ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN Production Note Project Unica Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2015 OF THE GRAND JURY OF THE COUNTY MEATH, AT SUMMER ASSIZES, 1806. JUDGES, Right Honorable William Downes, Right Honorable Lord Norbury. JOHN P. WINTER, Esq. Sheriff. — ............... DUBLIN, PRINTED by BRETT SMITH, NO. 38, MARY-STREST*GRAND JURY. 1 Sir M. Somerville, Bart. 13 Hon. Hans Blackwood, U Thomas Bligh, efq. 14 Nathaniel Preßon,, efq. 3 Thomas Baylor, efq. 15 >/->« Bollock, efq. 4 Chrijlopher A Nickolfon, f/ÿ. 16 fames O Reilly, efq. $ Sir Benjamin Chapman, Bart. 17 John fohnfton, efq. 9 Robert Sterne Bighe, efq. 21 Henry IVoodward, efq. jo Elias Corbally, ^7. 22 Charles Tifdall, efq. I x Nicholas Coddington, efq. 23 Chrijlopher Cufack, efq. 12 Ruxton, efq. The Grand Jury of the County of Meath, fully convinced r ■' 7 -jf/fr likely to refult to the County, from an observance of the Rules, (wherever circumjlances may permit,) do earnefly recommend them to the attention and obfervation of the Landholders thereof. ORDERED, That all Affidavits, as well for Preferring as Accounting, be, fo far as they can be procured, printed. That to each Prefenting Affidavit be annexed a certificate, figned by the Confervator or principal Overfeer, Hating that the work is neceiiary; and alfo a certificate, figned by the A ¿ting Overfeer, Hating the rates of wages at which he has made his eitimate. That each Car fliall draw at leaH fix hundred weight of gravel, and alfo that he has eitimated the damages likely to be occafioned by taking gravel, and the diftance at which it is fituated from the centre of the perches to be repaired. That on all roads to be repaired, the Hones be broken fmall before the gravel is laid on; and that to each Accounting Affidavit be annexed a certificate, figned by the Confervator or principal Overfeer, Hating that the work is well executed. That it is advifeable to poHpone, until the Map of the County now executing by Mr. Wm. Larkin, be completed, the opening of any new line of road in this County, except in continuation of any road already in part opened in this or any adjoining County, or where ctrcumdances of the cleared public utility Avail appear to render a fpeedier formation of any fuch new road »anifeHly defirable. 6 Richard Chaloner, efq. 7 Hamilton Gorges, efq. g James Nangle, efq. iB George Bomford, efq, 19 Thomas Barnes, efq. 20 Arthur Forbes, efq.3 CONSERVATORS. Upper Deece.—George Bomford, efq. Samuel Watfon and John Parfons, with falary. Lower Deece.— To Henry Thomas Fox, for one half year’s falary, 12/ i ox. Demifore.—Thomas Batterihy, efq. with falary. Upper and LowerDuleek.—Guilavus Lambert and Patrick Smith, efqrs. without falary, and John Bruerton, Ailiilant, with a falary of IO/. half yearly. Lower Duleek —Guilavus Lambert, Patrick Smith, efqrs. and William Burton, without falary. Dunboyne.—John Moore, with io/. half year’s falary. Upper Kelli.—Edward Molloy, with 25/. falary each half year. Lower Kells.—Philip Smith, efq. without falary. Lune.—William and Thomas Hopkins, efq. without falary. Morgallion.—Robert Reilly, with 25/. half year’s falary. Upper and Lower Moyfenragh.—Robert Nugent, efq. with 37/. 1 ox. half year’s lalary. Upper Navan.-r-Humphrey Doyle, with 12/• 10x. half year’s falary. Ratoath.—John Wilkinfon, with 10/. falary, half yearly. Skreen.—Thomas Carberry, with 10/. falary, half yearly. Upper Slane.—Robert Colello, efq. with 10/ falary, half yearly. Lower Slane.—Francis and John Morris, efqrs. without falary. High Constables, Colleclors, cS*c. H. CONSTABLES* Upper Deece, John Parfons, Lower Deece, Luke Gavagan, Demifore, Henry Robinfon, Upper Duleek, Francis Cary, Lower Duleek, William Taylor, Dunboyne, Michael Dixon, Upper Kells, Jacob Dyas, Lower Kelh, George M'Cartney Lune, Edward Gill, MargalUon, Robert Reilly, Upper Moyfenragh William Reynolds. Lower Moyfenragh, Patrick Donneljan Upper Navan, j VVilliam Johniton Is0wer jfVci'uu ii^ j Ratoath, Skreen, Upper Siane, Lower Sane, Hamilton Gorges, James Kennedy, John Meighan, John S. Sallery. COLLECTORS. John Parfons, Galtrim. Luke Gavagan, Ginnets. Heniy Robinfon, Ctojjikctl. Francis Cary, William Taylor, Michael Dixon, Jacob Dyas, Rod flown. GeorgeM‘Cartney, Billy wood. Edward Gill, Clonygrange. Robert Reilly, Mile flown. William Reynold¿,CaJllerickard. Patrick Donnellun, fohnflown. hnfton, ) ,r Johniton, J Gorges, Kilkrew. James Kennedy, LijmuUen. John ¡VI. Granger, John S. Sallery, Green7 ills. f John Jol I William HamiltonChief Con fable of the Baronies of Upper and Lower Deece, Upper and Lower Mayfenragh—Michael Wily. SUB-CONSTABLES i' John Halfort 2 Jofeph Heap es 3 James Foifet 4 George Wily 5 Richard Hughes 6 Thomas Gee 7 Samuel Wily 8 Thomas Grimes g George Graham 10 Luke Carfons 11 Charles M‘Kay 12 R. Higgins 13 Robert Wily 14 Benjamin Wakefield 15 John Parfons 16 Norman Gaftin. Chief Gonflable of the Barony of Demifore Thomas Robinfon. t William Neile 2 Andrew M4Cartney 3 William Cheitor 4 John Robinfon 5 John Darling 6 Robert Gray 7 Thomas Gray, fenior SUB* CONSTABLES 9 John Miller jo John Mannin 11 Jofeph Mannin 12 Daniel Mannin 13 Henry Walton 14 Paul Wade, fenior 15 Paul Wade, junior 16 Thomas Robinfon. ¡8 Thomas Gray, junior Chief Conflable of the Baronies of Upper and Lower Duleeh% William Taylor. SUB-CONSTABLES 8 William Finlay 1 Richard Lad ley 2 William Hanley 3 William Ladley 4 Thomas Ladley, fenior 5 Thomas Ladley, junior 6 George Ladley 7 John Gerrard 9 John Meade 10 Terence Reilly 11 Jofeph Hanley 12 Daniel Lawler 13 William Lawler 14 Peter Carroll. Chief Conflable of the Barony of D-unboyne—John Moore» SUB-CONSTABLES 1 John Roe 6 Jofeph Graham 2 Thomas Roe 7 Henry Kingfmill 3 James Roe 8 Thomas Thompfon 4 John Wright 9 Aphony Buckley. 5 Nicholas HerdChief Conjlable of the Baronies of Upper and Lower Kell James Shields. SUB-CONSTABLES 1 Watfon Murdagh 7 Samuel Plant 2 William M‘Dowel 8 Thomas,Meridyth 3 William Fiiher 9 James Wolfe 4 William Plant jo Richard Pidgeon 5 Morton Neill , t Andrew Brown 6 Robert Pattefon 12 John Warren. /» Chief Confiable of the Barony of Lune.—Richard Smith. SUB-CONSTABLES 1 Thomas Hix 2 Edward Smith 3 Francis Smith 4 William Prichard 5 Edward Butterfield 6 William Thornton 7 William Savage 8 Theophilus Smith 9 Patrick Hayes 10 Jofeph Lyfcum 11 John Walker 12 Samuel Conolly. Chief Confiable of the Barony of Morgallion—Francis Sallery. SUB-CONSTABLES 1 John Matthews 2 Matthew Grace 3 John Ellis 4 William Graham 5 Thomas Boylan 6 Francis Sallery 7 Jofeph Hopkins 8 Robert Little 9 Henry Little 10 Thomas Ruffe! J i Charles Sallery 12 James Courkan 13 Thomas Sallery 14 Edward Biggy 15 Michael Holmes 16 Peter Younge, Chief Conjlable of the Baronies of Upper and Lower Navan, William Johnlton. SUB-CONSTABLES J William Gerrard 2 James Gerrard 3 Edward M‘Glatchey 4 Francis Ellis 5 William Gamble 6 John Renicks 7 Andrew Gamble k William Hodgins 9 Francis Scofield 1 o Thomas Savage 1 x John Union 12 Lambert Jenkins 13 Hugh Hanley 14 Thomas Sherwood 15 Matthew Reilly 16 Robert Hartley*Chief Conjlable of the Barony of Ratoath, William Thorogood. SUB-CONSTABLES 1 Thomas Ferrali 2 Arthur Molloy 3 Andrew Murphy 4 Walter Afpill 5 Richard Geraghty 6 Patrick Begg 7 John Wilkinfon 8 Charles Robinfon 9 Welcome Donellan i o Robert McDoweli 11 John Gore 12 Matthew Finegan 13 Henry Kane 14 William Finegan 15 James M'Dowell 16 Thomas M'Guire. Chief Conjlable of the Barony of Skreen— Richard Wilkinfon. SUB-CONSTABLES 1 JohnM‘Manus 2 James Swan 3 Thomas Sheridan 4 Edward Critchley 5 Nicholas Kelly 6 William Matchet 7 Thomas Finley 8 Charles Mumford 9 Robert Cooney. Chief Conjlable of the Baronies of Upper and Lower Slane, William Thompfon. SUB-CONSTABLES 1 Robert May 2 Charles Thompfon 3 Thomas Dawfon 4 Alexander Vaughey 5 Edward Brownell 6 William Weil 7 ]ofeph Gibfon 8 Thomas Brownell 9 George Leech 10 James Leech 11 John Thompfon 12 Thomas Ogle 13 John Ogle 14 William Warren 1 5 John Hopkins 16 Daniel Molloy.COUNTY of MEATH. Copy of Orders made, and Presentments granted, at Summer Assizes, 1806. ORDERED, That Edward E. Chambers Efq. be direfted to attend as our Solicitor, on behalf of the County upon the trial of all traverfers for damages, that he {hall employ counfel in fuch cafes, when he ihall think the affiance of counfel neceifary, and ufe every profelfional exertion to prevent exceffive damages from being found and charged upon this County, and to apprize the Grand Jury of each of fuch cafes. ORDERED, That Allan Me. Lane, late Secretary, be and is hereby difmiifed from his office, as Secretary of the Grand Jury of the County of Meath. ORDERED, That James Allen be and is hereby appointed Secretary to the Grand Jury of the County Meath, and to commence to aft as fuch, from and immediately after this prelent Ailizes. ORDERED, That John Pratt Winter, High Sheriff of the County of Meath, James Nangle, John Pollock, and Pobert S. Tigbe,' be and they are hereby appointed a Committee, to infpeft the Rate of the County-Records,8 in the hands of Allan Me. Lane, (late Secretary,) and to give fuch directions as may to them appear belt calculated to infure their preservation and proper arrangement. ORDERED, That James Nangle and George Bomford, be and are hereby appointed to infped the prefent ftate of the County Court-houfe, and report accordingly. ORDERED, That it be an inftrudion to the Committee, appointed by the order of the Grand Jury, at this Summer Affizes, for examining into the ftate of the County-Records, in the hands of Allan Me. Lane, (late Secretary of the Grand Jury,) to dired Mr. Chambers, our Solicitor, to take fuch fteps as may appear to be necef-farv for the Security or recovery of the public money, in confequence of the difficulties refulting from the mif-condud of the late Secretary. That Chriflopher A. Nicholfon be added to Said Committee. ORDERED, That the Clerk of the Crown, or his deputy, do in future take charge of all Presentments and Quere Books, as direded by Ad of Parliament. ( TO John O’Brien and John Crickley, to widen 185 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Ratoath toMaynooth, between Cultrumer and bridge of Bagganilownj at 5s. per, overfeer’s wages included, 48 11 3 To John Johnfton and John Crickley, to widen 100 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Maynooth to Dunihaughlin, between Culmullen and Pelletftown, at 3s. per, wages included, 31 10 o To George Ponfonby, John Murrin and James Tormy, to widen 92 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Trim to Pun-boyne, between Mullagh and Moynalvy, at 5s. per, wages included, 24 3 o To ditto, to widen 220 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Mullagh to Dunboyne, between Mullagh and Moynalvy, at 3s. 3d. per, wages included, 37 10 9 To William Gorman, Hans Blackwood, Bryan Me. Mahon and Patrick Brenan, ' for repairing 10 perches, 16 feet wide, « road from Summer-hill to Dunboyne, between bridge of Glin and Kilmore-Houfe, at 8s. per, wages included, 440 To William Gorman, Patrick Brenan and Bryan Me. Mahon, to fill 176 perches of gripes, road from Summerhill to Dunboyne, between bridge of Glin and crofs roads from Trim to Moynalvy, at is. 6d. per, wages included, 27 To Denis Carroll, John Fleming and Hugh Monks, to repair 396 perches, 14 feet wide, road from Summerhill to Dunboyne, between Mullagh and Barrf-town, at is. 6d. per, wages included, 31 B 4k.IO £• s. cL To Daniel Nugent and Rev. Mr. Farrell, to fence, level and lay out i 44 perches, road from Dunihaughlin to Maynooth, between Kimmins and Kilgreage, at 2s. od^ per, wages included, - 1588 To ditto, to widen 206 perches, road from Dunihaughlin to Maynooth, between Moyglare and Harriitown, at 4s. per, wages included, - - 40 5 2 fo Thomas Cannon, Francis Davifon and Rev. Mr. Farrell, to repair 120 perches, road from Maynooth to Dunihaughlin, between Moyglare and Old-Grange, at 7s. 6d. per, wages included, 47 5 o We appoint George Bomford, Samuel Watfon and John Parfons, Conferva-tors, of the Upper Barony of Deece, without falary, To the Sub-Conitables, - 24 o o ^olleitors fees, 860 LOWER DEECE. 339 18 ich To Nathaniel Prefton, Patrick Cowley and Robert Criitie, to filling 55 perches of gripes, road from Athboy to Dunihaughlin between Kilmefibn and croifes of Balgad, at is. 3d. per, wages included, Fo Henry Thomas Fox, for one half 7 4 4I1 years falary as Confervator, 12 10 0 Fo the Sub-Conitables, 24 0 0 Solicitors fees, 1 1 0 44 16 4I1II DEMIFORE. To William Jones, Robert Henry, Charles and Conner Sheridan, to fill 39 perches of ditches, road from Granard to Kells, between corner of Deer-park Wall and Newtown, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To ditto, to widen 103 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Oldcaitle to Athboy, between crofs roads of Knocklough and Quarry of Diamor, at 3s. per, wages included, To ditto, to widen 213 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Oldcaitle to Athboy, between turn at Newtown and crofs roads of Knocklough, at 4s. 7dh, per, wages included, To Rev. George L. GreiTon and Hugh Reilly, to fill 56 perches gripes, road from Clonmellon to Croffikiel, between Milltown and Clonmellon, at 2S. per, wages included, To ditto, to fill gripes 232 perches, road from Clonmellon to Oldcaitle, between Galboyitown and pound of Killallon, at 2s. per, wages included, To James O’Reilly, Bryan O’Reilly and Thomas O’Reilly, to widen 170 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Kells to Granard, between bridge of Millbrook and turn to Mr. Rothe-ram’s, at 4s 3d. per, wages included, To William Webb, Patrick Houlton and Bryan Reilly, to make 446 double perches, 32 feet wide, road from Mount-Nugent to Collenitown, between Tubride and Hilltown, at is.”6d. per, wages included, £• *• 3 1 16 4 5r *4 5 l7 24 7 37 18 35 2î 2 Thomas 3 2 ^To George Rotheram and Carroll, to fence i i o4 perches, feet wide, road from Granard to Kells, between Moat and Half Carton, at 3s. per, wages included, *To ditto, to widen 146 perches, 32 feet wide, from Granard to Kells, between crofs roads of Ballamacad and Ballinea, at 5s. 3d. per, wages includ- To Philip T. Dalton, Edward Reilly and Thomas Tuite, to fill gripes, 320 perches, road from Kells to Mount-Nugent, between Knockara-* heen and crofs roads of Fenner, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To Edward Carney, John Walihand Owen Gaven, to widen 66 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Kells to Finea, be-' tween Belview and crofs roads of Pa-trickilown, at 2s. per, wages included, To Thomas and John Batterfby and James Lynch, to widen 200 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Caftletown-Delvin d. *7 40 4 10 25 4 ® [3 17 2 and crofs roads of Galmoiitown, at 5s. 6d. per, wages included, 57 »5 0 We prefent Thomas Batterfby ro be Con-fervator of this Barony, without falary, .To the Sub Conitabks, q6 0 0 Collectors fees, 10 12 6 i i » 435 7 6h UPPER DULEEK. To Nich. Markey and James Butler, to widen and mould 2 24perches, 21 feet wide, road from Dublinly Bellewftown to Drogheda, between Ford of Fine Bridge and Four-nocks, at 2s. 4d. per, wages included, To Hamilton Gorges, Hugh Maguire and Thomas Fowler, to fill gripes, 116 perches, road from Drogheda to Dublin by Ratoath, between Bridge of Bunnan and Mr. Gorges Iron Gate, at 3s. iod. per, wages included, To Patrick Smith, Sir M. Somerville, Patrick and James Duffy, to widen 40 perches, 26 feet wide, fromWalterflown to Drogheda, between Black lion and Bal-lamagarvy, at 5s. per, wages included, We prelent Guflavus Lambert and Patrick Smith, Confervators, without falary, and John Bruerton affiftant, with a falary of iol. half yearly, for both Baronies of upper and lower Duleek, To the Sub-Conftables, Collectors Res, LOWER DULEEK. To Thomas Ruffe!, Patrick Tallon and Henry Magavifk, to fence 42 perches, road from Drogheda to Navan, on the lands of Howeftown, between Paddock Wall and mearing of Collon, at is. 6d. per, wages included, fo ditto, to widen 119 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Navan to Drogheda, between mearing of Collon and Roffna-ree, at 4s. 4d. per, wages included,14 £• St To Thomas Codd, Thomas Ruflel and James Carton, to widen 40 perches, 30 feet wide, from Slane to Dunfhaughlin, bteween Church of Painilown and Wind-Mil] of Painilown, at 4s. per, wages included, - - " 8 S e To Henry Garnett, James Kelly, Nicholas and Bernard Farrell, to fill ditches, 53c perches, road from Navan to Du-leek, between Church of Knockconron and Gillinftown, at js, 6d. per, wages included, - - ~ 41 *4 9 To Thomas RuiTel, James Worfor, Welcome Donelly, to widen 128 perches, road from Senefchalitown to Drogheda, between new crofs and ilreet of Radri-nigh, at 4s. per, wages included, 26 17 7 To Patrick Smith, Sir M, Somerville, Patrick and James Duffy, to fill gripes, <257 perches, road from Navan to Drogheda, between ftreet of Garbal-laghand town of Duleek, at is. 6d. per, wages included, - * 2 3 7 9 To Thomas Owens and Thomas Morgan, to widen 182 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Trim to the Sea, between crofs roads of Plattin and white rock of Beamon, at 2s. 9d. per, wages included, 26 5 t \Ve preient Guitavus Lambert and Patrick Smith, Conservators for this Barony, and William Bui ton j all, without falary, - " . To L. Coddington, Chriftopher O Bri-en and Nicholas Coddington, to fill gripes 135 perches, read from Collon to Duleek, between mearing of Donore and Mr. Thomas Wilfcn’s Gate, at is. 6d'. per, wages included, 10 12 7To the Sub-Conftables, Collectors fees, »5 s. d. 42 o o 5 5 0 DUNBOYNE. 214 18 9 To Samuel Garnett, Luke and William Flood, to widen 159 perches, 26 feet wide, road from Clonee to Lucan, between bridge of Telenre and mearing of County Dublin, at 5s. per, wages included, - - . To William Clarke and Laurence Ward, to widen 75 perches, 26 feet wide, road from the Black-bull to Finglafs, between Crofs of Mean and Pooritown, at 3s. 6d. per, wages included, To Thomas Broumrig and Thomas Brien, to fill gripes, 569 perches, road from Dunboyne to Dublin by Sterling, between crofs roads of Hilltown and crofs of Starling, at 2s. 6d. per, wages included, - We preient John Moore to be Confervator for the Barony of Dunboyne, at 1 ol. half yearly as his falary, To the Sub-Conitables, Collector’s fees, 41 14 9 J3 15 7h 74 *3 /h 10 0 0 60 0 0 5 0 ih UPPER KELLS. To William Tallon, Jafon Crawford, Peter and Michael Murphy, to widen and fence 156 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Kells to Baileborow, between Moyres Bridge and Laurence-town, at 5s. jd. per, wages included, 44 7 7£• '■ *• l6 To Rev. George L. GrefTon and Hugh Reilly, to fill gripes 440 perches, road from Clonmellon to Kells, between white crofs of Kilikeer and bridge of Scurlogitown, at is. 4d. per, wages included, To Richard Barnwall, Simon Murtagh and Bryan Little, to widen 117 perches, 32 feet wide, of the great road from Kells to Drogheda, between Horan’s Crofs and Chapel ot Oriftown, at 2s. 6d. per, wages included, To Sir B. Chapman, John and Hugh Sheridan, to fill gripes, 320 perches, 14 feet wide, road from Mullingar to Drogheda, between Clonleafon and Forditown, at 3s. per, wages included, To Richard Barnwall, Charles Gugerty, William and Richard Martin, to widen 392 perches, 32 feet wide, road from crofs of Oriltown to the Red Bog, between Baileborow and Navan, at 2s. 8d. per, wages included, To John Gerrard, M. H. Noble, Patrick and James Tougher, to widen 47 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Kells to Drogheda, between John O’Neill’s bridge and Moortown bridge, at 6s. 6d. per, wages included, To Walter Keating, John Newman, James Smith, and William Lee, to widen 137 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Kells to Trim, between John Newman’s Houfe and Cookftown Avenue, at 5s. ¿d. per, wages included, 30 16 o «5 7 lh 30 8 0 54 17 7 1609 3819 2J7 To George Reilly,' Morton Neill and James Reddan, to widen 45 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Kells to Old-caitle, between crofs roads of the Mounlays and Smithftown, at 5s. 6d. per, wages included, To ditto, to fill gripes 172 perches, road from Kells to Old-caftle, be-tween crofs roads of the Mountain and crofs roads of Smithftown, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To James Molloy and Thomas M‘Manus, to widen 175 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Kells to Virginia, between crofs roads of Carrickmacrofs and Rathendrick, at 4s. per, wages inclu-r,^ed> # " - 36 15 o To William Hopkins and William Lee, to fill gripes, ^ 237 perches, road from Kells to Trim, between Mr. Hopkins’s gate and Nugentftown bridge, at is. 6d, per, wages included, - V3 13 3 To ditto, to widen 45 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Kells to Trim, between avenue of Cookftown and Thomas Hyas’s Houfe, at 5s. 3d. per, wages included,^ . . 12 15 1 oh lo Lord bingal, John Kearny, James Newman, and Patrick Corrigan, to fill gripes, 144 perches, road from .Athboy to Croflikiel, between John-ftown and Killkeer, at 2s. 8d. per, wages included, - . 40 6 4h C £• s. d. 12 19 loh 13 10 1©i8 To William Hopkins, Hugh Garry and James Brien, to fill gripes 2505 perches, road from Drogheda to Mulhnga , between crofs roads of Courtown Cattle and James Mulvany’s houle,at 9d. per, ToXS.inanddRev. Ham. ¿uff, Jofeph Power and Matthew Finegan, to make a foot-path, 168 perches, road from Kinrfcourt to Kells, between Rev. Ham. Cuft’s Gate and road to the chapel of Mullaghhe, at is. Sd. per, wages To“ Bryan and Nicholas Gaughran to repair 100 perches of road, from Kells toP Clonmellon, between Spungville and Boultown, at+s.per, - To James Halpin and Mat. Courtney,, to fill gripes, a57 P«d’es>!oad h of borow to Navan, between church ot Donepatrick and Ratholdren, at i&. To Edwar? Molloy, half a year’s lalary, as Confervator, To the Sub-Conilables, Collectors fees, £• d. 19 l7 3 13 4 7 21 00 40 9 25 30 13 o 54S 15 8 LOWER KELLS. To John Smith and James Crude, to fill „joes 17a perches, road from Kingfcourt to Kells, between Kilmam-hain Wood and the Foies, at 2s. 2t. per, wages included, u 319 To Peter Cruife, Bernard and Patrick Fitzfimmons, to fill-gripes, 140 perches, road from Kilmainham Wood, to Navan, between Brittas and Diron, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To James O’Reilly, Dudley and Thomas Flood and James Reilly, to fill gripes, 308 perches, road from Kells to Nobber, between crofs roads of & 11 Ardlonan and bridge of Kilbeg, at is. 3d. per, wages included, 20 4 3 To the Rev. Peter M‘Mahon, for dama- ges fuilained by a malicious burning, We prcfent Philip Smith, Confervator of 6S 7 9 this Barony, without fal?.ry, To the Sub-Conitables, 3° 0 0 Collectors fees, 3 l5 » 149 18 nh LUNE. To Walter Dowdall, James Gaynor and James Newman, to widen 187 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Athboy to Longwood, between Kildalkey and Moyfeigher, at 2s. 2d. per, wages included, - - 21 5 s To Nicholas Gannon, Michael Gerarty fen. and jun. to fill gripes, 152 perches, road from Navan to Athby, between Palifades of Rathmore and crofs roads to Athboy and Kells, at is. 6d. per, wages included, * - 23 iS40 To John Read, Thomas and Francis Kier-nan, James Ruffel, and James Gavan, to widen 255 perches, 32 feet wide, rood from Trim to Caitlepollard, between Baikenagh and Balrath, at 3s. per, wages included, -To ditto, to ditch 140 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Kinegad to Athboy, between Rathcormuck and CafUetown, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To James Fox, James Ruffel and Thomas Kiernan, to widen 255 perches, 14 feet wide, road from Kildalkey to Athboy, between Kildalkey and Newtown, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To Robert Waller, Michael Gayerty and William Hopkins, to fence 200 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Athboy to Na-van, between Rathmore and Onchinf-town, at 3s. per, wages included, To Sir B. Chapman, John and Hugh Sheridan, to widen 144 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Athboy to Oldcaitle, between Kilkeelan-mearing and Athboy, at 3s. per, wages included, To James Nangle, John Potter ton, Charles Me. Enroe and James Brown, to widen 257 perches, 14 feet wide, road from Trim to Caitlepollard, between Kildalkey and Balnadrimna, at 3s. 3d. • per, wages included, To William Martly, T homas and Matthew Reilly, to widen 68 perehes, 32 feet wide, in the ftreet of Athboy, between crofs roads turning to Newtown and crofs roads of Trim, at 3s. per, wages included, - £■ d-4» 3 ! II 0 6 20 I 7b 31 IO 0 22 13 7 43 l7 0 io 14 321 We appoint William and Thomas Hopkins, Confervators of this Barony, without falary, -To the Sub-Conftables, Collector’s fees, - MO R G ALLION. To Henry Foriter, John Ray and Richard Kelly, to repair 40 perches, 14 feet wide, road from King’s-Court to Dundalk, between Barley-hill and Corgerry, at 7s. per, wages included, To Henry Fofter, John Ray and James Kelly, to repair 30 perches, 14 feet wide, road from King’s-Court to Ar-dee, between Cormy and Plantation, at 7s. 7d. per, wages included, To ditto, to mould 12© perches, 32 feet wide, road from King’s-Court to Car-rickmacrofs, between Corgerry and Er-ragh, at 4s. 4d. per, wages included, To ditto, to mould 39 perches, 32 feet wide, road from King’s-Court to Drogheda, between Corgerry and Ardagh, at 4s. 4d. per, wrages included, To William Corbally and John Matthews, to fill gripes, 165 perches, road from Nobber to Slane, between Gargan’s Crofs and crofs of Caftletown, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To Peter Cruife, Bernard and Patrick Fitzfimons, to fill gripes, 83 perches, road from Kilmainham-wood to Navan, between Brittas and Diron, at is. 6d. per, wages included,24 To Richard Cruife, Michael Duffy and PeterFinegan, tofill gripes, 200 perches, • road from Navaii to Kilmainham-wood, between Carn-hill and Brittas, at is6d. per, wages included, - - ; To Edward Smith, Patrick Duragan, James Ellis and Francis Hopkins, to widen 48 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Poffextown Houfe to Ardee, between Nobber and Drumcondra, at <23. ^d. per, wages included, To ditto, to fill gripes, 132 perches, road from Nobber to Poffextown, between Kells and Carrickmacrofs, at is. 4d. per, wages included, - - To Richard Cruife, John and Flenry Earle, to widen 38 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Dundalk to Kells, between Drum-gill and Cloughrea, at 5s. 2d. per, wages included, i- " .” To John Pollock, John Kiernan, Patrick: Farrelly and Thomas Carpenter, to repair 1*4 perches, 18 feet wide, road from Carlinftown to Slane, between Harlinilown and Clonfree Bridge, at 4s. per, wages included, > - To John Pollock, Thomas Sheridan, Hugh Naulty and Patrick Farrelly, to widen, form, fill and level 100 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Navan to Nobber, between Grange Hill and Crofs-Guns, at os. 6d. per, wages included, - - To John Pollock, Thomas Sheridan and Patrick Farrelly, to widen and level 20 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Coot-hill to Dublin, between Kmghtltown and Grace’s Hill, at 12s. per, wages included, £• & :i 10 j6 7 7 18 9 7 IO 26 49 l7 12 12 G23 £. To John Keeran, Thomas Keappock, and John Me. Daniel, to fill gripes, 92 perches, road from Nobber to Slane, between Gravelmount and Ladyrath, at is. 6d. per, wages included, 14 To Thomas Sheridan, John Balfe, Peter Andrews and James Corron, to fill gripes, 348 perches, 14 feet wide, road from Nobber to Slane, between crofs of Cailletown and Patrick Andrews’s, at is. 6d. per, wages included, 27 To Richard Cruife, Laurence Rourke and Bryan Clarke, to fill gripes, 74 perches, road from Navan to KilmainhamWood, between Carn-hill and Brittas, at is. 6d. per, wages included, - 5 To Richard Cruife, Peter Finegan and Patrick Lynch, to fill gripes, 107 perches, road from Navan to Kilmainham-wood, between Carn-hill and Brittas, at is. 6d. per, wages included, 8 To Thomas Sheridan, Owen and Hugh Sheridan, being one half of 3421.14s. 5d. to keep in repair 102815 perches of the roads in laid Barony, for the term of 4 years, from the prefent Ailizes, at 8d. per perch, - - *7* To Patrick Farrelly and Chnftopher Bath, being one half of 352I. os. 4dh. to keep in repair 94005 perches of the roads in faid Barony, for the term of 4 Years, from the prefent Ailizes, at 9d. by the perch—one half thereof, viz. the aforefaid to be raifed againit next Ailizes, 17 6 To Robert Reilly, Confervator, for half a year’s falary, - 2 5 To the Sub-Conftables, - - 9^ Collector’s fees, - - J9 791 s. d• 9 9 8 2 16 6 8 6 7 2 m».24 UPPER MOYFENRAGH. To Rev. George Burke, Bryan M‘Gan and Janies Dignan, to widen 140 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Trim to Edenderry, between Black-ihades and old Clonard, at 8s, 8d. per, wages included, To Thomas Carfon, William Lynagh and Watt Conlan, to widen 370 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Philipifown to Kinnegad and Trim, between bridge of Baltinoran and Turnpike at Rohan, at 2S. 1 od. per, wages included, To William Oldridge, Thomas Archbold and Bernard Butler, to fill gripes, 80 perches, road from Rathangan to Kinnegad, between bridge .of Caftlejordan and Terence Ganly’s Houfe, at js. 6d. per, wages included, To ditto, to widen 200 perches, 21 feet wide, road from Philipftown to Trim, between County Mearing and Dennis Keegan’s Hcufe, at 3s. per, .wages included, To Robert Nugent, Conferv a year’s falary, To the Sub-Conilables, Colle&ors fees, LOWER MOYFENRAGH. To Thomas Smith, William Batterfby and William Morgan, to widen 725 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Kill to Lara-cor, between bridge of Sumerftown and Church of Laracor, at 2s. 6d. per, wages included, x. d. 63 14 55 6 6 0 31 •, for half 10 0 - 12 10 0 24 0 0 7 4 9 200 5 6 *9 7\ o25 \ To Thomas Smith, William Batteriby and William Morgan, to widen 103 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Kill to La-racor, between Suineritown Bridge and the Moat Gate, at 2s. per, wages included, To Richard Hughes and James Smith, to widen 90^ perches, 24 feet wide, road from I rim to Johnftown, between Rathmolion and the Liberty, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To George Boinford, William Doug-lafs and Michael Lawlefs, to widen 273 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Longwood to SummerhiH, between Baconftown to Rathcore, at 2s. 2d. per, wages included, do James Rynd, Andrew Neill and James Hacket, to fill ditches, 218 perches, road from SummerhiH to Johnftown, between Poffextown and Balinafkea, at is. 6d. per. wages included, To ditto, to fill gripes, 7 perches, road from Trim to Naas, between Kilcorny and Balinaikea, at 13s. per, wages included, To Jofeph Fox, Daniel Griffan and Michael Larnan, to widen 150 perches, 24 ieet wide, road from Trim to Kin-negad, between Daliftown and Drina-daly, at 4s. 4d. per, wages included, 10 James O’Reilly, Jofeph Thomas Higgins, ^ Thomas Mullally and Edward Duffy, to widen 83 perches, 27 feet wide, road from Trim to Mullingar, between Bellewftown and Kil-murry, at 3s. 3d. per, wages included, r. 21 14 31 34 4 34 s. d. 12 7 3 6 1 1 6 9 15 6 2 6 3 3 m 14aS To James Murphy, Matthew and Thomas Mailerfon, to fill gripes, 169 perches, road from Trim to Kilcock, between Laracor and Dangan, at is. 6d. per, wages included, . To Robert Nugent Confervator, for half a year’s falary, - # - To John Cofgrave and John Gibbons, to repair ico perches, 14 feet wide, road from Trim to New-haggard Mills, between Fryar’s Park and New-haggard Mills, at 2s. 8dh. per, wages included, To the Sub-Conilables, ColleQor’s fees, - UPPER NAVAN. & s. cl *3 6 2 25 0 0» 28 8 9 24 0 0 6 12 0 271 n 0 ah To Rev. Francis Winter, James Sweeny Daniel Kelly, and Mr. B. Barnwall, to fill gripes, 163 perches, road from Trim to Kells, between Carrolitown and Yellow-walls, at is. 6d. per, wages included, • • To Bartholemew Barnwall, Chnltopher Carlton, James Sweeny, to fill gripes, 120 perches, road from Trim to Kells, between Stepleilown and Dunderry, at is. id. per, wages included, To Nathaniel Preiton, Thomas M‘Donnell and Thomas Sheridan, to wideai 96 perches, 14 feet wide, road from Ath-boy to Drogheda, between Church of Ratain and great road at Grange, at 3s. 6d. per, wages included. 25 *3 6 Q 17 12 9To Skiffington Thompfon, Thomas M‘Donnell and Mark Lynch, to fill gripes, 191 perches, road from Trim to Navan, between crofs roads at John Blake’s and Matthew Harlin’s Cabin, at is. 6d. per, wages included, 15 0 9 To Lord Fingall, John Younge, James Mallon, James O’Connor, to fence 133 perches, 14 feet wide, road from Navan to Athboy, between William Flanigan’s Houfe and mearing of Lune, at 3s. per, wages included, - 20 13 10 To Chriftopher Barnwall, Charles Martin and Thomas Harold, to fence 62 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Athboy to Dunihaughlin, between Derlan-gan and Ballarden, at 3s. per, wages included, - - - 9 J5 3 To ditto, to fill gripes 135 perches, road from Athboy to Dunihaughlin, between Derlangan and Ballarden, at is. 6d. per, wages included, 21 5 3 To Skiffington Thompfon, Michael and Henry Weldon, to widen 100 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Trim to Rath-nally Mills, between Peterilown and Rathnaily, at 2s. 2d. per, wages inclu- ded, 11 7 6 To James Allen, Thomas Mulally and Edward Duffy, to widen 128 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Trim to Kells, between Trim and Stepleitown, at between Trim and Stepleitown, at 3s. 6d per, wages included, To Adam Carihore, James Ward and James Gouron, to fill gripes, 50 perches, road from Trim to Caitletown-Delvin, between Trim and Dcmleevers, at 3s. per, wages included,28 £. s. d. To Michael and Henry Weldon, to fence ioo perches, 24 feet wide, road from Trim to Rathnally Mills, between Pe-terftown and Rathnally, at is. 6d. per, wages included, • - 7 17 6 To Humphrey Doyle Confervator, half a year’s falary, - - - 12 10 o To the Sub-Conitables, - 48 o o Collector’s fees, - - 5 l7 240 19 1oh LOWER NAVAN. To John Younge, Thomas and Daniel Keenan, to fill gripes 275 perches, road from Kells to Dunihaughlin, between lohn Molloy’s Avenue and erodes of Robin (town, at is. 6d. per, wages included, - To Robert Waller, Michael Gearty, fen. and jun. to fill gripes, 130 perches, road from Navan to Athboy, between Herbertftown Gate and Bridge of Rodf-town, at is. fid. per, wages included. To Robert Waller and Chriftopher Maguire, to fill gripes, 47 perches, from Athboy to Kells, between Moy-agher and Corritown, at is. fid. per, wages included, To Nathaniel Prefton, Patrick and Michael Fulham, to widen 30 perches, 24 feet, road from Athboy to Drogheda, between Church of Patain and Patrick Fullam’s Houfe, at 4s. fid per, wages included, 3 ' To Syl. and Patrick Sheridan and Philip Lynch, to form and mould 138 perches, road irorn Carlingftown to 1 rim, between mearing of Grange and ciolTe ppr wages included. 43 <* 3 20 9 6 3 T4 O vf Mil —i 28 IQ29 To Robert Waller, Thomas Timmins and Patrick Keary, to fill gripes, 126 perches, road from Drogheda to Mullingar, between Mr. Reilly’s mearing and Michael Waller’s mearing ditch, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To T. L. Meath, Dean Moore, Thomas Delany and John Renicks, to fill gripes, 164 perches, road from Navan to Ath-boy between Dean Moore’s Gate and Leany’s Gate, at 6d. per, wages included, - To George O. C. Hamilton, William Johnfton, John Rooney and Stephen Pentland, to fill gripes, 150 perches, road from Navan to Trim, between Patrick Tully’s Houfe, and Patrick Reilly’s Forge, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To Lord Biihop of Meath, David Burke, John Fox and Thomas Dillon, to fill 143 perches, road from Navan to Ath-boy, between Biihop’s Grand Gate and Back Gate, at 3s. 93 per, wages included, - : To Thomas M‘Daniel and Thomas McLaughlin, to fill gripes, 117 perches, road from Trim to Navan, between bridge of Canniftown and Sir James Fowls’s Gate, at is 6d. per, wages included, : To William Hopkins, Hugh Garry and James Bryan, to fill gripes, 53 perches, road from Drogheda to Mullingar, between Bartholemew Smith’s Houfe and crofs roads of Valvinftown, at 9d. per, wages included, £• s- d. 9186 460 23 12 6 28 9 4b 8 6 2193* jT» S• de> o f o 48 o o 5 *9 4 244 S oh RATOATH. To Hamilton Gorges, Hugh Maguire, Patrick Andrews and Thomas Fowler, to fill gripes, 48 perches, road from Ratoath to Dublin, between the Market Crofs and the Mill-tree, at is. 6d. per, wages included, - 3 JS 7 To Elias Corbally, James Swan and Hugh Carberry, to form, mould and fence 3813 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Navan to Ratoath, through the lands of Cabin-Hill, Twenty-park and Ratoath, at 6s. per, wages included, ifio 3 6 To William Gorman, John Fleming and Hugh Monks, to widen ico perches, 32 feet wide, road from Maynooth to Dunihaughlin, through the lands of Parfonilown, at 5s. per, wages included, - ■ ~ c6 5 o To John Bruton and James Plunkett, to pick 262 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Athboy to Turnpike Gate ot Dunihaughlin, between Reeftown Bridge and Dunihaughlin, at 2s. 8d. per, wa-ges included, - - " 3^ 13 To George Wilfon, to Hop up that part of the old Road between Trim and Nobber, that runs through the lands of Ard-bracken ; that is to fay, that runs from the great gate of the Bifliop of Meath’s, to the gate that leads into his Lordihip’s Lawn, near to the Church of Ard-bracken, -To the Sub-Conitables, Colledor’s fees,Not in the Treasurer’^ Schedule. 31 To Hamilton Gorges, Hugh Maguire and Patrick Andrews, to make fences and mould 83^ perches, 14 feet wide, road from Slane to Dublin, by Ratoath, between Meighan’s Bridge and Market Crofs, being a new road, at 6s. per, wages included, ' To John Wilkinfon, Confervator of the Barony of Ratoath, half yearly, To Hamilton Gorges, Hugh Car-berry and James Swan, to form, <j mould and fence 83^ perches, 32 feet wide, road from Slane to Dublin, by Ratoath, between Meighan’s Bridge and Crofs of Ratoath, at 6s. per, wages in-v eluded, -To the Sub-Conitables, Colle&or’s fees, SKREEN. To Nathaniel Preilon, Bartholomew Cooney and Thomas Swan, to fill gripes, 143 perches, road from Summerhill to Navan, between Ringleitown andDowds-town, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To ditto, to widen 62 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Summerhill to Navan, between Ringleitown and Dowdftown, at 3s. per, wages included, To Hamilton Gorges, Robert Madden, Hugh Maguire and Thomas Fowler, to fill drains, 109 perches, road from Drogheda to Dublin, by Ratoath, between Church of Croifmacole ana Bridge of Bunnan, at 5s. 6d. per, wages included,To Charles Barry, John Swift and Patrick Sheern, to fill gripes, 224 perches, road from Drogheda to Trim, between Hayf-town and Alexanderade, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To Sir Marcus Somerville, P. Smith, Patrick and James Duff, to widen 99 perches, 26 feet wide, road from Kil-carn to Drogheda, between Crofs Roads of Garriitown and Mearing of Staf-forditown, at 2s. 2d. per, wages included, - To Elias Corbally, James Swan and Hugh Carberry, to form, mould and fence 541 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Dunihaughlin to Carrickmacrofs, through the lands of Skreen and Yellow Furze, Balgeeth and Walterftown, at at 6s. per, wages included, To Thomas Carberry, Confervator, as his falary, - To Hugh Carberry, Land-Surveyor, for maping and laying out the new line of road, from Aiberftown to Walleritown, We appoint Sir Charles D. Dillon and E. Corbally, Conservators for the Barony of Skreen, without falary, To the Sub-Conftables, Colle&or’s fees, 17 12 9 11 5 3 170 8 3 10 O O 10 O O 54 O O S 2 IOTo John M. Granger, 'William Morris, John Meighan and John Gerrard, to form, mould and fence 98 perches, 14 feet wide, road from,Kells to Drogheda, between Church-yard of Kilberry and Matthew Sheridan’s Houfe, at 5s. 3d. per, wages included, To John M. Granger, Patrick and William Murray, to widen 19 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Nobber to Dublin, between Gormanlough and Fir-inount, at 6s. per, wages included, To William Morris, James Gallery and Terence Brien, to widen 33 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Kells to Drogheda, between Widow Martin’s and Matthew Sherridan’s Houfe, at 6s. per, wages included, To John M. Granger, Thomas Brownell and Thomas Sheridan, to widen 132 perches, 32 feet wide, rood from Kells to Drogheda, between Matthew Sheridan’s and Matthew M‘Govern’s, at per, wages included, To Richard Blackburne, William Henry Rogers and James Caflidy, to make, mould and fence 25 perches, 32 ieet wide, road from Nobber to Slane, between Red-crofs and the New Line trom Slane to Ardee, at 9s. per, wages included, E 27 5 «9 9 to IQ 25 *9 9 11 1634 To James Gallery and William Morris, to fill gripes, 40 perches, road from Collon to Navan, between Roachef-town Gate and Mr. Morris’s Barn, Sta-holmuck, at 4s. per, -wages included, To John Taaffe, Michael M‘Daniel and John Gaughran, to widen 245 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Car-rickmacrofs to Slane, between Mrs. TaafFe’s Avenue and Mearing of Har-lenftown, at 2s. 6d. per, wages included, - To Robert Colello, Confervator, half a year’s falary, To the Sub-Conftable*, Collector’s fees, £- s- d* 3 8 o 3* * O ih 10 0 0 48 0 0 4 10 0 184 4 5h LOWER SLANE. To A. Blackburne, Edward Cafrrey and William Morris, to widen 21 perches, 24 feet wide, roadfromNobberto Drogheda, between Killary Bridge and Lobinftown, at 9s. per, wages included, - 9 18 o To Henry Foiter, John Ray and Richard Kelly, to mould 133 perches, 32 feet wide, road from Carrickmacrofs to Drogheda, between Cormy and Meath-Hill, at 4s. 4d. per, wages included, 2719 3 To Henry Fofter, John Ray and James Kelly, to fill gripes, 50 perches, road from Kingicourt to Dundalk, between Cormy Bridge and Delcart bridge, at is. 6d. per, wages included, «• 7 *735 To Thomas Jacldon, James Maguire and Dennis M‘Manus, to fill gripes, 94 perches, road from Nobber to Kingf-court, between Whitewood and Rath, at 2S. ad. per, wages included, To John Smith and James Cruife, to fill gripes, 180 perches, road from Kingf-court to Navan, between rhe Poles and Rath, at is. 6d. per, wages included, To John Smith, James Maguire and Dennis McManus, to widen 45 perches, 24 feet wide, road from Nobber to Kingf-court, between Whitewood and New-caitle, at 3s. 6d. per, wages included, To Thomas Dixon and Chriftopher Cardan, to widen 139^ perches, 24 feet wide, road from Nobber to Kingfcourt, between Whitewood and Newcaitle, at 5s. per, wages included, To Nicholas Medcalf, Peter Verdon and Thomas Verdon, to widen 46 perches, 21 feet wide, road from Carrickmacrofs to Slane, between Ballyhoe and Rou-ikey, at 3s. 3d. per, wages included, To Peter Murry, Patrick Keelan and John Morris, to fill gripes, 100 perches, road from Nobber to Ardee, between Summerhill and Drumgill, at 2s. 6d. per, wages included, To the Sub Conftables, Colle&or’s fees,36 COUNTY AT LARGE. £. s. d. T o Henry Fofler, John Ring and James Kelly, to lower a Hill and fill up a Hollow, on road from Kingfcourt to Dundalk, between Meath Hill and Kellyf-town, wages included, - 31 10 o To James Healy and William Norris, to fill a Hole on road from Nobber to Drogheda, on Hill of Clontill, -To Peter Cruife, Bernard Fitzfimons, and Patrick Fitzfimons, to repair a ' SewTer, on road fr6m Kilmainham Wood to Navan, between the Town-lands of Brittas and Diron, To Robert Waller, John Young, Owen Brennan and John Brennan, to build a Bridge over a water-courfe, on lands of Onchenftown, read from Navan to Athboy, at 7s. 7d. per, wages included, - To Henry Warner and Patrick Gibney, to repair a Bridge on road from Baile-borow to Navan, between the down lands of Marvelffown and Robertilown, To Peter Reilly and Patrick Goff to build a Gullet on road from Dublin to Slane in the 1 own of Kilmoon, - To Walter Keating, Owen M^Cabe^ and James M‘Cabe, to build an aditional Arch to Butterilreain Bridge, on road from Kells to Trim, - - To John Pratt Winter, Reverend John Kellett, John Tracey, and Owen Tracey, to repair aGullet 011 lands of Summer hill, road from Summerhill to johnitown. 15 l5 0 279 17 *4 4 27 iB 7 9 *7 11 25 l7 10 10 S 427 To John Pratt Winter, Reverend John Kellett, John Tracey and Owen Tracey to repair a Bridge on Lands cf Clonmahon, road from Trim to Sum-merhill, To George Bomford, John Tracy and Owen Tracy, to repair two Bridges and a Gullet on Lands of Farmill, road from Trim to Johnftown, To James Dowdall, George Mullin and Walter Mullin, to repair a Bridge on lands of Corballas and Rathkeenan, road from Athboy to Edendery, To Henry Warren, Michael Fleming and Edward Fleming, to build a Bridge over a water-courfe, on road from Na-van to Baileborow, between the great bog of Caftletown-Moore and Stahol-muck, To Thomas Smith and William Batteriby, to widen a Gullet on lands cf Knightf-brook and Treffan’s, road from Rath-molion to Navan, To ditto, to build a Gullet on the lands of Moat and Rathflifh, road from Trim to Rathmolion, To ditto, to widen a Gullet on lands of Summerftown, road iroin Trim to Rathmolion, To John Ruxton, Edward Gargan and James Martin, to build a wall to. fe-cure a dangerous breach on lands of Batterilown, between Farrell Lynch’s lioufe and Thomas Murtagh’s, road from Navan to Ardee, To William Johnfon, Richard Maglew and James Martin, to rebuild an Arch on lands of Tiflow, road from Nava* to Trim, £• io s. 7 3 J3 5 I I o *3 15 1 29 12 2 7 9 18 9 J *5 14 4 - CO 3» £• s‘ d* To William Johnfon, Richard Maglew and James Martin, to build an addition to an Arch on the lands of Mayitown, road from Navan to Trim, Io ditto, to build a Gullet on lands of Mayitown, road from Navan to Trim, To Dominick William O’Reilly, John Gerrard and James Reilly, to build two Gullets on land,s of Oriitown, road from Baileborow to Navan* < To ditto, to build two Arches, over water-courfes on lands of Oriitown, road from Eaileborow to Navan, To Dominick William O’Reilly, Richard Barnwall, Thomas Taylor, Rowley and Owen M‘Cabe, to build a Bridge over Fyanitown River, on New Road, from Kells to Drogheda, To Henry Hamilton, Chriitopher Mathers, and John Murray, to build a Bridge over a water-courfe on lands of Vefinltown, To Skiihngton Thompfon, John Dunn and Thomas Dunn, to build Battlements to a Bridge on lands of Maudlins, road from Trim to Dublin, To ditto, to repair Battlements of a Bridge, on the lands ofKilcooky, road from Trim to Drogheda, To ditto, to repair the Battlements of a Bridge, on lands of Dunganny, road from Trim to Drogheda, To ditto, to repair the Battlements of a Bridge on the lands of Dunganny, road from Trim to Drogheda, To John Johniton, John Martin and Michael Martin, to widen and build Battlements to a Bridge, on lands of Blackbull, read from Trim to Dublin. 440 3 1 5 ¿1 4 8h 40 14 9 268 o 3 87 12 2 29 8 o 612 3I1 5 8 4I1 4 1 5 64 1 oTo John Johnfton, John Martin and Michael Martin, to fill a Bridge, and Battlement-walls on the lands of Effer-nock, road from Trim to Dublin, 18 18 o To Benjamin Palmer, James Telford and James Brouder, to lower a Hill and fill up Hollows on the lands of Tycroghan .and Ballyboggin, - - 47 15 6 To Robert Waller, John Taaffe, John Lynch and Dennis Carney, to re-build an Arch over a Water-courfe, on the lands of Rathbran, road from Ardee to Slane, - - - 46 4 d To Rev. Richard Fiiher, Charles Henry Sallery, William Mongey and Patrick Fowler, to build 128 perches, of Ma-fon-work, to nniih a wall on the north fide of the road from Slane to Drogheda, on Gibbet-Hill, at 5s. 2d. per, 37 14 n To John Morris, Patrick Fay and William Warren, to lower a Hill and fill a Hollow, between the Mill of Newftone Houfe, road from Kells to Dundalk, 26 5 o To Thomas Smith, Patrick Me. Cabe, Peter Aylmer and Thomas Codd, to widen and build a Bridge on the lands of Senihilltown, - - 15 10 6 To John Swift and William Mongy, to build a Sewer on the lands of Ard-mylchan, - - - '543 To Peter Reilly and Patrick Goff, to build a Gullet in the town of Kilmoon, road from Dublin to Slane, - - 91711 To Bury Blakeney, Patrick Brien and Nicholas Me. Cruder, to take down a Hill and fill a Hollow, between the Gate of Bury Blakeney’s and the Ford of Rocheftown, road from Navan to40 ' & To the Lord Biihop of Meath, Rev. J. Hamilton and John Adams, for repairs neceflary to be done to the Diocefan School-houfe of Trim, - - 56 To the Rev. William Kellet, John Clark and Peter Mullin, to re-build a Bridge on the River that runs between Mayo and Corboggy, on road from Oldcaftle , to King’s-Court, - - ’9 To John Read, James Dowdall, George Mullen and Walter Mullen, to re-buiid , an Arch and Gullet on lands of Balrath and Balnadrunney, - ^ To William Martley, Francis Walih, George Mullen and Walter Mullen, to re-build a Bridge on the lands of , Caftletown, road from Athboy to Mullingar, - - - 23 To William Martley, George Mullen and Walter Mullen, to build a Gullet on the lands of Offerftown, road from Athboy to Edenderry, - - 4 To Richard Cruife, James Farrelly and Francis Sheridan, to build 3 Gullets on road from Nobber to King’s-Court, between lands of Nobber and Rath, 10 To James Nangle, William Moiloy, Patrick Cunningham and Patrick Andrews, to fill three holes, between Kil-dalkey and Moat-town, road from Caf-tlepollard to Trim, - - 15 To the Lord Biihop of Meath, David Buck and Owen Brennan, to build a Bridge over a Water-courfe, on the .lands of Ardbracken, road from Ard-bracken to Trim, - - 9 s. 7 nh o 0 !4 3 2 o 16 6 6 o 15 0 19 64* 4 To Henry Ofborne and Thomas Morgan, to take down a Hill and fill a Hollow between the lands of Lifdornen and the road from Drogheda to Dublin, road from Trim to the Sea. To Elias Corbally, John Lynch and Patrick -Lynch, to build a Gullet on the lands of Ratoath, road from Carrick* macrofs to Ratoath, To ditto, to build a Gullet on the lands of Twenty-park, road from Carrick-macrofs to Ratoath, - - To ditto, to build an arch over a Water-courfe, on the lands of Ratoath, road from Carrickmacrofs to Ratoath, To James Nangle and Jofeph Thomas Higgins, to widen and repair a Bridge on the lands of Kilnagrofs, road from Trim to Caftlepollard, - , - To Elias Corbally, John Lynch and Patrick Lynch, to build an Arch over a Water-courfe, on the lands of Twenty-park and Cabin-hill, To P. Smith, Sir Marcus Somerville, Bart. Patrick Duffy, jun. Patrick Duffy, fen. and Charles Duffy, to lower a Hill on the road from Trim to Drogheda, between the Black Lion and the Mill of Balrath, -To Thomas Ruffel, Thomas Mongey, Henry Muller, Henry Maguirk and Patrick Tallon, to widen and pave a c Bridge on the lands of Rol’naree, road from Navan to Drogheda, f To John Pratt Winter, for publiih-ing the Refolutions of the Grand ^ L Jury of the County Meath, F 34 o 5 8 5 8 13 16 22 6 50 ti 48 6 it 17 24 10 642 8 £. s. d. Jto William Gorman, John Fleming and Thomas Monaghan, to finiffi a Gullet, on the lands of Little Blackhall, road from Mavnooth to DunffiaughHn, 9 3 9 To John Swift Colle&or of Excife, for Trim diftrift, for his trouble in paying the families of the Meath Militia, 34 2 6 To Nathaniel Preftage, Goalor, for fees of * prifoners, acquitted at the Affizes, ^ 5 3 4 To James Brady, Apothecary, for medicines provided for the prifoners in Trim Goal, - - - 6 We appoint John Metge, Keeper of the Goal of Navan, with the falary of 20I. a year, and we alfo grant him the fum of 1 ol. a year, to keep the prifoners in fuel and ftraw, and to keep the Court- Houfe in order. To Ham. Gorges, Peter Reilly and Patrick Goff, to build a Bridge on lands of Cuflingtown, road from Dublin to Drogheda, To Nathaniel Preftage Goalor, for tranf-mitting prifoners, To the Clerke of the Crown, for fees of prifoners acquitted at this Affizes, To Allan M‘Lane late Secretary, half a year’s falary, (but not to be paid until the county records are delivered up,) To Henry Coddington lreafurer, hall a year’s falary, To the Clerke of the Crown, half a year’s falary, To Allan M‘ Lane, half a year’s rent of the office for the county records, 3 35 1 2 19 *3 6 75 0 0 0 0 0 -** 30 0 0 0 0 >-4 0 O O w Q43 £. i. d. To Edward Elliot Chambers, Clerkeof the peace, for a&ing as Secretary to the Grand Jury, - 20 o o To the Reverend Mark Wainright, half a year’s falary, - 10 o o To ditto, for diftributing the prifoner’s bread, - - - 10 © o To Jane M‘Nulty, keeper of the court- houfe, half a year’s falary, - 200 To Nathaniel Preftage, Goalor, half a year’s falary, - - - 20 o o To Do&or Brady, Medical Affiftant to the Goal, half a year’s falary, - 500 To Edward Elliot Chambers, clerke of the peace, half a year’s ialaryi - 10 o o To ditto, for his trouble under the Militia A£t, - - i o o o To ditto, half a year’s falary, under the Spirit Licence A£t, - - 1000 To ditto, for regiftering the Bakers, 400 To ditto, for regiftering the Turnpike Affidavits, - - r 3 ° o To ditto, for publiihing the Seffions, 10 o o To ditto, Clerke peace, Sheriff and Goalor, for difcharging prifoners without fees, - - - 20 o © To George Ladley, as Interpreter, half a year’s falary, - - 500 To William Keating, for fmich’s work at the Goal, - - 8 6 2 To Peter Roe, half a year’s falary, as a Confortnift, - - 20 o o To the Rev. Mark Wainright, for bread for the prifoners, - - 200 o o do Henry CodJington Treafurer, for his additional fecurity, - - 30 o o 44 To Henry Codd^n Treafurer, * re- * * * turning a copy of the Preientments of Lent 1805, - 50 o To John Metge, half a year’s pay, for keeping the (foal of Navan and for finding fuel and candles, - 1500 To Edward Elliot Chambers, for half a year’s rent of the office for keeping the records, - - 10 o o To Henry Reynolds, for fupplying the Grand Jury with pens and .ink, firing, &c. - - - 5 o o To Henry Reynolds, for keeping the Court Hpufe in repair, viz. ilating and glazing, - - 10 o o To Henry Reynolds and William Tallon, Coroners of this County, in order to enable them to execute their offices, 20. o o To Brett Smith,' for printing the Abitracts, as per account, - - 27 16 ioh To Henry Coddington, Treafurer, for collecting the forfeited recognizances, 10 o o To Edward Currin, for killing Magpies, Rats and other vermin, as per affidavit, 8 10 5 To Jane M‘Nulty, the Court houfe-keeper, for the rent of a Houfe, during the repairing of the Court Houfe, - 60© To Thomas Bligh and John Ruffed, to defray the expence of erecting ten direction polls upon the public roads of the County, - - loop To John Johnilon, for the expence of erecting direction polls, - 600 To John Pratt Winter, James Nangle, John Pollock and Robert S. Tighe, for the purpofes herein before mentioned, 20 o 045 To the Right Hon. Earl Fingal, Lord Dunfany, Henry Hans Blackwood, Ham. Gorges, Elias Corbally, John Johnilon, William Gorman and Matthew Curran, Architect, or any four of them, to be applied, with the money now in the Treafurer’s hands, to the corn-pleating the Seffions Houfe of Dun-ihaughlin, purfuant to plan and eiti-mate, - To the Clerke of the Crown, for Rent of an Office, To the Treafurer, for Rent of an Office, To Do£tor Edmond Reilly, for profecu-ting two perfons to convidtion, To Edward Elliot Chambers, Law Agent, for defending feveral Traverfers for damages, at this prefent Affizes, by our directions, * To James Goggin, Sub-iheriff of faid County, for diicharging prifoners at this prefent Affizes, To the Lord Biihop of Meath and Patrick Arthur, to eredt i o finger polls on the public roads, To John Pollock and Patrick Arthur, for eredting finger pofts on the public roads, To John Gerrard and Patrick Arthur, to eredt finger pofts on the feveral public roads, To Chriilopher Cufack, to eredt finger pofts on the public roads, To Chriilopher Cufack, John Ruxton and John Pollock, to repair the Court-Houfe of Navan, s. d* 140 o o 10 o o 10 o o 13 *0 o 5 9 11 13 4 10 o o 5 00 500 500 100 o c46 To John Ruxton and Dudley Flood, to ere£t five finger pods on the public roads in this County* • 5 ° o To Elinor Nelfon, for half a year’s tent for the Sefiions Houfe of Dunihauglin, 1500 To John Metge, Goalor of Navan, for half a year’s falary, - - 1000 To Henry Coddington, for the ufe of the Conftables, fot paying the families of the Royal Meath Militia, - 31 5 6 To John Pratt Winter, Chriilophet A. Nicholfon and Patrick Keegan, for the addition to the Goal of Trim, the faid fum to be paid in advance to the above overfeers, on their entering into fecu-rityasby law directed, - 1600 o o To the Right Hon. the Lord Biihop of Meath and Chriitopher A. Nicholfon, Governors of the County Infirmary, for the ufes of that Inftitutioh, 500 o o To George Bomford and John Adams, to repair the Court Houfe. - 50 o o County at Large, . • • • 4*33 ® 0 Baronies, • . • * • • 5*52I9 7 Total, . -.•••• 9286 7 7 F I N I S.