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Unica Project Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-



                   C AP. GIL
An A6l to extend the Provifions of an A& paffed
   in the Forty-feventh Year of His prefent Majefty,
   for difcharging from the Claims of the Crown
   certain Real and Perfonal Efftes belonging to
   General De Laney, late Barrack Mafter General,
   and vefted in Truftees for Sale; and alfo for veiling
   and fettling certain Lands heretofore contrated
   to be purchafed by the Laid General De Lancey'in
   Truftees, to be fold for Payment of 'a Debt due
   to the Crown, and for other' Purpofes relative
   thereto.                         [26th )Juae x8xx.3

   WHTEREAS an A&~ of Parliament wasapaffd in the Fop.t .feventh 4 ..-
         Year of the Reign of flis prtfent Majctly, ntituled, AARr 4l
         dffbarging fromc the claims ©f the Crown certain Red! and Pet* Indenure
final £fte belonging to General De Lancey, late Barrack M1#c# G rtQ & dted Ag
              and eledin 'h~eror Sle, ecitng aong  therThlns tht y',0
    an wje i nge forS/,rctn      mn    te   hnsta    by by whltIti4
 Indenture of Bargain and Sale, irolled in the Court of Chante'', Atd Cnidueratioa
 dated the Twenty-feventh Day of * lnhgtifl One tbc.6n e ht hutded lt fS'
 lix, and made between the Laid Oliver le Lancey', therein  ld'lientnat .dnemos"
 Gleneral of His Majefly's Forces, and frme.Timie ines £perJndn 't  .
 Ceneral of Batrks, and aftawards and latrk Sarrack MACYfi er.4n..) ..?as '.
 alt the Baracks for His Majefty's Vaotees, of the Full Par; dh RiA' t 'mudtw
 Honou~rable William Windham Baron Grenvil./ 'h i.. t ..... fld rul
            .G0                                   Th

670                      51r G EO RGI I           III.    G ap. 1'2.
            Henry Petty (commonly called Lord Ab~ry  Petty), -the Honourable Jbn-
            Charle rnr (cannon ly called Vlikcunt Alt/Jrp), the li tt flouotuablt
            Wdllianj Mickhiam, and' 704. ft rtenay Efquire, being theui  Lord Cant
            mifionrs'f His .Majdlftreafruuj',of the &econd Piratt and It'lljam
            Mftford and Jojepb-AlcorV ELquire,, of -the Third P"art; reciting, that
            diverseSumns of Publkck Mt ey to a irery confiderable Annotmnt had been
            impref<±d to the faid;'Olve Do4.nry durig'his Ccontin.tion" in the
            Office of Barrack Mailer General, and upon inveftigating his Accounts
            with Government, it had been found that a confiderable Balance was {ill
            remaining in his Hands, but the exact Amount of fuch Balance had not              1<
            been afccrtained ; he the laid Oliver De Lancey, by the Direfbion of the laid
            Lords Comffifliuoners, did in the Manner and by the Defcription therein
            mentioned, grant, bargain, fell, and confirm, dire&t, limit, and appoint all
            the Freehold Eflates of him the laid Oliver De Lance y, in the County of
            Surrey, unto and to the Wie of them the laid W liarna Milford and Jqfcpb
            Alack; and their Heirs and Aflighafor ever, (among oth~er Traffs), upon
            Truft to fell the fame (except what had been contra~ted to be fold or ex-
            changed as therein mentioned), and upon Payment into the Receipt of His
            Majefty's Exchequer of the Money for which the fame fhiould be fopd, to
            the A ~count of the laid Oliver De Lancey, to convey the fame to the Fur-
            chafer or Purchafcrs thereof, or as he or they fhould dire-t2; and that it was
            by the laid' Indenture declared, that all the Monies, which fhould' in
            virtue thereof be paid into the Receipt of His Majefty's Exchequer, fhould
            be to'paid to the Intent that the fame ight be applied towiards fatisfying
            the Balance due ort that might be found due from the laid Oli'ver De Lancey
            to His 'Majetty or His Succeffors, upon the final fettling of the aforefaid
            Accounts of him the 'laid Oliver De Lancey, and alfo reciting in the "laid
            Aft of Parliament, that it was apprehended that Purchafers might objeft
            to the Title of the Eflates cornprzed or defcribed in that Indenture for
            want of a Quietus or Difcharge from the C.rowni for the Monies due and
            owing fromt the laid Oliver De Laney upon the Balance of his afordfid
            4Accounts, it was enaaed that from and inmmediately after the palling of
            that Aft, all and fingular the Freehold Hereditaments, which in and by
            'the laid Indenture of Bargtin and Sale, were granted, bargained, and fold,
            with their Rights, Members, and Appurtenances, fluould' remain, continue,
            and be vefled in them the laid William Mirford and jofepb X/cock, and
            their Heirs and Affgni, upon and' fir the Trulis, Intents and.?wpofes,
            and under and fubje&t to the Powers, Provifoes, Declarationis anid Agree-.r
            mnents, in and by the faid Indenture of Bargain and Sale, limited; exprcffed
            and declared,of and concerning the fame, freed and dif lharged and abfoltly
            rcleifed, acquitted; exempted, and exonerated, of and from all Sums of
            the Public Money, which had been imprefted or advanced to the 'aid
            Oliver De Lancey during his Continuation in the Office of Superiteindant
            General.f* Ba.racks, and in the Office of Barrack Mafter General as
            4foei4,.and of and from all Claims and Demands of His Mjefty, His
W'art of nhe Hirs and Succe~ffrs, for and on account of the famec- And whereas Pat
Eftate ton- of the Land intended tobe conveyed by the kaid Inden.ureof Bargain jai.
f&          ,Sa'l tthe.laid William Mit #4 maid *yofehtpA.41# adU'their Heir.
Aqes fiut .Mlgns, to be fold as aforefii ,ard alfo intended to be confirmed to tbcm the
dofure: Ad. faid{ Tnufteei by the tbi4 Act of Parliament, difhargedfbrnu all. Claims of
           .e Crowni as aforclai4 conffed of Two.Pieces of E~reeholl
           uinwtg :Fift Acres" or thereabouts, Part of 4tbam'Upper Commnon,

             5:"GEORGII JIL                                6
lying in the Minor of Effingham Eayt Court, in the County of' Surrey;
which had been fet out and allotted by George Smallpiece, the Commifioner
of an Inclofure Ad pafed in the Forty-fecond Year of the Reig of His
prefent Majelly,as;Land to be' fold to pay the Expences incurred by that
Ad, and which Land the Laid Commiffloner had contraded to fell to the
laid Oliver De Lancey, in Confideration of the Sum of Six hundred and
feventy-five Pounds, which was paid by the faid Oliver De Lancey to the
aid. Cormiffioner: And whereas it being difcovered that the-faidrCom-
miffioner appointed by the faid A& of the Forty-fecond Year aforefaid,
did not take his Oath of Qualification direded by the faid Inclofure Ad
of the Forty-fecond Year .aforefaid, prior to his fetting out and allotting
the faid Two Pieces of Land, containing Fifty Acres or thereabouts, as
Land to be fold to pay the Expences incurred under the fame Act, and
his contrading to fell the fame to the laid Oliver De Lancey as aforefaid, it
was conceived that the faid fetting out and Allotment and the Laid Contrad
to fell were void ;, and accordingly he !the laid Commillioner having firAt
taken his Oath of Qualification as direded by the laid Ad of the Forty-
fecond Year aforefaid, did, on or before the Sixth Day of February One
thoufand eight hundred and eight, in purfuance of the Powers and
Authorities given to and vetted in him by that Ad, and the Ad therein
recited, and for the Purpofe of paying and defraying the Charges and Ex-
pences incurred in obtaining and paling the laid Ad of the Forty-fecond
Year aforefaid, and of all other incidental Charges and Expences what-
foever preparatory to the laid Inclofure, and of carrying the fame into Ex-
ecution, afign and allot Two Pieces or Parcels of Land, containing together
Fifty Acres Part of Effingham Upper Common aforefaid, lying in the afore.
faid Manor of Efingham Eaft Court, being the fame Lands as were originally
fet out and allotted, and contraded to be fold by the Laid Commiflioner as
aforefaid : And whereas the aforefaid Sum of Six hundred and feventy-
five Pounds, fo paid to the laid Commifiioner George Smallpiece by the laid
Oliver De Lancey as aforefaid, remained in the Hands of him the laid Com-
mifiloner ; and he the laid Oliver De Lancey being defirous that the Laid
Two Pieces of Land containing Fifty Acres fhould be allotted to and
veiled in the Laid William Mitford and jofeph Alcck, and their Heirs and
Affigns, upon the Truas of the laid Indenture of Bargain and Sale, and
Ad of the Forty-feventh Year aforefaid ; and that they the laid William
Mitford and 7op  A/cock Thould as fuch Truftees become the Purchafers
thereof for the aid Sum of Six hundred and feventy-five Pounds, the
Money of the Laid Oliver De Lancey, Co paid by him to the Laid Corn-
miflioner as aforefaid, he the laid Commiffioner George Smallpieee did, by an
Infirument in Writing under his Hand, dated the Sixth Day of February
One thoufand eight hundred and eight, acknowledge to have that Day re-
ceived of and from the Laid William Mitford and Jfeph A/cock, Truftees of
the aid Oliver De Lancey, the Sum of Six hundred and feventy-five Pounds,
to be applied by him in defraying fuch Charges and Expences as were an
and by the faid Ad of the Forty-fecond Year aforefaid direded to be paid
and difcharged by the Sale of fuch Land, being the beft Price that could be
gotten for the fame Pieces or Parcels of Ground; and he the Laid Com-
millioner George Smallpiece did declare the fame to be the full Amount of
the Purchafe Money for the Fee Simple and Inheritance of and in the fame
Pieces or Parcels of Land fo purchafed by the faid APilkita:Mitford and corntmiliow
7o~fph Alcock, Truilees of the faid Oliver De Lancey: And whereas the has fnce ret
Laid Commilioner George Smallpiece duly made and executed      his otthe  i
Award in Writing purluant to the Direaions of the faid Ad of Lands,

672                     51i GEOROII IIl. Cap.xa2.
           the Forty-fecond Yeat aforefaid, dated the -Ninth Day of July Onei
           thoufand sight hundred and eights and did 'thereby Let out and allign
           and allot the* Part or Parts of the Commonk or'Waite Lands by that A&
           direfted or authoif'ed to be divided or inclofed next 'hereinafter particu..
           larly defribed, being the aforefaid Two Pieces or Parcels of Land, con--
frptien  tamning Fifty Acres; (that is to fay), One Piece or Parcel of Land, cont.
.f Inch Land. taining Twenty Acres One Rood and Tbirty-fix Perches, marked on the
           Plant thereto annexed III bounded on the Lift by Allotment marked VII,
           on the laid Plan, and on the South Weft and North Sides thereof by the
           Firf, 'Third, and Fourth defcribed public Roads or Highways, the Fences
           on the South Weft and North Sides: whereof the (aid Cominillioner did
           thereby order and dire&t to be made, and for ever after maintained and'
           kept in Repair by the faid Wliamn Mqtfrd and Jofeph Alkock, Truftees as
           aforefaid, or the Owners of the Laid Allotment for the Time being; and
           One other Piece or Parcel of Land, containing Twemy nine Acres Two
           Roads and Four Perches, marked IV. on the laid Plan, bounded on the
           Eaft by an Allotment marked XX. on the haid Plan; on the South, Eaft,
           Well, and North by the Second, Third, and Firft defcribed Publick Roads
           or Highways, the Fences againft which -Laid Roads the laid Comifilioner
           did thereby order and dire&t to be made, and for ever after maintained and
           kept in Repair by and at the Expence of the faid William Mqford and
           Jq/cph A/cock, Truftees as aforefaid, or the Owners of the faid Allotment.
           for the Time being, which Laid Two Pieces or Parcels of 'Land containing
           together Fifty Acres, trhe Laid Connniffioner had Let out, afligned, and
           allotted as. being in his Judgment fufficient to raife a competent Sum of
           Money for paying the Charges and Expences of obtaining and paffing the
           faid A& of the Forty-fecond Year aforefaid, and all other incidental
           Charges and Expences whatftever, for at by Renfon of or preparatory to
           the faid I~ivifion and Incloftire, and of carrying that ASt into complete
 Obje~ion Execution ;And whereas the faid William Mirford and Jofeph A/cock have,
 taken to the in Execution of the Trofts rrpofed in theme by the Laid recited Indenture
 Title,     of Bargain and Sale,, and AS of the Forty-feventh Year aforefaid, con-
            traded to fell to a Purchaf'er a confiderable Part of the faid entrufted
            Etfates, comprifing the faid Two Pieces of Land, containing Fifty Acres;
            but an Objection bath been made to the 't'itle of the 'faid Fifty Acres,
            upon the Ground that the faint are not well veiled in the faid Jflim iit-
            ford and .4ep$ Akck upon the Trufts aforefaid, by the Contraat and
            Award Lo made by the Laid Commiflloner George Smallpiee, with and
            to them the fame Truitecs as aforefaid, and alfo that the famne Lands are not
            difcharged from'the Claims of the Crown, for the Monies due and owing
            from the f'aid Oli'vcr De Lanrey, upon the Balance of his aforefaid Ac-
 Contra~with counts: And whereas it is expedient that all Luch Ohjc&idns be removd:
 Right Hon. And whereas it is in and by the aforefid Ideniture of Bargain and Sale
 118tn- of the Twenty- eventh Day of Art it One thmufand ek ht hundredl and
 iekce of a  ix, ree,   that thet Laid Oliver Ile Lassy had entrri into atcoiitrvad.
 Land ;but dated the Txvcnty"fhrfl Day of Augute One thoufand eight hundred and
 no Convey- four,:with t!he Right Honourable Riehavd Brinjity Skrdanr Otne of Hit
 aned cxrc- Majefty' 'moft Honourable Privy Council, and then' Ttcafurer of" Hit
 Land bas Majeily's:Navy, for the Purchafe of Ten Acres Three Roods and'Fair.

     Trltcs tePrice throbtn        ovyneteefhdbeen excu.tedhhi,
              thLaid Richard Birinfly Sheridan; anid after' fich Rtd~e t" iu;th
            fame Indenture witueffed, that in Confideradion of 'all and fingulir the.
                                             7                          Premnifes,

             ,jO GEORGII II. Cap.x102:                                       6731
Premife, he the faid 0/liaer De'Lanccy did grant, bargain, fell, and afliga
unto the faid flrza Mitford and Jq/ttph A/cock, their Executors, Admi'
niftrators, anid Afligns, the Laid Contra& fo entered into .with the faid..
Richard Brinfley Sheridan, and all Benefit and Advantage dwheof, an~d
alto the Laid Stum of Five hundred Pounds, and all Intereft dlue or to be-
comne due thereon, upon Truft and to the Intent rhat they the Lame Truf.
tees fhould procure the f'aid, ContraSt to be fpedifically performed by a
Conveyance from the faid Rich qrd Brinfley Sheridan, his Heirs or Affh us,
or by his or their Procurement of the faid Lands comtprized in thelfid
Contraet, fuch Conveyance to be made to them the laid tfl/iarn Mitford and
Jq/ pb A/cock, and their Iheirs and Affigns for ever, upon and to and for
fuch and the fame Trufts, Ends, Intents, and I'urpofes, and under and
fubjedt to fuch and the fanmc Proyifoes, Declarations, and Agreements as
are therein-before expre'fed and declared of and concerning the Laid other
Hiereditaments thereby dirctted to be fold: And whereas it i n an by the Tvuifeetwr
faid Aa of Parliament of the Forty-feventh Year aforefaid recited, that ernpovacred,
the Land mentioned in the faid recited Indenture of Bargain and Sale; as under recited
having been contradled to be purchafed by the faid Oliver 1)e Lanccy of Ad'to pqr-
the laid Riebard Briq/ky Sheridan, from its CZonti guity. to the capital Preinifes to a
Meffuage or 'Tenement at .Efngham aforefid, comiprzed in the fame En. c "rtai Ex-
denture, was extremely convenient to be enjoyed therewith, and it had "nt, in cafe
not yet been afeertained that the ('aidRichard Briqley Sheridan could male r,;wo
a good 'Title thereto, and it might happen that force Perfon or Pafons, to, wurhaf&
other than the faid Richard Brinf/Iey Sheridan, might be capable of making t 'natv
fuch Title, and it was apprehended that from the Laid Piece or Parcel of wvbich lhad
Land being comprized in the fame Title with other Lands, Tenements, bcer. con-
or Hereditaments of greater Value, it might be found imprakticable, t9 traded for
purchafe the fame Piece or Parcel of Land feparately and detached from n iat Bha
filch other Lands, Tenements, and Hereditarnents, it was by the faid Act Shrdt,. at
therefore further enaaed, That if it fhould hie frounj iinpra&icable tocmTt fwaic no
,plete the faid Contrast for the Purchafe of the faid Piece or Parcel of made out.
Laned, containing Ten A cres Three Roods and Fourteen Pcrcis, or
,hereabouts, of the faid Richard Briefley Sheridan, then aand in fjich Catve
it 4houUd and might he lawful to and fur the faid If/ham Mtitfsrd and Jypho
A/cock, or the Survivor of them, or his Heirs or Afligns, to purcaf- the
,faid Piecc or Parcel of Laud, containing Ten Acres Three Rcods and
Fourtee Perches, or thereabouts, together with any other Freehold or
Copyl old Meffuarges, Lands, TI'etemenrs and Hlereditamens fituate,,ip
hoe faid Parifit of 4F,,ngham, or in any adjoining Parifh or Place, Lo aw .titr
?rhiuk Money for the Lime fhould not eceaed the Stum ofFive thpufan4l
tPonids; and it was rbei'by, further enacted, 'hat all alid ilgpiar the
Teehohh and Copyhold Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, and £it donepts,
-which fbould be purchafed by them the faid William M13itfa*4 and J#M
ACocA, or the Survivor of thatn, his I-eirs or Alfiigrn as affir4Ri4, lhiaid.
&c conre -ed or allured unto and to the Wfe of thta or~ hint, a$ 4ir or'
  bi t    atul Afligns for ever, upon anal to and for the' lrn4Eft, i4s..4.
  Isats and hirpofes, atnd ider and fubjedt to the Powers, Pjsovfoe;, e-
clarations, and Agreements it>ni by ilw faid therein tecitedL tintureqf
,Bartgain aid $baretepneifrd and~ c"irod of and cougerpiag 'te IC krMI4
Mirnor and other Herediu nmeats i~cth  Vz yl~rgaincd and fol ats .afo eaid:;
,And whereas~ the faid Hflams Alit/rd anmA 4/4,k 4'icoek hav&  tog. 4i
  ~practicable to comnplew the faid Contiadt for thePuryhafe p( th Ncl
-tai containing -Ten Acres "Threg %Nuats and Fourteen Pdrches, r
tha     be, frpamately mirdde~tached ~tam   ctca Lands a  ikrte
                    &; 3                    1                    mients,

      674,~             510 GEORGII III.. a'ia
           tents, they' the fame Truftees conceived ft incumbent' upon them tt
           Vpuafe the Freeholdt and Copyhold Meffliage or 'Tenement, Lands,,
                 d ohrHerediraments defcribed in, and granted and rdleafed and'
           convenahited to be furrendered by the fevetal 'Indentures of Leafe arid
           Releafe hereinafter mentionedi of which 'Freehold lierediraments the
           faid Lanid; containing 'Ten Acres Thbree Roods and Fourteen Perches,
tndentates of is Parcel :And whereas, under and by virtue of certain Indentures
ii thand ttth of Lesfe and Releafe, dated refpe~lively the Eleventh and TIwelfth
December           1~~brOero~n            ih.hnrd       h    eaebigmd
:Boo,asnd of Days ofDeebrOetofneihhude+teRlae ngme
itth and izth between Sir William Geary Baronet, of the Firft Fart ; Chart~ Carpenter
Septembher Efqluire, of* the Second Part ; the Right Hionourable Richard Bhinfley She-
tis to, recited, rida n, One of His Majefty's mofi Honourable Privy Council, then Richard'
by which cer rn     hrdnElie.fteridPr;Jh                   oetCce       flie
trin Freehold'hlySeia        furo     h   hr    at;Jh      oe    okrEqie
sd copy- of the Fourth Part; and Barnard CrarnoC&kcr Gentleman, of the
bid I ands Fi fth Fart ; by the Recitals in which faid Indenture of Releafe it appears
ive been that the Laid Richard Brinjlqy Sheridan had previoufly, by birofeif 'or his
the fadt   Agent, contrafked for the Purchafe of the faid laft mentioned Freehold
Trhtkens and Copyhold Meifuages, Farms, Lands, Tenements and H-ereditaments,
           comprizing the Laid Ten Acres Three Roads and Fourteen Perches; 'and
           alfo, by or under and by virtue of certain Indentures of Leafe arnd Releaf&,
           Olated refpe&ively the leventh and Twelfth Days of Septermber One thou-
           6and eight hundred and ten, the Releafe being made or exprefred to be
           made between the (aid John Robert Cocker of the Firft Part, the Paid
           Barnard Cran/loun Cocker of the Second Part, and the faid William Mitford
           and Jefeph A/1cok of the Third Part, feveral Freehold and Copyhold Melt
           fuages, Farms, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, in the fame In-
           dentures° particularly deferibed, fiunate, lying, and being in the Parilhtes
           of Ejingham, Great Bookham, and Little Biookbam, in the faid County of
           Surrey, of which Freehold Hereditaments the Laid Piece or Parcel of Land,
           containing Ten Aes Three Roods and Fourteen Perches is Part and
           Parcel, have been, for the Confiderations in the fame Indentures expreffltd,
           and particularly in Confideration of the Sum of Five thoufaud ix hundred
           Pounds paid by the (aid William Mitford and JoJeph A/cock to the faid
           John Robert Cocker as the Purchafe Money for the fame Freehold and
           Copyhold Premifes' granted and relcafed and conveyed adcenanted to
           be furrendered unto and to the Wie of them the laid iila Miford and
   46 '~ine Jjeph Akock, and their Reins and Affigns for ever : And whereas thed
bai to Title. Piece or Parcel of Land containing Teni Acres- Three Roads aird-Four.
           teen Perches is Fart of the faid entru~hed Emotes eonrraied to be Whi5
           the (aid William Mitford and Jofiph Akoek to a Purc hafer; but aitOb
           dion bath been made to the Title of the Laid Ten Acres Three Roods anid
           Fourteen Perches, for Want of a Quietus or Diftcharge *fomthe Crown
           for the Monies due and owing, or that may be found due and owinrgfronti
           the faid RichardBrinjkey Sheridanj upon the Balance of his Accountsactith
           the Crown as Treafurer of the Navy;s and it is. apprehended that for te
           fame Raon. the Title of the Refidue .of the Laid Vtrhel4Meffu~ag4,
           band*; Tenements, and Hereditament comprized tA then fairi laf mentioned
           Indentures of Leafe and Releafe may be objefted to, and it is ekptdient that'
pntrchdet fuetlrObje~ions be removed :And whereas thefaid Sumi of Five touLak
Mon1y rs. -ft. hui d~rd Pounds paid by the (aid.Wiliam Mi frd and Jfehr °4Jko4.
need, the' a s the-Coatfldn tan for the Freehold'and Copyhold Heredi tuiea '
  st       ptazrclnf'ed by them as afarefaid, "exceeds the Sta of Five r.haiu
           Pounds, which .by the aferefaid Ad of the .Forty-feveth Yelkt~ e.
           '°i they were authbrizvd to lay out in a Nrchake.>..ak
                                                5        A                 the


the Sum of Six hundred Pounds: Anid whereas they the laid lliam Mit.
ford and Jofeph A/cock were induced to make fuch Purchafe, (though the.
fame was to the Extent of the Paid Sumn of Six hundred Pounds an Exces;
of their. Trull) on Account of the great Benefit and Adv antage that would "
thereby be derived to the Bulk of the Eftates vetted in them the laid William.
Mitfeord and Jq/bph Alcock in TruTt to be fold as aforefaid ; and it is reafon-
able, under the particular Circumilances of this Cafe, that the Laid Wiliam
Miford and Jofrph A/cock be indemnified for having Lu exceeded the Trutt
repofed in them H ut inaf much as the Purpofes .aforefaid cannot be ci'-
feded without the Aid and Authority of Parliament; May it therefore
plcafe Your Majeffy, that it may be enacted; and be it enaced by the
King's mult Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent   of
thre Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Cotnmons-n this-prefent'Paria-
merit affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and imme" TteFmeho lt
diately after the palling of this Act, all the aforefaid Two Pieces or Parcels and othr
of Land herein-before particularly deferibed, containing together Fifty e'rr~
Acres, wvith their arid every of their Rights, Eafements, Members, and corotinu,,
Appurtenances; and alto all and fingular the haid Freehold and Copyhold vetted ks
MVeffimges, Farms, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, by or under. Trufteitin
                  and y vitueof te lad fvera Indntues o Leae ad Reeafegrated ru f jon,
                  rutreleafed, and conveyed and covenanted to be flirrendered, including the claims of the
laid Piece or Parcel of Land containing rren, Acres Three Roods and Crown, &o.
Fourteen Perches, with all the Rights, Eafements, Members, and Ap-
purtenances thereto belonging, lhall be and remain and continue veled iq
and fettled upon and to the Ule of them the Laid Wllimr Mitford and Jofeph
Alcock, arid their Heirs and AlTigns for ever, upon and to and for thb4
Trrufts, Intents, and Purpofes, and under and fubjedt to the Powers, Pro-
'viboes, Declarations, and Agreements, in and by the laid Indenture. of
Bargain and Sale limited, exprefi'e4, and declared of and concerning the
Freehold Hereditaments therein comprized, and thereby conveyed in
Trust to be fold as aforefaid, freed arid 'difcbarged, and abfolutely red
leafed, acquitted, exempted, and exonerated as to, for, and concerning
the laid Two Pieces of Land containing Fifty Acres, with the. Appurte-
trances, of and from all Sums of the 1Publick Money which have been
imprefted or advanced to the laid Oliver De Lancey during his Con.
tinuation in the Office of Superintendant General of Barracks,. and-,in
.the Office of Barrack Matter ;General as aforefaid, and of and from
,all Claims and IDemands of His Majefly, His Heirs andSucceffors, for and
on account of the fame ; and alfo freed and difcharged of and
'Claims and Demands of the laid Oliver De Lancet, his Hein or Aftignw,
nand as, to, for, and concerning all and fingular the Laid Freehold and
Lopyhold Mkelfuages, Farms, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditamers. by
the faid feveral Indentures of Leafe and Releafe Franted and roekd, and
covenanted to be furrendered as aforefaid, including the faid Pieceot Parel
4 Land containing Tlen Acres ree Roods and Fourteen PerhewAith
Jhe pnrtenances, freed and difcharged, and abfolutely releantdp a-
quitted, exempted, and exonerated of and from. all Sums. of the   lkkgi
Money which havye been imprefted or advanced to the faidl Rkhart
Brkg/ley Sheridan. during his Continuance in the Office of Treafutea of the
Navy, or for whekhhe is or may be accountabib ta sthe CtaWh1  tht
hbaafer; and of arid -from, all Claims and Demands of Mi   iijt, Hims
H.irs andSucceffors, for and on Account of the fam., ap4.lf                           u
dikchargeil of and from all Cimesand flernands of theta the ft&dRMhvrt
Erbulle, Sheridan and Oliver De Lace tefpeCtively1 and their rtrefivt


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Ifrall bw #atih;      1*

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      64                fra       & t ooc     w
               i dA iiaiedt ttsei rern~ cbh Purshafe.
"L ml             deVar tojhc ili5tt$ MR~ Excellent MajeQg,. Hs Uejjand

        Msor , h*Ittfeiht &acpihotai H~bratatrek veffedtltdc
        st~t         p   V4ilfoidenpit . erahantnpt tOw Qiid. O t
              e +               8 krttait qi&v4, "ad oift zucu



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