ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana- Champaign 2013 wf .n s x: x x * x ps nt f' i -: Fw n n x+ : 'ray m i .... . a a x v x < w v + tr r i r ,. r r # m > F r . d if # r p r r w + n ft4 ®+ q . *. ; . J .H. vp -~ . I P, CD !@ g 46 8& T to nie Whrfcontaining by i -treigz iYards, ,he the _46om;an4T;hrlfings thereon, esao~ to* the, sameNee or ses belon ig, from and imme- illbe.a1;thesame are hereb iting. the Office of Lord High nrsthe Lord High; Admiral or ,Offi.e, of.Lord High Admiral rt, and upon the several Uses, . ! nate and declared of and t is :to say, as to the said Wharf .ydescribed and vested, it is samie shall be and the same nissioners upon Trust for such y before the Time of making rtor, the several and respective y, lawful 'Estates, Rights, or id several' Estates, Rights, and winder, or otherwise, until the for the same, which shall be i.entione~d as the true Value Rer the Time of such Payment of the same Wharf and Here- ward of a straight Line to be th..e.Use of the Commissioners gh. Admi~ral. aforesaid for the Office in Fe~e Simple, in Trust irs andr...Successors, for the same may thenceforth remain an.4 Hereditaments purchased virtue of Two several Acts of .irt .aud.Second.Year of the wrthe.Fourtb, and in the Second hnitte respective] An fcxpe t ry frjr the ta .l. *.*.* an.*td.omissioners of Certin.Powers to the said pfrin- .i. tt toaedithe, Lawds tho Nlavy, and to.mak other .f t.Dutties of the said i.P f gie.. the. rovisions remaining Part "lei the' preeting Part ..l. th.e l. Line to b .treov.l theeof.a emnn 17.a Trosit :and upon Trust, as to Trinity Wharf,for the Owners, &c. until Pay- ment of Pur- chase Money; and after- wards, as to such Part as lies to the South of a certain straight Line, to be held in Trust for His Majesty for the Public Service. S& 2G. 4 c. 93. 2 W. 4. c. 40. and as to the held in like Manner, until demrolished; and whmt de- mnoished, the. Site to be laid iunto, and foist Part of the tgtidbectto the -flow It&is Majesty Y ~ and =over the ju o Insdietions, of e ff said niver and y.Law, nbe adliable to; a&d oG round and.Hetedita- L&t' Whf) herein-before ' !such Person or Per- me-'4.making this Act was or nd reseotvelawthl Qwners t4ghts, ot rInterests therein, ~Rightsind~ Interests in Fog- .itseb..,utitl.Possess.ion of the ftaken as he.rein.-after men- hereby appointedw and the for the same, together with ession after the Rate of Five Sum or Sums that shall be mentioned as the true Value ter the Time of such Posses- en, until the Demolition and Med.' to the Use.of the Comn- Lord HIgh rAdmiral aforesaid w inOffce, in.Trustvfor His the Public Service, as other .anl.Deartment are 'vested .ned..Acts&o#Parliament ; 4.Removal tb Ae rb required, fiction to be =tb& t)Kl iibk lc*rthe~ shalt wade for .0.]Rw4rs oft iiJa.Ac.t,.to causeaag. .4.andin .suoh.Form. us they es,! Rigts, and Interests to eof thhi Act, and, the Corn. .:clied or, rquired for or ,in. d-by te to be.affixed on the .4odwck fread and to .4 bn. o b givento the Tenants .illa.fixed on. ..some.Part thereof; .oir.anad for all Tenants for 4I or qualified Estate, or Interest, ..s.. in. Trust for charitable lWistrato.Xe,.Committees, and all .vr not on]y for and on behalf diveleire,.Executors, Adminis- and on behalf of every Person .Expecotancy after them, if in- 4. Parties having or who shall or .ibncbae . Claim, or d.ereditaments, or any Part [pnency or uncertain Event, or 4ttiedgot ini, paid ;,off, or ds anid.:.uardians, also for and on . Wards,6an.4. as to such Com- .Luntics and...diots. of. whom tive1t', and as to all such Corpa. .e.toTus.Exctos Admi- .sad.,.also.for and on behalf of it.ts Issue unborn, Lunatics, 'sts: ndfor all Fexues Covert .ope.=,..nmwarrtied, . seised, n . h, whetber in Fee Simple, I i ti t Doeror any. other r;sb..n.sAev.r h at.o tm 4ct were seised or possessed of Li ...jdj***** .bereby vested, l o posesedof* or itrsted. ttt heeb auhoise t be At . c. ont rnd agree .ak &le of aUl or ang of :. ..e . as.....'d, ant all .~w f this.Act, and for WvZait . f' {fne b undred and IlAnd or eflt.:,t ttisfac. .D41...... Surehider J tentt' eiihl asem di"anuy.Alltiher & f 4hejPupose only of 14 i...for preventing aty it rtf i by reason of iq t4±ak'ng the same, Aorj ihjll be in session. ', Wor#of.e Ct~fs and t "Purcbn ""thereof respec- "i~g under4 such Persons, rin fsc Persons, shall eaftided to such lands and hiuch= may arise between Waei*s and O~ccupiers of or n lereditaments which ii jm'ioasly alfected by the Mntdb it further eniacted, b' rP Adiso interested or or as aforesaid, "shall s'oiti Amount of such isf ttrsid; or ifany of ius Mioney or SatiMfaction all refuse to accept such omesain aforesaid as # r: "And shall "give Notice ibaera -within. Thirty Days ad4rtn th Pa rty giving .M er in= dispute' may ry; i 'anof such . ~fhirt. Nys. next il "Wbden'fliid, "pub- miteetI. or refuise to .iA MW" or oter Gf se a ud Thests t leS~ h to. .wane nbby 0 W.CPA6 841 Lieihl arise reseting Renlimitof One, hundred: and pd, to he Extinguishment therqf. or incasse the sai lad of Three Calendar Months s= as aforesaid have ascertained the said Lands and Heredi- r of them respectively, were fore theapassig of this Act, rsn e~ntitled or by this Act . atinessid, then and. in every SMdthey are hereby required it under their Hands and the e Sheriff, of . the said County, ipnel and the said 'Sheriff rPied to summon, return, all Tentyifbur sufficient and s the Laws of this Realm to Issues in His Majesty's Courts Persons so to be~ summoned, required'to appear before the .Te and Place within the be .Appointed, and to attend .. and.out of the Persons so celled,.or out of such of them (eni shall be :impannelled by r some.Person. to be by them er as, Special Juries for Trials rts. of R~ecordl at Westminster 4.... and all Parties concerned inst any of the said Jur ymen, . the. said. Sheriff or Under Wrlto summon before him exmie as Wit- A&shall and may use welfor hia~own as for sbi} befreqtu in the :Pre- Qaths Or be Quakers upon iti solekmn Afirmations, as n W~1.l . #ns who shall h....... Sle.or.Under Sheriff is j,. teo.mqir f and assess 'al .suchof the said mfi..a~all have .been .taken isaid. 'shall hi. ,n all; Corpora. i wkowany r aftl 4 upon* isk orenaItt I e~Aving such lerk o.Agenti mea Tenant .or specting which in every Pro- e sail Commis. ckknt Jury to se'Sheriff and. cient Jury shall in.the' hqiry aue Twelve ihaWt be. heard illy bp; MaesaO4 as Owners of p*qt for ai3 sp prticular r .n.. the dat the Time. of of, Thnity Wharf renacte r Tht if and when After Appor- red and eifysi Pounds tionment of soo, Gias ofthe Rent,Lad en f te Prdhse f cargeabled fthe ;same salhave been therewith not r, ursanc o ths, ct the purchased to .its.ot of or in -respect of be subject e [tatantai so to be purchased, Render ;:shll be.chargeable only and Arrears if with the Arrears, if any, of any. en~acted, That all and every impqbeig shall be entitledto the. said Lease shall ;amxe Rights of Action and es wbatsoever, as against the qst Lqane whlit shall at may .this ,Act, and all Persons ted :.therein under the said eut of the said Rent, or any areon by. vrtu of this Act, ~t of ny Breach or Nonper- 4...ra contained in the said twposps as if the, said Lease .re .the. soid Premnises at .4 oi rbouds, or. at such V it. shall be mnade, ktiO'+s: applyn exclusively if 3 at: t e Time of the zed and bee g:.u~y.Axrr .ity-six Pounds, the whole . Ridu .o the same .. ben r.4inally only, Rights of Ac- tion and Re- entryreserved to the Per- sons entitled to the Rtevef- sion expec- taut on the Lease. Tb.ti a be givi rrdffasafo In case no duce thereof, shall fromn be paid to the Party who d to the Rents and Profits its so to be purchased and It tbe it further enacted, That where any paid ais herein-before mentioned renty Pounds, the same shall be paid ..............wld for the Time being have been ifits of .theJ.Lands or Hereditaments so s of this Act, or in respect of which ;tion shall be paid, for their own Use verture. Infancy, Idiotey, Lunacy, or one~y shall be paid to their respective ttees, or Trustees, to and for the lUse ectively entitled thereto. Application of Comnpeui- sation Money when not ex- ceeding 201. ie, of. a it archer enacted., That in case any Party to In case of .be agreed ,or awarded to be 'paid for the disputed Ties oney r:eeditamgtits to be taken or used under tob 1,p pid1 aersof this Act,.or any Estate or Interest into theliank, aguibmeant of the said Rent, or any Part tion,.o.afaction as aforesaid, shall refuse ............... be fond, or shall be absent from wn egkect, or be unable to mnake a Title to uienitastate or Interest, to the Satisfaction ...................(..... fum. the Purposes of this 4.tbtcontract or agree for the Sale of such .......... ......te.or...Interest,..shall not be known, or shall refuse to execute any ................fth.e :Sale thereof repetby ; then ...............enot otherwise.provided bthis Act, jam.mmissio.~ners to orderthe' Monecy so t............ .. bie p aid into the Bank of' England A....4 e Accountant General of the o d.t.. .iihis.4.Account to the Credit of th0 ajod~or° Hereditarnents, Estate or ....................Ithe~aid Commissioners can intl i........tao'.of th~e said Court, which .................!.. .... making claim to suc.h ,t i Wtswitisashereby empowered in a asasto th sidCourtshl q'JLI euarities, ari4 t order osnf .the Bank of Eingfr ~inqutrd to give to the at . r aMoney into the t tt 6 i R vjeceipt for such ' he 4orwiati nd for whose muti receive. * ifarther enacted, That where any .. tle+of. any Person to any Money ,hindin pusuance of this Act for .inor.Satisfaction for any Damage .t or of any Estate, Right, or Heredttamems to be purchased, .hsAcor for the Extinguishment .ref. orto.any Annuities or Seca. .uch.Money as herein mentioned, .f.any. b Annuities or Securities, Lnuoit es, Securities, Dividends, or i who shall have been in possession s, or of the Rents and Profits thereof, .Ncae thereof shalt take effect, ;e or Ijury shall have occurred, and i Persons, or under or consistently .esnshatl be deemed to have rods or.Hereditament$ according to y shalbe shown to the Satisfaction lnds' or Interest of the Annuities It such. Mdne% and also the Capital balbe paid, applied, and disposed nide to appear'to the Satisfaction of .onwas awrongfuli Possession, and Ior Persons was or were lawfully .hatjartof scht Lands or Here- it.Estate or Interest therein, it further enacted, That where the it. Heredi nt to be taken or used the Money paid for any such Corm- .ii;ibllbepajd* intoD the Bank of .fthis= ..Ai shalt he lawful for ~~!...and ..Ct.....4.Expences of and Apition as afibre aid and the Oiafieascrtaned between Soli .ik.;fit,) or so iuchof rt omill under the wo bt neesryostsand midL by' the :said Cormm#s stick Sums of Money for ay ¢V ft 849 a~ts to hbepuathased of tis Act;, LanThds, vein shall, he conveyed, td the like Uses, Trusts,, faniner, as the Lands or 'chase whereof the same ' imnmediately befbre the he Time of making such undetermined or capable Uses as those for which they are given. # J 7adexpedient, for the greater vi tion of' the said River in ye ; to abate and prevent such which do or may tend to impede occasio any Deposit or Accu- front of' the said Dockyard, as i long the Southern Bank or arM of the said Dockyard within thei eacted, That it shall be ................ teir Engineers and other ..................ner' their Authority, or any ..................'Timne at all Times from and er Into and upon and take pos- aie.Mayor of the City of London )f the.said River, in~ Wriing for to demolish, remove, and lay verj and to vary or alter the Line, dll or any.Part or Parts of any gnkmtent4 -Erection, or Building and remove, and also to emban ...................yStoneo, Rubble, Grouting, w ataob.e, upon, over, or into 're.Groudon the Southern Side tuate.or Uitg, or which shall or ................... nS the Distante 'of Three aTlWestern~ Etremity of the ..................ner as th~e said Conuns- dyle for~ el ctingthe Ob~jects and gib e the sait Commissioners, tttt ervaints, doing as little tthr owers. to them by this .....................jii oners, at the .................. alt r repairing and, ThtA4of any Land ot^ r ttdl'aiomen'. cut. demom Power to re- move and prevent Ob- structions along the Southern Shore of the River within 350 Yards West of Long's Wharf. r, ihout h"wilee to any other Power ~~~~ p~~t ' any O~bstruction or dttn withini jibe its aforesaid, or for mn xeladotit thereto. e ceThat no Action or Suit shall ,, o±r 4tz or Persons for ay thing .of .Actintil after Twenty-eight irelie gventothe Secretary of the clearlyand explicitly specifying the Iame adPlace of Abode of the Person mdof his, bulr or tbteirAttorney orAgent, . onorTenderthereof made to the Party dendiir.Monthsjnext after the Fact corn- Lion or>Suit shall be laid, brought, and and not elsewher.e and the Defendant Action or Suit mtay, at his, her, or their be General.Issue, and give this Act or 0 at an~y Trial to be had thereupon, and he Execution and in pursuance and by .4d if the same shall appear to be so. it sballibe brought before Twenty-eight been givenias aforesaid, or after sufficient tered as afbresaid, or after the Time .as aforesaid, or shall be brought or ta the sai~d County of Kent, the Jury r0.efendans; and upon such Verdict, shall be nonsuited, or disconiue his, der the. D)efendan~t or Defendants shall ;uiurrer Judgment shall be given against on ).e efenidantor Defendants shall lI have. such Remedy for recovering the It. fort his Costs in any other Cases by enacted, That in case any Action, Suit, 'son.hal be comimeniced and be brought Pso.s whomsoever, on account of any an or arising..oui.t o£ the Execution of the is in eflbctin8 and completing the nasiehhlct shl egiven "gnst the tls tut~ or Judge before whom such P tou shall be tried shall . ...esonble.Cause for the ssalteid, then the Plaintiff or t sit be rentitled to. any Costs, .tssV rw such Prosecution be eats.berein-before $4Cqmn=tisiolers 'in- 4gzueos ot',hhsi Act, . z.65. 851 mrchase, take, or use the Five Years, ne to some Determination they shall be r the passing of this Act,) from he hed in the London Gazette, operation of Part or Parts of the same the Act. 1 be for ever freed and ions of this Act, so far as in the same Manner as if r herein contained to the be it further enacted, That nothing adice or derogate from the Estates, Jurisdiction, or Authority of the izens of the City of London, or their r for the Time being, or prohibit, wer, Authority, or Jurisdiction which the said Mayor and Commonalty and r for the Time being, as Conservator it lawfully claim, use, or exercise, nor Commissioners to embank, encroach of the Soil or Bed of the said River, ar as is herein-before mentioned. Saving the Rights of the Corporation of London. d, That this Act shall be deemed Public Act. shall be judicially taken notice id others. YnE and ANDREW SPOTTISWOoDE, Excellent Majesty. 1833. -~r 4