Production Note
Project Unica
Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015


An Aft for the better Cultivation of Navy Timber in the Forcll of Alice Holt, in the County of Southampton.	[20th June i8r2.]
WHEREAS the King’s mod Excellent Majefty, in Right of His Crown, is feifed to Hitr.felf, His Heirs and SucceiTors, of the Ground and Soil of the Foreft of Alice Holt, in the County of Southampton, computed to contain about Two thoufand four hundred and twenty-leven Acres, exclufive of certain inclofed Hands therein belonging to His Majefty in Severalty, fubjecft to fuch Claims of Rights and Interefts of theRight Honourable Henry Lord Stawe/I, and other Perfons, in and over the fame as herein-after mentioned: And whereasthefaid Henry Lord Stawcll, under and by virtue of a certain Grant of His late Majefty King James the Firft, bearing Date on or about the Ninth Day of November, in the Fifteenth Year of 1 lis Reign, is or claims to be feifed of, or interefted in and entitled to the Right of free Warren and Free Chafe, and other Rights, Liberties, and Privileges, in, over, and upon the faid Foreft; and he the faid Henry Lord Stawell alfo claims to have and receive, fo loon as the fame can be made out, a Grant or Letters Patent, of and to hold and enjoy the Office of Ranger of and .over the faid Foreft, and, as annexed or appurtenant to the faid Office, the Liberty of Hunting, Shooting, and Sporting, in and over the fame Foreft, during the Term of his natural Life; and the faid Henry Lord Stawell, in refpeff of his fevcral Manors, which adjoin to or arc fituate near to the faid Foreft, likewife is or claims to be entitled to other Rights and Interefts in, upon, and over the faid Foreft, or fome 8 P	pai tHis Maiefty
may inclofe Parts of the Foreft, not exceeding i,,6oo Acres.
5i*GEORGII III. Cap.72.
Tart or Parts thereof: And whereas, fubjed to His Majefty’s Rights on the faid Foreft, certain Perfons arc or claim to be entitled to certain Rights of Common in, over, and upon the faid Foreft : And whereas from the great and increaftng Difficulty of procuring a Supply of lumber from Foreien Countries, and from the Eftates of private Individuals in the United Kingdom, it has become neceffary to adopt Meafures for fecunng
a more adequate Supply of Timber in this Kingdom; and if His Kajefty
was empowered to inclofe certain Parts of the faid Foreft, and fuch Parts were appropriated for the Growth and Prefervation of Wood and Timber, the fame would be of great Benefit and Advantage to H,s Majefty and the Publick in general: And whereas in order to render the Herbage and Common of Pafture, in fuch Parts of the faid f oreft as ffiatl not be nicked, of much greater Value, and more beneficial to the Perfons entitled thereto, His Majefty has confented and agreed, that all the Deer now kept and maintained in the faid Foreft (hall, previous to any Inclofure heimv made of any Parts thereof, be wholly removed from the faid Foreft; be'it^therefore enaefed by the King’s moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and 1 emporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authonty of the fame That it {hall and may be lawful for His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, to inclofe, fever, and improve, within and out of the Open Wafte Lands of the faid Foreft, in feparate Inclofures, fuch Quantity of T ands as fhall in the Whole not exceed One thoufand fix hundred Acres of the open and Wafte Parts of the faidForeft; and fuch Inclofures (hall be made , nder and bv virtue of a Commiffion to be granted and iffued by His Ma-for thatPurpofe, and fuch Commiffion (hall be direOed to Three or J fr h Perfons as'His Maiefty fhall think fit, and fuch Inclofures Ihail
CS“SrT.StaT« -	-'Jff
Foreft as (hall be found to be moft convenient to be mclofed and to be beft adapted to the Growth and Produce of 1 imber; which laid Inclofures Sbe admeafured by a Sworn Surveyor, and fet out and mclofed butted and bounded, and the Quantities, Butts, and Boundaries thereof returned into His Majefty’s Court of Exchequer, there to remam on Re-i f r ever • and the laid Inclofure fo fet out and made as aforefatd fhall cord for_ev,	Poffeffion of His Majefty, His Heirs and
C ff rs, reed iynd difcharged of and from all Manner of Rights, Titles Pretences Privileges, and Claims whatfoever, (other than and except fuch as the faid Henry Lord Stawcll is or may be entitled to as aforefaid), and fhall be made and reputed a for Timber only; and Onantitv of One thoufand fix hundred Acres fo authorized to be inclofed as aforefaid, fhall be accepted by and on Behalf of His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, as an adequate Compenfimon for all Right of c ‘f. „ other Right or Claim in or over the remaining Eight hundred and twenty fevcn Ac^s of the faid Wafte Lands of the faid Foreft ; which faid '"	Ouantitv of Eight hundred and twenty-feven Acres (hall be-
Tome ffie Property of the Lend Perfons entitled as aforefaid, to certain Riehts of Common in and over the faid Foreft freed and dncharged of and ^ ill Ritrht of Soil, or other Right or Claim of the King s Majefty, Iiis Hehs^inuiucceffors; faving never®,heWi, the Liberties and Privileges intended to be «anted to thtiifud	^ sS^Si
Timber * and^other 'Frees, Underwood; Buffies, Hollies and Thorns, Heritors, and Standils, (landing and being m or upon the (aid r™a,nmg6>- o'*v °L<*
Any Grant of Inclofure, Trees, &c to be void, and the Perfon obtaining fuch Grants to forfeit Treble the Value thereof.
______	Cap. 72.	?°3
Juantityof Eight hundred and	or otherwife to
vith full Power to cut	^j^dJfor that Purpofe from Time .
ThreeYears from the
paffing of this Aft.
... r- ? mfjtizrsa ss sat ssr
saastsr- »r-xsES^
,1	• c .1,., »raflrd That, from and after the paffing 01 th s to be k t
Ac?no Rabbits KbeXpt in any Part of the laid Pored, on any Foreft. Account or Pretence whatfoever.
IV. And, ,0 ,h. End	*&£%&&?££
Crown for Publick Ufe as aforefa a	or obtaiB any Gift, Grant,
any Perfon whatever fhall P^fu Tnclofurcs or any Wood or Trees
Eftate, or Intereft of or >n the f	^ Eft’ate, or Entered, (hall ipfio
growing thereon, every fuchGi ,G ^ > Ae fame (hall be utterly faflo be null and void; and the P	Grant,-Eftate, or Intered, and
difabled to have, hold or enjoy ar y	’	Grant to him who
alfo fhall forfeit treble the Y^f “V Maiedy’s Courts of Record at
(hall be allowed to the Defendant.
,.	• r rther enafted, That the Commifiioners of His Majefty *
\. And be it fur	Revenue, or the Surveyor General of His to be deitroJ..
Woods, Foreds, and Land K«e ’	.	d is hereby aumo- tdcrremoved,
Majefty’s Woods and Fored. for the J	after the paftng of and no Deer
rized and required, as foon as	,..X	t0 be deftroyed, or toh'a/tcr';
this Aft, to caufe all t e eer 1	that after the faid Inclofure "berForeit.
EEtfiES-ssf iSSrV“* kept “anj part
Foreft, or within the Limits thereoi.
,1, inkier Prefervation of the Trees, Woods, Underwood^ “'d°" VI. And for the btfter Preservation	i,ereafter be planted and magingTreM
Heritors, and Standils growing,	ny part 0f the faid Inclofures ¡atheForeft.
nourilhed to grow or be gr°'*InS AaPas well before as after the fame fo to be made in pursuance 0	’	u perfons whomfoever who
(hall be inclofed; be .t further enacted, That ^	cut dow„, fplit,
fhall, from and after ^ P^'ng of .h.s Aft unla^ j	^
ba.k, peel, damage, deface, deftroy,	J ^ ■ Heritor or Standtl
other Tree, Woods or Covert, »	' eft and liable t0 all fuch
within the faid Fored as aforefaid, ffia	rJovided by ,he Laws and
Pains, Penalties, and Punilhment ,_ .	P inflifted upon any Perfon
Statutes of this Realm to bg,gl'y^ ™Por offences in the Lands, Grounds, beCinlfcd, and the private Property of any of
His Majefty’s Subjefts.	P„„ai,ies for
• r u Ooi That every Perfon who {hall wilful y breabing VII. And be it further enafted, 1 hat '	7	Inclofure, or any dow„ I0«lo-
^,drov or take away, or ffiall break down any	Part tor..52°GEORGII III. Cap.72.
Part thereof, made for the Protection of any Nurfery of Wood and Timber asaforefaid, lhall for the Firit Offence forfeit the Sum of Ten Pounds; and for the Second Offence the Sum of Twenty Pounds; and for the Third Offence fhail be deemed guilty of Felony, and may be tranfported to any Part beyond the Seas for the Term of Seven Years, or be fubjeft to fuch other Punifhment by Fine, Imprifonment, or otherwife, as the Court before which fuch Perfon ihall be convicted may direft; and fuch Penalties ihall and may be recovered, and on Non-payment thereof the Perfon who ihall forfeit the fame may be committed to Prifon, in the Manner and for the fame Periods as is fpecified in an Ad paifed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled An Act for the letter Prefervation of Timber Trees, and of IVoods andUnderwoods, and for the further Prefer-uation of Roots, Shrubs, and Plants, in relation to the Penalties of Twenty Pounds and Thirty Pounds refpeftively, for wilfully cutting or breaking down any Timber under the faid Aft.
VIII. Provided always, and be it further enafted, That from and after the palling of this Aft, no Perfon or Perfons (hall, by Refidence in any Houfe, Lodge, or other Building erefted or to be erefted within the faid Foreit, or by Hiring and Service either for the Prefervation of the faid Woods or Plantations, or the Game in the faid Foreft, gain thereby any Settlement in the Parilh of Binjled in the faid County in which the faid Foreit is fituated.
General	IX. Saving always to the King’s molt Excellent Majefty, His Heirs and
Saving. Succeifors, to the faid Henry Lord Stawell, and to all Bodies Politic, Corporate, or Collegiate, and their Succeifors, and to all and every Perfon and Perfons whomfoever, his and their Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, and Afligns, all fuch Eftate, Right, Title, Intereft, Claim, and Demand whatfoever (other than and except fuch as is and are hereby exprefled, meant, and intended to be barred, deilroyed, or extinguiihed) as they, every, or any of them now have or hath, or could have ¡had or enjoyed therein in cafe this Aft had not been made.
f Sec alfo the Act for difafforeiting the Foreil of Parlhurjl in the County of Southampton, 52 G. 3. c. 171. Loc. & Pcr.~\
Hefidence in
Foreft notto gain Settle-
LONDON: Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, Printers to the King’s molt Excellent Majefty. 1812.