ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 ANNO QUINQUAGESIMO QUINTO GEORGII III. REGIS. ****************************************************** CAP. CXXII. An Ad to amend an Aft of the Fifty-third Year of His prefent Majefty, for veiling in His Majefty certain Parts of iV'mdJor Foreft, in the County of Berks; and for inclofing the Open Commonable Lands within the faid Foreft. [28th June 1815.] WHEREAS an Aft palled in the Fifty-third Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled An Ad for vejting in His j3G.3-c.158-Majejiy certain Parts of Windfor Forejl,in the County 0/Berks ; Ind for inclofing the Open Commonable Lands within the faid Foreft ; and ome of the Proviftons of the faid Aft require to be amended ; be it ■there- ore enacted by the King’s moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Ad- ;lce and Confent of the Lords Spiritual aiid Temporal, and Commons, in his prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, 1 hat Tree, maybe t fhail be lawful for His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, and all and cut down .very Perfon and Perfons entitled to any Timber or other frees (landing Monthslfter md being on any of the Wafte Lands intended to be mclofed by the laid the Data 0f recited Aft, at any Time within the Period of Twelve Calendar Months the Award after the Date of the Award direaed by the faid Aft .0 be made by under recited John Nalh and John Danis, Commiflioners named and appointed in and by the faid recited Aft, or their Succeffors, inftead of within the Space of Two Years from the palling of the faid AS, as in the faid A£l is direfled, to fell, cut down, grub up, remove, fell, and difpofe of fuch Timber and ether Trees; any filing in the faid Aa to the contrary notwithft^dmg:111 s S5°G:E0RGII III. Cap. 123. Provided always, and the faid John Naß) and John Davis, and their Suc-ceffors, are hereby required and direded to make and execute their faid Award within the Space of Twelve Calendar Months from and after the palling of this Ad, in the fame Manner and Form and under the like Regulations in all refpeds as in the faid recited Ad is direded. HisMajefty’s II. And whereas it would greatly tend to the Improvement of the Private Ef- Eilates änd Properly belonging to His Majefly, within the Limits of the t^Forell11 Foreft, in His private Capacity, if the Powers in the faid recited Ad may befold contained, in relation to the Sale or Exchanges of Allotments made to His or exchanged. Majefty in Right of fuch Eftates, were extended to all fuch Eilates and Property; be it therefore enaded, That all the Powers and Authorities, Provifions and Regulations in the faid recited Ad contained, for authorizing the Commiftioners therein mentioned and named and appointed by the faid therein recited Ad of the Fifty-fecond Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty, to fell or exchange any Allotment or Allotments of Wafte Land made to His Majefty under the faid recited Ad of the Fifty-third Year aforefaid, {hall extend and be conftrued to extend to authorize, empower, and enable the faid laft-mentioned Commiftioners to fell or exchange all or any of the Meffuages, Cottages, Timber, Orchards, Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments whatfoever, belonging to His Majefty, within the Limits and Boundaries of the faid Foreft as His Majefty’s private Property, in cafe the faid Commiftioners fhall deem any fuch Sales or Exchanges to be expedient and beneficial to the Eftate of His Majefty; and it lhall be lawful for the faid Commiftioners to make any fuch Sales or Exchanges under the Powers, Authorities and Regulations in the faid Ad contained in relation to Allotments, in like Manner in every refped as if fuch Powers, Authorities, and Regulations were hereby repeated and fe-enaded, and as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purpofes äs if fuch Meffuages, Cottages, Timber, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments had been included in the faid recited Ad; and the faid Ad and this Ad ihall for that Purpofe be conftrued together as One Ad. III. And whereas it hath been found that the fpecific Allotments required and direded by the faid Ad of the Fifty-third Year of the Reign of His prefent Majefty to be given to His Majefty, do in fome Pariihes exceed the proportionate Share of Nine Thirty Seconds intended to be given to His Majefty under the fame Ad, as far as relates to the Wafte in fuch Pariihes, and no Provifion is contained in the faid Ad for making Compenfation to fuch Pariihes ; be it therefore enaded, lhat it ihall be lawful for the faid John Naß) and John Davis, and their Succeflbrs, and. they are hereby required to afeertain the Amount and Value of fuch Excefs in every fuch Pariih as aforefaid, and the refpedive Amounts of the Value of fuch Excefs ihall thereupon be paid to the refpedive Pariihes entitled thereto, out of any Money to be railed under the Provifions of the faid laft-mentioned Ad, by the Sale of any Lands authorized by the faid Ad to be fold for the Payment of the Expences of inclofing the Lands and Allotments which are by the faid Ad given to or may be awarded to His Majefty ; and it ihall be lawful for His Majefty’s Commiilioner in all iuch Cales to mark out for Sale any additional Quantity of iuch Lands for the Purpofe of raifing the Amount of fuch Compenfation to fuch Pariihes re-fpedivoly as aforefaid j and the Amount of the Value of every iuch Ex- V y 7 ccfs Compenfation to be made to Pariihes where the Allotments exceed the proportionate Share belonging to .His Majefty.ÎM