IL LINO I S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2012. COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2012 "THIRTEENTH CENSUS DEP o F AR C O TM B ENT M E RO OF UNITED STATES: 1910 BUREAU THE OF THE CENSUS ULLETIN E. DANA DURAND, DIRECTOR E ! POPULATION : UNITED STATES STATISTICS OF THE INDIAN r r POPULATION-NUMBER, AND VITALITY TRIBES, SEX, AGE, FECUNDITY, Prepared under the supervision of WM, C, HUNT, Chief Statistician for Population, by ROLAND BoDIXON, Expert Special Agent INTRODUCTION. This bulletin gives the principal statistics relating to the Indian population of the United States and of Alaska collected at the Thirteenth Decennial Census, taken in 1910. The statistics of Indians were gathered in part by means of the general population schedule and in part by means of a special schedule containing questions in addition to those found on the general schedule. The special schedules were used in all the districts =containing Indians on reservations and throughout counties where as many as 20 Indians were returned at the census of 1900. The special Indian schedule contained inquiries, the results of which are presented in this bulletin, concerning the tribal relations of the Indians enumerated and of their fathers and mothers, and concerning the proportion of Indian and other blood. Special agents, most of whom had had some experience in the service of the Office of Indian Affairs, were appointed for the collection of statistics by means of the special schedule. In the conduct of the field work and in the preparation of schedules, the Bureau of the Census was effectively aided by the Office of Indian Affairs and the Bureau of American Ethnology. POPULATION. The total number of Indians in the United States, exclusive of outlying possessions, in 1910 was 265,683,1 and in Alaska, 25,331. Table 1 presents the census figures for the United States and for Alaska sepa- rately for 1910 and earlier years, together with figures for the United States (exclusive of Alaska) derived from the reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Table 1 INDIAN POPULATION. United States. YEAR. Alaska (census Census returns. Reports of the Commissioner of 1 returns). Indian Affairs. 265, 683 279, 023 1910---------...............----.---.--.....---.----.............................. ........ 237, 196 250,000 1900-.... ..........-.................. ............. 248, 253 228,000 1890---..-.........---------.....----...---................................... .-------------.....--------------244,000 1880.--------------------..............----------------............................ 1870.......-----------......----------...--.................------------------------------..... .........-------------278,000 25, 331 29, 536 25, 354 232,996 I Figures are exclusive of freedmen and intermarried whites, as follows: 1910, 25,927; 1900, 20,000 (estimate); 1890, 16,000 (estimate); 1880, 12,000 (estimate); and 1870, 10,000 (estimate). 2 Partly estimated. According to the census figures, which cover the last three enumerations only, the number of Indians in the United States decreased between 1890 and 1900 but increased during the last decade, the increase for the 20-year period 1890-1910 being 17,430, I or 7 per cent. The data from the reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs indicate that the number of Indians decreased from 1870 to 1890 and increased by about the same amount in the following 20 years. these states to the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma and to the Navajos in Arizona. In the case of Oklahoma the United States census total for 1910, 74,825, is very close to that obtained at the special census of 1907, 75,012, and it is likely that these figures are more nearly accurate than those of the Indian Office, which are based on data collected by the Dawes Commission. In the case of the Navajos of Arizona it is likely that the census returns are slightly below the true figure, owing to the difficulty of reaching all the members of this large nomadic tribe; but, on the other hand, the figure of the Indian Office is based on an estimate that has remained practically unchanged since 1905. It appears, therefore, that the figure for the United States as given by the Bureau of the Census, 265,683, is substantially accurate. 81136°-13--1 6-13 The Commissioner of Indian Affairs reports 304,950 Indians in 1910, but this number includes 25,927 freedmen and intermarried whites among the Five Civilized Tribes of Oklahoma, the proper figure for comparison with the census returns thus being 279,023. The 265,683 Indians returned by the census, however, include 18,546 enumerated among the general population, a Iae proportion of whom are probably not included in the Indian Offiie returns. Thus the number represented in the returns of the Indian Office but not in the census returns, comprises, aside from the freedmen and intermarried whites mentioned, 13,340 (the difference between 279,023 and 265,683) plus a large part of 18,546, amounting to about 25,000 in all. Analysis by states shows that this difference is almost entirely confined to two states, Oklahoma and Arizona, and within 13-54-14 8O5581 POPULATION-UNITED 2 In Alaska the number of Indians reported decreased from 1880 to 1910 by 7,665, or 23.2 per cent. The figure for 1890 is probably incomplete, owing to the unexplored condition of the country at the time, so that the increase between 1890 and 1900 may be only apparent. The figure for 1880, though based in part on an estimate, is believed to be approximately correct. It is probable that the census returns for 1910 and 1900 are fairly comparable, but the difficulties of enumerating the Alaska Indians are so great that conclusions from the statistics must necessarily be tentative. It should be noted that all persons of mixed white and Indian blood who have any appreciable amount of Indian blood are counted as Indians, even though the proportion of white blood may exceed that of Indian blood. Since there is an increasing amount of NUMBER OF INDIANS REPORTED ON STATES. white blood, as more fully brought out later, in what is classed as the Indian population, it follows that the number of persons included in that class would tend to increase from census to census without necessarily any increase in the total amount of Indian blood in the country. In other words, while, if there were no marriages of Indians except between full-bloods, a decline in the total Indian population might appear, the number classed as Indian might increase very materially as the result of marriages between Indians and persons of other races. The number of Indians reported on the special schedules (see Table 15, p. 9) at the census of 1910 for each tribe in the United States and Alaska is given in Table 2. The distribution of tribes by states is given in Table 32, page 16, and the Indian population of the different states, by tribes, in Table 33, page 19. SPECIAL INDIAN SCHEDULES, AND TRIBES: 1910. UNITED CLASSIFIED BY LINGUISTIC STOCKS STATES. ' F Table 2 Aggregate .......... Algonquian stock .......... .... Abnaki....... .... Arapaho............... Blackfeet (syn. Siksika).. Brotherton_......-...... ........ Cheyenne..... Chickahominy ........ Chippewa (syn. Ojibway).. Cree ... .................. ...... Delaware....... Gros Ventres (syn. Atsina) --....--........ Kickapoo. ................. Malecite.................. Mashpee ............. Mattapony....... .... Menommee ............ ...... Miami........... Micmac. ............... Mohegan................. Montauk................ Munsee................... Narraganset............. Niantic.............. Ottawa.............. Pamunkey................ Passamaquoddy......... Penobscot ................. Peoria .................... Pequot.................... Piankashaw............... Piegan..................... Poosepatuck.............. Potawatomi ............... Powhatan.................. Sauk and Fox ......... Shawnee.................. Shinnecock................ Stockbridges ........... Wampanoag............... Wea ................. "Algonquian" .............. ., - LINGUISTIC STOCK AND TRIBE. Athapaskan stock-Contd. Tenankutchin............ Tlatskanai.................. Tolowa (syn. Crescent City, Smith River Indians)... -.. ........ Umpqua.............. Upper Coquille........ Wailaki. ..... ... "Athapaskan"......... 40 40 Aleut stock ............ Aleut....... ............. - Number. 247,137 LINGUISTIC STOCK AND TRIBE. Athapaskan stock ......... Ahtena ................... J lApache................... ..... Chastacosta..... Chetco .................. Cow Creek................ Hupa............... Jicarilla Apache_.......... (syn. Ka t o, Kai-Pomo Cahto)................. Kiowa Apache............ Lipan Apache ............ Mattole.................... escalero Apache......... (syn. Navaho).... Redwood (syn. Whilkit)... Rogue River (syn. Tutu- fehNavajo tni)....... ........ i~; .. .. ooo~.o° ...... 40,975 37 1,419 99 172 3,055 115 20,214 459 914 510 348 142 206 1 1,422 226 45 22 29 71 16 1 2,717 83 386 266 128 66 2 2,268 1 2,440 131 724 1,338 167 533 162 4 36 30,406 2 1 4, 973 7 9 9 639 694 51 139 28 34 424 22, 455 76 383 6 Caddoan stock ............ Arikara................ Caddo............... Kichai................ Pawnee.... .......... Tawakoni............ Waco........... .... Wichita....... ........ Number. 1 3 121 109 15 227 1 1, 863 444 452 10 633 1 5 31.8 Chimakuan stock .......... Chimakum............ Hoh........................... Quileute.................. 306 3 44 259 Chimarikan stock ........ Chimariko................. 31 31 LINGUISTIC STOCK AND TRIBE. Number. Kalapooian stock_.......... Kalapooia............. Lakmut-............... Mary's River (syn. Chepenafa)................. Santiam.............. Wapato (syn. Atfalati) ..... Yamel .................. Yonkalla................. 106 5 Karok stock(syn. Quoratean) Orleans (syn. Karok) ...... 775 eresan stock.......... Acoma............... Cochiti........ ........ Laguna................. San Felipe................... Santa Ana............... Santo Domingo......... Sia............. ..... 897 315 40 26 242 274 Chitimachan stock ......... Chitimacha............... 69 69 Chumashan stock .......... San Luis Obispo........... Santa Barbareno........ Santa Ynez................ 38 12 35 Costanoan stock......... Santa Cruz............... 17 17 Croatan stock.............. Croatan.................... 5,865 5,865 Eskimauan stock........... Malemiut................ " Eskimauan"............ 16 2 14 Haidan stock (syn. Skitta- getan)......... -.... Haida.................. Iroquoian stock......... Cayuga.................... Cherokee. ............ Mohawk.............. Oneida.................... Onondaga..... ...... St. Regis............. Seneca.......... ..... Tuscarora............ Wyandot (syn. Huron) .... "Iroquois"................ 31 31 39,679 81 31,489 368 2,436 365 1,219 2,90 7 400 353 61 24 9 44 5 11 775 4,027 691 237 1,472 490 211 817 109 Kiowan stock ........... Kiowa................ 1,126 1,126 Kusan stock......... 93 Kusa (syn. Coos Bay Indians)................. Chinookan stock ........... Chinook................. Clackamas..__............ Clatsop................... Wasco................ Wishram ............. 8 93 Kutenaian stock ........... Kutenai (Kutenay, Kootenai).................... 538 Lutuamian stock........... Klamath................. Modoc..................... 978 696 282 Maidu stock .............. Maidu (syn. Nishinam).... 1,100 1,100 Miwok stock (syn. Moquelumnan) ................. Marin................. Middle Town .......... Miwok ............... 699 22 7 670 Muskhogean stock .. _-... Alibamu .............. Chickasaw............ Choctaw.............. Creek................... Koasati................. Seminole ............. Piman stock ................ Mayo.................... Opata..................... Papago................... Pima..................... wYaqui................... 538 29,191 298 4,204 15,917 6,945 98 1,729 8,607 40 5 3,798 4,236 528 Pomo stock (syn. Kulana- pan)................ Clear Lake.............. Gynomehro ............... Little Lake........ . Lower Lake............... Pomo ................ 1,193 193 33 9496 777 LINGUISTIC STOCK AND TRIBE. Salinan stock ............... San Antonio............... Number. 16 16 Salishan stock.............. ellacoola................... Chehalis (syn. Humptulip, Satsop, Georgetown)..... Clallam.............. Coeur d'Alene .......... Columbia (syn. Sinkiuse).. Colville (syn. Senijextee).. Comox........ ........ .... Cowichan.......... Cowlitz ................... Dwamish................. Flathead (syn. Salish)..... Kalispel (syn. Pend d'Oreilles)........... Lummi................... Methow.................. Muckleshoot............... Nespelim................ Nisqualli... ......... Nooksak ............... Okinagan ............ Pisquow................... Puyallup..... ........ Quinaielt.................. Sanpoil.............. Shuswap .................. Skagit................. Skokomish................ Snohomish................ Snoqualmu .............. Songish ................... Spokan................. ........... Squaxon ... Suquamish... . ......... Swinomish .............. Tillamook................. Twana............... "Salishan" ......... ... 7,833 Shahaptian stock ...... Klikitat ............... Nez Perces................ Paloos................. Topinish............... Umatilla .................. Wallawalla ............... Warm Springs (syn. John Tyigh, Day, Tenino, Des Chutes) ......... Yakima................. "Shahaptian"............. 4, 391 405 Shastan stock.............. Hat Creek................ Pit River............... Shasta..................... 1,578 240 985 353 Shoshonean stock........ Bannock. .............. Chemehuevi............... Comanche................ Gabrieleno (sys. San Gabriel).......... ..... Hopi (syn. Moqui, Koso). 16, 842 413 355 1,171 I Includes Chiricahua Apache, Coyoteros Apache, San Carlos Apache, Tonto Apache, and White Mountain Apache. 2 282 398 293 385 785 1 62 105 20 486 564 353 14 194 46 137 85 272 52 303 288 240 9 56 195 664 93 23 643 44 307 333 25 61 13 1,259 82 47 272 397 550 1,362 17 11 2,009 0i 70, I R tt STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION. NUMBER OF INDIANS REPORTED ON SPECIAL INDIAN SCHEDULES, AND TRIBES: 1910-Continued. 3 CLASSIFIED BY LINGUISTIC STOCKS UNITED STATES-Continued. - Table 2--Continued. LINGUISTIC STOCK AND TRIBE. - . Number. LINGUISTIC STOCK AND TRIBE. Number. Shoshonean stock-Contd. Juaneno (syn. San Juan 16 Capistrano).......... Kawaiisu............ 23 Kawia (syn. Cahuilla)..... 755 Kern River............ 105 Mono..... .......... 1,448 Pahvant...... ....... 37 Paiute (syn. Paviotso)..... 780 Panamint....... 10 ....... Paviotso (syn. Paiute, Snake).............. 3,038 SanLuiseno (syn. Luiseno). 467 Serrano.................. 118 Shoshoni ................. 3,840 2 Tehachapi............ Ute........................ 2, 244 1 Siouan stock-Continued. Teton Sioux .............. Winnebago ............. Yankton Sioux............ Yanktonai Sioux (syn. Pabaksa Sioux) ......... 2 14, 284 1,820 2, 088 siouan stock............. Assiniboin................. Catawba................... Crow (syn. Absaraka)-..... Hidatsa (syn. Gros Ventres, Minitari) ................ Iowa..................... Kansa................... Mandan.............. Missouri.................. Omaha................... Osage .................. Oto.............. .......... Ponca.................... Quapaw ........ ..... Santee Sioux (syn. Wahpekute Sioux, Mdewakanton Sioux) .............. Sioux...................... Sisseton Sioux (syn. Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux, Wahpeton Sioux)....... 32, 941 1,253 124 1,799 547 244 238 209 13 1,105 1,373 332 875 231 1,539 996 2,514 Takelman stock............ Takelma.................. 1, 357 1 1 Tanoan stock................ 3,140 Isleta...................... 956 Jemez................... 499 Nambe................... 88 Pecos..................... 10 Picuris.................... 104 Pojoaque................. 16 Sandia................ 73 San Ildefonso............. 123 San Juan................. 387 Santa Clara............. 277 Taos..................... 517 Tesuque .................. 77 "Tewa" group............ 13 Tarascan stock ............ Tlingit stock (syn. Koluschan)................ Auk ...................... Chilkat ................... Kake...................... "Tlingit"................. 132 32 2 4 3 23 Tonkawan stock... ....... Tonkawa................ 42 42 Tsimshian stock............ Tsimshian.................. 51 51 - LINGUISTIC STOCK AND TRIBE. Number. Tunican stock .............. Tunica ................... 43 43 Waiilatpuan stock......... Cayuse.................... Molala...................... 329 298 31 Wakashan stock........... Kitamat................ Kwakiutl.................. Makah..................... Nootka .............. " Wakashan".............. 388 1 1 360 15 11 Washoan stock........ Washo................... 819 819 Wintun stock (syn. Copehan) Nomelaki.... ......... Patwin................... Wintun (syn. Trinity Indians)................ 710 125 186 Wiyat stock (syn. Wishoskan)---.................. Humboldt Bay.......... 399 152 152 Yakonan stock......... Alsea................... Siuslaw...... .......... Yaquina................... 55 29 7 19 Yanan stock............ Yana (syn. Nozi)....... 39 39 Yokuts stock (syn. Mariposan).................... Choinimni ............. Chookiminah ............. Chukchansi............. LINGUISTIC STOCK AND TRIBE. Yokuts stock-Continued. Kashowoo................. Tachi.... ............... Wechikhit................. Wikchamni ............... Yokuts....--.......... Yowdanchi ............... Yuchean stock ........... Yuchi ................. Yukian stock. ......... Coast Yuki......... ... Redwood (syn. Huchnom) Wappo................ Yuki................ Yaman stock .............. Cocopa................ Dieguenos................. Havasupai................ Maricopa............... Mohave (Mojave).......... Walapai (syn.Hualapai).. Yavapai (Mohave-Apache) Yuma................... Yuma Apache............. "Yuman'"................ Yurok stock (syn.Weitspekan)............... Weitspec (syn. Yurok)-..... Zapotecan stock.......... 533 18 4 144 Number. 4 27 6 25 302 3 78 78 198 15 15 73 95 4,279 245 756 174 386 1,058 501 289 834 24 12 668 668 1 Zuntan stock............ . Zuni............. ...... . 1,667 1, 667 Stock or tribe not reported.. 1,644 ALASKA. Aggregate.............. Aleut stock................ Aleut ................. 25,331 1,451 1,451 Algonquian stock.......... Delaware............... 3 3 Athapaskan stock.......... Ahtena... ........... Hankutchin............ Kaiyuhkhotana ....... Knaiakhotana........... Kutchin ............. Nahane............. . Natsitkutchin............. Tenankutchin............. Tukkuthkutchin .......... Unakhotana............. Vuntakutchin ............. "Athapascan" ............. 3,916 297 127 160 697 359 8 177 415 6 193 5 1, 472 Eskimauan stock ......... Chnagmiut............... Ikogmiut................ Imaklimiut ................ Iprackmiut ............. Kaialigmiut............... Kakuakamiut............... Kangmaligmiut............ Kaviagmiut............... Kekchabukmiut........... Kinugumiut ............. Kopagmiut............... Kowagmiut.............. Kukpaurungmiut .......... Kunmiut.................. Kusetrinmiut.............. Kuskovakmiut........... Kuskowik................. Kuskwogmiut............. Magemiut............ Malemiut................ Naparktoo............. Neechuktamiut-........... 12,636 326 782 2 4 192 22 1 238 32 594 9 561 6 77 133 370 37 1,480 376 563 9 25 Eskimauan stock-Contd. Nunatogmiut............... Nunivagmiut.............. Nunochogmiut ............ Nushagagmiut............. Nuwukmiut.............. Pitukmiut................. Polazramiut............... Selawigmiut ........... Sidarumiut ........... Tikeramiut.-............ Togiagmiut................ Ukivokmiut............ Unaligmiut................ Utkiavinmiut ............. Utukamiut (syn. Otookogmiut) ................... Yuit..:. . ...... ........... SouthernEskimau (including Aglemiut, Chugachigmiut, Kaniagmiut, and Ugalakmiut) .......... "Eskimauan"............. Haidan stock (syn. Skitta285 301 158 31 81 4 14 258 5 320 93 140 441 123 127 292 3,650 474 getan).............. Iaida........=.......... Tlingit stock (syn. Koluschan).... .... ..... Auk............ ....... Chilkat................... Henya.................... Huna....................... Hutsnuwu ................ Kake................ Kuyu.................... Sitka ................... Stikine................... Taku..................... Tongas.................. Yakutat.............. "Tlingit"................. Tsimshian stock............ Tsimshian .............. Stock or tribe not reported .. 530 530 4,426 267 690 214 625 536 322 29 608 189 142 184 307 313 729 729 1,640 1 Includes Capote Ute, Grand River Ute, Moache Ute, Southern Ute, Uinta Ute, Uncompahgre Ute, White River Ute, and Wiminuchi Ute. 2 Includes Brule Sioux, 806; Hunkpapa Sioux, 1,072; Minniconjou Sioux, 397; Oglala Sioux (syn. Loafer Sioux), 6,045; Sans Arc Sioux, 222; Sihasapa (syn. Blackfoot Sioux), 485; Two Kettle Sioux, 293; and other Teton Sioux, 4,964. The number of Indian tribes reported for the United States in 1910 was 280, comprising 53 linguistic stocks. Of these tribes, 77 had more than 500 members each, while 42 were represented by 10 members or less; of the latter, 10 were represented by 1 member each. The most important tribes numerically were the Cherokee, with 31,489 members; the Navajo, with 22,455; the Chippewa, with 20,214; the Choctaw, with 15,917; and the Teton Sioux, with 14,284. These 5 tribes comprise all those represented by over 10,000 members; 39 other tribes had over 1,000 members each. In Alaska 66 Indian tribes, forming 7 linguistic stocks, were reported. The principal ones, aside from the Southern Eskimau group, were the Kuskwogmiut, the largest tribe of the Eskimauan linguistic group, with 1,480 members, and the Aleut, with 1,451; 11 other tribes were represented by more than 500 members each. The number of Indians in 1910 is shown for each of the 22 states having an Indian population of 1,000 or over and for all other states combined in Table 3. The distribution of the Indian population of the United States is also shown graphically in the first map on page 4. POPULATION-UNITED STATES. 4 DISTRIBUTION OF THE INDIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES: 1910. [In the case of Kansas and Pennsylvania the base figures are exclusive of Indians in Haskell Institute and Carlisle Indian School, respectively.] PROPORTION OF FULL-BLOODS IN THE INDIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES: 1910. Less than 10 p. ct. 10 to 25 per cent. 25 to 40 per cent. 40 to 55 per cent. 55 to 70 per cent. ®II] 70 to 85 per cent. I 85 to 100 per cent. Less than 100 Indians. [I The heavy lines (-I) show geographic divisions. " STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION Number of Indians: Indians: STATE. I I I Table 3 1910 United States ..................... Per cent of total. percentage. 100.0 265,683 Oklahoma...... ...................... Arizona----............--------.. ......... New Mexico-----................. Cumulative 74,825 29,201 20, 573 19,137 16,371 10,997 10,745 10,142 9,053 7,851 7,519 6,486 6,046 5,240 5,090 3,502 3,488 3,123 11, 853 1,486 1,482 1,253 255,463 10,220 96.2 3.8 South Dakota_....... .................. California........................... W ashington............................... Montana................................... Wisconsin........ ................... Minnesota.............. .......... .... North Carolina............................. Michigan............................. Norhakota--.-----------------------North Dakota......... . .. .... _.... _.. New York....------ ----------------Nevada ..... .................. Oregon.................. ........ Nebraska..................... ....... Idaho.................... ..... ...... Utah........................ Kansas.......... .................. Wyoming..... ...... ............. Colorado............................ Mississippi ........................... Total for 22 states.................. All other states..... ................ 28.2 39.2 46.9 54.1 60.3 64.4 68.4 72.2 75.6 78.6 81.4 83.8 86.1 88.1 90.0 91.3 92.6 93.8 94.5 95.1 95.7 96.2 28.2 11.0 7.7 7.2 6.2 4.1 4.0 ........ 3.8 3.4 3.0 2.8 2.4 2.3 2.0 1.9 1.3 1.3 1.2 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 1 Exclusive of 591 Indians in Haskell Institute, who are included in the total for "All other states." Oklahoma had by far the greatest number of Indians reported for any state in 1910, 74,825, or more than one-fourth of all the Indians in the United States, while 7 other states reported more than 10,000 Indians each. These 8 states, all of which, except Wisconsin, are situated west of the Mississippi, contained together nearly three-fourths (72.2 per cent) of the total number. Of the Eastern states, North Carolina, with 7,851, and New York, with 6,046, had the largest Indian population. The 22 states shown separately in the table include all those having 1,000 or more Indians except Pennsylvania, where out of a total of 1,503 Indians 1,010 were in the Carlisle Indian School and did not properly belong to the Indian population of the state. The states shown separately in the table contained 96.2 per cent of the total Indian population. While there were Indians in every state of the Union in 1910, the number in some was extremely small, four statesDelaware, Vermont, New Hampshire, and West Virginia-having less than 50 Indians each. The number of Indians per 10,000 of the total population in the United States at each census from 1870 to 1910, and in Alaska at each census from 1880 to 1910, is shown in Table 4. Table 4 UNITED STATES. ALASKA. Indian population. YEAR. Total Per population Indian population. Total N ,of 10,000 population. Numer Per 10,000 the of the Number. tutad poputotal Number. lation. 1910........... 1900............ 1890.........._ 1880 ........... 1870............. 91,972,266 75,994,575 62,947,714 50,155, 783 38,558,371 1265,683 1237,196 1248, 253 2244,000 2 278, 000 28.9 31.2 39.4 48.6 72.1 164,356 163,592 133,052 133 426 .......................... 25,331 29,536 25,354 32,996 total population. total pop- 3,936.1 4,644.6 7,670.9 9,871.4 1Census figure. 2Estimate from report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. The proportion of Indians in the United States declined steadily from 1870, when it was 72.1 per 10,000 of the total population, to 1910, when it was 28.9. In Alaska the decline in the proportion of Indians has been even more pronounced, the number in each 10,000 of the total population decreasing from 9,871.4 in 1880 to 3,936.1 in 1910. Thus, while in 1880 almost the entire population of Alaska consisted of Indians, in 1910 they formed only about two-fifths of all the inhabitants. Table 34, on page 20, gives the number of Indians for each county in the United States for which at least 5 Indians were reported at any of the last three Federal censuses, namely, those for 1910, 1900, and 1890. PROPORTION OF MIXED BLOODS. The Thirteenth Census was the first at which any returns worthy of tabulation were secured as to the proportion of full-bloods and mixed bloods in the Indian population. Table 5 presents a summary of the results of this inquiry. Table 5 INDIAN POPULATION: 1910 United States. CLASS. NumberPer cent of total, Total ...................... Numr Per cent 100.0 265,683 100.0 33. 1 3,843 150,053 93,423 White and Indian 1............ .. .. Other mixtures ....................... Mixture unknown ...... ..... Blood not reported... ................ 1 Includes Mexican and Indian. of total. 25,331 88,030 Full-blood ....................... Mixed blood ....................... Negro and Indian.... ..... White, negro, and Indian........... Alaska. 2,255 1,793 80 1,265 22,207 56.5 35.2 21,444 3,887 0.8.......... 0.7........43" (2) 0.5 8.4 43 1 ................ 84.7 15.3 15.2 ...... 2Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. .2 0.2 (2) According to Table 5, of all the Indians in the United States in 1910, 56.5 per cent were full-bloods and 35.2 per cent mixed bloods, while for 8.4 per cent the information on this point was not given. A large proportion of the 22,207 Indians in the last-mentioned group were those scattered among the white population, who were reported on the general population schedule; the majority of these were probably mixed bloods. Of the 93,423 Indians reported as mixed bloods, 88,030, or considerably more than nine-tenths, represented a mixture of white and Indian, 2,255, of negro and Indian, and 1,793, of white, negro, and Indian, while 80 represented other mixtures, and for 1,265 the kind of mixture was not reported. In Alaska, 84.7 per cent of the Indians were of full blood and 15.3 per cent of mixed blood; almost all the mixed bloods were a mixture of white and Indian, the remaining few representing a mixture of Indian with Chinese and Japanese blood. POPULATION-UNITED STATES. Table 6 further classifies, for the United States, the full-blood Indians according to whether both parents belonged to the same tribe or to different tribes, or represented a mixture of tribes. per cent half Indian and half negro, and 34.6 per cent more than half negro, while for 1.3 per cent the proportion of negro blood was not reported. Table Table 6 8 NEGRO AND INDIAN MIXED BLOODS: 1910 FULL-BLOOD INDIANS: 1910 DEGREE OF MIXTURE. DEGREE OF TRIBAL MIXTURE. Number. Per cent Number. 150,053 100.0 139,289 10,251 8,924 1,327 513 92.8 6.8 5.9 0.9 0.3 of total. Per cent of total. Total.................... Total ..................................... Full tribal blood............... ........................ Mixed tribal blood............................ ............. Two tribes..... ... ............................... Three or more tribes..... ............. ........ Tribal blood of one parent unknown ..................... Of the 150,053 full-blood Indians in the United States in 1910, 139,289, or 92.8 per cent, were of full tribal blood, and 10,251, or 6.8 per cent, were of mixed tribal blood, while for 513, or 0.3 per cent, information on this point was not available. Of the 10,251 who reported mixed tribal blood, 8,924 represented a mixture of two tribes only and 1,327 a mixture of more than two tribes. The mixed bloods representing a mixture of white and Indian are subdivided in Table 7 into those in whom the Indian blood predominated, those of whom one parent was a full-blood Indian and the other white-that is, the half-breeds proper-and those who were more than one-half white. Table 7 ................... More than half Indian........... ................... Half Indian, half negro ...................................... More than half negro..................................... Unknown proportions........................ 2,255 . ............... 100.0 717 729 780 29 ..... . 31.8 32.3 34.6 1.3 A summary by divisions and states of the number of Indians, distributed according to sex, with distinction as far as possible of full-bloods and mixed bloods, is given in Table 15, p. 9. Table 9 presents by states the number and percentage of full-bloods and mixed bloods among Indians for whom special schedules were secured, for each of the 22 states which had at least 1,000 resident Indians in 1910. The proportion of fullbloods in the Indian population of those states having at least 100 Indians is also shown graphically in the second map on page 4. Table 9 INDIANS REPORTED ON SPECIAL SCHEDULE: 1910 - 11- Number. Per cent of total. STATE. FullTotal. Total. 11blood. WHITE AND INDIAN MIXED BLOODS: Mixed blood. 150,053 93,423 27,087 10,493 718 2,864 516 3,528 3,859 1.077 6,204 2,294 4,287 2Q,085 414 4,217 Blood not reported. Blood not re- Fullblood. Mixed blood. 3,661 60.7 37.8 1.5 1,247 94.2 70.0 93.4 83.6 36.5 52.2 44.1 91.6 59.7 69.3 86.6 99.0 54.7 19.1 40.5 36.6 63.3 70. 4 95.1 68.7 54.7 80.5 1.4 28.1 6.5 15.0 62.9 47.6 55.8 7.7 37.5 28.4 10.3 0.9 38.9 80.3 57.7 62.6 36.4 28. 7 3.4 30.6 45.1 19.5 . 4.3 1.9 0.1 1.4 0.6 0.2 0.1 0.8 2.8 2.4 3.1 0.1 6.4 0.5 1.8 0.8 0.2 0. 9 1.5 0.6 0.2 3,5510 61.2 40.5 37.4 57.5 1.5 2.1 ported. 1910 United States.... 247,137 DEGREE OF MIXTURE. Number. Per cent of total. Total.......................---------------------------------------More than half Indian............................--------------------------------Half Indian, half white................................... More than half white ... . 88,030 18,169 24,353 ............................. 43,937 Unknown proportions-.... ........ ....................... Part Mexican .................................... Other unknown................................ ... 1,571 1,072 499 100.0 20.6 27.7 49.9 1.8 1.2 0.6 Of the 88,030 persons of mixed white and Indian blood in the United States, 18,169, or 20.6 per cent, were more than half Indian; 24,353, or 27.7 per cent, half Indian and half white; and 43,937, or 49.9 per cent-practically one-half of the total-were more than half white. Thus about four-fifths of the Indian and white mixed bloods were at least half white. For 499 mixed bloods the amount of white blood was unknown, and for 1,072 Mexican blood was reported. The latter are classed with those for whom the degree of mixture is unknown because, while a "Mexican" is presumably white or a mixture of white and Indian, there is no way of telling what proportion, if any, of his blood is Indian. The distribution of the negro and Indian mixed bloods is given in Table 8. The number of negro and Indian mixed bloods reported, 2,255, is probably an understatement, owing to disinclination to admit negro blood. Of the number reported, 31.8 per cent were more than half Indian, 32.3 Arizona ........... California ........... Colorado ............. Idaho............ Kansas ............... Michigan ........... Minnesota......... Mississippi ... ..... Montana............ Nebraska ......... Nevada........... New Mexico ......... New York......... North Carolina....... North Dakota........ Oklahoma .......... Oregon...... ..... South Dakota...... Utah............. Washington......... Wisconsin ........ Wyoming........ .. 28,748 14,994 769 3,426 11,413 6,761 8, 756 1,176 10,394 3,312 4,949 20, 279 5,209 7,287 6,168 2,850 1,394 2,499 50 514 889 3,218 4,886 90 3,895 939 508 175 2,028 5,855 3,561 25, 887 2,901 44,288 1,668 5,408 9,597 1,458 13,247 2,900 6,770 5,249 1,174 Total for 22 states. 241,775 All other states...... 5,362 147,883 2, 170 90, 341 70,774 4,580 18,822 3,051 9,852 105 3,019 4,330 284 1 48 8 15 11 9 295 79 154 19 331 38 108 599 11 167 46 63 18 284 3,082 110 1Exclusive of 591 Indians in Haskell Institute, who are included in the total for "All other states." In each of five adjoining states-New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and Nevada-which comprise a large part of the interior arid plateau, the proportion of full-bloods among the Indians exceeded 85 per cent. Iowa and Mississippi, where the Sauk and Fox and the Choctaw tribes, respectively, have preserved a high degree of purity, were the only other states with at least 100 Indians in which more than 85 per cent of the Indians were full-bloods. Other states in which the proportion of full-bloods was at least 70 per cent were California, Idaho, South Dakota, and Wyoming. STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION. The proportion was between 55 and 70 per cent in Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oregon, and Washington; and between 40 and 55 per cent in Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The proportion of full-bloods was frequently higher in the states with a large Indian population; a notable exception is Oklahoma, which has by far the largest number of Indlians, but reported a small proportion of full-bloods, 36.6 per cent. This low proportion in Oklahoma is no doubt due in part to the fact that the possession of valuable lands by the Indians encourages intermarriages between whites and Indians, and that persons with very little Indian blood are anxious to establish their claims as members of the Indian tribes, in order that they may be entitled to participate in the distribution of lands and moneys belonging to the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma. Table 10 shows the number and percentage of persons of full tribal blood and of mixed tribal blood among full-blood Indians, for the 22 states included in the preceding table. Table 10 FULL-BLOOD INDIANS: 1910 Number. STATE. Total. Per cent of total. Tribal Mixedblood tribal ofone blood. parent Full tribal blood. un- United States.... 150, 053 139,289 10,251 513 Total for 22 states.. 147,883 All other states ....... 2,170 137,230 2,059 Table 11 WHITE AND INDIAN MIXED BLOODS: 1910 Number. pC3 STATE. - Total. . United States 88.030 .0$ b o, 0 0 2 o o 20. 6 27.7 49.9 1.8 174 185 9 33 18.8 25.7 24.5 7.6 16.0 (1) 17.3 44.3 4.5 37.8 29.3 53.8 (1) 38.4 34.0 726 925 33 1,427 1,978 1 15 15.... 1,646 1,424 62 208 351.... 292 21 14 36 1 63 1,200 188 6 1,896 475 ...... 2,481 778 9 5,451 31,542 743 626 590 23 1,888 1,470 95 48 29 ...... 1,233 900 5 1,517 1,271 42 87 95 37 46.3 29.0 23.1 29.7 29.5 41.2 (1) (1) 17.8 39.6 35.0 38.7 14.8 53.6 7.7 9.8 22.6 34.4 24.5 26.2 31.6 22.6 43.2 22.5 58.1 22.1 73.3 37.1 70.1 13.0 39.1 35.9 47.1 42.6 36.7 30.7 37.4 1.6 37.9 4.2 2.8 0. 7 11.5 0.4 9.3 ... 22.0 0.3 75.4 1.8 36.9 1.4 27.9 1.8 28.4 . 31.1 0.2 30.7 1.0 33.6 13.1 17,514 23,491 43,117 1,535 655 862 820 36 20.4 27.6 27.4 36.3 50.3 34.6 1,044 2 823 340 . d o 18,169 24,353 43, 937 1,571 Arizona.........393 California....... 4,069 Colorado........ 44 Idaho.......... 503 Michigan 3,138 Minnesotai..... 4,799 Mississippi... 69 Montana... 3,808 Nebraska.... 926 Nevada......... 503 New Mexico.... 163 New York...... 1,636 North Carolina.. 5,105 North Dakota .. 3,541 Oklahoma.....41,856 Oregon... . 1,601 South Dakota .. 5,263 Utah... 102 Washington .... 2,896 Wisconsin...... 4,136 Wyoming....... 283 de .. 4 ,5.0 Kansas........ Per cent of total. 74 4 190 1,454 1,393 39 676 367 176 63 242 2, 734 273 4,120 362 1,810 25 758 1,306 64 115 2,189 15 193 202 30 651 16 87 280 1 (1) 41.3 (1) 6.6 0,1 1.1 (3) (1). 38. Mixed tribal blood, 92.8 Tribal blood ofone parent Total for 22 states..... 85,657 All other states. 2,373 2 Exclusive of Indians in Haskell Institute, who are included in the total for " All other states." 3 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. un- 6.8 0.3 1.8 1.5 1 Percentages not shown where base is less than 100. =__. I_- 26,519 9, 633 703 2,676 411 3,173 3,832 1,077 5,730 2,260 4,183 19, 726 "2,111 1,379 1,554 24,611 2,219 11,034 2,800 5,444 5,000 1,155 with the result that intermarriages are comparatively frequent. The distribution of white and Indian mixed bloods according to the proportion of white blood is given for the selected states in Table 11. known. Full tribal blood. known. Arizona ............. 27,087 California........... 10,493 Colorado. ........... . 718 Idaho ................ 2,864 Kansas ............. 2516 Michigan ............ 3, 528 Minnesota........... 3,859 Mississippi.......... 1,077 Montana............. 6,204 Nebraska ........... 2,294 Nevada........... 4,287 New Mexico.......... 20,085 New York........... 2, 850 North Carolina....... 1,394 North Dakota....... 2, 499 Oklahoma .......... 25,887 Oregon ............. 2,901 outh Dakota........ 13,247 Utah................ 2,900 Washington ......... 6, 770 Wisconsin .......... 5,249 Wyoming........... 1,174 7 563 791 15 176 101 349 22 455 33 102 352 712 15 939 1,193 662 2,108 91 1,227 225 19 10,150 101 5 69 12 4 6 5 19 7 27 83 20 105 9 99 24 503 10 0. 7 The proportion of mixed bloods having a predomi- 0.4 nance of Indian blood was highest in North Carolina 97.9 91.8 97.9 93.4 79. 7 89.9 99.3 100.0 92.4 98.5 97. 6 98.2 74.-1 98.9 62.2 95.1 76.5 83.3 96. 6 80.4 95.3 98.4 2.1 7.5 2.1 6.1 19.6 9.9 0. 6 92.8 94.9 6.9 0.3 4.7 0.5 (1) 0.8 0.2 0.1 7.3 0.3 1.4 (1) 2.4 1,8 25.0 1.1 37.6 4.6 22. 8 15.9 3.1 18.1 4.3 1.6 (1) (1), 0.9 0.2 0.3 0. 7 0.8 0.3 1.5 0.5 1 Less than one-tenth of 1 per cent. 2 Exclusive of Indians in Haskell Institute, who are included in the total for "All other states." (53.6 per cent) and Michigan (46.3 per cent), and lowest in North Dakota (7.7 per cent) and Oklahoma (9.8 per cent). The proportion of half-breeds proper among the mixed bloods was highest in New York (73.3 per cent) and North Dakota (70.1 per cent), and lowest in Oklahoma (13 per cent) and New Mexico (22.1 per cent). The proportion of half-breeds was probably in many cases an overstatement, because mixed bloods' are more likely to be reported as half white and half Indian than as belonging to any other group. The proportion of mixed bloods with the white' blood predominating wa highest in Oklahoma (75.4 per cent), a fact which is probably susceptible of the same explanation as the high proportion of mixed Table 10 shows that the proportion of full tribal blood among full-blood Indians was uniformly high, generally over 90 per cent. The only states west of the Mississippi that had proportions below 90 per cent were South Dakota, Washington, Kansas, Oregon, and North Dakota. In these states members of different tribes are frequently found on the same reservations, bloods in Oklahoma, which was noted above. The next highest proportion (41.2 per cent) was found in Minnesota. The lowest proportions of this class were reported in New Mexico (0.6 per cent), Nevada (4.2 per cent), Arizona (7.6 per cent), and North Carolina (9.3 per cent), the proportion being above 10 per cent in every other state. POPULATION-UNITED STATES. CLASSIFICATION BY SEX. In considering the classification of the Indian population according to sex, it should be noted that there is possibly a material margin of error. It may be that omissions of persons of the one sex have been more frequent than of persons of the other sex. Moreover, in the case of persons of mixed blood it is possible that more of one sex than of the other were reported as whites or negroes instead of as Indians. Finally, there may be less accuracy in the case of one sex than of the other with respect to the reports as to the mixture of Indian blood with white or negro blood, or as to the mixture of tribes in the case of full-blood Indians. The possibility of such errors should be borne in mind in comparing the sex ratios shown in the tables. Table 12 presents a comparison of the sex distribution of the Indians in the United States and Alaska in 1910, 1900, and 1890. Table. 12 INDIAN POPULATION. AREA AND YEAR. Males to Male. Female. 100 West; 1, Oklahoma, is in the Southwest; and 1, New York, is in the East. Table 13 MALES TO 100 FEMALES IN THE INDIAN POPULATION. STATE. 1910 United States............... .......... 1890 103.5 .......... -- 101.5 102.6 106.4 104.3 120.5 102. 7 1136.1 111.7 102.3 114.9 100.4 103.0 101.0 102. 6 103.5 102. 0 98. 8 101.5 99.1 99.4 115.4 99.6 106.5 104. 7 Arizona....................... ................. California ............... ..................... Colorado..................................... Idaho.................. .................... Kansas .................................... Michigan .......................................... Minnesota ................................... Mississippi ......................................... Montana .................................... Nebraska....... ........................ ....... Nevada......................................... New Mexico................................. New York........... ............ ................ North Carolina..................... .......... North Dakota .............................. ...... Oklahoma....................................... Oregon ......................... .................. South Dakota................................... Utah ...................................... Washington.............. ...................... Wisconsin..-................... ................ Wyoming.......................... ....... .. Total for 22 states ................. All other states ................................. 1900 104. 8 100.9 110. 7 93.0 131.5 110.9 100.0 105.9 99.5 105.1 106. 7 108.1 10.8 100. 4 98.9 98.5 93.2 94.1 106.5 97. 7 106. 7 103.9 99.1 105.5 89.3 96. 2 132.3 108. 4 90.3 105.2 94.5 102.1 111.0 107. 2 110. 9 96.1 95.6 106.9 89.3 94. 7 115.1 102.2 106.4 96.6 101.0 122.3 102.3 111.8 103.1 115.1 females. 1Exclusive of Indians in Haskell Institute, who are included in the total for "All other states." UNITED STATES. 1910............... 1900... .. ........ 1890 .... ................ . ..... ..................... ...-...-...-.. . .... 135,133 119,484 125,719 130,550 117,712 122,534 103.5 101.5 102.6 12,995 15,048 12,996 12,336 14,488 12,358 105.3 103.9 105.2 ALASKA. 1910............. ... ...................... 1900 ...................................... 1890 .... .................................. The number of males and females in the Indian population, classified according to the different mixtures of blood, is given in Table 14. INDIAN POPULATIONL: Table 14 1910 MIXTURE OF BLOOD. Of the 265,683 Indians reported in the United States in 1910, 135,133, or 50.9 per cent, were males, and 130,550, or 49.1 per cent, females. The number of males to 100 females was 103.5. In Alaska the number of males in 1910 was 12,995 and of females 12,336, the ratio of males to 100 females being 105.3. In 1910 the ratio of males to females among the Indians (103.5 to 100) was not as great as in the total population of the United States (106). Among the native whites of native parentage the number of males to 100 females was 104 and among the foreign-born whites 129.2, but among the negroes only 98.9. It appears from Table 12 that among the Indians the males were in excess at each enumeration both in the United States and in Alaska, and that the excess of males was greatest in 1910. There are no census data on the sex of Indians prior to 1890, but, according to the Office of Indian Affairs, the number of males to 100 females among the Indians was 94.7 in 1886 and 98.6 in 1885. The change to a preponderance of males may be due in part to the discontinuance of the formerly constant wars which reduced the proportion of males, but it may also be attributable in part to differences in the accuracy of the returns. The sex distribution of Indians, as reported, varies in the different states (Table 13). The tendency toward an increased proportion of males in 1910, as compared with 1890, is manifest in 16 of the 22 states given in the table. The tendency has been in the opposite direction in 6 states, of which 4-California, Washington, Nevada, and New Mexico-are in the Total. United States............................. Male. Female. 265,683 135,133 130,550 .............. 150,053 75,667 74,386 Full tribal................................... Mixed tribal................ .................. 139,289 70,068 69,221 Full-blood .......... ~..... Two tribes........................... Three or more tribes. ....... ......... Tribal blood of one parent unknown........... Mixed blood.................................. ........ . Less than half white........... ....... Half white, half Indian .............. More than half white.................... Unknown proportions, including "Mexican" mixture. Negro and Indian................ ........... Less than half negro....... ... .......... Half negro, half Indian .................. More than half negro ...................... Unknown proportions..................... Negro, white, and Indian.................... Either white or negro and Indian .............. Other races and Indian ........................ ................ ...... Mixture unknown.......................... Blood not reported: On special Indian schedule.................... On general population schedule............... Alaska .................. Full-blood................. Mixed blood............ 5,353 4, 684 669 246 4,898 4, 240 658 267 93,423 White and Indian .............. Polynesian.......... Chinese..................... Filipino............................. 10,251 8,924 1,327 513 .......... 45,266 45,348 42,682 18,169 24,353 43,937 1,571 9,458 12,644 22,427 819 8,711 11,709 21,510 752 2,255 1,222 1,033 464 239 225 717 729 780 29 1,793 80 42 35 396 396 415 15 912 37 19 18 1. 3 ......-. 801 3,661 18,546 399 1,830 9,479 321 333 365 14 881 43 23 17 3 402 1,831 9, 067 25,331 ... Japanese................................... Mixture unknown.......................... 12, 33 11,049 10,395 3,887 ................... 12,995 21,444 ........... White and Indian.......................... Other races and Indian....................... Chinese....................... 48,157 88,030 1,946 1,941 3,843 43 9 34 1 1,927 18 4 14 1 1,916 25 5 20 Table 15 gives a statement by divisions and states of the number of Indians in 1910, distributed according to sex, with the number of full-bloods and mixed bloods as far as reported. STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION. 9 ALL INDIANS, FULL-BLOODS, AND MIXED BLOODS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES, AND IN ALASKA, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO SEX: 1910. .. ii .. Reported on genBlood eral not popuMixed re- lation blood. port- scheded. ule. Total. Fullblood, Total. GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England....... Middle Atlantic ... East North Central... West North Central.. South Atlantic.... East South Central... West South Central... Mountain............ ....... Pacific.... NEW ENGLAND: Maine................ New Hampshire..... Vermont............ Massachusetts....... Rhode Island......... Connecticut.......... MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New York........... New Jersey..... Pennsylvania.... EAST NORTH CENTRAL: Ohio................. Indiana.............. Illinois.............. Michigan.......... Wisconsin ......... WEST NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota............ Iowa................ Missouri............. North Dakota ....... South Dakota........ Nebraska............ Kansas.............. 265,683 1,320 6, 392 39, 435 7, 870 1,488 892 34 26 689 284 151 806 3 . 6 72 1Includes 16 13 352 134 76 9,053 471 313 6, 486 9 36 151 1,051 2, 642 50 694 26 34 1 3,528 5,249 14 61 8 3,218 4, 330 87 184 179 758 545 64 153 98 3, 968 5,231 20 53 2 3, 569 4, 943 1 1, 837 2,639 3,859 280 4,886 22 55 3,561 5,408 939 1,288 297 169 242 318 315 190 440 4,578 304 156 3, 224 9, 540 1,777 1,394 4,427 164 39 3,062 9,374 1, 675 1,162 2,514 1,91( 14 15( 1( 29 1,235 1,757 6, 491 2, 795 1,15( 481 44( 710 5 55 55 177 36 564 4 19 38 285 19 3, 964 165 47 41 460 780 13 362 7, 287 188 20O 16 2, 499 13,247 2, 294 708 1 18 15 18 12 296 1, 3941 5, 855 177 11 16 11 ...... 108 167 79 8 48 38 143 95 4 54 . . 2 4 1,077 59 ...... 155 247 ...... 90 9 658 77 .. 3,488 1,486 1, 482 20,573 29, 201 3,123 5, 240 10,997 5, 090 295 6,204 3, 895 48 2,864 514 1,174 284 1 718 50 175 19 20, 085 414 1,247 27, 087 105 46 2,900 4, 287 508 154 9, 852 4, 580 14,994 10, 745 102 293 25,887 44,288 237 162 10, 394 3,426 1, 458 769 20,279 28,748 3, 051 4, 949 702 423 70, 774 433 6, 770 2,901 10,493 11 i1 25, 331 3, 019 1,668 4, 217 63 11 284 357 4, 051 269 351 62 28 713 294 451 72 291 5, 384 1, 767 760 810 10, 420 15, 056 1, 673 2, 633 66 80 38 6 24 2, 945 89 718 8 18 2 31 ...... 1 577 117 627 2, 989 5,196 1, 426 1, 732 748 605 365 398 10, 282 10,181 14, 787 13, 918 1, 551 1, 630 2,146 2, 478 II~ "ii- S 12, 995 3,291 1, 384 5, 271 4, 913 2, 279 7, 669 5, 487 2, 534 8, 356 1,145 51( 1,377 I ~ 3, 887 3 ....... 3, 681 97 .....11 29... 116 ....... 45 5 ii 12, 995 2, 049 276 143 ... 29 S6 622 25 80 94 1, 592 889 2, 254 'I'--'i i 11, 049 158 30 247 54 252 30 6 136 1,410 12 184 2, 567 12 427 11 15 20 41 7 63 126 90 2Includes 4,475 4,325 138 32 3,10( 9, 449 1,637 842 1,949 2,372 130 8 26 6 1,260 1,804 6, 748 2, 613 1,138 458 262 578 4 19 31 95 19 283 68 47 30 1 36 30 254 17 3, 887 166 48 33 124 76 337 43 188 35 12 412 138 269 43 155 167 157 3,262 9,597 1,725 1,050 691 172 42 87 41 2 8 140 24 2,910 20 88 2 110 ........ ............... 30 ..... 30 ....... 109 3 131 ...... 455 134 4 45 500 549 583 404 41 163 146 29 125 156 149 88 208 1 36 24 82 17 281 75 48 24 110 79 321 34 .............. ............. 244 244 186 46 10 153 209 395 303 2,141 37,135 34, 994 12, 929 21, 762 323 15 116 69 207 123 5, 361 5,198 1, 694 1,721 710 726 371 672 10,153 9, 997 13, 961 14,145 1,421 1, 450 2, 471 2, 607 5, 510 2, 556 8, 015 3, 215 1,438 569 349 9, 903 13,169 2,141 3, 479 1,517 'ii' 5, 214 II in Haskell 1, 846 238 141 21 81 167 51 256 625 21 74 1,427 779 1, 963 1,349 4, 939 2, 301 7, 325 -11- i enumerated 8 6 676 3 3,60 91 9 11 ..... ....... ....... 12, 336 12, 336 Indians 1,492 2, 032 2, 611 1, -- 43 84 83 359 257 9 27 7 4,654 1, 946 591 180 243 3, 192 148 690 10, 395 Institute. 1,941 137 18 1 13 163 27 16 301 156 184 29 136 571 255 33 i i ii I 1,010 Indians enumerated in Carlisle Indian School. 97.7 3,551 4, 911 574 255 687 I==I~ i i 4 151 140 117 162 166 102 232 6 7 6 156 1 1( 44 100 96 399 288 216 216 ........ ....... ....... ...... 171 18 56 140 214 385 296 1,910 35,780 12,958 22,526 37, 690 153 19 114 93 226 379 ii ______ 21, 444 28 599 34 5 34 1 1, 726 2,298 19 9 40 - - - 189 ...... 37 1 ...... 17 ...... 13 ...... 132 195... ...... 150 36 ...... 36 201 204 2, 971 53 590 6 215 349 ....... 11 7 190 124 107 . 454 670 234 61 251 1,176 433 ....... 345 390 1 427 18 13 336 150 76 i1 i - 11 ii 49 14 13 123 134 38 218 38. 3, 071 111 913 2,004 74,825 5 ..... .......ii ..... if 837 106 382 18,822 3,312 19,137 3, 502 2,444 42 333 921 171 195 2 8,756 302 71 6,168 7, 519 10,142 2 221 416 2 2, 850 2, 028 331 62 ............. 592 ...... 529 I 81136°-13- I 465 214 421 S...... 385 1,606 1, 220 608 180 4, 328 3.567 20 826 11,493 7,855 180 901 694 3,14 44 588 503 544 20( 4 13,205 21, 877 328 2,687 32,133 2, 801 889 1,012 10, 210 4,165 186 1,516 635 371 1,020 3,006 717 3,614 7,915 927 8,741 1,070 20, 433 19,532 596 4, 472 3, 884 713 1,257 580 2, 450 38,097 35,410 1,252 36,835 35,823 1,516 16,081 14,565 -II I 193 8,300 746 3,198 190 580 13, 212 22, 675 33,186 3,144 9, 954 4,735 iI I I 40 95 9 6, 761 9, 597 127 279 188 25, 331 7 76 ........ 1,355 38, 670 38,503 16,377 1 413 3, 986 775 36, 221 37,251 14, 861 4, 582 86 31 26 255 284 74 384 3 4,510 19,903 11,410 20,973 74,386 45, 266 1, 831 9,067 9,479 130, 550 121,483 451....... 1,400 151 4, 064 13 234 1,835 685 3, 386 8,587 5,209 62 1,121 234 216 909 1,253 .Kaska ................. ....... 433 6, 046 168 11,503 16,371 422 ........ ... 1, 830 ed on general poulation schedule. Blood FullTotal. blood, Mixed nre blood.ported. II I I I I it 1,056 4,103 9, 514 756 1,325 1,753 1,971 1,184 1,124 5,137 2, 264 3,032 9 71, 630 76, 767 75,338 73,074 32,458 29,426 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky............ Tennessee............ Alabama............ Mississippi............ PACIFIc: Washington .......... Oregon. ........... California......... 448 872 3,441 2,620 331 8,838 7,631 33 373 22, 903 16,159 1, 440 6, 344 86 396 1,083 661 26, 417 44, 552 65,319 5,945 1,810 358 20, 164 8,904 I II 16, 502 9,054 2, 612 5 55 68 539 36 7,851 331 95 74 MOUNTAIN: Montana.............. Idaho.... ........ Wyoming......... Colorado.............. New Mexico....... Arizona.... ...... Utah. .. ......... Nevada............ II ...... SOUTH ATLANTIC: Delaware............ Maryland............. District of Columbia.. Virginia.... ..... West Virginia....... North Carolina...... South Carolina..... Georgia.............. Florida.............. WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas............ Louisiana............. Oklahoma........... Texas............... Total. 150, 053 93,423 3,661 18,546 135,133 125, 654 75,667 48,157 247,137 2,076 7,717 18,255 41,406 Reported on genBlood eral Total. not popuFull- Mixed relation blood, blood. port- scheded. ule. Total. i ii ii i United States .... Reported on special Indian Reschedule. port- Reported on special Indian schedule. Reported on special Indian schedule. DIVISION AND STATE. FEMALE. MALE. BOTH SEXES. Table 15 i 10 POPULATION-UNITED The ratio of males to 100 females among full-bloods and among mixed bloods is shown in Table 16. STATES. Table 18 MALES TO 100 FEMALES IN THE INDIAN POPULATION: 1910 STATE. Fullblood. United States........... All classes .... Full-blood....... Mixed blood ...... Blood not reported... 130,550 135,133 75,667 48,157 11,309 74,386 45, 266 10,898 I 12,995 11,049 1,946 103.5 101.7 106.4 103.8 1 105.3 106.2 100.3 12,336 10,395 1, 941 ..........-.....----II f I In the United States, according to the returns, the number of males to 100 females was considerably less (101.7) among full-blood Indians than among those of mixed blood (106.4). This condition is reversed in Alaska, where the proportion of males to 100 females was 106.2 among full-bloods and 100.3 among mixed bloods. As the number of mixed bloods in Alaska was comparatively small, however, no reliable conclusions can be based on the sex distribution among them. The greater preponderance of males shown among the mixed bloods than among the full-bloods in the United States is probably due in part to the tendency to report as white Indian women of mixed blood who are married to white men. This theory is supported by a study of the sex distribution of 23,464 children under 5 years of age, presented in Table 17. Table INDIAN CHILDREN UNDER 17 ................... Mixed blood. 101.7 106.4 A rizona ........ . . . . .... . . . . . . . . ........ California............ .........................--. Colorado . . .... . . . . -. . . . . . ... . . . . 2 Idaho................................................. K ansas ................................................... M ichigan ... ... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Minnesota.......................................... Mississippi ---. ............................... Montana........................................... Nebraska........................................... Nevada------........................................ New Mexico -................................. New York........................................... North Carolina............................................... North Dakota .............. ..... ....... O k lah o ma ........................ ......................... Oregon............................................ South Dakota............................................. Utah....................................................... W ashington. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . Wisconsin................................................ W yom ing.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.7 101.2 105.7 99.2 170.2 108.6 98.0 115.4 93.0 101.6 100.2 102.8 102.1 106.2 98.3 100.2 91.2 96.3 115.0 94.6 101.0 106.3 Total for 22 states............... All other states ............................... 101.3 130.9 ... ........... . . . . . . . 147.9 114.8 (1) 116.0 131.5 115.7 106.0 (1) 111.0 105.0 98.4 (1) 107.6 101.2 97.4 103.5 114.1 107.0 (1) 111.6 113.1 101.4 106.2 113.0 1 Ratio not shown, the number of females being less than 100. 2Exclusive of Indians in Haskell Institute., who are included in the total for "All other states." The number of males to 100 females is shown in Table 19 for Indians of full tribal and mixed tribal blood. Males to 100 females Table 19 DEGREE OF TRIBAL MIXTURE. among full-blood Indians: 1910 T o ta l.. .............. ............ ............ ............ 101. 7 Full tribal lood .................................................... 101.2 Mixed tribal blood................................................ 109.3 Two tribes................................................... Three or more tribes......................................... Tribal blood of one parent unknown................................ 110.5 101.7 92.1 5 YEARS OF AGE: 1910 Males Males CLASS. Male. Total......................................11,905 Full-blood ............................ Mixed blood ............. . .................... ..... 5,728 6,177 Female. to 100 females. 11,559 103.0 6,033 102.4 5,526 103.7 Table 17 shows that in the case of children under 5 years of age the excess of males was somewhat greater among full-bloods than among mixed bloods. Table 18, derived from Table 15, gives for the 22 selected states the number of males to 100 females among full-bloods and mixed bloods. This table shows that among the Indians of full blood the males were reported as in excess in all of the states in the table except seven, namely, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota; these seven states form a continuous area in the northwestern part of the United States. Among the Indians of mixed blood males were in excess in every state except Nevada and North Dakota. The proportion of males to 100 females was greater among the mixed bloods than among the full-bloods in the majority of the states for which both ratios are shown. From this table appears a predominance of males considerably greater among Indians of mixed tribal blood than among those of full tribal blood. Of those of mixed tribal blood, however, the Indians representing a mixture of only two tribes show a considerably greater preponderance of males than those representing a mixture of more than two tribes. These differences may be in part due to errors in classification. Table 20 shows for 1910 the reported number of males to 100 females among white and Indian mixed bloods, by degree of mixture. Table 20 Males to 100 females among white DEGREE OF MIXTURE. and Indian mixed bloods: 1910 All white and Indian mixed bloods ....................... More than half Indian........................................... Half Indian, half white ............................................ More than half white ............................................... .. 106.2 108.6 108.'0 104.3 The figures apparently indicate that the excess of males decreases with the increase in the amount of white blood, but since the division by degree. of mixture is only approximately accurate no reliable conclusion can be drawn from these proportions. OF INDIAN POPULATION. STATISTICS 11 AGE DISTRIBUTION. In discussing the age distribution of Indians it has been thought best not to attempt a detailed analysis but to confine the discussion to three age groups, those comprising persons under 20 years of age, 20 to 50 years, and 51 years and over, representing, respectively, the young, the intermediate, and the oldest element of the Indian population. The ages of Indians are doubtless reported somewhat less accurately than those of whites, and the ages of Indian women may perhaps be less accurately given than those of the men, but for these broad age groups the numbers are ap- proximately correct for Indians of all classes combined. The figures for the several classes of full-blood and mixed blood Indians may, however, be affected by errors in classification or by omissions. Table 21 shows for the United States as a whole and for Alaska the distribution among these age groups of the Indian population, classified by sex and by the different mixtures of blood; and Table 22 shows for divisions and states a similar distribution according to age of the aggregate Indian population and of the full-bloods and the mixed bloods separately. INDIANS IN THE UNITED STATES AND ALASKA, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO AGE PERIODS AND SEX, BY DEGREE OF MIXTURE OF BLOOD: 1910. Table 21 MIXTURE OF BLOOD. TTn-A 1 2,, GV Total. Full-blood........................ Full tribal. .............. Mixed tribal.............. Two tribes................. Three or more tribes......... Tribal blood of one parent unknown....................... Mixed blood...................... White and Indian.......... Less than half white ..... Half white half Indian..... More than half white...... Unknown proportions, including "Mexican" mixture................. Negro and Indian.............. Less than half negro . . Half negro, half Indian..... More than half negro........ Unknown proportions........ Negro, white, and Indian..... Either white or negro and .......... Indian ....... Other races and Indian........ Polynesian............... Chinese.... ........... Filipino................ Mixture unknown.............. Blood not reported: On special Indian schedule.. On general population schedule.. Alaska .................... 51 years of age Age unand known. over. Total. vV TTn r 2nt o 5n51 years 20 years years of age. of age. Total 51 years age 20 years ....... Vof and Age unyears known. of age. of age. over. 265,683 136,804 95,967 31,963 949 135,133 69,362 49,254 16,036 481 150,053 67,129 58,304 24,019 601 75,667 34,200 29,415 11,757 139, 289 10,251 8, 924 1,327 60,973 5,879 4,822 1,057 55,081, 22,665 1,279 3,069 1,255 2, 824 245 24 570 24 1 70,068 5,353 4,684 669 31, 081 2, 981 2, 454 527 27,639 1,702 1,570 132 11,067 659 649 10 513 277 75 7 246 138 74 31 3 267 139 80 44 4 93,423 58,553 29,008 5,726 136 48,157 29,612 15,295 3,176 74 45,266 28,941 13,713 2,550 62 88,030 18,169 24,353 43,937 55,586 11, 993 27,096 5,243 1,080 2,350 105 45,348 2, 900 608 1,304 949 55 5 29 19 42,682 8, 711 11,709 21,510 27,486 5,842 6,022 15,083 12,803 2,389 4,620 2, 343 9,458 12, 644 28,100 6,151 5,981 15,437 14, 293 13 50 35 5,614 797 50 8 21 16 2 5 1 3 12,003 30,520 154 5,083 9,950 11,636 1,571 2,255 717 729 780 29 1,793 1,070 1,229 406 299 507 17 1,113 213 57 25 29 3 355 67 427 827 248 334 236 9. 527 464 80 42 35 3 801 1, 746 202 19 13 6 193 62 92 37 2 146 23 22,427 2, 694 5,330 6, 022 4 17 7 49 4 4 91 396 396 415 15 912 531 654 218 160 267 9 549 247 439 137 175 123 4 272 39 124 40 58 25 1 86 239 37 19 18 7 6 1 108 22 10 12 110 12 6 6 21 3 3 179........ 179 169 819 1,222 399 337 3,661 18,546 1,589 9,533 1,427 7,228 537 1, 681 108 104 25, 331 12, 034 10, 923 2, 210 164 1,830 9,479 805 4, 745 700 3,844 130, 550 67,442 46,713 15,927 295 74,386 32,929 28,889 12, 262 281 11 11 69,221 4,898 4,240 658 29,892 2, 898 2, 368 530 27,442 ........ 472 1,046 28 5 1 69 22 ..................................................................... 34 12 1 2 60 1 5 28 1 1 9 105 35 15 17 3 176 92 7 7 42 225 43 23 17 3 402 168 49 1 261 842 64 48 1,831 9,067 784 4,788 727 276 839 44 56 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 1,135 12, 995 6,186 5, 596 i-I I-- I II - - - 78 9,910 2, 054 151 11,049 4,839 5,082 1,058 70 Mixed blood ....................... 2, 705 1,013 156 13 1,946 1,347 514 77 8 3,843 43 9 34 1 2,664 1,010 3 40 1 8 2 32 1. 156 13 1,927 18 4 14 1 1,329 17 3 14 1 513 1 77 8 .. 3,384 5, 848 12, 336 5, 327 1,075 ... . . 86 I II 1 - - 9,329 1 289 13 12 1 180 388 111 159 113 5 255 3,887 ........ 306 11,598 1,367 620 1,254 606 113 14 539 575 188 139 240 8 564 21,444 ........ 468 752 1,033 321 333 365 14 881 Full-blood ......................... White and Indian............. Other races and Indian.......... Chinese.................... Japanese................... Mixture unknown.............. 1TTnnde r 1 At of age Age unand known. over. -I I* United States. .............. U, 20 years years of age. of age. FEMALE. MALE. BOTH SEXES. 10.395 4,490 996 81 1,941 1,358 499 79 5 5 1,916 1,335 23 5 18 497 2 79 5 25 5 20 4,828 2 . . . . . . . . . . 12 POPULATION-UNITED STATES. ALL INDIANS, FULL-BLOODS, AND MIXED BLOODS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY DIVISIONS AND STATES, AND IN ALASKA, CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO AGE PERIODS: 1910. ALL INDIANS. Table 22 FULL-BLOOD INDIANS. 1 II DIVISION AND STATE. GEOGRAPHIC DIVISIONS: New England.............. Middle Atlantic ............ East North Central.......... West North Central........ South Atlantic.............. East South Central......... West South Central ....... Mountain ................. Pacific..................... 136,804 265,683 95, 967 2,076 7, 717 18,255 41,406 20,072 4, 946 1,468 44, 703 37,541 14, 802 150,053 Under 20 to 50 51 years Age of ade 20 years years of age. of age. and over. known Total. 24, 019 58,304 601 93,423 I 149 1,562 3,629 9,173 645 577 11,777 31,947 7, 670 422 145 194 1, 425 3,446 8, 639 569 397 11,280 24,571 7, 783 105 444 1,725 5, 040 221 109 3,239 8, 558 4,578 872 2, 620 7, 631 16,159 10 38 51 5 396 121 243 44, 552 133 29,008 5, 726 8, 904 5, 945 136 i I i 399 347 1,366 997 4,292 2,592 5, 241 9,793 584 2,174 3, 249 120 29,532 12,670 3, 697 1,969 5, 641 2, 898 6, 344 ~.. .. 58,553 i I i 448 3,441 8, 838 22,903 1,440 1,083 26, 417 65, 319 20,164 9 26 47 85 8 1 216 371 186 5, 313 67,129 ii II i 360 869 2, 668 6, 400 936 231 5, 924 9, 262 872 3,150 6, 775 14, 849 3,164 912 25, 924 28,164 12,157 835 3, 672 8, 765 9, 054 2,612 76,767 75, 338 32, 458 Under 20 to 50 51 years Age of age un20 years years and known. of age. of age. over. Total. 949 31,963 I I II i i i ii i United States ........... 20 to 50 51 years Age of age unyears and nof age. over.known. Under 20 years of age. Total. MIXED BLOOD INDIANS. 1 , i 5 4 7 19 2 121 253 740 1,106 584 27 2, 292 268 335 58 11 30 - NEW ENGLAND: Maine...................... New Hampshire........... .......... Vermont.... Massachusetts.............. Rhode Island.............. Connecticut................. 146 892 34 26 688 284 152 359 13 9 280 122 52 384 6,046 168 1,503 2,737 63 872 2,453 94 603 127 279 188 7,519 10,142 50 142 56 3,424 5,093 59 99 108 2, 876 39633 18 38 24 1,207 1,381 9, 053 471 313 6,486 19,137 3,502 2,444 4,657 180 148 3,371 8,563 1,774 1,379 3, 215 247 135 2,155 7,000 1,243 854 1,171 42 29 945 3,534 480 199 4 3 830 14 7 8 116 47 36 9 288 115 62 ....... . 2 2,850 62 529 28 ....... 1,260 6 296 8 17 16 1 1,424 1,988 WEST NORTH CENTRAL: Minnesota.................. Iowa....................... Missouri.................. North Dakota .............. South Dakota.............. Nebraska.................. Kansas..................... SOUTH ATLANTIC: Delaware................... ........ Maryland... District of Columbia........ Virginia................ West Virginia........... North Carolina............ South Carolina............. Georgia.................... Florida.................... 12 35 10 2 1 15 8 1, 1,638 3,859 280 16 2,499 13,247 2,294 708 40 5 12 338 2, 275 2 1,002 5,085 996 312 957 763 2 587 3,149 413 96 21 4, 316 187 50 30 1 19 35 201 11 2, 713 108 36 40 234 216 909 1,253 141 111 544 672 70 70 84 306 452 30 23 285 4 4 21 1 1,148 1, 418 2, 882 14 31 2,171 3,241 629 825 1,627 6 19 1,086 1,840 265 1,288 7 1 ........ 1 18 53 6 1~. 9 ........ Alaska ......................... .... . 2 351 376 5 374 3 2 5 300 4 10 317 45 63 1,394 815 635 11 36 8 4 . .16 213 541 i1.. 7 3, 177 4 2 - 460 780 74,825 702 248 463 43,676 316 178 260 25,196 290 10,745 3,488 1,486 1,482 20,573 29,201 3,123 5,240 4,994 1,359 667 837 10,834 15,389 1,407 2,054 4,063 1,394 610 474 7,584 10,485 1,250 2,304 10,997 5,090 16,371 5,055 2, 427 7,320 4,023 1,782 6,352 2 .......... ........ 32 57 5,746 89 25, 331 1, 992 536 I . 59 247 90 .... .. 39.16 155 55 .. 78 26 . . 4. 14 ... 9 ... . . ..... ....... ........ .......... ....... 6 ..... :: .......::: 102 ...... 25 .......: 71 161 117 .... 15 44, 288 162 29,385 76 12,572 73 2,275 11 56 2 6,204 2,864 1,174 718 20,085 27,087 2,900 4,287 2,301 1,021 490 351 10,561 14,340 1,300 1,583 2,508 1,154 498 254 7,421 9,634 1,165 1,937 1,391 655 182 112 2,078 2,979 409 752 4 34 4 1 25 134 26 15 3,895 514 284 50 175 414 105 508 2,376 308 171 37 120 283 61 198 17 16 6 8 16 4 2 341 1,317 187 97 7 47 114 36 164 6,770 2,901 10, 493 2,613 1,050 4,007 2,532 1,102 4,149 1,568 744 2,266 57 5 71 3,019 1,668 4,217 1,875 1,125 2,641 980 475 1,443 147 2, 705 1,013 156 82 10 94 21. 444 164 I .. 119 2 11 39 4 5 31 161 41 79 207 2,210 .. 3,198 26 1,837 871 2,605 1 2 14 56 11,501 11,069 115 94 7 25,887 237 1,677 696 205 166 2,124 3,166 425 803 10,923 12,034 II 3 31 1 .......... 23 ........ ....... .......... ................ ........ 2 ........ . 2. 2.......... 2 ........ 21. . . 2 ........ 1 1 4 59 ........ 576 394 107 ........ 128 1 1,077 325 107 ....... 4 11. 4 ..... 118 PACIFIC: Washington................ Oregon..................... California .................. 2 11 .. 398 4 147 12 296 . 5,855 13 .... 4 MOUNTAIN: Montana................... Idaho................... Wyoming.................. Colorado................ . New Mexico............. Arizona.................... Utah..................... Nevada.................... 12....... .......... I ......... 10 WEST SOUTH CENTRAL: Arkansas.................. Louisiana.................. Oklahoma................ Texas...................... 9 26 8 29 7 1,717 2, 531 4 241 ........ 5 55 68 539 36 7,851 331 95 74 EAST SOUTH CENTRAL: Kentucky............. Tennessee.............. Alabama.................... Mississippi....................... 3 2 30 3 28 4,886 22 55 3,561 5,408 939 9 29 757 .. 163 S.....i 14 61 8 3,218 4, 330 1 10 1,455 110 12 901 4,987 881 293 138 ... 1 42 1 440 10 2,028 1,025 758 2.............. ................................ 592 341 239 2 ........ EAST NORTH CENTRAL: Ohio....................... Indiana.................... Illinois..................... .......... Michigan.... ....... Wisconsin...... 184 28 1,140 54 231 26 34 1 3, 528 5, 249 26 11 ....... 72 ....... 2 6 155 1 1 ....... 13.... .....ii 4...... .......... 186 384 3 96 4 MIDDLE ATLANTIC: New York................... New Jersey............. Pennsylvania........... 181 ........ 4...... ....... 20 1 A comparison of the ages of the Indian population as returned at the censuses of 1910 and 1900 is given in Table 23 on the following page. This table shows that in the United States in 1910 over one-half (51.5 per cent) of the Indians were under 20 years of age, over one-third (36.1 per cent) from 20 to 50 years, and about one-eighth (12 per cent) 51 years and over. In 1900 the proportion of young and old per- 2,054 9,910 9, 329 11 I I 3, 887 151 1 " II 4 4 3 17 3 10 65 123 13 I sons was slightly less and that of persons of the intervening age group slightly greater than in 1910. In Alaska in 1910 the proportion of young and of old persons was smaller and that of persons in the intermediate age period considerably greater than in the United States. No comparisons can safely be made with the figures for Alaska for 1900 since, as shown by the table, ages were not reported for 15 percent of the Indians at that census. 13 STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION Table 23 Table 25 INDIAN POPULATION. AGE PERIOD. United States. 237,196 117, 779 87,888 26, 895 4,634 25,331 12, 034 10, 923 2, 210 164 29,536 111,873 111,323 11,914 1 4, 426 100.0 100.0 100. 0 49.7 37.1 11.3 47.5 43.1 8.7 40.2 38.4 6.5 All ages, number................. Under 20 years......................... 20 to 50 years.......................... 51 years and over ....................... Age unknown......................... 265, 683 136,804 95,967 31,963 949 All ages, per cent ............... 100. Age unknown........................ 0.4 Under 20 years of age. 1900 1900 51.5 36.1 12.0 MIXTURE OF BLOOD. 1910 1910 Under 20 years......................... 20 to 50 years........................... 51 yearsandover....................... Alaska. PER CENT OF INDIAN POPULATION OF KNOWN AGE. 2.0 0.6 ....................... Full-blood ....................................... Full tribal .................................... M ixed tribal ................................. Tribal blood of one parent unknown ......... Mixed blood...................................... Table 24 gives, in percentages, the distribution of Indians by age groups, for 22 selected states. Full-blood........................................ Mixed blood...................................... 36.0 39.0 39.7 30.0 30.4 31.1 12.3 16.1 16.3 12.5 14.8 6.1 47.8 43.8 69.8 43.4 46.5 26.1 8.8 9.6 4.0 The number of males to 100 females, by age groups, in the United States and Alaska, is shown in Table 26. Table 26 MALES TO 100 FEMALES IN THE INDIAN POPULATION: 1910 PER CENT OF INDIAN POPULATION OF KNOWN AGE. Table 24 51.8 44.9 44.0 57.5 54.7 62.8 ALASKA. All classes................................. taken from a table showing statistics for noncontiguous territory, as separate figures for Alaska were not available by age groups. Of the Indians in such territory, however, only 28 lived outside of Alaska, and as these were in the military and naval service they have been assumed to be between 20 and 50 years of age and have been deducted from the total for that age group. 51 years of age and over. UNITED STATES. All classes.. 15.0 I Figures 20 to 50 years of age. AGE PERIOD. STATE. Under 20 years of age. 51.7 United States...................... Arizona ... ................................. California....................................... Colorado........................................ Idaho.......................................... . . . . . . . . . . K ansas 1 .--------. Michigan.......................... ......... Minnesota................................. ................ Mississippi ............... 20 to 50 51 years of age years of age. and over. . . Montana....................................... ............................. Nebraska... ............................... Nevada. ........................... New Mexico..... New York...................................... North Carolina.................................. North Dakota .... a........................... Oklahoma e................................... Oregon........................................ South Dakota.................................... Utah............................................ Washington..................................... Wisconsin....................................... Wyoming...................................... Total for 22 states .......................... All other states-.................................. 36.3 12.1 53.0 45.0 56.7 39.4 51.0 45.6 51.5 53.7 46.5 50. 7 39.8 52.7 45.5 55.0 52.1 58.5 47.8 44.8 45.7 46.3 50.4 45.0 36.1 39.0 32.1 40.4 38.2 38.3 35.6 36. 37.9 35.5 44.6 36.9 40. 34.6 33.3 33.8 35.1 36.7 10.9 16.0 11.2 20.2 10.8 16.1 12.9 10.2 15.6 13.7 15.6 10.3 13.8 10.4 14.6 7.7 17.1 18.5 13.8 16.8 13.7 13.8 51.7 36.1 51.4 40.6 36.9 35.9 41.2 39.3 12.2 9.3 United States. 103.5 105.4 102.8 105.4 100.7 All known ages................................... Under 20 years..................................... 20 to 50 years............................................ 51 years and over........................................ 105.8 105.0 105.6 It appears from Table 26 that in the United States in 1910 the reported excess of males was greatest in the group 20 to 50 years of age. In Alaska the proportion of the sexes varied little in the different age groups. Table 27 shows for the United States the sex distribution, by age periods, for Indians of full tribal blood, of mixed tribal blood, and of mixed blood. Table 100 FEMALES INDIAN POPULATION: 27 MALES TO AGE PERIOD. .......................... All known ages Under 20 years ................................... .............................. 20 to50years....... 51 years and over ................................. Full Mixed tribal blood, 1 Exclusive of Indians in Haskell Institute. The proportion under 20 years of age varied from 39.4 per cent in Idaho to 58.5 in Oklahoma; the proportion 20 to 50 years of age was lowest in Colorado (32.1 per cent), and highest in Nevada (44.6 per cent) ; the proportion 51 and over was lowest in Oklahoma (7.7 per cent), and highest in Idaho (20.2 per cent). Table 25 shows, in percentages, the age distribution of Indians classified according to mixture of blood. The fact that stands out most prominently is the high proportion of young persons among the mixed bloods as compared with the full-bloods. A similar difference is to be noted between the mixed tribal bloods and the full tribal bloods. In both cases the difference may be accounted for in part by the fact that mixed marriages had not become common until within comparatively recent years. Another reason for the predominance of the young element among the mixed bloods is no doubt found in the greater fertility of mixed marriages, which is discussed later. It is evident that differences noted above among the several states with respect to the age distribution of Indians may be due in part to differences in the extent to which mixed marriages have taken place. Alaska. tribal blood. 101.2 104.0 100.7 95.4 109.4 102.9 124.5 106.3 IN THE 1910 Mixed blood. 106.4 102.3 111.5 124.5 The sex distribution of Indians in the youngest age group was substantially the same in all three classes. In the intermediate age group, however, a decided difference appears, the proportion of males being much greater among Indians of mixed tribal blood and among Indians of mixed blood than among those of full tribal blood. In the oldest age group among Indians of full tribal blood the females were actually in excess, while among those of mixed tribal and of mixed blood the males predominated. A partial explanation of these conditions lies in the fact that the male full-bloods have been more frequently exposed to the dangers of war than the mixed bloods, and that this was more frequently the case in the period when the Indians who are now in the older age group were young than during the lifetime of those in the other age groups. Errors in classification of Indian women have probably also affected the statistics. POPULATION-UNITED 14 STATES. FECUNDITY AND VITALITY. Information was collected by the Census Bureau in 1910 in regard to the number of children borne by every married woman. The results of the tabulation of this material for the Indian women are presented in the following discussion. Table 28 presents the data on sterility. Table 28 INDIAN WOMEN 15 TO 44 YEARS OF AGE, MARRIED ONE YEAR OR MORE. DEGREE OF MIXTURE. Bearing no children. Total number tabulated. All classes ..................--......... Number. 21,532 1,853 Marriages among full-bloods ................... Husband and wife belonging to same tribe.... Husband and wife belonging to different tribes.. 10,379 9,820 559 1,111 1,018 93 .................... Mixed marriages ..... Marriages of full-bloods with mixed bloods. Wife full-blood, husband white and Indian. Husband full-blood, wife white and Indian. Marriages of full-bloods with whites ........ Wife full-blood, husband white .......... Husband full-blood, wife white......... Marriages among mixed bloods ......... Wife white and Indian, husband white and Indian. ................. e Wife negro and Indian, husband negro and Indian. ....................... Wife white, negro and Indian, husband white, negro and Indian ............ Marriages of mixed bloods with whites-..... Wife white, husband white and Indian... Husband white, wife white and Indian ... 10,752 1,508 914 594 208 208 Per cent. 717 Polygamous marriages (husband and wives probably full-blood Indians)......................... 8.6 10. 7 10.4 16.6 6.7 133 8.8 77 56 16 16 8.4 9.4 7.7 7.7 3,970 276 7.0 3,675 254 6.9 10 101 194 5,066 2,336 2,730 12 292 174 118 9.9 6.2 5.8 7.4 4.3 25 401 6.2 Only those women were included in the tabulation who were between 15 and 44 years of age, who had been married for at least one year, and who were neither widowed nor divorced nor married for a second or subsequent time. As a result of these restrictions all of the women included in this tabulation answered the following description: (1) They were of childbearing age; (2) had been married long enough to have children; and (3) were living in the married state at the time of the enumeration. Table 29 This last limitation makes possible the presentation of information about the husband and, since all second and subsequent marriages are excluded, the children are in each case the offspring of the couple as shown on the schedule. In this manner most elements of uncertainty have been excluded, so that the data lend themselves to trustworthy interpretation. The most significant fact brought out by Table 28 is that, while for all classes of marriages the proportion resulting in no issue was 8.6 per cent, for marriages between full-bloods the proportion was 10.7 per cent, and for mixed marriages it was 6.7 per cent. Thus sterility is considerably less common in cases of miscegenation than in cases of marriage between full-bloods. Furthermore, the proportion of issueless marriages decreases directly as the amount of white blood in the married couple increases. For the marriages of fullbloods with mixed bloods, where less than one-half of the blood was white, the percentage of sterility was 8.8; for the marriages of full-bloods with whites, where onehalf of the blood was white, the proportion of sterility was 7.7 per cent; for the marriages between mixed bloods, where the proportion of white blood may have varied considerably but was probably one-half or more, sterility was shown in 7 per cent of the cases; and finally, for marriages of mixed bloods with whites, where more than one-half and often three-fourths or more of the blood was white, the percentage of sterility was only 5.8. Thus an inverse relation between the amount of white blood in the married couple and the proportion of childless urions seems to be established by the table. Table 29 deals only with women who have been married from 10 to 20 years, inclusive, and distinguishes those who have borne no more than two children (including those who have borne no children) from those who have borne from three to five children, and six or more children, as shown by the returns for 1910. INDIAN WOMEN 15 TO 44 YEARS OF AGE, MARRIED 10 TO 20 YEARS. Per cent bearing- Number bearingDEGREE OF MIXTURE. Total number tabulated. Not more than two Three to five children. Six or more children. 3,391 children. Not more 2,884 than two Three to five Six or more children. children, 16.9 44.9 38.2 1,203 1,145 58 19.6 19.5 20.2 47.5 47.6 47.2 32.9 32.9 32.6 1, 626 234 145 42.4 41.7 42.3 40.8 43.4 44.2 44.8 43.2 children. i All classes ..................................... ................ 1,273 7,548 3,658 3,480 178 716 680 36 1,739 1,655 3,745 530 324 206 532 75 42 33 1,587 89 14.2 14.2 13.0 16.0 90 90 7 39 39 44 44 7.8 7.8 43.3 43.3 48.9 48.9 Marriages among mixed bloods ................................. Wife white and Indian, husband white and Indian ........ ......... .................. Wife negro and Indian, husband negro and Indian . Wife white, negro, and Indian, husband white, negro, and Indian........ 1,385 1,286 36 63 200 183 7 539 9 22 646 595 20 31 14.4 14.2 19.4 15.9 38.9 39.5 25.0 34.9 46.6 46.3 55.6 49.2 Marriages of mixed bloods with whites ....................................... Wife white, husband white and Indian................................... Husband white, wife white and Indian....... .................. 1,740 777 963 250 126 124 788 702 349 439 302 400 14.4 16.2 12.9 45.3 44.9 45.6 40.5 38.9 41.5 25 65 55 17.2 44.8 37.9 Marriages among full-bloods................................ Husband and wife belonging to same tribe. ..... .................... Husband and wife belonging to different tribes .............................. .. 1 1 ! .I Mixed marriages .......... ............ ......................... Marriages of full-bloods with mixed bloods ..... ....................... Wife full-blood, husband white and Indian............................. Husband full-blood, wife white and Indian.............................. Marriages of full-bloods with whites......................................... Wife full-blood, husband white .......................................... Husband full-blood, wife white ................................... Polygamous marriages (husband and wives probably full-blood Indians) ......... 7 10 145 ,. 84 221 137 84 508 , STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION 15 A comparison of the figures for marriages between full-bloods with those for mixed marriages shows the greater fertility of the latter; a smaller proportion resulted in two children or less and in from three to five children than in the case of the pure marriages and a much higher proportion in six or more children. A further analysis of mixed marriages shows, however, that as far as the number of children is concerned the proportion of white blood does not materially influence the offspring. In fact, the marriages between full-blood Indians and whites are more prolific than any of the other main classes of mixed marriages. Of the subclasses under "Marriages among mixed bloods," the marriages between Indian and negro mixed bloods showed the greatest fertility, more than half of such marriages resulting in six or more children. The average number of children per marriage, by degree of mixture of blood, is shown in Table 30. ation. From the replies to this inquiry a study can be made of the proportion of children surviving. The results of such a study for the Indians are presented in Table 31. For all classes of marriages the proportion of surviving children was 74.7 per cent; for pure marriages it was 69.7 per cent, and for mixed marriages 79 per cent. A further analysis of the mixed marriages shows that the percentages of children surviving were highest among children one of whose parents was white. Thus for marriages between full-bloods and whites the proportion of surviving children was 82.9 per cent, and for marriages between mixed bloods and whites the proportion was 83 per cent, while for marriages among mixed bloods it was only 77.6 per cent, and for marriages between fullbloods and mixed bloods only 69.9 per cent, or only slightly higher than for marriages between full-bloods (69.7 per cent). Table 30 Table 31 Total number of CHILDREN BORNE. CHILDREN BORNE BY INDIAN WOMEN TABULATED. Indian women 15Average to 44 years Average of age, 10Number. married DEGREE OF MIXTURE. married'10 to 20 years, 7,548 36,277 4.8 iMarriages among full-bloods ................... Husband and wife belonging to same tribe. Husband and wife belonging to different tribes................................... 3,658 3,480 16,469 15, 678 4. 5 Mixed marriages............................ Marriages of full-bloods with mixed bloods.. 3,745 530 19,127 2, 720 5.1 5.1 dian. ............................ 324 1,678 5.2 dian.......................... 206 1,042 5.1 Wife full-blood, husband white........ 90 Husband full-blood wife white........................ Marriages among mixed bloods.............1,385 485 . Wife full-blood, husband white and InHusband full-blood, wife white and In- Marriages of full-bloods with whites ...... 178 90 Wife white and Indian, husband white 791 485 4.5 4.4 5.4 5. 4 7,322 5.3 and Indian.......................... 1,286 6,786 5.3 and Indian.......................... 36 188 5.2 white, negro and Indian.............. 63 348 5.5 Wife negro and Indian, husband negro Wife white, negro, and Indian, husband Marriages of mixed bloods with whites ... Wife white, husband white and Indian... Husband white, wife white and Indian.. 1,740 8,600 777 963 3,731 4, 869 number. 145 681 All classes ................................ 36,277 27,111 74.7 11,476 10,970 69.7 70.0 506 64.0 Mixed marriages ........... ................ Marriages of full-bloods with mixed bloods ... Wife full-blood, husband white and Indian. Husband full-blood, wife white and Indian. Marriages of full-bloods with whites............ Wife full-blood, husband white........... Husband full-blood, wife white....................... Marriages among mixed bloods................7,322 Wife white and Indian,husband white and Indian......6........ ........ 15,119 1,902 1,195 707 402 402 79.0 69.9 71.2 67.9 82.9 82.9 ...... 77.6 Wife negro and Indian, husband negro and 19, 127 2, 720 1,678 1,042 485 485 5,681 6,786 Indian.............................188 4. 9 8 5.1 5,280 152 Wife white, negro, and Indian, husband white, negro, and Indian............... Marriages of mixed bloods with whites ....... Wife white, husband white and Indian ... Husband white, wife white and Indian. . 77.8 80.9 Polygamous marriages (husband and wives prob- 348 8, 600 3,731 4,869 249 7,134 3,095 4, 039 681 516 71.6 83.0 83.0 83.0 4. 75.8 4.7 These figures likewise indicate that mixed marriages are more fertile, the average number of children resulting from such marriages being 5.1, while the average for the marriages of full-bloods was 4.5. The highest number of children per marriage shown for any of the subdivided classes was for marriages between full-blood Indians and whites, but for marriages in which both husband and wife represented a mixture of white, negro, and Indian blood the average number of children was higher than for any other group. In addition to the number of children borne by every married woman, the census schedule in 1910 called for he number of children living at the time of the enumer- ,average Number. Per cent. Marriages among full-bloods ...................... 16,469 Husband and wife belonging to same tribe ..-- 15,678 Husband and wife belonging to different tribes................. ................. 791 ably full-blood Indians)........................ Polygamous marriages (husband and wives probably full-blood Indians)........... .......... Surviving. Total woman tabulated. inclusive. All classes............................. DEGREE OF MIXTURE. The figures bring out the fact that a larger proportion of the children having one white parent survive than of children both of whose parents are full-blood or mixed blood Indians, but do not in themselves show whether this is due to conditions in the home or to greater virility of the offspring. In conclusion, it is to be noted that the results of the studies on sterility, on fecundity, and on vitality all indicate that the increase of the mixed blood Indians is much greater than that of the full-blood Indians, and that unless the tendencies now at work undergo a decided change the full-bloods are destined to form a decreasing proportion of the total Indian population and ultimately to disappear altogether. POPULATION-UNITED STATES. 16 INDIAN TRIBES, BY STATES: 1910. Table 32 Number. TRIBE AND STATE. .......... Abnaki..... New York............ Other states........... TRIBE AND STATE. 37 24 13 Acoma................ New Mexico.......... 691 691 Ahtena ................. Oregon................. 2 2 Aleut...................... Oregon................. 40 40 ........ Alibamu........ Texas.......... ..... Louisiana........... Alsea............. ..... Oregon............... Other states.......... 298 187 111 29 27 2 Apache.... .............Arizona.............. Oklahoma............ Other states.......... 4,973 Arapaho.... ............ Wyoming............ Oklahoma........... Other states............ 1,419 Arikara................. North Dakota.......... Other states.......... Assiniboin............. Montana..-.......... Other states.......... Auk.................... Oregon. 4,652 Cheyenne................ Oklahoma.......... Montana.. .......... South Dakota........ Pennsylvania....... Other states............. 3,055 1,522 1,346 133 33 21 Chickahominy ............. Virginia ................. 115 115 Chickasaw.............. Oklahoma.......... Other states.............. 4,204 4,191 13 Chilkat..................... Oregon................ 4 4 Chimakum.................. Washington.. --......... 3 3 Chimariko.................. California..........--------------- 31 31 271 50' 703 685 31 444 425 19 1, 253 1,229 24 ................ 2 2 Bannock................ Idaho................. Montana.............. Other states......... ----------- 413 363 23 27 Bellacoola.................. Washington............. 2 2 Blackfeet................ North Dakota........... Montana............. Nebraska............ Oklahoma............. Other states............. 99 35 33 12 12 7 Brotherton............... Wisconsin............ Other states............. 172 162 10 Caddo................... Oklahoma............. Other states............. 452 436 16 Catawba.... ............ South Carolina.......Other states.......... Number. 124 99 25 Cayuga.... ........... New York.......... Oklahoma.............. Other states.............. 81 53 17 11 Cayuse... ............. Oregon................ Other states.............. 298 277 21 Chinook ............... Washington.............. Oregon.......- ......... Other states.............. Chippewa--- .............. Minnesota..-......... Wisconsin........... Miclhigan--- ............ North Dakota......... Montana--............ Pennsylvania............ Kansas,............. South Dakota........... Nebraska............ Oklahoma........... Oregon................ Other states.............. Chitimacha.............. Louisiana --........... Pennsylvania....... Choctaw ---............... Oklahoma............... Mississippi - -...........Louisiana..-.---........ Alabama........... Other states...........-- 315 177 125 13 20,214 8, 234 4,299 3,725 2,966 486 134 92 73 64 64 48 29 69 50 19 15,917 14,551 1,162 115 57 32 Choinimni................. California............. 18 18 Chookiminah........... California.....------...... 4 4 Chuckchansi.............. California............... Arizona ................. 144 142 2 Clackamas............. Oregon.. ........... Washington............. 40 39 1 Clallam.... .............. Washington..........-----------Other states.............. 398 383 15 Clatsop..... ............ Washington.............. Other states.............. 26 18 8 Clear Lake.......-........ California................ 193 193 Chastacosta............... Oregon.................. 7 7 Coast Yuki............... California................ Chehalis.................... Washington............. Oregon.................. 282 279 3 15 15 Cochiti........-------........ New Mexico.............. 237 237 Chemehuevi... ......... California............ Nevada.................. Arizona... .......... Wisconsin... ....... 355 260 60 Cocopa................... Arizona................. California............... 245 229 16 7 Cherokee.... .......... Oklahoma........... North Carolina.... South Carolina.... Kansas... .......... Pennsylvania......... Tennessee............... California............... North Dakota........... Other states.............. 31, 489 29,610 1,406 87 71 50 45 34 34 152 Coeur d' Alene......... Idaho................... Other states............. 293 284 9 Columbia ................ Washington............ Oregon................ 385 333 52 Colville...................... Washington............. Oregon................... Other states............. 785 717 25 43 Chetco...................... Oregon.................. Other states.............. 9 7 2 28 Comanche... ........... Oklahoma.... ....... Other states............. 1,171 1,160 11 Number. TRIBE AND STATE. TRIBE AND STATE. Number. Comox................... ... Washington......... 1 1 Jicarilla Apache............ New Mexico............. Cow Creek.............. Oregon............... 9 9 Juaneno.................... California............... 16 16 Cowichan ............. Washington.......... 62 62 Kai-Pomo ................. California............... 51 51 Cowlitz..................... Washington-............. 105 105 Kake...................... Oregon.................. 3 3 Cree.................. . Montana......-......Washington............ Michigan............. Oregon.... ........... Other states.......... 459 309 91 28 22 9 Kalapooia..................... Oregonn................ 5 5 Kalispel.................... Montana ................ Washington............. Other States............ 564 386 157 21 Kansa.................... Oklahoma.............. Kansas................. 238 Creek..... ............ Oklahoma --........... Alabama............ Montana-............. Kansas................. Other states............. 6,945 6,654 185 34 33 39 Croatan..................... North Carolina..- - 5,865 5,865 Crow................... Montana ---............ South Dakota.... .... Other states.............. 1,799 1,698 53 48 694 694 232 6 Kashowoo.................. California................ 4 Kawaiisu................... California............... 23 23 Kawla...................... California............... Arizona................. 755 754 1 4 Delaware................... Oklahoma ..-----....-..... Other states.............. 914 874 40 Kern River................ California............... 105 105 Dieguenos..... ........ California........... 756 756 Kichai..................... Oklahoma.............. 10 10 20 19 1 Kickapoo.................. Kansas................. Oklahoma................ Other states............ 348 211 135 2 486 400 46 27 13 Kiowa..... ........... Oklahoma........... Kansas........................ Other states ............ 11 11 Kiowa Apache................. Oklahoma.............. Dwamish................ Washington............. Oregon.... ......... Flathead.........---..... Montana................. Washington........... Oregon............... Other states......... Gabrieleno.................. California................ Gros Ventres (Algonquian stock)... ............. Montana...........---------------Other states.............. 510 503 7 Gynomehro............ California............- 33 33 Haida.................... Oregon.............-Washington............. 31 25 6 Hat Creek................ California. .......- -.... 240 240 Havasupai.................. Arizona---............. 174 174 Hidatsa (Siouan stock).... North Dakota......... Pennsylvania........ Other states.............. 547 520 10 17 Hoh...................... Washington.............. Hopi.................... Arizona.............. California.......... Other states............ 44 44 2,009 1,941 42 26 Kitamat................. Washington ............. Klikitat.................. Washington............. Oregon.............. 405 370 35 Koasati............... Louisiana........... Texas................. Nebraska............... 98 85 11 2 Kusa.................... . Oregon................. 93 93 Kutenai.................... Montana................. Idaho................. Other states............. 538 424 107 7 Kwakiutl.................. Washington............. Laguna.................... New Mexico........... California........... Other states............. H upa........................ California... ......... Other states.... 639 Lakmiut.................... Oregon.?................. 617, 22 Lipan Apache ............. New Mexico.......... 244 124 Other states ............. 79 Little Lake ................ 38 California............... 3 Other states............ 956 910 Lower Lake................ California............... 34 12 Lummi..................... 499 Washington............. 499 Other states............. Jemez....................... New Mexico............. 1 1 696 646 23 16 11 152 152 Isleta... .................... New Mexico............. Texas.................... Other states.............. 139 139 Klamath.... ........... Oregon ............... Pennsylvania............ California............... Other states............ Humboldt Bay.............. California............... Iowa. .... .................. K ansas................... Oklahoiha............... Nebraska............... Other states............. 1,126 1,107 17 2 1 1 1,472 1, 441 19 12 8 8 28 20 8 94 84 10 96 96 353 348 5 17 STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION. INDIAN TRIBES, BY STATES: 1910-Continued. Table 32-Contd. Number. TRIBE AND STATE. M aidu..................... California................ Other states............. TRIBB AND STATE. Number. Montauk................... Wisconsin................ Other states............. TRIBE AND STATE. 1,100 1,098 2 29 21 8 M akah..................... Washington............ Oregon................ 360 354 6 Muckleshoot................ Washington............. Oregon.................. 194 191 3 Malecite.................... M aine .................. Other states............. 142 138 4 Munsee................... Kansas................. Oklahoma.............. Other states.............. 71 41 21 9 Nambe..................... New Mexico............. 88 88 Narraganset............... Wisconsin.............. Connecticut......... Other states............. 16 8 5 3 Navajo..................... Arizona................ New Mexico ............ Utah................... Other states............ 22, 455 Malemiut................Oregon.............. 2 2 Mandan.................. North Dakota.......... Other states............ 209 197 12 Maricopa.................... Arizona................ California..............- 386 382 4 Marin.................. California........... - 22 22 Mary's River............... Oregon.............- 24 24 Mashpee.................Massachusetts........... Pennsylvania.........- 206 201 5 Mattapony................. .......... Virginia... 1 1 Mattole...............-California...........-- 34 34 .................--Mayo Arizona.............-- 40 40 Menominee.............. ....... Wisconsin.... Michigan........... Other states............ 1,422 1,350 34 38 Mescalero Apache......... New Mexico........... Other states............. 424 416 8 Methow.................Washington............- 14 14 Miami...................Oklahoma.............Indiana...............Other states.........-- 226 123 90 13 Micmac................-. Maine................Massachusetts...........-. Minnesota...........- 45 23 21 1 Middle Town.............. California............... Missouri .................... Oklahoma ............... Washington.......... Miwok................ California ............... Nevada ................. Modoc ....................... Oregon ................... Oklahoma............... California............ Other states.......... Mohave.................. Arizona............. California............ Other states........... 7 7 13 12 1 670 669 1 282 212 33 20 17 1,058 667 389 2 ............ Mohawk... New York............ Ohio................... Wisconsin............. Oklahoma ............ Other states............. 368 320 12 12 11 13 Mohegan................... Connecticut.............. 22 22 M olala....................... .......... Oregon... Other states.......... 31 25 6 M ono........................ California............... Nevada.................. 1,448 1,388 60 Nespelim................. Washington............ Nez Perces................. Idaho................... Washington............. Oregon................. Montana................ Pennsylvania............ Other states............ ....... Niantic............. Connecticut.......... 11,001 10,354 1,039 61 46 46 1,259 1,035 79 58 54 31 2 1 1 Nisqualli...................... Washington............ Oregon................. 125 122 3 Nooksak................. Washington............. 85 85 ............ Nootka.... Washington............. 15 15 Okinagan................... Washington.............. Oregon ................. Other states............. 272 256 11 5 129 8 Omaha..................... Nebraska............... Kansas ............... Pennsylvania.......... Other states.......... 1,105 1,075 11 11 8 ............. Oneida... Wisconsin............... New York............. Pennsylvania......... Kansas................. Oklahoma. .......... Other states............. 2,436 2,107 211 40 26 18 34 Onondaga................ New York................ Pennsylvania............. Other states.......... Opata...................... Arizona................. Orleans.................. California ............... Osage ................. Oklahoma............... Kansas ................ Other states.......... ................ Oto... Oklahoma........... Nebraska........... Other states............. Ottawa.................... Michigan................ Oklahoma ............ Wisconsin ............ Other states........... Pahvant................. Utah.................. 365 327 33 5 TRIBE AND STATE. Number. Powhatan................... Virginia................. 131 131 Puyallup................... Washington................ Oregon.................. Other states............. 303 278 21 4 Quapaw.................... Oklahoma................ Other states............. 231 221 10 Quileute.................... Washington.............. 780 247 238 210 69 16 259 269 Quinatelt................... Washington.............. Oregon.................. 288 287 1 Paloos................... Washington.......... ......... Oregon. ... 82 75 7 ......... Pamunkey.... Virginia................ 83 83 .......... Panamint. ... California............... Nevada................. 10 9 1 Papago.................... Arizona............... Other states ........... 3,798 3,785 13 Redwood (Huchnom) ..... California................ Passamaquoddy............ Maine................. Other states.............. 386 381 5 Redwood (Whilkut) ....... California................ Washington.............. 76 74 2 Patwin................... California................ 186 186 383 368 15 Paviotso................... Nevada................ Oregon................ Idaho................. California................ Other states.............. 3,038 Rogue River................ Oregon.................. Other states............. Saiaz....................... California............... 6 6 2,414 341 152 101 30 St. Regis................... New York.............. Pennsylvania........... Other states............. . 15 15 1,219 1,140 77 2 Pawnee................... Oklahoma............. Arizona............. Pennsylvania.......... Other states............. 633 573 19 18 23 Pecos....................... New Mexico.............. Pennsylvania........... 10 9 Penobscot................... Maine................. Other states............. 266 253 13 San Ildefonso.............. New Mexico............. . 123 123 Peoria..................... Oklahoma............... Other states............ 128 114 14 San Juan................... New Mexico............. Other states.............. 387 384 3 Pequot..... ........... Connecticut............. Massachusetts......... 66 49 17 San Luiseno................. California................ 467 467 Plankashaw................... Oklahoma............... 2 2 137 Nomelaki ..................... California............... Pennsylvania............ Paiute.................. Nevada................ Utah................. California................ Arizona.............. Other states.......... Nu mber. 1 San Antonio................ California................ 16 16 Sandia..................... New Mexico............. 73 73 San Felipe.................. 490 New Mexico............ 490 San Luis Obispo............ California................ 1 1 Sanpoil...................... Washington............. Other states.............. 240 238 2 211 211 Picuris...................... New Mexico.............. 104 104 Piegan...................... Montana................ Nebraska................ Pennsylvania.......... Other states............. 2,268 2,221 21 12 14 Santa Ana................... New Mexico............. Pima...................... Arizona................. California................ Other states ............. 4,236 4,167 60 Santa Clara................ New Mexico............ 277 277 9 52 Santa Cruz................ California................ 17 17 35 35 Pisquow ..................... Washington .............. Santa Barbareno ......... California............... 2 2 52 Santa Ynez.................... 985 888 81 16 California................. 5 5 Pit River..................... California................ ......... Oregon.... Other states........... 775 775 Pojoaque................... New Mexico.............. 16 16 1,373 1,345 Pomo..................... California............... Arizona................. 777 776 1 Ponca ................. Oklahoma............... Nebraska................ Kansase................. Other states .............. 875 619 193 42 21 Oregon................... Santo Domingo............ New Mexico............. 9 9 817 817 Sauk and Fox............... 724 Poosepatuck................ New York................ 1 1 Potawatomi........ ..... Oklahoma............. Kansas................ ..... Michigan......... Wisconsin............. Other states.............. 2, 440 866 819 461 245 49 Oklahoma............... Iowa..................... Kansas................... Other states.............. 347 257 69 51 Seminole................... Oklahoma................ Texas.................... Other states.............. 1,729 1,503 200 26 12 16 332 314 10 8 2,717 2,454 170 50 43 37 37 Santee Sioux................ Nebraska................ South Dakota............ Minnesota................ Montana................. North Dakota............ Other states.............. Santiam..................... 1, 539 708 378 232 107 100 14 POPULATION-UNITED STATES. 18 INDIAN TRIBES, BY STATES: 1910-Continued. Table 32-Contd. TRIBE AND STATE. Number. TRIBE AND STATE. Number. Number. TRIBE AND STATE. INumber. TRIBE AND STATE. 11l Seneca..................... New York............. Oklahoma ........... Pennsylvania............ Other states.............. 2,907 2,485 215 184 23 Serrano................... ........ California ...... Other states.............. 118 115 3 Shasta.................... California................ Oregon................... Other states.............. 353 255 96 2 Shawnee ................... Oklahoma. ............ Kansas................... Missouri ................ Other states.............. 1, 338 1,300 Shinnecock................. New York ............. Shoshoni................ Nevada ............. Idaho................... Wyoming ............... Utah............... California .............. Other states.............. Shuswap .................---Washington........... 14 14 10 167 167 3,840 1,555 1,259 700 248 33 45 9 9 Sia--.........----............--New Mexico............ 109 109 Sioux.....................----South Dakota........ Minnesota................ North Dakota............ Pennsylvania......... Montana.............. Nebraska................ New Jersey.................. Oklahoma.............. Kansas................ ... Other states........... 996 277 161 99 96 86 62 Sisseton Sioux............ . South Dakota ........... North Dakota.._...... Montana............... Minnesota .u..a..l..m.. q Other states........... 2,514 1,553 53 40 60 621 255 63 22 .......... Siuslaw..... Oregong.............. 7 7 Skagit.................... Washington........... 56 56 Skokomish.................... Washington.......... Oregon ................ 195 193 2 Snohomish............... Washington.............. Oregon............... 664 661 3 Snoqualmu ............... Washington........... 93 93 Songish................ Washington.......... 23 23 Spokan...................... Washington........... Montana............ Idaho ................ Other states........... 643 379 134 96 34 Squaxon..................... Washington ............. 44 44 Stockbridges............. Wisconsin ................ Other states........... 533 502 31 Suquamish .............. Washington............. Oregon............... 307 306 Swinomish................ Washington.......... 333 333 Tachi................. California............... 273 27 27 Takelma...... ............ Washington............. 1 1 Taos................... New Mexico............. 517 Tawakoni.................. Oklahoma................ 1 1 Tehachapi .............. California................. 2 2 Tenankutchin............... Oregon................... 1 177 Tesuque-.................... . New Mexico........... 517 77 77 Teton Sioux............... South Dakota............ North Dakota......... Montana............ Kansas.................. Other states........... 14,284 13,795 370 66 34 19 Tillamook................... Oregon................... Other states............. 25 18 7 Tlatskanai.................. Washington............. 3 3 Tolowa................ California................ Oregon................. 121 118 3 Tonkawa ................... Oklahoma............... 42 42 Topinish................. Washington.............. 47 47 Tsimshian. ............ Washington . ......... Oregon............... 51 37 14 Tunica. ................... Louisiana .............. 43 43 Tuscarora .............. New York........... Pennsylvania............ Other states ............ Twana. ............... Washington ............ Wisconsin .............. Umatilla .................. Oregon.................. Washington ............ Other states.......... 400 382 15 3 61 60 1 272 152 85 35 109 90 Wintun.................... California................. Nevada............... 399 395 4 15 Wishram................. Washington.......... 274 274 2,244 1,472 725 47 Wyandot ................. ... Oklahoma ....... Kansas..... .......... Other states............. 353 320 21 12 Waco ................... Oklahoma.............. 5 5 Wailakii................. California ............. Other states............. 227 217 10 Yakima................. Washington............. Oregon.............. Other states............. Walapail................. Arizona.... ......... Other states ............. 501 496 5 Wallawalla ............... Oregon............... Other states ........... 397 390 7 Wampanoag ............... Massachusetts........... Pennsylvania_........... 162 152 10 Wapato.................... Washington..-....... Oregon ............... 44 27 17 Wappo ................. California................ 73 73 Warm Springs. ......... Oregon ................ Washington ............. Other states............. 550 502 43 5 Wasco................... Oregon.............. Washington.............. Other states.............. 242 184 Washo................... Nevada................... California.............. Other states................ 819 536 273 10 Umpqua-...... ........ Oregon-..-.............. Washington ......... Other states....... ..... Upper Coquille_........ Oregon .............. ... Ute..................... Utah .. ............... Colorado............... .. Other states ........ 172 15 54 4 4 ................. Wea.r... Indiana................... Oklahoma............. 2 2 Wechikhit ................ California ............ 6 6 Weitspec .................... California ............... 668 668 Wichita.g............... Oklahoma ................ 318 279 20 19 South Dakota ........ Other states........... Wikchamni ................ California............... Washington............ 25 24 1 1,820 Winnebago .............. Nebraska............... 1,007 Wisconsin ........... 735 32 Iowa................ 17 Pennsylvania........... 29 Other states.............. Yamel....................... Oregon .................. Washington .............. Yana. ....-... o......... California .............. 1,362 1,279 62 21 5 4 1 39 39 Yanktonai Sioux....... .. South Dakota....... North Dakota............ Other states.......... 1,357 803 551 3 Yankton Sioux ............ South Dakota........... Montana................ North Dakota .......... Other states ............ 2, 088. 1,534 Yaqui.......---........ Arizona.............. California.............. Oklahoma .............. 528 Yaquina................ Oregon................. Washington ............. 19 13 6 Yavapai ................... Arizona................. 289 289 Yokuts.................... 302 California. ....... ...... 372 159 23 489 38 1 302 Yonkalla.................... Oregon................ 11. 11 Yowdanchi ................. California.............. 3 3 Yuchi........................ Oklahoma............... District of Columbia...... 78 74 4 Yuki............--............ California ................. Other states............ 95 91 4 Yuma.................... California ............ Arizona.................. Pennsylvania ............ 834 Yuma Apache............... Arizona............... 24 Zuni........................ New Mexico.............. Other states.............. 642 191 1 24 1,667 1,664 3 STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION. 19 POPULATION OF THE DIFFERENT STATES, BY TRIBES: 1910. INDIAN [The following states for which little or no data as to tribes were reported, are omitted from the table: Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois.: Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, New Hampshire, Ohio, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia. See Table 15, p. 9.] Table 33 Number. STATE AND TRIBE. | ' STATE AND TRIBE. Number. STATE AND TRIBE. I Number. !_________ I _ Alabama................... Choctaw................ Creek................... All other' ........... 909 57 185 667 Arizona.................. Apache................ Cocopa.............. Havasupai.............. Hopi ................. Maricopa.......... .. Mohave............ Navajo.................. Paiute_........... Papago ... ::......... : Pima................. .... Walapai...... Yaqui.......... ... Yavapai................. Yuma ............. All other'........... 29,201 California.............. Chemehuevi............ Chuckchansi......... Clear Lake............... Dieguenos.............. Flat Creek.............. Humboldt Bay......... Hupa ............... Kai-Pomo............... Kawia ................ Kern River............ Little Lake............ Lower Lake........... Maidu.............. Miwok.................. Mohave................ Mono............... Nomelaki ............ Orleans ............... Paiute.................. Patwin ................. Paviotso................ Pima..................... Pit River............ Pomo.............. Redwood-Whilkut..... San Luiseno ............ Serrano .................. Shasta .............. Tolowa ................. Wailaki ............. Wappo ................. Washo .................. Weitspec ............ Wintun ............. Yokuts ...... .......... Yuki.................. Yuma ............... All other 1.............. 16,371 Colorado ................... Ute,................. All other 1........... 1,482 Walpa----------------- Connecticut . ............. Mohegan................. Pequot.................. All other 1............... Idaho.................... Bannock ............. Coeur d'Alene......_.... Kutenai................ Nez Perces............ Paviotso ................. Shoshoni ................ Spokan................ All other 1........... Indiana..................... Miami.............. All other 1............... Iowa.................... Sauk and Fox........... Winnebago ............. All other 1............... Kansas..................... Cherokee............... Chippewa ........... Iowa.................. Kickapoo............ Potawatomi ........... Sank and Fox........... All other '................ 1Includes 4,652 229 174 1,941 382 667 11,001 69 3,785 4,167 496 489 289 191 669 260 142 193 756 240 152 617 51 754 105 84 96 Louisiana .............. Alibamu................. Chitimacha............. . Choctaw ................. Koasati...............--Tunica.................. All other 1............... Maine....................... Malecite.............. Passamaquoddy.......... Penobscot............... All other 1................. 892 138 381 253 120 Massachusetts............... Mashpee .............. Wampanoag....... ... 688 201 152 335 All other 1... ... ... Michigan .............. Chippewa........... Ottawa............. Potawatomi.............. All other 1--................ 7,519 3,725 Minnesotae.............. Chippewa....... ..... Santee Sioux............ Sioux............... All other 1........... 9,053 8, 234 232 161 426 Mississippi ................ Choctaw ........... 1,253 All other 1................... Montanai................ Assiniboin............ Cheyenne............... Chippewa ..S.i.......... 1,388 Cree..o............... 122 Crow .................... 775 Flathead................ 210 Gros Ventres............ 186 Kalispel.............. 101 Kutenaio............. 60 Nez Perces.............. 888 Piegan................... 776 Santee Sioux ......... 74 Sioux .. ............. 467 Sisseton Sioux ........... 115 Spokan.................. 255 Teton Sioux........... 118 Yankton Sioux............ 217 All other ................... 73 1,098 669 389 273 668 395 302 91 642 2,569 725 757 152 22 49 81 3,488 363 284 107 1,035 152 Nebraska.................. Chippewa............... Omaha.............. Ponca................ Santee Sioux........... Sioux................... Winnebago............... All other ................ Nevada .................. Chemehuevi............ Mono .................. Paiute ................. Paviotso............. Shoshoni.......... ..... Washo............... All other 1................ New Jersey ............... Sioux ................. All other 1................ New Mexico ............... Acoma .................. Cochiti................. Isleta ................... 279 Jemez................... 90 Jicarilla Apache........ 189 Laguna ............. Mescalero Apache....... 471 Nambe.................. 257 Navajo.................. 32 Picuris ............. 182 Sandia ................... 2, 444 San Felipi........... San Ildefonso. ........ 71 San Juan...... ..... 92 Santa Ana.............. 124 Santa Clara ............. 211 Santo Domingo..... 819 Sia................ 69 Taos ................. 1,058 1,259 96 192 780 111 50 115 85 43 376 2,454 461 879 1,162 91 10, 745 1,229 1,346 486 309 1,698 400 503 386 424 54 2,221 107 86 255 134 66 372 669 3,502 64 1,075 193 708 62 1,007 393 5,240 60 60 247 2,414 1,555 536 368 168 62 106 20, 573 691 237 910 499 694 1,441 416 88 10,354 104 73 490 STATE AND TRIBE. Number.. 1 -1 New Mexico-Continued. Tesuque-... ............ Zuni................... All other 1........ ... 77 1,664 397 New York. ... .......... Abnaki_.............. Cayuga.............. Mohawk-.......-...... Oneida................. Onondaga............... St. Regis ............... Seneca................ Shinnecock...-........ Tuscarora............ All other 1............... 6,046 24 53 320 211 327 1,140 2,485 167 382 937 South Carolina............ Catawba................. Cherokee.................. All other -............... South Dakota ........... Cheyenne ........... Chippewa ............. Crow................ 19,137 133 73 53 378 277 Santee Sioux........... Sioux ............... Sisseton Sioux ...... . Teton Sioux.._........ Yanktonai Sioux..... Yankton Sioux_...-. North Carolina............ Cherokee ................. Croatan................ All other '............... All other 1-............ 7,851 1,406 Tennessee................. Cherokee................. 5,865 580 All other 1.............. North Dakota .......... Arikara ................ Chippewa............... Hidatsa......... .... Mandan.............. Santee Sioux-........... Sioux.................. Sisseton Sioux........... Teton Sioux.......... Yanktonai Sioux......... Yankton Sioux........... All other '............... 6,486 425 2,966 520 197 100 99 621 370 551 159 478 Oklahoma............... Apache............. Arapaho............ Caddo................ Cherokee............... Cheyenne............. Chickasaw....... ..... ChippewaOt. ........... Choctaw................. Comanche............. Creek................... Delaware.................. Iowam................. Kansa................. Kickapoo. ............ Kiowa................. Kiowa Apache_...... Miami................. Osage................. Oto..................... Ottawa............. Pawnee.............. Peoria.................. Ponca-............ Potawatomi..... .... .... Quapaw........... Sauk and Fox.......... Seminole............. Seneca................... Shawnee............ Sioux............... Wichita. ............ Wyandot ............ Yuchi................. All other 'i........... Oregon..............--. Cayuse................... Chinook............... Columbia............ Klamath............ Kusa................-Modoc .............. Nez Perces........... Paviotso........ .... Pit River ........... Rogue River........... --.............. Shasta. Umatilla............. Umpqua-.............. Wallawalla. . ..... Warm Springs........ Wasco................... Yakima............... All other 1............ 123 Pennsylvania........... Cherokee .............. 384 Chippewa............ 211 St. Regis ............ 277 Seneca................ 817 Sioux ................. 109 All other 1............ 517 1,160 619 866 221 347 1,503 215 1,300 53 279 320 74 4,679 5,090 277 125 77 184 96 962 803 1,534 538 216 45 171 702; 187 34 200 281 Utahe...................... Navajo................. Paiute................. Shoshoni................ Ute.....-............. All other 1.............. 3,123 1, 039 238 248 1,472126 Chehalish....... ........ Chinook ---............... Clallam............ Columbia ............ Colville .............. Cowichan....... ..... Cowlitz---............. Cree..-................ Kalispel........ ...... Klikitat.--........ ..... Lummi.............. Makahm....-............ Muckleshoot.......... Nez Perces.............. Nisqualli ............. Nooksak............. Okinagan .............. Paloos........ ..... Pisquow............ Puyallup................ Quileute .. ... ....... Quinaielt ............. Sanpoil............. Skagit.................. Skokomish............... Snohomish................ Snoqualmu........... Spokan.............. Suquamish ............ Swmomish........... Twana-................. Umatilla .............. Wasco .....--......... Wishram................ Yakima............... 52 646 93 212 58 341 All other 1.............. 81 368 96 Wisconsin ................. 152 Brotherton.......... 90 Chippewa ............ 390 Menominee-........... 502 Oneida................ 184 Ottawa............. 62 Potawatomi ............. 1,361 Stockbridges..-....... Winnebago........... 1,503 50 134 1,553 13,795 Texas....................... Alibamu ............... Isleta.................. Seminole................ AU other 1............. 74,825 271 685 Virginia.................. 436 Chickahominy........... 29,610 Pamunkey............. 1,522 Powhatan............. 4,191 All other 1............... 64 14,551 Washington................ 6,654 874 79 232 135 1,107 139 123 1,345 314 170 573 114 331 99 87 145 All other '............... Wyoming ................. Arapaho............. Shoshoni............ . All other 1........ members of tribes other than those listed under each state and Indians whose tribal affiliations were not reported. 539+ 115 83 131 210 10,997 279177 383 333 717 62 105 91 157 370 348 354 191 79 1291 85, 256 75 52: 278: 259 287 238 56 19.3 661 93379 306 333 6085 54 274 1, 279 1,919 10,142 162 4, 299 1,350 2,107 50 245 502 735 692 1, 486: 703 700 83 20 POPULATION-UNITED STATES. INDIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR PRINCIPAL COUNTIES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890. Table 34 COUNTY. 1910 1900 Alabama............................................... Autauga .................. .................. Calhoun .................................................... Clarke ............................................. Covington ........................................... ................. ..... .. Crenshaw................................................ Escambia .................. .... Jackson........................ ................ Jefferson.......................................... Lawrence ...... ............................ . Madison.................................................... Marengo .......................... . ....... .................... Mobile...................................... Monroe ........................................... Russell ................................. ............. Washington .... .. ....... ..... Remainder of state............................................. 909 .............. Arizona...... ............................ .... Apache.............................. ...... .. Cochise................................... Coconino .................... ............. ..... .. Gila...........-........ ...... .. .. Graham........................ Maricopa........................................ Mohave ................ ....................... Navajo ...... .......................... .... Pima ......................................... inal .......................... ............ ........................ Santa Cruz.......... Yavapai.......4..................... .... Yuma ............................................. 29,201 6, 131 26 2, 88 2,508 450 3,099 Arkansas ...................... ............... Arkansas..... .................... Benton ........ ................... Calhoun ............................ Clark.. ......................................... Cleveland........ .............. ............... Crawford .......................................... Crittenden .......................... Dallas ................. ............................ Desha .1.....................................4.3......... Garland .............................. Hempstead .................................... Independence.. ....... Jefferson ...................................... Cleveland r1..0..... 11 11 118. 18 163 116 5 5 1890 177 11,143 116 6 9 ..... ... 9 . 10 1 122 173 6 7 ......... 8 ........ 1 .......... 5 7 5 291 21 6 ................. 172 ......... 1..... 8 4 541 5,752 3,495 3,139 6 79 787 2 26, 480 5,540 11 1,206 729 34 3,084 1,237 5, 099 2,562 2,999 4 268 683 402 3 ........ 37 3 29, 981 5 1 ... . 3 1 9 . 904 138 27 424 60 66 11 ....... 67 77............ ........... 6... 14 ........ 5 ................. ......... ........ 250 1 2 ....... 11 1 8 . 5 5 2 7.... 9 11 9 ..... ..... 1 Little River.......... .................................... 9......... Lole 1,62 ... .. . .. Lonoke....... .......... .................. Miller................... .............. 8 ....... ..... .... Mississippi.. ..... ................. 10 ..... Montgomery.................................. 9 6 Pulaski....................................... Saline................9.............. .. .................. ..... ..... ....................................... Searcy............. Sebastian............... ....... ...... .... .... 11 46 3 6 .............. ... Sevier ..................... 4 ............. .... 29 6 Remainderofstate.............. Califoria....................................16 71 15, 7 Alameda...................................1, Neva da.. 52 71 48 Alpine .......................... ........... 94 142 143 130 Amador ..................................... Buttema .......... ....... 03........74....... 2 100 .... 161 Caaveras ................................. 121 169 Colusa........................................ 8 Contra Costa...............em.....................................3 Del Norte ................... .......... 3.. 37 269 Eldorado..".................................... 177 138 Fresno ........................................ .313 520 Glenn ....................................... 32 24 Humboldt................................. 1, 652 1,728 Imperial ................................... Inyo.............................................. Kern ......................................... Kings ......................................... Lake .... ............................. 792 220 32 ..... San Diego.................................. San Francisco ......................... San Luis Obispo..... ....................... San Mateo ......................................... 4 . 10 97 . 19 26 92 170 546 386 . 29 6 52 21 02 380 ,590 .62 .......... 573 7 47 3 3 5 16, 624 159 25 224 58 19 77 277 3 376 136 347 ... 1,379 . California-Continued. Santa Barbara -..................-....-... Santa Clara......... ...................... .. Santa Cruz.......... ......................... Shasta........ .............................. Sierra............. .. ....................... Siskiyou.... ............................. Solano... ...... ............................. Sonoma...... ............................... Stanislaus................ ................... Sutter...................................... Tehama ...................................... Trinity..... ............................... . Tulare..... ............................... Tuolumne......... ....................... Ventura ............ .................... Yolo ....... ................................ Yuba .............. ..... ......... 381 69 401 25 173 1,353 4 503 389 26 18 48 74 444 809 24 36 572 850 337 556 335 144 31 152 581 30 499 368 58 15 159 5 73 374 40 41 399 2, 197 15 478 31 8 1 2 14 1 1 1 47 6 1 Includes 384 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 2 Includes 3,024 Indians on San Carlos Indian Reservation, in Gila and Graham Counties not returned by counties in 1900. 3 Includes 28,469 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 4 Includes 32 Indians specially enumerated'in 1890, not distributed by counties. 1900 45 16 15 56 54 1,109 1 340 30 18 1890 72 9 67 862 31 480 2 316 25 20 99 234 175 149 5 28 24 94 227 204 186 3 32 16 73 19 10 693 10 710 11 297 12 1 101 193 178 218 91 41 27 Colorado ........ .. ........... .......... 1, 482 1, 437 2 Arapahoe.................. ..... ... ..... 26 Bent................................. ....... 19 25 26 Conejos.................................. 16 4 ......... Costilla..... Denver......................71.............. . ....... 7 5 El Paso ...........-......... Huerfano............................ 11 La Plata............ .................... 288 599 Las Animas................................ ... ..... 4 179. 2 ...................... Mesa................... Montezuma.......... . ........ ........ 453 559 . ......... ................. .... . 6 1 Otero............ ........ Prowers t............. ........................ Pueblo....................................... 5 Rio Grande................. .._ .............. 358 Weld.............................................. 10...... Remainder of state ......................... 12............16 Connecticut ...................................... Fairfield......... ............................. artford ....... ........................... Litchfeld........................................ M iddlesex ........................................... New Havsex........... ........................ New London .................................. nd................................... ................... Windam.................................. 152 18 18 D 1, 092 47 3 10 4 1.....1 4 1 12 4 1 1 3 153 9 5 33 1 5 ......... ...... 228 31 17 13 93 93 9 2 12 69 29.... ...... ...... 25 105 105 32 13 9 1 9 . District of Columbia.................................. ..... Brevar..................................................74 Bead........... ..... ................. ... DeSoto................................... Der...... ....... Ad Duvale ........................................... 68 22 25 358 123 23 81 .. ............ 3.3..5.................109 ....... 134 Escambia............................... .. ......... 5 2 .... 8 1 Hillsboro .............................. Bonner... 109~41 Jackson ........................................... ... 14 Lee...................................... - - - ........ . 146 ....... Palm Beach .................................. ... 16.............. ............................................ Polk........ 1 Volusia. ...................................... 10 Remainder of state.... ..................... ........ Georgia... ...................................... Berrien ...................................... Bulloch.............. .............. Columbia.. ................................ . ..... Fulton.......................................10i 940 344 51...... 428 1, 516 . 46 ..... --....... 1910 ....................... Delawa1e,................................. ... Kent..................................... New Castle................. ........... 5....................................... . 82 Lassen ............... .......... . ...... Los Angeles ................... .... ......... Madera. .......................... ......... Matin ........................................... Mariposa ..................................... Mendocino. ................................... Merced ............................................ Modoc ...................................... Mono ....................................... Monterey.................................. Napa........................... ....... Nevada ..................................... Orange............................ ... .......... Placer ..................................... Plumas............... ............. Riverside ............................... ... Sacramento ................................. San Benito......................... .... San Bernardino.............................. San Joaquin....................... COUNTY. Irwin ............................................... Jackson..................................... Liberty... ............ M..433 Miller.................................... 68 I..... 11.............. ...................................... Quitman ..................................... Rabun .......................... Ware...................................................... Remainder of state................................ .... 11 ......... Idaho........ ................ ............ . Ada........ .'..................... ...... Bannock ..................................... Bingham..... ............................... Blaine ................................. ..... Boise......... ................................................ Bonner ................. ..................... Cassia ............................................... Elmore ...................................... Fremont.......................4 Idaho ....................................... Kootenai ..................... Lemhi ............................................. Lincoln .............................................. Nez Perce.......... .............. Oneida... 95 19 13 9....... 15 ...... 6............. .......................... ............... .... 12......... 1 5 ....... 14 47 3,488 3 623 810 .6 4, 226 7 4, 223 3 5 439. 860 23 22 ....... .. 19 109.............. 1 13 1 10 11 12. 2 434 31 4..31 697 1 466 8 7. 898 1,128 178......... 19 Owyhee..................................... 206 64 3 Shoshone...................... .................. Remainder of state ................................ ..... 3 79 4 2 4 5 Includes 5,107 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 6 Includes 985 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 7 Includes 4064 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties; and 2 Indians in Logan County, taken to form Lincoln County and part of Blaine County in 1895. STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION 21. INDIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR PRINCIPAL COUNTIES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. Table 34-Contd. COUNTY. 1910 1900 Illinois ........ ........ Adams............... ... ............... Alexander.............-. Clark................... Clinton................... Cook.................. Morgan............. .. ..... Pope.......-.....-.. ... ... Rock Island-.. ... ... ............. St. Clair................ Sangamon ............. Tazewell.............. ....... Union................-.. ..Remainder of state ... .... .. ......... ... 188 ... Indiana............-..... Allen ..................... --........... ............. . ... Dekalb .... Delaware.....-. ...... .. . . . ......... . . . . . . Floyd-............... Grant .---............. Henry............... . ........... . . .. Huntington. -....... Jennings................. Laporte................................. ....... Marion. .... -.... .... .. . .... .. Miami....... ..... .. ---... ..... -........ .......... . . Rush ... St. Joseph........ ......... . . . Union .................. Wabash ................. Warren................ ................ . Whitley.............. ............ Remainder of state .... ......... .. ......... .. . 279 9 5 ................... Iowa....................... Blackhawk.................................... Clinton................... Madison.................. .............. ...... Marion............... Marshall ...... ........................... Monona-............. .. .................. Pottawattamie............ ...... ..... Tama.................. Wayne................. ........... Winneshiekford .................... Woodbury............................... Remainder of state ....-.................... .. 1 1890 16 139 2 9 8 8 COUNTY. 1 98 6 6 5 20 7 11 1 8 3 6 6 24 24 19 1 9 19 243 5 47 4 1 6 14 9 7 26 19 15 471 8 8 382 1 97 2 1 94 6 --- 31 2 457 8 14 115 295 8 10 48 10 1 10 119 11 39 343 26 6 7 6 2 376 Maine. ............ Androscoggin..... . Aroostook-...... Cumberland........ Hancock......... Knox............ Penobscot........... Piscataquis....... W aldo.............. Washington...... York............. Remainder of state . Maryland-.......... Baltimore City ...... Carroll........... Cecil............. Prince George....... Remainder of state .. 6 8 2 26 9 2,130 3 1,682 Kentucky........ ..... .... Clark.......................... Clinton ......................... . Fayette..................... Floyd .. fs...t........ ....... Greenup.......................... Jefferson ....................... Louisiana......................................... Avoyelles .......................................... Calcasieu.................................. I 1 Indian specially enumerated in 397 Indians specially enumerated 946 Indians specially enumerated 1 Indian specially enumerated in 10 3 1 481 440 4 3 2 1 18 26 134 8 21 30 85 3 17 16 10 13 77 45 1 22 23 24 102 5 6 46 10 9 7 5 1 ......... ...... 4 S 8 9 92 20 1 14 780 48 14 85.. ............... 12 ......... 12 '5 313 71 593 47 191 10 11 4628 47 148 1890, not credited to any county. in 1890, not distributed by counties. in 1890, not distributed by counties. 1890, not credited to any parish. 83 30 2 6 1 6 892 798 4 --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- 8 -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- 559 9 24 6 2 291 40 387 "37 .. 351 40 ...... 8 363 11 6 394 2 2 89 55 3 23 ....... 4410 1 23 --------------------------------------------------- 15 3 ---------------------------------------------------- Massachusetts. ..... Barnstable ......... Berkshire......... Bristol........ .. Dukes-...-..... . Essex............... Franklin........... -------------------------Hampden....-.... Hampshire ........ .... Middlesex... Norfolk-............ Plymouth-....... Suffolk-.........-.. ---------------------------------------------------. --------------------------. -------------------------- ------------------------- 13, 21 14 11 120 13 32 60 13 55 3 25 29 2 30 .... 64 26 19 -------------------------- Worcester ......... 43 13 234 5 Livingston.................. Logan..................... Madison...................... Magoffin......................................... Monroe.................. ................... Whitley ................................. Remainder of state .............................. Includes 2 Includes 8 Includes 4 Includes 5 2 2 41 1 77 125 ..... -------------------------- 10 65 9 -------------------------- 38 .. 50 -------------------------- 34 2 10 6 10 5 102 6 61 -------------------------- Kansas.......................... ............... 2, 444 Allen.................................. 7 Atchison................................ Bourbon........................ ......... Brown....................... .......... 408 Butler............... .......... .. ........ Chautauqua ........................ 23 . .. Cherokee................. ....-.. 68 Cowleye................... 22 ............... Crawford .............. .......... .. . ....... 12 Doniphan....................... 21 Douglas.. 671 ............................... Elk.............. . ................. 12 Franklin................ .... 52 Geary................ ................. 11 Harveye............. ............... 5 Jackson....................................... X34 Johnson................................... Kiowate.......... ....... ................. 6 Labette.................. ................. 42 Leavenworth.... .............. ... 83 Linn........ ............ 4 Montgomery .............. 139 ..................... N eosho.......................................... 2 Pottawatomie...-.............. . . . .... 19 Saline ............ ................ 6 Seward......................-.. ... ...... . ... 7 Shawnee.............. .. . ............ 14 Sumner............-. ......... Wabaunsee............... ........... Wyandotte.. .......... 55 --.. .......... Remainder of state .......... ......... ....... .. 13 40 ......... ......... ........ ------------------------- 6 23 1890 1900 14 ------------------------- 16 8 Louisiana-Continued. Catahoula.......... East Baton Rouge... Grant............... Iberville....... .... La Salle............. Lafourche-._....... Natchitoches ....... Orleans.............. Rapides............. Sabine............. St. Landry.......... St. Martin......... St. Mary........... St. Tammany....... Tangipahoa ....... Terrebonne........ Washington_....... Remainder of state ._ 1910 4 688 272 1 40 147 6 4 2 8 ......... 587 231 3 86 154 3 ................ 9 14 31 39 23 56 50 1 1 14 36 12 10 3 34 5 428 146. 9 13 133 2 1 13 3 19 8 27 29 21 6 5,625 Michigan .................................. 6,354 . ... 7,519 50 38 26 Alcona... ............................. 78 ......... Alger............ ... . 62 28 106 71 156 Allegan .... 8 8 . Alpena........................... . 96 173 184 Antrim-........................... 120 Arenac......................... 118 99 287 Baraga......... .................. .. .... . . 592 488 92 Bay-.......................... . 162 119 Benzie .. ...... 50 140 32Berrien-...... .............. . 6 26 71 Calhoun........................ 83 68 35 Cass...................... 132 68 222 321 Charlevoix-. ........... ... . ................ 334 182 132 199 . ...... . Cheboygan ................. 441 449 690 Chippewa...... ...-.......... ........ . . 3 Clare-.......................... 25 19 4 10 19 Crawford --....... ............... .. .......... 247 245 217 Delta..................... .. . 15 54 Dickinson-...... ................... ........... 7 Eaton. . ...... ............ ............. 914 Emmet.................. ... 890 793 17 Genesee................ 10 Gladwin .............. ... ... 1 Gogebic...... .......................... 35 ........... Grand Traverse ................. 9 .......... ................... IIillsdale ....... 10 Houghton ................... 8 18 ... .. 8 Huron.............. ......... 6 Ionia ....... .................. .... 50 Iasco........................-..... 355 Isabella-................ 21 Kalamazoo................................ 2 Kalkaska-........... 4 12 Lake.............. ..... 22 1 13 Lapeer................... ... 295 454 515 Leelanau.......- .. ........ 13 17 ....... Lenawee................-.-. ..... 1 Luce..................... ............... 227 990 275 .. Mackinac.............................. 16 Macomb....................................... 22 24 2 ......... .... Manistee........... ...... 56 37 61 Marquette ... ............................... 335 308 319 Mason................................. 44 39 38 ......... ............ Mecosta.............. 129 101 101 .............. Menominee.................. 5 Includes 4 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 6 Includes 1 Indian specially enumerated in 1890, not credited to any county, and 56 Indians in Manitou County, annexed to Charlevoix and Leelanau Counties in 1896. 22 POPULATION-UNITED INDIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, Table 34-Contd. COUNTY. 1910 Michigan-Continued. Missaukee......................................... Monroe....................................................... Montcalm...................................... M uskegon......................... ............... . Newaygo .................................... .. Oakland.. ............................... ....... Oceana.... ......................................... Ogemaw..................................... Ontonagon.............................................. . Osceola............................................... Ottawa...................... ................... Presque Isle........... .. .................... Roscommon......................................... Saginaw......................................... St. Clair........................................... St. Joseph........................................ ................... Schoolcraft .. ........ Tuscola............ ............................ Van Buren ........................................ Wayne............................................ W exford................... ................... Remainder of state.............................. ... .. ................ Minnesota ................... ............................... Aitkin....... Becker............... ......................... Beltrami ........................................ ................................ Benton................. Bigstone............................ ...................... Blue Earth................. Carlton............................................ .......................... Cass........ ............... Chisago ........................ Clearwater....................................... ................................. Cook.... Crow Wing........................................ Dakota..................... ...................... Douglas ........................ .. ..................... ... ......... ....................... Goodhue..... Hennepin ..................................... Hubbard...... ..................................... ....................... Itasca.............. ................. Kanabec......................... ...... ............. Kittson...................................... Koochiching.......................... Lake................................................ ................... . Lincoln .................... ...... Mahnomen............................ ............................... Marshall.... ............................... Mille Lacs............... Morrison............................................................. Murray........................................... Otter Tail......---. ............. Pennington ........................... .................. FOR PRINCIPAL COUNTIES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. 1900 35 1890 50 .... ......... .......... COUNTY. 1910 5 1 1 32 21 ......... 18 ...... 10 281 250 271 42 32 4 Missouri........................................ ........ 2 27 59 Bollinger ....................................... 21 16 24 Buchanan ............................................... 18 5 51 Clark............................................ 4 18 13 Cooper............................................. 6 .Greene............................................. 141 130 232 15 1 1 35 32 38 50 112 67 41 16 3.. ............. 19 7 8 11 42 61 59 11 9,053 54 1,636 1,402 19,182 138 14 1,415 .............. 1 ......... 394 356 1,429 1,172 24 ......... 250 . 220 298 38 17 90 75 . Jackson.......... .. 22 ........................... Jasper............................... Johnson ................ ......... ............ McDonald..................................... Mercer............................ Miller............... ...................... Mississippi......................................... Newton.. ...... ........ ..... .............. ....... St. Louis city...................................... Warren........... .......... .................. .............................. Wright....... .................. Remainder of state.......... 2 10,096 233 178 ........ Montana............................... 25 ................. Beaverhead....................... .................. Carbon........................ 66 28 19 ....... 7 1 135 52 6 . Cascade......................................... Chouteau................1,209 Custer..................................... ................................. Dawson............. Deer Lodge....................................... Fergus.......................................... ........................... Flathead ........ Granite............................................. Jefferson........................ .............................. Lewis and Clark.................................... 60 65 56 .............................. Lincoln................ 40 48 27 Madison ............................................ 8 1 3 Meagher ......................................... 23 632 225 ........................... 49 Missoula......... 3 37 Park-............................................ 20 95 84 97.........Powell............................................. ...... ........... 21 Ravalli...................... 32 39 Rosebud......................................... 11 ......... ....................... Sanders.................... 1,635 ............... Silver Bow....................................... 5 1 .......................... Sweet Grass............. 17 227 ...................... 6 Teton.......... ......................................... ................... 49 Valley.. 7. 9 1,253 2,203 8 23 5 135 16 12 101 6 44 35 120 54 98 8 8 15 74 8 18 16 2, 036 6 24 Clarke....c.................................19 3 6 Covington...... .. . ................. ........ 6....0..3.. 9 Franklin.............................. ........ . ......... ....... 6 6 6 Gsene........ 2 76 37 7 Hancock....................48 20 60 39 5 Hinds............................................ 1... ..... 6 14 Jasper........................................... 37 191 179 Jones.................................. .......... 9 20 5 Kemper................... ....... ................. 102 178 34 Lauderdale ........................................... 14 Leake..............................................382 249 435 Marshall........................ ............................. . 6 Neshoba..................... ..................... 484 73 623 Newton. ................................... 126 435 349 i Perry. . ............................................. 51 38 Rankin.............................................. 17....7 1 Scott............................................ 124 144 123 Sharkey........................................................... 12 1Includes 2,883 Indians on White Earth Indian Reservation, not returned by counties in 1900; returned in 1910 in Becker, Clearwater, and Mahnomen Counties. 2Includes 8,208 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 3 Includes 1 Indian specially enumerated in 1890, not credited to any county. 4 Includes 1,857 Indians on Crow Indian Reservation, not returned by counties in 1900; returned in 1910 in Rosebud and Yellowstone Counties. 1900 1890 Mississippi-Continued. Smith.............................................. 9 ... Tallahatchie.............................................. 6 ........ Wayne......... ....... ..................................... .7 W inston........ ..... .... ...................... 7 31 Yazoo.......................................... 11 ........ Remainder of state............................... 12 11 16 14 Pine .................... ........ ......... ....... 174 156 110 .. 220 Pipestone ........................................ 1 7 .................................... Polk.............. 10 5 ........... ................. Ramsey........ 139 167 Redwood.......................................... .......... ............. Rice................................... 38 .. 75 ............................ Roseau.............. 972 628 St. Louis............................................ 12 4 Scott.................. ......... 5 ........................ Sherburne............... ........ Steams................................................ 164 .......... ............. Stevens ..................... ..... ............ ......... Swift . ....................... ...... Todd......................................................... T od d . ............. ... ............................... Wabasha................ 28 30 Washington ........................................ 1 Winona.......................................... Yellow Medicine .C................................l57 59 8 ................... Remainder of state.......... ississippi.................................... ...... Adams....................... Attala STATES. Yellowstone..................................... Nebraska .............................................. Boyd....................................... .......................... ..... Burt... ................................. Cedar.............. Cherry-.......................................... Cuming............................................ Dawes........................................... .................. .......................... Dixon .. . . Dou........................4 Douglas14 ..................... Kimball................. .............................. Knox........ ......................... Lancaster.. ......... Nance...................................... Nemaha .... ...................................... ........... ... .. .... .... .... Ne m ah a Richardson....................................... Thurston ................................... Remainder of state ............................. 2 12..... 13 6..... 34 111 ................ 96 ....... ..... ................... Eureka............. .......... Humboldt.... ............................... Lander ............. ........................ incoln.............. O ............................... Lyon.............................. e..285 Nye.................... Ormsby......................................... Storey......................................... Washoe.......... ............................... White Pine......................................... ...... 9 5 . 12 6 1 8 13 10 2 1 21 21 10 31 13 35 10,745 3 4 128 5 4 22 5 37 11,206 411,343 1. 16 .. 1 6 122 344 2 .. 105 6....... 443 1,429 20 190 62 121 1,357 1 2 365 35 .. 159 56 21 88 7 3 11 24 14 . . ........ 1,802 165 1,107 7 2 3 10 ... 14....... 14 2,758....... ....... 179....... 1 14 1 74....... 26 2,489 2,060 ...... 1,793 .... 1,774 462 76 24 28 15 ........................... Douglas................ Elko .............................................. Esmeralda........................................ E..................................... 48 3,502 2 54 ................... Nevada.............. Churchill .......................................... Clark1 3 6k............ 313 130 ............ 18..... ....... 8 1 27 10 ......... 41 1 27 ...... 925 13 334 6 89 1,915 7 5,240 231 233 13 . 3,322 6,431 8 107 45 1 5 ....... 2 14 39 12 3 11 4 ....... 7 3 5 ....... 625 961 2 3 201 269 6 . 1 22 1,898 1,955 5 1 5,216 262 19 5,156 230 9 292 603 628 55 807 832 117 301 406 121 647 94 114 179 526 160 296 307 372 234 113 866 207 194 425 382 355 523 449 71 750 .. 99 1 414 134 100 303 238 New ampshire.................................... 34 2 1 Cheshire................. ..................... 10 10 1 Coos................................................. 7 Grafton ...... ................................ 18 1 Hillsborough....................... .............. ................... 5 Rockingham . ......................................... 6. Remainder of state .. ......... ... ....... .... ... 6 4 2 5 Includes 8,059 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties, and 2,287 Indians on Crow Indian Reservation, not returned by counties in 1890; returned in 1910 in Rosebud and Yellowstone Counties. 6 Includes 3,538 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 7 Includes 1,557 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION 23 INDIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR PRINCIPAL COUNTIES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. Table 34-Contd. COUNTY. New Jersey ................... Atlantic ................................ Bergen........................................ Burlington.... .............. Camden....................... Cape May ........................ Essex ..... .............................. Hudson..................... Mercer........................... Middlesex ............... 1910 ... .... ... ......... ... ...... Remainder of state .............................. 1 15, 044 13,144 4,758 16 '1 3,469 18 11 4 6 25 8 487 1,275 1,760 14 499 1 45 589 14 505 996 136 510 6,046 11 5,257 2 6, 044 1,104 19 27 1 83 8 5 439 21 8 33 146 42 6 5 7 7 ......... 14 50 ............................. .................. 34 3 81 25 .... 1 3 10 1 11 ........ 246 168 17 37 ......... 4 11....... 13 ........ 8 16 7,851 36 North Carolina................... .................. Bladen.......................................... Caldwell............................. ................... 5,687 2. . 12 9 ................ Chatham .......................................... Rutherford.................... ............................. ............................. Scotland........................................... 25 62 33 3 84 7................ ............ Moore............................... Nash.. .............. .............. .............. Robeson............................................ ...... 10......... 24 194 397 347 42 29 478 543 1 7 12 ......... Queens.. ......................... ................ ...... ......... ......... St. Lawrence............... Saratoga............................................ Schoharie.................................................... Schuyler.. ...... ..................... ....... . Suffolk.......... ................................ Warren........................................ Washington................... .......... ........ Wayne ......... ................................. Westchester.. ..................................... ... ................ Remainder of state ....-.... Cherokee....................... Columbus.......................................... Cumberland ..................................... Graham............................................ Guilford .................................................... Harnett ............................................ Haywood ......................................... Hertford............................. Iredell...............................................-.... Jackson........................................ Madison.............................................. Montgomery...5.............................. 5 7 7 8 17 8 2 1 8 1,265 2 1,262 9 347 26 1,388 .............. ....... 2 6 5 6 24 27 4 1 1,170 .. Livingston........................................... VSampson......... 18 5 3,374 Herkimer........................................ Oswego......................... 3 4 1,013 .................... Cayuga............. ........................ Chautauqua... Chemung............... .................. Chenango.......... .................... .. Clinton............................. Cortland........................................... Erie............................. ........... Essex ................................ Franklin........................................ Fulton.......................................... Genesee.......................................... .............. Hamilton ..................... Nassau............................................ New York.......................................... Niagara.......................................... Oneida.......................................... Onondaga....................................... Ontario............................................. Orange.... ................................... 25 3 3,177 Cattaraugus........ lMonroe ........................ 5 15 7 5 2 6 19 13 8,276 7 444 1,370 2,847 11 2,839 353 146 632 21 2 2,400 ............... ............................. Madison... 19 4 .... ............ Jefferson....................... K ings.............................................. .................. Lewis ....... 84 7 20,573 1,192 11 2 3 New Mexico ....... ......................... ............. Bernalillo................... Colfax............................ ............... ....... Dona Ana.....,........................... Grant .................. ................ Guadalupe.................... ............ Lincoln................... .................. McKinley..................................... Mora.......................... .......... Otero..................................... Rio Arriba....................... ........... San Juan........ ............................ ............... San Miguel .................. ............................ Sandoval........ Santa Fe............... ........................ Socorro........................................ Taos ..................... ................ Torrance ............................... ...... Union.;................... ... .............. Valenca..................................... Albany................ Allegany... 63 4 13 6 88 5 3 12 ................. 52 5 62 22 3 7 30 17 25 13 1 50 42 9 4 21 1,516 7 31 12 48 157 . 37 47 257 ....... 1 28 127 151 1 7 29 ........ 27 5 ...... ....... ........ 8 ...... 7 314 450 340 ....... 5 .............. 10 ......... 10. 5,895 3,877 1910 COUNTY. 168 8 8 16 9 ...... Monmouth................................ New York-.................. 1 1890 1900 15 174 1 5 213 ............. 74 134........ 1 Includes 6,490 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 2 Includes 5,318 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 3 Includes 2 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not credited to any county. 4 Includes 7,980 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties; and 103 Indians in counties that were annexed to or taken to form other counties between 1890 and 1900. 5 Includes 1,905 Indians on that part of Standing Rock Indian Reservation which was in North Dakota, not returned by counties in 1900. North Carolina-Continued. ................... Swain..................... Warren....................................... W atauga............ .. ... ...................... ................. Remainder of state-.. ......... North Dakota....... ................... .............. Benson......................................... .......................... Burleigh............ Cass............... ............................ Cavalier...................................... ........ ............... ...... Dunn............. Emmons........... ............................. Grand Forks.................................... McLean--................................... .. . .......................... Mercer. ........ Morton .......................................... Mountrail-..-........-........................... ......................... .... Pembina ........ Ramsey ......... .......................... Richland........................................... R olette................ .......................... Sargent .... ........... .. ....... Walsh.............................................. Ward....................................... .... W illiam s................... ....................... Remainder of state .......................... Ohio .................... .............. ....... Butler.................. ................. Cuyahoga .... ............ ............ ...... ................. Franklin............... ............ . . ...................... Greene.. ............. Hamilton...................... Hardin.......................................... ............... Highland................... ....................... Lorain........... ........................ .. Lucas-.......... Montgomery ............ . ................... ........... Muskingum...... ............ Paulding ..... .................... ...... ............ ..... .......... Union.......... Van Wert-........................................ .... ................ Warren..................... Washington...................................... Remainder of state .................................. .. ............................ Oklahoma ..... ............. ............ -........ Adair... Atoka..................... .............. ............................ Beckham................ Blaine-........................................... Bryan............................................ Caddo...................................... Canadian........................................... Carter --............................................. Cherokee-........................................ ............... Choctaw.......... ................... Cleveland................................................ Coal............................................. Comanche....................................... Craig............................................ Creek.............................................. Custer............................................ Delaware-......................................... ............... Dewey........... ............. Garvin.................................. Grady...................... ............. Harper.................................. ................ Haskell........ ............ Hughes................ ............... .................. Jefferson-............. ......................... Johnston................ Kay..................... ................ ...................... .... Kingfisher ............................... Kiowa.. Latimer...................... ..................... ............ Le Flore............... ................. Lincoln...................... ...................... Logan........................................ .......... Love....................... McClain......................................... McCurtain............................................ .................... McIntosh...................... Marshall........................................... Mayes........................................... Murray................................. Muskogee................. Noble......... ...................... Nowata.......................................... Okfuskee................................. ............... Oklahoma.......................... Okmulgee....................................... .................. Osage.............. Ottawa.......... ............. ..... Pawnee............................................. ............... Payne.................. Pittsburg .......... . ........... ...... Pontotoc........................................ Pottawatomie........................................ 1890 1900 812 24 21 10 875 8 32 6,486 1,026 82 5 183 237 6 1 630 134 1,288 6,968 1,181 5 4 50 4 8,174 8 8 2 9 14 14 21 88 386 8 125 2,129 49 13 87 9 127 5 48 13 2 11 980 40 61,911 1 9 77 4 1 3 42 7206 2 11 14 185 2 2 5 2 4 22 s5 98 2 5 2.546 42 12 13 700 14 6 6 22 22 5 8 8 3 9 6 18 5 9 6 18 38 74,825 8 64, 445 9 64, 456 3,876 963 30 924 1,001 1,979 1,607 621 409 957 4,316 1,348 377 150 7 610 1,382 3,294 710 355 301 3,604 231 224 1,106 881 7 1,000 1,434 179 919 1,005 469 141 120 612 654 1,351 256 334 5 1 10 550 434 2,536 2,418 796 3,122 474 2,886 887 416 1,766 733 12 112 2 1,169 1,468 2,361 546 670 81 66 1,408 896 983 1,198 6 Includes 2 Indians on part of Standing Rock Indian Reservation. 7 Includes 13 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 8 Includes 52,500 Indians in Indian Territory, and 5,860 Indians on Indian reservations in Oklahoma. 9 Includes 51,279 Indians in Indian Territory, and 13,167 Indians specially enumerated in Oklahoma, not distributed by counties. 24 POPULATION-UNITED STATES. INDIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR PRINCIPAL COUNTIES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. Table 34-Contd. COUNTY. 1910 Oklahoma-Continued. Pushmataha..................................... Roger Mills..................................... Rogers.................................. ....... .... ................... Seminole ............. ...... ........................... Sequoyah........ Stephens............................................... Tulsa.--........................................ 924 Washita.......................................... Woodward..................................... Remainder of state.............................. 1890 South Dakota-Continued. Custer ... ...... D ay ............. Dewey .......... Gregory..................... . . .............. Hughes............. ..... .. ... H yde... ........... .. . ................ Lawrence......... ............... ................ .... Lincoln .......... .............. ..... Lyman...... ... 3,126 1,629 2,876 443 1,381 312....... 9 Oregon............... .............................. Baker.... Benton.........--------------------------.................................-Clackamas......... ........... .......... .......... Clatsop........................ COOS--...............-----------.---------............ ................ Grant............................................. Harney...................... ........... ............... Hood River ................. ........................... Jackson............... Josephine.......................................... ........ Klamath ......................... Lake............................................ Lane............................................. Lincoln............................................. Linn.............................................. ............. Malheur....................... . ................... ........ . Marion........ ................. Morrow................... Multnomah.................................... Polk.............................................. Sherman......................................... Tillamook.......................................... Umatilla........................................... Wasco.............................................. Yamhill-............................................ Remainder of state................................ 5,090 4,951 14,971 27 451 149 164 5 2 65 15 3 37 1,026 75 35 436 1 2 22. 1,037 35 40 465 ... 28 23 42 63 1 19 91 219 16 150 1 53 995 414 236 604 6 45 133 1 8 48 503 39 963 379 205 5 14 53 29 114 1 121 120 28 5 27 15 26 61 537 127 124 32 3 8 6 186 28 1 8 46 8 166 11 ......... 3 1,503 1, 639 Pennsylvania........... ............ 1 32 Allegheny ................................... ... Bradford....................... 185 137 Bucks............................................... 39 39 Chester. ........................................... 15 3 Columbia.......................................... 1,027 1,015 Cumberland........................................ 10 6 Dauphin............................. 14 8 Delaware ................................ 8 Erie................................................ 6 Lackawanna...................................... 8 ......... 1 Lancaster......................... .............. 1 .. McKean......................................... 16 19 Montgomery................................... 2 9 Northampton ...................... ......... .............. -..... 234 Philadelphia ................ 87 85 85 . . ................ Warren........... Wyoming...................... 7 3 York................................................. 26 14 Remainder of state............................. 21,081 10 10 166 30 3 370 4 13 2 4 44 44 17 2 258 5 5 10 30 Rhode Island.......................................... Bristol...........--................................ ..----- -.......... Kent.......................... Newport............. ....... .......... Providence.......------.......... Washington....................................... 284 7 14 212 50 2 27 2 9 60 111 .....South Carolina.........--.............. ................ Abbeville...- .................. . .............. ..... Charleston ............... Cherokee-........--......... ................... ...... Chesterfield............... ............ Colleton................. .. ............. Dillon... .................... ......... Greenville..............-.. .... Lancaster......-..... ....... . ......... Marion ............. ...................... 331 121 173 Sumter..................... York...................... Remainder of state... ....... ..... South Dakota......................................... Armstrong.................... Bennett............................. Bonhomme........................................ ........................... Brule................. Buffalo............................................. Campbell ......... ............. Charles Mix............ Corson.............................................. 1Includes 1 35 180 4. 7 11 47 11 ....... 6 15 77 ......... .... 1 1 10 ......... 29 21 117 112 61 61 8 9 15 3 20,225 4 19,854 624 92 2 1 10 104 ........ 26 792 1,052 ........ 8 28 1,345 1,483 1,808 3,713 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by 19,137 counties. 2Includes 98 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. 3Includes 2,182 Indians on Cheyenne River Indian Reservation, not returned by counties in 1900; returned in 1910 as Armstrong, Dewey, Schnasse, and Sterling Counties; 4,855 Indians on Rosebud Indian Reservation, not returned by counties in 1900; returned in 1010 as Bennett, Mellette, Todd, and Washabaugh Counties; and 1,627 Indians on that part of Standing Rock Indian Reservation which was in South Dakota, not returned by counties in 1900, taken to form Corson County in 1909. 1900 16 144 989 300 169 40 5 11 11 5 Minnehaha ...... ............... ........... Moody.................... . Pennington................... ... ... ....... ........... ......... Roberts ......... Schnasse .................................... Stanley...................................... Sterling-......... ..... .................... ............. Todd.................. ..... Tripp -.... ................ . ......... . ..--............................... Yankton-Pine Ridge Indian Reservation . ................... Remainder of state.............................. 1890 117 109 13 1 2 .. 59 405 ..... Marshall............. ............... .......... Meade........... ................ ......... Mellette......... ......... 7 1 1910 COUNTY. 84......... ........ 68 987 1,151 169 Wagoner......--...... ._............... Washington........--...--... .............. Crook................................................ ............ Curry.................. Douglas........................................ Gilliamvr........................................ 1900 2 474 263 367 5 1,578 4 5 178 ..... 147 443 81 833 62 942 250 117 219 . 39.. 52 1,928 . 490 . 6 3 6,254 6,509 3 8 . ............... Tennessee.................... Anderson-.... ................ ............... Blount................... .............. Bradley...................................... Campbell........................................ Cannon........................... ............ Cocke.................................. Dickson.......... ..................... Fayette....................... ............ Grundy........................... .. ... Hamblen......................... ....... Hamilton................ .............. 3 108 216 146 8 4 9 27 13 1 5 5 12 16 21 18 6 31 6 6. 5 12 Hawkins................................ James............................................. Knox.................................. Loudon.......................... Monroe.............................. Hawkins Overton --- --- --- - --- - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- . .......... ........ ......................... . . . ....8 . 13 ........ ......... 10 5 Shelby............................. Tipton .................................... White............................. .... .. Remainder of state-........ 2 56 8 .............. ...... .. 6 ..... 10 ........ Rutherford ................... 7 3 43 6 ....... ...... ........... .......... 13 ....... ......... 702 470 11 Atascosa................. .................... ....... ......... .................. Bandera........ 19 Bexar........ .......................... ... ........................ Bowie....................... .................... Brazos-............................ 7... .. ....... ... ... Burnet................. 10 10 ... 3 6 708 17 2 ....... ................. Cherokee.................................................... ..................... Clay...... ...................... ...... .. 5 11. 1 Cooke-............................... 1 2 ... ........ Dallas........................... 7 ......... . ........... Denton........................ 41 69 El Paso............................................ 19 . Gonzales-... ........................ ........... ......... 4 20 .......................... . Grayson..... 5 16 ..................................... Gregg... 12 ..................... Guadalupe-.............. 1 9 ...... .. Harris...-.........-......... .................. ................................. Hays... ........................................... Hopkins .. 4 2 ...................................... Hunt... 7 ......... ...... ................... .... Jefferson Kinney......................... .................. 200 2 14 3 .................... Lamar.................... Lavaca-... ........................... .......... 43 4....... 19 ......... Limestone .................................... 8 ......... McLennan ................................... 3 ......... ............. ......... Marion ................ ....... 33 ...... ..... Matagorda ............................ .... .............................................. Nacogdoches ... Nueces ....................... Polk............... ......................... Rusk......................................... Sabine............................................ San Jacinto........................................ San Saba.............. ................ Schleicher......1....7...... Stonewall........ ......... ........ Tarrant.... Tom Green.................................... Trinity...................................................... Williamson................ Remainder of state................................ ........... 8 8.............17 .. . 54 13 3 8 ......... Cameron-.......................................... Chambers ................. . .... ........ ......... ..... ... Polk......................... Rhea.....................................22 Texas........................ - 202 188 3 1 9 .............. 26 ..... 5 ......... .. ....... 5 ............ 14 ................ .. 1 1 ......... 20 35 7 5 4 11 6 1 80 38 1 3 1 24 7 12 1 1 35 1 2 1 12 14 223 9 5 17 1 8 3 5 6 73 4 Includes 19,072 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties; 8 Indians in Nowlin County, annexed to Stanley in 1899: and 1 Indian in Ziebach County, annexed to Pennington in 1899. 5 Comprising Shannon, Washington, and parts of Bennett and Washabaugh. Counties, but division by counties can not be made. 6 Includes 4 Indians specially enumerated in 1890, not distributed by counties. STATISTICS OF INDIAN POPULATION. 25 INDIAN POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR PRINCIPAL COUNTIES: 1910, 1900, AND 1890-Continued. Table 34-Contd. COUNTY. 1910 1900 3,123 2,623 Utah................................................... 24 34 Beaver................................................ 150 188 Boxelder.......................................... 7 ...... ....... Davis........... ...... ............. ......... Emery........................... 16 Garfield................... .................. 22 26 Iron................................................ 1 72 Juab.............................................. 33 66 Kane............................................... 82 .............. 57 Millard................... ........... 6 ......... 50 Piute.......................... 16 Salt Lake.......................................... 471 1,396 San Juan........................................... 15 14 .................................... Sanpete........ .... 71 Tooele................................... 47 Uinta............................................... 1,313 1,029 1 Utah ................... ............... 141 155 Wasatch...................................... 118 .................... Washington ............. 97 4 7 Wayne ... ....................... ....... Weber.......... ............................ 7 7 Remainder ofstate................................ 3 ............ . ........... Vermont. . .......... --... ................. Chittenden............. Essex.................. ............... Franklin................... ............ Windsor................... ............... Remainder of state................. ........... .... 26 9 2 5 1 9 539 Virginia. ........................................ Amherst.................... ....... .......... 7 Charles City-.-................................ 113 ................ Elizabeth City........... Hanover. ....................................... King William..................................... 180 Lee.......................... ........... 64 New Kent.. ........ .................... 112 Norfolk ........................ ............ _ 37 Pittsylvania..................... .......... 7 Prince George ................... ............ Roanoke.......................................... Washington....................................... Remainder of state................................ 12 13,456 173 2 12 5 8 97 1 40 3 53 52 43 3 15 4 94 1 2 3 34 8 13 2 8 5 5 354 349 108 24 152 111 3 137 1 10 43 1 52 8 3 1910 COUNTY. 1890 8 8 6 21 Washington ............................................ 10,039 2 11, 181 10,997 Asotin........... ........... ............. 31 Benton................ ................. 24 Chehalis .............................. ............. 488 337 186 Chelan................................... 138 84 .................... Clallam............. 171 865 733 Clarke.............................. 44 ........... 35 20 Cowlitz............................................ 67 38 71 ............. Douglas................... 1 Ferry ............................. 814 720 Franklin................. ................. 89 7 ...................................... Garfield 10 Grant ............................................ 8 108 .......... Island.......................... 141 Jefferson........................................ 262 221 195 358 334 Kingi............................................. 364 357 281 Kitsap ....................................... 207 .............. Kittitas..................... 105 36 160 214 Klickitat........ .......................... 169 50 ......... 121 Lewis........................ 85 81 Lincoln.................... ............ 11 8 22 287 ......... 230 Mason........................ 13 ......... Okanagan...................... 823 886 104 212 .......... 235 Pacific............................ 44 542 601 Pierce ............................. ......... 76 226 .......................212 San Juan............. 32 479 579 Skagit ....................... 248 ................ 62 ............... Skamania........................... 31 79 Washington-Continued. Snohomish .....................................--Spokane......................................... Stevens ............................................ Thurston................................................ Wahkiakum-..................................... Walla Walla......................................... W hatcom .......................................... Whitman ........................................... Yakima........................................... .................. West Virginia.................... Lewis .... .... ..... ............ ........... ........ Logan............................................. Preston...................................................... Remainder ofstate............. ............. 799 25 854 177 91 15 658 9 1,873 36 7 5 21 3 Wisconsin..... ..... ............... . 10,142 2 Adams........ . . ................... ........ Ashland........................ . . . . . . . 1,096 54 Barron ......... ........................... 458 Bayfield............................... ..... Brown...................................... 876 238 Burnett.................. ................ Calumet.............................. ....... 237 67 Chippewa-......... .......... ........... Clark........................................... 29 Columbia.... ........................ ........... 14 Crawford -.........-................... ..... 23 Dane....................................... 20 17 Dodge........................... ........ Door............................... ........ 9 264 Douglas ............. ................. . Eau Claire .................................. 17 Fond du Lac..............................-..... 35 148 Forest............................... ........ Iowa.......................... ............. 6 28 Iron........................ ................... Jackson ............................. ..... 230 16 Juneau........................................... La Crosse.............................................. 37 82 Langlade ................................ ... ...... 68 Lincoln............................................ 26 Marathon ......................................... Marinette............................ ........ 152 35 Marquette....................................... 17 Milwaukee........................................ 369 Monroe............................................ 219 Oconto....o s................................. Oneida.......................................... 78 1,136 ........ Outagamie............... 115 P olk. . ...... ................................... Richland........ ................ . ...... 55 Rusk........................................... 6 Sauk .............................................. 1,224 Sawyer o......f ................................. Shawano-............................... .......... 1,743 Sheboygan........ .................... ....... Trempealeau............................... 10 25 Vernon.............. .................... .... 568 Vilas...................... ................ 151 Washburn.................................... 21 Winnebago. .............. ................ 108 .......... Wood.-............................. 13 Remainder of state .............................. W yoming...-.................... ................... Albany................................ Carbon................................... Fremont.................................... Laramie.................................... Sheridan.....-............................... Uinta....................................... Remainder of state-........ ................ 1 Includes 2,848 Indians specially enumerated 2 Includes 7,526 Indians specially enumerated 3 Includes 6,095 Indians specially enumerated 4Includes 1,801 Indians specially enumerated O in 1890, not distributed by counties. in 1890, not distributed by counties. in 1890, not distributed by counties. in 1890, not distributed by counties. 1890 1900 594 2 901 134 31 30 519 1,745 12 7 .. 9 7 2 8,372 53 887 25 494 703 151 257 102 51 9 1 8 133 3 9,930 60 18 40 304 732 81 165 134 18 6 11 22 183 13 12 119 1 44 22 18 202 4 276 253 70 999 113 13 5 65 128 25 48 29 943 114 14 2 921 1,768 5 7 390 12 259 90 22 10 4 1,486 1,686 8 1,463 6 10 2 4 1,677 ...... 311 87 340 90 41 10 269 102 68 30 44 2 9 4 1,844 1 5 10 14 1 6 6 This book is a preservation facsimile produced for the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. It is made in compliance with copyright law and produced on acid-free archival 60# book weight paper which meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (permanence of paper). Preservation facsimile printing and binding by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2012