Production Note
Project Unica
Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015
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An Aft to provide that the Proceedings now depending in theHoufe of Commons upon Articles of Charge of High Crimes and Mifdemeanors which have been exhibited againil Henry Lord Vifcount Melville, fhall not be difcontinued by any Prorogation or DilTolution of Parliament. [12th July 1805.]
WHEREAS certain Proceedings are now depending in the Iloufc of Commons, upon feveral Articles of Charge of High Crimes and Mifdemeanors which have been exhibited againil Henry Lord Vifcount Melville: And whereas, on account of the prefent late Period or the Seilion, it is probable that Parliament may be prorogued before the •'jSn k? fulIy conflclered : And whereas it is highly expedient that r r5r ^rt^es Charge of High Crimes and Mifdemeanors againil the hud Henry Lord Vifcount Melville ihould be proceeded on as early as pof-nble in the next Seilion of Parliament: May it therefore pleafe Your Ma-jeity that it may be enabled ; and be it enaSed by the King’s moil Excellent Majeity, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and iemporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Proceedings on the faid Articles of Proetcdings Charge of High Crimes and Mifdemeanors againil the faid Henry Lord T th= Ari‘ Vifcount Melville, now depending in the Houfe of Commons, ihall not «’¡»it ¿oT
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450 GEORGII III. Cap. 125.
be difcontinued by any Prorogation or Diffolution of Parliament; but the faid Proceedings on the faid Articles of Charge Ibait and may be proceeded on in the next Seffion of Parliament, in fuch and the fame Manner as the fame could or might have been proceeded on, in cafe the prefent Seffion of Parliament had been continued, and po Prorogation or Diffolution of Parliament had happened or taken place.
LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s moil Excellent Majeity. 1805.
to b-* trifeon-tinued by Prorogation or DiH'olution of Parliament.