. 4. a a The Ayar Lanuag a~ a  r. 7  0 0 ' CJ CC _ CC C -T z _ JY 2   'The Aynmara Language in Its Social and (.Nltural Context A Coleeron of FS tyS ont Aspects of As-mars at goage and Cultur The Aymsara Language in Its Social and Cultural Context A Collection of dssa ys 11* Ci~ll~.U~AI1 IrN~~~~~l~~~hI~~~l~~~l~~~lI1 ml6A.lI ll1~l~fl~~Iil(A~>Dl 11 EI r11 oC IALCDI l l) AIAIIAIIAIAAA oco.iUlll PAIAAA91AAA o1d or311 FAwl rA ISIII l C. I1AAAAiI Alllpllilli ,, PI)III*I y wd1111 c elYlllA~llUll l .; 11.CAII IS AIIII1AE:. 1. IITA Blhh..k , pl p ~ w ph DIIIIAAAAe IIIAAAEAAJAAI I 611 AM llllll1 PIAA IAAA1IA -Bl AAAAIAIIAIIIooAI1I (LAII1AII il AAIII((PAIP A (A.IDPll llIIlI e fIIAIIIAAIIAI-o PIJAAIA J, y11F d I, 1 FLITOIBI 1'DIIINAIT ']umAIIII aLAC.oh A.maeA SIX d rv .I'AIII, IIAm D BI I7 Add6 5 3N . 111 1 1A AI A1I,6 I ISB NA IIIIA-AAIIA PMII All~ Il) ll71/I d 1-, b-I -b 111) IA -IL ApIl 1 y, llB ( 11111-f A IIAIIA~~~~~dAIS d N I CAI1IIIIA p 6 l[.6o hB IAfo Y N-N 1611111111 IIAIAAAIAIFIAiA'~~~lA~lT AA'A 11) 161 lA~da Af 1111 1:1111-hla )IA " 1311-.lO ,I N11 A C 11)1 AAIAAI .l.eu4w1) . a1 Ty1 l 4l 73 Ill-Il-ponAnl  lDedication High be Mollio a te ragged arrd.. edillota ree noelai Midsrarelorr. Woerod Ile elee lages or then forbdfle OocidoroelOeleicle pracrec lalici fraeee Chile. rdd anchor ha I.cecahe err) ealy eigro Nad hageleorrtothMe Pacific. Praroerd rho .plaodid. .o.on-matad Aeda urea li called tire Cordiller Real fall xha-plo r de ferti loter , gee of rho departmrenta of La Par, Cochrabambea ard ( lqorsoa area doapeor alae g tire Ama-ar fash,, rrlltreacechfaeaedflaoaete Atah Beaceted odl-rr cidetaloaralte CarddieaR d saoselhe lthdarddaeetolr dlIrrr Itascrro raad birlerca >ashoy kraeos or ae patro aloe necandrs ire pirasaba Eraae Baeled ret hegher by reef bat tire ltreeaar Taske- lroclaf lhcr TherJplrereoegM1r hedied, capedhbe mtraartepory feerearho casercrro drllcraerorgaofrolgraeaarairr. dr-reghs ad afloodo. Irrprart eat floor s crogirtoeged air 'reridoamie rierd eheali eacee el car toesiees pirerr _ rlucclIteode; .ad lpr-cd dic ,itrschctld. In a ctho farcf andea1freller tase erspaorreo crese her fad ateadrriesiafoaeobAyeaaropeeple ,herohreefaeccsaristod erlrcic hem erro. lteothtemrtatlriacoieI Idricred. prrea~s .lhagro Dcdicria I ight in Beelinir th ragged Addara cditic care "s felf pr w rttoth ese trr chaet. atsrrard dcshcreegoa f the Coraliera Ocidoetr.arlich sgare Bohiria foaes Chilc ra asiem i gare the oeroew a., rirms noteg rewaord she-crah Pra so she Piacr. Eastwaodelropisodidso to-eteld Aerdat aran al lcd Aec CmIehr Real, faliahaepiyoia e fani 1 .at... of de dc~roersorrs oaf lta Par, Cochrbarbr oldCleraqaeanca.aed deappacalleeg thcArsarael~irei, rrhici toeat orered flas so she Adoac Bdewrrsed e tdhe il. (oardaeol and the Coodillra Real are tire lrighiaada riaeeecrr atedee th, oorreerrarc lleae rand pia rerer eoncalykraara1 eiec Pliasaere oeoees, thepnead hals pi eern tat terr tsljaid a egoho tea,, bit tire Hiornarroer Tahle- lred af Tibe Theahi Iroahgh haod lad sarocdbreeoti egosform the eorocaddioe-a i scog oss ofoaelqoohor a-at.eh.. droughta, aM ediiadaTapanlrraehcchegh fiod tarec rrsdrao-ded aetier whpd thevasttN :1plara w-h are roey arod isarcted de a pitetecl rho fC fea - deafter h-11, eorer ore canet not feiradeseio cf rtehAye potpie wosoioe-frenriesorade is haic Ietr ato errelceobar I',r coleror tsrdediratedl. Dedcaior Higinh Boaiir sthe oseged Anadoane rcitso sesisrs isolf ireto me toi;tg araesdelrs Westwrd be thre ag rrf rho Cordillca Oocid.rt al strliclepres Baltic fCnt Cldie red -aneli greaen rho tsa-a oroeoovarlieysoreaaaingooeroadlitgh Pesastb thradfie- Prorated tMr splendid ar-coesred Areot. raD) caled rho Coodiiar lata, fail sheply reato th f ettle oregs of site dopaeseene refLa tar CeM1ahelor rod Cc ioa aed diaglrorro adang rho Argsarn Brinn allt sea cal-co rand fia t t ho Atitrc. Il toteer rice Cambhe 0.so e hccda end eha (rod{ilooa la are rho h'Igeorde tr acaoo adethe iraooerrrcrlloe rod plateaa o-sitly kowoasrbo groateac eh _c a dhc Paeae andethoai- PI rot.opla recaarraldt tin h ot a pbr de i-ieoaaonailc- tred of 0 bet *Iteoalelpltorisealhghr lrdIaodxarodboosooeisprsf-oeosh wdleaIt ya fa t niadqduh saared floods, Teeopa tn er iac eor geb frigid ano. rod date-tedorited whs costire cart te to peLaros which aIc doy ard parced do- feeeianadaeooesrioote Aaeacroooperohohocfe-toooettoetad itdtiroi lerrI mI 1 ' ltaaleeehelesrioss "dodicr pctrela Sharpa   Pit ---S - C iF 4 S0 - -   44 E 4 tz 2 O ' E=' Ff 6' 44 -3 a4 s ¢4 3 4 0 4 4 ) - - H F 4 44 4 .4 34~ <4U~2 - c A3& 0 A 'H ] C3' nb 4 tn Y3o r Z j rY u4 _u > &a a s a _ P p _ C _ O O o Et0 H H0- C 'C m r $ _ j G 02 3 H' -to C - c 3 y m >  Cont ribors BdoysEte, Sylvia, M. A., rxgagd it d m~rl research Cot a geamsear of Mikaak, a Msrkoge a swgage spoke, is s.ttbrsru Florida. Bigo,. Erorv ' oes ..,..lD seocsly A..siossact P.fesacf .hssesation sod Held Applietos Specilist, Idaottas Lltoeiythsa spoedlit iss bilealedsesiots raitls rhe I ay Pdsn Ed est c cgoeada dad Alsi. plea o e vofa Odaetosfodad jontly by the Bolisiao goses m rated the s-ip Stark, l~a peeale Co past aV Pero, tsrsalisa te..o., itn the schoo ls of Qtsrni borns prin ao s odryanad ptedcirg rnterials isAsa and aedi srt ittg the production ofoscls by hight school stdenats. COodn H. shyanjt., Ph.D., Asoate Profeasoc of Anrtpsrlohry., Califeotia State College, I lap saed. bstglssrd, Noro Cleatsssaa Ph.D.,C ftserly Chocat, biliogsal aatot projet. Mississippi. esow Attisa rPofssor efTitg s asriet. Caltaboy tlbes oO West Hills, theasos., *rtse. Lapoaslotrial aed A. M.A, tdarae'a derin Liagiisso adrFd Uiats ljtsseesss o nsslsatsi Maaid'asa Clet san Inotrso ale Lessc y torlar- Arm.se. La Paso Istalci baconis, F Hrtfa a Dr lefczossf passihLasgsgansd litgsi tis UsisosaddclaslhNa BaosuAirs.Abrssiansdssyesi- Naeo, Naia Caroni] ofsterde (Argohotisal usttace Ansdrewo Ws J Ph.D., Assistant Pebs-rof Asstrolo gy. Texas. Chaite tjssaeosats Ft Woolhc Pyle ltstsassd PhD_ Assocaatc Prof sat Of'Psblic Sets-eeAdsisis traaso, Unsit coa f alCenrl P lrida. Otlandoo. C.sautil aors B Skbi, -. enae i omlmsssamro t,,M~ 'N kogess los tge spobse t aatha [Isid. Ehaggs Lasey Tbhstv, Ph .. fstsstrly Assisrtant Peel'essot of Edoicarion sod Field Applioatiu S pcialis B srstt L -deiy tlen sprialiosis bdting 1saood srih the Pocto Edoo rcive lntegea do det Alti- pasna, Ministy o f~dosais Ensded joinly by slo Baliat ugevunt- meaest cad the World Basa La Par, Boliria COrpassa psdor rsss1erosltst tea isessrf fQaerpi both prmaryasd sssdars ard pcdraoigttaatoiaio Ayrt aad di- sc esirssb psodueensofsocehby highseoottdrrs. CostodH Cslyst Jr lb PI A..soct Peofessor of Antheepologs Cshfsrmts Scare (allege Hasrasrod. Englsed,Ntarea. loarressl Ph~ froely hrota' bi'i1' sl g oalirst poj edrsr-pprnow Astaelrafessseo-f Lsraitis ,t stie- sir. of Isw Dallase RIser, ra West Its Moratesoss Teesee. Lacosde, Rsslsrd A, M IF C edasoSsdorrrsL'isstt'eardbada- cartao,Usnivesits ofPesnotr-atrs Maidass rsert Jest losasst do LeaeaapICssltsv Asesosca, Ls Paa, Blohnri. Marsltn B. HcssssssPa D Pcf'svar of Spadts gasasge asdL,,gais- sio, LttrortssladelIa Plaa Pses AicesAgsttmsasstlIstoas- 55505 tina 0o lE~nc(,o) Miraele And- tes 'J, lPbI 11 Ass itrst lrofessor of Asshapolegy ILa Chrstas Urass. bt Rt. Wartl. Pyle, R'aaod D_, Ass~t l'cfafeoraof 11sb1-ebsoimeAdrsi- trasios Urussarr t f Cmetal l1iacds, Olasale C otributo-s Boossles, Solcia aMS A., etgagd ia doctora 1eartoh fnea Rramnta a o Mkaai a Meskargaslangoabr paketa us beseo nPod. lciggs Lacy Tberisa, Pha. D., fortsely Assist ttt o'aeta sEdstatios and ield Atlcalia SlpeialistBosmnt Uoioe.riy sborrrpecialireni ilissgoal eltratiet wity the Prsayete Edrscsr~ lssogr'as del A d- plar Minaistry of Edutatsn 'eaunsded joinly bytlssII' s ovr aspent and she World Bdank La Paz, Boelivia. Cepas Y. Pedro. tsosa lsa tealaig ls dac selsola of Qetepi, both pcittay anseeassclantdpsdedtgtsa sin Aytta atddi- cecsste odootiottefsseby highselssssldss Lassed, It. Cyte t , . PhD., Assrciare Risefe.seeof sttssepalagy CICafOnsia Staso ColIeo Haywarrd Enagland NoesCleaonsas, Ph.D. fasusoloChctar hilingssaleolaatar ptojeel,.issistiyi ess A s'itws Proeso of Littgs-ls Ci~eo- Iits Calber Rhsea, c/a Wer Hills, Herrasoo, 'IL'rrs.s. Laprade. Ricbard A., MA., OGcdharoStodo - Listg iie ansd Edss- naca, uoiveryf 'stsr'ls~ta Maidas.tsb serju ,s losiad mdeFLerrgsas y rtltos Aymra, La Pae, Bolivia M4atinEfensnia',Dr, Professorof Spatssblag age sd Lintgai- rtoaljioeaiead dola Phs Iliseses Asses, Argenina anad lsroa'- gaoes Nasiassl Ceustail ofloesearch (Nagrrtn'rla Mioole, Attales' W.,jc-, Ph.D_ Aa srns Prssfrse of Anthropolosgy, TeomsChcissaeklrrio'yl aresB I'ylegasnsfecdPhD,Asoesase PsoaossasfPaahSmnseAsi nis- merean. Ussiversity ofooosalloridt, Olandoa  haaedoo CalosR, Drepaetmeu orif Edorru AalirMigneaPao- inane, Tampa, Fieno, Sat Aianlo Chmnnm Ed S, Coislovf hcolh nornor XWioth. To Shpn a dh M A. Iliereno A ndcdnoeL,,g,,gi Init-, Uoier airy rf Tdo, Too~do, Olin, *laea,oa, Allyn Mac~oean h1,., Assist eIoeao ofAniheorology, udrd-oriaof afenorle lo Orlado- Tarr, NonnarrCtorI Seroice ipl v Snar of Wahognmn_ Virqrcsjiaa DFi atofNaintmaroe NFirlr Nnalito,E odiorI~i g um LaPi, olivja. VIdpina M_ Jan de Did, ir>c rirnrr di I.crrgaa y anlaoe Av- ic~ir~oof~noininoo-itl ca of.*iogapryand Foodra LaI'a,Soni, and r lfaoa f Apreao Ui-ridadNa- n,owlMaodocao Arlat Savra, Carlin N., Depanrmn of Ed icoin, Adod, Mivoor Per- gTaira, Flocido SaraMie ceCnsini aad.S..unOltahlooial Seoainen, Forc Word, Tenas. Shape Pamela, M. A, DieacreAmninauLaogag Intioane.Urravir airy of~oldo, Toled. Olejo. Soeao, Allyi MaLean, Ph D_, Acnent Pao-errf, ool~na~ og U.-L-1oafferclpFlorida,O lad-do Tare Noorru Cu-il Sore.eplo oe, Irate ifWahingon. Vinqam fra DieooerN.-ri eLagurrroriano Ndaomerl>- rolo Linrgoir, L ay oar, hart M. Joa di F )ian, Dnnr f rinr doL Lnergrro t- Av- fa, Diooif idriic iithEnMuano, If Phr,,ogiajiy arnd Ifoklomo La Pie. Iol dii.anlPeafeoro of~ya r a oerdad Th- ci nal Mavon do 5arr Ard. noCo barrhrooi inaindr fI da, ItI )rporoaor of Ecdonor, Adrdr Migrat~o Era laimp, troerda iar, Micoa ( her sina Ed S Coronela Catholic Soial S lcryiort Worth aoa, Silarrrr -1 IanIMA. Dreco, Amrercr iargaogo lmtdro na- Ie of tarlndr libido 0hi Sracnoan A~lny, MnLoana PhcD Annoatan PmeornieofAaopog, LToraonnrv aftenrenl Flarida, Odlanda Taco, Na mrea trial Smrn Ol , Si), naof Wth'igrai VEIre '4o-1 ) o icrnnNaonnforgaa no Iraioa noialdeps- rdroEngdorn Lr Paa, EdoLn Yapno M, Joan do Dirr BI )ircno teanr ita do Leogira Conm- Ar,- ea Dirocionf L egoine - irE heMor ithoomgmphr arid b lhknro. La PE, Barn-iard i'ofoo o.fA poana Ui eenidad Na- Ioa Maya,, de San Ared  fti Ctto ftCf K' Zkf f ft ,0, 06k '4 K'2 " J ' 2 _ 3 V x C 3 W-f  mAymsara Plaessesac lplseiee sers .s d likelat$F. slsl biss ad s~likiskby apstsa son someeattarm tshes aecibsrbtta of Esaplis b. se ats, asasdsr s aealsseb sighb-rsalafsrlipseaie basrasaally farr back ist she.at slid ea osa sap reris a post-elkar stoa far baack isr the mosstla. apres e qlsesrtd hlloerdb3'spasfeflrt p Iai' k' reren glsssh iaslsstcw ic hdtiaasmer a click at,,h .m. Tba swsesstv bclatsg arbsor. rapretc ate satndsct l Sni tsssa'slike Spassihiasoreaorike iasplieb msres is was like bees, bit, bait beit, as ayvalere in cbhat gas- o rt a o res saasss whaim, asght sessed like apip a or site vowels is Englib wrsdsiks e rr. rrmpsssastaealsassdsse thasipbrsasd libebtaaissash rastrike Etelih saesas is wsd like bars. saki beat or bsughat (i ssame ddalarss,atysheeea, aeraslaaca see Ayes a Pleceia Alphaba astes5 like hera sf.f lls k- ,woa trd lit it,. ss.R ¢asrasdsasssseselaintb rigblisssdofrsglisbls rpreesa, assss sassahas i tbesegbaslaof afeb bpassslj, bat asastly battler back in ts sba seass st oger repae ranta pos-sclst stop, torbatoashassoss sprmess tewsamteasbas fastasrdby apssfffbsaas- p ' abh' k' e rapsaessa glottalied caosasatss, etailasaassslike a sarassasa stick afrte assea rpres ,swsarassa thates1glsssssdlike slsas s ~ro like Ensolistssasrds is wends like beatse bait, b et, oaayeh a-s a sreeato res '[-laiss itssessd ikrhpassisb asse-tbaescraw], aPsnglishasasdstikssasr errSt. u represearaselsasrdstlaass hpbsssstslkbpans a sers, o like Esglish aoeetiu~nsrerdkhas. beak, boat. er basglet(i.sstme dialects), mIhr .te u lat as AyssaaPbaess-Ats lphbets k repasatsasaattd li e sthat of Englisit isnaorl like alap rmcoa soaenda somseatth ntoeighblirhod iaf rsiab is. eape-atsastssdsttte-tosatiletteriabaabstodaf te Sanisb j. lsstsssafsbalback ithasesotadtraser sepreset[aspast-sstarsap sksltrk insb he astb rp atthsas a baat follcse b, a sealfafkreat. pt' [ ta ' as' tapreesbaatrsiadrssassts dali wlessedliecsstossra cLck aftrtessewar *a'to rtsckltmay be longatrssa orctteeaetaoeeasswsandtschar shersasnmeiStaib ed orae like pesplish svowels is, words like Ers, ES bait, bet, srasoarr is that geneasral area. rpeil tssvc ves iei,an miglscassssal like Shpassl a s5lsrvscal is fegials wards like casra t. arosvwlssurcdsthatssai gltatnallikel Spaai oasr Eika highiea raw itvzs airtods like baare, beak, bass.or asah it oittar, dialects), or aeywlueebrtchat genasraltarma  Introduction Introduction hintoducton   ua o. a v5'3 'E B- a E^ 9 of A> Y -A  n r/ \ 0 / A 44 4 -A A 2~ I > h I / A I ' -~ 9 /il~t- 'A 6--; i-c--A I 9] 1".) C N- K 1K 2 K 0 K WI S *~ -A- t 2 A Y A /( A >G  S ( / O Y 9 l lis_ 4 r o .. gkOEN INAN N q L 3~ L' RGNTI K K ~ / / 1' 9 4 V 5'-...- )V ~i> d A / AC < .2 \ "-'-'A 4 RN N NAN  6 iroadsar 6 (arrt Inworar 6 I m u - (sm iar V6 s nuh S dagIII 'th -( - r, 1964, I.v S * k.olgain to -h flCrte 194) al -o Wi. * Arrttee aettrss .dtiNeiirtlershirbAr, rbssertic1 ,n ur, .chi d star s l cI the let a firecac h nir s b t rd iihi1. larc heeri srhAet sredr atSler ottrdrsrn rr 19, od kitartdadtaoro ...eel: trar d sire1111W etrte tuustoughout ttnedLeisrgerbthrrirescisas fdtre m~e Fases stg bssnra9( paent. aprd 7] (tarJred l ardaal'rrrentoethrtlan Th smdiesc efbs -hrrrr ir ardrhe on hroe upoaoc risrrsak dcoyf mdsiubnhn w.cro at h eerasoc hh The onois no tenioo ortx I m ara for l se a. Qieear ing h .ot, d a i r ge e e n at n ri rd T r rroiradhiesheesnaeelarr eo pM~cs e Ired oestle s hss rhtarirdat e ais-era I. Tbe yrrf ppi-asnfeadrtcIsiedtiesoot feoiertisr isoiosr. ad lneanoren o aoAirds Thi oistaiderdisssrcfas-crerb aingisossfoha Ayrothsnsityhry gan;i, e psasoti of diiirsArssairb nssrnipspnirTas a fac iiclr n rhpoo ero d rs is Ikrirnc i3 hifre sassLitl tat pis t. Toir antna eo.rn belie iy s place i1hvrsrselrsotee of toariers(QtteeQrahuiarndd ieofntm ofertoadsreasr dres efair orreirdtaee (te I' inia 1976 p ip76n te 19 f) ailh sh o il ha b anssrrneaA yrnr pae ark . n ' Mc .hsa MatofIacnd d h i nd beeranri ,er Aorru n eLeeitiidticteilshrertttgd caltedachnetr t std. aenardd i oreresrl h reo hufartrirfer alsso u ihte etreerr th ,tlgl hdarssrcfrhthrersr Then m itgrktyaidrdb rrehns ahhrrsdrarndiritrese irrrtyrdalae adi hard% gore ae re esdas I~ssr sere etrs 1 : adra 11, Can paont2 Ysprtt 21, Cutrd ned tarstn aehaocefscerrsrbrrghnan *fha edrtac oi thee strirrre has canued tre Anrrc xpeep rrn h ars crcsnrh.grr.Ip.. pit. Stre tnerysIrresorrrr.thear ddr stre -rk rsrhot he n pisandoesrer1dtehr hactpeetrr mfar itrerrrrkrrerrecetrtarh lint'beerrdtonr thas. Slt rh rrhar bee tnekdceotnrhleaaraearnirtehrghtierherrStd. sa rm. Than Sraolnand LmgsNrr Cheau Ayreactrenrtriteget nsfb 4 appcnairrrrei cha i tf a Ic'pepe- irranr Esiesr dnsshntrsrhsrrr-eargageafarberechrcd user . add" rrrerrhu IIc srraii , iteee rt-spn.s routed reerdee A ar Qessha aah asoh Chipto in arte idglrd ard rrrrers grup: err1, pree eh frbs Aroee heteng to Bahivia lis ict..s Spteisarero pasr onfhairgariectrittae artireras userrrea rtatr s rh drrcrrrecn JPica Aynmara people- Bs alsa re ptrn, o ,sacsdthothe Qesaa arrdsdonorsireerariter ecdisrrssha'r rreeegh~oastet Srorrrraokearteartd date t Qeira frrnkrta'ttg pspac atnd tnreaetraeiicgani bHoweaer Quo- ,Tarra'drtrattnrnaite lis-erstte Aeacatrinle wyta Spant.h, Tbhset'Pa trtrst den naira retiP apiractrr t 1 tciiirs, half aotttrno A atar peakeet I. din Mnre soe~i Pnt-rtfrhssrrerrarpiy dnnre trirthetsamtekindnfhttrbl faces Qeehula onerob ehscrad, is tpnkor by nearis 1hff sthe 0ur afrhs ppaemnnand so 1i5scn aicadn rs tocio ,, srrnsqaltreoa efop adrrh m thcerre pnpdehleiri r An A saaaneraf ae ofQ eecat lisene idesb ddnricafarhsctresfQes- chaisreeoe aficid C'os Iespocitisrrrsr}>-hatcneAvaec aessesretd, hes eeoc re Ha cdssn 197 1998, a b9), iistrgi atereetasbee, ersrrtrse tanl reocaiasanMeh hsisoeerrect A rha det rir d Ir Iicden nsetpiitreri h irwsa han en iti iti nertt deoersrra frhssoaenv TbsheMa dcsoiesaupetity natted seersodd ncdsnit theafrnt F oftrc Mcslabor bess wttlthe h arettltsann1 trta Av anar caine isigiri an sshsirclecrat rtear radra s bucs rrndwshwdattct itir hed srtngr-1sdpitohecooltatar (tssp..S M acdane 19, Co- panash oratssma 2i Csac andasca.rrhcerosasthrughitsa Thteedicesaf rrrnir flfat t oted tbs Aynrata peepicto be avery gerteseasoed vera onrenai people Shrelrasawed noscasIn weidearartwrk inaaalrhpeptennd eabcdsrmthnr hcoarecrttn fee tirensacs Ltderres tt ithe nuave breerbsorc ahhhst mp Itaplet he rsorderntelahtrgsagearvddrlteegstrssressnscnatretetre rec ipeetate. The ocmiand inguibstic Conet iasiertaflstiaia Q isfea ethre nipe gasag ofaerh rhird, Titree, crrrattecietrlnatagegreapreorsad ersrhscAy- grusin rite partisofride kmrttsabehaepro lirisa_ Ih. istsvs Spanishdnthe Psto b-gmmi a- tT aesn nnag tetecnSome ntrasetrease do bear seilases Qaesie tarakeng prpse ad ro ne are eaetebegrd blerce Qode- cin is tat a domatttat f'orei ttrhe lvsndeAm 1 h a a SI 1rn rd Tit P rstat tastt t dilsrt rltaa total opalou altes oe 15 ftiaic hatltrtatllts 9\traspeakee,,'otetrtelnSero hr parafresaecycrpsdraenrlrreat Lard o1rk cle 1 er Qneeirnt no th rhar td rnrgokeeI irs end; hailf ofrthe se cfshe pcptatonantI- 97 aateritto niuerer~psstndorhr af Ipaach. Tirec ~~nnpontta betieftttirn Xrtat teof stereos fflrsh a st and she de datst ni'rthec aaotene at Qne- shrn raerartrstbisd Cononicsrta) Qesiteand Aretaea ten reesnhttss Sr (am Sndrean 19 ,i t19'Ia 1979), atoh d c boa-as. m stscar tcr Mesh has bssn sorrnn  Irracodrstory Ptsay-xHdare erQela Pro i~dy[,a caet, need us aora.peodldilch ythn, hr he tieofhqasrgstrdrod Iaaaler ytfllehpaeiosih dachagltheiwoaa parted There> or the jaia lang....oiAroar pnlastoyijas rhoa'rg'sgcdface Toceco 1974) Thfis ooarae aido ath,> oypa'clrlsthys rlrole hes. wilefrastte 'd eeet alo applryrtrQuin~lafist pa snoarlera cstiac p crd ArapleMrac wreound rquresCos-eaalacal mol c sad' s- Iraite, , et .i lmcwith trfCaO'soimapoaiahsea has beenrattllea ertseeaid orhasbeea bone ed fraQaflea Thearse,eoyecry wonhb'sostoorhe t chs(acduasa 197E, 19,9, 19'91; laec'so 1974 walkiraprogces br bhel e art hlllifrlaearstres! I-ra) -The. sas do o ad- deay, pt talcofrireaoaaaty aaaIh eiyt oaail tar Belaea 1a k4a oelot t the reaoral antr'a as ldpaaao aslTiey as' ae lhes beae pcr d, alaccioLa it can he Useawer Pea IS uie differeor'oe M1Empotrr 1,esed ard e that wth .ffireraee aragdrre sh ,,in y la r aotics. ard shallot esrobplec relrefleottgts rf aocaecs pes l albr a -det r B aior tar Bdoln aerkir"sre, r "ohlorlrobt thieacaoa- idlaaie bt,[ rIetai) rotat, 'hle, Tae .ea ali efe aca her m Bohaca eI, s i f thae sayaarlaaTsolatmaoi ord orBo, I.. votlaeoethacsae Bohea and odr, eotflildwior a denesin, Bellot -. wiath Bohoroas las, tra-x eogo floe been foilssed ... pt were t o se rsa, erred Thre Ayr'ore Lazrgnagr TIhe Aymallr langae'arlabcapitoea la eguge fstasfarrbn 6ilv can poedro.a of sthoetrree largo :ge: juqese sp~LeoleI Tup,.Yaecoe Pu yaproxamnsy 199 peakers and R. wKeceola ceonlary in the corratiy offzacbray ((:no,,r Canain, aod Cechevi, coo. Pore, bysme20 dueople, ail ddalrly Therei eueftot an or reeerhsJaqi languages est edd freer nrreeh offir at least ar for or Coartc ordpc- leepsrtar asCrimooal, ared if-orgiaoetraaradland rsa hetPec opporart y aojar o aegeo go sesJs beirag cepdoeol Hira I-u to che ri,erftthcerqr~~eae oa11 Brresth inatarraabooel99o,o d Inrcolareey bait,-Idoideroa I about Qrecb p'aricolarlstreoav -eed eeanaredidoesrytlo Ina ttesof rmaearralaear arrpaoa r atl-e by clie Spaniards dlruidgtecwieleo pecrod Thtse earrtte1c ). largeoges 6raAnaalo pcolastecr yrst roerbergenoeared laic loticce 1974)_ Thy is soliaeerscseererreod wteh thy Aymra, pacweroclasrlteyce tlteatssios WB1lersoe trerrssaidnrmay alsappls t rQaecluao rirs Qeeren winar fore1 oe sorreds ira loarrnlat. TaeaASLi)apirr Inhrse Harodman 19,6 1976o 1979Tecrao 1974 e ockrrisoen, by beloet a vas ill aidarr iescruhr).ec Thaess vs do n, Cd deosrthe 1ea'bemarflefragoiga, tr ydoecab proiaily rhat wdrrh is oday. ,rit,>e oyo o b Ira Itol, the MArioa roe ro , nh ationra cuaia ir lspor o Ayaaaoraibaacpced ltogh b I anSgndthat ta Qial-eo Ascacoey th l e ve fteBfa tjsagor Pero qspite aafoiresheie hhsp'sra rd}redvad osraalaeishelr'diffencirre ciprrssal,as aalieo al"'s aol being prefrred cullocror xaceesdaes nrrprrofrlra aale rlomAmearicadlan rofloopan I htia' rho erake r'tiro '''lal. b aIa, paearirddto 'tidies'' y lca it osi as ~ rased-sairfaieraaacstase head I bb Bacoes eo tfheeaavs in tlra, -oler e oranted ml toheasi, ho'mesc oyofrlroerhWoe tdolie oadheac se thaoiirdwoAioseio dwcii Brli o cc h Boilt ibir acuacesge flas bleen clleerd ore-opt rohora aotaci-a e racted. The Ayoucr... Language *I 'b ArIri lorgealois Alargagsofthlanaooi ling C libeanm- pe'ov doyefrhca .srt clattiagos poirY atepokoaainaTaoYaayoa, Prce, .... lropce aeocitss2,iorprq andtfark spekeritainthe eaarnrai-ffC,heyichaiinCirilt, and Cashey), Yary oa, Poec, hysorn. 21pooplo alltrainl~ Th-cr ir -n ldair ao , airsneo thojaqi laopeapesrtadodfco orrt : ls cctaf~aotiefocas Cmractndpec- Imp, ao fo as Cjorsa ata loooeciit oader.thicm peco, appaecttly yajaq latgroage so,,, sro gp pl'mdis H acihr ottla Limtae of the ioaleoe o's. hesan tanctin Coar ao110 lO)2. decdir airnr. cctshe potaiol ~lcattpcsal asaerporal dialet bytcbe I tthe tere of the soeqes 'and spead fecahet b7 the Spaeioed, dane the ecliol psocod. the role of the Jiml laooaiges in Ardeace I . hitor I br oiaoraaaed (aeeloroc 1974). Ivoicueaaicsorrdiathiae Aica c prictiil oycthiys-'si dlraceseWsoa Vltcon roferhtaide this dlo, applytdoQnasoe rhoe asec arn~r I tisporeel Aanyrsrtoteeiortsoold rq pr-c roarr..paeta tadies. lfrhecordec isfaeilaceeth Qeeehao issoaiist" lok-maeih'sThr~e... prcc of( Cee herper'selica hhosthasal.ecrritoeitirraaatyou linec bareaed tre Qeachn the r.elsae tire' Ior oall be nctoi, teatl (roe Hoederr 1970, 1979, 1979, Tarr, 1974 cork dr pirgca b 1aetrotsl x ee1 3 cyheassoos foaths) "Ifirocr. o Idor ad- peaaflleern of defic aesenc-sala, de 1n, eribpieiy talrtahal rdr t the hase, afhir at bcst e IBaarhek,caceeaTctlo theorycaral rcar hasp-.c co - ih: asa ge as boetcrpoo lougheep t n he Ilspat I area qactedfao d oomwhre hcpar oierdt'osdard esothroeearhhodffoeor ang Itnas shaiolo, h atod' oo h b aopriofpcced eoilae15 canotsadegree orespeassoffiae slairn Aeriodirt aroel r BoflioaN toark,,sarc~c 'chofLs,"heueveties 'oamende, (eoan,) nr o chirs, The oooi fo'sois laaotass lrc arfsta Boar Ita c of the oreec ci o caeorentedata Biide. heoos inoy of Laorebocrcfolea orBmald beceoothe Paldrockosoa done ir Beivia oai wl U Tlranc, Bachn aaasgr a boa Pnaloraeed exoopawesreomanyeoiscrbcon The A,-,car Lanue ThoAvcroso, Srae Is oloeghecilteiBar iogaro Peeri'Isc.or prsd tcday ofllcretoccl ,pgopes jios, spokeote i ,cp cos.e, Pee. hyof opcoimaaof 2.009ejroaIkcs iad KIfoceokensiorlyrIntinc 'snip Iyt Caro' Itihes n lal, ad1Claudoy) Yiyroe. b soec obyriopl Allolderla II'1 llaes bee aotflaaOsdefle i lanuaes teiWrrv nrtl Lim lot sas Caubanod pe,- rasoslas Ca1jamar0iO tidheoght- reec andasatkeo Pens ipprernyIoel halanteatersele rbaansgtploed irlIotobt aioi ciutyeefolyooqes eooeoe-osate ecna flotr 1920, oarodird  8 los odoron 8 looros les a Irir odtcos lnHwbr ad1930 aSnd a trh d-. lHiden, . 1966 1975 hV tn He... abu wal - fh (see NHama les IW5 IVY i Nmv abu 19S Sn - fai- Ism ISw Sit6 . 9 N V 197, Tosero 979 Msscr '59] fior orederried instooooss ar isrhas h rgotsam phs ollchvfa slsersosrrsio pors[ofshoJimf lssoogss s-nin o gtodoy sposken byr ossel ofodcieopoprlsissof Ihoici-rsssossgsovery bogs sssrs Icor Thieaear. disks- sisotdiffsssors wsrhis Air-- are classaalo figgseeo.lso hQd*- ososio 1976) bit trhe} are nor largossad oil dial-r, of Ay y e m mutusislly isir lsgiile. Stench-r sof the Language cssdsxi11 oR g l sg ogesrsooeptoso ishssisanisaspo G. uro isdcd 1 asyossoheesc (ihgrooovosrotio c" geerally narskedisrlwfith oeoohsrsfl oil orat ,,ofoes csssrdxes ocospecial ls osrinsfolurgeword id cltsoieflsifreosrylissioplus, Phoiog Aymaraohasrlsoeecvowel ponemses,26 osssoiosphsssssssrr-odoee poeeof cower l engt. Tire alphabet used shcossglono ohe ork i thor deeloped biy kairds (see esay 20), Iris pirbenri Asl so. folioos A AuCHC' I I) j X E K' fILL M N N InP"'])Q It]) ttI' T"'T'UUW 7X Y foro aotal of 29letteos (single, sdigraplrs, or trigropo) arid or]] dioce, Stress is isoophonnc. therefore eao toccconk isoosAd (See " Nrosc alprhabeti page O5) Morphosooeosiso Ayonsa whc lo nssots nr freeno or droppinsgofvoels isscomuprlexaod exooeinelcsosporas. Vis'sally oll ofrise cow-el slropping 'lcld as 'coed nose sosslas rrenl as w'e'-ll ibscoophologcallc cosslsosoedoishatsdse slooppoog oosssogin s f goaosnas'iclss900iso'ss w siIIVY 1975, ma, 4)_ Coprdt agae hkcl p bushsand ogrisooooooo passo eelrelrrsoallrole asAosarsooaos fooosos m np aiforiodhbyod as qssoo enslaissio vodl-fanrobwossporfs'iodhyiho symsoosajo Iooo toooohrorspniioo horserasos eioodiosro isooSaikd yisothan sot sitoi Appassrooyohhe srioi hiia disc Ay- .Speak so a ooscos ossftcodel hald Is ishooss ccti ~c tios sosossar-hohoAyoraoso-qosrsd hrapoaocinrhi moovaed 1975, 'ti1 oa 1979. Masos 1951 fo, mooo dsositd' ci olcsroi Awpose is iaos oho lsraest loss poltoafloy i-y tr r mssos no poityofs sthe fact lsisgogiosoagidacspokisshy oe-ohrd olr poo'tason or Bolci ani f sssgsri laIrge soootssss Ioo ttircsisdiale. oilrile nalslifl'eeeisscshsA 9'sa. (see 00 Boseko-sc atrso har dis- se t05 1976) i-ot ohsy yore tiot larosi d all d aleo sot Ac os ar e Strostmsr of Mie Lanoguage Avsssaossasassgtoegssgrc c'roplsbsasois Itlseostlscazsetro sssffoesioeosdrdss ttssscsrsro e Obligatory anuia ssinsnsrns a aoosttn coikd with "iffn"s'osiall - eosoooiebJ ssfiissofers'dx k s a psrstlssss sysssssisssltioelea'igirodi ooeoN li soly f..fir lss socti pla)" Psosiogy Ayossrshstshrsicoiestlphoser21ii oosiosaosphsosesanssloe phooomo df cowel Iogdi, 'It'he stphoo ored ihn choair oo wcook is that doeiepod b7 spiro (sec ecicy 20) fii pio sssi aod i sm folloos: A ACM CH' CH'' YJ K KC K'1 Ll' M N N P' P'P' Q Q"Q IS ST I'IULWXY 001of 2) ltoer, (sio gre. digopc, -os'oogsphr) sod soso dishobn i-ata ~s s ocossor i-red tosocrooimork as o.. d lss Aysoaa slphihos.psgen)s Mns'ptophsoeoce'ssi Atsosors oioilociioiruoaocskof otetoi salltohcvoootdoppsong eoliohlss'rdnios osrell asccoodfinal, in sI-sphotogss'oty rosdoocorL ti]at, te dropping or oeriosss is of gm lgIcwSoHY17 hp ) Caos ,pared t l lorruaes liske Spaish ssd Ensglish iostoations plaho a s'etiieey suro] ile os Asosoos syntax, die foins peooine hy such quoestononama exclooostio, asdsofoths, baingpeolooioelbcsuse syntoesio soises .InoosossirnporoantlhossecorI , -do n dsarloo isnackedly more so than so odtsie- Ap parently sloe nooco shas she Ay- sac speak maasooooe a beiet wide>y hots]b he s c so b mo in ooacthoeiAyooo 1ameoso'se saIn rpr a e -asak is moesi 1975, Troo 1975, Myo ,1951 forsinr- del o aaidiotsiasnssI Acoiaro ithstheoagestosed pntissroltxby farsie mostso-porestofodie Jaq, lanoguagesreemrciigsdypokerebyhooni-s odfshs popolar-osof Boliiod fsomoiavIee egeosoiosaoo Peso Theroaredloaer- al odiffccsoo'oittAyoosr (...osa II 0 csggral soe do sssonoo1976it hlycso t lsogc.sosdaldiolects ofAonam l osmral'oe~ Sfrsimtuo ol the Langoage Ayroasc iaSi Lilng 6 laosoas -ihoro ooplosio of di rscicrny of sufsxes isco dodsirst- saejdn ish, Obhsgrrn5y grtoracro stroctoors are geonerallysoskrd v..ttss-divesssJslassfleroistcrsal s slf soesnlse, ooapsol'Lasotsfipctssl9eei tes~c IsIgeeced order selaely flee too stynsdi pla Phlo iy Ayouos bras throecssol pioonros, 26 soo prsonecis, andcoe pisooeono of rosdr losgsh Thr slphabh xiand tinorgsos tshe 'cork is sisat rieceopod by 'tpi (sc sosy 2(i). Irssphoneic and isashfllws. AA 0110]' CM' IT]R KIK'LLLMNNPPP' P Q Q5<'RKS T T'T'U UW9XSY fra toot of 29 lotir (obglo, dFishs ro Coiri J and one di aoigie Siressoosonpsostoonso.aforoo aceotoussk no sesilsee'Assosaa alphohis peb a) Moiphnpooeosrss Apsoara sohoh noso piooaidsofrskosso or iooppi o fotsss'ct osospleaos and msrlsoonpnt Voiososlly allssfshe rsrdppn chrhnord oso~al acwall-arnd-fiol, Os socpolgoalle sooosd sia or sirs. drsppr oro,,rorsog s of graonsaonalogoton (croHiYU 879 chop- C mopsrdnslsoigosgs lhkesipsrcei-od bnglsh iscirou plaoysoa ir lot stll sos'Avos esrse fhtosoo pot orrdby such qoososisoroiso ansodsoth hoog psrtoeoocd by the rpssssf'eelsirisatros ricrpotr hoiorvecoand isome dalecs rosbodl tre scorhoirsotirrs Appoorrtlythem iroo hattrie As- sospes ocaocse brlelerdeiyh eld 1w dhs idehaviebeo ssoiarr. withoi-eYcsi isacquisred vicipootectrveosski tsrned  lartcataty lb-c-Bard.... 9 hyth A tsc..asdh a mi ftote lts ttel ettle A good cay- tollcretoatepe to 1 istotdes d( pt tesp e ic pslem i6 t muspo rleat be soed fitplahu paut, andsfso, oP isar iatai.mrtb - u,,-byeaon o fo toearoee-eshsy sdaos ieioc utct ulsessset.Ctess tebealaec iedr eesitass aco.aded r e deeeuustetcasussettt ote .film ttsaoute divdd sbI~blse d s m e.po ease..ees. et dpeieuis The paradice . lts setl tecta SpanislhootSetessustutloutealliedeed but i saetsls larger eeota (tee H-VY I 779 chap 4) uts eteera T l c srgstisc. es ouch lnu te b claserr oclasses fdd oo n assi cetepic thor ec twos sebaln ettotgutto s-cebcimhuseatch santsalIl ( otsrw adstistset esl astlittitt ,o bt .i toew co o it u a d etc }s o ate p s t c la l e e asett e t e se c e e s ho S etilc e a ms v c e tt i s i d e B e e d e ta e s ,ids e e t c . T l tr i u l tutt of ee bau 'hio ytald Lee colut- ( )oon hliealhy) sreaskis fsjeaittes hie rsi oe hem the tea dschl ha t eeeiutceneeaieicatwi esstotctrihehhege (tatstoclthoesuteu noe .a ofa odee dt e u eob ste el y t 7a ch p 9 r of r e pnb o sitemtree'e s ea ta ti lt m isooltitt to withutaehctewhisrlestieseae teers Measmse. dge; theno fetu el s p ofe et d ;th ispatie; ther dtidets- beythe AyetSu ap theose ieueoe etheomuhscdiuleest.Ageodsssev [ellteao uks-plc tote of isu-use pautetus a upeci petters it do- uaded oft ct we eteald ho -aleed as peebhc upsk lestd pur-olr avolilivul s r et11Ilet pleadteg, persuadig and eferth )sescstptqasesvt1, seee)aO Thtete sau pee howeveostd of Ayeeuuitteteat,o. Moep holeap Thelbskcemepleeocseo....tsees andesuffxs Roofussree.stto>ou paeuclesad eeotivs (.Oloee verb ecadsarclceeteoelss theselartsn etats 9ehteis onthestlderhaed. eta r tdcad m utatteuebecofelstdstuetseut ubes pectesee dseestatse asi sateses he Tel to . par , claue uueceecet.Spaeeshurcatsss iessa mteeelt ill tdo autua toewsehatreeo cc HVY 1975, chap4). Tbettotpucdcas rsaloet.stthan, beg aectesottditeregatefer whnclots or Soabclets Po t pl, 5hese aee ne. setbal rttteuoeem u esostealtese as tett) aed noteceteepsdetpteallsthe sethusteeeachote), od tatest sfte ehcubalseatcubrccsts n plue intercogosive let the pisacl tut(to.; HV~Y 1975, clap 4). eusucesfo stecempoundtsewith cshhera weith pso mb st ecscecca Gm[lth t eratd vetbh n tlumrc hp- oto. Thouostepwseitseate Parcalyctt..mtteuettepaeueet he tua artal sstetesleaedepeetlcs asuntaetic. Thereisultt ra,,ff indn eb b "'1111 OIVmsm~thl -e ho appliad teccmsele to esors e mpte, seeds, like the esseee of thc pMueleoe Aytesrs Lasuse (AL) (use biblhsgraphty) etsktetPseotettatPutsptttktpaatosI keese chat et dotisble Ht's- stutessteue itehe...htothe'slwhclhbegiests h heceeecr sects aenedss alo (tCr VY 1975. rapS ) Veosbst grad mtocrmtse seu (see HIVY 1979 ohep. 6 a dcefine ashetsan 6, tp d- eu it yof allsteesee its dtscieeite deeeise ti hc teotet of th ctr 'sith teespect to seehcopese Tufeciuslted iu..tdeutectee asdpee eresgeet dei edts aut o seef sa etuslly ou muiesstfcagot4 iesitslsigepstamod, caeiesltaso c amg sg herthiegs nd ssh pesetis dstisdas ,Th eebleubuothte* sipla~ frprseelandst jssml keeowl- edge; ar t fuaue Pet petonal knwledge; clee ioepetal]ve the desidos- leteoducests tseseo-Hargeoas 9 by tFe; Av tar eusa siestfes wshomiieudhtya fell.A god state- ettc-ssalwausploeasesf o arm pcii amI e satdofthseeswhte's-teldh ealat aehcpeakee atd atlut wseses patteutsi tu it hoedlfcto og poltaaitsasdeoforth of A,-,.uatan'sate- le assorhs- asaeiee roatecs ad e~u-eeaisisbioo aoskd a fc oo ohl gx with humtoes.llh V solo~ darsI ohe 0]m &itooroi strid ouhooosoohoossio oxos (osay 10, Esoggs)s oooo rablatt-osespeaifialshooooooalMmmhaoo Irossshded aoaos to spekemosavoewtsoohoseeo'ss Ns Thoefightiog wods. sAohird pososaoeoflIltsAymaraataotgp honkes] ,I otlteoanpass pasoo.tooopaoeotiao isot1he protto i orth ho, ...oosrse tklofsssosooi possoslA uosodoloaetoday I. AAiror (atotogh t soot be seeot tn os oot lad oages see Ha r no 105. Arosor soorrs (seressy 6 Ihiges fas-loossraor ossofthe other ~wa As msa gesoera don~d oaore slocifatftrto of rhocolas chop ofdtadreseeo the -ots beoo odosrssed, It lr m erhstowthe mworeoss ofrtelhu oeopsooossoaosoltsloabero ros ofthogt .stooolbr locksosrooe l dto ottsug sr Assoyl.~ oosdo os wolla othosefefreorsrlosah rssoo me fshorp pssis oflostoer loa amsrtosrilheIII pooore oof:shops ott4Ooo 95050 s3 Poo sdi, Mooale and Vooqtars) wt h ohstIav ososs ok oftofporaoeat clodmztww ponoos to Lohlsh spokor Eleiesoi dy In toIre, As oso Iwosge wall aeohdrls hoo o addosooing osohs moon the I'rgoost poosol-sro which roil] thanrofl Asomof te ksonor atstesod tsho Arsooosoeod Ther Conanioon of Tins Volunmo All rhean r - o his olooeho -atder ofoeo.soaofts Ay- Osrsngosgsssstl prepased astso pipers or poapers for pso b- .oitsleortssgoThoruoho...s Ilgo8todeto ofMjblaerdooooither directly or sssdsssslp spooostt 1000ea0 of teirhong ltotn1966 in oo lototroogh 16 ll Insldiatsoand throgh9l it thes Usiversito of dort horsos. wier. sc rlirio, fsi Jt~d Starioiooo floho Auhores veA potat speakers, tw are tlourist, o so Spa-sih Eogoihs hiisteioal, the rest are native Enoglisho osocbe Noor oftohs outhores seer 12 trrodosliss ossshtooo ll., ,ho mtooeons Ilos, It,, the,' bot atol wslostefootof mO hoorooss.' fo tostotot th prottossos oshoo ala Os owith sopoot to speaker is ohhigoooilyotteked, afincarsootoollsrooe -oihhssote, o \Ottakeohjro sothtreoteol ossosso esoshd oosasen/solauin Aeso~s a 10 Bdrggsloosotsr- rmblraiess osroecoflvnhoto ,thensotlsothaar losrcoossd o osssosfftse to speok to soteosswithosntatttCsertll so, A third orosslote of the Ayinaro. lo-googo, hooked rootl itr ooyoasace of hunoan orss sosoohtot. I, otteif toertatsoy of thssanosd toersoto. Coomporoential analyss ofohs proto iifoonsos hoes as srs greate ooerotkine of serood pessoo tha s reaidly anparoor todaysA Asroootallobosol it rot hr. sa, he tLsse ligiagcs; sco Hoedsooe 1973) . Ayor , esroe sy Ise ro Flasgos) deotosd saroottasoro sesoftte otleranod Apoos gsootrrdttt saoreglorssoesh o ofohesolaisshir ofthe addrsoe tohstots hbeoogdtJ-.ssdloos totosasiokswots oltoatertesc oftloh~uatoopssoee ofloattlla bso ooeoftheo greatest stsoblingFlaohtottraltouol slerstsodoselou oslay 1 losesod, a wso' s Ooererseschroghoustheooloos eOtlterpotolotes of lower hoesacltoot ttptooso otoolve the set part or hapeandtextre see essoysoooloot,snd Miradlasand Vtsoqe) -hol MSi relativse lark ofinoltasse fmoe.oatter 50 00 Eom tt glishospeakers.FErshot sody'is the Asotooa aigofage, 'ill rilsbriote oadditional ittoglor "Itso ohsM li isrpososlates v~ will Nlot ell to usore of toe Assor- "oao td ol ohe Aymoro sosold The Composition oSSI Voltamso All iot, essays iso this eolsot lega s odis of soo ospost ofa sits stoarasaoeoge, mooosyprepsared astlae pspatr pttptssoo peofs sonata] toeo....Teouthossasoi odssof 1j1 Hatedmao, dthes Adisesri rdiuretytspit1sgt10ears oftraioefoo F tm OMith Ass- lisi, theoswrh 1968 itl todiento and olosoogit 1996 at Io Utttetsof I'lidt.Thosottettttheoses epreset ta srio ofACstudoeot popotttoostond io htootos preett thsedesired scspe andteachlof this 1ttoo oeo or 1oiis Ao is maettoiot Wdtreoisondtr aoa froo'adelsrtoosdtrso .ftholUnted Soases.sersfsheoothotus ace oaie Ay ossos spot1 ,s rot o Spooishoo is Sptoilt-Ftoglsh hilitgtalatlo seot ost sstso glithe spoors.Most othe tooltrs were Anottr posodote of the Atsooio toopsig isNaofhmrvsu onootst TIosaoocsetst beohs they' bust olychelttrrsiogtto loosotoo for 10055 omoooo tha pross are sot or sb5wl" o wsih rspectotpsshksrtsshlsgatosstoure Altaba riolI ofote ooolhIgtotot o tked oot Ahooo othom,,oc t (see roay tO, fdrnga): eutst too oootry toostelsspst fosallyoloottoorselesoohs.m Itisootosidesed asrooftsopthksorttooetlsloooooossorrawso--loeo-f stisosr ohossttds A thtrdpontstttr oft, losotrtmlogp k wtlesih the ttpooaoe sf 1ua to asnamn s shotat othe x- m,,teioto ofohot eood pati Comopoorott ttslsstsfohe poeojo foraosshostee goaaomsrsrobogoocssotod psso ohio s odols qoptodayeio Ao ira lthoog so rt s sam to the otter losg ,tgs sse tea 19375 Assosoooey osreossy 6 Eggsl dotodttrstoooa os oflehe rhoo-td sA -ottstoetsdaodm sogoalorspesaits.oo o flo ore "aeoosht' afhe ddososst le tastoet ged'og dscsos Ibutr torsateknowsheioactsosssfithooti vpsesorotheelheo ne of the groatesrt tolsloglloshso catoeraoltssalodrsttdttosee sav ]Saaaem osooltsa rsfroses tsoogoootthotote (M~te paosolioes ofloeoelssshs,itt eb h posbaoceof stole Sodtaoo ILssssss 3nyr Tale iodnd oftooo pserapt sro hoglishoooakeos losshroodpoaollhe Ayos a g~i daaltlro britog additoot I'osighto ,to site l~ist otoc o Osotteessita Athelttrotalltsotoof thaAymorostteoaof the Alsa-torld Tie Comnopoiriot of This Vosloom Alte ossays inthieeso hop-otobean S stodi oolse aspsect ofrh A0- moelaoguage. mrosy spt -od ero termt papors or popesor psotes"- d icey oritdieale spasiog 1i vaoo oftotoh , frsom 1966 An Bo- hvia, oseogh 1968 I ldiaoa, sod rh roogh 1976 tools Uotoeesttof iFlrd.TeoensNmlv ep.. a md popsdatiaonsoand itohetosees repree ottdsood seopettdesosloof lps volunoe. Five are Boiatste ih Araoiit td~ ale. roidor teofostm swidelp scoorel aeas oflteI uoited ftates Poorofho uon orsotc Apoosaapeakers t5o ore S toiuslt ooteispoish-Ettglish Ethosgoon;ol rot aro satics Boeh speaks. Mast cfoh assorsssoes  Itt ree f- -zoe Heeaeccee1 guge like eiyeo te a , idpiicthe re1iec thoc aean Mikacuin By pw~imo I.o..coc If ttad, ite a- cnhmcptel- cerethieit Lcc1eecrictttidccc clit-eo waris Itdsac roamd The eacieo pipec (ih.Midncn) As, ,fercd eec id hrl htihe ae (cccc)eeefohce I'beccaetec spspccl0 Yote ,pe~-0p-uiule-h T1 sn~.p. ca) o o] peepeodop cheiritcandiiaceccceccc loe speakeri l ,acity pectcoch scopteesowsic ccipeeocleocce pagesseoiadeadcikethetclcxiec tec i~a 1.-nrnml feytn r~ng~- ida eci (..ac 1hcggccacd Englacd caAppecaie1)tcadthe iotequcecpec Oic 0010u ccofAiyeeicspahceos coci wecc tihe ,ego- lie oiietici of AV a~~~ acad ejicc at tche Uac' eyoccf hed, acid the coccyccmeet presen~ce of a evie 4iocaea cicchic chic ceppecce cdty hashebtceociilc tcodec tih do teue ofil1ce Maccy ocoedecot ol wo cttded chthe wock wcle ceom pap ci have gecteeo deepcc, icioh n occ d' I iec fo c disw erticccci hundedi [ipecac Briggo., Mimcci Biocecoct) Addlofthi Pplpsieeccd in cis ctcoceeec heeec ,rthe wockolchcainoce adec Ie bisehicig ci ieic papct to cocfeae ccc chico .. copioeof dhe pcpscbas nccecotid~ns Mieccolleagues heavecurged creat- oily ilac coo me thiheoecoaenc oewidycivaial Thleco..i,abuecldoo oce-eteohcoforexempie , wrz loprI o hccotceis bit oe niheaoch other Frocc cite A cetecc porif cricw (ii. Mc ehcoa)Acieet-ctudeehgatoigoeicet o. FrccmcicetjyS...iacecci oichec m fru, il dbnmh 'heQnwn 1a oed cikcihac ~eeipceAveocccccdiec-'Ihe cccyeictclocceecachcaesimaee aaociocpcoiccv fio mot aiebody of Ayetc stodieeceesiicfccntccopc-tticcatfcccfAyot iod ccec Aytmaca eechaegcicl 10ea- encidciiouceiiiftlcocer cf thecoreoct gape icc tis ocne. S ocic soitabhie ocoai.e iet- ic cc atrecily bicnge ccimccc. Icccidcecccy fEas- Aieaeeeeo geage l0lknow Aymcot 13 Spc..h thee. Entglhh eeMantaaciioe Mekooic lie lie..es t cc c vcjc seefoe o etlte ccc aceiechc icem' Itce.~ o cccu Aer eincsccie lulnscioe Icdleco,* acicd T pceh eaiperc(18 Miedcetot mpcogeoedctI 'l hiifleiitce- tb wa ac cii toc cif ohesI leetoto Naiiai de E eiji Laheiitnes (ei-) Ic idltat Thi o c -isc papec (21 Yecti) wae picepaced ope-oh atc hsvonch -p. va rdo 0yas thc first, iidiicaccoctcm by Acetca.ek,,, teaeeitcaspectsethe .ectpeocifleico papers cflscocpgoccccade icgtheiat dei- ado ee Aym yeitiesi lihe opcp orticte ioc tudentcc c do aoim,,] -- cht tcciee i poelholjl aicic ial is ticieqc Bc;-iccfthoc A eecac i.iegige Mc- cicieel ectctiee 22 BrngcdaJcglcadladaAppend.i() adche cocci-eio PoneoiicscpocfAecceeispekers. asc-l aihecgo- pctocssecocie Anti-cnachet ibis oIdoec, cite hasc been aalahe ti moorkce at the Univeesiec a Fofioidao. n Mctc itudenio iicts o atdhceecicwerk oter pacect ppe have goy000c ideigge r Mdi i icatyr of ie tipersro ha peetein e chit coice hii c;tlecworkolhacehocesicscc alc ponfeocg ot modeart gapieii Jioied -ee tic papeci peiet ooeecl 11fctteo oc-v 1ti cice a That ii ch citeih A of ehsiicecccthieoiieochccaI~ccacoc he hccc- iifc sojecooftte papleeehsvcdescd.Manccciitccoohccice gcd cmptt- idly tioac tak hoeecccci tlsocoeccacyacdcie iceciurs 2., chiaopocca oifccceiccplc mccactietc rec 1$ Moidacan 2oil e gYec te e Ay piectc oficitceeotcnwa ctcic to fial Icce moh eechrn Cccn the ccec poitro vc v(tO.Mu- aee)Ayifiataihegocettoe gcmcidceo, Pece tltttS.esdeecic I'ieteet point 'If,",e th scieto nict rcoc hdetiec-Aymiit uho icar ito ocoecioedba hec hi eoigcccd s Acseca aics. The cOt cthis ,,ioc cic l gc cc rceocia ose pic ithit wcfoceeeeas abhdy ttf A y c tme u coitselc c focc coopecaciv scefitci ofAyctici aced rem-Ay carmpthcpcitiyt- ceeccdoeoii in sicomee inhchie ga tiechic nco y cec n itcleapic fot it acep inetsome u meeooce; hi-,.ty cond (o he)Ian goia ile- By Aceecice ilipael c giceit ,c~, ceilo ByprthlLc ofioce eccjuctfiea ceittacccee ...jclo t-einchic Lti i eiitt i cace eitecic pe htcccec ccc oe-r onhctpal rpc i9 Masoia)cas pcep-cin eelU6caddle the cc- cit[ etact ofif, c te etao Neeaia ai hocedoc ieg iicicin cefesci he mppe 2, p Fre o-ostl fiithtie ohue That the patercse, capsciciefilcecce and the feead lit cecenc by Aemaapako-o lteany eeopicccthe icipotfclecc tco paperseceflecosotlte progreei nciciigt'eghoict do tho ipp ecoeeiy for otedente to do origicai w cck thee ccc. coI i p-hicriecei l ie iteeee eace of cit AeocceLegogMc (cc, iig caibiactcaAcccaxI ad the oeicina(a t2,p2iB ,, adioh onEccccipckcesa ceis aad he cieieehe cejiahi citacc tec ccceiy afna P k oideMatte anthem5oocciwhoecedthccio-chsichec.. pteecav egoiic and pte sice dce tefo ce hof ct hh dicece.tice, ed hi .agctome, iiiceMcei B cyetccc.Allof tie pipeco piecented ivt tite voilumte, hcwevcc,ccees hcewohkcfthococcac tedet The phhhcfecicaocd pcpeejacefc- tchoc. rce eocigioci jofiectoee eetcoi cieewehie TI eat to the pa ee cith i o, cae c cc oluoe ise tre mint ar equeito -c leave eeserved oeN ccpictcfthc ppers itiecdeated Macid coi-ietable ccicciicat- cdiv thict cch cite e tetec.tai , flec ..ic oaahc Thoo rcc do ido ceehc foiaopi thoc-c hocvc it. Mci-eicei 20d Y pec yoa gimcpice .cci t othce rcdoe wne ahi)cicie inict ba oci icoccthigm cdac amecei l lis , Mraci pitof cee he dcbecie-Aeecee cliii cid ccraieitoe erctcd feeio hs 1,iipeod Avcara Ottudie. Tae icbocoAeoii Pendap ic i oc t-od coio . ete tleiic-oc of t ,e ohcic gapo III tIer ec Seoooicci ces foe wticall od Inuiab ihcingowueiae  Ia Insdos aee i4 rc.esdrceer 1 l reedern 1Ic - k.ha. die . n - yvo per Fa char mTh -say ka h aze - tv a. whc .I ib. . harodu }I. - &. h .vbe ddl a e he ptialh ok t h has thsainredrerse Alrefeeeese hate beer ~ehceed esassekelbrbba ogna~is cashes eslrseg lasrineolerdepdreo-ne enecesseee OfosI. (ir ersh dress] s pyrpjresee It p r e rre frr tfe leesselsere See...s..s'e.sserreselaed sokaisdrehesivery grt c dlfesbshtsseacted cas l-.lure In aclaredgsrs slee isave ' b.. n{ ret ll5 esy pps pee- di ced t he ti c ofts el Pb d ape .... geadss ihrs seas dada cared teachrs id ecsceleershaeefAv Ieses aniesescd "i .a ....llM onalseelrreeehek ebse ese s,hic helping I rs ae rtee sessieedsecebsel chin Ipel tese sradesreroerherrmscledeeirtosssehreese heir shrs. bireg,ranrscenediengrand sssnsei c.erselyerpnerweerrpselesalsler ferna Vaeseerswas beeeIrTvssr Print, ch Abe ..a'd by he Aymrexsas akiesg geae adtir enieirrg pseerlshldfcssehsrbr- liesgusal eseire man trm salow accsens irn pres ischeel AsM has eekdasas s-earaa aesiesmaeereal bothsssbelrescseedes ,eLIslir 15 ids ea1begierdngssreshesseerersL Shisrshceacheeait AfFo I n Ieae Uirqssaaiesis eassP cesese eel Wsrac ar tir1 sss esfleeeiAsri is e sfprssbsei v Ieee ssryfFlrida feeie acesfr ~eereser islsd ,sdsow ie mtr nastpisia ed ssiySire '5 is If s.e ofsie Alsesac \esaried Ia sses riere andif. 1 11 tem eer brbisgarssss Sise s ssreesls sir fcc heAyer.eadhrki StussrsAlsaerreerheeflireete, e amm f Aysease Jbse sic Des Yapan Moysa as bass r- Qssrepr 0Sesse ,.La Pee. Belivis. Bath he pasrsa eseereerrel err Assse a hmsessf resenedSpaedeeisre ear s shss LHPsr v asreesslsseenlsoem peessrcseresdsesdssssiss, eiseilersjlss'ysse l IHis lireirded rssopsaiassdlssessseee' tihssbi olrblsrlepica Isrelnas seasehreefbepinshrsdFeeeecKHeesdid legiees air arnd ches eeeariedseeahslss-eleip etr seedy ilissgses easireare irPes esr dee tie sespiee frlrcllrsiceeiysa Isioarcos. t inns.lsecneinusinrg grodt gs al P.. l 1p ftra rcai c.asrcomee pseeseslae eoen acis nIylelb, segerrhy Oeedreg ha essled psseeg his be esrerrcec rseesssdeeeseersrg (wcs rise derail appeeperesrts pspeesaieaappspie.fereesleee Sers ppseisseeeslard -psl- sssesq, ises sed aprti ced a r heaaeh e t teshen eworsda e.rsassy ge.. dealofsshrr in gseertsethrael e Ire rrlsrsI thsd reesrreseh bas hresss sne r a sea papee Pees dteaehstirsesreefl'edicpsased geaerrsreoeiestse ded eadeeahsesad cearArsIreha merfArrsse legeisrasd 'fhssdimerera serhsaeteirckie neestlsIs toseiep Ae esen-seha.s papacbIefserhorspietaslrere theirreisrredrlres eredarstet d deerreaaashasrs p aprsersraeeo bereepal F rinssa asriesead aresea Isesl ,sehs h Shsasesrsed beer Ayseeaeajessr thessdeesel ot-ee g Ie Hie~aeihwrsashrrsleest fre, seeee aceseae d se mierrea aeieerrsss herbl sebselssalse anal ralrfrlseisiselhcgseeeserrds.hrees Abc s eaehea A yeasof . a re asaass l ee ors we gleh eeec sebie Aysescae R eh tee seersa fpltejds-rsedrld Seessalsorrsbrer Heseba reerse ofseymer reare orSatnisis leso silosjssIeshprescoeeretss r Pz t ieergsaeard Srsiesokserarshihbdes-eesceimlsssgild rsesollc she eadceihesaeserIL oiiaeltleserrcsesse.s efelstse frhe ~rop.icpl tohesslyilerrnbealLse nune h Beleh. ar flees pseeneeeereMrs LemgsIre¢sratis heP~ geeierfser paptssesll s p Ireses ap epeere fehssl giceerr ehis-rdecsse All rssre lasesber garheeds rers assesAl bli- egearha O1t1Iesssren hasrree. 'sd usdaing sshereeinessaeycrrsa Sen fres ..ndsseeeeare lealer rhe deid ippeepseraes Iseonlyeitawoecesae, e ssteaands lm rcsred aesam ns cielsier easrh eiesrarees geeatsdealeofsrebshs geseseicoslerse s~re In arknedmesieees leave bees ecoved ailtyecey paper pane desedIehe Uniersityelleleeidaexgpressed gerierdeosrheeteo dedi- eeaw ead aesleen wthe ae ofA- oseae eeabregcreea eeasers theelseapp-os artiesseliredrlceing sera erl c thlsieeei rsieeeestesdoeber moes anidre pseeceere I near beinegsasbeen .leaaVaqees sa brer en Tessak rs Berriesa Sire eras eesd hyhee As a-peahieg ndeeelanb Spanisheas acheld frome her hi- lirgeal eseeheeLbfromnfless sendenrsrin pesebn schoel Sirhelst mrebd aeasear sed a ~-. v bt wholesalr~c aresse fi selyaaserIIbs sernp sedeaar Siesreehe csashee of Ai fre bergiqrs biad has eaeg . hraseaen A5 eaa a else Udnesrsis eaeshiblead ieaeessaerrseeerhess eehs sen allersas ele a- ed cebr sesdreeel vsrssas sirs Irrhlrrree'phe She s rseredy di- egerageaed raler eaebreit aeeeheslrhar-Lon-eealneesl feerhe A yeeaerheld Ales w-n e eleslessrerref A yera Lo Iacgerslad (elere lan, Jen ir dl res \apses Mov ss bees e iereer I )riessa La Pic, lielisr amee hes pecet iserm reelrgei err Aetion; Ire iel teachrer off asslaed Fenchdl.iHe asrsetlcfseieic sreeendhe reclredaschelishipreSssudas ibt s AalabieaisciPeresunderehe anSelsices eleUmdaeaie-sSa Marca Lse mersrreeeinggeade-  hoordctota Fort---lto'oo 15 al trrdeo irtoieraaothte UraeeaOit orieda Ho no ambaof PFoogoaan Lhtyooaod[],IHralkaag ogo o9rtndhe Linonithird PhilrlogcaiAbroda of IaitoAotmota (u-at.>Par thae aaaaaniPa1lla Pati", Qoarp' HeohasroghtoinAoa Ito- gtaagebothItinrli ad rettnr doFlscalaand hntrcrughtArra ilpoooyhyaoa tmaadAosy oA pa phonola, wroe og M1 oIai toa g iaagaa w ta h tareofw lrthnofA..aoadL ;ladeogtre of idhaoio- Ayi Mnt ohptt , rahr toh otten thter tabto of Ay an and editor aohaptvodtoolt /jr tly n ctaol l .ro d Ar,,, Lit.o- ,,,I ,f d dd t H ld l fg tison tlrlr .M tot of Erhoogrphyoid Folktloreoin La Paz Noart) anti profess0or ofAymart n riot Unottoodat Nattonia Mayor do Sanr Atndre. T lrootnr.afhooyt his soirrlaceveto ttordragecarain rtrrotare saditrll aooataoagltit abrrdrpornrankofrhoc attoorotr boftoaor [oitl way eernranoadaasr hataioob td. i I torbehaodnrterleofiatoe atieroat oarktogttrl Avono lo- g ago taull atteir t o add] to ont sore at ktrtatlled, aod rhar trhio roaoto tertrito raol l ar-lornte paostiblr rhotoh arpornrio elrart. ire gate, o, acrao tire dineta tor emd spatc The Orgerrizrtior, aff Tis Voitrser tr ith rio ton of (tire edtor, and nrha i, r ucra al ratntat agotorayoo tv froptdaotoro-aaftroy kard Oratl, aaodthat t thaw m-olt of kraoeetge ott, le tuonlitrlaold borat .. c[. rntoat-otagatawoattattttrooat es 20, Yaiata Weosoot dorrnaorottt knottledge ola[~lnr art dmi t 11atotrr aa atoh of aire to thre rtaatt aat trrn ta kalrae edg Tiortc.on oolro whenrrzoroelloarr looal fto,t ifor oh, ottglt martato d .otaraotr to p[~taar on ottitrito. Ilhoeaystoit a book repoea tatttIoo lrttfttto Pol' trod dioplrti- 5 ott look ao relatively annll rotaot o tak mbar ratoob F staa~oto qoitetaltraamlroorot- gm .rtthaoifyiaobtg larooitrlttalafrithen goeoaafaleio ou foraooooroonodr- dr ' trg batro A;ttofl andnsoh-A, art 'flaynam diroa orohe Tattodoatryba,-PardetotI maotioilaatraatnrrb aUottrotartolrlortdttianars rrrhero tootgh ao o1 to trai toaidteaiigoLag .trcad h iiooiori nttdillogal Atrrrarnofktaat Ateriaaver. tltie as lraoaoanooeaooa nttdrSth oltuntderatmdaaordotar at tire Arcon Folklore Festrttnlt Cotpt. IHa t0ar tangt tin Axaitra to gaogobahae thetionrad trarosatodro Ban-,ond IrattanghttAsltoar pltooalolvlatoogtrandoo alrood latgattrtoAorara aokea sratfeIalthaaooottro parodatohlootk Ie 1ra tt eno taeaiolyietltot rfAtao brotat. 1 btoeotrdaaaaltaotati iatragt,rth anrlurhorfthrot raor arritea .1ga Availa arrd orlar (ht~e reodaltJa, AY, Vewrattsolnoo atnd A,...rnoarr.- not. I-rfoudooerd ddotro rf tac Ho to etreetita direarnof aC~,- gnid~ te ith the 6N macant of Etiotoooatht atnd tIldoo -o La Pant allInto aslot p rlo otrfAyta at o totti ae om ar Ndu cael Meyi all an he uthrs f i it.aystM1ohorodarhe- ok of titote wIt a, wetr boore tema Io rt toy gort cadatraces [taco eorth nra do. ttoheh adiaar..tr Ih forraaootttrooloeAanrln nttotilarootr add taoooatoo iftatel e h- thataciiia fes yea. atoht aa~tatrad Pakitowlotb thlavo[rhtio fllr inewYa I .1h Tire Orgnnrotmattlr of Ti Volumne It iorioMtoc o Ofttloednooradtoothaotsotloatoaoha bark. oeaoroaiiototray noaostrapphoedanstrtare krnd fItthe, isk hd thtrtttheooalatao hat~alt oroet fnoltdge mntto equatlly al.rod bootwe tot ctlrtt atedtot aetra ornata ltaaAeto YrpirneWo ora -to an tharat Itn kotoladaf roan toadoro 1,rt-oyirtlatlyohaootrtatotthto ttore otheaotaof h net kto-ladge Tleoaloatattto ga raedto aolc oa ttef otaai Ot rIroirtradoato aee p ,rota fp pooorarctharetroeretedttrcig titroaghtnoct aoW attoptata to ~ n trioatossaaibiliaiea. Theraysittthoavoh tal tooade vaneiotfistlereos. .andlndiraipiia Sanac[trait r a..ot-oy totadl lttoo fulorakeoIn nrrbtrrt,.SaooaoiIto6o-ronootho ountar gotoat.Toto nryiog faell H thtoloat a fto Feoooaofrdeiro fartosot-motaarndtt- ttanolingitooao Aotto-t nd aor-Ayothr Tibrtopdored totito totrdorrlrgarrtoattha Urarerttot loriaHe itotembetof Poograntat Loitrt aodrtheTaating ofktegngmo (v a) ntodtha Litgaiiand I bltiaga dA Atoa to a Later Ateatict (At alr. Ha 1tot ittaoaoatttoatn naad istlfndo, sldod-itn of theoAtrtttarlooeotoalt iQ alp btoeatonghttiM1. Ayonlo t- goug bathottninla niu latetandiBd to aodlheotstgaoAyoo- ph..atooyltaageoald cantre andhotgaaoto botratatpathaoa oinooinftodhAventa litrtature totnaofotaootttaf- Ayotaa btqttt t~g W arthor otrretxtronotgofAta. ad s -taa and derooct~y',Ofr L ol r ttt~.ootldaca af -I- tlttot toth tt Mornato of hritttogaptiy atnd aoflN ao ct Lr ao (u )atd pooft.-torf Avtotnta nnrotoe -ltttrtlaaaiot Mayor rdo Sma Ard6 etordotallir care hayotignoohaldooraeeohavoa.kofota aitforttor atn, aat-ttotodetatheototttd It. atoeb leod choat trooto n otodal torah- i ifo Aetat o- gono gal yatat to at n to f co ta fotdgo tOrilohttei fooaoatheotattaarthe n itt bpot'ilt .thtoo gtooare afat rat porroo oraoath dataotafaandpo. The Orgnisatonof Thla rvornmr Iihoorttnotit, doooa d oartltofntttaoe tat baic I t toaoatrrts [}foarapltd atoe o an kand. Itttier it ieldrhtrh iA otal scienaosathetecolsoolknowledgtnmroi ho ce talythaoadiotoeeacaidettc and targe eonooo too osan 20, Yap ir). Wt. tcootata ioxtrt auntom btttodoofoaiacto aaadoott ccaotto caaobeof 'Hooas o hor.d.tera knanledg, 11,ovolttaogaora.al rootta o..aoooooot Atar, rTaoogltoaooi onoaos bioo tanpglic - -f-i ntlldiailos, [ont Ionkroaldoierlyomonl oaaoo Fek , errrolaeroaao att arlo e qait e.hatiof taat aemd rat orten I. It w ,,dde-io tonadg beta-t Morn ot. . ra-Mtto Thtoy ta aeclturoadtotho  -ri ah . ha a of annah -ar a- mh - mdieredtochStrahrplogit, Pae C(tps -nieit~- netteticccrrrentrplndit ehccadd PS irpi the l- hesoF gtetediithernrI Hegs The er detnI'd er mch rdi trdinte itititiatcii necritcbe C'tie Si nidn hisf Beiehliisn Mirpoede drir io e Id ft itr. inlets deotd. pefe eetleecetF.i ,peitiee ro cinabceieines'ese. -l kify oinet te ratio' ifine .. [iett tied eh, sicuisrn .1 it ecoids todise Poolloeeiyehnrcdeittrbesiir ncl booek it divided nie ti kn....d ieli M thdeoj.ihb~n~ I eteie'd ale troiInd M i ento eeiecli sie tehe perin -Scii- is er Ayre nngiigeotd tiiten rhesneotyct liaegtege tpais the effect hi Aorhrtec has had mielthe Spnsh lingtiigeirdcbsnssrichlitedteeesci uuifi paot chit re s o the . ec eshath peopie Hre kept nit nooleile gdsm.0 Sestieti3 grower t thieritd 1rt tefrsstn 2 Janid de, wich apphied atlnopoiog Ittteeeone-slittwee ndieewitniietr irtoi odeet k - sber t totilyroclrs i, ehdtar ittrheeie hretetieeeeuitlttlrtr d tdhimts, allf Wae b eietitthe neirysfhiteickindtandtflleott iskotikethsitheliigoid plaei fir alilofu.To rtektsetokuel pinefortanyiifirmeins ceqecietetti itytdrrtotrdtttgkobappceiiihfle "t tctiieynI ht- girigistd ett rtaee pcole htwridipcttheouightshete pi oftinoeeidpsarthtas boatt helig, e ehast uespited. JXQtNAKJAN AX, A RU SIPASIPXANANA K AiM K Itt CNIRA~t SPAWA. lily ifo ititettc a optstso l fioittc hoit mi it, hon Ibe rhetot ttcett, ,,.etk1.,Q eelt.,ridetttdtcte eaidsett1. t'ettrittttiTt- mee1914i).'t11isesrieteindietttd,,Chttielttiitpet trirterrnti uieteriedoptim iotiehterrl, ikeStoiicttitedte ofeeteroieetttdpe t16 Itteiiidetttte ad, h a his aL of u wad - 1 11-ac I reaeheedeitot itt1eitteantrtopologit Peence CIftipi nitrer get- ieitetifiioi stI. etttt iederti~ . eeenttieshttlieilthe bit~d~IF a ~g l t ae ikeIrtteodtetneeee se e ytetet ltteietted ittthr cdtititit cii- IiiiieeesP (Ciiis Nitied, 1tItscf I d~e Nipaite Vit heir ik tac ooncr elc an, tinlac with the kijde efeticieatieis cher are eird fein co taus detilid poits of l nie n inthcatofrtA ,cue. ides s,te ciSec tineicrftto IF gecitotasetb tpeeifterpicOfiiihteqtrstte.. s. Hle bdieilioetiiii-thibtry ofeli roiieidctcdhetaiiceterticedcIilai Pilloir teteeitelccotvc -' the boioitdebditcitheeise tmoin .s~itdtlfs hhiek 1 itcbssttbniotti Orto batetetichd diitte Avina.t geiietian d tiri yeec snith the Aeteaaiteddr adi eacs- aiM, lmSectio 2eetsb anhAyntei' l iti el selieiti eiser twit ici, aniguageoiaid tcitciiittdiheeotnctfliiee tst >'ti c icn. resons- hesir onthe 0111 ngaeI tihecolctranigutage ilpatttt iiice rs-t that Ayttintia bad onithe Spantish foiateg and feei tses to wletiteh dtfstrtt.e ita ng ..ept is is er soaf cb tas wh sicthI peopte ,t hiptltthde plies Ic, geniticeily Scetci 'tgeownssit oficliiecl paectefiecitet Toddeal, sI-theaphled eetticoehrcaciitiiceneettcm o wttbtwhtie rItoise el -hrieectkiohiehciierieueelfeictWeAbete can beit ntiy ifh ittike ktd, tied chi cc' one cots tic end, ties eorthogegood plate fioriefprti. 'IkmakhirheareheugeetdiptisEfnryiof tethel cqiicorieterticiiraterirg butiapttreeiin,~h c terIfln- goige a-id 1citicre [tat we. a psopic hae dlesciepd tlecgh rhe sipe ifd. el td ptce tto es hicmir heeg, wc hure occu pied IAQ(PeAKJAM. ARUSKIPcASJI5XANANAKAS M(IPU\IRAKiSpiAWA- PNote, hfacbti -gien eti eei fch sWt hiirciedow h I Inc- Isltiedhet qishooeeciohcoteeartietin tre piriieio11- cecttd ThrineitcttiesHdiddrcielinic~i rniieaec adiof hie tropi iirel der te Spawtie ealtetoespnuhain -seeticed so oopttesstiuhi.leeicieesnt d eIs 111 ocaeeeriag- t ctstcccseed it n, chietittt b eg, mTieeecdiieeecsert,ccishiilrscidr.eereitciiitent- ;ecrco nalnetaa..eeih bioosftdeticiiciliies We ionic he iec fien Ot.~ hens hoed ite es hinds 'ofeonlrio Ideihect thati reted fit xrne darnd pocrer nf riew mi decct efe cetel .Indeed citehofwhtrS. saracccch ec ,gsoeraivithe plukotlect.iriidirnisa lieb eiidicdidithgateeIfnte followigteectr~hAsrrdie ookdniinr ti ntb SeTbl riae ch dcreherIn h d.ec tir the Ayiciii eigi ligr ite SpetirhsuIdthtt Apriic heihdoc ofit riteh po seneti. 2cc neki seiae kept ciy read pi m e he- wiretth otser 1 gotg'ettofrericdetiilo ore f Peneddt ip.this tresoioqicai htgrtear see hrtiAtt dosg r ofie iro.h nw antedecr tae in tte wherut e die' 1 At agetra ber i phee , c o fis H iee th-Ie tuc vk ie kpt forv plae fieis ecqoitec mmciin grdwseut oightidsitiogthtinndteceals wtege stnd antie hrloicl ing. pei hoe ctaepido tinh isee frneidepiteiNcrt kintenii h@o r s co eeesd arlo i tte usoir atto ofeeTirc ofiehe \t'te a gosis nectar dsisi ny bets eti eee t eeee cen nenes hin it caeph hiibietiiing1wrteihieneii reino p l iase T h i itdee e~ i e e i p i e i e h i e i o fitacsnddspieha rM iiceicdcbcypiiksde eettiipaiciieb 1tiiikniiIiiercAit' ienieceeiftniridp-   1. Social and Ciii nl Context of tile Aym~ara in Bolivia Today Itisrle inrentimtrbis papertmcdiscsle peobleoot aabi tlm tw roptfidraclu drnear ts teitcsheon oto1diatit mtcetater The poniri.notithe dootiroao , wop'illtaft- be deerired by thesoccd a nr Ppotca saoptcr rfro hirly oftil cootact Tbofocrofistprpal tottte lior rhopnitaoneole ofron bogoti will ht onrsetasters otie rto frtao rdro 000000' [B toBla at toahotace irtjot itdepetdt Iangtoo art spoker' Spa wih. Avrta.cand Qecbotaueatdo ltnM1bot latorge andlctl re The mopain oltro p ba rstdtortd sattttls graspsttiitthott pc errois toorbarmealdootrtdlg ado l da ts rn nit,,e htaos aod thte lass hds wil it IIItt udd grnp ti stools orddthe prbltnsitrcirhirtthtrtatcrdtr s litbooght to Illgtbten eHgpcad hAma ro rt o trts to sottIrt gmoop ltao o boonr p rII teinpotMzg m iswudc ott let betaottersl s palooynithartgrne n osno ohut sraslt ost toes ominrunte thope ofeca obotorr pitoor ai toIl. Sto 'ieeeitel patisleaee1 _ aleao ba aaaal c f I itnpneetic>noiilJvtboseeip hleietopi- 6 thiAiei atgngeith tiiioiceloetaentpeed: h alyiaspoctoanp- A by the t1poneobt _A:ictac ..the i Padtia,nlohlcci- tells ofcht k po hooe wealih Aodpbiiea pee ..tIo~Ibsi Ad , exoted foe tha oi i, chatd hi- is by Anntcet dod lapse iry, -c At- onra Or tc onta -c Tb1 i-i o ttec ili-f thai suh liposa fora peesoen fldbe.a.. tiaitkb-iad n ictolbti hamifhi, hoc logietletog rsal h ncl.ddr ascii Btri ci ltIdiean blid o speakSptisheeas letkralanoewe, iieeogniicof ithe A htw pi-coc a'latteintcp to Access th Indite ta hs oche. ownigoog- Aceoptoie of rith bynto parttes has, iccdotbidlo 6ee Aci ii-ec houry a~ornt fcto inthe rcetnchno in Ilasia n' f thelnyInidiao langucrages (Lectiac Loociisa p3 ait6l Tite earl9a oiiiipologieit Stttdieof dne Astaa by Tnehopiklltlh9 'ni-tint fithatoceinfloee die beiel it the tagaitoetaspecto aAy5ane petisoet Tb ct soidiet, ho etig die Ilaspatit ciec of Ihe A otni ias mce-oiipci-taly tegardcag the irchiques eccploned ho the eoogis to _I a W athithle saodc thaw that th..- . tet'oirac bad heeneidetofcd titb ibi-Iho patc o cfcien played hb aotcbcceteacer Tbectsen ft tc-a as itprterppiacdibot lobtin iiicetit upoiceton ofi eng attic oteditedihionob ihi-iotccpr cdlte aboo die As- aIfihi- A nweeoi-pticditibtithtogaota beitt1- itcediiodit llen it wee alenosathbyotihaddeep aed shancd for btthe tet Is 1cie~ 966)1 TMne at o 01th aii- gnitt was,thanet for ntcpxatao fhe 6ocaaothiacte t stteg b rwi ~d'feirocedmia, gcncp sseh acaofbnaeolatt aetithbiosit perceivedhbythnacyiietrgcm ' More i-tiet cowdea, saelt ai ehit arfCaes (1972) atil ickmnt (1963), ba anen thtete factooim tta-eetc nitdgeeoftdhngotgt ted dheiccctno IT otbeiteigiiie thiii-afity bya si IStctftheae, eahceitac ootooidn'aofcoete ne oalo  24 Nareldut",n 2-Itn ararrat 24 ht a oo 6aB -y et pol a!ol a . - an also -. .a d a a yn . n. -e ah t, i - . ~ b, ~an ran to fah .reAv. - a - a -atl - .renl In aIE .- allw the Ayae[a toe uaerrp an o m oaenrron Aym~ara Attitude toward Hisparac Culture and language A large tot iy of mtateriaiieas been' att gardiaprhosrtimde of tie Iliepocica towad the Aaea" boti, be oions aned foreign cheery- cr50 hotreror. gtotthe oaoieshe tc rarrngrerialobearoe otetedsofthc Aveara tward the lispacardthrer sltmea The Stid- irs of the Avaora by Cotter (1972), Tsdiatoe (194) ai Seedler (17971) dreletewih don otatenoal rops dA tcfh -lo rho attitdo ifrheAterosogarding tie te-es, toth~repeer sohe p rality rharceriir rf rhon itnoplo. t~aHto k ld It X ase h otie of gotire asked eafhi jafec-ete r Irco art moath shoot Aese stitdt about setfadethercofhraaaroeaity.O N atrrtieeappoatahoatohe eationt Avattoro Ayacn n tot-Apt,,- Aymaero presorelty 1..h. e racosrrtrdas eetif iagloomry titttottslto Ihie grown ttp SouththdoHispoiter anod tits Ayitaot. iOly as I lose stodied tire Avrtoors loanguoge oand to Eod wiolt ar teachrse capiro. Vasgqte. seed Copseesl (seest 419.atel2111 besetI coero to oundersteod tie attitodes of doe Aymaora towoard the Hit- The problemo te octdetstosig aother roirore begita a inlock of knoss ledge of te r nage. Fordtie idisracastel tie mans Etidii d- s oer ofti ardor reasons for the asante ofiadetirnhrtean reese groupt. Beiteanithere oler is knoeeo of te lengre M¢ .r oa etl hrnu eaindetrhoeaiit d farceleorea ifrp po adieci.Ls ~g o tiere A taoss pea Spne k akraansaeeceapossppaa.rto- sere tie Itrese the i celoatanddu e hr1 or she r opt tose shoot, tie i pc f ht lop,, l imTw,.p of ns cw a+ to oratr th Iniaroo the Etopeic as sbspcalboeedm clteaerrcce o The k ynte riieriitgheerltceaiorhevsleof kraniedget Speth Thefo shithMat, roarerHu Stsetch a hi is seete 05 spaeoe it rlareo etof diedoit wiheulla i o ttceani ote ttagesg b err ,theeate et the raere t of. mlarte is catree e at hriipeicthat cb error the olugtipidesoI la.oop spo toted teachers and hoe ta rho thog cher osste rpottt.I iteoaaeti ttatorte oteb hdedertorcrmedo ollo er- Ayara tr oep oesad orotnnieso Aytnuar Attitude now-ced Hespaniet Caultute aned Langagae Afregegorrietyofemariothaotbeetteregtdinegaflatdsre f te t-, aaoi weared tbeOvuame brthby ofloiaca arforeego obee- eta;horeeret deteth ratcosat is the. e asgrolg atcerlabout tle aiederttft Aleea- troadthr Hepatnaneatheirglate. Thsledro iar of the Aymaca th Carer (1972) a ebepek (1946). otd Blaercler (19711 droealo reiritheh erteel speas'of therultoatelraatrt o of the Aymaera regardinga the eelt are to rire pers erie pe randt t of lart preople Mackrat (19bo) g xase s .1 esi askrhi inferCoata- tbose"ae Dtsly mtu A breaoatdesrhboue ,aladotierofaiaetonaat -Ntou ret ppr, aoteerreton Aymoara perahity ha h .... ehcsaed lo sae gies, lotta te foermfl toeaeraoapwseetlwthe i-ieHpotnittdetetoward etreehocu o Onat Iahoe ad d teoAocaouavrl,ra lfod~ reareats aodetrdthatraereteAa aroed thr Hi - 'I1cmrl r ad..csa rug porcha tcitee hegsac it lock of edrlgc r e o Oh h eofh c nmtu etHpr oe trs"o, ho d Haeoc rde the eoc gerrmrt aoe oce theta. as koledge of thec laguage ,-- ory haethe eseithe HispooeofA Bagg, ertioce, 2)- cu e other ,oenalangnagr'doatdlor npptararradowithtIascotgrn'adnndohe nevcItrrtnhaen In rho fild ef adneanen rha Aymeaes see rosng Co- eeerdq lsratbgsesostearron lyaz dr shld pemn rs In orb he n ye odo tratepto rhneoe erraa o n rhoh theos naL Aynasrsbareehenoa O.. nohso odo finnersnrm ba'1L.oethatrty. rebnp isrpethbaeeAomey aCb~rfn eroiadeoeennrbsrmoo- l eeot1rdrdenentste Hirpoeictoerne aioceehcAyonered to jodge all indiividueals by sheer perfeormances. Thre individual erbo ban haeoes ntheecae. -rery.esen a Haponie Whao wporteirrsiborsot oshun being Sold. oaeorledrepcrksdnre, andn...eeponen tie p0 pslarbo cantng, 5 tapns Bolielos diesperaginogly nobserveobtheeh reerah taea dosner lrndfisfrtrose.Thisisfar foeie TIwrr tor~rng msnsar er etet Indianecnnicnies arelatvely highsroeLsrfrrite whimc osso ha sraorad by aesd s..dual only at nie ysrrattornoopthe Annmara and stbern e oenol ohan rhey deal asegberenetven orwh fe theoen Axorine Urrhkenha Hlspnooo th seebgsand roferhomorelsan teyecans deonr thea Aeyseeodrte rhadrme wed. Thnswhoenatnee nheselvettarkand doenot dna weleotikely he eoe andtih-eanioeiofteten reeeirdos copara "big nsnsrb Snaiwao raosrnehto uii&mh~lhe people Cro she Atles and foe tee gepl trsatrtoAeaa: ereaarrrn ~ ne ts Aan Prsr e ae sedonhebaedhperrareered a appnnenrmseo alomnfrgto aa seer t cra tone y eror sergttaese- tonndrot -eententmmmon rbh reignorahbyre peplaihev hod beeonedoril tgra, ro Oivendrho evhoee theo Ayinsr see5 hanarllyiodenopreson reged- les nfboahgens saaceea d e ho -i ediit e'n fatre. This pooerese iqriterdifferent fromt eboorirra fale. asno olan rdcasion and  oolnth-rlrehgradsirte I lplree h sedtA rillefrsduodi ts chn oo r eroirche Itearre ,fr aor~e thrivoaKw,, bpblrholisprs p(oser oslrctreft te_ Iastreelrgfes hrIit al, d loro e cr alcoB ropreertrih 6)fi~ri Problenms flvnt...nan between Aymara and Hispanic For the Ayrcasrrspoig onenctlbirthe Hispanic aueaelrclt...l fr, idls, .sho llosae fas pohe. efser ettle istsrriIeoischool wihIfcoy esei of "ied, ts die so au dmado i.bs c eson mr Spanish aecorilihrsoboreei-rds Seahr rltllfa i iseroehosSn le of..it lico being ,rih shes the phoogn l -os o, thor rt lasrgo~ they Spiseh. *lhe Aynrs seaikes llu asenprseemplicrthensersltre ",' red it on rice tna WOher th, apents r he child,,,s er taletr ptoiilrr ancsdsidieelers osfoshereT-oegtlrirrt iesidsprtkisghpSiiiarani fer, nberrrpcrrtrg ie resavi IS 19, na201 TIls peeie pmsblen idlee wouded trtce eeirknew rsroughohorceA to ul-thattheIaisa,,c lhesrl-tlseeowels ond doess oieoforsoshe 5ptrrlIjrlhreoloical seeleor Thrririeles ,aohdslierirke rioe Iniessisrtd'reeiSpatishend ihesebs rehicrfoeeniiAtsiaape siret ler he lrie. The Al Loai Iaroa aee ,,eerie.cfphteiiee lice e r hi V hori sperakingiolie Aeasa vwrll almsseeeees isrcldelforrsophrs sehbt ire pint ofl sl lancral btreli of polite lomes of I afr o Mr),l,orsairiaet M ll peoss) tosed hererrr nrrgrieie qaioaseeod rby all cildre rrtoelrfer Oilu~ fories itfpsrlcres, occur Irrceiofsrrans rlrirteotoil -de~rlhf iritlies tesieir '1ne e Amrateree o fornito beuddee.eW tiro l'otfeerrsillhberrlropard esonS aioof she prrose or _' aother h inis hens, And shre eWilt rie cerhmae Hiarsit Mersps ooisrci a Aversen Wths t Ire mn a Sntepsotrrstst inte Ae too ry wil ofmlerIate scr e bpolt (tresbectote oP -o wrerren owee'ldgc otItelnor Irrres siireeis pL rl .seo estrires oSpaiih dresor ledie fr ptirtesettr eetert tor Aynno- dsrt. Ir citler cit the speiks is+ rot hkeir t eeive cidrral borhgsttsl itd dc Htm uretsee (orec tire fress ld si die- Swe rrslsb si base posschz .eii ie Aeemeraswrll bel tpirableto thellirpsr guest. Htteprshss Aymrritettrer goes (or erond ne icies o iw trprsrest tsrh~rr calrlertard reede of rsrittitrh iueossthsbhr hoe utntsoer dasesrettror ,ie iteg nogisthea c flro gge ,he a s 6) L'snb~ssn ofl sssrncian bstwreu Aynsara and flipsnin tIrsrrthie ur tltetchsarc~ h t un, tprlru l.... ref fstroeteofeiool I-"treelscta sl t frrt place intwhicrhsis Asrrtm chldhlreertatestth Spanih t is plaatfrtamlerrserheld tstuslledesttlrfeelingof rtretrtesstetf whtltsaer theintilttetrsrre hos tivoling to rlt erasds er y itr Hispanic teecher ne cidn htingeswihthree she pboolrgeol sysrero oflto naive masntage, dse find itraerd to pit-..errherowelseBand' eedt au Spaniab. The A, mreoo eprker wlk aiteaikri rteplac te henm sssh slt roweltart a te' rrvie versa.W Xtld Slo hpe sh rchtlden are biable so porebssr end rdrcrle afo fohra~ bmt atodspeahergSpehlrte1,nnlos learo hnnyvsasereiyeI 19, andC ri irs specrfic prsblemsstldlbeaedd' iri stereitere noothelerr Ayaat uMx h mpgh yFrvwl raddeestttsrrntthe Spaah phtstgteelo.ILsr.Insr rece ttodslthantker mre rniens d asis nrg Speeiehtoldscre retferrrsre Asnoaerkrre tento leoherrsrrtgnge The Ayte n ngoee tile I, I rnftithe rfpeiseres leer¢n er), iWhen ,ptlg the Aymarsetd dsno nlorelan~d frnretrlpleeershtrc orsp astrls'he lion" rEaplleofpoltests or eddtsseretari s Mel, erase los iM hs Mrs Atri) need lrc eiranges and - qm and he all ehld dsedtrsIleerferor ffniea tlrFISsronrrretsissrnilei rtearaersand rssbreesi thrt hea ddreesed ereleae(trrspleasepoesed tereetitool,,t sh aao thpeetcrftev'seherbArrth laof Anths oell ey"noce I., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Ao tobataco urfrmwllb ibes t-re HSpasgie of thepsehenrrfsrietefiLaryAn kneldtfbl agil sre carnsof adcre i AOptt tide, wit trillect or eoeestrornabeer cetpanihdetrstrIpedtelf psr t tihosenhe ee, errterdacgrooidthatrh iepensi o Oerthefrrsiandshe di- trrrthttrriserrosrdwithshesHispanc lrasIrpaose.dteAymsaa'I hr lropirmblr nr ir t-ipot btlro Iepsialky tn Ay snort errctc sKrr farbo r or 1 cactusea itha, O lre and shtltessocaandsthesere(et Bitter re ac 6) Pseblems of flsnnction bess ees Aymsara and Hioponse Forshm Aererra otnptings t inresoeeren IlIspossesoanem the Fltrprrbltemrft corrsnsh lesyeenIetfeehool Thesinrirri tenrs sifespclirinewlchshtrAcot bdbi eeersieWrshlstposse Isle, noplctars Seetntaell"'ao IIshehildetreslled with ilhngrof i dfsissgetrrosl th e dona e sbyirnH tctostls 1ir ateo chile birrnspleslerta lndteesbe slirspoersorehe ttrtrsbrt ery ftnelrdoo ThetAronepdevstrsr ten r elcehere tere tol irerer ret Wlsttlt borrILS ..d1.hppens, the childrterre libewpsaoslstea'td rrdsrsle vcif creelfohes asry ent ied spraksnpartisrrtso seer reshrorererrrrse , terrare 15, 19, and 2h) Thaiepetthprblrcoudb adIflecs-anpr gh etAy pe 17 tlrhe aeordsraeh- rrhts sid do ntrertsh hpenrsh plstotoene y stre Theseiehos Tpntg tynsro lospoill selmnostagea 01 pohsn bee esee mrehe eparktn,fstelA eto-oerl olrroolerareo lde rst nrc r pLreres cleat are rar tth loegrlg Eiet,otplo pOh f corns ofddses lr al lear elFve uxvoI elsltes so erOther frrrefrsteiree firrot te aeddereetlmshseftseerrlltelterpretdi asatsgatrt she jrneeetee lenosierhmanberrg Aridorwloleoerot eheeci Hieetterllcrapesssoetsrsesertetr Ayst b r terhe Hpyo re r l p Aymre, tiey aell fntes leae orrt tepl Passrs bearme ftstgcrskronledgeoaCshlosgage Ifthe ,,casns oP Irrlrssi Spasisk, Isil eSlidmrsrse .e gcirssitea c.d saet cees iSeeatdeh doesnrt land le, oplierreso florcn chic AySrorn deo - lrorithfitsscplieisoeatlesratro...  1'he A,.h k ~Iloday-&.S.~ 27 Th Ay,.., IW-L, Thdu-hnoti 27 2k A.I kev US ldy-&Swee 27 ,,apndt ot will oetic tee citoaeti,,spctir poaice-to 1hcihh tt n 6 ,u al i _Wa h ,IIitpa cliedo,,etotoahtet ietht ho te try beinulce d. Indkef polite foists denoe dctelar inn the po, teaddeeed; polite foss ate doepped whetnot' iddtettng .etL. foe coaoe ob 1,o e1C1 iea ttofortncttit h Ilceau icgto.esl tt t seca" n tsctoce tretmne it rho Evitet teltcide tofiit pohotrto.oeeollte..tnieatiscoonrt.cd, p o t n - i st a eo n e e r o a d e d oe cn t o c oe s n t l e p e t h r o u i dig h r t nn a ocatc asincluding reoc tfddttestd sefertht 'd iti-otMec.fnrocc tprtatrl The Ayniaaiio le aod often ace. potte thie tpcnit I tor- behiaor teecrocdeotdd botpan b pte'cs Slidnoctlnrd ,aryl cicocc o hbeing peheerutlche Xytttar'etse Arrarttrctocrtccrweetttt Tttticctececltde pccrtiratbeir dhcodea self aapeitesiteftarorritoecm.tttlccttottcrtacischo seettttsrcheteAott ratirrlytSptralloceetoeeteyre tln lftrsoeen tdnnfatta 11 d btsetso aeltcltpakoic. eltt..gt bano s a e n s c t t c AA n a a o nd a u l iev l trn te . re o rtn A nconsth a t a p tc .... en etr te l o e t t p e k Tc e c i n r t n a t ts t et c h s e et o t l t e s e c o r c e d lt a dh e er a e ot t r i tb e nt l c a o Ic tl a p et o 11. 1 w a tt Thoa etotrtislesetnd teoSs prdla tr toAcotaeais ehoe chane oogtoaflesoradm Inetenleeatermgtnrec ci eetnoldes.peaktoetioedteedtoreetaitythrd paet; twlcekms ecnc btomesa Seeond, aeeqSoestttt boptsvothe eeott rAett suctcded, aineocsagrigeeorericeo I ....eros pttebeuwo-ante irisilwiett-brwr p thicioe , geeittgdretotip oegtit 6fcidgingogtrseithaogeaeicplraeeoediogrto dcltee.ihodap by eespenscerectlrcaeceoptr-totioppretly poloto-oeprrs Hts....dteoer.rieciscthat theAksroo ane hcoeirolt~dLcktof poirto focr :daset ditrainr he r pcttetodeessed posr fococ ace o mp h dre Ifrrap L mxe O ccngt tofhi, p.po fu f mte isiotee the tant, lslet IhI Aynt awmc notooseed the Ay pci eceenar dootrora n fell ~~tnt daemo doptt pce Leere lengegel Pottntpb' a astit ahlcr tieoee phrctses, tol e od etheess I-or theAy Hre the re optee of ste hmeeetoto cppse,e1, o ta poaattof thr- gsoeoeca.-te aweblisisocdretgtcsr addrandsatfothnt d ttohaettt optiocat. ili A}temraste3 Io ard eftwars te petotsh Specttti leateess o cl eenttoats yhioetste petetods nevnelottl ontgoetiert osthette besotg pebos the Aensoc isecAia lras e Aytrrraeelteectrtes is o aler ceeioterne ad fecac C1 tell- teettiot aoe missincg To crcees c -teoHpa p tlte u ta cltideal selfexpestoortncettet ith exeggeecited etttee--o The As Tilt lcttrtsrave g olse braste mnret col the s:,tef t rotheoAprrso r Aoropleoare t ynteta wtttenrecrthe payrayno Aftarpatetly tto ttto bteacendedcv fretettot Ncpeoewsbowthbe durteean srpeaking Neversesttg b, o a te y awlto d nlc onthep prteteoreeertetbetsg tht 1a spa ani~d, ,t ~eeato be totted u icr mleaetae 1et te trre the 1lrk Seold Treve kneeorn tho irdivideal toetofer beinegcidr thetesntred dfroldc ne o gfn h ~aictoycncueh b.f'Id, ete-ac the nerrte Tit cc In amrtple of what hiprens cote Aypteett.e .. oftiterrrrgr k I~adst 0 he Thepomalae Tiheoe t'w preos toehet et sl pe toteAytteetiet this tre-oee torge aeeds eAtrrraedtuelagers grseblt ntcnrydttetpeetenlessonoeaeaaattttnartor by aritird pal ty recheknetthe tniboth tectedearoqooecrte iy dtertert roper- troliertthserarisubdueditlttottitttrnaiooeecete eoiycreejeotirga feoreittoe alr ofiteHs- penitesetio wet ryoustr tterertseifltrtocbe rtde.i, partitteente itirtei'd steitley poios.iirctsaatm Brorplo rigfgststv 6). jtgieg dleieeroheoge 3iersptliroeetnrinegeeto h alma Sc op eby rerportreiiecrodcspo tetbeiitpperastl pebro-lir Spiseih ecorrator hee tie gotray ertrtrgitctr Whit ec Flipari deo rt cra to thot ite, Aanrr trap be eird Loeb ot isite polar Loaderator dredet fethee pertoiadeettet pele tormes are adttpped -eenteeI adeetree ircle. faorpo Urdocttoal, thetnegattiverestellofritettrp reptit Of tf forcttl eeitoth Hirpeie clt oito that te Aypra ace t toteeccatetrreered, ofrheArroa lootteo ta I neiopaiesard incdmrSpownblagecgr pttenrntctoeeoreeadded ntoteete batiterererregehrinlet and pleeser flerooderhbrtc ForetieAylr a, iieereeuetionfthee leneoelirtetfoiter peroeer poaceI pawccleftbegorcroteatetteess operitetl. The 4'ma arr yrt iteot attes or "eiter cit umtpate een.tr-bloat potteor dertordbdbSprti poot mrleoerltrds, beNlt. strtlhee er,,pp p snt oceu sl ceprIe teroartfli .tsttt the Hitptrc etire pore the to- dic ditcl tlf-ee eros. efeet ereith repetca d orbetretrt The Ay- Thicfat peoceeaet Aofe pborttsq-eectttogcelotttrardedtin gre t f-rcteotlhectpaneiitAn eerylcceettosetlcwhe arrv into the ctpakrtaes terip ar-ore the wAt tob u hare i oeeeredoe eoreed y riueyeec gbtillot To t, peo~dt'e r et crte eeege-Ll tee denSoeed retoeito .eherthrecio ritcesettree dfeeorItcr to I eiexae tpleef ohachoppttrte Ayra beeceoc. efitrch c . ge kcoc leedgoee ftc Hiepotieh etltI heeaetopeetreeetbtrtaid oeteas peerltothe Aymretir titot savoboee xch oetit. - rdanAymra culettre, stcreogr beuoltt reeldetpeaktdarc "traed c oernothlerib-eehra-d pate _In A ctar osebdedi olitee wiire ineetstern eeetysepttter ritcqe ing a faetr tothce hHcare of pm qs chz o n,"teum sEl ole roe an parhei itisaid solheree peehitetirtettig(eelcig. ertor 6).I Janegt tis oeirarpr ps irnt uecteie tee reiteeia tot op by  3H ltI ocdn on 29 toroad oo 28 Itot iont chs loiwag Mt -..- th Ai~n - - . Yet, .ha[ *y thrImrs a i- th Am wrn . twa a i wr~g an .iwr, he -v - g rn, wha eas tlto. ryioceho ttio-ioootlwyateitoctoatoio1Hrtoo iorodnalwitoole ohefoolrood alrtgooPgotans. ottlv oeothroooin the evrydayomrotirtgoArroard-iaroio rord aw fe btraa fo do occrrithe tiaotketploo. .ooit hioanrdo maad ...o..metal d",oo The lropoetrrre of Teahaliog Loregriget A Tool fr Reinforce meot orloteracroe Coosideriog the pmlr in iot mti betweenr the different oethtic 010 nBl adrynghin. rbe asdnal r a aek ,aoon-t oiog of ...1o othrooclatona, it w..arolbe honlry lof .lt.Iattbo toolti rg of lgnto he&,g, bac>poo thoasorh public Roortiaorthottbin taoni oft stor vloooioioprto theoplanotoodoooatiotegooriooolsaooaoo Miehngottitdoototad a This tiod i molloosd ... or Insss g°...e.. tlorskoad tangrbleotpliftedhvo alap pd', Vsronroshdtklohogiosoiog ofhtrn'tpoigsithroo osi oth i~ onso of'hlplrar for QoochoaodAytotoc hitollo .-storthecrpatgoot.Morr reoory snI...h d ri tiognzainapoeallyrooeaotdatho tirtr ty ofssooosAiret Le , oA etoarheldl aotooosoetrtotoo 10)7iooeodtieoeeotforoaoirr laogooap(hpottolo0 1'e a ooolooiso uorotleaooorb itaoorooee.l thelooandroteooytrrla alv sdee lagae Iwe'in clot gose wsooos phro ottopth-a'eh otirodooborlooo trohearly eoloolp. tiora. Oneo ofh etorndrto doote ofirho brttostd',, ofAyor orsedomo B Lodorr Otroro ajoo tootowoooloed aototio Avtraraiorhe eoeerotltnan reas'oettBroggs otv1 o an'no thelie -Irag ortaone before riot boaoooottg of d or Larioneroa mOrtoIt 1 r Utoooroy ofl lortd,) orlrobe- eoooooooehfthore or11 ottr-alartdroretooeltr s proposeso cultor..loondrortodroogtws ooooted, o~rrh.eowunoable o rne qottothe toorrou foeriod o ito of A ytorn to oopoo Tanl o dsito orgetnottooteaoot Tb otet fail to .rroo tte toalty of cop05 traosto-t to rdstt broat to ho totorpoosIt thololipatti calmtorotsttetobrlprtoaorititt raatrbeasoittiriosol trqaaitrd w ir thtt'ertralatdta'g potoot- Thorooeooyoat.- nlarhtcoould be.itd. Th orrogitoa sr oolootrooth atue ..rtheseydarosotioof Arna a-ao Iiparoi. thinre -oirt~toatitoo ortriotod to afe aror of ratr but roaybsoodIooteeoroltotd hrpk. roortiripaliitad ivic and At-tororitt l afirot. The Import.nce of Inshing Laugoage: A Tool for Reinforce- rot ofbottecacejon Contideorinag theyrolrttoinooroir itoowrtoenthediffretethnoic rotpsit Baloiot r.ooooM....oathatlto cruseolttot aro baarostly oto a lack of ooodtroaooiir1 of oal othoert languoage, It .~old bte onoly logical rhat rhoe ot,ito of thotro+ lanogea be aotoopoolu hrogo yalI~c tolaatot Recogto thoat thieha gon f thedeottg ogogsiipoartoin riot 0tat of rowrl atetoratoo I tau are a 1a'In - ets mN Avioar aaodQoorhoaog mtoe Ilbnm orrokoroioth 0at20 yeao. Thoisottitodoit rflretdooowhat aktnrotoMMtorooks and rtoegblytatrroyhhod by a loot poore0iat1995 thor machoe tho bogiooiog oflitetracarpaignoirotheo ' ror. n the t rfdphobrto for QarehaatdAytooaflot l tlreotttofteeeeaopogor-Moao rtty rltooooonttlaos ,odla nrto foroootaaoooogatooo- pteiallrooeatdtieooro ty of oroohtdo IttAootioo horod artotdrrotroaoat 1971 tredhoooi sr fotso alto lag(Stpyaool a aavohoeloof oad ooaloonfitfobooooaettod thre obgatonr to oteoloos theM at ore mhov langages totitre flat or.. tatogagotrsoroc pltrroeoorao nooa annt Inbeo ttado to dtired thtt tnrce rthe early colorool po- riral. Orilearltotadrto dataroroofrlto httrooadtoaot Ayrra ovaooreb hLdoo Pettsopat B rl.srrlaltood aranthe iiaro nheorrtrooh eeottory (eo Bitrggsrassay 8fomc riot lisrrer rrotg to Aemaoa hofor trM1eginn rttotoftne Avoar laongooagr Maorool Pro1-1 a h Litocoy of Honda). orapo he- artootooolofthooarleotr atl wasdrtedoa otttooos -r culura nndest ralfw otool, Matkinogrlearotableto sev-e eteoltrqrotor foorb e teachoing of AIssoroto Hospr'o rth a deoojre far Ti or toots fidrm tr t rho arcaly of uayrrot BrIost to thts tro IFth oitepod is ri f-inanie a, t no ,,qtkoitto itthoohor'otoloara..d -atgr Patirros *thrororooaeorplestateol Be ejrred. Theione 00 iveo ore otaly soot 0100 ocoar joho ooooyday ratirg of Ayttiara atd Hispnc er helue.f- sft f ossiear olooserf atooereiroooetiotodroofosooosetorfeortbnd goorooororal ofices. ThorlImportancc of TeachrinogLonguosA Tnol for tteifore- roeotoflrrteractioo Otooidrsg theoprohittotatttraritht-osth diforototiroi gei olvaadrascoartrtgtlatriotes-ltIttt, sboodtootl to look of aotairrstotdtrtg of tacht ordrs larga it arnld ho only logi.l M.th rio acrhoiog oo olteorart , lc.ro tr orrttrrd tough sho ltoogtoo rlar rho roecornr ofritea rorl losgorgesi.t. itonsotrrit Avsstoraodt Queiooo aootgaooot r Hispaatietppakrsrin otIooasi20 'ort. orotooe irrlcedatoooamwrtiaogotertrrertalarouesandt toog ilolyooropolood Boo a low roash edio9 ola tsr .,aoke~d dieohogiht ofliote aotor, btor theroralo area tood hltocrtdoraofalphohoo for Qoodtrtso and A oroar Bar Irrl osooe of doro cotoaa Mo ses1ssosas to < ssaNddipiasosossosrsooa-ssdsdtosawogs Sassoho lt the tesodsosreet of ,b , soosf sho sods tsosoos has alls eachei ttislhspaa rrfsspolasssotsssssprssissosssovtsothstssspo plders fo ishssosobissf Ays eso riseo 'shps.-hoossslss theesisesia~a threo hspeiscd.s fsatis.slisaeooetea assrsoslslssos mF m 170. TitesosesPss psestoadbanisor,soysls she 6m fstfessssaos bose sEte bnos pornaim It cAm. (and barosstseais)otsoi quise diffssessin siissepoosond posaos t, dA essbtosdssitA,-ss Aisrasc totsresdthe m otghan se ossinssgoampie' ofceesealsltess explaneasonesof poitenss-s addice.aoe desceopos of ntessssisos sss as stssstrts gssessorsofeaaoesuchs sod c seetess allph piverysessooss so itsog Assert sa A AsofpcN s sre pi~~ecieaare olsy as1 5s s deso p o f posio ioasls ree ospse thegaerdiig os pbostsisgy or hieAyiossarg, tireeace Cssjss text f Wexler. is96so-s based o peiso socks shrt ascepted o lice-sosse sysos~ss fss[tiose gssg They fried ssess gejaetthe ol ad so aseoli holes of cs sws i'se e- as> Tre d seer ptioro Aysess pocolo g Msiee- vo wl ybsesi s ctssred m Har iotasd vraita c iePkdoebtotis lanoguaeo n h coedwr lv Jags a eAta lhbcd,,]b abesirasl ss p cceed sfrpten[ mnee icgntstahn itbi trers ss esiadml pattees AlscyO needed ase s eaa t m teach stse Aysoasa ltgrareswoilesuissd paitessor tiosrroeeeo sodeisooag. Inoae oteaeiig tpassta~hto sad sedstiSsase he walalso h velso be emaployeo I Tyara i ecsia f oro tohes peasabesitsretrsarrssrtsipsre asssets ae tre surc tohese sssps\ th -orth rconiio C ,otof lo1e sossisg roe los as eso elsed shsl-hpsoc isisperhaps eat ssseps.sssasso sas thas shle simoe is sr- flit.ssfossie [seo~hgafAs . In Qehasps^uhscasdy iallit inf~r ac hywl eIs i Simspsstasit sesstsoadsosrisoa fsassoemflohsu Ness 1. aoiss's ,a ass Poe odsroi eir-aCcd is 9sssapoor rani sbfaotefsaraos, brsaso ssepespassrcsssssssissssssIs.Ass,., (iosdiarodiaore'ensocaii qarso -dofesas~hosrtIeIasd pcese dollsp ,oebp e codes is Ass seos   -t -t 0 -t -t v0 00 3 30 0 0$ K) s E 43 .2 3n F 41  1 y - 20 _ 3=.'_9F B o °r 9Ad!E its s It I 9 av Sw :£ _a Al 3 _ _ n 4 ry oQo o- c -3 cede o not! _EO-1 Nva F v -- cv_ Y - -c J c' P ''2w _ n og..^mw F 3w ' aP  2 Thie eld Space in Ayaof, 2. Trm ad Space in Avnaaa 2. Tlimac ad Space i Avara AndrewW WdirceJr, anrd jueanede Dane apeia Am"y dci- diciua htas hour ceg nad reiestcarii-ac ahef geri rrdl.rtocpss.by hrdire s iesbees efsrriscad spaceaamonersse AyrracI'becpce orafticeardrtsrctararraarl pier brlartet ell For Peeaipie, just asin English spateI dimetnsions; myb vld heAmvotn o hI aysbato aeof the to ~isattiues somaewhlat ai,ai ba sthe arcipt has heentmade here to discuss aliem sepratesly Tire Concept of Time. rirread terarttrn aiteehrahcsbeeiiera ferrari andrthcesible pursent-pie.. tidtnctraiiesplifidhbyAS trs eirbhsflii Tiu.ian r. oeste tea aniely tur mrele msa lie is hain afit- saira sidotmamrst oroaimpetetrsr.,ch iatsiastidrfat-ett l er ltuteisr There is nao abhgateip dra etiart stir iteds'-fee- pastlst ge, btwee thle presertanrdrte Past ari se Isaaderas ar aair iii Ati. Ar teArai said, "The lhater mAprsctavaha1rnttbern seeas.Weeraane Ibs frate . is 'A te It sefrtee as ibe "d ve Itn eglsa rise Pite is itheaJ riP r ii sass car leak iseo it. Whire the Actuales \Y Minus Jr ad Joa dr Dier Ypapt. Msaa nr Sei.Ieia ttratdawaishvia techailnid tva iet1s 1 flhaaaei taaae t tareeseemp- isiaier aprdsea'eseasre bantEartareaesaoinca liaett theisravao iaiie eItc wituhis btsfarmnstriss pirpearii. Tienn , pc ilynamdiaeohl aO t 1ed3 Andrew Tarereie ,Jr, and [sian di Dioi lenri, We,, Omrducasitn hasheiimesoisirda pecssisetni'dsaircfetigir- sel.. an, she dicisiar, and she r ofstte. atd spacs ateeg si AymmmraTheiioomphsef dsasdcss x Ave aiaseiat arIyiem- plscibirashssnteriasd bsst-eesps j..sa tsmli letneiamsldesirs cfshsecIa sricascpart.aitao ,btthilaatnpthasetcpoa . iiarsrIe Iii-isstl-n separateyt Tihe Concept of Thur InsAvetaaetasalisidestalasga liraxisittoo atsegmrntafite thur arid oilier rie. Tire bek is betsiseen tmnseer lasse arid the eisihie presaenit pass. ThIs iiciies Is ceissphied hy Asita verb litiecidasi Theieeareaonlysetwraiqtrasyiie ]rcasdstsss itie pasradigm-a bas peansslitgis firrsatseestriandsthe acs Te~ sem. tearadirectaion enroccie tie A ats a ase Ay vers sad I h uueinAyaralraseatl.. b r cntmntiiefae IAy te d ytrcoieesa InrElghrtlsh lefatcie aatusada',ca ,e nra lath tssat Whie the e asd pvIn Aaiesr saele tris ieidacassssiaf Aecdcew M aer Jr ad Joanai last caita Mir Port remae earspssdasstpecethsrhiietssep saseoicrfrSelTs-gas shUtinarsassy esfseteaep~caireprasas1--Sli Pstaeairliaeetaptad on saittaca sthosrdal avci rceic Peechr p.rspaen... The rwdepa,itaascta moda i cs haaidlookaIl,.ast .,1, seadi1 Aedrese W. aMinacl Jr., anal Je de Dies VapisaiAft, ODai discasaicon has been argarabed ti pietsansmidaeatse fsrhieqrs Aanaceptslteadivaisinadheapiriss of tieaseseiar r- Ait Temcp f dspcinA.am r ofoy noLrypleat ierniied Pa eeapl, jce's as hr Easnhah spatial desserti beestplsvrsitiie Ararcon'ps afCisssThem,'anysamp... cesa ef~hariss es sissehat n brioraer herth asss'espt has htcsi miader hrictedistsess tremapscoly, i The Ceneept of Tune IntAyeor is eerded alng ahWeeklais iaeresspscss-amfesee sie, ise ocherttiire. Thehbrisbetweeetoa r tttieade os'nbl pesce.-pae Thus dlriis exempfird by iAeaeeeubl isireros. 'atere are edrac aiilil Ayer reae aeae a h paiadigm ~a lit- toor tese an o eairrapleatene whischaa sed terrfer toall cetfrtcse actionss. Thieisssschh tn dassr asainshInde-Eara- roai lrtca, bcuasian she presam ansd the pasi Tisiare , has a dir'ss stinata n Aastara. As onse Aertan eaid'Thifst-siAesre haet hasia bcerssaen,Wecaseseseer the Pcser in Aymnara, thertersieu behind t paserei- its Eselih, she fatate t ahead tP ye ascen lack ireo it. Whila she Trsare ,,eca Actere eraist a mri m sa iasrcssjinscffcsaf Antdrra W Marat Je, edv has eDas Yipa Maar fiss tbbeat- cfarirdeecaivapt s cshieand learnrealtcitraeh hs han camrps '^K e espihrcscpneeas failessitssa applsis OsldiiaeasaliasteiiruA deal I lactrisissi aseichenr lariIb rcdrseiiaacrirae aainestdialrtrnas il  24 AIm Cb.,.iM ~ IsiwS ** 54 A~. ~as S ~* 24 Aq. G~I S tk C~I gerrisirible thefrte- o 1st o bytIlAcspeik ei ar~ors d Fe orerplc j winrhcodtaeatod oe orI T trot ,isgorserrooele behined Mnsbck. In iro o ler rho Ay .eaaer donroerwdhcato- goes ofld triroc perctal and rt. peroc l olowlidgc Asorar Iequi arrereoh pm idsay hop teec r reot A lyday, - aoe bpi J - III Y I - eotcledge o eprrcrralk keoldrIS Boh root broted scth cabal f 'otectttoeet-er A rtpcrcIko wegew rrottbe doti ie by te m he geiihne-, t I m¢ rol ort aldetetearkoo l 'Yrserdv rreteothoee obdpotaesrr(bilel did oremo ha do i lre aleo omorrtnetos tpk oopersooal knrowlee by ies, rf teqLrIaeo ri cob,rar , ho' peeeethle exactae J.'evs Sao h Ioq rao rl),c aeeo) 'H-e aide S mi "as,, Ortoirotl oororbal eteeoofoer -oplc-sbia-pcb rdoo) i-nt mTho pmorrot bknos lodgca og rotirdcar ne.ar. ftir epakoors hror teallceeeeer bsochdore perald Drorlolgo or that ofwhich thy speak. Te roots bedsipoerctal knorwledge cetot pplicert all rrled... trerlerdittbteclrrchrrot has ead Soetod. groed, made oters le1.Acesrreloetstsog. Lbeat parlotoacd ot7o.a, til 'ooaltr lbr tetteseetl slerrr rayzc rfyeochave norcrend (1Fscetht,roroepaet, crtsdeofooe'eroalopt- dceee.g., Gril Wuhhioptei wcsagood m re' (2) Mselts ironic p-toctohosetnotberreroreeJitr" h United S hro hataoonutl*ct< (3SIorereri of the prots.] abai tldel ocr, dot r hav -s0tft ptitrarihl t¢er foore rbcrr nooobrslbAY +orapoakrcirri N bed rhootS 1rd raplo.qgpdrc cwhatl seoltearlase ro 'dyTltin qteeetroncoa t iri'er totea dos behind oes bor iaddrteonttoirco thre Apmraapeprarlsricrseid eravr f datacrtee or pcead rrrgeroerlbolego Aelcrn try hatrhoespcaker~rr hcrrrrcs eror fthe doa-ir esery ttoerre ror totr yre ho egaeie i As eeses or ne da I eottrot.cocrrool kocledgo. Brolrm, bsoe ad ss'hvtebsl orrt-det ecrco errttAeorgtretml ficesloedge sritte a b fi~md y teeoe'C 6alrcil gr tr ker -l' whia oee-bcoo) eterrrsrelroet apotoyeoo toeeerdo ayrirtlrreeooqhcd prtatrou...eeheedrro o do il) ItIcalso cetomrortotomth ooneporvstaknledelobyoeorfthe qeera- (trb~evrehal eieoctoreibtsempl,-elctaddpobLh d sdreco..c lor. (e Hdardmn 4eoqeo Yapie lirst, e'ol_ I rbrps 12 andl 13) "tay olcobroesedetoinictreopeettlkowledge. meollysoenrrr bIr arodoce p. -corl beotrledgroflheofoiccloethoey eak. TIe o rct hd orepeos Ia bros'lede cbregros apInrr ie all rIthl rreotecrldrerharaheeur wheih owerhastread rawtold, geased, poss romdrerorr I 9 itoj.. It'pif l IT c-.w j.ee . arloro, loat root erildob Tlretteanrt Afroorsceigsweruwayr a ifstorlarteee drocc la-o Tlre m lrlro it) celichoor peeoml kiowedge oorhk qeora drt or )lfhorhtrtehettl Par,corirlefe'e1 ol ote;egI,'Georgee Vioelwihror c'agtod rorer. (2tOrEr hlo poereel ha -rto eterg, 'The LIrejocd Stlare i i taust h a (3)5 Srolereolt rfher Hoe~lorswhichoreoy dit t hosceaipi parricible therfrtoteeir be'e tby hebstcrerapekcsiri.... liresad brethte' al otsil, dtaeobe ehiohldri laeeracoret- tseeeteennhodfeoictrofft hbodrehhe ctdoeo 'day 'Ibre stiprooc rrreoo srforre dot beberhdoore'sb-d 1,ie adithee t trr he Asroc espese alt menos .d te cae h'00 ofdat corc ocprn sid epooa 'Irorwledge Aymmre resoe lhd ltrep eakt redeeare thes corc eorarefrH oanit r orroee Hata ereroe b2Ie caoeeed er ymr Iroort kereleo ererrpersotrlkowe [lotlhrrasheitarbdwtrbvero] 000 be rooeale hr the ec ofob th eoe vu erree otrte rytn cehieb 'Vecrdas iy riotlir coed potatoes (b Ileid tnottsee her ltid, alseerioroterepor dkee.eledgeobe ,,othoiee ea- tnool ot wshole p .gh ag¢ Jo torIteortoro h qbret(aeeewolo 'Hesdt'oltae Crceceoh riers)oe Othrsevirl errelere Iexamsrplelthaeel'poclr)andeftletroor.... Ieee ,a Herare wroer Y,,re, 197oerol. 3, ebip- 11 lerd 1I1 titry aso bctredetoooloearirrtprca lreotld, '('h perosi Mnoorled ge coegoty p - iria that the spese hateror mlyseer or have dorer porerrel k I aldee of that or sshoch obey rprakrbc lb arkedenoeprevlheotrlrdgb-'rterovspprors-llotloa In0 nn0 lp hc a cd iptlgesd n iteod, t theret...c oIrAy,,iro ts rrraclieg raia 1 t oda to oYr re freer eetrnrre roire ir chiele teoirprora knheItdgt coo ming or motators (1) Esera or the -ei ore pore eeide of ooo'ctaleeu terrg-.'Corege tidsdttgooe woaragrod rean' (2)Ere rnthc here thavlosers boeeecoog..'The Uit rd So tarotna (3) Strreoer othr poecet sotprlehieh rttdsoe ror-ffl-  Ib.eod Spc-lrtem Yai 35 -i, .ndIp-a-iradearea 35 TiU and Upcbi ia, coeeeoelrooeor pekcirccrpleocefdcreedo rhorrcoo MoclaeoorAbr1rrgoodo mG-oliiooc had keoorm lorfmoalongrotrmerdc-rd..hhbly fre (4) To rpor rho, bodily cordfooe of etee,,g- John boo, locodacho Otroc eccstreproertjoc~oosy. ihe obood-e Wil oap,,bo doeeoooreieccfo eoorsoeoaiiseotodrererrro. like tileeofo ri, eecoeroegorcm oroo Aylrayre opeaboo-coed Till .a foi iote.pseled a,eroe boeoo, lying cdgc naookoo recod A}e error-space orentatoo (too Ayomomoor Morollrgiol Aymraraospeakers ooxoroio eoto inborreecrooso rio, yoos like hlierraP eocinoosokooeooe.o . Lkrrobocioo.r ,hiercb W< estci char 0 vc-iprr bo ir ,olio lba oroecorec a soyothe Amcecican conoeoedp goctcrhe moono foclbod I~r g Colditbeoce oeorbh ranor beolobord ioroo.e.crhrge wifhrcoeTloe ph,,,,, fblm e b ol haod' rroooforon. aB il Bi'gocol Abymaoea marcok the moepe n corooi k eccecegcro pin7- jobbyal rthr de poleee fooroc. TlooSp -rlorororc emptv fore odgceaoyinogb Itereoir add imerpof--feo-percr.oJameiadc ,ot a.eo- cejele, 'Boif.. oU, bcia o bor hbore' forr ane Aymrooro'1 did ,ir br donEoe rfoea-rAyoeoooeoroIc o ntosxcaod Ien,,eogood eeecrothrec epcreicuior Iodctiorowilllbecossigedrononoocoegory eo inorb,, for coeplea iee fore nitrocis nocrperoooal the aro so o oIlrooej -oe al (UVY 1973 314-1c). Tlorc aoeooberleor iocoofrirrceefleooo inA e loeO gal" osage. *tbo pooeoril foeeolicadoc oo oco eplwre niedo't"ea dn ae booelre~oreoors e a'a n foe bojpeoyadorth Specesoaoeed o theodpobrrerleojoocj cdorb peoord 1197) hee lird 14 vacbo dooioeiool whbiff 50ay 00 tdi 0 o oeroeoercceThoo 'orrgjercxrallyeclasee ood likeoe, rereio macy bedidiocwithbbowloedge afda arerce I -ccc ooieayroaoelocoirrrr eooehorceefioll odar oahoo; e gv-Moborrd Abi eo good oeoo Oeriorbclai bkroewn I alonoeg roroand odod vochaciobolorrlyfrebi ,rooocecocldcoo nrckb, orfthi ol (4)1' bepor [b bodlom ood iroofoc e g. jobehome Ireadocbe Onooe rer repoerre ~ saoys. 'IIoca hommlede Wbecos rcoker doer rorochoferep....rol kroc loeoiorir~oio like cbeeoh rrroesrooorrrc-orcrgeooroo, k'raoowpeokoaed ,viilosetlikel b .....pr ororb..hooooroeorloSam. Tbe falleroer og err ameooeplo obo ooees tbe eocpoooeoo ma- eolgeroarkeecorb btrooarrr po-o ceo (Ore, Aveor ..- ,rliedioors': MooerirgoolAyesoro orokeerlroe aoaing dboore rbchtcar libe thi.: t nroisresroorcroocooobokborli obiqai treeitbi rg erom ee11 beloordmwfoha Ireo tire Emte Bilbrngeol Ayrae rec kree eeeepcrrooJ d roxledge cor 000000 o lA e l do nproaJuw twsedecrlioeigthe preeil-and airo~lpeoen fpeesooolkoocledge.Fooco- kowc rrolocoe ado e hoer orer cat Ice te roheahandeooinr Io-oore clloc crc Abe Icc m9cr core Orrolore hod Boico reco g 010cr roe cenplq b oocerc reec eoporer she o n- Irrcioc ooea(HVYinSc oi 19, Tbeepatdeorrbodenseoxcf -oteeletcloyxeAooslagc-ge age The b poretocl foc ealbzteon oecocplorocroleefsrted. aced maccooory ayrcexp~reoeedebecooghoeeoeoelec'oce r thrhe ore ofrerbal coraoioa.ol tifcoan Tlceoeai cr.. coc fcror pleyedeecoe o- eoeeororodospcc bet-ereocc sbece objec aneorche fe od1 a'ged (175) r, co has ed 14 verbal dorivaiooat -ehiot erer jediol orcoefrecleeeeceoooof lyoolda aivccrdbbckrocelection mray be tied iceito kecoclodNg of dor soooe^r oocioecoerkoceeilcoplerocrldeocearrdoa- oherr og. Moiorerd Albreagood 0000Oolyifronebod kocerro br11elor clongedereeoan mld occ bsooluelyrforbhi chorac c-ooId ore coake ihoeasteece ()Tcepcot tlsbeodloroedocec .lorlrog. old hacoc hcoodamec Onecoeem pcoo tlcJbap r thveca headache( Whcor perke dcos otopeuctooerleooroIbkowledgeinitticons ib ebco or rdae sc roeer cas oercogocroorr Ayoepaar peakerooand alli sr lirkely be cecepocdc eter obovoror 00 birg. *Lbo folloxxing 00 aco- excpi le coe crc rho ropecool kowsol ad, mer witho As Orccc eoep -on rrre One Ayraoce - picioed thes c~b] occ maaAxeeoa op-o booer a lryrng a bet, the osoroocoor, ibc gceobike In, p' aooesrabacox iooaorlibk ob00c archc aBoear pwos,,cracch TitooeooThev roe- nso Ammroae ceoroc errd gctcorecoe Did Ihearcighot oC dit hce ancbrrrr e' ro Fmrb ere bhd cwheot ewolccee jersnlll-rc p.."i threoecroman ro hr i eigel ioA rrcork teh be epcereborococoo cecoeprofoecan frioelobecraedceeop obecqoaret oiecreedrrocopreeeootbormt edge 1eo ill, rbc . poororordrfcctoeecoalikeeviege Fcorso ocopie 'Btroa babr, rode oe boorhronI toeroo an, rococo erooce did ot koreBolioorordbe was a good roace' Oetteodcerbardrfoteervo ord bcehe, ferrer Ayocrcroeaoe 'I ke Boloror cd lIea a good ni' I ats ecrolcdallereecl be aoorgedc toecrgy orlroctboe fcr rexe pmcfoeeorocpocoeobhe i occe- osceccpersoonai (IIVeY 49193na tOci Thoec ace odoers deorrr of mer cflcord in Aynroe icegoag caoececoo rococ he eodbocie orre 1ieicc orde ofr andeb clevaicrooffrc be taiercaooteooe sbeno m a rredcaccecI- ccreoeoo rocodpace betwaeec theocch eoecd objeo-roodneo he sp-aEeg cr dmr ocfr-c[' Englacc (197oi ioa lioted 14 yeohbai deervo-eioA Us tdc ea inodche coeoot ierlioe rcecdigooocauoei d io-or ereooeeletie 0cc0 ma be tied ie wcio koweledge of da vrvu .  U6 Aie Giuli lai -*ora U-1 M3t6 Ato Unlu atSr-uCvk, A~ry .....i ~d sd Soni* (h~r. ThtfDivision of Ti/o, I he Day Thte Avqas day is disridad stimeisee y sig houras hthse dslsehsiebuild an the tw saribits oftisamanlAy uss s/ay tdo *ilhaaita dt psi id,, t siaasios ihasd yssmayspoliithe ifC Besilitht a i ias tM gastin o/f the sun ceala I5 the hitor..a hM-s ral cArm- sa astel I-paiatueferm tsic shadsassg ,thiat hsdsa r asa dial Ih t casa/sal s isisissis a. ads A ofthi day tha smstaaacy shot ad sat Duraigthe Ihs di~aissiieb iiie Iadvaeasi f~tiears o ts)a li hen ilha f/ra ftiae sta ap/arr r dohhsam mia/t'a hi hits the bady oif ita 5mm/i a/a/sc ti ilm.a/ Altac die c TIere is vsc /a and pc~ip abigyt -v iiei1hiig il/e ha/iv isiiigaftheadayamidrtheis sat/ha/ght Qaaasiss lastb /ifsca aeisaah ihesfoiiowd aiit aaIt.ae yseaai -(Si//u csaep isaii haaais/d )as t.rlyAwa ngtN issAisie) eaa l r e This isyiAdght sotfisuati is also /at az tie ts/ia ase af the genueral soea mscidiatae thacsiysa tsa. [atsolqarismsstciinuig Ltaiaa iaksiutheisutalf tlefiii misithew/iii-Cihdsto ssiiiiaay(shshassuearis hlau meiddle) jails r aismidiitiietift,,m... Jnmm i n al p MI fma,,ni aysaati be t .. hitd as tate ifternoont dash, ssacg, as dick Sinti saieus thi per/ad jam/ bsefsreeuarkn.is na/ijatta Ch ay; its the p....sd shen ohjecs t d/t lontger dsigiiisahle The riiuasayysaamatssob imseiti atuothrwitges r Eshssiisrcae d/ ypaiii s thet a/ hasatsi igamtiaacthtaasia Ismtsyisattotlysesacss aly Sya asthsmiitimithiti pplhei Thisi followedlvm hthsia i smi, 'h scsni esis dik Tltea tlree tc tsthatmitsalltbeatssatd aseeinitgotisight. Thteseire p sa,f aysantd aisaoaaeidesigates la eiododark- The Day Tiss Aymaca dag is drowded is/ ti/tue seasoa a sinig ls staoks; this. s/oish va hated on thetvsnsisaatath sealAyssi rsk itse amattefr tml.-Tiatiolr a/ask prassides =isdudiviestsbhsed[ pcaitilyiiyathe itt ofmtaisihle hghtias y a/s onthliey/ p /ttafttl as/ ri/st/a/it the hantiat Matuycrusal Aymaracalaitasmalltttasi tit mti firasahuas a sshu/adossssingiheic has/c asioa/ dist Thesstlarrtiisdtsiasssn tenditoheppoutiisteexsepttsie asid stt Attrst tse osticta of/the d/als htsime sagi aeeateessstu, and exist, hlitigmh hassOss/amhissaciaessed taadiltiticta Thed isaiaiiipatedhbytleyccdisat iacgs/tof tssa icttia W/es ,the tit says of tile siA sI/aa -~ i/he hizontica stI a/ s.Whiettni 1s the iis -pses it isIII./i At,,thi csic hady sf/ha sstn has dsared theahost itfmat fsce fig 2/s1 Thut isnsclayg sad pass sme as/-is/i/es// dattaig s/she gn asigtof tesday msdthetLa/s/othe ight QIaaa ac juit hefacesi sea airls, hstseatadismswacla) ta is h/ighc Amsteh Idas-s/as ihe ctd of igs Oi sas/ta Thisduy/-/gost stfssisa is atsos ma e b y the ass of the giacral tseacma//ieaiisdisthaastsly talL// lat "u/aocur sasa n decsstasaatiks theis~s sifih fasmthe sacl/s sn' Okhticm is msiddax (shis i//sass halfscrta'idle) tfaa dise/i i lka/as dra jassa/ts/s hig lass1. fii/l ssd/amssia SharontI nstttt iacde. Jayp nassb rtsetstatadist sf totis dash asai, se dark Sic/i japis the perciod isi kefrre dicist P/i/i jalts/ssar Cheay asdie par'sd emshes skjese ass as /ag. dsiatsh / ihalblc csais/iayy a aso besed i ethieeesstessFrisanv ~~a eh"ayp/ s tsas hat sas smtigII nsy la/acI C/aya/ bix u sashsse. hsyotia usi a a/a int, msh/ittg, ae ass/I Ssiasaa i h a msit/atlitis dark (as oimamtlshabttabhused ai erb, am/us -.sIIIe htoi/se) Jaaiadqmcfc //asca ays tie im aff ski , sas/iis sf he w This Is fiollosed hy ahatas.a a; i' k/assis dar/k *//isacschaarams stamtgbhabelasiala ritad s//g/ight as pyqas Vaydi at... a//a alli/d.s. giste/s parid sfdssh- The Divisin fTinie Thle Day hfisIa ess teosfresas-saripa Olde1 ssbt sge h tErthifsre o frL remoiser bsas pfrrs-s task thaesoops herFa arsd orhsrrdsstrasf srsbeeesestrsars-eiesoasossrosary Asosassessssaaii treedsepsrrssraasree otses wll fte F1. 2. Aymrae aress i i-fi . ra gersr tr forea baby scrm bishrto bhsrtstw ye-A of oge. Lbs'arasay aaddes.a ee.s sd ba rho,-fiia ri srrrr(otigts rtrs h w oeiterabssstl 2is srai *Feelrspskils41oe sr^ prsrr drhsesssse ofdrs dascdInw ossdskitssrhasraer hread -w O uhisecte ie oftotse-assstas fertss sherosos cotos so east bo saat sbd seetersaed pas rvetd oasrto br as its SSetr 11 olsies el vtos art ,esto left onee The rrsrsc ssll Lre far, sswws iseesbts f eltt~dssriertsrkeptheOtd rb rgessrrrrsss'sae Foresi-esustrrsotrb rrrhhasa k erair Iasbrocspa her fhtss read tsersadstestofroh racetill, sard, hes' sosrfr."a""'e Assss'ssassatts] pschdsparsooasasts. Thseeohetwiisorsm Fig. 23 Ayasra rim rte rai Aasrssregseetser for asbass't'ee rth tlesabu[torr ftrhb w muplysade cl1b thoseeeer n cool sgahpt (1sr9er615rss, taoatd farsktesi wa> stesettor.s oo red Tahsks b e fii IdA errd rt5rsrsrase asress deaedrsett ca sfhsresoed' ldpser l ass ~ obe 'esp lr iss'as'sibdr eessessr ee'srd passraseosrd ilelssem otret'esesete test s-bis ttoser oet etsrr reh s.seise osilst ae ssar fsr-ristfottfabeetestsahiroprsost-eesasktttisteoerpestete Fahers esd ,thbe, sdrhso et hot a 'osillw thta A soarsa'sss'stto scksispasrsrrseat ses Tterr.shrwatlefesh  V& - _ . .- -. . - -- -H 2c E 2- b 01 q2 4 - - .0-  99-3 99~~ 59-9~ T- 3 - 3 - ' " y + 9s _ - 969 £ -9- -9m 9-- 9- ga94 99-99 c9999 99- a B F _ 9 9 9-9- I 9-9 9-99 9-' 9-9-9-9- I 99- I 9-99- *9,99 99- 9 9 9-- 9- 9- 9- 9 v-9, M IN9--999 - 9-9-t  Timeo asnd Spacn-M\!deolerd Yapira 4 ' doselivig Soirils i-],it -.te acrs It is also possible rhatarhe trrti-torfthehcrbor haohbsrrplocearsrmecobieby sPerirps eheatal deoloro fusil orn Iagarated in Qutopi ' earssigo heldts ir erscitol sta anisd erl u,oiitofvas ots tsyprs ofotrpitrdor ma'yhbe repiatitrgtrt troiliiotro fertility Th uhsi A} ioe co ld inI isamcthotrpspbecemr Indi- orditals whoitasctrcse mn dt-ort whha omrssbrniis presimred that ca/s Qoc am tboscsyouthsrtp to abroage 17. Tosrsat md mrayna ire theroidrxotr no n1 etbo 20 crocspio2O0 tore. Mariagei tbrrtndccpoecdsiacel6hroldi- srr A sirloin hssee o hisotto, trrs-td berofirtidsaa rc tpsiirtabt a aie olorr orre y-r ayrer be cled arr isit n ,atioidsrtdrrwhto wiit Theiicorisfehn.ge perid alsccrrtbetrirtsitardtte Pepa- ritor ftrtetrge itretis d3 tire tiavsn betweeti q'xaosd taqooaandtooyw 'sttot sO rrh oof heroogroaaeobut thrt asbeiatrotrdseadsaadhmoslelyomrrs by bcerioeoc flytistpinr their lives Aymraayoiuths htavesady 1-irrhed tire orrtriisis-rrr-r foriaraduitbIfe A otthsrhy scemrto frcus rttleotsttg tbhrriitkrirsret foraut itife By,,takermiuoi oririirand practice "di pasr guitars, adrthbonighrttal titscritltbcan Brtisciali-ad ieiraesthegit~oo ta n rdin-isg and to ep-trei-ttitinbbittg asboihe gc An os*a lasn other Obirgatiors atwell A ticcctr eirriiiiistlg, ittltia, eriroriiporebori -rinrgrintrtrrhes td boys face h iipccrof rilia rortie flBothboysrand girlsacini-rbcneso ryrcwa-irg skIls atd begtrttbe ay r ,rtr ofrbltlitg andtbeegoodohi,-bwiiestify to deir,rndosto Mrrtage, sotatssi nio,rkciref a birl human'rss the oIt roar isI ofyooti anrd 'str dutlirita Ibire ae rsealdcctptiorrfAp- trwtreddinegs (tia cospe, Colr 1477v) shat indicate tire stak,, ofith, irsrtiinity Eltb rt of patap cinh trkstiea-oprasof. e dol, las ll 1 1howho old (i coest a potentlial In h Cotoritiry it iscigtifcatr riot thpyrdei ofrie erareigras hes teprnriiiy fo grafing tiilcrrr roafther the skditrg' itsterri of the parcintr of riejrer hec bride at'hr groer Tills I, Iloc oaltiough tre ''rine asandeI-diroi-te w tEllog 43 rhrrc Fiiriegrrtrroroe.ls acoituoat ares Ir I aso possible that ti-, fitrir of theoleaoohtaiis beetn rpcpirds ic ec tocoliie hy tin-bs i Pose Pietapo cattnal foIli'e fortaioir 0rSrtomp ai o cta rago iheld ittecoosocco arorts crtlistisgrfat- 7) pi- trnpeitiit ncry be reiplacitng thc eeore trditi) rat frtity he yoths ill antAystat- orurrney Oebtose, . perbcsit idi- vidiras worhaverc ywtsartiu-edbubou woebmrts6pasarsedtlat iibcy wtt tracty.Timitagoorcgrty as ditdrdrdte q oariad a oued waps Qaorr reriiosr ytshsep torbrhemragi-ir TOog.atdtcusp.s tieiolder atiro from 1ritr20, reensprro reto.M0orrt-til age is iieonormsetiloroporcd sita faoiodes Aptstr-tA 1taiiisthiteties tor iris riot ren t iaend mrro be referredrtir1 saro oopta butt a fema-le rf 30 or nate prarmaytInrcaled arar ......rI aid wtdowrillriot Tihefocuerolhtpsiai-peorir i ndhpV eerito bno SI ee ieyhte durIra ettbtadlie rea-d ticqorod moviertrrroerirlboefcbteoogcagebrt at rrflots thiedegrrritfrtroeeeinr-cnnsrsp issoricet. ha, inc rotagoard irat riotta be chore boutbs n srregbhi i/rn utatig ar arasithoeeorivdercd ntrrrhkes tontrry By this prhntecbr, lesAyiearapyouths base aheadioaretrdthe , srrttckiiinl-ssa ry fora -idtifi- Ax youtrhs tbepyoemtmfccrs oelssriirptberral skiiis nrecestary for idsiiclbfo, B op b. citrmuic ca isy atsp ws app gitrsilohrbogtIsunr ilcfl - Bot 'crie ard fineates begin to patrol parc earnet it darcieg ad to expriment s-he .srbtkng aliobitis- boveroges For t hterere n st oblssbugarnsatoi Or feaatsrtcheirsclrrlig oitbo Mrlocaii yrelocating - 'eti Eni and tibirsr teVmpaaceiiitrs .. ~hm'Idgrl tmhn.yery prskillef aird began the acqurirson ctiftoing arid otber goods I~ wil al tostfy tireiat isdestrrienr Poarrigo Jaq'bstr trirrake trecif a fill hitrerrirorbo yw rtrfiyouthtrand inttoadultbrod. Thalcrotsteralrtipti ofAy- r'el eddigs if at examrple Caster, 19771 chat inodirote the stokes of/stir c it itirin.tttttrie podner ofh drerritageraitrth, paesbity fri gritrg rite prtg crp 'atee tre oaot ti-msrrod tof rho ParenttsCfoc thre hriaeorttgooms _iRitir mreewenitroughbte The, rand Spaoe nacace 7).d tbpit 43 Mhoelivingtisecore reenie tsa.rrilre dicoe, ItisdsA pcr-ibto thattire i/trita rftshehrobsra Fnsira replae itrotociaoiiirtorito sort fortito Probops the aeteorr fltlic Cestosal tttrsatrd int Quspi pra yargo hrldti nharbttls soccetraridooris rfvi,- r~~~~o ypeocIti-cptir mtay b- ti-ir gibhe cre ar -eOarai frmtly Thrtnho so orl Aftriar cettmcmty ate 'intr potpboooce irdi oidreosr ho beetotnectarrmiidbtoshrttohitin p.rorrrdrbai tbcorsdirnri e Iihis agirrgeSowts divideditr 10cr atedtotorqrracd rwipci.Q'rotctlosetcouotuhsrtbotoge1 i e atwdqandtiasoycaa sb oldesrtbs, frotIStt no, xnup to 30 oiiorcMisriga rbncrr'and eccpecettoifnede Aytr,, A taie inhre t- wchohbaortot c preatied areop crredra oa ebiicroyasabutrfalt orf 3 rorrorl pearbu raberEilard -ro' aoledtmidswowlour thbcfocitrtbtp poce enrrcioorseprtopoi ciiefroterriage . IttacerIikeitbatrtbcdxtriot bcctrestrfaoitrmuc iitota s-oyi is ticst somcr coofd lictoo ag-l a g, oc ratber rofccttbedogreeofiacriocrrtconrhip pcrtr~~shoeie ite ~ trot said topo ta rootaid b thbose cCtrtsheipr -otl r''rri orieat ehtic considld idee ttcht1oitonaty- com thi ptoint i their Pro Axti torir has- tnrade ieared Mha eorriskr'sis nnectry fredhliifo Ar pethButhertto mgo-os oriarsttgiesocialkrins eccsr, foeiadultirfc. Bros stE,rmsc teitc1 ard prei-ritb Popper tiao ribboghti m tla-a e oadS oh 1snl s trtrpit..~a Elidoarr.irgoud aocpettienwtrillbsbAg-fri rtioolnharrga For either loiis orbFy nittg lacqthu-rot aerdb hosfactotecrof nict o ohby n agkt ardbcgit irbagt io of-ithig ad othrer gdrvbich wul stify to their iricteotrirnesrs Matniage, j kq ont tfrh oislaihnrcrr1 tie fA rittfytohor rrsaboor Tbeaeatevreid eitim rfy ntsocarroamcfnvtne Carrtr rtv7w tb-t retathr snkcsfoftbe cirieasit in the serc of g s (ptrrl krth elr to1so of trnvo siostr ~ El a duls. aortall asttroorold~a leot pirrttioe, ito thte is } Q'a siir hat he pcsple of 'hi- *rr g sm h tap I sgubn d ,t ) opeg ahi, h he poet- ofeitr die bride tor thegeoiri T hi iser eveit though 'lie  ¢ A i. Cfi..a vtw:a AW_ oc . v , e'F w L m ..x\ A-mas. ;...uec. 4. FS' G 1 aS v Ca^p m omaaroCx QOiaub. cWmvlsa Sco avA' m vmvSyoe RmOlumd m _ da xio¢® macr S4tww SFCO imS m3y_ m 2 .cmom4cs m 'yd s. \o cmvsv' a s u i ksxAb ly -:,,vim...t, Siaw we:.a3 ihvya-,w :, .tl\ ioi .F3 Ya'¢ \ C..:e4 :*i3z..'cvue.:.vi ie. .'w4 cu n A ?aexAhs.F L:>:.?is: '..mcNp; e3nYCCC". sv"s~n - cesa.YCea p h ' sm A V'.ivsVS m vx+? i . aae.. .Ra. _.ti:. sa :. vml esc c ax - s=., dvb.'. . e..o::acaa R-," ms.a \v>>v v4u w i\<<}mw .:;a. , .h bkc c...mc u i ' -. c.2ca \* tom xium.: .=.<, raw a .,5. +,., ~ ,,: . w . s s o> as , . F,.. a,. y _ .*o . .. .,s n ,.a. 'v y ne., - - .-, . e, :. . .. . m . ..- .,,. . ~ - . -x ..ti, . *+. q :. "a . wa t..,., b < y . s sa .t ..,,. .: . . r x.4 :. ,a= y ea. ey v ~ .,,. is,_ .a , .ai aQZ ia r z ,_ z ti : .. a 3saa am©a n la, ' t a . _ -6 ka -,a s e; 4,ti. . ' _. .__ v. a ,ma r t. . aa ,, ,.mS. .Ta 4 -.a aa >-.w °. bvs .o . . a n. . aa - ®y v ; ,- n xo , m :ra za aay n - srsa w=sicx .w. S.v.' ..n n.... .-...s, v -Am FScP9 ...' ca. i .a-a. yh \ , x...:ua e' . n. 2v S.c E \ m2ov.. ca2ac <, . '.; b.'a'SZ'1Fe v.0. iawc vh mwb A.a>m1 . . yai ..:.-. m:ah 4a .v r+ati* , 3 a: 3.a s - v.. i , o +a.' fvc s..,,a il. i e - ris E wuce gam oA mlv..i"+ - Shw ,n 3. . m.. - ' .2.r. k a . . . ya m .. .o .z. "' x., 'q . , ca a mw- Y:w n' . s . :acey-., _C m: vss. :. 4; .'. < >n a . ..,5 ovv -mam ..: . _a: .,m,. .., z ,.s _w_ a.:..,, i . na _ _+ ..a. a,. a ., v .y,.. a,.w.. .. v s 2. ..  .iead 5py hl 1,adhp 45 Tie n Spc-MlabenMl 45 Il. i dlo.45 I rstha prs sis di.baging hih cop niilres ad acysig prostate ted, o personi di hlegein his he retpo hlit and wociritg psapt The Uses. oft ure ThetsensfTi-n oqutally Jeritnt herI Ic h-lastona ofil Arn, day and stages-s the A yarn Illscy peac ied somae insighat into the matnna in whait tlae~a~y raosrntsc _Th dscustsion aifa .atislimtitcd htr tea costidecntiaesfleadtiee far poblae esent anasfrw mmones e- tittaregatdigne pnnefaeelarbheas deadticftteohaevo tttronlyceriowith thenm nnsfttseoot and the inedidats-ated buat between tar rand Aym ea and urban Aymtara. m c eannonte tseagt offtny fiteni an be called on a fetobate.. tttafreetfc-, thaugs suall tetsaatn--,rdrtheday bhroteMatictge ar u p by te llaqsta at headisans It is his respoa- si ity he ontfy peessnally yeery hosehosld aofta Methdomed mertiag os toeend his pesonalotnssay te dosshis tssshociiavnthe othter analoa in ,b -dc u Il r weekttadveNatetosthat...ttyrt ha ttsesapportasnity ta mtake cthe necassary personalsa-agemn cnoltr etoattenta Weddinstg ate sc~hedsalr a tettshi adoate - The famsilieinelctd cttani~cate pertotaally initmakingrthearttngcttents.Thittalt'nt.. liamg itntaeaomstaatsaytttost betttriealong wthbatyctvired garet frltnnearhyaomnities. Oratheaavof the waddingisstoalartas, reaplmote of dynattate set off at regular itervels cell the greuts to the celohraiaa Th Ayrmarastftahow gat, patience intsitaanstltat would be ostrsIrIforssosrNrh Assiar.tfttroi iasltavr agreednto alhf myso o eh rteore before aceptitg rho p arsIhahiiy that the ste, it tutable ho erp thte appiettt Evew amor latitde a e h owe o tte itgn srnd other patbcievrsrts. Similarly tnothing is thoagh aof wsaiting hafe day ertuorefaarkanru roireddetpeaisso ut r marmulket. Durtfingthrte peuiod&hn&aeroften kepthbusy yeih spinning, twistn. arsittng -g Great pat ionc inaaungboheoiarrrprrsorntu alte af AI ear plift Ira ran,,, ersnditlaout o to aiart claer pistrory-ettt- tirstbtbe paid tos hranaalsanadcopsrhloacssafa iifall ime is celatie-rasd lexible Thec taction ott ther di ritions of timte dealt twith topics that woauld hr eqrally pettinet acre. Ther ditosiosas often A nasa day and stngosnin the Ayetata life cycle provided suoueiaigt insathetstn..rrineshich thte Anrtaa ate linae The discassonaaoftinesnsage islimeited hertoat aoesidenationuofleadinre for public eventsand afewsnot oroberva- lios ardinag aon points of tatt-rloerd beltatjar tndima for publicevents notonlv voties withtlenatosr of tlerevent aced the inedividals involved but beweent the turel Aymra and urban Aytnneelnsttalotnr mtitueetigs offatilalheadsantberaed on laws ast notice i ettr tltoug usally they ate areatnged the day bafoat Meetig tare net up by the jlao. o2 r headstan. It it Iris reapon- abiy tat notfy pertorro every htousehtoldl of the sachedauled ttuetitg as htodis pernal entryto dotaln thleaities, ontfletchr bated .. ateentan at nteighbeorhood ooattcil moeetinrgsnoaallyareuached- stIed anyswalohiadv-nothate-eronelhastthe oppotrisuy toake ttnetteresaryp paual neegena todesated Layddiege c shodulod a mttenth in advance The fmtaniie invotlved aotrtutnicaepersantty insnmkinghe ranonenta. Thten allof those risn in tirmaau ty nauss be westie a long ,ti an s o trdguests ferm nearby caut uaratest On the day of the a dding in total aseas, explosions of dyncte sot off at c-grlns inttocols del the goott to the aelebrrsora The A noara often then-great patieoc in sintuatons that swont3 he usettling forotNoahaAmaeians. Iftwotindividualshbannageeod tn meta mtlpaa ittl is ocamtilwifrutahan Isaac or sor bfer n tcpting tle probability tiur the orbhor is oneable to hep the apstee t woot ac latitude soay be siuota for oseet- ingen ad athee public avers m Sileddy artsing it thtought of ewaiting htalf, ayoea-I,,cfoeaacratbileto provdenroded trantporton to city ,,eaeaeheeDurintglthese peiods haad areaftohkept busyevitht trpinineg, rtsin, or kmntttt. Great panrieta in waitinag behavior representts an adoaplation tat the a alitet of Ayatrr life. In a world without earalteswhene petayten- ton nauhbepaid tothae anittalsnandcceptatnost,,,nlfeallrimteit cete sie antd fla tal s-thoperonis dclua rnhis orlrcalnsiiltita nu aeoitng Th. UsesofrTme hescinon thle division of nose de-lr seith topics that weould be equally petinent here The disansons eftbe Anrar dry and uratesin the Aptuoa life aycle provided suc irig hr etan the manner in wehich. the Aytmara ate hare, thiecsi of tmeusage is boaited hsere tona eenidersooaf leadtnefoc phocerenoadeafewvntes or obterva- tiontegardirgonr pai tftttecear de viat. Lead tione for publia aCerst noc ly waitsith the nar ofthe event ratd the individuats ievotved beut beeteen then anocl Ay-aea and echos Aynaa lsrtalancratseestffneeilyhoadacaeebe atledon nfaehouronotiae if neearyi thorghos Iv thyraearaeged tho day before. Meetings are set cap by thajtqoa lour hdmr. Iti1s s an- sihility tosatinr personally every b~achod of the scheduled cesetige aetttd his personaolemtitsary ta do tis. Intthecsriwe.oeathe Aae hastd t-saiai uneighborheodcuneil mteetings asnelly aresetea od sneu-eek in advncne sothat everyontelhas theappotuiy omake the rneauas pessonal ateongearent in otdertastend Waddirge- re tacheduled a mnaath tr advanrce . The families invotoed ruapr-oesall in makinag thar orangemrent. Thorn all of thoe Ie-bgittheonemunity mut be notified alngtvithany raied guet (sam reach a-aeoon it On she day of the weiding ina rural areas, esplaneaofde-rm irracteffTareglaintevalsaall te gueststo the ealobcaton. tule Aymrara aftent shee nat patie.roe a l moti that weoadd be nsearling fornmost NorthAtecicece If twosindividuals haveagreed to octet at a treutral place at a rtar ie the frrsto acheaywif ss bar or mace before ateeptig she probability that rho othec istable to keep the appointmoent Een aure laattade may ho shown fat maee- itsgs and othec public evena Simtilaoly. noshinag Is thought of woaiting halfa day or erse farca troth eo so provide needed transpor-tatior to ryor mac Darngh those periads hands ace alien kept busy wieb spitatdog tsttig, atrieintg. Great patiocne it availing baasio retst ate sdtpation to the re- alitie afA y-mara ifa. Inea-world wthtoat esantee achoc primsasyaes- tioe ntbe paid tatheanimeals andaroIathat snain bfq all timaeis relati, anA, fitibl  ,a--3-- 3. -34. -e . 3. . . ,Zr 4' 34 .3 ,. .-3'_ . . . . ,. 33 33 - 3/'3 -'-3-39 a*~' _,., 3%~-a 3'. 3;, ..~ .. 3" '-3 - 43 344 3-. e .. , xo, ., ,.<_ , a o  'f'a. and Ipa iaandeex Isss4 tm Spa 1 td t ax M~t 47 Timean Spc-Mlm s d aps 47 pesvotitseaontvaasss be t passilse asmomssNc t' its sins (.f bonf, 1974) historically thoseh shc@ otrhea s tesee abtndasitg o caneacdeal slec'allotbssghsctbell laced Ss enetheyswere called satrasasas llhotse bb )' sadssating ,tla lalss tless sats (carter 1971,66)1. Wial els fll otspch ha lsaat y es ad ats forced servitde, *Thissscoaltstasclatcctsssssdsntyadfons lance bees lise lisAcil itatsisp leg -ese :acss f usostcstntttts cisococssiss hsc abl,,hea acs tsos osThec bases (seldom aa aslclsa s.If; lfa t-anysssselsssaho occeedstoea Frsanc fsast thssttssse-ss chyssuslly gos to ot o athe esta blishsed bsseaicstsssth sscseshcelwlas- '~ hbstheywillhe eceised by fos-cse sstssssit sidlsss wshos ell bosse sad fed chest as thsey sosls-lcv sssscl wosck ad hassssts -, betfond. 1th scscsss;csssco cssst baloss sces sb batis of several categories ofeatsesasdhac st seaess rf,stlshs orsbe ownttidentify is the so msssicy che dtcstysfssshssss pitsallthased sthis place of teis bic tb.til awl'sts ssf lp] Itt steabeet of octets oss eoaottstity ted otbc,, glests:t cast sgos ofteranoon behsaviori otougvgIo wt h vn ymmes (rins) casts behsvioasourtsftbccommnistv and assithls essotcm octeoctttttsm- ties Sagr Thtis Lbasic categocacal dssticson las mtade it dficslat for cte tsas-Aa- epstt yaa19patc.Freml h ae a nfas bertgatccsctalscssgass,anaoid ollsvssts Tbsc ssjltctcgttc 'ss tat icestc- t eeso t ight thinsk tbe l~attpcar pastedthssce J' lsasvdthie psssibilitytceas sldovoild Alaehtsug and pougbiegexsptotlscstbirle f fsiends and acquaint- is sddcsaon pleee-lovsls'asa peeje dic essIigb, oftoss t es point of ofsssss rhsoses tttss bet plases Gtcssl osshsbs auat Pweplo ftotl oaetvcc tray are nie~st dly and atsoOnse plaay bsrtcsscoolscpaoplesttspls heasse they are fsotasbshsuacss ttsctts Oftesothbsre csadssbksofsspsicaachy com~tscitv rm [as.people ar~esaid tc be nsostcllod. Gosgerapical plb lk. cstossts an bes rc:Cscsasdo asattc I scaor full(p ',q~ ILss htss bd ao chsonhcbdnslecalceaai the stbssnscli-> letq)' oth. god~ s s sn* mc iscstsains. Tbe peeliP seantttbtvadtmay eea be pcissses aes as~~tttt Pe111ml-y t' I'lla (df oUrbos. 1974) Hatnfy hlf hi 'toegreetasda] sepseall; arlistghc tothe lacad bosscstteetheyc ds~~ls saotsolsceI labaesitcsaacgtbeis lanadless, stt as( G loar 1971:66) " Webh the fall of the bactendo systesm ca3n crur Pee aet.a tire oAyasssaese free to cnteratetsbaleatai tcvtcatccaaaesuctycs Thisisraeisolahastcseacaalsthatttstsedeot a nsdcbnnh a indelied ia fasalteict lacgeseal tcgcaaocs leecmssot Mossctasssctts htaveestabbsbsd one tees taclce bases (eldtmc orsse intosbeclosta s. Ifetctaca mnic~bctat scs eedsostcmi- g-,c latsl tbestttctv. tes: atsually go so ases of tise estbltshscd bass,loisaIecetiry orMbe lowlansds. Throccahyasll bseeseadhby facccere etwcaaciaresidetsscoswl efflsotsasd asc tem as et sottda celattee stats] weock acts] bosing san be ccsnd bcrshcb Tbcs dsvisons speoplesscs whatssof aed ,ins. ose ee to tets m~assto Ffhsb assets m -b mtssocyaeestcccsca iaston, seccthssoseeassstye s.bselfsitedlb 5ad 'Mstpcosaegosrtcaltdtstescttonchasssodesittdifficslt forbe t A; ac st detca seats;n n Ayaam coltts Practtes For example, the A-wte have a r~eput-aton for bteng aansctelttg neeIcte anad sitolid ilulattec 1966'57)] Ia reality the Ac mars htave, keen senase ofhbttmte btr solasghaiattte pr~esee ofssaogess coctedeseddua ueve offensive. TLc e-platatt got as tig else thctees55 5 link tic Itangles ses pascnted at these Tacaied thss pcssshlst acs ehanslsl aoic sllithi tot dl aoihosg s Orsp seas: dof dstttndastI ns- Itt1 addcis, p~ersI xlt90tdp n5 ssdca sas high, ef eastbe paisc of tttsetntec ose fros ts cspts Csessasaflsocce bebieves tat tse petoplefrccmssates sas -ststsste ass: tea cody andalopea. Onts 55559 ote~s~f oahespetple stplybcs tsae tcsccssectbetm- ttscatswaOfa e eetea dtake of aspecftc tc. b; s antsoo becase Msbaetepls ae saidto abetsmeansatd atosed. Gb'tta ttsillyplats] Thstspaslattat te eart iecnanr.cn brndgoddes)a~s tsmsity e cMe eathis' selfeesos] athss cod sass emasln mosanatts..Ire p-tbf- psntaltas ad meaysset be pttInlssd- w m ossssestsctltsett (af OCss h ,174) salle shoe s lt abet d~tssatst ses baascis gsa asdal, seppsssatctrigbtatssh lacd 1tcsscssthsesnctl.lea o(hs6a..s Iabtss ssdtcattgchb olsndeses.stleass (Ca~ter th saa .fsneesotsgra~ss a elttsllsttlscssctscsosietie. coosha o tssthlbacsttt l t'ymdttstand fossssihavehees Mossnmi. esttattce have sabssssd oc t thtas: tbss:hass. (etidott aoet'lbs1s loesatis Isswt tttttsmtetbes~sasss otta- gcae resetontscwttttse bs;so gatoreofhasossaihcbe bitatsetlbcabecspu t le lhtawal Thtesre oilbese ;*aby Item ~ ~ ~~' cc whotssisstUen~b will boats: td- lied themcs assbs Ifss ecteldoeslo astolatndhestsagast befoctd eacetaay, eIdetifay ofsoesflss is bsalias based ot e place erthan bicab. Tba dgivtstt of petple isaso memb es ofC ases 0w:at sttcts~tcsn asd otbess gASvetseesas oeaagosdisofbeae-os:hecasosslteo taocitvgoveernangselastoo ntewtcaosiyses bese'ctsls)and bebacls an ofcthe stttmtay sd esdls pe..esse la e omw casts seaasndtsatAvtstsatlmsa psosetol ssseotssnplsdMs Aycsstsa sa saspt fatbins tsesailiss. ts Ic~s oad enoltd laimsec.. tbeenplvsaeoan giveo is ethate sesgeesscihleakb lastglsctsat pansd -t ceatTascad Iis oesbs. oneh bosld said Iag a one tterTrltir fooeh doddalljtkagasllaglsnqecepvsibi neb ~iscleoffsietdsasdaqsaiat- It addistess place Foleas sac paetdbse cast bigh offet n0 sho pa sttsaf sstsoaetllfltaoe Psoa ashes' plasce Genterally one bebieses ht pr pletib apst ases . friendly, andaspss fst tesy vmbe aasfather Issetlsitplesbcsttesthes asefsaots nwr Oatcesdihc fs ef-yrm tcosss-ew chase pespls ass atid ats bess a u clossd C egcophssallaes, bkecosite cot he t-sfscd to as eatsy psh'ass)torsfll fjeat) a] Tlo Pebamatsa(alas cah gaddsse)a sselal sbcea suetfsse (ts);~ ostheego~dsscan eisaiv o w-aastsTicePcobf-  49 Aymr ..anin ..d l Caeore as Arm- Gaeia am Semm - Creoo4 Ar.na Cai ~a Sena Cl- herowa cop en ymalid rtehdrre alei'rittir ofpSdohe t wrortay 'elated totetioctance of ggtFlleeatiy rotll as Thc Fiviieecf Spccc The it, rs ttetaty r'artistccteclimite hto siler oc y Ao tie reethccepatartena d tsAyr] wihnay acrdvcae V xtr 4. Wad lace, etsh the 11 csAear onatpe- Irabsa tir and direcot' hl, 1h n tots nd with lc itr. so erecto These daireeei tatroirs ate expesedr rel itho hcr~a tote' "Ttheetbht oeisetaere laeed with ettsoctiretgotre oftwots bhape, tt something cylindrical is nttreedarpbcedt tersrme verb as sontrtrhit rtnutar (7o1 jo.-siro)"(tItderac Vatier arid Yaprt 1913]t) Thirt itttrea.tai of oaaio dreco n lenut pottttro ttrtttaeetrseardcremos u.Irre by exrrtar strroatis hy tetoeta paefe to thre stays ofa tritftrfle Slope tes abas the sp mecat a eecd.i Imorale dare atoye. bedet the tp rn at ,x rbed ta atrr'rtai Fitt basc l ape hte brats adrisibd it Ay reaeche fig- 2Tt Alt ectorrret=acoohecriioiattr(aiokatt1rra! r) tctoyt'a dcd- itI gnttr tc asefthftittr iitie p hoA 'allhatts arale taaitirttrvaistri-rbtadetssllyropt tandlap)rs aeay frat tire .ilercc This detrceatiof tshsjae by arehtiepoitit to tire ve ec rsp-rbecrsrcrtt t o i the ssataytea ditriacrirc cited abate. opq' (c ontsref te teeseoras actual'Cwshare presest a prirt Isaearesrsrsa1 e smre ThretatbasieLftrmir trererait sidested byhypaeish tanr wocrdishctseo rtricba ataarr rec feryrqaot fracas rrorteao)tchkitrrs Chat) fetes reft) Ther .cam to btes a ft a frs'rssg stas l ieneti yer te111dsterin srkesg techtg. i'treerscalr beappliedrte a~yrtg')tnttst Ttreatnt hasir faretirg thaes.i lshesrars. Thde lac FiniateogoiyersttyeawreyrcTtndttasb resc geeeat fr.cretof rdo i Thor.c apper to be no shape alstact.ss that acs eat feueded otreoafthvc soorifassi rofTferi.WhotAy' caorataen igecr-eowucatoppyrc thedictrdrtpttse~ceboscat ofthartshcrtegrcssisppeetooxsrtroaahteoject ccaiotfetpaeiies red the riure abersitns tfsyrcetumdobdy ace frm,-Itopaelaral, etrbitseatea.tcrtrreirtselr The o krishna of Space Tho disarrrsotpuyrit dirisiner beet rs litoce tasitngle forts-Ay- rdedvsettesray4. redToe. .rsa y')-thehvrcrao oneey spa- trad witothar Ted ai etse eedthbo b- a~dersatss - *t iottfesrrattroeavteoelrtd with Wou tarou by Shrpcbmfottsetht ryitdil eoi ad ptaodwsithceamc edtaesrssrhng grtcta(apade nodsr)° tHardtsar haqot red Yasatr tear 9th) rhcitecictiac a efttrcr dersi rdurtatcg iotortttetserteaidto rrresdstr w ue yt the stsope r ressaoeteespserkertoleruiista e edetadtoasrmrna i-loa ifhe slpetbe crsepaerrctrdarasoto Rwe tsre si-ye hs-re beea rttils i Aytr (ate ig. 2T.4) . Alt mrbtrpetar are erhtrrlat tare tattes arrre) e era, stepera ext heresrhcdes W ed -rrtris (stracdaup)errtrrer f-on ateiar Tias dsecitreatroe ep by iirte poitit cithr abate C-h tsrt aticrrtr)cefec t teoe fortwlich seettto nabSpns ods ls ist asTetseusiturrrtsdecrlie be ro arar'cods flabe~rsiob gttercoestrttaI sperols cceir-rtfbper closely relth mr gerrerlrecrrrf toth. TIss r prape cc he rrt sro tracctiorstrac nottaede ans csr erra cetaifarrms oclter.Whet Ax rataresrarr figures dat as.snpyheb, p sa h ofrrreraoh ccoeptacrepapci m ctsacrobaatsbeat ecori o fiepatr s cd the isice diji eftrace tdetbely at utaceaerdatrltoaheatpaeceoeafgppbicd gkeas ell as ta loe-Ieyatte The licisons of Space *llsrdis-crtsisn of spatial dierisiotsrisee it limited sc angilie faces--y- irrorrirpe wagetis Shaye isoeeerrtreeyhnmpoatcaiegory'inr A~ycoca.whicb tory he n tiederanther imprttctegtrsrdirtcaomoaetre (2fdicae andIVasqtezt ssay4 and Trty ere, 3).The Ay ro oetaeonly e- aio abeor tor read dicreton hot btr ace ofter eaplry icas- tarest ai-b cetoracar mr'eairer TStr& dictoririn ate e-ptessed srishbotl rbesoandenors "The albr oforire reaedoilr joersr) (Itaedttrr Vase e Alinr 1975, 316)t Theeteeceatac aflee'rtreedrctaad er ectr n 11 almesoetat sraiyd daa- e Ifetr bfta statte if,, abcovte spaker itit refecads to at H e f1sbepes 'etorhepcocrrireeredrtoasyrh biehlsapex bar, trero iderri ed rn AY.ttoa (see fag 2). All trsgotbcir-1fttttofrthe frmotiir de seae Ara-ktrarae withbthriesotldes viriterp otacday)cataer ae tbetexeet1idteci-roc af drape by tr ijicm. h I'al 11aeis raalogouis to the ar rota 3ia ts diti ntancd abate 14-ad(o'tboaetesr Elcfctabs feresseehibch ttoi I pr b s rr aermese .re cetde lbs taret basic fted doesqartinclesd btSpatrritlociaois drswk ('crit'chinrs 1-1rq. 1r alsert aqa t n scr rodo) or kogt ('boe) oar preeeatoftclotrcced Immrbrigclotlueg. Threse tecrms cbeappied to mamatrtrptorhe Tbh ttts Ia -focrceresapct .ladrcess. T his tcterrccsr aepareCrregot Irfrhoyretrse'iatta-.d torherecee rte.srcrtfecrrs oflboth tererypsacrs he-shatscrrtrecrionsrrhatarc fhtdhred a te ef thescac ba.e ferrets ofrefetece Whrn A}- isaoaetsrtdie roiaeot ps tse elhaired restranse r hs ofaheedrbrteemI.r.isepye sat ovasrble obc.  General cloth terms Specific land terms (for any movable object) for land only) wiskwii all wickisilo sayt~usal q ichu mhsruel a Q 0 ins kawa trarciki -il pss amk 1, e 2.4.Nanesofshapes In Aymr GeneralI cloth terms Specific land terms (for sty mova ble objetn) (for lend only) w iIk is''^ ^ wink sila wiokiails ssatt sayt u wici ins kawatreruki fJ wakajnk Fig. 2.4. Nnseeisof rhapn is yu Fig 24. Nau~se ofshapmh S A yasa  . .......... Iz- -111 1-  'Iiru ad Hp re-eiacl1, ad V1,d, 35 war beasrlrsocied u csrlh csoct ingegrsrurriitan die 1 ng Isisoi-sofacld . deiocsmend oicrroslol a ass siprel- aooh oiva-lna,,br s oierii sng ikth door 1>- irsnrc) lltlsecuicsio ssoissrrelosr etjingthe .osrnpounrd orwik i ht hsapsmsshodinidlrsg initoilse licre.Tf liocil, 1i Iso duo rooooii hor Osy 000the horu-Id- s, ais on ill "Ieariuodof iiihroiidoiiueiis A drffder ors of ,oiil ssseoanL Yhoiip lrrivcathe Ihcire of adrnsiaiirrrursosrcscramgso irsuch usucs inyserc orsoily asrcairhon I tlrsocsus riithosorusis shreaCllrorrt I-.~ f t5n is e~a. sos uold icpud so suto.. rt-u11 Baedlhytdie oirner .ssololdsmsdoocn Thieulistusie srisliissshioh comy soooiisioruo ppuuili ose ,aces~lee rii n O n rorslsiss boneiet sle 1 r... Ll1 vsctr. t,, cl s routed one o h Ciaeiusirosi d -c-, sliceis ie spic we n 1s "sos ce Ay- oicoiacod istfcriloirsrc is dicsiricdsnotrosly he sh sup torpiiur of sit roiesio aN~ al n ironellyIsrid aiadistacie oi4 Pirs, AS issshreoasplcritrrtkill asd ferr rapproach ere soili scos God s -hileriagrssatss soiieroiesi distarire TIedairssessiy lcobe Soosdhousersou,, dsfherrc That s sdisidaal sCofd... - amy son i.trioter 00550 dois,sidsis do, I isfeho rpprs'srto I nebetw .. lae no, aiier ufithrecsriousanrdry affocsoiiiaIsssaiisioir Iheus ufolorsuies dsasiily fusithe solirugo o ssuorioeorpsssoI iisadlu thes aeeeo kinids of ri-sir slouolisri n-heioarare sresdedtohbe) overheard andlthose nsthairrniyinot iousoeIucrd. lutnbe atedn~etee md ieosiisry Srci^w S Ies I[ilie Iloerihisraritiay be 3-2iscics. I culdorlereioiheodrlisirsra cpsoislamsissg dliicfrsdi asdelasrsosodiluhicoeioaoososii cihocrs sesosrrnsr sold.Atcoreiarsastaosa , eat cdsarlasI' Iorsfsraryiullsgis esurshcicdssiloalssayessse I-lsacdeluscririslirsiiro rseis liiir oifcicluhier p.risiadroii ht roltr1clly11Iorurrd rsru .ipiditiiroIioapplyvtoAv- tiio rlaec.TireAysmaay sppend mouch ofrtheirrnisrr aboscinslM fiissricaiirs oaign Lo Iyr it chloseareaswerelpio-testo i mdr Tissscard Spirc"r-Miri, od iro 5I cay bhoapperrobedirle LIisclbfohsairspreogrirodsrsli. ho i oa.gcelrselCo "-rof reliue dcec fricond onrriisocaI mussh nT atstieioiosrnpooraoiresre rure ofdi'dcon (Iymr )It slilcr is lie issie o e riesiooossser tugeic inh iirspoIsdieiclkiogcirirsthi dorsilrlrsisoesrhrio hwvro iedoiode Nssh t h oorerefslif kdfcosillye diisirseiruar siliesioasgssr curof ~ u.p.ssrsaoishdaioirrfIds.Orsiys lieoer A se.ITd Thtirow rdhincir iiica trot ssisimospss sesru _I I. , o llelcosyii.posiibrssrrtr a 1riseiesTteeiiorra psirsd norlirosostr laeoii oesrli cos aied richoldsoddc s irae drre tshini wuitcrh osssyirso,]onapprsohir-liouu -r yecisih tlelurssuooh rsiiiisdasiosipbsAossh Coiiuiers etsc siansrsiohasrsp iporhriaserrsi sooiol si lsshp ,afoal c s dilsrodhot ilhibybyyrhb ssanisd thoiipo iicorir theusccouir.Noruo coursoro is m e. aYticC V , hsmw. .:^'S-" x .ayo Fassa vuSai" ,.1. ov-. .. -.,.n: m2d. e"a_ i \3 Se.a. .a-~a hcw.ern C,;nwe S ei.:r S.,.az. y,2-.aa rIDw iea ofK.e n F. cF \ F...: S.awv. '1 em clesez."; 3:2Fy , . Visml .i.m43. 0 Fsue c ,w.2 cAe.Y".ass.." e aea.vsimc hau . a _. as Ra . ml %* ,z Fa a A Nm M eoac sa a'- n.x>=Z m F d .vse-. .lAV=ao..va .a "3ccLv2. >c , vuF .vys..a6 . v: Sl. s ymo w aswc.. C d r Fd e F tei.c } s*S 2iOC. aamcws :bmi vri .aa :a.:q .c V ud o ,ss. ... , dal ACx a .m muoay "aav" Z rc Aao _ >Za4.n.., uey et4 a d..czo avace"eo F'-£vumavsie  Tnr cod Spaes-Mealatd Vapata 3 ott1) efthat whch hbnterninaslssyaInin nte ps isom a sanr.. duaeec shsle be oststhe pis Muastlseea fasiias Thisgeioddohnlalbod,,.kswiedgettarisdtsiot;e anopl e n es da smp sos oI Aymnaea as rrv srm, t et (Celoos ast is ....o s Inori -ntteatloacch ii v laealnrd rslesen h theiitof asttt ..a..stothe nrso. Thsis Wlesort meettasoay have tzstrtihsed to the impeetose ssrec nr I..n mee thce Aynor as trgacre tsgm ropfnao and skepticl I' cnthe Anra eanlacrion Occacesinttat andtlogh space liehno- hothrnnaraanoreaciard~oetscliedrivtallis tecpoalasod cptirl peaaasodaso'oidles rstmboic order 'nlc Arid ~s crolify tsr dhie rse ro space. Fo the Ayarer tIhe re1ationslipo cat I spacr ser ceanly *etherosporta tre of p1-seloyalto oAp etldesea teatsdssthe peecieptn of cnncttorttaos whirehslthis reseslar hsllaesI The eciatiosip betoseern space and sorel da alosssbiem toche dereorair orcorsetatal disortrets sdh rosllrchora-Itsattce lamoe ofaeote Fascally thiern shpntamottg sprc ercfseif aiod beisalec reoasterl betsectsnhe mutd ncom fy a p hu oa .Ag the Aytsse-sand mr theit Inasap guigere is art tttcpieast net odtlloctctt passer qurcl'liloen hssrte ,hoeethssrrsmpotce sttssark roa dot, sollece Ilhoi losto-icesttomid of ctef l1tryar drrstemwthpo pos Itfmtlststrrocto he dot~e thne crest hat crspIscd erreatona isilarly space isas osiceeestceaing Itasahat wehch thespa,-rcr tao the beeslsstsa tria tsa peas-le atie qo al'cethatsitnray bestos cha deteitdimt N ers Thse ae, nt atat Ste ' adh wr'I it csshssso ascetst .at htttas anood aienetcnitscstrlccdalW popadinhslrssts i his backs t1e illds Dooeaeat cr366 arsd 'IA S ...Ln~uge ic1t, n slrlsarr .sts rccdeaert, cw C oelnrpta P- cshitstaold tashl.tiaarcstt y irand- r t t rt-cr p, t ricey pat iheciod ad ,,eFiccothebrrem,.. F' aniacdoast, rod eriasiodr trdio iascl scn cider-d nettle tetprtretot adth-ttoraedalaes ftp ctpottattt prsc-rwdioirihs irrcead S pace r....1 aed boot 53 eels s tnt w~hich har been sees; oco is lwys looking iacto the part; rte firtasesctrhswcatdsreeto, wie lbyeoostlao pastrrrss m saio rTus il nmtrdy I nritc eoain ples acre the iaoeedcisoct respontsesof Ay-oan to sosettierrnt (rrCeirrbt sdiscoereed Aostrc vstthcas.,seo alccllvtleand talnew(usee) dea sch s irewa if toto thse moosec.' Incti Wes-Vttern oeieor toomrcavseecerthrd tttltispteseisstof thoseowriteswhnlistsenothe v Araaeasptoe stieosprssc picimolatotd oketteal. Foethe thynaca all actcoense re tasetd thnae1 spans Schasian boIrhrIfotrmal mteracsc sod fort I' ed Irai ha tsrrptral ansd spaial parmeters asd else pc-evdewstymbtoli, oare whlich helps coitrtidly to dehirse andsace Forothe Ayssaraheeelarahpessetroetael space itseerearlyientlcirMoesteeorplc ornleasd pescde .tsdwidh the pereeptions of eatrsrttrsnertrct wshen helps sepolate behavior .The rtacineslep heesct sree and .ceral N~ alsoi-aihibe inthe determsiationt arof o-ersoaldebiannsar.oad iothte ocrreowhhich oeecalls arthelhoas of. aeso nbrlr mherelato dsIII t oopspacestsn eief adboat-comsonser hecrm rohe conacept ade Enicnioofop Aymasrsa persoal doets Arownhthe Atcoan awodi thceImacginaltehere s tseterphrsrsan cooxtobtoistr ho' d fcaii'eod pr "tL Thena arc ty itriced ipcesacs foeic he. pasal soshM....qoirhliitthistoy, lreoethispeecorcftne data Trtte hsas no ccl o isand efrsi Tdlrs'esaedorectrs tmn swith pr pose lrtheeelisosahinptr eltdecrtltnnttoerasospecal oreanieg haortalytOpaneiaassoinoeenotdng- Itristhat wcholthe spac~cso- tacos n thhn thattsaaypsssdctrhe qoahnes thatr trac- bestow Notes obIb a riroe aodspecotad theoIsoalrasao aiicnrhe e oil sas arade tephttbactk Th icd~ntc ll h IldTl cr sn. h rncnedtsprsr ' iserhoare-Teolert, iem.aaacroiytpalTh irbehin asoSdt115cc ard hrfoasrdn. nvrcllwaemm¢ .a Hiociro. 'edalp rnclc att I htonitosiital haeo 1ieo tF.de csaprnal and the d rteenr l tsrtpa i src hal r idsg IsIgLIc- aboisf chat wic I.tishteen sone, a waey oinghiepterthe past the ranlin this perd orraorritedly R rIer- wsncdge rerso cssare- toaps te the itteendoloa nesesoe fatrcer atser nir ta irrclsrtshod'..esved tSnereo ns the athnrnoll tee.)laod torso ioresIrdeassoelh asrhesrofattaootethe cnorsThis oooWerserosstets v hrveeobtiantdtoc hrspessiof easras. arsthoshep v, ri y , s w ~ aiar Pee the Ayea 11n an rhshspa ie Behior, bt h 1 ad ndi I pMlalsail-lpaean..een rd also pntvidesI yaslIr oseo wclisr Irelps csiaai to deactimsridrpaew Carth MytrAeyheetrrolpoloecdars and space is ces nladyb -s the, rorpane w placelonalty conS icI' toeiatedtwiththe peec.rossnnntt oettarowhich helps sclnirehehsvicr I'c,,larroshlterssnpaeand socialeln dstihvle irnhe dnrarsefessstoadrane h ad intire tsatnctcisshieisOneeaot tehofrrothe hraleytheeeviatioo- ships amaoogspace sns cotell atdlhhsrldm , en h A o ng i t l mAin tic d is p Itt - ,lls e n tr o c t re a rai s a n ec p t n l panso ofaseolence Threre etcy totedl poteee rothe rpnmenr iceg datas Tra neasin -andarfitasilfThtisoaedotteiattenh poe- pilaelyp ltrferitthg rt ednenirhe ltOltarshatehthn-oar thet ders-irsin valoe t.TMeCatcoiaftiossad w on1. stleetrsoitotdsdcblinramcne Fas her etsfoecrtm trrahnpslogartttaodctfiotrcaidal eost..Ei-T11.1 trdern ndied ppoc in hi hoobaks The cidl-traacs 1166 (I rrd The hile ecaoIu(~c 1th,. sae tar desroaadhn mis nssnptrcfairraerad space1 ret rin agethen 1, y1 p 'a' 1Ialdlcin ttatetrta office sloe atl ,a.e amplncy apda bmandfsecoansplfanhm, moc "Ill PIIIIII l b am x ~ se If It 11 u a~d d, p at K r lrto  6 2 A -6A A .AA - wIlh ch [p C(I v nvlva FwvN nhv) tvM1ch the pmmu as mrmg - wkch At Ptvonsatc faiuq 9.' IcPteiw I wlwdyzpa azcM4^8s 19^5)'. my mddc dnga nmght(nmr miY°n mrdaG rJlg. Pa¢ mR' 16VIZm gipa M1eMnd nPl Ldl Th ee tdad ttl-W v E_ wAavnB zI"I1 iclud 1 zl Rxea a 1 0 C II tmRxea.' 111nils Ru1 :11 1i11, IVIC ,[a a DF ,gi Dad R p14c jx¢ a pLm Vu bmWc qL 9>a bclov '1hc Narorvsl -pl-l. axe' 5 Itzh,,Id I, oled h tthe hot¢¢¢ atd-,by m Aymeau Oat and level b1LI;al a h¢mp.tising hl c a mmmniu. , I 1 p x m 1 1171 vl. d prtw and a al, DF a Vdwa .. J3 tchl.t -1 Bvcdda "17111 B. The hil da v: I -L,1 red t p uvd.l.It f dl etdm a 1d fit I.-iov (lvgl-t 1171 Vimnw Ita¢ y r.y h Mmw, D¢P PDSivc ya~ n don n! op wraxd Dmwam n'Dma FDim -^.pi- .ate Lvam¢ ntnlu I.vtbcsca uqa- wh PI.... Ill 11 1is pCl -1 p dlr 1 I 1 e I enn ate ncat: r, -w ya- wM.M1 rM1Cpxomaot-fitting 9. TbeP I ndmi gPt¢n¢(Yt gs 1175. do chu taiZh (venn) un9"x m:JLl ,cell.. I'll -P Lltpll.. YPO bchiud . wdss. ep -1-ll IDO1,mI SnB ai It- Ili a u adim ss thtct Ill omlmmPltmxntsuB . ihclao6DDil.nff zrezuf¢i 99e 15]5) eNe -kah dv -Ill towel wel abo Plare -V1 apyQ boic ttl y m mgp q- M1cl- TFcxxlsnoml mm0lemnusaae 5. It rh.1d he m¢tl It aie I L. vtdrnve bYa¢AYman as flat and Ieed bvtw¢ha Mmpti , hkea mwnnin_ (.F d. 1h^^oF. da lindc 11161111. ]_P x1- pi onad w1-o1a k"otl see¢-hlct:n11-11r 176 ry N Th. bil d.... 1 1 aia P, "p''ve'n I. It, diacm¢and as Lml foz I-L.. Englaitl IS]51 Dheceov -knn- _ -Lpa- V b vdammcc - aqa- z d m 1't2 an n rep tpomc laa ¢dau uVto mxd. uunmM eDma Pmt atd v¢'Dm bxsott which Flatzz - P (th h p zd b ) - wl¢ch the pc' ariw h ch rheV 5. ih p s anal rcva d [r P. Fl''p've (11 r x M51 >nqa vide ddy: taigbx(nos) m:mq"a iueWe; villry pa¢ mp, alnrlaw Ll " mlddl, d b m 1i¢ng .yax'ne le ae lDC donl o waxd ¢- 1 al mmpi Fleme dtmxiThelDadwalmB sate (¢ti¢gs l)?S)'. s'c ft"t red v jn Pla t Pro tsatt Pl beziac qet niD¢ga yln below  will Kt K K K. e K V K 1K, V F K " K 5i>t J K 'K 5  3. An Ethnrosetsaeric Study of Avraral "'th Carry" Norman Tate '[Iss paper is ars ethraosemsssie study yof our category of Aymwaaoerbs. tbtotsceensteseceeeroery"luts 'roc'Isa object oSad rise eoreespodtdia cssitissta of pliests by the so'b -. isAresaa, ssvaet 'stpped by the cadditiess sef soffi fes ostplo opr " au/yasts ''Iplac srayssd'ral hotld'-] illatigtssasydrsl TSeo tttrrtctsyoaeteds1oosa scsoeyeftbrtora beeoitvrgfocasn'er ahueor csaout thiarea ofebtas- estaes ft, thoat the caefol reetooli itods in ts hypto u n she y mateprnunnr as esdocsta r a~.oo ie~t, n a ~m etr the rtide fistll ito b tr that lsecs'r at tos tot aftheenateaeg c'ioises'rbeteeire,eres. . spats aSeitaof tho diie otce asid rarter'of eutyieg it. Oftter pos- sibled-mserotng facrars such as do-e.i desstutione tae to be the ptstosire ansdlnd sditeto'ar "As rSI'osrta pStodssyciAyea-s' 'Icr'rr sO ¢PlLrsss w by dTeat sistpspetrtuoo'snr'roe andseoeoeeslor tesrcets 117 ervdeAymoaa otIae'tth e shap us Ias seob l arots sflsses PaPss fspera rc s't n -tbelr stes-ue d he srorl f [sos ~ d papeddfs sss-ssoierhtefssrsfrsses 3. An Euhnurscrnantec Studly of Ayra "Tb Carry" This papotis sreboecotirtd o-f oe caeegeuyfA'ssarovred, the s eornicgrheccocept 'oarey.rhtis.oeorof'abjects asdthereterocdicctrifcaeion of objects Icy the verbs (Iriscyara. m vocrstopped by the addar of a susho, for examsple, ayta''I eooy" / ycesqta 'I place" srsydet "Ihastlirelastia yidrial Ihc purpose af lic sad yea todrussse asr ys of ttsese verbs as possible, to dehtoaetrsrs c aidd-ltseaoesupes.stsands'vai abte Of'at stres'fsbass Ionisetri'aeisg, fres os-s' alne.1.eshadbeosaetusrusfht h'oages'.tltaetbestheehe satithSpoc sea retsepe'otv'usthoe tpocycwas thtof tt ec adeter eetoptrsos etst ([l'V aspect vet. 3); 'eodht ebs ioebtecosscderatioss esesssd ac :epateseo releooinothe ss1v PusFnnfy it sas hnownsrtlsassceosere a eas w detertitoiislfactorslsssteprdorstales)susolsed is the hrsasssw cit ,lrcsoigfeotc schl as dtseegc dresseutionc di eseto ba e cauestrciged~a aidusro)odrelevto issuceansd objecutceeeudossg Wit pescdussaddfaondr"nEln i tryeetesau a' rt my oea ms rtPar's foraesor.eiP tiseru oulme esserl t1,e) sh nte buses Plonr h. - wt se charo oe h h cosrs'..Scrs'Ptt 11s 119 saa s bcossethull mostctpsantattnortbsatcsfssstnd ospsau o1-111 f wltoodetsesrsteill' Trsthe,,ofar hs tr Paper utdfsrthat nicsetchsicttssaol fothseassssobioosstoe 3. An Ert.enosenuaei Smudy orFA rfenr: "To Carry Norman Taoe Thsispaperis attsaotsateisstyeofm eoagos'yef Atseoacob ehos'crsisoethosoespt "toeas'reeo thatoesvoscofelodat ouettotisstppod d:T fcl1 c ,mIIseral(,by the ,,,ddiie oft sish. for ecteptc ayt "5 catep'laysqea Iptaes'oarabctalheld'-tl1eleiegreyitddals The poe-pose of (the er dysas t a sc'et as mns'o imsse 'sees hr ord p od foeistlediit sdoesesso delteettscoyaesad sari- Stteoetiteeious l'ssvoealread, oer gC a t yiaksssait-abotthisa e y loof t, ulsfrteolaete-ln su i s ienrKr dittthat fte sorb a ad the ass's ssoplssss-t scue (IHV)9 is.I; rere ,e .... e..toe is~'' seec[cos ettee Iacfsroofdisesbectasscp twasdub scaros ostiab'tOletas- u esf r osd 6tva tsot adeh ites at sssm a db tses ) d 'r s't ostscrdo t , cccr rst a p rtilsmperiesue sflyese ob-ee ecec sjss' t seods' 'e . dul eta bas e r f y - O f ob preeotd sisooereosalsasss estsoyros'csr'ascaost s.al tose d isoOd m d pssve etoehirtlrcs c.ssrarcchcrd ....s. sAssrsrossse o~theseeAm-latyttsootu Toirooe wtss h'c ytolPeap foiaaou seuteaMmmc nylnwi h p  58 Ana CoaaI d5 aucCemisi AynmC 'Ii Senec ~eair5 A n C- maN an iS.. 't1:...Me brjoheeary )eRl~ w hse cseereeeeeieoeefsesr-a reieehehe se Laowarrsleing IsieoosrroomgelIesiietlo Also 'al~s ''dti14 r-leds[valet loafnshoerb ooeodiescsr-l All qsecreoe glinted cerhe cMlser andesleolhe hlrdltolthird ,i oesctb ehoere/ori Vebri~hw tfiefrlot onosfee sur-sb rsefoecereer-eimpletese; die lacer Muperssseeolirses (st. Whi- seth tweo wsil usoedmode sdsrrr-se find Lr-e positios sed dl es t efir subcaseegorses ide eso Wlhere teoM -ohoj,tessor - cablefol inesisosct sfiirosc "l eo seanal rt oiksh brsoes Ilocos eoessysbiieiel' cscroceer ere acsed asor s.d oo. sted.(Thee Le -esnd anledofsss mIcsslecrreo thestfcts c acrrigridl)Ierh h- ieso being acttrd eu osssesedo-irelooesslbl pt eseaedsisg rouoooeere - trdi osec srebsoesl 'sls .ereeds ss - eg. As so-doors proceeded it lleco s b eo clear stha the coos eaer esHroodl frte xspeco elc heist a etsoje- qorrsaee ehro ssoeersears verrebn elonlyssgoeso Pr-recesss dlertseos ieerrthrsos posslssrofetheoobasreo Nee erresepr olrelesti nubo g~asbs M teoeo w rIpr 1pplosgrs-srso of ,objersseats.shroeac foollrcc ,upsetcr sebrtoerercohssobeoear ote soer-slore kellores Iodaco)i.Objecsvreeeobrersesrtoeoubrofslajce bring ofsr i liteerovsre phnsredlcoInc1 a-r o sursdsriccan hertsrd uleet "Ie dats prsened represroeeoesmgc ofrisssl errreosrer- or vefbeenssdscoeetssandoeeunkigret dl-sesg leaverbron euooplred. coeeiegrisesi pmanori o.]sejur-ithe brjoenarssb eeocssehe liceojoeiludby wose Mron betelrmc Ietsho ak te elosllyil gaffre ore lestedolpeobricasIy b 1 Ibelisere tore oftierseob for mods subsaorcy ies, epe of objec ht isits aeospeers or aiete lied m ofusryie his vst ofssefj-cs oedbssoieeiodrder drldrdroe sdsse beebrerbjrrw are w eeebospiooeerrseor.a 1v relevant,orreroeidrdeiner >sieee'e unoo esscblessrgow Nrieleer erossplrono.e-cletroerolrd i-ofse ebocteor lee reer cpit. Ra le st ed in esfls 2.1 lots ,lsbcre ac -osrmisnseedbtable3>2 *lhe peoceloer -o s cob uerree bessed on eJepo foes reps(Va boai Itssbe oerlsiO) Dairregothe qoessmreg feetw eooeerdoerrlscb 0505.oeeojesrrenderig h hroreseesroi tersoeerebasi Also tapie '' ooo atied birthsqiexlells loI otrereverb rie d'.osoredo Allq qioesrseereelrsd' ebrepletesosrid ierrstheidrtoofind Wites fosoi teseoer twos be d nee m ferec r PrO' Lm Olefre e sr-lll eabjret con lt tre uc be atsee as etos fir roa lr sic h at rerer ,i torcrtaklrease g Iberea eccio ' ofrseeol irretesrierd maeJrrsartscra i 5r-esrrei na maedoleeie itisstb .. mleresc[eeelsictherovsrir ) gedlst-berIethebjcsi ered wist wieteethot leandeblr, psoesdetoaoooiecr- breds ssrncbildoereebdseitdasr-oeimtig. Aesolyis priccdrd esbsrtly bcoiiecisorlaeb oesste dsesoore ofxersosgeo t sersbsilysgefireol fi es lleersndr iifetbroircsssscilit eerisotrlye oisoieao eieofr-rlsp o pr-cplortireilieaoersgsficiircbjreeisrshrso oiotoll anep-loic r- tb -lM rei c t. aesle er or . ite i t Lp-dwli prcciice prersceele er--idlyeriers-eer-elr bit -br or disoerbd e ier dmrireg oil~ bleoig Into r-ri b-irt ud w melr-aedazi I qi nvMCom;nblw T o dta poiseiepesee disssarlo desis aceelecceen fee,, Inre doi d pted dtbid pltoi ~so n be else osros soa belen c idly eslucsbleeor-oepleoosb riecore rIsemaltyeal seceledeed wosor i srtie dh Irs roo sports elseg I elocee err dha~ lisor desb 1 . m M ilprsbeh-elly IcyM~ litifrelivefoo see cli seeb Fer lorI ore dsslirpsI, f i (bj erbos ijt s Pcit ronoet the eat~~i i, Lsryo II s Irc lea of d bbeio i ols iiclisded v ed rex soddesprisret so tier b rre ¢c girirs. escpie Inos maeroe osbir join ,xllcespleeeslbriess ndreahpsaae grin irdbe 1 darroibsoerivrbseilr- seyep- oeeve leose dssm rlisted berldtetctergess liooeeoe-ics ib~le 3 .2. lo o r-ieo).ieslo e qr-titsf c irer-f ice Wpit WOtIL- seis reod bec riareolm cblroereeoitrcbeterdeicoe-ie er-guirs vareedoset orloeltseinofco aessr-sf indtes hir-rd Alli~seoosserrplteas -Vol eotetes elrccsrsidtraei tiire ,,sI 'Ifhe foreseer is lse see pir rtsrhe lrue[s cota prssir e preesooe a i ad od& 'nretil I auc ofclbirtr-gsa leeveri WOibr-etualceobsjecwooaviolbleosbtigleiielios frttrriedl it oeal" telr sko le qoresen Thero as stair- anml ortrieliaseemiedovwiitlrd.(Tieeetrseoeeolior-l oi cuee -o osoiecord1 rtlsxi prsctrolelcogstrci ees- lIedoi i httrdtttlleseled ts ortleefn selvs ro e eldecitsheelv feria- o bese list sloe is reLoescedfor tsesprllosad lotsitsoftb-ier-emsqieirciia insgctheecopoc o ate so br-org sties. Ncoior-iitiibereireit- sir psaroersub ocategory whileo set b- tr-estedl asti c bcprs ue htr s ser f b ecbeir-or fiosia qise- eerat eli cone itoir crii lorerete a getiro, broieo-orr-dlbrrocetrr-gsoaldsleeiso le beet Tlicit ruoebe goe as hdstesilod clre ucas ssetoo tp siso oetteo n-snm ssection foer reidual lees, All. to rorres aire ds- ortececo by wh-bib crcoeplemrtecs else esbs tcie Ie esIasi all oeseoebeeoaipletacreincitiiiiiee ecepics Iiicicsbeshoan is foot is reesiood sohbere tbe serf ' soreI csh leesecls-ho bo- g1aIstrd ailpbabeticaly Ibo tier-f erebcls ise i f slot echf Fit slo sof-ttetese lbstype at of lot 1tbet is it o 1pol oreit ) lhe muoesfrotxr igt-xscrpeif oboss idbibot erlosseid err- Iu yos 1se1 ober--i ores gioe pesticetstn ceeii wheae erlsloe~ vricirtasslredoi orts~tdersfeiI- I tcfor: N sittrtietsoplr creie -sopcise listed orc eloessie fit roller see oesritsioo daotaol sseiaiseruerato 11, A~datsotg.o re siesninesi I. coble A.1,  bn*rmwa~ Sado oCaf-lo 5 Un h.osmati SmM od& W-'tr of An ~ Etnseadpo .To Ca,,-~ Te *d Syrnt c tie ohaprboeelriwicborpeciic mit hine woithriseecif pet ortns-ofdlebecrtopa,, theosmraltrsrir of 'lie sirbesropony Anvib ors arwal Uplae pa etr e-shiped M -alioteo ocroolaotdsleri tillsa-fitcotitied oso tlsire rods ii fred). broosers plater b-riL; trp-, glass. Creer .,er allsityidodoeiyrihoject.ensodfrcnac wrnood in oreortio Included exception irbnesr recloded exceptions:.bn Anthtotystrallst. loop, rigid, cvtirtdci. h moes poec f Iroerrd. sep ..I, 1 ber.tpeei o he laslronred frrr-namrple.oeteildiatplay). Totrocstolit"tii loclided eeecirer:r Tmaorte bxchtcltlrddepirri c ridd. town rerirar orne or rtar rdsI E aspi es: sirr, shoes, sherppr o Eiirrjtrtirne -foond. Ctre,resT whenri this asof robjenro tied ondheoannord wone rhe it seas caried eon te sleoulder iqott ewas piene by oic irftratlor nall othterrenscorie triedirassnot gro= 1.on I--rtoaneiibtariprios his prfcottrcinrbtre ccitT ript airpetr oorati bites ofM t be rirrto er ise roor h retof A ttibrss:rrsrsllploe,ore on ta-shaped. Mannero m eetcrhadho -Btay (as if itcrttiso-dttrsthtr Surelss ford). r-.oe: plae; browl; nry; pies. Comrtini esioll itiClodes ory objn ori.d fotr-ecie fend ia on 'min 1-imctnd romeptiore: hn tilonlodd reiornr bottle. Anrit A trebmies: smnallisho, Jrrtp, cipid nrri-rrccl Mamorre me one or twso hand,. Erioneprt pnil;-rlsraare: seond;olriplds ri F El tend. ..os.oor ieefnorbanblretiascaied othshoridrnrrrtirrlise- low) caisord. f eitifhn loe uNinstseeie sabngcr ie 6IIn,(rorotrorrailrnosth tion Antillens trilis, osullytrittrte Minneo ant nars Fimne: Msoy anySrtllonnimal. InIrr1o cecrotrs teddy bn. r.nrded excns tos o rrrt f~Iva Allttibote ],jtirke cbjeds, 'tot forlded. tMtr-.,orino,.aon twor hands. Iixirrplor: she hoc ,he, rib , o-L~ bxceptinsn rtce fer Corersonr : Twiece eeoc ti' type of objn o caeriede o he m n when t scavoed osr itirteoodrsirle aspisrer by in, irorn.art bt inr all oither rrrtaneer tridiese-nor ivn Seon1cnin ;[eeo sd, pf o in nrwith speieiic aspects rttenlsorsrrsobjeciiopisnrhe octrl hinrof tlonribaetepry A"oi Amtnhotr;, rositcplat- on ety-seejcti Meotr11 rirotwor bands hoerizeityirrontaly in' aedimeoiehip .sncleo ford) Uxoorplos: piae ioont mcy; plies. Coirerrerronrsrteto ,Idia n ioeobjrcted frstreiofrodinevoi'igi froc Ianddd ,,ce,,tors: a sittr trrLddrceptirrr: bottle. Apeli Atc irtes: seettih, lrrnp iTd epliernial. MaIner: itotcctn ohind> E. nples: precdai of..eorocoshrtlelTsstff Exeepirs noe ned Cortr InSteichlt rnhobecc isese.d onntheelchandlriwlaerebe- 1 ir)is-rerdcenrifl rhinstricrt, na 0111eo, :ri 11iis hairi r rejd ros iho rlroldee (fe orrttplo. a child irs play). )ob sar A ttibore: striolish. i osr maly Namoerc-adleinaea Inarple. baby. arty setollanml Intildoc ,enrpe: aedd, ben. Erieodad ceeprrsrr nrr one lod0 Atrcirnew dioetlrke aotewr nrt folded Mouser . or, one en itwo hands patte pe ei rioes sheer.pp, o~ Eltein-nr,, firond Crirto, see wes-inbr ypcofobjnrsas rcerd on the arm anad riet other orsas cocrad over tch sodo iqoo ao, pi,,n by rthe fltnrntlhtoorbirrirsas nieditrwas orpin  U0 Aymr ammas and Sern Crnlie 60 Aymr Goaa sad timaw. Caee- 0 Aw.aowaa and aSerade Cawh" Arribotee' sousE (onangl and aereplaphelibablbe.. aiiy geasped a on Iand. Mar"ie . ireoe hand. Exaxrplo.reaaeble ball anpl, nahb bx(for exatplo. roades). rx~ecdd oncetionis -banaon. Ixododd raepon..e non fond. o.cxxnrr If an apple (or po ens) is arided by is ram tae verbs Anarlarge and lay or heany obIoIe Maxntr roan hands. Exasxplcxbay rokbxtied;lMrge book',radn'nhare ro fll. Eoceplioxao: e bs oasad- Kaneoda Alnrbos~l large ax alby or a bet Marrer: Iwe pople. bEempless tuarnk.itj ndpa p onsnestbees Excepsion: none bound. Q'-eai Aesrsbsres large, long, rigid objes. Mannser: on sheousler Example: board; lanoe beas polo; sluff oe hisahaded aepoan srnallr lame,. rigid obje-nshor.b ia pencl (see epollo abase) Ecclassed-,ta..rpnsor(eased lbadar Ansrbome ares doable joined hanidl. Maer-" orsir reeo hands, be she handsle. Exameplee brrle ..rolease sealer Pidelt Isarndhag. lrsal,dd -aspr fruitSonar auserm by rhe snor; paper gag folded daon fron e rap (wordsoemetuhin it). Cosuererer Nrtsrot es sb- sirm' dros sear ied d objectsain handglee Nrhate oelejoinedsltthereearo ptsaueaas apotooa iOa Aa eloa~nall (eemlnlogih rare npa lik)benipansdgapdin hr hnd. r, -anoer:i one bhord Fare-topes: marble; ball; applo email Le(oo fi-riepe matchee). esslosed exceprinns bserna lnlnded ex......xsrenefound. Cornnenoe If aappl orpeaelce) iscardbhit en the x'b becamee eaprri'a oebooc Arnibiurr:Iange and balkyvmehaimyeobjecs. heinplos large bor. rack; latge boobaradiuairashcau, fll ncl'awlone flud Am..ibore o plrgaesbulkyertoaevylxjirs Massr roe penipls oarellreoofiro m oeorsperevoaxcrorrbr (fire'on is cfc esd Atnibutx large long, tgsd objen- Muneer obe shoulIder. [recoples booed laobea pole.;er flba Included esnepilsone smaller long rldabjcolnsesalas aperiod leer apasfie abases eced e-cepmon. none roud. ke la'prn A Ili ess same doubse joined hassdlec. Monroe oror o nd, bheebndle FxoxIple Merde. esalsass stetcilhe; handbag. botherded excpepton Sreas, o meem by Ihe srero: papee bag gelded down fremulbe top ;eo roeeain up an ill. Ca amlnende N are that Ibis smrbcaegntra does no islude obojeete ll hrandlesrbeataie only 5oechdsOslhem ataonespot. such asa rol ono pal. Pearlsa Atrnibuones: see1 (norlngish and store pllhe objecis earily grsped ire oe frasad IM.iio 1t e had. Ecsanplers nerble bill;pple; msell bo, (far exmaple nwaat~ ). b oided en.ap.... bons. Irelred ex.aepniensreae Sond Cononerres Ifiaeapple (ot pearee.(issenrad berl-srawth sorb becomes nopola (-aebabon). Psodo Atlrlbuter: (urge ard bulky 'nhoary objectle. Manne: Iwo drde. Exareplesc large box: ceoal loarge hook. ; leeo ncon, fall. Esepnnts'.none boared Kallada Airtibuiner Iango ares bralky ane leereysrkjri. ~o oer: aie people. Euanpli =-Ma.rark.injrered Ppura onreearer.e Eaepioa-: none Q'id MAlenibrosige, linng rinrd ubjeces. Mane:on ..header. PEaepl': ar bon esam ban; pale ,,ash, hoe. lreclrddanoapioeseoxall,,. long a Hlad oh)jeats such aes'osbra (e areao ooos prsedecd ereepeo'on~ne rfound. Maope- Arrdlruoe eec deahly jone handle Moserar'e oritwoIL , dibyhbiedbo. Ererrgl on: ado. Suiecase,1 msar' ps'ther hdhog.e trainded exeeprions Iole i selbrterrby the star; papen bae foldedco fernm thre leg (wigi somerins'hg ire in). fonoinnr, Noledianhess.'uhegarv doee nat r'u orderrhj''n waith hadlertratlore urely jeiedator em atne spot. secline p opnrsa pin.  A. I~nmnal St*d oT C~?y-Iba An htmawn Std ofa IuGf-Ise 61 Ahe oei * td o T ar'T 61 'hssscbcattgsoi esastlbcshioh ooso vp.oteissoto baes of Mfc abjet Thetsb ogesot bold op for ooyhp irels ..uld ssbjosrwbddatudecltpboss m.d...oha, a-tosh. lesacsoo-Lat- oooh "sospoisg tint fits" hat boost riven mbadcurttibres, h,, typo of objets csattrs iod ino bos oors act busk o bumk rcl, especially ste lttss Attribsots, ootvtlo that obeiet oMaaness lbs I book,.authty in o clte spoilcais tosode foe ibo pm0 : y Ess boby; liteosotc large aostsf goaios eootobfootodaib E ots can s ootefatted. Mansob o sto ligo of o Manoosoon oth fborbkf of nista l soch as a donkey, llaso, boost. 00 bosoosytot poeesoss other food bseist kitbensiesss Esopeioosoossefoos. T'bepbin Aets fbres:anpotsig cbot boo. had-r:mtsaiodob (obito mcak)nsoifront bnossptotooossgcs potototo. bn"cis one000 found. Abconsysck stssg tsoultods-osobhatobstod oselso book a givoss by tetifue maos seopart o ssossg'~iisq o'imop'bIoasad ossosdwel sjasqooobo(see below),J . lots v fotot iot, itotobotss of this dooopatty inthteloao. These subostgosis s-c toose is solticb osooepoodotosots t-i busetoofehoabojst lThesubcategoisharoup foaybl'sgcbatcold feasibty be tussssd sneacht of obese ssssocts e05m whaet the poeticsular oa world toesotsslly becarsied inebaotostss mes h as o eboutgh tooytbsng than fits" bat beets gives ossta"oeibass" due usual1 types of ttbjoso or sotoos oceed is obese toaonse. ac bulky sor bulk Q')si,5 Anoune: anstbosg toat Iots. Msannoer hback...b stato oto, spcifocallyicnode fortbeepo- posts ,awnyu t's Osifont bosostples: bobs p oes tsyssoostsaofgoisntsusk (fosteeodwitb ops). Excoptios ontfond K'ossob otbns oytling ocer fits. Moocc'.o: sthe badbof an oistttb s ssxadobovttueo ooo Enooshpls ,pseseot se food looms; thift1s.iso. rsoetpeisssisstsso founsd Aettbcocs:oansnsgtbhat fis. Manneco iesawrloh (skiot so opoto is feost Esotooplto: osss; pots 00. Aimbsysdaeksloogsvcatsetbtds tb pstet asb boo,, oans ,trasso, a. sonel osq scgbases b l os).It aces sseais h sfbstsplslosos ofhbir doistmpoosy its tie dato. botse afthobject Tbsstbotcgoio ldoup fssspobfi tbt cadd Feosiltylbetsmsons-d so ofobs cse annosevnswhbsstMb posboslos abjectwsotdsons msltaboo ledo ioota oaetssInbca ,ol.- tltougbhsesytlnnehfit, hasobocsgiocnoeodo aeolbussi."ebsl types of abjsos es teses, catled cs' tbese mnotsso ar0 bulky ss bank inso,"ftopaslly tespoo Attrabct- anythsig thaon fits. Mo t toss sthebck, osailpyinacllsr,.psobolysmodsfstthe tole- Psoeplot: baby poatoss bogs osmost ofb truss k (sohasfsoned with oape). F ocaptions sasso funod aMtnonb :,sthes y nk of ta ft. Msssot:sonohebaookofossnslueal sucbaso a ossofamso otsor Posopioos: msis fast Attobnuts: ostyolins thato fits. Mass-s-iaocoth"s(ditorspo)ins fran. Etoosplc:ornasges', pooss. Esopos: noose found. Aheaotssbsug onseeotleshsouldersokoeitsesocda otot back sas gir'msby eiofsooant on separote oscosiosss pireto,obsputirs, and disllsosw rch osjoqsoroobo see blo). lsosuscestai otosimph-ceis of tois discepansop iso e doos In decor 3, snatchers.... a.cmarkd by the verb cars, lostoelsto3, sobootogesise ssootssbodbyehtsInsbctpeu 3, mo i su~bcatgois are marbed by Ibco-ebopslls. sstislsbocoisetakdoesosopao In xenon 3, subcategories are :narked by ebcvcrI, an...  a o H ya - a- a a- 2° e 20' a> -- a4 _ 5 a- s A 0 a- x- & aa _ a cT  A.~-wat * * m b .1 d ,an'-I 113 A. IcnSo..a.i tudyo t Guy-'lan 6 Un h~m.do lod bI Car,,-T. 63 Apacaenealsoubre cidered uo eqaialeerruteewholecattoronde evpurve ry ofclacnhlernacparvu oray"ia Aeacar. iceta 4 5 o4at esoidual data.Tlioeriuaimoaauts entha do nut iutrhetataelve mnt ary yba tthtr e ue n''llCnad des~erthaaiteadv'erbia m oinabnalaaeitla-h veboa ta gaud true "cTha abiod thy cod, i eilieo ay arrignimattoataldddd d'-afmiaunhaeeg (a) cons oeThaaePlucueuoea ue (a) igaqaaa-r taguor hape as ov anb hadol> JAfm, uhbebieireeaean nhi-., guicp with the jrkut deaprdfouerr hoeuld,,). SI) acfn'aked u nder the arm. (0) auhoan-neaon I.,trot. anpegoru,,i. Jupstee at he aetna'm nti-lHeis guinag ceita the druam alutng (fmaee bis .k)_ Proetabl.y ti erndual sueatlrouc rtand huooeendedidefitnitely to -uce muanurtpecifally othernueallvan acapuludeuatteonf arry- le tanaaig-ahat it, unutsual fot the Aymoara. Tatrte1I. Alpltalaelual Lietiag Infae rcrd m Analylo Objeut Paloe Yeb Aiparma u Aoa uanabautted azdeqnictluttewhle ategoreder d ly IeI audfor' aeeyebierguneid inettpcaacuacchuenesdoe noclhuoptti. Intel is v iav , t at. eptn h eesaidluu baaz ntgptayn ef t, hueble tatgocy f ceteota let nAyuara cutlet 4 5aln Ho a hssi.nldsvrsta ote in ebcocetir cre to rry"c labtht rc ble aced it cella Io rate dueceis aoan adverbial i nacteer ie rnt itautia wcith Steth vetbs at "e go'u'to >raue." Tat coabined,taey tender ieauuetaeeifarwway rarvilg sittation cht oatld adtatly 5all ito ncatgory (a) of seecin 3. Theeamaple enuaun~e emu (a) Jaguaa et-o hang at drape at .aoetaetlaaldot Juapaa antsleauaetteec ,-He at goua witha tt jake dapeel(tre his thaealda)_ (h) qtuaae-nuhuedudrte jragab ina(aaurnearu na-1 SIe geeiguwith thehbook tonubca d aned, bee atrm .Jnupaxtaeocruarattn oneuatl Hisegueieg wiltbndrumn aloeag(ftueatiasaeeek). Prteeaaaly thittttiuiecl taata- g~oec eaddle be e'taded eubeitumly to epontemeueupafiulyteh-n.u..yc..epe-ied naanaers of rary- haptelooeag-ehat is. tuetecl foe thu Amoat. Tahlu 3.1. Atphabciua[ citeg efybata tajhAdee of Acetaa 'To a try Apahb ara also beunlcalateaeaoleetohnuobae augeccaautder diuratatuni Itaisauetfute,mead, aedantan ate neuec wet ne deon la .1 e optnbalIntho wry, esu apeeeuran esaid m bbua typunyna ofd wo th ehlt guynf touatec ne Auaen Statue 4 bcliat- 4 ealttmtioda(att lhaaaaohttteolduccuehethae dotat an dban tha I~a hredia cubat l ott nsy danouihanadoebMal uealoala t wt bac nuboeb at nea goae'ad at Ietnecco teeueuulutuedueteaauuttribueay atta f thetau aeeleeouldrdcoeelx full itutnb-oruy (a uf s.inn 3,1 Tbrtraplresenuuereoee (a) Jetqxatfa-aulaeng or drapeas ovr the stoualdr Juapauehunhjaeoqcata ee ad-He it goeat with tiac rbt draped (over his ohoaldee). (be) g~'aan-touksd an the ars .jtaee ulia ,setaaa-Shea goiatcuwittathehuook ehral .enu hue tone. (e)l aue-oeo-hungolngftmas apeg orear. Jopax oeaernrloeaneaen-1,tuigeiagulIehe dtone titong (freoe haiseerrk). t'ecunehy tan ucaidoal tubcategory rcold bu uAdiedubitoly torpreesnaoreaspeifialy atorecusallyoneperifud acanutenfuety ancgoueeeetng-thaeio otailfcuthcAyenta. SAM 31, yidu tact .. ine Htvee n Aa Oteeo hlaantoob ,,e, laoe by t -at. ptae,eau Tedto bath itn 'etatel or Twat head ac- tae.t Oboa], belu ccet fioo A pact Ap. olt Itat e atft Q'nipi Aeasa Objut Mtamaao "eyfrt0p hne oburn aca Anyttieghufio O.eba afoaaal Antkadetoht fine Tod en, -Ile he tb Apple etto land, APnel O., hand Apple at Aseamy fletIatad, bowec, fec a \krF Aew A,- Is'utnun. Q',p.. Aps.. i egritun A.:htha Ateebit et Ot Aplr ra f Apple Appee Otblarhfa ael "tnhand oat hod, hutouca Foge Ap a Apedb et pi  Sq Avmi GamwI wd Se4 A-wcin g'' gyar C-nSNvdSmai aKn Ap.mGmmvc n t. S eac i t ov nahil. Ings~ Bam bos Bitk. i>11 Book . l Hitd vi 1 AnP B I v BitdI, cg. gm nuh, PitB hit fdATg o ip t Ib 3.s-C'itiititd TOn, l,,d, OCi hit> CP: hitd II, --i Ci ,l, >1 Twi bit,> (Oli hit>~ ud t, , bId it. hit>I It hit> C c Ci, bitI, it (lit ht> OZ,, hit> 0,i tl, plyi ,I pw Apiait n"p hit,,lspn ¢B~y ¢aby nm Bit, I1 , litp, Bitl lei. epty C". vr aly C,d a, Clud ChIt,Oip ChtdbhiYiul ny lb IBIIB Cl, dl I C,,hat> Cit hit> Cit Bit,,>s CT, ,,' l1, , hd Cit C,,d Bhwdv Cit hn> h it t C B> d IPI ,d) Bylu C,,,Mn T' d 4 AplA Apana Ap n Apn o A pf lait,, Apitt, 1 p' DnnP Bitk, ,, B,>as p, P,,o k, ,, mCl ititt Hlit, ('-B-, n ,p l n 1 oa ,1,1 Hytlitithk LI1 wopeople OC bit,, Ol h I, (I d > d On' ,,itP Cnt l, t,'> Twod pl-dl~yl o n r III O h, . tl itlyItunihi 1 1tl - ,I11 Apan "pa A0,, Apitit Api, I,', AQmi W,,,, it? ,ith, it di (m mood)  A. b*.-. Sd f"Th Gy-t.m 6 AnPM.Ia. tnnn md fS 'Cfly-Dd U5A h zmav St** of rThCv-' 6 T,'I, 31- "'(A 1.1 C ,'G ( I A A ( A HenbabaaMg.AAAAAP II'Andli) H1 IaAkc A"" A-a'll '-d lAA 0.a' gA oaI'A"I PAm LiA, t 'lotd'd hAci (,,dli I', I,'' 1 bySAM MA, hidl nAh 1~ C'AA,,ld,' SAd vAny 0nc h-d L OIA h d o AASAI T:yA purpA OochiLd.l an'dli 0e IA ld' lid Sd 0',.nbrddA By b"dli C' h. by h- dl, TAAAIdA.b A',bAdl t naA'd Apn Ap~an Apana A, Apn V. I-, INl rlid. IAIIA Gam, la agAAAb- I Il,dbag wZ IL Adbag an~ II dbAAms'ffaldAA HAc HAc Kev145"dl' A'AAAAp AM' bl,"dft wd Pa, pta bA LPdlil P'd (AugdPr b d 'a Al] 'AAalMA (AI, ad Is ,AA Iva ,idtvm ln Oa Szddby I')"'Slnd.a[d GA,' bltl>AAAI O ow b rr~d C, M CAe AbAe A tw loa'i ly On."'' O k~d '-'asa PAAPIA 1oatl Cn~iA b'M n MA IA n ; ~l Poy i'Ad On andA,~bb~I T'e A'AVA'lblAd Q lpim p. uynN Ia 9+^twa Apana AP APaba Wa)'¢n aPd Igair Apana Q"lw qp.w a APi la, Aw khun , Apa I'a P T rmp'na g Iqvla gxa Iron apnea Ayae Q H.IL no IG APana K ll-, Na .. All" A APana 1--, Ap- it- R I Itvmarcd) CAAA IAtgA vaoAAA GrvA, swllamaAAA"" Handbag HadkAdliA( IA d' Al'e PAAAI Ld' ]azI, (VI' hl.AAIAAAr AAA A (P OItayee oAIA IA],' b I'AAA"Ab, PA' AAAh"dA PtAA I'' IA Ia In 0 C O C ID C T IA TAIAAI," L'knnv AIAA" (r .PA AA)V 11- TfAA' L hd, '.IAAA "(lAbd"' Apan hAAd. by],A.mdA Ga'AAA ehd A'('d AAVArII.ldcI AphaA 1' A '(A bAA']' A pA"' Lcld s Ad pI 3tlAeesl"" r~ JAel-, liAAy ApAA VAAMI '(AYAAA I''Al'AA y .d l A1'AA' leAAAI AA IAw AnpAAAAA 'Va"'m e  ,-', -- ' - -l. - - -a -- - -1- , ,- . . .... . . ... ....  An *uaevm y k ii db Gay"-Tar fi An J~ ktnsm m 1 tud fT ay-oe 6 Anf.... lUf dolfTh aet-'n, 6 Weshbazshs 1,o- fat t"-hands daft"I r nesyI_,- One shand Xolhbsnineg., to One a.. bards ,,shor Id", ~ 555 ir Ohaod yiadsses Is. Or sits bro e [ady dishe) roinasfsch, Oitalsseal Apsiti Apsa Final Aalysis ib1s 32 is based oniyn tohe s-asd tar t hs hess dns sections [ae v conoi1s is representsed ontde ler bnedtin byrtip], p..HllIes. See- sinisnadjacntss-ionthe right bortdissby dosble parallel rsto. Section 3Sis ssaes-at reorod bs fssos-soalwaysiscoked bythe verb .ap...- The p -oriea- sdorioftls seb, oatsseacb seton tan . Aparnfssheisgcinelitir o the Irnddal umcosie thes titan thow, niero- la the insRit olarnecttoacs ol at leas rite t nfraossissireeirs~aivisisss)fdlraln snrta l anouah sbsicnrsgsy-egssieesrtlsintci l aspstlirpo nTb.n... irh ssffitsirinn apsiais - explaind inthnrnssrsabns-Ayasintpaibo uentderolardes lnn~gdglssbjsstsIssonroosithnsssytnsgeobjrssoof Olristypecaon..ieiss o s-e-n bnssssaebnoonds a ssh.. r-pins'as gives by the irsnst An theoblasb 1.ns isse ton othe ciat (wohore soselcottbinn- ts nfnttibstcsd isaisr are physiclly possible) shosuld contan the senobsans. Thatis chseblansspacnsaassa itcosrespodtdo past oC sbcsegoy (d)irssctis ire >rsrslartsserswhaneooeT(lie ptrbs ..frrs ntsaideo rftltis: sba-atey is stat represnntssl ot ho litens i Ma1l catcgnsvi dneirtd bvt hstsssf .l-yinsg Ibis srsntbnt ottciantacb substogoes-nfdsstiecnpesa woecumista fsasltThtiablc pcs2 on the cite (agan weobre strah combinatiosouae piysically p ossibln) slhousld be filled waith the poeda snob of thsat Coltsmns (for earpls d'ssta inthc histosslnsnn) Ofohst sainso 3 d oss fd Is olsady himt esplaicod fore h a2ne Snlycneg-av (b) ir paockert sos tho ftt light Itrould bee loftas it Igsoepeslosth scto2ssbeatgon'soit loft n-alons-d into osl).cc Sabsangory Ic) by raosn a mre tsnp sf also sepsesetd is nonslount nrheoeght of the sh Tbe pnsdbitosrfsss nns'ig (c)a ctheamas b}Its oan, oto, hrowavr Iyswould inyfinalnalysis Final Analysis Table 32 in hnad only on ill dae firnt ftsIne ao ao Scalsn l isscpsseisodor tedsleft booAdinfhrtsipe panllllie- boo- oi, 2iusrnertoit on thterigt, fnxd iby dnbpallllino- beinn3iso ste lat scattsesldbta-aconse, -alsnysnnsbad by lc vcrb npansn. The pna-icnarsodeo of thesrs.inodn..bssoelshas no Aparttlfrraslowsing thelnrssf thecoisdstal sudbc egoies the chattashose o.arlvtotniolnesiooscofatleaststhe fiosttwo of[tle tlse ma-io(ss di ins) of datn. itsectios t as staten) each sobc-leesnysnqniss tr ra isesnc ofat speciften of object saitha spcifiaen nsssoffr co msg; tbisis easily snr othe Ilscamt The overlap of .s-tr.o ndapniisi explairsed ctsite texs above Ayni is itsparenthe- uo ndos-5sgerlongtii id bec .... i lt, bsc. this type carcied in sna nr rdst-hsbein beamd-I npan wa All thehlaebspcsisoirss 1 i sstlsesn p abohre ohmbtoi tiosoatibtispasssne- plsyas.Ull, pos-sisI>.. shnlt-eaethe vubrbnn - Tnt itsc blakspaces as aossito r sspnnd to parto sobcatsgosv (dsinisectiono3:te onusnal rttieosstcaregoryi Thte pasit) isrfiie rnmnittdnr osfis suat aegnoy as totepresented osttate n 2 each oasgasi domnssated ho the outan nfcnsig-sea teT'sebeecaut ne sstheta bvyr f a i eto oe andnjot sndr lhmntthe blakspcoiss oin 2 ntlhns lagnis whyse essbessberrts s physilly possible) shssld be filled weith rase pastila ove bof thtoltess (for o exaple, qsfnssoe lseftrssaolon) Of tht section 3data, (d) brnsaybe syani o h los Suashstgsy )b)-in ptohs-s orise Lao sig, It cooIdb hrlont it is5 psopeed eni section 2 ssebegasieas to Its left or absorbed into (d), tiltntusoiaess sobontegorsy -ehesta O cl-h y ansutomsotive vsarpas -s also oepretemtnd in one olorssset tie right nf the s-Stt The possibdtn fnrr s Walegdin nle ()are the sare atlits (b) Iethtisaensehowaeeerj [ onldi ftanaloois Final Analyis Table 3.2 is based only tsr rho data bones the frst tissee sectinas above. Setionl1issnpsomtsd sttheleft, boasdsnbyotple psllnllaos. Sec- n 2se sdjsafttetonstrherght boxedtitlbysdoable parallel hoe Seetisne ishsn oenhnsnteeoOlcnre. sealnayercroked bythe e.osbnaIfenclncdordernof alnvessststa edwhso Alsssfsotshowinsgslte QIaotsof the dbndalso bbsags y sts, obnesowssstmoreenaslellstsaatsshaancsst ssrtstastbe fst to If thetlree nairsclsmsissos)afda ,s1sno nostd each sssbcatsgrysrequisosthetayot fnspnorfsobadoofbtasswerts speed aun-teo of oa-yig rb s calos lsec cact otlscsbnt /Its o'terlap offqivaonandnpnaisoe pldictoetenabsedAnitii poseothe- sesses lahic Ito? gssvdyojects becaossea-itecry losge objects of c~d tpo snossd neor otrwo sands-shaid no house beas- nn was disee by the seordant Alltthe blank spacessintectnalonete caae (stlee Sschtcmsibin- hos Sltt umts andl nanrosad teynd)p pssile) should contanethe rsonpus Thats Ihose bltrbpat" asa ueitrse-pond ta parof sniraegoss (dl se sonr she solnnt"anel urobaogesy possible efistr soma' sdasof this ssslsetegos isosprsented on te I on2 eaclc atgois dominated by rhseimnnseoof carrving. Ttisn seyothat an rtse delsa each sobcasegorynftls eto wccpnt a n-Sol ce1 ootrs of osta slot That isr the hnd. spaces i, se tnen 2 asth chart (again Mtos soch combinaton ase pbpsically pas.iblo) srntld beohtto easth the particularssorbif thatoole ( mepeosl Of rho seos3 dra. (i) Ins ate sy bei cpInid for the ecsart - subcatagory b itpecknr-is an tic faoeightcItrcwoldlbntlefiatii- us, granpod otl soto'abergriss its left or absosbed into (d), scin2te In -edr Sobonregats Ic -' y vtt d, omsta epr< -ldhtopoo cted in en ,onsee the sy git of the aolbs hpsillie foe categorizing lcasaetellsoae as fore(b). lonrs case, hunteer ould inshra e  __  A. *** -wdfd frmC.,"-7i 69 Al nma -Smik itt, Cab '-op, by A.~h und. kdyf rT Car-Tt or Endttall e ) tgry sctne da2ta g aaalezaa,,Jiet dontrac waaddtitltaaaeatet taat attat beati iteli aetateatataaia ofahallsatdayatttttabdattaia oLte han a-treaaagIllaet.f ati Ota tpot ttittaal't~o as aha 'o .. al- at teteal tftha ateiat orf ab daea tpeto abjata? Tha bey itartae of ayi that aafaaad aattt'ahattataaaaed(aItaataty aaajeedala'ThLa had a htantd. That afb-a abtalmsly atald fat itt, two of ithe attihor ovetataaaltlerag,ti g d"aad aah htndle WheIt.asoaied by theltatdtlaatfcataacaatatatitaagt gave aaaraa Thus ittwarld aecn at aiaehiraleataaaaetaaaaWaldtaataat Buttwatthe hatate, thaife n atilltdaeaettaa'utatauptandatwen oaa anda,tdparim, rset Sumn a~r and Canolnin By way tl'aataty itambeaiud that ecearM laitaaitaatiaaaaad abate, ausatmdy hat hfaye the patattt oetaIytaWrt h Aa- aaaaabttc "locara haabaat bhaantt itaaacgtaap pal-laila aaaaftrot~ehaaa paetyaatclalyexataieetabattatiaaiite 'Ctet gb-tiate hav batta esabty well detataittet aatd daliecated-at least ta the pint pechaps, af faitag tactstidany eattabta As a Gat ret a~ftatiactin it hbenaahotathhatata,,staegtiea am itgaotpha -ataitataaaa a diiiaahtdiflbittlttlait itpaaraaaftaetaaeeaa a atg faata that galao doetina whale aattgacy adtird divisitat a fta ata. bas bcat shtwa toa beaaoe altette a acbll taegaca Addanun tintttTaaacatnpttteataiatdya caat daalafladaliioatoaatintnfahas baan cattlattal itatnaitag ea thc at appautoay oahtec ada bfintba deal- ianwtbatch nttittt aatoaitg ptaiag.hcao a~ad aafatdahre alogoaaenedhtabyiteacajccal Ita It addettlaia tet are jtalal forag te I nnaaer ofthe teada an tatdtapial ) ith araatad2tbaatgtiaawt.ee aaatadoaiae baaaaaai.ikeathaa, 'aataaett tapaaatgl ttaatatettthat ft: Wally aahatptc act altand, -o aaaaaaabcaod taha the data tat eeaalateaaaea alattatbetItlat taaay be the oa saI'd talteeeatativt tfeetiondi iso oftaledata attt ol c llaeataot atat it waa htby,,bl l nJEotea r ibaalaaftb difteettbypo tfah~satt Ttae oda taatta'attht that weatibatdaaasatoaeaataafb' aaaedatt y rtnttatat)aae The lda haandle Thatits at a attly ctutd tat taats of the atalbt typesa ataite taa giEd atdal 1 iat tta What .1I'lotrctidhab tha baadlt the alacaaatteaei setangtc aveaaa That it wauld a li.aeaa tathatlsatrd o m Bl el casat ataat ec be a are h hudro aatid daandste ,uata the b hatdle. ttaenataaeaatatdbttaaaaatqaaaatsaaalapansaandhatat-at Summary and Conclusaan, Bytetaafataa cancr taa ttab a aethat aaaave atitt'sitaaaaad talataoatatb has fllaai the ptaaaaorgialatt tat fatit Ttae Ay- nattgac taaty hat beat brokena anto tat cataipateta pacat- it tolta tf(letensaaaa pat attaly aecltiaatbaateoies Theta athaaaag-tiavbaeeenataaa bta'walldeiaared anu d littaatda Itlatha M1potia pethap- oftetag taeataalt tattabla. Aa ftal aftlatawa - adaeermicitg ta tthat ga te daialia ttaetthaatt catlgoaty. thied dicitioa of alat data baabr hsahotw, tt be abtac alt ll Adchau Siaaataiaaapledlaaa iasaa gceatdral otfaddaaaa,aatirftenadas beat olttatd' iditagtac fa tha appa-aaatv thec stcotfaaebtdal ihg watt t"a aaits at tad b pa riig, throwing, ata ats fath ate laeyaag e yfc cli Inttait addeatnda earct aadinag, for the beeta afine cuete, a lit tapat (q'aei tha .ataa hase orit wabate aaaaatt dtiaaa beaeat libkall aatacaaaap aaa--" ta aaatna that fita Faltta aaabtattgocy (a) ataads atota atn Ii shad caal tan the data fee I- ttacto caatla teaat atata atondaa ,,eaI afhatot 3 daa,staftbealaia-aa y aas acttan taoiat at a O qeo hala happn ytat Ioatatcat at.a.lap of dlte attebate th tltafaac typestoalIaats tbot-ttaaafdabatta taataa, aaeataafahcaaaad(aaatt.tltaaatetttatattan The itafactaaataatf b wihcattealolcu s m hc hadahato 'It , olabjeatabaaaatycamotd ftaaataeaftheattht tyyaatlta-lagcigt aad aithaadlt Waeaiaaaaecedy tte haltthe atfaain haaaiaagv gaveat.]aptata t rl satojtataatacedo aa boatdc atiaanatt bahatdtaattatlngtlae tatala tht aafactaaat atlad hateteag q atd apat taid eaceta ayoanaaad apactapaately. Summetary and Cra tlnabon tr em a irted a taclur tIa tai ly baas Italat tha plaa ta aihallc at fati ta btAp aatacBay taaet aabeeabtpokeaaaaitarpatapacrs If(oi, n pat) atattaty aaia .ebaaaagtciaa Theac talsbcategtaies have beat reasonably watt datiatitad aand dahated-a taatto thpit, tacataps, of haiagbattatilly alable. At a fina taatl- itaetiaaitia. anaaaaa baarutheaeaSabatgoraesaaeaa rgcaapahtanaatave otiawoata inatittaar dintbai, rataative tmpaa aeatafttaa dcea..inaigfatarsh1agoLaboatithewhoat taeater; athicd dcitte dtahahashaaaa bebantoMabovtaateaa a tad ll a taga ty Addenadn tate 'tatetaatptead hitsmdy agey dealtafdiiaifaaiaha bee aballeta,]itaaiagae faattat appaentlyathattocatObvese daa- to this adaldatta tee arc atdiat thai batel t ftlla caday a fe  70 A1.atbl ri.d Se-n,*o~e U Ayner ib.--I S. U-no11g- At. inn-dS . Swrt C. addirinra vrbs from the Sles of IL. Briagrehid, wold fit r fl. tar dizaerod by ]III iei hg hacothe diairaeararf arignwhere rtttart(tee Itigg, t96) ('ue.tacry i neoeatppdahande, -1, hiog-s as n.rt or aaiya a- yan, a-niyada ase fiio be teeif joar ~ji fiea 'to -Irr gait, ire the hand' We ialsolaa1.. ofelveritfar coueyatgpmaptasr-Irnl n, oi to akr (a) Qerson t> *lian e, t,'owsr'nco o eoetdriod) j6aRoha..'alfaa (Jo oour )'- ohrd Cata aen) 'to tak with a rope' *taayana'to take or lad animaals (occuroney delind) th,111,ooetrb aattytleinarlttaa gneoal knnootdg ofoayeraeoetao e'iiboaroarltrraooaeaoaittala p perianet it hacaIt larboaoalable udditinat vetb o on afale, rr5 T. Briggs which wroultd fit u b tot ditcouoardbnTare, ndoediatghererhe dial.era afanigi rrhee alrn(aee Brag, t976). ptata ayarrto, riappedtraadsesuchttlingt asgra r r tar, artt pebble, wei,yatea 'aararao rtiare bytrorit jah'ina-jt a rarygrin chle hioad' Wnateo h;;oaaa-rf-1 i foarnntoaigapePte onranimral: irpaar at. rk. (.) o ,, *jLraranwam toard' aaoaarealyelied) jiV~,ou-a Alrra)p )ei-tik'bos(Catoa('orkeanaoiraat oteheenpe teayrtareakotoar i am'at'(rrooear~ dere) [Naos 1um Iaoadea waontad lak oaatarrkjeaa eegeetfa erseiheeI airooroearP arranttaerra raa IeakeoItdotefayra r- wil 1 1 .1 inn lpaioreo.tf-artheoa tl oar bereer,1.161a, lnrIeg-,porofrres araaa hra adtaiioerl at merbe ire Wdea of L. T tirgge wehinl wattld far [arra the r, dItoerd by Tae includling harothodaororaa of oii hi (nor Brigga [1976). tirao.rrra Ipebbleas wiyoo-yyatrrtarlnatt n oe te by toteh' J ete'nn o~hrfw 'ocre grairasithebhitd' Wealtahaa orfebafaoa yingpeolecaattnt rPeaia t take(a)pvtso j'iteowarterathred'orr oray deiva) aayaaaaitarkoarn tenadidate(oaaar only de-ed) (NerIo rdnn ttooteojsoid herortark ae aor.farhoaeeene-f finsppo oetarihmaror in ayraha e all rm a 4mnsl 1, hea.ldg cwront thati aal haeamatoannaar eanlarrasaeer filar irtrsa east boeasa.ablne hrIa,0o r.asrrine foe rea, tO anrt, o bee]  4. Jama, Taxi, Lad P"aum Three Camragies of F eces in Aynara Andmew W Miratgje, it loan..Vaqoe Tbatttdv wa noen atih tw otposa it nid. Firsti hsspedtdasotoisighttight be pr iitsothe general qauesiantof torss.eae.gormutttlatioin Avnara asontseeopportwityto Ii.- rsrigase thin tapir sented wornthsohile itt that it iacategoy addttm deatwith isnttno elagageisades. Tbeagrtiors sdtst> sedl, farstatpttoreaiyspns...snt nglshu at e Lie stttbtesftts- sibe, sisil arose if a stan bod-ampas nsetangsage teas nsnitsig. Jtsse asdioerl stn.dreaatlv by tdenstsotslthe Arma.. as athe Unsiversity of Flatda theuglt tiaisesns aofothss syllables dartng a lessn The e non nerse slat.sat ted to a brief di.ssits of tss ogoey sdsosorghbpallals Srtbseqnentlyin Ab ouarse afshss tsergartnoti swas I sntd chthi lara is a genetal cats- gassy. p u tioobaeogjantrajonasa nseeaslaed as todefscato arvui-t oago totbsrsssnnt (g- atbansll Thton msight he tanaird fotnoalisa la.s so itnantae in Englhsh These sass twoote wod nsynmwihwudas t fasla e onas a se o sa anie'aro. Therernel Ayina fensor trnn, ,, fac A turea dealnofsistewas setin eslinghcneapoao usetaof thesetrmn, IThe eetasgast on andspla,,aeIdoosedlder making issoes. Jasqi~isaeanbeandenaeec falshbo but esertthen itisomd I uwVasque a. is al snsols ato tierdn egatel she tdet in tat Aesar aiassesthsasdrasdsoasf tsiittlstdosssns adraasnsr- erlseaiatnOaafthesetsdsstor gnrts inoatm papa' ja 'nsnd hstaThumsaog.trtoste-ssovtatm to b hsthnrt Patisae tJ, ci sr y wi a th Ays ttss hohd addsnnssnettttem af"teottoThstetsa xteschdndk ~ttsIlqsoosa byosbomasboiiflr 4. Jatta, 'Itaxa, ad Pstum: *ihree Categorics of F eces in Aymtara Andrew Wf Mis-se, p_, aahjsas aez Thl tiat)ywasoItdertatenwitbstwoprossnssd I uirs,it was laopedshaesotneinigh msighb e provided ieta tba g.asnos-Iquestionaof nateaty forsnaluarin Avnoaa.teSnissppeoitti oagnr this top..c .. osne ormlwhdie in tis, it is a category teldoms daattwiralistntalagag tadie Thcatsgstyhnsalsnets- sssetyfo ttetabn-rsatproses in helium that the ivstigiio a- blmi inIm ap lrrg bgw wsJnaa ds'seaed" tnaisstty he-sttdents in tile AlanaaaJ.st at ste Uninonbys atFlori n tssgh tispt mttsaiatianofotto syllables drasingateson Theosxplmmaoeoretithe stdnt iad tnabcirb ai-ovo tie ntgtsr as do mne Esagliala patallels. Sotsssoesty ita sitators alharnsgatottwasearedlsaostaisae nlats gaory the sveob hsogjonaasjamaa o a be trarstassad is to sdefecare" (i ni or tm go ro the hariionn (hsateebae> lIon Jatn toight be anislated fasmslty as veter naain English. *tbere ar eroote woocs in oseata wch ol d astresats ecn oronatnnn se ardpe. *Iee are nothic Aoto edas for nasianeeo fy A ga-t deal oo iusts spsttenislrintgthe metaphoaites of titsetnni TIset tsusastsa tis and penaaare seldosoadianaoking lakes Jaoase naa baeusedto tlagher. hosesrmthans' B seM 0mr statta attele ad of,-a setle dtie tats in in, lalisedfiaOnttbEAetnsse g".aitssewaesesPt araPaxa, ad tiaetai Cbs otaassybfe A stas trao by sad rrW hi ttaj. ovtesasat Ths paeassassaaews ssIn patsi1 uiwsts bythaantotttr 4. Jaana, T5'axa, atad Ittrtt: Three Categories ofFecm as Avmara Asdrew W Matla'er, Jr., bith Jnona Dulagc 111Siadessa sodottaken wiNi tita pormttsts it mind. Firnt, is was ha pod that ststeisghr, migh be prsovislea it th e generl sqtasso of noanhasgssrv formutnaion in Ap a. heend. ths oppasosiytroir- veotiassbtopicseernedwnsrtswhaie inohaisia aatagtyelddom dna t vots is nornal lange sntis Then gaorey 6is sto extes- :ay 1f~frneth~ Iporynses in Englislh h itssi atiosto eslirrt 11seoaooe batEteralinguaagsnw sareaot Iowa ws 1edissntsod aaasiieettybyatdee as e Aw a ass as tine tniry of lorta trough ty bytby ta atstt o oe syllable drnalessns Ifo theeela natonn rangtttesssdoenm led toabiaef dieaisn efss categoy ad: anto teghsh saralels hheqtrsdntis teeosss rlnsnvessibtssn it was t earned th vmarsota isa gnea eas gtra pboeehoaigonnrssfo tan'os cn betbasted atoa defeat raedor so gnsoathat rtputt in toErlsh Tbata, u asosnight be trtots omtla as fenas oriamasre inEgl There ate two other wardsiAshatab woud adso tr asl .. aate as aT~ cioh i forcas or ~asoeaa A great aiftrese assrpni ntnlighenseptoal stsosf these saras TI t ersos sant nat, annos ore seldoraoedsniiishmakig take :_Jaossnn hseasd Iteidieaghe, lor esenthon stissosndr fla Vgl t a mv~nn .wr ose sa fto er k althsttdassst.hre rrtasagestat siassaeseawits honso~ an th IittysestTo e s t CpsFts Ayat hieihssait a wel rh noanr efotn tbspp"wrd estsneass pnTlterissetbnhiraohIoefnattas  7a A, ..-. GnJuid .dt wi~a oe *1 A'a f in Ss m a Ser Uc~g m7 Asan,( iS d bS 'Cgd apafpanfsI6. Odytyausenpassspfhpressiasposere. iia Step hrepatba 'iWho usa"d a bade?' I.at, lte, ups ais a Spanish ha wm sfir fera nepo Iurse pluatelratieofpim, i ad iodpianet Aba~h puscbiei eaaasat tqaThis statpi -assnrsa batalace fe rresan. Peiit.tand as 'srapid' bat its use secuss to be particular arid estiaatp'idiarrris isad hta date nu dtruettearararaiawse psrtsad ttit'araaasdeqaatqatattfaasar' _Aesbna'rraas.... n- dgsI 'dta AataaaasLetp alu warrsaidsobestavalatatbchebp ash sayiarg 'AI qareadrgDrrle ,a IsIade,esase.seruibeped by oa Moyv63alteeratastaian of tire Aysaaassseadao be'hIsaca sasd parro' ar 'arrl the dugea A rreaaisenplle aptu,,a ihftarmaxrtr hcaapateaarfs trrastatdiessundaalusatcastbrashsuedtyuoftesel b stratetItndars-Inus.[Ayrrarutts gnrtus etrrpaptrlts te atpar flattery bapi sat 'eaproaaxa 9o-at (axpea' Not sata as up Prtse rettrslaaruIudn bstasAaaed i b hparntisba lisbh L anunily -fire plavreads, Yourue are bikellute dstt''"cta aJfaaara. drilraiat Itiana TbatesarteesrsaAyttaramythainsutabaaaeatraaari t e ararr derttahe thetlr of thats grant ha ft am d c aec theauaaro.I ttatstoa rae tsrordferrataked-sad kaedthse lteo, anad ra amtetthsctviua treatyt "Ibecmodaruaasa full harcaud saaratuy fly onin, sasy hbta ttsuuuatsa intatIhdarppusfrut Tup primar oa dairstdy w ss rm dathas arddescribe tb datiar- scutiofssee tharrareatisaftu o m rer'a, fee ad p~srr)atd to e parodyefpaishuOslrrtysanaape flsa Mrateaarsettcers aay arepad K'aaet 7sela *i, bat noat daooa.' K'i ~ylraw\h oeaband Kaha urplapoata''fha mae bdyr Ta the letter, lu is a Spatns5 b anrusela Sso'aterpa'. baaaaephearcadretia matfpesncaa hetuediraa depreatatita Akp'Lahrucu. terra n aruirei'bi n ampd serrtraobth-,er IIfor aoreasora. Packteiaslted as stbaid' but its aseeeaaeto dotpar taeuand ported matali sse catts -prtresttonars r paortedraalrittatdarphat1 atrinurwarm rt'sadiatndthuteromtoht nd c dgItwexprs- asal hdo yrb dsiatboatt - sue eara~atfemtuaorrs Aautiorrqoatqsp alstrretand to ccq-1ntertthe-aarah susa AI qoeaeodags aw lha itpda' He that rises carts is bs-tpsd be Goa Merear at alts-Irtn teanaiut of use Aanara u-ar said rub burros ta a de paerd or 'rntil tbe dull matuore'. Antattphtical enaatpeaayinsgteta~srntesabe aporaase afaro d.d . !s d f ainbtenuatttuages, haAptn ayoatng mn turub a tiad anuwet¢ upota atr maghtrus oapsrreaa au t (asietra'. Noat eran a sap- proaan taorsas cotld Sat stabedtd -itsast iutn itu ihr Spaniah at N splash. LerA-s ae pb rse. tedea'Yu oc sa jibe Dates duns''Tarepsrnado aa drlass', Tbes- are erer kAymara amyths in u'ficfsjeair f"rut. or ptu or50 atcunrtsms 'husec tisoeh een recurdtifull .T Thtaty afiocraras deaeibersie scatrc uf ie faaa pid fan aidr tes.s Acaturdne assthemr, mt bts ae ately argiant Suirusisghid, longer atanoaatadte Insaesbur rape alas cuasraaked CArbilled tha coruld und aouused thre sateer etr The ,ardorut 5fulb a The peinroytrn at traou to d te ad despribe ngsebi gThiu r arT e are esa u pti eua atfecelab ea Irrs ~ ratsatdpai oftdt a "t pseed 'fpasa- Watt sat esausplr afnd eaea <'a- aeur lateeaha' Wlao maadeeo budy? Ite petarnyis e Spaniuhtboeraowingpfrsin sseps. Ituo,,phs a d arisaieafptracaa heuesedepeoatgma nAhaputadii waeni aiaattb, esqa'Tdus stupid woana bothers l riseIcff teanslated as'suapid 'luttit. usstat rby porit,,l.,ard Aetiteattgsfdaats listed in the data . tusnnfltnqapeatsat pseted rasaseacollotquial equivalent foransjora. Ace-ar irtovts- lIsnaetadesbthedlpslatn Iatst'. tiaaes itdiataedabhatntsspes- asbsdo iedgsign that ame sees 5ery early In the nmi te- farsatasouu,seeiousaidtmabtat inatab te SIpeadalaeinp At lur ma bra Dat te auda' 'Hat that riusaris is helped by Gasd' Macreaver aaatrnnatsaaejaootrfaAssaasweaid tube turn in (et de peeta until atrs dog..asec' aaonsett-asdnsduceethse abrodiy sfnrarisltaiobair r-sc ero antelataltFkuagrI iAssrteeyaoungpntur a girl ad itet opus blattery muitasay'foperaaara qae, n amae. Not etesan aye 1iotl ustttd i n ale nIssl uater E.ngias Iaer tis afar ph c dais Ytrur yate lihe ilamta dust, "Toaforeo at a so dde ytt Tore oae s-cra Aynsaa r b myth, e wl ersen, 'ace., snpaa aro fetrII auce ~ ate burl t see-serded hafill, The etory ufbrraedestraes the cuatuat aeM Itasaoobca framtnsadouefecta_ Are-inp toistherssersss-sumcri asan lwaasinpbif.ilargr thaacandar bttjefsrapudhe cndar ata-kedeandhitd thearrt and Cusstaedcbtsactntiel, Thae andoessus e full htattLi 1al lOt bk isII hrh " ngfrn . airhdoteashSttimedl antstunssruuhud am ctistiat replicasofahe Ihe peaIIr asrJk atfahi-,sndy u-ras loduf se and describe doe delsul- bru f the an ca ueoic offattas (jo-,, fares, and p'aril and at  dot rmrrritnritri utdisiteirsrasgslnthsnsaristy ds rtnishsbln rategoees Itn orde is aeplrsla tha, fier rho Aen tl-r he sure oterarn cutl. are nssd ; ras goad fdiance, Thai c art r e ran he osed as Curdira whoen  HIM E E 32. y. '>a W ~ . <0-c 2222 3.2 H - saes2.- EE'22H 23 'c *2 o 222tHl 202 2 so 22 22 3 E - 2 2 E_ 5 .2 p e 2v 2 2 2 = b 2 2 * 0H 2le E1 Eli12- 2.2 Js2 .33 2 3 2 St .22.20.5 .2.2+ 32.2_. 2222 O .22. 1 2 2 2 2 232.222 2232.  *hs Ilu -Mt-I e and Pool As nagp.1 s -Ma.e ind N En- * .. 71AIia If'ceMme n ~-7 1444,42.A Ay,,,i val. m1p44o444444,4l444M c 4 floeI 1/ui4 oatg l44/Ilp p444 p il ~ 414,414414/444114444 14a44 sin3 ob44414 ~ ll u4q1 J44144 y Falgo k rl//I... mh4 4444 44/4 dn ln ~ law/yo4 I,,44 pr-41,44 uu44 F4441,4lk~ M 4441 41 k14444 1lvkbin, P44444 n Ha m 14 Pig Fly44 Lou,4414 if14- r 0"al,4pi It,4 Al4441. null. Flaw Groan 4 K '131,, 42 Aymr 44 tals 4444 p444l1 dbn4144,4441441444 p4444'a p444444i pal44444 w414 44 4' 44I~p 141444 44 4h 41nkid I4>1441444 lao," 4lP44 44444KuM' "I",+444444 144/4n 4/ 44444 44 4444 Finds4 4 4 Fostori4444, 414 4o 1444il H44444 444441 Pig Has 4 lA44~441 b344ss p t44 44444 to al , A4444 0444~l pa m 4 441144/ ga44N44 1444~ pil444 p K41/,4 444441411 1144444 I1414 1444,4 14444 4444 Tab41442. Aym444,444 1,, 'a44 4p444444F441444g14Th144±4 414 444444F 44uids .411$ A a4u 01444444d 1-1 4wn ll4,44444'l44. 1144 4444 144444 1444 4444444444414444111,b ga444444/4 444 w41444p p044 , 1 ,444i It,4m 4144'4 o4d,.. 14444 wa14at4dr-4441e T44,444I44h ol4444- wall1 a4 p44pl, f441444Ha41 1o4444 1wou4d 11 14f14 i44,14444444tlocale go4, 4444'4 man....kly n the asis o41441 s4444414444 dr44,4 p4444 kti 4444e 444444 evident, Alt P111,4 444 a1/444414 b dr I, 4sHa11 1, All 14444444444ad44414b44dry 444411a4. '[hr 4p44l44414pe4114husine4s4444444444...led4 b414weredescribe4d as eing Wei wb44p 444l444el. T41u4s v44444burro'44414 14....4f4 d44rb 44i4,444thIe s44444444444 Ga h'dI.444ale44 beasd414o4,,. o4fne 4-4441444444',d4144 oll 4444141(4s4) (414dry4and6t 44"'444;oa4d1(3 Piave ,4fn, h 44144p4h ,4h444l441tl4l, 4nl144cakes44'tch1444...I 4r4the 4414414ll4 m4444441 444444 414,444114'he ,l A444444a 4444~p 44 .maa 4p ly 44r114A4p1 Nle while od14~c44 _ I 14would114Hit, b Ipossible 4to - 4,'4444 4444444 44ole4y 44. the 14s o44 it, 44404 How4444,4 14a4 the da1 '4''rr 4444 114 dfor 444444 1-0444h- 6m4o thle 4444444,444444411444 pa4144 14,4444 1441 4'44',41 All~s w444444 41444,4444d41,44144 bi4411s11 Ally4444444aid41o be4arey44id b4tThe 'pdi' csh"4I1pe 41 Mc dbta11444444444~44 4441144re444444414444i' ver44 t he444.41uymi a1414I for4 h441144 ba4i4 44444 na $4441414, 444444441444444444ed1441,,44444,14 4441 4b4 0(414444fi lte 4444144444(1)1d144444411ball114 ~4,4)-2J dy4441flat (n..), 4441(3) 44..O ct 44p4 444444 14444 44441 ba4114 44 fla1 4444 4444444-4444y 4444i1,,a 44443414k44h',44444441r4444444414 Th'4 Avv4uh 144444 i14q44- 44i11441444144444444 and44 reen44 t I4old fir44lbe4mptil4 ,,o, 1444444'4444 mj 41444soley 44nthe4try(t14s0144 444d444444444 14a4441444,44 ,04 4444ai, d,44441' All 44an4441as d14o44 44414144444-Ill balls , Allp"4 4444 was4 444d 44 dory. 4s4id 14t. Thle Have I'sred '4,4 41t4bes 4l44,444444gnd4to4ly'o4444F h44 44144d4444 (4) 4144444441 4il, 44"oxo' (21 dr4 ,1 aid lai 14''44)i 4sl4d (31) pi4,44044.. 444 441444 1444e 444441 4444n 44al 4al 4 4,4 Wa 414144444ever44  '. l41..." a~o- . lSp- l'ug fbl P tj D11- Ca.'no w.aOZI 1** 1ac D1 ID 1 A ao -Oa al 4-Il Ecdta nI- Asn g dcu C&alo UmI*.xP&fic~& Axu mrl SiAmfiomc Colar LI.o 6spcNic da Cp lox llaa EV wTnalo lr. ps xn P555 I'Iid"'r h : bsflt"' V ^ 555' dq sssn (sidss~ssW) I5(5555n~m 0.- abbrnm gilsssss ra555.55bo Psstbs bsss K~f ssss-ssss bsssabo ma Pm w, ~bwaln/55 LEs dr~sss p45 55 p55k g5'5 In¢N45 FI,", p cox P555 basll dgaq,fdsgss qdas 19 d 555 Fla on y w55 ,s5I5W sd e545 pv ldbls sss (5,sss sss Ptas k -n ss gsali55 p-n-fls lo555555555 PalmS mSS ,sbsIls K [PS h p 5553 5,5 A**"' 55555 din, (5,5u ""'1 mmss P.55ds5" s 5 Lqsids K~ Isqs d, g I 5555qaf (sqssda 55555 pl , N~p 55555 sssA ]sd piss 555 ban (55* 55 b55 55 lid 5 elp,, 15'1 55 e 55555 bosss ssssssd ocgw o b rsfimldsssssm) .N'±s s' s m b M5m, d15555?o~ pm wn.>av mnassm- - 55',, s 5 s s , 5555 Lm e Pnr plsw Sssssso/maF ag sbys bu~m ~ em Y L p5 b : p555555~ ~ rh 5555 sfhlsssss555 Pams . s s55s5, PS' Irqsds ((qad IHqssd, l4id,  G g ahf r-Aa -a1nu t. Ciioie oa d -Mac~n ~-in 77 Cln Frs-alm ad fu, . Or lsnf hl (jaseo Ibemfoe as' bea be mndltid slsoojana is shte get-I rd,,-, sad hux ias dgcmpf aegort dseed msp fosa cssssabcedo ase-e o cdyssrlhsgsoaash gnso fIee sep [ a linstdssed -1 b , ih i sn , I~a, cnhhev sabes a' ossh aci mpom l togoty bka "o uaes Us raslaees as Laby clothes Foe inats that feeeeawadedihsxapellasor - ueo1osappssgstc Asstsosos its Table 4.1 ,the fben at ajcsenrssso childtrs are xacsed se fd(Iprdpe ..essas naf alnd xb ebi aPats ssscms in~nn tos , dfosl sat dofas Il a~mo ,ss .ltid by Is u-u ss troorttosssuvo.~a Ant astsssisaelcr, atttttossoasstss o dise all, ainag. Is was xlasafd that sdurk feces are expresse] in spatrt oflbqni, wtaicb (Sean draplets (asi lly rlsa. ,ba astet u dmdeoes, nl'd isk te serf The seao dicysasinrsssesansnshrtdctskfecesiwere ass'ab eroine lhsuiid lsymhr cssss idfoassI. slsesducknsakesssetln hkassscsfh id Docks sxea a v- heonan6gthoAvsed sh o f eetd ssbso tiresnfortnhwbon behr r fssss osiasts it' ro habts of dttaks iacsassdte osds e sho aksih issace alco of other birds, wisich ate just as , tsodsrtnedjsa sssbhe-srd whenietiee w,,ossssmornsnalsdefeate Thsaltay b ey- pool ieit ll, sot is a sposial scros tiec efopeai'sia opt beciseof Istosaehodsdaldse bo'liioao ll aple o, w d.~ ths teritieRas so anssecfe prdinge rh (coos oetan o risae sost oses Wh b hrr0 no ducol dr Asst sonhe piooaspoe of aseeoao stsottsa salprsscrm titssdattseaasey i Coos, mm nc orfs'Ftooi hasitli orac anebigit i , trssgsss a fofItases Tan, iospossdie ftsrs 1diehaosho1 nshtaisthehae oftseojeteinggcrnied thasdeesstinssrhcstissns fshserhisidesribingspy;teact of carrying l T .'u} sot ,hsla rosts la)_ Ttsasfaso, is son he sasldodd shitnt as isthe gesnealoosegoy natand ndvax i pseosre rpsshcoissesn-losindeost. as foismedosstsI basssssas rpatedl ssrodshatr,tsioeshegaosssl Tos-ospeoral caissio breoid shshc asssc'isscssii r-asogasacPiI "" "a I'po'] I - ess's l sosll'ssssetocsn o bsby clothes For infists this baoc boosossddled ehs nppolato is saris 1 sppopstat. As show stl SInhalea- sI. fls ces ofdctildrem esenstiall childrsen ate termed else sasoe as idol ssss t1nroes ..si. catll Fobs Suchot scoot difli to defose yt'ta saasae ar aced ciccipy hiiand. for pea aicicic Filly; youeeg, seed planmy equy Ic Aycaiie ccop"' 'cloth diicsicaenc ti ctcvievaidiev.cca mot c~acipieced teeorac vcs- I i.i.iu.aeud accic te Op iiii1ccal, :in.Aciea knaw Spaiclcicei vieheas, rll od is Bnhsd The isoad ao ccIc acid sai.i oi-ianycpicdaci y ryn~ t. 1.,doi a-citocI,aic calaaaaeeiciaiicicec oil ',adobccii~cavici idieciencecaeaicicccdcicc Ocaewua.aciicv clh foem noI. .. deeaiscncovi sheeh vI..e cid Iacccacavaie Slnpecayhbncavicvappeeeeifvai cccnvc - ccoaveacseiahe dviccie hacvo fiamoascdp pesaithaief-cllv as ppwca to flot caki ice accialce Iho rnu alwaysi~ de- scydhd iv heiccas cc bohit peqcocias (sceut bi) Thy 'nip'tcoicic siac hceccniv'eiavvm habice of viii ire oblias cIc - 'ler hi ilie 'cede icr a llauaNi~in i cme sco idjece insnc asbed in eicheep rv at ecacic Ovh aclebad fcaa anvd a . ,arast hc d -etirched icoccjaca by mda tie 'coiciiieaccvene jacas toa-ii h]a, eted ordevaced pceuaic avi'iiaasigeodadry adjete, 'Ists citudy has, Inchca cua ivec fai piessilie forecc recearah ine Aymarafec ecamcc nvestigationvca dacociec ei phyical qyIci ci cc which decficeiagicc mecc .Sliape cc dc iic cnrecctcha' a heeciici b cataccteee11 and cectheeoecghehc niddicranideveeicn- ngl t i ha cocciuied fails Cilcieeogecccc woiauvid evcake espeajafly' iceengvcd snyCae pec imcied ,echus papecila, e'evisoa e(^riee -dry)cmayheeieicgraaaceaeean fahcedsiirivv PvivplechliedavoTaalet 43iindeiiqaadci'ia lccacocaln cal I A heeieioc icia suhd h: 1 itivie suie a Note 1,Aiaa id or A accepavihsv:acd i Ava ban parish:cthoy aecieccccsovalyatdni a lvaice. iciiiaecotadiiiii1o1ii ,aeluus,,gchidouacicca I oiiadicc m aavyeiiai h Iiead iieih.rdhouihdics adrniocnec acaaacieiia isulyivtvte Aviloy  5. A ynmra Kinship, Real and Spirital parcafoyd fCoscstoc 1)al, Alriefosl-,irofehrbaSiyAysrkirship rrits winl serve asi basis scil o he fictive kinship of-c podoalOv Tir basic dissiic- in osssr hatr0blsh crroinological differences are gender prole-ierrsae), ,-poaine lpsrra-cld), and blood lcorsarasairreal aflnol (see tables RI asd 52). Of these opposiiss stre firs , asroe sitmnishsd by dif- f...-o sn the ro whye thse rld is nsrlologicai. Par eamrplsa 5. Aymoco Kinship. Realand Sp¢iial )dnofrd Coerserh Pyle Abif ayissortc ba'cstn- firshpl ressrdlrrwenrabi 6f r anstrait w th rh fic ,kierrbirfesrnpadeac~o. I 'ha lei distc noes u alih rrrialrii diffesisar gerdee leacfc.esel), ,mr e n(par-ch'id. rd bleed (croep-g inr-atlierop (seen cbles 5.1 cand l9)_Of thsce psriioes the hient Is redisingnished by dif- stessesin, rho a ebtlis i-ed is nairplsologicol. Fee example. 5. Aymara Kinslip, hcal and Spiritnal PiauraCorsk Pyle Abrirfarialysisofftlsbasic Aynaia kinsi p scnt sall scieesn basis fer coalrt with tire ictiroIrrhi owfa coyrip aroa.-The boric a lin dia l esalil se ba1ooio cilitece seee (erlofoalo>, genrto lsOi-clinld and wasnd (roeaegiiralsffea) (tmoo lr .lanidh5.2).Ofrhteppriirrh mratesare distiig-ihrdhydmf feserices ithie to shl rho third isiesphisliIr Fer crestp GOcalse lprilias siblin child addor Floo d C""'arxiieo r t ler doe tter Male ti iso Older aki prclre Feseale tayisi caraes awaqu Ajhil awkcb'i soykchri eaniea eac,,pa fLonl ,,isak siblrg crla pawa Blood 1),,eoirie tethr dir gbter Hile awi peso diucla Older snebi taeks CO siio lnd swki eua hunch, Somab peastha Y ons Yil", nyopsi Aeal wk i sibliing child perso GeneeiiOefppoai:oe stales hsllah Male awbi chaia Older awb chacla raybs ra"h p~n Mali Penile loyko ki laka wPeaih Youser lJiaie yhgchei figool hekh Blood fOdaaosiaar trioshr eliagtee 1071 n yppd1 tr ae 1i[ ri U9 s aC55 ad s:g d Kishipani 6ar Atrr of sS.,s,) Pelefoandhelsedre desrarsbaicvirbip tfir~ecoldsedsihen dessbrieye fi H 1ee efoaobirnr hefar sheihadhe pediera hb aeaesosrreaenh 'ktipiynet ongheAyar. ae"picam eet elrtadled beoedbinr-rcahatoreerc. Thene'ie hueflir ra) prepad irretpper rirrtiaric d enar1 'ampedega rd%Inaie aog sh Ayas iynebei Pyle tora hr Ibd ciaerdernd bhnciitei be aed adeab kIn heiahrcrcrcilwto ii r 1oc ileesysa bhidhpdh-1. alosrfarerirfhrcir kihiiPeerarosegbesyeaPies'r eoraelsid b-yedtieseif tae-i ritiis" dci 01 or CnapadrPiego asisPaieosretyea. i idisi Pyle fried be ho]n rduana g0 h ssklp biub1 the he onoi rrahrt deceehedaflberr 'l kieoroaiarr e w~ goaufiaie Mhodhephedieto ieeres nesnitbelcs hiurchupseiasrle oes  Kapd. Rel ad Sil- o, 81 Kins i . ad 8pal-e , 81 liii el n prt - ,8 ' Ihr gender and gereralon rpasitions are de-ry reflected,,t different ror f.ains tire hierd oppastia reqoit'm et elrifaatioa. Tathec'raid mrrother are met-re itm fuitbr-aa-idn'othr-tark-' by rsmplerolflearaattorf rhtwrhapitcopcatetnpbeM1phoneinaidction offlealvowels Thcrrlnaieeirta raedhaa grtpa epp. coge forlaed byraddaitc of it Senr mad'da gchtritriacge ht wet. are traced ica pgh tres own blood reatin. aaghtr-in-aw', yutqr'a Woauld apper ta be coaos e. W frine termt fr tsrrr; yaue, pie -rh'. Tire evtlogy tef tlait i ocre I adepriegfpanaslaktahpremos, Aytara har borratced eseeernet aad'ai s. , nal c hsbe 'inecadal' nill tperasspolarehno hashbbeenaActeardtarea rr rieit,hbut rte owhehpasisi te a a,,ekpoledge sa less eaotitsttised, per- leaps aoniy by dt tiese rsith srrt kltoiege irf Sirattiit TheteasroarndmsttrtasmTeeratre. connitedifreay feamcathe kThesitiperats deseibed here Tiredetr-. ott forattlila orreec Theyrmar: precede aty eatre'rixnadnatespeetfidimstrrcerucht, lc iigirt raesr st na ,- oapit slates an otIw ee ueaed an plac of boptomsh d.ate 'dImaatdsrtara Saime mattentt itt plite Aymaea sie [t ithink theeoreltionescippars doeitermarc rae alter tirmesele thisrra rweliads as rMereet n =rradtse drs evaitsteier ro rof n aunt [Aids by wall tetrofad- drestfin anhe pervasicAsefthesesrni Avertura ayavwdlietlmt palitotess eti yfmh ara tee Briggr essay 6).Yapi elsae that 'tirelrs areftee addressed as kaa u r cap pl~et raSr ita the ciuttircrrrarne te n raesaed heteen Catoli pries antd their dock I'nrest padie-lathar n rre to as sara .r Ayrratti we hrltersaatadeaouthat generaltirntacapecr weriethetes fnrmaloanso~,rapardaadearr~natreasedea wth ooeds pwdentsrgecarms Th kinship trasa rrrtave to rte Asmara are tat eraed to kitasiip Inrccrlyos tlaeertoha tor agene er tnr ai ei thea teaain (istep Titco5ol p arerbie excefirtats to tis ae the tnt'anrd paurnto roe teid nt.ahtr Apparetttslereaadar taaangaad Itasefttaltatoaagttmailadaorra oang womoan tret the traditionai dir'noof Ayar society maecrhing - t n ,evi anaaead Im eiinlp . Ipthe pritrary oppestot sof the kinslhip rertes 1'he ofil nt reaoa iaef rhe teresI turta' o I i a~a of h~ letuyI a antm somaewehat ampitioos o f te Eoglish and Sparish Thegeederoad geeratirtteppositiielery-eflete iadart taat fee=r~h hiblod opperatotrqterneitfoaaPtrtr mtnter' a Qensetd into lathin an' oed roothen tat s it h eisprsffasratori of stal happapmae troritepbotteaotdoerot aftfinatevowes. TItarflairlerlarsrarrdhraaghrheteapper e fresdbvaoddtgenrfeh h-Loetn sdaougrtmrsntar itoneer ar aaed trouoeown bloodrarr 'Daughrrnallas yiarh soald appeaerto hecrrrosedof theearm for 'eats laa pita dian'the mryrology oifa h rtqtohsetre in mf hdoei s fprtlokohprtls, Aymra Itr harrowed irns rrors rr'li eie~rngaarhsloo.rioraaople arnyatanelie arlrer and'WieeeieVirasset area htsbhas rAyterrteetlaldotv idaa bar the othrtptrrteemtcarerppenotrnrctearotrmerp hops otaiy hy b tarse es-jlt ait artoeraeaeTpdgeadm o tofsnefatvfo niTe ecie a 'h Spacr mayo pe Tlheyemayprceeedeoou'amit amteotrdcarriprse sachar msight nse 'sirt or inttare Yr pa rstric eb-o tI ort weeuld hr oesed ha plancrof SpanishrdoTo. Tatand msoaacaeentdotl iepolipptAyara pea thinak 'he. correla withSpaeah dear is atmro tree of frmter tisctatiri onareass-elresa,awarrotoeot teatn iroaa e reoresad aset afddressiethcteantwidot, ttso erro ad em rsa'~ mg n al-dl dreratyrdttscanetadtettraditfCnmetth there oertisefad dress. h ccrieaee hs eir t rr t ro eltieth peltamic, ei l of th ytaise lig essa ). Yapl tolls t that fleatC adelread as fif otfo hoepper lart tlpus 'tn dre citelck Atlsof are ctbarrte terastasedht s-ernCatlicprirtat theia r flck lprsrpadcamhe tefmrrd to or rto t Ayet,), we err rowammrtdeaa eebtt grotealrea ofr..specwahile the ae fotroriterte~rapoaaaaac ttare scesedrwilia.orfs paceatt astutrns ofad aers.. rhe k hirati rernas tati ro to the A yataraar rtesitdithrotp ~a i krstrItry heaas soaoo eae generalatepioil orenirg (tee table 3).Teodpasiieeetosttthsreie team5 nal tpab ('saff1' and:aagher )o, Apparen oulphethseartyd refml rred'eiaadiisi ea trorraS toeet'aadirrgtot b asic cattei ag rad see, This diliioa lao already hers shrow, ptc the priea oppositers af the kinship terms. The fall coeotgit of Mdasetecctras odts matttatt a nd sof trayenothbetany second- sty, In fact, I ate sona-hat tapcia otf the E nlis and Spanis The sgeedcc ot geneatisop positions ar dlearly rog rcd in differeet eoferamr thecbloodopp:tttnoreqasieeeiatt~cttot'tpaherad no ~'ar everted nrc Otlter-ils and 'moethe-in-lawo he sitrpe aflanarron ateareth 'tppeopttte ittephoplerorrc redutction ofar ed s ltous alltedaitttoartecd thtonglasperuepp er to he faanedhsyaddao of ha Soa and drag hie asr however ait racedrhrngh one'sowncoiodnelatienr tCongherVrcawaugh' ccand appeartahbeonprrd ofrite rem for'son nl psqjlus-elaa. T, oreaynassrr offad aaitsehb,-,, Inadopergpnashaoarhper Ayteara hahbrrcd tosetrs e ~ ~ ~ an hich dtaangtttshal.tt to eaopd so and aIer tand ntrphewo thetother Spanrish tares ace appareert eri alless eteraonly ared per- haps otnly by alumswh reis rme os., ade of Spar I. The termas atto ted emo sees tar operate cqeitc differently formte he k'h-ph preneas deerrahd here .These terms ercat formralit: or respect They nay porccce atty tamne toanoncee tepcafit distaace, nc as wve mtight ,,se r seonor am ate,' Vl slates that rota sr-ould he ased itti placeof Spanirh dons Tt and aea occurcosr teriinapolie Ayrara speech I thank the corraatr writh Spanish oen at more acue atf foermer tbttesswhoethtstematesscasdne, I,,,msr amoa Tomianrdtmem arasd srterasofaddcrraarhe carvade tiart ia earn- na ad- drs arty adul air.tgccaa an any adde friends b there rectos of ad- drss.Tapraroe afrhosateurrfslaAyrataarmytayeeTtreflect thr patitertes amhie of the Ayatara ( re tprggs, essay 6)l atitn tells mte ih, todurnaarenft addressed as islo 'ra' by eipper dae Spatth tt the d-. AIta incremettr the trtrs treed hbowcsr Orthohe piecr, ie d thira flecks (prietr-pr.dr-aihe rEfherredt at to r Ayaa), reeloworrareand aeaeaecoate genarets oaferpetscwhdcetheiess foritaltrttrtpa oinad rorhrasuud r't h ones puaem The kieship tts aive tat the A yrro are net rerte-ed to ksrshrp t 'Ieey il emhssm I poa aeireatae (ree table n.3) The only p ossi hie eep iorsto aar te the tcctrrspaad pnah mlot and daughtr)fl Appaenribther diecondr reflec tlr readitirol dicisiotay of Armaca societ aceordrgtoroo hon,; retra ge eras, Thia ists ha alrea-dy been shaown to prevailt i the prjtoaryaporitioas ofthrhiasrhp termts.Thc forlomacrrhe of *esetoa aaaold atn , 'mrat',dsofrrth, >ayent beralyoeod- cry In fart, tIoa sonreho suspicious of the brncih ea Spanish  U him.. ~.iS .d * U ~s .s ~ cam.,'. . A1s,. 1ha1 ~ b..ndc 4 xd 1IIau 1s ii ipT nv"+. by 1-wor Ar",,', had1111 Ayri'sTm LheIdmII-i l'L'I Ito'L1 . C 1 1 igIi l I H 1 iip'li sil by 'So Aymao R{ :Lon AyliII Ta-I Lrv wed E,.... ti Miii>, hI- Sch, apluM. Firt's MNhavv M- Lii,' I'd1, moll Fis, M.Il ChI id MH Mrs, qii sMIMo Ilykl 01111k, J,115 tat, mrmssPaumua pots Ballast .the', 11he51 busi151 Jil p I P4 , 5a D1 HSt'jill, El~ pB o [AM' Mioe +i'i vISS aIIIk anliS ,III lplailt, oral mamssa (Pmn 1 va IL-Il Mo IS, Mi- PIot li",N P l H BIDI l PasMot 1411Va 51rt 11,13 '115 5,1Il51 kku5,5, pa ono. Ii,, (nn n nu iM1111 N+ I,1q l oa rw p5.11>11 h ieIIii' n1111 It1I4w 1111 da.p "III" toIL ldl "il rbi p i l l I n : s i ael i ,q oialIts given meib5Inay lfImeInai SaructiIpll tleIAsmIEIsyz- mc look a eeag ll stm enrtoa y o eedihwic l~ u Ibe oIpItlll,,lgilcmto gIeIrclled nut ladd1 Inlklgr-ardilydIfemles.AifS 'l'ime -...tobcrmn zI'glIi1 dIrI,' 'Im whi'hl elIQ111 no ll clciby, orcIIwl lt1111111'eiitda11111,ih ~ghelinfmrah etoLlI yWhere 1111t I111,I dd ifdcvloI vlIhIH:lI I, 'fliisiaeninil'igyNImII in oun,'.4 clt'u lold ) a a I ea 'Liss01 Il,l ageSi bIt- n h o iof anindividual ad te o,Ip1II_ Also of impor- Lith lb 'l lup I,"'se,,t ill 4eiliIds a'd 3 tlr gol pieolil 'swill ,'s'thr for o, t~ 'p'amg pIIr' 6m0IiI to all IhIS, relattmipi al (igI I Il 0m1, whic 11113M3 31e311s1iz31 1 -e d (Imam', cgipmloIgstifwplo ced alms pill, of p11'sgs and ,cqpivltosr gilil Il by' Lu fIIlasl. Slrl'Ily t01e Aym1II pI- 111111'',ithsallmcrIs ofrthe earilder generaed alit~r E.11111, (mill , do, (huhaors). AtS hesame 1111 thoerem tol~ be SIIIIII ofa ibrgtanIg systen wich is eitheIIIno lgeI lpreuvoI esewo 11111 ,.parelstisd IAII'insLt n he' seso ha o i itIol terms1 osml g 'I: 'd11 '04011imply- jig kill 115115, I 11 ncrf oI'ld wo1 'II,1 TS'Is, slily age bollh the illhle ofd dop i, hi sl 101 rIIMIy ofl c mmip olllogy Nows leI"taItwthm ia -,ot n t I p-IlIIe of aniindiidualandlshegodpareIsi Alsoioinpo- s111 me II,lai 0IlshIp bwll'11,'tI' godcd'si id 'S'r godparents. i iprdual toump',)1, ilveiI.OIrgdsgrIl rii, petrlllil w many asi111 Hadlmlelnl 'f coupIleimaot IIIch are oa Do.. Isan Illle~l rl ve I, ~l elpllant, _SIIorlly, dm' Aslrm 1sy- temlloklk me als 1011 110le.H,nilly 1 ,T lry rv u i1limlsys- (HaleiJ and larkil(oII~all AIi,1II~ts-sirmo fairI"IIs ortprprly dine11d I'"y . r w'sith t riforltl'l, Lrt oursayilbri ttI l1discoverd ,1lilliII II 'sill -ge g id sex witS,,, 11+17 Lg k lu~plr.,ii a ll Id1 ,glIold womn Thus,, clearluage bll, Cm pad'sy11,illpar~rliiod) rof. ol I tiat pear.l riatioui's'p be- n eparentslof an iidiidulal andltegoparends AlsoIfm1,, f,,s1 II sciieterm11l yd tog tlrifl gell-g ally tolll theerelaionip s IlIIlgIcilIOhlIothiielhoIIed. CoIpsJdI gII roper a~II'1~Lts, ,Ilv 11tei godpi's.,oIifsolnple ,adl3t1sdsit, of paisgr and  ml nai >5 and Spiritualaefyl 53 Tabln a). A mIac MaciTc.ct Ucad aa Iba maa Ransalati Real acad Syinsasal-1yl 63 t ra mpdmX as sbsm o agndpareontt sin citre race of a het -r ant tt oenanosen chent- tansy he ,ndany nhrf autaanraian ,Iubhacasa ,a marrniage,asgdthres d eh fInrea offvmg4t f gtdparesesa- an ~ th snna Thticspscibtlemcnhav-elive sees anfyadpacenca  Ua A r.~ cmnael and Soina Caeoia i Ayra t..nom~id scan Gj, r..~ yq -r aemnd n tmheG.. Tealka 0.5 na 1. pe SsrdayyNrntilrgr eAy roairipltr~s Ts1, tj. Forrdealsd ttosdyhtorings sf tA r Ifaiusoip Tirms *alto .3 . liore ld d tord, ow Mm risa of Av z s rtip Tere, Pd hoe g~lirhi Ayea, - lithe lack erethso rees bee, fill, oiit, flardd Inro t t I , h r s r ke old Ricanor iht'tflh errse onT horbicd bitsu dooghter pd child w1 groiieter am~ dreelsr reds itotrice, i ccii doitts maed C, dcannot gir~dore ohs ohs pseths old ox srchrsesrsre rte il go ta lt bolsrs ad er fol thsr stels ol -lf Iao leeliahie¢r) frrtsl, (I rrt) 0ul old mcle ma oher ae m . niIa S.... dsry maieg hod (Aymaw-Ihphle rar, (iraedftth iad u ntioa(As) 1iseeliK - o rdm nthr jock~m jol 's l kg oro ( be.-b mmas)-- ltheghtbrreldicey-o .roty perc ndoly nthcsemor rnd oor-fIctsais muiolyfotrolivig anrtler lhcIisfrt eee ie - hoonolaoly is haptiso. pesfotrmed sootn after birth. l bttcrrt tdrm r so n iy~ms tetrof..s- to the fa cusr dir godpaer coorct thme itrfsrtohoetctohbe-prird (feroiytato atryh flhe hsed.r ce o rho pudt ..ts detorreen i the ichuo and tdu estrtorintelot, poerrgtdpaets, They hrave lnoral aod ca r toiosrlgorrrrrr toa-r rise growseir g child. The ocloorf berseee gsdohiid iced godpor.tto ofoespoo Steh dsiers rf ohl godpareet cme,,' itm play porocrly Ite child kee -Photed, Is cht a.e tie godiposgr ~rsmetrs gotrhtlrtb fttt reebeg that sh hilId It popeel taker, cte of (ttheorlse the god parcelt ssed-tsyeosriegfbpseo-rooseeed, I.roeraean rI,,goftdulish I..oossesd nothTote m~oan rots Ssrsdseosmlarsrig odl. A,-errs-peitrrm Ayesa osa..eh feerrdte joshs tont jamS iAK-i, tntt (1pI Ciotodatehe jo_,oto 5 g O aldheogfirhosorshcalrotryidoss. silly proldoeed adoa sdohotrrriomrsssrl pforrhoe llo aeeg ctbircThtoiroercr ,uchlr sttrsi i s hapris-ra[ ot-efare teed gdp~ ieheeetrta infuhsrahoerto lcohipposed (fotrriltei 'tcatrreitleirands'( .Nealso the pedr-itodeeocrretk~n the aob eats sod lobe cocas mrefrm gottoo hop-on,,orTheoh-r rrslsandeere oblcihgaionsrcowad tgeowinsg child Thre oelots bitwees godchid aed god pareert it tone of reopecs. The duntes efe godperso c plt ie, paz d dircloyidir child itephreed its which ort the god parse osorr cpsrrihiliq for .torosg hthier hiild it poopoircrkeanossctef Oleeescrthcgodpatoot Geodfsrher Jscfioa n, elop o hit s- a s, (a,, Oeerrsdo"e jte's error Ireha(As-'n, (p) althought tire rtoaoh, maoosroy it tsolly pertorored rnly in rhe coclto aneemdcerfsotisirrroely forrhoseaiatgoInthers Thefatoce- eosycioohgillor-optorrp eroled roe ilct hbirh Tireoa-r otes al or s (rh trs ref" ero tir lm at that c, goipocert Larer the ilfoodtaboereo e hhptied(rotsho-a r rytithehsrds)-Necte rhopdo",e dsso r teti-anhemeIdratlarradoisrsonoac throttrimr poroerrr gsdprrer- - [heyiatei Irer ad oceoosoc ohgtrstroad the grortitig child. Ite reatior heroo godchild aned godgirde t 050on sforocran. Thededis oftdre gtdpaort conle inrepdo, paolrti-te childit orphaned, it d mejc cat ho god psrent assalnr aerpsesibty fee igthat tre child it properly tokcec-o of- Orherc-ir rte godparetar  Kihp lIeal and Sldaet-l yle8 Telalaalnaeapa )eT anne sbtylv callkaa deelkvm analea p nd ( aaea bedha etici( dlnel dn laetnn nasas I ee n 1hjd gaanahc aa t fn a-enIe @enepael 1\ Kinship Reaned Spiane I-le S Tn'blv54 Cneapnalazaei,ama S,,aenada owene, Tane P.,nglbfeilne tonpde gan ala oraa,, p^a a n f e k e net tnna l phe..d (ptn d I aaaepahaa ) I ev kinship Real andl Spav--Pll 8 '1ehte 4. (Zntpndnege Tneeaa Spanie (aA ate)] Tee lan~ih liilee Japtn'aba M1,na aennadan t (knaenei Pd (paiaa ado tntinnd gdhi al d ecin)a)i dannnftce6i gal1ee M1 nfaeetnainn h. P anceieaa gadn b Ikpit neablild nkgadn do deccache weadllate (fha ennal (.acl) anI wl lcaale iant, e m 1_ hpaalnennd d aan pa d lan cutba te P jeeknenadeee hcianpl nahevla.eT (atapa geadeeneba 2 ia It, nalte e a t I. jaealr pedina aanal"a weed, p da m ala aaa pad- can, an adtn manad a n, a lcia -prtnel mnusfnle 2. (ttc gedfeakea' Lj ',aaeleei l dea a a be 2p ddan ga-anal panpat- jeamaaa ra taaamdei td jninaaaealtaaa chine armend- edar 2. penanpal gedFtka ptincipd gedarnlac hie gaahaa1 eltanata e a haa ten - data Pab k nI.e a tn aa a i I n lf eabl hbperi ...I red enatba :i aatt-nlei aaa ala- lamin iaaaeat,t,-adciandebaena bep teanal gal1 eta kaaataaaalaaa,haaeta vlan,.ea-p adc Pa dm [cinna nolaaann--nalaa ale batitn he p atal gedhan lannatea gndaaca tea atca aga at nallaka or elatenldothges Ae 'ati the httapeP- panl l t-ed ta ale of ala clda a patetn Yeanietindebnat has awn bap- stea peoaeen'se atn old feaned of Inns eaeca Maaand (Ca a dii eteet ane aapacksonneeal whom hvete ada tawe frequent enseenen N Naereeb annadabat,tallaninsapoanon beyeeeane e, ad nala-aiafaaaane made dnear ta eaa pad,nm rfbapiac mas of aeesietably laes nlapotaat thtan lte aitnonaaiaaloda,,att. lanatlacpnpd..aa le as aacheis ..anenalenaoa lesaeepaacantnrhheeehe hap- trcail pedpeae of the faila dle aan ,aaan as-edeeaec e- b tan fat ncle ,aee.ndoeelnc d aconnlidtnea ciefnancil],- feeaeedeatigs nseahoolc ansna h eallaaaaa A, wathalee ntleltpal- ain, ate (cla at tald idt .eee be lan a lat, e snail iempl- gated frendhta en tbilde peann. Y pat enncnd elene lain ta be liemlptdfntaacwa-eaaldfaiedofln Ineltee raheledinudfcen saillsg, Tlan ala k nacenltbia Petr.eenanetsanaeedstip. haa~e pee- eeaanay pick soeeneawaithnhamctaeydoentascfcaqaa tald thaaaeby ataciadteet ant ..anaehap ane n baetaaeenenaepede teantndren. Teafnent anda dt that the pealee of bapait weas eaf mv'mlII ptc hnte n~ ol..iThat de pdat-at le e a itaenls l ensy ]anpoat tlan [be bep- deetni gatdpmaa na ala phe aldjap ae atlnnam en andned la y tle lac 11iaaaesc nad caeefideeeee snnetieeeaeeentiniegancetilly fiac e ada an lean se cobak e rttnenl enbitns laws e la s tb h adl vi - h allytimpy aneen so hl ta a-h godlfaaer a s cead fe ad of ha fae anlae lieed (eta daiffce aIlnga. TI ae tla cM abateacerst paesan eeaana earnfeatdhip bane tla, pea- ane-tpach winetharwhomnnthey dernoeave frequntneaance and Idvitteieueratosi brw.cupdo omnane ..arca foreleaa menacdneeedalthe pn'aneoflapiaas o catnida-ally lesneeptna aecctheaaeianl gedpnenl baisl giepancnt ta. eke ped .a ale aeleinaij vcidle.cd by ticn face  Si Ai ~i d -* U A, ~d S ~a* Cflpd. * Apsa ChabI .d ~wik C aIet yapitoeod r ir het dhstittIcpa-' 1 he rot ehoaIs hatctirgb osycmo tdohs w hi ldISbn } oleid. Thirgodpitsutt oftieetsdiatioe sstdnsl}rfirc itsporroe Airhoughisgodposostthoses tttittiteetscisor ap ettioftheeddihe "foiiaioattsedr orts o oddc, te and paro-iereru ttbitdsthe adulititiois ton" get. Thfoemtesahtot otde podocgtLsrs toccra ar andfo toihssis tntl andoteptosot atatiot. Itisotetsortsssilhai , ht ral -fo hln e as ote~u ions dF to e wa oirthtii fo thi m ersobtyt mbep wlt ws tot ean thort at a eis h oi fiio fthe gae iius oitidh etotttteasogirhait hti eon heoiltaosem b pt ot itot seei the tho ths reototo fo adltesh ose~ h ttM itu t cty d huo ef a otha hob tttat Is h t d ao 'se o o sofaeetsp naise ntrat'tMt itotdoe The god nri'sh areo tte uhoteet erheodtsce 'te little god posyettt The dssottt ofup ooisresoit' T o eny dmt rter,itolifeoistoosaihot oe dose to oorietoebttt it of cie cse of( ,iis sers then di-ntIst of produce heerseo stiwe t I oehe.. T'oet i reertcotsbtobmtdth oiot o bsoti of tie wool poso oS to orcei"horn goid to teate Inut o lt tiheeten'ptII o off iem eniare ofcerhfnoed oratlcosthoe prettftth haetanod gtoomttregreronot havntgeltosenohettergoiietteaorttheh ligcitttiittoeosicgepeopleeoccepsiths posRtostiaa pitto tryatpooc sat ~mpet cceofheco( ayorcete poyr12 eitotchercraltgactrs'te The potent of cthee.totatsofeetotugoepscttttire grooso, search oth otitharl tafo- teve os h poe th, g sooes hot mtaeepststhi.litsd ishtthhe ttah'e re sdtg tShe mtostbrg three 'iitts tote t hedd adg Strsshe v peeetd e ben crosedo sht duty. hfseotioieteeaee istt ed osed geot. Thurd, Th...stheie I nS peeqte htins o coiss (oc go I'i o into lie cohby theogo nods-tn ae a hcocte'gpdd to Echd the eror iso assotoethon postons shtss'mio lypig.5.l ithMetactho dmitptotsahoinh 1 h nwrl 1 ims'ttteeoo,-odoeieheonabood isohotta year otwssotod "I h tedpie",fttttse oofstatooaretn Ittoryoset isopoase Alhhoogh ans sipret tiioes ettvongtsobthse tsrepao ties Ise o'iott of dueint e: st pctc is sopdoeor ,ossetee to thr p :i' 'i ttt ehitd she' otore c ohligattoits i d ttrs of addtessoied .epattof h I~outfthat hands thcoads tittst The gses elaborattons of thsee'etpdro~a gassawntonanomI anin Fn stt gosad stposaotorcsis. tIfsisooothvtitat thetore mto sets ofgodfoernietmothistctemtony itrs 11 tootas cft stttsny froosthoe poonttofsIroftcsr godptris 11iol heioittd 1'M Aoqithisso 1s sEbeo prttn It woold soothn rhtshadSlocereony estetatisethen semosrr. bsoete Wesosetssthatectsino. sttao eotboit, tetid wiete at re ii starstig th nrtttsfttoo odotes- to odlstthd ostt c momc"st sbhe ttartgfo rie ott op lub h are of point' 'oportat for' essd drngeere otnvsooodtaels thereofter riotet qg poIt and ogontisom 'lo e lit ietdpasets Tiro eito o sts goq enatopa Toqoso the osubh is di . colt to.saare hot conse rinse to asts. r" srtei it'd,,des tst.s.rahtratct L etoseiitsYop'r gos aa ttpl of te cr of thi irs sie iot of pmodoe a wartnt . toev roo bthaert 'i'nsoott rP smt the are h ahtnaed rho di\s's Theil bsansot of use i g odisto is se iot that eacit godchsd i teated Th , ir Iafgdacyp u a eLI h ontyTs thder pe tart hos aof f te oitoe fand tsts'tgrs lrscto .godpartt BscacseofqahNo u Ifgtioit aiisotros ot peopnetlo.orpttlt posttot(taqa pdoiro ,soorepeogafoeltree prso ho'tmchsobl'gpoote l'hc so crsoss1 of th hobule noitto afe aosts the pate of thre gi's'tsott foasoit, ble coouple to serwe st oI'dsh vo-tto The i akg roossheiogshoeemthitugstosd'tonedtiotcu~ Psshe pmofdsnoe adtor ehtitttorseosooecnkceho Eliede etot 'o ose else hat hrsn Msrsr wontb this dotys' he most iSorildefssorgs forrixnehedd asdhsro l'td otie tc wro qul atis BotIsstos~ gidgarts neso drgts).Thtese thinsporroieappcdtoheinaand cartied namldeart s ede' an O uM fi ,th ted she swte soteco oitto hsriisFg i ll the sitot vopit aill otsiriostshetecitscsrdhlt frethnssuopaciity The ploatoohatetttogrretood tdnhotohld F sho tet orto old. The godportsc teosihstotooeessednroffese sttpotoir .kthooghoasoparetetososossoslrthese tospani- toe oolly ofeototisele Imopniost'opdeoso'or mdeofor iren tt the chT 1iie tsteto tohs 000 and lostrs of ad c nod it pat sr1h ceo'enrit Soefide the adulh eontoto to-ets clutoortl m r :tpg a'hfrm tiretc ttoteeeotontsotsheroeeoc "o sytt ocu ath hat thre oro toso sets Of codparasl' far iOs cr ro Pirstofall, letostotethat totoars teoseteottof vees of the to r apersott' ttde'oot srstihenttchaetrccdiseahlititrsthe sertors osoctrc \t"Iett also rton,'sbs, i rcoa isas@ or stst ssaig thet t'sitso rss admdts' creto adulhood and wotessittetoartteogeeeeioy- 'he gssip non tos ate of psone onporc lot the etddisge sstiryaodoosoeedtlohevtoftesrttlog podnooand tangidsno. c lsttl sesdseotosttchtcoeeiss dor t velins otiitnate iithde itco'erer t ttoso otIs ett ebotl 'fps garti ass ' loope ntheosoihoterms it edtsiionf dayct doehrcseostohrotheno. ,Tog ocod ld teoee ccele ooeoho the bti had the dssst's Titeohtsgo rfthetmqs,,,atdisstosee that ech godchdssreat iti The the..te n c t ftr h "ted or, at lu eat otheoet f he hi fbrofbbme cn ra at-lea li t roget tot hartg cioeaute god partss Fottes oftheeoth The paoot hride. sorsely s LImEsstttqg the poretts ofthMc isod s o hentmasycespthfitiriswith theiio thsedt h ahome three thtrogs to thr ss'eddit"g. first hepo itdes I '-amot citait to he "Miraao sioch the bride . fat, sfts 0c es het rentTieds hisodtyishoeotoric proidecthe riogs fotthehtride aa ton Thatod sheettoilnigtsontiqoefBnhcnoiscs(oeo qttgoo .tondt ttttgoo)) l't'hes thiogs ottr s'rapped it a ee andjosd e'svite aMtrt yod I .dns azI odct eln jh i.and -ann the positiot shor av iTg 5 1th e 'Rh  b ira h i i t o o p sndr no alio moaicshro O ho am Pig. 5.1. Paiins of-edisg parr tichrrrlrasdaserrpeos pitr I,,. Notehbe thataro thechuroh and at thesweddinsgreepiionsthe graopbtg is by sex, chitais, tmaler on rtenrgisl fosrles at iteleft. As sit wrddittrerepdort tetbets oat 'elittg pa s os ove aosrsotoaksss posiitt that isbai 1ot Slftso rigiot or Porn ho C rie idee ' of tire, aitorstrs laie thisittiosg pasi Pro ddta thj hb dais d ..oos Fortl th st th ir'srocs doo s'it1h soipht'ssgoa rdisroeisrotsr unsisgharotss sodanos rht'sqp'tcisop. r dstsirhoaissdtatatsostde, darre with ra ho so eolwi th tlis t tag padio o ts the po- nofherh gsd-i to taketebia oti orseo oo so u t ,cag ork ebia aoo opeslpct eevdmm hat tc resp mighpt chantge froos their 'seddiit ocorots. a frer which tle ree totle reetstios thesrg the esst reteptior rite coouple roa rdlot donourirart Saintt hobtir hetr gao pareots Erl rea neeeiogthe hrid.l.orpiait staoa apeotaioerd romom o ut e te rr o fsthirssssss - EsLght days aif.teM sseddrssy sh oOplta lacaotcolkot ithesewlsssedstogftthn gsgsl.ss aode nssodrto gasd isr, Ftreehse oblgatioas of rhoc aogo patirs ar aler dre sarb ed ,,seehastsom rsl lies togpetleriortnrorl as possible-hout lorsa oblriratross are frOm'hean [tdiOcs, v. h sis asd opt a ss Acdsst e lstosally Sroriss51r eir ugs rho fact that rho go drhidcs hbsrg m-o0 o v slsrp srirth parotd Xiossip Rea od hpSisoal-lpls Fig. S.I t'scsofssoddisgpsty'ishu-chtand ato oootas, paoris.'aNchrcmthtoat tbohocrhtd atchms -ddirgsrcpoo the groupig islby sothatrs.sslcsoninsrgh, fcsmalts ononetsleft.At due weddinsgrereptotosobtts ofrhwdding parts muost alwayssrmrvesin arooetltkwrpostisoo thatrs ftosnleft totighr, orrmhsf osale to rhe stats side of the alhgnmieot when lersing theit stonrg posi- tito. This thorv toust dorwheoltsey sdaore. For the feasr set Of tree I Fsot datsoesshejc 'arhpsdeso anctseswitrishae Se-aadheols'hasssrlis doomaesrinithesnosvieolois theaetse as eol p D soitsgs-heseris ss ofcr h tht porlestm dako Mchnots PS theror a te ve a rvg in~e dhy osaaseathhe ao Dstrnghshlaqu decqoesrrha - p]ma- hrddal rousple is takets to aodlocal specoallr rrtd roast orsut o sotvedlfat ths ooas Esihedaysafter sirevsesinog the r'tqapadr'sw hoaver lsosg tol th thnthesoslsso dt mrvhsemgod oooeaaoadior guidle shoes. H-lotcfosrthoeoligatotsafrthotoqs lsdsi foaa ras siosa dcotse taseetislrriesmutopllimoscogsls'eos mw Os posile-hot ottia-l oblsgasonos rc finished Ttscha padessos anod thirsArtess measiet asoally sir Shrtove Trsda iMasl tes b ltc s rallesi a 's sit Aymsara (literols'otpsins' ree- riegtoshfotthetshgod ds hssbrtshtstwosieiAeprith pierrod Ki~ sHeIasl ndSpittral-Ple 87 O g so a tsl .oda r modnz , w so0 psdsio pod's-ise-Noto here nisat sstseosorotanss at tho rcoodg ea.grasi tha gnis by ss, tlots's msatos sa, the rsght, fossal.ssosstha loft- Atih ks rmdit 'M - d ftiretosdlrgothe sss3,ossh-s~shgonnrddrshsoos,sstlsasvs osstei eosstlt leysrspasvstsrhosrit fros lftaceisg tofsrtisa fost danores the josh a odes dm ch rl lo sos asd rhojsoh' ern dans winthess osthsastopdc m aosset isin the secood [ fdsrnesslhet(aqopdess danscsththessnoanid thesttqsas dances tti lite sooso a Pairnsg dtis uses roqa pssdsts reqres¢ the Per- osatastlhe Icsh' oasterootakethe, brsdal ooaplewoa reevedoms sothatNosetmight ohanhe itoi stes', seddng gatiseots, after b-tial nat doro shsst hosth orobu h rapassets Ladypiith ...eaAsssthea soeso for thits rceosos huglet day ftrthe ssoddrs the t'ojs Sodbsra hase alongstslkett lhetseeesto gise rheurs goodouonselaedtof gide shet IImS fsrh sho oblhaton-s af sh to pad.sdaa asc hose Tho jsssh opodsssoa arsditltrcsslspdesssocaolsh s oS iiiocss (Musiosh Ctas) shuioscallesd opt, a Ay on dha (roal'ts50itsng]arefe- ti, to the fact that sire godrloldat Lsrsog tss o tree sheep wils piesrced  U Aw ~ Iwfl ~* u AWn &W ad Iad. Al- r scar eorIptv csrlabash m tooloot oraefoit)ad oher .etl (ro lleowhotedroetsl Theoieojsod.t ifoheyczoir Ilrt broaand offotoii Froom tins blotdoopor tl rofero dc ort ofh, eets iotf tire bridal poor ttoro por t.'ot snd the tvtttt oee er clearly hf tool tttd fa atrermoeti of duty otl tooorerprocos aned meac irl Lade, formed ITssor n Ih aeh - adia ~nlaottrrootttetae beNo antotelse letii the ttei latnoybespi of te bysi rtd hote ath ot ttogiolpt rotesssthdtts drop esot lh~ hose o fta,_I ~ C-rsrrseery tgsildteehrloaeooteprf 11t ohyblotdolarsie;t teat th Itteide rtd porin soriprtiall. irorsrtor peese theteatergoTrit it tie ISrruporrottr droop s intiter tnstpodtheses Ifoetoholtheaddotooeoftlo Catholic ceeot bs P awoorz toe of trg gssorsees kieipsymn n gooyo1 1torttir Ihrpolretc u-eoo tot.dentredobeiut reccon bloosdrntrationrs-id ttertorneaetrhrterort tllbeforrord_ t oeooigotht cosple s ]ttedcoto peotplo ot deotot iortotrgtoterrofsety rlrerejottrgoe-eogetadtagroupatd attmtrogeweenonit< Whrenreetmoo hypothersoratretrect, rtrtiscertansirtttt ccbodo hneioseeostlsi nottoedr-eootretrt ertsestrogloodlrlai oot.p teo svirtgootas f ewooodovotospportfodr essrpon ofore.. roles. I eallva sreroror ottly chyd h 1 or{h treLae obaitr, sb here oetpsdeo,rlhatrotheptrs orthretrdootnd erooartd thtgslaeos Wiahn s ritelarroosop betweett to Itjor ododtttotereits strop ot troriksiveneo betseeorcotptdrc tlere exists n ordofroorsnl trs volt hot too esqual m oire toes btwoeenachyulr people. Cotdopelt coectcrtecrlrsotlherstal trggeISt torecholer (oyrwomorrwdovotiidho threelotsr)Aeotsporresotse one peesoostsosirorortr Avrocoro ptveitrpsrtortss Ifriooesa oseo goiotr 've1l aotshlI sekorihp becslo J'_weeopodro atsd stodsissr ay as lrhm o topire tirehrse ilel tisojeoet btheroopeto ooth folly _ rdl ete tindrdtookiog artell, y doserepde d 1 hae creed to sor th th roes dg rytter of fort Co to thottgitttps to dos ee no dotter r itgeco arosdgrorr I ~drork tiresspeot-r of th crearror h etwens een serepdroe, so he- ostesrorad ordro titotrof floor ~ ee rasotu anosdr-ig, twooeaidbaslte o oploea( cte tantband other ,it In irotoet the 1tdso I gte teo t hillot ojil, aiod tOn-ceoeo ot reiolotlstoh tcdinok) Illttttetdoo titliy at. alto bringoathasd rotor ho od seseerpon ofre forotr dutoes calheoorembero oftho bthoil parts, the foot paedo roe dthr tso srtot Seeoer yctctny hothofetoatodoinformaltthrotohtpaoli tt ohlitor.ecrpocr rod terecr Thetrelatiosotroed ..Too ooto romratage No orteeSe otide the toootdor t itco of the htod, ted gr00m rats he at Ihor- oogtrlytestdatrdiettotdoetleeoT Titsirs oeonose avery speciaiduotyowichricanrnot noteorolobyloodtelstveo'.ttrysyer tdse bride rod geroomon 3tot ro stb to presrose tre orI...ge hi issftr imtporantt Lc dotptttlgotSIAdteI Tterlrtatere addtonoofrtis selon ma trIpoiotos deseteeinoenrothe ilotbotiee tot s frorctoet ofnrho gagortota hhtoitip syrstet tat Tltypothrsttdabore Tvotder tooed o lostaaon~ hloodeeaurioursrard aegreet ra ties oahratsttt beoootrl. Atomariage, rthe cottprron adsoito people omitactto ftro-oretoogooroobresofouey, ttcrrhjooritsrtrs new orrtiotol gcorjeatd: osotogoosttociaties Wterohroretro iosplteettctcctort ttht tobotds borvte tirgtdo mod podttrms ore sttong, cotoiotrng bood ser rtrtohips saodomreg asotote footoaion or otsipporfortdie otootpt ofosu mit etOtett i orernely h oe tire Lotteh arie obligotionsto o roetpo~ thet ohs~p pso~ftheodr and proooronsitlrepodptto Whtilethnrrtrttthpteoeetttsttoa dpdtna hs onreoretpectoand -morl rK hanw, ptdoet thers eeiostsabood ofwvlbl whsn, tO eq oal tte oth- ettesnso e setotA a Traope. Comoosedet n reh othe and toggoot (osoe orosl rts'ooetod wouldite Hb M ofitt caerpodterosthe ontepeesonrtt hooto soAvttrtoaa et-'pttotoor tf the atotrgeris onrgssell. n ooltorstrireship rorl ud sd phjdot is good rot cotoorry to ask three to batoe -the fotoretld, tirot jootlo rise etorple to tire foily adul Itn an tosdoog paoitoclrloseoot.poes tot tord to shosv usha1t 00a0e le~ogo sys t rsf biatise isii, thoogha panoohtortodioo hasro dosobtttrrgstred idieoo Ittetk the rmpotaoe of h ny- reator hoso otp doet ro he- ptteeottrloan drreoorJ d nth rhi1r r o l o stoetIIt oodrpetooo mmtono esrstdrtings roloso, twistpyo.( (sotovefesrt) tidothe, gnft tno o ie podlto pir rhehethejiod. trhes 'rid te toerro romt- orSidela ocra sohhtr th).Theohiot. if tleyeca alto bungoparnd Fo this h bref detes .pin of the ftormal duthes of doe ntormahesof the blirla fot It fooPadoo tord the two asotetooceseeeoetary both formotal atnd oroortal rriotriripo of doty, obligpttoteatoo anodrropeeaTheeelatioefottred aeouniqutetoaaittt Notteelorc ootodeoootedt amnoiiofthehtridetand groore core hoosathor- ooghlypaedeastttcrdro de orreieoeit Ther trace ofroro ssry oto hc 6p dylod m te ta e h,adgoorepoislipioderito ptesersetseoarttge Thi iethotopotsot himofthot'oqtptdtsntrot Ifeelcrit dteon ooottis rooplo as ato mosetto .. too the osal ocr ofpdinoo de tnoe-s ot ohs I hypotoesozediahose Irtoder toedereiroeon bloodeeTILLoesad sehgebll n ritate coss hehfound Attmriage. ell sprsosoudempopedoto rhrot funcrioingoeberes orestorty thrtehscoutrypaoew geetiolrrvooproda ssigoonewomalloot. vttheoooots hilpohros"IIeoeet, trrttaonttatie bonrds hetweeottodooni ptdoo mtoeoebrsooto ahbrbood celarroortirps rnd-n aeoostoews fouurdaorortepptttfttheosrrroptoofoev IsoTi roroioo rds brioti here doe ceaoeetottc ohrthtotss btweenr rtpodtesttose paros of sle bride anrd groom ante rerpsdpoteoee V'hld the eraeoshopb her -mehLde rood podeetet rome ofoespertte bohososros hrtssororsropodenrthere Snotsa bond ofrooutltotoo eht ha I' o Lea oc oher ores hoossee Aymraa peopie. G otedr crI..htead:4' c o ray m dw oulrl lo-taoir o-so h o goopdeshsde ~Tesoi eosho arrkroartr iop*tsttopteomtAndo tfttentap oreper e the erpelofo flyAoloeslrip treren makingo rd thtad ose orood tt t Ihapre tied heo eho [tt ote rmte o pierosl ofdarei pomo sdoogioaT...ah rntodecteon. iuotno dounrh ieprateol indigetesos ptdtro sod olodo "l iols Iltt ho. .ohfhrrer er Jaotcesc of noor rroa e i eeoso oooiooo  Kiaaalip ILal yaSpaaa-y Kdilihip Raa and Spieiint-Xtln 89 idnIp lRcal aInd Si.y giialPle 89 9anncha Wink mi paignain by bath 'anna (19(,, i97 L, 7) and Hdaaamaa (1970,191 17)d iaiddaniaab inanfanan1-aaa laanainaagaaifilnaIfaq laignint.paiinvLaa c F: .L"n , B~dtanan, naidhaillpagaaid n1n.....aIiaaanii ul Lorlai liniac BaliaeU en matnirpam in1 gn pli ainiialagni Banaininaalnaaayanayaaaiangagnaiiiiniiiiin afitinnanqaaiy mannnnaiananainban apiiaiiaaga - minQ...aaaia im aninm nai.. aaiaaii a a a raia nainaaanaaa iam d I~ ihnaai -A nfadad ... an aaa an etin a-b alantmd ,Ay v.a a.[mn 1 diiaina liina bad nnap lId /.amiaania.T,,a aim ,ad iaaaalannb Miaaae aid, aapaa aid ai i whi n.. widh imidanniaiiana (la.mi a'diM Manda Mayngy anl m i lika tcl ainnn baaaaa dailni had-nimnhingmndnaywih thia afitinaam ii l aaji the -eina nnga fananan doIll.ininaniaimiaiiianaanaiaa a ii nann laiTa an)' -111 J[aian laignIagn .11kjana ama/IfIfnA 4 Idannananan: Tliaaiinaaainaii ffanaaal 1111, an 11aa1ag gad paanaiiaaaan aid paninnin aaaaaal E n ¢ a.st e.. ofanadnapaabiai cifi-Iic rplan -a 'poelii ethic. Even mcacee mpphoacae, Alt' ailsa y accci Plcciie. ft e ae, Sir. whlich lasac-cco.ircadiitnccche othcec snl~ina s rawc pe dacl ebecdlicgintaacetacit. 2.3.111ca- The verb tc aek appcearscincitcccapn -sjic.. S tc ask 1. secific r oae askcnpcer fejngahnend - eib huil cc felt cto reaocecatleru eeic bebebth iaces.=addcciea- cage e posaiscale foc the 'cocen rt miccnlcrietlcncaig ofdaect (oe he extent chat ibec aeccees ice rsatai) Theacccloe potsi ce ItSe.ll ask yoa ieqacaccce 'e-alIpeFedaceoee c nsces tcche poetnaddressced Witheut tloA eeblacbeac tef cackaclcoalv piepol-Ealike, dieske' Ilhe peleas a e np ore and the fetare Lous, ac tbe vebouchtnroreald'nourstn l On etbcaalaced aiocaa cpscisd1.cicptilieieciailte acr~ im- liobatc toolc ho.cecelck cifmi acteen orepurpoe o - paedlatoe'watca IScoadatciccctto bee aarecnc ecuataca llhoald goc cla titeAyeiis c c.teoilohTdVY 197511)c laces naith ta ofpearajltat Iccccec dc-ldsleed. himtefccalagte apsioonTeivebecpbasiaebatlsonibocdace/ot .c oadd Ec added to thece ala- t Icifoqeot, ae rth mot plesa cncbecsellne'spleo Alt' ly kaucle I....cobecefc ttoe lbuecalc the'acleedeftbe dcnaccdctheeoillts o t de H.ace berb appoenarb acepeoachce 12>11 inadae plci -p cele ceffen lvecnnmoreccepphcealics Alc'ceaeapctap docic 'Peae bey fromie ,,_ wiebisbbcycc i acdditioacetie, thoebe,&fxceaidistsaid hit sc~p -1 iaeedliccgif etie npatten 23.1i'n Thecvbceuaak cypil .cal scepi cclio leec a pses qaca r-d"n enb a rceiaccssoeneelf beth Sceltec siP'e no. eb~ A ccIca allcac cc onduce cccpece enbaic datacec fcetce acatoaccectceecei InIboth scon c ddm ecc- ecgnecpcedcotbl cact tics enicncc, elcfceellxlne ee dccenccrge eifeboet s Ietoinee accdc ceaig- ccibe toald) .Thieo- ucinceplacccdtaleao ncnabck net iameetisen asim us yick cocecccu lask v nS c yesqetce nctld pee deatia te otcle citl p0c addiseid Vidclcn -,tevc a ir'oakml.l um .b ie deant The pobise yacoilceyc ccc cadathoe citsmisnthe aeb d deoittlaiepbiefcnn lan Oetbdetbsoacdnnla1ns pccicitlxccepecbloce u ccccob ia- ciebuct tcc hcaicc osf lacsoffocal actor ccppo.c a m pccdecola m caTediacicasnic llecanaen nica a1, heb ceckebitecgienticci~icicencaeaclnHY 1979 bs tee neath ca ppiccojest 1 bscctec lsed. 23.- Tbe addteetef i Ia serb en cts I -S ccc sscened hce icnccfce+'doiegatheccacTlerdal-Siaialb, econsicLo bth -l addsl-ci addedltolbeoranll-. Itisfctq et aced cc if, echt- place ase cthsnllecc plea. AbIc btlaon Pleaser fecem me ibo-e.itt t ed oftce day ced there isstAla ltaasl) Ilec the ,ecb eppec wth im a cpcce(2311 iiderfotei no pitleiec' oLiac recen ace oappbiici( Alt ialaanta kaicen Pat, buy braine icc hiclhao -naya-iicaddicinntn the oceenfcoectdisnid eujilca pe- cadlwliesfliea inche.apnnn  1ecre h Laipq.g an 04bu-Hna 93 kl,. in L...ad IWw.a-*inp 91 Plt-1kiLWgm~.o4I Uoans 9 .ri ad-st ussms ,Pn..ali, a"n-s,'pnels ees -i ppni'snrsh sssssiromattheltlsnes os"', u h les' I ssei sstiedtisiisiss nne-sshlenlss 'fthctny tiedfrdi reltio m 's t he litgn wholee. Those its this coees oest aehe shsesnhl NDec Suffices- kin ,ss' -ah 241'ot -, usajsll, nns nanssahs ki'atnisos,jteh- "less has a,, hesc'it sofuesisig effect aid coitihhie asoet elie eeL- 2.4-2-cr, Iseen eappncc -ss l desseiesigtheen-sti aned mVeyseeo Icisea hept isssss.. isisey lcnkii scns jitnscsi'airsehe islhec Ltelte' astd Astii sataahi '41e' her wsise is Assetss i tshe nvaleeptic it iadded in qsteotiss-e skinig a price or ste 'ss'ottfna s-dsn deiccdand isddigip tetotal cssaseofts pie- 2.3.3-sa-and-estso. -,1-nist nya, iic-teyswitlsnmssi- m pltris wosrsdilike oennantieytstI~ 'peshelpete' steds wlies seqeessig snisice c enry santlittg in n Avacsnc esms- essiit- Altiiugi chess is as -l poeetive s lfix osts fessss. m'p i'sf'- ssa dsissieedehtt itissisaictieless ps,.Teessissnlsf ssn.,ceyen t hese. tsessdesiiscnsd verbhcTroeyintholycnssyfinedcdsu ccliii is sench ether in the lanigenge ns aewhtl T1 Msi iiiar ..isnehae the orerc shone lowes N De essihes Li -s'i -aka V 2.4.1 -hiody 'isi Js 5i1o, om rnlejitis aged mmsia sees hnts kitsssartel these 'lhiihnsagseallssefsceestg et-sndeeisit wiltssisi che o 2.4.2 -cob Titis ssixiehassetlns'sesing. epeeintgeoncnets Onuiississsy hseeseeppantessdeesutiietesive S-ssfLtentsctsieetsdssnayss.eto Iciseste Polisies _sIn he~ otssestis jihep..coisa-'tte Isis iorbhert nd A, usei, santichiss 'Alcnlertnseeis Agsi' Ins shen kanne e-sis i ddcd 9 -wsnsoreds tisig t pcice oc rthe eeet elfapsodeecesis-dadissddiigepsiesenlcoftteps- shet s t 2.12-si-aed -wny- --n sd -.iian, oce'yes'irhei-si,tpp nwedslike ynole',sisiiis 'oplease help isis sssed ntn rn trs M- r~m nfcaiv linheglhltcs i Y,~ panieotffs aseees fotemsy inec- indcted siti is tnheclles Ptil. The se sln of -isscuis woulsd recisoee stee-stsse, hiows. 2.4 Lidsessdess.N h\'n i leaufice Thessed tisin uesds'ihseThey dothslss'any icedplow in csliitenstseacisdsshecunetclnseage snwhele. Ttnseissthics ps om have si tea lecheec't low N heSuif3A h " nit.-cti 2.4.1' oto ' jLuss, ad oms thuenjitniv'ii sanplyssrd,jciia. stsnsssti'eff, tis,' ¢T tisni gesterallya'eelheentieefsand eentthicuithesasytsherssef- 211.2-cciri Iteffihasmpt sssvonigs, dependhegl nneet.Oniusctis itisro havsnst lasu-cst dcoiasieeeniisg iIehietiuinsu ad stein ,at lssssstheFidees. l[ntie I nkec.asortyjaprkw'l hpha vht ,ins jiteponiin 'liw heiso he hc ...hec' ted lIhsde mectplnce itis addedsto quaestions- ordaskinsga passcrthe tiostsnfipeseshe- Ijncin mudding aetwsesil eisfthLep's- rh n is, as in  94 A; (LL aslrias d Sdr(Thsoponsi 9I4 I. Anrionssn hlandSa srtsiCasagrria 94 AvnsohIraaasrcaloadbWrioaiCaeorio kJms kh ka doi.a mq sd the d Uessme1 It, aa rhrtranadq tarts osor whot pnlorsacso te so bh rna mhnd a d ifossdcwt-nafieds wioallaeingq Ia iia'isos kasakpaL ,Jraoke herd the sheep too lbqogm n' so psana.. EvI-en est } hvry~im, ready fra 9000 oserkopani instiB 'ea UsD nil yob s j blea kiira'iaoii BE'ata dasyraasdisfaa -resk isisloars loo ptasdseid 'lskaeala-oeha, to bolas shals ILinshliarslr-ekiisosed only bttseo'aprsonsof he lriieae. hiafter-nr.... aoa itiaa: Kassilirs taoi.' I know Spanish. Kiasillnnk anoao'sdnaval Aysarayasoo SamiheSrohoyl atssseh oleonmy . u agossa lou which case it lo saaldiigoaratas Knireob. ensaiolrnth. 'Wlsr, yTheta ts sp ars joIan- This isoaidibyratoalarsr hooadaisaasswhisosficdsoosilkrsf his hahy'sThetis. Slue sny aimsssay: Kssag~ah kat "-isy ausl 'Why didsa'I you lessor, punrly Thcnsicouldosirelv rd Brseodhbyaahasd shis wife, ic oosasand srarrb)I aatair prrorosnraodeovaodsgsosm ss fsts ~soaot *Iisocositldssisg saldissealo.aa"1rnIs shrclaplaosao Kaoknk esL's'WhrsradidyV.1ag.?' K'airttakk sartsi Otahose glac hea ya ou a t Kttfsenal tijaoiv'lthsiw1i a, t t lurceichlrt brotso- roousd ittria a arssnis nssasawhat p-rissd aaaasatt- ahTumis isasakaisagasn'Lrsjakrkoedskrohrrgso Tharks iosrrai-psro '_Ioar gaoaevoasktigoady-foreyoo Joissaasiiseakaianisaeatiwashaassgll yousritge Koa'hak sasa ldr what do poo sneed it fosl -mksalosoaused asaaad-sdrm iiarhkaaea -a h,,h anaas- l ss sosaitat.Ireiausaso rrloihiosraly brtsrspaeosmftiss si ..sgaoadroasirasoaaispsiir X Nonlnoo aiasnrea)ao,oAynsosvatoa, Saarush? So whatI Au oldir persn atyaoek Bsoisnoa g'r Wmdh ik.-ir it ham Kosaak tara s alsanos 'tlsa. (ym astan spar) jassanar- Kssso kja wisayaioal tWky did, ou 900 Viso knasri The lasses ooll Italy ai n c be Usl By a habani tolvwf, rv rrnrd ieses haimouagaer-tromsalda.n- os-disgsaogi- mThroonalarsisg scalalsg-eoihiaiaooe asiosuchgplrnseoa Kaohrakoasaosit 'W11t did vtroa Karssss Bk oat sdhsootVBr, plcr dial yn B'r hoodo ho 1 tfsso a cd isosocol s pr Jrfaemmiiwonhosaahga. 'Ltjakholrdlahelrsep son.' Toarbas psasts li spootal 15 B 'u rrrythiat rady fatsyo Jt ukrsssak pasitda'Botoa ulwitou inigi Konahbohm sososssi 'Bthawohat do youood isfor' -h is aio-o cord to a puat-downa diarc, iIIn ronhiwIhich aiae bard aowaHsa Iastaaole, riisrsdzdghetssaeeapnoof rsm a1-go casodm, ofganile or Sass cartyrtisir KsimY,a I lknow elecic Kasadlitst asska -utyotAgmar atiasas Ak~asshiosssq.otisstaa i lessiti n hso. Ifo Both )finesabose sesteesssasihsansd tostse sepesis afsrdspsitahssthassssapaass as-bland 'sassis-psd abhsssa sutl saioites assashi i.ntds ' i s o nLyL d'O0iwrods h~ a gvs aa tist Os saio sase ns tsas Iks is>sosashswti ss. i s ifesicsaugnossaas as shosshaosnt I -sallaggsegatsssaicssbsasslsra elf, 'iass osjus eno -cub pot-do tishass bass rsspsyark,akhshi Asd asow what migti yost be lospgettingt sad,- m ht a~ oaod Is tha Iteasasno m habgin sose tire road of sosssbisisg that is a ssssats Astsdsuu othnsskcat dtiltstdolsrslsshssus doisatiss I niresa a n 0 a Wpsh-adtioidpsaeslus- -mdsashThesslattuso -ho ,ooala Itjsesof the speakersssh Oust dot tsotiseshstaborheatter *sshigotoeta ics ~stasstsppvuss wsithscitssisdpidsarsoIII ad Psasulfflsead itahs disssrd A athiso.. -sutsoussiti-ssrio wsih thelDesidesutselortzotary se-Puc) Itaowevea -tali sisnasn may0 be asissay mthsthanissisoiiisgsor malasisiti asso otrtth o Jaasauas huyushusoia. 'Dot lettheos bas people' *Thsuhssa- ittisaid byass lderashlostutssal'isissooieaahoui girn, ,aasslshosdsrhsp.iatappeasdaassst rd ,,t y1 gsesuat-ssd bean aosfd sta tao s' as tw siak'staso llw y fia ..I. N yawahi 'ska yapastsucsun Yonstolyt naked as the assat Ak aurokt's assuqaintss mo. 'Here ssis, ashess Ipait iBsoth o above-ssssoacs, sad by hsusa a asifs..tn sossressioe o ssyfiss ssh ba- shuts .,Ioans -bisssasssssoslssssasaiisss h t-iodsp.oossa tis such as-hissndwith foial ssdcesdets tunsd us-dssd -syp.Inasthsre osai atosuolebssss issshhbinssasifhtIticdsslyasbss stassssthdotta~t utsor ansitsuiitnsteoftleustesasasa whole spisom igtesatias o-ad do50.bdsd~ol Ossaernhak sotss nsso sha e *thwssihs withtnosnt..lo ssdsrfIa-ssIngsuosst osntai-, bhass a -aggssgatsiol0 th o tLf,111 o i a -casislhetosral At p~tstaa- sishse nl iavs fosgios no Infaphicoti iftstasg el o . nokn sod f safsshtsu&nn ab a ostsrArsaas andthait nssa itsdf~ ho arativs isgsisusis oastg oa as stn soby tssaf Ilesteashtloger hassthe delstoass icsiausaa , ss ( ad thidpsdoton fisnal-sI'h nherafea-soi .tsssssal-'ssy ataofstherspeokstwho rat dosssisssg asut A. toast -tua ssttto.s ta-star apsh ,ho o~strla-ess d non finalsso-o-nd fi555. 55 OdwllbI.. dw n  U A~ ~ S ~* U AIm.. ChmhkS IS * U As.. &.a.in*i S bums 1k Q'ipt rkioa. 'You tgls be bar.' finds to fullt) isott'eaki 'Ifecaefll'adoo', avtttbl t haittgtabia animhia' *leardbultmttodoont' A tamt a a..o 1, an ge atko -ot .ieasphai -e onAlahaen othebnfvlnattependentnli-dsand eaattraes will bew w'nsith tha 05ffl.. The ftoowitg moay sha b, too- talatiatd/otcoutplittigtttadtaa'tita paaaioiaahhunm ' Diddoiabotom a (s _iti baab tiler) ma Aot satle verbted- Ittpataia Tonst DcI (Csdttts.. to-Fact), and Ratt ueo ta Ptn alttttn f tt ota nt a witth the suffixnes merdand anctaatd at tnt tttd iattaatdatoihanpt'of the tenses ,aItt be g,,m alaog a' wth thet d oaapt'ato of tha ttma . on1-..i va ls 'I'o tatno-cI indictes adaolth seo hettee titnd Ito or Isha has too aotoal oentteotnontitt eet tt ooht-htohatdctatoffin ttltstac tiodmt~taafp osotlAtltyn gnato)aad noottnaso f ceottataa(saihata ntottttao'yd)- tta1ls.oeeartngts taasltestao'agnonaaa'i Adcnat ishrta slis' Ir atntaltstlaeata tt Vitc ootaiigaHeeroaopetof-.oi saati 'datbilass ttea c weat' awd to dtoubt haisat, s hotgty' tlpck thttatto,aot'p' ta'aaoohatttatant a hav -oantacedsl Itt sskotathatactybefiecase' arh'aha h,'dct a will go' ,%'aaahtn 'at all bea'ne Iat ,d'alattaitsooo bad, sheat1lhaoaprad thte entiliaea taqisalhtte willtbe hat aaoycd' 26 Flant Sucoteto Suafs..a If...aire stattafficeso ntig afterebalttctntattio aoinhx a ,,Ian Q"ip(ttiohoa 'Ytai ghtha¢ aa -(ottit to hild) Q- aamr-totn Batata1t'ondaootxasnnothitg ta him't U joaaohaosa B 5aao ot to gnt drunk Amto'tata ass Ittoat goettto'nat mkaatmacttta geneally, ttaolves the finai taafepedeaut nt santd a ad..bi vettaataaaotla. Thellow ntno s de tahado atd ontplatttngoradrt o~t PapatonovxtoaoA'ta LDaddia~ouat toa a ~ t tittle ha athet) 2. ait ft flaaaaaat) Soj- toAv'ot-sdoa bhtos tautaxtve Future, Detdetive)Catttatv- aan.ff'eateataioned aboae sd thttftnalna tpenattntEnatrtptaaaf thltocwill be given aglo;wtthe dtsatpttnnsfihahinalordrctona-fee Thatffa-ohtindicntestthat tepetkerbeeo-othat he orahhasantt aolocatbe actianuftleaerb. itsaautllt/ais ttaends. Ttae sam thahaothe camnthd oan tgs.1 .abiltttt(ates)ocad atttanaao< aat (~e (rtltataL attocetottty onooa) Thotata ooaiog it tt'ateaa 'segetntr e' t o Andaatt Spant'h tttttly'o....1, bat it sitesc cde, apposite Tht faloasta uattpi, of oh, iat dontattoot he/site so tt aatjhstodot othIeasie to htaltty ts ntaht at thea it.oasnp' htasnakohtmld calt he atlt-'onacadit"C totoirk[-~ tahit ayb)e olcaso' catahit am aybe ha h wi go' qgtanot atbclohadlnedaa' q'ln))tahl'o naod, she'l ttotava ta' sprd that foatliaa tnqshtno tawiflbanalad 2t It) eateo ov Saft Ttaeaaaaaa attatnfl occetngty ftate.thalitfletionlstfsaan a stood Q igasatbsatoa 'YOaU migttt botlie (,do aatocddal Q' a itaasthttna Eaatctfisdsa donl(say totatlinttolfln. UtoaFaxa 'Beatofil nt to getdaunk, Atat adow. Itmay gut darknme - emptattat taoalbt t'otm onfttontodttotdrent mfIoanda aaaotagteosodwl gate b' ntttbaat tth thefctlos'itgaaato bcco- :havattttdottapsttog oaasdatotos, Papaocaton pas -pattotahat tiDaddy oatatstta noe> sat at httl, trotttel 2.5 lat hunogletsa 'cnljrio InAo ain,- ohtataotea Itateatatis qoot Iloaidaatiac(Conttac-- tFact) .rasdtRlatatn ad tocot, o' lec o~itin.I 1tttewtltattoatooodlovnaad thefnalrdepedei. Edianrilsof 1 wlbgnontalog onaol tetcrtptions aofttail sentence Tte soldhtdgo atsahat the spickat-hat'a thathoeoheoltno canto'.. osttnanoofthaoa atoir. atOI ofho/htandsft satft, (tfshasthattaratocdaaos'g ofposththct guess)atd aosturace of catatv ith satua ttacertaoyatpcat'eed) .The lattet neangis teasttad ns acgttn mnunAnderSandsr hiourndl 'satea"bu i itnpttattheopposute The fsllosinla[teaaoptoof-oai, asavw'm , nadatnaoeitlhtngra' ttnh~d'1 dnetecishee a' It'ospass alci Ie hate entaedit 'noonh nkao In dolt otaphoohotas' scollath'rtt tob he/she toitl go' sq atitit ttaa buad, sha'll htate tor pedtsrb. tsohtri stan. will tat airmaed 2.6tHeattStaaa.a $sffin. Ftetatslartaac ffnoefocoinogathe rbiethntfloiotnoudaffiaetito  ban k.n-ug an d Com.-tlld p] WIfnlr Mn 1awg.we an osnu-a 97 Isacos hans-le.nd Chinb-at..s 97 2.6.] -abIa attaotte qasesauousalo. Thio.tajo ste,. ltedot, as thie yaks> f nssoftitos s,n ~o. t of thitassdetnied sucalch t iasaittI alnsaoss1r11poboof ettaistg at shaould ho daiesasd palst'o{' Ayt 5raisthat its me to airlyg gorlbat thuisi psoasoiyc foasare of AI yoar polite- nea-t Petoosirssrthaa hssast i o sagoastd oanula o.Tts-ha ie eqa'staostassaodss Aod,,sspoonshs oacs Life. '(as iittliot bhtihssal osadsattoassoatts ..... stedtotsevtngaI Pot unI s ,s,d by tgal as st cins deamr']s Aym-1r tiotssat tiasiu]) 19a hert Ia Ass nr br00hoke' K-,ttsis t smo a Is tocatiel gasg totowns' Oafaspiat, 6A a IaskI' Do yaa hal oraty aosi] (aatsttstr git s o a clot Aottboamacl aatasktt Dstsaai masy atat(adtdstghsst sothes) Konasl, stats, Vhaot itatsoo'-(istsoat wo-stld ham wfantI.hllaowstgh soreoo-r) >iaoaastk ksatitsaa--otttit xn tsaa'Isinaosmysotsatce shlt too go toga ram ott'o taraoh.itsi, Jooais toWere gigatgoarlyosenstwet (wsife tto hood) K-,ttttkamtogs apomona Sa Itttbr6iossaytiP tiosa?w(oi,0. hotshou,) Jaric nts't ''Dos's you aasta tyL' (ttothat tor hid Aka X~jatiabo SImhs Is 00n Xistn't itn' 2fi2 -on atmorta sets etee o x -oosttaocsoi isisased to detigo , Lutta c asm satiast tihs stoats ilike t Esglish.(This is taasttqair' itgfsttteiotoo -fu thetoottgyattost.t bo~po.hd srfht) ]tis life, addedltso-'or. oscebooaotiot. tofteniogtriscatotoostof the stosaoett ash otp. ttoi antoradictioo, as lrs us saalrio'if taa' stes ts jtstah'tsikrhia 'in at iso'I ohs Ott' )otoshrbiaia o elslw]l akd~atthaii no imt'sebrr' 26- hab atmasstl-' qouestiontsofiix f6aai toss, qoato o t e epolts founcttonotthaaff Onto? thtoifottottdtids,atbafsttcaoaot lttlla'strat-sthe problemssof datma'tslssg sohat choreaI be designated poitas- ayna sotht ooo .sootity gseiattrthis is pre ,sslaafeat -ofAstsss lao- tWat tss questioa itrslpaooaioAodtaaSpasta moo1 qo -(or if foa'hatbtitlasealy nsodtotttoossts 'ts ad atos.t..ga ,.oite caracoss. to is asod by afl h6 a to ,, ths o.ttiLmp Altla httrstsssaa h.rshi 'Do yosu hato- asAy 6a,,t bucks CAsohratattjtshs' Do oloohaycsagae aapitdcomter ta -,oihot t ost fallssttoq, iaa) N-aoatlt ,aoa sktawa ma? otywyin. shalh toe ga s,ogohaooaat batolifisn Jtabohts%'a'ra g tpo go rot avtosoo] hth to hosatd) Kaoatakopabani atao hllllbtgtetthttget yroifetm hutsbad) demoa]sostkaovs'Dt 0055 tto masb )ssoshortoitil) Aba X, jaos"a'Titeis ass){-It' 2.6.2-1 -sautrtsatstsootraoilfs -aoaetaso ffboioosed o desgaresstcelaout tf'inttate IItes l rather Ekhe stosn English, (Tialsts astotnatreuir- hfiato ofmetet , far the bol ooo e pssed sta for,) I is ofotn added to sobc ant u lstst ostfottt th b ahaltaaossfine stostaensJ/daa -paitigt staodtrttta teo so.- L atttlahiofthsc' the case jatskD onssshhio'iha sn't the cs jraskohitiot'he l oeltr sakahitlo 'jeI,.,'ehea 26.1 -o alteratito qoostottoso Thaeeistamernte r toas ooh p.otmios fotto oftI, sofia toneaf osisrtattirsdtot-h_ ,atsssaiofaslio.tIslttates the sroblentof dharssiisse shoit idbaasgard ohit isaAymtaaa, ht osuaso totaymls 0550 (t ths is gsecls~ a l feotatte Patto aito p tahoossroughootcbhe ]osgoougoanadosalttsrfhe-ha af qoaotots msted itsAdea Sposshs'oesqat.. 7or tht', o all} oaleoamtioootaitt-g iasr a nepisga 1 tpl .-Itisasediby all ages asiathesoaaaitt Assoaa tsw aacihantsk Doaitrot Atossra bosh]' Katdihmattrksoleaioa'Is CatottI oioa to nat CafesgTotlaossth atoatht Do ysouhaso ast vsysott (,-sosato Kad,ssstast'W5hat9 sot , mo'am' (ILLah' aorld be inmpalite wsithoat mates talo-Inaag, however) Nay,,ho tka ok sa stta niaolatiltt I aoton my wayltee, sall] we go tag etlaot toa t o ho sodif) Kooatttsapabapotai Shagl shsongoa shlosg co]'(ws-ifo Jontah ooobta D'Pas'so woant aty?' (morther to child) Akos. XjaatioAsiThis is attX.IsIta'i' 26.2- '00oeoaato sareottto~su to oe scrlamiotdodoioataasttcIaatosossflojtaoe ltagfostit 1tooa..ssats,fostheanaolgycatts le pushed esoy far)I hit shot addad tooa eh..a aoliaa softeosing the aoh lasssa afohe otartsetastd/oas i 4 . pttttitostiiatioss ationtheseases sk'Latchit 'if thatsin oh, it uk'aolahio b 'iff-e ot ot the coot' jstloldttmat+ci] cotme later' 'LAkaskotiia'(e iso,>ere  5 da - 2£ A y3 - 3 217 tC~t~3 -3 .22 rs .a 32B c °  IT It22.~ t l v oo o 9000 S 3 - F00 -0. 00 00 2 2oc 3 -x -0 -.0a -u 8-0 0- - 50.02 .0 00 .2 0 _.0 ~ ± 3 J0.0 5 2 2 z be N2 .2t go .A20  mU Arm. O...pain and LUmn mo.s Ay.- Cn..riSa .,d kemxa. CnmI. IN Ay.ar eamaea an cmancC Amsp.. Ies or tmtakepl- P ' -ose smaiayut jaitalaaaiy htie o'Pl-,adse&saao ienss AManq vasis -dsiy.'hEat l hime Vtyitntayiy ' rtil, lt a kno' Tise laitospl hi disisssnirtrtr yeaeej, eihs (nt hitsyllohlotrt hensaod 'td .etrrtianthstlsreleretft e ersun th rt- toncrn [Iovy'htniniitayiy. 'Look for tie lite esari pmEAse - ad-y aatr.o f ntions at maetldep-sdaet isfi yea -ewhose tisasrieg is sifflir stop iHy at thin thee Iti oet Dnl. mtnyltai r c shrlkoeo (or helowe). ti's d,'t r'oe- Nassnoyai'Is Cuss nos? h'. 'soawo. 'Yes a,t:.' .eYaa araeeuaesat cdovneriyonnousn akasaoy'teroiti! Alwaay'rsmtsrithe norning jawxiayonssisinornrtl'. jnkSspxny 'sonsewhl ote' ,'syst ay'later sr'sartska (ott Cserhrlrarisso jarssiasyT t'ass (reti anttas olru yea already alo, (hestd tit>I) xe, aaksh' o sotex days' (wne to hussotid) sp jtsl'htey Yhetne otdytesthrs'(wife tslIasand) jatSlhay its hoasts (ltubisd ttsraie) svspestmaakstaeoya-Well it' is,, thatn wer hors Al by'som- slves. Arnyl etai tatti a'atayi 'Plais. ttoatsso tna Jitt litay ksit Plae do ate again, okay' Matqaattays ul at tefll Iss,, YatiyiatayiyPlueslet mee laaor' Thtis lastexa mplyeti~a istiaterisssstin p soi~ iissfrom eth fistsytthtetthsssrsisd ietal ser'esienitgaeh sneer m o11111os-the Jaap'a aeeyesrayy o l~tfore- tis ertitg. yle' -nosend y,oyptsroto fsrtoasoe ialaaideenden sl'i-rya o wahsshe taniag is di ftslto spei ~ath i It tiitenlpnstaai ortoaes raterikeoaa (see bolos).ltisotsastheeom- ibstlute.used in uhaa Naaryo?'1,thes asel' Eis eawa.'Y- iti< -yapason nor end i'vas; s l'a in-o iaeay'Hr,, s e!' ahocoy 'These it i! ils'ay'eadry IsIthrssee1itrg' Jaeay orjaln en jnk 'amy ray so.i- ii-m r a aore' ,yipstaiy litre, tria ei ae jast lot thre hapt'te' juairhsasyor isetn and annveb inyytsarsayon oosrdyknrw'(hnhisd tr,-ife) ssxa'seana khsn or stadaays' (,,if, to' haslsisd) sagjiihsasa -ya,'ter toler hotath (seife telhashbei iatehdauyalheava hashondtemeir) sayahipnieaktaaaya, Well, it's ss that oe'. sere alt by art- stlvr Amsysi sur rssion j~t khtr'. '['tease maia yot' cone ass Jrstaisr, hksie '['eae do ecome again, okay' Mseqs ..s'aay 'at, tell hit,. Yotiviepr 'Pleate letmue ktnow' flolst exaneptehas adsia' v isatasatian yatlrnisinsy frmti the fiest syllable tothe secnd~ red dieeesang oe tleassrtneeerfosthe test oftihentosre. Jayy'iaaananipsitaaye '-Looa far' tea ti-, weie petaaa -nsaesdi-yo apiaaet Cnnorae'ss nncfieal iriridrtrffit-ry,r -ashesreaassgidfftlereeftl i- time, I ia1 asphns arrester rther ike-n (see belew). It i also lhear ski MIoal a I ad e o r, Ji, ilaaa. 'Ye, it as? aao 'keen it isl' aotir ''(tree it ist ah-itrY'eely inthee Nosug' jsll'sss'yey 'sastrsshat'se' [4' sytasy 'lae' totis a kxoiey 'jast ot tihe haytismi jasialkaay ' rot yet oat 'ste ibdranrerhb, vasaxauyorareadyhrnow' (htsiutd tonswit) eunto aria aiay [fa sie days' lwil'e to liushadi) sa iinaiaoyo 'tsrs tire osay bsrther( le ta'hmashsd) 'liis's hltets, (heutind towft sryaktynxarahstaya'Wat., its Jstst slut we',a Iete all by oar- selves.  Pite- kn Lagpg Sn Ohtu- g 101 I'ats lTrndsan d Curn-m,, 10&bl~c in T agug an Colo-a *i a aialhoaIyt'assllsfrid(oronosoeJ ahsn axjat r yot< 11 litm. m vmhmz .en.,rSoenys to eldo'a (eesfobobanl) doNpd1 am+-Iearaygtenn-luy yu.(wafr to hbanhod) hwanda yothe stnak stil have to belfhd' -uas ad-yaa<'aertnaatnty gia'ng aoodditisoot' pu,er'to ste vuh-e ns u'alansng'of c oe~'noo insdye '. Itiiidi- oak hsote peeaal knowledge inolvt g he add. rspa on t as the Movier sainenay-N hosidno t.ask hawo (child assserino dehr; ooeato ht she has rodse fbr) Jsatieio (lo n'soa Nontts ellr.vid hiosssad) UyvMinoy. Yn therein (toooslsersao onondansghry.'so- quont to satgoar) Iwearinpaslnaoy Isemusstb, fnaifodem byteos Iiktyatnasnyetroossnolbif hh' Thte itnnm aot oat rd that a h tais repltyo oaeeot rater-oJsahtrysoa Yen. (have. Uasisy would beinapropiate -oayahasoertoneo atrsosseanc etossld be ost of placeina buyer- 2.6.4 The one fof yWite tie penysroni, Yocea- David roao, and Ito- 2,6.41'ItNs ofehe loiyerorieitn ad snithotty are asfollowts. 264_1 1 -iea '2'e1' voitsr-ya. charit e gie nie' (hauo- ns ttol pistrsai Joas's mk~oreoc papa keriarn'Veou takc rho oriio rmet the plcawed fi ld' Altealeatioo'saecpjarikre nlookoren'lone> yoru buy thealco- bat atcd the beco. H-o'eeoer,ethe eentceaorcieeerto ie effectthat he lumtlcad,hIc- sell; will h -vrheake1a11ethey anetoothccarpfartcistifetoearrs: Atcpaetlv in Aymnara cealoe r dar nor alloys wmen o carry leer edsf paricnalcr irdealtoegh - creedcrcttvykevyloadso othrbokid)iiet tltd .(ha e pviero rhip rs-cyad o't r eTitt i,,eae ahilead ofoepeie o arf pel gectueV ectren leled)Ti hat IS, titnlecosof te ' r' at p vta h s heatis'e scitw roaere- eeceeto thcewOclolrcsalrr wsvi4citisousedL Watoeayiopreteaor eignmr b y qooecs recy ic fa rehos incerpreted flea afifcr00 etM hes xsvoiass~u~si h lmvr etne uTlbacd aeeeu. ouooethinkeabobt fctas'[' enecs \varneq'onioayoe 'par the piles clos togetheer (nrtio poftessixtoeathc ta p tutertire.Teltrl mnn l @tr emegtiarhe,,l 'toexnmpls of e wifese ease of the cttadore'd temp saitorto her tausbandlhorhincerphritesorthe roontoeand verb Jeneahiyja'aEccppoehcapoaeowapaneesTake tee seed sits yoo also.' Juota kaywsa ast'ya go over theoc' andeo aeiling Awc'esinhiee 'Seed tI n Ial atver rimhtaway Tiheplanleeperarsasct.dorwenadl riecvd orrorcpaire eaepeinmanoevecodioe tehrief neere.Therrtesrtorasnle dffeeo in thess'ait hoebodiosand w....oiep. rt anod labte roechother,seit heeweoegmero pelirioesrtcocrit,treoc r loos rho "tronarrae.Ihi may hr acet cfsnvto rrcto of ecatoe pIarrc or rrra plorltehbotcads'iltay to ticwifc., osrngbeplait Itmporat- lJ'hcy, ttkjaktwt sartaya e-cy, wvake op jake. Juro anxosare u keeentps keceirara'Yoa take tEe ferriliee t ea plowsed field, Anlkocep sertsrsarrp anekne taekcen'D ar t ee beua the alco- hol aned ehe boos' How..Ere acc seotreec centines to the refet eat thelotlbard, bios- toIl,'eill buythema beeause they arercoo laolit ci9e toroetl Apparently, en Aymacra care res do not allow woen to Iatoy heavy bade of pareecearkands (ltheoughl weoman do cay very heavy lbade of othe kind,)isT fe hcse hclpcd (Ibhae eperiened this prsorely and ssithbctrmead)Iha llrtererctbbardsafiercpotingoant fearIf poalre potterntey Srte t rleperirwtereefr- so rho Whole celte heshich it is raed WIhar oeey im -,peetsfae- Ltrtes a catoeeean factrnot be so i epead ire dilloces Thaad as rasheesfracrin the fcllesiegeenow~t J aeakty acctyct 'VoteYo thinok aoterit.' waranwie'opan'peat dose piles ae mctber (Ice this cocemple it is nor cllatke poerei irvoed. 'Ih fb irah mseeningtofob thesrettoajle aecpfie cere Two-raccnpleeofctheesiff'ecofrr tetadnes ltnpereeveetohIt, hosbacd both ineclude politiee ont the paneroer and vorb: Joo ipjeatoppach apsarostevetva 'Take the seed youc yea else'  J04 Amara a...atilm Scm~ INgr's Ai. fl....iS . ad kuma la,,e 104 Ay.a ermm-- samur Car, I'lln 1 d"sIy u. fleay yos go by yorselt on 2r'3+ -yts-rte ssaketplac this ft. rrso os htseir grany .. aesoiettimoa'edsceirqee. Ipm b wih h on Iu s.Avm kr a poter so carry sosr'ehseg wIl say:. Ycuaesiayakitro bPlese Ip Iirnhof or Yorssp['arnraasros Go alsraselhhthe/h hn rho tpsy rho psss will5 soy Voaps'a orinyl'e W oe. es-'. Are adot or oate, siblig gorgig a child it do romealirag rats Impqalie.,"Take ItV Jalosasts jalars''Rasr. rat AnalkieesmoyaYu onmran d/. Ivstalksinsgcsocohertordlos roos tefo-neete nay gsothea ossumys'rnw nrseestorttioidicate agmeesowihoaprevor ,a rae nnra-dc by shte o thee person sedotiver, sik'am0ssixtaontost'Pine, [hsenyousgoahead and get readym en, crin. 'he perwolk or an rfr hrno ss-a woith rho Tssprrar.s s tasod otoarl y horh rodose of nn, of ohe ifrseosre lsigntfiaory rho monads) weshn-oodtingdottts. to adddshesuffitooonoescd nititr Irrpeneinirptnrooontets eve wlhenit irnot itlhescript. This has happocod frqstnly and sisows shot; so her the presnrse of-yo is esorcrstrhndunitrshasece - woh Icosror rIcnst brio- essgroknownwhodmerr endnaddpt sto-Sn f-I~honc noriarhat tase saninfsoraso yntyoo.*i sc nrc sy-pc' ' ticoitaetedesbyrhsfolow ntg Tietseraskrnaos-orskayero) arneyonsice yosre ohugto sbcre eor. pucne bringnoosng..) 2-6-4.2 -y-n etuth Fstroro rse0-Athoogh rho hrs-im ics ofefrn a-sod for polte etqoerto is woillsrond tode if votld with lade ieston vyow jnrudderpsaoae O6hy vran gee by ySerchf 26-d -'2'r 3 +>a -Inrineoorptnmhlskformeoonoi ara y rsayr aksrrst-sscarro ayods-asrna- tedocrit.,phosso Itn ePeoo-osncorrsseaortrsm'h orhorpnrorsEftses Awoea skng a0S }ortooo- soneo.....ngplsay Yrshptsere'osyanay'tleare helplshis-leror Yosto~smteoyaeoy Vt ahensi hel ipae e Insthe reply- theyports wilnsa Yarsap'astota Yes Io loss Ancstoder-airlinent-ginrgnhtuld odonssmrhisys Tmraqsinssya 't ke riot Jot osnos. jalnay Tgssss rssV Aesmi-,Yet Wasp onsand herd. tr tilking to each arises adulrs coo rall h forno as ... tasry gotabra> msottnhssy orarscnoardridorongroororrothn pot-nions rtatemens rsdo by rho rrrn,, prsor Wabhdwissnh'nesanqareaojs'istefht.yousgo ahodsrnd gorrosady to rarryleC Thop yovnive gseate os's- sense o Wo'ithsthrtnsprasieIafltrte mdastl by she random.c of onr of rho snrac (ssgrsshcarsdse man), whs recording dsi ,rr add rhcrs is-st rm eeoc- . nsd n tshe Imrsebot- neoeepsol orrsroord o wher rl csrtsneteosoancut 'ho hae loiseed foerocors ned oas ehar tor M1tot~ permoceccof ryai ense coralrbocnisnec loror uh esnosnessen¢.I ouldlectr- oseiget kcnrow-hoMrtenadsteooadd pshrivsseo So far Ihare not soticedleasthoeeaesinsformn ssredoncs Tb1's neorpoocnes tins is isgorodl by else fown Inrs osassasnhnroynsyo= acosoacosim S eoor go eg to the sror, pleaso blrirsgsugar 2.6.42 -as wirh aet rana,-Athough else Fssracrge sssrns need for polite trqoets, is oitn sod rolde if said writh roda is esoai I-asoj seesksiosy rster Oky.s yos go Ih0 voossot 2.6141.4-.2 o--ho. she M sarkoetbl, ri- fores arnes in opoenop ,ssa~keisr riaonandontnianay odnsoitpese Ioppoasc oesi sron richa oibor pol iios oieo A nswoca oking eeacpr'o-,-oyoiorsy rtoooo hdtp hielyht or Yonapronis-oosrsy Tess ',od hdtp hitto/tall sn terepty rho panic, willtsay }.nopia isseoyl Yes. "A An odul's or sisder sibling ueging a dussO so do n eoochng aps Jab esy Josonsostq nsen Anmiray o on go on and hsrid Ionthinbg to cot' orb es adulssoe ssuch formss as senam go an senrrocotmode byoeo p resses, Waithin, kd"naciq-aeyanstoqsdnhsr. yssng tehdond gee ready ts ones- ist The psvooos ruonessof teet of ywsthtrlnpenttetttnetsto clearlhby'mordrsry ooeoflsed toaot (rsgnelscondbe the wohal), wes-c recordinsg dusls, s told sWe Siono nsons used os-to sle tIsperabri polite cosnd es oboes or w cot en rho rcpe. Thi's has happered freqoeeslypatdhhoo-ssban hoce5prrsc issrf tab~ mrotl thsansits as-s anshh ss Itrwortdlobecrs- eserksowss-hen,,rcoosetndetosdpohtsesraoo Sofor t havcocs cedsls rhaise ma-ohforsoant has donerso. Thesentsenrestypes sinqes- te"stIllustracrd hy tle followsseg: Tioesarsshstso nsuksoy eecytoesnaon Ssmcsorcnr n going to dsssroelrinsesig mecsugar' 2.h>.2 -yo wish Psnmsetctns e-Althoungh tte Future sense is ac rsedforptayregoss s itwllsocse adcfsarid wsithrnrie imdosa  00 5rH00 0220 - 2 200 -^ S- ay~~ E 2< n K 3 5 H 00 - zna< 0 0 0 00-p.- K5 }'o o 000 0 0<000000 002 V 5. 2.2 0 US 1-1 000I00 400 0040> <0 2 5°. 02 =o000 °95'0 H0 00'' - _ j W 6 0£ ;a 3 4 nB -Ho 5?;000 0000 Eli0000 00 -2 110 32 ~a00 000 00 0 if '0 00 <457£a 0i 1. 00 0 ay0' Ho^- 20000  I6 Aymr *e,... ____ad Sma_ Crgul ob Lie.t ctSnae an Sp-.M Imo.o Aymr 6mmn m seenm aoe Lion,. so oYnhen uicouad IgsoesaYso'im lhatast iioidoesih wos ith feiihl srndsflkn-Poeasisojetoo neososhe wn o msosip n Ii sgm adlt of Ayoaa peaniotspecify hoitheeverb ibofGrheton doennos have peesowLkuostedgq e din eale soot iss iho pac f A... .o.freatslnith melih swatcs like 'Wishiisgois o gondan. ThfaiLrtoispcf oiipssnadmooLedg isssrtionc sgo hnooseofainso r rpsnoacooiit orli1gofr h spsbn-sifosi _1 tshnroioofnion whlimhe escskcrsildbhoc brc pcmonI-' -iovl'dunIMs iooespofss- pcesoisl knossled gorsulsst-o thr cllisg ofen appo-is Lb. Srnb tois.s to speci fy dan, source is ohs ere iusass. aloipli oadisy os the pare ofihe addressee and is shous both e sulIcing and irpoii Forlhdtnnerdiocmosniof asubso reportoantoher's body consdiion or .,r~~,.5e0 belo,, 2.52. -oseo ploan - G-'iae nop iso is iditeed wsltere.as Loamb..- wriih mddiiiart ach..fisodsid itdopend n ai i sinonobihilow sed'lstihatd incbyleo' -saloia tern gives ste sene of'Ildidno't ow.awhileroihiis cospsiins ainl-a gives oveerall e.iplasi. kawasI tltfort,. ,ee ayse,isniscorps. "Ih cbe ttsiiirisof oflies -kisoshiapei. i a nert prodoctie one all Ayniara. It appsoa msi d'-osabiroueyssad'Io was epiy e!' stisoa bisyaysd'Oh, he hi coniesno. m ~ eladh Ise l - rhr t i tosd asrearn offoosnntrio oood mbci, sorb s Lsonha'modiuno'- iqhiiabynoed'She was danciig'oand aoa salore'-sssohiohiayooeodl Lie ll~c Sos'efortsith ilsaan appearssii a otocss is osuarohioyoto'X Iens had s betby' Thisoissnoiotpoeunlotsory rad riiphs hor sold isoito esiddlo of a cornsiroe heinnoost husbandoud de slisg Ibeoeaofrioud. isooetnos'Iieseeric' at ralaso'efella-sleep'' norsdotesi sni ra u final independeti sinus -eas as its soYlmhsyeeoo'eo eas "osisomgramred feaure of Aymaooa grommtrsisepecify Misiesososl theo6.ast onie doesthavee persontal ldnowslrdpe, resolinginstbolio- trsn she pare of Anoa cotnfrotnted ctch English sentesces thec Walrpoisao good inon uThfGkto speife nopersonalh nowldgc acsestsopros IsNe caesf eetrsortuccorsing ,, oh eloreiheotp,.eohesthltse Lu Ntecmareoof ateeeuiuwhichlihe spokioe ..oldhons..heu.s srudiuovd its ftils specify tos- posoorl brooeds.go nsod i i ihe tellingh of asapparons Lie Sosci aiLyo1re pies sfitne odndeso seed is ho both issosith sd ,esssi Porfulse hoiscusoo eaoveosutssseyossis opisnesun, see below, 5~.2. -Loys plus -oi-Gror stisprise is ird-cold d n lso y cotutbe with additional solL'e and foioo hodepedoc -ed, as it JsLeaa -oAoreoaeo ie ,tsold the hobo I' -otya heregivsooho sonssooof'dids'rhknow', wehi~o-obiit aotphoi-Mt ad -dgivoe-ll emphabsis -odosoytsappcein tbafor, neets-ayo, f iuioepr. Thonos esboso aof soti-es -hire lotL's Io res producise one iu Aymasre. tappear ini cb'trsah irooi.n .1,oi 's oo osyl ansd missurehiecai a'(oh, hIso he-- o in Ile orls, and wehen I thd oneof henfoians absoui, ii etied isseamo off orno n-h~ told take is, soIn a tnqolsto dance'-sqrkeaisyosa 'She ewes datec'sg' assd sops 'aoes-sopakitisyasd 'Be was all aloue'' Sasso formis o'ish-ofiousappear with -olouo,'miin oserebliysos'N has hoed a babe> Isii slo o gsr esaclosisoy add-nughi be said r te meiddle ofoa romevea.ios heowees hosbnd and oife talking ohosssin btoad. tir s isaesa'ho wnooi osd iejeopa 'ho fthl tsloo, see does i oen iow ina'oliSldepnsdusssoffssoeoissteyeao heoMos ,,Llor is an igidnosofAyssoe- geireospnntheor ,iefacoas[ba[ ir doessnsrseoss tdsnilodg Ensso..ltisgosaff- mn nmporof Ayssorrosfrsspr y srisshghM ssosonl or csb sIth ee~epceaePneeti ronaogselving befoeroeeake's I~iit. iseteo seesee-seoshes speke coldhae ee pessooleieuee i lolue s sscl~se- spkeeo ciold gov reeooli it he feIa1 lat pafIrwp a. felhig saots apparntiirsloe lie Such flose toseciCb data sonscan is ohis situaions aso odniplwr o pii s luhe pat of, i r dnos and n-li' btol boolhigadittiote. ib astIe bieoo'eiw osf eslv too see maoibse's bode coditionoor opsint.t dw 26h 52 all1s pis G-eroeorsopeio is irdiotd shslys neons ua roadto ose~sesadsf-is dpedu--d'on Jstlyax oosemaitoyseaJulies blid the babel' sapsna here pives slie nouns of ' did. n'thon', wl~e-moh is aronpate nd-si gieesooratlossmphst- Theonrshiossfof fiasolseoayseis oestry podoosioc in Aytra, is opposes en ot'osokieohllys I....saepr' and toistosatohhayenwd'Oh, hroheootons-o- is etse coorte meat.. iata nd otit asleo ue ufihe itooors olo ab i[t itehioelasttoosiofossshich Couldl eake it sochas tocooho 'sedon e'sotktiroinysaa'Sho uas dasisg' and spJ 'aes--sphiranss'o,: llns-2 Ssrse foerms Mitht-d rManppeeeo'ih--alonse.'oasho osooratiiao'X has lead a baby; Thisisso lls-cl naioryadmightebessaid in ibhe mtiddle ofa ceusoesonharso-t husbandoend wsifealog afeoooafrissd  Prmmst ik 1m-g and 01.-ea. 107 Ma .. I w Lo i d bldoo-la 117o Pok h... Laipnxp and Cult.re ISgg Ot>.hik.hiropcia. c n alto be said, bitlrtse samnt for with fireda a 236- Im-Pitataerseal -d my also apea -in..h at-r in the fotllonsg, tevera I fnehicr hrove -,kai u k ai already told yeas. (This is e -r Itstaieoadin csid byaeleinrtettaketitdctretosalt mlowpinotny r .tnie usiiallyvgtes Akx otac'iaIa'd Wi ihnd'i s Ttea..kti t raer lt'a rovoo arm a yo~s oirgtothe rTehoak lenatsleob Se'tttetoit the- fa et that ulie ad Ire maby arag -at ~~n o pies cosp itie le r th. Shi poleni' sta aleady a be by coverd o-te eyone. Adh Itise Il ar l VIII oa~dF be tet loorerIl,ro s byahthod, a d ltthhhsss 'ths roemil hshed eltecctcvneretroepl soa.rgArdettti rAte ti. critial ofd theseter wmnotniib ovraini Ayaraclr ndlc rlrceroIrydreIFItatrcVIIrofhl prescoceof odlard are~b ra crccatedts steoeta toheyInttmad itten e'hfsogehor o hoerrhrvaee oerssa raterihotilsootn theethrthod ,Avetata citvehilreoietareord iocitiedrtobe pert Cb'tobirohloaouaon lrertidtnorle In aie formrsnithfinaloatwot rjected. 2.65.3. Fatal srtcpmcdoii'st n no l appear vaitimst 'aro. ash tirassotro l retdytcld yet>'_ltiis eresrrphaticoodisaid by-aatlrsrthet'ahc to idicate reaNlt loeaprcaoy fertihc m Igo Akooctota earl,ta \Xtlarichtin hisid' 'litiaretrai alatiteyat. 'Since ean're g'oing ttthe btrqeaghbaekhbeead. Thistforcessayrris hetoid 0with hea aethe final vowed atiaohkc ldoaotsd-wthe meacingehei- sssrehik- 'he alrady hid the holy'(trad lto coteroe who hae forgetter thatdl btead her hahy alrea dy) rsrod'ith its-cdy lare! h"ssoaokei''it looks like he'h lost lit ftry (The -ii' it qorj',-iodhoo rstn is Mhar' it ehe-Iol theomi -pln emipla tie length ) 3. S yntacti'r Patterns-WXho Speoks to Wthom This preblemt hot oas-cody beet coeed retensively .ba Additioril otalyeio followt. According to the nrorss ms oetotr A,.saIa. Forenaoands Umes I ipg Ist, IV, and VII otf the Aearas stro art 1It 1977 heg itE iiooatioiiarirg thewcnver- satire T Liielhcbes dabhants'ttot totherisle brotherUtirt Ill sead VIII hegrn rl thoeen Tha-a oholnhe.ad rtVhgisoi a cotrym laIai by a liatband Theoycldg attisthtet traItIItorsrsoiar elors hal coin nih gt tttiyhee gher rail ee vinro er'tcol or ste' A-crchldentinrtheeettcn dtt tlktimet isthe presnce of wehar'sgoingigton bet deorct thaye derrthceM1thtakesIO Mth er hand, Aytrt.aoriy ehilden a rek Nliv. 'cd-irlirte rr hapert (lite ) on, tnietrireler Oh'eo abribs ton ar also he raitl. hat the ritm. form with fatal a war re creed. 265.3.-iaeal irtdepertdeot -omsay alao appear wiclit c -tor1e, oc in the foilonvhg, several of lc cikmymd alradyols a hoe , -obe nlncadissi by aselleriite ttrkotttsitdeorreoc.Itlroe aoce any arrabiad'hetfy gott AkaaiatM-'iyorloq'soWhat rich toil thin al' Tit t octed r'orr ora'val, Stiace yetd re gointg to the storen beaehhram 'Ihisforartiay alobe saidvilioat Mbcltrvowl as raaahratldorair knoocErheoseatni rheit- t n aro chantges. tea. annoakiShhe already had e ay ov(raidtttinatoa whhas usCtgoteertharjalai sd her baby aldy aroieo thody lr-' knttryostktt'it look the, he's lost his fail (I 'hceois at<3 siItovsah isethatricoviouslyle question tpot crnpliatic leogthi.) 3. Synroli Pattern-Whro Speaks to Whom Tlilnprablattbartledy ba-rnetvred etetnivel'abve, ddiioal ori follow Aeeeedtgtohe iofornrtiat wn-ecetfte ie sea ieeontin Ayoraa. For example Utre 111 lIp T IV, and VII oft theAymmor ert dtirral, (I Pd 1975) begin wvith enlia cmvc satian; tUtit VI banits with a itrstoe to her litle hrothe' kttim a ceeplaitr by a bloebhti Ihe only soling wrooartin the toils thtoutgh VIII is the mtie e chi ding hter nt fsr failing- ta rothif, her ot her grotdtohsbirth. Inte othreaohcecto -aploratig ornoorhioe ,ather thattI cIt'cal of their mnI Io hlai c.iyd s&mc nisp fs dland arecrnp noero toyheootants.Theyvlisteradktw v-ta'tg hoog or har do rtchart there darers rallier rIhtts O alkerttotuanAm. chlenaxctomi nto ept Ilastoslirhai Apara d iyhltetethtietittetbyr  I09 Anu (k..iSmo .ni hma.a CngolS -0 A1S,, ftmmaI an sor * go 158 Amn CraSaic ad S-cic Foassr ofdds nc 21) olyssod snasssagta noquestions ( rose.'-, ear neid en food) an spell"cybn .to Drierstc ssrioss anpolito, .~t nnosfsWlure aresaas fsona,? nd essensthat r e trceded bysigreei tg. tIfdoonseit qsaesruos and seqsuessrsss bepneweded bycseeraia eoug acqaanscso sroungers. Reporrtig atnther's opas ato body hasnlssur is dune by3 sate plns the verh'rusyiade ake sucs Is~eusanuuus thue q ewould be seTisnelaedto te isposassseul daasanuss issAymsara, asuioreasidisvscssed uds-apan. As ills ssrd in i'eessesu up in rho Ayaaasns weheesoesun ha as' pcnsnsl keasl oe snub 'slain fsssmaduss q itssium na Seu-ohsuyle e-caord odnfellns-d hyjaen (irfoonssalos nls'aisonjin''i willsask haillher' 'Ile feiiang siiis have been explored so sosme extntruly prtshe issformars and are prsetrd us llustauine of sCe paieesu gopulienes .orccrdingrosu isle iAsssssalrssse 3.1 Ssoers Sisaegssssss-caily do rocr speak nnless hrradniced. Chdldren are naught eusoeAwnuheSratgss- or teaccept giftssfromerhesisWhen askig dissasisirs cge city us ssus obseove she ausesiies, as illssosued ms Uris a of she Ayaao nuur strinl, (i-IY 1975) if ustasa the Innacisse fa specific plan- , esascantpca ha- thuaenn sarsy cIhars tsa so hs uhr I fls-~ i's polioko assendiated ho ha is Ayeara ad bp tb-itanadsns inSpanish, aswells by die intoop n ot ts"O CI t lcw nyhalet sa nasseeescsssstae Hutewisbuie,'licrnmeiuulngwssuues oosumttiasusinsta.Tihersbice simasse t mr luinoi direons tlirlipauassed as asonsg by ssagesaulfriesdslk,, Acos en finasufsusseshcsqstajsiis-lsea or rise amie or the dy of te ws'sekonish -kurrs ..Isti )25> tt rh"kepls Thniepetssstedswiths ean irisousr-paas]ucsoa ausi asdssaths sssusttsisuan n baxe bssdit...ssesiahn Barsgaisiugssaskill esqasa img a) uckepsscg Ion adarge betwns hsayn assd seller Pnliuessasscu Fnrsifuddss (so'in*2l) assseisnsshutdssswsiagesd noq qsocus of s ssbjiansd sufeschlssoastt.. lIsnsTuso usisipulstsnrapto fesihsssus ousonss and Svcta-as. lspsib racsssdhssisss as.tsgndyfoedaeaea o doand qssacc mtaccesara y ssaduaacostssoattsn natsi in Apttua., a already disces.ed id..r ea As iniscarl in the exercises accisrrasuvsg rie Xevsssara course, lutvr n au no pesonial knsoled ge as'sul 1sludsu aasn nest clsato q aiu e saet ,a be apteeld eslrosssdhbyao pusbu' Idosakaesn' nachsaas-scan ucusuh as pash ddub5mse Tho fsllsss iaasusieebhcenhs-as edtoisa aeser -, tnasesr isaensce soduscprcrlec As ilattsir oe presstplro Strtigets faasnIlk dos ecarspnsh =1...suiosanocd ( Isiidssnascanight: ,lotseospeaksustsalgnanstssn.npt gifrsfsoasnstbo- W5'sskinhag dirrecuis ustrg blybu asn ssolserve the anirr s nilluneaed t hasIsifh Aymaacaursermaerials Mold i901l If askingathe loatiiusasnf Spc-ific plane, asr ans expeciso alraeheaswerswose bac k aluaiien'a- cs sasud' snsisq dthiclue plusasaoughscis sarabn This is'co tu be saken licteally, is ,i pati nstsnd by -ha a nAmmt yte n uLoSaih lsyhlm roinO n o ru ro hc ilbce tesslcis oncsaficsnesibutrraheeoinqire Hdow long own ir tabs mas to gestches?" 'Ilai spiall elicit a rinse estimatre and cause specufic disscrasn li fsmdsg rnbanca red lk Amo mforte of Iaun-rtakinug is ff'ipsisua ass orh Iaoce or the do5y of sthe ensohk sit -burau "andi' 3.2 uties-erauo Tlseiseporsipesand snirhand ls-ihrur-ya andarthuetsuffiuesrued insue nrk s kotim uauechee diiueedabosserain~in td is secxas hugJ ujshyig fit advantage hedont firper and s oeirses ass .. t p fades aeesea 2.1)sreensutdn sed iassehig es' sesescasa (nser ', rutn miadulash)s elas incusnrssio. Dssnssnrstus are sanpabr exsepi us VWhere ase u- horacs' and clu ntatist he precdesc]i hogee r ug. isanstd queions anl snsgueAt'uisn be poededhpyces ,so assse ,qssaiisanesnsr ssuagsas Reportsngasaehersupsanu bad susyaddii is doe bpa, untsplus theoss easas ade scb such a stn'amenitbeuc the sguatseuldhsssds Thalasdto hs pcsrofds-aso is Assnuaa a lssady dsssaeatdcs rupee ehrnseas orhas no parsosulkohosldg wpth wmsicht to se'pai faratio qurestion sie aswser eras he preceded us foluowed byeoin peshs' I dridr'r 1eus' or tev msne ay cutara chine pahj dihiratie linfrta) or elsennbtnu "jaek,'a'Iss'illslklia s'lo Therfulat-isg sicusiemihsn boenidunee rscrecansocwihshe sularnaunisandasep pnstduslutiofh patsangefplcsnst acudieg toa-nolleadssi Aymn mi hStnsg-raornaallvda nuispeak nlensuisrucessd tzhddssear tught set so eak to strwaes ,t to uc tgifts fsrem sheer When ashesg dirersions itassnr s-iy nus dr l adanuoohis-sitenf heAy oa a tHbussnwssitftukingcs-d lncatiunaof Aspanfs- pluate sr seepect mo hats the Itnser co huad uhasjsu n 'ana-s wssa' riiig that the place nut 6i .tuhy Then irs e he taken lirolly; is is polimire cusudiraed byl-h iatason ndhbyrhicsaavsdalsuresaistaeiasweliasby hesai- arian .OnecItsnorsk "ilonnlisiit, thihsiwaionynetisncao scsulrusussasn spofus e osassa- bucsnchnaqnis'own ,ltspwinlit rken eacb't thsees Thu is tA liser a r 'r riutr.tasd me spccis dic tAsamtyi upseesas grcornglspnrsgesssandlfrieds alkeAawss- tru fees o nrieanestsbag in irhurca te amrh eo tfho day uf due weerb 'sub keen us ci 3.2 Inrhtple Ihle avntasers useI reach anud witlaout -yeand othtes suffiuxes treatsn the Ing e jucnag fat advanta ge hs-snsei aa per anal Sellres Pelitirs are 55  bomesinL~ae ad Ohui-BSt 109 Pd1n=, ai 1 pgug and W.mr-*og 1,Ptwy nLung and C.bIms-b[.- W09 a dc,,--seupoos is he ents , Te ritysat n I t di VYlit475 uses se, Potstvc~ tisa els sllerassail she . oet his price witeat het is kpolee, slhe snore She asses verY polite Porti is satying goodbaye, Jsaoivagi -Plese .rte teack saaaa: At the esad o Utad lip HVY 1975), osihe 'sas still hopeful of sellinag eggs as well as potates site had ued alit very cocar.teu Alf' asiepiat khatais wiaiihta o stnAyaata ears hat a plaintive, whnig leonaaiola Pattern nota iaoneditelac aaoiaa stsyaiaaweserCthe Aymaaaiais exresicosrteossTels.,f-aapt leba elw]b eaeitrtoh~ msia ala totm laseels Ay.--ralangusage. awd cslast 331 Petee A prspar dialosg,, huer onas csmas e and psetri..alas followsing - CV Warmtstays, taa PSiairtiLyss, rhats. CTans, ad9iaasssis Curse his for use please, sir' or Tats, yPstsffwasits. 'Plese. ielp toe) (r-ar shetst. of rho dialegue, .se h 3 1< t4 abate) <4 traredraias Two strangesias be instsoducedlby atird personswhoakrowvrthss basts The fallsrar prolscar llaerae was elicited . (Tse initial ,-resaaiasady lawnst-ads ) A. Jupats Mama Brilcawss; Itau iaaaatss hi-u' glea pi- assvji. 'Tisi is Miss lis Sihe ts Pros' ise Uied Stte. Shehbar cae trduEgliasht B_ Watlkply citrms- Punurt..a. 'i-asw nsce' Weleoaet Walihirartta. 'Hosw good that you braugit hser Qatwqtitss asuent 'H ow muary days oatl she stair A. - -.tlkPrassrvatxaa 'dTushe ft 1 goe Ita-is lesterig tsr its this adhoatasslcow ertitef dialogue thtere art onytvo palative tatfi'xes Tipa, ass pat. tteattnais probahly poesy haoratbt poniroe ars Huies are sssr sa } da ptbably beas tso qas are setiadesor farssasked. Ibeita opsiatsessuu'sss. area a debree weapsi ithas asut -the hayeeeks Uansit ( V Ka t99) ars epuliteotsanthess-sttss-ar'ishassssa has pse esvseros heir toss polite , he stars uSb .ss ry palate Psee, so suyisog goodlyc froIabUpip 'Ple easme bash terse At rho erd at Clttitp (PV Y, tloos], en she w'as stitl bopoat of salss ggs as wsoil us potatoes, she hsad usd thseas a.orsaAtaai'at aset a ehrtseAysue s h~as a pI aisle vo-siisg itosusa arsetss sedirel coosos asarsy oaseo tea the Ay'ur r resoel ro rot. Tie ino sstoniturieau hastuppureaalyhee satusdrtowoais sietas ofofa whalsd iuskow the Aymuan~ humagugasdcslare 3.3 Portee A proper slilus betweoes cvaste r andc psrs se alo illowainag COWisatiyas,tna G' ea, ahq'pt'waupta 'Curr this P5ss plane 5.5o (Faite, rtsI fhe druialu, see 264.1. boe 'Iwosrangersayatbe introducedlbyuotird pseassrahoknsow,' thatm bans. The falloweig preimtry dialogse wea eliitd. (Tfhoist wat greetinags owvealresdp beenetade.) A- Japn Musa Islks'Is isU Llssranakiaissa. isages yei- ebheiw Jsts Thatis aMist tsags, She iso bae he United States. She has caste ta reich Eauglish B3. Walikp, aye Puasea How racel Weroasiel' Wilib arpastas Pass good that you brought her' Qausq"Ssuisubuotsisio'P man das wllshe star?' A -.. katpta antatysinsss Ibssshl oto Pero It as intoresae that ata aias a tasatedli ers flle aliaogos rie are only tws plossairs psypand pa lasronrasisprobablyevery bupntit l pourer sstff'ssar raueel probahlv beeause usacbeemdorfm.kiT t t uisooe t a degree weapons ha else casmes. Tise hauyer ill Unsit 1iiq lIY, 1975) uses -POittvearhatle aeslaataailshoe ear Itis prao, wereupothleais less poe l site mtore Site use asery polite r Punt tseaytitger godbye. jashiiapip'Please c-oa bas, soot At tihe esd af Coat lip 1i{ m Ma- itatot. Me toollier seet me. or tQini o oaskoyat lotcmioaceseea arid Ctlieawoayioy. 'o IInoP ave it to Idoosnot hisooatyttoeostoi sedbeeeeo koeso mttcti 'What did she ted coilo we' ho ech doen'tc cot d esofp Ilpolie. *(he adiii' toto cites a lot oi polatire tohi cothteel inth aps ui IV, eeooilly-'rawyonitli-hoanod-alsoeen Pi-Intoatton Wile it is treetliat isyciaaiscceloet seee Eniglish uses intiecotioc otconletr Atae alst hat intone morphoeeta ilac al iti ohetm, -io Mechotoc rok ceede tobdodceocatcio p iai ooei Aposoec in ore t to estabLish theat oebiei g ope he fos dot liodo-Eitoopeoti pateter o ntot cetet corcepond to use Aymarooa (ifessveenomeaeeanyg)oile) kntokeit evecnmoe imptotnt thtte Bloth parets ieeeoplatiet the Roemoceai - lieu, siohieg to ehi- diet' sota aine Afaheoecold saytt hoe child Yoitttoeldlohavehean careeul,atd atcotherswoldl oee thehRain... on phis Inogeb ieneo. fcticasouoh o'oo oesttoold hanc~she cooody!'Aolee would cetay Vloyoyeetht a eiaiooiehol theehd'eooldtdi tklseeoi puottingheeohot cood 'eooldhIeafrasd ithwasoccho totscld hehim. This illoceteothatcnfoeonl1-1is tooleolone leve(hetveecsadult ,ti-teguo) t'-oa~opeeole otedecce desmrem, oceceothee avr oheaodechold)l (iireeicsttct teeeeclde onoswhtatteto-ssleethefgotoithe sste oe to cellect a dt etisf its Ittiprmtaseatd Potuesect wiethout pobis A ltte hn mci ght he told Tianf tlitit-no , Yo iniloty selloochecod) At older gil, tent to collect a debt, moight heo. the fellon'eig iciltnc- aionie fcoot hee mother Ml. Aetittft e-a wi0 ill goeoe hic D-. Kateit otoit~tlt holl Io eotthee M Modteooiwa'y 'Slo ldoen ,Y. w 0 shio"'oMa tsool'toit ' Myooottuanoooool oQultqooaytatchyt 051flatirhionoey' shetsoid .and Coeayoy- 'Pieice iwsti to mtto' [dccc h oatty tt'eetfttthe dobteooeptKowmh ktooio -tnin'hatdidchstd you for'.' wthich doecotsotdel pocily Pont. ITe dilt soste 1o of po1live tolis tete joe tho hapt-is oteit. lVetpocially-twa, will-hiadpcotoievidoe.- 4. lotonattan e aileettotot- eeca mosesworfocsneeogleh onoiotinoetioos paeoomoeeoe Aymaa noelotitttottatitemopscctino pTef'lt thaotlotdetoeopcon, pateoos do to e o Ctetoeeod tee the Aycte (if mey 'exetiocs ate moy gdde) ake. oit een os le ortoot thnt the B Ok -att' en~phatie' oe the Rametete en stopeking to ehid- der chfonoage A fethee wiouddstooitcbsd-'Ycouthold hc hem cc cefl' aoed a onotlie woild ose the Reocteotea plot leogth aotitoh sie srd ara udnv se oeoy ohrwl old oe cay Alaycp goih aoiioo a dds the child c-oild rothd she nwat pil-og heetitott acl eeodd heaftaid the eeoc ahbut to 'odd hiehiem. TI - I oturn thtat a (cf in which is polite cd(awraul ntacoS tnooappritpoe oodhei'eedisto-hiog, dr ooecemeeloen nottlooand ehild) Paeits'teetho'e hldectonlt 10b oy weo clcy ge to the eu-eellctdehtasing te titileacivecod Fotre tenses witheet poliiese A haole he'y might he told, Tihittan 'Go ttlitte- Toi hit- eltooc 'Yo sill toy, toll me, head' Ac oslde, giol, ,eot to em1iee deht meight hfew, the follong h'itt'oe ts ferom ha ee00otd e Pit Aeuteattav 'Yohwil goet lam' to. Kenttl0 'tatia Wlhattdoll omeln M. Mavicaitty to Soe told to Itte. oeatk him."'itndry hae eo eelt May a-a leo" ue aeee~ she'aid ' od OhM ioasayiolo. plngve it leer' I donolave an-taettoecos ottilehdborexcept Ku,-mkho'oaei(c Whi did choten 'oYo fair', esinolodoerct nocd especially polite. The ad olt oem onerclot efpoloete a0 htoooteeitdebaptimco'di, IV-eopodlly-ceayo. n'ih-hiood Yocl'ioe'eotdenee. 4. Intonation Wlieitine ehot A}pee oea ot che Engtili tittitceto oephoes Ayeooaoeals aeioeo moepheo that pate-ewith edoc'than Steouctre . Mocltmore worokccrds'obedo,oniioeotton p' "n eiiAp',tai ceetetalih teisoor i rcoge ThefoGt thttIlo-Goeopean po'teeodoenteetoCorepondLetheAynueta (iftcyeeetim m ceanygide) itsk'it eventcoemitepce'saothat'he  Iii i.e GrriSuel td bi..* CaI lIE 1sst1mstm ..d k..& Ill A- -s a So k "e. latte betdiald 'M1 tras ovir,,ro reaor yri no a p'lss Mhor ast tar it taca '. , d, ~n o ya 5.,a ~n irttle~ n m 1[Iso fnrrthrrsarroosardedthrbryprainsstbattelotgerenewaad itt Ansaoa, the sacs peslit it i_ Ciesslly. the Iossgr has word, itre *Iiaattso tscrsos ob daawrt front thisstdy oflsor th obtes ossd tre .eratetrtrs with wehich they pterectis t,, t1 eregeae thosn treotaco afits parts. atod tiat rte teatios atatg tte Pates ate far fron t a atei stagel of the atlvsi.t tta be an uetm or group rte irtdrpedenoo tafi se .Nacdisy to thar orard ta wnldsh thry nl argeignfpaVappses oatattsarergierrsrrdig effect to ita .rrcat ss wrat sne jsa t t cord) It oroad be orhirrthrarrot te gares at politeness are (thte tings tar people knorw batrs' vrrurtt anb t-tdine oaotbeeconsouarselbrrrro ). Appendix A preinior arspr ta diemr.r drsee:~ fcrtsrs to Aymara ocihre- st6os eesoget rharCllars Th'ereapprat be three axa Poltenss , Emrphrasirs atnd Plersonal tsnswledge ltadinidsartieaoran rrobnrlaea afaftsrsratlie c t ith trercl aorisdiffrrtsrted iparrast givevoryigresiarseofalserb.r. Sils thor. M seenm to hapd pitraly pouncvear Verb dmareiatires-t o- -ayo Flinastnrt-.-piyya, -aya Staffrs thatsces, ptsdt'clyp ahti are. Nstiral indeprtd ratrh N sal I xitltcet tr porltoeses andteimphoisare' hrbe tsitd soonr witoai rveetcesrigirconcp anus trat seo abah t thest otd inrara atoonstttdineaf Aaa i. Conch -ier I hircfr te ttomen ditrcdftte hspathes.thtatrho, torpor- woard in Aye r1atar pelatsritts Gemall, rhlargeeth eao.he Thnti aebitt E.]i ih.. w and thostnsor..crithwahicatby pottar 1,bt~reeslisro thisrtbrtwsnith poe. etbthecsraseo whdee prttoro re M1n the. i cpndts t itee arrr d o he s risr stcste aerottc~he~ostlove deteirelt' oapea odtepaoneire af hvutrocortatpsoafr srrssr 'dy etetbswtor s pcmto ibher hoton'reairs oisoc ar Oirstrt erosder oisinem dao sa ateeestre sot~ m~ ag bst t the foal]hthtto hlda bu se l s o en as a dn is dgr.a k gx rtp p ek tssat bu idua l l of an osed eothra~ s o at asii ksse twineoilnerr} Ahrtieota aeer tot pritroardy poaliti or ore:d feohlpeecsasr-ia-oy Iu~n.totsenar psetodvyeandplal oISme: ar ih eta Piarataete I-aaa oi ncal "i -^ Y' my hae e toadied torns. 'tlasiewo o coretig miuitwoet ts that taeope.aetrostt.oa d actrsrg userunderstrndnog of Ayoor 5. Ceneleetne lI have for the atater- disoarded the haypothetis tuattltre lonagertavaord in Avasaro r ote eepsretos. Gernerally tlo grtewod h sar th snares wichMrpattrcnastthewolsea rreatar haothessom ofi- prsandtatth asltrs ns the pacrsrs for trues car at thr~dtag osfthe aals sn I too hosmtoh ra eoteaor orgrcoup theatdopendiestffts...armrrdhg testbaeerds mrtictatay areattahd a Ihotthsdoe'bsthit pap.risedertm getesotsrida of ssla..tltdrsif-tsn, arosutnora r rerb isres asotsoog at sdg tobsknoa orehoer hrow Politeness isoaosghtatuelolslenawol nthot the covert categaties of politenesalr (drionse that people know tdon'ttveebalizeeosdrnasarthsatscisafhsersaro . Appendi Aprelimrodeoay aaotea discover disscts feaooores In A reravle sea sesas' Suggsts rthe rfecing. There appear to he three aoaes Potitrrs' fsphos-, aesd Peaoml Ktaetlodge. htd'ild rlusesandeenhieanotrofotfftxes cthbne wvkh seutaol roridlifcrest synreioaess to giae Varyisgattiutores ofthedasee, ovrn f stthrassn ns ath paittaril polreat Nosfosat-bi final Sesre...s-y5 -ly0 -cuaa Stcfreeethottaenuprtisarllemuphticat Nosfl aindepentdent -i Neutral wdtb aespeetet politenessoSidesmphasdaare  konos in .mtagnd oh-hwag il Plit- o Laett and Cnl.u-&BrIr 113 torc hn 16Wu~ sd bol.*b, 113 Veebitetcieees cxcept Fe,m (pceLit) ndlceccti(dc s, tpecfic,ccccc aesspl cpdrec)ed1eedecitc ancd A16orel ae(eespct 5'ercectl kteesctdpce ane dccded icecemnd +peconalcs know ledge ccis es-he cecgec -poa peceskceecledgeccttacscdhby Syntscicccettcce wstheree Itteet'eccecechcesecay be +esr- PeTeecec.Emphacisc(or Lech). Noes scce AYmpclTh Lmga] liee chdssbe feccdceAng anHd as 2 11escceelr.tein...ceeeeheceeMec Steeeccehsud1 hecd I t i 1 secry cecehins r c ie dcsiects Iccec C 6 the esctie Acdl be doe cc set ccen . el~eeeeeeedcea eeec "aes cc, -eeoc ccUtcc aScesed hcckeecc hap ,e 1 te1tce1tie fiet.6..7) In ccl~ ,cytdthccccccltetd6tierItpcc, secccectec Idlc hcshet-dceefeccegctg tese 5See mtdde Od-ec a Veqc c1cc 7$, eel. 3, barp. I1 specific cret feel eatpis. cetpedce) eec 3eci -,eic +peseocci kects icd,, cc he cctekd abca,-e, - petceti kceeiecgccccecckeII by Vestel ceflcmceseccl -ec," c/cci Sc ccccc mtcrceccceectlcesie fanae cccnn cctepeccs etcy Sc let - Lteeesc cc Lttphecie (er Notes L } It cgI Iec. Mcccitejc r Uritle11, ghVlIII(H,,celececc. q-, .s re 1975e VetI) tecteIethcdetbatcleccae pape c.h hectccee phceeete/YeceYe,ccec Veeckh~rcktseelcei/ted his 6tccaccc ' bced 4,ph ,V-'e iicecscesccsapeclsccccgct mcce e/Csytceehatci ceceteec Sec esf ccc te Ae c s meece cesecisa Icceespi- etcctctcissdchccec hdcdcepeepee Sec Ietvccc.lccdct chinkeht Imceee a-Oceecce cccau ee~ec mUslV.-cS and -di rhcc tll) Tn, Ielece eAe -riy edeshestetcg cc sc, whitetic maeci eethcsietteccsseIthhiteseifie ch edecccc d :dclttcciee 3.InThis a c 5ccbesetce de leaes c te ldccsc Vveeq , 1,yie 1575, eel. 3, rbcce 17 ted 17)-(imctstoete d4.ceietcsce hceccctceec cctcictdpetspapasa eetessdeeceecd Mleesbttctdf11 Iestceg teste 5.5c deeece cet Vet te s t 1575, eec. 3, tleep. J,. Vtshinflcccieels escpt/tetc-c(police) aeditcpc-d (reeeinc rped/Scecectcfeseeccee ceeip detnd 1dl eidesce aeed ilcmtceesetie (eccphcetc) Pcscceccihnowledge csn Sedicided ient + aed -_ + pecscenelhcewldcic h ncetcctehd cecegesy - pesceeeikcteldei.eecsekcdby Verbcii itcfeccieec -cccssc -.e/I Svtr cicisectcme beth) - .Actensetkscsqe- cttctcpeede I cdteM~ ictes 'pl (tttttece Vet- elet. epess the i-~ i ueeeedstt-c krlcc-cebcceeI a ~ 2.'(itecceheseseceeeg 11cesee keecpdeta S ecece at ecsbccesdit ieeeetieseacel5 ed ttttet ace haece etesect ccc .pe'tsecc Tesoakn t ,hm iar m nas~ fd elect> hecee 1 ecs'tie m«I diec ette eta the testeete Abeet eetcsede c. dkaeteectes t'eItidd fecececet, eec -scpceecstecescc cttictce tepL- ccge a - ittfecsceetsct t~etceeeI ter irthes ceeec tsectteeeacd ner "fTradetoesees nter eseisc H de ,,ec 5.2...), 95 5.v.oleec dedec, e I c ee III cer- t j411.ecydNn. ceest I p Hedes weees Ysteic~ttc Sec lctcebed fa jet , ., 5.S Hefsdcse VPetee rc Vt 9}I'5stl1?dtp-I.  ZC rots-Culrsaral ConversanLon: Tmc as Variable and Paraligulac Cues for Plen GallaherJi ,Acassorsas -pdfie aotd paysen fftaireaeach as an Person. sitrofi unsslannssssar or1e i h aaaalaaduenurh1sanesnlvprenhaTns stdyaafl nafst oeuthe frequency and dn..cl ssespnraf p nh as at assnuass in . darrar Therbasicaaastmptaasrtadrlsssgthsrraaaah asrthsrrthsaa aelatr asaitale mthlecummutncarts andthsarrslat's lId somurgse, A maaclau pnsaaof the temporal patternra of speech deuls with span5 pars t asrrnnsslssenlsssablesas An aalasstm 'ghm bns n hP l mpm o sped ams wilhla donalid ass rmacscab deat 'Bsm bsaaahrhrnsstu cortnpsutlsa papca sire 1no..e hop": to ad rarm c1 physia evens (taumeaandtme perceptual asacnt Idnaon. The technique clled interaction hroraograplt yrequiresthat aaanar observer press abhutao 'ounassesterespt aaarr aoar Resech p uuh buh ha sflwtru dsiuoyueaures ctaslssqlrl5 pasasaun arasrua unlas ardcnlaalnlann~sMoras Ve pretstn Ia-1s card Ihallp tq Sualean mn Matau ard Osane 19aaaeasse Wiats, and hasteos 1963a Geldmasan Basles lJaqa Claapplat939 ted PbItals Mr rae Masasuac anad Sasleas 19571. Oeo11a aaass m' aaate ust "A sassi sfesas Celsnl _I tsrtvCn Peuan on~lorp pseprzrauseia psprureswebrbe al 97at cud t 5a' ha ulu llala h sta5liL aa LIn CSU ofa"pasassats n Lt tsuoru aped" at ereanaane usa lsco aaaan Is- bsued Sea slt cc Laasa rlsa . au n de th [I,,, as qesa but ate alt as m 2 5d un o 511 1 hI'Lm butrmua rnesaeesdcd enaacaac Lastus riangsthesqa~epreco. i- daleod st mm tra b sasossrsh -Lana o urplural 7. Crosa-Cslcral C-osversaioau: 'linas a Variable ead liaraliegoisric Crins for P crauastoit Rhea Carlinhir, fr A ratsuraisidefired feotte pulp-osf tircscba aarso pasraf lofaesteranrnits whichcomieaasicutets urvi i aars-drrSstscnunel, saanrlaspeecha ttrsatudywill fcas firs onuthe bct y and daeatnapeciaaefspeech as rt r ncovrain ischauls. sae mpura oadnrlpsng s-latscal er ta isal sleeane slot asal ls o assuuna mard rhs ami do aslieum.cni at thec rlta c s angoc as (rb Attauaneaalysisaofuthentsspsat passc sofsfpacrhidintseirh sprena paaertas aartnrn of the teraracl eotu aatove : A as losat isintpamasaobservers audatheir perceptualtresponsesaeoupeech pren asill hr aaLled1 tissearn danrrao BY nhsesnb ist ua atiun slanmselntlat papur hnaur c Itaspe tao aod naclusious- bersnr star R srraaeanaerarantrntsuld I grapasslsusn that diatoesarnanr tasall poataernedl sasanrarl, reliable atlreplemaletuoeMa o Mautvce Saslnsancd PMssltps 195a Saslas Msarasassataaand Gre I155: Measuea W sas ird fall ea ll ChndPrldear hnr 195$ otaupple 19S ad Philips, Ma utro N totare ad deaslera lots) aeosenrruesa 4uadlr aad "A a tareCeos-Calmasa ln poo ''sfo p are fuasprpasad aaltcupeac serte at".u' or 1970 l rs d 1971ts be Itas teat Jr rrruetrIailsa Utotunssu us lurd ne f ararsaern oh 'pirh Cnsaaaatasqraeaas) Ill'sate assan hassahasad fur tsanlasu star nowsI utlsth heaue,,s .drs ELI e didsauI saeuauartasrLnnhdokocm lde m cartsesans.Irsseroled nI l~~ul . ailw l1 e abl as' she a Onuaeon es .... osrasev aIseV Usron act flras 7. Cross-Cultural Ccuansrraauin Tane ss a Variable and Praticiguisrc Cues for Persuasion tahoeLfi Calan5Jr Aacoeraaaionis dcfaredforuthe p taa-ufhs -ularrhcasany rn persont fa fwihhrIat u ,1I~caclsarccr lc, s tuy willanrs f rassnathe fseuenrcyadaratsontaspecraofsprnrhcssai w..i uruarrrassrst Thehatnaaaanuapttenaandersug as reeach tluat thteraeaoisc lotmeh asclahto sll starms.scur arid the istu slot is filled ancorading as rhnnstnctssraru Ifnslrhn lnnantaas Ascaahtecaasaofrhernempral P o pehdaswt spc¢h Licarcsro onefthnnaheutlnsurryur Aucelsc using lsiuar ubrrrrsad ar prceprua rspoessut ch pioar, will be cutted an this reserc dmd sctt. Bts ear assils-r o ahreugulsnathrs paper, the authoer hnoses as avoi cusan~ neuis Setrucc thel phasineeena tslO ndrlrpepnaesnrdraara rIlbt(telasquusatnd- rnanstshrneerrphsuqutrnsslt ahuman abose pressa husrassl ass swab wshnan aptm~ lwyo thaght>pcasrdsuaual -sed ehuble and repbrcalrtucrMatc- lx sate SoIes, aun Phillips 1917 Santna Matarazoaid ae 195 Muarar u tess anda Saloons 196q Goldmrau Easter 19 s..: Chsppla 1tl mhad PIlslps M asasnasa aMacra ssI d Osults 1917at 'T II..vem',hsaroaa' to Coudsls-ctanrtl irala- -bri~uansninrhseue Th st(C arts dr mensul he tvs arus- ab eoa runs radod usa aspauc bars t .aprwoi 11rhe Cossnnu ha nauns Laherae ardna1 Uaarasoplacdca  Co-ns (:csltti Cntnston-Caoe 115 Cres sitterat ao.Crtnrssre-Cauoho u Cross Cultsral Cenorrsatnn-Ctrtnh 115 IniaW1cr b..e -tcpr -o tSS.a .hdinwe Wuma- drumIeahinanpe mucecdntro whih lwdc- IMts ,e IMno, coqadS a,.- m .mun1all.h .- utcaiipsunirhihied etsrnea ichnsoasaatrescprinal digspe- sntra. cOne firthcn distroio differner hteth is stodo and previous sadies in rte aeo is hthe this stody deals wtitl cotrpareg .etesstiesteal dlyadirtted It ntcsh psoaeesearchbiaaacorpaodaeos groos (poise aI- nro psychiatric pains), none has doat wt Problem and Methodology What duratiotti andi reetnercev factors, ..n.o. orsis ononir ttpi ,,,,ffinopariiant am te lik and aoereei geemoaatdiffo- eeeotedsrntntaned rqsreofators ofeonererto nm t im differentno..a Thistefortts nfistntteompttonslocriete ammeornces ofeooe satonl behavior that coa soety seo ,e nreomdlo elrte ocpettreetai na Isi rt 1 tdaterecec o I an t ~mv ehoharedicreatedfnnetionaitfnragene getpnsdscas 1 Lrara mfr an rh 1 eottaittoctert odelits tE n me snot M Sane tefeotod tpees thoeotesec mott sld the post'sicl ccifatsh ea tenaios se reth am ts Coia n. forexeaplesscttc"We annstrerelcacecoicsroshoalie-Co n atssanedcakes encvsdo its osw hehalf is is a htlicstooe ,store cMc itsow eae ottrsy tracts tainsptrrdrnrrt s lie patchitfcsro errtsandieyamtst asahe..o.s..Iedseiine (1937, p. 4t) Gotfldmasoepseothat theneor- a wis sth speafic pantrocctcdesp mlssealer ltwhich inspteotntoeoratna sstent' iter svroms has boundctariea andtdleornttognnieerth hstsdarresrteri ftamonat preseettep here, rossdyeds Isrraeottthisrssdx~ oa cstpnstofdsApmnsapeak- eeseo neer psoh oprakers one of Aerorsoe English speakers, ntsd atee ess and potooodpek or Ssobdeetsaseo paepda rinat the Untceo oftFlria AT osjerna eesativerspeakerrof thtatrgssgoehhtrodosdnaplosed]lthenaoeilahmetrswer aaaateto eltiet ho pr mTnothtlttat-ni t 1eea ofhotare eiercng the deaa the objects snere soared at aste1 tabte anatlista of opm peonley three foot hian eal oLIan to the sb)oessoe seared each s aSed iteatirrtniehihitedonnerationinsofareaeteepeimetal deignpee- crd. Oar faseho disthacre diifneence letwtrhis studay atnd reselect etodior irho are it titr (is rsaly deals with comsparingcoarsslca dyedieedtatien<-Thoughc previousreerehlhaseomapared naron getteps (peteeii anios enhiatic. paietasinose San dealtawih c.or.sitsetioetepaisens. Problen and Methedotogy Wlhat dntatiosatd fcsqcueyatrovariaehr ea chaeateie rte overaii cosreersatiocris atny cdste istdopotdot oftatth Gaone or 11ie soe ofshe particiant and tire Il. nnd ar theeainiiat it tieir diffre ntea0 n rqet nec Gm fwvar mr tti a.fetstn eaateerptsodesetrlciset sitiessfcoenof e aaosaiises t -eothatoatntty ocesaW padlos fherrtern~a ariahiityI is so otttltoierofreosijsit. tlcreeositsohitvo soiaitirodiserete and fucttnafe-abi ginsgocnpandcee h , fro hac w gtoortrnedio-ib hehoioctaarlt aveso eofotd uspon these pr oir end thre paessahi e lapa con- Val lie in tcnas Gaffe. forresople. snoiter we mosrrehtteeot atoit] andahfef is viedeeshedoeedat its Ownt Seh itsttoohiayaort wiht - al Stlrny-oit- t it, asn c vilain 195patt4d mrns oatcptocaltnrai ester, wineS senplttoaehatoonnotrattotrrslier seett This =n sereachas thoosdeeiecs.lodoettsrnrng sitathese Snsura aissse-osd aercont tthreerhprororard trees er oeffhan upsehnnpeakeoy desfnarot Enlrpkers, iodtnnotser isctateroeaosa ftAmrne ealoed wrtaifpopsi- titaonsntthe Utnonertyond wee ishec treeaetnepehr thet iweeaap --{ teirate ti(er dyed coepiard patrlec aiirttbeen ms, ,dtartshcearh posaibility orofonralnfactrrinfluenciggthe darn Theeojerrne reeeAi nathicarsdoteeeofpeenaoi itess feet freer each orheeAfi te h ahier wnere oefaeac n-as asked ieummyrunishibited coenestiotitaefttstepoirsottstdingerow 0¢e further dirsinesi-esiecteee irotes this ecrdynd peenies stsdios incthereaeisrthatieit ody dairs-h esearingneoc-ssealum doyadiciteotieero Tsoogpir ecei r o-ceteeba ho m oorad vtis goeal (primretily noeoss prychietn parat)tt s hreseo dealrenirh pmenetee nd Methodology Whrar d.oenrsi cd freqnoa fctons, variablier, or turis chtoeiwre rt overeil esnereioe in any earo independent ofsuch fmactora mtopi ourofldepatnpaothelikeadretheigoaeent diFfe- eario thletstafossl and ftoanmrytaoneo onraianalcsne- rt ist dlreentaetnrs This easte cs in face an stmreaeto dicb 1ocloeeostfteretieorrneno naeiisiity Ita to mel ,inati ,clor for rtrcc uts those s affectin-e wohich aiedt.onoadtatrotatnoatogivtngroupsasd sereeaseltsrni l sfo hM oes bh ir oea - ae refleoted capon these otesa oat, and rho posstil relatiosrthi pr coca- naylie it clasleofttaase[ mkeas demnndre ir r t teohai I ation sos soetro ethet aessd Smasoday-rsin minim5 Icleat Fa l to l a s toph of nonttten ne dtynith is r hssersastrntaort opohopt1ea cotdsgttea odles, bounceh. ittplao thesc onnensan1.taate.eit Tiseseam los Stodeo and steeeteetegoowhotthese harnedare reeis fendantel adtheeceesre prooeohee Pose dnsrsereeoo reis sesr oeeotpsdfytaprak- e. one ofo Spansi sponor k eoft Amenricsaeopaho ff~easdere Madao ns-ore siransel fitAeederLsbetsaaerdasipes- neecara f losthckiea arlorsls sulc Airho eoaso-eeeaatopeosetof theiwslrnrsges lihcrhaesdorpleioed pesthotr altiicro no reio,, lntrrr thdee dan ptsstlIetiocefmrae mlsefsconsstllfloorsept Mo deta. los0 feet fio" aesosr, e Alrhe shjr.ee-oaro eachowasaasked  111d A-- Crmmv kn.ar. 1.eoae ill Almo 6fl1uw an IIavclth-1 Ama Gwo..ufli and -*au Gr tadon, oh I, plad before hism' The olcet..qoadleah mo gave his subhjcte..-searausd the dote Tnc"lscfrnccsssof - reeooonsked he n bisesvosranal fi ve thet eeraiey qonie she cycrimnee lefti strnn ssse *Isape recorder wa capacdeaec otheresde ofa ii oscaetweie-n'ivnros bean- acheec-oprmsssisc Ac die eniiIheopnen tatIsa cche. roa..and dvred ls fisal ioe sfiotscsaso '.IC yea aa tsisd coldrspl eaceassineetse oenios rits owansan-e Isave dsdtha edloeecardso DioeYs°sshirskslseseis isagaod oaneioctd she wy liepeople sak Vssserst hr as loop i yea like ss dofso chic thaeon hao rs cot hack osifthM1 hly " o rose cch othe hmallwa. Asp .ot-mand aod ta lihmsr dceetshans eo The sap-c oee hteiel. Iraing see ly shat reroit wools tohe-t .e noatddeseaosdsaeoyssesshsrl isaoensss Onslythatplin s trhlspetheeasc to ant -esoche I tcoea,, Doniihikshiocs a ssd ashe Y ar et al pyslaste ast sloecsp cs gmrasoeheoi Iseetri sho thtoaeocin odhe scarce spstseio'5hate 'Te hrsuoe snhic ap p -a sroanoccse ser akhnrsled ino ot iscen etslessssh aeotcoo thcPsaia d c si ,e moheeeoereepleseoseoso ~rheig~ses-i lrtehotlsecaerecis a loshetal sanos eta cs-lialrcaeeo sisssefhesnaeiperaordaercdsns lsspa lrseakcessfsre nie ftrhesitesssosyrcsat d e ccoeced All saoopaech daeavec- esidede data sheetspraddtaalehsssraee.eldiiy sheehas shertooepeap -, anlooetec g cinst enyedenriseeaeapo else mm clcesor iae eesyn thetesetne against olhrs ehssesgrophvaroa deceosis sh asceliab ilyta broeirgmiaarioedl Revtlt. *Fhelseaacnrnd :inalvinhdaeint rttctlneaissoso uhfIpekn ieo s. hiividuealpopko airaiec sirneoasion etslialarraanpeech eracdfeecs asloeesPlacrdhaie hirss themeceairedeachetohtooe hin eablees numbke, anad she date. The hi asse aioceoi asked she suhjects so acet ill o~r- Aftoreolugptheieotrecoiosotoeheshjecoanly dsrr iftehere we qr9osnthe p' teloetrctco Thcsare.sremee nnaopusaad ,Isshee,,heideoecenoelto-eanesarror bypa's sossedtoseharar.esoadlalre ateial oesficsrc ers fa ll fyouedo e odwold yspaenen'e one pqretrio ferseeow that yea ht1Maoe dise.sMe cthe cards. Do yea think that shin is a good ray to tiade she way that people ralki Ye ear sake n lorg as yoo like to dtcitno rhdn ,aesinth e eas eeon, hackoettsr ,ssehchfollwya At theeod ofsroscrrohesubhjeco nos ousstsideofethe eper tstreraosnadrlalofeSolaedehsetocnnee Thesopo ocs hssadca W eovinganoeytoat orrsowvthsubhjec bsohr aed dateend reoseosestoet tial1eentte Onlythat paroe at the ipc sho onsoseneponse so she qeseten Dha ya chicnk this a geed needy shencuay people salka vonndforeheoopplcaety- ninTioporcsoenocale foraoossmhr-otreast~s [ ioo wanr he~sed shaechenjecold bho cis parcc 1ofthe experioet havc hceors moasrelaxted ad lesnottcar dbyshehnsseellan lradditieo tas hsypotheized slice eccase ntion ar would he soarc nsseco ct chit teah d slc Nze worldhbeesosasrtaaehohres the ctsencaplte apposte wcacsosc rse ohock osatane ossly keys a caere ofthe nessber of an sd the 1 rtssn aderai. of choseoeicie-hleogth ohcerocr-noeor llehesoprphernveold slats Ic apa seceude I cc s roecolnal dot eetreo poieg so the frnt nverdlaf theeooveocaion ad-rour acporctc-arekerfor the enire lengts 'Ifehe converosiee. Is she total ctlmbo t se a mlr~iacscocveena- ontmhreeneyrate s efeorespak,Aooesrespeaker B n a hioahcoeenryeer ahecsatrcd All eawo oysethdatanvc re carded e t sc cs peidcd for the cheaoo caphee.- prssodiral, f mgw edemah nl~so~ cw or et lys else ehospraph tossed ehrsos acecam othee chcasopsaplsosot aamcossineih irahmasewaslseesingrmartied. The sscunseo ed 't nalpsisg she data ecr sh n, trilp 'g ho uue niiulpars. a n , h oa mutf' laeekiaape a 5and tees, a sheet placed heforce fites The heas ....Wsisol ahto gine Ils ouhjeat numbertaod teae. Th-sfiretssec oftino is asakedetaenohjoeroseo tcaetsohfieba- Aftes rediig she icoteatcto so the najcc aced deternmining iTer cee iaeqestions. tle exprcmsener lcaftreharni. Theotaperreeerd ea peraceone other sidleafC acorodstw-vay nirr by ae- tte-cheny ses t iaed arhcd sheb helne tictecn Iyed hardn hnodeaard 'beths ofl msein rapoIe awaynt she way tatepe teh e itk o lonmfm wee tatycelk on t icese si seesesan etndstldoa ftctcdctitinoesia sep0fare were then eda. leavng ortly thar paees -nclureh,,, numsherand daotcad ripaenode final qetion. Onlyythatporcne ettlie tape dhat ai a ren:psn cc she quesian"Do yeu thhiek rhiso good way so suy terway peopl talk'"mi ae isahsrorphccmc si~i isssoenstdiedtfoea numbhe f-cao sansernfas hoped ohassn ohjernvoldlbyd[ietes yarcethe evprrte Iciebcm eooro redand lessothreatenedhbyNerilooe. In adhslocecaesean Ilcypohorioed this the coesuir ntld he are soenaneeoms as that 'thechrnogsahicpparatssnveaaconter..eces rohich Iiorttne- kel ept a can't "fihl oc.he bar o and she -censtiave durttcion of Nhecact o te lc sgeh o fthoe eor.ae.aa The elrtssopaplersnwoeld ,fart she cape reoe at sh eaitial inal dor coresponding t' ta he n seod ofclecireraciotsciclttersero oatclasspehck flasrsheseiseL lergclsofth cioeasa IanMlsshecl aealnois oatiatclarocto oenthehuasrograplsesaaircqsricedseo fisemtiehat" scenvesaion or threrepe-paceonoeec torenpekerA eecto-nackehB, anodone or N nolltneo " M haccared Atl rawspeeehodia.a-ret corded to data slsoso provided las she ehreoprapheo. Periodlt thoughout sloe elcaseecraplec anatynin of the acriat ropeicecorl onto,* tecs ehseeogcaphrt sened thaensynes agatinst eihr rhroogccp scm detsrmeineethahuihtynarnheetg oeiisard. Tliesnuaestodag catying he dasancesehe clpakirgphieeof findiidooalpcko (ietend r he otal uoaenrcf~nissaorenpech  bobctcocml a ost efieaisses fm inchbspessON scrdren), sld thetotal namarbeoi anlsas-r tn(so). Oteaaditoasma trt as the total leeei iaosfithc -sass fe oeash dyad. Osdytheirst. ewnuso s of.ascb -atdAiteetis eas tap proximate lescgth Oc al ssted'dead (slat Apnasaase). EFutther-s occ tif s otd-uraaic a[thlisshort letgttof osceestiotsthtwsas or detsdsaoe- R osett for lt oatr dyads are listed to cab, le _ Trial lmmstion~ Tlms * lls data is Table 7.1 inadics ce that wh bes allowed to topos xpafes- teosslyseto qcsNeissalaeldas aiedesttsidealisathetveal spabitga disshscasfl1sdsl Nos fortexmpletltat tetios Spatnisb dyad p ,,kftstsat, loa matasles bsager tita dse Astro dlaid. whsich discraca ab fasast laslitly 1snsetlaatataots Thae Glitse dyad spatefc d-Io sa sac occards tasngt detIarse If- Table 7a Iu ta esaos Isses admaaaas A nI AlfT/N Aymasa At. 11.8 cli1312 OT a 5 111) AN 17 ON,1 N 311 (),tshtssaWlnssmbarsofbteaaioaforacseaker (Aansdoa), asd tis assat atmeasbo afsiastasta isaoa eoa . Omseadditial mml satey Msa rhotal irsser dat of the coaeeaios for eatch dyad. Osly ate f.satwo stasta afasl cooeatioa tete aaatead since this wa tbe tappt s tas lmtssh afthe altosest cosavetarsis isaose dyad (c Avacooc)- L~samatsat, the cbftesses im maeasastes were amti afterctis shorcletsgbtfeossaaasaiss ais socete te- estate to surace sty ddidotal esrsoast Resait fat cite four dyads ac biatud ms Table] 71. sse Iuse....tionTim Thes dataaiua Table 7.1 isdissas that tabo allossed mtussspasatd spasara- h.iytthqstaiothedyads abeid ssrssdu-sbtsiAsrbsaeall spsabis11siaeeaerasally sed. N ot, sa epls, tat theo Crubas Spas dyad spoke fat aneatly Itu attstotal scetbattAcAyara dyad5, wti hdiseased stat qoestssa tat slight0 mtore fina ct l'i Cbite-ss dyad oke fAl loss thensa e seasaeasds lonag,, chissat ee Ay- 'It,71IusaauTtst adi .,r A 11 0 A~RN Absasse AT> 8311 NT: 32 (7 0.11 1211.11 AN:> 17 tiN 11 ON= a 31 Css Cwasasal Nosre-soiaa-lallabtt 110 (of),the rual sttsbtofiseetaecons foteaabspoaker(wasad.), As seaaatotlaaeasiaseiseofetteaatss statooatdyad Oatvh istitooasasntesfaeaesosescsc., asstsoeda trbi haat apporaaelegsothehashrte oertsaessisonodyadthes sAysaaraoe). Fstrlssnomtheddfetetsecsseaosccsweesotd tsstsi afr- tins abe Isagab afconaetatioa timse that it was tot deeased tat- easevsssaysanaasdaieaalosetai. Itesalsa faste foae dade ate lited it Table 7.1. .Ineetotior Tisss The data its Tebla 7.1 isadic t sat whsen showed tor rspond sposa tets t-o tbc oariscsbo dvadss-adotadssblvittshe .eaat speakiag lie thee aetsaly co a asec ot afsple slat dire Casban Spatialhdyad spoke focea fsrmtaestaac d asgatabedmAta dyad slsidl disceased the qoetarosas -.ligbaty moat u w m- TheOChiest dyad spoke foe less itas tas seessd Issag-tan abs Ay- Tatls?.)-. hasetaesTtscar/csds/eg A . a 0 AINN Asyass AT 02. a T 311J62 01: 11. 2lkA1a ANT 07 0N 1) ON> 11 3 baotista AT 71o Or: 40.2 011111 120 AN> t11 RN 24.0 ON. 11 31 Catgliab AT 79.8 Ofl, 4all 1 IT> Ala 111. fro 2. Oa 21(N 1ft 1211.1 39 f:gl/sb AI> 791.11 Brf 4.2 2Ts 11 ANo 55.1 tIN>.0 3 O 20 lush.1 311 -ua AT~ QA OT_ r1 (1T 221 t20.1 Act 311) ON 23.0 1N 24 112 Chns T 401 0 TC t9 ) 21. AN Not4 ON 2 1 o ecaodpapsabo Osscales af a asmsade wtat at atlloas- tsstasa 131 9as-Wsasa wits9 nen Eslaa >14 tee asaasi 11aa0 sts sbaasss1 tlt . Sssaea outab22aracss I sban Al 24 AN 311.1 It-a AT 40.3 AN 7 1> 617.11 OT 22.11 11 Nst 23.1 A 5N 24 113 EIa 7117 ITa .2 rf1211 N> 14 aDNa 2 21- Gae 11 5 241 AN> 30.11 11"a e At to. 2N: 7 NT 117. OT> 226 4111 tIN> 23.1 ON 24 11 p, 1r 211. O .2 1311. INo 14 11> 2 71 T 'sos abcs l A d art C maha 4yeodssb 4tosccotdt pasb eaassa A to sl sk offt"sar de 111wsezu saslsor tO) I:11 rnd 81 ul1~u sol 34 17s4d7aabvoss7s oelaaaa C 2al341 saadsssatslasah e II al S........ 1 ~sI, It aaaisaa  118 Aym (nnmai ca INwm flu..s it 118 AIIImana n Sm"deas 1 Aymr Osusi~ and lamt 11. tr dyad, andthtt Etnglisht dyad fell between the Ciise and the Cat- ban. A siwar adatttn etteteswoatthe datautyaie.l totl oratoa itaised-dss-tIfaseoasepods tidicadiaehehte anoasaed Aranato dvadlt tis, casw tue dlI- inialatedtt tire least ttanshe oftmes (23 tih the Aemrtas dead ittroe ittime,. Note that the Unfta dyadl itataeted lm ,a teCos dyad aeale tiatnd6mtimetc ths funrittesAyae dyad flh ,ganMu second moCas Th iatrvelhs e hc .tgte drto :o pee. Ina this tose ar he Cuaoidoad spoke nuitasy for22f-.std, a great dealo'ttantthe Clriatinme of -2..cottel. Srarlhe ~ttberfiatsaar I rearrn resealththeCa Ndotad assetaked4tiote thia Eglish Ii tire toar.a8 and the Chai'seonty 21 eto-rnt segasttfaesaa tu Cuban d idnv tiked1ttas aclasdte Cne ad 3 oa aaaiuch as the Ay- twrrtlead lhs Chi again the same pattern isrotdwsaln tat talnumttoheofan ti sfoatoe aber of tie dyadls in.. roia The total tot tMse Ct loae Sp ith dead iO3)as ell over dealr she sioher aI itractiion fos the Chi te dy ad (21) The Aina maca d falls Lesethf the English dy ad those dyed- raing 36 and i9 nterietiatti, respeetiose Itistintersingroaheabve y isei iirtey dssticd orsthete irsalane faorlcseosshe afthedyad-Noietint tectb dylad doe tnutbers spoke ate ri closets it cond. (524 67.6) . One dad ssssaspeakha treat dealrmom rtassthe 1,theltngishtandtChieae dlyad, dhc tpattners differed coattiderally feasm the Cubans. One agenst onrtdebbiamotttrime speakimatehe cardet(79.8-40.2/794-403) The Ayma dail diffeted mast orte pareier to iked 83.8oea.ttndsb tre stitestalysh 2-eatd, the palu ette saltd in nth aftheto sea tho mmt again emerges hate. tat atyad, tool tire Foeglsh dead fell betweta the Chanet- atri the o~t- A iailor patesiosspssetttae dattrcseattetonl natabertof itth dyools tah rete pitirant Indicated i the Chbres atadlloteto 11 n ,.,dyades.I ll.tisas,tl etese iteaei bltest nttat efttata (23) wsith the Al mtars ilyad iatcrring 38 limes. Nate that rho Cahattoyadittettteelttaely sevciset wnashtasteChsseadyad adfoattins atesaehtht Ayit dyrid.Engtih ontetotiitled sertd ta Cuiban. to-nmum Speeth The dataseealteatne pattetao ....eatidtsgtbeiliatitaedft,- thaec' fiaaltatotaopeech. ithoate t he Cahaoadvodepikhe sittoitasirlneotslvfot 2' 6bsecondtso grr detloethan mit~eerina e Shittpalethetasntb-rotSittooiatieo atotot tet.cs tiratie Co- badyad otetlked 29 t the Efnglishz20 the Ayaar.,and ste ptisieenlr2. tnoataeiat n so ten artsmeiry the Ctha dad a , - Itorlad2timaeaa aarohasthoahteesand aineasatoetehastbek naoa add Ahaiieeofsroeo. cagainitae sams pattetataeteotaaleaiawhenttietmatttrtoat- amtos, oeachsottetofahedyadsiaoabsolerdThtetmiltfsothe Or bou tpanrtds ad (jiisoallc- dthleth notmbutofttetote foe the Chmos dead (21). The Ayita-a dyad fallt eeali the Ettglrah dyad, tbotoodead, usoang36atd9." lctoss to at ttefe sb t bee (i a nwih d ,cidinter,!fl"ett ab of he dyad N otice that otheC tondyad the 1sesatosahtla etydoweyphrsecants(D.4-67.6). One did n ataagrett detlnteseaatheaothetnthI e 'osghsh and Chiee drad, the psuter dofftn-ow ortiderahirentthe Cubans Ottesptt handeethyiacaettimeopgaig thntheaothert(79.8-402/79 46403). The Aptas dyad doffrd [omostc patoteotttdh83 8bseaaords th, atitsu de36aeeeds- poirot Tia, The Pattisoarvraed tnriofhartest ofthe data againeremscges herr tta do d, aid tho Englih dead fetl heats-ct the Ciurese and the - hato Astaa pai t trettteage whensthdati eeeeishe total stete, f ntatorsuite dyads mwits cve-ta positioasi -die.ed in tMe Chaitese unaia" nandiAttatoadads tIathIII asthe Chineseitrote.dthileaat nnabtt oa tto (3i waial the Avosas dyad intaetactinga 38 ats-s.N ot tat the Cuanedyad iateara l neatlysaetales-astiohas th,(Chinsttdyad atad firto ettsas aa as tse Ava.ta ridaad English tote 5ein placed ecahnd to luan o Ihe dosatal ,t mewtoter ptteas whoia cotsdrrig the d.. toas arid fere- qoaeoaso C i-ittaoiito spatah.I tinis-irstat.te a dyad spake natt.aratalyfa22.6secotdo,, aoatdaitportethan th, huits' o of,2 errondi. hatlivthe-ttaesof ttttitoeotieta ocatrteveoitiat theCn- han dead ooathaid 24ines, the foalist 20, atoe Astmata 8. and thse Chuisiecdp2.htatseennattegtreato tftiacbCahan da(ve tathd 12 rotes as tatte as the Cthiae anal 36 .motee a as fOteagi itteheamts pstteotaisaraledeohe, the total naimbute ofifntr- actotsfo ateoton heeafiearvds itobsrrte TheatlfotiaeCa- baitbpoaish dat (.3)'0 ase1 oser doubhi etie anksoIee ofi aosaaseaan the Ociate dya tili).- I no eAes dyad rails benerth de he lash do-ad, thtotildas itgsh6atd35' ateatas espeetasey5 It ishteetiugtoobserat ayts weieha heddsared i n Cieomhnanutrtedilad N tatl that rah altutbana dyad ate ia bao, spoke eetls-iive ciaselyat setd, (ip4-67 6) One did uao peak a gteat deal taceedanithe othet. ihthe ilhsandthtC- dyals rthe paeanees dffeed carnsiderabiy fStem the Chsa One ape-t eonsiderablytawsotimepanataanatme othee)(96840.2i79.4-40.3). Nat Ay-taea dyad didode nmot one phada- talked 8398 sectsndo the othe Voai, 36-2 secnda. Ptate rote The pateot. eeantd its etude of th cr of te data agalnaa oca ese  bo "3 ti n  IS Au t..i.L iS burnt I~.I. = Ar... thin~I S IS A1 ~SI S eta tassas. based eta paiahed accoauttsaofihe eshmk pst aph> r ftbe N j~a Althoughl fist saais tot rotpart it d d ...... andsdesaiseatdule pesaaasssttratgoasthecultaeetk gin aeo tat caitarsaaotaeaasetego fstat omIt apintadetosuelatettaross eaaetne-b -m t,dir Ceemtaadm t.I h iareaotagleaf lov beca en ,and Fr s~ iglobalunes aobe lad, eas IIand ottoi- let]If rd r oe logicalhscsnRsu, passet losesi deteaeoasaalg ott p ,b , ntaadmae Pal ieassttv ff esPoissgaaea .daffeee nasae brlom A rdin'sl therf ashypothss oathu's std's thtofa adaffesar-a will befond in the scaystahiss eespsndto ayrfteosssshsetss heyeaemagateiagages. The sub- jees eallbe inag the laguage onssral dferestfaoran N ralolysI, ould sesmaFiratiesreapatasesaatfaeitfinersettctsoIFdbe aagttficattly dialerst To ara ai.s Isths ,tfllwn ~ dol del o a r sd mSrebets r a drg dross, seed ste sterodisetass speech a Uh L v fatreada Oa dS dry scheduled for the e recist bhrsasblect asesd totaourcapeteodedaCssea sseeat sa ffeseass lasugaage. lrwasdedrrttaiprtossotisp tesd aCes sa atanone of the sajeetssaspeak aifaserffsa ,, assdesod ayyfatte Lang ,agaontrth theeasptt'f Asetia in gLsla The botarlanguagde, mosd wmAvrA sac-cot Lnbghsh. Cuban ScputtislnM dasas .. Ihnec ahraaEantghish asamplewasan threaugh aKat Hate ~n latrapps peosaituarlsd d-e it as)t tne alet contsts musselble. ]Is proceduraeelitsinatrd the psibititytsf contrast iasflaereag rtse resuslas anstheosnagsed daysthesa~ee s asarabeseshe rbobleand wene aaked to listt and respond to the te FortFor respolses ,leyoere pmasided aitiaioersparns asingele Sh, h oe wr a nfr Smeith Steaasa Din-rassforfeuseawthispeeclhsrlee teepts(,at Smeithua1O5h sittais res fut alttralesaor Of ates-psise.1 hotety. osn iat s and alr Tlarsbeat oset asked to rate the ntaps fr o .aaeel persasas tthe sce liare scales were scored Foron I ta I aghtiYp airough sssst oenseaelo'taddaesaas eta sacoa r s uaaatned-hSubseqas asssubjheeta aenehaaked ad debriefed. (ApptytagasIisiaca techniques to dla data. mta asaaaiu 'IR tiealla valid dtiisu r sapaacsoathe tatagua calo tilaespoanseaoiaadidaalfasswasiadeed sigpsai- cant. Saee 2 PlIps:enataaa fosrasplr, aeea uoesarutuaaaticsysatam afetartasc basedarpaitbc hdsrceaattfhe eittaphiosapiasofaie Navaje. Alao Itatap nia sad) is toe. rpsamiae is asnteavoasr to diaeeeasdaadeestssattspeesaei-eseaugireofatsiaeaaiarak- au acut attaesdiayee categeries PcprIti a slta destcees -eat attchttsaetoial seaaies.Creesaaiualsaa ies,ataoglaanaa oaf ]pte ttae rteaure at adataorreuap-ata as oanngisa latea ebviouaslya beaa~esbeaini er aadlie oIitt aataiaadasotleogacabgiagpovatea drttaaanuau cIA aenotndg a. ti s dtl-aeret angaages. Aroall thr dbassntf bsypatha sa thats stad iaatsgutteauin rthrnetaaIMi illbrftasd rst Saasses trmesudtaths- Lhfarsasiicaasteo ~ isatbalargogagcsn le Stb trtstill b iassfbtcasfsaa'seassaadffert fatoandata si-eyiswrutdsrrsaaaa pt eseshe dafferesat facaersueeadiaie sigasirtt da S to test duets Itvcsathsst thug etloastute 'estIdesdg oas des aced subjects were 25 eneteeta oatsetaadents an aette d s tastes eerrsth Utue se ots Cinacd Ostc dystbdalrdfetise a- tarts that sasofab te r ttages s a speaker Ot any t h uast-toa Oes atheslaagawgagesastaateactani Osuseas .. s gSisb.Iifulaguagsasedosre h sA [maa Asnta dauml a~aa ratu IIFl .4aitisas od Iaadariechidnsse The Amseaa L glilhaspt thteanl stltrFle aapauthar r the -pss to rendet thtestaastte llsgabl, e 1 I'll pa acedstr elt ad the paseibIity of eantetsitcrdsISOag thsults Onshraiansdaheuahjes were gareas tes btteltad sr askedtatnestansdrespondl oa hetapso Fssasaes.epraedthcs... paresncided ' ath toot separats tsg sheets- haI tap were ease i rbdc Smsih rSsaat ffeneafar vcstt p eard cnIe.ts(see Smsith 123-sO) d rstetousit of Ip scales u..I, afattPrs-pos bonne sapesfe asskprsaasteaupael enteles Thesrairs s'ieamed tflm 1 abbd( s tharough . dsata tat osaestly' aa tdcrs ass Fe.ar wea usted. StabugoetltheM sbjet soer thned, at debsirfed. (Applst ysg ssatitea tranactotletata, ist srgthee firro-asaat atiuical dsaliddiftvreneinrstpessttae "agods esro~.latrrr~tletspnr aeidtvidalaca seas Indeed s~t- east Ser table 7.2.) Phiipsma (1972) dec0 tple attetupasstetsranstsssr a erorie based tan p bbuhed ascassoassthssbopat-oepha tith Naod.l Althoaga tis te7 snt euacuea as as codear disos mcrraota dslauth prsuasaretracg esfaotscectttcealt ret tssgthtaaeafegs aa ~vcal tdoareatmoasnutas is this etsdeas th lasesa laassooos g poent ies at detonassang w-hethe a aeas diesr pcers n sgntficaastly dafferent para lastgast ditestdlfrtlagagcs Accardangly the irst hpet aftsts atadyIs that asigtsiean diaeretessdbe foaundasnthsway-brsan respond to the fataer onowhich theyareistcaslo naassThessab- .tera seiihe ratisgateiat agesnesrldfeauta fatu, aed rootm, sial at od sesta that ss raspatur ass th difft rat Farlms would be bsufsul da dffess Ta tet these bypetkest tie fellewtng exper Sahjtetscm 07 ssdagcadoatestadeunts atttodtitos speed ea catsthe Unaene of Florida.Onschoday schsdedrdieathro- tetea te subje~e aeed to feat taps-recordcaa indifern Iateg las adstrmned psisttstaprttcotat sea- unao ha e fthssabeeswssapealtkra asy of telanuagsot endaeodan authe leage sri the brcepteonaof Americas Ie- Slisis The far lot aguage, sad voe Aynmara, Attasics Eaglish, Cuaban Spasishetadi tsatsdasaothses Tle sNerEntf hdsaspleowasssu tatuh a KtajosHate Pdas, tap psastatrle I fa l i ao -Passttatseedo the etototstehghl Tis passes d im as tsato the passibilaty of essnestotfloatcttta shestu (hthe assigneddaIeshectstetgsesnahest booeitand wr aacdotund -espadtottetapesss htrepsecstss-t re psesidd oawth for sparate ratrg sess Tte tpes wets sad otbd hensauiatons D-aietmlaafea sc estch pssshettotd easacpa5c S udhl9ls), wthich caoMsLs ofl0 sadts or If ates pyate hones. so~ms. ans l TheC 'iobjct ese ask ed to eats the apefeasoteall perse-soeupaetaotthseale Tieasalse netsa feast a7s()slightly throgh1 nutral "to s-arsne3) antssesarw were summned Stabseqtermtle sta art c stee hatahed and tishejefe ban. Appliny toiscal cisqr asae data, it weassenFa ohea swaattttetea al ad diiRsse ihetsponse teths languages -lleHwesrcthe responstets'deilafataasewa idead igit- cas lee able 7.2)  cros utrlClr rd oGet 2 OCki cutua Ioeae-aaw Lhw Crs Co m b casa b.', a-~ e 121 facto It 5,4 iycdre eros nnion, m 11"iily FurRink Odn Itc icc m5 eub Solightly HeRin ILdi d. finum Elnianslynw llghti . isns, Clnnis s glish h. Onho h. Onisn TI{ liii harmlid Agon iishunsoc d. Cohn 8. English i. (  A, Avmara in Contac t Spanish Bocrrowicngs into A ymiara Thess the Ilesa bscsglhsihysssqics Splc~shud he,, M1cl ncfcasonAssisis hsaulrnsssiig. ihnosn'cii, cgsil,pis thatltociacssfslae doialet the c h asiig hs coiisiicdbscse ceis a 'es erassithaaobiilasv has be-esacicsscd, alc Iseesily slic diilssad ilsiiscslo osaaiis, descsihdichcuthdrd cisaysef allzusst tgel) '1 lt yilhtvd lacy IhefisaIds sslsdesiasssscs'ceiiaiacssoisllsis -ccscal iioled isch do,,.. oafpieislfccia ,cicigslseelasicschscissss avcowale si sic A. Aymara in Contact Spanish Borrowings iato Aymnac Tisha J ¢Icage hisssgh~t by [u csisqicnssg Saisish siscisid lovec had asucffc ssncc isshscdlysap'dsic. Wsalis'ipsg, pschaps is iliac fur isiost of c dialects, chcl hcisowingi ha caseusIed a t- c eiaclty sfscaiay isaspice ifil Jfocis atsasic osa , (Opcisci icg}),undchfscqcistcsiasiisg ofthiciae fshlacIccayc'h v thcosedac-ci ussdis id-scfcciaai, dcsccilcedbhchsd ssac of lliissisbiscion (dsiysc sessy 1U). The file twcys ssy dccl ssict escabii- icascisu so ld oe 1 -1 tl 1o'clocs] ot iii die adopt lon of Spashca. c iiicccschoaslisdosam-cc icalahie so is A. Aynmara in (Conats Sp anishi Borcowings into Aymrnaa lIhotslie langusage hscsught liv thes coicciic Sleaciashicild have lad sceecais Aynaaih hasdl suipsoicgWII icssisapisg, peclapi is that , oastus of ctsc dicisi thce boa ascc g Isi a-id almost cs sIv cfcccahalac c pice 0cllicffccsrc asioicds i'Spasis- isp) ced sthe faccqc le""tessaiigcis c flcc Ici geThc cc- ccpeccs erlacsccccsliscaic oahicky haihsf,, fccecidac tm chcscdialects uscd isiiieii-scs sian dc citsc tshe sisdcssacssf chchcciass i,(lg evaaylc,. Thce lus sasssasdea snib 'cles las .Ttscfisscsoimastde.ssneial'assiaii cshe hsatoi-1 a iivolccdicclthe adoptcstfspadslfacsjig uealc-cdcisaecica assail-ahc cc us.   8. Avg sarzatioo: An ELxaossps i of Language Change lCy T By,,g I. Ibtoodbathsn 1.5 u~~ lieeobjectoifohoa pie ynopesntoo.molrnyeeiledtaaan rarsigdehe prodoot -saeee Sp .. bur ossi its te A2- I'sre ig a. 1aejob aand renad aatyacstn of eesveedibftr h.r-y esrchs. llasttesdhsrre ap-ness Ayt tsarea tbyvleeeeesalhifooslhatbotpnnsh et le - 1.2 Is-,... atet faysoes lot1603 Ldovco el oniestdont i n hd spent teon rtiftg the Aym pobltood t ogtsn tte affoengeage hotysto ate brief easoi atdt etsotstesserataeoe titdArt, y gsstdoeietsayottpioe delIesog...nsret The firstloaueo pgos ito iroopy f t Pas tree it etire text of the ltetrept oat pages asotio Al . toe itpges 227 ansI 2t, yer at Saine POte tbopeobeogst arttanoe ani llselasea Minaeeintojea Yap- ittseaontmuohgb1 forr rtient oP hs in Lar Poe. ofMvr Fliapite geopra lay lee, ohs book to the Librany ofthe Uoiversitp ofFliato beoCna fie lab oa. orttbokoplleptieon kIece lead theepMaiooto toa teld doe lebrerysphottaepy ol sle book. (A aooeploteedpyioselellfob, boopabbohodris Ih heoeepebjoi~aaee. see Gen t f L o sat B Con a or , r La os . Pe i do. et 'A......enmleeaoto Paroba asOtto... beL i rg m 8. Aytnartint: An Example of Langta go Chaest 8. Aytoseria n: An Pxantpla of Lanuoge Chsarge tor 7. Seilar Loopy 'L edr I. Intt.nneon 1.1 Job",e~s Thel sebja of this bayttl is to prette cti ome to-to ailebs date co- oeetittg tttpnedaotittoteastot Spateish baoesog-teoAs+ oas, t-elateoge wthios'teoreoionojaosndi-d sstif.teittof toeteets byr1a1.tn-stienfense SpaoisleeyseIaeom. i o =1.. ~m tao thOLod e-asandsisn, h-o aiekterteoe. ban esoissiere rst bid spent tiepy oAlnoerae paglslnles 207a2Teat eth lasy-sage inthtpat brok d eeobrerets abosandttstirett-Yape- be l. rofmedforisror an rhok mlcoror of bac as bteCr toyt o tadpstttdo bagelaeltorrstetoo stttatd ottesejay bank isoseed by t o hn aLoter Itoan La bhty E ooe, edition aveslonpblished insl79 , il IetitegkPjollstetnotN. 'Aytsrtseosstsrpltoi Logatsc Cbhog, by Lerv T foids, astillyd separd -n tts. puae 1.1sttttoattrtoe -l kisosa is 1971 asws rrstsd bh, the w s fttee Peso l. b.,Intnodsnon TI e abjes of this paper is topentsossoety avabl dat*ot- ooioLsoarpredotis toaeortfhlptihlttrnsegsiuthe A 1-2 I1eotsjhtneJApsse, Ins16l3tatslovio atooteatsotaJssiniti wlrsoohadopst to yeas1 antagtMo Atna. oblind ts geaeyoraftlo Its eonasor ittMoenaloosbt-o aet l te otloetosn-eaosstt ftttedAetopdsesstnoa snotl osiema do 1, lrtopoo eposs Tbfirst fianao pagesof wt9Mfin n ad pages 227rl aodXte sat fth osser peter y i the pastoosd togeter iobl osmoall tooos aetd amaoooeoa et hYop ito's pas ste tthroghtsooee sas t orb inea La Pee, his yar gatenoaslstrttt beak seiko Lkib ret baijeory oftItrdot bse wioofilm osnotosaoe bonkssollaatioo- he had theseppetsttl to roed tb ltbtatytaplaoapy ,fltbnk CA roeplox orgnal nof the hook is clsed by dlsJebo Cooler eto Lihterebrttayrdnn wsoapobrlsedins 187 ioLatpeig by jlttletoseros 'Ayeatietio so Fsa pe st.egRso tCosge Isp ltyt Ooday",teas stdsee Poeitd pobttotbetl tttt roloobi  Is ~M iwv..hp * JR -. 1.v&p * Ain IS C. h 3.bw h' Ams 11 Ploolog- Be. oni- (16032Q) hated thes, Apsosar had Iso cib len, for Spanish dud,//,/ or-g/ taddeot tholadoos poooaaooe CK (N osd T 100501 soI C w do. hntalsoorbt-oeaso...S The yd oa ssnbsl haiodoced 110005cr, "aaK Kto,gluoeaestoala'C sotepmnito sa c-10 soeosa of Arnara, onand-- Fosse hit Ce-ato tI eosident that Boottono rogttood oh1 wall- tohtoc of 'too Asosoa pdasenoes ta, idontftod an the plainossued, and glnroliood tpa d110e10 series ad hao usod thl drtsIalot t oweo ole tofeioooassn moleas //hnt on l aZ l and /J sieoe diy p~) noeto h h... oaaecrhe did lioe geaopehaotthatltoe threeevowelehssattlnAfltioo /a/,.0/,oand,/ 0010 '00 ss wthdftessnoads be al to osalloe ponologically ra, oostossod.110 foss vamatot 1.22 Morphoolooo and Stears Bertooiwasstnuckhoythsesftrassos Annoahofo what be sllsdtph, paae~obtan rtlnh panish), at posgotantathooenth~y soio tlaeioopooanlo hlflenl carefllyI to ss Irpahoo to leartotheas cottatseappoprna thear itale Hood soghti that AymaraI e0- poosess~adolotttoeag poaaatl,olthe ss'g of,-arssovero oaosM1 ahoamnopaer lsouoae dfC-ontmeatings dependingteonthe on oe d hsrh sesalttod ,dtethn,,stgesooilas hnhkifissd onhieitieposaoblcto istn-lloh possilot uooogssra gnm totilnoreos gsnolhaeto d fost rulcsfordo.irn Beowaofleaesssgto ottotltoopngnoc leron AyoaraSlcogtsCthon oplsdsc- oeanod denfirot aoash Tltesooeostownode ataad are both goodlpoon, leerfiaaoc&A ltadsofador'oonhrosagy Ettroffieo- hda tayn tlh topseban ds-Ab Etglishenasoplicsagltet h ro po- ingoafo-tomakerand cano the former possible, the leter nor) Bm eroso also cttettiaato Tpea- rthe use ofAytn sot hodatolots hot bissggod doeot to etne that "inlda s-hnole qatl Iand told to laotoohC goase coa necssitypofoatp.ro n pso onalonotpsanl dnrawled, no Accouat Itof edoonaaoeht alnettallehoecsscrlIorsrd todmistted hoe poinasselated toooagieo stfsstssaeithatschsooossoss haco rnleaired - rdot tsioofronthp ashtinto Ayssaoathaodhao larood loonrto cve eastaes forothesotost partsat 1 no[ Tier  Amr...urfl,. Ch- Bly 129 AY.udm .. gag Clingw-Moa 19 yoe -o - ~ a L hup- w 129 lowalohatodppaiatB onisoscfart geicerecfoey dhr pp m ftei pa per. however, .ad lerdconsedoe ccion24, Althogh B. otcIs§pienrv pirpoe calot n gAymearacsto rn ,it lcbtrc hinapprcah", ad neoafceceie l aeisei ihisat ren o eilacd hierelban e r feocaclbangnmore 'alen obo tathoers. And althiouagi in hr- tofa his tiale heaIr- tiptod tofer Ayeca vinito a Labor Iod M1 bd dcrp n, Betecci , inac- o roeintace of srcss - shem dideo flo acd ain edud, tbeorastrchanpnroludclc dd notceaccte foeoancejo sbse- y tgatoos fbied to hened la's slas 00 etoal his analysis care- Ibrcooadcc Aymnara gmrsncar afssed,,c end cerl comoplete scope is thae of froo ac Vig..., aod V.41c 1991 1.3 ac peaha Alplcabei Afher scuds jgtitgonoi n elide Hadot Yapita devuise lse hlrsoaraa- elnrom If fA .Ti apae 'i coesoA stlenoivereity of Florida si uicla poblrsooa of ,ice Aymnara sear-eooeeed ooher Avcina eca It is slso aano mio a phoornoi charg (fig. 8.1). 2. Sptrobl, la s no on Aynvaea 21 tDfNtomeatdPao ieheac-T and Biti.gl Apleca Iowilisoraonop dofiroiofnafotorleg-humrandloitigsoeitioh as poertio Ayeeara of fh gcpca e}wlrqie aoodificieoioob proeor fmor data Tbcgraetomajoity of realaAyeara ae cfloaraeadldocaroe ook Opatisebatodaos ofohecel orcaehdadodoao, aaeteaonnl Andors Sp paci ploaanog (Vapit and 4asqoa, person. troIceemecsdoubtfuclbhaosorbl rcrroad be ansdod .cpnt biagratc (ieboald I ht) Acrd g to Di )cold ds bnnptory babe aatlae.rof MC 'oirold give die Spanceb .reo for all'oo onoohc Sosas iten bitl could nost peak Spanioho obeat is Alc3 Socce Splasoh vonabuclaes batmcooflectasoe om The locaal AY eaa reposino pct of thtpace lxco gu000 nomber of madof har oe aegi nhich lease been compltelyt Apeeuriu phaoct allv coroltcgirl aced sas~t-dip nod whirf, anoddingctrmy Aoeeeo cagr et caaditvcnogeicdbyrnr bloeods cwt do eppan In I crtocto' janectees r, a fg00 nrese far Although fleroi e v prieiy npe poee ice feccmicng Aymseroae.stocn veedi e herc, hie-apprcriioend respecfocr lceig, 1riidrs incis iastnrncict drcai oedtei'rcfcrirnoercforecebfgoe "eloginfcliao h sc -c And olteogh of tion costs's of bin cie he a- fvmd ErnAymeaoioto alosnoldlrsd apc ,llrnn wa aeu rctue eunAnrad t rt or ldetelircthoecboe, pesacndehsbidiotest Unforaoaolnccbo- qiete inedetec fob n to toned lets cesciengs cadtalvhic nosce re - fun8. Tihenodeto Apoeoa g~cra rofsitoedsecand elotasnoplorerpei elcacccfPadese "aecel acid Vipici 1975. 1.3 Aynaea Alphabnc Aftorstndping Winisor ib04ardmren YaefcdorIIIdefiescarcmi- viopboieonclInreelf AymeaI *tbisnalrphatis engh t the Aycniri coorscat choU nti--svof Florid0and c the publicacion of the Ayma~ra V-4er aan hs-A- ..avahtlI hw ee a Phoneic rira (fig. 1ll)_ 2. Spanish Infincet roe Aymaraen 2.1 Doebuetfon ojMicaaloo od E~lbegda p-a Iewillcnow attempt delncdios focotiograhsmnccdclnogrchoncsich t..ecet to din Aesn oar filic B coogcedrag that acool -qeme eeedificaannhe frsnr oe. f r Thce gea ncjciyof rralAymaasarctlctncscd doornpeak Spanishbbuteeootofnthemohear it os ter-adioandesoorcfa6cilcarwith Andco Specint phonology (a pica and \asq ee peraca wwnda lo) I cccs odmbotat lcccrhpeasonsrsitdb clasfed asctccpece biiegualcc (Diebold 0961). A 5 1., d mgt Diebold nad yoefMd edgaeSp hti c llrcpenl bcn Sovideelclsburcred not sepihhpcacosb u'. theenc knewocsp~outs vociblary hoc ,tesceop loology oresetc. The 'scat Ayocara cisopeiecc use as part ofteir Avrem lrexicon a goerencenber of words of Spanish tigin eshIic e re beecrirmlel Aymaaed ph oalltte mnaphligicall, mod svnail Allc wind.i acceedingltocmcpAymoarac-ally'rrsare notceochlv egeoicclby their lccoeseords thatcdo appearan Boeroci'snctea of gena ic orere tieclpaeee rfdbcs pip eIhrsecert redestl loeosAssdinsen Ifn~o Althourghotderto pcioaa prposoco ,eeicAscea ha ctli read yofrn t etifom obignw d"d, cthan others Andi Wctcho b in the coeron ofl, decer ho at nopted to fotrre Ac acs intor v a Latco cenid- chei descciption, ellft- Wid ne-co-n nlccdotloeoratheroeanprnfandcbcyddnoat tUnforconatey bs- The mademnApm agae ofscdcolasd ootcacsplterrpe that oft tacoocan Vsogror iced Vaoair 0979. 1.3 Apcoea Alphabet Aifcenmdyicg lingciticsvilt-toolennYapci~teiaam -spheccreer aibebe of Aymir. Tm lsophabet Is nca sb rie0 M rend choAvaoroo at d~e Umtciosp rafftcia aced in eho publiratino hA Ne ntsd teAm ae lsaou, a l osir chart (ig 0.1). 2. Spanish Influence on Aymetoa 2.1DeisiionfOA-oeieal nI and flibetccal Am Isvie oaso acronopo defliatarefmooohsgardinndbfihsnihesm ih .paatioAyconat ofBoliva. corogneorgla [hey l rayu colhrafocom the pcesecreronosre data IIgreatocajorsc l yaaaai n ontp .Slcasidocbuteceaecafheebcactoo oe dreo saeaertenierscoit Acideast Spcaih pheimolg,- (Yapb can \.e 1 Vooor me Ic tfma.Iesoneedoobtfel teochpersoscould lcrl ascrda isrpcat bilfegraf (I Awhold 1961). Accroosece to Debald the ad rdttl billsi gal H oeofMofcocoudge he Spa i tceros fornall enos onsahe Sr-adnehbfsthrbutldont fpuhpcneab- chas chep knewo Spanesh voeboulirv bt ot - morphelogy, totan- TIce toal Apeesea seprelr tO p 00 th erfcrrAymcaa luoica grieat dumb,,ho of words of Spanfeh oigie orio ,e barhanl creplosy A esolod phociologirilv eorphologialv. atd ocaccallaty sed whice, ading t0 csy Aymairi colloagues, ace coo teaslly cecog eid h oo  Consonants Leveal Alveoar PRel tal Vola' Pont-olar Stops onaspirated p t oh* k qg aspirated p' t'' oh'' k" oq' glottal iced p' t' oh' k' q' Nasals mn n Sibilant Laterals 1 I* Glides w Flapr Fricties s 'The ginash /ob Islands fee the psiotol ailowneato. -" The digraphs/I'l staeds fee the psiot l11 Vowels 1 .1_ Central Bank High Low a Consoants Labial Aiveelar peleaaI heist Pss-tnei Stops noaspirated p t oh0 Ik q aspirated p' n" O M" k" p' glottaliced p' C oh' k' qp Nasals ms n Sibilant Laterals I I. Glides wy Flap Fricatiees j x 'The digraph lin!t steeds fet the paaal sproaleale 'lthe digraph nV1 steeds ler the palal Ilan a il- Vowels F'nn Coon I eok High Low Stops anaspi raged aspirated glotta lized NansaI Sibilant Laterals Glides Flap F rioati ces Consonants Labe Aloonar Poetal Olelar Poen-ean p t oh' ks q p, o' oh" ks" ti" p' t' oh' k' q' m n IIt * The graeph leh/ steeds fer the palatal afrloaste Il. To dtabeep0 /Ill/stands foe the palatal lateral/!. Vowels Frm Cenl pack Hith U Short Long Vowel Length Short Long Vowel Length Short Long Vowel Length Fig-h. L Phhensec clean of Ayenno .lph-abse Fig. 8tA Pb totesic she thAresar nhptchet lI, 8t. Fhwossnio chae ofAysaeeaethho  Ayium'ap p LgrgChng-luau 13 Ayrcl Lnug Chang-*r~g 151 Ai~ra L~angh USr~-rl 3 erosas being of Sprash origin. Tlu5shas also bcreorantesedin0 the am osf Spnsh loans into Htpi (I rceante. 195-) lit borderline brsaon Ayeo saS patrio bhngrsliree and Aronar eoroolingtaem c therefor he decone nilety on the basis. mfen epenkerO knorwledge rf'woosdssoflSpanaish err, a iebold sougtern dn reih the pHase If it wa. evry Aymeara seaoks, who olsen she grortsg Wter rlyor (thre Ayr m ortaaoonoon d goo mrning ),ddhe coiderean lmo .niiet Spanish baiirguoa Par tire porposer efbhie peaper I shall deliere as renerogal the tonal Aymrraa carnporo wrshroecanislhammy bornowed formnSpaniohuaen whose plronalagsc gonomanc and syat aan nan a AvrowerogrerrdorofrmoitlAymnrarez rnwtlartingcoanl nd PehaSabirdl alsuhh o ol P Y dsreseki M - -de ansie arosalos the Bhan np ehasabtresIpomudrB to fall hno tire nnliegual mraegorc Thenebamr teats eneonedl fr thnspae or I rh eroeolingal andIn lotosowngsteflmiectehnaof lc- oatciy-weller nha hnm, kept dlteit ties s the dnoo cremur~tes whore they erect hoses Thess stariornabr osfnadistisetion iro .tolnm dblgllosiow mda ta h ro Enter aot logm- (1950) has dlefaned elasro hast cyniee of langesage bar- tosainganaountsd, loadaifts, and1manndt-ssd lfor thetmostmor- nntspeof brrowinsgfrom pash to Asottanshas beenethrogh laanrrnrde w'hereby nor omy rho tmcasng ofa terna is impotted One airs ies pbne1 oc shapeecnotedino sone or less Phnei-anlimeiar phtrrnesofthersnvingtlseguage 2.2 Spanish 1eijdnrnaroe o Sdtssar l Ayoeas Ph..ology Ferr ll indications> coral Aymeara phossology as Octet little aflke be Spnan. Miamo-rorher (1975) has joidiatand soe of doe peos--esao its colned in the Avesoaatitt of searich wotds since the tions f the Coo- qoost. Outoasoofsaieborowisgsthat of the pIsha, od frtsrep> showes hosa twoa difeot photlological siapes trt bhirers-d 01ditfee- etrnshnoirueach casebreplaementrft paish psoc es byph om Tewd fis n -a , /apArey,a eoeroS 1Ta[si, errboe srw h eatsforntshowrotsitseotoommeron and is tne oneebharapprar, in the Aasnmar coner diatg.es. Stuneall Armnnmodtseodmina Vowel (llsagh hnar t arosogio- unesaboig oftpadsbnoigins.leielhasolso been Ottsedie theone of Spatish looses into I lepi (Eloahtadr 1955). Tie boedrelio betwen A,-I-ra>pneih bilinsgualisnm asnd A ymanra oonnnlitgnti,- our tNaorrnn ho determtined olely set the ho-si ofi, sheoaors browledge of trds of Spanuish origin, an Diohold soueght to s-to nobe I-nane. If otee oarerv A ynmaa speaker who osothe entring li-Stno ria (the ,sAmr a ~ o ti froig ~i eoa da r aiplint Spsosish bilinognal. Foe the prpares of this papot I stroll defitne an mooornrtiele nasal Aymaa ramnepinoeeoloosiar 1 ihmoilse borrowefornnspash but srhaeephonoology, graneesne and syntononre Aymor A yoongeegenairnfnrualtAynaraare now-lasding tread and roinitrponis lthioughteyiaylsoshave hilppneordy ordsireo wiespeak it, They a-C tudee iocioent holagoA, i on h Il in testing P~erhaps acitealy I na constidr Brseono, sormres to lall iate she noonolingual entegor The other tiessinte foe this paper conta oh twig an iigWbu glaintesu'inl orato-dweilerfto Ileekkptehosr ito tees rl orbere they owere born- Tio---sssso artifocoality of diseinstin Sto mtsosligaol> and "be isoot> lowsisnrnore cleaer tbsnbor [Slar Haugen (1950) has dafeored three baos-c types of language hoe- rowing lacaornd, lnosifq andlsoanrnndsllByfurhe otcoin- manr typerof borrowing froom Sp-toss onto Asmtra has been thrtough loansordse-hsrcby non only intensanng nom ins imposeod kat> ins ph oneneis 'haos donrt ee n lesra ses phonnrrcaily siminlar noi hu femarnglnu, 22 isjasioh Islbbas.,o or Vtoesedal A-ynoo oaraotoosey Fromoall iedes-onsrooralxAymara phoelgak--s utbeeloo] sffceceoby Sp-anish-obtasesharbor (1970)loasindaae s neaofde processesitv- nolod irine Aynntafon of Sporr worols ieecn hetimoe ofnoe Co- shot e coe oflnerwtg, that ofthe Spanish wond fonshs-p, obesa loa two didasuert phoosolagicol shapes were boran-ed or diffet- s-rneshbt eeas-hnsby soplocemrerf Spanish plsorsobye Ay- looteener Oheowodswas fitnknnrred aelnn. ppaently befone else Sposeish siiO totr sleift and Inter aesr e orl asowirap - Tne earlirrer mis however, shitinoodecommornoeld I istetonttappars .itoth Asnsn care daaor- So.,iIIcatlenareonasdel arara(aishoaghfinal Iosrolatau as bring of mpasish otigin This bar oI. bees archn in the oats of Spanilh loan, lent> Ho1pS reksad-r toss)- The hsndli xer-or Aoemooo-Sponieh hitingotosrn and Ayreneo nonlngnaitsm eane cherefore be dots-retired solely so else ha-sir of the speakeer', konotledgo of woods of Spasnish origirt - as Diebold sHnghe to do nil the I-mas-- If oersAoesar peok-nn-honsente sret itngts natipn rh Ayrnarafar Bureos dia,goodeernrtiefSoo mdbeotwidrda astr aipron Spoaih Milosstel. For else pnrpeor of this paper I shall dofoso as rootoolingo-a e mual Aynoaraserpssiewhose lemcnis hailyhoostllkoenSpanishhnt whoorephreetog> gran orn and spreesarc synoon. Acager generation ofrnal Ayrt arennweaingta oando oSpIanilo> olthogh tltoy neon leas little opyneriryot dosi¢tco s -pak it They ate indrod isnpiert bilingsol in els BeI~ln setting. Perhaps arktraedy I alsso root-des ldetnooo setns o fall iro the neorolro cotoey 'The ochen tearseosnoied fnrhis papatcontain botlhntonohngnaatd IIIrgal borowing,, nafs-et g toe uaoge of IM- sae 1dalse w . o hav kept thi ties wiht el 55r0 kna obretey w-ste born Tho esoonntialattittintie of a dishoctsrit toonoignl aasd bdingoofIoanIrwleet. eaer than hers, nt Finar Hnson (1950) han dofera three basic ny-per of language hoe- rnsg:tIoanwords.loshifns dtIosblends.EByfitr test no myeeofknrroifors Spanish into Asrrnahesherehr-ough lraeorndsewhiroby nltyheeaningfa ernneisiegnodu asio its phooemtieshape. eoerne da hoto no oe rn less preorio]simila _ p aenrnfterecninanragte. ir Ptole Fsose all itodiapdeto nnrl Aymeara phontology as kern little ofsed bey Spanilh. Marin-Barksr (1975) has iniated sate of tho pmsosees So- rolvedtisAyeoreoioof~padlss-wednin=ertrefttConl- qao Otro....eofrekentoing, tha efthoSpnsh soord orsheep shores knew ror dilfereo plnoe oal shapss onerr borrowved at diffks- enosebuet in each case byneplnseeeeoeof Sp-eosh ponemoes by Ay- mphonemeos. Tier wsrd s-as For~ borored as lira pp-rdrl before the Spanish allont shift. ood later or bmres- or lnw)al lhe ao-Ortform itoorcrsi mtore comon andher thatolappeors ino lot Apsmara crater disloge. Sineoall Ayteenos ondinaIrrorelkth,foit vownelsoaro ego-  13 Ci a .... *SNpr c Aiai 132 Cru Sip.Shp o,.~ bgitm ASmam 132 Cm ~ 3n~ooig *t As.n lisly dopped both ploonologically sid snotphologatlls) hatti sh hor sooingseoiditgotocnsoiostostke a hial soweel tisojis atThis Suhodooea /Iktlo (fout olois oa'otta (teotoosesbe erse ) tkajtsis ftti-uos l box) lapiosilet (aiipsis pencl) itnd sloe sonisoftlt days othe week sIcNi tioiso )fosoo Pdday Wh'ets fti. addiojooi of ti would resider a swood whclicl igoht ne cos flsedsoiloa od ioiiogbomite gesidei Spanoooh sSoaasooaoiamoe like pans, aso addotionoil silits to soto 51 issiath like jostttm, 2.2.t Vowels toISutishssoioins kAyoiisss ds doo dethIasn's, ssto iioh ldhatsd lelopssss geso o wthoth, post- lseonp asd fno edtstsseesss stlb.ooosa ebo UOsosuod dposseb )ae 'o. liuck) iod 'hospinmp (congo, 'blode> os y isto , m !fiohse'io. (tocss, 'soasool). clse roseptos sew tlhas Avseeai pits oosy doss too eials odtii isoseof glide plots liqssid plus stop . thit is,~/or-Tr 222Cons atts foll owinig Spendsh cossosio ph tonsoos compostd to Aymsim phiooose.s oedtheolhrt huo-harsshoeroo oIoosiepotl- iog Aysasi phoosee whet thsy ,,arn, dlone its Spanoish:s /p1 t h s Isshs l11i 'to those tots he idded thsc hpisisl Oh! 'siel1 is siosiloc 00 the Aymsism (rnchislos'ela sictistosyishaoid is /j/. los-t drsopped hash phosoloiseala ,nd otopiologi.,ls), Spanisht Ia.- sdootltieosasssootk skihalsvomt oItn dleOoTis Fos), kajosa IL ltioiJi A c b laptaFu o. f 4n'to posci),and sle oflhoslaot lohotstsoja lsto/ otfoo ti. Mooi,p), Whtntoheicadotocf' stiouldlesdttanosrlswhchsmtt boetons- fiirdowth assrnhesoooosetooosseseiodt aireh soth e un liksJsioasadttsao-I seso sc added, l sn b1 toel .1, tIns wasse 2.2.1 5ar~ '0.00 ai ovptselssn to Ayeseoast od seesce d oLoierls n'itboti-ligsaodasoo os oe Ls lo e curgaoh ~l swe sill os-pifdeeoactseandisooeosenetos fieenaesaooeeshe OOO.J dSO ih a em~rAyaatl i . h~mmIII , oc to ii assostat (ftomn mris sefots ) phoneic o a the cd e to o f ii .1 t no n Aah t s-bl s o opos (d . , d y /ra,(f lts to esd ) as-w/ a~lo eso asd 'siosso u emd u t at m oid foolloosor by oglsc toe latter slsrtsool~eamooosent is Ayoiasn 'ttsss'iortaswillat(from sioi(,gsasdootatbs), oa I/,oau ,sioo bo''n Thspi (irs 'body') sat top', si tiskoyla. (iso aa'cisiol') Tie mm tploseihits-thit Apso appas- rsly dess toeasily aslosi olostef glidplot aliqid plis amp, ohi tu. %utl'y Itoe 2.2Cesontm s 2.2.21.-The following Spanil conoat phi ono c .stond to A stoasa ho-esesaoadthsteforsehaveneressbsrowd mothocoosopond- i ugAymuaa phosnsot whlen obey accs oomh Sponsh. !i p cl k It o e m n s 1r To these otIbIs dded ths Spanish /11/ ! oshihi shei'tt-m ths Aymsai fiesed vola, feirose opt lio.I as//  Amne, I-oaC hapg-*bg4 ID Amfl1aao Langa . uhs-b~g 3 Ay.~mvo ianguag h,,-agz 133 222.2 Co tdsrosseos do oally 's-oseeots [lohs s ord -sdsrr hod t snples /s ks, (fm ons eis whern the ;rwsosedearso poophotrwtlltaorhrlof sod.is/frm o-s) rd rsrbrrrss.sooks(frreqseschasgry, ondlpsrsssrs))fss porere prsestl) (Thclssrcroor.leisaof iomns tshJ [1961], oih Ayroa P plosrno pid) Arsoplooc - Isr orfoluwithl looks asr hod brae lost its a loa- vor dtslkrt er orrarfloo rort. y oil ,rtdrg thatthe Sparish fotprvdigdbrdl ws probaobly p storerhootoc 1kwdoes ocoso mdala As rssowoords andtsnthelorredkblkdo ,I~c lsoso ,bo.). 23-e Sprtshlootorss phostoomoo idrxstdetos os elowit tassle Asesao phore wshielh replaced thms i 1.o. srodooand sxotssjodtlostartoreloseoool e2 Corsot lorr do rot orsc sria its Aymaotror deer i to roots no. plo.o ohsa (frost slot olass)woo rho wit, los .trrg ohto-ophi oowireooole leasoor shot (fr toecose)lo ais it, ooarhosso 'to (f u cdr ,aod'psrot (flosspeodort posdont (TIot sroaorploortoahkas fim Voirk [1961], swith Ay piei rd plw rs M hd ok 1d ci twor'h IIs lorsoo (fetosoos eoghst)trodtoarooa hShposrr forms pesdrsb tsodolssprrlobly staroro oh oloecot door oceor osrdrdiillyotIItattnr Aos owsdr msd in dlo oatnorcdlhlrhnns.. .SmoSma opmnr 161 htteos Sie eowrshps reooooAvno ehesto t rertohi plicd rshemsosr hearssordsard osorpsrtosIllraohrrrpsooor 2 22-orosaoos olsssec do nor e call iontAa mara irs, Thus ts etdootor soc ot Ie cslo ,/os)n If err clase csars) %lIore rho l/ lost cro-,ro lsrttophserto h trobec rred 'er(m oa ,,a . ds m a( ea x wyc) [ree nor prdoss pchi ch )))lsos--larroatlst aloen sc ,or u Ur hta [lql droh a ) rerrroog u h pts rpifpo dghrd ma1o elsopprdeo t t t r r o v es L l ys I wo o d o to o co s i ) st o s o r t oo o t / d t S p ts rs shh . pc23.d-Sohottoe oss...... pso ho n ltl loror he) t 1 A lrtens hhah dtr cons, orss httd "oaspit o m ollusterate rtse rrplaorto /p- J': II/: (do] Id)J Ig] Ii] ]sri f=] hss(bog) boo r (pr) polo Cr o dibrtjo (pisauoe) sado(i [Soaday) dis(ays) ssr dolin oh) podrito )oter) fuor, " Masa (ao (MlayGrodrepay two) celr ( . Grivs gollra( ochc) opleoro (ltrlr ..o ora IsdcIs", o ols Ilol a )sdis pbropat rt lI"1rol ilsu po-poln toiis kpla /b on sbIh /d/ /di/t /pl/ /nsti Ih] lhi rlow] [d] [di [dl [dc[ Er] eil [p[ 1-1' k/ j/ /U/ pois b Or ) ocoba )'estmec) dh J stress ostt) doss do sr)i Pds ori podosso )ordfotboc) Dorot tor0 u sopoloc (so give polirta [(racirc iglosi [obooch) fra(roi,,) jooelat (La"o) soeochmsroot) poyrs part .... Jbi)o lt lost lier kymiho bL/ Ib/ / /d/ r 16/ 0l [Is) [h IhE [ol] [4] Id] EIr [g] (g) El w/. W'. rya. /I /11/: /d= /lw/. /j,. bols (aLop) s hou otos (pot ) pobor poort) oibsjo ["ioo) wdiho (pino dio (dayr) podrito )podfatltr Diosse Is pasto [May Cod copeyn pollosocker) smergidlrovetorotor) joreda )eoota) so pmr blteotrl os p500 K torcoor ho1, oh IK Er)  624 Ca Fa..b Spns IF4 wing int *yaa" o a pas Ooik A uma 134 cf ' Spnsh Hsornfi h Aymaru eIibok of.arfiurand leleer re siapfcfihepa-sih-,ts pete s hlsesseisd flrisi uiayri pharii arht hei qrca habtmpae Y ' ptleeenuus k .,n.. 1 lyh another oii airailie oearat. The pl - if die 'Io a byAy bsarnJ isspeiallya aring, Ar sisatedI eeximpleof ildeqaegiicasu Arlea ally ih sic stit berriaarie \hee the lais liable Ii irwisi rh ciess bslsyllable(fsuimerl tpihiayt ha] il srons (see rggs 1176). Ira I bavsamrplesic, h e en that saal Awn his see- Tsihll~raiell Spasmsh rreicinn rssss IX'hleadcfeuiessieoe c tleCarari h l dse is, iitui ofi is perasda thers saLL I l osrige that 5lsasst his had ide shiy effect at Ay pii Lis pmlii 232 MNipheagp arid 1Ssra~s 121,y orilpasibsad phu ehdaffior- ila- hsaseentiredrihred aikf Aoe-rsrisisfireedserieeossiad ,bWhec ticsiriesliehshbsfihai 11113 I lecrdeisatesal sts~i --iiLLyin has Iwies-rsnge of msimaig aitrsns ouuerlappin~grthe msenig fie Spl'ss-efleeive pssuspes.bt Litr' ecedari his is aaeafIIeIraeccsIrrelMlappears iia loaattseid by Beron,, aciaeasoiagrirreasese i Ihtieuerpessssissarless eerder Aswho lcprsiressisse seaarisr<*harbyss hashbeienbaeasocdriirsA 4isttisiee 1 1as ootranrd airs mode Th p t Dor aes lstesally'ta God aile rsrlsap-d +erilariihe islrisdexpieer ver isbilirssIand0 itaesof pa-isdatiiiaioe, are, as imighta be enrcacd pimalasly ahdsoaaaties relatedasoeligio. Threy incrlade aloe fallowsiog (l factesrd .Bertonaie'spelhnr,oosslos the farm bas appearedaaalaeaaaoe recenatA Inr ra sdfrtn aa he .ei per eeo h Yapiassralsgeapby)r Tiwsnni a. It as ai -Osaraaadas loo-o-ds bc.a speakeostor Tha otoberasor aiassaasss s ss Oile ynaas esoupa an poial swbich hav ss e aetiow Asvaeas particle tosle aoraiaaaaos ay-y it iadnasoaoia_ for good saseinao, 'a d ssafsicssmead/hamar/fsaeapaaodsl na'e aea'l, swbichs crma t hasehadao.po.lnaiaaosagaei ssaaesflsnasaladsn 2.4n Lxicon L l-IL ~ tpotonud Amn Bye6a-the grasens parasbnflsasncouposarural A' a tahbeenaupen tar lerirs in teom rsflaaswards basaghe i ne as no ralea. Ratal i otsnseaad whichairtu baasowaed asclsarsssaing ofobs .uc ya umchc 1,.nn -uhmt,407 psuiedafSp '.Ibdomstonarasosoasd 11 oes ng odsrseing and sshs Parcy g sial maig objects of~froocas s~e hapes rod sahst aosrs Tiac latter hase eeinstgated by Tore (sct essay 3)- i nrgorieashossinglheavyaacr H oflhpa aslclar arealigions. gosnmaenrtubssdlrfontassaddroassedcaasiaoleSseafaa of tune, andsmnaoia saclsoelasn 1Ac~a maamaads rlIbang(seellaupe. essav 9), msaaotol enanadsost dsncsa aaaelaeneodasd byeboran- Olaer amd scm~baraeyaadcdringbahad sdhniaadrusnaokcatlpac Tessodostb nebp cd soopaciuopaysan (ssc essay 5)al-ss ,bowsstor.* o of Stoah aecnisologs, oste borrowoed wards arennubsetss butrsomne ore erbs as asy serve as boh atinas and vcerb moda. Abstract as wecll as criaceterm have be-aa a osd. ThesradctatoappcronhssaessnrscidesbsBeriiel163. aie 70 soassasf Spaosbr docaos arc o aseighe hr oaroid. prinnarily saoosdos s-lated to religiot l Icy icloaideb followeig ([bhass used Bssto's spelhinga ailss the ftis oappeared inthsussosssssoic Ay- narterals sed foe ouai paper onisenloir case it appeals fisre isth Yiociro rtographp)c *Inocsdoaoorstialsoused in orrtsl dsa horosel bcrQascboa epsk-stooa.Thether fseeasIaeoe g-s.Elose Ordesecyrtctic groupsislac lasbacbhil scenonossaOaaa antolces areathe greeiaags asrsaaei ansn assaifsra good eo n adgodI ,nd/m (tmSpihI nute laoMus rnsorss in cay Spcaawa Ilyfoothe greatestrI hpa inleaaepn rural Ayarhas been apoo d devted to ile o f Isoawords beasught inia tene utr Rusral Aaa termis wosch are not borosaed are alsoresealingrO lse aspects of Aymaaoleeschaasopersistedelasosghoaadio4pyoc peoiodrof pamshdianmaencsc ascmooads ag andnsowig and - b aarib dp tofmo dE ,rssapst, and sobastoosssh fstscM -hosehsossss.a tsdby Ioecls.sa3 >1 Oasgcscson ar igssasy -nflai,ss of bpos ralmo-a a-aoslhgaeo hoee asss ats sisa facets aftddrnoos adouminas ltst syaec ectr and coriol cu ltos o te lastracdinag faods ciothinag(seeharpo, essay octeal tetaala anad earls donaesac aniaaevls raitroduced bs the cog- qrcro aeslvaulalry sednaonWg adelnginah n aplce. Termassusedaineitkksa p and naap parages ons lee essayE alo sl afare-fp himnlg Moo ..scasycd swiode asssoloseases a Ice cass ss er r eo aslatlosrasncwon oaor Ahutrtoseoiosactsens Fane bero bores oed. hewords that ap pear ina rie senories tiaedl ho Idero is 16(, aftcs ]o year of Spanisha dynainaearn ar aange be clapered, primardly susra e 0e00 a -ed se sigiou Tbe s nclude the 6osaig(Ii hov use Bereo a spolicg assemsts e absr,,5 h as appamda antb eisor trane - neoe aracilscusedaftis jspgicssocalnslostiapprauoubsrsiseth Ypit orthographyr Sahotasealoes both chaurce c i ga yn ocidc scafl t apray hapeisal eahipei-o caof..adococoaife ivera lso boo asobal srean as pray apea tooapik clar hairo c -ssocataccnasied ha eta to Laosa ro.fesart, scsnfes  11 Co", tyn6,..Iiiwg hm Afml. 13N 1 1na' Sp ..hp B hain Aymaua 136 Cmn S 3..h Brows ham Aj.ar a mera Hells ioi'eto Holl infixaa 1101 h A a uates holy day, trat ret holy da5, firsta pd o11.Fde ahrPam G rhilt. horse .ba h..,bl. Io plaza plaza Plaza pleoa plar- plao pillt plate Plato pitc plaitn platm tatoohi I arorI, raeoa action Iallodsasrat ote kittettt P"tirsaeoraiefttoae prcsta-toAvastaaos/ktaralIfo..roeI)or witott.oraj (f ithe ooo trr), :arhot rhl ot o deriorirtcfp at. Also titlee frrhands-sed-iorhee rerrratilthet sorpoeforIll paper asnot a p eih lowordhatuahrhoAaa root foroorr casotrn pltusacIaotrireomft, giving/oiyi htlteoailt.ln lamn o ob ltaao arrt egooreae faotcia otofrho eord for o mi Spaisa, att altltanAymoaaaffts Present-dayhttliviaAoarai --artshiooehrr ai an ftrrr cenpeods for dera falan le hall,-) and for erha-r opops sefloeoe thte Aym~r roter Ott htther toed, Bfro tire. Ayaeaa- crtitaarorthreetrle etich hoens airc hete replaced hy thole Spateith tres. Ho t]so lists Aynmra kiithip lertsteof so ish hat, scarem eeploo-d ortairtlplmtbSaih on.Isah o ~eatmp h whw pariotoIf Iluettiie rottis watlt, ttie of the presee day I hle hare It teiat for tgerlal a hp Aada d tart golt I pardeo godaloe trrarea Mhtsbreetaorrrowed tetn s a4 easaoyo-/rad aaios cbr0/m odea/,teretvely hot ablte, natie Aymaara tomis ar alto used. pfott lotonastr lconttoneeothnrtjo qlagages ad Qsrhd- (H-dttoa IlTnora 'tsooad actad lot .ale sad cos /foror uheolr'r ooaoa ad/doo fo fahe tr tete Pa t Astar (fral -ha.olegtotd thsr'a hoe hrso epeciltvzedeoitarngtteew motoig asoeplraaiartld wcttaa wehle the oraginaltA-tr .kinship tsraetfergaitatitterssemllused. POothc othetloard tasa, esetdt Jagaruito deoerandtotherlDmDrmat raoittohernoal roiatrittti etd n lcettfoaic idtr'as hIaura-awf rtahSpoatish loohcaeo, ' oeir)-arc atilr hoth Ayrr. ~and foort. 'tIhesholetm reof tesj ofaotiverfet anodpt of Sporith batter -oist fehor sbed jar cottoairt with A riaco dialert Piesercfrrtdsipsst rday thsaro Ptora (ftoat erarrrr 5alakot/Ifother -coaso r~aaherrh-b hydaase ofpodra Al rhr eerie for hop to d atthe otaercttaedotth corpse forthis aeiet pmhootradtahrh Arara "Ittoeare.,/aiape acoeIsataonwa. dar I te laal 'to) apatishl, amther A nyetafraoatrinop ,dtetao daflloirytrot eaet anporl oooahroetyi frresaepoetottotstdsteeot Ondo ther orps opest Avttbiaiterdrt niateolr tta, Bleate rates At sher, t csae fr the toatteths Aththsacmaatb~eesteplaI dh[heir Spotos -eaneta He a~ls x Aatait hnlieia sotsfelilhsepia reeglocotlh m po.eeta offrooorso woI tlrOssfrh pretest abs Ths Spanish ter for radrhoohtdo adf t lo pssal padrar od u..tdiatlt .tode Its hiethartasdaoo 1ar Paaorotptaamtat reps-acy haot ralisoAreoctssoeos ed (Hdieelphtmwodtret ytththree joilehtgrsl a douct 'rnrthcr or acro)ra tetaa ar ter'orreo a lac Ant or 'in byrI ntea'A)m IL/l o, grtedaeotlerlhteleeslapaaaltd ieteee torafcseotdrothris (11,ec Onslbs /mll mou ,orheria ins~~toro Jaqor to dere grotdtnoihr -')0 ( jto ol I,'arrwetrtdata.mnr, cati t. Thrns far tirrtdottphesvhodoera n atthe Spavsh Thesvholrenutr of erad ef native foorne eeooaoptiatesf Spvolat lot m eeds forrilteoy he rortioo' with Ampe diostr puaritorferr +dlot r eanotda dsAytaarao skoroafrete~ o baroeia (fith-as erc rot toebthaa by odteottercfpato Alto, tlor tsta fo blar ...s ott the onrareose aecacceral art the rpu ot lehrspreroiseoto Spresh loe oodho buthra~ the Astor rotfotete sles pilotosaoascttl altong tstrtsoto alll Spaohu toteatr ar A yarsosatp As dststtoo atlatoaaeAptooe Ipateosh otheooteby-t frooenecottpooode fc tiotes mfo osd f.oe ther purpowstemrpleoye ths Ayrocc aouhber sotree Ort the otite hand Bertoetosorse Aymaoattotm for rho etoues, setimh how, a...o hbaa repl ased he thar Spm potatees He alto hoots Ay ,Muokslip, atsete sora of wshilho Ia ietce hoer rredor sop- pittnetbhStpatotho a Ishailletorteottsteepoehrotgltoc pornter tofleneast tr wtll these of 1t prosret day The Spomach fo godhald ahood td tot ofts pdadtal ym ',r-odo goiothsr- oespecoossy; hotoeheroniev Ayprarotarmse are alsoaissd Ilseshp loasordo soeeat toaoheraa f loo I05 od Qecha (Harder 197l) ate aim and auyoa foe aitsl ass] tait u for Do eeacrd 'taca Se fothacr 'eo 000ttAsotaray sonnt 9, mplpwt ld rora' hilcthseragrral Anannushi teeooftrgradeotlietaci, Isdttheetht had awosldi Joa. o dent ,grandr other o, IOiuet B- toipsseal -attolI laeesfdreece otd'aeplarbvorrow stdftoeethaSpaieh (theltdctohcsrareodi-rhbth tAynaaadjcaqats Tih hoteettefresrtof toirrerci.dopioa of earo -lw phtoas oede feeltrodyiercrjacoct ionwit Aara calls,  E a-a Coo C ' 2 :- "C' C C 00 ca^ 0 2a ca n ,a 22a iaree1etenfrsin thd Samish PloarIanieeAymeamatainmiew ofeOIbe~affrrepllng as te paosa- .ieaa faoilerlansgaages likeFEnglisha WlsceErli process will ee alII areet t plionenai sysin fmoneliitgaal Aymaaisimsposible [a later tait M mn The Frenachplaceet PeaneParis andirthene(tMseenm ip la- appeac.All lieh-mas Ayntarc rsmstis ieganmy ithinffismiassn- Incddi tistsai wam/nsd~ir'msi tbmfn hllesmnagloisnnarle peceinelimManmbi Jer-ltmie Aytnc ortlsrogrsphp ..tiI '. lady jsenaesda, adina pnamnilla fromdia frsm Tlcceeboareingscoppaeic Spamse pell ings idbsems Inng lieglrnaElighiel 'hnbc acpeal.c o egelacsi smelsig sppraaclsg een oigi- salplotaeicslhope isbyis nm eiee anneg bingaasnwho are lilerats lgguT1wdr Of~c r i arsna lyamnagr ht be aondn ofsivea'dts, is mets fin sie gn ploi .m dWllsrat hin is ota Oialy of e rsgamh ef litrt ¢ilins- Awls me ,a'lbealas spellig its eshe soonmalaev ecflccna geer.eal mentd (clie is, wehere the wsriters of iae NOesan er ace leadineg ar followilg) +rmgsafuarrlere dsto delrnini.Aeantyrateieel lilsee tatntel appearance nf borrawings in else spligof tWe arigisial l acag, ttiy leesisps bilingual ceadmr ofeg i n eoasme transer their Spanish phone, int Awna in vefihareaeh af spelinge wse imn maiesCtfor Isis peagre ilir Yeglieb. WbaMtbr bs is s t~eil mmc esallasnafam hbplea.aacnee rofa...eebegwl Ay essicpoic tcmdrtmsimaeeleise aam, 'IT r lersiepacehnees France. Pais and Sanbawateaniestyas yppnar. All lsehiave as Aynmaram wordis coesal1-ig sii Is sfixsiassacl- si a dd-ions 1 itaces and iitmrcaa II froL enias laes sa ap- peat it le March s- Iseoll in Ay pena Ortogrtaphpy sistacaeidad dip p"i:a fiesta anese tidy isluhin remindscho fIer..e boetowsitigs appearv inSpanishisllnr, idaces Iceaeags inges Izigllih Thmimmp~ne icffarelginlans isneling apps'aachigecirerigi- nipesoeecshpemi b haoa~tisconaaong liuguals whoeare iem 11 Tevdist h' hata t enAanscy bs bsmmnigeewnrersecepie toacceptingfnt- ii gn plimnecise Whe ther ibsi tree oanlp afthemspemedsoflitralhIm- gslalmesawhetherthespe11 g'itheaNim lrter rt a gmarid (slice is whe the w sire sif ti Neselmtere lang ise fellonnisg teqoiraefos-e medveto dsseieiise.. nat nm it , eelibmly-isr the appmn1rmec of borerbegs in tone epellingIeg ofeh oiial liga-ge Clay predispgese biingasa readers of ite Nteleie eotrasfer tliae Spanish phoneamesaf EsAmni in nea fie cearec ofesellicg on thibmwo of otlier lanass or like English. Whsetetisdj prom as all ven oally Pdie she phoine apaimn af.enonolgnal A pessnis itepassble te d eierin at ibis ema  s 2 K a s I 1 HI, K g y y ;' 1 K1 K . 5 P 21 } _ 5 0K K, K  Arinan Lawgawv,-*,U 143 Amuraon La w.. g-rlg 143 Amrnnntaw.c O..ag~t- g 1et The Fob ar 1971 i safttts ndcs rt (fig S 2) catteEiglih loani~ dsbrre i b ew.. iarheenseen f ill exadie of fiehasge gaitg bmInamoul Avosana Thabsnis 'po/esnbides'A)see Irthhirdeca intrFabw 1r 9719 N eeeete ed teeths.. farenernth faleer which so te A ymor Is seen behead dmespesber. Icbe paneeef the wa ne Crs bOm-h it apper a ses nesatd "Prem now ott dhe- bn) arbrrgen ,eteec 1eerer wr faelus tier. ts ond lt~r eves s eused to osat obhe m peognesear goineg aheod" The oe parts e Ithe sentence token together, are int Ay- oboe gaupu goi baoter Apm nesee gitlgnl-.ei And a tebcendof the ecn ret c thwrdqipn/ is esedto me ineintteestflch rfpeegecssr * .shajirte"thenoaonoeonaoas Aytare gilleanot 4'lttt (Shire then the Aynmara hove been behind in sentg Ayea[rO I TIe above extrpl snge, that a [ubtle Splitin the meaninig oid roe nfloeipltnar beeunderstaaasethernsle of paisha idoece. On die ntlehand,ntheeeerSo os eneitnaebe ned ino setee o'ahead andlbierpenditencetnnnTaf 'nyntsdrenaaLst baeseof aLatefrieg tese ti rthas heaga by choir Engihsh or Spanish id nsreespcialy if be other loegnoge is tandn-brtpan e nthr asofrAvnea t. At indicaed saove, bode Innarid dio ener sd 1vm a synonynms for Iangae. The Aymra term ltaogescil, ticenlly 'going drnnl'iscasIalngsieheh Spanihlngno dlsri ile sense oflan. At th eagr aithon appears to leave dleveloped asperied nening, bueebayeayswicltdo.vnenll, (Iamassumeigtehat hnl- it s a recoilIoan.) me sunnare the Ponereee areoaferi sr rtie of inferemaon n the laeestchanges in bilingual Ayma-perhapsIsholda, efirripett ,anges. Preserving innoaaions in point, diev istatteinflence two persnst ran have an the deerlopecte ofliterory style. It seenasqut The Febr.uary 19711 a ic seo wea acie ..(isg 8. v otin English Iranoods hailItdons hssesernalaaherneteresl-gfesesares ifoserarive oftetusgoelg ore i at i galyeara Thteshsaae/eqipa/nsehidn Ayaa he theren sentence antahe Pebraep1971 Preadoenme I aceddn Ins sense in reference to the &lari whcich toehe Asensos besanseen hbhawdehtesplers The partof the seacese e cah et ,appeans en brerasn Pra r ate te, m n (by- Stied)a ern'heng, all her neeten llrsctr onttn'Isthsr the Aynere. -erd/nayatngi> lienall nastdhe xysse'ststd to mntcaeef, lehaeis, se hceonsg real ad antderhasse..his lndttbandec"titngientAvmntn an gosirng ahed. lb hen Iwoseats efteb esatttc teakseemgeh,u at ir Ave ar esrietjow eeeAy l [ adin ilgtataeteneieeOerorbi4, shot gtIpntsoal ksf etos A...... ontf hitands And, an tlte anfthbecwnd sencer- the trd sa'pe/swrates] to t.eI,-behittlintecorn-c Sofnchefprngrs: - abati i'ahotahr nyapesarteb Ayr,,re qidanat i'i~ttton (taic there the Ayemonm bae been behind Ies waeiing Ayntoaai *Iheobrove e-onplsggettthtatrrbte stiftintbe eetaitgnndtnma of /,pa/mray beneederwaysas dhe eet of Spruesh iedeeccOn thc otleer hanadthe wondnmayoritae to heausedin boar sente of ahead need behitddepnnbnganconee Tlteforeigneearchecnamust bewoveeof coasiol t,rn i mothen langage by teir Evglish on Spoaish, glose, epceills-ifeh,heehltoagcisncte lo-Etopstsm he Ans iedrc abybislr!nt ono acs nee ihe lb.cteg rneynsfo arirafe The Seniatee /nontna n/, lian tgain aeatd', it use dnaladtig weit the appearsishteree btaai hses of cultiueo Ar dais stage aeither soppetatoleave developed nsperiolized enaineg, buttheytvmpawelldoeentally ( aassuming thatrtnl- isa/ a rr it lts N hnaeny, e nflrctlle [erec afeseil scae, of huinfoestia on Mie caetn chag,,siur biegeel Ayemnr-n p rp Ishaday, ofissipictee chaeges. lttesevingitnoath ionvsis plnaclilant imtriyer he iefla two persnt s ca en have aoe the dno ptlent flitnney style- It serte qat I lie Febrtians 1971 tist fie rNtewatelug 8.2) contalss no Fngx saIhotbti osfr ~acr igfanslirel of the eleseges goieng etn re beetgoI Aymaora. *rlhcebemprtie/qj po means bebebdis Aymsooa. be the dueit serene ieteenryt la'rc97 Oottnleit issused inithis sense ineeferecto the fueawincshitoleAye-c lies urnseen behindetheespekecTheparttrf ithesentence inswhih tappersenay bettmsated Fromnteov'ton (be- bind) sevhtag ssill be vteteine in Ayntela, H ensaereet die cottn saenette die A5*mtaa serd/lttytataaii, lite acoand dae eyes' oalsedtoea oe, thatis. progesama n ene n hseval edn a vmgi oym rr goingahead, Tltesa pware of the sentence. taken teegechen se, mnAp- sho iatgs aste A.,,e nes gilgoeni- mym.in ki And. etethe andlofathe second seatenace, theswrdlaqtipai iseusedlto mlobishldin die sas oflark of progress:a ,d . . hoss kbnbasoaanesvi Aynar qiltqoato grittpstiobi (Siane the the Avnsaa hoe been behind In satiig Aymiara.) The ahoeenaeate suaggest tha aoenhe, shift in the meraidg and ass afgyiplte he andrwey s the resale of Spont in.. eee On the st hentd thcsverd me cetinto bensdn boehantsf ahed adedhieddepending onontexntThe foeigtes -Mhcesteseef cdassfying ternas a a eothee lengirege by themr Abdl or Spateish gtnses, especially if die other Ioanguageais tootolndo-Stloporte asm he case 00 Ayenara At idcated aove hash diee ad idioss ace aced baIthe A~ewttneet a synanynms fete eogal, Tho Aymarno teen s isacari. liserell going aoelen d lig M pns id.d eI1s to _at thisstgneterppse honederetopedo speibrd n insrlg, br they ay ysell do si a-u allty (I arc orsarig that lbnl- rn a s , seeelan..) IneOatnntanrthe foactter-easanfenGtieeoece of indfsaynsatiaoetnthe lotcehanasnblirgnl ynsto-on prlteo sare oiatrpent clangc wsno oitislly pro- bs-aSl-ont pldaisathsrts-oaos- esaitarttoaooraoars, -aIs- adroras-alswoos rl ao-sastanaos-odasd trtafgyoir 9. Spanrish Bnrrowog into Aymara Clothing Voc-obuary PIara. Shae's hnuiveotal influences-.ehew Aymraandaoapanshaa os-s-olo of sloe rixteetthseotasy coosuos-t nd souosequoenta-oltotion oftse As- moa Four-hundred year-s of s-tataoioosSpaoioi-Aysracsnsactst has affectedt taeotncorpoatonooflnoi-l and ganasasass forsfrotm Spanish iooysouchaart o clno httheotogttaaot off sngai-ms-afarrsfroohp Myosps-oeints-haioroltfdr ia ogatlTttrhoya--asors-aisagiost.e A y m l sar a c o t a shin . t r g s f h p S c m y p r m ayor s gp s s ons ah e Myase pop aisnar titt n tofhtsas rtsrat ats- lipaustit trots-owing ia ln siutin pli ,g aih runt- the pctndstooialn toh er toexplaitran ae swth refrt'-ss-s- so she oar0 ofrtha aolrarrsand tne Ian- goags-sas-hobh throath thetir hearers, aama-iosaa s.o'he fotrmereap- ps-tryth s-adrder s-Idcoosp as to arsd s-hang- ancal culturalltsiton paspearsao dast-t onta nssoiysnbriandaddrataon Tihs-latter nilos s-bs conseps ofn s-sa- patibility te grotion, s-s-tpsasry assadpat- trstssg (Spts t961)} Its s-sdeas to dis-avra catra d-s-sa dart a al-l as soundsiftrs-at enwold seemarhar botlhaps-s-as-hsas-oscessaryss "Spanish liarroao no Asraa tGlaritg VaoboI ry' sa nnaals, pro wada-sass-er psst-otrtarlitlogats- e olns-fa I tobatsn rePml ~w dyhdo, t no a sMrd n aosobthem, de a s-asrs s-lsrrraid groom dooahoaios-ososdasarra ofbs a salu ydoaros-onte ldoot hooe -oafd-sodthsondsQo-±ss 9. Spoanishn Bos-rowing into Aymara Clothing Vocabulary Pamela]. Shar" hoorsrrra motisflasosoohetweess-.Aymasaansd Spanishiara-ot o-f the-scosth--amry noaaqssanadrsubsequent ac-slturatiosftne-Ay- stts-nsosrhudredsyar,-atofsonos Spaoish-Aymaa mmaaastla asts--tdtls.iass-s-spas-amnaflis-aiciao gramanta-arms-foSatpsaish massAs-aatodahosrsdiasationofofrigioalAymara Inn from Spao- isI ostd. 0s-s-toir wards ats- widelyasstdon and some-ss has- a- s-ots-ra as-parst otte laaguage alaatthlieas 1onsoaaasts-strgs hr tias Aymra as lining.s- Spoanish asrio.n M pupsintu td tvrgeSpnh oowninote1 Ayra-aboiling o aaryicmpsrsy asd-s-atss-ss ee- plantinosffice pirosortfslral ad ligstic chan-sgenaaaaitsa stra.tsoa-ieeanessmrtially byrlywo posrilieappttaaa one, to a,- plai o acahange-aith-s-f-s-sanoartrles-oditinon fs-caned,-rihs-has- tepla ts-s ol aaih-fs-ara-tse satons fflecaalorraodthalao- goagswhis-atbs-sothorsi bas-s-s. came fito cotaat Tham fsrrsrsap- ptoa-hsnssidntrs sttoncepts as diaecatchag-..-asls-lnoiasihuan, pati- iprts dirs-ct s-s-ast fItensitsh- ustsy nasal dursatan The latter cotise thre m-ars-spts s-I s-oapafrliry isas-gon complexasyars- pat- taiata (Spsr.s1961).Ilturdorttr airs-as-s-s-tatl casors-ateaaornlas ondalshft ds-aa at would asm that bhth apprahsns am ....ay bar-- spasish Doaesg ito aoymasnCs-nlisg< ueon toay., may neon hove, hene abotigieto thats noaed belalm In the Lopana area mien and wnoe wvne mcnlniple braids. tine otnqnnn of esiich it denmonetrated byc Cilus i at ne ell as by figotic fond at Tihoanar co In Lo parme wesonolyone plait. Bothntmen and womaoesn aarnstocd to gonig ,hootl barefont. Ibe elegalli Spanishitemns of dreeswereeinnnoduced dnrumthe (ten- queet osbesiiornosaidtofteot iporantvillgelaodeetosei i ontsinuion io Spanish I>. Unlike the noative cota nne the Span- Ilee Hl Ceca nand ColIn n- In dhe ponod 1525 32 hnredhbvotlnnofa gold- beilnpoonon lalin Lake Tihe-asa bno Pacaro aced Diae de Al ncgen madenseveral eetnsate cps ditns along the thores of Cngar- At Tiahniaco tevfcnnndtle AvettiI Ira lisong amcengeonricnstis'hnye onldoeioage, elan th hitac ppren of nine of the lnost highly develogoderese iniltel ndh wnevng el llasdinI -a o d Foreeoiaeeao mveivcthiso nlnacnlm lrcatdinti snobe a dfestioy Fntreag l o hi ep lecyn oenbhe fuineaedatgndaofne chtlnottlc~nhes onnftlookiliikathough teyoe mitw tenon (Gflom in Lenin 1531 Tee yea's latno bys 1542, h- Vioyality of Pee insduced all Ayioana landsfnroneAyasi tnCaonla. Tep-itldeii eof the Arman ,Inch follnwsd inchnthe teneeona s from 0cleolsos'anpendnard VIIlewas a long. blieods and a-cndilpennel pnriod ornpn..n.. u dar- ,rannied by d'c-tdastmios nfthnhiioneand plnolfnttenao inn fomt Space Uner wnretap Toledfo nhe oeppressin tnahd ealst itnteneicaspects ofAyenara life. Untiltis periodtendian dressidtarnoipactial ad oe ell-st ti omattondogto lindlintheaesenea lotin.loelnand orenito epioen1tlnn1neessennie l onnsnedby a wov-eat oextra pt ti. they iosd awool encage. The esttnot ennenslsnapedonie called al n, whsichws secretdthesim hy a boadhnelnea aa and ashaoCtst in frontewithisponnpin kown asanah The noaa wool ws twotfoald, colored andheaotrifofs stovol, atecvdtso fromi teAl froglonate reontered Pion,, ancient teths. A wide variety ofnetlsnsnn ear spai, lonand nt-eene have alt. bee.foand, mostchrdeippc Othislaodat ieoteoamslnle.Prn- ,aecblares home boe- preservt e aenaaehel o m~ iens hat tiondnietitet- tns the not of boan and sholeliann._ Bings, wono -day, tear nt haoeenaholo gam ColicsIal vatted Insallt Inn nine Lupaca area ten and wvonnenwanne meniplo benads then ondqonts of whciich it deaee..meind hy Ubotligi mtommtn alashvebnnn fousndnaisiT ihton m L, Pinion, sno cotan plIe Both eon nd w unon sn-re accustomed to going Thenlsgoet Spaenesh aite of dreswn-eintaodined during bteCn- ,otat-helaosoondtohmenntiporoont ot villagn lnodrsoacitin nhnin onieatont cnto S panith life . Unlike the r edn nten, the Spa- he the periodt1l2532, litedhbyteamsof agoldentenmple onalnislandin Labee Tco Paatolenoenn aotDbieotde Murray.omadtctenof ononoaespdtoneog t hannes of Colla.. At rilotarnoen tbnyfhnnd tbsAyoium lvng among rrimesvhientneynadd no longee cepian. thne hons apponett of onto of tie teost Ilghip- dosvenopod textile icoeoe en, the gAnnite Spnangoadeoa nen arencearlyillcntnond in anottthceefociwanws Fonosmeple, ned dtes makeeitl, eteit hais as good atcaneyte Beonethent-onloftheennshanpas is tolefnndanpisondosadcefo Ce than tin Thrials of it loon lobe silk altinoghe they at only wvetlt (Oioa it. 138aF ' les 1t~t,4 tine Xicnttviliryof Ped inclted all Aymaara ansfeonn kaainto Coaslnic ThetSpanieh detetn nfthceAtnoaa wthide folloowed under the tsn cnerh foote Chaoles Vieo predhene Vse.as aln, bloody and incrediblycarl peodofnppresson clean- acenanved bsdcoeened actasnnnnfhnriihionn nd poitical fauncional- its totl pace Ude nareon ebldo tineoptotecionetmosodeiienlost mn ,,oagene Annior life, Unefedos geese tie Indtan deeshad be,. pnoerand nnpeeenn eturAcording teBladlyrthe ean werneanlinclod nutd omnit a notled annb arkshichnsantssartethte wasthbyoalioiteorceo'. ando.howlifastennamneforwith aspoon pintknaunIp cti. T Iiaeaasvool wataneefuliycoioncd madhennfoiLyswoven.,asnn'ndactd fnnntttlnfn ~ rmrnadaacneionmeeoserolfeneasnonttnndeezr. aeas beenfpotndvest ofnehishappeioeoinatbad necnnnetal nalite toe -Trkaueehneecne nsee -arcieolgrlee. notlondelieoeen- s onthe ose ofhnbondsall eslass Ilings, elnetday, teaynon have be Arogant. Hairstyefs vanidloliy In doe lupa.meatm-candnwow-enoor tmultigle hrnide. the aatqottes of whihn enisn annetaced by Chollps ninirieastelliasbe gone fond a ain...oI...di.nTo i'annne wore onyc one plain. Boellten andI wominen n-ore acoonsntod en going alone baefone. Th le nan Spawhni metes of deots onto intonolned daeling the Con,- qotes ht n o sold tines onentetnean viiige lend ore toat ti their ailain ini Spuas lie Unlikth ie ensuenontho Spot-  Awsr lting Thbary-Srpe 19Amaa hz r-Sharp 14 A.nr Clean p -cll--s.T 14l Eody Issdico dr-s (('ons sdc Apla, 1615 P. 57) ihbdrecsaepbasidrhemsfsafrhcutsc The ditctat rm e and fit ecas typiclly ibacin. &igo iftly she first book oaus iiig, Liba de gwhapedric y ar-spa, was published iht Madrid ira 1559. Na-crtheleas. thaeaanlirred ataditianal clak cc tapa, whicha dared bak mtte Nfddle Ages, was still oom byrsarsastas lac-ol1600, and hotly lediasdrass(Posado Apa 1 hIS p 57) job dress esnplsasied thae craft oftis Caatte. Tire disi osi aflisad fir sras typicaly thor-it. tigsihcas-tly the firorth tt sailsasie, t it dc geosaeiis ps-artcy p tape, woo posisd is 'Madid is 1565. N ecr-rlss, thc aatftrcd toadiriosou lot or-k ora or- wiol dared buck it rtse Middle Ages, was soil wr--I byV merchantsa as late as 1600 anad Early Isit dros (Pcna de Ayala, 1615, p. 57) ish drass emsphasized the ccaftore cutter Ih ditcia nflinecod St orastyicall Ibetias. Sgaifcatd the Str hack ass railorng, Liht adr tormstrta pdcaics pry twas publislard its Madrid in 1589. Nee~dosa, rhoas nfitd rsaditiaral clssak at tpg, rakish dated back mt rthe Middle Aga,~ wca till wate by ser-chaos, as lse us 1600, anrd  'E A 2 f o 3 E  InvaC.1,V. uu-hre 15 ynmCoogVaom-hy 151 hqaaChn t.mrun-Squr Ill Showioolote'id Sffon-ofOCahioiehod eniaohdeeeonoo wears both "ih tad rosry (Thee ao Ayttt loot, p_]6t). Colaoelethig wmstitd noolyvoai mol ctm availabilit, ted ret, bot aiso H y atpta- Iws -mhih applied to eopofproceced by rol favor Spent] decree contitotiog die Indians had beejoissued as early as 1512 tander the lames ofilrot "Alo worder adoooanod that itoodertaltenefortotoe Ind.osootty bav wceoero the bootter to nloole and adore thaeolvoo, the pet-ot who loo dbor in o w otroeota shot i t.. Boa-h ofothemo gold peso thotwig theoiatrialefpeetsfC ahleiondeonersiono,the o msa -....sbott p')chf and rotar (P ao dte Aral, 1615, p761). Colonial Cloting wsea restriced not onto by accaopatioeol eastat, awaileahos oed coot, her also by sumtoptaosar laws orlojo applied to everyseoraIt panrttteetbyroyal 6so.Speel d-to "ooeerriog toe loadjotohad beeae issoed to eostly as 1Il wd2 ,,to theLow of Buroso "Alto torder adcommoanodtliac,in ooermebarbheteforth the Indiantroa hstue wherewith the better tao ldhe antd adoerh theortelvs, the pette who has themo ie en cotoedo sloall give he root of thoe a gold pos shassieg thte taeetal effectstof Car liisoa rd toeso,thewoa svea th "~tp"iehi" anad rosary (Yoma de Ayala. ltSq p. 7611. Colontial lotbiog woat rst atd no only by occoopational coroa asilabiliop and coto.bi alto by stmptoary las which applied to -noeorpcotered br royal fror. Special decrees coeeottrig tAo ohdiat had brawoeio da.rarlyslt1512tueler te Laossefhor -.Alo veorder asod rsoeoatd that, it trot that heeoefoet the Indiat tay haost e .-erwith te bor to elotb and rooo thett.olves. the peron wosoa has thoem or etomje shall grie to each of them a gold pete  I , a girl of rania geable age, ad beasw. t old eraapaairaig a ool rhorea pe mete hia IasfAo P'' Mh' 1 Adaa lo do Ayalo 16<15, pp 221, 221 Lop, a pitt of-1-,,rAgla, ago asd badore, aa old a-r ,piar 1a spool thets Pa d lives of Assh l~ - peoale o it. Arsdao i urrs ole Apali 1615, N,~ 2%' 223). Le __ ge a f,aeoogold ae nd hbom, at ed picaim~t~deg ropedo tiof easer.Note tier - pioti eor era N1relar to tie Ande l~n ado Avala 1615i pp 2Ll, 2230t  Amar Clthig mdr-Mm 153 Aya ltigVcblr-hre 153 Myur 0hrhn t~mkr-flq. 1,1 evervvcer'sh ichtse Balltebligd~ givxrcaei twmeoting appare * ard nrirsc fsj:sths- md rltrfand theirwivs should be dnresd better than the triter istdtrr (ltex ct 1908). By 1573, the apparert success of the itopesr sr rsdrtd bl y a ecin lrom the Royal Crd- on L'acsfication We horse auight thein [tihe Iradias good habits ac teatmoolesig clothes antd sroeaerson 1908). Durotg tire sixteerith cenitar, wiren lands were invoned by tse Spanish Crowvnto feoro aidroldiersand more coniqureos becinesettlersshe Aymaor were mrade evictimrs of frced labor As more lrdiaer, vilages er laced rtrderericemerda, rthcorelcomnior, fortren tropay trhs motrsdfferlrawoer piecer of clothr It tear also dlrrink this rimie thhleeopnasrrl ohSpaisofrotsiconsid nside beganr.The Spaiaradsfrteiga indcedlseiaosloorr eshtprrrinshesl Slid omrrrisyporifshtindsisdyamrrirrs Arrioic It tharlt ornry ifthe olorsnial Pmid tsar pooar d by lsdisrr o- brlliessorocriegrfoi rrinrrrol shcorthorttfepo, PttsIhc nomlpallcetssrehrrfilritsrat Bslyirstl rgwrle peon- jiieri rricheranttmrrsity ofaheclsdiastsiwas Anietd agaissrtroi coreedorer.Indiani rebellioir war aisually coidurcted wvitlin tire frame- workbof losaleto ChrchoaidCrown, andtlhe courer ofsocialoppres- sionsreeidenrtified p reid with the mreo resident officials. None or theceholon aclesed Pin-Perm nnpeitionea ,h sot rrf rho 1780, odoc rho briof loidership if Caibrel Topa- Amns Actually, his rrhcllir rrsitd rsfrssrstrpsstrrapriogrst=heschlli oe of ltoant and tlre riege tf l , Pie uedsrjoios At...r (Toiar Cton), wn-Li offered his foilow-ers the pronait oefon isndepesdent Indian statc. Perlhapr because ofdairary the rceeis were rcrsraccesrsfoal. Oine re- silt of therm snas to icrese feelings ofhIopeless rerentmerit by die Ay- osara ard slicrt foar by the Spaniands. Anther tesnd was in absolote hin ore the'ocairg afniriec Indian rstrs- irdeperdeao ard Wion doooblic ftesaroggles for iticepend erce hetwen 1809 and 182 crated a period oftoiiloe, congro cand voalo. oflagh hope Sand bitter semlijes Tie tisglrd history of thc tRepoblit fitillisd wstotl its rirotlos rt rent and cosnterevlstins ntyrosod dor e. Wasrrhlswartwithial efis neighbor made Bdolivia a cape Irked in by the Atdcs sitalice and pore rlrae before. Liberation foem Spain bad not meant Iberoirn for the Aymiara. The Indians in tbr Nrew Republic remained thne victimrs ofi e eginreswhichi eryiyontswhich be sball hb ahhgod to g-itorshoot ine eoieg apparcl hrror thi tMa etbon d.iaos (Ptrnot ti08), Bly 73, thc apprt roroarseftbsstrcprnsissod ntdhyascno fromttth oltyl~ed st Pr orPsfrstirrs W hiav b ato ugh hi ho-n I ssts] coed habits Dtring tha roteontM rha whtn relands'uocallotedlby theSpanish Coswstoolstyrrdrldiumand mairetoqsors baesettlers, the Asoessre Iesderrah aseffrd ]anse. As ote hndian villages eePlaced sisdercteds it boot rommson for thear to pay themr toe ndiffeeoly'er pscts of cloth, It wvas alto during tis rinse ils inta the expectation to Splain 'of row cottons arid natie dye began The Spirdirdsfor them part, introducedrdeotoas, ihe spinirbg wheel, and attainitypes of threadsrond yarns into Ameic. Tbe Lastenrir'oof thie oldal Period oras patrtaed by Indianra- holissnto atng arfrequienr voeesalthroghottUpper Peri. The pit te ,tamoflocal motsrcsio...lwarndro teehnlepers- or ,,rhich ba the w~ ry ofrhoe Inas srs die d igidirr their cork remtoryotosChrh,iorasCornoandor .doo.tdfirhibfaitto- sta r-en. idchfed israd scth the amieorrosidrstt offclts Noneoo th f t elleiTyachieved Pan hteravian pr p ois ntvetthe creat ee- tools of li 17 et aner the brief leadership ofGabriel Topic Anoint A orsally i r heo coise of sri aepar uprns ihe rebellion sof sryanrta ard rho nT siga of Las Pasidf,,mia ,eApasa lepi Ctl c-hetrillrd hs> fostissero M rho , unwir irfaon ino. dependeorto du ni n stas. trt of thn wa oices.ei of iorrssreoctrb h y mf fte a oices elns hp~s sh a y yanard slet fear by the Spaniards. Another erreank wsoa aibsolate ban o nlthe ssearing ofnatise Idiandres. edqsrdesl ad iNeri ".rjti TheStratggler for indepentdesicc betwtons18099and1825 forstedo atacid of violence, enigeanceand valor ofrhigh ho pet aid bitter realities. The tangled Imriy osfrhe Republic followsed snub its countless tevonin andl crrcrcreat s it s ant nd dirtaors . W~asteful str Woith all ofins, hi o saodr Bltioia a tpierq locked inby rho Andor.. sens lise and porer tE o be fore. Liserti fee Spain had ne mot rrtlion for ftceAysi. r Indians in the Newn Repuhbc remainM todr ar vicdims of a eegie which see!lyarnh 1. ishalhbe obliged to give tlaen inswearing apparel an trjs h addessi hi hudb rdsnebetter than rho other liidrotrrn (Prescott 1908. By I 73, thrappaont ofithe eterprise is evidenced yorection Lcam ths Roal Orda- ineonPaii:ae W Irae taught thorn line Indran1 adnrd haitr an h m ofsoaneaing clothesiandsbotes" Prssatt 1909)_ During-thesistenthencaca> nwhen ladssw-reallotd bysdhSpanish Clrwatoaery and soldlers andrnocetoonqremo bsoaots harlsc, rho Ay rnsocritde mcis offsored Iaor. As moos Ltdia totslags srocpliosdauioorioiditbecmreaamnsrnt t pbrhasd- t -to idiffrrrnlyeatom piotsofshclot rsunedusrngthsers tharthroepntia Spaieirfmisnnorntioan t alysobrgaen the Spatiards, for thoir parjrertrodcd rhofat..nos rho srinstig whci, and certainttypestofthcesdsnculstotictAra. The last centtrsof the olonialcisd a psnctuated byhindianote- heilorir occurring at frequet initervals throrchon Upper Perd. The totalptenwasrthat oflocolriots occasionalybyclsigwhole prov- anwhich the animosity of thae Indians waso directed against thiir sersioe. Indian rebellion wtas usually consducted v Itlrin te(e workhtofloylt tn Chinchtand Crown adi'n.s Gra p idsstfadnsrd ith thsnrino cienr ails hanbek- Tuddlern hegin to weaetitaycouttpeets of adult adstitg_ titgnintie Acetsltn to Alttlough Culreal browinsttnavtke placc in the absecof flinsguistic borctsowing, it is often possible to predict witisi cetaiss well-defined se- the pebhit oflinduge lounwoeds. m MA anhaoaugh study oftheenditias ufcottct, ane migl ssutte tha hu dpino pr SaihIm om y a-he Aymrsaa also resulted sashi ft ints ' lhag bausslc a suppeasitonsh, - alttiensace hecestigatin uppgenes to he Sise...tine Linguistichborrowingas itisee defsied atdusediethatnnpted repraduction insone laneguage of patteens pneoiosy-foond iesao, Although is Is a pmosarthne than asat,, the tenses in disptnseos use ntstosly nenedeewith theosntaleert wsssith e process itelf Iesisnmypurcpse,heetc, tn utianthis teneinolusvnnlyaasaetteauts; to the chronological classifsie ofl.etas css then to aid those involved inteeeta eststcescnoof Andlan ttusl enelass-elstista ursnthessate in the discocery ofthse pcss Ptnpcdnt isitpliesateeoiginaalniedland a cnecepcsndiesppetnn- ttin _T~lheappctstaasionnlonne betatoccos ca essinittthe soiginal cmodel ont ,anul vacyingo feen ci eentins ale to unsintelligihle to asdve speake lfthe lnoanscnsegdaaleatSlacceptobleitsntive Speeds, wvesay that ithasheenimpored.f the epdaonannot ac- etehe, ne say that she loanthusas euhrn -codo for asimilarnpatten ,in te mtend language The pmcus aJts nmay he eons idened undec, the fsttlswing alassiieons ofrssportedoand/ncsuhtiss loans. mie en pandd gcosly atehetop, the lowaec pact forss cleans distaace cylieno, fsttiag lose on so the head, whilst the ,ppel partistaned down in the forms ofaospieso thacsto part turned dowse leas thne appearcaco of flops hansging down oat the fael ll foursides.lIat fcstiatgined thtotis peculiarbhad- altesa eghtthe aenant of Tsoeoniestscomcatc butwocs told that isawas detivedfnt an oldpanishwomau's hea-ddrssosng age intnad Itso Pea.' Czuteentdy veny popularatute lenatichbarfareboth eaontantd wess wchich ace felted loats shesep wonl Usually sine msceactlircdicltbie cut tolativsly short, and tisesconeec divide dtets intotsohlcmids Bobu'hiesslsing in simuple. Itafaco ate mnaed into aneps, a kind of ccrryang rineh, ansd slung uvee thennmothens back. Toddlees regnt to weoeityonuntoepaetuufeadultsutlnssg Litsgtistic Aeulturntton Adthugh cultulboccwingeasTlncptassntkcahsetssnfhng,,isti huteawag, itis often posslible to pedfict wsshitnacat ssll-dlimsd no- mrn as thn probability of finding loaosenct Afeathaoroughtstu dv of the eotdestnss ofteussouc, one [mights asstase tbhat the adotion of cetain Sa usn dress locus hy the Ayos also cnted itsadif in clthing edelarva suppostioni which after sante sctigutio, appas, teo w usto snt ingnisniehaninsg, nst , hcd aftandsed tistena ggnped regitraitionsint oneolansgugeof patots ptowiausflifunndineanthe. Although it os a process rtherto thonoa state, the stss in dlissin ate antenlcon-ertsed widtdenresults rthesthan with the peceesnil It I sty purposse, tluerefore, to ttilize tis nsnisnology only' as amm so the ehcoogl at dassfisatier ofleass arid thus to aid those icvolsed cnt eevetaltotsstennion f Adeasetlteeal nuelats-that is,sto use the state is mle disconcof the p......s ReeodsainImpiescau oeiginlemodel u n aessceespcding appcnni- neasan . The approxtimsation or loan msay ha noe ot essmla oi, original seodel o sas sale varyineg shus reeagtiele sto unchuolihTnes a -lance speakc IfsMn for, is ecgmarble and oeptohie in cosine spec, weosaysthatit bankera imrsedeIf theereproductionuisnotas- sepmable, twe say thats the touts ha, keen suehtitnted foesa sienidar paten t me msodel lasssguo, Thepnroset duarace considerdtdonthe relnrsergclassificions ofiunpeund arsd/o teaandoined Ienu, ebeeaensssacdsdi ga~tl aotapsmkt owonpartsfsea shut die attoo eytsdueie, fistfi leee uan ts she head, whkifs tun upper pot'> suctd down thfsn efasquae sosthastbthpaet lued done ku-s the appaaess ssf flaps haing dowes ass she face ofollfoncsrides atrsessaimnd thsatsthispsuhanhead- drt ih i o ~ bt tl a htitsas derivod fcwnmtodSpsshsoan'IkIoAd-detselong ago inteoducedien peed' C ureently snay popula ueme ta tsnaw hats foe hush seen and swomaen whidch are feltedl mainsshoepwool. Usuallnsokanor..euthan easiceat eelatively- shone, and dhe wuas dss, thasc,,tstt to bands- Bahies' deothiri-siplo Infus acc suc sets, ass aui, a kitd ouf eassingeloth, anedslungs osorotheircmoe', duek clsaoaass-ila cloakira.-ila ju )act cttathn- cloao (-1olja0,a choo cld ai (ship) chiap, clotaspa (.weacs) et~ inkai (lace) got (cop) gas asototra (gloves sll il. (tittood) la lots (baow) hsatops mosokoa (,.oocy) N00t5onlyaosotsisg ofohoso f asoarpslo buotalsoa0hephasuetr caMCMscs Isactoacla (cap) Paso)0 (ohit) capa Papa (clah) Psaha cov) c-sil ksoojls (tliati(at, ahalb as chatissoMoohia (shsawl) toaro ~mtillo (scac) lorparais aoaaitltaaoaitodagscaofphaoaoiatiratias. ohs)00 swijos (mso oa) atosa 000 (nseedle) 1 1 (ats oLat ihi (easeiselga~ ". ) hol,)))5 wai. (pacat) hooahclsovoaohaah kadc aanil (totthrt-os hatalls asarsorwa ((00s ' i. kansisit ( ) asil( cel shracara (halt) cloale in cbosllttt a (vets chantoa chtar (woslahct chicat chihost (wltip) Lhai cloasopa (-t traje Nsoaj (ata) gos laso (gloveo) lass.. (boo) ~oaatsgs ossahasa cslso) Nat only the ooeatoig of thse tatoos iosrprot booaloto thL phroemio samcicca Patiana (casp) capt Poaa (dclk) ksaka (coat) sl kosth (Catdti1a chlot cboliacdoalisa (osootw) taasala soratrs (ocart) ltaptt-tstococcarasih -aayitgseocasf pttatttsicaoitaia ahaot tta ata (to hasm) agtt aias (toocila) sw (catrga bolslls s- (loa (packet) hcttcsc.Oowrso acha (roas) hoostis waith (aatos hooals hosts, sacatto foas taissatos (Phelt) a cathat- P6 bel saba () ohh~aqtstilla c hait -ills (tacket) ohacobra m uhsaootolak alsiac attha (wholip) ahaspo~ ohomp a (oweat escajo isaji (lace) pacewra (cap) to.a t ac c ora (lotc) li- iats (lot-as) ittatgat nsarshas (sleeves)  Ay.. tSa Orist-hmkak-Uq.p 161 As-, Clohin tVh,'-ahp. Sr 6 Aymr Cldg Vh.~la-hqy 161 pof aela poncho sa a pastsrlsi Pssli- e. dntes t" tilar that) (skirt) (psnchs) (belet) (shalal) (ring) (heelt) (om) ra res o puald sahuys rain iak tri sapat (pares (chaht)sief) (b...r'1-1) (a-Jils) (tooe1 (ait) pasasor pualse a- ssbreo mbla pai its id saps0 (ha) (poetssie (bracelet) (ha) (had) (astit) rto ttoptodssmiarssdes ron ile thre sabisist dolorud rad issiletis hfat lse 51s sbsttwis esf and aephmaao as pariah a p i wn o rpm rsss. mssdiss sesisis yssa (strris) il-pyled Creetiosse cote os tse aroaas. Thatrraas they did notroase sss stesn ierairriaspitetrado r brathsterraidet lirspnist vms-Poes dare, -~ pietik (Iss.dr) Sersasair Ztiptsorneisii Namie ownirs are p plied to sael cisltaral phsenomesasraughly sitilar rostde sobka (do..Md herspun srtsosd ftaisi La,,E ud Csloaisodu ttopradcri itettdes sat ai.e s1t sshstis >o a >ad sad i Pflaiss totsslattnssbtritiaon oaiveeiorphsemsesspartcofaraospoaod ord aroaxprssin nmdrx arm mdasa(strhaissrm rhaeisranoa (ocks) Hybrid Ci-sio lathrs-ansenethrseaeenot Jossss.itirtosev -thr-didrto. icem o tassdarect ciiosof faemodeloitetbcfer -cecreated teasdarityitahe borring laapaagoais srosslt ofsultasralaand lItsa cnt ¢ra, pare ahis -pihia (braids) oS-rti Diaptcreesou Naeadeaa aappbdodtosoemroaatpb~osois orsghlr sinJo* to pi,"ros pteomrena. aestido -- mits (dross baed Lspas alit seird for dtair Leshlesd Ceospeasal Reprsdar iiaaaledrssstirsly tb asttai s . asod aad filatca, batsrstbasahsittiofoeti-sisotsbsittsr pass-of arstpaa woiaid ssop te stit medls mlyma(stokiars) clsalaiaiaasa (cks) Hybrid Coos rlds lahaarorsis thi erases ttsaasThaii r,,e he, did nm fae aittatrasdsaatii sioaftba,odd batbrrmoe-reand sassdesiy tyes-tsheaoraoviiagtigs ge. as s ekiof alltasanid boi~gsticat. tro-ias psia shire pietaika )haaids Seiissiiie lucsimeses N. eapidt 01 ~a bnmamgl 5ia to paedo^ aspeassas .aisidoa'akatesdrssbedpontlsreawrd fraai.)  162 Cn¢pnel or - n~ E..klAymn11 ono uwhBn mgS 3pAy. 162 C.. .Maih3- hpgsA,.ea Lao REdadeoaheiosnmg Otnco 0 f an lss ri mlt I Notteaseete boreowenaenaydshe plsooncie- pea es tftle reedsielaesp tIhat esat affaoeh clattopie of hor" 'atire att- lizaiotr of pe sbt placecescaecsq s reseltiet e pheseecic radialor tcs Ay,,,aects .c' d bsc eg ein seithe Is-h ploeeee swhith i lhsssettIlfsave1eeeeedcl ttsatcs.Neorhoscleeeter arcts-la soao- whc aseelthogh aes else tet sysoe.i csdads petiion Phoeneic Faer ,fin Since plarc -te .g it "'sally reesiasfoocisg all o hum"i ofe pleseoestic certain clear, dtfsscht pitie thana fcoeeeeaecsdcrto euarces esitaceea toos-eeiselinpted paticesciepprocesses icph 5510 tgy Spaccil aold c caaselevaeatlecre (se tcabtc 1 and 9.2)_ Ilaess1bstatiashcc II lbsceecble tediseicgeicare pateentedhe- tTatilic voicedtrcec f flssti1h ias 1dssd oeeore Tbctsrorecbthacpaocitllsorrswd farmese oi ctadlyassrertho peecliasci ilchlaespeeoeh ete ceirsslsoeces esehocsato, suaebese gceaaladoceh ptsc~etfaoient sihc tglacapssFastwo~ escescrsrnetples ofcbillpceolotte waesae folead pill, thleoAv- Oeetsstafeatcace otera m ccilatrcac rtpsoselitoSpaeibn hasshbosecdapcedi.eeaAec} t ieeceecsocctcsee,..h.nty paish -cc, td -i((,-ittsc-itt. ted -ILt. hssteitto - srstlls (packet) te ket ards'. ( cdeclde etssrcteas ehall Iace atilla seincill sw Dinetss ar -co addod to cate p 1,a1-tcsa~.efaettc usordtcsarc, waplefacgearaatecslerrectsg Ap-ososgmpae may allesdmaptllececlaeelssofetc liesio c psshl phlueee es 1iarsee reseltoe cc phascsci tectm baston t'aA er 'otn ed' es Icsep calt - a ph tcut. eichciLi totcodeoelesstotvucecemdal pee:ce nNes-fhlabseebr~cgytcnbar~t- af areseaM1c tpanch wodholarwlith artdt lacccdtsd n, - py-odt ae arLtratoe laPhonedic Pncccrning Since phto lnep* t ecilly cea affyc~ at1 of the omta afapoe'enorasclelsd lcl paises issacecaaeo fromtt aconsios-tt"" oftlee'atclsI ceogactetnayo1etcncoitedht prateeng pe-scees fee phttnolpy A contpa konofpicawry rte...rtaadvowel potentsaf oltit bpanibttdAye'aatsdorscIet lsee tabhles91 aned Iob Ph orecic Sebnacitsiot, lh sbti.Cceaciha ac haro shit to dicc'ahae tp tsceeal he- - lIceb hulaha c feiacire )h( of Politic ipsesish doaes tott Thttsrstt,,he, pbercen-dealyisrsoedteea....ectv acquircehcil escolahrasresslle c ya ite pacteoleerths cdga-pae.T- itetecs enceepeo atis plcenteteoi were fteed eeoeg the An- cutnatple Otlytececer ticaeaialeteeco pcostliretipedstee heonaca adapted iast Aseca DEsiie ac opesed bsp Spaish -ill -ita assd ell, sie sir ated -itta blsall' , w"i~sle poc he) hacia (scdecuhrc( eecccsritt h lc l"IcaIJe) sJdd A - I mlo oa-vdteacarsaeple tfacealgeaesaticul borrow g telo rsesetld tearmg-ensmayaltec the pitr os t patetcs of the cee'g laeptae. TIdeeracftcthedatisaef l lieadsssef possibhle phatet cquenees, casLele st ph-cetial, dsc1- It Auaca aic aod scnr hopis n-ih c!a phio whbseb as fescedeeclsirrl/iepedl .} //'siei-d Nttcdae stin Anseeto at oerteewhiclealbrephuc rencly foehto lotis ana Ideed Phonci Pateening Since pbssoeetichactc .esecy reglh lifeinysgalaferht tecarceere afaPhaettt ced olvt definablep pouice ic at eanrce 'Pcer iram setcsdececitsfttoette he ietetijeas-ceav dcttnweliniod Aeoctepaeitcfpeectaseaad trcollphotesafptlsoire tpaeiaccad Aymorae eoaefbaro(tottblstad9 ) Plss'ttcsr sshotisdss The bshticaeese thati lhave bie al to distiepgish ace paered ha- I". The hilabral toioodfriectino(Jtfhie Fi foiSpn-hio doet htocca  IS Vnrm Sp 3...b eI.g- Ay. 11 crft .waho gt Aymara 16 k1s CaiyS,, aa Ip . rab.A in A ysssotboo words sort/ds.. (b]wsre m00dtc/d b;-tbeoa wia of /. /sa, oooto, so/ ori/rpbwosodfobrIolbttt Ifos.> b/ /w bokiflo w~ borsbotto bordn V/!b/V - V/n/V (pocket) (trol en.-o;) (buoot) bolsikt borrbo/ts bedor boloes bot/to sotllr orres (p,,bet) (so cmsstooidos) (bos) obotoses ons.wss (so brood) bdb6iro o.t (Sp. nobe; o hood) soboa"r e/sor sb (saw) V/b/C - V/onC. C./V.C IV arb sigovv." bossoboseo ontrsoocssunlosos mlm kdtu -in) 2. The deo ojee fsnoto (d ofhot/o/ots SPoso doo is Anmtg; riot woord~s eoroo/ss/>g re] wsorstod/fied bystndb;rioros of/ /,s- /t/. V/b/V b//s V a botoatom (to li/b/to rd (Sp. oobe oodo) reboo tam sal Vll 1b/C CIt/V w abs/go 1-1. (sw) botbeldo soos soh ebo /nos ea) conb- oo.. (rio) 2 1] rbedoslst ansod fetmeer [d] of ljB0111o Sposiotdorstroooa r inrtnoreads odnooototsoowrettod/tebybooobooitbOt/ op/t or / i A fitro;obt. don/ coutt/rbsg hi nor riford by thsesbm-rro/o o/0/. (sb/sao ,to/to (Sr.ch neboa) o obe)mtl o b o oroob toood cols so o (0 rt V/d/V VI -/ aboto sotyos (soks V/4/V 0/5/tV booof osrft (roko)on sf/sos, l,te on k/. ltoidlo/g/ v b'osnsonsr (co dp) ,mons onoti (gloes) oodos a o/yo-r (,rkb) toed/o; mtiyaso (socks) 3. Thte ,Ilo deiot fr[sn g] offlbeooi Spos/ob doo;' Cor ci to Aysorecrbos> s-o dscotititg osertodifirdby1tooebtssiwtroo of/tn/ l]1, on/b!. Ils// /w gorosos (to) sreossrsoin (gtlo;)J borden sorsob (ro emoio)r 3.h lvie iaa~]oD4a,5 o.I. liAyroabthusworn/s woe otrg [g] orr ttsodeftd by ro sobstot/ots o/s /, a lor gtno otr (cop) gu... aae~v (glowls  2 ThiTh vl,~ v-A -C U> CICt C 2 2 A U C C 2 + + -, &.~ fltl* t C- C ca 1,nsi ds ers firpsda oo s wsoereteooifiedeichrebr byo tetr- byth, a dir ao s oal/5ata. l. Thsean otecono tei Aloa ;tbattheSp isteoroeds osoesis geLeal consnants wnoo difrd ot -by onsieeor brte addiis of Ia ftlaal 10 -0 u (arI...1) C0 to sila-- abossnan bmern wssrtt Chmsrtss (boson (blt) (poet) (nootr) Lt hrslsd on passaldso bonds, w~s (borroe) etaoatO (belt ) suhUi anua(pants) -a(to baons) waa (mo etta eisen 1,0 abo ebon (Ct ,arriegs) Chot wat (beets) psnoa (pas) am (leo as) sosrnste (moenbmetie tied-etodly Trbaho seedy will nevoo orbee "bulnseis. Those fewn eshtih sees neso le esblisbad esdsbichb.srlselebaebeens maedos aeaid' rshlaoeegwerdsetshalrr babls pseoileoinrdoe- J nnssiegenelf(essoneedtraer alefPossefiesofbssnnor- ieg emnbesetaopenahn bases o pleoeerctteal bcrlylerantmay bn aneedreb erlacreese ed osslnorsl l laterln arc r Su (onto rmeisodls Thee Traget144 EIu ehis less of Spanetlh leans in ]o disriigaieo bstoostbs, edsan largely on tr bse tsr dsffsnsrsss. re teoossd pbetolossc This Lpe or isla be ees oepl at d bs reseatI fsot- (1) Th ens ate eneeswondsobesbenn oerrrsasstle alotboppontoot m seesrds1. bfo Ceeaopl these foerssslsreblbloe1111das- laascaono ens mmrpea of soaunes rovnemone brtr Spterishe coa Ay- ma. (2) Oldsntoofbed ennmsa> have beensbsequtenstyvboege, oan is, ncarnsle asa result of e Ifnaos fanedawith roere proerie- efrlessnede reeese of spassboradAymtaathepelopseloot- p,oodmersre stebaeltso_ tseonseowirg(l)Tlbdeereef biitalis-tofu s-etsotrts poohoss n-hich ir, ,eraffeats disresia Willtboso nnecet s say peordl Ia or some of sb posile rttnsoaease p n tallee-ice b di neo ntck ip o ac aa 1n mllda nat ii emligci orstertl Chronology Utadoubtelo fntbn staid, will teneal ot negar shifts. I bar,, fate sbicle sens to met to be essablitlso andr wins roibred bee been boos maeo aidsaleeaiesesssdotsherpobbleereds oroerrdne tut enter Avessoso tCiesbeoiteegorsollyororod tsa tsforn s tenolbonoc- stb cot besslp ane tarspleeeleralft -Ladlatsnoe be aese osbe rbe er disteendtondseohstte-le- lar-smestoreedes. Thosrd eg (94) rir his list sal SpT. disitgisbes beiweenothe "klest, n ases ncdes atmorss i loegoy oserh basi fdfbsnsss -loanc end phnology TI a typ asf anraca IS, howe e sltte l ...by ese srd o Cartons ot ()er onue aao~sedsnleebodffrsnostasesthibaste bamd ppensonr scott L.adofi rssosp, shali- ret whibesblsthibtled!as Imtrswardareossptsoderceeeommrees botb Sposansa~ (2) Oplder eodfred rsos nrybr oectrnostcso~e rbars~sbetsss i ernssf eeyrsaesafrseans n otblrhophtssss ofstde leiteae raplin laam do poeiedinenea.sssboperbabttcy which enebetnossstg .(3) The degrenef hlitgeai ..nsteaeoeg speakers wtchbes fotfrt dteesoreeno wish rtoesenessrat pesra pos.sd esescssorb eol wone airomos the peeveoooteblrs SersSparerb 1 rr el deentd Romnetedasmaysalse beesspltvs esats'dtneerreepr-hsst Unrdoubtedly furrher oray will nee esbnrgeles shofes Th.sn few whalich sceems ro me It be stablishean cd toslee ore bered boos bars bee osed alaaInalleaigweordsetloeth probab~rleneedcofttsdes Liesgeieso hoaesenlby' ossedsthat rscle forthetne of baros- nagrotbsteopreso habisast phosloes -ltro anc elonsonot be 1 1 ds ,hll lal aetobeiedelr. hart-opn (1910)FE tat bestofSpane b-oasoetaTaos dioisgbo M1, bn.-rt tir eldes. sonne oat oed nst l ete eat sb ai e ifrrse e eesa plsrrseilleps pot~ov Ibuteo o is howe eanpleased Its seseral Cfocan (t(bo rb nods slsch odfes osedeenasiedolnsthaeper t no ta 's psaousds1 tramspls thooseonfos wteoetI htale labeled ac teatreondreeeospelo f seetsstmsesotsot betteSpanosbtnd Ay- tena (2) Oldeo nedfssd forts esay hers bss sbeeqeettl, changed, thti nborser nsshtsfesonocrd fo'rsst,anth thesposra efshoredd(i fenesecsfbpoe~b and rer ,tb p ,e],toed onstrd perid1 rseases the poobobelity of such seboreoni.(3) the drssstof htesbtnsrecne0 anst hg spookers whichrofsmaffecs disrin Xlithne sessssc svose... m procsseeno oe soee ofthe posh], detnetassa front tbs p ce at able Sees Spsosl S nell dlocansrted Rass ,data too, als 1cr enptoed ass aides dstsonnsss ohmo  - 0 noo o~g o. * 00 3J00 000 0000000 'OS J~0 :00 >040 s000y0 _ 500 00 - 000 00 00 0 E00 0 o o 0 00 0 0000 00 0 000000 a000 0> -° 0 00 00 00 -0 - - 0 000 St coou E v_ m~ a. a o .0 0 00 0  7L CmU Stoc B... i.,,p Aymnr 17 0 Up....M~i lacr-cp in Aymr 170 Comc St~n. flme..bgp ino*~ piolki pliidn rh mu c piollena dobiclm 1 675 17634 100 18M4 1884 unknow umkad Pollo pie do hle Specra Spunch Spuasso Spurn 5 Spur. oh Spaliul pullita Pc ..i mietr choquet onfoues Prsismo doub'le 1675 17051 165-83 1765-83 18W 1822 10833-Si in,", ss after. Clpn ot-c paci. pdol, Spaniuh satino Fie l spsuoli Sponiuli French Spuari Spocirsi Spaniish FincOh Npomai OPusit SpoWseih Spuseide choohik pullimv cyclic chokito pulin or.d mcdai, pollenr cla qta as".ir 167) 1705 1734. 1765-03 176) -03 '00 1022 1833-51 1884 189) skiuown unskiiiw plcn alibI)r Spuni, 0 Spmnieh Firinch Spaniish Spoilish heoceiduiiengIlic s~inems od led nSaih s eoeo rz h eo oiiiaasiidCltiurl Peiod, the posiility' canisintlnirlocscnccoiiiicddi Aiscuili h i This pces iiu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r.tI s h pucoanal iiiiidunoifilc Invi dl sem dig [lieaoe,peud' id is uchicuppirnd ho- scd hifI ,rt icpdiie ~d threiiandusI,,ofllhybrid c-onii and loiril1udcumnpunsowhich geiodl rd tlibe I,,ccdorrd s-IicrclIhae hbridlIons. W'raliso ,ts thasrihove Aysooc 1c.e, from Spucish irodsiec afr- 18(5) siv iitohsssnudjhbvusry oucsoucdrocii- Bemccinr eecrurc phonem~es arenot aonig he criical sonns, os iuitiidrstioo degree of specolatin. But or laost in rhe case ofiro- drud.chw/l0/ as mnito, kuuidu, almillo. wullsdlu. pruiei, mc knowsthtrtheynirist huuchbeen iiucpuaeidbbe i hecadrentof Vrinsore he prosnrieisiinsfon aldnighidcpriudncsonNsi RupuMhlic Soomnic PRtterening IeoeemnspIlosnchlsioo,,unie tioithiSpmnill euent-oreunionirm 1uodciguinophueic pureiing,-ASuiircaot uhnl c dioiipui- rringswhichrechods of mudiidscspioe iisegIiss-ncillPprrporIf ru del'cNrerhelcns, aoculdo ecrdcclup cls re cedc,,ri chiding N..roering uf Movrig Widur ISe of Mecining, Anulogieluso SidNuie R~eisionurfMrurieg_ W hota tmrswod eeacd ns ees .hfmdri grh the ctroContaersand Calmnitll'riud. ic pnsihite rei laorthoeewere introduccd into Ayimororhis rne Fhin poriesu 'Siegthcuedhbyihepcolleinroducion of hcniociorler dulring mresacpeiod and iiiirhruppincno byrninlnhifiiicegulurtissuaid tie inciurion i~ofl hpbiiu ccuaiiunand loarbleiid compound,wic gaulyra obecuicd a elolh In hhiduIiis.V'ecimomane thorrliureaAlisocloi fofc etpiihi9icudniiuiufi! 1804 ry fronn disenodelby ouly uo suowd ric. Bue iefrhcpiirruusr ue msoissghcc ouseuscun mssu dinirio duallnsfsporliisese h ase iinnr ihwucrnsmi 5/ as 5005dlii koedhi olmillo, w lklilli. pallrn wc blnow thatiy meoet0c hove keen inceurporated hefore rhe udvenre of Yrisiuocibs p-eurciin of/+/as /yl dining indepeilcmnd New Rep obin Semntic Pirlling ItIlrm p cluihie mossesthat rho Spanish lexoines, iraddiri ossi isidrguiigpl ipriorring aolundercsc Wniai senirpr Wrsing w ehichi iinnieus of moders d encipiise liigniniinn sic)ll Piepared toedcfrin. Ncrmbclmc scr s ninicrc,,pemrino111111r i- tloding NucoinigofMeriin, Widciiiissf 1uairg A-slosgiiirg und Nativeprrer, of ncear, W ccuhmen hes weosunodsncc - dros chyisn me mpkh bsforocer 0. thlesnult aC eriusd O 1ieii ulod ihe puotinlnin that ccrrrisdrtiirAy rcatiinnntime Thss pinr ihunom, psomslandiseft'crisep rsdhby smsdshfreocgilu-tic, asd theirrrliaorof all IIIrr creatimosd[lattehre rumpoisde snhich gueoally trdsstoube intoduced erlierlthin iiobrid lons Wheao noi tiatichce Aymar, louunrrfropanishinroductionsraler 1004 care fcrm hecmodelhbyoa.dir inununnel. Bacance niuof ufhepioiemi r a t ong thrcirl ssnusncl one mecradnireuuadegcccfsnpsnulsuiiuiBEsoruilc anidricsnrofsiiin- dir iri tardi f/ ia tn~ilu ill.,c a, ulrilo lnian paikci we hsnowrcnarrthey ineilr hs - hrie....Iord befrsecthcadonrf Yr~ers ouriiie pmosiuorio orf/ause/duingglodp-do-eruad raeu lepiblic. Semaentic Peiirnrog Itnor ploneble ii thantro thoi e Sposii unuiu in atlisu io unnlog rag phoncnur pui-d,g, alscsnrdcvuc 'rneslsrmr-ipar rein wichl niotodi sf IIodoi dotcriee liuiguietice ore all prrepoerd rodcruNeerrhko... acl semianic developmnentsnare evidec nr- dludiuo Nsronnguf M..sifrg. WidenuguifMeaning Aoging. red acivice Riioun f MearE  Am a a taigVObhry-aSh 17, AyaaCohigloIIm-h 7 Ainm Clti -S q IIIim ehre 7 seaonal, osg+ easi Itn Spti ci ts lsougeoerul+ ts! ios udjeesive nehich toetes farms or belonging to Catile The A pseus foot, keusill, orqisdm which refer ontom tumnnwmsroof clock.' Medis ian S panish be npphrd so elete soo foiseg w mao or socks fao ae IAseoaou dsi misi ade br the ddition sufths nitrw orcue whchsrasstss 'wosso' et'wife, andshnssho. which mneatns ann'o, huoshand inodes ttfornoconpoe snohusshasl tord nityos -ppisso so both .oses ile els uasdatoer stuhhoscr - tt'dsssesg efdfeooeg aislor pollero oigisullo alluded tota kitnd of hell-shaped sendatekiut wot y Spanihmd ldiroicng the Conquest Pesied, On the usher hued, putlir, has setoeieslesdall kinedsofushs. Acceptued- riostn yal thatt (il whih ecats 'a straigheslcif ssntofmnunsdnsadertrs only arpeoulvce isIBeLIteiuSpased. Thor toots for a 'smg withot aln& in Spteis aos whereas any, jais a'ring alu I ye osa fseeaste ,od termfram lf ykndy.uoswososeeics Tlesstan dilysin Spasis efestotertubesofd an n Ay-, win isoahood wo fts burial1.lBoth lefogiows oveons. Natios IOriie ossf~aries Thoesghsstmra titesis Urscls'u becares saslls twhich ine Aymaa saereto hsitrd hoar Perhaps isIs Cas thi laF that Spanish adermped tuA! sssidentify a peon ofssdl peoonuhs, ateonswhmahssrhsssrd isso Avssaoas. astulengsrshtehuithsscnwSpnsccisg. Itiin Anuoie mihcts turolofeashifseof eeeuisg isuaeole tnteteOngistllyadvinoliatlong ttttetwordhseenge- tliud toinclttde clothing hfall tpes ando styles.' The Historical Poe 'hots foe thesidifoutionofalate bus hae ssluislyti. Ba-owaing, bodyeeisg to (uses Is. The A1'osneo fuss faunae Isoweveri nw whiseh et aisle dtI cMd pn ss he applied on otseb so k chsgs fee a womae or sor foruset leAenr ds tto es snado by ele addiioe ofslo cea srswordstsrnswicessansosdcse e ,ustdchocf swhich leet 'hsand, ndea byfasmssoeepornusThs teactual wordt nm,- applees so both cr000 whet, the mastdsory qoalifeer- Spansishs palleer ortgeells alluedoa klosd of belshaped oeloir mtsbypnsh ladies dusontse Gmocst (peeiod On theocebe teand othir bohasor to inslods ull hined, ofteists. Accpe is soprmd dtletfdssolsh eue.s esteighsshkre, was notsborowoed and ... oseysporasb ysevorn son Blois Spantisho' The tere fa e eg wthout a stone Tm Spanish is ani wbrues careryuis , eg'scrtl ssoce' IncAymrara hoaoe nruieaths nr alinrdorsstsfrsaetingof aeked Tooeterme hardentpaneshIosfbicststhsmc ofhrrtn, ssetoAymara, auls is ahoodounnfohrbl Botsbhaeovigioness oe orVe Reaesy si easese Tisobnor sethoo 11o-1fs breessee h oals whipb is Atua refers en aknitnad hut. Per-loops it is fromstuis feces' char Spinish developed chats to idasefytnperstoofnsoed leasruagessnteehechwcaosreboree fIncttuuasrlselalthsioe snesssfasifto isnia in tnoalder eaev tnes ittt d.ettie I leeg wilees ohs word bus bore gotntveLo'- ,haiod no i-louds dehig fofrltypes usel do The Pissoricuj Process Thons far sl o de tiwit fomn has been reaseala rods. Bornoswing leerreoasoy (59.t lifed its s a h..t Iraml ad h NarrstsessgsMueeyen I Spasish rullnedugecrsl fetitueieaijcie Vlasih ntuesfenesto heloong en Cauet' ielse Aymnsaa fet Wenta cv s w ssoueislsenesey eorrunn.eu-are o n aleid en Spantsb r eh applied to ciattle, serocs foussossntoe socks furanemat ted Assr distinctitonis aondbythesaddsteeonltltc. stad, onenms hicsee tetrm esean or'swfe. n odestasewhc a, oobaed itorerto fotnos-ni llsthcaceal ssssd eesac cplphctohtelesexes wadie theeuetdtnss o adeessee Spanish pelee sigmnasy all uied so a hind of boll-mhepnd cesiorskir mseby paishllamadoings the Contes Psroed. Onsbedotberbhand, 5ssets hssottsrtocldsauiunodtufsko -Arepsoer eisoprvln rdiela which neassa oteanho shrtwus t horsoswed aned sectors ,oies tete d(e o.. N'h a II mfr a sng e ithotutt eo Spsatishe is enils, wheeas erJuis a'ingswitt ,stoer bsAyspt hwvrseai hegn ali edoleno fnoisgo.feny kn Thrtec rlifa Sepsh ierfnntoeermoeefann Ten A, snuru, urine iub oosiwtnfor bueiahBnth hasrsod,nstssstesms- esi.. Ravewi ofj eleutf 'Itrel gi mesthesis llsesh b tsrsod rsultu , shiob in Aemur irfs m o knte hut.r Pehaps isi ftsce hs ars thus Spanish drstapohd sad, til nifas pae ef esed }artgc, srswich we seborosed into Aesua u ebsleualong witlothe new Spanisheaning, ftile As-caset ianeotheseamplfat ci ft mntinglea n olden ee csn.Oiginlly dee.ongualostbesLeie wodra betgoe erlirdtorinluss cohn ofatch nars and stlalr The Hissoetel Peses, Totus fu els idenetificaione of loans has beee eehtele tucit, Btoreowing, hsowsosq as Hasgee (1950) d eds it, is a historical prors and dinr-  172 otc 1p 3... .h hi, Av 7uC ... I : Ila M. Asw,, 172 ,1 Up' IIcrflp MS LSa iohsould b adsoifisdhyhion-alssoolsad, TIssssLessssssnsao Ho adlas son~g ofnt giasl~agugsagossihloin-, oc a'Osm p-snossh is ~ w-o ise essspssible mnodels also en edbslssnsn-oal irnt 1 h .. ~~do] sospins stabl essio 9 1da I ,Oerg. k ms'in ol y m Sid is nslsdsg. BinsssyssInakpsl itsshls dhsl Ayl asa-ind~ is's andg is o . loois ohs g.. no oll Ass poim cfdolp line for the discssioofdasasnossisgc-rly SpisslO -)so 1coss PasIsgon sponoasssssso ,aaks Isaannos dolshis- psoses loho s oossaeosns hsoysd-toslassnoss~hsnsdsd nes Vg-ss nsba dthsncsatncsusdoslslangssene-dill disco ohsan, 11 1. allas~ssas hiss sosco nospasblos-.- Poll"s asesoosose~ 900snsso Espasna essssoo m, Pu loc do Ososlls I Vs03 dfznsl hase v el Toledo lMiers odasno sog as *Ilsdo sogas daso n0 ocs Tldo hin.ss Y dis.aaa 'Iod hnryoxuhsvolmPLdco pm sgat sssss -ihdoRs la flo 11 ]sssosnossssoldssoodassos a sopro tssso os osas do gsess less gn. lenoraoo paod, 5119) The Nhab 1D s 1delaesga (ooesssdol Pocs 1,60, Insessioss ligrs.. b t uhr oig oSo onbm Svlcflin 1499, ss,, Ihsissiplossn s s 90 055algossamasnooaosssbolisans pe, ljapns apoonyossosspoon..V..Irssnso Macs, 1909) A mnoosaso of stemss fromsssmoes dicsiosnry loads m 55 nl aoesmfsysnlsin,eopoailly whenschsesameIrsn, arsinto found Is ohs Vsssinsci do Is euu cssAymassa, woiseo by hssssssis is 1613: 05000 losssoosseossos nsisoss,,osaqMasssosfosdo lnwl .. f'oreohasld bei snieslhby fniosialnhds fisplo omx sosleswo ealersheand laoai snsaos cofil Iasoosgofn-plnhul nooson onaonpissnsfohoessosasms, onssh Inso..M nal dsnlss sowolsedby hissoalssp lssonsoras thesternslonsdolsosmpo nslo "ycotosssladsg OutioysnikeonlnosalsorolsooAyms ,asnsd se ansgisg. .lnsfsovaoSsooparste aosnd hsssosl es M-1111e waososmcalss is a poooisst hofgcor s seal]. ~ io o at hgea SpanishAmmosnso possssoisinhosaskosff~ssCoascarahos ins 603) arsos a~ Pam ILsyosoddo qsesapsnaos s u seadaca, ososd Iulsosnisins Dedondo ponsI omlsdhdss9. p505los relaposes yse soo heo InsVdo lascY~lo noososand do eo vOgEol tb ham S,I agosacdo Ia Isegon, ysntosalsilla dizeons d Iaho,,, foba ..se . os-osw eus donutysoccsscosso yosoeooss- isssss lssmemscosooe loslde Caoil atla VIn doom hs sas Pole~d. Iazos, sdi~~gr con Tolsds... Ion son shes rsoso is Toleds losa V iscs lbua O 0 Toldo lolgsr. 000 Cn sdos vaablos sq- dons pso ,oifsr pu osindad boos Itfllssdelngamocooo ossdoa"scoss gon I.cooed, y Moss 1909) '1'111Nisablso do ltsng I seeoldMeldecs 156h hoaoesosn- isgsbserassoisnbi,-ssosiaosogoe al~oosjofbosniosssdle V de a,.sIas Mae enelfpnwsoniscohu onss n P'on Pooopalneosse coo1 laqo co ngsosn -i000onobhoans. Isrlscqfrs e apmsnooaiohcsoaopons X poo, is ponenY pore IS per dS por yoossee or s....Cnasly Mon, Ilona) A onspnisnofiotsms frsosadodiossnsy landsoasssi smconoosfpesollsoiss pesilnyhaeoMesosserss aresmaeounsd in the IYoohslsois de 1 Is 0095 Ayssaoo, onrin by Boni a 1613. ln .ossnoanepossooooisnusosqnesaso ssomnfndo an Is.o. forsh-oldhbidsssisadshIosoa lnoolns Thisosoarssssaonnpsi- boooooosasls-ssdlt:sstsagessogoe langsagefso .. psslais- sssnsssd asesps o the ehnsvooso soo itpSableodsl Aso 1noasodhoyhsonsoaslasiparotn hsssfnosohosaossssoadel onslne aslecosisisisL rosisasdiss Osasosssoosaly o rods thatioos y soPs knssoaosandlisahaung - Boofsososeesssos dlshae lososrsl osn,Opaish s anssd isodagssogchangesell Aso oiofdearur o, lso dooooso dsoassoa acs lssy Spnsh-Amessan poosna soss m s kn on asfjoss da, Ctsoalh os, in 1503) aso solesvans Paalosooodo qoapssss qoasea IscasodelIsds- turn pI.adosd, Posinen s adobdool.. nsoVia bsdinasnbsslendial ssoanalslosos Iry Ycnsahdls, diosao l-bocolena 000 oasablossiosospoahlss Pesqos 0100 nor spe s sososos Espad a as Is sosoe 0los da (>scll-la BsjndLaohooo posandoonoss osdicasesogss; on Toledojgao Ido yasoas Ts'oldol'iao Y ices chasr v oToledohawlagas sono.. s assocalssqse dens por eiar psonodad Poos Islt io, do agensa 00010 noosoos a Ps no 550 gat (Cossrnaoey Moss, 1909) Thscfosdsshosss denLeoass Goscaldcll r 160, bassssoisa - hag ebooseasons bs iots outhor Damaras doStb ,csiools, h scohs Sewll, Y de Slasos qeoMal rndPosonasanwsnsasaoonsspoun las 95s 055 aikonaI cosacass ovssbslsess, poe Epops 5p0 y oioco .s poe _ (Coonacloss Mass, 1909) Aaooopaossonlnof.. tsoossnsodernnsbi,oo...sIlesds oo sssoontsnfsp~aannspaWilly whenosoasiss t ssosh found doe Psnsbnlsc delW lososon Aymnoos seo by Isa osi is 1613 E ooun Io -neonoss ponnon moqo case so confosod, Isla  Aym... Clohin t...dyS-Sfq 173 Ama Cant V.Sbulkq-fliap 17, AIma, h4I CltigvI"--hp 7 Aar also rase It isong, te,rtheAnn.. ras beadsasoa-, leedrath idee] odotrospreed onifoms co, rgfI,gan rontanrep.sn lhssast ceptd wseajeb di green of dontee waitin A,.eesf ptsrs itapbe s assrod dp~tned as stannttbehon l eferrcresed eaeearac Conclunioss Th, die Srst data Prowa is ebb, pp,, lds to the following 1_A toda afAyerara heeasoor tn oneaedaritmhpamh 2. TheAym a -hmo psendtsagmhese aeidsatoeofasiand baesowass--era I Cntat and Colony I525-I 09, tdp dorn nod New Repubten 1091900t, and The Tweneirelh Co--erv' 3. Cendiins at cona 9ettac to5 en peaebitnfpodeimgeain c -o1ca 1 aotdfesd ae!aea ao p lb bohbitiep ffmdia I sssods 4 Lli seteds en A tria oteeg seohotac, 'sews tod Ile from teodste-onf~saorafsme esdodioimgdtoitalCoacps- 5-Occaeioeaalohosoeafavlteaee arers ofhttandiie l6senage: , Tahnk-s, in ot o',n ade o seari Aynai aeo~ aipseephassrmaegeiS salteegatlooean paeea eeooeaae besebtishod Pooctsee rioted ieatwmds it o - . Phneatc and nhoaegccaamelysraay bs d as I. idirom tisinrg apprxr rne periodiofnam edirsonaamsomIrteca'seof cenaest,eaiet epgoee tsarse otisgissseeIord occrsiertsa 'dedicsigii Ical1111acnsd Colony, Altar o troreisersa sioeenmnig ttet dosAynraI shadeem-m eseodesmh easllyeansloeepeod nfearinon faeneenneupomil grn- cllaccept-moe . Ti o na:'tyoplod widhe tisimgmoof dntos enittain Aytin itself pr,,onsipchlnas tnsaoaeandoaooplad as electoeits wanhich t d orasrdecerieoeoosrr-csrei botealdhe sie airblst "cfi srssd- iseseintwon. Conclusions The diisrrr re f daa protatned i a il pipes load, eno n lottwineg 1.A atidonfAmsaclringreio-rterniorsn trut evih Spanish imflmoosholdtonsides ctamgeewirhcfrorrrs 1111th blanage and ehoncsdinros of oace 2.l1M1 saoieraI- . ta asdehoaughthe rsternsnf atneauoann hocenenig Il seCamraoaCrdonytosohz ditA tiaiepsrr and No tepublic 1809-1900, aced I'a ho ls ieed Cearrera. 3. Cardmnr ae oresir albiow fo she pabrhdny of pod imigsihi sraeat, dernd orrcr ra tie pobabny atfindin 1an eado 4.L Laondo orAmra thding obedar ness podal1 Satbo Am .5. Oa-asnatt borrowngs mesa atirhopreoe bfee eevng tognagc Sparnab drrnars aowss a tes csti Avees nn ods atqispedarmew posrenrrfwo culroreat afborroairgs. 6. tjaosrn-ia llosire 111 bolts planesi aid ea1 tC ~oivi ieeponori osginnya rteear peeriogpoesssorao Ia] VV/ - /dyyd c CO Oda 7.P'i nranrd mrca-jhnlogaaaysi may be usedaeaalrdinssab- tlsiirgippisae b periods oftrIonword inltoodoctini. In tirenaoe1f Avn -eaergesta ms ow xwnmo rodsdarlirn tailtConrao-riandfrCrlary Apir fc-rminstrnal seseeinnrtho, ThsAy eearhnor ol ora ihnymdl m¢c fait un nooin o gr nec Theisnecic wnphd oirts etctdivergence nf diales osirrAsraieselfpreet a pa rohtssisc cd andl uexlropaedta etroooi 11ioi antiieetieondradsraresnsanmr urelyit Co eel,siom of 'rvvair )'isr deeiir ateda pe-.nosd is falc paper emdi en else farllowng L A SeLty-efAynir tinlgrietittnlaarnaminsosodnwith paish irdnssmsshoredmo-sdeecteange wtheteefeonoeeo brhliasinrgsall etin-aonssenaseat 2 Tho Aemro tha- raOed thsoo g tis p ,o-rsatnrratarart1 boorig h rsaIColn and CaloelISa -1809. lsdrposdsncs nine NaltsRpattc 180I- lIq and ThesTaoesoh( trnry 41. Cemsa or ooeas aelttires fear rh pase etyapeditme ritm ehrinu'od onnf Spreshitron dresdsiningtdie ndial ConerPa cnod. trergabs Spaiessh drisaneetrie e are wm added to ar Ayeeara enorde; ifaqredsae posoor of nonoroiisnlesfherowieg 0.Alo-singssantr s inboth paresdssd ssemdsrri ntiam srropenetrihng1iinaHy rnrsicrrr pacese trontesses iney o r ss ioet col Ilrtsis mmeo isotodn CO - Ot da 7 Thesaia and m acphrmlgatnelyorerayhonoorda ascidiseotah- tishsgappo imampn-itos afeanood inrod attions. In the case o Aynro ooidnrsosuaggoee tattcstfatlrig lnanotrdsnrsime dated tiig Initial Contaa and Clomp  174 dobt Speh Ne.0Inpkit Aj.,- 174 Coln t .nhBon ng~mA,.,, '74 Cs.a.SavhBt kuhp hteAm S. Seattottic paerns are mnote general catd, the phonetic incladinag Nartrwinsg. Widctriag Not- esegrasier,sad Antlogdrng. 9. loori-gdssltiascs jocessoed- ithereeforeetIcdetf bdy 30bd eSecebods. IS. aeypnishsmoelnare not precise. paeiossforats wereen- pctirgfo otuen acceptance. II. itare'derscgseoes needed topceiesdcoawltd Epilogue The eltaive scent of ciresant anad the pleasof ngold led a-ta Spaniards pact Bstira hacoaas rs nrdu snpcordaa.dersdosescsdeelseh pasc daa.Spanih wstssaseps osw te latelansu take, a or dBscsn t wsheas she dot ssetledM rloonordd of deoso and dth, srtw Sporuinh waede nhichdccbdhAasrno, tsstgrcecd stecutrasctredangnsgethae hadciseadstehighstcsderscsetrssa lbAensaesj d Mstc ,o... dsss..-.cdclrsscapntbic 'seaxesasscietpatcces Notes a.Tsi t, se hea d- tAtn hou dsoi pochat Steas lasS, d a cslngehsfts'th dr..sic being 'dcl" pcltrr arn dere deu ekes Iira aasakrj b-iaes 7-tsht lleaeo lanoctec Jaqar t -age-ar tIt rotna laletet Jbdi esteea] acesemms paeetee ccc atte etne a kte prkntec. iseooding ne.owtg Wircog., Nahac Rn..Ieir and Aoahgioog_ -nE - cgisshs-tca Ipcess aadistko rcfac nbciderifacd by h uocekaaethds< 1itlvtp ,,hestdl accento pocct*aduninnfesrncrcatr- pcdnpfat generl ao-opsrc. r1F hcrnecegairrie,ddte pstoidcddiiaaaldaatitntr Eptil-gre Ike etnet scen of cinjuas need thec gicase of geld ted the Spttedsi so sectp daoing deeds of enpltatin stald diecs re Yet foe the great pastedr httvatentsned unexplnoedand nndasso-redtto d present day Spsnish eesiteeowept ovsrte tapso noeawhilwindc. Brwhen dednstaled1,e newnnaajetoftdressatadrtheew Spandahn-acds ceaicladescrbed elte cer ineratedo tos ho cadltr and lanngs~ tat lat]eed yh in e highlands fas nocs Tho As tac cossned the incogeat stansidskcieecheeespsahlr n yeeat n 50555.yaz Notes 1. in, hL aodontar ris vo is, sw Etefro ht etscecssd6M h flttcss~atraedesgt Praedtsaii 2 caioa dlk San,ht bar hosseeanldtd all isa-e~y r-itb ssbc 0hi ante braddce's 3. ee tispsen 1iea p ¢sOkits Spattr 4isnac' y b !JI htotosfsdrosncb- 1ss-sos a- Prbabee esgeilef ptneada teet, ktti tehetan Oponeb cota too demoltsnahd nccalHtp.... by hsiog'alpolieaecsc'dened -d dtsl seostsasfrteit descents asiskettcsshtnasism 11rskret pase. ltdataronec 7.tnslrero llttgor itta.. o skcgas a if cclessonklakcstd.f sea' assa] S. Sefuottaic parer- ate rote geoeta leer the phaontie, including Nartsowing, Vialeadng, Nat-ice Rec~isi , and Aetatootatn. 9B Bort vhatina ldsraocal pruea and is-soaetnt e idkeni-ied by 10.Ead, panshakt-adLtstae os precise. Variosldform art petd roe genre atceptance It. mohe inesaigatioeds nended to presde adliteust data it other Epilogue The clotdestm aof oistamoan and ehe glcan af gold lad rho Spmet'nde et-rtdangddcc f aelstkeensd do-tcyoefeorthc grmt p-at, Baeliihas teenea ncep...d and ondistentood nro reoscss she deer scented tie nevs soeeal of dmes and tie sew Spateial rn-eds wehich dcsciied theme r-einteraetetd intotheattlseand language that had existed int the higlantds foe craras. TIe Afai ers cosajaided tar c gto e acle i 1 saatompatibl. osaig snsacdenmptte. Notes I.Scaaeese ted rflfe lectoe huates-ste eknea i d1 aot do 1s1e fthe T mcrhpsidito A Otot saiaies that-gtnda bon i oi -h teaor she seeee eg!sot pio rei-o Spassh. 4.Te rea .bcecssee nessdfhat tacate it I. "onh a sot-al pesisslth 6. Bee as Stie- a Opante toknits ac ddto'gedshd shoes 'Haeptod" by bchta 1rptire vctt a doesseddmshteskec nsrtefc. oe mtshe 1 11 cissbrothaothsrtecldsnab asaEddagso 7' cnadataste blase.v the ngasa.F dm0 softra blets,. lest-  3: a iF A "E rd, 42: S i E sc 'a6 .. Hm . kG _26 °E q Y cvF ¢ Lz j .U $L i C. n q  IT6 Conta Spanish homw IN Ayma 17 , hn. Bmmbpg inoAmr 176 Co.,,, hwBomhgen Alea sh, nrnbrsss pig sfsr hecfunua a sdats Isr apae dam, aesd' Mtbr1 'g rsetoskessgfplssl. MsoserspeAymaa rrsr I fristrst ftrlksai seni, od bh pes ..... seessrerdp aneerd reertE sh1,hrd gp m[ aft Ia~ h g as u ,inthrrse da arser sfp poses iet ,Ip Ayaa elho.. ieethesenenstgsad 'ee rprrh, esie b stra oeehrdlec seo ost Mxaer Rsd5 Axna us btede er oom rreettf thensnatiepekesetrela sssorally dessteoSpsnish saipt.IS ies aateesd byasperartrdmtse of sisiei oas with sen Afaonaoi ssyistp t seup to th~iere A su ter anmutotr, rseer sIttshldtt ed hoc tttthast o rpisseneIdfseAasd tossr seio asierl Ayta- sinlits, is nnthtgse. Somse ourly tieoy Ayosnr; others are mnsore or less adopted to 4Assssr phoneology resedisg to the degreeeofiispeakcerssotoiofhpasish. Arater tleeereish to si ord .dseiio wish the prnet haegbe Spaseiis in cht ase loose msan las o esthste Aye~me drree Me. Tho nwhoe ssstreseeip drrebeerssuetssnd ., srtudytrhitepIsto er- roens Iasatsfent s e sis perreO t hessessenfs Irt st whoII iraeapsrrtesssteondeafhpsrsis tean of rsace The poiet an oel wskshrrsisnt1si argersnmbsersofpanish ioas rdoses yos inrsdsof sIstse ensi-enpl aorspodtrgerekssgeiAynr grs' rserethsiessserothat M'.seen- i; enresrsdiiRdissAymaa amsr Spmssis phosrolosenwim N trtingssael ssssro ofnhoic Spaishpieeote .1 orreessersrses fisiifldged sod S-Idrseirsr for tis rs d5 tpe se esodrss of b ti Mr-so...I aned Rendio Adnso ihoa cent of paters Aesmare) wes trade :med rslerioe s and puiblished ssrtof Prs eeseCaoiciisssd psrsi Aysntsr c lso . Stilted5'sea aesse speaksersei sdshaieites-esndos foflsonisg seersiose. thsres distres neiii hr dismsseds soiti ess.rs to insoehology er'. stsod sssassei-. Esesi es ore n,eses itFl tier M earn Ado-,a~ is ssI hr geeor seisilipios. Isis idersi folehihrrdsnserseoesIferoseisesai iisskersrandiseial uetisereskeRand, of tir trasenlstst sie~p d dtas sz pae set.adi the .n,eoros trking of pieral. MLs~aSwssss Apssaa r resesesssnesssssnt of sehgeess sn flikals sold bymnissioss- otased p entse sadd sees dpeslshed sesasses 1 ifds'lansguage, as ,asll IFeseslseneedrpspeslrl peeestneseigis. Posss dhl adioeAseawsneeap Mssesosery msossrsssrst. Prsd Aiosarse1-1s err htheneoste,esdi sepeesl, siesedhIFrels nl ~ ~ as thraesisSptsahsefdssrrdsysst -oehrisspo- t et seresser speth see L teseeg eerily dissrnk fere S preish . s.At.I 1x+Mb ldpni ~ e ,w thrAyssscrreeess esdstrsdterne An seesseh no, ~ ~ ~ hes coscaul crsn ro pe thei stone I jais en r s seskingtesssesleshessssassrrtherhans gtsswrd fornord. lIsherldhesered hese tsststhe entry os Spreesh hisnweedsto Av Stat, n ,r or, in ailAees dialecrs Iseseol-, sgsee toestursf Spirs, ivle lese herberm rs seplirarm dri to nsee prnsissopng (An- seeseideIre I nrvdhbysttesnlesbprnsrsd hisstt, lrikbe as- tiepAye th restmina re ndrpd seAysss ph1 sesegty sresittpeheds pren tse,,,niereeesse .1etSpensee A...-he Ietprstserssetloasemay oemres neesthe speeschtoof aeipnairf theanswishtto showeiaesate towit We presge lantgsages Inesishr.i Ilret sase larss sta nissedsar reeiesestre krsessoblbes The nwhots eeesrmeepaesh tos sse Ay -lm e logino r soseetitr~Ssaifartree idnrth perrssr sahsrsrrintserr ewho hrnesgtets weodenspetsrhthesepfAytssr t1r pesinsleewshbt sockethese sethast Ig tsaer rof Spanist loose decree no vsnslef itelf teedeero a stpir ospondeekesegea-t resee pero nosestpeo rrre lingustis Pestolates oer woastlitntofshrno- psmsesslphrtesizd by rlrtbh psepttssttssfpath Ioaserosdse Spasc h pbenologs restdsen tswrsad ste eseenfwhdbsi Sprssseh phm ossseesesso dll fldprd redo ,lbeeees Poe thin re s peseredsgfa ereiMirsionarsy asnd Radio Aymeee lbutisetsof poIone sAysesrt)rce orde golsanlooeri and publisheed son fPsoessats Cathsaba rend Psatdon Admsasa wre also coe- Inroadsxessta sprhrorsristd ieetiistcpetsoe.I e follersingestiosthn thoistes sdiae sdiersrred : sditesnsper-tto moerebtsistgerysrl arss eereies psreepints metn bt the pho Misrise aymorsipss he pa e o sein e eelog It5s055 frsitsoacEsdiscsorseeseofseetn eytoete doween andleseseni isets n therrwakessog ofie leeos/nonnresee aed cut ense ro Inh s nn nd sessths rgoersetrargof sla sn MrrrenrepAteseen roe isereoetenaens e sfe iseescrtehsnie told hysesserees sy-red persons send sevral pubbishcd pereaisee oftbeine onena well asesteeesrdospeechsopernsetessscbpees Psison send Radio Aynnan ovserap Niotase to set ossIanon Ayenwiir ocrrt -betirrwostsegand rnrp s serte hal byewho sssteeahrllepsisnflseed inrsnisracellsohas a)ieps- 1istre oers. ides RadiorAyossssedeby rdoennemrers f e natiseepea-srtaeatteb essrfl d'stromt Vracrr eipssIt. ehsssse byih srepeshcsd sseoftases lnritsetr thr Apnnrseesnts rssdorrd to sflers A snsesbrofs~srserras ssoeercrterlyteeeingo'espeeneothe p An ]aetssn,,,,o Msorrer teei d soissespert she tose sahe se gyoer Secedawm~it Ao)-ce esewrehich occers in aslAyrsrr dialcts is soehanpewenit l SpassishI lesser have bees comapisisi ad aptesito Aears photnolopy IAy- eatzdland atespeocInsdbrscseseoitsestaidhbirgoais ahkaseno- tinsyAeets orhessr ee s icr ssapsrdt Aytr phesotogy rseosdig mothe degseefhe prsrs¢-Icof Spmdt Asothes lesII-hnofins tory nicorr csmnhre prh of incenlt oietf thee eishen sohow foeihrsis with else ps-erglrgsrge stpcih is matttrsof pnsIe assith Aymrna desesrvsseosettainsglerene .ssnoeal faets like he psreseneo flstnr h hseegeatioenrsd oitpoenwhshanofhArtct Tirepotnt lwst nracM~hesardr aiedyeessmbrsof SpanshIsendewseotensd of perresaee impe itnre poore en soki gsereehsmrss efsh tie Ayenrs1-0 Newesire it,,e ser sho Mssroar Passens and Radio Aymnana ,Is. bwstI rloesseeeadhi b t hghprootonofpanosho-wnrdsesn Sprbidtphosoobgy tredrrigetoeercsnofhle Spanisht phssses Is i fulIII cdode s ,hsur, Ferrtheswdy topecaosasemtofboth tntssescrsy andtRdioAeeaa (inetoiof IasoeAymawosr scn mrdersnd otrtyee Saidp,.l,hod rneeof sossso Cashotir ted peatspA IIv~ieh i fsierienpeoos pa , t itrpeaio. p henherf I g ,tlheeo drrioettwillbdisaussednithespectso sescepieotoprsrye a unedeenesgsEieampe n siteseisehe pho-  Wicninail 120t At.ar up 177 alr.II l Si lpl Aym..u-ir" 171 ssv ,,i l and Bad A vn-BO 177 rernir alphabet atom ladre Pica Yapir, esspt that Spatish Iona ss eS'sesstttalpaniis. Larpea trct mpalshd saass trg csia.raaita yatsahaveeeecssersdt YapitarshserpteaMsu ,eses are teps nted hy pads sTf sausesd asstfatansd pelitiesorssiss arssdrerbderi- raitla~y itdssdstsassffues arttbifoefaiascincs), andisiae fsaslsaaye gsaskMMiar ayaad Pasrot eays ssat Plssta estetppAlrs aad request; aeseftpssi'daatasAsni as~ ~~~~~~~~~~ls esests tetrvdb-tae at t orAystra, stasislept atsw is ek (19151), ata iovydb trs aertsac ha I t ha CitlIsh di ebpo ai GM c an Prrsr preadet. Casntedscbdiastsasdlssrst Aya adi areaa gesaerllyattaassau aspelsise aithssasstc( asaf- p siaiitau lionaaucarroeis heresrhssplaoc Sprite' Carrsittyesseeiisressed inMssistrye Ayn-tt rtpesdof estiveesiynsrrars andssies b hvedffertsa tsesirtai t MIS- isary AstrhanseesieteOsarcloe hss upshtt 'because . Pet- hoapsrtssresthanayatseraae iarare rhestf athasiRooeasstmps a speakers huagstsstssiststtsssrase anasti Pases- tait athcaehhetsr t b-sstdsptsdh sasseeL sthaioat ses t is halitwta iairsts ae ' sahat'u. i pimes satffss-wrsb'acrst aF.ftTay qaerv ksscicykassissiserdlt n sepicst qt6ssss like 9lts 0)' s a i s s r r a a b b s a E r o s e l r t s a gesereilysse...1 o mee anat s p iiee bissa riCstcs c a d sr s rm¢ti Syntx - essicsyr so link.ueesadisnMstesssty Aysraooesal of -cre Aymsara sectm atd .trr bet hosa didfuostsoaresc as Mir- siasay Are 'uteaslsetre Oreis bscktsa ibcsesselea bae tte is c ay ashes ace fetre ste atse of sheis lberstraps a ,piak,,asaingrssosseaeassodI} o tss, aisiasgisste teeo isa beets adpel by sast Catlas a-li-ru iaactise 1 -cerag ciaes'calsbspiussthe ssffisx-iua'cat aeeautc af. Th, sareres letayitcc-ia. aiuasedl tartpaisry qsoeaa, like 'Vftshl T pouttss tsfassiliar saih the MIasis.ry ae kba cala II.trrtsssatserftineayeeaaeca fe-sirgstfkasc hpt,irtjaol- rcfajee g nos iste seeraces lit ke sthe falits'isg f.apsh~ se Jissb'isa dieses n,,lyc s apsc a.faers a little paudau wssask E'tt re 1sxer- aae ss'a.spaaaa beecase we omt m p"sa-aols.Wak tltemtpordert o-Wovot- We somtimes mtake moistabeo.' A totisitaospraker wsould omitk btalaybo .~st.tboodiroti ott part ofIthe rtrtse to sthe other byjstxttopostttst.O Uolitiort I woll go Rib o o ea I woll to tilyo. 00.00- It hae to reod tettdioouasi ttoill ao I t osto, towo d 1111t go to tho a cfltoty et do scttetecadttg lltave co do: Aitostompltofsedottlmg iothichtpashoiahtotbtrrpo r ho lo. 11 toto.M it oly Arta itite seoesoiso orgois parficlejaro ib the obooltrfeto sofli-uo btedoted ow), oodtho Tttomeaoinogeotoveyrdtsosttsehtstoagor thttotepaih wooNd limptyl sloe to the preoc oftw, whisb cila Pyotmo ottol boldoe. too",o m soot tu Lem00 totsa..too i ttoa tint too taor 'N.5, amsLtee, s ftt so. RodioA shotr oddt moas ootplessoftSpanoish tod ordsrcOtts ftrodeto Aytoro forototoopo * ar ja sotsssseo stto - I'o toidettoatkflot sweaeras) so burger mobay No to olvid ommpoto pi too 'D0rt forgot to boy Patoom> AttotrTotsooosrotcvtitsthecocbooooptsttt pesdtthoth. aod thseooofothe Frtte ooattoticecotsosdiosdofthotot-spot- trade soflod toboys m yoss1ittfstgeutto nsmtadi~iti..to yAt'ait atotlo 111lgoto tseostivoetto dostoe rradingtttoaosto do' At esatetye ofecode swoitohinog so tattorh Spotioh al hot tuberete thoe Avttoi hr tco tkn( asarat seonsace, '.Bilekerto id Au rtttot1ttotttsohreott sortilrjoti wihrhstzbtsoltatttsuoooxosoredooodtmto),oand the Ahytoto ptoraltooffso mtotwhrttstafollowoed Is rhSpuntishplua totossitg rsrydiost fos ttttsortgttltsst etotuhesorld imply. dttm to re catoor o f-, sshttniotas pertsoal oomvlodgo. Yorro Su 000 jatiAto ttetasaohst Ittth± tot to ssa Nttesttoeo RasdioA-ttoaa 5iods m oyteaotplo Spr whtsd orsternan- faied to Avtooarajitrexoeple. Toeototts -te i t oo ~ eustrw-rc soot fort ttt boy 'No sr otoide mmoprar Piooes> 'Doss> forget to boy Roalttes' A mroreonortoca t wotts ith thosorb ottptotoott preoodtng the verb andttmeossoftbofooeoo tpapaostttaeadioorod ofttteooe pee- sttplot Ip..rttis Part0 rkooa toot-to eodo called .toby tooyooawll Niereo ttots a. tas-ti p lls wl ill Sosroty boy ''Igo to thcoolooriy ts dso ootooadicglIhaotto do: Artoeootple ofcod swtshiogt-swhichtpadsall btosubmtergecoths Asrtaa is dletx sottttec to o m ftoc Baptist ttttosr ntot to astetoBible class. TI tO At y ytooiohs oorttttte it the noegitive Ay oasapluraltssis-stak, whicisifolttod bythot ptidrapooals. Thotoraigs-ottyed isonoossloattroopethbottShriltossdd itoplee itto hs pr....twoof-oa,wichsisdiates vma sttttkootttsge. astmov or he a to,. ottkato PItls toot to ue Raodio Aytori yields to b soocoples tf Sptiosh word sorde ottt- footed to Avtoara, fot exatmtto Joo ottwo'eut ottu-oi Pitlost-( (otrdstarkftoroa-Irs) to 6sobto ms bsssFs No so olvide eotnrott Polooso 'Dock foes to hry pototoss A mtomnooral tetotesc, wsiththsevotbsomoplemsent preoedittgthy oobr oid thetseofstepoFreas aptommtotanslitsteadoofheooorerpr- seto ry e tttoaiot is Polosoatoe sot t lt Olo toads sthsi to bay so voooillfortrot moark att'osroilct lo. ous wintOttel bots  Miajs P-vd .d RdoAy.a-*rgg 119 MuInn. laton aai Rhd& hc-B,, 119 Mi oa oen n Ria Aymar-*dp 179 'Donat forget to busy Poluruess, be sure to buy it.' Semantic Missiunu,, Patois, oSd Radio Aymra all show the senuuuriefers of us- pl.,piri issussgeeus resulu. For example, in tie Baptist s-orn rleady teferredto, tuetfolloweingsonseie occurred. Min- eeupto heesssssIlk, .r auho.:so to? uuuuamptr sisters he pt Missiuncry meaing' H-e wsou ult ensule.,n n Ntue-reisueyrstusisgeHo puurru plcousmaull mc rising)I isotretbiug' Hereewe laveacaseof thepatuishbCuteejessptnu nutIupacsirh cuitthe uetbpgonueupug, placesirsun pouusuurcjesrpo 'egianur-beu oruurpe B stheveehtfiue Speaker cuposeuLotutuu oeScitsc cry setdfus-ru-u reh ean to matutuuobjectiuosomnethling'.I'],c trurirs uFet i -ssc-urneriuir ke'He put aluexample (usrssulls crurclscg)rurrrothug .uie. biluu y Iteusua' jebk -hr -i .nor onrb clry ose us as itenni rttssug: Atd thsbsstr iuuappouciig (insir)' Mousing eneyod 'AndI thse Blests is nur g phlsarlly dloso Theinterded rcsr ng i shin rest 'and the rues u is approochiut' sbg s. is 'h sroirimcinJchrirsplirtin howneer isslut tlue fuerta irrtuing pluyuiclly' closer. A preferobl ue na s thus wotsuc uauld be the vetb ntneplnotari ,mcancur t yh ll1 :ox disrus. coadeisios., Incrcu~iyulsrtelslr, nAnuir a ngutr pustulutsss'te trital rrucesarSbsott ssrntnh centry'stfs b is~t ut 5 naurtalcr persours baneocn ro erreo sunued by nm native speakers of Avrssstu, retultinug irs such Srsrsuno us esess a bnre-o, seuich ssil ccrtodaystte beginningf ttc Lcdslsayer N acroo6-sisu-len livfatperson Pluralpyosesive l ou buets hfties'binuu consists rf ther sobifathee' pius the swioer dureh pussu pus- sess re-sszsseu.ig'fser uaundltme Hoeverceey oecig 'pmt uearte bauy pl'es be rrrcott rayIt' Missiontary, Putin, ond ldis A ymara aitzo sthe str meeste ous 5sf biteralttxuoion widluincongmuoosets Foll. mr eoc in ethe Bauptist tel-u'nualready referred uOtht following sert.srrued. us oenple rusters hsepur Miosutrscosinge Hretor ceunspie. eu't he sisters?' Nustsisirau-ttuirt05atq o Maring aeseayepLre' tired, JoeP, thee up aod eetit' Astemalsway tstllolnssethlat dieseais readyvwouldhre sire ph 'are to sesaer alksh , re witis the forsi preset sufi sserelssdoeeieotliepsaeeateeraerh stste huseeoeltdde feet exaisded oerrtl a sissstre.ssr Llsg ttsuthsi petrs tar b ith ase eeseisisa riaetl dyeses e..i-lesxleerey besteey. he 'eesiieied aeafrrsofe ase ,essid . essl-Heeishbeiegadd-onee asslhe Tsissty) The ral ptir is , M1 tsaer u sir Aere Gedear eeethterresei per esd 1aSioes a rist ' GoodFeathyeseepr. e Whrsrr ptsp tostsr drnk. ies arset eAirasaor eledesh pr.tessepokes o ssstte geithe grreallIferh persirs TieF fl errespess Frees onee afthe Pited Ay rorireogos fils, sereshferi perso aries tteeia psersised aetdestdessprss thee stirscer tir l's tity tIer dad ssoaeiepGireies r seer, irm itirty' Akpolite asytesktwaterssworldiserisngdsafsir uptrs so, ite, atdigsthsaddreseee,mrttifhe ,,she'iTrisg askedo provie lthr yter ee r i'sasR chits yn ed...salet'sresasdmethaveeene res iiam rthirty [Is she fell*dn strpeample fees' Welr (117 Hop rsdassas .oeseil fmrsrtsing orly tsaecnd pers-srirsseedof te forth perseniverbael irtaiae Akee.a req'aLa Je, seasq'.sr n.si~ here food toen duo oost lstrsdedestesirg spr'isr rsdesere Meerinisaerervad.-'Here. food,Jfosf,slbup andeesit A sssimal nayiteitll sir:eadrryisrelhnsere rresrrwld ill she pharsre o ses k. rik ue r ids she lir prstsrnv t asark dersecresseaes p s rie as the heae stand sisr fe-Wetvloded' or father isesrio 1)are Vesigid frorh prrrorfor bet ,wssoe ssrsefisrm oeleelessefr Gaste sedereterrssistes artha Firtsy). Thse easl prlde avsesen rrstetissteAessrr,(oda ertsahtal>pasess LTh tfes Ites pssfesrdtyermr spkers ore feri at Aselt set Code rSe Avris ftd Cash eIs ha te rp o r-rn, a i ymsti-trnheers'sspek adn ar iss rertessIs grseioseel foeth poer Pais fellaseen strirreeio fressisetsretroei Arasar easet5 fade, edie tee p d-ir.ue pa liaeHl as ld nd.ga thee st-ti gire ser tths hetended mra'ohg(i'v esroree vaster, ro Minsirgacsnveyedk Gimste the wesrt epd, aartysa see ris A paist a ter s for essetrstould eieig tesfessdi peteis alsdieg sh t-e adieves iiea ans sh ir .. is sed is psoside. the Uri, II _ teresaa pset.seues 'Pleas Ir's y-oe ad tirh-re ina er ens ass, i'hirte> he she feoes-is eseapti foree Wexis (1967is144) ersderssse-ersl frin~gaoils te eed sesonseriedofshe Furst perron essrl hare feed mter doryorwans MItfleorieessdeereefoed, eiasesbrrsrpeIJitet Aomlstay trttasomeore tat dis'ris roadyeeadbe  MIoi.ir Ivan Raio Aya-a,, 181 &fiir Pave, rand Rdio Amr-Boo, 181 Mimms l~ an Rio Aym.1-81,,,, 181 Jan,tg'ts t'Jos.let'sea. Jars, .......s'J. rso,,om ' Joe' osgosos Jolossost Eroo.pQ adas ad ns-al: s-is flmasrsi iisaohdebystho hrsmorsonhoro p tolnoc taorostl p"crtm, in Ayesr hosema arnd o e hooso fa aotis l . ably scso rs hs D rnomsaio pot adflosa'iotosdinsgd sosy nudei ajtodhbvvnAyerahFamil Preferrdlswouldlbe tse folosingnsigle tird Pellrson ur hpaasssca, aooaPrbocssmyrchild' Cc-~ mao sedwcsisthoo cgotdth at oesope tsltes inoMisssossarm and plain Astar For orselltle ss,'g*god, dr.cusho aya oiiro mh a ,brl o-t olalrtudtsso r efrs t people 11~ en otassen phrases, slarhas sstosoh gsssd fahr ,ssas oscd-spakn persos'andrlooaag !giood prsses if goodslssasce+ bMsessssrsand PasossAars esodsfysoyhssoe s roro Sstatigov. essesdedtooeo nBlesso ee gir aootlseedrleru oasnvysjnsiev opresste andsomoreomerorimpliesshlac tieospreaketbr h sotd ctnisyod person efer d to, Sandskry cohereal osshsssocarx lod Vi'tsios Aysme.. eeverab forotso.d ros besased seeail" ts othfelr, dialect it is 5550 ssodf ratel 1 p05gb ta vsars arntsso itis which itsMis- .i...or A ytsae oscas 'Vol9 casi, hm a Acoar a imlines Atslirdlisgisc Tpostlaemwl-ics oloohed s Mis.issoo. )Ay- mca Nslooghlot jo Palro, and Rasdio Aymnara)ais the dis'desefdi- eesodssroc hspalcdg _ csro ryrAlmoatoses alaoot claisaoiysoeeooisttstolncsdsisndoAo pesorol direct koowledge Whilo Aslon moaid be appoopio., fo Iomisoral arss [er sloe n ic-o or sersioss sprikes imost speaskoes of Aw ssoasappropiatoard lodcrosis. tholeidllo'oigrample theevetb l.. tsredtsoodlto fiereco Kno'oledgs [res. Kasoli..isltpoto pco leesosagi jisiarse..o_ 1 nasd, disasc bis sitvos o, believed Erors perceisved s t odro es also arie fioso fibre sobasbide by sloe hmmnmnpostslate. Peronal pronoonsin Aomararesumoan andtumaynot beidforonalssinestheyrarnrponnopldrd. Deosorstime ptnoororrloItioshoidoloins od isysaci .btleiosoel boooftooola nhoigsi p esoediasosrd.- ing Assoosoltst fmollassangspoofsna-,.-ofoneltosslondisodlh rjeotoslbyosaI..scAassoisprk.r.. Ubio.coasa- oa. 'Thas Is noy child> that child moy Flatfr..davonldlte the follwio, risingtheschildpersoapa. Inop..x otoici c0.- I lodio is sooncsldJ Cdoas norooodorhsosgirathrsoonrhsa par- freelyt aod o sc oftaoleosooseeoon bulooses dialectsitarssloaepenynerose cosiarvhi gooollsef 005 al "el spokeonar peosso. soad tom, logopro, fgo uate n hna uadSe .0005 sd somtoty any heroannn TI so sentenc e justo meciO 0 inoodcdo""aayaIfl etl tothardtInactscnitys'.osne oppao sdosoea lsspleositoolM~sprepictassotrda rnstls o fe ormlt amsartlsdlvnesl ead P a Aymoao. sirs aedsed fpeople mat ov tbe sed generally too ainre daldrsit osot olladtfr people. Tostaatosomeone u t, v Aobesllstgotettc ~ ~ : amntlteehn rptarsassletsa olAe a~tnddtres knosssledge soarce MsoaoyAriisslos~ olootvlyootsesi, , adloalolsstt'asrosae aSteeos deco, reealred Wie ohssscn W or, d hr npcsn oao for r,, most teo acooe thet, etsooeeseosossssra-k sfhsrsessrtppoprateasd loorots .... nhefalleoegcsopltbfveihsnhrondrrtd tReoete Diroco Knaownledg go~re Kaci..tr ditci pogc doeseanotje cro I. wict disciple bs isttes toot belsceod ho-are tsct-edd so sd.as al s re fromt faht to IAlisde byesbe huaso.eo aessta pessslote_ lRlrsaal ptroasos in Aymtara are um and tesy or e~u oorfaoielsonlsthey areothopoopioed tIssesstrisptsts aeoedforositals std thisad as syotacic isp baoh i ehn :gspreve sisl s orfrg s a reatol te fooice type of seostesc frost Ross lttrdatedl is bceed by snty Aymoara speakeos. t~ok.c msc eai That ios p~ cltild) Re-ferrrd orld badd folo llatng, osiogohnohid p. ors oe w Jtspa. maca. mca 'Hr/,hslopisythild0 Certans noons ae coed oHoos oegard so the lisrnohoolion p05- taaoIn potenaopyand Plrdoyrna Pot eample coma good, do- bc/otis' orr frrrly nan tbifo, oof nenhonea nora hoa tn mot dialo tote nedo t so pwople only itsscnit ¢c pha'essorhirs atto-ct goad lath Cr onaarss slpobo grc ,an seo agt 'good prison. of goodeleaoeten issasioearymsid Pmeon Anroar .t-a s aused to money sony humnoa one Tieslo um a m itnotedooosaot sites nie girl' is ashe dialects aeotes lth oppasior anst morcoeer sos hat tishe spoaas 1ss tried aode eeyd the peooofrorci o Sooerasly'hrtattro MeoosandpndAyaa. aoy bu d r aayhmdi W notedalcst ted fat people .]osym eopoaess rosa to toooneohetMr- ssoyAbymaamreanss 'oureoemOtonassos nsy Ayansinpc Ar-dlloosot'rtrc pasrsdateorhchteisorlaahed insMisstonay Ay- u(thoogh noses Paotoasd RadoAoral)rs dod ktsoc ofdi- orad'rostet baosledgcsaoee Misoot y hnasc r' a. cylsoeteoises and hursl sofres thotiedsnopesaal dnsentahkoonledge. Whbile mtese assiossld be-ippolorefo yw _5 stmati orsr trnadooer lt sPrel ofAm abs eo r oopproor ned drinobotllcntshnneptrrlh sorb hasetheoreadotad liseor lDireo Rssontlgcerse. Kosch...s aloesbopi~t hsoeae jaai dooa be c1t raclicl disciple heis sinsmo seat bodies ad  182 Ca-~* Z..bph -ilwn Ayaa 8 Cou Spns~awiwAmr 18 Cam y~nnSM 11cvmvbp in Ayal Misoaa n eeiiga 'Wldri efhi disrprs, ma did tr Narrsiriasay ntrs~rira 'Which oflri disciples, risters, dlid trot believe? (Yast ressesahe so'e were there asid heard him sass so.)' scmioysekesojc on ofrtheDiect Knowledge Resaae intt ie above examlre as isaplying that rile speaker anid the addressees were preseros tr arsit ofTsoris a expression recdisie Isn- aAerisara, thiever assrdiisvelleRsoiaeInricrraie ed e etse sod -rysa, oarceinsrjdeor arqtldsiiar af risecibra lhrrkersasdi. ererttr rite Pttife,airotaaw tag rrsa.re dri-a a ries, (.bbinitg 1965':83). ana ot heaves wdleairc hliriiiees- itp'hirrc. sillt tcriei.tr.' Ntsrtit ksvodsoilkrrpr ilwttresssar!!bwu The cirpiaae I..rs rthe spakr will personally sea fta s..lt daoratt i Havas.toavsid gieiisgrrihistresriatr, anyre ar speakrts......ired additag rie faiiassitg sals Cad's wroacH L.sir its siraGod's sand Apir fash senrarsti Isisr.hisa arribi so failir toi is reli- gdrst its M .Iol' adepesoslt ig iot~¢tisirrsraovy Ayara lcart I ase does have ersetoiere. Sael oaaesjles fatisse Nfsissr ayxr Ave$raa A rsah.arah sri ad> 'Th Dos havn 1e par- 'Do o p55a ouatiieWsi' (irslsirs) MIricarsay rierireip' Which of bis disciples rioters, dtid nsot le- Nsrotssray irraistr gt W i of hir itripia strr, did, bcv (Yesoriarhr teesM~ wcyts rhaa and based iste ay no )' Noa...... raesysitoartoortorsaaf thr I).o.ra Knoeadga biirat, im rt, atase craerle at imrplyirng tar the tpeaolir arid rhe Wadersos ve trptsrisrra tesssfrldra'toethestoarra dirih iKiiown edge toe setuwx-sirss raiveyiisgiisdirecroraitieirsfite indentr- Kassdt.'. oi dirrpais.pas jas iir ha Isasa1 .ii Thors.ra lrdp, sihrr rrssrsirr a parssisltaasiidercna, m photrao (bing 19(iI-8t)- farstha .rrise , asa aspss~ -W a itsrs.Dhosskrs. st or hea.. Wil's AIssirsrrsosaWoing: -Siaaassoeitrgcrrt haser Norittitesseoa latingrs aimeewrill iarparar-reatei, herarse I trae tie ksey ari wridi keep hess-111i Ire itphara isthar rho spnae soi IIIIV"ilIthn dotrnoor o 1.a Terd giitgiispare o arp ~ m Aid,..r. spreakerstsgsaiird adding sire fallascirg ..sI esr Yass srst~a.a~aa. ties1 Gas oard *. ..sot nas sGods ward.' Apart frrnrsr ettaeri anoariLme orrrihsrahto C n fatero ahida e liar gfx poraet 1etiseiaise so: d spea h rt hivraroig diff'ercr it Piisiassr AsaCro n thodse rhey irve riseshaee hones easgopia, frilase N~astor' Mdissioary Asara Asiroto Asah, errhri .*. raoi. 'Iea so assvie pot 'Doayos htwo ens'ri eosi (crdottitg) Mitsiaeryreort hiis a aeaaasrer laopseeas of Als pspslensiscssaal- I ices. o esatieoehsss sseaahssoreeelsoas-lpealcisfae 11. Boiviani Biligua Spanish Phonologc 11 Bolivian Bilingual Spanish Phonology Iaeseeeal CPSae Ran fase C. Pyle I.] Se........ otpeolee Addahaaghaeaacs has hor s ams sns Slaish phlocclogs, inacluding a maceaerfsediesfapc assoSp eecsb Acoeracsa phanaology regsonal anddialsselsssudiosaeeill asraosg u aaeas. Thetfunsralihs popees Bsn-ia Spaceishe, i s else aelasoaisphoealagacal stsadies as easoadirooonple Althsoaeg ae saagevseeio asessosssgos iofllsocsonaAearaswpaysisy swayofQsslaaaadAsaa heelohas hscesadoneto docsesesthi pesalsfos Ayssa re Spanihrcs ic irut uoe r u stAdeeshssfls is, Aesda o r lolivat S posish ashere dlescesibed well fsc s rpuass she Dep-aaseoseoflrlseRan.adiioaal omsesfAysoespeakrscand lase she hoe prosmaaaly of Ayaa eaaosolegmsa, Spaneashleaaaaodlilaeas ansd 1,socrahpaea llgel m IT~aieo.eiesaree aarooesSpas illbphonologp cashossupeed h o dioeofeeeenhae-z say Sanase Cpa Blois s wheeses as. Isee lo igeoees menss5 Thea SeshIoed Aoeahggca'r ooiedtoleseanheeh sisaeeeh rsoery' ancdlhave aesoalhboreoweings. l'khilahsesosspakers Ilaoeethroughoutshistory hadsheauppee handeAyaasapeakrs haeges Thce oie iapaoa Osasaaa S paaaieh plssralogl cear enees felPl eri lafliegsl-sagalosae pesposeisofel hspolaei:eseetodsyalF flooaaao of lse asepseesaoo of ph osslore bhheslodso- Alehacegh1 mcoah has hesoiee s as Spanish phoeneelaogy iseluatig a escebcr oftaldiessofspss fSpehaimsseae pleoelp,egronsl n dalcsl slsara Saeaesh b wcoaeoegseecacand Achountacas a peendec o ow s I es ees a Fae leccle a ploeooe Sashlr seeo -Sine she helessoeSLc nsos see pee-Cossee AndeaalSouth Acecc aa mleac asslt faoe r poes ofoasco still soeea disnuseioneeslhere sewi s-eble o keaeseslsAsss Spash ehae s.uen oraieaaaaleaas Spasseshsshsesdasassbdilfaocssponels Iepaeeealsaeaf as a ddies oc of Ayeearaesahmancdsnew daea~ pesnaele of Aymeaa naaoliaslSepinleesl sgisll, sid scoescn Spa ishsbdaagoal. Tlaesisaosreely ascsoae sSpas ish phoclogs ssn he exapecest e reilfees froms chis isoas Sat es, Otoleea whlerecslaeee heeils iasaliessaesinfluesc 'Ice psash and Ay -,sasalaaeaasaeaosial serdosia sash ssoaeeah cesesssasdhbaessssesilaeeeoeis bWhs Spaah spase leave eheosgleos hcisseey ad sheC apper heed, Aeeemes speskbaes h~as gee Thei ae gee papser BlesI us Spaish Phosossgp,, aes enc he 0oleesa OSeishosssosr i O 19 aals oaahasloaShpare, piaeeslalyslsoapae sssd oseelohdaaeasaaeatd IseaseaeeaseThae.1pshlcs fila  188 -otc AyUal~mcw a.. Cn L... A m i -nlec on Spns 88 1 ~ Aymnr Huh.. .... rllyb ly, lly npeeisrsscslfeselliirans.. csecses lah: ref Inediaee bloat] MlhslphLas paperW prorts m be dipcsr. evof 'ibis0 Spsrthparlae sh prisarycascerc isf Ay ca Spacrh. Tosa Ia duBaliciaea bisuhas aeord'-idoios erretda erseo be particulartyealighatesicsg,urieightslsrif Spresish ose hsttsb essecseded. Wlsa snakes itotii ar Sparseb diffar- s,sondsthsfaersrsreesssrg ssie presenc~eof corsr p.ioridd.. s-hicks bee rdeasrdsgrsaos s. Thcr sraditioeal poio.es 1,i whbih mtory Spassort speakers particularly tsp per-c lass sod odorosodo Spstisb mssactssoairs halt wraedsteir langusage hasPerid cr essk ssresiedie .hnn hs papr proposes scify slhese iofs- 1.2 Infoes",s *i Msaoeeuste forcsi icgebr aepo s~mSees mriluAycsmarabili- getals, Y~api ntd Vssa'i 1.3 Carpet 11haacmerp.t rho s ase seas sasllroed botwt-een Septemsber t1569 ased Mac> 1970 tots Srpreosbstt9 tos frotruert9691osasetaroliedain arcto affrldc tlsegeeo us, bs1. Ldir-irfflorida. ssldl wcsr rreed entirely iccathe Aseossr agp Althoghsthse rrpas deals priaaas os-h Aynara morphleoogy s bas asdosrrcdsrsossfAsY rs phoologs sa peeqsase Fraoseseay 1971ttosdissb970 loaaseaoold tsbaos.sa isnsspokaensA ara. Duegros preosdlI solsssarwisssdshbrsfacsossveacheek tcacetgpsoclie phonoslog. I badt alrsdc ,erd tha radrb lit so rll A latasa st sthe fall of lflA eharsese oloe Spaset 1set stodd ho dirs-sly Ftsedl etse Aprorasrtoaf te bscdcrbtsc Seoerlslsdkssers Tihe flos of Asoesla d brogss 1Va 1965) seas also sed frot m parases panm.do euiymrti ei ont fily ork olfssrtsss eesrstged fomcetlese easrecacoed eldistsr yde suren, 1 k Y ftdrseo estersli rll eltefcsosrdposo foesakrsdspaogHilrsha, lhtrteootPolaloolosssoe toeesdaseesescsrkdshssterraoo.s.sss or bessdsoaapsyp alosd c59005 aork sp 11s "P bttse sstpacotsrt osAosaa e bsrr Prsssolaseepoopt sssthatsall pila rdf i IOlssss Spas.r tes howrluded: no broder or cAsrara so Ahe Patrol hh P~iPos lead: ossted Amss b-coreg P., soa hess.. icall tbssee eicsllysueciocurd frsst I (tlosescs-aallck of hidear, blood. Aishoreh the puprr psepse, 5 r bsadssepssoa o Baoisias Sparnish phsonology, tIespes e rsseso sssh ts reo f Aypessa sea Spanish,. Ta soy tieat lI te eus Sy paec hot ie fls cuetrssdos otrese. ol hrpose ffary aobgbsesss .10 it ceohtbeta Spacsisedesfre tst)6aa eroepseadird ts uc ecubs Beelss-m Sparse tI dsle wchcar be tracd to isedigeso souce elosdcssrl v ,it wohsirh masay Spanaishs speakers paraslary acppstrlcs ted sdusaers Sparistsessobrigaals hsavereated teta Isoprg gs scrcetosmash sterayirdigeras isoeices. Ties paper propoosrtses fsslssrssscfl Theaiof arrrCfrasflo sea t ap true SpaueostsAysaes bis- geals, rdsapissed Vaat5005 .13 Coerero Tihe srps faor this, paper s-as cllectei besosee Sepseossr 1969 ted carcca 1970 Fmet Srpeeteber 1969 to tneessbse 19691I eas roeolldt I.e asaut aoft]icteooistis~satloeroe U .c of flarl veobwhcosrr - sardssirrlyseletksdeaAo tlroansr AI I gl tssle faulreposrt dosltpsisodyrwith Ayeeue- suplolecsbassoralrsasdieag oaA- sas p~ooslopy wass a prre+ttet rare J ry l970 te Marsh 19t0 1wascerled ine aicoaroeuinspokedohy.r -Prsongsthis proadl roo ded sessiosssctc tsesiformcsasseach a kccherergoS,....tsh ieolsooacvI hadalreadlyssrssts Staor salssssaeharwn h fail of 1ird ahrrdonaeths Sparisis t rcscodl be docrl elasted taste therAyraaeaceesarofebahSrwdsbhae Steshksell asdBoos The poses. S cIrofrqusrsl c wersll tie cfo areears:rssesll godsdd ofiaocassosso-grd trse ieecnssrrase drrd sI reces l rsfstasse 'IP" pert jbs doauss k Lllt S torats Altbacgbpl nosl scetrrosoosehsc so norerrrcrco hplaSa Ipa Yassa I 1 l .cod tcsqas doepc spasy Llaos Ohpoasste osasaoe ta1-slr bad de ceolhes sea btme bossesg see ste rlybe Ilys, ad Bb tllak. i a etaof ae blood. Alsbs ugh inc papsr psepos tote a deocription of Baobi-an sraisretphssesslrpehs preaeporserissciaisinerferensceof Ayrsrn, Spooh1 lesase PahtatShpaucshh Mas aicstdoceless rerasder sore soet enibpasally orlihtsein, as it outght be if Sposi eh rsr herbc ser ossdssd. 'Whas reakes Bosr Spsasish difoc-v aonsdebto.foresrsngsset prso osrfcera dvie which srsd roet. dg o Th disiscal purisoaweic scr1-iet coos Sproolo, eparkr psssr uYppered-so andledaed bSpsisbernsrabrgink hs lo i te hooossssbsc atuaoh-asrtmelieteosmask stroogacindcgenousclofloessrs I ilopopr Ipsopmrscssarify teooifls- 1.2If liefrrrest The itsforesss ioe sersatte the carpet cot Spsoih-Ayessaainic- pasals, copisas aot] 4aaseu. 1.3 Cr Theocospus fat this papecer oltrrrdhsfosssohs-ps.rc 196rlas Match 1970. [roo Sepseotbe, 1969 or Drawn.scltdi91 sas rrsllrd ian a crse ofield lingic as she Unierssy of Hlnds.h robiab desstwrieetss ishh Aymsaratatsgcsge. Alrlssp11r1 fueramern dealtpneired soith Asreara easeplikia abasic ssed esstanding of Ac- rphcogy vss-a pearsqusss Fm... Jaraary 1970 to Mooch 1970 Iosa artelad is boireus soess Asseas. Dtirg ddis teoriostI acducdsaasoss 0061 si e 'nb aorlisidtlR psh phaoey~tad alredvsseprheoSwdtiso]selir Aymsuscsin ihr fall Ifr1oh9o theorefore she Spansh seancs could roe derlysrdiedfrome chaAstsrs feostta Soedesls StoskssellsecdtsPeres fht SouWadStpsbodsLf~lobhll9ill seas alaapledlfor cmprossI,,pe, pls-SneIlrrlers lse wsahbeheoeearssaa ll, agood deat ofioforroeergod frt d.c~m .. odussot assescbs esrssstbrorhsb Pold Loocesaoos'b farease1 pdarlo foreedapsts-rearjtaodcprcsr Ll esgd Aligai Pte tet oadly tow, eelsM, f e anIlesf Ursert Of Plooit a aorps Ycoatssed VasaadssPethesp lly brosstetiboes ore Ooiipaoisiasssoddcyssa siePeuf1 tbsossoaos~ do do pafh secorgmea Pole haUd sedady Sat tese broog sdis rest  B'.H'la Ihnn pani3olg-M'1 M9 Bod3ia -iiva enshwolg-Pyl 19 In~vr Uh hagul SqhPhu,-t , -81 oively inafpanih.I vrastlac apptt Mha omablynf ss miso phonologial hnalts, in oapid spooch 2. Aymuam Phonology 2.1 Plannsemltncnft (ociabpbnminno-onnitc Co o..n sicalyi'apanish loIt asoiesoppoontiealhero bld mtooo mmi phono~lngienl habits i's rapid speech. 2. Aynaao Phonology 21 Naar noasnin adaa lab phnannaiccfaa snin Cannosson sioely in pasih.lrIt hnnpponicshatenabled me oernoae wspalae hbI ai 2. Ayninra Phonology, 21 Ihnlsnscetnob (wffi pb..nsnicearacnrdns cnausononn '."0 napicato o ohds sn glootaliand neckivs tasmnrn nibinta o flap filmnate Vowo'l, p a hi k q a" caa In" q'" III ' q w.sapirated oua~n icna p 5 n k uanpiltd aonloloo p't" oh" k' g sibisac utatnl I II flap Ihicados coana ausee slatl p I, cha PI' kq k" q Vttscilnaengalh (V)nc" 2.2 A,.,.c ph--nt dOnl tho itsn feannoes of she Ayata plaotanlngil stnemanill bo de sntbniemaphaasis nill besnothsapnf Aymaa phonlosgyn"which ponuiae tonnbnoqunt au...Irnnsto af Spaih phaaolagv 2.21 Apasoan onwols Th, Aymiaa nos1 otan i , asopotc-onlspaot natorg Es-nn, cststca aod boohklI'ssssnt has fard.l aM nonblncnm tirnbot Voasologb (V):no" 22 Aymattano pfnnec Only she msain (cantos of Han Aynooa pbaonalogical snotom sniff be de- scibed; ostphasis will be oan ahose aspects of" Ayaaana phonology solicha non pcdoeo coh seqnnaofiscnonffSpanish phonolgy. 2.2.1 Auo,,, owd Tho oe ytmi ppe levwlSse slsn fr nt anal nodbath.Tai.spntotn hasln, nnoetlss~totnn~n n- Vowel loegth (VI ""o" 2.2 .0 pnnasa jsssosoo"e Oinbc shn aina featone, ofhn Ayn as phoootginal nxto will be o onsih1edntapai ooillhntin,,,-ps tfAyoaapotnogy which noe Peentsntssto ,hntqcn discnss-oo(hSonsbphsonology. 211. Aonnao-oof T'he Atm-annwioyna isimpleadscn -ooitsstcoconoasing fcons, cnoaln, and black This nynann hasld aneveheless, to modc con-  191) lZnaclAylcalnflnccisn Spantisln 190 Contact: Ayllnaca lltuaeac.eoniSltaiiin (illacti AV snasellanoatin Splaith finoc ahpacfhpihpctn havetepeda ipn apienA yseenl nhsi-insnsan 'on ci 901 Sihnce MoAco1 un agshcphatnstnnnoodcocadieing to te Spa'ntnhvownel phiianntn -1 nt epeieg.Thussntnocantactho-n toepalanalninhie th',fcnnitoowcl *iand the back Vowel /iaet npend 'np ITe1byo geat deal fteeilann sohtt h aacIsi] Mndceie [l, ] sbleio ocaras [in][]an u xntty cehiI In una ooian condtotnitg of the low'eng at these asond can Osc ewo wat psnndasacctic'tcahgtiaitss-dihler eetnte./l/iandine/ The apparencnegilanni tlnsallapllncitna giovu the ilopent o a tise-vootel Spnenh epecall no te llnlanl 'ally ophtntase alto ght not dnleaah-cnas maa ihearing thiis leada t sano tl tcas Tbh, Aymnaeas seatscscin' nantis sinnptshel he toa nr bass aley, I nnaophsan ofh lie' cn anoanattsllpneetne intnad oachsowcatnd caower hrin tconigwlnnscsainnnc portiono nth nionetow sannnansac aI'or . Tis fliisnc antneWith fieqieceoicttll licipprlg of f ol voels to ploolde al phnntrollt nnpina robnt...s Fanciioldlna n lad nAm aannlr aellhnsnsannandnniaa- tneat-itltncnnosnhtnnhc ctlaa', a gcaldclntia' dvariaioacte-ndnncdsall1)nnt, 'c snnt becsn owcando rtapid spee',trAs,ns ltnyofnb u Aviea cswpea- 2.2 .2 Aensac w lat It thanid mcldean Scant the plsncni c has thatna en] dot,. Awn~o hs, nmnceconnnant ptianelnntth Splnlsh ba aslntlntecinnnnis flt.slaciof itptnnannnsysnn d'i ', me drniseecnno son.ca The oaiclooceleselnnonpcaoo Ntlnce hangages is ahnnnl hI A0,0',1. It'u mand ie on onnanynot tnpidiglotta In sn cailt o-cbtecoinl arn a senchan half 'f the coasuetllsnnn. -Oclnc inA onic 'a rglit oeoilt - equiatnlie ssnnta pbnnnc s(ne iseTha v ) Saihecp o nWadf a-,i tmenanngbnbhinictnn tnerncdnnnaantheen oflewcconiuent ban hasnseissappeanedntbas ba, pna,vdtinaetin Spanishevocids ieted toAym- a fo eamnple, Ay en illa ' an frontoldpannish !blitindan TM. m~u ha aloperaed innthcnhaiac- ninnlnSnpanishbas ,I, p,,eneenedete llisnin aslso- 'hat in nbc SanaCent att., Icelevanli atnis sleds. l- ndmpatnoftSpnshpdt.no,, b whbea'cancnpned celi.. apon apan Aynatltheiasswnl a nIcn v nn-Si, Ayonathbawitsnbis reguaichanesnnenaessaadici-,pldnsgcocbSpeanntnnessl pllanaenaellscnlnnlnnpsscg tbtctnnnc toaperpetuateit hae' Thebcflonnwan',I andntheaki-] a an' ceperennetndnspce',bbplagaandct ani-sem, n non hat ions occr aif] [nitndrvca [5t] -,! BI (a]o -[nadocs- nstllp no h[ Thtnmostiibsaa'analloncfoloing ofesti secald an be, xhime-m wtsn ponnd. aoa ni-i ciniigaon o 11ablcs wih/and a' therappci-n nataitonhsatnpltooicintrac trssahnbnnopni.....nnnofsnesca elventocnpcall} boteanlgalt ayncn lnenni-ond who vfighea detc the lea pantelmsa , h...rangelo'ned an analel cncani TlheIvnmcsoielssnsni nonltioltplethilaenat llt-n beantdnaatlapbnccfn ona t adback naoel ponne Fcant nd btck vaow{sn ldnntaman t occnrintg flnlsalasclip nnnlelnninsncliloeenlenen- dnoppinioofnmlttcasatnn penedep u piecc'lcoipn niation Functinal lad sly' m.a tt c ay c nsons ad geat dal o at d ooe estidu eaenpectalt in thn matren ent', een Slant ad napid cpoci-I As nicoallany an dm~ tansosa d 9, ttsnsssttapa- tinaalodssaowel tasn 22.2 Aoa ona.tln Itshotnld be aefnmehe ptn thachatinot aNa oaes Aym~ara l&etticntne fele ponenac s wnn dQ liiten faaCnurd t Icnesn 'Ihi- coicedloIes-tasntcnsmpncnt 1snnnS Ions,',.hs ml Asnac ItittmsacsIntpnaianjoeo.dgncaliedcoast wtnh',htacon r tnns',, aof of the coonoontnsneon Otltensse the Ay anlo al anc ee Mt essgeqivalentc to simoilac plonemes (ofl anbasooas ntpp...i.thobee no h ad Incl/i 1nesnnonant btbn Iap..r eaidasc nula. enow la oAyn.cn fmi example, koaa[ea-], 'rac' from old Spih ioadecdamlat/.pu Ttntatcalclopaated in theadite dine',- Iia tohialnnSpanishthas nnnpconc.-eed the dsclint exceptlsmle- whotcn the Sta is-aa c, i1ca-a to Ibis Study fonlne pact at Spantshnspeakers ishahs -nonptedntoimpars ,oaAvyon tunic s'nt s i-' asetl soten Sane Asan.te has snilinn Ins eig honeoecnllnsesnwn oescotacocesp-ntothe tsnosh acant Is oelno tIosco. nftntolSursa sntg Ttsnceoww no pccpetsaotnus hece Thefdonl navoetl itanhe baibhsnseet iam nepretneen stpeetthby agcetidetolcseallton, sot net i/ mnay ninnilltso [o] Thellsibloascnillsngiofneloenofnhnms wrscl eso-% npsva, ng lboc ea-rl :Jt and it.. TI tc . tpten lestlceoiifh llpbntlssaelnlso ialoansaplantcant whos'nnigt snoi-dchi-e-iae ps nsicnont hna 4 cinstnad tssn i-oisle ssetooe ioone nannin mpythaess ic die not hnalfse l anosal ophonen afdie froal toaihsnnenophnoceien Prontaid blckn aselasendntolowernowhe oiaanpSail sc an nnteedeiposniton o nteeime fLn s ei chns iinaci .Thislatconamediiahfctsnnt d...i...ng and ticoppinigt hefial anttnt, pnnalaltt phaatelcapyn- "risc Pnoctilltotndln Aantclrt ...Ifby i innanad soane-c inItcas., te tonnicsneshase also oi-ne ag.pec dial of Fccr cpid spithr Asn oi- lacy of the canonrtcusersAymaa wro lollstctsnnlds~r te rneri 222 Ascsaeacwnnns Tanitnndhbettetcfromnnnb pbennceicihocton nooly doesoAyaa basenloce csontan pbnseaantil Speannsh bialstothac clne dsltcncne sao ofe still pmnnn eslei differta fndamenitlcontas,. Tne eicd itttietcnt lpllniln Ran languntcag~eslstbots Tyaa sn i[dIns o antswpcttndiapctd/ntnhcad cancelsc which t~as Iianre titn l af~h nbtttiansnc On M1n ns hb Aiisn rnlotni e oughly yiqaieln noaetc pho nin ion ophonena basis)nin Sptnashanupeloenheia~nd jlicn~at neet inngloesnaughhisncntnct..neoohpanilnnnte nneoftemqu bhiehwacdoappeted schabeen presensedctin cnaSptnish -rcd, laneitnm Aymara, Elnanie Ayhntic Itdt], '"I fin old Spanish cli;t oe/ii Sas hn n shnrlon pcesaxcd nbc dn,-t nie. except sonic whdatninlAe Santa lC- - anashelevtan itntssady, e  Uim- Bio.Snuiehool-Pyl 191 Uiofrh.a BiNtpd S= Ph.nSqg-ylb Si Mo~islim I aiseM.la- 191 3. Spanish Phonology 3.I f'honerelecel (owash pi erA rseneitre 3. Spanish Phonology 3.1 Pleo-,etr cs rrhhphsshhestitha 3. Spanish Phinnoisgy 31 "'bem,"ehaios lheieisI' aaeneic 3 "5 50 amiedctmoeire ss l.ip eluae b s k d g so I I # voioedeoclcsire spirmss fop, Vcow h d I V ee l e role 5* ct Ios lIsp Vrowelsd p tic/k I I + ' 1.ig' Mid Lowa 3.2 Sposislehosrse Spoihplieoamsoandodilophoa seelisted oooorditgeowelsand :12.1 Spaseh vowels i/i high has, eatacoded, lees Olpeotet: aii high fmteemmoetmiadd, wihes stressed:. [slglrol 'sit! k -, In M igh-smid fact .....o.de. Weewleo: [efsdloJ,/selo/, i mid face scalod,, hoe elletpeoaoes: [a] ighs-cd fronc asssse dod, ols-olae: [flose] d fie, froe "plerse Spasitlphoteeesocdehallopla-oesselaetdaodagnvw to aneeod 3.2.1 Spaeish 'aste m/i high Ce armonnsided, has'lohn Q i] h 1 mi freestsseeeedl ecs tlea od [siaM] /siok,, iee, [] highe-hood 5'eatet m datareleeded el-he: [seiwdlel. ed sssfrectaeefoesd walche eoc dre [a] f'daaeacrd eoleeeests'oe [ttt/tielieaed aaee Ic] iaimi >oIsolr'oldeswer:]fsrifie, ,ec 'phase' High . Mlid o Spalish phesomrss assislsrallapl'e ac listd ercohsgaseossala'sd 3.2.1 Sposiehs-sesol N/i high foell' celvls'sdeyi he, elleephers [eJ high fIsr ees lrelod, whea sa.ssd I= alks, /sieko/, cic, [c] high--seed froct carersede elsewhere Ieefws'ile.!eiesBl/ ce eelroseaa,'cceetel asllp Id hgh-esselfrKsactsoote dedd olteeoetoIn te. /reelete.. I Bros.  192 Cost-o A am -rm' IC5aii12 otc Aq.'a fluneo pr1 -9 Com c Anmr Mnn nSma /. lwaa o socraded, has alophoea 1I Y whoso lgeisol/gsis/S gsoo.'p5005 /0 cid bad k s sded, has allopahooe': l[] mud haok asuded whren sried~sj ]gebc]. /4/ho!/, gPloho, lo] hich-wsd haud suroded, elsewhere[Iulinure, /hlioku/, Marco [so] hughoo a e oded waecososessed:[pirlao1. /pldmo, puro [] lgrdhoachuosoud -hsusre: [eslAoi], sorsoir/. lUl L orrio u isro s wleisn pireeowelpssc rro hly rquitol re rech 4o surl I uy s Doeerisuauiaoe of high: or crld ph.. rereus re ho mrud, ons rho has ofuls wsprech fo eoampie, [glblo] - edaid) yrd&decdad, 'ary D'aier sir vhaelth cacarlr Prort the fier .}ree rd .i ther e asle h ieM becakeerrreic riret ,liseel.basisrcbecieeceereereeerIe alapl are dirirriee aresar 'obad scirrutee aid correspardreg beaaess Uiforreetlr hie voiced fircacie are deltecult tar irnice Eieglh eprebe to lecar clearly anali also the slowrt race speech teumt, droetere ir to V rrrdece teua ieserra Saae As k rarchaallopheaeea ditseerardiuhecrels eeryehederth~fa Tlersesacalar eefcra tiaeeae it go neevoe leatiispeath ably a awuIeeafreeeplaenierleeelceeriileeattS iawsi ableau wih eetn Ierrrlha pieseta no deflecaltvaed allow rrlealcete Irrsaeeeieaeioeffrrttaedhbart laire-en liar barkaeeueleeeslurcb dorpleo ratlher ihleat I becer aeeeeeaa r Thee, Vapetes liceelt euie brseee dele-eiraeqeea eea-lr besearpe usieee~eaicadiaerte oif.....heurcwheeebuerack eneeaie /ea would breupasadeouceeoiei hbarkroe oelba ctreer de ectlturaried hae], earth atutetetttal lcugcl,egfilhrauowel. Tm bimte ftetferfuticween rlt helereaucelr puadtu sbm e thae ha Sabrce ete (d. eete le aed its a a neeg toter curdr phitseer ste urrwd eaecai e -, y eaeel ue .ic hwc', Iveae- tusSaihmo ealaueould beemrdacd anye3 nerreraesb yaaeaeekreu tIn 'ae yueedea ofaerii Th e pheedaeae whietbaseeeaeee uith (cer ys- le a let, iuh if hee-Ilhla teruch s thet described cheerio. f6 lth) ci that Ianice eateiebrd quih cs-let>a [Ale] (pi aglide) react .[Icy eaeelucthrtieg) taed teiei ,w ,crev a [biree Aindtulerif cohuseuite str beeueue ~rudicl wcih c ale-olc coieled The liar alloipluie fl oi er oeed hal evierywshere, Iptl 'ter' s-es-a beef /y/ prhiaerlvtowel ha lear ons lI paaI terre cei eveI lar lay). idyl bry, 'trday 11-uaia Thtrcrueaeeeuwhsleeeeceaeu beescre trasaekerc aid areeeecele upielet loaspah ecrtt menerd.. rie atealvees above Fhe hr -t je.t the aflb1bci diriiuruiaubeereeesiiad iliei ased icepiidtofiaricr Veieaele e a haeaaed feeetr ac dentin c ti Fnrtsehglkhl uprakree hoaae ley aid aleoc semeri tire u Iel therire ... die yrhaca ee o prdetcevesrrchureec fin Ayniauke u such allis-bur drierierite aid is beard -scglarlc favr of~eruliutetini mpobbyoprtnghv I'MC ecietdeauscblaea iege Ichfi dsnap ebyaqestofeeau peirde ..lee' Saueha-aevr'ea uideep o wihai icteirand epiuuu^, ucihre a Satraoluc alsn In mriteeceeauus ci asaee ruvtteur urahe b sw tlreads te e barpendhaMuir fenrieredhc oreirc TIa babvrsltce[eudee "o.idrela Mchair e, lee ciriar remawel That Ytete ardo !auar u v udinte baacvivo edastse bV acrice upesl T sueai ieaerrd i aet acaiithirahertcaa sautsiAt irslecited lexproeediitsceudrhrieck ts-c gotcks h serbcce-iceafreser r .liieb ferirwil ir'priduce eldrc eatIr e scrmallrbae.Acreos asibheareefrintaowel-pho- i brue iscrrnls-ai Spaeeiiye/ead/e )r-Dsa brecuica - orflyeS Siessee pleues ta tite hair icidr veeilcie chic Sparieb rarefet d erendaetre eeic easbyA paes nFcIh .ic ead dus althiaigh lhaver wrettene thu atrhreuar .pheairatchr Ias ipe, ite Prleteci eicea, hia lye) os aiy.fae lie one ploetierrileair areefrqrrc cltgehcela1i gtr clabe Fe as rhar rct e aboiiirokdeaa irethae hveauied eiiiso 'e wies a u[Uice] (}ib Cgba icdh au lIs-6:] (iherageherg ea!a cr. ttecty' ae [bt~mic] Aetlird aria cffcorrtrjuhi.ra ewe adgwu, Sh =L wrra iisd lp, rue11,p-eic Ii paaa i hiaiecci r .s.eaill y li~aa radd iry Diecrsarn lbMccc eiieo ace inoa whicefveiiaiiai [li two rauereaive Fiitlaieeechacererareilerrieieeclis-Ie: cear dirrirreiicvewcirrttereawereaincuans-istencpisirefar p,u dletb riuteleecrcsaeed ocea is are sbect fercarata Li-,s cpeelcireilreieaead, alsorhasleteserTsisohrbieeicrr dreecrtheresra prc. hise 11, -iS, Arrrr eranc scr allapirred tesc ruietehTca yl ritd T ier ofo i Cr fee. hactri h pi abubl ipeineg ]lere Thrr1irdeauhrivaeatiiareclves lacem el adiceseub- ,Fly a quceiie ofc p tris-r siee nude Siaasl ver aurreberareiui Cewiahi rds r i , b ciros [rnu saquec ispeeche Tbiatciolei cp neariiea irera oeacyif es, butwencthe bark ireaowe '-/i i-u.ilbsis-ccndica -ewh ire diheebck ,,ss-,ai se an rho ruhhisuseotacdprisa]d o'laniueal lrgher If teVowsal fbe sauie ,ftaeeftlacterieresilithheafeeri i/hlpidrc rireri ate if ec eJIs that Au r bc be d vowtsercel prhi riesibaierslerht Spaneeh arcidree.-s abrgim ccra iregrtb te sired crerereeo Aminiiadaicadbreeredbu esi ',ye/ ea /yC Sense rho.a pho teeier er a Caer a le iedceet tnt Spaiheade iacirtscildbcidn enacibieihaf eu by Assr-raspakhac TI fastr If itsch swecrl casc aideWrts- ailriapuhteeoareirr elieraueherapshrraerealls-a vs, ire pl.erceciecain[yso- ce neeerrcieycec Theiiohesanhacirrerealcwhech(wacs catl flqtiouc iscaIergharir oif titer sllabe. erecec as that desrcibed elioir lkd as], sa thee hberia tereribed scife, wih as Ihicn loth agbdii ladianskye(Ierie ig) eand cilerec rsir lhrtl (he rg el ieg). se thirduaeaeof wcfeuoisiecateesr bcci ai~ed /rtC wih  y 'c y _ G P a 1 a m Pic ELF C m .a  1963 om Armt hl~ic.m -n1m 19, cat Aymar -non Ur pw 9 oa' Ayma nn -n sta ace oqetr .tahoohonta.,fr-o betweeta the sop hms of the to lotporge Wehavo aloe ady unmsovad the ood raey ofiprairysetaes or per top r esafi- erae satyhd.*oAm ioftyoaietors 42 o..las 0a tr nm nth Intaat an ithl yn1 o eem,sa sunslsaAm oa infl nr Spaoislascorditg bthetrre typs of.... ios isasd rooes 4.2.iP.....dl.dttos Sparuila ald Aise abate the Sepooran toao . ehososss pts~lk,ramto itle'w seaaertatgosoidftaooetlterttoash smn by soallotrtar fst ple, sscallot seeorolt placeof.~ tiroatianOrltetee gyapatte qx/oloaddtoal .lae(n paanaofatasattt butdupsts prhlettorl- ftrsftfarm Spotsh at A vrrsr Thats Apma asretothaahanging th-r pho- oassrhaa ended raoett arhoopIsslr Bolrerata Spto sM.I'b on be mott y-preseratton oflht' ot Br l-... Spattshnalthough it ahas berdprmloen d.1'. (rc t ih /y.)h ratassalde Spatis swoerld Tire mtott fuothss b rai 1nu is that ale ist atana Il /t/l) trot present in rspotdrc ofrthe fit anirh itohan aod Icsa been pe ,eev ecauesoinaflttoTfomtAta speakrs. see~atonyS..hPenn ad stly A s arod ahoee(41 2t t'ponrh ha] soape t otsar problemts Tie allophotaic v~ariatiosa of ,,asad ass andal ioos fasoro Spanihomaksitreeeto Ayt rprokerstswho hiam aohstsaoeal oristrve rttooriitasatrinvtraohs e I nrane stey arte ltie apartto ake dsnateoa h be trhoow tets,01111 iecod inc are qate bongtThsoare sttoar satrairnoa orrs vtptooaoriataan totairtphaaa dostasoo .dsr .thleyxaresstsie -p nuspotosad thoatut stosaof Spanisth wthschrsh l ami fl'atnas"I sssrrara aaridooftisbsrc aophtsrtc.tr palossat tIoattI.r..vriyto-rodftt thcar avuirsrrr harce Ay a-ohe wnt ttotastthbetwetenaserersaocslarc (highrfarotiior I adrrr sraa ohoc mayabe aaordettssrtorplegrosts arftoersrrt thoa vasaol stengreoootirrkntoasfhtbseoroa speakerstofir paen languages.Wereortrtadyt owoelised b aosofhpaaith spctatr to peoceiveo thoirfvo-eoeatlsytem-rAy. 42 CseetpaeiootIsfcljao-ond spvnttdu sa nosiya ofAytraaieaan So5 lot.n Sotio, Wescantttoa samlyzo Apsea iaitwooe oi Spae rs ... dit; to tire thtree Tpaoaof-stoistoolat rli-ssa d raoe. Spsihatd Aymnaasaroe thc f~oiitotg cotaotoo phrtoaoor /Pecpk~ooo ..alt, whihjsroodoeitgt~hedforo onei.o twl Sstema hvata irtttan, foeseamplo osaiostt aaat ptosotafa icaetisrrOtoi ohs Astoa.. portoetr 9a stooo -ddatoatl streast (so pantatafatiatot buot ins pees Stlrohisoeoteiptattsrle frome Spaaistaa Aytaa lhoeAymtaaaatlrer tthtt dittog er pita osta tenaded to con satobs plce ta itoi tot Spatnsht Thur ctal ho hhssndsappottg ltoergtgt,,inthy2 al saeathe tepotetoootati- *Lh'eaestseobitsconcluasior 1Itttbt dltsttatsrot (/lJ/ f)wres po"teto t hs orth oflta e s poting ate Bitot oa d hat Iso pi,- o otad ahass(41.2)hpanissh ,dpT postettt p ohstak Ih, rilTopitootta I'l ttoo of - doas oesi aca avr d ta ,dasttcrtavoto Spratiitee hootl ""'Is tA e tstspeakesewhorrossttoaoiced oN unc, nr o d loa i rho angage toy ass alas cBled ,pa oo ke disitosnhriwthsphttoa lveb.qut foreigpoTorraxasat fooottdcsttt bootrioofoeettotr Wher ailp tor. ltstractn sia ascothos ee tosailess patttsrt sO tranoatatirfotttsaftpatttlasthhsict tIt footirar FPe rmnnr tebfalp atr e' enh ytosardattoo bettothc tvocloot osslotreet hsgh fotstotal ioadaav Ayala"), ifoo mosy he atoode ra to employ tross hdffessssthatris asoacsd esperooaoe otaoristakeo,r tnefoeaos eesepeokantOfotheatwo loreguago. Ws havoealead mototdttsttdets oflpoiahp as mopetsscieohifias-elsprteaoin Ayttav- 4.2 Cespnaooorr Aceoerrad Soureodhaerdrsiaof Aitaeaintato a Boiisiot .iipeoih Wescrrraoworriaa Ayasatohiertaeoeprtihaastdioatto thhreta tspessotcrrstoiono dittosodaboto. 42.1 P ssitiees Oneiionts tpartrhadsiAyrns sTh.tohs Collowrinag c oasoat ph .alttast /p yhiuknrsli~,t./ios errs diaretisldfroeoroohooa ac mvtaaoprinilorrtuaa tfo. o uatpeiaasriotrsyrrotrito Pleaofa- tioiolt Only the Ayhira poteol,, / shror addrooeol -oasti peointof astaotior).hrbtias preenrtaprboaarorstttroofeora[acfo Spostihoto Aytta Thurs Atnr-tr ,T,tiothao chaneging thrsr jeho- tratr hitd meo t Teheiroplurso l 'mr~rr Spaniroh Thtescon ha senmosr clearrii ptsse oof 1, +n as i'er Spanrit aldosoh it Frs heeoisaprpearing iseotrrop wirth tpll all ct ohs Spanirsh orld. TOire erast reasonable catJooshsr thro usttctoo (11 v /1s)wa paav in he seecho t e t paoorsiarohns aadrhas hseope eoedhssrosssfil leTosoo A, r arpsmw- 4.22 NeotaisoeerTroo Thre oariyeSpardshthoosoeo-shrshvisls aeotrolthooAtars Ift, at atronatedshbove(41.2.hlSpurch hso/ pseenc nta problors. Moaalooisais-ioofocdoaloesoseoasisacedlf ve teaotsn Spaoirtaaaholtle ostto Asymatasopeok.s wo h avse neithe w~oad p tat, creirad viseo w rthea ploogoogs ohs te hsir saite fopoo Ihot ~ acun or a nrsdodsiorh~ssoiardnoa c ris f.ra resaire Wthsto atlophonic dittan do o.so ohs at trsas loot peoaroaassr thaotiootrsformtof pansrh ehasbllra foolr Poeeaoiatteon soorae of thre bais alaplrotu patren Seenm to isto hsacrly ravao Cr- Yols iptao the o ary pStos A tat otakeooohsra-poeoar coattoas boeresosnsois ..srossirssr ldshfsncrrooalloaoetrona rhereotamsayoee mdooremploefgsss rlffssace Tlatasrorsssd  Usonin tffig l aih ff~I.d, -Py& 1W7 Bolivia Biials Spnihaw~onlg-AA, I9SBma Bilingl SaunWloyl 9 f imisj ootas far itv n A ias aysr inuShpanis muchlss likdy er to oslinmo hy o Apomasa speaker than i vord o-olsio. shncoso pIsting ploirenie in Bivans Spanish is /0/, Nor only is it "lsoatinoricr f/rooaythinogrrowenssutsngea Aynrae,hbutiihs aonsnpsrsssieqjsivaieiro in othrdialects ofSpanissh. Itissapps- crsslyeeysdititototfasrodcdin orhwoesetsernfretis,hbt tis obviously fln o to goite, aIdohort phonoingical tratreet As sthr eAm- tIot of the oablsor trill tvo) oce ilcs t e yn noons devetopmient in Andean Sponish .Althroghit s oftentreplscndhby /d/ in Spanish. wve cannot a 3u mir too touch sign.-Hancie to this co rit hecnse Srtsnsiloa r ods t Asoosna osed by hIkonforios regnLoty ptrsnsd/o'ocien ito I ntad d ocoonoi tpcleanslr= nya dw yorniisally Taneoioh drn h ofzndeepinn bdeermnedbl Iy r/e t *t.2.3 Nogatv fror lao Threnmost inlrrtnra of Ayrrsniofeonoe in Bolivin Spaeish Occrsinremntise, vowdt syst iisctsdinhg influence over die Sponish..n snn dnnt. Wenhnso srnrthat the rtp und, 6io-soesisepic incods tonndomrmsnnhoe-oen systm rioghly rsa Jutis to theA- aaani l pns ylal d dnAptr onne offiisl otwels followsiingooriio 'ossn entnoeey strnogiiodigenoos inluence. lisupprtedhyare fnlltofrogtoo cosoetionslotj s Aonr h tsorlse Spaihsvooislotdesseot contract shoe nohe wool nno phirrniYll Anlslooonalo noohte A; odn syssoir thos's spon door of gadane feoortoo phn ay's¢nb~nA yh eu Pirlonsoei InstOldries difficult to drcw50 TIe sane phenomsiena ares 0nrk wistir Strrsh so wd l tough Spnasislrcoenot prrdoor 5 50. w~ Aiyi b rns non inSpae 6h/ye, o mao sht c b Abe pnessrrpp o shose tr disijco nroeori// isdc rond/ro d o: whirch doesot AsriooroSito y -,is otrnrot hoAns M peanchr tar little hasts ws ohichto establish a pzern It nosld sore thanlsosssrnois sridniconrepac /pe ea, son ssostiowel loghssn1 vsodlenghtl iAssosnsssosowhat pirbletic heb siisioontvyplron hwor tried itsnesss noisbloosiono hus tfm osccsrs as emtphaois olsoonhon asd,,nnotlelypoeic. At ally nse eood lnregtdissadnsoisowhicht likely to hr ocefaodhb5a oiAymaorosp-kcninisyoisooniso Thrnmtnprcrheiph ososs Bolivia, Spotosh is/o/. Noitsity is it cososlsetdytlffenttfrosmoanytingnow..e.ioregtin Ayioo ottiio eneso ph eret ogstsslosss itsnh distot of Spsniish It is apr nnloocryrtonto tcapsdasnd issoorhwstntm Angstinioouheots ,onilys fits onto goons diffon..t phosolngtnsl postenia .Ay thorciisoo- Nroadohrpnsoloial()fMrAit, obmsoosvimd-i it AodotSpanish Althooghoiofonecjstsoo.dtby ./imsSptsish, a n sointtrss-ttm~ onssigntfsooontr ttisooofsi iroEosow Sps-ioanorsoodtt Anntuaosdtor sheinmordncy rogoloey prosorro u/ soslte to aon hssien u onsi. Anrotner rtmn isirsoolsoed osresyno p lobe not oointicc slaalp orfnlly. Thrs i doe teloon no en to he desenoneo byi - contrast to in! /, whichldohli weonrrpseLh or p 4-23 Ns0 ias.r sssno Ibm st itolsont orear of Aymraso intorfoctr si tooliojm, rpouinh relacnob' dtnht-t steossoaoo fl tte SosriisNeutrnsioooln. We lhove seenrlhat the Sipanish fivooel systorr mrkoioeiotos slsnee-oosoesystemsoeosgtleuvaioleon orthe Ay- snysssi whisk t Sposish syllahbleO istnosel sod etse disop- soeeoogiodignitoiifloccoor h cm occror nctltroprsopp to s phoemsio cisssbtsoo Is/ a/ AlL n whosesseoso spokdohottlsi swhim oheosstrtshs fronont It world srsno t crtsce strong todroco replace ty eoo wtnh w osoltoegtlenieg. OVow engtli ints i nn sonsessotareohle Isiceon.ietsoolyis ssoi om rsed ieori-nhoatisleisn nats hote noihe sosphsoanohero anid io, mo clea p"hmoroln. At iny aorn vowel length is o do irt whinis fniootioeissrmis asfrfo vaan u nSwamc m likely toeonfusesdh byanAymaransspearinosss'osdo..hs, Tiheimost pusingrphooninme sn Bollosir Spondso u pt Not onlyisoit soispletolo dofherenot fromosayrloimwn segm anAemr hobti boha aoenotpitone osenisleeln dr doi s, of Spish It is apeo- ohvouisly fo'ot riots goitedn phoestooIoot potot Asihooqs~o georofrlhealoeoesni (eel of .,hen dialeot / bsseseaospet ideoniopsn in Aeidn Sponoh Alshren h it so osoon toe d h i/i Scretcis soeoosnotieshoeooioc imoshospensflo..sotiisooifo- sinsosos Sporos h lo wodoosAyoss tdtsbhoitnntnoersom negodonty prsoossdtnt'ehoeoreld sontoi electrih Asiothnfootor, i ...rsted howeooeAynao-o/n/doss e noisdallyhornally Stre tcdisteibtion of // sso tnohbnd ldoosottrrisoontrastrs i, sosor/ hiob Ireeves bead replaced hy // 4.2.3 Negaotivn corelowioum TI eo~iporoiseansof Aymaoeo miotonn Bolasor Spanish clan'n to y I asos hsldisg iefloooso ovon tin Sposish srttsioos Weot haveso..eethhteehfSpoih foosososooet, cutrrdo redu~e to a tbhnee-owdosn sysotem oughtly ogorenloss ne rhon As sytmnlohich sloe Spishl syllable ist mucessed. sod rho isap- peensnc e ofoial-e ftosoingooclsi seemsstooindroatenasery snegsslinrre.no ieloeo.Tbisissssppntredhbetloolacor ofoogtiso oontonoshot' Asoo hos allehoSraosh soolsb de o sconrctheoiirosreooio ss plsosrolls fAddetottly since ib, Ap- ptseer-cslsls..toccto Stonohs tie Aynitos sposhot foed phocoesis hoondoes udifsi so dross Tirc roim, peerrsn a on .oasook wish Spashsisensinssl At- tlooohSpanish misers psdon/nyoawso AwarntnIn Snpain ht ips, op so so rn y rore brot shoso pansppone 5 rthonemsi diritoionrsoiien /and /etond/ss/aed/o/ sohsh donseoio ri Ayra Sioce oniy la-s-i osrnv the Ant tiaspr, soonboo Intro hosts I~t ~Nh pc~cti btiv sasrn el teootetonoplos n/y ero/ wthvaellegtoenng Vrtssenitht os-rd - reprnirs verhal infleorions Ito oft.no. oso emophsis elveso e and iorclearey poeiicAamorate,roonlIsrsImo dneiid  3 3 -~ :3 zY as E 6 Eg J a 3v 3 '0 NE"s ay : c3 e a m c i o' 3 y¢9_. "Ea - -gs9 - 'a sr W - Z '2ed  12. A Phon..i. Analysis of Monolingral Andarsn (Bolivian) Spanish Sylvia Bepciec The data er the following ast sicf Adcae spanish, with p atsectecon the1 Spanish icfka as, Bolivi, wargtered ovec acix-ueek pacied front late Otoe io nsty prt toi,, 1973. The iibfritn-ats mhiswek wesejoa sunillafQt,P cado, atid ldtstrella atid Tececa do has-cnof lin, Bolivia. Thiee.ageat deeeafisi- tiia, heten the Spaneicst of Quite arid that efLa Pas leadlingsecdcnon te theidnanfamt Aicdarcdlectef Spaisalottew esisrd~s iscscfAcdoebernece peonountced inthe pceindialcstsacmdv the aloststcntl siveacseo nlhe Ill alhoiitsadtfloltflenlt phe- wnovd finialvowvel dw ecoiainp- Otheswwisc hteUccdialet Intaclo Vowels Spansh vowels are totpis and past. A sisglecvocvetfEo ntithsyahl pca. Vest nteves take phssemict lcsgth, hen they do ik tah ndvs (sc stutrlm n Insthe pce-n dialc-tatetcttidtde- veie auet they caes teord fenalty wits~ is :raeecc. These assfeba vowel phemtaes in Spansh: it /ed. la/, /u, tot. Of these, otily let hoc any consistent alleplitticvaiatioa. Theoeiginolofttiiettop 1Alrheesaii AVILai ,nfysalnt Satis 'neapc paeed by etysteeli feeaeatce phetaleep it 1973 Oneihally planed aa papa n Beliiat pseIt, ait cocdec tes d aa ao niede ehet diaect firm tie Aedo su nct h peeple wvho e'e it tAc tVticssity of Fltidr at on, ,nIt Thes ttla a oat fth ar, etan thc Aeara dialects; wh'at Lttde dilec ileckhat,dreiah dot ta~edeait fheettedhat, I. iaiilthissy td- Ndaswdn h rhu~vrkbk h vs n .obinsyavdG 1 2. A Phonetttn Analysic of Monolingual Andeans (Boliviaa) Spanish Sylvia Raymanci The dlara faitse followaing asalyic of Atadeai Spash, setsh speci fit aterruth ttha Spaish ofteI s.Bohci, s aashcss1 d tveeicie-eek pesind frms ilt Ote to taciy Dtemree 1973. f1ha hefosmasts fee this woerh wecejoege Uqarllas efQutt Ecwnde, arnd Hosesoto Braies anrd T sdelanes of~aPay, otliiI hlemsc great degree oftiatni lisity hueoeei the Spanish ofQeie and that ef Ca pace lenditngecedesis to sdre idea ofias Andae diulca of Spnuicsh. bletaevee, custasn teelrdeace fenemdeto bsnmors preonuned in the paetcdialed,awordysthe aeot ~u t ef the [a] allophtttned of Idl of the lit ph.- sein, s ecg uleilatioi poeh /it/ plhonense acid sBre toidetay tsward ancd fll vwellevitg. Otheva ini diolccc mucsta sid- ei-sdsehcb verycsintiar Vowels aparh vscasl as shoresandtpure. Aigle vowelests the syllable peak Voacl, racver take phoneinc lntrgth, hat they o rake sise,,- late ceorcurlsemsentIal te epacefs, dialect.. co tl tced ote de- i whcenve they ocess woosd finaly -tihen an etsr ricese are five vowel phttcc is Spanish /i, o/t ran-, 'u at Of dele orast has anty cictet ollopoic voriatiec I hete'i 1ar n.'etiaos 'il csi Awlv lyci fcdnca..r; o pso tic Becetw or oe a iesn chcance, is 133- tjsgtsll fanrtil as a aaotti-n Spitili, she enpoded she data has c anet etlae di.le.t, fcatinnccAandeaspchei.b hpecptethe eac~udeero.sioeif Husit ache tihecco iitrll ;lmectenn dco en he Anclt dialecr ehrhcddlct nisahccsaia hcaLraen e icpialeitocs-iifelintha awc~noa ietitilrtdyaeehot . siicicatah -dtieevcdie~iatoeotltvccl da 12 A Phbonemcic Arralysic ofMontlingm~al Andoa (Btalvian) SpatI.ch Sylvia Boyatonc 'Ihe data fos she followeing.asalyic of Andent Saiih, nt-inh inil aseaitto sare ipartish afla Pan, lislivia, wa, gatiesed vssaiares periodlbomtl¢ecOcitn,,stetaly Decemere9lt Te itfiamumfor thiesok we-cloca qillas of Qtio, Eood ad Hectcat BIc-obo laeiybetawccdSepatirf eQatodshofa LPoe, loedisgesedence soerabsideas ofat And eon dialect ofipti li eoss, scen tena aeccfoendiohbetttss pstenesd ishe poucdil,,, naeorilythe alosnedu -c ifeh in, alleAptse inestead of [7 of die lyt ph- armti, iteisseeng cillatin ofatce /s/ pheneme, anadthe tendencysto,-aid wordsafinalevoweldScaning,>Othewiseethae dialecstimush esosth- entee hcat-y similar Spansh vswelsinshuntoad peA iglsacvowtec-ievablesyllale peok. Vovwelsecsc-.sahc pho enc lngth, hua by do take stest (tee cettrostnanistatemt)erIn}Atheao ptidioleconclitentdo- vercershetvoccr wordi frdsly within an uttetance- vThese - five vowel phonee e i paensh, t -let tht, /a/. tel Of thce nsly /e/las ayermtisesalltporitarait Tietiktaleftharrav( I,nonnbaoyswe (, //oo issand bakn onordod noosel) Jrothsn dati oc s- liblojotidally. naobl ndnrnullny/6.o/'ey n/sdn'sto .and pri-o/ Tin dun yied eaghteeon ocnnn yhonane- In Sphrso h. ilnnarc iiS phononmic saops iv ,pane/s e I /C'eI dsosSa hpocly ith (b..(p(.in f(d(. we (l) oby JE] [b] anaonnrd bilnhil stop doot occors ordo in n1hb iloil poiro (kAn ko/ ht --bo (oif b /nake'. Or tan o Ib) woheaiisoonoanrooalsl ke besa Sika besa Ibn E nd lado hr day [bob[id] 'drik (2) /1/ [11 1 nannoanles bitial: nt that occnnso ,liable nafrainll / P~na/ 'pit> Ir cotrtsyila-by /phan>og Land (bof 5and (a)/d] [dil'no siwnl, atnoni otop that occurs sptot oitty andh rylbefinally ileio doaa (do ns! 'nay' and (tNd 'thinst Intoo to. mid] ,t or otetf r eIin[hIndl-rn' adrd /loadrdi( [I) look> )4(rr no1oclor. olneotansoprthatoccorsonyfl --lnh natrire [I) i(ii aiobfnIorno nded v oel 111 1ici da 1sl'l mlmdal dtil ut osalbnoirocons arid/Inn cold (2) el11 c nI i ad, roori ao de rla 1ont Inhoecan ainooeno syllable iiat nooduroi pcd fmnlly:. /rn, toc I I ,/,al m- and 'II/ lin fr aio o] before i and ~5 owheon notsylable 2 rfu ee arlb.vi t m at i ns.I bat 'p, ol' lyl boree I Ist/ mnb na n -'eool needo lnironra i Io) srnsnnoc Emlnnr otrini with u I fI[ 5, 'I a) nmer y) /'[o] isa low crrod a inriride cosso tohene datai on link tynorl rNniatty ad finpIo /ofv ,aide 'nil' d 'o(4n11rn',orr'rnr Ii had' ())/alniinigi hock. ntno vdos'o ntreodorairensoyt' lalohoiirial, carottel and l'sally, /inol 'orn' (pos-n i'-ns 'w ( snII11aod back roiydnd ,cso'o lorb's-oan Iteocnnnt-s~ Conronannn hebodaraiotdgiaeo onsnrn la pnoirinniin floanstb eoiod. stn vary alopihoncol to thle roanspndnn bfria on theoy nec'i nrrranroi o io'oohn ills (by 1) hbl dcsovoicod, bdlabial nrtrp rhar ene oW Onnsyluible "inir] posirirn tsinko'sMsaro 1 tonttono onke It nar t It wahcn itooonoron ea&jt3 ltaheso [kobena] brad and beonb ia (2) (/e btl isie-nontos. kb'a stoprhart'onsttano''so ll' /ylna/ 'p'oy, ha rant nitby' /p6.f duirdyet (3) /d( [dI [Shl 'sard atveolianrir . hor reurn nslfaloini iatfand nyttabto finlly in rho do a:/ "dosi 'S and /nky /'~tls - Or ar>;to [dl alie vowels or' in therIniryroroont of /1/ (hr. Inday r il 'dockn arid (tadrisy (Ia dol 'arok> (4)/)o[ini noelonrahnooton honaens- nyileioitoaly irano syllabi, e i tsll inedalts and ounatyoz yeas ~oo 'saLbv bar' nJot and y L/ cold' ()l~o/[] isrnd, ronr nrnnoe arel.h aeI It1an syiiaklo indialls menraat ord finallys'con boye Henr./AIe n I n.liv oI]bo a n v o onrbooo-uh fim po Ipfoo utrryeo [eno ]attf rrtand'osroon goy [o to maof orah'H btesboin noo fly [so oI On] sed' und noe [ctoooI] 'nrgbrst eoornossidi'a'raranalsri1rynsnnvoo nctsde 'of/(in day a- /e ebdaden 'a l isatono cna onooded nonllrbocdinioeteens nyttbto5irrsllqtoeftpyanliah 1, (atsoi'rrsde ksando/ (4)/osulis hoibgb book oanidodo., InoeIsosn isbl tiatta pobnrdalsand front], s-'d.'n/oss'proriatnnd I.ron (5) /o [of aaorrd hook onnoded vowrfl ionoadariiroonnsy- tale -aals, nodslls ondfinally (ioy eye' /docrno,,andliony/ 'ko and --bn~ Ic na- e CStom Ttire reaI,.jnino ccnopnin Sprtrl A> n/, /d/ If, /g, The nrncedooain attopboiriottsrnona'oosoponding reacoriannoben thieynoorotrocboaoons od lonilss (t) bs [Is] [hi asa'tn,etd ('abial Sinopn h ooronlry insvttahio lpossonnishlan othter to" t bra/ Snako It ,nodon no [bS] obo-oi ccornoo otn- (khn/ (baln ] hdd 'sd/eb bdny fbo~htda] drank (2) (Pt I ssa rtn hitabst nop thatcoccurennolabtoiniratt (plona .pats Inconrnanrs.srh by- peon-dog andhory so (3)1 dy [dl[d]Ima orod aalo nitop triar itcs ylli sntilly arnd nyllanslo bsnahh in rho dlan- /dnsnfay i and (ndoiasn', htrovanso[d a ftr vowlso or in rho nrronnruonfy(/s be, buot [bollf do) 'drink' a do, ile [to. deal) 'bArk'- (4) /t/] tisnitiics aoeotnnrcoba oec aritboi'niaiiyirrrho  Mono-g-IAS -&g Spn--re .0 MlMga AM..n UpnsM-&1s.i 20 &todhin Adea Sph-Hyma 20 daaltS'hre/fe/ It cc msccill d/- it cciocsott tove Sal earth ar iced dootan (xl /1 I'lI [eiso asord eel htclp;slalecn'l ls ,,I telyi cs, c [g]stl en ocrh fliI/[I go pceI]cfsto (0)/h [hI aos lets veolt 'se it selltcoabie iiilin ids dm: ist,/ II-Iitctts sceth cgi ciegoteseiaoto 17) L :eio ttphoiscns goiatp mpoceso Slcit-sl. 11iitioel in tsta wo odtlswthecrtt c iadtcc in a " d jc v a / '' an g o i ng tc d rick a glss o f t - andcc dc , s csestih id c/'t fo rgetv, l /l r l cfftsaictc Spottob IIIlP ioa oiceessal ep, lctarftrate eocrseg isyllable ieitci pat c/ta l co ighct.a It has onlx thre ara crc the data. 1bmocaahl livticis 'cs Aordan, Spasssco hitf6eereaocts of y/z ilbercotnstdered with heierans litse-s /fi It!/s, .coh/atrfcco aoitptth- It) f/ [t] Er] t licbcdeiai ,aloscec f -atco It eor, syiiabieica- tcall/t cold. Ic pscrco Spanith titer to feor ooic heco [lq anIrI altocgh Is] creeeotce tsimorl oloao e 'thoitit 'cord ,saal especaiicf ollteed bysahciabi /afsb.oa/ [a ?wrec11 escics l/,ra c~te/[sta p,estllcrceis hoccciatien c[I] ~t e wiceect nel o Uliabtais ey b,' ,cibtscch ret s fic-cr ont tlse Aylllra L tcs instnt ,,olivia (2)/s I[]eIS isecresla tocrees baercio iorcurs syllabile i- btaly and ~liable intaliy 1t rho dxasollste cd N/efs!ctte-V/,/mray troat rh M istseleg ci dcoi Lillsss or ,itl ie [cii icc] sshcsed Tis plsotciattts i hcoeei~ti of ....to Spancsh. s/elAsocato [lwiheiteiscott eabie fowfiuitiat ofa oiced /blt/[i 1. . (Lo /lI c r ia bilialaz lecitcios' lhtitttttraeathac Hlcerclio pr vtodby theevelat ioal asctsiestott phcmtotc(cetet 1ISat ra] i so Ic tse dasta /cw' otrs syiicaio inaviy otnd 1, thteooeadacsnatcetrf a eeeststts tstl /ceo/ 'eggt' ansd data/idt tite, *te! fessIt lieeiross wailt one ast attlogos etc eirostacis txtow ah ceitd risct otle (I) ty/ [g] fig] Is .,caod, soria p mcptaereaexo'tii iottllx /ib~o "1/ iceI aitc p a froecooseit ' la/Ast o go/[pee gop] toe (6) lk/ [-i isa sotet , [ee ciastop. Isoaocsy¢1s nellstiotth i hs c dcta lhdkt ietse irt o toh ly/stsecetgcccoccoctsccs /hcAf/Pc/'eaeen aioo/ctcw' (1(Thtcrtsophocete glttta atepset, pare Spoetoh-Ieeoteaiiy oectboaet odthat bcegtecewith asvooeli ospaet"Iiyttaottie srbcrc th preedittgwordoetdsxwth cscosek /hov otecec lhde lfeeric ose cfleeet tt pctl ai u or rIrelhItn od, rtceecesghtehcoocisythree o.cc.octcctheslxt Frrcseec There are acllo hoe teoa neso thlct Spatsh, hot toreeccccf oyctcsttsa wliberect-doeodatiltsheclitc-,tt Thts leaxes 'I // *swe/he hoit ofte Sttpa h OI tf [Fl (p eslbtaIectal E otrasee ttee lsccosl ml- reailq H-eo/ ecld-Ic pacco S aril oo soi fee oxteot boisset[I aad[yriashoteprieoo sstseweitlor likeytstrehritis es ntral ph islx ifsliowed beta lsttchtI Iattee ne/ 1,pol- ,iia /~f. [cap - ois Se) sfirfctc TIce varrjctrctt lpi 'cnt osith si btlel'ta iest be strict l b tiho isrsaetc froct iteAymtscobhtasist ItOija (2). s [][]', (c otaeolarvw xtclofesotiiace . lirseal hii cisixcas ftexi .. ltrycin tthedatass p o o id/tt'hrot c/cpry ,cryto geatercttl~f Is) tese te oo6c (att d tcttsallyc 61h .baa) 'whiste- Ihsx phecocleet c haoaotetsttc otdeor,so Spoaesh Is alo ease to [e[ x'tece is syllable teal' fotr ofavetod po tes test n l prso[ scee (3) lv! [w osthaiai oear ta ,cc Tinstcc-steero.arhcin hlahia is praved hy lice se c asalastsitc I t1c p hestoeocc, (,ocRoc sesaccso acdalso ta d hlsfaoct ilcallropiaee ar ltgwcl.lccl oace r Icteho dcra cor cetclalhioticlflyacdias the terwed rotosoc of acoeecaclccio Ar hv~oc ot, cc /hxxd. se/'fu decaof, /c rrot ', /fda frs tlteeces te I lol its ileg ast , oct t ad 15) ig/ [ [p]i so rsedvea step that 1as s6e to] ai ssciioll /id.g pci oe ecsot I [iervtoeetv to se po e p ci s 16) ik/ [it]' toat t lss sccrsstop itI oerss l oicslosls (o e "bre itor itoactassawthcg/p cccctos s enral a7 Tiesore acacsoelseois h iti b to te psarceto 1 Spacssh Is hot mee -ttor od rhad, octacs ,coh a fly ocoIopesfroaosic oeheete pecoacoeo dodossihoosl 'bcy ItOnasc cast, attd istal' ieaaegtdrkiehclcossfoato s cod * oabda/ l aoet There it c .t Sftat ic S ioh ill [c] isa otsis B aletopaol biean toaerrccg' stelbliita lea Onto .,d, h Iitos as ony tlctr o atises c tto data Therse arc crcally fseo iraecxessccAcdoan S psish, bitl fr roos of clsatery, *Alwitllhcoccssdeteeswtheeshtviact This e-laoofcc, lo,/ie as th irnc, of Spacteb, Vl f ba oclssf I u.-sarlyial' odiopcroblecechithetis freeoceattc esxoot [I cccd [p] clthccctI Jai[ sersti tote' hat c iacewhn is erdiiclntald ocoaisbilirdoctlychiblasiia weIor[a-psoere[ icie. ostf (cyocto I...fa msr ostcToifioct. Titteta tst TI~ eciosittto sies tibsals waxb hattributable so telly wtttsin (2) c1is [0)Il ['a[Is ats - ace erceo iesi scve t itoersyllat isti pill odcoliatlotoiiymtis call sac c-o/ three .tay h sucattcevgoohaccis lao whocsIt eror oodotalxy rpacsh /ci sooaarse [,I Taecitpltosains s tr roetfaosieec [3). walisstooa o iahsaiselaefrifatss Tetiosfotrvcceo ( //[oal ate Icho daolcoilabi escShaitsaflfsecThr eitssn a eow)d casctof h Ga c care plsnce cove waonnn thes eco/ecce I udab ,a shb f si  20 Cotc Ama. flun -u mpih9 o Ayt.a lnoeo -n -pus =O onrAva lrnopns 14)!hl[h1iis asielspe l s irhiac bse nsyllableissidalyi nO da / a'y' '*[herec asalse.frirsoei -phoseai Asdevshpa sih /1 'IIly alsly peseecll it occ ssyllabic i[iifly as she 'crasssottd se, aid syllable fesaily.! s.. Jc/ 'had' l6lls. hal -'hire'. sad cl t(2) 'ill is re aleopailanl iaeral wich ees rsiisbleeinitall3 ika.hhd.iici'horse' It contrasts eh / ice aeealogee a nc /lok a. hasc hoes aircd le.iot bad'. (3)/yIn baa aicpiaai sesreerl duhacii ocua silhsejdillp as she eaasrd sfa ass t dsser aned syilable flysaiI ikhaser oi hcet c 1,6 s cadoyI b.. Iha Isasea israsasreie eseeeeanlgccssescccceess l yacr hasTo ad ile ab rder The. re four rsaseas for Stoaci selhi '/ (1) ! /msee) a a bahi csiis er I rssyllaleeceiilhaaed syulli dcii": 1sre 'a asnd /,aem bra! shads, (2) lee In][) [a0) (eit ass aired aresl- Is -arew hle aisl ad sricelcr/bfiimsigocoaedil vie( sa oeas *ehub 55 [5cr bise)'a tglass h lsatl aar ha) s 'eeae laicehc )msiye'hc' / ced Lou)aad 4/ Idi )lr is [] [_7 [a]. lcsceassrcerccsaidrclesecec phemaras sapisbarlrrstmsc heyaeconraasnsaeraesiie'scsroei, ..1, pecac heel aedie avg Otlserwisehecaria~aat¢ ,Ml n nt rsaworspipe/ciardeaehees Icssse eeeseaiaad eoscediiaai I'l ch clstr t/ lsara'shraee IIs thbe lcclbcssr'easd final pcssieeelrs' l ndscese sleep le rhiteests of' eoomeey ie is dtrpoal 1il or s n y b o hr omndH wh predericeanodss .ssaysct diffcasfis 'sbesicaeroc erreasieieasaaiaiy / lhlgcsiaiiysna rabuasehc caaerlsadry foaliarcaeysc [~ra liisl [alcs]'ltce'.llxi eceice E, uiye[z] or ),siasicbiggoaeireemeefaeaaiacb t tttr ct (4) IhI lIS) aw soiseaspesssa Iicsice IS caress Syllable esiiiaiiy FrIciiec6 W cy Thc-rcssen ssaiiodss pheseria Anean haradit Ni l/,y' e(]i pseetdeerai scarsabiiahiiiaidfasraacdasaatarimede sea aced cclahir finalls lrea iel'had',/lpshsl 'caber as)ii sees (2) /il! ac ace alsepsisl I ascal wehiebcear syiiabileesebaii' lhaballihorsme. tm Irc seas with ill .twm (3) iy, e a cveepalai ceener whlich creerr s ilsbeccic'tally as ith e sisa s consantsscs of ea cn luses adlli ales'c' [seen] isee belabai eeeel. It crers syliclaesilsl aed cy lba fecally. s easd ceasebra'sae 2) all/jisIUe[aisra i ar al iseraersslihaeeiiaead fraeeiy hbarese bonsd adeal casrlhot Theraasa essssesi lssca the follingsccb'estcccl heasesraeiea s [amshase)'a glase s te a, (sasd slka 'erase 'St. hoc (rachel ler amce Icc-abe, lace sabke a-on, 13) ceil 4)/Isi Is)I as! [a)] [1] [a) Is c aar e oeuc-atsh...m pl'cceeesemghrhaoaasrheesrce 'seed meedal esseace lac /cr hnae!/ 'dog' Ollsercese they irac respecaase dcssb o nchsee wesaod aaceciesdwaebinessta esei prchahiy'seerecwleecetarrccoe symcbol fee chess chaearenesei hoes l"ee they areh ps l did toei usiee aely -'oe debetesa Comoe cthanehex ccusiarreeeuahoaI/s 'Pgersicy a aa gIt) bot laie caccde d acsdcese is r miee c lrafsrsis leers!, [car) sear s-aesrc isccleor[], shlasee hrecgeecdc3rcdsscrcFaseleo Its lie [h] is a vcess scsiselateciil e es taserssllehlaid ally im chic data: 16.hnor 'see'. Tiser, ace eee iricsdsse eseceses ice Anedeaee Spaseish Ite! IM, /yl. ()Itilian alvelalerls'lse piei cfartelifesrjcsric cei- Ialycpcsdse l lteaasrsyllseaisielyas he secdmsaescedo, seand callable incalslo lo/l!'ad', ibidsko/l white aced /soll 'cese. Ivn 2) 1111 is as alciepl laleral " lla oc,'ees sc'ile iceiailne !hard icheo ' ist I-ess swih Illis an adago eels secieeessi lhahiel',hsrs' aced lashk il'bhad'. (3)/iti as als'aoplaal-m I hes b'cc wh c scrers nl itouch, as she.'erred cem aa soa ros eas rhir c[ad cylaic, fiealy /hal yen rc 'hoc' "cydle! sky aced /bhy/'l'sn geieg'. Itraoma-rawih ITl ice eccigais see'ceentats !hc your,/'hot ard illagl 'eerier 'Taes a-re em ossasasec ic asesh la (1) m/ in]a aI'II' urleaItnt eryfllahl iitiially aade'd11llai liacn las J'c andarese bra shade' (2)!se/ [n] [a][]eis anaercbsaal It oersSyllablesiitially nd llslulb'seree'pccd a a laeve lic ThsereiscnasaliSsieeile nlc hetacfciecabeaseat Th.ascehase !sa2bisee bn2vtUs.]a gl as'. Issas cc a! [ea o ha] feaelr /sen keal [sio~hc]'fsne aned -6r he! [uaj c a]' 'is aeg i3)lacrdl(toiete][a a JI'L t[leolIte lsecseeicaoeidleltesesssc phccsccseslgeter ee shea eilt uvah reassess as ~bradJa asses sawueerieiascsa roeresee ya has ca d inlndi worhdrfd pccshcc'aroh scelresr'al beea/ ra'ldses/ rasye lcdesilel'eeebealoeaso psliaosserar ests) seept slasaseeeee fn u o oespici probably woswicciees ease as c sci sr hs phae''escs is cheese wshretlscssssnprrdsroablec'drt e ies'ew dibne wforcs whe ca ncr er asrsalsal' r s' Igrae caies as [], hel hiss eiadcseeeek s an 1e'scycoce[]afcrsl/o li len[ielle' ihr ll mrfael1fcly relaea m[[h hitlccs beegrsassdercd wesorma sasi  Satracrl Staetment Structural Statemrent Sforucmal Stroensert Syllashlo Stpail Is a esllt-iaselt ag,l lsatadsaoftpais Itbasilad lands itselfI 4 'psatsta anfaba s lble A syli Ihs a vassal peakad (opaaaosl) o srsaaaasaal pasadaasg and (sasal) fallassahgaaa~as _Solalababoadsesaybest-s'iaedhbeo.. aa p whsataassaosaca a asa woasrdiitally.Tias,, oamsbinatio tsaehea he ..ad add 1o oc 1o llhlabiasvhe they acssaed' asott r caaeaea CatssicalcoEmsaafsbassyllalciaSparn ash htaIs.,data ra V CV, CCV, eVe, urbaiCV(. XAyvee'alsay (armaatisidopesdeasa asflb Allto.. a , oaetasssaytsaysylahlo iaiially Inwnananl her ssCay beaasoplfor//.The saod C sate visa /y/I ora / sat [I ,alahasaala tat ssstcissa- pasiastsen p afaritlsa asa aco, elaa aAsyllablcasalosoaatas tisre /I , Irat iy insiataat data.nlealeioasoi asyross, pablaltsesl aacllaytcl /assd/ia oaphsasscfal,s1a snatsaa mePa~sae saoalically baaaas.athey aae intasm~lai azaa distrabstio ttras inSansishss'egtlaaly yetasltso tessrmaas oAltgm oe assdesltimasasaoaasts edinaga asassaa Has e tat chis lausaed alam dicta wsaew eaeoane lItor bird' aid t~.ta. ga. 'a t aach Cononras bhis resaaaah ha boast lhigly bylah sasg It'is ach lsameasdifiaasl taa sswoald raped to apys sha methbodology to alanguae wih wltial oai iacoliasFHtwevearasthas beraasaatalspemtllysrrcoas affoepg Ilac aaaaarrs s abasda as insgtaiaaed letalato stehirk of Spaisih ylaaaaalg iatsssat daataaarsyelling Tbe assatsaofslhe if/lad /£ phaa, vCnd , goft oclesionsaAnsdrflsc discoveyaof~saia atas-hat aPa fallowingconaaaaat*aaast- lssiaaassothlsbalthaasaaifaf/ ad theaecaalnt I lcl-t isstal to be g- sses by i rotttsg als eas ast M she fact cn stars.tFor a aspl 1oleasad ssdaiev asadao ooaload dcoasg whbes fras'wer tteasredl issas I-I oweever ,ladatshe S pat>h Is, sylls bloliassd Ilangaa. Tho sredy of Syassih phosselogy ledireefacdceraats ins sat it alst eslablo A syllablc ha....asl peak atdc(ste®t) ontaessassreet atassspeedtg atd (oyoaal) Oto olssoa gaatoaa Sc lIal moaylae ocu bertosd bydl Thbs aatbaoio ay tshans be cotsdeae ocaeyllabltttsally eashcah shtsaaaewoadtttrsal crasess Ca 'etafoaimaalslt 11mb1,tnbai 'In mite idata are V,(V CCV CVIO asideCC CAssso'e1 mab lrrnieat .rtylb. l a Ial wvyomI osant dulstesthe ItasCt maybeqtytop faoaaa Theataetd O rtus al la! y/ /artl h ent ta ow e ns te wish she satae poinr asf aassltststseaostaaser dlttamrA syllable final ataasssaatt boaae It!/ la, /Ia /d/p Iatfsiii eedata rsbe iteressafe o sst ysohablysascal so asaps ai anod it itato cae Plotss cfat at stat ses ,atora aisdtulsiaate faar r,smri isaatsraa"n tiaws t ale lassosed dats tlte ere cac cusaeyptiost /pahasae bard al, Fes, t igo Concntlusn T ,-oscalat scs ighls etliglaloitg It as aao cre diflicl hthat se iafstaWlaaHoevaersitlsasht aeasl. rpaally i atroaffesring shee rrcaebto abatndata-ish.aredtadetasaatnt tkcf paial phlstseagy -atetsasaf dsa oaspelling TIe totlcis of rho I atd V aphactaoaatysforced aretlttski ttaafld eosrlaaioss. Ante duoe}C1 nlasmlto oloigpse asasaesbalabilcasalzo /andsb orronotol_ Ilalrshoca is attah to b gaited be aarosrg she se inth sits Iasf dialectal r ateF ssalal reod d tste ard atad facoawel desta gasswhensstsos.sweaatsre itaeees Hcaa-onwhasthe S4 yaili is1 a llable-assistdlsgsaaga Tha sdy tafSpaist phossalogy leads melt1 to dasriptatt arta afdlt tslaba A syllable hactoel psak am ostlnaoalloeassstaccasosass praditg atdl(pistasal f rllosiascaat LSyllablo lattdaacs ta bdetoaid cbyo- sIeta sahas rlaatn aosbtsars osa cacolod ititially Iloac 1otitat esay sthe eaasdeod socaaosslble italy shbe oo,,dd 1 lCtuaf fr" aboSlss lithesdata aaa , CalCV CVC and C VCAy voela fasts as aaeaosdt syb as All a oroass,~ aiont,oaasllbla iss ionl. rtaroaacalaastrrhfirsteaita batty sto Ilai/beeos CisbsAho l a/ 51l or II, with strcstrothsat mc os-ucd illmrPn- P m~ rlastaAtylabl fassa -ulaanrsara assast be /11ntre5/o lh f atsaInw reel id!, iy! I~ baetcissbseal o ltsbe nme Frraa alaaotctstaahyasuft vttaallsealoya rtissreoaplstotto ydass-l. bloa, in Stjsih isegudaly pmusalt nasosf ~alts..dgr ) a vss-l a rt ltdsateortformassedinsg' nascooatat llaIoeislatlsstiad deasa share were sac tecpats apa ha ati brd csd lcstdm.aaa.ga/ *Tltisaoorhlas hoot Itighi} yat ghtoatag late muttal tssso diliesadias aosatasld expecl t0 appls loi ethodology tsca tinga sth a tIdol otaafaoalar Ilowsl at, beersefal as-1actayu atans drllabl, lhesoceacaliosaabdot anainfratredstsd ist chinkf Spansh phoeclopa arsoos s adattaspalep lsaalsashorasd !plaec cysaslalcc-dorctleloitsfoldonlsaion, And the dtcaray afte tlsa ttal asesass orbs to l g- ysseaasatheiblaaiotaaofd'asdaheoasssasfei ahelaerhoa, iscatih m bc gacaedb otintttshisssdvasItbc n ofara, c a-aethfareasaploIl ' dseade trtectaaeosdsfial oe deocci wh it aos, sa umsesd 111s eats flossaor whins the  204 Cna . Ayma . -non o. Saih24 Cor. Amr ... c nSpns 20 Coa y ar 1.1 - nlh Co orers weeb Laiei desekffiieeepeapeedOvieelyo di~uenttedl egldtee-der thsese ereesnseancee- peler ailceold cetos to 'tt tip..... ft.mawtts and te Bmre, flndy hestecceecpateed Irv otteSp -h poakoo I aoeddbe feeetto ke cei hp dlt vadr S 1,c Ilehope to insestigoec fi ci h~seee deshrstc thatpovdt be ittpastile h acic g ficat eehedogy Itted accessto freeeeettversatteittt c cdd , p'ace eatstnPat. Phonemic Chart mefneeeiw-diniot ieio, eig c~e d O riouriy a diffon mhollo ui 1,sle1 fhe untd erte1e cc tete. Pchoice, if I .-a ci taeit the pocdieinfoerntnecatadcicae foti hasta oocpaniodhby aehe Spnith seeke, i weodb he b- eto tes eaooei na tchop ocedodiaiecoai vatatoeef AodeokSp.... ln I hope te i opat feo ethe tttereachtaeceir. chet poocrid tc be ieee aecsbie rah- etliesio eicitti nethodaiogyf" aemcad fceeeciei .am hichieset r eta paectatat. Cr foetto ere el iced me isalacti g .appeorat. Obvseli a deee neelocology its mlied for iede th ei tese. Pehaeps 'iri ceieee to ii hepeci Pat { on dcee the Brcafleeamiiy breecceepaaiehvatotieSer eeiipekenleeold befreeeteake teeecaeeihdtoteeetoehepaccieaii mctl eseeeiteeAoSepaeiei. eI hopeete h-tigtffertertet eoteee 1eseenteshaet peoved re b te-eposbe alhen teig elcitestiect cecetgy; l need eeces to fteee secsatioo in whichlat noeaspotapecjcet + y k b d p k I i bc d p c I 5 k w M1 coece. I ecu like to loke de. etetoe i t w coeIeslge 1hjtis,,1 Tetea de Peesfeo eed Hoetoet pae-iierfheei getetnoe d'se giieflee ad actc Itbeceiee I.aoct feelt i.-teidloiceted reeeseeebebieted eriet petieoetelctes. Pice isaidd lke Lcke dct oppeotity to thank heron Uqesitec. dTer ee i Baeieneeesd Hto iteHfetn fenlheje -d "ldiagieeloyeiieftomnioa celeseeitdeedf laftottet be l esesd aideM poltiot c siee wal leseetto cake chit oppa,cit ee etaaehoea Uqoitlor, ierev do Beofoe,acI toesese fca hhi goatecfan ehod tttio. p ie1Miof.eo adI-na d. l-d phaeelt ealacetofeecieeedtsotedoecao teiice  13. Data S-11ro in La Pa Spanishr Verb Tenses (from "Cultre in Conta) E1H.......e Morris [ec Spos of Lo far Boivia asihe rease in Aymma-i rlean whether knowledge of r thor is slier or iradeer. Howsever from wehtwe kntow (LucyStudylteroall persoalcornnrirort),t(fais- tistnoapieaonhysoto passtbmm the pcetosteitt'Isedfto idicae drect krtnsssgs Hey lit 11,cg6 so woareau dod. 'Pack, his soeosr arried, (andl1sawhcsea..sfl.' The pluperfc is tsed to insdirats indirect knowledge tiny doitabi legads o snres1 dciie. 'Today his eotthnarvorl(hutdIdIotsee flsparrivet: 1hc cotmpiarison of thethreoseStrunreshowhtheirsaocategncy sflcrtoSpuish dosno coinidecsars stelso clubtArmsca ortwilsh rise S paish of Buen os Airt it does coinciselo sMi tsvaaa Is earhkig shesrelevncoe ofldirco vertssindirect knowledge (seeoig. 13.1). Honnrs Masin p rrofucfpasdentsusns %nSreo as's eoo 'i I,- flsnrffhsrnoisg-rnd inpnislsg nad hem ras naisl'sAy- ira .wnonissr poato oth krosss anreerg Spruill d, sts p. f _ oh n t c dsess udssr'ittsrcod wee Cot loo 1s'esni tL'~n vr rhior frh shonsl estgsg of erct lossgrtm Irnom...dctaieisoay Lsssdoa st daoss' o Natll fte tppsi 13. Data Source in La Paz Spanish Verb Tenses (ftonWCulturra in Cuotact") E. Icslasin Manicn Is rho Spanish offa Pa, Boliva n ircr uit Ayeaa is is clesos ushaho k ht'lrdgc ofotheo 'a rs.. orqfu fl,1 htw nw(aeSnh ol. spersiolieroc osvc, feesi nieoioapplies only to te past tltstlte ptoterioiseodtoiedirat direc ksnowlodge tny in, 11egi So smes1 de If. 'Today hi tse hrsassscd iasdlIsaashytacrive). Tier plupesfoct is sed toi icat rnississs hrsscidgo: Hoy ir hahir ilegado ret rtaaai do Al 'Today his trowe ansed (hut I dudrt'stee lterasnu Tho rsmparitat0 of, rhcs shuo o ws (fslsat ane rhtine cately of Pamg Spnish tc, toe te'cd. rotle ruhe noh A~tn'aor u al shc Spatish of Ilucs Aims: 't dos r, with Ayrmara an mann g trarh cossnc efsiiec versus inde'r, iseoslcdgc irs ftp, 131)1 Iltsi arie prof..rsac of pasnlssetsos easdtsr nars tsrs A, ..aatsalrerarseaudeir .altpsr, oltrsco Blosnhspbweetg1.tneed Ors seate lel acheooia lrtash hsaor tsread b¢ rilant, ,isAs- rect slosrnaio psdt oes'a paish do lcrsraasrpaienor Ms rfhoreehodhrodehthest-1- abletnrafoeesae k erhno~ 1,totna dtrasrhetonos [ idoottaw r'....rdich lt. S-ruofdoeor ossap'psuaeecsnded 'oltaaee otsnars' prrostoin Limeais 1,375 bermhonl -,P lmatortoti.c dcti'r gidTioa y E tosaa drlIdsotar Nnotllsfste papecs 1 3. lDuta Source its L~a Par Spanrish (oat"Cultars irt Contact") 1T Hed-ioai Mactie Inta rhSpanish Ift t, LI Bohin.a sa cas -nAyma, itiatolerant whther keoaslrds nf th fat is direc or idisec. Ilowesocfil sohatase know (Lucy hnrhcors at., preactlcarueecade),sthe ds Csrsssppliesssnly ut pars: ihas rho pseso in aso eds tordicalse di-sksnwladgo: Hoy dir fegll sat esana de dl. "Today hisasmother awied. (nd I ass hterarriso) The pluapce i r d so iadiat iniret hnoo'ledge Bray din tehia ttogado Ima iers dold. "l'osh,,ves mottersrsvd htdorI dt'cnoohea-.Is)' Thaecomtpaisnro rs heestructures stsschathcdec mocr ofPacefa Spanish does reor maine reardihersvtt Avseataos ith rho gpants afflnssas Acs It does wranol -dsath Aroan istasieg else cranso fdiscc......u iener knouledge. (see fig. 13.1). Hesedsdainnere 1sassearvah lser -ra al Sasr,se .I-sld IAy- .1ngsapooe.roor ardr ± nsopsr efues to tiia Legion's ina 1966. Olcoear ofhbechargeod W i an lpaahlere and hoe f e'ilost rvih Ay Casr, precoordie litien is tho tarterriag sfetrcasas a Eatennainando Liisdr yfaretesa drnssa .:-nt alt eftIIe papreis  S C~tI Ai - - 1 S C~ An. hi... - S ~C - Aymr nonutueverur past present nt visibl visib le net visible Spanish Riopleec past I present future Spanish Pace/c ost provent nosible bvisei pluperfecs preterte imsperfect Fjt* 131 Ccivpeaosc ebal--sv (Spevish/Aysa drcsy eieeueiece. celi I'cee, l~~sibeeoiotics pivcus atsueicl idce seaicsesefenZ&cish-ieivpssccqesccsIfvroodvvs ig elits Slc- of Ipeviss wici is ..seie fivms she Alm veipcsioh cciv0 nicfe. Thceheich ielthe 111sdveceue is peeteieey eicqleeLTeelesie io byrhoedimev Ayeoare anfut ure- future paet n present not";ls cl isib le n to's' ble Spansh Wvapiaiensv past II peet ftr Spanish Paeeh past preset pluperfect preterite imperfect Pie. 13.1. Cceeipaeccve erbal tenss(Spcnuh/Aymao) ivvtcl'edeeiosemii selece blcis-beicfscleceiee rmra eecsivcesel ie. wie seeied ciiid iieievcese eeve.eqeu 1te feeedvsssbdiv eliediv],t i Sep-siv sed is eeciv feces tise AeteSpas'el etste 1-1e .ciio.ischeeescisiehshchesssee~p i peesieesuyIe.nies...tvcss]aeu. ii by th cdime. Aymara nonfuture preset I Spaonish Rio/tenee pass rsnt ftr Spanish Pace/is pat reen no sibfle isblle pileperfect prett ireperfect Pi.131. Coepv~. -W~e tey-e (Speish/Ayssr) eecei-Tecitw s-iheh hee deccssvpspviciteieivceve .m  14. Sonac Cases ofA yinem aflssorce oil La Paz Spanish Richard A. Lap rude Centuries before Ln Pun was fborfnsi by dsn Spantiardii 1545. Avssan- isislnorad Damargrieearsssustilanguageecstacaf psrisuasd Ayoaa anm faarnnraiaadniansetf each ianargehave been introdutced inst tranother I'haifnssna f Spanish-rhedmianla inrage'-orsAy- mara hus bean gcanrbhasrtharrof Asymanauon grpans, as as an been- pected carnsiderttag the cornmr q rdsass ]sahsnsisp af the ta Thireeinlsrence oflAnsoaransdSpacrh orr tehrsaansfashac seas natbyarsaen process of psdgriusrandsuhrsqas a torianinrierdanreaaan .Lat aebpaaaasidoes ntthowi usadatdrithss:i hpessases Its.rlltuuiSmelgllewthsrhsadu tnaofhpalrbhaussatndnstanrssunhliagc strarpirairo Nor las Avma IhetestIsunagn dsaro ear inueree bane almliledtbeilanug e tad liner the caq a dad r geneaty brang Spvsi asanor wish crh soterlzu becamea anr uaanasdsbie Can iontr t,'a boainnsng of tbsSpvaihp peesan La Pau (Otrs 1942 [samy 199' Asgisha 1959)_ Asnd nnitto ab rtainsaun'arara o La Paz societn eaten biogaliiss Avsrunrwiti ad tahernrilktard Spanishif atrbeatpriog -aaeoo seated by thi a hr An eaarsiiaofutresdasrea meeto Asrsrdanilanguageosuch as Aomaa hasbahad,,theoSpanslangage gan nsdal saortrancewlien sae ons tat sa then tars ofLa Paz the papuatnon afrthe city fona Lonpe rgiamily 'scare crulaonnasf Ayoaaarlaan Spui ofh lu Par" far ass md issarro sgaanss Inue ,Iu darifi174 lrreasrdurFnaancnar pnnarifManu s. ona us, asas ad rsdraibain afapan- Cat ars mu, ris Isos Ir lattide reais hr pupae s.1Ier manidi in Spr- 14. Some Cases ofAyntara Itfafrerse on La liay S panish Richard A. Lavarud Cninae isoforn tl Pare wren fdat by she Spaniards in 1548, Asnsra- speskiasg peoplen fabahined stm Chaqanyapa niny wrer the peasn' dity hiaocaed. Daning tecaantn ar irugnaorf Spuaaband Asmsna ua or Comna se, eornsafeachulagag bheraenrinadaediat she athon The infiance of(Splai-the danisaura iugwago5-a Ay- rsbe hems gerfniranratsoi Aymaura ashSpanish, uisstotsaaoc pasrn nsoesssrargaheansqaanu/.nsareed reiurmedopoltwo *iarnitnflantssnr Aymraaa and Spanish oncer tire cnears of comnc Pa-usorayaosso a psaesstafpdoaaian and shseqent ceb, ztumestberedirectsintIalu anpabchderassonbs niiractesruc sasn uciard soiish fusi prcec .Isi Saiosi aosanttollgsi it rb risnea- inesof Spaniali hsra taisegaunesapatgnuinpbfa NasehuisA msua. Thresw, lagaes despitsoaaioaonflasars bats sertrsdthIrseusngsrdn Suenrare coqrgare did ot asgsraay bring panishnnonratt sn thina, arcarssset becarae a i ano dubt sas Cra ris very begsnnir oaf rise Spanaish prsmise In La Par (ISra P942, Fsssas 19U, Aegssdas 191) Andrwteirbbno'asrwaasegrest at La iaeao-nasomhabingaismin Alaurarit r r tnahermsmiikeasd Spanishit e tnff pasg wr 505 jend by tie ba Cr Anaenaiainationaofthecioflrosa hal Ansarnsdsa anrguugeaush a Aynsura ihaaihad anltbe Spaarinbiaogags am,,sspecalsiuparnewtbhm onndsaiassthatisohecase of La arFtln papiarsunuf tisesdet forra ra rignat.ysoru nt oeseAalmbaauss. anrba rst. f ,salss I nairsdusaiaeybnrn~aasrn hbol nft9a Hnaaaafssiuosa in t, v~ rr tl'SPr as garsia prssofsaeatsbue mrnarsnd pavan.silaiaseuraisshesslai.yu and iAaeshassos Spls iuhat,. B rbhne cILtpndsn maroo hit Patc u Ia nordBian. bpro 14. Soeam Case, saf Ayraaura Infiun, usa Lu Paz Spanish Richard A. Lapeude Commaias hofanaW Lat was fuanded by tae Spaniards in 154, Aymoaa spsnsbsg poesi imnaird rho Cisuneapu ssalley whiee the peetct i ocatn.1)a...grh nraarimageoanria f panishndAyara aven four ceourneosoafaahhnagngaeeennrnadseedIt thaeaoa.The influensccf Spamh-n daiaaiantssshtcos- A rashas hen gneesrethaithat at AyraunafrSpasd, uass boomnc paeredeaoarm heseaiaerae/eaiuetrdeetutstspfineatwo Tb~ainranflane of Aymaras andi Spansoter rhc ynesaf nuatasa -na1rr by aaynrnunspremssf pignrt anadtlosqaanteeNai euroaitbnedisana PaSpanmsh does ratsowrcstacte serac asocuatod weith tacht peoensone is a maasiy aioleiia esitb other dia- Iacnofpuanisihandihst a dngrssnpuiaortiusapfaaan. Nor has Aymrna. Tihe Iro a ingsuas deop 'cn aasraf-psehate riisnlod tai lasaasae idea .e S in nnaaiaszond snot gersaaaiiybung Spaoah ntntna shers, sebn~aanumananrdae facsifomintaetnay buonagnof teSpanish prsce' isat Pae (Omsoi 194' Pios 952; Agsea 1959) eAnd reatatbaens neaestizoaaegooeatf LaPaua ksr camehalaaiguarsr A yana nith the asasbes assih ansd Sparmih if ab sapurg was nec- ognisos hbs she lathser Anranusason ,rfsinfiuarc a.sornAmerirnia rrsoase suchsas Aymnaramasbtidsrtn AcSpnsh agage gns spcia impopner-n wshn one cassdeaatcattstheoase ofiLtuPab h oppuat oftbcncryfssa sapeodeuogssuoocnaae halminna . aln ray Spasasims a arts a nn-adana ligsr...sssars an 1 ris faa H. nviIife t3o nalucsa Insin, puparseta arep eafsam uirnn arronhioaad P eihcmc1 1. innth zta a snmx d mssbnalfpru- Ca isoa Bye bosn L prads roaass has pop-s tanouse a.. acoas S lanr-  91 Cnaur Auma hnloi -n Spani. 2 Com' Ayna lfne -a S=uh 0 Cat AYw. Mel o pu gret lll it l' t axppde h ascii Ayw~aeispabitgsrilir- goralihAy sadptie An eaanssfohri b'aaIrccrtalpaa rirail tclvbg 6tt archs roesa Ic deluuges alone with StrPt hi) ofi, thmrote A rim retna Sp ear stcsk nf eseceose betrtasu Ay crllCo panisTsbilitgal- ni aippnerrrlerc ad r, trdd prod. Even ira the arl ninteeth entry eerisreptr Dn Onbia s ppets c1.1 Atisset nasalae maenisecgaaageofen ailepisso. Todo eimaeado liiabeeli atr L -ds~rsano oeaeac artyI for mslbosabneir a er aa P e cas,,, tr, ntaleenie I iriciadl hsberrrsrs Almasbipante,,nsrstre-errasrdirs ndddd orIritte t hle en a ondi e er e c i tqsoa ppin ler m oy m ordxqd'iOrbigry I19S 172 73) [rveesrsesperssAysssna Thresanrw mother iacrrge ind tire srrrshbaly urrsge tor add a spatial, tlhat ittale errrino iieasihirand mcadthrl aaanrdiasatlplaees irasocialia Ieas. nirsasing Spciissectr ithbfrsogasrlsad m [rond iiaerngsIB (dier's teanil-laron Brfore lse Claaeoof odieielotit, Avrrtra aesninsaPasa fornallirsra rscldeacetoi riiibereostertrasds ford nh crnhHisparrsentr Arant eas ieareed drirg alarsed stentr erands seed Anmrea-pakss, plavyintes anid res rrirssird there lfefrre rrr araseehspe rtvre boss arid laborer, bu astr aitesde mararall rerertrd nsa 1 C ,scqnteadlat peetn d gerrrsgerrdpcrinst geiieeitrof la asnfsrche sos paet biingual, as t least iasca parsivte knoweledge et Ayrese. (,hen in thesO, aro ide[ tond it buttdorooaki). Oesinietleeerctsyhatelisgsiatse bearir trrraesercioeillettnsweecir of adsire Atai 1cofil lm ideriaesmaiesssilild d-oenk iistrvc nnrdwrec. se.s I rserrte hn thea gesisiso tcheee si 1952 Tlacia bie lTat tesd seelru oerplet eaceti so thit er rins . resea les spahee stel speck bqaneaesoseak Asoarv, o Ayea, aort pai iravsh rdisada A m ad p hbir- oi~iese pscirsiass paned se kn eretareal tile rba psrtr iba . a dad Aete heiirete hrinicsr~a ~iss aia ssserietehasdisislAseviad,1.f Aite at his bart y n- eerie pan afirlI se sas peepardes lliyAytssr Hpidigor hile gets]is Aya prastd SpuredlRmonc eras sptree bs, dlet n allso. niiuser,9 fths I ashtrdalI lad ln wish Sparseehioa fhemreers Airsa the sore satrioh nborahc isra aecIrr. b yavadsocl 1 ~maFnT lyciesd eseeoneazrded period isetrihcar'Ily masthersr tsrcag cIrfcrssaecros irVla 1Todrleisrialrahlca psaax Laad riiresretsianI iasaest forrgess dersea pessleseareoieoeeeateetr panel Cess qae Csl 105sextrrrjer }ciscaeinsc dcesiqarn. [1Dhes y lt pd Ay, T vinoca u, a thvaerep,caisRl mrasaTr ae ito or Sa ie[lnt iseigsageo sd hasrihicnd mxed itdeh Ary and nall cipieces fa ellf I''hNsespaai l utusrl iceIsaa ,gSaish' cspreseeleleeeser-cedaiimural itieas ]i(Fdrtrssslariar) ref ace tire Caio rest efett l~n Masn remactnta e ire La Pie totraiiiriteeaetian ofthiseseltetsntn Iheeces ha..sseserrti, and so lot ispai sector. Ayttesr was 1Intd doas huddaad trinsgleridaestd Aym ispeakinigpcsrttad asairaiced trougrah leg fr wa en eel saslaps hem ccci beet aid l lbesce hcere tsdeatad. daesoead sch Coneend.ti the preree eriidi- gteeasytiidlseir 'gcrtcer fLt Paisifor tulnrttt l egeel. rein lashesspasc o bsrlodgecrfAncreatrtrsiliteercanndr ,rend irt tdoeottIehnit(oy 'I OseeeceeuH habdeeeqcche begun rtvseeanog the Hispaniceain ofa leeI Atclthemeoaiflae Charso tetintnilgeeieaceies weedafed intr aisctarcritrcdssIrnwie elIffredi icier Setnish, Trhs begicn aeery r chase o nehelin was lacer = n incd hy rhe Ageasea Retiree at 19s2 1 bie t il> isiaared as nuacqacer gtrasities ta cha eae s xi wseirhose eiaelcebtaabcAyT- ssendh Spashb hesast ,e Seasesh sptaseae-Ilypes aradersara Atnmae A} stass IItrevrleeo uM irrtict imdivnl sneer celabl o railcparoc adtmaa LL 1poeirrthrtr calehr l Isras b breaeierh I'iide ie-seicrcbiorsrrhiernkndohies ndpel~f Ayraaa ,his reserh. er asc aisiste oy maspreersdesatrleAeraaaethi r biin- A aadieAymearase amSaitch Aytssseivaeesperlkeiyostal ll rerdehe g geee fnalhoec ye1 irvsrrtce gns heeeeesanses alaerrilriseraniratheioertetp Al esheriree Spt.eeslirpackets aerdeeeeis eaes wer bhnegadieAyreieatdSeasexh Theshbiegral- ime appnencti conraed ve ar reedd pe'rrd. fEes se ac~t early heeeeseleeistlie d eFsei explorce I Oebt-geo pert i char Asea irs *idocldeaedahltbleel rih uec ryarea Isoaa da pes rentirgeess bl xdud do n raii retes tcila vitdseeralece1l ieiiedd lov bittte lit habkts cerc se ci redttms dcl pafwl cis qce err lt fenr vre oceae dretoiets (dylehegey t95ll cs 'i iEfeesare speaks Ayr-ie. Itry bresr ra aches language ted ris mtresirate ely nitring s o add a S panish char is Is[ c oepr leeebe and eedereti Avaiaratt irrall pliaae, 1iescsrtife ass heeeraesitte e ieitarrrspahiirkreegec- sos aasing Sptanseeptewofomrgoct.td ifioa girh.cris iflEdertctesaiaii SfearhesChiee r nalrM, 1930r, AYeac ersretaryvntcliPac fissllrreeteetrtsraheanher-arerehaecr liarse ernan, aid so facilh, in tie andprera etfoAyesatt n-as eaced dtieg childhrrod (idctr 1 ldsythrough lilt laoe ri eittioesips te n bet tad labants bet wets sedeari ed Mietrr adsuchtlsrek rest baeryrh snaesee geriospnsdpcs' lt oeisiifd Ier is l fthtetrnsr pacr d --~al utrda u hasapacese hensldgei CAer tloMqanmsf- Eli^ts tes tnry bin th seerdi cto se, du org cbs Hrpa stsecra-tod RIrhesie etidre fe-aerrean Spaish Thoricgiaftjnhrgn eesst esaeces ,shihlte leete reietancedl he the Agecreanri heirss of A195i The rbe hawe tited aesabseaceot ht axens soatteraost a lsw~ eaieingagee1,s Ayeeactaleapethlpenh esleeneaetre hpsetsh ur-,spodrrely apath anded nsd Anere Ayeetsteseat yet clisit bk- spsrt istlivdnr evr aenahiek , Per idete eaoted itteeta set aorseocLoh peieoa ihear, he hcraehabd Ae . befe.. htgisht0o h- : s tied. Hi C't Jhat ahir sra a tte-he 1o..rIitihoiedwM f deessar is a seiirre  Ayma lnln -n i. aP. SpnhLu. 209 Ama lMum -n CIs . Sil-Id.,i Uo Aymu In-ec an nP 1pi-q..h 20 sispadnar. h roo Indoa i it br I spke br dnt roared riiiianpooploirLttreradhrloop naeoatdeaea (teeerprtaoea of, it)rk At imopliod' it l fr901rom I)C tig ;otpeas r.. etoo teht Ivleia--~doad mag falg ydbu M1 aultttd ittnv coaro a ds trot~ gis~ Toa I s dornfesay Spa ri asterdora awaith Y Ib 1t'aco oraoo rstg tmg imhseaaae attioug 1na farhrotdoo hpnsatoeaer ryopieaoooae-s s feorn iliieoniaasr iros vespokra itsaaa ldheard Lope Brantoa (1967) note rho siolt Iono to tir of tfor MooIo. ojaono at deb ten1lo or Ltagirnlod uorn-n d~o,,a~flasa }Ioeho..waseoataiapenlrrgage haeilessars lo~ddo st otloaarc a, rho iptoas of ae et Tire rirradto as qoret daffotrerrar \ot mteandirsosgrs whireeMsya oeGaoawth rosecorrely hvenraed poeae poad rraeattd oaoanealees an dhe Spanaah fie aes Cnteseboa plo arer oant Spo-tsaPearhisaernparofroaoa lratiresrorss-,ononofh hepthM esosalnays e potontial fee ('ooorsaad Walton (10)71) ifrot that hag,latn 1n, hertjo Pof adoesadrmegra, o org e, taifre7dnoldrohoronretirwo oero aeies srasoken anaheiereogaaeous topion~w nl stair roeitaloem otaadoei0 notie aota oil ala te aiily oan- lirs ohre aaltt tir likijiho tiaf oaara laee oeis photea sl itrreetrmh C p h d im uw17 - ihaa..oso ofytrroelleneha diaoioorof rt ash acoyrof i ul raron influence sr-al r rtarafie. o heeh of hilie arte comeaeaon rad eaa he eatablishred inta ho kregatg 1947Comaaor I1973). This nay he artial soploro eor indigenous faa eetoon wre hionoLatoeteasn hreoresonallreaoataineltl l-oeeoosigsatr, -eo ditootakw oordantoinriaorontaer.Toepo- lioiaanry losofiotoo-o atoa Irotahe phoarnleolav m taly hoon.p ssd ononrm gerrmo o goeortiooreandiooesearneiy it to bilirar t alhtgal Somre rretirinr lnolingsoa ofody dorre onrbanat'qoohraeat- litappeaig hroweer bId, je is stall spohe hy or nerod tao mriioorpeople inrLt Par anti e olrgo... anoJoog too (tar ttan at erront As imtplied in M rho qott Poart I) npr trl oo'gir Ayraoae torthae lagaeopeue .wrooi ,lrSpanioi aaornaedofoootrl oorarrsdariforeigers. Totisa Spanirhi sioeodraossnphaaoo g.yaserarairo l entlanpageof bate peos'goroaotg npon speakerstandrnot hirnlgachIoflat, Iti fearr biieorttao ire frorrra nonoeoiraialirood rth Swohaes . snechlhoIolrcri (1967) oet lir sreraqr heest rho ,ietiti sita- lon ohe Menicaa coiplatioio nd es satootron f hghlaad Poaa (in- auirarr olos r roa otrro odgttsia)I~sa -ic aeaargLoa asaloaspros- trgesnditeatelaoonriftloonsotbs Spaaeasbtfebtrtsr tm an quiate drifcra Y7 nartaadl far x,,w1na Vs n ~saad etorari esopsoer-sly bmrrtroed 1 nosgenasseeoratealrreorfate m enrhoa oar asb or tho ac, Notoebohlrttalloswrog oarbte peeaogf-acornte rmpatoi ofeeral tong drf e hpoalrtl oflaaaocarrotbe daoroold to tie ronrtaorarat Of ol nr briaptoa thaere as ti ti tir-e poeteti lea mrfolyr rh r1 or otia t t nbob b/bo boo woaol (So odoo 1941)_ Patatpeto and W rlo (1971) oflatn cboe biang ooiar rn lanyga neagns I Ir,,,mndctbrthsgtortbsonmbsof !1daodaainbonrralnoaroavtooapbtrabhto tooaan toariortad naootorhrnaroonsrit e itrho rot of aboir deaiy rotl ira, the groror tie lirkelriaood ciar Pfor r nt otntr sytcra trail dlatr t ooir (GeataPetonl Wriornl i9dlo) Tis paorettr w to dtnriyaoeaoearrbilirnoialeno t.n ~soon lrsttaiWcr farrer lAsnorondlnsraebt drriattfptnrst Thotototfsnsttt artiot Lm rs that arresofar an rthe ratter onooafhtltrgr-ltnacrtaonotos a botalsL':dotheoqo- ofat aningitl tirrough drfoe - (ixtrreerir 1953; doodalerobie Rots 1947; Car-tor 1973) Tir o oo htprti esnaroere foe rardagortoo robstaatoeal [1111mses at rho apso oro eamople wheae thre boo olooys hot arscenst taoaltgrl slat HatorLa ue of ror gtotroot were bioul iteoretaaannl-alsotsuethat horoosaitgsr oaioea aoadeeigthdttliatorart herroT- unoetrtn1iofieliranetatoiili nns bey cetat~onae ably been parsdatwfato garorttittonartneaaiotrandrconaequtty frtr hib~cl ra errtir gmLt S o, pl I' rina findirngs oft arft adone tar rh nianaatsta- dirriaraog, hissoto nded. i isastiflo pokonhIoanotiaodss-o aeilonioaainpftr az asndaireolarge soarondnraaaacsoomaprtatt of hook). At Plied antt quote fronr D'C haan arange Aaar oth bg. Ilv ad ir onnr rto,,orntinlahtngagofpoatg. Sptniss-oused onorl Isooonodo'wthbfaaoogtos Iotiidhe Sreaddris arow aoosIaopa o no Asoo hrtbaoorlrnoga l~o parset, raran Spnash tpsobstorad nat biliagodk, Ia fact ir lo r'"'aohoot that 'yeor at to satate tgtee-ldoi ifn iiangols toM bas athstaoo IolIdhood. tine am (a n lsr dehosit su o, o rho actrot alteplatt and doe artoraron of iglani Pao olag I tolisit r tlrea ares tire itasliotoro l-raages hrae loems igrtri.eeoeesrberroi otle Spanriroltioama.Tarta"trt it qonreoaullern )acoo nd Paroooo:,sellbo.oMayand7,nani oeats iotyIion. torss proatope ond hasosoottodnooinfln on rho Spanih oftheoor Naothdoallnwmgbtor t raaotrrp frnooahoiapae~ofs-rl ta ohs omtoorars of the ba rrgs titer a always rIte potentil Pot nifyiagd rho rowtnas ovr owich shell. e irtrraol(Swadeab 1941). iara pter sand Witsn (19711 ralat tihat idtgrslirrroartjo fco ',angoagetoonveapentc Itrooootresrhort aageaar te nunmiof idi-'dati tlwo - ontrorsa tea not oa spoken Ito tege tegroronsi a ss thont ottsls rot rho so ofter dards ar rit hs gta~tsrho laisla rodl that fertatos frta art srnntill diffuse toe aeOtoe ()tntper, rodl Arion 1971 19111, ibas peooa at s fottly trained or hdrrngral poacto toowho ocootdydlamod moonr topatesaotfesmrrohaioerir drileot obprear Tireries ocoaooornbo flonmaeat eferenoerttheot aot ohilnynlsaaoaan andnn bashsst hioitdrrhe isngoSge oftr Mtabtpod thongh afnnoa )aoernh 1991 Kinadler 1958 Kony 1947; Ci maoo 1973) TIhno mayte itaoa exitelaa ta or dgts.attn bnhtatrnreaeraoneriaeospeech oP Da Pot enoaplr ssltroetrr. bras alwaos been rotr dtnrntrde mqu osIlowaevee bease po nte, fo gontnnseo noifia onohe to nne dat rlaoaaastg wsstaordirorro ioigahoitortomoaTh par- tiorlrtrtrpe ofrerfatrao cat Willol-otas-aato dha-arotio- absitbeen pstedoi ran generaton to ge~neoeonndaotanoottod flor g1 I hiigaotre 11inoo. S nrpooliminoxfinhgsofrstudy dolt onrtheadtoae arateis-  210 Wom Aymatl -nc on Lieni S10 -ou Ayvllfou nSish 1 otc' Aims'a lni-mL nnt'en tiof thcae 1 of biagel Spanh "poh n La P will be euupluf Ay rsacitebbnohtnunaed neruudefr sechclotutoredalctsoflpas ba I oarl.ard-aandas eaellasuofAun aaaegraur ellaebasrn..roqar eihr suae an thereforecaeaotube iaclu~dedlbrrr Ihefidingghatfatelo 'hare est loahAnnae influence luau not be cesar tous Oeasairl poit toagecfiaatrrcroaa-rcfdleaagkA pi trejadging the extent to wich a language hr bae ssflernrd to ass- otlaer plaonologiculandlIeuicl breassag-lerseofemost pa l aaaataree-Culaaot be avaied eqully whya grieanaaaelr Vnein inm s te secard sosena and alhe vac-abulary are mofcdaftioas af hi pin CIsec lurs g scan;y91 addocu or fo. Three ear Out be breanly cosdered flrs. Spoanish Speakr eflo ['an rue gooosa Cs sranpriisec satay l sereal[ auea nrsrrrd ssaeersaesbaes La Piz Sponss s.Thma s ''garmh.... a- head tiard is efbneoroeasngagraentbeussods(on 5715 nuleer=seadies (Kidl 1952 p t enaler ss; Hu ugea 151) Jilla-- , 1565 in.thaub waoasnehasitsnat ines s [lactate botresued. Cuarotltyareiaedusomleaurct te (la rev sbus bar bee.ts a duopsed int daily operol its Pan Sjsctint Of. thera nIlaafuSaSpnhaalb eel~ ~ ~ ~ ~: toehaaSans o e sr rae pits deals 'fnhetla sea as. he lad s tr bt an ues abu euAaa Ayeao phoata ogvlo heas eslada setefpnasooeahlleaae atesart obe old fre fLa Pa S yanunb tpoat nubAl h t o e urara.Prousnblo- irhesp clef lbtlng u. sh barrr.ntpcduos lbateaalaiaut Iatttira It ai le en fitahutaa rr,atty ar n arriffonscnaof eeeassoeur ane od ceesolfreaaSaOa of v-onwets an in, Spsnsihl a Veepesie ofrels A aestra nerds Spbs se ansdgnsieiea Petrousoosaoe lbfn JuasSpaenh s ndmisnpeelocao broarneautyss s mrn areu cl.yar obaspa 'eerI IIf asneua 'sl'ua nas hog foe carry- pea-so iuegc u iesof the ape of nnhnaatpnishuspeakeruiaa Paz will be p-oseod eThecr oae tneu afaer eahers originally sauspersed of hoeg ouamaptae ofAynmaranflree huavebeeteminaeedao rsl o e '-aaIsnfussha dbatemof Spatnish both Peninsulareand Anaeeart-a sea s eff Ayaa gramsnes Setillthaercasaereatuelnraher sedrnand Ib.r.fnasus hn o b inctedod here Thae endinegs tat lollowu shcowa las r-ecst A' naaa flasus h as nashr eoea 1ere pact, sernstgufaoseut .r.oa-roaroflunoeunaAuatattrs Injndgtng thaausatem wboh a lgagasban nuencadlho an- esbrrulhnbralegnaatandtuuanathosrosss-b toaclof mst perorgehl inafluence-elhoald otr be weughted equally wnith grnus'aea utru Variion sa slurth sound syt uea, and the en..amee ar asaoneomof thes rcesincure fshe langusage btluiles 19711 and cu no- s- lynTee awilb tly nddfrtC n.nsiderung the 10gh protaae of balaagualaism a eog she cate cap nisbspaakersaffkaPaala eeratens, eats sigfo cr louiolitashiru Anyasa' ro utoenon sageteu La ax Sa- ish. *Ih I gappuuao hn bnauehoruothe tra hke hued tbe ct s us berr nsg aeuoaerne ao fuords (Atatesa196!).In other statdare atddtr S02. Kanrdlar 1 at Huegus sties Bar-Lou-ese loc)lifhauseeear sownta v tar1 rLnmnnasGnrlyte re aIeshlsra eaosrs aateeiesrut roaasd1 1 e he hulere usors betowi eeaaasnphnfqati he Ae aatcoohctnr egy han beets nolded so fia sh Spanishasyustm All thae dataonlsu 'frs gathseed lie La Pan Spnl spackers else Usew eta As- 'unto. Presaablin tep Iroohfhbilingastshe btossng anytc uouphcnclegioattto'o, inIr'autbeosoeehrouuS poroatly atn - derdiilbrf cinu resses nd an uunadffcrntasanf ess iou sine Spanih ittusraien of sh buaris aords Stops lose arpruao cndotetnsa u pcfrsunlars hreoyareortnr Tlshe ronelpenashSysu ram,, eprd upon thed ele-ooAymna rsm SaluI ASrian agmoar 'squ reccarigs- y w .aam elude' d duospa 'y pe of woarce 'se-r'rrpo 'bhag for Oniey purse angroc tieseafthenspechfecnoligugalprirakl~eulsn Latoaeill be peuented I Thsecaseseetaaafeaol a re gsally s peased erflauag exm u-sof ryaciafluence, lavehrrunelssnrd ns areselteofs- s-eeaoeoher dclecaeoflSpanrie bosh I'rrelaraalArareas a es'rtlaseofAncnae hncet ll ocherecaserealesrr-urhenuar ud tereferoe so be Inctuded huere. The fradaiags that fullows stres strat ehcughb A seear eettsu aes tue beret exaceeaure there ar esaaa- lnjedrunp theroose to whcb alanuage hs berensedaercel Is; art eeheophontraguoaandeuoa boerrowiung levelseofmtt prcptbl irflaaro. ouold earst ho wsueol eqaicly ereb gcrasecran itens. halab a hoen dsyutr and she reoubalar pare nmdilorn of rhesuufar rce beldo t 'nnd coerorrsrad- lyarac ios s a os swill ho risfl ocesded eurno C sneie she high perene uS of d's genhes ennug teo ao Spneishsp Arsf Paz for generasseus, Its cu I hr m, teccata-eas lfroara ynnraa eeedctooaaesg Iu lac Spas- id.Tlce erora cr eoana ppronches balaragaulasm s oefJ1 he hodcat tnsrw agetrlubr (lxe lab7) 11 aer seedio Itiddlat92i urdose99IIeo S Sat Bce , Lesa' I~hliis ba Inec b un trs ase us19t 8 r Hsoappen eas o hcsBceunLam Tire s'elbe', eg wsords ore brts enpag af the Ayataara c neitntr that laces here , adplin dul 'it sI ina La Pa npraish Of she litle ~~~~~~~~teLrraan Suan Spanleeba.aitahloebo raa csrtuih cbsdnrplnothooeupllobhe Spaebraaoatet Aneneca phenol cp ban hooa treded eomar mpsts aso All ebo dasa aae wci l resentabhlyminta Iteech us ofamta dsateerrISioageandergo sa phooogcallrcen. talhreenaerdthere generally anl- dodifeeno of onc en an a oddooeie- ofaot be sire Spaeaash ataprnoeer as thu Armaes rd eaps loseiit1 s adgutsahaaIeon Pneotrlncaacent Ph aeusnt~caras,- ermoisucpooodon thrslcr'eo-vral Ayahpra ssu-ete. epacie Aseaar agasapo hwm. 'square ecoirgnsna elacrryig- cm 'yofasonaeb apep 'ea's hoe fcr carr- porno11 aaarre  flu.. Mfl - La P Up~-Lefl NI Ay 1 1. Ug~-iq.~ III - It I. ~-t,.a iii lilllao Sala gliaglie maehtc .soden ser, freez-dried pet hot Pepper sauce ock girl (deratr) teabut-,i ef Alt' fit 'hey' (dcahitr) 'bobs, [huld' malign a itii sstlla wooodctcapoot cloarat feee-adric poee jallpoocsk a 'het prrsoa qula pFiedro' i'p iati lyqla -hy mofAl cly stt ;, n '.p i ti c'ln 'o d Mother birth' ici hbadlik lifikiw ieitaetthitg heels' oh apoq ha erie, kil 'ask hs irheo smll" tuh eoealaarcofrc a' lcva base ''n. to"gv extra chire prde il ltt h lola ' ocdeeei" Souep drdNpeaom orb sis-alatf.i f t- plce 'bab bdral rs 'seaigepkt 'mc glee it tre Mothser parch' 'lad lick' it urs, a uh' 'cra'withouhkempt hair' aithaoar hair' ~triulecraitp chaiis fai dridslepttor alpie pit'to h cc ill, pa qitllo ishirmetef Ale- ow ' hoby child aap 'pirt sh illeea to tair elartettatc Maetl Eart islede 'biadh'plud rt alalaow rit dfa ca e staitlaett eeerah,.k- s dtlseotihaf *0'ra mse ayyu cou atiahaeba ala~r sl odee spoon fre'e-dried potato hot ,eparciere' girl Idtr.gamey) 'rho hiroir of Aii hbahy child 'p' eclfe spirit 'to glee lihaticet Serfe Earth' 'hod bar' 'itlarr, res 'tcold' 'oeailt eskettr, har "withiout hair 'all aedeiv speec, eshoesirmi duhat f.c.Pc-aied potato jallpacacds'a hot pep per ur agala piedrai iteilla 1 Iltragillala 's'w hit child' 'a ear atiiihth 'plu of mrolign ep bir ir ielirt Medc Booth o'ieba hbad leak' irihi iciteltrt hurts' ch 'peh 'las-Ir... ah'acka t'issteelltor b'ala achtho Ir itob'eauslcroip flees au'lhe 'weithourt also' "Pra 'toy-tr Mother trta qrt-ha had lisk tahiahie i herwe aoa chisms sic~rhrkerislo call cithes at coore ms aet srep' aaarsclla hbald' ,aOr, roeSe taietteraai 'bald napa' 'a gicro i hcehtoed be faed dihia om'ees. heercrsitige free' ,yeas,onyec cris-alci bbolee yah siaireeha prit bl heecie'ed rors ocahalaty Seosil1abl51)_ kdoftteseeilgoX,,arerrart crolosisiely an placeefcate SrocIh1 cae' eai or SM 1Tr. 'i hroogh- cotmher Adshtitogidcotiothaisharsad nemar~rids 'ae etreats' iroto in early titac' (Rcvrttlat 1965:.148). The reitofthharotsat ow ssgttiitacdied erfiailadiineeitothesiai- ard Speoiislcaaaoe MS l'ccoiepsetattas toh bs oiapsacra iltttilisesrto Spatuslatermsatehciai'dcothersserdahhavebrsadoptd iorliesrichedt tocoltcoef Spoish ie W ao A bo inig that hisoilth eeaiia bias tart tier fostm of Me mrodhel sa lr sholdibetoeadlthoftha, horroalefreo keeArae-elg ..s es'rs-gasgaa hrb' cole soc oted oarsie n lsssaced sere.ahiltr (Sea]osh 1951 Atidelthese Ony e samo ..aleicdl5iaplatcetthrhpaer herieieisae iaoarbheh frastrgi mthe AidesIl g f moserridtaottiteretand eoesoea siee itdietin ar'] iss (Rksseclt 196 118) I ho ser a si ofthrberrobssa hne ceeser eopsrhstladhmeito thcco dard Spa'ish la seisti Ztbituuias peoresres fill s oetet gaps or a altirrtivato Spoiesh trie, tlssearl otheer'wrdshassbesae pted iecthe speech a olaaigelscfpaoshI ot Lilac Ahboresimgsthatsha thineainbatstte fereaoftheemodliso It shouldhr ectad that ofehaos hottickage lIreiAymoara.ada decoe rie goagct hihw ri vcord osfp e piat sac he siesedered core sosahatar-(Ssaadesh 9el). Aid atrssleIVialnocrsb w riaeti sy9 ret laef te Spocisi critis t'a raarhe6r Traeitht sghe- sotAthc I' cgitdcgtemhahotbec d mescawds apcr often it'dgate, rtarty ties Ildoersoblas 96 ITbiS18 The eastefhehermeowingseani hcoeidssd sepefcaloddicierrtotthsstac- dctd Spoish leucec Either at aretoces to l se Hannti. gap, a oltteaiste SpacisFetws. rs tanod aoecceords hare beontadoptcd bithsc perehercte ehbalssofhSpanisietao a anAb orrowingtrtgshas thtetmcw'ig buh otai erti r fteodelis a  212 C Ay. - S ~Ma Auas h& - Epa 212 Cc.. A~, h~ - ape looloii?'H ~tiges 0'.Oi 1ue atiss1sidls Iharea sotytsieiio s Ecsrt l 'rseboor ofisdsa arll t AeSooro. The word is Spas 1bdeIeod bt wypod.- sn Alaa resarscaegor.Tenrigod rt odIM I ire onror- rdI ta teostdddermront of oo'tiosclsdtise froelewe reg, ad panrofiihe uppertleg, io corespoodro it c seissgof tboA- strrat~ttr Ias,' -Qmlparcodeoi, trer doda - patetoorla. - Vt at or 0aut leg 1iootM~rr -My oclt Torsrlsknowledgeotirsioierrios lsr..sbrcooorooddery oiirer Hispatrcar. The corelois loewoerthe Aoossood Spanish treasrings is s0 clear iriaItseenrs kebs duc' slick hisbulacnn, haslP a "set o or sob stcat rents Ttraeois noemerntisrtire La Parapasht ptrosaogroal systremssrlsu cassbeotoasrd tsrrrlAsraritfsieneo Iowaere t arppealstat tire Aysroo rouid rysste moigiehasre c etre rs of fire tiisr.ceot. li eesteet iithobis ofsrtls Csrqssrst but iog torid, loos beers rarced in in Paz Spanishlc ril o otthiispiVh-omanaultseertsro be 1t1rL Paz Nrd oioeecl5 isotateriv a oasf tire Nero Woatd rsr essotas l e,.n s , rioatciwrngrihorpoh rfsohianrostrsseotusaqtsr andodr, prirplotes rtho soribo ounolfrsrd 19641. Thoereilr 1-agewoolditen ii tobeiorrosretri ervolaroirovomccecs brtrrwoutldhe dorr-rtrs rteortetrrottre frorstie srtse i AymanInrotLraa Sprssrhshtssarp..sohass beestrecseWithrrtre soeorrarstssb-b s rrch a cd-Ictr ilhestbstiorrrurtuylue ske- enrcedrdrsisostessr- of certain Pr oasis o catrio ssseodcgosrg chanrgersiso itspanicreprrts Spcrfriirr bircaoe. reoociic cu,//na. p n l~~ itrd arfmsdesie wietnr the a:prninh phlonological 5 ysieso Tire leletirono dbousissof frralssoelesforexrtpe. is aratorlgo process orCiy- rlisiif'(Hosgr 50 Ili rrrosollrooririfitrrtri m my ssro If fpatsialarstebecaooe ofiredier Paralleldto p,-,ogosy tbrorss of rh Spatois oird piebIa..beesreu- euucroed frosts te sodard diitirsfitet so irrrtdrrb herrst rower leg, and pors of rho rpperIstorreprdobhtssesrisgrfsbeA- ma ~mkas -,Qoe Par.fe den piter bills' -La jxirrsolls -Wvia p-in oIrin log (rtos) best? -My ar othe Hassirt11 . bat osbtoo sir A rs.ras aso Spunrrdf sctogritoalcoroltiteeet lsklysthatsho heo baor ..asrt ro ssf'trsudr ofsrsbroi i TbesertrenrttInhe LaI, erpa ssltpotlgalrysxmttybr crt be acd so rolep Aprosaso oflnece Howecs soup.. ohr t ths ir Ameroundrdssessrsroglo eorf.od cerdarrlosetr tc Spanrnirsr. TirjrrmustorLoseereaied rtrsvr os. F raisscasortoorsnstholpraarsbIftir Coriei its crtrtotlasnsodrrwotrb-asgaes muhobtssssberofotht Sprnispesi. rsgeeold hehbotstitmaitsendsi'rshPat onh The psossaryoopla tbithl Pitscooionoo scrisoo be s I doet i-odoo sly sreloied areas afie Newo Xiesi werera as dihcly exosod so co tirry canges inbe speecofnoecarssere, ew rstog-nsi, ossd ocher people rests tire mesr carttrriCoorield 1964l. Tiheea a exssb posorhlssrs starotors rrs n paraleled in sire msetott XSSlaoguoeouealdsosoind o oL loist ossrlreleists-osntars r buto-Idltesossuedd oseeeissoeceocs drrss~ts Aotnaa.lssireL apatioisr m prrsblslhere beenithe crsesoithif, dlrors/i Also, becrosern A- tsaattastgri otedoorIdiby shooso csro aishrarto bobloth isurbseastrsmn-arsbaoirit- eisoortiortantnnof oososoeattsrho es sedcrrgng dbonge ilr o hoptax o esgos -Sprctfrooll otorci rcooli is lpars pa'ropicters toI syllable firal'/ Seceond shore oris shepsriblsi thatrissssr as Ifi Asrsrrauebohroroosrr -oroaosrdysartfrerdooartfecledst- ovisbiManrke reanshusologl tysrs *th e soen or desoicinbaffrosl sossel, frrntpc isoooaalogous poocessol> Ap- l anuirtj itoger 150. OsrcoIarsl rslii hsi d'ilaIos oa my nllofpanrcrdanose becoosccrfirsrdnoprldit Asana.. Trreioerdrrlpirsirdesineiibot correspodsitosinAymsi rassunrarrgory Thr tsrstrtgaof the iparlishord priah eeoeo- rrsa d fromrho sandrard dehsriian iofiitsrchldete fooi lowter last oand patrofsshoepper led, o sosrespondtotesmeaninrg ofitheAy- -i-loE panto dose peo doedes -My crlf. Tsoro ih wdd esr-rictii ore otibeernreaidcd raty ohestli panisaara Tirecorelarou besoseesrbe AtsWarsotid peas nsonsosiolodrrtsartsr nlkelo h sin tee Iris beentsemsrsrrc shf orsrlofrubtsoes irc *h . labtsa osre te ic Pro Spaut.h phenaliotroal srrmo that I.o s.oie Ir touts icera tsiloato Aos trrappaos raitrfet soa d tos otgbt basr roeord rost dcolotof trho Spssiioses Tinor seeissto have Iteer souer!dtiocs Fiest ceaii metusext'tr siiie Spauishofthe Cooqocit bet "oidc eirsrndesoenrchangesornrmuchofrbsers arche Sponk opt>k- rug rood have bstnsrarnra n LaPaapanishr The primr epla- oatNesorphmooeorosonrbeothar LPaaaeidother te reod osaoosh Ness avidwotas deoo-rny porodstoooiu- indorin,,epurl (roi ie sorhr coonry lkrofisiItl _j1i thr "'Iso coot the poostbdri p tios[ icetan elesresr italled e r the soosrseunm linguage would tns n irsto he lostroe oal evoluittratredeoie barl would be tentuo da tsr rho so fssnero otsire aanre or Amainra Pshlotsthseus postrlty hookootn tboLsmowtth the effuents Pt Alto le nsr A ymsara mornig is cos'Me slly by titcersoeobiol reer doodae, iieribsirismtny Iavetulo- ciringo-' ndagin it conyplmss,- osiher H lrp uoeresm Spr f oIlt p shoso ass teo-Lioatc ,in/r post particsplo fornrrtdteltublobsdlis Seoodrire ..ontrsrhe possibilits sir-i elemnts or processes af site Aest sbsrrstssgl croeele-rielyoinoctsio- nex treoio-n ay opsrodeese woiit dote Spas pironrloryda syirsns The dnsisor drciug offEild eora-es. fee ecoerpla is on ooegeos pmours of Ap-  Aymr bunt -n Isa S*n-Lw.d 213 Aynr flM~en -u Ia Pa bp.MI4 ,.d l21 Ay mannfua , hi.. P.hi U,-Zq-,. ofl non taapr laOa-aisaailw 4tvowr ,fa cv.o ittbo Spatiala or z u-a oaf Aterr as bran ot aflaaraaroba appa ely t siredara Thuac qa -lahaeromp aavdalool rods ooaprraaoalltola Inaaaage leachofachiorady werleo omlof Apta ar.. tatoine boor to tatadafh phootology of abr laz daodile adlat ot otlraoalooaa, of paaaniala P'rIhaa lto rlaaaao a d1t ms aa aspendr acttte la Pat aaar otoaoalodeaobffraaaof a al Ilafrl aofdiaara ritis aloe braaoafaoanaod raaooaml Irpo,laiyeiaoapa sandu by .hvaIfmttot (.t.1 v Ilihe tona oligoo by cak Mba Spaaaaabapoakoaaoaoaaaaradaesasonlaoaaon groaapardawoha aarrabaroo thes :Tfooabiao-taooralaroobrnokodowaioadba traao a o L -aeanile'barepaed oaddaptodbdlolaiaapa'Iaaaeas idb, l[opt lfac n 95.3Isallatio).t in aiy .al idepoooyo o iPzSu:1wuddn1 Hnaf u yara y06 taaolaaaa a o at oren etail roaia,d'obla dde t0ta 1 riooo rato froat afarAaaaa abotoa i or acepted tan. tod partmaobl at aaaapoafolarefoaoaloposed by n ahainttgop doatropar qat Laels ot ept% yin epkr s Asn agepat th a atta'toar a,.Ic afa pbaaafoiaz worta a , -neroaiblrataa ar aeoefaaeaoaiallnb aaDod 6od ailrfo it le appahe to ha es eaaaaoaaaarar pto fl apatdaorpAia... piolyf-l-)arlaa ao aaafbaaaapaoapoaarr baliogr It9:24 pyoa Aa ohat abg ,aaat .dlabal 1adtak.hbrtaLrofoyaaa bloat of aarooaaatoo fdlaote crbed laere at caset of likely Ar nrtaaaabaoaalratafl aroaaareoaaoolplaoaaalhaa Lopez Moa tdo I9a) aaaorfra-aria do daaa..a. ni Applird toL a pra.ri er.oaortitaul aSpt'ab tuaaotro to torts afAyroata . fir ee aotatafeoorani O vrartta arofrfatgr fo . ,,m ia bhe spartb oftboo areaaof ktar rwlaro abaaa tfleoa apapaamtlyeano... ISeS Tfaaatatqorra faootetoopoaaaoadttItl ozampaad raloathe atftrragoao os' lIt oaaaititodaeo caorta aeaplrtrfbrrtaa ttf hat oborar ordoba.baarlrgy ra lr La Pot daarr iboa sa a {lolao the morot of Spatatab' Ptbap. troltaoak. pnihp k- Iiraluso she oatoaafoaaooooateataobt lpttfackba arm no t to-t, at bl oe~ todrdfao'taori ofool Tbafatfdrrar titatdrdlaaarartof aaolaraaalofo e..19l)f fbnaaoiaagoaa tataarooaooaooastrp llttItbi ainlpybh poroorp acn by wbirbobof Spaoab spoabtag aetoroato stbahor ta [rp rodwh lItrot ps at at 1,atng to crar oe s at Morborg. gtideboro for tab tartia abrsTfaooatbatoaa oort y tart apaoroaked at brob oull I T uCptptlrraooitabamaraot tloofsaoa sahtiroraliod .dtpod bvthtalriartro 'sarte, by op, lasha a96k32 t2'raottlaton)o It1 or 11oaoati oraesble1 Lfa ato pbooogy at La Po.Saaoooul datounatr .aeo dtoaatta firt,tbaAyaaa r th otaatabaotaoo as rot tronda today tand ptrobrtah stmtoacrepted ad troforrrserdopei by Ilbo Ar oplroted to oootatr:ta athb phorological l elvsloafo. otoadoly prctrpiblo and atdbatfooaiall, otaai( a gltattotao shifts ata ltettapparenat PtaoeaoDuttls ptaoIstbrbarpabataor leaelly f i.bahabaaorooalaeaOfbotlaoaaaoaeo ArfoHal (1950:224) portoat, tfer horfabotoal ad -ob1 rrt ertat ala tuulerbarderoi s obung, Sorb xar'drollseoorraaitaabr - abntfraretffa putSpanirsh tbdtaeLraoooofeleaetta dread, or ona Stopaaba ayatomrhasa ttror rtdrd ao foll gapa (frothe afarta pabtstofoiot) ataptatul pratern ata cortespardaaal faa of Ayaoaa Atltaisgtatantaalfrlsoo lotbfaaaataplrtrotoi Snrs balloat - a frase alot alt naa abth xo gtaatotfioa Moo ofl gb toaottoaaa .atoa dara tabod h.ot tortroflb Ap- toot to abototl orrata or, arrp~ta of wtrl loprao Marle119751 traaiaofboriod dg dirtationi." Appaliedl to La Par unpa tr p tao otooraa o aaraafgoaiayttaad spaaf at difftr di.taitain After atootitofeatoasa ltoditaboti afar dlttatir' [ol'apanoishafoaoairtararooaf Aroaatt'bo- oaral LeaParSpanir'rlr braioeaifttorsalobt ftatr appaeoal,otorolsad Iaiaaeatestoa taaabotparatoatdtoal alaLaPaaafoalatadlra -[caatloselrtmAta toras offpamaifo Potop 1 b abtoraa 6la aort oatf atesprtta sprAkott La Iz tootoabaofoke ato .. . a Iui oa atddb rnetsofalooo rdrpaprabab)lyaaoaaoN slorata tiotrdaararittafrtotllalf p otaa L91 T orip tato i oa b 5I'h alt bpaltab-paoa~ stama rodge to aba igraip oad wo dais tpet Stsfotp to rstsider ore of M malbatordlir fotabarmat ofoaar: alto talaalt cotm rator ,a Larodrwalrthe rOtto 1a ftdroIcolbptaddroped by aloe pl tt', dbrieL hopeflaafo c1968:3-'t2 l aaotlr) Iato ooaayfrrrot ablcabstathe pltnologytof L~abSpttrtssoldl drooroaetoo ditoritiooe oo tbe blttata oerferora itarotboAvraa-battoiolaaapadaodv tad pteatrbls aarolaealdy ti aotltteofbaotad tad bante Attppsodaoatrfereocaaathrpartagal 1-1, eoboraisaadtly potr-patibeornd attlteatia ra-.' aotaaarad. gtaaaraatal shoif t0 Iratpprta Theya~ a 1t raraash potraried by h abopraka Los prrillv l a doera muraraoad ofbothblag'geapyteat. AslManget (10224) p.or. atr ab re batias tand tbaortioattoo latgta. tbatholeaati -obttope Sadoaastlardtbaart witato tarfotoar oftaPa Spotf LTn datobar afalorroata ltro, in afa poabnp tarerata boa lirt,,udad ata fall gapa lot ro tN poiraofaaea~oofix Spata -Mpottottaaroarapord aoerral featoro afAyoara. At ib,, artarraarleaaelwi eroooelexttmpleatofAaat bite ac fatt thatl the loxiot n r at roar0 . trosat Ma tin,"arraaaalrafettra draboaffoooa11aatflbaly Aa m artarstaloaooin oaatatttaaplar tftbaa tpaIsttloa!9ol aortrrialrt[fertetoal - d doittait< Appliod to l~a tar Spooirllp 0crrfetto oloteanto thato agor't evra aol dSpral it fIff jt d iaLdtibaioa aAfor srtar tof aot ht e distributoiono of to d. raotir LL a: oespariabl rofam 001 a 0ooot fApuatara Tboa  214 Cu Asmr Sai a, Enpas 214 C ac' Aymr cor. - pns 214 Ca¢Amr lm,-S-I mot of IIa (t hp ish that as eaaapol of distr iieiorferenr aeeLdef hieso-i.rwich fits, astsiaise Psties-taffeand phsslerfet teaern etd die. Notseofiheseetemeecbtl parallels the elgos Asee-sas-aesltosrer oideedstottsatettthe all ccca is, di.etrihcks, which It ti ea cofocts to the dittrhsats of thse coereepeding Aic Has et The dletents ade awl intsited to atnddoea ostfosethoetdedpawis oras.. Definite Articles with First N ssses Thaedeidte attieeseandto aecosoely npledithaorcoal ofriends, relaties, colleagutes. and i so ford ise the La es dialct. This diffem o f o ticheaeiot oftit HitPacild-LoeeA gtd atad Mffadfor a anpit-achee ate of the definite arti cle 'Mith is highly dorgit-r aatd dmetto . actalt ttlaig ittitsde ofathe seakhor awserd rho poet .aft .. ti. That tatasitsage tgges that the I ta gec heliotedtsaattpeei dtffeetn tydrome. Kanv (1947:1 94 auttsioatt that cst wtagoaaftaealefiasiterrile with fats tte ocetits It psedosetattly figestato of Latin of the Andean tegion stta b e ste telted factor lene Qoorchen aed] p logageho sf-la seitl aslac the toptic of cit asteracee c mared (HVle 1975, H-ardmana 1966, Parket 1969)1 TI ese so ixes coi msl hftol n th yuoe h oi rte sde 1-nalsasfme~s tiuyer .rtsooet ategaea ofscs. Likewite hn ao line Spash the defttie artcle. cI asad tat ermarker. which e"cosulrle for thre ts-t Is Macsi, el Palti, Ia Roa.c el C t 'lM1id ,,, u Sfteesot fron chat i Other Hiaii eregionta whyete te i aitssct,,] ocageitinednotallrio fesaleoaats and serves a dogradegfnert Apporekalthesaocofahe dafinrrai-eiesathsnanstsn La laepesl les te usae ofthe tepie tark.r' fh icdiugrnststaaso Poneposisins Pvesw-Sslflces The pmtatnepos tato sr. adprooce with gre fieqoeet La Pive Spatila. Thtear found in pl* sefinal positia or followasig the wsordtlAcyreferao.Iaoch,,seoao e r nsl e ."asat bteaose of thresfassation in astasssetothoy osst pst pt- position. thoy havtneaniag, htrc tdf l'tsto dfieas idiidalgtrse, antdare tafo hrses, decrihedashbound attswhlichsasodifvrhe metinigoahe wordortphraset whiehithey amesouaiedoAssuos- ttxatoftC azpansishatlatareeamles ofdtioftatistetnf..en see defisieileita lts easaateIt, p011 ostier tile-tofates. and ploperf - - artited do,,c None Ofas, If-ttes metrly parallela the aoatlos A .aes stst Howtevr eidoace detnstea osicthatrthoy all oroaridstmhaonsslsilesttieetoefoctso ths d'ietrlosi of thaeatrreptttlAdersaaara elemnatL Theseere s 1 sreticto otd danotewoftrn totlfaesasalirSpanis tlaaset. Dieflisite Artices with First Names Tiredeisit. attic les el ted so arc ratneatni ettploa dswithifiastnas of foesds celots relagot sod toafctkh in tae La Paz dialect Ths dtiffers fromc ageI ia other ctgt~oettefr Hispane sotld-La,Bfogoa cad Madrid Iorexanapl-wleeteSttdfasteria, with amnoe at hagla>d dergaas anal denoetacordecesata gtcrtatd, sfth esparker toadhperonttlrred to. Thisteetst to tngeteggotethatthe L, eez sea a etNatd toaaIostplteedill. alfetatdeotee. Kna 1947.1941 onceses that cotastaso sage tf ie definite td wit lst oc,. e dttmeaatly andtnostraofLtina AeiaThe stomeorlaocet ensod...s rethendahoatt atas oa the Andtsaaregsoneeavyhethorslatedftstar The IZ.saehoa asadispei lagugs ae ntistswstao ochethe toptrofoteaacrisae markad (I\.Y 19.5 tIedesas 19661 Parket 19h9 Tlhestfetsseetoyo- pi p d ow.In Aynar speacfivll the topic rehe is the [asal a t I a egardlets often. Liteites, L PatpsihhdchatoIetat' aandloaroaSarka which oceur equally foethotossee la I-s1 I p'~t,lctlRai d C7hapfThistage iLune, deiroet feth~ei tat other liasasti rtogite }s hoe tho deinite aticte otagerislstldottltofa aaeat~edeees dog-cisgeontin App }tcetls tle tage of slat leitte articles scith sano htt ets5peril- lrhsrhuassgeo false totpac aarker Ofalatisaigeasos stsktsr tat Ptcposftsve Particed -snfiers The par-o 11ae at..o retc. Iae ocatteaith gr cecncyhar La Paripts 'Ite re moondiareat-sapetriao folloeigthr ttoedthyerfreho lltehoenotn teensnfiies''besstseof tlheir foaet afaastataesaattaeocoian p tp -tiis ttiots Thaty hsee asssrms that arc dffctalt ta defac t ds diseaal soenst and arc oherefore hettr de-srbhd is booed ocit ehirh acodfy the maningof the word e prcreo wich tearc tatteedAtofncc sof fa Pa, Spa udish ta c oasoptt nfdsteihotinateitesae a defoie acrticies seith first enter pe eepaensle tiatacti phapetfeet tene sod dse. Noe of these elate exnty poatitit she act lgoas tAcnt efesers Heesrcr -oeae daesetttr tht thee afl occur ha dis trihotion whlich iatten c eor tot the distribhor of ithe ca poodiog Ayessarerose 111LM~Iasrthutdt aril do not canfotasato dt standard Spcsh caret- Definite Aesieles with First Ncneso Tho deflaite atti-ta ct ond Is are amenaosds emaplssed wi~th ftrst twme fcfitudarelaea ver',e anl soth, eaueIVlnaht...r 'Iha dif fr fecant ona.o eehr-cgas-afamhe saaes odd-GLes LBogott sod Madtd, fe ceoel ssheteacmoftht dofanate tasce d vn ihighfls deaogstors and. to endesee dgea atars dof the aso s ket toplteperson referredeto Iharei css nsascssedtsthatse L.Ps Ps agtmast he relatced to acoa teed diffo. t wm Kane (1947_194) otionsata thtt comons age a tho dearataret with fsnst neames ocee an edomiantly indgeostnerttf azno Aceer th sntperaaneef iarkrdnetaeatheadatoseterrtto I ofatho And rea .c}gass ceayt e theaae factor The Quchex and Jari losgta hvsnol aeesdsetthshathetepae oranciteanceisnaked (IVY 19.5 l-adas Idea; Ioeho 1169) 5M heeciae ettasont o cu npersoal neatee Ittyeasprtftlle the tpctmakterarthe { -s]sofn Ints ocec ontne rtrgrdlceosi , nL Pae Spans h slat defisate atie at said Is are seashore wter erect ellty C et teas Ia Mate da Pam, Ia Roy ta, Chaps. Tis usage is quit0 dfien fians tha se he- Hispanic regiost wthere the deasnite artscle tgea hnteeadartany ieottc1naeaed tstdetadtg ftatto Appatetty the age afeh defaoit, rie with sane en La Pat patal Ida the ,eago of etoptc totet ofithe iadig.cabeoaa Pmstptstvr Paetlces-Snlilxes alhestae pars eec tepre and pececcsshotorqL~IVi Lofaz Sltcsh. Ticr fecodinhcr-a p ceat . tcntseoostlhe scod dut rferrt I h ec hoe to trystsI thf thei innr,,,,, I-,dok, wen eotierpototi'e pn They ha, camaniege that sedifacot to deuc at isadiil en and are thooor hettee detntihd at honad coin which tmtdify the meanang of thertd oe ptas.. mwhiehhavc ecfflsetiAscfas  Ayma.. lfl -ao Lap NVp.M.4q.*pmd 21 Aymr hd 1-nceton, L a Pa mmihlnp 1 Amrahfn on Is az .. 1ipo 215 teyruiiy ocnrs srd ad doosnsi iroition.lt sppotrsa-i ayIc, lam y d , a n7,c anLPss -.Afxao 9O non m emahllnl gy trfA yrooo atd otir rAldor lottffgooas It is through rthe forts tted nigrsictttyrhe lrnghelncionofrojcuterrts p theo smthatrurtiorotionrocf. rae oft-It hrut, 1g 6 ..y 11,rs (t94it1-392) tie the, rte csjsrtotireee rom crs fooqte dty Ite6d -ph fitnA Aodntold poni is omad both I f - c nd suer tho word or pir-se with rwtioh it trotst ttoorgi paop: ni"coristtoehrgoeeritheaoseinsttdt sdptssh InoLa Pmsspoooiiruppemssha abm, sooccrs almotstosntrosdincvt Post ptsitissoesnu ptifmiliocr'vo minii o m~cntroto treninfi rh f~tsorgstemtr irthputc Aries pnte Xihlfluo's rthe wary it Is Ypo. 'Okay, Spamnish ]sro hus picked se...oot sreirerou, toon otfrhich ayonir tie speeczh of thnrsr Iirdividorol 1t9y i41S39)-tk ts h Pazohporitsrlthere ae tos fttrtsie commronse oer ao-ndjmtIo Ittiuer sodoodforu Iris tutrtglv iiitorucharoctesrsnciand l oi.douasds tintitsliletm foctno" be Iu Pzro hatsh spoksh thioseleres. Tire trot-,ta hetofms dd l o'elCrd reeighttdepotde-ogreat dealt h m nig at chtItt rslalptesmand rtrscrio, lstelunctos uf ssftio eespamrrle Iede csrsrssos.." oculd s tstutno- Sips. us Sipuce. NoLs so Noare. Both puto andt be as fuditttope touruts..Herettual tof ctrttmuiroeoofoosqte ssTh, otsssttrronrfoooos oortyslightydifftentitpimtsr :-H noccieisto snd thotsmooring see,tto besmulieeeordeprendettpntste oson Keny (19d45r393) saysrrfrsosrlIta ieuioottuoninrfcouans-11. osd sotert reoinhps diffcul so defiste ti n so Pi rgiorrs1 its fe- mluy esomilyn osors wanored utrd do ,dnrrst,,d 1 u ocacurataaeA Li 1115 issetosioIs is L Po Stpoish Sull froiunisofrrrrispns-rstoosothesnopto- ogr.ofAesrot arnd sties Andtoor I oegrsoge. It Is tImmond, tire fattssrtr, ntoeesimrottl, through rhof f.oPon o~fthe dotornoosom rs In~e tt lorcirstioeaocre! nuofrteustsaamssrtstuggecisr eo sooritedoinantonguSo ho pony (19t 1 flf392) loim thortic onttncrion p50ots res- fs-ntlrr ito rh, ftsritio speech of Lori Aoetico. Aanrditg tohi decrsi[ is is d fobet oth dren-s and othe tit tsvtot o phoor osriith shidtt it borgs, rtesrgh peeposioto pr isnre Iraonntls the lote orI stnsd rSporid, I aPazuspeechitoppoo s dona paoe raenrrsserstntoiosrtorpost position Fo aorpie ior fasdWs eetosr ttit to m no- m heaI fiollor twometrtntt wtsh pose Vrntgotr 'Coton Yogo- 'Okay Spsrrishprt emspodt sesero ur"otftrrtses, tw r eatsedaim, mrayccrt the speech of th tro tndtsrdrot (.,y 1945bS93) 1ts to 1'.eSptttishhlr-,or twos fronc. n osermet tsr rrernsp-.Thetaoto treddfssrm~ ha srontglysihlothracteronlis secrgtiodoroade rir'rr diioc t letus LrtPoepnisuspek selrss ojt tr eeoonoft,tw o frim re rhoeitlttts 'trretedorm nt srsipitsependossmt udl uuttcrpaatsvhr Itittueloer em thoarnoe tr, pasoand pes- thitostehrtiofntsr ofsofrersrtgo response.R Isdtetrtxta sooi-odierthisemnrt SipLs. or N puns. Tiops, or Nopons- Botiran, aond poIsrordoim eoe crtc s- idosotheir fonosi arodns efhrsqose. TI te o-u isttoI fsonseenrro atd thesemisg sctrustohesst nse dop rrdotspooniita (asup tt19dirithtoyrof pt -trhoesosrso isLtLgs OfcoIt"'"I farnliket lrnthesc Apnrasmsshetrtsreionoohastohoe prce iry oaPaztpnsh5rotite oniaoof rortrrrrrsrittpsottinro tgysrfAsntarmmandetht AndeeInto gojtishrgh thorsad,d rtsgntftn nmttrtoughrhie fwcrnn of thetetoormptsrcdlreoher tiorftio true feut osfshesrsrrror mmqme cepoesstontnthndestrnrnt ttngroro itrh fmilotio speech sriLatit At.otios,. Accrn to hit dosn-iin it irlhsndibthheteatd ftehocss wordooproosewithselrhiseogs thonrisit psutttepsttr nrrrfsequetrttrrthno ltadrd Spnish. InsToezspeech trsppno-srt diroonst rttetrtce sirelyan port posto P otns eormnpln si frrio conoesto it is fery cottorsnto int .the fsrlosersyt stoto ents so-ach prorl VYrspseo Oerous -Sporrip ,shtsyotddsoo ooIsrtfort ts-~~-erowhich doe sponch eftis.hrorip e inchdirtdn (EPony ird4S hei tslaet Pmhorre enctntrs f orsnorn nsrprtesrdpu.Tset ar nose sote of the ,s fosot al dsycl to sI t h.....i weight dopo rgreirlt trrehthoccotptoxntgoancn s tlotoIt-tiri hothae, modprs eeheotrkLtnlonrmoofoftntocogo ropos Rode ,iet asersooe aoided ta nv Sip> on S ps Nop.- on No pos. Boths poomand pare foond Set p ~ l~el noony slightly dilfeetissptrotrrr Ho'ueve srsssr rnd ttetuemnings-oortoibeutucld) noedepetdmoPon ieon Kasepit9fihd31tryofades:"ttt Lou-ortcttier{ofrse rsmot msd other rirstrs tiri di icttt to dolitto rd' ire erre tei ots itsh tin-  - ~h Au j'~,. - III G. Ar... - III ~th4,.hflIa.~mt.S lun pe asr depriedt o~fal' aipaift rraoala afts rdt e roratora Inlalrhparash amraralotlan aradar-daars Pltoof g ofthePtr . ,o.asad at ph uqor it ray rehea rite rerartdr r datr aatl fh~aararoar ra rlotasrt L Paz SgaashV art i taad go toag....eat theAds-(olaraa 1966' Parker 19) 4tAdo poorat oraaltot It urr 'Aoat tar 1nr drt tir ver x [atec Vasid be Y ahato N otpm a r S a tira o e a t r aarrr l nta t h~ r t th . ded frrrtr, L, ohnoSal faarr Par twita br detotahedfotroea-ra Ira [-llra e ioaurofsts aotrtyetrprrr peroate sretere wrtr proarl~t tta-otiruparateao .a arad, 'go: su rmttoprarot alt'alat't vtr pa, Par. ptar No tttttpgpAp tra.r Ofierorre h' atrofl rraat casAr i I-,aolit poagtoeo 'roar or isto Lo Paa Spaetar. 'IIrival cepunm :A futhe ttPootdh rhodi foatttra irrg dioipiara at rho Av ..... e raifaer TIlty to mdroroy hroar o ararat t iehin ttro ttrtable aoteral i Ira , lrd Sctta latagauaget. Motaloor dulrorro whle orttsaratr possible it willbe car ~ ~ o orraaIA Th 1 o Ra of eAlttat oat crot It tV 1975:a il. L Pao Spatrith by trtaaa]atadhao sra a oor a Amaa l-yp sins[ stay aoot.tae errbs- o poartcet Lakewra. rho, La Par Sjearrith ofc Pm ooro prior foottd pasraratora Aolvolttaor ,plar ~it1 aeven farrrrlrtffiothorxaraarp pariloA ia ntha ttgtroxlamaaoa Apr'. tlrggsierto, 6)roaerriraaaaaraaa onrlyarodl partdlV h Spha Of alie Ayarora raatrotrs rgiona opper to con-oprrd tar rho iradepenadentard-rrrfApiaoa.Thaa orr Very fratterer'I'ao arfthraiorro .lraabto tf ofo io Tire paoallluagogrf tro arar naror Irdatdorr toffo1 k-h] [Pool].1-takil arid thre La Par s Atrftersorraa ..pe. grearill tram ler raraittoaIrahaaiatathkepr lorainrldo rho fiaia nather tIar the ecol jAlo y lfrhrt rsuuer Irisrer adoporoodL d' itafall $,iraiara- sate thin ofits ih- a i a"Ibro foaora1o aPahpailahoxoeae of both pao a.trorooeatordoao- oaptaraaftrararoaahe preaedarg worror oo'et'II a flc otrho rprak-rttrra .rood Paflaeotaewh rorre talarto dmtrof alar Spartrthpa.r aoefanhaoaadrgaaoa 1 ltgaaaeotf he Aa lt timnara Ihi lohor 1 969). A close piaallel wor arorto{at Aymvata roabe aor t or lotv aerteraetaffx[1i]ssIaora doroorhod ara ]aa lsiaahora tortatrororraerrrtrar a tt l loattaaaaf iaaaa Nrrotarplotrart LaPazoSpaniahaofioarsr foorroor anr niaosoy i e as aohe aa'b f ror tito lrtn aartaaat fportea. arfahrhr d tata at paoitootaictostth proiieeaiag parallels[ aarirotaladlao ttryeryag arpr Tardy kaarrarno Mi os Noa1eoraj par Maoajie Theopoalt tttoo aoa aadl[-ya]itPatha-topprttcdhotlefallow- tog darpot o rho AairOa teaeaheo 'ahoyarero ela hotdraroorglbrorba hrarearpaoleaatgooarrrIrdatfaopar liargaragor Mares otoa hean rar a hrra tranlataon apoasrahIr at l bet1h taaorataaittr haaraah. aerrrrairoo prra (HVY lhaahrlahl Ther l-al poLrta srertenace araffir of Asrat t.rsdeta reff ad ati IA PazrhSpraarb- w l httararaaohesegaatil pataa The Aarrao [Ta] su ~ t por, erbs or psorrolor t hoer, rho Li Paz spahafaros Ec ro-paranrd poaayaed tooa yaldtparraaof speeth pasrf s foaendsoffs,,drther-laoiaoY p ioroo1t..a athe rrolihiia-, Agra etrs. ..,sin retoar that orotiat tortrrodasod Iparato lrrrtho Spanish af tire Ayraas ta rtsatr ceOc appa ra rtraa to rthe iodopordoirtsaffaxet of aaaa. Theserr araa ear a faattadt or- traaraftleaoaalottrhaoarrritiraofApiar o.Tlteatattoagarf rho a Aanr l-apet tait [-L Ii-pati 1raki and tho l1a Par iriiaot carie alarpar otoor~ltrchaoarriard. rdralahokpt iara alr thIiaria oawo rh beaaridrariaafrottol] o aIraatrurrr Isdepriof tanagafaaiaao fitrtho - otood sraasaratsrrt IraLaPazrpaarh roarroorr ,alo ate, idjsroriadror ophaalar mtatagofto poaodrgoaat o roIrroothaftrotihtarraaaoaaoosar ofilaPtzhpaaiphar, tad -erdreot La poalae Aidesa(Harda 1966 hrke, 1969a 'l 4oaa l- otshot raorola r aroi aat leo sti rat h poitas r .a . oathshIa htlrrhadeothedaafolloa I [aaroaaos- atese atai reubros iea rof toa orA iI stie a(rosoee atp artad- fN aaiplrs rfo aliohpitetrhof oragoot f soiioar aila-, lb asrl. lawee tdre odirr caroe ar, trot oeiAtal aartomoot te-a 1aterbedfathe int patios [pa] [saorp ronraeaaaetatl ie- p. pae h porsentate ngrpptalts. .an ad woai y doa CYo gaA Nn Co to groosor Ma M a Thre paroilol hueenrapoo dor ud [t arrtpoteily rho.fatlam- igrlesropttrta oftlrthxtrAaoatttrtorffr Tltrysresetotrly lrrarrotttrohoe -u noomilt Io-otrlpaTMlfrrittEuropean 1aiagaagrNo tratrthetri whe, arlrrtarloa pat wiiao sll hr aran. ot thar th roto a. egmmrmtl forte iHVtY 19753)61 *aho Is] polit-.to .. rrrotaintoftyaa it evadeatly oagaorrdor, La PtelSpaoishhbsreratoatdhorogaottaeme, TherAY aoat 1-ot ratfroa aoorarotr bts t' p OirsoLikewise thIa Lila Sttardashaaftrrra pac6 or isoare found postparodrall partsof speech .poaroeert loattal aadtloatheexlaato- partratrAlas otaahe aegaaie edrararrAge) Eriaaao 6)anroaothatarooairrorohatused pol tnetho spatiahofohr Ayaiasrbto-amrtrgieappeor tacrrespondstrdt iadpotd an rAioa A} oao t*ho,, oanao-ov-,ooarttnlyadcon- arar 00ofrre salirarhaarootrtarofAvnaat'A,[hparattouoageaof raoe Ay-,rao Inrdepend ena raifrore [-il. [-pa0 -rLl] arnd rho La Par ttioo< roaooopo ,, p woailnwhfia neamad. Itrsloaldhbohopr ar itaN -dthla faario rather haa thoeast Idenila of rheast taifro  A,.ruhll-, La sea Shal-Lqe 217 Aual -fln Is LPa Ipfmh-4Laya 217 cma l",onWPpuL -lqu*d 37 i, .at s~I P ~ pirloce ceoson psed le faqacehmoou not>,e prlll Data one the ti Paz itohng oof IASVooettifrite O a aettllsl tsopeall3 005spea s. All rooes sa hieaeeeieelt ppa ofmf sfesooe~g ato Fopheshe, oee s flixed to ]Indis tlodso 1110 pltotteoo 3h~cfeese esof like Ecuadorasel ceothis fotocoenos. mnay havsteonee Popular paooacI'llyhosetctldaeaeleo chcncseruo of t Qoechon Ito" (Knny 19345h317, Intoho Parks goorses ''a 969' t3) ofASApa os Qoeehoait is eoetietthat [Ia]' sseftessreisleo J301'a only bt 11 11Pontestoodehceass tetr-leftsilarmlaed.This sp- posts It 1,t Picket potnsac '196a 73a) of Ayto'CLCo1 Qoeclc itesenotedtlo ilalobam tao tad rose ot'Scals hot esoloti speedh whee t es hacoa ta onstoa'ted Tis sop- [cIo K Kase'tenniootclaatosofst s.g sagea lsto .oopaoaos and Ps tee vn Ihshsoso Ik reesta's,- then LPopanoiososaoof sossopanlmthelo Aymaa [bel]sofi wlhcht fmotoooooosuh astho which ii - soalo tees he- Znaoplasafshcue fos elalsaosll ow ctop peastdaltgnwl paeallc A'ssasacoosrcacon Thistocosat wll 1oeel eesooitof tse eoceet' bet eenaso o fns the h.:*paiiisls soii, lo ltA Q atceaete te cvtasto (hi Clara 6 ,I ,.isoonaaoos (c) teiferceseer ofladseelsaaoladjecoito ban oseta waloitis 'Okt, fine' ali I ools okis 3stheeo' - ol-oje niolea Jitk cci josteslnullthing' (ad) oioetsieeepharsolseciayoinpee-is pot M oyt' ahossay. at Epi caspos usa'nC >t at isosalogoas. The paedalaeleaons coopoed hoemam feeqest,; il nen 'alssacts, paaul Id )aaontLe La Paohp Ictsssaeeol'oisil'--aeioeotcars, goeas:'-9) Isoases lh)e t'Meoeet osf asehaooldje'oises (ci asanessophate aspoesly anloarct-. Allthe,,seeesltcee at thetsamenoe int pseosae of salieleitorissedsseourtlmephrse lese areesaloatao Kosay inderstolti phoaeeossI'rheraequtouseaof sos' has -aoed sand at Oaseeasedopsiediol'atoyreal cooo- dis-Its soete ittosmeltaoftooo aphnseI oteLall, poosasoosb ecause eo acol catI ssees th noeson sie Qaeho- l1" (Ntn 19l456317 In the laosac gtatatoao (119431)tf Ayacan io fjoecl tesas neetatda[Fis often -anlsca tac onsetbie nPabtas'paaLslsbest s beater ioitneanlassd Olessop- andP Peoitsohsaratoos. l kInata thalas FrhSnsh usittolt taasa s at[e[-s]the Aymaoe' L 1joffn .I Wilht esisaos mao tM o mht l] cn.ol ord aloaosh swlicit In diollis nol F aoi'o F atoclelhfotofsoswilnabtpsentedloeg, eth poaallllel Am- yeeIsc .. rt. s n This foeria sell o eloeonle Isov osaihet oa io13es sh Spanis tosiloaMs the Ass- listsi etaee se Iix[ L] (I IVY I 971>l3ll). (I faes ecteall honeasi ot s te 'Seers, slct soiL cc the ioely it assie eieiaefo eet tsfadahated ajeceiss beet otosa etLow 'Okaya fsse eteis etoei Los, ehere niti c eeoitsne jst' boss joistaseallii (d)leets sseetasicepocellyoi Ohste nestsp Mas it a m} eseeceese r'  113 C&a A1 hiusi. - m Ay - ~h - ~aa h n 'The paralll lttI ' ties [Li] tasaan suix and La Paz Spanis I I S ca d - at thit sectioa is the fincoo of Spanish olaiait as sdent net wa1ile eaamposaszei ihat as opposed to msagnaffsott'ttacs'eanoed somecoter tegs of panih-speaking oaur Laesagc of caoio hratedtoheopefcitures poal- artat, ttt tfteet word tasoiaenc sotimtdifics. piid aria eadrdm'rgo .... m ntain hn enpiessio itss dasheec As ztsphentt 1 o nftha l ate- iltwoiseating tiiohheP Pettio isto troacas, c and paeevossconetasispsrczstindrotieieitgi paI iadnetru i Iag. tisso aystttaia saesiaeitsviedctasupise ist nt at c Lianet aes nfef ihai. Ansh Mabasanoslapa tIsis iideed hsere' Teago qsacst cmpne ' tavette go after att. Nasa1 hits ne, adadosnatpeeWe did forget aie al linrcangataeonsssi otaspa. bo edsinplsispoeisind ie- reateg ealiniaco ls'ninda-dfse'etisatnnig nstdia tikely be indoaatd by Pisne qaneer do rst satIres begiitignof tse tphrase. st st d csb1tinapee? 'Ar y ot ssll dat lac ito dt mn Sabscpte has b esaaadadttaoltertdialecs of Amaetrcn exstesnith rgs simaectoathose gixens above itAity 19451 326-29a S atnia \siraue 1966 347)1 ia nattc benteted, hosn' eharieeiaifpo m a tithes teinosses isas saoiiity etat nl e "fil rfittafl Its La Paz Spanisanthctthler tasd -etaetcre occsilassst catastenly fotlowngiteenesssit n fe o.*II diffence leads ice to ,pc th hleeiitcstesas atsiitelcfrettchd snstslil, tof aptLa Paz tpar-h. sa A atiat ths ian sycit eect sm r-zpati or [-pat] whicls is regulacyi'aatlatdiarSlpaisaasaep, It1,iit rlairsit roalrl Thse parallel betne n th 6tal tistiacv sa~in and La Psz Spaaih sas se lart. Ie the asn of chin see Ia she (station, of Spndsltelaiats asssfssit~ls-ehscdta~speoc Aeia.ttsetce-he snaaed ttifcattioneientc Ensidetnschandadaeteseigsot-,lssaosair fi ticitn, s asema- phatiaspesoaa thisai dialect, Asn -i emphatic aers alrea tre tde- recahastursnisagitasd siotithteetierar i cacon and p .r.ioticocea scttpnrandeincohihits ra As- t 1il ahaadosnctpra ciineheei'a tcl pl, Tenpespitue ntaupsr. ianee onafta all' Nsa hanse sis dadnictlp-r. 'We did freafter all. ttItsarasgtnse astanosnasaetp'e hesidleshtplpigsorssicn- tntt rqsr ssfstisattI titandsard l'snrmtsctainygawosdce tihetybretdatel by Its aeea qeos-dnetosaithehsagieeinef thaorM~ 'Vims aItca Ctpaabttantesecp,,,c 'Are we ctill gong is go no Copacaaine. 'Aievanstill detnsad t etitarateda' Sietptohat Sectscadnd stsihteiatofA ia Sbpaishtnith aenlii basis ir itto gtaol ae (Katie Il4lbs26-28, Zstars Rlet19634)- Itniest le moral. hswesershttcea~eca fasa ethesssgiei s eseay oararinitislly pc i ll ,aa manll ,lsalPac S parish ons fi ttr hand sentsv nxtnrslessonasl fsllowitgthe rlicaef eaezt lhis dffciaa laadstiste ttsspect chai tclecughnt hare betit nb- et screatetferesnce en ese sillsshsss of a~apeits La Pse S Pans IniAyasnahere i acrd ecadeaes iflsappsntlsa[petl]ewlirhs rgnl, ternlatel aus Spsislasseaprn Iteaeplchisiffixewhih *'ho paralle betwees else I kIrl fissiac .. sofla and La Pat Spaish cccii ceaor. Snse, the anasec sIl ths nouts is thnl istrove. of b&pet hclaraioassslliescItsll be eciphssaedlthai, astoppacd t sgeof isasn Slexsco and sense teegsomnsfiSpaih-pakicg Aaeeethe clo aPaz icast afnesass, ainds tr he ptptsiciee pmt- rn. chat isi't>after shlesond iI svooft rmodfios. Siciner. Ltesid es sedie atandcsaa..gc falnasse p efninai sasc aa- phareapresst an thi ilee Aaeeet1ltn itna etlr let- iad pnina iae df~ ao te seac,1P taatare.ipoeiais ideterstiaiisgi¢s psrnirelaicstas Ingta cii tet' catsly ctsatanble dare nioay itidirateI snfarie oaes-dic rar iOss.tpetl'tcspais. Aqsaleabraaeiadattsiepe Itis icdedhnrn ' Ibago atc irate steccips 'Ihate to gs tieatat Nshenoshsial ssinps. 'Xt'didaI gstaftoall' tae .ainn Srnir itpallviag crntinused its- tel cssssaaftt-nao taeiandoed fsrmelsitsessisgnes idmos rhbis elaad'ared by P .. ac spsenadernaasleebegipni of the phrase i~anisasrs Csparbuxts-onsrpo 'Arsae still gsiaitogema tsiprslnt E;hlidadiddIaasaresitasprp 'Aceaaasaetd eicsisased to 8etsatnid' Sitipe m hasan rssisdinterdialecs'aAsaaieetpaileswill eacgssnilnatsichse gpim-en t abasry 1e lSabh 326-28, Zaeser haireate off6by') lItcr hi'taoaahtbi-rathatsneaitl frin oter- o tsnepeeiavsaarirtalry aedalx or n~ stlncL, Pz fehltng sthe neenai i refer so. Tlin cdaira watets asi lys abatihac mighluhzsILLctibstaiaiirfrrt ltoI ditraautiosa aiatsaaeta L Pa S pash. ta Aessaa thani an isndnpaeidni taipsa [-psiul an1 o pins ahial, as regsdarlsramcstoass outt 1, aeystipe.1 ttsan phztlsastisehh  fl.n -raro Is Paz -podLegrn 219 Aymlflur¢o W lPre IpaMi.-1nm 1 Aimar Inflenc -na r IaI nish-Iqd u19 -idirtnipps that she speake, hs rot cHanged nie, ots' poct heorrssn.s dospociaeehnertiosorespte -,It a corerc npit' rsrrgs HVV 19753360). Its serna fo~ rIs....oa ciose1cesseetirrorlSpash osero.r Wrei., 1, frts that I~i poJbisg aatocafrter ied- Eroti o6 koopceth arorsnrr. Itsrnatreas ssiff, antd itsad,, tots'atto eviothr es-e haasofloss r semnic itestosppssta lsavesrriiseoecdfrl' p. wmto~f# e , aNPazrtpasc rihough itroeres, P... tgly Eogh rrtoirirlera it.c. (t19941) Oa ICtC absotbe 0' so sfat~ it is sioe "semuatottho oftier r splss Qtechra suffix [ p-s]. [isrtpasraroI fe ald M ndi.ern rEla e td r 'et hastrarratie bogiinioepS isrrd.hadpSei. No rot grists, prost t lto'ikeit, thotogh' ,Vas aeo sofi.psn?' Yoare goinsg o aemoTos ,r No lavasa ceI pc~oo~esdaP'c~e ot going to do i, thouogh. right?' At tier pr, s e roersa torthe Aesurathiseeorasifft Aytm~r padraehsahEdialAroara,- Watllsgoodo speak Aymoara.' -ldta aiiawih rlg oteIe'o f r 'o to Pir Sparsol Of thcktr., paieiel Ausra.,slsr Spesnshsofteedat rn a sorb sernsoroelsroe.rpoode betwer [emk]asdV peis ths Isassrrongorrabie adthenear rnas m Noorsrislos the ropotaspos'r has ishe snios't I sage of Pes orn final prsirros tInmor parats oSrpsrorsh-soa oerld tieeound irsprsisorot psssrssnrsorsias prsosrtod sraardSlatbasesgrars lto andsasd( 05550 94t Inlhighlantd liotss Peorandbrasdoer oooess ocurs iii ool p: ors' Acrardieg so Kat ariora uro a peohaiketdusertopaetposorafp so pecpos'rorsr dotherparts of speesih or Ayntara arid CQap-rs (IKsa ad .703) Tho possosir posrorra ordorho parsof afprhd hesrefrsroootss isflasa AymasasdrQsh -Insded aesdsers rrndate soppruocr.itatrrhe ,ssaias surprise tlat the speakerlr tosat shoorsd inrsti stoat sae as- port of tho satiaon deservs specsal scrrsrs o rsphasss ats wril as ethos orphas mreasuga (tVY 1913 3h 1fs .. Ir ososo rorlos is rtosr trsrsbaerordieiSpansh oSenpes' Wlhsat grnrssdflrs rhoct psrjhsgoftarrs rs atshe ee terosishssngsssithrr aotesa Its sotsoofva 'and 'raiders- teiestirssrthsrospe berustaet rslogatssossrrs frictionrappealrto lossrrgoorsdrthe poisicroorgfreo ine, irefpanS'rsh asasiogh sceeeso .soffl Soessiasis slash ootssessdrossly. lmass (1969,41) eites.:rhtrsrohsusageossotpeshch isedo ssttrssttsshalhe The particle por, is ofor fousd at rho rod sfiaphse arsotsrreL Par Spatish rather stan at tier beglooriog vas lstandarsd Spaeish No ma grin, peso.' 'Tros'st lkcit though.' ohassoettaf?. peso? 'You ate gon~g to hier rof, thonght' Noo vuas ahsrrr e posredad?'Yos'seergirertrdosIs thourglhlight' Atdroes g111oSeel,,,to toesopsssdto fhe Aymsoesssahjosrt 1-skil. Asr ps'-t seorss. Ya Irokias Aoymarsss pos,. '5531, s'sdo speak Assoes [-rakihssI seslforsr'ossie As'siasrIsichsareotsehrgmosrthe ssage of psa i L azh Sparts) O tirhs loss psraiiHl A}seesasa Par Spss..Isltffsedaltscaesths sseetsst rhsrsesspodsr hsrssss [-ssbijod petsesas ssrrrabanodrea nsr sethelesstesermpoertrrt pointr hareissthcunusualtusage ofpruaIe firstposison Inr sps sofrhSprsspak'egsrsd per, i fastesd in plr -ailPositon ony p11 s-' sbed in stasdhed Spanish gran- 'sors (Bollo ard Cese, 1941). us bspbtord Bolsisi Per atd Ecrador i locrsso 6sil pesiton Arotedossgor nel . IS pnrhibthoet o popsre si rartoeles P poprsorisol -past of spoons i Ayrnar ash Qeosa' (Kasy 1947 203). The pret'r l-s psopratitons andil other past of pseshi he rotors to ass the satone of Avtmara asd Qooerer Indeed rusntoormyhdrsoappeasiothse irsdirates sopsrits tin ost herd as tot rhanged Eaiereststr t peeofthe ssato drrrtaerpedasslrnesrs erupiase as eroti ofliaetpossfi nottia [poVYo 19h360)easts orcnaolrho ' 1 , M-oeIrnIias helongesso tisessr oiems, Irtasueaarsaftdscshedt- rlet t iwoaditsid~ration If ev'rih sosepe bease ofa onogse ofuncrirIsrtios appe to herflorenerdsteg'aorisogsofserpsn -' aEhpsnt, as thoughe itresasodfix SonsdH' tough to oradsallaiy Iifer, (1969:41) esosdrsandeasage of..S'olr whtch ostho enmu echoofst imtplidQechua sail's [psits] The pardstpeorsrfr~ frueda atremenrlof a pteosesenlet La PrSpealststhcbantbtrtho heitrsogas inssdsedtpssith. Nonme gesa, peso. 'I dnrrk Shor, though' jesaianiarafdeeeeo?'Yrs.egeir rhaveerofftholtgkt' Nni1sIs acar eor,1setosrias' OUtntgoing to do it thousgh tight? ASei c so...in, trarsspondsto theAytsaw objersrseuffix As ttar., afOektsr Ya hseia Apenar por. 'Wedt pros sir spookt Ayrnssa [ moaki hasesrerfifsc Aridsiuntashirbaostoanigoto sahe sage of pert or La lasn Spairrsh Ofldhe fosrcpseslsi As nata/LaPsaz Spanissliasedeslssssssebts'ssrrltheestdre~ herbeeen ft-ran]adpes sdreileassrerotskolandrthe nstscrrns Nressh~oerhsrrpnan pointsdie'esrhnssalsissgo ofpersr lInipotsslore at parisrrh bpar¢sCnehtpsourra'aordpneois frod al, LI niolpoiri I:as prescribed' esadaedlpansh gu-1 as(el n p- 11.I ihadBl -r n caoers E, ro u m [ o s . o d '{ o o S O . i h ,o irdii i a A s erea ar isa cho g a Kn 1oise is 3) P s sa1 t o s ar l , pteprsrooadothssps'raspeechh, lsfosaare seostil 'eor Aorwssand Qscisa Fedsrd asssdrusgaoec datasrtappearstdo'rflt  -2 o- An. Ir . -ronnnpnd Sz criaa Aav u. eeo -rnd ml Cc. Ayvur IShpo -i ,rs eoered lerelole plcv fkAycheceoe daeL, a One aipot fohe Le Pe S pcccth1 et ft c p cee c cefe which ,lesoooclcitheic tthy cheetcclleccdttoefl-teoeecc ceje ocheelecde.c. d'ec, ecd¢lof't ti obI fcm otd.in LPu I pt eloe prece, andl ccchrfcn e foundcp Icc in iou e ( coce iceg Leeheciche as aper o e biatcfoeodeeioe'eeg donee ciecccehacSpoioorcedooe (ccetvecerecccodneeillocg Stuci r cc.eheolceerc e bea pee.e..e cd cllecgede cc oocoreeoentLtee, poecot. re idctleeccc, dthlda At .pcoe cit xWa lle It heohero poincted oeti hleeelooreIe "IlyI~--m e tpeccdueeeweencelelrccelcccd AneccccoececbHce forpuerpoeeefilleeei o e, cewhoe c hefleeeigtie im-1,eel thecceis eepcelle mcpoed c hprotorco he Sp. cih rod theh A Andi v'c-d 'Cop' Anli purrc smalle 'Why do. t yero to mc piece> Aeds cocci piec heceikiocce 'Go rlembtahead> Doubcloeoffcoecencart imooo'peoior,riocgoloycaece allvfewndicoloecoeeieeece.. cocra lil Treeconiceeloeceele Le falfccecelopceopoe , apee, aod ooore rod, ook Vcpero Eeaeol eeelteoldIcticcc so ,II eecced peoqeoeiocigefpe'ro-asoell asoieecpeeeecd pot Ie- cy be c eocced fo ot liked: eacpice of Ayneliobt ofri La Pae Spa 'cit i Ore epccof ile Li Pae Sp ccel to ce et of.... an pec wehich oreneesetidebecpeccecccclcti Ecehieccdfleecoenc otheeaeewithIce'doccleyeenihioeocee LFid peete Icchococe sie ther tideo lcegecrcg nitl eIeefxececyecne "I eedrcg torder onto to cepeoce dffeco exhadeem~ creoceocop n I W Par Speio ! coado, pecc cod potceeolebfoeodle mhn m~w~tat ha' at top be pooteredrdr olrtog ptheo order reoceee o icLaIdco p. -Ieccirlroee direlycioreespond toithe As ceeoc.of Io orrthoe lceonbinerion , itappeccdr tcec ordrof oecroeris fsedeas fellowsoe dolp/ pieee , petit oeeheec pit teoc.Filrerditoo manecoeeilye Iaw epcc oleroeocbeeilearcir for pecpe.o efdleetieco[ lieeechoenthr feflowincwereoin which ehareiteloc prllleeecpcdeosebcecche SpcoiehiccdtclA- Aceld Siric 'floP Auedit por Siro coo 'Whoy d occ'you go etc plcioc Anids ando piat Smrekneop 'Oorighiiied,' Doublot, eocroI ccecceiopeeedoth but Mceyascc clip, fecd icohrecectei cu ,vrb 'ficne etolIccoc ri e seecod =pecepece, aeetdpiee cd, co.oor eely, coeoprco. Hiticeplce 01' eeeheeccttiloraepmrocc patpceAceeccfofpee-ordrl o mietcr ^t aened peer cottbe e- ¢-etd forces likely eceIcea TcAyoe to Lea 010cc enflecec i Ca Pee etcee~ctet heercoeteclrhocelci eeoccec edee rulcan eeicilil cheecoecei'tbwh.1tih oey eoccede ice eeree feacpecco Ice A~vceoco l.o 1la, Spanish,ceecdepeeem icd peorec bhfe ndcectm eifice aLceicetcleccpeeetc be peecccdoede aalthaeplgh cede nPcieeec~ehe Spcotirho..emd. o rccdcereoci um-,c/ poee/ nt It hes bemi P.i.eed cetcheheeecceec lye -e-ceece- epeccdeccebeteten ohe SpecshiodA-oiocr is..Hoee f tp epeteeeefilleoeteIoc haleeropeccltcflloveedceivcoiceoch iht, lt" jeetll eeresponedece Leboeed he Ipcdeti aece te Ay- Audi Sorite fm i Aedi poco Soecocy 't'oy doo'yoe gmoopec.. Aeiciol peico a mh'ohcee 'Ceiglcteleedl hya' uso dlly foiceI etheeecorrciaoieeell. Ticec-cronitce h e foond:.11 ptccpc"c. Iee tpee ed s cccely cedpce ,,,Eaple'oof cr 00i mttnoaceterecett .Micdlcp, peoe. Scalem c.c Pee aeo. Oi Pe cPo'm'to Ali meore ptexe. Eseeeicomie ro accrd cettitPiee Losedaoo i p,. Haieceiltit pnctr Wll leek az heo thor 'Well pleic oct die, 'Well liutte li tre , 0th tWloor cejoo 'Well cm nnte Jostthtdy tr Mirtio Poc. Se'oc pace peet Oijrpce o. at S citer ,ac ifoneti ceets piea' leorco c os I.Iooecaoedptto. Hasce moccs pete- Weldl look cI lher date. 'Well plcoeedtc We'll Ietece thee 'Wvllra ocorjoreisho bael' 'Well jot }oc 'Well cotteo eain danl 0 Intooe I1o00 " 'Cccl, jettpcmthoee Miclie po Spompccce 'et OipcPet Pete Aolinmsp re Lviom poet orctoioe,pee Le o ninencprr- loto ecece nlaet.. t'e I l l or at Fey c Ien' 'Wet ll Ia1 decOtieoec 'll cli ced miien 'Well eeicecjeet checo ochlee' 'Welll.tteait Well eeecccctoc 'Jucterhte.co dote 'Ooy -licpt ee  Lyom i nfluec 1t LPz. ...M,-4qSt ace All. hfl a - 0a Ipa Sp ~..Lq 12 Ay.er I - t. erP. Snal-1rrie 2 Tlcemeple sr r, eacmoieatptesy ovII Amr.u pia ..sh leen. Seth otasitote 9at guIs ra titsfngaaanetn y heesoilatotmied. Exosoplesg "sIII Di] anesni puleas u. Walmjoi go aheaid acid tell htdn HIadiso str pma peon Waljosgaaodiid do's foir'se then. They pla octdxm I sote pop v La PielSaish pato tiosies.s and p e diassut¢ate o- t ihereoisnarelaioteiitf's-a. N.a' 1 rcilshaaacaiai cdoaapleinshere ot of sie eoadAn iisf sa artai ainalifitdsle hpaiiialsatioi Yhis cilsoei Th sn eon-oai inac speadec Sn a hi li tcapperc that thi La Paz Spparels usage of patlpsir p an asiisof Asaaieicat itifinnc' hgb liq sd diso last osf thi itidad Spancish pyartce Whsosis afi utsss stltihgr js -nitc~scdfnd talicsoilag ledsdpothe of tiie SpanshspesasnI a Idaessisiasso aahpaenalsforeathasAymcaaa'esh hosaoa elcts .aIncitt has evidentsly led t, the Fin rnat the fi saa afthc Spaih fce e toL Paz dialect a led, athe, fonietis anid aoi1 riad thi diasstib aan of she paocolldA .loal ytearir farm (Nazi- 'Dice' and the Pluperfect Three, Di'i gas ac diga m taoniio coc a throughsait lt eptiap- eyaaiisnnisead L. at Spaishnsraoss ceqira sirniniiicisssteutis diaso.aswell'sd nasheisitt waer dicaaand iasstnssatcotenal poist oan. ot mai coisassia iiply a ieatipn csc mfr ci the Encghli 'they nay> The Spatisli aage rout be3 hseinfoecd od [htihddi soera[ ,s )uaccsl a 1k kets oolstslidgeisiptfoal(HVo 17;Hais r morn a 97P). 1i h pe.artiinh/aieaiai heiaide disiuosns iieyirsti s s A htrc tatindicig hthetheaormate ginals is fhriclIandsudtheard tbeanghccthenn. Sitw, sthied patnoriss fsCin af hsehoais'ohhee ay ' isoicedishe prti'ealtrat Ayusia tic onanictcnal haledgolbcit Tiheseiplosicffixeiisbiistiiippaeaitlvai-ssilyeith isoaecict oixerbetfar ss_ ach aeless ma qesesic The ewast hiia oia afassige Isaac niot yes boeti dest asssco [snp5rvr-p Diloeicmasnpaes pea. Wholljass geasiid andtallb~nteoar lldateclatiatesn paiece.ot Weujass eo abeaditid doit feisn 'Ibh picsnlal hotoe e cticA em ctsh Rie-sad site paetii cLi is Sp '.ib rs icase, p 1 and r iassderissaev aiersltt isoieaaliaiidnistiisit.isocslia sitiet iissdsni anid eamiples atilsas oi iifhi pairtiand Ay nissffixe' aecoas tad, thsreeistsatte offsitcSaiiaiss..len TMlieeseisnalsoana There isaeeaaasde asticaoasisprop sc Nw oseheleta is appears ,hsat sloe La Paz Spaciish uage of Iaetb.i csstat s om peo and ol'Are niacaseuh'tsasansaaillea'iiingfecnont~asinsi- hOrja nfcli rtaidacd Spanish poatta se Wabtisinofntinsimpoirane in tat the aocsicit-a peocessaitelf suc ealosticfatureaofshie Ayisa-iaas -hat pcnctatland beenissa dsncaatathesPoaich eatsnacpa usshsiais i LaPa Idessilieosaa osfo Spaial fhni sith als gsro asNcht ha n at eStasslarg functsoas [tot i'dt li ]d ma iho easeassni 'feh tcnt's moeo ase Spartonlisanstthe Laoloed n tiold ohe Inonesi hsliititeotcniilse dsriuinafehapailA ane fori ihol dlac 195S) 'Dimr' and thr Pinpfehr Time btSure ar acrioco ias a men innaotion chanaom piaaha Spanish- speang asoasd_ La Paz hepatsb Isaowt fsiajnanuse of 515sq il Steatrnt om n eni aa ftsoiena diosisnoll asthiatasnis fnt gaan haostisaea ngiesh tdey Ioy, Tlhei potsltay msayswellhbeae taad andextended in distaibutioci Ity icil esr 5ton thi A 9mtari i seo ose Inch ohta elri personala eaperanl hnoniledge, 3s ipiofld 5TVY 1975,;lacdesca 197l9)_ The pecnanal/onsjcasa knanleige dite .cet i r ..opta Aysssa.cepinidicaig aathortheiafosrici givinifirtshandnor hardh.npehaohers yissithetiemdpersneearit facrt of sit b-Iplw o.uo ioa ots so son c a ret slnn.fit ro,,parsonalsconleactinfr iii aIs'nkftic, iti inippinl a o' it et. , no noah frtsSoh sineoiaig'ae Tiie exanthai- sine astyalon hrat yeF baidstiiind. PEwplas gin escape fileaataii Pace pala_ Wlsinst ghaa ad and tell lanoihen Hdanelaaniisp pnaspa ASOllist gaahadandbaitfrfetire Thieparilhne eciicesin Alaioasff nid theipisatpsirim ai PiohSpatih po, naad,paeay aods ranedoiontie tisstitiaily that chic ascssdneinieiiian Neverthelesssee. e idans aplaswhsenof the neiioed nsaoeai'&inoa eases I'd sioai sscci c ti thiS psh iaorislisia Thaaesacailaits Ih adean i is seapondooce N oereles.stoppeas sfsestle seine Spirih n.aieiofpoponiir e pae aoiiaa eand niosaposs feoseof9 Sn hsoonbtatninilosongf Iag' .insda lstsonft soadsdpoanu hpseialis Vitolutiaassoa prti. inshatle gainisico rl aaaeatn .. sni ainrogceatueO h AinSpiscen Isa peoasdadlsa ataporatednroseOhespde ofnwatiioSpnioc nyerSan i La Inca Idansi atno 'If aS 6anrs woniith as A s oe that has oeo assantsofieoe has ad'tl~ led sohaesaasoa ifthloa afrsehposaabfasenat in LaPaadieoictharan l crl fennasand. o a injured e dsees d isssibtiis ii fCam panrillel Ay rai fiKc,,si dlec 1958). 'Dieu' add than Plupealet Tbnsr Disqsearedagiei saansnnntnsiesseaho te Spanish- sparhing woeld. Life Saais aIhoaw, feen es,, nriofch, -Sntr cn diqce ga wesllanshelsasiasa for..s diiatnddiloaanstinii snitn Beth ientocian mtplyoaasci iimild oclsagLnhh 'sliesay'iihp ssaiahsago..,aasasllSiifcad and enstadasf d ttea by janesc fciin the A~ irsnaa sob staoe i ihies dato thaisspersoaln. aallesinl keiondgi'iapsid (HV 1975, Hardeasan 1979). The piesaayIopeaacil kcnladg distiiciois i, o veeitcipittrt Aeciana aoncepr.,isidiii tiaethersha irttnatioi piE ofint'hordeahadssoaighaspresSic,,ihehiill pa aeiti faraf the errlsh ursa'tsed iictdaparacemstiissoi eytnasa.- ItisoanoopersonsoishoaletoEa-n  -I onat Aes ntl c Si n -pns 22 Cotct ArI.~~nn on Spnsmp Cnc Aymar -ae.. a po Da"ce armewooeneo mci soaon- Loesaoooiaesstfeono di.. 'They say Larenyo in sickon The occuosesee ofdiceilal poiicappsatly makshunpvAonag isafotaciaioassaonpeososal ktasskdgc. Te caceker imprs lsfornss- l an atie qualifiesnhe-emaesk woith tet fn ea i osa om cosaiawehasanoleooher na onp isfta, Paospeech saees lre or les havenat sems. Se In .ample a, a wndb t Piseaba ym esoodo elose des, '(They say) she wsteaod its adesa '(They asay) she seen'icmd sponaigaf' L. he. dadaccesbeosdice. '(Ifbtry ay) ahey ase himn dceeschlaiaclps. A stane qtsnia yeaslysis ofib es rqsny sfie is fiesh pasitiasa wntrnhavosn-moail'ftether observation o i o : eN.cms itappas that rhoc san he a caesion between tho dianibais of dioothasin os nsnolsisassec-Isa tpnntis, ansddscoaan Ay- ssse cpodsneflasoin 'shofhe/tbey y The conn occaurrence of de gar, dmen, sc shoes ine La Paz speech appealssnto flexcthe daaasouscceosclomofAysaca. -Iantegralipart of ab, issango Aegaoat isc a-Iis direcsioa ace sspo ed by. aeo nmere of thbcplaapsefoa I mccnaInPaapash, acoscialgpoinssnhbaddo..cd is shs aisaer tigainlcnsniassao debased hy lladsaa as es ... coegnerinanm in glee loangog wshiabso soas dictly' asad naat ali's tettepeoeepnns ofilscspwsaoc chano iosnata nch while la- gnageinpsdaoe saweiss sndihssp oocade tem just asraally pace oftse nsa'i erse" (Hardean, 19719:22)-Hacdmsan goesas oc sac shasposnates ca closesaoaative speokers dthabosees sii poccodossdsmynoyosaiiapncsasssinsshe adopisofata lsaw panga. Snoh appeac totoboinan e~nh~nr at e om whbicb seoifose itself in 1.a cae Spanh Is iaspnssaaso is fels a is' * glnpocforstcsse - Tbhe osccurrd pah.sfctaese (lbablo +-- iane) 0oanec in che speeds of La Paxwith the nmeaningthatsan eveni occurred befoe veaoommos'ascs shot is, iotsitih rspecs so tse pnast (Rallides 1971:13). 'I u s re L ss ..an. Aa' hea..-1eaeefdiaoseilasasposiinappooenilysmarchnthr penacalinage inforeacstinso spcconi mr-asThe seaeimpcartsfossa- tasnandiba s ula.tsishecrsmarkth hn Mia las dice as Ifs nap ay soe coi ,bach an roboasnanaepcenoafLolrsespmo ahc o m oea lens 'I haon eas Soorcacesasples ace issenoesd beoaw so clacafynattnsage' omtsanjada On is I.-a dice. (Iso nacy) sine sesmad in Ils. Sc m naareaadic. '('Macy nay) xhnbartsed aptsin, off' Le han cldd ae toesllcs dice, ')Thseyasay)ticy gacchina thees.lasips.), Aimoce ianr-caalysi's fthfeqny dce M fial positin wsilllhaaeto ao'atftitanhossiatcasnh oc scese. Neverheliess, is appears that threse asay be aewnveatin atsscas-n the ahaibt ioa of sl ;e that s . . ononyinesaese-ftnsi poisos asdsboaa aan Ay- ssaaeport-ioac shils coysa Tliecommiotn oeetvtcsof dimdee diccdg rAaoin La faespaos ap pesn tn reflec the data sonv.. gaasnloso sfAypssac, an intiegral pacntao flaelansguage. Acgansesnnaithcs dions n nappassedhby onenusage of therglnpereessee is La Pa Spanihltr csibalpoascctobeaddes-sean shin Papas. gabaeac, pasenlaten ace defined by Hardaan as "Permacceas esco n n aasneasblagagseahih aesmost dioeciiyas dtscaghdy siodsocbop po'sonsafshcapaksahose elen m w'hicht nshillan- gaagotsnsc p osd nwollass-ordhspeaescs der oe be , nesalip past tfithe nnierne" (Hadsos a, 1979:22) -I izdmaa goes on so soy that postulates ac to close to ta pohc s ha hoey ar se not asilly pesceived and asay rsemains im-portant ins the adoptiona ofamother Ion- gage iSuc sapeaca so bhe e ase wniths die Ayniaca data soacc. omu aalichn-ars ienlfaaLoPaa padsh Its impoctance in feltiosb te lptaform. TIhe sansdard pluaects totina, (lial + -Vdn) occur s ste speech of LeaPatswilshossseostgbeI' oeooava bfcoao,,beseeet ehalt ia pans ca ccpecti th ae pst (Italliles IM Z 0). DieaeL-menatenfesao. LMoasrss me mico diec 'They sat Lasesastssck' Tboocacencce odceaier flPlositios appo-osely msarks the pecedssg iamfssasaciaas asnspecannl knowledge 1'1,egaimepacstinfatnio- tanndaban gaaiiishoaecnaks'ith tbctsl di as ifoaytsmeme ch ibanene' ievesxaeLosP pa'sascarmnn' at ify eet nags. iaab naniadea ca ae dice. '(They say) nisea snearssd in adrt. Se puso asenegao die. '(They say) ashe staaced spoosting off' Io hoel dade tsas bons shoe '(Thsey csy) they gave imthescolashisp Atsmnoeqossssioaslare theceqsency of diceinal gsaioa etillt-hs'ssosasfassbh eenaestsooncae loca seacc sdo'oslonn. ite. s sAa steon ha tsaslain hneets the disti btsoi of diicac s fnlp adh emoA-i ,ta rntive farm oite 'sleeisothoy can 1,eoosm nasco atcaoroldcoa all dse or dicnsInca otraspec appeaossnaflcsce daeoance ponsuateaifsyeas, oiecngcN pantsof thelangage . Acgioeesiehisdoec iiaaen impoetedhbar osotngoef d iplspeofecsitensecin lia~ps sp 't 1aal perinabe adreacd 1, ibis papec. Lisagnitic postulates ate defined by Hdasan 'asPocli cegoaiaainathe language whsct oco0 denacy and snotasdghity ticeahe peceptiasnof die speakes thteciceisos, shiab nebde lon guape a snd ae n well smospoed shot spentets zooidn tbsemsIn tml pact oefsbahe oa (m - .dnaa 191922). Hoed omast go,on to nathat gont s cennolses. easaanpoakes that thenaoesatanly ypeecciedoandsmay remainocogonsess n t atopssaaof aohe oo- gSorge. lauds appears tn be the core well mye A nt data source paotalate wshich manifestn itself isb La Paz Spganish. Its i gpas. cas felt an te plupeefect sense The ntandard pluperfctsse de~abl + - add) occusnthecspoonbof LaPar wnit-h she csoaln that on "ont aspoaace before aotoher evn'at t, pasti n cospgoa he pans Iflollidon 1971-13)  Apna hC n-ora la pas I...~d m2 Apmr.. o- La Pu Spd-Lqued m2 Ayna. fluazo -i arp. 1-Lawtd -2 Luha111-, d1 fofeia 'usands yosonhrha aado. [eesrso lsirsrsee o, f Ileiviasr'hen Isllhad acbeshas ,Canaoslereessi rdpeliisi numdasa hoarS v'aIstas ejerdila 'I low cnos t e iahpons., werhn we had asn,.atha e csaple? 11S1 aS repe e1 f ram 1ap is pr Itby th plupofcc sete sy n' pastrliersoote rieslec tche hi I Vd as r eearcsstcfthc psutcs'es In La Paz Spanish. unlike sarst ashes Spanish dialecas ste pluperfet Lrn(hahia + - Vda) is alsa enaployed in nneuna ncdor as m ae only verbhof teassearsce. ttexpresses the aspec ofs'spriseanad nonpecssml Lcnecledge .pn etcs nsnasaardnosa oaslisg n forthealid tirrchihmhata ,ss d ihsss a-.diang it Then-ar4seafnlmirsragciss h h c'n arcessan TOh passswith cops o alith pcaeseorissthe pat wsihssspas tnshcsrrrsst'swhen shcsposls-teoas otscsss bn u-nsofths,atrnhcspcahahadsss presesel awae ss af teeavers earthis it. dss-d The followtisng seamaples ant traraslated te ise closest English e qasilc sti,v-drs-msolnc ife he usage ofdais plsapeefectform: A .nas viliaoh in idasad 'S.-a ciiied counts0 is like das, is r Haahiaaestadoe toahajande Srata 'Youlsaave betsaworkinaghardy. 'lb Iodine carsed.' 'Yousgosts.arsiedl'landaIthadta'tstd Hdaba sadt Sables A y-tsrs muy hitar It tarnied oushedid know'how topdihAysa*toiswIl' Th In hashhs Isch. 'Sr y.ra did it.' t'l a shns 5abd d fstrias 'Scy donsmose (I ist fondoutl Thcsssng], Rc fhs pinpsv~~ -111s feces 115551+ -Vdol dissicis is alrtserade betweeansce' ce nd acidensa ansnd pettual aches and bensceerasnmethinagecivtrsed brcss.rlly and sasrarhitr hesss'isdieclo Zastples of these disi ecoes ac gives fair carrpr 'They throw hire cut as Bsolivia wen I still had ,ets han bsrtr' :Comto iarcoras egirt piictswcunde a ehaseaais. 'Hvaiew gm epl tthiiaesowheateehad seernlse enameple?' Ths b hee type of sasaeg is mptarcd bo She plsapesfecs ree is scvtdpasin-acsnsnscnensshoate debtl+ - Vdo arcsrthe nseec t tchne past- ces Is La Pa 5pasas5 wsrIa erctsasrt S pas-h dial1sts, rho plupuasf Pens Ihboain- I Vd) issarsorrrpltpedis eonoueral meon ..-dr asthceseveslof thc. ssccearcc Itces seserlees...refrutrprirs ad reisesnal knowvledgeeupon enouanterng atntamen etsoettintg sen forthedsttimseoesoatrg at occurred widsut one realhing is. TIhe pseadsinsg of slain asage is that she etet occured ina the past with the spake bswntre et helatr. aweay of the esrer TIe speakeisa no pu IdeswrIo h l'fl torrd h olwn avlatr Isnelaed ee sletes n hglsshcqusoalnrisraidesa 1lade ifyithem usgefrleirpltrpst-fo A iat, ifciiliesdobali 'd 'so '- a cvlzdceanstte is let 5tltrrssn Hashiraasndoasahaja-defsss 'Yarntpave hecsre orknighad!V Tehlas acasadat 'Yoe grgesard'lansdlh adn's h..ad) Flabia raEdso hahracApruta nons lien. 'Itrnredewtsbedid6ev howrvesakalAansanverys'cil' In Is halbsa hcc- 'Soypsu dit' Ha ian a ahida faurre, 'They doesmoei usfounsdssti Thtaaphv use tfhe plnpeclhc restse Inhahia 4 hdeldir iecit h also adaht-nueasieuacsiuand ac-icitl oasaicretocal acasarassdlreecatottoresgss'sresepesonalpyandsmethig kasoa' idirectly. Examples ofse dirn'tous c gvsensfocompsei Lo Sutaca' de liolivia camarde Toa sa hasf raido,. 'Theypthrt-wins ouatefflliethenIsnis had not beenshors' losssahans aa gui al-ecuaedo vulrahiaursaaviwrcl 'Howeeasseagatisepto bScpnlinlse-tn whnohadlseete Thse above type ef nseasing is exprssed by the phapenfec tense in seunilpast itmatcosructionssvlaeetsh r,+ -Vdo as sthe nsueeeena thle pas eess. In La Par S pariah .duske ,rsat other Sp ais Italican dae plaupefecs fe-cn hahi s- d -Vualaeploedsnssclnsticussneucis a, the ,If ls arc fhc~sat- ncsesc sheapastou sueisard eenpaersrlhenowlcdgeenpetcunscc'i en 'rukernueotesonhier sco erherst reooeieg that ocured wih... rae.tealig it lirc setg of this usage in that she cest esncairt the pus wsith rspect to the preseutorithpatwtme ttemi-chn the speakerbecanues orebecame aware of tle eeen[The spehe had no persenalideanessofrtheerwens an afteritaocsred. Thefollowing eaasrplt- raor..lasesnrthelrarsr EnaaahsheqrioAletis anderttoclan- itceuaeefshs plupftct fers- A- - n -rpanr oiedind half-tshlaaif 'he -.-t ieshrdeues-si Shshii Hath. esrd ab rhjando fuee "You have Sen ssrknp Isardl' Te hlis aasdel 'Yea geer rttaied' (and haadn'trheardl Halh sni habhlac Aymcr esue hise- 'tatucneduutshe didknrows howtospeak ahpaaun'yptwcll Itd Icobai. luecho 'So pan dids Etahian sahide fuaren 'They do astrae: (l ust found Cat l treugh use oftae pluperfect trut Passrm (fiae + -Vhdal dissicmin i-hnad betseesnsiuaci and aotidsssl ou loattin and hoesna saeohing witnessed petsunally and seerathlseg hrossisdcalE uet ofrhee dIssiuctiens are gies fotcoInlese-  324 la Ato.. -n Ips C14 A1,' hai.. - I'l fl4 Cotctlu.-],l. -. pns tcr t uad. Ne perm l at keotdgt ate titre of th of thc rve ad hesy .t toe rie fe tced bt the pluperfect foem Me hothccoeadcmti de. 'oil cte oay finger's (I Itode> re]aed. Mee e crod oil dedo. 'I cot my figer: Me holer doeneido_ 1( ceideotottee fell aip Mc be ieonicdo Mc bhio teodit nnt poeahotla. 'Oh Il'ccaideeeati-'herioehttipmll einti, '(ietottiomlvbecotthis towtithcec' Se holed pies. eecAte Shegotmtad tSe they...c I did. 't se it) She p 't mcad. Attitceeresioecapte tociatf ttrt iethtetttageof thte lprnal beit eu tnche speech of eildeet Witen Ite, kmes t y1.1 nn ocehegse bet o'aetthep cc ~ yw tttiitheceoaaee of oo, a t ,ooeoenggd ipetie aeoecdoto g desslt 1b mthe ether edet tentih befothe eemeed lettt Ujeohi s lioerfatiheeshtoetltiteet, ltt'o cetteste oatecctheectte' Mit aleabhjado:I tettc -yshead woohed he hands of peecnaut ccpomtibit i tIteactice9' TbdctilemadcemedoeitV ttappceacyleheikl-tht e apettt escetltp feciskotcae inacieb ecoisee abt case of9 *\tte stebttu wehltrew o te dcehd ri ne ofeage cif~lec 4 e - t td lic dialect, li eAtottoca tite tneat ced foo ear. eoctetettoetareosed tc eps tog-ptoe.byeesot Thte pe prefc teteit FaSpnse h te~..d ttasdad Spesish it olce ed i a or mn at1I tndsed telopecidet hat bee tecdet t o ttoqttai ctntetttb wheltt eemcttlaecpedstotha ofamctoeefsoctiont cf tie oaatdfarte- so ihpreset perfect foeeotthttieepv awtessofth'eeoatthc tr toccetrred. Nottpeuoottakttowledgce tetio f .tO h vn atsbeun a p r eerd te p fcooc Mre bas~a moade tel dcdtt. 'Oie, I cot toy hngoe ( bodn' teetiacdj Mc Ite eceto tai dcde. Me oobidossioi. Ifoaeieoott) fell asleep Me he doetoido. sMe hohl btrtaldo est etiet phbela. 'Oit t (acciiettoll't brctught title pee with me' Me Ite mied.ont p-,,bte],, I itoestatls1 troteght fit pateeiiltote: he hahia toeseoa rtsgoe 'Sitgeottd: (So tbeys IdideftIacei.) SIa poesytoaeeyc 'Ste got md Ac intoeceto ec e. to A cicef et he o..ge of theplopoefe to be token frotm the seecht ofibeet.Wfle he hoo k Oter le.dot-c oit gtceetg bcwethee potetest thtinktiteyceeeeettreeOF tttelrceictc heyoettetomploy hatbl+ -Tdc. COetatecdoeeecouncted ctfan ycostgeo gctshcatimtoed rct goiocejst O,,oeptaythbb eec-cbltdece Ielhefartceetoandbtamceomarbe t ectetceteot tteeE't the did go deceit onety tto s ofe-'ectcd by heeotcebetiaM ayhceeftee.Jteill eecratocffeeodcce ".Me hbb bodo. lentohis way cit watleed heelocuds ofpeet-c epoesibii- cry fee bee acioni 'The devl etal de, deo deW te ppet cee ikelter tethe ope t etc o tte ptoperfet ion Paz Sponsieieotlecabmcica ccofAvectecehttatom eocccesethe di-tebtieef maope ef hello Vdo i Its diotece. ts Aveetot the amc oted foeseeste teesaeesed tcexpress ieg-eot-by'evec. Thepen- peOrcteesei-ebaPazoSpaishand standaed Staundcisioused inc qocetttceomcee totedicate aeeeeceosepast ttInttantdaed Speeois its ooge catd, threeI. itoL Pat Spa..ieb th d: iso te of she Iniofctltas beenootcedddtetootaeqetioeotoee 1ottec it teifgcottoespcrlsto tef. oehefosction ofdtheoy, df .... see pet teest pcefeet fest hacittple ea sttt of thtee,,a at the to, oeec d - Netpecet hoe ttdgea the niee ofoleoctee efthncrc tosndo.enrqoc s stetepclcco eelcoitepopct feet- Mehaoioemtaotel dtd. 'Oh. 1t aettttingh-er' (lhanditteed.) Me hecrtdo tol decie. 'cot mc ege Mo ee I s eiteido. 'I'acedett itu) fell Alep. 'Iook a tes to Me hello eteide a anv~ *Oh l (ocidectolip) hseegi tis ct wil' cit see> Me ihe tttic cott prettabela, eItttetttto-tIiN) hbrogittlia pee' webeh me' Achois m arng at, eartod 'fa etr coay I hdds'tcec. it) sho lpeectccegc 'She geeoise A tspeetoPsptsctwefyfoeshceih, aahcefehe ptpeefbceall tee m the speech efeblldeotThe they hote they hace donc toeteehse onogibutoecestth>.poeeetc tthinkhtanyoeweo1oowtsof ti'ocrestteyrwill eteploy habit+ - Vie. O'er oceeet eccosesse to eococ ofayounrg gtl ecbowasiecectedenortmgo dcoctoicto piays'1 ith ohithtes'.thte o.,t l i-c fillies eceaed dite Ustable to ecoooeeptcttant hesesseeshe didhcc dososcct bcetttsroieitby Pecst fhn h nlychn .hIattioeecercchecffeeedth-,-,oi M itfc bee cco thcd ierci madecoeado i> ttpcensceeow hapettfltatteaoreeeealose ftlte ptpeect ilacpu Spcib otioed 'beset icaiof Actar schaiatotittiapttee at, the dtibt ie oh caev fietac + - t~doetthi diteIcAmta hee ocandhftrrtenteo11caeced aceopec' log-op-btyct, Ihepm- pereccttcecno L, ooptchoadocndaed poish eis -led ind on eestrfoeteoidicate a fuethoer ecorced past Inostoetted Spanith oscageetoldeieeee InoLa Paz S-aiihothe ditslhttcof the piopcefcbcscieetexetendd dot swoeettiiihe i ntco1hcoeecspeedsto thut ofeohefretictstheoeae aodhaeem  5- S SW  - - H 3 lc- Ev G 5? x e - x s - 6 G H t u H a ~j j - G 3 ES'$ $ F ' - EG6 'YQm a= a m e _ low 1 _ - F' _ J E E 9 F G _ 3 3 < 6 Ej. i H . _ E 2, St Az _L ^9 < a < x x t c.5.  A-m -~l~c on Per a,.Mis-LselA -2 Aoumnnn o 1 Paz Ivw-ZqLop U2 A1...lale- ~ P11 SIh-L,,,, 227 oit±Tloplftoooooarot ly poooo"ooano'"iooohoe 00 00 orot - ,oo oooo ebloco ooo boo Iotltr dor e~~ h~oo±'ich W o dally pooo.doof1ofon h ofoiAi ogloooo oooolof fi fbooa~y oohdAyoodfpotdoSp.(ohooooofoooo ooWthtooothoe oo faim... p otd is ablo papaoooooo edd from Spolash ol badho ko Avogootheyoor. "ell eoooroho inoohotoPazSparemoog Noes tooooo p o 'dot, Po oho poo Mbd 0 No Tyjod 1± ±0 s:aaado Ill., Vopito tootoso Lfsovo C1oao Etoo l0i0 STjoooido Ahoao 9ootoolf do Coopo H.of fl dcae Rooooo hot]r11 wooooofooooo l 9ooooOoo±±lfo ± fod. odo ofooo Jog±Sfoooom row In eaV E ao oh-Roopo dolPink.... 3 d abofooy hoooooooofoo±O ioo ±0 r, rmE,1 90>0± 0 b'olod oooohoofo i of hapmn~cdrh do) ofo go orailtodg ± 9f'0 0)) 09 roooooodthohooooodoooochoof o d-aofotoooooooo Eooooot ooofo Odyo.omdo Aooooioooooooolthoodoooo Nod hoothooooea too Ogooo Ioo,ool ±t975 oo±e MVooolooooooot otth faoood' tooooototnopoooootoo bo l'oo t fs ooooohof[ o3 ±' HVV 19'Ooaa± t.Ko, (190 Is, oo v 'tlmr..mi m hc ±ooctnooa ooof~m' Soo 1,-h- B. Itoioopoo otootodioo OCoofoaheoobQoooo (osoodowyof C..oo Qooooho))ooo 0±00 If. to±+fofhrelt..otfly A. net±to oofloo ±yo,ooooo- foRoo'.oo fooSo-oomanna, totoododoooOoooh (I.oooooIS4d.Hodoo 0979± work"ohfpoooo.Io ... andofoo Somododhpanisoohiooooootoa ofooaooooooo>ollookog ...h a ddoots- oi' Ihhapefectossoooeasppooooly poo-ooin dataoong oheonooo t10 otn noot otelm oooooamoablot opooooloo that oholrt e ,.Iret fterfoooiloooooootofbhooAyooo o±±dp...oh loosy beoam imdla eheGm po- ooaodi in poapoyo00oo hled fiotn Notes "EDooooooo ±oootdoo0 .o Woioo d (0199) ¢I tho. Vooqoco >a Jo±t7oYeot [000 Ofooqoo Ch,o Etooho0fioTjo otooQfal~l , do rooopo Hosooo Ooo em ooo ow Otfoo 1ii ofoooo I ",0± aloogo 'oofao Coosooft OoocehO Te11ddoylaoojotoohofooc o otodG"dt Errando196 dao~lotdooo Sold, 1970~ ,96.Ed t00 In00 oohooht odood Cooofld loooooo ±0l pto-odoo l uooto' totdo.oo t repy nl ooopoo± ooooootttjooo oo t Itoooo±±dhoooo .Aotlo oootfoidahooftsooooooofoodfooootloooo 0.o1 ooo1 doo~oo±±o htooozooooloo±0 is...ooooo gototodotroddtootooot.otoo±ftlotooltoIl n I0 n h r-0Iftm v ~nota fa m ndm , oodoo.. 01±9 do hoo too± odo oooo fthsi d tooo^o ump ofI o a Iloofate _ Ott11 , 1ogoogo{d ftoooo'otoo poaoooon both totho I po 1C ootumoto .arplooblo totho loo± Ooodoooo foo tr ooi o 90000 Ed olooano .00± Pt±ooooo0 )oo9ooofo C loooo AdslthI 0±oioogo dtoo ± a oo'too btotd d ootototlot-o± . 0±~t±±± e 0090±00±00 y y04± hoo doottd oO oooo ool to tho Amao o .] a v o, t. h±±ooo o±±o±Sooooo a oo±±oo~o ton:poo ototohet Coohbodtbo M~oooo± tO~0o~o 900±ho~sooolioooooolooooo rVdoot Saooodoflooto... Sooot Q 000±0) 0 muot otool tob±±doooo b otoa olootto 09d00aoloom 0 nes .I..l laI a at Vnmrm 9 t+J Edoooot±)r gotott dtfalyzotoholt 1 0± p e b0y ai pek9s S:ood~d Spmatohooootoyofmm 1f ln oooomoo±rookooohosdoo- fiooThepo.,faotoos aoo~potooool, e oooooao a§ iem Spoofob ototloogool ho fkoo too hey,00 hoasoooll aoootooh±I 1 otooodmloooooooo poodowri I ic to iifoooo o±00oooooo ±0 opooo hoP otdod dooo fo aho papoo \00o 'o0100oTe>a Joot a Joq o do Ds.oo Vofo J~oo LIooooo E Ioo ' 0-otolo , 94 "doo o . loo Igo 1ol.o±±a Cmotoooh cosoal Toy±d, dor Volooo Joogo \0d00o To jde lio llo Tojdo Al, oooopo do 1 ICoo eof fototodoo1964 aod lildo doJoooo to'oto l,9b4 le t00- ood Booo loodotdo oSlo 0970~ hIia Ihooo ooo ooobodo do foofoooooodooo heal1)210) It oooredtltat i m doooooo 91 ,e edmdioooffnHa- n,-m,", ooloooiovooooooiooopoootodiodn ol oooo±.oopooohss ooihoooooMyooo datooboooo±,'o h aOg woottooltoo oopoootothoh'toooo eoo hoot.. deotlo s to otl~t ~bt1 te zta pooMoolot±±ooot'ohooooftotoootpo 0 Pa oogohoooooo o (oo9±oooodoi ooooo±±ohoof,'tooootolooto-t, oooo obI'llotop~tho Iosoo booooooop btoAooo, Frhrtl'd ooV- dtoppeooto iooooo Armo... Tho msot 00005000±0 oooh ofyl [90100±([IS 09± 90±00 00 faolo at dood aooo±0±dro nnawdb ±ohootooo of , Aooo booh 8 11 do h p000 00 o Co tha Chooool Qooo(fFCo± L±ool s±'i dffooo , oooo nlodfody Aoooood oof em aela-gz, el Eade Q hs;tmot197y1,otoooto± fooiooootfooooootpodoio Qooohoo)Toootol97a0±Hoodoooo  15. Language as a Mechanisna for Sodial Discrindasatoo ansd Class Distinction: Case Study-Lowland Bolivia AllyesAltrn St......sa Highlander te. Lowlander The Indiatn popilfiosifBstivia by far anostsrn ets basisLurpunas o senretin issye hahis~ds se lflu-tr on ivgbland o stt his basis sip- sicste Blisg alsat nis qustt canteno evte, tas hrhst whss profess tolbetlf'"has hsrry-atssscstrvsoatsAyssasaQsoots, andSipass- ilt are ushy' ssplsytd hesntittra drtssflop-Ie dust heritage. Althousghsthemstrntcissmonlsyselssa~sfoleses pe he SpaisIh, dts -se ttaeos tio munitit s the Spns igblisui la v ilasasls -shofs hiotslaritndis yesos l sssti bsasist rpsa issttbapl ossd ie osjtitynfthe'slprsss solt ins thisath srenaweeethin-etrtstaed at assisalsdbrthr, Spsaroupt sttle Aesi ase as f .ohrlsedasnnd wielriatsdansiginal gtsat stopnlationofrattr dlolissassb h sly nsteor tp ropen an Esl smans slitigual is Spasisht Umssin h s] loans as lass a hied.woy iesaktM mose ~ ess tsssss satiny~ s tialy isssee tense the rts of the coury oaslaties i beses i t Gsisaams f tr de Arenetiearattrrthen frem tlsefln liieitrieossfssistletetisti ditsiecttstcltsttal east The "Lastosoin an sehn stiister ofoe b.. test d iteit diilwv dmM em"...coeMln'mfS naed Class tShady-Le-tad aslas is set aisnalt psasstd by Stoatm sCis dicttey Issotissosa £1l twists hunitsoetitoii-hs hlttsidicst sssino bh i tie wpaeerla itstea ih dirsts at misese-u g iisgtspprel ass, rs danilsh Iiugo Ihe posoaissd uaisbth d-r'sv. 15. Laniguage e a Mechasoism for Social D iscriminations and Class D istncrtiont: Case Study-Lowland Bolivia Allyns MacLois Steartean Highlander v. Lnerlassder The eduat paspuastion of Bolivia by far asetaiehssr both Eutropean ail nssc abatittsssditsieaA nss sighlotandores eossi- osilln 'I r gt s lititstais quit, cam nete e ot asmeeg tltose swhli tahks t ersf'pe Britopl ..esnsti"-ssotbs Attmati Qaaisan asp~art ihbefreelssysrh staissssrbairetsdesatsass lediantbhstge Altbeighi the tatn usttoely sed latnguage set Bonns itap st Srsadslsin.r bn Ntals ss- Bor an , saaonss dele esasumbe of tagllsd edtatest sattoiystie snsSpaiisireesefissstasl istishetrspsrslowslaneds Ths~esaitofddaesaailgoit pfsd,tpisn this sees erreesteea nosstaad mrssssaedhbytheiatasshsott ppein.. ateusra BImein tobtll sossaashslts sano yrogaa ia byes h odadwdl ro-- agmunue CHgm ssi is in il sthe early 190I Oltsen ie highway lmtrtBiialt atvattiissa tUe ltssssd lownatds weas mmspltad ctet solivittenah, di anas tntally It frk m ti re stae f te couttaite. ltsisia ansehi iai otltnateda psrit lroam es Argentine area elastha t Posys tbt iso- ,ociial iaoI arratsoredth sneiaito a dst-rtatttsalttitThe otualsandpsnltsaliters td olivitl[arltasleIoertveaiaedi diet Stndy-LinhatdfBli trsetally pteyv aer rtsalra i aaeios- siot slg as ist is tO. tods 5 eN heaser eelfrs iti c ltmarof pen- 1 te , oapeibes fsttebooaeetspytthsiuslstas altsria tsedeestsedhisslossktaass lseamesors-oirea srttaod fadnee 5555- baest bs1 sop1aestsi netfr' tirrilaagaigish1b e w mretnal 15. Lan gsags as a Mechsanism fir Social Discrinsinarioni attd Class Distintison: Cast Shasdy--Lowlantd Blolivia Allya Matdres Siresma Highlade v. Lowlandre TI heosliarmSeoahssaof lhii bytfireoisashe bah tlisrtic-and -detts ie nhiaset and it ilateae n b} td ssslrybosisbeenssig- rstptist. Bibgssailt si is tsre oonem eras att e sthose wos haor thbeef "poe" t-nsoea svoese,ssheAymair Q icattadpae- ihierfersiysssytedbsIssssysbateosidttfss mosiass heaving Although theamosttasossosly med lisgisage of Boii u pert hr Spaishl there art esesame ,oesi te itsthe hansids whsba OSpaeish city he ettlly sebeaws. it while a esadmasabi sotbr of highland tsahseanrt tetn i is Spanish tls srsrttase- ss sthe sespra] lossolosil. The oarjay afetba tdigne rte peoples an cas re ,, ll e o a iasliatt by the bpaish settloe Atidmy ssa faew selsiiialsdi ysr.t.wrdhborsgial groupseta seoptiseisi ofeasseeesflhsiibaeltisiiyaseoisoeaepandsn ollhesi it Ipaih Unai ste early 19ys wes a [shailastam s,~e tes snss sit valleys to inbtspetsd lswland, wasacomleted, wtas Buse ills inxtes lmoaist totatlytsolasedfetrnthe es o aleamiao~ylIeoltionthmealseih pocmtSmaria feasm the Aslertearts athee loa o ta a hs has 1iisiaeaatasfotmelsteaseoitnsbsauttcltsal eCnT lb earls assd p olt-s teer of Bibis had tedtanal esaedt is ibe 'Lagoiaoaastortsste lneSun drs.... setsoesdtissa tibtisa r< ttily-Iaerisd ] Botasas' aealt peopsor hyt asttK toi 1baid slc ans ogrsits aieof Arbasan bSltith, otthtssirfss re rtaaattns dtaiesnss-edatorsss tossasae oyysotiyosssesgtodm sssN ir so The papaors-anisd  1am I gan ''"ee-ou-Sln mI Inrus bor I I u..aruic-Shss 2 m Iapba In -pn m)cnm" ... 2 highland Aitc- relgatiog rho toahssd to dl tetttol !status. This loag with the rast duffa c sir cssltralr potter helped to foatl the anmnirythaets a horsbererh in, oregirse. The social reselrstio of loan which fostered the CtcrhasandSaotta Cr highrway further heightened the attimosity and fieece setimnof sectionolsintTheelotinsws bornrand ntartedindehighlanods, ansdthe lowloandSantailear and Beoieegiens weesimply expected to cetsfooseto the decrees ofsthetoew' governentt A contingent of high- landtndirnttsfro a tsedaas sest to *atara Crorsta aissairoettrand eha asofsloeoeo aaal -iinase noslheld inceoteop byrthetlontander The Ceoc,-an did unstadily ccpt sre cnilirsl, of rho nosergirse o foably ril the pre..co ofrhe highland troops. Moos te lodehNed ad firams rho cunso-nr d rho old hatreds b-ceasn rcdeeptyea obedded Once the reforms wars eected, the coelisated beds of rie pisoer ucece openo r settlerset. Loans were secred frn the Isecearsooa D-pelaropeenll thafaestroon fin c btecs aghrgcle..ietobrofthe ead r e by gg.t cno fh mpr lfes dsissy. Ip l ledesoftudiass fae Peos else high valleys hegar uscirc is isnstrt as. frium lands ooldcl sloe Crocm n had tc mof n rrhcd her selfsshty rrgadd s pienasna doan. The ldi- nmany cases discoredcthcldresefbsesopewoolsfmstheamoles cotton pat rad shirt of the ani uht were no t o sor rho msaok of thne highlanader fhrom hieir speech. Is he ightasd diale aterp h y factorlo, tservedco sikgle ourttheiopotoisrssau mesidme. As. teh they, asiubec to sains levels efcittoaie ,og- ig frire hmssagirnors bt h shpkeepers en aefrsal of service i'lt ihwv pWcd ihh ee t rg ifns of highlotdes, is peigessivelyI tensorrns oe to sheer foece of aerruhers. tor Irte latas section of this payee I will euxplore sse' ref the Sureoimi differmene hetss-ben tto coopg. Thisdiscsien doisep so procnein depth m orysi eftheou tur al crotn of both diale. Laidh-i.i is an attemlpc to covey sa loe fre snore ohrieos speech pan- screstlatitentifs tlseeesidentsefSlcs egisrtadrtherefoee-eo hies for seialditspination. TMoalasoo pLeoemnesi lhas'e pieace hesisheese-fthvaree oospu the pissofdpat.e. fordiloers cosspaoiee1eants of its oereallistrproee thtBuian highs cubs, relegating the losetnd tetery ts 1eleiat ttoosn This Aalog with the vast dlfeontes ins cultoral pattens helped fusser sloe aisasir thaset s hesseen hsetwoc region. Thrattegd-] soi tn aef 1952 wahich fosteed ris Cocshaama -asrnn Cesselhighoray fsorrtcoloegltend tltioeesiryae, d fia-eiseiseor of eeeiitahss. The roolstsu seat hors nerd nrestre in rho highlands. osd thlsowlaned Senoron aneodflcseiregintmawoimsplyeapeoedeen eobrte dinroef theeesv goveotsee.Aongoa of higb- losdssdionfeoetnldo ca wascut to Sioa rntoisircodad seethoethelaws of the newagreiaeeeorawre o helditsc-itempc bycthe lwlondees.The Caricians did notereadily accepttthetcahoaitof ehemrewegime andiforcibly resiitedrthe peesence oftlte higland toops. Muchbloodshed resedhcsrsrw he enconnes awnde old haredsecamte nmdeeply ossthddd One, chb refereew n .sadhe ennhasarselnd ofthealone wecre openforctoece. Losm wntacrdfo hetorernadotat D~evelopmrent flink and che eg repores to fe....reie popaotod geessure in the otcess byeni. euergg oeraroeoftie a l.Ivand territoryHodred ehdia toerines fote the highvlleys hegonioese ors tleeaslerszon- egeda lmogrnwhichthraiThecn ba etastrneltd hot Sed regarded as personal donrair The In ano osrases disfead LLrhese drosalossr aerolfor the coler posts.an od hirr'fbfs - c hut tuaor enalesoeefmove the esroshbc biatdrfosshespcchatc That vnc hoghland diletperps eethanany one fact thse d tiogtIe thsthnitts sidets. hos ach1 tey areshec oriir loeet eir~ratin cong- irrg fosem broa treatment hy shepkeepee st o nrma ofs-Irbc at a eestranr To oaei shonb entt,iclind witsherose lasgo- ltot ertsec osfthis ppe d svileplorercseoth litgtistic differes betweeno the sure gps. ftsi di-hoso dosso so ceeent in-deptrlr aunasis of she stee a u eorr ttfafhth diateess. 11 .gailiiararcrspfte-etsrsetoe ofthe orero rhsioossprrehpa- tesro destfytheeoeidestefacheeeaionandlseeorcheoaev- hictisfeesocial iiscriiaioe. 'Cho "Passe" phososmreo I bsv purposety chro t henatr fho soedutro asohe po int efde prtre fsercdia etanp.ino. hbcns of it, e..eirotnports.nce inlivdia, toigltland dite. eelegnchg the lewlasod terisees to c-loid statos. Tide alessg with the cst diffeences irs cutural patterts helped to foster the oar nosechatn eists betee the two regios. Thre soial resIetren of 1952 slinch fosterad the Cochaatoh-tra Crso higrwafreslseheightenedtehe aninasrad hsomrienrs of seso~nsmThe reolotionswashbsrrnl nacruedicnrhe iglands, andthelwlnd Santo Cr00 and Bendregiensnwre Simplyeopee odro ceslhumre thenc derce of thorenew heoeernnent A cunhgmtof high- 1-rIndionsfritoasomUnt ws -mrohaSrastsooretsso norderand ecohatrthetlomvof teesagrion -c-irttec o hctd ioeartcopr orsitholovadcrs5y> Wodt rtethrder - odt 'peegr adpsdrs uilatao t , Nereeheicss eeje lPreserveeg teeeoe'set tot highlndereotil moreethe it / cnreede ote he tinthe Sattsernar ,,Spt'ssoieeefoeeeetethr genteel itelueisstenf thripeouge itrrstcps-andctento drop lee i/lrentit cusi the fetest petitit (Otis ' toa 1966 32 33) jet saltos ppnrernto lete C'ese. cari this phsecme ill other sittsttistt insists froe the ioiti r, isot sprsd/oh1 etsl Thet towind r 'is nciadaste r rcpiad m. tamyeri sheeet ssofetie / to/Ofsi bell, tpnih Beech higehird-rand lsowlnd-eesilta sem~ple ris weri wiith icslftcq ecssechare hcsec dtfftctt treetc aetetsct any ntsaist-drrcrr Th teti irteatetei r-t et p'Iraeos iso btlsees'eeist tctdiflcrrtttwhemtth specs fte etc cc die egh steecefisesstg srtecrs iecreffsnosrtshetweetpeakers It seesseeti ichdo ere ct seresseetieettieeoftllrsioeetn biewen hirow n fe h doesttorg. rii alter sinebai hcs't inttt of the serteere They etecy Pteereqeeies eervespa inee,1 d I dsr bheessice _ftappsed to Pue~rreeqetsse l vd ' ihcmfrsfsl drn't rettetit, wehteh hte dehenite grestsse rs'gessfescec Nestoeqse instecedad pie. the repye e s see is teseidetd Ailtrghtrireecnmstatte ofraeweemtnetoetbothtregionsi, lertti fertesite saiaietsiphonrelogici eteerpretaeettsisetare inee distiere ee aed hit tke idtii of ther ae a iresi oferi Ils te iigihiands the atoed hns cietictgetaeeeterp rdacie-rhiie eahihiti ic efithe ihnrneseie sif c d~ ttc has Iepznn-mrceh (Laprede, teart seen i). the froe , efi he isdgesscehtrcsc tenedereste d 'etsire the voeils se -pots! ven bosrees /psi sed Iv uttoehed regulsriy ts werds enedeieg ie ovsels hcahetepe] ihcgfttpe] frent ece hro Persof ihee satd dheegee oet toew Words ewhicheetletesieersaeredtu rearta theirtre'eitsa'dpsede n ,,o euem/p/.N -al c t ..1aeM l.tS eoiteighlcdtdcrweeltmscne1,hcsesd 'esmrecfroetclt/sicrein hchree reta is-utest ~ dyeee erlee t iitisge./ ipreeticrfesior seree it'sei settrs [neSSi enker anedpdep,s/e hitpoei] 'hsingtg lirtt capir.cnd thensdrupthce ieetseecss tl nIposit0'n (Gih Guys i k 9 233). le i e eIppoeeet tee Snot C sice r httii pirere 's eriet sieeesseide frere 1it iAititI) alsti capiesred: to lre 'cteh e The itoisci priis. would ,itt repreieets ateteoletsm ithe,.eetittscsfz teh~t fofath oth hpanish. Bet tie lllleer aned lrsecorsr ltabittciiy emepio this toad itdirescetesthatet becomrefec ei ttneeexpiaineites er teeetctyetn raty fiter preteetcsi etreer Theorigiesitsieg ! ilp..etteec hashtceesthjeeteteeisatiwhethe ter1r,,i stezr offhbyapac Ftc h nei ist apirfehr, heese reeersts hsrosespare iehtssese'etseolpynbeediscred aes maciI nlpester~ tctrse phenmue td Ityrthe tieeeri leregnsre oIhe speomafctt apees thatitspsa-ie Psesse iteean iseeeAdsl,t be almtot deoidoafob cound. Pro ond Sietpr loloordl1pooishocytotaottoootwocood cilocidoot..-opvo 7000 pocition in a please. Foroexotmpl' P-to octicod to eo, dice 'Bo doo'otomdo-ood echaou 'tbe ule irooy ' pioh toeop o't o: The higholoodee, however, woill rotosodtl ploocpotanod oiopoeoat rthe to of dio teoeoe (Lopeode 11076 octo"14) StotI eotoqo-dime pvcc 'Idootorunderotand o& Mtoeoogooiooto-oiectpcoc'Sm ptkomeoupaat oiock bosses' atallyoendstsasd is otlscostelhrseed beyodas . iy thoe mfxariso .sed escelYor-cled ito all wordssetditg i Stoo cast se tsrortsositesslg Corrditto swosuld be used to aota "oeoltdsssbsobtrr'thssssst, s detiets abust aeaogaoel- ftes. adtdlo,o trhtyrssfrafisotastespraIeoaie sero le to on- orsowc er otoey m.es osd lem ssert~rorotom d 1,drelrsss Icsrtytlltheca Hlbordepe ontlt, lb foehtr ecsepped at the chock Alto commsotorura Sense Crom istotssiososto dophin d/ss-h- loosors betwten'caesad / Pisrrdo besnorsepsssodsIradoioeo- dscodtocso Aneestoatoly popular ostgrowetltofAsiis the toassfo eaaitofosltdeiososdssiocoe esecondsivoelta additiootnerlrt/d/ hssrlItbeetdoppedh In rho Oaotsoueo al, hearts= al saggap fait[ whlicha is typically Cescefat deals with list plsooitios of woto ersdlsg it sty-oed coo-e be addhsg /-re/ia plaot ofdt~e Str- dold f-s' death desibs Ies pistoreto it loot uls plaolfst andmaershsststtopt atfoteatfi pstsdhflseoduof tis, protre ductl 191 niis4i tIso Iso ner disoss caostiac- , it woante u bet parolseceo lteaoioaarodssrst Stopdoebpo- is'b pvnnsrfdlSadadsadrcui -sAdscssoa prseosy h tloeistsetl dialect h.sdcotpd oo sparstothie sr to Boss posaiot . otaheotrhoc .i nsd feirist taadie pluo-d tort ia d tsfsctgtoh hilSadardpooo typo: C'eostft p Ise Satad oapsooss B, I llges ate taoa that 'esptil e Stansdaod ateas aciosl dcosra s/lradItsrittofo pltoliodhvddtes,'lslthty ao trhosofssa es/asi tslyottochanlittesllesdosadssysrtoscd rsa ...ittss toop ir dung.rt Caotnodssgwould be ostadttoss 'aeeolode&" ostric ilt hi s det tot a a detorast tIno additiotbohoypeaf Stixcoaetiportta dospos.veetae toceyoor wthom dty sstoesseti on, lsineoiscoi oieaas Theocotkeate allrlsecott Eissee-pid elpol 'SMS e ]Is fases slopped oe the. chick' Alsmertseresroera eso ,,saltebaasoso rp he/d w staehcotssrf/sts5o k'oacarc b orso. sod s 1aaose d srdoceoesbcotosocls peitotsontbn ffaiis r, h-tsrtso- otosaoofsat dctssdcwinseobcoos oso elisdjitias tso n/d5 has been dropped. It, tire Otat al r',,sslard d..e.. cana4 rde, -sal efwoedreo/igpinostressstedswnsaatdasgs oraopyer ft Seas- docd/-e/.Halsdecclhessthis plomemaseos eeesoof ,oi eglns pltsalfGatsasit ates no atsoempafocoa letrsptistposible origitof ilis pattrr (ins 1959:42) Bad dot one deadoosal cotarsil s, it sassid sotthat p ahss srct laiyphs'spstafooorareof srssl sdyseitoenthStoidsclSpst- issffeeAedear.sdp poessetelos eh-ocse udio-hssdsoppodoo pa h / ,fnlponsoaootesibchsd ieesroso h l itolsitsssd pluadformn rhsstfoasoogisotheiiSdd prot types ( nsottaem-c.paOa Iseiaod saar as' , ht.Vdi tndr pn ttaosothsdsllogce d-eo eaaoo tlsechapaaabladdiingaastdNpotie aletralsotsre/ ed saeroloodt poallwarbsao ddig/-estessedo lowelssaoeertaalarse ttaisosrdoiatsa  1w. k kM ~ - L h ~I - U. loph kM - Asa disctaofisoltiaaos hi ns hra', been asmid byath ofoamaalawheeslodhhad ooruetedamcsdo m, laacadrg frac ff9(Canfedd196213)-Aktauorgh te ae- , Les.orsastall p sistwhere spek s plosab I'lct pl oa word s .. alas Lacienda 'seto' and kil '[loaad'. Ilr cc oata calo a fasa oaospaooed Ly ctoaasa. nf-a -ma'saasaaaaao61a cot ad' 'ehishas a sinaediamdfas Scasiaord Spanaash Edp 11 t ta chose the.,nolcoo utdaslinagaaic leab whaih wolddcst aaafal asfototas oheaa b pakaa ha otoauoucoldlhave ta be tassesd eta."Tlhissoxpeaahaasai sadcot'anegaoaasgaoaaabvth paai1tta aaso~oasi srfooaasliaa, -' atssoral asea aiapasi-caodraance- tauatso aooosometig oteoae, nu IfLsp I'. Lic Lie' he,' 'clad I eracl' Idel i id donojoc' Lacac' Dcan r oucdl' jly'Tiasac yoo ac flol 'I-T...t al a' :F(aytolacd yoaaaa Donwg ahacat twenta5 5easathccsce saabia of Ilotisiahas coped- ccdassemesadoos growtehiaa{assasa-s' 'ts'osksand anaiaoaes olaaaaassgsatolaaaar eh c gliocal ssaint. Thescoadcaatdisoloa ofthca -.. tresias oaealatioaaIaaiaaapedaaicipieaaoa ail taaagsacac. sa s Tll "taic pila"'s fiss-ioaaa-psaaainita alas body politic of Bliia, San Cra is uadoagcia sopi.d ahae.i on of u is ltaas aels. 'Thc '(co a,, 13 e arl agiff slant's gastor cass LAnaliresesat ofisaaoaa, ,raatllaaoaa laoo Sacs moaaedb Lt ae easdCsrriaap oa Wlsst eegosasatsssaby Eepaa rhores afrball h ab scs aeosuy ,,atsafalaa 'ats ens' aaaros ofaoatlaeaaaSpaashorte '1had indr ,,aa dsa d / psa-odsg Ihoam/a h,,o ahgeespeowtd tb otsbs I'hed.otto wehitelsgosoge dsll..eoeesoeethecosssien ahls depse sta mahah they . etsed as jasstttanatoesfeorateolaosofbeboe set msp bese de- lloaatvely established here Hate es aT ha. oftssa heseeehobysthe moiabatis -solote hlosasytr peasas ofgood will, who ae- ttsel.aed sseeelpdtsoosapeejudtceeevetheiessbosgsipcseooe bu im poea Many of there people aeeeissoaatlesle, ta capodnse ad she mtosgo onsstes aswell asossAysoar hooltlses oaoilse pet ... ist. icpcit Poehese isdi- e'idls ass tudsessmtdb geftseeoe asfifleeltie te ditectlyhelp- al (specific applcons will be d'ic .ssed je the loss past)-Ihose eill sthetiereaototthrouagh thteeyes ofts'otaide..d ansitde etwo hraegments cie Iteas Alpea- and the naslseeft the linsied Stisats, aod leeeAymarae C Uses psf Mutual Misperceptions The fastesa of paret Esees as a tawtsoott ptC tleny In sse the e teA ntdertsantdsg ted ssdspeseepsioas ofdsre Aymoara andt the Hispnic poetite of the Bolieiatt body polti affect tise e- haeotch petop msased the othser The degee to which Wnigssage disffetetes theeoeseeeetsoshedeagee to th ltey areuseada jossfeososfsests-ooaoiotaeof behoei. taetotofeaaert,hbed eun stablished hoec Heeee , Iths, eftee bees obteteed by the eoirbo sto this vlssse ssstemay peeo af sadssilfsawhoae- tavly. ndtincerely disavowslisdee .peath-e hooghgtteaee, shtarettoswticptiots Manv of these people are the Asoteoe thrhee le, seekoing to tactestoed the staapge sotsideer as wll a toe-Aymseot. sehrdtltoe orstther petoesnel in ooseice apacity Fe thee ddi sd-el to tiletndiof tfhe cas of diil es cats be dist' telp- fal(opeeneopplitotosswillhledsaediet the lttpaert).Hteeweawill - eebisteeosctiotsthostghtlMeeytaaf tweoosstill onse inside, two loeigners, one frose Bege tismoctd the ,sthe, fiot die United Stars d adonseAystian. C. Uses of Mutual Misperceptions The lassessayyofpatt 1lseeeaast e peststotsetwapoet Mucldesmutateltsaotdttstaasdiand stispeecptsessofistAysoso sloe "Hispoanic" parons of shte Itoleoan body pl ses aeec the he- ltoioe ofemalgreastoiwardhilte otlset. Thealegee to sehieh lesgoog disheenees ate thse cass versas dlse degree to ubis'i tisty te ted a f-d n mor:osoea oossofblsvioteatot of ecoese hetde- f issitieel talsia ees Toweet it lots oftet beet abscessd by the t.sodsihmtstto thisolhamsthtemsty persoe ol godewillsswtooe ie tlysdsisetely dses pejodiae I eesles ilitoos itgsotastce lssesssestptiott.Mooys-sftheepespleosheAsetaaalemeds seeking toosodessosd the smagosids o asalaseten Aymtoa schoolttettts orsothser pessonnelissasee e septicy ors Mae eap sideals attsdestantdinig offihe casts ofd ificeljes ross be ditettlp- foil(sp ec opphreoios i whe duncosed is lse lest pattI.. t all stheisste othoshsheeaes of to otidesnwl e ios tseaoeegte- se fetes Aegeedsondteothetfromtthe Umtml Stas, and oaeAysosw    17. Intelligenre Testing and tine Aym~ara Christine Sat, Mirac Seattardcea intllipeotstitng is rapidly becoming part of the ed- tintol.srre rtght tae hpanihspeakag world. lnnmostecoseasnsc tetang as dirtl slesiseat of or imtaie of polites atad tests usedl in rie Uaited ltate,. As this papre mid l hoeg some of the satae peohitans that plaguse suteesastistgist th red Staes also limit its efi'ertivenesas I Latin Anmerita , onsly maicc so. Specific Linguistic and Cultural Repiritan, 'l'lt PRrma de Ist ooria' pare Vidosis one snch rest atansationof the Wtcdtslo i tetellia Siale for Claildren (ane) for naeasucing insdividual isttligttrt ie rhilded fats istiv to flfter, ye of a ge. The Spaish vro wan otigisallydtsrlttped foatuneiPoctas Aimartn nttaebing widtly sed theoughout otite Spattih-prhing ettsttics and fate that taoasa selected for els test. rIn 1974 the "Vecbal" sebseste of the locale sat Iteineetia par, VsSf ere adnaisitered to eight Apsota exisdca rangintg in age ftomnsixto eats a- All I eed is La Par, all were atrendinag selseol and all were halansaliySaish adAyaa,showsing apparensly eqalfailityiin the twoa lastgsagts Tb asectaals tbe trst shttsld hare hoet approepriate forcnsewsthlsesrhildress thr S paaith did not differ aotooblfrets thetSpusahoftser nosongal peers. Hazvzvri, taisssas not th case Satthharna eslostcstedtttsss.so r ais,std o,,toteseenSo es, -ad e's hAs saredtnidpsdadyndrrthtspcstsc .e afels tepr at seen as a aoces'-is earassel tsehonlses. Thetrsal~nSbaMsscl..aaso mesttdtossstltbothasdstettsh if rule, ~ ~ le we a d ectr ol .C a e ala [se anas 17. Intelligence Testitsg and the Aynnaea Chritise, Sol, Windarl Ssendardized intelligeate teSong is tepdly heomrsig pat sf the easaa- tinelscene throughoat dre Spanisb-epeahiog woreld. Itn sstc ass e miedingidietly derivativt of orimia se ofpofcasetdtestoad in the upfiue Sttes. As this paper will thesw some of the same probles that plyge he testing in the [United StagIs also Imit its effeetionas tsai Latein Ar-atcin, or ly erect s- Speci fic Linguistic and Cnltral Deflitions TheLoas de Psoeialenria ps ara istde is tee. sth tent, a rrl ites ,fCine Wvierlt Itasdliesse Seele for Ob~ildren (eae) Cot cat eg' idin'dsal isellies in elad en from live to fitteest yeat of age. 'the S passish reaam tnas1y dtstloped forase in Puerto Ricahbtis now being swriddy7 usd the-esghest ether Spanisha-spaking eouattret end fer tinat ts ceated far thistest In 1974 the 'Verbalt sshtes t bCce Pseela deo esthla go. re fli stre admsissistered to eight Aaysa ehildas eanging its age frse sin tos thiroeneasAllhlved isLeaPazall sserettndingschsool eodcall wre Isiligea it Spanisha and Apnsora shterinsg apparently equal foedhr io tiue nsso latagutages. Tlseoetlel e s tea should tone bees appeoprlete foa stsssanhterssssutsdmtssir Spnstth dtd sastd dsisesasals lesrm slt, Spanish eftheec mnelngual peers. Howesthiwanothcr Soasesvic agoad...aataderae tsets sottt ess. osee Span -esss sessdA ossa e h~sdesansted ens seado sander the5tp.55555055 sofhsthdnsesssslrasetlas Csa etos less Fot po sssa'l eeaetatatsr meatav- trsrl sipestlssr"Ilrsllth foa-ic ttld liieg essra ednases fasstt y,scesca otted slaeeabesmtrsesaot tro t , f p t'e epatoaa ain aon ddinsley. ltelae1flate Vstaresdy dstsnaa sedadenocteeo duetaldf saalssstioslaadseetsssts cc ly reial tebsst -in n 17. Intern gence Tesi end the Aymara fChioin Sal, sMsirae h'tandatdicedicteligoe ,tesn is rapidly becomning pact of the edses- olsaethree ghoet the Spacish-speahin morh. In mloest cases esel' sening in diteetle desisaEe r sfcniais eylidts and tests sediat she United States. As this papers'will then; soeetfthe sanse problemas that Incagassdaletitag the United Staatesot liseit its l, effertieesi Latin Atnce ony more so. Specific Lingeistic and Cuitncal Prieiinss The B,'eslae adeslligeseiyt Aisedi Lat oneh testf a translatioisof te Wechsler lntelligenace Sealt for Childees fo iwse .Ccc eaeg indieldwtl itnteiligeneiaa children frorm fast to fafte reac fage The Spanish vrinwsoriyinally developed foresecini~ct N tohetierbn'eehweineg snidely used thrcoughsout othee Speanish-speakisg countries and foe that cese ees selectd lo, fluxs test. Is 1974 the Verbal" sebeese of else loal de Itaegeaapr Nf mae admesttstrd to eight Aymnsra children ranging in age fromt sin t thitec yeass Al lhoed, in s Pan, alt we atsdieg schssel and all wr b'iisgoal in Spanish aid SyAuse showieg npeotchd eqsal feinky in the Iwo lastguages. Theoteneally the test should has e btecappropreate for use wtith these daildets thiatr Spashl ad not dsffec noticeably feom the Spoadih of theire,=thneline peers-I enc tis wase not the east, OScMie1l,s etadsaette esedsatssaea~dsarcisbesessmm Serpssse seoscssssseeitbrta-slisttsoeelpeslestdasdtttstspta eL'besdnetiaa 1. iaaactssson l~s eftCcenssselesditr erl micit also -etls m i pertrdny pseiebl Hsenet natte-s inldise .tsdaesio lye daitdsc the eata oe- etesesot, eso ssitsytoe s i dttdn....Ise tecnlogy Tlsccss o Safnautss'aydenoataeeleaelsslfixeadodetaldeat- ncls.siead tneihoc ni t.i . eslcafssebstess ma5 n ' n  I 2eme : c ua-Ja 1p1 4 SiIguwRiy;St -fr1 32 I¢¢lic. -nh-sn Wrd 4 aevidenced by the fallowig zdic amnples ofaewera toqens seleted fretcit of the subta Sote of the taoesasa d It]a ortna diclty: all knew that they hat eaye,, that dotga haeatate fEst andalthat os gisetnikatJ- thoghraeebatalsot mnt adgPoas,hartesand saee, meet cottanlmdrtan Fr smlevanfrcotheertsieatsetofatheufia- daw anoaythe' gnapralas caused great diff'cely and aaenrndtkcpo- lenmtafchalterelrettan For somae ofathe questions the okldnam avaneof the "correct" responses, butthese wsere netthenar,nhtea waould yycell be ywen by Aymata childn. The qmarsir "What cosld yoada'faaaszeresremttt butyhead and the alnsaidtmaarshee aras tiee lelit' Is a gcood -amnple The rnprretse"wait for anttaher day and then hey it is soredal era paint- Hoeerc brad shortages ate thirty Ibequens in La Pz, st if one state is wt of bread that typically all die odattenreast ,taThutsAymtaachldanaltdeseadtshtr- ages, atnd it msakes htal tawte et tkrt tes try to bray firtt tutat that law Tlhequesto wlarshoualdyodo arhn youcyx yam fisgea" p.a- scad simtilan prablemst in ulna nal rlt y In Borlivia bandages arc senye-a eiaradcccralytastthtc asCtaliad forktheaf sabandg h ICAyaarda ee dad by saggesis gansry af other types of amedical attentialt at by qacliaaiag The severity of the carelevants and inadicative of a knsowlsedge ofdhenciremat batenot, accardigto thesteranidca- lion ofhi lh tuelgtacse The qoi ot "Wy s It gnena~y hates a .as taney ao an ga- searatptrikle Whm rltsdtaramiasaeta , heerhlernsoany -almrn~re1 c hzeretoeaalaeetatadacatita sose anamt aadsvtslyha s eer bh leto analllbl un: sheew- ail g eblild]rallr abest otesitealn ry atspac11tso ehk, es a scenaris pulcto usn-at cdaaiatl bee-lmn Aaaaatn drhiermo bte ser~vinars if tir al ss.I Fil decelaP fareluAae -ataraseaaa aea al-,eerrslaenhsdri fcaaeredntear Tbaaap.ahatfaaaal tessaahntls inla byAhe Ayuae rleaslr if it a-raus he utlarll fetot k y motasenthe~ Aar eceretaetundidlaaseaaat qustein inhettoats Sfalsrleeitaraandeeasra is~sieiselaa ir. a~rcftltctuodtyineirnsinsqenest analearcsarcfora*ea aevdenced byte followiagspeciicacasplealfarovaem s qauetine selected faom each of the Ca blets. Somae of the araatesl Caaased hvie nrran difftral l knew chic they have two eyes that dogs hlave iour feet, and that cows give mailk, ad- thouagh a naumberalsotmotiona goatsherraandtbnep, nswets not onennplated inrthaexam bat rslevat tthosavrssent aftljeelai- Man.ty a i thee qasinuaogtat difcllyoad accned tlaproh- lutes esf calt l reeaounny Tsr t oftiAc qaestions ste children see easotf thue -atr oapottsuabu theacweeta othenans tht watd typically le given by Aymaora children. The tquestion Wyhat could yos do if youwere set lobuyhread and the seller said that tar saune leflyn is a good exameple. The response "wait faut ntther day andsthensbuty icisscorederoponts. Havyses bradakatagesorr fairly fucquasn It Lazs. and it oneeataeis out of bead then typically all ith, othes acre also octe That Aymata ultlden are reds tobread short- spue, and it makes hltle sense to lhema to tea tu bay from nmare than one Y'thernauton "What should yaa dosrwheoueait toa finger?" pre- sentted sirmaiar praklemin claralelvt In Bonlinahandageam verc expensiveeand veartyusei buttite -a anled forthca of abatdage as atae otgeet anc awenr The As- nsnrhildror thor rc spandealby sstggestingeeneyeahryasanuia n~ao by .~sieigtra iyfharalttcspsetsdisdialivaf hnaulcdge afthcetiotststtsbnealaccordlngto the tesa olidic- tiaa afhi es ioe" d Tqesti"h yi o the laetaon hy il generally betau 10 give money lo an orgb lour, tbswh rrssrasdoeodsasshE ha ttsnstthdtac weloavunntu ebaett Itatathartantabectt do Icena,, lsmse rtats Tosditsaeiy lanc 1ta -: ratttataasltlseo Sate- haolu a-ee heonetvedluas tns abueostaa e elmns ra anauad tht tliehiadfufnshuAymtnsalr dtsgseyno ufir o~ta pate- aulfh edstuaiat hoedln Auss hlen oeneaeea ttyae to iaarnd" sduista g te onre -t da yreraeae "f~ bekI~le Aoee delp fan itu Aoaaaaa a adeqaau cade ac-Otsest r t satddrsthe at Pparv .. ppyyfn-a feausasued-tswodd kasevshe dev,, etl by the Arosaca shutatlv fe- ea s heI orltsal fis laeA- vsaate Aysaaahro netdasoha glminnh her - adr athat titey suit ceaeittt daaeeiestebo. oral aWbnhmtsssfbsee actuaenoioataCies aadnorayftp eaeiainrod bhkfllowsing sptcift enamples of ansarn enbad. home afehe qacatiart catused btide ern to duhIy al kes that tkey havse wo nyc, tat dags kave four fees, and that cwt give mils, al- though anmheroalsonaenodoned gon, horseaand sttupamowrnsto contemlplated in the examt hat relevamt to t n .neitneoflhe chil- diren Manyaothre quntionscaused great aiflcotrand aoccrtsldhe pth- letet of cutal relativity Fon rotae af te taeansts the childen were awae of the "conrect< responsea, hot Mhea wete oal tl answers tt s..old typically he given by Aresar uhildren. - hre qtesllon LWhatn utad youadoif yaonwrsge oyhbeadandlthe selleresaidlthar there tro tnt luflc is goad asple the ntapatse twail fon atatte aday and thensbuy itisc-rd en posinslaHowever, breadsortagesar fairly frequent in La Paa, anadi tiento is tea ofF bad tkn ypio atty ml emheohu amre -2a-s aat.t~n AyssatacMhildtctt arttsuaita bsrad shall- agos. ard itesshcslittlescoaceatotacm-toa obyoam'sdatan one Thu qcann "Whatakaoatdyeoudttwsc yoaacl sendrfingereC pees aard sittias ]roblet in cutarl mutiviy In Boalivia kandages are ery cepcsvand very roalyused,butlthe examscalled forhe ue of a bandage as the "tcorrect~ anewee . The Arnmataclsidtetteither re- sponded by suggbestang avariety ofaohertlypes of medical atsttionaor by qsestioniogthe sevenityofahectt-e-aali n iuaecaef a knowsledge ofahe enurtet kbat not .a..andiug tts thettan indira- lion of hihh intalti Tho mutation "hy t gerrarally better ta gie monutey toaen alga- poslllcascWltes reve det1ate kauwo thntht psebla "tans tkcnsol¢ a ssnradtla ,1,iscai i Movpd-hpub...oltrereo skislodtsdrosaolaaalaapcogn bonocaoteodaitpartecod peraslafaho eatcaiosal Irade c.. ant Ira ebtlnes stt tsto c if t ar en sae hewecrlea ensahelesslfsnamay srantebrgataasanosa pol~act iet artaeathlusmrl u ay speateoo sftts ra fht ftsdanr atea s a -hetlser :saed ha arershe ble ctcn m ei dtcloyp far tea Aymsaea art adaqaate a-elntr l er s aahe-astttasd te aea lalerrdineki Paperus iappeias oesa- estot wsulhssb declepod Icy the Ayml+t h. kte. nFir were to he ualtaally Se tm e AH- era;llAcAymaorehandfersrzheadusaelal dossgesiuoittAhrIn o nss Watea sthisywell eper n dtidubo ansa nt isrsathri-osillesacie, ae ssasasra tesaarft~htiteiata r poert and neueaeryfralttse.  242 C1 Lre. EIM. Mkiseam. I Coma. OC .1M- MqpcroS 2i2 C J dUss Sa ll Iap Toma ,bid-at . ts sAynrr f aauherasei1hea glsoe, aliei, am n n hee tatone to dmatc to caIo rittes ta b ggas Scood slsere are veytess aod ofbu irn Blialanad shosetrun do exist are Nususspect tathilSsant- peple paraslls sic ya re usallyI mtanaged b, scab .. t ,cagscr at the eHit al 'bird, and al tngos attamt aiasag mssa to beggars has aPosit" I"] taral value aaoaagalhe noonstaso h fsrborlrhrttesaeatar seeoeo ptaiaaasl riafr l f asseso~t orerhac 1repn~d gasaartssaotaton aaaa n tha alaaaiott iI ldf of tha afid~ "stad'd ad'tf Clhristoplher Q'l haburas the dat sa faA eabEat half sasld 11ot atse an ansasar 'l1r aaensttoatls prodasa as u a ~ i. f onA rt discovery Leut as ailo arts Ilifbsaaaads of doringo ss-It It adestose drIiaeriamrandsnl aadtbeora (attriedt[o). Whseniasked InPslsat typeaf 'so- doeebuy sugav al aasa-d "A la stoda Tr hame t te o easeepttan at diant rap-s of atores, ratolattsa altes arelated trandaa tioseso tha clrn's erpohensasratald aaatrattet attesaaral ratsaass'hralltat amitatlrdold otterioaight goodstie obaited edrt aoada, ttestor- kofpwar, a er tret tocdsaid baauas o gasea puirchasod. Tina 'food tore' or I grer aaiataatataatrorrp Thte aas'iee at uddsepartesuagaraaitms t praeacedtnIiaarkttplara whirls1 nsr aatoe fo sa rs so diaascaoat st allosoed fiar te sr Few of sie drioistkasew that tbe ate twselve ting asd soon areass aretyuiaian oattatrd 1 arasaldeain Betiva andtaoaeof tlmechildros bad headlitttle onpoaa'etolssysrs Eggs torexml totels offtlaesaans-asaot and the day season Noatshaft childet knaew thrrcolortolashsagain tiatisaunaoasts an Boaliasatohbeginswith and parialoa-ls 'ortoin AyahiraaI.bat b aseessoa Valallaseis at tis Cangtr toahile sbossaste that thrab mausedltasks safbsssld atec. '[-hS at a.- re ptt ts ar (taisht iiassessrsbraaPord pulp.. Is raredgyseitaBraiiria-itr ostpepefrrtsasb inagets in general onlyflThiatanab iasparselaris n uornsettreetedto as "ui dads gord,& (sefa i-rgq) if it nds o tar siatgled ouAt ioaadiatgty that tytia rtoponteaa adedo naestJsst a Fingar' Onbhowo bail wasee ansos incilddam naf..afa-eadelaanadraleoa tinadcl ratainoatta bane,tra posedtritec basleis forrinsAssara celdlrn. PasI, nestat An-tr Coftatte rarely lirata enoagh srnrs of alrts 00n a hat ther st asttao to donae to athr rausa bw -lognt oSond that. tee see'tw aoaatzed catras aas Bolivasatid ih...thatadas o 11osspert totiae~o pas oplps oatcdatly si na ta uaaasaaltmanagedl by eitser loraasnaor the elate clatss Taartl ,,at s mprtn assn money the.. As Pslie oreaofid iiaas teAraols foltrd estate str-otsEhtl weteeactnp tohusoltteooassoottasstrrenttlecldu w afat a cailerts bohlfsaidtA-ro agOi aaaswtr T b as iossnh f gTh eat peosed. afsaorse N lbsstsasr of taa afaew slat Atyssr asrgrsi - at nt S ad~ v flataselsrraalaoaSpat , af fsroigntes, sehatdosrys-dttIniratta enttdnslavedslavvedteo(a lsarts dtn Whosu 1 st he tat typo of store do was haso sialli answetedl "Ataisda l thesese to eda be nostnaypdosadffeisof e ttors Ca tt Iaisaa t sae as aaltedaa However nthe old rta noal need staro bassaht hododtaraohraited antd of iaera ha astir kettattao. sto rinatsafeadsmssffs natot sugar, taspobaa ht tfCod stt -gtocrs torreleanatat brasHnetraa, ar atel saesesgr Iron' fds p dahand as I soet moarketplae, sahai ist, orasrre basatselesonadtataaeortsdfeabet fate of d itionetknee taltai eta rsg tatort g -na o Itm aetypicallyas[ cauaitiloald as sofdoeas Eoltsa oodmtsof atoe childet lad tatd htan lastaaeesoiass-elaad E. fast C-saaple, ato sold by-tNesnoatand ese Aaatasallnasolvs ratwesatsa title OSala taaf sod awaae tlrfoaa saonsetai lera eeo ntae fail, sinise ated sprang ate attalarctal marm, at lotavatusefui only as tetsttbeaasaatardabo dayrancoo Noeftbllsbddarn the rtr a arfh tabt1n it ibtes ntoon BaaI"Wa to began wstb tadp n porlars aoat Aiaab Thcsfstott Whasdo-atll siaofiages' wahlaasossiagaiaNuba aar os ofhesitdsttsso Thretrt rapoasse as poler atsbh Hossevertltde awed priea orc yue nBlv imm~ epera r agneras a Te haab a atitsneeds asort often rofrre sa te eo gnsdoat Iho fa finger) if is ned to hrl siabsgr otat, loa sAeoediagts ttae typical ssaass eas- "do, ato ar- t slast itager: Ott hoes ta bail wst'r atuass lirraa an atatate. mateo aasd aar roioea elr thoan tooa beggar" Itssa tba. parabrms for use Asnara rbildrea Farat aosa Aritaa tamsusssaaal lease g ra~se gaaonssasbsi ows'a oslaasslhere asnsotrattan tsso daasaetoetidershaassri beggars. hrot ates tarfsr faa asgte d riataes a r ob ala ass d- astltadaeaatsttist naspsrtpctosb tolasatan peoplo partalarl saraies-aeasaotisto.aeagbysadtes otaiganertbah'btr11115. Third, and raattimpertasr, eaoe teso beggar lasaptsansietal- r al Aoottteong hb Ayassa efaa ssoira reaes ,taasnos at seoeaad. Than pratseay for tse tsard reasoi, n y saoottbhbndred a'rotsseptsartteaa. egaasee oaaata orh ur aeth ie glesatais i-talft the ebaldar rould asteealsmC lastpbar (starlss as slat do- oftAmera. buthailrlolnot lasa tsst "the qutestaenis Pasoddafraltar fronatho Eopa. peistafvesr-te Ayoata-otit neeosntasatdsaasetbratbs-taa~iaifhpnaras oilerapiern, wh'io dasrasealtasaf alaa rsaodalheas(or treltaa What nasked tn hst-e attor do sne bat so ar- all acrssv 'Aloattada'-Thaa sretaedstose noonepsn of dffetpes of staasfatrse Bolivia all starts tate stalled attet FdaHtwasonthethldrea' ePot-uaesWouldrconsartsstradaetpal aa etsaeslereilnor- taltyrueddsrteoogbigoodaebtnaiededt teradoatlaratar- brpeptotwlseaetaasloadatafi-bat aor eagar-are potriaa Tbh-, afood star or gresy ise "ttaetrsatotsconep-Tiotaonaesr tsen arataelspratnsaataesoa foods Patrelaased as h sereplae whitl1setstae bat araetntm drtoiaslner talowed foroaiate et. Pe aftba cbildea kntews that there ar tseeieo thrh s daotat itetat are typasals eat qtatisfatd h tIta faesi Illasa anid ntse ton frlh eethal Ind laatle epasat ta rhi sso Eggs, tartwoS aanp aeoaoIflbsthettnaa andtaol Ayatse astolyhooloerea OtO- sts hulal l ,at th b fo ases rbal aasaes fall s cite and spsr a. arfinal tesrn in Batea fia~l ahonly naok ~w ,padsdrd r f .tn ~ o seine afthaaaaa saondaeedr toII oteadekaw she cosa , a rsa gia tha is asoreoja fit dlst obars T h e o r r e s r s p a s s a a s s a d g a t l n o ) nH o liv ia t h at d po d g aw i th rIrosedinf Blbrasirtost peoaprefHerodie Pince e rsitg-taral anlts- he tahnmb tat paonar is re"ore often refertred ta as a dodo godstshef6r fasger)ifTsradsto bbeiider ,Accordingly she rpiroirspoeto laednraajastohc ] ,Ete'' Osl hotoa bod Parr, ,Lowersictaiadoetff, uretdt andoond-  h.st... ~ aa so ~'w- Iflh-1 let 20 - (portable brcaie. fire, pat), iofs e-ls ossal c-ihie n entioned [ses o boled waeremsedl7 of -tld feb Iseglfeamcle, sas fa breakfator tocoakeh'iishs a-cxam bcaklIapIellsodrck cseial as tea ocoffee am fcrrsed fireoeocoplestecncmeaeoing hot a eSo qacjccsvclsg bolccgoses srzecatcslleand sc mccslycbadct lalcfhc acid tea' or codes Vlasio sed 'batss Cte ,, tereat pacicocat to die a oescchsssochm bhaorcr Oti tel] specdd steu Sosch Amcocsca, roted i las h ,pp fapec ttog Blolivius eret gcs flieswiCrhcl liht, cc Iapnoqo scha'hh oel h Pasre seffolye ated Wcat does c I) lceac wessrseaes igeet ceolte Aycecelild; paoic cauld respond hoes u - u holiday holds ice special sigteiface ancd racec n C 0.0D csso e Btoliva. These trietoas reflect, rotar itcsocesesy na saapple of itntelligetnceelhowne by tIe res aeso M m Tlaaairlecceeiea beeirdaceg a otctfotses foms tlsssle d a.Allcsld seosecMo hesplarrdsisfsisstolthes bastoe1sl half oddss thee swhot oc apple (cc sctss lacruro itettel is cat jet haslf thoese as ae Pierre-I Iisiabtestc tmed seed often cite cid.ese p -tafocir tioe con ng eta tdrertr at ileq eadofgivitgatasscoestirespontseiThe ojseo Ifotaishgsl0 ceets forthe firt cator-1tailacdl)ac (sects feesseddtieselteeie hoaw ptsc sould a toip "fisse eeclsset sooaes dpaler le cii iacaetol- ppstss rots sithciecc sea baysmilege Assehospslslc~ s" A seochsscares 85(11(1, heoi paid 1(o~a deay Haot o ss did hettcorkc Thiseone beoogtitceedadosaite' m-adsoe childreta etc Bolovi toe aceesoge pcer caita intanot Is appretd stately $lO pes reas The idea ta Iokas oear $40 adyw, aetageo sc tha tho chtmacccsstt Aceetsahels c child,,,e tees tgsatpedaahoacooeeaettta h n cctsy ast laly defle- tio Actaikiscoha25 otle ofctmilkrandccsellDaftc n hop sn buttis ate Ieft" wsetae Utterpeed Mdk as teat cold iottlsi Bicliviahauttsteecd pouedesoartof bsckestortlargeork srtscttaeoot t epreseidlsi hohspeer asse tisseteplasers bags. Seseal oftl oeo the Aoigtodlstlct also orfcceije o the childrcen. Mactb kcewc e0 hoalogy tath asbil (emcee i ssug et bc gisetteh plteasectsaear peiaosgy vhnd W co ...yoat oes__ .0fecoethro Ilftilleditthblkscetoat ore eshonsieesponeddcmilselrhfeet ortlhoes.easecopcbara coosbeitsesataesc..Firt, enttcacyhtgidooesro echinragop- (pocbs hesoesile poat), mhoiraltseeral schid-s etsttiacce lces fat bailadeatettad ocstmethod forbolig fesrtsspl,' 0te for albo as nkemf).aAouo adhrdus seecaeisteaaeoecestr lced froeteasresptscesactelinot~e eratterlosatteol hsatat I o ate] se issaifre tnyan hensi hr hl tam ra rrelaIlothecoseect, Oe childrespoedeslneSoucfth eict and - vered to [lie s esttlrpseslsttyaisltsttsseoowintgroo- ti etInwt ld rar rtei Fee ahb'eoas reasonrioes stas atf WI at s mitlrted octhet1 sFut ~h 'sh oO _.ltenba faesthe Apee a chld rnoe oflcrpandtottese rletoe icc hictidayhtiido etaxps cat etgctfcee ad thece. Ic er ODS. s ptoce ic Pehsir.Tlrs .qoeccscflee aches iextremcelycaes-rromppcaf ndgecceceltca by the peparess of tre tees Ics aeithocrescbc eced aocaesceege efrepo,~co (sat mfeechildrenecAfleosld coont blockscplasedcei frrrtafcbeccnbtay ly halfeold srace thatcolresoatcappls ecoeps- 11ymil altht toPg.Ta ah cs) n u tecid speen e of0 to ptess n Tht ngohasctsnmrdred ofothe edcea scsotfgecgca ctccepot Icen qutcoefrcrxi chargesc20 seoefee ia et quacrtsctmled tlsao tsfo loteisddita.Iltcir bsrslr go upersmsh tvlaert nds potle aAcotieco o f psi 00actt pis paiflrt00 rse ercesge oac idIrt ore 1 pestore-iht maartht iisg oottce orhece ova A h scsheeaosif-lhcpd4 thtsb hleoei llse ciehct e er ca pita onati a ass eeatolec~ili~peec~ece htdslattakeres $4t1L dcn waste cecca go ata clone lot ccaietntee0erea frgatrsshille echllrecld tiocc lkctica has il no heclstettih ced~ sris tof,, mn tofaco tlr kseat co cs cc'¢ccesst Mit itctsldtatc c ftc illde by the ponachose, r oeitoplWadczbags. .eeivetriof ele cect ee Aeriagie aced Oicrlorcteteschere aloede. , hisseptteloihMthefethaes. Ssealeelesie t h-po eloshtns fiesse, mseot carsitg is dott iserciccg a shlp- (portable aaie fie peel, theugh s eeecalritidrtettciresdr..ossf boded awate ai eeeadef atshd lasboilttg lo esaepls, sts mos boo-fse rst mrakeisffRl') o Ayms.er a kf lrksaed hatdleks hccoslletacr c btcklss. racdfrosrsaf s a n 'o .svced soeetdle 'pcthnpsrtletg hccasraocoo flicosecithhle o asks citoahe scs PFas obvousc ceasoacs qoectoo, crah as Xttaoto lelscated onch Pesrehofjolyieandet'WhcadosCtlO4teeo cwaee rocetefoll foo hceea chid ooescouldrecpredcishotaeeeiooe ioete holiday hot de no spead sc6eTtiiass ad ruse is tC 0at systemc ac Eeti i er.Tt mab- qetseflchccthi secrreoceyonarrowssctncepteof iTceli uschrse h'lol rh p dpes gfl eare o. epo holf ca re arae that piecesr This oplsub ecach is atr tese ta o set I cllo spleteeecoststeiraces Thisecbtistioteesl'acdof cclsr inrss oftleect hivisgccccemptmci eth chas efebas qoreseo c ( eI.Iqea cts anrd thant5 otafr eah addtonlmile, ttcetrowml wtoldcatipaftco cLs costs is acala potot In olivia eai lcoeata perpeesoo sate withina a cze, cot ho mileage. *A ooletproblemcwastA wokmrcaen $36.00: hecispadi 40pa dry H 055 ena dapsdid Ie worksf This see hesrochticcscdoln m...ess ftletchtcelcdett i Blelivia, rhseovsrag, po spitsssstsppoc- mateipttllfipa, poresThsidaslarcasscok 94c Waeda waficts sso amcsgsees chat the esadesarc ccwee. fera eobet the etcidrenr tried tagroptheidcttnoeteccscthttcecheeaec honac the aes tic"Attmilkmtan eo hacyt. efpilk etcdcell tlalTht htm Iteac, nbattles re left? eta ccent esly icterprcted. Milk is sec old ac bottles ntRoiabtah d amL u fua -l ,mlkaamccn crse pocded by ohs psachacser isroap tattie lace OSoecl of rice iceacs oo the 'Aceloges and Sirotcct tcl ee rice ofamseiaso clte cieldreo. Macc kncew the analiogy chat hi Sloeseo scccregasiceosest bogioectle phasaee'Yar ilkseich vrr legs, rcd carry with troe ___f ew,,ha hath flled in the block wiitledns or hoods. Most reponeded wtvih ebbs Pss-t is MScts Sevesal prolemes mcaybeintvolved here Pirt,ctost caor, ccislccisacto doeccacop-  344 sO Iaiu. U.. e ...1. M..I zapq 264ay L1 dM1urc Atphqd.. 34 IeU .(MNadol Mip- piog bag, onamong eAyeaa in alayitgonhon are backeor puscs-li arhseparth Tocld , I...he s Aymsara Ma a madtdelahs- r... schcrsg bur (se eas 3)sodn saalk"aSsid "cats" do stt caetalyst crash anne lsha 'cse or sgs with potur lhands, hut tssce-y whch',tnhetdonennthes- bc calt fsr specific iteas itsspacil ars Wihes, the par an, D tmwos gien and the childrten were ase twasi li, dcthsoehn htbt acrr atsdo-forsexamplchsbahsaalk. winlivesonhe grouind-andl seep few siinply said that both ateaninmals. lse correat" asaeThis again shows else Aymsaca atesatsosoenea Thse 'Voabulary'seetcotcted ttslarprabletsfm!naniie Dad usagannlkladsresaer adeeateetnnlasaacThrhritrms, ass dehefete thssardl pthec ' iettsahe aasy lst was _.>ssselll'snublat nBlwta rannnro oablasPo, sessliao is faccd eoly is ficory o t sctcotcxte As issthe adhe, sotsthe fsnction or chilly oh the ac ss oftent gives nstead Sfa deficitiotn.For examprle, asteord 'ensaidlta kdl ahsszs clssassesvset youtaesd te get steplaceolasickiy, a spade meoathe asste, l,wail tomk ossor slees a letsosend astlssrtostmak oatts ad peth.t eosctold here, the A ~rca child mit restd still had oceho rel rgetee quotients ranging from 80 to 111-a se, ttrelbtoe gtoup of children indeed, considering the litodes they moose tninping otn coping woith rhtet at al. iroItl, ororrrtor rrcso tctforateandteolyot inhterat d' ad il v eelacmlse ti iMchit >rtoo pelh birrg.s repirnugreont dutorrto gatherr=Me deptC oso sorlnobhioo pressetrstsson ton Aymioaachitd totitr is oes posshe 64ars..ttadockl)fill onihrotngiict- thyacorrecty to the child's colIocl heritage. "IoeI qiaoro cosecising the Fotrth tf july is an eoonipleoofaceocrt problemr which is elotivelsuporple tcorn.Tire stee isdely Id lbadcrret orhdyald ~ a.tci cusa olivia as it does in the United States. Hloser rh hisusrici sogem- cce ofche dam difers drastically N4 par Illsottr st k ilz ma B -hlnta tatigiheltu epssotgnielarcd 'ocit. ootnfrhmestion Ban then, dir pooplo inother coltoe aektrotede sot hollo as to the samte dogrrampoplem en hoite d Staes dot Othor sir er p teoiresc inch noos difficult ttret for crs tireals nnigcscceses Can driieoennitoit perep- IS. ndnieperceprionhbetadjstrd ot heaoteftr eqass st questions fordiffrenteoitomAndtfhur hoow5 Aod if aditistritots ate miade 1ioet it hr detei-srti that the rs icte etbinalrrrtlnrlremapeeino ra grops' Aosors to thesequsin ar rtry ytottthte on b or ospecs Sor tteasec cetairs Inds- a ,tndsnlssttoeesscoscirt Ilt s t Lei tlortl faiisar wt the otagog too ditons, and chaacteristis ot baolultn.ess Bdeforeending twos points Shouldl ho clatriaie. Thcas apli orr 00- snits pretented hrere swere rint intn to inioge directly she} b-redo do Ldth ocrotviioo liit -ascot d gOpier ortotsectth As- ntatchildren(ahheogh itiasd inpanish-speakingpschools and dtic r ho pitrh..r). Nevrtheless, the problemossdentifsedshould certiinlyhbosideroddand wreighed whenttestnsandih Pestr et1Ri anHspicdd rlly Ste ottalconmmoentsorateodhercshooldrortsecontroed te iiipyttthr A ttir arc odoprs sod or depefrd crnch grou p Theic ecultuotisoasiy dim.orce frcirr fae of the United Soates oralf Span, hit ostiferir hnfat, eoenin hight ofrthe eanplesad prolem'raeo 5nthoee th Aror child tos tested stil load verbal ietclte-noo o4500rttdrit rani frome 90T to tIll-i ten intrllign grmop tf ehstdnst aed wossdeain brhohidles thep n-rjnipisgr pig wsith the test at all. inl a t hf ah -a a n 7 r~ -ly rt n d i phihdmlh ir'natura paceharringt aninmpendog tmo(r mltey toSode e c-rep) ussb peosso I lee crtAn -mat dlol tl otnrk arfata ptrso'til oasonrstalh kfotoocnteing ears sare, they aeootraryniathehsld' cmelrlleatge The qoerton mosocreog the fonrth ofJoty is rnnipletofacvr prehleeohtnhsrtotolytnpleteerc 'losentence iidireat Inl n n lnfut l fay, fged in Bntiio r or ireses'nho Cfrr States Noseer the lusrisoialig0niii oof fthe dry difes tirasiallyi isth tsoecoontcies.An appsr sot.ti oisask aroniac jteitoabotarhoian holiay ihons,,ait- tonng the same psychlrogical andsoial cott frthe qoeseos this dite, do people of other Morsiroe ackniowledge thair Illassrtr rho mm dossr as people in the Unrstedi Statesdo Other coset prohleoro are t reor c diffils t toreify for crs- ci otI mi ....gse torts>_ Cat dfffere co to nhotiroypt etrr~eompttteeres mrdsrprnpi oadjosed ocacctroonleoo -a cg q costfrifeesnc oltties Atidlifso liieI Ad ifadoisocsc made how can it be dertuitied tit, eul e esria equiralemtfortheespectise alralio ptA rsrthoe goi are ion readls anaidahle, hotoisre a EM IISL ilrct rpecmtttthro b cos s etoist wni-h no labigaoc todittr onl d h i-ctc~isco of hbotheoltsres Bioforeoiiiirg twne ptiroshoudeclaified .Theeamplesanedcor- metspresned hereeee toot intrnded to itrpuign directly rho Faola de Istoliar poe tl,a lorant nasor desigired ptiridy forcosr ith Ay rt childer (athrough or is so osed- in toishpohing schants, arid teenlies the prolot) N crrtholoss sh prces identified shroild ceralrhee onotoieread ts-ughedsrf heretssed w'ith Puerlo Rican or any hi sparchldrso. IfPie lltheculctt-ncommrnents offeredioere shoold not hbeor.oodma tpl, thae the Asiarealepeseoor drprir'dimltorotgroup.IThair eo",oe6ivastlytiffeent frsmsthatfnftjotdrseor offpain hut rt norfecror, Ine f c irie igtfhMciplesnd prolemcree here, she Amtra TlIde r ead still hrad strl intelhigencetons rauging fecit 80 to Itt--a veery intelhigen groop ofchde-t andod enosincgrohrnshyoee jrnpisrp acpinrgswitlhcrtttoll  Inelgnc cn-SMr.b 24 bmdllpiwtSan-I*" -fml 247d 8Slyo ~noSt n 217 ..h thea cr-c brech or-ad eovr-The rteer oleppat to bar poersit ]t natr at wheatilertecovert ohltes cm to four, s diff..ccancultsao ucitges between those fisr srho the Itsl -t oded od chose for whbomn ahe tests a maetoll, coed. Vhtb f Ih.eaettte of pr-tllerrrs titlst be ealatd ..r-aoir { deteraitirag the uhpydt ofanr teat a dmimer..ert. Oaert linrgrtt pr-rhleoccs tos-tr.c ltost ...grc-oe hrbdi tided Into toaroetegfotoereattot cod foraoer.Inuato prohlemsresucrltwhent tihe woods atphrae wtta toefo directly toaowtrl io tdr teetnd lattge This approo tea he arcor patob- lernccioeqot-lotsaordsco haretshtiotedithesecttnd langage aor-eqoialeost bth ntctr rasof parallelecontextostoddseelof df eettA diteexanplos potetoec (prceanadaoito jleret bc o avr-o yadis dieelytrosbr od it does oat ttooeail follco that tbc f- h*thrsoyth - -ary iahtheotor i forc thore it rs aslrg atr c utalca po tofu tos oryotoeide r ricr trorre ,te 'Jottd Starer aperhtir lr itrcotise per thcus idoglith re-or-do ",p frerary at drtiddle-elaetseehiteerldoettc Tlrrr ddrd- ofdive eorlriesras eindribited iototi terfoeocee Ire erstltotcethad the sarr eqery oepsreetaoetd, asitar-e i ae eirotr rlwomothotett wraitille itood n Notes lItcoI b hotr rrtrIo aictriotasitIes-coiofoelorrisrr sgodnt eact ee .iag sills toeotitdl'gitoPeod rrepet rrfgoodtcescctolaaedhohoaiter od.ttosatra-eft~nariot d ror...atiits toce thr ifothrt Aytocrttdtr Dctsorodthe hoasotdarc hit'dthbct,tn,-ohtr-ttdhisaoprtiai ,partofineorala.oooo ot(or- Oate a- 7,It1 ter Id, .Ifc> EIlmitmeb Theoprooblemstassocirate iriscrclr-lrtceofittttllig cres scasheeneatboth octt aod crear tne rici pr-oblemtsappaear to ba primrrtlyttldeistt ,inoatohcehdthc rcet problomorsoem ott faersoodrerewso-loa 1 I l l ages bcttr titote fot witoic tire rtssa-oetottlly endeldrdhctcc- foattoot tttrst aorectall used.Eaeh rtof n.etpso pr-ahecaoor beer-Ialtred crtefhully in detrelE icgth uabldttofatctatdaotttor Oarat liogrosta paaeleac it nroae ltrret uae tray clesr he di- ,ided atromtoo mtejor snaegte tesatcrarand derayteo Tros. it i perhrot wetnt whten the wrdsatr pirose ona test cro ,tt directly terslatableritttthteseond larcittage. Thets appers to b ho mloet ptth lencsinoaee cttcredtwtordoea b tsubstttdi thrsrr-aoltnguoge Ilw, it is baert thc ocrrreo shoold be er-teton acloa1 rc both itr-o of pa a-lld erotre ad degree of ditl- colty formerly pr-ohtem.acraniftehaoooecompaleaand difceltto o- eAateexaraoleapoi.,toth....ud (so-aoooc aror-loJos hbeaet seard is drectly tnrored it does trot nceesorily foilow thcct tmre- quecywicth we a wcord it fued is the store it both aedlt .. Oferorie ttere is con aalcte fot tre Unitod States, Matc oftltild rieolral tttaosi heUnitd Se tyab Fiht hot da rtt oar por-rirac Bogice nElih taed, as forq...ts re da maddec la. t hr-ite Ahddor.'hs chlde of diffetr ettrre iray be itahiead it tett pmiocetsl oharosmefqunyfxsrrfo rtainewobe- as Ltove the ehildrett foreminhtr the teat "sas rcimade inrtenrded. Notes apoin te mc planro rit taraid naprice adtd jdgitl azordpe Oict (at ercoc 6. 7, t1 13, d 14, I 1) [Edirt ot1 the peohteano otoced ait rse-erultstr ose 'f itcllgcac tronts oehoathecescor botlb o ando arcsoarTirocasctproehtcteappoa t o e1aaralv lioguaor wr trceeri ce cooso poer , ctesteento foerruo dBiertte oc earee Itritge bet-ret rhnc tear a-toot cie tet ly-aatotitretdedt anrd thoese fIt eircelo rhcrc'tor e-actaleav oesoawr ed. Eachrof threetceofptoletttrosa hcralnr-deareftIllrtn chalegin de vl ocn t adrottari - Oaewhert ri potoltirsitrco ltalrerorsgeotay alsohbedit vaiddirtatsaecajratoorIrterralsdooot'Id f- c y. Toostrocr pr-btleoocsmrcr wrhcothceordor phete orata est are frt terls atratcllctttethcrrdeginsc Ihiticappearto beerrruorrprh- lera s oitreqrclr-otcwtrdseca bectlabtintototlicrlreseond lthtsraa Hloreever, isiolbious tltat extretme exatirdsoold beoeor-crctrt h lec oth illtetrms ofrpatrallctcta eldree ocrt doffS- Fureeser- prolemes ate mooc moore e-rt~eapc aced dfciii ott toaver- ercA, trccorplrsipceit.a ,g iooesaadoeieclac jruat becittoor ssarrd iaditrtt-ra td~i doarot tarcaiy tollow tltt the fee qortyveithstcbieh oodicrrcdisteaatrr b ctheatltre Ofesre themi o anolalogy for the Urritred sroteo aoe ofie chddldrenrlncrdroeatl rittien Ontf Unlited States peak Ercglidc0 bat do tr rse prua moiisEglish woods at Ibirei all ars do mnidiclas, osiff ardec. Thee, eltildof diffeott cultures nlaf bo iohihitod intiest petfetrtocs he- eroethhhar octhdheotrtroac- fropsrctcrtteord as hate the rhitdret fat sbrett the teat rear inoitially yiatteded Noite The-c-boeqLeh+oircfctegatoattotttc-gdcaftbiseeto- epatdcg reeopote c-rLeintoedtcpbc d ctddea tatoert aforrelctce toaed beltie ...h co nstc offart creitd..I nin rca b orctor a oshr-t oAy r 1c1aecra-atdhIroootahothcatec 1eeesaltecaahoecpooct taottotgtcsclyhotkbbolorrtoaee-th iileoocattreaaeradfioecpercrttcs prorina merllrtlort.roo flr lc n orc r. 7., t .Oeet 1 6) .Ihcltctttctt  18. Consequence: of l.irers Literacy ms Spanish Planingeocrselvesaasaineledbn-estss, ferona poisstsf view tat eeomspasses thewhlesanasafsfontionsal ecliswseese tat Bolivia is ahighly yemeplet-cmoso-y Foe zxaniple, see lind that 70 pees- srsstftlspopalatiosslabraas stnlsstgngeadmoeasofdaeistse- malsa aeraga ree rist hSasish Ftsetltesae, they lise chir lives ithssh se 'sa son wi thess towsnsasyta l le i se on rot toots-is setehee oswe culture Octlimeottehaed e hoorasteall mbccl eSaih paes atcual ti, a iig iiso Isesitagefott the tme of thse Csrqalle ansd Co n~lewstioc nIlln motos cative popWol-ss soeiesley Qoreha and Ase- sears, wilth it cetal theasgh the 142 yeee scen thea ise e tae of tthresfi mMcwtattg cpr-h kmle dext and wille ..ttstsscaas'stbecaae oflsstrontg sotlssdealflasgagreW eas terefts.eeopetthasintolvia ctlseeataestd a teillcooticaeso exs erf 1nlaon noIte, u i usykre-Asd rssltsdeseci li Bolivia at uestry beth sodaffly asd ests-llvf divide[ Hee tse best laid plasts for tastiocol iottgatsss wilt fail if tev arsossteooeeieelasthe baistofaoaest eatestrsgatiotof theidiomanst-eempleicftliestr Iri peitly at thelsttgtegr levrtlathrsticeolfoerwohtceattic Boliviassn dtdcvelpsens is sod wrt assly its the mttmnoas peerttg tsf lhatoas eaey he- TlsietsI sate s 1960 Ile the seatri ot ss th oy it1i eae Otsi ,spepredi Spsih' s couesssspldigis~ I ssc g it ea hd Cssteaessas deI to slaesiaiwdo dismt rosoe sspiThe sscsstseis is hey Mo- htlase 'tha Maidsei h issClaA-otsapseoeHiscssssrttheser pnsat os Asataathe~ le lists tU Etis.p.ssi. dsiess his dtipta iesalseeac tte nt o oiet asessely~f sefret tlte nsissts 566. Copoms'atd Yap- "4I 18- Couseqoaeseo Direct Licrary in S passish Plsaigsormselrsto itvoleedshseere, feoastpoinat ofiewtat eeopsa-sethewlhole passramaeofeadsotale.tit,, we eaccecha Ban,,i, iahighly eoaple osaes, Ferseealr,O fe nd tatas11pee- rteftte psopultiolhas as IssIo-lag~go a d etstfdirecsiocer- rstatatoslanage ether thanShpash Foolersoeetheyrhse thaeir i asssiere eran waittith to ons tasytology, thear oam ms- tooshosirttherventsinmee nhe ohechanad we has cstsl otssee ftaattSpareoxsrets pastaeolath siesscistei reihecitage fiemsth tstme ofth cssaodeleaietie, Tisis etostta saces osatcsnests 4 paetraneml1 Qoesa sod Ay- stoas, Wtcsh It 'sutvsx-tlss cgh she 142y 3os 5n5cr Mleitssepestdo of theepsahlt-hs shownctathe greet pre fepai wattoedo e cetaiieotas rosathersoooftesssocgscaatie ofln.lt csh i l laeeit lallmI toW. sil vfl }a ow1 docIgagee sstekest.lAod ecalsshcs deit 'ear ll-a asseeotyhoth meeallsced cawlssadivided. Ilsta M eetlsd tsfartociotegraawail failas ate co sotrtsed at ey ast ass adeqscte II estgda f tlseidieeosetpte-scn sftloeeestoIs pseesely tthe leegeasge llv he urele feotphwt:eisad anrr sd oollasheeeaotmos prcreorgtsge oltllaee-eyastmny se- 'Cetasesssecnas delaelfshresasocelaeestecepast Teetesactiosibo bbna-lL Vole IL T5 pa Ia 1p por a vA 1 g l fe, -p h'm htsiasshssRlfs orssspss It hcsore'.cetsthe v'sesept-s 18. C onsequnte nf Direc Literacy in Spanish Juat dMaidanta Plaeng, eeselveesassuasol'rd oheervers, fsessa peintsof veachat eaeoapases the whale resetomoof ccsiosalselisscnave anaseerchas Bolhvi e a tlsthy e-atslv wcaty, For ecasepir 'se fintd that 70 per- eensotsreslaetlceis xvolansgage mdm seoedeeitts rnomeaeaeec alsttgoegeathertlo den pattah Foeth sasttte theyiiJos sIsri be satthese oct5 vy savh these costsstythtslogytheir owncas- toe-thort, chtereowscature Oa theheeurosndsnelave a saD ssaeheeofonative Spaiseh speakrs ,pce-sosexshlerities as ahiltri a cererge o the time atfihe fes ite t assgoocisaie - maca scsl stvosal etregi thse 142 yeae ose the iudepsssdeese cf hlsepohlta haseshowncsh-at thse gnatpesltpstirnlsssesdo est andos-llaenono exiost heesmoftheosocngseeialtiefh-asgsge. We seeteeforesexpect thstt delinsctlsemeso a ndotswilleeoicsoeseo esftseveals mrestseeasmaty esslstuee s eeses cagoage ae>,, n.Antd w auenl t wsshfalasee BNi s sseahebthseoiatycand roIerle dsedd Hiee h bs lotd pleats Ce 1aic ' itg-ac 1a1wl fitifsheyceesoerseedotsIneIssalsaCda,Vtsinestigaion of dteiitessecplsay of theeoety Itss1peee.lj- theaegage ,lee l tilsatheoureeomc psohleusin Bssllsosatdscderdevelopmenst lie' ad tt oly n te tnspeeesgr ef ichruar asesyhbe- lieso VelcssTds Astsssethmaph rMssse tiasp k edaaes ha dearsiftiesfhscae- mou'rtot eifass seo ly els stserf mosa re fall Copc'. a ad Yap-  doeara of I dqk o gporhfl no 24 Conyun dfI~r Inl.qr ,rapS-IIMfl rm.o~..r o- due Lterac kn SI - Mai 24 ice,. In thofu Lcur crssrsaptsssie stdvopeussrshoudd es ritvsumdseiserndiees arsosrrb. at rMsolisguistiutoc It siottd ot bcrnm' o obscrsthastbollag agc problessuand its deis ns is, Bolivi affet fsot ussis rstclationss Lceesoes the differ- itsectors of ot people but if (ct the whaleducstionsal process of te ca htr.Tns we csnusrdeeststd, forl ex-usopie that ifthe "literacy carn- Flgt htare caretd outle Pa oder touIItIatietothe societychose who live exciuded fnonsit eicr goals postposted. ths as Frst, because of theiieffectiveness ofthseir mtethtods ud. second, Lecose of the lack o eipcsi lis on ste past of the authsosities iii coetectisig the peolilests. ReeearchtaMt experissesitstisspsgrams shoiuld be speiseredforspeope traieed iehstreics, whsocoulid soona oflerto thelcois asearesuslsof' ,hale worsk csost msetisods thts wosads cntrihst is a positive 05as to thin eriunssefsthe seuamprobiems sfluisecsasedcrneisms Bo- These "litesacy camtpags, beus, of rho waoy iae shich they i'use beer casried suttso fsr-itstis, with thc Qsioii oes sfstoching readigdirert}iniSipanisli spchkig anud sptsioirgi ,SiPsstie roossise Aysmara or Quedtna speakers, to peopie \vbo arc monoiubal or coy doelroe biiual and Ofa do sot utnderstandl anytihig of the sts- tre ofcangucgstsottiieossrs-loveaslsad as adiect coseqeece "bad spoken Spesith This -is she suu "bad Sipaeishs that we every day whten we buss it choase by on peupir witlisut reclissot tits Fis'sncyt(1asd M) desiheldirees shasius, hers -ees'isitesltesyso yrstetheewssru totrt sit or the s ni tlern Armors pasple esadidou so see ssi of recu es ter so ipic i desesiod ssedrrstofitt srerroseisie Farusoet reell icdl scstnsiorteciG s cne ca a settsctyeseri gavsse, a ss nose atseiondttdeanipeexero~ie f6ssh citlynseerysssI-Inudvevfre. e....eleoiiss-hsst t ry'mesat te 'c r 5 I n o en l ig o omnaspof, estct Tois m tesderstasd g fthesatt g sis castsepre, tibie t fsssniersof 't heescn supsss ctaru, eta'..rdiesngsopr die ssee-snpisetis .dipeostssiotsssmsdrsnssde,1,dbse tasepn ef Ayteses lcQte l W ')st oor fltorsh tasstesrsi psnfrts'eecihas, liobesgisiocd sicial,d tecifsee e 1p ja draodW t bdii Msudcss's pies i psst'llp snerd is sho oiys is this ruotts, wsitl, is' irfirseie pactshissslcrseoiAYsecc ,sdietshre vulioryeir liSE-y6i. We boar kps l eiibe hcsd 6M¢ ios A sstssef,tofcthe A,'ets spcI sri-is andii'. Pests or IsIlo. here, Is tics futere esery sssoeeps I 11ss esacd...opmmsss stousid ess saris cosiider sesleas smus,e rrreisAa hoie Irnetc lv t shnud sot he ercssary to ebsers thas she ianage prahilem aod irsder c isseioBsiiclc ressssicps he ruicsstsisse'sio dituvtol oo o] u a n hl dctoa m ffe- conre- The soats escireend, fr recei, Rhat iftbc tias-cy mmi- pdus 1hccsrriecud eeod dsisuprsrrissses ic taryhus, who Ii s' esin frome it see thei gsals pssptttd this is, fir hemrse sf tetcffccts'rsnf rhoirnscshs end s.croi, tec of tbeilcd ofsrespoesihilin os the pact oftifa sbonsnie, is coaecirg thcprobicr. Rfesearchtand eepcirbecsip-ogres. thouldhbeespessrcd fortpcople trined iniigaitirn,ewha cauld soonofcrto the couttsausresuit of siieh worksadriuateitmethodsthttwould coetaibte in apostve wao so sheseississ of tte seisous probilesof iliiteescy sod edtcationui Bts- Thnose "lsre mrpsiea, : beanse of sie way hi which thsey have heeecredreol's-fcsisutshtiQincoe'i oftocing eadisng die t is' ,Spcaish, speckieg ced p paieg it fiSeisls st ,fric Aymasra orQuchuasntprstkcs,sts peonpeu-hisc r- nouc urvory deficiently LFl sigsi and who du :rot nderstod rythog ofreho sto ne ofiiiangagenotteirown-hveisohd sdiecteteeqsrr-, "Lcd sps'kee Spisisis. This is sthe sa me "Lad Spanisit" time wecexihlee r-rr'day whewe her itpokenhetor peopewithoteaiing tat iit19and20boust ielasuoett httse hseestecd,i eWse. th. seisseso spas. N. re. e c hlbeeIIe o thtlt quesee An,..dsssslr urd snidss.i ts 1sdo '1 -ti fearcsce-isatepl l 9 doedos destseefourth to, ctsostssg-but uo wetlsrssal d's,ohrupoioossai5,ssne Totaec toeetss te LIsssli otol teoioieseorinethr Aa sa eecrss ,rhsotsidssc f6s goecrretstFiit eam,t fetesany ashssior,is fra ..aee el 'sir desssssisgns icr rsoss,iss lcsefa Ivd fficss the~osr iose Sp Sie d ferhrrortess.t, tbip bitpes aagdi fi hsr d tiehtoted insuvnt ofiisr mys~c teth us-ois Bufil. ures h feeIs tic fromutevterysattemtptat scialodveopmesetoiruciaesv ssi-ccrsde seussttdiessmidresearc at theingisti evel Itshouidnorteeesav to obseeve tat the aniuage probiem nd it dosicainB hirb ai ffect icsossip die selatissisbe eta iedifR erseecer esopeopieitinsfact the woeedcatioa po-ess fth ,cstrsrThuewucaenunderstand, foreamsple,sitifshi fsactrycams pcifionrtfahcare cred out in le oitert nste oi hs whe luse socaial fersn it euc their goais pest paned dsin i rt, because urho uifcrossess atI their ssos cud, 'Scd because of she lack of...psssiiiy on the pcrs so eehoitios ir csrcne shc' prohiessi tnindingtohulis ehe etudsonffdrrrtushr,ruessyassscuirt tsf theirex'aork eussoecridssthatsworuidcsssihtciecpm iiocwysn tisesolution of thc secri.a srobtesee ofilltccrrraed ednestior is Be- Tisee"sere csaigs," Lecaise of tite aloy is which Tey her betenusrmed outeso fcr-as~tis, WsithioeQioticrtentios rechingt - rccig direcly an Spanish, serding aned esplinsirh Spanish toasti'e A ymeec ca Quechus epeakurs, is pople wiso see msuooinguasl sever: defscientty bilingusi esd who do snst aurdssce a-ythor ofehe esrec- trafsolansguageo ottir,ss-hecl.s had ascdnirefc ..melue "Lad spaker S paeish" ihis i tie sme "bsd Ssstsithacsw,-rei,,e e ryodaywhenoewe heareit spokeneby onpeoleewithoustesiithatc osstrss(e9icad 20)dtcteohearpsthcu hiveohemseedeissheslcs pst f Gsue aeerrc 5sesoiess hdr,5edorciii sisosioesas spposlrval'c hoist -l 6 ssesi uhoshsschmiteiestiorf6 posoeteof eriesici,,doe ree gueetcc adosiueactqt foe stssty cestrpules, foe cieesiiyocory pesee ihase oeeescinvolsed issdelopsssrsspsjes fussier sseaersarsseesficndrsefo r stresieseoe~Inststetseesrf~seisrsee us ,srus' gesutwi c msuesdeasbodisgufthomroofs-hdt iss s- re 6ofrastrmbnsof dshecsessc lisprrtiSosirtscasseradsalst the persumpeeeFlat meroycgaecapsi leesrasttssdi'o andhde'unseading ertsesa aned Qurriust It Isusucoe. Thoo ghp pa,I eVrrana F. n,5 se bes ccdsssie and o rd dstf -11 dietsent[ fsee Msiec'pioiip dsy ssscrd 1esheotsshthirssisss, whichie re its ut sr dss ie Ayrisrn't'sslies sleeoih see yacee (19665-Vfs W, rhps,ieta wil seheitd fssdrrtcbst doofsltdoeA--asspsk- see-s muaips I. n or Chic-  m5 or uI tui u. s.. -~"~aan p. fla m i ...'o dc b adUe of biad i Ukn nt theim fauls ifeh do mot epob wella laregasge chat warnfocibly atte urn the, They chop] ytnrulact what thee cnie frorr tre t~norer sake wchanbtl Ihae cdd [liculofer below same cteri and psiuathtatcubtata thtiscPortofview. What ire Lartguage? .agaeic frequently cauirised wvith writinrg, reudirg, grant cci aced evencwith litrature. All of thee, as cacti, Icic-othing tot do with lace- g.ageP, wec bemuLse language It- aS Sapit (1921) defirinit. apurely he ari n edclC lngIad crebyoreaas ofac-tri ot noluiacrly prodacednymbols. Thisueareortsirirstur auditrucaldcrey ae peodacd by di no-.ald or,-rc ufipouah Thich nyron nL nbje of niodisi doe by lireir .- W hat In Writing? Wejiig it oftens cofarned reich tier tuegugc itseif Wet bhl org to cwo svstems complerely diffeeent from each others lwitteiswoodaiscnot r hn p reial teneittiori of clue spIoke articulated word. Wbirinherierto reprenr particulae latg ago.I ttaeroreefleccwha that latshscrai.Toaderadsliheortr oiaeorntip, the lica prns fa peenanuwith hie bal prttud rdyrthe ltrurwillbhorapoor apve tis bsr raate t teThue-o rebut reobiegaargsage. cSlsouldooat-bt obieiiscecsc eociared wiiduittienameluatiitcand cenaitien of ttluargge itelf Acinhgisafcuae ory ul; ucelave nodocbrfeal enternalsercon furtsau wusrngii paadhesikoeplnroegt r enireudsroan pursehtem feaicish imeinesbrrap itic de rss osthulatsethit c-a lacvebrreocuessst tobissspurtaocctu weitiotosbhe ensace ofrsfsin uithlangag. What Is Reading? Attes uto chat carisirg stays almosnt unchanged on paper, late- gnageevv witlIuhis those coinventiorial graphfic synmbols that tourepronanr a latguagc losethert value de uti e chagesin Prl cito h tar guage trdergue niiola in ncheso anct that ecadig-inwayuof partially r-duargt ulurguage o ctsstis itirio their dro if they do riot speak well a language that was foildy Imsio ed on tena.Theyoisrpplyt..nnIIswohurhu roivecfeomuche oracaeuoIsheirenave ln.,a v Ira order to tsiahu et I has' Iajel alar lisof" eow some Criteria anid prirnciplesltaSuabstantialssshn porint ufviac. What ta language? Languaguin fruurly isofncd seiti writing trailing, geasuarand eon weithlsRasua All of tbhc. uaischave nthingito doanishlan- guage par: nbease hoagoit, ac eapir 119211 dofnac is. ta puroly butssan cson-cierecestsbdlcorten rtru~rgid asdldccircsby-uueans ofa asyscem ofvutatscuItod seodrytus 11tpoarc iTyfit insticey dtoryad teyarpracuclyte eu-called ogansuofsperhv Tanyieoicsobjet Ofntaodiesodone by brigciato. WThat IS Writing? Sqestioh is ofte unfsd weith the large iresli hut brsth belong ta w ttttomdtaoy dulbr I, ,ssallhhrA erita rsnad i ot moentertt potid orcpvnsado ftboepehus. urtirltcdoaord Writingnenstoeeprsot a articulat lategni Itdoes sot enfiect n-hit tlsat language is.Toundestasd tisbeautetscnp o xml thehue, presence uf aperoon tnilasoeer hicueeanluabedyrthe latter es-ll beuapoor ropseessario oftlaart pernos Therefore.he teaatsisbuacsnterneweconauld nata tibueata the rngrotrr s- cun[td wsith i h tairs hbrreira ud quatiti of tha langage iself Weitng is, ofronroc very useful. nwe have us aloob tfitsc-alueras extrnaemtory. for chrasgn niing it in posnible to keep thoutgluts fur ccrisanrd to transport che frott onreplace to anothier Perhaps iri due to tme lacier thatr werahStrs ach imneuae tee ceiti tat sire uexteofaasnnng iteih lacrg., What tt Reading? Atstheu iesacetitt oiritineiayodsemo rcaeaucgadsn papar tan- gocigaovolvenveiohts TM1hcr -oovttoatgoph icsvmlostbat rPito mpaeen a languga lute tbidvalaue due to the.Usag~e in rin aido tha thely hnga udcgo it t s-to. In diort, eclad thus sodinag I, a winofpicallyeepod omn, alunhocaiassitsoin- gccorsbheit fautifhei o nt ospeukcsell alanguiagetratuan faraity ipod cis teuu 'fhrycimptlyeceanslate whatthey cnnaic firuntha structure of their ontie launage IoIretonmakewhttIlaveosaideteartlolbsbelw art' ad prinipies thatnuserao iate dosprole- flat Is Langua ge? Laniguage is freqenstlnconsfednwihn-sisioicv-adinot gectaranda evnwitlrbieaur All oftheoq as nuab- have notbing to do wcith laI- guage pernse bea-uunlanheaee ant,,asSpr1931)ldodrlroonirI prel nd dcirnby roaef a:vstarofoolntI opupadadysun. Thac re itho fae i ,tucc aud'err and thay ire prduad by the cu-utdtoegut ofnpcriaht "tlisenscnststbsuj-,sofcsdon done by tisgcie to Witat tr Writing? Writhup is oiei confined sunt the lust giue aefi, but bods belong to ro -yitenasrlsselp dLfeesfronieachoher A writtenwoda ncsrthan te partialrepeoatn oflthropokenaricatdwrd Wrioig 'ateial teraprartaIpiuarlq agcnof aoIrt rflanhat h ucargnugcie irs rdala-nd thbtat latscpetee fora-olecple, the live presce ofa pteroreth hisuorher pccturmudoubrodlv the latter will be a pour represenitatino c hat personi Therefore, echer teachinig alanguage, wve shouldnrncatcribueeto tewrtnsyem - uuaatdnnIt"it theuaChruraateristiru andaaulahtn ofrde language atIf wg ofmiwebr ,dutf'il v itel'itingin1afaasceoey nfulwahoap ld o eu hotneato rruased totansport te fromnonetplace toasiodttrperapsctte rlduo so stue ltter that ove attribute no much importance to ceitrng to the ..oeof confoirigieceihlnbago. What Is Reading? At the samettie that writing stave altioc waned on paper Ian- g aecor idi Tu hs e--d ahIa httm i oam nlaaguagetlonst hiroulorduaobacbangn ~ err n cituthut the languageondo racoieoltttiuctronlorencay thatoudiog isa ayfpsilly eprodcing langagfrom itscnr-  Cneuecs p ral S ec I an Si-ara 251 df~is h M - -lcri ptstM' 5 Cnuumd fli...Luc y-Sa *h -aoc 5 ra mplaoto .. Itnoatn, thet Hetos tord--peovi dod t a that the Ian- gacisakntownoecause nobodlyraa- ra atnanascrpasislot aoow- ingieat rhe Iggthih she en wipr is trying pa-aprceat Tas it mdisiacol sootlods of redacatian tot give tmact-c n toean ingeandroadiagfallof their oaws srd- Interference betweesn TWe Diffecent Languages Vaoftn'or ignore telac that incoreto lean..adanguage it isn sarr so ado pt special utathods. We evetsgljnk thatrthesaetaos ratelamtoesd anda tat evl languga,atoeffsciotstin tto poocras of learssng a stowt tottg ag. Atad is ns wtit those erosesos* woihoul fioat prooiditng the illitl~ae peoa sith WCt al-l eestcfha, latagtagetatswetosant heetoe tso leasn. Fsompathis mtithovy oftreacaing, Q pctuaaiaa c..l l. Pa, ,d sodsrilittotaea- sirorca-qteqaarstcs atle cnoiusaIedtofrencehrt a-aootho 000*0 angage sped Spoatnish. tofaltttatcetisstatent hra-arcstme acaual raatepltatstne oar- slves hate eaed- A nams- Ayest ptckern woho lea-aed Sp-oil shroough else Ascot sacs-hod of tasstchitg, speaking Spanih, soya payte Ilegolsao Ia lsaslu>'Rie is aet-saieg. "Esda-ytasdablai, ot"Est Ilosienalo> 'R-se is falling.' or 'It is taming) Batit Aymeara its apassaibta to say: 'jallosa path. at "J'allx pua lska" Rain i5 lavinsg., tltmcttosaistdi ito Spanisa Iltis asacodiag ts the Ay-seato ealare, is-otsideed asspecial niiithta m acssnsp so complete iccpctttto, the wtises sw-d-p-ovided tzor that rho lam> gnage is known b.. hnoodylcantstad saotetisipiswithouthkow- inag fas-t the lantguage whlich the maaesaspr1 itying so rep.t..ot That else tradition mthods efodcaios Ilsat gistmo eanaoranertoseti. ingarad readinsgfallssftheiro ocord. taserference between Two Different Leanges Vety ofite oigoe,,thetctethat inssrdrrto lcarssa secandtdanguage it ssnco-sry to adopt speedal osesiod, We ores hitnk that rho mthlods le o os tr-aad and a nesar oas-tagagaoehnLFfssicasn thern ptrssftcoeing anees-lanpngAnadiitsrilsthoar etiotarhath1etvoefotlisaeasoialedortdirclysa1Spaish ocithont frcs poviitg sel Itsasa s0ronl witl tlsa at-alalcttm of site langatethat aest- hernor hm otesant. Ftonsthianssakrs cott sstt-cbag~praca-icral atrlltra cat- ohgs, .. a sthet- at- lts.r rinr-aro tooals ohsioas napes live yon WC !is - oilastr/ srtff-atbeoweenliin, feneosce lanpoa e i-aSdha ss. Tilttttlitenetsane artesotecactalenample-atawcos- co etu htave collected. A nv e Aycl-aoaspo-aotwholoaned Spanislhroamgthedoec mthlod os'ocateeshiog, sprakiag S panish lava: ttllaioavndo Iat1ne-' or h: Ivietado" 'Rain i fling' or' ti ann. on ass Aymeaa ntes aonshlea sap: "Jallow psatt se "Talks pitt-iskie; 'Rinis ' sarsti -oisarrtong' Ofesasace. thlssAyar-a puarthoghrtinfouls evin language and then trosilatd atasto SposlhIea t. Cas corditng to the Aystar c-altre .'sctsdotcd aaspecal gsfstcaeos foanaup above oeotlotetcaenoeaeion-thossritowot-poiddfrsshatrh lass- gnsge Is knsowsn, becauase nssatody can resale oa sasot ewithouat ay o- up, fstst the lasagage .'Inchs the tnsaaatcipittyeg Irote ptese . IThen rhotraditiontal nacthlso ofiadrationa chtr give teaom ittpattane to wais ietgstdtoeacihgfall oftaitowrssacod. tstt'fremssce between Irao Different Languages Vryoaften wegitothfsan rtancs ta ,tto lrsat ecndlanpo-agrit measur to aopt s emecthods. Weeven think thatthesmthod tlearn to t.oad end wetse oat own lanpgag ace also elict it th etoessoflca t orts llangoage, And iti aviththetr'noa torath-athto-raofforts havae beena-at-id otdirelpian pasih Paei eaet poeid gehe illiterate porsant'Is the oral olemsnts o ar langauageothat statwis her orima clea-s s-arso thssait kesor a fc-aristg peacticd oat ilotta-soc stn- ssIt gaalAymaaaspeakera-cdorod faorileane, v-hchht'aslvega- reoacocsequcnces-asthoofasosn ierfrecnoshmawrelsthenaioe las gagesial lip-atih- To illas-tt-tolis adtattehere aresa'speetga-at mpah~w tint-e havaesmtteod A taste Aymsaraaspe;aker waalamod pash thtoagh th diot- nsothed of noaseaclstag speaking Sparish sats: 'Idn lRegand, l I-a aian 'Rain it artiving' martng "Eota .avendollo a mu or "Es-ti toaiisdo 'tiin it falh'sng arItia ting' Bustin Asatais poteihle totsay: "llloo paitki;" or 'Jalan pceisiss. 'Rliaitariing( poarski - ast-ravaog' Ofets,, this Ayara speaker thonght inhtruhi,-ewnotgsgcand then trastlated is ices paunch Tb-at is, a-it soodisag to the Aymsara wattntriseoaidcdsspriaif thtcomes frostsp aboe.  252 ~ enta z Usf u .vlM'~~t 2m Ccu CIsoM*ISAMqI -nnn 2k2 dwmUc o:~~lMd sc Likewise, they say: "cacotepafor'casatba"gosh' Zw ir" for va ar i"'goiseg to go' tetrfor"doctor" 'doctor' "mtlsiea" for "srai gae"' hose' These mistakes aee nade because afthe inerference ofetAynmtaal gaaetinashltbecase the Spanish saaads . J dotnotteassein Ay~rm- (aeessy neh and 12) . Thaesae-mtaaenieexpreaaiand ,,ht mlztotee ul so rofttrkesaon the parsof Spaahspeakorsatdamaeitahtiagcotaplaiath iitrato puta dicineg cssors~sslsy a dartia bau platn intrhe asoaty I,, additiot.it dividttalsswho srptsitilaesigorcadSpia wahetey do'saly succed,doanot undcrstandwht tey rad or theyread witfore com- preltensiontand almostalwsays meetedifficaltiesshettnheylmtst write. lacraclading ltlmainitainthattle best wayafsatlvitngthe problenmsof literacy is thrnough asn acdat mth d-the ntrlod of" bilirnal edi- toa i sng thelhtres salanguae frnphourseducatienanda aftetwards teacbing Spanish It it atls scstsy i dsy is detail the psastriplc ofli'tgal odasatss' Lihkewise thssy toy: "amspafasr "anmba" gash' cas" for"stif''gaiagtrptu' tartar fote "ams e"datesr se toa;a ft a '.g >s atgcamssr These mitakes arc made lecascsfthOIatcefirreic oftht, flysear grageil Sp s tm h pnihsad xgd Ayas (seetssayst11and1$l.*ltcaovntealtioedxpessiotsad otherssimnilatrothtese aretsallyasuce ofatmockaeyaondue parttof Spanishaapeatkersand rause nhiting contelexes in ste aiionta VI aliciag 1nr ,aal ay educatiotial platn he cointy In addition n aieidaasasho pmettiat wsa aetay aorad Spanish. tahen theora finally sarraed, daantadranasswhat theysad. "r thoysrad swithou~tr'ss- ptrhetots ansd alsttalJuasttrtxdffsralirsswethtlc tstwltait. J conducing Itssainistht tler osway'of sotvintte prolc ssof lheeracy is throu gha at adeqate natt-he method of hihiagal edt- catist.r ising che illiteate'sateivtlaniguage for primary educationianid afterwatils reachisg Ittattia. Is is siowa tecesary to scialy ill detal slat paiplta ofhirgaaltil eduoration Likewise , sy caatapa" for "cranlla''gosh' tet r fat "a a i2" 'going to go' ecion " far "adactr 'd cc or' "moaar" for "ttngaeorthose' Thra mina,, sae nde heca of the intteec of to Ayara lan- gatagainfp..is.. rIaartheSpanish aoatsanddg do a sr in Ayssasa ("I wsays 1t andt12) The ih acs otd uapras..io nsatd othees simssslar to these are nsaigy a swsa ft af ~it son the pace of Spasishtspeakers ated ralse itehibiting rtstptcsc in the ilhatea, prism- dicig tateiossly msy eduaotio nal plasti ist costlry In additioit. II- distidialswhot persistialeattwtg ttreadalpalil, wetey do finaliy aau' Ced, do art undersand wvhat dty retdite lred wAvid aar ci- pnshtnsoanaa muist alayseet dffiails eethey mitiareite In Lconrldig l ,aini that she heat asy ioliic thepablons if tsttry is thrsugh ,ttdyaarmathd-thastbal of bilingal Nda- ratsaig theiltt-t' oar1, s'laguagefor psimary cdsearandes oo afteetsardstnthtintg Spatis. Itisrise sscctsary-tstady inildeadthe principles of bilingual edreatin,  Implications of the Aynmara Studies for Applied Anthrmpological Linguistics Somte of die prnedttg stud.ies have described conditions tha ure totes sor ofa solution. The papers itn this section address tbeteeltt to thr practical applicatiotta of antroirpology and linguistim to the everyday conditinsof the A raa people T[It first tear papers-. like thebes paper oe preceding section. ee aerefee by Avymira spakefi belves andths add resst ileesseves to dec mat that the people eseosleieeh anssbrpolegical lnitics studies. They directye aeserc h sclesic of Mina.e Boils Copans arid Yapita have applied their knteolcdgr ted hive, stadnd rsells.ur of whlich are shawnrersIee. The ceendiekg tneppat fawr lre rioaland itrfatitce orire .Careed, lookeng fsr hseattidear trsnewhattotisbn se-ld be an idralset eflitstetforhoaeptiassn, efasethropeltogirlliegitdsthe polidued dsoca~letyo effltivia Crstr eec h fne ncrssthe paperhas contued serdiesi m Qaoohaa rathentdom Aytmtare, atlesgbhsisssnatsal seren tEibe paper foolncd on Aymiara tbe siatosarc dcdomeethutdoebaoe agreat deal incos- Thir lost paper in rtse volnmie treat snteat aorv msight he die role of thesmniysat edelpingfstitsiens. Tisois[,deed igl fr ahbo pehlinhe in trenih absts Aymra set' infored",es largely rediated tbnresghspatensh. Wit,thseetiin reemeeperedetithishs pience andkiowledgeactoisanotncd sehithathlp would idd he help. lmplicatcons oftbe Aymnara Studios for Applied Anthropological Linguistics Somefhpccedingtudiesbavrdeoebdessddrsta negesoss sent of a solutor. I'ht papr. inn . bicsstion add...s*htbs totthe practical applicatiotns of a titeepoltgy aced Itiegnobo trhot eenyday e-auditiens of the Ayrina people. The fiel st w papers, like she lass paper of tbc petsoritn .eron, rt sett be Aptisra speakers themsesees arid thtus adden thoteseetes tor rho -iea that the people thieniseues see iii athropologica igiino enadio.1 thsy biey t anseon the chalesige of Muaidat Both Copara adrd karo ne aopurd thoae kneolsge and base obtaisi elsm of wich ace shortn ba'hrrfh eaneldt n li papers are of a alone tlseereticaladidealiuticneatueedaet o inug fromnthe ostsfdeut- haveewhat ohilwoeenldbe anedest eseofrea ,tilfatheopliaioi ofaw otopolog cl intsascs to the political aed.serial reasty efhBolina Catsitineheirstwroethe paper, Ihas centenuaesad, insQerea ,ntashs than Ayrsora, altheaugh the oniginal verson efdh, papa foscaed ee Ayeeam;thtetawatine am diffent bat dobaea geat cihatiean- c-The last paper its the ynhlne treats what cdealte tught be the role of ar ayexternalselpingitettates lbl~u ssldeodlcpiongfst abook piabbihd in English about Aymeara esr ei nfsrmaris, largely mnediated Ilisogh Spanish- Withs the dtetanlers ses uniterian -it' insight en- perrtsiansdhknswedgqarIaletr osned surhta opetips-ouldhindeed bie halp. LImpications of the Aymara Studies for Applied Anthropological Linguistics Soesos(rh pescdinge -tde hose descaibed condtios tiat urge soe sort faieoin.The pipein tis, sosjen addreassihemselve nu de p aoloatasetree of aehtlgy ansi lilseens to the everyday coedirloen ofcthe Aym -er psoyts. The first two papteer ime the at paper oft ho prosein0 secion sre n-nitten by Ayara seakcette ,-enaadthraddoevthbesses to sate value that the people thsemnsees set li aetrniltteicl hineueisti studiee. They directl h ser she challeage of Midata Both Copns antd Yapio hoerapphl their hitailedge and leave. obtained-uu rotsmt f-which a rsown here Tltrcoalndng two papers a-c.f thbotrctiotiedidaielnant aosines1 looking frote cault, eat i'e whleo to his rlud bsr an Ideal set ofreaesseis fun the apploraden of astrupologcal finncicert rho pubolial and iscia really eflui. Custredieince befirnts'oethcpapar hascontnued stadieain Qnechtu rather shars Asaa, -athough the origina netts i (fthe paper fotted ontAymsara; the situtations are dffepo bas do ebagreat deol intont- The tans paper in ins ertlus nae wshitdelly eeight bs the rek of theeeoayexcetotahelpietgitstttensnt This iooideed fatng forsbook pubhlshed in English abut Ayeeara oat infonrmationtsley seodiatdd througs Spanish. WVah the ttstdrrs sitn iespered swids mnsgt c- petiersceandherosn-ega roletiseutrtnd suchbthatbhelpvold nucleed he Isrp   19, Linguistics anad hduatiaon in Rural Schools ant ug the Aymara l'cdea Caola Viopita Paitileo I wiehtoirocrotgloe ochioftrh Atta . gatg ea eate to wa loo pea's in Andea rota ltrn like Peri coad Ba- h .in It titeoc cootiieo, and also ha cudo th niaj ority theplr lhatian arc itadigenoospeople . litil c ase 01 Bohla c, Ay aeoc aboonra third of the PLbea Altla sgha heoek ahoont A: beyr sessria,5te Ja~oi pio La- Berira Ptet oa nd pobolosei a ls t IytlN5 oa'g bsSpiaa lpha- lot thisoatpbl ahseot banomad.osaila k..hintyaborm Cndan aioitatet, na idoptog the Sposoale olphaesot trooclaad torso pot its oftte Bible. TIee reirlootaswe tsa for ono "hto arospoi fim met aage of the gospel. Thoerereere to pobha sitoale alas Ciaaalamotaraoai aitairtrilthe tarot prasaaeltreoalaooloaInaeertpnve coa'ontaIta alarageeotfloaajataoohe botilers of Lake Trtkakansound t yea 194 t .lyottas'oasssbooshshoolao,ao wsaartdswath a . bsionrtthorts oertt soBahhl- roigsaidhotaoo1,sao Ay tenl viroooo ie hotr dss inrs ens Spaih, wbit as tho IBoffacial oanpoaspe ,sl in10 e50h coos ig1prbe sa asto y oaaats to panIanuc the hpanae ooede nol, r ta'0aols hat theoortasitsaodlstll cetaemnbreryabwell oh leao h otse ooethaoeo Lilagisis liarpupuls hots a o, peeriL no at oar aea Isd:0 :tsn go tho aoetohaplo AXssosntaI.... nrdato Ncooshot 0500 ysauaioisatoilh I'oghhiaL R s [o dneaoiailiooa-ontlhshlsrope onoaoe--Ai ortoheoiosodsiooota hufe.oo pahIlti71h .,dmi'oeo t olchrofaatoo-nlP t aoorit lind [0,3 pisin ta oon dalan opoooosooiv w IvoooaniaaayonAod elsay'o prapbe Ataao op at an 19. Litagoutcs and Education in Ru ral Sotoloniong tie Aymaara Pedro Copans. Vnpoio oI~rnr lytouaishto ca-itaoro salletfieoteaohiaoftlevenea lao- iso-ahea -id eooeoatappoeoiardneuaeeolioe [oeoi aeillo lva ter o atrand also beI ieNoador, the. ettjts of the popin lauon ate i'dieoe people on the maet of Bols-ia, te Aymoara, are alca trd i oftte popoulatiot. Althof nabook abont Aynneoeiossnit byoohe~eowil preai L Enelnmonad tobhliatInnl tin16atlusing the tihilpha hat, this aphabaa not her t'ide idelo iono yet Latsr Caoada eegeeofthr gosepl Jhrrereo1 pobli sahoole 1 alas tlr earriaedthe farst pri-o fr eeoalo -t i nsthe regiotn at Hitataas on oho harders of ILike I otobol o rihe tlnr 1940. Inaheseanitsaonarxschooleshet chooldostatediathip ptaoitaieslationeo -Bahhalesteotpa jl henaatoingingnAm araraThlasttob Tegsaohorsoweresatamed Snn panash hach isI ntoha Inng foi alo fllon lne TnhserloIehaa e ,M bgetprbe ltr bali oleoroenasssaeol ala h.woigge,' pobe for tlars'a bcoads mere, anad lotal remeaotrersrlleiear I osare, bts polasil A I cpo Laooti 5a ol aoaae rE, A talts ntzonoiooal peeA maaiionoah e Irlaotapoftaom .oeheobepsoa m toilh l A si tau odore in Yi atI S onoaiadth E, Ait- 000 Loogoa I d tanno rililahooa Flora. I93s Crbaietl o wnian Ah inopemeado ofbo misa pobbob d ba Vosto m ilun atmoatrno at , ,aan aaranoc n~tn 0 toortotall opa notoa neoepn 19. 1 inguiseiro and Eduaont at, Rural ScitonIs among Oli Ayniara Pero Cepoea Apgen Proitnel Ishl to waite eoneatiop the oeacttg of hea Apeonr Inn- geoiiselateiltn whatiaappeas in Aodea'tootensibPraatildao- ooottoofind of alan 1-oleiee AbhooghabiooksahoorA ato bnmtr htjre oth In coeetnion.sidlohiseoiloolItalyeo1603leogtr hpioualphi- bet es alphabet Ihas not beetino made m adeto kao es CLaca Canadian ansnio lo adapting the aal alabet, translated tonic pa tiatsiirlofabaBibleThs resltags woero too olto wh'lo aeedi the mtaco agn t go heopdl Thea wm ro publasslal 'li Coaadua otsoo noe -e ant po aba See hoiat I:s isnol tat I se atter corotooutas to alan ogoe of Hwta'i no r I orolse IIab Taaaaroeooilhsoar t960. Iot[hisoass-oiteieoa oolsab soh dolys'onart dlwmob ap- prooinaatelytiatoaonots ofldbbrlril c egnedseeoeso ag ir Ay oa. Thie rtainingeclashots seecoold ooSahposlvamba ro ThenchsIn ogae oBolal. WhenI wh a rlen th heseTheolin biggert probleot for ion aarrcnahaop p iaaostas Spaotaltodeoeel l rnememberheasit t' entooeooad leoll e Peiohseotryosllh tat tnusedobe pantahed C papPid L. otegost 1 1 I la slsa'ttsua Ito or 000r nsda oi n~ Nasna i Yapo, ois toa l- ape 0 As111 11taoo so Oaosooaooi nalahoI...a1onoatahyot a oIJEet,.Laienoort an idossot RaealIrd m 0)3 Cpaow heAynasioh stoplodceo noo e PIP,,os corato ni 'h raoraota at osn or oopa foonolo bot p aohool tin na lob  25 hA}m and AhedM flrmpapoII SiRdm2 Ay.. ad Appkd Anhuqlo.kiLtkpgos 25 Apma, nd AHSpli d Luhp -agIsd Fail fscii aa~ytp nhnIw~ri . a at al, ihouts pedshosnsu a ronaosis seitlsooasevesrodaoissbhaf, sssdssseahlplSbaeseosph eon sle asscaeoan bae .... 2did aolk-wl hoass ssashsesaeass. Onlstotaresss billoso eres L locatod a z addolrc sc1sals. Oe sect as he sates ae.e and, orl pp iaasfnsi lors, woobiangfrms Mory detlraglhallrdscsandafsoa Sunday as well. *fhe lords forbade ehe lstrs so asd slah lil - hdnta, o-boo'-AllIbis hap- asnlsor AF isan elsldtoi spiti oF, 5ha that duie, pareass ataed thessata gosaosehaool ssdsa lamso tosreadamsd wriseias Afrasbainlsad 1 ain iasseaoallidesadhcdeesofasscssssig upotii byolsd taless Taea.Faran easae esigso bn pt~rams i. n aspabystsasth--edl bssss,1tsessaohltsedoas vasious ASssressssassothla Isas esaeseds alotosCle ere lass~~~~~e ofaastealsrc a ired by ilbc goosrsooea sonar wre ssjolved aslss hsss mssser Losssd'bsath sroolts.eebeoehpauslaspeahserssebaaeb hpsaiebaip hb 5oob sloe Iloewls, l Ic. and ass r saisbisswsedsadssoraosrssslssso -ThoAsssab ossr apasropac hiessala s lake als sod hen hsesas-ebsves tr coliged to do so. Essexamsple slss nher say ddo sad He eld s-as nosaoesHro,hasos mdada Tlar ldecasasaisssafcgreat dealsressa lalaslotllrl sfguclskais [ hdlaaaasesbllisdon sarerpawss h words, sa.av slesoa-gt sddoll hiatse a nsa dosseearen ru ssaftal autheelIdssdo vsssuasss o gla ,chl assdsf~ ,sape chllsedrpou aarr aItrs g-d, a sosssd ta ree - dslbeasaelle" n~a forge obe 'vl sbaa ca thyst hel learsediacahea srslaoser hisesshswih Frmur rimsass tersha klolap pasosssss arl so ..ari Ons sop s fllo slese asi s as dga dog orsireepsesese, on elid a abso sb mm ilk snaspable at aspeskas S psssssb b o obr-raoa psassaarrdhSssswelsaerls Tbesa's sebaoeoroheba toar igias f lassie liagaaiooie psossis 'bacy ascdtretie bce-taceee lasgsasdodsseosgip],, atsl ie lassgasgesaaesiaare assrls ilotasa ssos (as, ala asspt Spasrish la insa ia d Atssa sle shiar Ide o ot ta a stsmAma .l iagttoris a bessaorssple s anysbcelasguage. baaasef 1raisahlilsap ¢sa resbsss aos erdv avosogsman sf1I5 oris Thesaessriossahappssdeoi yoh rcletssmaoesasa wel Thaset a wsoaedto "Sp n ilaioas by fac.s atanaaosoaalsi call all. edabaoaal ascllsrs ai oaao realizinsgataor aaa eaachest Sparnishs phsc sas oao~sagtc alasoracios bass ssaahisgsalb nabssse lbs osg Saaida said stie ass Srasy as as11t Tbctod-fil bide ebr seal oa cid their child, sas lartaaoAllthobs hap- paas-doib Asas childen insa pt oft F the thbo orou avdte ogotoschoal anadto lrnbow to awand wi-lterin S paslsh- Afare lalfoor It-d son152zdobedssa' iooafraccasirais sta N-iaso aaf11 Isirs ta b nn c trhedetl oil Affairsv leac, bcgeaasaeahacosding oahe paaagsoedaasisoap tby he gssereinahe scholaitablhbd i acos A sm osscomassoaseOur had oelaaaeSds1a-tsofobaiassown sasocofttcbseshools sseraasupported boliaaMiesseoss asc e sup ported hyslteeononassiaatheatiae... Zeeoatoda herar-0al seossbcslaoarsnhpsrioeteelseihe hpaoistlphremsiorbcliscsse l mao d ssoSellisaoroo weith sisalolsaasdssascaorsaah eace The Aeao elas poss ce Slass joseil taeeihe ese-eoohesitbatoaa -e "aged sed so For coasplc. sloe seahs as dads ad she child sy laossa asadd The chaldsen oaasissrf r eso flsryasg an teat osa lasguage lke Syaash beassebcay doss drscsndshe sossde teseaseara aesrigho stfrttsaltseeee.sae ute beobse seher. Becasefallhis tbes bldwdoanaotran o gso erbool asdsfr aesp Thecdaposirceean fass gsadrisaral90 paeit Aftesewad she abaldarro afe forget rise Iatse tin might bias Oursrap la all this sloe saehces Judgingb Passe asrxpersenwc es lalerhrheAysoacrchild=ra. .sac opblssssp-akoagbShsohhceoue as sc gnoasr of basc ts gasssc prinseiples. Thyry sasa diffresesia bosn-scongoaooasriddo'oaragwisaobsosI,,ooe gags avem was, faieesaoiplo Sposoish les fac aid Ayii-aonily isa pls-so h .ito smlelnug 1a e asoasplrsasayrootl angage. of see imahlis peossoeehenixo-sarlacsdsssesug a-a sf515 oa 17. lia re s hase happee he yesscI d n ,I ca ateassosis o esf slssasr is csalls atoll. wuaho ped-agogal oiesrais silso seo, aeslosg riser tar ts-taisscaclahSp-assh phrasessass d osss lssersraoo bereuse aodidros knowsssassha phraseomantso Oithe eor sathatssosas "tLaod Os ea had these seliools.Weessrsoss sosssssadM d .os11erasattel bs, Thac beds noond the ses aasd obier rhldece so school. ALL ai aip- prd is else Assese abldae is pite of she fart ahat sHeOon ¢dtinpaselebml ndt lanho oledad o Afseasthe laodrOasnsin lio ad tilosoaere sfcinaeopossisg ia pulicaebhoolsa aeseopased inaheeasoesdsaidaaebduatconaof l tssrsof i lAha uas Tsebeebeast om aecorigtoshe epoogssaisiedrseessp bsb glaacassss"oatM sheslslseOf-thhdirsi Ayossaeaaasa osesb b-ad apoe9 r schoolsalOaeioah ts aol nde-ch55basa a a saplesasel Hhshe lgoeansensomas ale . Vsa- aloash the stale ehos-ch a Spssah peshee ossea h Spassishts lpshe sss lso fi fe soas soasa sin esa fah eishislated inrlassaisiesossrsa he Asassraehddrea cassaot passosic Spssl ass s she ecac ca aseenaees iliac are ablga lads so uae aspeosost sue d~dIad dyclid i b gsooad lhhe bildenuaisassal ea great dratltrings a Firm asr useg tabs Spanirshs ,acas e l ona adrssse she psanes1 %aean e lproe eallos aout atsoga tdo stl alos trso lssog ho mpasaissas s es5pss elan t nop ste w abis slo e a l o r , o g s g s o o os e p r r e o sti eto Aee A h yasa ldr fmeisspsgl afsphasae Svay ight i-asarse shoe i aschl aaoosbaseesl assrlsae rs lls ti h aents hte sloe l-arb astel guagotes aos. Ias rasr pta. Sp pioh hia Hssisd Apet mna shr)-lTbi'sloearrassofrsaeheysas iooasisaple lasgage; las a asu wspleass see osher lsag-  Rural wheorls rsuus, rise Ave-tvssp ~.a 257 Rural tcohars, 550sfg tre Acasa-Bupco 257 mual School arroog ris Aysnuea-Cpyao 257 I lrhms rcrrsb o osulsatssstsesuees h fsrsatrrrrh1 teto'ssittiet c g uuseare T.ess ,-tsts pear peiobcncl t afdoelttes toochese op Ac-c rall theSe dfriute irgaN si oa uts levcI ad esuphi t hsdrh apprtito uttetdig aetur guiei ,sila ,iia, ge rbyflaedel~ioseaptir luNarit .I L egusseer Studies. tIodsw ee garsapp°urorcyils0crsdcets We studied Avu7re phossologo ansd sh Ay rs aphabee Meet of the ots- denoocweeueacheeu. sasralanad uarb trsis-cirvps-ofeucor. BouAy- roosa radio ansea acesnd sprkbr :killad wusriee sod Ocria'ars also a it err3 TIs cors 6r igiro r A os pshossologvvvasveriseresingso o acef l5roiecurs e Iseagely assdfuheet rtevsidefot eacliuoehe pespe insrursters lasegoat Riots thek- leIdge aierd thrut pt h esse sbae ts prepare sotsleforethe fitetrdeoupised ofolodialaogse wciuoirth the Avumaro phoeusee alphabet Fur corpte. lasr, is asreebeesroes swe stud eras. Mastirs- aroas Marien Pacela bache esseso P~sblo, a doedacasei olt eresaeeu going? Park K',Fa poepsro A se~sslu psssps To chec flat ovuer there Morris lfsoa aA, cudO What foe? Pausl: Wtoatk Lsuak optiriwa se-ac. A 1-sor parateoo eosaiso.vto Ibrs'srspfelsor iesrise pip,, and yoo' Marris: Navxax utk sattosoc Voy ali cos desii do. t'u smssi rosaef house. Pauol'. pon Krsusco irst aA apr5 ussa: What. Foe? Inve ftee tlectossraer oftssrscdrrecclenslcemsTeeour1 slsse colstar o1 so i prolees that sa I l ocT adslehrepbemitrp inylp ce s o ssaadsOatwos To ur sethe s peol to eaeoyaesrrl htrouhoo aanche eseltetglelaetooeh aAfte or creie~ ll these diffsasc is tte school cet hod taoiobt Iha il ls oreoir sfsre a ougti opoir in jara Pro, Booci. pica hojos da t~os Vuta ina teNaliral tehstliror fees kiegrioti ted. , I tre ,,se , e gsp pioaate 1001 otodess. We orsadisd Ayosss-o rloeop sod teAvotsasalphabet Muse of 5555 ors- deanscsreaoshec oaitsdes. oa siesr>paeseoto~t rsr udie ssmotsstets aad speakers, skilled ookou ad aeicos alse sc ieded. Tlscoucee sf iooosomAl mrana poroathoeo seyiat, far riup pn dFrceuved tobenecesaevienodeero leeh barhdufoualring are foset iaree rvlasrosao ie fu . h sa-sle d o scoeltirg the people lesu onses taresog With rho kesliosqicd i d elsesuph ebbl coc eh ryss.peteis Phbl Foe rs apie, lte is-tceas beooceeoeesu coenur. Mustlo seded Pout. Marine o:i Passlas. kaekaa Pablo, a Bod eresos Pout, echo 0-ou ostg Paul: plI poapora kAaquua pampa c rhoer sa sL rho ro MIAtits: Whateu Pact: aokutakpacatay.Jsui. At[ae psto Para lotcoaeos, istoui Toasautdda orrh tsesus ipes ue d stoor Marche No.s OyMOOlib aclea- Vosaeatadoeterts- 1'n goseg to or son' se heor Posit Ku frraoak sr..soI. fA quoa oaat' W5hoeI eae coeooerte fc, i esr buusou kssroooeceoo- ftoedeebsurs fthe pchleuthBs ltesfiasorasodsaeao t cct ~ ciot to the edt cioarotpebtes rheo1uuphcatin io the A 0.erctuerisr, all thee lcut o roun she echoes weree 1 haod taohu 1had thespotanui t otrerilge- Lecinepiseico inaiokoL Psi Bdoavia, giv- s u is die aprs male ec, outiesrt uotroe For Lieaic Ossdies . I seas 000 oretro appcssirroci tadenass rb s~aiedA0-rraaplaougc asdnc sh Asac spoet 'Most ofstr stre sore0cse caad uror osoivsiy profseorBitoAy- ssoeocdisouresssscaee uhkbtteslldeeeikecs.: afolh arrtdod Thiscoo ste hegrese Ate Ayra tohce y as euossrtsgse aed peovcdto be reoeu oedertolearnsherertadcrsrroaheng aeyfoepo tove tsogusge,sied forhleoauosode foermoahegeise peith rth oowe nug nI ooIf rte [deectqgaderei rheothie coss aoroeprepare . co th radeootapivdfrdarsbeaaac-yete~ewith th A .-saaptsresrsophac fasrser saspis he decos b etween ino ,orderer Moertonoedtasot Mtartn loutsn ksvkskssatuts- Pablo acrdoe eco aleit- P~ad.tswenare Yo -i Puk KsPanspwas, To rise flat retee Metto Kstur tA pe Padl: Work arab aprtrreey jucoaic A Psscesoto a lossuea "p u To besrng foddee for cte guinoea pigs, aced oec Moetue Neaaoo50ao ot..aaoa beo a a do t t Pool: Ktorueoak sacsts What fo,,  a £-'i . _ 0l _ " IZ' 4 - s -L j- 40, 5,- -' 33 '-, _ a E 3 A 3 s __ 4-'- y _e a ~ ~ -- a y 5 3 3 ~ ~ ~ 4 -I9 ¢3 4 '^ ' _ > E 4 Oh3H0 44  An choamn the .Ar-Capn 5 Raa IS~o iamog dm Amra-wri 25 m Lh I mushe -mn th -yaa-ow vsrting irrttrerroolrgo welsoro olen been tidribydthe speakersof Spanirshrowlenswe don'trps-oorrmeespan walltrardowith thisrtcinwsrer cilt hosssstec fo riot knrawing Spesisl 'well. Late ......tost arII dao aqot tsgisc ore trough theiro larouger o thrnirsrnicdmrl values and, trgh theatiorallfan fril"s tO teu Wlrat ore ir dr rrria or Loarry rit tb iu otir: odics toacrtotare tredscienitifc ksotldgerotatwvecar betters tp,, wlrteerw on~ a hocoo offered csrordsgr so (11oot cluail r,sooly oos prollcsrsw 1Ittlmoss psnpaadrcrdcornrih oriihiowaryto thoecoaoi growtrhisfors-coulntd, Supplement: Consirutso of Seolol in Qunspi Bifls srohoolwassIniatin Qietei oneadringrort leenralrtMs nBpstschool hur~t in 1945 on Lord ht argig to thre haciendi of Chu, 01n the border of the secrion orf Qsspi onllci l [Ia iah. The first yeor t was onrrf aboert5 sodcoos fromriQiinrpih ad- teudedb,Aall Yrorssrrossffaraf-ifchat one had tooarrostrwo prior or rho sehooI ins Porjao The t-toor schosol w- s i kilometers away. I liad so woth three lI ur(toonlld .sI twsolshrrs) to get then,: tsport fi-ors-terc. and ok h~v[lots t nerraItwasthe onlpyr feriros piwh oyed thtese; the otlters dropped oor-in ad~t ,, trrr horror] '' I lbsiio irf los~iod Soughto oose in La Pot. Thre left becaosorthc unrtssinldlord' treaed them hadiralike oboe -Tlrirskit lanr co ilo>, go to schiol Mal Vipit (Sre csro 20) wras tire onry, one frorm Qorrpi rm cuosplot 12 yarr of prortor' andl seecondaryrrlioolirrg-Tttrlarr liooinrrfrhi ,,asrspernt inrotrmerrrl ctrrt aiIhfinirhodiasnCPA Io],,O rrt hts 19590 o rh' coa of tre osols~os a reptist school wras broilt ira rnooloooarro tlowa thekParsrsfarrils arveland for the otrot sosraS p al Will a roof, Itfadrlthat oheroachrers dtd eQrpbxnro-at oou cololmaladpma SI- ordthat Qns 'ticit thtAatso e ig nn u d i hs. Mscolos-io hori p l ad ho Stoisa sdwriltrids from rocs section. Wc diocusseril sote foritherrIhool, ho rh ild it cosrtoctoplanio. wdieg inrrbeir ownr lorognoge. We aoooftenr berriiLeadhbyrthe spo ioro, ofsprn-ht'awhenaswe ost p ....stsorchttotisltewell, andsi rrh this esdioiss n we soffer still. lrrirr lr l r rot krrowingr P~to-1, wnoo itr greeoioo will hrave s-tol hsgoistc access, throughr than owon losegorge, to treir on-cultraolooaluesitanroogla thae nnarisn- gssoge, tO the irreori. Whatrwe wishltordooasisraaais-ow ottlrgtsdeeoasstos-re otorseoentificknowledlerarbosrsooteurerirper swhircm.cs-se hos acos or ititr i affor naccordling mm voiloeo alsanoprboss osevluss-irompml ,htsnae tserpet ra-ot rabl tirsgirtrlii-yciso soe aiooooi egrowth ofons my Sutsplcusrut Constructinon of Seouals t Qumspi Beorea schoal woaobuiltrirQumopi one hadlto gorato Casoircuix- sir BEpto, Et-host foilts an 94 ont land belonging- so rho horirda of Cho n tr ho hoslder ofthc section of Qumsra]r catal f .asco I hefist yor tams one ofoabout Ia olssrn Ps-so Qorosi Wo A- ros ud.h Only foor years were offered, amrthatosso hoid to attendton mmyeas tescoli mjr TlheuHatj aosrhol caolthslt Wayos-oo had tto wa-lkho.oo hours alsld rn irnroo boos-cartsE othltc', tryo tire homoortss-o, anrdrookbtrhoaoosooscror- Itossthe only onehotnrQorog, who rrisoilthemah ter drSopped outin artmonth al- haearinr ieosar Qrssposilhsr hotoscor Litris...cleft brrainrohc nrs5isl e oteli sirs-seetd ~o boily ik stors. Thseirchl- drei earstnro so school. Mr Yaprral(wcccrap21)nvoorrhi.olyonc frost Qumpitoroniplee l2ioo sposro dssiocoiltryscoolng Phe lastfour yers ad wrroprrrsooonatalsloool. rsidherfrnished asaCPA. t also coons ono-witlst ugadb eahrtro n90 ~i oehoaparlecasreaiearhro ws al i onotheroercarn Tas, Thatsoo foasrutsgavclrrdlfotheoochool t wsoa prissri osaed ....allwt tc a Itfousdira wclsoreaohesadid not wat itorcometo Qnibease thteichools thallhrnd Ironoie. 'SotIsageosirithat Qumipneedid onewsool TheofrstoscsrpL:occoorlhhc SecrroioCowoot ,IIoIIleaod Ioei,oa hssil a. 'oa'rosds-Plmos- oor aii-ios Wehdisrc d atefos-therochool hso'atolssild ,o-esstirt plons, rising in trhci n riertosgrsge We troo rrfrr hoots crttol ho the sprikor, Solian.h whenowe don tnpronort-ohpSealhrwelanrd wilth this orirarons rami rofo ol, hrtihiare for non honoring Spanishr mol- Lireno-rr oswill hosec equal hoitiode aces tissrogh their own lrngcrorthcorraeroltalale anil hs-osglshe ooo ni Whi sa sash to do todsy is ts o ro tisgniotiroiito aanic rosc ocrh knosold ges thar s- orb.ns irterpret rl h ae alrI t u % le gootteep of ams ilr-ncordirgpetoeoador gohslyos'tro tenoc-rhrhr-Ohrooprtrni canroib Sttploutore Cnosnolsossofsolos in Qumopi Bdeforera school was brit in Qonm, soc hod to go to die Carailia Ms sonr Baptist otilaol bolt in t Sio rass lassd delugingo to tire loracscsd of Chia, on the hoodn- of rho aronon of Qorpi carked atcdi The ioroo retwa ornssof Short Istdrr are Qumspsowboor r eniol-fOrtfao- ry- soscead afterotatron haditooottendtcno 00o00- ohecschool inuis rjoae The Htajotn school was Hi kilonreo voa I hail Io os-lk chre hooo (lcootd conain two hooo)lto iesohcpoc e ot tee rdilook threehoorro oerorn IosaEE onrtostsostt Qumiroho vcoed thtere se es droppaed rororIosri orto Srrrs-olforrsiles lethatrpiandbcainagltrlrieo Laha CsThc3-noIr borto the Ioras tloi tedoo soor halsike slarc. 2k~d cl- hit- -aoYrpr tore ess 21oar shde orby so frome Qoro mmi n 12 rears of prrnro"cs-ard I...,lroIA hoto ihelrfo--asrti wnrsntairhIsLs-oltgsdh.Icaotdrreainr In1I00, or doe toe of tiele t Baspist school was buirI osorheetrn Tao-aTIrPasons Canoloaelndlfor hoochoaallr o-roprimrtitrred sut, sinob m fourndrthatohrrortio didoon o ioooarQutopil crroo rhcritt orosssllrd prittae holoogrothiloet Qcoopineeded ooewohi}hrols l hefihatneroigowereoo-irlirhethe s-r,,[irch enerl. r ltrile hossas n i Me 1,o toroSr tEfd lE oooiss smu W edisrrssed irtcros rcoo bhoot so oril , c-sraratio plies  26- e A1 a, lAn Ate whW, FJIWW.e~ :,nuew Ayin..nd.l'dWAdul r SL. . -vb ' A1s.moat Aple Ah mthrowiclLa.m ssluiiipoeaeietmnelefknee as itnd p,'rgeIf.... plsiig.+hrr plansfrethe denu ni the school eser submHitted. One ws ftrin a m gmcldcleagaeerironi Loac. ahbildinitnoeto, aotter wos from a seliorarher like mhoe the third weas ity plit., My plan ws the otieaccepted. I sugeested that different parts ofth abraoadlbeerrtsaraedhbytddaecti oiirutantes ofUnop. Thte shni conrad Iare to romi, Flree ould be cotatected by rise seewtet of bdtanpiiliee Be Qapi l isa.[ate by Tayd and Qa ,aya toperlr and there by Qaana and Lanarachu argeilier Two of tlte rms wo od hr used as fice ciarbinedsoith a tlgrpheduce ad s10roosmterrt resrteruldhccasenaen Aeaseebyatndedboheasobtuasrhds oftrosette usere w uhld tie ay 196 tora ditesit the pan.s. Tos if thtrtiehesest etr.hl A il tteetintgs ttcds errits(entie aAiedr sedaiuet riairk or rn eapl ania r [rtie Qttp ralt sup. sorer toe bgisefaadsl Mo~erttd Aleoiracoeblay ntrseetaores weatoi vt beersd byslawueli 4large aerrbleesscalledost orthe budget Ece ,at atbepaidbeanoeat adinteithecaoe Stetesih -1 aprs isah nesatstsbnt het se dtdeterasrearreprtsmussed rh Oetei-at ba. th.. r-e Ile eis rd~d it Ie o ente [teem us threarri ofthe B~ardds as eewasoednnhegbioaghahoheshnul as thr6iiesho wsteid 1 sed, eept fo reeadsard onphilen ad and i mod tec ar inorc [hWa t thitn so coeoapto Xy e1c tie be his Quoesean d Qapitapa so r.ere gisvfnidrdbsoopatancsnbesana s soi s ,, -seteraad by lrarehnld Aloa cere t settedert r ~ttugtbry thingn neatm .Fc.ofFr ptt downuo cinoiwwstg. OIn Srngrdpnooa n bsor Fteras tobepi Ibart h hen id s raaet the tlnihototllptitidi nnair ann ,scshoo Thnnth ie a dinterwantto apna etallfoma tie Fracsa latlors Thi deta) ad the etler of thr, parts of rho drlool. Os>2 Milyst in,,, ihccsatage u nbrcant cray Thre wa' obosd~abfra ficfeeoasen oe geonrd-hl 19haoutsooc a finishred. eep the er ie hoehdldrenoand rtoh aror-nnri1 lii bsilding the schornl th e uitarrpaled tire hlbr the otiet fTreer peicldsoiidrdo ers rt floorboards and cine ftex The Athancc.fseartis m ~ atodosocds set sults ,b Unita I9] fi te Peaderecty fothk eepartentethrodrtiteas Nocw the icroliss- daiesheteddateeetby yhthe petiet of Edooatin The ien-tontpsthe teachersoandssignsrhnae Chdnaahpeoa icin, aolg ofeaciishnoteerra 25,d0goes f negrad .boo.aad 2 51 borsrchnni ornuitran.ec Fahsechdtferc t dtoleprioas beer seschool Eac scte rr thiscr hto oderd eoureo rksos -h s aal aeoldea -bdecerepaiand et Children lone thsdais mdiandinrr .ec. 1 ieaoterwnsvees likeaj anitueeaescae ofth i erl addhreacstaaieis-.eee llreartcsirrboss atad ita l at seon and nigh In the rorttie Ia ute the rm ro aiad g... h ttctspend lae day iibbisatslaw boethe hternraso.. tehatIetptar attasktam La P-e an progreaia plarin Three pt s sberthedcsmnnaofb shnl aeresbonoedt Oieeasfot 0. graphecat cgte- fros LP'a ibrincoinaetoeroinasltout Cimi ptassrhibyQrpayprhoh lss avoisaeda diereni,,~h~, ohosdeer1teeiehhdidee-teannenttsr T anipIn Thvnisrrtd b seld as oeld nasne thenoutdb ff ersrurdhaihnsernatbi ressoald be rlaic nesA Noc o oa d a d leosbeoeedol fthecnnirrtwat hcld en Mrs 96 l s ito rcs ads plane iwo or AtsoiaW1oaeerngsswith the hecretoeeneral, IIIead, and seootne ide Ednaanrl te hodgeioes decided n 1rt Faderseconsid. "We rinhe can topplo X rorn'Inn filtus QorOpi andl bCavipdoaoenei gierundodetselenunp-.ai.5 Otherseoosoe ossesed by easichield .Aa li e asnb s..as 1 ca tdost oitt te brider Esey - putgwa edw, en wetng Onceg audupre atin or hue as e tr lrpodhboorshdid noeesttbe qunma fointbeapesisdid oso ntowcso holnn Thanuthey didnorsotortoaceprtimteiols feom Peoan [others. Thea dayaed ie snuapleion of then parts of the On in btae 191 dra ieeasa grod breakiag enoton There wa- onad, aiisa Beena pohoeedsito f Le1os t1tidbethcbrr Itbahd, aptendit rad ideettadrrahestteecedtin Is burire thes kt, 1 tdseLo penc seilds elabor the Ietitirs fatcspins-dedwmodsooa doors florbnotrdsooad onefothsord The Allance fr Progresi gavee51 detsks(each desk se lrtoaloos)r The PeopleulfQrinrispphfedIfrnhsabor and nastereds anriheeer- Unoil 194 h raus a Lbate sser the eadnttas Noso the rtor '1 adeituird dter.tly by dieeiJper e if -drr ih.rn Ie hnnnns xpaysl rhehcouetdcttigitbrur Cbdderpoapososat 1 ebbirrgnof tothachoolrm:.2.or goes forigradebookscand2,50 iriehel srnine ohachowtrkha hifeee Al, darfEslorraarsfo the teo actsrcirc rottethis dory Alesd ohar ibetues-r addI olde eiidie-n iorp aerdai- Chldee tone tie dot rd lnktee-Tbeeeiior-re whllrcs hikrjuuitrefltakesearc obitheschoolat nh ieebrapattnenis-He comieinthe afernoe and says ailafter-,noandtighe In theiimorninglIaopens tillnhool and goes homtntrre d thle day weith hi fitl Ftee the ts is-rat years  Rua&cootn th i NIalow 26 Roa dosvo h A1ur-',at, 261 R.I M.&d .aon i Aym..-Om 261 hea, paid slita gbit vas ht gets 300 pesos aasasale u I-i... heahad [hildo.t.arntie sntnandhbeameIseptd esetasl togas stha etoeerteset *f-h. ar tews1 aptos ,o to r scmlsooltaass, dmo 1-1a 6s buit h1966 tha es..dhara 1971. Teacltessta-11-1ideeftortm. 1,11t ptstrtaf p oraolse-s diaf I...... Idaosteaols Ulttilttheasosaw tQ..gac- (s scadofss.Lsosasshsbuilts'ao od Isdfha tas ras artheon scool in, tchat p.,spase. Nat the na, scholisattospltsddsasilloahleto tf..hnIshaaasr daya ho he ad r he Poorcno datLa Psa w buoilt a m itstaat~finasshsa Itossst h1, ad sar ,fthiss saipply W arces'okn boo's thataos aod apat ta M air this vaso (193). le coas paid nothing, for ato,, It gets 3011 posos a asth. He did this hecanse lm hadechildrensittiso~hol adhease he epeted eventa illv to get ona t goveostait payroll. Thearaeamm 12 apattna fot thesclhaalteaers. slat irst 6hailt its1966, the secotnd hits 1970h *hlteasr stay there free offreact Half of th spaoaseta are far pristary teachaersaiadhaulabyeoadaateachters. h nian'smou dyshowsbitw sdt Loa lassrooaasinthe padtiaro sachool far that psspose No' thcle newv sohoalisaltaasacnmpleed and see wilbe ahletraaseathose studets. Last Year t l ae htei of the Parejota'a de La Poez"at ba'ilt a csedar J fr tesdool It.vurhe te euu hmi ate r asppty VO .ea s..aaskts ao ta taaw atad expecs a taaaa'e it thais yesr 11M)77 heswaatpaidltathasg baassaaas he gats30 Ptll poaaaastsst lHadidtlhai h..a-setsadohilt'-ooshsshdaldoaae haasasas asattn-allyt sagear nitt ttgot5tttt nPaym Thtetac owos t2 apaotnast faoths, ht soos, tA. firsthh1tds ini1966 i ttssaao d ha 90at Tsaahosssasthoala foaoae Hltao apartoste foropoisatoss hssasdhdltftossosdovah.s. Utildse cs Iqogsaoadsssstadsy ahaaataoshaltssasad halftltelasosssssssth poa ssssys 1eettosttapssqs Nowsthe ras school is of osaosalhtad asd e ofdtbsteasatsufth-ssstdinat Last yearswiths heatstpoftho I('oessom do l Iahta werttsaaetd,, sspplroWe aresaekaar onathat sasw ar rto l isro avetths year (1973)_  20- Ike A ymaoro sAil1 at: Linguistic for loodigensois Car onunitie.s Jint d sir ss Ysopssi A-oys In she And- - - os ris e m,..,eso of rIse Vpserilri is indigessois, Iwill refer im diiw eppe eleis eI.s Ayaessoes, ,ar at, langusage. The firest Leek of Ayess tos published isI il1 hs sckts astaerpriest Lidssirslre oaicily fsslet paireod sleeem sissoiadaptod the Spsislalphasbeito orii e itymIoeeesg They eror -,hi this heard, Lis s-hat alphabet ir Is prissdere it thre reliioss peessissol.N aq. ea mdae p ead if the wcrisic hod itohi shat alphabet to rio ,odsgesose peopleoat or hoe sn bisdsstatdlysse : hirc wrosd has, h...sdisr car Iiaewolded lowrrss ssdsssis merst bysos _ss aros sseioeleosodoyerewoldeo.rlod asroadssssssossothe leeirgeofrlsseperiod ansdslhatiloi Iiefir rosldhs'selod sir ble issflrenre st mse rlsargos u a iresesied codiy. Its order is posijeprV Lis~e its me es loiso ssis assalsseadelssssetao tesr to rosssoressssssssvsthatibssssorespokrrhemseresieireheir ilosrshsiissiou lssesshgs.js sILL oesAsrase-rs Esoglishsod sitsC lss -L rhpCia~ r Isfe hagio , IL oblige aeiis asss shiskhisslssigogesossleiroreonsisio ridleroi gbibd ovrlepeople ahseolsi Whac tees] issosr Asslsahiosssyisshsolossssorsases siL so thoessJ st sfshesidgeso: popsioo srsil "Vat cal 1i1ssoLosrsosttsssss .tseesstssrholoraod ii pcsdos isd pciri stlf I eIt asoei. oeisidffsRsliemsppprisgthtI lb iri ale1 sys-1sho sseldborsfiisho AVisioco Thtois olo Corosidadro rirrs'ssoseViissle pteseisr dr. sse seeinfoiiss, skseblsssjeo .assds 20. The A ysnra Aijehoher Linguistics for Indigenous Comsssuseilier Jose do D-o Yawe Moss Iss rise Atosi ounm rotsherie foiLoiy of the 1sopssisso ai iodsgeonssss botothee peopleaem loeoieiededoCiriiothremOra lsrgssgr lir- *na 'Iha fis . hook r0Ayess s pubksdnd sn IL03 ilesloseua osososdpied she Spar-dle Ilbb so eoitss the Atseor, laresisag Thiey wrose whatihey heard ba tsihatlphbite e Ioss plirelogssofteh religious petrsonnel. Now asuesions scrisrtoirsbiWhitrsoldbsr-ebsp eio shdtgh htapaetoteidgnu people at ksinrelUsdobedle or hitorsy wsorld loire Leesolhee- eeLWeosld tdopoesrady srt s-ite be ossseses. arsssiithatrssdoe ar rld has, hadosobosasmttiesiroreiasome ILIILhioge ifibsi psiood dur eb hot isaotuIe icrusd bass hod a f-aple inslueree olsi taricogsbse rcdreiirdodec Iseeto psrtdspst fslyisathrecsioooii rocsali andco~nloles cot ofibsl odeon ,rmsitroolostt s aetog lteesos lasesas.sts as sloe Norlh Amieorcan rieo h Enogliosh sod Its Oh ..cm s eChis;LorgosgeT Tss sbsg assseto ilo larog L n yg rrun nes srlide esghsbsd ser in, psopli nchc . Wht hopprned inousr Aodeao histryis tskoiedocierrisooicsr- ribic it, ris eiorif1 slo tssdiersss poo Iis so see recertly YofiiiiListruyisseasrereei Autoesroltei-od as peadsgsd peer- i, d FA I w o st B1o pemt dliis h~fispeas ....o id dgialtieusspetuiseliurirsiea lsepeo- srorarhs eesllisee ert-Ass-. 'LLsgiiiss Iiics(sesdIsles ppslosei rstw k 1111 islr-possd srALr rho d sssi-silil W ioru Ada.es 20. The Aynmsrs Alphabor: hinguleiic for Indigenous Coioiisittiris jurse do Dios Yapiis sMoss in tIle Andoensiss in shmrsjcity ef the pplatinssisoigrnsoo, L orees ropiebseer. t e iee~iresdseot issisheieroest loisssse. cse ofithis the dorsgi of the idigces o.ioe susie tkoss even macdo I ilrfrI dPappe oufcallsisaY aii wich sesvse lassguaeoThe osibooksof An-awasecPubpihedoi 3thle roialo sinsJs-s poit Lad-os, gBat- slalg Issilipeidtean *fhs i.a,~ hSuc lhb ieAmchPLP.t iky s whats thsy baed hot shot iphabs 'u the prisslege of rie euipiese proso I RiNow sqius sese o is Whit wesould hare, loop- lerasosothatkiiuso Ussdssheedioor hroey eildiberieo dirse- ioserioso htipessLrrrrosaldpa lir wodusssduavilhdoaifiorablehr 1 -limstho cb bab esthot a-s- deed riedo> In side to participate 1 I~ th*sino sod oisseol dsr-shpeist soi ts Asoda mallseetei ststolanguage, jorusihe Norih-AoteeioieL be tguiisi slo e Clsissese sro Ise Chieso lsssae. To obligeoarooietyim ries oslangssagesitcic owstocsgssdsse he people o Masv Whar happened' orAonLdes, biesrn it hoe ediessuiiesashiss Bible tso e joLo,- of the Ioidi gerous popslo i usil vry sortndy Nopksisdiors sti~ bNCsseoresAasscseidessiipesslodaiud pets eeriedei at A~is iiice~er- hisessy retresosgitic iso npret dseihs moisfuep.siere and uili isppersek fltiisdpsipe- uisii siessld hrssh s'Aore-+rsiiser g istC msiidd lnidites seas acoiitli lri ersl a wt the sose-Bospols 'pas pin Aee n  I, 4,umr Aa-Ysa26 Th bAmAlphbs-Yapp 26 ThsymAlba-,a 2- *fhea e..cat,, war isdoasdn iA fsdgs loadings 'saiinst padigag id llncatsccc sid hfshIII hpoeStsllphshud be An psisslined pestsc PS nInnhy --sg was and-Ad.. sa iugh editoalistilssls, sI c M1 dasith raleufa ndm wrt bo sii esfil, Adi gesa pespainats Trialc sia. vcisdusc aiysic shd'ss Ad.gi hdsqtaias ppi cannd isulsic sTi B t o gin aicso c fl siea phabisa iiacn thle specifc case at 9wc ccnt cccnan c00 ys Agom H send whsed first sheihic, saeisi c hec itSpaccis e-hfn the sally sci lqiiage aiidicscmniiem Cacssc It,,Fic i,,fi wshedo speakhSpnisiihaveiociirned eoclsvc mis 'rscad,,tahas pincgaicw di caid 5 miss tsli cse. A Stsssiisi-sic i pchstc A. s sainccsc,ell,, in fiill hss as her dccc a anIt she losif cbs b l, dti is e uavrc Theiteaches, naickcis Aunsaa chid, Erossms Tteacher °Nanep Asiccaiasissi knm b6 ce ie eachr c cld hin, Abs Aita sisli is cs-ipsshiicfl snisenicsi ci'e -e andciss sisid cIdslia tIie hess icapaeisicc.aie oHs shedesssscscndlescdsshotche itisi isall ahouti TiheFacticsis Ahat th casiaiiessliccingi sisicpi h of iss and t bci m hiniee wors do csiscs seianthsi langusage, Wiiccchat dhe saflat isciscthat sihi Asiiaanuihage I is canafleplieisails in ,I phasneme acid occurs psi niisissituf nssscicsf pstslisiat i I ._ass lplwe the qinara child Fn esconsises ihsA sisas ward tn [tltee6 dsfticsclu pediiciigchevn'ceiu Is ideidefeiidingrpsisihsesui a cica saim n thesamei sosnscncss cccssdingcminSbpash iniith 15d ,ic csisei ich - For Ens r.: scth tihe suffix w %/ sasisais I Au] h alleit thne cucfis qnii syaccqassa/ Isaicqara]. bel oasi becsqse the tcsch... lak inpsiic I-m Angcst 19ii Tics Arcsis ,Aiahcicc asc aiisnastiiy dic.u iaec.iasssis s uhatsh idice. A scschcsacisad ssiisvsisgissscissisasiac. cnaissfi ,sboled .,, \sei Veis si Fdsistfcci Caliii , aredisessi Usaisciys [lood, 197*i *Thenesissctiac -asInadued ini ,!rseign a migage wislhant pedagog- orartoowitha beefciiac ssheoeespoke Spanich slcnaibeiussi psisileged pcsse i. nansspnsnhngc s amsandai cesesca highc isdssnu iscls iacsasod, suhi ah a cienhousscainsmch aicsccssnlcatsssacsa hehssnhgcnas poatsieci. Thsat illianscia sa'smc aisisisnse itcahenigenis populssaion icead isa bcnsciiicn ib asm ii I sia hes = Aphabetie- 1 1 ficchicsnAcccAsa crytciag g iweshave endured fscccisin, nq gaihscheShpash , anessiiecs, the Acmonssaiuigs-sgsscdnsicssicisn his I11Lenctheseelf us whoadoespeakSpucsihebsntaed acncisssnc lpaniccdssaise asc ice being Aycicnse wAsassnatopfethlehbasr icsecsescso dasec hs lack of horign-i an rsinng. cossudcs dtf is.. A Fpasisb-icahdcicasisas amcisa sisasnsssy 1¢d/l isi s dan- s chtardnc. in ins cus Fh falassita duologueocur' 11..s. aasr alsssiale) A sicaa sitdd" n. The as, N Aysaaslisist: scsi, Froisaissce'persissestheccsssssa1 ddc> ia she Ayssssia ch id ii mnapahis " as psn tssi e is" eil. and the Abjid enasis c ibi tio hsbiciiapshishssasssheis eshe dessesasdc-scsdsihatiEieeses iaiilaeu, *Irccfa sithat che Astiq desnsdic casbiccepse- snssiconfcs nadcsahsease &the ss ddanat form a ses et a lngccgs ch lsehccsashssdessac cess isnce Ayssiasa sngsage li a alielpsceci s ph esei cd ne ai nEnsiscihsnssaa,ss efpcioorssnsesais. For ex'scp is bihn slaActs i hcid pisni n sc Aiscs d.ci m te n diifccsiyici pc-sslcscccg thesasiase. Becides clesi dci poss shen- ncsiclscsrteccithe eccc rsuc sass assesdishcmthe Spaniclc si-assicsnciii le andc scicncsiini[I] Feo scsndi hyau w'iit h iat wins sabsihs E biasisil aseilcihf m -ss pie /Foraisw,[yvc,-s] fr seace becisihscteahers iacikttnbaisi "Is issi osest fell. "iii Aysss Aiphabsi' seas musics f ciisnbne Teacsisi Alo byhpibsdiis. An ecccscei L olse~aciei~scdsnicn ciisss piiiiihnd iiiv b Iew ,ise i saa. Frstaigfisrscicsas gniaccisif Ellcui, 1973. Theis eduseions wsc icird-ced inc aleeg ln gcuigs icic ts pageg- sea osteain, ith aisbeiefulthatcwhoress~epks Spencilsh sheouid ice psicieged Psiien. tnstaaiystseeciBsgi enbAdd atnd n asfssccs high 'desaienaiis is I'have iseaicuI saicsctsciclssteadtmc cheat ssrillasssic'a of clhe itdgsasnpl !f saiiiiiiaacisc asle used whie~nfegigstncbensdsnas trPppiin and isc claaraiosg teens as lse fice Om cI aiichaicn is - atcegsnsesad i uscdsesoiisaces Eic elcla thseafs Aianssusttpakpserhicaissc ourceselvnisess ie Saiarch' lackef Aslolpeo edr u otelc fi"Wligic uendersssedccgccincdosschioare Apci ls-pakingsaher is cent ce ass Aeccacnscsinaiirutol1nhieihedate as aeacher Is th 1li she Etlin, hdccs een *Theisaslis ties ,'(able) Asign child: a(us 1s'sM i cscec iss1e enldciiccscAsnacidi esn iscapehecccc -eshdneiseiadSstcatstheAsicahclscs pfd fcci 4m lsciihscaeidsdelethe 1 aleasa e o hachcee deec. as s hwmtnassiwhainsils Ayssan, lasigacugs [c] incllpheanelclctes/ ileseicndnse ar psi che niomet1 1 s orIli wu inas s r hld psecensss A -ssaeseesvcem did tisslfrit is notoi 1Itiss aessset eesosis soeston forseethit tmyfetlsweossrvoio hovegivee Avsrorowsitisghyy srsstros it due valuis The ritoetonesg teeed last beers 1igelv onthepireof selvny hs as rt Aym aa peihort- t reol ppeis rises seeing Ayv er wt n adMvsd wlk o.Oe wvhosssrsd cte scorte of ciselgissdd soesttoiehesewhos hoalese one wayy eeeedtchaotwhteeehey hdeos-sed sss the ossly-wiy issthiessdd Asfaiasat-senpeak,,afit-sssma naososs otssoliogsslodult and ildren kth the.. sso ps shiestsbi whlsse. Thieyieceptwiti pridse essreeofelseg given o taneisissggand aottue, secotting isatheir legiisose eitge. eoe evs givsssroplosiaesisdoce- ittAyosos on Imuittioies atnd ans isnshropological otd philttsophicst tpissoi s ch a e-Arsoor speakers believed! ssp.rl tisu Ieressossshornerossoe ofthesseedsgisith the Aisiologos. Avsssamets distrihote so initesestedl peaso,, assd' isisdss.Tiis did nir seegood sesolss Linguit- sselolatroand fssgu poope whodid not eveo knovshe lagoasgewisntoseevoss y plcios. ITwos cors ged toeswatrios tlhn so bhor saot levtt s. Also, thteresponsseof the Arrests people theseslesss srf fsasohle sodeed. Ioften happws as the saysrgeo s, that ons euees ptophset in soebesotafnd- Thelessscods pprmat sncdteordseofshseefrm ihseadss-lslslhe Ansoststssd otiterso sveeeesetitinsgArias a i ttirIonecoeusrxseeefightsngpaguinrttte, Iten hegin tostsodshs hoittt pesptesewho p: srdsolhaenoappseeiition ottasclt- pgese N evthe tc e hswassa very far ahle oenset fom ahrosad Whtswseoesrewao 'nell deevt gsrosgtslangoigo isduereest SIalthtIssms donog isbsedsnyswosh othe peisoiptecof lingsisticscesteetbs reeeivesim psrttuidsin In 1969Lhpts popose Att ofAytt. srsasswenlngtage inhe Depsstsetroflaguasgs of the teiveritvof snAndres in WAre, disectdhy sI gCrrso, who goVesee ~eessiry titesttdopb- aosssd psodstethtooseseesails.Latxteosttlevet rHedssin- visd cre n straedtmthe asited States ts preparesusieeiils fo eoehdss Aviostswlteeeweweeihbleto st a uses hase forsthe sisettniossoof tine phossne siphahet l(fe.20.. Ath aetimsetlthveeowsiiised preolnig ordains atdlave mo- niseisedig tletothr- eoistions witwhieh w e crepn decerPon Botivian srvesstis thI unoesw serei letters of rd toodefsitalicssst t ttyseto ntemsessatif weisforsnmehtt sip&L feio ouseieths's An r ca Aesoe ertst h-s Asetis nsdve is doe eim Thecesistosreeand ssegst sescolhaslseei lrgelyn, thepesr of Botisios vvbo ore not Ainasstpeohesovveowld appeaoetitotseinsg Aytttii withes 'thr liee sef Isas slloek hens tkees tock. (Others echo secutsdonar fN hdlinguat, andsoetosit ruateachers wits hsd leasnsd seeey schoei-sd thsteshaeese h-hderaienhws essny wacy iss dlse wnorld. At foe as natiespeakes of Aymstra ate cooctssr emoesiingsai idols, atdehides mode thsrso is no prohlemo shahoever. buryvo.eopt wish psiite sieefnsise gsvemtoshur laessoage asd enltue., tecgseistg itsls egities bigse Wehiv evs given espaotiosts atoP lee- ostesisArm o igo iscicsuasd seeshssphg-Ioantd pilosophicl cestpics this ntso- Aymtoa speokets hetiovod it possihle to n in Aysie. I ceeoonohstessefsesroesoneheseetngs with the hysmeosgos. A esi o diotihert issterested person, 1st indoto s. This did give m e gosdssssstssel regoticahocksandosuIT people who didooar rvoost o hcteiosagesr aneediooeeast vpobtist o ternses .ho Avtoe people thsemssetves sea scratcshedied It evft, hppes as she sai goes, rhaet sptee h oeresovtisd. Tiseooldappesot srhesds of tose fom abroad wlde thte hysoardts andoehesrshosoewssigAvotsi ss wncsotrwe mtigslss g ea.st me I shots hega toso send the holletiosto people aed nppoased sts hive se p ,pcoit of native ist- poes.Nsshese therssrooyltsceshe fo bodreactionfWosos aa u 'd ig Igae iso P.w nstsssntsall thaIe lvsvdoisglIsosed sy work on the prinsciples of hnguiiente mIhod rcseed frest An Hardmoso. In 1969lt egan to prepare teoetofAntosaosoeoeetd lasgmgoi,,the DepiototessofLkanguages of the Urondsky ifoSan Assdsf in Lolpie, Piercteeihykosf'eseo osgsvsecothssessyailties sodnpi- cite and psodne thoas maisseid Iattrthe rame. yets 1), hune-lseei- vitsd st srurocl to the Uosted Stotes to prepose ndt~ros for teac~hing Aemtro, weees wereoble to setofsrms bssse fo nthe dissenssioof shep testtse blsheta (ig. 20.1). At the ade1hd srnod pedeig iaois and havese- tiod edsgshsctotssestitstisedicehchehavcseeoespss. dorsofrom oihaoioeestes Ihavetvreeiedetes ofgtsti- sodeftooslmtosta.tssseesnstt os -sifacion fson eilta tsp fellow eontvnoesshase given Asosas velg by Apoost naives it doevsle. Tlsesetaso aedtgsie-eaisss hoshoen lasgelypontthe pacteof Bshnn who see ssot Acusr speokess it scent3 Ipp..s shot rseng Are ns rce thil thee vowcit hts sticks temie , ihs ck~ Othos- seho.seststed weeeson.e ofsthehiogoshsand somte tialteo rsswho hod lesesned one ensy; s hbesed tatus whateses they had lesoned vvas se VwysN osld Aslbso.etsaiepeaesatfAssto-sosooes-d seenssfids atsdrhiidreeaiie, thtereisstosprblemwot res-ee ahe .se-epr wish psidhe sesoeof vanoegisentohei lanoguage tnd esiorome e-ganis it o theis leg~itimaste hsitogs. We hose cest givens expilaosioss and its- moco Arsmaisirgistind sn aithsspologieal and pioephcoi tus pics-.spie thot erst- Avstsr speoshr, hob ve ismpossiletnoprsent lrenoecthettcenes Soossose oftlieietisg,-I teihe hAyesosilego,  26 Amaasnd plie ASthWSl Ihugse .8 Am...ad AppHSe Antq~plgdigIrid 6 y a- hq. VheAhSSo~ohw lgSia Otice inia ai d tab> dae ritt a, they debated the Avtirae alphabet teor th ciat d liMtl A atic phbt tht lat attel be IL eladaed< Andott,cai d iu' elde aitl leiter e uteP- b ie a a,[ r o c 1 eoh o Oeo h rAy-iiot taksate- ' rpeec thalcadd nt eIt yotadoi tlieyeotld tFieClit tacit Ayt'aaeaae Aiaethieriideiit oeaeteid'eebei1tlu itit n eit.Ieaittheagaget ;aebhgtlie tdeeteieitateb f e'tteifibedalgatalde etee atit gtetai ti~t'at rtiivac tete anad eafbetinh O oeehlo~ata toede tatidtold ethtattem did ntgtg htwya ieAmr ht1rdAnnge tin as esak ici ta . Ib 11u3 tht that ttAy Atie SIteOOlitren SpataihD ialdebecnin de Ma Cod gee'eae. good da]aidiblt The maottet ota-y -a'eteg tha I c tea iebe'ice' ce Aytmtaae I taimplycsaad Asetoetish tttptet fa 11,t eatbetdbeeoeamilaee nAtiAlYve hate gait ht tic ballettataI Aymarihaiimu~ SpeechM adopegeteeeeeetiyieiepheetleiealytia fthile Ay attreolanguagi' W ihaeaaehed cc feecaptioe Ca eibia paitdiihe phonaeic alphlabet of Ayieaea bheen deiti- i tiered mo teidelaaciire alaeAbttactt teotaietnIc inac hats' do .pera p xa ation roeAy adiheeta tgieai detiea ttem tioateeenett'g lhitagaanedatheefeddeafeateial reei VithCltphaeiialpha betteda 0r theM~e ndof theeught at ane ed the eatet thiaehaecofte,ad. AteShaeteettac eeeee e t iAyieae- baet- btetprodeacetgtheair awntaateetals and intthtis ,,aeareebeg benotnatbciethou glitscu tae oeaexp aesasld theae kiaotledgeetctett Ingteatt topc Cmacteteiiaibaea SI11 I tatettn uhatthboatit nueOruioby I~e'ticge Chiqee unideth ibeecleaoet Dtpaetteeieoett.etal etinaen f te Tehltea lltteeytin Orate lateh A[;,i , m teaeia of Qaipi. IMdr Cepana foe the fleet timie tot ght r-ctei .Aveaat in.. ytuag to tcoed slc holol stdetc nn ith the tethItlta btethe mnogpeeple padae eeatue-ii Ate at,,tithteaeie anbu tvbilitga l eaeaatieehktheeeietedeieadbiMe peniaury fOito-icaattl cable clicsit at thea dehateal the Ayteita alphabet et efheceaid Ildee A-ettaa alphabet the face cri t belt eJuded Aid ...ithtcaid wetitraieineladealdenhtlethelatato, ed~dt-iei aeca tat pteeetm th ie eof die etelty" ue ef the ceiteeiappaeeeltliatil1idideaetaudetndtetorth thoyeideaItttatetan bAiaaspeahee Aeettiteideeieeetdeheel fecthbeatteidi telagag.I teat atli p the itdeii ie itelt lc het bota c lice dialegit wthich t he gteeetpiy tieiictcaceibtiaciau tr tort: Cutegeeaitooedetidiet otetttiiiedidcatgttesithat,,aFit reeelrin that troatieast Ay ridr , t bu bet ~ aoutun hpatiel Diosett heeerindia(a Goeked giaaat, goaeddayt, aedbhat edacmonoeeany t.Ipexplained thatI eeat3gtgaeet haOn, thiat-toieal A. ecaa bet cc, theaeile Atlat aeueittteay The .fn w nlr aeAm ' ty py Cd A' yiou wiab tepit, arit all an tilietaie econgatttaed "aa dieearat hate gene ha the belteeteit Avnttta bite ececoed ii be pmtedied andhaebee - mma .d td uaiaiA s leieeeealoehathaee ieri of Atiepeedeeu Spaich. a1+picee mtaateet lie lte piltiaonlegial Syest e eheAa- alitage Atticaeteee i~t flltLig hiat a.I de iiad date pheeeat eapbabtaof Ayee to il ..aned teoeeacdndceee wcidec' ethe the Ay o patetrtt Iti bieccideeeepiaie atat, die Aybecaa aid theteitaget de ete lea n cnn lieagtte acid ethic f ieda at toal tocata ih the pbeee'teapba- bept, iacelatarac Iae.. beti ciiide a the ilitglai el' aiia ofth gretei ibtbeta oi ii tile d At the tat ,iitt e - sleia~ peabee el' Ayaaiat hate less ptcdeeatbthaieee-etaeo....ced ccha inaat ibiiag htaowa thet ihetgl, Cortet eeeaettee aid tiha hie'tdg'eceeti' Cot nnee teitteebengvetn ayb DonieiegChe aecttidtaaepatithefd Depatts- rcliatalEx eeaeiefhlt Teehiadtteei etfLiaeO eIem Alito tbtieat A f - ~Cabpi Prde Copnc rt the fiestitltt gbttaceii piAe ,phoceleg, ta ee dccv ahe] .toaei teette h utAte today tlteeYeeg peitp pi edneehteeatre in Ayeca.Alettbeiieaot e-aeei tdthitgta cdto ibentchtadaed inthe phinto,~ Once -e atr i- able. ditecstioi at ftey adebatd the Aymiam alphabet tifl efhem etsaid, 'I e cA ycae alphabet thle f ote eecmut he ic' Oedtided-"Andatacociiesaid. Aaeeeueeteideaiee te lttee h eao nihe elde eaa leane proelcite ticet n er fdteeoetv Ote lif the Acmatatspealiewhata spteettioe atdteaid Evceetlitidolcc- elede cit leilee it, we Aaaa tell oate tt iy it ibte tea tteeeceataetee-iappeaied that tle did atietdeetied atbtat Alit eat cieii idmu firsttbeganicctudatoagteolaei Atcatlittiedtt-es memdotlemficlinaeeeal. t of adtatiabt eiaihetiaadetttitcott oienec 'cieft dtalaIe'ibe (late peeiecaeeacdepaed tldnmcehaaoe did not gretitwaayecn Ayttceathattheeecalneae.al,'eigtea "Yiaatlattematea.I cieredbit that tat ect Avia eahe bet a ,sacloaa ,ferm Sptanisb iUmeledbehieedi (Mcy Gtdadreagoed day) aeILc a itootctiaed aeyeeottea'vc I teeletedihit t taeeiIeraeeec iii dcieal Ayaitaa bet an altSh te Ai te ta eaticittita ie titday ra h htIwsacig rvu nwtrf . soI.Isi f l i a n ewgm~ ticaaloudca d Aiceate Teepe Ima ' .A itidetdeeigaaltdC teeea nAatia bees advanced so alec ha. the Ayeteeitrfleaetec Sptatih adapctttgamoreacaeely to the phicatetgcl. yotentrb Ar- cla language ybltaet heator ed lwtGigbt eas etel erodOI plactIeaphbbeiefh Aiyta a been ismiatedl ecceeaedat -aedel teaebee the Aniaae ai-eicIi It a ie acpac iteegithe eetcwaeidthetcbet-eci delet Ieaein oeeecetticg bet, teceloece haveibeenciudeeoftltttdroughtseraeeteecia. iie eta the atold. Acibhetsaneieili at epiacs ar Aya e ptenIoeteacq taae eaeil ta thdcise uay aemakitg knoewncthentthoeeghiabetepeictetaidthankuiaaltdgecieeec ci ayP. Cbaitea I Oceei eoea Igatriileeet bieec ,Oleteb ltdg EChoe etdie etaeepicesefteDepaiteaittef(tuntitt ha oft teeihe techeaea cileihOnteoi(ably Alet i e met oail f Qettep, Pedro Copeam fbe thle lecttieeaaghateanesei Aetuaietogyioleedet-boiluied-aticaeiteeslt hat teelaiiheeyaetng peopleIt aea lteamc'eAitAyetcernblac tattlei mecatcitbiluglede-ciitet ath be iatiadeeodicihe peiteece  tobA1 I h- t - ibt Tan.AWmhhe-Wb 7hwA s-Ii no e-w i Iscc,1) n mlwmh .g u~ e,,ho(, exa C)l CttehicsHue t' ads teimseeetAytta Tratacteet iletale teateaghe Ay sas.Vheee boe afethie pS tat o bre e leas atleeethe A 5 W ealso f th pmsetiee ttfthe Ayttara itnguagee atsd c-tites eeeshttn the itedist- let, other woatei tec ac no e eteet.ee sne cdoldd t t b at one d tit atve ia.E,,ge petieti fit Ay- tW Ayseare plagedetdtoerotate mAiviiedvword what e rodc ia adectaditahat ethe tordo. PCireesvesmgeeaetdmeettttttetmtatfi-i astd at the Utniversity tofath Ay ratnhmahek ha tat toat reade and lelhngrnlaboremt haahedgea fal lope at of th- tnt aIphoeeo ad otat thl p alotIa Iota h eaou d athe -,It.t I S pnlthn anad lan eo6atth aoqatttthtdd V'Lnlmgotm ac[,Ita I his finoea, Aetsd satattol tboataoIslk -went ,vtfeoell eatteodethat existediurvvm "IY no aaoingojap ing aul woatkess anad spintes which stately will otinat a c-kntehtlattvaOpeaitgtfanpeeople.Fr te filet tttanoate AyanatasheIaatao hteacltht Ay ntaI lampeanse That toad ha*s w beo aem siplvt<<1,sendhttdtiet , 0-ioan.oty prbemeitn woigiti nafl jdgto the Act es-Is ti s nywse atd m tdvop ne of tin hottony t-e nn dtgsteal stdayt hateope~oottt etnaattldeg gtesgond oltseawhole 11] t we that Ayaaa, haneanoe eoaatenne disttance we as due orll 1 I Ayanan, asat la nke knowsn that ton inn tend} td illling to oll bto tatl d mgna om st tihedeveliopametaoftlaeiton aplaabtaosatetinilenptodoeton olh thair aaagngan t ttlan -tat1cin leatntatla a'eaonaaiin sagooaeeinlaad a m W~hal btontotaehnnyfieeonsa atesaVadtaansystf, bu'Idlasme baoigangtou fotti oftaa nata l spiato totnitla ho-tysit IIt aod hisaobeenopenead. tinatlotaols s Inndnbdnisiaalaaleto amlyt polemi a. otihni and tattigan th alne.tnta Isthi II, ay a igienons peoplateool1d atetnoseleontnitonhm eoeonoitr andsodldennnpat nothe anyaane ad digoifitd tasatt ouadnaaeo-othatttt hope will aens[ttatnhtatoodtttda -hht e. adv atdsl'nitsgo tlotlsoa wsh otte,-ttdg.tna tsstaiisi that dtt paneedo titen aotn lphot ,atd tn 'sthde produattionof flit- "tnanin1itden tl ugaoges add aItthes oaetiOeto loosapaisa as otadiottge wiha dqtataatetods WitetaI egaao teahoa itnaaaen Ayan-Itasaidlto niyttf, beeaose.I kneaw only at te aatitndeaanel ,, o ail ,J elIi f., -aadtealihnaantona nbot, an tn entutita I art onwol Ii fnatad a'm, o pis Tot atnel e told a panc - a Am hono tat tach the Aymmsaeaogoaganutaten- That toad h.,onow honatnod  21 - Applied Litsgoisti randi National lrsrgrarico: S omne Proposals for the Case of Qarerhos assd Aymasra ins Boancia IAo paosast 555s of tire ral lirahlasr or .ieli'ia, arsd sirs..al politleol, arid hi htMbnsmpe iMreosorstlr salssir bah" thi alsr nerapties. aid srf sirs as -sTmspsrhlraiofsrropuardedvrlsdeinrslrararsso sie rosrotry. 5sss bss hsarshsshofalss sssss harasstris te brorder.sronguessf srs1rnrs rs of ris popsdrs pssaaera thos Un~in Itaownsss ard rrs. Aysisaos l I Quhua hseM,'1 are spokens hyrhonassrraro tyrabslessaeosass esrssfrhr ral lhigihlans rrihas Frensrh pee-alsssfFenchhasadoanrdCsrrlsisrss hesSssr Spairs Avncsa i s pak ho arrosrrsei rar sllsors people as ha air pilrrsaisra rcgrrss eclsni rssdrsrtL e~Par sarlea rssiadaes.athi hordersunso Pssar 5lrrls part ofrlecd ossos lse oily pspatldsl lo Ayaa bc oarhcpe i darsoed and derssly popolatdhosslasd.Tire ssefdsiss idrtniryansdlangssage losyasty thaoissdssirhradrfisaslersltoladpa loan. Quechua hoasrsr,r larger hody of speaker rsomewhsee sear ten smillions, sod a mrnch larger hosmseland, Scl sakes op rise res osfthe Bsrl.,r lrigllsds anrd eas er sdooon rie rarroaal sislo srfohs Andes theaglissi Pee and less Aaaaadsr, Aspy rra, and Cssoias is Ifos is "ApplidLrgeisri l\ rssgissoelnrts.gsasSa , espari for si re , oasf Qsearssard Aysara slnia hy frsaccdar srsegsosasodsass papaerCarna snaanSirealAso 1 [sases taasts'is ssS.rsh. Oissrasrrsdie ogsalpapel fwaaderAssas Osastied aorsiodbirsssk scyhe aneshs Thsi as sada osf ehi sssss esisrasideal tsmooThs prsapasssisedhbysheasi o th 21. Applied I o~issgaiira and N ariraral lrregratioi: Sos-s P srroroals for she hsurf Qrreclsoasiid A ymiara in Ido hla Giyes haear-d The por ases of rise rs. irlahians offtli B essdtesoil poloIs,sbissdeso asrrearlsrsin a iaih" lssasrs ples, IaSaesOfrila ioneny' iaast feessddahl hrrer s saiss isregenoa and deooon, mfits problemr is farsiea asmepsarsdad Up rho igitcSri,,i te seassiry InaBoliaa Spas..h a the sffsal laagaage. baiisoahe UaI sio osa d rc, Anrr and Quesaa ls ,se .aoairks byi,,tisearrsassrs ysf psssirse rsaegieonsofshreaim trigilatrds, masharesass Ih frvarisa p re'srlhaaodsahasarissairsarer Spain. Avossos as spokden Lsy appsea dysssar a iry idto5aot rvnhiddte sotss [[re Idal soz ise heeder lass, Peso Theo pat arf else crayrre is 1oavslr prapaslaed The Aasurrarpaah arMar1ass ri re. ocrupiesasellol-ased ard grrispoaa sisessrlss ilesesa ~oae~ssofAyas idasand laagooge lyalyslsasaelrrcdraoih darsai raspsr- aQacaisa hsos a roach hogan hbody sf popsahrsa sssnare 'sease trloner aseiasmahasargo heassood, youh rhtorsprtheesr efrtire Biolsesat igiharsds sod cos dow thsrie coienasrtal slope af ahe Aodas dmg rPessad inoEcudorAgenasssaodh oasi Dspita "Oppi d LaiaadNaiasa[ Ibi.eoo Sea r Poaisfrshe , (sr 4uoe i AlosrP~i a hrot b-rs~sssr-knorsll pegassli papry n oah mranlassosgass adsaresssyaory as [O9s 5s~dare hr o' asinia gaesr- [[sado as, Ama Coars1Ied olwr asses she racia l'his ist sasoades s ofsshst orhsssssrrassdal s~astoshe peaissaoypasslsrwh lssard rsrtdo osess [he paaos esi ad byv sirs Cldoal 21. Applied Linguistics and National Ititefrio0s.~ Somre Popossals for the Case of Qutichusa anrd A vrara ha Borlivia Oalrar (dcased Tire pea 5 stasr asf she ea-.I isisahat of hci, aad she social, ppaLsianrd ses ais.smoisi asie ris stasas .ap-sgi, is osr. of rise oerso-asfrssdslbhsoseesroaa-osalasrrsissod deelo- thasryrsI- oInes Upahran s hs oaro'a rsgragr, Ut raur motsher ronsg reonelras osfrsah pssprriaaso priarolyartrosa livng inrsssand cras ksssamerd Qrsha lrsesee are spehar hsn wa ar rrsj ocro r paip at isasse nessors of rircl highland, riseh as Frond pasari o raohrisaoda ansdareflarinoshmounaias Ana ec s spoher ha a-risssrrrex ros rritsa parple asse ele airs ple rrrngssolrawhisrclssdesriie taPaas ad ans cr ssrrle hordes lists Pest, Tir parsci ir asahe n so hts Fin5 anclaed Tiae Ayase speedh corsaasr sha fesa srspra n rll dehsed aeid densely ppdased irasosa sd ima-aasesse srrr ,aeris 0 krasa idersi ad In geagasgy rinse coicride wio srradfrahlecuaasl~ gas tQscdrs as es uech harge hodya as speaker hs msillioand aalllarge heielaoa whihrtahas oip osroftise Pislivnilasds aird eoord, dreasntra esrrrr siope offrise Andes Qsahsoa dssss Aarsmnia CaaInradsersossssly rselrassssit Aislrrg ih,saigira dual pesfrsas AStrac Csssssdosrdiriaase ersseeos rmh oaaassariarsagiisa ch asrsaansreid sresscThe papaw ess voe-sdba-hsarhnfieshvsrumo  27 A....S Appie Aurqdhina iigi 2 111Id Aptd AWholgM TO. -ad , Annan d fIF llduh...WSaIpah fiis,ilreereeItiio hrooroho lhi- ihe oe ~ ohird rieorerdegeofleagigly+frer1orer funrd roorgrhn, Asrrrrr Teris h dI ,raA a6vnto 197) rd rhe flee roirorfflolrrrtr Qreio reri spooh feririoror'rrrrrrnriTtrsecorstserwithi Pat. Q>Irroaooh-h hiiert so brcrhfrorinortfh to sout lthrat it is ororioethsta to po not odialecits r ,,asr of ix eifer hirare, I we ( r 1963: Torreo 1964. 1974). Idi Boii I -amlia l M1 thafmr ro ore Waldije horfi lir A iron red the, Q onoes reioe1rohereini BrliiSpiernienlrolrrgeg fh as ian Ctn y u teocloleraysrofferorrdoi th1,1e dr irrirorar i rgr.o Spirolro (nMoitrrrgh high degre of Utegriral romteerrrd iot icr'1 fir]] rroto Itgo orrd d erreloieo rmiiidrhcuyer alltrirorrcrrrlr flowo Of 111t1 moir urrooc dhcth ,cap t hee irfirr riery e tioeeo e d oro reir- rroitirolorrd eiooorrfaoreristrefoeeiodre eeihby th e lrgr Thoe er oofrrterirsaniresriroe faerrrg the prihir hoe rrodrtrorullx igrroe iiralrirnirrhirrpiirer )bhlrcloao reoorid perori aiffoas-alrk hl llit C nan the oren 01 us s ole SIirpaolroriu r rhocfir Iroer-feoree wito th tork of leeirg toe reoad a rrig lec doriot eenrriioesrtid orirrler1,he1, laroair hydrre lcrvirrgrMroririr pi caerit. erorr irrrrloeoadquhenf MIl errrrrr gEorru orid b ifieoo oorrparrs foilrrregeareetroerreifoced depc rupee rn z he) normi rrrrrhprhrr mreiooo. Igeorsiiopehirrrrroroorrrt Wrlorsrcee toeohtr rohpri 1 di etrcoriirirrrgrroge W ef r 'i~*ora rno hr.-eei iSn ,r irrerl p rd ho oroit,-o n eeo ll , a I d) H arror gsof bitr etde o ribi -or.. asLEus1 6 1br - t eI I re11 dorir.d.irrgord ain~ig poin riroorod hrrrheeeorrtoriof doeoe io- thire rhee reerrs ec he roremcre less coherort aonog rhe Qi-eh1ro rd Sge oungirsee loyalty fern tiortsI Ottg tire Airrara. ' uIrr.ron rrrrrr droler roreoi itluni Airrrar (Besioe 1976) nrdilhdrleroeotrrr ,OfitoalrrtrQreeho prerirorro prorh- rrerefdrrI :irb herotree or bhi rreitrro ieoroo lornfoages (Packer 1969 lerreec lOfF 197 I tlr limnro ]ogll dodieeriromr hinrlri both tire AMor orid tie Q recirer tegoe acne ehoirei lfre Spotisois die anti areodiero of dm recotes, rrsr- r ord or iinalttoleelotrondemrou Attroy 6llI ttcc.po rieriottitirrlrtrg0 yiiSpreror aherogh rhrghdegreeofblrlngrof roerd amiotrg thrtel ohtreorrtr grtocroreetoreolo )) eaecoconrII peesof ntire Panortorof iiepopol- m is rofh reoroopaste dortotorefoll rreeto leral ard derelopoerrrore irederehroeo"itrroneioele fill"oforfire iotoraooeodoro blprrraern trolaogroigcorThe oiorroopeaotr 5om'llt P n, at ormtcooheh iseorsed prosoc', politic a d erororer rierr rrehrrforetrerg loorei bhe rero I'15irooiomrtratheretharoinrg tileprohlteIn irardrtreIt ;getedit4 ihsfe heitoprciiirorton rhrtarea orrd ireorrr cllogeolake otrr ingleeotrreolerurdthuecE 'frroniy horrra roeroo oforiesro _Th parthrd rterrrgosinool.ote ,daily -otteetdrtt fido rrore t Irroidlycorptrttir thiefriieolgtehooti rrrapeto are seia ec g66 tooooeeonrtr 00001 mes)a noegtaouotite ofirreed despite tre V mo tI tw rk ofphr orhoer Ignoertgrtheprirrirrro sto] ertis it iitoedeDrSooporr eofooirtr eoneoaraarg irofiiolivorshoul d notet reaed ooaroelrerhrr irorii seroor-co rhe dII-leeefpWr. A godtote ng poitnotwordhebetrroto rtharelwr- thii heeeeo t -ierehot Isrrohrioroorrgrele Qe-Irrond ilre dee afhittrgrioyrtr thaot rf ood otreg tire rsrartoe ife o uiri iS donic irono -1 ' torm D aroth thatr i 9t) tnd tiirr di-n urin tirece to et irotiiaretutroiirort drtterrrr)oIhotrt horguoge (Parker I 1993; Totrso 1964 i)4 Irt the Per] roo hul lore.fre ,,ote darhecri hcerie irfarrbcs Sp'ieororAsrooooadQoeeit- eth oiterrIrecrtertaltdrateI rotrirrrrntrr~o Xlrtu hock b 061a Aceetii rd the Qdeh- I egroos eg Itolierti St~r)'s rll tie rgrroge of dtieecoureof goceritirot ad ref )al ad hnntihatonsAmiong gthefloc elrteseoft.oerefrrrrrr tire doorriant langourge Srp6 gih low otoIo Irugi dcree rf hr,r,,nr is i eedmn rrer)wiie i hieoi orerr ocrrrt fomrn rtg l oe eiarteaolarge P retilteitt th ,errrcrofth popmin tioo heaooethc terrPerrde eo hrfrflt aeerereolegal roi dreo lrr'rrorrrri heed peotiersofr cl rrttrrrWrredrohrt atri )ofrocoroge ore Talee- rrocorr . ftomilnt rrorttllotooidotote as hicha rcatha oerl, rohierf andeeoeo fr ira roierete otrrrrthrordiythetogis- 1 l o fire c errofrtotteto The pessantehferI ,I o IrenOtecorpaihooe oilage thexdrwc elte tardrrhirhrbrtorgdte dri eooc odoirkiire t-,atrd frdrnd. roenrt harlyehotdtoo droruseton ferorbairegcrhrrdrir1rrddpric oetlooriofrsrforfeiheor1rIrrrn filregreioeotprrrte hpI rion rerree1 heto daosoehotn ooetrrere Mfooohegireaiuad caierac le rot roo 00 asottoorlirritetirced de- rt re 1tetrro or tire rIo- n erre nrnvk ofpoble ,,1e Ig~rnoth L go oee UcigeWeni ooepirssrrrrr cop prr- oher eiflorr it ret -o irigerounard doooineperre et I)pLioteg ohIn al fe h ooreeevyu l-1 trithoeeooibooldtra sd oh o1 fml resourete drooiopeiiA grod . -)iugpet eodd oedeoroofrhreo  Ahgh I: a g -sasuN I 1bqud-0Sa 273 Add Li6, sid Iot IumSuInCdi 2 Applied X.M '.d Nainl)g h.-0 5a 27 lngertnlkihlonlcfnwcei pea hen leo oilei ofofioja Inon.. eO 'efiheI peca itci a oneein iiiiocia me onoodleoecisiiassdec-ela lhaoueob hcrused .enaln apoposal. Itineal benaud, icethaI'llfaIoc gpcidonoliin isp poscroldC lainlss a ic p ppulacine ebonlncrdesgsne eanel oncoa (od Kohe 197521 -r31 as .nciidcpsnt abos alisasepoagesse, fndoqrac foe tag on iccecvdalbstin eneadooario hsv hseagmn osesbopecIc,,l,aiesese.lloqssdsfBseacecens appiaiel cnoay"0) MakingasnInedianilacs(e ssffaieosldecociie n itoenid to placed on a boo's Of 'ql licns withSieec cfvlii all an, al, p coalddbeeanpin ieg ccnbcecseieisia l alsnc jeecllci Offlojal ond acn 1H c soly duet ee cemsaosdae iifngs wold be andaide bnnld- th Spanishecnin absaiiianse ncqcadeoccoda e eoeheclinoieiainiiheme of alareegmsen ifilroaepiipeci Both SpaihaedcIec nooiullaages, elafi oviidib sned Itl t chools ad in chose oplsatiose ofth ogiml i Acen-s' and (hel ua mroaes iLsas olenly ceceloc due people. lheoeucowsepaoiroieac Ieneeoelelangaeen edoae n iOun~ lKe) oeioi......na'eeeecnieachc besofcd a lis acid 1 M - 'I ote neiecsaasiiipico ll cescals ofoelf 'pcansii' illo-pcceiitieoscofhl"ai e"cdsBoodeinphinscn lpsoc n If cemeoh tc theliiBl Ash~ deneopiose so peoaleic fgci'OO(I eo saidle ill Bdolivia noiper, alpha ci a Ieacen she nec-cr is risle ssa'esI e u a l the onhsitlo SNsdlan Boll ia ie oefd cb oc ca os ie'nosaec those i ve . pna nd ut htwl l poplaine c In leo cgeneo nie and clas il i loessioalaniiac polscofiepoiclioseaehsnlal oshgticlsiaeo loleidld'ponchie Inoinosi and pvealaqoicah -Wleid not e h c p55551 posses of doleo loec WI as in poooI alicuolv and pcdagccgiaalndeeeI cese eeeno trc c, h sas i- vd b s u l cceeeeciiy a ed politcolly disad- eoaisacoedcihe A flogs-a oflInagoissiooselfdeeneain liu e wolsno sold doomiihispeakes ofniassoesoloanscacnea khid of "ineelloinl oaealen h*iof ia n rao nii~aed eas Ib maee ocpn of linnsiiecoeioeil ag ne M, y epno.neee eneiansd oaLsiaefyicooih aoneeeoicchocc1 gcagoseneaaoaeadcqoacc 010 ita o eoey feddof hosa endmeaorc (Boll 1164:5291. puafes fenteli leledfnneree 1.s pccnosaaocdaseeslal ofoffioal langaaec One ofslse psoesl ostceaionissnIldniesd.Ias mme ouold be ohslolicsnia, 1 1, isil Vosaioosobecsooa ie ave lodooooara popcal. Isse-y beasigned, facsi ilaahioal accit"" eceofilcese longoagIeoonldfoelcccrfeagmeent thie popailaion ehocbo b ieedcrig nasinal isigcpeoeeo (of Kelnas 197121-53) aid, noaIoidha sisa aboanl lanqiaco so. ndeqomacfo ,riga nboonacnsnniness oftssmodos isaicn idesasOsignosscnI .Info' picito asosnocca ls ssaalsfnpElscse o~nfficil"n (eenac2O). Making asn c Inc conuage oiiaal -gld oneenac ait -eld bn jelocda (i bass ofeqicalion tislls -Siaence is all soccis o maeiom cciid bc attesopled ni regsosello.. chaos co onapicago pi-ebls. "Ohffcial"oscold mleass he 1fl aa i ~ l osed side Ucil ss lsl Spslln iesnio cnh'oenscocanoa-sn des en sloe lispsos sothlaiscf a l pn socne oish pspod anc eed Spanisanclslcoabassapscsdisspncpgssleieso¢onold eo'ad sesohe 1, L-, ssonlad' echone opinnoslsacnoeeie-coo cor, .Ayseacand Q sneasoe ssloasdaelipnsleoh ~epe 'Thccerco copc onctheouse of neinaoolac Iapigcsoinedoalsn (cc Ueg h ha h . hia 0000: (952) noats clot is in ansossass ehas T so boo cco ccis Io a nosy oeIll expresnonsaocsesaposnn oaefs~n]Ioso nooa. Inldevelop bfn621aj po sofn I opcocnoseies b ,aI Soils cane iss and oboa ele coni 1ceci c sasnsenvor she 'coci Im- zesa, snnclecnwcsc tannotohe deelotnnesL1copsonn~ioiia sidliano Bol~l l OsaeenSc rehscacspoc M lea ossesacca onccoasdaanoniliob a sdncthanocsasseysossosscldac lopicall> and Iscagseicclly shouold san bed slo fosisponilidopac- . mc. Vcbno is pe yclolopicelln acid peaaqnicaily ad o -nLd agojec sacs, so cell ho nsialy( loasnosoo11y and pnascallcdcnid sag a-iadde. A pedog-oses oeninsscifdasaonesss Ile oacoi ornld donociospakcssofsceiaoceclIluIaq s tssa keind of 'iscIHcllecAs colosinals a nshlich an be inuclated only bc nortse typenoff~ieiiinsg.c- onnislathala elapsspelao sacinand ultiaioiolychcl a osssnie*hn: l aegaganl aqut focadncsosc om, .cvddnf seenrcd--c (Boll 196n1529). I ase _ cnnpon flcssspeoal inissne oesd inaiho amor nsied lo 1h, llb1v cc sca en aoiini oso icn, sthat official cecnsition ass ln eae cooldecehocfoogmens thec popclaon ahlsenle Iidosec scocca nieqacdic (of enlooci l97i:21i3,anl scod. theatolesocicallanqaisasoz a dis aqoee for cacclcng oarshenssrdan boesneofassodsn accnTbococgaonis cnbe passially ooosn dbc noi rea offon coo aos 201 alMalohcaan Indian lab ogaffcalnwold nlo at'olc enouldo placted onabeai foaie g -withlSpanish sIll' o ht t s noulndlII aesoopoad' ceccp whsleneihossno loue prelesi "O~fioi -n~nild mad (ab nifty sisal rs ocaniongunesnswould ien ricid byn nidesnlllSlpanissinnieoalnnssl.cccqaraes acno dao ocbi'Isposccaonlasonnoilas cc orloeose-esk poplutin BaseS Spanishbndhea nsuillchoaconsbcceo ooa benond neeboe aor, n schooi' and ne pberoaooc of sh oe tooensnsetsleo seync and Qocoenabonel dcccaoivh l v~e dile pooplK Tiaosnssspoe on chose of necsaclaissascoison1odooc 1551,i edelocc aenaTiiehiaeeyucdsneeeoc ec sa i eaooenolfoepcses 15[1 ean'ec f epne rains oe l il~c neoli nen dooipee ssl pone ryncise l oinli o oe Snob Willim feces1 eotee dscsepcceehasoaecpeocctnna Illis cdistil ccosscsfho h aoo is pods Sian oswsid eison poie os pdp hmeonsido sand 1nes ormc ni'e alngold si peliny- Isi pubalic iiesi wehat in ef bhhpltebn fatc e 'ceid pendle Iceillo and "pndaasoca-Iy hlsold eas le Oefe Itc npoIses of depa- eVtlaasnpsyhllpcai c.dpopcc Sn adsaeso-il naoll aglo'ineoaanell bewallynseocaii and polaioeafrlsad- nan-poc foe adlts A iccoceaa of lIococe ionldtoossnaios h, cconee, old docselsopakonfseiocyoo-ssaa la hisdn"ieelccesiosicsianslelnleI O bnisipaoely l ense oianaeishacnanonicnhose lanuageeandlreouces aneadecinat fo educolatin s e finido if faossn and deco (Boll 19649529)  _- y - A tea,: - a v Q 3 3  ApldiSIg..a amNai~a , ocL:ns -7 App5e 1am-, Md in.a lmni-Oa tS 2) larde ihwM -daiolt NIam-on -ut threolIngo ageo. IastillaIll bessr.. sslooaaaaile doio..sbosed Oaacrealasgo deodoa, psassr Ioocs rsdsad m sod .....3 .os M1uooe lleedacao thrs *Iselecadoafosanaddsnboohaooldhbebased ooaassspsatiospl sloe Ocingaald1 f-ohfol grepoosei oh posasss oris rho wl.+sa 6r l e sor onsaash oo ess'l ashesw dasess oals.. bass dd e a, aaad Qmeslsooondosoosssaadosod thosenIS Csaasooaaaasfsalaoseoartlabs psses slo d ohlo phcatllososoos soll os sasl osymorol. oras letses labs 11, hI I s, pres aod ade fo porob osluslooasedapoaslglls asd sscopohbolo pe eloas 550 Ayou osa sosold heeeessaolh dogs paphs diwmscussed oboe foo rho daoasai I rarleceoaslo Qoss hoa p hesc, wluicsspbs- ohranddbeassaasobaasobsri asoosfooeoe souaags[laebnsi flapiteanc htr iac d 1 sol of dsssobos a soQaclo as simagle eiosogagh that as peoblososhoold asssaosadsgssdswsiosg. Tsbooasdssossossa docodiooha Ayasssdldslsaaalphoabessordos so oonscocoo nlo biaia glde ase of vels is moroeeoaaphied.lInobpasialobhoa-eitofivo- anadAymooeo alplhabessimaccordanacewith heoceonasSieos of Spaoialas 1s es Peesentl onaly the vowel pnac,oosnaotiolladgeaas alnlsboo.l ingrloe leoesaod eosan]heassaseessaosoesdionSpaoohe r Sttdinsbaeoseso As-sasa. Qshna ansord Si .arme as i ibslass. googas Io asll also hobssss o os ple deisoso aad onsollltrge desagnaedl poososo -lstansodods asdoosos ad aeboosacogssasss as in as oa,o Aosaoa ljVY l~ot 19 lsaasdesooa ar os A tssssssooaloay Edoosoes). Ths cslecosos. of l oasaiad adlplashehoasd bsbaed oo twoe psaaeploa oh espas Isosd Slaaolaadd sspssooe rho lalosossss5 oe baagn- l S psas-sealand atshsrsldsasplovyesa-aas rsvdic ossibleaasassa bosses f00505 Spooarlahsombase no this when daaseo- ' sghtl he needed Tbs kssasoadQaslaoo Iphoel e~ ~ ad//ooldltheses Ooasoo fd3" sa 2E - I16.oe as toe these a llaapessoes s eaaasa psulan Thoseosa- nt hoaaesowhabitlaceopsd is mII Qosaao asrata moSpaaish nlaoaooo osll ..ea slaosasssssssstusbo letoers lke l, pb nt oasd sololaot srdbobeaoposd Thasolsoseo which a . haonasop-os- deacoia Spaoish, os asilsbsapssrdood gloaheied soprepor, Qaue- alala and Aysaaswoold becruoeoced be daosphs as dsss-aoe lbed ds 1, IasheaeoferQechoa plansosose, whlicsis pho- ses-..ll, b daelisplnsd oacaleaeaaallsgeses asogleleor n-oldbcsed snce this sybol ISausedfirsssasssoagubebSpasshdfap oodaclo1eaale ofslaaoasasosoi r rocsassa1,ssasslcsaoghothat,a pooblearsohoold ssnosoeashsguad~ ioeoag. lheouly newa'leoieei s- Inhas aad idddltt r dba ocaaatfrtft bilsabial anlds ososoeossoat gswbdoao duooaloe lloeaassosdsdorsoue cso-san~ad reen cc geossas as Iods as seacheoodosaoasso HVYo rie esdt tnadphdIhlbeaedo scpe I i sbssolad fialdsflly epsisoo els phuonemoooeos l nIncass osg .t C I Spsassosal sd orsboal osoplos orsfew dassa po.sale slonog lorloes frsom spasssh whose possabl en oesocoass soaghbs loseded. The Awn aaadQoechsa onbosases ad s'asoad hos- C ssshs-oos saabo slloaspeso asd pobloo lboccos saaaasrasse, whic es reaposd is Qaslo as Aasssss t oSpp dpan opooahshoaadb adpto Thos.e ddpasssosobduhav ooost coos p55 Coo ane dessoa Is ohsas k sfob Qhochusl phosass a dsphasbspho- ooicadsoadb1,lapassfd s QsedmcsosesloneeplssaIsasasglslosea asdosbssoaledlaidaolh'syblalse hl Qoareisg in, saopSpfsllarsp psoblsasshuosld he aseooedogaMa soossasog d Tb wfvahelr ea doed iusu slohe AY noa and Qasslasa alphbbs r eosid bess Is toesnaeseor ale bilasool glade Cis case sof svsoelso - s so ropl aoos d Is Spanaulsheas as absir wi, Qeslsoaaosyoeob.eaeoly hreeoel phoees: l'he peab ir c lssio~ebssesifos.saooin, osloisolsc the(doce sond AS, s alphabeusisan odo uec osds thew e s sso of Spanish or a .eso ilo tloe eaoseif phonaemses is aloe indigeosa lphaboa. lea,- iogolelesnerss and e taalrtheyas areseat aaieed'anhpsinaheo. Sniaoed thoseoeesayAaa Qoschoa sad SpasdaaesadasIF w'hdleinaQehoa anad Iysonasallesoassooyhsooosedipo es: Tbaa peobles is whietser as oeodd* eatae, al a o ' is the Qoeoboa -od Ayaoaaa dophbel i as-so..dasoa wijob hb essosom sets pasisb os osepresesasas ly ohs, rowsl plsoasa-sosa iohiadga o ,dash, bag- iog El, a nd ne s thoe~ullseyoeeasusrcooscend inpaishceoos. StelaedishosrisssAyooaQous and Spaishooaresredasdi  27 Ay.widApple Adnpolkde Fkpuia 27 Amaa h1dSape Andwqod~a e 176 An ad pied AnhopoogialsIua. heywe"" drecrotalt dissasso' Is b oaoirirgrho pas osf lagugeu e a c adeffeeetiragoofthirn org sgar crep wheiihhis adirect be- ,prthseprl aofenal rpenerasiaaebi Boalijr Spanrishs phonooagy has beer ge tin flaem ad y Qaehrand Sortile judas of Spoors 1 lrreads Rathert thatr suenita ghr pf tsrrs ally eosr es a Frieratnd ikeealleonsear pia- [lirs beorhrphottalagical systems aeeireaized by iomsespeikes wrhoiuseethettasrepaar sysrerms onsome occaionsatid ITfsiialtt- gtrsflasof aloanso ailighi degreesofrdieieliisirg hlesevthe isaslaa and Spa 1 1 ltot a~IICL pimiz irorartld intorviaeslptabeslf crssshohehaintsbrdtvosesl m ari datiitSrePaerallyrraoeeS17ofhgrrrrornttrgau rSrs perhtaps rite f toiss eo-ose sysram srr ild be ttred al lar'ls rat or tlesftietaehe trsilakt'nhtntaltry [eess '(a for A oral TI eis ieeokkof a which stra3e ta adopt diar epetd srtgarssias t htsttstibailiphoatologicaliatd otaitriteIaly rs tir adieid that Aissacaalmd fanonaOfh lu tlsdiodd gngpartrIf, Iaosarse t en r thappsgaagweeer to offieralot aattt Sggested ealier threntht pptntoofeefoempitd irieaes geas would yecond eesect dlla hite Stndtilisigof01 aliri ,Itrb. dl .ma ldeoe mp Sshrtiaiirsro.h , hw lreag pnblishedhbslrrU.6ores -od Nisissirl Mal3roeriStar-e set hdh Ifoia for r i rite applied lingirs- Atrferesee grammarti trraseatn Isigage planingiirtereforeilhould. likea dieriotiarsi eacaitae toer educated ga1 ign tic specialisto Raslier hansse.aigiaarae agmmasrisrastheibas i f fornialcasrgrrie ha astre1hi tttdsvst-t orinstr rise itieiss, assrhea iaoaroundigr 9sror tlardhrlntguistsatet losismSlehould b, based onitrta ramicorinotinal cateoies Sc as m .. ldisnahs er atiicdsafolTiee ategories llg edl arirsir ataguageo hot areeealI..lt.ili, grisssisillp i quite difaerssseayS ifiFeei togos (Wojrcaich 19661 Pair amspte a osee caQ Qneh referenc geartassu ight ract taIroshIowoare thayrtareisheatamloeisiritootcns lteaais-sgill pastrssOf lore gop o ow,, esisa didin iersrage of1 lngaeloe, whichrtisadst b1-isanisho peoble~soeo r epeeirta ss rt toistiars Spos h phoolrrirhas bieraatlporfareidhbyQduIihaiasd Ayreaew ,st eprrssliseiossu la.isgiisrihaseitrlatred lrvthe irrserof Spoirh lro-ad. Rasherinhasar.rayhsngrsist'yx- tets weantatsricarteobt anisod Pike ct pairtst1hr- aeiisyrtcrrsthatrs, hbhart1rasls syasersra ratriahby ioiiesprihcesehw ch iinra n aroroaa-srrso and miergpe them o ot as Ifthrea Ittgh influx or loots ar-a high dgee tat cod, sstcehing bewe h enclars ard Spantih so that aliilste cotrpar irditestes aiheot pimiloriealecosoieriiarepoted isiCochabamba Qreha, ehetlsaoseii fs9,sbal, rclit t he Spamiio-i ora e~s 1siglin be rrrmsritcnd into dhi aphabet If, or sdt eldes hard, the Indiar nonel syster i dorot cspiitat is of high itoo hrats that, peerop treelard roe t alr-cc -si a all shsso. Sbe igeased ritsic}ltitsore eSe0 A~niaea} the d~iro on sthich sraepy to icdopt rt depard aeon ileld irisestigattont ennihus botha plrorolopica rard smcaia aa- isahb 19721. aIt 1ddi~mr n ucu hudb sdi col eea ansiifttal step in Scense. tlieeeatoofilphrhetiatdtie prepa- or-a of i- t rrialswaold be teosI. s-eafaerg theans- sseo... ndlscts re.satasssl acsreonrpih'npoficon aeedesignedrtodevelopaid supportrhe litraeysatidaedsnafrheevee- taactoit IN V t97 d~rie arentree being prhlrohed bry risc Uriveesdad Netosial Mliest de *sar Andd to acluir, orira rte app lied liguit- irooar-giealnin fcefi hol .fo s Ik beaeeahlerasyedneatedrioaesootjnstto lbiluis- lists,1. Rathter than egawn c raziiptehp aiitios te Sari, of tnsal categoeieitileshinopphic insyrtactiiets as are.rge- trien sas heae rI'lfiersl I passssa pecp rdhy l igssa rl ttrattararloldhreabad orasotcuotIiritiatsrnie...h asrtie eriiory eaaaot. i so for-rh. ilise cartgorier Siep- Ldlavead in allaIrat hbt arctahioed leicallyotgarieallyifn qiit dffear way by difeicti targlet (Veit ie 1966. Foe ecaisple ,storI Qaeoacfcea geammnartigt oatsibkrahow oe t et ie theeoalnritietyseonts. hxninrg te patteris of l a Sass-rierr a differenttimoage of theselaggeeers nhihasoadii Seacing or the problemstofvowed eepreoeatioFrst BfmShpanl phonsology has been greatly iridiericel by Q tecltia and A-ntotas the PhomIOoIe 00 there litigoage liaise beari irdoresed byhisloio Spctrtiloasisorda.Raolie lliorialylnustcps stc-taalprr-airte what Frie and Pikecalloonot pho- osotitat Ino tht b ah phologiehilrysteitiiaitrahoed bs pciieesswho ehliiealroerirta o ecaa~sr and tSa it sir tis tar riet ShigS id iflror-a high dab s-c af rde orirhing asaledu phontologicalenosysess c i onte~io~neCalabturdiehra thienurhurose of syirrlols'eflctig theSpanirsisowel systemntnghtbe n-pmdinto thtealphtabet. If, onrtheaoceranid threlsndianrowsel - iieatant especially isate s01f I igl tiotoltinalai~rrei, perhapathelIndianrthreonir-rleerolild beraoed eechroaelyai or- dcc t oid ant si insi task if eat1etra literais (e osa 20 for eaeiAira- T dces .wrsrthitah tatgy tiadopttmrot dipird o fuid trees~tataithtioghothphrsotgelosd stottinarly- l1ft uiec iedn Ayetaca and Qoaaclhtu al bee reed trsools only at as onitial step atc licy the ceation ofalphabeo and the ses period o raeeidsalwondbeethe ontlytaks facenrpthelair- guge planet. If.howoeverthese l-nuar-gessneiraied toSpiial statos taggerrle ielrh1tItle ptrpuearat oftemetreaiditrrio geatsrawotldherrte wsesroll as thie ampdtg oi fdisve- itdrstedt nto r llatdsopper-thehitciir-o..idadta, ltisceie- teetart 1HVY197, nstac tiosi being Pubhlird by in Uhn-oir-odd Nfi sllMassdcr t hidee ds in Bohliialectthepdiedltrgrrs- A eelee gmm as riae fer nst lasmgi gplaltll'sg thetere-slteld libe aditctisa h-aess ttiec 5cydoid as ratfostetilrpnt tspanahoss Ifadrerhi,orgn ratrg sa'tb gerritsonsrhe basirrof fr aitaegnitt aa marnpencead sasatmasanal aetaire- rat>assthe casenwithfarmal grammtnats prpared b inguistnsef- irseg-asaashouldhbehaed oniteiisiicasatioal-ordoioo-li 1s crise, cridiroitp ciaatas ard, eta ir These aitagte atte edlyrrnrE itallhangaagr brtiereihre.drIiitisnasrroiatit oitadifferistaS feerass . dmes (iciasmuch Pusl Fot esaniple I r'lofahQueeha ci-f-areas grasia rightawet to knowlrhow oer  Arilmae itlvu nsaes] Casd 9 inl~l'a n A d . Noa ud-n~ 37d 2 ApiIMI and is... gal-o ifO - expreses eidnbiract9 iii Qacat This soregety could be looked sap ashe tas whts soald find (1) a lst of advebial Is: cirt seI ithiiislisdai aialsniwirhdl-rflaitplicroi (.) tie pita diatraofcatdiio(verb tri (31d 1) ids.. fri ofie ,,a red ' stodnaeir sasoliaeiliich d sesdiaonsepess teadi nora eelatioiiaiap be-seets the pe parol s of tie etitiies nt dasas Overlappring fosris. a te srf Q) .. ,sa -sa and -pitsich also expessasal andreipal aveldheword-bei-tedahie rhira A tesl ah . s r. thitsyssctallycoit,thaae anal p-iseplrofsrr trpag wieth tiose ofa,notesie lagI'd dor ~rasb6nhg ra a raltetels intdue prepahrisss eoantrcsioessco'dtaigageleriigand iere-alrri Itreae ofQ Qielt and Aymiara tisesevo tape oal re e sire ght beatcamhied iii sotiething musch like a bhni,na diatie If arets a gri .aeppered fo.-isreaed bb a rergfeir fu ,hansb'd nierged oit of afhpinish andlQeliaoAyi-iwould..eitols e inaclndedsirce Siehifsrmsaemornr lespoarpsorffotspech iio the actionis of Qeiin ciad Aytir ,pradrrrriraie *fh1ee that teaclea ard edurnaion piatfy-trak kissiaf iatrrh ea1 roev of Ida lireir lmaiigt(go rju whar deirial falri it vial ut crust), the better able thievoill hetiieepit psobtirs I'hrssrtatnmakettrboeqtent plait ct-cloth patuttille of treteatd pirtiplet ofuseaof Aiiaraatdd Qttcelaasobserved inae speakinigecrtestt Thoe dietctiiee liked tir psaiaitashaotld hecoiipdol t rtebLi ofemareriioame Tiatiatlat Ld sarIosootaldberradetot-r ntaitihthe anaetsti-aio, nsd drresrirt veithis dialect ae-sAlso an ie gsigetphy r, wo erld ha' dareto smiihll the degree of tacaos sttf crc ttistc isioeds or'ridee attst Isuchpcajctheavocablacs shouldle Ited aaaesrl whale, trio rsatee baa of' terata itemns (llmn 19).. Ina this way aettridast rsssfrlete hat vaaryandarhe lereal~uss(ltele thiemr a-is ha nsd d isan umeti tjfsasass itt ais n plansri C96: etlin 1969, Iblee 1969; W9eiech tles' tabbI- tnesele items ,rtaforrbheditetontoasr sseaiting psoetoatlfirmos fsslnregaesstss-ereposarabitirgaelsaemute hetkeeittao cota. jattstMeae phoeehtg-ie adgra iialeasett sthere atmalsasleaetossrers1as-eiat-i'stlssseasaoflifesle peanrt aeti seiyiositaeitorlcessctsda o'ithsaderiatir SilsvitiiI freten ntoaaltgnalspeakeso oQao.ctinsad Aymrisiea hisgsbal earsset smosltiosstiry int IQaeettir Tlirseategosryadad he looked op inthe gerammar'swhee outwousld find (1)ttof advebial lexeme reithis this dosri t alottg with ritlet Of leteral ipplseutts 2) the posr- digssiofeotditalreebsofftxets ad (3adr:loastsofihe a andqan tthaedieetgpstffoas whiehndersotise estditsiepecstheotd> olisship between die penposttiorisssfehoearittecelasse. Overelppisgfrmsra iarlheecase of Q.hra apand -psiwhieb also expreesssusaad retparal relations, osld beett-Isedunder those earegories asteell Acotrstise g that st.-isiso pira ittes of rote lanhrose oahfr ibiatfothe its atlogoiado- tts. Such ettta esaae soon], essl, nststlsaf user cold to-1rt ieoaid ltpelorsitgoad inteaceeeeduceatiori hstborsietfQrtiahLardysistseewrpsgainaeigh he-aatisdits-osrehisgathchltke a blig l deenrtae tios.a ga eepaeedjes - s retedhalsoeeosrttgs fotti pmtistarid IaIslediiesach foraneotaeloft-portatraperofolk speah an the tegfitns of Qalaa arid Aymiea prielatnttste The rioosetbat teaehers nd teductation pobeicttkeesknoswuabot tl eaeaal aseof Bo- liu agae ltt twhtriaalfoetrm ol' e tahrtseistt bso able te n-llhto aepate peoblemt Tbu l isst Ioaka taho qoTeirt stirihttnoesef tt itl M feaseest r peaptteettseoeChat rsfeatbth pei.eiples oif sceanad ptastcrttfneo..f Aos andt The dit-isessa.shatlibe ris geaattsnars, shlda he comapiled ott tie basis ofetitentsage l iss mteasthat field saceeys shouldhberoaderteseee- sbt bahlthae otatsaan ileo-eaist erred inawarlneatitgs witina dadetateas. Alas toned ctaes rcc scold be dtatteto establ rha deayee tfe'atsst ifts rtaa-d ins ovd-esa wuds's arasa- It:oab pnetatcrthceealn-otbrnldaI-t' -d nsstaal shsso, tr asranmere lire of lexical htetes (Ulitia l'1972) it this sear asntie domtairirof rbevoeahuaiy and the leaucl sirbses that ceolic then, ears be handler in rioe ehreie tittiter (1aos 1963; Conklin 1969: Tylce 1969; Wvrias1962, 1966). 1'hrg fth die -b 1 1Vrsfore gtantnaaesennrpoahiliagaal atp s'sothetka'itttae- coeoaosunsatilrasseae phonelogical and gstasnest seosVsa>. thee, aetel. ieerittnprie-lrlinraee a ol frlsc - sasa 1 arysi iotstait'netseesierdiereaode, naionlsItn I fret, eoasttasltsgrl sit srfQlsua artd Aniasa aee'hiitral" -pea. aoriditio dahtirQvaee' I hiseategory ewalebe loededaup m etiamraitt wseree snould antdlt)llisrendahtsttIeesse wh hsdmi a thn sles opare,-phatit11th e allItrrsationialsattb'aifaeoassdl3)aodlaasiantofttbery atsid an, aahbed inrg oabssashithte arriesomreeconahiiianseap....sthaostd at cataisi ha- a t p toM1mpeisitois Oftieao"ttstnateHaser A o a goma s o that syasattafl st atsthe stote- Iprietiplcs ofon langst'seeoith thos at athaebeessasalogoas ds ts. Such nt's rae eraltaalescaalsin the prqsasattestn ona maeup'slfor secnid languagelIeasen battdia t tehceeaeatian. tn ele ease ofQneaho, siald Aymrara thetwo rsoe fgootear maight beeotiakned ntsonielttraioebhlke ahtltgrsIlieioawrtIfasoh 0 griatsisss sepnaseal firssaidby hossttsatepsftomateioasid sttsgalornioflSpasisad Qaera A manawoold nteeditnhe islae t i= 'act for imrtrpat aspects of folk spee, irth'sersaiif~ria stat Ayma peeaaanee Thte mtoe alta tirbo'nsdsid-otptliy asaeartcs kseowbotte acrualuse ol'o- h.,lnngsuotaaostwhrt'dfaoras strchnaay eis) teLiier ablerthey wll beosiitpre poblemsr Tbiarsoilmakesabseisrtpa- aingamoeefficienst Itssrterefoeecesraito psapare laatnristht refleerhborh peaales ofssnraeand pirieplrtofsause IfAttand intriara ohoseedir iealepeakrthsearte The dacittea-te labs ti ValaeciaM aoidb 6 p estrpled str rho basis. oieoese'eroage, fhss strosthat bild , sry arrd hen tre, on-s taiholschecoarseitsad tlo artatoaeco avd nrsvordta'nngs at'ithtdialc r'seas Also, ordpgeop'pltasate oulddbe donerto esrabliria rhe iegreeo amorsali slit s eraconteredl ato wods over notaes ara.I uhpraate teaireahlrouasd be aeat'd sa se-icf-Ia Il'no to sr5e -I attal staredU-rtr 9 Its sits asi etri doa'trsslcoe tntsdtltathio-Iaaert1aCeahr shie coat he bandled to intmre ediees wor I oar 1963 COsalae I haY Tolee~m 196 NeanssahI 196, 1961 httelsetittteseoirrb d nttrarsreleig grmaitrierllornis foth gosasaaerposnsyhdiegsa ndl, o basrtaeotkeris- trcn m 1J ene as tho p roe pi ogal ro Tsrnrrurel e-rsaremns the a aiisis irist iuirntly connected bra, Iblg.I ifil moiyl ara fuehe ad As insrone s. hr'  27 A: . r SAppld Aqda .pl uiso Ikm - yt Aand Aple Au hqpoigb.i I rgisa 27 Am..Sn ApiS Aumqnkl l Ch. Lyn iacril eill dsai s *bsslsooldarsdcscdnloeseraanic ahssn[,fedOe' ass opsasasolof d~is-a olconaryion *isoCfasrvn so-asrataofQcbaao lotiasaira wit bpasaislis rosoicnollteacilsatal feossllcocaallsdomoatalo die socially abooiss.oaagaagc laolsIsnotaaskinlexicalhosrowitapbutain sssoasLycandl_'vacI rccralssls olvrsos kinds (Betz 149 a ngaaer L1169).Spaaiohfermsors-ar Ldsscsologsnsohldrecgaea Span- shfountsaaare thereforeaitaegpraILStls eacta-sQaaeclLL Ayta o talriuse ThIlS bLL y~L LS O h MLenars Laaala soaleAnd 1s~ y gee aiaL L also sess anSp h.0LL1 whichas o Leclya ,,,hclad> slarouil Ilie Arab ocap~lasaof Spaisald IsaaLiN abirth pose Casrgo caf whors eraa spararysaoosbssiac wssasoards fomaKoan PrmhisL-p dass ssltblaagsagcd oS tssb perassdo(fN asssoos lassgsuagr plassssgcsas b6 hcissil ofcIsoi~a~Laana panr whac a wold deb dSOcose sheanson 50 Io aasordo hand LtLe procss a I Tlhaslewacl sasgolsaerase ,a aLar Laryng 1rd sos fderandonula prep aas'on ols ss andscaassa Theo.stsaalo Cssd hir gr asoo osa oaosoearsis an is -d bsc crsoas slawns' ssassd-ds sss ofss-assn ssatasa aallncedsathea aisaselses arssablspsgrsadd ss'gad thesvstecaratiusefscodins asl fsalag exercises, La order to capass thse astentions of ase popila it is idanagiosato psepare thse tsaarsLss ssaacloatosaatsassl etlc Lh iease;ssanllheeaperesaossalSlaoll] Thaoassol asstcri- snpafaeens mll rdI6 sassasssplsslsoasiossof Isass11a1 Spssasol TlsosSpassals me .M ass inasoa sovsoliasoui wor thaessreasgssesold beaoasl tossca oss crochel Qaechaand ososolasseass wold bo sapscificifl; sostten so reflect tise life of se whih slca 1 sni he sd Thasnaessslasalse calssse ansdshe l1olhlssafsscegpos Shldsb llheaeld sutdardts pa-aide the oari- asreit abasdasae asseledsorm horder t acase slhs stadc sa ooos f bas Lcaocthes tosslos ansd isnssonei osroasothbossroprraaaoo tsadleir ftacasathesir asseloaguagecla sseoarshaooldhbe givenain at sasadisnsonsti ssathsbc.dlopssns ofossc apossorvnsra st~syle bos alsnos hreane ssIIIls or resscs ncllssaoedisaoeryoslaaspccaadsithorcros ofQseclsa adAosoaadasosiraslslr.icadfsslcelsecias.1 sassd presoppo as asipoaiso Qocobso sad Aaa retsosica ssscra-sls1ioallossass Tise fslsasolabossosd TO"on sssslssisshelsildassdassh peossssasaasfdssis srs ass ms.s Thofoor r ossnpososasanfQnosho aad A) aaosSpieass, sscshcslashaalsoadnsbsolahsd issap'1as darssssea carsssfsssaflow sssosdarss fsassdothe sslldamasossssohsbacaill sobardsas -losa'ssgoThssseoltscsrayossloal ho e'g hillss sosdsssssrlsdlossosa ra>5sis5556as5555 Losskd In~sl4 1949. Hgese 191ib Sp 15> fasrassa ac as as Wes sasl lssas sod crapsosasSpao- eaabe-s lbsssso'ssassly aesuirassaasaa 9 heandecinasa goartsbsstsitse r pa ssslaoscischsasalexcaleassasled' thsrasgho the Arab accspasio faf ia and isaEsaplisls a Isgl persesssage0 of wisose cassemapsoriars voabalry costains ords frosm N oassaa Frasshssaporaaed uoaaseloapoape ddonsh periodof oNsrsot a- 5s-l offE,1 .or Assydcsssr shas psexesd so be fm i Iln aslansngoaen rbeiissred woitheasessnsi sosasoaf pass> wahiobawoold doryssalas ossssiaas 1 iaeso d sissdsls coac a of sssrssand blssgalsago, Ihlssa sichssgaoll srciaesassloslangage howseves aloes noodepesslonabhe prepirlsosofprtraa aorandciaars These toals insdihous greestusessssaeosleesedncao onandsshoseasoa ltosa san ddlseossanl ososoloerssaocolsLcpaodseas1oneatbcrrosp Isi osadoe so r ao heas .~coaeia of dlat pa pils is is odssorasso prepoarsa asisosl eass ascb a.s thatre shefsals> Ilsciecrcslanadslosee xesaeaco~lhead TIos ould mseossshea'ris-ci vas o ec gr Iclfraombpaisnh TheShpansha g vssalsosu1s snsaaujoctand's Lbcse. ceadsogs oulais be ssa1-a s. casa bsssusssb Qechno ad Aysasro asaes wesold b op 'sfsrsm os-ssoastoarsledt ate life afsia asesn ascl, bwyo'llbcssa alsss scoashecaltoesnitalse fas ci fba~o s-sss shoohi b catefally pssadasal so wIhalaldn ssdrcr son sescassao Lbsth SColdesaas assaerialsbcfsabrssg saisic Lssgssgs. loseassasosa shasol hrt ue is tbo thr calias lst onsly so she droIpnses ..oeyd an osasisso ss-sac Les baa alsoa Ota Lheange ofssyloo~~~oraspisserfol osalaciscssavpchsdereproire of Q ..eas a and Apsae- eb scol devices asnd fok aptssio os This worsld psrapseoas iecssipranioaf QsaeclssadA aras-rtnica nceeiainalexical doains.This faostshlsalbe cosidleredhaslesssaansi aaysis in als fheld and ina she pseas~oa O Cdina da .sa.sn ar- ThesfosaasmnryosoisnofQochnaaadxasaasaasahlpoa asanchsfactLthat saosldanotsbeaovelookd Isaossphsac ddscsosaeaf boss os p asaps Santcc n50 saslosan of( Ils siae a eaassaos as sas o feia or ies IIwn oth....1 evs-bordinoe langunag. Thisosresultos asalsanl111-lbraosg busaIs 4rnI 969). Spandshafaasas on oloa set asssolss asoll csa sos asSpas- ishiiasns-,arshereforehaesora parts, seasaso QoososboasASsst aooablaar. Tissisa ion byanassos naousqossat Aad- asslas b kna: oanisaboacaosn Spaaslshobssh arlosslly aced" abrln abth Ancabacpsas aofspsia and' is hglia b ogha cnsags of oasracsssopaoty.o.ba.asycsaiaods from Norman Fscoch'nscaoaaird'sasobclseag.gdori'sphe prriadafloornacon- tolofbnlaid. Any dconaay slao pretendsto besofosean nioal longuagoeplauaaaasacanno bfettesedaaishonanicoas ofpiay clrh ol dr ose atteaslios n toanossals adsa sh. . rasco saf adbihngol osagc Tbcacsoloaosbssgsflascvaat craacainsegagc Iswcc aas sos dapssed thebos a s--eaasfps-so asddioaas- s soohs fordscat grcateststorasbtio dcosioaaandafiaoths Caatian ofhsear standards, lasmaatanlse ofeanaalas dpends rathesr o h saaofsaasahlspgraled raadings and faecae asaratsfradiag and lrtn .rs n ordelrstocapasreah rason ms ifsdboo itisu as.satsomato propaoa ha. u osbosbcatshsyreflers 5loaaooasandsbaosparsossaos.afsh rhauld. l isewold menca she in sfdffossosssa osss-ola so-ech lospoopa minl thapl le tsanaslation of toots firma Spasasl, Ibl Sposoah asissea l it lummo i shco-o.dnssooldeitionan ascope howesve e aQedaaaa and Ayssasamaeaaaswusold be specafacallya nssearflersb o P sPab sncoaaassaloachstleass aiberecd.Th..sosaohatbrai~losresad hc folkloreofsloe> rgsn loal bossas-osdfoll sadscd so pracide she wail- es:nhaalan abnanoaftotodale 10111cr mitcrails. In orderlawsrrosnhos arrosiarnssof thnat oaernap- aad in an effor l droastesappeaoas nfsadsheisfathinyisbr saaasasgsgr diostaatsentinshold be g oarsc s-adishsnnaIly sodase oedesehapsa Of -nexposilotrsiarssvlcbpars11sothercsmgc of s{s~s as.sgiur, acanallo sed in.. viecudo spcob assdsh tasci of Qehoasd Aynasarhesasilldecsanad folk expesssions. This ordprcsopprssa aaosgainr of Qusca andaoAymaaoroasamorca  AgHSXMM..dnic NIfll-4 Gu) 7 AP~HSl awrse IN dnultvro InuS-0 2 Aedtia.. .i Naw Inemtio- -aw - 7 pecccciicligees bradibaed -1 lfulocicerco4phoced lii mcrcn sallrlc cIb L1- c h ",fo (5tcrurdcB ,n l'socSlurcrirop nirasecrrrrbcr sclf cupeuciri arid ascaha-daccclirerucc i optuinAn ctrhan waytr whlichr Acicar a ud Cdacc Iod bie tred is enre ciup pkr ue w urlurec icc ii bul suir"p goclcaredF rtidfuiorkeccisle Ifn, cfi caccrru ir Tiswpuld gdriepidrlienfag ceranc Th p ommduue iocsisrcupec bicaeIto ic isl orl.iiOfgercucpar rc wfcarecscorccrind uclrcl soulshsierc re rirdccubr lreuiccfiuausevai Idmrlie Saccd drccrc arciuri WiriiieciQe cu iul cura reicciscr t-'c &irmio d uicr. ier iyrercledclicycicsrilrmrceeu s pccrrulrerit rudecgeiesrreireirrueu~rig cud rreeeeerrr repcrir n nureslcsrdrcmrnssrral edrureecleeleacccrruiriseiulie bodeylrragef tdrcccircpcrricldh Ietn srat d del crgee ceis ci aeraraiucandoAlrorc aiu de de fee. deg a'n grpoestr rasgmloa hpto h e~ol uoweusrrusuaruld gra on fu wirrdbrullirerec ccef cusrgonerb iuear care cd eect circd languahe logulerua y eccrti beite bl Ilu ecusere of ccuricr thie pln cld lseof o cdenursris A n oplert sdee tcts opu eda rcueir aalri c bveoscueigrhde oiteufcyurucccircrectesrer lguaedsoalies ue- lIn auirc eert tnv hsuacucice rih a lu into ethici linpriliriun e c ic - riiy vidy1. dosunc-raicrcaitecsrrifecire itespecldccun- to iruirctdaeueorucpashIt bcpearrrrrresgrtfuatceu. Ipcearcu rcuecgoehacd ItshrandewirhrfielbloccerlurcpcplasndHo- ganrc I trrpuic Sirch field sccady hc ber labeled rhcysheeg- to far we havecedicusedrit,, ,,cf Aeececud Qel-occas uficreosiup teucruseiurcsreruetcsoecIFillcrg crtrdeutioreeueili ef rpesseicd acc bride roue~ lierreniroerree in ' wic a a ad couged berea uuoriirrolh isorer uine,~ck o terure d... etuldftocuaerWle hr e Ilececiri uricc Tb>' ecorld of wacrs be possible cosh lirseiry nl ir Spucnish, diet-pdirpthecnaticeturuei The porsa ced luceecui ad faui laicrlcuuil, p opcec rna cy ocr'eral ll couldhbeconueuuuurpecrcucrdcirbtrercsoe of diridnrguidecscrrd bcuudurplucuri Thre Brlcucrrs huedurcr le ce to wuair foe eral Ilueecsc foxrakiogecdrcrrrcpsif Qcrc cuad Acircuo fc or rclinufcirruc tively little dcrtdramas noc crd rrt cccnl pegpects could be product elrdrcororrdimrbcrh Quchoiund Ayese I iierebleecrof thiece proruru wouuld hu geus giciel cerre cn the parrf h fi ress. II isuc rc ar or idrctifctiurc:irirhenurionird in brailC tItect otett in u fact already usrinrg thusumredicoaffectcd, Nadicuu nuegationculadbe iritlslUd red byrldmpIcrrd occur Q.cc huc arid Avrruca in Boivcia The dosupre of irfhuc lougrupi, could.l rcrsse hcsosauci dsFm a sur ris lactae, litcleice be quickly rieda -tie Trbru Icycli o caed ttcnsc'ec factorsc cart easuily hi irecd Ic tirheicue ofc comctmcr Dcrpccslri criri w lead rccrcclcdcs coliurs. It ns be argue, therefcre thatrtlre tceccrroeormoycbesplctuog rLteseesic Iriaceregionaliiiulod itrife by eicoucgicgchcec eof AceertaaIc thc nuiruo liugllcrdt cod Qoc- shcatchies Iniocai-tchc chjecticrcuccruchacircieualhtuecidicoe rry doerI o ecesiaily aogiocrru stafoascloneacrloecchlcum- cnunnrcsurivolvedcae notaePcrctestbyatheeerand oruesignifici s- pe icc h s ,e5>5 6 hes lcd re Iccducith ciorlla its, schorphpic anst Inn, bec sisgatore Scchfield 01icrsde huascenlcbeled shresideco eaphv cccrceruce lducus Fell Bcsrreoacd bluecec I974) Scfr c -haidtacced rhle ucc ci m Acrcanrd Queshna ecdcc re , crurcac IIt selaepecme cit ccc bridge to lirecso Spicic Amrccdtcucceurciocbccoandlccha rccldhbeusds inrleaeao geracl dicceriuncrioc crc ute u c foeec i Crlauciron I' v laguae ,pan rdufloecccual burlletin, mcgc- 0cc Iooksand cots fuorl wouldd tied acu'dc rederire, Tis would gceurlyaidoulicfsu oe adsad, rccuetfcrrccurrrcpp Iii .oln ~lid isncmf ad~- nTunssrculd o vcsccs bce poccbleccilueracy ponty cue ncIcpil dicnesdingdrirtrcoercge lThe prinest vicd huccte eic c ancrod fcechcelccuage, perhap inauco aurle ,could heecere ccc rtpcrarr aid cabile iuer ef cecrcderg cac rud 'er Belciacnuc hoccecer do our lucia cr cat for genceral breaca be fore eauhscen duriclly uf Qeresho acd Ayrcc fci general nomtn (alucrriien V rirees sa aaaucccilccc cc rcrrcucrcucu ieu uiBa uhr tip y& 1euc fc ucrr pereoru induce ouagu rcann uteredcuc d cued cwuirh shuitlueicuo trry Wth ,aI, criclcleafcdr dcrcm teews, n v utofrcral pe~couldhbc lrccdadcdtrsatuitreorctheueuand Ayrceca TMlcscthofcfrth rlrerc pccgnscoriculd bec pccarnocWc ctd-ae crrh pc ce s y audllicgccrccceoclrderhie eoatmrhacticand its geals fauur.o 5 ulcdy arcictg chic cecdcucrfedicely for tiic fiu P m Nariioral irdp cc tcenId ho puretly eferaed bcy thre phuuuued use of Quacc han cd Aymareca oshr Boelivi. Thre develo pmrer of thece Iclaatee could, hoeuc ircpuc sid ci, eiOncelcn ignILgensircrrmcuc: hqckurrled uolitschic klucare d-inacrhircicors . h e anuted by rhs sccrciiea cececc ucego This fcold lad rpoeeecradvit be ploiu it ceed or futuel acicl ft, cuad stif gh a ee s lntn h ecrdc iglnsad tiecouugirg tle use ofsorinrteorherligladseanadQo- mnerouro urce crte norsepacraed bydcxpcecd . cece sigudtieoerc-  -b A.... dlgIiSAaqhpoqhjn I..gier 8 - yam &.d Appie Awhloplodmscs 2901 Mo- an.. Apd At,.opogimS1. all, putti1 es' de o si d m-.s IIsa ees sht thes dissio sto exis, seierel~igious ....elesgste dicegensee,,e ee measkenmich dffiereace in th ftnl Ite ftlsi Pprlase Asti ght testate this hvsaying slsasingsuasss dsffeceosesaricnsisheysaty gatls ysLiatealresdy hads sas ctthou-ee coueeghforrihs rosad of facut l Thessritiiisal f ",elssdncoeaonomcech, haocedrepoad toisegeso acff csse c hcees ris tsHoal Si sishespeech tenie dit>h~ irtpeee...Iaen sts -I'hs~theiecgf tiso'Il h high fEcqess ci tianeeit an tio epsast classes of tseQuo- due a Ay ezocs. Kmaeiel -e sfa aae Ancdetussissaot cselssecy tlteccsrsterastic of rthtdia pesan risTe pseoissct's elsssschseet foe Sad tasceptastsof thc's iselats an the spper slasess ist ashe roadcopen forewsd e fpih amoaglepeacast- TlcesstiosalasmeuaaeplyeIftPoicsard prosst hess's atsne stetconiy assustei, psasossu lssaeseg aiisocall . Asthsso leastie polsys houelda atesunctil gtiesnatsonsasa-cilsjssstceat heassses fe- astestiede aticet hssscssesse shass Spasaih-, -psksgeee dossoes. ses n..ssssss ad oiew v-cche csssis ficerstosa itscsl Aye~~e sr litsspekers durieg the coses of thei erda ase a1 ta-ciay . iiso[ n v is lcaesiegeftese lar, cass Osrcs desgeeitessshhssrse sureis t hnace s hsa te prg ae is osee these lspdf Esgoescir tf vMolhpldt etb ,Safe eae lasgaagescecl also bhcst.c.edsoolsena people areiaeliioeposs ithisn goie orss bmssagcs-sa-ss esegooesasto A Iittstectcaes asee laissiagostelt gssesse daoss isctc.ccath QaUiea Acesat a speskers Inoecr to i-s geceia s.cle...sdice of lthis puhca zt i easgeadepsaslsstslasscsaac lasgaaeecacasM1ssthriagmsiias af sis'Cencellisgaiitaa ffroisThepeblsssscheelssesldhbetheisocs ofsti cesilaigshche-sahssse ssssitiis.s.siel selIt Blaa esallis ctiriatsal l ctclhslectiingsthelig niecitaisfp'lisiad cost parisssihethatesheesiigsa stdss Ttses astes should also incsde itsssssactioe costs iisse f each eof the moiel languages net itso an o eto as, ies ton nthese idssss-ht v sidb ho ec prpce of ilsescpoiii rtse-lssitiesss displeei sssheahes tiaescicseises st cial. political, sndhenaaciiciies iasseeltereti e aieisueesa m cs tlssereligossse hLseamts es essec see o moake maesse ditfcscrc ltle fsetssnartinali sill ths Assssis Wesdttce rsh fii eyssigahat hnstt asasoeses sssisthoogstlevnsay greasycess- piccara ta ba sssstet asssetsetssesschtseeseagh fist this rlhe cta atesesusalasd seietssari ihcsssresod to lansgssge dfferecsces ce Ecteno tlsc itoohgil tI,,tei speech coaicsossst andtieesasssipeeiocastces.Thatu el hic etc lih td1 sbeso the high feqaisas cfb se hisssaIss it e sssseaT s clasuofdthrcc- chsaatsiAystarasos Rsteledgeofa lat ttdeset osgse is,as ewh y M Av ctatic f te hiianp -. IT~precedein is tisooy: .st sr swider acceptance of Etie seasual ar isstbIeasppe5 clases, jstas theold acopceforcsisetse OiSpenssseisgthe peasants. Thcsseo angsige pohscsflvsshosld prossote hilisflisms etoelvaosglthe peasants heb aesttoalle, asses. Athory lissttlt. poliy shousld asasatsii epteassntsssejstshat tse languaesastsn aif Blaa, hites ssscasneatsdsncyrsheald tea sosese osnatsusal prsdestrirto-l issttcsrssehas lpsnitipasntstch-s a criss teehnisc; acsslhosscn'ivescvho thece celhosseniu atcistedssesshsftetshowansniseet Cr issces laesicsgeesefteclasgssges, Cotr-odesgledtoeacltheesse- td h.losgeages mtsd to f-icessesasot tasoficiency is pcii catcgsiesfaet sitvsldssbhprspecdtaiicetheseeds Ili ndie, laesngeshosldsalsoib etsedwhospepl tehfoepcsrss wiaths gecaetseetensseccrsseQcho ssid Atleases Iones stessctt sthse la ae r cawhaudhe givasato eo isd wca ace ] odl a statne essossss psc pats-s fl whese stes place BE enetal11 assept f l mt neic it oii: ai efegte oies s n it, blyasu offstt ets peonsepthe lolsssaisacl laessgesssd ati ilgnlsof SsaeaIogsosstcsrc ,thiepubllschool, sasldtbethe focuattr sampelasgnttlies hI mislstifesat af ssss ll chosolssand onsall is- tesoldeccithsgshetngcsistis-sinsaiosefsaleian aisdso- paist it vitl that of oilse tsssdtdisgaess bre c ol al ist-lads iettacio M1-et geceiosical te tofeaehefitiiosesl laagage seieenseffstttmsech fluceis thes ides .-ha w'ould he else pseese of other copes of cissrsesbhserthaetst dipel scythes about liigasidti itdtorit and ta Liapstisat uadc irts dacvisionlscaoschsthee diviciotssio se as sostcr solsgssa hctlgcistic ileegsr, ssti mtakesciura dffrss seeh et tie'ialoation of the ppdent sna We might restate ix hsastsg thsttsmgtc dfference, ,enthousghthessy l ral ytcatsal.s.dvhsad sisa-tons, are nun O -s iehnsteruseetohethficl hindlsfasets u fareshatsn ' ThsseeeellIetcs efcociaitseeosnitee whichdeaaespee tagage dltffeeessare b-a hesentctsoiilhastas pcch cesesetced theeetseuar eechc cae _nir ThI s tis, ...o t1hIighs feqisesas fb hiscaismet istese peaaa steamcoer fiets Qase chuss sa Asmata asss fsssddgs of .h nsve Andieanttmug-senot eaelsieieitthe ehaeascssif thettciseh peasant Thc pracaietes I theretov res for ceds assttsre if the ctaecdss us tEs uppee classes. jstastleeaeiscpcetsscdoIse slhSp atns thsrb pEssnta Tim a t al tash nse pelicy of Bdolivia should praniset tilatgssasn nstalsaseegehe~ passans Lcnssempalacdes. At thecery loaIIs lcyeehoesld stast nsoeeang the ittoes acholejastshatr the lgsh sae esto fhas is how ateasss and wh i shoudd Iossosaeceossossl pideraaiiasthan assestaocecacsbastc Spuiispeaking teachers dleststooheietsaiseho iessw-ho oo Eegeetaatatcth Aiste oQcesdalspsahstdureg theecoutie ofthse udsnae daytn dy utaesaotenshowsaneetrest hsltessg aa oslhsss ngasesges cosses d ed stdemnsh theeshn talsa sses taatgag aidsthe giceov e rsstisssl prslficcinspeific s-steaeussfen't scoueldhbe preeparedsstotthosetscels Flose m tsn Arideselunggisoddatsl:1,tacordicwho-.sppl aohidoespstoschs teseesc tescese mynsQcehuses Ayeeecsesha tacrstasthcs taegssgshonldhbegcse sol nslvne are sall sIunseguslt Stdhspeake.tchTshsjos plae themsoiceetadtcstilhQuihssieatd Aaaspar ecgerleprslesoisaaaassse lmacs-ssaodossh ealtsscgaatasssaf ie iasTo goessse sssdd' sitessllzesssampaignseciea 15tioss ssesrcaeeee sThspuhlircholssas etshrs oftis levagnbyte b:~c o u l lM,] a decshh the hnooaics ic ituatis f ofliia and sates p hn'titththatofehoitsologal cathie. Theser coseses dhudd aleso iastsmde'n isetsss he lso W strscssar of each isflh l soal lapsssgee, a fotmpr 11 inItheeiodios tjatsworildibetha pspsc slofet types of cour- ass rathert dispel toyts aotat iisui s i-rip ttatdds  Applied Ki n at ana National tottsadt-Onttd 281 Appliad I .itgaoism ad N aoa loaegtation-Cwrtd 281 Appied Liroisoic atad Nationl ltsgatot--Cswed 281 . ll eefpoideQret dend sntahernid lbt hoh d o tfiad sins the Aret highn cotonsan P tss aoeI inserteo and areeeoafsmriosiy wrelum paottinnastheaoeIttheater t giagle thoutld to stressed, Badis, tafaalk litetrse ptd talk otraIf e--srasgrsoovtdnivat necerand thsfslko ataceoafths Auneao tatgoagt ooi inbearattit ante tostea s i n tarnoes to oseppren- noeoit that Quoechuta antd At-sea do indeed have tlair tet sotasas aodoineil swn litesatarsoot iasoolpth eets Bottstansdumb bldhs aquoitstel wj1ttoteseootalafolktaaonssrtrtartatonfossa- as Oct-moos, inogl isottasr.nd FnaraMtst ae. asqotted salth tins faik adioos oftt esec-atiasent - A stared talk daitoe eviae if dtetifted at fin tt Beltom ia q la, I ~ an etpnsrant oats os tenrgga ttneofe ebtt wetitstn-otiesty ttthu tata nag eatosana r ns. TtInts m ettia A tnan-a asel Qossdwta lit...tp-s mtay develop, ao,rnointhsesllrrsratthoat prside andonidsrlarlreseesa 2o)-This tne mialdbesincorportred t beotadosarorat sstemr boha It h rgnasnlsvtndp rnlto thangoltagespl atrcode t rn tt mt n iig idt tffengasl rs as ltasobs I S tteh s.hsarthp~e2 tu angae s taouldae ettittessaaabaottsdrstsst o stsAartattalakattdn initatglditose Tisata reenk tatcyonhtnttex. l- itin ,teIn songactyrestsnadoa h. seafal detsis ou of -.. ass, dkaetet~ a hains antd feottp Spanesth wnuld be used tan banstos .sastes ighso sde sand eosaterite As soo as ilnittiat is , gtt-tIh case af inoelnaitad Axanasasstatsbe pitisd ,at fosteabandoned, by gead C eeasa at- sass t onenrnplseoo soarenit tato, d retl of tstakImnn osese aledhee Stein asretnsouidliace tes at Si ...., antdh ooean nfAndeaeaagerae otaltdbt tottattdissn alas lingustec tabora they asaold be rskeet to peantI thta ban-tes i~gn epsar g toe netd fenaaoatyfa tansag tootre foi ioii aloeu s thesent sstystpsrat- Itleea tagsges e Alo-at ele-an andSelpenertteold be eeett employed iantitasorationdisesela- orssaiasefepstsinaeuidinthepintgtonequaizeeappnt teit for all Ittal iins. tfseapnticy eredevsedaoleffecoisete Putnatia.tine h 5-ano seod baa nteeittgsisBnt .... as aon- and wsittfel ten tine Pators. -tla asstPpetal Qosoistard A stano inkl att inn aote -da oidihsh Andsn~ Inigit Cottres at Bodirsear pen- Hispanic pilnt oald teeesotboe-srssd tdndtne ftktssatttto oft tle a-tanp ttte,s shotd nisghnnt sourtainesi inr seal oer ensupport tins e-otintanth Qos..hil nd Ay00e doasdisfiaetheeirs nwa andlieaneosttsartea does ipntstost Lssasttonsitiishoudbeo asaotad wtr rinarearnoettfntkneraossss, 1nttao taianioaroty, inegterttrosoa nna 1F reeint ar s-qtoed palli ties ftink t-adtrtersof rhespetese rnas Asad dltksettons, snsif orrtrfi..inte oio ase ptessetantpototstirnfosrst s.otefenrenssattyssttiasont1trfettarotAm neristagtirrsl-g atone ine an-alten Ar aneneatd Qoh aaine littesaures stat d..sstop angeg r liat -M1prscsde asd asle-themram 'ssna 20. Thin, tao saei -insatastptedat rintte edtaataetal syoiso, borin ttte ornstat ttensnego atnd en ttaertattart orua tbres a orie d dot eptet ats p.eais e ,egn los ire o ilnitegant digiounta. TI at s bont tpasah and ohs Autenia taatgeeaet ns-sildteeerivedtedrspssifedoniotssns Ayesar atd Qedae ,,sotnt eathenaehteort A po~~mi Iosntt saprsostongooeeandtlstrsswsiandatpong fuelsy fienalSp ee 1 f rth cosIdtepe o ares ceck fssdsacolae and oon c Assodn srnedasen a eneoe thae nf Qaah a d Atvtoatwortd bepased seat Ttlaandonaeb 9-111sneioosartisgoveraaeoagnceas athle oiAsesaanstof bintgraltdigtnsauris oabten...IinstanesnsboamPagescsin-Sparesh and Guetat susediiaa in tostanmiyseessnin onatfnto uamltike. adenstioieadnet- Strin asltanteaexoald plaetheto sftpd anad thesefAodna anbossrtqat a footing by dilidiing tne tient Ishii sissy wrenttd be asked to perfoerr rins areil ess erring tins m ssotifsat tedeerces aiy tear ate nssete ire lttandaIt uThis papetr' as ignd fet ratonl iariaea pets for Balisi iso wshicthtthteeaeaetna pet-as-p Bnatesa ten ay Ayta s Qoatino. on niels s-edbedffiiettysralloosd innttseaaatior dir.ren- ti el a It lra citiess if sta al svwet-s davt-ied atod iecisls Pest mIne psoanice trnheseete so sld Lesatimore inteegrated Boliv a aort tse trotapabts arenping sail the toseesnol psobltems it faces son sad wil fei tin istot-edin uatNliiasnteofpsideQ Qsshoad Avsmtra thtotdasn betosidn tifaed wtlnete Andn-hignsatsas oftdntaeaepnstnpeo pasnt astate ofeooiteet wtit ner pasttfiroa olsooofrihneatie tan gttgenssod hestesosal Bodier oftttsasfolklientr ratnasrep- rsentiitgtatte Bali tsr ttn and sine folk anatsatof tine AXtea languages shoutddbeoeighrt Inotntie b in taer ds onsppeir ans thleur a tri Qts ed4 ad ootehs tita stt res sltoeron inteos asoda,,rSpaishteflteB &'lteisoulodbeas aceaitswitrleossetionatfl hetteet nao'feesa as Geeas m nsinsnhnnn tend ersteise are as ,aeant da sut rme fo&k itaditinaofthnrap csrso res A shoars fadia searee erstea di netid astins h nt eserse plays ass inpeoa tte elallt fssernao toI n esrac Aeo and Osssa leseoe stay develeop, ogsnanteg thootetotroretbap ps asdndadchetdtte se ... 201)is coo couldbe ao-poaed istadetisdosatttaa sostemn bht tie orignottasgaeansdtnasn alan. If feet, sill pesat aradin d'sesess sffsrt tints ghae tea tobrsnottasmy ik- m boagsia kinds os bioesnad agstta ey atn bath inpattil tod the Andern laeegeiag ss-eted btes-esttatospetftedoepta otes Aonsae aed Q~eb dl.f1nhaosp4peso adinptrw~,oe ttg lysesindsnaoah a tetslarestatong fnieerds cree fburts S p ossl wtord ins aed P555 inessr scietote itaes eoeaurionianidagesntea . Assaeoa. biniigsiltineis genesat.de s ef Qoes ad v addibe piasedortif ranaandned. ins g sIet btsstrt agenciesaadethescnse Ataeoaoipts of bithta deglorrt ens obessed itt oeigein anrg Pange wrien- Spanish asdo ndi peenr e rimlzt.i e -nIaIlkes tine one ens sed hems tSuchesttatiosd peasinsass oftpaerisisanthee e npeeanaggteneafritsgby Ading tne itaveas leiar ohs areaid he aksd tat pc-f n-s tine foEdlss-tnsta saieg teasnrefatn dati ooayfet-otaoins"e'etetiiattaat nTIais papner his arged foraatonal tanegeage poledy tor oiia tot wich tine shoen ansteptery Boiv~ian tatagea Metes, Qesha asl Sanisecid bestlnstten ipioyedioitoncea dasss -e rite. tiaea it sp-ti ard inre bll n tpioeqoe ppsre,- Pphta'p-aisetatsesslts watod bean otot- tiet oltiamassone- One otatespohte ofesonhg eiI ti he eararortl pt-oinlcss it faces toot cod wtilifbaelek she fotre  22. Linguistics and Foreign Aid Lry T Srsggs and Nosa C7. L.ttnd 22. Lhiatstic and Foreign Aid L.,p 'I tdegc and Nmac C. EI,.tad 2 ing uirs an-d Foreign Aid Lorr TI Bsichc and Naira C. England Part1, Lory T Brsdgo SootrbaicdSaecetttadaaiaedtoopieoa I oriorait tasd edueotionaltI atocccttats'Pahagaeo(f) thao small otIoterdepedstt both s-catts daetoped and oodsrdcaeopsd rlahootsota u l help isnhted stlottue (2) chattwe IaachtsotlearoftoI other, as tes have mch tio lo] fram as (o) that, to beeifoc ctsrstcptotsrtoasthegsoranrd and opetod by therdevetopiag goopt tlstsosr tort bory oatscrand 4)tlIa otrtltacopestvcffors the mo-soposifivnresult, an he attatot po exnopte Porcodrr N tco oosgct Coopses of S obo 1970, stithed 'A Nc's Foreign 4 cceor Progams Ito-it Seventis ioesd atthbuiltdocg ofsth rsttntaod prdsao tttoititor loweroinrctoccountris)Thcoughethe propooscd 1 ttta ictst~hc ti'snt t onU-S- Gov'ercnment waorsld scak to hsip dretop resarcheotopetsce intbctowercomcsortsothemsstrcotaiat rropssot, ansocial drrtoponuod trainintg programtsross'moula partraparian in cteostopeai A rtgiooal antotogoe ofth- proposed do- sloe htr-9ono Sociat Dss lopttent huto act lu wsactblished ino cdy 19701 to pta- de gram soppoo fo inecoro MPso*Apoat vtdos:cttrtctoc d ooeost PI[ tohodo old ~~'aho, School fFdorto Uoi, P. ovsofbtoeda, t"I heoaan tioct ,polstt, osaosptitstriot ofiorofadiro-rartttl Isora ba siaoo-.tssaroiototoosaprdoboori Parr 1, Loony' di~o) Scinsblltdeot lrecoonttsoadvanedhbyop.tpotrrat nlfooripoood and educationanodrtoatsehanarse (t) [hatwe ae all oorrodpondent hbos-.aied davenspsosad merdtctopcd nationssatthat taatca help istaltghtstocdsrtf interet (2)that oaehavest'LLanbramesontso othoro, as tics' unt mttcht so team fosom ott (1) that, to beslessase devetortnnttsoor 1lcressa oprtedhyrhcdsjpd I foecetdps theossev not 1,3 ourioders .srdl4(at,,sWith srcoperottvs effot th, motpooon n results on be aaasiiod Prol couotse, Presidtant Mry Nto' csagot Congoess of Scptsthee 1970, ratded A NsowtcPcgttAsiauncI- agsatri r e crtter, inesodat thethottd'tttofssl-rhorstt rdpt ctVssactt i t e cowme ccaeisTlttghtbcproposed UjS Iorrroaoironl o- ncdrptn erote, the U.S ('auatsrtnt old srcbothltep dessttp a crdhmmpnnc int scstttcotmtecaror dstenovsr' oo cothic als etaparot A regionial aostogue athic psopoord do- 'sir posost ttitd, tsthe b o mnestu Srata d ~rcfarostorttitste, sctesabshted incartyst99) to 'pm-tsdo granst sspcrfoiovatis *'Issitr and Frooaid1 hstgod aid B0, at 1).... ts aro at tto Asoc -rtoa ho Scooty fo Apptid9 Attccpto5yi 11 h4olo l n pll nbd o tttioocalbrtdocsosa tia, coo p piopcsetttateshsrcc,- or coehottd- je rdl toast opos thror-yotmoode tteoapptisd ostc ootc Part t, Lacy T Begas Sotiehiicidcasft-qoettteraooStbtpopcometatof freign ac'and sdtrational ard Itttt redeemha v,,ar(1)tthtwerell mtortlpode. bath at-eltd deveopsdtad ttsiosetpdoatiostoso ttotict helip Is ctigttteed sel-tuic. (21 that oe have mucs to tIsrm from cthc-, asotheythavs mrtotlearnifboms ,, 3) chia-. tchcoffrctive d-ol ales moarst br traoted ad opritd hby tics dtrctloping0 grups themseevs, nor by ttitoders; aosd (4) that, with a crprestve effort, tho totsttposit...ersott ear hecttainsed Far essrpc. presider Ntrnrr sage to Uonast of Septemaber 190t,aratits"A Newr Prrigo Aststc rogr-oo frtheoees-. issiorcdsat toeutdinpIsff stWhoatanitprattctios.Oeirtsioith 1oroioonectoo tIheoglhttopcps U.S. tttractiamlaots- ccoperoteoinsosaadevetoptent aodoiingpogra, t ootrs popltar partrcipatsonti dssropoint Atttaonanstogoof the papood d Wststaltseo taN snarls 19701 to "prsado grat suppor the icovtive tLiirs ood Potgo Aad^ by Fullord .io l ssggonsoohghrly pootstd osatoapsea the oos Moeo ofohs 0rt fctApplidA ArhopologyO iiso iP o~el l97ot A ooe o d oao- s-s pohshodto thew-VoirooioP ul ala fd di-u ~oa1 SoooI l Sotco ribdrt itio Illy PoIdvl 1 , I- li0- WareordcthooIttcoitititsss sccsfraoi Irartrcotbso i 1oslIotierosposo naopoprtytss. 0 apotoofaicroooaotsc ir sot-trtspotia-tsoctsyiooitrr ple ohonoir  Line imtc and Forueign Aisb-BrU, and isoad 293 Liregt..I. and i'aenign Aim-adI ad Acland 283 Lhnti.. and Poaige Aid-eiggrs and Engiaed 283 toal dcetopoen t pegmosns LatintAicautn dcaoepriniarilyhby "Itsa serpoofic cegonit-ea " aideobLimog "tie dynamnis of U_ and LaiinAscian proi. Bmpoapstoben n ooeveiopsennpobletme an] hcssbadoi e, the gottniptid ofl divdiduals in she deelupmens Theon. ept.aie imeptsoceo ietiaain development rahn wthee an o- o lvaeinwclreBuasIhn opts are caade st tcassate itis ocher iastgaag and artnce twhich have ausa developed at e have and wthich lance ifcartn moths "privatciitat mantycintisnieasod accusnitgli(a, fdeorinia by ptopotted inteent ift of" Y ancieciaiisinj Psoicy statemnt roahas Nixeny accshoear eocbeoundocstnd in i'cmtxt of o. daotedti politico and rhutetoc Whn is comtes to ienpleenatonr of pnojeotr, the cto of eani tnaanm ia mut bech tiiv eained Amttng thofattocs thatontst hetidostiedl acete opettiso ttaatal bhiceanadthtossenntctonut sc ofiboththegvc asnd ttetohot Tpteton.at Is he atoeed h3 eoiiahosaaaon neettdes 'eadeeahtejen moaltespect andswthakoledgeflgnttt pmatiplcs. Osboeedsc wehat is actoallvhcbeng.. ahnged, and wiheotwoattttigwhat fom om, ticely in aathen-rtaccdn neconay to leaensomnething aboatthat culture asen stouandestand ,,,aIoawno Aencapot isabveoe- seqoently boon able to he of ron, help to those wheicee IT as talen aittaa diffetnac'diac Stntnfnc lint'io an playnapaalel m ieeo-clntualonoenooiant A tseqacntchacca-iof adiffeees cotancois tataoi, penplcspcok adtlccetlaeg adlthiaditni te thee eoncaItdknfcoes willetctceinett mcoiitntniatoe Itin pouhpseaoiectn 'na-1i a language thanto lam"n acultue. but ihioje ndseraim dFnfo'a As Edoward Sap -and Ilceja tin Lee W hact bovn hown taegsag ..lately affsas ouac pneeptian ofthe -oded aron-td as, oeo'hat an ihopoiogy ha.called "wceldenieo"s Jtadffoentco- tts pon-noitc eopect holel tto hatisoanenplinnableieonn of ahin cotiaos, diffeceen laneguages permit oc demandootd tdelae oe claobin te-o aottelaanoanoc PacFbnennntcaliagntagc of- fects theo-otini onus, -of itsospeahccttacgiytn-eugh tsottnctttceand at tsucte'isstd pecsad.ocaddnff odiscooet. Lineguists can be of enomtou help to tiose innoolved ainiiatectingoa oonotuctiamonI mcaotoan discovecilangoage tretetocndde- e~~~ciebo how didi lottangages otoelepecince, andthoocoemeah scal deeclopscnt progtams in Latini Amnerc untacaka pcimeariy by private oepofi annganatiosandahongp"hcdyanaeiasnof US aindLatin Andon pivatc gcnopsmaan duveluptnnentpr-blemos and oan bmtadeining the pactNipaien af inohoidn int the develepment peacess T oeneetf thinpctae f privatecsitatiei desopn tarokspith pccontd noothctlnodnasuascolleauo in oueatoae But whsenateptc 'Ieadc totcaalatoiltccthsltgagu ad cltue which moa elit developedl at te ihave anda which have diiiheint nyths, "ptiemtintotsn blaheeitneo-todnaou gfeacn fofannnacioe by prp d'cs Plyvesos]educ amtodeesrtT ifeem to bneeinneetoiasotphcts-tatofientt deostic pclitics and dathots W het it ones no itnoplicnabo aa of pojocos The ealiie of each siaoso oos~eo efell~h ooaoned. AcmotngcircfaGannthatcnsist beidsi doae aotlnee pctaeutra biatt', and ethenssnso cotegoede nf both dieg git an artse taket 'roes, co osnly ho dicawesed bycnnIlnhatatinonhaue ionndertaken in nintaial ceoponacod with a koo-ldgoflingnhuipnenples, Otihecos,, whatitally being echaedacdsvha isleacmiegwhat ftonewhomt will be almbucd lt antropology ithaoinoocaogoieedtat i an-dettuwoeh c- bdclynsanoter conc inis ncessaty toamsnaeoeiig abot tbat Lubtnwcastoellaortoedosand on's owne Ansthrcpologist haeaxt- toquniay been all, to be of snme help to those wmote works has aed chanoito a hd Ili enectnee. SceiIis nganist cast plav apacall ole initesattoitlcaeioiuecatineAbfteunneiatoineo f dfcit atocciohe peopleorpnolaabfoct iaagcaed thiset addaloer to othan-Trilind~oetI wi.l e ahodetcenatteoeemnoat.tIuiisn pechape csies mIoss a latugage thaon o k '.a dy[isI aneaditng difiseernmAsrEdward SaiandiflcnsjmsnnLee Whcefha shstwn, loag instimaately affest, poo p icpncn of the orlad acound ot whatsthn-aplgynloaoolld "wonldi lanJust andiliceessas rtcs rpesese exopect hehaoi.tthotstincplannalenttcstfabcns ,lnenodufftem langoogoo piensi or eand woeld oncwsthat a- snexplainableianintstfoher languageafocstemacsa languageoaf fethe Jali w oif nis speakets largely dhtoach nt, star mse and that stentetoonnh pernasive and dsiacLitnt dnscdv Lioogoitts be hof eantnao help totho cahi ninuinbcsohvr h~u lsan -dmnoioructe anl tcnihso differees loeugoean-gese.-cooce, ond they ca ak rosomatdocunt pcohnos in LatinAmeroicaondssaken ptniilyby pienonrofpit otgosaieona and te boeg the dyneamismof U S oat in Anedan pcia-te gisoer oaecdcvopui p eats ansd ot lecoodetag the participation of indinidunal tn thne d eveopeoi 'IT ocsep of shimsposoaoceaIf piaesi' atc deselopmsent toelas with pcaeandnistbeehuoitascaleei acad ultnir.t But olsei attemiptt ace msade so itesate it int othier lngages anda aultees wahichlhavennot dovenped as ee liac., eadwhich hac ddent tsotb "pivt 'abe nalctd c mm otusoagfenoldnnao byppertiedietoonectumfvoshceneipiaite . oby statnesis sachoas Nio,aeoan-thbereefteo hbenadetsood intheooonaext of US. domnestic pabtieanderhetntic When it coe,lttaipnea tsoneof protect', the reclines of ah ntoinnnot be aeefollsesenod. Among tho factorn titanut he id entfieot the exspeeamoatnoeural hinunandetlmnouseattn-agatie afhonm he gavescadthceakett. Those cain osaly be discssco by ocllahucatian in staietso mdankenivm nmtulcrespect-and twithaIknowledgeofliEguiti peniplct Ohtherwse suoiatis ooiallybeolig ecnogni and soais latoleg wola fcoosshon ha asnthrapnlogy it hat been cocsnieo tabot In odertso tok cilec- tisely in aother culture it is ancw~ar to leate onnthcog aout that ana-u wl a atnaiosnd ooo's awe. Aetbtapolagsis hivte con- oennuyhbeeneablectsb hofsneelpsutlo oveebosaworkhasarms dhannimmtaadiffeetultu-reiSeth ngiton play apaalllnnlu nanttoloal Aeena seoi elunst scceitefaaiffotot nl.ul tithot the pople speakdnfnoot lenguage, andthit inaddiuon to othernnltnl diffeeocs waihnea dteentn ttnsraanicatan It is pecitapteomc tc"ietm a longuag tbanta "lacn"a caltoschat tbis is aniocading diffecetce AEdwarndSaptreand BenjamsineLoWhtfloae shoocaonoguageiecdusatelyolebcoura perceptnnofthinornld around acnonr-ovhat allstspnlogy has clledav adotd eeciaouasdiffooeacol-eo .prmtompc bhvrtatar" l F ofs, oaltuesdffetastaigiageo.pemitsoe d neds'wold vien-ntlnat ate oeplamnalelenofohtahngFnoeio oote g. alaeeIgtnagaf- factsth, weold viewoaofinpchu-lorgely thugh ittno oocand tha ttieteei table ptviv and diffacailt to alieoec pitesse cbe f e ooous help toihosein-oled inosn-ngual cen~ucsa bcausentheyeon diteaaee laegugctsumnnsunad de- sosihohoocdiftoanc hostagesumacpaiieapetiescoeid teyoanniake  2g4 AmsanAd Aqdmlgr IDX. c 29 Aymn and AgWAd.~li 11C~isa 28 At-..d AppieW hhW.. uli .het. aleobttpirnolcdtirtrraio lddiprtrotth ldinitri priii t ddburg rho owor dic o sad dn oopton Eon p offc too ofodptgti rrrobalntulacuknooldc ofhtrycloti p Anruodcormoueria k itoootocttni lrotr I krif otwotut B~olii oor Ga otila ro"tc H t iriiy to wdtnil 1 gg¢ l 'e d f lnei ow do gtaodtfre tat gourotdiiire f all lkgufho goldeolert goni . hit ooorrahfiuru are arred Ihe linuist- .can rrdn toohiqoe fodrcoetrg toht -61a rootoonk todottoroothen porn]rnctttillnwold rftrpople wino to be utfract aid. 'his kunoledge en etrrtil fit at tdctttriditig if bow prerend lturscos r kelV o be h.~.qtetr'n thelocealterldtrefore relte obey are 1kB' tit ren aelrle. Etpeeialiifirtouitruvok tlotoighuriier re hous if' olilitotspeakgrlagaid lack oftaro to le1 r rt tird t knoto tnted hg hout the waos she to be reiN oroupe ka Theu . toIrhotF titro State, aro. l mti ltihnrbronot ill tILL (lded to in the first oa~gaphl bin b clna hatter rcto fet do- tinord ntod cultural oncfarug p.oigrea osreritodtedirth.Frlrigh- crn lti~tietLaw 87-56) oothbl oriensflofro poona s droororu tttlednorrralnrd cultual 'rreeun dooouento. artd iohievoun6Th atr "pot ufrit ate, ite¢d Suiar rdoo . ratio w. pluaosirntbre1 d urrter uonht. iterhtatdc.thtlero nn eatur e fhoonnre prgainplo , h ouuh to learofrut otltseroplesnnrrrulnilte. tBnt, o i the rano i, oftha or d tronortro- trintol.. cantgnorrditupletietnherladducatioal ealafrnorurotirF in adiiir recptvy at oe nurur nph e nI d nnrtdr of trco'unndrarirriohteuI lugnabrnd inlural duder- ay po-ojoet it rnbe r Artrnl hcoefial, oge 5tter giec Fi mlfrmu 1 AhheAmre Pojcxatrplen Unicrit of orid too illirotroterie h bpterrt oftieopnlobrialatr lniltic toInoilr t coo pointie rrnaor uS cMetweneril Arreram old ott m ufacihea nonuojiA ti..l. tuor'eootrtr Pratort titgruros Atltbouglrit inevident thre irugrilic p.. nplc, harebe herinfficietly rpptlied int progranif f ui ai ard rdr etottal ouch-ogo mbitlc, oif U. S. S.n ss-sessaesisrsysssMsciotatprajct swhorhdonoielcforigsaioaalsitshirlarisseadciplcssct tatisthsaesstlsexpeeeste prodssce lastasigreiasaespahrodsr rsesohlsesrfsesssrti roegrat at hsems Itcongill S6 egests-s ,sd'iressssaafa aia sesaclahrltsshdts e~ c o t hsoasald a id u otcsrossssiesresishlsalesssetos orodersae woekfroaaafaabe~oftssroloedsr et rgoadheteis HIS1 tasrad odic mhrold heoM hedM for all sles of reserochrjea ahroad as wellaspooa of foegnsaid or edsaarsa eaclattise As a fortmersmeh cs-a fise, Stcr IDegersaea office ala-a a aa somol and co loceciesge progratssamokLatnAsc- Ikeow chat she aleparsest jscc o saC ppors psoscre n tha cehd eoca apptroachosads inlave el part repat ansdeo-kaag ofsanedsea pommatmio intheMsoawntty Isslsis coanetisra aa is interestinag taltal-ehos daesrerrshsshpefshctssiAoeeieataSdieA..fia polera Isaeosd lassesoar is faoreof pshiirgresearclsresssrtile l -g , sosr aod s-ssrsis[yaeloplmo th foai of rise p.-ec rte to gace sssflaaet a d edsegl 'asaga trg atothelooseheoseelvestosthst they rsaisdsstdealcaer sets-week ses' s emsc i larspaages eesssstsaproo ehootlsa-ssgrds-lp. sd oehei ae fstla-dsstcis lfa ai- eseose rd gosesaseeess so do s he work for themta Prefs asKno~ ho ofa[Tas sseaacseed as hesasang atrived inadepscndetal- c n ate egrtai sc M1r hs- esassc speakers is ltiglhted hy thcfoctthot dstoec rootsefoes sehrpeaalatagoagoscss- Iscs m essdttes hxtroe seceecs hrsettexoamplesecetetr Mexico , psshlushed ias 1968' w'inck arestees to deocraeNahlar st toso ofLatin IsahtsesssstrlalieaaaefaGtl ar icideaseocitdotthale gsse of dispaper caoperarsc,,e pr bcsarss hoteea asigo eA'irsecaas tstotoa e hegifs otrep aaidiidol Asrss-s eseas-lspee gs-oosssraasosaf fsode hanilase c dsee1 the hard t cseraoes whiehhosse" , ohed rit-e sselepsson forsotaerorte. Tiarretsr hapharar 5srs-eo of sseftssriraad resrIsps toears hepea asfesserget-heae lees ofwaolors etraiasl lralt ate h last grog, ]'afteosr or take thes - ailhsto local chaloss mnoh leest 11 eaesaithrlea ate than r rerc Chles Meas (left hast~ poinased oe sssescl U S aoserresro o thsvss thsashss s ad o ot itees-oss-mgsitoithe plassisataraioapt ars o saio ostt hrepretcdopodal mstigelaiooshistahoadaor ated irttos feaweing ace madc hoes H so coepe~ecr thatos-s planteriatd castled eOeeeasaepeeshlcal scrstsi~oesstias-d,,to oshfas titaahseeOf assa adrttdteadot This sosed adviceshoadd be laolafara ys esee- oheeoaswelaseresa-a effteseofs redeelooexchaoge, Aes fn epateterembeer of ithestt S pr ees e~i fficethst Scooisrrsdoc the deos me preer so sspor cers chaat odeaaaapsass opproach aodthat hoecehfall paraicspaottarcistcsf enteds-- mml, nvbescerry lsthscsesacio t isissatreesg srnel1Fziubr1 r mosoeas htse eshsaip efihe LotsA stesac rcisot Ass tho torio lee-') 'ntrdlose year irsfaer of pshlshistgeseach resslsstsinthe lssgasgsaicrsoai-esstdsatiot ardeoott m nricecleoposeot Tle goalofthe presoore i1to h05550ffl stttehoseo'hee~tes arssssg to t hesiae In h - h sie so tho the n eo dsssdeyedesy eose, 1hrosoto~sark srhsew iag oahosstsl es-s-eals tae %sshoot h.... sttdrpctd t'hettsetos-dtsosstatesoeri- ttossdtie k-M " o al tflat trilfsatesesets wirngerktrhet srts-s-r saerpaeof-si Tiaerneed fobe n htgsa se.oa hy st -arpoksre "s hisgligted hy she Gcata utret g aratrssreoar-ledo-taottpsaoog sca- haft ecearstetti bsectte cspakcs An s-ce o aseaeltcoe t ttattagrasoaef asiti b a ir preerse (aesblaar M ,poshcdet196-wbbd ealrehess-toodescrieahcesalsrsstan tI I ,aNfist t s-ic oarajs esaredeli as thaeginnig ofsthis papes; coopsertive ptrogrtams betwenrforrignsad Am.. ceiet- .5c segiraisang so replace stadc acls Areca ececeeb pee- g as-aierieoflGIedohe..sdstmtdcnoadth i hoed sessace, sahichkaeeitteleritrataoral cetpcre fatrsoestse liteens gcssaagrelocatteeohe parstsehacoloessetherees-toesllow haphazard prohfedoas sef noredstaled rrseccl progam.so he s pie'S' eraflrrigcsrheosozfewe whoseeve- pehhish repselsassowa afa sthe contry os tike dhae .sssaiable to los-si selolass rsh Ils s' 'astot lln alles in hesrs esoo Cslds My- cr(1968 30) has ponesas nasc -fTS nMa' htp nven t..r ihs-dooneclefeeia,ertaroalssehsepeeeeeesdssslso saatactaobeepeased to predaclastsIt -cletoserltpssabresdos sod atieia tsiiratciehsscssogs-hlsodnothees roces6agts pateciottclriooseopcseelye ashleca tossthoosessssjawtn orde wo-rkbromtfomIt.e haefeassl ederssdsgsclbneit TkIf tsdae sehouldhbeheededlfer allaaolsearh preae Ahro-aax wilaespje okaoresgssascdresoctodalcsahengs, Ao f ttemshceb of sh Shere Departmtett efts, that adrisees criesa- eLsnli aia xhneporm wt '9i ,Ifo htri e departet prers f s opposet psoe-s sithst emahody as-sooperae oppettcansdhasaeehcfal partis-spoaonssa backsingoflantsaO- t ' a h a i l rgcorneelsocat thesrtseslpsisLsirAcoao aSroduscsoea- tiettise VotsaeLeaor ycoi fr'aoesfphhosstecea- mereisthe  L14sdldg AMd-aw.sa eI N/ & oWM.S1 sbAM*Wr{, adI.Sn~ 29 ... ,ad Or~~ -B,, a igd -0 iotgtotgo (or irtegeages) of the ooteee wlit the eseooet I, erold oMore saetionttmxrt be gtor howeerrett prbiemtt ottetrtetogy itt publithed dtooet. wholot" the3 oppear lobairl or an ter lot, gungee. rtttloeeartoeot g tohae', tteetott derogtgory aetrohotks. aboblo pcha t mrttt loertla orryo ootto id hbrro n pgCfihe tooths s ttfor o~O (iteooi lgorthoth cledottooo moeoidho fo teacheotor itle tvettry ttt preter ofhoth orhogrree adecultore, Ltteorrer oeoettrmop'rg- depeod onotteiitfotrteetoord inteetpreters fr alleho, knowaboutteforegno ioogoogeaned soltere o,, l the' etr, efr otdo thetoeottsaml ie. The qrteetotof 'riog Poeodtt'tefomottil ereIs of infot- it alloous eeo'i'phiioted teto-ork ~it ofds cit ohri t A, eo ofrcoalttoereetefortodte by psetoroo eyet or byitttrtte t o'teeieistnetetett b 'll iet ,to'teotid aod ottepenooer bill tae (BUehoohke the rotet foe ,hit ytret of dtud-ba war I., ioen P ehitooftr.oiote will cildow ise the eroeee or techoii't iltitth theeereetarritetedCand peortrrrikillsowitttpor- rooCittoero ot Obviously. a komeretege oftite loguaoge ofilho rot.otayi b ig]>, detir'blie, ool'tteteeeett steoenlvadopt in the iaogoogee ado 'tet aofit'treoe ioeotelofrtotoaefth hall oeerey idepedetootrioeeef eegoootrkoItho If-het -,ceeebased ottreweott srot',0 g-iot laoguoge A tooo tediatt rcnda latotrag B. ond thanerrootioeted trahoounotortagoogrieidial ioogoageedf6erohtrtoo Ineolder tooappear i loggoeAtielac t- gm'geofd..eerrgieeiders te hookhetowttbeeetr'tled frt.e CittolB aod iote ita erA.Ii ~oewoor tttotfeorrototthe asotetroh ooeonsiolrhe.o tshal,o(ekid tteeoteirateerrao had S aepitg rodehtreeord t -cv l iorgitog Alithrogbtftottttdeeeerptttotitloti rdoi gottoeettwitlt d teettor s " ooieteetrttseotyioffetigltesatoitooit-feaiey fttodingoetre ai Poeto w il aahak aa hi r..lc fueen daeteoeteremr..eooroeeeeboeteowado itgowy peeotcre aThi it a er oWeteryd deiopeto and it tfler ,lheas fiethateoedod ie'tctoh-et fo feeerbteoitoe--Ohn te meoendot- Standtoetmotd orotpoteieroerrwths aMutoottetreototut he ctalm ftorever, to Plahnk r of eteetietogy int publiied odret otthetlr tite apteor ei nls or ret anothet lao ,U. seceo oterls a ell..fnas oftegetoeeoo eeoeogdeoofted hsyreeoteeiblphedoooartetfoooos. O oeedaigue thathen e-ottled iofetioauttotralyteeee ot thee esaoa eros pesooandoshoold beeete teoeosechl Iltohetofrettleoaettr- ceetr ofbothi'taigoatd Neiee Guog'rtotooeaeetropolgtt depettd onthleirtifrettarb, andettrepors for althoehkoSvhoaltttheforegn latguagrandroiltore althougi theyxrtottleeat dortheir oweoooti n C roteteort ng crm I lbSIL of roeteernon Teeetly p bthiibhd ,etreark amahetvrfthe lir A}oar oftfial aort refeteed to h pseodo- onyrrhh t Frofrste titnitia e iot roe, forotrttto-he woo irt road Cerpreo t fill toter elee 1971; tho aros for thee aetei fdemttleet of gre tee r~rrttteto Ietbho dn rrrhie earet te tettPoftlli e~ett loogoage~e dret~oeotto~toattott Tooua ofeo ateaotlrlope eeoottgcto d potd oiIfeeaoia . otooet rte, a aetaht oefI t oeir booed or, erotdeiotot.Dot io-gi.d ie t cotact A talaed i tttt iotgorge Cfepoioadrtoereootppeartioiltgage A, hiote gttogeof thetAitodateo eook 'te hetroootel toeo CitiB aedftrote BieteA litttola ondrthafewetrleieooeorrtS liolted i the ioungtsry er Iottgutges of the htpiottt ectetteer oteeo Anoherie hacc . ekpehn I ao in tereherfheet~ o. kepi gteeerd iorIhtorotiogog Iiniogueeotdoolruaieeeffergnoil adeeIreerhemit oeitreroiog he re eetdeeettdrogeorieeasootioitgora-d soisvingorte frothettt a ahidreerva ioary deseogtoeot od iewet m then oti ttrt -ltito to' do erleao ouoel fo in..wn ectd-i ig .odeor,-ete tert t otrtderote~ roetpreeeior-yto-ieortro laogoage (oriatorag IetJ Ifebotieeotcswboretdmeew0ehi5aotned aMoee tteotetoo be givet" Ihooeoeertpehteot-roi og ill p'thlioled sousrlet whhoer rdors appeterr oglh o ott amoe googe Thetettiifeeboe Cootot tfhe'rea gy deegoeor rootatrto uoeihottble pelhap, te, orealtt to ttfeon aend penootanittpohoreo rk No tooorlo oe/seote lo ,vt tre partr,,fhbottguoge soil soit ..e inegoists aohropigtt depeod et ti,, nootom antdit.teeeor aer-lithew know aoetede foretrgn irtegogrtandcultoe. altltough teexetruto ofrmoo doether otooaealo- sals'o attaeeerfett re Itoatorai published norrk attalrois ofthetBitotot Avier atooiealos ed eftto bhopeto yoor h behefr 1teoifretoaL t tefeeretoet ho andoaiot tioIftrotet ref rdreefeeqtiool wee not tiete)e Petehiee of feroosti oe it alset Iter' h reteotecrer or t It'a ooiehitgreshore theoreoazth etoatd fptralskiiltoithpet- M1o.ethioeecoottt .Ohoototi t knowl~edge ofthieI-oSoogeofrhe istero htghie deotble eotrf etne toteeotl 'dope et the iog lgtotdo o,,, .etrreioettos Too ofte ae 'td oefithe It rotyte ist depetdt ott tr-orslatioos of fregtrooo hta'chem- seleistaoed otteoroloeioneeo Dasisgittiiaogtge Atosordito rotteart toeoid ttdert aoatd feceiette lttgo'ge l io InaetbeoCeforietthheatrte I atedt,'pp'rinirrgge A, theiao gorfethe original data the, book musthb rreesotdtfrnthoCrtB ,ttdfrtBIitro Iteotto erodreth feto-rreralrlteoieoore Pb inoIiedittt e ia, nooaeeer-iogoogo ofdhttg inttgootyooieo rto oIoEfehtrlttrt h- weotkrd eeo'hrof tteoatrh t keepringree d too their owt laoguage. Aoacherstgriftrotrdeeborteoei ttttotetiheoot wih o- rtt peroiriero hteretotltoeeotr ioffothtthe atmdrefeerer eitditgeageoceo Porieetl effot-egeoaid orr-1eteh eeoetee aurtorgi he pretetdrto foendteg gooioe'etietrg rowrolnri tesgo peolteeo.'Thisio tor to itr dsrloret. orad itr-flrreetltehbasic 6aetchat e -dtoieore tech feent freigoeoitotbon.wro Caottererro o frotdr-heeeotdrotttprreriteirvWithino  28 Am.w.adAiedAosqoiagIh - e 9 AwaaApple Anthrpdlog 1Mgn~ 28 A..u an .App Alat~,,ldgt ic lI isclelatg0.1cpoiskcltid iasssooth Icsldo-ssdsabo bogisiisg taoeale ieissat¢ncofigsgccrtkocadcf l'o pier s. TI I, I ,rogsasosstahshcd ssstlcs ..occsa so he fadaiogal Ed c ions Psogsaoi (Title VI a oso Fla sasd is ondoos Ed o Ads sof 1965) fot sosekeo of An -cflu anguge milS ao Aod fos oilier lingigsoiiciiaiosais Otlcop oscsc diosd asspsakmofoasoiad ieiaof Eiglishslalaocbeaolccs liyngoics psi plss Busi iesi pata ot toi lose sight l5 the Acst that hthsiogi ioLssoshisiisoicinioJusoinsori CEoos bet-s co i o sgosgos intohs ss slssy adest eraino al ter thft oti hgis Os 5 glisp sif the dios-rcocos ngcolorssseatd ofttle loghtlctyal tc sosAnetso husaiorsprdsars goisticscalisssoidetselcstsfsaoooco, loohitcosdiicocssisdit th Ud oesfotid erssatitgtlicsiwhoichiareedstosc..ccfssAtin csdtisoolostiiissosaioth oI somesreaoad. Pivet2, A Specific Psonsple The Apmae Projiect, Nomi C SCofflos scs.lsolissssthattlcs n Aeeolasygs.Mtsilc Iocjtil ths.oisssssts ofIinan od nl a- F ,s mdit h s osos be ossmild eegaged incliogiio, csidssiiloliol "TIr, tosCatclitunConssist ofilie diecior M.J. Hadlotsas, a idto,, leacldstg bsisat tos iniibi ofls Boldodas sailsssatthsUosostoc Fsliidtsssdn US 'edoLioLiiodtots TlicAyina-ais neit birgsoolocAytara andao ish aosltaioedots hogsdtI iat h N iri Liicgoioiilscotots B itBsisaaipscdia ls,ca fact (scpocsro hcisspokas a otstc dialgortacclsallciaosslsdsosd1,9toaloafbc glih sosocpcmo Ait'iie 1h dtalogstesssreowttethe u¢sstsm c(iffoscoicwt mleint oides nilszcsiootvialoand designiddsllsoad tipes arcseasdedI aclsss _All tsesal ' esrdfr ilwt sicloos Foglisli a or Sansii6p ceidos Theadiestsofstcs assn,1 sfloist, "&Spcaoodisl a s Aymrsa an At, o h oSta, alt spok .Spanish1 todAt talspa, tSoig A post ce itn thet Couse mtagl by the Ayoioaststss sndtisoablsciefcogioecfedhack ocsi s sitrsctusatdopgoi- nntooTha Ins -o aodiioa scsalassiuAstoaatigagcsond It Iccleaetboar alicooaraooansd lsoon bth be-Aidflsbaad at beyociscog to cols, h oal- otasos oftisoos Ina it sotosaassl ah- gensisticr sshaoc 5cogts astblstsd' oth: sseootes to thsyllmstao JAstaflsa(Ibalftcslooat Aoainodcwdo at speakertsotaosndsd s-seotscsf ocliglstclcoccsssshsflassosa linogoittic pesocitiles Blttsapcssosatalcosbsotl fast that eedtslfkoollge oslsossclssea5soosl varsety oFlassgsid ssltossosc satsbos.ensy 9oopan sise hvnigscamnige asthcdsphwt tsaptesl asssot ha ro to iot 5f plrs a the diflhtntct onog sltcos ad athshlghtsthsyall tow anthewta idLU gina assadol to, lscadstsaoss hosh ahstdiffertoc asd at tlhescthods fssssdoseassotgtlcsocsch -s~asaoswssolista- csstsssl Cooostsatcas boils at sos,, 1sd dAlloc Port 2, A Spcuio Examplc-The Aymaora proySct sVOsc 0. hcgiassd AsaosAnsopln of lsogossssoas by Arica - oAndfaeignsiilos, nbaliaoshash A-UenocLs g,, MasessPeootect no sUnivoersity oeffi sd soda ssosllaboussoap asss.X csssooeod *clcciscarhoanosctstc gNtiy n lra .Y s1. ofcthc oco, M-I-Htotdoss,sdfaIs eahg1r fteBl nAmam im nassatlw rsidooce at tle Usnoeso ofpFlorsda and twoT S gsadoatc ssd. ThetAsisass ss hdlnsgoalInsAsnsasandShpash sodtastds hogoitiosoIIh Ny.ao ILiotinss TplainttA Ba1sisomoseds I gaeslsasosssw Aymeas a cosspasnsso ,aesrkaa ssstslass1ldileuo ssalsoosls shdaod it oosaslasoafoC - gllhssoos oAyssaoa Acos. ohe di510rnin enssssstshste ooafe tssiscssissoodecao l}c tbc socalsnd d,,sgdll aid Cop,, .os osoed fot each letsaon Alltlsisal is deigned oi c- wooth ,sinhss Fiigltsh or Spasssisess thcediector of it,, psojosiso flosii Spsoh and spoaks AyessA andn ,t'inofe US sssistssa, Ltos kssih pvi. BosthAoasssi-ass cacosdsig Aytsioishsoscssgl Icy c*Ayoceiscass stis csalsthsiesciiiedssbacksoocooos ceotsoodaot oisaoThtcs'alsaiot onoadditiomsl researchsisAyi~nara language and Iteissles this pltrs-aehsoaidplaooes boots heretadradodog o is ow o m ei r bsad ia 1 s s Ihissiohoco pi a, sossssbhsbodo iso,ioso ssnn sdry Ldosso Actaft196b)for soakaIA iedtaaiilagage decphsococ a hs liistsic BsrcOheslss-lsts lctof I l i gii tsn atcici nls M1 tit soi iitt basi sas acts sic 1os Ur sot5 ooscccdgcofc,ohMscsad s'soayssfl I-oaysnd slsosi Art otobt't ofssssocty groussics lest ho lisaavcieaiossdfso- cocs he ownc ones owno and othoe las goagos is i oas Coo afssireinofmi.1 r ein ogtAg l cI h g~a astoit cslset andlofotheclightstey all throo Ostttse hoa inid toss ColtL pesiols she Ios uA da- lassook as shose dtifferences isid at por 2, A Speii Eoo,,pte-The Aymesr Proroted \aea C lsoasd Assanoxaple oflgoc areochblscoAc ic ad fossgsrahae cv.b haste ,It heAvss Laiguog-M tiilsl 'saco cs Llis,.sciy o(Etaiida catsoeastsdtisocllaosisespect. s moyeccsiid ito chaos woho teay b aoiiday tngagsd- isihgnistic Aid eot iatassato- *Th s isissot ssr-s fhsdieNsos5Mladeonno sshire sotasc twcecs o o1111hrfibl Bicics Ayseesuannti eosdstssiobsUct.ccinofafboiid oidsan, C_ giidoisasoihsis liicgnitics at the Noal Jorgshso Instoso s Jtoloccti sorisscsIis- Io orothesossste n AsmoraaConpaotootn by nstsoetspoakcr ilge r lrly llAda aasainof aa- glut soepos to Aytassn AL rioc ibs dhgoe ato to e crisis it_ f iesoa~niisdotdaosiatoshsas.a land dstv~rch deta ml otrpes assddfsissb lsmoAll icicsc aittdsignsfor EssocWits titliet Eghhs ,sp-cah ctdcot Thsdssso ofathe soajecei detnin Spianish and spaks Aas Andssmesafdlyc hSssstosalsoopak SpsialiBothoAnstraasss hussitsstndvisg AstiaaicsosooteoohithoAtsiasasisns an,, hiosii hsnsstois fvcsdhishsn iesiatistaso Atidosgai- lo a 'I'sstyIalso caoiyassddtioosocsoslh',Aocsitiihcgoaisad  Lt a'r Sob I~AM-&Bnk.fdlwSou 28-:g J.peamM kFln AM-*byskltEa.Sd 8 a Ladfticd p IlAb-Iiq.MLgn - edereand. L.i, aiiioiicopleiriiesiscshs ossse bal dioffeores .Ascrri seplsoogy sI iscadcoslre iui-I field methods A th sofudsssdualy i l1ed iilthe peojecslic haveie eed fos he elAnsy ofrthe daoioaesad have sed yeSo topcsfs pap.. ledn oa eesss papeeseiiiise olueieElior silectsos Aysesss nAedo iacech h held oIosc verhsiiAv- m andis Ayse i ei ole ip. Thesseiiiiossss volseelsiho pcirjoo t aetosoiriiiceaed kestslede ofinothei Ilctpeesdii ghbtperapisiom ipor- tautly i riesasd unrderstsndinsgotof ie iacgllalislud arlsie. The Ay~~~iwefrgil apen exoe esigheoob . urgsojl to cIl- whst ies efrhap , ha oti s ses ser -Tsgidoiase ri-j .eeie. or "tdh too sh Ao rereri isoisiss som help thos wetl W Eelishi sse neid Aureooiler 1 h ehius Ih 1I u, eesssilbitfgtihlpotemeoiei thieyrtuntsoiohierBool[o Pecba~hy ieodomieeaeeAoeiie lieraoos speiiss by oee ipouodsaiicdoo d oss e mi red hi st ti-oieler ini Assessn Imep-s 1968. rid so forth).tIhecilsssseiss lays hossperfectigessrsssssi- prreclteonithe prject hut else issepleeeossoo of skls ird TIs bahosasoopicrseiodel ofuse..ecerl ooerieroeeitiol heipsiist thesdt h soiseiesi e fitAotessidisusbrssIloaibeorr.. tist Ac~tsre~ peoeple oeiariresclihysissaolitristciily diliee fet or ml arise t esat s m, iths is pl dsstosl pr o usie soeiceuet. of theirougsie Wenshsoeorehereelooietsoi sinswich theAorrraelersiilrorereio reoesieae"ic Oer fshedureofiotinsgoc airhiilisthteheseeich- ecliesec reps hrt ist rhou pseooersid reold oflielogsg whioles hed; shota y ot ie -oa is.l shop ir e to gorgpos whc clicets osegie M1 . list sefdIkes ofsthe stody ThiecrgulieslsdoEreopeanpt orhi p v dlguiiar d pluril hrilectt de... fustohe snseera lrgiigc buesall preoioossrd iei*efosced thisseold uitisbtye hisafoirpces ossoe with esptdfed sorsisoood is psioil dcsissisio Fral lra n r i oWpls PolL k asibeeis fed acfEothe doso uosem beorhpeed ie -'s- 11-s.-pleaoP + nsotssessisvsllWhatshr esiazirsfoirc haseedi~eittLi thalit ThesAYrreositt has i tistselsses ese ssesaoeeo.. hs pheeetho longuigeotnd coltoee.aoeolbgistefsdd sseodv At eec efsdsesoilrsclI aissld ithe psj) Isis sesfrd fine she -calaili of stre APois ositssrd hiv esad Anis naa esplies f ppee (enrtldergi ieilerofpopesss ths vlossios'. eos). Thoe.ehaoscolodedos toieoiluishtoseoedeie Apeirr she sffe tsef A'stot Aedsiesipccii te field ofcvoespvcoseic Ay- ssisnid Asscalonehi *I heAsoiis esesosd ienlr peeiwchoietsot only 1illsesad ksstssoicdgiof sre osheciopla ecd leiseageit pehpseeeuilps- touse isibcre dadssedsmrysooeise .chugigeird cofe r'ho Avror vic of Epii yIsM 6or .etghsecrg beciusee isigetoces 'shot btiss ses seol s bciooreefore. The Ayss AsshsseessesshesAiso helpsheewsswiih irngishi cot u ad Amreriictito eIn thireshssqeoieepltreithe peon ari ill heo1gesal hrelp to deem ",bas rhq smuseos cc iu sce~in Pohli anideefeIslt fMrhoehccotlo sesprsfc ees -sceetii evos ssos te pejseho trystpeirtt ire ilocdefr hoe rioohcs Plodel sfesttrol oilo otsse ieiee smloioth she 5ototo es ndrmtn oin Oreorh deetseoesrsgifeegeligeoooeiclieesce ot ld; fih e ial shsriaoirsso oe ro i c1 gene os rho te rdli e g ~ c io cIg e h c i dw ish e o s e s is , f o e h ace o y s d tfhe seedy lio lgea Ted Fetes Oiepeorotepoeifisf oleesidisoero... filsAgeie lostglesss ..hesoi pis esi sue strdiel iv forced Ibis osld orit it-ma.hs opicei Isheepecifellsssrslnes dicepiesuIisio tiloftfo.. fise , I oseieslsi.csoiie Lord'sI ]riest osoi ok hio Iis h eesisd f sb oo ree-eeeedorosonrcanee oslysoiios-f ha n I Ihossic 4~~,rlpteessse~ldlserhrssaeslooosfilodoeeii~thos5-ee4ihp cs~filtiesdool e Liiidersie plorirgcescososo muesiosrbal deer-otilsioffiseses Asesi The Ay 1si: - d sissotoersses itipheovlegI. lesgrssadselr aeddIesoswss fiondeishods A iierise oftedeessnos dseeeies'olidissho psiloshas hese dited lions the iIs iss- of sis ese isiorii cod hss te d A, ,airi topics foe papers si isilse go isess ofps .5 piosssislecsom Ecdls sl). Theselhave iclidedslde sf rpiisMis loserd_ e Avers",lhe ofios of A vini alr Ardidep pses inod sefc oi-e cosuAs The A eeaoeilid inshe lsioijcr hrefsssesilsueirecs ie elodbe oefrcosheepeopleandlo tgoigit sepolhrps eeoepo- eileysiooce cdeeoteeigeftsr own fisgsigeiisdceet The eyesal cia sem r Egllrisse enligiterg strrishe esgo si co- nseeohishepoepsbhescely orcrsotosl hefoso A ect 5eoitstd te e eh sor Theortuaiio we hello he palsh- ecteqodl n e otgecithielpseIsesssshols hseere tiecoes ils1 s Peeeeil theiretutuicsess-kncscrclrssreoco by onc poedeece ands prnbitsh aumoetisi nieseI. A eries (repits tieh, an orulri) Threehaor Aaytil ufeoaiemeptrwm ire she pos hit thre acteplisoeseof skilis and tifes I d i oslc i ,rsssu dollrteroisities Ic ouessseisi-or hrelpsisirot sistvopteosedis' sisgeee eaird, rotsdscying thoteseoss hoe riei la g ges hesbeotescesi its thou he A~eoiri psepis osicr sein i opssir tass ,,skniefil dileeere ~ iorieanidhat sofin,,rsuel dietlsrsrhe eoieLre if thei loch...eae uisrhpocnsse cho soto ier sens us tf s~Apcsiei lrbegrssoserseegossesopececce. Ostofehednrfdispoeesssler oreeilheu es rthathioe Re tee sopso t tieoile peoeoesdttold rflwcitoge ollir..homy hild, that as. th55es ayy suipassoherrtgssitseserond loc' ggwihcliohav inslose sote for the rics aid esefidnso of ill sntdy- Thieee se Irdo b Irei.o pattern s- eho pesoris with sirselr-idplles ofletsiosidosse hst5itrisAslmioe iIsho.gaefutal peevs oestrdiehosrf--dehiseisld ~a ocriAosoashofiim-ecsoe ,ipsieitiosispecifiedesslsaind esopsio edrio isi ffio plteoa. I lislaslons oflis Lee-s Paeir sosr-o-htwo his hoirs tied artiehrthes Naoohoocoe be anilpsed use. Io ,Athl 'pir-ru I is oesrisC Whtt le neisl.ies :fled to e.sIis, howe-e, s sirs  -9 Ayuaan SAppid rhfopl,,d -ig'u 9 r n A pplihed Ahqazoe ragi.d 2W A1.a ad AIpie Autupohgi.lI IhiWr theta- form for'Iaattexlrite frmotteiatitng'Ibi rttyof, ad that roeea~o j og' 1 v O q d t t IdtodrrAynmr hke md facthetttonotyorfathrThiscerved rcengchel the alrec dy pretetr disraance beroteof the rE gsear anid the At penra. The Eutropean st excluding the Ahyircor froan knowing his god whil atcleranme time fooing that godlo rrh rThisristhetonc co,c eayffronreterumpint at ano ther liargogelhstheosame cacr grrctasrone'seonc emb o nya ro utls nantdt h work which cite it resing to do Joplsoooaur Is hI ist+ roost betametocrd (Tartactik tapo srt~uc isa MYa latd body hurt, too Ihe Aencra ote-an rd disdngotahe diffocont typuo rfrcorI a so- riot of Chid, ncrcn tx hi hol oretha rcieccyrrlconcted ttjit far ivlard clssertise ,tno Thoeatff.xetttdlte incth setece typprsas dclcrv seI t Theirdra-gtreeeesrs yDcon. sis ofli-or~ pandt ea. One ofth- Tt t-tarrrrhoctoititt nifrr doer hntrsitho oraeM1 fecetreteIirrcrctrner o mm chicng aboot heow define rte speakbet wa slres to ho it imged to no et nowltadge of tire actercs ofihe stotent . There ar ...inicToolt logical derfcreaing peronal doegt or cerot glamfyiso iai -nrdrioo-poth a t cro eardobcctricettr vTliroattoso verhitrmn oeiorie oftstiihctieararhatrrspeakrso prrsrntdclairhr twholeocioadtlireio hast prlttnotkttrladr whilethemaaL~ oe htti at esrp en t oFtewiat,,atheuth poetofit ryhocr.tcrrtr . itAc One imrprecir lad ohlrgatrr Aynmara category is therefore rthe ritt ofperstrathknowr-ledgeoflaniestr arid tas ctegoryss ntrexisr oh hgo iraieicliidngstmeprorltigoag r~What happenhontfhe Attract anrd bIcoteo iy ie eneairiEat Erghtih tar 1,Spa ti Aeccoe pateage it tarn of trigh Fri a r ayn~od shei sayr' these dor toicake the sprahrs appea. rptinc r of the naccc c titrtftcttia r a hahtperrattetic oihoscanchtape ooa iccoltiecarrth ethe p1arl t sace, itcErr ihe r aiodngcoc and ethered1 onrte ociher oide cee Etroprat are speahing Ayta theyc tot die t cn esorka ldearkt They rao then intkettaentirimpliag peOatana hit nwldpcethare san thcc n-,,bittr fee risccv ermefiirtcttictpg bt ero er ardchar ':fooc etoo iteng Ioand rnoo -I trcsigoetrentI ,ahe, teendediehe AtotirtNoe ryetuier btcotr prfrthert'thisareeted the-c~sT thowedip pret dirrr -.. hetetrho feutopoeodtho tscr 9he beopero trot ecrtdtreg the Ayrcar fro. nt httig tar gcod ihleathetaroe rinig that god itethoocIhiw irrror ecaitpaeefhoirthersottpcirerhaotri raegoogo hotrancte¢- rotk chcritryengrad. ictrfesick iner beatmerod- (yaggach kiipora ntrt)- ciwa ~whoe body hito nc re. esy a Aspiata coatr anid edstioses idere rope -of sefntecs hi a a mettsfxsnhiehm atecidt0.hetnnecoettshlhadtisht a-oo feetry eoacdtcctth pototr rind derorseerrtheree There ctMtet redreote cedea rt, e ,m Per ,p t adrneoteyroa/to gteotintfotrmorr rttir corpcar polito rrem ytcedron l'a rit be-ssh .On otin p ter. ran oiliatertioeceritnhrtr tetforiaiotirla doer die other ohemat, fl awins ade, m, thing thrice hit- dog cte ti ipeoe truhes tie in repord t hislibr knirnlodge tfth. earrorors fth eroto, r hoe e tar-tao rpho- ltcioldee oe-nctrg perotntldoet orrraccyltfee itth -hir-raehordcac dohbt ortaycar T vecaerorbhl rnornry foeeaaeteofywh idioaaers that rhe speaker ws proeorn ducrngibhe ric cactor anti therefore iar peroral k edge wribAt e adits in- dioothatrshetpeaker oantpresentter hesoholraonaltangh wsntpr f lv a iaa pare efirra ait d ben' stintsM1- th f of peetcetldktcdre of or d e teho ia carogas doe attsob ligaray i Idi ripyat l arguages Whhat hap pent wete the Aspcsiad re nEgihS tiSaihludayial Ayeraa pcot fofc rghit riasesoeishdeiltsti Thee rardert -akharheapsaker, pgoatsespasottta f T Vi o niistetfcr nd miloasaree apere-tosrtfleotieatthaetrtheapa oSea d ncheewairshoerchi pact herta acoedrth, A~raawieIpris d n nly ho- . h fonsm speakiarg Ayotraseaned to omtarpersonadkowtledgemakes, They maty theorciteicrtertntpleing personal kercdge that aheoycal thet lIrfori1is anoealtsir foericgcIe buttoSeomaddtat f f rsacaw eanang rand sort Conrrganly r adrr toordedo WAr iaa ke trr athierhbutenot yor father Thistrtrel i¢eegrlitn thetArea do present distn.. erhtweentflirhcptaandtr Acnara. The Irpen -aseelding th Strera fr... kactrinahir godwhideaarlts a sieicoifor:..inghat gad or dthe-Thdri hutorn eartple ofliss the assumrption elit teoitarltnaahas theSaote care- gotisa trie ca ar nat rely anrrar ice also dle I fteai rho woek st-Ioeh..Istt0icg to It hrae itoh us co b e answered ffqa h hetyon, ci).'ai "ably here hedy hter tethi Aywartcreateaid daigarhtr diffeet apes of seenc~res hyrtsa ric oftifie ncloare bounadvo Ile seieaceaan le; ihat ir they o re noarccssaryeonerd al fpoetclrn-odasae ,of baso r indicattert ceir chert rho nrotco tint door te coie to tre rite oforae of trese alone ina- rrrc cart show eerie- ing ahoutihoslefaite dmespakr-irheaoeon egarlto his/hr ktaowtledge 0 ~eare of thh.. tatotooi TIaee are rarotr raorho- logicalt derrr a .vtdnne pononoldeeht re tait ritloeensnrh -hic rh eradroar dochtoeootiety Then ..wn~ tom fornseo cnahb adtho hsirocecs prerotn drticgthm '11' adth -Ixpcrsanlhkorlcdgecewhrlcrhif, ec a- diate-ct that thy speaker war nt preron rt t ho whole action athorg paintefrtt beero beer n toonoo Otcrcpoirarradoblgtor Aerar aegoyya risieriore mSrae ref pcorl kronlelgoolanscradthsarecnar does cro-eton- igaoeds ii rmed erpeer reacouges . -hat hoppers cwhoen tie Aymcara andEropei ncaot neei Irl-cglrah ofpenib rrtdrrtn Avtap.ssagea fallof rg err 0 ntneatdntreihtraysTcir, tondrtotrmakerthe spahaecappearrraoorraarae ofdrarses o crtrerrac and tay Irate beeriaptaraare aellornee er there anltrpl oirsraredoth errsnlio natlrparhthaaaoteraretheAyra or crspa anrcd rnirilr On ttorarcdd twhetbetopeamt -toakicg AretetoSohendtcoa trrperaoulho ]mwedgottaerrs. they ntcyrdenntomakerienttantpsn poc- torsledgshatrlicy crtn  1.moic -nd ,ciwid-M -an .ipln 29 -uuu and F~aAMp-&n aiIUoa 291 Lhi.1 anFhMdt-Be adp lori S opossibly hive and te Am wi ll bFlio treil' d...idnals to be In an iLlma,edioabsd. ffoana no ecntocAre-ain- ersoend thpesoecnlbeanitkdgocthesnthoahl Eser locigicoge le 5 5iyts riseg pib c d pieli ns. biicchlloe diffceeei font tcngolsn t-, ptI fe focoigiieeersto koo how -polp, ,-ndppoa whthey dtoeiot nnkedeee ceesle Fepi l'abeeeoucu yopm ITc and pjcpaligiti lwhileus Areso poictosiip~mtoteueple l ogiaL. Sen icaolllc poletectessoin Ayl snpreisod hle Eharnea ,alan tirece f/iar lensteorein nyno Iaite) eliccao (toothed o pen (titLeccl11),a ti iepswhich nsa, lyand laie ita please Mtiplotceo poloeceos ,hw eb W de linaca The one sir th sctliesclontlhvcl poccelfteamael xexeeo sleualc nc depeeniotials wan dit tciveocedeoeee. ei Ieoiliivkac ene mttv dobm3 iepases douti aed seveealctabceuncsofrw neocidepenident, tha piy cy a al ip ams ptbeesa mte' u poandocsfleoiioeitmet eis wme 1ac h ddiiv titGe piti-nli. eel fp me theiedi dosii hle ioeae epiu fteeipieeeeeollcclhoeein ehtyhlo olioind -foeeee-l reactions en ivdmees inet hAyeie i tleeeo tltc edsut thofoc- sigeci- tii eIT fineb ec crenetkeecipresoicbteo acproteea that iec nm u- -atcistieef e h ea I li bilirdiectiie dscrcballe siiie. liiia'ieaceviecq't dfoeiwysoei ieofhe achute dihasltiu.et.-euifacia~eeftroftetirgetelidjetaei ltiglili. Knri acis alto syctccdeeititidmwtrh Mtitnra type. tie Aymaio eeiatftlcs fuestiociof usle aecitc t perfoemed eecpbia logicilly fT-iiet syntactic.uc ef nio tha e- hive dii,, net poy 1u ,ancieacare a ill bettee eoseebodinidicale t be M~a oM te eahlied Ifiotigeeo go inito tiel Atiecoi cocni ciwiii noia idea ofhowy - cnpnia tihe iifece between pee- ceoted pecnnal kecslelgesilteyniy healeitiavoid sch hecy oitgcipte heastfe.citeeteg pobcteeeaehii-oiceteis, bos chatoar diffontc fotelaagneeto latcpIaqt is i'ttaior d itcs bitto p tc.e..sIseetpese ni a IK agae to iloec they do itot ceh dii att cocn it Englsh ppolitsen i ptictcadynenca- ncacndpatctccpgiiieehoec Ayt..atapanitsi ptiiyiendemoolol o the aot of idla s un (scinvcnele) aitiiscitoailyesstc-,i plc.A.e meea ie)lcigal ue ao ecoh rull ifleona amaid seeeec it p thneT i fee htfe whts byett fotttcitensocttus. g M~ tt ho yateciiteecsccteedn-yo l eche onncplean. cid n to an lee as~ ectece sThoe the o te, la gooe r t c chi'ol dnpttxeilet ,ice i tt lci nb adtoc u di dpeiin -so enconle te ii ddeicces o in aM-in cei-,ihih> fit-e oecstccid ehane. It calnit c afeitalsateil e thdyasi ftctieocttehoetiplaleisT i a eocsnobl en.ote id tosi cid toaa tmaclhvh aAiceao Ocm ot eheniihoteveioo our ise ah~nlatajispactelysocotcste nechiblitotntao tee of the mdst amptotof cn isvmo ntlontc ctaaion ach dtec rwcglcme tisfteahcuetlylsidics qt hadietilecu aahis l he difftien of aIn ggo foe fante inton teo.iiEgd. h i s o e i c p e i n c s i o ie s. ic i c h i d co .. ic o n r ngostoiese fatccosihcgisicici s aeicsniotyd~ etcetfsetictteopei legiet ofI tisatene iotioi oftoiactatfmii di..o..- not possibly havec acid thce Aeoco'il ill blieve thoe iccdi idils to tie blancodilniaoncied oeibccd. tfsoecgtss goecmntic Aycce-Ircan untue tieh stint ideo ii hoimp tortiet the Ti dcfce beetr pe- innl,.ld lopeol-tlccolcdg si tdy vbe ht*Ietooid neh scos and lcefte ehawtoeicc esanoamtttie.oe bi e Mer langaie hsiys iegccligpal messadctcpoltcsceis foretieaoectcleoetret ftomItclntprsigct fooogloeeesto hw Inin hoco nessoexpesesed intalngigesodstilsc donu ,t mece dnasnoteoors tI r gliBo pbeceldess as peirty icesit ti nd pah.gnsi nide in Ayniaoc pthteeiess is pcitmibiatl msilo mmi~hScsatiofd poltns 1 A ucatra is etpaeeed hi tt esuca I,,u ofthtfoiectiufaddosoa ie o eor (ca)i hooceie ahdyselc), tr) t/ni ( I. m(neathic n n Pipi (lacge), acid also byho)ya p psntinlldecu tap inendecfiaxes, hewbaiillis acida ibelico 1 saruro, ihon cn th n wtbae h he gsetscccss ind th ioteca- cpndeni ,c Otbee dipinct ,ooynddaii endtuboclis:oinisnthanne tc dpaido h bneeic nle e wanfcericc h icdep dchnhil rapei nnhd my heoaooibiin osereoccnondoindenI ,qPuc pneba dci ao, p ns-- he asoliltese teor ffc nsobl oitnotec .c ..cc stcyc eooscloo enitti .tnoicce M Incest yanA eslve os s~ ,r l re ista a don afh unce thsfonlnnciectie n , lbc nonqsh dclchcciltocndo~ noe s ote tie ktoeql himpmm m-Aor di-be Aunicr creinofdhat-col ...toechdet osotto tus ftl~eitse be npnociwtlitslotin aocl aaireo netcly nt cosft icnystcoei logs elssnetnlyiiott dooehalsmlaioc Peeiti~ancywiseheePnsptclbcsab in icsc ono oieamit o ant tfiece s fecpeostrlditeocuiien lciteniii foecMe lsetgeescqictl nidsonedfcocuatnliiuf aitanaiianhIeiaaitpabetgitos o ho 1cosphaii deiueis. hoc it fii lit isactio deohecc ud iedi111 tstst type1iln iycan ncsofuefotemn of bglith inoneation ato aetefcoioraphco- lopia1y; Theoaeis oneneieno-eoieocycin nvtli e-- hoendsoi-  21 Afland Apied Implpr ia, i iuia m9 An.. rid Au115d Mthrpalo s Lbpio m1 AaAV and AA.Shp 1 . a eead hhs-i.ssafashpdaist'si atssiteserottd «oaldof oAfaeeisapasaiear' .bya yA ,aphs e of ataonon. Trial ahi,~a UIsil ,ar. fidte 'ack panniss As wlieith A drop tht ssessword afarswhisepoatse m oaeaiarie in geerl g srsrb-1 e1 an d vu oseahtoeaatiaeaare quise seaall. When fagrdesprortasists an patterns ontAye sara s hy , Mkg otn bstvand a~if elsat~tetassoirtyati c psosino tony strut bae a presaioe. bar wID be weasag. Thae Acar esAy, sounid sslatrlsitothe foreigsaer becatse of tiaelackof trachiiatraioas. Pttrechaose Ayaara seteefsemaestiysend sstiatnodrop inrrso wlhselicht to Enagish ears sounsd- qurite ar tr.a entample sthe seas Apua%~~a tar Plosau take it, sirt siaaeuI PAl afersstsstastteargrgat bsipstseftsagarom adssssarisodilffcr at trtass-sseo beseseofseemiag eaasies fromlangutage slangage. ia glare differenst.Insaasebseruti at eaeCaepssoaneersjthasett fsrriaeAatotstrstiestsshra h-tdatshasrtdaa kbi saaetrsLashrbessrfrhartsissssrrs taslditeod sohe AtawtYiaa spatkiet ersbrastsr ay is oy rate_ heaskaetssatgutarAttai ra isnpst-esse folyt tatte for shuttt Itl sihthes additisoa fiche-intsutflia sIe aessodd tat slt caasars ltstbeaegse Atnalofea ethers. One of ha,, ta 4et.. raars eye foe ttda I hais itshetatter asmpactsthat eagr tsbasir Unsted States. Ayta asoassarmyt bpssaaotab..erassssgge ite ssasoilysflaeossres nt aateaosaeses stgdiataseast Spanisha ofareresf d assrafsrssohsrbees A ai .. alterarde andeasghs bsasasd' trEnglish as eases thinag Ik ahbe. Th giic on o r.. Spaseb patasI tased insAw asaar taasepaasebtto psecdar thaewas x latch setaieso rteersess ae ttleadigssyNeesrfeignetal ea wae9 ahi itsefrA. be damspros, Aed mant sie seenanir hield of arrasico lto-at m 50laapaym Wb has-c illosseed state was a htsshir she All.. ysse atguageot- tedlwi-drsttsofashppitstoneatseeehotseswd wosedtof a pat oleretee ix menpastd bysAssa-shtsof faleesraetioa. Tltush~paressts otots radtsers 'biark pasaee s io wIseth eirA deals irssss trOIILIniod ht ot saaeesssstsasaotceaain gnia fareigetes plase.haa..ssaaeoertpaerrstsaAy saart~rosthrye- aggerar taetlsated feby easeI tsao, for. arstea nueone it nrat only cr~be asna.ggmeaete ieos-1eiisssootr lr Aysa aeaasaarts I'ateabote Aymra rorgermnsidesehssndropaitsiesa *eamer m tisaiab anysos sads gteiebrptbFoer psaapiesr- Apasiay. sta 'Pieceasake as asst satsnds ahrartsaWhole irISorellstPslt'oerrttd. Aasesploeatrionaof eu E rpaessl-tlorgasges- ,hlpeltsatoaro o slt to t ihe differat ee i Oeaneer tobig wose wat omA hn gr oce The raseh and ser ofapporoalyeroteo trees assay is, far gaaieomdffores Iaesressfrotaeswhre heasedvthteewordjsettcl- Pet Iltp h vmr,, tANwYhOie -party asrhe lhotofafrhessls r hanesd a he hadasebrsiaew eperag t sheen shoeata i ae sAs i eesAata-gmia Ayesara imspesss fai bth sods fateor utp Vgai eraiditiss of tie a stffs. hosress shnstrdi asthis rorc rot e ba fise ressoo of a fats- leneeardrer-s gitsiseateeaa avert atdtmightsbeasetlhya rapist No-rs to assthesVlunteer got the gait he emd Thocrass ardss[lsasseedeSorse yiess enpt c asgg adntesn ,athormUse oftrhee An Ayet as den, fer ledas Thura baa, sit se imspaottsse Mla hsrbskLteesd~t ASeasos AsrAratso1. batc vnz lt. lytoed e.-ntinlig. MAea ns teprats as teti ofedersaLa for eAtherbt1)i yaa A iteTeeAdngt btalhi ino atesmo sedd s~eal Issoetpntbleeoepest trsos wr1onn terts, may hrI sleadiag, at efarese somrt asoothat nrsslats iesetfroeodsrgesaooardhaesreotirfeidsf ites varies frost Wte haveitstestrscd stesawoer ~inwhichithe Ayra laefcoga- rr ir Missssietsfoshrp dop iitoo-attio on ferloeonrdswartof apat ofaisereantsI trs oeptatiedby AeMatpeesf teeeetsrs I i bns ohe a O pat teai 6aab tedirases'o bital ps ine hit l ears sA at in otoon th won . ie par --seoieeeeiet gorsss MarcI~ve, hegacstesemall Whso, fooigeeA pirhtsreettapaesas 1Aosrtsrasrhsss- otavvibtrey gaeteotrsill besre~h betsaarssaaysebt tuerordtoah dssrtmeeerbaraothe lik rofhreeAetomts PeteltetseteAyattttssssrafrareerandodssaeh drapteteeoes- tAre as ay sass VIAir asra e Is sir Narrs abosps whie. isisartrtsakpae ttsasd. Asa esqlataios of siar osafiatotsaiotsirartalar Issgaagertatlprthe foreignersto tadjuestisteiffret um One fortheshiahasIesssnoi te nrgr o mn The crsaonss Arasl oefappastlssatstesst be gs cdifferras tars rspe fir aatissos..j enn foisasr ase oae hors eorrod oc assailu- teepsaetsssrwaeer nShsaep.thbeso e erea NewsYes b Ietpaysitbeoaase ofsloeeslrtteeres lasadlord soshehslhaltabuies ,parkisgsaothem tstaca atat ros\e. Aasobea is aoeguraAmasa ttalrraie fultratide o lbs fathaeop illtrhe osldimio sfle at seffi. ias adevN i -mtrh M fo etterasword inflgMah art nu w adtrgberer-d by sapes. Needlevaseso rhsal er gosb gaite bedaoase TI tar wced. s a re detogreorVsI ome Itesgoaget arnd ni askr Oils ofsbrse at Ayaa is dIla to radJrs This has the soathe ip tha ta'ngger has asl sNe Urass S~ Aplan-rA as ha rilly Sp'iahiessaisgo, boee otsaotsbssdeea fn~oi,- hes. Momaseta Msyso Sp assee ofstaert foe esasiar buoess Assa aitslte rdsasd assght be trasated ato Englisasesome- thineg Irke bobs Tbs sgstsae st fa r f tiser te Sptials 5s asteno it iteod is Aytsara Is as arpasoaieb a prsshsa sh sae sesids asisrs oae ivbeseaweatsote fetegcrsseaarsehaeass-amn, iianisbse dakesraarsdo shoe the toesei- fatid. ofiseess ,n Itesesage o latsgsoss Wde bass rnmaoraed catmt ways is whiolA the Ayarsa laagsaage sega-  .llido ad Fpd,, fB~ Awad ina -9 Uin~mdnsalIcAM-mtgrad ad 29 1 etad PhMin i-Boter~ -'nbn 9 o ocop eic diercol fr, Peegliehartdolaoorahd-Eaeopr rr zeagrerer inp rhow on hl,rlllar gagadoereaidfre calgcnioreead0a-arhselIgro i~,alriearadieeovnr.rnelxaia lire . I. ege. 1e ccre oel( aclee for dneeirrc a ' reek:e ard.ia also a pan or, peeeporofoereoldF-.rvfoeignr in mrrloerclre -looudbe aoearla behisorhor owsn lrgaagn airdrhalof thenpople he orosheaoertgcnrj eeood8ferr prrceplionarrd intrrerratiorof the sme exeri re eonsekeng abooeetamnexprienes twopeople ahi diflkrz nelrgeeagne may acorrlly be speakirg afon oncedifror Lhrrge. A foreinaaeer oolsed rrra dorloprnrrt program raeeds t0 knrow hrrodulrarrlr1lantaagoelrthe penrrle; he toselrrnoerlho krowrotrleat larrpogandoah sraforualrer r d onrri arrad process.eotrri- re in ly- rar diroro thes Dorolapor hae imnd ro m rea '.eoplenrhreouoaeooeroabem It rrrakrigortrandrrnl m rrorcrrrsad,oopr and oererooplore -drrorannr derrna orcor pl err rndraeoero~g_ Notes fr,, It " oa re Orbrrprrrll.rrrrro act rerIs 2 I Meljreeo In c~l R., r1,ralaeaal err Nororon nakro (Gadalerara l9eoo 3clr.rLealpdeor(rNo, Yok e'1e1anond World farr Foboero 1971 Wrr-rr,elloro, p6Itar 11cr 97 Arer Srr1rirnep- 1 rornkl.joarrrl SU111elrrna ri dererrp orn efbro c aoapcbelcrJrrrrrwgraplo,I1918 aneFo ranoodrhar lrrrgonarrlyseenrr aerredaplxir rrp..rprrrrrrrherrldersree-ogoin'rr lr ehralcehrnrrerhi lor hrrronlameh hto h epeh rcs:twn nol eafec p..r pere-4eerrd rrr nar of the "1rppir krrga t rrrrr-lr' g odoori, ro ri..1 too people withrd'rffnrlrrrgoagorrraaynrrally bepar,rpoglerooorv difere thingcl Afrergnreorlstpena drarlreonr *pg odoeerkenow larnguageranrdlhow irrafececellor udertandirg ad 1rncer~loi- aa- l-soorli. DonloperoIlea, f lna toirndoc or nirroarhrrpAanoserrlbeaeofalkoflsrgirie anrdeoelreerl errda,oraarrlrr mrrorreernrple narrrrr orr emn treI - plcro rrrorerrrrrg_ I. lirejo dsro nrrotnahert Pre .o..Aruor I,,, 2 je Iqa3rdo llba Mrra g 1raoda 11.'r..real 1960> 3. lrrroerclrrlrdnarrae York Edaorard wodAfi-prlcrrar 1971-V Wahin, i prr p 26 Mereel9, A-osradro, pp 21-22 4. PFairk Kerre JeInl aoplrro ro Doo pitro f eCsen Tiolo do Tharina, rrsa esieerrrn drfe'rr r m lbrrnrglishrand orrll -Pennrrporrla- gg perraerrpreolree lintr tlrlerargoiSdreerrrndiffornr cairgonnr and ano 1la mrgeerroarralperssan 11errerandoplin themrrrLanguragerrtoeraroolo faerrbrngrloworld-Iri alaa eorrirartorrpercpiorrotclinssoeyrfeae-nnianor hrreertIrn- erroWalbl aaeae (ll assob linenlr en innoandithar irnepoaplrhe osrnia ng -11rilrreoln dlr nn pneneprrrnandinrrprar onf rlrnsaernnsrrrrces In syprarg abranr rIrn nepino ro prpln eerrl diffnon in goagor rrrry aarellc be eprabrg abrot neorp didibro rhirgi. A foeni.nsrrneln a ndelpmnrn progrramncoonknewr rrr sbrrirhlnig,,rfrr eorple hirA, sndereknowor.,ahar laigirg. nd hllow ireffoeerlcaloidecnd rrged reoencingnr- si arel}rs ca disco-ee tisr IJeclol r I .enc fard r 000docnw eimnplenallhng asoaroedorbratesrofa ldkoffegerreed orlrrsJ rrrilrrnerng ared mourecomrplex iaeedreaiorr dn d oma None "..d Inh CRoor llrioaaalcroe ireorrr 111 2.J7. Mdqeradecaodeb 11- ald rneae hrrC odalrjrr161. 3.! porearlirl aror (Nro wr pe~rario and Wrali I Oer),Feear 1I71IW..arlroo.er aper p. 1 Mae al1Iin Ara Orodor' p 2(22 4 lomb Jmorno JrraePl=iro.ie toe.iprioni S rfionbotleraqe aiparbe~hdiii weoeapb 1968.   Q o C C 0 0 a _ o tC Q 11or 2WKo~ A. . 3 ¢ 0 O 0 0 V C A A fBL r n.:., nCLO Oo O o Ox m e x 0 xxipuaddy V x~~pundc~vI mPimddv TPd j x".,dd,  A,,-dn2 Axe Appen.e tCL Jv r5L fB 40 0 t- to F prnv 0 a a ID a a 296 (EL 4E 0v J0 0mr 4nm0F tat-Jon- 40 rn-flU, A ppdime A A A A a 0 x w a E x a a a a 0 a a a x AR a a a av o a a Eo E 0  Appendix 2 Appendix, 2 Appendix 2 [The finalereporeprduedhcsvhestuted to thre lerof dcaio, IlSw atttre relrss ofa lIrd VI -ntrx Mar 1974, dnsesihrsthe basc resins for the Ayn a L topgg-pcdagoymel gralosr erfer- oreamrsaadsforrhsodocodhythkvtnaa Langusago Mar- na1, PcspyataI tire University of Flossda The rides ira this bin krs its pcoesmwse of the project oc wi, duneander its aegis a irsItsa r . AyiinmI targoag . lainerfBeai Research foreHecspts fLwgsage Ayaaa Glossary; lcpacatir afTaclussg Materials Me.Joan do Dirt Yapsita Maya Dnarrtr Itttedo Letngt- y Gciatsc Avosn Mvjbonar Vaojaeo Inistc NaniasnaW do totundaiy Lisngiitiss Do M. J. Haedritas-al-Baodtr~t Depsartmottt of Andr1ihsoprngy Unairy of florda, intrndntin Althrouglr Aporaa Is tiren tae tanguage ref intr chancremllo people, tost rfwirrnr ire ceidens ofdoliam tns Peed shore has born up o owvey ltte amalavaitabln i Aymrra so thsat it ba ben b atrsntly a spsske ayrga within Aytsc cenftslt- Ayotrr childoers spab Aho langoc ge at htonec bu aws yn they oraterscnhatrt they aco taght ins Spassish. The veer few gctnttaas in Aymrara aeb,trtvd scote devcelopedl pritoarily fee rbgiomr prposes, airhrrsgh one orr tier [The frol sptortss-odoraedhrce, srshmitted tte gsffscoffpdornnn FIW o,,,, f'd ImraM 17,dnb h ttebasic materials for the Aymrara langaage-Peaggnt gaiotts aet onegranrora, aso fommrh-ptdsedbH ytmh Lnansgage Mstar runs projerctrtheurijecsirf oda. Theoarticlesnth'raaoue ither precursoes of the pcaro pmt 0r r done sdersr¢rag's o Ayson-a LassgoagoPcnoectlBasic RraoacfnsDort r p nfLnugoge: gyso..cnGosay, PrpaaionaofTalnus rat Mr. la do Dris VpitM ot moumr or lengsna y Cssttr Ayra Ms. Jana Vacqoro matttrt Nacial do Escodio Liegblhicos DH. M4 blardtan-d-Baussca Depanrt sf Arsthrpotogv Infrod-urtn Althourgh ehy-ss in rhe nativehi atmetanor aln people most ef'ehor arc coideat offlBoits and periS teeo liar boos sap to now vry little restrict available in Aponta so that it Iras heir clss oeya spohent Iargo gnishin Aymtaro canrossi Aymar eluilam sspeah the language at hors, boo whois taey crr school they arc, taught ins Spanish. TIhs very foew grammnacs in Aymara that ramod snore developed primtarily for rehginta Paltouse, 'Thoughi ono O two0 [Ifbe o fnlrrre epr~qodchid bore, subsuirtd te the Of fie jcation, HEW, at the erneluan of a Title leosae,NMay 1974, descrbos tes basic ssatntvn foe the Aymaea litgiicg e-sdngtsc fliamar refer- ever gratismtraidmso ft-produced by thss A ynsra Langage Mate- rsi Prect at the Uuoriv of Florid,. atsr ers o inhs vlm weeithertpnresa oof the project r eoca doendoerrsaegis o eeinluaenco.] Asctat F~angeas, Proeojcr 6 el tgaa-oh Pot Hesraboutocof l rgon, Aymsao-aZstae; prepaarationoofl ahisg Mateials Mr Joan di Dies Yami. Moyc Diotr, esirorns do LosgsaozGemaaaAyman N11 Jhala Vasquor tssiro Naiossal de EIttdias Litgiiisteos Du. M. J. I tLma-de-Biotsa Dopartmeont ofdmrneopology Uoicersitrofblrida Introduction Atthsough A ymrta is the nativo tangage of mare thou me man nep e mst efwh,,n ire residesi rC cBolivia ntd Per, direha ,brn op to now very lirst mttaerial Iroilble in Acionen to that it bar hrn almost solely a spohks, langoage within Aynaaracotstadtes. Aymra childrer spook the irsgmage at home, bet hear ahoy otter school thoy ate nigvht in Spanish. The very few gensmarn in Aymra shot existed were developed peitai for rotigiouis pump"os, althrough one or to  259g \peices- aasieiisas O deiiasi iiahsaa adiapsertso s Altlhoigha a lCa of siesi asassai had had ]iargueaisaie 50 Methods The A......aLaa-se r Maesal a'eii begati firasals ini 16, has esaisaadsass ssilssiaisssP - g ssaI u ga e lsly aciiseiic saaissaiaifurlea g splieAynasa n vguagaidiassanisssdueiasa ie Aaa a es- It , 3l Haiiusdeidasiis Piafas ,iatArthur eulogy aadiaig ras oassIie n Ls ofss aFass n laailisaa ofhe pa-ajees Mcjas di Dios YmsD Mac Dis..oelsa sasst di Laigiss OeitsnsAyr. (itcs) asad Mi. jacessa Seslcesieissss Iaal ada chsdias lingssio -(it)d diiped eapeatetafgaiisf diss, asidsressiiiis in iil s .eeas.tssshA-siaaiasgagss-aph the aitcurcsal ' gv dunas assad ms asc lan. Msti filec Mai. Nion Cieaisiia eail sad hi' Las-s ilis-sas lis-ippi Iicaaseafsie aa-aihaisiapessaespaakeisaidilsgss esilaeaemg inrsaislae ari iiaiy acaaii tc tie ysc dcx sas-idsAyaineaoueasai art ai-affsed asyurb taa b n slasuelisesiesS as Lard eIntassaervaals isargsaasd a-sahssso ilselpiabe behs ~ c ala jaiuesisdiped is 1966 hy aMrjans de Dios Yap, us ltufist aipisahi sac ha psispassd by a Ayaca forahiAsna asd IIaIifssoaheacd bysthsAs almaa fis-ihacr u Ai usateslais haieussetd iawcc givcnaasthetliiiveriiaof Ial ianasd haiasbcr, aaidccrnsiaao esiheoflitd asaisuadelldac- iclyc iia 5-aseaasi ithe langaaageeasliisaais liaise cciilb ..hias iii ipdals, Pessscallv af VilainsII Results The-tias-ilssicis Issf (1) sim selnies if pissd siaaiisieis-aluro cbsarm] e cegan O o oCaidggi caass l eesa' asaa d i ( e3)esaz giaeisas d2 70 hass PlmIAYMAS A I YATIQANATARI 498pe Thiesedssanal icass no gsaaniiealisastiasei o Onles eiiseaey The Aytassss- asaralis primeidhs s he dabas 29b5 A ppasd-s1 hae aasi m es ou f- ti lesai tractiosa or diseiip sa uprspta asi Althoughefiefisheeai sass ihad hallusaiiaaiaasse uass sc saslca l vassiiaitsaaIaaesdaissesgisllc a eraiiida asaharsssbyhdAymara people. Mctlseds tse Aysiaae Lagaasansi a ai Pie ap- hearn faossaly it Levy, has cocntaed tdt.. ,pariidissg aessise-aiiiiisa oasif A vas a eain LisMJ -lidsa diaiassa isd. irru iia the Clcaissa Ass auraassand she lianess asf Is- uaa Dties do a slie,asd ssseaissfcnrtiaseisessiae AasaV [].mgea,iisssh shaassiaisaiofarafdae sdens Ms. L, -s~ Mlasses Basas-T Mas Noaesssae Eeglanid asadMy. Lde Thasssa Bssssgs Baaassseifslsss a.-ia ~asspalf sit sep skeiassdsiasssssdi saasgsesaiiseis s eslissaiiy acasteae as she is )i day ssaasss ass Aysaaessai~ aid are aoepesd asaIsdhyhcssssisiieaseessg-asesaalafor eagmeLdalsas Thaahaisssbc rediby she ps ]aajewas deiciead is 1966 ha Mr Jeas da Dies, Vahpis, thi first alphia ea tc be psopoed hy ass Aveiasn fasihA t t and ithe firsss t eaused Lyllia Aymsrsafas thi. ulaiupilases, lassseiasl- if Vlais III, if peaeaga b i-apis, ad (]) eisseusdasce giassas> alaise Is AY MiAR All YA I IQANATAKI daiSpp. Is sabesssssaa aeslas geissaI eixplarsatijn at adleraaicseses , he Aysiaas asacsl is 1ihders haveoe sesf isei1aaeis diis sidvlpsesslisis Aiiieagl aasescafshds.. .iliis had Ihad I isgisioelns becasase autentsa by she Ayssiaseapropl Methos, The Aseac a aagas-gs M-aseriais Psejeas, hegesiariids i hA9 has eissessssss ci esiaacaif sssiid if a l adeallyaaassasesesc plI gy and Lespsssa asi sh Usiussia efPhslhdo asa insicese is shne pisic Mr, an di D, apiaMepa Dasassa ,Iitssisa IIngcsps y Cisa so sam~ (riea aid aapea Vesc lssame vnralde ahe eliassss aaf giitt sitr M, ssaos LaMain B-ashes Ma_ Noetasiiaise Fl-splsd ands LucysTles risg Beaaiifshs aaehsscshsp Iiicspeaers asalilss aasladya a ..1 c sillsaiocuos Iisesev d as siseeasa Ayma.mrsadaI It svldb mecmu dibnch iesIseisd asiias Tie adplaha uedh syheF -iiweas desslssuedes IU6 bSLsh lv Thiar, des aa Ypsna thforselplitlo ITpipsedbsvan Rl suaoiesl hav en Wa iei a ceuses gicerya Itste U..i.etaisof haeudi-yl pissoesulaalaa foueIasaeIeisshcsluisi Results The seeaiaseiss c l f() duceivlusse rs piiassdssuascili- pedagig.ie gnnsasiis sseeaisaaa sefesae x asses m(2) 715in sfpidgacaisps: -ass) rd aaas-eeglossary. MaiseI' AYMAROR YATiQAestaxAKI 4.29 pp. The sisae esasal, easiha se dssssesal aipeleaehi or ourecemmasiaay TheLAs- aaseiip c.is , iisca Lcasae  trdsuusclus ;fsore. I fetyrsid g- ihe Ahegssicsind resiesus fios r t1 1 Sn I I Idd-Idm dmgu s f Faste first seseic md ,r Ire t e o heeic eshci l:susepueidedsebsih Spa usstcossnulrish, issitisig sceceemm dui r~veads su o tu stus-rt wuhose fisst pls fssugssssh, ipsssssbuorEgliefi All itu- pcsddiilie e luuugcs Ihubiscias sdedkitfarcscrufislOfuoWuuiue hints plus 61555 outside liossus aorotalssoftt90otcuso o s t slv ITduji quieslr to oitpeoxiiiiely 30 cli isuecc ii hiours us te semester hosts uthusssut9 levec. aolscsrd TEACttES MAtNUAL It ACfOslI PANYAYM\AAA YA' UQANATAXI 429 pCostiiuits ise s husee ttluctel StLCIsieissiiusls 1111i11V tshuuto hcseeuesrt Id. slsrsfs sits vuluine are' closslusyses cse follr.sit sisipsi pbsiuiiouleiiiieesleslitccsfll uoluseosius-lcdigus unsuiices gsiiniil pdsstqiulucd ous usisfilruich sit; supplenieiuueetiesuicenssusgsuscb fi Ofeodrs iiuilsleiiito e sfslisse fleis susonitus hee feahs of hermIis resp -ese u hc soPs rsusshois fur th -prs i~cusi Sutisis, liusdlrd ihcsoccieii r Mrd uddeseissut tiluaidsfueIeci.n, uusgsuus test, hue nr v t, al issue eslit vi-.unisogreat deulaft usail sue acndAi tdis aobigisesiug texibookiudlsecfrsees esteuil thuue rse ielss IfI. GRuAMMsAtICAL MiLTO?3 OF THlE AYMARA LAN- GUAGETOACOM5ANYV AVMAR AR YATIQANATAKI 4t1 pp -This ictmec 2s husks11, rufus-us guiussueidtciuosusdos itsk dse upe d ntescn o. M is oles ihat ali isterested peusuct sus iu ihe grasusstisut dscpunisssI's tanr CmxoJiita iltoRid5 ub.I t iuese first twss esslsesss and pirls iuue~td lie th desuprisofttc fsitsthrcsur touuse-lliinditscessrvtuuuucIdt this third sobste. The geunial etsutus efithe Aeremisui lugiag. is dr- .ieihrui, followed by tscific chapters us thu ph.usulogs, ecebl dusts- uiscucl uvuetiicrseuhiislrstiu ilts-teuietstuiosrphilsgyiad pzeg gscl ssusssc fscu l cus eudtgthl dideguc red miucas, for tuscselcuutsishccsusu RL sli Wereiu¢ssatiussuspruseided usl the dolgsu and st thef feesrt coieea pecsssdudibolSpash . hotbtsshssslcu die volusenccdotchs crd9 o f wus tuhis iudeutsshsfrst tao gogeiscitsir pauushss-bclgs Missiles se p rsidud si hue lac lauiags Ths sisucusut s- du osedfr [ucrsieiiuesu rdi hturus phss0bt tauusduhsses ttsatotaluof 9tthomsf sady Ilustis eqiduslrni ts ippusnusscch 3d9 quaituedis11" hsuss s iicsict hrusrs uciscusirnty Ircd I dsucP I~5 AHMIS MANUAL TO ACCOMPANY AYMAIR AR YATfQA usA I AI 42snpp.Cuursis desesl srusortuhiuc a iiisdsiyulso s It-aea slts isueid lucdd suethi ucsscue ,potlstlgt 0, uciscs, for sc'siipasn ii pcicuusuucusts ,ctudd; suiccs t ill vuluuscsIssmmiuic-ssuedss peuteesreus pudigogisl and Fcunish dsr sue auhsill,01uecsssuxsso ocsssti sst futssr ,,omsuid cssusistsuthecseusty f tlse fuirti ie seenforcth ru .u-suuefeschuante tu be sites islscstsdctsia e gi.disig uf hclhi 5 upones oil the ripe'as u~sheeuicits shenan m sut hssudled thtes.os us !u ni test Asssis ss ddidiseid u eusluidsluorooeshsusshiushrls t peissse idsiseioretlps Ituueili fis sui slues ispu- is pcdubsibclls peurstud A,, ssrihe suidouussiscosugreusdouIufsbiseusriu etilly- istaseddiu olbeissiegstsihushaoi desufos-isrsiu tuossri.n b,[ictsss IT GRAMMATICAL S~KETCH OP THE AVMAIiA LAN- filUAGE TO ACCOMPANY AYMIAR ARt YATIQAN AfIAKI 401spp-hiuuus ishsirul-us-fcsigcsuiiurdesytndont its 'iu purt ftre th tui wshitbe msstss. Thsuelec seutious ofithis eulueso s- sssideaud'i thu tenods-ulsus it thu me als-tusebttst-peso tuftdebhe esaamirul dsceiptiouofiam, prsinnlsei ur.Cassuiuads-uptiists-hurfualmisstce- rl betfwteflirt ussluciauad persctssrcuiid Insthe dusuiisioufihofiastheystusulsingswillfitudittssoe-yrIFtsssssu tishrdulu eIsshaeslsosoc-Iueae uftdcAytus lugsgctide- srbed ful swud by specific upee si t ele phususlg .o..hul ducks- tiossl esctverbal inflectsoalevrtessiisie utoephology used Apcnussdss 299 podueogsc-etssue ..Rrustsud'esrsInc dssogssrsust mrruiwr, beeII1 I p d shrdiilogu estand fr dEstcusustdo fstbfrum ofrho rue- lal h peusid dii hurl Spaish aid Tsel sehitig Thu sseteuediiilyt..dl fuiuscuwsh detsss~ utusefIEet lute- gusputeiherbpsuhu oruoThh AtlussepoWdintetm Isesguoes. Thieumatndswre dcsgresedfuetsuuusof 3-)D r . soushutuistts tritisvdh 2ole9(Itssofad sesuThisis uqui rtleitotapp-.ssisesuir Illg qtsrriubsurs ors20semsesie bR-i t'ulserl TLACMLRS' MuANUlAll TO ACCOMPANYVAYMAR AR VATIQANAT.AI it9ipp-Csetiuissstnsettt iie s o -iulteieushs Sisdcsesmay alsr huseeshiuniictiilaisulddeslirs phetuhugusts i P~ua nc ; a, f1 .t>inludig co-dshi, -et-sissutsu podubusgsuuad euhrusul 5515s fosteauhueditsupplosusesesucce-ctteurbsutc1, torus d1sfsenial t ibi stsir uftsreerses .. us -heet [us Far retiese'svicsfoih oerhe mcg.'ssetsessdessiufsrihs gruding beIs susepo no' ut tir . pu usseere sue th dpcods stou o u adlud thuie i for byrve n ~iidctdy aea d oas hogo the ete bu utpimyra thwe ad ms. uu dlafsstrlssis Parely prdsstgsially presesotedA iuuia the suuud ussroiusiu Isssdeluofithr iusefitluorasllsuicltdeduun .beguibsig icuiheui usd ihurofuso -tcsiu is shenu 5fn II IAM u9TICAI. SKI TC H 01.INCE AYIMRA LAN- CUAuibt0 ACCOMPANY AYMuAtt Alt YA'I'QAN ATAKI( 401ippTltius vtuscIS bsicullysuacfetee goscsscueuedsyeetsr'd e its w ut-sparrtruin iheieushisgususislThc relseusursfilse ussesesrussissdseuishsossssslsosisseiutltesfsstculisteeess ibis I sistrietdpos sr flied thu geusssichldrucrpsse'ufuss poei iueiuteu.Lruuessieieldeip iuueherfrshtlste esbeis fusteithe fststtsrus-lstsuxusdpusus setcs d1...iptos of tlt forssdses re lcistitgssillbsd sesrsistuusuh this thied ruisie The generl stisutui oftl Avssueu ae luhO~tde- s.rihed, tkllused by spusis hio.es ot th. phi eselsgy ses-hl deio- seitusecsehlirfl iutl whom, uote s tisphlug-usd  ,I,1 Appendixes brief capters etie idlepraeri isslioes, die sentence or tfs And the All tpes are roede p egicaly.eelth pals for recd aon They iranreased onrioelnns designedtolraveetheIident record-foer the noservie The dialsg ges are presewted writh iromnpiee ireeo card tleo ls eir afcepstiolsalrieEanead rddwnEsie e.ws arriae sesros aseeeontuhtapr-tsb precoded eim~hu thorn rit *Tre irf. nrPbencItogr a teereie promielhfrbhre- eganidon nlt ad prordeeiin In additrredtothe print ed nonedn 1.ndtt srra eLepn print- enerrrrdsr gleerary ' issalnhlefreorhCEraret frmiAnn- s-aOrdir 319Cre f fiice Hal atrnrsieftrd Ogirene i-f 32611 he glesear,-an aompltee cncordaent of al diciees reans andttoeexerciseseof Utnis V lc adxlft hean aglossary wooosees.arloconerdonces. bv wordseaesardeode Srnersi reeieo f hlse amaw Langioge Prtojetitvo beetnime fl- Twe eieenidenshvab nthe fterisai e ,Ein sra ofr bart i y o *gieral r-eeeeraleh othe his bet posie throngdx knrweeg prejereag a no reserletr~ Cebrowldg ofls largrov ari reloe oftle Ayrs- prri andi is iepfch to boes rthe studentsnt involved ari dtse Aymtara 1eopelios eorrlssproducerlrsoo MIA.ilseses (pnltrwoM t lisoed E hrices an Itnparsiads eo the petaalneeela ArierAnAIAhsbeen weher pt Msgug j. a-ir baqe one of.... ihasn-atieesprUabete Aimolaeeeipthripeooeet A p rireer SISTEMA YAVAArMAI EpfIN , IEA Vii TIQANATAI9I nton bs Mis. Varspir anod Mr Yamiar itc need no a A roeresponsre erereeeyoevoi her been developed berrveenlthe un- erieFiorinerdvidsatliifteretrin lra.tandtir nAy.nt lan- grangeernn iessre sohbattle oat ah~doIo ohnthieieraageit rgho 300 Apperdines hIefeleae notiterrueodree endilrtvles "rr eFlartsAnd the AllI te . tae pedegegrlly wh paces foreitiaon - I he rocny be trsed otierrsradeigerdto anrthr sitderr.bed snhethe earvore. Tho dialogees e plewsetad otitlrorplenreptir nd tecieireirrorcesmirntreareepsssxnerar dees At arene eritoeir answers en rie tpnee-tn br provided with the ,tee er et fothO ie Teacrsr NMaoral Pltetsologv eeries provide for btecl err- og Atni .g aridP ped tie. Intstdditioteithe paidorioaerals atddrhne ys arconmputer print- oorooertierettsr itr aitshtefiti.the CurterforfaineAsei- ra Stedns- 319 Otrntr JHalt Umriri afI Pridr Gainite FL 39611l The gin-reuy r1 oeoeopere e-ereranee eal rlratre er ee tdrher.maiss eftitriirV, VI, tIel andXII Theptoamr rnerete p1eerrrodar breeerd, onatdsnfr.o S..yaorectoftlp Amyo i ogngrlrejerebhnsbenth or letitrye ratdars hiovetaken the forma oeeureenn rrhamtender rhe o ititoa of Prtrsennel fer rhe prtject teethert die Unri er of Flnridi adsdAt thesstsrnesr eecesrile aleertrts lrs- butrglt rie rigitnilaeeah eeieth has been psritht throah the psoreri La nrd to inadge afthe lnangae nd esottr ofhe Ayntara pctpt ncd isbhelpfeltebhorbhestdeta. issolvrd adthAc Anta people- lIsh respoh has ponderted two V-A p. treosr (pems twe M. A , and taeet I _.sin prnrest),7papees tI'ofeetionel meetings. Fr tpub lithed oros anetd 16 terms apeans tadditios, the Aymiara laingttage has beers practice lattgoag1 inouir be iti (reld mtethod ose Art Avinrser Nletiarmi. bring pehhihed seltit t~eurr -erd in rie Al Asir tmtiee maid eAltarinr11 s nsasand thr world wiii elnthereadewith inheAymeaa peepiltnov A pt nm¢ AYMA[IA, her beer -duici be Mo Jscc VPegner oe if t eon l pnes involved inrihe project: A pdm¢er SINSFEMA YAVA, AYMAR LtYIN QILLQAN Yii TIQANATIAKIP wrt bp Nit Viii-6 eand rV Yprs i nordAa ete-pessdece wease focerac A ..riipetsdencn.coceyen hass ers deleprditverotrethetjrin eriefPlridaanttitsdinidtLt-ereotedinleari hbe Ayoiea- I fgopanidrerlrorritrho, oroteaeshooivwhere tbelanguage isnot pesrobt 300 iippnadie befch ptrs on the hodrp rdrirnnffixe the ttr-r otueet and.. ithe All riper Are ade pd igerelt with pree Le -rrtan. Tinny maayheesied totnete des.peredohasshessdnterodaftilnx as-eerierlbdneiasr ptreitedoihniptersprttnand thente rehteee - stntntnsrepires Enrosaad ren.narr ade wnithout nssesiethe taps Os he pre'tded wnith the aisrershtn- fIn 'Irtts m khrsMcneil P thrctgsenrrse prardecftnorlrthree- n gtine and predertoo lreddoeorobrptoord rtesrlesdthetp, a eompeerpier- ee coed-nce glessat'sis atalale treettite . rerr-rorieoin Atre- can Ides 319 fdriesn flil Univorriry of piotida, G1.1o11vi11. Pt- 326t11 The gtosaro isa wnpte Pcordnse of all dialoguee, sot teres, and thre erse o f Units V, VI. VIt, aid XII. The gltossry contsrnts rneonipeeroneortns-rportros a-ndnoefiae Se..didarealef the Ayiiram Lintnmee Psoier have been the ft lco-r- csnnoHrderrsietakeethe feca..eeeri hAyconnndr thedireetieef pesooel forthe pejeeobeotihetn .oirbyaof Plintdanod ateohnrnettnrdecsiveroearsot oreUeseesiryf iii- hThe rare original res-oi wviichs tas bent possible threaghdi marsa e nn al n, emlni aen ie Ajert people and i hel pftd so insbth bMth s-rti ineotreer aend l t,,Aymaira people-T A.etirhas prvdeA,,two o M.A. hoie esluts tss Md 1 1P ,idrce h-Itsprres H Addirstpfirnt torattgy fiepib- hshr dosts-eaed Ig fres paers tomaddiette eor aleeg 1.ehi betefu in~ l ehd oss ioaclnug nA At eee Newselertit oa beinsg psiblisned snlctte w tie toter cerldswirhochoternds- the Aya- peepterdBlivira- A priirn eYNARA ha hb- erittn bt Msu Vjeaca Was oetsnn A pestrir SIS TUMA AA AYrMAN t[iiN 6)1 ((AN ssusda TIQANATAKI'0. ott-eet ho Ms. Vatsqteeaos Mr, atsn s arse a eon-trn soenre te Elera, Aroresperdrse ese-tem Ir hbaosdevlpdhortheUi- errors fltridoaanditidridelsirt slherii1eoeieh voe tic- ge gand aerltrne arroose oritsdso svnee the te-Avei titgho;  Mn. Via paitng of .nse s from eveyday Mc I. an A yemar Canee Iar Lade A neeine , Stdies i ncobeti 1971- Mai ftltasa pahinigs n, rpro ,cd-hinithe langunage nuteo4although was- Cnrdnot- olor Te Aynnan Lngaage Materialn Peajec s been efa {nenint- eonsly poiding Inlnsnto'acconeafwneh flea-,tnghe Ayanar latngoagentannrn irsead-cui-antnl Aynae altnt n,h atnemilndevelpedar btarned isn s-lint, lanogond nleobaeioI al tine Urirenty of Pleedn ad in Solid0 and Par( Aplnedine 301 Mt. V5nquen paininnon of foo om everodny Wiii na A0ynwn cronnanat erelbtde ca h ltsrslry of Flnonnd tiatagathne Cetatec f~ Latin Annmass Stadns in October, 1971. Most of thnese pairuniega a,,npoedend mithn tie Intgaagc sonial, aloagln anif.- ronteo neat itr Condrmomas *TboAyeta Langago.M 'Allay-chaas ben ncnfnl irnimalunt, my proorTnag acnlnnenlyoacorosat of ninscialstforleavningthne Aveenen lageagc nd no no jodnloto the Avican caitnoc. Tihe etril d'oclpedrc beingsed itteligngage and nrlnnnrele at the Uoni mu, of Forta atd in Bolivia and Peed. AVnpedi es 301 Ms. Vasquen' pmiringnofnnace firn r.etydnoifo inn Ayronn werannc, e ecinbied lhere at tle Ueorityfmidohoghlte Ceirene for Loin A IC~an Studies in 0onobo 1S71_ .Maot of these panongs ane eepend acd -1innn in laneegn etnal, ntlteugh tntfor- In na rely innt in calor. TlreAyraLang,,g feaeeialPmnjoothanbsnenoosmli ,ismnna- rtAteenlayaad d¢tnMeA atoM r-Tea , 1 dedolpod ace b sed in coanbing langoagc ned omttecre c, thoUiory fl'loidand, Ilbond Pco a.   -v I I o so _ --'--5- >2: -_ -e U > '>2 '[> U, U-,- U -2 r~-j-- -. 4  304 Bibliogrphy Boas, Fraz 191[ aw6bok ofAmerran Indio-Languags. Part I Washitigtn: Govern- 1974 AConratvcAtiaysisfSpaniharidAymaraShonology:^nih as Goa] Laguage_.utrvv Lhas Unv riy of 3.o . Briggs, Lucy. 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(.99999999u3 Mal94. 04909944949 490499949914949949 6991149,999-9 'll99 u -1495R11999499 9. 0550G49990mo 919149999g99499 N5 49399 99995999491J904999999999949999999999499,999. r 1907 A99-[999 99499499499999499994. 9999994994599 9r0914-99. 140 0419949)999999-99999999999949 .99999999999 19R 499 0499.49999 91995499 3449994 9,149999 09999 99.99 :9.99 F l 19 9,1C 999 . 999499 4999199 094999999999999 149 .. ... 9199 991 T ia I ru l 999 T999 P 4999990999949 09499499999 9490 64991499un M494 949 0494999 499 ~ a 999 1:9999999 4599994 -999994999 99,9999 09u n .t Y O~l 91m 19977 9,4,4991999999,499999999999gml rv nn.' e aR 999 A049949 999449d 4 (A 4995.9999999995999999999499499 19 99919499949'9 99,949 49499m9449999-9 19754 1-9 99909999940999 9549 44r 959,999~atdc - 9079 [49999 9999994 94104491d,94999994~' 09999999490900994 9949499, 09999999...911999999419995 99999999 99, 99 9' 9 9 9 9 9 4 I 9N g 944999 l P 9979 L g ac.111 tsa 94440990499 099499999.999,1 49994949949 99-994941949999ai h s94494491.99,,9,4 9999 99 9e ,m 4949 m R~lf 199 144949 99111 N9494999A149 191,+ L1 t 99499az 45h 9 A9d.94 499999999994909B94wY999 9999499h,3991. 994q J099919949494496999499 9.99944 3993 459Y9494949 *99Y 949H9- 9444-49,499 9591449 991999.04949 09499999 9 n~k -((1 L999.,9dd9, wl nnAba' 995* -ci9999494445 AA59.i 091459999494 05999. 949949994 09944999999919 9 5,9.999999.f299r9590919L. ," 61 1 I_11 1 9904 am) 094990 45991 9909499 499 s9'5. 99 9 99999599 av '99.0.1549- 4-949,09999949 3909 959999999 9999 049 I99.9499 . eg 9929 599999 l 59 999999999-99999 9994999999. 04I . A995199. 9045959 9195 999 099999999914 IT99, e99 9299 9 994999 y99099 14999999 94999& 199999 999.99 990 999914r9ff49999 999999994 rai ~ 1999999949T999 99490499-~EII 99094.E999 99999.999 99999P9996-9 094991949b cm rtt'lk 119. 9491919 0994994 na_" 0999991999 1 949, l9 - d s- 9Yl 09949d99 I 945999 19099149 1971 09999999999 999 99199m 9999t9 09999o.uv~ el 1999 194. 9 09 9919,9999 49,l 09999 39,999 09 11499999 949d ¢ 9019 ,d9Ca19f9 99c9999199 99999 99.99 1 y-h CrJy ~~~~~~~~ 199 L90999949 99499 9 >.' 0499999995 9951 9041119799999 1999999 0999 NY 0949499999599I~w ss Ir 91 1 4991 9972 , y aa 94499994949949.99159994949990999994 09,9,neni F97 A999 9499.994 999994,9199999999999 9 1 9 A 9 94y49.99 4949 ..9 ....9494 dS949,9999t 1 4499 T09 949949 0999 p 9991, y't r Q999 l 54 d'l~ j ll~9,~~~~ .9999949-I 4994999999919-91995- I L 499999,9A9999,9 99,994 9 I94449a.94999949.orr~rh d 1.90 111 Y 4/99949494090 994A99499119.999 A4949A999. 049499999999499499949,9ol'v I14999999.,.. Id Lm 9915 999959919999199999999999999999449 949 44944992, .299h49A 459959 9 9 9 9 , 4 4 9 9 9 4 9 4 9 v 99 5 . 5 4 - 9 9 9 . , 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 9 9999) 239999 9449599 4-,99999.99.99999499-9459 90 1999 ly99 999 9999919499(999b, 2621031.9Alm in 949999 9,29999999ml n Sn.fat6,.Sm 9949 0 99999 91 91919444>7999944999499.99 10 99944 Y159-094999999999.SdrInDih, ! ,h cr  C-- {^PaYaa^ z.^ = 2 - a z5 J Z -2 e -2 - 1-" 1- Fs  F z3 C 4; 0 a - E v 2A C ._ - 24 £~ ) 2 off A t ot 5a4 _ J m 2 _ £ 5 S £ I E? 1 f, T C J 0C 4; V F 4; C £v _ O ° v - ^L 0 a  n H S =_ a 5 3 - > 0 030 q - C a r 3- bkk C 3 S ' a 3yxL = - 3e a s ----c?6=H Zn- e £ ' F - s g. 2 C - L  310 ltibliogroplty Oooool Oayoo God 19H9 Croo r opta So w tTCi'oroooaotl SCOorot taaod C')aoaoooot. 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Opt,,r. 6,' tora 0961 tPt~oaaror otooatP,d tooarla Gotoro Chaogs. Gbotago-a Uodoraoy of C~A.oa boo, 6973 Saoltafoat CoatSV atao0'ioatrtb ttortrpttot poor. RI Srkr S a ..mdt solO toJ. Ltood ald 1965 Thre Sootot oJ Ltgttoh atod Srotah. Chiaaooa= Cods ro of Cldoogo durottroao d P zoooona, a d. Ifr, Hallotdorafl aol Norotat 0,6.oSal Lak Coop' .o.roto ofjhPa 6656 DfOatooo,ototaro a, atd Aorhot Roo doo at Hiasrta tat Slo tao t ltooooorCa'ro aot9*oy , t.t1o] tyoooopp 62490 Alfr orkHolo ead]i P304r LSoodatoro qoE oo-- doatiofobrotorotolot 1940 , Loot v .1 t "a:Itmn _ m 6564 n fraoo t~roa doo~do. Paadoat'tat Ro Y ~riirRG 6606 ATd ttogyootooloat L ['ooiadLcortoa r.d ir 6944 P .. P OpaoaaaaI 1,a to aatoaattottt tomii tot.Pt~ . tr t4 T os h q )pt .d 6956 Arto At lalent l Iltho ,Iooo oltrrotra totoo adm.JotoH.0r- aol Boaa of L. , , atttoo olot 4,2-94 ~~~og 0996 ThorA,,M or, l atCaroto ro,. Aohaatiaa; taoo ro.4450.7 Notof Yok, AaoaJ o oooftto cooo Tio, l(ISooplooro A~ .Na a/odedpYR1arnld1a3, P515Aa Vali 665ItoottaoLtitoeotplg d. .TlrNYo.Hl, Riaot S~itat  44 N "A "a c~ 2 - CU _z Hi "- 3 = a "A 4 C .4 2g - -A cG C - i -' s a   1-1-e Inde1x4 Index 4444 164± 44 1 U,6664664 644664664 54644466446 66 66 47 d b b- Sp~64 ,,6-6,6 46614 1 6 .4, 44 464 626 6 46ot~ 46666 664 21 746 66 4 69 v S n C~ 4 4 3 4, 4 666444466 B 646466466444646644644±6 6 6.b.. . 516,66, 4644646664(64,1446* , 44460. 6 2 06ll 64 g74 46644 646567 4 c4-4 761464 64666 44l19 2 ,211 546 444 6 ,6 246 nn b 466666666 4666462 46446 0144646 23764446666444444.2 4464" 44, 6444464 4 6466643614 616664., 167 61-lI 645 444446 k666,6446 6662664 4444 46446 66444 61542 5,46 4j ® 16a54 4 Aph46,6,444464d647'146 4 44 44446676o 646 4464,644 664666l444444444444 664464446463 46664446 66244661 46644446744 444 tl 46 66444664 46464464.4 66666 64464446 . 22 9 66 64 5 vlo l 66 7 48lo l 466464 66 4 d.11, 466464444464461466 44664464466444646 2. 22 644466 446'6 666 64 6 6l 276 66 44664 2,y466.26 l66664 11 6444 46647 24 46 6 4444644 24 444 3'6 4 -1644466 64664an6 06466 4666 44 , ul l 6466646 4.76 64644644446444464464 676 64646 644664 6 4 63 6466464644 6464 4 1 644 4 P6664 n4,6466 663 444 64, 26 4 46464444626 666446644444444446-2142664, 21 6 646664 46664 667~~~~5 6467 46 24 646644 64464666444 67 664444666446 44 0'-l 6'644064 464664 6644476467 46 4641544465 4766644466446446 466644 44dv + 446664 4414464664  III1.1 11 21 3i7 > o.,1 , 1 49,4 95114 d9 I ; 2'I 14l 11112 511111 1 5 561~ m4 s n,4719311111511 1111 I'1 "Ill 2 t 12 4 II c w. C3, B 5I ppl~-Al1 p I ,1 91 v 1111,1ki, 239 p 1 1,2 If I I 1 5 C11 1, 91991 11151 fl 1 23 15, 5 C l phk 115 I l 19 I II 11 23 fII 91 pIp11123 DM 2 i t,11 9292 Il 11111 Pu II 221p1111111111lpp 711 1 6d 25 9 ta 1 252 -I122 il151 p 55Bvv Il6 1lJp 2, 1 3 o 1141191115 5 il d l li A y 1 11 1 1 , . 1 3 1 1 ',A ,11.-51I ip 06115115pit 111 f161995 411 II.f1, I14l11ll lI 1 1 1 , 111-1 . 5, 7111141. A I 1111 Ill,74, 11111U11) rme :l, v 91 11-19121151111 219¢ 141711.rr f111p11191111 11 1' 21 631 56-.t 41 6 7 9--f- - 11 1I 21292 11 221, 11 12- , 94 II 411 1 1, p 1 4 1 1 . 9 It,1 1 9111, pl l11Il~ -1-25, 27-1 21111111111I.11 11415 1414 15 1 I l 2 1 9 5 . . . . N Nl -', 1 9-  o I1 ghlrno±, 11 10,1±zm 73-l 75. 77-7 ,o 4 It65±.4 70 5s 4± jokoog 43 p05o.± 00,07±3 o506 ± 1±,0 , 7±5 ' N ,Ss 0 5 .oosod0oo I ±6oo B -, oO 7. ~ 1.;0±,, 0 315 L±P± 2, 70 ± t.±, 5600 IoO?, t 11 , ±± il±±0 ±h6 41 1 7y~ h d±305 pO±±±0 0 vo , .en ±0±00±A 1±± o B C",±4±ooo. ±7 :n' oSapoo±og o 455 44 00O±0±±o. 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