i] *x) /(1 + exp (bO [il + bl [i] *x) ) lty=i ) Model is known as logistic regression. Let the i'th observation have covari- ate x2 and probability of success 02 = E[Y x2]. Define 2-log (1 -  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 241 i is called the logit of Oi. The inverse transformation is e** 1 + e~i The logistic regression model is #b2 = 0 +#1xi. This is called a generalized linear model or glm because it is a linear model for #, a transformation of E(Y l x) rather than for E(Y l x) directly. The quantity ,/ + #31x is called the linear predictor. If ,31 > 0, then as x - +oc, 6 - 1 and as x --oo, 0 - 0. If #1 < 0 the situation is reversed. ,30 is like an intercept; it controls how far to the left or right the curve is. 31 is like a slope; it controls how quickly the curve moves between its two asymptotes. Logistic regression and, indeed, all generalized linear models differ from linear regression in two ways: the regression function is nonlinear and the distribution of Y l x is not Normal. These differences imply that the methods we used to analyze linear models are not correct for generalized linear models. We need to derive the likelihood function and find new calculational algorithms. The likelihood function is derived from first principles. X 1 - -Y n 1 - - - y ny13o 11) (oI i, 0 1 1JO6 (1 - o2)lYi i:y=1 i:yi=0 H e,3o+1xi 1 1 + e o+1xi .'--- 1 + eo+1xi i:y =1 z:yi=o This is a rather complicated function of the two variables (,3o,#,31). However, a Central Limit Theorem applies to give a likelihood function for ,30 and 31 that is accurate when n is reasonable large. The theory is beyond the scope of this book, but R will do the calculations for us. We illustrate with the pine cone data from Example 3.8. Figure shows the likelihood function.  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 242 O 0 C) 0 0 C) 0 NC CM 0 I I I I I I I I -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 fP0 Figure 3.15: Likelihood function for the pine cone data  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 243 Figure was produced by the following snippet. mature <- cones$X2000[ringl] > 0 b0 <- seq ( -11, -4, length=60 ) b1 <- seq ( .15, .5, length=60 ) lik <- matrix ( NA, 60, 60 ) for ( i in 1:60 ) for ( j in 1:60 ) { linpred <- b0[i] + b1[j]*cones$dbh[ringl] theta <- exp(linpred) / (1+exp(linpred)) lik[i,j] <- prod ( theta-mature * (1-theta)^(1-mature) ) } lik <- lik/max(lik) contour ( b0, b1, lik, xlab=expression(beta[0]), ylab=expression(beta[1]) ) " mature is an indicator variable for whether a tree has at least one pine cone. " The lines bO <- ... and b1 <- ... set some values of (O, 1) at which to evaluate the likelihood. They were chosen after looking at the output from fitting the logistic regression model. " lik <- ... creates a matrix to hold values of the likelihood function. " linpred is the linear predictor. Because cones$dbh [ringl] is a vector, linpred is also a vector. Therefore theta is also a vector, as is theta-mature * (1-theta) (1-mature). It will help your understanding of R to understand what these vectors are. One notable feature of Figure is the diagonal slope of the contour ellipses. The meaning is that we do not have independent information about #0 and # 1. For example if we thought, for some reason, that #0 r -9, then we could be fairly confident that #1 is in the neighborhood of about .4 to about .45. But if we thought 0 r -6, then we would believe that #1 is in the neighborhood of about .25 to about .3. More generally, if we knew po, then we could estimate #1 to within a range of about .05. But since we don't know po, we can only say that #1 is likely to be somewhere between about .2 and .6. The dependent information for (,# 1) means that our marginal information for #1 is much less precise than our  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 244 conditional information for 31 given 30. That imprecise marginal information is reflected in the output from R, shown in the following snippet which fits the model and summarizes the result. cones <- read.table ( "data/pinecones.dat", header=T ) ringi <- cones$ring == 1 mature <- cones$X2000[ringll > 0 fit <- glm ( mature cones$dbh[ringl], family=binomial ) summary ( fit ) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>IzI) (Intercept) -7.46684 1.76004 -4.242 2.21e-05 *** cones$dbh[ringl] 0.36151 0.09331 3.874 0.000107 *** " cones ... reads in the data. There is one line for each tree. The first few lines look like this. ring ID xcoor ycoor spec dbh X1998 X1999 X2000 1 1 11003 0.71 0.53 pita 19.4 0 0 0 2 1 11004 1.26 2.36 pita 14.1 0 0 4 3 1 11011 1.44 6.16 pita 19.4 0 6 0 ID is a unique identifying number for each tree; xcoor and ycoor are coordi- nates in the plane; spec is the species; pita stands for pinus taeda or loblolly pine, X1998, X1999 and X2000 are the numbers of pine cones each year. " ringi ... is an indicator variable for trees in Ring 1. " mature ... indicates whether the tree had any cones at all in 2000. It is not a precise indicator of maturity. " fit ... fits the logistic regression. glm fits a generalized linear model. The argument f amily=binomial tells R what kind of data we have. In this case it's binomial because y is either a success or failure.  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 245 " summary (f it) shows that (/°, #31) ~(-7.5, 0.36). The SD's are about 1.8 and .1. These values guided the choice of bO and bi in creating Figure 3,15. It's the SD of about .1 that says we can estimate 31 to within an interval of about .4, or about +2SD's. 3.3.2 Poisson Regression Section;3.. dealt with the case where the response variable Y was Bernoulli. Another common situation is where the response Y is a count. In that case it is natural to adopt, at least provisionally, a model in which Y has a Poisson distribu- tion: Y Poi(A). When there are covariates X, then A may depend on X. It is common to adopt the regression log A = ,0 +#1-x (3.21) Model 3.2 is another example of a generalized linear model. Example 310 illus- trates its use. Example 3.10 (Seedlings, continued) Several earlier examples have discussed data from the Coweeta LTER on the emergence and survival of red maple (acer rubrum) seedlings. Example 3,2 showed that the arrival rate of seedlings seemed to vary by quadrat. Refer especially to Figure 3,4. Example 3,10 follows up that observation more quantitatively. Roughly speaking, New seedlings arise in a two-step process. First, a seed falls out of the sky, then it germinates and emerges from the ground. We may reasonably assume that the emergence of one seedling does not affect the emergence of another (They're too small to interfere with each other.) and hence that the number of New seedlings has a Poi(A) distribution. Let Y be the number of New seedlings observed in quadrat i and year j. Here are two fits in R, one in which A varies by quadrat and one in which it doesn't. new <- data.frame ( count=count, quadrat=as.factor (quadrat), year=as. factor (year) ) fitO <- gim ( count ~ 1, f amily=poisson, data=new ) f iti <- gim ( c ount ~quadr at , f amily=pois son, dat a=new ) * The command data.frame creates a dataframe. Rt describes dataframes as  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 246 "tightly coupled collections of variables which share many of the prop- erties of matrices and of lists, used as the fundamental data structure by most of R's modeling software." We created a dataframe called new, having three columns called count, quadrat, and year. Each row of new contains a count (of New seedlings), a quadrat number and a year. There are as many rows as there are observations. " The command as.factor turns its argument into a factor. That is, instead of treating quadrat and year as numerical variables, we treat them as indicator variables. That's because we don't want a quadrat variable running from 1 to 60 implying that the 60th quadrat has 60 times as much of something as the 1st quadrat. We want the quadrat numbers to act as labels, not as numbers. " gim stands for generalized linear model. The family=poisson argument says what kind of data we're modelling. data=new says the data are to be found in a dataframe called new. " The formula count 1 says to fit a model with only an intercept, no covariates. " The formula count quadrat says to fit a model in which quadrat is a covariate. Of course that's really 59 new covariates, indicator variables for 59 of the 60 quadrats. To examine the two fits and see which we prefer, we plotted actual versus fitted values and residuals versus fitted values in Figure 3:16. Panels (a) and (b) are from fitO. Because there may be overplotting, we jittered the points and replotted them in panels (c) and (d). Panels (e) and (f) are jittered values from fit1. Comparison of panels (c) to (e) and (d) to (f) shows that fiti predicts more accurately and has smaller residuals than fitO. That's consistent with our reading of Figure 34. So we prefer fit1. Figure 3.17 continues the story. Panel (a) shows residuals from fit1 plotted against year. There is a clear difference between years. Years 1, 3, and 5 are high while years 2 and 4 are low. So perhaps we should use year as a predictor. That's done by fit2 <- gim ( count ~ quadrat+year, family=poisson, data=new ) Panels (b) and (c) show diagnostic plots for fit2. Compare to similar panels in Fig- ure 3;1 to see whether using year makes an appreciable difference to the fit.  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 247 (a) a) 0a 10 0 C,, U) co Co ccJ 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 fitted values (c) (b) 0 0 0 0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 fitted values (d) 0 0 00 0 0 0 000 0 0 00c0 0 0 I I I I I II 0.865 0.8750.885 0.895 fitted values a) Ca 10 0 C,) U) co cc C\J- 0.865 0.875 0.885 0.895 fitted values (e) 1O 10 f ) O~ 00 0 0= 0~ 0 0 0z 0 1 2 3 4 5 fitted values (f) C) L') 0 1 2 3 4 5 fitted values Figure 3.16: Actual vs. fitted and residuals vs. fitted for the New seedling data. (a) and (b): fitO. (c) and (d): jittered values from fitO. (e) and (f): jittered values from f it1.  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS 248 Figure was created with the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c(3,2) ) plot ( fitted(fit0), new$count, xlab="fitted values", ylab="actual values", main="(a)" ) abline ( 0, 1 ) plot ( fitted(fit0), residuals(fit0), xlab="fitted values", ylab="residuals", main="(b)" ) plot ( jitter(fitted(fit0)), xlab="fitted values", main="(c)" ) abline ( 0, 1 ) plot ( jitter(fitted(fit0)), xlab="fitted values", plot ( jitter(fitted(fit1)), xlab="fitted values", main="(e)" ) abline ( 0, 1 ) plot ( jitter(fitted(fit1)), xlab="fitted values", The following snippet shows how Figu jitter(new$count), ylab="actual values", jitter(residuals(fit0)), ylab="residuals", main="(d)" ) jitter(new$count), ylab="actual values", jitter(residuals(fitl)), ylab="residuals", main="(f)" ) ire was made in R. par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) plot ( new$year, residuals(fitl), xlab="year", ylab="residuals", main="(a)" ) plot ( jitter(fitted(fit2)), jitter(new$count), xlab="fitted values", ylab="actual values", main="(b)" ) abline ( 0, 1 ) plot ( jitter(fitted(fit2)), jitter(residuals(fit2)), xlab="fitted values", ylab="residuals", main="(c)" )  3.3. GENERALIZED LINEAR MODELS (a) 0 -r C'7 I CV - 0 I UI) TI I I I> | -I - I year (c) 249 (b) 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 fitted values C) C\1 (I) (I a) 0 C') 0 2 4 6 8 fitted values Figure 3.17: New seedling data. (a): residuals from fiti vs. year. (b): actual vs. fitted from fit2. (c): residuals vs. fitted from fit2.  3.4. PREDICTIONS FROM REGRESSION 250 3.4 Predictions from Regression From a regression equation, if we have estimates of the ,'s we can 1. plug in the values of the x's we have to get fitted values, and 2. plug in the values of x for new or future cases to get predicted values. We illustrate with the mtcars data. Example 3.11 (mtcars, continued) Example concluded with a comparison of three models for mpg. Here we continue that comparison by seeing whether the models make substantially different predictions for any of the cars in the data set. For each car we know its weight and horsepower and we have estimates of all the parameters in Equations , , and , so we can compute its fitted values from all three models. In symbols, fi = )o + I1wt2 (from ) fi= o +1jhp (from ) fi = 6o + 61wt2 + b2h p (from ) We plot the fitted values against each other to see whether there are any noticable differences. Figure displays the result. Figure shows that the mpg. fitl and mpg. fit3 produce fitted values substantially similar to each other and agreeing fairly well with actual values, while mpg.fit2 produces fitted values that differ somewhat from the others and from the actual values, at least for a few cars. This is another reason to prefer mpg.fit1 and mpg.fit3 to mpg.fit2. In Example this lack of fit showed up as a higher & for mpg.fit2 than for mpg.fit1. Figure was made with the following snippet. fitted.mpg <- cbind ( fitted(mpg.fitl), fitted(mpg.fit2), fitted(mpg.fit3), mtcars$mpg ) pairs ( fitted.mpg, labels = c ( "fitted from wt", "fitted from hp", "fitted from both", "actual mpg" ) ) * fitted(xyz) extracts fitted values. xyz can be any model previously fitted by lm, glm, or other R functions to fit models.  3.4. PREDICTIONS FROM REGRESSION 251 0- "T- fitted from wt O 00 cJ0 0 0o 0 0 0 0 00 0 0~ 1 20 3 10 20 0 o 0 O§On 0 9 fitted from hp 00O 0 0Q 0© 0 0 0 0 08 8 0? 0 6b 0 0E 00 0D 0 0 0 10 20 3 10 20 30 0 0 0 c0o 0 00 o 0 ~0 0 0~ 0 0 00 0 00 0 00, 0 0 0 actual mpg 0 CO) 10 10 T 10 M) 10 N 0 CO) 0 0 T Figure 3.18: Actual mpg and fitted values from three models  3.4. PREDICTIONS FROM REGRESSION 252 In Example 3.5 we posited model 3,10 Y = #0 + /31 x + e(3.22) where x was mean temperature during the week and y was ice cream consumption during the week. Now we want to fit the model to the data and use the fit to predict consumption. In addition, we want to say how accurate the predictions are. Let xf be the predicted mean temperature for some future week and yf be consumption. xf is known; yf is not. Our model says Yf ~N(pf, a) where pf =0 + O1xf pif is unknown because 30 and 31 are unknown. But (/, #1) can be estimated from the data, so we can form an estimate Pf= =o + $1xf How accurate is ftf as an estimate of pf? The answer depends on how accurate (,/o, ,31) are as estimates of (/#,#,1). Advanced theory about Normal distributions, beyond the scope of this book, tells us f ~N(pf, it) for some ait which may depend on xf; we have omitted the dependency from the notation. pif is the average ice cream consumption in all weeks whose mean temperature is xf. So ^f is also an estimator of y . But in any particular week the actual consumption won't exactly equal p f. Our model says Yf = pf + E where E N(0, a). So in any given week yf will differ from Pf by an amount up to about +2a or so. Thus the uncertainty cfit in estimating yf has two components: (1) the uncer- tainty of p f which comes because we don't know (/o, #1) and (2) the variability a due to E. We can't say in advance which component will dominate. Sometimes it will be the first, sometimes the second. What we can say is that as we collect more and more data, we learn (/, #1) more accurately, so the first component becomes negligible and the second component dominates. When that happens, we won't go far wrong by simply ignoring the first component.  3.5. EXERCISES 253 3.5 Exercises 1. (a) Use the attenu , airquality and faithful datasets to reproduce Fig- ures:3. (a), (b) and (d). (b) Add lowess and supsmu fits. (c) Figure out how to use the tuning parameters and try out several different values. (Use the help or help. start functions.) 2. With the mtcars dataset, use a scatterplot smoother to plot the relationship between weight and displacement. Does it matter which we think of as X and which as Y? Is one way more natural than the other? 3. Download the 1970 draft data from DASL and reproduce Figure 3. Use the tuning parameters (f for lowess; span for supsmu) to draw smoother and wigglier scatterplot smoothers. 4. How could you test whether the draft numbers in Example were gener- ated uniformly? What would Ho be? What would be a good test statistic w? How would estimate the distribution of w under Ho? 5. Using the information in Example 3. estimate the mean calorie content of meat and poultry hot dogs. 6. Refer to Examples 22, ., and 3 6 (a) Formulate statistical hypotheses for testing whether the mean calorie content of Poultry hot dogs is equal to the mean calorie content of Beef hot dogs. (b) What statistic will you use? (c) What should that statistic be if Ho is true? (d) How many SD's is it off? (e) What do you conclude? (f) What about Meat hot dogs? 7. Refer to Examples 22, 3.4, and 3.6. Figure shows plenty of overlap in the calorie contents of Beef and Poultry hot dogs. I.e., there are many Poultry hot dogs with more calories than many Beef hot dogs. But Figure 3.9 shows very little support for values of op near 0. Can that be right? Explain?  3.5. EXERCISES 254 8. Examples , , and analyze the calorie content of Beef, Meat, and Poultry hot dogs. Create a similar analysis, but for sodium content. Your analysis should cover at least the following steps. (a) A stripchart similar to Figure and density estimates similar to Fig- ure (b) A model similar to Model , including definitions of the parameters. (c) Indicator variables analogous to those in Equation (d) A model similar to Model , including definitions of all the terms. (e) A fit in R, similar to that in Example (f) Parameter estimates and SD's. (g) Plots of likelihood functions, analagous to Figure (h) Interpretation. 9. Analyze the PlantGrowth data from page . State your conclusion about whether the treatments are effective. Support you conclusion with analysis. 10. Analyze the Ice Cream data from Example . Write a model similar to Model , including definitions of all the terms. Use R to fit the model. Estimate the coefficients and say how accurate your estimates are. If temper- ature increases by about 5 OF, about how much would you expect ice cream consumption to increase? Make a plot similar to Figure , but add on the line implied by Equation and your estimates of #0 and # 1. 11. Verify the claim that for Equation to r 30, 1 ~r -.07 and & 3.9. 12. Does a football filled with helium travel further than one filled with air? DASL has a data set that attempts to answer the question. Go to DASL, http: //lib. stat. cmu. edu/DASL, download the data set Helium football and read the story. Use what you know about linear models to analyze the data and reach a conclusion. You must decide whether to include data from the first several kicks and from kicks that appear to be flubbed. Does your decision affect your conclusion? 13. Use the PlantGrowth data from R. Refer to page and Equation (a) Estimate pc, pTi, pT2 and o-. (b) Test the hypothesis pTi = [c.  3.5. EXERCISES 255 (c) Test the hypothesis pUT1 =pT2. 14. Jack and Jill, two Duke sophomores, have to choose their majors. They both love poetry so they might choose to be English majors. Then their futures would be full of black clothes, black coffee, low paying jobs, and occasional volumes of poetry published by independent, non-commercial presses. On the other hand, they both see the value of money, so they could choose to be Economics majors. Then their futures would be full of power suits, double cappucinos, investment banking and, at least for Jack, membership in the Augusta National golf club. But which would make them more happy? To investigate, they conduct a survey. Not wanting to embarass their friends and themselves, Jack and Jill go up Chapel Hill to interview poets and invest- ment bankers. In all of Chapel Hill there are 90 poets but only 10 investment bankers. J&J interview them all. From the interviews J&J compute the Hap- piness Quotient or HQ of each subject. The HQ's are in Figure 3.19. J&J also record two indicator variables for each person: Pi = 1 or 0 (for poets and bankers); BZ = 1 or 0 (for bankers and poets). Jill and Jack each write a statistical model: Jill: HQZ =ao + a1iB+ eZ Jack: HQZ = #1P+ §2BZ +ceZ (a) Say in words what are ao, ai, #1 and #2. (b) Express #1l and 32 in terms of ao and a1. (c) In their data set J&J find HQ = 43 among poets, HQ = 44 among bankers and 2 = 1. (Subjects report disappointment with their favorite basketball team as the primary reason for low HQ.) Find sensible nu- merical estimates of ao, ai, #1 and #2. 15. Is poverty related to academic performance in school? The file schools-poverty at this text's website contains relevant data from the Durham, NC school system in 2001. The first few lines are pf1 eog type 1 66 65 e 2 32 73 m 3 65 65 e  3.5. EXERCISES 256 0 o o8 cb 68o - 0 p oo 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 HQ Figure 3.19: Happiness Quotient of bankers and poets  3.5. EXERCISES 257 Each school in the Durham public school system is represented by one line in the file. The variable pf1 stands for percent free lunch. It records the percentage of the school's student population that qualifies for a free lunch program. It is an indicator of poverty. The variable eog stands for end of grade. It is the school's average score on end of grade tests and is an indicator of academic success. Finally, type indicates the type of school - e, m, or h for elementary, middle or high school, respectively. You are to investigate whether pf 1 is predictive of eog. (a) Read the data into R and plot it in a sensible way. Use different plot symbols for the three types of schools. (b) Does there appear to be a relationship between pf1 and eog? Is the relationship the same for the three types of schools? Decide whether the rest of your analysis should include all types of schools, or only one or two. (c) Using the types of schools you think best, remake the plot and add a regression line. Say in words what the regression line means. (d) During the 2000-2001 school year Duke University, in Durham, NC, sponsored a tutoring program in one of the elementary schools. Many Duke students served as tutors. From looking at the plot, and assuming the program was successful, can you figure out which school it was? 16. Load mtcars into an R session. Use R to find the m.l.e.'s (/o, /31). Confirm that they agree with the line drawn in Figure 3.(a). Starting from Equa- tion , derive the m.l.e.'s for #0 and 01. 17. Get more current data similar to mtcars. Carry out a regression analysis similar to Example 3. Have relationships among the variables changed over time? What are now the most important predictors of mpg? 18. Repeat the logistic regression of am on wt, but use hp instead of wt. 19. A researcher randomly selects cities in the US. For each city she records the number of bars y2 and the number of churches z2. In the regression equation z2 =3o + 31y do you expect #1 to be positive, negative, or around 0? 20. Jevons' coins? 21. (a) Jane writes the following R code:  3.5. EXERCISES 258 x <- runif ( 60, -1, 1 ) Describe x. Is it a number, a vector, or a matrix? What is in it? (b) Now she writes y <- x + rnorm ( 60 ) myfit <- im ( y x ) Make an intelligent guess of what she found for 0o and 01. (c) Using advanced statistical theory she calculates SD(3o) =_.13 SD(31) =_.22 Finally she writes inO <- 0 inl <- 0 for ( i in 1:100 ) { x <- runif ( 60, -1, 1 ) y <- x + rnorm ( 60 ) fit <- im ( y ~ x ) if ( abs(fit$coef [1]) <= .26 ) inO <- inO + 1 if ( abs(fit$coef[2]-1) <= .44 ) inl <- inl + 1 } Make an intelligent guess of inO and in1 after Jane ran this code. 22. The Army is testing a new mortar. They fire a shell up at an angle of 600 and track its progress with a laser. Let ti, t2, ..., t100 be equally spaced times from ti = (time of firing) to t100= (time when it lands). Let y1,..., Yoo be the shell's heights and z1, ..., zioo be the shell's distance from the howitzer (mea- sured horizontally along the ground) at times ti, t2, ..., t100. The yr's and zi's are measured by the laser. The measurements are not perfect; there is some measurement error. In answering the following questions you may assume that the shell's horizontal speed remains constant until it falls to ground.  3.5. EXERCISES 259 (a) True or False: The equation yi =0o + #1t2 + E2 should fit the data well. (b) True or False: The equation Yi =/3O+/#1tj+#2t2+E e(3.23) should fit the data well. (c) True or False: The equation z2 =3o+13t+E2 (3.24) should fit the data well. (d) True or False: The equation z2 =3o+31tj+/32t +Ej (3.25) should fit the data well. (e) True or False: The equation Yi =13O+/31zj+E (3.26) should fit the data well. (f) True or False: The equation Y2 = 3o+/31zi +#/32z2+E e(3.27) should fit the data well. (g) Approximately what value did the Army find for 13o in Part (b)? (h) Approximately what value did the Army find for 02 in Part (d)? 23. Some nonstatisticians (not readers of this book, we hope) do statistical anal- yses based almost solely on numerical calculations and don't use plots. R comes with the data set anscombe which demonstrates the value of plots. Type data(anscombe) to load the data into your R session. It is an 11 by 8 dataframe. The variable names are x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, and y4.  3.5. EXERCISES 260 (a) Start with x1 and yl. Use im to model yl as a function of x1. Print a summary of the regression so you can see ,30, 31, and a. (b) Do the same for the other pairs: x2 and y2, x3 and y3, x4 and y4. (c) What do you conclude so far? (d) Plot yl versus xl. Repeat for each pair. You may want to put all four plots on the same page. (It's not necessary, but you should know how to draw the regression line on each plot. Do you?) (e) What do you conclude? (f) Are any of these pairs well described by linear regression? How would you describe the others? If the others were not artificially constructed data, but were real, how would you analyze them? 24. Here's some R code: x <- rnorm ( 1, 2, 3 ) y <- -2*x + 1 + rnorm ( 1, 0, 1 ) (a) What is the marginal distribution of x? (b) Write down the marginal density of x. (c) What is the conditional distribution of y given x? (d) Write down the conditional density of y given x. (e) Write down the joint density of (x, y). Here's more R code: N.sim <- 1000 w <- rep ( NA, N.sim ) for ( i in 1:N.sim ) { x <- rnorm ( 50, 2, 3 ) y <- -2*x + 1 + rnorm ( 50, 0, 1 ) fit <- lm ( y ~ x ) w[i] <- f it$coef [2] } zi <- mean ( w ) z2 <- sqrt ( var ( w + 2 ) )  3.5. EXERCISES 261 What does zi estimate? What does z2 estimate? 25. A statistician thinks the regression equation y2 = 0 + /1x2 + EZ fits her data well. She would like to learn 31. She is able to measure the yr's accurately but can measure the xi's only approximately. In fact, she can measure w = z2+ i where o5 N(0, .1). So she can fit the regression equation y =30+#*3w2 + E . Note that (/3*, #*) might be different than (,Qo, 31) because they're for the wi's, not the xi's. So the statistician writes the following R code. N.sim <- 1000 b.0 <- -10:10 b.1 <- -10:10 n <- 50 for ( i in 1:21 ) for ( j in 1:21 ) { val <- rep ( NA, N.sim ) for ( k in 1:N.sim ) { x <- rnorm ( n ) w <- x + rnorm ( n, 0, sqrt(.1) ) y <- b.0[i] + x * b.1[j] + rnorm ( n, 3 ) fit <- im ( y ~ w ) val[k] <- fit$coef [2] } m <- mean ( val ) sd <- sqrt ( var ( val ) ) print ( c ( m, sd, (m-b.1[j])/sd ) ) } What is she trying to do? The last time through the loop, the print statement yields [11 9.086723 0.434638 -2.101237. What does this show? 26. The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with plotting logistic regression curves and getting a feel for the meaning of ,3o and 31. (a) Choose some values of x. You will want between about 20 and 100 evenly spaced values. These will become the abscissa of your plot. (b) Choose some values of ,3o and #13. You are trying to see how different values of the /'s affect the curve. So you might begin with a single value of #1~ and several values of #3o, or vice versa.  3.5. EXERCISES 262 (c) For each choice of (/o, #1) calculate the set of 2 = e/3o+31xi/(1 + e3o+31xi ) and plot O2 versus x. You should get sigmoidal shaped curves. These are logistic regression curves. (d) You may find that the particular x's and 13's you chose do not yield a visually pleasing result. Perhaps all your 0's are too close to 0 or too close to 1. In that case, go back and choose different values. You will have to play around until you find x's and 13's compatible with each other. 27. Carry out a logistic regression analysis of the O-ring data. What does your analysis say about the probability of O-ring damage at 36°F, the temperature of the Challenger launch. How relevant should such an analysis have been to the decision of whether to postpone the launch? 28. This exercise refers to Example 3,10. (a) Why are the points lined up vertically in Figure 3., panels (a) and (b)? (b) Why do panels (c) and (d) appear to have more points than panels (a) and (b)? (c) If there were no jittering, how many distinct values would there be on the abscissa of panels (c) and (d)? (d) Download the seedling data. Fit a model in which year is a predictor but quadrat is not. Compare to fit 1. Which do you prefer? Which variable is more important: quadrat or year? Or are they both important?  CHAPTER 4 MORE PROBABILITY 4.1 More Probability Density Section L2 on page 6 introduced probability densities. Section41 discusses them further and gives a formal definition. Let X be a continuous random variable with cdf Fx. Theorem on page 8 implies that fx(x) = Fx(b) b-x and therefore that we can define the pdf by fx(x) = F(x) = j Fx(b) bx. In fact, this definition is a little too restrictive. The key property of pdf's is that the probability of a set A is given by the integral of the pdf. I.e., P[X e A] ffx(x)dx But if f* is a function that differs from fx at only countably many points then, for any set A, fA f* =A fx, so we could just as well have defined P[X e A]=( f*(x) dx There are infinitely many functions having the same integrals as fx and f*. These functions differ from each other on "sets of measure zero", terminology beyond our scope but defined in books on measure theory. For our purposes we can think of sets of measure zero as sets containing at most countably many points. In effect, the pdf of X can be arbitrarily changed on sets of measure zero. It does not matter which of the many equivalent functions we use as the probability density of X. Thus, we define 263  4.2. RANDOM VECTORS 264 Definition 4.1. Any function f such that, for all intervals A, P[X e A] f= f(x)dx is called a probability density function, or pdf, for the random variable X. Any such function may be denoted fx. Definition 4:1 can be used in an alternate proof of Theorem 1,1 on page1. The central step in the proof is just a change-of-variable in an integral, showing that Theorem is, in essence, just a change of variables. For convenience we restate the theorem before reproving it. Theorem L1 Let X be a random variable with pdf px. Let g be a differentiable, monotonic, invertible function and define Z = g(X). Then the pdf of Z is dg-1(t) pz (t) = px (g -1(t) d - t Proof. For any set A, P[Z E g(A)] = P[X E A] =IfApx(x) dx. Let z = g(x) and change variables in the integral to get P[Z e g(A)] = px(gd1(z)) dz g (A) dx I.e., P[Z E g(A)] = fg(A) something dz. Therefore something must be pz(z). Hence, pz(z) = px(g-1(z))|dx/dz|. 4.2 Random Vectors It is often useful, even essential, to talk about several random variables simultane- ously. We have seen many examples throughout the text beginning with Section 1.5 on joint, marginal, and conditional probabilities. Section 4.2 reviews the basics and sets out new probability theory for multiple random variables. Let X1, ..., X, be a set of n random variables. The n-dimensional vector X = (X1,..., Xn) is called a multivariate random variable or random vector. As explained below, X has a pdf or pmf, a cdf, an expected value, and a covariance matrix, all analogous to univariate random variables.  4.2. RANDOM VECTORS 265 4.2.1 Densities of Random Vectors When X1, ..., X, are continuous then X has a pdf, written pg(x1,. . ., ). As in the univariate case, the pdf is any function whose integral yields probabilities. That is, if A is a region in R" then P [Z E A] = - - p (zi, -.--., n) dzi1 . .. don A For example, let X1 Exp(1); X2 Exp(1/2); X1 I X2; and X= (X1, X2) and suppose we want to find P[lX1 - X21 < 1]. Our plan for solving this problem is to find the joint density pX, then integrate pk over the region A where IX1 - X2| < 1. Because X1 I X2, the joint density is pX (XI, x2) =pxi(xi)px2(x2) = e-l x !e-2/2 2 To find the region A over which to integrate, it helps to plot the X1-X2 plane. Making the plot is left as an exercise. P[lX1 - X2 1 1] = p(xi, x2) dz1 dz2 A 1 1 +1 oo°° i+1 = - e-lex2/2 dz2 dzi + - e-x1 ex2/2 dz2 dzi 2 0 o21 i-1 0.47 (4.1) The random variables (X1,... , Xn) are said to be mutually independent or jointly independent if pX (zi, . .. , zn) = pxi (zi) x -.-.-x pxn (zn) for all vectors (zi,... , z). Mutual independence implies pairwise independence. I.e., if (X1,... , Xn) are mutually independent, then any pair (Xi, Xj) are also independent. The proof is left as an exercise. It is curious but true that pairwise independence does not imply joint independence. For an example, consider the discrete three-dimensional  4.2. RANDOM VECTORS 266 distribution on X= (X1, X2, X3) with P[(X1, X2, X3) P[(X1, X2, X3) P[(X1, X2, X3) P[(X1, X2, X3) (0, 0, 0)] (1, 0, 1)] (0, 1, 1)] (1, 1, 0)] (4.2) 1/4 It is easily verified that X1 I X2, X1 I X3, and X2 are not mutually independent. See Exercise 6. I X3 but that X1, X2, and X3 4.2.2 Moments of Random Vectors When X is a random vector, its expected value is also a vector. E[Z] = (E[X1], . . . ,E[Xn]) When Z (X1, . . . , Xn) is a random vector, instead of a variance it has a covariance matrix. The ij'th entry of the covariance matrix is Cov(Xi, X3). The notation is Cov(X) - EX 2i~l (71 1l 912 92 I ~2m (71 (7 n '' ' (7 where ig = Cov(X2, Xj) and a2 Var(XZ). Sometimes a1 is also denoted X22. 4.2.3 Functions of Random Vectors Section 4,2,3 considers functions of random vectors. If g is an arbitrary function that maps X to R then E[g(Z)] = .--.- g(zi, . .. , z )p (zi, . . . , zn) dzi -.-.-dxn but it's hard to say much in general about the variance of g(Z). When g is a linear function we can go farther, but first we need a lemma. Lemma 4.1. Let X1 and X2 be random variables and Y= X1 + X2. Then 1. E[Y]=E[X1] + E[X2]  4.2. RANDOM VECTORS 267 2. Var(Y) = Var(X1) + Var(X2) + 2 Cov(X1, X2) Proof. Left as exercise. Now we can deal with linear combinations of random vectors. Theorem 4.2. Let a= (ai, ... , an) be an n-dimensional vector and define Y = a $ Sa Xi.Then, 1. E[Y] =E[L aXi E aE[Xi] D- 2. Var(Y) = Lai Var(Xi) + 2E_- E,"_i 1 a a Cov(XX, Xj) = a--" Proof. Use Lemma 4.1 and Theorems L (pg. 39) and L4 (pg. 40). See Exercise 8. D The next step is to consider several linear combinations simultaneously. For some k 0 such that My(t) exists for t E (-6, 6). The moment generating function gets its name from the following theorem. Theorem 4.5. If Y has mgf My defined in a neighborhood of 0, then E(Y"] =My") (0) --n -My(t)  4.3. REPRESENTING DISTRIBUTIONS 2 74 Proof. We provide the proof for the case n = 1. The proof for larger values of n is similar. d df dMy (t)o=df etupy (y) dyJ d teta py (y) dy = yet' py(y)dy =f ypy (y) dy = E[Y] The second line of the proof has the form d+ff(t, y) dy= d f (t, y) dy, an equality which is not necessarily true. It is true for "nice" functions f; but estab- lishing exactly what "nice" means requires measure theory and is beyond the scope of this book. We will continue to use the equality without thorough justification. One could, if one wished, calculate and plot My (t), though there is usually little point in doing so. The main purpose of moment generating functions is in proving theorems and not, as their name might suggest, in deriving moments. And mgf's are useful in proving theorems mostly because of the following two results. Theorem 4.6. Let X and Y be two random variables with moment generating func- tions (assumed to exist) Mx and My. If Mx(t) = My(t) for all t in some neighbor- hood of 0, then Fx = FY; i.e., X and Y have the same distribution. Theorem 4.7. Let Y1,... be a sequence of random variables with moment generating functions (assumed to exist) My,,.... Define M(t) = limn- ,(t). If the limit exists for all t in a neighborhood of 0, and if M(t) is a moment generating function, then there is a unique cdf F such that 1. F(y) = lim FY,(y) fnd - oo  4.3. REPRESENTING DISTRIBUTIONS 275 2. M is the mgf of F. Theorems4. and 4.7 both assume that the necessary mgf's exist. It is incon- venient that not all distributions have mgf's. One can avoid the problem by using characteristic functions (also known as Fourier transforms) instead of moment gen- erating functions. The characteristic function is defined as Cy (t) = E [eiY] where i /1. All distributions have characteristic functions, and the charac- teristic function completely characterizes the distribution, so characteristic func- tions are ideal for our purpose. However, dealing with complex numbers presents its own inconveniences. We shall not pursue this topic further. Proofs of Theo- rems,4,6 and 4,7 and similar results for characteristic functions are omitted but may be found in more advanced books. Two more useful results are theorems 4,8and . Theorem 4.8. Let X be a random variable, a, b be constants, and define Y = aX + b. Then MY (t) = ebtMx (at). Proof. MY (t) = EB [e(axb)t] = ebtI g[eatx] = ebt Mx(at) Theorem 4.9. Let X and Y be independent random variables. Define Z = X + Y. Then Mz(t) = Mx(t)My(t) Proof. Mz(t) = E [e(X±Y)t] gE[exteYt] gE[eXtgI[eYt] =Mx(t)My(t) Corollary 4.10. Let Y1,...,Yn be a collection of i.i.d. random variables each with mgf My. Define X = Y1 + - -- + Yn. Then Mx(t) =My t]"  4.4. EXERCISES 276 4.4 Exercises 1. Refer to Equation on page 265. (a) To help visualize the joint density pX, make a contour plot. You will have to choose some values of x1, some values of x2, and then evaluate p (xi, x2) on all pairs (Xi, x2) and save the values in a matrix. Finally, pass the values to the contour function. Choose values of x1 and x2 that help you visualize pX. You may have to choose values by trial and error. (b) Draw a diagram that illustrates how to find the region A and the limits of integration in Equation (c) Supply the missing steps in Equation 4 1. Make sure you understand them. Verify the answer. (d) Use R to verify the answer to Equation by simulation. 2. Refer to Example 1.6 on page 43 on tree seedlings where N is the number of New seedlings that emerge in a given year and X is the number that survive to the next year. Find P[X;> 1]. 3. (X1, X2) have a joint distribution that is uniform on the unit circle. Find p(x1)x2)- 4. The random vector (X, Y) has pdf p(xy)(x, y) c ky for some k > 0 and (x, y) in the triangular region bounded by the points (0, 0), (-1, 1), and (1, 1). (a) Find k. (b) Find P[Y < 1/2]. (c) Find P[X < 0]. (d) Find P[lX - Y| <1/2]. 5. Prove the assertion on page 265 that mutual independence implies pairwise independence. (a) Begin with the case of three random variables X= (X1, X2, X3). Prove that if X1, X2, X3 are mutually independent, then any two of them are independent. (b) Generalize to the case X (X1, . .. ,X,).  4.4. EXERCISES 277 6. Refer to Equation 42 on page 66. Verify that X1 I X2, X1 I X3, and X2 I X3 but that X1, X2, and X3 are not mutually independent. 7. Prove Lemma 4. 8. Fill in the proof of Theorem 42 on page 267. 9. X and Y are uniformly distributed in the rectangle whose corners are (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), and (0, -1). (a) i. Find p(x, y). ii. Are X and Y independent? iii. Find the marginal densities p(x) and p(y). iv. Find the conditional densities p(x y) and p(y lx). v. Find IE[X], E[X |Y = .5], and E[X Y = -.5]. (b) LetU=X+YandV=X-Y. i. Find the region where U and V live. ii. Find the joint density p(u, v). iii. Are U and V independent? iv. Find the marginal densities p(u) and p(v). v. Find the conditional densities p(u lIv) and p(v lu). vi. Find E[U], E[U I V = .5], and E[U I V = -.5]. 10. Let the random vector (U, V) be distributed uniformly on the unit square. Let X =UV and Y =U/V. (a) Draw the region of the X-Y plane where the random vector (X, Y) lives. (b) Find the joint density of (X, Y). (c) Find the marginal density of X. (d) Find the marginal density of Y. (e) Find P[Y > 1]. (f) Find P[X > 1]. (g) Find P[Y > 1/2]. (h) Find P[X > 1/2]. (i) Find P[XY > 1].  4.4. EXERCISES 278 (j) Find P[XY > 1/2]. 11. Just below Equation 4.6 is the statement "the mgf is always defined at t = 0." For any random variable Y, find My (0). 12. Provide the proof of Theorem 4.5 for the case n = 2. 13. Refer to Theorem 4;9. Where in the proof is the assumption X I Y used?  CHAPTER 5 SPECIAL DISTRIBUTIONS Statisticians often make use of standard parametric families of probability distribu- tions. A parametric family is a collection of probability distributions distinguished by, or indexed by, a parameter. An example is the Binomial distribution introduced in Section 1..1. There were N trials. Each had a probability 0 of success. Usually 0 is unknown and could be any number in (0, 1). There is one Bin(N, 0) distribution for each value of 0; 0 is a parameter; the set of probability distributions {Bin(N,O6) :O0 E (0, 1)} is a parametric family of distributions. We have already seen four parametric families - the Binomial (Section 1), Poisson (Section L312), Exponential (Section 1.3.3), and Normal (Section ) distributions. Chapter examines these in more detail and introduces several others. 5.1 The Binomial and Negative Binomial Distribu- tions The Binomial Distribution Statisticians often deal with situations in which there is a collection of trials performed under identical circumstances; each trial results in either success or failure. Typical examples are coin flips (Heads or Tails), medical trials (cure or not), voter polls (Democrat or Republican), basketball free throws (make or miss). Conditions for the Binomial Distribution are 1. the number of trials n is fixed in advance, 279  5.1. BINOMIAL AND NEGATIVE BINOMIAL 280 2. the probability of success 0 is the same for each trial, and 3. trials are conditionally independent of each other, given 0. Let the random variable X be the number of successes in such a collection of trials. Then X is said to have the Binomial distribution with parameters (n, 0), written X Bin(n, 0). The possible values of X are the integers 0, 1, ..., n. Figure shows examples of Binomial pmf's for several combinations of n and 0. Usually 0 is unknown and the trials are performed in order to learn about 0. Obviously, large values of X are evidence that 0 is large and small values of X are evidence that 0 is small. But to evaluate the evidence quantitatively we must be able to say more. In particular, once a particular value X = x has been observed we want to quantify how well it is explained by different possible values of 0. That is, we want to know p(x l0). Theorem 5.1. If X Bin(n, 0) then px () = )O(1 - 0)"- for x = 0, 1,...,n. Proof. When the n trials of a Binomial experiment are carried out there will be a sequence of successes (1's) and failures (0's) such as 1000110... - 100. Let § {0, 1}n be the set of such sequences and, for each x E {0, 1, ... , n}, let Sx be the subset of § consisting of sequences with x 1's and n - x 0's. If s E S§ then Pr(s) Ox(1 - 8)-2x. In particular, all s's in § have the same probability. Therefore, px(x) = P(X = z) = P(S ) = (size of §) - (Ox(1 - 6)"-x) -(in)o9x(1o)12x The special case n = 1 is important enough to have its own name. When n = 1 then X is said to have a Bernoulli distribution with parameter 0. We write X Bern(0). If X Bern(0) then px(x) = Ox(1 -8)1-x for x E {0, 1}. Experiments that have two possible outcomes are called Bernoulli trials. Suppose X1 ~Bin("ni, 0), X2 Bin(n2, 0) and X1 I X2. Let X3 X1 + X2. What is the distribution of X3? Logic suggests the answer is X3 ~Bin(ini + in2, 0)  5.1. BINOMIAL AND NEGATIVE BINOMIAL 281 because (1) there are n11+ n2 trials, (2) the trials all have the same probability of success 0, (3) the trials are independent of each other (the reason for the X1 I X2 assumption) and (4) X3 is the total number of successes. Theorem5. shows a formal proof of this proposition. But first we need to know the moment generating function. Theorem 5.2. Let X Bin(n, 0). Then Mx (t) = [Oet + (1 - 8)]n Proof. Let Y Bern(0). Then My(t) = E[eLY] Q= et + (1 - 0). Now let X =21Y where the Y's are i.i.d. Bern(0) and apply Corollary 4,10. D Theorem 5.3. Suppose X1 Bin(n1, 0); X2 Bin(n1, 0); and X1 I X2. Let X3 = X1 + X2. Then X3 Bin(n1 + n2,0). Proof. Mx3(t) Mx1(t)Mx2 (t) = [Oet+ (1-e)]h1 [Oet+ (1-)]Th2 = [Oet + (1- 0)]"21+2 The first equality is by Theorem 4,9; the second is by Theorem 5.2. We recognize the last expression as the mgf of the Bin(ni + n2, 0) distribution. So the result follows by Theorem . D The mean of the Binomial distribution was calculated in Equation 1.11. Theo- rem 5,4 restates that result and gives the variance and standard deviation. Theorem 5.4. Let X Bin(n, 0). Then 1. E(X] = n 0. 2. Var(X) = n8(1 - 8). 3. SD(X) =/n0(1 - 0).  5.1. BINOMIAL AND NEGATIVE BINOMIAL 282 Proof. The proof for E[X] was given earlier. If X Bin(n, 0), then X =L>' X, where Xi Bern(0) and the Xi's are mutually independent. Therefore, by Theo- rem 9, Var(X) = nVar(Xi). But Var(X) =E(X) - E(XZ)2= 0 - 02 0=(1 - 0). So Var(X) = nO(1 - 0). The result for SD(X) follows immediately. Exercise"1 asks you to prove Theorem 5.4 by moment generating functions. D R comes with built-in functions for working with Binomial distributions. You can get the following information by typing help (dbinom), help (pbinom), help (qbinom), or help (rbinom). There are similar functions for working with other distributions, but we won't repeat their help pages here. Usage: dbinom(x, size, prob, log = FALSE) pbinom(q, size, prob, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qbinom(p, size, prob, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) rbinom(n, size, prob) Arguments: x, q: vector of quantiles. p: vector of probabilities. n: number of observations. If 'length(n) > 1', the length is taken to be the number required. size: number of trials. prob: probability of success on each trial. log, log.p: logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). lower.tail: logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X <= x], otherwise, P[X > x]. Details:  5.1. BINOMIAL AND NEGATIVE BINOMIAL 283 The binomial distribution with 'size' = n and 'prob' = p has density p(x) = choose(n,x) p-x (1-p)^(n-x) for x = 0, ..., n. If an element of 'x' is not integer, the result of 'dbinom' is zero, with a warning. p(x) is computed using Loader's algorithm, see the reference below. The quantile is defined as the smallest value x such that F(x) >= p, where F is the distribution function. Value: 'dbinom' gives the density, 'pbinom' gives the distribution function, 'qbinom' gives the quantile function and 'rbinom' generates random deviates. If 'size' is not an integer, 'NaN' is returned. References: Catherine Loader (2000). Fast and Accurate Computation of Binomial Probabilities; manuscript available from See Also: 'dnbinom' for the negative binomial, and 'dpois' for the Poisson distribution. Examples: # Compute P(45 < X < 55) for X Binomial(100,0.5) sum(dbinom(46:54, 100, 0.5))  5.1. BINOMIAL AND NEGATIVE BINOMIAL 284 ## Using "log = TRUE" for an extended range n <- 2000 k <- seq(0, n, by = 20) plot (k, dbinom(k, n, pi/10, log=TRUE), type='l', ylab="log density", main = "dbinom(*, log=TRUE) is better than log(dbinom(*))") lines(k, log(dbinom(k, n, pi/10)), col='red', lwd=2) ## extreme points are omitted since dbinom gives 0. mtext("dbinom(k, log=TRUE)", adj=0) mtext("extended range", adj=0, line = -1, font=4) mtext("log(dbinom(k))", col="red", adj=1) Figure shows the Binomial pmf for several values of x, n, and p. Note that for a fixed p, as n gets larger the pmf looks increasingly like a Normal pdf. That's the Central Limit Theorem. Let Y, ... , Y, ~ i.i.d. Bern(p). Then the distribution of X is the same as the distribution of Z Y and the Central Limit Theorem tells us that E Y looks increasingly Normal as n -- 0. Also, for a fixed n, the pmf looks more Normal when p = .5 than when p = .05. And that's because convergence under the Central Limit Theorem is faster when the distribution of each Y is more symmetric. Figure was produced by par ( mfrow=c(3,2) ) n <- 5 p <- .05 x <- 0:5 plot ( x, dbinom(x,n,p), ylab="p(x)", main="n=5, p=.05" ) The Negative Binomial Distribution Rather than fix in advance the number of trials, experimenters will sometimes continue the sequence of trials until a pre- specified number of successes r has been achieved. In this case the total number of failures N is the random variable and is said to have the Negative Binomial distri- bution with parameters (r, 0), written N ~ NegBin(r, 0). (Warning: some authors say that the total number of trials, N + r, has the Negative Binomial distribution.) One example is a gambler who decides to play the daily lottery until she wins.  5.1. BINOMIAL AND NEGATIVE BINOMIAL 285 n=5, p=.05 co 6 o 0 x N 0 0 0 O I - - I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 n=5, p=.5 0 0 10 10 L a 00 0 10 O 6 X 10 oj 0 1 2 3 4 5 x n=20, p=.5 0 0 0 0 0 n=20, p=.05 0 0 0 C Q 10 10 Q O LO 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 6 8 10 12 14 X X 11- 10 0 O n=80, p=.05 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 x X O Q N a O\ n=80, p=.5 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 I I 00 30 35 40 45 50 X Figure 5.1: The Binomial pmf  5.1. BINOMIAL AND NEGATIVE BINOMIAL 286 The prespecified number of successes is r = 1. The number of failures N until she wins is random. In this case, and whenever r = 1, N is said to have a Geometric distribution with parameter 0; we write N Geo(0). Often, 0 is unknown. Large values of N are evidence that 0 is small; small values of N are evidence that 0 is large. The probability function is PN(k) = P(N = k) = P (,r- 1 successes in the first k + r - 1 trials and k + r'th trial is a success) (k+r-1)r(l )k r -1 for k = 0,1, ... . Let N1 ~ NegBin(ri, 0), ..., Nt, NegBin(rt, 0), and N1, ..., N, be independent of each other. Then one can imagine a sequence of trials of length L(Ni + r) having E ri successes. N1 is the number of failures before the ri'th success; ...; N1 +--- + Nt is the number of failures before the r1 +- --+ rt'th success. It is evident that N = E Ni is the number of failures before the r =E r2'th success occurs and therefore that N NegBin(r, 0). Theorem 5.5. If Y NegBin(r, 0) then E[Y] = r(1 - 0)/ and Var(Y) = r(1 - 0)/02. Proof. It suffices to prove the result for r = 1. Then the result for r > 1 will follow  5.1. BINOMIAL AND NEGATIVE BINOMIAL 287 by the foregoing argument and Theorems L7 and 1.9. For r = 1, 00 hO E([N]= n P([N = n] n=0 00 = n(1 - 0)" n=1 00 = (1 - e) n(1 - 6)"-l n=1 =0 _-6(1 - e) d (1 - )" n=1 =-0(1 -e) d 0(1 -0)"n n=1 d 1 -e =-(1 -) d2 1-0 0 The trick of writing each term as a derivative, then switching the order of summa-  5. 1. BINOMIAL AND NEGATIVE BINOMIAL tion and derivative is occasionally useful. Here it is again. 00 IE(N2) E Yn2 PL[N = n] n0o 288 00 0(1 -0)E n~1 00 0(1 -0)E n~1 (n(n - 1) + n) (1 - 0 - n~1 n(n - 1)(1 - 0 - 1-0 0 1-0 0 1-0 0 1-0 0 +0(1 0d2 n~1 02 D0 E10) n n~1 +0 (1 0)2df21 -0e 02 0 +0(1 _ 0)2 +2 2-30 +02 02 Therefore, Var(N) =E[N2] - (E[N] )2 1-0 02 The R functions for working with the negative Binomial distribution are dnbinom, pnbinom, qnbinom, and rnbinom. Figure illustrates the use of qnbinom. displays the Negative Binomial pdf and Figure was produced with the following snippet. r <- c ( 1, 5, 30 ) p <- c ( .1, .5, .8 ) par ( mfrow=c (3, 3) ) f or ( i in seq(along=r) f or ( j in seq(along=p) lo <- qnbinom (. 01, r[il )pj]  probability 0.002 0.006 probability 0.000 0.010 0.020 probability 0.00 0.04 0.08 CD CD z CD CD S. O N, 0 0 Z 0 0 N, O Z o O O 01 Ca 0 z N 0 0I Ul O b O probability 0.01 0.03 0.05 probability 0.02 0.06 0.10 0.14 probability 0.0 0.2 0.4 01 Z 0 0 0 0 z o 01 0 0 N Z a) II m II O 01 probability 0.02 0.06 0.10 probability 0.05 0.15 0.25 probability 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 N, a) Z N, 0 0 0 N, Z 01 0 0 zo N, 0 [N 00  5.2. MULTINOMIAL 290 5.2 The Multinomial Distribution The multinomial distribution generalizes the binomial distribution in the following way. The binomial distribution applies when the outcome of a trial has two possible values; the multinomial distribution applies when the outcome of a trial has more than two possible outcomes. Some examples are Clinical Trials In clinical trials, each patient is administered a treatment, usually an experimental treatment or a standard, control treatment. Later, each pa- tient may be scored as either success, failure, or censored. Censoring occurs because patients don't show up for their appointments, move away, or can't be found for some other reason. Craps After the come-out roll, each successive roll is either a win, loss, or neither. Genetics Each gene comes in several variants. Every person has two copies of the gene, one maternal and one paternal. So the person's status can be described by a pair like {a, c} meaning that she has one copy of type a and one copy of type c. The pair is called the person's genotype. Each person in a sample can be considered a trial. Geneticists may count how many people have each genotype. Political Science In an election, each person prefers either the Republican candi- date, the Democrat, the Green, or is undecided. In this case we count the number of outcomes of each type. If there are k possible outcomes then the result is a vector y, ... , Yk where ye is the number of times that outcome i occured and Y1 + - - - + Yk = n is the number of trials.  5.2. MULTINOMIAL 291 Let p = (pi,...,Pk) be the probabilities of the k categories and n be the number of trials. We write Y Mult(n, p). In particular, Y (Y1, ... , Y) is a vector of length k. Because Y is a vector, so is its expectation E(Y] = p = (p ,. p) = (E(Y1], ... , E(Yk = (np1,... ,npk). The i'th coordinate, Y, is a random variable in its own right. Because Y counts the number of times outcome i occurred in n trials, its distribution is Y~Bin(n, p). (See Exercise 19.) (5.1) Although the Y's are all Binomial, they are not independent. After all, if Y1 = n, then Y2 =.- Yk = 0, so the Y's must be dependent. What is their joint pmf? What is the conditional distribution of, say, Y2,..., Yk given Y1? The next two theorems provide the answers. Theorem 5.6. If Y Mult(n, p) then fy(yi, . . . ,y ) =- P1 - - -pk where (Ynk) is the multinomial coefficient n n! Proof. When the n trials of a multinomial experiment are carried out, there will be a sequence of outcomes such as abkdbg ... f, where the letters indicate the out- comes of individual trials. One such sequence is a***ab***b ... k...k yitimes y2times yktimes The probability of this particular sequence is H p I. Every sequence with yi a's, ..., Yk k's has the same probability. So fy(yi,... y) =(number of such sequences) x (Ypi= i, Yk) Hi (Y1 -.-- y D-  5.3. POISSON 292 Theorem 5.7. If Y Mult(n, p) then (Y2, .. . ,Yk |Yi = ) ~Mult(n -y1, (p*,. . . ,p)) where p2 = p2/(1 - p1) forai = 2, .. . ,k. Proof See Exercise 18. D R's functions for the multinomial distribution are rmultinom and dmultinom. rmultinom(m,n,p) draws a sample of size m. p is a vector of probabilities. The result is a k x m matrix. Each column is one draw, so each column sums to n. The user does not specify k; it is determined by k = length(p). 5.3 The Poisson Distribution The Poisson distribution is used to model counts in the following situation. " There is a domain of study, usually a block of space or time. " Events arise at seemingly random locations in the domain. " There is an underlying rate at which events arise. " The rate does not vary over the domain. " The occurence of an event at any location Li is independent of the occurence of an event at any other location £2. Let y be the total number of events that arise in the domain. Y has a Poisson distribution with rate parameter A, written Y Poi(A). The pmf is e-AA py~y) = for y =O,1, .. . The mean was derived in Chapter 1, Exercise 18a. It is E[Y] A. Theorem 5.8. Let Y Poi(A). Then My(t) = eA(e -l)  5.3. POISSON Proof. 293 M Y (t) I[eY] 00 ''p ~ ) >3 e~ y=0 y=0o Y - s A e(A')Y -eA 00$c e et(AL)Y 0O Y. e-a Z...ow D- Theorem 5.9. Let Y Poi(A). Then Var(Y) _A Proof. Just for fun (!) we will prove the theorem two ways - first directly and then with moment generating functions. Proof 1. IB[Y2] 0 >3 -~ 00 ean 0-AAY ->y(y -1) -0°Oe-AAz±2 ->3+ z=0 z So Var(y) =IB[Y2] _ (IB[Y])2= A.  5.3. POISSON 294 Proof 2. dt t=o dt2t= = tAe e et-1) dtt= -[AeteA(e~1) + A2e2teAe1)] = A +A2 So Var(Y) =E[Y2] - (E[Y])2=A. D Theorem 5.10. Let Y~ Poi(A ) for i = 1, ... , n and let the Ys be mutually indepen- dent. Let Y = E Y and A = E Ai. Then Y Poi(A). Proof. Using Theorems 4,9 and5 we have My(t) =7J My(t) =fJei(e l) eA(et-) which is the mgf of the Poi(A) distribution. D Suppose, for i = 1, ...,n, Y is the number of events occurring on a domain D2; Y~ Poi(A2). Suppose the Di's are disjoint and the Y's are independent. Let Y = E Y be the number of events arising on D = UD2. The logic of the situation suggests that Y Poi(A) where A = E Ai. Theorem 51 assures us that every- thing works correctly; that Y does indeed have the Poi(A) distribution. Another way to put it: If Y Poi(A), and if the individual events that Y counts are ran- domly divided into two types Y1 and Y2 according to a binomial distributuion with parameter 0, then (1) Y1 Poi(AO) and Y2 Poi(A(1 - 0)) and (2) Y1 I Y2. Figure shows the Poisson pmf for A = 1, 4, 16, 64. As A increases the pmf looks increasingly Normal. That's a consequence of Theorem 5 10 and the Central Limit Theorem. When Y Poi(A) Theorem 5,10 tells us we can think of Y as Y = _ Y where each Y~ Poi(1). (A must be an integer for this to be precise.) Then the Central Limit Theorem tells us that Y will be approximately Normal when A is large.  5.3. POISSON 295 k= 1 0 Q~ N~ 6 O00 0 0 0 000 Q~ 0 10 6 0- 0 - 6 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 2 4 6 Y X= 16 1 Q~ 00 0 6t 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02468 k=64 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 o 0 0 00 50 60 70 80 Y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 15 20 25 y Q~ 0 0 - 6 Figure 5.3: Poisson pmf for A= 1, 4, 16, 64  5.3. POISSON 296 Figure was produced with the following snippet. y <- 0:7 plot ( y, dpois(y,1), xlab="y", ylab=expression(p[Y](y)), main=expression(lambda==1) ) y <- 0:10 plot ( y, dpois(y,4), xlab="y", ylab=expression(p[Y](y)), main=expression(lambda==4) ) y <- 6:26 plot ( y, dpois(y,16), xlab="y", ylab=expression(p[Y](y)), main=expression(lambda==16) ) y <- 44:84 plot ( y, dpois(y,64), xlab="y", ylab=expression(p[Y](y)), main=expression(lambda==64) ) One of the early uses of the Poisson distribution was in The probability variations in the distribution of c particles by . (An c particle is a Helium nucleus, or two protons and two neutrons.) Example 5.1 (Rutherford and Geiger) The phenomenon of radioactivity was beginning to be understood in the early 20th century. In their 1910 article, Rutherford and Geiger write "In counting the c particles emitted from radioactive substances ... [it] is of importance to settle whether . . . variations in distribution are in agreement with the laws of probability, i.e. whether the distribution of az particles on an average is that to be anticipated if the az particles are expelled at random both in regard to space and time. It might be conceived, for example, that the emission of an az particle might precipitate the disintegration of neighbouring atoms, and so lead to a distribution of az particles at variance with the simple probability law." So Rutherford and Geiger are going to do three things in their article. They're going to count az particle emissions from some radioactive substance; they're going to derive the distribution of az particle emissions according to theory; and they're going to compare the actual and theoretical distributions. Here they describe their experimental setup.  5.3. POISSON 297 "The source of radiation was a small disk coated with polonium, which was placed inside an exhausted tube, closed at one end by a zinc sulphide screen. The scintillations were counted in the usual way ... the number of scintilla- tions ... corresponding to 1/8 minute intervals were counted .... "The following example is an illustration of the result obtained. The numbers, given in the horizontal lines, correspond to the number of scintillations for successive intervals of 7.5 seconds. Total per minute. lstminute: 3 7 4 4 2 3 2 0..... 25 2nd" 5 2 5 4 3 5 4 2 .... 30 3rd" 5 4 1 3 3 1 5 2 .... 24 4th" 8 2 2 2 3 4 2 6 .... 31 5th" 7 4 2 6 4 5 10 4 .... 42 Average for 5 minutes ... 30.4 True average ........... 31.0 And here they describe their theoretical result. "The distribution of a particles according to the law of probability was kindly worked out for us by Mr. Bateman. The mathematical theory is appended as a note to this paper. Mr. Bateman has shown that if x be the true average number of particles for any given interval falling on the screen from a constant source, the probability that n a particles are observed in the same interval is given by Zce-x. n is here a whole number, which may have all positive values from 0 to oo. The value of x is determined by counting a large number of scintillations and dividing by the number of intervals involved. The probability for n a particles in the given interval can then at once be calculated from the theory." Refer to Bt [1 ] for his derivation. Table 5.1 shows their data. As Rutherford and Geiger explain: "For convenience the tape was measured up in four parts, the results of which are given separately in horizontal columns 1. to IV. "For example (see column I.), out of 792 intervals of 1/8 minute, in which 3179 a particles were counted, the number of intervals 3 a particles was 152. Combining the four columns, it is seen that out of 2608 intervals containing  5.3. POISSON 298 10,097 particles, the number of times that 3 a particles were observed was 525. The number calculated from the equation was the same, viz. 525." Finally, how did Rutherford and Geiger compare their actual and theoretical distributions? They did it with a plot, which we reproduce as Figure 54. Their conclusion: "It will be seen that, on the whole, theory and experiment are in excellent accord. ... We may consequently conclude that the distribution of a particles in time is in agreement with the laws of probability and that the a particles are emitted at random. . . . Apart from their bearing on radioactive problems, these results are of interest as an example of a method of testing the laws of probability by observing the variations in quantities involved in a spontaneous material process." Example 5.2 (neurobiology) This example continues Example 2.6. We would like to know whether this neuron re- sponds differently to difFerent tastants and, if so, how. To that end, we'll see how often the neuron fires in a short period of time after receiving a tastant and we'll compare the results for difFerent tastants. Specifically, we'll count the number of spikes in the 150 milliseconds (150 msec = .15 s) immediately following the delivery of each tastant. (150 msec is about the rate at which rats can lick and is thought by neurobiologists to be about the right interval of time.) Let Yj be the number of spikes in the 150 msec following the j'th delivery of tastant i. Because we're counting the number of events in a fixed period of time we'll adopt a Poisson model: Yj~Poi(As) where A, is the average firing rate of this neuron to tastant i. We begin by making a list to hold the data. There should be one element for each tastant. That element should be a vector whose length is the number of times that tastant was delivered. Here is the R code to do it. (Refer to Example 2,6 for reading in the data.) nspikes <- list( MSG100 = rep ( NA, length(tastants$MSG100) ), MSG300 = rep ( NA, length(tastants$MSG300) ), NaC1100 = rep ( NA, length(tastants$NaC1100) ), NaC1300 = rep ( NA, length(tastants$NaCl300) ), water = rep ( NA, length(tastants$water) ) )  CD 0 C/1 Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Number Number Average of a of a of inter- number particles particles vals I ........ 15 56 106 152 170 122 88 50 17 12 3 0 0 1 0 3179 792 4.01 II ....... 17 39 88 116 120 98 63 37 4 9 4 1 0 0 0 2334 596 3.92 III ...... 15 56 97 139 118 96 60 26 18 3 3 1 0 0 0 2373 632 3.75 IV ...... 10 52 92 118 124 92 62 26 6 3 0 2 0 0 1 2211 588 3.76 Sum .... 57 203 383 525 532 408 273 139 45 27 10 4 0 1 1 10097 2608 3.87 Theoretica154 210 407 525 508 394 254 140 68 29 11 4 1 4 1 values N\  5.3. POISSON 300 c: O 0, 0~ 0 0 ~0 E Z 0 0 0C 0 0ql 0 0 CY) 0 0 CV 0 0 0 o I I I ---r- I I I I 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 12 Number of Particles in Interval Figure 5.4: Rutherford and Geiger's Figure 1 comparing theoretical (solid line) to actual (open circles) distribution of a particle counts.  5.3. POISSON 301 Now we fill in each element by counting the number of neuron firings in the time interval. for ( i in seq(along=nspikes) ) for ( j in seq(along=nspikes[[i]]) ) nspikes[[i]] [j] <- sum ( spikes[[8]] > tastants[[i]] [j] & spikes[[8]] <= tastants[[i]] [j] + .15 ) Now we can see how many times the neuron fired after each delivery of, say, MSG100 by typing nspikes$MSG100. Figure compares the five tastants graphically. Panel A is a stripchart. It has five tick marks on the x-axis for the five tastants. Above each tick mark is a collection of circles. Each circle represents one delivery of the tastant and shows how many times the neuron fired in the 150 msec following that delivery. Panel B shows much the same information in a mosaic plot. The heights of the boxes show how often that tastant produced 0, 1, ... , 5 spikes. The width of each column shows how often that tastant was delivered. Panel C shows much the same information in yet a different way. It has one line for each tastant; that line shows how often the neuron responded with 0, 1, 5 spikes. Panel D compares likelihood functions. The five curves are the likelihood functions for A , ... , A . There does not seem to be much difference in the response of this neuron to different tastants. Although we can compute the m.l.e. A's with lapply ( nspikes, mean ) and find that they range from a low of A3 ~ 0.08 for .1 M NaCl to a high of A1 0.4 for .1M MSG, panel D suggests the plausibility of A1 = .. ~A .2. Figure was produced with the following snippet. spiketable <- matrix ( NA, length(nspikes), 6, dimnames = list ( tastant = 1:5, counts = 0:5 ) ) for ( i in seq(along=nspikes) ) spiketable[i,] <- hist ( nspikes[[i]], seq(-.5,5.5,by=1), plot=F )$counts  5.3. POISSON 302 A Neuron's Responses to 5 Tastants A B LO - I) ~0 E 0 0 o 000 OD 0 0 amC 0 0 GIlD D D 0 0- 1 2 3 4 5 tastant tastant C D C- 0 U) 00 0 0 0 0 0 0] v 0.0 0.2 I I I I 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 number of firings lambda Figure 5.5: Numbers of firings of a neuron in 150 msec after five different tas- tants. Tastants: 1=MSG .1M; 2=MSG .3M; 3=NaCl .1M; 4=NaCl .3M; 5=water. Panels: A: A stripchart. Each circle represents one delivery of a tastant. B: A mo- saic plot. C: Each line represents one tastant. D: Likelihood functions. Each line represents one tastant.  5.4. UNIFORM 303 freqtable <- apply ( spiketable, 1, function(x)x/sum(x) ) " The line spiketable <- ... creates a matrix to hold the data and illustrates the use of dimnames to name the dimensions. Some plotting commands use those names for labelling axes. " The line spiketable [i,] <- . . . shows an interesting use of the hist com- mand. Instead of plotting a histogram it can simply return the counts. " The line freqtable <- ... divides each row of the matrix by its sum, turning counts into proportions. But let's investigate a little further. Do the data really follow a Poisson distribution? Figure shows the Poi(.2) distribution while the circles show the actual fractions of firings. There is apparently good agreement. But numbers close to zero can be deceiving. The R command dpois ( 0:5, .2 ) reveals that the probability of getting 5 spikes is less than 0.00001, assuming A ~ 0.2. So either the A2's are not all approximately .2, neuron spiking does not really follow a Poisson distribution, or we have witnessed a very unusual event. Figure was produced with the following snippet. matplot ( 0:5, freqtable, pch=1, col=1, xlab="number of firings", ylab="fraction" ) lines ( 0:5, dpois ( 0:5, 0.2 ) ) 5.4 The Uniform Distribution The Discrete Uniform Distribution The discrete uniform distribution is the dis- tribution that gives equal weight to each integer 1, ... , n. We write Y ~ U(1, n). The pmf is p(y) = 1/n (5.2) for y = 1, ... , n. The discrete uniform distribution is used to model, for example, dice rolls, or any other experiment in which the outcomes are deemed equally  5.4. UNIFORM 304 0 0 0 00 0 OD 0ql 0 CN 0 0 0 8 0 I I I I I I 0 1 2 3 4 5 number of firings Figure 5.6: The line shows Poisson probabilities for A = 0.2; the circles show the fraction of times the neuron responded with 0, 1, ..., 5 spikes for each of the five tastants.  5.5. GAMMA, EXPONENTIAL, CHI SQUARE 305 likely. The only parameter is n. It is not an especially useful distribution in practical work but can be used to illustrate concepts in a simple setting. For an applied example see Exercise 22. The Continuous Uniform Distribution The continuous uniform distribution is the distribution whose pdf is flat over the interval [a, b]. We write Y U(a, b). Although the notation might be confused with the discrete uniform, the context will indicate which is meant. The pdf is p(y) = 1/(b - a) for y E [a, b]. The mean, variance, and moment generating function are left as Exercise23. Suppose we observe a random sample yi,..., y, from U(a, b). What is the m.l.e.(&, b)? The joint density is f(b )" ifa < y(1) and b ; Y() p( yi, . . . ,yn) \=a 0 otherwise which is maximized, as a function of (a, b), if b - a is as small as possible without making the joint density 0. Thus, & = y(i) and b = y . 5.5 The Gamma, Exponential, and Chi Square Distri- butions "F" is the upper case Greek letter Gamma. The gamma function is a special mathe- matical function defined on IR+ as F(a) = to-e-' dt 0o Information about the gamma function can be found in mathematics texts and reference books. For our purposes, the key facts are: F(a + 1) = ar(a) for a > o F(n) = (n - 1)! for positive integers n 17(1/2) =wv  5.5. GAMMA, EXPONENTIAL, CHI SQUARE 306 For any positive numbers a and Q, the Gamma(a, ,) distribution has pdf p(y) 1 y-le-/ for y > 0 (5.3) We write Y ~ Gam(a, Q). Figure shows Gamma densities for four values of a and four values of 3. " In each panel of Figure the curves for different ax's have different shapes. Sometimes a is called the shape parameter of the Gamma distribution. " The four panels look identical except for the axes. I.e., the four curves with a = .5, one from each panel, have the same shape but different scales. The different scales correspond to different values of 3. For this reason , is called a scale parameter. One can see directly from Equation that , is a scale parameter because p(y) depends on y only through the ratio y/, . The idea of scale parameter is embodied in Theorem . See Section for more on scale parameters. Figure was produced by the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) shape <- c ( .5, 1, 2, 4 ) scale <- c ( .5, 1, 2, 4 ) leg <- expression ( alpha == .5, alpha == 1, alpha == 2, alpha == 4 ) for ( i in seq(along=scale) ) { ymax <- scale [i] *max(shape) + 3*sgrt(max(shape))*scale [i] y <- seq ( 0, ymax, length=100 ) den <- NULL for ( sh in shape ) den <- cbind ( den, dgamma(y,shape=sh,scale=scale[il) ) matplot ( y, den, type="l", main=letters[il, ylab="p(y)" ) legend ( ymax*.1, max(den[den!=Inf]), legend = leg ) }  5.5. GAMMA, EXPONENTIAL, CHI SQUARE p3= 0.5 307 p3=1 0 CY6 IC) a 0 _ 0 _ a 0 _ TC 0O O 0 12 34 5 y O ' 0 246 8 y p3=2 p3=4 0 CD - a 0 c' _ 0 0 co~ 0 $Q c' 0 O 0 5 10 15 20 y O 0 10 20 30 40 y Figure 5.7: Gamma densities for various values of ai and , .  5.5. GAMMA, EXPONENTIAL, CHI SQUARE 308 Theorem 5.11. Let X ~ Gam(a,#,Q) and let Y = cX. Then Y Gam(a, c#). Proof. Use Theorem 1 1. px(X) = 1 -e px - (a)#4x Since Y = cX, x= y/c and dz/dy = 1/c, so Py()=cF() (y/c)-le Yc/3 1 (y)Yl eY/c1) F(a) (c#)a which is the Gam(a, c#) density. Also see Exercise 9. The mean, mgf, and variance are recorded in the next several theorems. Theorem 5.12. Let Y Gam(a,#13) Then E(Y] = a#. Proof. E[Y]= y Ye -/7dy in F ( )a (a+1)o3 J°O 1(a +>a1)+1 ae dy The last equality follows because (1) ]7(a + 1) c=da(a), and (2) the integrand is a Gamma density so the integral is 1. Also see Exercise 9. D The last trick in the proof - recognizing an integrand as a density and conclud- ing that the integral is 1 - is very useful. Here it is again. Theorem 5.13. Let Y ~ Gam(a, 3). Then the moment generating function is MY (t) (1 - t#) -Ofor t < 1/#. Proof. My (t) = etY y-1e-/fdy oF(a)#a -t i )a f00 ___ y dy Oa Jo F(a)( 1-t()a = (1 - t3)-  5.5. GAMMA, EXPONENTIAL, CHI SQUARE 309 Theorem 5.14. Let Y ~ Gam(a, , ). Then Var(Y) = a#2 and SD(Y) = j. Proof. See Exercise . The Exponential Distribution We often have to deal with situations such as " the lifetime of an item " the time until a specified event happens The most fundamental probability distribution for such situations is the expo- nential distribution. Let Y be the time until the item dies or the event occurs. If Y has an exponential distribution then for some A > 0 the pdf of Y is PY (y) = A-le-y/A for y > 0. and we write Y ~ Exp(A). This density is pictured in Figure (a repeat of Figure ) for four values of A. The exponential distribution is the special case of the Gamma distribution when a = 1. The mean, SD, and mgf are given by Theorems - Each exponential density has its maximum at y = 0 and decreases monotoni- cally. The value of A determines the value py (0 A) and the rate of decrease. Usually A is unknown. Small values of y are evidence for large values of A; large values of y are evidence for small values of A. Example 5.3 (Radioactive Decay) It is well known that some chemical elements are radioactive. Every atom of a radioactive element will eventually decay into smaller components. E.g., uranium-238 (by far the most abundant uranium isotope, 238U) decays into thorium-234 and an av particle while plutonium-239 (the isotope used in nuclear weapons, 239Pu) decays into uranium-235 (235U) and an av particle. (See for more information.) The time Y at which a particular atom decays is a random variable that has an exponential distribution. Each radioactive isotope has its own distinctive value of A. A radioactive isotope is usually characterized by its median lifetime, or half-life, instead of  5.5. GAMMA, EXPONENTIAL, CHI SQUARE 310 0 00- to - Q - lambda = 2 - - --lambda = 1 - -"-"-"-lambda = 0.2 - ---lambda = 0.1 .1 NM 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 x Figure 5.8: Exponential densities  5.5. GAMMA, EXPONENTIAL, CHI SQUARE 311 A. The half-life is the value m which satisfies P[Y < m] = P[Y > m] = 0.5. The half-life m can be found by solving A-1 e-Y/A dy = 0.5. The answer is m = Alog 2. You will be asked to verify this claim in Exercise 29. Uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.47 billion years. Thus its A is about 6.45 billion. Plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,100 years. Thus its A is about 35,000. Exponential distributions have an interesting and unique memoryless property. To demonstrate, we examine the Exp(A) distribution as a model for T, the amount of time a computer Help line caller spends on hold. Suppose the caller has already spent t minutes on hold; i.e., T > t. Let S be the remaing time on hold; i.e., S = T - t. What is the distribution of S given T > t? For any number r > 0, P[T >t +r, T >t] P[S>r |T>t]P[T>t+r |T>t]P [T P(T > t] P[T > t + r] A-le-(t+r)/A- P[T > t] A-le-t/A In other words, S has an Exp(A) distribution (Why?) that does not depend on the currently elapsed time t (Why?). This is a unique property of the Exponential distribution; no other continuous distribution has it. Whether it makes sense for the amount of time on hold is a question that could be verified by looking at data. If it's not sensible, then Exp(A) is not an accurate model for T. Example 5.4 Some data here that don't look exponential The Poisson process There is a close relationship between Exponential, Gamma, and Poisson distributions. For illustration consider a company's customer call cen- ter. Suppose that calls arrive according to a rate A such that 1. in a time interval of length T, the number of calls is a random variable with distribution Poi(AT) and 2. if I1 and i2 are disjoint time intervals then the number of calls in I1 is inde- pendent of the number of calls in I2.  5.5. GAMMA, EXPONENTIAL, CHI SQUARE 312 When calls arrive in this way we say the calls follow a Poisson process. Suppose we start monitoring calls at time to. Let T1 be the time of the first call after to and Y1 = T1 - to, the time until the first call. T1 and Y1 are random variables. What is the distribution of Y1? For any positive number y, Pr[Y1 > y] = Pr[no calls in [to, to + y]] = e - where the second equality follows by the Poisson assumption. But Pr[Y > y] = e-A - Pr[Y < y] = 1 - e-A -> py(y) =Ae--Y 1 ~ Exp(1/A) What about the time to the second call? Let T2 be the time of the second call after to and Y2 = T2 - to. What is the distribution of Y2? For any y > 0, Pr[Y2 > y] = Pr [fewer than 2 calls in [to, y]] = Pr[O calls in [to, y]] + Pr[1 call in [to, y]] = e-/ + yAe7Y and therefore 2 _A p Y2 (y)= AeY - Ae7A + yA 2 AyeY F(2) so Y2 Gam(2, 1/A). In general, the time Yn until the n'th call has the Gam(n, 1/A) distribution. This fact is an example of the following theorem. Theorem 5.15. Let Y1,...,Y, be mutually independent and let Y~ Gam(a,,3). Then Y = Y~Gam(a,,3) where a L as. Proof. See Exercise 30. In Theorem 5,15 note that the Y's must all have the same 13 even though they may have different ar's. Poisson-Gamma conjugacy F = Gam/Gam The Chi-squared Distribution The Gamma distribution with /3= 2 and a = p/2 where p is a positive integer is called the chi-squared distribution with p degrees of freedom. We write Y 4 Theorem 5.16. Let Y1,... , Y, ~i.i.d. N(0, 1). Define X = Y2. Then X~x. Proof. This theorem will be proved in Section F-  5.6. BETA 313 5.6 The Beta Distribution For positive numbers a and Q, the Beta(a, 3) distribution is a distribution for a random variable Y on the unit interval. The density is py(y) = (a+)a-1(1 - y)-1 for y E [0, 1] F(z)F7(3)~ The parameters are (a, /3). We write Y Be(a, #3). The mean and variance are given by Theorem. Theorem 5.17. Let Y Be(a,/3). Then E[Y]= a Var(Y) (=2(,3 (aZ + #)2(a + + 1 Proof. See Exercise 6. Figure 59 shows some Beta densities. Each panel shows four densities having the same mean. It is evident from the Figure and the definition that the parameter a (/3) controls whether the density rises or falls at the left (right). If both a > 1 and / > 1 then p(y) is unimodal. The Be(1, 1) is the same as the U(0, 1) distribution. The Beta distribution arises as the distribution of order statistics from the U(0, 1) distribution. Let x1, ... , x~ i.i.d. U(0, 1). What is the distribution of x(l), the first order statistic? Our strategy is first to find the cdf of x(l), then differentiate to get the pdf. Fxm)(x) = P[X(1) < zc] = 1 - P[all Xi's are greater than x] S1- (1-z) Therefore, d_11_ F(n+ -X1) px() =d d FX1 (x) = n(1 - z)"-1 = F(1)F(n) which is the Be(1, n) density. For the distribution of the largest order statistic see Exercise 27.  5.6. BETA 314 a 0.0(b 02 0.(060. ,1 1.0 o' .. (a b) _ (3,12)-. .- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 y C - (ab) = (.3003 >~ co (a.b) (ab) =(,.3 N (a,b)=(0,.......) 0 -,-- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 y Eiur 59:Bea enites- : et dnstis it man.2 b Btadesiie wt men 5 C Bt dnsteswihmen 9  5.6. BETA 315 Figure was produced by the following R snippet. par ( mfrow=c(3,1) ) y <- seq ( 0, 1, length=100 ) mean <- c ( .2, .5, .9 ) alpha <- c ( .3, 1, 3, 10 ) for ( i in 1:3 ) { beta <- (alpha - mean[i]*alpha) / mean[i] den <- NULL for ( j in 1:length(beta) ) den <- cbind ( den, dbeta(y,alpha[j],beta[j]) ) matplot ( y, den, type="l", main=letters[i], ylab="p(y)" ) if ( i == 1 ) legend ( .6, 8, paste ( "(a,b) = (", round(alpha,2), ",", round(beta,2), ")", sep="" ), lty=1:4 ) else if ( i == 2 ) legend ( .1, 4, paste ( "(a,b) = (", round(alpha,2), ",", round(beta,2), ")", sep="" ), lty=1:4 ) else if ( i == 3 ) legend ( .1, 10, paste ( "(a,b) = (", round(alpha,2), ",", round(beta,2), ")", sep="" ), lty=1:4 ) The Beta density is closely related to the Gamma density by the following the- orem. Theorem 5.18. Let X1 ~ Gam(ai, , ); X2~ Gam(a2, , ); and X1 I X2. Then X1 Y -- ~, Be(ai, a2) X1+X2 Proof. See Exercise . Note that Theorem requires X1 and X2 both to have the same value of Q, but the result doesn't depend on what that value is.  5.7. NORMAL 316 5.7 The Normal and Related Distributions 5.7.1 The Univariate Normal Distribution The histograms in Figure on page " are approximately unimodal, " are approximately symmetric, " have different means, and " have different standard deviations. Data with these properties is ubiquitous in nature. Statisticians and other scientists often have to model similar looking data. One common probability density for modelling such data is the Normal density, also known as the Gaussian density. The Normal density is also important because of the Central Limit Theorem. For some constants p E R and a > 0, the Normal density is p( | p, (7) = C e--2 . (5 .4) ( 1 1xP)2(5.4) Example 5.5 (Ocean temperatures, continued) To see a Normal density in more detail, Figure reproduces the top right histogram from Figure redrawn with the Normal density overlaid, for the values y ~ 8.08 and a 0.94. The vertical axis is drawn on the density scale. There are 112 temperature measurements that go into this histogram; they were recorded between 1949 and 1997; their latitudes are all between 440 and 460; their longitudes are all between -21 and -19°. Figure was produced by the following R snippet. good <- abs ( med.1000$ln - lons[3] ) < 1 & abs ( med.1000$lat - lats[1] ) < 1 temps <- med.1000$temp[good] hist ( temps, xlim=c(4,12), breaks=seq(4,12,by=.5), freq=F, xlab="temperature", ylab="density", main = "") mu <- mean ( temps ) sig <- sqrt ( var ( temps ) ) x <- seq ( 4, 12, length=60 )  5.7. NORMAL 317 QZI ' /1 ) 0 I % i -11,-; 0 0 4 6 8 10 12 temperature Figure 5.10: Water temperatures (°C) at 1000m depth, 44 - 46°N latitude and 19 - 21°W longitude. The dashed curve is the N(8.08,0.94) density. lines ( x, dnorm(x,mu,sig), lty=2 ) Visually, the Normal density appears to fit the data well. Randomly choosing one of the 112 historical temperature measurements, or making a new measurement near 45°N and 20°W at a randomly chosen time are like drawing a random variable t from the N(8.08,0.94) distribution. Look at temperatures between 8.50 and 9.0°C. The N(8.08, 0.94) density says the probability that a randomly drawn temperature t is between 8.50 and 9.0°C is P [t C (8.5, 9.0]] 1 1 2t-8.082 S9.0 0 dt ~ 0.16. J8.5 2r 0.94 (5.5) The integral in Equation is best done on a computer, not by hand. In R it can be done with pnorm(9.0,8.08, .94 ) - pnorm(8.5,8.08, .94 ). A fancier way to do it is diff(pnorm(c(8.5,9),8.08, .94)). . When x is a vector, pnorm(x,mean,sd) returns a vector of pnorm's.  5.7. NORMAL 318 . When x is a vector, diff (x) returns the vector of differences x [2] -x [1] , x[3]-x[2], ..., x[n]-x[n-1]. In fact, 19 of the 112 temperatures fell into that bin, and 19/112 ~ 0.17, so the N(8.08, 0.94) density seems to fit very well. However, the N(8.08, 0.94) density doesn't fit as well for temperatures between 7.50 and 8.0°C. P [t C (7.5, 8.0]] h 0 1 1 (t-.0 .2 dt 0.20. In fact, 15 of the 112 temperatures fell into that bin; and 15/112 ~ 0.13. Even so, the N(8.08,0.94) density fits the data set very well. Theorem 5.19. Let Y ~ N(p, (). Then 2 my (t) = e 2 + t. Proof. My(t) = J -J ety 1 -$22(y-) dy 277 1 __-21 S_2 (y2-(2p-2.2t)y+p2) dy 2wu 2~ 1_ C 27 ( / Q2t)2 2Q (y-l/ + 2t))2+ f + d'J / 2 4 2 C 2Q2 C 2 + /t D The technique used in the proof of Theorem is worth remembering, so let's look at it more abstractly. Apart from multiplicative constants, the first integral in the proof is ete-21(y- ) dy I e22 (y-i)2+ty dy The exponent is quadratic in y and therefore, for some values of a, b, c, d, C, and f can be written 1 2 (-/_t2 +ty ay2+by+c Sy-d )2  5.7. NORMAL 319 This last expression has the form of a Normal distribution with mean d and SD e. So the integral can be evaluated by putting it in this form and manipulating the constants so it becomes the integral of a pdf and therefore equal to 1. It's a technique that is often useful when working with integrals arising from Normal distributions. Theorem 5.20. Let Y N(p, a). Then E([Y] = y and Var(Y)=ua2. Proof. For the mean, E([Y] = MY (0)= (ta2 + p)e 2 t t=0 For the variance, [Y2] =M"0) = a2e() 2 +t + (ta2 + p)2e 22 +t -= 2 + p2 t=0 So, Var(Y) = E[Y2] - B[Y]2 =2. The N(O, 1) distribution is called the standard Normal distribution. As Theo- rem 5,21 shows, all Normal distributions are just shifted, rescaled versions of the standard Normal distribution. The mean is a location parameter; the standard deviation is a scale parameter. See Section 8.6. Theorem 5.21. 1. If X ~N(0, 1) and Y = aX + pithenY N(p, a). 2. IfYr~N( p, a) and X = (Y-p,u)/athenX~N(0, 1). Proof. 1. Let X N(O, 1) and Y = aX + p. By Theorem 4,8 u2t2 MY(t)=e"tMx(at) =-ete 2 2. Let Y ~ N(p, a) and X = (Y-p,u)/a. Then Mx(t) = e-"'"My(t/a) =e- Le 2±"+la - D-  5.7. NORMAL 320 Section55 introduced the x2 distribution, noting that it is a special case of the Gamma distribution. The x2 distribution arises in practice as a sum of squares of standard Normals. Here we restate Theorem ., then prove it. Theorem 5.22. Let Y1, ..., Yn ~ i.i.d. N(0, 1). Define X =LY2. Then X 4 Proof. Start with the case n = 1. Mx(t) =B[e 2] f e'us 1e_ dy 1 - (1_2 )y2 -( -t1/2 f 1 -2t1 (12t)y2 d - (1 -2t So X Gam(1/2, 2) =x10 If n > 1 then by Corollary 410 Mx(t) = My2+...+y2(t) = (1 - 2t)-n/2 So X Gam(n/2,2) =x* . 5.7.2 The Multivariate Normal Distribution Let X be an n-dimensional random vector with mean p d and covariance matrix Eg. We say that X has a multivariate Normal distribution if its joint density is (X) 1 (5.6) (27r)n/2 where |El refers to the determinant of the matrix E. We write X N(p, E). Com- parison of Equations54 (page 316) and 5k6 shows that the latter is a generaliza- tion of the former. The multivariate version has the covariance matrix E in place of the scalar variance a2. To become more familiar with the multivariate Normal distribution, we begin with the case where the covariance matrix is diagonal: : 0 0 --- 0 a2 0 --- 0 0n .:  5.7. NORMAL 321 In this case the joint density is p( 4) 1e (27r)n/2 1 (I\ i 1(',-2 1 1) 1(- 2 = e 2(7 the product of n separate one dimensional Normal densities, one for each dimen- sion. Therefore the Xi's are independent and Normally distributed, with Xi N(pu, o-). Also see Exercise 3. When ai ==" n =1, then E is the n-dimensional identity matrix In. When, in addition, p1 u= - - = pn= 0, then X N(0, In) and X is said to have the standard n-dimensional Normal distribution. Note: for two arbitrary random variables X1 and X2, X1 I X2 implies Cov(X1, X2) 0; but Cov(X1, X2) = 0 does not imply X1 I X2. However, if X1 and X2 are jointly Normally distributed then the implication is true. I.e. if (X1, X2) N(p, E) and Cov(X1, X2) = 0, then X1 I X2. In fact, something stronger is true, as recorded in the next theorem. Theorem 5.23. Let X = (X1,..., Xn) N(p, E) where Z has the so-called block- diagonal form E11 012 --"- 01m' 021 E22 -" - 02m 0mi - 0mm-1 Ymm where Yi is an n2 x n2 matrix, O1 is an ni x n3 matrix of O's and E nM in. Partition X to conform with E and define Yr's: Y1 = (X1,..., Xn1), Y2 = (Xn1+1, ...,Xn1+n2), ... ., m = (Xni+...+nmi+i. . . , Xnm) and vi's: vi = (ji,... ,pn1), 72 = (pni+1,-... ,n1+n2), . r. , um = (pni+...+nm-1+1, - - - ,Jpam). Then 1. The Y's are independent of each other, and 2.Y N(v2,E22)  5.7. NORMAL 322 Proof. The transformation X -(fi, ... , fm) is just the identity transformation, so pi ...Ym(fi, . . . ,m) To learn more about the multivariate Normal density, look at the curves on which p= is constant; i.e., {J pg (?) c} for some constant c. The density depends on the zi's through the quadratic form (z - pj)tE-1(z - pi), so pg is constant where this quadratic form is constant. But when E is diagonal, ( - p)tE--(z - D~e- p )2/of so pg()=c is the equation of an ellipsoid centered at y~ and with eccentricities determined by the ratios o-/oj. What does this density look like? It is easiest to answer that question in two dimensions. Figure shows three bivariate Normal densities. The left-hand col- umn shows contour plots of the bivariate densities; the right-hand column shows samples from the joint distributions. In all cases, EX1] =EX2] 0. In the top row, o-xt =o-x 1; in the second row , ox 1; ox 2; in the third row , -xi = 1/2; o-x2 = 2. The standard deviation is a scale parameter, so changing the SD just changes the scale of the random variable. That's what gives the second and third rows more vertical spread than the first, and makes the third row more horizontally squashed than the first and second. Figure was produced with the following R code. par ( mfrow=c(3,2) ) # a 3 by 2 array of plots x1 <- seq(-5,5,length=60) x2 <- seq(-5,5,length=60) den.1 <- dnorm ( xl, 0, 1 ) den.2 <- dnorm ( x2, 0, 1 ) den.jt <- den.1 %o% den.2 contour ( x1, x2, den.jt, xlim=c(-5,5), ylim=c(-5,5), main="(a)",  5.7. NORMAL 323 (a) (b) C\J- N C\J- N -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 X1 X1 (c) (d) C\J- N C\J- N -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 X1 X1 (e) (f) C\J- N C\J- N -4 -2 0 2 4 X1 -4 -2 0 2 4 X1 Figure 5.11: Bivariate Normal density. IB[X1] - IB[X2] =0. (a), (d): cUx1 2U2 . (e), (f): LTX1 ='72; 2-2. (a), (c), (e): contours of the joint density. (b), (d), (f): samples from the joint density.  5.7. NORMAL 324 Now let's see what happens when E is not diagonal. Let Y N(pp, E), so (27r)n/2 y and let X N(O, In). X is just a collection of independent N(O, 1) random vari- ables. Its curves of constant density are just (n- 1)-dimensional spheres centered at  5.7. NORMAL 325 the origin. Define Z = E1/2Z + p. We will show that pz = pg, therefore that Z and Y have the same distribution, and therefore that any multivariate Normal random vector has the same distribution as a linear transformation of a standard multivari- ate Normal random vector. To show pz = pg we apply Theorem . The Jacobian of the transformation from i to Z is |E|1/2, the square root of the determinant of E. Therefore, pz (#) = pX (y-1/2(Y - - )) y -1/2 1 e-1/2(-12(g-p))t(-12(g-p)) -1/2 2, 1 1y The preceding result says that any multivariate Normal random variable, Y in our notation above, has the same distribution as a linear transformation of a standard Normal random variable. To see what multivariate Normal densities look like it is easiest to look at 2 dimensions. Figure shows three bivariate Normal densities. The left- hand column shows contour plots of the bivariate densities; the right-hand column shows samples from the joint distributions. In all cases, E[X1] = E[X2] = 0 and r1 = Cr2 = 1. In the top row, (1,2 = 0; in the second row, (1,2 = .5; in the third row, Qi,2 = -.8. Figure was produced with the following R code. par ( mfrow=c(3,2) ) # a 3 by 2 array of plots npts <- 60 sampsize <- 300 x1 <- seq(-5,5,length=npts) x2 <- seq(-5,5,length=npts) Sigma <- array ( NA, c(3,2,2) ) Sigma[1,,] <- c(1,0,0,1) Sigma[2,,] <- c(1,.5,.5,1) Sigma[3,,] <- c(1,-.8,-.8,1)  5.7. NORMAL 326 a b C\J- N C\J- N -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 X1 X1 C d C\J- N C\J- N -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4 X1 X1 e f C\J- N C\J- N -4 -2 0 2 4 X1 -4 -2 0 2 4 X1 Figure 5.12: Bivariate Normal density. E[Xi] =E[X2] = 0; 91 = 92 = 1. (a), (b): oi,2 = 0. (c), (d): o1,2 = .5. (e), (f): X1,2 = -.8. (a), (c), (e): contours of the joint density. (b), (d), (f): samples from the joint density.  5.7. NORMAL 327 We conclude this section with some theorems about Normal random variables that will prove useful later. Theorem 5.24. Let X N(p, E) be an n-dimensional Normal random variable; let A be a full rank n by n matrix; and let Y = AX. Then Y N(Au, AZAt).  5.7. NORMAL 328 Proof By Theorem 4.4 (pg. 268), pg (y) =-pX (A-1#)|A-1 (27r)n/2 A l l E 2 1 e-i(A-ly(-u)E-1(A-1-A)) 1e (2r)n/2 A l l 2 1 e 2-i -A)*(-)*E-1(A-1(--Aus 1e (2r)n/2 All l 1e1 (2r)n/2 AEAt12e which we recognize as the N(Au, AEAt) density. D Corollary 5.25. Let X N(p, E) be an n-dimensional Normal random variable; let A be a full rank n by n matrix; let b be a vector of length n; and let Y = AX + b. Then Y ~N(Au+b,AZAt). Proof. See Exercise 33. D Corollary 5.26. Let X1, ... , X, i.i.d. N(p, o-). Define S2 =L21(X2 - X)2. Then X I S2. Proof. Define the random vector Y= (Y1,..., Y)t by Y1 = X1 - X Y2 = X2 - X Yn_1 = Xn_1 - X Y = X The proof follows these steps. 1. S2 is a function only of (Y1, ... , Y_1)t; i.e. not a function of Yn. 2. (Y1,...,Y_1) Y.  5.8. T AND 3F 329 1. L:2_1(X2 - X) = 0. Therefore, (Xn - X) Ef_- (XZ - X). And therefore n-1 S2 =((Xi i=1 n-1 X)2+ ((X i=1i 2 X) n-1 iY2 i=1 i~i is a function of (Y1,... , Yn_1)t. 2. 1 Y= 1 1 n n _1 1 _ n n 1 n 1 n 1 n ... _1\ n 1 AX 1 n 1 n 1 n 1 n where the matrix A is defined by the preceding equation, so Y N(Au, a2AAt). The first n - 1 rows of A are each orthogonal to the last row. Therefore AAt _ (En 60t 1/n where Ell has dimension (n - 1) x (n - 1) and 0 is the (n - 1)-dimensional vector of 0's. Thus, by Theorem 52, (Y1,... , Y1)t I Yn. 3. Follows immediately from 1 and 2. D- 5.8 The t and F Distributions 5.8.1 The t distribution The t distribution arises when making inference about the mean of a Normal dis- tribution. Let X1, ..., Xn ~ i.i.d. N(p, a) where both p and a are unknown, and suppose our goal is to estimate p. ft= X is a sensible estimator. Its sampling distribution is X ~ N(p, 6/ /n) or, equivalently, ~ N(0, 1)  5.8. T AND 3F 330 We would like to use this equation to tell us how accurately we can estimate P. Apparently we can estimate y to within about +2a//\ most of the time. But that's not an immediately useful statement because we don't know a. So we estimate a by = (n-1 L(XZ - X)2)1/2 and say X -p ~ N(0, 1), /in approximately. This section derives the exact distribution of (X - p)/( /\/i) and assesses how good the Normal approximation is. We already know from Corol- lary that X 1 a. Theorem 5.28 gives the distribution of S2= 2 E(X, - X)2. First we need a lemma. Lemma 5.27. Let V = V1+V2 and W = W1+W2 where V1 I V2 and W1 IW2. If V and W have the same distribution, and if V1 and W1 have the same distribution, then V2 and W2 have the same distribution. Proof. Using moment generating functions, Mv2(t) = Mv(t)/Mv1(t) = Mw(t)/Mw1(t) = Mw2(t) Theorem 5.28. Let X1, ...,X, i.i.d. N(p, a). Define S2 = E" (X2 - X)2. Then S2 2 2 n-1 Proof. Let ( I 2  5.8. T AND 3F 331 Then V ~ and " n X - X) +(X -p) V=( i=1 i=1 i=1 S2 2 +v2 2 +n +)2(X 2 +X n (Xi 2-1 where S2/a2 I V2 and V2 xI. But also, i21 + x 2 W1+W2 where 1 1W2, W1 ~_1 and W2 ~x .Now Lemma 5,2. the conclusion follows by D Define n-1 X- T =/vI fri(X-/p)/6 V/2/(n - 1)U2 Then by Corollary .6 and Theorem 5.28, T has the distribution of U/ V/(n - 1) where U N(0, 1), V x_, and U I V. This distribution is called the t distribution with n - 1 degrees of freedom. We write T tn_1. Theorem 5,29 derives its density. Theorem 5.29. Let U N(0,1), V x, and U I V. Then T density U/ V/Vp has F(p)p pT~t)= 2 rp (t2 +p) ~)2 p+1 F(P+l) 2 2 F(2) p- (1 - p+ p Proof. Define U T Vp and Y=V  5.8. T ANDEF 332 We make the transformation (U, V) - (T, Y), find the joint density of (T, Y), and then the marginal density of T. The inverse transformation is U T-- and V =Y The Jacobian is dU dU y2 Ty 2 dT dY 0 1 The joint density of (U, V) is Y2i p pu) v u, V)e u2 1 p_1 - 2 pv2 e 2 Therefore the joint density of (T, Y) is 1 ty 1 p_1 _y- Y PTY (t, Y) eC y 2 e 2 27 F(2)222p and the marginal density of T is PT (t) =fPTYtYdY ply2 2wF(2)2z 1 - ( e ~dy 1 r(p-+ -1(2p NJ p2-F2) t2 +p) 1 ~op+ x (0p(+l (22;p 1Y2 p(P2l) /2+p T'(2)pp/2(t2+~p< 21 2_ 2 F s) p 1 p+1 2 4e2p/(t2+p) dy D-  5.8. T AND F 333 Figure shows the t density for 1, 4, 16, and 64 degrees of freedom, and the N(0, 1) density. The two points to note are 1. The t densities are unimodal and symmetric about 0, but have less mass in the middle and more mass in the tails than the N(0, 1) density. 2. In the limit, as p -- 0c, the t, density appears to approach the N(0, 1) density. (The appearance is correct. See Exercise .) Figure was produced with the following snippet. x <- seq ( -5, 5, length=100 ) dens <- cbind ( dt(x,1), dt(x,4), dt(x,16), dt(x,64), dnorm(x) ) matplot ( x, dens, type="l", ylab="density", xlab="t", lty=c(2:5,1), col=1 ) legend ( x=-5, y=.4, lty=c(2:5,1), legend=c ( paste("df = ", c(1,4,16,64)), "Normal" ) ) At the beginning of Section we said the quantity fn(X - p)/& had a N(0, 1) distribution, approximately. Theorem derives the density of the related quantity n - 1 (X - p) /& which has a t,_1 distribution, exactly. Figure shows how similar those distributions are. The t distribution has slightly more spread than the N(0, 1) distribution, reflecting the fact that o- has to be estimated. But when n is large, i.e. when o- is well estimated, then the two distributions are nearly identical. If T ~ t,, then /o P(P+l) t2 - __1 E[T] = t 2 1 + - dt (5.7) _ r(2) p7 p In the limit as t -- 00, the integrand behaves like t-p; hence is integrable if and only if p > 1. Thus the ti distribution, also known as the Cauchy distribution, has no mean. When p > 1, E[T] = 0, by symmetry. By a similar argument, the t distribution has a variance if and only if p > 2. When p > 2, then Var(T) p/(p - 2). In general, T has a k-th moment (E[T] < 00) if and only if p > k.  5.8. T ANDF 334 ---0df= 1 co ..... df = 4 o .-- df =16 ---df =64 5C - Normal -4 -2 0 2 4 t Figure 5.13: t densities for four degrees of freedom and the N(0, 1) density  5.9. EXERCISES 335 5.8.2 The F distribution 5.9 Exercises 1. Prove Theorem by moment generating functions. 2. Refer to Theorem 5.8. (a) What was the point of the next to last step? (b) Justify the last step. 3. Assume that all players on a basketball team are 70% free throw shooters and that free throws are independent of each other. (a) The team takes 40 free throws in a game. Write down a formula for the probability that they make exactly 37 of them. You do not need to evaluate the formula. (b) The team takes 20 free throws the next game. Write down a formula for the probability that they make exactly 9 of them. (c) Write down a formula for the probability that the team makes exactly 37 free throws in the first game and exactly 9 in the second game. That is, write a formula for the probability that they accomplish both feats. 4. Write down the distribution you would use to model each of the following random variables. Be as specific as you can. I.e., instead of answering "Pois- son distribution", answer "Poi(3)" or instead of answering "Binomial", answer "Bin(n, p) where n = 13 but p is unknown." (a) The temperature measured at a randomly selected point on the surface of Mars. (b) The number of car accidents in January at the corner of Broad Street and Main Street. (c) Out of 20 people in a post office, the number who, when exposed to anthrax spores, actually develop anthrax. (d) Out of 10,000 people given a smallpox vaccine, the number who develop smallpox. (e) The amount of Mercury in a fish caught in Lake Ontario.  5.9. EXERCISES 336 5. A student types dpois (3,1.5) into R. R responds with 0.1255107. (a) Write down in words what the student just calculated. (b) Write down a mathematical formula for what the student just calculated. 6. Name the distribution. Your answers should be of the form Poi(A) or N(3, 22), etc. Use numbers when parameters are known, symbols when they're not. You spend the evening at the roulette table in a casino. You bet on red 100 times. Each time the chance of winning is 18/38. If you win, you win $1; if you lose, you lose $1. The average amount of time between bets is 90 seconds; the standard deviation is 5 seconds. (a) the number of times you win (b) the number of times you lose (c) the number of bets until your third win (d) the number of bets until your thirtieth loss (e) the amount of time to play your first 40 bets (f) the additional amount of time to play your next 60 bets (g) the total amount of time to play your 100 bets (h) your net profit at the end of the evening (i) the amount of time until a stranger wearing a red carnation sits down next to you (j) the number of times you are accidentally jostled by the person standing behind you 7. A golfer plays the same golf course daily for a period of many years. You may assume that he does not get better or worse, that all holes are equally difficult and that the results on one hole do not influence the results on any other hole. On any one hole, he has probabilities .05, .5, and .45 of being under par, exactly par, and over par, respectively. Write down what distribution best models each of the following random variables. Be as specific as you can. I.e., instead of answering "Poisson distribution" answer "Poi(3)" or "Poi(A) where A is unknown." For some parts the correct answer might be "I don't know." (a) X, the number of holes over par on 17 September, 2002 (b) W, the number of holes over par in September, 2002  5.9. EXERCISES 337 (c) Y, the number of rounds over par in September, 2002 (d) Z, the number of times he is hit by lightning in this decade (e) H, the number of holes-in-one this decade (f) T, the time, in years, until his next hole-in-one 8. During a CAT scan, a source (your brain) emits photons which are counted by a detector (the machine). The detector is mounted at the end of a long tube, so only photons that head straight down the tube are detected. In other words, though the source emits photons in all directions, the only ones detected are those that are emitted within the small range of angles that lead down the tube to the detector. Let X be the number of photons emitted by the source in 5 seconds. Suppose the detector captures only 1% of the photons emitted by the source. Let Y be the number of photons captured by the detector in those same 5 seconds. (a) What is a good model for the distribution of X? (b) What is the conditional distribution of Y given X? (c) What is the marginal distribution of Y? Try to answer these questions from first principles, without doing any calcu- lations. 9. (a) Prove Theorem 5.11 using moment generating functions. (b) Prove Theorem 5,12 using moment generating functions. 10. (a) Prove Theorem15,14 by finding E[Y2] using the trick that was used to prove Theorem 5.2. (b) Prove Theorem by finding E[Y2] using moment generating func- tions. 11. Case Study 4.2.3 in Larsen and Marx [add reference] claims that the number of fumbles per team in a football game is well modelled by a Poisson(2.55) distribution. For this quiz, assume that claim is correct. (a) What is the expected number of fumbles per team in a football game? (b) What is the expected total number of fumbles by both teams? (c) What is a good model for the total number of fumbles by both teams?  5.9. EXERCISES 338 (d) In a game played in 2002, Duke fumbled 3 times and Navy fumbled 4 times. Write a formula (Don't evaluate it.) for the probability that Duke will fumble exactly 3 times in next week's game. (e) Write a formula (Don't evaluate it.) for the probability that Duke will fumble exactly three times given that they fumble at least once. 12. Clemson University, trying to maintain its superiority over Duke in ACC foot- ball, recently added a new practice field by reclaiming a few acres of swamp- land surrounding the campus. However, the coaches and players refused to practice there in the evenings because of the overwhelming number of mosquitos. To solve the problem the Athletic Department installed 10 bug zappers around the field. Each bug zapper, each hour, zaps a random number of mosquitos that has a Poisson(25) distribution. (a) What is the exact distribution of the number of mosquitos zapped by 10 zappers in an hour? What are its expected value and variance? (b) What is a good approximation to the distribution of the number of mosquitos zapped by 10 zappers during the course of a 4 hour practice? (c) Starting from your answer to the previous part, find a random variable relevant to this problem that has approximately a N(0,1) distribution. 13. Bob is a high school senior applying to Duke and wants something that will make his application stand out from all the others. He figures his best chance to impress the admissions office is to enter the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest amount of time spent continuously brushing one's teeth with an electric toothbrush. (Time out for changing batteries is permis- sible.) Batteries for Bob's toothbrush last an average of 100 minutes each, with a variance of 100. To prepare for his assault on the world record, Bob lays in a supply of 100 batteries. The television cameras arrive along with representatives of the Guinness com- pany and the American Dental Association and Bob begins the quest that he hopes will be the defining moment of his young life. Unfortunately for Bob his quest ends in humiliation as his batteries run out before he can reach the record which currently stands at 10,200 minutes. Justice is well served however because, although Bob did take AP Statistics in high school, he was not a very good student. Had he been a good statistics  5.9. EXERCISES 339 student he would have calculated in advance the chance that his batteries would run out in less than 10,200 minutes. Calculate, approximately, that chance for Bob. 14. An article on statistical fraud detection l a [ ]), when talking about records in a database, says: "One of the difficulties with fraud detection is that typically there are many legitimate records for each fraudulent one. A detection method which cor- rectly identifies 99% of the legitimate records as legitimate and 99% of the fraudulent records as fraudulent might be regarded as a highly effective sys- tem. However, if only 1 in 1000 records is fraudulent, then, on average, in every 100 that the system flags as fraudulent, only about 9 will in fact be so." QUESTION: Can you justify the "about 9"? 15. [credit to FPP here, or change the question.] In 1988 men averaged around 500 on the math SAT, the SD was around 100 and the histogram followed the normal curve. (a) Estimate the percentage of men getting over 600 on this test in 1988. (b) One of the men who took the test in 1988 will be picked at random, and you have to guess his test score. You will be given a dollar if you guess it right to within 50 points. i. What should you guess? ii. What is your chance of winning? 16. Multiple choice. (a) X Poi(A). Pr[X < 7] i. E __, - a A/X! ii. 7 e-A/x! iii. L7 0e-oAA/z! (b) X and Y are distributed uniformly on the unit square. Pr[X .5|Y<.25] i. .5 ii. .25 iii. can't tell from the information given.  5.9. EXERCISES 340 (c) X Normal(p, a2). Pr[X > p + -] i. is more than .5 ii. is less than .5 iii. can't tell from the information given. (d) X1,... , Xioo ~N(0, 1). IX=(X1+- - -+Xioo)/100. Y =(X1+-.- -+Xioo). Calculate i. Pr[-.2 < 0 ) / sum(good), sum ( cones$X1999[goodl > 0 ) / sum(good), sum ( cones$X2000[good] > 0 ) / sum(good) ) ) } [1] 0.0000000 0.1562500 0.2083333 [1] 0.05633803 0.36619718 0.32394366 [1] 0.01834862 0.21100917 0.27522936 [1] 0.05982906 0.39316239 0.37606838 [1] 0.01923077 0.10576923 0.22115385 [1] 0.04081633 0.19727891 0.18367347 Since there's not much action in 1998 we will ignore the data from that year. The data show a greater contrast between treatment (rings 2, 3, 4) and control (rings 1, 5, 6) in 1999 than in 2000. So for the purpose of this example we'll use the data from 1999. A good scientific investigation, though, would use data from all years. We're looking for a model with two features: (1) the probability of cones is an increasing function of dbh and of the treatment and (2) given that a tree has cones, the number of cones is an increasing function of dbh and treatment. Here we describe a simple model with these features. The idea is (1) a logistic regression with covariates dbh and treatment for the probability that a tree is sexually mature and (2) a Poisson regression with covariates dbh and treatment for the number of cones given that a tree is sexually mature. Let Y be the number of cones on the i'th tree. Our model is {(1 if the i'th tree had extra CO2 0 otherwise 0i if the i'th tree is sexually mature {0 otherwise exp(o + #1dbhi + #32x) ri= P[O= 1]= 1 + exp(3o + /31dbh2 + ,32x2) #2 = exp(yo + 71dbh + 72x2) Y Poi(Oici) There are six unknown parameters: #0, #31, #2, 7o, 71, 72. We must assign prior dis- tributions and compute posterior distributions of these parameters. In addition, each tree has an indicator O and we will be able to calculate the posterior probabilities  6. 1. MULTIDIMENSIONAL BAYESIAN ANALYSIS ring 347 II6 II5 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 0 00a en~0 00 O UD 0 0 000inmmM oou0Ean6M ®~uomO 00 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 - o 0D 0\ 00 Cv, Wi 0 0 CD 0\ dbh Figure 6.1: Numbers of pine cones in 1998 as a function of dbh  6. 1. MULTIDIMENSIONAL BAYESIAN ANALYSIS ring 348 II6 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 O 0 0f o 0 0 0o 00 0 0ooOOo ° "0,1& 0 0 0 0 0 000 09 0 0 PO0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 - o 0D 0\ U) N) a) U, CD 0\ dbh Figure 6.2: Numbers of pine cones in 1999 as a function of dbh  6. 1. MULTIDIMENSIONAL BAYESIAN ANALYSIS ring 349 II6 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000O 0 000 0 0 0 00 ® ®oom.anOuixM , 00C 0b o 5 10 15 20 25 0 - o 0D 0\ 0 U~) CD 0\ dbh Figure 6.3: Numbers of pine cones in 2000 as a function of dbh  6.1. MULTIDIMENSIONAL BAYESIAN ANALYSIS 350 We start with the priors 0, /1, /2, 70,71, 72 ~ i.i.d.U(-100, 100). This prior distribu- tion is not, obviously, based on any substantive prior knowledge. Instead of arguing that this is a sensible prior, we will later check the robustness of conclusions to specification of the prior. If the conclusions are robust, then we will argue that almost any sensible prior would lead to roughly the same conclusions. To begin the analysis we write down the joint distribution of parameters and data. Reformat this equation. P(yi, - - - , n,/O0,/01,02,7o, 71, 72) =p(00,0#1,02, 70, 71, 72) X P(yi, - -, yn |00,01,0#2, 70, 71, 72) 61(-100,100) (00) X 1(-100,100) (01) X 1(-100,100)(02) X 1(-100,100) (0) X 1(-100,100)(71) X 1(-100,100)(72) exp(/3o +/31dbh +,32x2) exp(- exp(o + 71dbh + 72xj)) exp(o + 71dbh2 + 72xi)9 :y0 1 + exp(/3o + 31dbh2 +32xj) y! 1 exp(3o +,31d bhi + #2xj) X - exp(- exp(7o + 71dbh + 72xi))) i :y i 0 (( . (6.2 In Equation 63 each term in the product Hiyi>0 is P[i'th tree is sexually mature] x p(y i'th tree is sexually mature) while each term in H o is P[i'th tree is immature] + P[i'th tree is mature but produces no cones]. The posterior p(3o, 31, /32, 70, 71, 72 |Y1, - -- , yn) is proportional, as a function of (,3o, /1, /2, 70, 71, 72), to Equation 63. Similarly, conditional posteriors such as P(/3o |, /32, 7o, 71, 72, Y1, -"-"- , yn) are proportional, as a function of 3o, to Equation 63. But that doesn't allow for much simplification; it allows us only to ignore the factorials in the denominator. To learn about the posterior in, say, Equation 6 it is easy to write an R function that accepts (,3o, /31, /32, 70, 71, 72) as input and returns 6,3 as output. But that's quite a complicated function of (/3o, /31, /32,7, 71,72) and it's not obvious how to use the function or what it says about any of the four parameters. Therefore, in Section 6,2 we present an algorithm that is very powerful for evaluating the integrals that often arise in multivariate Bayesian analyses.  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 351 6.2 The Metropolis, Metropolis-Hastings, and Gibbs Sampling Algorithms In "Markov chain Monte Carlo", the term "Monte Carlo" refers to evaluating an integral by using many random draws from a distribution. To fix ideas, suppose we want to evaluate Equation 6.2 and let 0= (1, ... , 8k). If we could generate many samples 81,... , Ou of 0 (where e2 = (O,,... ,62,i)) from its posterior distribution then we could approximate Equation.2 by 1. discarding 0i,2, ... , 0j,k from each iteration, 2. retaining 01,1, ... , ,1, 3. using 81,1, ... , (M,1 and standard density estimation techniques (page 105) to estimate p(81|y), or 4. for any set A, using number of O2,1's in A M as an estimate of P[01 E A | y]. That's the idea behind Monte Carlo integration. The term "Markov chain" refers to how the samples 01,... , 0O are produced. In a Markov chain there is a transition density or transition kernel k(02|18_1) which is a density for generating 82 given 2_O1. We first choose 01 almost arbitrarily, then generate (02|10), (03|02), and so on, in succession, for as many steps as we like. Each O2 has a density p = p(2) which depends on 01 and the transition kernel. But, 1. under some fairly benign conditions (See the references at the beginning of the chapter for details.) the sequence pi, p2, ... converges to a limit p, the stationary distribution, that does not depend on 81; 2. the transition density k(02il I_1) can be chosen so that the stationary distribu- tion p is equal to p(| y); 3. we can find an m such that i > m - p = p(8| y); 4. then 0m±1, ..., BM are, approximately, a sample from p(8|y).  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 352 The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm [Metropol iea, 1953, H, 197] is one way to construct an MCMC algorithm whose stationary distribution is p(0|y). It works according to the following steps. 1. Choose a proposal density g(0*10). 2. Choose 01. 3. For i = 2, 3, . .. " Generate a proposal 0* from g(0*|82_1). " Set { p(*|I y)g(e2-i1l*) r=min 1, * y(- .)(6.4) p(Oi-1I y)g(0*|O2-1) " Set - f>* with probability r, e2 = Oi_1 with probability 1 - r. Steps 1-3 define the transition kernel k. In many MCMC chains, the acceptance probability r may be strictly less than one, so the kernel k is a mixture of two parts: one that generates a new value of 8i+1 O2 and one that sets i+1 = e2. To illustrate MCMC, suppose we want to generate a sample 01,..., Bio,ooo from the Be(5, 2) distribution. We arbitrarily choose a proposal density g(Q* 0) = U(0 - .1, 0 + .1) and arbitrarily choose 01 = 0.5. The following R code draws the sample. samp <- rep ( NA, 10000 ) samp[1] <- 0.5 for ( i in 2:10000 ) { prey <- samp [i-1] thetastar <- runif ( 1, prey - .1, prey + .1 ) r <- min ( 1, dbeta(thetastar,5,2) / dbeta(prev,5,2) ) if ( rbinom ( 1, 1, r ) == 1 ) new <- thetastar else new <- prev samp [i] <- new }  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 353 c 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 I I I I I I 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Index 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Index Figure 6.4: 10,000 MCMC samples of the Be(5, 2) density. Top panel: histogram of samples from the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and the Be(5, 2) density. Middle panel: O" plotted against i. Bottom panel: p(i) plotted against i.  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 354 The top panel of Figure shows the result. The solid curve is the Be(5, 2) density and the histogram is made from the Metropolis-Hastings samples. They match closely, showing that the algorithm performed well. Figure was produced by par ( mfrow=c(3,1) ) hist ( samp[-(1:1000)], prob=TRUE, xlab=expression(theta), ylab="", main="" ) x <- seq(0,1,length=100) lines ( x, dbeta(x,5,2) ) plot ( samp, pch=".", ylab=expression(theta) ) plot ( dbeta(samp,5,2), pch=".", ylab=expression(theta) ) The code samp [-(1:1000)1 discards the first 1000 draws in the hope that the sam- pler will have converged to its stationary distribution after 1000 iterations. Assuming that convergence conditions have been met and that the algorithm is well-constructed, MCMC chains are guaranteed eventually to converge and deliver samples from the desired distribution. But the guarantee is asymptotic and in prac- tice the output from the chain should be checked to diagnose potential problems that might arise in finite samples. The main thing to check is mixing. An MCMC algorithm operates in the space of 0. At each iteration of the chain, i.e., for each value of i, there is a current location Oi. At the next iteration the chain moves to a new location Oi. In this way the chain explores the 0 space. While it is exploring it also evaluates p(Oi). In theory, the chain should spend many iterations at values of 0 where p(8) is large - and hence deliver many samples of 0's with large posterior density - and few iterations at values where p(8) is small. For the chain to do its job it must find the mode or modes of p(8), it must move around in their vicinity, and it must move between them. The process of moving from one part of the space to another is called mixing. The middle and bottom panels of Figure illustrate mixing. The middle panel plots 0, vs. i. It shows that the chain spends most of its iterations in values of 0 between about 0.6 and 0.9 but makes occasional excursions down to 0.4 or 0.2 or so. After each excursion it comes back to the mode around 0.8. The chain has taken many excursions, so it has explored the space well. The bottom panel plots p(Oj) vs. i. It shows that the chain spent most of its time near the mode where  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 355 p(O) 2.4 but made multiple excursions down to places where p(O) is around 0.5, or even less. This chain mixed well. To illustrate poor mixing we'll use the same MCMC algorithm but with different proposal kernels. First we'll use (0*|0) = U(0 - 100, 0 + 100) and change the corresponding line of code to thetastar <- runif ( 1, prey - 100, prey + 100 ). Then we'll use (0*|10) U(0 - .00001, 0 + .00001) and change the corresponding line of code to thetastar <- runif ( 1, prey - .00001, prey + .00001 ). Figure shows the result. The left-hand side of the figure is for (0*10) = U(0 - 100, 0 + 100). The top panel shows a very much rougher histogram than Figure .4; the middle and bottom panels show why. The proposal radius is so large that most proposals are rejected; therefore, 0i±1 O= for many iterations; therefore we get the flat spots in the middle and bottom panels. The plots reveal that the sampler explored fewer than 30 separate values of 0. That's too few; the sampler has not mixed well. In contrast, the right-hand side of the figure - for (0*10) = U(0-.00001, 0+.00001) - shows that 0 has drifted steadily downward, but over a very small range. There are no flat spots, so the sampler is accepting most proposals, but the proposal radius is so small that the sampler hasn't yet explored most of the space. It too has not mixed well. Plots such as the middle and bottom plots of Figure 6,5 are called trace plots because they trace the path of the sampler. In this problem, good mixing depends on getting the proposal radius not too large and not too small, but just right. To be sure, if we run the MCMC chain long enough, all three samplers would yield good samples from Be(5, 2). But the first sampler mixed well with only 10,000 iterations while the others would require many more iterations to yield a good sample. In practice, one must examine the output of one's MCMC chain to diagnose mixing problems. No diagnostics are fool proof, but not diagnosing is foolhardy. Several special cases of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm deserve separate mention. Metropolis algorithm It is often convenient to choose the proposal density g(*|10) to be symmetric; i.e., so that g(Q*10) = g(00*). In this case the Metropolis ratio p(o*| y)g(8i_1|*)/p(82_1| y)g(*| i-8_1) simplifies to p(o*| y)/p(i_1I y). That's what happened in the Be(5, 2) illustration and why the line r <- min ( 1, dbeta(thetastar,5,2) / dbeta(prev,5,2) ) doesn't involve g. Independence sampler It may be convenient to choose g(O*|0) g(9*) not de-  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 356 Co) N' 0.4990 0.4994 0.4998 0.5002 0 I I I I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 CA LO) Co7 00 0) N' 0) I I I I I I 0 2000 6000 10000 I I I I I I 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Index m- m- Co CO CA Co7 0 2000 6000 10000 Index 9J| - -l o I I I I I I 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Figure 6.5: 10,000 MCMC samples of the Be(5, 2) density. Left column: (0*|0) U(8 - 100, 0 + 100); Right column: (0*|0) = U(0 - .00001, 0 + .00001). Top: his- togram of samples from the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and the Be(5, 2) density. Middle: O2 plotted against i. Bottom: p(O2) plotted against i.  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 357 pendent on 0. For example, we could have used thetastar <- runif (1) in the Be(5, 2) illustration. Multiple transition kernels We may construct multiple transition kernels, say g1, ., gm. Then for each iteration of the MCMC chain we can randomly choose j E {1,... , m} and make a proposal according to g3. We would do this either for convenience or to improve the convergence rate and mixing properties of the chain. Gibbs sampler [Gema. an a, 18] In many practical examples, the so- called full conditionals or complete conditionals p(Oj |1(_x), y) are known and easy to sample for all j, where (_j) = (1, ..., Q8_1, O8+1, ... , 8k). In this case we may sample 6i, from p(O |i,1, ... , ,j-1, i-1,j+1, ... , j-i_1,) forj = 1, ... , k and set O = (2i,1, ... , Oj,k). We would do this for convenience. The next example illustrates several MCMC algorithms on the pine cone data of Example 6.1. Example 6.2 (Pine Cones, cont) In this example we try several MCMC algorithms to evaluate and display the posterior distribution in Equation 63. Throughout this example, we shall, for compactness, refer to the posterior density as p(8) instead of p(O|yi1, ...,y). First we need functions to return the prior density and the likelihood function. dprior <- function ( params, log=FALSE ) { logprior <- ( dunif ( params ["b0"], -100, 100, log=TRUE ) + dunif ( params ["b1"], -100, 100, log=TRUE ) + dunif ( params ["b2"], -100, 100, log=TRUE ) + dunif ( params ["g0"], -100, 100, log=TRUE ) + dunif ( params ["g1"], -100, 100, log=TRUE ) + dunif ( params ["g2"], -100, 100, log=TRUE ) ) if (log) return (logprior) else return (exp(logprior)) } lik <- function ( params, n.cones=cones$X2000, dbh=cones$dbh, trt=cones$trt, log=FALSE ) { zero <- n.cones == 0  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 358 tmpl <- params["b0"] tmp2 <- params["gO"] etmpl <- exp(tmpl) etmp2 <- exp(tmp2) + params["b1"] * dbh + params["b2"] * trt + params["gl"] * dbh + params["g2"] * trt tmpl[!zero] ) etmp2[!zerol ) n.cones[!zero] * tmp2[!zero] ) log ( 1 + etmpl[zerol * exp ( -etmp2[zerol ) ) ) log ( 1 + etmpl ) ) loglik <- ( sum ( - sum ( + sum ( + sum ( - sum ( ) if (log) return (loglik) else return (exp(loglik)) } Now we write a proposal function. This ones makes (0*|0) N(8, .1I6), where I6 is the 6 x 6 identity matrix. g.all <- function ( params ) { sig <- c(.1,.1,.1,.1,.1,.1) proposed <- mvrnorm ( 1, mu=params, Sigma=diag(sig) ) return ( list ( proposed=proposed, ratio=1 ) ) } Finally we write the main part of the code. Try to understand it; you may have to write something similar. Notice an interesting feature of R: assigning names to the components of params allows us to refer to the components by name in the lik function. # initial values params <- c ( "b0"=0, "b1"=0, "b2"=0, "g0"=0, "g1"=0, "g2"=0 ) # number of iterations mc <- 10000 # storage for output mcmc.out <- matrix ( NA, mc, length(params)+1 ) # the main loop  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS for ( i in 1:mc ) { prop <- g.all ( params ) new <- prop$proposed log.accept.ratio <- ( dprior ( new, log=TRUE ) - dprior ( params, log=TRUE ) + lik ( new, log=TRUE ) - lik ( params, log=TRUE ) - log ( prop$ratio ) ) accept.ratio <- min ( 1, exp(log.accept.ratio) ) 359 if ( as.logical params <- new ( rbinom(1,1,accept.ratio) ) ) mcmc.out[i,] <- c ( params, lik ( params, log=TRUE ) ) } Figure shows trace plots of the output. move very often; it did not mix well and did The plots show that the sampler did not not explore the space effectively. Figure was produced by the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c(4,2), mar=c(4,4,1,1)+.1 ) for ( i in 1:6 ) plot ( mcmc . out [, i] , ylab=names (params) [i] , pch=". " ) plot ( mcmc.out[,7], ylab=expression(p(theta)), pch="." ) When samplers get stuck, sometimes it's because the proposal radius is too large. So next we try a smaller radius: sig <- rep(.01,6). Figure shows the result. The sampler is still not mixing well. The parameter #0 travelled from its starting point of 0 = 0 to about #0 ~ -1.4 or so, then seemed to get stuck; other parameters behaved similarly. Let's try running the chain for more iterations: mc <- 100000. Figure shows the result. Again, the sampler does not appear to have mixed well. Parameters #0 and #1, for example, have not yet settled into any sort of steady-state behavior and p(O) seems to be steadily increasing, indicating that the sampler may not yet have found the posterior mode.  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 360 N' O' N T0 N' 0 2000 6000 10000 Index 0 2000 6000 10000 Index N' O' NQ ( O C) LO) 0 2000 6000 10000 Index 0 2000 6000 10000 Index N' O' N' o 0 2000 6000 10000 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Index m- L J 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Figure 6.6: Trace plots of MCMC output from the pine cone code on page  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 361 O 6 T0 6 L J 6 0 2000 6000 10000 Index 0 2000 6000 10000 Index N' 6 C7 6 (0 T 6 0 2000 6000 10000 Index I I I I I I 0 2000 6000 10000 C) 0 0 2000 6000 10000 Index I I I I I I 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Index m- 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Figure 6.7: Trace plots of MCMC output from the pine cone code with a smaller proposal radius.  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 362 0 0 Co) N' (0 0 2000 6000 10000 Index 0 2000 6000 10000 Index N- C) O' T~C 6 1 0) 6 T- 6 0 2000 6000 10000 Index I I I I I I 0 2000 6000 10000 N' LC) LC) C7 LC) N' 0 2000 6000 10000 Index I I I I I I 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Index L J 0- ,:F 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Figure 6.8: Trace plots of MCMC output from the pine cone code with a smaller proposal radius and 100,000 iterations. The plots show every 10'th iteration.  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 363 It is not always necessary to plot every iteration of an MCMC sampler. Figure plots every 10'th iteration; plots of every iteration look similar. The figure was produced by the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c(4,2), mar=c(4,4,1,1)+.1 ) plotem <- seq ( 1, 100000, by=10 ) for ( i in 1:6 ) plot ( mcmc . out [plotem, i] , ylab=names (params) [i] , pch=". " ) plot ( mcmc.out[plotem,7], ylab=expression(p(theta)), pch="." ) The sampler isn't mixing well. to write a better one we should try to understand why this one is failing. It could be that proposing a change in all parameters simultaneously is too dramatic, that once the sampler reaches a location where p(8) is large, changing all the parameters at once is likely to result in a location where p(O) is small, therefore the acceptance ratio will be small, and the proposal will likely be rejected. To ameliorate the problem we'll try proposing a change to only one parameter at a time. The new proposal function is <- function ( params ) { sig <- c ( "b0"=.1, "b1"=.1, "b2"=.1, "g0"=.1, "g1"=.1, "g2"=.1 ) which <- sample ( names(params), 1 ) proposed <- params proposed [which] <- rnorm ( 1, mean=params [which] , sd=sig [which] ) return ( list ( proposed=proposed, ratio=1 ) ) } which randomly chooses one of the six parameters and proposes to update that parameter only. Naturally, we edit the main loop to use g. one instead of g. all. Figure shows the result. This is starting to look better. Parameters # 2 and 7Y2 are exhibiting steady- state behavior; so are # o and #1, after iteration 10,000 or so (x = 1000 in the plots). Still, 'Yo and '}1 do not look like they have converged. Figure illuminates some of the problems. In particular, , o and #1 seem to be linearly related, as do 'Yo and -y1. This is often the case in regression problems; and we have seen it before for the pine cones in Figure . In the current setting it means that p(| y, ... , yn) has ridges: one along a line in the (, #1~Q) plane and another along a line in the (-yo, -1) plane.  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 364 o o N- 0 2000 6000 10000 LC) N LC) 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Index N' cTM 6 C) LO) 0 2000 6000 10000 Index 0 2000 6000 10000 Index O' N' 0 2000 6000 10000 Index 0 2000 6000 10000 Index LC) m- L J .I I 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Figure 6.9: Trace plots of MCMC output from the pine cone code with proposal function g. one and 100,000 iterations. The plots show every 10'th iteration.  CD 0.20 0.40 -1.6 -1.0 -0.4 0.16 0.24 F WO :} I 'I IF .jW I,' .L f. I i t 5.I I I I I 1 '.'. N) (C) L LJLJI JQI L :4t I I I I I I , ',":' "J I I II NEW 0 [~J ~ 176 17 8 .2 .5 .__ _ _. -. -.  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 366 Figure was produced by the following snippet. plotem <- seq ( 10000, 100000, by=10 ) pairs ( mcmc.out[plotem,], pch=".", labels=c(names(params) ,"density") ) As the figure shows, it took the first 10,000 iterations or so for # 0 and #1 to reach a roughly steady state and for p(O) to climb to a reasonably large value. If those iterations were included in Figure , the points after iteration 10,000 would be squashed together in a small region. Therefore we made plotem <- seq ( 10,000, 100000, by=10 ) to drop the first 9999 iterations from the plots. If our MCMC algorithm proposes a move along the ridge, the proposal is likely to be accepted. But if the algorithm proposes a move that takes us off the ridge, the proposal is likely to be rejected because p would be small and therefore the acceptance ratio would be small off the ridge. But that's not happening here: our MCMC algorithm seems not to be stuck, so we surmise that it is proposing moves that are small compared to the widths of the ridges. However, because the proposals are small, the chain does not explore the space quickly. That's why -yo and '}1 appear not to have reached a steady state. We could improve the algorithm by proposing moves that are roughly parallel to the ridges. And we can do that by making multivariate Normal proposals with a covariance matrix that approximates the posterior covariance of the parameters. We'll do that by finding the covariance of the samples we've generated and using it as the covariance matrix of our proposal distribution. The R code is Sig <- cov ( mcmc.out[10000:100000,-71) <- function ( params ) { proposed <- mvrnorm ( 1, mu=params, Sigma=Sig ) return ( list ( proposed=proposed, ratio=1 ) ) } We drop the first 9999 iterations because they seem not to reflect p(O) accurately. Then we calculate the covariance matrix of the samples from the previous MCMC sampler. That covariance matrix is used in the proposal function. The results are shown in Figures and Figure shows that the sampler seems to have converged after the first several thousand iterations. The posterior density has risen to a high level and is hovering there; all six variables appear to be mixing well. Figure confirms our earlier impression  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 367 that the posterior density seems to be approxiately Normal - at least, it has Normal- looking two dimensional marginals - with # 0 and #1, highly correlated with each other, 71i and 7y2 highly correlated with each other, and no other large correlations. The sampler seems to have found one mode and to be exploring it well. Figures and were produced with the following snippet. plotem <- seq ( 1, 100000, by=10 ) par ( mfrow=c(4,2), mar=c(4,4,1,1)+.1 ) for ( i in 1:6 ) plot ( mcmc . out [plotem, i] , ylab=names (params) [i] , pch=". " ) plot ( mcmc.out[plotem,7], ylab=expression(p(theta)), pch="." ) plotem <- seq ( 1000, 100000, by=10 ) pairs ( mcmc.out[plotem,], pch=".", labels=c(names(params) ,"density") ) Now that we have a good set of samples from the posterior, we can use it to an- swer substantive questions. For instance, we might want to know whether the extra atmospheric CO2 has allowed pine trees to reach sexual maturity at an earlier age or to produce more pine cones. This is a question of whether # 2 and 7Y2 are positive, negative, or approximately zero. Figure shows the answer by plotting the posterior densities of # 2 and 7y2. Both densities put almost all their mass on positive values, indicating that P[#2 > 0] and P[72 > 0] are both very large, and therefore that pines trees with excess CO2 mature earlier and produce more cones than pine trees grown under normal conditions. Figure was produced by the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c(1,2) ) plot ( density ( mcmc.out[10000:100000,"b2"] ), xlab=expression(beta [2]), ylab=expression(p(beta[2])), main="" ) plot ( density ( mcmc.out[10000:100000,"g2"] ), xlab=expression(gamma[2]), ylab=expression(p(gamma[2])), main="" )  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 368 0 N 0 T0 N 6 0 2000 6000 10000 Index 0 2000 6000 10000 Index N r 0 6 LO) 0 N 6 - 0 - 6 0 2000 6000 10000 Index I I I I I I 0 2000 6000 10000 Index N N) O O0 _ 0 0 2000 6000 10000 Index I I I I I I 0 2000 6000 10000 Index LO o : O . 0 2000 6000 10000 Index Figure 6.11: Trace plots of MCMC output from the pine cone code with proposal function g. group and 100,000 iterations. The plots show every 10'th iteration.  6.2. METROPOLIS, METROPOLIS-HASTINGS, AND GIBBS 369 0.15 0.35 b0 co CO ". -7 -4 Figure 6.12: Pairs plots posal SIZ -". b2 0.0 -2.0 -2 0 I' 0.2 0.6 ..- -.2 -., . tiT1' f "t t!. "1 y1 ' r", N" 1 ±; ' "S" ati .r' g2 x LO) N- L"i LiF5 density (0 0- 0.12 0.19 1760 of MCMC output from the pine cones example with pro-  6.3. EXERCISES C C N C 370 .. C\N 0.0 1.0 R2 | | 0.2 0.4 0.6 72 Figure 6.13: Posterior density of # 2 and _72 from Example 6.3 Exercises 1. This exercise asks you to enhance the code for the Be(5, 2) example on page (a) How many samples is enough? Instead of 10,000, try different numbers. How few samples can you get away with and still have an adequate ap- proximation to the Be(5, 2) distribution? You must decide what "ade- quate" means; you can use either a firm or fuzzy definition. Illustrate your results with figures similar to (b) Try an independence sampler in the Be(5, 2) example on page . Re- place the proposal kernel with 0* ~ U(0, 1). Run the sampler, make a figure similar to Figure and describe the result. (c) Does the proposal distribution matter? Instead of proposing with a ra- dius of 0.1, try different numbers. How much does the proposal radius matter? Does the proposal radius change your answer to part ? Illus- trate your results with figures similar to (d) Try a non-symmetric proposal. For example, you might try a proposal distribution of Be(5, 1), or a distribution that puts 2/3 of its mass on (zi_1 - .1, xi1) and 1/3 of its mass on (xz_1, x_1 + .1). Illustrate your  6.3. EXERCISES 371 results with figures similar to 6 4. (e) What would happen if your proposal distribution were Be(5, 2)? How would the algorithm simplify? 2. (a) Some researchers are interested in 0, the proportion of students who ever cheat on college exams. They randomly sample 100 students and ask "Have you ever cheated on a college exam?" Naturally, some stu- dents lie. Let #1 be the proportion of non-cheaters who lie and #2 be the proportion of cheaters who lie. Let X be the number of students who answer "yes" and suppose X = 40. i. Create a prior distribution for 0, # and #2. Use your knowledge guided by experience. Write a formula for your prior and plot the marginal prior density of each parameter. ii. Write a formula for the likelihood function (O, 01, #2). iii. Find the m.l.e.. iv. Write a formula for the joint posterior density p(O, #1, #2|X = 40). v. Write a formula for the marginal posterior density p(O|X = 40). vi. Write an MCMC sampler to sample from the joint posterior. vii. Use the sampler to find p(O|X = 40). Summarize your results. Include information on how you assessed mixing and on what you learned about p(O| X = 40). viii. Assess the sensitivity of your posterior, p(O|X = 40), to your prior for #1 and #2. (b) Randomized response This part of the exercise uses ideas from Exer- cises in Chapter_1 and 6 in Chapter . As explained there, researchers will sometimes instruct subjects as follows. Toss a coin, but don't show it to me. If it lands Heads, answer question (a). If it lands tails, answer question (b). Just answer 'yes' or 'no'. Do not tell me which question you are answering. (a) Does your telephone number end in an even digit? (b) Have you ever cheated on an exam in college? The idea of the randomization is, of course, to reduce the incentive to lie. Nonetheless, students may still lie. i. If about 40 students answered 'yes' in part (a), about how many do you think will answer 'yes' under the conditions of part (b)?  6.3. EXERCISES 3 72 ii. Repeat part (a) under the conditions of part (b) and with your best guess about what X will be under these conditions. iii. Assess whether researchers who are interested in 0 are better off using the conditions of part (a) or part (b). 3. Figures and 6.12 suggest that the MCMC sampler has found one mode of the posterior density. Might there be others? Use the lik function and R's optim function to find out. Either design or randomly generate some starting values (You must decide on good choices for either the design or the randomization.) and use optim to find a mode of the likelihood function. Summarize and report your results. 4. Example 642 shows that 32 and '72 are very likely positive, and therefore that pine trees with extra CO2 mature earlier and produce more cones. But how much earlier and how many more? (a) Find the posterior means E[32|Yi,... Y2] and E[72|Yi ,. Y,Y2] approxi- mately, from the Figures in the text. (b) Suppose there are three trees in the control plots that have probabilities 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9 of being sexually mature. Plugging in E[32 YiY. -.-Y2] from the previous question, estimate their probabilities of being mature if they had grown with excess CO2. (c) Is the plug-in estimate from the previous question correct? I.e., does it correctly calculate the probability that those trees would be sexually mature? Explain why or why not. If it's not correct, explain how to calculate the probabilities correctly. 5. In the context of Example6 we might want to investigate whether the coefficient of dbh should be the same for control trees and for treated trees. (a) Write down a model enhancing that on page to allow for the possi- bility of different coefficients for different treatments. (b) What parts of the R code have to be changes? (c) Write the new code. (d) Run it. (e) Summarize and report results. Report any difficulties with modifying and running the code. Say how many iterations you ran and how you checked mixing. Also report conclusions: does it look like different treat- ments need different coefficients? How can you tell?  CHAPTER 7 MORE MODELS This chapter takes up a wide variety of statistical models. It is beyond the scope of this book to give a full treatment of any one of them. But we hope to introduce each model enough so the reader can see it what situations it might be useful, what it's primary characteristcs are, and how a simple analysis might be carried out in R. A more thorough treatment of many of these models can be found inVeal Ripley.^ [2;0 . 7.1 Hierarchical Models It is often useful to think of populations as having subpopulations, and those as having subsubpopulations, and so on. One example comes from [cite Worsley et al] who describe fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) experiments. A subject is placed in an MRI machine and subjected to several stimuli while the machine measures the amount of oxygen flowing to various parts of the brain. Different stimuli affect different parts of the brain, allowing scientists to build up a picture of how the brain works. Let the generic parameter 0 be the change in blood flow to a particular region of the brain under a particular stimulus. 0 is called an effect. As citation explain, 6 may vary from subject to subject, from session to session even for the same patient, and from run to run even within the same session. To describe the situation fully we need three subscripts, so let 0ijk be the effect in subject i, session j, run k. For a single subject i and session j there will be an overall average effect; call it pi. The set {6ijk}k will fall around ,u with a bit of variation for each run k. Assuming Normal distributions, we would write {Oijk}k |pi, Uk i.i.d. N(pg Uk) 373  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 374 Likewise, for a single subject i there will be an overall average effect; call it pi. The set {,u}3 will fall around pi with a bit of variation for each session j. Further, each pi is associated with a different subject so they are like draws from a population with a mean and standard deviation, say yu and cr. Thus the whole model can be written {Oijk}k |pi, Uk i.i.d. N(pi, Uk) {i}3 |wpi, cg ~i.i.d. N(i,, a) {i} |,p, ai ~i.i.d. N(pu, a ) Figure is a graphical representation of this model. pretty picture here Figure 7.1: Graphical representation of hierarchical model for fMRI More examples: metaanalysis, Jackie Mohan's germination records, Chantal's arabadopsis, CO2 uptake from R and Pinheiro and Bates, FACE growth rates by tree l ringItreatment Is a sample from one population or several? Mixtures of Normals. Extra varia- tion in Binomials, Poisson, etc. Hierarchical and random effects models. Discrete populations: medical trials, different species, locations, subjects, treatments. 7.2 Time Series and Markov Chains Figure 7. shows some data sets that come with R. The following descriptions are taken from the R help pages. Beaver The data are a small part of a study of the long-term temperature dynamics of beaver Castor canadensis in north-central Wisconsin. Body temperature was measured by telemetry every 10 minutes for four females, but data from one period of less than a day is shown here. Mauna Loa Monthly atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are expressed in parts per million (ppm) and reported in the preliminary 1997 SIO manometric mole fraction scale. DAX The data are the daily closing prices of Germany's DAX stock index. The data are sampled in business time; i.e., weekends and holidays are omitted.  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 375 UK Lung Disease The data are monthly deaths from bronchitis, emphysema and asthma in the UK, 1974 - 1979. Canadian Lynx The data are annual numbers of lynx trappings for 1821 - 1934 in Canada. Presidents The data are (approximately) quarterly approval rating for the Presi- dent of the United states from the first quarter of 1945 to the last quarter of 1974. UK drivers The data are monthly totals of car drivers in Great Britain killed or seriously injured Jan 1969 to Dec 1984. Compulsory wearing of seat belts was introduced on 31 Jan 1983. Sun Spots The data are monthly numbers of sunspots. They come from the World Data Center-C1 For Sunspot Index Royal Observatory of Belgium, Av. Circu- laire, 3, B-1180 BRUSSELS html. What these data sets have in common is that they were all collected sequentially in time. Such data are known as time series data. Because each data point is related to the ones before and the ones after, they usually cannot be treated as independent random variables. Methods for analyzing data of this type are called time series methods. More formally, a time series is a sequence Y, ... , YT of random variables indexed by time. The generic element of the series is usually denoted Y. Figure was produced by the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c(4,2) ) plot.ts ( beaverl$temp, main="Beaver", xlab="Time", ylab="Temperature" ) plot.ts ( co2, main="Mauna Loa", ylab="C02 (ppm)" ) plot.ts ( EuStockMarkets[,1], main="DAX", ylab="Closing Price" ) plot.ts ( ldeaths, main="UK Lung Disease", ylab="monthly deaths" ) plot.ts ( lynx, main="Canadian Lynx", ylab="trappings" ) plot.ts ( presidents, main="Presidents", ylab="approval" ) plot.ts ( Seatbelts[,"DriversKilled"], main="UK drivers", ylab="deaths" )  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 376 Beaver Mauna Loa a) (z a E a) - 0 20 40 60 80 11- a 0 1960 1970 1980 1990 Time Time a) 0 0) 0 DAX 0 1992 1994 1996 1998 C, (1) 0 E UK Lung Disease 10 1974 1976 1978 1980 Time Time Canadian Lynx U/)0 a) o) > r- C 1820 1860 1900 Time Presidents 1945 1955 1965 1975 Time UK drivers U Sun Spots CL, C) ~ U) O/ O)~~1 rT _0 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 E 1750 1850 1950 Time Time Figure 7.2: Beaver: Body temperature of a beaver recorded every 10 minutes; Mauna Loa: Atmospheric concentration of C02; DAX: Daily closing prices of the DAX stock exchange in Germany; UK Lung Disease: monthly deaths from bronchi- tis, emphysema and asthma; Canadian Lynx: annual number of trappings; Pres- idents: quarterly approval ratings; UK drivers: deaths of car drivers; Sun Spots: monthly sunspot numbers.  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 377 plot.ts ( sunspot.month, main="Sun Spots", ylab="number of sunspots" ) . plot . ts is the command for plotting time series. The data sets in Figure exhibit a feature common to many time series: if one data point is large, the next tends to be large, and if one data point is small, the next tends to be small; i.e., Y and Yt+1 are dependent. The dependence can be seen in Figure which plots Y+1 vs. Y, for the Beaver and President datasets. The upward trend in each panel shows the dependence. Time series analysts typically use the term autocorrelation - the prefix auto refers to the fact that the time series is correlated with itself - even though they mean dependence. R has the built-in function acf for computing autocorrelations. The following snippet shows how it works. > acf ( beaverl$temp, plot=F, lag.max=5 ) Autocorrelations of series 'beaverl$temp', by lag 0 1 2 3 4 5 1.000 0.826 0.686 0.580 0.458 0.342 The six numbers in the bottom line are Cor(Y, Yt), Cor(Yt, Yt+1), ..., Cor(Y, Yt+5) and are referred to as autocorrelations of lag 0, lag 1, ..., lag 5. Those autocorre- lations can, as usual, be visualized with plots as in Figure Figure was produced by the following snippet. dim ( beaver1 ) plot ( beaverl$temp[-114], beaverl$temp[-1], main="Beaver", xlab=expression(y[t]), ylab=expression(y[t+1]) ) length ( presidents ) plot ( presidents [-120] , presidents [-1] , main="Presidents", xlab=expression(y[t]), ylab=expression(y[t+1]) )  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 378 Beaver 0 CO CO tc -. 3 36.4 37.0 0 CO Presidents 30 60 Yt Yt Figure 7.3: Yt+1 plotted against Y for the Beaver and Presidents data sets Figure was produced by the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c(3,2) ) temp <- beaverl$temp n <- length(temp) for ( k in 0:5 ) { x <- temp [1: (n-k)] y <- temp [(1+k) :n] plot ( x, y, xlab=expression(Y[t]), ylab=expression(Y[t+k]), main=paste("lag =", k) ) } Because time series data cannot usually be treated as independent, we need special methods to deal with them. It is beyond the scope of this book to present the major theoretical developments of time series methods. As Figure shows, there can be a wide variety of structure in time series data. In particular, the Beaver, and Presidents data sets have no structure readily apparent to the eye; DAX has seemingly minor fluctuations imposed on a general increasing trend; UK  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS lag = 0 3 79 lag =1 CO) Co- CO) Co- CO) O0 36.4 36.8 37.2 O N- CO) Co CO) Co CO) O 0D 0O O1 36.4 36.8 37.2 Yt Yt lag = 2 lag = 3 N CO) Co CO) Co CO) 0 0 O 0 8 36.4 36.8 37.2 0 CO) co Co- CO) 0 0 100 "OMI 100 0 10 36.4 36.8 37.2 Yt Yt lag = 4 lag = 5 0 0 CO) 0) 0 00 0 CO Co CO) 0 01 0' Col (0 CO) [o ~ OO 36.4 36.8 37.2 V O 36.4 36.8 37.2 Yt Yt Figure 7.4: Yt+k plotted against Y~ for the Beaver data set and lags k =o0,... ,5  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 380 Lung Disease and UK drivers have an annual cycle; Mauna Loa has an annual cycle imposed and a general increasing trend; and Canadian Lynx and Sun Spots are cyclic, but for no obvious reason and with no obvious length of the cycle. In the remainder of this section we will show, by analyzing some of the data sets in Figure , some of the possibilities. Beaver Our goal is to develop a more complete picture of the probabilistic struc- ture of the {Y}'s. To that end, consider the following question. If we're trying to predict Y+1, and if we already know Y, does it help us also to know Yt_1? I.e., are Yt_1 and Y+1 conditionally independent given Yt? That question can be answered visually with a coplot (Figures and ). Figure shows the coplot for the Beaver data. Figure was produced by the following snippet. temp <- beaverl$temp n <- length ( temp ) coplot ( temp[3:nl ~ temp[1:(n-2)1 I temp[2:(n-1)1, xlab=c (expression(Y[t-1]), expression(Y[t])), ylab=expression(Y[t+1]) ) The figure is ambiguous. In the first, second, and sixth panels, Yt+1 and Yt_1 seem to be linearly related given Y, while in the third, fourth, and fifth panels, Yt+1 and Yt_1 seem to be independent given Y. We can examine the question numerically with the partial autocorrelation, the conditional correlation of Y+1 and Yt_1 given Y. The following snippet shows how to compute partial autocorrelations in R using the function pacf. > pacf ( temp, lag.max=5, plot=F ) Partial autocorrelations of series 'temp', by lag 1 2 3 4 5 0.826 0.014 0.031 -0.101 -0.063 The numbers in the bottom row are Cor(Y, Yt+k Yt+1, -- , Yt+k-1). Except for the first, they're small. Figure and the partial autocorrelations suggest that a model in which Y+1 -L Yt-1 Y would fit the data well. And the first panel in Figure  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 381 Yt 36.4 36.6 36.8 37.0 37.2 37.4 36.4 36.8 37.2 36.4 36.8 37.2 o o 06 o o N CV) 0 900 36.4 36.8 37.2 COJ CV) CV) CV) + Yt-1 Figure 7.5: coplot of Y~l as a function of Y_1 given Y~ for the Beaver data set  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 382 suggests that a model of the form Yt+1 = 0 + #1Y + Et+i might fit well. Such a model is called an autoregression. R has a function ar for fitting them. Here's how it works with the Beaver data. > fit <- ar ( beaverl$temp, order.max=1 ) > fit # see what we've got Call: ar(x = beaverl$temp, order.max = 1) Coefficients: 1 0.8258 Order selected 1 sigma^2 estimated as 0.01201 The 0.8258 means that the fitted model is Yt+1 = o + 0.8258Y + Et+1. The et's have an estimated variance of 0.012. f it$x.mean shows that 00 = 36.86. Finally, qqnorm(f it$resid) (Try it.) shows a nearly linear plot, except for one point, indi- cating that Yt+1 N(36.86 +.8258Y, .012) is a reasonably good model, except for one outlier. Mauna Loa The Mauna Loa data look like an annual cycle superimposed on a steadily increasing long term trend. Our goal is to estimate both components and decompose the data as Y= long term trend + annual cycle + unexplained variation. Our strategy, because it seems easiest, is to estimate the long term trend first, then use deviations from the long term trend to estimate the annual cycle. A sensible estimate of the long term trend at time t is the average of a year's CO2 readings, for a year centered at t. Thus, let .5YL-6 + Yt-5 + ... + Yt+5 + .5yt+6 g(t) _=12(7.1) 12 where g(t) represents the long term trend at time t. R has the built-in command filter to compute g. The result is shown in Figure 7.6(a) which also shows how to use f ilter. Deviations from are co2 - g.hat. See Figure 7(b). The deviations can be grouped by month, then averaged. The average of the January deviations,  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 383 for example, is a good estimate of how much the January CO2 deviates from the long term trend, and likewise for other months. See Figure (c). Finally, Fig- ure (d) shows the data, y, and the fitted values g + monthly effects. The fit is good: the fitted values differ very little from the data. Figure was produced by the following snippet. filt <- c ( .5, rep(1,11), .5 ) / 12 g.hat <- filter ( co2, filt ) par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) plot.ts ( co2, main="(a)" ) lines ( g.hat ) resids <- co2 - g.hat plot.ts ( resids, main="(b)" ) resids <- matrix ( resids, nrow=12 ) cycle <- apply ( resids, 1, mean, na.rm=T ) plot ( cycle, type="b", main="(c)" ) plot.ts ( co2, type="p", pch=".", main="(d)" ) lines ( g.hat ) lines ( g.hat + cycle ) DAX Y is the closing price of the German stock exchange DAX on day t. Investors often care about the rate of return Yt* = Yt+1/Y, so we'll have to consider whether to analyze the Y's directly, or convert them to Yt*'s first. Figure is for the DAX prices directly. Panel (a) shows the Y's. It seems to show minor fluctuations around a steadily increasing trend. Panel (b) shows the time series of Y - Yt_1. It seems to show a series of fluctuations approximately centered around 0, with no apparent pattern, and with larger fluctuations occuring later in the series. Panel (c) shows Y versus Yt_1. It shows a strong linear relationship between Y and Yt_1. Two lines are drawn on the plot: the lines Y = # + #1Y_1 for (O, +) = (0, 1) and for (O,# 1) set equal to the ordinary regression coefficients found by lm. The two lines are indistinguishable, suggesting that Y ~ Yt_1 is a good model for the data. Panel (d) is a Q-Q plot of Y - Y_1. It is not approximately linear, suggesting that Y ~ N(Y_1, o-) is not a good model for the data.  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 384 (a) 0 (- C') CVJ 0 O rI o C') 0 CJ C') (I) (I N~J 0 - N~ (b) 1960 1980 Time (C) 0 / 0 1960 1980 Time (d) a) 0 C') 0 C') 0 0 0 (0 C') CVJ 0 O ri o C') 0 CVJ C') 2 46 8 Index 12 1960 1980 Time Figure 7.6: (a): CO2 and g; (b): residuals; (c): residuals averaged by month; (d): data, g, and fitted values  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS (a) 385 (b) 0 0 0 >< LO 0 0 0 0~ 0 p 0 1992 1995 1998 1992 1995 1998 Time Time (c) (d) 0 0 0 X LO 0 0 0 0~ 0- 0 E0 2000 4000 6000 DAXt_1 -3 -1 1 3 Theoretical Quantiles Figure 7.7: DAX closing prices. (a): the time series of Y's; (b): Yt - Y-1; (c): Yt versus Yi (d): QQ plot of Yt - Y-1"  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS 386 Figure was produced by the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) plot.ts ( DAX, main="(a)" ) plot.ts ( diff(DAX), ylab = expression ( DAX[t] - DAX[t-1] ), main="(b)" ) plot ( DAX[-n], DAX[-1], xlab = expression ( DAX[t-1] ), ylab = expression ( DAX[t] ), main="(c)" ) abline ( 0, 1 ) abline ( lm ( DAX[-1] DAX[-n] )$coef, lty=2 ) qqnorm ( diff (DAX) , main="(d)" ) " The R command diff is for taking differences, typically of time series. diff (y) yields y [2] -y [1] , y [3] -y [2] , ... which could also be accom- plished easily enough without using diff: y [-11 - y [-n]. But additional arguments, as in diff ( y, lag, differences ) make it much more use- ful. For example, diff (y, lag=2) yields y [3] -y [1] , y E4] -y [2] , ... while diff ( y, differences=2 ) is the same as diff ( diff (y) ). The latter is a construct very useful in time series analysis. Figure is for the Y*'s. Panel (a) shows the time series. It shows a seemingly patternless set of data centered around 1. Panel (b) shows the time series of Y* - Y*_1, a seemingly patternless set of data centered at 0. Panel (c) shows Yt* versus Y*_1. It shows no apparent relationship between Y* and Y*1, suggesting that Y* Y*_1 is a good model for the data. Panel (d) is a Q-Q plot of Y*. It is approximately linear, suggesting that Y* ~ N(p, o-) is a good model for the data, with a few outliers on both the high and low ends. The mean and SD of the Y*'s are about 1.000705 and 0.01028; so Y* ~ N(1.0007, 0.01) might be a good model. Figure was produced by the following snippet. par ( mfrow=c(2,2) ) plot.ts ( rate, main="(a)" ) plot.ts ( diff(rate), ylab = expression ( rate[t] - rate[t-1] ), main="(b)" ) plot ( rate[-n2], rate[-1], xlab = expression ( rate[t-1] ), ylab = expression ( rate[t] ), main="(c)" ) qqnorm ( rate, main="(d)" )  7.2. TIME SERIES AND MARKOV CHAINS (a) 387 (b) a) O O N~ O) O a) WY 10 0 6 0 o 500 1500 Time (C) 0 500 1500 Time (d) aY 0 0 N~ C) 0 -- E 0z 0 0 N~ C) 0 0.92 0.98 1.04 -3 -1 1 3 ratet_1 Theoretical Quantiles Figure 7.8: DAX returns. (a): the time series of Yt7*'s; (b): Y/t* YtA1; (d): QQ plotof Yt*. YtA ; (c): Y* versus  7.3. CONTINGENCY TABLES 388 We now have two possible models for the DAX data: Y Yt_1 with a still to be determined distribution and Y* N(1.0007, 0.01) with the Yt*'s mutually independent. Both seem plausible on statistical grounds. (But see Exercise 5 for further development.) It is not necessary to choose one or the other. Having several ways of describing a data set is useful. Each model gives us another way to view the data. Economists and investors might prefer one or the other at different times or for different purposes. There might even be other useful models that we haven't yet considered. Those would be beyond the scope of this book, but could be covered in texts on time series, financial mathematics, econometrics, or similar topics. population matrix models Example 7.1 (FACE) Richter's throughfall data Example 7.2 (hydrology) Jagdish's data. Is this example too complicated? 7.3 Contingency Tables loglinear models? Simpson's paradox? Census tables as examples? 7.4 Survival analysis In many studies, the random variable is the time at which an event occurs. For example, medicine The time until a patient dies. neurobiology The time until a neuron fires. quality control The time until a computer crashes. higher education The time until an Associated Professor is promoted to Full Pro- fessor. Such data are called survival data. For the i'th person, neuron, computer, etc., there is a random variable ye=time of event on i'th unit.  7.4. SURVIVAL ANALYSIS 389 We usually call y2 the lifetime, even though the event is not necessarily death. It is often the case with survival data that some measurements are censored. For example, if we study a university's records to see how long it takes to get promoted from Associate to Full Professor, we will find some Associate Professors leave the university - either through retirement or by taking another job - before they get promoted while others are still Associate Professors at the time of our study. For these people we don't know their time of promotion. If either (a) person i left the university after five years, or (b) person i became Associate Professor five years prior to our study, then we don't know y2 exactly. All we know is y2 > 5. This form of censoring is called right censoring. In some data sets there may also be left censoring or interval censoring. Survival analysis typically requires specialized statistical techniques. R has a package of functions for this purpose; the name of the package is survival. The survival package is automatically distributed with R. To load it into your R session, type library(survival). The package comes with functions for survival analysis and also with some example data sets. Our next example uses one of those data sets. Example 7.3 (Bladder Tumors) This example comes from a study of bladder tumors, originally published inBar [1980] and later reanalyzed in Wei et al [1989]. Patients had bladder tumors. The tumors were removed and the patients were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups (placebo, thiotepa, pyridoxine). Then the patients were followed through time to see whether and when bladder tumors would recur. R's survival package has the data for the first two treatment groups, placebo and thiotepa. Type bladder to see it. (Remember to load the survival package first.) The last several lines look like this. id rx number size stop event enum 341 83 2 3 4 54 0 1 342 83 2 3 4 54 0 2 343 83 2 3 4 54 0 3 344 83 2 3 4 54 0 4 345 84 2 2 1 38 1 1 346 84 2 2 1 54 0 2 347 84 2 2 1 54 0 3 348 84 2 2 1 54 0 4 349 85 2 1 3 59 0 1 350 85 2 1 3 59 0 2 35185 2 1 3 59 0 3 352 85 2 1 3 59 0 4  7.4. SURVIVAL ANALYSIS 390 " id is the patient's id number. Note that each patient has four lines of data. That's to record up to four recurrences of tumor. " rx is the treatment: 1 for placebo; 2 for thiotepa. " number is the number of tumors the patient had at the initial exam, when the patient joined the study. " size is the size (cm) of the largest initial tumor. " stop is the time (months) of the observation. " event is 1 if there's a tumor; 0 if not. " enum line 1, 2, 3, or 4 for each patient For example, patient 83 was followed for 54 months and had no tumor recurrences; patient 85 was followed for 59 months and also had no recurrences. But patient 84, who was also followed for 54 months, had a tumor recurrence at month 38 and no further recurrences after that. Our analysis will look at the time until the first recurrence, so we want bladder [bladder$enum==1,], the last several lines of which are id rx number size stop event enum 329 80 2 3 3 49 0 1 333 81 2 1 1 50 0 1 337 82 2 4 1 4 1 1 341 83 2 3 4 54 0 1 345 84 2 2 1 38 1 1 349 85 2 1 3 59 0 1 Patients 80, 81, 83, and 85 had no tumors for as long as they were followed; their data is right-censored. The data for patients 82 and 84 is not censored; it is observed exactly. Figure 79 is a plot of the data. The solid line is for thiotepa; the dashed line for placebo. The abscissa is in months. The ordinate shows the fraction of patients who have survived without a recurrence of bladder tumors. The plot shows, for example, that at 30 months, the survival rate without recurrence is about 50% for thiotepa patients compared to a little under 40% for placebo patients. The circles on the plot show censoring. I.e., the four circles on the solid curve between 30 and 40 months represent four placebo patients whose data was right-censored. There is a circle at every censoring time that is not also the time of a recurrence (for a different patient).  7.4. SURVIVAL ANALYSIS 391 0) 0 0 a) 0 0 0 (0 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 months Figure 7.9: Survival curve for bladder for placebo. cancer. Solid line for thiotepa; dashed line  7.4. SURVIVAL ANALYSIS 392 Figure was produced with the snippet event. first <- bladder [, "enum"] == 1 blad.surv <- Surv ( bladder [event .first, "stop",], bladder [event . first , "event "] ) blad.f it <- survf it ( blad. surv ~ bladder [event .first , "rx"] ) plot ( blad.f it,, mark=1, xlab="months", ylab="fraction without recurrence", lty=1:2 ) " Surv is R's function for creating a survival object. You can type print (blad. surv) and summary(blad. surv) to learn more about survival ob- jects. " survfit computes an estimate of a survival curve. In survival analysis we think of y1, ... , y., as a sample from a distribution F, with density f, of lifetimes. In survival analysis, statisticians often work with the survivor function S(t) = 1 - F(t) = P[yi > t], the probability that a unit survives beyond time t. The lines in Figure are the so-called Kaplan-Meier estimates of S for patients in the thiotepa and placebo groups, which arise from the following argument. Partition R+ into intervals (0, t1], (ti1, t2], ..., and let pi = P[y > tily > t2_1]. Then for each i, Si = Hj pi. The pi's can be estimated from data as pi = (r(ti) - di)/r(ti) where r(ti) is the number of people at risk (in the study but not yet dead) at time ti_1 and di is the number of deaths in the interval (t2_1, ti]. Thus, S(tI) _ fJ (r(ti) - di)/r(ti). As the partition becomes finer, most terms in the product are equal to one; only those intervals with a death contribute a term that is not one. The limit yields the Kaplan-Meier estimate i~itr(yz) This estimate is reasonably accurate so long as r(t) is reasonably large; S(t) is more accurate for small values of t than for large values of t; and there is no information at all for estimating S(t) for t > max{yi}. Survival data is often modelled in terms of the hazard function li(t) = liiP [y E [t, t + h) y > t] =.P [y c [t, t + h)] _ f(t) (7.2) h->O h h->0) h P[y ;> t] S(t)  7.4. SURVIVAL ANALYSIS 393 The interpretation of h(t) is the fraction, among people who have survived to time t, of those who will die soon thereafter. There are several parametric families of distributions for lifetimes in use for survival analysis. The most basic is the exponential - f(y) = (1/A) exp-Y/A - which has hazard function h(y) =1/A, a constant. A constant hazard function says, for example, that young people are just as likely to die as old people, or that new air conditioners are just as likely to fail as old air conditioners. For many applications that assumption is unreasonable, so statisticians may work with other parametric families for lifetimes, especially the Weibull, which has h(y) = Aa(Ay)>-1, an increasing function of y if Ay > 1. We will not dwell further on parametric models; the interested reader should refer to a more specialized source. However, the goal of survival analysis is not usually to estimate S and h, but to compare the survivor and hazard functions for two groups such as treatment and placebo or to see how the survivor and hazard functions vary as functions of some covariates. Therefore it is not usually necessary to estimate S and h well, as long as we can estimate how S and h differ between groups, or as a function of the covariates. For this purpose it has become common to adopt a proportional hazards model: h(y) = ho(y) exp(3'x) (7.3) where ho is the baseline hazard function that is adjusted according to x, a vector of covariates and 13, a vector of coefficients. Equation 7: is known as the Cox pro- portional hazards model. The goal is usually to estimate 3. fR's survival package has a function for fitting Equation 73 to data. Example 7.4 (Bladder Tumors, cont.) This continues Example 73. Here we adopt the Cox proportional hazards model and see how well we can estimate the effect of the treatment thiotepa compared to placebo in preventing recurrence of bladder tumors. We will also examine the effects of other potential covariates. We'd like to fit the Cox proportional hazards model h(y) = ho(y) exp(/trt - trt) where trt is an indicator variable that is 1 for patients on thiotepa and 0 for patients on placebo; but first we check whether such a model looks plausible; i.e. whether the hazards look proportional. Starting from Equation.2 we can integrate both sides to get H(y) =fo'h(z)dz -log S(y). H(y) is called the cumulative hazard function. Thus, if the two groups have proportional hazards, they also have proportional cumulative hazard functions and log survivor functions. Figure,7:10 plots the estimated cumulative hazard and log (cumulative hazard) functions for the bladder tumor data. The log (cumulative hazard) functions look parallel, so the proportional hazards assumption looks reasonable.  7.4. SURVIVAL ANALYSIS 394 CN~ N CEj E 0 N E 0 0 _ _-MM P CoI 20 50 I I 200 0 10 30 50 months months Figure 7.10: Cumulative hazard and log(hazard) curves for bladder cancer. Solid line for thiotepa; dashed line for placebo. Figure was produced with the snippet plot ( blad.f it,, mark=1, xlab="months", ylab="cumulative hazard", lty=1:2, fun="cumhaz" ) plot ( blad.f it,, mark=1, xlab="months", ylab="log(cumulative hazard)", lty=1:2, fun="cloglog" ) * The fun argument allows transformations of the survival curve. fun="cumhaz" plots the cumulative hazard function and fun="cloglog" plots the log (cumulative hazard) function.  7.5. THE POISSON PROCESS 395 Since the proportional hazards model looks reasonable, we fit it: blad.cox <- coxph ( blad.surv bladder[event.first,"rx"] ). Printing blad. cox yields Call: coxph(formula = blad.surv bladder[event.first, "rx"]) coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p bladder[event.first, "rx"] -0.371 0.69 0.303 -1.22 0.22 Likelihood ratio test=1.54 on 1 df, p=0.215 n= 85 The estimated coefficient is i3tt = -0.371. Thus the hazard function for thiotepa patients is estimated to be exp(-0.371) = 0.69 times that for placebo patients. The standard error of #t/t = -0.371 is about 0.3; SO 3trt is accurate to about +0.6 or so. 7.5 The Poisson process Example 7.5 Earthquakes Example 7.6 Neurons firing 7.6 Change point models Example 7.7 Everglades  7.7. SPATIAL MODELS 396 7.7 Spatial models 7.8 Point Process Models 7.9 Evaluating and enhancing models residuals, RSS, pred. vs. obs., QQ plots, chi-square, AIC, BIC, DIC, SE's of coeffi- cients, testing nested models, others? 7.10 Exercises 1. (a) Make plots analagous to Figures 73 and 7.4, compute autocorrelations, and interpret for the other datasets in Figure 7.2. (b) Make plots analagous to Figure 7., compute partial autocorrelations, and interpret for the other data sets in Figure72. 2. Create and fit a good model for body temperatures of the second beaver. Use the dataset beaver2. 3. (a) Why does Equation71 average over a year? Why isn't it, for example, t =5Yt-k + Yt-k+1 + ... + Yt+k-1 + .5Yt+k 2k for some k / 6? (b) Examine , in Equation 7. Use R if necessary. Why are some of the entries NA? 4. The R code for Figure 7.6 contains the lines resids <- matrix ( resids, nrow=12 ) cycle <- apply ( resids, 1, mean, na.rm=T ) Would the following lines work instead? resids <- matrix ( resids, ncol=12 ) cycle <- apply ( resids, 2, mean, na.rm=T )  7.10. EXERCISES 397 Why or why not? 5. Figure 7.7 and the accompanying text suggest that Y Yt_1 is a good model for the DAX data. But that doesn't square with the observation that the Y's have a generally increasing trend. (a) Find a quantitative way to show the trend. (b) Say why the DAX analysis missed the trend. (c) Improve the analysis so it's consistent with the trend. 6. Figures 7.7 and 7.8 and the accompanying text analyze the DAX time series as though it has the same structure throughout the entire time. Does that make sense? Think of and implement some way of investigating whether the structure of the series changes from early to late. 7. Choose one or more of the other EU Stock Markets that come with the DAX data. Investigate whether it has the same structure as the DAX. 8. (a) Make a plausible analysis of the UK Lung Disease data. (b) R has the three data sets ldeaths, fdeaths, and mdeaths which are the total deaths, the deaths of females, and the deaths of males. Do the deaths of females and males follow similar distributional patterns? Jus- tify your answer. 9. Make a plausible analysis of the Presidents approval ratings. 10. (a) Make a plausible analysis of the UK drivers deaths. (b) According to R, "Compulsory wearing of seat belts was introduced on 31 Jan 1983." Did that effect the number of deaths? Justify your answer. (c) Is the number of deaths related to the number of kilometers driven? (Use the variable kms in the SeatbeIts data set.) Justify your answer. 11. This question follows up Example 7.4. In the example we analyzed the data to learn the effect of thiotepa on the recurrence of bladder tumors. But the data set has two other variables that might be important covariates: the number of initial tumors and the size of the largest initial tumor. (a) Find the distribution of the numbers of initial tumors. How many pa- tients had 1 initial tumor, how many had 2, etc?  7.10. EXERCISES 398 (b) Divide patients, in a sensible way, into groups according to the number of initial tumors. You must decide how many groups there should be and what the group boundaries should be. (c) Make plots similar to Figures7. and 7 1 to see whether a proportional hazard model looks sensible for number of initial tumors. (d) Fit a proportional hazard model and report the results. (e) Repeat the previous analysis, but for size of largest initial tumor. (f) Fit a proportional hazard model with three covariates: treatment, num- ber of initial tumors, size of largest initial tumor. Report the results.  CHAPTER 8 MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS 8.1 Properties of Statistics 8.1.1 Sufficiency Consider the following two facts. 1. Let Y1 ,..., Y ~ i.i.d. Poi(A). Chapter , Exercise 7 showed that f(A) depends only on E Y and not on the specific values of the individual Y's. 2. Let Y1, ..., Y ~ i.i.d. Exp(A). Chapter , Exercise20 showed that f(A) de- pends only on E Y and not on the specific values of the individual Y's. Further, since f(A) quantifies how strongly the data support each value of A, other aspects of y are irrelevant. For inference about A it suffices to know f(A), and therefore, for Poisson and Exponential data, it suffices to know E Y. We don't need to know the individual Y's. We say that E Y is a sufficient statistic for A. Section examines the general concept of sufficiency. We work in the con- text of a parametric family. The idea of sufficiency is formalized in Definition 8 . Definition 8.1. Let {p(-|O)} be a family of probability densities indexed by a pa- rameter 0. Let y = (yi, ..., yn) be a sample from p(-|0) for some unknown 0. Let T(y) be a statistic such that the joint distribution factors as f p(y l0) g(T(y), 0)h(y). for some functions g and h. Then T is called a sufficient statistic for 0. 399  8.1. PROPERTIES OF STATISTICS 400 The idea is that once the data have been observed, h(y) is a constant that does not depend of 0, so f(O) c ] 0)p(y,1)= g(T, 0)h(y) c g(T, 0). Therefore, in order to know the likelihood function and make inference about 0, we need only know T(y), not anything else about y. For our Poisson and Exponential examples we can take T(y) E y. For a more detailed look at sufficiency, think of generating three Bern(0) trials y = (yi, y2, g3). y can be generated, obviously, by generating yi, Y2, y3 sequentially. The possible outcomes and their probabilities are (0, 0, 0) (1-0)3 (1,0,0) (0,1, 0) (1-O)2 (0, 0,1) (1, 1, 0) (1, 0, 1) 02(1 -0) (0, 1,1) (1,1,1) 03 But y can also be generated by a two-step procedure: 1. Generate Ey = 0, 1, 2, 3 with probabilities (1- 6)3, 3O(1- )2, 302(1- ), 63, respectively. 2. (a) IfEy2= 0, generate (0, 0, 0) (b) If y2= 1, generate (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), or (0, 0, 1) each with probability 1/3. (c) If E y 2= 2, generate (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), or (0, 1, 1) each with probability 1/3. (d) If E y2 = 3, generate (1, 1, 1) It is easy to check that the two-step procedure generates each of the 8 possible outcomes with the same probabilities as the obvious sequential procedure. For generating y the two procedures are equivalent. But in the two-step procedure, only the first step depends on 0. So if we want to use the data to learn about 0, we need only know the outcome of the first step. The second step is irrelevant. I.e., we need only know E yi. In other words, E ye is sufficient.  8.1. PROPERTIES OF STATISTICS 401 For an example of another type, let y, . .. , y i.i.d. U(0, 0). What is a sufficient statistic for 0? p~y1)=(yif y <6fori= 1,...,n 0 otherwise 1 =n 1(0,0) (Y(Th)) shows that Y(n), the maximum of the yr's, is a one dimensional sufficient statistic for 0. Example 8.1 In World War II, when German tanks came from the factory they had serial numbers labelled consecutively from 1. I.e., the numbers were 1, 2,..... The Allies wanted to estimate T, the total number of German tanks and had, as data, the serial numbers of captured tanks. See Exercise 22 in Chapter . Assume that tanks were captured independently of each other and that all tanks were equally likely to be captured. Let x1,... , xr be the serial numbers of the captured tanks. Then x(n) is a suffcient statistic. Inference about the total number of German tanks should be based on x(n) and not on any other aspect of the data. If y is a random variable whose values are in a space Y, then y is a random variable whose values are in y". For any statistic T we can divide Y" into subsets indexed by T. I.e., for each value t, we define the subset y" = {y E E" : T(y) = t} Then T is a sufficient statistic if and only if p(yl y E 7t) does not depend on 0. Sometimes sufficient statistics are higher dimensional. For example, let y,... Y, y~ i.i.d. Gam(a, #0). Then H YiIF(a) 3a 1 a-Y2//3F ('Y2 ~'~aieZ~/ so T(y)= (H Ly, E y) is a two dimensional sufficient statistic. Sufficient statistics are not unique. If T =-T(y) is a sufficient statistic, and if f is a 1-1 function, then f(T) is also sufficient. So in the Poisson, Exponential, and  8.1. PROPERTIES OF STATISTICS 402 Bernoulli examples where E y2 was sufficient, y = yi/n is also sufficient. But the lack of uniqueness is even more severe. The whole data set T(y) = (y) is an n-dimensional sufficient statistic because f p(yi |0) = g(T(y), )h(y) where g(T(y), 0) = p(y 10) and h(y) = 1. The order statistic T(y) = (y(1), ..., y(n)) is another n-dimensional sufficient statistic. Also, if T is any sufficient one dimen- sional statistic then T2 = (y1, T) is a two dimensional sufficient statistic. But it is in- tuitively clear that these sufficient statistics are higher-dimensional than necessary. They can be reduced to lower dimensional statistics while retaining sufficiency, that is, without losing information. The key idea in the preceding paragraph is that the high dimensional sufficient statistics can be transformed into the low dimensional ones, but not vice versa. E.g., y is a function of (y(),. . . , y(n)) but (y(),... ,y(n)) is not a function of Y. Defi- nition,8: is for statistics that have been reduced as much as possible without losing sufficiency. Definition 8.2. A sufficient statistic T(y) is called minimal sufficient if, for every other sufficient statistic T2, T(y) is a function of T2(y). This book does not delve into methods for finding minimal sufficient statistics. In most cases the user can recognize whether a statistic is minimal sufficient. Does the theory of sufficiency imply that statisticians need look only at sufficient statistics and not at other aspects of the data? Not quite. Let y,...., y, be binary random variables and suppose we adopt the model yi, ... , y~ i.i.d. Bern(0). Then for estimating 0 we need look only at E y2. But suppose (Yi,. . . , yn) turn out to be 00 --- 011 --- 1 many O's many 1's i.e., many O's followed by many 1's. Such a dataset would cast doubt on the as- sumption that the yr's are independent. Judging from this dataset, it looks much more likely that the yr's come in streaks. So statisticians should look at all the data, not just sufficient statistics, because looking at all the data can help us create and critique models. But once a model has been adopted, then inference should be based on sufficient statistics. 8.1.2 Consistency, Bias, and Mean-squared Error Consistency Heuristically speaking, as we collect ever more data we should be able to learn the truth ever more accurately. This heuristic is captured formally,  8.1. PROPERTIES OF STATISTICS 403 at least for parameter estimation, by the notion of consistency. To say whether an estimator is consistent we have to define it for every sample size. To that end, let Y1, Y2, -..-. i.i.d. f for some unknown density f having finite mean ,u and SD a. For each n E N let T :R" - inR. I.e. Tn is a real-valued function of (yi,... Yyn). For example, if we're trying to estimate pu we might take T m = n-1 E" y. Definition 8.3. The sequence of estimators T1, T2, ... is said to be consistent for the parameter 0 if for every 0 and for every Ec> 0. lim P [lITn - 8 | < E] = 1. h-oo For example, the Law of Large Numbers, Theorem L12, says the sequence of sample means {T = n-1 E y} is consistent for p. Similarly, let Sn = n-1 Ei(yi - Tn)2 be the sample variance. Then {S,} is consistent for a2. More generally, m.l.e.'s are consistent. Theorem 8.1. Let Y1, Y2, -.-.-. i.i.d. Ypy 0) and let On be the m.l.e. from the sample (y1, ... , yn). Further, let g be a continuous function of 0. Then, subject to regularity conditions, {g((9)} is a consistent sequence of estimators for g(0). Proof. The proof requires regularity conditions relating to differentiability and the interchange of integral and derivative. It is beyond the scope of this book. Q Consistency is a good property; one should be wary of an inconsistent es- timator. On the other hand, consistency alone does not guarantee that a se- quence of estimators is optimal, or even sensible. For example, let R (yi , ..., yn) (Ln/2i|)- (y1+-" --+YL/2j), the mean of the first half of the observations. (Lw] is the floor of w, the largest integer not greater than w.) The sequence {R,} is consistent for yu but is not as good as the sequence of sample means. Bias It seems natural to want the sampling distribution of an estimator to be centered around the parameter being estimated. This desideratum is captured formally, at least for centering in the sense of expectation, by the notion of bias. Definition 8.4. Let 0 = O(yi,.. . , y) be an estimator of a parameter 0. The quantity E[O] - 0 is called the bias of 0. An estimator whose bias is 0 is called unbiased. Here are some examples. An unbiased estimator Let y,. .. ,yi~ i.i.d. NQp, ) and consider yt =y as an estimate of pu. Because EB[y] =p, yj is an unbiased estimate of pu.  8.2. TRANSFORMATIONS OF PARAMETERS 404 A biased estimator Let y1,... , y~ i.i.d. N(p, a) and consider as an estimate of U2. E[n-' (yi - Y)2] 1E1[Z(y2 - p + p - Y)2] = n-1 {E[Z(y - p)2] + 2E[Z(yi - p)(p - Y)] + -E[ (p-_Y)2 = n- {un2 - 2U2 + U2} 2 -1 2 nU -12 27 n Therefore 62 is a biased estimator of 62. It's bias is -2/n. Some statisticians prefer to use the unbiased estimator &2 (n _1)-1 L(y2.- A biased estimator Let x1,... , x~ i.i.d. U(0, 0) and consider 0 = x(n) as an esti- mate of 0. (0 is the m.l.e.; see Section 5.4.) But x(n) < 0; therefore IE[xn] < 0; therefore x(n) is a biased estimator of 0. Mean Squared Error 8.1.3 Efficiency 8.1.4 Asymptotic Normality 8.1.5 Robustness 8.2 Transformations of Parameters Equivalent parameterizations, especially ANOVAs, etc. Invariance of MLEs. 8.3 Information 8.4 More Hypothesis Testing [a more formal presentation here?]  8.5. EXPONENTIAL FAMILIES 405 8.4.1 p values 8.4.2 The Likelihood Ratio Test 8.4.3 The Chi Square Test 8.4.4 Power 8.5 Exponential families 8.6 Location and Scale Families Location/scale families 8.7 Functionals functionals 8.8 Invariance Invariance 8.9 Asymptotics In real life, data sets are finite: (y1,..., y,). Yet we often appeal to the Law of Large Numbers or the Central Limit Theorem, Theorems , , and which concern the limit of a sequence of random variables as n - 00. The hope is that when n is large those theorems will tell us something, at least approximately, about the distribution of the sample mean. But we're faced with the questions "How large is large?" and "How close is the approximation?" To take an example, we might want to apply the Law of Large Numbers or the Central Limit Theorem to a sequence Y1, Y2,... of random variables from a distribution with mean y and SD o. Here are a few instances of the first several elements of such a sequence.  8.9. ASYMPTOTICS 406 0.70 0.29 0.09 -0.23 -0.30 -0.79 -0.72 -0.35 1.79 - -0.23 -0.24 0.29 -0.16 0.37 -0.01 -0.48 -0.59 0.39 - -1.10 -0.91 -0.34 0.22 1.07 -1.51 -0.41 -0.65 0.07 - Each sequence occupies one row of the array. The "- - - " indicates that the sequence continues infinitely. The ":" indicates that there are infinitely many such sequences. The numbers were generated by y <- matrix ( NA, 3, 9 ) for ( i in 1:3 ) { y [i , ] <- rnorm(9) print ( round ( y[i,], 2 ) ) } * I chose to generate Y's from the N(0, 1) distribution, so I used rnorm, and so, for this example, pu= 0 and a = 1. Those are arbitrary choices. I could have used any values of pu and a and any distribution for which I know how to generate random variables on the computer. * round does rounding. In this case we're printing each number with two deci- mal places. Because there are multiple sequences, each with multiple elements, we need two subscripts to keep track of things properly. Let Yj be the j'th element of the i'th se- quence. For the i'th sequence of random variables, we're interested in the sequence of means Yi, Y2, ... where Yi> = (Yi + - - - + Yin)/n. And we're also interested in the sequence Zi, Z42,... where Zi, = v/n(Yn - u). For the three instances above, the Yin's and Zrn's can be printed with for ( i in 1:3 ) { print ( round ( cumsum(y[i,]) / 1:9, 2) ) print ( round ( cumsum(y[i,]) / (sqrt(1:9)), 2) ) } * cumsum computes a cumulative sum; so cumsum(y [1,]) yields the vector y[1,1], y[1,1]+y[1,2], ..., y[1,1]+...+y[1,9]. (Print out cumsum(y [1,]) if you're not sure what it is.) Therefore, cumsum(y [i ,])/ /: 9 is the sequence of Y>'s.  8.9. ASYMPTOTICS 407 " sqrt computes the square root. So the second print statement prints the sequence of Z's from both distributions get closer to their expected value of  8.9. ASYMPTOTICS 409 0.5. That's the Law of Large Numbers at work. The amount by which they're off their mean goes from about ±.2 to about ±.04. That's Corollary at work. And finally, as n -- 0c, the densities get more Normal. That's the Central Limit Theorem at work. Note that the density of the Yi,'s derived from the U(0, 1) distribution is close to Normal even for the smallest sample size, while the density of the Yi,'s derived from the Be(.39, .01) distribution is way off. That's because U(0, 1) is symmetric and unimodal, and therefore close to Normal to begin with, while Be(.39, .01) is far from symmetric and unimodal, and therefore far from Normal, to begin with. So Be(.39, .01) needs a larger n to make the Central Limit Theorem work; i.e., to be a good approximation. Figure is for the Zi.'s. It's the same as Figure except that each density has been recentered and rescaled to have mean 0 and variance 1. When put on the same scale we can see that all densities are converging to N(0, 1). Co C\l N 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Figure 8.1: The Be(.39, .01) density Figure was produced by x <- seq ( .01, .99, length=80 ) plot ( x, dbeta(x, .39, .01), type="l", ylab="", xlab="" )  8. 10. EXERCISES41 410 Figure was generated by the following R code. samp.size <- c ( 10, 30, 90, 270 ) n.reps <- 500 Y.1 <- matrix ( NA, n.reps, max(samp.size) ) Y.2 <- matrix ( NA, n.reps, max(samp.size) ) for ( i in 1:n.reps ) { Y.1[i,1 <- runif ( max(samp.size), 0, 1 ) Y.2[i,1 <- ( rbeta ( max(samp.size), 0.39, .01 ) - .975 )* sqrt( .4-2*1.4 / (.39*.01*12 ) ) + .5 } par ( mfrow=c (2, 2) ) for ( n in 1:length(samp.size) ) { Ybar. 1 <- apply ( Y .1 [, 1:samp .size [nll], 1, mean ) Ybar. 2 <- apply ( Y .2 [, 1:samp .size [n]l], 1, mean ) sd <- sqrt ( 1 / ( 12 * samp. size [n] ) ) x <- seq ( .5-3*sd, .5+3*sd, length=60 ) y <- dnorm ( x, .5, sd ) denl <- density ( Ybar.1 ) den2 <- density ( Ybar.2 ) ymax <- max ( y, denl$y, den2$y ) plot ( x, y, ylim=c(O,ymax), type="l", lty=3, ylab="", xlab="", main=paste ("n =,samp. size En]) ) lines ( deni, lty=2 ) lines ( den2, lty=4 ) } * The manipulations in the line Y. 2 [is,] <- ... are so Y. 2 will have mean 1/2 and variance 1/12. 8.10 Exercises 1. Let Y>, ... ,Y, be a sample from N( i, or). (a) Suppose u is unknown but o- is known. Find a one dimensional sufficient  8.10. EXERCISES 411 0 C') CVJ 0 CVJ 0 0 0 CMY) CVJ 0 CVJ 0 0 n =10 I" I" I" . 0.0 0.4 0.8 n = 90 b l 0.0 0.4 0.8 0 C') CVJ 0 CVJ 0 0 0 CMY) CVJ 0 CVJ 0 0 n = 30 l' I ' I " I " I 0.0 0.4 0.8 Figure 8.2: Densities of Y> for the U(0, 1) (dashed), modified Be(.39, .01) (dash and dot), and Normal (dotted) distributions.  8.10. EXERCISES 412 n =10 n = 30 O co 0 P1 6 0 6 .1" , .\. .^ / k -3 -1 1 3 0 co 0 I' 1I N\. '*/ 'I -3 -1 1 3 n = 90 n = 270 0 co 0 (0 6 3 - 0 co 0 CV. "*i '.' 0 O -3 -1 1 3 Figure 8.3: Densities of Z~, for the U(0, 1) (dashed), modified Be(.39, .01) (dash and dot), and Normal (dotted) distributions.  8.10. EXERCISES 413 statistic for p. (b) Suppose p is known but a is unknown. Find a one dimensional sufficient statistic for a. (c) Suppose y and a are both unknown. Find a two dimensional sufficient statistic for (,u, a). 2. 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INDEX a particle, 296 autocorrelation, 350 autoregression, 355\ bandwidth, 16 bias, 376 case, 216 cdf, see cumulative distribution func- tion Central Limit Theorem, change of variables, 12. characteristic functions, 275 Chebychev's Inequality, 7 chi-squared distribution,;32 consistency, coplots, correlation, 53: covariance, 514 covariance matrix, 266 covariate, 216 cross tabulation, 116. cumulative distribution function, 271 cumulative hazard function,;366 DASL, see Data and Story Library, see Data and Story Library, Data and Story Library, 1,11 density probability, 264 density estimation,:105 dependence, distribution, Distributions Bernoulli, 280 Beta, 313 Binomial,1279 Cauchy,333 Exponential,20 Gamma,30 inverse Gamma, 341 Multinomial, 290 Negative binomial,284 Normal, 22 Poisson, 17, 292 standard multivariate Normal, standard Normal, 2 Uniform,30 errors, 219 estimate, 154 expected value, 30 explanatory variable,.216 fitted values, 224, 250 fitting,2 floor, 376 formula, 225 417  INDEX 418 gamma function, 30 Gaussian density, 31 generalized moment, 39 genotype, 290 half-life, 309 histogram, 104 independence, 54. joint, 26 mutual, 265 indicator function, 56 indicator variable, Jacobian, 268 Kaplan-Meier estimate, 365 Laplace transform, 273 Law of Large Numbers, 79, 80 likelihood function, 13 likelihood set, linear model, 219 linear predictor, location parameter,319 logistic regression, 240 logit, 241_ marginal likelihood, Markov chain Monte Carlo, 344 maximum likelihood estimate, 154 mean, median, 95\ Mediterranean tongue,3 mgf, see moment generating function minimal sufficient,375" moment, moment generating function, 273 mosaic plot,'117 multinomial coefficient, 21 multivariate change of variables, order statistic, 96, 37 outer product, parameter, 1 3 279 parametric family,9 partial autocorrelation, 353 pdf, see probability density, see proba- bility density physics, Poisson process, 3,12 predicted values, 2 probability continuous,_1, 7 density, discrete, 1,6 proportional hazards model, QQ plots,:111 quantile, 95 R commands !59 Er]], see subscript [], see subscript #, 4 %o%, 324 ~225 abline,14 acf, 35 apply, 63 ar,35 array,6 arrows,.38 as.factor, 246 assignment, 4,  INDEX 419 boxplot, 6-1, cbind, 76 contour,'147 coplot,\127 cor, 3 cov, 51 cumsum, 37> data.frame, dbinom, 1, density, 12 dexp,22 diff, 3, dim, 73 dimnames, ;Z dmultinom, dnbinom, dnorm, 23 dpois,.20 expression, filter, 3 fitted, 250 for, 5 glm, 244 hist, 12. if,, 147 legend, 22 length, 74. lines, 12: list, lm, 225 logl0, lowess, 208 matplot, 22 matrix, 22, mean, median,95 mosaicplot, names, 73 pacf, 353 pairs, par, paste, 22 pbinom,2: plot, 9, 20 plot.ecdf, 9 plot.ts, pnbinom, print, qbinom, qnbinom, qqnorm, quantile, 96 rbinom, 39, read.table, rep, 5\, rmultinom, rnbinom, 2 rnorm, 26 round, 379 sample, 3 scan, 131 segments, seq, 2 sqrt, 380 stripchart, 1 subscript, 7 sum, 4, 5 supsmu,20 Surv, 36 survfit, tapply, 76 text, 38 unique,104 var, 1  INDEX 420 while, 59\ R data sets airquality, attenu, 202 beaveri,38,3 co2,6438 discoveries, 1 EuStockMarkets, faithful,12 , 202 iris, 51 ldeaths, lynx, mtcars,2,229, PlantGrowth, 21 presidents, 38 Seatbelts, 34 sunspot.month, Tooth Growth, UCBAdmissions, random vector,264 regression function, regressor, 216 residual, 20 residual plots, 23 response variable, 21 Weak Law of Large Numbers, sampling distribution, scale parameter, 319 scatterplot smoothers, 205 standard deviation, standard error,1 standard Normal distribution, standard units, 26 stationary distribution, 344 StatLib, 73 Strong Law of Large Numbers, sufficient statistic, 372 variance,  INDEX OF EXAMPLES 1970 draft lottery, 204 baboons,_187 bladder cancer,35 CEO salary"11 craps, 2, 3. ,, 1 5, ,, 49.., 5, 59.. .\, 157 FACE, 4, 144, 23 hot dogs, 105, 210, 216, 225 Ice Cream Consumption, 220 neurobiology, 12, 2 O-rings, 236 ocean temperatures, 29, 316 quiz scores, 109, 148 Rutherford and Geiger, 29 seedlings, 18,:,495 36, 1483, Slater school, 136 ,13 421