ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 A N ACT T O Repeal an Aft of the Eleventh of George the Second, Entitled, An Aft for repairing the j High Road from the Town of Toomivaragh, j in the County of Tipperary, to the Towns of Silvertnines and Nenagh, and from faid Towns : by Shally Orchard., through the Town of;, Tu/lo in the faid County, to the City of Limerick, as alfo One other Aft pafled in the Seventeenth Year of George the Second, to explain, continue, and amend the firit recited Aft. Printed by George Grierson, Printer to the King’s Moti DUBLIN: Excellent Maje fly. M dcc xcv. l 535 3 Anno Regni tricefnno quinto Georgii III. Regis. C HAP. XVI. An Aft to repeal an Adi of the Eleventh of George the Second, Entitled, An Adi for repairing the High Road from the Town of Toomrvaragb, in the County of Tipperaty, to the Towns of Silvermines and Nenagb, and from faid Towns by Sbally Orchard, through the Town of Tnllo in the faid County, to the City of Limerick, as alfo One •other Adi parted in the Seventeenth Year of George the Second, to explain, continue, and amend the firit recited Adi. W$eftiE3l£> by an StttpnffcD in the c «* >•-eiebctttl) gear of the IRcign of Ijis late fi0aiefty fating George t&e &ctonb, ^ dititleD, An Aft for repairing the High Road 6 T a from ..■•in Anno Regni tricefimo quinto. C II A f XVI. Recital 17 G. 2. c. 13. l'.eì'tal 33 C. 3 c- 32. from the Town of T'oomivaragh, in the County of Tipperary, to the Town of Silvermines, as alfo to the Town of Ncnagh, and from the faid Towns of Ncnagh and Silvermines, by Shally Orchard, through the Town of Tullo in the faid County, to the City of Limerick, fCbCral Xolls ant) buttes lucre grantcb, anb mabe payable for repairing tije fain 2&oab, anb tuljiclj faib 3ltt toas to commence from tljc jfirft ©ay of May, in tije gear of mtr Jlorb ©nc tljoufanb feben Ijunbrcb anb thirty* cigljt, anb from tljcncc to continue for, anb buring tlje Xcrm of forty one gears: 2lnb boljereas alfo by an iJlct paffeb in tije ¿aebcntccntl) gear of ijis faib late ©a/efty Hiltg George tfjC £>eC0ltb, «Etltitltb, An Aft to explain, continue, amend, and make more effeftual the faid laft recited Aft of the Eleventh Year of the Reign of his faid late Majefty King George the Second, it l»aS CnattCb, Xijat tl)C faib reciteb 3lct fljoulb be of full force buring tije Xcniainbcr of tije Xerm of forty-one gears, in faib firlt reciteb Hct mctttioneb, anb from anb after tije CEjrpU ration of faib Xcrm, for anb baring tije further Xerm of Xtoenty=one gears, anb from tljettce to tije <£nb of tije tljen nejet deifton of parliament, for tije intents anb pttrpofes in faib 3tcts particularly mentioneb: iSnb tuljereas an i&ci inaspafs feb in tije X|jirtp=tijirti gear of tije 3Rcign ofljis prefent f|)ajcfty Sting George tije Xijirb, CEntitleb, An Aft to explain and reduce into One Aft, the feveral Laws for making, repairing, or amending the Turnpike Roads leading from the Town of Naas, to the Towns of Maryborough and Ballyroan, from the faid Town Georgii Tertii Regis* $37 Town of Maryborough, to the City of Limerick, C n a r. and from the Town of Nenagh, to O'Brien's Bridge, bp toljiclj faib 3ltt <i great part of tljc faib vcciteb 2tcts of tije Clcbentlj ana £>cbcutccntlj of Ijis late iPajclip Bing George tljc S>ccona were rcpcalcb, ttofjevc'ov fuel) parts of faib rtcitcD 2lcts as toerc net rcpcalcb, are betome not oitlp ufelefs, but oppi cfiivc: opprcfltbc to 3JnIjabitants libing in tije /I5eigi)bourI)ooa of fata Boas, ana tije paffcitgcrs tljcrcon, in as muclj as tije Xoll tbijirf) (Nil continues to be Icbica at shaily, ana in or about tije jReigljbourljoca of Tuiio, is utterlp inaDequate to anp ufe= ful purpofe, ana infufficient to tljc Bcpair thereof, aitB tljat it is noto become necef* farp ana ejepebient to repeal totally, fillip, ana cffectuallp, faiD recitca 2lits of tljc Clcbentlj anD £>cbcnteeutl) of ijis late £I3a= jeltp; be it Cnactcb bp tljc Bing's Spoil excellent Spajeffp, bp ana ttiitfj tljc bite ana Content of tljc floras Spiritual anb Xcmporal, ana Commons in tljis prefent parliament aifcmblca, ana bp the 3lutl]oritp of tije fame, Xfjat tljc faiD Tcis; of tljc CIcbcntlj ana £>cbcntccnti) of bis late spajeftp, (bail be from ana after cue palling of tljis 2ltt, as fuilp, totallp, ana effettuallp rcpcalcb, anb reubcrca null ana boia to all ^intents ana purpofes, as if tije fame Ijaa iteber been cnacicb, or ijab neber cjciffca. 6 U AN