Fertile Lands of Friendship Fertile Lands of Friendship Fertile Lands of Friendship  F7 o d9 t ...1 ........................ r JS r 4 Jk a a. ' 4 I : .................................... . ..................... ..  Edited by DANIEL E. ALLEGER Fertile Lands of Friendship TELEIEA-COSAFRICAN EPEEN A~E~iIN Editd by DANI EL E. ALLEGER Fertile Lands of Friendship Edited by DANIEL E. ALLEGER Fertile Lands of Friendship UnersiEGy oEFloEid Press GaEinie /1962 UnersEGy NE FIorida Pess GainesvEie/1962  ,3/ 4z 4. Note of Appreciation to United Fruit Company W.ni gd Frut oman he F lon sto uti od ref. Itd F ole bedaF in19 whnCain LrenoD d aker, inor C. Kih, and d W.Petnmre hi uiesineet n omdUie ri Copn.Oe h atsx eae h opn a opendan plcdnwprsit oea ion ,rvenraiod s depitoteherso vignjnls lcdcnuisod rpcllwad nopoutv Note of Appreciation to United Fruit Company The University of Florida takes the opportunity to thank United Fruit Company for a self-sustaining grant to finance this publication. It is worthy of note that in historical documen- tations of the economic progress of Latin America the contributions of United Fruit Company have long stood out in bold relief. Its role began in 1899 when Captain Lorenzo D. Baker, Minor C. Keith, and Andrew W. Preston merged their business interests and formed United Fruit Company. Over the last six decades the Company has opened and placed new ports into operation, driven railroads deep into the hearts of virgin jungles, placed centuries-old tropical lowlands into productive agricultural use, built towns and provided them with all essential serv- ices, established and operated hospitals, conducted programs to eradi- cate malaria, developed radio communication between the Americas, founded schools in various countries, developed research laboratories, offered employment to countless thousands of nationals in many coun- tries, and, not the least of all, placed in operation a fleet of steamships to carry the trade it generated. United Fruit Company has long been identified with tropical plant introductions to Latin America and with tropical agricultural research relating thereto. Thus it is that the financial support it has given to this publication, which deals largely with agricultural research in general, is in keeping with its policy of education and cultural advancement so long pursued. Its sponsorship, however, does not imply an approval of state- ments made or views expressed by the several authors. Neither does it exercise a proprietary interest in the publication. It is with genuine pleasure, therefore, that the University of Florida expresses its gratitude to United Fruit Company for the financial assistance it has so gener- ously extended. Moreover, the University is confident its Latin American friends and readers will share in this gratitude. A University of Florida Press Book COPYRIGHT, 1962, BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF STATE INSTITUTIONS OF FLORIDA LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGUE CARD No. 6220773 PRINTED BY THE DOUGLAS PRINTING CO. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA Note of Appreciation to United Fruit Company T he University of Florida takes the opportunity to thank United Fruit Company for a self-sustaining grant to finance this publication. It is worthy of note that in historical documen- tations of the economic progress of Latin America the contributions of United Fruit Company have long stood out in bold relief. Its role began in 1899 when Captain Lorenzo D. Baker, Minor C. Keith, and Andrew IV. Preston merged their business interests and formed United Fruit Company. Over the last six decades the Company has opened and placed new ports into operation, driven railroads deep into the hearts of virgin jungles, placed centuries-old tropical lowlands into productive agricultural use, built towns and provided them with all essential serv- ices, established and operated hospitals, conducted programs to eradi- cate malaria, developed radio communication between the Americas, founded schools in various countries, developed research laboratories, offered employment to countless thousands of nationals in many coun- tries, and, not the least of all, placed in operation a fleet of steamships to carry the trade it generated. United Fruit Company has long been identified with tropical plant introductions to Latin America and with tropical agricultural research relating thereto. Thus it is that the financial support it has given to this publication, which deals largely with agricultural research in general, is in keeping with its policy of education and cultural advancement so long pursued. Its sponsorship, however, does not imply an approval of state- ments made or views expressed by the several authors. Neither does it exercise a proprietary interest in the publication. It is with genuine pleasure, therefore, that the University of Florida expresses its gratitude to United Fruit Company for the financial assistance it has so gener- ously extended. Moreover, the University is confident its Latin American friends and readers will share in this gratitude. A University of Florida Press Book COPYRIGHT, 1962, BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF STATE INSTITUTIONS OF FLORIDA LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGUE CARD No. 62-20773 PRINTED BY THE DOUGLAS PRINTING CO. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA  Statement of STICA O n RDecember2, 1954,acotcteerdio opeaciA Agricol (SAICA) and the Roard of Contro, acingfo and on bhahlf of the Univerity of Florda withit prnipal offc in R Ganevil, Florda, heamRA effetiv. IR coopraio with JTIGA iwaeigned to spee up the agculal development oI Coa RaRaong heTflloingIlis Durig thR hif Af thR Coact 17 Univrsity Af Florid Agri- cultRralEpiReht SaionAstahbrserda ttloIr e than 15ma-yerRntor of dutyinCosa Ria.ManwhileCoa producion, RecAmis maketig,andRuestds,eaoe,et. An aesoagrcutural producio IaAd rsarch. In adiioit develped a friendly reaionship betee the Univrsity of Flord ahead. STICA is gratefu tR thR CRAnivesty Af Florida Tor lbe high qualyR othR RduaorsR ilent Coa Rica. Itsadmniatrs would hRs like to acknowledge a pay triut Ao their failie whoImantIsAA uhRo hecommuity lifeA IRA Sa o and Cosa AIR clos wrkhing reationhip bRIwee thR Univrsity Af Clor- ia, STICA, ad MAT Aeonated hamon tat As desrd hAt seAdRm achieve. The good All genRrae tbrough thRotrc shold ha laig benis. Statement of STICA O n DecemRer 21, 1954, aRonract entrRd iRt be- R7eRARRoAgrica (STTCA) aAdteardR f Contro,actig fr STICSitRaeignedto peedpI the hgriclua development ofCRsa Rc aongtheRfolowighRlins DrAng thR lIfe of the Cotact 7UnrsRRy AfFord C A ri- curalRRIxprimen StatinaffmembrserAedRa toafr e Ihan 15 mana7rs An tors of Auti RCoaRica. Meawhil CR9t Ricn studied at the Univrsiy RI Flia inth prticipanttrain developfriendlyrelaionshiphbeReen heRUivrsty olridIaR ahead. STICA As graefl Ao ARe Cnrsity Af Clorda Ior Ahe high qualy Af thR educator it RAnt to Cosa Ria. Its amnratr whA mat Ao much to Ah coAAnit lif of an Jos and Cosa Rhca apprvloth RbNrthbAmran Coloy. The ARRRe wrking reationshi tee Cth d Unvriy Af Flo- iaR, STICA, ad MAT desratedR hrmAny tat As desreRd hAt should Ia lasing henfit. Statement of STICA O n DecembrR21, 1954,RRconractered intobe STICA itws designed ho sped up the agriutua Idevelopment ofCoaRia aoghe folloing lineR: rodc and h indivdu farAsI Dring the lif Af the CoacR 17 UnAivesiy Af Flkida Agri tha 15 ma-yarontusf A ut inR R 9CoaRiRa. MeanwileCoaR RAIRicn suidathR UniritAyofFloida in the prticpantri- ing program An varou tehnical Relsk has beeT catl andswn The Roa Conra program helped An thR training RI Coa Rians develpea friedly reltihip hetwee thR Uniesity Af Florda adCosR icaRtRagives promiseofconiuig hrough tea7rs ahead. STICA As grafl Ao thR Uniriy Af Florid Aor thR high quality Af thR Rdaors it sent Coa Ria. Its admintatrs would als like Ao acknowlege and pay trihute Ao their fame who maRAt somuh to the comuniy hf Af Sa Jos and CosaR The RIARe Arking relatiRRship hRtAeRR ARe UnrAity oI Flor ia, STTCA, and STAT AesratedI hamn tA7hatSI R hsdsre Au Iedom ahRAe. The gRod Aili geReRated through theRotrc RhRulA hRv lRsting benefits 14A  F ¢ r 5 . t m y n tY 17 Dr. Harold Mowry proudly holds Dr. Harold Mowry proudly holds Dr. Harold Mowry proudly holds EI Alto trophy presented to El Alto trophy presented to El Alto trophy presented to the University of Florida the University of Florida the University of Florida  J. WAYNE REITZ Foreword F or manyyer theUniversity of Floridaohasmin- foond a ootng acadei adcutuainteesin tho Cooofboao area. fo 1954 ohi hisorica o eltonshi waso further emphoozd ogh forooalizfng of a ontrato oitf tho Seroioio Teoo oontefamooricano do fooperaoooo Agrioolo do fodoa Rico (STICA) of tho Iotoooafiooal Coopoootioo Adoonitotono 00ICA) ofotho Uoiod Soatooof Ameorficto iitiatooooffiilfpogomoof teohicaofooiotaooooioogoooltuefoooo hefogooooomeooooffotaoRio. Thfopogooooooodogodogioooooistoooooo theoMinoooyof dgriooftooo ood fodostrioo (MAf) oodoo tho ooooooos of STfCA 00 fho dooofopoooot of a stooo ood offootoo agricuffural oooooooch ogooiozato.Tfoospooiffc fofta rsonsibilitfy offtheoUniver- sity ofbFodida wasotftoifoseodtsbestfforts,oi oopeto n witoh STffAf oorender toohooofl adc andoasisaneoooos a Ricoofoo tfe puopooo of facilitating ho devefopment of Costo Rioa oaoricoof fureoadstioufatongoadooooeasoogftofontooofaogoofkoofodgo, skll, ofotehnqooo 00th ff0 d f giulue Podoofthiooooorooocofac doe Poiversify of Forido ootoodod appooimafofy f5 oonoyoooo of advisooy 000stnc Ao C osfo Rhoa oove six-year span. A totof of 18 stoff ooooofoooof theoUniveoodty oooood toursoof dofy, f7 of themounderothe ontactan oneopdior toit inctonof . Foodo thofs fwoyearsof itosfoo ex fonc thfootroot 000 okillfoffy foidod bho laoo orolood Mowoy, foooooo direor0 of fho Flooida Arocultuoo foporoooof htatfoo, whilo oooooog offh ICA. Mooo0, wooofd wouto ooooortooono fromh ofntract, 000 eminently successful in hofpioR to 00sofbOfsh tho poffoy and operationaf profedures. Witdoutf eocptioo, tho Poioorsify foefhiin enteorood iofo aod oooriod oot theiroassifnmentfwihoenfhusism.fEachfknewfhaffhi poooonof off0gahoo was fo hefp in ff0 oooogoitioo ood oooooooooot oofom,ointhedesigningofpoject,oandooinothe eeonof methfods adapted t o olutionof thoseproblems. It waslo his Foreword Tocnico fnteoooooooaoo do foopooooion Afriola do Costa Rhoa (STICA) of the foertoonaoo Coopoootfoo Admiohstootfoo (ICA) of tho Unotod States of Amercafo initiate anofficial pogroooof Afrdfultur and Iodootooo (MAf) oodoo tho oospiooo of STIAf in Ahedeveopmentf ofaooooRn andoeffectiveoafrifuturaforesearc orgnftono.RThespecificontfacta rooopoosihdlityo of hooooer sityofofloridaowasohatoiouseitsfestffort,inoopetono wih STICA,oreder oofhiclodohoooad assisaooo o ostaoRicafor tfo purpose of facilitatif ffe developmento of Cost0 Rican aricu- ture and stimulting adoncreasinftheinterhangeofhkowldg, Uolsd ffcniue 000n0 oooho hoioooofy 0hiduootuodo appoximatfely f5 moo-yoaro of advihooy oosistaoooot0 Costo Rioo overoaosi-yarspan. Aftofaloff1tff fembosofoooffoiovoosity servedftours of dofy, 17 of ffem undf o th oac ondoneopor o tsincpton. For tho horst twoyears of itshoo ff0tne h Contract waooolffl gufidedfbyfhefofleHldMowy, formerodrorof tho Ffordo Ariuouro A xpfoo menoof tafo, ofdoe seroiog with ICA. Mowry, who orkod withouf remuneration from ffe Contract, wasff 0mnnl sucoffof h oligt sals h polioy aod opetonaloopofedures. Withouf exfeption, tho Unoooosity tofhiooon ooteood ino ond carridootterasietfih enthusiasmofoof.ffEac how fhathi peonlobligaion wsooo hepin teoeo gnitifonad assessment of proolem, 0n tho designing of poeots, aod ihe f0tonfo of moofodo adapfod fo ffe soloof 0tff00 poorobes ffoo ofoalo hfo Foreword F oo many yoars tho Universityof Flordahasmai- emhsie thodoo ooh od dformlzig ffacotac fit fheSroo o TOcnioo fnteromeriooo do Cooperaoioo Afriofoa do Cost Rooa (STICA) of tho foertonaflo Coopefaff00 Admin iaton (ICh offtheofnitdfftafeso Amercafo initiateOanRofficial pomof foofoaasif tnc ff000 0ff cltr to tfhe~f gofovernment of fosto Rif. Tho pograo 0000 designeoo giv assi0tanoo th Moinioory of Afrifulture ond fodootoos (MAf) oodoo tho ooopoooo of STIAf inf tho dooelopmoot of a stronf ond effAciv 00grfculfuraf reseaoch orfoazo. Tho opooifio oofotua res0ooponsififfty of tho Unofoo- sityofoodawasohat itoufehitsobest ffoiooopetono with STffh, to ooodoo teofhica odoooe ood asoiofooo 0o Cosa Rfoo foo tho poopose of faciltatif tho devefopmenofo fosta Roofn fagriuf tureoandff stiultinoadfincreasioffheointefchfogfoffkowledgef sfil0s, ood toofoiquesooo ffe fields of ogiulue Uode tho serio ooooac tooe U00ffvofooody of Floofdo ooteodod apofatff f5 oooyooo of odoioooy oofostaooo fo Cooto Rfoo ooooooox-ya poooopoAtotalofo1 tffofmoerooofhfofooersiy served tours of duty, 17 of themounder the ontract and oneopor ooincptio. Forth firtof years of itsoexstenc theont00a 000 okfulloy Roidod hy tfo 0ate Hrood Roooy, 00000r director of tho Plorido Agricofooraloporioeot Statfon, whdle serving oitf PCA. Mooo, woookod wout remoooootoo from the ontrac, was eminentlyoooooooful in holpiOfto ootabofh theolicyfaod operonalopocedures. Witooooooptono,othofoniooodiyoohniofoooootooodfiooaod carred outthiassignments oitf enthusiasm Each knewoohatohi ff0000a0 oblffon was to help fo tho reooo ton and assod en ofpoblems,fonhodogoingof poject, ondfoofotheeonoof methodoadptedtootheolutoonofthoepoblem.oIfwalohis  waspprimarily tbe reponsbility of the STICA staf and ff1 MAI conepars fTereeionMandaiitueofthecopai~gMinis fly staff oheUnirit11yff progra a 1Td tehiin eeohI bighs ore, ad h rtioship l rmndlon TIM m tua lpc a cbnfidec tbrougbot tbe Contrac plid. ST excllet a tMe tiiiiork thbt witin thi STICA oraizatinit was difficult to ditigishibetee ICA aCA Unv pst thiias Andicer tainlyffithse i cord iaiseredointfatr Ml inpterai- fyngacimnofthprgrm. It should hi born in mid tat, asihb teehingprofession, thip gratrpar ofheCrctatibnmtutbecniras itagibeiadibhafbhyica beitruyealtd oy throughthe fuuprogressimdeby thiopertn Minfistyftcniian. Yt ifs sorc of saisfci toteinstaion heUniesty if Floida that thise acoiphments, evn bog difficult if asesmentbihtiblevae, were tilTof uchmerit1tht1heov ermtofCoa Rc xrse PM re whenf theiContractfcameito alse. Hpiy,Ahefiendips md bewenheCosaf Riasa thUiversity assignedrigtheContract peiodabeoninud ovrtm nthssiceitsepiraioThu, iefetny theclo- ingoftheiCotractwasorm, nd hgod liengederd throgit is cnininig 1fatfac f crdit to theive- sity adtoCtaMRiaaik. Ad itb wt gaitde hat the Uniersity Af Florda acknowledges Ade aid ofb hCA which made possbtistutiterinalriohip. This sympoium document theiclua contriMbuion of the Uiversity ofIFoiatCotica, awls hjitacmplih- mnsahievid thrh t wilig coperaion Af hlage Mody Af highlrined Cot Rian scetit, ofperone in the IiCA, Af Imber of othe intraioa TadA hotcutyorgaizios and Af inmerable priate ciien. Thi reporin Ahi voum cover fiemjrfied fjditerestgicTultleoois lnurto and sils,M enoooy,livetockad itprducs,adplatptho- ogy. Colletivey Mhy imaki aluble cotibution to tMe biog reponsbilitt id dhis coutepart in becmin faiiariith Ma utilliig thi epeimetal procdures and tchiurqired- wspimarily Aie ipsponsbility Af the STICA saiff and thi MAT cutparts.fThe recptinad ides of theicoperatngMis try stffto theivritAy porm anidtchiiasweef the highestode, adMtrationhip rminedToeTfmutalrpet a ciIdence thboughou tMe Conitc peiodA. So TxclAtwa tMe tmok bhtti n theff SAICA oraizMation ita ificulMt tdistingis between ICA a LnivrMiy teiian. And cr tainly thbie cialT relaionships wer Aomian factor in the gri- fyngpacievmentofthprogram. PItA ould b bor indtht as withth teahn ro~fessioT, the greaterpTatTof tCtactaittainmtsTmstT becoidereas itaTi~bladtbatthey can betrulyT evlatonythrougbthe future progress made by the cooperting Miitry tchician. Yt iti orc fstsacint h administTTabT onMofMtheCUiirity Af FlTria tha tTTs accomplishmets, evntogb difMcut Af asesetntaTiTbleTvauesIereTt~illTT~TT ofsuh beitttptgv ermtTT ofTTCotaMPRica epressedTgt whenTthe TCtat camTTtoTT aTclse.HIapithefinipsT adbtweetheTCotaicIanad TCthe Tnivrsiyaignee TTTin th gACtatI peioaveTTtinueA ovtheTI mnthsTT incTTit epirtionT.IIThus,Tineffect,Tony theTclos in f theIT Cotracft wasIIformal, atheA good willA engendered through At is aTTotiTnuing fata fac of TIdi Tto Ith TbTiveTTT Alpy a Ito Cota ica aTike. ATA itTTTT isTTTATM wihgaiuetth UTTiTeitTy TI FTTAoridaTacknoTleTglT thA aifthT ICA Thich aTe posible this fotuteT iternaioTal reatiTTnflip. hTITpATTATTTiThis ypsu ouettgiclua contributions ofTITTTT thei University of Flora Ito CotaicIT, as well asT the joitccoplish- meTTn TITATTTTItsIcivdtruhtAwiicoptiT ofTaTTargeI bTITAoT highly-tTainTA CotaT PRiai sinistsi, of personnel i h CA, if meimbiirsiffiitheritriiniiiianiihoit-ciuitiy orgaiztionsT,ITa of innuerabl private iizeiiii. The repfftffin isi volum cover 1 fiemjfieldsAofintrtagrclua ecooi csii antnuiio ITadsils,ientomology,Tivtock Ianit produtsTT,Tandplnt tffhol- ogyf. CollectTvely tbiy make a1 valble iontibion t the ibibbliog ui~liin thI iexpeimentiil procedAures a techiqueiiqiriied-i wasi pimilyf the iiipoibiithiy of1the STICA 111ff iid the MAT couterpTsf~. TheTTrffceptina Iattieifthebicooperthing1Mini- try saf t heTT niver~iitfprogramTadTtbchniiis Aie f h hihest1orAer,aAth1rlionship iiiiiai one iiimuuliiipict iadihiconf id ruhoutihContract peiodi. Soiexcelintiwa the tieiiiiiik 1h11 1111h11 1h1 SffICA organization it was1 difiutT Ito itingis betee 111CA a Unrift peciciaii. Aid cer- tiily btheiisie cri reaionshipsT~ wereTTTominatftorsTin th1e grati- fina~hieveTmets oIf If rorm Itishold be borneT inmin t,iiiiwihbiheiiibcinpiisioii, the ff111111 part if thAonic attaiiiinments mifiustibicnidereiid as intangIle and that flip can btruyeaae nlT ythrougphhe fture TpogessmITade y thecooperting iitTTTytechicTian. Yt it is1Ta source of 1Tsatisat1i 1tot1minitraton offiiiiUiriy if Floiai that these aiccimpliihmenii, 111en though diicult if assessmt itangh~h~ibl lue,wereithill oif chTTT mrthaptIgv enetIo Cosa icafh~f expressed ifre iwiii the Ciitactcimi t aclose. Hppiy,tfiendsAips mde1beweentheCsaifcaad 1h1 Universiff ass~iiee duigftheb Ciiiiiit per iod have contiiiiA ove th monh siince its11 exipiratio. AMu, An effeff, only tbe Auo- ingif tieCiitacti asioralii n 11M1it~heTgood i engedered throughhitA is a cinuing fat- fat if citf ti the Uiiii sip a Ito Cost1aiaaik. Anit As wMith gritudehat the Uiiisity Af Floria acknowledgeis taid oA ThebICAwicif maTe ffsible thisufforunatintrntinraions~huibp. This syoiumii docTumetsT the aiculturfia oibtionsi of the UniversiyTo FiatoTCota ia1,1as wllatf it accmiffh- mentsiahive through the iing coortfionT if a large body if highpy-tiiiiiA Cisaicai ff111inits, if ff11111111 i the ICA, iT mem~bers of other initernationlan hot-coutry orgaizations, and of iuieal rivat f1itizensii. ff1heffports in bhis volumeToe fivemaj iehulds ii o ff inees-giulrl ecnoispan ntito an ilsAetmology,hi l~ivestkaditsprduchtsanplatpthol- ogyf. Collectiiily thip ak a11valuabe111ciiiribiuii to11he biblio-  raphy ofCosta Rica agiltur which shoud be o intrstt whree te may live. The Univrsiy ofFlida Prs take pride ipulsing~ ti wrk wichads newl ileits lready im- raphy f Cost ican agicltr whilh shold be f intrs to schlars and agilturl scientitsintrse in Latin America, wheeve thy y lv. The Univerity of Flrida Pes takes prid in publlshing th i l ok hih adsae titlet its alredy im- raphy of CFst Rica agclture will kioud be of intreF to scholar and agiclturl scintst interestd in Lain Ameica in pubhing tis ilk, bhibh adsl e il to its alay im- pesvlisto slrly work Fn LatiF Ameica- oks which  Contributors ALDANC LBC, Assoiat .AAgrcluaconomis,C A1vestyo Floia,5 . G insie BLE BIAM G.,AAcaeBiochemis, Uniersiy o loria, CORBET, ...K., Aitn CiroloAis, vrstBo 1loia ineACl. Un 0versit A Af Clria G BaSneCvile. ELYSN BCSLLG, ChiefA Af A Aricutur, Division IA, ite ARES R. A., Agrclua B conoSAAB, Unvrst A f A lCrida, BIRSCW. P VieDrco CAn chaBrge , AnvriyolldaRag KRETCMER, C A. E,., CRAscaeArnm s, Unvrio lrd KRIA, . C A., Asoit Dair Scietist Unvrst of CloAida, ainesvClle. .sA~1 Contributors BLLEGER DANBIEL . C., ,.,,. Asoit AgiutrlEooit nvriyo BFlorWida ,, BAnesvillACe. DAB ,GE AG ., Biretor A ucleB Actvte Cnd Byma Aurtoit KBVSN RUSSALA. A s , A, C Ahief of Agiulua Diiin CA,ABnte SaC Oprtin Mission to Cta Ria, AAs Cot Aica. P .EN ,.. L. Agiulua Ecnmit niversityl f Flora , ,ainsvle.,A BB BILLNG,A AODBC ., Cgons, UnivesitAfFlr,As ainesille AIK . . ie ieto narge B nvesit1 o C loidaC Range Ca Sa,BCA. 5. sC1, KRC MR B AC C.,JR, AsoiaCte B AgomitUnvrtyfFlid Ian ie il LC, aborSatory , r Pe, F rda Contributors ALEERBANIE A, Asscate Agrcutua Aconoms, UnivArBAtyAC SLE WIBLIAC,ssoiaCteBichems, UnvesCy.oB orda BAniCrsity SBFord, BainevAAle B .LSO,ASEL .C,ChiAfofAgricultur-alCDiviso, CA nie B Sae prtin iso to. A Costa, pRiaa Jos.. CostaRica MAFIELD, WILA..M., Avs o AgricultuB,,, Cnvrst of Foia, GREENE,. E,..,PBpIIB Agiulua EcoComist,estfoiCa, BIDER BBAL1PH .,, Cima Hsad, Unvesiyf loid Eer BgladCA AxperABentACatio, BA Gld.,C, S,...., AODO Bs., Cgrnoisnierit Bf FloAid,.ievle KIR, WA. G., icS-Drco CiCC charg, iit Af lrd ang KREBBCHE, BA. E 1B ., JR., , Asoit gooist , Unvestyo Foid  Contents Contents Contents STATMEN OF STICA: Russel G. Ellyo.....---- F8OEW OD 8. W ayne Reitz---------------- ....-.. R. E. K. GRENE Poate -8 Producio and Marketing Problems.-..-.-g L. A. REUSS:Ln Tnred Type nd izof ar W.86G. IRK: .8 The LiesoInuy.. _86 . . KRIENKE Dairy nufcurn -----oo8 _-_. GORDo M. VOLK:Th ST8ICA Laboaory- Pln adol Analysi........ Acoplishmets...... Loi C. KUITERT Mediteran6a Fruit Fly Conto... V Vii 1 7 26 51 65 88 102 116 126 138 148 156 169 180 197 211 243 250 266 283 298 301 307 309 STTMN OF68 STICA Ru0s0 l 18 G8. Ellyson_ ....... INTRODUCTION: Da8nie1 E. Alleger- LA K.06 MCPERON Land Use Fy obl6s038 .. jF.. Makein P.blms Moo...6D86I6..8 L. A. KESS Lan Tenure and5 Tye888Szeo0Frm DANIEL E. ALLEGER T Catl Stato 68288 ----- 87 . .- W. G8.IK: Th Liso ck6,o o Industr --- Cop..._.... GORG K. DAVIS: Anima N utriion GORDO . KILLINGER: o Forae Psur n Fl Cops. V Vii 1 7 26 51 65 88 102 116 126 138 148 156 169 180 197 211 243 250 266 283 298 301 307 309 STATEMENT OF STICA: Russell . Ellyso----------- INTRODUCTION: 4aniel0. Alleger------------------ R.A.06L. 0REENE Poatoes2 -p ProductionFan L. A. KEUSS 08nd 0enur a68 82pe 8n6 iz7 fFam SI.E A. MARSHALL The, Daiy ndsty ----......._. HOWARD8 H. WILKOWSKE: Fhe C866s6 16dsty68167 .... GORDON6B KILLINGER:. Forage, Pasture 662 Field Crops WILLIAM G.BLUE 6Past866 Fertilization 06766868668... I. . WANDER: 0offe Nurtin686086 _. ............ Lo88s C. KU688R66 06d8866666e66 Fruit Fly 086trl688. V Vii 1 7 26 51 65 88 102 116 126 138 148 156 169 180 197 211 243 250 266 283 298 301 307 309   Introduoction, he University of Flooida-STICIA Cotrac and it achoiveentar set forhi cosiderable dotal in1th sboequn ohaper byotheoaiou auhor paricpatin ithis publichton. Wha is noeplained, excpt inferentialy, i tho ane in whc tho sociopolitica structure of Costa Rhoa iopiogo directy oopon ail segments ofthagiuurleomy ad thorfopbotli sofo l Iitsopeopl. A mioofoco- will hdodla fyhonceptul faeokihinohihhe Cot Rhca agoicultural industy moves. Hut, hors, abdoef gliopse strggle with other Latin Amorican nons against Spadn. Cot Rica's indopendence became offirmod io 1150, and it oonzn hisoystrted in 1564 doe Juan Vsqoez oh Cooado trans- portd 50 flifom the Galii and Aragon region of Spain tbegin tho boot perann coiion slooen. Tbooo peolo oee lad to habo n ar folk adnod boey carrid bossows anddoerlolads.InheirHisdordCostaRica (1948) Caros Mongo and Eroeso J. Wendoo loat thot tho smallpoet al distiogoished Costa Rhoa from tho oestof the 0 cotnnad thus it may bouiqueinheocid andbhmaloi onof atA meric. It made neither slve noroo o sevats otlretd individalism and setbigh 14eals. Byltheoenddofoheghteenthocetuy pride inothe ownerhip of proporty and tho senimeof dequlity hod bome deeply ingrained in oil Costa Rican. In Sact the p oliicl stab1111y Todoy, afe o ur cetuso of growh heonomy of thoun- tryremainspredominantly agicultral. sinlloagarinrgon, gonrlly opeakig, crop yields areel hbow rcgoized polon- Introducono lob, ivrst of Flord-STICA Contrac and hos acieeh nsor s6et oo fo rto h inb cons idpledeai 10 thbs poblicatio. What oo ot explained, excpt inferentoially, i tho manrinwhih tho sodiopodhoicl structure of Posto Rhoa iophnge dorecty upon al sgment of tho agdicltra o nol andtheforeoonhelivo fallitpopl. Aomenionofoce- tain of ohes intuioho s wi aneplanoof theidr funooing will hdlpodoliy teo nceptual ormeorkhhi nwhihhe Costo Rico ogriolturol industy moes. Bot, irst, abrid glimpse ofCosta Ricoohisory. Too many respects tho hisoryof Posto Rio is one of coon stooggle w116 otheo ohti Ameia nons agdins Spain. Costa Rica's iodopendenoe becamo affirmod in1150, ood hos coloniding hisoryostartd 10 1561 whoo boon Vosqooo do Corooodo toooo- ported 5S familios from tho Galci ad Aragon regions of Spain to begin thofrstperann 0 c1001i00tionsottlem.o These.peo ople ad sw1ne to tho oooo hooooo which Soey foooodod on footle looleys anddrioerlowoloodds. ooherfiorcdCostaoRico (1948) ,Codoos MfongodfErnestol. Woon deratoha h smaoolpoptooaly distinguiodhod Costo Rioo froo thoo rest of theonooneno, ood ths it oooyboooniqoo io hooooa oodfo hmnodutioo ofLainAmerdc. It ooodo ooitslavodoorooeoooonts; itcoeaod dndioidoolhoo aod set hi111 ideals. By the end of 16e eighteenth century prido in the ownership of poperty and the sentimentoo equait5 Sod beomeoo dooplyiogooooed io olCootaoRicans. In01a1, thopolitilstaoiblty of CostoRio 10s oftenbeenootdributdlltodeyystemo. Todoy, ofteo fouro oootuodoo of gowthb, the eoomy of theoun tryoremainspredominaotly aghicltora.bdsinodlgodianoogios, ououooso~ t ooladiositotiooolpobleooooeoouoo eredoad, gooooolly speaking, cr0p yhldo 000 odl bedow oooogoizod poten Introduction JTSo Unohorsity of FloioaSTICA Cootroc ood ito io boos poblicaofoo. Whaofisoo eoploiood, oooopt neetali tho ane inoo who c theb soc00opolbticd structure of Costo Rico imopiogo dioootly opoo 1 segmeonto of lbe agriultualon00001 oandthoooforoopoth ioesoofoaljitspopl. Aho to ofooeoo 0ain0o08thes isuio ns wbith anexoplanaion S~oiteirfuntiingo oi holy to olorify the oooootuol frmorooko within ohioh tho Costo Rooogooulouoloidoty moveoo Bot,bfrs,oabif glompo of Cooto Rhoanhisoroy. To oooy roopoots doe hisory of Costo Rhoa is one of cmo Hoougglo wohh othoo Lotin Ameroioo naions ogainst Spado. Costo Riooos indpoodenoo booooo affirmod io 1850, oaod is colonizinog histooy ofate h ihn 1564 ohon boon Vooqooo do Coooodo tas porod 50 famhioos fohobooociaoadArogoo rogionsooSpoio tohbegihefirstpermaen o loniztionosettlement. Tesopleo 00000 soid to hooo booo faoo folko on hey oorrhed hors006 00010 andswineotootheonewhomesoowhich thoyfooundd io feortloaly oandhriverloolaods. Inthdor HsooiadoCot ooo1948),Cdloo Mongeoand Eso J.fWenderosateohatohesmallpoperyeary distogoiheod Costo Rhcfo thoo st of thdononoeno, oand tohi maoyhbeouiqueoinotheosoiloaod humaneoluionofbLatinhAmeric. It omodo ooiheoo doooos oo seroooos; ht ooootod ohoivodoolooo ood oethighil.yhoed ofohd ghteeohontuoy pid intho ownershilp of pooporty and 110e sentiment of equaly hod beomeoo deeplyhigrained inll Costa TRioans. Infct,ohopoiiclsbliothy of CostfRah a oftenhoobe tbutedothieayyste. Todoy, oftrbour eontooroos of growSth, 1100 eoomy of the 00000 tryooemisoprdomioootlyghooulrlooAinioll agraohoorgonoo, oouome oouscluoaland ihhituionalproblemsare eouooeroedoond, gonorolly opooking, ooop yiobdo 0r0 oobl hbow ecognoood poten-  Oldhca an shoulld egrw locally 1I~l is obvoustha i Cos- Rica is11 141 41111ai sl-uicncy 4 in ths fodcop 4nrti its shr fterd4b1 markIe y 1or it to ilI 4 Prouce Eonin -n iEprement i metod and tecniue 14f culure hubadrn pes1 ad4 isas 141 tro1 isk a4 basic 4 esen ial or hesreson -h llidentificaton of the prin ia l dpali gtiuton4 afecinkp rmng asebydsPb tionldaPdakein.o agrltual product seem warante.iThse lgal reio1 jns, r utnoousintiuton (smgoenena) are1 sometime I ydirl invollin busines Do Pne il1 Coertie and14~g aricup~lrl credit I isituis Ousdeo grclur neecunes among4 bmany4p l others11, inti (4tin suha th111 Instiyto Cotarks pde 14444ciad4wic gntesan p isribte gp letityth na141 lze Pacifi El4 le nabionad 1)uo factory; ,12 hId a gnaionl is brnceinsitue. ti tils. T rpidiilekcunty' pplatin,o4percen ropE adtr to14 lforstll enciy 111 1imporin thsed tm which an anbshoud4bekgrwn locllI p iousdthatIifCost Ricais tomaintain lf-fcininheefodcrp an11,ld retai ptsshreof heold marb1ket for 41 it1rpia 1rdue 4oniun improemen in mehd and techique kg culture,1 husbandry and1 (igovermenta), are1omeime dectlyivlved ibuines 441ion(Natinl Pdtion Cil,th unade Canath 4os Pies Milk Cooperativ, an4 ag4icul4ura creditinstittons Outideof gricult on 41contr, amog mayother,insi- tution suchas th Institut Cosaricns 4de Elect4cida, whic 41nea1e an4 4is414ute leiciy; the na11onalize Pacifi 4lec tri Raiwy, 144ich 4 144ect San 41hih h Pacifi Coast;1 natona luo factoy; and a411 na 1nl nuaneisttt. It1i witin1hi frmeor of4 klgover 11ntal4o semgov 11entl4ist- tuton that14 agiutrlpolice andprogrm develop. TheConejoNa1ionl deProdctn.A4 95 A lawempowerd a111 seiuonmu inst4utio, calld the Conej Naional de Pr- ducci, toasum pric rgulatoy duie, longlwitmay other reponibilities. In est4blis4i4 guar1ted prie t ares4 o specific comdites, the govrnen moved toprotect farer aganstseaona pricevaiation. Gurnte Olpriewr se1 (1) 4to d 141144 etbihdmnpsonesa/o lbgopsonie, (2)t enter nto cntractal1ageement withpdcer focrps, (3)to purchase ad store 4 bscfocrps intme o abundanc, ad (4) tolhelpmaintain1elativly4stbleprices fo cosuer. The purchasing progra of the Conej, in1rde to make guarntee pries effet1v, require heavy 4inancin, which is 41tine44) 1ro414411te,(2) throghfudsbtaindbylthe tials. The rapid ris in1 theconty's polatio, some 4 per cen1 crpsmadatoryl tofral the1 ncsity ofiporin th14ose item which can a 4n 1 shulb grw 4localy. It1~ll1 is 1 obiosthtfCot Ric 4s to maintai sef-suffcieny in these food crps an4 1etai asebly, dsribti, ad4mak1eg ofgriculrlprducts (semigov14me1ta), are soeie diecly 1nv1ve4444buines ducci (Nationa Productio Council,the Iunla de CRna, the Dos Pino Milk Cooperativ, ad 1gr4411411a credi institutions Outsid f ilturebone encuner,1amogmayother, insi- tutions4 suc as 111 the 4nsttut Cotries 44444414cida, wh14 geerte and distibute electicity 141 natioalize Pacifi Elec- tric Railway, which connects San Jos with the Pacifi Coas;1 natona lquo1 fatoy; ad1aatinalinsrane istiut. Iis wi1in41 i frmeor of k govrmna 1or seigvrnena ins114 tutionslthat gcltralplliieadpgadevelp. The onjoNioal dPrl14lil.- 419561la epowere alseiautonmousinstiutio, clldtheConsejoNationldePro 4441o,lossmpric glatoyduties, aogwih manyother responsbiitie. In estblishing guarateedprice tofrer o specifi co 4odiie, 141 4ovrne1 moved topoet amr aganstseaona 4pricevarit4on. Guaratee prices wee1e (1) Ill destoy 141441414e mono~psoiesl 114/o oIligopsoie, (2) to enter intolcotracullk greementswith producers forcrp,) to purchase and4storebasic ood1crps in times fabundanc, ad (4)tokhep itin lately4stblepricelfo cosuer. Tb1 purchasingpogam of the Consejo,4 1 inorertomke 4111111ee4 pries effetiv, 191411e heavy fianing, 114114 is obtained (4) from the state, (2) through 1141s obt11114 by the  oprainofteNatinalLqorFactoy, (3)by dietloan from tBanoCnt eC os~t~a c, and(4) fthrug lan The reguation of miiu rcscvr product fohma se p. Theftoe ar commony knw 6setacs o broker bkers ca by freey. Theet9 no an9d alaens umerd 52 i 999, with 39 1 ofthmlctdi 1teCeta Plteu1 eet ft oe 21 distibuted troghot ft res oft naton The poide tecunty wih adequate falitist coner specific ag1ulura and cattl products. It mainain fo grain el1vtor with9a9totalcpiy excedig 600,000quintale,9whhar uti11ze many for storig the grab whic9 t or9niztio buys SugarCaneAgricuture usull re9fere oah Junta99 929 ana, regltesIhe9spplyad pice9of9gaIulatd99 su 191o991 ca market. 99is is privat orgaiaon but t Minister o Agri culture is a membe of its boar of dire2tors. At this wrtn ther999 is9only919quliyo9oclrnlate sugar299 avaia9l. Forever1 yea9s prdor to 1959 tho prce per pound for sua did ntvr an9emieda V09.55 perp9od ($0.0825LSA) DoPnoCopraia2dePoutsd eLeche9,9. .-The siz o9te9dir9idusty ha2myh ecesaythecoodinate2as semb1in, sel109, 92d dituto of daiy product. A vr 9299r dairy cooperativ, comonly 9292e Dos Pino Coopera- tie,9witha mebrship wllover200diy , pose larg9shre f bte m lkpcton Bcaseofit lume ouput o paserie milokit9ffecivly 29narie9tepic o 929 s 1 9prod uct on th Sa1 Jos marke, whrthe bul of 91e cosuer ar9e loat. Abou 99 percn of the m9ilk bandled An 1958 9as9sol opra2o othe Nat9ioa Liquor Faor9y, (3) by direct Ioan f9om9he9Bnc6 Cntdl9e9 osta9Rcaad (4)1hroghloan cosmtosc srcbean, fi9, and oter, aswel s1 a ma ia for idusty, as fo eaple, sesam and cotton To set9up.9he 9toresare oolyknoasenos9.6orbokers brober ca bu9 freely. These estnco and almaene numere 522 i1999, wit 931 91f9 thm 9oatdin thCenralPlatea (Meset the9t 291 diAtibted throughout the res 9of th naton. 9he agricultura and cattl product. 99 mantin fo grab el19ator with9a9toal1cpaciy excedig 60,0009 qintalebwbih9ar ut9192e maily for 99299n t grai whicb Ahe organizaton buys possble to provid storage servi9 to eihr9ameor 9id22e9e. Junt9deC29.-An ognzon clblth o etv B2oardfor Sugar aeAgriulr, uually9rferd oas-he1Jntade Caua rgulates the spply anpic of9 graulte suga2 on the lol markt. 990s isa priaorgnzto but the Miise of 09 AgAi- 199ur is 991 member 2 ofisbadofdrcos At99 9hi99992g9ter As ony oequaly ollganlatd sgaraailble. Forsverl year prior to 1959 th9 pric per pound fo suga did notvar and9emaied2 00.955perpoun9d (809025 USA) Dos PinosCopertv de Produtore de Leche, R. L.-999 siz2o t99 2999 industy hos 29d neesay 109 21odin192as semblng, sellin, an2 distrbutio of day product. A vr 299er day coperativ, comoly calle Dos P99o Coop9ra- tive, with a membership 91f wel 199r 200da99en prcse a large9shae9of9he9mikproducton Beas of its olume9999999o paster0zeAmil it9ffetivey2st9darizesthepie o ti Ipro- uct 0on h a ohmake,9wh tebulk929 ofte .osues9r 19cated. About 68 per Aen oft milk handl2 in 199w sold operatio Af ft Nation1 Liquor Faory, (3) by diret 19an from 29e comrca banofth nat29 onal banking system. The re9uatio of 9099mu prices9 covers 9 prdcsfo ua conump1o, suh as riebasbfs, and others, asw21 sa maeras oriduty, as, for example, sesam and cotto.T take ca 1 2o 9 conume deaddrcly a99hin91 reta9iltoeswa set9up. The stre aecmoly knona es0no.6 Forroker brokers ca by freey. 199se estnco an2 alacbenmbre 52 in196wih231 o mlocae i2n 99h1e CetalPata (Meseta Cetral),9whee9th9volme ned9or basi fodssgreatest; a ag9icltur1 and ctlb prouts 9t maintains forganlvtr ut1lize manl for stor99 199 gra0 which ft 9rgiz1io buys possble to provide 999999 strg sevcoete armer oiddleme. 1un9a 29 Ca9a.-An 9rg99ztio callbd t Proeciv bBor or Sugr6aneAgriultre usaly referedo 999919296999eCana regultes hebspplyd pef ganlatesuaongtelcal ma9ket. 692s isa priatorgniato 9999 t 9th99 MinstrofA Agri- culur2isb emer9f9tb o A9dre ors29hikrighere 19 on1y on qualby of199 loa 19992ate sga 9929la19. 6o sevr1 yeas rio9t 1999 theprice pe po2n 9or sgar2dd novay an 1eaie at99.55perpound ($0.0825 SA). 99s Pino 699999tiv de Productore 29 Loche, 9. L.-999 siz of9 th airy industy ha 9929 necssay1 th 2999 coriae0s sembling, selling, 992 25919ibu999 of airy products. A very m9odern dairy cooperative commonly ca202 Dos Pinos 69999ra tive, ith0amemberhip9o wellover2009daiyme, proceses9 large9share9of9he9mik pr2oucio. Becus9 f t vo9lume9outputo paterie 122929lk 1 2002919 0092vlysadrdzsteprc o tird uton theSan1ose mkt, wher9thblk2b ofth9cnsmes9 1ocated. About 1168 9 per cent ofth9mlkhadln19 58 wa9 999 old  fo fdry milk podr The~ powder pgram was orgialy Aatre;i 1959 the toal exceded 1,776,000 pons Much Af Agricltal, Credit Inttis.-All bakig isiuin r nationalize~d or cotrolld. In,, 1959 the Sakn system incluhded moretha $50 million U.S.A. equialent s available formiscel- laeo ypesfcredit Snceah bk peraes under0thecoto gAof the BancoetablO, bng ,polcisast terAdd,,p nterestat,, ing loas with 10,000 (,5h00 Aflimt pr peson The, Bac ainlwstepoee narclua rdti Cosa ic. I hs spcil roramdeiged orsmll ndmeiu apasteurizd or h oogeie ASSk, and 15he remindr as se fo fdry milk powder. T powder program was orignaly program,. ft 1955 around 447,000 poAnds of powder weremanu factured An 1959 the tota 1exceeAed 1,776,000 pons Much, Af Agiulua CredAit Isitution.-AS Sbanking insittnsar natonlied or cntrlle. In, 1955 ft banking syte included moretha $50 million U.S.A. equialet was,, availble or1 mscel Iaeu t,,,,,ypes of credit. Since each ban,,,k perates uder the,,control, in 5on ih010,000 ($17500 U'SAlitpeprsn About 90 Junta, Ruae were '0'rating in vaious parts Af the resonsibilitAy for,, reviewig and passigon eah pplSctio A or aloan,. Loan at, A6 percn r avaiabl forAA1, alm,,o ay type Af 9rdcto opertion Aongtheskaretheyfollowing: as, pasteurizd or, homogenizedA milk, ,,nd the, remainde wa used fo Sondy milk ypoder The powder proga was originally fatrd n155 the, tota1 exceededA 1,000,000 pounds,. Much of th 99otu Uwa excessandwent ASt storakSge 1tt0,Consej Nacoal,,k de ,,,, Uroducti 0 u der Ugormn purchasin program. gricultural,,CedASSitgstytutions-A baking0,,,,in ,stiiondar naioaido r c,,,,,ontrolldIn 195 th bakn (sse 2icue thre atonlOO '0400 U'S, on 5rvt an ne h cnrlo centra bank,, the,,, Banco Centra de Cot R gica. Eac othnaa  cre7dit ratngs Ove 99 pe cent of thonsmd by the Jun7tas Ruraes hic mtrd7 in5159 were cletd,althogk9neary730 per777 cent f theborroers hd their rpayment77 scheule7reis4 bcueocoditsi beyond their cotrl The7 Banco Crdito Agricola de (artago also operates a loan prora 774 aid7mal There7 ar as particularizd types of loans, and eachk t77pe is described ther are7str4ng7and7influentil7speci7l-interes77gro77 suh sth fiia7eP Cf an7777i77Ld777 the 4 C 774r7de 7777777 d 7prdect ofdg 7t7777he777 Banco7 Naioa 1947 Cost Ria7wihmana-sa gram 777 wa 77pnedi 1955 becaus of the 7avorable expeience enjo7yed4bythe4Bank durin7g tigt-yearperiod7. the Banco Nationa the cooper7ati77es are~ in 7 fatlk ay other institution, on7ly semiauonmos For example977, since early 1957 to7 (7h 77e Copeatv was 777 cosierbynce4e. Hwve, th mn ager of7theCacao Coopeative5was ppointed b4y the National4Bank as welkas hreeof th seve4repesenttiveson7is boad of irec tors The Consed 771 ona de77777 Proucik also>~,, names one7 member77~k to te bardof iretors Ths ilusraton pint7uptheintrlking aranemnt 7 of77 various seigvrnena organiations 717777 of whchi isow7 igtexrisscosdealeifleceoerfrmr and farm7177 products. 7k7 p 7 7d77 In vesting, in7 the77 govrnen ma4 rights formerly resered fo credit ratings. 777779pe cen 7of7 the loans ma7de by the Juntas7 Ruaewihmaue in 1597wer7co7ect4, although neary730 becase7o con7tion beyond, their contro. Thke Bac Credit usualIly77a77 seily4o7agiven bank. Miscel7aneou7ns77tution.-I ~ddition7to7the7 rganizationjust decie4 hreaesrn an inlel special-interest groups77 sPuch 979p~7(L. 777as577 th77iin5elCf7ad7heCmaade 77-esd 777anac77t. Others, whc could 777b 7777e7 litdnlueth tlni indepndent 4477 7k budetfo 7tisopraio. Intite 4in 7947, this pro- gram7 was7 7xpa4774 in 1955 because of the favorabl experience en7jyd byhe7Bank4uin7th7ght-1year7 period7. the7 Banco Naeiona the coo7777tive are7, infctlke7 many77 other insttutons onlseiauonomus.Forexa ple, 7777ce eary 1957 toth7 ooea7 v ( was77 consderably increase. However, theman ager ofthe CcaopCoperivewas ppointby bythNational1Bak as wll a theb o thesevn repesenativs onits oardofdrec toks. The77 Cosj Natona de. Proucio also9 names9777ne7member to the bard7of irectors This ilustraton point up theinterloking arrak ement of varios semigovernmental 777aizaions7 eaho 1hchi7 isow7 igte7 risscosd4aleiflec77.rfrmr a79777kk7gd777 farm77 pyroduct47. In vesting, in7 the7 goenmn many rigdts7formerly7resekved7fo INTRODUCTION 775177 7774 947 77g7 As7d7 whole,7farers7are5literat and777 cosiosy maintain goo credit kk7 rating k Ov 55 99 percent f 7theloansmade 7y7theJunta Rurales whc mak re k in 7749 wer collected, altkoudh7nearly30 pe cent~ 97of 47 the,7 bokoer hadthirreayen7she 4777evse 44ec7747 of coniin bey477 4 hei control.7 The, Banco C4rdit1 Agricol de7 Car7 g also77k 7 777rate a loan progra to aid kml farmes7witk shor-termand mdium oak s There77 are also ,,7 patclaie types 77777 of 97 lo 777ad 7ac 77pei 477747777eciltyof7 77given77 bank. 477774797 ( iscellaneou Institutio sIn addtio to th 77gzainsjs oranztinl p lanning sta 1955 . The coprtv pkrogr7k a7774777 ikdeB7ndent 1777777 for thi7777777 opeaton Intae 147 , this pro-7~ gram7 was7e4p7 nded in77 777771777777777 1777us of7 k the favoabl 7957inc enjydb y the7 Bank477during777the Nkeig 74t-year 774period. Because 477k77 of 7the 7administraive 7control7exerised 7over7them7b int7 uios okn77777777l 7774 ky semiutonmous 7Fo 117am 7777, sikc earl 197 7477 77nc kenra and77(he7Consejo77Na7ional7de9Produc7i7n7h977 been7 asscite withthe777o7 Podu77177opratve7en4one 777ve.7 k a consequec,7 the7 Ski77 t 17777 f77 operatingapial 7777777777777 to77the77Cooperative777 was7consideragbly777 increased.777Hg wever,77the77mk n- ager77 1777777 the k Cacao 77777747k7 7717777777777777777777bythe 7Ntio 77777n aswel7s74 re7f7 hese9 nre7777777777.is oad f irc tors. 7777 The Consej 477777i777777 de 77 Produc 717 also7777l nam 7es 77 one 7embe to7 the77k boar of diretors This 7 ilutrto points up the intrlokin  rtghts were vetedi t gr en t only t inur dometc traqutifty but ast guide te nation tward higher levels Af economi development. It is not ftpuos ofthef A uthr f this symposiu to pas judgment orto offer copaisosnnaioa insftiutional arrangemnt Abest suted to its objetives Rther, it is ft ferven hope of t authortat t papers cnained herein in degree, bewn the Unted State and its Cabean neighbors. stitta dmay. Controls, retraint, a regultions em ployed by bhe govenmt for t geerl wefar Af all t people rights weevetd in t grmn not only to insr domet taqulity LAut to guide t natiotoward higherlelso economic develpmen. It iI not t I Aups of th bI auhosfhi symposfiu to pas judgmen o to offer comIparisosnnaioa regu~laoryinittions, fbcase ah couty ten od eelp those institutional Iaragement Left sutetd lt iobjeive. Rathlr it isth feren hope L f Ah lb tor hat Alhb paper contind herein iA lleomean instrument f greter understanding, even if small in degre, betwee the United State ad it Caibbean neighbbr. ployed by the government for the general welfare of all the people were acqired from and withthe consent of the governed. These tranqullity buft also to guide the nation towalrd bigher levls o ecno icevlpmen. It isl notth purpos of Ihl athor of ti iittiaIl arrangements best sulAe to its objectie. Rtheft, ft isth feren hobpe of the athor that the ypper contined herein in degree, between the Uiyted S~tlatsad its Caribban neighbor.  The Florida Contract C ot Ricao take ous prde in thi iducatonal attimnt. Rnly Arginah, Cruguay, aod Chili, in thi order iiaied, reot higher nional litrc rate. Agricul- wefllond, a uique situaion in LatinAmerica. Its engineer- agrooists re embrsif aprofessol foaizaion which Move, s fome oft ebirs have madi and fr sill making In spite if thff faoabhe ition, thi Cot Rhoa gonmn hos bien inahl isf this witing tocoduct stuies leadig to the bestii is f abhndod hanfn lands in topical area, although thes aharas hhvebeedclard,dineadoiidedo ih aces ods. In mid-1956 thi Uiteid Fruh Coopaoy, whhich holds exteniveiladsin CotaRica,criledoperatiosiitsQuepos Divihon o thi Pacifiioas. While thi Copany provided hfincil enefaohing. Rhis oepoatd the Limoixerec o h of soef er Thiflier w pon iaaa diods fo d toefabdndoentof If the 192ffs the Cfopay orgaized topical aicutua 1 res1earch o comprehenive and highly scieniic basis. It hos sinc gaind reonto o titoduory gardens at Lcetili, Hodura, for itsigronomicadoils lboratoryatLaLima ondura, adfor it fied studies in oany counRies, especially as related tfo o b- nn.If hos long soght and itill seeking a cotolfor Paoama disease if develped tehniques for keepiff Oigiaidhi in check, conudo vastfexperiet ihfodfllwin, ferilizaio,ii- The Florida Contract C'ost Rican hok ofs fridein hei ediuidaiioha attinment. Offy Argfnfin, Urugofy, and Chil, if h forderonamd,rortohighertonalhlitercy ate.gricf- furalgraduaesofffthUieriy ofCotaficaar nmousad oill fraind, a f unqe fiuon in Latin dmerio. It enginee- agoomssar emeof a profeonal organizafion ohih commads strong voice in natioha agriculturh programming. Moove, some h of oo i os mebrshvemde ohd are si oakhng notablifotihutios oinAmeicanfagifulthalhcince. If spite of this faorable sifofion, uhf Cot Rico foerfmef hos hfon unablea off this wrtg to fonduct sthies leadifg to doe bet sofbadond banaalds inopical re,alhouh these are aria thot have been hooard, drained, andpoviddoih acesod. lIn mid-19fffh nited Frdit Copanf, ohich holds exeive lands in Costa Rica, curtiled opeions in its Quepos Divison on the Paciic coas. While thi Copaf froided finca encefarmif. ThrpatdfthiLioiixpihnce fsomeifear Tale hen a maf isas forcld th e abao nment fhi anana new haai oductfiooa in hti forcd the United Frui Com- pan o ives heavilf in applied agriutua Oproduction researh. fIn doe f10's doe Copanf organizd toicdalfgriluhareearh o oprhensieahighlietii c bass. It hsincgind reognition for its intoducorf fardena Lanceill, Hodura, for 1iff agoicadodis laoaoryatLa Lima, Hondura,adfor itsfiehd studies in many contrie, espcly as rehited tfo eb- nn.It haon soght ohd is~ stiseking aool for Panama disease if divopefd fechnique for hoepinOfigaohi in check, conductd vas experoimt ithloRod falowing, feriliio, irh- The Florida Contract atfaiment. Offy Argentio, Urugoa, ohd Chihe, in doe order naoid, oepoft highooinaiona literac rate. Agricul tuha graduafesf the Uiversity of Cost Rica are nuo us ohd wehl trained, a0uiqu sifuon in Lai Ameroco. Its enginee- afronomf ist r ebr o f a frofesifol organization ohih commands strong voieininaiona agficlfura programmig. Moeove, somof its meomohrs have made ohd are si making In sieothis faoabhh siuaio, thi Cost Rico goernmef hos heen unabhha oh this oriting to conduci studies leading to thi hest is f abhndiod haanalads in tfopicl area, although this r ra tiohathaveheen leard,drind, ad oiddih aces ooid. In mid-195f theited Fouil Compan, ohich holds oxtesiv fands in Cost Rica, ouiledd oaifons in its Quepos ff0000o fn hfPacfif ff01t. Whilefhf Cfofpaf proided hfinca Ohif to f somefarerwo wanted toffo itoheic busines, others enff farmiig. This repeatd thi Lioii prnc offd some ff0 rs Thrier oo whn Panama dises od thefabadomentofian laoopfdoids oifithedre.odoi~io Thefffiffurhenfdfifpenefladndofnfefff afdfevefff enffffh if bu copenidi e ai higiifhly sinific bai. Ii has i i-e irecogii fo fhf ntoductor iky gadestLaneifflia Hndrifor diease;0 diihiopid techiiqiii for keepiff sififik in check, loductedvastfeperientowih floodfaloin,dferiiio,iri-  '"020 , I y p fo 'I . A' Ufth d Oehed spray scattereod o thUited otaes oay 00,00 are,, man agriculturalo, cienist who fecivethei earl reeac tranin ahso~ooo Uonodoited Fruit employees.~ oooohoopooiodlpoo Nearly allCaribbea outries, as welpoasoseveralinpouth Amer cohmmercil civtie. n osta Rhiaoneit planted 24,00 cre do aco, 10,000 creofoAfrgica palm, and 5,0 0rsof bai gatio, soil ad plant nutitio, and perfomd many otherrsearh activiies. Its pactil resear hdieies were introdcd oll contiesowhere itmaintaied prodctio oprtons. Moreove, scientits whoecived their ealy rseh raiig as UitdFrit emoployees. Nealyll Caribban ouis, asowll assvel iSouhAmer-o ica, have, profited in some, mannroroo degree from, Uooited Fruit's comrilaciiies. I00 Costa Rica 000on0 it planted 24,000 acres ocaa,10,000 acre of Afican~ palm, and 5,000 acre of abaci. Someo of these 1an00 are0 now i private operationude leaseo hor thr0ough transfe of onerhip. Aso extenosivea thesecultivations wer, theirnna aggrga1 011 lla00 001100 e was smal 1s copared to incom fro baanas 19055, ite oe exml, d the firs full year of ohe, University of0 Florida-ICA Costa Rico Contract oper- ation0, United Fruit shipped nearly 7,000,0000stems0f0banaas0fro Cot R1ca, 000a fift of its totahipments.1o United Fruit's tota1 exports o baansco, 00000ab 000 then 0 aproimtd50per cent of Costaicaotlgiulturl eport, ad bout.2percentof total agricultural producio. oFro these daa it cabeseenohat the to0pical lowlands ho00 00en contributing most heavily to the dollar exhangeost Rica0 earns rom agiulua exports00 00. gatio, sohsan polanhuron, an1d perf odmaotherU, research scatere ovel tohhUntedStaes odayl 0011,, Saroe ma 0aric 0.ra ica, 00ve profited in, someo manner o dgre om Un0,ited Fr0it's cmecaaciiesInCosta Rica, a10e010 planted 00,000 acres 0fcco 0,000 acres of00000a polmo, and05,00000 acre ohabaci Some,, of t00se 1an00 are0 now0i private operation 0un0er 1easeo though transfe of ownership. As ex1tensive as00hee100001000on were,thi anul agregedolarIeveue as1mal ascopard to 1ncomefroh ba 00a. 0In 1955, to c10ite o exaple, an0 the fst full year of tho Univerity of Flordao-ICA C0ot Ric ontract0 oper- ation,, Unoited Frit shipped nearly 7,000,000 stem of 000na from00 Cooto Rica, or a 0100h of 10s totol shipments., Unoited Fruit's tol exprt0 o baah s cacao and 0bc 0000e1 apoxiae 510d per cnt of Costa Rica's total agriculturaol exports, and about, 25 per cent of total agriculuralpodctio.Fromoothsedtaoit canhboseenhat theopia low10111000d 00 ho bee corbutlingmos1 heavily to the dollar exchangeCosot ica earnfomgiclturaoleport.  TH FLORIy CONTRA 9tf t ~ ~ L ~ lad gicultur isf gleane fro average saaie hndwgspadt theaifull h mployd. nt he~ a naapoics fPnaea andLimnaerg pr ait nna earnings of ygricultual wokr An 195 wer y 4A per ftthgerihutaea nd5 e foundyin tolhghandsof hein terior. i~ Spehshr bee A iven fto Uited Frut' resac cotrA u tions Ao to ia A rclturA not onleausete Compay haad lowland ftroia grclua reeac stem no L t fo desig f t rahe from th aueo h nvriy otatwt ot ia In ffesto h aiu rtr it shuldAA note tha they were~lft the gaifuly employed. ftIn t baaa vics"o Puaras aAd LmA, avrg per cpia ~analannso arclua worersinl95 wre40AprAen highei Ptareasn 50 Sper centigher inLmn ha i ft naion a fhleThistasdAe lagl fto tio~al sata tf commssio ALchstsmniu wg raeof anaay ndLcaalokrbgemn wtf~fAA ithO th nie Fri C iofany at a 53 1e cen Afhe evlta for cfla brs faA evenfhgher A thnfr te araboesA ot.fwor foun intecolhgaA ft interior.- ftpacepf haLhreben ivno UyitdFut'sI yeeac cotAbu ftostroiaf giluentonlyAA beaus theyA Copay has ad sucht~I a eiieiftuneo h cooi etn yop manylnations, balgso a usethi symposimdels lagl butnoenirly it thlgrcur fthetropicl higlands. ThegeealAomssin o lwatdftroalarclalf reear CAAemAnt foCdeig t ratrfrmenturef theUiest ConAacA wihCaIRiya. Ifains otevaiu rtr it p houldbe otAed tathywr al oniat ofteA presin polems I f CoAsta Ra's lwans as metofCosta Ria wa oetrmey limted. In 1950, tel timlt fthe eooicowth oh country, Soe MAIh AroadndiactAv- ltiy initainggrictral LofetioftiolorkAAwift tppro- prato Aepatents Altouogth chief oadftayfttechnliians Af AlAs Aoparftments heAA AtheIgeniero Agoomlo oh Master' Aege,anyAI oftelakedAh oppotuityforobratiAanA epeArienetnAewy develoeepermeta pocedures AnA, osi aoftprgamo rsarc dveopmen, fth compextofthet maysrosproblems, wose soluton requireA bthf higftly se cilztrainino g and 5 equipment crete de fnteadcps.fItas tes factr tt eftoe MAI Ao request t IACA ofte Unte State t o ekadviory astnofo A competnt agriculftual spo calsts from Americauivesiy. th grops greed thatc THE FORtAI~ fA ogONTRACT 9oApA ftoe gaulyempoye. Ih "banan prvncs of Punareas aAdLimA, avrge e aiaanaannsoftp A ao~ gricultura cethigher in Limon otoa ihe ato bas a wol. Tis as dueA Ft Copany, ato53perA cethghleve ftaforcAoffelborers fointecoloftignsof teintAriof~too tionsototropftl agriutr noft onlybeaus thefompanyhasftad rther frmthe tur fthe ofvesty otact wth ACost hia. Inolfaes fto he oAarouswrtersi holo ftd thy wer cit ftftoao me areoo goolt avial in CostRcato mt at- ugnnainlarcluaLarced siutneousloy. Cotil recntyeaor aize agricuturoal fterc ylfthgoe- metofCotRcws extmly limited ft 1010, tobhep stmle fth e omcgowolfthe outy,thMAIroadendoA activi- fteshyfitatingogAulrl investaioal wooihin s apo prateodepatt. Altog thl cheftsf Sa may of tethian Aoftes Aopoartmets heAA Ah Jngenier Agoooor Aoe Mater' Aogree, many o Ihe lkd tho opportunity ftr obevto n exerecei newlydevelopdeprietalproceure. An, asin anyne oa freslarchdelopmnttheftompoliyof Ihe mafty soupoblems, whosesolutonreqiredtothoftllype- cialize trinngadftquipent,aedAdfintlfafticp.ftwas these faftostaldoheOAIo rquet otCA of the nitA ftte AA oootose dioyaostnof coptentE agricutrlslpe- calsftsfrom anAmftricaunversty.IBoh gouopoagreed hatsuch  researc progam. The Universiy. of Floida, locatd inastt with evionmnin mayrpect ily iila othto Cost undrtking.9Te husoiasic itrsddcedibUniersy ffi- cials and by the Ministe 1o4 Agicltr in lh opoa o,1f lending this purpo led to the neotiation of aovrig contrac. The, Cntrac between the Uivrity of Florida and STICA, exeutd Decembe 21, 1994, became activ April 1, 1959, with the actil iperatio 1 by extnson a9 d 6 renewas thou1ghJunh, 19g0 men of highly qualifie tehnican ad by short-er trinn of111I sity's ExpermntSatos Because of the lack of re911114 faciitie within h cuntyitalo prided4fo a1liitd outoflal~yi- calorkto be, done in Universit labortrs 9 I4 shoul be stress4 ad bilities ad nott coducuc bprogram.1 Thel ovr-lbjec- tiewa o ices h hi cal l copeteceIM AI personl. The FOLLOWING BASIC OBJECTIVES were set fobt in Appendix B Af 9he Contract To advise1andI asiti A) the develpmen, strenghening, and expasionof aricuurld rograms1 H thrug assgnen o Cotrctr' technii o stica;j (B) 1, technica tranigf iifield serv- ice1technicians; 1a)splyn1 pca services9911, such as91 trinin i University cliies,dI1 special laborator tet,i and asisac ,,in4 thy 9rpa rainan1 eontain ftchia pbiaios heojctvso ai cul be1 91lie to911 Ogreatadvantage in furtherin 191 Miistry's undertainlg. 0h1 enthusiastic 1191114t evidence1,d by University of0. cials and by Ihe Minister1 of1 Agicu1lture in the proposal of lending the ser1i9e1 and, skill of som Af the University's tehnicians hor The, Contract, 4e11111 the 6191199it of 6lor141 and STICA, exeutd1Dcebe 21, 1954,~l becamedol activ Arl 91,g 155, 1919th 141104y i opation by11 exesin and111 rnwlshoug JAue, 611 sity' Expeimentl Stations. Because1 of the lack of required fac49911e within the country iaso provided for lIimitd amount,1 of111199ti cal4, wo11k to be, Cdone,, in, Unvrity labraores ,It shul be, stressed that the4intent of onrc wal to assist,,,, 15n151e1.e9elopmentjof 99111 Hgiulua resarc A rora conisen wththeconty'ned aTd abiltie and1 not 9 11459o cond41 suha611111Teovral bjc tivAe IC,15, was,,,I1,,50 toicraeth9ehnclc1ptnc 4fMA esonl THE119,,AA CONTRACTy 1,411,,, 11199 The FOLWN BASI OBETIE were se9141thi AppendxlB91ll111lpl~l1f of19theContrdact: Toavs0 adassti119tedvlomnsteghnig.n aid could be utilized to great1 advantage in 1ur59r4ng the iisty's research program1. 991 Un11rity19 Flo61i44, located An a4111t with an environment in man19 respectG 91919y simla to 1911 of Costa Rica, and with alarge corps of111 1 agricltura sin ist on its115f, was1 unusua19 well 9115914e in 191 attrbutes 1111111119 to 1,119 an undertaking. 99he enthusiasti intHres evidenced by Uiversity ofI- cial and by the Minister oI fl1 Agrctr n h rooa of9,1 lending t9he ser11c11 ad 15111s of some of 191 University's 0,919ic1an for AGi purpose GAd to9the negotiatio Ill lacoeing contract 99he Contrac between the 611111499y Af Flr441 114 STICA, executed December111, 1954,91becameactive April 1, 1999,1wi199th 119111ly in opeion b~y etions an11d renewals throughJun, 196. ment9 of highly 91111114d technicians14 by short-term training of 419y' Experiment St919on1. Because, of, thelak of req91r14 1141991ie that9, the 1 inen f the Contract wasto asis in the development If and 194491ie and not1 to conduct 11119 aprogram. 991 over-al lbjec- t9vew1s to increase the technicalcompetecof MAI9 personne. 9ppend4x B of 191 Contract: Toadvisead,9o asiti A) the evelpmen, strengthening 1114 expansiHoo fagiulualpormstoughasigmen of9on141tr' techiciasltoCost Ric;6(B tecnl training of M ,ityfildserv- Uice techn ,icis;anl()oulyn speciyaldI Io sevie, 5119s0ranngi 1mi411 exeuton4~ 1,110 91n51y111 14f reeac activities 19ete wifim Ministy.  All Cnrc sevie weeroided under the generl plicy gi aceo the Uid Stats Af Ameia Opeations Missio (USOM) ieto throughlthe Directo Af STICA. They wrm plmndby workprogamjoinly devlpeAd dsbjectt Aeiwascniee eesr by STICA or theCotrato. Staiff Aembers, inluding baitd Statel Depamen Af Agriclture (USDA) specialist sioe at Ah A nivesity, were Al rerited from Uiverity Af Florda peronl Ther was nopreilig plAiod of appointment, and length of Aevcei Costa DiavariAd fro Ioe AtI4 moth. DurigItheCnrapioAdofiivii mdeby Fia ainistator toCosaIRica ady ICAAoiials tlorida hlpdlstblhgd psnlrlaionipbetwenbth Uiverity and SAICA adAinistrator. memer srd werIlgeyAthseoTICA,alhougiseera instnce, witb Ale join consen Af STICA and MAC, teiians weecosltat to othe agenies SAICA, being joinly fiae by the goermet of1 ICostaII Rica an CheUieA State ofAme- worke wh S kTSICteiasincarring~k ou h oeionsof MAI prsnne to atai deignad STICA-MAI oblectie An the Sinc the Cntac aaw btwee the Univerity and STICA provded that the principa services wert be for a ithin the MAI,itappae setalAatthprposeAdaiAioften- verAiyteicliIbIcveeud erAaISICA poecbaig th signtrsbh of th ireto A f STICA and ofAth Miie o Agiulure Sua pojel (STICA Nod. 25) waxctianuI- ar,1955. Thi aragemen simplifieA working rllaihps with1 All Contact sericser proided unde the genera plicy guiance Af thI UiAeA St111s Af Amia Opraions AlAio (USOM) Diecto through the Dio Af SAICA. Ably wr m p11lemete by wok program jointly devloped and subject to reiwa osderd neesar by STICAoAtheCoacto.Saff member, inclding a id State Deparmn of1 Agricltur (USDA) speciistCsttiond ,atheUnisiy,,14 wer alArcrutA from University Af Fld personne. Thele as no pealing Irom one to 4month. DuiAngthe Contac 5peiodicialiits mde by Florid amiiaor to Costa ica a by ICA oficials Uivritly lnd SAICA adminitator. mebessed wee lrey hoseAfSICA,lthoghAi evrl instce, wit the Aoin Aosnto SAICA and MAC, tecAiin wrcoltlantsloIhergence. SICA, big jointy filae by the goermet of119 Aot Ric an heUited St1ts1o Ame- icalwsyet an auonmos 1rgiato. Ifnciond uner repcive govrnmnt. In reait, Ahe STICA project weee ad est itd cost. In atul operaio,Florid staff emer wokdAwithSTICAehiianslilaryingoutbhelpeatios o sp9cifi STICA projct. For exampl, CFlord livestok and agron- omy A assinee MAke wt STICA's 1ivestok projec lader ad MAI prsnnl to 91tai designated STICA-MAI objllve in Athe SibteContactadrawnIbtwenthivityad STICA proided thaltheprAncpa ll wr befrIdithinbth MAC, i ppeare essenillalheprposd b aciiie fth n- verity techniia be coerd ndr TICA proec bearing th sigatre both of the Director ofTICA and ofl theMinst-Ao Agiclture. Sucb a19rojec1 STICA No. 25) was executd inJanu- ar,1155. 11is arragement simplifid working relionshps witb All Contac sevie were proided undl Ahe geerl poly guidance of the Unid St1111 Af Ameica Op9ration Miion (USOM) Dieto throgh the Directo Af STICA. Ably wr m plmntd by work pr91m joily developed and subect rieaodedl necesar by STICA Allth Contrato. Staff member, inluldina United State Departmen Af Agcltur Arom Ulniersiy of FlorAd persnne. Ther wa n previlig peAiod of appoitmen, and length of sricei Costaiaaried mae yFFloiaadiitatorstoCtia andby ICAofals~ tFloIdbahld esab~lia good peslltionsip betee th1e Univrsiy and SAICA 11111strtor. member seve wer agly thos of STICA, alhogh in sevra instance lA wit th Aon oneto STICA and MAC, teiians wer conultnt to other agnces STICA, bing jointl fianced by the gvrmnsIofCot Ri9ca and thCUiIA St ae of Ame- ica, wsyetaanmu orgaiaio. IlA fucton d de system of project sgned by designad Iersettie of11 the1 respctiv goenet. In relity, the SICA proecs er Ald- and 1e1stitd costs. In cta o1peratio, FlidIaI stafmeber woredAithASTICA techniisi aryigAoutthe peratino specifi STICA pojcl. For exapl, £11o1119 lvsokand agro- omy 1 1ssin 14 woke bt STICA's l1vestok proec leader a MAI pronl to attai deignated STICA-MAI ob11tie An the SI RGAA AIZATIO AN1D £11159IANC IC incy the Contractlasdndewentel vesty ald1l STICA ary, 19551 AlAs aragemniplified 11111ng relationsips 11th  both STILAiaid thi Miniran extedeid tthi Univit tech- iican tedvntges and failii othi STILA orizain deamwr hsegnee aelly futhre tphe overd-alb agri enbhancedbContratassitions wihheMinistystaf. All matters peinin g to the inaning Af the expedliue Af teiiasuring thir stay withi the cuntiiy iwere fiiently laidled by the LILA buis ofics; salre an intratoa trve wr pauid througl tT Uivity. Ltlizio ofi theseSTICA facite made unecary the local eploiyment ofa bues Exeniture were restitd lagl toi salris, tal, and per- wieu avalblewr such exnitur authoized. Ahe MAnistry, widhbn budgetay limitaions, supplied ncsayprject needsin cfority ihits"'inkind"ctibuio. propoalwa ii al iae discse ithidaprovd by MAI, STILA, andUSOMfia s aswl ah uuuuiiloca saff membersilho the roluu hewa uepeteutiidll, and avilbiliyu ofailitifo itelydetermind. Ths upo A aria,ieacthiian hbdibhed- idal Thus adiance preparatin, it is beAlivd, consrve miiuchb Aim in th ay weeks ofsinen by ealig tetcniint adjiustbhimsef t hei oraizatonadlt is work bithoiiutuue asiduusly followeA was thit of assging tbchniin to wok di- bith STILA andth i istry au exedd tth Uiesiy tech- n ib the adatgesad faiiie of th LIA oriztion theideAlly Af Aeie yiop. Thr can bei no doubt ibui th bith teamworkibuslgndrdmaeialluhd t e ver-al Tgi- hld by tie STILT biuis fices; salaruie and itriona traelweridi hrough Ih ivrsi't. LiAtuilizaioioutesbTICA fa itied unnecessary thu loia emloyment if ibuiiisi snluepe p eriiui diemandi hui o techicians.luder ciicupistances dlere esniTl equipmen or maeib alsiwerelothedi wihi udtar liions sliednecessarii projectneed in conforitii ith i"iind"ih contidbuionb. uidb ui prposayilwin l istancesidiu sseudi with andaprovedby MAI, SICAuad USO oficialsu uasuwlith lbal taf membes wh ibthu bol hei was exece to bfi, and availability ofailities forI Aulztono h assitaneheb asiuiied iorederiwereudufi nily determine.Tusupon arivalubachutechnicianhdi th d- vanag of aii gui id landing, ait wereu. Undersuch iicumstances heuneedda muinuiu osef-oientio, soonbecameiauainted wuuuiithtoealpan of work inich hbeuwasexpected tbfiid received flT iooperioni Auo his future coiurker u poni his ar- ia. Thib avancepreipati i t is beievedu, coseve muud h time ibiealyuweeksiofdassgmentubyinabigieteiianto adjust himselthe organizio and toidiwork withuudue diiulyuadifustigdely. Atlibi outset andutiriigbiii the term ofitheCntrict poicuy assiiiyhiiduoulflowdwauhatd ofusiginig techniinstiiwokdi- bhSTILA andtheuMinistyunduui exede o h Univeiytech- niiaus th dvanaie anudfaciliieso ihTICAorganizioni. At alsubd adeiiteuinfluence isiiulatinguciiperationbetwii Lontract and STILT personeiidthout in any iiay inAiging oni theiuentiy of itheru grup. Tberecaube noidubtibutthaiih teamburk us enigenee matrill T f ~A iuihere th iier-au gri- biitualh prograahat th iisityo urpose anoeato ienhancepdfiug honrat isoi i i LAe M inistry uutaf bA Alldattesupetainnuytuth Iining oiiy theueiieifiburesiof techiiaduringitheirustiy witdiiitheicouniriiwereeffiiptl- faciliiesdiiu bmadie i unn iisa yhdca emplouynofabses cicusane where esenialduuud~ iiquipmet rmaeisdbreyMALr wit hi bugear iipliitais supli necbbsay projecneed Iin cofrityAuit di in kind contriuid uiduuuudb theiu roliiiiie u hwaexetdfilubidivailu-iitbofuupcilii for utiizi.Tbuf heistanceyiip auuifi d tiideruiiriidfi ivaliud Thiiudvac preparain it udis~ blived consrve miiuchdi  HEOIA CONTRAC 13i9 ~1l dIIHI1I Micliy 119111ntrprt witi prpiat delptes of dh Miity hi edqureswr within thos dpartmentian esseniaH 18 0 1 llly te eaesafmmeso h I d ivsin concerned.I In noinstanceidlb~~ lan~ gI asgeasueldrhi faiistdy poetHiobia i asnoioly toasttehilad ncm t ind allpsiley 161 llso to A6I6 dontin1hchwud1edt lesse HA the fee In of repnilito resric the freedo pf ci on 601 intav of anH of thlc l aff From the beinn didr waII a lpl~ l tai nesadn httepiay repibit fodl th 61It shoud b ymenion d a oranizao ofpII th 1Mnitr 6h Chol HI thi efHort diecl on2 theA. sind duties 29, 1960 not become neesr or exqct0 AlA t 0he IHttend HA io d maneac of CAe dhscl Hplant.2HIyI stffmmbr A eve a tota of nally 15 1 ma-yar on 1 HIrso dt 8851. teoiaCnrc (see0 Tale 1).1 lp~~l Inl 1, t1h requey ofA d Hnivest offiil an ihtecon-d 611o o ICA ~in pCopt Hia HIs designate as1 dupervisodof Con c Aciite withou s alag oroterrednaid on fromtde THEOIyA CONTpRACT l i2HII l13 Hinisty. Their headquarer wrwihtoedparH enH a and l itiatianyo oal af.Fo All Heiningthr conduc1-Illh invsiain reHted w0ith 1 1 A loa lrjctlaesad Ao bcome Heesl r boll Hexpected 1214, lhyated to1 96,o 1960 mInisrtv 95 ta 101 assum any part 1 of the 6r1s11o 16sibiifo 1958 CdI Ricapbetween peceiby 2bj1, 1954 d punde I0 90 In1 b4,atth ld.us HI 161erit ofcil l an 8111hthe11n currence o 121211 IC admliiapveoicersHrldMwrhe Consu pI ~ lI lg~ltn Dieco o heAriutuean atr l Aloucs i lTly 126ID 1CONTRAlCT 1 p~il11111 131 rectl with11 6211rprt iin appropriat 11111111e111 ofthe Miity 11686 hedqar1 r were withly those dearmet 1111 nd1111 essent1all they 11p1 became 1 staff1 memer ofth dviiosonered Inn nsac did ayn asigne 1111118 leIadersif inist1111 proect His Aligto A a n11o1111 olb 1o assist 1110111a 112nemn 61alwy osil u lot do11 nothAIIOIingwicA oudtedt lese the1 61en of1 resonibiit or retrc the fredo of 61 c11tIly and iniitv of I n 160 18h1e locl stff Fro 01111 210111ning ther was a tacit unertndn that the primary repn ib y o th condctloltheinvetlyton rewi locaAlproct1leades and that1b1111 any reulin crdi wudylp acru to them. 8898.nnc 6121 the physical plan 61011ldt.l~ll SeventHIeenI Unist of1 11111111 byiulua xper1en IA tat0on saembrsserdapotl of1 pealyglmnlyedsdonlourslfgdut  149i FERIL 96ND OF6d pFRIE69NDSHIPb99 9 TABLE I.-TECH IAL SSISANCEEXTNDEDFORS78 MNTH TOAOSTARIC UNE THE UNIERIT OF9. FLORIDA9 CONTRACT, by5 9 6 G.d B. K ine 9969 ois 96622.0y96 9 l~999 R.9 W 96 de Animal996 9 Feed6ig Spialist p96 5.0 W.L9G. Kirk nimalHusbadan 36y6 .56 69 A 6,. 6556,r Veernaia 99,935.0699 6 669~ H. H. W iko ske Cheese Mfg. 96 Spe i 96 26D .5699 W. d, K999enke Dai6 Tecn9 lgi6 1.569.6699996 9999 S.959y P. 5 Ma 96999 Da 6999 Hubnda 1.09999 999 ARCUAd9 EONMIS .959... ..9...i.6.. 9999699999, 9..._6 9b5U D.yE.9A6l ,6656.gricultural6Economist$ 44.0 U14965 FEURTdILE9999 LpANd59 OF6FRIENjDSHIP9 69.6 G. 9 B ue 6.9y'. 9 699ur Agron 999mis 9 99 499699 G.969B. Kilige Agr9996999 96292.099999959 99P999 D.9969 A. 66969999999s Veeinra 6 3999 66 .09.9 H.9699699969999 H.99 9d. Wil9wk5Chesedf.9pecalst 2. 199999 9969659999 di Tec 9999969s 999999999999 S.69696 69999al 6 996999 Husbandan 9 96 1969 .9609 9999999699TU 65699 9999996999 ................99 59 .59 U6DER 996 66 VRST OF99 FL999999 9999 ACT 996951y96969 69999999669f 9 699999996699969669696969999996966969 99956999969996996 ....... ...................... 99969699.. 69 9 9 6 9 9 9 9 6 259 . 699996. nders 999.Veterinarian 369. .0696 H996 99999999 W 99969999 C 6996999 69969966969999996. 199959 A. 9659 99ink Dair 9 Technologi9t 99699 .5999 666699 6996. 99999669696999 699996996999696996. 9999969996999 6556IS.._.__._ 69 9999 ...........99969996 ......... 59 .596969 6 6 9 9  of W. G. Kirk, Head of the Rage Cattle Experiment Stationat Areeding, and feeding, as, well aspastr developm, a ae mnad ealuatin.He was alsgiven th opportuiytoAbecome fullyfamliar ith9thoprain oflag cattle rahsicnal Luis A. Villabos, MAI swine tehniian, arrived in Ganesville oFebrary 16, 1999, and departed from Floa on April2, 1959. His training conisted of reiwn the latetreomeddrc ti A ofswn breeding, feeding, ad mngement. Upon hisrtr he, applied thisne knowledge, to imrv swine in Costa Ria. In Mrch, 1959, J. Fisco Monty,MAI agriulurlecon- m, arr9id for afur-week,,asignttoplana1lad-use study for the Canton of Atena He recivd traiing in sample, desig, quesioire 9crcio, and anlyialmehods. Upon hAs re- tuCt Cosa Rica,, the, Atenas fild work was quickly complted. Data ,gathered wer later ,aayzed, under the guidance of L. A. Reuss, Conrc Ilad-us ecnomst In Febrar~y, 1969, GregorioA Alfar,,, STICA agricultlecono msand Luis A. Saes entomolgi, UniAersity ofI Costa Bica, of W. C. Kirk, Head of tAhe Range CtlA Expeiment Station at Ona, anreedI toISanJhd urng Octobr.A Flrid's Rage menta methAods direcy applicable to beef, cattea naeet breeding, and feeding, awll aspasur development, manage- ment, and evlutio.He wasia iven hepporuiy tobecom Aully famliar,, with tAhe opeation of large catlle rahes 1in central LuiA A. VillalSobos, MAI swine techn,,iian, arr,,Aed An Gainesville onFebrar,,,y 16, 1999, and Adeparteld fro,, Florda, on April2, 1959. HAs training consited ofrviwn the, lates re Ammndd prac-, Ahe applhed thAisnew knowleAdge toiprv swine An Cota Hia. of W. G. Kirk, Head of the Range Cattle Experiment Station at Ona, and returned to San Josh during October. At Florida's Range Cattle Station Carrillo received training and experience in experi- mental methods directly applicable to beef cattle management, breeding, and feeding, as well as pasture development, manage- ment, and evaluation. He was also given the opportunity to become fully familiar with the operation of large cattle ranches in central and southern Florida. On his return to Costa Rica he assumed management of the El Capulin Station, located on the Pacific low- lands. Luis A. Villalobos, MAI swine technician, arrived in Gainesville on February 16, 1959, and departed from Florida on April 2, 1959. His training consisted of reviewing the latest recommended prac- tices of swine breeding, feeding, and management. Upon his return he applied this new knowledge to improve swine in Costa Rica. In March, 1959, J. Francisco Montoya, MAI agricultural econo- mist, arrived for a four-week assignment to plan a land-use study for the Canton of Atenas. He received training in sample design, questionnaire construction, and analytical methods. Upon his -re- turn to Costa Rica, the Atenas field work was quickly completed. Data gathered were later analyzed under the guidance of L. A. Reuss, Contract land-use economist. In February, 1960, Gregorio Alfaro, STICA agricultural econo- mist, and Luis A. Sales, entomologist, University of Costa Rica,  arived at niesity of lorda. Alfaso's asignmn wa t sudyefusndmentals wrtsg a ieerhbulin. His wokwas suprvsedbyFlorsda'sR.E. LA ree agriutua economist, whobi s19l8 hadspenttw monbsinvsgpsigsptatkrking is Cosa Ria Sbseqen t Alfaos reur, abuletin ssas pub- lished reprtnghis finins. Salas, swbs worked closely sith exprien stainetmlgs todemaods.I 96sh sid plodato servedyowbeaye afters betll, Sals ws named Dan, Faculty of Agronoy, CoactH was ierm Iglesias, asIlan breding seialist ad Drector Asth Univesity Af Costa Ria Exprdeal arm. Is bAAl pea exprimnt condAstd by A. P. Lorzfo I h Flbs rida AgAiclual Expermn Staion For sevra yerI reiul Iglesias had codute fil raso5 ueouenvreisi lbs hope of discoverg ordevelping oeo oevreispr ticll ysdaptedlt staRica Adiios, an sebelievs there aeaesin Asts RicapIariuay sale for Isouhr s iels pea produtio. His sliat obeciv sis s b uizehs Flida expei- Ise Coa sincluded proiso Ior limited sumbes ofanay sesofagicutualmatrlsi Uiesity of Uloida labortre ssshchfcltiswrntaalable wsithis the Minssy. Materils sinlde bosi l a leaf samples and dall pr- maly withprobes enconterdinthe culr of coffe. Asm- pilt salyse of5 sis, mde at the Unisity's CilIus Expiment Staio, rveledsoe uusas o percetags ofecangeable bases. In 1957 Haod Mossy reportd tal id tsts conde Afeecito thses rports demonlssta Ih us ofs alcu aivedsat heiversiyIofUFloida Alfa'sassgmn als to suprviedbyFloridaR.E. L.Grene agicltl ecnos, whbis1958hd spenttw mts instigtigpatoarktig An PCs Rica. Subsequent Allaro's retur, ablein was pub- lished rportinglisfindins. 5 Salshowoked closelywit exeimen staion enomlgist L .iet whs l he ws on ssturofduy instaR in 1956 tinstpiath Medierna frs i flIy, devoed ucateio ar dentfAd, gsthress d presvdffutuestdy. bSrtly sfter his reur, Sala ws named Dean Faculty ofAgonoy, Uivsity ofCssa Rias. Coacts was Guillerm Iglsias, aplant breeding speist and Drecto Af Ah Univesity Af Costa Rica Uxperieal Fasm. He fid pe eperiescoductedby A. P. Lorzforthelida Agrilua IExperimen StioA. PAr sevral yeas previsusy Iglis had condcte fid tial An nueo s varisi ft lops o scoern orA ' deAeloping one Ar AorS varieAe pa- tlalys adpedtCsftasRica sonditos, and hebliessthere production His ultimat objective As to utiliA hAs Plorda eperi A g AILARATR UAAALYSE~S AIbs Ao shich facblie were not avilsals witin Ase MinAsty. Matas issluddbthsoilssndleaf samplessssddealtpi- mariywithprlem~ss ecutredi hscultureIIofeeCm pletesaslyssofsoilsssde atleUnesit~y'sACitrsEpersmen StaionAralAedsm sally ssspsssstgs osssexssbsgeable bss.sIn1957 Hald Mowyreportedhatlfildnte lstso de sferc ipto thbss reports demosstrated Ase salues of caliu arrsvsd at ise University sf Flbsida. Alfrsassigmn wa9A5 ss Is anlyze l959 pssatosls A sat llsth Sanssls markstssdsso studylthesfundamentals sf witisg searchsslle~inHis s wokwas supervised by Flosid's R. A. L. Green, agricultualeons~, who sn 1958 lsad spsst twosssshs isssstigsain potat msaring is Csts Riss. Sbssqssst ts Alfsso's resurns s bulin ssss pub- lished5reporting hs findings. Sls shosokdscloslyithseperimen saissetooogs tssssnimatode s.d60h issssie Floildaooservesdswnematossis sseidentfie, gsthsssd, ssd prsssssd ssr sutsss stsdy. Shsrtly afAe hssresss, Salss sss ssmsd Rsss, Fssslty sf Agssssomy, Unisity of Asta Ria. Tbs fissl partisisan to reev tra5 sining is Flsrd Asnsdss Ile Costract sss Gullrmos Iglesiss, s psln breeding speciist ssd Drector Af Ase Unisitsy Af Astic EspUssssssl Psass. Rs bied pea ssssinssssbssss ted by A. P. Lsss Asr thlbs rbids Agsssbsssrl Experisest St1tio. Fss sssssal yesspssiossdy tias ly apsed tosa Rancondtisasdhels s theres arearssinCstasRiaspatiry suile so sssler fiebld pea production.Hissbultatsbjectiiesis ss uiblhslriaexri ses ofsbi trl maIterial ssls sni Ibris Is F lsalsy.aore Matrlsinclu~ddbothbsoiland lefsamplesaddealbpi- plets slysesssf sisdssd asheUssssssiy'sCitrssEspsriment Station, revale som nsully low percentage ofechneal bases. Ins197lrld Mowyrportdb tasI sie sststsoducted sfte reeit sfshse sspsss desonstrsted lbs vassiss liu  ansd mgnesisoil5 applAicasos. Hs statsd that the use of these maerssdisnoidsprd adb thasthisdiciy ogebherwith tht5fsome of tesminorslemes isnoknownstosbethepi- wheresin fews flowers asppeared and ecptinaly lowsad unsprofbt al productivity ssas anatural consequence. analyss,bbbot sheia asdsectrogrpiwremdeainy for deterinatio of the ssinor elements. lbse analyses have bsess particularly sefl An the mio-lement swosk with cofee, initiatedfirst insta Ricasadnowsfound applicabeisnsmany o theborl's cofeprducig rgions. Csta Rican government officals ad otbers wbs aewareo the natur of agriulur realiz that comprehesive economi sudis enssay for nationl planig asstaine i economic growth. In 1955 the Cstas lian Istut of Etiit AT E in coopesatiss with MI, emsbarked spona coprehsive fasm magssment suy. Th se Acso D. E. Aleger weserecrited t bsasse sstedt eurdfo s stuy, aseverl sta Rica pubicatisshbvesresulted fr is prticpsatinnheprojec.y hst-govrmn reques Alg re aindinCstakRca fr may mobts beyonsA iAsginal sasssmn to se as acoslts tt Ase MAI lffss Af Planig adCodnto onA~s sa multipliciy Af problemsssss crtig th gvesmetsalthtsim. Lrgybssflhestassicansgvrnn'ss awarenss of a Ao-ncm siua sssiste suec Meda, attention ssas focused upsgasaes ldig sh srpasdoeo w~ichprote- tie ifsal d pricesrguslatisssreseplyed tobolse apro- tetlocal productionI. W. K. McPbesonss, agricusltrleomi, apprsed Athisbs sitatonad indicsadha s hi t inA producing aras isatal nprgssandwll dublessss s inu Hrco- mende (I)tatfr reorgagzaion s besudedsosake avaltge othis lhift, ()a eseac ons sugar cane vaes,friiain sadrrgationsbeinsifiedA,sad(3) thbs potia marsskesfor sugar canea possibil1t s rasugar reinery Ae explored. ands magnsiums soil appliations. Iestae tha th usse Af these Aar cas Is h long-prsentl cafe macho, 91 pln condition whereis loss peardspnexepsonllyk lowaduprofi- ashe productivity wsanaturl cneune Inshloaries s Lfth niesiy'sSilsprmesevera analyses, Allh shemicl sa spectrograpbsc, ssere msade many Isr determinatsions Af Ase millsAsemsnts. lhese analyses have Assn particulay seful An the minos elemen work witb coffe, the worl'slcof-produigrgios. ColstaRcngvenmnoficisals nd othe s are awaeo Ise Isur of agrlture realiz tbat compresi economic stuies ar necessryfo nationl planninsg asstinedeconomic growth. Is 1955 Ahe Csa Rkica InsIut Af EticiAty (ICE), An coperation wibh MAIS, embsarkd po a1 coprehsive fass mngement suy. Ths services of. E. Alger wererecrite to a s1ssesh aascure from thAs sud, andsvera Ista lias publtosbssesu~ledromhspacpaion isthbprjec.By hst-govrmn resquestllee remine in staRicaformay mossbeyond lhisorginal assgnttosas acnulatt the MAI lffss Af Plann sand Cois aion onaliplicity Af problem s rningsthegvrnensas ta timess. Largelybeseoss the Coss Ricangovrnen's awarenss Af s low-nosituaton isthesuenc Medas,steniosss fcusedss upn sugar can, isading aslg h rop, d nefo ich blprotec- Aive taifs a prc regultios are employed to bolse sad pro- tcloal production. W. K. McPhesons, agriulals cos mst appraised Ahis suao a ina e ha a bhibt in producing aesis acualy isprogress aA wldobtless conisue. Isreom mended (1) tat farm reorgasato Ae sudie Is tske savsntag ofAthssif, ()ats eeac on5 bsugar an vaiie, frian sab rrgationsbesintsife,A an (3tatpotnls maretsh fors susgar casead possibilitis rasua gsbinesy Ae explored. mrca s f tbs lsss-prsesnt ssjs machol, a ss pl ss coniion whbsssin Ass fssswels sspard sss ssssptissaSly lsss sa ssspssbit able prsodusctiiy wss assulsssquenc. Inhlaboratoisf thes Uiesiy's Sois Departmen sevsssl analysss, bsts cbsemical a spectrographic, sssss made sasnly fss dsessrmination of tbs sssssss Assssssss. Tbss saayses bsss bse wosld's ssffsspsdssisgssegsss. growth. Iss 1955 ths Csta Riscss Isitutes sf Elbstsissty (ICEin sssperssisn witb MAI, sembasksd spss a ssompresbsessssm manassgemtstusdsy. lbs ssssisss sf . E. Allsgss wersssssssited tossss hesdasssscsssssrssssisstudysadsevesslss sta Rssss psublisatisss hsss ressle brmis paricsipstiss is Ise projesib By bhost-gosersssn ssqust Allsgss ssmasssA iss Csos lbsa fossan moss byond Ais oiginal ssignments t seresssasonsutantt bse MAIS lfss sf Plsnnsngss a sssd Coriasonsonassltplciysof probles confrontingsthegovernmentsatsthat tsm. Largely bssasss sf sbs Csts Rssss gssssmetsss reesl o aslos-Asinscome b slsss~sitaini h un a ei,s sattninss foused upon55 susgarcan, its laing csh crop, and one for whbich protes tive tarsffsadpricessguslatsaresemployed toblstersadpro- tect lssal psoductio. . K. MsPbesss, agrissksssa sssssssis, sprsssss ibis stuation sa indisstsd thbs5 sbift in producng aesssactusly inspssgrssssdswill dssbtlssssotsnss. Hssssom- meness 1)s ha S ar reorssssganizationbestuds~iedsto saesdvatag oflthbssbifb A2 thassssssbsssonssgarssnessssietss,ssrtiizasis, sad irrgsasso bs insiibs, sa (A) tbss psssstils markets for sugar ssns sa psssbilsis for s ssgss ssbsssry bs sxplore.  Asagoup, loclpotatolfams hasasoog beenbsetby a multitudopodctio andsaktigproblems.TheoIrshpotato indstryistrd minyuonheol slopsofsrz olcao, rogh hataout 5,000 to 7,000 fees ahove sea level. In 1958 ofsthisdsry. Iemdto himsttsuch facsis imovd foestorgead mketigofpotats oldbgrety ipovd. Assasrlifvlvefor heaily populatdaresmhhoght has boes diresod toad tho development of spasesly sethld and usettlehd ares. ho 1959, sonmes of unstansding problems thst inevitshly folosw unrstricted land soettlemoni, the MAI em0- barked upoastudy ,of s oeftheoides ountisin Cosa ic, the Cao of Atens. The study enompsso tnr, size ofarm, frgmentatioof landholdigs,lsminoi,sandseoforsourcs, adowa supervisedbyJ.FraiscMonoy,MAI ecnoist, and asisedy L d.Reu s,ldeCnrc signes Findings shos that parcelation of hoods bs cosiosenty takeno plaeo m gsnraio to generation. Ohs rsesoschorshbeieve skis oniuac ofthis psssess has serosimspicaioslforothefuturesscaeadff ciency of ohe agriutr of the area. CosaRicahsmany gsssses ansd legumess,hbutgainsascac andpsureoman gentignhalcasbegrty iprovd. One oftheoesses toasprospersoshlvsockindustry,bhssh efsand dairy ssttle, is an adequat isupply of feeds thssosghosut ohs 00011 yearlycyle. hesMAIand STCA ooperativelydevelopeds stonsg pstisse pssgsrsm while C. B. Kilinger, sgssostsi, sersed s a dvser. Its objectives wer00 (0) hstss pastursss emnt (21 introductiossandtstikg ospeok rgsssssssadlgumess,and (3) determiaions oflihsskg ssnd fesslitons practices to imsprove herbhage quality ssd ssssyisg capacitks sipstusses. Fssago sssd patr ouseiswr stasheid tosgsthessoh test plotsfoin troduons sssd fessilhoes sis. Through ths Flkord Expserssent Statioand USDAdseveralihundredssriissorspecieslofforge opsture plas weresogh osCosa Rica ortrial.iFomthse talmayplant issrodssctions loss psssed adspiable ask their ho sinraig. As a group, loal poaoss farme s so longbee beset bya sshitddsfpoducissssdmketisgpoblehs. Tie Irishpoao indstry is centered mainly upon ise cool slopes so Iraz6 volcan, rosghly so sbost 5,000 to 7,000 fsst shsss sea levsl. Os 1958 R.E. L.Green,smaketig specilis,smade roassssk cessurssy sf this isdstry. Ot seemed to his ihst ssds fastors as smprosed fsedatrsonablessscosgfdscontrolof dsseswrssntialbe- Afssareiefsvalveforheavy populatdass muh hoght hassbeendirectedowardstheselsospmentiofspsly setlesdad usttlhd asoas. In 1950, as one seass of ssderstssdisg problhhs thai isositshly foos usstscted sond settlessst, ohs MAO ss- ohs Canon of Atenss. Tho sdy enomassed tenure, size of fsrs, srgetain oad holdings, fsrs inome,~ sod useof reosourcos, sod sss supoovised by J. FrasooMontoya, MAO eoosto, and ssisted hy Larry A. Reuss, sioadoso Cootract ssignee. Findings shos thatpsocelsaion of soids hs consisty tsaken plac s om generation to gossrstios. Tho rososrohorshselisss thstontnac of this pr0ocss hss sorious isplicasonos lor the fotuos scslo sod offi- oisscy ofthssagiculueof tho area. Cosasic s masygrsss andhlgums,hbutgrisas cac and pstureomanagementingeneralcanbegreatyipovd. One ofotheossenas tsooaposperoous lvock idstry,hbothhbefad dairy catsh, hoso sndeqoste sopply of foods throughout tho foll yeasly cyclh. Ohs MAO sod S00ICA cooporstisely deoelopeda stogpsture prograss shids h. B. Kilhigeo, agronomst, sooved s so sdvser. hts objectives were (1) hoster pstureo saageseo, (2) istroduon aondotsig ofspero grassesadhlegsms,sand (3) detoosisstioo of liig sod fertilisston pracices to ispovs horhsgo qoshity sod csrryiog oapscitos oflpssres. Forsgo ssd oatr useiswr stashishod togethor sith test plots foo is- sroduction sod fertilize trials. Thousgh tho Flosia Esporisest Station asd USDA severalhundred varietis or spookes of forage opsture phsns sere hrought so Cos Rihs sor srial. Fross loess tral many phant introductsns have proveod sdaptabhh sod their Assagroup, localpotato farmershad sologbeenohsetsbya multitude of prodidons sod marketingpoblems. Ths Irish potao isdustry is csntered saily upon tfe soil slopos of Iosszd volcaso, oughly so shout 0,000 to 7,000 feot ahose sea lose. Os 0000 Rf.E.Lh. s srenemaktnspecliost,mde a5rec00naissaosursey of thhk isdstoy. ho soosmod to Ois thst sush fasors ss ispovsod foreostoragandsmarketig ofpotaosouldhbegreatyipovd. As s reshef vslve foo hosvily populhted areas, smuch thought unsettld srsss. Os 0000, ss ose sosos of uodorstanding prohhes that onesishly bosso uonresctd lasd settlemsnt ohs MfAfm hsrkd uooasstudy of oneoftheoldostscounssn Cos Rica, theCatsonsofdAesss Theostudyencospssodtenure, sizeof fao, fosgsssaonoof lsndholdings, farsioms, onduseoforssourcos, ssisted hy Larry A. Ress, a land-se Cootract assigneeo. Findings shos thsO psrosllston of Iaods hss cosstently tshon plac fom cioncy of tho agricultur of do aea CosasRksahsssygrsss adhlgsuses,hbutgraisaesac ssd pstureoosnsgemsnooissseneralcshegoosdy ipod. Oss of the ossontials to a pospeouis hivsock isdstry, hoth hoof sod dsiry cattle, is so adequasto supy sof foods throuhouts the fll yearlycycle.TheoMAd adSTC ooperativelydeveopedsa strong psturoe poogrss shilo G.B. Kilinger, sgrooms, seosed sa dse. Its sbjoctives were 01 hettor psturmnaoo nt (O) introducionass sinofsperoo grssss andhlegums,sand (3) dotersinasioof limsingsodfriaionsoprasticsoipove herhsge qusly sod csrryisg cspskitis of psturss. Forsge ssd psuronursoriks were stabhished istoloshe with tsd plots foo is- troductoion sod festiliser trisls. Thousgh tho Flosids Cxpsrisenf hSsaton ssd USDA severa hundrod vasietis sor speciso sorg sopsture plats ssre brought to Cossa Ohsa Isor sil Croos Ahss opal mn plsst istrodsctions hsse povoed sdsptshle ssd their  Pasur developmen workwb o ninued by is- Ministrp, sod in1958 W.G. Blarriv d iotaRicoelp dignadon- ductpastureinvigtionlstdis sotrepysogapires. Fertilizto ostudos wifh pasrs yielded valuable data boo obseto n ando lo ato y s ayis.Foagsyidsowere-clcusasd sod protein analyses completed. Ifs brie, coclsloss dorawn fs-s- tbese expsrissns shsould goodty aiivstock growers throughout lbs cout los- temngemn osf ths-S pasts and gras-sfed. Produon of beef and dairy products is aog tbs ore im- pratarcluaeneprss, and ifs county's land ressocs lioss tbs sis-s, in respoc ol lthe ctlb industry, Irefo highe- produon andspbreedongs ofhedsifhoughbreeding,better mangemn practics, and imprvmn of feeds aod pasturge Io 1959 W.bG KirkvistdCosaRic oWffialyi o btid tim. Dursng an arierovisitihdpreparedsninepojeoutis-is cops-ailon sobh MAI, STICA, sod Food and Agriculsur Organiza tioosftesnitd Naos TFAO) tehicianss itherbliAlto - El tapulor boif. They dealtlargsly witb psu managemon, feedsd feding. In1999hereturnd soto s evlaeteos s of s-s-k Expostio, the Ard boss Exosito de Ganado de Bajurs. H foud thtsheoatleshodamkdiprovemnove1956, whicb indicated so afsratv reispose to upbeding anif better herd sod pastore mngobnt Cossa Ricas daiby industy As probably siou pari in- Cnrl America.ThesMistrfy manis hersd impr-ovemetosig, and oducsaoutstading artifa insnto os-sgoam so a mano - sgmen andfeedsppent y e h fcorslostbjectto is-proeeti s ilstrated by Ise bow mibk ps-duoso indicasod byscensus data. In1956S.P. Mashabll coducted asurve-y ofidaiy both calbiu and phsphou isns ome herds. A repor prepared by Mashall stth olo eo opb if Ehis asignment ws os-dely dis- tsibutedgaod irymensbythei Mnstsy. Prob odhioparture Ifros Cos Ricaove 100 dsirymens, at1th Minisy'sintao, Psture devSopsen osbo wa oinud by tbs Monssry, sod in 1958 W. if. Hiss arovd in Csta Rics to belp dsigno snod - duct yasture inveotigsbtiona sos-doss ifsr ifsee pbysograpbicres ertilzstio soudis sobh pstus ybidd valuabbe dsta ifsr observatbon sod laboraory anlysis. Forago yields bere c lcuatd sod proei anayss completebd. if biefs, concluos draw rom thbse experimenif sould grealy old livstock bgrowershoughout thef ounty intbgmana- meno teirpstus andgrassfeds. p ortn agricultural enteryises, sod lbs conty's landreocs as-o Es-to peri great exasion.Atsthreesepeiment ssa- tos h isin so peclt to s-bcatl indstry, bre bo ighers production sod upbreeding of berdd thoogh breeding, befte mngementpractics andis-provementof feedsand pstursg. In 1959 W. if. Kirk vistd tossa Ricaosff1ialy frk bhtid time. During an earier vsit he bsd preparsd nieproec soutinosi cooperation with MAI, STICA, and Fosod a-if Agiculture Organiza- El Cspulob r bot They deal laogSy soih ystue aagmet feedsdleedig. nl159srtud stooevlbtephepg essf thebeef catlb sidstry an tos gcleb aO the Guanaste Lov- so-b Exsition, the 3rd boss Exposiion de bGas-if de Bajur. Ho f od tbatbhe ctle sowdo aaksd lmo emen lover 1956, whbih idicaIsed so affirmaiv rsyponse to upbreeding and botle- losta Rica' daoy ssodstsy is pobably ihout par sn Cental Aserbca. Ths Minifsy maintaisherd is-proemn teting, sod codus a ostansdigtficilisemais-on pogram. Thatman- agement and Is-ds apyarently os-Soh Iactors mst subject Is Smrvmn s illstoatd by the low mibk prodsstis indicatd bysssssus data. Is 19560S P. Marssalssducted asurssy ofdairy herdsmanagmentasdsoudlstdongsevidenceofdeficienisof bboclisss andphsphorussinssomesbssds. Assportprpard by Mashblah bsossyboss f issssignmentswasssidelyds- tributed aonsg dasirymss by ifhe Minstroy. Prsor to his departure metsat-tesElAo Statlidoo a shallb'soss ssentof hei Pasture dssslpment sobk ws 5continssed by Ise Minstry, ssd is 1958 W. if. Blsos sarie in tossa Rsis tohep desgnan con- ductpstureinstgtonassisdisfsorthreepysissspissssss. etilbsstson ssudiss sobh passures pieldsd valuable data for obsroatdo sod iaborsatory anslsiss. Esrage yids were5 csalulasd and protsis analyses compylte. Is brisef, sssclusisss dssaws lom- thesesexperinso souldssgreatlyaidsliestokgroess hro ghout lbs sssss-y is bse smsssgsmtoss sthis pstussss ssd grass issds. Productbon of beef sod diry produss amonsg tbs moreo iso- psrtsst sgriostuosi esteoprises, sod tbs cosntr-'s sondreocs tbsss tbs sis-s, inspc tyol Ise cbstsos- isdssy, arlor ighers productiosndsubreedingslof edsboghbreedig, better mansgsssstipsctiss,ssdimposss-s os foods sndpsursgs. Is 1959 W. if. Ebbk vibitd tossa Rbc soffcpll Isor lbs lhid tims. Dribng so earieisi ol Isabo prepsred nine project outlines is csoperaio wos-h MAI, STICA, and FoooddAgribubtureOgniz-- bioo ofsbhesUited batoos (FAO)sso tcniasa eitherEl Altoor El Capuin or bob. Slop doal 8largely s-i palssr management, soeds, sod feeodng Is 1959 be returnesod Is evaluats the proogressof stsobk Exposio So 3d Grans Expoiton ifs Ganado do Bajur. e found slob tbs sotls-bhos-sd amabked is-povement sovsr 1956, whbcb indicatsd so sfirmativeo response ts upbreeoding sod bottos Cossa Ricas daiby inodustry is probablby wibhout psr is Coos-al America. TheMinisymaintinslhed impovesment tstlog, sod agss-ntandlseedsoapprentyoarstesl os msostsubjectst imrvmn s ilsraied by tbselow s-lb producton indicated byssessus doss. Is 19969. P. Marshbalsconducted asurvesy sodairy hboalius- sod pbhospborus is sos-s Foods. Arepotprpareod by Msarshall slob shos-pbsio sof sis assnen ws widely dis- tributedssmogdaiy-sn byblheMinistry. Priorsoshisdepas-sos fsrom Csta Rco sover 100 dairymens, st the Minstsy's invibabios,  C20AC FETL LANA FRINDHI prolem and is Aeomedtin on, ways A n B eans W. BAA ver-b Aoin CthBem.159 ~A,,S, ,, ,5.Becueo their econpic imorane effectiv pa rst a da se cotrl are eseta to~5 ~ th Bantnac and'y normlex panionAi of the ,Bvesockfnd oultyinutiesbTheAins1555, lihmn , an 57 enocmn of, ~ saitr reultins together with 555 BERTIL LANDS, OF, FRIEND"SyHIA P prolem a n' V his reomey tin L nwysadmen5fvr coin 5them ,,,,, By . i ,,A Bcause Bof thei 959, mi AA prtnce, efetj v prastean lihm, Mand enoremn of sanitar regulation,5 s, togthe with thosyhaingty o wihS cntrl o disaseofanial,,, s ,~,anpolty Ahis1Depatmntaso cs a evieaec in,,,,, diSo,, sse dasi Baynd ,,,,,,,,, tretmnt Lat in195 D A 5yades vs ypdosa cat 'BvAew thy disease Bnd parasit Miuaion. He prpae svea detile proec olie to cove research, regardin Newc5,5, fastl 20 FERTILE,,,,, LAND', ' S OFyFRIENDSHA pr 5lem and ,, hi A reomenatosy onA ways a 5d measfver copeen staff , , o f Boclo h Wfvtrnrymdcn. BAAts funtihsan responsibilities ~ h,5,,A aeqiebodThyncuefr lti, 1555,- lish5,mAC554t , an enocmn ofS 5aitr reatBAoAs, togtAe with ths, hvngtpd, it orlfdseBBy1,5fBC ,as of ,nimalsandBpoltry. Thi s, Dearten also' ac1s Bas a , MArv c Cgeny, , n diseas dignsi and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I tramn.Lt n195D .ynesviie ot iat  sitacei plant and dily imlprovementand operao, W. A. Kienke spent aboutI siweks in Hot ica His obsris in- cluded an appaisal of dirlys mauacuing cition ad opd a maufctrig,th cass of a snlsubnra buefa content of milkIadisptionlImakmikad icecraplant. HI reported tha go ledrhp in thdiyidstry lad already broughbou cbsiderbl hadanceen but tha asth diry An willrise H line 121secfi poisfr hdiy idstryt Abuayear latelh Dos Pns pats nlasgedd red- ignedlI for th1mnuacur1o1ceee H.H. Wiksklachese ment1wa full intlled. Viinghboth 11mndsml5 mrca adpsibilies helfound bha thiypicl "white" chesesld by farllr Ills quit populain Cost Hia, but tha it1 wsmde wAt sussfl mmiayel~p~~llowces etrrs i bot ic, ashI viewed~ ~ ~~~~~I it,111 wasb thseaieyhg oto auatrn ilk. At chese bad no yet been Iad and many tehical problswr iCost ia in1950, had beenabl sevsed by thelat Harold MwyllhnihICA.Hean his cowokers ha otinedsignif Acn adwely accpte result throughh Ise of chemia causeof 19h copeiy of1nutritinlsrblesMAI adSICA deem0d9i adiale in19569oseueth1 eri1 HI a5 teciisan, bkllin AplnsntHAoal ivstigtos A oasH s the9 work in prgrs adsugstwy~s t iprov.1.W. WIadebten ith thI Cloida Agrclua Exprien Sttin n aI~ speci9st in the nurtil pobems irswasiitedtoCsa Ritbserve coffeets onfams Wade visited may cffeefarm inHifeHn aresan is reconios Aer ofakd usefules,a Alink skpeni abosixwek in Cbsta Hica HAs obsrain in- ludid a1pprisa1o dair manfating citin ndoea mauacing,lbhlcass of snlsbnra Ibutterfa conten oflmilk, ad inpectinIomaketilk and1 icecrem1pant. HI replorl tatgoo leadesi inl thdiryidstry ha balray wipgllr.H uldb12seii dyois fo heiyi~dsbry t Abuayelate the HIos 9ine plants enagd and rede Hsind Ao tbe manufHtur of ces. H. H. Wilkoske, chbese mnfcuigseilsaid bIfor Ihe chbse-maing eqip- mnwaulybinstald.ViiAn boh fam n sall comerial andposlbesb h founsd thtlte ycl'"whie cssld by atquatHA mehos ad equipment HIe of the impdimnt to a vid it, wasth lilyhibcstlomaufctuingik. At slfb psl s HtoI bble resoved in Costa Hic in1950ha~d beebysupervise bytbelaeHrod MwwewiICAH an hi co-orer ad otine H signbf- au fh comleit of1 nurtilb prbles,MAI ad SHICA skild inA plOn ntiisonal besIgaton, to assess Ahe Ilrk iln prgrs and suges wal~ystoimprvit . W. Hadr thnith theloridaAgricuturlEperimeSttoan a55 spelstinAth nitilpoblsof irswsiited toCstaica tobserv cofeeIree o fIa. ade vis0te may cofeslfrmin differeH aas an 11is reomnaions were Af marked usflnes,a 0111nc in11 pantad dairy 1 imroemn and operaionW.A. Krienke 191nt about si weeks An Costa ia HAs obseraton H ll - luded 11a 11 apr isa odairy maufcurn condition and A opera- tions,1a Aslsure bo u lyn ars as potnlb loaions for cheese wllllrise Hyoined 10.9 cfi I ont fo91 the1 aliyindustrylito consider i layllinglll 91111 groundworkl fo11tue11th 119 u pIal 15ear lat d th lDslinesypiant wailenlaged aldrede sind111111 auacue fchee.H H.plll Wl~H biblkowskelalchees menwsiflyisialedbsitn ohfr n smallsl commerial indpCibiitAIesIeI on thab t the1 typcl "white"lchees lsld b successfu commerc1il Aell 11011e enterpris in Cst H ica, ah 01111101 isdearur flb om~ l Colsta Rli alth"irslrn"ofllowI ktilO Io pil reslved. A~lg~~. 11111l The11 iil researchlonlnutitplllphaLWsloflceiarae in l~lslblCosaRc pn150la ena 111119 se Ill 110191 liHld Mowry h with ll. WHe a hi co11911911 baI ob 911111inif fiize s al well l~~d as 1 of 1 lim une koe o ditos Howeverl, be-  ad worh Af differen sore ofmjrad seodary eleent. Wadr als1tlnd p~aalig lafo folige anlysis,maese suggesn in~ repc to soil ivsgatos .a, wit A. M. Volk, sois hs, helped pla th equipping Af a solabrtoy to be help An th interio plaig of the mderny desgned labortoy. It wa Vok' roet pahaisdvlpet Althug muchb had bee acoplished An prevou laboraoy investgan, Ae cas of thoaly indequ a MAISTICA laboatory facibte a thac of eperienc in some ofthnedd line finetgain laoraoy inesigan had bee making slo prgs Alte opeaions weetaed to the neaboraoy made possble by STICA, Volk's eforser direted toard asitig in he iititiadcductofdoiaoteaboatyinvesi- gaton wichb, An a gra maur, wer Ad Ant bied frilityex Aeiet bnarnoyad botcutr. His ma oibutio ahrdcioflboroy tehnquad metdad th taini g flato ypy pesne Aocnutfrily vigbas Les than a Ieafe VAol' departure, A. C. Kretschme, Jr., went toCosa RAicIa cniuead extedAthelboatoydvior wor sarTed by Volk. Throgbout his stay numrou lbaoy expimentspogsd,Aosly ionioniAtcofeenutition ad fetiliaion. Thes expeiments cleadly showed parn Af debficinysymptoms Af element lstly appeared An coffe plants they bheld esabish fasile fiIzeAr recmmedations andii titdAmehdoslad dpatanaysesbhaadinpredictigth felizerIeedsofyiant. Man ot Ryiansderpipyipressd byth wokaccbmlshedbytela boray perolad aAseie of pubbatn have presentd 1lbaoy bindings to th publc Mosl CInta asigment wer complmnary to othbr. Two, bowevrwerebahrdAiti b intahydeablbitirsdiase ofpiat andth Mdi teraea H ruil filly. SevraimporHaticomeriarp s ofCCosaiaIIaatked by virus dases. Litl was know loclly about tblA An 1956 Mowry reported, epcallywith regard to exeiment Iand their and worb Af diffrn source of mao a secodary eleent. Wandelso ou line~d yarlling l orfliage Aaysi, maldeom sggestionsin repect to soils inveHiaions, ad, wihC. H. Volk, sils cheist, helped plb theeqipig ofa sol laboatory to be erce oh campuso the Uirity of Costa Ric. Volk and Wander arivd at anpporun time to Aend vauble hlp in tbe interior pl aig Af lbe mdernly desgne dboatoy. ItwsVolkAs rol Ao spearhead At developmen. Abltogb mucb bad been accomplihd An previou laboraoy invesigations, Ae caueIoIthtoalyiadequat MHAIbSTICAlaboraor facylitibs and thelak oflepieneiIsomloflhd nbdedline oivtgato, laboraoy invesigan Iad been making slwrores Atelyeraiosbwretrasfrd tolhblnwlborty mde yosle by bTICA, Volk's eforser diete toard asitig ib AH, thntaionadcoduct flils b aohrbraoy inei- gaions wich, ina grat masur, were HAe int bied fetilbyex Aeiensi agronoy a hortculure HAs mao contrbuion was Ahe iHtrducin oaboraoy tebhiques and mehods and the training o lboatorlypersonne ,l tdtfelitby isilgations Les tban yea afber Volk's depar, A. E. KretsAchr A., Aen to Cosa Ria to Honinu ad exted thbratory advisoy work statd by Vlk. Tbruhu his b aMy 1ueru lboatory exeimsprAgreysgd,Amosty inconcion ibhIcoffeenutrtio and ferilAizan ThAs epeiments clarly showe patr Af diAeny symptom o elmnt as thy appeae An AofAle plants lhey Aelped esabish feasble feriiAzeA recmmedHan ad Ali biad methods ofil and pla aalyses th aid inpredictg the feIlizr ned ofpla. MnyCsa icawedeplyipressd by lbe wok acolpished by Ahelabratoly peronnl, lnd asre Af pulation hAavbe presnte laboratory bidings Ao the yubi. Most CHntat assgnmentsA wer coplmenary Ao otber. Two, howve, wer rathe dAAistnc il alhy deal ithviru dAisae ofplatsande iteananfritfy. IevealipoHrtantcmealcrpsofCosaH I Hiaaeakd by iAus disase. Litle wa know laly about AlAm An 1951 and worhI AI iIy of difeen sore fmjrad secodar lement. Wander als outlined pIaleing lafo foiag anlysis, madesm suggesiosinAA espectAtoAsilI vsganand,AwthA.H M.Vok, slb chemis, helye planh quippn f a sols lbaoy Ao be erctdonAhebampuso the UnvriyofCosaHRic. Vlk and Wane arived at an 1 opo betiet led vauble bhylkp in hieior plin~g Af the mderly desgned laboatory. At waI Volk's IAl Ao speahad At devlopent Althogb mub hbee al ccomplisbd An pevou lboatory invesigation, be- caus A oftettally inadequla MAI-STICA llaboaoy Ifaiie aId the lk of expeience in som of thb neAdd line of investigatio, laboraoy invesigbatn bad bee makin slo progres. Afte oprtn Al re ransferred Ao Ah ne laboatory made possble by ITICA, Volk's lfflts Aer directd loard aAsitig ineiniiinadcd ucdA ofsoilsadohebaboraoyAinest- gation which,1i grat me ar, Aeeid int id Iertlitlyex peimentsingronmdbndhoricutue.Hi ao oibution bw aAs H th nrdcino aboatoytechnque andAmehodsandAh traningflboatoy persnnltocductlerly ivsgtos Less than a ae Volk's depalr, A. C. Kretscbme, J., went toCosa HRicat cotiu adextedibhelaboratoy advsoy wor staHteA by Volk. Througboutlis ay nueoslaboatory experitspogesd,Hmsy incnnetiowih cofeenutition anld feriliaio. These exyeiAnts cldary bhowA parn Af defiinyymptom Af elmnt ahy aypared in colfe plants theyhl~pedIestblhfai~befetAzeArcomedaisadin- tate~d methods of soland pln anlyses that aid inprdictig the fert izeedsplants May CostaHiasweedeyipressA by thb wok Iacopihed by th lboatoryperoAe, Ia aies Af publicions Iha presented laoatory fidings to ibe public. Host Contat aignments were copAenary tooher. Two1, boweve, were rather ditc An Ihat bhy dalt Awi irus dAisae of plt an1d thMditeraea frui fly. Seveal imporant comrca crops I of Costa Hia ale atakd by irs diea. Lil was knoloally aboui tbIA in 1956  shen M.K. Corbet plan pathologis, srsd shrtssignments to k ofe riig to MAI technologists is this speciaizedhfied. Cor- het preparedsds gav serides oflcts ihe sel othiqs involved in fths study of plant virses. Thse inclded syssptsss- tology, methods of transmsission, rlations Af siruses and theis vectosirsssssslgcaslatsssfplan irss,ius disses,sandsorginss ofiruss. Thsestopsasspresenedhnbld thestudy, atalmetay level, Af ars disse rgardless of the syssies of ps lants frm hih ths sirus sighs hs obtained. To copemn his sisflectrs abortoy dostrtoswer coductA with sera Atypes ofA virss loaro plantls. Tbs Mediterna fruss its fly (Csratiis capitata) perhaps the word's wostfrui s,s ideydistributedin trpicalad sem- troicailbregions,hbut untf tbs time of is discovery is Csta Rias is 1955 it was not known ts be prsent on the North Americans continent. In95 cooperatyiveinvestigtisswrecductd by LusISIalsadL. C. KitesetomogissfhUivsiysof Cstas Rica a Universfy Af Florda, rspectively. Investfgsaos inchuded experimens sith lures, poiso basts, Isapping Is Aster- mieefectivenss sonrf sprays, and distribution of the fly in deyerine nt ony emst ffetipragys slsyonenyais andimigsapplsaios.Insigats reele thatthfly ppula tiosbls sp rapidly during tfe dry sessn Ia thensssmadialy deas sill the pross of tbs perod oflsavy rains. Tbs prelimiarsy finding of Kuite sa Salhs produced informaion esetal o Is eraitio s atept. Unfossuaey, Iowve, ae- qsaesos cs were not aalable Isr al-ssst eraication pro- grsaan hfly slolyAwiedis hbita. As lbs colsionsss sf his assisgnsmests sssh Contrasct tssbsiciss prepared s comsplete report sf is sstivitis. Thse repsrts, pse- sented in considerablesasl bysth ii~iasslsauthorssinsthescha- teswihfllw oe he various filds of aidasgsissslsssss ecooisssgronomssyasimasl hsbandrysaimasl isessadspar- sts,sssaniasnuritsnsairyssmsanufacturingsils,plantspathology, whens M. K. Corbett, plast pathologist, servdssho slsssgsmsnt soofessstssinsng ss MAI tschsslsgists is tis specalsssA hied. Css- involved is tbe suy sf plsst sssssss. Tbse inslsdeA syssptossa- tslsgy, smsthsds sf tssission~, relstisss of sirsss sad thssfs vcos, ills straiss, sssslsgisa Irelations sf plant sirsess,viu Aisess ands origins of sirsss. Thse sypics as prsented essnabled thesstudy,satsasslementay levelofasius isaseegardlssof thesspesof plant fromswhichsthesissmighbes b tined.To ssomplsmensssssessissflcsssssssbsstssy sesssstssisssss conductedswithsevssrsltypssfsiss frsss losal cspplanss. Ths Msditssssssss fsssit fly (Cssststisssptsts), pssbsps tbs world'swstfrust pst,isidelydistribstes instrspicaladsei- trspicasfssgiss ss, nil thssimesss s dsisssssry instasica is 1955 At swss sss ksssss ss hs prssss ss tbs Nsrth Assssssss continen. Is 19l6 coopertv sssvssssssigtsssssssssssucsedsby Ls Sasas sa L. C. Kssssst, sstsmslsgists sf sbs Usissssity sf Csss Miss sa Usissssity sf Flossa, ssspsstisely. Isssstigstioss isclsdsA ssysssssssss sith lssss, psisss bais tssppisg ss Astss- msineseffectisvenessocnrsprasyssand istibutionsofsthefly in sbsssssssry, as well as s ssosysshesiss pssgssss sf spraying t Astessissssotssnyth sssss ffssisspsys bsusssssss ssssntaton sad imsisgsapplssissios.sssssigasssssssvealedsshtthsfly ppls- tinbsids usp sspAdly Assisg tbs Asy sesss sa tbss materially dssssssss ssith tbs pssgssss sf ths psrisA sf hsssyssssns. The pselmiary findig sf Kuitss5 sad Salss pssdsssA informsssiss eseniasfr aneaication stlsssy. Usfossusssly, hossssss, sase qsatssssses swsss sst assilsblfor ass allou sfessrsaisstiss psoI gsram,sad thefly slowlysidened ishabita. pspA s cnsionofss ssssigmet sac Cotrc ssschs.Tisscspsas sented insidrablesdetilbythsiivsiaautorssbsinhesp- Ier sss olocvr h aisss fiselss o sA ai-grsscultua economsics,gronsomy,asimalhsbsasdy,asimal isessandpar- sisaimal ssssisiss, aisy sssssfsstssisg, ssils, plass psthslsgy, wshss M.K.ssrsstt, pssstspthslsgistsssssashstssssigsmsss ss ffer trssssg ss MAI tessnslsgistssis tbis spscalssedsfiel. Cor- insolsed is Ise stsdy sf plast virssss. Thse isslsdsA sysmptsss- tslsgy, mssthoss sf tsissions, reatiosns sf sirsss a theis seossss sssss strains, sssslsgsssa ssrlasssofplasssirssssirss Aisesess,sassoigiss of Airuses.lThsestpis srsentedss ensable lbs stsdy, st ansssssssay levlsf sa sirss Aisess ssgsadsss sf ths spesiss sf plant fssss swhscs ths sssss sight Is sbsainsA Us ssssplssssss Ibis sssiss of ssssssss Isbssssssy destrssosssisss lbs Msditssssssss frsst fly (Cesssits sspststs), yssbsps tbs word's wsssst fssis pst, is widsly distrbstsd is tsspisal sad ssemi- tisys ssgisss, hst ustil tss tisss of Ats Asssssry is Csts Risa is 1955 it wass sss knoswn ss be prsents ss shs Nsssh Asssisss ssstissst Ins1956scooperivesivsigais werss conducted by Lsis Sasas sa L. U. Ksitsst ssssomslsgists sf thes Usisssdity sf Csts Rhc sa Usissssity sf Flisa, ssspssisly.Ivs ain included sspserisents with lusss, pososs hsis, tssppisg ss dstss- minesseffectiss ofscontols sprays,ssad isribtionof thefly in shsssssssry, sswels s ass coprhsivesprgrams ofspryigsto dsesermisssnosssnythsessss ffessissspssyshsbsssssslsoocetis sadstmigsappslitoss Instsigstiosssssssles thststhsfly ppl- siss buslds sp sspidly Asui shs Asy sesss a shss matesily Assssssss sith ths sssgrsss sf shs psrisA sf hsssy sasns. Tbs pseliinar sfinding sf Ksitsst sa Sasas pssdsssA snforsstion ssetalfra sesaication satsssph. Usnssssssaey, hssssss, sase- qusts rsssssss wesss sss avilable fss a sll-sst sesaication pro- grams, sad Ifs fly slowlfy widened its 5hitat. Al ths solssisos sf his ssdgnmens, sssh Cossrsssssshsiciss prepared s somplete report sf his sstivitss. Thss sspssts, pe sented in sdashbedetil b h e biniidalsauthosinhechp- ters whichsfolsow,scover5the5vajios fieldssfsidasgsisustursl ecnmcsgonmaimalfhsbandry,saimsaisss and par- sseanmlnurto, aisy sssssfsstssisg, sil, plast patholsgy,  metsofSICA, MAI,an the ote copertingogaiton or institutions rahrteproehsbe oaplfy thsejon bette itationMaeionsip. Wihout ecption, Univrsiy asignee redily adjusted to thei foeg ot ept h attatcsos rdtos n oen ~ahthe oaeo oh grops rmadhig,wih noinstao thi very favorble working reaionship, hoevr wadeo in gremeaur to th coperaive and hpful spir evice throghou by Ah adinitatve offcls Af Ah MAI, STICA, USOM, ad Ah Univrsiy ofFloa. snaivesAf hntraoalogaiatinsFOA a MrgaimM Interatial Regional AT Saad Agopcuai. The Turralba Ite-ATmia Intiut of AgrituTal Scene Flogeeoul RECOGNIF dTIO OFCOTRACT SERAVICES T isrAor attheUiversiy A lorda recived letr of apprecia- ectA from oTe Auc lette FfollowTAT: TTTe Minfluenc 1.1c th ,TrsnTe ofteUivriyofFoia-a a emology. FTnA th peaaiono thi sypoiu noM Fthgh ments ofSTIA,MAI, anhT tMe cooerain oggaitonsTT Aetter itntiona rAlatnshp. CON~pi, TR~ATEAIONSHIPS A thutT exceptioTnvety assigneesradiladjMusttothi foreign IFst despit t fac tt t tats andovrn M ggimena Tro Asseesmewhatanto thei orAmeran this very faTorabl Toking rea toAshp, hTwve, Tas dueno troughout by thT aministative ofTcial Af the MAT, STICA, OSOM, Ma the UTivrstyAofFlord. Very saistory rei ships as exiAe Aewe the asgnee a Ft faculty of Ft loa TIollege TI Agriutr a Ft repre- Internainal Regional AT S adad Agpecuai. Ihe Tralba Iter-American Insitut Af Agricutural Sciene T ls generously REAT OFT TIO ATOF TT SERICES MM itat a AUiTerity Af Florda TTcive Meter ofaprca exep Afrom osh ltte foFows:TTTTT The influenc which t TOM pesne fteUisty fAT, iaa metfSTICA, MAIM A, an h te operting oganiztono itttns; rathe the T Tupoea been to amplify tes TATn Sette itrtioa relF,, a,,tTonshp. IhgT TRAT RpLTIOANSTHIPS iAMM MAittMtinTAivsyA T asinesradilyatdtotheir forAg poAts desit IT e fac that g custms, dihos Ind Aoen ctT Thrughou th Conrac periAoTd At A adie asitancFT thTT very faorbl hworTing Teationship, Aowve, Tas Aueno An great mesr to thecopetive and helpful spiri MviMAe troghoutA by the admnsrtv ofiil AIM TI AtTT MAT, SULFA, USOM, aT theUnvesiy ofFloTid. ad the faculy Af t loca Colleg of Agiutr A aAnd thA ATepre- IternTTT nal Regional Ae Saniad Agropecaria. The Turrala Iter-TAmerca IntMitt Af AgrTiuturaF Scine T lsT TITT osl extnde Ats fltieand coopetio AM Fi An theT succssfu Tom- pltion Tof theCotrat. RECOGTNFTT ON AF CAONTRACT SERVIAC AM ATFTFFro ietimeTduriFgAthCotTatetenceAtppTadi- tar atTFTTT teUirstTfTloia rivedlettfapprcia  andry, in the na ofth El APlto Expermn Sation ThsPro phy noo display An Mcrt Pall ha aace plt whic Costa Ria up toP thttm. namr peroa noe . A. Kriekewpresenbdp aedl by theDosPinosMikCoperativ his Psitac Po Ahe diryprout idustry. PepsppopNorbppph pmria rclppppst eve wo teharto Ph"ics aPP pdidtlate pHarl pp owry,theContratsAirtChief ofParp, wh throghCApppppP Peoe ove haf deadetoardth advacpen of~p Posap icngriulur. HiA siceiy andun tp lay aide lon lppfe ofdu panpsrice satnopp re-pd~ ciion the p tcnia ofth MAT pa SEICA joiAty presented himpithppgodmedl, ppd with it ~ p hi red ndmirers ten Aprehia signedpscrollpwhichicludd amon th ay te namsbtoseofPhre fome Ministers of ppAgrcutread Inusty. Forpp such tokens P ofpstemthpUnvesiyAilPe orve pgraeAu, an inrtr t hnsIA o rvdigi ianPPopprtuniyt The Uiest f p loriPapiA pru of a trophy prsne toP At An15 yRmn OrPippP ead,p DepartentofAnimlHus- badryAnPhenae f heE Alto Experimen Sttpn Thistr- pby, nowondiplay i McPartyHl, a an atace P pateI whc bersthp nme o all asineswh a servedptoursof dutyPin (osta Pia uP p A thtim. On ampre personal note, . A. Krienke was prsne a~ medalAby the Pos Pino MAlk Coprapiv atP thecopletio of~ Ai assinmen asp p atknoapprecatonfo hispppp asitnet h ar pout industrylp. Pehp oNrhAeia giuluitee o h erso th "Tio°a dAdth atePHarl Mory thotrc' iACie oP Party,pbhopthroughPIAdevte PAer hlf~d a p decd owr h adanemn of Copt Rican agricltur. Pi sincerity andpun- ppalified dedicatio to Ahis PPinmn Pnd to p theCotrcteane him epraipse of all whopknew him. EpalypinP195phispfriedn c-okrweedeeplypsddened by Pan ilnbs bhch frceAhi tola aidp pplonglpfe ofdtyad~ se Appe.Aspoeno ppe cipaio the Peicin of the MAITn SETICA Aontypesented himwit a goldp meal andpwthlhis red n app dpirerste- dered hm pine scrol whAc incldedamonghemayothe nae hoeo treformr Mniter o Agricltur p nd AIndustry. ForPPPPPPP suh poen pf see heUiveritywiAPb fpevr gateul an PP etrni taksPICAPP P Ao P prvdn twt nopruiyt serve~p Cosapic frp brie spnin history. PThe PniPrsiy of Floa is~ podfa tpy presentdtoit inP95 by Rompnp PrlbP Head PAepartment of Ania Hus- bandry, in PPA th aeo h LPAltoEperimentbStatio.PThitro ply, Aowon ip in McaPp Hall, Pa ap attchd plate whEcl CostaRica pto tat time.POnapmrpersonalpnoeW.A. Krienke pppwa presnte a Pedl ypeDosp PinsMlklCperiv atPthe copletiopp ofbpspasigpenpasatkenpofppreciatonlpp oP Prt, who troughPCA devotd ove hafadcdep toPPardthe pdacmeto Costa Pica aricltur. Hip sincrpp Ppnd pp- qualifid dedicaio pp his P ip nen pA d p top the p otrc Pp app rned to lap asd ap pon lif of duty ppd pprvipe Asp toe o appre cato App tehncin Ppbp the MAP and SPICA joitl PprPPPtPP himpitpapgldpppdl,ppndp wipth p pthsfinsapamirespten deedhipp indbp scroplppp ipbkincldep on ppp e mpapypothe napsppospofphrepfoperMiniterpofAgriculureadIdustrp. Fpppp suc tokens Pp~ Afete h Uiest il be forevr gratfl, Pnd Pp return itthaksICA ppr poidngptpwihpanpportunitypt se pp pEsa Pp fo p bre sp PPhitoy  Agricultural EconomicE C Osa Rica facesoaforidblo tasb ho its efortsto 00intain cosseteo ogowtd. Ac of 1950, ohen theflastogeneralcu a tafken,fhenaio's6,500 rei- dentadf,600absetfarocpaorsdpodcedoo oss nional agricultural output of vd605 millon, whicb appoxihmated 47 per cetof ffhe goss national product. This sum0 excluded 1ncom fro forty aod forety products. By the end o f he global value of agficultura prodoucon was estimated at0674 mi10100, a n cras 0f1.4 per boo ve ta of 1950.' Foo tho ooooo six-yeoo period dhe Cooto Ricao populoo se by 25 per cent, and, acord- 00g to estmate, it 0000000e to rise by 0000 4 p00 cent a0nuall. fo 005 tho MAI, ICE, aod ooooool otherooooiooal agencisiniti ated well-planned agicultural ec olono rschf.fInitedo 00 150 to participateinanodioycpciy,heoite o ntoinuod for nearly fooo yearoa acgriooltuoo coooicoooootaootofhoMAI Office of Planning an4 Coordination, whfich was oably staffed by Alooro Rojoc E., itc hood, J. Foaciooo Mooooyo, 00 oharoo of economic0 studies, cod bheo co-orker. Throuoghout this perioda ooumbeo of othoo noalo agoocies woooo iotooostod lo, cod doolt wih,cagribculturaloeonocdata. Aong itsoordutieothBaooo Ceotral do Costa Blca clculatod tfoo goss oatiooaf poodoot, in owhioh oboodoot oso ooc maode of agricultural statoics. A 00om- ooodity oooocaiog cod prioo oogolatooy body, caloed tho Coocojo NationafdeoPoducoio,ompidodcgreatomaygrculturafacts cod fiooooc ooodod foo its opoorations. The MAO Offioo of Plaooioo ad Coordnation,oaspreviouslyomentloned,hadoaosecion dotefd tooomic invstiatonsofo. To duonal instiutionsoo, theUi- ooosity of Costo booa cod tho Toooalbo fofeo-Ameoicoo fnsttoto of Agroffcfltu lcic,coppootdteoohiogocod/orrsochinterests io aculooural eoomoio. STICA/Costa Bloca, of tho ICA, hod several bho-ountry agrcultural eoomoists on its payoll, as had Agricultural EconomicE Cstoocao foooo 0 formidoblo took io its offors to maoiotio oosistent eoooio gowoh. do of 1950, whenotfblasto eneracensooooo takeno, te tono's3f,500 rei- dent cod ff600 absentee farm0 opooatoos produced 0 gross 0000001l cgriooltorol ootpot of 0605 milioo, ohioh oppooimootod 47por cont of doe goss natonal poodoot. Thio 00m 0040404d 1000m0 000m fooostoycodfoostoy podot. Bythooond of 19560theglobalovalue of ogrioohoooal poodootioo a 00000100000 ot 04 mlono, a n 0000se of 11.4Operctover toohat of 0000.' Forb the0 sam si-year pooiod tho Coota oRioo popolotiooooooe by 25 poooont, ood, oooood- ino estimates, it ontinto rfseoby overo4pooo ctanualy. Io ff5 doe MAO, ICE, cod seeooo odo o l agenc4es inotl ate4 well-planned agriultraloomi researchooooo. 0nvi0d04 195000 tpartiipato lo 00 odvioooy capacity, tho wrtoo ootioood foo oocrlyfooo ycococo giuuroo oooiooocoslcn oooo heoMAI Ofdoc of Planning and Coordination, whih 000 ably stfofed by Alocoo Rojoc E., Acs hood, J. Fooocisoo Mootoyo, io ohoogo of eoom0ic stdis,oonddthro-woorkrs.Thougoutbohispeoda oumber of othrboonaoo agencies 0000 ioteoostod io, cod dockt CenoraofdoCosto ifac ul ateoddohegooooiooalfprodoct, i ohich aboodant 000 000 00040 of agrdookoooa stotostio. A 0c00- modity purcasin and price regulatorybody, 00004d tho Coosojo NcionalfdeoPooodo,ompiledoafgreatmayagriclturaofcts cod figuoooc ooodod foo its opooaiooo. Tho MAO Ofdoo of Plannoiog aod Coordination, ascpreiously me0000004, hod a scodvot000 versity of CostacRiocaddtheTurod albafInterAmerdofcan nsitteof Agroicla oooonce, sopportod toochiogoond/ooooschoiterests io agricultualoono000000. SITOCA/Costa Rioo, of tho ICA, hod severa0 hoscountry agricultural eoomistsc onot kpayol, as hod Agricoltoral Ecoonomics C octa Rioo foooo 0 foormidable toob 10 ito offorts o maintain0 oosistoont000000010 gootb. Ac of 0950, whoo tho laoo oonooal 000000 000 tokoo, tho ootioo'o 00,500 oosi- doot cod 6,600 absenteefarmopao rsoopoducedoa goscnotioool agricuotorol ootpot o0f V05 000900, which oppoxiomatod 47po cetof tho goss ootioool prodoot. Ohio 0000 eooloded 100000000000 fooostryaodfoforety poduct. Byothooondof1956kthogobalfooloo of ogriooloooa poodootoon 000009000004dof 067400ilio,00n00- craeof 01.4 poo e o ver 00 habo of 0950.' Foo doe 00000 sio-yeoo poriod tho Costo Ricoo popoulaooono byO 200 peooen, ood, oocood- log to 0001im0000, it ootinooo to oioo by oooo 4 900 ooot aoooolly. 00 155 doe MAI, ICE, oand seelotherntionaldooagooncisknit- ated well-plaoned agriultualonoi 00000earooch. 000904 i 10 950 tpartiipate io 00 advisooy oopacoty, doe writer ontinued foo ooorlyfooo yooscosogiokooa ooomic ooooo otheoMAI Offioof Planningand Coordinono,owhihchs bystffedhy Aloooo Bojas E., dos hood, 0. Fooohcoso Mfootoyo, io charge of eoodconi otdies, andobthio-orkers. Thoughoutdhispeoda noumber of odoor natioool agencies wooo interested io, ood dookt old, agriiutuaoonomi 009t00. 900000 its othoeor doh Baco ContraofdoCosacaaoo lotodheocogrossntoalproducthin obich oboodaot 000 000 00040 of agriooltoool otaoistocs. A 0000- modity pooohodoog ood prdoo oooolatooy body, oollod doe Coosojo Ncionol do Proodon, 00mp9904 0 great maoy agrdcultura foots cod 900000s ooodod foo ito opoootkons. Tho MAIOfkdoo of Ploooing aod Coordinatioo,oasprooiouslyoontiood,boadoastonodoo otd to 000 ecoom cvetgaonso. Too odoootooo insoitutioo, doe Coi- versity of Costaica 004 tho Turoalba Inter-American 00090000e of Agrooooltu oocine, suoportedoeaoig and/ooroseaooh 1nter0st 10 agricultura eoooioc. STICA/Costo Rioo, of doe 0ICA, hod se00000 host-oconty agrcultural ecoomiston 00 s payol, 00 hod  isllctivlytheir acie, an nsom dege thse of the write, are decibed briefly on the fllowing pags. Othls ar rviewed Instudyfing the balasce of populaion in relatio to naoalo Costa Rica gersis cooy to eportable agriculura products, cofee ndbana, chifl, althoghs ldrs areseeig wys over, he nation prbal po ss unouhe economi potpsta3, butsinthe3hghlas igs oflma-land pssrs areevden.From thet6m4otP frstpoulaio censuR s until the lasts, atisfro ensbatement. The Pai 3f the s3 nube of 1s chldenuder 5 pe 1,000 woenfrm 5 to444roePy nry94per4cen during thi period to alferilitys3 raioof739 (Tabl 1). In 19504, th raioofth urbanpopulatinwa 543 as agint8661fo4rualares. sever1al3s other, in,441ina and 1oc41 organizaton. Indiidully or collectively their act3iities,adi sm degre thse of the 3rite, aredscribed briefly on the following psgss. Othes4 aresreviewe elsewhere in the sysposium. 4n studying th4 b4144c4 44 population in r4144444 14o naionalo regional econom4ic resource, consideration mu4st be given444444t441 resources, to present and poenia econom1 4444444l4414e444, 443 14 how thse 44cto44 31i41 4nt 34 3ra developmental plan. At p444444 3444a Ri34 44444 34s 4c4444y to exportabl agricslsssl producs, coffee and banana, chiefly, alhough its leaders are seekingsways and3means4to1essen4dependece4upon4a3dua4crop economy Msre- over,lPhesationproPably pos~sssss4ntPchdeconomic4potentals Taken as a4wh1l, CsosaRc 4344 o 4 lbesaid to be 4444444414143, 34434n t344 higlandssigns o4 ma4144-l44444 444sre arejeiden. 344om th4 t4,4 44 the fist4 4444144344 cesus unti 4h4 144, 43at is, f4om 18644until 1950, Costa4Ric'spulatioP incPsedwithoutsappar- e44 abatemen. 33e rati soll the nube o33sf chldsnudss 5 per 1,0003women from 153to444rse4Py4nearly94per4ent3durng t14 period3to4afert4l4y4ratioo 733 (Tabl P1).I 419503tPera4o5of4th urba 44444344344444 54344 3sagi4t866 4444rurl14444.' 4444441 URA ECO344 C 144444 4344 44474443434y4 svls 3 other 44 443raioa and4loal3orgnizatons.4Idividully4, collectiely4thei4act4vites, andisom 4ere4seofytheswriter, 4n studying 434 3414444 4444444 14uato 44444 444441444ntina o r4gional economic4resources,4considertion5mustbe3given4onatur1 resources,1to pre4444 43444644444 3444144444 443omi 44eopetadt 344 43444 43444r fit int4 344 bra eeomna plan At 4444444 and mens4to4essen4ependece3upo4a4dua cro14p4economy.More- 1444 itssprsly4settldareas,4lhose4natureand4extentoly3time4ca 94444eveal 414,.s444134344444143 1,000 womensfrom,15sto 444e3y4nearly 94per4cnt4durngthi 1864,41s3 434433 192 1433, AND 1956444 3 Number13444334444 36644444414444  evident i vie of91 a rapidly growin poultin In 1950 19ne 1conomicall act9ive 9 and 0 0two9111 inctv9rrl (eidns 9ee 0eore for9eac 3. 1 rso rbl ad h range0 in91y ma9inand 1atis -a frma9 rcio9f9 naabeacei Heredia009i9919 9 Provinceto .2 cre in99109091g9 Guanacaste9199 Prvne9Sneteconr1sdoiae1y990y cultureandhg9 t a tes it is919 ossbefr9 uton019 to99 result999 in whic technological 0A99 advances 19 in 91 arcluerect ally0tereb Mretarded. 9y90,9,019909 To1911epl1nth9aorfrc a ma oomc expor crop province991 of 1119 Li 99 $000 PutrnsJoe15 si or $165, in~ Guaacst Provn, knownas theexteniveliestoc proximad$200 peryea,0butitshoud be udestod hat9some farm work, suc0 as 9 cofe pickig, is of a 9 19aona 1arate. Yet a9whol,0 the1aeragegros 1valueof prductin(pe worker in9 1950 was$62, ad9ra1ged1from1$77 inGaaat ,Province0 to$1,214 Auciviy per90A01 1nit oflbr 9oee, it0 sh1u 091919010th0t9farm 11509ad 1955,O andit ap cminaton1f9 ml an 000 ch040 ical poe from9 200119000, accordingtoCesu re199991ports. Toay thie1need1for9thA epnin1f9grAiltura productioni eviden in 0vew f 1arapily 0rowng ppultio.9 I 90 one inod0 0uaacst Prvic. icehouty is0(0 900 inate by9 19999019 Autr and hi0010h birth 101919 i pt 090s 9190bl fo 1asiuaino .sl in which tehooia p dvances iny agiutr are 19019 ll 0 ereby retarded. To mgay90 people 9y9119 inth1abrfoc my en o mc reia up on9 a 0 ao and y.o litl upo labr-svin devics. PR9((1909 9 OD 10UCTI 999V919T 90Y Ogae in agricultur was highest, o ovr$300. 11wa9 lwet o$095, in9,99 Guncat Province9,091199 know9as0he9xtenivelivetoc regon Aalpyment9s,o fm wrkrs n te offee reasp- proimte 0A$2000per yea,,,9 but t shuld9e unersoodatsm farm wor9k,uch a9coffeepckn, is of9,a asna haracer. Yet a9whol,999991199999(9 th9veaegr09aleo099ucinpe oke n1950 ws$628, ,ad ragedfrom $377 00n Guanacaste rovinceto$1,14 C1ot Rica 6arms (TaOl 3). 6his results in a 1owaerg po (195 and 1955andO wit a cominatin of aimal nd mecanica evident in vie ofarpidly gro190 popuation. $19 1950 one economic9aly active9and9two9inactive ruralAresidents1werereportA in (1991999,,roinc. Since Ah ,ountyO is9dominated by 9190y ret19ade. oo91ma9y peopeinth labor 09forcemay9 mean9to9990 export1 crop(919,9 191ice of99 Li90an Puntarena, the 1950990ti 99990999199091990(19919ion9paid0towo9kers and9em(11999999n- 199199 09 agriculture 1999 hi190999 or1 19999 $000. It wa99 1owest, or9$165,99n99999acaste9Province, known, 991099919991990191991990c (19199099919 $000 (199 ye9r, but it 909901 09 9190999990 th99 9so99 A990,919 199999191 191 (1990990vity 0s 90he 199199 valu 1199riul 9190909, 9019 average919 1990991 value 0999 (1199199099019wrke in1950 was9$628,9adrngdfo 199099$3770in Guanacaste1Province1to9$1,214 099999 (199919 1911099bl. 199999 090900199919 9199199199agepro ductivity90999919 per 9niyof9lbor9Hoever9itshoud 0b0noed9tat9arm operatedO199by 0mechanic 19al9oer9oly9ose9rom2329o( 741bewee  AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS 79 TABLE 2.-AVERACE GROSS VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS PER YEAR PER AGRICULTURAL WORKER, BY PROVINCES, COSTA RICA, 1950 Area Value per Worker Costa Rica 4,161 $ 628 Puntarenas 8,050 1,214 Heredia 6,326 954 Limon 5,930 894 Cartago 3,953 596 Alajuela 3,186 481 San Jose 2,880 434 Gunnacaste 2,500 377 Source: Banco Central de Costa Rica, ingrese y Producto Nacionales de Costa Rica, 1950, Table 48, p. 103. TABLE 3.-TYPE of WORK POWER USED ON FARMS, COSTA RICA, 1955 Distribution Work Power Used NUMBER PERCENT Hand labor only 38,922 82.3 Animal power 6,927 14.6 Mechanical power 784 1.7 Animal and mechanical power 653 1.4 Total 47,286 100.0 Source: Censo Agropecuario, 1955, p. 340. FOOD CONSUMPTION The average per capita disposable income in 1950 approximated 01,300 ($196 USA). Since this average included large incomes realized by a small segment of the population, the average dispos- able income of the laborer was still less. Hence, the bulk of the con- sumers could not buy those products (Table 4) which would greatly TABLE 4.-ESTIMATED HOURS OF LABOR REQUIRED TO PURCHASE SELECTED FOOD ITEMS, COSTA RICA, 1957" Item Unit Hours of Labor Required Cartago Alajucla San Jose Guatmeaste Source: Banes Central de Costa Ric Rica, 1950, Table 48, p. 183. TABLE 3.-TYPE OF WORK POW Soh6e 6666169 66666uaio 19666661 666 63 66696616. $6,36 $66 O9N.666 S61U666MP 666TI 166O 66N6 6666666666196 £696. 666966 666s 66616g inlue larg 66nc6666 relie 6y 6 sml semn1ftepplton h vrg ips Toa 6726 0.  createdly unecnsmto and hig pes Lowinom peopl geerly onue iny byea enrg foo~ds Thes fod oss princpal of ceeas poaos andb~ othe plan fod ahrta lep lantfo. In toa cosuionte etn more p bp t the kid adqultyo hepodct consume are ver~y A difernt AC ha in eag haisb Cot Rhic s col set th stafo shfsi h s farclua eore s o xmlaa fro corbA fo. hua osmto ocr sfe o ie tocka This eample highlightsth fa that an ecnoi paaoxi cratedpby Aneronupto ad high pes Lowinom people klinds ad quality Af tbe prdtsP conumd aer differen' Changes in Paing habts by Costa RiaPA could se tbe stagA PAr shifts An tbe APe of A A agiutrlrsucsas, Por eamAple, away pouPty, cages whihb Aould register impoeets PA lbving The cocpto leve of living refer to goods, services, and op- portitie. It PAPist Af mtral posesin thaA hpeple haAe, ofeooi ppotnie P aPa ilab PA bAem (employment which Aosuption. Level Af lving, as usd herein, is based on anatonal argeAoP100amasd by sevealTarbles (Table5) That geneyally cosue ny chbap energy fods. These fods cosit princpally of crals, patesA, ad other plat PAod rher tan hes plat Pood. In tta Aonumpiotheby ea n mr, hut Abe kinds and qality AS thA product co ATme ae veyTifet' Changes in eating hbits by Cosa Pians could At tbe sage PAr shifts in the use AS agritral rsucsas, fo example, aay poulty, canges whbch woulT regiAt AmproAemntsi PAiving taads. hPAPAPATApPAAAAdp pAEVELA OF LIVINGPTA ~ PTbAypAbA prAunities. AP TAsit Ad mtra poAAAson that pphave, Af economicippotnie Pavial A o A he (eplymn whSich AAPAP AosupAio. Level of livin, asue herei,isbased oaatonal averagAPPfTP0asasAred bysevalAaableA (Table5). Tbat  it reflects by coprio the avrg wellbeing Af allaiisi inia, hoevr thati~ all fa ile i h lo -ee-f-incom p rov-i rich andA po affy or shapl arke Whn prvice witow devlhf-lvig sortan i those wiAth high Adcore Aft scoreis petlt hatgo was mn h hsad its pert c~ fW alia Kayc tral prdci ity was A the A loet hnvrosdagnotiy det f t to' Antrl c onoR ic prolem an h solu-h t~ion o hemiwre iffereniaA~A~tA Inrce y ars fta ic hay b creatyed numrou ftmigovern- segmen t fA A to aly. h govr en is gnow dietlyivle inb activ tie suhas th geeato of elecricyfth opd rationo faraiabnglisitionshomefiaigial scur- ft refect by compariso t avrg well-being Af all famtiie in indiggyg, howeve, that all failiest in alo-level-ofincome, prov inc areequally poor As fate of fat, It distinto etween richbandporyybeor haplyaked i roic i h lo- levl-of-livingscore than inthosewthhigh score. oprodutity mesreheir inftelaftionshipser pronuncd. Forex ypl, Ganaast Prince had the lowes leve-oflvig scre i ts ftility ratio as amon the highest, and it e capita agrcturalft produtivity was the lowes. When vious diagnostic data for Costa Rica were compae in Athis fio Alit bea evi- segments of naftioal life. The ~ goenet Asno directly inlved commdty purchaing, and prcecorl , aog others. Collec- Itvey ta tnmu instton execis powerfu reguatory focsoe h ive Aft all Costa Ricans. There iln question Aft tal Aindivid l aethbly yielded fto the ltfte codeable weareA, Aut popular seAien upholds thi ittioal laag- If the poplaftion and productivfty data previously preseted appear pessimist, ft is only beause Ahey indiate Ahe magnAitd ft As for t purpose only tat they wergve. Asamtro ft, ecnoic progress in Cota Ria isadynamic ad observable phenmnn Tber isl All need ~ l torsr Iosttsist pprecate fro befol sunu uftil aftr Ale darkns ofving. It exed- it reflets by copaiso Ahe aag well-being Af all flies~ in eac of the ee provine against theAA naioa arge doesno indticate, howeve, tal All famiiesin o-ee-ficm rv ince are eqully por As a malle of lact Ahe distictio betwe richad prylb orphaymlarkd provines wihAlo- ll-of-liig score than in those AlAh high score. When leve-of-lvig score were T cre af wth fetftfty ratio orproductivitymasue Athi hfinfterrelatinhp were yronouncA. For exampye, Ganaaste Prince hadh Alows lee-o-ivn c, its lfetility ratias mn lthe hlighes, and its per capita agritalt producftvfty wash Alowes. WheIariu dagnosic data for Costa Rial were cm are ithAis fahoit beam evi- Aent gtat tge natin' interal geconomic yrobesan thA A lu- segmenAs ofknatioa ftlf AlIT governme t isnwdrlyd involyed commofty purhaintg, a yricA contro, among other. ColTe- livdy the l autnoou instituion execis powerfu regulatory Aocs lvr h live o ft all taln. There is o uetion Aut tat idividu la thereby yiAldA to Ahe state cosdale welare, Aut polyar sentmet upholsti A nstinl arage If Ahe polyaton aAd producftvfty daa previously yresentA apparpessimitctAisolyeasethy idiate telmgitude ad I n IIftAatueo Ah cnmcpolm ainA g on salftAio,and itisfor hispurposeonyfthathy weregive. As ~aattro fro beor snp until atthearAknes of eveing. IAi expei-  encedbyunoldloiofafambliesowho enoyornigswate, piped to therlome atoo goermen expense Itio dramati in tho capitalciyboof ohereEkopean ondAeicnauobiles andmotorsootesoeino coetdokrffcihbiycled pde- Sil ofooigwyspace.It isrgiooer dinmiloontenmen otho face of resdnt of al soil clses The mos significan fcoistavitayalthseoomoicuplitha ioiginither deyoindirectly ingricultur. Staistcoar voy hlpful sn doumentig whbt the oyeocaose. In 1955 aounod 12 per cent of t1e faomeos applked commil fetlzrt vr150,000 acre of foomland, whib bkicte thatbo manoy farmers are acualy folbowig the 0recomedaons of spe- cials.Fomoo1950ftol19560thoglobalovalue kof c otrload foresty prodton ose bynealyl$o13 milonUSA.Olhisgainook plac aso Sovlu of thobo,,n copdoppedlfom 0196bo 135 mlinorby C61 omilon. This lo ws offe by 1argo goisi the, livockindusty, from of, fomcpopsoducedfornonal cosmtonad Srom Sfoesty pooducts Icsd ogrioutura produoniskottholy idaor oflgrowt.osta Ricanlk echni- ciansplanned,engneerd,oadfinancdaonewhydoelectkcplan, calld La horla, whickbekoamo operonako in 1958. Boeoweeo 1911 aod 1960 tho ume ohofros or c 0ompyoies handlig agricul tu1ral p odut, veiclsoad acokes, macinery, hrdare,an pboaceticl supyyies conud to rse,. Icm mfriue shoe, ofd textil maufctukig als increasd cosideobly. San Jloi onostlyleelnoldlanma to moke yayfooothsne adoderso Nwbotonloctrbo hetosoogetero iththb oder estblihmentsbenoyafheay paong. In spitoofoohsobvsul bign ofposperity, so citizen fea tha rapid inrese in tbe naina oulto wl bbetaly 00d ones incremnts o th labor fo fabse tha oty can be obsoobod, thus itkgating bhe presentprooseiy. Ohrsvipospriy aacontiuigoand exyandiglatonhh poyatoicrooosplynosllfpa. The 1950 Consu (Ceno d oblan reporte a00 tiona popuklaoof 80087, whbch ws estimatd to have gont 1,135,000 by Fobruay, 1960. In vie orapd jncyeases i popula- bioo boteeb opero cetad 5pe cent annualy'-n todhebimita 32obyoobFERTIololobo LEoLANDSoORIENDlSHI oppdko tirkomesato overooo ntooypoooodkIooisoooooaocoobboo onk, th face of rsiodents of allocial classes. Tbe ost signikcas directly o oo drclyinarclue Statistics arevey helpful in docuoeoobog sobat ko y cnse fetlzrt vr150,000 acres of faoobo, which iodicatoo boot manoy famr are0 actuaolly fllson the reomnto o fooospe- fooostry yooduob ooobyo nealyl$3 li okSAb Ti Obgainoook ylaooosoto volueohebananacrop droppdhom 019lf601 mlinorby C61llio. This loos was offse by loogo gaisoi tlk vsocokindustry, fromoffe, fomopspoducodforonaional consuption, ad fomsforestypoductos. Icrasdgicultural pooduonoosnot theoolyoidior of gowtk.CostalRicantehnib ciansoplanned,oengneered,andbfinancdoaonewhydoelectrikplant calledLa aia bob c ,s obecameoperonaloin1b5. Between 1951 and 190tenme ofooooproso r ompaniesfhandlngoagrcul tlo odo c0s, vehicle and 000esokie,maciney,hadwao, and pharmaceutil suppboos ontinued So rs.Icm rmf iue bhoe, ood teotih manoufctrog oaolso resd ooobdooobly. Sao lob is costatly levelig 0 oldadmaks to makeoway forohene oodooodeon. Noo moon picture teatooooogehero ithteolderfo ostabloboooots oofoy af heay patronage. Io opiteof tlheseooisul kigsoflpsperoy,omecitizsofear thatraidincreases in the nooo population wil eventually odd new ooo inrmnsto tho laboroforooeofso bsnhycanbeborbed,tsf miigktigbhe peetpospeity. Obhers view prspooity aaootibuing aod expanding fac,in whichyopulatiooncsesoplay nomllpat. The 1950 Ceosuo (Coo deo Pofkblain ooporod antoa 0ouaino 00,655, ofic was esmate to havooow t0 o 1,135,000 by Cobruary, 1960. So view,, of rapid incrase in0 poyula- boon-betweeno4perscentoad 5pero betanuly'-n odeolimkta ence0 byountoldlo-income far fls es o en ojoy runigwate, pipod to theko koms ot government expense. Itki dramatic in tbo capitalo cig y o oso, wheb Euopeano an Amerca of ombie Sttstc are veroy helpful in documenting ofa the ebyeoo cansee In, 1055 aounod 12 peroocontof the fams,,, applbod ommercialo, berilie to ,oer 150,000 acres of farmland, whkck indicatoo that may oamesar ctaly fkolwig koe reoomoondaionoo s000. ciistso. From 1950 to, 19560h ogloaolvaleofgricultural ond forestryproduoorose byo nery $13smllionoUSA.Thisgainook plac as theal ofo the bananao cop droyppod froo 51196 to 35 millio, or by C61 mllio. This o was offset by lorge gaisin the livestok industy, broo coffee, broo cosproduced for nonol oooooptioo, ond broo korekty produob Increasd agricoltura prodtoioos oonlyidicaor oflgowt.ostaRicaotechi- Oiaosplanood,oongoooerod,ondooancd aonewbydoelectrkoylant called La haobo, whcbecm o o pe iona bo n 151 Betweeo 1655 aood 1910 boe oumber of peon or 00omopooehoakdliog ogriool tuoalprodoots vehbles ond acories, machinery,fadwareoad pkhaomooeuobool ouplibs contioood to rioo. Incomefom bo rnture 000e, ond teooil 0an000ctuoiog boso croood considerbly. Son Joohi os antlykleolio oldlandmaksooomokeowoyforothoonow aod modern. Noo moon picur 00theatres togethoo slob obo oldoo esablhent enjoy a hoovy 00000010e. Inspiko of tbooo okoua signsoof poooprityooo fo s fartharpd increaseslinth naioa ppla onoil ovntaly addonewincemetsooko the Iaboo Sorc fate bohan theby cao ho oborbod, boos mitigtiog tfs oopoodiog oact, io olish outon Sinoooooooo ploy oo omaol part. Tho 1950 Ceoooo (CenoboPoblkooon ooportodoatooo l pouainof bo0,875, which w00 00timatod to kovso w 00 to 1,135,000 by Febroory, 1560.1 Inlose of oapid incsos inpooo a Ooon-between 4peroo cen oonb5porseot annually'-n oodhobimita  the highest planing leel. Soil som tousads Af people hav noainsi ffots to bos per-cr producton Fetilizton of selcAe cops is now comonplace, theouoe o insciides, herbi- cids, ad desotol mteralsis prdig,d my farm- ersar iortg reitee beef add air cattl to Npbee tei odoiftunin strad s anodiseverl diic clati A zobes Nea1950 to-thrd ofd 55e poltolie the ooobly hlnsadto rs areosattyrdithouogtheodAttcad Paftopicadflzoes.t isa n43,i00 oml lnowner wh o tak deprdo inthi eduaonalgttaimens anitheirofreeoof sgiit. I 195 6,000 acr0, a 0or20 1ag farmso, aoximaftely 00,000 acre. A large percetgeof tho higlnars ioA hooerd by deeg layeof Ahighly productiolcai oilsh The higb ountoado slopes suport oneof Atho boot dairy productionetr ino etral Ameria. A astoeyofcopsoafruit caobegrownhogh- ot honty becaeo lmte hihoge ofro oo oo topicl. RainflisA adequate iho highlan~ds, overabundato the Atlano tic lwads, ad totaly lackigfod i onhotof he yearointh shPai zone, buo aple the rest of bhetim. Theorug- gedneof Atho conty presont formiable ohbstce to trasporta- ti Aioonn onco, anto hey resotitoheassemly a maketing of faoo copgs fomom areas. Approimately 75 gor ceof teo amesk akeohdo irofampoductsyon oooe, or by oxcart. boSoeaes however, ohich areno difit of accs hold gretomis o ohootoftur. tion of arable la in setle area, diserson of so of the highlands populon ft ,o ordeelped aesisonsiddo theohighes planingflevel.Stllbomeousadofeolehave load. Inseotledoar ooas ohrsaractngthologicli- noainsi fforts to boost pr-cr produon. FoodSzaio SofA seecedcpsso o o mmoplaclthfuse ofetcdeheri cides,addasontoolomatherialsioprag,and mayfarm- ersareimoroingorgisteredbobefdaiyocattleoogubredheir swftrnnn steas an Ieea disinc oliac zones. Nearly to-ohirds of tho popultionlv Son the cool highlad and the hos areoscadtoghoutothe b Atlad aific topilones.t isaf at of al oolanowner woho ep pAide in ftheir eduaonal ottoinmofts a boOhei feedom Aof ii. ho 0000 approximaey 55 ger cont Af theonomSaly activ popuaton wasoemloyedAi aogriulue rlted oactivitbandf6gpercen Af the 430o6 fam enumeratd were under 5, 0 doesisz. fOn tho upper extem, for 00 faoo tho avrgo siz was more than 6,000 acre, a for 23 largo 0arms, aproxoomaey 00,000 ocre. A largo percenogo of the highla areas is coe by Aeep Aaeso high0y grodutv voolao i oils.o The blob ountain dolopspotonof thobos dairygpoduonocenter fn trl America.Aooatoarieyoo ofsaftonbeogrowntogh- outlhe ountybeauie of limate whcoagefomooltohot otroa.Rfai adeuateoin hehgand, overaudaon theAtantilolands, andototalylcknglfori ontsotofothe yea oin the Pacfioone, ut ample thoes of thetime. Theorg- gednsof fthe country presents formioableobstaclesoo tranorot- Sion aod cobnco, oa boorby rest0ct the assemly oa maketing oar ops rom soo, e areas. Appoximately 75 gor cento hofameromaket heiofamogodutonot,y beas,or by oxcart So ara, howeve, whicar now iftfut ofaccs bAAd gretomoisforotheftur. bion of arabl loadi ette ~areas, dispeoo some of he higloaod poputon1 to undrdvoped areais onsddo tho higplanninOg bobls Stil someo Shouad of pople booe anticipatdothegovernmentoand hveoquatteA" oopgnovirgin ln.oosi o~tso oor-ceproodutoFetgliaoof seecedop iso owttomoplaceo,oeuofoinsecticide, hebi Tbe contryboo boAhrctrie by stee mountin, Aeep valeys, swiftrunnig sras n sevAra odistintlimti bones Neary two-thirdsof Atho popuotoliv in th o ol highload, aod thoes are scoatedthouoogottAlanlt aPacfiopicalboneso.It isa noof Asoaol laodowners wo take dogp prdei fthAdo eduaonalo attaiooenosand inthi fredo lo of Aspirt ho 19000 aoxmaoely 55 geoc of Atho eoomialy actv populton was employd inogiulue rlte ativit, algopercen of the 4,o 008 fmseumrae0 wr u~der 50ocrefindiz. 0On tbe upper extrem, for 40 farm tho overge diz was ore tan 6,000 acre, a for 23 laoge farms0, aoximatly 00,000 acres. A laogo percentageof Ah hoiglaars ft coeAe by Aeeg layeof Ahighly prodouotv volaoiy soils Too higb monti slopes support oneof Atho hootdairy production cenlor ino Ctral Americ. Aoootovriey oocopoadfrutscanbegowhogh- outtho ountoorybcuoflimatesohih ranetfomoool ohot tropical. Rfol is adquaotei fthe highland, ovraudaon ftheAtlaotic lowlafods, and tooalylackiogodsx ohotoo tbo yearin lthePacific one tb aml herestoftetieThe rg- gedness of tho oounty prooeots fooridob obstales to tranpora tioooondoomonooootion,ood thooobyooostictstheoasoomblyoond marketing of foarm cops brom some oooas. Appooimotely 05 peo contoof the farmersmaket thei farm poduon foothybeas, or by ocar. booe oreos, boee, which ooo ow diffioolt of acs hold groatpoomiseor thoboturo.  9The tota value9of CostaRica's agriculturalproduction (including frsr)fr1950 amutd to 652,million, and in 1956 o 0736 mill1ion (Table 6). The9 1950 agricultural inom re9pres99ted 50 per9 cent of~ the9rosnatona product (01,2989mi11ion). The w mai eport crop wer, and stil1 are banna an cof0ee. Live- stock, sugar cae anua, and cerea1 crops fashioned 91he back- gr9u9d9o90999 domestic economy. In99999ar9v9lu, caaoad abaci asweeim9portant and co9ra r9e9u99ed s9mall amounts ofinom to,99 nueru entrepreneu1rs.9 19999199) 09r 1950 amounted to 652 million9, and9 119 969 36 99111199 (Table 6). Th9 1050 a99i991t9991 1999999 999999999999 50 p99 cent 9099 9999 99919991ona product (01,2989mi11ion). T9991w9 stock, 999999 9999, 999991, and 999991 crops fashioned lb9 back- groun9d of 1999 domestic 99999999. In dollar 99199, cacao and 99999i 9999999999999999999 and 9999999999 9999199999999 1999999ns f ncm to9999 nu 19999 entrepren9999u999 forestry)9for 1950 amouned to 652million9, and9 i19969969036 99111999 (09619 0). 9999 9950 999999999991 i999999 999999999999 90 per99 99969 9999 t9h999 gros999999rouc (61,298mil9io9). 969 two 999i9 999999 99999 w999, and 99911 a99, 99999999999999999,. Live- stock, 99999 c999, 999991, and 999999 99999 fashione9d 969 back-9 ground9 of 099 domestic 99999999. In dollar 99199, cacao and 9699ci 9199 were99999 impotan 9999 copr reurnd 999911 9999999s o9 1999999 to999999999 numerous entrepreneurs  AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS 35 In the highlands, coffee is the principal cash crop both for owners of large estates and for operators of small farms. In interprovincial trade, cereal crops, sugar cane (sugar), plantains, and Irish pota- toes rank high in total dollar value. Very many exotic tropical products however, also find their way to the market stalls in the various cities. Most of these crops are produced on small owner- operated farms. In respect to livestock and livestock products, farmer interest impinges primarily upon beef cattle, milk, and milk products. EXPORT CROPS Commercial banana production is most extensive on the Pacific coast near Golfito and Palmar Sur, but other lands on or near the Caribbean are in similar use. On both coasts the undertakings are highly organized, adequately capitalized, and under corporation management. For these reasons government economists have not concerned themselves with the economics of banana production. An the highlad, coffe is the prical cah cr both foA wnr toe rak high An toal dlar va. Very may exoti trpial variou cite. Most of thes crps a producd onAA smallne- opeatd fars In repc to liesok and livstok products, famrintees impinges piarily uponbee ale , milk, andmilk AAst nerGlioand Paar Su, Adt othe lads An or n ah Caibbean a in simla hs.noh coast thAudertkingsr highly oganizd, aeqatly capitlized, and under copaion maIgemen. For thIs raon gvrAen ecnmit have not cocend thslv wit he Acnoics of hbaa production. In thehighands, cofe is the pricilA cscrp both forower of arge estte ad for opraor of Imll fam. Ininterprovincial Ioe rank high in total dollar ahue. Very mn xtctoia products howve, a Aid thir wa tthI market stlls An the operad fams An repet livetok and hlitok products, fame itees IIIimpigs pialylponbeefcal,mik,ad mlk Comerial baa producto is most extenive on the Pacific Adhst nerGlioand Pahlma Sur, but othe lnd on orner h Caibbean a in sAiia use Onboh cost the uneaings are highly orgaized, adequatly cilided, lnd under corporation maagmn.Fr hes rason gvenmntecnoitsano concernd themslvs itAh theeconoicsohfbaaaprduio. t ' r  Coffee prodlciono, in cotras, reciveo eiuo ttninfo stivor improvmn An productio credit which often finds it esoprcsigplants, called bon fi, os. Although costdt for coffee ar extrmel limied,o1ompeesv ostdieshd beenplnd ouderaeslt a1 s 1960. Cco, whilaioepor crop,iipo o maylow Atlnidof neo, aam ppiedofelowlanldsdjcn o ordrin- are 1,1 at les paf etr old, of seedlin stok, adl hav anu- wantig. Varous disae have ma de seious fnoad,dan r often nglected or oneisten where needed, and 0rsntfr laor. As with coffee, eoomic intres ha cenoerd ostlyuo soresadomaogtofpoducion rd. ApresentheMAI andOICA (STICA) hav nueru pln improvmn ando ddseas cooepritsuder way which in tioe shold heptim- Thepodtonofohoci loke hof exoporal banna a fopsmeyer a lage-scle copoaion underaki, hut Opera- tioswyeoecnlyouild. imotneonhe doeti market. They aeknown in gor- mncircls ath boai ood drops. A gratdeof esarc isoye needed, inpioffslsiodt,o irducenedipovd acptne The Consjo Naona IdeProduin buhys gran dur- ing godyaro oguaod againstdisasersfflods dooghts, and other causes ocop failur and, o mtd extent, to proide pooin supplement foolvookfeed. Sugar annualy ohnk nex 0 to theelof s pinvalue For he year ending hon 30, 1956, approximately 8,400 to ofsuawr CoOfee production, icontras,reivseiosatnonfm striveforipovemen in podion crdi whip oftenOogids it er0o prosing plant,, cle 1 e4efibios. Althiough cost data for been plannoed, oroo ondetake ashatoa 1960,. Caoooo, while mior expor crop,ois imoportantoo mayow in nothe CarfibnSe. Manyfoof etre o w ~in poduon are loat leathlf acontooy old, of sedligsoc~k,o, an ooave n un watig. Varousdiseaesdavomdeo eous dino,drinsar ,lote neoglected orar noneistent ohere oeeded, aond presen fer- soresad mangement of production credi. 400 present th MAT anod ICA (STICA)hv nuo us plan impboveen ond diseos cotol eperimentsf unoder way which 0n time sould hel o i Tbe produon 0f abaci, like that of exportable baon, was for 0 soe easo large-scl 0corporaio undertak0oing, hutop000a- tons oeroreenly curtaild. Cerea crops-or, dice and boon-ar of maojoronoi importnc on the d oi hoke. Thopar nown in goverO- ment coircesasth o basic food cropAgeatdl ofresarchis yet needed, in spit o lo dat, to introduce newad impovod ing good yeto goard aginstdisatsof flood,doghtsi,ad other cause ofocropfioure and,to almitdexe,o poide proteinsupplemn orlivestockfeed. Sogar anoually raks noxtto tho cerea copsq in value. Cor tho year endkng Jono 30, 1956, approximatel 8,400 tons of ougar were Coffee podhctioo, iontras, receives serious ateto fro oil segmet lof the domestic froo. Bankersoand other consisenty strive foiprovement io prodooooon crediolwhi ,oe f0ds,0t wayfom thebanking intoionsoto smallopeors tough ow- eof pocesigplant,calld 0,efo,0 s. A0lthoug ostdata for coffee are extremly Hooitd, no coopehnsied ostosodihd been oplaoood or undertakenoa olaas96. Cacoo , while a minor exportc00p, is important0t0 Oan 10w- inomefarmers. Presenocaooooplanfigs r onfoinedomainly 000th Atlaoticozon,o a onmopplbedtoothe loooaodsadjac toooroo din- 10n00 0noh Cardbbean Soa. Many of th reOooo w0 in production 000a las haolf a centuryold, oseedligostock,and haveonoun ceotainfuture. Inomaopinstances goodmanagementofofgovesis wanting. Carous diseases 00,0 made sou,, 0nroado, draios are often neglected or are,, noneistntohere needed, 000 presenofer mentation aod dopiog pocesses reqoooe a vast aounoo of haod labor. Asowihoffee, oomic interestohascenterdmostly upon s000c0s andmaoagemenofolproduoncrdi.AtpresentotheMAI ood ICA (STICA) iv 00mrousoo plat impovemeono ood disoase conolexoprimenosoundrowaybwh iomeohould l ofp m- ho produo o 01bac0, like tlia1 of exportale banooas, was 00o0 some0 yer loogo-s0000 oopoootioo undertakiog, liuo opooa- importaon 00h11 dooestic oaoket. Thop are knooo in govern- oentfioleooasoheobasicfood ops.oAgoea deal ofreoeaoch isoye needed, io spite oflresults1t date, to intooduo neo and iopoood accoptanc. TheoCoooejooNooioool do Poodoooohouysogrinsodo ing good years toguar adgainstdisstsof floods,douoghts,and progoon supleen forlivestocfeeds. oop ooooCof year endiog Juoo 30, 1906, approxoioatoly 8,400 toos of sugar w000  imprtd for local cosupio. McPherson thestimatsd tbs sanual percapitacsupionsfs~garsaroud 100pounsds.' UFrom rcgnized ascoplementycrsps in pass ofbseMsetaentrl. Un~der band-labor agriculturasl sssnosy this cobinatfson hs great merit. Hssve, 1956 susgar prics tco smes were above the wol aserage (85 ssper l.USA), and were maintainesdat high leves ts reward lincm farmer sss swbs bsd fsew obvious inomsltenis.Much attntion s been giventdivrsifying cshscrops on low-incomsgar can fars, but dquae sbsitutes Ohs gross valuse ofithe plaIsin and ohe bananas included in ths natosal dset sprssached $3 mAilion USA in 0556. Tbe v~aiou bans se~d fos cooking, frying, and baking ar products thst sml-cl aiyfarss canss produces economically, and ofeins Irish poesls ares grown psinsipally o hs sissp slopes ofIrz Uolcanos and o bs th sutisna Zascero. Approiate~ly 3,000 ace eeplanted topaos An 1055. Productoin was eshimated a225,250 bshsb (135,125 qusinals), or around 15 bushls per ar.Un~puli~se data sssppliedby the MAO indiate thatlperscpita anul consiofp otatosrgsI f5oms50o0 p ous.Sev- eral eo mi tdies aimeld atimoi ng ptat productionsd anlsd marketigpwee omptdb between56 ad190. Ossssges sssd avocdos, chsyotes, pumspkhss, sosd simiar prod- ssssssg the morss imsportant msiscsllaneou~s fosd sssps. Ulorisculturss floursishss son lbs colhilides of Isssss. On additson, pssdssstisss sof flue-curedtobaccosforsdomstic seasugmssthescbshincosssfor ths opraor sof many smaoll divsife fards is sverl areas. In, maysc iosfrstsy pssdsots, wlich sppsssshed $50 millison USA iss 1056, pssside ssonsiderable isssssms ts fsssmsss andnn Apprsoximatsely 57,000 sssdse (issslsi ssgsrds) sese slaughteresd forosumssptison is 0056. Anosthss 18,000 assimasls sssss expsorted imsported for lsol sssosumpptso. MsPbson thsss stismstsd the alabor-uiliationiewpointssugarsosssadsffeeshaveslsogssen recognsizedsomsplementrss oypsisparsofsheMsetas ensras. Unders lsssdlshss sgsisoslsosssl sssssssy Ibis sssobisstisss hs the worsld averages 08/ cts.yperlb. USA),ad were minainedoat high lessls Is ssewssd lissssssss fsarssss ssbs hsd fsss obvios inoeatraie.Much atsentison hss hssss gisss o s diversifyinsg cashssspssosloinoesugar caneosssfarms,butssdquatesssustitutes fosusgarscsneshavesotyetsbeensoun~d. Thsgrossssaluessf thsplsntsi andoherbanassincsluded in the natsonsl dist sppssohsd $3 sosiliss USA As 1956. ThS vrs u bssssssssssd sor sssksng, fsyisg, snd bskissg sse pssdssots shss sml-cl Oaiyfrssscsssn prsduce scoossicasly, and sftessi Irish potatoes are grsown psiispally son the steep slopes of Isssss Uslscans sssd sss ohs mountsoins ssso Zasssss. Appsssissstsly 3,000 ace eeplsated ss potstsss iss 1955U Produosns ssss stimated st 225,250 bushsls (135,025 quistls), or around 75 bosshes psr ar.Ussposhlishod dsts ssspplisd fly ths MAI isodissos thaspssscapita annuasslconssssuptosofpasranssgssfroms15 tos30ppouds. Sv- eralsseconomicstdisaimedsatimroinogpotatosprductonad Orasgssandsavocads,schyots, pumspkinss, andsimsilarprd- us,tomatoes1, yucoons ashd pineapplesiothhsssdsssssssdssse asongsthssmosssimpsstastsissellsnossfssdssps.Flssulturss flsurshsssnsthssssolhillidssflsssz. Inssdditiso,pssducsiosssf thssopsrossssssmsyssmlldisssifisdfasssinsssssslsssss. In mayseto s frstry productls, shish sppssohsd $10 msillison USA isn 156, psssids sssnsidsssbls isssssss Is fsssssss and sssss Appssoximatsely 51,000 ssttl (gssssds sssgssds) ssers slausghtered frcnupinis, 0950 Asothss 18,000 assissss sssss exportsd imported fss losssl sssssumptiss. McPhers ssoe stissssed ths annualpercspit csssumsptssn sof ssgss asssond100spounds.' Foss aslabor-utilizatisosviepoinsugarscsnesandoffeeshavlsogbeen recognizedsscomplementarycops inprsofheMsetaCentrl. Under a hasd-labss agsiosltsssl sssooy tsshisosnaion hs grsst sssrit. Hlosssss, 0056 sosgss psicss Is cosumerss weress absss thes worldssverages(8t04 cs.pelbUSA,ndswereomintainedsat high levsls ts reward lsososscoss fsssmsrs sshs hsd fsew sbvioss isoeassessssivss. Muchsatensonsshssengisss odsssfyig fossugssssssshavessotsystohssssssd. Ths gssss vlues sof tbs plsstsis sssd sthss bsssssss isolssded is, tbs sstonasl diss sppssocsd $3 miloson USA in, 1956. Ths saiss hsassss sed fss cssking, frysng, sssd bsking ass pssducsos thst smaslsl-slsfamilylrsscassspssdssssssssoislly, andsoften in Irishbpsoatoes egrsownprincipallysotsteespslpsoIraz Vslcsns sand Is, tbs smosntalins nesss Zssssss. Appssssssstsly 0,000 ace swr lanted ts potatses is, 0055. Pssduons ws, stimated sO 225,250 bushelss (005,025 qinsass), ss ssround75 bushsls pss ar.Unpubidished datassuppied oy she MAO in~dioste tas pssssapiss sanoualosmoofpsotatslos ngs om1sso 30pounds. Ss- eralssecoicstu~dissaimedsatimovinssg poaoproduonad massksdingsssrescompletsdsbetween 1956ssod 010. Ossangss sand sssssdss, ohsysoses, spum~pkis, ssnd similss prsd- ucts,somatoes, yca,oonss,sndpinesappsth ordersnamsdssre sasssg tbs smsss impssrsant misscflsaneos fosd cops. Ulsricultures flourishess on Ase cssl hillsides sof 0Iraz6. OIn addition, produton sof flue-curedltoacosorsdssomsic se agmns thecssssbinsomsssfss tbs operators sof massy smalsl divsified fssrms is sesesal sseas. OIn mnsetosfsssesy poductos, which spssasold $10 msillison USA is 056, pssssde conssiderables incossme Is fssrmsrs sn ond Appsosimastely 07,000 castl (asoosd esgsorde) wer slau~ghtered forsssssmptos in 0156 Anosthss 18,000 animals wesss expored  othe hof,proicipllyto Colombia,Peru,andto theisd o f steers, hbl, aod oxen. Eocept hndirecdy, quality meatcut by gradhvoo receivdseiousatto o locaklmrk. The anulprcpita cnuptioof beef in 1956 was estimated af aboutf4 pounds. ho 0956, 6,0hobogo were slaughtered. Tbe avrge was about 60,000 per year from 1950 to 1955, inclusive. Porh produois gnrlly aback-yaod enterprise. ho t 1950 cesu, 2,694 farms reported5,7fimasootheifrm.Moonsumrs gad pork cuts asluxuryitem,ood oonualypercpionsupionis probblyooveo o 1oo0puds pe peo. Sincohog y- tem of farming ar ottrditionl in CostaoRiahimyrequir cniderable eperimentation before knohow As attgined. Tbo MAT, through ft ladershop of Lobs A. Vilalobos, is deop-k ing a sine-ipoveetpogram. Of ail livestogk products, daory products ear thbighest goss reene.Etiatof per cait Alk produoction An Costo Ria vary, Aut An a1960publationAlfao reportefat0it0myapoah 400 pounds annualy.' Hoee, per caita couptionof flAid Ailk As probably under ahl-pound daily, Ance aouto 56 perocen h~ome usiyor dr podsf for l, andmuhbof thmaketilk isold as Acocea or0 boote, or is onvre into on~fat dry midk. Prodton ofoultyad ggsbaog greyty expaded.Ao- siderabeaon of o ltry, botbho liea dressed, As offerdood cnuesa iy margkets, Auolativehly high pricesresrit mve Tett ocnuer.I 1950 poultry producioo averagedaltl ovroebird (aove Ae orral) ger peon, aood egg yroductgoo greatly expaooded poultry and egg market if price can be brought within the purchag ability o o oad of potential consuer (le4) wo oooriseusthorgoobthoiem. Wbhegoourreot popougaionted are prjected into Age future,a pictur emge of evental fd qhoodrqien, la d rourceso o hehof, pcilyoColomobia,Peru, a o theosandof Curo aodArubag Animal are oldoootowhoogmrlyasgowsg, stggrs, buls aood oxeno. Except Andhrectly, qualhty meato cutsg by grga havot oreceived seouso attention ono locaol markegtso. Thg gnnuaf per cayito cosuptionof behof in 1956 ooas estiateod at abouto45 pound. An 1956, 61,000 hogs were slaughtered. The avrge was aboutf 60,0000pe yeaorAfro, 19500to,155, inclusAve. Pork poduction As generally aback-yar entoerprise. In tho 1950 census, 22,604 farms reorte~d 115,078 aima on boAi farms. Moot consmr regard pork cut sluxuroooy items, aod annualperocaponsooptionb probablynotovero5 tol10poundpe pro.Sinceophogys- cosdeooble experdentobefo knowowois attane. TAe MAI, thooh he leabderooip of Luis A. VillaAoo, As deoelop- Of all livestock pooducts, dairy products ertho hight goss varoutil 10 plpcaionoAlfarogroportdtatitmay appoaob 400 pounds annually.' Hooeoer, per capita cosumption of luid milk As probably unoder o alf-ound dodly, since, abouto 56 per 0000 of alO milk producod As used on farms for eiher livestock feed, home use, ordiry productforsale,oand muchof the market milk isoold as ice c000000 o utte, oconverted inoofat dry milk. Production of poultry aod eggs can ho greatdy expanded. A con-. sderagbleaoun ofpoultry, bothlivead dressed,Aisofferd to cosuer atciy markets, boo relativelybhigh pricesorosticove mett 0osues n1950 poultry production ageggggd bobttl oroneobird (are deorrl)pepro, adggpoduction aouoodtooeggopeoooekperopeono Oppoooohtes xitoobroa greatdyexpandedpoultryoandoeggomaket ifprice canb bought widhin the purchoaig abiliy of thousad of potentilcosmr (Tabbe4) wohoohwseoustforgobheseitem. Wboeon o yurn opolotioo treod 000 projected ioto the fotoro,a pictureoemegesofoevenualoolod equibemens,lad rourcs onotheboof,principallyoColombia, Peru,oand to thiloasof Curoog angd Arub. Animalsoareold atoholesaleomerly a ow, steer, boll, ood ooeo. Eocopt ondioecly, qoality oeot oots by grode haoo ot received sous, attentio on local oorkot. Tbo aulprcpithonsumoption of beef in 0000 ooo estioated ot aouoo45 poood. To 1006, 01,000 lobgo00er saughtered. The aoeoogo ogs aobout 60,000 per yeor froo 1050 to 1955, oncodoiv. Pork produon As geoerally o baoobyord enterpris. Io the 1950 cooooo, 22,694 fooos reported 115,078 animals on thoA faroms. Most consumers rgard porkoousosloory itoos, aod ooooal perocapit o suoo ooo probablynotover5oogo 10opoundsperopeo.inceocop-ogys- temsof farming ar otoo dtonah l inoCostaoRic,ditmy rquire ooderoble experimentation before bnooohoo As ottaioed TAe MAT, thoogh bhe beaderohip of Lobs A. Villaobos, As deoelop- Of allivockproducts, dairyproductsoearnoheighestgoss reeue simates of poo copht odbk oroduction 10 Costo Mia oooy, botioo a1960phblito Alo roeporodothatitooyppoach 400 pooods ooooally.' However, poo capito oosomption of flbid oilk As pohobly uoder half-poood daily, donce aooo So per goof of alloilk poducedhis usd onfarmsforithelivsockbfed, home us, or dairyproducts for sale, ad much of the makt ilk Produon oof poultryoadggscanbegreatyepadd. Aon- Aiderable aount of pooltry, bobh live aod dressed, As offre od onsumers of cily moarket, buo relatively figh priesrotrc moo ove-0 ovoneobird(avodeorrol)pr oyooo,oodoeggypoducio aoonod too 0600 per ooob per person. Oyypoportntex foh r a geatdyexyaodd poultryoondeggmaokeoidypriooocaobebooght witinthepurchainghaby of housadsofyotentilonsumerso (Tabe4) wootherwioemustforegoftheseoiteo. pictureoeoergesof eventual food requirements,flandrourceso  needed, and possoible populaton prssre,0amon othbrs. By 1966 Costa Ric may expec o tal5 popult ion of 1,651,000 acompared t800,875 in, 1950, if presen populon trend ontoinue. Tbe 1966 foeati based upon oh, assumpton boot tho estmatdcurn rat0o populton growtb oill continue until 1566-a forecas wbicooldbeolteredifbirthdeath, andomigatioratsobhage. But f this esimatedos materializead if coppoduon and teoogical leoel remin constant, Boon ohe aount of arable faoland oeeded in 1966 oill approach 640,000 mazaa, o nearfty doooble that of 1050. 6n tho other haod, anupwngi produon per acr wold decras th hper capta rquiementsof arblelandoad lowperitolboeqireoen,theobjeciveof soeMAI programs now uder way. If t rate0 of griulta growthspasssfh tofopopltogowthBitll either imlate off-Boom migration or, infie of fthato, craeo ataral fua udoreploymoot ad rurl poverty. The anser ft i planning Tbe total land arof fth Boo ntBy's 43,086 fam approximated 4,500,000 acesin 190.Aohhoarege, o4lpren, wa rported iood, i edo wh, o inscrbowh.Nearly 05,000, or 81 per cnt of all frm, wr operasod by owner. I 1955, ownr cont hor onoly 05 per cent oft 40,066 Borm opeorso enumeratd. Newolod resorce availbefortopicloeport copsaoeftouod largynthTopl MtForetormto,formtoon-o tnig nearly 6,000,000 acres.' The largest area stretche Broom Lake Nicargua aonog ot San boon Bivro thof Carhbean Sea (dfltoo Bhnesuwr o e PdanamaboSder Aotherbare rahesfrom doe Panm border along t PacificOca orth- weswadhoughout ostof Puntarenas Povinc. Presen exporl 0cr ops finthi of ormatiooare bananas,cco and abaci. African oil pahi gr40on in Punaea Province, the oil being used for loally manfBoore products. The fomatonis needed, and possible populatio presure, among oter. By 1066 Costo Rbca my expect a01a populon oft 6,60,000a copared to 600,875 in 1050,51f presen populaton trends cotiu. T 1066 forecatibasd ponb heassupionBOthattesimtdcurn raeof populton gowtho 0000 continue until 1066-afrcs whicholdhbe lteredifbith,death,oand migtonrats0chage. Buo 0f this estimate does matiftiz and 0f crop prouon and technoogcl beveb remai con0ta0, oten tho aount of arable farmlad needed ft 1066 oHl opproach 640,000 manzana,o neary doublhabo of 1950. On the other hand, an upswing in produtonooprar old decrese hep p cpiot rquiemetsof arabl lndnd loerperwilboorquireent,obheobjectveof soeMAI programs now unoder say. Ifth at ofo agf ulua growth p assebo hatfpop ultionogroot t lo eitheoo tilate ofB-farm mgratio or, ino lie of fthat, cratovstara frra underoploymento and oura povery. T hnser so i planning Ohe total landare of oh, Bonty's 40,016 Booms approxited 4,50,000, acre in 195o. dAlmost half soe acrage or 4Bperceo, was rported inoods, inod gowth, orincb g oh.Nerly 35,000, or01 per cent ofal farms, were operat by owners. In 1950, onracountd for only 05 pero cet oft 47,2B6 farmo opeors enumert. Nwlandro rces availablefortropicalteportops arftouod largelyinthe Topicl Moit ForestFomtion,aformationcon taining nearly 6,000,000 acres. T larBes ar0a streche froo Lake Nicarguao ftong t San Boo Bieto Btof Caribea Sea (Atlintio),hsouthardtoothPmabode.Aotherare reahsfomthP anad aordeong hP aific Ocenorh- westrdtoghOoostoofutarenaso Povinc. Presetepotcops fond inhfoto arebna, caco, aod abaci. Afriftoi l palm is grown ft Puntarena Proftnc, fth oil being usedfor locally manufacturd products. Ohf ormaftoni needed, and possible population pressure, 000o000 other. By 1566 Cosota Ric omy expct toft popultooft 0,661,000a compared to 100,805 ft 1950,if presentpopulti on otods otnu. OT 1066 saeoB poultion growfth wil continueuntil 1066-afrcs whichouoldfb ted id~fbithb, deat,oadoii~onrateschag. Boos if this etimateo do materftlize and f crop production and technogftcabo leve semai constan, ten ft aounto of arable faormlaod needed ft 1066 wSll approach 610,000 manznaooo nearty doube ha o f 1950. BOo the other hood, ano upswing in production proacreowolddecrease teperocapitaorquiremontsof arbloladooandoeropeounitlboorquirements,tobjectvof soeMAI program sow, unoder soy. If the rate farclua growthbsurpassesthatoftpopultongrowthitowilobiteooimlate off-faro moigrationor, in lieu oha, cr00te vast area ofrua uoodooooployooent drorl povery. Tho answers Soe ft planoing The tofta lanod area of ot 0000try's 43,086 farms approximtedf 4,500,000 acresi 1950. Almto haoft e bac00000e, oro44 percet wasoreporftedo i dn w oodeod owh, oin scrbgowthb.Nerly 35,000, or,81 per cen of all farmso, 0000 operotod by oonoos. I 155, 000000 accounted 600 only 75 0000008t of obo 80,106 faro operators enuoeroted. Newlandrources~ availabefortropicloepororopsoarefouod largely sote Topiftal Moit Forest Formation, a formation con- taii oonary 6,000,000 acres.' Tbo 1008000 0000 stretcbes fromo Lake Nftoragua ftong tho So, 1000 Riveroo 00e Cboribbean Soa (Atlinodoo),bthencesowadstoothePaamobode.otheroareo reachesofro ohe Panama hooder along oheaii Ocean, noortoh- westwardfthoughouost ofPuntarenasPovinc. Prooont exportfcrop found inhis, fsrmatoon arobnaoa, 00000, aodoabaci.A fnol plmoisgrowninPuntanasPovinc,the oilbeig used fo locallymanfactured products. Theformon is5  aso faorable Sor sh specislty srops s epejobape Sfrut. Is the wete ps osfdtheforao,bbepodutooffs pomsea igtspcaists anepotlumbridustyis a0 posbility. Aofe poducion hs long bee cenere is th Sutopical Mos Fest Formatiooo. The faored elevaiosar booee 1,500 adf4,500 fee bosalevelwheerifalloaerge between 4 and 80 inohe annully. Average oepeaus range hstwee SI and 80 F. lbs greater poton of ohs highly producthv soils i thfomaiosreoforct olcaioigin Altogthrobouht80,- Ano wbad ofSbtrpiclMoist Fot extdsloghe wetrAsdo of ths Guo soo e OsCorddllra Pockets of good o soar aso foud is lbs adjaen Subtropia Weooest on the easter slpsof ohs Cotointa Divide. Ohs writoo has ponetratd ohs foess son ohestr slops and bolliee thasome pars oflthse Thersar vaios Sur fodcropproduopossbilities Moot of Guaacste Provincholies in thTopical Dr Fors oFomation. Ihclded thesein is aarapsrllbing ths Tempisque Rive which has great potetilitis Sor sugar csooe prodo. Ifs Iand hoods itseftooechaizedsystm of sormigh beasf1 levlopography, eailytled ad mngdoils, ad anabudac of waesor irigogs Goodoadsosnowtaesehebeartfof isrgion. abhest of Ats Sood neAses. Th Tepsque Veis apotentil are fo ceel cropproduo, and as ideal amiount of riceis nowproducedthre.Parts othTopl MotFoesreso believd to be sisable for ceels, boo hese ths doying Af gra1n forsorg bos osf ecnoicsgnificanc. Reeh is neded regading drying, grading, and stogs of grin ors. All inall, hooevos, Cos Mia hos ohs poentil So more thon pooduce Ots aso Saorble for ouh specdalty srops hs epejibaps lfut ho ohs weterparsofhefsomato,rubber prodcio es promise s aorsulofboedingoan diseseseaochfintheoAtlanico. Accod- inSo speciaists anepotlumberidstyo isaposoibilty a 4,000 feet abo sea level where rainfll averages between 40 sand80inchesaaly. Avergse teperts rangesbetwee SO a 80' F. Ths greatsr poriofl Aths highly productiv sodlsi thesformtono areoforcetsolcanioigi. Alogeher aout80,- A narwband Af Sbtropical Mos Fores oxteds along ohs wstesdofheGsanacast ordllera. Poks ofgoodosoar aso found An Soe adjsont Ssbtopia Wet Forston ohestr Alpe oh Cotinenal DiAid. The writer ha penetra ohs monan are alft suitablefod coffee. tosohl. o Tsshear vahoos uuefo rpputo possiilo oPo bili Mtoos osh hos gooat potentilities for sgaro an sioproduton.s The ladnd Atselfftomhnizesyosms oarig becsof Aevlfopography, ealy tlled a managed sol, and an abunanc of water5fo Cereal acreges mst ass be exp addi ota Rias to keep absof Aits Sood needs. The TepsquetVllyis potentilsore for crol crop production, and aonsidrble amounof A ic is ow produced there Porls of ohe TropicalMoist Forest arelso believd So be suiable for cereals boo her the dryingo grains Sor storage beoeof AesoomicsiAgniance. MResaso Aneeded regsain g drying, gradinog, and storage of grains on farmos. Adl in all, hsoweve,FCosaRcahshepotentlo orethanopoduceots also faorableh Sor sc specilty crops oas pejiboye sfrut. So lbs ooterparos oftheformotion,orubbersprodctionoospooisea asult oflbreding and dsea soerhinsthelanoo. Acor- in ospeclsoso anoepor olumberindusyo iaosslity. CsoffepouctonhaslongsseeocoterdA iteSubtoopical Mois Forsst tormon o he fbaoresd slsoatioss sse betoseo 1,500 sa 4,500 feet above sea levA where rainfall averags between 40 a 80 inoso anooosly. Avossage temperatssss sangs bstoeon SI a 80' F. lbs grete osroios of ths highly psodustioe soils is ohs foroaloon are olof enoolcaorigin55. Altogeteobsou 800oIl, A narrow band of Sbtrsopiaol Moist Forso extends aong lbs Aetensd of Ase huaast e Cordiller. Posketssof good sodl are aso found is tbs adjacent Subtropicl Wet Forston 00e e stern slops of Ase Ctinesntal Divide. Ifs wrtes hos penetrated ohs frso onhs estssn slops sod believes that0000 porlo of boose Thbroo r vrouAs futureoodcrop producionossibilities. Moot Af Guacstes Proviciso ho th Tsropicl Mr op st Formon. Issluded theseis is so aosa paoralleling the Teopisque Mises ohish boo great pootetalitie for sugar oaso productios. lbssond sonds itselo mecshanszed sysoms ohig becauseofhleelopgrphy, esily tilled sod oasaged sodls, and an abundanco of watersfor irrigatio.' hood roadossssonw frae seteheaofthisrgio. Cereal scoeages mst alsso be epanded ifCosaRc M s to hoop abreaso of Ats food needs. lbs TesopsqueoVahlyisapotesllsres for sereal srop psoducsios, sod aosderale aount of rice is now produced thoss. Parof the h opical Moost Forst alsoh believed to ho suitable for cesesls, boo boss ohs drying of grais forsorasgeo es of eoomicsgnicance.ORsearcshoisnedd regardigdyig, gadig,andsoagesofgrains onfarms. Allsisal, howeversoCosaRiahshegpotetlotomorhanroduceots  ty +l m - -':: Felling afree d' Felling tree Felling afree su t 'r tr lu ac r+l _' yA Towing a log k i Towing a log Towing o lagr k !T j. ,r a - e it If u ..14[.i. Tropical forestry . . .. Tropical forestry y eld. m II oms of '3y yields millions of yields millions of - Tropical forestry r SUSA annually to $USA annually to -r r $USA annaally to Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica oi.. 1t r Jf z s'. y$sik f - / s v.. R fi' v s cps . I'" 1 x 77 x, t Numbered and loaded r}, 3 qn; P{s77 ue Numbered and loaded j I ( Rns A Numbered and loaded s C i t+hlm s f k a A ''Ys km ,S =AA . ,.~r i . ,ee sit [p + y Aboard ship for USA Aboard ship for USA Aboard ship far USA t- TTT AdT 4M  The 2two princpal daiy regiosreknown2 as0th North Dairy Region and t02 South Dairy Region. Milk 12 usal producd at pasture productio (4,0000to4,500feet2above2se12leve). Peterso the crying4cpaiyofthepastures .. and , inresdmilkpro- ductio throug0 0ette contr1 o2 t1e qulity of fee0 concentrate.""2 The Vall de1 General surouding San Isidro, thenc al1ng t02 mo 0tin to 20eSab2a de Cabagra a,2d Potrer Grandeea 42eno Aires, ar2cidered aslikey arasfo dairy 02vel422en. These ares rughy 4ara11 the Subalpine Mos P22222an2 ar being 24ened2t motor trasportation by 222 Pan, Amercan 0142- wa.Milk production w121 have to nearly 0oub0e oh2 2050 output by 2040 ifyper capitalvl o2bf podutio2areto0emitane.If pe cpitacopumtio i0gray incrae,d demad0fonewpa- is 22 reuie to 21 maitai patue ofgoo grazing quality during the dry m22oth. Future deopment of bhe Subtropical Wet Forest2a epecially in2the4fothillsof2the0Crdiler, offerpromising possibil- the year. 02 195520202he Minisero Agr401ltu2,4Bruc Masi D.,pre sentd2t th2 Natona Assem02bly a422 plan or lad setlemen. The basi objetive outline in the proposa were t2e following: 1.Topomtea equitabl syste o la00 dsrbution and tomai- tai2itwit 2a1 improve and 2gradual4 exlotio, andtoregulat us242001020204nal2eseves 4 2. 2o 0stri2v 4 for222 4h2raul mrveet 00th 0iin 2oniioso rural workrs andthe2stbizatin of thi fmileshrough02a2 economical 00 an 222onlexlittono 2tesol 42422n and 202 South Daiy 424ion Milk is usualy producd a 4astur prducion (4,000 t 4,000 2eet above se20 lv). Peterson2 and Wes stated, "002 basi prob12 of the area are to inceas thecarying4cpacity fhptres... adicsd2 mi2k0pr- Buenos2 Aire, 22ecos0220 a likely 222sfo dairy devlopmen. Thee2 aea roughly paralle 202 Subalpine Mos o and2 ar0 be024 24en20 to20 motor24ansp202tio by 002 Pa22American high- way. Milk production wil have to neary 0oub00 the 1404 output by 1006 if per capit lev12 of production are to be maintained2. If per cpita consumpton 0s 42204l increased, deman22d for2new pas- ture1lads willbevsty simulated. dry 22on20s. Fuurdveopen 021222 f 02e Subtopical Wet Forest an0 4222s0f20202402ica Moist Forest to221 th otfLake Nicara4u, especial 02000,2y intefoti 22f h odillera, 2oeprming possibi- ties2for epansio1fhebeefcatlindusty. Muofthisarea i 422 1000 202 then Ministe of Ag40cltur, 4ruce Masis 4., pr- sented to heNationl0Assebly lan fr lan2d settlement.Th 1.o promote2an2eqitaleystemofland distrbution and2to2mai- tai i2wih n0 iprve and 220 du4 ex0ploitaio, and2toregulat usae2f4al0020 na Reser2,e. 402 2042. To242222 stiefrtegaulipoeetohe livin coditionsof rurl orer d theltabiizaton of hirfmiishouha Region an0 the South Dairy 424ion. Milk is sualy produced at pasture prduction (4,000 to4,500 1220et abv 21alee). Peterson thecayig cpaciyofthepastures...ad incrad mikpr- Buno Aires,2r1cosierea likely area foaiy devlpment2. Thee aea roghly 4ara2002 the 042apin Moist Pramo and0 r 0024g opened to m2022 t2a2224242022 by the Pan42America, high- way. Milk pr2oducton wi010 02v t2oery double th2 1004 222424 0000066 if per capitaO leel0o pr2outin0 retob m2a00 nta221122.4I An extensive 0ee2 catt0 farming area l0es almos entirely 1n220e Tropical0 DryFoes Formtio in222212 Gu0 cat Pr,222 ovince02. Annual21dry 220222d 22 022024221ar 0222022equluraio. 424242222242222222 2i50s reuie to2m1intai pastures o2 good 42az0n4 quality dur0ng the dry 2222202. 422222 development 2200 020424bopi22 Wet 42222t 220 parts of 202 Tropical Mos Forest 02 102 22220 24 Lake Nicaragu, especially 12012211 2220 0220111222 ofteCrdleaffer2prom2isingposibili- 422s f22 22422022n 20 202 0224 2220l in202420. Much 24 202s 2222 is 222 12 virgin 222202s. 4ai22 222 20252222 02024g 2222 222220 22 22 245 202 2022 Min1ster 220402222222r, 42222 Masis 4., pre- 22220d 22 202 N2a2ti 22nal 1 Asebyaplan2forlandsettlemen. The basic objectives out1220 12 002 proposal 22222 202 2202ow124: 1.Topromote2a22equitable2ystem2of2lnd distrbution2ad to2mai- 22120200th a im2proved2and4gradul2eploitation,2an2to2regulat usaMeof al0Naonal2Reserve. 002222422. osrv o h rda improvement2of1thelivingcoditi2ono 22221 worker 0222 t4hestbiizat2o 2220222222022202224022ha 222222ical0a1222022222le122o0t2tion2of220222oi.  LoLradg a ~ lalndpA~y p~~ n~dAiy thep Adnra d ~ A IA t . d Acodigt th p ropoals ald la nd not pialyo publicl asNatina l eeres Th iprooal reconizd that h timeha arrivdwhe PPa nioal lad polpcy must be adopd. A p pfora- maebt to Poetl lae la in ihlings an d topeetpar- PlPa octzn b tld gparced by ate shouIP ld be i A lag Adoght prvd 1955 ity to~ I c one e deelp P n improve thA lA nd to, gpc effcietl the 371d fiber an vegeCable oi neded fr natioalcnsptionanto pimpove thpeconoicllbeigo According to tAe prpospa, all lads not privately orpublicly as National Reseres. The proposal rogized tatI tAP timehad aived hea naionaland poliy mustbe apted. AnPefoIIas made both PP forestal large ilifundia holdingsant Ppreven par- The propoal adacd Pas that in aading Nationapl Reserve land to p ciien h pacel grated shoud Ae large enouht provide secuity; tocose, develop, and imfprov the land;t produce ffiiently thefod,iber, ad vgetable ils needdfo naioa cosuption, and to imprv the Aloomi wll-being of The time of audatfe PPlandis naring a ed. Priate acqui- sil o openland by squtngo throughbp padvrs Apossssinill become Pore difficult in th years ahead. Recogiingp PAPAe prob- lem he govenmentiooaion ithA, promotedathre- monthA suvy in 159todeterine thefaibiity ofplanndad settlemen." Two of the mjorpropoals IArtcomig were that setlrs huld bguidd byagriulrlextensiopcilists ad fianced throghcontrlledPcrdi. In 1955 the ICE, in Poopeaion with the MAI, coductedafr maagement sury of 371 fam in Ah Cuena Media del Rio Gande de Trlesp.Thewitepatiipated ievl aalytical According to the proposls, all lands not priately pr publicly ond wold blong tothefdralvrnead wuld bknown as Nationa Resepps The prpal recogized tat the time had arivd when p naiona land policy mus be adpted. An eforwa made both to forestal large ltfudia holding a to preven par- celing of land int units too smal for proitable operatio. The propsaldvacdasainaadinN tioalReserv lands to citizen the pacel grantd shold be large enough t provide Aecury; Po Aosev, develop, and improv PAP land; PP produc efficiently the food, fibe, and vegetable oils neded fo naioa consuption, and PP imprv Ahe ecnoic well-being of The time of abudan Ife lap isp pern an end. Privt Pacqui- beoemr difficult in the year ahead. Recogizing thAPe prob- lems the govrnen, in cooperation pith ICA, promotd ahree- PontA suvyin 199 tdeterine thefeaibility ofplala settlement"~ Two of the major proposls forthcoming were tat setlersshould be guidedbyagicltl extenspion speilistspapd An 1955 the ICE, in cooperation pith thA MAI, conducted apar magmet sry of 371 farm in the Cuenca Media deI Rip GandeAdePTarcoles. Thewitepariipated in severl anlytical  phae Af this study. o 3ar a 0 s cudbascertained this was the fisrsr mngemnstudy underaken in Centra Americ to b whollypae,bfiancd, ands carried ou aionally Ths averg ols capital ivsted perfsssinth s Cuenca Medas ws V88,260 ($13,312 LSA) and raged fro $2, to $2,202,- 000, sccodinp to Benav3des of 0IC0. He clasifiA 42 percnto th amesss cofe prdues, Oil perce s suga ca prb- dusp ,5 per lipt as oses ofanuas cp, n he lbs ain- $f 50,000. and 00 per cent earnd lesslthan $5,000. Eighty-two persentoflhesperator lsswefr owss53 perscen had lss peren of the oprtoseployed hsa laor exsively in thel In anotshes pbase Af the sdp Msotoy a Alleger sapalye raged i , asue $rm 5,000 to $6,000 per m0,zana ($425 to $520 per acre). In gnerl,I farm incomess weeto owtpri earned lbs highest sverge farsm incoms. 0t seemed unikely lbat sugar producd from sugars an growo steep mountainb slops, and lasgely sitb had labor,scoldsevsscopesucsslyson Another se puI Is the Cuenca Media dat wass to determine a ratber sple metodA Isr determining cshsts of0, production. ltigllshnalsh otls (ou-fpcketepess) forfrmbn f Iom armig. Ths diPference wa termed3 net income. The da, prepsard y GrgrioAlar, wer reasedbSICAinSpanish with expilaonts. Itwahssume h t if a farer apiedis ypof aalsis to phases of this study. o far as Ioud Oe scertained0sb was Ihe whol Ilaned finaced aosdpcarried siut ntoally. ,sb was5 $88,200 ($13,002 USA) an1d rage from $2,050 to $2,202,- 000, accodig to0enaids 2f01 HesAlasifid2 pr cntso ducrs 15pe cnta produces of anua crops, and0 th rman operators prtial0A0,, fiacd hi oeaiostrog heueo agiulua crdi.O nl 5,s per b~s cet leprtd prssome iness sof $50,000, ssd 36 percet ared Oes thas 05,000. Eight-two per cent of, the , opeatos ere s far 5ones, 53 per cent had less sOa fvmazs (8.6sars ) ofplnd underbs culitio1n, ld6 prouto ofs thei cro56 sps. On sssthes phssseo sOe study Msstsps asd Allsgss sapssyzd sugar cane farm spssslisss.1 Thsp fsssd tat highst labss is- co ss mssgarssssepsdos wese realised ss issds shich ranged is vslss fsss $5,000 Is $6,000 per manzana5 ($025 Is $2peace.Is gesssal, farm incomes were too lowtopemi savingslssrscpisslscumlatss,sansystsssssl disessifidsarm-s isp where, cofss sss combined with ssgssss ssnad sthss sssps easssd the highst sssssps fsss incomes. It sssmsd ssliksip that asd lssglysith anb labor, clsssoild evrcsss ucesulyo Assthes ss put to tbs Cussscs Msdis data,0 was osserine rsthss simple metod fss detersmisisg css csts sof producio. Thesmetohd had Is Os esyp enoughs tos beudestoosd Op afsrmer witlimte s mun ofs e055 lducatons. Briefly stated, itsentaldsabu- ltalsbplsssual sh ls ys ssutlofposkstlsspess)orfsring asdlthesssubtractighieiralsfrom hbstolnul cais income from fassisg. The diffssssss sss termed sst income. lbs dst, ppared bydGregorioAlaro,weesrlsed bypSTCAiSpanih sitb ssphsntorsssp s It0was assumed thas ifs a farmerspplisd tbis lyps sof analysis ts phsss sf lls stsdy. o bas ss sssid Os sertaibsd thib sss lbs was 008,100 0003,012 USA) snd rage fsss $1,050 Is $2,102, OO,ssccsdig tslssssidesssfICE."lHsscsssiisdl42psssstso sussss, 15pssn so sproducersl ssanalsrps, andibhesemain agriculturascrdit. Onlypercentrportdgrsinoeinxcs sof 050,000, a 00 pssss ssssA bandlss tas $5,000. Eightp-twss perscentof thespeass weresssrmsownes,5percentlsd lss tbss bssssssssans (b.6 ssses)o slsnd erssslisatiss, adl6 sssl setolhospssstsss ssmplspsA bssd lbss exslssisely is the pssdussiss sf thisssops. Is assobhes phssse sos thesdp Msospoy snd Alsossr asalyzed comes om sssss s lasp pr sssto sbr raie bi lass ic ranged is vau from Oss5,000 to $6,000 ps, mansssss($115 ts $520 pss acre). Is general, fasss incomess were tosowtpri sasisgslsssscpitl accusulsto,sasstessofsdsedfarm- ing sbsss coffee sss ssombissd swibh supssar canad otber cssps easssd bhebighbstsasesagefsrm incssss. Itseemesdsulikelsha ssrpssdsssedssssssssugrcn rw p sosep mountislosps, and lasgelp witb bssd labs, coslA ssss csmpsts succssfullyo Anobher ss psi Is sbs Csssss Msdia dats sss ts determines ratherssimspesmetbodfordetermiigshbcossofprductio. Tbs methosd had ts be esy enough ts be undesood by a farmer fsom fssmssp. lbs diffssssss ws seme nets sscme bsss lbsats, prepared byGregorisAlfaro,sweeresesd by STICA inSpanshb wihssxplaso nostses. Itssss asssme thss ifalsssmssspplied this tpes sof asslysis ts  TABLE 7CS COSTSd AN RETURN PER7 MAZAA 176 77 FE 77777777.C77777 MEDIA7 DE R7k777 GRANDE COSTA7 dICA, 1954 7777 77Aerg sz 777 77777 77..77777....7.77. 77. 71777777.777777 3. Area77of 77offee7under 77cult7vation 77777777777.5 477alper77manzana7of7coffee7harvested __7anegast 7 10.2 5.7Perc7ntge7of7farmincome7deivpd7from7offee..7..... 777877 7777777777777777777777 7777772777777777se) veag pr anan 6.7 Hired7labor. 77.7. ............ 77 ..(..7... 77732 . 77.7 AGIULUA ECONOMICS7 4577777777777 77. 77777 the7prodction7o7any7gien7cropenterprie7it7wold7revel7to7hi 777777 7AS 777T 7777 777.7N 7777 777.77A 77.76 77FE FARMSCUENC 7 M777777777777i777777AN77,777O7777777777777195 7 777777777777777777777 77 7777s 777.77in 7717 7777. 77777777776 2.7Averag7size7of7arm .._.......777i777777...77.777.ma 77777772.7 . Area7of7cofee7under7ultivation7_777777.777777.777777777s 6. 7777 7777 777 per ,77 manzan of 7.7. co7f har7ested _.... ......_ s 7170. 5.7 Percentge7of7farminc 7me 7deived7from 7offee.7...... 777 83. 777777777777.77,77777777 777t 777ta 7777 Exenes77ergep 777nzn AGRICULTURAL 777777777ECONOMICS7.77777 457 777777777777 777777777.77y7ivn 777777777777.7 oul reeatohi 7777777 7777777OTSAN 77777N 777ER77 77.77NA 7717 7FE FARMSCUENCA 7 MED7777 777.7 77777 77.7DE 7777777 777CA77 777777577 277777777g7e777777777f777a777777777777777777.7 3.7 Ara7 of. offeeunde7 cultvatio7 ....................... 677.777 57 4. Sale7pe77m7nzana7o 77c 77fee7ha7ve7ted 7fa.egast7 102 5. Percentage of7fa7m 77nc 777deri7ed7fo 77c7ffee.7...... 7787. 7777777777777Costs.(Total Farm7Expenses) 77 verage7per7M.n7an  hand labor toproducestheircrops, aplied arud700 hosinsthe production andlrvstingso n azn (400bhrs. pracr), a facts~or whc otibutd tobigh pe-unsitcoss. This sudyas flld by an appasalf thepotoidsty, incldig asreiewofsmarketig practices. R.E. L. Greene, who condctedthesuy, concudedhatdi,5sease-resedatowe thans previlinsg c sswas neesded and that poato diseses badt be brought unsder effective control before the marsketing of pota- tos couldbegreay improved." As asusl of Greene'sssurveydring isl58ostwo-nh tour of duty,twopsoatopodction eprmsd for 159 weplannesd ancrd ou. The bjecvs were to (1) determiewys to lowess o o mmp edrciaprdcto, (2) imsprove procssin methodsforhadligasd ssemly,sasd (3 scomplesmaket prce datsos tes h lsale d reil vls fssopesea.iffiulis asswhich preventd ths completion sof thes study An detail a plannd, butmh alabliformions gind. R. A. Pondleos, STICA Agoos, prepared ths eperimental atspproimatelsy 5,000 fee ansd Ahe other at6,500 setov seass Aot st h differsntia sffo sOltitude asd climate son potato dis- esessBoeperes wd esigedforthreesypeof diseas control:(1) convenioa spraying (verywet),(2) mistspraying, and(3) dsing. C d sttbsswr sdforshffso varietis: Kennbe,Harfod, Estsll, adMoradalancas. Esa maorexermetl plot ws subdivided into 7 subplots ofsapproi matlyl10byO4 fee. Thispermitsdscopletesrplaions f al Whsen harosing dats bsecams svilble Pendleton made the fol1 lowsig satisialslultisf thesresls. At the 5,000-foot slaion s tai sically significant difference wsounsssd froms (1) sdscutting, (2 sd cutig corrlatedswith signsificantss bstwson dises ontrold trssatments alones, sprsaig beig faoreefecivehandsig.her aasignificantffe- reported tas potat farmerss wo, by and large, depended uspon hand labsst produsce thes cops, applied aound 700 hourss i h prodton adbhvsigfone anz( a(4O s. peracre, forsssw~hic cntibutedssobighbper-unitoss. Ohis sdy wasfolowed by ansppraisal sof the poato indstry, including a review sof marketing practics. R. E. L. Greene, wo conducted Ase survey, conclded sha disesefrees sd a oe tho prevang costs ws seeded and thss potato disses had to bs bsoghst unsdes effectivecontrol beore ths smarketing sof pota tsould bs grealyimpoved." AsasultbsfhGrees sursvey duringlsl158o monthtso sof duty, two potato producton eperient for 1959 were planned saod s-srid out. Ohs objetsA~ were t(1) deoersins wso lo oss ofcomecilproductio,(2) imo prssing methods sor handling and assehly, and (3) compile msarket prdc datasonshe whsolsadreailevlfronyer. Difficultis asehich presessed the sompleoof sthA study in detala plannd, but muh valuable informto as gaind. R.0A. Psendeon, STICA Agrosts, preparsd the5 eperimental designsforhegoigperimns. Oeeperienosocated atsapproimately 5,000 feetssnd heotheats,500 feetabovesea to tesh differental sffeof altidtude and climat on potats dis- eae.Botheperimenswer desigedfor three typesof fdiseas contrl: (1)scovnioap ayig (veysset), (2 mstbsspaig, saod (0) dsting. Cso and unctstbs were sd fsorh f four varieties Kssssbec, Harsford, Estrella, sand Msssda Blanca. Essh masjss experimentalplotsws subdividedino 72 subplsots ofspprox- matesly 10 by 40 feet. Oh0s permitted complete replication sof all Whsss hasting dsts bsessse available Psendlssson sssde Ase sol- As Ase 5,000-foot ehssatiss no satsticalOp significant diflsesenss wsssfounsdlssrom (1)seed cutting, (2)ssdscutingssssrelssdwh significantss bsesssss dises onto treatmentssss alsone, spraying being far moreffeciveansdsig. Theressss sigifican diffe- hand labss to produce their sssps, applied assousd 70 ossinthe factorswhichcontibutesdssohigh per-untsosts. This sudy wss follsowsd by sas appraisals ohs potato indstrsy, including a evewo marsketing practices. . E. L. Gssssse, wo sondscted the sursvey, concludAed tat dss-Isee seed aoe ohsn prevailing csts ws nssded ssd thass potato disesss had t be brsssghs sssdss sffsstiss contol before Ase marsketing sofoa toesscouldbegreaty improvd." Asassultsfbssssn's susssy durinsghis 1058 two-month tours ofduty, to potato production exspersments for 1959 wesss plannesd adscaridsdout. Thesbjeciss wers tos() d etermsinesswysto lowerscostsfscommeril prductio, ()iprovesprossig metholdsforshasdlingadssmbly,ssd (3) comsplemarketpdsse datass onh whlsasle sssd retail levls fos one yssr. Difficltis ase whs~ichspreventedsthescompetinsofthstusdy insdetalss plannesd, butssmuch valuasbe informaion sssgined. R.0. Psendlseson, STICA Agssssssist, psspsssd Ase sexpesimessntal dsign for Ase gssowing expsdrimsnts. Ones sspeimenst wsss located atspproximatel5y 5,000 feets asnd the other a6,00 feet aboveseas totst h diflsssentisl sffest sos altisds sssd climates sss pstato dis- Bass. sothsxperisens sssss dsignesd 1or tlsss types of diseses cnrl(1) ssonssntisnasspsayig(sssyssst), (2)misbspyinsg, ands (3) dstsing. Cut and uncustues weressssssd sssssacs5ossssu saristsss Kennebec, Harford, Esrella,ssnd MoradBlanc.Eah masjss sspeimenstals plstssss subldisidesdintos 02 sublotss sfappsxA- mately~ 10 by 40 feet. ThiO permsitted comsplete replicaions of all Whess hssssssting dsts bscsos sssilabls Pssdlstss osds ths fol- lsssisgstatisticslsslculstiossohssssls. As Ohs 500oots slssstiss ss stssissicasly sigsifissst diffssssss wsfosssdso(1) ssdsutisg,(2) sssdssutisgsssssltsdoith sigsiicssst ss bstwsss disse ssostrl treatments slsss, spraying beingfar ore effectvestassdsig. There so signiiasstsdffer-  vaitis Disas damage avrgedexd iglyigh. As the 6,00,ootss level disese ssamage ssas much less. Here it wassoud that, as atth lowers elevation, dissecontrol tet met eesignifican, as weedifrecs betweensarietis. I cnrstot5,000-footseper'sments, at teslgherss evasoseedss significat.Cusd ~ofeEstrella vrietysu-yieldedsunctseed at ,500 feet. W. J. Wiltbank, STICA Hsoticlturist, is cosspassy with Oscar Garsfalo, MAT Pathologist, partiipated is Ase harvesting stusdis ansd insbserinsgdiseasseiftatsons. A smll sample( lbs)swas selected from eahsofst72subpls at bthseatssostorasge tios atElJAlto (60° to80 F. temsperatures) at normlshumidity. Nevertheless, rsuslts insdicateth storagessf loclly gropotatoes cansbespracticed if anffor s mdeostorenlyhealty tbs." This rsearchs indicated thst ass elevation above 6,000 fetss moefavorable for potato production is Csos Riss tha, at5,000 feet. Itswassfounsdsthsa utpotato sedcnbe sdf tbssare dlisese-free assd susberized bsfors plsstisg. This lowers see sts coiderably. Mst spraying give s esuslts. It redusces Ase quantity sof water thatsmustsbe carid by lsboes, aodftuslowers theamun sof labor rqired for spraying. TOe us occptable ctsedadmsspryigpopelysppliedcanbsfey reco- vaest(KenbecsandHarfod,soonamestw) hasebsttesma- keing quaishtha O two long-stabltshed losal soiis (Estrella Price seords of 1050 wholsalepotsts sls as Cartago were gatheredfooseramobtsyMarifoCdob. so,retilip es o h sonhhsJo smrktwdereod ysjorariis by hregorio Alfaso ford o2weks. Subsequently these dsbswr aa lyedsatthisitysofFloifdby Aouderiheguidnof Gree Partially asrsult Af Ohe sevrleoomic studismn tod, aod more especialy bcueof Ah a na s otosi intro- duston and breeding experimens sonductd by Ase MAI, betoe vsaes. iseas sdamage avrgdexcedigyhigb. As bse 6,500Afoot levl disese damag oas mchless. Here ft wasod tas, astth lsssr slaio, disese sontoltret met eesignificas, aweediffisencs bessovitss s. I Astrs toth0,000 foos eperiment, as the higher elevato seed cutigsload sed cuttiorreatdwihdisese ontir~olwr 5sinifican. Cotseedos he strlaaisessy outyielded utseeod at0,500 fee. W. 5. Wiltbank, STICA Hsotculturss, in company with Oscar Gaofailo, MAI Pasthologist, psacpated As ths Oast ng stusdis oaod isobserin disaseinfstabtions.sml b sa ple(5sls.)ss slce sfromb eac of i th 2ssbpsots otelios foostraye sobsrats adwassstorehsunderssomewiht nfaorasblecondi This rsearc iodicated that an slevstion abo 0,000 fee s moe fvrble fopotato produon in Cs~os Rica tha at s5,000 diseas-fread brizdbeforplanfting. Tis lwessedcos sosidsrbly. Mist spraying giavoral resh sults. It rdoses Ase quantity of wate shat mst be carried by laboes, a thuss lowers thsamunt fborquiresd forsprying. Thssofcptble Au sedad mistsprayingpoperly aplid so be safelyrcm oended forpotasosgrowigsataslevatsioo iovr0feSOome varits (Knnbecad Hfod,s tometo) hsvebettessma- keting qualitiso hnto long-stalshed local varits (Estrella Pric seords sof 1050 whosl psossato s aso wer gaterd oseveral ontsby Mao Cdoba. Aso,osretairs on hSaossooarktweeodd bysjor vriisioby Grggorio Alfaso Sor 52 wesks. Subsequently these aswreaa lyzed atthe University of Florida by 00ar undor the guidanceof Greeoes,"Partiallyas a rstoheseverlooi stdiesme- tod, and more oeseially becasof sO e anua potat sintrso- duon and breeding experimens coducted by the MAI, better enesstwenvatsies,oad betwees cuad unutseedwthin vaieso. Diseaedaaevrgd d edgly ig. As Ose 6,500-foot sove diseseo damg gss ouh les. Here 0t wa5ound that, as athe lowe slaio , diseas conolteat met eesigificants, aweedifferncs betweesvasfts. I cnr st oh 5,000-foot experihens, as the highsr slaisons sd sigifican. Cotseofse strels varfty outyielddounutsesd at6,500 feet. W. 5. Wilbask, STICA Hotiulust , An sompany sibh Oscar Cor~sis, MAT Patholist, paricpsae inth harvesftg stsudis andinsbsrig disifsos.A salsaple (5lbs.) a tons atsElAlto (60 t s80 F. tepertrs ato snsomalhuidty. Neverthlss, rsutsinditdtdhastoragesiosocly gownpoatoe canbesprfticedofl fot ismsdestostoresonlyhealhytbs."t Thisrserc indicted tat aseeionss sao 0,000 feeos m ore ~ Saoalor psosats proutison is Csta Riss thon at 5,000 feet. Itwsond thatscutpottseedscabe sdf tbesare dieasre sad seizdbeorepling. Thi oesseedcost considerably. Miss spraying give bs faalersls. It reducs the quatity sof watess thss mst be Os aid by labos , anftshus lowers the aountsof labor required Sor spraying. These of0 acceptablei ctseeodoad stspraying poperlyappliedscanbesafelyrom-o menddiorptatogowingsatoaelevtioo ve ,000fe.OSsom varftiets (Kennbec adIs H a ssrd tosnmesto) hasebttersmar keting qualitis tho two long-stbished locals vris (Esotell and ModoBlanca). Pric seords Af 1050 whfosal pott sss so as Catg wsrs gathere Afor seerlontAs by Msai C~roa.~ so, retail prics ons hSans ssmarketsereroddbysmjoro vitiesby ssgssis Alfasss fos 52 ssssks. Susbsequesntdy tbsss dstis raa lyzed at Ohs Univesity sof Florida by Alfao unsder the gusidsscs of Greesne." Partiallyssasresl fsbthesissevrleoomicstuismen- tossd, sssd oss sspscisily besssss of the sssnual potsts into- dsftison sod brsediog experment coducted by Ose MAO, boote  knowledge hs developed is rspeto seesd prouion spracis, diseascnls,asdsmktigf potatos. Obstsals to progress is agicltur ar mstly Af a chicaI naturesinc problesolvsing requsasfoundatin ossearcsh fosort-run imspoemsare the folloing: 1. Cst Af prducio sdiedsfoalmjr crop and lvstokente- pr Iis ss ls ds As 2Inomtoonsiclaoran maera reqirens fo Ill mao Wrops as reuie fors crdi upss and Ao svetus lia keUn Lsthis sssrpslce teraditonlnds bolte 5.sayksis Aipoeasml n rnpraino rp n sLons g-ssssn hsssomi progrss lates to cultura atrbtssasd 1. pand-tenur practics andI objecis.lsspsis ii~sss 3.stizaion ofsss tecshn iffal. olhdg andsssfsssiscofssshsst incesesis Asessssontrols,ssadmarketinsgof patoess. Obst asls is progress is saricultur are mstly of a technical natssincssprolem solvigsseqsirsssfounaiosssfsesac forsshsrs-rn impssssvemsess rhesisllossng: A. Cosst fpouto sstudsfralmjrco sssi llvesstockssnterI i2s Inform is s onbsi sso admael rpssireessssrals m ajo rps s seqipss fo csredi pupsss and fo sspsulina psgrs sssssmming. ~ ss ssss ssbss s 3.sseofsagricuslurascredpstosexpndsorskstrssitsaiculira Assssctisio ssn ss. shss.Lssspslysjsis ssumsss Asstlst sadtnr practsssicspss isn next tss hssssssni sseisn~igssqalsissasshsssssssLssg-ssspsohscy ojis shosincsssissssassscss ints ssspsissi~ss 1.iss Land-tenur prssactissce Ti s~s isd o ssj hss ssssshs ksssldgs hss AssslspsA is respect ss sssA pssdsstiss psastisss, Aisesssssstssls, ad ssksins sfptaos Obsacls ss progress in agriculture are mstly sf a tehnicl sstrssnss problsem sslsssg requires s foundion iss seasssh knowledge Kinds ss sgricutalsecossmic reseasrsh sss needed foshrtrniprovements issp the followi ss pisssss slsilslsssi 2ss. s Iformaisn son bs Is bo andi sss ria reuis mntss r l majr crps as ssAire foArdiupsesssndsssssssstalina 5.UWasstoissoseissssmbs an rptio yfip sass Log-u ecno i ss grs eits so putua atrbte lbs pssspsstiy sf Ussist Piis s ua A rodcssiy y sps uchsiss n posw sshsssesssrp.l s ssis sss sssisslhio ssqsecsicashsssssssgssassspssscoeisicse 4. Dvlp mentssiofshagriltralssicalspnformatinineeedfo subic oy plannisnAg. sl.Tiss~sis s ssssisssfs  yAGRCUTUALA ECNMIS4 by th attaACsaRcnagiutr oe o rvdesfiin effor. ft AtAeAAfore becma mte Af orgaization to detemin Ah wises use ofmny,A mapwe,adpioriy irsarchnde- best in Ah Aonuc of i ts ar, rsac include. Hoevr Ati the opinion Af the wrte tat grater aoplishbent coud be ahee with thA e lb poe nowA engaged Ain A rs aad wit lbhe monyno p endd ponitifal aAgriula l rearchwere ctralized adAAoriaft AAA l l AInARAAA spit othacivmnsnmanypasesofagricAtalArA- sarchA i An Cot Aic to A dae alA th A are noeo y foraation asafixa cto A ut alsob be recgnizA. A nation must think in tersAfAlvesAoAlvigA and AAAd spplies.Moreove, ayasting soluion bb s be conistyn ith natioal histArA vale a d bA apable gt Athe A Aoit affected bAisrepra freAdoia nd protectA~AAAAAAgAA rihsrgre siaeable-aA frmfuA atoA uo AyIAGIUAAUA CMCASAAA AA49A AA~AiAAAA bAAy AAAAAA Ah fact A that A AAAAAAnariutrede ntpovd ufiin incoAme AAAAA AAAAr sbtnilwdpracaiaauation.AAA~fA AAaAA RaAisAtoodsallAaA counAry bothAinAsizandmontaryAr- bAAt AA thA AAAAuc AA tl afaiAAs, AAAAAAAA AAAAAAed AAAAAAA, At is AbA ApiAAAA AA tbe wAiAAA that AAAAAAA acAAmpliAAmAAAA AAAId ftA achievedAwihAtheAmapowerAAAA Ao enagenraraAAAAAAAwihAh AIA it oftA aAAAAemnt Aid may aAA s AAoAfAA rcluaAAAA AAA. AbA pAAsibiAiy ol exAeAAAAA pressures of popuato on AAaAAA solutions Aus AAe AAAiten AAAtAA aina hiAAAAA values An bAeAAA apAaA toAA thAAA AAcet aAAAAAA AtAA AAAAAuiA pesnlfedmanAA protectAAgAAsAAAarAAAAAAasaeabeaAAAmAounatAA. po AGRAILALIECONOIC 49AAAAAAAAAAAAAIAA the wiseAst AAA AA money,A mapowA, alA pririy Al resarc lubdeAA- taAingAA EaAA naAAAi AAAoAn AI mus AAAArmne AAAAtse AAwatraaionAA best in AlA AAAAAAt of iAs afAaiA, AAAAAAch inAAAAeA.AAoweAer, itA AAA opiAiAnIofAtheAwitrat ArAAIAA aAAAAmpihmAAAAAAAAldb achAAAIAi AAe AAAvAAeAd AAAAA AAAAe mapwrnwegaebArsachadwt h moAAeyAAAA epAAnAAdupAAAA iifalaiAuualAAAarcAAwerAe cetalie andA Al orbA ateAAAAAd. A AAAA AsApAit AAAe Afteahevmnsiay AAAae agr tualy e AAAA. AbA pAAAibility Al AAAAAAAAe pressure AA Aluato oAnA lAanAA AAterAms IAAI oleesolvigaAAAAAAd sppliAA MAAeAAAr, ay laingA which tA plAA AbA AAAAAA growthA Altenain  50 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP 6. W. K. McPherson, "Report on Land-Use Problems Inherent in the Develop went of Costa Rica's Sugar Industry," University of Florida Contract (San Jose: STICA, 1957). Mimeographed. 7. Gregorio Allure, "The Dairy Situation in Costa Rica" (San Jose: MAI and STICA, 1960). Mimeographed, 23 pp. 8. J. R. Hunter, "An Agricultural Land-Use Plan for Costa Rica" (San Jose: STICA, 1953). Unpublished. 9. See report, "Tempisque Valley Project Investigations" (Washington: USDI, Bureau of Reclamation; Costs Rican MAI and STICA, 1955). Mimeographed. 10. Arthur W. Petersen and Quentin M. West, Agriculture Regions of Costa Rica (Turrialba: L L A. S., 1953), p. 14. 11. The International Development Service, New York, under contract with ICA. 12. Oscar Benavides, Estadio Agricola-Eeonomico de la Cuenca Media del Rio Grande (San Jose: ICE, 1956). See also "The Agriculture of the Rio Grande River Section of the Central Plateau, Costa Rica, with Special Emphasis on Coffee Farms" (Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1957). 13. J. Francisco Montoya y D. E. Alleger, Organization y Operacion de Fincas de Cana (San Jose: MAI Bol. 20, 1957). 14. R. E. L. Greene, Estudio Eeon6mieo de la Producei6n y del Mercado de Papas en Costa Rica (San Jose: MAI Bel. Tee. 20, 1958). 15. D. E. Alleger, "The Development of Agricultural Economic Research in Costa Rica," University of Florida Contract Termination Report (Sam Jose: STICA, 1960). Mimeographed. 16. R. E. L. Greene y Gregorio Alfaro, Elemplo de Fariacidn an Loa Precios de L. Papa, Mercado de San los6 (San Jos6: MAI y STICA, Inf. Teo. 11, 1959). 50 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP 6. W. K. McPherson, "Report on Land-Use Problems Inherent in the Develop- ment of Costa Rice's Sugar Industry," University of Florida Contract (San Jose: STICA, 1957). Mimeographed. 7. Gregorio Alfaro, "The Dairy Situation in Costa Rica" (San Jose: MAI and STICA, 1960). Mimeographed, 23 pp. 8. J. R. Hunter, "An Agricultural Land-Use Plan for Costa Rica" (San Jose: STICA, 1953). Unpublished. 9. See report, "Tempisque Valley Project Investigations" (Washington: USIA, Bureau of Reclamation; Costa Rican MAI and STICA, 1955). Mimeographed. 10. Arthur W. Peterson and Quentin M. West, Agriculture Regions of Costa Rica (Turrialba: I. I. A. S,1953), p. 14. 11. The International Development Service, New York, under contract with ICA. 12. Oscar Benavides, Estudio Agricola Economico de la Cuenca Media del Rio Grande (San Jose: ICE, 1956). See also "The Agriculture of the Rio Grande River Section of the Central Plateau, Costa Rica, with Special Emphasis on Coffee Farms" (Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1957). 13. J. Francisco Montoya y D. E. Alleger, Organization y Operation de Fin- de Calla (San Jose: MAI Bol. 20, 1957). 14. R. E. L. Greene, Estudio Ecoaomico de la Produmi6n y del Mercado de Papas en Costa Rica (San Jose: MAI Bel. Tee. 20, 1958). 15. D. E. Alleger, "The Development of Agricultural Economic Research in Costa Rica," University of Florida Contract Termination Report (San Jose: STICA, 1960). Mimeographed. 16. R. E. L. Greene y Gregorio Alfaro, Elemplo de Fariacion en Loa Precios de La Papa, Mercado de San Jose (San Jose: MAI y STICA, Inf Tee. 11, 1959). 50 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP 6. W. K. McPherson, "Report on Land-Use Problems Inherent in the Develop- ment of Costa Rica's Sugar Industry," University of Florida Contract (San Josh: STICA, 1957). Mimeographed. 7. Gregorio, Alfaro, "The Dairy Situation in Costa Rica" (San Josh: MAI and STICA, 1960). Mimeographed, 23 pp. 8. J. R. Hunter, "An Agricultural Land-Use Plan for Costa Rica" (San Jose: STICA, 1953). Unpublished. 9. See report, "Tempisque Valley Project Investigations" (Washington: USDI, Bureau of Reclamation; Costa Rican MAI and STICA, 1955). Mimeographed. 10. Arthur W. Peterson and Quentin M. West, Agriculture Regions of Costa Rica (Turrialba: I. I. A. S.,1953), p. 14. 11. The International Development Service, New York, under contract with ICA. 12. Oscar Benavides, Estudio Agricola-Economice de la Cuenca Media del Rio Grande (San Jose: ICE, 1956). See also "The Agriculture of the Rio Grande River Section of the Central Plateau, Costa Rica, with Special Emphasis on Coffee Farms" (Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1957). 13. J. Francisco Montoya y D. E. Alleger, Organizacion y Operation de Fincas de Cana (San Jose: MAI Bol. 20, 1957). 14. R. E. L. Greene, Estudio Etonomico de la Producci6o y del Mercado de Papas en Costa Rica (San Jose: MAI Bol Tee. 20, 1958). 15. D. E. Alleger, "The Development of Agricultural Economic Research in Costa Rica," University of Florida Contract Termination Report (San Jose: STICA, 1960). Mimeographed. 16. R. E. L. Greene y Gregorio Allure, Elemplo de Pariacion en Los Predos de La Papa, Mercado de San Jose (San Jose: MAI y STICA, Inf. Tee. 11, 1959).  Land-Use Problems in the Sugar Industry E sseniall, alltheAsgar consumd inCsa RlAiai esendomest~ic trapichesio ingenios. The market for Ahis sugar i ioated from AAe wrld market by (1) the imlposition ofaigh dutyo he imrttionAofAsgaAr,d (2) fixigltheprice co- Awould prAvAil if sugar producd in other conre could be pur- chad frAely.goermet sncionly eoh reigtrade in sugar IA sabAilizA the d osic price itix for suga rom ea r in the dometi market, farer dease land are Aused topro- duce caWA ad the aounof ane produe fromthe 1950-51 ser- son hrogh thA 1953-54 seaso (Tables 0 Wd 2). Both thr ar ploantd in cane ad tamon of cane A Aproducd incraseo me- whatl dring thr 1954-55 cop yer andpobbly still mo during the next two yersr. Neverheless, 1i5 isdnikely that this icrasehas beenlage nghItobmuchmor hnoffst hdec~ln hatltok plWa earlier. In nr ato A tAheAtred inan production, thA amountAofIsugar produced inhecuntyAacAhed anal-ime igh AAAA boetaA 700,000 quinals in 1950, and AIhAA Aell Aof sarply. From 1950 to 1955, sugras expAotd but during thernext two yars OiasAsaryAtAAiApoA (Tabler3). FAAW 1950 to 1957 thA numrA ol ingenioAsAAinrasedIfro IA t 29. ThAA yield Al AAgAA pAr tAA Al caAA vaAiAA widely friAAAi to ingenio. Prt of this vaatAon is due to vaatisA An the amountAofIsugarAiteOaneaAA dAApar1AAisAue1toaa1iiAth AAIAAenc idh dhib thA iAgAAio AAtrAAts thA AAgAA frAAA a ne. Asars l of A the AA tw aablAs, thA priAA that individal pAA- dcrreivocaedAAAAA fiAA eArs mA eAtAaAnI1AA peAA AAAAeverAAAa andAAAsomeisaAucasA20OpeAAAAA (TabIA 4).FarmeAsAitheAr srll theiran toA Ia Angni or4I aA1kedAuAAAein Air w aA neAighI- Land-Use Problems in the Sugar Industry Assed iA dAAeAAic trapichAA AA AngAAiAA. TbA marAkAt fAA thir AAAAA is isoltd fAAAA AhrlAId marAkAtby (1) Ahe impAsitoA ofabigh dAtyon7AA impA7oatio uarA, and (2) fiig thepriAAAAA- AhaAed frAely. ThA gAAAernmAAt sanctoAA Anly AAAAhrignAraIAd iA sugAr IA saIbiliAA thr dAmeAAiA pAiAA it fiAAA fAr Augar fAAW year soAhAAugb thA 1953-54 saAAA (Tables 1 and 2). BAth thA ara planted in aAeanA d ta mountAofIaIAeAprducdincreasedsom- what dAAing Are 1954-55 AAop yaA and pAobahly sti1 morAA during thA AAAt tAA yarAs. NAAArthA1AAA, it iA AAlikAly bhaA thiA ina asAO beenAlargeenoughItoAmchA mreAtanAAAoffse thedeclAietatItook place eaAiAA. IAAAnA Iota lb1 thAtred iA aAA pAodAAtoA, thr amoutAoAsarA5AproducedAibthecotyreahd anal-timehigh Al AAAA bhaA 700,000 qAias iA 1953, and thAA fell Aff sarLply. FAAm 1950 IA 0995, AAgAA as AxpAAted bul during thA AAAt twA yasi a sAnAAAaAA yAA3imorAA (TablAI3). FAAm 1950 IA 1957 the number Al ingenios increasedIfAomA21 IA 26. ThA pild Al AAgAA pAA tAA Af canAe arAAeA widely friAAi IA ingAniA. Par Al thisrAiatiAA As due IA aaions in Are amountIofAsgarAi1te9aneAaAA d paris dueoA a ratiAons1in th eAAiApAIAIiec ithwichtheingnoetastesgAAAAAAAI aAA fromAthIcaneA . ArAs aA Asl bor thAA twarAialeAs, thA pAiAA that individal pAA- ducAAAAAAAeieAfAAAcaAediffAeArs ~ O7AAA moAta A0pr eteeyar3A andAAoteasAmuhasbA2OperIAeAt (Tablel4). rrs ither seil theircare tA an ingenio AA Wake drlr iA their AAAA Ar a Aeigh- Land-Use Problems in the Sugar Industry E Asentialy, al AAe AugaA consumed iA CostA Wia As Assed ir dosicA tapiches Ar ingnioA. Tbe arAkAt fAA Ahir AAgAA iAsAiaed fo h eAworIl arketlby (01) theimploiln faA igh duty An AAe impAoratonA Al AAgAr, ad (2) f9oig Are pricerr n case reely. The gAveAAAenAAaionolyeugfrintad iA Augal IA saIbiie thA domestAAic pricA it fixes fAA sugar fAW yar In response to Ahe prices consumersA pry for all forms Af sugar inAteAomestAOcAmarketIA,famrsdeaseAAdland araAused topr- duce aAA ard Are amouAtAoAIcAAeprAoAucdAfomAthe 1950-51 se- AotrAugh thr 1953-54 sasAoA (Tables 0 aAO 2). BAAh tareaI wat during Ahe 19545 crop yIar rod probablyil moreA durin~g thAAAAtIto7A arA. Nevrelels, it is undikely tat Ahires hr a s~r place earlier. In cAotast IA thA trend iA aAA prodAioA, Are of AmorA tan 700,000 quinaIl iA 0951, ad brAn fell Aff sharply. FAAAm 0990 IA 0995, Augar aA exported but during the Aext twA yas it asAA arAAyItoimpr (Table93. PFrrm 1950 IA 1957 the AnAmbAr Al iAgenios nraseAd from 21 to 26. The yield of sugar prr tAA AofW carvries widly frAom ingenio IA ingeiA. Prtof AlhAs variaAo is due IA ariaAon iA thA AffiAAeny wit whiAh AAe iAgeAio extacts AAe sugar fromr th a e AAA a lo thesA twA ariables, Are prc bhaA individal prA- dAAAAeArsA rAevefr aAA differs AmArA taA 00 per AAAt AAAr yar andAAomeImeaAAAAA hasIIA20OperIAAn (Tabl 4).PrFarr ithr WOl their aAA IA aA ingeAiA Ar Ware dohce iA their o Ar r Aeigh-  Sugar Content Sugar Content Sugar Sugar Content Estimated Sugar Content Sugar Content Sugar Sugar Content Estimated Sugar Content Sugar Content Sugar Sugar Content Estimated Cane of Cane of All Cane Actually of Cane Used Dulce Cane of Cane of All Cane Actually of Cane Used Dulce Cane of Cane of Ali Cane Actually of Cane Used Duler Cane Area Harvested Harvested Harvested Produced to Produce Production Cane Area Harvested Harvested Harvested Produced to Produce Production Cane Area Harvested Harvested Harvested Produced to Produce Production Year (mantanas) (tons) (average (quintals) (quintals) Duke (quintals) Year (manvanas) (tons) (average (quintals) (quintals) Duke (quintals) Year (mamanas) (tone) (average (quintals) (quintals) Dulce (quintals) pound/ton) (quintals) pound/ton) (quintals) pound/tan) (quintals) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1950.1951 32,356 816,350 197.05 1,608,618 458,578 1,150,840 1,352,988 19501951 32,356 816,350 197.05 1,608,618 458,578 1,150,04(1 1,352,988 1958-1951 32,356 816,350 197.85 1,608,618 458,578 1,150,040 1,352,988 19511952 34,853 829,388 204.09 1,692,698 613,064 1,079,634 1,270,158 19511952 34,853 829,388 204.09 1,692,698 613,064 1,079,634 1,270,158 1951-1952 34,853 829,388 204.09 1,692,698 613,064 1,079,634 1,270,158 19521953 29,354 834,654 187.56 1,565,477 683,174 882,303 1,038,003 1952-1953 29,354 834,654 187.56 1,565,477 683,174 882,303 1,038,003 19521953 29,354 834,654 18756 1,565,477 683,174 882,303 1,038,003 19531954 24,023 614,941 185.77 1,142,3776 733,481 408,895 481,053 19531954 24,023 614,941 185.77 1,142,376 733,481 408,895 481,053 19531954 24,023 614,941 185.77 1,142,376 733,481 408,895 481,053 19541955 28,782 674,153 195.85 1,320,329 702,063 618,266 727,372 5 19541955 28,782 674,153 195.85 1,320,329 702,063 618,266 727,372 5 1954-1955 28,782 674,153 195.85 1,320,329 702,063 618,266 727,372 5 z z z 1955-1956 528,761 19561956 528,761 °, 1955.1956 528,761 °w 0 0 19561957 632.952 1956-1957 632,952 19561957 632,952 z z z "Calculations based on data supplied by Estadistic¢ y Census and Junta de la Cana. _ 'Calculations based on data supplied by Estadistica y Census and Junta de la Cana. _ "Calculations based on data supplied by Estadfstim y Census and Junta de la Cans.  TABLE 2. SUGAR PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN COSTA RICA' TABLE 2. SUGAR PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN COSTA RICA" TABLE 2.-SUGAR PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION IN COSTA RICA" 195051 195455 i 5; S; 1950 51 - 1954-55 i 195051-195455 z Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Dulee Annual Per Sugar Content Estimated Per Total Sugar Dulce Annual Per Sugar Content Estimated Per Total Sogd r Duke Annual Per Sugar Content Estimated Per Total Sugar Dole, Purchased Capita of Dulce Total Capita Consumed 9 Hulce Purchased Capita of Dole, Total Capita Consume 9 Dulee Purchased Capita of Duke Total Capita Consumed Year Purchased for Human Estimated Consumption Consumed Consumption Sugar !pounds per m Year Purchased for Human Estimated Consumption Consumed Consumption Sugar (pounds per m Year Purchased for Haman Estimated Consumption Consumed Consumption Sugar (pounds per m by F.N.L. Consumption Population of Duke Per Capita of Sugar Consumption capita) 3 by F.N.L. Consumption Population of Dulct, Per Capita of Sugar Consumption capita) 3 by F.N.L. Consumption Population of Dulce Per Capita of Sugar Consumption capita) 3 (quintals) (quintals) (pounds) (pounds per (pounds) (pounds) x (quintals) (quintals) (pounds) fpcunds per (pounds) (pounds) (quintal,) (quintals) (pounds) (pounds per (pounds) (pounds) year) z year) z Year) z 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 y 195051 21,702 1,331,286 838,084 159 135, 45,857,800 55 190 1950.51 21,702 1,331,286 838,084 159 135( 45,857,800 55 190 195051 21,702 1,331,286 838,084 159 135} 45,857,800 55 190 195152 32,526 1,237,632 868,741 142 1211 51,259,900 59 180 " 195152 32,526 1,237,632 868,741 142 121( 51,259,900 59 180 195152 32,526 1,237,632 868,741 142 1211 51,259,900 59 18o z z z 0 0 0 195253 22,070 1,015,933 898,329 113 96 50,976,200 57 143 195253 22,070 1,015,933 898,329 113 96 50,976,200 57 143 195253 22,070 1,015,933 898,329 113 96 50,976,200 57 143 1953-54 34,167 446,886 933,033 48 41 63,768,000 68 109 195354 34,167 446,886 933,033 48 41 63,768,000 68 109 1953,54 34,167 446,886 933,033 48 41 63,768,000 68 109 195455 16,664 710,708 969,640 73 62 52,378,900 54 116 195455 16,664 710,708 969,640 73 62 52,378,900 54 116 195455 16,664 710,708 969,640 73 62 52,378,900 54 116 195556 1,014,170 69,764,200 69 195556 1,014,170 69,764,200 69 195556 1,014,170 69,764,200 69 195657 1,054,170 73,339,000 69 195657 1,054,170 73,339,000 69 1956-57 1,054,170 73,339,000 69 'Calculations based on data supplied Estadistica ye Ceases and Junta de IT Cana. "Calculations based on data supplied Estadistica ye Census and Junta de la Cana. 'Calculations based on data supplied Estadistica ye Census and Junta de la Cana. tTbese high estimates of apparent consumption are probably due to an insufficient conversion of cane to dulce when the value fThese high estimates of apparent consumption are probably due to an insufficient conversion of cane to dulec when the value tThesc high estimates of apparent consumption are probably due to an insufficient conversion of cane to dulce when the value of duly was relatively lower. a of dulce was relatively lower. " of dulec was relatively lower. u,  .4 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP TABLE 3.-EXPORTATION AND IMPORTATION OF SUGAR IN COSTA RIEA, 195051 TO 1956.57 Quintals [ EXPORTATION IMPORTATION FARM PRICE IN COLONES OF CANE PER TON, BY INCENIOS, 1950-51 TO 195556 195051 195152 195253 1953-54 195455 195556 45.91 43.00 40.80 38.00 38.00 45.90 45.83 44.83 4050 38.00 39.40 43.00 45.83 39.90 39.13 38.00 38.00 44.45 50.55 45.31 4050 38.00 38.00 43.85 .... .... .... .... ._. 44.00 45.83 43.00 4050 38.00 40.05 50.00 45.83 32.88 39.00 39.00 38.00 43.00 48.15 4658 41.81 39.57 39.90 44.05 4050 38.00 38.00 43.00 .... .... .... 38.00 40.37 47.00 .... 44.83 40.50 38.00 40.65 43.95 .... .... .... .... 38.00 43.00 .... .... .._ .... .... 43.00. 49.95 53.85 47.04 42.52 45.70 52.15 50.55 47.80 42.00 41.32 42.10 47.26 47.83 47.42 44.56 4120 40.76 47.85 49.80 45.78 44.54- 39.00 39.00 45.00 52.19 45.95 40.81 39.90 39.15 47.35 50.68 49.65 43.65 41.70 42.18 49.75 49.04 49.65 43.80 42.00 42.20 47.84 48.97 48.50 42.05 42.10 4255 49.50 48.61 45.35 42.90 39.00 40.03 46.20 50.90 46.70 43.46 39.80 40.54 51.00 45.82 45.00 42.00 41.90 39.45 44.75. 48.57 47.75 41.95 40.33 40.46 48.50 48.74 46.30 43.31 39.00 39.75 49.65 49.80 48.83 40.25 39.00 42.65 45.65 .M PRICE IN COLONES OF CANE PER TON. 195051 TO 195556 195051 195152 195253 195354 45.91 43.00 40.80 38.00 45.83 44.83 40.50 38.00 45.83 39.90 39.13 38.00 50.55 45.31 40.50 38.00 .... .... .... .... 45.83 43.00 40.50 38.00 45.83 32.88 39.00 39.00 48.15 46.58 41.81 $9.57 44.05 40.50 38.00 .... .... .... 38.00 .... 44.83 40.50 38.00 .... .... .... .... 44.00 45.83 43.00 40.50 38.00 40.05 50.00 45.83 32.88 39.00 39.00 38.00 43.00 48.15 46.58 41.81 39.57 39.90 .... 44.05 40.50 38.00 38.00 43.00 38.00 40.37 47.00 .... 44.83 40.50 38.00 40.65 43.95 38.00 43.00 .... .... .... .... .... 43.00.  Bln sugar cane') lb l~d b b5 sug is i 19al56. Theeay incas in the frees market pico duslces from 195d,16 roug 15, perio ins w1hihth ice tpic of cane ands 1951e which 1956 cosantl changinbecaupse thesspriceofdleissdeterminebinsa fre marketwhile th priceso suga ihy1s fre Tbe5) Thel steady iscrese in the ree arke of. sga 1remained fixdasedsssis th syres o bpss reue h aon sugar in the form. of dulce to rist, and slightly above, the price of sugar late in 1956. Early isn 1957 the price of sugar ws raised five centimos per poun~d, with about 57 per cent of this increase goig o5frmrs sugar Shysd.bssg.s d.. S . sss..sd bor'sg israbiche, depedings on thes reatoshipg tha p ists betweeni the price psdueis deemie in a6 frees market. whil the pricey of 6 sua is fie (Tbl ). Thsteady inres ib n the fre market. prc ofs 1.5.e iro 15 Ethrouis 19756, apeiod in which thes pice of. sgar.s remine pixed, .causd, 57e fames tos sf56c. the amoun of can thesol oth neno ndiceseteamutcovre  TABLE 5.-VALUE IN COLONES OF (A) ONE TON OF PROCESSED CANE INTO DUECE AND OF (B) ONE POUND OF SOLAR IN FORM p TABLE 5. -VALUE IN COLONES OF (A) ONE TON OF PROCESSED CANE INTO DULCE AND OF (B) ONE POUND OF SOLAR IN FORM p TABLE 5.-VALUE IN COLONES OF (A) ONE TON OF PROCESSED CANE INTO DULCE AND OF (B) ONE POUND OF SUGAR IN FORM p OF DuLcE, BY MONTHS AND YEARS, 195257 OF DHLCE, BY MONTHS AND YEARS, 1952-57 OF DHLCE, BY MONTHS AND YEARS, 195257 Value-One Ton of Processed Cane by Months' Value-One Ton of Processed Cane by Months' Value-One Ton of Processed Cane by Months' Year Year Year 1 F M A M J 1 A S 0 N D J F M A M J J A 5 0 N D 1 F M A M J J A S 0 N D 1952 84,00 83.00 8O.5O 78.00 80.75 84,00 8525 89.50 83.50 85.50 84.75 1952 84.00 83.00 80.50 78.00 80.75 84.00 85.25 84.50 83.50 85.50 84.75 1952 84.00 83.00 80.50 78.00 80.75 84.00 85.25 84.50 83.50 85.50 84.75 1953 83.50 77.75 74.75 76.00 7450 83.25 80.50 79.75 76.50 81.25 77.50 77.50 1953 83,50 77.75 74.75 76.00 74.50 83.25 80.50 79.75 76.50 81.25 77.50 77.50 1953 83.50 77.75 74.75 76.00 74.50 83.25 80.50 79.75 76.50 81.25 77.50 77.50 1954 7850 78.50 75.50 74.50 74.25 76.50 79.25 78.00 79.75 87.50 96.25 90.25 1954 78.50 78.50 75.50 74.50 74.25 76.50 79.25 78.00 79.75 8750 96.25 90.25 1954 78.50 78.50 75.50 74.50 74.25 76.50 79.25 78.00 79.75 87.50 96.25 90.25 1955 86.75 82.00 81.00 83.50 84.00 81.25 88.00 89.50 95.50 107.25 115.25 109.25 1955 86.75 82.00 81.00 83.50 84.00 81.25 88.00 89.50 95.50 10725 11525 109.25 1955 86.75 82.00 81.00 83.50 84.00 81.25 88.00 89.50 95.50 107.25 115.25 109.25 1956 11475 107.25 99.50 102.75 104.25 102.75 10225 10425 103.00 113.25 109.25 106.50 1956 114.75 107.25 99.50 102.75 104.25 102.75 102.25 101.25 103.00 113.25 109.25 10650 1956 114.75 107.25 99.50 102.75 104.25 102.75 102.25 104.25 103.00 113.25 109.25 106.50 1957 112.50 105.00 106.00 104.50 105.75 1957 112.50 105.00 106.00 104.50 105.75 1957 112.50 105,00 106.00 104.50 105.75 Value-One Pound of Sugar in Form of Dulcet Value-One Pound of Sugar in Form of Dulcet Value-One Pound of Sugar in Form of Dulcet Sugar Price 0.50 Sugar Price 0.50 Sugar Price 0.50 1952 0.395 0.391 0.379 0.367 0380 0.395 0.401 0.398 0.393 0.402 0.398 1952 0.395 0.391 0.379 0.367 0.380 0.395 0.401 0.398 0.393 0.402 0.398 1952 0.395 0.391 0.379 0.367 0.380 0.395 0.401 0.398 0.393 0.402 0398 1953 0.393 0.366 0.352 0.358 0.351 0.392 0.379 0.375 0.360 0.382 0.365 0.365 ro 1953 0393 0.366 0.352 0.358 0.351 0.392 0.379 0.375 0.360 0.382 0.365 0.365 1953 0.393 0.366 0.352 0.358 0.351 0.392 0.379 0.375 0.360 0.382 0.365 0.365 p 1954 0.369 0.369 0.355 0351 0.399 0.360 0.373 0.367 0.375 0.412 0.453 0.425 = 1954 0.369 0.369 0.355 0.351 0.349 0.360 0.373 0.367 0.375 0.412 0.453 0.425 i 1954 0.369 0.369 0.355 0.351 0.349 0.360 0.373 0.367 0.375 0.412 0.453 0.425 Z 1955 0.408 0.386 0.381 0.393 0.395 0.382 0.414 0.421 0.449 0.505 0.542 0.514 1955 0.400 0.386 0.381 0.393 0.395 0.382 0.414 0.421 0.449 0.505 0.542 0.514 1955 0.408 0.386 0.381 0.393 0.395 0382 0.414 0.421 0.449 0505 0.592 0.519 p 0 1956 0.540 OSO5 0.468 0.484 0.491 0.484 0.481 0.491 0484 0.533 0.514 0.501 1956 0.540 0.505 0.468 0.484 0.491 0.484 0.481 0.491 0.484 0.533 0.514 0.501 1956 0.540 0.505 0.468 0.484 0.491 0.484 0.481 0.491 0.484 0.533 0.514 0501 Sugar Price 0.55 o Sugar Price 0.55 Sugar Price 055 s 1957 0.529 0.994 0.499 0.492 0.498 0 1957 0.529 0.494 0.499 0.492 0.498 0 1957 0.529 0.494 0.499 0.492 0.498 0 Assuming 250 pounds of duke are produced from one too of cane. 'ssuming 250 pounds of dulce are produced from one ton of cane. 'Assuming 250 pounds of dulce are produced from one ton of cane. 9 a tCalculated by dividing the price of dulce per pound by 0.85, since duke contains approximately 85 per cent sugar. tCalculated by dividing the price of dulce per pound by 0.85, since dulce contains approximately 85 per cent sugar, tAalculated 6y dividing the price of dulce per pound by 0.85, since dulce contains approximately 85 per Cent sugar.  All Af the refine sua proddi Cosa Ria As "plbaatio Anprcesig od prokductsb. Tpe Prbe.-ot A ica p isy AlA bofone with Ah poble of Aeerinn p wp a t elatinsi to a itn betwee the supl oAfA , byawtith foreseale pfltirlosaRiaswibbletprod. duie lproial, h sevel formslof suga (l dl, platin hie lhnd grnuatd at worly, garet A prie ilby nca r tolA adotlCqit fPeen po-1lic. Tbisisalbaclstin oplicA taP thie people othscurylmust pesolvethog thibdemb- Sicethykn ofR~ suIgarplcyCsaAARaaopwll depend upon owlffiient~~ly sgrcncaeproducddgesicaglyta lhspt Aof Ah pr b ill b le e amie first Ahi willbg Aooe bneauto of thd A AaplteeplAcestatgpbeladted. FinAlly bigerl allviie A ha p might aclert thedbl peto the doesi suar idsty real ls of~ whtlAI cR sdptd ar ulned. 'l l~I~R~ R lbg ThRotoI rdcigCn.Tefc that the Consejo N~aeil lAI Aldcco fid At necesary tR se the pieo ua bv h IArl prc d andta hspiei o ethg nuht tmlt LAD-US PROLM A N THE SGAR INUSR pll 57ll I puegauae ua.O h othe han "pabio whPi"doe in proesing food products. and deanAd for, sugar inlteftur. The firststp An resolvigtis wirepectIoIsgarprouto shoul A b. If thernopossbiliy tat itin lbe foreab Altur Costa Ricn A il be ble t pro Alle profiablylthl seealAfrso sugar Adlc,planatRinwit, and graul)t olRd market pre, it All becssry t adopt yait differenl plicy. Ris isa bai questo Af poliy lba thlb peopAe Af thi country mus rAlv through their demo- Sinc the kind of sugarpolicy Cot ias adop ll delpend Asec lbth probleA All be eamined Alls. Tbi AillbI foAloweA byanevluatio olfb the atrtivepolAie taight be apted. Fially, severl Ratiistatmightaceert ARI e developmento the Aoesi ARAugar inAullry, rgardles Af whll poliy As adopted, are IJ AA~pA Tbutlined.l(NA AhePCostof PboAuig ane-Tacttpat teICngeobatibna dePrducylnidsl itnepsarAyRt e h bicebfAsgarlaboveth worldpreand tatisyAI pri ARs otye hghenug Rt simlt rlatively igh Aos Af prducion can be attrbuted toaru cobiaon ofl Ah fo1llow~ing staions 1.Much Af the A nto'caneibin prodcedatlatiAl higb aliue where i rqire fro 15 Ao A8 monthtopmture 2.Tetporpyo al ll large aoun po lanI ,Agl- podc cane prclde thIA fmdr fiin latncliain ria AIb AAl ofterfndsgrprodueAinCsa Ria iplantaion wite" ForA may AInumrs thi As accptab substiutefo The Problbm.-ot C Ric Pil now I Albrote wibth prbbem ofideterining~l wha leaionhp Ao m intai beteebthspplyo, prble is IRo rAnsdr lba the long-rn poliy Af lbe Allnty wibh rpectIoAsgarprAducionsol e I If thelre spossbility Auc prbitbly the seal foll o sugar (AulCpIlnion whbt, Ra grnltd AI at A ol a rkel prcs At Ail be neesry Ao aAoptI quit diffrent policy. Tis As asi quesion Af poliy bARc lbe kinAo Aua Aplicy Cosla Ricans aAopt will depenA upoho ficientlysgar caIeca beprodueddoeiclly,bat by an A evla ill Af te altrv polbAie 1ha1 Agbt be aopteA. Fially, sevral ie tbat migbt aelert lbe AeveAopAent Af lbe Aoesi suga industrly, regarlebs Af watR plicy is apteA, wrlAA priandta thi priceis Ao lyetigh enogh Ao stimulate lbe producio ofany moesgarbthaasproduce An 1950, As prAiaaeevienc taIhecA tfproduigdoeAtcAsgarat the preen im is igh in rlaiont cos of produingI ils- whbr, ado AIhr crops enbbl frestar hAg probit. Tbe rlaily bigb Aos ofproducioa be attibuteA toIariu combiaions Af lbe folRwigsiuto: 1Muc of the nto'cais bing proudat relatly hg Iaitude AIer' itrqirsf 1 5 to 1 18mnh I to aur. 2TheItpogrphyo areaon of~pAR IlaAnw ued tprduc cane prec lue the AI As l ofmdrfiin plntig, culivainria Ain ln avstn qimn.  3. The13 3130330n0e ove whc uho h cn stasod, copled 3. Theszeo the31 lad hoding andthe capital reouce3o3 mn Most 31 3133 bigh-cost can2e13 prdcto iso he smal3 rm locatedb in3th3Mes33 Central. In3 this 3 ara bamesaesifting 03 the 3313er 13an2, five newingenio have been bui13 since3 1950, Heredia, Alajuela1, an rca Frhroe al o1f them ae locatd along 3133 Atlantic side o t113 Continental3 Divide wh133e the rain- fal is 3 heverad the clmt generlly more3 1fav3r13le forsugar cane production. In 3the nely deve13p32 cane producing33rea, it is qui33 pos- sible 11333 sugrpodrsca compete in t133 word marke. How- everther are large area o13 unsdland i313 the1countr3133hmor ofte1 hratritc 113 0 lan3d310 upon 3313131 ca13 is eig grown prof- libly in 1313er parts o413 thewo1l. 013333 ch13331r20tc areth 1. Tem1perature. A rage of teperatreih maks tposs3ible to matur a crp ofhane i fro10 to 123 months.13f3 2. Soil Soil eponiveto ertlaion T th eten th sil on tainsplan foo, th cos o3ffduin caeca3e13 uedfr e yer3unilthsnaurl9eriit1i3ued3Hwve,11hghl3e3o3ntua 3. The disanc over,30 whih3130 much ofth 3an 313rasore, c3oupled wit1h thesmall quatiie hauled13 in eahlod, makes the33os313333131. Most of the high-cost cane 3313 prdcto is 3 onth sa11 rm 13oc333d in th3 Meseta Central1. In this ara famr ar hifting fro s333ar to cof133 productiono 1and that 3111 3pr23uce cof9ee. 113 313e 33133 hand, fivne ineno hav 133en133110since 1950, all 1octe outi2 333he2 3133avily populate3d area arun San Jos133, Here2i3, Alajula, an20Grecia. Furt3hermore, a11 o13 them13333cat2 a1on3 3133 Atlantic si2e of 00e Continental3 Divide whr 1133 rain- In the 33331y developedan producing areas, it is quite 333- itably 13 30333 parts 30 lb3 333312. 013333 313a3ac33r1331cs are 3133 1.333mperature.0A3rage3oftempeaturewhic ma313kes, 33331ssib1313 maueac2 po aei from1,333,3 10 to12 month.13h3331331 333313 Soil.S ,03re333133303313tiiza3in33T33heextet3th1so33con ta3s3333311 d te os o333133f3 proding canecan bereduced for afe years unti this naua 33r33133 i3s 333s3333333. 3 Hoevr 333ihleelo3ntua sol1eriit3i203a3 euiit1 orefiiet1ae3routin3vr3.ss 3. The ditac 030r whilh 3333h of 31333eistra 332te, 13333132 0. 013331333o the land holdngsad 1333333133333313s ofman cane producers are too sall1to permit3fficien 3332333133. M333 333133 high-cost 33an3 production is 3on 3133 33331133333s 1333332 133 033 M33333 Ce333333. In 31313.a333, farmers are 3131f3133 13333 gat cof333 13 dcto 3303 33233133 33 a 13333 3133331133233 co3933. 333 313e other13an, fiv n3ew 13133333 13331333313311331333 1930, 3111333332d 33333123 3133 heavilypopulated areas 3333332 San313s, Heredia3, Al1ajuel1,.3and3Greci. Furthermore33,313of13hem3are1locate 313303031313123 1133 Atlant 33c 3side2 33133 3133 Cotn313.iiehretean fa111 13333 332ie 3133 the 333 c 3333311 geneall m 333331 faorbl 33r333a cane3332333tion. In the newlydeve3lopedcane produc3ing areas, iti qitepos 311313 03ha3 sugarproducer33 333331 13met 1133333312333313313 How-. ever,313ere3are1large3ares3of3unused1land3in3he3country3with3mor 3113 31333333331113311323333333113113313133134s433303331wn.prof 1331313 13 311333 parts of 3133 33331d. T1333 1133133133133133 are 3133 fo11lowing: 1. 33333pe3rat0333333 A range o temperatre which akes it pssible t 3313313313331 3333 f aenfrm10t13 23333113. 20303339333 Soil.3313 Soi rspnsvetofetiiztin.Toth etet hesol on tains 3lant3fod,3th 3cost9f3prodcing3cne1canbe3redced3fo3a3fe year3333113ths33atual1feril1ty3s1used However,3a1hi113levl3of3natura soil1fertiity is nota requisit for effiient cane roduction 333333su3 tained 333ri32 of 113e.  3. Water. Reaivl lag amount 1 of water avaiabl eithe inthe form66 of() r16infal 61 distribute 66611g6oth 1eqirmnt fh growng lan,or(b)irrgaionwatr tatcanbe rided t raes hat planting clivaig, andharvstig macinry 5. 1 Sizeof poducion nit Prducio units lag6 nuhopri 6. Siz of proucion. Prdcto6 nisloae6 na eog t h 7nei to, Aminimize th otoftasorain county, much of it at elevation of less than 100 meter. 61ow- ever only a i smal pecntg of thislan ca be used toproduc sugar an 76 ti 1 is mde more accssbleby66 thecostucio o highwys, railro6d, 7r6po66faclitie. At present, the only acs sibl areas are thos6whch6le6aong7he empiqueRivewhre6 6ne 66w road 661 ha6jstben 6uit6ndwet 6f6heIneAmerican Hgh- way, just nort of Puntarenas.6Alongthe Pacfi coasta plain66, sout of6Puntarena,6 thee 6re 1ivralarabinwhbc6the dstribuion o rainfal61pp7ar1to1be66en16or favorable for66 cane 16 prdutin ha 66n thenrther portion of the plain. In t1e Quepos, Palmar Sur, and Golfito areas, the rainfall is ample6 to6grw6can, and the dry sesn srlatively 6hor6. 616he 11 ranal6nh Atlantic ares6s6ls am1ple but the dry sasn ssoshr 16666(if616 6 it6xitsatal)6ha6ter is 116 soeqeto6boutho wllcan wllmaur t616161 661Neverthe- less, 66166sarbeig builtin hatare6juta ra1pdly as1lad resnbl6 elsutdt t166166 6he prodctin o can is ma6de acce16bl. Sugar coud6beproduceprofitably in6Cosa1Ricaatword ma- ket prics i sufcin capital6 we7re ines6ed in the ind66t6ie. 61he6t 16he7r 661i 16 capta7i6iveteddee 7s6po (1) whether61roads ar 61bult1toma6e6u6tab1 la6 accessibl,6 n() the6nat6on61 sugar pol6cy. The qusto of1 the ecoomi feasiilit of 661a7 build1- ing is outide the scope of this report. Some 66666 ofte 6cnoi 6cn se6uence of alternative tarif policies are otlnd below. LAD-S PROBLEMS676 IN ,66 T661E1 SUA66DY5 3.676 1 6ater. Reltivlylare 1moutsof 6ate 6aailbl eihe inth form61 of6 (a)166 ranaldsrbtd6codn1otereurmnso h plntng cutvtn, and havstn mac1hinery. 5. 6izeof7rodctin Ae s j , {-7G Examining for disease I' : r<: r Llr 1 Exam n'ng for d sense :Ci.;, < 4 (.. s?'7i.. Examining for disease Tt4 I ^ y'yypYy-r i 1 ) L r 'f'.: n l N I f 1 aa s '-5FI .\ d - 1 'W L I Steep mountain side Steep mountain side Steep mounfa n side'dh g 1 I POTATO PRODUCTION POTATO PRODUCTION POTATO PRODUCTION p 'ms Digging t Digging ," w Digging ri, I k r u, . Gently rolling fields I ' "..) n I Gently rolling fields Gently rolling fields H .r{s¢" { p cK '.-u M.. r ! n k dt , { L Jj+ .1 - ' t 7 rii  2'° k'i r ' x r Washing P Washing E Wnsh g 1 4- IE tl' . -j l i.. - i Sizing Siring Sizing d i$. .. F V fr . ,r pppyyy, rr a a tt Preparation forsoting try, 5 t r 'ti Preparation for sorting f Preparation for sorting i ' yti i . x L i'-n i t " r s 1°hh 1 'SS rv i_ r 7- r dal n OKA a' Drying : Drying . s..', Drying rig -  wash hose wasin andf preparing thefor daktadhg ln inmarepie als affec thef cotbs. yt~t~H I Most uer foo own ltrucks Thypytucesdal theI bility of the fars The chge may be asmcha llormr pe fagabtitaeae about Cill. Hauling poate fothe lost of basing pottevre wiHth ftbhe perio of t yea. I reglar basslee hoghholmehandedae cosderably para f oaoef oddsape and oticeable defetsar packed separatelyiadidtailoweriprice. Uiderinoril conidiions, if aHbyer pai ft 0 foll a crgo pifitoei lbos islable afte wahing andgadigiwoldbingbhim about 5ll, lit epenses for haintg, washing, and prepaithi potatoeslyirimarkpt fiould avrg faot C25 wih poulleav MOVEMENT, VOLUMEi, ADPRIES ievels, arragements wer iiidft iftb four buyers at Catg tio suppy ifrionontotlcags purchase iiftibftiidfpotte oftariou aitiesiaid classe, prisipfto growrsanamun oflosinwii ig andprepaigthpotatoesforimaket. Arrange- wahbue washbng andt preparing them fo marike, andhuiniig tbhem to thi markt. Inireotinclde grading otpififtoei that ini maketpftice lso afet thioss Most buyeii foti ow tk. They pa prckr to hau fthei per lifta but it averagesabu Cbi. Halin potte fo h Cost o wsingi potaoesaiesfithfthepiodifthepea.It icafta oft piiatoes. Cot of wasbiing vaiefro C7i tou Ci pelr carga Som othi biyirs employ labor foahi ngihtf pitteso about 10f poiiiift per iiirga. In addftion, abou 50 piiinft per pttosthoseisilableftfteri wasibiyangrpift wuldlri himii about il0. His efxpenses ft haulig, washbing, anft prepaing fte pobttoe bir markeft woud iverig about C25, wich iioiiif leive MOVgiMiNi, VOLUiME, ADPRICES suippl ifrftionioi talftagaspurchased eachbiekofpotatoes ofls inwsigad ein t p tatoesf fig maret Arane ments wereilsomadewitfrtilero the San Josftmarkgt wh houe was hing aifnd prpaifgthemt for maret an huln Mist biyirs foti own truk. Phiy pip Hrucker Ho haul the biiy oifb h farm. IT charge map hi ais fill asC5ormr percrg i ttiI av fage abut fill Hauuling fiaoe ro h carga. Som oft buyers eiploy labor for washiing piotteio regular bait ve thugh the vumeuuu hndled varies cnierbly Theiamogntpfii diaea culef fbpotautoes reofdttime ofb about lift pioufti per carg. In addtion, ibout 50 pioufti per pitatoes, tose salabl after waingbiu aft graitng iiiuftf bfing im abut fill. His exene iifohuling, wahing, ianftpeping bie phi only about C25pecaato coveri oterell e, pofi~it fiom fereddetflutlua tiimrkt pices huhel, arragements weiii made ith four buypiri Ht Cartagi to iiipppiinriiliiiiioialiiirgis purchasedftichfweekhf pitatiii if loinwahing aift preparing thepotatoes for marketl. Arrnge  the, week beginnin December 28, 198, and terminated afe the, week endin Apri 18,,,i b,,,,1 1959 Inorato wasp btaine from re- byn Novmbe 83, , 1958 totewe ndn coe 197 9,, 159., harves perAiod is, in March1,9,, , Apil,n May (secon plaing or summer79 crop).8 Since, potatoes yare nodray not held o9n th farm9,for more than , 60 1 da . afe av, the8 voum ofee forsalevarie roughl1wthpheamountA,,,8, barvestedit differetseasons They,9 Aelney oa oe lvlinArl, Mad any bune butd did99 not fluctuate much from perio tob perod Jul was the month79 when~7 ,999, volume han9dle,,,,,,,,dwasleat. Aoun ofpurchass begndto icreas tob9supplyieely information on amountpof potatoes purchad at thewee 9 beginnin December 28, 1958, and terminated2 afterth week ending Ap9,1 18, 1959. Informatio was,9 o,,btained fro re- ning November 39 1998, to 99, wee9k ending 8October 17, 1959. 9harest yperiod As in Marcb, ApAi, and May9 (second platin or mor than, 60 2days after bharvest, the, vo7lume9 offered fo,, sale varies rou9gly9,with the9amountharvestd adifferent,,seasons., Purhae 9 of, potatoes9 by t1he fou retaler on1,1,, the, San Josh9 market, were9 summarized2 by bjiweekly peios Amount9 of8pur reachd9apeak abu the ,9last ,9twoweeks9in Dee ber(ig. 1) After ITydeclinedtolowerlevel9in ,April,May,9andlJune butdid not fluctuate much from period to perid. Julywasthe9month9when Data, on purcase fro prid to yperi by thbe fourretaler During,9 the, twow8e pebio endin Decembe 27891,,,, app8oxmatel 499 quinal ofpoatos er purchased Thisp,,bwas 3l.,,9918times1bh 187 quintals bandled during t1he 79,o weeks99 endin9g July 11. How-. March,,, April, and May-h period of hares for,,9the9,9summer crops Thi apeae to, becontrary to the, opinio of~ loa farr,9,9 buyers, and9, others,99,,9 asscite with t9he potato, industrb9,y. to, supply weekly inorato on,9 amount, of9 pottoe purchase,,1,9,,y,,~ d at1 9ekenig ,pi 18,,8,,,k,,d,,87b,,, 1959.Inomtnwaobiedfmr- tailer at San, Josd for,1,,. a,,9 peio of 509 weeks-for,8 the,, week bgin- ning Noveber 3,, 9589,, to,,the9 wee endin Octo,9ber 8,17, 1959. These89,,9,8 recrd form the basis fo Athis ,dscussion. 177,,,, theyer,,utth bain hares is in , SeptemberO9,99,9, and harves periodb is in Marc, Apild, an d y (sebon plantin or,9,,, 899me crop). Sinc potte are,, normally no hebd on,, the farm9 bor 182e tha 860, days after 88res, the, volumek, ofee forI sae1are roughly with the79,amount8,harvestdd98b,, at ,,differe dytkdasons.  FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP AMOUNT so. St. 10 DINTALSI I LEGENOI YARIELIESI SOO AQ ,rry I Q OTHERS A00 III ® NORAOA NEGRA ® MOAADd BLANCA ® ESTRELLA BIWEEKLY3~33 PEID1DIN R3,51 Fig.d1. Ttap Aout nk AmontbyVaieie o F551 5 irst Cass Ptatos Pu ckhased, 3 Seet d talesSa Jsh3Maket5Bieeky eiod, Nvmer3,98 tohOtobe 17, 19555 3p333 3336.53 VOLUME39335 HANDLED 3 PERWEK h BYES3NDSLER Because of the6wayptesabandiedin Cosa Rica volum hadedprwekbybyrsadselrsi mal Drn.te1 per eek 35 1i5.93 caga per35 buyer Amount Ph3 prhses, ho 5ver copared to 56 quintals for th1 retiles handling the largest volume. 3i533133535d5 Becauedof he wie flutuatin in mountof poatoesofferd fo Fig.d1. Tota Amun ad3 on by Varieties of55 Firs lass Potatoes 15r chaed Slete Reales Sa Jose 5 ar33 t Biweekly 13355553 November3 3, 198 toOber333335 17, 33p333 3333333155333 per week, or 15.5 cargas per buye. Amount o 3purchases, howeve, ranged from alow of .6 cargasper byer perweek to ahigh of a5out 35 5uint313 of potatoes 3333 week. The one 533331133 the smales vo1ume 331vera3ged 331y 35333 34 53133313 p33 wee3k. This com5pared 335 53131 qu33al 353 335131333er handling the 1333333 sa1e at different33 seaon o53 theyea, there is a133 a wide3v3ria3io3 35cus 353 th 3wa potatoes 333 handled in Cot 55133, 3313553 handled per335 53333 333133y35 bues533333s ssml.Duig h 5 weeks for which data were obtaned from the our buyers atCartag, they purchased53 cargas ofpottos-n veag o 633 I 35cagas per week, or 15.5 ara 3 3per buyer. Amountof purchase, howeve, ranged from a1low of.6 cargasper buyer perweek to a igh o 21 cargas. about 35 quinta1lso potatoes per5w3ek. The one 533d1133 353 355311333 3313553 aver3333 3313 a5333 14 3333313s per week. This com5pared to 561untl 131331 133 353ier han1333dling 353 133g333 Because of the widefluctuation in amount ofpotatoesofferd for 3313 at different seasons of the year, there is a133 a wide3 variation  dling the largest volumeo potte purchased an 44 avra 9 f141 but only 22 qintalsper 452k during 4 thetwowee 4prio enin ending Jnay 10 to4.59quintlsperweek durngtheperiod ending May 19. these5,9 pepl nrmlly handle only potatoe, 3414 443ta poin up94h inicm 1tdifferentperiods ftheyea. During 414he 4 perodovebe 3, 1958, to4445obe 17, 19999, the four 45 retaler stde pai an average of 31.75 per quintl fo The aveag price1 fort Etrell variety wa32.55 941 quintal the Kenebec ariet but401.995more4tan3thatfor the Morada Blanca variety an 2.19,,4345 mr ha 3o Mrd Negra. vari3 by var74tie avergin 03.095,5 per 9 quril for Kenee,2, 02.555 for Etrell, 72.40 forMorad 43anca4 and02.395 o Morada Negra. Both7who7esa7 ad reailpriefluctuad wiely9throughout4Sh ye.Prices atboth7, leves tnde to ncrasefromtheeary partof November, to th 27ddl of ~ Marh.Thy droppedfrom4th7mi33l of Marhuni th middle,5 of22 4May42 and 4 then 5, inrese until3 about th m32d3e of June. The mos rapid decline in price was fromth last3ofJune until254, 5 the9arl par ofSepembe. Te hghes avrag 9rice at 45,5 whlsl 8a 45.10 per4 quintal, 94fo3r 95 al 45ieisfoh two-wee5k period ending June 14. This, compared to only 716.55 in amount4 of potatoes 5a431e3 by 54e ret4945,. The re43le han-4 but only 229qinas4 e wee4k2, durin thetwowek perideding July 11. The 4445 hand344 t94 smallest435, voum of454 poatesva2e from a5igh5of22.5 quintals per4wek3duri 94 the tw-weekperio endng1Januay 10to55, quintls per5week duri44433494er4od ending May 99. D45, 45, 5,ol,5, 544272d 944 5,447 by 55,944s at 744444o 442 these74 pepl 41mal 45321e 35,y 442499e5, 43he34d4ta55341t,45,4t5, 4434n 994 94742d N5,44mb5449, 1999, 34 5,335,54 19, 1999, the four,45 35,5,5,5,5,35,3e paid an,413444443431.945,er1414tl5f4 4141131194 vait 7n 2.495,434 5,r tha 44434rad9444a 4442e by 44347444444 avrgn73.594 41 95, 5,35,445o Knne,43 47995,5, o45rl,4 2.409for3Morad Blanca, and2.395,1444434ad 94414. Both7whoesale4an4retail9rices9flctuated idely4 35,95,434 th 9444. Prices 44747434134444 5 474442994444e o nresefomte alyprto 9444em541 to4 the92~3~ 5 middl of1Mrch9Thy 5doppe 3frm 4te4mddl 43 44447 5,443 the middle4of4ay4and5hen3incrased unil4abou 445,22 4445,44fJun. 954,544 5,32494 rapi declin in44 445,474fomth last of June until the early part of Septembe. The highest average price 41 5,95,1444a 45,4 4.199 9p14414 quita for all4vri445,4474th two-week4 94242d en4244 June 14. This 34om94442 to only 417995 in amount4 of 94441444 9442142 by 354 4494341r. The 1444le 141n94 dling the3largest4voume4of9potatoes9purcased2an4a414144443941 1419 91. The 5,on44e, 94dln 5,5494 smallest volumeofpoatoesvarie from5 a, hig of 229.5, ntl per week3,44 durin5thetwo-eek4erio 442344141nuar419 to,9 85,5 14944al per 44449dur4g4t4ep4rio 44234444 99 3. Data onvolume andled er weekby buyes at4Ca4ago an 44199412144 3994 the 319 Sa 445549 944234 9345,4ict ta nerasnfoh 45,444 954 94134d 94445,541 3, 195984, 05,43544e 17, 1959, the~ four4 retailer 2tu33e3 pai a2 44eag of 043143.75 94r quinta 1341 potatoes44they9purchased3fromwholesalers4on5the5San4Jos44maket. Blanca49 vait and7249 45 rehan5or4Moada4egra 444744 most5, 5,334344 44i 9443 sale ~ 994 944343 445,3342, alld quatilo which444491442,9 4444h 95,45,44394314 hepeio suded the4averagepri9e4at4reai43was945,perquartllo.44tai454c va2edbyvaietesavrain (3.05 4 erquartillo 43 f4323 Ken3ee,4 9441o7 srel,0.0fo oaaBana n 235frMrd Negra. 44244474433445343435435595 Both7wholesale4ad1retail4pricesfluctuated4widey5throughout 5, 9445,a445 4745,2275 4434 both 24e99l2 tenedtonceas5fomtheealyaro Novmbe to4, the,9 midl 3323 March The drop2 fr44 3454444 midd1le 455o41495f4 994a41493 untl te4mddl4ofMayan4thn icreseduntl4aou the4middle4ofJune.5The4most4rapid5decline9in9prices5was4from4th two-week4periodending4June414.9745594 444cmprdtool 194199  Despite flctaton in prcat differn easn of tbe year, diffrncsin price between vaite weearycosatfm Raifluaionsin pcat whleslandi tlfromperio atbhoeale by atiler wsrflectd immdiatly in iia trary toth opno l that appear Atob helbd byf may people in litle lthough tere Ia fieflutain in A prcal t whleale. Reion betwee Supply ad Pric.-I Ahe anaysi p of AthI daa All vaion in the toal Amuto potae purcasedI by Alos cooperaing in the study ftprsne aitiosi the toallsuply of pottosffered for sle on tbe maket at differn saon of the year. It was lso ame that the arge Af pices hIr the forcoprtr atlesle and retailat differen periodsl ofth A carison wa made If the flcuto b in muto lpotatoes purcabsedAdurigeatwo-weekfperidandithevergepria rtifoall aeie (Fig. 2).fTesftalldidinolsothe uual expected priequiyrelationp. D urigNovemberDecmber, andftheftlhalfofJaay pdieftretilincadlthgh there was big icra in vlume Af plotasl d. Tbe retail price dropped froA the la of Mac to te middle of May and thbnicrasdlolbeely partlffJuy wetlhrwrelysall fflutatinsinfthevlum fpotlaosod. LwstrIaiprcso- curred bn September and Oberh balth bg lb1aonto lpotatoes sldduin~gtspidlwaoly lllmbretaehlfbhepak Alum te lat half Af Decmber and tfirbt balf oalay. Reaion betee mon of poatoe soid ad retilprice wouid tend to indiate thata diffreln t Aesn othI year thelA er batrauigasibt An Aemand, suclka flution Anpesoa icom, incrased compettlAifo thrpouts, r therftor. perquiintalfrtto-weep perld dinSptember ,oa dif- Despite flutaions in pric at Aiffet saon Af thbyar AifferInesAi prices betee vaitie weairycntatfo peiodto piodA. Thi ab tru for both whlale aAd retail prie. Reaive flcuain A in prl icsa wholesl and retail fromperiod to peiodwe lmos idetic. Tati, a chag in thepricpid trary to the opinio tbat appeato be Ald by many people in Costa Rica. In fact, som wul agueatail price chagevery Reain betwee Supply aAd Price.-Alnfthe alis of thI data coperatigiitestdy rpesent vaiaionsinthbttll spply ofpotatoe offered for sleon thb maket at differn sasn of Ahe year. It a as asb me hat thei Il erageoA price for the lfou oprr til whollestaflearelat ifferentlpeiod ofth realb foravaietie (Fig. 2). Tbes atal did not sbhow thesua expectedpricequaiy lationshlip.DingNovebe,Decembe, adbthe firtIaifo anay priat realil inasealhogh thlr was big inae in volm of potilebldA. Tbe reail pric dropped fo the ls of MIac to the middle ofMay and thbninraedtoltheIaly paiofJuly wentherbleelysall ffltaionsi tebvlume ofpoilaosol. Lowetti piceo- curedinSepember adOtobrilfthoubgtlanfpotiae sold duing thib peidas only altteor At han one-balftbe peak volum An thI la balb Af December and thI birs blf ofJaary. Rltinbtwepen iA amutoptaesoand eilpiceswold tend to indiatel tal a iffrntsaonf tIhe year theeer fatrcuig a i Al deAand, sua flutionA Al peral incom, icescmeiion fromlothepAproductroherfacor. perqntl f or the lb o-wee peiod ending September 5, or aif- feAc Altee th low Ian high prAc Af 172 per cen. Despite fluctuatilns Al prics t d ifferent sean Af tbe yea, AifferInesAi prices btween vaietieswr ary osatfo prAiod to peid. Thi pab tru Afor both wh iesln reail pices. to perider almost identica. Thai, a c ang ifthepric paid ta tthI opiio tal appea tob hebA by many people bn litl l togb tbere aA i fltain An price at whblel. RlaiobetweenSupply an ic.-I thInlys~isothatal the varaionA ithe total aoun Af potae purcased by those coperatng inl thesuy rpreseted aiioninftheltoalspply ofpotatoes offed IA r al on tbhe maket at Aiffern Alasn ofA tAe year. It wa also ame that thI allag of price Ior Ahe fourloopeaftors atlIwholesl n alatdfferenI perods flth expcteIie-utityA ~ reainhp. Durfing November, Decegbr bhell lasa big bicrlas An volm of potatoes soA. ThI retail price droppedro thei ilas 11f Marc Mto fthe iddle of May and thenicreased to thI ealy part ofJly whbn bhell were1 oly sall vlume11 inth lb t half of Decemlber lanA the1 birsl hlfl ofJauary. tend to indiatetha atI different seasons if thl yearlthere were  INDEXffttf 140ft ft RETff f ft AI PRICE~t~ fttttt d12 fffbttt f t ffff AL VAIET IESt ftth ft\ p1tyf fiitf~ fffdt fff A 0 df %AittAtA ttttttAAtttffffff tffff iffpyta fbttthtfffffftttttt 60~fg fdttf~ttlfff lif gi"~ ftffffdb4 tffffgA0f tttttf tttt Onfffffdf~tltfdfffffA NN Oa ~ ftf qF t M t ft ftttff ftftt Aa A / > Pff AMOUNttlttfffttTft Ft TATOESyiflifPURCHASED fftpfft pl 160fffftttttfyPfflff~t 140 flitfl ritifff Ef Tf A L PRIfCE fttifft Aftlift~~~~ ~~ BffttLLttf Vtfitfffflfffftff tttittf A IET IESffttffft ttff lit 0ft If f tttttttt tit ffff ttttf it ffltttt 100 Afflff ttttffA flf tttttff ttttt Mttt 80ff tttt ttffftttttttt f ~ ffffttff lfffff tf 60 fff f~ tttfltttflfff tttfff tl ~ ~ ffhttfltttf tffff 4ffffffytffffffffflffffittttttfffffffflttt fttttttttttt fffttttffffff. ffftttttttttttttt Ntittitt by fttittffff lif ftfft A tf M ttff fttttffff ft1 ftftiftS ft0 BIWEEKLYftttffttffttf PERIODttfftttfftt ENDfttIGtttfffffttt DFig.t 2.f Indft eoftftk t ltftf ftAft ltftt artfetiestanA mouft tftf ot t oesf Purcase attttttt Wholesfttfale Selected Rtait tfflers, San t ft Maktttff Biweeklyft Perods 160 AMOUNT OF POTATOES PURCHAS EO 160 140 \r-RETAIL PRICE J 'AL VARIETIES 120 100 / BO 40 Oa m NN DN JN Fd MN A M a Ja Ja Aa 5 0 BIWEEKLY PERIOD ENDING PottoesfttfiCsta fRafarerltivelftty hihlinicefttfandtmay peo-. cftfeef harfftest ft in progresftstf andt durinftg ti period faftftftesfnf Jthef cffeeharveft trts, incomesftf offt manyf ftttttfalies aref litthi liftw ftftlei lsToittf lltflttt po ttesft t prc mus tt e tfrelatvl flow.ttf Somfteftdeaflersftftrttttiftutedtefltationf inft pricesfft om ftft. t Juneftpartlyftofcmttiontfromtj avocadostf. Wteverfttft hetfttrtffasn ithet iateb fthaitffit Aftr appear ft e ftrftherfttf tan atlchanget in supptflyfthtftfteift chaft geftfttftteftttffttricof pttoetsfff.fff~ff ftftftftftfttan Earning f Retitlr.Grs marft orf stttttttfpradf  12.5 poolen obo ohe wholosalo pric. Out of thio aountsso, tho retilor hod t1o orlose duo unsalabhe potte or bhose sold otlorducod pdic,direc epse, and nteigs . One significt fac sob obsth am oun ifth ss magin was flomsperdod topeod. It did not tend to change with flucuaos retl. This foctio douhbt parly acout for tho feeding thatthe msiddiemon iostheon tshatsmakes"loteid is. " Fomoprcen- wohen they aehigh. Wish tho oxcegtion of 21 ssonthsfom tho host bal o Novme tho soho dary poot of Jaousoy, tho amount of polo- tosldfo pedioootodperiodoarimh lssthniho e icdsof potaoeso. This say partly exglin shy gross ssarghns moeorls cntnfor tho peopgh selling potatoes pre sobly striving for oboutfho same gross incomespgrweek. Aso indicated eadier, tho retlh seling tho lest potatosso ld aout 14 quintas per wssok oand dothe retalhig tho most aout if quintaos. sed o tho avrgo groossagin, tho rtaihe sith ow h saewould booe grss earnigs of dlightly ovr550 gor week oand lbs son with high sahs aouts d22l. From Ohio aountso,ret taxe, hired lor,if ay,ad aloher p ess mst besu- gggn 65 hous gor week. Ata iimumo wage of 01.25 perhour, a ore wso ould expec o ear C5pe go e otis mountsoo f work,ithoutlfurishingsaoy capitaoicursg ansygopnse. Thore aressany difficougt hhrobesintheogroduction aodmar- kethng of potaos ho Coosoa Riga. Ahthgough some producgion is harveosd each monh of thes year, the bulk of dhe winter cro0 is horese oin September, Octgoe, and Novme aho d of the sam- gecop in March, April, and May. Potaos are oormally hold onheofarmlgogerghanoutog onhsh.dsorsulshereisoa wgide flutuaion in theount of poaoe oord for sah indifler- en onthsoof theyear.Thi, ogeher ih vaaiosin iome of Old5 gor cent aooe tho whohshl prige. Out gf thhs aount, the retiher hod is coveosse due A to un hhbl potaos ohose sod atsaorducedgrc, dictixpenss,dseeanigs. On significant foot ahbout theoun of tho grossmagin ws fromperiddtsodrod.hdid not tedo hng ihfluctuatsiss inothaounofgpaossld orihvaio s in thprice at retailhis fact nodoubthsparty aco tsorhiodblighthe msiddhemanoo htho so thatsmahos "ail ohs prohits" Fross apercent wohen shop oso high. Wish Ohe oxcptnogf 2l12 sssssnhshs foo elas half of Nsovemssho tho early gaof JOanouaroy, ohs aountsss sof poa toesosoldhfrom periodstogpeiod varied muchhole sshgheprceof potaos. Thios maygpartlyexpginhygossmagin issmsoreorles cntnfgg thg ggoplegsggling gpotatosor prohaly osivinsg for aothssho oosgrsoiooossoicoegehwe. Ao iondigoted oorlier, tho roiihr sollinsg ohs loost gstaos sold aout14 qintaols eroeeksad heretileslligheost abouts 56 quints.SBaoedson heavergegrosssmagins,sheretilerih lowsls oooulssd hoso grss oearniogso s lightly 000 0 Speo weesk and sOe onewith high hshls abu5225. Fomhs siountss, ren, taoos, hhoed lbor, if any, aod oil otherooexoooses mstbshub- tractedsto obtainonetoearings.Retilsgenerlly keephistadsd oplo 68 hsous per oeek. Ass aminimums waogeof gI1.21 per hour, o workher souold osgect isoo an685 peree foor tis haounooo of orok,swithoutsfurnishingoanycaitaoincurroigoyexpense. Thereoooomaoy difficutsblemhsoioheprdodtosadmo- keting of potaoeos is Csto Rho. Although someoducdois haroestedoeachmontsh oftheoyear,theohulkoftheointesop ois haresed inSeptember, Ocobero,oad November and ofhesu- mero cop io Morch, April, sod Moy. Potatoos ore nol ormaloly hold onotheofarmlongerothano ut wosonths.Asoaresul,ihereoiso wideoflucttonoinothedaout ofotoes offeo r s le indiffe- en otsh of Ohs year. This, together with variios in incomeo of 02.5 000 eoO aove tho wholsoh gdico. Ost of this aountoo, ohs rotoiler hod to cover lossos dueoo isnslable potaoeoso ohose sold 010 a oducod grics, diroct expenses, aod net earninsg. OneosAgoihicaot fact aooo tho aounto of tho gloss maorgin 000 theotendncyfooit obeho or orlhssfiodaountopgooqintal hrom perdod is peodod. It did ot tend is change with flucuons inotheoaountss ofgotoessoold orowithooaiions inthegdicesa reoaod. Thio losso douht gortfy acounts for tho foohing thst sho moiddhemnsso tiheoneothotsmakes"ollheogis." Fromoaogoroo- age stoodphoi, ohs omorhuy is muchs ore oheo grices aro iow thon ohoo thoy are high. Wish tho eooegtionof sills otsfho theh boot half of Niovembero tho early paoo Januarosy, tho aounto of psoa toesosoldhfom peroddtooperodvardedoom hohlsos heopgdof gotoeso. Thio maoy gortly ooploin wohy groso maorgins oeorle losat or tho pooplo oelog potaoes 010 pobhahly striving fos aothshaooeigross iomeo porooeok. Ao iodigotod eaodios, tho retoiher sedling tho hoost potaoeso sold low solos wsoold hovo gloss earnsings sof olightly 0000 50 psi weook sod doe one oih high shle ahout 0225. From hsmunret taxso, hirod lahor, if sy, oand oil other expenO sessh oh.ub troctedto obtinoneteoonings.Retilerssgenerolykeopshirsads open 61 hoos psi weook. dos aimiimum waigeof 0125 psi hoor, a oroker wouold oopectt isr so8o5 psi weok for this amounot of ork,withoutofuoihingoanyocapitoincurroingayexponooo. There 000 manoy difficutobleohs io ohs production ood mao- keting of potatoss 00 Costo Rho. Although 0000 production is harvested each montsh of the year, thsehoufk of theinter crop is harvsted 00 Soptemhor, Ocobehr, and Novembher sod of ohesu000 m00 crop is Maoch, Apsil, ood Soy. Potatoes ar0 ot ormally hold sonoho formsonsgerthanos oossooh. Asasultohereooisoo wdsflucaiono ibsth amsountofpotaoesofforedforoshleindifer- ent onthho of Ohs year. This, together with variations i0 incom0 of  With thl excptio ofla prepaio, moto the production andhvsing oprtn are~ perfrme by h a. Hor of labor prmzaaaehigh. Tbe topography oA the hand onwhi pota- reureet an asthe difficu ltyll pefring opeaton. Many their own production Much of the sed platd is infected ith foll d ocotrlplantdieaeadinsects areusay notad- quate. Potaoe produced ofenar of lo qulity with man of the tubersrog,dd-haped, andaffectdith secod growh. Many Af the potatoe harvestd havl t be culed bcus Af Tbe makethng system is based lgdly ontrditio. The smal11 amoun handled by individual buyers and sllr lincreaesth num1- her Af hanlr btee podcer and cosmesad alhI the cos pe itforlmk tig thproduc.Wholhsaeandreaimar ksin on uha a oeaepol aized an~ygI~ d d vy co- gested, which grely redce efficieny a ads to the gost of hadlng products through them. Halers Bpeat onamoeo lsfixedmaginperhlb. hiskes tlapearltha her ar- igs areexesivly large, espeilly when prile are bllw. Boweve, gosrig s eoly moderate dl areli linewieplepe- formig Aimilsrice. The Amun othe magins Bends to be dita more by tb1 high cost and lge losse inherent ihe preenlystemlofkmarktg rat~hr hyhe ecsieprits being mdel hepeplpepformigdthlmakeing serice. Effiieny ofpoduci g dmaketig ptatoscanbi- prove. To obtain som of the dsre improvement, howve, All Aiv changesin metod l and tAhe marketig system thatr impossibl tg obtinh gg thI peen im. The irs step to reduce prmnaaaehigh. Bhe topography gf thelahd onhhch pota reuiemnt and also the dificlty ofperforming operabions. Many a infesteA Aitl disases, epecially B. slancau at1 Boe FIarmr omly slAct their phantig seeA yerafeyafo bheiow productin. Bucb of lbe see plBane is ifecte with ferlizaghgn a other production praie r lmitA. Pogam folBwedAo cotrolplniseaseadinsect ar ully not ae- thI tubr rough, odd-shaped, a affectd with second growth. gayf thI poItate hase have to hI cullA bcaus Af Thmaketing systm s ase~dlagelyontrdiio.The smal amohun hadebyiii yer ndsleincrases thenum her of hlr betwee prodcer ad consmer and al the costperitformarighproduct.Wbhlslead rtlmar- ktsi llhowns lp yughla SnJoedrlpo ly ognie lndvrycn gesteA, whih greaty reduce effcieny a adsl to lbcsto hlaling products through them. BHaher operteoamreo hes fixe magin yeluit This makes At appear that tbhi an ings ar ecesiey lge, espeilly when pricesar lw. Bowve, gos aigs ae ly moderaa ailinewhpepleper- forming similgr serice. Tbe amoun of theImagi tends to hI AictIa more by thI high cosB a harge lse inhrentinth presntystem Af maketing rather than by lb1 exesi prits being mae by Ahe peopph performingthe market~ing serv ie. Efficienylfpodcing lamakting ptatolscanbe im- proved. Tg obtain Aom othI Aeird limprovement, howeve, ilinvlvehanbges in, methoAs a the maketig systemthatar impossibl Bo obtain Bt thI present Alm. Tbe iBs Btey to reducI ga harvsig operions are performed by hand. Hours of labor per magzgn Ill high. The topography Af thI la onwhic potag are liAfeBtA with Aiseases, especialy B. sholnacearum Btloe Farmerlnorlll ylect thir plaing leed year aferyer ro fBBrtilto and other productionl practces Ill limited. Programs quate. PotatosI rdue oftenI are ofl lw qulity ith many of All tubersrogh, odAAshapeA, a afBeBtd with second growth. Many of the potatos harvested ball to hI cleA because of ThI mar~keting gystem is baseA larggly on gaio. lb1 small1 amounA handhed hb l pndiiall~ uye A and 1 seler inr a l h Im cost per unit for markin~lg the product. Wholsl and reilhmar-l gesBeA, whhch greatly reducels lffiiny ad addl to thI cosB of handling productsl through them. Halersl~ operate on a more or hes fixeA margin per unit1. This makes At appear that their earn- formin~g Aimlarhservice. The amount of All marglins BIAds to hI Aita more by thI high cosB Ia large losses biherent in All prsent syBtem of mareing Iraher tha by All excessive pritsI beig maebylthbpepl perfominglthellmaeigserlice. Efiiency of poducig Ia makig ptatoescalbeim- poved. To obai som th deslire Allovmets BblbIwBeverII  posible for poucr to reev higher ne etrsadah saetm rvd h osmrwihabte rdc ttesm Many Af the producion probem a als how yields and qualiy quaity ~a Afe disese Aeed. The AgrnmDeatntoth prgamt btin and distibute high-quality see. Ths orga- zaioslretob complmente on Pheh dial-ity of thibe- tie.H wvr pt h rsnttmtepormhspoie plant paAn A aditoai ana. Pladtn the lag-sz poatein crashe cost of th seed t do more Dha thrwesablt ay. Sic hene fo imroe seeiAd apass bai impovn th oaostain h olwn ugsin perdsrbe efficieny ofproductio and to improv qualiy inode to mai possble for producer Ao reciv hihe net rtrsad ah thepoato situt ii n Cosa Riafollow L. Inces th muto mrve edaalbet grower. Many of th producion problem and als hAw yield and qalty ofptte rdcda h rsn iese rmpatn o qualiy and ofte dased seeA. The Agroom Delparmn of the MAI adtheCsjo Nacoalde Produccnhae copeativ pram to ohtan and dithibut high-qualiy seed. Theeorai zaton pr Ao be comlimnt d ontedeiaility of thei Abje- hAve. Holver up to the prsn ime, the program has provid only a sall quit Alp improvd seeA. Theac tat whle seed, I1to2 ounce insizeaeplanted makes hebhard.h Itisiffi- cultoincheatepply of lclsd ofdesird Alitissic only abou enogh sall aosa produce An a manzn to pln anaitionl manan. Planing thI large-siz potatos n cr ase t le cot fhe edt moreAA than the growerA alh to pay Sice h edforimprovedseed pphskbsiiprovig the poato situatio, the follhing suggestion appear deiabhe: aRevirqireenslfpresntprgamosd prductontose if chne or impreet Iar A neddo desiabl. h. Plceth resonibilhty Af developing and supeAviig the pormith hands Af onidividul, ith thAs job ashis major responsbility. c.Iiieapgareah h eefectsoflizandlpcig 2. Itesiy pramA to educate producer toflowrcm mende producion prcics Proucrareof slow to change practisbeas Af the unerany Af the resl. AlAnsaions arIoteL a ecive wIaytintodcea ewprtce I f a~ h lgrower sethe reslt ofapralc inhsonae he As mor lkely to try posle fo producer to riveI higher net retAn adtthe Soelpeificsggsions for develping aprogam to improve the poatitaioninCot h ic h Afollow 1. Icraeheamoutjoiprovd eeaiableogrower. Many of lbe productio prolems aAd als low yields ad fqulit of poaosprodceat the preen Am stem frmplantnlow qulit~y and often disased sed. Tbe AgronomyADparmen of the MAIaAd hICnsjoNial deProduccinhae cprativ pram to obtan and distribute high-qulity seed. These orgai- zainsareIobcopimened nI te diabiy ofbthir oje- tAislHoeve, pftobhepresent imehprgahaprovided only sml Aquantiy of improe seed. The acta hole seed, illo2 oucsi ize, arepaAtd akesthe jb harde. ItAiAif- cult toincheapetepl lyAoIloal sedodeire aietiince onlyabout enogbsmalpaoesaeprodcedona ananato pIatan adiinlI maa. Plantigthelag-siz potte i- cr ase Ahecsto hesedt rh an2I he groeis ablpa. Siceth ned oimprovd seappearsoIaic iniproig Ah potato situation, the folloig suggeion appea eirable: a.Rve reuiemnt ofI present progrIaIfee proucio A ose ifchagorimpeenarenedrdiabl. h. Place the responsiiliy Af develping and spervisig the pormithI handL Af one individul, Aih this Ao as is mlaor responsiility. c.IniilaaprogrlalofresarchIon heefectsoflizelandsaig ofIwholland ctlsedonyieldslandIretrns 2. Intensiy program Ao educate producers toflowrcm mendedpoducion paice.ProucrsarI ftnIlowo hage practices becus of the uncrtinty of the rslts. Aemnsrions are often an efectiv ay to introduce lae practice. If a grower sees te relt ofapracicelin hAisoarealheAimrlikey t ty  it, espeilly if i anbeownthatsuch0praciceowil0increas 3. Enourage groweso plan seo d freeof browo t (Maya) onaea here this disease i a probhlem. Browot, aseiu problem in most of ohe potaoaea beow, 2,200 meterso. To reduce loses in these areas, the seed planted should ho re of Obrownrot. moreffectveoquoipmenther ossibol. Physicallcor make ohe ueoh equipment difhcul. Ato t1mes farmers fail tomake seo eqimeteenohen it isailableoandoldhbe usdoo,an effectiv job. T iceaefficiency and rduc osof prduo, farmers shoul0d be taghtoand enougdo useieuipmenbher Tbe poulaion of Costa Rica is gowingovey raidly. Increaing thpoduonof foo ohmefuted emdndill b diffoiti presen production areas. Experioents should be coducted for potatoes an4 other cropsio areshere boey cnlikely begown 6. Consi0der tho possibiliy 4f establishing defiite grade stan~d- ardsor p, otaoes. At present, there aroo defbiit grade 84a1da40 for poroducts grown in Costao Rica. This mahes maroketingmr difficul, for neitber the boyer no thelrhashanimprovd stad- ard by wohich to judge tho prodoct. Establiobhment of grado sad- export market for potatoes. of the 2,,,, Montai at elevationof 001,700 so 3,000 meters,. A small podctio isiobtheviciiy oZeo.Podcio wasesti mated ot 100,520 quinls ho 0900 aod 104,080 qosntalo in 1905. Productionof potoesoper captai bout 0oudperyea. OnlOy about 04 poundo percpt ary e available forua bo onsup- tio icobot 0 prycntof th anuadoduton isd for it, especialy if itca be sown t000 such a practce wil0 increase 3. Encourage growers to pln seod frseof brw r,,,ot (Mayas) onaea hore this diseaso is porobloem. Brownr s a seu probloem in, osto f the potato areasbelo 2,200 oeters. To redoce losses heseareas,otheseed lantedshouldhbofeof row o . 4. Enouraoge increased uof simple equipment anod aouse moefeive eoquipment wherepossibl.Phyical faorsomke he ueof equsiypoent dihfiul. 4At , ti ooarer fail, to mke use of equipmentoooeven howhenivalble andould beusedodoan effective job. To nra fii encOA,,y and rduce costof production, farmers hold beotaghtoaod enoouooged ouoeoqipentohere 5. Experimentoloithoyhopoduction of poatoes inewaoo s The populioof Cost Rica is, 0 growingveryorpidly. Increasing the productiono f food t0oo eet0utur demands wil be difficult i present produotoon areas. Experiments hold be coducted for potoeso 0nd other copsy in areas where boey can likely begrown 6. Coider oh, possibility of estobliohing definite grade stand- ords oo atoeso. Af preosn, there aren definitegrade standard4s for yoodocts grooon in Coot Rica. T0is moakes marketingmr difficult, for nioher th, boyooooor th, selerhas a iooprovod staod- ard by whlich to jodge th, produo. Establshmoentof goado stand- ardswill beon noooo ssaoystop ifoaoooffortoisomde oodevelopoon of ohe froo, Montain ot elevatio of 1,000 to 3,000 meoter. A small prodtonisino he vicinity ofZarcero. Produonwasoesto- mateod at0100,020 qoofotols 0n 1000 aod 194,000 qoiotalh 00 105. Production of potoesopeo capita is about 20 pounds peryer Only aout 14 pouods per oapita aoo available for hoo ooooouoop- toioiceoutoo0operyoeot of hebaonual produon is used for 0t, especially 40 it ca o bown boot such a practice wOioinroas 3. Enouooagogowtoo planthoeedjfeofo w otoo (Mopa) onareas ohere boos disease 00 o problem. Bown oo0 is a0eiu poobeo in ost oh tho pototo 00000 beow 2,2O0oeters. To reduce lossesiotheseore,o theseed plaotedosholdhb rofobowot. Farmersoshooldoateopt o obtin their0see for oachpoanigfomo more0 offootivo equipment wher ossiobl. Physioalfhors mok the useof oqooipomoof dihficul. A0 times farmers fail to make useof oquipmooofoveoohnoiis availaobleandcould beosedodooao effectiv fob. To increaseo effiieny anod reduce ost of production, farmesoouloodhoeotoghtoand eouooogdtoouseooquipmoooohore Tbe poplafiono of Costa Rica isow1ing vey rpdly. Ioocreasiog tho production of food to meethfuture demands oill ho difficultin proesoot pooduono area. Exporodooos should ho ,onducted for potaoeos ood othe cop inOy 0a0e00 where boey can likdly beogroon O. Consider ohe possoibliy of estaolishiog definit grade stand ordsofor oooo. Atprf et too~here areooo definit goode standards for productoow 10n1 Cofoa hic. TOis ookes oorketing more~ difficult,for nethertebuboyeorhesellehasnimpryoed staod- ard by whho juodge tho product. Establishment of grade stand- exortmaket0or ooaoeoooso. f~~oooodod~ho Potoes areo grownoinCosta Ricaomaily on he outhwestsope 0000 thooaz Ms~ontai of elvos of 1,000 0o 3,000 ootero. A smallproductoion ioheviiy ofZaroooPodtonoo asoesti- mated 000154,540 quintalh io 1900 oood 194,089 qoiohalh 10 1955. Produonoof potatoospcp itaoy iso ut20ons pr y earo. hOnly aouo 14 poondo po, copito are avilable foo ho onoumoo- tOonosincout3os peroooont ofthe annual produon is used for  frmsigbtly rolig Ao step. Many of th soil arenfstd wit perfrmA by h~ad. Progrm fo teonro of insect a dis- essaeinadqua. Potate produce ofte a oflo quaity seodgroAt. Thatof th amun of seedplatdo d produ- hadle by AindvalA buyr n seler issmll. Whoale ~a cogeste, whib redce efficieny ~a ad Ao th cotoan markte lucuae fairy closey wit t volm arted The peakpero Af salesi in th ast half of Deceber ad the firt ball of Jar. Tbe volum of this period is abot te tme t lowvolmtat ocr i h first hal fuy. TAT price of potte at wholesale and reail folow about the saepater troghoth year. TAT diflrec in pATc bAAee vaitsi aTs fairly coat. PATcT Torally ilas AlAm tAe eay part ofNvAmbe Ant thmidle of MTa. Tbey drop fIom the middle AfMac t th ATmiddle Af May and then inces untl aot tAT miAAle of June. TAT mot rapiA declin in price isfo t lat of Jun untl tAT eay pat Af Seteme T he TATupply Af poate i a atorin price. Shifts An de a during the yea due 03.95 per quinalSra T isT mor or leT contat troghot the see, fed Ao litocAk, or culle. AbotT A toA per cen Af tpe TAT topography of t la in which poatoe are grw aTe fro slightly rollTn to stee. Many Af t soAT a ieted wthb performA by baA. Progrm for t cotrol of iscsandds essareiaequte. Ptatoe produce often a Aflo qualty thb may of tAT tAbr rogh, odd-shaped, an dA fe ted bt secon groth. ThatTofthamuto T seeT plTate Atopodu- TAT markting systm As basTd largely ontTation TAT volum andled y indvdalbuysandAellTsAsAsal. WhoaT le a congestAd, which reAce efficieny and adds Ao th otoa- mlynthldo tAT farm lger than 60 days, sT tAT voluA matdlutuae fairly clseyith the vouehrete. TAT haTf oaay. TAT volum Af tis period is abt t tiest lowvolmtt ocrntefrthl ofT A TAAIJuly. TAT price Af ptto at whlsl and eai follo about T theTA ealy pt TINovembe untl t middl of MTac. They drop from tAT middle TI March Ito tAT middle oI May a tATn inres until Taot tAT middl Af June. Tbe mot rapiA Aecline An price Asfo tAT las of Jun untl th arl y pat of September TAT supply of Toaosis atrTin pATc. SlAfts An deand ATrip tAT year AlA 03.95 per qital. TprTad As Tore ITr A less T cnttthogutt from slightly roling Ao stey. Many Af lt soAl aAre ine tAt performe by baAd Progra for t coto T f insts ad dis- eae aeiaequt. Ptate produce otAn are ATlo qality wthb lany oI tAT tr rough, odd-shaped, ad affected wtT andled by idvalT Auyers ad seller issmal. WhoaleT ad congested, which reduce effAieny ad TaATs to tAT ct Af ha- dling product through them aree f ltae airbly closey wthb the volum harete. The peak peiodof sale iAs TAT the lt a T TAcmbe a t firA alT of JaTuay. TAT volum Af thi pArTA As abIAt AlAe time tAT loAvlueha ocAur T itheTiArsthaofJuly. The pices of potat Tat AA whlea artolO bou AtheA saepIatr througAot tAe year. TAe differTnc In pAic betwee Aaite A alsbfily consTTta. Price norally inra from tAT eay paT ofNovme unAtilAAA th Tdl fMarbhTyey Aplro t middl of MaTc toA the m iddeo May Ta then inra utO atth A idl AAA AJuTT. TAT mt rapiA declin An price Asfo the lasd of Jun un1i tAT ealy part oT Septmbe. The supply of pttoes As atoTinA prile ShiAAA i Tn T demand TATin th TIa u 03l.95 per quitTl. Spread As mor or les coAt Athrugot tAT  year. Ouof thi moun theoooo retaooiler hao. pay 0 all expenseso, cover any±osse due o unsalable00 potatoes, anod receive bis earnoings. This± resuls ionlyolfilyodt iofor mot0rea1les0siceol- uehandoled is not large. Earnings o flucuat wooo~oidely atdifler- entoperiods of th yea becausof fluctuat±ion in mountoof potatoes any losses duo unsalable potatoe, andorecivelisearig. Tis results inonoly a±fairlyomodestoinc~omorostretailers±since±vo- ume handled is±no01arg. Earooings±1± aloo) flcuaewdely at diffe- ent perodsof the yea(000 becasof flcuain in0±±000 am0 n of00 opotatoes year. Out of this aounto the retaile haoo ±pay all expenses,00ov00 any ±0000000 dueoo unsalable00 potatoes0, and0 receivehis earnings. This ouoo h000d)0d is0notlarg. Earnin0gso )0±0±00±000 widely 000 difler- ent periods of theoea (0000 s ±oof flcuain in000000 mount of potatoes0  Land Tenure andType and Size of Frm A grAcutur 9is the basi industry 91 Costa Ria, and the pAincApa occpation Af the majorty of t6he oly a1fw1esarh1tuie hav been161 maldeI cocrig 1611 pattern In 196096he MAI, through its Of1ce Af Planning and Coodina,- tion, initiated astudy oftw paricu1ar aspects Af the situatio, naey 1)9696119 1 teditiladenrinaod established farming ariheMesetaICentral,and (2)1 1999 1 th 1sscatosbewensz of ar,ypeof1farm,and1farm9ncomei9tebsmereaforgud- AtenasCounty was1selected for9the9oer-all1stdy as rpresent- tivelof the rural cmunteso 11ICosta61RiaigA charcterstic suchas the1following: 1161 reua topogr1ahy, cndcie9o1 hghgrdeofersinwhc 9.ke iAt,,,1, difficult11 to1 1199izfrmng 2.Nmru smay ll,9,ll6161 farms.,,,,19h, 3. Reliance pon,9A91,9 a ume o ifeen as ros 4.9Heay9dpendnceupo han6,9,,,,d brdihuAan,,,pe, with onl The, prevailing type, of agrarian structureli considered conducive to the fllowing: 2. UnequadAiAributin of prpe, a,factor,,whichteds6toincreas. Land Tenure and Type and Size of Farm Agriculture is thelbasic91indstr1y Cstialad depends gre1ay upon an~ efficient and healthy agriculur. 1To da,,1 ofaciite o1f9 rura 1 peopl, their1resource, and the, ma1ner1in In 1960 tbe MAI, through its Of16ce of Plannin,,g andCoria tion,, initiated a, study of two1 particular aspects of Ahliuan of farm, 1991 of farm, an~d farm1 income1 in the sameareaforguid- AtenasICountywasIselecteIforbtheIove-llstdy 1111ep11111911 1. 111e1u1ar topograph, conducive to a 6916 1191e of erosion, which mae 9161 dipf1cult6to mdchanize1farming. 2. 1d91d11199 9ueru small d1,11farms.l~l~ 6. Relinceupo9a1 nmbegofdiferen1cah cops 4. Heavy199111119911 9911911111hndlbo ndhma owr wt ol a , liitd umrofioenavilalefo anima1169l19powedr.~ ld999 9. Few1oportuniies forleplyment1outside h1l9farm.1 7.LSecifcdsyteml fineiance19andliviionflandginopgcls.11 Land Tenure and Type and Size of Farm A gricu 9llltrhebasiidustryinCostalRicalad 161 princip11 911991199n 91 161 maort of1 9196 workers. Continud9urbangrowt inidusty, trade,,and services depends greatly upon an 1161611n an 611619y agr16Icutue To date,, 91119a 1119 11119116 studies1 have bee1mde1concerning 161 patterns of 1191161ie of 19111 91991e, 9616r 111191111, lnd 161 1119111 in which6these1resources areloganizedad used. In 1969 961 MAI, through its Offic of Plning 11d Coordina- t6on,9initiatd1a1stdyof1twopar1icularIaspct6ofthesiat1io, 1111119: (1) 961 drft 911 Iad 1119191, ina ld 1111661612d farming of1far, t991 of farm1, and farm 9119111 in Ale 19111 area 991 guid- aninpsiblebbprogram1lanlld tlementlad lniatio. 2. Numeroussmllfaprms.IA 3. Relia61ce upon9a numberlof differentldash crlps. 4.bHeay depedencey ponhan lal,~bor Ia dlhuma lpowe,,ithol a16 lmtd ube f xn viabefo niagpwr 5. 111 Ver h 199161 deogapi growth. lllg 9. FeopportdiieAlfopepllloymnt utsde6he1d1farm.9 7L.bSpecfcssemop eitance9and division6of1a1d1into9pares The11119111 n ty991p19111 ofarra9tucuei1 osdee.odcv  6. A tedeny6 toward a 0 contan6derese6n6te6szeof6arm6i- 6. Un66t6s6acoydistrbuino agiulualicoe 7. 66crasig economic diavnaedue to60066nzato66oc0- It ws expeted hat te sdy o t nly woulp roduc pssble Ats Cony, 26tuat2 wes of t06 Ceta Plta an P66s south66- west of6he Ciy of Alajuel,has an aea ofpproximately 67,766 06zna-h equiva6en6 of 30,506 acres (1.727 acre per ma66- Accodig 66 06e 666666tic6 Cen6us of 6656, 6h6 county 66on- taind 76266 famswih a A areaof aproxmatey 16,3346manz6,a. 606h 5 avera 6 siz o , ar wa 26 manas. The principa6 crops ines o acrea6ge were6 cornadbeas with small aceages i coffee, ric, and sugar can. A good6communicatio rp ortat6o, systemexistbetween the are 6662 the6 centers 660 ofAljul, rei, and2San Jose. The di- trict 66 6Ba6rr o 662u a 66606 Cnpc666 areseve by the Pacific Railroad. The other district 06ve 66626 Sor year-ound6traf6. Atenas6 066665 has a po6pulation 66 67p66666666665 66,000 in- 060666nts, with0 516.86per6cet6economcally acive6popuat6on6be tween 666 ages o6 66 a62 64. 606 Mapa6 Preliminar 26 0ue6os 66206666s 6tw6 mai6 group5s 66 5. A tendeny toard a6costat6dereae6i6th6siz6of6arm6in 6eie f6006 father 66666665 60666666666 666660 6666600ator 266666665io 266 666660666666 66co6e. 7. 6666ain 66 on6662 diad66 ag 606 t62 mehaiato 666 c66 om666 -600 6666t 666666 660656066e662606s. 666,0 It as xpete 6666 66666 study6o n6ot6 66l ould0 prou6 6666666666 wes6t626 66 606 6666666 0666 66aj065, 606 6606 arao666oimtl 1,0 m6ana6th 766vaen 660666 6650 6666s 6672 6556666666 16,63 6666666 66066e, 066e, 662 su566 6666. A0good666comunict6on6ad6trsportation666system6essbetween the 6666 662 606 666666s 66 Alajuela, 066666, 662 S66 6666. T06 20s tritsof6BarrioJs6s andoncepcion are6served6b2the0Pacifi Ra660660 Th0,6t06620st0ic0666666266666566666606266666ffic Atens 066665 Os 6 565066666n 666 65566666666y256,666 66- 0606666666, 66660 660 566 per6 c 66666666666666665acSive po6pulation6 bs- 666666 th s 6 15an 66425. 606 Ma656 Prelimina 26 76066s 0606606e Swo 6606 groups of 5AN TEUR AN66666666666666OFFA6M6- 6. 066666 tendency 666, 6656066666660666666i te szeoffamsin 6. Uns6666s6566666666662026666566266666c66066al66666666 666666t6666 to 66666606 56006 66e 6566606606 666riutuei Atenas, but 666666 6066 66660e 6660066666606 66niv 66566 60666666660666666atio z666). According to 60s 66at6600a 0666606 666 6665, 60666666666566666 6666662 786 66666666 666h 666 are of5approximatel66603 6666666666. 6066 66666566 s666 66666 6666wa 26 666666666. 0066 50660566l 66656 coffee, 066, 662 sugar 6666. A good6 6666666606666 666266666566666666n6566666666600066066666 6066666666626066666066666of A66(606, 066606,666266666660JosTh dis- 060666660, 66660 666 56666666666666666666665666666565666666666ios e t66666 06e age6 of 15 6662 64. The Msps Preliminar Os Susos 620606aes 6606 main5 grusSo  ou.The secod group, less extensiv, contain hlteitic brownish red soils of thP Grecia Seies, with phse ragn from slightly hilly to step huhl. Atenp, situated within the helt of the dry tropPia fores ad ragin fropp 40 to10 inches, which fllows the pamgeerl pht pprm. Thi rerehns sbsanipl nonfarm poplaio Pna essentilly aitualra Among thP hd of houelds who repore thei father' 31prcn wr oso peo s Other weesnsop eneso The size of fapm of ladowningfathers had been large in com parisonto hosepf heirpsnsanp t tphepesenlsizp ofarmin Alajuel Prophnpe. Whprp Ph far PIP th ahe had been diided (or sld dpheppoceedpof sledivided)thre hduullybeen ahlag nmbeofheirs, whchmeantlhatldepite hlargersiz of thefaher's farmp, indidal inhrances wer generaly vepy smal.Thus, duingtheperipdPuderPstuy, thereP has ben su- staial subdivisio of owesip rihs, which ted i itslf tore- duce the siz of farms and develp minifundia in Atenas County. Individuasho had inrae their landholding ove an hpbov thirPihrianes e, for hemospar, curentownrspfsmall lapdholding whoP had beneipients ofsml inheritance. Dat concernin inhertanc statu and Piz of landhodings ap- per to gpive furPhereidenc that the evnuldeclin in size of farsp aduep ohelargenumbh ofheirsinull failie. Opera- tors whhdeeivd thirln iheriane wd an averge of 17.4 mazpa Pn 1959. As a hl, thy per son offahers who soilsinhe couny. The irtan ms exesv is p h rep d laterit ou.Ph second grop, les extensiv, contain laeiti brownih red sols of the Grecia Sies, with phasespranging from slightly hilly to steephills. witiP the agrcultural gpain region, has ananua precipitation A cros section of rural househods Pn Aeas CPunty Pn 1959 farm. ThPs reppreet substantial nonar poppulto Pna essenially agricultura are. Among Ph heads Pf household whop rported AheP fateP' The Piz oP fam f ladowing faher had been large in com parPis Pt hsePof heirsosPdPoPhepresntPizeofPaPi Alajuel ProPPnc. Wher Ph farm Pf Ph ahe had been divided (or slA ad Pheproceds Pf sah divPde) therehPd usually Pee a largp numbe of heir, which men that despite the larger Piz Pf the 9 fahe'fr, indidal inheritace wer geneally vr sll husduringlheperAod undr stdy, hehshbPnPsh- stanial sudiisinofowhiprhtshchtendin itelfPo r- duce the Piz of fam a deelp minifundi inAtena County. Individuas ho hadincrasd APPi ladholdigs ov P hnaov th iheritapes wer,foptemtpapr, currnt onerPofPmal landhdngs wph h benrcpients of small inheritnce. Data concernin inheritanc satu ad Ppz Pf laholding ap- pea t p PAve futereidence thp Ah evetl decline Pnszeo farm was ppoh larg numbe oh f heir in ralfailies. pra- tor who had receivd theipandiherianc owne an avergeo 17.4 manzana Pn 1959. PP aphl, they wpr p pon of faterswh soils inthe PouPp. Phefsad P os extensiv P s Pthe red latite Aguacat SeriP, with phppes Phat rapg frmueet onan red Phil Pf tPh P Grca ee, wip hase ragn Prom slightly hilly to stepyhill. teP that predoiae in PtPP Meset Cental where June, Septem- A pros sectio of rua households Pn Atepap Coppppy Pn 1959 fapms. Thispreet ay subpsthaltil PonfaPP populaion Pn a essentially agriclturlpare. Amn the head of hpppphpldp who reporte their fahep' occupation,PhPPut58pPP per centwerpsos poplanownrspndpbop Alajuela Ppppippp. Whr thp fpppp of Ppe fathPr had bee divided (o sodadtepoed pfsl iie)tehald usullyhbeen plppppppumhpppofphpir,pphiphmenl ta P~PPdeppithIlarpPrPPiz pP the father'p fpppp, ipdipidpplinherpitancps were genepally Pery Psmall.PThPsAdring he perPoAPundePPstuy, here has heenash- stantial subdpiio of ownership Aights, wphich tendsinitslf Po reP duce the izeoffarms anddevelp iifunia inAtenasPCouny. Ipdipidapls whop had ipppppppA Apeip lppdhpldipgp pppp apd hppv thirieitances werePP,IforPthePmostpar,curnowesfsml lapdhpldipgp wh had been recipients of small iphppitapppp. Dapapppppprpipp inhertance ptptpp and pipe pf lapdhlipp p ppppeat iefhreipp pdencepthat thepeventual decline ipsiepo fam a u otelrenme o er nrrlfmle.Oea torspwhohpareceivdAthirlad iheritancepownedanpaverageof 17.4 mpppppppp in 1959. App aphl, Ahep weppp pppp pf fathers who  f ar, arged saller labdhoding (13.8 mazaas. Operator whos father had no bee ladwer owe evnls (9.5 Famicmsgratly excede nofr icms Sinc mr During th perio of this std, th door tandownrsipwr sufficienly opent Aperitabu onehalf of thAsn of pen re- miig intheara tobecomefamr. Evw hethe i didntI househld and higber skills aon som of its member. SIns of fa b houehods recivd thi loes average lvio incm from Tbe recods give no evidenc of large hldings of idle Tad (ltiia) or of 13 cocnrto nonrhip adcotl fland. Rathbr, presen boldingsve Af inheritorsar geally olya The drift An s ize adoldg a bvAiouadserisipia- tosfor the futr scale ad eficiency Af the agricutr of the arad reial at bhold beI ci~dertIi in program planing and directio. Sieandtypf armare iprtntdetrints o1 lvel o inoeand level if livig if far faflies. Inmy parts ofth word gvermenal gramsofgrIariIaneor avebeeninau guted to make farm ATr stable ii f ype. Masure adopted hIve included credit for the puase ofTa, techil assistac, mecanisms for lb1 cosldto of3 a Igmented holdigs, a colonit a development project. Thbse flthers, averged smale ladholdings (13.3 mazA(as. Oprator w phose fahr had Ao been lan iwer owne eAeA Aes (9. ara ith thoe o the fther indicted a ight inces Iinh reaA- tive nuber of farmer a asight deres in th ative number Af peon. Farm icme gretly exceded nofr A ie. SAneT or age3 inom f ios f farmr exeee tAdhatof sono peon. Duing the period ofthis stidy, the dor ito adwnrsip were miing An the are tobecom famer. TAel whe they diA o above-aerg nonam Anom by vituo more workersper househol ad bigler skilTs aog some Af At mebers. SiTs of aonr ho fAT one caus Ar anter ha g Aeom haA ofdn (ltifundi Ar of conienidaiodnI ib esiai d conA o ofi and. Ratr prsn hoTing even od inheiors ar geally onl a S~i l AAIE iAA I AN TYPE OFFARM Sie and~ lA tyeo Iaae impan ldtrints of levelso incmand vel oA Tlivigofr amii Inpan partsl ofte faher, averged saller laholdings (13.8 manzaas. Operatr whose fatr had Aot ee ladwnr owne even Aes (9.5 of peon. Farm icme gretly excede nonfal icme. SATe or age incm f sono armr exceded tat if son if peon. Duin~g the peiod of thi study, ibidor to landownersip wer sicietly open liperit abou on-hlf if theon of pon r- Aann i te at becom farmers EvT TATn lhey AlAno becIm farm operator, many sono A en were able to obain abov-aerge nona incm by vitu of mor wokerspe hoh ol T and higher skill amon som Af its members Sons Af STate, preet holdigs eve of inhllor (aT re generaly onlya plTanig a dAireci. Size lnd type If farmilaie ipora determiIants II flvl f incmea Aevel of liing of farmi faiies. In many pats If the gurated to make farms more sialeA An Alle a type. Masre assistaIcI, mechib sms for thI consolidaion if fragmentedA bldings, ad coloniation ad development project. TATs  hy ~ ~ ~ ~ mer eghdsT i~~I7d yyyaa9 Thy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ an ,Atyf9fyydiysyy asydyy biyfshyM dIsy Countyyy y arerpicasy u r 'r -iqo hs nsuh by ' ..y11 h9 gy fyasteryy Unite Stagypy leyy ghovernments he reogizd ta to malintain ah reaIvytal a~gr ~icutueatabeitifowiubishe lvelifalbhidth ecnoic prgres o otr sgmts of hednaiona ecnoy and oytelrein a~griculture andbtoyf is l et h i ingexetions fiar pepl fo higher level of conumpio. ~yyi 1The analsisdof 7 ar rcds~i tenasCotyevidence thditrs oh MAI an ith coean agecie (STCAad yyy1iyd small 4 fams large faiie;see qopgahy;low inco,435 geneal~ cr5,22 farming wit corn, bens coff3,92 r ice oaco n oythcrps h d hand methodd of butvai T he nly se ig, ret deindt rvd ai nomtincnenn h eainhp yTT~byT yyid lT l yiyhyy ylueiyyly tobly agricultre ta eisting lowy subsisec lev is to fall behind the ecnmcpogrss fohedegtsyyof hainl ecnoy ad ote ra narclueadt ai ome h iigepcain of farm peopeforhigher levelofcosuptio. The anlysis of 79 farm recods in Atna County evidnce the interst fheMAI adit cpeaig genies (STICA ad theUniverity of FlidaContac) inheproblemf failies livig onsmll fa.'Thereordsarfrom n aea harteizd by smllfams large faiis s5teep topography; low incomes; generl crp farmingwih cr, bean,cofe,ic,tobaccad other crps; and hand methods of clivaio. The anseswer deindt rvd ai nomtincnenn h eainhp between income and size and type of fara guidelines to poliy formlaionsin programsf agilytuasisltane ndcoiztio. Five meysur y wee sd to judge size of farmy. Thyse inyluded ladoeaeln utvtd am aialbript rs au ofprodct, nd frm incm.The Aytenssuy farmavergd smll i ize infouryfhefielteyd meaureet, ih ave- agesof 13.8 mayznasyperatd (equivalentt24acre)4.7 many- zas cltivteyd; V722,845 farm capital (equivalen to $3,435 USA); $75,226 value of produt; a $73,924 farm income. 0On the other hand, labor inpt 3tded ty be mderately high, wyitha avrge f45 dyspefarm. yyy hy gFy y y py yluhl yth fgyitl3PT rn tenasyhi TIT yy ~1 yidb y~ip~y yyy yfy l~T Cyfhyi t1Ty erpida y~hyyy~iyyyi1T~~dyfyl53hyy ofyytosei oth 'Ff ppphyehigyUnitedy Satesy The analysis of 79 farym records in Atenas County evidences the interestof theMAIad itscoperaig genies (STICA and theyUnieriyof Forid Cntac) inhe prbles f faiies living on small farms.'The records arehfro anareayharacterizd by small farms; large famiis stp topography; lowinoms geea rpfrigwt on encferctbco n other crops; and hand myethods of cultivatio. The analyseswer designed toproide baic iforma~ionconceringhereltionhips between income and sizeand type offarmas gideines topolicy formuylations in programs ofgiclturalassistanceand coloniztio. Five myyasures yyere used to judge i of farmyy. These included land operated,land cultivated, farmcapital,hlaborinpu, grossvalue yf prydyyy, and fayym iyyyymy. The Atenas survey fayrys averaged small inizeyifourfhefiveylecedy measurementsih ave- ages of 13.8 myayzayay operted (equivalentto24 acre); 4.7 ymay- zanasclivatd; $722,845 fyyym capital (equivalent ty $3,435 USA); $75,226 value of product; and $73,924 fyaym iyyyymy. On bye ther hayd, labor iypyt tended to hy ymoderately high, with a avrg f41dy e am  Although t4e Aa uvy farms incldednofrslge th103 mnas, evnithin this retice rang there4is3ub- line of relaionship bewenln, labor, andcapta inputs respec- 000 of1 farcpital, and 1,400 da3ys3fl 33a144. of11ad,13 lao, ad cpital,epctivly,4 ree143nenie4 orrae Land and unpaid la4or are th major inputs on the Atenassu- 1for 63 per cent of th33 cas cots fertiize, next3 iniprne a434 V528 per bay. 1nterest was charged at 96 3331en. On3 4he aveage fams 3ithincme below 12,0003lacked3sufficien repts to3py th3adopd4cstomay31 ra0e ofreur tperator a3134m ily9laborand to9cpital. Epessedi anoher wy, farmswith i- coebelow4 V1,333 ear434e 1 onl4353 abv ahcss naon sufficient33, to1 reunol 2.13 per day of op93ator and fam3ly 44bor and only 2.33 per3 cent 3 iners 49341ita. Farms wit4 in- cmsbetween V100 an4 2,00 . eane61,435 above cas4 cost, an 4434334 amutsfiin 6ortr 4.71 per day9of oprator ad famiy la4or a,4 3.50 per cet1retrn34 ca33pital 14314hr34gro493414443m with34 inoms f 3,000344 or4mre3howd 4inreaingsurpuse.0I other words, hesegp o fams ard moe tn h ere3ported cutoy daiy ratefor1lbor and mor thnper 1ent4etun4o Although the Atena survey 1far33 included no fam large than 134434 manzanas evn3itinths3esrite ran3.ge3ther is.sb- stantial cocnrto of land, labor a439d 3 capta 313 4134.3th farm and there3 4339 ma farm wit minute resource.. Groped4databfrom te3Atenas3survy wee d to show4averge 4le ofreltioshp between lad,laborand4caital ipus, rpec- tively1, 4133144.ncom. The 33erae 4reo4rc431edf4344ve levels4 1o4 farm incom were idicated. Fo example, the3 indicated averag resurc needs3 for334 a 4 l 4344l offrmicoeo 13,000443de existing34 conditions were3shon4to4be15 mnzna cultivated3, 082,- 333 of1farm cpitl, 3344 1,4004daysf4ll 4443r. fficienc43y443 measues intermsof4grss lue of1 product9peruni of land, laor ad capital, respectivel, reveal3 tendencie f43 r33tes of1retr4todeclie4withincreses i scal.0Th3 hghunt3etrn vey3.farms3.4On3the3avera43 only ab4ou4335 per4333 c3ntof te goss3alu of products is rquiretdefra3y cash4costs.3Hird lbo acont 433r 63 9er cen of 344 cash 3 c 44434 fe 33l433,43343n44mortnce accouns3for4043per cent3flthe3cahcost. Gross4al314o 4productby farm 443 inom 4las 3133sal1414d4frs to4as3 oera.n3 cst an43433d then to perator ad famiylabor and capital, using3 customary. loa rates .1. Local rates for 134or aver- aged4 65.28 pe day. Interest 443 was 119gd 4t433r en. On the3 33ver4ge,143433434ncom4sb4l440,000 lacke4 sufficientrecepts ily labor ad to4caital Expressd3in3anther4wy,lfarms3wihin- com 1beow61,0003earned only 650343 aov cas cst, anaon 44343441i 414 to 3 reuroly 3.13 per day of opeato 343 family 1labor and 33419 3.33 per ce41 in41res on cap94al. Farms 43t4 in4 comes3between61,00033and102,0003earned61,435 above cash4cos, an am443433fficent3t433tu3 0346.31 per day o1 operator a44 fami49 labo 4nd 5.5393per3c3nt eturn4on3cpital.4Thethree4grous3of4farm 434h 343344333 41 3,000 or m 444e showed incrasin surp1use. 44 ote4 ors1 h ese 3363grops of farms earned4more than4the rportd customary3 daily rate for lbor and more than6 per cent returno than 133 manzanas33, 33ve3 within3 33th33333s3 343334.ragethr i sb stantial3onc3ntraton4of1lan,4lbor, 44339331333363431343fth farmsand here3a3e3mayfarms0with3minuteresources li433 333333333 433343333hi 1334nladlr,14 and 33393331333944, 33339333 tively, 3344 1334 4334334. 4433 average43 resource3 433334 143 433334 levels 33434 farm4income3wereindicate. For exampl, the indicated existing conditions3333 were 444333433b 15 manzanas333cultivated3, 614,- 3303of1fam4cap9ta,341,4004934133133344bor of3 land, labor,4 a3d capital, respectively, reveal33 tendencies3 for3 rates 331 retur34 133 decline with i43333ea333 i33 333ale. 0433 high unit returns3 at low level 413333 399333 33ea 433 343433 444cite 43433333333333esi 399333314344. Land3an.unpai 4339r are 4433 ma34jor3inputs 34o333 343tea sr 133 693333333333313433333433343,; fertilize, 433315 34943134333c, 3333333333413332493333333133hecas 343333444. 43333343314334193344314913343334433433333333s was3allocated3firs 33393333, us3in4 3cust3oma3y 143331 333333. Local 33333 1333 134333 3333- 34334 65.20 9333 day. 1343334t wa chage 333434t 6 9333 33344 433 34e 34333343,1334343343333344333433133463,000 1333433433333433341333333393 3339339303334396334344334339333333 41333333343449333333333334134- ily 134333 and to capital. 93393ressed i33 333333433 way, 03343 with in- 3344334433461,000333343343333196033444333333343344433a33443331 33334333333 133 return3 33331 602.18 9333 439 330 493333334 334 133449 333433334314333331,0003334612,0003333333461,435 33443333333433334, 33 43433343443336333444tur 4.1per day9of1o9erat333334413449 134433334 5.5933333333331434333339030043339333334333493up336633343 406h i3333o333 of3,000 43 43333 3033433 33333333434 3333913333. 433 other3words,3these4groups3of1far3s3ear3ed4more4tha33the3reported customary3 4419y ra313 1333 133433 and more3 4 69333336 333433 cetetrno  inetetam with inome abo $6,000 eadart ofoA 075 ($1.32 USA) per day ofperaor and faiy laor and alo 9.56 per oetfetr o n capital sieadtyoffarincuded tenrepacellaio fof ldhld- Most foeroi Atena County ar we-peorsf. The mo- ity arefloner bsom arf part-onr. Full-enancy if n than tw mazaa if siz. Uhf ffopeatr of smal farm rent-ina relativey largeptoffthe ladhyperate,fwhileomof the Mafy f the farm ffopeatngunt ontaine more tha oneff plot o f pa fe fof ad. Inf general, the 0 number anszeoff arelin crae wit siz Mo f farmso, with siz of parelicaing more0 rapidly Sha nuber. averaf nuhe off mafoAoa opeatdfe fmem ber . inrese rapidywith inceaein sizefffoffr. Reports indica Sha abouone 00f rson per each fofarm Theleelofffhoeanfarfoaciltisppeto befraherflo. The ufpperone-hf of the farms in term of farmo incoha oA e ofal of Ah numeratd faciltie ffate, Sbt, sewing machine, electicity, newpaper, and mafgazine or farm bulletins), epecialy to which the Sihio f rm operaor useA thei funds for impovefA Shoig, farm machiney, ao e for oe a o Ingeealtem, Sfer appeart beA ofly M sight tedency for averge size ffo f frmadfeaff armfinometod eli i thb ge whe thf opert Of betwee 25 ad 79yeaoffag. Educatonevlsof ongo theffeasfouseholdsofd ffeurve ff0m avefagd 2.8 years f schooling. Tbf younfer ff0 reported higher beeo f edation tha AOA Ah Mole 0men. Inoff leel fnvstmnt Ffrm with inosove 06,000fO Aandareuno $08.75 ($1.32USA) per ay of oradf famiyf laboandalo oiead type f farmo included tenur, parllaion Af la Sold- ingsf, siofA hosehod, emfigraioo ffffffffar jobs Aee ofliinfg foacifie, and age and education of theo heads of Ahe hfosehods. ost famr in~ Afensoounty aeonroperato. The mo- iyaefull-oner bsom r paownefrs. uffftenancfy if in bhato manzana in siz.Thefperaorsff smafarmsre-infa relativeyfg pr f thfefladbfhyfoperate,fwhilesfomff thf Many of the far operaing unt A otie more ff an hone plot orpare of and. In genfa, the Sobe ad siz of parcfl in- crese withff siz of frm,withsizeof parcl increasingfmorf rapidly Soa nube. The farosehlds coand aavrgeo f 603 members The rapidly ASt inceae in siff Moff 0far. Reoport indicatd thaf aboutopro n per~ eac Ofouam Thee ff omffffd farm ffaciiieopproberaherbowf. The upper onehalf Af She ff0mi teff f farmf inome hadmr Af alof Ah Snumerfa faiitifs (ffaofr, batf, sewiff machine, flecfriciy, newpaper, and magazn Aor farm bulletins, espeially sewinog oachne and more insid baoS foafiiie. Thexcetn o5 whic the higher infome ffrm ffperaors ufed Ohei fobd for improveA housinf, form machinery, ao e for pffoe a o Infgenealfterm,thereoppeasfoffbeonyoaighttendeny for aeage sieof far 03daerg ff f noet Odecline withage when thefperorsbetween 25and79yearsoffag. Euationalleel og eheoads ofhouolAsAof tesrvy farmsfavead2yearsfof sholigThyongerfmenrported Shigher fovlof Aduatoion tha did SheolAder me. fnome fevels ff0000ent Uarm fobh incoe Mbooe $6,000 earned a retrn A 0875 ($1.02 USA) per day Af operaor and family fabor and Mlo siz and type ooA Af far ncue tnr, paelaton Af landhold- insosz ofA hoshod, emigrt to onfar jfobs, beeof Aiving faitie,ondage ad edaionfofthe headsofft o uehod. Most farmer in Atensount afr0 owe-peor. Themaor it arefu-onr bu some are poart-onr. ull-ffenancy is An- frequenty enofnee f d teds oocu mn tfhefarms f less relatively large part of the fand they operat, while som of the fargffarmfprtosn- foulad. orpare ff and.fnfgnera,othfuberfad sie f poarcli- rapidy than numfbe. The far hosholds contined a avraef 6.3 meber. The rapidly wihnress infffizof ff6r0. ffpors inadA tha Sbo fone peron per eahforfam hadfeigratedtoofarmjbs wihfatedenyforhoth ube f- The levelof hoead farm ffaiiie appeas o be ather low. The u~pper oe-half Aof ffrmf An Ofefrms of farmf incomef hadmr Af a Aof nuea faiitie (watf, bath, sewig machine, elecriciy, newpope, aod magaineor farm bullftdn), especally to which the hioher info farmffperftfrsffsd their funb for foprod housin, farmmachiey, adoenforpowe a o Off general terms, there appears to be only adsight tenfdncfyfor ffffffff sifffff fr adfffffffffafmfffffmeftodecflinefwithfgf wfhenfhobperatfor isbetweeno25fad7yearsffffg. Educaiona levef fafmfongo tfe fe of Ahfouseholdsof Ah surve farm averae 2.8 yearsff0 schoon. 1Sf younfger menf repfotd higher feeob A daof Soa did theolffdff me. Inooe leveb  appoar soehat higher wdth higher educatio, despite doe differ ene oi gad yasofoppouiy inwhihtook, sav, ad Thhoteasarigenalydoosderdo grain regio,owihorno high gosvluofoffleproananimaesitonportatcop in the lasifiton of tpsoffam.oobo and ric, resecively, weoepoiociplsouof oiomeoo.T hon o hhshelig Although tho principal problem appear to heon oh enlaging th arege dh pitalavilabheperoperatigoui, thee ar alho diffrece in intensiy of odhiaon. Cropsof high gross vleoh poduct permnan r prohohly tho high prohht orops sic orhiohhomajohpuondidhalerohieueshrelhotd. Aoghhao cop, gsaleofpodtpr anan raged from 00,007 hor tohaco to 0302 for hean grownodihout fihatoo. There were fewmnaa of highvalu ougaran grown under frihiaton. Coffee, paut, doc, and unferhhlozd sgrcaeoged from 0650 to 01,400. Corn and heooragd fromoo 12500to 0360. Udexstnghandhmhodo ulhvtonfoehahanoange oly a smal area Eve with aohigh hevl of fihaton and ho- proved practhoe, hor much of the Atena are oteem dohbthul thaorn, bean, peanut, or doc offe o potentol gooat eough to achhov ffihihotiniy of operooobtanoad aquatefam- ilicoe oIms, thfhoro, ho determined ohotheroo t tho reqohohoe dfitniycne e byoh offee, oroher coposuh as pineapple, grown onder the most faorabhe fooel oh practicesohich ho b deveoped hor doe Ateasara Thotobviofdouanivo itiiaio ,thtofogaih hog agiulur onto lorger unit, ho mdo difficul hy tho pressur oh populoo n tho hond and tho step topogoophy. Hoee, thoee farmsdcassifido "ivockadoffeefarm"oedinlad ope- oted, farm cptal, vlofpodut, aodofarmoinomeo.OThsi 000ear thot tho cohbniono of coffee and hieocko may offer type oh farming suitd to of heast parts of the are. 0000ar soooewhot highoo with higher odocatio, despito the differ- ene ho agon Ayer of opportnt ,inwhicho work, save,oand The Atni are is goneraly conidered a grain region, wtod rn adhoan the ,pricia crops in hesof are gown Howeverohe high grossvauof offp ero nznaoo keotani p orantcop in thoclasifiton ooffyesoffam.obac,0oo adic, repechivey, weepdindplore ofhncome h ome fars.Thoarshelig prinipally liveshtowr moly small suhsitenc farmswith smaoll Although tho pdinipal problem oppear to heon oh enlaggig tho acrego and tho cpital avilable pe operatig uni, there are ohso dufferecesinointeoity of cutiio. Crops of high goss vau foo productprmnzoo epo byhohehgh profitocops sinc lbor is tho major input and its ooh aleratv ussreliitd. Among tho majorops, gross value oh podhuot permnzn ranged 0000 13,17 for tobahco to 0302 foo heaoo grown dothout hfiizon. There her afwmzao highvleh uarcn grown under feriliaton. Coffe, poohut, dic, oond unfertilihed ougcae gd hom 0000 ho 01,400. Corn and hensrged from f20o 000. Unoder exig hndmethodo tvtohodeooooanonge only a smal ara Eveo with ahigh leeof Afertldaon ad ho- groved practce, hor much df tho Aoena arai0em doubtfu thaor,bea, peaou, orfricepofeapoteial greaogho achhev sffidient intensiy of operon to ohtai ao adequaooo hoam- iloicoe oIoms, theoreo, ho determnedohethrorothe requhidre doiy haobeme ycoffeoroheropsuch a pineapple, grw under tho mosot favohalelee hod pachce wohich ho b Adloped hor h do na areaoo. Theotobvohiosfteoatvehoooh tenificdo,ttofoeog nih- hog agricultur into lorgor units, is mado diffhclt hy the rssr of populatonon ohe hond a ohe steepotopography. Howve, three farm cassified as 'lieocko a coffeeo fam" hoad in hond oper- ated, farm capital, valueoA product, and farm, inome. Thusoi apper that tho cohbnion oh coffee and lieock may offer typeof farming sitdo atoleastoparsofheare. oppoar soooohot highor wdth higher odooatoon, despito tho differ- hcs on ge andyearsof oppotuniyi hihhtowork,sav, a high grossvaeo o ffee operooaozooooo akosootoahoiportantoooop inoth clasifcihonofoypeos oor. Tobacoand roiceo, respectively, werepoincplore of inoeosomeo farmso.hefarmsoseoig prdncipallyhlsocko wereooslysmalsuhistencohfarmsowithosmall dlhoogh tho poiooipal pohhoo oppoooo to ho ooo oh oolarging theoacreagooaoheocapitaloavilableperoperaodngouni,here aro alho differenceo ho intensity oh uohvaon. Crops of high goos vleoh produch pe0 mooooooo 000 pohohly oho high goho ooops si000 lohoor isthe moorinput aodoooo o it ooohnaiv oseoae domtd. Amonog themajoroooop,gosoooalueooproduooperomoooooa raoged hrooo 00,000 foo tohoooo to 0302 hoo hoooo gowo withoot feotiliootio. There 0000 a feo manooaoas oh high-vahoo oogoo cane gooo oodoo fertlizono Cofloo, poaoots, ric0, ood ooforoilizod ougoooooooooagod foo 0000 to 1,400. Coo oad hooooooongod 0000,0200 to 06o0. Uoder existing haod methhods of cul00va0io oneomnoca maooooage onlyoosmalloare.hEvenoithoo higholevelof ertlizatoad im- poood proooioos, foo muoch of tho Atoooo aooo 0t soooos doohbtfu thatocor,hoeas, poanuts, orriceofferoapotentialgreatoonougho aoc oohhiee uf oioinoosiy ofoperation ooh ainoanoodquotehoa- ihy inooo. It oooot, thooofooo, ho dohtoooiood ohooheoo 00ot tho required intensityooh ca0 hemey coffee, or aother coop suchoas piooopplo, 00000 oodoo tho ooo faoool loool of poootiooo ohich cao beodevelopedhofohoAtensare. Tho most obdoio aternativeo intensifichatio, doa of rorganiz- ing agricultureiolargerounit,oisomade dfficutoyh hedopressuro oh population 0o thoo land d ooep topogoophy. Howevero, three fooosocloosifhdoos"hoove ootokadcoffoohooom"hoedhonlaod opo- atod, faroo oopit000 oaluo oh poodoot, aoo fooo inoooo. Thus At appeaosothatfthe ombinaoofcoffeeoandhlvocokmay offeroa typeoofoahigositdo atleastparootheare.  The fidings reported here appear io lead to aisgical squence 1. Teprojcteraid icesei populioni CostaRicsa din Ats Countysppear s nofufilment Coutsthrests be ssata icss in producios,orteems agriltura l s dss ' undsrabllweing ofles of cosumptioso some cobinaion of 4. Opportunssiie exs for icesng production' pers manans o land inAtenasCounypehs equalt thsnoheras. Thse opport'snitis, howeernee tos bes' mesured,dscrbed, andsmade known'to he' Auli by theMAT. 5. Althoug tshere are potnas fricraig rdcto ermn lowsunit-cost prdutin Thse other asarestsesmsres ily or ganiedit lagescaIe, mecsanizedfars forgigsuch crpss goinsg coffeedsusgar cane. 6.I rsnrns coninues,Ates Countssy wisl insditself atan icsing economsic diAssadvagei te ductions f hoseropss hich ledtesleolre scale, mehaizd farmsing Assamrinlo suagia area for hse tyspes Af production, Atenass will Ae undes prsuet Aeropisrsucs stomor profitsble comssbinaions. other areas may be lss 'in itesivenrpis not readilys mcized. Suchentrrse5sIwoudso tend to bsorb more f hsuplslabosri tshe ra Coffee, cane,pineapple, fruits,vegeas hoss ansdpoultryat foesryadgraig woul necesssst he deveopmentsf substanial emlyetopruiiso displce farm. workes. 9. Efforts to inesif producio in Atenas County a5'ppear amply jstifie dpending thedevelopment of'sssssof'sfar emssployensopor tunis.Publicaid intis direcionshouldfor thest pars'takesthe 10. Effosts tointesifyprosduction neednotsprecludeefforss tosmake it aser orlocl eole o nlagether ars, tofidff-far emssplsoy- Thesfindings reported hereappearsosledt a sogilsquences ofs resoning'adsrecommenat~sioss los: 1.IThe prjctdsapinasessApopustiosssCstasRcssasdi Ate.sCountyappes certinofbfulfiment. sssd~sss 3.Altersstise slutios, although not aldsiabl, would sislud 4.Opportuits xist for increasigprduion permsnzanaf lansd inAtessna ss nyperhs equl toshseinother aes. Thss ksoss ts th pulic bypts MA. 5. Althus tshsreassposntasi fo inceain s pro'sduction persmsn zaai tnsCsunt,oher aessssppear to ffer greater potenialfor ganized intos lrescale mecanze fasrmss fsr gssig suchscsspss conenadsrice, athsesareasA ithset ssrnat asdossntfor pre ssur toegouis ressossces to Amsss Csrofitabl somintiss .A 7.shecomparaivesisadvantagesss oAtns Countysrelatitoth Ashe ssss Csasy belss in inesie 'snterprsiss ot readlechnized hig levels os smsaen msimehse Asseifcats.sps ssore stdl gaingswdss snsssce sssiae h ssselpetfsbsss nia e ployen sporuitiesfdss ce shsfarsors.ss'p ssh 9. Efforss'tssntssifyprsdsuctionsssstess Csosntyssppssasssssly jusstid senipgtedvlpeto sps orsis e ofsf-sfarmdemploymentsppo- tuise.Pulc bisi h sdrcinshol forthemoss prtsaketh ThesfAsdings reported here appear is isa to is logicsl sequence ofissssosisg sndssrsssmsssdstiosslwsss Atenass Cssst asppear s io flfilmnt 2. For level s osuptiostbe maintined rimsprovedsinAtenas Csssnty thersst be ssbstata sincses in produtor ss t~shere mst be s isl foreig los or gras, or bossi 0f cse,a veryi favorble asssss ssssgrcsstual trdeswoldhep sspportsahih sssisissnon 3.Altesstvssss iss, althoghino alldsirbl,swouldinclde 4.Opportuniis exsis fo icessing producio pes nznao laisA tenss Css'sypers'spssequls t tse sisshersses.Thse opprtuniies,however,needto be mesured, dessssbd, sndsmsde kssssn toshepsblicsby thesMAI. lsssssii-cssspdctsn.Thessite assss hseisssssesslyss- 6.Ifprsentsstrends sscnssue Asssas Cssssy sill fin sits ta ice ssssesnmi sadssag 'inshprductsionsof tsecrpsshih presssissur srgois Aesocs pnomr profitasbs e combssinins. . The ssssparssive disadvssagssi Asssas Countysrieis th ohraesssay bs lsss i's inesivs entsspssises als mechaized. Sssh eistersssses woud i'als te sssobss oeo ss urssplslaborsi thissssa Csffss, cases pineapple, frits, vegetables hssgs,sadspulty'a 8.iTheiaterniss s ssin sssssrmsfhlss psssfisisln ss s uha fostr' a'dgrazinssoudssssessist Ih desslspmeno ssbstansi emsployment opportunitisfdsplacd farmswokes. C9. s Efrs tointensify prsducio is'n Atess Cssstysppssapl istifiedpeding th sdevelpmesnt sssoe ff-fsssssspspssstsspor tunts. Puic'aidi tiss s sdircishoulsd fo th st part tassksh psspoisssach etesisan deostrion.sssdllssssp 10ss Efforts' ito inesf rduto edno rcueefotomk  following: ~ AlA~ adpAiappe.i~Pll~~ p~d pp ppp b Loal neeti growing paA~ ppple ma arn h ntaio ofda aepoetofrsarhit tShe~P Pp potental o thpli p.Earl capabi~gltian d 6 h eo ip otetdlp under psntmake mA it~ A. lat pha pfr perho are, expor potenia, pp ane ApepAple. AAppdifP~Ai~y~A~ c.AAy xadd xeso and~ Al caioa program whichwoul iclude measofrang eiiency;posilitis o D gu pin i pAN EUEADPEpANpSIEO FARM ppppp 97 and pineapple.lpppppl b.hLoal neeti grwn PP pinea~dppllalwarat he nitatio of a phase proeto eeac notepotelp o ti cropp .Early pipneapple.pppdi ownership p psadrpai ofeupent, as wellpspinhomepndus tris, dul rainig A t. andppp wall of~p t ansern landp from one d.ppp A prgafspervisedp pcredit whic wouldPP inld rtA REA SOURE DEELPMEN POBpp ~LEMS APA th lowing: (1) undereployment An agriculture, (2) inadequatep farm-to-maktroad netwok, (3) lack o tehnalknowleg, (4) shortag ofdevelopmentcpial, (5)indequatad oudlae marketing pratce, apd (6) inscr landptenure All fthsear imprtant pbl ad many morecoldbeliste. I islly re- ogie tatlanly fthepbllo griclture recoplex ad poliy problems and thiA altraivesouios Commercialand NoncommeilAgriculture.Duringthitou, 11. Speciic ovrnmnta atios mgh incAld on rmreoh andpd pineapple.lplp b.Local interes in growin pippl ma waran th intato codiios Ait faorbl inian fom~ p ealyinesigtins ter mightblate phaeso resarc A n pre eportp potntal frane pinepple.ilAp~p dppp Ay p p p d. A prora of perie credi A which~ would inlpudprei Futurep policie An agriculture Aill evolve, Af cours, from the Ahie po p theost Rian people. During the perio Af thissr vey, public a priate interestl ~a Alcsso have concrneda number o A eouc devlpment problem and quesion. Thos coerd n heUSM Country Prora pBoo-Cst RPic~aAAnlud the foAAowig: (1) underemploymenin apgriclture, (2) iadequate fampo akpp road networpk, I3 lackofptchnial knowleg, (4) shorpage of develpmentp capital, (5) inaequate a outdated marketingpratice, and (6) insecurelpappteure.Allpofpthesepar imporPant problmsPPanPmayPmorPcPuld e ited. IisfllyrP- ogized tatI many of the problems of agriculture are com~plexaP closely interrelated. Thpis memorpadum, Apowepep,caonysrs the need por thoupghtfupl consideraionp an study of ap ppw of the policy problemsPPand thir ltativePsoltion. Commercpialpad NoncommercipaldAgrilturep.-During tistou,  ItrainlDevelpmen Sevc suggestd th nedfoare Attmeto Cosa Rica agriulal poliy, a eomedatio whicb probably has widespred aprvl Hoevr in Cosa Ria, asbthrouties, ter exist two impra semet Af agri- coslainacltbloybihbed nirdj joinyby MAbpndAUSOM CostaiRicab bnincrasig rpidly An th las dd. Epading poucio inGaat, San Cao, Srpiqu, thb Mst Cnrl, a Ate pat Af lbe conty sem Ao bictta podtoca kee pac a peras exed populto prwt Ao Aoeyast coe.It As signianA tal Cosa Rbc has pAolcl cnmc ad scal llt wiAAi whih rpid Phage cntak plc. Tbe proble is that o mainaining an aopher i agriutr bhic will enouage mbility ofrsure. Pfflcinc ofPducindCommrcaAgriclr.-ncm mecal agiulrinhelgru,bhegoad oblwets pAruitfproucIn fre copetitiv biutomcaiao mutpod wheebe thebugAt anayi idicale thIt At As cheape tousabhinean Ta lab. Tbe humniian iilt Af the Amploye Ao the employee my cuehAm to dely Ah Aoeribai prcs adbea h Aot ofiefiinyfoatie Riig wgill chagethe subsitutio rae betwema labor a machin. Comptito fro n firm bATl entally foceAh isu.AbensoieyAmuth Aassm h oto hutantdiloa- in Mecaiaion An th Aommrci l nmy bnrase tbe probm Af tbe nocmeal secto. Thus Angnrltrs Ablceny resa tendst wose Ah lav pAsiio A su- sistnc farmr beas their problm As lagely one of sale. Por ceta pa Af agrcuture Cost Ric apper tohvecn scouly adopted what Aight be called tbe "Doctrin Af Effiieny." Riig productviy peani vaiu ara As entrey conAitn with ooicprgreswhnvid ine fthe grIaalu- tio of the prportion of the popltion engagedi agricltur. It Itbratoal Develpmet SArvice suggeste tIe nedfr e bwhi probably has Aideprad appMoa. Hweer AnCota Ri, clture nmy, Ah cmeaM a tbe nocmmrlM . Tbus cnutat in agiutura poly might be cosierd joitly by RBt populaion a agriulual prodution An Cosa Rbc hav bee inrasig rpidly An the Tast deade. Expading proAution inGaacat, an Calo, Sarpyi the Mesta Cea, and tbe pat Af the coutry semst idiate taA produtioan kee pac and perhps Axee poplatio grot ATr Aom yer to cm.It As Aigiiat ta Cota Rbc hasapltceonm, and scaM ciate AlAhi which rpid bhange catke plc. Tbe prolemis that Af maiiig a A atopheri agriutueicb All ecuage mbiltyloeoucs Effceny ofProdctoand AComeca giculture.-I Tom- mea agriutu in thA long ru,tbegal Aedsiob loet s pruofproduct.yIa feecpett stain,A mhaaion mutproced whnee Ah budget anaysi idiale tat Ati bheper to As macine tan man iabor Tbe buataranntnt Af the employer Ior tbe emlyee mycaus hAm to deay Ah moeriaion proes andba heIcobts o inefcec AA raty e Risig wages Ail Thange Ah sbstiuto rate btee man labo and machin. Competiio fro Aew Aim wAilntally foreAth isu. Thenscit Alp assm thos Af the rsltant dATloc- Alo. MecaizationA in AMe comrilA cinmy inase tbe prblm Af the nonc AMercil br Ahsi geal terms efiiec rearch lends to wosntrlb atiA posPio Af sub- sitnc famer beause thlA problAeA ilaey on Af sale For cain paso griculue Costa Rbc appears to hav co- sciusy aptel ht h b ecalblAd the 'DoctAin of Effiieny. Rising produtiviy per ma An variou aresinieycnitn wihbcnoi Aproges whnTie inI temIoAh gradal redu- tio of Ah proportio of the popuion egaged in agrilue It Attmeto Coa Rbca agilal poliy, Iaomatio whib probably has widesprad approal. Howvr in Cost Rica culuye nmlb th M cmeiaad tbe nocomea. Thus, bhee my be a I fo two sateet Af poliy or fo policypr- viin for bac Af ths Aemnsbtainig Ph srvceloM coslatigAiclal poliy might be Aosdrd Monty by BotA popuation and agAilual producio An Coa Rbc ha bee inasing rpidly An tbe lat deadA. Expandig produtio An GuaMat, San Calo, Sarapqu, tbe Mesta Cetal, and byhe partso yth cunrysemstictetpatroucioA an kee pac and peraps Axee puionp gotATosm yearsto coe.It As signicant tat Cosa Rbc hasapltceonm, and scaT cliate Aithin AAic rapid bhange Iltke place. Tbe prbleAA tat minainig laapbenagclturebhib All enorgembility ofrsorI . PfficenyjofPrducio ad AomercalAgiclr.-I bom meaa gAcltAntlng unthegal tedstobe loeslcs peunto AA prodlA. All a AeopAetMtiAe siutomcaniatio must broee lbnve h budgAt anaysis indicae thb At As bhaper to As machbne tha man labor. TAhe huaitaa intnlt Af Ah empyer for tbe eploye maycaus hAmt deay tbe mderationproeabert ecotsofinffciyfotim. Risin pae wil cang th ubsitutio rae betwe ma labo adachin. Compitio fomAewfirsillevnalyfocethe hssu. Thbnscey mus Asum Ah Aos Tb tersat dATloc- AiS. Mechaato An the Aomrca A tio may inrase the probbem Af Ah Aocmeca sector. Thus, Angnrltrs efIciAnyrarch tAnd to wose tbe rlive posilo ofsb sitec famr beas thei prble As lagely ono scl. Fo crain pat of agriclte Cst Ric apper to haecn Aciusy aptelwa ilgt be Male Ah AlAtn of EfRceny. Riig prdivity pe ma An Aaiu ara Asniey cnistet wit Acnoi prgrs whe Aiwd in tem of Ah gaul Aeu- Aio of the proporion of the populio engged in agritr. It  LADNREANDTP AD SIZEO ARM 99~yAAA indusry orhethe b igher urban mare and higher urba in- cmsaencsaypreodiions Ior higher farm prodcion. Cot Ria trd, corce industry,AA A and agiutr rnras- igAcncrrnty. Hwve, all feab Iaion bhold be Itant ina effetv demand agwih the loeingf it coits. Inmotmar, the Aocrine of sabiliy atI the sarfieo pfroges appears Ao ha been rejectd. Tbe following exepts fro CRAUSM Counry Program BAAk-Cosa Mia make this abundaty cler: TheMinse fAgrlture, tkina long-u view, statehtCosa Ria'scfe R poito mus hI bltredbohi qalityan qanity. arger aR bet RIr coshul I Ae lroIn inodrfoIhoutyt reai tsshr oftewrldgarke an eve lincaseinie potRca ps a natra cofe grwe and i d ben aiAnt migmaurswc old pruiceiP i h Id futr heh price siutonwl av hngd ofe utripelaoia perid ofirofudrvlto st h ecnqe n rcie sd lb d agayif i dil mati caao anl ad eeal ffip aR d oils rcbansand or pdcio eite l~fo er oyr forA~ Anera ionumpion lbe moiyp If pita an labo~fr. A~ A''~ ifAA"'~Afuso AfLn wesiIa pnomfilAriculppre DuibgIhepeid pl tisIvethrphbeenmh linestin the typ of prgai geeally reere toA as "oniaion,"and seem uslsst debate whhe iread eficieny An arilr periRs the Iculaion Af needed capita a frespepe o industy rehr I hgher urba market and highr urban in- Cost Ria tre, comr, inAusty, aaicutrareinca- ifg cocrty. ffweve, 1 feasble aion slid be takent Imotmer, the doctine If stlity aIRth sarific If profres aa to ha been rejectd. The folloifg exepts frmCheURMCountry Prfgram Cost Ramak his abundanty lar: The MAnstr of Autrakna log- view stte thatCost Rica' cofeeposiio mus beolserd boh nquliy andatit. Larean bete crops sold be II gr IAn inodrfrtecutyt reaiR its 1 shar oftew rld arktabevninreaseititme CotkiaiaIntrlcffegIeI adi o beihg panickefA inRI pmaigmaue hich woul prR uic iA CA n thA utrheh lid sitain A wilhaecad.CffecureAAiselalogina peioRd of prooun reouiona teeiquesIandactcssd Csa Rialedr tis rlutio Ahc en ighe Rinvest And again, Rnly Aith repec to the ggapic shifing of prodcto Af the Mest Ceta Ado thre appear e ious attempttrard the Aobibty of cpital ad labor. Diffuino ILandwnriAApadRonommraAgritr.- Drig th plid If tis lurvy, Ahr Ia been mARh intresi the type o~f A a gnrlly Arere to aoiaion,"". aAd seAeet"o "aaan Alfom." In such prams Uhrappar tobeaItedeny topac moeephasi n henncmmeial tha on the comecal segment If pagrutre, Amr emphais on sem uslestodba Ahethe icrae effdcieny in fagrutre idutr Ar whethr aifher urban market and highr urban in- coesarencsay pAreciin fr highrIarmpArcto. lingcocudety. Howevr, all fible aRtiAn sholdR be t at Inms atter, the docrine Af stabilty at the sacrfc Af profres aa to RIve AlAn rejected Rhe foloing excrpRs from the CRAM Couryq ProramA Book-Coa Rica make Ahi abudantly la. TheIMiniser fAlr, taking Ia f A ln-uviewsata Cosa RRiafe poii mus AMbostrd botAf quliyd quntiy. Largean betrcossol beRgrow in orIr fo IhI outyt Aeanissaeo h wo l m ar a eve ina se it in time potRia id A nauall fe grwr A is ntbigpicinAo m a d R m asue whih woul p rejudice Ati h uuewe h pric statio whaveAcange.A CffeR clreiswellaoina pro ofproon reouto asII Ao th tehiqe A n A rc e p sd poa ic isalae intireouinwihmashgeivs- ment RRRRIARAPI A adcliaigcssaareutothspedoirgtipa- t Iesan teus o filAis t.Hoeeo ffi cietl C oprated frms, pe Ani coRsts h ave drope ARe t gratnrassi pIrdAcivity. I1RIRA IAIRA ~A RAd Cagain, pAAIAIIIpAI ... A the~ Ifenmn I i s pushRing-ln. ralyicesn ate mefa caao amld vegetabl fRat Ranirice, a na ndr n prociR n eihe ord A xor oil for fneal conupi on. AAA Ah mbit ofA ~ cap Ri l a labor. AlIlIA~l~~ ifion of and Ownesip andNoncomrcilAricultuIr-  emhsinthe polticl and socialf stbltyf dffue land-f fTherel aper tb lttl dout t t conenraioninower shp andctro oflad eit nta Ricaft fth isatsubh is f low prdutii erworer l thpo ugh aceg pscocnrtd owerhi ~fI ladi idspdi amon pbfth pepl of Rth Meta Ceta Plta and in t liftnds pru laifudi p-huc ladifthl fo Mit Cbest Asedosgnt Cpp Rfrtba pole in th Meet petrlince lift o fi the f bi sug ly caeadcfte ilima by somei cae f lifuni itlolas bu lac of develop- idinsc lreas oftenigleoinaesili fty ad oiteisc fatrprtta ill fud refsa tod pupit lan pint hihe produ- liclartly it hidet fetrl dltoug sta Ric apeasly byv lite Htblito a highy proorin if wnr-oertio of lad, li~t eshav tpobe Aft lo farmf inowic ft l dbet slved byl hingtid er frmrslarder fams lid fwrfarer relai o hedotlioplion.litlpi Lnd for measure migh fil e ft view~p and i f pise creiudii an rrageetswhc wl prote th commerd- disprio of pduciothno i increaing procid o, andft r emtphasi onbh policl and soial sility of diffusedt land- ownership fthno lbe econoic efftso lbe ownershp pter. There appeato bef littdob ftlhaft cocntaionionr ship andcftrlo Iland eists inCotaRica tha btheei sb- stantialnme otft laorr i in fth rual poplation and Ita dter islo producivty per worke. Altg lceaift concetrtd, owesip of laft Is widpread pmn the peopleof fth Mestat Centrl. Pher r 'lidess agricltrlf liorkers lcated in fth Cntra Pla ad inh dlowans True laifundi, wih muc land withheld fro fts hes us, does not appea to be prlemi in the Mesta Ceta inc t offff l th i lsgrcaead cffee 'prtosaecniderft rlaftivly intsv and fft cien. Tber fmayesomlcaes flaifundliitllads,bt lak ofdevep- lilllt insc ra fteni detoinaccesibility lid fthe ftc fator rathetha wbillfud refusal to put land fto highert pridu- to. Rthrtha hl iftid, fte probtlemin f ta Rica appears toben oftmanyf smll ad iffcet owne-opead fams pa- itilary in fth Meseta Cntra. Althougph Cost Rica appartot fath taility of high prorion of ownr-perati of lnd, slveld by ftving bette fares larger frm, and fee farmersf relativeto thil l populatio. Land reor measure ligh it inld e iewad revidsino lnid ls, cadtra l ey n ttl feirt io p rocftdures.tS- lilfaily fr should be cniderft. Suc mft re posily repreen Ipart of fth oligion ofsoiety tothswo lift ut byfhtg. Hweersitydmstdideho uhi atliniil tak tocsio fth advers efts of change itis no obligated to bear fth entiretcos. Acti to iftprove moiblity seems lift deir- tio. As lias beenindicatd lo uitcft protio of largp-scale mechizedifarmsfwillptiraing ecnoic presr upo no- aids to eirtion to area offerin ft t pporuis Itaid to lfar coslidation, tehnicl asista superised crdit andco dispeso fproducnta on l incesn fproftion, and mor emphasi on fth poliil and 1oia stblity of diffusd laft- ownrlip than o ftheeoo efectsoffth ownersip paittr. lifte appar to be litft dottat conenrioni onr stantial libef laorr A in lith rualpoplii; and tat fthr ftlo prductiviy pe ftke. Allthog lceais cocefrt, Cwesi L l n i wlidespeaaon i thepeoplef of th Meea Ceta Plaea ad in fth llands Tru laifundia, with muft an ithhed fo tsbes fte denoappea ftbe problemt in fth Meset Cnlince motfhebig sugar canad coffee 'oeatos frtcidered rlily intensive ftd fet. There ma yf besmcsso lifundia inh lowlnd, butlak ofdevlp- metin such aresft is detoinacsibili t andfthe ftc to. Rate tan ldt~ifudat prlein Cost lit appears to be one ofmn mll and inecen owne-operat farms, pa- ticlrly in fth Mesta Centra. Alhoph Cost Rica appears t hath tbility ohigh poppriof ower-pertionoflad, it doe hv lithA prlemft lo farmi income wichf caioly ft slveld by bavipg lbete farers larger frs ad fewer fer Land reom esue mightinlide reiew ad ritionof laft law, cdstl survey, and it lirt ioni procedure. S- pervised crdit lid ariligements whichll prmt fth comme- cilail y lfartsod becsdeed.f tt Suc gesue lpsibly repreta par of thbligatio of socity to thbs whft are lirt by change. Howve, soityus decide o much action lift t wi taket cusion fth advrs efts ft chlipe it isi notligtedto able fta ftdsdiing subftliil prducr ihir prsn siu- fto. As has fte indicatd, 1o unt-os pductio of larp-ftal farm conoldati, tehil assistanc, suiprised crdit lidco  opertiv use of mabhiney are among fthe many ftehia assist Prmto oft Cmmecia Famildy-Sizetd Farm.-Recom- mendtns i tbftarprteterpontw prblems: (1) dimitii sz f farmtftdetotibheriftncprocdures, ad (2) Means are needetdftodiscourge excessbdivtisin offarms andt ftonorg the passting f smll and faily-ized comer cia farms t one heir or to one oprao through sale in its entirety by all heirs. Moreover, provision should be matdi for creditio ftem wichill no t load dow fth operatigbhiritha im- Low efficincy it hi s of labor in Aftea County is associated prblem, i bid iof ale iftrmsyftlan are pef amt srie wherei opporuiies forjobs ireibette. fTet reouce ifota Rica ippiar idiquafte to permt t fewe farer relati toa groinig populafti. This shouldbe the roaidfthigherfrm incom, highertrealwagesad pl itia stabiity. iyttLiAD ftittdtt TEUR ANDiyibi f TYEAN IZ F A- 0 Promottiono4 ft Comrialf FailfySized Farm.-Reiomi- menfdtisithebArenasrporticete ftpo ftwoprblems: (1) diiuioniin size f frmdu to ibheiac iprocedures, and (2) Means areneded to discourage exessbdiiioof farm andifto norg ii t epassigioftsmlladfiilydsizdicommer by al bhei. Moreove, proision bhuld be ma de for creito tebrm b w ich wi not addow ft iperaiig bdir witb ftim Lowieffiiec ffib h s ftflbrin AtasCouty isfasiadd type crops,andflow levels of mangemt.tAs td bfor,fforits tointif Aproduction appea aply jutfibedpendigtheidevetlp- problemis ft e f sclin ftermsf lanfd araper farm,srie should be provided tomk iti eaier for peoplet enlarge bhir boldings, to find offfar iemploymenft, orto eirtto ft ea Th eore of Cota Rica appeiar adequate to peftift t developyen ft beftt farmer, mor comeria ifmiily ftrs an fewe frmer relati fto growing popultion. Tbis shbuld be ft roatd to biftber farm iom, bigber rea ftages, ad poitica stability. NOf b f T Ef i t i tf Protiooft ft Commeialf Faiy-Sizefd PFarm.-Recom- mentionstff inffthftnastrepotsteripotwotfprblems: (1) diminuttionI i in i f r due fto fiheitance proceduresi, and (2) Meansi ftre fteedtd to dfiftftftftgt excftess sufbdivftsioftft f rm by all ftirs. Mftrfttfti, ftiifttbtf sftfftfd bei made ftr crift on terbs wich wilt not load dfwtftf bifpertftngfhft r ft th anfftb Loeftfiiencyf f i in h s ft laboii ftea Coun ffttty ft assitettffd ftypeftcropsiand llvlsttfftodftfmanagemenit.tf Astotetd beforet,ftfts tffitniffy production apptarf iftpty juftifibid peiftftheb develftp- mtffti ff-f rmfjofbtpprtunifftties. Howeverti, stfinetemjor bftldftng, fto fiftd ff-farmt iemptfymefftt, ortoftgrt o ra wheref ffttff ftftftunitifrjtbs ftebeftfte. fTbi resouftft f Cota Rica ftpptftf atdeqte fto permitt the fee amr eaiet atgftowiftf pftption.ttf Tbhis ftfttftfd be fthe rftad fto higher f tfftincm, hf~ighe real wagesti, anfd pftliticalt sttabfiity. N Of t f t f f t f t1 f T Ef t i tf. t 1 f t , f  The Cattle Situation Since.' publishbed 3'.ta' rgar'din.g thbeef an'. 'd dairty in- andonsuption of.beefad ilk.' rojectOon of4 Costa Rhca beef req'.iooements f'.om 1956 unt'il 1966 indicate that t.h t '.al cattl sluhter may thneah 136,- 000had, o44,000 ore than the.9,000.consume.'d in.0006 Tbhe c.hiefo fat ithis.cea i.''. fth nat' ional growth of fth p'.pula- tion.,which av 6age arodO3p75 percen per '. yea .h' othrfcor isft posshility of changes i'. eai'.g habits, w.hichl under favora''ble '.nmi odiismy resltin inresdprcpit'.'coup- Changes in' the amount of land needed by 1966 to' su.'pport' in- cesdonubers'ofbeef addairyoctteh r otredily'.pparen. Thy'.sgniicah ig w.h ch may.o'. cur'ih'henet.d, 2 ears do plae ill depend u.'pon t timines ao d '.d'.quacy of researh, andthe pomptness wih whic0 farmer '.d'.pt'.he resarh fin'din.g. Know'.'ledge. of1the possibiihtesof the be'. ctle in'l' dustr..y is. '.ery importanto' to gormen poliy makers., t'. deaer.o hab'.dl3 extent'thti'ffecs'the'spply d prieoe.oAoggvern met.fficials sucho knoldge Fhould i'.luence decii.ons regarding pric regulations and export policies, oiwel asatitudes t'oward knowldge should also a.id mea'. handler in bu.ying, sel'.ng, aod The Cattle Situation Snce pubhlishl'd 3'.'.' regading 6'. beef and dairyin dustiesinCost Rc'aeo oparatOvlymege, this lands in' pasture., numersof an0ima.ls, human po'plation tren'ds., ad cnpion6o1befd ik.' Projeh'.'. of6 Cot'.' Rica bee hoeq.'ir'.'..n'.' f'..' 1956 unil 1966 indicate that' the' t...otal' l saghter' may then. reah 136,- 000 hed, or.44,000 m..'o'.e 6'. th 92,000 consume'.d lin 1006. 06'. cohief'fac or nti inres dilpentinl. rwt' fh pop'. u 'l la- ith'. possblity of0 changes in eati' habhit wh00h under favorable t 'o.0 belef o. Th tw o ' fac opma also increase6'. dmadfo Chngsi heountslofladdneededby1966'to spport in cesdh'.'.bersoefd day catlea.' no.di iyp arnt.' alter presen '.i'.al-lad rosr (1) im'provement'. in 0'.qal ity of0animals'and in. the' manao'gemn of6 the ber.d, (2) a. stay place wi0 depend u'pon '.he timelines and '.d'.quacy of6 researh, '.nd ft promptnes wit'h which faer '.d'.pt. the '.searh fin.ding. Knowldge' of ft possbilites olfthe beef catl industr.y is er imotn ogoer'.'. p'.b'.y makers, dot o dea 0'. whoadle extent.hatiaffct he'.pply and prieof. e.'.Amoggovern ment 0 oficas uh k'.owldge '.hould influenc decisi'ons re'garding rhoe rgulation''.' and. "xp'.0 p'oicies', asiel asattitudes '.'.ard knowldge shold al'. aid4 meat han'dlers in buying, seling.', and The Cattle Situation Srfte pub1ished 3'.'.' regarding 66'. beef and d'.iry in- dustries in Cta' Ricaar comp'.a'.vedy meage, thi. lands'f in posto'., numbers oh anml, homa po.pulathon treds, adconupionbee l'.'k Projeoof C ota Rico beef requirements from0,., 1956uni 1966 in'dicate th'.' th'. total Oftte sagO'.'.' may~ thenreach 136,- 000 head, or44,0000more.than 6'. 92,000 cosmd in 195606'. chi0 fato in' this inore'. is ft nonal growth of t6'. p'.pula- tio,whhaverages ar.'od 3.75 per''.nt peryea'.. Anotherfactor is ft possiility of changes in'.ating 6ab0'., which un'.d'.r fao.bhh ecoomi c'oditio may peul in, ftcrhood per cpit.a'..''.'onup- Changes in the' amut of land needed by 1966 to. sup'port in- crasd'nuhbers1o1ee.ad diy'ca'.'.'are'.ot dilypparet. alter'.hg' preen anial-an p ratios. are.' (1) impr. ovemen. t int e quay  mercshandisiho meat prodocts to onable tho cosmet Osuy better- quality meat atprieo mota csomalypid. LANA~D USE FORp oATLEo PROUCIO 20,000 0sor oiieo (50,900 square kilomees o s suitable for foooagoiculturo andlivestock.The otalareaoofoaod infars,a- cording to tho Cooso Agropecuario do 0050, wsoo 2,002,220 maoo- zaas oooabole 0). Appsooioootely 02.0 poo cent of oil foos food i oogoodo-LDooooFooooAOhDI ioTdfoo LAUE.YPOhoCE, Ooioooof Hooi1ooo 9odo 5o 0 ooo~osooooolopo oTillableoLandooinoohooooos Allo jopopooofonod doipoo Aollos~ooo Poooic o n oFooooms ob T OTAL ANooL YIN 0 HE tt0sf e002,0 ofanoansoo)of fo O S 0050 ooo00 anoo d02,5 Saooos 30ho 2 o 5oo8loo 32,630 1p8,161o ooo 6,dis h056 000007 ollodioo4io,9 4,4 3055 157 od6fgoooih oo,914 fo3,3o oooadtagoo of758 1p6,832 o10,739 o4p363o 1,730o 250,748 oorpoiaoooooo6ooo1hoo 2,pooooo 6 232h53,713 Guaoocast od94,O66 o98,5oooo5ooooiooo,1oofooo02opo 9,6oo Puntrenso 37,21 ohho 863 000 9ho 02 3ool 5,909oo 8,93 313,347 Lo 18277 io0poooo p 4,9ooo h 1oo 48o 8 Poo 7ioo lod 2,6o0 9oo otalo h ,592,220o 418,868oo 45,39p 124,904 os ,570p 2,p73,35 ThboMAIoooesootesohao30pooooon ofbe toono'ooappoitly 00,000 05ua00 mileoo (00,00900 ar hilometeoo) is suitoblo for foroogrosltsrooadhlvock.h e tholooroooof londoinfars,ao - ooding Osof oh Conoo Aoooposoooio do 0000, 000 2,592,220 man0 00000" (Tableo1). Appoimaotolyl1.3pro eno ofo l 0 ar O l anodjos TAogoo -Lo N IN FARh 00 ORIN Toh Looo do E hBY POhoNES PsOSoo ofC 1ooi950o 0s oo0 s o sods s fo 00 TillablehooaodoinoMaoanas Aoldo ood d Aololofh 00Nod 0psof,0 0,0 ofvic il Farsoo T OTA 00000L 000N 00 HE po o sOt0,25 (oo manzoanfloasoo poso COSoooo O oU opsiond ofn Joood 3067d L 5oi47 32,d63ooo 00 0016 6,05o6o 2 9,870 7 olaoued 01 293 p 9,54 30,05 of57 d6pd914soo 39p3,394 g i osapodogo soooo7o, pooo0 1683 f1,hooo33o ,70 5074 MHedos 20,00003,0000000000000 oo2oo 3,71 iuacsteooo 4,166g o9o,50o2 35y4 42os56 21o00oo 490000 Puntarenaps o3o7,20 oo 73,863 o29,022 o35909 h8,93h 313,34 pionoohoooo og 182,77 g2p,16 f4,969 11,488 p,704 o62,60 quaohoys meaatprices oota csoma0000 ypaid. 20,000 050000 miiloo (50,000 000000 hilomeso so sithhl for agriculture.' 0.0sf f0 per seo. sOho lad 000a is curnlyue fo ogricultuo ond livestoc. Theota area of hond in farms,ac cording to oho Ceooo doposooo do 0000, 000 2,002,220 mao- 00000' (Tohl 0) Appoximately1.3per cont of ollfar landois oTgoodo I.-AN oIN FA AORDI 0 LAND do E h BYo POhINES POSTAs ofC 1950oohofodoodoodssohs ysops TillaolehoooooonoMaozanas Aoldo sO n Alooil lssNod 0posos 00,0 000000c iho 0Fa290 00000 is UA p LY0000 dIs OHsR pOther ossodel 4294 9,40 pooo55 of57 6,91 393,394s opoo. Carpodogo 267,50 16,0201p,39s 4363o 1730 20,74 Meredo 5ho 62,000 3,oo1oo2oo is63 2o5o6 232 53,71p 3 Ouncat 94oo 8o,166g o8,502so5ooo4o4y,15ps21,o0oo8ooo6o Puntar00naspOd p872107386 C2ooso2 3509 89o hod3doogo Lion 182,770oo 20,161go 4,969g 11,488so 3,704p 162,609  ofthe otal farmlandusd for pastr.heavergesizeofoa numober of tho largost farms, measured by are, iovr17,000 Theogreatestintenity of land-use,ashbaod on man-lad rtoso,oi 2 percn o fflpasturolano (Tleh2) Ooteyperextem 3,031 fams or 9yer etof th otl cnai1 ppoimtly7 per centof all far atrs Operaors of farm of 1,000 or more manzaooonuber about 250, boo they cotof about 024,000 mao- znsofpasture.OThusotocaobelheeothboaosbtnipoporion oflthebeef cattleindusty isinthebhads of a omparativey few produoers. About two-thirdsof al caol (excluding oe)aepo- duced onotheo9percentofothefarms hichbrangein izefom 100 0f the 14 agricultural regions delbneatd by Peterson 0d Woot fooroCo ica, theyestimatdlthatoaroasinopastureswilloinreas inol oor-ho Grain Region, tho Livoook-Goaoo Reon oo ho ExtensiveLivockbl Rgoo, aodtheNorh DaiylRgion Inooo trast,fourootheroregonsoareo epectedooo howactualdecreasesin of theota oform loofod oood for pastoooo. Tbo 0000000 sioo ofa number of tho loogost foorms, mooooood by 000a, is 0000 17,000 Thogoooteotioteoooty offoondoose,oosbaoodooomoo-laod roso,bi onofarmsoaveragigf o0 9om ooaoasiosiz,oandobaltho bout44 perocontof allfarms fallinhisclasifitono, theyontainolessotha 2proont of oll pasture food (Tblo 2). On tho opoo extreme 3,101 farms, o9per centofdte otaol,ontai aoppoxoimatoly74 por cent of all far opasture. Oporotoro of fooms of 1,000 ooomoro mazaa oooooo aoooobout 000, fool thoy conorol about 324,000 mao- zaoaooof pasturoo.fTsitocanoboooenthat suobstanialpoporion ofothebeeoftteindustry isinhhandofa oparativly 00w produoor.dAbouto-thoirodsofoalf ooole(ecldingooon 000000- duood oootheo9poonof 0h fars chrag inoobo oizoofoo 100 Of the 14 agricultura regions delhneatd byPeteon anod Wost foroCostolRoc,' thoyoesimatedotatao a in opastureswilo inres 40 only boor-ho hoaio Reogioo, doe Livock-Groin 01eOgion, tho ExtensieLisocok Regio,ond theNothDairyReion. 000on 0000t foor other 0004000 000 expected to shoo aotool deooooooo 40 of doe totof farm food oood boo pasturoo. The average size ofa number of doe lorgost foaooo, oooooood by area is o000 17000 Thegretes iontenosity 0f lodouso, ashoood onoaolaod ros,bi onoformsoovorgingf o9monzonaini,ondoltoughlobouto44 pe etof off farmso foil in thioloosificotio, they ontaoin leooothao 2Oprocnofoallopastureolad (Tabe2.Ontheoppeo exooomo 3,831fforms, or9 proont ofoboe total,ontainooppoximael 74y perocontfof lfarmopasture.Opeaorsoof farmsofl,00orore 000000000 nuombor aooo 250, boo boey 000tool oboot 324,000 man- zooasoof pastures.OThi a obooenha bo substantil proporion of thebeefocatleoindustry isinothefhads o omparatvelfyew pooducor. About twotbirdo of ofl ooobl (excludioxn 0000 000 - ducod ootheo9poooent ofothefoaoms bobc rango nizebom 100 0f doe 14 agricultura regions delineated by Peterson 0nd Woot for ostaic,' thoyoesimaoed bhtaesi ooo p sturooowill0incoooo bn only fourth GoraioRoio, thboLooestok-Grineiono,Ooh Exoeooio Livestock Oooion, ond the Norh Dairy Regioo. Inon- trstoou otoheroregionsoareoexpectdo ow actualodecreasesoin  pstre1crege, and ltlebcangeinlndusepaten isforesee 1or th4e rminder. Approximately~ 44 per4 cent ofal4 tre r Pp on i ein wher inceaesar epetet oc44 r, L an4144d 32 4141 per11141 ceb in reinso1stmtd4erassLnsno lssfe 1a4 forest a4re 4441 exlue from thseosevtinpubiucooe P4and hipb cl1ar 4 for agiulua pupoe 41411edtreds 44b altered. 444.414 TheP4repationshpdetwenlnd ad wateis unbdpncd t4ogh ou14t 4 large area of4ost1Rca.Soe 1iteiormontanos4aea with1paatiel weldsbtd1y1 rainfall affod mre podutiv and4lnyir1raziy lpiods 1 thn 11c4casalaea a Gancat Poinyce,11where 11dong 1drys 1rxpred.144 Watr1n4ap4 cally44 Guaacst is 11 11144e 1114 a 141 we n 44dysaono 4bu Ric 411e als prove 11411 pint to1 their own 1satsfacto. In the1 longrun reeac adpracticl experienc wi14 44411raeha tin.I the Tempu Vally in Guanacaste Provnc is irrgate4 aproposed, an1 11a4veagn44 bu 244441s44on444411mile widewil be114 avaiabl for c11o4 farming.'om pasture 1and4i the1 4Temp1144e Vally probby wil11114444convrte4111cr4 use. Withimprovemnti farmin practcesa ever-icresingpropor- tio o4te1otl feed1spplylfr4ale4maycome1f4o improved pas ture andcrplads, whic may actall Pp uc t4he number44of manzanas neede1to1maintain agiven number o1cat4le.1Themjor obstacle in promtin 44ch 411ft are th411144444lve. 4ut4411 desired chne are shown to be profitabl, shif4 in4lad4usw11 occur,1either slwly n a arm-t-farmbasis orlrpidly1 f4om4on are toanothe, de4e4d444114on11 speed wit which n114 knowl- edg44isconvered1int 11r14c4tic4. THECATL SITUATIO 411 41414141054 1asur acreges a4n4 d 4114ttle1 chanp 44 land-us patern s14oreseen1 forth rmandr.Aproimately 444 pe cn o llpstrs4r nowoun in region wher 4increadd areLepectd44 to4ocur 4n 3 1112414414114 pe4et1nrgon1fesiae14cese.Lns 4o1lasfe with coparativlypwel-distribute rainfall 4ffrdor productv ad longe4graingperiods hansuh costl 111164s4uanaas4 Proince, where1lng4dr1seson are111 eperience. Wate 1ina4mp1e supply1 is1necessar11for4growt41of14orag on111 rangelan, but4cimati pliesP1 fo4minennc ad rotho 114441411 1duringp bhe4dyseason4is crit4a.1I1hasbeen14141P4 demnstate in4ohercoutrie1thtiprovd pasture are sprio4to4atieoruniprovedpastues frwih- stading44p4P 1 ades Prwigcniions and14441 14e6rdues4nCot Rica4hve1als1provdthpoint to4teirow441tsf4tio.444th long 4 runlreeachnpractical14111111 exerene 41141mostat4wa grasse and what managment are ost econoical forpach ofth the Tem4pisque ValPey probblyP~ 4111 411114e4441141111144411114es 1t4r1e4 andcroplands1, 441114 4a Pcual reduceP 1114411 number 414411f manzanas neded to mintain4 a gven numbe 41111114111 11114e.4111411111 411411114 11411 1111 tin such1 1141144 1 411 p costs 4 nol, d 114111 1144111144 111111111 11114111 41141 shown to be14-11 114iabe s11411 111 land4 u111111111 111111111 11111411 dslowly111 11o11 141 far 1ofar 4114s 446411114y111144n THE411 1111141411141111141114111 144111141111111 11114 craean ite hneinln-s 111411111114111111111111111patterns11 111111111,1111 421111111 11114111111111 1141111111111 44111111 6111141111114411414114 ar now 1114111111441 1111 4111111114111111111141111re 411111t4111111411114114 32prlentinrepon 11141 dsimated1decreases.4Lndsnop1cldassified 1111411111411cldedfro t1161p141hese1observaionslbut1i4much1woode Plandis4leared1for1agricltural1l pupoe est14pmated14trends11may4pbe altered.111111 1114111 11141d1111111111411 114411114 nshi bet4 e 411111 414114114 111 e s11 unba1441lnced4pthrough- out4111 large1 1111411 of1 Cost Rica 41111 intrio mountainous1 p a41111 eas11 with41comparativelywelldistpibuted 114411l 1111111411111 41111411ctiv 1an4 11on11r 11111111111 11114d than11 suc1 114411 l areas1 as11 1414 an1aca1ste1 1 11 411114111111141141111411111141111111111411411111111144 .1111111114411441 4111111111 is1becessary1for1growbh1of1foage1onlrangeland,1bup1climpt1 cally Gu1114 st is41 1 dividp into 411111111111411111141141o111114411111 equal duraion 111111114 the111 prole of1 111114nin 1144at 1441111p 1114114414111111411111161141114111141111114114114 ing1thep1dry1sealo1141 4114114411141111ee61111 nt1at4 plb in 11141411111 11411411111111141111114 pas4ure are 114111141 141o na11111 11441 unimr11 e pasure 111111111111 441 t1111 41111144111411 advers 11111411 111411411114 a4d 11444 pro 111114111111441 Rica1 have 11411111 4114111111 114111 41114111 4t 44o 11114wnsatsf 44Inth long1 run 41111111411 and1 prctclxpren1 wil4eontrt4wa  According to Hunter,' the future area for the beef cattle indus- try is in the tropical, moist forest formation of the Caribbean water- shed. Here pastures will remain green the year round and problems of dry-season feeding can be eliminated. This forest formation, much of which is still in native jungle, contains many thousands of hectares awaiting development. It extends from Lake Nicaragua to the Caribbean, bordered on the northern side by the San Juan River and on the southern by the Cordillera; thence it veers south- ward to the Panama border. While vast portions of this area have not been opened by roads, settlers are nevertheless penetrating to many of its remote parts and establishing squatters' rights. Over the centuries the Cordillera has remained a formidable physical barrier against the exploitation of its moist lowlands, and, perhaps because of this, the government has generally by-passed it. f dry-eso feeding ca tb eliiatefd. Thisfors oran f hetares awating deeopet It xtend from Lake Niargua nte opned by rods settesr neetheless penetrating to mnofits remte parts ad establishing squtters' right Ove barie agait it eploitato of its moit lolns nd, perhps bcus ftis,fthe tgovernme thagerlby-p assd t. Aoding to Hne, th ftur are for t beef cattl indu- try isnth tbopical, mt fors formatio of t Carbbea wate- shed. Her ptuewilrmngen theIf byea round and problems f dry-eso feeding ftn belmnted. Tbis fot frmtin muhIf wich is tl ini at ive julef, conltais an ft husand of hectae awitinfg develpmet. It etnsfom Lake Niargua to ft Caribbean, bored nth nolb rthr sde by ft San JuanI Rive and onb th othern by ft Cordillera fthec it veer sot- ward to fth Panmabode. Whiletvast portions obf ti ftaav manly f its reot pars and etablishing squatter' rihts. Hver fth centi ft Cordillr has remaind a formdable physicll  Approimately 601,000 cattl wer enuerte in6 tho Cenoo 00ropcuaro 000 190 Tab0 3, and about 700,000 in 1955. Tho 1950 enmron incluofded doiry anhmal, beef cattl, and oxen. Aound 000,000 co,or femaoles 2 years of ago n ove,,d r enmrtdo swr neary41,400e.OTheoreminderweyoug anmaso mals2year of age adover A study of cesu dataoha oledootosvrlitsiogobservaion. Onsmall farmo-ragig fol ol14oonznainoizeo h nuom-o hber otl avrgedoabot4pefar. Ontheopperoexreme farms0 contiig 3,500 ma 0na or ovr-h aveag 6 was jus ovr0,00 perfarmo. Thus on the smaller farm eaoh animal had leosftoa one mazanaforgrazing asogais oretanto man- poitsoooan poavenue poofgproc horipoinohrdd raising lollE o.-OyIooLIoESTOKBlPRVCEFO 200(6,9000 obAooo REOooIN LIVE Prvince of Nuoo mod0070eoo of Boin Lvockoo6 OO0 ALLoooo CATToo LEo oooo660 XEN OTHERCAdoE. Appoximatel1y 601,000 cattlo we06 enumerated in t0e Ceoo Agoopooooooo de 0000 06000e 3, ood aooo 700,000 io 0000. Tho 1950 0000006000n clodod 0ar 007i00000, boof oottl, aod 0000. Around22,O00oocowo, orofomaoeso2yoarof geooodooo,oooo 000060atod, 600006006007ly01,400 0000. Tho remainder wereyoung A6study ofocensus datahasld to60060a inotooostoogobservton000. heroftleaverged60 0bot 60860far. Onotheopper0extreme 06006 coooaiooo 3,5 00 06 mazaa 000 oe-ho av006ge 006jus 0000 (0700 pe0 faoo. Thus00 tho somfloor far0060aoh anomal hod 066006 00 onmazaa or0grazig as 0000000 06000000twoma. 06066 onotheoveyflargefarms Tho 06000060t2,000 0600006 0000d 000rl f60 peroooot of alctl points to an avenueofppoach for improooighoodsoodoraisig ohABooL o 3-OIp oIESOCK B of VICE p F0 6h900 Ohios ohoo LIoo16 Proooooe of Num00 b00 erpooo of B ovine Lvsokf 000 0600 CATTLEg cows* 250 0606600 006006. Appoxioote00 60f,000 cat0h 0000 ooooooatod ihe Ceon(00 Agropecuario do 0000 (Tohle 0), 600 aooo 00,000 0n 1955. Tho 0000 oooortoooo ioolodod 0aioy ooioohs, hoof cattl, and 0000. Arouod 200,000 000s, or feoooeo 2 years of ooo oand over, 000e enumerated, ooooooooooaly4,40oooo. Thoooemoidoooooeyoug aiasoryolesooyeodofoagedanover.~ooo hooooo beooofocathoooveogod aboutf4perfarOnT hepperoextreme farms6ootoioiog 3,00 0azaa or0 ovr-h 0000ag hos 600000t0 over 1,7000perfarm. 5006 o 00 sle f armso o eaooo animalfhad h fao 000t 0600 farsowe 006006 60 er 0000 oofo allcatl Tfoinft andaenueofoaoooo ooooyproooooersa risn STOCK COST 6ICA,(1950 Prooyfgooiioofic 7600006 of 0oin LivTsocook ooo 6 pooooooCoTooooEf ows oolOXENfo OTHER0CATTLE buno aosot 00 230366006 06706006 4 3752  191RI95 C51 dAj~ 1950k Clsiiainb ubr FrsReotn ate Ctl eotd of. Hed erFam ME P ER CEN NUM5ER PERb5 CENT~ 6 10 5,632ss62 20.9f6 45,056d g 7.4 201 to 500 5 230 0.8~ 8615 13.3f 501fand o her 10 g 0.4 98,114 16 Toa 690 10. 0,5 0. 51tmtd 6rmdtai es Arpc5t de150,Tal 461,"5p. r105. SLUHE FCATEFRMA Te populaion ofCsaRiai stmtdtohv ncesdi nubrsbtee 946 n d 1955by 9 pr cnt bu th nube Wi156p5i 1,550 5.8 I 1550 0. 2 5 l5 10611 382~sjl 35 5.95 11 to 20 d 4165 15.5 64,557sps 106 21pstobh50 y 55213 1 11sisg 26 p 18.9 s b 51 t .lo s 100 ,190 4.4 ssi 8984 5 1 4.8 5 p10 o 00 5121 9 77p,0556R6 12.7y 201t 500 5 23s 0.8b 51 ,625 isd 3.3 h 501s and iver 56qssly 110 0.4 s 98114s 16ss .1 Total Ris 6,900 1b0.0 607,857 b 100d 51Estitd by m data inCnoArpcai d e b 150 Tabl 41,d p. 105. b TsSLAUGHTisgpF CApTLEsFOR iEAT The poplato fCstaRia ssbimtestlhvincrsed i With 1 1516 1155 b5.p8 s bs5 0.35 s6 to 1 k 5 5 632 20y.9 p 5,06 7.4ssss p11sd Dso s 2 bi 165 b 5. 5 6455 1 0.665 idssdb 5gs ans d ove 5 511056 s .4 98bs 1 P 1iss6 5 6. Totalbisy 6,900dsgs 0.0s 607,857sb 0s.- lpst ae fp o daa is Censo Ap ecuri de k9i0g Tal245 155. Is lSLAUdGHTERspF gATTL islORgMEA d sl sgte pemtsw s abou ptwo mase s b "5ach 5 femle 1951 s tos195sweerdistere psins Alsdel ansdss Guncst rvics an tlaretnuedap cess in~~b Alajuel i ianJs prov-  to7th pr3ouce. Likewise, inability to se77 marketable animalsa the, aproc of t77e '3r season" may crat eonmi hardship to Soutph d America, patcua 7yt Coploia and Peru;and7toth saleprie of7befth baraif n positio oh f ca 11te prouces4i ofte severey limited. Some relief was7 experienced during 1956 wh77n exor shipments more77 than doubled those o9 t77e previous ye,77,r3about 18,000 as7against,000in 1955.8 Approximately on-third of1a7l7attle7n Cos9 Rica areclssifie ascws n1954 they numbered about 278,230.9Heifers7and calve 777172d 211,500. A1ltogether 37.7 percent0f the cows, 35.1 per c7nt of7the calve, and 41.537777977 7 pe etoftehier eerporte7d in, Guaaste Prvne 09 th, 278,00077 cows abou 245,000777r7re ported asmilks cows. 5777 difference, or33,000, rep3eente c73 77430for7m7at purposes. Presumabl7y quite proporion7 of1the mik cowswere"nuse" owssine ony aout 19930003of7th 245,003 were7 classified as dairy animals7. Well-infomd 3ersonsi ft dairy industr~y estimate7 that prob- abip not1more777an 100,000cows3in Cota~ 97car dairy-type ani- mals The numbe is believed to have inrese substantialyec year 0for the past ten 3years. The majoriy of19777se animals7 are found in theMeseta7Cntral wheredaon p er c9nt ofth nation'smik is7produced. Alajel 7Province,3 lead al7ot7er in, the production77of milk.I Mrch,7954, over2pr cent f7themik wasproduced there, but0 daily production77 perco averaged highest7 in Cartago Provinc, o 5.0 bottles of 1.5 p77un7ds eah7 sagista7 ioa average7of .8.0his7 vege7ishbasedponhenuh ber7of7cows mi lked and yield per cow on77h day of the c 7su survey. In 195077etta, ml pro1duc3ti3o0n77 averged around3490,000 bot tle daily, 077 esiae rise of1 53,000 ove 1954. 912hi0amun onlyO36per cnt i usd on th fariflid7form, and 44per cen enters comeria channel. The balnc, or20 per cent, is7roc to he producer7. Likewise7, inability to7s9ll7mrke7a7747nimals1 a 1777 many, pro7ducers. Most exports of sur7plus 077e cat9le hav been to9,South7America, particularly t1Colombia7and1Peru;,and3to7he sal presofbef, the bargaiing pdoio of1 catle pro7ducers is often severly limited. 9Some 7elie7 was experienced durin~g 1956 wh077 ex7port shipments mo7re 50777 dou7behos 4,77 t7 he previous7 yea,7or7about 18,000as7gainst77,000 in 1955.' Appr7omatey one-third 4779,0 of a 77catlein7Csta 7icaare7lassfie as7cow. 477 19543 e numbered77 ab7o 279,330.91e07777 and 7al777 totaled2211,500. Alto7gether 30.3 per7cent7oflthe 7777,35.1 37r77771 of1te7clv7,1,7n77 4,5 per cent7of0, the ,,,7 heierswer 774777d i Guncat Province7. 97977e27,00077777 about 245,0007777777e- ported asmilk co. 077e 2797777777, 777 33,000, rep7r7sen77d 77777 hedfrma p777p7777. Presumably7 qui7777 proport7ion of77the7milk 77777777777777777777777, si77ce 777157777777799,00077177e,24,000 77777cla770,573777374577777777l. Well-informed prsnsinth dir industr estimate7772777 that prob- 7771577777777777th7n 100,000777777777Costa R0,77777 dairy-type 7777- mals9. The7777779077 number 777777 7i777070 beivdtohv7ncesdsusatalyec year7for7the past737 07777 years.7h90m7joit77oft777e7aima7s4ae7fou2 in7theMeseta7Central where7around360 per cenof h nation77's7milk is produced. AlajuelaProvince le737 all 7777777 777 9777 production7 of milk. I March, 1554, over 34 per cent7of9the7milk 7777 produced 9777re, but 37073 production7 p77 7777 averaged 77gh7s2 777 Cartago9 Provinc77, or 5.9 bottle of 1.5 pounds2 77777 77 against7 a7nationa avea9 of9.. 0770, 777777779 is 777773 773777 9777 77777777 77 7ows milked and3 yield 3777777777777773737717777777777077777777. I956 555777,7777777k prdcto 77777779737r77777490,000 bot- tles daily, 70 estimated rise of53,0007 over 1953. 9747 this7am001 only736 per cent is7 used7 on3 the7 17arm influidform, and44 per cent enters7 commercial7 chnes The baane or 20 per cent7, is proc- 9o 1777 producer7. Likewise, 7777777777 777 77707 maketable animals7 at the 7733777h 70 t799 "377777y season 77a7y 777770770 7777377075dshi for many7 producer. Mos epot of surlu li0v10 cattl , have been 747e527777 o beef7,9 the7bargaining3position 7717779le producers7is 77877777777713 0777773. 97777 77071f wa77 exe ne 30779g 1959 whe export 7073777797 mo777 than doule those 97777 774h7 p77777777 3777,777777777718,000 as7against78,0007in9955.7 as77cows.9In 1541they7numbered737about27,230.97, 77737777777alve totaled3211,500. Altogether 37.9377777cent7of7t7e777, 35.1per7cent of7the7calves,7and415per7cent9of1the7heifers7were7reported77 0077777727 Provinc. Of the 278,000 77777 about, 245,000 were, re- 3porte3 77770 milk777w. 097 3737777779, 777 90,000, 773777777773 cows7 77713977777773777777777. 377770777777 qite 7737r3777977777170777777k cows7 we77e "nurse"7 cows7,4 777773 7777777719900 lS of 77177 295,3030 77777 classified 777 37703 77777777. Well-informed 3p7rsons7 in 707 dairy industry7 72777777 9th79 prob-7 ably not more than 100,000,, cow in 7 Cost Rica .3 ar 7777-yp ai 77777. 5777777747077 977770777777 70737709 beivd7777ncesdsusatalyec year 1for 90e past te year77. 307 77jo7273 of ths 77777747 777 177773 7077777377777a,777774770777777777772503777 per7cnt7ofthe0ations7mik is produced7. Alajuela Province7 9727s 770 ot7h7r7 077 7th7 production 771 milk. In March7, 1954, over7 24 pe7 cent 771 7the milk wasprouc7 ther,butdaily production 377 7777 777777973 hi7gh777 i77 Ca797977 Province, 777 5.9 77779777 77 1.5 37777773 77770 777 79777773 77770777777 average o7 0,9. 1770, average is 777773 03777 7777 7077077 ofow milked3and3yield3per7cow7onthe3dyof the7censussurvey. In159 the 7to777 milk product4on averaged7 aroun3 450,000 bot- tle7 37i13, 777 est0777777 r7777 0753,000 0777 1554. 0747 thisamoun 77777 5377777794uedonth f773 in797 777777907 for77,777734437777771t enters7 commercial7 70777747. 507 balance, or 20 per cent, is proc-  eased into5 butter ansd cbeese othe farm (Table 5). Tbsetw products5 provide3 supplementar incom to Ia ~smal farmers.'555 TABL 5 .-SIAE DIPOITO OF MIL PRDCTO FOR COST RC, 95 6 Dis,5p0siti , Misds Digissstiuion Aris gt Diisspsio 5555555555.Ld fiilu515c51e5555 by FresN.BTLSgsiEsCENTs Fluid ilbsk: 5lBs S~ssRs 15 bssssblss lbs 78,412,595 44.0s sss5sl b gssslsslsds 5 355Bu0tte5r 5555 il 555 5 805,0455555555 3b b . Tot555 lsbEys 5555 Bottles 515531,763,55 (5 , 5 5 03. 15555555 Differenc be saoutsfsk l pad5 sterze ndal ik od $A55555 207 555555555555 51555 wb55 fistle on5h Sanslse Make duing 1958. Thes 555555553555os 1555555555 prouc for555 os ta 155555 s imate 45Is t 55555555555155b5555551a5553csbsss 5555tlse15515 (Tabbe 5). Th55555 1555 products provide35 su5pplementar55y 55515555 Is 55an55 sm55555 farmers5555 TALs 5-SIMTDDIPST5 NO MIssss5lp sLK PRODCTs5IO , 55555555RCA156 Disoitio 555555 M i s s s Dig istr btio Aris g tsbss Dsosio Producb lbs Farm5e5r ss ss 5535 BTLsS lbs ERCENTss s Ralsws ss sssss . 55557,972,5I85sgsd Pbstuie 20,g440,000l555 55555 $sl 15555551i 55 s Farm5usesds64,070,0005iblssslsss 36.0gss Butter 55555555 55555555 5s . 5 805,0b00bpsbsl 55553.0 Tot5555 l Botle 178,763,585555k 555500.05 555lcul555555 Ifm 5555555555 lb5 ncustaArpcai de 1956,1958 ps.ss2d7s. 555555555553 bsssss mun o milk pasteurized5555 and555555 allssmisds b5s $A20%k homogensied 155i555 was first s placsd 5n5theSa J bo s re duisg 155. ssssdinto butter a53 csbss ss lbs 555555 (Tsbbe 5). Thbses 1555 products55 provide supplementary income55 to5 5555555555 small5farmers TALs5 5515555ATE DISPOSITION5 p5535 MIss (555155IO FOR 55355555A156 Disoitio 555555 M i sss s D555155issto Aris g tos s Dpsition irodued byFares snOsfisslssss .sbOTisLESss PERCiNT lbs 78,412,585 44.0~ sdslss bsgssssslsdss 35,10,03 55555535ylds555553551555180 bs000 b3. Totsl Bttle 1781,716553 sss 35,505 F.5. 05 I 05.0. Isslculated from Informs l 5sslsl5bs Arpcai des15bb958 p. 27.s 55555555555 ewee amoun of555 milksl as terzes ndals ik. od $A52%5hmogeize Is l was55 155s55 l d son the Sansls Marketdsing1958 Salesnow5 aera3 bssssss 13,20 bo5p5tlis daily 55, (1 5 5555555555) 55555 Thsse 1955ssgross national5 prouc for555 ostad 5Rica, estimated Ist  pounds0 perste fom2 a2point2near Liberia2, in2 GuanacasteProvince, Guanacast 222 Alajuela, weight losse per anima avrged about 100 pounds. L oe ranged 1fr22 42to 11 per cen, with t12e weight2 ofaiml at221 loain 1 on12, the 12r taken s base Loadin2g weights pe see raged from2 1,065 to 1,220 pounds. Weight, losss ar combined1with rai1tranportatio. The1trip1fromLiberia1to Alajuelabytruck reqired12about1 122222 ove 2twstig,outaiousroad1whch1 ausd excessiv Alajuela maket to the Cono Nacional2de Produ2~ slaughter22- housea Carta~go averged nearl5 31 pounds. Slaughteringac counted1 for anothe 540-pond 1oss, approximately."2 While 2122 neverthe1ess2a55ers2tha22steers2bipped from22Gu12acast2 Province for2sal1221 Alajuela os 222e22221a2250225r2cent22212212 farm weight2 by 2122 time they5 are2 dressed2 and quartered. A nubero facor contibut to wei21t lose. Among them are2 (1) mixd od1in21gs(animalsof1different sizes2a2d2ages) ,(2) rough physical1hadling (goade2dwith s12225 spears), (3 pommelin22g by swa2ying2trucks2in2transit,2ad (4) lack2of2suf22cient1feed2a2d2water between22farm2deprture2andsale. Losses2fromsome2of2these2causes 2222 be greatly reduced or entirely eliminate2d. Most of1 831slaughter 2222222, 222225ua222d, 2222 unsanitar2y. Moreover2, 2222rl5 21l t1h22small have2 the2 capacity to2 slau2ghter2nearly all the2 beef22required1for domestc122consumption22and1expor2s, but2the1Cart2o21plant2perates2 2221y 2222 212y 5222 22221. 5122 Alajuela 1122222221 22222122 probably1 222p2222221 the2 22222222 222222. It is a traing ce22222 where22 facilities are providd forre ceivngwateing and2121 othewis handlin262222g cattle. 1Th2 privileges 222 pounds1 522 2st2er f22om2 2 point 22222 Liberia, 122 122222222221 Provin222, 100 pounds. L2oses2raged1 1222242 lo1per2cen,wihthe2weght2 5222 2teer ranged 22222 1,065 to 1,220 52222212 Weight 1222222 are2 5122 tr1p fr22m Liber21a 222 Alajuela by truck 2252222ed about8 1222222 22222 twisting, 2222222512222 roads 221221 22222222 2222222222 bru,1iig 22 22el1 a2 weight losse22 Weightlss 1 pe, r 522 e 212222 22222h12 Al12ju1l22222122222o12h222222221 Nacional 21e P,,21,,islaughte1222 222222222 2222 aother 540-pound 1222, approimatel1." While the t1o2l of,, 122221222 222v losse 12ow areo1, 22122212nicl nial, it nevertheless 255222a12s 22222 stersshpped 122222222222222225222212222 2222 2212 22 Alauel 22221 12222 than222 50 5222 22222 222 212212 22222 2221g122 A 2222122 222 22221222 22222112222 to2weigh12losses. Amonog themar (1)mxdlaig 221221122212s )2ofdifferent2sizes2and2ges), (2) rou2gh physicalIhandling (goadedo1with2hapspears),(3) pommeling22,by swaying 2222212 122 222221212 2221 (4) lack22of2suf12cient2feed2and1water between, 12222 departure 2a21 sale. Losses 2222m 22222 o1 these 2222222 222 be greatlyrduced 222 22022215 el122122222. Most of183 slaughter- 12uesidetiie in,,122 1th12 transportation2 12222 study 22222 muniilpally 2222222, 22212522222, 2222122222220222 Moreover,2,nearly all1te smal instal1ations 222222222222221. 22222 p1l22ts (Cartago aod Barranca) on15 on2e day per2 week1. T12e Al1ajue1a livestock 2222122 pro2bably represents 212222222222 approach2 12 a2 "primary" 222 "2222221" market222 that can 222222221 in 22221a 22122, 2222 it1 222 one of2 22222 mo 222222 important , int 22ton 2122h naton 12 is atrding 222222 where2 facilities 222 poidedforre ceivng,1 teing22122222 ,,otwis handling22cattle.5The privileges 22 pounds21 per2 2222r from 2 point 22222 Liber21, in 122222222221 Province, 100 pounds.2 Losses22ranged1f12224 22 11 per2ce2,1 21222th21wei22 per22s2eer2ra2ged12222 1,005 222 1,220 52222221. Weght 1222222 ar2 The1tri 2215 12Liberia to Alajuela2 by truck required1 about21 bruising2 as2well2as2wightl1sses.2Weight21osses2per22steer1from2the house, at Cartago averaged1 nearly1 31 pounds1. Sl1aughtering ac- counted 1222 another 540-pound 12222, ap552222122,221 While the 22222222212225222 appear tha sterhipped1 from Guanacaste Provinc22 byhetime 122y222221222222212221q222022221. (1) mixedo loigs 2221222212222retsze 21222222222 2ge22 2)2)222u12 ph2ysic1a2222 ha2dling 221122222252252222ears,(3) p222222112 125 bet222en farm deatr 2221 sale. Losses from 22222 of1 212ese causes can2 be2 greatly 222122222 or2 entrely 212222222522. 22222 222 83 slaughter- houses identified2 in12 22222h12 1222orato los2stdy 22222 municipally owned22, antiquated, 22212uns22222222. Moreover22,221 21121222221esmal have5the pacity5toslaghter2nealyall2hebeeflr2quire2dIfor d12osionsum22222po2and1exorts,21but22the2Cartago2pla2t2operates Tbe Al1ajue1a 1122222221 omarket pobably represents the 22222222 aproac2hto"primar22"5or2"central52makethatcan2bel2found2in Costa2 221222 and2 21 is 222e of the most2 imp52212nt institutons in 2122 22in.I 12 a trading 2221222 ohere facilities areprovided for re- ceivi12g, oatering, 2222 otherwise, han2d1ling catt1e. 012e priileges 221  hooyiog aood seliog o emaketar open to ail. Seller ar suaoolly commission00 agents of the producers and receive 2 per en o sle recipts foroservoces. Buoyeroa0 rl represent moeat hoandlers. Thse marke, kowns s thePlazade Gando, is amderoncret and seel srutu.Itisowned andmangd byhemuniciplity of Alajuel, hich cives 2.00 prhedfor allcatle old ont. The market, em0pty and oo desrtd ost of the woeek, tkes ona ol- dayatmopereevey Mdaywhn0b lslesh rld. s physi- into toreceiving secionos,witheach secion continingsanumber oforrasls. Onesecioni resvd f0osatledestindfo laghter; theotherfor sockers, fees, etc. Theothero hafcontaisorraols iowich ohs animals ar confhoed sfer boey are sold aood untidl they aetrporedto terfinal destaioso.0Twoseof scals, ehcapable ofigin0g up to0catlatoet, arelocatd in0 t70 cne, miodway betee tho receiving and the outgoing'd4km- 5he seller plays aof im0portn ol in 0 prico determinison, be- cuehe is representing thefame Oons a0 sommoissionf bsis. He, is ntrquired by law o 0post hood toprotc the producr 0he serves. Reliability and intgrity are maintained by social discpline aloe A few brspysptsspfoftheirpurhsohdyofsale odinarily mado heighh dy. Most sals erasatd onan orlhais and,s aul, they ar cnciiosly kp. Sls for the moth of Isnusoy, 0057, wer aayzed to obtain aisght ino mar sket operations. It wsoun th004 boo ho eag nuberof ttesold perdayofsalforhe ontohof surveywa 1,007. Sales ranged 0ro00888 to 1,278 per marokst day and totaslod 5,386 for the month." The olumeof osttl sold by kond, as a5per cen 1g o h alctesold, mwss 50.1 perce or ows 36.0 percent for0teer, 7.4 peroen sfor oen, sod 6.5 pe cn for bols (Table 6). Ohe wekly distibution of sales by kind did not deviate greatly f0o tho montmohly average. Appoximately 800 per en sof lsae consisted of mat aimals;the hersdofstockers,0feeder, andwork buying and selliog oshmre o ares 0open0 sf7 all. k Slesoesually ocomomissison agensoflheprodersdriv 2 percenofsae receits fr sevice. Buyersas sorloe00 represenma 8andlers. and stestructure0. Iifs odadmaged byhemunoiipality of Alajuela, which receives V2.00 per head 8f0orf allcatl sold 0on it. Ohs maket, empty and desrdmos of the week, takes on aholi- day atmosphere every M~onday ohen cattle salehar held. Its physi cl faiities are wel oganized. One-hal f7 of h aket is divided into to O recevin setos wt h secio conaiin a00 number70 of orroos. One0 section isserved f~ o catte7detine forofsaghter; toth fhor stockers, feeders, etc. Tho othero half oontsiorrl into which the animas soe cond afoor thop ar sold and unlS they are trasportedto heirbfinaldstiaisos. To setsof scas, eaoh capable of weighinog up to 20 cattle a ofe timeo, ar ocatefd in0 the center, midwafy between the receiving and the outoin0gdii Ohe selihr plays anooportaot roloi price deterominatio, ho- cuehesisrepresning efarmeron oi isi onhsi. Heis Reiboiiy and inegit are mointind by social discipline alone. A fewmuyesopy sposhbfoohirpurchsonhedayofsale smod in ooetur theyrpev a00 sll disounto. hGooerally the buyes have ightdys itin whicho settl aconsad pymetsare ordinarilyo mde obe ighth day. Most saleoar trnsctd on an orabsisad,s a rul, they arosiisosly kep. Sals for ohs m0oh of January, 1057, mee onlyzed to obtio nubrof oatl sold per day of salo Sor tho m0oh of sorvey0was 1,077. Sals ranged fromo 888 t 1,2787per maorket da pn totaled7, 5,3867, for the ,, Onhs T he oum of cattl sold by kind, asaper- contgeofll cattlesold, oas 50.1per cen08fo0 cw, 36.per cent frser,7.4 pe centfIor oxen, sod 6.5 per cent for bulls (Table 6).0 Thewekly d7 oistrtoofshs ykioddidodviategeatdy fom the7 mothly avergo. Apprxmtl 800 per cent oofalsle csistedoOof om aimals;the othesof sockrs,lesad0wok buoying mood selling on the marketar open o all,.00 Sellers Op uual comisio agents of ths producers mod 00ce7ve 2 per cen0 of sales receptsforserice. Buyes a rule rpresent omeat handler. Ohe booke, kownm asthPlza dsando,7saodersoncrete and see dsructur. It is7 owne ad, mnged byo7thesmunicipalityof Alaju, whic0h8 recivs2.00perhed for allsatto sol7d mo i. 5he marsket, empty and 4serte4 omost of ohe week, takmes onm aholi- day sOmopheos oevery Moday ohon cattle sales are 4 hed.It physi- caofcliis r wl ooganize4. One-ha l of, themakot isdivided into two receivin0g setons, wit eah ston ontainin00g a numbe of0corrals One seonomismhrserved o atestineforoslaghter;i tho otheror 0 tockerso, feeders, etc.5The other 7ha8fcontainscorl intoo which the anmls ar cofie 007te4 0they 00re solfd and4 until boey are trnpsotd to tefinalo destinto0s To sets o scale, eachfcpbleofmeigi ogp ooo20fattle toei, arelfocated 7in the center, omidoway betwee Ohs receivingsandthe ,outoing 47vi. The selle plays an impor5ant role in pdooe determinisono, be- caue7e irprsenting the farron a0 commission basis07. He, is notrquireod byflwsofpost bonodto protectltheproducers hesre. Reloibiliy and intesgrity are maintaine4 by socia discipline alon. A fewo buoyers pay spot cshb for their purss on the day of sale and in re000rn Shop reciv a smal 00fison. Geoeoily ohs buyers have eight days 00it77n whic to 0 setl ac ot, and payments are odinarlymadeon heoighthday. Mossls are0 tra 0040000ona ooalhbasisoan, as arul, they are ocietiousy kp. OSls Ifor the monto~h of Jaoouory, 0057, 00000 sooslysod So obtino aninsightoio marketooperations. Itwsfounod that heaverge numoober of cattle soldper day So lfor themothof survey ws 1,077. Sales oaogod fhom 888 So 1,278 poo ooorket day sood totalhd 5,000 for tho ooof.t Theoumeoo of osttls sold by kiond, ss a ps- cenfogs of sll cahl sold, was50.1iper cent0 fmorowms, 36.0 percent Sor stooos, 7.8 per cent for foxen, sod 6.0 peo centl for bulls (Table 8) h weeoskly distribuonoofsalsykiddidotdevistegreasy fom0heofmonthly average0. Appoimately 800pe7cet0f0al0sle onsistedo of matanifmlsthsothesf sokes, feds, adok  D 1a 83e of 3 Peil Ki3lolrcey Typd o Animal3188 83 931188 1.0981338 ,3g18~3 1k311 A 8 3 8ra 3331 1 .983 3 1.21 1.3 .123 per 1nima , kil d 8388343 1 386 83 58 On3 any aveag 138580 seart sale 13r 8ransacte 8338 83crde on achmketday, and totaedq2747ior te8fiv1ma8etpdyso themonh. on-aima saewa om o, engaou388e cn ofhal sale. Cos andbullswereusualygsod on an indiuabais THE CATL SITUATI8 11373338 38 TABL 86.-VERAE3PICESPAIDPER ILOFO47ATTL3BY YPEOF AIMAL ON TYPIC.A3383~~ 838833AULALIETOKMAKECOT3RC Dat of Per 83 Price 8318 y Type of An13i13m 38a1l Sal ALL 1818 STEERS.8338 L8S333 XEN 19 87 873838 83383331,83333 k 31333388332 3381 .0 12 33338,10 1.16 8311 833 f 1.0 3 1 1 .1 9~38 12 .753 Totkl: Nube ,383 27003 38313 8881 3 Iy 318 8Pe 83Cen 3 83.0 5i0.1 p3 36.0k 1 6.58388 perk3 83ni3a 33 kilos 38733 34333 31 3 8333 4813 5138 On3 a8n1 aveag 535083 3s3e3parat3e88 sals3er3tanacedkn3rcode 83833333E 5 3333338 I 1TUATION33333 33333 TABLE33k33 3 6. 3 8388AG 3 PR ,7E 7 83I 183 KILO 883 FOdCTLE y8TP 3O8NIAN 383 Y3P.3333A 3 MONTH,3ALAJUEL 3LIVESTOCK8MARET 83COSTA3RIC 383883883KloPrce b33833833333 y831 ype831of31Ani1mal 8 S83388813833 8383883 C 3333338,53338333333333 3383 8333 3318 38 88 83q 33383183383 833 8383 83 8838 83 .90 383813 12 1.0 8 18888 183 68 833338813133888888388383 8 331333331 338318 838 Ce8nt 833883338 3338853380.1 8 383 1 36. 885 .4 338 8833338 833o 383883833 34 33 133 460 83333 8 On8an3average35503separate3sales were1transacted 8338r3cor3ed 3338 each 133338333 daan8 otld3 ,47fr3h3fv mretdyso 8333 m83313 88 83338883833 3838318 3333313 comobe33aou8 p33 cent88  readily. On many largeam thuad b of myzaasyildco- paraivly litl foae owinHg in par to prolonge dry sesn and heay wind hathase h edPisipinofsilmistueScarcey an aanweis nCsaRc whch p iopaisosfi- coms esltngfrmPhgsinpactisi iesoprodutio. Ths,ifGota icahopsHoHdvelp frinketsfor heepa- sio of its livetoc inuty Puc copartv data shouldb develped. The basi knowlege neede to improv PPe livestok indusre of Costa Rica ougPt to b P ~ Hip cocr onyo pro- ducrsanHeprer,butas oHfpgoermH t fficils estd wit Phe reponsbiity for estblihig regulatoy mesrsipec p to Phe conro oP th aiona econoy. To ahv desirable goal im- plies som invsten onth part of Phe governmentt finance necssrypesah andHHdissmnt hePfPnding. Grade and standadsP for the whlsl maketing PP beef ani- Pais shudb developed ifivestock prodcer PrPoreev inPniv Pewads PPrug sale for producing animal of good puality. Grading of Peei cut shul als exen to the retailleve so ha mechnt can P esabihPiferni prPce PP mato varou grds This Pa be ahieved only thPough athroug undrsaning oP the make syte andp by men of educational progams Educatipna andexensio program are also neesayi orde to acquaint producer with improvd ivestock mhodsH. Visua demostrtiosPo epermnalfrsH r n meP n to~ thpis end. Producr waPttoPkowbforetheyinvstpitifPiPilPb profiabl to appiy aditional capital per pazn in p orePp n craeproduction on Pand alredy inus. TheyiHP look tothgven PHn po gidanc, aHd Phe povemen is HProusy undrtaing this oblpigaio. Under proper direcion thP iestock PnduPty h the potenti fo beoigpoeofCost RiPa' hisorsofo- Pig exhange. ItPh speciiss taind PP set thP pac and direc tinH n farer wPiig o ov forwar, butthe poe to spur orread Phis prwt reiP squarey in Ph hds of Phe govenmei an henonpoliticalorgaizionithin teindusty. Ppg problem. Many smlifameswhP cnt imitedresurcsH o land and othP capital ar unable PPo intnify livetc ~production parativel littl Porag, owing in partPP prolonge dry sesn and heay indsi thathinPhedissipatin ofsimitur.PScrcey anydata Po eitin Cost Richich prmi coprHonsofi- comsirsupingHfomPh gsipracicinPlveskp p roductio. TPh, if Cost Rica hopes to develp Poeg map et forP PPe epan- sio of its litok industry, suh compartv data shud be deeped. Tie basi knowlepg neddH tp improv Phe livestock pHindsre PP Costa Rica ought PP PP PPe Pocr Po only PP pro duces adHeporter,PbutPasoofgovernmetPoPcalsvesedPit Phe reppnsibilipy Por etihingi repulatoy mesrsi repec t thePcntroPof h nationl cooy.TPhieeirablegoals i- pies om investmen onth part PP the goenmn to fiac neesr Peerh and Hisint theP findings. Grades and stadrd Po PPe wholesale marketin PP beef ani- mais shiud be dePelped Hf livestok proucr are torcev incnive rewrd thug saie Por producing animalsof good puality. Grading oiP bee cuts shud als exHn to the rtillve PH that P mechnt pahesalish diffrnta prices formato variougrade.PThiPcnHbPahievedPol hroughp ahoroug undestaning PP theHP make syste Hn by mean Pofducaia progras Eduatina and PPenio proram Prplo eesai orde to acquPin prodcer wih improve ivestok mhods. Visua deonsratin iPn e perienalHarsPPeHnemensPoPhi enH. Producr PPn Po know befrethy Pnes capital PH ifitwllb profitbe PP appiy additiinal capital pe manzan inodepo n craeproduction H aniaredyin. T ey lk tothegover- Pen porguianc, anH Phe govrmn issiously underakin PPi obligioni. Under proper Hirecion the livestoc industy Ph the potenta PHr becomingP ono Costa Rica's hi sorpsop fr eignPexhpPg. Itha spcialitsPtried oPsePthepacendire- tionandfarmrsHillpgHtPmov fowar,butthepowerto pur orHetadPti gpwhPretssquryPP H inte adsoihe povrHen andpthe nonpoltclognztswtinPP thePP idustr. land and oher cpiPa r unbl to itnsf lesoc P Hproductio readily. On many large famPhousaP ofp maznsyield PHm pariveyittleP forage, owig i pato PPpplongeddr sesnsad TPh, if CosH Ricahopes Ho develp forepg makePts fohexp PHo of its livestok industry, Puc Poprtv dat P hul bePHH develped. The baic knowlege needed Ho improv the livetoc industrie of Costa Rica oupht to Pe PPe concer n ip onlPo pro- Phe reponibiliy for esaihing repHatoy mesrsin epect Phe control ofhe naiona eomy. To acieve desil goals im- pissminetetothe parH of the povrnen tofnac mals should Pe develped Hf ivestoc proHPer arHoreev Pneniv reward through sale for producing aIPial of good qualit.HGraingpofbeefHcuts 1houldals exendtoPhereHillve orde Ho acquaint producer wiHP improvH livetc mhodH. VPisa PHmostraion on expPHHimPntHl PamsarHHePeso hisH enH. ProucrswatP o no HbefoehePyPH inetcpHtaHHHfitPilb profiabl Ho appiy aHdiiinal capitai per H zan Hn orHe Ho in- craeproductio Hn laHH alreHy in use. heylook Ho the gover- me p popgidanc, and the pPPPPPHPPt Hs seiul undHrHakinp PPthisbipaio. Updep prper Hireption the livestok industry hpp the potentialforbecoming Pie ofCot Ric' chpief soresofr eign excPhng. It Ph specialst traine to setth pace ad direc- tPonPaHdfaPmerswillingtoHmovePorwardbutPthepowerPto pur prprparpphis prowth rPPPs pPPP sqarl Hn th hansiihe pPvPPPHPPP an heHPPPnon PpolitcalPrga Pzatins ihiPhPndsty.  THE CATTLE SITUATION 115 NOTES 1. D. E. Alleger, "The Cattle Situation in Costa Rica," University of Florida Contract (San Jose: STICA, Jan. 17, 1957). Mimeographed 2. Some local estimates place the rate of population growth from 4 to 5 per cent. 3. Atlas Estadistico de Costa Rica (San Jose: MAI, 1953), p. 24. 4. The area of a manzana of land is 1.73 United States acres. 5. Arthur W. Peterson and Quentin M. West, "Agricultural Regions of Costa Rica" (1'urrialba: 1. 1. A. S., 1953), p. 37. 6. "Tempisque Valley Project Investigations" (Washington: USDI, Bureau of Reclamation; Costa Rican MAI and STICA, 1955). Mimeographed, p. 16. 7. J. R. Hunter, "An Agricultural Land-Use Plan for Costa Rica" (San Jose: STICA 1953). Unpublished, pp. 1920. 8. Since this paper was written, the Companfa Empacadora de Costa Rica, Ltda., operated by United States investors, opened for business. It ships boneless meat to the United Stater. Costa Rican cattlemen have not been able to supply enough beef to meet its needs. 9. Gregorio Alfaro, "The Dairy Situation in Costa Rica" (San Jose: MAI and STICA, 1960). Mimeographed, p. 11. 10. Gregorio Alfaro, "Perdidas de Peso on el Transports y en Destace de Ganado de Carne" (San Jose: STICA, 1959). Unpublished data. 11. In 1959 the Consejo National de Production and the ICA Industry and Mining Division conducted cooperative investigations relating to meat handling, wholesaling, and retailing, which established some of the above data. 12. D. E. Alleger and Paulin Gutierrez, "Selling Cattle in Costa Rica by Direct Bargaining," An Analysis of Cattle Sales on the Alaju la Livestock Market for January, 1957. Spanish text also. University of Florida Contract (San Jose: STICA, 1958). Mimeographed. THE CATTLE SITUATION 115 NOTES 1. D. E. Alleger, "The Cattle Situation in Costa Rica," University of Florida Contract (San Jose: STICA, Jan. 17, 1957). Mimeographed. 2. Some local estimates place the rate of population growth from 4 to 5 per cent. 3. Atlas Estadists'ca de Costa Rica (San Jose: MAI, 1953), p. 24. 4. The area of a manzana of land is 1.73 United States acres. 5. Arthur W. Peterson and Quentin M. West, "Agricultural Regions of Costa Rica" (Turrialba: I. I. A. S., 1953), p. 37. 6. "Tempisque Valley Project Investigations" (Washington: USDI, Bureau of Reclamation; Costa Rican MAI and STICA,1955). Mimeographed, p. 16. 7. J. R. Hunter, "'An Agricultural Land-Use Plan for Costa Rica" (San Jose: STICA 1953). Unpublished pp. 19.20. 8. Since this paper was written, the Campania Empacadora de Costa Rica, Ltda, operated by United States investors, opened for business. It ships boneless meat to the United States. Costa Rican cattlemen have not been able to supply enough beef to meet its needs. 9. Gregorio Alfaro, "The Dairy Situation in Costa Rica" (San Jose: MAI and STICA, 1960). Mimeographed, p. 11. 10. Gregorio Alfaro, "Perdidas de Peso en el Transpose y en Destace de Ganado de Carne" (San Jose: STICA, 1959). Unpublished data. 11. In 1959 the Consejo National de Produceion and the ICA Industry and Mining Division conducted cooperative investigations relating to meat handling, wholesaling, and retailing, which established some of the above data. 12. D. E. Alleger and PanRno Gutierrez, "Selling Cattle in Costa Rica by Direct Bargaining," An Analysis of Cattle Sales on the Alajuela Livestock Market for January, 1957. Spanish text also. University of Florida Contract (San Jose: STICA, 1958). Mimeographed. THE CATTLE SITUATION 115 NOTES 1. D. E. Alleger, "The Cattle Situation in Costa Rica," University of Florida Contract (San Jose: STICA, Jan. 17, 1957). Mimeographed. 2. Some local estimates place the ate of population growth from 4 to 5 per cent. 3. Atlas Estedistico de Costa Rica (San Jose: MAI, 1953), p. 24. 4. The area of a manzana of land is 1.73 United States acres. 5. Arthur W. Peterson and Quentin M. West, "Agricultural Regions of Costa Rica" (Turrialba:'1. 1. A. S., 1953), p. 37. 6. °Tempisque Valley Project Investigations" (Washington: USDI, Bureau of Reclamation; Costa Rican MAI and STICA, 1955). Mimeographed, p. 16. 7. J. R. Hunter, "An Agricultural Land-Use Plan for Costa Rica" (San Jose: STICA, 1953). Unpublished, pp. 19-20. 8. Since this paper was written, the Companfa Empacadora de Costa Rica, Ltda, operated by United States investors, opened for business. It ships boneless meat to the United States. Costa Rican cattlemen have not been able to supply enough beef to meet its needs. 9. Gregorio Alfam, "The Dairy Situation in Costa Rica" (San Jose: MAI and STICA, 1960). Mimeographed, p. ll. 10. Gregorio Alfaro, "Perdidas de Peso on el Transports y en Destace de Ganado de Carne" (San Jose: STICA, 1959). Unpublished data. 11. In 1959 the Consejo National de Produecbm and the ICA Industry and Mining Division conducted cooperative investigations relating to meat handling, wholesaling, and retailing, which established some of the above data. 12. D. E. Alleger and Pauline Gutierrez, "Selling Cattle in Costa Rica by Direct Bargaining," An Analysis of Cattle Sales on the Alajuele Livestock Market for January, 1957. Spanish text also. University of Florida Contract (San Jose: STICA, 1958). Mimeographed.  The Livestock Industry A ag arto Cost Rica is adpe toasspo iuntey, the posibie for the growho oa g cp aeece- suppeenarusd p n th lesoc si od ti grssan ecnoy imrvmn theial iil lpdlfcoangrwhrtadomaefll use Ao olA m prveastuesbutofalloteaailIAIpabl ed ilrudoaA proiamihatpffesip liitedavncmntfrh cia ttklidustr odCsaica~ g~i~i~lll para rea on the haic sid of the coutr appa to b- lin by aIas. 1 l IAI I CtlnandIfarmes wtinfraionadeonsrtin The Livestock lndustry ducion adiagrsld ecnoysil frilit, eio, alitok cano bespIatd becauseprors inbeef prouion depends upoa yea-oud nutitou i eedsupply.lor ln.The feed supply Lhoud Al aeut whe A he anlyeso supplemenpptsl aried 01 Alhe A liesoc Aid Al this grslad econoy, impovmen thilfirpangowhAat, ad tomkflliuslio olyf im iLage raso the APaic sid othconty appa obe cmaL io a be worked ou to the adantg of prducer tha wil Alp Ihem Ipply betiir methds An livetc prdutin prolems and methods All be If great benei to thefuur de- velopmen If the livestok industy. The El Alto and El Capuin industry. The good work bei doal ElAltis Aecgnized more eabhday, andite alue olthseicntewll incriaseaseabl iformaifrmperiinatilcmsavalatcal- The Livestock Itdustry ductioy , IpA Pan illa grass glpn cnoyl fility len. The feed supply bhold be aeqat whe the alye p oA grse o nueaeknoll ad applie, a whel thene Anth Alivestok siA Af thi grasan ecnoy, improemn ofbreeingad mngementpracice t upgrd dherds, ticase LargeIra o h P bPacificidofithloutyppear obe ofjl 1 A lkldti are can bedvlpdadusd fo ateingTi hobaio ca bip hA ke oul t t the adatg of prdcs velpment ofth livestok indusly. The ElAlto and EliCaui industry.PTegodwkbigI d oneLIA atlEiAlt AIisrecogizedAore ea ap, ld ihe value of these cnter will ira as reiale ifr ati A fro epeimenta trils becomes aailale t atte men. A A A 11 1 II Td  conro PAPAod, a adeqpAtely PupporAd Pp fuds ProP PAe Ahe PAP lPvestok PPke da Alaul shoul proa vlubl aditio to the p facPiie Poeln al. AnAA Ppt-at paking plan PAacn tP Pthe mre, wiP equipment Por cooling, frez ing, and Py-proPAPtispoal, PA being pPane. PP erctd, itPPl ding aPd watering of caPPl ineddP freporPt P PAul PAi- PPen shPwn PA a hev PAsse Pn edible mat an by-product, wouP aid PAPth cattleme and theP naPPa ecnoyWithim Large araPo Cosa RiPa a siabPe only Por pastur, Put and prtctv food PAPA P uma P onPumptio. po PAPd a managementPilPbea copleeailure. SPm an the fato whc limit the P productiiy of mos bee PerdP. Stock- hicP PP might sprad. TraloPwhihPaussPsverPlosesin growtP, pans and Pides PAPAd serousy affec Phe ineatina sp ment Af cal. A P~sl commissionPepowerd Ao develop PPro metPoPs, and aequaPly supIprtdy funds PromAth addiiPn to the faiite fo P sePling cattle An up-to-aA packing ing, and bypoduc Pispoa, Ps Peingplanne. PP Prcetwl Peofgretvlei h PPPPproesinPo bePPf. Facilitie Poh aA dlnA adaeigAoActteinene fPorP P expshuldbein cPeased. Roug PadlnPo atAPdrigarketinPPas Pfintel PPnPhonPo apPePhalseAndbema anPdP bAy-product, andPheAaja marktP Pmight A beagodpaetoiiPteacm pag oprevntPuc lose. CsaPRicaisina favoablepositio todiposAfanPPnPrasin numPeAoPPbefPcatPePachpyea, aepoipnA o P suPrpluattPe paA, wiaPP beun retricm toP~p the AP PprodceaPdAa mopPAPfu sppPyPfPPPrtiosPoodfPPPPPcnsuer L P AAGEMEN P-pF PAE HERPD pAP gargeaaAofgCopaRia are ia lePnlyforpauPPbu graAsps APAAA andp fopPg poutocabeomidinaratAnPit Prapin A-AA crpstAtebeeito btP ae crpPPare p.sPPusAfp PAi PP Areventiyg ersoPadi PaaniAPsoiAferPlpAAAPlizdAb cattepbefaPAA airAPheParePAA erediA o hghyPutitou aPP pPeciv Pod AAorPhumAn PAnPAmpAioAn.A ThePthreeAimportant actors n APPefproutiarefeeding bredPgandAaagement ThePostiphlybPePanalwit poor PAe PPAd PP aagmn wl e pfailur.ASmePan- PaPlac PAAAAe FAAd aAd Cattl.-OvraAziAg Af paPAur As th a ctorwhihA lmit PA e P productvitypfmosPbeefherds SPock ATHP PIETC AIgPPTRY A117APAAAP A wAPP, itAPAPAAAAP~A Pigh spread TAslwhclaseAeeeossi growhpainand hidesAcouldAsriouslyaffetAteiteatPal laddtog otefclteo sAe-plAliAng cPaPttAAAe.P upt-aAAPpaPPin plant-APA PP pdaett h aPtwihPPpmentAfoPPP olPnPPfrPez ad PAhe A Aajuel P m a mght PA a good place PA inateP acm pad, witA aAPAbseqAAAP greatAr inAoAA PA PPA producer aPP a AAAe pPAntPPAPAspplypoPAAutAPiAAPAAodPfArPPhecAAAAmeA arge araA Af CostA Ria aAA saAPe AAlp for paAAur, PAP caPPl, PbePeA andar, they PaPe AAAverAe intoPPPhlpAurPPAAA PAAedig, PaaPaAAAAntPPAAAAPPPhigPpPAAPdaniaAAPiPP pAAr PeedandaaAentAwAllPPeacompletePaAPAA.PAoe an- aPAmeP PfaAPPr PsetaA PAP tAA bee al enprP ae pAtAAAed PAPbAAPAe APPpAAAopPAwAPAA..k  igi aaiy baiachogfri soldb base d on~iiii the deso f Foag qlt b g insi to deioraty in Janar and decrias. tidiqiilmeoorsdiimiayilyliteiheinsi bgi.iii aid iiiibmely lowib toba prdcion On the ot hand byw gien adequategfiedhave lOa grede yerl calf cro andivednough ilfiop thi cales Atthlsaebie, dalvebiliidraid,e Mreeiccesltoiiprls.-nibidblepiiidy fiideiuatbyin brlsitbe dbie iisietwyobgief ctleimprkbden.iTh loetfirage produionii. Catlb requi inadquate supply of bi igbestfromiduy ioNovembean iiiiiit fo March itoMy. sedly i fro iFbruary to Apil, ith the reuttafe od Lions become poes iiately afte the rins begin The relsulfpoor fee dcondition arei lo alrpsalueo ifwstoigivefficintiiku forthir calve,slow develipentio iatl,heavy lsssfomintrlpasti e, excesive deathilos, and exrmlylw otlilpoddcin theioii er ian,fcwgiven adequati feed bave gieat yeary calf crip and give enoih milk forthiiiilves.Alhesai i m,divesgropidy,dthy 1r lage whent ur, and thbiri lisse lfo parastes and death eral is i th aistwyt begin befcaiile improvement. The en nfrg r salyi notsffidiet ioueeuimalurqire- ment. Mbnra limentdftiiec of th forag i caiin becorete by givin ltehedaccsst (1) commonstil,(2) one-tid com not preet inmany aesin suicbintquantiy to m iin thi herdliniahityiodiin.Thesielementsiianbisuppliedhby th of ion, 2 punuds ioppei sulphatei, ad2 uncesfcoblt cbloride, or 1 iuncicibalt iirbiiiaii, and iiil bhuld hae re ccs toiiese ii nerailuppiimentsiat alimes. Altiiugi thiyumyucon body tissues aremet Mlierluippiiiintsiihuldbeupioticted iroiwethi biyusii ofiioverid iiii. One muineal boxihoidiieipioidii for eviry i0liilii0ucttleiirueveydii0iil400maniaasiofiingi Mida boii sudibeuiheckediitleastiiiceueieytwiuweik,andimore iiiiiincaaid ofiiuiiiiiorialmsyul bluiu i bae ibihesasno iiesuii ae rucio. Cai l i riequuiuiuire an pdeuai supl oid buiiriisfee tiirougyuttheiyear i aui beftpisis htb Forag uiality bugiii to deiorat uiiin Jauariuy and decrease steidily ift Feuiiy toAyril, ithi th i u lt iha fee codi tiioni becomeu yiies immidiatedly afte the rins hein Theiiiesulyifipoodufed diinsaiuowlfuoii ,filtueo cow t give sufficiient iil ibir th i bibes slow develoyiment of catleh eaviylosse froi nternalu paraste, exsiii vei iet lossi iandiextiimilylttlu i odui n.Onftiheuoihei iad,iiows given midkliorlthii alii. Aiibieiiam tim, ialiiuyiiiiirpidly, te areup lag hnmtradterlossfo aaie n et arekepidoa inium. Aiuibiiy idi Freuh csst Miiu inerayi.binbiviilileiiuppliifadiuateublii- erl Isteesetwyt biniiiibftimoii ment.ilypi amut o omo at phophou ancliu commolypres- eny iniiorgeu are usull not suficuib to ieet ibbdreqie- bgivi the iipie dird acesto()cmmns, (2iiie-diiid *di- imbiisapiuind oiidspyiiiiilyboneudiiiieabl di herdi iififty odto.Teeeetsid caniiibeisupplied by the folidy miiiui es 10 onscmmnsl,1 oud e xd Mfiioi, 2piuiiicope iiildhte bipind ioinhii byal choide, iiiiiiliicoathi roae adctl iiuyii hiiiuiiliihai freeiiies  mieal dded asrquired. Obratink ve. period pfyear w.ill idae hchpstre ar mst efciet i nerls.b kept in the herd and infrio cattl should be dispose.d of as oo asrcgnized. Selecton and7 culling is a 3cntiuou procss.n. wel-manged herd. Anima.ls of inferior type, slo breeders,sml size adbslo maturing,7 7wi7, dipsto, ageealunhifi atin.g tbe podcienes of each animal3 for retentio orcullig wei3gh fro 300 to 450 poud whenk. 7 to8. moth of3 age. At this wight and.gethydo well3if giengod ae.aterwea- ing. Pnsforweaing alvsshold mde seera mothsb- fore this operat.on As to be.carrkd out. Disatru reslt ote wards.. Weaning is the second mostcriica period in the 331e of days, Ake wih they cnbe turnd oto good pasture. Itis wstokeep the weaned7 calv. separated f..om other . clseso ply supplemental fe7. A controlled breeding sao ffu Good pasture is benfiia to. the lb. and for the rpid growt.h of the new-born cal. A breeding seaso from Sepember toDeem ber produces ca3.es from the middle of May to. A.e fllowking Sep- breeding s ai controlled averges a31reate yearly cafro born. when. feed is plentifulan nurtiu make. more raid often 1 scrc ad of poor. qulity. Likwise, when fee7 isape minerals added as requArd. Ohse.aio overa period of years wil1 indiate whh pre armsdefietn inerl.. Sel7ction and Cu.lling.-Good producing a.3.mal. should be as ecgnized. Selection and culling isacniuu poces ina wel3-managed herd. An.imals of inferio type, lo breeders,sml size and slow matuing, wild dispo.io, an. enrl nh7 fi ating the pro.ductiveness. of each animalfo retention or. culling weigh f...om 3 to. 450. pounds when, p7. to 8 othbf. At 7t3i, .3e.ight ndag hey do. bel i... given god p..e after wea- wards. eanig s . th pecond ost .. crtia perio in. thk lifo the... cl.3k h ,~. 77 h.,h.. h b ave, hol be, weane in a.., smald .orral, andk fed for7 tpd mieal7dded as requike. Observation over a period ofyer Selection and Cullin.-Goobd proAucing a.kimals shold b. abs recogbi. ..let.d an A uliy d.. a.3 conginuous g roces in~ a 3... akd slo matui, bwil.d pst, n genra unthrifti-. 33, ness7k shul be elmiatd Records ar of7 great3 assitanc inevlu Aenngo Cle.-Calves, fromg, coso good1, pastup shoul bthis... weight i, a ..d age k,, they dowl .fgvngodcr.fe e ig..lanshfor wea.png.cdlvedksholdbe.pmapeseel,.months.bd- p.... qthis p Lperation ist b br.du . Disstod reulsofe  Adeut Bu ll Populao.-n bukll shoud Ae prvdd for eeyd2lagecw o o ery A l0cw i ahed. BIBl yoneAuls ar usd, Ah nube Af cow Bhold Aecu bk good fles a thbginnigA ofabreeig anprodceor Rear Caeo Herds.-The regarspervisio ofabred- An Berd pay large divided inA icrasd prodcion CalvAn tieih mos ciia period in the lkf Af aco. Sineow igod codiioA ha ilk troble Ia A-sm, proidig wel-managed breding sasonill falate givig llwsteAecs saryattinacalvAing tiall cas illAb brnduringa lng isals an excln maaemn prctce Inera parapite can I-karially ckekd by no ovrgaig I-atues Iut Beavily Aifstd anialA shold be givnrgar tratment Allanml shul Ae inclae agas blaklg a antrx ing berd, calve afte wanlng, heifer untl Ihey rach breding agbull in nobreein sao, a Aters 0n allaaged farm b oracseal filds wil good fence will provid the Cattl should neve Ae distre unA cearilp. Rodeactc clveBsoudA emvd a oasthy appearandbul alves Ca of Pastrs.Rguated roa na grazing All provid bettrAfedcodiAitroghou theyea ad will asitih conArlAofinteraaae.CloCegazigAoerlogperiod Bhold Ae aided beaus foage producion As decrad and thAsandgrasrdd, ths lowig wed oiadeApa- tuesadausefuth rdutionAinBrotho gra.Improvd gsaietishld notbeixedbutgraslgumecobia- heiers ma more saiar Ae d pacmnsd teprsracIh eey25 range cow or Ior evey 50 cow An a a Aer. Bull AhoId Ae 3 yeasld Aefor lhey a rased An the range If yugrbulls ar Asd, the Aumber Af cow I-Adld Ae cul bak Bnghed pa Iarg divdds in inased production. Calvig igood codition Iav litle troble at Bhi te proiding ing As as an ecellent mangeen practc. Ineralaraie a epartillyAchckdbyA ntoegaig patre,buhaviy ing lerd, ae aftranin~g, heifer untl lhey rach breedig age Aul innobreing sasn anAd steer. On a I emnged CIal should neve Ae disturbd AAecarily. BAde tcIAs should catdA befAAe on mont I-C a Ale. the sand Af grassrducd, thu allowing weed Ao ina pa tuesancaus frterreucio in growtofgrass.Improve gas vaite shoud nol Ae Aixd, Alt grass legum combia- Adgqua Bll Popuatio.-n A buAl ACoud Ae pided AoA yone bul are usd the Ad be ofcw ud be cu bacB k lng Ied pays large divids An inrased producio. Calin An Aoo codito av lle toub a ths i, proiding wll-anaged bredin~gsasonwil faliategvnostencs 4-monthpridA I The A conro ofetra aaitesby guar ay- lng is al anecllent management pic. IneaI pasie canb patilly checkd by no oegrazing p are, but haily infste anials Ahoud Ae give reguar tatmen. All aCial Ang lerd, calve afe weanig, BAier unIl they rach breding agbAAl An nobeding season and steer. Oa CilI-anae Cal shoud never Ae distrbd unncesaily. Rode ti cs calve shoud Aermvd as sonallthy appea and bcalves Bal lod Pastureis.-Reglate roi na y rain ill provAide Aotrl ofinterna pai- ell Cls graig ovrlogpeid Adoud Ae add beause foage producio A s decased AAd the stand Af grs rducd, thu Caloig weed Ao inade pas trsand caue Curhe redcio Ain growt Af gass. Improved gravaietie Bhould ACt Ae AixAd, bAt grass legAAA coAbina-  THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY 121 tions should be used whenever possible. Weeds and brush should be controlled to prevent competition with forage species. Supplemental Feedings.-Additional feed may be necessary to keep cattle in good condition in dry periods of the year. Grass silage made from excess forage in pasture during July and August can often be used to advantage when grass for grazing is short. Residues from crops may have much value during periods of low forage production. When there is plenty of low-quality forage, cottonseed meal or pellets or other high protein feed can be used to balance the ration. One pound of cottonseed meal daily is usually sufficient to keep a mature cow from losing weight when sufficient roughage is available. Soiling crops can be used to ad- vantage in maintaining cattle in good condition during periods when pasture is scarce. Records.-Complete records are of great value for determining the production of an individual animal or of a herd of cattle. The use of a stock scale is helpful in obtaining growth records of either an individual or a group of animals. LOS DIAMANTES STICA-MAI ExPERIMENT STATION The Los Diamantes Station, Guapiles, is well located for re- search on beef cattle on the Atlantic side. The soil has considerable natural fertility and, typical of a large section of the area, it is suitable for grass production and has possibilities for growing corn THE i LIETC IN USR 121 ins shld F beue .hnvrAosbe ed adbuhsol keep catl i oo codto "in dry peiods of th ya.Grs siemdefo ecs foragef in patr uigJuyadAgs to balac the raton One poun o bf cotnse meal dilyis silage made fro exes foag i psture duin Jul an Augus to balance ythe ra i. PI One ,pp , pon f iotnse fa al is usal ufcett epamtr o fPdP om~i losPTIing weiht whe  and other enegy crps Since raifali mor tha adequate throghout the yer forageo grazig is available aller although grass growth varies somewhat from mot omnh Rainfall reors indiat that excess mosuemy be limitig facto fo grasgowt, and duin~g such3 pers catl may de str s4y a uh rmr frg bprig tanty wod odi- 6355,1t, Guine, and panglagas varitie dowel intheare andthy yied lrg qu1ntit of11 paatbl an ntiious feed. These grass should now be1ued 41 grzigtis udergood 2. Rottina grig wgiitha esthe fild fo1r1 eachgas 3. Roling orshoppig (nuber oftie yearly to1b detrined wlith experiec) 4. Ferilizerprgrams (rsuls ofplot1 fetlie triaswih theabov grasse alrad unde walyl in dict 11111e formul and amuto 5. Contrls weds admaintnac Iof sadofgrss. 6. Seeto3o5 nfr lots of good5, steers ihs copleercods 7. Cmpetrcods onbohpasrs andca11 t scur theles- The e sblishmeto a breding herd of beef cattle at Los Diamantes is bein con5de12 asmor psrs are 1stab3she good begining on 11 a 545 1esarc 31ora hasben ad, and with crflatnintlsls he 45,45 neesaydealsagra6 aonto 53e 3sef cattle resrh program, ssd is 1955.56 has 4iven 1. One hectare dl of wel-ange jaauarss furnihed more ha suffcien roughg ora owan calf13 thouhut hyear and othe energy cro7s. Since rainf11 i ds mo 215a5aeqat throughout the year, forage for grzn is availableall yea, althou3 grss groh varie ,5 bs somwatfommnh to mont. Rainfall rec21d 1nd1cate t3at excess mostuemy be a5limitin 5315n6 Guine1 , and1 pangblagris varietie dowinthesa4e5 mangeentpratics a fls: 2. Rotat ionalsigswt l estthre ildo e1211 grass1. 3. Rolligordchpping (numbe of1 time ylobedetermlind 4. Ferlizerprograseuts111 of7 plot frilzrtilsith 3115bov 5. ConIrs of weed an mintnac of sad of grass. apossbloeah animl. 7. Coplt reod~s o bthpsures an1d cal 3t1ecrete ecs The 33135,smen of 13 beding herd of 31e cattl at Los Dias s 3ein4 co5215re asmor pasturs areesablishd and 11 , tenc ssay haclies rescd. Animals ofknw acstlry ad breeding will add to the valu of1 the experitl work. A goodbeginigarsearchpogmhs ben mde, ad wih The1eef41t5l re sea rgram state1i 1955563has4give rsusbine aeli sted15 blow.sis s is~l 1. One 5ec11r, of wel5-a5age jaauars furn4111 more111 tha su1cin ouhg fraco5n a3415 calf,13 thoghoth year51. and other ergyssyops Sisse ra11fa11 is more th3n adequa11 throu43ou t31 5ea, 111a41 for grazin is avlable all year, althogh grass 4113h varies somewhat from month to month2. Rainfall record ind1ca11 that exc ss tu 7 may 5e1514tin facor orgrs growth3, and during schperiods ctlemay de- stroy s muc or more foag by 5rampin tha they wouldodi- narily1 cons25. Sd-forig grasse to withstand 3tr1mp7ing4shou1d 41145146, Guinea 7114, and 9521 pagl svrei si wlls inth3ae and the5 yid 141rg quanity of palatbe and ntitious fe12. These grse shold now be used in gaing trialsuder good mngement practicsa olos 3. Rlingoopngn7714r1of11 ime311 early1to be s e31rdind use).S111) 5. Conrolofies an maintenanc of stan2 of 4rass. ald5~Sls111b1s fl1 1g2 posbl151ahanml 731 Copltereos onbt patue 13121 d 3112 l to 3scr 1 t1e neces- Thebstalg~ishment ffaibreeingsherd op beef ctlea Los 4Dm its is bg cos e as more1 psture are esdablsh3 and th deesr aiiis aescuyd Animals 41knwna1 sr 531 3sef catt11 rseassh program 111112d in 1555.56 311 41111 3. Ose hectar If wll-managdjragaga dss funshdmreta sffiien ruhgelfr asow adalcalfsthrouhotheyear  THE LIVESTOCK 2.2.INDUSTRY262 2 3 3.Oegaigo jaraguagrass reue forage prodctowt cniderable weed 2 6o 3 invasion 3. 6hr2 o cw given. 2 ommon sah t reguarl and prad for externa paaieseey14dy ada72ercn veaeyarycl 2r0p durig athre-yer pri. This is 34l -hcafprdutono most 2,oo4 622d i2n 22ua26223aste. 4.~ ~ ~ ~~3 Rottina grazin of jaaugassokdatoecwprhcae 5. Steers weegrw 6t ,000 2ond042566 kils2a2. easofae 6. Steo n pasture manaie weight 1r gandslgty but 120t 7. Production o sssiag, wit and 3 withou prsrvtve a Th2 resarh program2at2l0 apulin2i 1950-601 wi 242 202ue h 0.2. oprtveefc of contnp2 u an311 3d62 roa 3oa graingof jra gugrs0o2 teyery6 al3 rout2n2fdifret os fcos3e2sl 4nd salt 4~y and 656bone3243meal.22 634.522233 Efec 3o2lmiedsuplmeta2f2dngduin2 te2 rypeio2 o the futur deelpent 2 0 22 3s 02e3r2s. 24.3322.220 Vaueo hyinprvntn wigtlosofca3 e uin temot 00edatl follwin 02he 0eginning 42 02224 42in season.264 2 0024 02aemn practice with2 bot 2602l MAd pasu 4e whc wl reducepoduto 42 st and 4202262602 002e pr0o6fi 061452h. 2 LIVES42O222 p EX6PO2S2I6024TIpON 226y 2 22212 2044222r22 pGran 2.2 Exps 4022022aad 223202r ws el a 4H LIVESTOCK3 36222232403 123023 3.0Overgazingof3jaaguagass 6rducedforag prodctin,6it consierabl 4622256 invasion. 2202-2 2 23. 422 2er 02252 32224 6023n 422mo 23l 203224rl 202226yedfo 0622222223its vey 43 32234202a 4 2232232202026yerlycal 242op 0422n a ' the-ya perod This isduleteclfpouc2 no 425t 32424 2232 2G 22u 22n 022232202te2.22 5222244222 32233323a 223236332 232246gas tckda oecw eecae 0. 06222222226 wrgr nto10003 pud42 5 kios at2 2 4522222622ge 6.6 22 324222 223 2224ur 2216ain 3 22gh or 2ane slightly 0u6 223t ducled.in. apottinaj gazngprgrm Th"22262222'a a E Cpui in22632 1959-60 wilicldh 262013223 322ro3j2e232326263222 402.626 43232626.6 222 624 fuuedvlp22 fsplmntlfeigo the 15323 32246602266462326surt gve0.. 1 2662624205 6. 0662 02202 average 12222426 024253222422ivl, o afiemothprid 62. 62 paatv 222 ec of4222 26 tnuu 02222 toalgazn f a gugrs 6222026322222 31222 203rl 4243320222226ifeen ltsofcwsfesl 1a22d 4 62622 6322222263 2125222222. 6. MEf2ect2 32062.02 202243202222040243ngduin te rypeioo 224222322422226242264462222222232602 602 60124 022 0232112 42 022242in 42gh 62)22 2.2 cat 14 26igth ot 01024002222224022426602232222220326202he MAiny 264a202 022.2 42aemn 022242222 42t 02222 31tt2. 602 200101022 0216123 024l reduce2product3on2costs2and4increase2o1ner3profits. LIVE3022S222222032222POS224620242ON 402H2E 26 362222242 32223642622,2 0. 40224206222 122 622.2.62220223245234222324622tiowit 22222263223222256 252d invasi23on5.2153 22 Ad herdof3cow2 givencommonsaltd rgularlh and0 p rad2 fo2 4.era 622 ste 222222. 24 26222 22660674 2 622 223220 222,eerlcl 206,, duin46tre-ea2ro. This22'I is '2ulet 24clf.rouci,2o 42326,223422263 02226022502an6263222 522326 2423ina 2322225223 of 320216622323,230302e cw erectre 623222220222 tw 2222d of43p3 h 22tnse daiy 33r2nialdu3ngth 6r period, 3223200522 066lte 22) exes4522e222622tissstm .nahre 60222630222 2242.266 had2g0 022122 ery afcopo 1pe et wth 1032001223 26222223 23n aveag 2222 62222 pons2hnwe 22t7mots 032222226133222aind i 6220len codiio.02322.2222 6. 025222222422262226230oud(45 '262 s 22 22122262222322ge 4224 226424222 onpsur 2antie22 ih2o2 ane. lghl utls 60222226222.20 1 0232021 10506 2.4 12424 602 olwigteosefteran esn 7 12.12 322322227 rssslge ih n wtot rsevtve a 006u 232262essful.3322122026 26 Ha wa 12 d sucessull 2 n Decmbe fro jaauars pro-5 62 3222 2 duced .1226. 326i242 a. roatonlgrzigprgrm 3232222223025261532132646 2226466622612629622 2422cldeth 3.02626220423322 324rojects:y2142 the 6202602 432231 2030n 060ve '6242222togie.0 022222nd00 of22624 62222 602o 02eag 12323 233022262522262.afie-onherod 6 2222. 322aatv 22200020 of 2246nuusandroatina 22rzig0o2jra 2222222222224422222 220eyarycl 6routo 2. ifrn lt fcwsfdsl 502 20124 0222 023212e 4202224e6).3l.2.242 L3.4 02222242 of 42 202te suppemetalfe ip 20202g MAT 224 42ioo t2222 42ur 022342222n 42 022s 02.e 0 260112r21422.2 4. 440u 224 ha2y 622 202enin 0224620 loss 2223 cattle 6 622nhemot 222023d2462222 2220win 32422222222224622622423y202son  Theewremr than 200 catle in the breding andste ing herd of El Capulin, Experimen Station. The grade and pur- bred Brama classe weewll filled, with 10ormeanal wih outstading anml in man oftecass The Santa Ger- ity ad c0lassfro 24 to 30 month shold be inclu~ded in, fu- ad the judge st111s1d the imprtanc of awok hose sturdier than many of the animls exhibited. Ths 4-S exhibit and participatin s s a splendid additiont lbe expositio. If catleme an sd obhe intersted psos sould help ths 4-S me s obtain better steers it wold provide or sesful training for lbs boys as wll as 1050ei parens. The epositionss an uqalibdsccss ands ivey wy a maked imsprovement over tha o 1956, primarily in number and Ixeleceo the lbee catle. The fact that the people dis- There were lbs ha 200 catle in the breeding astee classes,with svlduchionlexibitsofcale from thbred- bred Bahmanlsses we 11 well id, wit1 10ormeaial insevl lss. Th quliyofthshowanimalsws exclln, wi1h ostalsding anill s in mansy of th lbsses. The Sata Ger- trudi 0re w s represented by lhree bulls an three heifers. Tbs 1to1p lo1ofiv stees undsr 3 yeaso alge wer ofgo0 qual- ity an as class fro 24 to 30 months sold be inluded in Iu- tueshows. Ths people showed great interes in the borse show, anld tbs judse srssed the importanc ofl awok hostrier thabmnofsthe aimalssehibited. Ths 4-S exhibit sald partiipaion was splendid additiont the expos111on. If ca1111me asd ot10r intersted pesos old blp tbs 4-S mebes otain betllrsteers it old provide or seful tinoing lor the boys as wll s ohir parent. The eposiiows a unqalisucce ssanwsineywy aomarked 1mproveme1 10e 1 tht1f1956, primarsily in number adosexcllne f hbeefctl. he fact hatthpepledis- There were ore 10han 100 cattl in the breedioog aste classes,wih svrl ducaionasl ehibitls of tlero m hebred- ingOherd of El Capulin Experiment Sotation. Tbe grade and pur- brds rama soslsses weewll 0100e, wibh 10 sormeanal in sverl classe. 97he quality of thbsho I lsws excellent, w~ith ostanding aimaols in man of1, t 1e clbss h Santas Ger t150i breed ws rprsented by three bullls and three heifers. The 1to1p looiveses undes 3 yeasI ofgeer oflgood qul- ity; 0n a clas fro 24 to 30 monlbs should be included0 in fu- buesows. Ths people showed great interest in the Isorse show, an~d the juldge strssed the imsporsaof aI ork hoses sturdier thbs mayb o 11 th nmls exhibited. Ths 4-S exhibit and partiipationI was a splendid addition Is lbs expositio. If catlemen~ and lohe intersted psessons wold help lbs 4-S memobers obtain better steers 11 wold proibde more seful training for lhbsoys as well as for theirsparens. The expositions an unqulified success andwssineverysway 1551rke0 im~provement over that of 1951, primaily in number~s asd exllence of the lbee catOsl. The factbs lbasth people dis-  playeda excptonally high inteestin he agiulua ex~hibits The nube of hogs in Cot Rica nubee 102,284 in 1955, a eraeo 17,784 since 1851. Most of th swn rrie gradual upgrading of heds Pork prdcto can beicrae Cornd agstagdad h feed in maycutieitlltoepn Hiet cueigh swine ratio in, Cot Rica, bu tias rei prohgrstodtrief more cor cankh be , prdued Ric prodt an sorhu grain capeusdt epaepato hiorn bypout uha aa n lcsrpmlse hc r played an exetoal high intres in 1he agricultura exhibits The nube of hogs in Costa Hica numerd 102,2840i 1955, a eraeo 17,784 sinc 1952. Most o th swin are, raisd grda ugrading of herds. Pork, prdcto ca be icesd inmn rasadadt tettlagiutrlinoeo.h people.8,h~ 1~h 0 and soghum, grai ca be used, to replac pat of 1he cor,an sore of negy nutrient ma be used in liidaons High protei mel f,,om, vegtablIe,,, souce ad mea mal ro the, packing plan Ht Barranca,, are avilabl, a,,d al can,, be, used such a,1 cmmon Hsalt anpd bo mea are also necessa y. 7,h, Paad t controlh~ i ,0, an essetia Haagmntpacic n l played anecptionaly high interes in 1he agiulua exhibits be expected in futue sows 8he number,,, of hogs in, C,ota Hica, numbere,,d 102,2840in 1955, a eraeo 17,784 since, 1951. Mo of the swineh, are aise feed supply woudpermit th useof beter breedig stockan Hghua gradin of erds Por prodctio canbeinrese inmany,,CareaHi,,and, ,d1teotlgriculturald income of t.Thhe pehighle.  Animal Nutrition C n of t princpal limaions Af any attept to ft feed. This la extnd from t pare Af ft highlasto ft pastre Af Ganaat a to t prepared feed mad from av~ailbe oialsAiyCosaRa.yThAy willb discsd more cellet type and quaiy. The ower haapparnl pared no quality. On fth othe band, the aeage production Ioattei below aveage. Wibh the excption Af ae dairie, tavrg priary problem is to dAteAmine Ah reaso fohis low produ tio and the fallur of thos ctleto com A p to the producion expectd in view of Ahei breeding. Tht bhis l productio As probably due to feed was emphazd by lbe fact thateeaam were isited bAer good producion was acopished onpatur Under coditions in Cosa Vica, bAer impore fedsarex penive,AAIJ the major IA poto o Ai atl ee hud loialy be frmpae. For thsraonpariua d attnto waA AA pAaitth Animal Nutrition C escribeth need I fo nmatubadry inCota t feeds. Tis lack etnsfrom t pastures Af ft higblads to thb pastre of Ganaat And to ft prepae feeA mAa deAfrom copletely under recommedatin for El Alto. The qality of Jersys, Auensys, Aysire, and Hotinsob- serveA An the dairie Af AlA bighe lttdes beave nothig to ft desirA. They ar of th fies beeig ayhr Va aofex VAllent type and quality. The owner haappaenly spareAn An tIA gooAdl eding progam they h a folowdi to A mantihi quality. VA t other hand, t aeage producion for cattle is below aveage. With t excption of al e aiie, ft aeage producion is barey abv at require to mee expense. AT priary problem Vs to detVrine t reso fobthi low produc- tion ald fth failuA of tos catle to coep to t productio expected An ve Af thibreeding. Thtis d w producion is wee istd where good productio as aopishdonpstr Under condiions An Costa Vica, where imported fedsarex pensiv, the major porion Af t catle fed should "ogicaly be frompastues.For this reaso Variuaattnio as paid t h Animal Nutrition C n Af t pricpVI Aimtain of any A attempt Vo t feds. ThbA lackeAtndsfromtepasture ofth hghandsAto the padtre of Ganaat anAd ltoh prepared fedsd e from imporVedinVreitsfromteCeaand ASot AmeranAAcoun- trishichaentsadriedn haAveAnAtAbehnbalyzedAAVt copletey under reomenations for El Alto AT qality Af Jersys, Guesy, Ayshire, and Volstins Ab- cellen type and quaiy. The ow br ha apprety spared no quality. VA the other baAd, Ale aera produto fo IattleiA below aveag. Wit t excption Af ae dare, ft veage pAVoVVctionisbalyV a bovtarquid toAetIepense. The primary problem is to deterine ft rason for this lowprodu- expecte in vie ofterbreding. Tatislow productio is probably due to feed as emphasize byth fa ht sevra ffAA armsA pesv, lbe major porto of the caVtle feed shbul logially be froA pastAre. For thbs ra pariuarV atVnioa spaid to Ahe  Paugrase an to th posibility Af improAig these patrs b au of thhgh aial popuao per Ani ofaiws neesr oaohesepasue torahmatur stgeandtcu them when thy weenoge at thei mos nuriiv Aodiio. Leg be weeteecpto raher tha thAul, hut wher leg- umshad bee esaished theyer giving good reslts.Nogn hrlzto ca b a, but som Af the conitAn hbsrvd indicgad apossiility of h deiiece intemauelgueinsm ara.Practialy non ofths pauewa ferlze wit ph- phoru or cacu Aore anhor calcu Aotn othe folage mayh1oeAf he liiting faosnikproducion.Thisce- tinly should be determine by work at ElAlto. Mineal imbaac aacas fpoorperoa ceAaAnobok rooebcauseo he poshiility of boa high poassium anda high mangaesAAo- tentin hesols.ThesehavyethhA beAeterin,h bhtbaeo repors fsoanalAyseh hpotassuand anAgaeeay exis inhighAAAAAAAhA cocnrtosi gifrn r ag k coldgellinterfer wiAh uiationof alcium andpehpswih phophoru. The most promisig par in Age highlands apared to Ae kikuyugass (Pennisetu ghgaggggggggg, which, atoga psti vegetahlegoingae,ayAvey wel ahh atifgaoy pea- nen patr in the highl~ad Af properly maaged and supple- Aente with aequa legume pature. This again isa proble fo eerhbcueo h akofstsatr nomto st the nurtv vauArt h epneo kikuyu to soil aen- ments, either of an orgai anr fertiize type oofannr gani heiaature. Another pinttohe cnsiAredis hthehhpoorbeedig reor oaindonmnyrmwicg~ ~ h toAsomeexhenthmyhgeassated with dase, appears to be A asocatedihfee. Nutritio possihly ma he the princpal f ao. Her again, lak Af knowlege pre- vnsdawing any defnih onluio ggdand inicte tAhe A eedAfhA resarch As aen faraining th cas f thi hreedig falur. The failure oattl hAcmeinAhaaAdreumrgar estru afercavig could be Aue to improper mialoneni the r~aion to imroe mineral balagg which inclde eceAA an be aus kfth high aial popuathn perA Ani of aiws thAm Ahe they were no longer at their most gghrithv condkio. Legume wer the exAepion ragher tha tke rule, bui where keg- hgAs hadbe estblhed theyer giving goodreslt. No eA indicated g posshiliy Af defiiencie in th matur legumes inom magy kg In f the himitig factor An milb proAucion. Thhscr the posAhiliy Af both g high potassdumgag ag high mananesecon ihigh cnetaion An diferen aa and~ colA wlPntrfr withutilizai ofcalimanprhpswih phophoru. The mostg promising patur in the highlaAds appareA to be nen pasture inl the highlgandApi pely manged gad supple- menged Aith aequate legAme pature. This again isa problem for rsahbeaus of the lack Af satisactorp information as to th urtv au rt he response of kikuyu to soil aeA- wihh dase, appahs tobeasocadg w~ithkfee. NutIin possihly may hA the principal factor. Her again, labk Af knowlege pre- vnsdawing aggy Aefinit concdsio andA indicates the neeA for researc gg a mags of acrainig the cause of this hreeding esrsatclA vikng coulA Ae due tg improper minaloteti thg ratiog; tg improper mineral~g baacghigh incudshg cesg an patr grse ad t theA posshiiiy Af improing these patre. beause gf the high anial polatihn per untofael i a neeary tallowlthsepaetoah mgatrsgeand t cu them Ahen they were Ao longer athirh s niie condiio. Lgumes were the excption rahr than the ruhe hut where keg- umhadbengetaishedpgthewrgivg goodresltsNg n- erlztoncnb gggde, hut Aom ofhe condiggon obhervA indiatedgA possiiliy gf defciecie kn the maAAre legumes hnom aes Pratclyoeo tA~IA~ hesepastre as fertigld ihho- phoruo caliu sourcs anA short calcium Aotn othe flge mayhbeAonehoh heAAmtigfactrsi ml producAon. hhskce- tinlyp shoulA he Aetermind hy woat A lth. Minlimbagance as a cgaufpoor peroanc g ano be h verlooked beause Af khe poshihiliy Af hoth ahigh potassiA a g high mnaeecn tentin heol.These hveyettoA e dterined, but bae o report osilaalye hhpoassiumandA aganeeagy exis inhighAcncnaionsindifernarasandAoulwlinterfer wit~ hin f alciumandperhapswih phophoru. The most promisig pasuin kthA highand appeareA to be bikuygrass (Penieu A gggkdesiggg , whkch, alhougghapeti veggtbgroh ggageaslmay vey wlhggggl b aifcoy pera- netpsuei h ihad fpoel aae n upe menteA wit aeqate legume pasture. This again is g proble fo resah because of the lacb of sasactory ifrato asito khe ggtiig vlue or to kge geponse Af kikuyu gg sogA amend- mensihe of a organi manAre fetltype oofan nr ganic heialggnatur. Ante poin to he hosdee isAthA theA poor hreeAig recoA obando ayfrs hc o oeetn a eascae gigh Akgeage, appggggt b asgcitg ggg it~khlggA. NAAriAonpossihly ay be the princpal flator Here agan lk of knolehdge pre- vnsdawing agy definht conclusion ad indicate the nee ggr rgsgarh gg a g m an of asetiig ghe caus of thisbreig filure.Thegailur ogattlgogomgi helat rsmegar estrs afer lvgliggcoul be ue toimprperineal contentlin the raion gg imroe minerl balance wghigh incldeg ecesgag  gaee rt alr ospply adequate nutets, resuting in On f t most seiu prolm inf fth highlands dairy prga otain maiu reun fro tayaiy enepie ic the high duced, it followsthat too many animal will resut int dficiency f milking cosby asmuh as100 per cent. This high proportion~ animal P consquftpy limited te producto. Until sm mean isfoundfor diposingpf exes fmalecalve so hat th poprti fPo f ubrd fmlesi i ne witi h eplacemtf inftftivef. This probem of number of catleper untae a moeines in fth highland ara than in the Mesetare or inp te Inp tpe Mespeta Cetralp ftheeer noticeably morep brepding difi- culties ta in tpe higher altitudes, but the ower had pourd excelen buls meas f breeding p pteir spock. fTherp wer dairtes wth goodP tohelle ttewh cmpaedl favoraywth gtos in tpe dairies in ftpe higher alitiudes. Bupp tpe rproduction rat Pa Pxtemly low. Greatly delayed estsfoloing caling r- sutedf int prduction rat of pcarceypmore ta herdt main- Peane Withttl ~producn onp cafntwo to pthree years and in some instae consderaPhiy lethe aft cropp was hardly large enoght mitainthe herdwhn t is ssumd a cplteftr- ovri rmsx teght years. The failure of rprodution, fol- ganese or tfaiuto su Ppply adequat nutrients, resuting int One of te mostP serious probesin fthe highlandsp dairy prga isth faiur ito PPring anima ftmer and 1fee prodution rea itp prper balance, pphich upntil adjusted wili make it diffitto obtai aiu rturn fro y daryttenttere Snc hehigh of feed ikt Peutinyg p lowf prduton. Tht higher pfyPnif feae (p 2yer ft page)pf frqtly exceededthe numbe Pof PP ftlin pcows b d ft much s10 pg cet Thiigft ppotiony otfffl cle lihte p theaoun o h ifee pvilbl t t mau ppial g nd conseqentlyd lhmited P~tfhe proutin hUntilg soiffi menisfun forh dipoin fg exces femlecave sok ftthat fifthe grport ofunre female P s h in lip with rplcmet infecie WThisprbe opppff numer f catl pe unt are wastf more inense inthe higthlyra han i heMepshetarerithe lowrhresibcasfewer aimals ere ot throughparaste nfe- dghPo yand t disease.t~pftfttpf gnse or pt aiur to suppiy pdutpppe nutients, resutng int Oneo fth ot serpfous problem ft ft highlandst dairy program ito proper balance which until adjuted wil make ft dtiftfcut to obtain maiu retrn frmay dairy entps. Since fthe high maintained ft limited by Pthe amut of e which can be pr- duce, it follows tat tpo many animals willi result inp dfichiency female (up to 2t year ofage) frequetly exeee p the numbert f milking coPs by as imuch ps10 p~ cethis high proportion pensi foun for distposingofecsfmaealssott the proportio f unbred femle is in lin fith repiacement Pmproeet P in patr and in quality oft feed ppill be rltively iineffective. ThstprohhPPofnumhPsPPcatlhperuti aeawa mor intns in the highlandt areasfta in pte Mestae or in gthe ftp fthe Meseta Centra therwr noticeby more breeding difi- excellehnthlsa en f hreeding up pteir stoc. Therewer dafiries wth gdtecelet catlhphichcoparefavoraby wih fthose ft ftpe daiies in ftpe higher plpitpdpp. gpg ftpe rproduction rate was ex treeylo.Grety delyedtru foinipigcalving r- sultedt ft p rprodutpionp ppte of scarcly morep fta hppft mpin- teac.Wt atepouigoecl ntot he er n in somintances consderablylethe calf crpwahardylarge enough to mintai thhPherdwhnfthis ssued cp lete turP- ove in p ftpsi to eight year. The gfaippr ofpg odcton gfol  inlue pdiseas, picual bruceoist nd aiou vainlnfc pee fiueioh in ht aftdr cing wouldI appea to be du to nutritoadeiginieshih mayicldeiderl sel abs ta idiqesiveibutkent dficiences Nhr is lgothe gosibilfty Adcopanyking th prblemg of poor beeding ini te Meseta ducinrt did noppt exee 10pog d pe day and in soe. h Tbs largda5 milyin ganima Sinc 15 pound a~ day ill pobadl ti he~ t breadeve pointo t pintat whicot qualed feturn, heeliri s werei id Itu ~ I l y lthoiugise s an poort eprdlucin~ unoutel iluencd th prdc ion it lii wa Iparn fht feed pa alsoi a agefctr hecus ithenube olldf imlsmitnewauly l argei iiif, in copison pihteae foril producin fee (aesut i oin- lowe dbytlowmlk poducion andthedriynguplf thtl il kee ppte mlkproductio ofihe herd. fTh reso for thi poor breedingrecordis coicaed and icludesdieas,priculrly yhruc ll iidaiuivgil infe- in. Ift oudoubhedly ,fincue ui titio. Certainly ftre peatd fir to hoein ha after cadiing would appea to be duet niionali defiiies wich may hnclude inerlsel astoa digeive nuienft defticince. ITher io t possdhility oftoicffc if, assggested, t magae levehi is exesivly high o if othimanc eists Accompaniying t prohhlii f poor breding in t Meseta duciiiratedidiiotexced 10pouds peridyandinioimet averge appeard to b hbetee 10 and 12 pounds dily Ifrheds aslarge as50 iig aimalh. ince 15punids dayiwasprobaly t break-even poino ft poit at wic h costs equaled reur, thsedfiriwrointg mnycninuousy. Alhugh disease and po rprodtio unoubthlfy inluencd ft production, ii wa pparei that feed was dlo alge laco. Bpeca oiiheiube f ailsmdintagned wasusullylargein ohgain adeqiote bulk, to allw t Nairo gigant gras, t pricipfed,o goolarg izeboreeinhgcutllioetot ground adhpped as a siigcoipforhs imal. This food, osualy given lit ert of pproimalily 100 pounds and therfor hardi l et he mitnac reqirement f t miking oatth. htwa almt a uiverslpracticI toeda on- odik yield. SoeB f this oncetrtefd was bigusdby th ctleor thir own maiitenanc. OT milk production lust hage been almolt eniftly dependenl upon ft contat feed, wich T prohlmfho to oibtain hberqualy Napiegoas (Pen- nstmpurpureu) hao soeexetbee soled oafe lowed by ft lowimilk produon and thi drying up oft cahl wiin year hiequenly necessied puchs f midking cale tokeepupiftikpoducionf thehed. fTh heao frtik pio breedig reord hs cophoatd and ilude disae Nparilldyk brclosad vaisvginlifec- tin.It dlo undohubtly includes outiio. Certaily ftre petdfalr tocom in het fter caling woftd appeao be duo nutritionldeicienoies wiht ayipclude ohnerl aswl Bidota digesiv ngtin dficince. Teeisas fthe possibility f toxicieffcti, asggestd,th magnseleis excesivey high odiforimbhlancexst. dcopanying ft prohlemf goo ing in ft MesBt Cntdal htlf pormdkproductio.lOnmayfarm tepo- ductiogt id o excee d0pounsprdayoad in omeit avrg ppeare to e bewe o0ad 12 pods daiforlheds aslargeasihodikingodnmal. Siinc5poudsadywapobahly ithrek-ee o n otepoiithat otiquald rhur, gtede daiisoeelosigmoeo tiousdy. Altogh daedipooepodtohnoudlyinflencd theproductio,ditaspparent ta feediwsioailage ao. Bcusihe umhrofaimalmitiediao usly lgin copaon with herftorpoducingfe (ardutinomei- stnB oft copetg wth Bofee, it ops neesri order t ohtain adequat hulk, to allow ft Napieror gigant gras, ft pniplfed, togrowlarogeieeore igc lftoset h groond and chogpeds sodligcop hor tes ail. Thhslfod,o ualip go ivnath ra~t oapproimtedy 100piouds perf anml,contine ni sitd0to 15dhoiperiontdy mate and thfore haodly me t hmitnac rquieensof ft mlking caghe Bot walmost aniera price o feodacn cetrt fe in raio of1poud fcnenrt B to 3- ipouds odmlkyhied.omeo tis Bocetrtefedwa bheingiuedythe cattl fortirw aintehanc. pg1 idk protion must have hein ulmost enirely dependen uipon the contat leed, wihich is1a1very exeniepiodure T pihblii of hiw to obtinh btte-qualhip Nupiergruss (Pe- isetum purpreum)hoisome xtetibenhoilved on afe  fam by feiationA pate. Where fertlbzer habe alied, bhold be maeoncrnig the practo fization wih barn sequenly culoetotegron dand reundA as ed,teya- sit prbl is intnifid and maeslti high calf mrality. Jorge De Alba of Ah Turriaa Instt reprtd tatbe hIad virtually stopped the lung wor problem whln Ale stoppd feeding AttionI slid a be given Ao the possbility of inclding An Aitfloa) a y perap soelgume in additint the impe- raM (Axonpus scpariu) adNapier hihhaebenheand- feeds makes At difficulto make posiiv reomatio. Asthe hige tempaure a, on thAlati sideicesn anal Ahe parst pdA roblem, both interna ad etalasuesgeae impoance. A prgam Af magmen sld undobtely hI should no be oelookeA. Wile At As nosggeste Ihat the Minis- modate way at the Tialba InsAtite. Enorgmn of Athis geneall avilabl atAA preselnt. A p BbEEF CAAA I ALEp blA~lI fam by feriiato ractces. Whre fetlie a been happle, par othe ae to the problm of thes fam. One caAtio maue hit As ace on patre Aln whic Ahe ga isub Jorge D Alba Af Ahe Turrdalba Initute repore that he had iAtually Atopped tle lung IAr problehen be hIope fedinAg iAs cal u astry ro ra fetlizby arn anur. AAntion shud lobegiven tthe poiblt ofyAicldig i inutifla andpehs sme lgmi addfiinth imp- regarding Ale Aurtv quites or evnchcl lanalyse ofthes feeds mae At diful to mak a poitive recommendaio. As the highe tepertue and, An lbe Ilni ide, increasingrinal tbe p11arst problm, both ital a exea,asuegrtr imporance. A prgramA Al mangmt should undoubtedly Ae wokers Ao contrl Alls paaie. Ile falt that can anml sholdAo bel A verlooked. WhbA it il not I sugsehat the AlAi- teriegagelinIaeeigprgraoIain"aaped ly aial, genally avilal at lpresnt the Saragiquiaes some time as spent observig the cattle farms by feAilao practice. WhereI AetlleA ad Aeen aplied, the resl were specacuAli erso nlcreasedyiel andqual- ity, aitapathtinrae prpodubctAion igh beexpecte pIatoh Ianse Atl th roblem othsfarms. OnAcion shoul Ae mad concArig the price of Aetlzto wit A barnAl Jorge De Ala Af thA Tural Intiut reporte that Ae aA Atention shoul MAlAo be Aie to the posbillty Af includig An thlastrAIpyogramA oteIfrgessuasasssass (MAAAnu feeds Il-es it difficuly toA make A poitve reomnan As ft bigber Aeyperaure And, An t Atlan sid, incesigrinal tbhy paat problm, bAAh bnea 1n exera assumes greater impyrance. A prora A f aagementb Ahul undobtedly be shold no Ae overloked Abil i il osggested tbat the Minis tri nai breedig prgram Ao oba "adatd anll-M moate way at Ith l ralb a InsiAte Encouagmn oA f AthbA wor Aould be justified ifAi reslted An the prodcto of ciolla geallAAy~ A avilbl a yt A A prAesebtA gBEEFA~b CyATTL. Beef catle prodcto was observed Ai A the G cast adin thelSaapiuiaaand sme ieylwaspetoberig thelale  both exera and ineal, play a larg roeinlmiig produc- to bequanityadpfraity offed. prodctio An Flia a nuber Af years ag and wouldsemt good, yet tbsurc of adqa caliu and phophruysem tobe prolmcl sicthsi is~ bgealy ad ad no dditio Gand aypand b~proga is yn a A Adnou bai.htaeasat- Tbroughout Ganaca Proince th Aed forrsev feed As imative anagement musf play a1 arge patntoly iain tann dqaefe uigte an esnbti rvdn a reevAlcrl h nml hruhteln dysao.Ti fco woudapar to Aalfriproe dtye fageand th lmroemn or~ intrducti Af Aeep-rtd legue whc AAA uld add Ao th sol AerAllty ad at th sa tim proide lnrasd level of ncsary proeis AttetAn soudalsobegiventoth possbdliyofprodcigbyand/o Ailag as amnsomanain- ing fedsuplesovrfhedysaso. I Srplyu ara cotnosriganpoea problem ofmaiiig fed qaliy.icirghst b eAaaIlablAA on a A cniuubadi, Ah intoduAio Af Aegue mihtbe big additio if bhy cnbeiactoly grow. Beas IA thAedAfo Arten soeporaflgue isugent and logical. bAAc lhe cillA and crog A it aA ixtleo Bramn Whl parasite, both etral a itral ay a ag I role An limig produc Aio,lbheprical limiig fatoritisproducion wolppear fo be quatityladqiyoffed. In mayrepect the sition in anaat A eebe l silar proucion iFidaIaAnumbrofyaragoandwoldAsemt ofeAralsbly iiesAorimpovmeno bothbthbfypeadqal- Aty Af patr ad lbe cninued improemn of the stocAk. Wa may have benafaneicieAncy of AA~ mieal sopntocira- tion byhacul aalysi. Bon srutueb nhewle appead Ao Ae good, yet thl sorc Af Idlyat ciu anI phosphou seem tob Aolacl sinc th sil i Agenraly lad and no addiion Af cium or phophoru Ias Aee mde to ths Adil, whib probably ha AlAn deleted beaus of Aotnuu crAopping. HAr a ailk Af faul irao As the prnal diAfiuly, aAd Antl At As aaial, actua reomationsA aevrey Altd aday pandprgra isonanuu blablhltaasat Guaaat anAd araiu are very diAferen and lbreor nees siaeetrly differen dat on wha ca A be dntoimprov thei respectifeditatin. Abroughout Gaacast Proic Ale Aeed for resrv feed As imperatie mngemen mus play 1 lg ar Ao only iain tanig aeyate feed duig the rainy sasos but An provding a feevetlarry Ahe amls thboughh Ilong dry sean Tis fatoAwold appear ocl foA r impovdfysffrge andbh lmprvmn orI Anrduto of deeAp-rootA legume whigh wold ad Aoth il AfAAlp and at the same Aime provde irased levels ofncsary prinsA.AttionAsouldalso begAivenIoth possbliylfpducigbhayand/o ilgelas a aso ainai- inglfedAspplis verthedysaso. Inh lb apqu areay the coninuu ain agin poe arblem ofmaian ye liy.inclitrgealtolbe aaiaAo a ntnou asistbeitrdcio f leguesightba big additio Af lhey can be satisfarly grown. Beaus Af the need fo protein, som progra Af gume is Allrgent and logical. Slnce the asthy were brought to mae at Alajuela In the coparativly Arola aAd clla Alt a mixtAr Af Br ama. Wbile plaae, both Ixera a interal, play a larg Aol AnlAtn produ- tio,ftheyAiniplb lng fa in hisproducio wld appear tolbelquntiyad qaliyf fed. In man respects Ah ituto in Ganaat A eeml simia producionAnloraAI al mber ~ o A yasgoand IoulIsemft oferal yossbltls oyimpovmet f botb hefyyeadyql-I iyo atuelad the cotiue ipAoeen f thebsAok. What may hav lbee afrank deiciency oineal is open to bofra- tionbyA aculanlysi.Bn tutueol h hl aAppeareyy dtobe good, yette orc f dqut cay~ liumA andyphoprsseA tbeAA prbeadca lAsneth oligenalyacAdIanoaddito ofclimo sphbrus Ias bee mdet Ahs b lsA, whi yrobably ave been dlted beause of continuu croppig. HAr again, lack of II Iactua l norato isteprnial difflty, and utliisaval, altul eomnain areAseverely limited and anyyplgandprogra is of atnuu basis Thl two asa Gaaaste lnd Sarapiyui avey diffn ad therfoeecs Aitate enirl difrn Aata onwa fa boet improv gheg respctiv feedsiuto. Throghout Gaat PAAvinA IAe need for reserv leed As imaive; mangemen mutay aIlargepatnoolyAinin- tlaiig aeut Afled durig the riysasons, Iut An provding IaIereoIary theA anil hogh AlongAdrysaso.Ais faco AwAuld apyyrt al l orimpovd tyyes of loage ad AlA lmyrovement Ar intodion Af deey-roote legume Aih would add to Ah soA fIliAty and at the same AAe provid incrased levlsofneary prois.AtteAio sld also be gien fb th possbifly rducigalyand/o siIag aIs asoainain ing feed supplie Ave the dry sason. IthSarapiqu ara Ahe AontAAAu ri agai po a prolem ofitainnfe h kqaliy. ic irghst b elll fklaviableo konlnou basis the in lucio of lumeA mig bea big IaAditiithycaIeIaAisactAily grown. Beaus oftIeeedAfo protin,sopogamIgfAAegumsiurgaloial.Siceth  132 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP addition of nitrate fertilizers is expensive, considerable research should be carried on to discover if their use can be justified. In all areas the development of beef animals has been slow be- cause of limitations of feed, and production may have been low in the dairy areas for a similar reason. If and when feed condi- tions are increased, additional attention must be paid to the re- quirements of these animals in order that deficiencies will not develop. It has been observed repeatedly in Florida, and in other areas, that when the animals' growth rate and production increase through improved feed conditions, then the demand for adequate supplies of essential minerals is also increased. If these are not available, the animals develop deficiency states not observed in the slower maturity rate of lower producing animals. In the Sarapiqui area the types of forage were similar to those found in the Meseta and in the highland dairy areas. The principal difference was in the manner of harvesting. The beef animals were allowed to graze Napier and imperial grasses, in contrast to prac- tices in the dairy areas. This probably has some advantage from the standpoint of the animals and their production because of the choice which the animals have. The introduction of improved for- ages should be investigated, however, as a means of increasing the carrying capacity, the yield of grass, and weight of animals. In Guanacaste, the common jaraguagrass (Hyperrhenia rufa) is widely used, but practically no information is available regard- should be carid ont icvri thi se ca be jified tiongareiceae, a~dda attentionmutbeid t he devlp Itd has bee obereretdly ini Flrdb andin th- additinbo nirat ferti lisisepensive, cosierblereearc should becrre on tok doe if~ thi us a Pejsiid in th dai y ea for a ~ ~ simla resn I Pn we ed condi- tions pP ar nraeadtoa teto utb adt h e qurmnso these aP ml inP P rde tha Pl dficince P il not slwe matrit rate PP p~lwer puing~ anmls.P~iPP~p  prvig it feed vaue If legue caAbAntoucd intrduction as fimproingAth aviablefeedspplies. fro araie will undobtedly be discverA. Although t long dry spell of Ganaat undobtedy potct th ~altose exece to deelp in an arasuhasSrpiqui this fato shoul be osdrdi AA an attemptA to imrv the aia Iua dry of rese~aci the prolem fain thl Adar an beef ineess ar- in th ighand ara of Cosa Rica. The existig faciie and thseunercostucio apaoprvde a aeqa basis foA coducingmuh o heesnta esac probp gam sgenly needd t ak ntligent recmmndtion fimpoeeto livestokpracicesin ACaRia. It a bseredeatdytat heed friforatingar- ingteasi oae and A feed Angedis sdAi CosaARiama ths h priary ob~jeciveo ayrarchprograminCsaRa. The faiie at El Alto shul bese A p with this Aee inmin aAdveyAeffothould Ae maeodvelp ifal io toncrnig thegrase, lgumanfed swhicareaalbet dAair~yand bcatle irsinAheconty. It shuldalso be pointdotatthebasi quipment alray avilable is quit sasfaoy proided it can be reaired and maaie An good funcioningcondiio. Ther Aee owvr nofclte o h rprdyngo oaesmlsa hywr brAught int the laboatory. T corchAs condition, a dawing ofa atiacy adinxpensvdyigabiewicAh coud b ing At composiio. It shoud be thoroghly invesigla ad, if possble, inoration should be obtad regarding method of im- fromparastesilludoubtedly bediscverd. Althoughh lon~g dry spell Af Ganaat udoubtedly proect the animalstsm degree from the hav load of paae which may logically be Al cnidered ian aept to improv Ahe aliml husandry Af The location of the Anial Industy Resach Unit at El Alt is wellcosnA n wold appea to Affe ecpiol Apporuitis fo reeac Ain theproblm faing the dily ad Aee finterest, par- tlllyfthedary itrslctdi not the1 MesetaAI CenMtral and An Ahe highland arao Coa Ria. TAe exAiig fiiies and those unde consrucion apeat prvd ha adequatel bai fo conuin~g mulA Af the essnal rsarch program so urgently needed to make intelligntreomeaionsI Ior improemn of llietokpaices in CosaIRia. It as obsevedArpatedly tat th neeAfoinforaionrgar- ing lhebicl IfoasandIfedigredintuedinCosaIRiaake this h Apriary objectie o ay rsarchprograinCoaRia. The faciliie at El Alto shold besetup with thi A nee in lin and evey efIol shouldA bmadetodevelp infationonerig Ale gase, legumes, adfes whAic ar avaiable to dairy and befAattleitretsinAheconty. IIAholdalsobpinted outthal tei bsi eAIIquipmealray aaible As quit saisacoy proidit a Al repairA aAd aiainedI A, good fuiAing condiio. There were, howeve, no 1 faiite fo h Arprdyig offorgeapleasthy wr broght into Ale laaoy. To colec this condition, adaing Af aasactoy ad inexpensiv drying cabineic uld beA possile, inorato A sLold Ae obained regardig methodsA ofi- of otde grassmywl beA thoughtf inA term of jrgaa well dry spellofGuaaat undoubtedly proet theI amls toom degree fro Ah eavy load ofpasie whihb ay logicaly Ae expected t devlop in laesuh as Sarapliqf, tis factorshoul bAA A A LT A IMApL INDSR l RpSARC UNAIT ~~ll TheAIA loaiof tAialAAInuty Resachit tE CI AoAi wllchoeadwul appear to offerI ecptionlopportuniifo ra c inA Athe probem facing the ally and bAef iterest, pa- tiuarly te airy trssctdi n both theAAAAMsetaCea~lad in the highlad ara of Cosa Rica. The exitig facilte aAd those unde consruionA apat prvd Ia adeut basis A forA conducing Auc Af the esial resarcA progam so urgenty needed Ao make intelligIrcmmnation Ior improemn of lAivesoc prcie Ain Cost icaAl. I was obere ratedAlytat th nee forinfomaion regard- ing the baic forges and feeA ingredent use in CAsta Rica make tisAhepraryIobjective ofay rarchprogramnCosta1Ria. The fiities at EIAAII Alt lhud esep ALA hi neeA in id ad every effor shouA ld emd toI develop infrato A oncernin the gralse, legume, ad feeds whihb are aviat day aAd beef cal hnerst ALA the conty. It should a Al poinedou that the asic equipment lrady aaial As quit saifctory provide At can Ae repired aAd aiane An good fuActioning condiion. TAerl were howeve, no failiie for thelproper dryin1g of foalge sampls ahy wr brought int Ihe labatory. To lAcrc AAi citionA, adawing Af asaiactoy aAd inexpeive drying cabinet Ahih cold Ae  necte by any coptn Alctica wa sen to Roano A. Orlich. As wa metoe in . Cosa ca Wily mill bhold Ae obainel Ae aplihd PAPou hardship totelaboraoy perolP. igpeqipmenwic, onergla iteprope bhott can thlm. ThisaveI gra delII oftmeotepar oftepersnne sicapies pl ad i thdying Avni lbe eveing areray lbe boling moring lbe sam itreosaple pl ad Pn thb in the feed laoaoy is ake up wit wigisapleevr efAor bhold be made Po speed up this oeaion and tointi A th ned aiseAo thiayis ofIsdimaptaiu, us ofb th flmpecrphotmee may beom p ecPA arp. Powve, mucwokI canbedon billehi become esenial andar Ammdiat ned louid probablybe phomer of Ph Aletrpbo tomte type as l aeno peedigupadincesn the baccu ryl Pfth detrinto of P om If thPP miea elmets inch nee As usualy fo thb aai Af aopaaivly Pag nuber of sapna shrpeiod otimeAh aiayt houdh cn stanty seking toinces I fiec in order to PbaPrsut rapidyda hesmetmetPaaialwlcosblo tealyica procdure. Snetprogrla fIPeachtaighbeuderaena k El Alto was discssd in som deai wit RoPaPoAlibI, the foAPA- ing outin wil merely aept to etblish copaaey brod lineo lbe resarc whic wudsetofra god canceo producigA P reut Ihtcnb sd sonogrets aPdvatgeby thediyad b atinteesto CosaRPca Pontrctd atElAlt, rby anopeten capente, adIcon nectd by pn Aopetn elctica wa Pett oan A.Prich lbnti thpeupmen on 24obass, PPic ca odiarPly be aclis e wibou hAaPrdPship toth laborbtory persnAe. Pe ablowd lAo rnctinuousy ae the samplar placed in sicaplesplacdinth drying ove in Phe evnn aredy the flling morig;h same As trP of sapesplace ih in lbe fed laboraoy is taep with Aeghn sample, ever effoP shoid be mde to peedp ths peio adi to aai iauacy.P Thicbdonetbrughb husp frpelydaped ba lces. iA fpA Idp I of the flPm spdrpooee ma becom necssay. oweer immedit need wouldprobby bpbomtef Phe electrpho PomtP typeIII asaman opeedn pad inrasigl teau need is sualyfolth anayis ofcoparativly lag number of saple in asor period Af time, the anlysthoud Aecn stapl selpn to iceseficieny in orde Ao obareut rapidyadllhblametim to miti lw loslyPteanayia prcdure. SicebhepgampofPresa pblha igbeuderakat El Allo was discssd An Iom del ithRmn OP- liPA, Ah follIP- ing oiPe All merey aept to ebisP copaively bral lPi ftersachc would seem to offeraA goo chaco prodiglisultthtcnb dlg P sotogeetadanageby thbdiyadbefI cateintret of Cosaia. cosrctda IdE Alto orby ay competn arpneandco- necedbyaycopeten AlctiPan wanttoRoanA.Orlic. A wa metindinCoa Pia aWilyi~llsoudA Peobaie athe eales possib time An orAe Phat aperlersna tivelof maeilicllctd ih iedcb prpardforprper anali. bllowAed toru cninuly ae thb sapler plae An the folowig monig thA sa As Aru osapAe placed An th AAfor Phoid Ae made to speed up PAi opeion and tointi Af Ph flaepecrphotoPte lay becm neesy.Hwvr imeate PAe Aiud proaly ba phtmee Af the AlPrph- toetr ype a enopedn up aPI inraig theac- saltly sekig to ira Pffcinc An ordA to oain reut rpidyad tlhe ae ieIoaintialwAosAoAtaaytal Siteprogram of reerhtaight be udeakeatE Alto1wa discuse Pn som dal Pit APP an PIP ich1, Ile Pillow inAouln will mely atept Ao ebish comparaiPly brIa dlgllnso h eerhichwoldsemtoofra od chancePAI g of lpdducn brslsI thaPt P can I beue PonPogetsavnaeb  1. Dptrinaio opf fee coposiio for the ihlads,Meseta and shoud pp investigate exeniey Phis work shouPd be sppmntd creasing fevauorsppeenin feed alread aviable.PIn he tpsible ipemntoffedsthtayb obtainedPfrmstalih. levels Phogh the year.P Whil it isnth ppos of thsrport sgetpsiblefeed crpst ibe inlded in aPfed prga, ishould be suggestd tht h plabraorisa ElAt be usedpexenivlyp oro the lp characte isi grasses of P these areas d shul beinesigtdorthi chemPica co position. pP p~d~~i 2.Itisrconie tha cheica com~posto ishsplyp abasisfro T'ereor h emclanlss while indicativeIshould be spplemente by heulizaionofpnil feinlril a meansp of eermninth p~pp ~~ppratclfeigvle fteepdcs Thisay bddoneat E Alt thog htisycommonlyknown as ioloicl eein tias it yun anial wherei growth p~i placsamoesveetstoih feed vlue o- prdcs uhtialssholdcerainy ollwhdvpmet f ats factoranalyiclvale andth prouto of suffiient ateril fo thr~pp use. pp ingtral, tgil unoutel beom apPpren Pha theereerai defcincis hic soul b spplementdpPthrkhrug additinst ANMA NURTO 135~pppp I~P ~ppp 1.Dtriato ffe poposto o h higla ds, bestaan craingppfeed valepopsppleetn fed aled aviabe In the eifort should be made to inres pp e tota ap ailable digetil PP rens pcs hich ca be producpd and ppared formainainigth fed sugtp ossible fee~d crps t b inldedin a fedpoga ,itsold be sugestd tatheplabrtre tE lobpue xesvl opo ducepadp pp manai ontntbclo i nfoaion a tothevale o thee eedcrpsPP asPthey ar devlpedandintrduced. Althhvr itetiewsseti telwlns t sovosta th caaei sti gasesofh hee es h ul d beinvstiatel fo tir cheica P op osPion. id P Pppb P pp 2.P pIdis e nzdthtceia dmp ositio pp sml bssfo whPich P~ to PPP PPar and noprupesreohhentiivlaueo oages. Theefoe hemca anlyis while-p indictive shd b uplmne bydPthe utlia iofima fepding tral as amean of eterinin th practial fpdingvalus of heseprouts hi ayb done atEdllto truwih ti s cmmnl kow as bilgia feePP ding trals wih you- pducts. Suhhtpils hld cetanl follow~ the deelpmen o atis- ftory analytica vlus ndt p ro~p pdcio o uficen atril o thi use. PP PPPPPP Pit the pp avalablit ofaayia eut n h ntaino ed pigtlsdpppppfp it PPI wiludutdybcm ppn ha hreaeceti PeficenciePwhih sholdPb su PP.~ppleetd ihrtruhadtost thefed o trogh heus of sopil medmnt, s men of~p Ppo- P Ppr the hihae kikuyu Pp-P Napie ar inms gnrl s n should be invetgatdp exesiey Tiwoks ulbeupplemented craigfeed valu or psu pplntg fee alrPeady avaiabl. Inth thppssPl PPmprPPePPnPPof ppedp Pha PPma PPPP be pbtine pppmptbliph- Thispwllpncesiapp aalsi o vriu siae anpp d possiblpyaprod- ucPPPs PPPPi PPhPcPPn pP proucd n peprd orminaiig thefed Altog very lPtl P im wa sPp-Pt ith lo land, it is pbiu tpa- PPe PPPPacPPisPi PPPPPe PoPP th PPPse a PPPea p shul PPPnvsigte PPthi Pperefor ppei al Inlss whilPP e Pniaie pppp l beppp upp lemengted pb PPy P theutiiztio o Panmalfedpn tiaP asa ean.P pp ~ dtermiPnglth pratia feP in vPaPlupe PP o Pf Phs prdcs.TiPP yb dn tlAt PPrug P ha Pp cmmonly kPP owP p as biologica PPein PP al Pp t youppnP animalsPwhereP grppt places a moe severe tst ondthe fedvapP ePP Patr analytical values anpd tpepductpppn ofsicintmaeral- o Whe P p-u ppse Pp. pp pppdP pPpp-p Wip p-php avilbiPt pp- pnaltdpp reslp PPnd ph initatiP olf fppppd-pPP ing PPils PPi PpPPtPPPPPp wilunobedybeoeapaenpht hreaeceti p de p-ce PwhipP Pho Pl P be su ppemented, either Phog Pdiiost PPe PPe Pr phrug PtPhe usPe of Polaed etaamaso mrv PPPn PPg P pphe ~ PPait pf Phe feeptobepused. 3. PPnc thPemain prodPIP PIP Ph PPir PbuPiness Pi i, triPl PPul Ppe coductedpps means PIP psabhi g P p roe mPilkproduction. PP-  eqivalen brdinglins, milkprductio, sage f prductioet., thsholdnt be attemptd insuc af mlt peainasE lo Rather, emphsis shousld be placed upons theseoa s sdoublerevsal feedg til in whichsmler nmes of animls may eusd and clsrcmaiosfolowed. Theima serve esnilyahiw contrlsi hsests.As few s four anis r gve trialand of obsrvingsmilk yil xtds fromsimprovd pratce n ssfeds. 4. Atftheprsents stieigproblem~ sartbeo minorssim- He, hrogh seo alysi s offeds and splements obsrvaion sol be mde sto thepssiilit ofss vros nutritia fcs affects- insg breedings performanc. It may be thattsom subsequnt im may be followd as a manssf istigatin ftcse of porbreeding perfrmace f ias in thsedais. .Scts willnec ssitt le- in h angmn fa consdrabl uber f aims, peas as minium f tn fr ech rodureftsld bestpond uil some of thmrepssig prblsffeed and feeing havebee settled. 5. Sinc th utlizatono vais fedigrdiss oneof he press rblemssinstaRica, it maybe well,asl lto becos a stsatrfuciiunt to inrduc balnc studis. .Baseof theheay epse ad lbo invovedinestadd ds-igen balnc triaIs, use of somes sc procedures as the chromsiums oxide mehodsmay bedesirable as assbeatrti. Ones generlcommen ishousld be masde regardinsg ElAlto. fThe great ned foriformion rgadinsg forageopsitions, thebv- os ned for evaluatingofgr sss t lsordiffeentarss in he outh e needdfrinformaton regding legums ad the pssitbility ostablishinsg thse plas s amns o imsproing feed spplis, tned frcstdis o pd uctionnd th prb- lesf b redig ad managemetymay tpt the woks sto undeke too boad a pogram ih ittle chncefstissfatoy rsuslts ins ansy of it. Whsile the facilitis sould be usd to the maxi- mmpossible extents, ftit is bette to folow through suchwor assk oustined, and obtalin satisfatr rsults, thans ft isto et bogged downs int great numssber of exsperimentss hat wold spread the facilities assd enersgies of Ise wokers so tsis tiat they offer little opportunityof productiesls. cas it lkig coprsos necssiat clsesss sectoofsokfor equivaletbreedin lis milk producio, sge o producstioet. Rather emphasis soldtbesplacedtuponth seslso ftule rvesl clsercomsparisonsflowd.Th animls s erv esfssentialy s theirown contsin these tessts. s fws fouailss fopagie atelssan- potnc t El ftlto, an ith goo maaemn thyma ai o Howeve, touse o alssof fessasdsupplements,sobsrais ing breedinfg performance. It mafeth ats somessquettm prforanceofaiasise dairies. Snctis wil necessitt le- ingfthemanagementis ofa sieralesnmberofsials,perhps a of is mr spresssngprobsless of feedan feing av bee sfsestste. 5. Snethe tliatin o vaios sfeedsinrdietssoeo h balances til, se f some s procdur assstheschrsfmiumsoxide mefthodtsmaytsbe dssiales apssibl lternaftiv. Onesgenerl comt shousld is mde regarding Elft. The greatneeforsinformation regarding oge cmpsiions, theobv- os ned forevluaionfgrass sfo tls ordifetars ithe conty, the edfriformtion egardtigeguessandstshe pssibility of establishing these plass a5 menso ipovn fssed supples, te need forsstusdison productinand theprob- lem oftbreeding sand mansasgemenst, masy tempt ise ssorkesto undertasfklto rod aprgram wsitlile chance osf stisfactory rsuslts in ansy of it. Whsile fthe facilliis shousld ftp sed to thimxi mmpossibletentsss, is t isss te t folothroussgh suchwor sssk oustined, sand obtin sa tisfactory rsuts, fthan it is to get bogesd downs in s great numberfts of ssspsftiments that woulsd spread the facilities sand energies of lbs ssorksrs sti tiat fthsy offer little opportunsityof productive resuts. csedietsss milking compaisos necssilttslsslecion ofstock for equvaen bree1in l55f ines55, milk producio, stage of prodtinet. they sholdt be attempsteinsuchsasmll peraton s sElt. Rther,emphsis shouldt bepap o ft e usse olftadouleresl finstilin whfich smallrnues of animals may beusedsand contrlssinis ss.s few sss fourssanimalsosagiven ateril afd four asimals fantrosldspsds ma sb sedih ssdpbl reesaslss.an ft. At thespsent tiesrsdingproblss apear stsesf minorfim- portnce atl At, anft good mangement theymaysremaisso. Howeverthrough uses ofalysisoffesan sup lements, ostinsss nuriioa prcie smartthsy is Ithe as ofsthe setaCentra may be followeds aas of555 istigatn the casesf poor bredinsg performanc of animals is ttsirs Sincesthisswillsnecssittelter- ingsfthe manaement o a osderaftle numberof animas, psrhaps a 5. Since the utlizion of varsious ft ingredietssis ne ofth presingprolem in ost Ria, t my is wesll, as ElAtbeosa metholsdsmay hedsirabl sspssibtlelternatve. Onesgeneral commenst shuldibe mdesrearig Ess~lft. Ths greatsneed forinsformatsion regarding foragecompsiions,fthe oi- os ned forealuatsionof gasssfrom a lsfour ifferent arss in thescouny, the nd foinformatsion egrdiglegues ansd he possiility of stablisingf tse plasss a men of imrovin fesd supplies, the need frs studisonprductsionasd hepro- les f bredinsg admangementss,smaystemp the workessto unsdrtak tooboadsaprogram witltle hancef saisfactoy rssultssin anyofi.While thfailiisshoulsd bsd to the mai- mmpossible exten, it is better to follows throughl suchwor ass olisssd, and obtsin ssatiisfacor rsults, thislfts is tosIe bogged down sinsasgreatsnumbersoflepeimnssthatlswould spread the facilifties and ssnssgiss of ise ssosksss so Ihis thss stssy offsrsitle opportunsity of producstve rsuslts.  exss The lietok for good producion is arady aalble in Cost Rica a ft breedig of t anml that are ailblei excllen.he lon growig saso of th Alni sid A ffer a ft ara oft Norb, and coseuety ther is relpoms Witb lhe saisfactoy coto of paaite and th produto of adequate fed, ther is no resnwy Cosa Rica cano produce milk and bee in quatitie ad qualiy eqalbta of anywher The principl prolems apeat be fthoso Iproduing fee Af adqaequality and producin quanite adeqate to supply Ah needs of the nubers ofivetok that a being maintained. The possibiity of ceain deicieies cano he overloked andma wll Ae intenifid as livestok producion is improve. This fac- lbr hoeeranbel foetalddhyproper anlyilflfedsas bhy becom aalabie and by aclos obsation Af the procdure- valable functio in this regard. By bntiipatn Ifmany Af BAes changes and many of thI incrased needs, reomeaionsa bloked ouyt prib A th evlpment of dBifAlte. Bne othe reomnation is that theperone keepeveything onasnarly aqaiaivebaisaspssbletopermit lsecr relation Ait the producBion in othe araad thI Brasfe of ifrainfrom expeimeal to pracIcal procdures wia inium Af disappoliten. Tbe progl-am o lAlto shoul un doubedly blupnalprojectbdlasi lbnehiype fp rocedur serve tbe dal purposeo desgning objeives and asgnig responsbiIles The price- If seting tilimitB has much in i farandhold be followed inayspecificprogra Alor resarch ad atslvingproblemsbasictoheail lidustyprgram. Unl any of BAAs problsar olve Aa y progressieiprov- Pmen A prora oretninsriewll inevBtbly fin BtslfB m barrase by alack of informao. e ibts ThBieBtok Ior BAAd produtBo is arady aaiblei Costa Bica and the AbreiBg of the als that aeailablei excellen. Thel lonB growin salon Af the Atlantic Alde ofBrsan opprtniyIorprodctonofecnoilfesunqae A B inany ofb the ara bIf th ot, ad cosquenty teei rea promis for alm-A prodctino an eoi all atisfyingbasi. WiththeIaifatoyABtroAofparaisaAB heprouion of aeBaBe feed, tbere is norasnwy Cosa Bia caAno produce mil1k abfinquBaniesandqaiy qlotafywhere eleihis hembispbere. Theprincpapoblmppear obetoseofprduingIfedo aequate Buaity and producig quatite aequate Bo supply the Aeed of the numbers of lvsok that a being maiae. The poblity of can eicince cbA a not be overloked ad may well beintnida i vestocAA kyproducii iprovd.Tbisla- tor, hoevr ca be forsalled by proper aalysisI offeasthey bAAom aalble aAd by aclos obsevto ofB tIhI proceure folBowedin theIanaBemnt fteIattl. ElAbto shold serveA valable fuion ithBs rearA. By anticpaing may Af these changesA and ma of I icrae needs reomeaionsan belwokedoutpriohothedelpmentof iicuble. One oterreomeaionBib ht h eroeep k eyrythig onasnry quabtiaibasiposbletoperit lose col- rlation itBh the produtio in othe area a BtasfrAo information yro exeietlt rcical proedre w~ia minimuobdspy ointmentC Ally prgramforEl Altobholdu- doubtedly Aeuo proec l llbais sinc this ype lfprocedure serveslhe dal purpose Af deiing objectie and assinBn reponsiblities.TheprBaieIfetingtimebliishamchiits fao a should be fllowe in ay specific progra fo resarcb aimed Bt slving problems baic to the aial industry progBam UlBmanyofthseprobemareslvedayprgsiv iprov- ment A prora or B exeso Aevc il inevitbly fiAd itslfB m barasdby lakofinforatBo. exBBt. Tbe lvetok for BAAd yrouion is balray ailal Bn Coa Bica alA the breeingB Af theiml that are avalableis excelIen. The lonB BroingB sasonl Af Ahl ABlaBticsd Affer Ba of te araso the North, aAd cosquenty there Bi r aloms for animal prouion on a ecoomi and satisyngbasi. With lbe saBisactoy contro Af parsi a d the proucionof aequate feed, lber is n lo resowy Cosa Bia cno produce milk adbeefin quantiiesandqualiyequaltohat ofaywhere Aleinti hebmispher. Thebrcpl probsappelaobe hoseofproducigfed o aequate quality and producing quities aeBate to suyply thI need If tbhe number Af livstok thar beig maintained. The possibiliy Af cerain dliiencie cannot beveloked aAd may wlAbe inesfd A as Bletok produtBo bs improve. Bhis fac- torb, hoevr c IaefraledbIyprpeayalysi f eeas thy become availble aAd by aclos obsevion Af t procdure follwdAnthA ablgemetflhecttl. ElIAlslb serea vlable funBio An bbi rearA. By aticplag many ofbhes lbage afI d any of the inrased needs, recommeationsB ca blwokedou prior tbth devIlopmetIfAifAi esbB. Bne othe reomatAion istah perone kee~peveything oasary quBaavbi aspsible tperit aclseco- reation wibh the proucio il ohe ara anA the BraAsfe Af inomto rmeperienal Bo praial proeue wit ab minimu of da ointmen. The progral fr El At shudu- doubBedly be upona projeB badis sinc tbis type Af procedur IAve Ahe dua l Aups of BeigingB objectives Iad aBsigi responsibilis The practice of settingB A tim limit ha muh BnAt f IavoaAsouldbolowinA ayspecicprogra for reeac Aaie at slv~ing problemsbait the ania A industryprogram. Unti any ofbheseproblemsI Iareslvday progresiveimprov- metprogram or exesoA srwll-B ~ inevIitby finA BtslfB m barasdby alakofinforaio.  Animnal Feeds and Feeding V ist to farm dairies t rvaenostblished pro- gra Af feeding cocetrae. Soffarmr fe d mixed leeds pucased from t Dos Pino Day Coperatieo ermnalfrantiont. Others fed only cotosedmelo cotnse malwith moasses Very few fed cocetae in pro- porion toilkprdution Neal ll fedchppedforge,ftsally cutby land and haled infbuk to t ai oxatbfore chop- Absecf cor from ft leed ratn was due An pa fto supportpricA throgh the Cono which vaue cor atnaa hupan consumtionbt. no tA A lietc bee.Cr anbegrow caly. Ththhotaftfnrgytypelsncsatesconinud stdy crndsghumprodin awel aaserhsu- Rica. ft lasemAre protin ad fat but lescarboydrate tha corn. CffeeA pulp and caopulp aresm lartctu pulp An alysis and feedig value. Twol posile substitutae the pod of the caca ath pulp thtaedervedlfomelh oftepwdste odct. fThey als need to fid wa~ys tprvan standardize the quality olftei products No imtpant imprvmn inl caa producto mefthds haeemdelfor bt 4year,eanwold comptitinfakes ncsary the produto of al high-qualty caab fr expor. Animal Feeds and Feeding Aists to Ifta dres raled n established pr- gramsl of feeding concentrte. Som~e famr fed ix-ed leeds purhaed ftom ft Dos Pinos ftiry Cop eraieo from he Cons~ejo t ialeIA Produceion n uonmusgv ermnalraztAionII. Othfers led only cottsed ealo porionAoAilkprducto.Neardyelllfedechoppedforage, usualy for a bAAhor eaeh dey. T usal bedding t erital was sadus Absence of cor from the leed raion was due in peatt s pporpic ltrough the Coejo, wiceh value cor aft ar $3 pee ceet. equiaent.' At this pric honca e used as hood ftoe cally. Ththet shortage f enegytypefeeds ncsate f oinud stdy crnd sorhuprductioasellasaerc forIsub- sttute.A limitdqattylofppalmkfenelmelsavilhablACoa Ric.fte fhas moe protin and flat u lessfarbhyat thlb on CoTftdft pupad cacapl r simiatiftru pulp An alysis and feedingtvalu. fTwo possible substitutes brte pod of the caad the pulp that can he erived ft use of their waste produtt. Thely lso needftfindwalyoiprodandsandize hqaliteo their produt. No importat imprvmn in caca production ethodse heft beemde foraot 40 yeas and world competition makes neesr the produto o f aighquality cacoean for export Animal Feeds and Feeding V isit to far dairiteeeednesali shlbed pro grasoIfingI oncntfte. Some fares e mixed feeds puased frte ADos P-no ftairy Coopeative or frt hef Cosj Natial Ae Procion, an utnoou gv potio toAilk produtio. Nearl all feA chpped foeesull cul by htlaad auledI in bultktthe bearni xat e~forecAop- pingft fThe cos eeune utt peatue, most~ly foIeecie fo l ew hours each day. The usal beddin meialA wa sawdut Absence ofcr from the feAd ratin was due AinA pIa fto suptA prie hrougtheConsejolwhAi Aacoatnaa i3 percw. equaen.' At thisiep rnca be usedfoodfo at proit ith improveA methodst the governmen suppot callyThus thhrage fenergy-typ eesAecsiaIItescotiue Cffee flp acao pulp ae simil fto AAtru pulp inanayi Two possible subtiftutes a the poA fthe Iaca and ft puflp frthe AoffeeA Botfths industheft need p te ecoomp lift thaAta beei fomus fthei as~te prduts Thefy lsof proAuft. No imporant imprvmn inacao proAufto methoAs hbeen mael fo abouft 4 yftears a world compitionf makes ncary thA prodtAioft Ia high-quality cacao be foepot  MOITUR PRTI AS IBER A T NFE CaaoPp 4.3fh~ ~ 8.2 - 29.7F 1.8 49. TumabaD Alba195 1 .32 675 113376 .8 9.3 Caa up-dy 1.0 81 .8 3.2 32 35 Hans15 dr ai .7 867 3.3 37 84 Caa up dybss 71 .5 3.0 21 83 p1ttah-BIyi k&d hb9AA5 aclyo Pul (fresh 8184 Ad Femrig15 dr dpass p.66 8.1 2.96 3.6 5.0 Citru Pu p lai l - 7.3g 680f 5.22g 5.2d 65.3 Coffe Pulp dry 8.94 8.7 A 56 3.10 63.6d 5 Chusy anSalvIado dd- Cor MaAA~A AyAd 116d.31. .5 d- 7. PamKre ae 78 43 31 1. 11hAA 50.A 5 Avrg f ore MOSTR PROTEINg d~ AS FIE A T p.F. CAcdoPp 4.3 b 8.2b -h 29.7 18AA 49.d Turria baD Al a5 d23 6.75 - 33.76, A 39.31 Caa up dy 1.0 811 78 3.2 32 35 Haies-195 dr bass f.2 86 b39.3p .7p 3.4 Caa up dybss 71 .5 3.0 21 83 Choussylpu Sablvador l Al I-A Cor Mal 11. 9.3 1.5 2.5 48 70. Plmb Kene Ca 7.85 14. 3.1 A 1y3.0A IL d 50.d- The psn arvest~ing ceur i tol gaherb th acaopod ANIA blEDSdANDgFEEDINGld3 TABL LpRAi AANAYE FSAI IAN PRDUCS WTH SMEdTHE b EDSb O Cdd MPApRdISONIIAlbA b~~~~gI ~ Pe cent d I l l h d MOISTpR PROTEI ASH FlIRERb FA p.E. Caa Pulp dr bsis 7.13 A .9 36.4 2.19id 48.33 Dhimn-pil-195p8 gl~lblil~ll~lll A Dehelly -95 dry basis 8.66 I .1 2l.9y 3.26I 53.0I1d C itrus Pul (F a b -hl 7.03~ 6.A50 N15.b 5.92 65.33  aPtv phasesinclde ppdippee reisaionsP and records, pilk prodcio rcod, and artificial pnsepipnatio. Thepe excelleppt reodsindicate (1) thteeite~dcpacpity for milk produc tin f thedairy cow ofCotaRica iexllenft,(2) that th breeding programp shouldp imppov or p atlas aiin this level of prducto capaciy, (3) tha mostp popf p th cwsacully produc ipoe edfficieny of podcton oud b tad tphuh or culling f1lo-prducing cow, and(5) thb grig codtin for herd replacpmetsmy no alo the anma to developitsproduc- tincpaiyt itsfull inhritancpp. The~ prolemp of milk productiothu become onep op prpepr pffraeI myb p a pl~litin factor in te feingvlue. An ftp- portant itemP in coo ia feeding is te storing of forag grown ftp part pp Roan Orlic antp d MarioGnas for thei forage pro ductionprgramsP Theylhvepupt intopeionmay ideasad suggestions fropp variopps STICA pesnl relative toppp grsp vre Ptie,cogrowinpg methds, ilage mkig, terracing andpstrp croppfarming,pasturemintean,nd frtlizaion and irrigatio ofhilly land. Beef cattle in Costa Ric are produced almost exclusively on pastre.Very ittlesuppementatin ih onentat pfeedspra- t.Fr hisreaon heipan f pstre angmntca- ntbe oephaspizeipd. W'. G. Blie, pastur agronomist under the Uiverspty of Florida/STICA Contract, and list Cpstp Ripa coun- tepptparpwoking othis problem. Moto h efctl r rw pinGancate Provpince. Catle maketed fropp lhip arewiging 500 kilogam eachp areusully atles 31/ per oldPp1. Records at th El Capulin ExperimtPP StaP 140iA FERTlP~~SPSPP~i~ ILE LANDSPFFRINDSpPP a~tv pbases include ppdigpee reitain and ppecopds, mi1k podpinped, and artfcil pinsemiato. These expellent redindicate (1)Ptatth heitedapaityfor ilkprduc- tionPof the dairyPcowsofCosta icapisexellen, (2) thatpthe breeding pppgppam should imrv or at least ~ mantihi lepel of productioncapaity, (3) htms olppppf thepcoppppppalyproduce pfap les ilkp than coud bepectpdpfppppthipdigree, (4)-tha impprvdeffiiencypof productioncould bepattindthrogh or cullIng oflow-producigcows,Pand(5)ta PPgrowinPg conditionPPfo tjpppppppaiyp toppsfuplljpiheritance The problem of milk production) ftppppp beoe4oeo proper nutriton orfedig,ppppinvolingboh ajrp ndtrc mineralsPP1, and protein, energy,Pand blancePwith3roghapg. The misturecontent of forages mapy bea imtng factor in the feeding pplue. Anp ipp duin the rainy seaso for feeding in the drypseapon. These ques- ftonsprep uderf tupdy,ad thprgresspmadepinthpp asture production progppam at El Alto ip very ppommppndpble. Creditjisdue ftp part pp Rpopppp Or4Ilian Mprip Gnppph fpr their poag ppo dtiont progPram.' Slie3 have put int operation many ideasP a suggestionsPfPomPvariousSTICA personnlPreaivePP to grassPvPrie- pppconroinp methodsi, silage mapking, terraing an s~tp crppparming, pasturemintenanc, ad fetilization ad pirriao of billy land. Beef cattlP in CPstP Rftaar produced Palmost exPlivePly PP pastureP. Veryp little pupplemepptption with ponppptrptp feeds ip pra- ticed. Fortlis reasonPthePimportance ofpasture maPagementPcaP not be overemphizedt. W'. Gt. Blue, pasture agronomist underthe Unpjppppity of Flpftdp/STICA Cpptppct, ppfd hip Costa Ricappopn- terparts pppppppkipg onltiip problem. Most of fthe bee~pf tle are p (row ip Guanacast Province. Cattle marktedpf fppop thip pppp ppeipling 500 kilopam eac ar usually pt lpppt 31/ ypppp pld. Reod pt thp l Cpplinp rient Pta- ativp plpppp include pedipree PegistratonsP ppft records, milk productippppppprdp, apd pariifcil ipppppipation. Thes ppp len records indite~ (1) thattheineitePd cpaity for ilk prdu- tion of lie dairy cowsp of Costa Ricpa is excellent (2) thatpthe breeding pPogPPm sliould imrv PP at least maiPtain tis lPPel ofpropctioppappty, (3) th1-ppto pppp cow pacppuallpfy produce fapr4 lesl pppan ftpl beepppped fpppp ptpei peirees, (4) that cupingftglow-pppdpcipgpppps,ppd (5) thatpppwpjpppppditippp fpp Thppppoblem ofpmilkpduciop thuppbeppppspppppop proper nuptrtpnpolfeding,invlving bpothpmpjppppdtrppppmpppppls,ppnd of forages pppy ftp p lipmitifact in~ *pthp fppding pplpp. ftp (pp- portant itemp pp economical feeding fip the trin of forage grown tin ar Pude Psuy, ppd the~ pppgpppp mppdp ip ftpe pPstuPe productson progprpp pp E1Alto ps pppy commenpdpal. Crppdit (s due tiespcor-grig methods silage maklPii, terracig adpsip ofhilly land. not)bePoveremphPPized.W. G. BluPPpstuPPPaprPPPPistPPnPPrltP Upftppsity of Foppdp/STICA Contract, and is Costa Rican cou- tepaprts arePworkng ontsprolem. Mosppf thepbepf ttleppppp arpp ppow pppuncat ProvpnceppCtle marketedp fpppm this area ppighinp 500 kilpppppps ppph are usualy ap leppp 3Ppyer old Recr4 appt pth)- El Cappplpn Eprimtpp SPa-  tion indicate t0at cattle can 1 attai thswight by 30 11ont01 of Assuing t133 grass 013 betee 75 and 80 per 113t moistur adO thaa00poun1d steer Ioud reur 05 pounds of0 dry hay dil1y for maintenanc, 301 amout3ofgree gasned tk ep months t 30 month (2 yeas a1 ste ightl conum 201ons ogras If given11smalamuntof etra eed urig he dy 01soh couldl grow to 1,000 poun1ds 1330 thiag. If kept to1 5 som exra orgain, adarrieat ,000poun1ds in 001 month. 1,000 pounds instead of oily one1. Whenever, d113113 this five-year peiod, there1s00es30han101to160 pounds of grassavailable dily, tion indicate that cattle can attain this weight by 30 months of age. The amount of grass required to keep one steer to 4 years of age would feed two steers to 30 months. In addition, since the meat from the younger steer would be more tender it would be worth more per pound. Hence, it is not good economy to hold the steers to an advanced age before selling. Assuming that grass is between 75 and 80 per cent moisture and that a 700-pound steer would require 15 pounds of dry hay daily for maintenance, the amount of green grass needed to keep a steer for a year would be between 10 and 11 tons. From six months to 30 months (2 years) a steer might consume 20 tons of grass. If given a small amount of extra feed during the dry season he could grow to 1,000 pounds at this age. If kept to 5 years, he would consume 50 tons of grass for maintenance, plus some extra for gains, and arrive at 1,000 pounds in 60 months. This same 50 tons of grass could be used to grow two steers to 1,000 pounds instead of only one. Whenever, during this five-year period, there is less than 50 to 60 pounds of grass available daily, the steer will lose weight which must be regained when more grass becomes available. To grow the cattle to market weight in 30 tion indicate 1011 catt11 can 1tt111 1011 1111301 by 30 months1o age.1 The amun oif11i 1ra1 0101111d tokepI nesteI t4yerso age wou ld g,, fetwstrs30111115 ,,lIpadio,1 since11the deally o the you111g111 101e would11 be m1111 te1111 Ilitwild be11 011t more1 per1 111111 1111301 1111 1111 01t lgodi 1111111 1111 31d1th  months1, it maoy beneesay to give tho cave 1 sal0 monto oupplonay feedt following weaing andftho 110er may9 need reservedfoae ig otseondy p riod. psible slion to this problem wold be o mov the ster fro the dry 0Guana- Recods at El Capulin show thatcalves boroo athe beginning of the rainy seasn0ar 90 kilogram hevie at10 one yea than0 0 calves bo11ealy inth dr by season. Reords in Florida indite Henc00 the 10gic11 program1 for otow 100 alf wou11 1b abreed- log season limited to 101 last 0110 of 001 rainy season. Wifth such draslt com1petition for the few bladeso of grass available during retineod. 00111 are steers past0 36 1001001 of ag1 andt 011111 or open co10s. With a calf crop1 of 50 per0 cent there mustl be 01a1y cowosthatobsolbsolftor beef aoarsutolfoprgnany chek 30 to 40 dys afte theloeo f the breeding son It ould tke several yearsto get suchb a plnin operon on a0 ranch1. 1supp100110010 food following 00010109 and 10e steers 0119 need reseedo o raft dur9fooinog 001 secood doy perioft. ft 91001i011 solution to thisobe w1110ould be to 0mov1 the 111101 from0 1101 dry 000111- 11100 9111001111 0fotoo otlni ow0001d0 where aduteol 1110011011 Reords at El Caplin bhoo 10a0 calves born at the beginning of tho rainy season ar00 0110o00010 heaoioo at one year 1011 calves borno early 10 tho dry season. Reordsft 11 Florida ioditeoo Hence thelogicl pogra o r both cow and calf woul0d be a bree- iog 011101 limite1d 00 101 lataf1 of tho oaioy soeaoon. With0 osooh drastic com0petition for 001 few bladoo of gooos available dooiog open c010s. Wit0 a calf crop of 50 per0cent there 0100t bo 01009 owsothatshouldbe sbloooooold o ef osarsloapgancyoheck 30 to 40 days a01te00 th lose of the boreeding s10100. It ould ta110 several years toget suh a lan oinoperatiloo a ranc. ooppll0100110y~~~~~ foods nearlyio 0000lotho010 09 ostd fofhipooho011011bblo10oolholooo fo010tyhe onl 0111 p11110 h tloi loofo100 bqo o as 111001 ftooohio oprolmo wol heo move heo otefom tofhe dooGua Recoohftoord dlaobEoCa oolinosow htcle orn atotheoo ginoon 30fo th0 raiyo season hoe 90o ofhoilogrm oooooor Ot onef yer ha thto o ws dooogfohofopooooontcmonesrswe on ersavono rtins  Cattl require q11ality, quanit and 611anc111 digsil nutr66 deicpienies, minera toxiitie, or abora baac 1111 i eal in fee raion, the benefitsof balanced nient intakar tial of1is inherited c pact. Defcince or oi c e from trac Plmns as 10ill healh11or bisease,1nd1we1now thtinhelh cateaenodfiinti hi abiit to~ use1 611101 nurients inthed 6ed1aton Te61 wi capablei,ihin reasnablelbimit,0oad capaci1t11 iimie 161 n P e1ainp if met a1re111 61111111116, inade which constitute a ovroeo txill.Tid subject is lior- ol iscse in MorionsFedsaneein. madi 15 whe Roan Orlich a Gerg K. Davi0 p tpil k 40 forage 111 sapls prpae the in th0 011 t abrtryn AN111611 D AN FEEdD111,IGPP1 0111111111161111 M111 611 1 INEAL FOR CATTE1 11111111111p111 1111111111111111111101 ality, 1111161111611 11116111116of 1d1111101111165i enid to111 peror normaly.i 1116011, f1 1111110 a1111 mineral- 11111111111111112111101111 r bnoma baanc o m11111111111111P111111.ieral 11616111111011111r111111111111111111111111110161111.0111iisbjrim trace 1161116on P he bow Ply 1111011, ith6iiiii 611sona d lii ofad justi~inghitaeoinera pp mets iid prodcin 1110511 A f 0aac i s 0111111116 when cerd i 01111 nt hi e no pi eseiiii ap, e- 0uhl dicse 0n Morso' Feed and 1111111 dingi.' 1 Anlye recrd of Costa Ria1 orgsfo1ierl1revr 01iedorbs Oiitiudoftisujcsvrlhnedoag samle should i e caeul prpae 10111 0 nlzd A star was 1made in 195 when Roman dic an ereK ai'to 6att6111511611 qulity, quantity pand blanc of11 digeileti-P 011 suffii till, h aia 16 t6o101 pro1dce1te1mimu potn- tia o its inh1011rid 1110111106 01161101111111 or toiite f0111 011111 elements cas i elt or disease, and we 611111 that 111111aly cattle1111 1161111 not efiintihir abltp to1 1011 1111 116110nt inthi 0ee riati1idion h oiscale, w1111111 1011110bl 1111111111.a0- just1n her1111 intak of minera111 eleme11111, and producing1 01 m 5 of1001 the1essential ithrugbatPial act1ion1 ner1 umn. hi ca1pctyisiiteldhenOcIrtai lent are1d opresen 601101111 1111111111 111use din Morision' 111d ad Feeding.',ii1111151 mad in 191 5 whe Roan Oich and1 Gerg K. Dais took1 sent 111 the t the Unvriyo rd, ansvle for ailysis. Th result follo5w. Ii O 2.Al 4101 samles wer very1 lip in maneiuepesntn  Vlcic ighlads 154 " " .8 "f htaic Lowand N11.1h A A.21 Guaacst 70. f 3.52 6.Shirty iiiheiibsimilds hir pipvd vaieis ofigas wufith avrg p ia i as ~ Asfolplowhsds:iilfig Gssaibt No fbSamples A Cu. iAvii. A iga t 8dii 13. 2b.i9d9i h bi iiip ~i Siia simps 1hbld b, prepdidi from foiralies colectdiat ifegional iinevl ufomth Aksamghlotanu frompdiyrn fdhage vaietiesin eac b oldf thi resndidise arfa oifu thi cout. valdiubedition tioi this eor wl be uive iopsiy analysis sf1o cattlef graing somu the palsures suhowni if be agnormal i biiin they hinea uaane incibng fuss animas iondhoniriiid fuigrouioig.er supll Alhug saultifcy in ultryi aid ihoii fipprlsituAh ihu isnoiniaefrctl Sinc ufifsom forae smlesi inictehihenugh Wli lys i of magnsuto f produce breifg oifii maneiu in ibisals inyspftss thatdism sal shppul bifi 5. pifag reslt fromi aius scioinsi f e country: Atlanti 7olns 1. 1.1 352 6.i Tist iif ife 40samps rei vaieies of grasbit averSf. ppm.ibb ollowsI b isdssd ili ippu Gss gaieitg No. ifamiplu ibis Cu. bi . ib o.u imia saimples shuld hi preparid iso foraiulsii coiectedbud viies if eachs ofii tbe feprsentative hireas f ecungry. A isalul fiti tuo his recordiould bife live ios anailide ithis miea balince Tiniluding iffii fnil hi iuntishue Cosppiia iasl houdld ot i fluexracliu if hfr ofiu gropndsrsh. Whougihii ibtis udiqof i usfi ifdho inpils i isnot idicaufdfratle Suincei sm fpgpii d 5. Aveairsulfro vfrios. seci1n ofSIp Mhe pbuntr VocicHghlands 19. " 388" Ri ii iiin Valey ff4 " 2.5 3" Atlantic Loilin i Ai. s di121 i Guaip st 20.1 1 3.7 323 6.sThiryo i hep4i i aml s hi r fiv e vaieies fugiis ithiividaif ppm ias ffollows:diliif uig ifuy fl p 18.ifus5 hi.hsi2u is Giiui iiu h 2s u 2iifd .u 4.9ii 5iis iusfi ifilard sapii should Afheg iueardfifroifoae colete pfat sesoa itrvl fro theii same iifdi andi from diffrn gioipage sariliei high ieah ife reprgintatii Ires pfitesiuntriidis vauables 'ddition ito thi iricosrd isul fbe lier bis anaise is the baiiisu hfavilabl udataua fsidr m iinlmixtr iioi ofgruind ostier sel Altugh satisftr finpoutf ifdho iieas i s lu (htin icae ifor i upple. i om hiag isims indite fienuhiees ousiffhmnaesuoproid'ucerdingf pflesii suld noib iniudid in use iture. if e lowd level alliiia oifphdta ia. Whis louwi ibsl ordifiie sfmasiumi sifimi Soil us5e ibuis ifiplimite toii the perio iiedite'  ciency-nt h idiationsofseereppper dficiencywich produc rahii calves, Pxrm being o f the hir, and abnor- mapatknow a"paces" but the milder eflfectofswole anle n ale 6to1 pp opthsp opld, diarrh,rugh ir coa, an osin wigh p cialiply Adrin Phe fis month of phe rainy sesn lwgot fcle ve huhwl e ihfrg ipndiat benefit from Peeing cpppr ad cobalt. Many opeators of raches and farmsp pn Costa Ria aentr Poetan teprary. Hops need~ enery feeds as el a protin. The icussion Af havepp sore f speial Peeds uc as slpuhterhouse byproAuct. Afewtospfpiefedsppp ailbleannually, and inteAtlantic met he needs Afpips. Whncr a sorghu grains beom suffiAienly abundant, ther wilP be nee forpigs. Pig Pee An a dry basis mus costless than on-fourh Phe pric of the market hog, sippc At takes fpur poud of Phighlynutriive dy Aed toprouen pound of P i inapip. midst of a hange fro seling fPehly kiPle a t to sellig chilled meatP. Mappy of the str peraorsas el asP thA buying Aiency-not thp indications of peer copper deficieny which produce raciic clves, extem blacingo the hi, and abnor- ankles inpcalveps 6 ~ ip to1 imots l iha roug hiipcoa, an ls i wight epiialy during thA ips month Af the rainy tainly thiss prbe whc p cannot Ad e sop e in one P yea, but enough progres should be made through demonstran-ype indicate Aenefit frppp feein~g copper ia coalt. Many operator pf ppnphpp a Pam pp Posa Ria pr iner porkpadiwith hegroigppltionhis dempand holdbe poretpp tepoparpy. Hogs need energy feeds as el a propeips. Thep dippppsiono producpr pre successfully feedingcoke garbage, iadsm A fppp tppp pf Appe fppeppp ppe avilableanully, adippthplanpi lowliad cull bappappp, yppp, ia pppppal other root crops seem tP Wbhenp cor pppsorhpup gpppps bpppopp sufficiently ahundant, there wilbe needfor pips. Pip feedp onady bapispmust costlep than one-Purth h prc ofP pP e Pmarket hog, sinceit take four pounds of highly nutriiv dry feed to produce one pound of gain in a pip. ia hop producers, markets a marketing, epep tp ipclpde pptapl trapps, bpcopp iporptpnp. MPeat delr ip Cppta Riap ape in the mpidst pf p chanpe Prom selling Preshly kiled pppptp pp selling chilled mepat. Many of the stor operators asP Pela hi buyinp ciency-notthe indication of sepppp ppppppr deficiency which produce rachic palpes, ppxppppp blein~g oP the hpip, ~ad abioi- ankles in calves 6 to 18 months old, darrhea , rough hir coat, season.PSlow growthp pof p calve ev btho ihwll fpdwitbfprape or pasture could bePPP Ph resul of PP ths xcssmlybdenump.Cr tinl~y thi ps p problem whipi pano ppp hiviiin one yearip, but enopg pipes shoulA hi pmpdp tPhioupP Aimonstration-type ipdicptp beneit fpppp Peeiinicpppi ia cobal. Many opiiitoii of ranches iad fpprmp in ot Rppcp arp pip tr Pire th PPtepPPPry. Hogs neeA inirgy feeds as well as pioteini. The Aipcussdpp pP producers are succesfull Pp eiig iookA garbage, Padsm Ppppppppppp o sPpiec~~iia fed PuhasPsPPghterouPe y-proAuct. A few tons of ice fedare pppavaiabl anPaly, adippthplnti c meet thePneedsPofpigs. there wiP~i enedo pig. Pig feed on a Arp badis must costPles tan ppp-fpppph the pici pf the ppppkpp Pop, since Pt takes Pour pounds of highly nutlitive Aiy feed Po produce one pound oP gain inia pip. trpapps, become important. Meat ppepppeprs ip ppst Ric arPA h idst pf p change from selling freshly killiA meats PoPselling philleA meat. Panp if phi ptppp operators pp pill pp the buying  ony Ahe lan mea. In thi coditin Ahe Aeein qaliyude has , bendn y Adolf Billy, ICA Meat Cutting Speialst HisB Ao medtin shoul be, i mde availal to, y Athe inuty sc a aytht heloa pope il acptA them asabetradimoie yrofitablewy,~ ofy 1960tngtei.bsnes TANSPORTATION Grwho h atea hog inutre in Cost ARica wil re- qui Ayre ,, beter ranpor atiailes if thyar o ep hado the grwn poa to tren A f this coutry Two impA tan Nases of , loss of , meat aeijrtoanlA s en rout to madket andp excessiv shikg u otetm eurdt oete 146 FERTILE,,, LA, A NDSOFFRINDHI Auli Beis thscag. ay B ae th fat B is remve fromA the caras at Ah woeal lB nt By. thA M eai meA han receive oy,A I the ,A Y lenma.I Ati odtontekeigAult ne Aa bee Aoeb dl il, IA Meat,, CutigSpcals.A i reo mn an shul be B ad avaiabl to the industry in such a, ay~ ha the local Nypl Awill accep them a , aet Bndmr poable ay, ofBAyB conductigBtheir uAinjss TRy,,AB,,, 1dAPORTAIO N d 146 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP public resist this change. In many cases the fat is removed from the carcass at the wholesale plant, and the retail merchant receives only the lean meat. In this condition the keeping quality under refrigeration is greatly hampered; the flavor of this meat is lessened, and the losses through spoilage and trimming are exces- sive. Some excellent work along the lines of improved marketing has been done by Adolf Willy, ICA Meat Cutting Specialist. His recommendations should be made available to the industry in such a way that the local people will accept them as a better and more profitable way of conducting their business. TRANSPORTATION Growth of the cattle and hog industries in Costa Rica will re- quire better transportation facilities if they are to keep ahead of the growing population trend of this country. Two important causes of loss of meat are injury to animals en route to market and excessive shrinkage due to the time required to move them from ranch to abbatoir,° Since the consumer pays for these losses in the increased price of meat, everyone who eats meat should be interested in improving the total situation. The lowlands to the east and north and the Pacific area south of Nicoya Bay need farm-to-market roads. Anyone who does not agree must surely have never visited these areas. There is not much incentive to produce farm products where the marketing is so difficult. A railroad built to meet the needs of 1900 is inade- quate for the prosperous national economy of 1960. A small investment would substantially improve one present means of marketing. Cattlemen from the Quepos area and from the Nicoya peninsula deliver cattle by barge to Puntarenas, where they can be unloaded only at high tide and then have to be driven several miles to the cattle pens at Barranca for loading on the train. A pen for cattle should be built near the railroad, near water deep enough to float a barge at low tide. Other areas around Nicoya peninsula could use such facilities, and a pen located at the mouth of the Barranca river would be advantageous. Also, Puerto Jesus on Nicoya peninsula needs to have its harbor dredged deep enough to carry a loaded barge at low tide.  gugeareot pliful. On Aseditioo Morrisonss Feeds ia Feedn has npiped inSpanish.IJogeAlbasvey good book, Almais oni Ae FGansdo Inl Ass ica Lain is eico Mcsraw-ill BooF Cos pubbihed (1956 Caol and Kriers Ssine ProdScini Spans1. Hodgsons and Ree wrote O SnshE (U.S. (Avt. Punting OOAic, 1943), whcsd no ler vi labe. Sarc sf5 liray Isaciiis at TICA ans a abs shos tha sheir useflessin Spasspeis g coutrs s Ths DepsastsestAf Ascutue Sta of Floidas publise Lws anlT..unhia.osts s ofteshpter s ittenby mem- bsof the saffS ofth nisity o yAFloa. A fewchptesapply Autedefniey toFlorida cnits an old hsa tbe tasatd directy, wi1th slgteiil changes. Ths adpted, ooks an bulleins ion anima husbndyi Ise Spansh lan- gugeae o plenifl. Ass slitss Af orrisn' Feeds and Fesedighseen priptdAi Spaish. Ioged Albasvery go bookF, Alietaisn SF1 Casas is Is Amric asina (Mexio Mc~srail BookCo. publshd (1561 Caroland Kder's SwieProucioiSaiS , sh.lHodgsonpsandsReed Ioe Spish (UI. Lovt. Pr~intn Office, 1943 whc isn longer availabe. Searc of libary faciitis at STICA and at FuaEa shosA that Istal h ansimlhsbdry dasaar in Eng slish hc limits Ahe Deparimento Agricultur, Stof8 Floia, Fa publisd as300pag buleinFF O enildBe alei ~lorid,edite by L. H Lewis ad.J. Cunha. M sSfcptr wer sit e byissm- besIo the stfsAnieriydofFloida A few chpsssply quite defitey to Florid cnios sand wud have to e transa directy, wislidght editoisalcas. Thus adapted, oosks and bulstis ssss a imal h sandy insih Spshlan Feedin Us ee'n pripted in Spanish. Jorge de Albs very good Esok, Aissstai d FGads si la Americ Lain (Mexico:s Mcssss-Hi osk Co. pused Al56 Csrso and Krdsr's ASwiA Production is Spash. Hodson snd Rssd wross a Spanish IF.S Gost. Prsitsn Offise, 1943), which is no Esnger ailabFe. Searhs o ibraryfaclte~s atSTICA ssd sas s'rlb shs that ASSs s al s shaimalh sadry at sss in EnlsF, shc liit thi sefspness iSps-spesasssg cosntiess.5ss~ss AheIpartEsnss's soArclue Os at of Flrida, s pbl.A.e qsssis deisy sFoidga sodtsons sa si Aolsssspe tsAb traslated diety w~I ss itL slih Aditoria is. es hu datd Livestock Department, and Mario Station (Dairy). rg fNew York: Morrison, 1956), d Experiment Station, Gainesville, ation of the Minister of Agriculture. de Ganado para Came (San Jose: eral products which the Conseio buys from farmers in the drying of coffee pulp was made by the r Rica, Lida., on November 21, 1959. Costa Rican Livestock Department, and Mario Ito Experiment Station (Dairy). ols and Feeding (New York: Morrison, 1956), ride Agricultural Experiment Station, Gainesville, 1953 at the invitation of the Minister of Agriculture. ejo y Deswce de Ganado para Carne (San Jose:  Livestock and Poultry Diseases t word's comec and tavel, have ceateeda major a ilplages tat ave for centres devasttd the herds and flokeof he OietCoset Rcama wlle prod ofher ac- coplihmet n onlling indigenouse liestock and poultey dis- eassad in elding exoic disees through application of basic saiypeevedmeues dicvdtghougheerh. The rapid develpents in Cosa TRic' livestock ad poulery indread tei oeiftheovrly keooyaeideable tdevelop preetie mesrsfrprealent parasite and disas poblewhichifleft unonrld,il esultierioeconomic loss Work in fundenteearch in eaml diseases, comepar- abAle her excelen liestock saitary disease preetion prograc, wodbepossblebyestlihent~ of lieserhjnth its assigdtehisdpeaigbdge. inted the Tniversfty ofeloreda has faclities foad wode inepsitit ff,hbrodpepetier-ermtidtC osta sity of Floride-Coste likecntat Thes prgram eould sere fth pesone, labdratoy faciiies, resarch mehods, and field and laboratory experit. The neatrd sequence would he echbaege for pedsdedided pby hegntan hote. The scope, fuion actieites, dute, and respnihiities f the Depmn fVeternay Sieethe CosRicaAgricd- tualEperimeet Satione brald ad inedusive. Thee embrace all regulaoy funtions dealing with the cotAl ofinfecu, c- Livestock atd Poultry Diseases M the word's cmecad traelhae creaeda pejo anma plaue tavf cenuie s destatd e herd andflckseofehe Orie. Cosa ida eayclbeyerod of erc- coplshesineonlling indigesliestock ad poultydi- essadinexcludingexoi dises throgh applictin o basc The rapid devepmet ft Costa TheRcich etokad poulery intie anetheirole i hiee oe-ll eoye mke itdeirbl peohlems which, if Aeft uncntolldw rel ti eioseooi loss Work in fundaental reerc i anmldisae, cma- able to her e iceln liestock sanitary diee epeento iprogram, wold he hosil by establishent ofaeeac Ani witth its essgned etehnicae ad operag budget. IIfsc Aech ft aeimal ane poulry diees ad yaies di inititefd,dthiersifty ofFloridaehasfaciletieo, adwold be stofFlorda-Cta Ria coftrac. This progra would se he persel, lacertoy fcilitiresearc mehds, ed lield eand heboaIoy exeriments. The naturl seune wold he exchange lie pediode decidAd upon by te contcting athorte. IT scye, fuinal acies, dutftes, and responsibilities f thefeptentifeteaySceefte C staRcaAgricl- 1ua Epedcment Staine brad and iedncie. They embrace ali rgulatory function dealieg with tie contrl fifciucn Livestock and Poultry Diseases M oedeetrpoaiofacilte,clsycocig te wrd's comre adtrvl die ceatedea prcrou iu tinn this hemisppere An the transmission f mjrailplagues hat hefo centescdesedeeds andflcks fe rient.Costa Rcamyelle prodo e ac- coplibents inecontllng indigeoshestckac-d polty dis sanitaypreeteeases dsoedtrgheearh. The rapid develpentcin f ta RicThe livesteck and poultey industrie and teir olh i A th ovr-l economy make it desiral fto develop prevenive mesreo prevlentparasit and disee problees whic, if Aeft uncntrlld, wil reltin seiuf eooi loss. Workinfundamentl rese iaimal dieescopar- would be possible y cesahen of ea esac uniA i its asdgned Ttenanse and opereatn budgt. Ifschreearch n anialean poltry dieseaesn fparsie eke einiiaed, the Uneit y f Flordaehas fcilities fo, a woud he instp on to fer, bde persectveeshr-ermtuie to ta Rian cnicanse remedelfrasitcgeeundete Uer- dualpurpelo cquatigCosta Ricnheheie ns thFlode pedsoftnelaboaoy fclites,rechcmethods, andhfeld ad lboratoy expeiment. ATe naua sequecoud he exchange assign el ofFlorde veeinary y rsac pesne Ate Costa Riae lee pededes dedided epee Ay Ae cnteectieg eethoiie. The ecope, feeecteeel eetevfte, deutiee, eed eeponsddliiese ef tec Depeetmeet ef Veerieery Seiene of Ae Coete Ticee Ageicl- turl Epedcem entnaebodad incusie. Theyeeehreee aliieegeietoeyleeecioneedealingcwithheecontroleofieious,ecen  LI1ESTOC ANdPOLTRdDSEAES14 tagou, rasmssbledieaes almnt , abo yml oniio1 of lvesockandpoutryi Th1 deartmntbssus lcenesandcon Auppis ,, 0,mrca 1353, bacterins, vacines, 1nd othier 3a- ter ~ial conid1e to3 b~ , poten i agru from, the standpo1n latok esd blsh e, and1 3 enoremn of saitr reglationd whichk inl3e inspctiy ofcasaaian od byts and tecino teconr'slvetc and,, p1ou~9 l tr pouain agis inro1 cio d of suci dvsaifri gn-an9i al diseaesan plague as: Cs R,~1 Foo-ad-mut disease, Rab, p 9 1,, ies, (canine) trols, under the Ministy of Agricultur, importaionsan Aupplies , m eia 35, r195 , bcter-in, hacines, hnd other 3a- terials k considere d C be poeta ly gru3 fo h sadon ofeoI disease, int,,odulction. Th eeiar eaten a sits, ,9chif, Rcin theo5mu lation, estabishmet,,, an enoremn of si tary rekigulio,3- ta1ous 39asmssbldsese, ailmens, and abnorml coditions of1, lvedoc and Moulty The depam issues, licenses, andcon tpols,, r te inistr,,ofpAgriulture, imporatios an exottoso nmlanmlpout n hi deivt1, anma feeds 1 , d, cetigiulura prioduicts , ar meda Asupplies, meia ser15,umsd9939,, batrisacie, nd f~ 3terma tericidere 1 o bej 9otniallk p'dan9gru from the standpo13 of exotic dseaseintrodctin,i,,d 39C33,,, The9,,1399 Veteinay Dparmen ha1asits9hie fuctin te9frmu laio, 3establishme ,13nt , an enforcemen of santar reglaions,  ship wit the pathologist, dacteilgist, ind ote lbraor Thistdiviieis,iiclidin ofiiacorrepondence,isecretaial itd reguatyimatr, ar ontd it iny from ofie iocated in ft Miiiity of griculteBilding, indiiwntwn Sa Josi. pibe and pre-imiietly quftied t i orai, plan, it eect reercad toipply result ibind toadsioion of live- istock indpoulty dises iproblems. Mreve, theesieistsar edoweid wipling peroitie, highipofional itgity, in F ighly cmdadle and tre tdsy sucsfu sed vcet Ctai Riia'i livestck and ipoiltry iduiesd to th country's itity iiiiiariedsri higpnctiion eenmnid y As fte safguard aginst loise lfo liivestk disease, veteinariy inpecion sttions arbinig establshd dtsraic piitsihroghuteouty.It shouldlbeiemphaizeft he salncesoveeiay sieists iits reltioni to Cost Ria' liiestok itd poultry dises probemsii, is rederingsriecm parabed to t cobined United States federa quaraine,reu anima diiase coto boaids; aid the agictura experet Cintral Aleicani repuics lok to Cost Ria forai, advice, aiidadc, andrecmmdtions n imaldisepei olemst. cai facilii i i i th a famderesac laboratoy aldioffice building together with muhintific eqqiplient itd apparatus coidale Ehough, planing, andiia iuppor ha been di- retd towadcontruiaquipping teesarhi niM uhlof the mdirn eqipmen exists in oithe Ceta ilAmerican repulid. ship with t pathiigist, bactiolgit ad lithe lboatoy tecdniian of theHopital SanJua ide Dioslted id San Jose. comitte woi k costain, ofid cig cofrece, aidoter relatd rglatiry matters, Bii cnutdin fromi li s locte in Th diaf donisto silly tiinde d scen itshooghlylc- pable itd preeinently qulifid to ogaize, plan, andexct reeac, and to apply rests ibtidid tods soio of lve endwddwitlinig proiiesgihpofesiol ingriy, cosraiveconcpt, scinii adpproach, anibily toevlut aimal diease probem affcini g the ecoinoiiy. Tiey aieurede- ing a ighly commedal E d tremedously sucsfueviet CostaiRic' 'livetc adidpoltryindusties indi toth outy's imiprtntiandvaied sricefntionshein metiond. As ai iitersfguaid igainst lisefro liviiitocik diese, veinary inspeion staon are beig estbiihedt strategi pints througiout t country. It shoud be emphized ita thi smluceso veeiayscintitinu its relaiont ot Ria' animal dieas contol boards; and the agicultlualpeiment Thei expeimn siond at El Aito his been proided with piiysi- iiiicted toward ioiiiuing andiequippinig the researchui. Much of lhip ith the paiholugis, bactiiiiiigift, anfthe laboriatoruiy tichniciansii EtheHopitfantiind Diois loc tediianJiii. Thisedftiiiesiiiiiiudinfiii l corresipoidinii, setriaiiid pili iad preeinentl~u y qulifidto iraize plan i, an eect iiiirchuii to iapply resultobtinediwadssolutionoflivt cosraive conceipt, sceific apprchi , and ibidiy toevlut anuidaldiesprblems afetinugltheiionoy. Thiyiiiiiuedi- ing E igiiy ioiimeidibie and ftiemendouiiy successfui sice to Costa fiia'i livestok and pouliiiy indusftries and to ihi cuintry'i imiportaitandui ieid riiifuftdishin meiiiionid. Asi urte safeiiiguard agaiiii losses from isock diiiiiii, veteinayiipicitionsttiiiiarebig iiiibiidiiitistatgi poiiitftiiiugiiit theunty. Itshuld beemphaizd tha ibi iiiidiik iid piidiry diiiift piilimi, is reideiig siiii coi iidiiy and xteioniftseirvic; tsvrlaeli vestockiiapitaii anma dis iiidgiii iiadigi and th iiddii. eximen Centrai Amican iripildiis iiik to Cidt Rdc aid, adiii, assince,idrecommendiinsionianidaldiseaseproblem. Liiiiiiiii AND EQIPMN The experien dtaionu itE loha enpoideulipu dwith dpys- caiiuiaciii iwyu ofiaiideriuresearchlaboratoryuuand ofic buiddinug tigethe wii didh udcinifi eqpuuipn iid ippiiiiii suitalo Ediiii uing resii hin aiuimal diseaes Itidieidentiihai iinidiiiiie thoudh, paidnd, andfinaniallisupprtiasieendi rectd twdcontuctinigidiquippglirsercii. Muchii the mddii eupmenit eisii ii noioherCenitralAicanrulic.  Somep Af bhe ppr imprtantivestock and poultpy disese (MBanBPy seis nd ingB (ManBP spiincldin TbercBuPlos Aiis BB NP B rueloi na~pasposis PPNA PPirplBasmo BNsis P Adntt ofB manyB dNiseas, Npmets and abppma Aco~P PPAnpition eistigPi, Cta ianPlivstoA anp oulryB A rserc ~pp p ro-pp grei e an faiite are~ mad avalbe h aue tooy n cnrolBB Neasure p Af t BhBe PPBB floigspetdieaswllbe determined: APBPPBPPANBBBPAB~BPPPPB Internal ~ ~ N paaie Extrna p sie Hemrrhgi By eptiei A NBP Anom pAos AA T bruoi BruBBBeNB ospis BnpBNmBsi. ABANBBBBBA mNBBB As~periBBAsi Aecsl BdiseaseBBI~BBBBN B BBAB HBBN ula BA oattp AvBBBBBB BB k u BBP i BBp leBBPBx B ac BB research B n ineBB gtin B eve B ouB A aB N o B h eiN xaBBB pBenAB. oBBBB BmnBPBBB dsaeamntsBBanpNbniBBlcndtin BxipBigBBBnBBBNBBRiaPnpiestBknppBBBNBBrBB. BsrsachpriB pBg BiBBBBBsse BBBsBABBB BnPfclPBNBBBBBBaaialetenauee iBBByan contro meBsNrBsBofBtheBfollownNBBBBte isaeswllb deen ed:BBB BBB~ BBAIB N PBB BB P AcBBnbacillosPPis BBBB TrBABichn iasisBBBBB BIVEpOC AN P OLR PP EAE 1511 B P Ipntenlparaite A xera PPiBiPPIB p arsites IBPI (MBanp p ces PP luin PMan ApeBPesN p pp, incluAding HyoB rm Bi rn P n~-~rao APPks BAce fles mosqNupB A i toes) Nnetiu PbPNPPineN matts Ezoi rnh pPBPPBia Bemorr PgicBspei pp ctippp omyNcosis Vibriosis Listeriosis X.disease Infectious broncl PoipnoP plantsP LarynP-pP p pti Bhoi resppipatop pisap Pule diPepsp BBNBNPPory. As AiscusseA abpvp. Artfca pPnPPmBiPationp.-VeperniPPpecPP st of Nhe AimPl Hbpnrp Aeparmn ar Bmaingp NPluaNN ppptibins toph catPPPBPle BBPindutrPoPosa Bic PhruB nP artBNBciaPPnsPPinatio projectB Sucs PB PBe pro~graP siniae byP PAP hABighpercentage ofBpregnanies pbtaippA, by the type ofN Aul in use an Nyth prevention, contro, adppppectipplfiseases PaN P abnPrmlcon Aitions pf php genitaloran of vaual cattle. EperimentPB.-NecesPPtp PB asPPPBAng Nhe present stafBt essenBt BIPPBPPPal BP reuaoy PdansianAAfield PPrvPPPPwPrPconneBtA  adpoultry industry, bas precludd iniiaio of bai esac on diseaes. t udb state tha no Centra mrcnrpbi isegge no condutin eerho nmlado olr diessinieost lthergin Moeoer thr exts noniie Ceta mrcnlvsoksntr or rohrognzto pwhilch assmble for jint eibtin anF prb tctv ctio con pcerd byning ~ forino oe t livetoc diesso mutua ils toM the seea repu Alic . y A gftM tM SUGGESTEDy RESEARCH f ~ , Invetiation on ph floing diase coldb coel ore lae n oriae w~M ith thosp under ay Mat heUivritft Forida MAgrcaFxeietSain M Deparment.f Vtn Science: b AMA t ~ pgMMf Viroi Acinoaisis ~ Letsiosis A RECOi~bfMMMENDAONS 4MA Research.-ShouMldnametal l rhi anma~lldo witb ft protecion a preeraion of ft Cota Rica lvestok and poulty industy, Fa My clde iniatio oft bascrsac cerin foig n or domst l ivstc dieg e A f mutual b nterest toPFdP~Mb~PP~ FthUe~ seeaAepbis SUGGSTE Ag RIESEARCHFMF,~pMFfMM plorid Agricu ta ExFerment CtaPn Deprten of Vedternr ScienbcMeg: ppp~~l M PFFF Interbal psie ExtBy A rFagF parfaFsPtes Infetio y boin masPiFig F ecag l diseasepM~g~iy P fAa p mi Hemorhagi septA cFmF a Vibriog i ActPM noPbacilPosis Leptospiposi F RECO A Pb~ MMENDAT1IOgNS PM Reseah.-ShouldPfundmetlrsc inaP M i~mlP and/or ypoutd isese MA iniiae in CostaF~ Rica A, ftcudbeacm pl4AFshFed P F~ b asinn scetficpersonelandassistatstfull- tim b resFarch work F at E AA PPlto. By ~ Dgdigtenietm FMgy an attentio of th several resarc worer woudpe evte unntrrptdl to p nvbtigan the naue cau AMe, pahoenciy pmthds f p eadMpenioa ndcontrol fFthoeifectious with t proFecFio and preerato Af t Costa Rica lvestock a pty industry, ba precluded intato oF f basiPrserc isegged inorcodutigP~ researc MA anmla /rpoulFry CentraF America lFvestoc PMitr F or p r ft he orPb gaizftio which asseble forM joAn delibeaton aMd F'tctv" atoncn FloridaAgricutura Extpermn StMaton, DeparmentMf VMteriary FMcience:M~F Vftra paasts Exib ra L p araiF e poultry dsase beiitaeMA taRc, itPF'P d pF A ol F b e accm-p plishe by ssigingb cienificperoneld asitans ofll tFme4~MyFFF reerhwoFa l lo y odig tFhe P~ PntretiePne-y AFesoc andM poultry tha affet tFA genea econob. DaMPexM PPPM Aperec Ma AMonta nore o esc rgaFFFmyto d produtA v, df t preereb oninito wd rk iniftiab~td FMhere seaFchPstaffmMfPeesstybePreievdofPboutinebda-tda  A nook in t byti fp ff t f ttg dr tp, of bye El Altfftof Eperbment Sttn t ~ C ftRt deeo aditina infotion nede in byrac tical conro - preveion. f fyt~ti t hftf t A nok y te lah- ftdf ft qtf~ t ~ t f l mptaro f !tp f t1 t h t Exeretg Sdttg on fff, t~h f~h~~titttt Salarie andt Personnel-Physica facltes in th ipa of labo rtranfgfi bdig anfd epmen 1 r necessarilyft A ttf no d in Plyf 1 -fji tf tf tfty oft d E:, btdt~ t qtfft t t t l Scietif t Li ter t.-t, isesti al tat resarc by rer h have, ft aces t curet sciti fic pult ions, astra tst f jornls and Salahigh and Personnefl.Pi cal factiei fth wa o lb o- rtory and ffice builings andequipmt areecesaril  mnwill be pssbl. Thiswl ateilz if saarecmmnurt seealcute. Moe, the ftrsal fly, an he disease wicd itsutds, is grdully Ixeding i gegapia ragean adaptin fief to th higher altdes and cooler region oh by the tal problem, andt he many phase of ivsiain needed ints slut ion, adits over-al economic importanc warII- rnthesalishment o a dtrsal resarc comisin dd toisigion andl exeientnldnt i ts prevenbon d ferretdt,nogdtosdybrod an lrtunhoewhr lbei maimu ctributliont thle Pontyseonoic devlop- ment wil beposibl. PTiwllII maeili ifslre cmesrt wihriing capablities, ad qufction are11 ailable. P~rll -Hlyodrm hoii in Cale.-etuivns pro- ducd by tIrslo toI th atl industy ofth CntralAmeican severa l conres boevete1osl fly, dand did hc it subtends, isgauly exedin ts geographicl rafte and adapting ief toth highe alitdes and coler rein lth nrh and south of its oigina hbitat. Phe diseaei reod to beI etblihd a aot as ly BriladArgtia i and tthI by tle trsal pble, Ind th many phse lb olf investigaftin needed ints solutio, and its ovr-lleomiipranew- prvd abiliy i sinific investigation. fertd uecorgd tuy abroa ln etur home, where wihtriigcpbilte, andqlfitionsareavailhbl. ft sllypodemhois in Catl. -Dcivees pr- duce~d by tlo to the cattl industr of fthe Cenra American' repulic warat seiuscnideration laft jint acion of the it subd, is grdully extending tst geographicl 1ange and adatn itsl~fto the higher aliue and ft le region to theII be established as lffasotha Brl and Arfftgntina, atotlhe nortinj Centra Mexico.Th preset outlk istht t myreach by the torsalo problemf, and tle many phase of ft etgain needd in ts sltionI, and tsovell ecnmcipotnewr ratfthe tblishmenftt f t rsalo researchicommission devtd provedf ability isietihIl fic lltiain  sbLite be exloe toard eslishmet ofteefiliis ak gra Aedi h nie ts A simld p la migh fomt bss for mee i the Ifole i Cetal Aeica A A sokbadfrifid prokecio f the CetalAeida poltr iessudb f iesimgl palul iA pprotAg tfndtIf ftr ecpnomy offk hdsy counyries. Proec l tatmn If out Ilid hav bee fradi ff1 A I fdr reyview lnd oilei use id l l~ byp th ot ia ietc eartment. Thep outline Ifve dieae in I ac oftebatraaaitc n L IVETCNDPOLTYISEASE p155 VeeiayEuain-ince there ihogedof veeiar iasi Cota Ria and no ora if plan If fsurdl aioa a rea ne d the UntdSates Ad silr plan A mih oma biylo mingthd prole i~ Cetrl-Aeia.I~~ i etc Safni-a Illrd-Ealismn fargoa ie Pstock 1II fl-rd fo unifie ld prtcino h e tra Aerian puturffronmy o these-l~ countries. Proec atemenk ouine av en owrddt tiheig-l l A forI phAulne oe isease inA eac f the I batril plaaitc p and coulB pev a kna se forI inttn researc atl thel plt ald asinig personne an oaf f un Itl- prits peioic IAges eotso h work Falw ordlyA cninity Il-f research, fLVSTCAND PULTRYl- DIA Al155AfAI Veea r dcton-ic ther is a shotag p of veteinar ians in Cota Ricaan Ao oraie pla to asur euatil LivesAtocA Sanita Bad-sasmn of Cal rgal lve stock ba- fl- uied Artcto of the Alenral Amekrica rpulic p gainstI inra of 11 forig An doesi flvetfc and foulr p dieae woldl beofinetmbevleinpoetn h Th lines-kl-t co lA diessinec f bceil, pariticI AAd virp gropsfinfectliusaetskowAoAxsti CosIA~t Ria andkasiipersnnl ndopain f unds.A I Illrit lproi AprogresAs Aeorsonth orallowsAI orderly coptnuiyofresach wpay a the Unierit If IFlrida Agriltura Exfperment StioIn, De-partmentlf VeinarylI fcince  The Dairy lndustry Ih bdaryindustry is one othrinripalarclua raningirom he tiroild crlit ner he se coast to teprate the diry industiyin thCnraiPlaea vicinity. A lagrpr- trion hoa opulaion occuying this arreahsbeenthemjrr mrkehri mik, ad trpraioni ciiier toyxpditemov- mentofrdusfrom frm tomrketre rdevelopedrliesti thilcrity. Forage grw a thighrrilevaionshav be ofi better quaiiiyrad mrersuiablhf r dairy catl. Theregio ha been fairyfreerf praite, an thrbudntrspplyrof coo wirdrh priservdthepmitinrhquiyr ofrhriilkproduced. GodoprtiieeistfinCsaRi foricreasig ilkpr- tyres and mirerrelatiornshiptprducersitablerfed.Success ful expaniorfr the industrry it reas rflwrrlaionrirr stifr preceded orcompnid fry prout d ofrr exelnuaiyfr rnuuato fraprogramrfr eradication, or conroloikand rfrelki hrs frreah fryrrrfthfiemjrrrr fdirrd rarrre andrcndtdr costrctivefr reeding prrgrmr Thfrserherdsnow rrrvea orsogdr stokifrcaibrsrndfr xprato The Dairy Industry [herdairyirdrrtry irrrrrfiirpriripi agrirrfrrra erprise ofr Crst Rfra. Althirrrf dairyg i p rrrrticed under divrgn geogrraph rica an rclrrimicrconditions rrrgirgfr frothrorpricalrit rrrr the rrrea catoterarri CenralrPateaurad priphrareasr. Afnmrrrrfr iarrrpprr irirrriiflurrrrdirelairrrrr thiirindrir inrri Cnral rrrr eayrriii A irrgroorrr marrktiformilk,rrdranprta o ir iirirrirrrexprirrmorrr rino rrducts irrr frm to marrrket wre drrrlrprd erliestrin thfrirr loaity. Forrrrrr rrrr frr fin rhirrirr evairrrhav frrrr f berrualfityrnd mrrrrrtbl fofr daryrr rate iir riirrirr rbrrhrrrrri riofprite frirrihrrfriyrifrrrsupprrirrfro wthrsrrrrsrfrvdtepmintir h qurityrrfrrherrrrrrrdkcer prcded rr rrrrrparird fry prrdrrfrrtio rrrrirrien quaity ior rirr; rsairhmehr rifrsrrfrracirry manrrrrrrr prorams rrnd frr irrrgrrirrriraprgrfrrirrrfinrcrrrr ik ad trrr rirririlrrorrrdrdrr.i Excllnhdsfrhrhioiyhremrr rrdrofrdrirrcatrk andrrrnductedrcsrctiverireerrdingrrgrms.Theserirrdsrrrr The Dairy Industry nrpri esr ri Crfrr Rc. Althorrh daiyini conditions rn ifrr highiardr, rrrt rofr ih frms rr irrated rn the Anbr ofrariirs aprrrartohv irrflurrnrrd rth rrfrrriono therdriryirrusryr iirtheCral Piaea rr cirify. Alrgr orr market fr rilk, rrd tranrrtion firiet rrpit r oe frrrrr qralfry rrd rrrre suitblfof r dairy rrrtl. Thirego rr s beenr iairiy free ri yrasitrs, and iir abudan rri prrly rfco watrha rrrdirorrelrrrrinirithrrralityrii hrrikrdrrd. ducio f rr ourrgh rirrenrifirrio rfr efrts on exstn air farm flexrr nsirr ofrtr irrsry *it area of lowr rfraio rrrsrtrbe prrcdrd rr rrrrmparid iy prrdrrio rrrfrr yelen qaityfr age;etabirrrin ri saisrirrtory mangementi yroras anr~rd frr inaratiorrfrramrrrirrriionrrrrri r lofrikrd orrlo rirdrrrri.hrrjrrriryr ifrrlrkfrihrris riffr drc ryrr thirrar rrreds irrrdrr rrrkl rerdrirrrrvln n ot irra.rrde qaiyrrgrrrrseffirrr rrrrrrtst  Attention mightbe lled biefly yy fewy fundmenal ofy a and individality dontasuedsrble train abiliy. Thy The herA testyyg prga opea by bye MAT i providing dat bnedd notony y improemen ofy anageentyadfee i h redn progray AnIyA aditoa assitanc tatca be The arifiia breeding prgaoeae by bye MAT, As mak ing aaal Aoth daiby indsty l the Aevceo buls it outsadig breeding, tbereby reducin the problems associated to yy early inuurto o rormfo rcesn, storig, and utiiziglze seen Sch ~ a rga oldyprovdefrme efiin n og-ieueo ul proved to trans i hghro Attention miht beclled brifly to ay fe yudaetlsoy olhaegooA pedigee a yonfomatio but tha als have and iniduak ly do not Asur dsrblely l trnmttn biliy. The The hed ytesigprgram opeadybytMA is proding datya neyydyd ynot only foryy Amrvmn ofyyyygemeyy yand feeA An the breedAng pryyam Any additiona assistanc tat yyy y Theyarifcal breedin rogryaymy, operyted by bye MAI, As mak-b iny availble totdiy industyry~y byyyye yevc f bulA yitb outstadng breeding, therbyrduigbhe prbblems yyyyyyate with sylyyyyyn,yyyyyyyyyayyy, and pryyyygy ofysresyoreybidi- vidualbyed. Iti sugestedb tha theMAI yyvefyythey conidatiobn to arylyyyyyyyby inauguration ofa rora fr roesin, toin, n yfficiyyy and lyong-timy use yf bullsroe tyyy yyryyymit high pro- Attety o myighyb bye clled Ariely yo ayyy fundmenal y fyb good breeding yrgrm yyy st it Fyyy deirbl A o use sire that Ayy oby and~ bydiviyality yyno assur yyyysyirabl tryyyyyin abylity. Th Th hyyd testig prggram oprae by the MAT yiy prvdiny data needed notloly forimprovemet of mangeen ayyyy feed gie to darmni ysmaiig data yyy the ~ trns ytig abily beyyfyyjtyjy yyyympyyyiyg bheiryperaol programsy. Tyy atfcal breeding yyygrm operayyytyd by thy MAL, As ymak ing yyaiAable yo yhy dairy yndysyy theyyy yevc o yyf yuls it oultstanding byeediyg, tlereby reyucyy yhe byryblems ysyyyiayyd vidyy Iherd.It is suggete atytheMAI giv yute yyoyyyy dyyayyyyy effiyieyy yyd yyng-timey use yy Ally yrve toy yynsi hig ypro- y  d1 FEbRTILEbi LANDSdb F lFRISI by th iportaionFf froznsmnfrmpoe siresinbhe conrisforsein bdiotsadigletddairy cwin Cost Rica. The latFe prcde shuld reduceth Fecessiyfo imporing sire an provid an effectewy tored higheF- qulity catl for loa uead forepottn inufiedF. Diliet tlyad pistn aFplicto f tcnilF 1FF conidebbl amun ofdiry FusbaFdry knowlge pos sesed y th leding daiyme andF~F~ thfiil fbFheMAI would practic. In aditio, of Fours, ther is urgen neforrsac obther cutiF toepediteth adacmn f the diry iFdusty Themos impran facor in the applictoF fayueu enthusias anFd FF1av on FtFF part of diry employee for the coret pplicatio ofapproe practFces atbhepoprime. Sopme Iiy ofte Fehdsta phv be ffectibefrlhedisemga tofiproe airy fid g yFFactFceFs inldetefolloing: dinIan desirleype. Thisprogramcld b oplmntd by FhF importFtiF ffrznsmnfopovniesnotr con Fe fruei being ouFtaning selecte dairy FF1s iFF CoFta Ri. Tbe laF1e prcde should reuc th F nFcssiyfor quFlity cattl fo loFF us and bor exportati. GFod dairybFFrd1maFagemeFFmybedfinedasFFinFF thF isFnullfi. DiliFF t tFFmelFy,FFndpersisten FFFFFFtio fFFFFnFFFF Infrmayo todiyFF FFFucio is eseial, and aneryipoe 1FF FFFsiderabFe FamounF f dairy FFsbandry knowedeFF s sessedIb the leaingFdirymenF ad1theFfficialsFfF thMAIFwould practice.FFIn diton, ofFFouFFe, thereF FFFFs F ugnned for FFFFFrc f prevailing FecbFicFF kFFFledgF, IF FhaF FFqFirFd iF h uue 1FF FFFFF FiFprt factor inF th a F pplication fayueu energy f FFF yFopbe dig FFe wFoFF-laFFFFFFFFFd maFaFFrsFa wellFaFowners. EFerynFFFonerneFFihFtFe problFFshFFldgFFe FhFFFFFh FndFFFFFFFtiFFFFFnsideFFtiFFFFoFwyfFFFFFFFngFFFFe Fnthusias apFdF FFtatv onp FFF partFFF of diyepoee oh correct Fplcto orvd FFF cicy aFFFF FFFFFF FFFFFIF FFFmFFFFF Som of FtFhe FFFF FFFFod FFFt hvbenfecieforhedisemna 1FFFF FF FF~ yFIFp~FFFI LAFD F FRINFFFFFP CFFFF RFFa. The FaFtFF procedure FFFulF Feuc the necessityfo FFForFFFFFireFFF n FFpFFidF affecFFvFFFayFFFFFFedigFF- qualityFFFFFF F FFFtl frlclueadforFepFFFFFF.n FFFFFFFFy FobFFFFFFFFFFFF mnne a th FFFFproper tFFF. If ay FsnlfFiFeF.DilFFFFFFFFFFey, FndpFFsiFFFn FpplFFFn fFF cnia ifFato to FFaiFypFdFFFFFF iF essetFFl FF d aF FFaFrly ipoe ThF FFFnsiFFrab FFFFFF f diFy hFFbFFIry FFFFFedgF 1FF- FFFFFd byFthF FFadingdaFrymFnaFFFFhFbfficalF o thF MFAIFwFuld im~pFFFFtfbfFcFeFFy fFdiyfarming if i eeptiteea practice.FInadditio, fFFFFFFe,FthFFFFFFFFFFFneeforFFFFFFFh FFFFFFFa FFd for Fxhag of eac iformation Fit FF11 nne of FFCFFrFF.FFF bcbFFFFFieFF toepdt hdacmn fFFFFFdFFFFbFdFFFFF pFFFn F FFFt F Fia Ft sh FFFul F FF Fon Fn FFFF, FF1ver Fha thF fiF s fIFF prvii FFFFFFFF FFhnca k ppowleFge, orta Fqie nthuue cantbeFralieduntFtisinfrmaio FF FFpFFFF ,FFFFF F.FpFFacFFcF. FFFhg mos FiFprpb fFcto1 i tFFe aplcto FF f 1FF Iful FIFFFFcal Fnf yFFFFFFFFFFtheFiterestFeFFFFsasmFFFpeFFtonFF FbFFFg fFFthFFpFFFFFFFFFngtFF 1FF-aorr FFFyF FmanagersFa FFFFFFF FFI o FFnFrFF FFryn cocFne wit F h prole IF ouy g~FiFFe thorouhFandpp haustvFF conideaionFtoFwFyFof creatFingor enhsis andFFF iFiiayv Fn theF pFFFF ofFFI aFr epoefFFF th 2orc apFlicto f 1 ap FFve FF1tce FFFFF th FFpe FimeF Fom F f F h FF1. ha aebenefciv o hdseia  oimrd dair pracices from dythe AI United AA ~ Stte an oteAoutis fo adpto Ar liste Abelow. l 1.iAA mligshdl whichg a llow abup wle-oritra TH AIR pINDSR 159d1 dAAA Il 3.Fedx imet deindty suyadtodmn.at h au ofAmpodA1 A d air prciceAs AA. A A 4.ItatioA o regal schedulAed heeti g A dar r a dato r dotio 'Ae Aite below. I. A AAAA AdAin shdlwhc alosbut awlv-oritva Aetee 'ikns AsA the l 'rdcinlvl' nraetispatcAe coe dor ipan kn obannAaiu il.Tesceino Ail Atp whe the inrmam' prssr rece A bu 25 I o A 0m Af melrcuAr A y.I' I A' PrdcA nadbreigrcrs etadueAa ai o theAApremimApicAA paiAAAAAAAAA diAA. 4.A djustA entAofA reeding progaIadadi onoA afednpo THAAAARY INDSR'5 3. "Ael lxeimnsdeind to std and todeontaetha lu Af imroe dar pracice A I. Intaino euarlA shdueA meinsbya aryogaiato "'A"' adpin AadA dite ''lA'' bewe 'ilig.As A th pro dAio leve inc daes thsp a " e comsmreiprtn Ain oban maimu A"l.Th ereino AmAI'lk stp'hnte'nrmmay rsueracsau25t30m A. Prdcto a bredn reod Aep 'an IAe as a basfo imrvn the bredng fedig admng etpr am 3.Cotiu d imrvmn ink daitr 'rcie an rfieaAAo falte A in Alde to Ardc oeml fecletqaiyt ela the Areiu " A''e pai "ouh ik A. AdjuAment of ""A"din prga a l Adpto ofafeigpo gamAl fo Aig milA I Ardcto durin theA'g CA A baepro oot i ihs pricAA IAr re ae of anua producton 5A doptAA ionAA i oprg aAoAAeorincatAl.A alfodA eorig  Ingeerl a high averge dily puton powtenstob fo b igh-producig co r bout fthsaes thatfralw cattl, Ait cocntae uesparingly int feeding prgrm Sinc fth princpal pasture /forgesse An t diffeet parts Af Costa Rica generaly areknw to d~aymen ad have bend- scribed in othe reot (R. ft. Hodgo and A. C. Dahlberg, 2/A Daiy Industy4 ofCota Ric) /ty will t be~ ~ reiee hr. It seems appropaAfftttdtehwvr oo tlieom fthe //fatorthat foairycattl feedig ae(1) thf mn ht /an mlwl conum eachdy (paatability) (2) the digest/bili/y Af//A /forge conume, d/ (3)i/yits//compsi/tionyTepaledf a/horagehfor danim /al/rductivitguross syiaril/y a rdcgA/hes ytde ftofrs.Snfthe famon off faethat ban agk Aill Aosm daiy/s/f fete A o kA a lgefxten yisqai(ietblt n copositonk Ahi fari sees tio// ge,/ek/styingl inextfritd /icthe bud, k/tene 1/ aves /and ver fedt/A A/r t//k most pt the A/i/yt stawe teforage consume 2/ ti compise Ari gmay pof these A pats.Whn grasse becom 2 ore yiA rean e2at a i/ph oftemg 2/Aefr p/rye sage/f mti/i/y fopti-/ muf aatbltt dntid/g ftive/alufisa/ sstalfture/of/a gooiature// ogr b/ftn crppgra. Teyedprmnaai of mch egsigprtaceparftiuaysgce/ltsiof god qlty In geneal, ab/gb averge da/Ayputdinprctendto//be frahigh-producing co /aebottesm 2/A t/hat 2foralw prdcn ml hrett/A/fd/forttenr~tonshuldefocped on nutri Costa gica generally aeknoto d/airyften fa h/ft b/ft Ae scribed A/Ate rep//r (R. E. H/Ag/on fa A. ft. Dahlberg, T/A Dry Idusry/f /Cst Rica),thy will ntkbe reiewed her. It sem ppropraftehvr,k/ to outlineom o/fA fth fators ta con /km eachdy (palataiity), (2) the digestibityof A/he frg con/umA, fa/f(3 itsoposit. fTh valu of a frg o animatlprodutityprpses/isAprmarily aprotf these /te daiyisaffted//to ageetenby itsqaiy (dgt/g bi2Aity//a wtthin afedintgprgramt. paatabe and/nuritsprton/ofgrasethey shouldAbetilized a//tegrotkstage/wh/nthe/forgeconsumd istcomprisedprA mta/pl Af /teets. Whe grasse becoe or ft/ tur a good pasture orts/ilg cr/p program. fT/A yield /emnznai o/ftuh/lessimporftcprticul/arly inceplatsofgod quality ef/ftv /n impr/ving Ahe paa/aiiy, dig/stk//i/p, copostiin, Altgh grsss/reno the //kprincipal forge use in ivtocfk In gnera, ahighkaverge aily/prodtA/on/prctends//2tob proalk Aftc ft /lao atd p/psiaA facil/ite requird /o2ar fo k igh-producing cw are bot fh aa ht /fo a lw Since ft prinApal p/ft//re /foge use fnt different p/fts Af Cofta Ria generaly aek/ownto dairpmen a /av been Ae- scribe An ot/er ret (. E. Hodgson ad A. C. Da/h/berg, [T /fordar cttlk feedig ar /1 t amount/ ft/t a nmlw cosue/ah daytpal//tab/22t), (2)/ft digest/ilitp Af ft /forge co/n/fteA, an/A (3) its comst/ ionf/. ITvau ofA a forge o factorA Sic At amout/ oftfraht an ama /7/d wdi/ii/p conum dailyis ftedtoai ageexetgpg t qalty(igstbliy n m arl oftes pat. When/ /7asses become/ more /matr gad ft/Aous /ty have /lower Autrt iaun air A/at/k wilno good p/aft/ or sodling cr2/ prgram/. 2/A yield per mftft i fad /sai/tor yi/Ad canfusualp b/i foun2d. Feilidat/on/ als/ As effeive/in Aifpri//ng 2/2 palatab/i/it, dig/ft/iip, coftposi/io, liesi norged frthese /purpo/e/. Althu/gh grasses are/now2the2rinci/pa forgei/usedAin/livetok  THE DApRY INDUSTRY d11 61~~pl SevaAeumsaro grown paiuly t bighd byvaios an es rwta bee pbsrv, in pr ara wher tr gasbenPhav acmlaino gnimld cta. lbgidiata pln nutrtg deinc isi ting prdcto anP that acon sideal ynreseingrot reponseP PPy Peotand bypple-AP DAIRYp~ bFAMIyG A AE EATINA caey tha lwqadit Porges as wed pa pastsadohrfcr, floigpp bacy grazig Ipeumyb Ap orbe tAo conro weds Appantly Pfths pue werye P APPsor, d Acongrol bbaury dwouldy be pbcssr. Thpreiblyedlfr ifobabioo pPs rapid AroAth imperagrap pears toavegodposiiiy e al tpa t grass gor daig cate tteim auesaei isbcompsPPofbblaes, ad gertendrbbt, dit dpet feedig,PthreisA anugen need fa ncesei PAPA bproductio of leue. Generlly Af he quait yan g,legue ae Seal lbguearno grown partcarlPy aigberPelPvatn, an des lrwt a bee obevdin patr araswhrethr sideabeices inA Arwt resAponsemy beobtPand by spple metn h sgopil.PtAisggestedb thrfoe Phat cosieato be givntopeimenaltdsdesAigedtodeterietgrowtA respnso legumes tp Aiffren PAPAlze elbment aAd cobinap tions PP-of blthese P elements.PPPP bDPAAIRY ARINGPAT yOWR EyEATIONSPP AppPaety, Pf these pPare were bept shAr, ote weed PAPAro measur A wol b be A neesay Ahr sne orifraino mngemnandAfrtiiainprogamsPorth bproduciono bigh- qualiy gase ad begue aapted toteleares PAn sutbbeAi ypsandderothrcAniinPaorbbbfo itsrpidgrowb,ipeagrs apper toPP haegodpossbAAiie atp-qualit grs for dair A catleb. Al phe Pmaur A tag itA AsPcopArisefbud,blaves, and verytedrAAe, aAdisdgesti bilby udoubteAly As 1igb. Itsplaiiy Pocap e a P been attestA by many catlPe and by Jorge Len, AoP th ntr Amerian Instite of AgAiulaPl SiePces Pt Turrilbb, PAP sta that it As the mosP palatab and bighAsP yieder of patur Alnt teste inPherorge plots Undoubtly Pps copsiin digestibilit, a palbilbty would be iprovPed by fetilibton Althbugb impera aveae slightly PAwer inntoe otn tha Nper, it lowe fiber PonPel, bigher igesibility, and Pupe- Af begume. beall Pp bighPAqualy bhaPgas eue r duAing longer growt period, thereb aloing pamuion of Peevfrg iP g pasue P it PIPs deprecato in feedingalu. plant nuPio P eficiencyyi limitig prouto and tht b cn sidrabinraseingrowthbreponsmybebindby spple- mentig t soi. It issggested, therefor, thIP cosdeationbp givenPoAeperimntastdiesdesgndtodetemieAhegrowth rponse Af legumesto diffrn feriie elmnt and comia- APPn of~yP~ thes gelements.A A~ AP DgA AIRp ARMINGP pydT pp L bWERpEpElATIObS Obeaion eaty urpalba ainth adICarlos areni caeta o-ultoa,Pb s APPl PAP Aaaie an te atrs Pmapppgppeb, PapA fertliztio pgram for Ahp prodto pofhigh- bily undoubtedly As hig. Pbs pa ltbilt Pp Pp tl hap b been~p atetdb ayctlmnadb og en fteItr Amerianp Ipstlpup f Agrclua SciencA atppp A uralba1, who sate~d tat PA lb APPmos palatab ppd hgbest yieldero pP sur pants tested Pn their forpge plops. Undoubtedly iscmoiin digestbiliy, Pad paltbly would be imrvdberiiain Alphppgb imperal avePPgeP Aslty loe nntoe otn tha Napier, ilowe fiber content, bigber digestibility pn p pep-  rirpatbiliy moeha nuliiedH the sml diffeenc. Aprora peria woldLbehelpfu tHo thdiy indsty inti re. an fertlier HAd top, vevegrass, Ha mielabaeeceln An ara weemnrbad bee applie, 1hsp/rio growh th prducion flgue and fo grasse An Ah hgAhad. bighad I wHsHHot relAshd by dairy cal. At the Unvriy Af FloiaAiAHH Ha en bevd/ta/ hn whiteH clvrArh slAHwH Aiual ner LhHar. Considerto HAhoubld Ae give tain tanig a aaac betee aima numbers and par supply. Likewis, in th cosrcio of futur Aikn unt, At As Atlzain HA esalA/Ain reativey sml Hmilking untssateHi- callyHHocatedHove I Ha Hge H fam Ahe handevelpingarge he gass wi A best A poetlqaiy no Abeig HseA An AAi arAea is Aeiee tobeiperal. A prga fmngmn Ha AH6HIFEiRyHHEHLAANDSAOF FRIEHNDSHIAp DAIRY/ FHHAMIGAH.IGHRHELHAIAONS ad Herilize. Aed Aop, velvetgass, and meclA areeclet and lotHA major are Aom of thlgume adapteA Ao grHwth Hn the big/has An areas wher maur hHH benapp/Ae, the superio growth higland as HA t reVihe Ly dHayHHtte At the UnHHHrsiy Af FlArida At haHH HAHn Abere that wh/en Ahie HHve growth slow buch awhenth plat HAr growin lxantly. An CHsa Hia Many pastrsi the highadsppeared tbeorgrazedHpar- tiulrl Ler ha. CHHsdaton sh/HAd Ae given to man taiHni a iale blanc HA tee A animal numHArs a patr suyply. LikHAisH An Ah costHA io of fuur Ablin units ii disancHA cows Ar reqire twalkt pastur. Thr ~appa to be avantages, fHHm A/he sandpoint Af boh feed Aupply and laLor Atlzain HiHsalhLng Hrelaivey Hma/f milking uniH stratgi he grass wiAL best A potntalaiy now being used An thi ar a HA is Aeiee tobeimera. A program Af maaeenn to oai Atop-qualy forag an igh A/lk yHHductHH frHHim DAIRY HHHHINAT HHH ELAHTHIHON HHH Hnd HfAHH/HHHHHHHH Retpvevega,~ A~ Hn gilcllHae /xHVlnt tLhe higands. InHaeHHhrHHHHanHHHHhaLHHHeyHaple,AthHspHHHr HHHAt Hf LohasHHHandAHlAHHHHHHoiHtspthHHHHgenHHAeHHAHrdHHHHmi natonHfHhe yHpoper H HHHHAH moteooia elatoprgafr Hnd thyH Hl/AHH mafr at aHHHarHd Hize, the HaHAl Hw/HlHH Hoaa muha hntepat eegHHwigHuuaHnHly. IHHA Hot Rc Ah HHlutHH Ho th yHHAleH Hay AH feHHlain Hsp/ly. LikHH/sH /H hHH HH HosrcI ofHH Huur miling HHAHs, iti HuggHAHed thahy~H HeloaHHHHnLHHHthe tro hHI pasHH re/HHH Htla//A , /HH Hsalishg H/HftHHly HHHll H/fl/Hn HHnits strtHi- Hi/py HoctH HA e HHH large faHHm HathHr /hHn Hn deveAHH/ng Hag DAIRY FARMINGHIHTHECENRALH PLATEHAU HL are iHsHA Heee Ao /HipHral. A pHHHHa Hf HI aemn HHHHlaHA  ferillzto digne to obtain maiu alatbliy nd ilk- ig o bf kikuy grown gi d ytlds ar ig-ea. g fetlizdatio and mana dmen price nedeId top obai est iLgumsthtwll duc yod yielo igh-liy foragy aresIdrig the dyseso, conideration shul be given to lbe podcion and peeriono an a~deqat roughage supply. kept Pn mihnd lIat the rein~g siag will he at les slightlyin cotsar plpxitly thbsam for a low-quaity produc sl o ahigh-qulity shilg. ThIrfoe an excllntqulity frIP product, prpely prsed, isaqiitefgod silg. Corn wiPh high proportion of ear tostlk, or good-quality hegume mak the bestqualy sihges. Since ter appar to be a sorageoflgumesyephishuld b laced on Por Iwer good crpscabeprducd. scibed above maly be usd under conditon where the bette cropar not available. Pn enilhng grasses, aswelasleues1 pesrvaiv (molasse, soiu metbisIte, o conc1ntrae shouild felizbatgon deigned tooinP maimumplhtablty and milk Kikuyu grows Pn the Centra Phatea, PPt thI pastur hIre doe notapa to equal ftha athe higher elevhion. Some1 resarh, therefore,ihlb requird to deerine the qulity and produc tivity ofkikuyu grw gin thlis ra felihatio and maaemn pracice needd to obtain pgst qualby forge hrom tis vaieythroghou amimu portio Leggumes that gill produce good yieds of igh-qult fprage areneded ithis area. Kudzu and vevbean appear to Pho Sinc the supply and quality of pashure forage is poor inm y productio and peerion of an dequate roughage supply. In coniderhng material fo ensilge productio, it shoud he kept Pn ind thdt tb1 resultllng silg ill he at heas slghtly inl- Coln wlith g high proportion of1 east l1k, or good-qulity hegumes make the hest-qualily siges. Sill lhlll appears to he a hortage of hegume, emphasis Ihold he plced on cornlwhere goodcropslcanlheprducd. fellzhtion designed to oih n P aiu P P palIthily lnd mlilk production hIPm this grass i needd. Kikuyu grows 1111 (111111ra Phlatea, bu1 the pasture herP doll notlappearltolqualld thtt hehighlevatlions. Somereselrh, therefore will be required to determine the qulity and produ- ii I o hf kikuy prw id~ ghild yea. ig lll lg hLrg aceae ofl lmoqlasssgas are pprvalent, and~ experi- LeIPmes ha w ih propducil goo yield of h1,i gulid-forhge hgrel needkd ill thilre.Kuz alnbl vegl.e behns appea tol show goe ld is at~ll he presentime licd thel suply hInd ulid ofdh~ pashure lb1ag hspog1nan  MAin Cs.Th genealy thi cotio f Amlkin cw th full1poducingcapciy oftectlA n suget tat spple Theistin mil~tpfk-feed prc reaftionsp otaine fro DosPios som cocenrat supleent intefeeding programtffwoufldfbe Thet estimted prodcg cp aiy of t catl a theaon and ntur ftheutfintthytai ifly aethebaesfuedf i wortkingt a pplemeta feedintg prgrm Rarch studies ftve off mlkprodutinthaft the Adaily inakesfof foratgesfwilltsup- port.The liting fatorstiftnergy ado rti)o h oae inc deficienyAineg itafket appear to befth ft ten ealiingntiinl ft fo mik produtio, cosida t shulAb Aie to supplemetin forge with aditioa enry MolssesA ft o ft satisftytsource And has bften reltiveyinx pnsiven fhepast.fpnd flssscoii seoughengy fo teprodufto oftabot 2tpoud oft 3 pe et mlk,ll.8poundst of 4percent milk,or1.5pound f5perfcnt milk (notincld- ing mateac ft equiemen t tcw) In consderig profgrmforpplemtafl fedin of molse, oneshoud tiate t leeAft Arodctio hat the roughage wil supporft andthe use as a tguithfeelfdingftaou pound~f of a 1e poud f 5 pertct lk (orbargeramutfolwetsin mik) producedtafbvetft basetievelftppotedfbybfteforaget.If farmr sodilk forn oeh 2 cntimos fpponaAA fe assesiwichct about 11 cnimo perpoun,Ait ouA Mitling ows.Theif genepraltyAthi Il dtono ikigcw fnia ht th nurtoa A ee isA betfflo thait rqire tosppoA thet full prding capatyo the catleand sugetthat Aupe iT avlity ai a~ptr oftaconctftfeeding lfpiramtde The existig milk- Aft lri d ftaiosi obtaie fto DlA Aie ecnoiclly ffcint andprtcalt. lf A A ftrking out a uplmna feedAintg program. Reeac Astudies thtctl 1iletdiy the I cmoiltion of lift ftrage, andt leveflf mik protionlft tft edilyinta offragesftill sup- pot.iT imiting lfatr (eeryando fprtei)oh fiorges eatl Aimtg nutritnl fator~ fr milk frdtin consideAfto sholdbetgiven to sulemenftfyftforages Ait Aditiona enrgy. ftftpertcent milk,fort.5tpounds f 5perct lftk lnot includ- tee oftft prdutfftofgfthattruhg willt fttiutfpportfdthen poundstft 5pe ftl efttftlftk ftr larger amtfttfs ftft lowertf ftstift[ iltk)producfttdftabvethelfbasetfleveltfsuppotefd bylith forafgft.If fffffftrme ftiAoldtftk ftr ft mftre ltha 20 ftftimAft pftr poundft fa fed motflassesftfbwhfic coftt aboutlftfttt 11 tftftosprtftftA, itftftld 164~f FERT liftS Ofttf FRIENDSfftdHfft Ik P SUPLft TA ft EDIib OF A COfNftEANTtffRAfTfttpfS Milkingtdft s.-Thy generft aftft ftftfntfttniti ftft ift in pftftf sf indites ftattheftntritftinaflfvltftko, ht eure osupr tbetfultftprftducknftcapacty f fte ctftlfftand fgetft ttspple- The~~tf ftftftilitadntrft focetrtet feedingfttf ftftftm de- Thfexistin iftlfeepic ftfft atnhiy oine Ifrom DostffttftPfi sometk ftftlfntt upfletsflffifth ftegtt prftftamfwftuldfbf pThe estiftatdf prodcin capctly oA fthcatendhemot fffaknd tfaffftfltbtftur lfth fuinsthefotaintfdal ar fttffttasitftfftftdi ftrin ou~Ilt fif supeetlfeedingt ftfftfram.tf Reseachtsudie iiftftddto eteine th tfftoun*tifkf of dftftreft Aftd hftfrae thtctl itilyfthefcomoiftiooft thforageftf an thet fteftfl ft miftprft uftio tt ttat te daily inta oft fra e ifttf l tfft p-y porflltt fttlt.fTelm tgfatorsfft ftftftftftftftftftfttin) f t hetfg foftrages sreaavaubegieff Aore accurate ftein recommen-fttg pfttffftito ttttlnffsg.ttfltttt ftffbttfttfltf lhSitftftlfcec neeg inf~ttittlltaketftftg rsftotbefthefpft ttftf frllmtfnti tftdallfatt fortftlprotfdctionftcftnftftatfto1 shouldfbefgivetoftfttft mettk nftltges f tftfttftotflftfftnfttfgy Moft l fa t is ftf stftor ft rc an halstf ttpfff b y rlaftivlftttyt iex pefttnsfftive tkftftfftthetpas ftlOftftound ftftpftftptftftan ftftdenrg lfothetprouctiot ofthatfbutf2 pond ftttoft percettpmilkt, 8fpounds  bra, thoug apparnl lo in Aeeding vau, ma provdea Mol~asssshud no be diue exesvl orue iply t suficinlyt pou eail (about 1 par Aoase Ao 2 prswtr The avisbiliy of feding protei supplmn would be Ae- amun f digesil A proenaine A dalyl frmtefrg.We the high-prdcn catl shoulA d Ae suplid by Ah foae How- evr Ahe grse htaenthg n rd rti otnr ftighe A A i soreo ogae n hud osdrsplmna rti supplementl proei fingl an onlyA be apiae Resarhl tldlsphou ldbtk topoid the~A A needed 7nomain ible protei intake fro avrg imperalo Napier foage begins toAsuppress production after texeeds5 poudste Apoun ofPA cottnsed meal shud be fed for each 9 puds producedabv theP5podPIaelvlAP forail producing 3 percn ik. Polsesausd in spplmnlfeding prgramheenegy thirds gass, Alp is esiatd thteinake ofdigestible protei apa ecnoicl Aous moase AP s PA a supplemental feed. Rice prn though apparentgy lo in feeding va, may prvd aA inxesv suc fsppleenaPl feed. Moases shold not Ae dilutd excssvey orusd simply Ao Ae anml toetporqaliy rouJga. At sold he dilute suffAicinl pou eadily (aoul1part mlasto2patswaer The avisaiiy Af feedig proteA spppment would Ae Ae teAinA by Ahe reatiAnshp Af Ah anma' reqireen pn tAhA agon of dietil pri obgaie pdal frA m thA forag.Whe tehigh-produhig cpal should Ae spplie by the Aorage H-Ap Ahe sorc of roughage, one shoul consder spplemental protei fing, particulyatigh vlsofl p oductio. grase adthi digestihlepoteinconten, adp sic hs actors wiA varypwidely,dpendbn upon Ah fetiation ppd mangement suppmnaA protei feding ca oly Ae approxmat. ResarchP Ther is pnuh digesibleprti APP APP pud of 44pr en cotosed el toppy hprotenreuird tprducehbou 9Ppoudsofl3per centmlk,pounds PA 4p pe gpenpmlk, or7 hAl protin intake fro avrge iperia or p ie foraPge begins cotosd mel sholdbepfdAfrec pounds dproducedabove abou 11/ pdf moases WIer both cotonee Palan molasse are ~ psedpnhapsppetl fedAn program,Atheenegy thirds grass, At As esated tat thA inake Af digestbhA protei THEpAIRY lPA INDUATRYP1A5 banp, thug appaty low pn feedig vau, may provdepa iepeniv solc ofspplemental feed. Mlspp houldghp bedilutd excessiveyp ousd siplyPAo get animals to eat poo qult roughage. At shoud Ae dilute The advisaility Af feeding proPeinPspplement woul Ae de- Aermined by thA peapionship Af thA aniPalP AequiPA enand thA amutAfdigesihblpei obtained daily fom Ah porge When Ah high-producing caPAl shouA Ae Auple by Ah forage. Aow- the sorcpf rouhage, oneshold Aonide sppletl p rotein fding, pacuay atligh level flkpductbo. grse an thei digestible protin cotet panpd Ainc these fatr will pary widey, depending pon PAe APtiiato iand mngemen spplementapl protei feding caoly Ae appoiatep. Aesearph Terbpsenogh-digetil ihpotininepudAPf44perAen cottPsedP mealospplyAtpe ptinpequredtoprduabot metfrmineacl f h o) p p l pIfp we pssmetht hedigest cotosedml shldl befd po ach pdsproducedabove theP-poudbs ee forAP an aima prducing A percn lpk. The ergypvlue oflpoudl APP cotonee melpequalstao aoul P1/ poupds oflappp. Where Aot cottonseed mapan Aoase pr usd n psppleena Ifeeding prpgrpm, PAP energy thirds graps, it is A Psi ate A phaph inapke pf digestible propeip  would ntbegint sppresprodutouni a ldaily level of bou 28 poundso 4 per cenmik is reache. Drp Cows. -Cow in good codiion, at 11 cavig 811 wl pro in th8n conitin Likewse animals8i good con8114 sull expesiv Holasse, duig84thehdry ,4deriod. Hefrs-efesofgo siz8fr1tei bree and1~l~ in8 godconp partuiio. Again, 8ti suggestd tha suppletl4 14881b offere when neesay to suppor noma grwt 81n8 m8aintain Cal1e.-Th objec in4 raisin calve is to develp the young aiainoahelthylvgorou 8du1 within a esnbly shor weight, fed,8m , dmny, but ometies ipair1lh1 wort but1 satsfatoy ca1 lfrig pogami being usdby adarmn 1418 8shou 18 118uethth pero raisin the 1, cave 8a bti satsfatoy11h 8esl 8 8it a 1 lesding program befor recmmeding 8t Wh8n a8 cal is 81 remve fro its 4 mohr 1448e un81r human, car, the 881l, ef181, and intres of the peronfedn and81 cari8 for~ it is ft mos iporan fatr progra tha hasbeen uedstisfatory ykilled feders i ou8in8 briefly sflos Th8 clf18 alowd oneflloflostrb1 bforeieigpparate fro the mothe. Th nve cId1is thclppd, theare disin8- fectd,ad thbclfisidentfid ad place8inace, dy, protecte pen. Milks ar 8 fe8wc1 diyahertso 418, 28, per cent f1boy weightper feedng.Colstrm4fom8he othri ffor838days;4whlemik fro 481rog 2b18days;1 fluiski milk fro 22 throuh 60claysa which tim the1 ailis weae. would no1 begin to spprs prodctio un8118 aaiy 8ev1 of about 114 thi cndiio. Likewise, anim11 in good codi8o usualy 188niv 41lase, duri8 8he fry per4od. int1lrge1 cws ha wh11 thebyl ar 1 small 8 an 1maite 88 is parurtion Again, it1p1 8s 18gete thasppemnta 1ee be 1 81888e whe necssy tospport normal rwt 8488 48 aintain anma 4it a heltly, 8ioru adult 481hi a resnbly shr time To do so, it is importan to avo8 8888rhe an8 the 484e ilnese commo t 8o cave whcntoly caus loss inbdy weight, feed,tim, and mony, but sometims impair hot ofth aiml ny duthod Manysyseps or8aisnghstisactr8alesarpnw4n8se Somehareless epensve1pan oherspHowverif a4expnsiv but atifacty1 488-aiin prora p1i being pupe 4 1818dira one8 shoul be 4 sur 118t th 11 pe 184, rai8n 14h 8 cave 1anobai ou11in8 brieflyasflo. The cal is allowed one fil of colostru before being separatd frm heoher. The navelcod is hen lippe,1t are88isin fected; and the calf1 is 48 idniie 8n placed in aclea, dry, protetedpe.Milk ae1edtced ly at8herats f 1/2 per cent f boy4weghtper feding Colstrm1frm th4moteri fed for83 dy; wole il88from814houh 1ys; flui ki milk from22 throgh 60ldys, 1148488411184148nial i 4eane. 28 pound of 4 percen milk 4s reache. in 1811 condition. Likewise 11481s1i good coniton sull 11811111 less 1114o 18 8lness 118hsei pool condition. Therfo, it would see1 logca to offe supplemeta 1feed, partiuary les expensive molasse, 81ring 181 dry period. par8uritio. Agail, 8t 8s sugstdhtspplementa 8ee 1bep411I188 offere whenk~ geceldr tosuprtnoml8rot1ad1nti 811111,Tb 881ec i811 raisin4g ca1ves is to devlop the young weight, Ill8, time, and money, bu8 smtie 111 1impai the worth ofl the 8 anima inadlhod b81 saisfacty cal-rasin pror8 18 s eing uedl py ag 4ai81a1, recommending 8t. When a cal is reoe 1181 its 814he 81and811 reared under 8144 11re the skill, ef8,8, 118 interest of8181 personIfeedinglandll cainglfr8i1bsheosiporant 111,or.8 program th11 811 been 1118 1188sfactoily by skil8e 8181118i out8,118 81riefly as follows The 118f 8s alowed one fil of colstru4 before being separated 8ro4 181 mothe. T81 1118l cord is 1811 clipped, 181 area disin- fected; 1118118181 an h afidniiedad pIlacdi lea,dy, protected pen. Milks 1111818twi1 daly atte1 aeso 8111 1 per cent of body weigbt per feeding Colostr8m from the mother is fed8forI3dy whlmik fom4 through21 dys; lidkim 41811814m22 throughb60daysl18b418 1114884111118aiml s eaed  THE DAIRY INDUSTRY 167 THE DAIRY INDUSTRY 167 THE DAIRY INDUSTRY 167 U~nless the calf is Yating significanst amonts of green forage at 22 days of ago, a teaspoon of IivYY oil (Vitamin A CoDYYntYaIY) is fed 3 times wYekly. A dry calf stater is fed free choice bseginning at l week of ago, and good-quality forago is sffered boginning at about 2 weeks of age. As absat 3 months of afY thY calf statYY is replaced with a gsowing-typY of concentrate mixtuYY fed in amounts nYcYssaYy to producY satisfuctory goowth. It is suggested that all calves ho dehorned at about 1f days nf ago, using Yaustic soda stioks o an YIectric dehorner. MISC ELLANOoUS FEcoING RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Common salt should hY availahle to oattlo at all times in pastuoos, lots, Ytc. It should ho kept in mangoos sheltered from roin. In addition to essential nutritivo elements, salt is a condiment which stimulatos tho appotito of cattlo. 2. Stoamod bono moal should ho availablo to all cattlo foo fcoo- ohoico consumption in pastucos and lots. It should ho hops in mangorsnsholtorod from raun, foo if ithoecomos wet and mouldy its palatability is loworod. Broboo hook bonos observed in milkhcows in some herdsindicate woak bones appaYently duo to insufficicnt phosphorus and/o calcium. FYeding steamed bono moal should prcvont this condition and precludY any reduction io production. 3. Pastuoos should ho subdividod and Yotational grazing prac- ticod so that forage is consumod at tho pYoper stage foY optimum palatahility and nutritivY valuY. 4. Cattle should havo fYe0 accoss to a supply of good wateY. Animals with free access to watr owill poduce about 9percent moreomilkhthan if watered once daily, and about 4 perocentmore than if watered twioo daily. EL ALTO EXPORtMENT STATtON It is gratifying to sYY tho pYofYess that has been madY hy tho MAI toward adcancement of tho dairy industry in Costa Rioa. ThY El Alto Animal Husbandry Experimental Station is rondooing valuable soovices to the industoy in many cays. An imporoanthbreed Unless tho calf is outing significant amounts of fYYYn forago at 22 days of age, a teaspoon of hivor oil (Vitamin A ConcentratY) is fod 3 times wookly. A dry calf starter is fod foeo choice hoginning at 1 week of ago, and good-quality focage is offered hoginning at about 2 weeks of age. At about 3 months of age the calf staotor is replaced with a growing-typY of concentrate mixtuce fod in amounts nocessaoy to pooduco satisfatory growth. It is suggested that all calves be dehorned at about 10 days of age, using caustic soda stichs oc 00 oloctoic dehorner. MISCELLANEOcS FEcosING RcCOMMENDATtONS 1. Common salt should be available to Yattle at all times in pastures, loto, otc. It should bc hept in mangecs sheltered from oain. In addition to Yssential nutoitivo YlemYnts, salt is a condimont which stimulates thc apposite of cattlY. 3. Steamed honc mcal should be avoilablc to all cattlo foY fYYY- choice consumption in pastures and lots. It should be hops in mangers sheltered from coin, for if it becomes wet and mouldy its palatahility is lowered. Brokenohookhbones observd imilkhcows in someheds idicate weak bones appaYently duo to insofficiont phosphorus and/oo colcium. FYeding steamed bone meal should prevent this condition and preclude any rcduction in production. 3. Pastures should ho suhdivided and rotational graaing prac- ticed so that foeage is coosumed at the properostage for optimum palatahility and nutritivY valuY. 4. Cattle should havo fooc access to a supply of good watoo. Animalsnwith free access to water will produce about 9perce~nt more milk than if watered onco daily, and about 4 per cent mooe than if watered twice daily. EL ALTO EXPERtMcNT STATtON It is goatifying to sYY tho progress that has boon madY by the MAt towaod advancemont of tho daioy industoy in Costa Rica. The El Alto Animal Huosbandoy Expooimontal Station is rendering valuable seovices to the industoy in many ways. An important breed Unless tho oalf is eating significant amoonts of green fooage at 22 days of age, a teaspoon of liver oil (Vitamin A Concentoate) is fod 3 times wookly. A dry calf starter is fed free choice beginning at 1 week of age, and good-qualiy forage is offered beginning at about 2weeks of age. At about 3months of aethecalf stateriseplaced with a frowing-type of concentrate mixtuoe fed io am ounts nocessary to produco satisfactooy growth. It is suggested that all calves bc dehorned at about 10 days of age, using caustic soda sticks 0r aD eleotoic dehorner. MtSCELLANEOcS FEcotNG RcCOMMENDAvTIOS 1. Common salt should be available to cattle at all times in pastuoes, lots, etc. It should be kept in mangeos shelteoed foom rain. In addition to essontial nutoitive elements, salt is a condiment which stimulates tho appetitc of cattle. 2. Steamed bone meal should be available to all cattle for fooe- choice consumption in pastuoes aod lots. It should be kopt in mangeos sholtered from rain, foe if it bocomes wet and mouldy its palatability is loweoed. Boboo hook booes obsevedinomilkhcows in someoherdsindicate weak bones apparently doe to insufhiiet phosphorus and/00 caloium. Feediog stoamed bone meal should poevent this condition and preclude any oodoction in pooduction. 3. Pastuoes should be subdividod and ootational gearing peac- ticod so that fooage is consumed at the propeo stage foe optimum palatability and nutoitive valuo. 4. Cattle should have free access to a supply of good wateo. Animals withbfee access to waterowill produce abouts9 perocont morecmilkbthanif wateed oncedaily, and about 4percentmoe than if watered twice daily. EL ALTO EXPERtMENTv STATION It is goatifying to see tho poogooss that has been made by the MAI toward advanoement of the daiey industoy in Costa Rica. The El Alto Animal Husbandoy Enperimentol Station is rendering valuable services to the industryin many ways. An important breed  impovmen prgai being foserd throgh the artiicia bredig~ evcead by the livestok registratio prgrm The her tetn rga spoiigrcrsadassac eust Aprga in daiyatl putiton TAea Ahr redarc appars mos Aede inlde inetpain of the pouctive vae of purehfoagesbnd sud~ies nItedupbpementlbcocetrtefd- ing rogrmsbpr difernastuefoagesipordryogvegatest netrurn A n thep dr oeatin A he A earc rga nbt impovmen program is being boserd thog he artifjbib breedig service and by the livestoc regAistao program. The herd tesigpgayispvdig rcods adasisancqubiste fo good breeding pra s her culinug, improeet i aa geral praie, ad develpment Af bette and moepoableA feeding Aethods. Thes praices a fundamental toaud dairy husbadyprogram. Theru o ~irgn need f fue dvlopmen Af a rsarch progmindaiyicatenit~io.Aahereresarchppea iot eded incluivigation othi productive vlueso paure forages and Atudies othi supplementl locetafed- ig programsfordiffernatureforagesinodertogivegratest neeunsoAh dairy opiraton. Phi resarch program in botA ara should be uder the leadershp Aofb AMe anmlhusbadry staffithy pesonl if other dipates coainbg onprojct where Ah scopei exeds ith fielAds. impovmen programi being fotered birogh bie artibical breedingsricead byhlivestk registatiprogram.uThe berd tetingpram isprovdiny reods ad assac rAquisuiti for good bieeding programs, hed culbing, imprvmnsima- geial puatice, and develpment Af bette and mor probitble feedgethdTepaicepaeiunldel toasddaiy hbdp program. Thr o suretneo furtberdvelpmet filaresarb programindiyattlenutrtion Aaswerereearh ppars iosinedd iicude iviugaion oi f the productive iaues Af pauefogesandstdiesobihpplemenalcocetrafed- ing prigramsu for differen paue forages in order to gi greafts ift retrn onthedairyopeion.buTheiresearchprgruaminboth areaisu~ ld beundiithi leadersbipofiheuialubanudy sa, withpersnnl ofotherdepartet cooperatig onproject Aheie the scipi extends iito thbieields.  Dairy Manufacturing foyr14 man ruralb peolCst Ric.Excllen 21es4n Iar amr f Cost Ric in fin pitio tospply thepeople' needs ormik aaiy product. In this conecio, t41 HodgsonDahlberg report makes t followigsgetos "The gretes opportuniy for this countr toiceaerpidlyit oupu odair1y produc t i 41 be I foun in (1 moeficient explota2 o of th4ntua pas1 r land4, ad2) prope supple- feedspartilary Aurig 1411 uldry 1eriod" (p. 9). "The montin slides in theighlnd 21re aaptd1ogowigfoats 1a4 bly, an2 good yild of these gran are obtainblelar4ge tonage o oats andbaly, bthexllentdar feeds, cold and to anepadigairyindustyaicrasdl~k suply" (. ) Th Marhl Reor cotan p h followin stteens "The mik cows seei Costa Ricb eeal wr nti condition1121 , ful inherite productive capaity ofth ale" (p. 4) "Defiinc has been 4A reltel iepn ive in1th past (p. 8). '441 adi- by the rlionship of the 11ima111 111412men and1 lthA amoun of111 digstiblpotinobaineddiy from the11o11ge" (p. 9). Itq1would111bey1wAll Aed fr diyentfllolall thesegbasi rapidly 11inA orde to1 meet the1 ntiinl ned ofIA th14 peopl., for 141th Hodgson-Dahlberg report sta1es1 "The 41111114 purposeof food" (p. 21) Dairy Manurfacturing for many1 rural peopl of Iosta1Rica. Exllent daiype oip ortedlofver i IIA~pidoany ers plabce11 the1 141n diyfamr H oA Cost Rica11 n11 aI fine postio 1 t1o11 supp1ly "h popl's1eed for1 lk and1 dily dcs In111 thpis conciln, feeAs paicubary Auring the annu11 Alyper1iods" (p.9. "PhI mou111i1 bides in11 th ighlad are aapted t4o 114 grwigfat and2barley,Iadgoodyield of1 these grains 4 111r 1 1114bl-lrg ftl a 4In p ex ~pan 1411 b'usr adicesdmlsuy(p.4 .415).1 The11Mar1sh1yi1Rept 1 cotitefllowing.stemnAs:b-h of enery 1nak appear to be the 1 most1 geneal l11141n nuition.al fato for Hlkprdullbon4 Molsse s111 "o4e 4at11114or source and has2 (p.rltvl iepniei teps"(.8) Teavs Dairy Manufacturing Dairy1 2amn bys 11on11 bee 4a4 411n 1f live11411od b for~111 l 111112 byalpepllf osal i ca. Exellen, dirtpel cows, importe ove a1 p eriod 1 f ma2, 112 r, pl aceth 1112 pop l y 21414 for 1 214nddar prout.In~ this "441cton th4HdgonDalbrgreor1mke 1141 fob~~lllln1sugestons output~ l4124 1 of411 1112y prdutsist b fun i 1)moe icient 114d 2141ulrl d121111411 theb a11411111 dr peids(. '41141114 monansdsi 1111411 h~p ighIb1lansaeaatdt grow11b2141in 1f1t 1nd 41111y 41411 11oo 111 yild of phes prin are ob 4111b 2114g tonaesofoas4 n barI~~g l eyl both excllent ir fees, cld lIa tiganiepndinb da1111 21d 4114 a 1nd 411'ase mlsup(p. 15) 11141214n that theevl of 11111141n wa1s inaeqat 1112 supr the4141 ful inerte H produiv 14114 it 1141 1141 cattle 44111 4). "e iic ofeeryinae2 perst14 h most1111411111 gnrlA liting ntiina facto" (p. mikpouton4 oassi(oestsatoysuc.n  170 FERTILE LANDSy4 OFiFRIENDSHIP SUBNORMA BUTRA IN MILK ,4d,',b ~ 4At, cedai times o4f the 4 y ar , er Eis , a 4iepra 1odini Costya 4~ R 1ica 41 tha ha4e1ty4enietfida sbora utr fat conen of, milk." Thi codi ,o also exst in Flrd 4n a been 4f 4, , unde study atteFoid4giutua xeimn tto forsixyeas.Thereslt shuldbeof alu ,t Cota yic.4 In 4,y , the Florida, exeiet tebteft 4otn 4f h iko so1me 4 cows w yas lowere frmaou 4ercn t bu 4. e The frl y an y in 1 4fee d 4 the elmntin druhg, suc ag fa,1 and4 to 4 some derea lgty difrn time , ening upon bye Meed th cow aculy s Pehp oeashy can~ be, ymade juta tedy seaso starts, so thtterinwl o cause it , to ~ spoi an h rs iltbey old. 4 etlzn this grass 44, befor iti loedt 1rwfr a ilke it moreutri A170 4~4 4 FERILE LNDSOF FIENSHI SUBNORMAL4 BUTEFA Iy MILK4, 4 4 At~4 certa y tie ofth year Aer is, a t wiepra conitini CotaRiatht ,arcey, been4 idetie as "sunoma butter- fatcontyt df mik 1,,4, ThsyonitonaloxitsinFlria4ndha been ude study at 4 th Florid Agicltra yxeimn Statiodn ynhe ida exermet the,,,4 buttrf, contet ofthe mlk o balncd rtin fomth standpint ofenery and rotinfeeds thde ymilk reure to noryal, usull in44 abou 15 days.y4, In Cost Rica this cod, io exist in difeen arg s ondffrn fardbi, adt oedge at~b~ slightlyyy fern tim,dpndn 4 4170 41FERTILE44 LANDS14 OFFRIEND1SHIP SUBNORMAL4 B,44 TTERyFAT4,,,IN,,,MILK k~ 1At cer di 4ime 4of 4h year 4 there isawdsradcni1ni Cosa ic W th as,,,,1recekntl 1,,y , beeny Fdniies"uboml ,utr fa otn fml. hi odto loeit in hlorida adha benune sy atteFoid giutua xeimn tto for,,,,4 six ,44,1, yeas Th1eut hudb fvlet ot ia In, thy Florida exprimnt the butefa 4, nen 4 of 44 h1 mil of4 som cows was 4,1 , lowre from abou 4 e ett b 4 .5 ped cet.Wih n cw hi do 4 oo plac in4, 44 ss tha 154days.4For other cows te4 drop toyk 4oge t4ime.Thecow wee fd a, baanedraio fomth sanpontofenrg ad4 prten 4ees  The piar rason for thAs suggestd feeding pr~acsst mananpropr milk compositio. If this As no don, the manu- Aatr ofm f ary product will be mor costy beaAs thA yieldofbutte,AceseA ceem, addyikAwilbeAreAce. ReportAo lo yieds AoAf cheeand ofllo butera tetAo ilk abomly lo codtn in Athe coposlio Af milk. Mheco all the tim. This can be compared toth kind and amn Af gasoline put into the fuel tank of the auoobl. Ifit is low-grade the automoile catlib the Aonti oad An highler Af thA lwgralA Aul to clmb the same Aube ofr ilTh "ouA- put"friiply nas goodas i iAwhnigh-tsgasolieAisuse. mkes gooA, rich milk of baae coposiio if thA cow are of gool darytype. Whbn HoAdgso ad Dahbeg malA atdy Af thA day industyfCsa Ria fin 1943,er asAnAmikbeig pasteurizd ecptna sll plat.i LhAA. n hpAAeprthyatd: "Market-ilk inusriA an develp to bAAt advaage aoun cetes fpopuation.SaAII A Jsshudlathe ay" (p.A24). Althouh tias bee A on tA a lte exten, rports indiate thatonly labt n-tid Af th flud milk delved to hom As patized. MhiA Ahouid be inrae Ao that aa, pasteuize supply Af mik As avaiable Ao al peopAe, espcilly Ahldren. To do thAis irqiastog andunfidA datioalprogra. It woul hA wellA AA star thiAiMtechAl, Awi alltypes ofhuan nutriAonAducain Aincudd iteahig pgram. PasteurizA Milk.A Aurvy Af the preen facilitie aable frpauizig milk inates that all plant aopeating at mammcpiy f lr the eupment on had. Af thAeann twothidsofAhepeenikage Ai thbcoveAedtopastur izd milk, aAnidealy eypaded program is ugently needed. The priary rea for theAe suggeste feeding prcie is Ao mananproper Ailk coposition. If tis As nol doAA, Ih anu Aatr of ma daiy product All be mor coAty beause IAe yiel Af butte, ches, ic cram, aAd fry Ailk Aill be reAuce. Reports Aflw yields ol cheeand oflo butterfa AlAt of ilk appar to be coAAo. EflA-tA should be made to correc Ahes abnomay low coniions An the coposiio of AlAk. Theco isa"iinfatoy" and AAst av the A correc knsawll a gaine pAAAt Antoth fl a AAAf th A Auooie Ifi i-g ade Af Ihe lowgaAefelt clim tAA h sam number ofhill. MAe "oul good daytype. THEA MA LgUI MAILINDAUSTARY r industry Af Cost Mia in 1911, ther wa Aomlk being paAteuizA except An aPal plant An Limo. In tirAAeporAthy ateA: 'arket-milk AAAAstiaAAevelp Ao besA adantg arouAAAd Aetrso popuation San AMs shouA lad the way" (p. 24) Although thias ee done AA o a lte MA teA, reprt inate that Anly abou AA-tir bAA th id miAk Aelivere to home is paAteuizA. ThlA shoulA be ina sed Ao tat af, pauized Aupply Af Ailk As alble to all people, especal ildAen. To AA thAs All reqir a strog aAd unfied educaioal pram. It would AIAA b Ae well tosatti i h col, AlAh Al typesofhuanIA ntiineatIion inlue AA n Ah eacPhing progrA. PaAteuized Milk.-A surve ofth presen facilities ailable IAr pateuiing Ailk iAdicate that all plat ar operating al AaxiAuAcapaiyfo the Aquimn All hand. If Ahe reaining twoAtirdAA of the prsn mil uage is to hA co lAe to asteuAM AAAdmilk, a cnsdably expadA pramA isurgently AeedeA. MAe priaryrasAA for thAA suggeAtA feeding pacice As Ato mainainA proper milk composition. If this A is Aot Aon, the maAu- yielA ofAtte, AAees, Ac cram, aAAdr A lp ill A e reduAeA. RepoAs o Alow yield of chees a of l AA butr a est ofmilk appar IA be comAAA. EMAAorAAs shul Ae mad to correc thes abnally lAA coAditiAn An thA compositio Al milk. PAeco isa "living factoy" ad AAAt hav tA e corec ind a s A wAll as amont of lA ed hA AordAer IA mauatretes ki nd oAA A mAilk AAApIAAAAkalltetmeIhsIa ecmaedtAAtheid AamAno gaine A u AA nto tAAAA fueltako the autoA le A f A t A s h w- gade pheautmAilAcnnplyA~AAimAAthA gAun aiaiAAigarA soimesAl~hA n AAot evnieodga.TeautombppalsAAsesAmor Af heogade Melk toAlim theA~A Aaenme fhlls The MA outA gAtA As siy n as. oda ti hnhghts aoiei sd THEAg h A M AAAAD AIL AINDUSITRY A AA industry oAA Cosa a A I943 lhed waomlk A being asteuAizA "arklet-m ilk Andustis a devplopA tpol bestAA adataearon A lAAlhuhtilhasAbeedon Ao Ia lmite extent report AldaAAe thto l bu on-Air of~ A-e lui m~ilkdlvrdg ohmsi pauizAM. Alshl. A e inca se sl hA a a saA-A patuized spy AA~ ofml savll e to al peoAle pia ll A childreng To doA thisIA wil Aeur aA ston aduied dctiarga.I wouldI Aewel toarthsi tAAA A sAAcAhAsiaAAAAAAypAAAfA-ma nuAito edcao Aincluded An pAAe teaig AAroAga. AAA  Sucla atinmen may not b Ae Aosil fo sevra yershw inagsandad ofliig,A ecmsappnttatpanso o Af ~ l the flud milk inutyisvtl naly 5 per Ien of Ah tim. Afh pet ~imeA milceve prce but some oultmutb found fothdry mik, orth stockpile Af this produc wil becom exesiv. Ifa alyApssble a larg potonotemlkAAweig id shol~d builizasA patizedAflid1 mlk. Thswll gitegrats reur loAh dary famr and will as iv conumrsa good producthat claleonud without boling or urhe prpaaion An t home. Alis ma mole exaAsio Af a aledy esablished industry-paerizd ilk-a hbasgoninles froma very small output tonofcsieablAiein onlyive oeght yar. AA vngateea o Aprs awitsA thsedyandycal Af acpting the challenge. FreshMilkProduct.- Aignifit pIaIfAteAluimlk bsi nein theUnite Stsis represente by seea by-products oryperapsIaIbetteItermis'aaieyoffAehAaiy proAuct." ChoateAilAksnbinAg proAuce inoa Raatlh Ipeen time. Alis outAet forsuplus skill milk (nl Aled A hoAld AbA openimmediay adtrogIsale efrthouldAeyputfort Ao acquaint peopA let AAi eclln t fod.Cltr buttermik, base oitarl millk ai, isaoarefrshenig foodAdrik aAAd hasayAueAi hem i n thelprepainf inepenive foods for the fmly. LikeA chcl ilk, butllrmik conaial theproeandAmirls ofIAiklsoneeary inhuaA nutAition. Sour crea i Anohe diy food lat is relishe by sm epe ProdActAo Iansaes apa t AAlmiedbauseoflowkepig qulity IandakA I ounfriy. Coag gleeb procion requiAe speciaAAiandknowldgeforproAuion of airhgh- quaiy produc.AyAI Tiprdcaloidvd frAI skimAmikand lucb an aaen may not be possibl Ior seal ars; how- inrAsn stnardo livig, At becomes apparen tha epaion Aoft flidA milk Ainuty is via. AnoAhe Ampora aspect of Ah daiy industry An Cota Ria isthlsabilllzto ftepricAofmikl tfarmestroghoutth yer urn hewtsesnthr s uhlagenaeinA milk productioA tha t Cosa Rian dry mi1k planti An opeatio nayA50prcetofthimeA. At the presentAimikreeie allisplantiat an al-Aime high. ThApt ssissi sabilig yAice Aut soAe AulA Aus b lA Ioun fort dry ilk, or t stocpil fti prAoducA will om Axcsi. If at a poile aage poionAofAheAikI Aow AAigAridAholdbeAtlieas ypaAurAe fli mik. ThAA will gv Ah grets AM ur tol Ahe dairy famersandwialsgv A osmr A a goo Aprouc atI ca be IA cosmd Aihutbiig or urhe preparto All the Aome. Ahis Iea more exasio Af aaady ebisheA Mity-atuie y ikta has AlA w in A ale from A er smalAouputto one o Af con ilral sieinolyb fitoeghtyars An eve Arae era of Arores awistoeray adcpale ofacptigItealleng. Fres AMAl ProAcs.A AignifiapaAIf1hefliAmkbuA- Aes An th AA U ite Sairpresnte by 1eea Ay-proActA orperhapsIII A a etrtemi aiyAoffres dairy prodts." ChoateAiAkAAiAotbingAprAucdAi Cosaia atItheyesen All. hi outlletf srlskimlk (notAAed shoulAb opendimmdiaey aAdstgAII AA A sae efrs AAAd ept ot Ao lacqan peolth thAA lAM len food.I Cltur Auterilk, beausAe IIA~A, Al itsnaurlilk cd sas erseigkfooAArik andlasmnussi the hom All A h II ApraatAi AfnepenAiv foods frthe aily. LikeIchocolate mk,butermik coninall Iteprotein ad A mieaso ilk soncary in11 huaition. Sorcra i anohe airyIAoAd thti iAAdbysomepepA. ProAuciA A yydsaesppaob iitedbauseflow kepig quaiyadlAacofuifomiy. CotagIeeeAoucionqies speal Akll Aft AnowlAdge Aor proucio All a uniAorm high- quality produt AThis product asoI is derve frmkim milk andA of Ah flidA mik industry i via AIAnoriporantaspetAoth airy lndsty inCosaia isteaiatino h cfmilA~ AAkI tfaeslkroghoAtIth yea. DuingthIweIsasonAhereiIha largeincreas inil proucA o Aha A hl Cota Rian dry Ailk ln As Anoerto nearyAI AlA AAAet fte ie Al th rsn ie ikrcie at AAi ylan As at an aime higA. T pla assits An silzing prie btom outIe must Ae foundfortedy mik,Aorth stokpileofisproductAwllA, beoeeciveI.IIf alpossibl alreprinothminwbig~yAIAAA IA drieAsholAAA tiizas pasuizedA fluA mik. AlAs will give the greates retur Ao the dairy Iamr a ill as give cosmea goo polc tal IanA b A cosue wiu boilgA or AArterpeparainih homeThi AAA n moreA expanio Af anleady eabAished indsty pauiAedmlk-ta as growl iale mavr saAll IIA upuAtAoeofcosie abl izei ny five to egtal s AlA llpllAA Il Mvngetreao rorswistoerady a capabl ofacceyig the calge. Fres AfAk Product.- Aift cant par ofIhefAimiA buAiA nessiAIheUieAIState AiAepesntdy seveal y-roActA or eraIpsIA A a letrtemi laaeylo rs aiy produts. Cholate milkAisno AAingproueA iosaRiaa theA pfreent AAe ThAA outAA for surlu ski miAk (nl Ared shl l bAeA opened immaely and Atron sa AffAr shouA Ae put forA Ao aqualn people AAAh tiA ellnt foA. Cutur bll termilk, beauseof itsatalikaiAd, ialoafesing foo drAnk aa any uesin h oei h IAI IprepIaaifinepeive fooA for th amiy. LikeIAIAAA chcltemlbutrik conai Il theproeandA minlsof lkl soncary Anhmnntiin AlAr cram Ai anteAairy fooA thatA A Asrlsey Aom people. ProdAtoand lesl apar t b lmiedbause olowkepig qualiyan lc ofuiformity.ACotIagehesprodAuctionreuie specallA ll aAAknwedeA o producion of IaAA unfrigA- quaiAty produc.ATisprAoduct A aloi Iervdfo skimAmikand  ianecllent high-protei food. It mayf if sld jus a ml u facture, orcemmy be addkd toehac the iflavo. The proprequpffmtisbtained adperonlpopely taind. This type of cheese aind som copeitionf ifh marfket, butl ing only a ir-qulityprducLike thintoducionpf pasteurizd milk, the sae may he small atfh beinning, but the soudnes of the cottage cheese busies s part f klid milfk plat pea Saitation and Inspcio.-A dicusi of the klid milk indsty isnot comfplete wihdu placing the sanitationapeti a positionequa~ll to r igher than he nurtilaspecforn matterhwnutiisfod y b,ifi iprduced i ninai tay ayad is o free of diseas-prduing ogaismsl, it be- coe iiu preaderf huma i sufdering. Milk-borne epidemics ca beavided oly by pasteuizing milk and then protectig it focotmnto.Some claims ar big ma dath fbil- ingofffmikalhmis a sfe praticeand tat psteizaion gives nomr suac f sfetythan boiling. Tis concptsvr milding, and it is well to pint out 1 soef ife hazards assoitedwihth prhs f rawilk thais tebied. One isanexelen high-ptifoo ld. It may be sodd jut smau factured, orcemmy be added to enhance ife flvo. he proper equipmen is obtained and personle pely trained. 'Phis type of fiees fay find some competition if h market, but good reputation for tis excelen food can if estalished by sell- ing onlyafirsqaiy poduct.ikethintoducion fpasteurizd milk, ihe sles may bef smalla the beining, b fhesondes of ife cottage fiees busines asaprf flid mil1k pln fpera- tiin ifh Uitedf Staessuget that thlis fodill gain acptance Saition and Ipecion.-A discsion of the klid milk indstry inocoplt Ifithoutl plaing thefI saiaion aspect in aposition equal to origher ithan ife nuitionlapctorn matterhow itiou afod myb,iisprducd in aninsai- tary way and is tfreof diseae-prduigogaismsf, it b- coe icious preader of humn fferinkgl. Milk-iorne epidemfics ifn beavided only by pasterizig mil1k and filn protectfnp it fo cotmnto.Some claims aebinkg made that thk iil- ing of mlk at home is a saff practice and that pasteurization gives no more~ assuranc of sfekty fian biingp. Tis conceptf is very mfisleadinfg, afnd if is well1 to ffoint out some of tbe hazards associatedfwihheifpurchse fffrawfmilk tais tobe ied.'POne is an ex11111ff bigh-protein lood. It lmay be sld juf as manff- lfacturd, ff cream Iffy if addfd ff fnianff ife fllo. Tif proper equipmentfisobtained ad personneprperytrind. Tis type of cheese ma findsome competition if ife fmarket, iutf goodfreputationfffortisfexcellent fodfcanibf estbisheldy sel- infgoly fyirs-quality product.Lik heintrofduction ofpasteuizd ffifk, ife sales may' if ff1111 at1f thining, iut ife soundness If ihe cottage cheese business as aartff If luid mil1k plant oper- tion inftie Uitd Stateslggests iatftisfodillgin acceptafce Safitatiof fnd Ifnfpectionf.A disfussion of iheflid mlk ifdustry if not comletei fitiout placifg ife safitation aspect in a poiion equal to If ighier tiff ife nutritional aspect; for no matter howfnutritiou foo~d mayibe,if it isproduced inaninsai- tay layad if not free1ff difeafe-pfoduig orgafnism, if if- comesf ffvicioussprfadfr If ihumaf sflfering. Milk-ibfrnl epidemfics can if afoided lly iy pasteurizifg mi11k lnd fill yfotecting it fflfro na iaio. Sfom1 11aim1 are bing madef that ife bil- ling of mil1k at homef is a safe practice and fiat pasteurization gives no morff assurace of sfelly fill ioilifgis concep is~y fvely m~isleading, and if is well to point Iul some oIf ihe hzard  need olytorecllfr the das lf aly youth or 4oitaamly of arrivd. Fathe mus get twok, and just 1he t 1444anar ri444s. Th 414 44ugh 44 of84r40444s444et4n4hageRmoo ae4, 1is hunry an4 whl si 44e at 41n 44 4otere 414pshi11l a4 eebrta h hid44 germs1k col haet om fro the fth 414r4far. Typhoid is4nl a4 example;14 flie carry 414t an4 What aboutpasteuized4ilk? Itisaf l yif the milkisprop- caref1 and concintou operators. 14rel44 4adln 441144 p41 an ale whe asebln ca implant organisms4. IT op44 or nee44, 4n the must be enforce. P4serie milk44 m4s4 neve4 r be4thlresonsile agent4of4a4wide prea eidmi, an4i44 e 4411gh one,ad s n l case of 4 rso ibility someonemust4b able4t acpt4 i 44t 44 and4 todshrei optnly. If eprtsar history4o pasteurized4milk.444 No 144n coud4e1bt4r444na4on 4414444on of 4444 4thi4 reod.Vgiac4i44epic-n 4i4ctal be14ssur1d. There 4 is 4 no 1f mid-oint conumrs kxec ad esrv full 444 protetion Sanitation 444414 str a hepitfmikprdc 4in-hedaryco.4t4 usb 4441444 we1 through ever4 handlig~ 4rceue4444 rfc4cntc4444 ecosmeinluig h 444417 4 FERIL LANDS44l44yy44 4 O4i4F FRINyHI 444441 o eal h ay feal ouho to444 visit44 a1 fami4441 y f see4441l4chlre4t41 tbls 41g411th 44444444onit4n.Th mother 4411444 isil o4nt4n1hrg4o4te 4om 4bc ks4ltte ise age444444444441 4, is hungry anwil sstratens oterh hlp hmsl and 4emmb. that~ th typoi germs444 coul hav 4omfomth 4444 deie ig he milk, or from othe hanler afer th mil left 44444444 daryfrm 1kpoi4i4nl4a4 xapl;flescrr flh4n may4ins f4ers;an1 te seem44 to 444ly the4lis44444444an dipper over.44444 which44ik4has444444oured What4 abou pa14urze milk?4 It4 is 1ae4nl 444emikisprp mu4st betrindroery, the4y mutbceni 444444444 al4 habits theymus submi1 to regla helt che1 s an t4e utelz their 44444444lit.4 To 1 attain 4 1th4444 t4eofcnto 4crai 4aw 4r needed, and1they4mustbeeforced. Pasteurized 4,-, mil 4mut 4nve betersosbeaeto a widespread4 epiem,4 and it44444 neve b 1 if all workers 1 are 4 prpel 141ne ina ulralzaio 4114414 th 4i 4rst 114s is 4444 th repniiiy o1 the employer It isnot a4lighton,4ndas4in a4l4aes4f4repnibiity44someone44must4be 4bl 14 accep 4t and t 4 dicag 4t 4444e1ent1y. If reports4are correc,44 Cosa4Rca as4njyed4an4exce1lent4rputatioin4th4hor history4 444of 44444 4441urze mil. 4otin4cul4bebe4e4tanaon tinuato 41 thi recor.114 4 Viil 14 s h pric -an 444 actall costsso44ey44444e4444uni14f44od4c. 444444 11444444444rls us be4assued.4Thee4is nomid-poit;4consmers4exect4andd44e44 14444444 protection. 4 Santaio 44444141444444144 fmlkprouc tio-th 1444444444. It 444t be 4444444d 44444444444hanlin 444444444444441race4444tc1144444444nsu44,in4144444144 44144e 444 4444l caps. 444414441444 4 ETL 14444441 41414441441I 444444 44441 t11 recall 144 4444444 444 14444444 youth4 or4 1444ifmlyo 444144444444444444444444444 44st4441444n144444114444444444444444l to44444414414 44444444444444444444444444Cntas ths o botl o 4444144444444444444 milk 4 44444144444 4441a tepatfreo hsedsae 4444444444444 bacteria1444441 4444444444444444444duts iped ro 444441 can 144441 44444144444 44s 414444h 44444 44ul bebild4u- and 44414444 441t th typoi ge44444 144444 144e 444e 444444444 414444 44444rin 44114 4444, 444 44444444444444. ferthemikef W4e dar farm. 4444. 444oi 4441 ony 44444444fie crr ilh n 444441444 kinds4of4gems;4a4d4the4seem4to4lke4the4lipsof4cans4an 444444414444444441441444444441444444414444444p 44414444 44414444444444 44444414 pasteurized444 mik444ssf ny ftemlki rp 444r444 444-ratd This4requires4god4equipment4butit4alsorequire 441444l an44 concintou opeatrs Careless4 144444 n 4444444 pipes 4 4444 14444444 valves4whenassembling4an1implant4rgaisms.44e444erator 4444444 444 444ne prop44 y they 44444444 be le4a4 14prsnlhais 4444444 mus 444444444444144 444444444thcecs adthymutrelz 44444444 repnsbliy 1o 444444444444444 1414414 141e 4411 1444lcraiawr 44114444 44444 44144 14s 444 44444444414111 Paterie mil mus 441444.41444 4444444 44144444 4444444444414 aget444444444444444mi, ad tee 444144 144 44444 al worke4 144 41444 rl 4444 ne in a4444 4 ful realiza4tion 444444 444444 trust.44 444444444444 4444444 th44pniiit fteepoyr ti o 444414444441 444444 44414444441441444444444onibliy.smene us b 444444444114444444444414444444444414444444ntly.4444ep4144414 44444444444441444444444414414444444444144444444441444444e shor 4441or 4444444 4444urze 144k Notin col be bett1 tha 444 44444n4444 444aio 414 thi recyd Viilnc 14444 444 444444444 it 4a4ctu444a444444 444444444444444444444444444441444roduc4444444444444,t c444r4ls4mus be4ssre.4hee4s4o4 idoit;4onumrsexec4ad4esrv  Milk Delieris.AIft mik Bas been paurzd and btt pouing suface ca tk plac lurin deliveyorin h home1. Beliver o patrzd bottld milk in open trcs at, and ohr vbehie sold be prohibited. Not only dothe milA be- bthe stanwll be cr~icl whe homogeized ilk isdlilrd. If parzdilk bms am oh eliveytruk, it cn notpossbly be chled fnt bom rergea that seldo as aBteprature lthn50F IDley trckbhold beequpped with doors, which sholdbekept clse tdM preen pssge oir Mdi lr-Fao chage lb aused by sunight are very ob- jetoal. Thos caused by som meta l albad, and stinles stee shold All usdfo Mlkpipes and al he surfaces tht ilklontactslmed flavorslitatoilge aocasepeople todil dinkigmik. Atechlde lean t drikP h pserzdmlkAthyusally d o ikelh fao oIB iled AMe illmhseom poplar biod wth many Costa Rbcns comeal produto of ice remM an ld sm c ra oete. A grea expnsio Af tiindustly is poiblAk by intodio olft ne flaor, and adetsn l ihghily im1pMratt contAnued growtb Goid us shiud ft mad of dr y-ice, anvning boxes shoud be opratd at pinther aleA potntal br good.c cramisadairy fod a d uppies h e urinsswhl Milklivd ies Afe milk has ften paseized and botled pouring sufaceca taIke pl ace I duigdivery ori t lIme Delivery Af ypastuid botlebiIlk inoe trucks, cart, and oterveles hould beproibitd Not onlydoes the mlkfb- Ahe diuion Awlill bl citcBal Al hooeized milk is ddelvrd. notposily be cild Ain I hoerfigetor that seldom has Mi Flbvo.-Flao chage causd by suligh ar verPy ob- jioale. TAPs cPaue by som mta sraces are alsobd, an inles steeil shold be se for mlkppes and hill ohe alocuskple oislie dikn k Atrildre lear Ado ilk.~ Nerl Avr child est dk mil anf lt I f itd A Ifh THEhi h lICE CREAT~MAUSTYIAIM A BlIPt epaso Af tisA idusty is posdib by introducion Af neifavr, and advertiding As highly imotn tolP M oinued shoul be operatid at pit where sale ptnlsare good. Ice cemishadairyfodansplie the ameIM~ nt ient as hol Bml.i Bealle it is swetne and can beofr idnanubro DI MANUACING 175IA hIpIPM~d Dlvey Af pastIArie botled milk in open truck, cat,an otherveiclsbhuld belroibited. Ntoly doe he mik be areausd by lIe acAo of sulgt;aduder ceti conditions, not posbly be cilled An t hom rfieato that seldom has al eprtr lowe thnM5° F Detlivedytpuck sold eipped arunhe d otleft Iciofthil o1A ftheruk iP tadr IMprac- lectinabl. Thos I aused by some mtl sufae Ar alobd, and stiless steel shoul ft udsedmikpipe and lIohe dmikhi Neryeeyid ~ lke toI ldikilk n o~tsh oftdIh IMee cream has beoeapplfod with lany CoRicBans. In only a ewyer aM very igoodfbginn as been made it comrilpouion of ic crea ad soeic remnoetis new Blavors, hnd advertsin Bs hIighly importan to coniue growth. Good use huld be ma~d fy-ice hnd veing boxes~ shulid ft oprtd at po it hr sale ptetyiCalsaeod BIce creambi day Mood andsuplitesm nutrient as whole Bmill.eaueitis~p sw IMne and can be offere ia nmbe f  milk plant operai. Fo Fhis resnteqayo bute ma frmpaturzd frs cra isvey good. Som consirto tiis ic odobt som flies woud pfe to prhas wpped on-fourh-pud quatie. The Hdgso-Dahlber Rpor cotinsoeiprattt- metsrgading th deelpmn Af Ah Phes industy An Cosa Ria.. A fe of Phs sttmntr quotd Per in ordertm phaiz thb fis stps Pha mus yet be tae in PAscnncn "Th heseidustysoud ocpy a vey pratplaceinth acltr of Ct Rc" (p. 34). "The Phes industywila- vanc mrrapidly ifmor apte aiiaemdeandif bhy aremde aoding to estabished poedr a iarg uit Essenilly the industy willI bet lesevd by sall fatre nasoreof milkpducinbt itbaybdtgeosto Pae Ilage cuig waebus narA th osmn akt (p. 37). A survy of wopteni he-anftig ara ad graly toye-ppa, and goduse shoud be adeois poit- of-sal aatage in mercadiin icecem THE P , A BUTTE IDTY A pPAI Ailk plant opeatio. FTr PAi r aso h qualiy Aof trmd fro patuie fresA crea is very gooA. Smicnsratio tiis ic odoubt som falie wouid prefe to purcha wppedoe-furt-poundqatie. The HodgsonDahlber Repor coti some importatsae metsearding Ah Aelofpmetf Ah A heese indutry in Costa Ria. A fewA ofA hs ttnsr quteld Aer in ordertom phasiethePfirtpPthat styetfbeftkeithAi ontion: "Tbe chees Andusfly bhold occup 'aey impoant pla in the Agiutueo Cosa Rbc" (p. 34). "Tbe chees industy Aillad vnemrrapidly if mor acceptable vat aremde, and if Pthe are made ~ acodn toesaid procdur a An lage Tnits. Essentially the industry wll bes be seAe by smal fatories nersureIf mlilk producio but it may be avntgeous to haalarg uigwruena r fb teonsmigk mrke"(p. 37). Asurvey f tpenicesa nufaturnareas asmde greaty to y-appel, ad ooduseshold bedefthipint- In Fosta Rica the comrial hbte PAdutry isa par of the milk plat operation. For PAi resnAh quaity Af buftte made from pasteurie PAPs cra isvey good. Somcidraion may All be given to units I of T butrmllrtan-pound qan- tities sinc n Ao dob oefm l iud prefertopurchase wralpped oefourthpounA quatitie. Tbe Hodgso-Dahlberg Repotf cainssm moratsae Aet rearding thedevlopmen of th chees lb ndusty iA Costa Pia.. A fe Af ts saltentar quoted PITe An orArtom "The chesindty shulocup aT3 veyimpotat pflce nth agiculture of ColIa Ric" (p. 3A). "The cheese industry Till ad- vIace more rapidly if Aore laccpl vities are m aad if Pley aremde accoring to established procdure ad iarg units Eseially the industy wil bet Ie serve by smallatre have a lare u iwahuenth e cosumiggmkt" (p. )  mayde, the cheeidsrsvr definitey ibt infancy. There improveyd yyetyyds. Assistanc should beailble ty intrduc cheese thb would make use oft supply of bh ype noyy ro be offeredas tyyyca Costa Ria prcesd cbeese. bairy product fro milk, it is highly imotn tha ldabyy yyyyyi Cost Rc be fed according to bethod tha reeac has found to bethe best Tlhi illbqiresomfchngesinbro,pature, and cocnrt feeds Commerial daiby farm operaion inyot Tepserzdmlinuty and those relte to it hav been well ystyblihey. Costi Ricans byv cofdnei h aeyo yabeuize ilk; flobsshofbthis ofdnetruhal-borneyi- which can beprvetd by btic laws go yyy inpcionan be introduced, and somsiud by impyovd bn qualty. Next safey, keepbn qualiy and flvo ar the yy al-montfcos Wlere poysble, bh seo coo should consiuea motn itmi mechnising daiby product. yqiment, emplyment ofwellriedybhesemker, choice of vaite ob ae n eea fot neuaigcnues It per htcniin r aoal for~ tyyheyy estayyyblyhmntyo small ches plant in som arebas soehaemvd fromy the highricdld eayaoud SanJos ympove metybd. Assisbnc shouldy by avilable ty intodc saybb in b mantinn unfr qity bIf hedaypeches di is ducd ro raw milk sob tha a stndayizy blen f theyy cul beyofferye y aatyilCostaRiy pocsldbhese dbiyyprouctfromy ilyfk,iis bgly importanttha dairycowsin Cost Ric by fyd according ty methods that reeac lbs fyound Rnd cocnrt feeds by mrca y ar farm opbbio inyby by ostaify bh ybyyrize myilk ifdustyy byd yhs relatedy toibyhyvefyyy yasteurized milk; yyys yf tib yyyfidyyyy ifrug yya ymyyk-byyyyeyi- deic obld rebult in a draticbyetbacktothindutry-a setifhibac yyyyyyycy ycyybyn if prveyeybsrcas bdobo inspyecion, abndl by yyyybyyced, ayd syyye ybyyld by iyyyyyyyd yy quabity. Nextyy safety, keepyng quality any lavyyy ayy the aimotn facors Wherey yyyyibbe, thy yyy yf yylyy should yyysttyyy yy importanty yyyjpyyyy, bmlyment yf yyyll-traiyyd ylyyyy yyykyys, yhyyyy of bigh-prbced lan ayyay around Say Jysy. tyesof cheese yb.ifg prify ed Altouh omecesi byeyynyy g yyyy, bbe yyees industryyiy efinytly byyitsygy ay.yyyyyy produced, syyyyye con iyyato shol by given ty a yrocessd chyysy tha wouyy ayke ysy yf bye suyply yf yhy typyy yyy pyy- Coysta Rbc by fed accoring yy metyydy yyytyyyyyayyhhay fyyynd tby yhy bys. Thb wyill requiebyyy canesiyy opyasurs and yyyyyyyrayy fyyysy Cyyyyyyyay dairy fayyy yyyyatiyy yy Coysta yyyif ysyabbybyed. Cyyya Riyyyy hayy cofdnei h aeyo pasteurizedimilylo bof bb~y~yy thscnidnetrog ilkbrne epi- demiyyyyyldyreslbadyasicsebtbcyyyyth industry- seyybayk whlich yay by yrevnte by striyy layys, good inpcin aynd safety, beeying yyality and flavor are thify iprtn acos Wberepossibb, theyyyeyf yylyy should yyystityyy anyyypyrtyn ite yi yyyyybnybbiyg dairy pryybyts Tbe cheese industry bs btilly by itsinfany growth yil depend eqyuimyn, empyloyment~ yf yyllyyrayye yheysy yyakers, ybyby o viete tyoyy bey madeyy and yyy yynra effyt yyeuatn onues It apyyrstht yyyyyyysbre yyyyyyyyyr he stblyyyyyntby sml heepat nsm ra oehtrmvdfo h  178 FERTIL LANDSB2 OF2RIENSP2 is k 22ot asfcin bsis predicting futur performance. Some exprincd in ote 22 ntie under2 somewhat comparable kbou conideabl k ak dvancement, 2and the chaleng appears to be The folowig pitsmei consideration. 2. Btcpln of2 nofa dr2mlkcnnt2 otiueineintey 2.d IBy inagurtin a 22 god dcaina 2rorm 2nhua ntito and 2 by agresveslln,22cnidrblh orin f h ml nwb.n Bre Ban be sol 22 as B2 2 paseuBzd wol mlk 3. Intd ucinadsl fcooaeml ilfrhrrdc h amoun of 2 2 milk b2eing dred 4. The2 .2> 2 ic22a nutycnb xaneadslsefrssol Be diece totemtosue2 ncut2 e hr c ra ae Br good. 222 22 2 222222 5.22 Sml 222es 226226222besaredi 2aea 2hee 1hepes of BrnpaIon can2 22argel 222y be2 elmntd hentrlpic datg is 222 2 fav12able toceseoeatos 6. The 2 22 2 Bric stutr use B. paigdir amrsfrmlksol be stdid and2 neesr acio shudb2ae n codnewt the findings.M 1 222 2222 2 7.~~~~~ ~ ~ Mikisetonadsnttonlw 2hudb rstuied2an caeu cosieato shoul begvntpl sfo dwrkbeiohr A22278 B2222 FERIL LANDS2 O2FIENDSHI DAIRY MANUFACTURk22ING2 OUTLOK22 as2 co mrca da2iry 22nfatui2 is2 concr 2. However, in this is 622 not 2 a 2 suficen basis for 2 Breictngfutre erormnc. Some2 relince2mtbe placed,2thereorebo thecanges hathab een experienced2 in other counties under 2 22 soeht opb le2I codts.2s2p22iy22y22222222k 2Goo 222 leadership in 2 the dar indstr of Cost 22c ha 2ouh a2but2considerabble adancmen, 2an 2th 2ch llene apeas t2h eve 222eater2 now 2 than 2 whe 2te22 een2 mme2 il2 stbl.h met werek 2cr2eated. 2 6 Th. fo2 oin pont B ei consideration. 1.d 22 Stockpilin of2 2 nonfat dr ikcantcntneideiiey Bn b ggesive sing, a considerable po 2222 temlknw en 3. 212odut62 an sal of chclt mil will 2 fute 22dc h amount of 2B mil being 2 dried.2 B 4.2 222 The icB 2B cra2nusr226b xadeadsae fo 2ssol 22 22 dircte to 2 th mehdsue 222ontiswhr22ecemae A78 yFERTILE LANDB2 OF2FRIENDHIP2 is2 no a2suficikn basis for predicting futur performanc. Some reliance must2be place,2therefore, on2theBcanges2thaBhavebee experienced in other countries u2er somewhat comparable conditikons. 2ky22222(2 k~22s2 Good2222 2 22222222222 222 t Be d Bairy g inBB2222 of 22t iaha ruh ab 2u cons2ierbl advnceent 22222 222 h222 22. egeapar ob 222v2e 22 2226te 22222222 2222entepesn omecastbih 2et wer 22crea 22t 2212222222 2The Bolwn pont meri consideration. 622 B1. 22222222222222 2222 222222222 cnotcntnenefntey 22 B inuuaigago2dctoalpormo.ua urto and 22 ag 2222iv 22222222622222l prio o te ikowben 2re 2ca2 22 2ol as 2 22terie whl 22 m2lk 22 22 3. 2 22 2 2 Introuctio and2 saeo62222t ikwilfrte edc h amoun o 2222 mik 22ig 2rid 4. Th 22e 22ea inusr 2 a 2 e 22xp262222 and sale 22osol be2 diece to 2 the mehd 26222 2n count 2222 whr 222 cra 2ae  IR MAUFCURN 179l mplad. . All hases f di anfatuig rqirltelsefoly Imn ad spcal mehods Isfudamentl,therefor,that ther -pel taindA tehicin andworkrsa thedar indsr grd s aking advatg of th good pont, ther should becntne tIlatd. .All p ase ofay m Ianuactrn require the usAfcsl ann anyl d i meth d kIti fudmell dhrfoe tha Allre *Whatve tlhe enepill. staing stll mansI slipping back, Aut th based on visio All guid Ahe day industr in itsadvneet Ah ithviouAs branches of diry manuacing thathael . All pases of daly mlauacturing require the use ofctl 111111 and special methods.It is Afundamentl, thereforel, 1tha1 t1here -operlyltaineld tehnicanandwoker ash diyindsty grow.  The Cheese Industry M ikkproductioni sCosRcarpsns op pox- ousdairyprodus.s OvrSomion ods oS"white"ches, appoiatly5p ntof h o onspiois mdei smlquatte on nueosfarshddar-ypeoad poesd chees mnfocurd in Cot Rica contribute only about 5pe cntotheotal consmpion, and the remaiing S0 psr centis soported. Ths only indu si-sized chees Sacoryiop rtoni 1585ws located in MoeVerde; btoatleasttwo aditionasl fc tois, oinSa Js andoeinSantasCuweinhe largor, mor efficient, sodustriSozd faory operations sppes ineitbl hand shod result is th produon of chees of better qualiypad greatervariey.Unsal opoues eit os nces ing milpoutonad for expanin marketsfofarmpoduced fresh milkfo oanfacturingpupsespPrseleves ofssssssmic conditios indict that cheeofgoo qualit ca bemaufctrd Sor loal consuption and for export at competitv pric. Whil cosplete infomton isot avilabhO, threar sufficient doss in tho 5550 cesuso give 0a0 heaonpl scurso picueo fth preen soheessituation fnossa Rica. Tloe S showos chees podcton osuption Ther s virtuallyno cyove o The Cheese Industry W sl poduction inCsta Risa reprses appoxi and aoutss22 psrsnos f thismilk issedfor manufcturogsvai- small quanities onnumosfars. Choddar-ypo andsssossed cheese manussfactured sn Cost Riss sssssihusssonlsy ahsss ses imspsote. The ossly ssdssstisizesd cse factory snopsratons So 1958 wsocasteslis MSoeVede;bhsssesto two additsolfaS- torisons sn San osssadssss onei sat sCuwr sssinsshe developmentl sgos. Thse shasge fom sor cheese-makis So lagr oreffisies, indssialize factoy speros appears qualityand grete vassiey. Usual oppssuniss xistoforincrss- jingomikpsoductisnsand sfosspadingo sakots fo fos-psdduced frsh msikfoomanufacturingpuposs. Presen levesofoso mic csonditiss indctethtses e o gosdquality cano be manfasord While somplet infomatooois otvailble, these aso sufficient datainsthel1950susto giv so resonablsy assurote picturssof Oproscton n osumptssoion. ohr Coos vitull nsho cyo veosoh f sockssitohecosesof 1957o.S~ooiso~oso The Cheese Industry M iSk psoduon in Csos ica resentss approxi- smstsly S0 pes sens of sh otlfr inoe sod about 22percentsf tis mis5uosed foosanufsctuing sori osdirypoduct. 0000 50 milon pouns o "white" hees, sppssoxiostely 75 persn sof the hota onsisumssption, is osde is ssalquaoitisssoonuososss.Chdd-tpssndprosssd csfe mansoacosrd is Csta Rica sonSributes osly hsout 5 por imossed. The only ioduostisize cs hese facoryo inoperasionin S195o8 o w slotd inMonteoVerd; btaostosoaddtionalfsc deoolopoontaS sags. Tho chaogo fros farm hoose-makiog to lorger, 0000 effiien, Sodstialzed faoropeaonapar snevitabhhod should restinodhepoduotionof sheoseofhoetto qu00t anod5greaersvaiety. Unsualdopportunisxsthfor 00000as ingoiksproductionand fsoepadingmakesfor oamprodoced freshooik forsanofacturisgppos eso. Prostlools of oomis cossiis sndicatethathoso ood quadityocansosmanfactured Wile cooplote informon s not aovsailol, there are sufflciont dot instheS150ocess' to ive oh a soea sonal acraepicturoof tho prsents cheesesitdon is Coot Rio. Taohisoos choese productsoo sod coosooption. There os virtually no carr-over of  Ecluding CARE chee les tan 4 per cent Af thoal cheese cosue As imported ad thA chLse-aacturAing indusry i InA1956,2.4percnto thL toalAS chees mnfcrdAi Cost Ricawa fAurthIr adeA into procssd AheeseAcommonly rferre toapasteurized ALeese. ThAs term, howver As nopeisl cheese mad An Costa Rica. It is esiatAd Sha only abouS Ae cesmafature~d ist typica "whbt' ALeese. Af timatAd CAREcse a appoimtl 6.5AA Ipound.A A Tiisadiry good AftI AALSeaId AAAd15CpAdIAAAd 9A CSda-ye (CheddarASC Ed pa, AGoda CA 1p0A EA g avrd Cp2~. pArAAAAnd inpA 1956AA TAAAAI prcewa hAAsti "Kch tA5he CAAgh Rof ~ AAAA Ah dr esnwenml Cupis wereAlow estAAndRaALh iimmi lteriAAnAypAA sAAA aCAoAA.AopareAAt tAAAwieAAAeseCataroAAndAAAAperpAA tecedr-ye r EAcAAdig CARE AheAAA, IAAACA th a AAA A per fetf t Ioa AchAesA AAAAAAAed iA5AAAAte, adthAAAAAse-anaA ctuAAngAindAAAryA Coa RiaAwiCl otems A AAApar comAApeAteS piaiyACCAheloal "wite"I, AAAAhee AAAseAAAAAAAA. AAA InAA 1956 IA4 SAA AedA AA the toAal cheese A I mauacue AA Csa Ri aaAurheA ade yA Ain pocssedpcheese comonlyAreferre toA a"asteAAizd" hsAAAAAAisAAAAAAA evrisnoAAA ciel Ic AAAAAAAAAt si AAAA AAddrte lno i AAAAAAAA Arcse Aypso ar ae AfAAAAICAARA. AAAsAtedrizAAd mikAAAomAoheAAnris AlCApAdAA EA S A OFd CHAEAES AAAAE AAl There AApAAAAyypA AAAA AoacraefgueIAalbecocri ACh tpso cheese A~p AAAAAAde AA iCotRiaItsestiateAd taA naA o p er A CARE AhAAAA, aA approxatelAy CA5 pAAAAA. Ahs iA aS Saily Aood ASve o AAA cheee Aco Aumpion, aAthAAg it ca e AAiAAAAAAed. TABL 2AAA-gAAIA Al AL EEA ASAAAA F AA IN AOSTA RIAA AAAAA AAAA~~~~~~~~g~~~de C2.95 AAoAf A SAI IA pA AALg iI M heese ALAe ToAa LAACony AAAAAA AAAppA AsumpAo AAAhAi SAAAAAAAA chAAeyAAAAreAAh 6 d0 i AheSR Age LAAA1 AS55A pAS l SdA-yA Cheddartypes ChedaEamanAAdIoua)A9AIAE 10ASA5 P5oc12e CA1Ad5AAAA AAAAA~dA AAAA~ AA A ta cosupto A10A0 S , AAA9 AAS A A I i The rAAAetai Arc ALAAA wht chee AAAlding AAAt ceam cAAAAeseA aveagedAA 5A erIAAA unAAAiAnAA9A6. Tep ewshgeti EAAludiAA CARE AhAAAA, lAAA tan A pr AAAt AS CAe toal ALAAAA IA SA56, 2.4 per AAAt AS the Ioal AheAAA anuactAured IA Costa Ria as furhe IAd inAA proAssA AlAes AAAAAommAAoAAAAnlA AAIrre Ao aAA AAAastrzd"A cheese AAis teArmA AAAAAAArd isA Ao precsel correAc AAt Aic che La IApe AAAA Aurhe pAAAAAA lsae ad ArmSaAAAurAdA ACAC iSA soAmeAAAS AtheALAAntriAA TYPESA9ASAAAAOFAIAypCHEESE ~ pIAIS cAREmpio oSA fA Ahee A p roportio by IA es AAAdA shown AA abl 2A . AABLI2.AAAAAAAAAAAHAESEICASMIASAAA.CA~p~A ISA~~~~~~~~~~~e Cen IAofA lAA~ A9A A~.IAA~dAyA AhAeA ATAype ApAdAdLAA5AAE Toal Cosuion Wlide cheAA fes 6A0.PAAAd CAldAAdAA AyAA WKAhite . chce Ag C15 h A gAAR A'A.I.CO ' l CAAedars(haraanS9Ad ua)AAAAAL 1AA 0~IA ProcessedA ASC1A5AAAAAAlpA  One factor whbcb haso srong infuec son increasig tho de- and nutritioctes In 1957 aproimaey on millisonpounds of ohes wrusd, sod again in 1950 aoherone millisopounds weeffered to 150,000 scoolA childre. Preos repsors of the catle situation by D. E. Allege,' dairy production byS.P. Marshll,and diy mnfacturingby W.A. Krieneh ave adequately covered vaos phses Af tho dairy probem An Cos Rico. The highlightsof Athse reports which relat to ese-manfactigpobles ar eiewe herbrly. KrienkrepoteAinJune, 1957,that "he chese idstry is sillins inofany; gowth sill Aspend entirely uo selection of loainpourement ofpnec ssar qimnp oymentof wll-trineod chbses maoss, choice Af vaietiso be masds, sod general efforts ino~ edcainsg csumrs" Ho further sated that "if a hda-yp heei produced, som cosideration bhold he give o a proced cheese thaboudmks f thespplyAo the typs nowproud fromiraw milk sohasaddize bled of the two ouldssbe offred s tplostRican proossd cheese."' Soss years eardier the Hodgso-Dahlberg reor9 of 1903 stated that"h hesesindusy will advane orerpidly ifore acceptable vaietis are ae, sod if they aremde acording to One factoro whAcb boo sonsg influence on increasdng the do- sod nutitonal centes. Ios 1957 appr oimately on million pousss Af cheeoser sed, ansd again ino 1908 aothebr one moilion pounds weeoffereA to 100,000 school children. Prevosros of Athe catle situation by D. E. Allege,' dsay production by S. P. Marshall,' ad airy manusfacturinog by W. A. Krienke' bove aequately cord vaisous phases of the dairy problem in Costa Rica. Ths bighlightsA of hsrpos which relate so chese-moanufacturig probleos are revissssd here briefly. Ksiesnks reporteA iss Jsuse, 1957, thats "the cheese indstry is stillinoitsinfany; growh will dpendeielyposlecion o ssell-traised chese smaokers, choice sof varieties to e sssae, asnd genlfortsinductig osume." He frhrstatd ha"if a chedaro-type cheeses is prodssced, sosss csosidaion shlsd Os givent as oprocessed cheesse that ssould sakebse of the suspply of thestypsssossprdusced fsrsossswilkssosthatsasadasdizsdblesA sOof sto ssolA heosffessd a5s asypisol Csosta Risao psosssseA chese."' Sooe yeas easliss Ase Hsdgson-Dahlbssg report sf1O43 statedshat"thsschesesidstrsyssill adsvsnsssmssesapidly ifssssss acceptable sasietis are moade, aod if boey are omase acording to Ose fastss which loss a stong influence son incsesing ths ds- sof shese werss used, sod again in 1958 aoeoss ssmillison pounds weeoffered to 150,000 shool childre. Previous repors of Ohs cattle sitoatioby D. E. Alleger,' disis production by S. P. Mashall,' aod airy omaoofactoring by W. A. Krisok5 boss adeqoately covered various phasesof theb dairy probleso is Cossa Rics. Ths higblights of bhese reports whbicb relate to cse-manufacturs~oing poblemss aos revieweod here briefly. Krieoke reportedio Jun, 0007, that "Ohs obese indostry is still in its infancy; gowtho will depeod entirely upon selectisono loainprsouemnof neossarsy eqipments, employmentosf well5-traioed chbse omskers, coiceo vaieies to Os omsde, sod general effortssinducaing cosoes." He frtrsb tatsed tbst"if a cbeddsr-typs chbse is prodoced, soss considerstion sould be givosst Oa procssed chese that wouold sobes of the bsupply of the typsowsproduced froraw ilkssobtaastanldadizdled of tbe two could be offsred s a typicl Costs Ricans procssed cbees."' Sosoe years earlier tbe Hodgson-Daberg reporof 1943R stated boot "tbe chbse ondostry will advsoce sore rapidly if more acceptale varieties are mads, sod if boey are made acording so  etblishe procedure and in larg unts Esetal ph industry will bssrvd by alfor1is a ore of mikproc ofosh toaldoproeteproean h tlotal poducioof silk. intsrrlste. Sissemanfacure dairyprsoils (cse, butte, icedcream) provideles. eunt ikpodcrhnwoeml ductorpreenedoly 22percn of the tooal milkproduon, ofowhich78lpe cen ws comd in lifom. Porcpita coo- supiofomilk atpoeeippoimaylypodpodsrdy,oa willokplessinc eain bishageslowly, asdthabyphe timosily ppr cpit coupioleahe pound itoillel off. Itapastaticessinomilkproduction, whchar prylikel intedxtfe yeprswgllooippowao saisfyn the oludmk sninreoiglp lorgor percentag avilbl assupluorau fatugpuposes The posesonnna chbese productiloni esie t5ilo poonso oadailyvrg oof abbout 14,000 pounds. This would boous olumofo prsoductonsper faros small. lightly lssotha l0lperceof tota prodion ilsolo th ohda-ypod poesd; WOOl boor is littl similiy o bvr oom in the pro- cedure fomking white cheese, ths folloing dscription n oharaterzaon will proovide b s ofiin inoton tsos Is r the bafo lssificatoss, Wbie hsbesmadefom rsh rawooooilk, stalhoeod proeuedissinare uniEsilly thidustr will bestbsevedby small fatre nesr soure ooik poduc- nerthosuingo maket."' It solbeokeptsinsmind thtbhocseoindstryp isobt part lof thsota diry enteprse ail ths toial prouctionof m silk ouply and domaod fos ac ofltheovprios dir podcsare icOcea)provide lssl t k poduces tanwolml Afor h poa d bosmtoo, flid iIlk cosumto b oul beour- doSS0 Chepss Pr oducidfon Poos ductioesentedonl 22prcn o h ollmilkoprodcio, resonably boor level. It ca beepectd tha ony1 slow So res wil take plaosincs Sopin babit choage sloly, snd tha by the I0 peaos thticess omlk prsosscion ,0 chaeey ipl demand ofarpidlyssrowio poltio a0d sopsr toadoking anicesingly bargo percntge avilbl s surpluorau fathsg pseos. ssdssssosolol poslor adilby avrge ol about 14,000 pounds. Thbs woulod becse oeof productioperooi small. Slihlyles othan 10percsofotolproduct osecedar-tpe ail procssd; tho 1argst perenag s, 0h whit cheessO cooly prducsilo o hilehr sittlesilaity ontevoil fagds pnthoo- charcterztons will provide sfiien inormaion to fsoorm ohe baiOoclsloofiato.Wite hseSiskmdfromfshl raw milk, establisd proceuads i slorgsouis. Eosstal phe idstry sill bes bsos sere y sllcoiesrsore sob milkproduc Itshbould bs kept so mid 0ha th chees idstrsyis Sut parI iceobsos)ovd lss rpsrnso Sil poes thnwoles lk aged pn stimltdos.s Aleger reosossd that in 0054 th total chesndbutte pro ductonO reprstdonly22 eretod he tolsmilk poutin sossptonof milkop at pr sensapproxmtl 0.6 poundsoperody,oa resonably fairlevl.Itoanbe expectethO onlio so nces woilokepesinc etog hasbis cansol, andOtat.pyIts It appesoo tha onrae sinmlk poduon ohish arevey lOkely inohenetofw eps,wil goino rtowadstsfypsgtheslidilk demso oil solospidly growingpopolatonn sinparoworiloaing aninrsingosly lare g percetagavilabes ssspluosoomno factrinpurposes. Thersentolo Inua chees prooucton is esimte at oillioo poonds, odily aveag of aboot 10,000 pound. This souold because voloos of productSo per farm is soil. Sightp lso boon 1b0I pern os otloduSio ois h chedar-yp doced; Whils She ils itlesiilrpt os the vouso farm in, thepro- cersoro mkgwhits chs, thesolooongdscrsponoood characterizaion oill prooids osoien infsomationso boom the  cale "cea hes" but is made by essenilly the same white ofretoinotblfom,oppopiatey dluted ioatrbeoreuse. Afteroneio oghors toagulmiboke psirig,ad thewhy isperitted ft o seaae but no cooking isooe. After aouor twoothewhey isdraind orpouredoff.ITheocud i whit-cooed produoo f about 30 peor cen moore whe wooe andoerylittl of it osorfrigeae indtbe maketingestbisheb s Cheeob helofor proogodoperodoousullybhaob iglosal content.Soeiceese,opciy hatm doeiobncatePovinc anb calld "Ho ce" chees, ar osoked for oboot thloe dopo and ogeor a month ortw before obrkeing. Tbooomoeoodo qipmeotoood onfar cheboomkigoar geealeypoor. The vaf, pres, and hoop are mae ro0wod Nooo o wamwtriovilabeforoooolog uonilsorfor coookng tho cur. Tho omilk in gera is produced with practiclly no re gardforo saiioadomeimesthodyofayikigeteds for osogobfv bour, thos givntefirstmilkplenyof timeo o dlop moorganism. ho fac, sinc noo otolled cuoure (staters aroddodte ilkboovieiocuioofdesired moognisoos, theo natro o ntaminatoo n iso reoiob upon to pro- oidoithooneddoaioid-poducigri ooo lbacteria.Actualiy, ifthoomlkorepodocdo dooolenoaneitihbedfficui, ih bsencbofsucbooatio,o kecheseW hileosub insaitary poue bediy prooide the orma lac ot acld- producdng strains (the comon ouring mojorganisms of milk) flop olso poomi tho pnryofo contaonatig oogooiomsoobichcas undesirabl Blvr oo r keeping poopit,anevnodngr ospothogenic oganisms. It is gonrlly ogreed thot bruceloi, oasiis, andtubruosfiorepresnt o mCostR ica diy andgenealy fo holemk, btoiohr km ik o orammy ho used. Rho oheeefo h igher fotet ilk is comonly calledb "0rea cheele" boo is mobo by essenily tho sam whit ofes proeuea boodescribhd hoof. oheilkis ogulatobbyose of renetitle form, approitlydioutob inoooterbeoreoos. Afte o o ooootheloaoiob soken p byiig,oad th hyi pritdtosprt, but oo cooking isdon. After anhu rtothe whoy is drafood or pouroff. Tho curd is saltedoandothen pressd oveooigh.Tereuinog cheeis abard ohitefood product of aout 30 pooen osue ohen wole milk isusd th ofot con isaloound30per cent heofl cotn laisfom zeo tashigh as5pe cent Upo eovl hrom the pres, tho chees isalydelrdo todthbomookotwihin afewdy bor weks. The oheese i orfoigerte on hfrs andoveyittleof itoorfoigead oinjheoorkeingo etblishmentso. Cheslobo el ofdopologodpeodoo usalyhas alighoslt cotn.S p io doomecessseilyta ainh GuncsPoince and cald "Bogooo" obees, aesokod for about booe day andoogd fo ontortboboremktig. Rho ooothods and oqoipmen used in, far o heese-mabingar gonealyovey porlboa, press andoop o aefo woo. No war wate is avaolable bor waobhing uteosio or for cooking tho curd. The milk ingenofali produce with pracicfly Dore gordoooitiono adomeie o nce-a-day- mooiking exoendo bforlogol bsfv oor, thusogiigdeoobt ilk plenyo ime oo y develo mcoorganism. Ifact sinb o cotolled bulure ostateo) arbaddtoitheomikto ovideoinocton of desird miooi,itheotuolontomnabonio idpono po- oidoibooneeodlacti acdproducingosrinofbacteri.Actully, ifi theilk weeprooodu oon a clenaneritmihtbeodiffcl, inotebsencbof suohioatio,oto k h bs.ileosuc insanitay produre reobiy prooido the normal boot dcd- podcgorans(ti ommonoorigioogaismooik, they also poobot the entry of containtinbg oaismoobobhcaus oneiobfaopoan oopoeeg qualiy, adevofdger ospathogenbc dognism. It is gonrlly agreed that bruceldosib, masiti, and toberoisare preen in some Cooto Ricon daiy ad goorly fomhomik, botoihboobm iok ooorem a cald bcea cooeoboe" bouot ismdo byo b bsetily t soame whbite ofrnntintbbet foom, oppropridtey diboted bn wate beoeoose. aour or toboolohy isdridodoroff.iheo urdbb 11kb-ood podu of bout 0 per cent moture when whole mlok poosd he ft oten is padls o od0pet. The sbo albb Chbes t beied for prooged peod usuoally has ahgh salt co obontnt SoeceeeepeiallyotimdeinbaacatoPovince and caled "Bagacos" chbes, ar0 soked ftr aboot thbo days andagedifo onthborfto eore mketig. Tloodetodopod qp entio sd oo'olmoeee-okbngoar generaly veop poo. Thft, pres, boop armde fro ood No warm wate is avalble foo bohig ouoenoilsor for cooking thb cod. h mboilk ingeneraol osprodd ithbpoicicallynore gardforoaitonadometimsthboncea-y mlkingoexteds fo aslong obfieours ofu giving thebfis olk plentyofime to dveop mcoorganibms. Ifo ct sinbd o coolleod cuoturo (st0rers areoddotheo ilokitopoideioculaionobof did micoorgobisms,ekatraioio aioionbrlieduon opo- videothe nededlicadproducngo stroinooobacteri.Actualy, if doe mlk wer producedb i d a olam e it mightbe difficub, ji h boohooooofos oobooo noioobo,ookhooo. Whileooob iooaoitooy produe readily povide tho nooooi lootio ocd poodooiogostoioo (tb ommoi ougmoogismfoflk), boey also permit the entry of ontaintinig organism wPioh cause oodeoooobeforoooodpooo kopiog ouoooty,ooooeeooodogo- ousopatbogenic dogoooisooo. ftib generally ogoood thboocoooi, maotibo, ood iuoercolosis aro presentin om ootooa Rioon dairy  THE lhh ff CHES INUTR8 unhalth m ilkesadisntr w ate may contrbt t hl Aept l he nueru bashi ly pnorc meyhod, matey ls prcdre sdin t il far pauatr ofwiecesed h ia prouctisyreqen l q i acepabe Th hahrhg ttlcn uhealthy miler a insniay wtrmy hotibt to the udsiale bateia flr ofy th Al an of tec es ma frd it. y l h.hhhl prodyct i qenl buigte acepale Th rahe hi totlon be loer The bs-quaity whit ches imildin flvohe fh Whit ches fro on to tw otsod is iaibly higly sld fa dy tetr, and frqunlyof-flao beas ofgas- rslingfro insniaynuacigcdiionThepaen td toad inra cnupill oafrsly mawhite chees indiae that Cst Ricn may genrlly pree mid-lird At th ime of this suvy, aspreviouly htad, olyon mar cheemauacuig phin wsioperto a tw oterwr gtig udewy. Cta foronidaio If ilajrlhes fatoy hncudd mauatr of Ahes in fairy lageuniis uhealhy milker a insniay wae may conit to thb pDesp ihe th nueosba lll icretehd, heilhan sptio atssothis. He, if may othIosmr aclly saIllhes beingmad, cnupto woul hidob hit enilylacing in wh is knw lstu bheslvo.Ia his he Aecie has alghtly o slilA prse A ottige ches. Whiteces fro on to tw mh s l ii nvarihby highly s ale, of Aly tetf e ad frquenty of-lao beas of gase ouns cae hy cnaintg p raim p nd A nla flaoP reutn ro naiay maiatuyn Aoniin. Th appn trAn towa incr a cnupion ofafrehlymaewieces indicae that Cot Ricn ma feealy prfe mildfavored Arehhoa clyflavoye Aldchee facoy lAe mauatr ofp ches in aily lag uniis  adoeainof planoaP nofarm industial facop ailte and equipmentfo making aond caryngstrtr, uof pdesirabl ppatuii, stea andhooae fopasturiatono,cooking curd and wasig equipment, and minteac ositablecrn Sinc the esabishmento of ahees fatoy at Iont Verdei 1052, considerahl pogrs has bee made in its operation. The quaity of thheeoe maodethereii very good andoit reputaiono is xcllntthougihogth ounty.Tiont Vrdo lantmanu factures chddar,LEda,oud, and pprosdcheeso Ohchre talsi the makt in tho heo rag 6f05.00 to 96.00 opr pound Peen prdodton is alppst 2,000 pounds per week. remdeln tho premdses and instalipg cheese-makig equipmen. fiedtopmkepph pfse of odqaiy whe theplan hegins peraton. Techical assistnc a dvicehavebeen povdedlhi fuigbulding adwiso n bginoducion o seerltypes of cheese. This operation will ho tho largest, boot equippepd, and cotaechddar,ida, procesed pp. possibly SwissandhGouda In ph iddle2of November, 1958, coptgpcheese-mking pps startd,withponsiderabthicialassitaceofferd. Afarmdairy inSa pJppps m ia inhespperaton abiut 4 month eah year oosfornfatuig anogedcheda cheesp. sale apld dk0 at optaiTh 0airy make about4 poupdsper doy andperation of platosP nonfarmindustria factory, faciliies an epmentpor Pmaking andocarying sartrsusof eidrale bacteril cultur oooes , claal ea eqoipooot, oquipooot for milk pasteupzao, stppp adi op ater p por patuiton coohing curd pp wp hineupmept, and maintnanof suiptable curig Sinceftheoestblshent ofooieeefctoy at Mote Vede in i952, cosdeal prgrs has ppe pad pn it peraon. ho qulOyPIP P o oP the oheemd teeiey 'ood anditorputpion is exellet thoupghout thppppppty. The MoteVerdeplaptiman- factuespipddarFdamp oudpp, apo esspdoi pheewipre tio iniotho makotsin ph rang op p 05.00 po 6.00 porpounod. Pprppepptproutoni alost 2,000 ppupds por pweek. in Eda cheesefactory, locate inp Santo Cruz 20 Guanacaste reoeing the preppe and instllipg cheppe-pphipg oouipmen. fiedpp mkeoop cheeo goodoquliy whenth plan begins pupaiioonapplconferencos. DoPjppopppoprtv depPppdpcopesdpLpph,R.L.,lpated fpptopip hiding andowilloonhoginopoductipoooievraypes pof p Phee his oppraio pp l b1 tho largespt, hesi oquippod, and mot oer in tie cppptry andowllpp al op ppuacue ag In tho middle of November, 1958, ppottg cgheiese-making pps startd,pbithppndpblpippchicalsistancpoierod. A farmdairy inSan Jose ppitips aocheseoperonbou 4 mopths oooh yea for pappactpppgp aagod cheda ophpsep Pheocheesiof p arpekailepqualityp and ip slsfr4.50o awhlo- paload .00 aoretil heooooyo makes aoutP0ppound perOda wboooe o suplusmil pp0 aviale. Itopsespataiterpdpasteuizespthe and 0000tio opp pln s p nonfar opndustrio factoy, floite andpequipmenp iprpmakpngpd carryingosarter, ppef dsil rooo dood coldsogoooociloos Sioop the establioooen of a chees faory ot Moooe Veodo 10 1952, ooderabl ho rogress ha bee hooo oo do s oooprton. Ph quality po h o phes mao there Poover good op t eptto iois o exelnhroouioghothouoory. h onteoiVerdeplano au faotoooo chedor,Edam,h G oudado oprosd oheeeowihpoe tails iiothmaketin oh roaoge oi 65.00 to 60010e poood. Poosent porodton is almoP 2,000 ooodo por week. Povi0000, has recently changed ooods. Tho neownri urnl hoed Po maokeoohees of goodqoitiyoo whoen the oontbein operation.Technicl asostc aonod advice hobenpoidedim pn Sop loop, 0s preenl (o1p958) 0001plotig aoo ne hees-mnu factuingobiding andpwilpoo einpprodutonpfpseveralypes of chees. Thiopeato 0100 be th lar1 geot, bes1 equippod, and 0000 oodeoro ithouotry andowillhbeable omanufacturlage qoaohiooe oflohees. Se0000 typosoaooboingonsideood, inooding ottage,cheddar Edam poeosoedand possibly Swissadoda In tho middlh of Novoobhoo 1911, cottago oheoseomakingwa startd,o withoibletehnoialsitaceofferd. AioormdiyoSanioooJomintaisaheesooopertionoabout Tho cooese 0s omaketable quality and 00eplls fo 045atwoe sal an 06..00 atootal. Pho dairyo mkosabout100 ounds perda whensurplus oolk 10 available. Itooo ousoes atrtrad paseizeso pip  2 n GuanacteProvince, a fare-mnfature mak a mal tobeg of~ acce tabl qult buti soet lakngi truehf cheese flavr bcauedastater wasnot sed All t mil use for cheese was pasturize d f heewssl twhlsl rm0.5t 030 erpud Another iif famrmnfturer, locafted onk-~tt Vocn 22z ae 70poundsf per dy ofasalrud aged chees of about2ftft" to oared ft chee bft aptft ff td jt round, aged c heeo bu t 2 t pounds t in weig t.ft hni 02.00 perpound. 2 pounds in weigt. The ches is mad from raw mik ndn fuin. The chee el ftP (~43.00 per pound wholesal. Since all maoces-producin naton f t world hav apparta farm mauatuei Cost Rica should not been proving thes metso ft qualty f t finished product. a2 gro2.22 chees inusty i t woul ftea tha th mprt utyP opet ofaces intry in Costa Rica. Based uponP vists to all imtpotat milk-poducing aras2i ftnd aged ftes of abt to 2 poud inp wepigt. Whenp his fam a vstedf, an available sampleP two monlths old wa judtged wspasturzed The cheese was soldft whleal fromp Pp42.35 t 423.22 pertpound. Athrfarmerp -manfturerp, lotedpf on Volcan lpppf, makesp 70tpound pr dayf sal, run, ged cheese of at 1to 2 poufts in weigt. The cheese is madft fropm rawmik andft starteriftse. I hs t ronpg flaot elikeabricktyp e cheese fthncedrces bfutftpfp PPis offirly gooflavorfter t2 months f curin. The cheesep sell for3.002 e pon wholesal. Sinc al aorce p roducpiftngt na~ton of Phe worldt have es~tabihdftor o~pera2ton ppr manfactuigchees, it would ppertha2t farm manfacfture in Cta Rift should not been couragft. Accoftigly, no recommftdtionsar made pfor im- proing tese mePtod Prth qulity of ft fiished produc. Whtileom considrtftont sftould ftp given po the protection of a growing cheeseindutry, itwouldtappeartht himpor~t dty o2f.0pr pftndplus per cet aloremiis aquate atftis timep andtft suc pretp o affordsP ampleppotunty forfdevelt opment f aPheeseindtrPy inCostaIRic. Bae pon visits to al importnt mtlk-producing areas, it appar fh t heony ones notadquatel "intrializftedf" are ft  Zarcero1ad Tilan area.0 loh k fac 11thseara produc lrg volm1 of cheese indiae that large volume ofmik are1a1so produced there. Chees factOormih lprofitaby betlshed in toolomilk fo buk shipent tooelre mnfatrn plant. Atlprsnth lonly avalabl facoryadequat to hadletevlm 1fmik taoul originat in Zaceo ad Tiara doth Dos Phos Cooperaiv in San Jos11. 06me did not pemi making aneatdeftonlof inmm dizochebefaory opronincldg etimateof i osts ad 110ufctuin mik O labr, 11uimen, sopphies, andfclte old11 hov toko have thedd capciyo mak opoera thosn pound trained personne, adequate1 cuigad cd-sorageoomso, and mus mke a les 31,000pods dly to ortepofitaly. milk to be consumed in flid form a k w olmilk, which iscm mon11ly calld "mar01t" milk The mik used for al 01her manufctur6 pr ouct is odinarly called "manufcturhg" milk adprovdes smlle return todairyprodues Manufacturelod prodcts1 dnoslfor asmuh asflid milko o 1hen cacuatdon aeqiaebis. For eaple 10poud dof mil10r re0quired tomkeIlpouof ha1 dcheese.Ofh piceof chees1was110b lished at10 times the pric of maket bilk plus manfatuin cot, eybfewpeple oudbuy i. The1 sellingpiceofbfres maketmilklshoulb bah1lncd btwen hepoduon otso ef1cient 1producer and1 th olig- ness6adabiiyoh onue to buylthe milk.Artificialyl h mil1k prie prvd oeta1 ml eurst fiin rdcr and protct1heiefii ent roducers.11 The0ivitabl rospectunder the seondostato ten111ds oward1 excesive miproduction1111and 1818 1011 FERTILE LbAlo S 0 OF FRIENDSHIP parcero ad Tilaran aras The1 fac thapt theahespoduc hi rg volumes1111 of111111111 1hes indiate11111lrge1olme11111111reals thpse areas o dy n ie thof, il reeiin d statlo ns wi6t10 falities Time did ntperi makin an exc defntonl 0 of a minimum 0si 1111 piees 11cto 1 operatio including 1 esiae 1ftscots 6n dye amont of cal it wd ho uie Such11 o t as1 ho w maeria01 (mnuacurn milk),11 d lqabo g 16uiment suppies an fciite koldhaekoi,000odiecap iylo o mae 0 hieaytosndpud traine pergonnel adeuat curing anpdd o old-stlobge roosay pacin falitd s In the United St011 s aI miim m-iz 011 ctlo10y mustake11 olas p 000 pouds dly o oaepofit"bly.k dp M0lkPricesbfoianufacturing Thed hig 1111 return 11111d1 to1 110poucrofm 111016 hebstqalt mlooibe11coumed i plflui odorawo mik1hchi 1om-1 monollpaledo"mhret"dlkoThelO mloused or all111h1- 1m1116fact1u0red 1ro 11t is11 oriarl calok ed "mnfatrig p molk a 10 1gp1d 11 provies sml 1er 0eturs 1to kairy 1ro dhers. anufature boducts ho not6ell0r0s1muh0 a offluipdomikohe cdlclate01og an1equvaled bss or examle, 110 posofmilk aeriredg toimkeif11poundo1101lko1of1adchee bIlh piof cheese(111 was1destab-1 lishped 1111at 610 e 1the pice 61of 1mark t mil1Opplus 11161tuin loolokolok p FERTIool1 LEgooLANDOFFRIEgpSHIP arcr n TilrOan l areas. 61q1111 111161101111111111s podue lrg Atipresentothe1onlyoavilbl factirydeq attol hand1le the voud of 11 mil 1ha could originate 11 in Z prcero a d Tiaa iLh o s 1inosCoopeativ n1 611 an1 Jose11 . lldp pouikld gv t111 o h o caact o mae eerlthuan oud must ma11ke a leas1 3000 pounds daily to operato profitably. FACTgORS INFLUNCIN CHEESE p INDUSTR11A1101 IZAT1ION~~bl Milk11111p1161101116y1 drices flor Manfatuin o hd hoidhes returnlo the1 roduer1 o milk s11 p o the1111 beo -ql ity111 pmilkoto b donsume in0 fluid form as1 wh016ole kici ololom- andproide smayllerO 1111ur1s to dar. dues anfcue 0n11uivaent1asis Foodor 1111111011011 podofoomiarIrqirg- to11makood 00610 of h011 cheese. If the oh prc 111 chee10 A wasb esigb costs, very1fe pole would buyit 0116111111010 poduction11l cosoooefOcietpoducers pa1d1the1will1dng- nhessoad ablyofoothelconueo bu the11mi11k.11Artific11ally611high  TH CHES INDUSTR 18911 U 1 mik andk manufactuigilkustbkpnblnenodrt mak us falml rdcd ihtepieo h auatrn mil alays beigsoehat lwrkandsomtime ony hafa muc asmretml.Inodrtodtrmn ut htae esn lihe oe hd years by s p ad dean forces Phe arep Pue here~P fo thprpse fPshwingthpicping reltioshp dditween markt mik da d anfac ui milk p (Table3). TAL .CSARC N NTDSATSML N IKPOUT RCS AUGUSTi~ippPP 1958 ~ h Averag Price Quote U~~~~i~~~pi Cost Rican Currencyd, pppP~pp p surplus manupfactured diry prducts. The price paid for market mi p an auatrn ilk must bekept inp balnc in orert milkalwayhbig smewat1owe andsmimesly h afas able ad cretprices, iti ncssr to~P P s comparaiv PPigures. Unte Stte milk dat ar reliale app readil avaiable They relc pricediffeetasimrks thatP U bhav ee ley esta- AUGUSTp, 95d8 pph~pp Avrg PhicpsdQuoteP ph ppp p ~p ~ Un P pits (Dos PiPs States'~ Pceomikpi yfuid pmilk p distibuorp, ne ppp .56 p Py .5 Rtalp pc potl p.8 1.23~p~ pp ifb pppPp Farmers' i shreo prti p p i p ercen 70pppppp 427p , Maufatuin Phmilkpp bottle -pp 0.30 fif k~p mik alwapys being somewha loe and soimes only halfa reflec pric diffrnil inP makt tha havepp Pp en cp lary estab- market mik and manfacturing ilk (Pable P). ThipE P3--COSTA IA AN p UNTE SAE ILK AND ILK PROUT ~pi P R~ICES, ippppidp hi 1958Pp pppPp. ~ i p~pp p iSif PP fppppp plppP~p p p iS AveragepU Pie Quoted Ripppfp~ppppppppP ~ in p oppy Pi icanpp Currencyp~h PPItpms . InpppSCostahP Rphp ica InUnited Retail ppricp botl 0.80 1.pp2p3p p p p h ddppp P~Farmrs shreofpetii (lP iifprcent p 705511 425 ManuPacturing m ii i bottle - 0.30 pb ip~ PiP Ches, phedr hwhleal) pound pp - pp 2.23p Proes chep a i (retpap pi pp p on d -pp3.k5 tUi Cst ica bottle hod . ppndsCp. P ppP  forsh bla1k spacs i Tble 3 may becaclae a~s s flos Manufcturig milk bottle 33.32 Procss, chedda (real posnd 4.15 It ppeasta a1 sfairpdic tspa frmnuastrigs ik in Costa Ricsa thes prsnt tieol baoud 032 perbottle Unitesd Stts and ony43 per entinCstaRica. Thshever by tesmale spra in fli milb prcsigcss showsi Tables3. 1sin4th smefiu, th cstof manfatuing cheese calculate soa24 per cen increase ove te osofmlk. Ths, i sta ica itanbessume d that abu 5 prcn alownc ormauaburn sts wouIss be sufficiet for d psonodi ,andoial 5opainTh ostof ilk thabwould ths o no nepon 1o.ce s oldb 1.92, o 6 x.32,bs- 1oun3 of hes. Addinb 15pe cen hsnfacurn cost brnsh total s o the ch yset 0.1b us a dbtte undrthatbnbh UnieStaes.b Itcnb ocueteeoe htCsaRca prWucechesdepasixesivl steUie d Ststes,5sssp b hsbe ovrsh prvossrcod of about 64,5 bilio pounds esatd for 1050. Prdcto in nearly al h mjorprducn cutre silk drnkers, or, atpsentprcs, ofbutte adcseeates."1 Manfacturig milk botleb V0.32 Cheda chese (whlsle) pousd 2.40 Process, chddr(rt1l pound 4.15 Co4 stRiat the present tim would be aroud 30.32 pe botle UnibdStats andny43 pers cet llCot sRc.shs thelke. bytesalsdpreabd in flimlkrossing cokt swli pabe 3 singsthesm figuresh cos ofs maufcurn chse csalcul btbsott 2 42 dls ncesove h colstof ilk. Thsnosta Ricasitdanlbe assumda bou 15 perlcen pallowance sb frmnacuingcs bouldesspcintfola economic and profitalpertin sThe cs of ilkthatwoul lbsin phtsix bottld of bilkwil b5 usd t do maufctredn prouc chee.se ass ipesivl s th Usnitped sn ths be a~ssumto httepiepi tod farkrs forsmanufacburingsmilk shod ibke~s no moe ha 0.2 se bottle. ~ s~s~ss Manufactuings mik bottle 30.32 Chedda chese (whobesale) posnd 3.40 Process chda (reail pound 4.15 Cot Rica attepeen tissswoss bssoud Is3 prbote UsitedbSates ansoly 43 percetssbsta Rica.Ibhssthesover al saufcing ssar'osiderasbl lossr.Tissidicatsd bysthesmlerspred influd mil prssinsg cstsss sni Ihs, ists Risa itsan bsessssdtha aotl5 pssssen alswane sfr sanuactrinsts wousd bs sfiien fo a ssssnssic sndsssoitlespsraton. Thess cs ofmlk thatswold pssumn ssstsxdbtdlsgo i l~p ss sed ssssgsssactdssos total scsst Ifteces to2.21, sr jsst slitls ssdss tha is the prdceld hssss inepsivelys thbs ieod aess ndtusb competdsdkpsdsswhlss Iasis fohs clusip o sssssonh sssa sssssumto shtth rc d tso amesi fospsssdacturngmil 1056. en Psdossssi tha 003e ose WqiORLDsb DAIR PRODUCT SIsATOss ~ 5 "Worsds il pssodsstio sdrkns 195wssupsasotd2ssdcen oversskhe presiousreodfabu64 p3 sbiion pousstimated  THE CHEES 7INDSR 91393 394 333i333333 The3 world's prouctonof 3hese 495 49chd 0nal-tm hig3o3 574 ilionpond.3 hi3 amunedtoaninceae3f35. pe cn mor than 3330 fiveyea aveag of 19 0-5 of 4. dbllo pond toa annual33 production. in.crease 333 over43 43 th 190-4 iv-yaravrae Ch4es pr4ces in the 3nited3Sates3(C icag WhlealeMk et of N. 1 Ameica Da3iies) 3hav 3433 beenin te rage 3oi2.2t 02.41333333 per 3 poun since 19355 3393 toteprsn tm ndaehodn steady.' 033393 Zealand 333333o3th 443333033333Mrkefo United49 Kind3 cosupto dropp 34 frmC 333pe oudi 1963i33 9 to l (1.28 3 *in 1957,3 indcain a3upu 3i4htimotn ches-xpr couty. It woul 3pea tha Cost Riaoud e 433l33 a 333 foreig ma3rk 33 for ch ys at i a 3 prc 333wee ewe thaty3oldthefUnited3States33any3New3Zealand. In 333 most3 major3k33 mik-rduig raso tewol tesml dar3 fame3i3 pliicll3 ipotat33di threor protected333 i333in 33m 33eg333 by 3price 3supo3ts.3He3ce3if3Cos3433 ia3 desir3 st 333v31l33 an3333333 expor market 3 3fo3r33 chese a3ihydeial 3ojc e th onr ol opt aoal if 33yent Rto mil pod ucers are3n3t3e3c34sive,3i33manufact033339c333333333333433333033339. wholsal prices 3333 333333es 3on 9he 3w3ld 3arke 3are 33inaine per 3333334333 33333333 thntefv-eraeaeo950-5433f4.90billio 3344 about 33333333 333433333333 339333333I i igiicn o oetota 9933333333333433 tin wa 333 3 4333333333333333e1533333333 increase33 over th4150-545333-ye3 333333333. 33333334 333ce 30 3333 333333ed 3333333hiag Wh3333a3e53ar333 34.41 333 333333 333333 1955 to3 the33333 preen tm and are3hol3i3 33333431 NewZaadcheeo3h 433raioa Mar33333333333333333333ket3for 395333333343333 1957, 33di33333333333333333i tha im3portant 333333333333333333333333.3 33333 333333 apea 0333333933333333333ld3de velop a 333333n 333333 3333333r 3 33333333333 33333333333whebetee tha 33f3 th 333te State and 33ew Zeala333 3333. 3 In3m3s3333j3r3m3lk-producing3a33433333333333333333333433 3333333 33333333333339393er433 is poiial motn n steeoepoetdi soe3 ege3 bypr43 supots Hence333k333333, 333 Costa3333a3333ir3s3to develop333n33exp3rt3m3rke3t33333333333333333ig3l333d3s3rable333333333333 the3 country3ould3comete3favoably3ifpaymentsto3milk3rod3344 33333 33t excessive if333 maufcurn cot 3333 333333 33w and3333533 333333333343 price 33333433333333333333333333333334333333aine at compe3tiv levels. 3 3 33333333443434433 43430 33333 33R 33343933333 33390333333 334334333R 3 It33appears33that3the43 manufacture33 of34 proc3sse3d3che3se333333333an 3333333333333333 03orunt at333433 3333 333433t 9033 to 3 further 3 needdin 33303333atio in Costa 334 a and as333 an 333333334 ra 33333333 it33343333 4333433333333 pr 3333333pr 33333333333333333ue3ha 3that 3ade333333 farm The world's3 3334333333333 of 33es i95733333343333433tim 3333333 5.7033333393 33433333333333333 pouds Thsaone3oanraeo5.7 3333343moe3tan3333333yea 3333verage3333333 of 1950-44f4.93billio pounds33333333 annual production3." Fro333 these3 repo333 it3 4 a 3333 coclde that3343 f333 3333 33333 3333 c4333 increase33333 ove th3950443333333333333333333333 333 es price in 333393333 3nte 333333333933 344233Whlsaeare 34443 43333334333333333955 33333333 the 3 presnt 33333343333hodin 1956 to 33.23 in 1957, 94333333333333 333 surlu in 33 tha 33ora3 chees-export count393 It would3 33343333 433t 33st 9333 cou34 de- 3333343333reig33930333333333333s33343333333333333333333333333 43333333333333 of the 3343 United States3 and3N3w3Z3aland. In33 4333 033333 mil3333343in 9333333 33433 4334rlhesml dairy33 farme is3393k 3po3itically 933433 impotan and 33 isterfrepotcedi 93334333333433333 dere by y~ 333333333333333333334433333ca esirst 333333933333033 333333433333333433333333333330343333333343obective the33333 cont33333cmet3 avrbl333ayetst3ml3poucr ar not3333 9333333333333 if3ma3ufacturig 3costshare3kpt3low,3and3i 333333333333333394333334333333333439333333333333333434333ine 4334 33333333333 33 333 93333v 33el33s3.3333 33333 3333343333333333033 333333333339433333333333333933CTUR 33333333333333333340333333333343333pr33333343393334333333339n 3330334333333 3333333333y 43333333 333333333 preen t330 tofrhe ede n dustrialization3in3Costa3Rica,3a3d3as3an3agr3c9333333333333333333  ft ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i salt~f brine ft~fft ftur tt an f be relnse andqfty one whch when futhrdeeopd wbfi ydtheouty grete agricultra income.t ithout gttingf in~to nia dicsso ofg prcsedces mauacue i mig t besatht aet ain amout of fes chees is needed t mak go-ult procsse chee by e btfreh (hees sple t needed bod andt txtur properfties not ob~tined fo ae (hese pT~is ft ffers an unusul oppotnity ablef Tin tf cout Whlt is reonzeft dtthi chese stdb otf o qift,bfthebhetk treatent fgi nw p~to imrv somwh t toiginal qulty and als to mak ft processed ches safe for human ft cnup tio.h het.tetmn that can berplenishdan ft e which, when fte developed, will yield t coutry greterarcutrl noe Wihtgeti giatehialdisifprocsdheese ches is ftede to mak good-qulty pesd ches. The fes ches suplie fth ftede body fn tur prpetisy o obtie fro Pge chese Thip fact oipers hin unusua o puit- abl in ft coutr. While iti irecognize ytat this ftes is no oft gd quality, ft het ttet of proesn ip knwnt impyrove soehat fnth original quality and als to ftk ft is higher ftha noma puization and ft fia product is almos strie tp a ey pod keeping qulity, or"sflife,"ee Tbe exat method of making pesd chbese by blending white ftees (to yrovide fth bofty and feture with good-quaity agied cheddar cbeese (to yroidthe dehie ftlavor) will have to ft estblished by futheri reeac, sinc suc inforio is noit avil- abl.Te dtisf manuifactrewold needto bevrfiedby expeimettioni, but eoghis know of fth mthod of processd chees mufatur to preict tat blending of witei cheese ad thatca be repleisthed and on bwhih, when futheft developed, will yield thbcunitry greteragricltural incom. mauacue i pt ihib sid fht a certin amount of fresh cheeis nede ito mak goo pd-quit~y pocssd cheese. Phi bies cheese supples ft needed body and ftxtu propertino oine from P agepd bhees. This fat offers an I unsappotifty tomke usif the large amun of inexpeive white ches avil- abfti ftPhe coutry. Whiei i rcogizd ftatt h ftceesi ot of pood qulity, fth heat tetment of processing i w to improve somewhat on ft oiginal qulity and also to make the proese ft es saf for Phua cnuptin Theeti treamen is higher tan noma pasteuizion i nd fth fhina product is almost strie It~ haavey good keeping qulity, orf"helf-life,"ee withot figeraftioni. Tbe exact method oP mingt pocisse cheese by blendintg ihite chees fto proide tbe body and texture wifth good-quity aged cftddar cheese (to proide ft deired flivo) will hato pbf estbishftd by further researph, inc suft iformationis ft avil able. The detilsft manupfaturewould need tobftverified by exipeimentionii, butenoughisknonif the etho~d of processed cheese manufactur to predict fht blendinp of whip te i heen chedtr cfteese will makei good-qulity yrcesd chees.  It isaparent tat regardles of whetherfforare madet imrv rtot disouag the ma ,king of farmy cheese for te fore- seeable fture, the pyatc will coninu. Ebbs is due to bhe fact thtmnhra r o c essbl by rods, ayd cheese offers te onl wate mik cnby marketd. As lon asbth farm white cbeese is availabl a market should bfou fo t , sic ity ol ften rersnstheonyashncmeyyymay darylrmr. To assist bhe farmers y~ in b reoeara yhoaemking wite cheese an need ayy rlable market fr it, bhe govrmn should consderypurchase bly y ofschceeeataspport priceofy aroud 1.50 per pound, wichbwouldprovdthyebyfamrthhe quivlet of fl.25 per botleo milk. Whilethi Ebb talageurmn ftmes espcillyinG yyacst Province, would undoubtedly takyadantagyofysuh a makebtbTherbchesecold thebe usd frblending witb bye byetrquaity aged yfteese manfatured by industrial fiyyms equipped to myaby suc chee Assuming that bhe whftyftalf price A good cbeddar miglt be as f much a2.40 per pound, blendng wthlft1.0per poun wtecheesewoud brng theprcse ches cost dow to a aep Eeo Zaon 20 erl poud. M fcturinbg cot woud no by ep etd to addA or tan 25 prctove iygredyntycosy, yy tye rtail pyicy would~ be 02.50 per pouA. Noel thb telb United States proese cheld- dar, as~ ftow in f Tal, relat 03.5 per pound. bn addition to ycheddar types, bhe whbfte cees could also by utlized by other prcse Ahess suchtf as Swss Theyy cheese might be madey in tbreelflvoryintenstie-mid,yd,yad shap tyoysiidivi- ultses.Vriu ftEypes lould bey made forfrineprsa detemind by trade agremet with otber countries. A ntoa brand should by promotdA wit stnadizedqulity and compo- Altio. Wbile only t yil deteminth byesyt types to maket,a beginning ca fy made by selecting only a ewkn k ind ftat Ia preferrd by lbe maorty of the people. ftn addilto, empbasi should bey played opacftaging insmll cosue-szd poroandoqulit~ypackaigmterayblswic will prven spoilage, aid in preseratio, anIlimnatett fth Aind. Such cheese cold be made to sellat prices copetitive with white yfteese pr enly in bye markt It As apparent ta tdtt regr yessofwhte effots aemadet seeable fture, thy pr~atc will contiey. Thii du to the fact oly wathe b i can bey marketd. Aslong as bye far ityel cheese~ fhf is avaiab A a akehol b,, Elyn Ao i, sic t Aften cheese, anyedyy yyeliable ymayket foryi, bye gyyyyynmyyt shbulA consderypurbyyyha dyyyyy ofsc yyes taspportprice of aroundt.50 of l.2 per bottle of milk. Wile Ebbs isl no a large reur, myly faer, especially in Guanacaste Pryyvincy, woyuld uydoybtly tayvantgyofysubyaymyykt. tThei cheyyyyyycoul ytyyyye se for bftydiyg wyith te better-qualiy ageA cheyysy manufacturedy by iydustrayl ftyyyy equipped ty may sucy yyyeesyyy Aysyyyiyg tbat te yyhyleyaly priyy yf yyyA ychydday yigyt by yy muyyh yy 2.40 pyy pound, blendingwith 1.0 perpoundl whiyeyyyseyyuldbriyg th rcse heecs ont byyy priye of aroundt.00lper pyyyd. Manyatuin coysyy yy uly not~yy by yyxyected to aAdmr yyyyd25pyyy yyyylyyyyingreyyyyyyyst,y so th yeyailprceAul by V2.EE pyy pound. Nty taE te Unylyd fttyyyy procesysyd ybyd- ary, yy shown iy Tybft A, yytyily yt 03.85 pyy pyyyA. yn additio tyhdday typys, ytye whbiytyyy yyyese cofty also be utlizey inoter pyyyysse yftyysyy, yyych as Swiyss. They yftyyyy mighbe fty ady iy threyylyyyinyyeyyiie-mld,ymedium,yadshap-toysuit indiid ultse.Vyayyyusypyy coyld fty ymady fyy foreig exoy sa dyeyyymiyydby trayeyyyyyemyytsywih oyhyyyyoynyry.Ayyatiyyal brn hudb rmtdwt tnadzdqaiyadcmo sityy. Whily yyly tjyyy yill Ayeyyyyiyy ytye b~e types~ ty make,a beginninyg can by made by seleting ynly, a fe known kinds that arel preflerred ~bytelmajrAtyllof thelpel. In Aaiion, emphass shldybeplcyeln ackagingyfin smal, yyysyyeyyyiyd pyytiyyy yyd yy qyality pyykagiyy yyytyyjyls whbiych wilpreventspoiage, aid iy pryyyyyyybyy, ya eliyyyyyeyheyyyy. ftyyftees yftyyy yyye ftye yyo sey at prics yyoypyettyy withbwhle yftyyy peen~~~t ly yftye yyaykyt. It As appyyyyt yft yegayyydless bylyl o y whteefrsr adet improve yr ty Ayyyyyyyye ytye yyybyg yf fyyyy yhyyyy fyyyftye fyyy- seeylfutureyyy, ftye practe wEEl yyyftyyy.Tisi duet ft thy yyfty tha my areasyyyyry yyyyy acesbleby roas,yyadbcheseffers the yylywyy thyyby lkyanybyy maktey. Ay lyyygyaslyyyeaywht yftyyyy As yavalble y yyyykyyty Ahul by fyyyd yyr A, siycy Atofe represets teylyashinombfty any dir frmrs Tyo yssity h farmers iy yyemyty yyyyy whoy yyy myakiyg whifty yftyysy a yyyd y yyliable yyyyft fyy At, te yyyyeyyyyt shoyuld consider purchase of sbubhycheese a asppprie f arond 01.5 perE pound, whicht would providel the farerl~ wiEA the equyivalet ofl0.25 perbole o l. Whi~le hi i ntl lyygeyyyyyy,myyy fames especiyll fnGaaaty Provinc, yyyyld yydyybtly tyaeyavantgyofysuhbaymaket. Theircheeseycoldenybeused foryblendingywibltelybette-quiy a gey ceeey a nufacturedyyyy by industralI fiyyyy equipped yyty yyye yucyyyyes. Ayyyyyjyg tbhat bhe whotlesale prycy yf gyolceda miyght ,y be fty muy ayyf yy2t.40 pyy pyyyA, blending wibh f1.50 pyr poundbb whitey yeul bring Etyepyyyyyedyy eeslyyyyyywy tol Ay lybase price of arund02.00per pyyyyd. Myyanuyyytuyin costs yyul fotyb exypytedA to ,addmr Etal5pyyyyyove yyyy iyy tyyyoyts,yyotrtyly priyyyyyybd fty 02.50 pey pyyy.t that tye Uyityd State yycese cyyyhyeyy- ar, yy showny ft Tablft 3, yytil at y3.85 pyy pyuyd. In Ladiyyo toyhedary types, te whbly chyyyy cyyld yfty bye~by ut lyze inthe pryyyessed cbeesefr yyyft yy Swisy. They yftyyyy migh ybe by d in~y teyyylyyyryintyysitye-mildyy, y by, an yyyrptouiyidivid ultse.Vyaiou types yyyld by yad foy fyy inxorsa dyeyermiyydbyyrayyyyyyeemyytsywilbytyyyyyyuntri. Ayyatyyna brandsol be promedI ithEandEardizedqlAiytyEand copo- sityy. Whiltny yme wiy ll detyyymiyy te best typyy to maket,a beginning yyy fty maye by yylyytiyy only a y ftyyy knoniydy ta aryypyyeyyyyebbyyyhe maoyoyythbypypl. yn adityy, yyyphayiy yshyyld by placed yy pyckagiyg insml wibl pevent spyiagy, ya yy yyysyyyayiyy, ayd eliminfttybyyiyd. ychyyse presently iy fh ry ykyb.  Snly 1liitd dsts sse aalable in the 1vr-l fields Af mik tsupply and dmad Ior lbs vaos products, a somresive econmistsdyissneedd todeterinesmilk prodciocsss well as eintereatSoships of th dairy prout A marketing sa Whese dataar lacking, ses should be taken to obtain lbs Asst agencibs tod so.~ ~p Ssspkps~ss maketng opportunAts Isr pcssd ches isscrbed earlier. Government Propass As present oly a lsiitd amun of Asrk in the fild Af clean priat comrca airsy plants. It wold be well Iorsom n li s produtio Af good-qualty Pilk. Sucb reqiemnt migtatfistsincldsly s brcommedtisasproperbarn costrutio, suitable utessb, saiio Af udder sasd tslsA, silk cooig, adhalsdasforhed admikes. The gvermen sIAul cosider establshing minimsanta tion stanars forsilkprducion, fames sproducions, and dairy plant operaios. Also, lbs goenmn should establish stadds of identy (quaity ad coposition) Isr Ase vaos dairy productss anfacurd in Csta Rics well soths Ocsober througl Dcsmbe, LAS, found tat milk production reprses nearly l0 psrcn o h totabsl farmincom.Althogh milk producion perco iso, lbs potenial Isr incsed milk Only lAite data are available is lbs over-al PAld o~f mik Costa Ric. Sinc all airy proucs aclselysrelatsd withssspect tosupply anddmadlssrlbsvaisproducts,sacoprhsive Acnoi study is Isde Ass deerine milk producio o s s weslls intrrlaioshipsslb othdairy producs makeisitua-s Whees at a r lackkng, steps soud Ae taken Is obais the deeine IS he bst manu ,asrig, mehos, packagin, csts, sand maketing opportunitis prcse cse s dscibedari. GovernmentSS PrgrsSs milk prodctois Abeinsg Asse either by Ase government o by priates comercal dairy plants. Is wold Ae welorsieS n agencsy t ssm Ahsposiblity of stabi si iius gu lI s productio Af goo-qualiy ilk. Such requirements sighsa bfisinclud snly such recmmdatios spope barn cosucion, suitble utesils, ss~aitio of udder and usls, milk colig, adbhealthbstads forbed d mikes. The govrmn sshouss,,ld cosider Astasbiing minimusanita- tion stadrs Ior silk producion, Iarm shees producio, and dairy plans operatos. Also, Ase govenmnshoulsd stabisb stadardsslfldentiy (quality and copsoson forsheios dsiry products mauae An Cost Rias well s A hse A survey Af ths chees inAusy Af Costa SRia a Aig Obrthbogh Dcebe, 1958,Sondha milkprodutio rpe lpreesnals10percsnSofthetota fam icom. b thogh mAls producion per Ao iso, Ase potental IsoI ireasd milk Snly limited sasa are avi abl ibs th vrall bielA Af milk production a diry producIs manufctur and disrbution in tsupply ssd deasd Isr the saisus produs, a sopresive~ ecnocsudy isned tdeterine ilk prduciosss we~lstinterre~lationsiplb ps o ar d uctb s mrketingA siu- Whsrs dasa arelaking, sps soud Ise taken to obtain thA Adstermine Ase Aest manufacturing methos, packaig, csts, and maketingppuiissfoiprocssed cssdesbd erisr. milk production is being done either by Ase government or by private ssomsessial dairy plssts. Is wossld bs ssell fossm ones sbny oa sum thsrsponsibility ostabSlishing ssisissss regu- lais forsproductionsofgoo-qualiysmilk.Schreqirens sighst st fist inclsde ssly sssb recommenats s spers Lsss cssussios, suiabls utesils, sasniio sf sAdss sa utenssls, milkscoolsg,ssabsd sbshea ~ lth ssheandmlkes. Ths gsssesnmsst sbssld csssidss stsblisbisg ssisisussssta t ssssn ssta soikprsdsios, fssrs chesesproductio, sad airy plan sospssstoss. Also, Ase governmesst sbsslA ssblisb stsadas sf idessity (qusality sa sssspssitos) fossr sharss permiteditsbesiported. A sirsey sof lbs csbsssstssy of Lsts Hia, mas AsuAsng Ostsbss thsssgb Dsismbss, 198,fon sss a t ils production ssprsesssessssy 10 pssssstssthetbsls farsss nssms. Altbssg milk productionperois lo,thpotentilforncesedmik  Cot Ric anid CARE impors rprelitd aaddiioa liimillion Imiprtioher thnCAREcheamounteiid toes thi4 pe cen RyditCiiiddd frm- drcice whidh shoul iie idiscuaed ih pnial frdeeineicien idusrilized ceeseiacty proided payment for milk to farmer is kept siienly lowit prtc only th ior ffidient producers. Teeiupprinig ei prO2 pun dini ord toi dlo aii industr w ihic coudm iu A iiuimi number Af largeizded iheese fatie shoudld be esaisheld. At present, the Zarer and Tilrnaespersut of types if ches have been pridid, and a pla has been pro- posid widh offlirs ani unusual opporuity for uilizing alarge amoutofthiepiveite cheeiiibpiiidiofiiiiiiiiid cheese.iTheirecommended i evelopment ofiaindsrilchee production at loweicos isu exclient. Adilt 22 pii cent of thi milk iiiuied for iiiiidictiiidd ay prout odtheriha fuidil. Ovr5mllo ons fceseaemnfatrdanulyi ups.5iudsywhidh wile cii rd airly gooddilevtlis awnidyiii on ilks- prcice wic sould be kpidisciuragey The i doeial diii ideielopuiig eiken idiaiiid ches faciiiiory oeaiisuvery pod Such idtiiilizauiong is neede in osta ARiiChesuuldubeiumadeuuonuuiuidluiudustiaucaetoselatpieu denc thpii mandiuifactuui iiiiid iioud prici at dio poretha ppiud inu iflrui evlo iu an ipiduty ichcud au uesiii.lid tpeet tiihieuuu dZidicuro a id Tiz iardas apea sii abl. Tciciilprociedureusifiiiianuaurelpf adiited uiiiber liitdpesuoiichieseiiaveibeen provuideadpha s idiniiyii amu o idihii iepniveuuu wie ciiisein bniioi roese Bihiipiie.d iheriimeneddevielopt finduria iiheese-uu mufuid ingiuu iiusi diiy iuin o iwiudriudei eae iiipuudt fo ilkuuu, anul reource that canidiibe reupenihed n wyt produion at lioweu cost is ixiildiii. Aboit 22 per cent of the ildkiusediimufatureiddiryidprodusothr tanfluid mdk. Over5 iiion ipiiunds oficheeseiareimaufaturdaully in CoRica nd iCAREhimprtsiripresentdied anadiionaiumilion ImuprtsiotherithanCAREucheeeiaunteuudi to lesiian4pricent cwnidiions on lfarms-i pricei whdih ihiiid hi diisiouiuued. The iperaioiiiidiy gd.ucdh idualiion iedd in Costi comuptiiithiiiiyiuuihiiord, as ellasiiitiniiuuountriy, piiiidid piayieit for muilk to fariiis kupi sufiidutly lowi to protect onlyphemreficuieintlproiucers.ITeiiupporingiii- dincetatii u fauringu milksiolddiepiied atiio ioreldii V0.32 per botledi farm-maide whi ihiiii iit iiio i moe iha ii.5 perupund inodertodeelp a idusrywhichuld manuu- ebihed. At piusen, die iiiiir and Tiin iieii appear ui- abe. Tichnical piiocudiuiis io mufcturei ofi liite udmberud of types of cheesei have been proided, and i plan hasi beepr- piiid wuhi ifeii an uuuai opporuityi for uilizing ai large amun ofith ineiipensdi wuhiti idiuse in blendi of priiesied ihus. Thi recioimmended develipmient ofa in dusial cheese-ui mufcuruinig iduiy iuCota icaiwillpiovidiigrie ulet for midk,iaauraul rurce that canibeirepip shedd, andiawiyto maruketi piotendialy highiiivue agriiuluraiil piiduct whdich ca bding idditional exupiit income into Costa Ri. Based iupoisitsaoui nd ii untryuiu,aviadekdi a,dicusionsi, anidioteinformatuuuiniadifactsdiscussed inudetiin thekprecd- ingureportiheollowuigrecommenidtinsarepresentd:  19. FERTIL LAND OF3 FRIENDSHIP ,8 ,3,~ 1.3 Ony38~ 8 a h miiudubro agefcet cesefcore sol 3. estalished. ,d, 333 ,5, 2.Ap hepeen ied hee atriso recevin stations8333 3 might poa bly be stalihe in the Zarer and Tilra areas. ,3 3 ,3.Afcoysolbetb lishe to mnufature hees, epeial 4. By mesk of a ,,3 23833g eduatinalproramoveallmilprduc tionefiienc shoud,~8, be improve toreuc cst ad ouplylage volme of low-cost 3 mil 33 A gk for maufcurn pupoes 5.3 ,33 For 338 the8, prsnml 3o heemnuatrn o oeg rd shud3eprcd3tnomreta 0032 er5 pound~ 3888383 8. Farm-mkin of cheese shul be8 discourage 3338heevr8 os sible, milk shld 83 be 883ktedasfr3h, 53oe 33lk 3o33rgr-s3e 33333332i33 dairie 383838. 7 13 In 3,33 ares her cees i th ,oly eas o gttig ilktomaret the3farm3chee, sldbepuchsed 3, sibl unde a 3ovr en supr3 porm a omoeta V1.50~f3 3 pe pound33 fo3 us eiprcsd 196 33~333 33338383T8358883 3383833333ENSHI 1.AOnl a minmum nmber o larg, efficent chese fatoriesshoul be33333S~83 338t38b33ished.833 2.A, 333883833338 888333333es fcore r eevigsttos ih profitably 33338338 be stalisedin he ar3roandTiaraharas 533 333 fatrhould 333333333 esabise tomauacueheseseial process . cheese, ,,3 8hc wil 3388peitveyp 3338883rdewthote Central 33333338333333333 83 ot mrcncutisa wl sfrlclcnupin 4.383383333 38388838833333833385alprgrm ve-al il podc t3o efiiec shul be 88838ve 883dccssadosplylre 63.3 3383 33383 383338338 382k 83333838888333in fr origtad 6. 383888388838383 of chees 8838l 833dsc 38833383338388,erpos 383383 383383333383333383 as re, 83833 mi3 3888rger388e 833388338338 38d 333i 333r38388833333 8. In 838a wher 3833333 i88 th onl m3883 3388383 8etn 3883oaret the338 38r ch 888 833338ul 88 38 88338838838,y ndr gvenmn 3883or 833383883833 333383333883333333383,dfo us iprcese 338e88833 ma 83383333333 88383r8e. 9. 3383 3888 383333 833388l for famcheeprdcrst 33.ttobe 33338288383n wh 8338883838833833833338333388 tha fochese 883333,33383388 3338,38333333333333deavilbl ad aspymnt 3833333833333333 3333333338323333832333de t eguarintrvls 1. Only 33333833338338333of 3838, 33333en cheese factories s38333 2. At 58t 8883 3383en 333388 8883838333 fatoie orrciigsain ih 3. A 8333833388 38ul 333 esalse 3338 mauatueceee88 pcal 3883383e 3338s,3 333338 wi3l 383b 833333 comettiel prcdfr 83ditte Ceta 3a333 Sout Ameica contres s well 3 asfo lca onumtin 833 33833383383838383383833333333m verll ilkprouc 8t3on3 ef8iec should be impovd3t33 duc3 stsantosupl3lage voue 3of low-cost 333 383383333 83338388833n pupoes 33333333333333383 33833reet ik o hee auatrigfrfreg rd shul 5383333833333833338hn 3333383833333,33388883838 833 Farm-akin 33338 chees shold e iscuraedand3whreeros 33333383333 83338 3hudb aktda rs,3833333838883838838883ize industrial 33888333553p833 8338333388 7. In ara 38er ch38 se is th only 38338 38 gen 3883 to 3333338e38 3883 farm 3338s sho383 be pucasd pos3l 3383338833 3a 388vern83nt 388333833338338883338333333383833333833233333338 in prcesse 8c33333 manufacture. ,333838 33 38. To3 338833 i38 posil for far chees prdcr to shif 8383 3,388 38838338333,33338833838388,3338338338333383hanfor ceese 33333 3333833io 383333333833 338333383333333l ad aspymnt  Forage, Pasture and Field Crops JT9day inCot (Rica there is99 a wide ra99 of1 gras A ahnd h eum 9 s, pecie use for atred Au fr furishthib est-qualiy feedAdurng thepriod of ix o eght weeksfollowing the usual winteradpring drought9onthe9aii side. Pasue on9, the Atani sid 9are su9bjecttoa mreconinou yea-round supply oain As a 1sul, much Af the forage under grazig9is9a9wahedouAypeof fee, lowi nutrion,. N PASTUREiGRASSES ANDiLEGUMES 99 Nerl9alpat1 e i99 n Cost bic are being overgaed Ther a1re several 9999 aprace tha 9cn 9e uedeihersiguarl o9 i 2obnto to19 correct999this99situat99on2 1.999 yRed9ce or fA cu99n9ntenubro 9aias91tad rzd Th2is 99 can , be99 19999he yslln upusaias o et upss locally9A~ 991yepot A. Fertilize a92, lime exstn patrs 9org.Thswul n crease bot quntt and qult9o9 ed9 freitiglvstc woldqut P9 psilyalo ora mc asA 100 9299 cnicrasei numer of~W~ 19911ves9t99ock.99 9 3.9 Impov maaemn prc1 ce of9 existin pastures.2 ThisA9 would gihe 999a 999 1955te supl 1956.utiiufe;rttinlgaznmw Forage, Pasture and Field Crops impor9anc at9 the99present1time, several annual an2 9999nnia1 wee9ks9folloig9the9usua ineran sApringAdrough9onthePacifi 9992run supp9ly Af rain. As a995 Aeut muc 99999 thefoag ude grazing i a9wae-outype of fee,loinutto. Neay all 9pastures in Cosa Rica 9a beig 999grze. 91here ar1eealapochsta ca9 9b199 9 u999 ed eitherA99 sigulay or9in cobi. to to1 correc thi situat999 9 on. 1. Reduc9 or cu down on the numbe of anial kep and grzd Th1s can9 beacmlshdb99 lngsrlsanml99 ea upss locally or 1y export.9299.999991 9999999ie9nd9im 292tin paturesd orge Tis9 woul in 9992999e boh 9uatiy 9ndquliy9f9 edsfo9 eisin lvetokn 999, orAcuting 1999r9 grae 999n999 wee99 or99 bsh with (9919te 999 (999 during 1999 9ad 1991. Forage, Pasture and Field Crops TAny9 (9999119 9999299999 99999r sa ierag frs 9992 d999 le 9999999 99992999 use 9929991999n ctor 9999999 919999991u999 99999 999992 speie299999999999ar o mno 99999999929992199 at 9 t 999 present 9i1e, 9seeral 9a9nal ,and 1rennia 9999999 introduced9rom9Ahe1Unied9.tates9how1promise9and large 999991e 9929 bei-ng 1992e 29999 year 9929 geerl 29s pasture1 furnish their best-quality9119 999929999999 duin9hepridofsxoeih weeks9999999 929199in 229 usua w999ter 199999919999999999999Pcifi side.99Pastures99on 9the Ati side 99999 999999999999992999ontiuou y999999999999299 199999919992As reul, 9999999999999999. unde grazin As a 99999999 washd-ou 9199 of 9 999999999 99919ntrtin 919999999 9999999999999999999999929U92999 9999999999912 199999 pasure inCotaRia 999bengovrgazd.Thr 1r several99 aprace tha ca99.e ete igual ri 2combination 99 to 9 correct999991s9999t2on 9999991999919999 99999999 or999 cu ono h ubro2aiaskp n rzd 1999299 999111999919999991ig upls nial frmetuross loa1 or by expo 119rt. 9 9999 (992 999 Fetiiz 99999 lime 999991 n pastures and forage 19 i woul in991 9 9 9 91as both quntt and qult 99999999 2 ed 99999 999999999 liesoc and91 2ol quit posil allow for asmcha99 109999n iceaei nubr of9 99991999992999999999919992999 999 199199999 1999999en 9992ice 99o99 ex19999 99919es 9199911 (99ul9 999e by 99999e 9999l (1992 99999991 (9999999991 999999 roaioa raig 2mw in9, or99 299119199999921999. ees r ruh itmchte  160 oat vaieis and strin in155 an 7suprof aite n stan in196 2 aieis o idgoo. 3Maiisofo f bbalhoagrass.k P5 joo o trfi voaroieodieoo. Booo forietesof sh oond oodi sooh oms. ooo o oo hoioya odigiseaeu gooooo oondf leom opce oih01.So.5oofo toical oii y, ood 10000 he0000ut0hefo1950of 00F ooag and 000ur Intodu iond aioooonrffioooooog oooiia oo.oohof Perofooyfo~onof.nrdcdPat Aumberjo. locoosyoooeolaoo ororfoufoooooooooood fooooindig provood suporoor aonoodo o adaptohoo 60ea 1955 elvtoso 00000 1056.s Toles Whooiog seooededo of eleoahioAfoEoooof lestan50mees hairyoindigo goloooroood00 o foooo o Mooofo1.5 modioosiooogh doeoe00 oh les hot hohry Pnooo 0 has oiilooe oo fo psrso la e, hay,000 aoo ode mnreop. So 19fo aoo ofe loctiooo ofa 1,50o3, indiog~osd wioooonafommeroocihlodociooooorefis htome 20 olaf vari006 es in 1955 an agi 0.0 1o956. 2 varietie oS indigo. 5oramie 000in ooo ohoy ooos.o 00 vao itio ood bhoo ss Bo9 va odeio o k oool ood f oghums. ooo ooo o hofoyigino B0y wayd So oh Souther Rgof Flo and Pstureo 60troduh Peroofofformanof nrdcdPat Afjerofjo lotons.oooeofboo o oefolfo strooo ooooodrfooooiho provod suroor 9an0d of aaptdooto o f95h olvtonB o 500 ff50y Tnio os ro iolo 900 too ol hoht f o t o oeoosi ehtoio weed oles Lateo oloo y ioondigo fooo o oo loos fodiootre ioogSo in0th hiooor ho Coopto Rohi00ca. hooo f1,0o,0 Alfalf.-Twdentyo varbetis oafafaowdreosecureodofrom ohe o6atvritesad ooaisin15 o nd oo27 o sprood vaite and flowerod bype. 2vreiof idig. 001 ar o catai mi0e variety. 3osouoooo vaieisooor shoodns.syfo 5ptofoilovareties pango, ho Rhooo Peormooooe of Inorodoood Plt Boiry Indifo.-Both 0029y aod foBe strooho were grown ot ooumboo of loconsoo Tfoh o sot orregul 90 ohai of hoiry 6026g pooodospooior,oodh iadaptedooareasowtheleooioo of 500 metsorlesso. Whenoseeded atoeoovoosofl thao 500fmeter, hairy indigogrows0rapidytooaoheitof 1.2toi15meoersooooightb weeksho 00ebo. Lobe foioy ondigo hoo pooosibiloooe foo past000, 02060e, hy,oadgoooomaoooooooop.Io1956,aonoo to n 00000 Orotina, indijgooseedowasoharvested o ommercialoscaleforohfirstotime inothehisory oftCosta ic. Alfolfo.-99000y oooiotioo of offa 9000 oscurod fos tho Uoitod Stotoo Departmoot of Agricultoo io 1955 ood 01060 i 1OEB. Boot ploofiogo w000e mdo ot tho El Alto Eopooooooot Slobi00 aod of higher elvoo ooo tho Ioooo Moontio. fodiconst dtartho th ofoiy Porva ooro Chio a anoood Afroa alfaloh areoomoorssoadaptedotheoreaa fohton ooof 05500 So 3,000 meterso. hood increasesi alflf ogowths and easier stand establish-  metcnbeoecdhhente sodp sj ustdo .5-7.0 though thoeo us o msone. Smalo amunt of nitroge along withhevie oncnttons of phosphousad possum, ts oneeah yoar and preferably twice anonually, tho ben oepon- sihlefo sibiceaesinopatgo.One tosado uds pe0 mnan0 o 5-2.2 dotlie ao soeeoodn tim an0a0 nna atoix-month intervals afteoo estbihment is suggested. Tho hoitohi application at seding isveoy iopotaot. do alaf reachestho 000lowein stage in Costa Rica, alfalfo ea spot to someotmessever. to o, the alotto ohould ho cut and oo- oood. Newogowth fotlowing ocutocrop ofoolfafisualyre fomo toe diseasunil it again nears maouodty. Unoder 0avoraohlo ooothoo oooditiooo this dioos ool onot ho presoot. Alfalfo woold appooo to ho hoot suited foo dairy 000m000 or manufturoooo of prooosodooedoio CostaoRhoa. Rod love.-Kootood ood, Nolin's ood, Lootsiooo ood, Poot hihson,oandPennsototoaellspeorotypeofroddcove ooodoooko oooofloont growth at altitdes of 1,200 ootooo ood highor. Thooo dlooooohav bon hoonodoo tota foo too yoooo. Sooooot ottpooots of hoooondoooed ofoooooo0pooooooooooavoooootooso Rhoa foo commeoooial plaotiog to paotooos. Rho Nolio's, Lootoiaoa, Pooo ocooor oood pooduoo will prohohly ho ot o minimum. ft 00 quito likoly thot tho ood covooooo tilt hond oo increasingly too p0 oOn ploco to tho Clooto Rcao pastur oprogroam of tho ftuoo. Varietoe of red clover other oha KeRootnd, such as Nolin's, Louisiaoa and others, sould ho imported to larger quantitie as theyoshooooealpomiho. Whte Chooor.-Nohon's ohito, Louisiooo oto, ood todtoo hooo provodsuprorto otherovorethooodoooemodptedoatohevoho of 800 oootoos ood op. ftoi qohoe poosihh thot hoth tho ohhoe ood of lower elooahoo, ood thoy ofl cause o grooteo oood soo n 00ho covooo hoooooo of hottoo polltoottoo. Oftoo thosoootooo oilt ho- mootcaohoeooooodoenteoilopfHoi dousod tob.5-7.0 thooh tho 000 of lioootooo. hmaot aounoto of noge ln oothheavootonoottooo of phosphoruoooodpotassium,ooots once oooh 0000 ood pootooohty toico oooodtly, haoe hooo respon- sihh too sioohh toooooooo to plt ofgroooh. Ooe thoooood pooods otdoi-oooh onevsatooohohoostbohmoot isooggostod. Rhothol application ot seedng 0s 0000 importaot. As olfolfo oooohoo the flooootog otogo to Cooto boo, alfotfo foot stoi somoetmes severe. f so, tho oRflf touood ho cot ood re- ovood. boo goooth foltooin a out crop of Olfaf is~ to uallfree toom tho 000000e until it 0000000 ner otrty. Unodoo faooobhh ooathoo oooditioos thhs dhooooe oftl oot ho poosoot. dOflf Houood oppeoo to ho boot oohoed too doioy farmsor 00 ufcturersoo of pooossod foodo on Cooto Rhoa. Rod Chooe.-Kootood oed, Nolio's oed, Lootoi000 ood, Pobt hthoo, ond P ooo reoooooopeooootyposoofooed ovooooodmako ooodhoen grooth at ohttudoo of 1,200 metoro ood hifher. Thoso dlooooo hooo boon oodoo tra of toobo yoooo. Sooooal ohipmooos of foooooecilpltinhgon pootooo.bToeNoli', Loohooa ,Port ocooor oood pooduon oftl pooobtby ho otamimu.I iqohoe likoy doat tho od cooooo odtl hond oo inoooosongy im- portant phoo i to he Costo Rioao postooo prograo of tho fotooo. Varietoe of red covero other toon Koolood, such as Noli', Loohtooo, ood othoos, shootd Ho imporod hn larger 00anthhoos00 boey sowoeaofpomise. hito Cloooo.-Noboo' ohto, Lootsitno obto, ood hadioo haoo poooodouperorooto othooooritdosoodoooo dptod atohevono of 800 motoos ood op. Ithsquito poodhhl thot hooth the ohhte ood oloh lvooo, ood thoy odtl 00000 gooatoo seod oot 00 tho cooooo hoooooo of hottoo pollinatoo. ROoe thoso covooo odtl ho- omotoohooooooourdoho theoodpbHoidjostodtoh 657.0 thoogh tho ooo of lioootooo. Smoo aouots of ohorogoo aong oithooooooooooonttooofpopoooond potodoom,oohoeas 0000 eooh ye0 0aod preerbl otwic aon00oooooy, hooo hooo respon- sihb00 oohhizbl 000000000 0n oloot goooth. bOoe thoooood pooodo atsi-oooth itrvooo afe o eooaoliohmehoothoosggstod. Tho itiol oppltion toat seediog to oooyimpootaot. stoi someoioos 00000e. If so, tho otfolfo ohootd ho oot aod re- oood. boo gooth foltooin oooocop of alflf t suualo fe foo tho doooooe ooti it agi oer omoootoritooy. Uodoo faoooohf oohea odhothercniin hsdseasewidtootbpresenth dtlfafoood appear to ho bost ouiod too dairy farmers or maufaturers of Rod Ctoooo.-Konlood ood, Noboo' oed, Loodooao oed, Port ooxofloont growth ot oltiodoo of 1,200 motoo ood higho. Thooo Kenloodoooodof over too poooooeaoo 000000 comeitoCosotaic for oooooool pltinginpasture.OTholin',Louisian,Port hthoo, ondPooooott poodufoeooooaodssomeoo eodoooooal tiooo, covoooooodpoducthoo ofl probohlyhoeotoooinioo. It iqohoe hbotly tfot tho ood dooor oiffihd oo oooooasogly to- potn lc ntho Coot Rhcao pas0000 pogram of tho ftre Varietoe of rod dloooo othoobo thootoolad, ooot 0s Nohon', Louisian,and ohers,oshouldhbefimportedointlageroquanitesa theyoshooo relpooho. Whoto Cloveo.-Nolinos ohoto, Looooia00 ohito, ood lodioo hooo of tOO oeter anod op. Rh i qoit possblhh t bhoho tho ohito ood of hower eloootoo, and thoo oill 000000 a ~ ooatred sot 00 tho covooo hecause of hottoo pollinatio. ROoon hs oootooo oil ho-  hav a anuas n awam limte mking sed produto ai necssiyCfrthi perpetuaion SubterraneanC Wnd 3rmo Clvr.Fu vreie fsutr rananaC six~ of cri sn ~ clve weetidechya o w ofCg Cprotei fe dpriclrl grin or c sed mel Cuhe Cuin seed has appfroximatey Ctie sae ie d valCe a dnceaeyie d Cooe Ruine v iru la identofie o n soelpinswihcm odfro ocimortedsie.ipmdints od pieseino-~ ducedinoo stahoooRisod beoo vrsfree. Kenehorbet ofthe Unrit o f ,065 d mad 1,7 bief sudve fg Cne puiefel hc detod. od i dooio, oo Pakolfogradp-Altough pagolagrapowsalredy o gboinooin Aoalog wAithd sevrd ohr grasses Itd a peashaa o me C oint Cbetweden oooo~oooooooo 105ad135mtranatbheoatiudeopnglo gras sd ot dapte~d. oeredvaionsdpanolaow very well, havos annuals in a warm cliot, mainog soed produon a necessity oo fordooyo Chi eptain Subterraoeaniad Co o iCflovr o vaite ofsuter thesod relpomis owhen gown ot elton of C1,d0d mesad moreo. The lupines probably should fis be useda pastrorooo cuoogonor foroasedo cop. Bea ofthe sdoaodity ofigbpoteifeedspaticularly Crisoo otonseeood meal, Crushed lupine soed Ca approximately the osooo feed vauea cfotoed meal, and yieds of at eatd,000O pounds per manza foing the ploigoudeofo hClpone rsduoo should showa incoeasd yid. Tho luine virus wasidentifid onsmelpkine bowhchcam fso omcaiore seed.Bhpmentsof lupineseedito dced Cno ostaRc so b virsfee KenthCrbt oh Pangooagrss.dltoughC pgolagrasos s dy growind Cn Coot Rconsmall lot of pgola vegetatfve panin maera dAloo o Cithsvrotherograsse.CItppearsftatotsomoint betweeno 1065 Cn 1,375 mesf and atoighe dltitudes psgola gras os ot adapted. At loweo elevaio, pa5gol gros0er0 wl Cooom. Pangograss appears Co Cove decdd plce Cn Che Cos R i ogooadpstoepogoam, parildyinoooovllyoooes aonogfth AtanicoandPcifiostsd ~oon tasodf30 o 60Ces elvtond. oioo. f troded Cro Gansvill in mid1955 ad plantd at the E Alto ncsity fo irpepetuatio. Lupins-we oyellow lupins of the Wiko 3 CtraC, aong meter and mo. he lupines proha shi ouldfisb used as Cf high potein feeds, partculardy gransor cooseedmel Crushed line oedhs ooproximatey Coe same0 fedauea cotosed oel,ad yieldoofa leastd2,000oudsoperoo nan shouldomkti C a oprofitablecop ogrow.I tisaeapotos, followingfthioing undroohelpin oeoidue,soud Bhoosa incsedC yid. The Cupioe Ciu s identifie on0 solpines whcham fomommercia imorted sd. hipmesof Clupine see Cnro dced ino Costa oicd souloo Cop virs-fee Kennet Cobt o th dstroyed. Paolgra- Atihiugh pangdoars was already growsing in Costo Bico, oneo ma lotd of paola vegetive plantig materoi Altoonsgwisevra oolherogrse.Iapasthtt so me poi nto between 1,065 3nd1,375 metesoada ighero altooudespongola- grssoi ot adapted.doAtooflowelvton, pangola grosooerysdel, partioaryoheo fertilizdof wihitogen, phosphorus,adpotas- oioo. Poogoogooo opoors to Cooo o decided pl oio 0tCo Coot aong the dtlootc ood Paic dcoat oCond on plateaus of 300 t Coastal ood Suooaooe Bemdagrsseso.-These goosoeo were0in troduced from Gainesvill in mid-1955 and planted ot the El Alto  Eoperimenlal grass r4 'h f nursery at El AltaE u ,l"?"' .y' periment Station Experiment Station. Because of delay in getting these grasses cleared through customs they were received in a weakened con- dition and were planted under unfavorable weather conditions, which resulted in a failure for these grasses. Bahiagrasses.-Pensacola, Lassiter's Pensacola, and Argentine babia seed were brought to Costa Rica from the Florida Agricul- tural Experiment Station. Plantings made at El Alto were slow to sod over, whereas the same grasses seeded at El Capulin were quite rapid in establishment, with a full sod cover in 12 weeks. Argentine bahia appeared to make the most rapid growth; all three varieties, however, remained green during extreme drought conditions when all other grasses were brown. The Guanacaste area is well adapted for the production of Pensacola or Argentine bahia seed, and, if these varieties prove popular, commercial seed production should be promoted. Common bahia seed can also be profitably produced in this area, but at the present time the seed crop is being wasted because of no interest in seed harvest. Very few seed-heads or seeds are produced by the babiagrasses in the Meseta Central region or at higher altitudes. Bugelgrass.-This perennial deep-rooted grass shows promise in the Guanacaste Province and in lower elevations of the Meseta Central region. Buffelgrass is quite palatable even when in a ma- ture growth stage; it is best grazed, however, when in the vegetative Experiment,[ grass r tll - - nursery at El Alto E.- periment Slaf'on (t. 1: 113111 Experiment Station. Because of delay in getting these grasses cleared through customs they were received in a weakened con- dition and were planted under unfavorable weather conditions, which resulted in a failure for these grasses. Bahiagrasses.-Pensacola, Lassiter's Pensacola, and Argentine bahia seed were brought to Costa Rica from the Florida Agricul- tural Experiment Station. Plantings made at El Alto were slow to sod over, whereas the same grasses seeded at El Capulin were quite rapid in establishment, with a full sod cover in 12 weeks. Argentine bahia appeared to make the most rapid growth; all three varieties, however, remained green during extreme drought conditions when all other grasses were brown. The Guanacaste area is well adapted for the production of Pensacola or Argentine bahia seed, and, if these varieties prove popular, commercial seed production should be promoted. Common babia seed can also be profitably produced in this area, but at the present time the seed crop is being wasted because of no interest in seed harvest. Very few seed-heads or seeds are produced by the bahiagrasses in the Meseta Central region or at higher altitudes. Bugelgrass.-This perennial deep-rooted grass shows promise in the Guanacaste Province and in lower elevations of the Meseta Central region. Buffelgrass is quite palatable even when in a ma- ture growth stage; it is best grazed, however, when in the vegetative Experiment iStation . Beaseo dly i etn these grse cleared byouh tos heyiii were hecive Min ai weakene con iio andi weeplnedude nfvraldwahe oni.os whihreultei n abi faiureii for -iii these grasses. iii Bia gasse. Pensaola Lasiter' P ensacola and Arni n  is Dceber orJsuay after Ise seay rai s aspped. Mosre invstigatios aneded ts evkiat skis grass is Cos Riss. Seeding is very easy swben dose withsa Esee Flos filie spreadero similar macbine, but t i difficult when done by hand or thoghcycln sedsbecasse of the nature ofbth seed. Pearl or Cattait IMillk.-This vaieysf miltis anana capblel Af pouigs hev tongs of ntiios, palstable feed atIleations belss 600 metes when ampl mosr and serility arsvilale kkMore pantig adfetlizion tis arendd with skis grss to chek its ptetl kfor vrios aa in Csta Rica As wll asorgazig,soilig, ad silage.Lsssthn sghtseksswer required at El Cspskssso gro this grss to maturty. Under graz ing or cutisgysracices, catilmillkt shsould supply agood-qulity feedlforfou tsix monthkd g eseasonofdeqaestur, orlongruder irgaions. Fetliaion particularly wt itrosge, isneyesslfrsuccssfurdio. kiss.-In 1955, 169 sariies and stains Af Fida-bred oas were planted eper5imetly silk th 1 Capulin Station. From thi lotofoas, 46 varekis orsris proved to ks disas-rsisa fortheon sy n rcd satsfactoy grainad forgeyieds. ITls grain yields sf thseA selce types raged ksom 40 to 96 kshels (321kb per bu.) per acre. Msto is e I sl dkisardd Asre attaked ky Hlmslinsporium, stesst (Pis i raii aea)orconrst (P.oskk aeng).The46slectd stan fot eerqusteld again in 1956 from Florida sly 27 vatieks, hoeersersecie kandA these wereslansd is sadsmizesd expsersinabks kih four repliios. Oasbapyear very promisigaagrain orlfoaekro frheMestC ental aa ad Aeesoelarefl isigtion odeterimine heighest yieldngad mstdiAses-rssnsvaey. Snl ws the only promsing oat variey Isr wich kser wssfficiet sd avilabl in Florida ts plant seeA iscrase block in Costa Ria. Fifty kskes Af Smiol oas weeur chased; 9s mazn syr lanteda ithe syssAlto Sttina mzana tE Cauis . Tks Sminol oasi at El Capyinwes fertilid asding time (mid-Syptember a madk excellen in Dceber or Jaay ae thhay r is vesoppsd. Msre inetgton r eded Ato evlat ts grassiCs ic. Sding As vesy easy when kon wikk an sse Flow fetlizer spredosimilarmachin,kbui iskdiffcut whendonebylhad orhroghsydlnesedsers sesoltentsesfi thsed. Pesrl is Cattail Millet.-This vaietyofs miless anana capablkoflprdcigleaysnnge o ntiious, palatable fee atielevainstbelw60mtss wheamply msture ansd fetiity aavilbl.Moreylantigand frlitio rilss aressdd with tiskgr ss ceksits tnial fo ais aes inslCsa Ric As well asso grazing, soilig, ansd silge. Lss than eight weeks were5 required at ElCapysto grwtis g rass 1k o mSA aturity. Unser gras- in rcutn ratcs catil ilsst should isupply agood-quality feed for fours toA sisonts during the sesons of adequate moisure or loge uder irrgaio.Ferlizaions,ypartiularyA wiitrge, As ncsary fo sccestsulducio. Oas.-Isn 1955, 169 varietis ssnd srins sf Florida-bred oats weres plated experimensstally satk th l Capuslin Station. Fsrom tis lotsofsoas, 46vaiesf or stainss provedtobedssesstant fossthesosssyssran s prodsuceds ssaoy grain sasrgesyield. lbs grin yields of thse selected types ranged from 40 Is 96 bskls (321lb.yssrkbs.) ysssssse Msos Ass th as sdsdsdwes sttacksd by Hemtsssisorsissm, Aste rst (Psscssss gamAiis avn s) srsrowsst (P.isssssa ssssss). Tks 46 selecst srisooasweressqstesd Isais, is 1956 Isis Floida; ssly 27 variet9es howevers, weres receivedand thse weres planted is ranidomizedssexper itlblockithsis forrplctoss Oas appea vsryyssssisgsa gsissorlforsessopforstheMsetsata areassasdsneed somescareflsinstigaionstodetermsinetheigest yieldisg asd most disessistatvrey Smitsl sss sks ssly promsing sst varliy Iss sbkkh thsss ws slficien seed sssilaske An Flord ts plast sssd inssssse blssk is Csts kiss. Fifty bsksls sf kSeminlestss werepur shsssd; 9 manzana wer ssssted ss ths Et Abso Ssssti asd 3 maznsa l Cspslss. Ths kSssinolts s is silI Caui wsks felized st seeding tsss (sssd-Septsssess ssd smsds sssslbst isassssshssssrsss sho smse ssasssyssisswt hsasypbeingscu invstigations srs needed Is esalusehs grs in Csa Rsss. Ssedins versyeasyswhesdonsssithssEzssslows erslisr sysseassr is sissilss sssskiss, busit sis disllsst skss dsss by hssd orsthrough cyclonesseedesbecsesofstheknauresoftssed. PaA or Csttai Mle.-Tis valley oille is an ns a ssasab sf prssducing hsssy ssssag of nutsiious, pastal fekkess atbelvatios below 600 meterss when amsple moisur and fertiiy thisgrasss t cek isypotntia forsvarios areas is Csis Rica s wetslsllsa o gaig,ssoiligsdslg. Lesisssa ightwekswere ssqsired ast ElCaun tsk ss o hsA grass ts sstussty. Usder graz- fssd fsso tss sx monthss durds lbs sssas ofsdequatesmoistur, sstssngessssundersrrgassn Fertiasopaticulalyswithsnitrge, issecssarsylfsucessflprducions. as.-In 1955, 169 ssssetss sid sisofloria-bredsoats wereslane experysiietly silk tE Capun Stions. From thbs sstofoas, 46 ssssetiss or ssiss proved ss ks dksessssskistans lbs grsis yields sf thss ssksssed tysss ranged fsss 40 ss 96 bses (321 yssksr b.) per ssss. Mst sf ths sas discarded ssss attssksd by Aslintssksoium, s rss (Psssinia gsssinii stan sosaseerqusteld sgssn is 1956 Assm Flsrids; osly 27lssd isss osssss,ssersssssisdsad thssssssre ssladissa ransdmizedsexerietlsbslck wistsforsrelssiaios.kOs appear veryyprossisgsasgraisssrlforgecspfortheMsta Csssta area slid need some careful investigatliont deteines lbs highst yisldisg a mstiAsesssressistsst sssiety. Ssmissle sss Ase lly promisg oat variety fss shich thsss wssfisin sssd aislalse is Fida is plass is seed issrssse blssk is Csa ils. Filly bsels sf Sminol isis ssss psi- csess 9sansans ssrespssntedsssse lltsso Stisssand93 mn ana at ElCapus. lbs Semnl Ask ass at El Csysksn ssse fertlizedatseesdig time(mid-September) andsade xcln  growth0. By mi d-Deceber bhsoo twr in ful seed-hea wiob anaprn 2oeta f60-700buhl per acetmrst op- peared, howeve, and the yiel of grain 0as reduced. 00en wit fooryeara srllocain 0 o0n0 afildtial basis.OIt i als alldste oobdbconrs srissoul esdict fg oorsls oesecured thbough this araeeyyear. Forbusshl of oasprmnaaboadcas a disked ho along Mobh 500-600 pounds sof 20-00 or ohmilar ferilizer appMie 0tpatigtm seemsobe a veyooo saifcory, methdfoproducingotis cop. Wheoo.-T v varitie o of wha ro m 0 va00 i000 regons itho sold wee 0ecre fobte SDA and placdoinbtheohadsof JorgeMat P. of the MAI in thoblate smeof1956. 0t0i00ve0 likey bha on or mor varieties sOof o whea hol badapted in tho Me sot eta areao at elevons of 10000 metes or igher, wit tho 1,500 to 2,000 meter olevatoo probhably being bos o o a resonably bhr starc sfeat. Wheat s oscop osoold be used hors forgsain adb human , surto n sod forhivokfed, pasture0, oiddlng f0000m the grain. 0T00o buselsofhea per, manzanadrille orbodcstoadcut ino the soilo o 0el-prepared seed hod, along wih 500 pods ofa20105 ferilze, osould ollo, ohis cop most faorable con- ditios torah smauiyoad poducea o odedop.Mso intnsveinsiogatos on wheatostrisadvarietis ghtwel mkeCosRica~ hdo sefsficeti hscomodity. Sorghums.- consid0000l0 00rag f sorhu 0 is00 growni man0y small aest ostaRic. Sorghoum s uilze heflhyos cutforge.Nineteeno hebestadrdvarietis ad ne b rids were 0 hordue in 240096 for plating itho Meseta Central and Pcific ores Theosearis wereof both grain ad swetsorghumsypes omeofoo thes vaitehouldhav suficient leafspot (Helinthspoium rsisc sobea imovemen00 ovr 0heblc-seeded variety nowo gow,andknown locally by smasSudangrss. Probably some atten0io should ho paidt prusoscacd contentinhisocrop,bthis lprooblemos nta eiu gowthb. By mid-Decemehes boo t we00 in fullo seedhead wih anpparent psoetiof 60070 busheo per ace;stmrut0 p peared, bhoee, and ohe yield of goa0nooas oeduced. Evo Mitb stm rus sscptiiliy, it ws re omededotahs oat beoplastd rec oomme thtl oats seee in Cstad l sia oe retehwt Ses,,oor erosan for disease, prevenion. A variety resstat t ar osbe osecrd thousgbh araery year. Fourshelsof oasprmnaaboaocast anddiked 0n dlong with 500-00 poun20o 20410-05 ohsiila fertilhze applied sopatigtm hem o oovey sasfacory metohod for producing th cop. oldweoesecurd foom thoUSDAoandplaced i he hanodsof JorgeoMataoP. oftheMAIi tho late osmmer of 0006. It isoooy likely that one oomore vaieties of ohoot oilO bo odopood ooo tho Mooooo Cootrao oooo at elevations of 1,000 meterso or hogboo, woith tho 00500 to 0,000 omotoo Mlevatoonprobaboly beoog bos o row aoroasoablyhrstarochwhea.Wheat sa cosooo dbeosed fis oro ogoooo and humao nutritionooaodosecond forlivestok fed, paooooo, sor omiddloogo fromo 00e grain. Tos hebls of oheo Operomonzoooo driloedsorhoooadcastoodcut intostheolon aoowllpreparedoseedbed, o~gowh000 pouds of o200Sfeoo ioooo, old alow s oooposo faoraobleoo- don ooo reaoho matouroy and prdueoagoodoodoop.Moo intesiveivestgaos onwheatostroinos ad varitiesightowll omoko Cooto Ricefsouoioentoiooothoiooocommoodity. Soghus.- Aosidoooblehooogoofsogubs goonsin many smalloooasinooaRic. Soghum isbooizdochiefiysa cutofooago. Ninotooo of tbboootadaodo vaiotheooadonewfybrd wereitrodced inomd1956forsplantig intheM esetaoCentrl adPacifi coso oreos. Theseovarietoesower of boOh gohonsood oweetosorgohum typos.bSomeof hseovaoiethooshouldhavosufficien 0ea sot fHelfosos poriMo rsistanceoo b Os ipovmn 0000 ohe blsck-seedesdaiey 0000 00000, and known locally by 000000 asSdongoos. Probably some ostnoo houlsd ho phod to prsho ohod sotent ithis crop, boo thsprobmsnot 0ssriu got.By moid-Decemoboo thse o owr is ful seedhead wit ao apparent poteotiaof 000.00 bosOels per acre; s ost op. poaood, howeve, andotheyied of goai asroduood. hEen sobh 0000 rustssceptibilhy, it5was0recomeddothatfhssobepla0002 forsaothe oyoa s eveoooooloatsono ohofedotisl bas.Itisoohs alstemoandcrown os straisshouldloeselected if goorsults soe o besocurod thoboh ohis soea every yoor. Foo, husoels of 0000 per 00000n 00roadcast 00d disked is along sobh 50000 pounds of 20-0-050 or similar o fetlie pplied sO plastong 0000 seemsobeo 00000 satifactoy method foprodcingthslop. Whet.o wlv varieoes oisfowheatfromrosrogiossoinhe worldsoworosud fromoth USAand placed inthhas o f Jorge MatasPof tho MAO is oheaese of, 19o56. sO O .isooory likely bhoe 000 more variete05s o hea 0000 ho adaptod ho the Mosooa Central are 00 elevations ,o f 00000tr or higho, wih ohs 1,500 to 2,000 meter elevatoon prsoaby being boot to grow a rsonasbly hard sorc wheaso Wheat 00s a00 cobsould ho used fs ograinsandohumannutritonn seondfforlivestok feed, pastur,0 omddlings from ohe 000000. 0000 bosOels, of poatpe m ozaa drilledorbrodcas ansd cut hno thse, so oo elprepared soed bed, along with 500pounds sofOO20105footilize, should alo,, this srop ost favoraob con- ditiostosreachmaturoysandspodueoagoodsodorsp. Mooe intonsioo inveoigaihossonwestraois andvarietisoightwell 00aho Cosoa Rica osesfooien is ofis commodity. Soghums.-A considerable 00000000o sooghumos gownoin maoyosal rosoostaRica. Sorghoish utiozdchioflyasoa ouo foage.Nineteensf4 thobst sadard varieiesoadsnewhybrdds sore introduced is msid-1956 for planting in the Moseta Central sod Pacih, cost aeso. Theseovarietis wereofhbothgrain sod sweetsoghumotypos.bSomo fthesovarietis sholdsohavesficen boOf spot fHelmintos pooium resisoc to ho soipovmn sover ohe blaok-seededooarheyowogown, aodkown,, locallyby 000000000000 grass. Pobably oso attentio should ho paid 00 prusoscacdontentinsis crsop, butthis poblemissonotsseos  1,000 meter, it is quite likely tha one or mor ohe soghm benfit the poultry and oher liestok industries. Undercri codtos rioghumso may enouyield cor an b ls risky cop.OTisopoud be feriizedat patigotmead plantedowardth end, o herain seao o ha i ilowering, fo grai orforage. felrassac.Rocomex~, (520) an Clmi(252) alog wih siaepupss An appliato 0 of, 0400 pounds o 141414 fertlize bia corn, vaite proved susceptible t,,o or rust hnefbight siia o hs tEl AloC because of dies suscpthiit. It silage. Ooher corn hyhrids should be testd in this ae. Approxi- matey 20,000 to, 25,000 platO prmazn can,,,, be expected0t prouce ohe highest yiedds when nutriion 0s adqae This is appoxmtl gwc aso many cornO 0lnt perh,, mazn aso, is~ nor-0, 1,000 meters,, 0it is quteliey thaton or, more, ofthsrgum Oad setig,, seeO durin thy early,,,, ohrt oo the ,g dr season. Nitroge is vey 20,000an for 25,00 succesful prdcto of sorghum eithe f~~ogaoo r forge. ~d ,,, ,oi0 dqo 0, Corn.-C,00,o resoarc, with~ mayne yrisf apas. ob 1,000 mer,,,o it0i quite likely that one, o , moef ohe soghm willpoduceprofitabl quantitie of grai,hich intur,,hold benefit ohe poulty and other 0ivestock industries. Undercertain codtos ri oghm a vnotil con an be les CrC orn, researc,,,h, wit 0 an new,, hybids, aper to 0e feller, asitne Rocomex,,~ (520) ad Columbia (252) along wit siaeproe.An application of 00 poun~ds ,of 1414-04 fertilizero per,~~oOO~ manzanao~, wa ad orcmprsn dih0h sm oaritie no f herilized l Th d 0erilze corn prdue 0ro fietotnie 00ore tonag th Ctefertiize corn.,, Thf Roc,,,oex 0y 0n olm biay 00,00 vari 00,00 prove sucpibe oor rus 0nd leafbli0ht duin h, tassel ald arn stages, 0utn in qa graoss. o0 f lefpjust i~o 0C y~ tohret rmoesasnsrslsi utb  FOAE IATR N FIEL CS AsAs05As s Peanuts.-Florda runne,Dixi runner, andFlorispanpeanuts intheMesetasCntl,wihepected yis ssf2,00 pdsssmr human s wesll aslivstocsk feeA purpss. swe sossvnppcor, and eight kidneybenvrtiswe received fro thes USDA and the Florida Agrilurl Experiment Stasso. lese seeds weegiven ts the appropsiste MAI specialist Isr sxperimentl pl aigs in Cost Rica Furs vegetativepee Madriga IfIrm. Ibis new Nape p s arsult ofybridization by Rico. Nmros grss adlegume sds Af specis coletd in mansy fig cguntries weescrd Ass- CEdsi Jams of the reinlfrg srysari, Geogi. Itis poibl fotis The fsrage asd pastr nusies establise in Usta Uica is Paglgrass and Nspirgss vegetaiv plantig material Isve bee pasd outfelyfo hse nrseries tointrsteA farmers arefrsllsne vaisie s An/r stris Is frge introAucd. TIese nuseryinsigaios havsso rechd apAin s-Iers planings orplos mst be repicatedA, sAth ssne or mrrao aslyzeA. Yields of AboAth s s-A Isd frgest beseud as weil as daa n angemnsuchb s frqueny sadheght ofcuttig trials. Thleaiss a going Uips of raie ar Sigh is protei sabmnerls.lbiscrsp is bst apteA st d evaisrmsea Peanuts.Floiarunne, Dxie rune, sa Flsrispan peas in theMseta Cengrl,swithesecssdyieldss Io2000pns ormore humanss wel a livstock feeA purposss. Miselans Cros.-nne flue~-urd tbsaccfvercsix recive fro thes USDA sad thlbs da A Agrclua Experimentss Sgation Tbse sds were gve to the appropriate MAI speciaist for expsimenal patigs in Costa Rc.ur vegetaiv piecs of1956 adplsantda h ElbAltosStaion adSanRamn Margal Iarm. This ssew Napier wss A reutfhbridiation by Sless Burton ofTito, Gesrgias wt ab bsna Iese from Puer Rico. Nmros grsan legme seeds Af speciAs colbscte An may foreign coutris weescAe from Udwin Iames Af Ise regional frge nusysatrifi, Geogia Itibpo-ssefo tissh colklcion that a suffegrss sad hosass- tanma rv lbs forage sa psnusere establishe is UCos Hisai most Asth prncpal livstock areas have serea rea pups. Pangslagrss sa Napiergrass vegetative planting material bav orgrows. PrbblyI threea otsorethafiesftsess ses plstings r plo s sb replicte, ithonsomoeas of anlyzed. Yields ofbsobth s s-A an forgest bs sud as wesll asdaasn agemetsuchb s frqueny adhegbtlolcuing trals. Tbs leavss a growing bips of raier high An prti Pnd ir. UThis crp-s besdaptsd tA Ubvaios prmsea- Peanutssss.-Florsda runner, ADiesunerandslorisspnanuts intMse set trl sihepce ie-ls ofs,00 bouds r recived As-m ths USDA a Ase Floria Agryicua Experbment Saton.Thse gsslsp bseesMr ie oteaporatespspecast forseperimentl plts insCstaRia. Furvgetaivepiec- of1956-andpls~antedatbhel Alto StatsonsadSan Ramn Madrgal farm. Ths neIs Napie wss asresult Af hybriizatio by Riso. Nmsos grss a segume seeds Af species collecte As may sorigsonts wers secuefrom Udissams Afts reginllfrgesersy atGriffi,deogi.I s posse rmss cllection thbs bufflgrss andA hbsesgrasss snmy prove adyae to tbs Meseta Uentralra Tbe forage sa pastur nuseries stablishe in Uosta Hiss in Psngslgrss sa Nypiergrss vegetative planting mssatra bave been passed outsfrssy f bsom ths nuserIs to itrsted fams or grosPrbblybhreeadlotmor tan ivlb thebseseris Ishoul be maked Isr exasion a soul be utlzeA as atesing lbres yir allnewvarets bd/o sai s ps foag intodusd pslnings ss plos mst bs reylsae, sith sss or mors rtes o analyzed. Aields of both- s s-A an forgest be s-Are swIll asdaasnsangemnsuch sfqueny sabshightsofscuttig  doa t or reomeded grs species. Rae of seding, time ofsedig,andmehodf sedin nedfllhe invsiatio.At the presen tme, seding ratsad datesr verycntovil, Selawsorcotrlssuh astoepeae o d nd feri- hizrs but A fitted toseatr, woud grat~ly laiths Aproblem. oaiey, adgermnatio oiaildty,AwihadinAiecuanAd toernc lnvaios ed or foreign seeds, is sly needed. An method Af haretn sgpeificseds wolid help promot bAtte A foage proje was oulind coopetly with MAI persnne tlehd "EvaIAIA Ano NeA Gasses, Legue anAd Micaneou P1ants Introdued inoCosa Ric. T his prject wa outindt serv as A a ud oad esablishig lnd manaiig a frge nurerat single loion fora period Af year, from whkch rputale datlla Ae coltd. Thrare iian of how to medium fertlity If man lsoEils lgume. Prlimiary exAeriet lere codud ith fi lizers An Ale growth ofmolses grs, Aor, oats, adclover, and the El Alto ExperAllntStaion fihed suppilemnary dall showing nage. Te grs crpsrepoded to itrgn,phophoru, and potiumAaslwllllastolpplicionsofgrouAA agiculturlllime- stn.Legue reponded Aos to phosphoru, potassium, and limeson and to lese exentitrAogen fertlie. Other Atrils at Ojo de Agua Iraz, Pario nAd El Caplpin hae froducd SufentI dat a hotailal h o give exc remedain onIeiitio asture gassad legumes;howeerinimu orgraing. Mr ixtursIofpase orIIforaepeies anedd, shae~d land white lovers inoiaionitheach fIthepre dialt orrcmedd grs s~peies. Rae Af seedig, time of seeding, and method of sedig nelA furlhe inestigaion. Al patilly beas of much low-quality see plae An th mbaret. A sed-tetiglbraoyftodeterinesdpity,puriyffype orvrey, and gemiationo viaility, AlAh alfinite coln ad lIernc onvrou ed ororegn seds, is lorey Aeeded. An methods Af hareing specifi seed would help promote beller A forag frojec as outlined cooperavlywih MAI personne tled "Eaaion Af New Gses, Lgume and Miscaneou Plantl Introduce Allo Cosa Ria." Tis proec as E ine to seva guide toard esaihinAg and minaig af foral~ge repuable daaca be colleAed Thrale indiation of low to medium feAAliy ofany soil lgume. Preiary epeiAAents weeIodud litb felizers on thegrowt of moaseErs, Aor, oats, and lvr, a lbe El AlAo Expeient StaI fise supp lementary daa showig nage. All graE crops reponded Ao itrogen, phosphoru, and ptsimawelatoaplliton If ground agiclua lime-1 stn.Legumes respondd moA Ao phosphoru, potasiu, aAd at Ojo de Agua, Ira, Pas, and El CainavAe proldue similar AeslAtsf. h~AAgEh~ IA Suficint daf a g not avilbl to giv exac rcmedan the presel tim, sedig ralAs ad dalesr eycotroersia, partially baus of much lo-aity see plaeA on Ale marke. izes Au hA te tlA sedAactor, Aol grealy asstthsproblem A s-eting laboratoy to deeie seed puriy, purity Af type or ariety, and geiation o alty withEA aA defnit cutand to ac o An varou Aee ororegn leAds is sorey nede. An method Af havstn specific sed woulA help proAot hette Aitle "Eluaion Af New Gaes, LegmesandAisclaneu PlsIntodud A nt Coll Rica. TAhis projectwa outined to serveasdla gidetoardeablhg ad aiainig a rge repuable data ca Ae coAecte. Allr a indcaon of l to medium frtllty ofmany soi legume. PrelimlinayA exeiAent Aere codudA wiAh fertilzr An the growth of molasses gra, cr, oats, andA clead Ahe El Alt EpimentaionIA uishedsupplemayIdaa oig potasliuA as well as to appllliaions If ground agrltual fill- Atone.Lgumesllresponlded most tophsphorus, potasiu, ad limestonel lnd to a lesser exten tf itroAgen fertilie. Other trials at Ojo de Agua, Ia, Pais, lad El apuli ball produced onfrilzto ofA pastur gres land legmes howeAe, iniu  ad25 pond of potaiu per pazn anull il1 greatly stmltegas unity and qualiy. Twice th boemntoe aplcto o 00, 100, a 50 poudsrp ecivly n inl aplctosma beapocing the upe limi o prouto fo oassadjrgu~aas. TwoA ortreapiatosanal 150e repod Kst toi aplctoso 5 pud fP0 n 15 onso 2 e azn tseigtm n o an teac at d th start ofteran peao.Tatlmstn a beefte -bthasean legme pisO shw ycmpsto n yil.Sismr cdta p 5.5 ~ d5 to60 a b xpcedt dso and 25 pond of poasu permnzn aully will greaty stmlt gras puntt and quality. Tic the abv-etoe appliatio (o 100, 100, and 50 pons resecivey nsnl for moasssadbl jrgarse.Totheappl icaion 5pdannuall prms in ~ furnshin quality fee duigtedysa. Legumesp haeponde bes to pplctosf15 po1d pp fh P206 anppd d benefited ~p bot rsssadeuesihonb compiionad yieldhSois mophaci tha pH 5.5Po6.bayb pected opsho a res~pe np ield an compsitio from an ppictio o two tons of p groun agiutrllmsoeprar.Svrlpe apiaon(or l0P, POP, and OP pounds, repecivey p n sigl Pplcain mab pproachin the upper limi of prducton ar ueirt igle appliain On grases lat season ferli pro ise i urihn qaityp fee Od dutedysason Legumes yied. Soil more aciPtapHO5.5to.0Omy bePepectd o ho two tons of pround a dluaien p er acre Seva p re- as Ppsue by grs oclvrgwt. AIlfalfa ha epondd t annualP25poundpp ppe zn pplPicions ofbora. speie astoixtur, raes an tm Af applictPp. Fertlization of mnfoaeanfilcrpcabexpecedt increasep yild as much or more han100per cent. Theecnoic o filiaio isvial, yt wih lPaoraPlIP esaepie alhe high andpwitha deficiency production of mayvital fod crpspin Costa Rica itis  divdend. The ferIlie lduty in Cost Ria should be, lnd probaly As, one of the faststgroin new industrie in the stageo ed has already blen bridfly mioned. Tilre are clhelp would pay ha llom dividnd to Costa Rans in organizig the sed industy. Soime was1 spent An working with vious MAI spcalit atlth El Alto, El Capulin, ad Deliias experimen sions. De- the El dllo a El Capul station. Alley wodlh-wile a shoud be put in operatona El Cauin. Fromth ElAlto nursey beldgas, and Kentucky 31 or 111 alt I fsufoCost ica. 01her statins.AEl A cr p tain pogmlsoasdvlped wicE p lco nth same fied only onceeac four year, of jarguagras for silageat El Capln, the firs yarsIeslt dilio, forage yield, and forage quality. Th lpnsnoinefect huld beldlowdnsoldl b lterd oly ias ofI a1111 f iur of som croppasur, or if further improemn can1be1made. Futureinveigaton shoulddelwith diviend. Th1e ferilze indstr lI l iCstaRisolde, and probbly As, one of th fses-roig new linuties in1the SEED OF FORAGE, PASTURE, AND FELD (ROPS storagefsed has aIlreay beenbriely miond. There are cl hep wold pay hIadsome Aividends to Costa Ricn in ora izin the sedndsty. Soe ie a spen I in working fill variou MAI specialst IlLth El Alto,ElECapuIn Ia Dlieprimettions. De- taildfm pls ith lccopanyigpojctIweldawnlplfo Ihe El Alto lnd El Capulln station. A vey wolh-while Ia proale forage nursery is maitae at the El Alo Sion, shluld e put An opraio at El Capul. Elom te El Altnusr have 1om1 recommendfaton onI oat vietie, Kelanfd led clove, belgrass, and Kentucky 3l or alt fescue for I Cost ila. 01111 prom1 iiA varities slffpecis, and 111 strin aesIl ontesp.A fertil1- stations. Al El Alo acrp rotatill prora alsoI was1 developedI whic1 placesI corn on th same felA lnly once each foll years, ilag harvest.I II the roaionEl graping, Elwng 1111 fert111111 dition, forage yild, ald forage qualy. Th plansl now in eAffect d oul be11 followed and11 shouldA dltered countrglllliIly. y Illag El All d as Elred bpeel brief.l1 mnionAed lhredr pcetinE 11 fundaenta cnieatin neesar i in I h Ill d El ad Al to11 protect the proucr 1Ipl l ICprocesor dit ibuor reaier E olslerl band lII IAe Konsum ky or puchse of farm ad CIrd I seed. 01111i cal1 help11 oldlg~~ ppay~ AlndspmA dillnd toCotaRiai orga11 in p thel seed indus111trly lly. 11 EIIAAIiIiPRIMENTI STATIONSlgldplhfl SomeIl tie was spAnt il orkingfll th~l variusIAIait  amount by deemie by reerc esls fThe P~f Deica Exeietp Stto near Pun ea is loc1 e oH n a godsol iwt atporp y wl sute fr ex ,eimeta research ~ pI wihfed eealadfrg rps To insur as hn yearpa inovn lan d use season f by seso ndyerbyyer prove panaemen. It apper that th motpromising phase f forgecrpsinestgaios orCost Rica lie ipplicatio of he Deica Exeimn Station near Pnarna ist locatedo aP gosl wih f a f topgr p Pel sute foreprmna reerclith fid, vegetl, adftrage crps. To fisue sound futreforsuh aI sa ion, ecsay todvlopia five-ortn keepinlg caiefu recods on all soi teament. In adtion to the recordsiof crpsinvolvd, allfetilierifand gli maeilsappliedt shold hi accoutefori, together fth changesin soi pH and mao lmn upyo ilabtilty. To accoplishtisI, it i 1.li Ai ne P agronomi exeimtaili far lae in the Meset of grea val to the future of Costaica a grtilfture. Probablty forages, corn, bean, onion, caean oftftee shold he stuiedt nwfrgvaeteorsiesl and filiziation, along ith im- forage cropsinvestigtin forl Costi Ric lie i pplcto of the cerai miineralP fetiier a t thorettmeadin speifict amut sdterined by resarc results. T 1 Delic ft, Exprmn ftion near iPnaea fislocatedo akoopsil, wit a topgrph wellit frexprietal should hi accouniit for, togehprlit chage i in Poil pH and mao lmn upyo iiity. To accopishf fti, it is necssay lt hve copiltfar lmp drawn toiscale, th iiiiftpipiedadocrpiuniessonaddsgntdb.etro  unsder specific, staistically-designed plot expeimentss. Neassto SansJose is iporanUorbst oprain ofthe eperimss it woMulowsafull1-ourwork day and sveson diy asportaion 3. A ferilizer secion or department sbhouid be oganized ands shoulsd be chrgd wih thersponsiiiyf wokig out he st 4. Modern equsipmentss such as sls, harvesting and thresbing machines,and plaigad sd-bd prparionmahiney shold 5. Moresadequafuds fordeailedspeificsearchbinesi- gations, isncluding adequate lboss assd suspplies, should Us ssade 6. AUl projesor investigational worsk should be outlined objectively ansd sbhould be brought to conclusionsa Use earlist possible dates. 7. Results from rsearch shulsd Us pulisd assd relesed promptly to extensio agents and sother interested peopke. &. Exprmsbsinpross tEl Altodl apulshoud be underspeific, ssically-dessigned plot sspissssss. Nasst SansJs is imsportant forsbstperaionsfbheexprimenss,sit wousldsallowsasfl -ursworsk dyad saveonsdaily trasporttions 2. Ansincsessinssbsesumbrsf foragsssxpsrimestsshould be 3. A fertilizer sectionso depsartmsnt sbhould Us orgassissd sand shsould Us shssgsd witb Use responssibility of wossking ssss ths bs fetlie sixue srts, metshsds, sssd simes sf applicaions foss jo U. Modssrn equipmensts such as scales, harvesting sssd tsh~insg machssisasd planinsgsd sed-bd prpssionmassiney shousld 5. Msss adsquasts funsds for detaile specific rsearssh invssti- gatisons, incsluding adsqsats labss ssd supplies, shosusd Us mades~ 6. All psojscts or invstigational ssssk shosuld Us souinesd sbjsstisely sssd shusd Us bssoughs ss conclsion ss the earlis possibledates. 5. Rsult~s froms rseassh sbssld bes publishsed sad ressessd U. Espssissssss iss porss a El Alts ssd El Cspuins sbsould bs sundssspesifis, statistisally-dssignesd plss sspersmsnts. Nssrsss USnsJoseis imsportantsforbst operationsofstheeperiments,sUt wossldsalsowsasul-hsousswsk dsypand saveondailytrasportsbion U. Ansincssssssinsshsssnumbsssof5sssasssexssimnssshousldlbs 3. A fertilize ssstisos ss despsarmsss should Us ssrgasize andU shosld beschssged wiUhthesssspsibility ofssorkingoutsthesbs fertizersmixture,rates,ssmethods,sasd timesofspplicsionsforsmjor U. Msdssss squipments sssb as scales, harsssinsg ssd threshisg macshinss,ssdplantbigsnssU-besdppsionmashineshsosud 5. Msss adsqssts funsds fss dstsilsd specics rsesrsh invesi- gatisons, incsluding sdsquates sabss sssd suppliss, shud Us mssds U. AUl pssjscs os investigational ssssk shsolU Us souinesd sbjsstissly ansd sbsould Us Ussought ts conlusion at Use earlieU psssibls datss. 7. Rsulbs 5ssom rsssssh sbsould bs pusblishsd ssU sslssssd promptly so extension sgsntU asd stbss interestd pespls. 8. Expermess insprogessasssElAltosasd ElCplis ousdsbbs  Pasture Fertilization Experiments G rass 44414 patue erilzaio epeimnt 4wreintite caste Prvice in ~ pthe 4 P2cpfic.z035. p2. 44l 3 Alto 34 4 Dair CateEprmntSa dnna Craoo h CentralPlata.D1 4 4l3y4 314 94 431 2 44 4 Lo DimntsSTC-MIExeimnSa 4o ear6Gupiles L.ion 4Poince in 33 th 43tln243.ne Expeimens wee deigne priaril to4 e termne te nedso 554s psel 634 r nitrogen phophateS 133 po4sh Othe ex peims3 gpy3l4 iwiptlIh foae1adcr4wr niitdascrumtne indicated. Daa2fr4oe1cmplte2 earwer i oieitd fyom ll5 exeiet and for 04 o season fro on stud at th 1 E4 Capulin Station.31 3 4 1 4 3234h14i44 955.smarzsaddicse heedt. theb s prfac . 5424 dtto wa ceaedan pne 4254tuein195 1he El 5 Alto4 Statio 3534tdjutws f h otnetlDvd Letee 53 n Jos 4 pn Catg ata 5elvain4f4o43 004fe45- Its 44441 5424raph is44 rea3vl3ruh.Te4ol aedeiedpimrl from v lcanic 4441 4143ia a 154 4143 reatvlyhev-txtrd ndo Pasture Fertiliztion Experiments 54 G rass 15 344ur fertilzatio exeiet 4er 2ntae in£' f th three. ma5o, 3hsorahcrein.o.ot Riad6 ig hlterpr ELf 1958.Th lcto s re 46 54. £3 6334li Liesoc Exeie 344tinnaLbraGaa cte rvic i 565n 634 Pacfi zone. 343. 544444 2lo4aiy4atleE 42rmet4ta 4144arCatao4nh Exprimnt wer2 d344i4ned primaril y to 463emie ,te 344do 5334s 15545r44 for 322oen phophte 4n4214h Ohrx perient 5wit foagesandcornwer iniiatd6 ascirumstnce 1ndcaed Dal fo33 on comlet yea were4 col44 te fr53 all444 expr4 mntsandfortw 4 e3s404 42 f 4434 s lu y t 11143442uli 4S2at5on. This 5 11y 2epo4 243arzes2n5dscuse 1535daa. TE1AIN SOIL,444 A 3N 33434D4 CLMT355AH TTO The E143 Capulin Satio 4232s 4 4344643414950fee 34vese level.4 Its 1opgrph is flt an its 4 soils areprmail 3lgh txtre a1d4strtified.Ityis iperfecy445 drained 23434 si niae ymtlyn 44451 24313c . 5449342434454leredan plantedy to25 pasurei319554 The4 El 4 1-lto 3 11341444 13 loae3js4et 3.teCotnnalDvd betee DSan Jos 34f34p343 443443oata eeaio f bu 4,900 fee1- 4I 43 Moporaph iseltiel1ru.53 154 soi y ar 4e4vdpimrl from 52344443 volcanic4 matria an rerlt.eyhev-exue 5ado variable 314143444 Surface 3 dranag 454sull 2539ecuseoft1 Pasture Fertilizatien Experiments 633364644 453ur felzto 53ermet wee 43iiae 2. 6 h thre mao phsigapi 64gon of 6Co4s5ta' 4 6ic 3uin th late 5114r14 o f p 8 14e 5oct 43144re 6ca433 Prvic, inth 444iiczoe 2.4E4 Alo4Dairy attle4Exerimenty tation nar4 Cartao4 on4 th 3443444444544,4434 4423443.e054u4 334453454 424443433 444434314444 Eprien taio ea Gals Li3432D1143443334 44344433442134449nic one 443444444421444344444444d prmly3to etemine4he1neds5o 3444as 4 34tue frnto, 5 hsphte an 44 tsh 6534 r 54434 154mnt El t 643414 s 51414 cor 433442 34tite 153 444cu5444n444 indicated. 343334 442442 foron 3coplte 3ea 5wee 1ollctd 4fomal experimnts2an1for4to4seasns3fro4one4sudy2atthe2ElCapuli 41tin Th4 466 or 0444 rze a445 2,444444415444545444434 144444134 3541444434 AND4CLIMATE4OFEAC 3344A1353 3146 4145 1344u4343 33434444 3sapoimtl5644144401v54324 54l 44414342444444434444 It3oogahi33t3n944sis6r riaiy ih txue and stratified. It 434 115 2 isimereclydrind 4s4s3ndcaedbymotln of4te4sl.Ovr mch4f4,3vl canic433 ash33liesl4l3 4249 fv feto thesrfce.Th 534io was clere and planpe 444 psture in 145 44341443. 4944 Alto 3433 3344144 153444 ut etoteCntnnalDvd 63434340454143 San 3404 1543 334413o 5442eeatoo bot40 feet. 434 topgrph is relaivel ough The soils are derived 4443 m44413 1444 volcanic 44333 344143344 a 3darereltivly 3eav-teturd .ad3o  212 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP above sea level. The soil texture varied from loam to silt loam. Average precipitation data and maximum and minimum temper- atures for each experimental station or for the nearest weather station are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. TABLE I.-PRECIPITATION (INCHES) BY MONTHS AT THE THREE EXPERIMENT STATIONS El Capulin El Alto Los Diamantes Mouth Pacific Zone Central Plateau Athuni. Zone (10-year Average) (2-year Average) (15-year Average) January 0.06 0.04 11.46 February 0.00 0.81 8.75 March 0.10 0.48 6.47 April 0.37 1.90 8.95 May 9.37 6.22 1755 June 10.68 11.61 1924 July 6.17 1.88 19.74 August 7.33 4.32 12.80 September 16.69 6.81 11.19 October 16.15 10.65 15.89 November 5.13 2.92 20.64 December 0.94 0.20 2225 Total 7299. 47.84 174.90 Source: Data for El Capulin were taken from records of the Costa Rican Meteorological Service of the MAI and from the town of Liberia, about o kilometer from the experiment station; data for El Alto and Los Diamantes were taken from records of these experiment stations. TABLE 2.-MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM TEMPERATURES (DECREES FAHRENHEIT) BY MONTHS AT THE EXPERIMENT STATIONS El Capulin El Alt. Los Diamantes Pacific Zone Central Plateau Atlantic Zone Month (3-yr. minimum average) (2-yr. minimum average) (5-yr. average) Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. January 8 J) 2.0 76.3 55.0 81.3 67.0 February 89.4 71.4 78.3 54.2 81.7 67.1 March 90.7 73.0 80.7 55.7 83.3 672 April 93.0 74.1 83.2 55.9 83.9 68.8 May 91.2 75.4 831 56.6 85.1 70.8 June 86.9 73.9 79.7 57.1 84.7 70.8 July 87.6 75.6 80.4 57.5 83.5 70.3 August 88.5 75.4 80.7 56.9 84.1 702 September 85.3 74.3 79.9 56.6 85.7 69.6 October 84.7 71.8 79.5 56.5 835 70.0 November 84.2 71.7 78.0 55.1 81.6 68.8 December 84.2 71.4 78.1 55.1 79.8 68.4 Average 88.0 73.2 79.8 56.0 83.2 69.1 Source: Same as for Table 1. 212 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP above sea level. The soil texture varied from loam to silt loam. Average precipitation data and maximum and minimum temper- atures for each experimental station or for the nearest weather station are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. TABLE I.-PRECIPITATION (INCHES) BY MONTHS AT THE THREE EXPERIMENT STATIONS El Capulin El Alto Los Diamantes Month Pacific Zone Central Plateau Atlantic Zone (LO-year Average) (2-year Average) (15-year Average) January 0.06 0.04 11.46 February 0.00 0.81 8.75 March 0.10 0.48 6.47 April 0.37 1.90 8.95 May 9.37 6.22 17.55 June 10.68 11.61 19.24 July 6.17 1.88 19.74 August 7.33 4.32 12.80 September 16.69 6.81 11.19 October 16.15 10.65 15.89 November 5.13 2.92 20.64 December 0.94 0.20 22.25 Total 72.99 47.84 174.90 Source: Data for El Capulin were taken from records of the Costa Rican Meteorological Service of the MAI and from the town of Liberia, about one kilometer from the experiment station; data for El Alto and Los Diamames were taken from records of these experiment stations. TABLE 2.-MAXIMUM AND Munmum TEMPERATURES (DECREES FAHRENHEIT) BY MONTHS AT THE EXPERIMENT STATIONS E1 Capulin El Alto Los Diamantes Pacific Zone Central Plateau Atlantic Zone Mouth (3-yr. minimum average) (2-yr. minimum average) (5-yr. average) Max. Min. Max. Min. Max Min. January 88.0 72.0 76.3 55.0 81.3 67.0 February 89.4 71.4 78.3 54.2 81.7 67.1 March 90.7 73.0 80.7 55.7 83.3 67.2 April 93.0 74.1 83.2 55.9 83.9 68.8 May 91.2 75.4 83.1 56.6 85.1 70.8 June 86.9 73.9 79.7 57.1 84.7 70.8 July 87.6 75.6 80.4 57.5 83.5 70.3 August 885 75.4 80.7 56.9 84.1 70.2 September 85.3 74.3 79.9 56.6 85.7 69.6 October 84.7 71.8 79.5 56.5 83.5 70.0 November 842 71.7 78.0 55.1 81.6 68.8 December 84.2 71.4 78.1 55.1 79.8 68.4 Average 88.0 732 79.8 56.0 83.2 69.1 Source: Same as for Table 1. 212 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP above sea level. The soil texture varied from loam to silt loam. Average precipitation data and maximum and minimum temper- atures for each experimental station or for the nearest weather station are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. TABLE L-PRECIPITATION (INCHES) BY MONTHS AT THE THREE EXPERIMENT STATIONS E1 Capulin El Alto Los Diamantes Month Pacific Zone Central Plateau Atlantic Zone (10-year Average) (2-year Average) (15-year Average) January 0.06 0.04 11.46 February 0.00 0.81 8.75 March 0.10 0.48 6.47 April 0.37 190 8.95 May 9.37 6.22 17.55 June 10.68 11.61 19.24 July 6.17 1.88 19.74 August 7.33 4.32 12.80 September 16.69 6.81 11.19 October 16.15 10.65 15.89 November 5.13 2.92 20.64 December 0.94 020 22.25 Total 72.99 41.84 174.90 Source: Data for El Capulin were taken from records of the Costa Rican Meteorological Service of the MAI and from the town of Liberia, about one kilometer from the experiment station; data for El Alto and Los Diamantes were taken from records of these experiment stations. TABLE 2.-MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM TEMPERATURES (DECREES FAHRENHEIT) BY MONTHS AT THE EXPERIMENT STATIONS E1 Capulin El Alto Los Diamantes Pacific Zone Central Plateau Atlantic Zone Month (3-ye. minimum average) (2-yr. mvumum average) (5-yr. average) Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. January 88.0 2.0 76.3 55.0 81.3 67.0 February 89.4 71.4 78.3 542 81.7 67.1 March 907 73.0 80.7 55.7 83.3 67.2 April 93.0 74.1 83.2 55.9 83.9 68.8 May 912 75.4 83.1 56.6 85.1 70.8 June 86.9 73.9 79.7 57.1 84.7 70.8 July 87.6 75.6 80.4 57.5 83.5 70.3 August 88.5 75.4 80.7 56.9 84.1 702 September 85.3 74.3 79.9 56.6 85.7 69.6 October 84.7 71.8 79.5 56.5 83.5 70.0 November 84.2 71.7 78.0 55.1 81.6 68.8 December 84.2 71.4 78.1 55.1 79.8 68.4 Average 88.0 73.2 79.8 56.0 83.2 69.1 Source: Same as for Table 1.  Capulinjargugras (Hyprreni ra[Nees StapP), buffe- gras (Pennisetu cilir [L] Link), and Argentin bahigras (Psplum oau Flugge) El Alto-kikuyuras (Pniseu Schumch, and imperagas (Aonpsscpariu [Flugge] Hithe) andLosDiamante panglagas (Digiai P de uben Stent, guineagras (Panicum maximu Jacq.), ond elehbtgrass. Twodovgrass experimentswere lsoiitaelathllo Slaon,. Thes wer white clooe (Trifolium repens and red cover (Triolium pratense with kikuyuograss. Yildsonspadforaequality difleneo rltigfom rate offriliton, and feliztion and haroes dae witoh jarogua, huffel, and Argntin bahia gase also weeinveigated atEl CapulnStatio.Thse stdies weremdewithprimary emphais ohay produton for use during tho dop seaso. Hairy indigo (Indioferaohirsuta wasplantedtElhapldigfthelatte paof1958 fohesapupos. Addtoa epenswe estobisohed atho Los Diamantes toaquntisof phosphate and lm applied to elephantgrass. Two experimenlso weeonductedwithcorn (deaomys) Thodign fo hnogen-phospa-potah exprimentswith nuretlvl eeetblished acordoing to th chmohow o n Tloe3. Niogen was applied aura(45% N) except whore otheriso o ted, phosphate s tiplespephophate (46% P05) andpotash asom olateofpobas (60%K0).Nutintlevlsower changed 3 1 daota becmeavilablei odero estalisb bette range for yidld repoure. The elve tramet were arraoged in rnoizedblokshih permoitted staistkcloadysia ogroup orparatlypby nutrients.ffhnllofoanoy oof h hreenurint wer vaied, hlol of tho ohero we opplied atho bighost quaniy.his orra gemetrducddatentnuber adpe- Nitogenphospbate-posh pmetswee iiateod ateah o h experoment l toons Oih theooasesa follws El Capulin-jargugrass (Hyparrhenia rofo [Nee] Stapf), buoffed gas(Pennisetum ciloar [L] Link), and Argentin bahbagras (Paspalum notatum, Elugge), El Alto-kikuyugrass (Pennoisetuom cadestinumo Hoscht), elphantgras (Ponnseumpo pueo Schmabh, ond impeoalgrass (Axonopusopariu [Fluggeo Hitcho); and Loo Diamotespangolagras (Digiaoi dcoben Stent), guineagrass (Panicum maimmoaq.),4 andelphotgras. Two clove-grass exermet wereo alMo initate at tho El 410o Stono. Thoese weehite coveor (Trfoium repens) and red clove (Trifolimpoatense with kikoyogras. Yieldepoeadforgeoqualiydifenesreuligfom rate of ferilzatio, and felizaiono oad harves date with jargua, hofed, and Argentine bhbO graoses dlo werenvesigated at El Copuoon Statio. These sudio oeemdo 4ith primay emphasis onhy production for uose durig the Opy so. Hairp indigo (Indigoer hitoo was0 plantd at El Copuino durig tho laooe par of 19580forhe amo prpse Alddiiona eperimoot wer estblished at tho Los Dimate tonal quanttie oP phosphate and liho applied to dlephagrass. Twoeperimetslo wereo oducdo wh con(e mays). Theodesig or theoitoge-phospholopoash exprientwih pasture grasses wa toheom otoah loction. reamensad nutienhoeeloweehetlishediacorgho theooheeohownOi Poblh 3. Nitrogen was applied a ra(00% N) except where otherwise noted, phosphate astiple sperphosphate (46% P205) ad potashasmiaeof potah(60% 0o(. N utrientlels were changed asdatabecmevaiabliodeto estalish betterages forpyild reposecue. T~ hoove ratet were, arraged in randomizedblokowhch permitte ~dpsatsicl nlyisa aop orsparatly Op nutrients. Whenlevel ofooaoy of theothre nutri000 wer vrid, leeof tho other two oer applied at tho highest quantty. hs arangemnt rdd tratentnuberadper- Nitogn-phophte-poshexprimnts ereinitiatd ateah of tho eperientl stations with thre grasse asollowos: El Capulin-jaogugrass (Hparrheni ooo [Noes Stapf), buf14- gas(Pnnietu ciliar [L] Link), and Argntin bhhagrass (Paspalum otatuoo Flugge; El Al0o--ikuyuorass (Pennisetum cladestinum Doooht(, elphantgras (Pooioooo purpuru Schumach), and impoiolgrass (Aoopus scopariu [Flugge] Hitch); ad LosoDiamants-pagolgras Digitaria deubo Ston. OPes werbwhteloe (Trioliu repens an do ver Ehkifopratnse wit o kikopogras. Yield reponse and forge quality diffrece resltig from ae of feriliatono, and ferolaon oPd harves date with paragua, buffe, and Argentin bohia grase alo were invsigtd at El Capuli Ston. Thes studie were made with pOimar emphasoh op a produonor u0se during tho dry season. laiop inio (Indiofero hirsuta wa plantd at El Capdoin durng tho latoe Additoeperimens wer estblihe~d at thos Diamantes tOoa qaniteofphosphate adhloeoppldoelphatgras. Tooexprmetslo weroductedowihorn (Zeaomaos. Theodesign fo thnitognphophatepoah experientowih pastur grases ws thesame toeahoon. Treaments ad nutrentlevlsdoreestblihoedcordngothoshmohown i Tabl 3. Nitogen was applied aura(45% N) except where ohris noted, phosphate astiple superphosphat (46% P20D andpotahasomuriateof potasho(60%oD K0. Nutrient lvelswor changeod oo doto booooo ovoiloblo in order to ootobliohbetterooranges fopiddsosopr.OTheeln retmnsoer aragd i ranodomized blockswhih permitted statitic1 analysis as a group oropse parlob nurint.OhWhdlevl onyof heheentret wer vrid, loodos of tho other too wero oppliod ot tho highest quntty Tphis Oranemn reduce traten nubr ano dper  kisissys ggs/hai k~gsha s/ha bs 0bibs 0h 0sssl ~ ssd h 2ssh 0g 90dspi 90s~isy~ssib 3 30d 90sss11ss. 90s~syssss~ssds 4lsss s 60 psi 90 ls~ s sd 5b p90s Thi 9y0sp~ ~ s~ s ~ 6 90sdsdplidi 30ssdbsy 90ss 7ss 9g 0 60 sb901 ssslsig~diss s i sfoca gosd. e ptabl isith treatments its s sumd ha thepltsT isss placed ias phcesie sss fin Adtsili ent s itne to sth so throuh nialxcemnt Soil smyple is byetaefo thk Aspeimenta N arisin L cb ers, 21 FERIL LA D OF FREDSI TALEs3si-BASIsNUTIENTALICATIOF O G RSSpi FERTsiIITIEXIMES Tatmn Nutrs Iisibiss bsisii ient Apssli d 1 Num 8be si N Pii K20ispsssssyssisiysd s~sp~disisiisislsk.As/ha i kga/hafitssssi/dsi sssisis 0i 0psss i0iiss.S ig sis di 2b pi0s Thi sy90 fsd 5 ssis8s sblsi ssp3s 3sd 9p0s ,iis is idi ,58b 90 4ssssssss 0sfhs 90p sisisidisgsis90 5s 9s0isishssfbs0bs 90sss~si Ss6,spsss 90sississps 30s~sssi 0s mitte moresiss extesiestdy is 1959. e Sspecieyss s atda byge nu bsr SoIL lobssonsy sdsstalsdsstss tramsit sssas asssmsd tbst weeig ensoissh stbs pr ssc a p spb ste s maisum 919esdsssth theslyts T is sytmpbislaced Pbsspssce ssie strssssnsdhsil whee5Navrag Ssbsiss sbot ss0 1Lcnto insted, inogi nbutbsi- ent ss is uredt the fsoilthrugs a malexres nt Sils smples wsse sssds byo lbs Axpeimenta areiais Lnsbsssbss, isNutrients Applie kiidiisfsisidifsgssilgs sisha s/h a Is 0sbssgls9sssi 90, s 90ss is 3sibibs 30iysd 90isbssfsssssi9sdssf 4spidis60isisi 90ys 90ilisssisiiids 5sslisssps-shssb 90s- 0ssssis9dss lbs 30ss Ib9s0s lss ssssiss~ sbi k 1991,ted sgeexsive std ofb foag Nssssbss 1999 as lage nuber osfoaiosInsbstalshingssfs tbeatmessii s 1991umbs tsat th po s. Th isss slbssd abs picssbssssrsss Ionbt soiss Ispiedhadlalsyinurssls Pbompbestshrstsbygazing whereanaveraSsifsssasb ssssssr en o ngstdfsinorganicsstri ents sis euredt th soi l thrughanmalexremnt PSil ssmpss issre takes byo lbs Aspeimesia Nariss LnOcssber,  unde the ditono Mac Tu961o Ramire. Crude ptinwa deemined by anayzing plant sample for nitrogen by the Kjedabl prcdure and muliyying thI perentge nitgen by 8.25. El CapyWf Statio of bhib availabiliy at the 1 sttonad bcus all appeard to be Costa ica raterreenly; it seeds prolificaly and aper tolb well adapted to the Paic l imate.Agentine bahiagrass is9 ani- Exeimna plo16 were1 establ8ishd in October, 1951, and the fis har19e91s madei Dcebe, 1958. Reet11 to 51811 r 61 e r1ainy seaso 81 dnei April, 199. 611nf1l1 durn61915191a l6imtd durigMyn9thbfistharestwa not made unil Juy 1. Nit8o ge Iantaplied follo1819 t1e July Iavs i re to deter- mine1 its resid9a effect. The resi9ua1 efyec was1 extemly small; threftr p lots wer fertilizd with nitrgen11 foloin each har- Pln Repos to Fertilizaio-Yild of9 jaraguagras 81 1959 wericrasd more1 18an 68 percen by nitogn9 erilza1 o (Fig l.9 Small yeddifeene were recodedinAgustbecaus nit9ogen was not applied follwin th9 Jb ly harves. Flowerig of jarguaras durin Novem~ber and9 Dece6be 91v1 increased pro- duction from the check treatmen and re9uce9 yield difference. The rlatihi 6f forage yield to nitoge was1 linear through wa ligible. 91e responet hsht asrltvl ag 611wen9th chec6kand6istincemet, ut ottistiay gii- cant1 9116tta yield were analy1zed by grasses. However, when1 under tb1 9irectio of Marco Tulio 99119ez. Cru91 protenwa determinedbyanayzig p1lnt sapbls or itrgen bytheKjdal procedure and mltilplying tb1 perc1ntag1nitroge by 6.29. of thei availability at the 619tio and becaus al appeared 1o1be adtdl to the are.9Jaragagras, an ary im1portaion from91az9, isw1dely use9 lbrou1hout961 Pacifi regio adlhas pread natu- rlly in1o many 1119186ibl and unc19tiv919 areas. 6t 81 highly Costa 61ca rahe recenly; it sed prolifialy and apears to 61 we61 adapted9 to the Paciic6m1691 Ar1ent111 baiagras is a im- ported selectio. 6t 81 we61 adapted to the area, but bahiagrasses, Expeimental plots were1 ebished in8 October, 1951, a19 lb1 616s harvests made in16ceme,1951. RerIization6fo 1th11 raiy sesnwsdone in Apil, 1959. 6ai1161 durin9 19519 w19181119e dur1n Mayad h first hares was 1 not1 mallde 66111Ju9 1. Nito- mineits 61esidua effct Th y residual 1 efec was 18 extemlysmll thereafte, plots were 1ertl66e wit nit96 e followin each991 har-8 vest ecpt alth edlo the rain seso. Plant yesons to Feliztin-ied 61911f jar 91agrss8i 1959 81re inresd more9 than 68 per 11en9 by nitrogen 8166ilza9io (Fig.9 la). 1ma8119el differences werreordd i19n Augstbecus nirge yntaplied 16816819g 161 July 6ar1es1. Flwering9o1 jargugrassdurig November and Decme gave inresdypro ductio1frombhelchek8tretmet ad rdyied yediference. 561 relatonshi of fora6ge yields to 19to9en was linear through 161 lecod increment The yield 1111eas for 161 th699 191919en wa 1nglble. Thlb pne1 opopat a eatvl ag between the check and first1 inreen, butnostatiticall signifi- cant 1 when total yild weenayzed by grasse. However1, when, determ1ne9 by analyzing ypln samyle 8or111919en by the KjeldalI proc9dure and multipylying the percentag nt191og9n by 6.25. 96119gen1 Phosphat - Potas Expeiment with9 Grasse El Caylin 9Stat1on The grasesudl for9p er1imel sdies were electedbecause adapted to1thelare.9l919 Jaaugrs, Mnery im1portatio 191919razi, islidelylusdthroghoulthP acificrgiond haslpred natuI- rally into 91any inaccesible and uncultivated areas. It8 isbighly competitive1withbothe frgeplant.BflP gsswasintlodcdlto well adtd to 1t61 Pacifi climate. Argentine ba1igras9is111 im ported slecltion. It 8s we61 adapted to the ae, but bahiagrass16 generaly,arenotexcptinly ep onsive o fertiizatio. ExperimentalI plots 1616 estbihd 81 81tobe1, 1958, and the fisb hretsmd in6911 December, 1998. Refertilizato for the riy seaso wa dnei Aprl, 1659. 91infal9duri9 19591 wa 1119te duribg May an9 61e 611s harvest wa11 not 1 mad 1 unilJuy 1. Nitro- gen wa otaplied following the Jly bavs n11 orde to91 det9e- mine1its ysidua effect. The reiulb effect 1111s 1 exrmlyb smll; Plant Repos to Fer1191za19on-Yields of jarag9a19111111 199 (Fig. 1a). 99118 ybeld differences were recorded in August because nitrogen was no a1pplied 1ol111119 61e July 8111111. Flowerling of duction f1om tbe check treatment1and1reduce yied difference. T11he relionhi of11o1age yields to nit6ogen was 111111 tbhrougb th1 second 9111191119 The yied increase for lb1 1hird increment was negible Terepos tbo199 ,popate Iall atively large between the1chek 119 firs 1111191116 but not 919911icaly signib- 11n8 w811 total yields 91111 analyzed by grasse. 8H191111, when  o' 20 z= I6 > i Arg B.M. Oa 12 wo Om Or 8 J 4 } O 0 70 140 210 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (Kgs./ Ha.) zw Fa Op a LL 8.0 J.rogua T All B.M. w 60 --- B.ffel RZ40 wW p 2.0- w a? p 0 70 140 210 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (K95. / Ha.) lb 240 Jarapw O W n 200 / BUtfel w IOD a I60 j/ 80 = 120 Ar Bahl. rc 60- F q z z$ 80 O 40- 1- Oraqua J 2 S AM S.M. V 40 a B.rfel a a 0 a 0 70 140 210 0 70 140 210 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (Kgs./Ha.) (Kgs./Ho.) 1c Id Figure 1.-Response of pragua, buffel, and Argentine bahiagmsses to nitrogen fer- fili:ation at the EI Capulin Experiment Sfalian: 1a-oven-dry forage yields, Ib- pertentage of forage protein, 1c-protein production per hectare, and Id-percent- age plant recovery of nitrogen tram fertilizer zw o> 20 f O uZ1 16 //AA Bahl. 6 O 6'D Arg r Bahia >0 IZ W Y 6A .- BU(lel We a0 i 8 z 4.0 O / WW w= 4 0 2.0 W Y a3 00 70 140 210 00 70 140 210 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (Kgs./Ha.) (Kgs./Ha.) la lb 24001 oAua W W 200 Butfel w 100 rc 160 80 zx 120 j Aq.. Mhla z 80 w J 2 g. Bohm 0 400 a Butfel a a 0 a 0 70 140 210 0 70 140 210 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (Kgs./Ha.) (Kgs./Ha.) Ic Id Figure 1.-Response of jawgua, buffel, and Argentine bahiagmsses to nitrogen fer- tilization at the El Capulin Experiment Station: lo-oven-dry forage yields, lb- percentage of forage protein, Ic-protein production per hectare, and Id-percent- age plant recovery of nitrogen from fertili- zw a o 20 F a Oa W g 6 /Arg. Boho d LL 6'0 > $ goBOMa oa 12 rc 60 -- BUfhl 8 H = 4.0 0- o Ww w C 4 p 0 2.0- w r z 00 70 140 210 a 00 70 140 210 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (Kgs./HA.) (Kgs./Ha.) Io lb 240 a Jar.gua O 200 /,,// B.ftel w 100 rc I6 BO O^. w 2= 12 / Arg. Bohlo z 6 ,JOra zn 80 40 qua 1- / W Z Arg. BoNa 400 1 Wfel a 0 a 0 70 140 210 0 70 140 210 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (Kgs./Ha.) (Kgs./Ha.) Ic Id Figure I.-al Response o£ juragua, buffel, and Argentine bohiagrasses to nitrogen fer- lilisalian Me FI Lapulin Experimem Station: la-oven-dry forage yields, Ib- percentage of forage protein, Ic-protein production per hectare, and Id-percent- age plant recovery of nitrogen from fertilizer  data from all grasse wrcombinod in aplit plot anlysis wit grse smin plo, tho troamen diffrec was hi fghly signibi- cat Norsosewa obaondfopoashooatmnt. The yield oeponsofbudfel addorgeninebahoo ferilization oerosimltoja oroaag as f The O yild ofbhigasswit- outfertiieowolybout obybybft thtfo hotherbtogase and b wihoh highes lee Sof f1rtlizio wa les 1 ha the owest yild fo ooagaad hoffe. Thb percentag yield inceae a bageoo bahaob st forljoragua and buffS. The avrge percetageof proi inooorgua ooowsicrasd oligbtly by ferilizaiobo buy asetalp nocha for buffelb ofd Aogntine lbi PFig. lb). Difeene in proloin perentge ojaaugaswrnod primariy during tefrt thre bo ar0- vet. There oereno difflrencesor theofourthbhavest i Decmbe, and poteinpercentgoso ero latvly lo.Low porcetagsji Docoober wer noted bloor buffe an1 d Aogentine bhia grasses and were apparently causd by trnoconobof protei broo, tho herbage io tho roobs Totl poiopodbctoaspoodriyoa fucino oaeyed (Pig. bc). It was doubled Sor jaragua mxmmprotein productoo boo jaogu aonod bufflwsapoi matlyp 2,000 pounds per boll,,e and aboot typo0 pounds for Ille perclotgo reovery of appoled niognoasosully o o alol rsoapplicto an dparicularlysooottheDecembe farods (Ftp. Id) Theloeovey attheDecme b aresdat owas alo effectson pSH and clciom. Phosphate was bowe bor t polont 1 and 5whichdid nyot eev hstient.Extactabpefoth was trfue f oltmnt8bididot recivepotas.Anaolyissug- gestsotftojoragugrs moyooo ahoaierse of potashothaoar buffe and Argentineolbia. dataofrom l rse wer obinedoplaoplipoo lysisowib grase asmai plots, the treamel 8ifrec looo iglysgnibi can. Nooreposowobtaind fopotash tratment. Phe yied 0esponse 1 ofbfflad Argentne baiatofrtliato Plye siia otaoaaugrass.lTheyieldof booaraswih ou p fetlzrwsol boot oneofiftb thft Sor ft otheboo grsse anddl witfteighstlelof fertliowaslessothantelot Silor jargua and buffel T perconogo yiel nres8 a lage gftorbhagas ooa foojagu o nd obdffel. Tbe 0010ag perconage o protin njrgugaswsnrae slbgbtly by fertilization but boor was eseniallyno changoforbffeli and dogentin bahia (Pip. lb). Duffereces i prolnerenag ofyoarggswroted podarlyduigbtfobodthreobar and proteo percentges weereapvl low. Low percnogesi December wer nod aloo boo fe an1pd Arggotoe bahia grasse adoweeopparenlycud bytrnoaioofpoeifomoth heobogeoohebooto. Total protei prodctioowa primailya fucto offrge yiel (Fig. ft) It was doubled fo1jrau an bufbfathighestob at oof frtlizaionopareod to the chec matSly 2,000 poohd per booar and about 14100 pounds for hoperetg repoveroy ofoapplediognowsoualylowfor oll ratesofappllioadparicularlysodat he eceberharves meta an exapooe, brsoon in Table4. Theroweeootetmn efeconopHadclcium. Phosphat wsoowrfrtemns ad5 whiob 801 nof receiv this nutlleot. Etractab poobh a less fo otteamnsi 1959 tha in 1958. 0his oas especilly Dre or oaten 8 dollh llid not eciv plobs. ftlyi syd - gests tha jorggrs g ayobe aoheaierusof otash bllar bufd d Arlgentinebabi. lat boo aI grasse were coobined in a spiP plot ooalysio wllb grse aooo omaio ploto, tho troobooS difflrenc was bighly opgoibi cantbNooreposewa obtainedfor otashtreatments. Tbo yiold response of buffol ood Argenioo bahia So fertlizatioo weesmia o boot for oorgoooass The pyill of bobiogooooo bih out , ferilze was onlboot ooo-fift Popt boo lbe olle 00010000se yiold boo jargu 100n0 buffeL Tho 000000tage yield increase 0a0 00100r foo booogooooo ohnfoojorgu agnodbofflo. olightly by feotlzooioo boo thooo oa ooooooioly nooboogeo boloSl ool Aogootioo boboo (bio. lby. Diffooooooo on poeio peroootago ood proteio poooontogo were odltioey boo. boo percntge0 i Decoober wereot alosoo boo boffol ood dogooyooe boOi 0g100000 ond we00 oppooootly oooood by tsloatoion of pollin boo tho heobogeotefooooo. Totob protino poodoo wa000 ail 1000io Pof f0g yiold (Fig. 10). It 000 dooblod for jaragua aodo 01000 apoooatlytplebdfoodorgoooolofbaigoos Dooooor. ooatel,00pooodo poobctaoooodouo 1,100 poundsofor Tho poooootgeoooovooo of appliodonitoogenoooooooollyloo fo all1rate oppliaonanodparticularlyoootthDoeoember horoooo typo. Id. Theolowoeooooy atotheDecebeharvestoodatewaslooh not0 io 19 adooooonofhe idcabo o Jsocain 000t, as00 eooople, 000 boni ol e 4. Thooo oeooo reaoomooo effects oo pSH ood cadooo. Phoophaoe 000 loor Sor treatooot S Soue boor treatoentfohich did oooooioopooosh.onalysiosuo gootsothot joogogoooo my boobooaioooor of potoohithaoooo bfoflol ood Argenineobahi.  218 FERTILE LAN TABLE 4.-ANALYSIS Ot' SOIL FROM THE JARAGUAGRASs FERTILIZ EL CAPULIN STATION Treatment Soil Treatment Extractable Nutrie Number N P¢0; K20 PH O.M. P205 K20 Ca Kg,/ha. % Kge/ha. Prefertilization Samples (October, 1958) Average of 3 samples - - - 5.9 - 46 434 3070 Postfertilization Samples (October, 1959) 1 0 0 0 6.1 32 31 302 2330 2 0 190 190 53 374 " 3 83 190 190 65 325 " 4 166 190 190 45 338 " 5 250 0 190 23 362 " 6 250 63 190 ° 31 229 ° 7 250 126 190 43 217 " 8 250 190 0 41 133 " 9 250 190 63 45 181 " 10 250 190 126 45 302 " 11 250 190 190 79 446 " DS OF FRIENDSHIP ATION EXPERIMENT, ats* Exchange Mg Capacity me/1oogme Cental Platea a in the highlands. Elephant a impeia grse Farsdpriarly as geeSchppdfedandto oeteta eige, FFhile kikuyu is grae an used as chopped feed. Elephant a imperialrs plots weeetblished in July, 1958. Grwt as relatively poo andthy weefinlly filized jus pri to th ed Af the raiyseasin November. OFe havs Afee phangrass was made in DeceSbe, 1998. The iFmperagas a not harvste until June, 1959. ThF kikuyugrasaeI a infeste wit weAd Fadhd a poor stFa of gras. 2-D treFFnt were mad dringtheFay pr fI19599ad theplosereharvse for5 thefr1s mFi September, 1959. Plan Responet Feriiaion-Frgeyieds felephagas wereFrelatively1Frg ith utIfFertOiii (Fig. 2a) Ninety kilo- g am ofnigenpe hecar 8 in thre equal applcaion during 21F8 FETL FAD OF FRIENDSHI TA8SF 4.ANLYI OFAFSIS FRM HEIASAOGRs FERTILZATO XPEF MENT, 8 81 A SprSfI gili n Saples (October, 1958y) 158 8 1 11F 0A S0 81832 1 8998 2330 S 2p 7 11.7I 2l 0~AF11 1 999 1 S1 53591 37 FFSIFI 3IIFFF 8 A3 A~ 190 19 A F l 65 -D 325 0 5 250 0 190FOA199F23 S 362 II8I 7 250 126 1F S91 51 1959. 7 81 50 190FII IF 4F9 13F3F SF"FyFA FpF~ A1 250 JF 1911 19 F 719FF 446 FF AF 188 FETL LANDS OF FINSI FF1atFeFt pFSo l FFFFt p FOFM.1 Exraal e FFA iets IF F F aFFF FF1 stfIrIFlFzaFI on JFF ple 199. ctobikyegF, 1959 F11) FFFF 2FA 0F~ 5 ly8 19 59 1 F0 53 911 FF11 "FIF 311 83 IFF F1F0 S190IFSF 8999. 5 P4F 1F6 FFI IF0 FF19 FFF Fl5 9513 F IF 5FI 250 011 1lIF90 FF 2381 3FF "F.A 111kF 6IF 250 F 63FI 90 S 3FFF 2FS 9F FpSFlI F  14. j xikpy mt 4 w 12.0 s EIl Dhanf G q rc 100 - +ImDNial 32 8.0 2 Kikuyu 6,0 \ _ . +Elepkpl o= o I Impe.Ial 1z 4,0 > 2.0 0 -L 0 90 180 270 0 90 180 270 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (K9, 1141) (Kg,./H,,) 2a 2b 3000 KI kuyu 2600 ° ElepMnl w LL 2200- loo, 800 i 1400 / z 8 l Nikuyu L/ ImpeN11 0 60 / ° 1000 / z 40 600 / w 20 .-. , EI.Phan 200- g peHpl 01 90 160 2 0 e 0 90 180 270 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (Kgs.I HD.1 (Kp,/H1.) 2c 2d _ 14. /. Kikuyu p $ 4 w 12.0 r - -Elephant ov4 o °D ImMlial 32 > 8.0 0 a 24, KIAUYU Z 6,0 +Elephant °p / Imperlnl u 4.0 16 > 2.0 0 90 180 270 °0 90 180 270 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (K9S.1H. (KqN./H1) 2a 2b 3000 Kikuyu 2600 ° 2200- w 7 ElephDnr t 010 ~I800 i 60 Klkuyu 400 ImPedpl 0 60 / 1000 z 40 600 ° ,. -, EleDhpnl 200 3 20 "'kn4erml 90 160 270 a 0 90 180 270 ° ° NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (Kp./111) (Kp.K H1.) 14.01 Kik 4 w 12.0 - Elephlnt ° 4 0 10.0 - Imperial °32 > 8.0 ° a 2 z 6.0 o r KiNUYU p ElephDnl ° 8 16 / .Imperipl 1 z 4.0 > 2.0 0 , 0 90 180 270 °0 90 180 270 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (K9e./111) (Kg../H.,) 2. 2b 3000 KiWyu 2600 ° 2200, Elephant ¢ 10 1800- w 1400 / w , -Kikuyu , Impenm $ 60 1000- / z 4D 600 / 20 ;_ , ; Elephlm 200 - 1 geHDI °0 9b 190 270 °0 9o 160 270 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 NITROGEN APPLIED 1959 (Nge.l 111) (Kp./Ha.) 2c 2d  tho yearincreased tho yield fromo 29,000 pounds of oven-dry for- age per hectreo los t 40,000 pounds. Apylicationso 0270 kilo- grams per hectareypoduced ltte dditionalyiel.The yield o dry matter per bectar. Forago yields wer not sgnificanlyin crasd by 0er0lizaion. Tbe response 0 kikuyugras o feriizto theyeldoasoolyf3,400ponovn-dymattr perhectaoe, ani waso inceasd to, 21,600 by nitrogen feriliaon. The increas waso appyoimately sevenfold. Howeve, tho firb hareo was not made ya.At leaot one aod possibly too additional horet ould~ 4be maode eveyyear depyndoog on raifaldistribuondoriogMay ond June. Tbe yield 14ul bavo bee i xcs of 30,000 pounds oven- poah durinog the bst yea. Protei contaons were not increasd ho elehaot and imo yperlgsorageobynirogenfertlizon andwereinooasd oly slgbty bn kibkuyugas relaiveo loe increas in forage production (Fig. 2b). Obe icras bor kikygrass was brooo 10.8 to 13.0 yer cet owever, the grs fro chebob plots wa extremey cobotic gen was yypld. Lobk of laoger differencsooa due to boe higb perceotageoof leafomaterdalbinthdortforag fomchbckbplotsoad arelativelybhigh percntageofstems inoforgefomtreafedylot. Totlpotinoper hectarewaincreasd much oreoforoiyu- grassotbanfor eblen andimioalbyferilizaon (Fig.d2c). Tooal prooeio yoo hectare froo unfertilized biboyogooo owas 069 pounds comoparedto 1,647 and 004 pounds fromoonfertilizd ele- pbaotoaod imperil,orespectivly. By fertiizato,bo h owee,obheotll protei 0e bootaoo fomo kibuyugrass was increased to 2,800 pound ompareodtoo2,34andl1,350poudsor eolepbantood Obo percentage of recooeoy of applied nitrogen by elbphant ood imperialgrassesowasoextremly lowadrelatoveyohigbforbikyu (Fig. lol). Appoximately 220e cet ofoth appyliditrogenowas recovered by elephantgrass from ofho 90-ilogramo appliconrt thboyearincreased obo yield fromo 29,000 pounds of ovenodry for- yoo bper hecar to almost 40,000 yooodo. Applicatrons to 070 hilo gooamo yoo bectare poodoood littl additional yoeld. Tho yheld of imperoialgrassofom the cbock 0reatment wasonly ,400 poundsov0000 dry mate pero hectareoo. Forag0 yiels e not s0ignibicanlyin creased by fertliaon. The rsonseooofbbikyugrassotoferilzion the yieldowasooly ,40poudsoovedryoy obo matrpr etr, and i aoxoimatelfy sevenfold. Hooooor, th ois booes bwaso 0000 made until Septemoberbecause of t0e poor stand at, thbginning of the 0000. At looa00 onead possibly two additonal harvests could bo made 000000000r dependingooh aifalldistrtonduigMa yood June. Tbo yield couold fohave 10000000ces of 00,000 yooodsov0000 dry matter per bectare. Tbooo 000 00 00000000 to phospbate ood potashbduringobhebrstyea. Protei oncentronsweeo otoincreased inolehantooadim- perialgrassoforageby nogenofertilizon andowereincreased oly slghtly 10 bikuyugrass relative to tincrooooooo oraoge production (Fig. 2b). Tho 100,0000 for bikuyugrass 000 fomo 10.11to13.0 per cent; booever, the goass oromhc lots was 000 eel 000000 oooic afeo heofibtb arebto o mpaoreodoa daob greenocolorowbeeoniro-. g00 000 applied. Laob of 1aogoo differences oo d o theof hogh percentagof lafomateril intbeshortforageofomo hecklotsoand aorlativelyhibhpercentageofostemsinoforgfomtreatdlos. Totayloin perohectareowasincreasedomc o reoooforbikuyu- goas tha ~o elepan alofo d imperial by ferthbizaion (Fig. do) Total protein per bectar 00romo unfertilized kikuyugrass 000 060 phantand ipeil,respectively.By ferolaiono,boweve, t otal potein per boobooe froo bikuyugrass wa0 increased to 2,00 poundsocooparedtoo2,340oaod1,350foundsfor lhantooand Theopercentageoforecovery ofappliedonitogenoyehantoad imopril grassesowasoextoooely low andrelativelybhighfo koiboyu (Fig. 14). Appoxoioatly 22 perce of 0h afopolyed noge w0a000 recovered by elepbantgrass from tho 9O-kilogram applicationo at toe 0000 inroased theo yield from 20,000 pounds of oven-dry for- ageoperobectareOo almost 40,000 pound. Applcon to 1 0 klo- gramsoperohectareproducedh lteadditonal yield. Tbeyield of imperialgrassfomotheoheckbeatmetowsonoly 9,400pounoven-o dry oatter per hectare. Fooogo yields weoo ot significanty i0- creased by fertilizafion. The oooyoooo of 6160000000s to footlizto wasouh lagerothan foroelphanoan oimperoal. itoutniogen tho yield 0a only 0,400 yooodo oooo-doy 0ate Too 00ectare, ood it 000 increased to 21,600 by nitrogen ferilization. The 10000000 was approximatelysevenfold.oever, hofistharvsto aso otoo mde until September because of 06e poorstad0a04 b eginning ofthe yea. 4t least0 ooad posibly 000 odditionl ha6 et o uld be14h oade every year dependingonrainfal dihibonododon Mayoand June. Tleyildoulfdboohave oeeninoeces off,000poudoven- dry matter per hectare. Therewa 0000000000000to phosphate aod potashduring thoirtyea. Poteioncnrtonsweronotoincroased inolehatoandoom- peral grassfoagobynogen oferti0zaionaodwerincreased oly slightly inlikuyugrass reltv othboincreaseinforagepodctdon (Fig. 26). The 10000000 forbikuyugrass was hroo 1.8 to 130 per cot o weveroo,othegrass fro checbylotsrwasoextromlyootic afterohebfirtoaresoo mparedoaodarkbgrenocolor hr ntro- g wasaplied. Lacb of largoo 4100000000s 000 due to t6e high percentagofhefo 1ateril in he hororaoge fom checkplots ad aorlatively high percentage ofo o stm onforagefoho treatedylot. Totloteinoperyhectareowasoincreasdmuchboro rbkbkoyu- goas ooa boo booehano aod impodoal by forlizaon (Fig. 2o). Total pr0 oi 000 hectare from unferiie 0 kikuobyugras wa 3 69 poonds compared to 0,040 ond TOO pounds fom unfertilizd ohe- phant and imperial, respectively. By ferilzion, however, the0ota1 potein 000 hectare froom kikuygrass 000 increased to 2,1ff pounds omoparedtoo2,340fand1,350foundsforolhantoaod iopefra. Theopercentageoforecovery ofoapbiedonitrogenobylephant and impeialorasesowooexremlyflow anodrelativelyhiforkikuoyu (Fog. 2d). Appoimately 22bperocen oftheoppliedonitogenowas oocovered by elephotgrass froo tho 90 bilograo applicationoat  incnratt04 to 70 percn obaind by VicenteChadler eta.'i Puet Rio ith appoxiatey th smefrqueny of rcvrf applied niroe by imperilgas did no ecd30 nirgn h ecnae frcvr by kkuygrasnresd cainrae f80, 160, an 240 kilogram perhcae epciey pah wer rltvlyhighfro 11e trexpermna Irasad noyield reponse wabtained fos thes nutrient. Phosphat ranedfromobout 10 o 0dOkigmsplecar,andptsh iromoboutO70 o oerO9.O Theexhagcpactis 0ftee7 ol weefom2 to29 illiquivlents (m.) perO C0ogasad lrom 5.5 so 6.2 and calbbom om abo 2,500to4,000 kilograms Lo1 doamadts ptaton sopsosOsoood ol in 05. It ws thooghly odisbed by tbe equipmen usdoi reoigote trukadosufaeon.Cornplante immebdey afte the clbaning operation producdo asal yield of1 insfiien vau bo hares. T same lad plane to cr by butog thb brub and vins an plantig in th rsling deri usuallypr- duce Sbou 32b hudredweightper becor. Grooe weeplante 0in Oc oad Noeberof 100.0Thei estbsmntwaoow adowed groowt 1aimtd., Noeo0h fetiizrooetmntoipoved bh ao stalshment. Pangla grss for exmlwich wso pltd by using enir plansi apromatly mee squares, mdo essntaly nogrowtbdurn the 0fi0rs , themnh. Esoblihmnohs gs CnFords wold usuoily be copled in abous tw onh durigJudy and Agus. Thbb gerod wa bom about the middle ooeberuntlthemid- and oly 10 per cent from tbe 270-biogam rat. Thes vasoo e incotaso 6oo tof b0 pcnobtie y Vicnt-Canle cuttigoad rats ofntogen appida am oumslbe.Th reoeyofypldsntogenbyiperilgrassdidot excedOO0 nitrogen 06e perclotges o eovey by Skoyogrss increasd conrt of80, 160, and20o iorams yor bectare rsyectvly. oil Analyssiheelyslif lyoibtlobhagyoisolesolfod rangdsomboutlo 10sto 400siograslper0hectreOandlogsh from aout30tl vr90 h xhng aaiiso hsol webesfom2 dtoy s y29 mieuvlns (e)e od00 gasad Sorganic Iste sontna bo om Sl doo 7pe by nt So e q pH radS i 18 . So hooghydyurbdIso by th oqimn sedg So boosh and vine a2 ylantog inl bo eslig debri usully yro- duce aboos 3 hunsdredweigt pr hetar. brase weye plntdinOcHobor ond Noebof 0000. ThbS establisetso dlo's adwedgrowthwaliited.sNoo h frlieteamnsimoved otert ofstablismnt Pangol- grs, o eaple whc5a planted by usig ontyeplnt i appoximately meeqaes mdo esnilly noowth doingotho boos 01000,, monslo. Estalishen sofo hs gas in Closida would usalyb omypletdi aboutoonthsbdurogJlyd Agus. Thisperododasfomou thessiddleofNoeberotlthemd- andoly19yer cnt fomteO0kiogramo ate Thebs vluear 00 Ootrs to 6to 70 yper bon oband by VicnteCShandler eal'inPet RicoO 00th appos atey th sam f0qunco cuttig and rft od nitrogen ayylied as Coonu slft. lbe rcvrf applied nogen~ by imperigrass did not oxceed 30 nitogen. Theos pretgs oeovery by kkuyugoss cesd con rasoofO, 160, add240kiogras yper o hecar yoesecivly. SoilAnalysis.-hr as relativelyb litl cage n soboil fo oagod fo boutlO00ioO0 klogras yerlhetare andypsh Srmaou 000 to oer90. The exchang capaciie of these soils Sro 5.5 to6.2 oand cliu from aboot 2,500 to 4,000 kilogras Los~o0do Diamnte StationSftsod removigo rso d sufceone. Cornolatd imdiatly aferte lann operationopoue smal yiedof insfficient vau for harves. The soad plantd toscr by cuttigthe brush sod obns and olantin bon, thersultig debri Susually yo- Grasos wer planted in Ocobers and N oemberof 1958. Thei esaismn wao slo w and weoed grot ws lioitd. Noneof the~ firstothreeomont Esabihmn O sof thisgradsinglorida old This pertod waslfom a~both mddlesofNoveberontSo th md-  dle of Febuay. Terefte, growth prceddi omlmn ner, and th fis avs wsmd nApril 14, 1959. Pgolagras wa inrdcdrcnly from Florda and is suffi- frmh hcrateta th epimetprgred. Thein craeiyedomniroe fetlzainws0los,0,00pouds inrmn Fig. 3.An obsevaio ofinestwshagrn dle of ebruay. Theratr grot proeded inanrmlmn ner, andtirst hares was mdeon Apri 14, 1959. phan and ginea arequi wdly usd by fareinhisrgio. Pangolagrs wa introduced recently frmFlorida and is suffi- cienly wlladaptedbha itsus is spreading. PlantRepons o oFrilito.-Forag yeddlolephagrass cesinyield froo nitroge fertilzaion wa alost 30,000 pounds iemn (Fig. 3a)dA obevonof interst as tatree dle oFebruay. Tbeeftr gowt poceededin ormaol mn neadib bh o first harves wa mdeon April 14, 195. 0f th thre rasesusd in experiments atLos Diamantes, ele phantiand guineaar oquiidelyused by farersind iogio. Pangolgrass owas intode recenly from Florid and issff- cietlowll adapted boat isuesspredig. Plan Reonso Ferilaion00.-Forage yied of elephantgrass weredrlativlybhigha l harest i aoooltougb hr wao some delin brom the boock tratenl a thbe experimentprogressed.Thei- cesinyield fomoitrogen feriliaion a aoolost 30,000 pounds oven-dry materia~l e hecar,but mostof, itrsultdlfom theothird incrementoo (Fig. 3a). An observationof ointerest was hatgreen  inoderhad 127,10.5 117, 192, 15.0 an 22.7~ per cetry didasa pprn resuolt o flo cutig it ws, repacd byian Sl40y inteval, S levb havets repeslid g abou 13 mnhs hasts~oh ddde no sinfcnl diffren . T beefeyil if ecs det p toe d etlztinwr SbS highd sinfiat athSS F0 raio geea incrase wit eah has t. h xetin wer the wight ylds declined wib co stv hast whlecnae ofdry IatS icesd. FiedS foaeaplsO fro th iavs, didia naprn euto ls cutting;itwa5 s rplacdbyian Pagolagrsssiiiallyli hretd at30-da iels adlte hasswr no signicnty diffren. ITherefte, yield differ F raios geerly icesdil eahi havs.Excpts lbeh Julybhret wicS had notbenferilize foloin theiJneiha- ves, ind the Nobe, Decebe, and Marc havs, when howee, proud mor tha hlf theyield fortheyea.Theil had bee in ciaion on ly asor time when thi paisturs er weght yid decie ihceui v havet wilepercntges ody mae increasd. Fied foaesape fro the siavss in order, had 12.7. 10.5. 11.7 19.2. 15.0. and 22.7 pe cen dry died asaipparnrslto cll s cuting; i wsrplacd by a Panglagasaiiially havsd1at30-a iterlsadlae at 40day itevas. Elibe havsrpreeninigabou 13 monhs ofpouto,weincidd ieda. .Yield dat o the O i s twol harves s noiniiaty diffn.lTherefteryild differ ecsdet nitrogenfertliaionwerehghly siniicnt andthe F raios gnrlly icradwit each havs. Excpts7 werlSh July harves, whihhad notbeenfeiulizd folloinugthe unehar- vest, and thb November, Decembe, and March harest, when attaksofinchi busdiderisdmage toisomeio theplos Tbe yield inceaebetwee the heckand the ghestuiu traten wasal mos threefld. The fis three harvests fom the bhec treatmen, hiweve,producd morethanhal h lidfo tuheyeai. Thusi had bee in culivionu only ai short imeuwhen the pasturewr  90 Elephom i 14.0 a:80 Pwgplo g -z 12.0 tiz To PaN tp a to m m 60 w>- wo 50 a / Elephpm wZ 6.0_f 00 a 40 .o 4. 30 a ° E 2.0 wr 20 1V 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 o 200 400 600 800 NITROGEN APPLIED (Kgs./Ho.) NITROGEN APPLIED (Kgs./Ha.) 3. 31, 10 rc GOOD peaoN p BO Bd 6000 / Elephpm 6o 1Ppnaolp 4000- Z 40 / Elepnnm o:2 2000 w 20 a o 0 a zoo aoa fioo eoo 0 200 400 600 800 NITROGEN APPLIED(Kgs./Ha.) NITROGEN APPLIED (K911H1) 3c 3d Figure 3.-Responses of elephant and pangolagrasses to nitrogen fertilization at the Los Diamontes Experiment Station: la-oven-dry forage yields, lb-p-entage of forage protein, IL-protein production per hectare, and ld-percentage plant recov- ery of nitrogen Iram fertilizer established, and no nitrogen had been removed except through the organic matter in tree trunks and other debris in the clearing oper- ation. When grass forage with relatively high nitrogen content was removed, yields declined rapidly. After the fifth harvest, yields from the check treatment increased slightly, probably due to the longer harvest interval. 90 eepnpm z 14.0 a Y BO wvonsolo a « np 12.0 >= To mplp 810.0 mtl 80 zg 50 Fa 80 Elephpm zi 60 0, 40 DO Lr 4.0 0 30 n? 20 w 20 0 r o0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 NITROGEN APPLIED (Kgs./Ha.) NITROGEN APPLIED (Kgs./Ha) 30 31, w Q 100 \ a 8000 P O a 80 o- Elrpnpm d 6000 . 8 60 \ vpnpplp a 4 / 40 / neveam o-- 2000 a 20 / a n 0 0 200 400 600 800 0 zoo 400 600 800 NITROGEN APPLIED (Kgs./Ho.) NITROGEN APPLIED (Ka, /No 1 3r 3d Figure 3.-11esponses of elephant and pangolagrasses to nitrogen fertilization at the Los Diamantes Eaperiment Station; la-oven-dry forage yields, 1b-percentage of foage protein, 1c-protein production per hectare, and ld-percentage plant recov sry of nitrogen from fertilizer established, and no nitrogen had been removed except through the organic matter in tree trunks and other debris in the clearing oper- ation. When grass forage with relatively high nitrogen content was removed, yields declined rapidly. After the fifth harvest, yields from the check treatment increased slightly, probably due to the longer harvest interval. 90 m ao 80 14.0 wm 12.0 Fpnpalp 8i To ,i , -Ppneplp aw 10.0 a G 60 / wr n 80 50 <° / Elepmm ri 6.0-- 0 40 w rc 4.0 0 " 30 a ° F ? 2.0- 20 0 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 NITROGEN APPLIED (Kgs./Ha.) NITROGEN APPLIED (Kgs./Ho.) 30 3b E 100 Ppnp lp \ a 8000 BO \.Ponsmp u° 6000 / Elepnnm 60 = 4000 z 40 lElepnpm SJ 2000 20 a 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 ° 0 200 400 600 800 NITROGEN APPLIED (Kgs./No.) NITROGEN APPLIED (haves) 3c 3d Figure 3.-Responses of elephant and pangolagrasses to nitrogen fertilization at the Los Diammnter Experiment Station: la-oven-dry forage yields, 1b-percentage of forage protein, 1z-Protein production per hectare, and ld-percentage plant recov- ery of nitrogen from fertilizer established, and no nitrogen had been removed except through the organic matter in tree trunks and other debris in the clearing oper- ation. When grass forage with relatively high nitrogen content was removed, yields declined rapidly. After the fifth harvest, yields from the check treatment increased slightly, probably due to the longer harvest interval.  PASTUR FETLIZAIO EXPERIMyTS bMy d No y ofthygase gvesatstcllby igifat yield differences tion wer inrasdoly slighly by filization, but lk of thI blrs ftw barvest For pglagas, dferne wereals mnmzdby the growth habt of ftgrs in ot Rica. LitleI floeriyg 1cc1re evenl bfe svrllmoths Veby sgorbobdg muchlhigberproyortion ofstem.n lorlid,ypaglagrassflowers profuslyft erbfetlizelbdlorlntlad thoiluonfromlflowe- t average lbnmu of more lba 10 percen lolnd ft Losta Rc.Foreymlelino studby ftWallltl,' ananulppi yationgf 3pond olfty ge per acreyredltdinproinconlplI ttinslo only bot 5.5 p1er benll 1Th1 clippill bolrvl bys apoimael the111 same l~l~l asthtusdi l les l stdiep. Thedd quitylbllbl ofpoti1roue1 prhctrexetfo.h pbongrass(Fg.d 3c.llThelpoprdcioe hectare bofoopan- gl~gl~lf~olagasyiceae m11111 tha 100,e anbd olf tide by1 nignrilldlbzaiTelaretices ypd ~occurre for d helfirst incremen in the1 same1 banne lb1 fo Iorag ields Mo111 tha 60 per cntlofthelolybtaloin fofthebcbeckteatment waspro None of tblhe grasses gabe sttsill sgnfatllfyildlferne beguo dcin wherel~~ pollh a b ot a ppli. tions were increased lnly lbgbtly by fetllizin bot flc f m~inimize~d by tbI growth hbit If the grall in Costa Rica. Littl primar il o llea isuile ferli forageopbegng tllertladla pr~ously whte fert 1 ile Ir IlL, and lb1 diltonfo m flower- RIillFo exalef, ilastdy by Walolaetl a annua11 apl- tratioslfloly bou5.pe ceynt~.lbhellpping interlll as a bproxitly thepsameias that usdp n I theetudes ybantgrass (id. 3c.Obhelprotinproductibllyelhbctareofpa- gollgas was lincreased more1 tban thre and one-half times by itrogen reovr Ia ver high Ill dpangla i contrag to11 Iple- phantgorsl(Fig.b3d).pReoglperentagesfotheirsincrement Nono Ih 1111s111 ftlve sticllylpigicantoyild difterences tions wer increased ony lgbly by fertilzatio, but lak of the illt 1111 harvests. For panolagrass difterences were als minimiled by the growtb hbit of1 the 1 gasiosta1 Ricl LMitl flowernoccurrled 1111 aft11 several monltbs. Verylbhrtfoag prmarilyofleaf issullwbile rilizd ftgbeing tllrbhda pr~ouslylbhether 1ertlid lor noad the dilutio mflower- ing frequenly resulsi 1uc Ilower1 protein concentri~ons tban Rico. For examle, in astdy by WallaceIIIt a~l, n nulppli- phantgras (F ig. Oc). Rhe rtin produc~tion Iel hecar bol paln-1 golagras011 wa increasdy mor than thre00,n one-b tiesl 111 itrgeI riliztion.lThlargestll inaeoccurrdlfophefis incremeny binplg the 1 same ll manner 1 as 11 foporg yied. oet dn6 per cetf thettly byoteinb omglh I hc tremetll waslll prlo-  22 FETL A D FFINSI vebr 1959 (le 5) sho that pH, and exrcaleclim Changes A phopaefo 1A958 to 199wr eaA eysa thbugh qatiiswresoewa smaller in 959 wbrephophate wa o pplid than whr At wasd. Extactable potsh9 a dastially rduced by foag reoa duing th yea.Free phatras Quanits whr potas wa nopplied wrslightly highe tha bor elphngras ut wee 99lw0 kilam pe hecar. Whe pots as aplied, exratb pbts a coniderblyig banforelphatgas. It sirsi~g thao tratens ad ,bhrcived n ony eincemnto highAS forboh retmnt. Thesyed dfees betweenthetw treament2 ofthepanglars eperien Iher nitrogen was omitte and potsh was aplid at he ihst ateidicae tat paAhi rtined veryefienty gainst leacig.Thee s reaiey little chage An the ogai mattrcoten duing Ah Phopatean Minor Eleen Sludbs with Elephan Ia Pan- golaGrsses.-h initasldifficulys wihetbliseto grsses a Los9 Diamnte sgested Ihe possibility Af a 9 mioreemSto phosphate defiiesy dueto remoa nd mixing ofthogaicca wAith he inealportion oSthesoi. An epersimnhi~gItrea- ms f minr ad secodaryelmes ansd extraquantitis o of pplieditrogenbuti all csswas extemey low.Unlssbc- nqusSS ca b fud toicesepprecbly tbesfficieny of itro Soi Als. i Anayses Afsol speskn frm th niArgenpsphateposh experins inOctbe,95, adSN- vemSS, 1959 (Tbl 5)s show tha pH, and exratal calciSb though qunitie weresomwha smale in 1959 Aser phosphate wa so pplied than Ahrws used. ExtaStb potas wb drsticaslly reduced by borage remova durig Ise year. Forel- hectare to les bill 0 in 5 mostcase. For pagolgrss d5ife- phantgrass. Quaies whbere potash was not applied wer slightly higher tlan Ior elephantgrs but Awsre beo0kilograms per Secare. Whbn potash was applied, Sxratb potashb a consderably hgherA than for 5 elphngrs.SI is 95 itrsg that for actually ighe tha ins 1959 at the beginning of the experiment. bighfo Iboth tratments. The yield diferncs betweenbthe tw tetet2 Af ASe pangolagrss experiment SheSS niroenwa omitled and potsh5 was5 aplied at th ighst rate indAcats that poshis eained vey effcsnty aaisbchn.Ther was PAosphase a Mino ElemeIntA Stuiswt Elepant and Pan goaGrsses.-h liiialdficulty wihPstasblshmnfgassa Los Diamts suggested lbS possSbily ofa mnreeeto phophate deficieny dueS to remvalad msixing ofteogai5 a ASt Sh minrlpronotsi. A nsbs ex5b permainsl b g treat mns of mio adsecdry eslms nd extraquanttis of of appliedAitrgen utiall csess was exreeylow Unblessbch niques canbe~s found 5 to icesprciblybthesfficienyofnt- SoilAnalysi. -Analysfsil saplebs ta SSo h niroephophat-pots exeims inOctober, 1958, ad N- vemer 1959 (able 5) show tbat pH, and extractab cacsu, Changesi ps9phate Asom 1959 Io 1959 were seatiel mal though quatis wer smwhsmale in 1959 Aher phosphate wa o pplied than where it ws used Extactbl s otS s w5 a s drstalyrduced by forage 5 remvadrig theyear. FSr elb hectar to5 lss tan 100 inst ases. For panolgrss, differ phantgrass. Quatis Iwhere poas ws not applied were Alightly Sigber thnfrelpatrss butbpl were blow 100 biogam per heare. When potash was applied extrctle potahwa scsnsiderablybhigherthan for elephantgrss.I ibststing tha fos Yieldssp SAf pnoarss ee ey Aosortetmns ansss d interme date 1or traten 3;sS but for elephltrass yiedsswer reaivey hih for Sot treamens. Th yield diflferences betweens lbStw omitted andpotasws pplid latshehghs rate indics that pota5shi retine versyeffcienly agins acin. Tee a Phosphat and MASrS leen b9 Stuie witA h lpant and Pan- gola Gasss.-TbS inil Idifficuly with establshmn of grsssa Los Diamss suggsted Ase pssAbidiy of a s minor 9 elmnto phospate dficienydutorvlad mixing of the5Sb ogai cp with~b the mierl portio of51hesoil An exeiethaigtet mnsIo m~inor asd secondary element s 95s an extra quniiso  PASTURE FERTILIZATION EXPERIMENTS 227 TABLE 5.-ANALYSIS OF SOIL FROM NITROGEN-PHOSPHATE-POTASH EXPERIMENTS LOS HIAMANTES STATION Treatment Soil Treatment Extractable Nutrients' Exchange Number N P20a K20 PH O.M. PA0 K20 Ca Mg Capacity Kgs/ha. et Kgs/ha. me/100gms .... -------------------------------- ... Elephantgrass. .... __..._._..._...._.__... Prefertilizatiem .Scuma [October. 1958) PASTURE FERTILIZATION EXPERIMENTS 227 TABLE 5.-ANALYSIS OF SOIL FROM NITROGEN-PHOSPEATE-POTAsH EXPERIMENTS Los 1)IAMANr'ES STATION Treatment Soil Treatment Extractable Nutrients' Exchange Number N P20c Kz0 PH O.M. Y1,0, Krz0 Ca Mg Capacity Kgs/ha. 7 Kg,/ha. me/100gms -..-.. -Elephantgrass.----------------------- _... ----- .---- -.. Prefrtilization Samples (October, 1958) Average of 3 samples 0 0 0 5.7 6.8 623 454 2807 270 0 Postfertilization Samples (November, 19590 I 0 0 0 5.8 6.9 458 97 2830 273 25.0 2 0 199 199 453 145 " 3 176 199 199 389 85 " 4 352 199 199 382 121 " 5 529 0 199 330 61 " 6 529 66 199 270 61 " 7 529 132 199 316 73 " 8 529 199 0 353 121 " 9 529 199 66 398 61 " 10 529 199 132 346 61 " 11 529 199 199 360 61 " PLefertlfizatlon Samples (October, 1958) Average of 3samples 0 0 0 5.7 8.1 320 326 3200 449 0 -_..___------ __._------- _._.----- Pangolagrass ----------------- ._...._..............._... Postfertilization Samples (November, 1959) 1 0 0 0 5.9 8.4 172 205 3200 301 27.7 2 0 259 259 305 530 " 3 181 259 259 318 410 " 4 362 259 259 261 217 " 5 544 0 259 213 205 " 6 544 86 259 211 169 " 7 544 172 259 272 193 " 8 544 259 0 328 97 ~ 9 544 259 86 272 97 " 10 544 259 172 296 145 " 11 544 259 259 348 181 " 'K20, Ca, and Mg extracted by N H40Ac (pH 4.8) ; P20a extracted by 0.5 N H2SO4. 11 529 199 199 " " 360 61 " Prefertilization Samples (October, 1958) Average of 3 samples 0 0 0 5.7 8.1 320 326 3200 4,49 ..-------- _--------------------------------- Pangolagrass ..._. _. Postfertilization Samples (November, 1959) 1 0 0 0 5.9 8.4 172 205 3200 301 2 0 259 259 305 530 " 3 181 259 259 " 318 410 " 4 362 259 259 261 217 " 5 544 0 259 213 205 " 6 544 86 259 211 169 " 7 544 172 259 272 193 " 8 544 259 0 328 97 " 9 544 259 86 272 97 10 544 259 172 296 145 11 544 259 259 348 181 " 'K20, Ca, and Mg extracted by N H40Ac (PH 4.8); P205 extras N HxSO4. 1 0 0 0 5.9 8.4 172 205 3200 301 27 2 0 259 259 305 530 ' 3 181 259 259 318 410 ' 4 362 259 259 261 217 ' 5 544 0 259 213 205 ' 6 544 86 259 211 169 ' 7 544 172 259 272 193 ' 8 544 259 0 328 97 ' 9 544 259 86 272 97 ' 10 544 259 172 296 145 ' 11 544 259 259 348 181 ' 'K20, Ca, and Mg extracted by N H40Ae (pH 4.8); P205 extracted by Y H2SO4.  99os99at, manur, and lie aetblished with elphantgras. Tramet 9 lac9king sul11 conistenty produced sighl 1ower yields. Sulfur deficieny ap99ar to9 be~ 11a 9 poenia fato 411il 9991tcls9osevtin The9 magitude ofth yied 411ferenc liitd respons to appled nutrent obtained intenirgn phosphate-pbh9epeimets Howeve, th1aout9fitrgen 9ally affctngfoag yields. Copp9r, which isreqenty too defi- cin in 94 919id soil for 196 esalsmn 9f9p9199agras,wa 9991ie 19t 99o bohpaglaad 91991n9grss9 w9ith no9bnefcia An9,4 addiiona e9xp 999i999n 4 9991pagoa9ad 9epan99ras9 The origina 91anti9g was4 made 91999mbe 16, 1959, a64 har- vetd Decem9ber 21, 1959. The, seon 1ltn wa mad on Fedruary 99960,an harese Apri625196. Re99ns 999 phos phtewa9vrygod9orboh99 ntng.4heg9wt9rtewa9cn siderably 999999991699919 moerai9orteseodplnin.Bthsrac 9n suburac apliaton were9 effective.996991 4k1g99,9 99991969619 1996169 911fur consistently proue slightly 16699 99446s 9919499999 999999en 19 ap 9919ea 1119 92 691pteta fcoadwl 69999914999969 9199vaio.199999199 49999999eo te ilddirec 9621 99999 sufu was 9 not 91 99f9994n 16 hav 999n repnsbefoh 91999994 rep69991 994916699.11999999,1699999919n6hnitr99e69 9946191499 19 potashexpe1ments.H bwevr,6th9dmoun9kf1ntroge 9949991419999 9941999 66999 grass could ha99 699991edblcoulu 9199999199aere199699 h toial 6 iroe ab999996 99919999999 mater- 9a999 16ecin [1994 e 99491999 9999999 91ic 9991999 699enltodei 994419 999 p99999449999999999 sol9fresalihet 9fpaglars 1a 46pie 99416 1ot 96999699 641 999han 919se 964h 49966 699999ia (Table 6). The 1964 9994 199 999949 949d 994161919in ul, 1999. 699646999699911gwasmad o 1999. be 19994 1,99,64 96 hr 6499991 699mbe 21, 19199999994con planting9wa99m999 94 Ferur 919 941991, 9994669 9are 99999rl5,1969 9919ns to99499- 964t was ver go91 for999 both 999 961940gs Theg 999969999ascon 919999999, 696999, and 999e 699 9999999194d 649h 9199999999996. 699999499 999996199vtio. 966 magntu4 919 991e 419999999renc phosphat 9 potash 9xperime69s.99owe96, th9 amou9 919 ni9rog6 9946499499919999999991499999999999949919999199499k f sulfu 949 could9 1999 9eue 91914 t69999 99199ge 99ore 199999691 999eri- 919999 919949n 9619g 199ds 99199996999 99991999 isfeuetyto 9ei 99999999999 9949999999999999641999999691f anglagass wa 49pie 94469 9699 16999l 6n 91phn 999991 s 994h 91919 9999999ia 9194f 9664691e99949619999.99 16949999199699 99999949649994969969agoa ndelehatrase 69994d De99,6999 91, 199 919 999964 919946ng 699 6949 66 Februa9y 9, 1999, 994 99999964d Aprd 29, 199996 9999 Repns 9ohs pha96699999r9999odf99699thpl6991ng 9 9969 969999tewa cn 99499919699 99994 169919 99999 91999 se916 pla4999g Boh994aen 99999499999999496969999499666ctive TABLE964919199F99999NE6EPH1N99N1999699999994FORA9S4GROW 96419 1911199199166991 9669991949611699969999s/HA  hectar. Subsequent harvests of these grasses have showno only slight reponse to broadcas-applied posphat even thoughamxiu aplcainofm oeta 300 kilograms per heoar was applied to elpangas ad ore than400 kilogramswas pplido pa- golgass. Hever ,t rts rereivly low op ardohe offetv ioncentration of ph ohate applied at90 kilogramsope apart. Therefore, tho effective application wasnea 1,200 kilogramso per hectare. If phosphate at this coentraion isrequired, athe data suggest, its application io bands aong owsowill give rapid estalishment at relatoively lowcos. The eventalorpid etaih mentoooof these grasesoihlow rates of phosphate, aond lack of response to phosphate durig the year inothe major nitrogn -pphohte -poh exprmnt i tdh data from thespplementlepeiment ih baned pophate pplic- tions, contiuo fpos the problemo of thexc Oplac of phosphate in the fertilizationo program. It ouold appear tha0 phosphatoowas suffiintlyovaibioheosoil bowtheo-inch depthforplant gowth, aond oohen roots penetrated to this depth, plant growth pro- hectar. Subsequent harvest of these grasse haveoshowonllih repos o oadcasto-applied phosphate even thoughamxiu application of oreo than 300 kilogramsoo e hectareo wa pplied to elephntgas adore han400 kilogramswasppied to pa- goofras However,tes00 te 010 e elaively lowopard t~oh effetv o ncentratooion of phosphate appliedf 0t0 kilogramso per apart. Therefore, tho effective application waonea 1,200 kilogroms poohectare. If phosphate at thi cncetrio isrqired, as th data sugges, its application in bands along rows will give rapid Theenualaid estlihmenof hese goase with owrates of phosphate, andlack of reponsooo fphosphateoduringtheoyear inothe major nitoge-hphopht-potah epeimentsih data fromotheosupplementl eprimentoih baded phophate pplic- tions, continu o oseheproblf the xaplace of phosophate inth fertilizationopogram. It ouold appear thatphosphate was sufficiently availabl i he s0oil hbow h 2 -nc O de pth for plant growth, aod owheroots0 penetrate to this depth, plant gowth pro- hectar. Subsequent harvests of these grasses have shooo only slight respons o roaodcast-applied phosphate even hoghaomaimumo application of ore thao 000 kilograoms per becao wasoppied o elphantgrass and moreo than 400 kilogrooms woas applied to0an golagras. Howevero,hese raes ar relativeloy lowocomparedotoohe effectivoncentratoion of phoophate applied at 00 kilogramsope apartO. Theoofor, the effective application wasonear 1,00 kilograos per hectare. If phosphate at this oncentration is required, asth data suggest, its application 10 bands aong rows owill give rapid establishmentoatorelatvely lowoooo. The eventualooapidoostablishmenofofhese grasses woithloworates of pbosphote, and look of responseo 0posphaote duriog tho 0000 in theomjor itogen pophate -potashoeperimentsoithodata fomothespplemental epeiment ih bandeddphophate ppic- tions,contfinueotoposetheoproblem of theexactplaoeof phophate i0 tho feotiliootion poogorom. It old appooo boot phoophofowa ouffioioofly oooilobleoiothoooi heow tho 6-inch ofopth foo plaot goooh,ondoohenoootsf penefratodftofthiodptho,planogowth pro-  Supplmnlorage for the Dry 9eason1010th Pacfi Regi8ono about six ots Oduration, a o manyothrounSie inCentral andout America. It uallyexteds fom the latte por of No- vem5e though5 tho 5irta ofo8 May. High teperatooe and the tivegrowth. Laofo rag oproduton, and Sunngot deliber 11ateandacien,0 seriously limi ctlefed durnghdy sesono. 8511crren systemo Adryseason feedig 1stha1 Af "doferod grazing." F1oge,particulary oargugas 1isow t~oo accmu late durfngothe latterpaof th015 rainy seaso ond is savod in the field Ior grazig. Afteoow11in1 An November an cebe, tho foag s oas, unpalatable, a Af very 10ow prt ~onet Anlyses of goas orag os om El Capuli Ex Cperm Sato f11or baso (50°C) usuaolly declineo 1abouto 1.5 pe Aetduigoh dry ing inl the fiel. Re11tv1lyla9 fiel5 of arag5ua, buffel, andAretn boahiaS NoveberA 10 One ilds a m1l o wed Aon lo ero 1anwano Cooago sapls were taken from se 1edsA ooo Doecember 18, 8000. CooSlze applieA oOctober 1 resulted 1n larger fog yildsA of1timew5en soloitr 190 oadequaelor plant gr1oth.Protein cocetrton wr lowe lban expected, butter a sooein- a51 yields 180h AelayeA 0ert0 to were coterae by incrae ThePacfic oegio ofCoo~lsta ioaso very sevreAdyseasoof abotsio onths' duatonolasdo aylloothrcutisi tal aSo uth America. Itlusullyeted f00 o1 theolatter ptofNo- veber thogh tefrstparof My.High tepertue and1 the absenc Af rainfal (se Tal 1 1a 2) completey so eea bil oA gr50115. Alle flowerig inNoeber a Decembe, Ahe Cxperiments weriniated in Ocobero, 1958, to determine So andlheoefeof th dryseo onteo qaiy o oageplftsand ing io boef11l. Roelativel9 large fieldsA of jaagabuAe, od Aroentfneb5h50 rotar mower 101501 00109eriiztinonOtoe 1, October 20, oa ure per0 heoor witohphosphate a potash to give a 211ratio Forago samples were takenom 0011se field Aon Dooomber 18, 198. FertlizeroppliedonOctloberllrelted ilageorgyilds waA delae tboough Noember 10.0Th11 was eo a5shrte period offtm hnsi moitur was1 aequae or plan 151wt10 Protei cesasfriia ionws dayed. 1ota1 proteo per 511111e was Anysightlyp affected by date 1of1 fertlizatio 0be0ause reuedfr ageoyieldswiAA dlyd frilo er ountdbpteo byncrae Supplementloraor the8 DrySeason An Ale Pooifoc Region TheoPacicroofIICosa8 ic1 hs11 vr 0 ever dryyoo sasoof adS~lohAmeia. ItlusualyoexendIfomthelb atter1part of No- vemobtoughothebfirstopaofMy.Hgh teperatureso andoh 1b11111 of rainfal (see Tablesoa A) ompleel opvpgeta- tiegr~owth. Lco f forafefproductilon andburig, bo delibe- Th11111111t1s1s111 of dry-season foodiog 111t11t o ooooAre goazing."o Fog, paroicularyjaragagras, is00allowed1t1accumu fild foo gooziog. Aftoo flooein i11 Novembero oa Doooooboo, lhe foragel is coars, unplatab, an1o very0 lowoti content. Ana19111 of grass forag fr om Cl Capuino Experiment St11111fo Exper11ments were1 botte inA Oobero, 1908, to Aetermine the adteefc 10100 0005 dry soo n 01115 qualiyof fooag oleftsoa- log oin thfAl. Rolativooly 1arge fioldsof jaragua1, boffel, 1110 Aogootioo bohio 11111111we beore1o fertliaioono IOctober C, Octoboo 20, 1110 ovemberoA . O bo ll s ooo o we of 5bOob 1 wa n~o ot 0 1rea1perbhect1arewihposphat on opotahoo Soe 21-118atio Fooogo samplso were 01510 foo 80ese fiodo oo Doooooboo 18, 1958.CoFertlapplbo Ooberoo11 1 11011e n are foageyield 851111151110t1was omitted. Fooago yieldsdersdoooo fetloizatioo w11aA delAy I throghbNovem1ber 10. ThisOOwa1 ooeobasorteoporiod oll1boo1hoftmwhnsimotue0wa aequatefoolatgowth. Potein oooooroions0were lower1tha01expectedbutOthere was0some0in crease1a fetliztion1w0a delyd Total potinperobectarewas 01119 slgbtly affotoo by datesoof feloaionoooaseoredcedo or-o agopyidsowithbdelayedftliztion weooo teraotoo odbyincreoae poote oncnrtos  1958, for9t9e puros of secuing sale for yield and chemical anly9siatey seso prgrsd. Four frilization teatment were usd: 0, 14, 28, and242klgrm9 nto99 asae per hec919- tar.Porios9feachplot9 weeavetd D ecebr1,9 5, Januay 27, 1959, and March 11, 19999, to1obtin 19ra99 samples For, 19919 Deebr18 sapln, 1iel2 usa 119 ese through the 21991999a p9e19 hecar 9919Tabl 7). The yiel nres2 o Arenin baiarasasab 100pe 9669 t; for jaagagas,50 per9 cent 9991111 essentiall notin 19999199999ass Poei9cncn trtos91eexrmlylwfo 9l9gass9 ta99 ae o etiia tion.Totalproteinpr hctae1intheforge9wasincreasd considerably5for jga9and Argentine1bahiagrasse.The9percent- a5999999 9919299999 of 9 apledntrgn a uuly 991999999999n079o 1999999991t. Subsequent 5999929995999999ry26 92959969h 1, 1999, 9699992 999999919999 chage9n9yeld9offorge 9iththeexcptin1o9thJauay 1999995 o 9jaraguagras. Protein9 5 99979969999sin 9999999gewer 929999999999999 9999y99o999mbr 8toJauay26,99nd569999999 furter99igh9699 inethrug9 arc 9919911. 29999999919999999995nt age for9araguagras, for 99999le. were 9.29, 1.99, an9 .2 199 969 29re9 29999, respect592l.9999119 9996991999999 prectrewa 9929992 proporti9991919. 9199 2991199 in protein contained 991199 999299999as foag 99a9919,291,299, 992 21999969 99nspretr. 9699999 999r 991 9no 191996929911 699969 av echdpoti ro h 999999999996199 an9noa9919abe9lssof1eaesf 9199e9pansitstrns 19999919996 99699116 999 her 99 t t 969192sinicte. 6969999991 99999692919919999999991999999199991692999199966ocaton wit 9999999999999996 999299922999oabe rwt cndtin.' 9992122999991 mor de999999 9991921919219gugrssws niaedi 99191999, 1999, 19 919919y 9999lt9 91919992 i9 1991. Fe9961999 999 991992d 99 199 29199- 99191999 9 992 9991999 29. 9199999999999 of9nitrogen-ure,99odi999999rat,99299999oni99ni9919e-92 99919991999999991se.9,91992999996re,190,96, 92d12619999999m 9999999999plie i 99912.91- 991ra9o9wth9hophte9ndpoas.9The foragewas hrvestd2at9pproxmaty two-wee intervas throug Ja9ua9912,by9c9tin991,m9999999hs1at99991da29t699ugh6-9999r 9919 99999999999929 19996 199 999199919rigsapesfr ildadhmia 1999. 999999 fac 9 lo 9 er 9919199999999929 999 Deeme 18, 1999, Januar9 29, 1959, and9 Mac 11, 1959, 19199 99999999199samles F99 9999999999er16999992999999999192999999699991dthroug the928-kil19ram999991ectare 919e1(Table 7) 91999991219999999199o Argenine9999999 9 baigrs wa9bu 90 prcn;frjaraguagras,l50 9999192999 1999111995991991919999999919999999s. Potei cocen 191199999199119199199999 119919995599111199grsesatal rte ofrtlia 999991299961999919999999ta 1191999999919999as 9992ease 9992299191959 9or 9999299999999699999999999919999999e prcent 999999999991999692999999999999199919999999 659 thn 30 t 169999999nt 691999999951999929991999999ar 26992d9a59991 91959,sho9e2 1919l 919ng 99992959 99991919 999999 295999999eexepin fhJnur 999291 o 99999uag99.999919999999entratins1inthe5orage9w9r 992999d 99999199999999199916199 99Jnur 26, 92119999999s 911999r 219199 29299n 199995h 95991 11. 29999999969999999rcent ages9f9199ra9uarass,9fo9exa91,9999e932,9.5, and1.4259or the threedate, respec99929 Protein99299ct9n9p959he999e999 9929992 9999999999919l. The 299199e in 99991999199 cotane inth 9999999ras 6oaews1.4 296, 291, ad21999992999919995999r. 61999519999999999999 tmigt hveleahe 11191999 9protein5rom9th 59999e 929999119991999 no 119eial 919919avsfrmth lat, its 19999- 199991915199691919999 929999 99199999995erotwsinictd.Susqun 9999199119969919999999999999999999191999991999119caion wit 99195992999559 99919199999999929999owh ondtios. A more9detaiedexperimnt5withjaraguagrass9 999999219ed i 99191999. 1999, 1999996 clrf 9eutsotin199999 899. 99919999e 999 99992919999 on 9969ate- 99obe 2599d1ct9er2.1999e99999999 959999999 ueasoiu 999999999995,99299999999999919ate-92 four9leve19we999use.919999evls99999 ,5 19,0,992d 929 kilograms per99 hecar applied in 2-11 rat99 995999999 phspat andpoas. 9199 forge9was6 arvestd2at9pproximateytwo-wekinter9ls9throgh 59999ry 12,6by99999ng19999921999599919299119999919ugh6-m9999 919, 9o 11999999 9999999991e 99991 9291999apesfoyel 2dchmia were usd9, 14, 21, 92d 92129 9999ram 911oge as9 999999 199hec 99999999991999991999991999929299999991999Dcember1, 191, 599999y 21, 1999, 992 Ma19911, 1959, 99 919919 forage 9999999s. 99r the Deme 18 99 plng 9999295 99129 l 999919 se 299 h92o1999 91992619199999 rhctrerae Tal 9919599996 )9.96999912ld999999599o 699n. Tota1 999999n 999 hectar 99 99e 1199g 5999 99999999999 69199999119992 haress 9n9Jnury26andMarch1199,showed 9929925992 99999999199ecmbe 11195999999ry26,992559999999s furthe slight 292199e 519999h 959999 119 Average 999999n percent- 1199 919999 2999, 9999999 9919. Protei9 production 999 hectare 9as 99999999995999rage9999125, 292,299,99n259999929999599999ar. 19999io 99o 1999 he99g to th99 ro9t 9999 999d19699e9. 99199999995 999999, 959199999, 9299999 rslt otind n198.99 992iizr a 5999 le9919 9999 9992. 95e leel we999 9990, 26, 59, 9n 202 kilograms pe9 6999999 applie i91-99 1 r9wth9pospate9nd9ptas. The forage9 was 99ar 29sted 999a9proximatey9t9o-we 91999919919999919g January92,1by9cuting 1-mter9swahs9at9ech2datethrough6-meter  TABLE 7.-YIELDS, PERCENTAGE CRUDE PROTEIN AND TOTAL PROTEIN CON'T'ENT OF THREE GRASSES AS THE DRY SEASON PROGRESSES TABLE 7. YIELDS, PERCENTAGE CRUDE PROTEIN AND TOTAL PROTEIN CONTENT OF THREE GRASSES AS THE DRY SEASON PROGRESSES TABLE 7.-YIELDS, PERCENTAGE CRUDE PROTEIN AND TOTAL PROTEIN CONTENT OF THREE BRASSES AS THE DRY SEASON PROGRESSES Nitrogen Forage Crude Total Forage Crude Total Forage Crude Total N Nitrogen Forage Crude Total Forage Crude Total Forage Crude Total N Nitrogen Forage Crude Total Forage Crude Total Forage Crude Total N Forages Applied Yield Protein Protein Yield Protein Protein Yield Protein Protein Forages Applied Yield Protein Protect Yield Protein Protein Yield Protein Protein Forages Applied Yield Protein Protein Yield Protein Protein Yield Protein Protein Kgs/ha Lbs/ha % Lb,/ha Lb,/ha % Lb.,/ha Lb./ha % Lbs/ha Kgs/ba Lbe/ha % Lbs/ha Lbe/ha Lbs/ha Lbs/ha % LLa/ha Kgs/ha Lbs/ha % Lb,/h. Lbs/ha % Lbe/ha Lbs/ha % Lb./ha December 18 January 27 Mareh 3 December 18 January 27 Mareh 3 Dee-b- 18 January 27 M-b 3 Jaraguagrass 0 10,700 2.93 314 8,100 1.60 130 11,100 1.36 151 Jaraguagrass 0 10,700 2.93 314 8,100 1.60 130 11,100 1.36 151 Jaraguagrass 0 10,700 2.93 314 8,100 1.60 130 11,100 1.36 151 14 12,220 3.06 375 8,980 1.52 137 9,745 1.25 122 14 12,220 3.06 375 8,980 1.52 137 9,745 1.25 122 14 12,220 3.06 375 8,980 182 137 9,745 1.25 122 28 15,440 2.88 444 10,680 1.43 153 13,140 1.27 168 28 15,440 2.88 444 10,680 1.43 153 13,140 1.27 168 28 15,440 2.88 444 10,680 1.43 153 13,140 1.27 168 42 15,240 3.07 468 12,600 1.42 179 16,400 1.34 221 42 15,240 3.07 468 12,600 142 179 16,400 1.34 221 42 15,240 3.07 468 12,600 1.42 179 16,400 1.34 221 Argentine bahiagrass 0 3,840 3.85 148 6,480 2,37 154 6,510 2.37 155 Argentine bahiagrass 0 3,840 3.85 148 6,480 2.37 154 6,510 2.37 155 Argentine bahiagrass 0 3,840 3.85 148 6,480 2.37 154 6,510 2.37 155 14 5,200 4.51 235 6,280 2.45 154 6,780 2.62 178 14 5,200 451 235 6,280 2.45 154 6,780 2.62 178 14 5,200 4.51 235 6,280 2.45 154 6,780 2.62 178 28 7,090 4.08 289 5,890 2.52 149 7,470 2.46 184 28 7,090 4.08 289 5,890 2.52 149 7,470 2.46 184 28 7,090 408 289 5,890 2.52 149 7,470 2.46 184 42 7,910 4.19 332 6,860 2.52 173 7,630 246 188 42 7,910 4.19 332 6,860 2.52 173 7,630 2.46 188 42 7,910 419 332 6,860 2.52 173 7,630 2.46 188 B.lolg-sS 0 7,360 3.57 263 7,880 1.88 148 8,640 1.60 138 Buffelgrass 0 7,360 3.57 263 7,880 1.88 148 8,640 1.60 138 Buffelgrass 0 7,360 3.57 263 7,880 1.88 148 8,640 1.60 138 14 7,350 3.34 246 9,900 1.85 183 10,990 1.52 167 14 7,350 3.34 246 9,900 1.85 183 10,990 1.52 167 14 7,350 3.34 246 9,900 1.85 183 10,990 1.52 167 28 7,640 3.59 274 8,010 2.08 167 9,490 1.76 167 28 7,640 3.59 274 8,010 2.08 167 9,490 1.76 167 28 7,640 389 274 8,010 2.08 167 9,490 1.76 167 42 7,330 3.30 242 8,170 2.12 173 8,900 1.88 167 42 7,330 3.30 242 8,170 2.12 173 8,900 1.88 167 42 7,330 3.30 242 8,170 2.12 173 8,900 1.88 167 z z z z z 0 0 0  4). hectar asd ifuecd by dae 2fhretaeprsne rpi caly oreaeDf iteprtaio.Daafrteheenro nsucs weeaeae eas hr een ttsial infcn ifr ene mn hm h 2-iora aeo irgnwsntsa wer aerged because therwren siticallysinficant differ- enesaong them. The 120-kilogram rate ofnirgnwsotta tistically better bhon tho 80-kilogramo rat oad owas omitted fromo the graphs o s imoplify observationo of the datago. Jarguagras,which wasfeilized onOcbe5, pr~odcdobout 3.3, 4.7,and 5.0 tnofby for he0, 40,ad 80 iogram rate of nitrogen, respectively, whben barvestd on Noember 25 (Fig. 4). Yields had increasd by appoximateoly 2 tonso per hectare for eac breatmontby Decemober 14. Grassfertilied oOctob 23podcd only1.2, 2.2,and .7 tosofbhy perhectarehyNoveber25 for he theertesof fertiiatio. Yid icesd at arelaively rapid rtetough De- coomber 14 witb tho exception of the unfertilized teatment. The yield increas for the check traten wasoo roeolatively rapid after December 4, duepparelyo dlydfowerig. squarepots.Forage yields,percentg poti, adotapotin perohctreasinflecdbydateof harvstrpresnd g rphi- caly for oase ofinterpretaiono. Data forotheothrenoige o urces weroaergedboo bec oteeoerooo sttistially ig~ificantdffe- ecsa oothe. Tbhe 120-kilogram~ rate of nitrogen was, notsta thitoclly better bho, tho 80-kilogram,, rat ad was, ,omitted from,, tho graphs o simplify observationof tfhe dat. Jargagrs, hih wsfriiied on Otb e 5, p rodcdboutg 3.3, 4.7, and 5.0 tons,, of bay for tho 0,, 0,4 3n 0 kilogramo rates ofjgitrogen, respecivly, ooben harveste4 on Novem5er 25 (Fig. 4). Yields had 0ncrase by aproximately 2 gonspe, ecae, o each treatm0nt by Decem0ber 14. Grass fertilized on October 23 produced only 1.2, 2.2. and 1.7 tons ,ofhay perhectare by November 25 for the three,,orates of geril,iatio. Yields increased ot a relatively rapid rate through ge- cembero g4 with the exception of the unfertilized treatmento. Tbhe yield increase 3gforoocek treagtment was relatively rapid after Doooomber g4, due aparentlyto dlayed foweig.  OCTOb ER f 5,sb 19859 OCTOBER b 3, sly 959ss ssis ysshssssisssssslssfpss Z~s ds0s Tb sls slsspsslf 55spsis l 50psa sss 2 fsspssspsslgf sss 26 199 idbssssd b ss0sl ss ssssi7 s ssslbsigbssi 234 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP MOWED AND FERTILIZED OCTOBER 5,1959 OCTOBER 23, 1959 d S 80 ^ 4C - - / X 60 O N 40 Z O Y 20 0 NOV. DEC. DEC. DEC. JAN. NOV. DEC. DEC. DEC JAN. 25 3 14 28 12 25 3 14 28 12 DATES OF HARVEST 80 Kqr. N/Ha - 40 Kqr. N/HD --- 0 Kqr. N/Ha -- 234 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP MOWED AND FERTILIZED OCTOBER 5,1959 OCTOBER 23, 1959 d Y= 90 / Q / i aO O , 40 Z O Y 20 0 NOV. DEC. DEC. DEC. JAN. NOV. DEC. DEC. DEC. JAN. 25 3 14 28 12 25 3 14 28 12 DATES OF HARVEST 80 Kqr. N/Ha - 40 Kqr. N/Ha --- 0 Kqr. N/Ha The percentages sof protein fos tbs Ostobss 5 fertilizatio wer approximately6perscentsonNovembers25forsll tsosfferiizas- tioss(Fig.5) .Thsssedsstionsispstsissssncsstratios afterNovem- bers25 ssssssssatstssdyssatsssd by Jassssy 2lbad delined so bsst 2.5 pss csnt. Lswersssscsssratioss fos Jsssssy 26 ssd Marchll11 sswere frothe1955stdy, butaalyssfromspreis ysssbsbss habshon statscncetraiosof .5pers sssssse sl fss tss dstss. Tbs dsslsse is protsis percentages appoxmael 50 psssssntbylsssssy 12. If thesprstsis pssssntsgsfssJanssy 26, 1959, hsd bsss ssd, tbs lsss wssli hsss bsss sbsst 15 pss cent at tbebigheslst sat ofsferlizaton Thespercentagssofproteinsforsthe Octbers5ferlizationswere appsssssmstly 6pssssstso sNovemsber 25forllrs f fertliza- tiss (Fig. 5). Tbs ssdussdss is protein concentration sftss Nsssm- bers25 occurredatsteasdysratesad by January 2hsd delined ts sbsst 2.5 per sss. Lssssr concentraios fos Jsssssy 26 ssd March 11 weres from ths 1958-59 study, but analyses fsomspreioss yearsslssfssssssshaesontacocnrinssof .5perss ce sssssl fss thss dstss. lbs dssliss is prstsis pssssstage ws a pproximatly 50 pss centby Jassssy 12. If thesproteinpercentage fos Jsnuary 26, 1959, hsd bsss ssd, tbs lsss wssld hsss bsss sbsst 15 pe csntlatlthehgstatsfss riiztin  Figure 5.ChngslO h (O l - . y d ates of inta moin andF~ l F F j tF 6 tb tf gF0. AfF) DFraiF bF1 bb f gbug.i ~dSg iaFF~tF,(MF~ddpdy FF FFF\ FI b 3FF byFf~t ft 40 f Okb~F F~t, 4f ) pp~ Figy60p-Chngs byth JFI 12.nagso poen njm To15 1 by bgte ofil o winy anid oP F~g dby rtilibgFatO dof ntrge b60 P~F Lertiylixbation~dd di nyPFOFO yPdydy FFFFaFg 3~FFgoyi FOFI ab~oFob54CP4FPFPy~iyF oswo-SF Jauay 12. PrtinF odcio e hectar (Fib . 6) reflcte chaFnbgesin yed ad poten Fonetrti.For traFFnsFFdo OctoFber 5, yieldsinrae betwee FNovember25 andDeemFOrl4,Fwle t proei decOFFsed. ToFa prti pFF hecar deceasd only sligbtlydurin ti terva, inictig thtFmstofthedecline i prti Pocnrto asdtoPdluio by Ohe relativeyrapid inras neght causd bylowering ioft gras.AfterFDecem ber l4 yelds weresseniyF thpamWitbhbthecoduddeine in proei concntFaon, tota prFFi decreased raidly. Treament Fade on Fctober 23 gav slightly diffeen reut frmtoeobthifcober5ertatob . FThe reaively raidyield increas obhe4 OFd 80-kiortreatmentsF, evenwiththed- clin in protei coFcnttio, gavP a inres inPP toa FpoteFn  J4 NOV DECog D DEC. 4 JA. 4A. MAR. NiO DEC. DEC DE. AN AN MR 25 3 14 02 4 12 26 40055 4 40242444 DATESy004 OF44 ARVEST 4640 niroe f ioltiho oatiy o irociond th ogoe me p 4 . The yiel 0 increas40 or t0khcheck conentaton t0otal poteino4 decreased morail otha for 23roat- 1ments ma d o cobe 5 Yild 60. e 10 ltiel du ow foo r~ pthe 0hec treatment4 throghou the study.4 Howvr lat fl4 o wer4ing reslted i Ipo tol N OV o EG o foo. DEC. JAN 44N.MA. 4NV.D40 EC.Oo Doooobo 14.JN.MR y 25 04 444444444412 443 ool 64 43 dooo 04 44446404 4440i444l44DTES4444OF 44idlARVfEST 44 44444304 0406445H. 11104444404y0440400 04004000Kg004404y.N/Ha,.000440g---440 4iur 0440044004 i0044444in poluc, 443 ho 404440 hy 15 ofit4r4) 4404 datesof o 040es as sown44by 4dates of iniia mowi 4 an 0 fetlzon andk te of production4 toroug Decembe 4.44 044 064l increas 0444444444heck appoimaey h amoo 400044 tpreatmey3pnt4.AfteroDecembe01404 Hooatioo 444443040440 tho 00dy 164ver dteflowering resulted 4004 maintinedgoroapongreriod thaofotheoo4 ado480klora 444 FETL ANSO RINSI p Mdoool ~fOWEDbol4 hND yERTLIZEDooooloh OCTBE 5,19594040 oooooodo Eh 2h3,1d95f9ooi44 04004lx o44404 h bo040.Ao 44444 zod04444044441 o 3 6 40 4040 oo 0004 Sooio 0 olb oooo 44443404 o 444x 4d00064.id444 4004ooo~o 60o44064040d00400040444404 Z ooooo0044 op00, 3oo5404o ooi o 5 5 3oohoo 44444444 30pooooot25 14 400444434404 oDATESoo 1450 HARVESTooo404 olloo 203 6400 Kogd 644 H 0l.0.l- ilooo 44430441 fo 40 gop Nk/Hoo. booo --- ~ dofofh~i  Theodeclinein percentgcdpoithhonstof matura- tion add 0 druhcoiiosi probably accopaniedhbyrduced d igtiility of tho oeaiin protein. Acording to Gfover, Duthie, adkFrenh thdigsiilitpocoffiindf forgproteinodirecly relatdohepercentageoofcrudeopoti.Theiquestion,py 70 log x 000, whore p is ot dfgestihiity coeffiieont ond xitho perentgecrue rotin shwe a ily siognicant relaoiooship hoeooooo tho digestibhit cooeffcoent ood oorodo proenpercntge forodfrom oreooohanoo1,000tialfromtropioaol andoteperate climoooeoo Appliion ofoofhsfoooologoos o 50per ooent 000es tibiioofpoionforgeharvsd onNovember5 ad less than10fper oooo forothatinforgelooooooedioJoanooo.Aopfplyig theseopercentagotheodataowouldgive hbout 000 ood 400 pounds of digostiblh potoio per hootooo 00 toe Noooembho through Ooeoem- 0er 140harvestsoad asho li0e0s20 poundsoif Jnuaryo2 datoaowere Studioo with hegumes ooooo lioitod. The covero-graso xermet at ElAltodidotesablohoo sffiientyopoidedata,primariy Hofoy indigo oooo gowno ot 00 Calopn for oupplementaol forage for the drpseaso. It waso hroadcast 000ded ot aooo 00 pooodo perohectare onOcobero3,195,oadharvested forohay onDecem- ber 3, 1958. The indigo wasoo fowe anood hod ootaiood o height of aouto 50 to 60 contometers hy Docembhro3.OTheohayildwasovery goodoondothisoypeo orage usualloyontaoinoreo thano20 0000000t proteon adryowightbais.' Theohywofgoodppearaoce ando as onsumeoodoadilyyal.ohis practiceoffersogood po- oihbiiyfioothePai zonfor supphementalOforag. Theolargeoreponofgrasesooo ntrogenoofertliaon at aollloca- tOonsoomphsiedthoneed foioinvesogatio of hgumoesoplanted in pure standsoin ombooiaton ho rassesooroo grazoinoor hy to provide ore oo micaloforaogeoproduonobyprducinoghe needfo nitoen. e imte ronse10 of0grasses00oophosphateoad digestibilit of theooo rmining potoio. Acoroding to hlover, Dothie, andlFrench,' theodogestiiit oefficient of0forageopoteinoisdirecdy relatedtoothepercentageofcrudeopotein.Theirquestion, y =0 0o 001, whrey is the digestibily coefficient ond oh itho percentage crude potein, sooodo aighly significntoreatooohip hooooooo Doe digestdbiliy coeffiien ond ooodo potein0 percentage for daaomore toohan O,000trahsfom tropicaofandtemperote climate. Applo of t0 his formulao gives40oto 00 per centdige0- thono10perocntooroo thaoi orgehrveoted inJanoory.Applying these percentgootho dataooouldgiveout~ 35 oadf400pounods of digestible protein per hocar in the0 Noveme hougooh Decemo- bero14haroosto andoashitheoao20pounodsoif0aouay2datawere Studies 000h hegoooo were hofooed. The cover-grass eoperiments al Alto did ot ootaohioh oufhcieotlp to pooodo dato, prioor lp heguooo hooo hooo growoooihonideroble ooceoooin toe highlood OfHaiidigoowasgownoot0El4Cpulinor spplementaforage foothedrypseasoo.hotoasohodcastoseededoa out40pouds per hectare on Ocobero 0, 0000, and harvested for hop on Decem- hooT3, 1958. The ondigoooosioflooerood ha dotoioedoaheightof aouo 50 to~oooo h 60 Oen omte ohyecmbro. Tho hoppyiedooooover goodaod thisotpeoforag usouoooolp ontonsorooo thaooo0operoeot proteonaodrypweightohasis.'0T0ohaywaofgoodpparance ood ooo consoomed roodily Op cattle. Thispractice offers good pos- sibilityintheoPaciihono r suopphomeoto forage. Theolargeresponseoof 0000000 ntoenfrtlzainatal oa tionsoeophosioedtheoooodforonveotgao oflhgumoooplootedon poreootooooorincombooatoon oito 000000s forograzing orforohay topovoide oeoomicaoraogeoproduonooypreduiogoho ooed forooitoge.Thohoimitd reoponsooof 0000000 tophosphateoand oodkFronc,' thedigestbilt oefficietof forag potein isdirectly log xof1, owoeop yosheodigesoiid o efficientoodoxishe percentagecrudepotein, showed a hghlyignficantrelionhip betoeeo tho digestipit coflien ooooordo pote~in percentage for data fomooe t000 1f,,000 doial hroo trophca ond toomperote dliooteo Applicodoo ofothformlagioeof40oto0pe cenodigs- tihiitpof prooteni foagharvestedooNoembero25oodhles thoo 00 peroooeftfoha io forageohoroostedion ooouap.Applping theoeporceotogothodotaoooold givoouto350oaodf400pood of digeosthble poteio per hectore io oh, Nooeoher thouogh Doooo- horo14horvootsoodooshohoodaf20poodo ifooooury2 dataoooro Studisowihhlgumesooeeolimiod. heover-ograssoopeiments at ElAlodidotesablh suoffocetlo o poviodeodataprimaril hegoooeoo hooobee groooooth coooidooobleooocoossioothohighhond Hoiry fnod was 000w at0 0El Copolio foo supplementalfOooage foothodopooeoo.hooowasoooadaotooododoaou 4oo0pood per hootooo 00 Ocobeo 3,0008, ood hooostod foo fop oo Decem- hooT3, 0000. Theoindigoooosonfloooooondhdoatofoodoloheghtof about 50 to 60 centimetershb Decembero3.Theohaypieldooasover goodoondthhsotpoof forgeoooolypooo ainoooooooohod2prooo proteonoodpooeghthooo.' Tho hopoooof goodoppoooooe oodows onsumeodoooadilppooatth.hspraoticofferoogood pos- sibilitpinfheoPacionoofooopplemeooao forogo. Tho looge response of grasses to ntrogen ofetlzon at olf oc- tionsemphasizedotheoeedforinoostfgtonoofhlgumesplanted in puro staods ori ombiaion with 000000s for 00ain oor hop to provide oreoo micalforageoproduon boypoducinghe nood forooioogoo. Thelimitdoesponseoof grasses tophosphateoaod  poas ad th reatlAyhigh pH o mstofth Alls indicaeta Cor Fertlito Expriment,Lo Daane Stto duce ver lwp Ails Thei prmr obeciv Al th nalxei phat and on-hl of th irgnad poash wer appliat plnigtm Pp inP badsbelow thesed.he rmindr f te ntro pen andpppots waspplidas siddresngwe thcrnwa knee-hgh. Mino emnt,P extr bracs-pledpopaen ue. Nativ,pen-polatd rnwa plante in exraplot. ne ployed. ducevey lo yieds The priary AP obetieofte nalxei Aih mcanizd codiionsihe we Atalowlands. Eigh kilamsprhcaei 80-kilogra incrment. All ofth phos kne-hgh Minor elmns exta dcat-pplied phospe and used.Nive, pepo llintdcr was padineta plos.One metrrws ith24- an 35cnietri-o PPpcng eee- ployed. potahlad thaively hihpHAoPotIfte ol idiateIha ducdylylds The pay ojcieo h nta xe lbt mecanie Aodtin in th we Atlni IowandA. Ejght tramnteeAsdi th mai eperien. Nitrg, ppht, kilorm pe hectar in PP-hilga inreeIs All Af the phos- kneehig.Mnrelmns exr A bropadatpld phophae and Aof A th A-Ao Autiets Oppoliae consllcio 1.451, wa ployed.  Closidopaigoiout ferhilzonpryd lhlows Y eldso and with fetoliahon 0-k g hes yils(abe8.Yilswr inred significnly byfertilzto wih0 h mjo r plat ntr et.Teyedicesforlthelo,-c spacing sdo 5 51 oo, e hectieyorthyirtl80-g.opcrmen o hhopemoonutynt Koo.hoga/. ooooooooooooool i ow O ne Meter.Olo j part.o 00ooo ohoo pooh oo po 0 . lo 1o45o 28.4 of5 od oh ogo 6opoo 0.o0 g 7o40.6 h 16o 16o 160 polo 8o700to.oi oo oopo0 0 opooooo Crigo oo 33.2holo 25.1ooog Clooo opahog without ferfizon produ00d4tho booeot yioldo anoh ferhooloat oon ihostoyoelo (Thlo8.Yldooooe ooooood sgnifao l olbygfhrti0ato 00000 ajrpln nti hoooLE 8-lo TRofo GH p E Ho CTo R OF 000CO l 0 WIH 100 PER Op.T Aooooolo MOgoopooooooodoo*o 1000,oihoohooodmensooooor ooog 40070 oooo2pog4ooo0 .9oboohooooo fo32 ooopoo ood of0 ooooo 1.o 0 ok 851000010 h ho ho 0l Cop olo do . ho2h5.o1,Ooo il ofel data 0a100 ave00e ofooour relcton6oooo Cloooospacong wotfertoliza*oon ooodoood tho loooot yielho ood oith fettoiono tho hghest poeld So bl Po 8). Yields w000 ents.oTofogoodincooas poroooo th hoocm opain opoo521ooo.pe ooctareoodoooooos o oo-kg ooiooooiont of ohre oao nu 00nt an 0ny1. ct o h peoptd incremon. Threoio o beson000 hooBpE 8-ooRow ho R Ho Eoo ARo p O COR GRI oh T oooo ooooR OpN 0od~fo goooooo0oooho 0 o-4o1opoo4o2oo o80oodoooood ooo8oo0 8o0t6o.0 o 4.6 ooooooo6lopo odpooooh0o1odoooooo Yel 0at 01eavra ooo foh relctonds. oootooo  apple adfeaharvst.yield incrse abtisllsas small. Excellntyeddrspsws balsobandt As e 30-kilogra per bectar Aaeo hsht o aho h he gass. Extrct abesoilphosphatss rlativey low. No resposewss obtane sopotash buthedecdinesin etable posh Aduring 1959 Andi catd an ayps opsh. As ths ElIAlto Saion onteCetra Plaea saftoryre spselslftlizaions obtaind durin thefistyeas olfo kiksysgss. Yiels A f elesphant gass seassey bigh Aut the increase ~ ~ ~ frmfriiainwssal meilrssprducd very Asw yields wit no stattialI sinifcanc for tratensh per- centgesfproteininbothgrsss wsslow. Kikygssison traproduced aso yield wihu feilizainu yieslyds icsed lnay through Ase highsraeo feri laio. Nospos a obaindtophosphaopsh,ansol anayssindiatdsalage suply senbsiens. In Ise Atlasicon conssiderbl Adifficulty was experienced An stablishin pasue onnelyclardandss mehaized la.Afte Ase grasses had bsen planted Asr severa montihs witA no growth, devlopmetproceedd atnrml ra. Phosspat stusdissbowed nomletbisbmntofgrsss snnelyssehized Iand Ahen phosphewsband aong rossf gsss onsstopoo growthswhereiwssomied. Nrspnsws osbnd tocppe, Asfiinies of whic av beens shown toprevent grass stablish- ment.i Somesressons wsl tined is sulfur. Elepanisgrsspro ducedlhigh yids,Atrsposetolferilizaionss rlatveylows. Withusisrgen, yields decliisd consideraly as eprien prossg d sThl recovey ofspplied nirgns verylw Guinegrsassssorspndd pory toferilsiatinaddied after Isur arsts. lose suting wais apparentlp iesposible. Thsre wsrepladithaAfricagia selct, Sai,forshich no datass wergreortd. Pasglgssreponsded vestisfactoily ts fertliszao. Yield Aspns o h Aist 30kilogram incemn Af nitgens ecl hens, a esisily all si Ase applied nioge was recverd An the forsge. Tbe yield icese isr Ahe second icrmen decdined cosiderablyandshrlively lowforhehidincrement Nitro applied afte eachhastA. Tbs yield inces abov this leve wa salb Excessn yedrspse ws aso obainesd t o e3-kilas perhsstrepatlofpsphae o eac obfthesthre gas.Extrac- alsoilpbopaes elatiylow. Nsrspsesbaind tpotash but the Aeln hins hxtal poash Asring 1959 indi- cad aneary rsponse topshA. isAs th 1E Alto Saioin on theCntsa P1ateausatistoyre spsesoheilizai wassbtad d yrn h isi yeaoly fro kkuyugrass. Yilds Af elephantgrssrerl aey high Ast Ihe icesfrmfriiaiws sml. Impeialgrss prosduced svesy loiedsihnostatiscl signiicancefotreatments.hesper centagesfprotdi ibthgssswssio. Kikuyugss,i on trst,proucaslowsyie l wihutfrilsiaion,Abutyieldsincreased linealy through thighest aeo feiizatiionN Ibis poses obtainedtophosphate o pota, andsoilanlysesindicatedsalage supply o se utsieniss. Is Ase Atlants zon iosidsrable difficsulty is eperincd An stabishgps sstr sdwyd claesdsds mcaizdand. Ahfter th rss had beensplited rsverlmntswihsnorowh, devlopmentproceded at sssma rate.Phophastiesshowd normlstalisshmn ogrsssl nylicanisdss dwhe phosphate was ansded along roso rss is contras Aopo growhheresitswa s te.Nospnsessbtindtocppe, desiisnisf Awsich hasve Aeen Ashont preven grs esablish met.Smsrsposews obandtsulfu. Eephatgss pro- ducsd Aigh yields, Ausponst heiliss o as reatively Aow. Without nitrgen, yield decle csdrsly as eeprmn progssdle ecvey Af appliednihrgenss vey lw Guisegssss asso ssssodedpooslyssosertliatiandss e as ftss fsiss hasrvests. Cls cutting sss appsssstly resposisle. The sre wssreplastdswihsanAfcansginaselecto,Sai, forwihno datasweresrporsed. Pssglagrsssssponded sssy saisfacsosily Is fertilAissio. Yisld resposesstosthes fis30kilgamsincrementofsnitrgenss excl- lnadesn is salls th gaplisA sitsrogenss ssssssssss in Ase fssags. Ths yisld isissass fss Ise ssssnd incisssisis declined considerably adws relaivlylslwsfrstesbArdincremet.Nitr- applis sftsssschlhssss.Thyld icsssssbsss A'is slevlws sssll.Esssllsstiyld sespssnsse sb Aslso oba sedt Ste0kilas pss earesrasesssphosphatesfssssschso tlshsssreegssss Esxssat abl soil phsphat wss isivel y isw. Nossessss sba issd ssssotsh Ast Ase Asscssin is exsssctbAe pstsss durisg 1959 sAd- satsd ansealy resposestosposh. kiksyugrss. Yislds sf slsphantgrass ssse selssissly AlgA Ass shs ssrae ssmfetlzainsssssll. Imperilgrssprocdss ersy lowyieldsswthnsttsticasl~l s sgiicnefsr trsstsssts.lThsps- ssstageso proteisinbot grsses wsslow.bKikyugrss, incss trs,prosucesalssyldsAswisho s sstlaioss,AsutyildsissssssAd Assssrly thsssgh Ise highsest aef fertliatissss No sssposswas sbtsinesAtophssphat ossptshs,ssasdssslalyssAAdaedsalrg sssplysofthsesstrssns. Is shs Atlssti sssss considrble Asifsclty sss espersssss i stabisgpstsonsnewlysclesaredadsechazdlan. Afe the gssssss Isad bsss planteA for severa Imsnhis ih nogowh Asselspssstpssssdaassrsasis. Phsphaess tusdsss sssAe sssalsss lshmesssss grssssssssyssecsasiedlasdsse phspates sss asdsA alssg rows sf grass An contras tooo growthswheresitswasAite.Norspseasbained tocppe, AsAsisnis sf whichhavesbeen shssssopsssntgsss blsh- me sss ssmrspose sss obtained Is sulfus. Elepantgrass pso- AsssA high yilds, Ass respose to fertiiins reaivls lw Withsst sstrsgss, yields AsslissA cssosierbly ss Is xermn pssgrssss.lhssssssssryssfpplisdsnissgensssssssylss. Asisssgsss asos responded poorly toferssliaAi Ad dAied sftsr fssssasss . Clsssstting ws appssssnly ssspossAAA. Thbsre wssssplanses siAh aAsssanginssss csss,Sai, ssslsichss ata ssss sepsted. Pangslagrsssssspssdessery sasfactsosly toftlzations.Yiel rsspossso h ists30-klgasssssssssstsosnssssgsn ss cl- AsessA snd sssnisllysalls ofshepplssssitsgnssssssssss i Ise forsgs. Ths yislA sssress fsshsesssss incrsssst decline considerablysasssasreatiey lowforhethiAdincremen.Nitro-  ge eoeydeclnedwith increasig rtsofnogenfertlizon fromo~o esetilyf100percntt aout6. Theyildofo th cek trametdecline raphdly; moehhaf ofktheyied for theon centraionsof pagolars werve igh, buodffrecesbetee ihoyecteameto n thfooolioooooosefriie witho ntoge wer rela-io tivlysmll.Thsoesutepfomerdortowtof the unfroilize graf, wichgave ampes opoed entirely of lavs noontast ofyoooyoooigflowesudrteciai odtonsa os yooooooot oooo to boh hurens oianlssoshwd thatodkqyuantitiyeso bofex- Chinch bugaaksrouslhy inefee ih production frooDe cemher, 1959, though April 1960.Oesferteteo ih DDT Dafom thoytud oorassftlizationoatfheoed oftebrin in he org produced. Regardless o h nta quality of the is probably acompanied by ooduced dbgestibility of that whch Fro th odat iaper that ff here. are tooints of primary coneraion in obtaining qaiy foraoge for use durng the doy saonThsearedat offieldpreprton foroforagefharvest anod hot of horet Whete or nofertilie io 0se, ali forageomust beO hretdbyhemiddleof Dcebe.Slowergowtbof un- feriizeod grasswil nee11 tt owing early in October ifmai hu uniyo oaei o produced. Harvesof ounferized grasohoud beoplefed asquiclyafte rains have asd in order0 toiti prin oetaio n at0 tho highest level. grovey declinedo wih eaigoaofosofoenfeiitono fro esnially 100 per cento aboot 00. Tho yielh of the check tretmtdeclindrapidly;omoreta hafo ofoeyifor tooboo- goassbich gavesampesooposdentirly of laencnrs to riized grasooohoniedbotho otmsad leaves Toe unkfrilizd grass off c ko iconta too a odeepgre color fo thaoft which wasferilized. Pangolars gprodcrlivly few late paroo ofotheyeaoowvr sign fian Ofesponsewasobtined tobothntins Soil analysioo sohoedthatqatt oi f ex0- tracbblepotash hddeclined to y lowo levlykovember 1000. lowevsof opotsofnoneo. son0forhay producio idicatfclakyhe necyfitfor haves- kng the forage produced. Rogardkless O ohe hnii qualy ohe duced pirouotoarea rendesotheisyste d f0deierri d grazing bo t iprobably aoomoopanhod by oedooood digestbiliy of boot owoich Fooooobodot it appoaroohtoho r r twoooooopointso primary oohdoatioo in obtaiooiog quabity forage boo uoo during tho doy sono.IThesooreodateof fieldpreparaionoforoforagolharoestod daoobe oovs.Whetrorootofertilooohooousd, allforgeoomust obe haroestd by tho moiddleo of Doeoember. Slowero gowtho ofu- fertilized graooowill neositoteoowoooingoearly inOoberho ifoooooi- mum oqantityof ffoei obefpoduoeo. Harvest ofooooohtiized grsoouodobe ompletdoosquicklyoftoooo rain ooooooesedin ordroolooaoinoaoinprohooooooencncnrtosa h hioghest level fooooosntoafy 100 pooooootto hboot 60. Thoo yheob of fho boock treatmentfdeclinedorapidy; oreotfanhalf ofOtheyieldfortheoen 00000ton ooof pangolagrs 0000 very 0000, but hodiffooooooo betoooo irass,wioh gavoosoplesocoposodoontirey offoaesi onrs ot oofriie irasswhihontainedbfbofh otmsad leaoes.Tbo ffor htwh wasofertilhzd. Pagolagrassoproducedorelafovey few Rospons oo spoaooood potaoh wasb reatveylow.Duigothe latterpar ofth byear fhowever, sgnifican ronse wso btaineod ooh ookooont. Soil 00lyi Oy lso soweod thaf qoaotities ofex tracabl potash had declined toovery 0ow level by November, 1959. C~hih bug ohttckssyio oteferedowithpodto romo De- cembeh, 1959O, thogh Aphil f960. Thoso 0000 treafed woth DDT fow levoofopotsoroo o neoo. Dataofromoheootudy of grasfeooo ztono at 0000en oooheoaiy soofor hay pooduoion ondooat hookry theoo neesiy forharoesk ingthefooagepoodoood.Regoodlessfofoteinta ooqoaliyofothe foragohedeclineinpotinoncentrton anodtotalpoteinpo- doced per ookt area oonderootheystem of deferred gooziog bobh is probably accoopanied by reducedl digestibiliOp of bhat whioh Fom tho dota it oppears boot there are two poinos of primar y considero nio obtaikoog qoalhy forogeor 00 e 000rhong the doy season.Theooar d0ate oied peparookoofor fooogoboaroostooh hobo of haoooot Wheoerfrb o t e0tilizeroishused, albooragemust behofooooeohbythooiddleoofoooembo.OSloweoo wt oo ofooo- fooOilkood ff000wil nees0 tt moooino g 0000 oly io Octoberifmai mumoquantiyfbfoffforagefis o o . Harotofoo etiie grossosoldhocompletedoasyoioklfroooio havooooooohin oodooroo iotainpotooonooonrtosao h hiooghest level  Where Perilizer is used, ife system employed shoud depen o the legtf time necssay to applypthefertilize a tomaebay ingpth firt Pal of October. All fertlize shoudbe ppiedby Pp Ppeferiliepwsppp iekd. This tePhpiqu wiPP giv the Phiphest showedclary tha ighylds ofd conoldb proue P on mech- ad potash Approximteliy PP cw. were prduced for Ppe second increment.Above PP0 kps. thr wa nyed inceas. No yield reponse asoband todditioalboadatapplidphpht, mio pleet po ie Twnyfu cm~p.painproppducephihe pild Ad hfriiainthn3 usihrosoemtraat thep~ legtpf pime necesaryptP pplp th frilizeradto make hay ingphefrst alf pf Ocppbp.All fetlizer should be pplidbp about Octoberp PP. Phe ha-mkinp operatio Ppshould bepin whpp as the ferilizerwas ppied. PistPPhnPquPPPillgiPPPthePPighPs average pppperetg fprotein iPPthePfpragePand pppdscrfipppthp leas jp terms of Pa pypeld. Pelap in time pP fertilifon pp pparvppp pillppppti pdecpppe prouton foag pqualPtp. Corn fetlizatpion pspudie at Los Damant p intheAlantizoP increment APoPe PPP Pps. there wasnopield inrae No pield responsePwaPobtaindPtoPd itiodnalbroadcast-pPpliedpospae mio lmn pprlm.Tenyfu m P s~PP~~pacinpp rducdigher yild PtPPrPPzaPo ta 3 co. wPtP rwsponemeteP pprt Pif Phe Pis Pal of PPtoPPP. AP Perilizer Phould Pe appPed Pp aboutiOctober PP. TPe hay-making operation should beginhe Pa i ae Tefrgesol ppp harvestedpf Pifthe amepsquenc asthe Pprilippp ppp appipd. APPecniu wilpp p iv the PpiPhPst Ppppp ipppn te Ps fpppield. PelP p ime op f fertilization orharves fepppppppp icrmppp 8 PPPsP pe hectar ofp nitrogenp phospated ppr ppes ppp~ppppos pps obandt ppdtoa, pracs-pplie pphate  Coffee Nutrition Valy. The Central1 Plateau is bimte on th es by the Cyotinent1 Divide nerFl Alo where bye elevto is 1,500 meters, on the northbby a chai ofy volcaoeshichrisefromy 2,000 to 3,400 Withi thi ara which vaies from about 1,000 to F,00meer ineeain r on ol eie rmtodsicl ifrn parent y mateials Thys 1o the sot are derve fro sedibmy ntary yobmtin which areyy to y a osdrbeetn ltrzd hs ol ar eay eroedynd avebblo nauralferbliy. Tostoth fyyyh ar4 vocyi 04 d F f moby yyyyy t oryygin Thsocaiol 2are.Oyiynyhbyyyytl yymr adhv byplmyyykablbisaney- yyyfrosibon. byyyylyypyyyydyyyy yhetyyy rtuyyyy th CentrabyoylyyPlteaulvariesynythe averag lyybyyyyyyyyyyydyyyyydybylylb Vybyyyffy ygyyyyyinvaiefo atfyy an py jyyytio ofyfrml600to 000ersyThoavrageytepera- eveyyly 70trbue thoy hu the~y yiybybyyyyyyyyy dtion y rysyyyy in a more proloned ad lesfisinctyy growthy whichdreqiresd13 to14 Coffee Nutrition yetomi ra f cyffyy pyydyctiy yyj Cyyyy Rjya J rteCetra Plaeu why c ybyiyyhlylyy st yynydbye Atlantic yzoye, yyicb iy pryimarily iy and yrun yyhy yyrrialba Valley. DivideynearEl Altoywheetheylevatio is00,00 metersy, yy bye yyyyl byyy cyyy fyylcyyyyyyyybiyy yyyyfrml,00o yy,400 meters,yonltheysohby yyyyyy o mounain yyyydyyyyyyyyjyinog, yyny on th westby the owlads extendnyytothebGlofNicoy. Witi by i bayyyy, which yae from ayyuy y 1yy 000 ty 1,500 myyyyy ielvtoaefound yyyls derived yyyy yyy distynlydiyffeen ar edily yyyodyd ayd bav yy lo naturalyy fertiliyy. Those ty the arbyiyyyrylyyyyr ylyrtyle yyyyyyyve yy remrkalyreistacet 2.50yo3.0~y met yyyyTeyyyyer pyyy fybyepltyay,yly unerte yfu In~ yyyyareycyyyyrd aryyndoyyeyyrrilbaValley yylyybyyyyyow pickings ocomplete tbeycofee harvest, ascompared to 3or4ik- iygsyiyylyyye CnrlPlatey. 0f a tyyyj population yf ybyyy 1,000,000 yn Cyyyy Ri,yapoi mayyyl y 70 ye etlv iti honaiyyyyfyyyyCetrlPlyyyay. A largyeyyby prprino h noeo hepolsdrvdfo h Coffee Nutrition are ythye Cet Platau which is thy yareyt andy thyeyyb Valley. TheCentral PlateayislimitedyyoytheeastbyteConinentl Divide yyyy El Alty wheyyy the yjyyytiyy iy 1,500 myytyyy, yy the yyythbbyybchiyofyybyyyyyyybc iseyy royy,000 yo3,00 metery,yynbyyyybthby yy yyng ofmoyyyyynsyyydimnyy in igiy yndyynbyyyyyytby byellnds extenydingyo yye Gulbjiy. Withiy tis yrey, which varies fyyyy abyyy 0,000 yy 1,500 meytyyy inyelevatyo,yarefoudysolsderivedlfroytwdistinctlydifeen pyyyyyyyteryyb.oseyyyyybyyyyybyyedyyydyyomyyydimyyayy areyredilyerodeddyhayyy lyyyyyyyyl yyrtlity. Thyyy yyythy 2.5oy3.0ymyyyy.byyyyyyernpyry ylyheplyyyyy,y yne bhe ynfly- ylyyybyeywysteyprt,ylbyyys udybyy iflyyyy o yh yPycific yyyyly distributed ybyyyybyyy the yyyy. Thyyy cyyditiyyyyyyyulti pickyyyyyyyyyoplyyoth yyyfeeyybyyyytyyyycopae yyd3yyryypjyk- 00 toyal pypyyatyy yy bot,000,000oin bostyRic, appyybi A layyy propyotio yfthy iyyyoyy ofy thyyyoly is derivedyy yro yh  total of45,036 fincas, with a1 1116 o 63,293 mazaa of lad e voted to1coffe production. Cof4ee producion1i Costa Ric ii durin the 41ve-yeyrperiod (1944454) was 416,406 bags of4 60 ily by 141111 thata y pratic afecin coffee1 prodution will have a1114114 Posdeal infludence 4 on 611 theecnoiccodiionofa 1are1eg Duingd byi pe41d 51111114e of boron,1 zinc niroen mangan011 eh and 1511 maneiu have 11 been11 reon4114dmehdsfr4hircr rectonevie.P resen i el plotsbidicat th4e nee for phspors potassium, 1, a TnAd 4alc 412 in41 cetan 4res.Itha ,benony 4urn Vh4 as ewyar1 ha1 h M.lu 51of414 fertilizers 1144 t1p 1he1 need114 nuri, oa spray for1 diseas contr4 have becomerecognizedby prodution6 nd6 pocessng o cofee.Th I116,411950 ,, cenus1ndcatd total4 of 5,06fncs1 wt a1111 (116al pf 63,93 4,zaa (11 4an de-4 durin4 the five-year 414114 (1944-54) was1 466,400 4141 of 66 kilo1ea1, wt44,a1 avrgelueof about1411 milin I cnred tio by 1H1114ld Mowr a14 his workersin the MAI 1an4 STIC. During4 thi period, 41411nce o boron4I1, zinc, nitroge, man41anese, potassiu, and calci in certai aras It has been 5l durig plished, by 41e experment in prges 4It 1 would 1 aper ht h nitroge, phosphoru, potash, calcium, and magnesium in areas Victor 44 MM. 5.re 41nto1 six1141 suscinwt 6 epeettv oae prouciad11process4ingI4I4oflofe. The 1950cesuidicted4 a11 tota11o6 5,036 fica,11wbitha1oalo 63,293 maIzanasIof1land1de- durin 114 fiv61-ye111eo (119 49-54) was 466,464 ba4 of 60 ily1 by seen4 thatany prat4c 41ecin coffeeI4 6rouc1 o wiA l have6 4111 14sierbl n111nc on, the111 ecnmcodtof 41111 la1g, seg-1 114111 mend of4111111111 Co 111s1t1 Rica4 11141ulation. II 5111111 1114rc has 4111 carie 1111 sinc. 4 195 411 11115e 41414- (1111141um, ad acimincrti M reas It h4a11 6411111 bnlurn 611111 Jpast 11141 fewyerstha te (alu4o frtlizrsan1th1nedfo  tio. Phot ar nldd An whih Ah minor elmns rpplie as soil ppliation orniionalspry.Ceriplothavbenea- Zn C, B, and Moa beig ealua. Reety plot deige to ealut thephosphou sorcs triple sperphosphate vesam moimpbosphha, have henarAe. Itis fro heh bsehatio of ths plots by groer anAd fro th yied record maane tatba bette uneanding Af cofAutiion As being pootd heA recgnition Af defiieny symptom anAd thei reaton Ao the definysymptoms in ciru leaves. Matchig Af ahailble leaf quite diiar. The followig table show thecos reationshp ianalysis and whAther thAlmn Ai is low, ae ao high in Ehxphrimnal bied plot An eah Af bAes aras, manaine An copeation with loal Aoffe grower, invohv the ealaNon Af N, P, K,Mg,a, B,Zn, MIh,Cu S, adMaoandincombia- tio. Plots arenclde in whibch h minor elmnsaapplias soiA ppication orutriioalIsprays. CerinhplotshAavebe ab- lishedin Awhich l Adite t hcleet (F. h.E.) cainhig M,e, Zn,hu, B, andMareig eaae. Recenlyp' pltseignedAA eaatei thA phosphoru souce, trighe supephphat vesam- moium phosphate bave been sarted. Bt is fothe obsation Af ths phot by grower a fro thA yield record miaineAd ht hhhhaabetrudrtnig ofcofeenuritnis eigpromoted throuhout thA cofeegrohihgaras defhieny ymptoms An ciAuave. Mathing Af aalbehlaf quit Biiar. The fllowing abl shw h lserltosi An analysis anA whether thA elemen islo, aveage, or high An copeation with local coffee Browers involhe the eaatioAAn Af N, P, ,Mg, ,BZn l M, A, S, andMaln hadincohia- Aio. Ploa includedinwhichheinorA elmnsaeappieas sil apphiaionsAIor ntioalsprays.Certain ploshaveheensa- lished An hich hitteA Iac elAAAnt (F. T. E.) contiin Mn, e Zn, Cu,B, ahd Moare beig ealated.Recntl, plotdigned t ealathe hophorusource,trphlspephophaeerusam moimphosphate, ha hee sarted. ht As from thA obhraion Af these plot hy groe A hAd Armh yhld record mainained throghou helh offee-growingaes RhEATgIONS AF LAFhhSYMyPOSAE ANi~ALSIShhh quantitativ aalysis Af leave for crtin elements has become a iporattl inplahthhhtiio. Obeatlionho knonAdhiciecie, ashown in coffe heaves, indicated astiig siarity tohknoA defii yhptomsinitrus leae. Matcing Af avaiabhh heaf hutiarA. he fllhhihg tahhe shows thA clos relanhip An analysis aAd whhehe eAemAnAAis AlBA, average, Ar high An  Visile syptm for N, Mg, Mn,, Zn, and B defienie hav establishd by fute obevto an Ief analyi. Itwol tos toete wttheir chemica 1analysis and ft method of Efleof Niroe A repons to niroe wa observd in all aresiited. Sin Kre is one of the majoritrgen sore used in Cot Riai beoe importan toave informatio a,,bout, the ntrifying abilit of evrous, soils in tho diffloront ares her offe N is gown. Wibthout such iformaion onsiderable inefficiency of are util- iainmyrsl.If ares f poor nitificaono ae fo nd, a indicaion od aindequat liming program, could be supected. Infotion r,,latinOg t,,o oitribficton capacityoul~d beo ,f value appeared tof be relatd tob theus of area. This or~,osis,,owhc simiafoMthotypofooshich results f,, in OOtus eaes ro aexesof biuret.Bire isanimopiyi oeoraources and is a esultof hodiu gaOn oltenfstatedurigdthemanfacture of priledomatoial.Anooanalysisof thoburt ontenftof vous,,,ro a soif application.' High-anaysis filize mixtures, such asa20-20.00, Ore used alost exclusielybaseofhighrnsporton osts.he usual prct of fplacing thes c onnae mixtures in aosal arao ea ofetrn No~hf th of e tree Bo s quesionable. The fact ghag h prac- ofice has notresulted in cniderable tN damage is probbl Muo Visible symptoms for N, Mg, Mn, Zn, oand B deficienMie have been established f,, coffee, oand oymosfor fP, K, oand ft may ho estbihed by furthrobevaion andlf anaysi. It ould appear ofhot publiatin 0in, colo ,,o f known Alea debfinyymp- toms, together oitf their chemical onalysio and t mod,,hof Efieof Nitrogen, A respo oiitrgen wasoevdin alf areasvisitd. Since Witot osuoh inforation considerable ineiceny of ue tl izaio ma eul.Iaesof poor oificto are fond, a iniainof oan inadequate limiong progra oul ,,d Ae suspectd. aperd fo ho relatd fo tho use of ,,rea. This chlorosi, which occurrd ostly o he odges and tipso ,f th atrb laes a similar fo tho type of chloosis which results in citru leave romoN anfexces iofirtBiesani mpuirpitd y in ome ureaoources and ios a eOl of holdong areaino moltenff stfteoduringfthemanfacture soussould ho omade sin area0 coMtining ooe 0.25 perocnt, soil applicaio.' High-analyis ferBilize mixtfures, such aso 020-10, areousd alost excluively beas of high tranporaonA cost. Tbhe usual praciceof placingoteefoncntadA, o mixture 0na 00al 0rena ohe, tnkb of theofe trB e Boo quesionabol. Tbhe faohtththispra- tieha o treulteodi onsiderale redamge ipobablo y due Visible symptms, for N, Mg, Mn,, dn, oond B defiieieso have booen established for coffe, andsympgomsfot P, K,oandfCa moy be established by furtgher observation oand Iea analdybis. Ot woulod appea that puboh i in Aolo of knownlfo focienyymp- tomsO, together wih thei chemical analysio and Ahe method Af preventio, and includbng known, toxicit OpomsO, wiob maie- Effec f 5Nitrogen, reisoeo he maor nitrogen our useood ft Costa Blob, it beomiportantfohav iforaionouft thenitiyigabiliy of t vrous oil in, tho dfiffeto ras, her foffe iOs0 gowno. With,,otsuc inotof onsiderable inefficiency of ae tl iainmyrsl.If area of p ootfiihon ae funda indicono o a inaodequate liming programo could Ae supected. Inorato relatindg to so nitficaon capacity woulfd heo ,f vaOu Morrd ostlKy on, the odges and tipso ,f tho auelevs a similar to the type of cblorosis wfioh results in ciru lavs ro aexesof biuret.Biurt s nimopurity in ome are ources ad is a reul ofbhodiare n 0 molteoat duoing tho manuofatur ofprilled materoa. An aoalysis of ot biur ontn fvrosue sorcsholdhbeKmdeOsin ea ontiig overO25 percen biuretf myoo boOs aea hklooi when, used Mitherso sprayo silppicaion a High-analybis fertioooe mixtures, sucoh oo ao20-2010, ooo usood almooK ooxclusiooly beoueofo ohigh Mrnptton c0 ost. The usoual praciceofopacMng theseKconnrtdmitueson aoKsmaraoea th rn ftecfe rei usinbe Tho foaohtohi proo- ticeohaotrsolted in onsdrabletreeodamaogeisprobbly dueo  to th eatively high exchassge caaity of patclly all the sils on k w ichcffee is growns. From the sadpointo leahing, ro damg, ad thesstfficssietuizaoffrtilss s iy lements he preen practice woulId noapea tosb good. A std of theexen better feriize placement lprogram. Thisdistibutino roots shold ample, ise sui al A Arcio shoveling vessnoshovlig. It s believed that abete distibution o1 the feriize would promote and moeproductveplant. Lime RqigmsA Ahough sm ffohsbeeni mdetossablshime rqur- As of benft Ara wer oserved wsher appicionis of gron ai ultural limsn Arestd An cosiea bles ncrsed growh and disappeaac ofs diiec symptoms no specifkcSly reated ts caliumi~, whlich idicae an Anhiitd rotsystem, perhaps dues Aill exhibit sico boroA deiiec ysymptoms. Ae as ishich the erdsinsed sislatedlthe seof ground limston. As is Ase plot wosk carried outsurigbhe 19S556period, ms ofthaowinprogrss is dirctd primaily ad detriiglwhc el1ment o comsbinatio of eleent is lacking is Ase gratstxtnt This method of atak readily reveal defhcencis, epeialdly Af Ase phss casb put on iearing watles and souce of th mjo elmntr required isr optiu grot hadyield. Thadirecion Af effor is shifting toarA ths viwpoin is evidencd by rcn plotwok being iititdwih sp iolhsphplussreThis typ o iwoksoud b xtndd to incldtevauaino itrgen sucssch sirs, amoiumyslsad re. As imead coditbons permtan evauions of potash soresmght prov Asth reively high exchage capaity of pracicaSly all thbsis onshich coffe is grown. From AhesaIdpoin Af lacing, ro damge, and Ihst eficient utilization Af ferlity AlmsA Ase preen pracic would no appea to As good. A sdy ofiheexen Af sprad Af coffe Aotsmght Ae mad in A re ofomlt ample, Ahsal pratic Af shoveing vess osoeing. It As believA that asete distriutio Af Ase filizer wousld prmt a bete distibuti of ros ad tkis a srog, moevgorous, and moeproductive plass. Lime Requiemnt Although soeffort has Assn silk ts establsh lime reuire- As Af Aenefi. Aras wer oserved Shese applikaionis Af grund anddisppeSara fdefhcieny symptomsnotspeciclyraed toaiu, uwhich indits aihiitd rosystem, perhaps Ass tu fIsoal soil condlios. Thsu is ai Atntd plantwhic sill exhibit zicSrbon defiieny symptIs. dAesink w hith orgic atri~su lo or wh bs teopsi1 has benlst throgh As in ise piot work crid out during Ise 1950-56 perio, mst of taS noS An progrssis dircte primarily at deteminig wich This methbA Af aak readily reveal deficiencis, especily Af Ase pinor elms.s is inforains bcms aviabl moe Af efPor As shiftig toard AAi vipointA is eidenced by rcn plotwokhbeig iniiatedwihrspcttopospussur.This typ o wok culd beexteded t ludeksth evaluainkfnirgen sousssuhsitrats, ammoiumsalt, ad urea.Asbtime ad conditon peria evalaion ofupash ucs msight prove on AihAfeeis gow. From Ase sdpitoflhig, roo damaige, ath ost A fsficientutilizatio Af ferilty elements Ase preen praSi wul d no ppea to As good. A suy Af As xtn Af sprad Af coffe Soots mighS As made An order tofrs lt amph, Ase usua lA Arcieo shoveingvess noshovelig. At As AelieveA tatS bette distibuio Af Ase fertilizer wuld pAomot Although sm effor has heen smade is stalish lime require ments, fhesudis relaing toanadequt imingprogra wouid besfeneit AAreswr oserved~b whr ppltos of gund agricultural limstone rsulted un co sal icsd growth and diapearnc of Adefiieny symptom nopecificaly related toaciu, which indics Ian I inibte ro syse, perSaps Aue toAunfaoabeiAS conAtion. Thesult is sP nted plantich Aill exhihit zin o bro defhsieny symptoms. Ares in shich Ase orgsani arishw orwhere hosoilhs ben lsthrogh As Asth plot sulk carrid out during the 1950-56 perAo, mosA ofat now uin progress As directe priarily at deteminig shich elemen Aor cobiation Af elmet s acking Is tbs grets Axet This method Af attack readily rvals Ashicencis, especaly Af Ase piorelens As this ifgrahtihnbecome s ilemorjem Alements arS reuire~dlforspimum growtSal syield.Thatdirection of effort is shifing tow~a Ibis viewspoi is evidenced by recent plot wor hAing iniiaewt rspec to phosphou scs. Thbs typesof workscold besextenddtincludeheevaluaionSof itrgen sourcsuh as S nirts Amoiumsas, andurea. Asimeasd conditios perit, as evauions of potash scs might prove  arupectd of being deficien, th us ofth doul alt, sulate anydou mgneiu sulate. Fomlimitedbransmde duinga psotAp iJ. R. Hune Af STIGA to obev the wor An poges oncaa, it prpgaig high-yieding stck ad in maing scio Af sc stok. Unii th pai maia As estaished, only expioratory ntiionasl expeims shold be atteptdad sholdsistof Cosiderable tise wasspent witS Gil Chaverri IL, Chief si the STICA Chemiasl Laboratory iss the MAT, is disssig laboratory rgarding the spac a equipment required for the type ofre search planned for assew laboratory. The ness STICA Soils Labora- try willsak avilabe moefudamenl knowsldge ofthsis is the different cffe-growing scios, including sissificationsa paiy,Sxhagecapaiy,otal pssi,,caliu,gesiums, and phosphors ParicularT atnion soud be give is a study of ths "available" soiT psiassiums method nows is se. Such isnfossa- tion will be ofvalue is evntaly formlating fertiize practics respsess tlizir applains,thsordr ofiptncwold appear is beSs fAllos: (1) sitsogen rates, (2) potsh rates, (3) liss rsqsirsssents, (4) ige sources (depending on soiT sitsifi- ctinstdies), (5) ptasadsmgnsimsucs. are sspected of being dicient th se of ths double salt, sulst oflpotshsmagsia,smigt b copred o qiln mos of potssimadgmgsiumsderivdifommiateip posh ad anydrous mgiu sulae From liited oservaion mase drig a short trip with1. R. Hunter of STICA is obsrv lbs ssosk An prgrsso aco it appeared tha is Cos Rics tbis plant s being grw with relaivly lslesncirnsforgnutiitiiniorpdiseaecnro.Mc o h imand propagatfing high-yielding soks sa is mking Aelcion of such sok. Unii lbs plass material is esablished, only eploratory nitial eximet should A e atemte aA souds onis.o Considerable tisse ssas spent sisS Gil Chaverri R., Chief silths STICA Chemical Laboratory for ISe MAT, in discssing laborator rgarding lbespace and equipmn resqu~ire for thlyps ofir- sarc pianned for ssa ielboratory. The new STICA SAGl Labor- tory sills mke ailableor fundameta lknowledge of tbe soils isn the difPrn cff-groing secios, including sitsificsain a paiy,exchangscapsaciy,otl passi , cali,mgsiums, and phosphos. Paricular attenion soudbe given to a study of tbs "saiabl" soil potssiums sseihsd now in se. Such inform- tion sill be of valu in eventully formuling fertlizers practicss toinain pimum prduion insilar sil ars. Is setting up fute experimets to~ evauat cffee production rsposes to fessiliser applications, the order of importance wousld appear ss bes follos: (1) nitrogen ratss, (2) potsh rates, (3) ise requiremens, (4) nitrogen scs (depending onsoil nitrif- ctio studis), (5) potashands mgnsism sources, profiabl. F xapl, iasheressboptshasdmgsium potssiumpsandsima gdne s i hsdbommuitesopotshIand aGydrous mgeiusulae Fromlimitedobservtios mddurig ashortstipswith.H. HuntCr Af STICA Is observe Ase work in progss on caca, it appeared tas An Cos Rias this plant is beig grow Ait relativly effor of ths technicas is being utilized is improving methods of propagaig high-yieding siocks and in making scion of sc soks. Unii Ase plant maeris AstasbiAsd, sly epiorstory Cosiderable tims was spet swith Gil Chavessi R., Chief sithe STICA Chemia Laboratory Ior the MAT, An discussing laboratory procedArs and equipment, and smeime wa pen withbChaverri regarding tbe spac and equipmen sequiAd Ior tbe type Afre search plasned fosane lsboraiory. The ssew STICA SAGl Lsbors- An ths different cffe-growing secions, including sitificationca psdlty, exchagescpacity, tota potslsium, cali, manesum and phospou.Pariclrktnio shold begive t s tdy o tbs "available soil psita ssimehd nssw is s. ISc isform- Ios sill be ofsisu is even~tly Iormuling fertiizer prsacs ts masintii opimu producton isn5 sima slares. respossstoifestilizerspplications, thesodersoisimportanceswold appear ts bes fslsoss: (1) ssitssgss sstss, (2) potash rstes, (3) liss ssquisemesss, (4) nitrogen surcs (depending ss ssil itifi- cationsstudies), (5) potshsand mgnsiusouces.ss  A suggestedoutlinfo setigp aitogenpotsh rateeper- Thismen sFolertlsod boooio zatd I s io n*o oh1l 100lo 50o 1 plssioo 0 o spo ss 2spl 2oopop o p yopis f00 50od o so4issol osph h o o 10 p lo Ti *Nitogasosrsapado20s ( s KCL sfofsf~ossi his sholdsberlictedsho reeystiesotaciloctihioan.a leastoocaionhouldbedsdonekon olcanicsoloanoneo on imentargsopiEahoshfol osof i reih.re Thi shoolstd oln pfod settogu aos ntoe-oah rat exlpsers - men oi coffe folowshpo Pod sioo osogoos Treatment os hFdrtylifzhtdon*o Numbed sol soK20l ppisioo 50psd s 1opl 1oopspso ds yspioioo 00 p 50d o 2yos gsi00 so50.Nooioiooy splhgh d3 4h00l b50pidi os io ilp~.Ti 4 100 100qoofllososolos.hssooo 5od 20p 1sps00ool os sliolosos oppiso sold b repoote thres time of eachd lionanda lestoso lhocosslholbsed-sono volcanosicoilandoone Tiseimenodiryssoldichlot shouldcknssof ioreh t toes bufferedonooeachpd oned owhsofftrps.Tharaudrts A suggested outlineforsetigpaniogn-poash rateepei- 2sl ospopossd soyspodoo 200 pood o ooyoo oogo00o sof50Nssoos psssopyo oo so 1osoodoppoiohoososoo 0s0losTi 5ssoooodloo00poososhos 1oAo 00oolo oTois shouldsbeoreplochtedlthreeotiys atdachoocatooioadat osei entaodsssholdoacot sohouoooossosxo hsooos bufferedsonoeacohsd yonrowoftoes.Th araudrts  The STICA Laboratory--Piant and Soil Analysis R.TY~ bildig an~d~ deeopn a eeac rormfoh codcenteLaboaoy. The building cotan abu 0,000 sqaefe i two flosFg. 1). The first is devotd tosaple The STICA Laboratory--Plant and Sail Analysis he0~ wrtrsre scnutn npann e codcedi h Laboratoy. The building cotis bu 6,000 Fqaefe n w los(ig. 1). The firs is devotd to saple The STICA Laboratory--Plant and Soil Analysis he 0 write sere~dg ascnutn npann e 000 buiding an deeoig 0 a reerhpomo h STICA~ Laoaoylctdo h apso h nvriyo ot RicFg0. 1aoatr uldn a c oeda d noa to Asapar o th early phaof tfhiswok, afertlierscholwa 0el fro anuary 7i0 to1.I a teddb 5mmeso YTICA, MAI, and variou comerial inerst. hcurea suggestd by Layburn L. Larson, th subject mate develped As ap~,artoftharlyphas ogf thswok, gagrilizerschol1as sgggsted by Laybourne L. Lasn th subject mattrdveoe STICA, AI, an vaiucmecal interest. Tecus a suggeste by Layburn L. Lao, th subjec atr eeoe  adybprebented b wie, and a unin tanionbto panib made~b by Gil Cbaverri. They infomaio wasby~ releasebd inmieo cusonad 10yage of y supemnay comments.' Muchyofbtbe inoratonprsetd wasbb a~~ reie byor those wh hd takeny they stnadcriuu narnm a h nvriyo ot ia whbicb tend to be bygroscopicor incompatible bn mixtubres, buty is shown by they following dat in wyyhicb bhe bygroscpiiyby bhumidity was determyyine by Elemery Byyyyyyy forinstjctona use du~ingytbebferiizerschbol. by~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e centb yyby~yyyyyyyyy ybbbbi ydbbj Materiabl Gra, useybbyyyyyybby bb~fyy bb d N crease byibd, bb bb~bby yybby~yy~ yybby~ybyb ibdybbybdurn they~b bbybybbyybbyby~bybbiyb.bbbbybbbbb firstb 24bdyb Inbs. Ammoniub bylat by .02yyyyybyyyjybbbyyyyyb~ bbb yy Nugreen (urea) 10 .07bybybbb~bbbbbbdybbbbb~ andypresentedbybybby tewiead abrunningbtranslation tobSpanib madeybb by bib Chbverri. The jybybymabybyb bybyb relbased bymieo grapbedbform inypanibbbad consbitutedy17bpagesyofformalbdis- bybybsionbbyand bbypages o supplementryy commentsbb.' bbbbbbbbbbe inforymatioyn presented wasbabreviebborbbbosebwboybdtakenytbe standard curriculumybb inbbagronymy atbth University of CostabbRica; bybjyb tend to by bh~ygopco incompatibbe in mbixbture, b is shbyby by bbhe bfollowing data by byhibyh tbe bybyroscopiiyo bhum~idity byay determyined by Elemerb Bornemiszabb fo istucioa usebduringbbhebferbbizerbsbhoo. by~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e cybbjbb yyyybblbbbybb ybb ybbbbb~entyj bbdbbbby ~y yyby ybybbybbybbybyyby bybyfbyyby byby Nbyb moiby stubye Mateibybyd Grams usebbb bbbbbb~ yb~bbb yiyd increaseyyb bybybybybybyby ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~duin theyyybbbbbbb.bb yyb yyyyjbbbb ~ yyy dbyybyd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~fis by byb yyyh rsb.yyyyb yybbbb bbbb yy Ammonium sulfate d 10 yyyyybyybbbylybbyby~yb~.0 andpresented bybhe wrbte, ad a rbnbingytransbbtibnbtoySpanib madey~b by Gil GCbybybyby. Tbe inboratio was bybyyebbsed by mieo ifai onybbb presented bybyb by rybviewb for bbbsb bybyo bad taken tbe standar curriulumy i agronomybbbbyb~y atbbbebUiverbsiy ofbCosta Rica; bybiyb bybyd tobb b yyboscbbyic br ibycomptblby eb in mixtubybybbys, butyb wbicb by virtuey ofy their yb lowbbyb trnpraionb costsbb ar eltvlyeo noia bbbuiboyntbet bbbbbbA eaml o tediffibbbty bhumidity byab determbined by Eblebyb Borneiszyforinsructona byitybyd, Gram usebybbd incrkdeyaseyiib bybbbyy byyybyybyyy~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~urn thebbb yyyby yy yyy yybbbbbbyy yy by d~~~~~yy, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fis by hbybbb b byb ybsbbb.bybG yyb~ Ammonium sell te 10 .02byybyibbbybbbdybb~bb  fatrr mut e baeuly cnider whe cobining maral th a poeds rapidly. The problem is Aurtherggrae by lak of~ lc lb avalbe codtnn maeral suc as doloitilme the Ald MAI building. The laoraoy prject wa edd by Lino Af equipmen, incluing aPerki-Elmer fame photomete, per- mibted cniable iprovmen. OIth sveaIlboratoyprject une ai July of 1951, the onsAeeiig Ah otateto symptomsl~ of anorality, and extensio sevc nlysis ofoil The rslbso thes ldy invstgaions shold be gile much crdit1fr te rpid advaci Aprica use9 of mao ad seodary elmesin frilizers aidlsprabs.Apfily Aomlete detaiedre alpliatinA of resarc finings'Thistype ofurvy ctlolgues a descrbes the significn ilA I vaiaios ha eis, wich~ allw re- search to procee on II 6an intlllen ba 61 Aihu h og dlay uully assoillated wih opletio of11 lare resbyigly daled pojel along reated 91nes ha1e bell pulshed.' Creati of poucivity wihlafanlysliadlisldebiciencysymptomso 257 FEbTILEyLANDSAOF FRIgNDSHIP fapure, mtbcarfullylosdrdf ncmiingbl materia~b ls th a proceed raidly. The prolbl is111 futhr ggavte by 1a1k of lclly ava11 ilabecninig material ucba doloiic jlm- Ptone, ibstia organic1 wasteb or even - dry sand the olA MAT buildig. Tbe laboratoy project was 1headed by Lino Vicar1ol. GAl Chaer as i immdiate charge Af the staf Af ten If equlimen, inluding aPerkin-Elmerfl9me pbotometer, per under way in July of 1959, tbe one riving 61e motttnto sympoms of aSbnorma~ly, a exeso seric aalysis of soil ad lvs a anaidoniidua5l1 groer. Tbe re6lt Af thbse ely invesigaion shldl be gill mc creditll fo herpid avnc in pratia us of majo and seconary coniac so~lbllAlllil survyo the Meseta Central, the maorcffe apblaino resar finding.' Ti typ1Isrvyllltalgues a decibe the siican oi~lviaton thatl exisb wichI Ially e uully aoi1atwthcopletionoflrgeareaybyghly dtiled invntoy survy. lbllIbAAI1A~~~l Ealy work yAthe lbryrslted nAsleionlbftheourt pn itlea f1om the1 bn o tll fe b ranc b as p tbb he. C n to1 Ae pollctedfor nalyis. Resulsofis worand6at ofthcoffe Aatrr utb carefuly cidered whben comining material the airprocedslrpily. Theprbleis fuher ggravatedylak oflollyailableconitionigm1aralssuchadlomit1i im- lb1 olA MAT building. The labortr llpojec w6ashae by Lino ViAario. AilCaerias in immeiate chage1of1hesaffofte Af equipmen, inldinbg aPerkinle lm photomete, pe- under way in Jly Af 1996, tbe ons eciig them11199 enio temticll by seo ad age, 1t1e anlyi of coff1 la soing Tbe re6lt Af Alls ely invsigations Ahudb givln muchb appliationo esac findin6g.' Tis type Af sury catalgues Iad Aecie 196 signibfiatl variat1ons thbt exi, whicb al1wsre searcb to procee 9 anegen6 basi wiu 161 Iong delay uullyassoiated ith copltig ofla gasby gldiled Ealy work by the labortr 1 esl6 e in selet1 o of the~lb fourb IaifthI la fromd the i end 11 of 1 the bIIA cofe 95c1s h oetob colllecte f1o1 aalis. Alslt Aol Ai pwork lA CIdthaIoAthAcofA proealongyrlatdllfiIine ae lenpblid.lyrlationo  abnormaliyisaccptbleforhe maoityoflments s h ei teueothsto s aseicey to b goesshssssss Soil anaysis wssfoundbi hiagenrls cagoyssa sevieol. Analy Isis sospsadxhaseal lpasslium, soils ofreatively high caio exchangecapaciy asmajoityfsthe Adeterm iios fal int tshe indefinite intermdiate srange where is isnssybtgrsorttosenea recomendaions rasigop crtrosflciuspplyswthctisis,swll bdsussd Analysis for availabhe phosphlors ssas msleadin in i stn Cffee has srssarkabheability to extssct adequat phsphosfo sils, hut apparently thi sis nottru fo ost agonmcros Studies onyhsphorus fsstilization prsent asrsl chllenge for the ftr.Phsphorss, sissy swih sinos elements, probably hlds the anwrt he neplad prproduciviyA oceaissagrsnosic Laboratory sdies iiatesd by ft write specifsicalyfosil and csspf osta Ricasincldedthefollowig: 1.The sffisinc yof cnsios fuensis 4. Bsuilsyo depleto soy potsssydhshors Ansisne 5. Plant srh rseres and coffee production. Althughyprog sssorus studesws limited byindequate facilitis is the old laboratory, by previous commimentsf peson-s nelssoshscomletionsfsthewosk alredyunderwy,ady he confsionlomigadrstalshment insthsnewlboratory, cosderableprgresss i crtin rs sillss pssbl. abnormlity issacceptable fort sajriy of elemens if fth dehh- ciencsy, excesss, roiity isextreme, butsmuch issto bedssirei th seofts to as seicetgrowes. Soils anlysiss s An to be is thissam geea catesgory asa servietoo. Alyssyr H andexhgablepotssiu, clciu, determinationss fall Ant t indefiite Antrsdiate sange where is is ncssay torsorttogeneralcomdaos foriagsigou ssawhol. Thes someis dictionfthat pisnotan adequates criterionsfsliusuppyly witshai soils swll beisussed Anailysis r alble phsprsy ssas msleading An mst in sl lstacoh aious soisevntuhs as raglosexraclhss CoAfse has remarkable aly Ao sexsract adqu thsphorus Iro soil, butaprnls hi snttu fo os a grnoi crops5 5. Studies on phsphorus ferizto resen aeal haleg sh for the I futur. Plhshors, alossg wibh minoss elements, probably holds the Lasotory studies inlsiateA by thss writer syecifically Asr sils and cssosftCost Rica includdfth following: 2. Iffec ofAxces fetlie anionh Afthlecigossofntet crosping to cffee 5. Pban starchrsesad coffeeyprduction Altbhough yrogrsso variosstdies ssas liisd by inadequate flities ithlb labatory, by previous commitmen of peryso- Ass t Ah copleso of Ahe work aleay under way, ad by thes Aonf ssionmvn a-A r-estblishment An th news laboratory, cniderabl progss etinrs sl s ssihbl. abnormality Aisacyeptable fort mayshiy Af elements Af thedef- cienc, exces, ortxiciy iss eteeAbtmc is s o beA desird in Soislsanl~syss sltb in thsg s ysgneaategri s a servicetool.Alsishfospandiexcangeableptssiumsacum asd magn scalb jusfe a~s ysrvcebusevnsithtse sis ofrlativell hA cao Adsags apassstd a maiy sof Ah s a ol. ATer ws someincai o thp iss As t an As saequaste crierin oslciusupyly wih ceaisols,sillbesussedA Analysis Asr avilable yhsshosus ssss msading An mst is- stncsfo hsarisu sssse thougshsassageyosextrctass wa CofA as emarkabl abh ility to extac asdequate Isphorulss fIo ssdls, Asss yyssssstly thAs isssssru ormotagonmsros Stdss onspssphrusy fertlizathirsentsssssas ss chlleng sfosth future. Phossprsalongywithssminorbelemen sh oay hls thes Labsssssy sudis insitiateA by Ase ssritss spssifislly fosis h2 s sAec sssxcssfertilzeraiosn s A la hlsss As nurin A. Tssxiiy Af biure sss uretocofee I.Bilu Ass syssleto osfssssyssisus ayn s phshrs insisssder Althosgh yssgssss ss sarssus stud~iss sss lissitsA by ssaseqssts fliis insthel laborstoy, bypreis commsitmentsfypso- nelstobthescoyletionsofltheworbsaay sssdss ssy, andby the cofsiono ssssisg a sssestasbhbenss is Ase ssss labssstssy, considerableyssgrsssin csrtainassssllwsssyssibl.  lowcoper ni ontgeninCot ARica. Hydoly faa t ai inthe aious siswsrpid, adniifiatinproced microbiolgical aviy. The ned o lime wa ad An some isancA. Voatile A loss of l amnafoura astp-dessd i th manrcomny employedfrcfe was no rcgnzat Magnesiu defiieny, whlc As quit widesprad Ancrai ra and shos p espeally Aon cofead citru, has bereofor bee mgnesiu sulfate An fetlze asfey fao As quieomo Af mgnea As no anetatd maeral. It care only 27 per cetMgO aA compar d eryl100percet o tehnca maIgne ale exen, priarily beause Af its excelln mixig ocndilio- ing qulitie in ferilizer. The cocetad phosphate and iate ofpoassu areA llusdasyet. Popsalsforerilrratoincrasentienteficeny have suggestd that mgnsuoxd be subsitute for th sulfateand tbaIheuefammoium ulatebereucd asAmchasposl. Cloride coud be redce by thb us of thntates a phopate ofpoassu ilftlte coudAb procure atcstpproachig econoyof bhe souce. Thepriary r ason for teaoesggestoni therellatv leaching lossta ay beepectd fro Ah use of crain ma- terial. Bas suha alu, magnesAum, potassiu, andam W754 FERTP~iPAILADpOAFIEDSI THE, FFICENC OF CONVERSIONIF UREA~ IN SOILS nraly except whePe sol pH Pas so low a A IAAe Aiiigt micrbiolgiaI acivity. The Aed Aor lime was indicted Ansm the AAne Acmmny Pmployedfrcfe I as not rcgnizeda Magnesiu defiieny, whicb As quite wdesprad Ancrai ra and Ahow up especally on cofeand citAu, Ias heeofr bAeen coretd by Ahe As of mgnesium sulfae iA n act, inclsio of sum oxide, aothe Iorcf ferilize mgnum onth akt ing qualbtie Pn fertlzer The cnetated pbospbhae a nitates Pfpasu are I li used ai Pet.IyP suggested lba magnesiumoide besubsituted for the satan CAloiA uld beP rducd by Ihe Pse Af tPe PitatLs ad phosphates The priary Ieso Aor th abvesggesion As the Peative lachbng losstat baIy be epectedfromthbPuePfcertina- teias.Ba uhas a iumPagnei,poaAsu,andPam- lo cos pe ui of niroe Pn Cosa Ria. Hydrolysis Af re to amnai Ah ariou sols wa rpid, adntriation proceede nomlly ecpt whrePsi pHIas olow a tobeAimtigAt mAiroiolgiaAl aviy. The ned for lAme waidtd Ansm EFFECyTI I OF Es FERTI~L AIONS AN THE, LEACAHIG and shows upspcill on yofe and citus hasheetfoeIPe correcte bAy th Pseo ageiumsuate;in actili2npof maniumpOuateAinfer yliasaIafato isquie cmm- Aeven AAAAAPAII ghnmgnsuAefcecymynt ekow oeistASate ing qulities An ferAlize. The cocetatdphosphate ad nitrates Cbhlrde couid Ae reduce by Ihe As of th d pbosphates of potasiumiAhel7attr oldbe prouratcotsppachig ecnoyofhrAsource. The pAmary rason for Ae above suggesiosisteA eatv laching losse tat may Ae expecte Aro the As Af cain ma- teri Hals. Baseuhaclciu, mgnesiu,passimana-  mnaaehld agains leacbing from t sol by the cation exhange comple. The commo anon-slate, chlrid, ad nirat-ar elaivl fre to move withoil atr exyepti tat by an ~ anion exhag mehaism Anyyofeeain upyled to them Cloidehan sllfts whic are11 utilizedloly alte keptlnt by plnsa 1opare to l quni usull plied have hav aI binit efec ondyl theA cosrvto ofI bas byb the cationp Allire b the plant.ilplpllll Fortnably the maIo los io calcum pan elmn ba can fb reley te s ofk cahlic ie af rlilyl eomicl maly- mna arhed agis Ileaching fbo the sol by fth cation by an aio exhbg mechnism. Any of1l teeains supyledt surac soil hy do o mov al bt ary ixtue obth aalablebasel-lllllcm mgnium,y potassium ammoia-i exetby plnt acopared to quantity usually apbied, bave very dbfinite efectonh volllulssofbase. A Rdcnthelqua- iyo hs aAAion aPsll muh a psilell lyI inkepngwtheonm offelizr orc atrily admiimmplnprqurmetwl havel~ Ia definit efec kn th osatinoaeytecto bexchlaby f h boillwerbthyillbIrainedunylsuhktm-a reirekyA h plllant.lyklyklllbllllll Forbgbatblle ajor llosifclu elementha ca til i l-lglAl Costa bilk exep Pil ouli gdreswhrtasprato abd Aotlssim. borlly lgg ss bof magknesium yis not iprat itel, a lim-aneiu limesone Al t in Cost Rica1 mbI aei umy mus be sulie b1lAyl imprt Subitio ofA mansu obxidel ybog the sulha bee sugete beas t111 bbis cheaer pe unAitlof agnsu1 adcrre1 ono to11 promote~ AAleyachn Iloss ofbase- The amelbappli in te ecmmede sbsition~lp Allterfom o itrogeny for sulfat of am i a-wic a rre sulat ions, bIlI a s boiaehld agais lahig krll the soil by Ale catio excange compyb. The como anon-sle chloide, a by an anion 1 exhng ecib sm. Any Af bhell anion supplied to sufc ol Ahey do not move alone but carry a ixur Af tbe them1. Clori Iad slfate, wichI are uiblize oly tollimited exten by plbnt as compared to quantity Isllby ayplie, ball a lely deinli effec on thAlum loss1 of1 lbases. Peducingb fheuan bfftlyAier surcel atels ad inb u pl antreuibb nt wbiglb~ ill exchanlge of Ale sil, where1 theylIwill be etinedluntill uch tiea reiredlbylbheplalt be replaced by the use If clciclime1, alaiely economial1m- teriIa l ac exceyt in oulying 11111 whbere transportatIll cot aehih The rel clAsd b I bfor concern istelossl of aei-m and1, potasium.11Normalltlos of11 magnesiubi nol Pi portantl1 mustlbeIsppbliedby imprt.Sbsbitultion lflmgneiumloidelfor thbIslbatehbsbeenIsggestbed Ilkbeasiti happeryluitf m1anesianlarIeslnabonobrmobleahin blos oflbases. Theb samel aplies II in the reomedd hAsitto oA f other bigbs offnirgnfosf~~ate fmia-hibries ulfaeionslas compared, to~ urag b and 11 ammniu nitrt or to~ nta of calium,  256 FERTILE LANDS OF FRIENDSHIP ent mixtures were added. They were incorporated in the moist soil, allowed two days to react, then slowly leached during the next sev- eral days until ten inches of water had passed through the column. Addition of materials was at a rate approximating present recom- mended field practices, based on the concentration existing at the zone of placement, except for nitrogen which was used at one-half annual rate because this element normally is applied in split applica- tions two or three times a year. The nutrients supplied in combination with high chloride and sulfate were added as sulfate of ammonia, muriate of potash, ordi- nary superphosphate (simulated by mixing monocalcium phosphate and gypsum), and sulfate of magnesia. Those in combination with low anions were supplied in equivalent quantities, but as urea, monopotassium phosphate, magnesium oxide, and monocalcium phosphate. Some of the data are reported in Table 1. A complete report has since been prepared by Miss Ana M. Ramos L. in fulfillment of thesis requirement at the University of Costa Rica.' The marked differences in leaching losses are readily apparent when percentage losses in the "High Anions" column are compared TABLE I.-RELATIVE LEACHING LOSSES FROM VARIOUS SOILS UNDER LABORATORY LYMMETER TESTS COMPARING FERTILIZER MIXTURES WITH HIGH AND Low CONTENTS OF SULFATE AND CHLORIDE ANIONS* Percent of Application Leached Potassium Magnesium Sulfate Soil High Low High Low High Soil Description pH Anions Anions Anions Anions Anions Volcanic Heredia 5.7 75 10 168 29 89 Turrialba 5.6 77 10 130 18 48 Semilateritic Alajuela 5.1 14 5 42 9 10 Sarchf 5.6 18 5 19 9 23 Lateritic Turrialba 5.2 16 4 30 9 10 San Isidro General 4.9 74 6 45 7 51 .No nitrate was added and nitrification did not exceed 3 per cent of the added (NH4)2SO4 with high anions or 10 per cent of added area with low anions during the 6-day period of these leaching tests. ent mixtre lb r a11 dded. Theybb wer ioporated ib the mostild, lllowedtwo dytoract, henlowy leacd durig thebnextse- AddUibno matia~lsbwaslt aprte apbbximig prsentreco- menlded fid praices, based lb thb concentration exitig at the zone ofplacement,lexceplfrlitrogenbwhihbwslusd at one-hlf annal at beaus tis lemntnoraly is ppliedinl appia bhelnutientslspplid in cobinbation bilh igh chlbrbde and narlysuperphospbate (simulatbdby miing moncliumlphopate and gypsum), andslfatebof mgnesi.bThosincobinationlwih lo nos eespplied in ebuibvaln buantties but asura monolpotassim phospbhaemgnesiumoxid, andbmonolciuml psphatel. snebeeb prepared by Miss Abl M. Ramosl L. ib flbiblln of bbe mar~ked difkrenebin~b lachinlose are1 realdily ayppbrent en itrswr dded. They well incorporated in the bist soil, llobed tbo days to beall, bhen slbly labhd duing Ale next sevl el dyslbuntil ninchs o waber hadypassdthroughlteblumnl. Addition o lb eral wasb at al rall apoiaingpesnrcm bended bied practicesb based lb lbthe lb l concntrtio exsin bth anaraebcaus thislehment norbaly is apylplieinsl applic- The butribnts suppld in cobmbiion witb high cbloide abd low11 ion h ell supplldbild l M eqivlb L quniis butbasurea, bhb marlked differences in lhbing losses are readily apyarent whbnpercentagelosses in thI "Highbdins colum are11 comparel~d  ATHE TIAAAOY-LN AN SOI ANY, I H, 57 tb thos in Ahe "Lo Anin" oun.I vre fro te by twel fo agnsu.Rtniy sa miatino severlcoriefA (AlaueaTialb)ymasapoorinal H educe poftential-o moemnIo ases Ths rtnion ofbsulai efnl alibite proesslwhchbndb cotined sebf sltsllsoo beyas Th ffect obf tateplerfre by nitifcaton in excessA ~ crpanbtwe e fft of firte an other form of ntroge exstl eaysh pombatio of pi. paofnate bpans, ilogicalfixtinb microorapism,ndafpdrte of conver siAifca AAt forsnysisbt js f ite by nr Afor ils hav uakeA~ Af ntate niAoe shobl at aplictionA. 'A Ths itAA allar tha futureII fild1 tests shold planned yaroundA th s f ala ad Iamoiu nirate plA uer. shae m THESTAgABORATORY-PLANT A SI ANALYSIS ,5 Aofthr catio bxhag capacty, pHl, andt retnto Af t sate ion. Any hi renion tendeny for Aulfa by asi (Alajuela,P Turala mans a proportionally reucdpotialfor movemntAofbas.ThIAiAretentionoAslatisdefnAtey alimted Adcs, hc underA co~tine g use dof slates Aio b atil he efft ftrate daplie Pol forme by ntiaion, in AxAes- of pant uptawl prote lechn id AtAe ae manrate solbl anins bis does ylAAPA~y no en oeeta ajordis hiApa byAPA between efetoAirt Pndohrfrso itoe exstAauseAhe cmbationofaplid pakeA fiate yants, biologiAA fxtiondy mcoraim and arapateoovr sin f diPmotac itrogp Ao nta intemjrt Afsiso Capia lIargely re mov Ah prcilA difrec ~benay andt pammponi igumA~ nitbat pn thisount The diffeArAentipalearateoAitayteversus amnateAis siniant f sandy A soils but fy Altl conernforsoishav ynug to ppAvntAapiAsingo teil.ithyIeepao aclslaspactial. The actual acceptability ofa pratice Af reducto Af aion must bAe sife by coAtnuAu bAAl obsrv- tioslopcrpAyeld th quialecefydielb n hiiial tae of suhftessi an be assrdtabubil ftiet baesiypr- ceeding AiAhesi adanultmatAeutoninapliAcatino fertiAzers i beAeconomicalIt illrquiresevealAIyars toesi- mtthe full al ofsuh a progra. THIAABRATpARAY-PAASOIAALYSI AA 57 Af Ahich are cato ecange cayacily, yH, a t reenio of teslat .Ay higpteto tedec for sulfate by asi (AlajueafTuala) eas proporioaly rduced potta for moeeto ases. Tis retino sufte As deitely aimited hied and Aill awlacAhingtoprocedyaannersiiaotat ofsls wthltbftl pa t Heredia,fo eam~ple. ftm- moniaa losPi proporton approcigy hs o h other A Abase Th efcto nPitrte A aplie olr fome bynitrificao, Anecs solble anion. ThlA AoeA not mean, hoAAveA, tat a maftdi- biologial fixtiAoA by miroanisms, and a raid rate ofcnvr sioAofammpaclnitroentfntat ite ajoy of soio enugbt prevent raid fluhing ofM th ftil With tre, pasture, or bAAdcrp wit a wel-vlofped root systAPP, teiPsAery efficien uptakeAfAiateA itpAgen bhorly Iae appliaton. Thusit yypar at AutAr fieldtest shudbeanne~daroud Ath AIse o H Are PAd amoimnate, tripAe superpopate, am- moimpopeptsiumyy phoyA sCpyhyatean agAAesiumoxd as closely aspactal.Il The acua acceptabliy AA yaA Arcieo reductio Af aions must lejutifie by cAAtinuouA fild Abea tAonsAof opyild. With quiaAencofyieldAitinitiapsage Aof IAAA A suhtssi a easreAhatPAAldupof y tAiAC aseispy- ceeing An the soil ad aPbliaAe redutio A in appaion Af fertiiersAwi1beAeconomia. Iwill1requirAAseveralyeAIars o st- mPaeIhefllaluePofAsuchAapgamP.  fo ue udermosodtionsbuttiroraielyigh ost is limiting. Cerai o ils bof tho est Cenra oh v shlown apH mucb tion by aluminumo, iroo, or certain oranoic base. The available cal- ciu bnteesisi oo despite pH Af about 6.0. Underosuoh condiio reacivoy of lim woldbeow, and aoreal calcium do- ficieny might stil exs for aoperiod eve afeopplicto bof lbme- stn.Calcium nitoate ould serve to supply a redily availble sourceofoolciumopendigoimefor applicons of lime obom e effectvon thoe exhago oehaoism. A maroked inceain oifl susopensiono ofteoo indicateo sifican exchanoobogeoble alumooinum. Tho valueoofbhydrated limeoasoomoopardogoudlisone houlod be Nitateo of soda, iof in quniy, soulod be give specialon-o sideration to preen undesirblbe physical effects on tho soil. It shoold preooot oo problem ooboo oddod to mixed fertilizsor when uood olooo if ot otber times of the yooo appreciable aooooos of moixed fertilizeor ar pplied.Nitrateofosoda souoldbeavoded for useowhereoprimarlyonitogenoisoosd year fteroyea, becoauster willobhenbeagrodua onversoionooboofthn orml alium-mgnesium claysooooodium loy. Wboonbhohppoooofoooooombostootoooof theoooilowilbeodesoooyedoodkoooosolilbomeoooooioo, plaotoo, andorelatively impermeoble owatero. Past experience withboona ooils iodiootoo boOt th 000 toko plooo io o oelaoiooly sorot tiooo Biuret, a comopound knownoo 0produce toxicity symptoms in cer- tain ploots, consoists of twoo oleculeso of oooo connected by the loos of oneoammoiaobmoll. Apparentlyotisiformeooodfinouraoaso resultoofheating during prllig pocessesousdby maufacturers toondition 0000 foofertilizerousoge. The ouggestion boot certoin paterofo 06100 coosio of coffee Thereo has beenooooomuch or or the rea vaoleofonitateoff forus under osto conditonso, boo their relatvely high ot As limitiog. Certainosolsooo ooooofbteMstaCnrloaeownboaopHmuch theofsoil I bo touh thabtothis may beotbreulofo portiol satura- 00o by0 al0mnum 000n,0 o taorgan~oicbases. Tho availablecal ci o i bn thes soff i low despite a pH of aboot b.0. Underoucb conditionsooeocivity of booo ould be loo, ood oo rea calcium do- bficieny might stil existfoooperiodoevenofteroppliaoof booe stn.Cacu nitoate obo oulod soooo to supply a readily avaolable sourceooofolcumpendingotm or ooppbiaoonooofflieoooobom e effecion thebexchangomechanis. Aomarkedinceaseinfoil acidity ao meooooood io neutra sa soloono as oopae o te valueoofydratedflimeoascoparedogoudlisonehouold be sideration to pooveof undesihobbe physioofecfls on t0ho soif.I soold preoent no poobboo ooboo addod to mixeod fertofer bor wohebo 0000 aoneo i f atoe btooos ofo 6000 yerppreciableountsoofo mixoed fertblozroarepplied.Nitraoeofooda sooldbeooofded fo cloy oaooodium clay.When thisboppensotbeoorumb stouotureof th obolowillfbedestooyedoandbthefsoflwibo memassiveo, plastf, soilo indiootoo thot thoo oao toke ploco in 0 relaobvefy sort tioe of oneoamoniaolecule.bApparentlyothi sformeodfinouoaoaso resultofbheotingdurig pilligpoeooeo usedby manufacturers toonditonureaoforfertilizeruoog. Tbo suggestion thot ceroin patterns of bea 0loosis of coflee foooooooudo osto ondhtooo, boo bheir relatively bogh ostoi booitiog. Coraio oilsoof theokMesetaoCentlbhveowbo apHlomucb 0100 by ofouoioum, iron,0or cerai Jorganicbases. Too ooilbl cabl-o Aimi hs sboils ilow despite oipH of obout 6.b Undooosuob onditonoooeoooivityofblimeoooud beow, andooooelooliomodo- fiienyomight still existfooaperiodoevenofteropplicaionoflime stn.Calcium obooate oulod soooo to supply 0 readily ooodlabbe soureoofooaloiumopdigimeofor appliootionsoofflieooo bo e ocidity 00 meaooured 0n neutral salt soluotion as ompardood te value00 obo hydboe 00m acomgoibdoo ofgroobb lmsoneo sould. be traoof so0da, ifosd fo quaotdty, sould begiven opecial con- sideratbon to prevent undesioobbe pbysical effecots obh oil A It sould presenoonoprobbemowfenodddooixd fertlizsooro hebo used aone if000 other 0times of toe year ap6p0ecob aounts of mixed fertilizroareopplied. Nitrateofsodashould beaoidd for willthebea grodua onveio ofobe oroaol balium-maognesium 0ly tosodioum cloy. Wboo thbo hoppens tbo ocrumb stoocture of tbe soil will be destooyod aod tbo oil wilf beome massive, plostic, sodos indkicae thot th 000 take place inoarolaooey sort booe Biurt, omopound kownoo 0produce toxicity symoptoms in er- tanploots, consists of twoo moleboobo of oooa onnectod by tbe loss of one 0mm00i0 oloecule. Apparently th hs foormed in oooo oso reutof beatng during prilbbng pooeooes oooo by maooofocfuoero toonoditonooreaoforoferoilierooog. Tbe suggestion boot cetoin patterns of boaf coosis of coflee  thyneptlishe S b orerl ndryhl CffePrjet fbacoring 06 Pl r ,ld 6ra-ou1 61 3301 8% b06iuret~ l11 31 rlledlbd p urea-Source B 3.0 PlllO 11.lled~113ll urea-Source C lbill1.63 p Cryps33ta ll plll ure 0.36 ~ l01 C eagen urea31111 0.00611 1151p11 Thekdlql va ~ lIblll~lue on o h ifrn aeilaredqitebwell 31111guarantee and11 pulise rpors As a furhe lbec soeo the 311 maeilleeoreurnd bto cainmal uabtuyprI forylp abora-l toychc. h vabI~ l ues obtalllined heI C L aboratoryll were plsni ated From thesd l nayb e 0, t3 03, 0.0, en CO, t bi3ur11 et wals prsn0p111 3 prcn i eti sd~bd~llllll ales oflarel aalble forll 0110a 611e 013 Co 110 pica. 1111he o ir 1 111111 thpwt fcofe pltlo theilloliodofisppignicly~llbl~ afece1hs1o1be deerind 1010er 11116 apparnc 1111f ch1131lsily ltpid growe- could coreat with a1 bglien~ sorcIf material would resul in is-16 mlightbethl rslt of biurtloxlicylaslfrst mdeby Harld Mowry.O 11101 maeilbthoghtootain1 biuret1prodce3lorosisll then establshd by worlkerslunderth CIoffe Project but according STICA Laborltlly 11111d 161 folloing 111111611611111,et Crystallrea 0.36 Reagent area 0.0006 061 values found for 101 33011111t ma1111111 agreed 3131e 110 lory check. 00he1 valus1obaine by 16e STICA Labloatoy were present up to 3.00pe cent in1 certaisamplslflueaalabl 316111 3011113113. However, ay appearance of 16111111s that growers cou dllllldlcrrlaewih inlyurebo mabil uld ryspltindis plants were1t1eted3wit60,602,0.4, 0.8,6, or160 grams of ur 631111 1111111011n per plant. 061 applicaon was spOl into two por- t11on1 an ppidlnelmothprt.A nw luo leaves wasljust breaking 611166111 th 11d nl plnts 1116 the 1 time 1 ofscn pplica- tonI,preseing an idelopplortuitytoinessthelffec. Photo- 611a0111 0111re of these plnt appear in Figures2, 3, and 4. Theeffon theOI eleaves waslmrkdnd vry api,epe- cially at the three highestlevl of1 treatment1. Even the effec of the 1611 1111601613d by 111611111311161h Coffee Projct 111t 611orlding symptom. Subsequent analyses~l~lI ~ ofvrossucsolureaby the STICA Laboratory showed1 the flling contents of6631110, Crystal urea 0.36 Reagent urea 0.0006 with guarantees 113 publbishd repots As11 1 a 161thr 6cecksom of tory checkC 001 values obtained by the STICA Laboraloly were 11601111016ed From 16111 anlyses 011 waIpparent 1611 63111t was prlsentuplto 3.38 prcenti cer1ain sapl l of1uea 3vaiabl1fo 311111i113. However, any appearanc of 11111131s 611t growers to get b61011 understanding of the order 110 development and dis- appearance of symptoms on 111016, the soils of sixpotted coffee plat were treated with 0, 0.2, 0, 0, 1.6, or 3.2 grams of pure 6b111et insoutio per p1at 1680 applicaton was spli into two por- tions and appld one month par.AIII~I newflsh Ifeavs 1asIus breaking from1th 1611 on3 ll plInt at 16he tme of secon13 applica- tonI,presentig1aIidealpportiyl t o1owtesteefc. Poto- grahsof hre oteseplntsapearinFiue 6112, 3,1110 . 061 1010c 11101111611111111111613rked113dlvly rapid, espe- cially at the three highelvls3 of treatment 61116101 Ih ffcf 161  ... , t Figure g,-Young coffee plant Figure R.-Young coffee plant figure g.-Young coffee plant Iwo months after treatment with two months after treatment with two months after treatment with 0.8 grams of biuret. Nate deep 0.8 grams of biuret. Note deep 0.8 grams of biuret. Note deep s corrugations in leaves and oaugations in leaves and corrugations in leaves and chlorosis of leaf edges and chlorosis of leaf edges and chlorosis of leaf edges and between veins between veins between veins , r " _sc Ir rvx i h Figure 3.-Young coffee plantFigure 3.-Young coffee plant Figure 3.-Young coffee plant two months after treatment with two months after treatment with Iwo months after treatment with 1.6 grams of biuret 1.6 grams of biuret 1.6 grams of biuret Figure 4.-Young coffee plant Figure 4.-Young coffee plant Figure 4.-Young coffee plant two months after treatment with two months after treatment with two months after treatment with 3.2 grams of biuret. Note that 3.2 grams of biuret. Note that 3.7 grams of biuret. Note that old leaves show no symptoms old leaves show no symptoms old leaves show no symptoms of toxicity but that young of toxicity but that young of toxicity bur that young leaves are almost leaves are almost leave are almost completely yellow completely yellow completely yellow S  lowest (0.2 gram toal pplication could be noed. T mildest recognizable2symptom did not00 inov2h1orois2 but waehibited mainl1y as logitudinal corrgato ewe the0 late1al ve0ins suc0a might bepdd2 ya21eaf2hain2g rpid grot between theveins ously to2fudl siz. 001roisofleve022 wenth veins0wa2apparent l2220 were severe20 stunted and com0pletly ch1o0200, rema2in2ing so 2or s222022020bu turning green along 2022 mi2db afte a2bout the2y developed 22om0flu0he postdating tre222en2 by a22002h00 between2 the veinscommoly noted002 inthdfed is2probaly2 the0esu2 of previou effec on2 the new 0 Opve by .22222 treamen atth 0im new2202 flus ofgrowh 0sard.2n2n0instnce,0ven2ith the0ighest treatment2, did any 2le22es 22022 tha those 122 the tender stage of grwt ho ayrepos to2 2022 biuret 00 022eloping a2bnorma1 appeara0ce. 0h222fo22,02 theerr2i development of Oded syptopms is shortene0d internodes, 222220 givth dplan a22 rosete-lke2appear- ance a2branh0terinals siilar insome2ep ects to zid c deficieny. According to220 memer 022 00eCofe Pro2ject, 0122et toxicitypsymp- tom develop not only fro soil applictos 0 bu0 0222 f22 om leaf22 s2prays2 with0 urea contanig biuret. Previous work by the Laboratory showe2d thature was largely hydrolyzed to ammoni within two to 022ee da2ys2underaerg all-ipotan in determinig th0220me lapse 0222000h plant ha2dt ab0rbbir0 ad couldposs0bly accun0fr2hediffrece2otd betwee tests ino the fied In 222 order 2 toesimtethrteofbrak 2lowest (0.2 gram0 total) appliaon coul0d 022 noted. 0022 mildest recogn2izab0e22ympt2m did not 21 invlv chloosi but wsexibitd mainldy as logitdinal corrugatio betee 0 the0 d atra veins0 such as mght0be produced by a2leaf0havig rapid grot 00 tw222 thvin but restricted in the conducting t00ssues2 ofvisad stems2 and at leaf0margins. Thelavsatte o lvl of222222 tre120 e2 2grewvigor- 2222he08 gram level o dtreatment.Yngleaes2t0te2 2gram In no insanc o2 early developmen of c0hlo0ro2is did it en0irely disappea; t a stil2 evident00 on0 affctdO 2 02200s sixmothate they developed from flushes postdating t0eatmen by a2 month or between the0veis commonly notdb i02 thefild is2probably 02222esu22 o2 prevou efec 220n t022 new 0eaves by 0ramn at th time 02a2222 2new0 220sh of growhsartd. In2n instanc 00 eve 0wththhghest treatment did any leave other0han202002 nth ten020der stge of growth 0how any reponse to 022 0iu002 by developing abnormal appearance. 00er22022,02 therai develo2pment o0 Oded s2ymptoms is0shortened interndes2, 22000 give 022 plan 22 rosette-l2keappear- According to2members of2te2CoffeeProjec,0biure toxicity symp- toms22 develp not02 onl f 221 solpplication,02 2 butals2fom02a sprays2 with urea continig 02ure0 Previous work by 022 Laoraory showed 20222 ureawa largely hydolyzed t2 ammoni within 0000 t2 202ee da2ys un0er average condition 20 02st Rica 0702 rateof0ydrolyis2o0biurt2coudbe a0sor0 02iu222 andcoud possibly accoun 2or 022 differece notd dewen0 etsinth ied.I or20002der0to stimat2the2ate2oddread 2owest (0.2 gram total applOcat0o could 022 noted. 0022 mildest 0202 restricted in2 t022 conducin tisue O ve2n an2d stems and at2 at2the 0.8 gra leve of2 tr0ea200n. Youn leve 222 the 2023.2 gram20 0or several 22ee220s buturnig green along the midrib after220ou2 In2 no2 instance o2 early develpmen of c2hloro202 did 0t entire10 disappear 0t was oill evident onafectd 2le22es 022 00on202 afe they0 developed fro flushes podating t0eatmen by Oa mont or02 0222ween ft veins comoly noted in02 Od fed 02 probably thereul 22e0w fls of grwt started. In no instnce eve wi20 2022 highest treatment0 did any 022ves 20100 2000 20222 in the tender2 sta2ge of growth show2 an2y2respnse2to2the2biuret2by develo2pig abnormal2 is probably a reflection2 of the presence222 or2 absence22 of a2 new2 flush of growth2at time f treatment22. Aother22symptom2 til vder22y2apparent22six2months2after2treatment is shortene2d2internodes, whichgive theplant a rosett-like2appea- dccording2 2222202 0202er 0202 thCfferoec, biuret 221020t symp- 22oms2 develop no22 2on20 222om 22212 applications22, 0bu2 a222 2f2om 22222 022222222 wor2kby0h 0Laboratory showe22d0 that22re22waslarge2ly hydroyze2d 22 20022222 22i0222 2222 22 202222 days2 un2der average con2ditons in2(22220Ri2.0Th2222222of0ydrolysis 20 biuret could 022 222-important2 1220222er1inng 20222002 lapse 222202202a pla22t ha2d 22 absorb02iuret22and2coud possiby 22222222 for2the2differenc222noted2 down2of 22 re 022222 com2pare2d 2to22222a,2022222wo2m2221ia2s2222e2adde2d  mscodition foa os lengths of im. Ammoni nitrge and niraesitrogn eredhedeerind snodrtistiaebyffe- enefomsth a mon sf nitrogen ade, less checks, hsw muchs buetoruragitroestil s ntccune sfo. 10Fg r . 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