ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 MUKDKK OF MARIA MARTEN, BY WILLIAM COBBLE K. Hodges, Pi inter, Wholesale Toy and Marble V\ arehouse, 26, Grafton Street, Soho Where may he obtained all the old & new Son^s ol'the day, Childrens Boohs, he f'JOME all yon thoughtless young uien a warning lake by me And think on my unhappy fate, to be hang’d upon a tree. My name is William Corder to you I do declare, 1 courted Maria Marten most beautiful and fair. I promised I would marry her, upon a certain day, Instead of that I was resolved to take htr life away, 1 went into her father’s house the 18th day of May, O, come my dear Maria we’ll fix the wedding day ! If you’ll meet me at the red barn a, ture »s I have life I'll take you to Ipswich town, & there make you my wifi-, (and my spade, I straight went home & fetch’d my gun, my pickaxe, | I went nto the red barn and th> re I dug her grave , With heart so light she thought no harm to meet him she did go, Pe murder’d her all in the barn & laid her b"dv low The horrid deed that he had doné she lay bleeding in her gore, Her bleeding mangled body he threw under the red barn floor. Now all things br ing silent she could not t ke no rest She appear'd in her mo'her’s house, who suckled her j at her breast ; For many a long month or mar# hrr mind being sorely op: rrss’d, Neither night nor day she could not take no rest. t H er mother’s mind being so distui bed, she dreamed three nights o’er, Her daughter she lay murder’d under the red barn floor She sent her father to the barn when Under the ground he thrust, And there found his daughter mingling with the dust My trial bard I could not stand most woeful was the sight, • i When her jaw bone was brought to prove, whieb pierced my heart quite ; nii aged mother standing by likewise his loving wife And with her grief, her hair she tore, she scarcely could kt ep life, Adieu, adieu my loving fiiends my glass isalmostruo Ain Monday next will be my whe I’m tobehangd AH young men as you pass by wbh pity look on me, For the munler of María Martes 1 was hanged apon a tree. AND ’Ti* of a rich merchant who in London dwell, (nice young He had but one daughter, an unkimi Her name it was Dinah, scarce six year» old, with a very large fortune in silver & g To lal ral lai, & As Dinah was valiking the garden one Her papa he came to her, and thus he say, Go dress thyself Dinah, in gorgeous ar And take yourself a husiband both gall and gay. Oh, papa, Oh, papa. I’ve not made up mind, (inclin And to marry just yet, why l don’t To you my large fortune l’U gladly : o’er, (m if you’ll let me live single a year or Go go boldest daughter the parent repli If you won’t consent to be this here you man’s bride, (o( I’ll give your large fortune to the near Ann you sha’n’t reap the benefit of single pin. As Vilikins vas valking the garden arou e espied his dear Dinah laying dead on the ground. [si And the cup of cold pison it lay by h will» a billet-dux a stating ’twas by pis' she died He-kiss’d her cold corpus a thousand tim oe’r (no mo And call’d her his Dinah, though she w Then swallowed the pison, like a lovyer brave * [one gra And Vilikins and his Dinah lie both MORAL Now all young maidens take a warning 1 her (eno Never not by no means disobey your gov And all you young fellows mind who yo clap eyes on, (ol cold pison Think of Vilikins and Dinah, and the cv:ß 006 f ¿ OVIA. 0 k W-ifáZ m äs Wí js. ■ nií no5 ' >J ai orfw Jri*.* **>19.71 ha íq -iT ïftiio'f soia) ,f‘hwb nmiflji na .i9lrt$ííeb.9UQ Jud had sH > !<> «Til 9/ g ¿& ’ssiVli» ai fjafU’íof âg’uîi' yïë* Á IbÖIw* & Jó! Jr.-i !f;l O r > üfjo i.oburg odi gniiíiífiv ?£ v dßisifl «Á ad a»d*bi?3 ildít cd 90133 cm! áqaq 1&H ,Tfiü i$ ev.oagTos ui .daniCI üaBydl aaaib oO ilßg i!iod biujüiauii a'il^iuöy ddid b jì io ir-'i’f « »jnoia *mì sm Jal il'wotf ti i»:j . tiioiaq edrisiiigusb Jiisbk'd og oi) boy ai ad Vid s àd.oi :.ii980<¿9 J* flow uoÿ'il lo ; ,abnd «’naoi Hf ,'fî ri •: *tJlbì 9Í1BÍ moy sviali I i ii >n‘i s si) qtBoi l'a'ada uoy nnA niq sU'in * a.Olii ÎI9Α1£?, f>di aai'/liiiv 837 ?.HÌ.Hili7 8/i hßab gib vói ,130.a ;/ob id bsiq^.y a Sii?.] ’ , boar i^ 9til ao l yd vul Ji noBiq hi 33 io quo alli ba/. ><¡:q yd ««wí* guiißj? a xub-lailid a dii» baib oda irai* bn«auoiíí e aaqioj bfoaiad bVïd ail ¡ofíion) - i*ao 3« üd?. dgaodi .dóiiíQ aid lad b'lUobciA fi loyvoi a oiiìi ,aoaiq odi tawollßwa aailT Ireig ano] * 9VBid It died ail dßiiiö aid bnß aoidiliV baA JArfOM Id^oiirißv/ ß aáaJ aasbißta gfluoy H« wo74 |pn->j -»od f iriy yadoziii «nBarrr 00 yd Jon lovafi ■y od•« hui01 jiWtjlbl ^cuoy uoy 11b b{¡.\ íiq bica io) ,no gaya q»b ijtfo utÜ bfl« .draiH bas ¿ßhJiüV k> unì dl IO JKiOillJt/. .S53TM AlflAM n.Hitto) majjjiw y a sltinßM blu-, yol •■uoíoii i: ,tiini.4 .»v.h.iH .1 •ïil yem n^ii li oil>H ,l«il8 Hó}ieilJ>t3S . m^fa-us S‘ *nsil>liii’.i tvub mVt oa. íi;i3 <^n 3¿ ido olì III; bsui !d.> ají tstaoH gi:m.;v/ a unti, goau^ nïaili vaoiiî noy lin iiUO j 5.n yd o:!al t; aoqu b*gn«d ad oi ,»lfiî y-j-yurio» y.n no. Iniril i. oA ,a-ñí *ei«la‘>lz <■>!• Í ;joy ••} •» ibtorA ronI'I-W . r »ina ' imi bi)j>iidwÿfcftd «.«nu i.aruiW J>mj£ i.jiïiiovJ . tyi.î) nioty-ia e noqí* ,t rt a¡b¡ : i-;d-«inr jaaw * ! f*;i> gtii'Lbav. -»lit ziï ii'sw 3¡fe{/i *í*í*?1> ydi ätr •„• ,0 oJH ave.! ï ?« laiq y*n ,.¡as yir. b’datai s2 oixio'd laaw idgi«yjs iati «ab I sa’¡ij ini.; mud.b*»-nb oin toaw i iiiai laafu i j ujiuil on oigootil »ri* Idgii 08 J' i!tfYZ .tifi b ib »ri* woi .b d isti bii.i á ;.i»d aiti ni f!« iii b'iaínr rn di ¿«ibáaJd »«i mÌc b Ltf! ari Jorii i*»vb óiiiod &¿;T 91.*g l' .i 1.91 »til 1 : y «iiil ad - bori ksiynttoi gtiihà ,!d a li .K-oh rind mioa ' l i lt;u Io. a si* itiaiia d a^attb II« •làd bsiJi';* t i.aaiiori **r»ii'o(K uri nii.'ieyq i« nd3 ,1ía»id .a.) Ih pillati fcüùo i" ri too ,ii io ti ino iti «¡nói « yeso» jc.'T ;b’kx .1 (jo y Fa ...y ».j«i on ojï» Joli 1 iuos «da vtL io:t .i.i-ii; -••.riiiâ.V' usußaib ori» .osti iiJíaib t»s polari í.n n: aTarftctu« 1- H ,19*0 fel.igin a .nil ■joojt dit 'lm siíl i ri; a h'i-ìbinrn y»i aria taiii-oiaa v k baaoijsiiJ lab.’U iisilw ruad «ib ol inítai .ari .vm a.Kd ,l«inril s.i nwbsrit liiiw giuigaic-i i íri«uab airi bauoi sisdl bnA 9ií> »*rr iu'Uow leoni bosfe i»n binon I íncrilaiij » . - ,Jií<>,W iiairiw ,nyoiq ,0) J.u;n *l so ori »«' :«(i oari.tV , rio y¡:¡ tv:->.¡v;q. •iiw. ^j«»oí »id »«iw»iiti \¡í giubilala i9.iíuiii bsgr. vi»¡s« »rin jôioî » ie listi ioti, ,'isíig mi íIjí* boA .siti (ja ui L'riióa Qm laoait« ai n *b.i9| A sni vo! ym uolW »«sil-A. tgHtiìsd-o'j tu'I ariK • yffl -m Mr« ma.yabooM.t ?t .KD no deci /itq ririv/. yj etst; uo/ *s a»« .griwo-f li A ■ ó3^sari ito» I »artaMífíiaM-l© riyb.icOTÀilj io"? , . .avi *