ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO QUADRAGESIMO QUINTO JHS*****1****************************************;“': 3''1* CAP. CXXVI. An Aft to indemnify Perfons who fhall give Evidence againft Henry Lord Vifcount. Melville, upon the Impeachment voted againft him by the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament affembled, in refpeft of Acts done by fuch Perfons in any Office or Employment held by them under the faid Lord Vifcount Melville, during the Time he held and enjoyed the Office of Treafurer of His Majefty’s Navy. [ 12th "July 1805.] *«r TT TTIEREAS the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Bri-% \ / tain and Ireland in Parliament aflembled, have voted and re-\ T folved, That Henry Lord Vifcount Melville be impeached of High Crimes and Mifdemeanours, and in purluance of fuch Vote and Refolution have accordingly, at the Bar of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, impeached and exhibited Articles of Impeachment of High Crimes and Mifdemeanors againft the faid Henry Lord Vifcount Melville : And wheteas in the Profecution of fuch Impeachment, it may be necelfary to examine as Witnelfes Perfons who held Offices or Employments in the Navy Pay Office under the faid Henry Lord Vifcount Melville, during the Time or refpeftive Times he held the Office of Treafurer of His Majefty’s Navy, in refpeft of Afts done, and in refpeft of the Ufe and Application of the Publick Money during the Time they refpeftively held fuch Offices or 17 H Employments,1^02 45° GEORGII III. Cap. 126. Employments, and in cafe the Difclofure by fuch Perfons of fuch Ails, or of fuch Ufe or Application of the Publick Money, ffiould lend to ex-pofe fuch Perfons to criminal Profecutions, and luch Perlons might therefore by Law refufe to difclofe the fame : And whereas it is expedient, for fecuring and promoting the Ends of Juftice, to indemnify, as they are hcrein-after indemnified, fuch Perfons againll any Criminal Profecutions upon their truly and faithfully making fuch Difcovery and Difclofure as is hercin-after mentioned : Be it therefore enafted by the King s mott Excellent Majelly, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aifembled, perfons Who and by the Authority of the fame, That, for the more effeftually pro-t are tell of- fecuting the faid Impeachment, all and every Perfon and Perfons who NaevV'pay' has or have held any Office or Employment, Offices or Employments, ofliceexamin- ¡n [fog Navy Pay Office under the faid Henry Lord Vifcount Melville, tesTnui-lm- during the Time or refpeftive Times he held and enjoyed the Office peaclunent 0f Treafurer of Ilis Majefty’s Navy, and who ffiall be examined as a vuKireL°in- Witnefs or Witneffes by or before either Lloufe of Parliament, or any damnified Committee of either Houfe, in refpeft of any Aft or A£ls, Tranfaftion frod profecu-' or Tranfaftions, or any Ufe or Application of any Publick Money touch-tionson Ac- ing or concerning which Adis, l ranfactions, Ufe, or Application, the count of the pa-J tfenry pj0r(j Vifcount Melville hath been impeached as aforefaid, cVXhZy and in which Ads, Tranfaftions, Ufe, or Application reipeftively, fuch ¿ivtEvidence. perfon or Perfons ffiall have been in any Manner concerned during the Time or Times he or they refpectively held fuch Office or Employment, Offices or Employments, and who ffiall, upon fuch Examination, make a true and faithful Difcovery and Difclofure to the belt of his or their Knowledge, touching all fuch Ads, Tranfa¿lions, Matters, and Things as aforefaid,^ refpeQing which he or they ffiall be fo examined, ffiall be and he and they is and are hereby freed, indemnified, and difeharged, of, from, and againft all Forfeitures, Penalties, Punifcments, Difabilities, and Incapacities, and all Criminal Profecutions which he or they may be or become liable or fubjeft to, or which he or they may have incurred or may incur at the Suit of His Majefly, His Heirs or Succeffors, or any other Perfon or Perfons, for or by reafon or means of or in relation to any fuch Act, Tranfaftion, Matter or Thing, Ufe or Application of Publick Money as aforefaid, refpecting or concerning which fuch Perfon or Perfons ffiall be fo examined as aforefaid, and ffiall make fuch true and faithful Difcovery as aforefaid, and all and every Perfon and Perfons who. fhall be fo examined, and make fuch Difcovery as aforefaid, and who have, hold, or enjoy any Office or Offices whatfoever, ffiall be and he and they is and are hereby enabled and made capable to hold, occupy, and enjoy his or their Office or Offices, notwithftanding any Forfeiture, Penalty, or Incapacity whatfoever, which fuch Perfon or Perfons ffiall or may be or become liable to in refpetl of what he or they ffiall difeover or difclofe as aforefaid ; any Law or Statute to the contrary thereof in anywife notwithftanding. perfonsgivirg II. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That this Act or any faip, or re -phing herein contained, ffiall not extend or be deemed or conftrued to Evidfnce®‘ot extend, to give any Benefit or Advantage to, or to indemnify, free, or tobeindem- ¿¡(charge any Perfon or Perfons from or againft any Forfeitures, Penalties, Puniffiments, Difabilities, or Incapacities, or any Profecutions, who, being examined as aforefaid, ffiall give any falfe Evidence, or 2 make-jo{ca ô y o ° / 45° GEORGII III. Cap. 126. make any fali'e Difcovery, or fupprefs or refute fully and truly to difclofe any Act, Matter, Tranlaction, or Thing within his, her, or their Knowledge, touching or concerning which fuch Perion or Perfons fliall be fo examined as aforefaid; any Thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in anywife notwithftanding. IS03 LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s moil Excellent Majelly. 1805.