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From the collection of James Collins, Drumcondra, Ireland. Furohas ed, 1918.
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Verba respondebtmt, compostilo prosequitur.—Quint.
As a work of reference and consultation, the Editor believes that the present Collection of Synonyms is much more copious than what can be found in any similar publication. The alphabetical arrangement adopted throughout the work, affords facilities of reference to those consulting it, confessedly, of some importance. Its object is not a critical examination into, or a profound, disquisition on the fugitive shades of distinction which obtain among words apparently svnonvmous; nor to teach the meaning of words,—but to present to the composer a mnemonic auxiliary, at once comprehensive in its character, and easy in point of consultation. In the latter respect, the Editor is free to assert that it has no equal. Nor is this an advantage to be lightly estimated, especially when it is considered how impatiently any effort is made to supply, in the course of composition, a single word which may transiently have slipped off the memory. This is often felt by those whose verbal memory is even the strongest and most retentive. In a practical work, such as the present professes to fee, the Editor thinks it better to abstain from metaphysical discussion. Of course, those who wish to acquire a knowledge of the meaning of words, must apply to an ordinary Dictionary, and those who desire the nicer shades of meaning, fully developed, will not expect to find this in a manual like the present.
. Where an entire change of meaning takes place, the words are separated by a semicolon j and those of a more comprehensive signification are placed first in order.
How far the present manual is calculated to fulfil the objects contemplated, its Editor of course cannot tell, but this he can say, that he has studied to make it as complete as the state of the language now admits of, and he leaves its character to be pronounced by those for whom it is specially intended.A
To Abandon. Forsake, desert, renounce ; yield, give up, abdicate, resign ; cede, surrender ; relinquish, quit, forego ; let go, waive.
Abandoned. Reprobate, profligate, flagitious, corrupt, depraved, vicious, vitiated, wicked, facinorous.
Abandonment, Desertion, dereliction, renunciation ; apostacy, defection, falling away.
To Abare. Make bare, uncover, discover, strip, denudate, denude ; make known, disclose, manifest, reveal.
To Abase. Humble, humiliate, degrade, depress, lower, debase, disgrace, bring down, cast down.
Abasement. Fall, degeneracy, humiliation, degradation, abjection, debasement, meanness, contemptibleness, servility.
To Abash. Disconcert, confound, confuse, shame, bewilder.
Abashed. Confounded, ashamed, disconcerted, confused, dumbfounded, blank.
To Abate. Diminish, bate, lessen, reduce, decrease,liquidate; fall,lower, subside.
To Abbreviate. Abridge, contract, curtail, reduce, shorten, condense, compress, epitomize.
To Abdicate. Give up, resign ; cede, yield up, surrender ; renounce, aban-don, desert,forsake; relinquish, quit, forego.
Abdominous. Paunch-bellied, tun-bellied, gor-bellied, plethoric.
To Abduce. Seduce, decoy, entice.
To Aberuncate. Deracinate, eradicate, uproot, unroot, outroot, root out.
To Abet. Instigate, incite, stimulate, encourage, inspirit ; aid, assist,
Abettor. Accessory, accomplice, confederate, socius criminis, particeps criminis; assistant, coadjutor, associate, companion, co-operator.
Abeyance. Dormancy, quiescence.
To Abhor. Hate, detest, abominate, loathe, to view with horror,
Abhorrence. Hatred, odium, detestation* antipathy,, aversion.
Abhorrent. Hateful, odious, loathsome, abominable, detestable, revolting ; contrary, opposite, repugnant.
To Abide. Stay, dwell, tarry, remain, await, wait. }
Abiding. Permanent, durable, lasting, constant, continuing.
Ability. Talent, faculty, capacity, qualification, aptitude, capability, aptness, skill, efficiency ; accomplishment, attainment, attribute.
Abject; Low, mean, base, earth-born, grovelling, ignoble, worthless, despicable, vile, servile, contemptible.
Abjection.. Abasement* debasement, humiliation, degeneracy, degradation, baseness, meanness,, servility.
Abjuration. Palinode, palinody; recantation, retractation.
To Abjure. Recant, forswear, recall, revoke, retract, renounce. .
To Ablactate. Wean, delactate.
Able. . Strong, powerful, stalwart, able-bodied, vigorous, athletic, robust, .^physicallyqualified, nervous, sinewy, brawny, muscular; skilful, adroit, , competent, efficient, capable, clever, qualified, fitted.
Able-minded. Talented, clever, intellectually gifted, mentally qualified.
Ableptically, Inadvertently, through oversight, per incuriam.
Ablution . Lavation.
Abnegation. Denial*, negation, refusal; disavowal,; disclaimer.
To Abnegate. Deny, refuse.
Abnormal. Anomalous, irregular; -eccentric.
enormous; Enormous, prodigious, huge, gigantic; colossal, vast, im-. mense.
Abode. Habitation, dwelling, domicile, home, residence, hi
To Abolish. Abrogate, disannul, annul, cancel, destroy, revoke ; annihilate, extinguish ; vitiate, invalidate, vacate,nullify, quash.
Abominable. Hateful, detestable, odious
To Abominate. Abhor, loathe, detest nauseate.
Abortive. Ineffectual, ineffective, fruitless, idle, inoperative; vain, futile, inept, nugatory, in vain.
. Above. Overhead, aloft, a-top ; over; beyond,
Above all. Paramountly, chiefly.
About. Concerning, relative, with regard to, relating to, conversant, respecting, with respect to, referring to ; around, far and wide.
To Abound. Exuberate, luxuriate, revel, wanton.
Abrasion. Attrition, disintegration, detrition, wearing away.
To Abridge. Abbreviate, shorten, contract, curtail, abstract, compress, condense, epitomize.
Abridgment. Compend, compendium, abbreviature, summary, abstract, epitome.
Abrupt. Rough, rugged ; steep; craggy, precipitous, declivious ; sudden, unexpected.
To Abscond. Steal away, withdraw, elope, run off.
Absent. Abstract* not attending to, inattentive.
To Absent. Keep back, withhold.
Absolute. Categorical, positive, peremptory ; despotic, arbitrary, tyrannous, tyrannic, tyrannical ; imperative,authoritative, imperious; unconditional, unqualified, unrestricted.
Absolutely. Completely, unrestrictedly, unconditionally.
Absolutism. Autocracy, despotism.
To Absolve. Clear, acquit, liberate, loose, release, set free ; remit, discharge ; pardon, forgive, deliverfrom.ABY
Absonant» Unreasonable,, irrational, brainless, nonsensical ; absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, foolish; addle-pated.
To Absorb. Swallow up, suck up, engulf, engross, imbibe, consume ; merge, fuse.
To Abstain. Refrain, keep from; forbear, desist from; withhold, keep back.
Abstemious. Abstinent, sober, temperate, moderate.
Abstergent. Cleansing, abstersive, purgative, cathartic.
Abstinent. Abstemious, moderate, temperate, sober.
Abstract. Summary, compend, compendium, abridgment, epitome, abbreviature; absent.
Abstracted. Subtile, refined.
Abstruse. Recondite, profound.
Absurd. Eoolisli, preposterous, ridiculous ; irrational, unreasonable, absonant, nonsensical ; addle-pated ; inconsistent.
Absurdity. IrratiQnality,foolery,folly, tom-foolery.
Abundance. Plenty, competency, sufficiency, enough.
Abundant. Copious, exuberant, ample, plentiful, plenteous ; rich, affluent, opulent.
To Abuse. Revile, vilify, reproach, asperse, calumniate, blacken, defame, slander, scandalize ; malign, traduce, detract, disparage, depreciate ; maltreat, illuse,; stigmatise, exprobrate.
Abuse. Scurrility, ribaldry, exprobra-tion, contumely, reproach, obloquy, opprobrium, foul invective, vituperation ; prostitulion.
Abusive. Scurrilous, ribald, contumelious, opprobrious, calumnious, exprobratory, denunciatory, reproachful, insulting, offensive, insolent, obnoxious, vituperative.
Abyss. Gurge, gulf.
To Accede. Assent, consent, acquiesce* comply ; agree, coincide, concur, approve.
To Accelerate. Hurry, hasten, expedite, quicken, despatch.
Accent. Intonation ; enunciation, accentuation, pronunciationexpression.
To Accept. Receive, take, admit..
Acceptable. Agreeable, pleasing, pleasurable, grateful, gratifying, welcome.
Acceptation. Meaning, signification, significance..
Access. Approach, avenue ; admittance, admission.	>
Accessory. Accomplice, abettor, confederate, consociate.
Accession. Augmentation, increase, enlargement, addition, reinforcement.
Accident. Casualty, fortuity, incident, contingency, adventure, occurrence, occasion.
Accidental. Casual, fortuitous, incidental, contingent,
Accipient. Receiver, recipient.
Acclamation. Acclaim, applause, plaudit, exultation, shouting; triumph, jubilation.
To Acclimatize. Inure to, habituate to a climate.
Acclivity. Ascent, rise.
To Accloy. Cloy, pall.
To Accommodate. Adapt, adjust, fit, suit, serve ; supply, furnish.
To Accompany. Join, go with; escort, attend, wait on
Accompanying. Concomitant, attendant.
Accomplice. Accessory, abettor, assistant, ally, confederate, ^associate, socius criminis, particeps criminis.
To Accomplish. Realize, fulfil, effectuate, effect, carry into effect, execute, achieve ; complete, perfect, work out,
i consummate..ACC
Accomplishment. Achievement, feat, exploit, action, deed ; qualification, acquirement, attainment; attribute, quality.
To Accord. Agree, harmonize, tally, quadrate; grant, allow, admit.
Accordance. Agreement, harmony, unison, consonance, melody.
Accordant. Consonous, harmonious, symphonious; consonant, consistent, compatible, congruous ; willing, consenting, acquiescing.
Accordingly. Consequently, therefore.
According to. Conformably, agreeably, pursuant.
To Accost. Salute, address.
To Account. Assign, allege, adduce; reckon, compute, calculate, estimate, esteem.
Account. Narrative, description, narration, relation, detail, recital, explanation ; history ; tradition; bill, charge, reckoning; esteem.
Account of (on) . For the sake of, on behalf of, in name of.
Accountable. Answerable, amenable, responsible, liable, punishable.
To Accoutre. Arm, equip, fit, furnish, provide.
Accredited. Commissioned, empowered, authorised.
To Accrue. Arise, become due.
To Accumulate. Cumulate, amass, aggregate, collect, pile up, gather, acervate, coacervate, heap up; intreasure, hoard, scrape together; centralize, concentrate.
Accumulation. Mass, pile, congeries, collection, coacervation; centralization, concentration.
Accurate* Correct, exact, precise, nice; punctilious, hyperprecise.
To Accurse. Curse, execrate, anathematize, denounce, fulminate.
Accusation. Charge, impeachment, imputation.
Accusation, false. Calumny, aspersion, slander, disparagement, detraction, defamation, traducement.
To Accuse* Charge, impeach; challenge ; arraign.
To Accuse falsely. Calumniate, asperse; malign, traduce, slander, defame,scandalize, disparage, detract, depreciate.
To Accustom. Use, inure, habituate, familiarize.
Accustomed. Usual, habitual, wonted, customary.
Acerbity. Tartness, acridity, sharpness, asperity, acrimony, corrosiveness.
To Acervatè. Coacervate, accumulate, amass, pile up, heap up, gather, collect, aggregate, scrape together.
To Ache. Ake, feel lasting pain.
To Achieve. Accomplish, effect, effectuate, fulfil, realize, execute; gain, win ; complete, consummate.
Achievement. Feat, exploit, deed; accomplishment, attainment, acquirement, gain.
Acid. Sour, tart, acrid, acrimonious, sharp, pungent, acetose, acetous ; poignant, stinging, epigrammatic^
To Acknowledge.	Confess, own,
admit, avow, grant, recognise.
Acme. Height, climax.
To Acquaint. Apprise, inform, make aware, make known, notify, communicate, give intelligence of.
Acquaintance. Familiarity, intimacy, cognisance ; fellowship, companionship.
Acquainted with.	Familiar, inti-
mate, versed, conversant, cognisant, au fait.
To Acquiesce. Accede, assent, comply, consent, agree, yield.
To Acquire. Obtain, attain, gain, procure» win, earn, reap, secure.ACU
Acquirement. Acquisition, attainment ; qualification, accomplishment, attribute.
To Acquit. Discharge, set free, clear, absolve; pardon, forgive.
Acquittance. Discharge, quittance, receipt, voucher.
Acrimonious. Sour, acid, sharp, acrid, tart, hitter, acetose, acetous; hard, harsh, pungent, piquant, poignant, epigrammatic, stinging.
Acrimony. Asperity, acerbity, harshness, corrosiveness, tartness, amari-tude, bitterness, smartness, pungency; poignancy, causticity, virulence.
Across. Athwart.
Active. Alert, agile, nimble, brisk, quick, supple; lively, sprightly; assiduous, sedulous, indefatigable, unremitting ; prompt; vigilant; laborious, industrious.
To Act. Do, operate, make; perform, play, enact.
Action. Deed, achievement, feat, exploit, accomplishment ; battle, engagement, agency, operation, instrumentality.
Actor. Player, performer, comedian, tragedian.
Actual. Real, positive, genuine, certain ; substantial; practical, de facto; bona fide.
Actuality. Fact, reality.
To Actuate. Move, impel, instigate, induce.
Acumen. Acuteness, penetration, ingenuity,
Acuminated. Sharp, pointed, cus-pated, cuspidated.
Acute. Keen, sagacious, shrewd, intelligent, penetrating, piercing, subtile ; sharp, pointed, acuminated, cus-pated, cuspidated.
Acuteness. Acumen, penetration, ingenuity,
Adage. Maxim, aphorism, proverb, apothegm, apophthegm, saying, byword, saw.
To Adapt. Accommodate* suit, fit, conform.
To Addict. Devote, dedicate, give to.
Addicted. Devoted, wedded, attached, given up, dedicated.
Addition. Accession, augmentation, increase; reinforcement; summation,
Additional. Superadded, adscititious, ascititious, advenient, supervenient, supplemental, supplementary.
Addlepated. Addlebrained, addleheaded, noodleheaded ; absonant, irrational, brainless.
Address. Skill, ability, dexterity, tact, habitual facility; deportment, demeanour, superscription.
To Address. Apply to, direct to.
To Adduce. Bring forward, advance» allege, assign ; quote, cite.
Adept. Proficient.
Adequate. Equal, proportionate, commensurate.
To Adhere. Attach, cling, hold, sticky cleave, fix.
Adherence. Adhesion, attachment* fidelity ; devotion ; endearment.
Adherent. Follower, partisan ; pupil» disciple ; retainer ; votary, devotee.
Adherent. Adhesive, sticking, glutinous, viscous, viscid, tenacious.
Adhesion. Adherence, attachment, fidelity ; devotion ; endearment.
To Adhibit. Apply, put, set.
Adiaphanous. Undiaphanous, un-tran sparent, opaque.
Adieu. Farewell, leave-taking, valediction.
Adipose. Fleshy, plump, embonpoint; plethoric, fat, obese, adipose, corpulent, abdominous.
Adjacency. Contiguousness, proximity, nearness, vicinity, vicinage, neighbourhood, environs.
Adjacent. Attiguous, eontiguoiis, adjoining, near to> conterminous, approximating, in proximity to* bordering, vicinal, neighbouring.
Adjectitious. Thrown in, thrust in.
Adjoining. Attiguous, contiguous, adjacent, near to, conterminous, approximating, in proximity to, bordering, vicinal, neighbouring.
To Adjourn. Prorogue; postpone,
• delay, procrastinate, defer, temporize.
To Adjudicate. Adjudge, award, determine;
Adjunct. Appendage, appurtenance, append’eiicy, dependency.
To Adjure. Conjure, obtest, beseech, entreat, implore.
To Adjust. Suit, fit, accommodate, adapt, arrange, set right; settle, regulate, organize.
To Adjuvate. ' Aid, help, assist, co-ad ju vat e, co-operate ; relieve, succour, farther, further, forward, advance,
' promote; contribute, conduce, tend, be conducive, auxiliary, subservient to.
To Administer. Minister, supply, afford, contribute, serve, manage.
Administration; Cabinet, government.
Admir able . Surprising, striking, wonderful, astonishing.
Admiration. Astonishment, amazement, wonder, surprise.
ADMissiON. Admittance, access, approach.
Admonition. Caution, commonition,
' warning, notice.
Ado. Fuss, noise.
Adolescence. Youth, juvenility, puerility.
To Adopt. Take, assume, appropriate ; choose.
To Adore. Revere; venerate, worship.
To Adorn. Decorate, beautify, embellish, ornament } gild, o’ersiiver; emblazon,
Adroit. Adept, skilful, clever, dexterous, expert ; versatile.
Adscititiocs. Superadded, ascititious, additional, supplemental, supplementary, advenient, supervenient.
To Adulate. Flatter, compliment.
Adulator. Flatterer, parasite, sycophant, toad-eater.
Adulation. Flattery, obsequiousness, parasitism, sycophancy, ver-nility.
To Adulterate. Corrupt, contaminate, vitiate, defile, sophisticate, deprave, demoralize.
To Advance. Adduce, bring forward, assign, allege.
To Advance upon. Proceed, go forward, enter upon ; address.
Advancement. Progress, progression; preferment, promotion, aggrandizement; improvement, proficiency; farther an ce, furtherance.
Advantage. Good, benefit, profit, avail; utility, service.
Advantageous. Beneficial, profitable, available, salutary.
Advent Coming, approach.
Advenient. Supervenient, superadded, adscititious, ascititious, additional, supplemental, supplementary.
Adventitious/ Extrensic, extraneous, foreign.
Adventure. Occurrence, incident, casualty, contingency, accident, event, fortuity.
To Adventure. Bare, venture, risk, hazard, peril, imperil, jeopardise.
Adventurous. Enterprising, daring ; bold, chivalrous; rash, precipitate, foolhardy.
Adversary. Opponent, antagonist -, enemy, foe.
Adverse. Averse, contrary, opposite, counteractive; inimical, hostile, repugnant, antipathetical, opposed to* inconsistent, irreconcilable.AFF
Adversity. Calamity, affliction, woe, disaster, misfortune.
To Advert. Attend to, regard, notice, observe.
To Advertise, Proclaim, publish, announce, promulgate, trumpet, thunder forth.
Advice. Counsel, instruction, information ; admonition, warning ; deliberation, consultation ; reflection, consideration ; notice, intelligence.
To Advise. Inform, acquaint, communicate, notify, apprise.
To Advise with. Take counsel, consult, seek instruction, deliberate.
Advocate. Vindicator, defender, upholder, asserter, apologist..
Ægis.	Shield, defence, protection,
Æra.	Epoch, point, period, time,
date, age •, decade ; century ; chiliad.
Aerial. Airy, light, volatile, fugitive, ethereal, empyreal.
Affability. Courteousness, courtesy, urbanity, politeness, civility, complaisance, condescension.
Affable. Courteous, civil, polite, urbane, well-bred, debonair, courtlike, complaisant.
Affair. Matter, question, subject, concern ; business, thing.
To Affect. Influence, act upon, concern, interfere with ; assume, feign, pretend to, arrogate.
Affected (well). Well disposed.
Affectedness. Conceit, vanity.
Affecting. Affective, pathetic, melting, moving, touching ; tender, susceptible, sensuous.
Affection. Attachment, kindness, dondness, love, tenderness; endearment ; (plural) heart.
Affectionate. Attached to, endeared to, fond, loving, amorous ; bland, kind, tender ; filial ; paternal ; maternal ; fraternal.
Affective. Affecting, pathetic, moving, touching, melting ; tender; susceptible, sensuous.
Affianced. Betrothed, desponsated.
Affidavit. Oath.
Affinity. Alliance, union ; kindred, relation, relationship, connection;
To Affirm. Assert, asseverate, declare, aver, assure, protest, predicate, pronounce.
Affirmant. Declarant, deponent.
Affirmation. Asseveration, protestation, emphatic declaration.
To Affix. Attach, subjoin, annex, connect, adjoin.
To Afflict. Pain, grieve, distress, trouble, torment, agonize.
Afflicting. Afflictive, unhappy, baleful, grievous, painful, disastrous, calamitous.
Affliction. Tribulation, grief.
¿Affluence. Wealth, riches, opulence ; abundance, copiousness, plenitude, exuberance, luxuriance.
To Afford. Give, yield, impart, communicate, produce ; bestow, grant, confer ; spare.
To Affranchise. Enfranchise.
Affray. Fray, brawl, quarrel, feud ; melee; contention, altercation,discord, wrangle, contest, strife, dissention.
To Affright. Frighten, terrify, appal, overawe, stand aghast, dismay, scare, daunt, cow, quail, terror" strike.
Affront. Insult, insolence ; offence, outrage; injury, wrong.
Aforesaid. Before-mentioned, aforementioned.
Aforetime. Heretofore, bypast, bygone, of old, anciently, of yore, long ago, formerly, in days of old, in times past, in past ages.
Afraid. Fearful, timid, timorous, faint-hearted ; apprehensive.
Afresh. Anew, again, de novo.
After Ages. Posterity, descendants, succeeding generations.
After All. Yet, eventually, ultimately, in the end, at last.
Afterthought, After wit, retrospective expedient, posterior suggestion, post preterite conception, expost facto resource, postliminous device.
Afterwards. Hereafter, subsequently, in the sequel.
Agape. Gaping, wide open, distended.
To Agaze. Astound.
Age. Period, time, date, generation, era, epoch; decade ; century ; chiliad.
Aged. Elderly, old, senile ; anile.
Agency. Action, operation, instrumentality; handmaid; management; influence.
Agenda. Memoranda, notes.
To Agglomerate. Glomerate, conglomerate, wind into a ball.
Agglutination. Cohesion, sticking together.
To Aggrandize. Promote, prefer, advance, elevate, exalt.
To Aggravate. Irritate, inflame, provoke, enchafe, nettle, imbitter, exasperate, exacerbate, tantalize; increase, enhance, heighten, raise, make worse; exaggerate.
$.n Aggregate. Amount.
Aggregate. Total, integral, entire, complete.
To Aggregate. Amass, accumulate, acervate, coacervate, heap up.
Aggression. Assault, attack, injury, offence; invasion, hostile encroachment.
Aggression (to make). Assail, attack, assault, invade.
Aggressive. Assailing, assailant, attacking.
Aggressor. Assailant, assaulter.
To Aggrieve. Wrong, injure, inflict hardship upon*
Agile. Alert, nimble, brisk, quick, supple ; lively, sprightly ; assiduous, sedulous ; indefatigable, unremitting, unintermitting ; prompt ; vigilant.
Agility. Alacrity, activity, quickness, promptitude.
To Agitate. Exagitate, disturb, stir up ; move, shake, conquassate, tumble, quake, vibrate, oscillate, rock, toss, convulse, upheave.
Agitation. Disturbance, perturbation, emotion, trepidation, throb, thrill, tremor, fermentation.
Agonistes. Gladiator, prize fighter.
To Agonize. Wrack, torture, writhe, excruciate, pain, distress.
Agony. Anguish, pang, throe, pain, distress ; suffering, woe.
Agrarian. Agrestic, predial; rustic, rural.
To Agree. Accede, assent, consent, acquiesce, comply ; concur, coincide, tally, harmonize ; conspire.
Agreeable. Pleasant, pleasing, amiable ; grateful, gratifying, pleasurable, welcome, acceptable, suitable, conformable, consentaneous.
Agreement. Concurrence, coincidence, concord, concert ; paction, compact, contract, convention, bargain, covenant, stipulation ; accordance, consonance, harmony, unison ; melody ; sympathy.
Agrestic. Agrarian, predial; rustic, rural ; wild, uncultivated.
Agriculture. Husbandry, tillage, culture, cultivation.
To Aid. Assist, help, adjuvate, coad-juvate, co-operate; relieve, succour; further, forward, contribute, conduce, tend, be conducive, auxiliary, subservient to ; facilitate.
Aid. Assistance, support, sustainment, succour, auxiliation, relief, help, co-adjuvancy, co-operation, furtherance, subservience.ALL
Ailing. Sickly, diseased, ill, indisposed, unwell.
Ailment. Disease, distemper, disorder.
To Aim. Direct, point, level; endeavour to reach, essay to attain; claim, aspire to.
Aim. End, purpose, object, drift, scope, design, intent, intention, tendency.
Aimless. Purposeless, objectless.
Air. Look, mien, aspect, manner, appearance.
Airy. Aerial, volatile, fugitive, ethereal, empyreal; jaunting, fluttering.
To Ake. Ache, feel lasting pain.
Akin. Kindred, related; cognate, homogenous.
Alacrity. Agility, quickness, activity, promptitude.
Alarm. Terror, fright, affright, dismay, consternation, disquietude.
Alert. Agile, nimble, brisk, quick, supple, lively, sprightly; assiduous, sedulous, indefatigable, unremitting;
. prompt; vigilant.
Algid. Cold, chill, frigid.
Algidity. Algor, coldness, frigidity.
Alien. Foreigner stranger.
To Alienate. Estrange, take off, withdraw from ; transfer, assign, convey.
Alienated. Estranged, aloof.
To Alight. Descend, come down.
Alike. Identical, similar; equal, even,* uniform, equable ; equally, pari passu.
Alike-minded. Unanimous, consentient, like-minded.
To Allay. Appease, assuage, mitigate, soothe, alleviate, solace, compose ; calm, pacify, tranquillize; repress.
Aliment. Nutriment, nourishment.
All. Whole; total, aggregate, integral, entire, complete.
Whole is never applied to plurals.
All at once. Simultaneously, simul et semel.
All-Powerful. Almighty, omnipotent.
All-seeing, All-knowing, omniscient.
To Allege. Affirm, declare, maintain; adduce, advance, assign.
Allegiance. Loyalty, fealty.
Allegory. Figure, metaphor.
Allelujah. Hallelujah, hosanna, holy rejoicing, spiritual exultation.
To Alleviate. Assuage, mitigate, soothe, solace, relieve, abate, diminish ; extenuate, soften.
Alley. Lane, passage.
Alliance. Affinity, union, connection, relation; confederacy, combination, coalition, league, confederation, federal compact.
To Allot. Assign, apportion, appropriate, appoint, distribute.
To Allow. Admit; concede, yield, grant, give; permit, tolerate, suffer £ sanction, authorize.
Allowance. Pay, wages, grant, stL pend, salary, settled rate; sanction, licence, authority, permission, tolerance; concession.
To Allude. Hint, refer, insinuate, imply, glance at, intimate, suggest.
To Allure. Entice, attract, decoy, tempt, seduce, abduce.
Ally. Associate, co-mate, accomplice, accessory, coadjutor, assistant.
Almighty. All-powerful, omnipotent.
Almost. Well nigh, nearly.
Alms. Eleemosynary aid, charity, benefaction, donation.
Aloft. Above, overhead, on high.
Alone. Solitary, only, single, exclusive.
Aloof. Estranged, alienated.
Alpine. Lofty, towering.
Also. Likewise, too, in the same manner as.
To Alter. Change, vary; modify 13]AMA
Alteration. Variation, change, mutation ; shifting, transition -, changeableness, mutableness, mutability ; modification ; vicissitude, alternation.
Alteration (making the necessary). Mutatis mutandis.
To Altercate. Contend, remonstrate, expostulate.
Altercation. Contention, dispute, dissention, variance; affray, brawl, feud, quarrel.
Alternate. Reciprocal, mutual, corn-mutual.
Alternation. Vicissitude, change; revolution.
Although. Though, even if.
Altisonant. High-sounding, grandiloquent, high-flown, inflated, bombastic, tpurgid, tumid.
Altitude. Height, elevation, ascendant, culmination ; grandeur, sublimity.
Altogether.	Wholly, totally, en-
tirely, perfectly, completely, utterly.
Always. Continually, ever, perpetually, constantly, incessantly, unceasingly, uninterruptedly, unremittingly ; for ever, everlastingly, eternally.
Alveolateh. Honey-combed, cellular.
Amiability.	Amiableness, loveli-
To Amalgamate. Compound, mix, commix, commingle.
Amalgamation. Commixture, compound, mixture.
Amaranthine. Immareessible, ever blooming, ever vernal, perennial ; elysian, arcadian ; ambrosial, nec-tared, nectareous, luscious ; fragrant, sweet-scented, balmy, redolent, odoriferous, odorous, rosy, exhaling, breathing perfume.
Amaritude. Bitterness, acerbity, corrosiveness, acridity, asperity, acrimony.
To Amass. Accumulate, coacervate, acervate, collect, corrade, gather, heap up, spile up, scrape together ; hoard, reposite, store up ; centralize, concentrate, concentre.
Amazement. Wonder, surprise, astonishment.
Amazing. Wondrous,, marvellous, stupendous, miraculous.
Ambages. Verbosity, verbiage, pleo-nasmicism, verbality, wordiness, prolixity, diffuseness, tediousness ; volubility, multiloquence, largiloquenee.
Ambassador. Envoy, plenipotentiary, diplomatist.
Ambient. Surrounding, circumambient.
Ambiguous. Equivocal, homonymous, ambilogical, amphilogical, ambilogical.
Ambitious. Aspiring, high-reaching.
Ambrosial. ¡Nectareous, nectared, luscious ; fragrant, balmy, redolent, odorous, odoriferous, sweet-scented, rosy, amaranthine.
To Ameliorate, Meliorate, emend, amend, better, improve ; reform ; correct, rectify.
Amenable. Accountable, answerable, responsible.
To Amend. Emend, mend, improve, correct, rectify, be better, ameliorate, meliorate.
Amends. Restoration, reparation, restitution, compensation, recompense ; atonement.
To Amerce. Amerciate, fine, mulct, subject to pecuniary punishment, inflict a penalty upon.
Amercement, Amerciament, fine, mulct, penalty, forfeiture.
Amiable. Lovely, pleasing, engaging.
Amiableness. Amiability, loveliness.
Amicable. Friendly, social, sociable.
Amiss. Wrong, faultily.
Amity. Friendship, sociability.ANO
Amorous. Enamoured, fond, loving, affectionate.
Ammunition;. Munition, materiel; military stores, apparatus, implements.
Amount. Aggregate.
Ample. Full, wide, large ; spacious, capacious, extensive ; liberal, expansive, diffusive.
Amplification. Auxesis, exegisis, expansion, enlargement, developement ; exaggeration ; prolixity, diffuseness.
To Amplify. Enlarge, extend ; expand, develope; exaggerate.
Amplitude. Extent, expanse, largeness, field.
To Amputate. Dismember, cut off, sever, separate.
Amulet. Preservative, charm against.
To Amuse. Entertain, divert ; beguile; dally.
Amusement.	Entertainment, diver-
sion, sport, recreation, pastime ; dalliance.
Analectes.	Compilation, selected
pieces,; collected sections.
Analeptic. Restorative, comforting*.
Analogous; Parallel.
Analogy. Parity,, equality, resemblance.
To Analyse. Decompose, unmix.
To Anathematize. Accurse, curse, fulminate, denounce, execrate.
Anathema. Curse, malediction, fulmination, ban, execration.
Anarchy. Misrule, confusion.
Ancestor. Progenitor, forefather, predecessor.
Ancestral. Inherited, hereditary.
Ancestry. Lineage, family, house, race, generation.
Anchorite. Anchoret, anachrite. hermit, eremite, troglodyte, recluse, ascetic, solitaire.
Ancient. Old, antique, antiquated, old fashioned, obsolete.
Ancillary. In servient, subservient, assistant, furthering, conducive, auxiliary, helping, instrumental, ministerial.
Anecdote. Story, tale, narrative, memoir, incident, occurrence.
Anew. Afresh, de novo.
AngeLic. Seraphic, cherubic.
Anfractuous. Mazy ; labyrintian; winding, sinuous, meandering, mean-drous, serpentine.
To Anger. Exasperate, exacerbate, enrage, inflame, irritate, vex, kindle, provoke, embitter, incense, pique, chafe.
Anger. Wrath,,, passion, rage, fury, indignation, ire, choler, bile, exasperation, exacerbation, irritation, resentment, incensement, chagrin, animosity, fierceness, sharpness, heat, heart-burning, pique, disapprobation, displeasure.
Angry. Irascible, choleric, touchy, hasty, hot, passionate, sullen, moody* incensed, irritated, enraged, provoked, galled, chafed, nettled, piqued, exas^ perated, exacerbated, indignant, fuming, storming, ireful, wrathful, infuriated.
Anguish. Agony, pain, distress, suffering, W08.
Angular. Cornered, angulous.
Anility, Dotage, imbecility, silliness, weakness.
Animadversion. Censure, criticism, stricture.
Animal. Creature; beast, brute, quadruped.
To Animate, Enliven,, inspire, exhilarate, cheer, encourage, emt olden, inspirit, instigate, urge ; impel, sting, goad.
Animated. Lively, sprightly, vivacious, buoyant, spirited, sportive, jocund. . .
Animating.	Inspiring, exhilarating,
spirit-stirring, inspiriting.
Animation.	Life, vivacity, spirit,
buoyancy, elasticity.
Animosity, Enmity, virulence, malignity, hostility, antagonism.
Annals. Records, registers, historical accounts, chronicles, archives, memoirs.
To Annex. Affix, attach, append, subjoin, adjoin.
Annexation.	Conjunction, addita-
ment; annexment, union.
To Annihilate. Destroy, raze, extinguish, nullify, annul.
Annotation.	Note, comment, re-
mark, observation, explication, scholium.
To Announce, Publish, advertise, proclaim, blaze abroad, report, notify, give out.
To Annoy. Molest, incommode, discommode, inconvenience, disaccom-modate, vex, tease, gall, chafe.
Annoyance. Trouble, uneasiness, discomfort*
Annually. Yearly, year by year, per annum.
To Annul. Abolish, abrogate, repeal, cancel, revoke, destroy, extinguish, annihilate; quash, nullify, vacate, invalidate.
Annular. Circular, round.
Anodyne., Mitigative, assuasive.
Anomalous. Irregular, abnormal, eccentric.
Anon. Shortly, soon, by and by, ere long, early.
To Answer for. Guarantee, warrant, be responsible for, secure, indemnify.
Answer, Reply, rejoinder, replication, response.
Answerable. Responsible, accountable, amenable ; correlative j proportionate, suitable, suited.
Antagonism. Hostility, animosity, en* mity, opposition.
Antagonist.	Opponent, adversary*
enemy, foe.
Antagonistic. Opposite, adverse, re* pugnant, contrary, hostile, inimical.
Antagonistically. Diametrically.
To Antecede. Precede, go before.
Antecedent.	Anterior, preceding,
previous, prior, former, foregoing ; preliminary.
Antepast. Foretaste, anticipation.
Anterior. Antecedent, preceding, previous, prior, foregoing, former.
Anthem. Hymn.
Anthropophagi, Men-eaters, cannibals.
To Anticipate. Take up before-hand, foretaste, forestall ; prepossess, prejudge.
Anticipation. Foretaste, antepast ; expectation ; prolepsis (figure of speech).
Antidote. Anti-poison, counteractive, counter-poison; cure, specific.
Antilogy. Paradox ; contradiction, inconsistency.
Antipathy. Aversion, dislike, repugnance, contrariety, opposition ; hatred, antagonism, hostility.
Antiquarian. Archaeological.
Antique. Old, ancient, antiquated, old-fashioned, obsolete! ; Gothic.
Antithesis. Contrast, opposition.
Anxiety. Care, solicitude, perplexity ; caution, wariness ; wistfulness, attention, intentness, eagerness,
Any. Some.
Apace. Quickly, speedily, swiftly, rapidly.
Apanthropy. Misanthropy, aphilan-thropy.
Apart. Aside, separately.
Apartment. Room, chamber, hall.
Apathetic. Insensible, impassive, insensitive, indifferent.APP
Apathy. Indifference, insensibility, unfeelingness.
To Ape. Imitate, mimic, mock.
Aperture. Opening, gap, hiatus,
* cavity, hollow, chasm.
Aphilanthropy. Apanthropy, misanthropy, misogyny.
Aphorism. Adage, apophthegm, apothegm, maxim, proverb, saying, byword, saw.
Apocalypse. Revelation, prophecy of St. John.
Apocryphal. Uncertain, unauthentic, non-authoritative, legendary.
Apodictical. Demonstrative, demonstrably evident, invincibly conclusive, irresistibly cogent.
Apologue. Fable, moral precept.
Apophthegm. Apothegm, adage, aphorism, maxim, proverb, saying, byword, saw.
Apostacy. Defection,falling away; renunciation, dereliction, abandonment.
To Appal. Dismay, affright, terrify, frighten, scare, intimidate, dastardise, daunt, cow, quail, terror-strike, stand aghast.
Apparatus. Implements, tools; ammunition, munition, materiel.
Apparel. Dress, vesture, habiliments.
Apparent. Palpable, visible, clear, plain, transparent, unmistakeable,
. unambiguous, evident, manifest, distinct, self-evident; ostensible, sem-
. blable,
Apparently. Palpably, obviously, clearly, plainly, manifestly; ostensibly, ex facie.
Apparition. Spectre, ghost, sprite, phantom.
To Appeal. Refer, invoke, invocate, call upon.
To Appear. Look, seem.
Appearance. Air, look, aspect, manner, mien; semblance, simulacrum; phenomenon.
Appearance of truth. Verisimilitude, speciousness, probability, plausibility.
Appearance of truth (not haying). Paradoxical, un plausible.
To Appease. Quiet, pacify,allay, calm, compose, soothe, tranquillize, assuage, alleviate ; propitiate, conciliate, reconcile.
Appellation. Name, denomination, title, cognomen ; soubriquet, pronounced soo-bre-kay.
Appendance. Appendage, appendaney, adjunct, appurtenance, dependency.
To Appertain. Belong
To Applaud. Praise, extol, commend, approve.
Applause. Acclamation, acclaim, plaudit, exultation, shouting.
Application, Request, petition, appeal.
To Apply. Devote, dedicate, addict; address ; refer to, appeal ; ply, work.
To Appoint. Allot, assign, ordain, depute, order, prescribe, constitute, settle, determine.
To Apportion. Assign, allot, appropriate, appoint, distribute.
Apposite. Fit, proper, suitable, apt, meet, relevant, pertinent, apropos.
Appraisement. Valuation, estimate.
To Appreciate. Estimate, value, reckon ; prize, esteem.
Afprecation. Prayer, orison, petition, request.
To Apprehend. Take, arrest, seize* hold, catch ; think, feel, be of opinion* conceive, imagine, fancy ; anticipate, fear, dread.
To Apprise. Acquaint, notify, inform, make known, make aware, make cognisant, disclose, communicate.
Approach. Access, admittance, admission ; advent, coming.
To Approach. Approximate, come near.
Approbation.. Approval, concurrence, assent, consent.
To Appropriate. Assume, arrogate, usurp ; allot, assign ; adopt.
Appropriate. "Peculiar, particular; exclusive.
Approval. Approbation, concurrence, assent, consent.
To Approximate. Approach, eome near.
Apropos. (Pronounced apropo). Opportune, seasonable.
Appurtenance. Appendance, adjunct, appe-ndancy, appendage,, dependency.
Apt. Fit, meet, suitable, pertinent, prompt, ready, quick, dexterous.
Aqueous. Watery.
Arbiter. Arbitrator, judge, umpire.
Arbitrary. Absolute, despotic, imperious, domineering, lordly, tyrannous, tyrannical, peremptory, capricious; optional.
Arbitrator. Arbiter, judge, umpire.
Arbour. Bower.
Arcade. Piazza; colonnade; peristyle.
Arcadian. Elysian, amaranthine.
Archeological. An tiquarian.
Arch. Waggish, frolicsome, sportive, merry, wanton.
Arched. Vaulted, camerated; con-s cave.
Archives. Records, annals, registers, ■ chronicles, record office, registry.
Archway. Viaduct,
Arcuate. Archwise.
Ardent. Vehement, fervid, hot, glowing, eager, fervent, passionate, impassioned, impassionate, intense, fiery.
Arduous. Hard, difficult, up-hill; Herculean^
Arenacious. Sandy, gritty, tophaceous, sabulous, calculous.
To Argue. Dispute, debate, discuss ; expostulate, remonstrate.
Argument. Reason, proof, dispute*.
The Chief Arguments are termed :
Meductio ad, absurdum, or Meductio ad impossibile—proves by demonstrating the absurdity of a contrary supposition.
Argimentum a fortiori—proves by demonstrating a less probable proposition on which the conclusion depends.
Argumentum ad passiones—is an appeal to the passions.
Argumentum ad hominem—appeals to a man’s professed principles.
Argumentum ad judicium—is an appeal to the common sense of mankind.
Argumentum ad fidem—alludes to testimony either human or divine.
Argumentum ad mrecundiam— is from authority we are ashamed to dispute.
Argumentum ad ignorantiam—is founded on insufficient principles which our opponent has not skill to refute.
Argumentum ad baculum—is demonstration by blows.
Argumentation. Reasoning, ratiocination.
Aridity. Dryness, siccity; sterility, barrenness, unfruitfulness.
Aright. Rightly, exactly.
To Arise. Rise, mount, scale, ascend, tower; emerge, issue, eventuate; accrue.
Arising. Beginning, incipient, inceptive, inchoative, commencing.
Aristocracy. Optimacy, noblesse.
To Arm. Accoutre, equip, fit, furnish, provide.
Armistice. Truce; respite-, inductee.
Army. Host, force.
To Arouse. Rouse, awaken, stir up, vivify, exuscitate, excite,'stimulate; provoke.
To Arraign. Accuse, inculpate, incriminate, charge, impeach, censure.ART
To Arrange. Place, assort, class ; range, array ; regulate, organize, dispose, adjust.
Arrant. Notorious, flagrant, heinous, flagitious, atrocious, monstrous.
Array. Rank, order, disposal, disposition, arrangement ; apparel, attire ; show, exhibition.
To Array. Range, place, rank, set in order; draw up,enrank, marshal, embattle; dress, deck, bedizen.
To Arrest. Apprehend ; withhold, keep back, restrain., hinder.
To Arrive. Reach, gain, attain.
Arrogance. Haughtiness, hauteur, assumption, pride, presumption, usurpation, insolence, loftiness.
Arrogant. Supercilious, haughty, proud, vain, overweening.
Arrogantly. Cavalierly, superciliously, haughtily, scornfully.
To Arrogate. Assume, usurp, appropriate; affect.
Art. Cunning, subtilty, astuteness, artfulness, wile ; skill, tact, aptitude, dexterity, adroitness, expertness ; contrivance.
Artful. Cunning, astute, crafty, sly, subtle, subdolous, wily, Machiave-lian.
Article. Term, covenant.
To Articulate. Speak, express, utter, pronóunce, enounce, enunciate.
Artifice. Trick, stratagem, machination, finesse, deception, cheat, imposture, delusion, circumvention, fraud, double-dealing, deceit, guile, duplicity, imposition, dolus.
Artificer. Workman, artisan, mechanic, operative.
Artillery. Enginery.
Artisan. Artist.
Artless. Ingenuous, frank, candid, unsophisticated, open ; fair, honest.
Artlessness. Simplicity, naivete. (Pronounced na-i-vta.)
As. Because, on account of, in con* sidération of, by reason of, for that reason; equally.
As for. As to, concerning, with respect to, with regard to, with reference to, as far as relates to.
To Ascend. Arise, mount, rise, soar* tower, scale, climb, emerge.
Ascendency. Superiority, influence, authority, sway, mastery, masterdom* sovereignty, supremacy, domination.
Ascendant. Predominant, prevailing, prevalent, overruling, rampant.
Ascendant. Culmination, height, al** titude, elevation.
Ascent. Acclivity, rise.
To Ascertain. Perceive, discern, dis? cover, define, fix.
Ascertainable. Perceptible, discernable, sensible, appreciable, apparent, visible, evident, manifest, definable.
Ascititious. Adscititious, superadded* additional, supplemental, supplementary, advenient, supervenient.
Ascribable. Attributable, imputable* chargeable upon, owing to, traceable.
To Ascribe. Attribute, impute, chargé upon.
Ashamed. Abashed, confounded* dumbfounded, disconcerted.
Ashy. Pale, pallid, wan, whitish ^ cineritious, favillous.
Aside. Apart, separately.
To Ask. Request, entreat, pray, solicit., beg, claim, demand ; invite ; enquire, question.
Aslant. Aslope, slopingly, obliquely*.
Asleep. In abeyance, in quiescence, in dormancy.
Aspect. Appearance, complexion* feature, lineament, air, look, mien* , countenance ; light, view, phenomenon.
Asperity. Acrimony, acerbity, harshness, smartness, pungency, corrosiveness, poignancy, tartness, roughness.
To Asperse. Accuse falsely, calumniate ; malign, slander, traduce, defame, scandalise, disparage, detract, depreciate ; revile, vilify.
Aspersion. Calumny, detraction, defamation.
Aspirant. Candidate, competitor.
Aspiration. Exoptation, longing.
To Aspire. Aim at, thirst after, pant after ; claim.
Aspiring. High-reaching, ambitious.
To Assail. Attack, assault, invade, make aggression on, encounter.
Assailable. Impugnable.
Assailant. Aggressor, assaulter.
Assailless. Unassailable, inexpugnable, impregnable.
Assailing. Assailant, aggressive, attacking.
To Assassinate. Murder, kill, slay, slaughter, butcher.
To Assault. Assail, attack, invade, make aggression on, encounter ; storm.
Assault. Attack, encounter, onset, shock, brunt.
Assaulter. Assailant, aggressor.
Assemblage. Assembly, collection, group, cluster, medley, jumble.
To Assemble. Collect, congregate, gather, muster, convene, convoke, bring together.
Assembly. Assemblage, collection, group ; company, muster, congregation, convention, congress, diet, council ; convocation, conclave, synod, meeting ; auditory, audience.
Assent. Assentation, consent, acquiescence, compliance, concurrence.
To Assent. Consent, accede, acquiesce, comply, concur.
To Assert. Affirm, declare, aver, pronounce, asseverate, protest; claim, maintain, vindicate, defend.
Assertion. Affirmation, declaration, asseveration, protestation ; manifesto, avowal.
Assertor. Maintainer, vindicator.
Assessable. Taxable.
Assessment. Tax, rate, import, subsidy.
To Asseverate. Assert, affirm, predicate, aver, declare, assure, protest, pronounce, vouch, avouch.
Asseveration. Protestation, affirmation, strong assertion, emphatic declaration .
Assiduous. Sedulous, diligent, constant, continual, close, unremitting, indefatigable ; active, vigorous, agile, alert, brisk.
To Assign. Adduce, allege, advance, bring forward ; appoint, allot, appropriate, apportion.
To Assimilate. Liken, bring to a resemblance, to make similar.
To Assist. Aid, help, adjuvate, coadiuvate, co-operate, be auxiliary, be subservient, be instrumental, be subsidiary ; relieve, succour.
Assistant. Auxiliary, helping, subservient, inservient, ancillary, conducive, furthering, instrumental, ministerial.
Assistant. Helper, auxiliary.
Assistance. Aid,help,adjuvancy,aux-iliation, coadjuvancy, co-operation.
Associate. Colleague, ally, partner, coadjutor, comrade, companion ; confederate, accomplice.
To Associate. Join, unite, coalesce, combine, fraternize.
Association. Combination, confederacy, union, company, society, partnership, fellowship, companionship,
To Assort. Class, place, arrange.
To Assuage, Allay, soothe, conciliate, appease, compose, calm, pacify, tranquillize ; mitigate, alleviate, palliate, extenuate, mollify.
Assuasive. Mitigative, anodyne.ATT
To Assume. Arrogate, usurp, appropriate, affect, pretend to.
Assuming, Presuming, presumptuous, forward, audacious.
Assurance. Certainty, confidence, consciousness, conviction, persuasion; effrontery, impudence.
To Assure. Affirm, assert, predicate, aver, asseverate, protest, vouch.
Astonishing. Wonderful* striking, surprising, admirable.
Astonishment. Wonder, surprise, amazement, admiration.
To Astound. Agaze.
Astral. Starry, siderial, sideral, stellar.
Astringent. Restringent, binding, styptic, astrictive, costive.
Astute. Subtle, cunning, subdolous, wily,sly, crafty, artful, Machiavelian.
Astuteness. Artfulness, cunning, subtilty, wile.
Asylum, Refuge, retreat, shelter, sanctuary.
At all events. In any case, at any rate, whatever be the case, happen what may, let it be as it will.
Athletic. Powerful, stalwart, brawny, muscular, robust, sinewy, able-bodied.
Athwart. Across.
Atom. Corpuscle, monad.
To Atone for. Expiate, blot out.
Atrocious. Flagrant, flagitious, vil-lanous, notorious, heinous, enormous, monstrous, inhuman, ferocious.
Atrocity. Atrociousness, enormity, ferocity, heinousness, villany.
To Attach, Affix, append, subjoin, annex, adjoin, connect; adhere, stick, cling, hold, cleave; distrain, distress.
Attached. Fond, enamoured.
Attachment. Affection, fidelity, devotedness, devotion, inclination; fondness, love, endearment, caress.
Attack. Onset, brunt, aggression, assault, encounter.
To Attack. Assail, assault, make ag-gression, commence hostilities, encounter; impugn.
To Attain. Reach, arrive at, acquire, win, obtain, gain, get, procure.
Attainment. Qualification, acquirement, grace.
Attempt. Effort, exertion, endeavour, essay, trial, experiment; cause, enterprise, undertaking.
To Attempt. Try, endeavour, essay.
To Attend. Accompany, go with; escort, wait on ; minister, serve; hear, listen, hearken.
To Attend to. Regard, heed, mind, advert.
Attendant. Concomitant, accompanying.
Not Attending to. Absent, abstract, inattentive, unobservant, heedless.
Attention. Care, heed, heedfulness, advertence, application, study.
Attentive. Careful, heedful, regards ful, advertent, intent, wistful.
Te Attenuate, Weaken, dilute, reduce, diminish.
Attenuation. Tenuity, thinness, rarefication.
To Attest. Testify, witness, evidence, prove.
Attestation. Testimony, proof, evidence.
Attiguous . Contiguous, adj acent, conterminous, adjoining, vicinal, neighbouring.
To Attire. Habit, dress, robe.
Attire. Dress, apparel, array, garments, vestments, vesture, clothes, habiliments.
Attitude. Posture, gesture, gesticulation, action.
To Attract. Draw, allure, entice, charm, wheedle.
Attraction. Allurement, fascination, prestige.	;
Attraction's. Charms, enticements, allurements, seductions, siren witchery.
Attractive. Winning, charming, captivating, fascinating, bewitching, enchanting.
Attributable. Ascribable, imputable, chargeable upon, owing to, traceable.
Attribute. Quality, property ; grace, accomplishment, attainment,
To Attribute. Ascribe, impute, refer.
Attrition. Abrasion, disintegration, detrition, wearing away.
To Attune. Tune, modulate.
Audacious. Forward, presuming, presumptuous, assuming.
Audacity. Boldness, effrontery, hardihood.
Audience. Auditory, assembly, assemblage.
Augmentation. Increase, accession, addition; supplement; reinforcement.
To Augment. Increase, enlarge, extend, stretch out, spread out.
To Augur. Forebode, presage, por-
- tend, betoken, be ominous.
August. Majestic, noble, dignified, stately, pompous, gorgeous, magnificent.
Auriferousness. Richness in gold, El Dorado, Pactdlus, Hesperides.
Auscultation. Hearkening, listening.
Auspices. Protection, favour, patronage, influence, support.
Auspicious. Favourable, propitious, smiling; fortunate, prosperous, lucky, happy.
Austere. Rigid, severe, rigorous, stern, harsh, unmitigated, unmodified, uncompromising.
To Authenticate. Verify.
Author. Writer.
Authoritative . Commanding, swaying, imperative, imperious; ex cathe-dra%
To Authorise. Empower, commission.
Authorised. Accredited, empowered, commissioned.
Authority. Ascendency, sway, influence, weight, force, power, dominion, supremacy, domination.
Authority, unlimited. Autocracy, absolutism, despotism ; discretion ; carte blcmche.
Auxesis. Exegesis, amplification, expansion, developement.
Auxiliary. Assistant, helping, subservient, in servient, ancillary, conducive, furthering, instrumental, ministerial.
An Auxiliary. Helper, assistant.
Avail. Advantage, profit, use, benefit, service, utility.
Available. Profitable, advantageous, useful, beneficial,
Avarice. Covetousness, cupidity, spirit of gain.
To Avenge. Revenge, wreak ; vindicate.
Avenger. Punisher, revenger; He-mesis.
To Aver. Affirm, assert, predicate, declare, asseverate, protest, assure.
Averse. Adverse, inimical, hostile, repugnant, reluctant, loath, unwilling, backward.
Aversion. Antipathy, hatred, dislike, repugnance, distaste, unwillingness.
To Avert. Turn aside, fence off, ward*
Avidity. Eagerness, greediness, rapacity, voraciousness, edacity.
Avocation. Calling, business, occupation, office, employment, vocation, engagement, function, profession, trade.
To Avoid. Shun, elude, escape from.
Avoided (not to be). Avoidless, inevitable, unavoidable.
To Avouch. ¥ouch, asseverate, affirm, aver, protest, assure.BAG
To Avow. Acknowledge, recognise, own, confess; declare.
Avowal. Confession ; manifesto, public declaration.
Avowedly. Confessedly, admittedly,
ex confesso.
To Await. Wait, abide, stay, remain, tarry.
To Awaken. Arouse, stir up, exusci-tate, awake, raise up, excite, vivify; provoke, incense.
To Award. Adjudgejadjudicate,judge, determine.
Aware. Apprised, sensible, conscious, cognisant, on one’s guard.
Awe. Reverence, veneration, dread, fear.
Awful. Dread, solemn.
Awkward. Unpolished, rude, un-courtly, rough, clumsy, unhandy ; untoward, backward.
Awry. Crooked, wry, bent, incur-vated, curved, inflected, oblique.
Axiomatic. Self-evident.
Aye. For ever, always.
Azure. Cerulean, blue.
To Babble. Gabble, pTattle, chatter, prate, chat, confabulate; gossip.
Babbling. Garrulity, loquacity, talkativeness, volubility, largiloquence, multiloquence.
Bacchanals. Saturnalia, orgies, wassail, debauch, revelry, potation, com-potation, perpotation, carousal, conviviality, jollity, jollification.
Bacchante. Hag, fury, vixen, shrew, termagant, Xantippe.
Backed. Supported, seconded, countenanced, patronized.
Backsliding. Recidivation, relapse.
Backward. Averse,, unwilling, antipathetical, loath, repugnant, adverse, reluctant.
Backward (to go). Retrograde, retrocede, regress, ebb, recede, retreat, retire, withdraw.
Bad. Evil, unsound, unwholesome, baneful, deleterious, pernicious, noisome, noxious ; illegitimate, unlawful ; wicked, arrant; contemptible, vile ; dishonest, unfair, disingenuous, sinister.
Badge. Mark, sign, seal ; phylactery ; brand, stigma.
To Baffle. Discomfit, defeat, elude, confuse, disconcert,, confound, bewilder.
Bagatelle. Trifle.
To Balance. Poise, librate, equipoise, equiponderate, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail ; neutralize, counteract; weigh.
Baleful. Afflicting, afflictive, unhappy, grievous* painful, disastrous, calamitous.
To Balk Disappoint, frustrate, defeat, foil, worst.
Balminess. Odour, smell, scent, fragrance, perfume.
Balmy. Fragrant, redolent, sweet-scented, odoriferous, odorous* perfumed.
Ban. Curse, malediction, execration, imprecation, anathema.
Band. Manacle, shackle, fetter, chain ; tie, ligament, ligature ; company, crew, gang, horde.
Bandit. Freebooter, brigand, robber.
Bane. Pest, ruin ; poison.
Baneful. Pernicious, noxious, deleterious* hurtful, destructive, ruinous.
Banishment. Exile, expatriation, elimination, deportation, proscription, outlawry, expulsion.
Banquet. Feast, fête, epulation, entertainment, treat, festival.
To Banter. Deride, mock, ridicule, rally, taunt, twit.
Banter. Raillery, irony, mockery, derision.
Bantling. Infant, child, brat, urchin.
To Baptize. Christen,
To Bar. Embar, stop, negative.
Bar. Stop, barrier, impediment, obstruction, hindrance.
Barbarity. Savageness, immanity.
Barbarous. Savage, brutal, cruel, inhuman, fell, marble-hearted, ruthless ; merciless, remorseless, unrelenting, inexorable ; uncivilized.
Bare. Naked, uncovered, destitute.
Barefaced. Glaring, impudent.
Barely. Merely,only; scantily, scarcely, hardly, with difficulty.
Bargain. Agreemen^conventionjcom-pact, stipulation, covenant, contract.
To Bargain. Stipulate, covenant, contract, buy, purchase.
Barrenness. Sterility, infertility, infecundity, unfruitfulness, aridity.
Barrier. Stop, bar, obstruction, impediment, hindrance ; embargo.
Barter. Exchange, reciprocity, interchange, dealing, négociation, trade, traffic, truck.
Base. Low, mean, sordid, grovelling, ignoble, ignominious, dishonourable, disreputable, vile, disingenuous, sinister.
Baseless. Groundless, unfounded, ungrounded, gratuitous.
Baseness. Meanness, debasement, abasement, abjection, humiliation, degradation, degeneracy, servility,
Bashful. Verecund, modest, shy, reserved, diffident.
Basis. Foundation, ground - work, ground ; pedestal.
Bastard, Illegitimate, natural child ; spurious, counterfeit, not genuine.
To Bastardize. Illegitimatize, make bastards of.
Batchelorship. Batchelorhood, celibacy; misogynyism.
To Bate. Abate diminish, reduce, lessen.
To Bathe. Lave, wash.
Battle. Combat, engagement, action, conflict, contest, fight.
Battology. Reiteration, iteration.
Bauble. Trinket, toy, gewgaw.
Bawd. Strumpet, prostitute, procuress, courtesan.
To Bawl. Yawl, roar, vociferate.
Beak. Bill, mandible.
To Be. Exist, subsist; coexist.
Beach. Strand, coast, shore.
Beam. Ray, gleam, glimmer, glimmering.
To Bear. Sustain, support, endure, carry, uphold, maintain ; cbnvey, transport, waft; suffer, tolerate, undergo ; wear.
To Bear down. Cast down, oppress, overbear, overpower, subdue, crush, trample on, overwhelm; cow, quail; browbeat.
Bearing. Deportment, demeanour, behaviour, comportment, conduct; endurance, suffering, patience, toleration, tolerance, sufferance.
Beast. Animal, brute, quadruped.
Beastly. Bestial, brutish, brutal, bel-luine; irrational, sensual.
To Beat. Strike, knock, hit, belabour, thump, dash, overthrow, vanquish, overpower, conquer, defeat.
Beatitude, Happiness, bliss, felicity; blessedness, blissfulness.
Beau. Sweetheart, gallant, spark, lover, suitor, cicisbeo, paramour; fop, dandy, coxcomb, popinjay, jackanapes.
Beautiful. Handsome, fair, fine, pretty, elegant, beauteous.
To Beautify, Adorn, decorate, em* hellish, deck, ornament; set off, bedizen.
Beauty. Pulchritude, grace, handsomeness.BEH
Because. For, oh account of, by reason of, for that reason.
To Beckon. Ware.
Becoming. Fit, proper, decorous, suitable, befitting, comely, decent, graceful.
To Bedaub. Besmear, daub.
To Bedizen. Set off, dress out.
To Befal. Happen, betide.
Befitting. Becoming, decent, proper, decorous, suitable, comely, decent, graceful,
To Befool. Stultify.
Before. Ere.
To Beg. Ask, entreat, crave, solicit, beseech, implore, supplicate.
To Beget. Engender, breed, generate, produce.
Beggarliness. Mendicity, begging-life.
Beggary. Mendicancy, indigence, penury, want, poverty, necessitude,
' privation, angusta res.
To Begin. Enter upon, commence, inchoate; originate.
Beginning. Arising, incipient, inceptive, inchoative, commencing.
Beginning. Commencement, outset, opening.
To Begrime. Grime.
To Beguile. Amuse, entertain; deceive, impose upon.
Behalf of (on) . On account of, for the sake of, in name of, in the character of.
Behaviour. Conduct, deportment, comportment, carriage, demeanour, manner, address.
To Behead. Decapitate, decollate.
Behest. Command, injunction, man» date, order, precept, charge.
To Behold. See, look, eye, discern, view, descry, observe.
Beholden. Indebted, obliged to.
Beholder. Observer, spectator, onlooker.
Being. Existence, entity.
To Belabour. Bethump, thump, beat.
Belching. Ructation, eructation.
To Belie. Falsify.
Belief, Credence, credit, trust, faith, confidence, reliance ; conviction, persuasion.
Belligerent. Belligerous, waging war.
Belluine. Beastly, bestial, brutish, brutal ; irrational, sensual.
To Belong. Appertain.
Below. Beneath, under, underneath, subjacent, lower, inferior, subordinate.
To Bemire. Draggle, daggle.
To Bemoan. Bewail, lament, bemourn, wail, grieve.
To Bend. Lean, incline, distort, Contort ; stoop, descend, condescend#
To Bend backward. Recline.
Bent backward. Recurvated*
Bent. Crooked, incurvated, curved, awry, wry, inflected, oblique.
Beneath. Underneath, under, below, subjacent, lower, inferior, subordinate.
Benediction. Blessing, benison.
Benefaction. Gift, donation, alms, charity, eleemosynary aid.
Beneficent. Benevolent, bountiful, bounteous, munificent, liberal, generous.
Benefit. Advantage, good, profit; service, ability, avail, use.
Benevolence. Beneficence, benignity, kindness, generosity, humanity, tenderness, goodness.
Benighted. Dark, unenlightened.
Benign. Benignant, benevolent, kind, gracious, bland, tender, good ; wholesome, healthy, salubrious.
Benignity. Benevolence, beneficence, humanity, generosity, tenderness, goodness.
Benison. Benediction, blessing.
Bent. Inclination, disposition, tendency, bias, prepossession, propensity, predilection, proneness.
Benumbed. Torpid, numb, motionless.
To Bequeath. Give, devise, demise, legate.
To Bereave, Deprive, strip, dispossess, disarm ; divest, denude, deaud-ate.
To Bescreen. Shelter, screen, cover, shroud.
To Beseech. Beg, entreat, crave, solicit, implore, supplicate, obtest.
To Beset. Embarrass, perplex; begird, environ, surround, encompass.
Besides. Moreover, more than that, over and above.
To Besot. Infatuate, stupify.
To Besmear. Bedaub, daub.
Bestial. Beastly, brutish, brutal, bel-luine.
To Bestir. Stir up, exuscitate, vivify, rouse, awaken.
To Bestow. Give, confer, grant,
Bestower. Giver, donor.
To Betake. Resort, recur, have recourse to.
To Bethump. Belabour, thump, beat.
To Betide. Befal, happen.
Betimes. Early, soon, shortly, ere long, by and by, anon.
To Betoken. Augur, presage, forebode, bode, portend, prognosticate, Signify; foreshow, foreshadow.
To Betray. Bewray, discover; blab.
Betrothed. Affianced, desponsated.
To Better. Improve, amend, emend, meliorate, ameliorate; reform; rectify.
Beverage. Drink, potion.
To Bewail. Wail, bemoan, lament, mourn over.
To Bewilder. Confound, perplex, embarrass, entangle, puzzle.
To Bewitch. Enrapt, enravish, electrify, entrance, enchain, fascinate,, charm, enchant, enrapture, captivate, transport, allure, enamour.
Betwitchery. Witchery, enchantment, fascination, charm, spell, prestige.
To Bewray, Betray, discover ; blab.
Beyond, Over ; above ; remote from.
Bias. Bent, inclination, predilection, prepossession, tendency, partiality* prejudice, penchant,
Bibacious. Tippling, fuddling, drunken, bousy, muddling.
Bibber. Tippler, toper, debauchee, drunkard, boraehio, sot, wassailer.
Bibulous. Spungy, succulent, juicy.
Bickering. Wrangle, dispute, dissension, -discord, strife, contention.
To Bid. Offer, proffer, tender, propose; call, invite, summon.
Bidding. Call, invitation, summons.
To Bide. Abide, await, wait, stay, remain, tarry.
Big. Great, large.
Bigotry. Prejudice, superstition.
Bile. Choler, anger, rage, fury, indignation, passion, resentment.
Bill. Beak, mandible; account,charge* fee, reckoning.
Billow. Wave, surge, breaker.
To Bind. Tie, restrain, restrict ; connect, link, enlink, engage,'oblige, lay under Obligation.
Binding. Astringent, styptic, steg-notic, astrictive, restringent, costive.; valid, obligatory ; stringent, constraining.
Binding (tor ever). Indissoluble, ever-valid, indefeasible.
Birth. Extraction, parentage ; nativity.
Birth-day. Natal day.
Bitter. Tart, acrid, acetose, acetous, sharp, acid, sour, acrimonious ; harsh, •pungent, piquant, poignant, epigrammatic, stinging.BLE
Bitterness. Amántate, tartnèss, smartness, pungency, corrosiveness,
•	harshness, acerbity, asperity, acrimony; poignancy, causticity, virulence.
To Blab. Betray.
Black. Dark, murky ; dirty, foul, dingy ; pitchy, inky, ebon ; Cimme-
•	rian ; wicked.
To Blacken. Defame, calumniate, slander, scandalize, asperse.
To Blame. Vituperate, upbraid, reprove, reprehend, censure, condemn, reprobate, reproach.
Blameable. Culpable, censurable, con-demnable, reprehensible, reproveable.
Blameless. inculpable, irreprehensible, irreproveable, irreproachable, guiltless, sinless, innocent ; immaculate, unsullied, unblemished, spotless.
To Blanch. Whiten, bleach.
Bland. Mild, kind, soft, gentle, gracious, benign, benignant.
Blandishment. Cajolery, coaxing, ■wheedling.
Blank. Confused, confounded, dum-founded, abashed, nonplussed, disconcerted.
To Blast. Strike, desolate, blight, wither, shrivel, taint with mildew ; destroy, annihilate.
Blast. Gust, gale, breeze, storm.
Blatant, Clamorous, braying, bellowing, vociferous, noisy, loud, obstreperous, streperous.
Blaze. Flame, flare, glare.
To Blazon. Emblazon, emblaze, show
' off.
To Bleach. Blanch, whiten.
Bleeding. Phlebotomy, venesection.
To Blemish. Stain, blur, sully, spot ; obscure, dim ; ruin, spoil, mar.
Blemish. Flaw, speck, spot, blur, defect, imperfection,, fault.
To Blend. Mix, amalgamate, mingle, intermingle, commingle, commix,, compound ; fuse.
Blessedness. Bliss> happiness, felicity, beatitude.
Blessing. Benediction, benison.
Blight. Blast, desolation, mildew.
To Blight. Blast, wither, shrivel, taint with mildew.
To Blind. Hoodwink.
Blind. Sightless, eyeless, unseeing.
Blindness. Cecity.
Bliss. Ethereal ecstacv, felicity, beatitude, blessedness, blissfulness.
Blithe. Blithesome, gay, cheerful, merry, sprightly, vivacious.
Bloated. Swollen.
Blockhead. Dunce, dolt, dullard, thickskull, numskull, roundhead, clumps, jolthead, loggerhead, jobbernowl.
Bloody. Sanguinary, ensanguined, cruentate, gory ; murderous, slaughterous.
Bloodshed. Slaughter, carnage, butchery, massacre.
Blooming. Blossoming, flowering, florulent, vernant.
Bloomy. Flowery, efflorescent, flori-ferous.
To Bloom. Blossom, bud, pullulate, sprout, germinate, shoot forth.
Blot. Stain, blur, speck, flaw, blemish, defect; disparagement.
To Blot out. Wipe out, expunge, delete, obliterate, cancel, efface, erase, rase, annihilate.
Blue. Azure, cerulean.
Bluff. Blustering, burly, swaggering, hectoring, bullying.
Blunder. Mistake, error, erratum, delusion, hallucination.
Blunt. Obtuse, edgeless, pointless; unpolite, rough, rude.
Blur. Spot, stain, speck, flaw, blemish, defect,
Bluster. Fanfaronade.
Blustering. Swaggering, bullying, hectoring, burly, bluff.
To Boast. Glory, triumph, vaunt, brag, gasconade.
Boaster. Vaunter, braggadocio, braggart, braggard.
Boastful. Bragging, thrasonical, vaunting, gasconading.
Boasting, Vaunting, ostentation, vain glory, overweening egotism, parade, rodomontade, brag, bravado.
Boat. Shallop, skiff, wherry.
To Bode. Portend, augur, presage, forebode, betoken, threaten, be ominous.
Bodement. Sign, omen, prognostic, presage, signal, token.
Bodiless. Incorporeal, unbodied ; immaterial, spiritual.
Bodiliness. Corporeity, materiality, substantiality.
Bodily. Corporal, corporeal, material, physical.
Body. Carcass, corpse; materiality corporeity.
Bog. Quagmire, swamp, fen, syrtis, morass, marsh.
To Boil. Seeth, hiss.
Boisterous. Violent, furious, impassioned, impetuous, vehement, stormy, turbulent.
Bold. Fearless, undaunted, dauntless, brave, daring, adventurous, intrepid, audacious; insolent, impudent, contumacious.
Bombast. Fustian.
Bombastic. Tumid, turgid, inflated, swelling, high-flown, grandiloquent, altisonant.
Bonaroea. Strumpet, whore, prostitute, harlot, street-walker, bawd, procuress, courtesan.
Bondage. Slavery, enslavement, thraldom, inthralment, vassalage, servitude, serfism, serfdom; captivity, imprisonment, confinement.
To Boom, Roar, rattle, peal, thunder.
Boon. Present, gift, grant.
Boon companion. Pot-fellow, com-potator.
Boor. Bumpkin, clown, hind, clodpole* rustic, swain, peasant, countryman.
Booty. Spoil, pillage.
Borachio. Drunkard, debauchee, sot, carouser, tippler, bibber, toper, was-sailer.
Border. Edge, brim, rim, verge, brink, margin.
Bordering on. Contiguous, conterminous, adjacent, adjoining, vicinal, neighbouring, on the confines of.
Borders. Marches, limits, precincts, confines, frontier.
To Bore. Pierce, penetrate, perforate.
Bosom friend. Confidant,
Bosky. Woody, sylvan.
To Botch. Bungle.
To Bound. Limit, circumscribe, confine, restrict, restrain, terminate.
Bound. Destined for, going to.
To Bound back. Recoil, rebound, rush back, re-act ; reverberate, re-echo.
Boundless. Illimitable, unlimited, unbounded, infinite ; interminable, interminate.
Bounty. Munificence, liberality, generosity, benevolence, beneficence, charity, benignity, humanity.
Bounteous. Munificent, liberal, beneficent, generous, bountiful, kind, gracious.
Bousing. Drinking, swilling, guzzling, carousing, toping.
Bousy. Drunken, muddling, bibacious, fuddling.
Bowels. Guts, entrails, intestines, viscera.
To Bow. Sink, succumb.
Bower. Arbour.
To Box. Cuff, buffet.
Brace. Pair, couple.BRI
Brachygrafhy. Stenography, tachy-graphy, shorthand.
Braggart. Braggadocio, braggard, boaster, vaunter.
Brainless. Irrational, absonant, nonsensical, unreasonable.
To Brand. Stigmatize, denounce, ex-probrate.
To Brandish. Flourish, wave.
To Brangle. Wrangle, jangle, jar, vary, disagree.
Brat. Urchin, bantling, infant, child.
Bravado. Brag, boast, boasting, vaunting, rodomontade.
Brave. Courageous, gallant, chivalrous, daring, adventurous, valorous, heroic, taliant, bold, dauntless, intrepid, magnanimous, fearless.
To Brave. Dare, challenge, defy.
Brawling. Wrangling, contentious, bickering, disagreeing.
Brawny. Muscular, athletic, sinewy, powerful, robust, stalwart, able-bodied, strong.
Braying. Blatant, clamorous, vociferous, noisy, loud, obstreperous.
To Bray. Pound, bruise, crush, break.
Breach. Rift, scissure, cleft, crevice, cranny, fissure, chink; fracture, rup-tion.
To Break. Burst; rend, rack, violate, infringe, transgress; cease, intermit; demolish, destroy; bruise, bray, crush.
Breaker. Wave, surge, billow.
Breakers. Surf.
To Breed. Hatch, brood, incubate ; beget, engender, generate, produce.
Breed. Race, generation.
Breeding, instruction, education; etiquette, ceremony.
Breeze. Gale, gust, blast.
Brevity. Shortness, conciseness, succinctness.
Bridal. Nuptial, hymeneal.
To Bribe, Suborn.
Brief. Short, concise, compendious, succinct, summary, laconic.
Brigand. Bandit, freebooter, robber.
Bright. Clear, lucid, transparent, limpid, lustrous, translucent; shining, brilliant, effulgent, splendid, fulgent, refulgent, resplendent, luminous, radiant, gleaming; illustrious; witty.
To Brighten. Polish, burnish, furbish.
Brilliancy. Effulgence, refulgence, resplendence, brightness, splendour, lustre, radiance, sheen.
Brim. Border, edge, brink, rim, margin, verge, confine, march.
To Bring. Fetch.
To Bring forward. Adduce, advance, allege, assign.
To Bring in. Introduce, usher.
Brink. Border, brim, edge, rim, margin, verge.
Brisk, Active, agile, nimble, lively* quick, sprightly, prompt, alert, assiduous, vigorous, vigilant, sedulous.
Brittle. Fragile, frangible, discerp-tible, frail,
Broad. Wide, large, ample, expanded, extensive.
To Broaden. Widen, distend; enlarge, amplify, swell out.
To Broil. Grill.
Broil. Affray, fray, feud, quarrel, brawl, altercation.
Brokenhearted. Cheerless, heartbroken, comfortless, disconsolate, in-consolate, inconsolable, desolate, forlorn.
To Brood. Hatch, breed, incubate.
Brook. Streamlet, rivulet, rill.
To Brook. Endure, suffer, bear, submit to.
Brotherhood» Fraternity, fraternization.
Brotherly. Fraternal; affectionate, kind.
To Bruise. Break, crush, squeeze, contuse, pound, bray ; comminute, pulverize, levigate, triturate.
Bruit. Rumour, report, fame.
Brunt. Shock, onset, assault, attack.
To Brush. Whisk.
Brutality. Savageness, ferocity, barbarity.
Brute. Animal, beast, quadruped.
Brutified. Animalised, embruted, brutalized.
Brutish. Cruel, inhuman, merciless, ferocious; remorseless, ruthless, barbarous, fell, relentless, savage; irrational, sensual.
Buccaneer. Rover, corsair, pirate.
To Bud. Sprout, germinate, pullulate, blossom, bloom, shoot forth.
To Budge. Stir, move, go.
To Buffet. Box, cuff.
Buffle-headed. Logger-headed, oafish, doltish, stolid, obtuse, stupid.
Buffoon. Merry-Andrew, harlequin, zany, scaramouch.
Buffoonery. Mummery, momery, harlequinism, zanyism.
To Build. Erect, construct, raise ; found.
To Bulge. Jut out, shoot out, project, protrude.
Bulk. Size, dimension, magnitude, greatness, bulkiness, bigness, largeness, massiveness.
Bully. Swaggerer, blusterer, hector.
Bullying, Blustering, bluff, burly, swaggering, hectoring.
Bulwark. Citadel, fortress, fortification, rampart.
Bumpkin. Boor, rustic, clown, hind, clodpole.
To Bungle. Botch.
Buoyancy. Lightness ; elasticity; animation, spirit, vivacity.
Buoyant. Spirited, vivacious, lively, animated, sprightly, sportive, jocund.
Burden., Load, weight, cargo ; cum-brance, incumbrance; incubus.
To Burden. Load, encumber, embarrass.
Burdensome. Heavy, weighty, ponderous, bulky, massive; grievous, troublesome; onerous, oppressive.
Burly. Blustering, bluff, swaggering, bullying, hectoring.
Bureau. Escritoire,, scritoire, writing table.
Burial. Interment, sepulture, inhumation, entombment.
Burlesque. Satire, sarcasm, jeer, irony, humour, wit.
To Burlesque. Caricature.
To B urn. Glow; parch,, scorch, blight, shrivel, make arid.
Burning. Glowing, ardent, fervid, impassioned, fervent, fiery, hot, calid.
To Burnish. Polish, furbish.
To Burst. Break, crack, split, rend.
Burst. Rupture, disruption.
Bursting forth . Eruption, explosion, emission, volley.
To Bury. Inter, inhume, inhúmate, entomb, sepulchre; immure.
Burying place. Grave* tomb, sepulchre, cemetery, last resting place, necropolis.
Business. Affair, concern, matter, thing; avocation, pursuit, calling, employment, engagement, occupation, vocation, trade, profession ; office, duty, function.
i Bustle. Tumult, hurry, stir.
; To Busy. Occupy, employ, take up with, engross.
; Busybody. Meddler, intermeddler,
I pragmatical person, officious intruder.
I But. Unless, except, save, saving.
! To Butcher. Slay, kill, slaughter,
! murder, assassinate, massacre.
Í Butchery. Carnage, bloodshed^ in® ternecion, slaughter, massacre.CAL
Buttress. Prop, support, sustainment.
To Buy. Purchase, bargain, give a piace for, cheapen.
Buzz. Hum.
By and by. Anon, shortly, ere long, early, betimes, soon.
Bygone Past,-foregone, by past.
By-name. Nickname, sobriquet.
Bystander, Onlooker, spectator, beholder, observer.
Byword. Saying, proverb, adage; reproach, taunt.
. C. -
Cabal. Combination, intrigue, faction, conspiracy, plot,
Cabalistic. Cryptic, secret, occult, mysterious, dark.
Cabinet. Administration, ministry, government.
Cachinnation. Laughter, risibility.
Cadaverous. Death-dike, wan, pallid.
Cadence, Tone, sound.
Caitiff. Wretch, miscreant, villain, scroyle. ;
To Cajole. Coax, wheedle, flatter, fawn.
Cajolery. Blandishment, blandilo-quenee, coaxing, wheedling.
Calamitous., Disastrous, fatal, unfortunate, unlucky, hapless, luckless, un prosperous, ill-fated, ill-starred, wretched, infelicitous, unhappy, miserable.
Calamity. Disaster, catastrophe, misfortune, mishap, miscarriage, mischance, ad ver see res.
To Calculate. Reckon, account, number, sum, compute, count ; estimate,rate, measure.
Calculous. Gritty, sabulous, tophaceous, arinaceous, sandy.
Calefactory. Calefactive, calorific,
; heating.
Calefaction. Incalescence.
CaLid. Burning, hot, glowing, fervid fiery, ardent, fervent.-
Caliginous. Dark, obscure, dim, cloudy, gloomy, dusky, murky, in-*' distinct, shadowy, mysterious.
To Call. Cry, exclaim, ejaculate y name, request, bid, invite, summon.
Jo Call bach, . Retract, recant, recall revocate.
To Call for. Demand ; plead ; merit y challenge.
To Call on. Refer to,, appeal to, invoke ; visit.
To Call together. Convene., convoke, assemble, muster, collect, gather.
To Call out. Exclaim, cry out, ejaculate ; announce, proclaim publish ; evoke, summon, challenge.
Called. Termed, named, designated, denominated, yeieped.
Calling Business, avocation, voea* tion, pursuit, employment, engagement, occupation, trade, profession office, duty, function.
Callous. Hard, obdurate, impenetra, ble, impenitent, unfeeling, insensate, insensible, insensitive, unsusceptible indurate.
To Calm. Still, quiet, lull, hush, pacify, tranquillize, allay, appease, assuage, sooth compose.
Calm. Serene, placid, composed, coir lected, undiscomposed, imperturbable^ tranquil, pacific, unruffled, ¿still, halcyon, quiet, undisturbed.
Calorific. Calefactory, calefactive, heating.
To Calumniate. Accuse falsely, asperse ; malign, traduce, slander, defame, scandalise, disparage, detract, depreciate ; vilify, revile.
Calumnious. Slanderous, defamatory, detractory, derogatory ; abusive, reproachful, contumelious, opprobrious, exprobrative, vituperative.CAP
Calumny. False accusation, aspersion, defamation, slander, detraction, ob-trectation.
Camerated. Concamerated, arched, vaulted.
Canaille. Rabble, riff-raff, rascality,
fœx populi.
To Cancel (a writing). Obliterate, delete, expunge, blot out, efface,
* wipe out, rub out.
To Cancel (make void). Abolish, annul, repeal, abrogate, revoke, destroy, raze, erase, invalidate, nullify,
■ quash, vacate, annihilate.
Cancellated. Cross-barred.
Candid. Open, artless, free, ingenuous, frank, plain ; fair, sincere* honest, undissembling.
Candidate. Aspirant, competitor.
Candour. Openness, frankness, candidness, ingenuousness.
Canker. Corrosion, virulence.
Cannibalism. Anthropophagy, eating human flesh.
Canopy. Dais.
Canopy of heaven* Firmament, azure expanse.
Canorous. Musical, tuneful.
Cant. Hypocrisy, pretence.
To Canvass. Debate, discuss, dispute, contest* contend* controvert ; sift, examine ; solicit.
Capable. Able, qualified, competent, efficient, fitted, susceptible, clever, skilful, effective.
Capacious. Ample, spacious, roomy,, expanded.
To Capacitate. Enable, qualify, render capable.
Capacity. Ability, faculty, power, talent, capability, skill, efficiency*
Capital. Chief, cardinal, principal.
Caprice. Humour, crotchet, fancy, fantasticalness, freak, whim, maggot.
Capricious. Fantastic, fantastical, whimsical, crotchety ; arbitrary.
Caption. Arrest, apprehension.
Captious. Fractious, exceptious, cross, petulant, touchy, testy, peevish, fretful, splenetic.
Captiousness* Cavillation, excepti-ousness, fractiousness, crossness.
To Captivate. Charm, enchant, fascinate, enrapture, bewitch ; electrify, entrance, enchain, enrapt, enravish, enamour ; enslave, confine* imprison.
Captivating. Fascinating, bewitching, electrifying, entrancing, enchanting, charming, winning, attractive.
Captive. Prisoner.
Captivity. Imprisonment, confinement, ; bondage, slavery, thraldom, inthralment, enslavement, vassalage, servitude, serfism, serfdom.
Capture. Seizure, prize ; booty, plunder, pillage ; trophy.
Carcass. Body, corpse, corse.
Cardinal. Capital, chief, principal.
Care. Anxiety, solicitude, concefu, attention, regard ; circumspection, caution; management.
Career. Course, race, passage; life, history.
To Career. Sweep, rush.
Careful. Anxious, solicitous, heedful j provident, cautious, circumspect, attentive.
Careless. Negligent, heedless, perfunctory, supine, inattentive, incautious, thoughtless, remiss, indolent, listless.
To Caress. Endear, fondle, hug, embrace.
Caressing. Fondling, endearment, dalliance.
Cargo. Lading, load, freight.
To Caricature. Burlesque.
Carious. Decayed, rotten.
Carnage. Butchery, interneción, bloodshed, slaughter, massacre.
Carnal. Fleshly ; sensual, voluptuous, luxurious ; secular, worldly .CAS
To Carol. Sing, warble.
Carousal. Jollity, revel, revelry, jollification, debauch, compotation, potation, perpotation, bacchanals, wassail, orgies, drinking bout, saturnalia,
Carouser. Bibber, tippler, borachio, drunkard, debauchee, sot, toper, wassailer.
Carousing. Toping, bousing, drinking, tippling, swilling, guzzling, swigging, quaffing.
To Carp. Censure, cavil, nibble.
Carriage. Gait, manner, behaviour, walk, bearing, deportment, comportment, conduct, demeanour ; vehicle, conveyance.
To Carry. Bear, sustain ; convey, transport, transmit, waft.
To Carry on. Conduct, manage, regulate, direct ; wage, levy.
Cascade. Cataract, waterfall.
Case. Situation, condition, state, circumstance, suit, process, cause ; plight, predicament ; category, embarrassment.
Casement. Window, lattice.
Cast. Character, turn, tone, description.
To Cast. Throw, hurl, fling.
To Cast back. Retort, repel, rebuff, repulse.
Cast down. Downcast, dejected, depressed, discouraged, melancholy.
To Cast forth. Exhale, diffuse, spread, scatter, fling out.
To Cast headlong. Precipitate, throw, hurl.
To Cast into. Plunge, ingulf, submerge, immerge, immerse, souse, douce.
To Cast off. Reject, forsake, abandon, discard, renounce, repudiate.
A Castaway. Reprobate, outcast.
To Castigate. Chastise, correct, chasten, punish.
To Castrate. Geld, emasculate.
Casual. Accidental, fortuitous, incidental, contingent.
Casualty. Accident, contingency, incident, occurrence, event, adventure.
Catachrestical. Farfetched, recondite, recherche.
Catacomb. Crypt, vault.
Catalogue. List, register, roll, record, inventory.
Cataract. Waterfall, cascade.
Catarrh. Cold, rheum.
To Catch. Seize, overtake, lay hold on, grasp, take possession of, capture, gripe, clutch, snatch; arrest, apprehend.
A Catching. Caption, capture, seizure ; arrest, apprehension.
Catching. Infectious, contagious, pestilential, miasmatic; ad captandwn; insidious.
Categorical. Absolute, positive, peremptory.
Category. Class, rank; plight, predicament.
To Catenate. Concatenate, link, join, connect.
Cathartic. Purgative, abstergent, abstersive, cleansing.
Catholicon. Panacea, universal medicine.
Cause. Motive, reason, incentive, inducement, incitement, impulse; undertaking, enterprise; effort, work, operation.
To Cause. Occasion, induce, originate, give rise to ; raise up, call out, evoke ; provoke, incite ; effect, produce, generate.
Caused by. Occasioned, produced; flowing from, consequent upon.
To Cauterise. Ensear, sear.
Cauterising. Searing, ensearing, escharotic.
, 33]CEL
Caution. Wariness, vigilance, circumspection, care, solicitude ; admonition, commonition, warning, notice.
Cautious. Careful, prudent, wary, chary, vigilant, circumspect, watchful.
Cautiousness. Watchfulness, vigilance, circumspection.
Cavalcade. Cortege, procession, retinue, equipage.
Cavalierly. Arrogantly, haughtily, superciliously, scornfully.
Cave, Den, cavern.
To Cavil. Carp, censure.
Cavillation. Captiousness, fractiousness, crossness, exceptiousness.
Cavity. Hollow, aperture, chasm, opening, gap, hiatus.
ToCease. Leave off, desist, discontinue ; intermit, pause.
À Ceasing. Cessation, discontinuance, rest, pause, intermission, stop, interruption, truce, armistice.
Without Ceasing. Incessant, ceaseless, unceasing, uninterrupted, continual, perpetual, unintermitting, unremitting.
Cecity. Blindness.
To Cede. Give up, surrender, relinquish, quit, forego.
To Celebrate. Praise, commend, applaud, laud, extol, magnify, glorify ; solemnize.
Celebrated. Famous, celebrious, renowned, farfamed, illustrious, glorious, signalized.
Celebrity. Renown, fame, glory, reputation.
Celerity. Quickness, speed, rapidity,
• velocity, pernicity, swiftness, fleetness.
Celestial. Heavenly, paradisiacal, supernal, divine, godlike, seraphic, angelic.
Celibacy^ Batchelorhood; misogynism.
Cellular, Alveolated, honey-combed.
Cemetery. Churchyard, burying-place, necropolis ; vault, crypt, catacombs ; charnel-house, ossuary.
Cenotaph. Tomb.
To Censure. Blame, reprove, reprehend, reprobate, condemn, upbraid, vituperate, accuse; animadvert, carp, cavil.
Censurable. Reprehensible, reprove-able, culpable, blameable.
Censure. Blame, reproach, reproof, reprehension, reprobation, condemnation ; animadversion, stricture.
Centric. Centrical.
Ceremony. Form, observance, rite, solemnity.
Certain. Sure, indubitable, unquestionable, doubtless, unfailing, secure; real, actual, positive,
To Certify. Testify, evidence, vouch, avouch, declare.
Cerulean. Azure, skyblue.
Cess. Tax, assessment, rate.
Cessation. Intermission, rest, pause, discontinuance.
To Chafe. Irritate, gall, fret, vex, chagrin ; rage, fret, fume.
To Chaffer. Higgle, haggle, cheapen.
Chagrin. Vexation, ill-humour, fretfulness, mortification.
Chain. Fetter, manacle, shackle, band.
To Challenge. Champion, claim,
. demand ; except against, impugn.
Chamber. Apartment, room, hall.
Chamfer. Fluting.
To Champion. Challenge.
Champion. Chieftain, leader, head, Corypheus.
Chance. Fortune, hap, accident, casualty, hazard, luck.
Chance, (happening by) _ Accidental, casual, fortuitous, contingent, incidental.
To Change. Alter, vary; transform,, transmute; exchange, barter.CHA
Change. Variety, variation ; alteration, mutation ; transition ; alternation, vicissitude, revolution.
Changeable. Changeful, variable, unsteady, undecided, hesitating, vacillating, fluctuating, wavering ; mutable, inconstant ; unsteadfast, unstable, fickle, versatile, restless, fitful ; capricious.
Channel. Conduit, alveus; chamfer, fluting ; furrow ; passage, avenue.
Chaotic. Confused, higgledy-piggledy, confounded, intermingled.
To Chap. Crack, split, burst, break.
Chaplet. Garland, wreath, coronal.
Character. Cast, turn, tone, description ; nature, disposition ; reputation.
Characteristic. Mark, stamp, impress, sign, feature, lineament.
Characteristic. Peculiar to, marking out.
To Characterize. Name, designate, denominate, describe, particularize, style, entitle; distinguish, signalize, celebrate, make eventful.
To Charge. Accuse, impeach, arraign, inculpate.
Charge. Care, custody, ward, trust, management ; cost, price, expense ; fee, bill ; assault, shock, onset, brunt, attack, encounter ; accusation, impeachment, imputation.
Chargeable. Imputable, attributable, ascribable.
Charity. Kindness, benignity, beneficence, benevolence, humanity, tenderness.
Charity, (receiving) Alms, elèe-mosynary aid ; benefaction, donation.
Charlatan. Quack, empiric, mountebank.
To Charm. Enchant, fascinate, bewitch, enrapture, captivate, enamour, allure, transport, enrapt, enravish, electrify, entrance.
Charm. Spell, witchery, incantation, enchantment; prestige; amulet.
Charmed. Rapt, ecstasied, ecstatic, enrapt, enravished, electrified, entranced, enchained, spell-bound, fascinated, bewitched, enamoured.
Charming. Delicious, delightful, pleasurable, fascinating, winning, captivating, enchanting, graceful ; fairy, syren.
Charnel-house. Ossuary; .grave.
Chary. Wary, careful, cautious, prudent.
Chase. Race, hunt, pursuit.
Chasm. Aperture, cavity, opening, gap, hiatus, hollow.
To Chasten. Chastise, correct, castigate, punish.
Chasteness. Modesty, simplicity; chastity, continence, purity.
To Chastise. Chasten, correct, castigate, punish.
Chastity. Continence, purity; chasteness, modesty.
To Chat. Chatter, prattle, confabulate, prate, babble, gossip.
Chat. Confabulation, colloquy, talk, gossip, chit-chat.
Chattels. Goods, furniture, effects, moveables.
To Chatter. Chat, prate, confabulate, prattle, babble, gossip.
To Cheapen. Bargain, purchase, buy; higgle, chaffer, haggle.
To Cheat. Defraud, gull, dupe, trick, beguile, overreach, circumvent; deceive, delude, hoodwink.
Cheat. Deception, imposture, fraud, delusion, artifice, machination, doubledealing, deceit, circumvention, trick, finesse, imposition, guile, duplicity dolus; stratagem.
To Check. Curb, restrain, repress, control, inhibit; counteract; chide, reprimand, reprove, rebuke.
To Cheer. Exhilarate, animate, inspirit, inspire, enliven, gladden ; comfort, solace.
Cheerfulness. Gaiety, sprightliness, spiritedness, merriment, mirth, liveliness, vivacity, blithesomeness, jocundity, joviality.
Cheerless. Brokenhearted, heartbroken, comfortless, disconsolate, in-consolate, inconsolable, desolate, forlorn.
To Chequer. Diversify, variegate.
To Cherish. Nurture, nourish, nestle, nurse, foster, sustain, indulge.
Cherubic. Angelic, seraphic.
To Chew. Masticate, manducate.
Chicanery. Sophistry, sophistication.
To Chide. Check, reprimand, increpate, objurgate, reprove, rebuke.
Chief. Principal, main ; supreme, paramount ; Corypheus, leader, head, chieftain, champion.
Chiefly. Principally, mainly, essentially, particularly, especially, eminently, paramountly, above all.
Child, (with) Pregnant, enceinte, fœta.
Childish. Infantile, puerile.
Childhood. Infancy, minority, pupilage, nonage.
Childlike. Infantine.
Children. Offspring, isssue, progeny.
To Chill. Cool, infrigidate, refrigerate ; damp, benumb, numb.
Chill. Cold, algid, frigid.
Chimera. Illusion, phantasm, deception.
Chimerical. Visionary, imaginary, illusory, Utopian, Quixotic.
Chink. Fissure, cranny, crevice, interstice, cleft, rift.
Chirographer. Chirographist, writer, scribe, penman.
Chirography. Penmanship.
Chit-chat. Chat, confabulation, colloquy, talk, gossip.
Chivalry. Gallantry, valour ; knight-errantry.
Choice, option ; elite ; rare, select.
To Choke. Stifle, suffocate, smother.
Choler. Bile, spleen ; rage, anger, passion, indignation, fury, wrath.
Choleric. Angry, wrathful, ireful, enraged, exasperated, exacerbated, indignant.
To Choose. Prefer, select, elect ; call, pick.
Choosing. Selecting, eclectic, excerp-tive.
Chorus. Concord, concert, harmony, unity.
To Christen. Baptize.
Chronic. Inveterate, virulent.
To Chronicle. Record, register, enrol.
Chronicles. Annals, records, archives, memoirs, registers.
Churchyard. Cemetery, necropolis, burying-ground, grave, tomb, sepulchre, last resting-place.
Churlish. Surly, cynical, snarling, snappish, waspish.
Cicatrice. Scar.
Cicerone. Guide, conductor.
Cicisbeo, Gallant, lover, wooer.
Ci-devant, pronounced cidevang. Late, former, quondam.
Cion. Scion, sprout, shoot, branch.
Cineritious. Favillous, ashy.
Circle. Orb, sphere, globe.
Circuit. Round, perambulation, tour
Circuitous. Roundabout, tortuous, flexuous.
Circular. Annular, spherical, round.
To Circulate. Spread, diffuse, disseminate, propagate.
Circumambient. Ambient, surrounding.
Circumference. Periphery.
Circumgyrated. Circumvoluted, spiral, screwform, cochleary, cochleated, turbinatedCIV
Circumgyration. Circumvolution, gyration, spiral, whirl, turn.
Circumjacent. Lying round, bordering upon.
Circumlocution. Circuition, periphrasis.
Circumrotatory. Whirling, rotatory, rotary, turning, revolving, wheeling, veering.
To Circumscribe. Bound, limit, restrict, confine, enclose.
Circumspect. Cautious, watchful, vigilant, wary, chary, attentive.
Circumspection, Caution, watchfulness, vigilance, deliberation, thoughtfulness, wariness.
Circumstance. Situation, condition, position; fact, incident.
Circumstanced. Situated, placed.
Circumstantial. Particular, minute, detailed.
To Circumvent. Cheat, defraud, trick, gull, dupe, impose upon, cozen, overreach ; deceive, delude, hoodwink.
Circumventive. Sly, designing, insidious, treacherous, deceitful.
Circumvoluted. Circumgyrated, spiral, screwform, cochleary, cochleated, turbinated.
Circumvolution. Circumgyration, gyration, spiral, whirl, turn.
Citadel. Fortress, stronghold, armoury.
To Cite. Quote, adduce ; summon, call.
Civic. Municipal.
Civil. Polite, complaisant, affable, courteous, obliging, urbane, well-bred, debonair.
Civility. Courteousness, urbanity, courtesy, politeness, affabilty, complaisance, suavity of manners.
Civilization. Culture, cultivation, refinement.
To Civilize. Polish, humanize, cultivate, refine.
To Claim. Ask, demand, challenge ; call for ; plead ; aspire to.
To Claim (vainly). Arrogate, assume, usurp, appopriate.
Claim. Bight, title, pretension.
Claimable. Demandable, exigible.
Clamour. Conclamation, cry, outcry, ado, fuss, noise, hallabaloo, vociferation, obstreperousness, hubbub uji-roar.
Clamorous. Vociferous, blatant, braying, bellowing, noisy, loud, obstreperous, streperous..
Clandestine. Clancular, hidden, secret, private.
To Clank. Clatter.
To Clarify. Defecate, depurate, purify
Clash. Collision.
To Clasp. Embrace, hug.
Class. Order, rank, degree, grade ; category, predicament ; caste, tribe.
To Class. Arrange, rank, range, dispose, methodise, classify.
Classic. Attic, Ciceronian.
To Clatter. Clank.
Clause. Stipulation, proviso, term, article.
Claustral. Monastic, conventual, cloisteral.
Clay-cold. Dead, lifeless, inanimate, exanimous, exanimate, defunct, dis-animated.
To Clean. Cleanse, defecate, depurate, clarify, purify.
Cleansing. Purgative, abstergent, abstersive, cathartic, defecating ; detergent.
To Clear. Absolve, acquit, liberate, deliver, release, set free, unbind, emancipate, disenthral, unfetter, unmanacle ; rescue, save ; pardon, forgive, discharge.
To Clear from. Extricate, disengage, disentangle, disembarrass.
To Clear or a thing that is
discumber, disencumber, disburden, ease.
To Clear of a fault. Exonerate, exculpate, absolve, relieve, acquit; justify.
Clear. Apparent, palpable, visible, obvious, plain, evident, manifest, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmis-takeable, perspicuous, distinct; fair, lucid, pellucid, bright, luminous, transparent, limpid; intelligible.
Clearsighted. Eagle-eyed, sharp-sighted, quicksighted, perspicacious.
Clearly. Palpably, obviously, distinctly, perspicuously, explicitly ; intelligibly.
Clearness. Perspicuity, transparency, lucidity, translucency.
To Cleave. Adhere, attach, stick, hold, cling.
Cleft. Chink, fissure, cranny, crevice, interstice, rift, gap.
Clemency. Lenity, mercy, mildness, mitigation.
Clergyman. Parson, priest, divine, minister.
Clever. Expert, dexterous, adroit, adept, skilful.
Cliff. Clough, crag, precipice.
Climate. Clime, region, quarter, country.
To Climb. Scale, mount, soar, tower, ascend, get up.
Clinched. Riveted, fastened.
To Cling. Hold, stick, adhere, attach, cleave.
To Clip. Pare, peel, diminish, fritter away, dequantitate.
To Cloak. Mask, veil, cover, blind.
Cloak. Mask, veil, blind, vizard, visor.
vlodpole. Clown, bumkin, boor, hind, rustic.
To Clog. Encumber, load, burden hinder, impede, obstruct, embarrass ; trammel, fetter.
Cloisteral. Claustral, monastic, conventual.
To Close. Shut, conclude, end, terminate, finish.
To Close together. Collapse.
Close. Compact, solid, firm, dense, thick.
Close upon. Near, vicinal, conterminous, attiguous, contiguous, adjacent, adjoining, approximating.
To Clot. Concrete, coagulate, curdle, curd, incrassate, thicken.
Cloth. Clothwork, drapery
To Clothe. Dress, robe, attire.
Clothes. Garment, vestments, dress, habiliments, apparel, attire, array, raiment, vesture, drapery.
To Cloud. Nubilate, obnubilate, dim, shade, shadow, overcast, eclipse.
Cloudy. Dim, obscure, dark, caligin-ous, dusky, murky, indistinct, shadowy, mysterious.
Clough. Cliff, crag, precipice.
Clown. Rustic, bumkin, clodpole, boor, hind.
Clownish. Loutish, loobily, awkward.
To Cloy. Accloy, pall.
Club. Coterie, ruelle, meeting.
Clumps. Blockhead, dunce, dolt, roundhead, dullard, thickskull, numskull, jolthead, loggerhead, jobbernowl.
Clumsy. Awkward, unhandy, unpolished, uncourtly ; ponderous.
Cluster. Assemblage, group.
To Clutch. Engrasp, grasp, lay hold on, catch, seize, gripe.
Clyster. Injection.
Coactive. Coercive, compulsatory, compulsory.
To Coacervate. Acérvate, pile up, heap up, hoard, corrade, scrape, cor-rade together.COH
Coadjutor. Colleague, partner, associate, ally.
To Coagulate. Concrete, clot, curdle, curd, incrassate, thicken.
Coagulation. Concretion, concrement.
To Coalesce. Join, conjoin, unite, combine, confederate, fraternise, league.
Coalition. Union, alliance, connexion, confederacy, league, combination, conspiracy.
Coarse. Rough, rude ; rugged, gruff, harsh.
Coarseness. Crassitude, grossness.
Coast. Shore, beach, strand.
To Coax. Wheedle, fawn, flatter, cajole.
Cochleated. Cochleary, screwform, turbinated, spiral, circumgyrated, circumvoluted.
Coequal. Coordinate.
To Coerce. Restrain, check ; compel, force, conçus.
Coercive. Coactive, compulsory, compulsatory.
Coetaneous. Coe vous.
Coeval. Cotemporary, contemporary, contemporaneous.
Coevous. Coetaneous.
Coexistent, Simultaneous, pari passu.
Coextensive. Commensurate, equal with.
Cogent. Forcible, strong, valid, irresistible, resistless.
Cogitation. Thought, reflection, deliberation.
Cognate. Homogeneous, congenial, kindred, akin, relative.
Cognizant. Acquainted with, familiar with, conversant.
Cognomen. Title, name, denomination, appellation; nickname, sobriquet.
Cohesion. Agglutination, sticking together.
Coinage. Invention, creation.
To Coincide. Agree, correspond, harmonize, quadrate, tally; concur, acquiesce, be consentient.
Coincidence. Concomitancy, correspondence, concurrence, agreement, consonance.
Cold. Frigid, chill, algid.
Cold, a. Catarrh, rheum.
Coldness. Frigidity, algidity, algor.
To Collapse. Fall in, close together.
To Collate. Compare.
Collateral. Indirect.
Colleague. Fellow, equal, peer, compeer, companion.
To Collect. Gather, assemble, muster, congregate, accumulate, hoard, co-acervate.
Collected. Composed, placid, calm, serene, undiscomposed, imperturbable.
Collection. Assemblage, group, cluster; congregation, audience, auditory; treasury, repertory.
Collision. Clash, clashing, striking together.
To Collocate. Set, put, place.
Colloquy. Conversation, conference*, dialogue, talk, chat, confabulation,
Collusion. Covin.
Colossal, Large, gigantic, huge, enormous, immense, vast, mammoth,, behemoth.
Colour. Hue, tint, tinge; complexion.
Colourable. Specious, plausible, feasible.
Colouring. Palliation, extenuation, excuse.
Column. Pillar, pilaster.
Comatose. Lethargic, sleepy, drowsy, heavy.
Combat. Engagement, conflict, contest; fight, action, battle.
To Combat. Oppose, oppugn, resist, withstand, thwart.
Combatant. Champion, hero.
Combination. Alliance, union, league, confederacy, coalition, conspiracy, complot, cabal.
Combustibility. Combustibleness, deflagrability, flammability, inflammableness.
Comedian. Performer, player, actor.
To Come forth. Emerge, issue, emanate, arise, evolve, eventuate.
To Come forth quickly. Sally, debouch.
Comeliness. Gracefulness, elegance, grace, beauty, pulchritude.
Comely. Becoming, decent, seemly, agreeable, graceful.
Comfit. Confection, sweetmeat, confiture.
To Comfort. Solace, console, encourage, revive.
Comforting. Restorative, analeptic.
Comfortless. Forlorn, inconsolate, disconsolate, inconsolable, cheerless, brokenhearted, heartbroken, desolate, wretched.
Comic. Droll, comical, ludicrous, ridiculous, laughable.
Coming. Advent, approach.
Coming forth, a. Egress, egression.
Coming between. Intervening, intermediate, intermediai, interjacent, intervenient, interposing, interfering.
Command. Order, inj unction, mandate, precept, behest.
Commanding. Authoritative, imperative, imperious.
Commemorative. Memorial.
To Commence. Begin, enter upon, advance upon.
Commencing. Arising, beginning, inceptive, inchoative, incipient.
Commencement. Beginning, outset, opening.
To Commend. Applause, extol, eulogise, panegyrise, praise, recommend, laud.
Commendable. Praiseworthy, laudable, deserving praise.
Commendatory. Laudatory ; eulogistic, panegyric.
Commensurate, Proportionate, adequate ; coextensive, equal with.
Comment. Annotation, note, commentary, observation, remark, exposition, elucidation.
Commentitious. Invented, fictitious, fabricated, supposititious.
Commerce. Dealing, trade, traffic ; intercourse, interchange, reciprocity.
Commercial. Mercantile, trading.
Commercial-resort. Emporium, mart, entrepot, pronounced angterpo.
Commination. Threat, menace, threatening.
Comminatory. Minacious, minatory, threatful, threatening.
To Commingle. Commix, mix, compound, amalgamate ; intermingle, confound, blend, mingle, intermix, intervolve, interweave.
To Comminute. Pulverize, triturate, levigate.
Commiseration. Pity, compassion ; sympathy, condolence.
To Commission. Authorise, empower.
Commissioned. Authorised, accredited, empowered.
To Commit. Perpetrate ; entrust, confide, consign.
To Commix. Commingle, mix, compound, amalgamate ; intermingle, confound, blend, mingle, intermix, intervolve, interweave.
Commixture. Compound, mixture, amalgamation.
Commodious. Convenient, useful, suitable.
Commodity. Profit, interest, advantage ; merchandize, goods, wares.
Common. Frequent, ordinary, usual, vulgar, low, mean ; general.COM
Commonalty. Populace, common -people.
Commonition. Warning, caution, admonition, notice.
Common-place. Trite, ordinary, common, vulgar.
Commonwealth. State, realm ; democracy, republic ; society, community.
Commotion. Disturbance, tumult,
To Commune. Converse, discourse, speak, talk.
To Communicate. Impart, make known, divulge, disclose, reveal, unbosom.
Communication. Commerce, interchange, intercourse, correspondence.
Communicative. Free, unreserved.
Communion. Fellowship, converse j Lord’s supper, eucharist, sacrament.
Community. Society, commonwealth, social state.
To Commute. Change, alter ; exchange, barter, truck.
Commutual. Mutual, reciprocal, alternate.
Compact. Agreement, paction, contract, covenant, stipulation ; close, firm, solid,
Company. Association, society, assembly, assemblage, audience, auditory; corporation, body ; troop, horde, crew, clan, gang.
Companion. Coadjutor, partner, ally, associate, confederate, comrade; equal, peer, compeer, fellow, colleague.
Companion (delinquent). Consociate, accomplice, abettor, accessary, confederate, particeps criminisi soeius criminis.
Companion (in drink). Boon companion, pot-fellow, compotator.
Companionship. Fellowship, company, train, association.
Companion (in friendship). Bosom friend, confidant.
Comparative. Comparing.
To Compare. Parallel, put in juxtaposition ; collate.
Comparison. Simile, similitude ; illustration.
Compartment. Partition, division, section.
To Compass. Encircle, environ, encompass, invest, enclose; surround, beset ; grasp, attain, win, obtain, procure ; bring about, realize, consummate.
Compassion. Pity, commiseration sympathy, condolence.
Compassionate. Merciful, clement, benign, gracious, benignant, bland, kind.
Compatible. Consistent, consonant, congruous, accordant.
Compeer. Peer, equal, companion, fellow, colleague.
To Compel. Force, constrain, concuss, coerce, enforce, oblige, necessitate.
Compend. Abridgment, summary, epitome, compendium, abbreviate.
Compendious. Summary, succinct, concise, brief, short, laconic.
Compendium. Compend, abridgment, summary, epitome, abbreviate.
To Compensate. Recompense, compense, make amends, remunerate, requite, counterbalance, countervail
Compensation. Amend, satisfaction, remuneration, reward, recompense, equivalency, requital, guerdon.
To Compense. Compensate, make amends, recompense, remunerate, requite ; counterbalance, countervail,
Competent. Capable, efficient, able, qualified, fitted, effective, clever, skilful ; sufficient, enough, adequate.
Competition. Rivalry, emulation, contest.
Competitor. Candidate, rival, aspirant.
Compilation. Analectes, selected pieces, collected sections.
Complacency. Satisfaction, pleasure.
To Complain. Murmur, lament, regret, repine.
Complaining (habitually). Querulous, querimonious.
Complaint. Malady, disease, distemper, disorder.
Complaisance. Condescension, civility, courtesy, affability, urbanity, suavity.
Complaisant. Courteous, urbane, affable, polite ; civil, obliging.
To Complete. Accomplish, fulfil, realize, effectuate, execute, effect, achieve; conclude, consummate, finish* fill up, terminate.
Complete. Finished, ended, consummated, perfect ; whole, entire, total, integral.
Completeness. Entirety, entireness, integrity.
Complex. Compound, complicate, involved, intricate.
Complexion. Aspect, appearance, feature, lineament, look.
Compliance. Conformity, agreement^ suitableness ; consistency, harmony #
Compliant. Yielding, submissive, obedient, obsequious.
Complicate. Complex, compound, involved, intricate.
To Compliment. Praise, flatter, adulate.
Compline. Vespers.
Complot. Conspiracy, combination, confederacy, league, cabal.
To Comply, Yield, accede, assent, consent, acquiesce.
Component. Constituent, integral.
Comportment. Deportment, demeanour, behaviour, conduct.
To Compose. Form, compound, put together, constitute ; soothe, calm, quiet, lull, hush ; adjust, arrange, dispose, settle, organize; frame, indite.
Composed. Serene, placid, calm, collected, undiscomposed, imperturbable.
Compost. Dung, manure, ordure, soil.
Compotation. Potation, perpotation, carousal, conviviality, jollity, jollification, revelry, debauch, bacchanals, orgies, wassail, saturnalia.
Compound. Complex, complicate, intricate.
A Compound. Medley, miscellany, farrago, olio, mixture, oglio; amalgamation, commixture.
Compotator. Boon companion, pot-fellow
To Comprehend. Comprise, take in, embrace, contain, embody, include; conceive, imagine, apprehend, understand.
Comprehension. Capacity, capability, knowledge, intelligence, understanding.
Comprehensive. Extensive, broad, wide; compendious.
To Compress. Condense, condensate, press, squeeze.
To Comprise. Contain, include, comprehend, embody.
To Compromise. Concede; implicate, involve, entangle, embarrass.
Compulsatory. Compulsory, coercive, coactive.
Compulsion. Constraint, force, coercion.
Compulsory. Compulsatory, coercive, coactive.
Compunction. Repentance, contrition, remorse, penitence, resepiscence.
To Compute. Calculate, count, sum, number, account, reckon, estimate, rate, measure.CON
Comrade. Associate, companion, ally, confederate, accomplice, abettor.
Concamerated. Camerated, arched, vaulted, concave.
To Concatenate. Catenate, link, join, connect. *
To Conceal. Hide, secrete, enwomb, imbosom, imbower; disguise, dissemble.
To Concede. Give up, deliver, yield, compromise ; allow, grant, admit.
Conceit. Fancy, imagination; caprice, whim, maggot; pride, vanity.
Conceited. Proud, overweening, vain, egotistical, self-complacent, philo-doxical, opinionative.
Conceivable. Imaginable.
To Conceive. Imagine, apprehend, suppose, comprehend, understand.
To Concentrate. Centralize, concentre ; embody, comprise.
Conception. Notion, idea; perception, apprehension.
Concern. Affair, business, matter, concernment; care, regard, interest.
Concerning, Regarding, with regard to, with reference to, with respect to, respecting, relative, in relation to, about, concerning, conversant.
Concernment. Affair, concern, business, matter; care, regard, interest.
To Concert. Contrive, devise, design, manage.
Concert, Harmony, chorus, concord.
Concerted. Designed; wrought out, studied, elaborate.
Concession. Grant.
To Conciliate. Propitiate, reconcile.
Concise. Brief, short, compendious, succinct, summary, laconic.
Concision. Elision.
ConcLamation. Outcry, clamour, noise, vociferation.
To Conclude. Close, finish, terminate, end.
Conclusible. Determinable.
Conclusion. Inference, deduction j: peroration ; end, upshot, event.
Conclusive. Decisive, determinative., convincing.
Concomitant. Accompanying, attendant.
Concord. Concert, chorus, harmony, unity.
Concourse. Crowd ; confluence, conflux.
To Concrete. Coagulate, clot, curdle, curd, incrassate, thicken.
Concretion. Concrement, coagulation.
Concubine. Mistress, paramour.
Concupiscent. Libidinous, lecherous, lascivious, incontinent.
To Concur. Agree, coincide, be consentient, acquiesce ; correspond, harmonize.
Concurrence. Correspondence, coincidence, concomitancy, consonance.
To Concuss. Coerce, compel, force, constrain, oblige.
Concussion. Shock, conflict ; brunt, onset.
To Condemn. Blame, reprobate, reprove, reproach, upbraid, censure, reprehend ; doom, sentence.
Condemnatory. Damnatory.
Condensation. Incrassation.
To Condense. Condensate, compress, press, squeeze; concentrate; embody ; thicken, incrassate.
To Condescend. Vouchsafe, grant.
Condescension. Deference,submission, complaisance.
Condign. Merited, deserved, suitable, adequate.
Condiment. Seasoning, relish, flavour.
Condition. Situation, state, plight, case, predicament, category ; stipulation, covenant, article, term.
To Conditionate. Covenant, stipulate, bargain, contract, agree.
Condolence. Sympathy, commiseration, compassion.
Condonation. Forgiving, pardoning.
To Conduce. Contribute, subserve ; conspire, co-operate ; lead, tend, incline.
Conducive. Farthering, promoting, subservient, ancillary, inservient, assistant, auxiliary, helping, instrumental, ministerial.
Conduct. Deportment, comportment, behaviour, demeanour, carriage, walk.
To Conduct. Guide, lead, direct; manage.
Conductor. Guide, cicerone.
Conduit. Duct, alveus, channel.
To Confabulate. Chat, chatter, prate, gabble, prattle, twattle, gossip.
Confection. Comfit, confiture, sweetmeat.
Confederacy. Combination, confederation, league, alliance, coalition.'
To Confederate. Combine, fraternise, league, coalesce.
Confederate. Consociate, accomplice, accessary, abettor, socius criminis, partdceps criminis.
Confederation. Confederacy, combination, league, alliance, coalition.
To Confer. Bestow, give; discourse, converse.
Conference. Conversation, talk, colloquy, dialogue, parley.
To Confess. Acknowledge, avow, own; recognise.
Confessedly. Avowedly, admittedly,
ex confesso.
Confidant. Bosom friend.
To Confide. Trust, repose, depend, rely.
Confidence. Assurance, trust, faith, reliance, hope, expectation.
Confident. Dogmatical, positive, absolute; bold, presumptuous; sanguine.
Confidently. Trustfully, faithfully.
To Confine. Limit, bound, circumscribe, restrict, restrain; shut up.
Confines. Borders, precincts; marches, limits.
Confined. Limited, narrow, contracted, restrained, circumscribed.
To Confirm. Ratify, homologate, establish, substantiate, corroborate, settle.
Confiture. Confection, sweetmeat, comfit.
Conflict. Combat, contest, fight.
Conflicting. Jarring, discordant, inconsonant, irreconcileable, at variance.
Confluence. Conflux,
To Conform. Comply with, act according to ; agree with, harmonize.
Conformable. Agreeable, consistent, congruous, suitable.
Conformably. According to, agreeably, pursuantly.
Conformation. Form, figure, shape.
Conformity. Compliance, agreement, suitableness; consistency, harmony, congruity.
To Confound. Blend, intermingle, interweave, intervolve; abash, confuse, disconcert, bewilder, stun.
Confounded. Detestable, abominable, hateful, cursed; nonplussed, disconcerted, abashed, confused, blank, dumbfounded.
To Confront. Face, front, encounter.
To Confuse. Confound, blend, intermingle, interweave, intervolve; abash, confound, embarrass, disconcert, bewilder, stun.
Confused. Indiscriminate, promiscuous, indistinct, ah hoc et ah hac ; chaotic, higgledy-piggledy ; deranged, disordered, disorganised; intricate, involved ; blank, bewildered; dishevelled.
Confusion. Disorder, derangement, disarrangement, disarray, disorganization ; chaos; anarchy, misrule.CON
To Confute. Refute disprove, belie.
To Congeal. Conglaciate.
Jongenial. Cognate, homogeneous, kindred, akin,, relative.
To Conglaciate. Congeal.
To Conglomerate. Agglomerate, glomerate.
To Congratulate. Felicitate.
To Congregate. Assemble, collect, gather, muster, convene, convoke, bring together.
Congruity. Consistency, fitness, suitableness, agreeableness, conformity.
Congruous. Consistent, consentaneous, compatible, consonant, accordant.
To Conjecture. Guess, divine.
Conjecture. Guess, surmise, supposition, hypothesis.
To Conjoin. Join, unite, combine, coalesce, confederate, fraternise, league.
Conjointly. Conjunctly, jointly, unitedly.
Conjugal. Matrimonial, connubial, nuptial, hymeneal.
Conjunction. Reunion, association, embodiment.
Conjuncture. Juncture, crisis.
Conjuror. Wizard, magician, sorcerer.
To Conjure. Obtest, adjure, beseech, entreat, implore.
To Connect. Join, link, concatenate, catenate.
Connected. Joined ; related, akin, kindred, relative, cognate, homogenous, congenial.
Connexion. Union, alliance,-coalition, junction ; intercourse, commerce, communication ; affinity, relationship ; family.
To Connive. Wink, nictate, blink.
Connubial. Conjugal, matrimonial, nuptial.
To Conquassate. Shake, agitate, tremble, shudder, shiver, quiver, vibrate, oscillate, quake, convulse, upheave, tumultuate.
To Conquer. Vanquish, subdue, overcome, subjugate, surmount.
Conqueror. Victor, vanquisher.
Consanguinity, Kindred, relationship, affinity, propinquity.
Conscientious. Scrupulous.
Conscious. Aware, apprised, sensible, cognisant.
To Consecrate. Sanctify, make sacred^ hallow, devote, dedicate.
Consectaneous. Consequent, consequential, illative.
Consectary. Corollary, inference, deduction.
Consecutive. Successive.
To Consent. Assent, accede, acquiesce, comply, concur.
Consent. Assent, acquiescence, concurrence, approval.
Consentaneous. Consistent, consonant, compatible, accordant, congruous.
Consentient. Unanimous,like-minded, alike-minded.
Consequence. Effect, result, event, issue ; sequence.
Of Consequence. Avail, weight, moment, importance, significance, consideration.
Consequent. Consequential, consectaneous, illative.
Consequent upon. Resulting from, flowing from ; caused by, occasioned.
Consequently. In consequence, accordingly, therefore, of course.
Conservator. Preserver, protector, guardian.
To Consider. Reflect, regard, weigh, ponder, deliberate.
Considerate. Thoughtful, reflective, reflecting, deliberate; prudent, provident.
To Consign. Commit, entrust.
To Consist. Subsist.
Consistent. Consentaneous, consonant, compatible, accordant, congruous.
Consociate. Confederate, accomplice, accessary, abettor.
To Console. Solace, comfort, soothe.
To Consolidate. Solidify, compact.
Consonant. Consentaneous, consistent, compatible, congruous, accordant.
CONSONOOS. Harmonious, symphonious, accordant.
Conspicuous. Distinguished, noted, marked, prominent, eminent, preeminent ; illustrious, famed.
Conspiracy. Combination, plot, cabal.
To Conspire. Co-operate, conduce mutually.
Constancy. Firmness, stability, fixity, steadiness.
Constantly. Continually, perpetually, incessantly, ever, always, everlastingly, unceasingly, uninterruptedly, unremittingly.
Consternation. Alarm, fright, affright* dismay, terror.
Constituent. Component, integral.
A Constituent. Element, material, ingredient.
To Constitute. Form, compose, mould ; regulate, organize ; appoint, depute, delegate.
Constitution. Frame, temper, temperament ; polity ; organization.
Constitutional. Legal ; regulated, organised ; radical, rooted, fundamental, organic.
To Constrain. Compel, force, coerce, concuss.
Constraint. Compulsion, coercion ; confinement.
Constringent. Binding, astringent, styptic, astrictive, restringent, steg-notic, costive.
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To Construct. Build, erect, fabricate, compile ; constitute.
Construction. Interpretation, version, explanation.
To Constuprate. Stuprate, deflower, debauch, ravish, violate.
Consuetude. Usage, custom, practice.
To Consult. Advise with, take counsel; deliberate; debate, canvass.
Consultation. Counsel.
To Consume. Waste, destroy, spend, swallow up, imbibe, engulf, devour, absorb.
Consummation. Completion, finish, perfection.
Consumption. Decay, decline, waste ; phthisis, marasmas.
Contact. Touch, juncture, contiguity.
Contagious. Infectious, miasmatic, pestilential.
To Contain. Comprise, comprehend, include, embrace, hold, incorporate, embody.
To Contaminate. Pollute, defile, corrupt, taint, vitiate, sophisticate.
To Contemn. Despise, disdain, scorn, scout.
To Contemplate. Meditate, muse, think.
Contemporary. Cotemporary, contemporaneous, coeval, simultaneous.
Contemptible. Despicable, pitiful, paltry, mean, vile.
Contemptuous. Scornful, supercilious, insolent, disdainful, lordly.
To Contend. Contest, debate, argue, dispute ; cope, strive, vie.
Content. Contented, satisfied, acquiescent; quiescent.
Contention. Strife, discord, decerta-tion, dissension, bickering, wrangle, dispute.
Contentment. Satisfaction, complacency, acquiescence, gratification.CON
Conterminous. Adjacent, adjoining, contiguous, approximating to, vicinal, in proximity to.
Contest, Conflict, combat.
To Contest. Debate, argue, remonstrate, dispute, contend.
Contiguity. Contact, touch, juncture.
Contiguous . Attiguous, contermin ous, adjacent, adjoining, approximating to, vicinal.
Continence. Chastity.
Contingency. Accident, casualty, incident, occurrence, adventure, event.
Contingent. Accidental, casual, fortuitous, incidental.
Continual. Continuous, perpetual, uninterrupted, unceasing, incessant, unremitting, unintermitting; endless, everlasting, interminable, eternal.
Continually, Always, ever, constantly, incessantly, unceasingly, uninterruptedly, unremittingly, perpetually,
Continuation. Continuance, continuity, endurance, duration, diuturnity.
To Continue in an attempt. Persevere, persist, insist, prosecute, pursue.
Continuity, Continuation, continuance, duration, permanence.
Continuous. Unbroken, continued, unintermitted, uninterrupted, unceasing, incessant, unremitted, perpetual.
To Contort. Distort, twist, writhe, wrest, wrench.
Contour. Outline, sketch.
Contraband. Illicit, illegal, unlawful.
To Contract. Abbreviate, curtail, shorten, condense, abridge, retrench, reduce.
Contract. Agreement, paction, compact, bargain, stipulation, covenant.
To Contradict. Oppose, deny, gainsay; controvert.
Contrariety. Opposition, contrast, counterview; antithesis.
Contrary. Adverse, opposite, inimical, antagonistic, repugnant, hostile.
Contrast. Opposition, contrariety, counter view ; antithesis.
To Contravene. Disobey, infringe, infract, transgress, violate.
To Contribute. Bear a part, administer, minister, conduce, co-operate, conspire.
Contrition. Compunction, repentance, penitence, remorse ; résipiscence.
Contrivance. Device, plan, scheme, design, invention.
To Control. Check, curb, repress, restrain, govern.
Controversial. Disputative, disputatious, polemical.
Controversy. Debate, disputation, contest ; discussion, disquisition.
Controvertible. Disputable, contestable.
ControVERTisT.	Disputant, contro-
versialist, polemic.
To Controvert. Debate, argue, dispute, contest, contend.
Contumacious. Obstinate per tina» cious, stubborn, headstrong, pervica* cious, dogged.
Contumelious. Abusive, scurrilous, opprobrious, calumnious, reproachful, insolent, insulting, offensive, expro-bratory, denunciatory.
Contumely. Abuse, scurrility, ribaldry, exprobration, opprobrium, obloquy, reproach.
Contusion. Bruise.
To Convene. Convoke, convoca te, assemble, call together, bring'togetherj congregate, muster.
Convenient. Commodious, suitable, adapted.
Convention. Assembly, meeting, convocation, company.coo
Conventional. Stipulated, contracted, agreed on by compact; usual, fashionable.
Conventionality. Usage, fashion, conventionalism.
Conventual. Monastic, claustral, cloisteral.
To Converge. Corradiate.
Conversant. Acquainted with, familiar ; relating to, concerning.
Conversation. Dialogue, conference, talk, parley, colloquy.
Converse. Communion, discourse, conversation ; reverse, opposite, counterpart.
To Converse. Speak, talk, discourse, commune.
Convert. Proselyte, neophyte.
To Convert. Change, turn, transmute, transform.
To Convey. Carry, transport, bear, take, waft.
To Convict. Detect, discover.
Convict, Malefactor, culprit, felon.
Conviction. Persuasion, consciousness.
Convivial. Festal, festive, joyous ; social, sociable.
Conviviality. Jollity, jollification, carousal, revelry.
To Convocate. Convene, convoke, assemble, call together, bring together; congregate, muster.
Convocation. Assembly, congregation, company, congress, meeting, diet, conclave, convention, synod, council.
To Convoke. Convene, assemble, convocate, call together, bring together.
To Convulse. Upheave, tumultuate, conquassate, shake.
Convulsion. Spasm.
Cool. Cold, frigid ; dispassionate, unimpassioned, calm, undisturbed, composed.
Cool (To make). Refrigerate, infrig-idate, chill, damp.
To Co-operate. Conspire, conduce, contribute.
Co-ordinate. Coequal.
To Cope. Contend, struggle; strive, vie.
Copious. Ample, abundant, rich, affluent, exuberant, plentiful, plenteous, full.
Copy. Model, pattern, imitation, exemplar ; transcript, exscript, facsimile ; illustration ; counterfeit; duplicate, double.
Coquette. Jilt, flirt, affected woman.
Cordial. Warm, hearty, sincere.
Core. Heart.
Corner. Nook, angle, extremity.
Cornered. Angular, angulous.
Corollary. Consectary, inference, deduction.
Coronal. Garland, chaplet, wreath.
Corporal. Corporeal, bodily, material, physical.
Corporiety. Materiality, bodiliness, substantiality.
Corpse. Body, corse, mortal remains, carcass.
Corpulent. Stout, lusty, embonpoint, portly, plethoric, abdominous, obese, adipose.
Corpuscle. Atom, monad.
To Corrade. Coacervate, acervate, pile up, heap up, scrape together.
To Corradiate. Converge.
To Correct. Amend, emend, mend, rectify, better, reform, improve, meliorate, ameliorate.
Correct. Accurate, exact, precise, faultless; punctual, strict; fastidious, squeamish, punctilious, hyperprecise.
Correction. Discipline, punishment, chastisement.
Correctness. Accuracy, precision, exactness, propriety, justness, exactitude, faultlessness.cos
Correlative. Counterpart, correspondent, corresponsive.
Correption. Reproof, chiding, reprehension, blame, reproach.
To Correspond. Fit, tally, answer, suit, quadrate.
Correspondence. Intercourse, communication, commerce; coincidence, concurrence.
Correspondent. Corresponsive, correlative, counterpart, answerable, suitable.
Corroding. Esurine, gnawing, eating.
Corrosion. Canker, virulence.
Corrosiveness. Acrimony, asperity, acerbity.
To Corroborate. Confirm, establish, subsiantiate, ratify.
To Corrugate. Rivel, shrivel, purse up.
To Corrupt. Contaminate, defile, taint, pollute, infect, vitiate, adulterate, sophisticate ; demoralize, deprave.
Corrupt, Depraved, debased, degraded, vitiated, demoralized, vicious, profligate.
Corrupter. Diseased, morbid, putrid.
Corruption. Defilement, contamination, pollution, infection, vitiation, adulteration ; vice, depravity, turpitude, vileness, corruptness, pravity, faeinorousness, flagitiousness.
Corsair. Pirate, sea rover, buccaneer.
Corse. Corpse, body, carcass.
To Coruscate. Shine, radiate, glisten, sparkle, glitter, gleam.
Cosmical. Worldly, terrene, mundane, terrestrial, sublunary.
Cost. Price, charge, expense.
To bear the Cost. Defray, discharge, settle.
Costive. Bound, restringent, astringent; styptic.
Costly. Valuable, precious, expensive sumptuous, dapatical.
Cotemporary. Contemporary, con^. temporaneous, coeval, simultaneous.
Coterie. Ruelle, club, meeting.
To Couch. Express, compose, frame, indite, draw up.
Council. Assembly, company, congress, meeting, diet, convention, convocation.
Counsel. Advice, instruction, intelligence, notice; consultation, deliberation .
To Count. Calculate, compute, reckon, number, sum ; estimate, rate.
To Countenance. Encourage, patronise, support ; confirm, sanction.
To Counteract. Counterwork, check ; neutralize, destroy the effect of.
Counteractive. Antidote, antipoison, counterpoison.
To Counterbalance. Countervail, compensate, recompense ; counterpoise.
To Counterbuff. Rebuff, repulse, repel, beat back.
Counterfeit. Spurious, forged, simulated, suppositious, false ; pseudo.
Counterpart. opposite, converse, reverse; correlative, correspondent, answerable.
To Counterpoise. Counterbalance, equilibrate, equipoise, equiponderate, poise, balance.
To Countervail. Compensate, recompense, counterbalance.
Counterview. Contrast, opposition, contrariety.
To Counterwork. Counteract, check ; neutralize, destroy the effect of.
Countless. Innumerable, numberless, incalculable, unnumbered.
Country. Landed, territorial.
Countryman. Peasant, swain, rustic, hind, boor, bumkin, clown, clodpole.
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Countrified* Rural, rustic, bucolic.
Couple. Brace, pair.
Courage. Resolution, fortitude, fearlessness, prowess, bravery, chivalry, intrepidity, boldness, firmness.
Courageous. Brave, gallant, chivalrous, daring, valorous, valiant, bold, heroic, intrepid, fearless, dauntless, ironically, doughty.
Courier. Express, messenger.
Course. Way, road, route, passage ; race, career ; series, succession, process ; way, manner, style,tone,method, mode.
Course (of). To be sure, by inevitable consequence, naturally, consequently.
To Court. Woo, make love.
Courteous. Affable, urbane, conciliating, complaisant, kind.
Courteousness. Urbanity, civility, courtesy, affability, complaisance, ! politeness, suavity.
Courtesan. Bonaroba, bawd, harlot, procuress, prostitute, strumpet, whore ; mistress, concubine, paramour.
Courtesy. Affability, courteousness, urbanity, civility, complaisance, politeness, suavity.
Courtly. Polished, elegant, debonair.
Covenant. Agreement, paction, contract, bargain, stipulation.
To Cover. Shelter, screen, hide, overspread, overshadow.
Covering. Tegument, integument, tunicle.
Covert. Retreat, shelter, refuge.
Covert. Secret, clandestine, concealed, hidden, occult, latent, cabalistic, cryptic, mysterious.
To Covet. Desire, long for, hanker after, aspire to.
Covetousness. Avarice, cupidity, inordinate desire.
Covin. Collusion.
To Cow. Frighten, intimidate, das-tardize, affright, daunt, quail.
Coward. Poltroon, dastard, craven, recreant.
Cowardice, Timidity, pusillanimity, recreancy, cowardliness, fear.
Coxcomb. Beau, fop, dandy, popinjay, jackanapes.
Coxcombical. Foppish, finical, spruce, dandyish.
To Cozen. Cheat, overreach, circumvent, gull, dupe, defraud, impose upon, deceive.
To Crack. Chap, split, burst, break.
Crack. Scissure, crevice, cleft, cranny, chink, fissure.
Crackbrained. Crazy, fatuous, imbe * cile, silly, foolish, brainless, irrational.
Craftsman. Artisan, mechanic, artificer, workman.
Crafty. Cunning, artful, astute, sly, subtle, subdolous, wily, macMavelian.
Crag. Cliff, dough, precipice.
To Cram. Stuff, gorge, glut.
Craniology. Phrenology.
Crapulous. Drunk, inebriated, intoxicated, fuddled, temulent, tipsy, muddled.
Crash. Noise, sound.
Crassitude. Grossness, coarseness.
Crastination. Cunctaiion, procrastination, dilatoriness.
To Crave. Beg, entreat, solicit, beseech, implore, supplicate, obtest; importune.
Craven. Coward, poltroon, dastard, recreant.
Craving. Itching, prurient.
To Crawl. Creep.
Crazy. Crackbrained, fatuous, imbecile, foolish, brainless.
To Create. Cause, produce, generate, engender, make, form ; occasion.
Creation. Invention, coinage.
Creature. Animal.CRO
Credence. Credit, belief, trust, confidence.
Credibility. Credibleness.
Credit. Credence, belief, trust, confidence ; favor, influence, reputation, character, name.
Creditable. Reputable, honourable.
To Creep. Crawl.
Creeping in. Irreptitious.
Creeping out. Ereptation.
Crescent. Crescive, increscent, in-cressant, increasing.
Crevice. Cleft, cranny, crack, scissure, chink, fissure.
Crew. Company, gang, band, horde.
Crier. Herald.
Crime. Sin, criminality, guilt, wickedness; misdeed, misdemeanour.
Criminal. Culprit, convict, malefactor, felon, delinquent, condemned.
Criminality. Criminousness, wickedness, sin, guilt.
Criminalness. Guiltiness, culpability.
Crimson. Red, purple, ruby, carmine, erubescent.
To Crimson. Redden, make red, im-purple, empurple.
Cringing. Sneaking, crouching, servile, timeserving, temporising, obsequious, morigerous.
To Cripple. Lame, truncate, detruncate, maim, mutilate, mangle.
Crisis. Juncture, conjuncture; height, acme.
Criterion. Standard, measure.
Criticism. Animadversion, stricture, censure, critique; philology.
To Criticise. Judge, censure.
Crooked. Curved, incurvated, bent, bowed, awry, wry, oblique; deformed, disfigured.
Crookedness. Curvature, curvity, jineurvity, obliquity, inflexion.
To Cross. Thwart, obstruct, embarrass, hinder, impede, perplex, retard; counteract.
Cross. Perverse, entractable, vexatious, peevish, froward, petulant, fretful, splenetic, untoward, ill-tempered, churlish, cynical.
Cross-barred. Capcellated.
Crotchety. Whimsical, capricious, fantastic, fantastical.
Crouching. Sneaking, cringing, servile, timeserving, temporising, obsequious, morigerous.
Crowd. Multitude, throng, swarm, shoal, flock.
Crown. Diadem.
Crude. Raw, unripe, immature ; harsh; undigested.
Cruel. Inhuman, barbarous, merciless, fell, ruthless; pitiless, remorseless, relentless, unrelenting, savage, ferocious, brutal, unmerciful, marble-hearted, hardhearted, inexorable.
Cruentate. Ensanguined, gory.
To Crumble. Dwindle, fall off, moulder, fritter.
To Crush. Break, bruise, overwhelm.
Crutch. Stick, staff.
To Cry out. Exclaim, shout, vociferate; call; howl; ejaculate.
Crypt. Vault, catacomb.
Cryptic. Secret, occult, latent, cabalistic, mysterious.
To Cuff. Box, buffet.
To Cull. Pick, select, choose.
To Culminate. Top.
Culmination. Ascendant, height, altitude, elevation.
Culpable. Faulty, blameable, censurable, reprehensible.
Culpability. Criminalness, guiltiness.
Culprit. Criminal, convict, malefactor, felon, delinquent, condemned.
Cultivation. Culture, civilization, refinement; mental development.
Cumbersome. Cumbrous, embarrassing, entangling.
Cumbrance. Incumbrance, burden.CUR
To Cumulate. Accumulate, amass, | aggregate, collect, pile up, gather, | acervate, coacervate, heap up.	;
Sunctation. Crastination, procrastination, dilatoriness.
Cunctator. Lingerer, loiterer, lagger.
Cunning. Art, subtilty, astuteness, artfulness, wile ; crafty, sly, astute, subtle, subdolous, wily, machiavelian.
Cupidity. Avarice, covetousness, inordinate desire.
Curable. Remediable, sanative.
Curative. Remedial, sanatory.
To Curb. Check, control, restrain, inhibit.
To Curd. Curdle, coagulate, jncrassate, thicken, concrete.
To Cure. Heal, remedy, restore.
Cure. Specific, antidote.
Cureless. Incurable, insanable, irremediable, unremediable.
Curious. Inquisitive, prying, peering.
Curmudgeon. Hunks, gripepenny, pinchpenny, earthworm.
a Current. Stream, tide.
Current. General, popular, fashionable, conventional.
To Curse. Accurse, execrate, imprecate, anathematize, fulminate, denounce.
Curse. Malediction, ban, execration, imprecation, anathema, fulmination, denunciation.
Cursed. Hateful, detestable, abominable, confounded.
Cursory. Slight, superficial, hasty, perfunctory, desultory.
To Curtail. Abbreviate, shorten, cut short, contract, abridge, retrench.
Curvature. Crookedness, curvity, incurvity, obliquity, inflexion.
Curved. Crooked, curvated, incur-vated, bent, awry, wry, inflected, oblique.
Curvity. Curvature, crookedness, incurvity, obliquity, inflexion.
Cuspated. Cuspidated, acuminated, pointed, sharp.
Custody. Keeping, guard.
Custom. Habit, manner, usage, conventionality, practice, fashion; prescription ; conventionalism.
Custom. Tax, cess, duty, impost, toll, tribute, subsidy.
Customary. Accustomed, usual, everyday, habitual, wonted.
Cut. Incision, incisure.
To Cut down. Fell, hew.
To Cut off. Amputate, dismember, sever, separate.
To Cut short. Shorten, curtail, abbreviate, abridge, contract, retrench.
Cuticle. Scarfskin, epidermis.
Cynical. Snarling, snappish, waspish, churlish.
To Haggle. Braggle, bemire.
Daily. Diurnal, quotidian.
Dainty, Nice, delicate, fine, rich ; sumptuous, dapatical; scrupulous.
Dale. Yale, dell, dingle, glen, valley.
Dalliance. Caressing, fondling, endearments.
To Damage. Endamage, hurt, injure.
Damage. Detriment, disprofit, loss, hurt, injury.
Damnatory. Condemnatory.
To Damp. Chill, refrigerate, infrigi-date.
Damp. Humid, dank, wet, moist.
Dandriff. Scurf.
Danger. Peril, hazard, jeopardy, risk, venture.
Dangerous. Perilous, discriminous, hazardous, periculous.
Dank. Damp, humid, moist, wet.
Dapatical. Sumptuous, costly.
To Dapple. Streak, fleak, variegate, chequer, diversify.
To Dare. Brave, defy, challenge $ venture, presume.DEB
Daring. Bold, brave, gallant, chivalrous, courageous, intrepid, heroic, valorous, valiant, fearless, undaunted, dauntless.
Dark. Obscure, dim, dismal, shadowy, dusky, cloudy, caliginous, murky, opaque, gloomy, indistinct, mysterious ; sable, black.
To Darken. Pale, wax dim, deepen.
Darkness. Obfuscation, offuscation, obtenebration.
Dashing. Sweeping, rolling.
Dastard. Coward, poltroon, recreant, craven.
Date, Time, period, age, era, epoch.
To Daub. Smear, besmear.
To Daunt. Appal, scare, dismay, terrify, frighten, affright, dastardise, intimidate, cow, quail.
Dauntless. Fearless, undaunted, courageous, brave, bold, intrepid, daring, gallant, valorous, valiant, chivalrous, heroic, magnanimous.
Dawn. Daybreak, opening.
To Dazzle. Glare, flare.
Dead, Inanimate, exanimate, exani-mous, deceased, defunct, lifeless, dis-animated, clay-cold; extinct; inert.
Deadly. Mortal, fatal ; pestiferous ; rancorous, implacable.
To Deal out. Dole, dispense, distribute, apportion, allot, share, divide, partition.
Dealing. Commerce, trade, traffic.
Dealer. Trader, shop-keeper, tradesman, merchant.
Dear. Costly, expensive.
Dearth. Scarcity, famine.
Death. Decease, demise, departure, dissolution ; mortality.
Deathless. Undying, never-dying, ever-living, immortal, imperishable.
Deathlike. Cadaverous ; pale, pallid.
To Debar. Deprive, hinder, exclude, preclude ; prohibit, inhibit.
To Debase. Abase, humble, degrade, disgrace, humiliate, dishonour.
Debasement. Abasement, humiliation, degradation, abjection, fall, degeneracy.
To Debate. Argue, dispute, controvert, contest, contend.'
To Debauch. Ravish, deflower, stu-prate, constuprate, violate.
Debauch. Compotation, potation, per-potation, revelry, carousal, jollity, jollification, bacchanals, orgies, wassail, saturnalia.
Debauchee. Drunkard, sot, wassail-er, toper, borachio, tippler, bibber, carouser; rake, libertine.
To Debilitate. • Weaken, unnerve, enervate, enfeeble, paralyse.
Debilitation. Enervation, enfeeble-ment, exhaustion.
Debility, Weakness, infirmity, feebleness, frailty, decrepitude, impotence.
Debonair. Elegant, well-bred.
Debt. Due, obligation ; favour.
Decadency. Declension, degeneracy, deterioration.
To Decapitate. Behead, decollate.
To Decay. Decline; degenerate, deteriorate, impair.
Decay. Decline, consumption ; deterioration, degeneracy ; dilapidation, dissrepair.
Decayed. Moribund, putrescent ; carious.
Decease. Death, demise, departure, dissolution.
Deceased. Dead, defunct.
Deceit. Duplicity, guile, art, cunning, deception, fraud, double-dealing.
Deceitful. Fallacious, delusive, deceptive, illusive, fraudulent, subtle.
To Deceive. Beguile, delude, impose upon, gull, dupe, cheat, cozen, circumvent, overreach; mock, illude.
Decency. Decorum, propriety.
Decent. Becoming, decorous, comely, seemly, fit, befitting.
Deception. Duplicity, artifice, guile ; illusion, fallacy ; fraud, trick, imposition, double-dealing.
Deceptious. Deceptory,
Deceptive. Deceitful, fallacious, delusive, illusive, elusory, fraudulent, subtle.
Decertation. Contention, strife, dis-sensure, bickering.
Decession. Departure, exit.
To Decide. Determine, conclude upon, resolve.
To Decimate. Tithe.
To Decipher. Unravel, unfold, evolve.
Decision. Judgment, sentence, decree.
Decisive. Decided, conclusive, convincing, final, determinative.
To Deck. Ornament, adorn, decorate, embellish, beautify ; bedizen.
To Declaim. Rhetoricate, harangue.
To Declaim against. Rail, exclaim against,, inveigh, censure.
Declamation. Harangue, unargumen-tative address.
Declaration. Manifesto, protestation, public avowal ; affirmation, assertion, asseveration.
To Declare. Affirm, assert, aver, protest, asseverate, testify, assure, pronounce, state, enounce, enunciate, utter ; manifest, discover, reveal, betray ; promulgate, proclaim.
Declension. Descension, demission, decadence, degeneracy, deterioration.
Declination. Declivity, slope, descent, divergence.
Decline . Consumption, phthisis ; marasmus.
To Decline. Droop, languish, pine, fade ; sink ; digress, deviate ; decay, degenerate, deteriorate; wane; refuse, reject.
Declivity. Slope, descent, divergence, declination.
To Decollate. Behead, decapitate.
To Decompose. Analyse, solve, resolve, reduce.
To Decorate. Adorn, embellish, ornament, deck, beautify, emblazon.
Decorous. Decent, becoming, suitable, befitting.
To Decorticate. Excorticate, exfoliate, peel, pare.
Decorum. Decency, propriety.
To Decoy. Allure, lure, entice, inveigle, tempt, seduce, abduct.
To Decrease. Lessen, diminish, bate, abate, liquidate, lower, subside
Decrease. Decrement, falling off, diminution, shortness, defalcation.
To Decree. Ordain, enact.
Decree. Edict, proclamation, ordinance, rescript, fiat.
Decrepitude. Debility, weakness, frailty, feebleness, impotence.
Decrescent. Decreasing, diminishing, lessening, subsiding, abating.
To Decry. Disparage, detract, depreciate, malign, traduce, lower, derogate.
To Dedecorate. Debase, abase, degrade, disgrace.
To Dedicate. Devote, consecrate, hallow, sanctify ; lay on the altar.
Dedicated. Sacred to, devoted, consecrated ; inscribed.
To Deduce. Derive, conclude, draw from, infer.
Deducible. Inferible, traceable, derivative.
To Deduct, Subtract, take from, abstract.
Deduction. Conclusion, inference, corollary, consectary.
Deed. Achievement, feat, exploit, accomplishment ; atrocity, enormity.
Deeds. Doings, transactions.DEF
To Deem. Think, suppose, imagine, believe.
Deep. Silent, still, hushed.
Deep-dyed. Engrained, ineffaceable, indelible.
To Deepen. Darken, pale, wax dim.
Deepness. Depth, profundity, recess.
To Deface. Disfigure, deform, mar, spoil.
De facto. Actually, really, practically.
Defalcation. Shortness, falling off, diminution, decrease.
To Defame. Calumniate, asperse, accuse falsely, depreciate, detract, slander, scandalize; vilify, revile ; reproach, vituperate.
Defamatory. Calumnious, slanderous, detractory, derogatory.
Defatigated. Tired, fagged, wearied.
Default, Omission, neglect, failure, delinquency
Defaulter. Peculator, delinquent, offender.
Defeasible. Voidable, revocable.
To Defeat. Overcome, beat, overthrow, overpower, discomfit, rout ; frustrate, baffle, balk, foil, disconcert.
To Defecate. Clarify, purify, depurate.
Defect. Fault, blemish, flaw, imperfection, defectibility.
Defectible. Defectuous, defective, deficient, imperfect.
Defection. Apostacy, falling away ; desertion, abandonment, renunciation.
Defective. Defectible, defectuous, deficient, imperfect.
Defectuosity. Defectuousness, want, deficiency, faultiness.
Defence. Apology, plea, excuse ; vindication, justification; bulwark, rampart, palladium, aegis.
Defenceless. Weak, untenable.
To Defend. Vindicate, justify, espouse, plead; exculpate; guard, protect.
Défendable, Defensible, justifiable; maintainable, tenable.
Defendant. Defensive.
Defender. Advocate, pleader, vindicator, apologist.
Defensative. Safeguard, protection, security.
Defensible. Défendable, justifiable; maintainable, tenable.
Defensive. Defendant.
To Defer. Postpone, delay, protract, prolong, procrastinate, retard.
Deference. Condescension, complaisance ; respect, submission, homage.
Deferential. Respectful, reverential.
Defiance (in). In spite, despite.
Deficiency. Want, defectiveness, defectuosity, faultiness.
Deficient. Defective; imperfect.
To Defile. Corrupt, contaminate, taint, pollute, infect, embase, vitiate, demoralize.
Defile. Gorge, gully, ravine, pass.
Defilement. Corruption, contamination, infection, vitiation, adulteration ; vice, depravity, turpitude.
Definable. Ascertainable, appreciable, perceptible, visible.
To Define. Fix, ascertain, settle, establish, limit, determine.
Definite. Exact, accurate, correct, precise.
Definition. Explanation, explication, description.
Definitive. Explicit, express, positive, categorical,, determinate.
Deflagrability. Flammability, combustibility, combustibleness.
To Deflect. Deviate, diverge, digress, turn aside.
To Deflower. Ravish, debauch, con-stuprate, stuprate.
To Deform. Deface, disfigure, mar, sooil.
To Defraud. Cheat, trick, gull, dupe, deceive, cozen, overreach, circumvent
To Defray. Discharge, settle.
Defunct. Dead, deceased.
To Defy. Brave, dare, challenge.
Degeneracy. Declension, decadence, deterioration; corruption, vitiation.
To Degenerate. Decline, decay, deteriorate.
To Degrade. Abase, debase, dedecorate, disgrace, humble, humiliate, disparage, traduce, depreciate, decry.
Degradation. Abasement, debasement, humiliation, abjection, fall, degeneracy.
Degree. Class, rank, order.
By Degrees. Gradually, insensibly, imperceptibly.
To Dehort. Dissuade, discourage, depress.
To Deign. Condescend, vouchsafe.
To Deintegrate. Diminish, abate, bate, decrease, lessen, dequantitate.
To Deify. Idolize.
Dejected. Cast down, downcast, depressed, discouraged.
Dejection. Melancholy, depression.
Dejecture. Excrement, excretion, soil.
Delactation. Ablactation, weaning,
To Delay. Procrastinate, defer; postpone; protract, prolong.
Delay. Crastination, cunctation, dilatoriness.
Delectable. Pleasing, pleasant, agreeable, gratifying.
Delectation. Oblectation, pleasure, delight.
Delegate. Deputy, substitute, representative.
Delegated. Deputed, vicarious.
^Delete. Expunge, blot out, wipe out, obliterate, efface.
Deleterious. Baneful, pernicious* noxious, noisome, hurtful, destructive, ruinous.
To Deliberate. Consult, seek counsel; debate.
Deliberate. Thoughtful, considerate, wary.
Deliberation. Thoughtfulness, circumspection, wariness, caution.
Deliberative. Reflective.
Delicate. Nice, fine, tender.
Delicious. Sweet, pleasant, grateful.
To Delight. Please, content, satisfy, gratify.
Delight. Pleasure, delectation, oblectation, joy, rapture, charm.
Delightful. Charming, lovely, beautiful, exquisite.
Delightsomeness. Pleasantness, delightfulness, amenity.
To Delineate. Depict, sketch, paint.
Delinquency. Default, neglect, failure, omission.
Delinquent. Offender, misdoer, wrongdoer, culprit.
Delirious. Insane, dementate, deranged, mad.
A Delirious person. Lunatic, maniac, madman.
To Deliver. Give up, abdicate, resign; surrender, cede, yield; relinquish, quit, forego, let go, waive ; concede, grant; rescue, save.
Deliverance. Release, emancipation; riddance.
Deliverer. Emancipator, liberator.
Delivery. Elocution, pronunciation, utterance.
Dell. Dale, vale, dingle, valley.
To Delude. Beguile, deceive, impose on, gull, dupe, cheat, cozen, circumvent, overreach.
To Deluge. Flood, overflow, exundate, inundate, submerge, drown, overwhelm.DEN
Deluge. Overflow, inundation.
Delusion.' Fallacy, illusion, sophistication, sophistry, sophism; cheat, guile; hallucination.
Delusive. Fallacious, deceitful, deceptive, illusive, fraudulent, subtle.
To Demand. Ask for, plead for, claim, require; call for, challenge.
Demand able. Claimable, exigible.
Demarcation. Division, partition.
To Demean. Lower, reduce, humble, humiliate, degrade, debase, abase.
Demeanour. Behaviour, deportment, comportment, carriage, conduct.
Dementate. Delirious, insane, deranged, mad.
Demerit. Immerit, indesert.
Demesne. Domain, estate", lands, property, possessions.
To Demise. Devise, bequeath, legate, give.
Demise. Death, decease, dissolution, departure.
Demission. Declension, descension, decadence, degeneracy, deterioration.
To Demit. Detrude, lower.
Democracy. Republic, commonwealth.
To Demolish. Destroy, rage, annihilate, ruin, dismantle; extinguish.
Demoniacal. Diabolic, devilish, hellish.
To Demonstrate. Prove, evince, manifest.
Demonstrably. Evincibly, irresistibly.
Demonstrative. Apodictieal, demonstrably evident, invincibly, conclusive, irresistibly cogent.
To Demoralize. Corrupt, deprave.
To Demur. Pause, doubt, hesitate, object.
Den. Cave, cavern.
Denial. Negation, abnegation j disavowal, disclaimer.
Denigration. Infuscation.
To Denominate. Name, entitle, intitule, style, designate.
Denominated. Ycleped, designated, named, entitled, styled.
Denomination. Name, title, style, appellation.
To Denote. Signify, imply, mark, betoken, indicate.
To Denounce.- Brand, stigmatize, ex-probrate.
Dense. Close, compact, heavy, thick.
Denticulated. Serrated, serrulated, jagged, indented.
To Denudate. Denude, strip, devest ; divest, dispossess, disarm.
Denunciatory. Exprobratory.
To Deny. Oppose, contradict, gainsay ; refuse, disown, disclaim, disarm ; ignore, not recognise.
To Depart. Set out ; quit, leave.
Departure. Decession, exit; derelection, desertion, abandonment
To Depauperate. Empoverish.
Dependant. Dependent, depender minion.
Dependence. Reliance, trust, confidence, repose ; appurtenance, adjunct.
To Depict. Delineate, paint, sketch, represent.
Deplorable. Sad, lamentable, melancholy, mournful, hopeless, desperate.
Déploration. Wail, wailing, lamentation, jermiad, moan, plaint, lament, complaint.
To Deplore. Bewail, wail, bemoan, lament, mourn.
To Depone. Depose.
Deponent. Witness, declarant.
To Depopulate. Unpeople, dispeople.
Deportation. Exile, banishment, expatriation, elimination, prescription, outlawry, expulsion.
Deportment. Demeanour, comportment, behaviour, conduct, carriage.
To Depose. Depone.
Deposit. Pledge, security, pawn.
Depositary. Trustee, fiduciary.
Deposition. Evidence, testimony.
Depository. Repository, repertory, treasury, storehouse, dépôt.
Depravation. Depravity, depravedness, pravity, vileness; turpitude, vice, demoralization, wickedness, fiagitiousness.
To Deprave. Corrupt, demoralize.
Depraved. Abandoned, profligate, corrupt, debased, degraded, vitiated, vicious, demoralized.
Depravity. Depravedness, deprave-ment, pravity, vileness ; turpitude, vice, demoralization, wickedness, flagitiousness.
To Deprecate. Entreat against, urge against, object to.
To Depreciate. Disparage, detract, traduce, malign, degrade, decry, lower.
To Depredate. Dispoil, pillage, spoil, plunder.
Depredation. Direption, spoliation, rapine, robbery, theft ; pillage, spoil, booty.
Depredator, Spoliator, robber.
To Depress. Deject, discourage, de-bort, dissuade.
Depressed. Cast down, downcast, discouraged, dejected, dispirited.
Depression. Dejection, melancholy.
To Deprive. Bereave, divest, strip* dispossess, disarm ; binder, debar ; abridge, take from.
Depth. Profundity, deepness, abyss.
To Depurate. Defecate, clarify, purify.
To Depute. Constitute, appoint, commission.
Deputed. Delegated, vicarious.
Deputy. Delegate, substitute, representative.
To Dequantitate. Deintegrate, lessen, diminish, abate.
To Deracinate. Aberuncate, eradicate, uproot, unroot, out root, root out, extirpate, exterminate.
To Derange. Disorder, discompose, confuse, disconcert.
Deranged. Insane, delirious, dementate, mad.
Derangement. Disorder, confusion ; iusanity, madness, lunacy, mania, mental aberration.
Dereliction. Desertion, abandonment, departure.
To Deride. Mock, ridicule, rally, banter.
Derision. Irrision.
Derisive. Derisory, mocking, ironical.
To Derive. Deduce, infer, trace, draw from.
Derivative. Traceable, deducible, inferible, inductive.
To Derogate. Despise, degrade.
Derogatory. Lowering, defamatory, detractory, slanderous, calumnious.
To Descant. Expatiate, enlarge, dilate.
To Descend. Stoop, condescend ; come down, alight.
Descendants. Posterity, after-races, future generations.
Descension. Declension, demission, decadence, degeneracy, deterioration.
Descent. Declivity, slope, declination, devergence; extraction, parentage.
To Describe. Relate, recount, narrate, represent.
Description. Account, narrative, re* lation, recital, detail, narration, explanation.
To Descry. Discover, espy, find out.
To Desert. Abandon, forsake, renounce.
Desert. Solitary, desolate, devastated, ravaged.
Desert. Merit, worth.
A Desert. Waste.
Desertion. Abandonment, dereliction, departure.
Deserved. Merited, condign, suitable, adequate.
Deserving. Meritorious, worthy, estimable.
To Desiderate. Want, require.
To Design. Purpose, intend, propose, mean, project, scheme.
To Designate. Denominate, name, entitle, intitule, style.
Designated. Ycleped, denominated, named, entitled.
Designedly. Purposely, intentionally, wilfully.
Designing. Insidious, treacherous, deceitful, sly, circumventive.
To Desire. Wish, aspire after, long for, hanker after, covet, beg, solicit.
Desirable. Optable.
To Desist. Leave off, cease, discontinue, intermit.
Desolate. Solitary, lone, lonesome ; desert, devasted, ravaged.
Despair. Desperation, despondency, hopelessness.
To Despatch. Hasten, accelerate, expedite, speed.
Desperate. Despairing, hopeless, desponding ; deplorable, lamentable ; mad, frantic, phrenetic, hot-brained, furious.
Despicable. Contemptible, pitiful, mean, vile, worthless.
To Despise* Contemn, scorn, scout, disdain.
Despite. MaUgre, in spite.
To Despoil. Pillage, depredate, spoil, plunder, forage.
Despondency. Despair, desperation, hopelessness.
Desponsated. Betrothed, affianced.
Despotic. Arbitrary, absolute, imperious, tyrannical, tyrannous.
Despotism. Domination, supremacy; absolutism, autocracy.
Destination. Purpose, appointment^ goal.
To Destine. Doom, fate.
Destined for. Bound, going to.
Destiny. Doom, fate, lot, sentence.
Destitute. Indigent, necessitous ; forsaken, solitary, lone, lonesome, forlorn.
Destitution. Privation, want, neces-situde.
To Destroy. Demolish, annihilate, raze, dismantle, ruin, mar, spoil ; consume, waste, extinguish.
Destructive. Kuinous, wasteful, devastating, desolating ; slaughterous, murderous.
Destruction. Yfreck, ruin, havoc; perdition ; massacre, murder, slaugher.
Desuetude. Disusage, disuse.
Desultory. Loose, immethodical, cursory, hasty, slight ; roving, wandering, rambling, discursive.
To Detach. Separate, dissever, sever, disjoin, part, sunder, disunite.
Detached. Insulated, isolated.
To Detail. State, relate, narrate, describe, recount, enumerate, particularize.
Detail. Account, narrative, description, relation, recital, narration, explanation.
Detailed. Circumstantial, minute, particular.
To Detain. Hold, keep, retain*
To Detect. Discover, convict.
To Deter. Discourage, dishearten, dispirit, damp, discountenance.
Detergent. Detersive, mundatory, cleansing.
To Deteriorate. Degenerate, impair.
Determinable. Conclusible.
To Determinate. Close, finish, put an end to.
Determinate. Definitive, explicit, express, positive, categorical.
Determinative. Conclusive, decisive, final.
To Determine. Resolve, decide, conclude upon, fix, settle ; determinate, put an end to.
Determined. Decided, fixed, resolute, firm, immoveable.
Detersive. Detergent, mundatory, cleansing.
To Detest. Abhor, loathe, abominate.
Detestable.	Abominable, odious,
execrable, hateful, loathsome.
Detestation. Abhorrence, odium, hatred, antipathy, aversion.
To Dethrone. Disenthrone.
To Detract. Asperse, calumniate ; defame, derogate, depreciate, slander, scandalize ; vilify, revile, ; reproach, vituperate.
Detraction.	Slander, obtrectation,
Detractory. Defamatory, slanderous, calumnious, derogatory, lowering.
Detriment. Disadvantage, injury, hurt, prejudice, disprofit, loss, damage,
Detrition. Attrition, disintegration, abrasion.
To Detruncate. Truncate, cripple, lame, maim, mutilate, mangle.
To Detrude. Demit, lower.
Devastation. Ravage, desolation, havoc, waste, wreck.
To Develop. Unfold, evolve, unravel, exhibit.
Uevergence. Declivity, declination, slope, descent.
To Devest. Denude, denudate, strip j divest, dispossess, disarm,
To Deviate. Swerve, stray, wander, err, digress, diverge, deflect, turn aside.
Device. Contrivance, invention, scheme; design.
Devilish. Diabolic, hellish, infernal, fiendish, demoniacal.
Devious. Erratic, eccentric, wandering, excursive.
To Devise. Contrive, invent, design ; bequeath, demise.
Devoid. Vacant, empty, void.
To Devolve. Fall upon.
To Devote. Addict, apply, dedicate; consecrate, sanctify.
Devoted. Dedicated, sacred to, consecrated ; addicted.
Devotedness. Devotion, attachment, affection, fidelity.
Devotee. Devotionalist, votary.
Devotion. Worship.
To Devour. Engorge, gobble, ingurgitate.
Devout. Religious, holy, pious.
Dexterity. Ability, skilfulness, adroitness, address, aptness, expertness, tact.
Dexterous. Clever, skilful, apt, ready, adroit, expert.
a Dexterous person. Adept, proficient.
Diabolic. Demoniacal, fiendish, infernal, devilish, hellish.
Diadem. Crown.
Diagnosis. Symptom, sign, indication.
Dialect. Tongue, language, speech, idiom.
Dialectic. Logic.
Dialogue. Conversation, conference, colloquy, meeting, interview.
Diametrically. Antagonistically.
Diaphananous. Transparent, trans-lucid, translucent, transpicuous, pellucid, dilucid.DIF
Diaphoretic. Diuretic, sudorific, sweating.
Diary. Journal.
Diatribe. Invective, philippic.
Dicacity. Flippancy, pertness, sauciness.
Dictate. Precept, injunction, order, command, mandate.
To Dictate. Prescribe, appoint, ordain ; suggest, prompt.
Dictatorial. Dogmatical, authoritative, magisterial.
Diction. Style, phrase, phraseology, expression.
Dictionary. Vocabulary, lexicon, glossary, nomenclature.
Didactic. Preceptive.
To Die. Expire, perish, depart.
Diet. Meal, repast, food ; regimen ; council.
To Differ. Vary, disagree, dissent.
Difference. Variety, diversity, diversification, multiformity; contrariety, contrast; disagreement, variance, discrepancy ; dissimilitude, inequality, disparity ; dispute, altercation, wrangle, contention.
Difference. Distinction, discrimination.
Different. Various, divers, manifold, several, sundry, numerous, multiplied ; changed, varied, diversified, multiform, diverse, variegated, chequered ; unlike, dissimilar, difform, heterogenous.
Differential. Discriminating, discriminative, distinctive, distinguishing.
Difficult. Hard, up-hill, arduous, herculean.
Difficulty. Obstacle, impediment, bar, obstruction, barrier, hindrance, trouble, trial, embarrassment.
Diffident. Distrustful, suspicious; modest, verecund, bashful.
Difform. Unlike, dissimilar, different, heterogeneous.
To Diffuse. Scatter, disperse, dissipate ; spread, circulate, disseminate, propagate.
Diffuse. Prolix, copious, expanded, amplified.
Diffusive. Effusive, expansive, ex-tensive.
To Digest. Dispose, arrange ; generalise.
Dignified. Magisterial, stately, august, pompous, lofty, elevated.
To Dignify. Honour, grace ; dub ; ennoble, nobilitate.
Dignitary. Magnate.
Dignity. Honour, majesty, grandeur, elevation.
To Digress. Deviate, diverge, wander.
Digression. Episode ; deviation.
Dilapidation. Disrepair.
Dilatable. Expansible.
To Dilate. Enlarge, extend, widen, expand ; expatiate, descant.
Dilatoriness, Crastination, cuncta-tion, procrastination.
Dilatory. Slow, tardy, tedious.
Dilemma. Case, plight.
Diligent. Active, assiduous, sedulous, expeditious, persevering, laborious, unremitting.
Dilucid. Pellucid, transpicuous, translucent, transparent, diaphanous.
To Dilute. Attenuate, weaken, reduce, diminish.
To Dim. Obscure, shade, shadow, overcast, cloud.
Dim. Obscure, shadowy, cloudy, murky, caliginous, dark, mysterious.
Dimension. Extent, bulk, magnitude.
To Diminish. Liquidate, abate, deintegrate, dequantitate, decrease, lessen, subside.
Diminishing. Decrescent, decreasing, lessening, subsiding, abating.
Diminutive, Small, little, dwarfish, pygmean, exiguous, miniken.
Din. Noise, hubbub, riot, uproar, fuss, ado, hallabaloo.
Dinetical. Vertiginous, giddy, dizzy, whirling.
Dingle. Dell, dale, vale, valley, glen.
Dingy. Soiled, sullied, bedimmed, tarnished, defiled.
Dint. Force, power.
To Dip, Immerge, immerse, plunge, douse, souse.
Diplomatist, Ambassador, envoy, plenipotentiary.
Dipping. Ducking, immersing, sousing.
Dire. Direful, fearful, frightful, terrible, terrific, horrid, horrible, awful, tremendous.
To Direct. Regulate, dispose, manage, adjust ; govern, control.
Direction. Address, superscription.
Directly. Immediately, promptly,
‘ straightway, forthwith, instantly, instantaneously, instanter.
Direful. Dire, dreadful, fearful, frightful, terrible, terrific, horrid, horrible, awful, tremendous.
Direption. Depredation, spoliation,
' rapine, robbery, theft.
Dirge. Elegy, epicedium.
Dirge-like. Elegiac, plaintive, wailful.
Dirt. Mud, filth, puddle.
Dirty. Foul, squalid, nasty, filthy, unclean.
Disability, Disqualification, incompetency, incapacity, incapability, inability, weakness, impuissance.
To Disable. Incapacitate, unfit, disqualify.
To Disabuse. Undeceive, set right.
To Dis accommodate. Incommodate, incommode, inconvenience, annoy, molest, disturb.
62 j
Disadvantage. Detriment, injury, hurt, prejudice ; damage, loss, dis-profit.
Disaffected. Disloyal, unfaithful, undutiful, untrue.
To Disagree. Differ, vary, dissent ; quarrel.
Disagreement. Difference, unsuitableness ; dissension, division, discord.
To Disallow. Refuse, reject.
Disanimated. Exanimated, exanim-
ous,	lifeless, clay-cold.
To Disannul. Annul, vacate, nullify, quash, invalidate, cancel.
To Disappear. Vanish, dwindle.
To Disappoint. Frustrate, balk, foil, defeat.
Disapprobation. Displeasure, censure ; dislike.
To Disarm. Strip, divest.
Disarrangement. Disarray, disorder, derangement, disorganization, confusion.
Disaster. Catastrophe, calamity, misfortune, mishap, mischance ; ill-luck.
Disastrous. Calamitous, fatal, unfortunate, unlucky, unprosperous, ill-fated, ill-starred, wretched, infelicitous; unhappy, miserable.
To Disavow. Disown, disclaim, deny.
Disavowal. Denial, disclaimer.
To Disband. Disembody ; disperse, scatter.
Disbelief. Incredulity, unbelief, scepticism, infidelity, pyrrhonism.
To Disbelieve. Discredit, distrust.
To Disburden. Discumber, disencumber, ease, rid.
To Disburse. Expend, lay out.
To Discard. Dismiss, discharge, repudiate.
To Discarnate . Excarnate, skin, flay.
To Discern. Distinguish, discriminate, discover, penetrate ; ascertain, find
Discernible. Perceptible, apparent, evident, manifest, sensible, palpable, visible, ascertainable, appreciable.
Discerning. Penetrating, sagacious, acute.
Discernment. Perception, apprehension ; discrimination.
Discerptible. Frangible, brittle, fragile, frail.
Discharge. Acquittance, quittance, voucher, receipt.
To Discharge. Dismiss, discard ; shoot, project.
Disciple. Follower, scholar; adherent, partisan; religionist.
Disciplinarian. Martinet, drill Serjeant.
Discipline. Education, instruction ; correction, punishment, chastisement.
To Discipline. Train, educate.
To Disclaim. Disown, disavow, deny, renounce.
Disclaimer. Disavowal, denial.
To Disclose. Discover, reveal, betray, divulge, make known, unbosom.
Disclosure. Revelation, discovery.
To Discomfit. Rout, defeat* overthrow, overcome, overpower.
Discomfort. Uneasiness, trouble, annoyance.
Discommendable. Unworthy, illaud-able, contemptible, vile.
To Discommode. Incommode, disae-commodate, inconvenience, annoy, molest, disturb.
To Discompose. Disorder, derange, disconcert, disorganize.
To Disconcert. Unsettle, ruffle, discompose, derange, disorganize, disorder, displace, confuse.
Disconform. Unconform, non-confor-mable.
Disconformity. Ineonformity, incompliance
Discongruity. Incongruity, inconsistency, incompatibility.
Disconsolate. Cheerless, brokenhearted, comfortless, heartbroken, incon-solate, inconsolable, forlorn, desolate, wretched.
Discontented. Dissatisfied.
To Discontinue. Cease, leave off, desist, intermit.
Discord. Disagreement, contention, strife, dissension.
Discordant. Inconsonant, jarring, conflicting, irreconcileable, at variance.
To Discountenance. Disfavour, dises-teem, slight, disregard, neglect.
To Discourage. Deter, dishearten, dispirit ; dehort, dissuade, depress.
Discourse. Treatise,dissertation, essay, tract.
Discourteous. Uncivil, uncourteous, disrespectful, unpolite ; disobliging.
To Discover. Uncover, disclose, make known, communicate, reveal, impart ; detect, convict, find out.
Discovery. Disclosure, revelation.
Discredit. Disgrace, reproach, infamy, ignominy, scandal, disrepute, dishonour ; abuse, scurrility, contumely, opprobrium, obloquy.
To Discredit. Dishonour ; disbelieve, distrust.
Discreditable. Disreputable, dishonourable, shameful, disgraceful, infam-t ous, scandalous, opprobrious, ignom® * inious.
Discreet. Prudent, judicious, cautious.
Discrepancy. Difference, variance, incongruity, inconsistency.
Discretion. Judgment, prudence.
Discretionary. Discretional, optional, arbitrary.
To Discriminate. Distinguish.
Di sc r i m inATi n g. Discriminative, differential, distinctive* distinguishing..
Discrimination. Discernment, judgment, acuteness, penetration ; distinction.
Discriminous. Dangerous, hazardous, perilous, periculous.
To Discumber. Disencumber, disburden, ease, rid.
Discursive. Wandering, rambling, incoherent.
To Discuss. Examine, inquire into.
Discussion. Disquisition.
Disdain. Scorn, contempt, arrogance, haughtiness.
To Disdain. Despise, contemn, scout, scorn, explode, hiss.
Disease. Disorder, distemper, malady, complaint.
Diseased. Putrid, rotten, putrified, corrupt, carious, decayed, moribund, putrescent.
To Disembark. Land.
Disembodied. Unbodied, uncorporeal, incorporeal, immaterial, spiritual.
To Disembody. Disband.
To Disencumber. Discumber, disburden, ease, rid.
To Disengage. Separate, disunite, dissociate, disjoin, part, sunder, dissever, detach, sever, divide.
To Disentangle. Disengage, disintricate, extricate, disembarrass.
To Disenthral. Emancipate, manumit; unfetter, unmanacle.
To Disenthrone. Dethrone.
To Disesteem. Discountenance, disfavour, disregard, disvalue, undervalue.
Disfavour. Disesteem, disregard.
To Disfavour. Discountenance, disesteem, slight, disregard, neglect.
To Disfigure. Deface, deform, mar, spoil.
To Disgorge. Vomit, vent.
•To Disgrace. Degrade, abase, debase, dedecorate, dishonour.
Disgrace. Reproach, scandal, infamy, ignominy, disrepute, discredit, dishonour ; abuse, scurrility, contumely, opprobrium, obloquy.
Disgraceful. Disreputable, discreditable, dishonourable, shameful, infamous, scandalous, opprobrious, ignominious.
Disgracious, Ungracious, unfriendly, ungenial, unkind, disobliging.
Disgust. Aversion, dislike, disinclination, distaste; loathing, nausea.
To Disguise. Dissemble, conceal.
To Dishearten. Discourage, dispirit, depress.
To Disherit. Disinherit.
Dishonest. Unfair, unjust, unequitable, unrightful, unrighteous, wrongful, disingenuous, subdolous, sinister, iniquitous.
Dishonesty. Improbity, unfairness disingenuity. disingenuousness.
Dishonour. Disgrace, disrepute, ignominy, scandal.
Dishonourable. Disreputable, discreditable, disgraceful, shameful, infamous, scandalous, opprobrious, gi* nominious.
Disinclination. Distaste, disrelish, dislike, aversion, repugnance, antipathy.
Disingenuity. Disingenuousness, unfairness.
Disingenuous. Unfair, dishonest, unrightful, subdolous, sinister.
To Disinherit. Disherit.
Disintegration. Detrition, attrition, abrasion.
To Disinter. Unbury, disentomb, exhume, exhumate.
Disinterested. Unselfish.
To Disintricate. Disentangle, disengage, extricate, disembarrass.
To Disjoin. Dissociate, separate, sever dissever, detach,
To Disjoint. Dislocate, luxate, elux-ate.
Disjunction. Separation, disunion, disunity.
Disjunct. Disjointed, detached, separate, broken, fragmentary.
Dislike. Antipathy, aversion, repugnance, distaste, disrelish, disinclination.
To Dislocate. Disjoint, luxate, elux-ate.
To Dislodge. Drive out, cast out, eject, expel, eliminate, oust.
Disloyal. Disaffected, unfaithful, un-dutiful, untrue.
Dismal. Wobegone, dull, gloomy, sad, melancholy, lugubrious, piteous, doleful, woful, rueful, pitiable, sorrowful, mournful, dejected, depressed, cheerless.
To Dismantle. Demolish, ruin, destroy, raze, annihilate.
To Dismay. Terrify, frighten, affright, appal, stand aghast, terror-strike, scare, dastardize, intimidate, cow, quail. ,
Dismay. Fright, alarm, terror, dread, fear, trepidation.
To Dismember. Amputate, sever, separate, cut off.
To Dismiss. Discharge, discard.
To Disobey. Contravene, transgress, infringe, infract, violate.
Disobliging. Unaccommodating ; dis-gracious, ungracious, unfriendly, ungen ial, unkind.
Disorder. Confusion, derangement, disarrangement, disarray, disorganization ; disease, distemper, malady, complaint.
Disorderly. Eccentric, irregular, devious ; anomalous, abnormal ; desultory, immethodical ; inordinate, disordinate, intemperate, excessive, c
To Disorder. Derange, disarrange,
. disorganize, confuse, disconcert, discompose,
Disordinate. Inordinate, intemperate, vicious, excessive.
To Disorganize. Disarrange, disorder, derange.
To Disown. Disavow, disclaim, deny, abnegate, renounce ; ignore, not recognise.
To Disparage. Depreciate, detract, derogate, decry, degrade.
Disparity. Inequality, disproportion, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, unlikeness.
To Dispart. Divaricate.
Dispassionate. Unimpassioned, cool, calm, moderate; impartial,unbiassed.
To Dispel. Dissipate, disperse.
To Dispense. Deal out distribute, apportion, allot, share.
To Dispense with. Excuse exempt.
To Dispeople. Unpeople, depopulate,
To Disperge. Sprinkle, besprinkle, bedew.
To Disperse. Distribute, deal out ; scatter, spread, fling ; dissipate.
To Dispirit. Damp, discourage, dishearten, discountenance, deter.
Dispirited. Cast down, depressed, discouraged, dejected.
To Display. Exhibit, show, parade ; mirror, reflect.
a Display. Pomp, show, pageant.
To Displease. Offend, irritate, vex, anger.
Displeasure. Dislike, dissatisfaction, distaste, disapprobation, discontent; disfavor, disesteem.
To Displode. Explode, burst.
Disport. Sport, play, game, pastime, amusement.
Disposal. Disposition, arrangement, rank, order.
To Dispose. Arrange, place; order, regulate, organize ; range, array, marshal.
T? Dispose of. Sell, vend.
Disposed. Placed, laid.
Disposition. /Temper, inclination ; tendency, bent, bias.
To Dispossess. Deprive, strip, bereave, divest.
Dispraise. Censure, blame, condemnation, vituperation, reproach.
Disprofit. Damage, loss.
Disproportion. Disparity, inequality, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, unlikeness.
To Disprove. Refute, confute, belie, falsify, oppugn.
Disputable. Contestable, controvertible.
Disputation. Argumentation, ratiocination.
Disputant. Controvertist, controversialist, polemic.
Disputative. Disputatious, controversial, polemical.
To Dispute. Argue, debate, contend, contest, controvert.
Dispute. Altercation, contest, quarrel, difference.
Dispute (verbal). Logomachy.
Disputeless. Indisputable, incontest-
, able, indubitable, undeniable, incontrovertible, irrefutable, irrefragable, unquestionable.
Disqualification. Disability, incompetency,	incapacity, incapability,
inability, weakness.
To Disqualify. Incapacitate, disable, unfit.
To Disquiet. Stir up, exagitate, excite, disturb, pertúrbate, agitate, tumult-
, uate.
Disquiet.	Disquietude, inquietude,
uneasiness, trouble, annoyance-
; 66J
Disquisition. Discussion.
Disregard. Disfavour, disesteem.
To Disregard. Discountenance, slight,, neglect, contemn,; disesteem, disfavour, disvalue.
Disrelish. Distaste, dislike, disinclination, aversion, repugnance, antipathy.
Disreputable. Dishonourable, discreditable, disgraceful, shameful, infamous, scandalous, opprobrious, ignominious.
Disrespectful. Uncourteous, discourteous, unpolite, uncivil.
Disruption. Burst, rupture, breaking asunder.
Dissatisfaction. Displeasure, dislike, distaste, disapprobation, discontent disesteem, disfavor.
Dissatisfactory. Unsatisfactory.
To Dissemble. Disguise, conceal.
To Disseminate. Spread, propagate,, circulate, diffuse.
Dissension. Discord, contention.
To Dissent. Differ, disagree, withhold acquiescence; vary.
Dissertation. Essay, treatise, tract, discourse.
Disservice. Disserviceableness, injury* mischief.
To Dissettle. Unsettle, disconcert,, discompose, disturb, disarrange, derange, displace, ruffle, disorder.
To Dissever. Sever, ^ sunder, disjoin,, dissociate, part, disunite, detach,, separate.
Dissimilar. Different, difform, unlike, heterogeneous.
Dissimilarity, Unlikeness, dissimilitude, inequality, disparity, disproportion.
Dissimulation. Simulation, hypocrisy, deceit.
To Dissipate. 'Disperse, dispel ; spend, squander, waste, expend.BIS
To Dissociate. Disjoin, disunite, detach, part, separate.
Dissolute. Loose, lax, licentious, debauched, libertine, rakish, meretricious.
Dissolution. Death; breaking up.
To Dissolve. Melt, liquify, fuse; break up.
To Dissuade. Discourage, dehort, depress.
Distant. Far, remote.
Distaste. Disrelish, dislike, dissatisfaction, aversion, repugnance.
Distasteful. Unpalatable, unsavoury, nauseous.
Distemper. Disease, malady, complaint, disorder.
Distended. Wide open, gaping, agape.
Distinct. Separate, different; palpable, clear, obvious, plain, visible, unmistakeable.
Distinction. Difference, discrimination ; superiority, rank.
Distinctive. Distinguishing, discriminating, discriminative, differential.
Distinctly. Clearly, obviously, plainly.
To Distinguish. Perceive, discern ; discriminate; characterize,particularize ; signalize, mark out.
Distinguished. Illustrious, glorious, farfamed, famous, conspicuous, noted, eminent, transcendant.
Distinguishing. Distinctive, discriminating, discriminative, differential.
To Distort, Contort, turn, bind, twist, writhe, wrest, wrench ; pervert.
Distortion. Grimace.
Distracted. Discomposed, disturbed, perplexed, perturbated ; mad, frantic,
" phrenetic, furious.
Distraction. Distractedness, franticness, frenzy, phrensy, rage, fury.
ib Distrain. Excuss, distress, attach.
To Distress. Afflict, trouble, pain, harass; perplex; distrain.
Distress. Anguish, agony, pain, suffering; adversity.
To Distrirute. Deal out, dole, dispense, apportion, assign, allot, share.
Distributive. Partitive.
District. Region, clime, climate, province, division, tract, territory, quarter, portion.
Distrust. Misgiving, suspicion.
To Distrust. Disbelieve, discredit.
Distrustful. Mistrustful, suspicious, diffident.
To Disturb. Interrupt, molest, trouble, disquiet, exagitate, excite, perturbate, agitate ; tumultuate, convulse, upheave.
Disturbance. Derangement, commotion ; tumult, emeute.
Disunion. Disunity, disjunction, separation.
To Disunite. Dissociate, disjoin, separate, detach, dissever, sever, sunder, part.
Disusage. Desuetude, disuse.
To Disvalue. Disesteem, disfavour, discountenance, disregard, undervalue.
Diuretic. Diaphoretic, sudorific, sweating.
Diurnal. Daily, quotidian.
Diutitrnity. Duration, continuance,, endurance.
To Divaricate. Dispart.
To Dive. Plunge.
To Dive into. Pry, scrutinize, research.
To Diverge. Turn aside, digress, deflect, deviate.
Divers. Several, sundry, numerous, multiplied, various, manifold.
Diverse. Different, changed, varied, diversified, multiform, variegated, chequered.
Diversification. Difference, multiformity, diversity, variety.
To Diversify. Chequer, variegate ; dapple, streak.
Diversion. Amusement, entertainment, divertisement, recreation, sport, pastime.
Diversity. Difference, diversification, multiformity, variety.
To Divert. Amuse, entertain.
To Divest. Deprive, bereave, dispossess, disarm, strip.
To Divide. Separate, part ; distribute, dispense, share, partition, deal out, dole.
Divine. Heavenly, godlike, holy, sacred.
A Divine. Minister, clergyman, parson.
To Divine. Guess, conjecture.
Division. Part, share, portion, section ; demarcation, partition.
To Divulge. Disclose, make known, communicate, discover, betray, bewray, reveal, impart.
2b Dizen. Bedizen, dress out, set off.
Dizzy. Vertiginous, dinetical, giddy, whirling.
To Do. Make, act ; effect, effectuate> accomplish, execute, realize, achieve%
Docile. Tractable, teachable ; pliant, yielding ; limber, lithe, supple, facile, ductile, flexible, pliable.
Doctrine. Dogma, tenet, principle ; precept, maxim, aphorism.
Document. Title, writ.
To Dodge. Shuffle, equivocate, prevaricate, tergiversate.
Dogged. Pervicacious, pertinacious, stubborn, obstinate.
Dogma. Tenet, doctrine, principle, position.
Dogmatical, Positive, confident, authoritative, dictatorial, magisterial.
Doings. Deeds, transactions.
To Dole. Deal out, distribute, part, share, divide, partition.
Doleful. Dolesome, dolorous, piteous, woful, lugubrious, melancholy, rueful, pitiable, sorrowful, dismal, wobegone.
Dolt. Dunce, dullard, blockhead, thickskull, numskull, roundhead, clumps, jolthead, loggerhead, jobbernowl.
Doltish. Buffle-headed, oafish, logger-headed, stolid, obtuse, stupid.
Domain. Demesne, estate, lands, property, possessions ; territory, dominion, empire.
Domestic. Servant ; menial, drudge, scullion.
To Domesticate. Domiciliate.
Domicile. Dwelling, abode, habitation, residence, home.
Dominant. Ascendant, predominant, prevailing, prevalent, overruling, rampant.
Domination. Supremacy, despotism *, sway, influence, ascendancy, omnipotence.
Domineering. Imperious, lordly, overbearing, despotic, tyrannous, tyrannical.
Dominion. Rule, empire, dynasty, sovereignty, reign, sway, authority.
Donation. Gift, benefaction, alms, charity.
Donor. Giver, bestower.
Doom. Fate, destiny, lot, sentence.
To Doom. Destine, fate; determine.
Dormancy. Quiescence, abeyance.
To Dot. Spot, speckle, mottle.
Dotage, Weakness, imbecility, anility, senility.
Double. Copy, duplicate, transcript.
Double-dealing. Deceit, duplicity deception, fraud, dishonesty.
To Doubt. Question, hesitate, demur scruple, waver.DRE
Doubt. Hesitation, uncertainty, suspense.
Doubtful. Dubious, uncertain, problematical, ambiguous, equivocal, questionable, precarious.
Doubtless, Undoubtedly, indubitably, incontestibly, unquestionably.
Doughty* (Ironically), brave, courageous, valiant, bold.
To Douse. Souse, immerse, immerge, dip, plunge.
Downcast. Oast down, dispirited, dejected, discouraged, depressed.
Downright. Flat, absolute.
To Doze. Sleep, slumber, drowse, nap.
To Drag. Draw, pull, haul, tug.
To Draggle. Daggle, bemire.
To Drain. Exhaust, exantlate, expend; dry, exsiccate, exiccate; empty, evacuate.
Drapery. Cloth, clothwork.
Draught. Sketch, outline, contour.
To Draw. Drag, haul, pull, tug.
To Draw back. Withdraw, retreat, recede, retire.
To Draw from. Exact, extort.
Drawing off. Alienation, estrangement; defection.
To Draw out. Empty, evacuate; exhaust, drain, exantlate ; elongate, lengthen, protract, spin out; extract, educe, elicit, pump.
To Draw up. Array, enrank, marshal, embattle; frame, compose, couch.
To Dread. Fear, stand in awe, be afraid of; apprehend.
Dread. Fear, terror, alarm, fright, dismay, consternation, trepidation.
Dread. Awful, solemn, mighty.
Dreadful. Dire, direful, fearful, frightful, terrible, terrific, awful, tremendous, horrible, horrid.
Dream, Reverie.
Dregs. Sediment, residuum, refuse, dross, scum, recrement, faeces, feculence, scoria; slag; debris, rubbish.
To Drench. Steep, saturate, ensteep, soak, imbrue.
To Dress. Robe, enrobe, clothe; attire caparison; adorn, deck.
To Dress out. Set off, bedizen, dizen.
Dress. Apparel, attire, array, garments, vestments, vesture, habiliments.
To Drift. Drive, force, urge, impel.
Drift. Scope, aim, tendency.
Drink. Beverage, potion.
Drink (addicted to) .	Bibacious,
tippling, fuddling, drunken, guzzling, bousy, muddling.
To Drive. Force, enforce, urge, impel, drift, coerce, compel, concuss.
To Drive out. Cast out, expel, eject,, eliminate, dislodge, oust.
Drivel. Spittle, slaver, exspuition nugacity, morology.
To Drive forward. Propel.
To Drizzle. Mizzle.
Droll. Laughable, ludicrous, ridicul ous, comic, comical.
To Droop. Languish, pine, sink, fade*
To Drop. Extil, distil; fall, sink.
Dross. Sediment, residuum, refuse,, recrement, fseces, feculence, scoria ; slag; debris, rubbish.
Drove. Herd.
To Drown. Submerge, overwhelm, inundate, exundate, deluge, flood ^ engulf, swallow up.
To Drowse. Doze, sleep, slumber, nap.
Drowsy. Sleepy, somnolent, slumberous, lethargic, comatose, heavy.
Drubbing. Thrashing, beating, thumping, cudgelling, fustigation, mailing, mauling, pommeling, flagellation.
Drudge. Menial, scullion.
Drudgery. Labour, toil, work.
Drumly. Muddy, turbid, lutulent,
' thick.
Drunk. Fuddled, teraulent, crapulous,
. inebriated, intoxicated, tipsy, muddled.
Drunkard. Bibber, borachio, tippler, carouser, sot, toper, debauchee, was-
- sailer.
DrunkeN< Fuddling, tippling, bibaci-ous, guzzrmg, bousy, muddling.
Drunkenness; Intoxication, inebriety, crapulousness, ebriety, insobriety.
To Dry. Exsiccate, exiccate.
Dry. Uninteresting, jejune, barren, meagre; exsiccous, arid.
Dryness. Siccity, aridity.
To Dun, Grace, dignify, honour.
Dubiety. Incertitude, uncertainty, doubt, ambiguity.
Dubious. Doubtful, uncertain, apocryphal, questionable, ambiguous, equivocal; precarious, uncertain.
Ducking. Dipping, immersing, sous-ing.
Duct. Conduit, alveus, channel.
Ductile. Facile, flexible, pliable.
D udgeon> Spite, malice, pique, grudge, rancour.
Due. Debt, right.
Dukedom. Dutchy;
Dulcet. Sweet, honeyed, mellifluous, mellifluent, luscious.
Dull, Stupid, stolid, obtuse, heavy, drowsy, gloomy, sad, dismal.
Dull fellow. Dunce, dullard, dolt, blockhead, thickskull, numskull, • roundhead, clumps, jolthead, logger-head, jobbernowl.
Dulness, Hebetude, obtuseness.
Duly. In course, in due order.
Dumb; Silent, mute, speechless ; taciturn,? obmutescent, elinguid, tongue-tied.
Dumfounded. Confused, confounded, blank, abashed,
To Dun. Press, importune.
Dunce. Dullard, dolt, blockhead, thickskull, numskull; roundhead, clumps, j olthead, j obbernowl.
Dung. Soil, manure, compost, ordure.
Dungeon; Prison, gaol.
To Dupe. Gull, cheat, impose upon, cozen* circumvent, overreach,'deceive, beguile, delude.
Duplicate, Copy, double, transcript.
Duplicity. Deceit, deception, double-dealing, guile.
Durable. Lasting, abiding, permanent, constant, continuing.
Duration. ’ Diuturnity, endurance, continuance, continuity, continuation.
Dusky. Dim, obscure, shadowy, cloudy, murky, caliginous, dark, mysterious.
Dutchy. Dukedom.
Dutiful. Obedient, duteous, submissive, respectful.
Duty. Business, office, function; obedience, respect, devoir.
To Dwell. Abide, stay, rest, sojourn; reside in, inhabit.
Dwelling. Abode, residence, domicile, habitation.
To Dwindle. Disappear, vanish ; fall off, moulder, crumble, fritter.
Dynasty. Dominion; reign, sovereignty.
Dysentery. Looseness, flax.
Eager. Hot, ardent, impasssioned, intense, zealous, impetuous, vehement ; forward; impatient.
Eagerness. Avidity, greediness, voracity, edacity, rapacity; impetuosity, vehemence.
Eagle-eyed. Sharpsighted, quicksighi-ed, perspicacious, clearsighted.
Early. Soon, hy-and-by, shortly, ere long, anon, betimes/ECS
To Earn. Acquire, obtain, win, gain, achieve.
Earnest. Serious, grave, solemn ; warm, ardent, zealous ; pledge.
Earthborn. Grovelling, abject.
Earthly, Sordid, selfish ; venal, mercenary.
Earthworm. Gripepenny, pincbpenny, hunks, curmudgeon.
Ease. Quiet, rest, repose.
To Ease or calm. Alleviate, allay, mitigate, appease, assuage, pacify.
To Ease or lighten. Disburden, discumber, disencumber, rid.
Easiness. Lightness, facility.
Eatable. Edible, esculent.
Eating. Gnawing, corroding, esurine.
Eavesdropper. Listener, hearkener.
Ebb. Reflux, regression.
Ebriety. Crapulousness, drunkenness, intoxication, inebriety, insobriety.
Ebullition. Effervescence, fermentation, exestuation, boiling over.
Eccentric. Irregular, anomalous, abnormal ; wayward; singular, odd, particular, strange.
Ecclaircissement. Explanation, explication.
Ecclesiastic. Churchman, priest.
Ecclesiastical. Spiritual, ghostly.
Eclat (pronounced ecla). Show, pomp, parade, pageantry.
Ecletic. Excerptive, choosing, picking.
To Eclipse. Shade, shadow, overcast, cloud, nubilate, obnubilate.
Economical. Sparing, saving, provident, thrifty, frugal, careful ; parsimonious, penurious, niggardly.
2b-Economise. Save, retrench.
Ecstacy. Delight, rapture, transport.
Ecstasied. Ecstatic, wrapt, enwrapt, enravished, electrified, entranced/enchained, spell-bound, fascinated, charmed,, enchanted, captivated, transported.
Edacity, Voracity, gulosity.
Edge. Border, brink, rim, brim, margin, verge.
Edgeless. Blunt, pointless, obtuse.
Edict. Decree, ordinance, proclamation, rescript.
Edible, Eatable, esculent.
Edifice. Structure, fabric, pile.
To Educate. .Train, discipline.
Education. Instruction, tuition, breeding ; cultivation, discipline.
To Educe. Draw out, . extract,. pump, elicit.
To Efface. Blot-out, expunge, delete, obliterate, wipe out, cancel.; rase, erase.
Effect. Consequence, result, issue, event; execution, operation,
To Effect. Effectuate, accomplish, fulfil, realize, achieve, execute, operate, complete.
Effectible. Practicable, feasible.
Effective. Efficient, operative, serviceable.
Effectless. Unoperative, inoperative,, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, useless, vain, abortive.
Effects. Goods, chattels, furniture,, moveables, property.
Effectual.	Efficacious,	powerful,,
energetic; valid; binding, stringent.
To Effectuate. Effect, accomplish, fulfil, realize.
Effeminate. Feminine, female, womanish/ tender, weakly, unmanly.
Effervescence. Ebullition, exestuation, fermentation, boiling over.
Effete, Barren, worn out, stale, threadbare.
Efficacious. Effectual,	powerful,
energetic; stringent, binding.
Efficacy. Efficiency, energy ; agency, instrumentality.
Efficient. Effectual, effective, competent,; capable, able, fitted.
Effigy. Image, picture, likeness.
Efflorescent. Flowery, floriferous, bloomy, blossoming.
Effluence. Emanation.
Efflux. Effusion, gush, outpouring.
Effort. Endeavour, exertion, essay, trial, attempt.
Effrontery. Audacity, boldness, assurance, impudence, hardihood.
Effulgent. Fulgent, fulgid, refulgent, resplendent, brilliant, shining.
To Effuse. Pour, shed, spill.
Effusion. Efflux, gush, outpouring; dispersion, diffusion; profusion, waste.
Effusive. Diffusive, expansive.
Egregious. Excessive, huge, monstrous, outrageous.
Egotistical. Conceited, vain, opinionated, opinionative, philodoxical, opiniated.
Egress. Egression, going out ; outlet, outgate.
To Ejaculate. Call, cry out, exclaim.
Ejaculation. Cry, exclamation.
To Eject. Thrust out, cast out, expel, eliminate, oust, dislodge, throw out, emit, vomit, puke, vent.
Ejulation. Deploration, lamentation, jeremiad, wail, wailing, moan, plaint, lament, complaint.
To Elaborate. Work out.
Elaborate. Laboured, studied, high wrought.
To Elapse. Lapse, glide, pass away, roll along.
To Elate. Flush, lift up, puff up, inflate.
Elder. Senior, older.
To Elect. Choose, select, appoint.
To Electrify. Entrance, charm, enchant, enchain, fascinate, bewitch, enrapture, captivate.
Eleemosynary aid. Alms, charity, benefaction, donation.
Elegant. Graceful, beautiful.
Elegiac. Dirge-like, mournful.
Elegy. Dirge, epicedium.
Element. Material, constituent, ingredient.
Elementary. Rudimentary, simple.
To Elevate. Raise, lift, exalt.
Elevation. Height, altitude, culmination.
To Elicit. Pump, extract, educe.
Eligible. Fit, preferable, worthy.
To Eliminate. Drive out, expel, thrust out, eject, cast out, oust, dislodge; banish, proscribe.
Elimination. Rejection, expulsion, extrusion ; banishment, exile, deportation, relegation, expatriation, proscription.
Elinguid. Tongue-tied, obmutescent, taciturn.
Elocution. Utterance, pronunciation, delivery.
Eloge. ^ Elogy, eulogy, eulogium, panegyric, encomium, praise.
To Elongate. Lengthen, draw out.
To Elope. Run off, withdraw, abscond.
Eloquence. Oratory ; rhetoric, fine flourish; declamation, unargumenta-tive address; volubility, largiloquence.
Eloquent. , Facund.
Else. Otherwise.
2b Elucidate. Explain, clear up; illustrate, throw light upon.
Elucidation. Explanation, exposition, annotation, comment.
To Elude. Evade, escape, avoid, shun, evitate.
Elusory. Illusive, delusive, fraudulent, deceptive, deceitful, fallacious.
To Eluxate. Luxate, disjoint, dislocate.
Elysian. Arcadian, amaranthine.
Emaciation. Leanness, meagreness, thinness, attenuation of body.
To Emanate. Arise, issue, spring ; proceed, flow, emerge, evolve.EMP
Emanation. Effluence.
To Emancipate. Manumit, disenthral; unfetter, unmanacle.
Emancipator. Liberator, deliverer.
To Emasculate. Geld, castrate.
To Embalm. Preserve, enshrine.
To Embar, Bar, stop, inhibit.
Embargo. Inhibition, prohibition.
To Embark. Undertake, engage in.
To Embarrass. Entangle, perplex» distress, trouble.
To Embase. Contaminate, taint, defile, pollute, poison, infect, sophisticate, demoralize.
Embassy. Legation, mission, commission.
Embattled. Battle-arrayed, marshalled.
To Embellish. Adorn, decorate, bedeck, beautify, deck, illustrate.
Embellished. Ornate, florid, flowery.
Embezzlement, Peculation, malversation.
To Emblaze. Blazon, emblazon, show off.
Emblem. Figure, type, symbol, shadow, allusion.
Embodiment. Conjunction, union, association.
To Embody. Incorporate, condense.
To Embolden. Inspirit, animate, encourage, cheer; incite, urge, impel, stimulate, instigate.
To Embowel. Eviscerate, viscerate, eventerate, gut, take out intestines.
To Embrace. Clasp, hug; comprise, comprehend, contain, include; condense, embody, incorporate.
Embruted. Brutified, animalised.
Embryo. Fcetus ; bud, germ; nucleus; unfinished, imperfect, undeveloped.
To Emburse. Reimburse, indemnify.
To Emend. Amend, correct, better, mend, reform, rectify ; improve.
To Emerge. Rise, issue, arise, emanate, evolve, come forth.
Emergency. Exigency, urgency, necessity.
Emetic. Vomit.
Emication. Scintillation.
Eminence. Summit, top, height.
Eminent. Distinguished, signal, conspicuous, noted, prominent, elevated, renowned, eximious, famous, glorious, illustrious.
Emissary. Spy, secret agent.
Emission. Discharge, vent, volley.
To Emit. Send forth, evaporate, exhale; throw out, discharge, vent.
Emolument. Gain, profit, lucre, advantage.
Emotion.* Perturbation, agitation, trepidation, tremor, mental conflict, inward fermentation.
Emphasis. Stress, accent.
Emphatically. Strongly, particularly.
Empire. Dominion, power, command, rule, sway, domination, supremacy dynasty, sovereignty, reign; kingdom, realm, state, nation.
Empiric. Quack, charlatan, mountebank.
Emplastic. Viscous, viscid, glutinous, adhesive, adherent, sticking, tenacious.
To Emplead. Indict.
To Employ. Occupy, busy, take up with, engross.
Employment. Business, avocation, engagement, office, function, trade, profession, occupation, calling, vocation.
To Empoison. Poison.
Emporium. Mart, entrepot.
To Empoverish. Depauperate.
To Empower. Authorize, commission; enable.
Empowered; Accredited, authorised, commissioned;3
EMprise. Enterprise, adventure, undertaking, effort, attempt.
To Ejipty. Evacuate, exhaust, drain, draw out, exantlate.
Empty. Void, devoid, vacuous, hollow, unfilled, unoccupied, unfurnished.
To Empurple. Impurple, redden, crimson..
Empyreal. Ethereal, ethereous, aerial,
3 airy, light, volatile, fugitive.
Emulation. Rivalry, competition.
To Enable; . Capacitate* qualify.
To. Enact. Decree, prdain; perform, p!ay.
Enamoured.; , Fond, attached.
To Enchape . Enrage, irritate, exasperate* exacerbate* incense, nettle, aggravate, provoke,, enkindle, inflame, envenom.
To Enchain. Infetter, immanacle, manacle, shackle,, fetter:; entrance, electrify.
To Enchant, Charm, fascinate, bewitch,; captivate,, enrapture, enchain, electrify, entrance*
Enchanted. Charmed, captivated, fascinated, spell-bound, transported, enchained, entranced',, electrified, en-rayished, enwrapt,;, wrapt, ecstasied, ecstatic.
Enchanting. Charming, s captivating, winning, fascinating, bewitching, enchanting, attractive.
Enchantment.;, Charm, spell, witchery,
, prestige ; amulet ; conjuration*, sorcery, incantation; divination, necromancy.
To Encircle. Enclose, embrace ; encompass, surround, gird, begird, engird, environ ; beset..
Encomiast; Eulogist, panegyrist, ex-toller, applauder, praiser 74]
Encomium. Eulogium, eulogy, eloge» elogy, panegyric* praise.
To Enclose. Fence in, palisade ; confine* circumscribe ; embrace, encircle.
To Encompass. Encircle, surround, gird, begird, engird, environ ; beset, invest.
Encounter. Attack, conflict, combat, assault,: onset ; engagement, battle* action.;
To Encourage. Countenance, sanction, support, foster, cherish ; inspirit, embolden, animate, cheer ; incite, urge, impel, stimulate, instigate ; exhort.
To Encroach. Intrude, infringe, invade.
To Encumber. Load, clog; impede, hinder.
End. Aim, object, purpose ; result, conclusion, upshot ; close, expiration, termination, extremity,' sequel ; finis ; finale*
To Endamage.' Damage, hurt, injure.
To Endanger., . Imperil, peril, hazard, jeopardise ; risk, venture, adventure, dare.
Endearment. Caressing, fondling, dalliance.,
Endeavour. Effort, exertion, attempt, aim.
To Endeavour. Attempt, try* essay, strive, aim, labour.
To Endite. Compose, frame, draw up, couch', express.
Endemic. Endemia!, gentilitious.
Endless. Eternal, .sempiternal, ever-during, everlasting, perpetual, perennial ; everliving, immortal, deathless, undying, neverdying, imperishable ; infinite, interminable, illimitable, boundless* immeasurable, measureless^
To Endorse. Superscribe gratify, confirm, homologate, clench.
To Endow. Endue, invest, enrich, store.
Endowed. Gifted, ableminded.ENG
Endowment. Gift,- talent, faculty.
To Endue. Endow, invest, enrich, store.
Endurance. Continuance, duration, diuturnity ; fortitude,, patience, resignation.
To Endure. Last, continue: -support, bear, sustain; suffer, brook, submit to; undergo.
Enemy. Foe, .antagonist, adversary, opponent.
Energetic. Effectual, efficacious, powerful; binding, stringent; forcible, nervous.
Energy. Force, n vigour, efficacy, .potency, strength.
To •; Enervate.	Enfeeble, debilitate,
unnerve, weaken, paralyse.
Enfeebled. Debilitated, ! enervated, nerveless, feeble; infirm," weak, impotent, paralysed, palsied.
Enfeeblement. Debilitation, exhaustion.
To Enfetter. Enchain, immanacle, manacle, shackle, fetter.
To Enforce. Oblige, force, compel.
To Enfranchise. Affranchise.
Enfrozen. vIcy, ¿glacial.
To Engage. Employ, busy, occupy ; attract, invite, allure, .-entertain;. engross, take up; enlist.
Engagement. Avocation, business, occupation, employment, office, i profession ; duty, obligation ; word, promise, paction; battle, action; combat, conflict.
To Engaol. Imprison, incarcerate.
To Engender. Beget; breed, generate, produce.
Enginery. Artillery.
To Engird. Gird, - begird, surround, environ, encompass, encircle.
To.Englut. Swallow up, absorb, imbibe, engulf.
To Engorge. Devour, gobble, ingurgitate.
Engrained. Deep-dyed, ineffaceable, indelible.
To Engrasp. Grasp, clutch, lay hold on, catch, seize, gripe.
Engraving. Print, picture.
To Engross. Absorb, take up, busy, occupy, engage ; monopolize.
Engrossed. Absorbed, immersed, brain-deep.
To Enguard. Guard,^protect, defend, shield.
To Engulf. Ingulf; swallow up, englut, absorb, imbibe ; drown, submerge ; bury, entomb; overwhelm.
To Enhance. Increase, heighten, raise ; aggravate.
Enigma. Riddle.
To Enjoin. Order, ordain, appoint, prescribe.
Enjoyment. Pleasure, fruition, gratification.
To Enkindle. .Kindle; Ignite ; inflame, envenom, incense, nettle, aggravate, enchafe, enrage, irritate, exasperate, exacerbate.
To Enlarge. Increase, extend, augment, broaden, swell ; expatiate, descant, discourse,
To Enlighten. Enlumine, Illumine, Illume, illuminate; irradiate ; instruct, inform.
To Enlink. Bind, tie, fasten.
To Enlist. List ; hire, engage.
To Enliven. Vivify, stir up, animate, inspire, exhilarate, cheer.
To Enlumine. Illumine, illume, illuminate, irradiate, enlighten.
To Enmesh. Mesh, net, ensnare, illa-queate.
Enmity. Invidiousness, animosity,
• hatred, hostility, ill-will, malignity, maliciousness.
To Ennoble. Nobilitate, dignify.
Enormity. Monstrousness, flagitiousness, atrocity, facinorousness, wickedness.
Enormous. Huge, vast, immense, prodigious, gigantic, colossal, monstrous.
an Enormous thing in size. Monster, behemoth, mammoth.
Enough. Sufficiency, plenty, abundance.
To Enounce. Enunciate, declare, speak, utter, pronounce, articulate.
To Enrage. Enchafe, irritate, exasperate, exacerbate, madden, incense, nettle, aggravate, envenom, enkindle, inflame.
Enraged. Infuriated, raging, wrathful.
To Enrange. Range, class, place, rank, arrange, dispose.
To Enrank. Draw up, array, marshal, embattle.
To Enwrapt, Enravish, ravish, entrance, electrify, transport.
To Enrapture. Enchant, fascinate, charm, captivate, bewitch.
Enraptured. Charmed, enchanted, spell-bound, fascinated, captivated.
To Enrich. Store, endow.
To Enrobe. Dress, robe, clothe, attire.
To Enrol. Register, record, chronicle.
Ensample. Example, pattern, exemplar, model, specimen, copy, archetype, paradigm.
Ensanguined. Cruentate, gory.
To Ensconce. Shelter, intrench, en-shield.
To Ensear. Cauterize, sear.
To Enshrine. Preserve, embalm.
To Enslave. Inthral, subject to vassalage ; enchain, enfetter.
Enslavement. Slavery, thraldom, in-thralment, servitude, vassalage, bondage, serfdom, serfism.
To Ensnare. Entrap, illaqueate, enmesh, entoil.
To Ensteep. Soak, imbrue, saturate, steep, drench.
To Ensue. Follow, succeed, be subsequent.
To Ensure. Assure, insure, secure, make sure.
To Entangle. Perplex, embarrass, inveigle, implicate, involve, compromise ; illaqueate, ensnare, entrap, enmesh, entoil.
To Enter upon. Begin, commence ; advance upon, proceed to.
Enterprise. Emprise, adventure, undertaking, effort, attempt ; cause.
Enterprising. Adventurous, daring, speculating.
To Entertain, Amuse, divert.
Entertainment. Amusement, divert-isement, diversion, recreation, pastime, sport ; feast, fete, banquet, treat.
To Enthrone. Throne, exalt.
Enthusiasm. Zeal, ardour, fervour, warmth, fervency.
Enthusiast. Fanatic, visionary.
To Entice. Allure, attract, decoy, lure, tempt, seduce, abduct.
Entirety. Entireness, completeness, integrity.
Entire. Whole, complete, perfect, integral, total.
Entirely. Fully, plenarily, perfectly.
To Entitle. Name, designate, intitule, denominate, style, characterize ; dub, title.
Entitled. Ycleped, named, designated, styled.
Entity. Being, existence.
To Entoil. Ensnare, entrap, enmesh, illaqueate, entangle.
To Entomb. Bury, inter, sepulchre, inhume, inhumate.
Entrails. Guts, bowels, intestines, viscera.EPI
Entrance. Entry, inlet, ingress, in-trogression.
To Entrance. Electrify, charm, enchant, enchain, fascinate, bewitch, enrapture, captivate.
To Entrap. Illaqueate, enmesh, ensnare, entoil, entangle, inveigle.
To Entreat. Beg, crave, solicit, beseech, implore, supplicate.
Entreaty. Petition, prayer, appreca-tion, request, suit.
To Entrust. Commit, confide.
Entry. Entrance, inlet, ingress, in-trogression.
To Enumerate. Tell over, relate, narrate, recount.
To Enunciate. Enounce, declare, utter, speak, pronounce, articulate.
To Enveigle. Perplex, embarrass, implicate, involve, compromise ; illaqueate, ensnare, entangle.
To Envelop. Fold, wrap, infold, in-wfap.
To Envenom. Aggravate, provoke, nettle, enkindle, incense, inflame, enchafe, irritate, enrage, exasperate, exacerbate.
To Environ. Enclose, encircle, surround, encompass, gird, begird, engird ; beset.
Environs. Vicinity, neighbourhood, adjacency, vicinage.
Envoy. Ambassador, plenipotentiary, diplomatist.
Envy. Invidiousness, jealousy, suspicion, grudging.
To Enwomb. Hide, conceal, secrete.
Epicedium. Elegy, dirge.
Ephemeral. Short-lived, transient, transitory, temporary, fleeting, evanescent, unenduring.
Epicure. Voluptuary, sensualist, sybarite.
Epidemic. Pandemic.
Epidermis. Scarfskin, cuticle.
Epigrammatic. Stinging, bitter, acrimonious, sharp, piquant, pungent.
Epinecion. Psean.
Episode. Digression.
Epistle. Letter, note.
Epitome. Abridgment, abbreviation, compend, compendium, abstract, summary.
To Epitomize. Abridge, abbreviate, curtail, reduce, condense.
Epoch. Point, era, time, period, age, date.
Epulation. Feast, fete, banquet.
Equal. Fellow, colleague, companion, peer, compeer.
Equal. Equable, even, uniform, alike ; adequate, sufficient ; compensating ; countervailing; tantamount, equivalent ; impartial ; even-handed, equitable.
Equal to. Adequate, proportionate, sufficient, competent.
Equal with in extent. Co-extensive, co-expansive, commensurate, proportionate.
Equal with in rank. Co-ordinate, co-equal.
Equal (To make). Equalise, even, proportionate.
To Equilibrate. Equipoise, equiponderate, counterbalance, counterpoise, poise, balance, librate.
To Equip. Fit, furnish, provide, accoutre, arm.
Equipage. Retinue, procession, train, cavalcade, cortege.
Equitable. Just, fair, even-handed, honest, impartial, upright, reasonable.
Equivocal. Ambiguous, doubtful.
To Equivocate. Evade, prevaricate tergiversate, dodge, shuffle.
Era. Time, period, epoch, point, date, age.
Eradiation. Radiation, irradiance, irradiation.
To Eradicate. Extirpate, exterminate, root out.
To Erase. Rase, scrape out; blot out, expunge, delete, obliterate, efface, cancel.
Erasure. Rasure.
Ere. Before.
To Erect. Set .up, raise, elevate, construct ; establish, institute, found.
Eremite. Hermit, anchorite, anachrite, troglodyte, recluse, ascetic, solitaire.
Ereptation. Creeping out.
To Err. Mistake ; fail.
Errable . Fallible.
Errand. Mission, message.
Erratic. Devious, eccentric, wandering, excursive.
Erring. Misguided, misled.
Error. Mistake, fallacy, blunder, hallucination, fault.
Error in time. Anachronism.
Erroneous. Wrong.
Error in chronology. Parachronism.
Error in printing. Erratum, plu. errata.
Erubescent. Purple, red, ruby, carmine, crimson.
Eructation. Ructation, belching.
Erudition. Learning, lore, scholarship, knowledge, science, literature.
Eruption. Explosion, breaking out.
Escapade. Vagary, prank, frolic.
To Escape. Elude, evade.
Escharotic. Searing, ensearing, cauterising.
ToEschew. Shun, avoid, elude.
To Escort. Attend, accompany, wait on.
Escritoire. Seritoire, bureau, desk.
Esculent. Edible, eatable.
Especially. Particularly, specially, mainly, principally, chiefly.
Espousals. Nuptials, wedding, marriage.
To Espouse. Vindicate, defend ; maintain, assert.
To Espy. Discern, discover, find out, descry.
To Essay. Try, endeavour, attempt.
Essay. Attempt, trial, endeavour, effort ; tract, treatise, dissertation, discourse.
Essaying. Tentative, trying, experimental.
Essence. Quintessence.
Essential. Necessary, indispensable, requisite ; vital.
To Establish. Confirm, settle, fix, institute, found ; organize, regulate.
Estate. Domain, demesne, lands, property, possessions.
To Esteem. Prize, value, appreciate ; respect, regard, reverence, venerate, revere.
Esteem. Regard, respect, value, prize.
Estimable. Worthy, deserving, meritorious.
To Estimate. Count, reckon, calculate, compute, number; rate, appraise j appreciate, esteem, value, measure, mete.
To Estrange. Alienate, take off, withdraw from.
Esurine. Corroding, gnawing, eating.
Eternal; Sempiternal, everduring, everlasting, endless, infinite, perpetual, immareessible, perennial ; illimitable, interminable, boundless ; deathless, immortal, undying, neverdying,, everliving, imperishable.
To Eternalize. Immortalize, make everfamous.
Eternity. Sempiternity, perpetuity.
To Eternize. Perpetuate, make perpetual.
Ethereal. Ethereous, empyreal, aeripl, airy, light, volatile, fugitive.EVE
Ethical.. Moral.
Etiquette. TJsage, formality.
Eucharist. Lord’s supper, sacrament, communion.
Eulogist. Encomiast, panegyrist, extoller, praiser.
Eulogistic. Laudatory, panegyric, commendatory,
Eulogy. Eloge, elogy, eulogium, encomium, panegyric, commendation.
To Evacuate. Empty, exhaust, drain, draw out, exantlate.
Evacuation. Vacuation.
To Evade. Escape, elude ; equivocate, prevaricate, tergiversate, dodge, shuffle.
Evanescent. Fleeting, unenduring, temporary, transitory, transient, shortlived, ephemeral.
To Evaporate. Exhale, emit; reek, steam.
Evasion. Shift, subterfuge; prevarication, quibble, equivocation, tergiversation.
Eve. Even, evening, eventide.
Even. Equal, equable,uniform; smooth, plain, level.
To Even. Equalise, proportionate.
Even-handed. Equitable, just, fair, impartial, honest, upright.
Evening. Eventide, eve, even.
Event. Incident, occurrence, accident, adventure ; issue, result, consequence.
Eventide. Evening, eve, even.
To Eventerate.,, Kip up.
To Eventilate. "Winnow, fan, thrash.
Eventually. Ultimately, after all? yet, in the end,, at last.
Ever. Always, eternally, everlastingly, evermore, aye, for ever, perpetually, continually; incessantly, unremittingly.
Everlasting. Everduring, sempiternal, endless, infinite* *
Everliving. Immortal, deathless» neverdying, undying, imperishable.
Evermore. Aye, always, eternally, everlastingly, for ever, perpetually» continually.
Everyday. Usual, customary, general.
Evidence. Testimony, deposition proof, declaration.
To Evidence. Manifest, prove, evince, demonstrate; exemplify .
Evident. Clear, plain, manifest, apparent, obvious, visible, palpable.
Evil. Ill, bad, wicked ; disingenuous, unfair, sinister ; misfortune, mischief, harm, ill; malignity* mischievousness.
To Evince. Argue, prove, evidence, manifest, demonstrate.
Evincibly. Demonstrably, palpably, manifestly, evidently.
To Eviscerate. Exenterate, viseerate» embowel, gut, take out intestines.,
To Evoke. Gall out; invite, summon» challenge.
To Evolve; Unfold, develop, expand» unravel.
Exacerbation* Exasperation, irritation.
To Exact. Extort, draw from.
Exact. Accurate, correct, definite* precise ; literal; nice ; punctilious» hyper precise.
Exaction. Extortion.
Exactitude. Accuracy, precision.
Exaggerated. Amplified, enlarged» overstated, heightened.
Exaggeration. Hyperbole.
To Exagitate. Stir up, excite, disquiet, disturb, agitate, perturbate, tumult-uate.
Exagitation, Excitation, stirring up.
To Exalt. Raise, elevate, erect, lift up ; dignify, ennoble, nobilitate, enthrone.
Examination. Search, inquiry, research, scrutiny, investigation ; discussion, disquisition; inquisition.
To Examine. Discuss, inquire into.
Example. Exemplar, pattern, ensam-ple, model, specimen, copy, archetype, paradigm ; precedent; instance, exemplification, practical illustration.
Exanimate. Exanimous, dead, deceased, defunct, inanimate, lifeless, dis-animated, claycold.
To Exantlate. Draw out, drain, exhaust, evacuate, empty.
To Exasperate. Exacerbate, enrage, irritate, enchafe, inflame, incense, enkindle, envenom, nettle, provoke, aggravate.
Exasperation. Exacerbation, irritation.
To Exgarnate. Excoriate, discarnate, skin, flay.
To Excavate. Hollow.
To Exceed. Excel, surpass, transcend, out do.
Exceedingly, Highly, by far, immeasurably, pre-eminently, incomparably, transcendently.
Excellence. Superiority, perfection, pre-eminence, transcendence.
Except. Unless, save, saving, but.
jTp Except to. Object, oppose, challenge, call in question, impeach ; entreat against, urge against, deprecate.
Exception. Objection, difficulty; demurrer.
Exceptionable. Objectionable, challengeable.
Exceptious. Captious, fractious, cross, petulant, touchy, testy, peevish, fretful, splenetic.
Exceptiousness. Crossness, fractiousness, captiousness, cavillation.
Excerptive. Ecletic, choosing, picking.
Excess. Superfluity, supervacaneousness, redundance, redundancy,
Excessive. Exorbitant, extortionate, unreasonable, immoderate, inordinate^ disordinate ; extravagant, extraordinary, egregious, huge, monstrous, outrageous.
To Exchange. Change, barter, truck, commute; interchange, reciprocate.
Exchange. Interchange, reciprocity» reciprocation ; barter, dealing, trade» traffic.
Excision. Extirpation, extinction, annihilation, suppression.
Excitable. Irascible, irritable, susceptible.
Excitation. Exagitation, stirring up.
To Excite. Incite, arouse, awaken, stir up, stimulate, exuscitate, exagitate, disquiet, disturb, agitate, perturbate ; tumultuate ; provoke, irritate.
To Exclaim. Call,, shout, cry, ejaculate.
To Exclude. Shut out, debar, preclude ; seclude.
Exclusive. Excepting, excluding debarring ; sole, singly, only, alone.
Exclusively. Solely, singly, only.
To Excoriate. Excarnate, discarnate, skin, flay.
To Excorticate. Decorticate, peel, pare.
To Excogitate. Invent, coin, fabricate frame.
Excrement. Excretion, dejecture, soil.
To Exculpate. Absolve, acquit, justify, exonerate, relieve from.
To Excruciate. Torture, wring, wrack, writhe, agonise.
Excursion. Digression, episode ; ramble, tour, trip, jaunt.
Excursive. Devious, erratic, eccentric.
Excusable. Pardonable, venial.
Excusation. Excuse,plea, justification.
To Excuse. Extenuate,palliate, mitigate ; exculpate, acquit, absolve, justify ; dispense, exempt, ;EXH
Excuse, Excusation, plea, justification ; pretence, pretext, pretension.
Excuseless, Inexcusable.
To Excuss. Distrain, distress, attach.
Execrable. Abominable, detestable, hateful, accursed, cursed, confounded.
Execration. Curse, ban, malediction, imprecation.
To Execute. Accomplish, effectuate, fulfil, effect, realize, achieve, complete, finish.
Execution. Effect, operation.
Exegetical. Explanatory, expository.
Exemplar. Example, ensample, pattern, model, specimen, copy, arche-type, paradigm.
Exemplification. Instance, example, practical illustration.
To Exempt. Excuse, dispense "with,
Exemption. Freedom, immunity, privilege.
To Exenterate. Eviscerate, viscerate, embowel, gut, take out the intestines.
Exequies. Obsequies, obit.
To Exercise, Exert, practise, pursue, carry on.
Exercitation. Exercise, use, practice.
Exestuation. Effervescence, ebullition, fermentation, boiling over.
Exhalation. Exhalement, evaporation.
To Exhale. Emit, evaporate ; reek, smoke, steam.
To Exhaust. Spend, drain, exantlate, empty, evacuate ; debilitate.
Exhaustion. Enfeeblement, debilitation.
Exhaustless. Unexhaustible, inexhaustible,
To Exhibit. Show, display, manifest ; reflect, mirror.
Exhibition. Show, sight, spectacle, pageant, representation.
To Exhilarate. Cheer, animate, inspire, enliven.
To Exhort, Persuade, incite, urge.
To Exhume. Exhumate, unbury, disinter, disentomb.
To Exiccate. Dry, exsiccate.
Exigency. Emergency, urgency, necessity.
Exigent. Urgent, pressing, importunate.
Exigible. Leviable, demandable, claimable.
Exiguous, Diminutive, small, little, minikin.
Exile. Banishment, relegation, deportation, expatriation, elimination, expulsion, proscription.
Exility. Parvitude, parvity, exiguity, minuteness, littleness.
Eximious. Famous, eminent, distinguished, renowned, far-famed, illustrious.
Existence. Being, entity.
Existing. Extant, existent, subsisting.
Exit. Departure, decession ; egress.
To Exonerate. Exculpate, absolve, relieve, clear, acquit, discharge ; justify.
Exoptation. Aspiration, longing.
Exorbitant. Excessive, extortionate, unreasonable, immoderate, inordinate, disordinate.
Exotic. Foreign, not indigenous.
To Expand. Spread, diffuse, • dilate ; extend, enlarge, amplify ; unfold, develop.
Expanse. Extent, largeness, amplitude.
Expansible. Dilatable.
Expansive, Diffusive, effusive, extensive.
To Expatiate. Descant, enlarge upon, dilate.
Expatriation. Exile, banishment, relegation, deportation, elimination, expulsion, proscription.
To Expect, Look for, wait.
Expectancy. , Expectation, waiting for, hope, anticipation, confidence, trust.
Expectant, Expecting, looking for, anticipating,
Expectation. Expectancy, waiting for ; hope, anticipation, confidence, trust.
Expedient. Fit, necessary, essential, requisite.
To Expeditei Accelerate, quicken, hasten, facilitate, forward, advance.
Expeditious. Prompt, diligent, speedy, quick.
To Expel. Drive out, eject, eliminate, dispossess, dislodge, oust.
To Expend. Spend, dissipate, waste ; disburse, lay out.
Expense. Cost, price, charge.
Expensive. Costly, dear, valùable, sumptuous, dapatical.
Experience. Experiment, trial, proof, test.
Experimental. Tentative, essaying,
' trying.
Expert. Clever, dexterous, adroit, adept, skilful.
To Expiate. Atone for, blot out.
Expiration. End, completion, close,
■ termination.
To Expire. Die, perish, depart ; end, close, terminate.
To Explain* Expound, interpret, elucidate, clear up.
Explainable. Explicable.
Explanation. Explication, éclaircissement, recital, account, description, detail, relation.
Explanatory. Expository, exegetical.
Explicable. Explainable.
Explicit. Express, plain, definitive, positive, determinate, categorical.
To Explode. Displode, burst ; scout, scorn, contemn.
Exploit. Achievement, feat, deed, accomplishment.
To Explore. Search, pry into.
Exponent. Expositor, exposition, exhibition.
Exposed. Subject, liable, obnoxious.
Expository. Exegetical, explanatory.
To Expostulate. Remonstrate, altercate, contend.
To Expound. Explain, interpret, unfold, elucidate, clear up.
Express. Explicit, plain, positive, de* finitive* determinate* categorical.
To Express. Declare, enunciate, pronounce, articulate, denote* utter, signify, testify, intimate; indite, compose, couch.
Expressive .	Significant; energetic,
To Exprobrate. Brand, stigmatize* denounce.
Exprobration. Opprobrium, con-tumely, obloquy* reproach.
Exprobratory. Denunciatory.
Expuition., Slaver, spittle, drivel.
To Expunge. Blot out, wipe out, delete, obliterate, efface* erase, rase, scrape out.
Exquisitely. Pre-eminently, superlatively, consummately.
Exscript. Copy, transcript.
To Exsiccate. Dry, exiccate.
Extant. Existent, existing* subsis-ting.-
To Extend. Enlarge* amplify, expand, increase, stretch out, spread out, make larger, augment; unfold, develop.
Extensive. Comprehensive, wide, large; expansive, diffusive.
Extent. Amplitude, largeness, expanse.
To Extenuate. Palliate, mitigate, lessen, diminish.
Extenuation. Palliation, gloss, gloze.EXU
Exterior. Outward, external, extrinsical, outer.
To'Exterminate. Extirpate, eradicate, root out, annihilate ; extinguish.
To Extil. Drop, distil.
Extinct. Extinguished, annihilated.
To Extinguish. Quench, put out.
To Extirpate. Exterminate,-eradicate, root out, annihilate, destroy ; extinguish.
Extirpation. Excision, extinction, annihilation, suppression.
To Extol. Praise, laud, panegyrise, applaud, commend.
Extoller. Praiser, eulogist, encomiast, panegyrist.
To Extract. Draw out, educe, elicit, pump.
Extraction. Descent, = parentage.
To Extort. Exact, wrest, wring, draw from.
Extraneous. Extrinsic, foreign.
Extraordinary. Remarkable, signal, eminent, uncommon.
Ext ravagant. Prodigal,, lavish, profuse, excessive.
Extreme. Utmost, uttermost, farthest, most distant, most remote.
Extremity. End, termination, vergè.
To Extricate. Disengage, disintricate, disentangle, disembarrass, unembarrass, liberate.
Extrinsic. Extraneous, foreign.
Extrinsical. Exterior, outward, external, outer.
To Extrude, Drive out, eject, expel, eliminate, oust, dislodge.
Exuberance. Affluence, copiousness, plenitude, luxuriance.
Exuberant. Plenteous, plentiful, luxuriant^ abundant, profuse, rich.
To Exuberate. Abound, luxuriate, revel, wanton.
Exuccous. Dry, arid.
Exudation. Sweating, perspiration.
To Exult. Rejoice, exhilirate.
Exultation. Transport, joy; triumph.
Exultingly. Rejoicingly, triumphantly.
To Exundate. Overflow, inundate, deluge, flood, submerge, drown, overwhelm.
Exuperant. Overbalancing, outbalancing, outweighing, preponderating.
To Exu scitate. Stir up, vivify, excite, incite, arouse, rouse, awaken, stimulate.
To Eye. Watch.
Eyeless. Blind, sightless, unseeing.
Fable. Apologue, moral; fabulosity, myth.
Fab ric. Edifice, structure, pile.
To Fabricate. Excogitate, invent, frame, feign, forge, coin.
Fabricated. Commentitious, invented, fictitious, suppositious.
Fabrication. Fiction, falsehood, invention, coinage.
To Face. Front, confront, encounter.
Face. Countenance, visage, physiognomy.
Facetious. Jocose, jocular, pleasant.
Facile. Easy; ductile, pliable, flexible.
To Facilitate. Render easy; expedite, forward, advance.
Facility. Ease, easiness, lightness.
Facinorous. Atrocious, heinous, flagrant, arrant, flagitious, villanous, enormous, monstrous, wicked.
Facinorousness. Atrocity, flagitiousness, enormity, monstrousness.
Fact. Actuality, reality; incident, circumstance.
In fact. Really, substantially, literally practically, de facto,FAL
Faction. Party, partisanship, junta, junto.
Factionary. Partyman, partisan, adherent, follower.
Faculty. Ability, gift, talent, endowment.
Facund. Eloquent.
To Fail. Fall short, be deficient; miss, prove abortive ; mistake.
Failing. Imperfection, weakness, frailty, foible ; miscarriage, abortion, mishap,
Failure. Omission, neglect, default.
Faint. Languid, weak, low.
Faint-hearted. Timid,	timorous,
fearful, afraid; pusillanimous.
Fair. Clear, bright ; just, honest, equitable, impartial; reasonable.
Fairy. Elfin ; charming, lovely, fascinating.
Faith. Belief, assurance, confidence, trust, credence, credit, fidelity.
Faithful. Trusty.
Faithless. Perfidious, falsehearted, unfaithful, treacherous,	insidious,
Faithlessness. Perfidy, treachery, prodition, insidiousness.
To Fall. Drop, sink, tremble, droop.
To Fall off. Dwindle, moulder, crumble.
To Fall short. Fail, be deficient; miss, prove abortive.
To Fall under. Succumb, comply? submit.
To Fall upon. Devolve.
Fallacious. Fraudulent, deceitful, delusive, deceptive, illusive, sophistical.
Fallacy. Sophism, sophistication, sophistry ; illusion, chimera, phantasm, deception.
Fallible. Errable.
Falling away. Defection, apostacy.
False. Untrue, mendacious, pseudo-logical.
Falsehearted. Faithless, perfidious, unfaithful, treacherous, insidious.
Falsehood. Untruth, mendacity, pseud-ology, fiction, fabrication, fib, falsity, lie ; suggestto falsi ; suppressio veri.
To Falsify, Belie.
To Falter. Stammer, stutter, hesitate, pause.
Fame. Reputation, glory, renown, celebrity, honour, credit; report, bruit, rumour; fama.
Famed. Famous, far-famed, renowned, celebrated, illustrious, surpassing, ex-imious, eminent, distinguished, transcendent, excellent, noble.
Familiar. Free, frank, affable; conversant, intimate.
Familiarity. Acquaintance, intimacy, courtesy, affability; fellowship.
To Familiarize. Accustom, habituate, use.
Family. Household; house, lineage, ancestry, race.
Famine. Dearth, scarcity.
To Famish. Starve.
Famous. Famed, far-famed, renowned, celebrated, illustrious, surpassing, ex-imious, eminent, distinguished, transcendent, excellent, noble.
Famous (To make). Signalize, distinguish.
Famous (To make for ever). Immortalize, eternalize,
To Fan. Winnow, eventilate, thresh.
Fanatic. Enthusiast, visionary.
Fanciful. Imaginative, ideal; chimerical, Utopian ; wildly romantic, Quixotic ; fantastical, whimsical, capricious.
Fancy. Imagination, fantasy, ideality notion, conceit; vagary, frolic, escapade ; inclination, liking, humour.
Fane. Temple.FAS
Fanfaronade. Bluster.
Fantastic. Fantastical, whimsical, capricious.
Far. Distant, remote.
by Far. Immeasurably, incomparably, pre-eminently, transcendently.
Far-fetched. Catachrestical, recondite, recherche.
Fare. Provisions.
Farewell. Valediction, adieu, leave-taking.
Farinaceous. Mealy.
Farming. Husbandry, tillage, agriculture, cultivation, culture.
To Farther. Further, forward, advance, promote.
Fartherance. Furtherance, advancement, promotion.
Farthest. Extreme, most distant, most remote, utmost, uttermost.
Farrago. Olio, medley, miscellany, mixture, oglio.
To Fascinate. Charm, enchant, bewitch, enrapture, captivate, spell-bind, electrify, entrance.
Fascinating. Winning, captivating, bewitching, enchanting, fairy, syren, charming, attractive.
Fascination. Enchantment, witchery, bewitchery, charm, spell, prestige.
To Fashion. Form, mould, shape, fit.
Fashion. Custom, manner, mode, practice, form ; usage, conventionality, conventionalism.
Fast. Firm, solid *, constant, steadfast, staunch, stable, steady ; unyielding, uncompromising, inflexible, unswerving.
To Fasten. Fix, tie, link, enlink ; stick, hold ; affix, attach, annex.
To Fasten firmly. Clinch, rivet.
Fastidious. Squeamish, over nice, hyperprecise, punctilious.
Fastuous. Proud, vain, lofty, arrogant* high-minded, presumptuous, assuming, haughty, egotistical, overweening, conceited.
Fat. Adipose, obese, plethoric, corpulent, abdominous.
Fatal. Deadly, mortal, pestiferous.
To Fate. Destine, doom.
Fate. Destiny, doom, lot, sentence; chance, fortune.
To Fathom. Penetrate, reach.
Fatidical. Prophetic, vaticinatory.
Fatigue. Weariness, lassitude, ennui, languor, enervation, debilitation, exhaustion.
Fatigued. Defatigated,wearied,fagged, jaded, harassed; faint, exhausted.
Fatness. Obesity, corpulence, plethora, repletion, plumpness, embonpoint.
Fatty. Unctuous, oleaginous, greasy.
Fatuity. Imbecility, silliness, irrationality, foolishness, folly.
Fatuous. Crazy, crackbrained, imbecile, silly, simple, irrational, foolish, brainless.
Fault. Blemish, defect, imperfection, vice; failure, omission.
Faultily. Wrong, amiss.
Favillous. Cineritious, ashy.
Favour. Benefit, kindness, civility, grace.
Favourable. Auspicious, propitious.
To Fawn. Coax, wheedle, cajole.
Fay. Fairy, elf.
Fealty. Loyalty, allegiance.
To Fear, Apprehend, dread.
Fear. Fright, terror, dismay, alarm, dread, trepidation, consternation, apprehension.
Fearless. Brave, bold, intrepid, courageous, undaunted, dauntless, daring, gallant, valorous, valiant, chivalrous, heroic, magnanimous.
Fearful. Afraid, timid, timorous ; terrific, dreadful, dire, direful, frightful, horrible, distressing.
Feasible. Practicable, effectable ; specious, colourable, plausible.
Feast. Epulation, fete, banquet, treat, entertainment, festival.
Feat. Exploit, achievement, action, deed, accomplishment.
Feature. Lineament, aspect, complexion.
Feculence. Feces, sediment, dregs, residuum, refuse, dross, recrement.
To Fecundify. Fertilize.
Fecundity. Fertility, feracity, fruitfulness, productiveness.
Federate. Leagued, confederated, banded.
Fee. Charge, bill, account, reckoning.
Feeble. Weak, infirm, nerveless, forceless, impuissant, enfeebled, debilitated, enervated, impotent, paralysed, palsied.
Feebleness. W eakness, ‘ impuissance, infirmity, frailty, impotence ; emaciation, attenuation of body; decrepitude.
Feeling. Emotion, sentiment, impression, sensation, consciousness, sensibility, sensitiveness, susceptibility ; kindness.
To Feign. Pretend, simúlate, dissemble ; invent, forge.
To Felicitate. Make happy, impart joy, delight; congratulate.
Felicity. Happiness, bliss, blessedness, blessfulness, beatitude.
To Fell. Hew, cut down.
Fell. Cruel, inhuman, barbarous, merciless, ruthless, pitiless, remorseless, relentless, unrelenting, savage, ferocious, brutal, unmerciful, marble-hearted, hardhearted, inexorable.
Fellow. Equal, companion, colleague, peer, compeer.
Fellow-feeling. Sympathy, agreement.
Fellowship. Society, companionship ; acquaintancè, familiarity, intimacy.
Felon. Criminal, culprit, malefactor.
Feminine. Female, effeminate, womanish, tender, weakly, unmanly.
Fen. Bog, quagmire, morass, marsh, swamp.
To Fence in. Enclose,ì palisade.
Fence. Guard, security, cegis, -palladium ; bui wark, rampart.
Feral. Funeral.
Feracity. Fertility, fecundity, fruitfulness, productiveness.
Ferocious. Fierce,' savage, ravenous, voracious ; cruel, inhuman, fell,' barbarous, Yandaiic.
Ferocity. Fierceness, savageness, ravenousness, voraciousness ; cruelty, inhumanity, barbarity, immanity.
♦Fertile. Fruitful, pròlific, teeming, pregnant, productive ; fièli, luxuriant.
Fertility. Fruitfulness, fecundity, feracity, productiveness ; richness, luxuriance.
To Fertilize. Fecundify.
Fervid. Glowing, ardent, impassioned, fervent, warm.
Fervour. Glow, ardour, passion, fervency, warmth, veh emen ce.
Festal. Festive, convivial, joyous.
To Fester. Rankle.
Festival. Feast, banquet, epulation, feteV treat, entertainment.
Festive. Festal, convivial, joyous.
Festivity. Hilarity, joViality, jovialness, gaiety.
To Fetch. Bring.
Fetid. Stinking, rancid, olidous, mephitic.
To Fetter. Manacle; shackle, enfetter, enchain, immanacle.
Fetus. FooUis, embryo.
Fewness. Paucity.FIN
Feud. Fray, affray, broil, quarrel, dispute.
Fiat. Decree, ordinance.
Fib. Untruth, fabrication, falsity.
Fibre. Filament.
Fibrous. Stringy.
Fickle. Unstable, unsteadfast, inconstant, mutable, versatile, restless, fitful ; variable, changeable.
Fiction. Romance, figment, invention ; falsehood,, fabrication.
Fictitious. Fabricated, invented, com-mentitious, suppositious.
Fidelity. Faithfulness, honesty,, integrity.
Fiduciary. Trustee, depositary.
Fiendish. Infernal, diabolic, demoniacal, devilish, hellish, tartarean.
Fierce. Ferocious, savage, ravenous, voracious ; furious, violent.
Fiery. Hot, glowing, ardent, fervid, impassioned, passionate, impassionate, fervent, vehement, impetuous.
A Fiery man. Hotspur.
Fight. Battle, action, engagement» combat, conflict, contest, encounter | contention; decertation, struggle.
Figment. Fiction, invention.
Figure. Allegory, image, metaphor'» emblem, type, symbol.
Figure. Form, shape, conformation.
Filament. Fibre.
To Filch. Pilfer.1
To Fill. Satisfy, content; store, re^-plenish, glut, gorge, stuff, cram.
Film. Pellicle; membrane.
Filth. Dirt, mud, puddle.
Filthy. Squalid, nasty, foul, dirty, unclean, gross ; dingy.
Final. Ultimate, eventual, last, latest ; conclusive, determinative, determinating, decisive.
Finale. Close, end, termination, conclusion.
Financial. Fiscal*,
To Find out. . Discover, descry, detect ; ascertain, unfold, decipher.
Fine. Delicate, pure, nice ; handsome, pretty; beautiful, elegant, showy.
a Fine. Amercement, amerciament, mulct, penalty, forfeiture.
To Fine. Amerce, amerciate, mulct, inflict a penalty upon.
Finesse. Artifice, trick, stratagem, delusion, deceit, guile.
Finical. Foppish, spruce, coxcombical, dandyish.
Finite. Limited, bounded, terminable.
Firebrand . Incendiary.
Firing. Fuel.
Firm. Fast, steadfast ; stable, solid ; strong, robust, sinewy, sturdy.
First. Primary, primitive, pristine, primeval, original, primordial,
Fiscal. Financial.
Fissure. Scissure, cleft, crevice, interstice.
To Fit. Suit, adapt, adjust ; equip, prepare, qualify.
Fit. Apt, suitable, meet, befitting; becoming, decent, decorous ; expedient.
Fit. Paroxism; epilepsy.
Fitful. Fickle, unstable, unsteadfast, inconstant, mutable, versatile, restless.
Fitted. Competent, adapted, qualified, suited.
To Fix. Fasten, tie, link, enlink, attach, stick ; settle, establish, limit, determine, define, ascertain ; institute, appoint, organize.
Fixity Fixidity, tenacity.
To Flag. Decline, droop, languish, pine.
Flagellation. Cudgeling, fustigation, pommeling, mailing, mauling, thumping, beating, thrashing, drubbing.
Flagitious. Flagrant, facinorous, atrocious, heinous, wicked.
Flam. Pretence, pretext.
Flambeau. Torch.
Flame. Blaze, flare, glare.
Flaming. Notorious, overt, open, public.
Flammability. Deflagrability, combustibility, combustibleness.
To Flare. Glare, dazzle.
Flare. Glare, blaze, flame.
Flashy. Showy, ostentatious, gaudy, pompous, tawdry.
Flat. Level, horizontal, even j downright, absolute, ; insipid, mawkish, dull, spiritless, tasteless, vapid, inanimate, lifeless.
Flatness. Platitude, insipidity, mawkishness.
Flattery. Adulation, sycophancy, obsequiousness, false compliment, parasitism, servility; cajolery, bland-iloquence.
Flatulent. Flatuous, windy.
Flaunting. Gairish, jaunty.
Flavour. Taste, relish, savour.
Flavorous. Palatable, sapid, tasteful, savoury,gustful.
Flaw. Blemish, spot, blur, speck, defect, crack.
To Flay. Skin, excoriate, excarnate, discarnate.
To Fleak. Streak, stripe, dapple.
To Fleck. Dot, spot, mottle, speckle.
Fleeting. Temporary, transient, trans-itory, ephemeral, shortlived, unenduring, evanescent; fugitive, volatile* subtile.
Fleetness. Quickness, celerity, swiftness, pernicity, rapidity, velocity.
Fleshly. Carnal; sensual, voluptuous, luxurious.
Fleshy. Plump, embonpoint.
Flexible. Flexile, limber, pliant, lithe, supple.
Flexuous. Tortuous, binding, winding* .
Flickering. Whirring.
Flightiness. Levity, lightness, giddiness ; volatility.
Flimsy. Light, weak, superficial, shallow.
To Fling. Cast, throw, hurl, toss.
Flinty. Hard, indurate ; obdurate, impenitent.
Flippancy. Dicacity, pertness, sail-ciness.
To Flirt. Jeer, gibe, scoff, taunt.
A Flirt. Coquette, jilt, affected wo* ma
Flock. Throng, crowd, multitude, swarm, shoal.
To Flog. Lash, whip, scourge.
To Flood. Deluge, inundate, exundate, overflow, overwhelm, submerge, drown.
Florid. Flowery, ornate, embellished.
Florulent. Efflorescent, flowering, blooming, blossoming.
To Flourish, Thrive, prosper ; wave, brandish.
Flout. Scoff, sneer, glike.
To Flow, Proceed, issue, emanate.
Flowery. Bloomy, floriferous ; florid, ornate, embellished.
To Fluctuate. Weaver, hesitate, vacillate, oscillate, scruple, change.
Fluent. Flowing, glib, voluble, unembarrassed, ready.
To Flush. Elate, lift up, puff up, inflate.
Fluting. Champfer, furrow.
To Flutter. Palpitate, undulate, vibrate, pant.
Flux. Dysentery, looseness.
To Fly. Wing, soar, mount, tower.
Foamy. Frothy, spumy.
Focus. Corradiation.
Foe. Enemy, opponent, adversary antagonist.
Fœtus. Fetus, embryo*FOO
Foible. Imperfection, failing, frailty, weakness.
To Foil. Defeat, frustrate, balk, disappoint.
To Foist. Interpolate.
To Fold. Wrap, envelop, infold, inwrap.
Foliage. Leaves.
Folks. Persons, people, individuals.
To Follow. Succeed, ensue; imitate, copy; pursue.
a Follower. Adherent, partisan ; disciple, religionist; retainer ; pursuer, successor.
Folly. Insipience, foolishness, irrationality, imbecility, weakness, fatuity.
Fond. Enamoured, attached, amorous, affectionate, besotted.
To Fondle. Caress, endear.
Fondling. Caressing, dalliance, endearments.
Fondness. Affection, attachment, kindness, love.
Food. Diet, meal, repast; regimen; victuals, meat, viands ; prey; victim, sacrifice.
Fool. Idiot, natural; buffoon, harlequin, zany, merry-andrew, scaramouch.
Foolery. Idiotism ; tomfoolery, folly, absurdity ; mommery, mummery, buffoonery.
Foolhardy. Adventurous, rash, ven“ turous, venturesome, incautious, hasty, precipitate.
Foolish. Simple, silly, irrational, brainless, imbecile, fatuous, crazy, crack-brained; absurd, absonant, preposterous, ridiculous, nonsensical.
Foolishness. Folly, insipience, irrationality, imbecility, silliness, weakness, fatuity.
Footstep. Trace, track, mark, vestige.
Fop. Beau, dandy, coxcomb, popinjay, jackanapes.
Foppish. Finical, spruce, coxcombical, dandyish.
To Forage. Spoil, pillage, depredate, plunder.
Forasmuch, Inasmuch,whereas, seeing, since.
To Forbear. Abstain, refrain, withhold.
To Forbid. Interdict, inhibit, prohibit.
To Force. Compel, coerce, concuss, constrain, impel, oblige, necessitate.
Force. Compulsion, coercion; strength vigour, might, energy, power, puissance, violence, dint; army, host.
Forceless. Nerveless, impuissant, enervated, feeble, weak, paralysed, palsied.
Forcible. Strong, nervous, vigorous, energetic, effective, operative, powerful, cogent, irresistible.
To Forebode. Augur, presage, portend, foretoken, prognosticate, betoken, be ominous.
Forecast. Forethought, foresight, premeditation ; contrivance.
Forecasting. Provident, careful, cautious, prudent, economical.
To Foreclose. Preclude, shut out.
To Foredoom. Foreordain, predestinate, predestine, predetermine.
Forefather. Progenitor, ancestor, predecessor.
To Forego. Quit, relinquish, let go, waive.
Foregoing. Antecedent, anterior, preceding, previous, prior, former.
Foreign. Extraneous, extrinsic.
Foreigner. Alien, stranger.
To Forejudge. Prejudge, prejudicate.
Foreknowledge. Prescience, foresight.
Forementioned. Aforesaid, foresaid.
Forensic. Juridical.
Forerank. Front, van.
Forerunner. Harbinger, precursor, messenger; prognostic, presage, omen.
Foresaid. Aforesaid, forementioned.
Foresight. Forethought, forecast, premeditation.
To Foreshow. Foreshadow, presignify, pre typify.
Foretaste. Anticipation, antepast.
To Foretell. Predict, prophesy, act the seer; prognosticate, augur, presage, betoken, foretoken, portend.
Forethought. Foresight, forecast, premeditation ; presentiment.
Forfeiture. - Fine, amercement, amerciament, mulct, penalty.
To Forge. Excogitate, coin, invent, frame, feign, fabricate, counterfeit.
Forgetful. Unmindful, oblivious.
Forgetfulness. Oblivion, letke amnesty.
To Forgive. Pardon, remit, absolve, acquit, excuse, dispense with, except.
Forlorn. Forsaken, abandoned, deserted, desolate, lone, lonesome.
Form. Ceremony, solemnity, observance, rite.
Form. Figure, shape, conformation, fashion, appearance, representation ; simulacrum, semblance.
To Form. Make, create, produce, engender* generate ; constitute, arrange, adjust, organize; fashion, mould, shape.
Formality. Usage, etiquette.
Formal. Ceremonious, precise, exact, stiff, methodical, affected.
Former. Antecedent, anterior, previous, prior, preceding, foregoing ; ci-devant, quondam.
Formerly. Heretofore, anciently, of old, aforetime, in times past, in days of yore, long ago, bypast, bygone, in past ages.
Formidable. Redoubtable, terrible .dreadful, fearful.
To Forsake. Abandon, desert, renounce.
Forsaken. Abandoned, forlorn, deserted, desolate, lone, lonesome.
To Forswear. Perjure.
Forthwith. Immediately, directly, instantly, instantaneously, instanter, presently.
2h Fortify. Strengthen, garrison, en-garrison, re-inforce ; intrench, ensconce.
Fortitude. Endurance, resolution j fearlessness, dauntlessness.
Fortress. Citadel, armoury, strong-‘ hold.
Fortuitous. Accidental, casual, contingent, incidental.
Fortunate. Lucky, auspicious, prosperous, successful.
Fortune. Chance, fate, luck; doom, destiny.
Forward. Onward, progressive ; confident, presumptuous.
To Forward. Farther, further, advance, promote, prefer.
Fosse. Moat, graff.
To Foster. Cherish, nurse, indulge, harbour.
Fostering. Nurturing,genial.
Footboy. Footman, lackey.
Foul. Squalid, nasty, filthy, dirty, unclean, defiled ; unfair, disingenuous, sinister, ungenial ; illegitimate.
. To Found, Ground, base, rest, build j institute, establish.
Foundation. Ground, basis ; groundwork ; establishment, settlement.
Fountain. Spring, source, origin.
Fraction. Part, fragment, section, piece.
Fractious. Cross, captious, exceptions, petulant, touchy, testy, peevish, fretful, splenetic.
Fractiousness. Crossness, captious, ness, cavillation, exceptiousness.FEE	|
Fracture. Ruption, breach.	I
Fragile. Brittle, frangible, discerpti-ble, frail.
Fragments, Orts, scraps; leavings, remains, relics, remnants. Fragmentary. Broken, separate, detached, disjointed, disjunct.
Fragrant. Odorous, odoriferous, sweet-scented, redolent, balmy, perfumed. Fragrance. Odour, smell, scent, balminess, perfume.
Frailty* Weakness, failing, foible, imperfection.
Frame. Temper, temperament, mood, constitution.
To Frame. Excogitate, invent, coin, fabricate, forge, feign, counterfeit ; make, compose.
To Frame with labour. Elaborate, work out.
Franchise. Exemption, immunity, privilege, freedom.
Frangible. Discerptible, brittle, fragile, frail.
Frank. Artless, candid, free, easy, familiar, open, ingenuous, plain. Frantic. Frenetic, phrenetic, dis-, tracted, mad, furious.
Fraternal. Brotherly, becoming a brother.
Fraternity. Brotherhood, fraternization.
Fraud. Deceit, deception, duplicity, guile, cheat, imposition, machination. Fraught. Fulfraught, replete, preg-. nant..
Fray. Affray, feud ; quarrel, broil, altercation, scuffle, melêe.
Freak. Whim, caprice, maggot. Free. Liberal, generous, freehearted, bountiful, bounteous, munificent ; frank, artless, candid, easy, familiar, open‘d ingenuous ; unconfined, unconstrained, unreserved, unrestricted ; exempt, clear. .
To Free. Set free, deliver, rescue, liberate ; enfranchise, affranchise ; emancipate, disenthral, manumit; unfetter, unmanacle.
Freebooter. Bandit, brigand, robber.
Freedom. Liberty, independence, unrestraint ; familiarity ; franchise, exemption, immunity, privilege.
Freight. Cargo, lading, load, burden.
Frenetic. Phrenetic, distracted, frantic, mad, furious.
Frenzy. Phrensy, distraction, distractedness, franticness, rage, fury.
To Frequent. Resort to, haunt.
Frequently. Often, commonly, usually, generally; repeatedly, many times.
Fresh. New, novel, recent, modern, neoteric.
To Fret. Gall, chafe; agitate, irritate, vex.
Fretful. Splenetic, peevish, petulant, fractious, captious.
Friable. Pulverable, triturable.
Friendly. Amicable, social, sociable.
Fright. Alarm, dismay, terror, consternation, panic.
To Frighten. Affright, scare, dismay, appal, terror-strike, stand aghast, terrify, dastardize, intimidate, daunt, cow, quail.
Frightful. Fearful, dreadful, dire, direful, terrific, awful, horrid, horrible.
Frigid. Cool, cold; unmoved, unaffected ; palsied, impotent; stoical.
To Fritter. Dwindle, crumble, moulder, disappear.
Frivolous. Trifling, trivial, petty, futile, nugatory.
Frolic. Gambol, prank, spree, escapade.
Front. Van, forerank.
To Front. Face, confront, encounter.
Frontier. Marches, limits, confines.
Frothy. Foamy, spumy.
911FUN '
Froward. Cross, untoward, captious, fractious, perverse, peevish.
Frown. Scowl.
Frugal. Provident, economical,saving; penurious, parsimonious.
Fruitful. Fertile, prolific, pregnant, teeming, productive, abundant, plentiful, plenteous. .
Fruition. Enjoyment, possession, gratification.
Fruitless. Vain, useless, idle, abortive,
, bootless, unavailing, without avail.
To Frustrate. Defeat, foil, balk, disappoint.
Fuddled. Drunk, temulent, crapulous, inebriated, intoxicated, tipsy, muddled.
Fuddling. Drunken, tippling, biba-cious, guzzling, bousy, muddling.
Fuel. Firing.
Fugitive. Light, aerial, airy, subtile, volatile, fugacious.
To Fulfil, Accomplish, bring about, realize, effectuate, effect, complete.
Fulfraught. Fraught, replete, pregnant.
Fulgent. Fulgid, effulgent, refulgent, resplendent, brilliant, shining, radiant.
Fuliginous. Sooty, smoky, fumid.
Fully, Largely, copiously, abundantly, completely, plenarily.
To Fulminate. Anathematize, accurse, curse.
Fulmination. Anathema, ban, curse, malediction.
Fulness. Plenitude, completeness, satiety, copiousness, abundance ; repletion.
Fulsome. Coarse, offensive, rank ; obscene.
Fume. Vapour, smoke, reek, steam.
Fumid. Smoky, sooty, fuliginous.
Function. Ofiice, place, charge.
Fundamental. Radical, rooted, constitutional, organic. r92
Funeral. Feral.
Funeral solemnity. Funeral, obsequies, exequies, obit.
To Furbish. Burnish, polish.
Furacious. Thievish.
Furfuraceous. Scurfy, lentiginous.
Furious. Violent, boisterous, vehement, dashing, sweeping, rolling, impetuous; frantic, distracted; stormy, angry, raging, infuriated, frantic.
To Furnish. Provide, procure, supply.
Furniture. Goods, gear, chattels, moveables, effects.
Furrow. Trench, fluting, champfer.
To Further. Farther, advance, forward, promote.
Further. Ulterior.
Furtherance. Fartherance, advancement, promotion.
Furthermore. Farthermore, moreover, besides.
Furtive. Stolen, surreptitious.
a Fury. Hag, shrew, vixen.
Fury. Madness, frenzy, phrenzy, rage, anger.
Fuscation. Obfuscation, offuscation, darkness, obtenebration.
To Fuse. Melt, liquefy, liquate, dissolve.
Fuss. Ado, noise.
Fustian. Bombast.
Fustigation. Cudgeling, mailing, mauling, pommeling, flagellation, beating, thumping, thrashing, drubbing.
Fusty. Musty, mouldy.
Futile. Trifling, trivial, frivolous, nugatory.
Futility. Nugacity, drivel, nonsense, morology, stultiloquence.
To Gabble. Babble, prattle, chatter, prate.
Gadabout. Gossip.GAR
To Gag. Muzzle, silence.
Gaiety. Glee, merriment, mirth, joviality, jovialness, hilarity, festivity.
To Gain. Get, acquire, obtain, attain, procure; win, achieve, reap, earn.
Gain. Profit, emolument, advantage, lucre, benefit.
Gainful. Lucrative, profitable, remunerative.
To Gainsay. Contradict, deny, oppose.
To Gainstrive. Resist, withstand, oppose.
Gairish. Flaunting, jaunty.
Gait. Carriage, walk, bearing.
Gale. Breeze, blast, gust; hurricane, tempest, storm.
To Gall. Chafe, fret, irritate, vex.
Gallant. Brave, bold, courageous, intrepid, fearless, chivalrous, valiant, heroic, daring.
Gallantry. Prowess, courage, bravery, valour, heroism, bo\dness, chivalry, intrepidity, fearlessness.
Gallimaufry. Hotch potch, oglio.
Galling. Chafing, irritating, vexing.
Gambol. Frolic, prank, spree, escapade.
Game. Play, sport, amusement, pastime.
Gang. Band, horde, company, crew.
Gap. Vacancy, chasm, hollow, cavity, opening, hiatus, aperture ; interval, interstice.
Gaol. Jail, prison, dungeon.
To Gape. Stare, gaze ; yawn.
Gaping. Agape, wide open, distended.
Garbage. Offals.
Garbled. Mutilated, defective, incomplete.
Garland. Chaplet, coronal, wreath.
Garniture. Decoration, embellishment, ornament.
To Garrison. Engarrison, fortify.
Garrulity. Loquacity, multiloquence, glibness, talkativeness, volubility, largiloquence, babbling, gabbling.
Garrulous. Linguacious, loquacious, talkative, chattering.
Gasconade. Boast, brag, vaunt.
To Gasp. Palpitate, pant.
To Gather. Assemble, muster, collect.
Gaudy. Showy, flashy, tawdry, gay, glittering.
Gaunt, Emaciated, scraggy, meagre, lank, attenuated, lean, thin.
Gay. Cheerful, merry, gleeful, sprightly, blithe.
To Gaze. Gape, stare.
Gear. Furniture, goods, furnishing effects, apparel.
To Geld. Castrate, glib, emasculate.
To Gem. Jewel, impearl.
Genealogy. Pedigree.
General. World-wide, oecumenical, universal.
To Generalize, Digest.
Generally. Commonly, usually, frequently.
Generant. Germinating, seminal, procreant.
To Generate. Beget, engender, produce.
Generation. Race, breed.
Generous. Beneficent, bountiful, bounteous, munificent, liberal.
Genial. Fostering, nurturing.
Geniculated. Knobby, knobbed, knuckled.
Genius. Intellect, invention, talent, taste.
Genteel. Refined, polished, polite.
Gentile. Pagan, heathen.
Gentilitious. Endemial, endemic.
Gentle. Mild, bland, meek, tame.
Genuine. Real, unalloyed, unadulterated, not spurious; unaffected, sincere.
NOT Genuine. Spurious, supposititious, adulterated, counterfeit.
Genuflection. Knee tribute, kneeling.
Germ. Bud; nucleus *
To Germinate. Spring, sprout, shoot, bud, pullulate, grow, vegetate.
Germinating. Seminal, générant, procréant.
Gestation. Parturition.
Gesture. Gesticulation, action, posture, attitude.
To Get. Acquire, obtain, gain, attain, reach, procure, realize, secure, achieve, win, reap, earn.
Gewgaw. Bauble, trinket, toy.
Ghastly. Hideous, grim, grisly, ill-looking.
Ghost. Spectre, spright, sprite, apparition, phantom, vision.
Ghostly. Spiritual, ecclesiastical.
Gibberish. Jargon.
To Gibe. Scoff, sneer, jeer, mock, taunt.
Giddiness. Unsteadiness ; lightness, levity, flightiness, volatility.
Giddybrained. Flighty, volatile, hair-brained, harebrained.
Gift. Donation, benefaction, alms; gratuity, recompense ; boon, present, largess ; faculty, endowment, talent.
Gifted. Endowed, ableminded, talented.
Gigantic. Colossal, huge, enormous, abnormous, vast, prodigious, monstrous.
Giggling. Twittering, tittering.
To Gild. Adorn, beautify,
Gin. Snare, net, trap.
To Gingle. Tinkle.
To Gird. Begird, engird, environ, surround, encircle.
To Give. Grant, bestow, confer, yield.
To Give out. Declare, enunciate ; proclaim, publish, announce, utter.
To Give up. Abandon, forsake, renounce; relinquish, quit; cede, surrender, yield ; dedicate, consecrate, hallow, sanctify.
Giver. Bestower, donor.
Glacial. Icy, enfrozen.
Glad. Pleased, cheerful, joyful, delighted, exhilarated, gratified.
To Gladden. Cheer, exhilarate, animate, enliven, inspire.
Gladiator. Agonistes, prize-fighter.
Glance. Glimpse, look ; wink, ooiliad ; leer, ogle.
Glancing. Gleaming, glittering, shining.
To Glare. Flare, dazzle.
Glare. Flare, blaze, glistening, effulgence, brilliancy, glitter, radiation, irradiation.
Glaring. Barefaced, impudent.
Glassy. Crystalline, crystal, hyaline.
Gleam. Glimmer, sheen, ray, beam.
To Gleam. Glimmer, glance, glitter, shine.
Glee. Gaiety, merriment, mirth, joviality, jovialness, hilarity, festivity,
Gleeful. Gay, merry, cheerful,
Glen. Yalley, vale, dale, dell, dingle.
Glib. Voluble, fluent, flowing, unembarrassed, ready.
To Glib. Geld, castrate, emasculate.
Glibness. Volubility, talkativeness, loquacity, largiloquence, multilo-quence, garrulity, babbling, gabbling.
To Glide. Slip, slide.
Glike. Sneer, scoff, flout.
Glimmer. Gleam, sheen, ray, beam.
Glimpse. Glance, look.
To Glisten. Shine, radiate, glitter.
Glistening. Shining, glittering, gleaming, glancing.
To Glitter. Shine, glisten, radiate.
To Gloat. Ogle, leer.
Globe. Circle, sphere* ball, orb.
Globule. Particle.GOO
Globules (a mass of). Congeries.
To Glomerate. Conglomerate, agglomerate.
Gloom. Obscurity, darkness, dimness ; blackness; sadness, dulness, sullenness, moroseness, spleen.
Gloomy, Lowering, lurid.
Glorious. Famous, renowned, celebrated, illustrious, distinguished, noted, conspicuous, eximious, eminent, noble.
Glory . Honour, fame, renown ; pride ; praise.
To Glory, Boast, vaunt, triumph, be proud of.
Gloss. Gloze, extenuation, palliation.-To Gloss. Varnish, gloze, gild, palliate, cover, screen, hide.
Glossary. Lexicon, dictionary, vocabulary.
To Glout. Pout.
Glowing. Hot, fervid, ardent, fervent, fiery, intense, vehement; vivid. Gloze. Gloss, extenuation, palliation. To Glut. Gorge, stuff, cram ; satisfy, sate, satiate ; saturate, soak, steep, fill to repletion y block up ; inundate. Glutinous. Viscous, viscid, emplastic, adhesive, adherent, sticking, tenacious.
Glu tton. Gormandizer, guttler. Gnarled. ; Knaggy, knotty.
Gnawing. Eating, corroding, esurine. To Go. Proceed, move,5 budge, stir.
To Go before. Precede, antecede. Goal, Destination.
To Goad. Sting, impel.
To Gobble. Devour, engorge, ingurgitate, guttle.
To Gobbet. Gulp, swallow.
Godless. Irreligious, impious, profane. Godlike. Divine, heavenly, heaven-born, supernal.
Godly. Righteous, holy, pious.
Good, Benefit, advantage, profit.
Good. Virtuous,'righteous, upright.
Good-office. Service, benefit.
Goods. Furniture, chattels, effects*, gear, moveables; commodities, wares, merchandise.
Gorbellied. /Paunch-bellied, tum-bel-lied, great-bellied, abdominous.
Gorge. Gully, ravine, defile.
To Gorge. Glut, cram, stuff.
Gorgeous. Grand, magnificent, splendid, superb.
Gormandizer. Glutton, guttler.
Gory. Ensanguined, cruentate.
Gossip, Gadabout.
To Gossip. Prate, confabulate, chat, chatter'.
Gothic. Antiquated, antique, ancients
To Govern. .Rule, direct, manage.
Governing. t Ruling, leading.
Goverment. Rule, administration, cabinet; polity, constitution, regulation ; autocracy, absolutism; aristocracy; oligarchy; aristo-democracy; democracy,i republic, commonwealth i hierarchy; .gyneeocracy.
To Grabble. Grope.
Grace. Favour, benignity, kindness* beneficence.
Graceful. .Becoming, comely, elegant, debonair.
Gracefulness. Grace, elegance, corner liness, pulchritude, beauty.
Gracious. Merciful, kind, beneficent* benignant, philanthropic.
Gradually. By degrees, imperceptibly,, insensibly.
Graff. Moat, fosse.
To Graft. Ingraft, implant, infix.
Gramineous. Grassy.
Graminivorous. Phytivorous.
Grand. Majestic, stately, august, dignified, lofty, elevated, exalted ; splendid, gorgeous, magnificent, superb j sublime, noble ; proud, pompous.
Grandeur. Sublimity; majesty, loftiness, dignity.
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Grandiloquent. Altisonant, swelling, ambitious, pompous, bombastic, tumid, turgid.
To Grant. Give, yield, cede, concede, allow ; bestow, confer, invest.
Grant. Allowance, pay, wages, salary, stipend ; gift, boon j permission, concession.
Graphic. Picturesque, pictorial, vivid.
To Grasp. Lay hold on, catch, seize, gripe.
Grassy. Gramineous.
Grateful. Agreeable, pleasing, welcome ; thankful.
Gratification. Enjoyment, fruition, pleasure.
Gratitude. Thankfulness.
Gratuitous. Voluntary, spontaneous ; unfounded, ungrounded, groundless.
Gratuity. Gift, recompense, meed.
Grave. Serious, sedate, thoughtful, solemn, sober, demure, staid ; important, weighty.
Grave. Tomb, sepulchre; cenotaph.
Grandity. Pregnancy, enceinte.
Gravity. Weight, heaviness ; importance, moment.
Greasy. Fatty, oleaginous, unctuous.
Great. Big, large ; majestic, grand, noble, august, sublime.
Great-bellied. Gorbellied, tun-bel-lied, paunch-bellied, abdominous.
Greatness. Magnitude, size, bulk.
Greediness. Avidity, eagerness, voracity, edacity, gulosity, insatiableness.
To Greet. Hail, salute, welcome.
Greeting. Salutation.
Grey. Hoary.
Grief. Affliction, sorrow, tribulation.
Grievance. Hardship, wrong.
To Grieve. Mourn, lament, sorrow, bewail.
Grievous. Painful, afflicting, afflictive, unhappy, baleful, disastrous, calamitous, heavy.
To Grill. Broil.
Grim. Hideous, grisly, ghastly, ill«, looking.
Grimace. Distortion.
To Grime. Begrime.
Grinding. Crushing,, oppressive, rigorous, severe, hard, unmitigated, gal-ling.
To Gripe. Lay hold on, catch, seize, clutch, grasp; press, squeeze, pinch.
Gripepenny. Pinchpenny, earthworm» hunks, curmudgeon.
Grisly. Hideous, grim, ghastly, ill-looking.
Gritty. Sabulous, tophaceous, sandy, arenacious.
To Groan. Moan.
To Grope. Grabble.
Gross. Coarse ; unseemly, shameful, outrageous.
Grotesque. Droll, laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, comic, comical.
To Ground. Found, rest, base.
Groundless. Unfounded, baseless» ungrounded, gratuitous.
Group. Assembly, assemblage, cluster, collection ; auditory.
Grove. Thicket, wood, woodland.
Grovelling. Earthborn, abject.
To Grow. Increase; vegetate.
Growing. Increasing, increscent, in-cressant, crescent, crescive.
To Growl. Grumble, snarl.
Grudge. Malice, rancour, spite, pique, illwill, resentment.
Gruff. Rough, rugged, blunt, rude.
Grum. Sour, surly, crabbed, ill-tempered, acrimonious, morose, splenetic.
To Grumble. Growl, snarl.
To Guarantee. Be responsible for, answer for, warrant, secure.
To Guard. Enguard, protect, defend, shield.GUT
Guard. Fence, security, shield, defence ; custody, keeping ; bulwark, rampart; agis, ¡palladium; sentinel, sentry.
Guardian. Protector, conservator, preserver.
Guerdon. Recompense, reward, remuneration, requital.
To Guess. Conjecture, divine*
Guest. Visitant, visitor.
To Guggle. Gurgle.
Guidance. Leadership, direction.
To Guide. Lead, conduct, direct; regulate.
A Guide. Leader, conductor, ccerone.
Guiding. Governing, ruling, leading.
Guile. Deceit, fraud, wile.
Guileless. Artless, unsophisticated, pure, unvitiated.
Guiltiness. Culpability, criminalness.
Guiltless. Innocent, innocuous, innoxious, harmless; sinless, immaculate.
Guise. Manner, mien, habit.
Gulp. Abyss, gurge.
To Gull. Dupe, cheat, impose upon, cozen, circumvent, overreach, deceive, beguile, delude.
Gully. Gorge, ravine, defile.
To Gully. Rush, gush.
Gulosity. Swallow, greediness, vora-city.
To Gulp. Gobbet, swallow.
Gurge. Gulf, abyss.
To Gurgle. Guggle.
To Gush. Stream, flow, well forth, rush, gully.
Gust. Breeze, blast, gale.
Gustful. Savoury, sapid, tasteful, palatable.
Gusto. Relish, zest.
To Gut. Exenterate, eviscerate, viscerate, embowel, take out the entrails.
Guts. Viscera, intestines, entrails» bowels,
To Guttle. Gobble, ingurgitate, engorge, devour.
Guttler. Gormandizer, glutton.
To Guzzle. Swig.
Guzzling. Tippling, bibacious, bousy, drunken, fuddling, muddling.
Gyration. Whirl, circumvolution, circumgyration, spiral, turn.
Habiliments. Clothes, dress, apparel.
Habit. Manner, mien, guise.
Habitation.	Dwelling, residence,
Habitual. Usual, customary, accustomed, wonted.
Habitually.	Customarily, usually,
commonly, generally.
To Habituate. Familiarize, accustom, use, inure, acclimatize.
To Hack. Hew.
Hag. Fury, shrew, vixen.
To Haggle. Higgle, chaffer, cheapen,
To Hail. Greet, salute, welcome.
Hairbrained. Harebrained, giddy-brained, flighty, volatile.
Halcyon. Placid, calm, pacific, serene, peaceful, tranquil.
To Hale. Draw, haul, drag, pull, tug, lug.
Hale. Hearty, sound, healthy, strong.
Half. Moiety.
Hall. Room, chamber, apartment.
Hallelujah. Allelujah, hosanna, holy rejoicing, spiritual exultation.
To Halloo; Hollo, bawl, yawl, vociferate.
To Hallow. Consecrate, sanctify, dedicate, invest with solemnity.
Hallucination. Blunder, mistake, delusion.
To Halt. Limp, lame, hop, hobble.
To Hand. Deliver, give.
Hand. Operative, workman.
Handiwork. Handicraft, workmanship, manipulation.
Handmaid, instrument, medium, organ, channel.
Handful. Maniple.
Handsome. Pretty, beautiful, fine.
To Hang. Suspend.
Hanger-on. Dependant, spunger; minion.
Hanging oyer. Impending, imminent; menacing, threatening,
To Hanker after. Aspire, long for, covet, ardently desire.
Hap. Chance, haphazard.
Hapless. Luckless, unlucky, impros-perous, infelicitous, unfortunate.
To Happen. Betide, befal.
Happiness. Felicity, bliss, beatitude; prosperity, wellbeing, welfare.
Happy. Prosperous, successful, flourishing, fortunate, lucky.
Harangue.	Declamation, address,
speech, oration.
To Harangue. Rhetoricate, declaim.
To Harass. Distress, perplex, weary, tire, jade; molest, disturb.
Harbinger.	Forerunner, precursor,
To Harbour. Lodge, shelter ; indulge ; foster, cherish; entertain.
Harbour. Port, haven.
Hard. Firm, solid ; flinty, indurate, unfeeling, obdurate, insensible, unsusceptible, impenitent; difficult, arduous.
To Harden. Make obdurate, indurate.
Hardened. Hard, callous, obdurate, impenitent, unfeeling, insensible, unsusceptible, impenetrable, inveterate.
Hard-hearted. Insensible, unfeeling, cruel, marble-hearted, fell, remorseless, ruthless, relentless, unrelenting, unmerciful, merciless.
Hardihood. Audacity, effrontery, boldness.
Hard-laboured. Elaborate, studied.
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Hardly. Scarce, scarcely, with difficulty.
Hardship. Grievance, wrong.
Hardship {To inflict). Aggrieve.
Hardy. Manly, manful, masculine^ vigorous, courageous, brave, heroic,, intrepid.
Harebrained. Hairhrained, giddy-brained, flighty, volatile.
Harlequin. Buffoon, merry-andrew,, scaramouch, zany, fool.
Harlot. Whore, prostitute, strumpet, bonaroba, street-walker, bawd, procuress, courtesan.
Harm. Evil, ill, misfortune, mishap $ injury; damage, hurt.
Harmless. Innocent, sinless, guiltless ; innoxious, innocuous ; inoffensive,, unoffending.
Harmonious. Symphönious, consonous, accordant.
To Harmonize. Accord, tally, quadrate, agree.
Harmony. Agreement, concord, consonance, accordance, unison ; melody.
Harsh. Rough, severe, rigorous, unmitigated, inexorable ; gruff, rugged, blunt.
Harshness. Acrimony, acrimoniousness, asperity, poignancy, acerbity, pungency, corrosiveness, smartness,, tartness.
To Hash. Mince*
To Hasten. Accelerate, quicken, expedite, dispatch ; precipitate ; hurry,, hie, speed.
Hastiness. Speed, hurry, quickness precipitancy, rashness, temerity.
Hasty. Quick ; precipitate, rash excitable, hot, fiery, irascible, passionate, angry; cursory, slight.
To Hatch. Breed, brood, incubate.
To Hate. Detest, abominate, abhor,, loathe, nauseate.
Hateful. Odious, detestable, execrable, abominable, loathsome.HEA
Hatred. Antipathy, aversion, repugnance, hostility, enmity, rancour, ill-will.
Haughtiness. Arrogance, hauteur, pride, disdain, loftiness, highmindedness.
To Haul. Draw, pull, hale, drag, tug, lug.
To Haunt. Frequent, resort to.
To Hate. Hold, possess, occupy.
Haven. Harbour, port.
Havoc. Destruction, desolation, devastation, waste, ravage, spoil.
Hazard. Danger, peril, jeopardy, risk, chance, venture.
To Hazard. Endanger, peril, imperil, jeopardize, risk, dare, venture, adventure,
Hazardous. Perilous, dangerous, dis-criminous.
Hazy. Foggy, misty, rimy.
Head. Chieftain, leader, chief, Cory-pheus.
Headstrong. Heady, obstinate, dogged, intractable, stubborn, forward, venturesome.
To Heal. Cure, remedy ; reconcile.
Healing. Salutary, salutiferous, sanative, wholesome.
Healthy. Hale, hearty, sound, strong ; benign, benignant, salubrient, wholesome.
To Heap. Pile, amass, accumulate.
To Heap up. Hoard, mtre&suro, treasure up, corrade, scrajpe together, acervate, coacervate.
To Hear. Hearken, overhear, listen.
not Heard. Inaudible.
Hearkening. Auscultation, listening.
Hearsay. Rumour, report.
Heartbroken. Brokenhearted, comfortless, cheerless, disconsolate, inconsolate, inconsolable, forlorn, desolate.
Hearty. Hale, healthy, sound, strong ; heartfelt, warm, cordial, sincere.
Heating. Calorific, calefactory, cale»
Heathen. Pagan, gentile.
Heating (state of). Caléfaction, in*’ calescence.
To Heave. Hoist, lift.
Heavenly. Celestial, paradisiacal, supernal, divine, heavenborn, godlike, seraphic, angelic, cherubic,
Heaviness. Weight, gravity5 gloom; lethargy, torpor,'duiness.
Heaving. Swelling, surging.
Heavy. Burdensome, ponderous, massive, massy, weighty ; dull, drowsy, insipid, stolid, obtuse, sluggish, inert*
Hebetude. Bluntness, obtuseness.
Hector. Bully, swaggerer, blusterer.
Hectoring. Bullying, blustering, swaggering, bluff, burly.
To Heed. Attend to, advert, mind, regard, notice.
Heedless. Inattentive, negligent, remiss, careless, thoughtless.
Height. Crisis, acme ; apex; climax; zenith, culminating point.
To Heighten. Raise, enhance, aggravate ; amplify, exaggerate.
Heinous. Flagitious, atrocious, wicked.
Hellish. Infernal, diabolic, demoniacal, fiendish, devilish.
To Help. Aid, assist, be auxiliary, adjuvate, coadjuvate, co-operate, succour, reliever, serve.
To Hem. Shut in, inclose, rgabound.
Herald. Crier.
Herd. Drove.
Heresy. Heterodoxy:, seMssa.
Heretofore. Formerly, anciently, of old, aforetime, in times past, in days of yore, long ago, by past, bygone, in past ages.
Heritage. Inheritance, patrimony.
Hermit. Anchorite, anchoret, anach-orite, eremite, troglodyte, solitaire, recluse, ascetic.
Heroic. Brave, bold, intrepid, fearless, courageous, gallant, chivalrous, valiant; iron, doughty.
Heroism. Bravery, courage, prowess, gallantry.
To Hesitate. Falter, pause; demur, scruple.
Heterodoxy. Heresy.
Heterogeneous. Unlike, different, dissimilar, difform; ill-mingled, motley.
To Hew. Fell, cut down; hack.
To Hiccough. Hickup, yex.
Hidden. Secret, latent, cryptic, cabalistic, occult, mysterious, inscrutable.
To Hide. Conceal, disguise, secrete, imbosom, enwomb, imbower, cover ; shelter, cloak, veil, screen ; dissemble.
Hide. Skin, rind, peel, pelt, husk, bark.
Hideous. Ghastly, grim, grisly, frightful, horrible.
To Hie. Hurry, hasten, speed.
High. Tall, lofty, elevated ; proud, supercilious, fastuous, conceited.
Highest. Topmost, uppermost, loftiest.
Highlander. Mountaineer.
Highly, Exceedingly, by far, immeasurably, pre-eminently, incomparably, transcendently.
High-reaching. Aspiring, ambitions.
Highwayman. Robber, brigand, bandit, footpad.
Hilarity. Mirth, glee, cheerfulness, merriment, joviality, festivity, gaiety.
Hind. Countryman, peasant, swain, boor, rustic, bumpkin, clown, clod-pole.
To Hinder. Prevent, impede, obstruct, oppose, thwart, retard, stop, embarrass.
To Hint. Allude to, refer, glance at, intimate, suggest.
Hire. Allowance, salary, wages, stipend, pay.
Hireling. Mercenary, venal.
History. Life, career.
To Hit. Strike, dash, beat, thump.
Hitherto. Till now, until this time.
To Hoard. Heap up, treasure, intreasure, corrade, scrape together ; lay up, reposit, store.
Hoarse. Raucous, husky.
Hoary. Grey.
To Hobble. Hop, limp, lame, halt.
Hodge-podge. Hotch-potch, gallimaufry, oglio.
To Hoist. Heave, lift, raise up.
To Hold. Keep, detain, retain ; support, maintain ; have, possess, occupy.
Holding. Possession, occupancy, occupation.
Hole. Hollow, vacancy, void.
Holiday. Feast, festival.
Holily. Sacredly, religiously.
Holiness. Sanctity, piety, devotion.
To Hollo. Halloo, bawl, yawl, vociferate.
Hollow. Vacant, empty, void.
To Hollow. Excavate.
Holy. Pious, devout, religious ; sacred, divine.
Homage. Respect, deference, honour, veneration.
Home. Domicile, dwelling, residence, abode.
Homogeneous. Cognate, congenial, kindred, akin, relative.
To Homologate. Ratify, confirm, establish, substantiate, corroborate, settle firmly.
Homonymous. Ambiguous, equivocal, ainphilogical, ambilogical.
Honest. Upright, honourable, conscientious, virtuous.
Honesty. Integrity, purity, probity, sincerity, veracity, virtue, justice, equity, uprightness, rectitude.honour,
Honeycombed. Cellular, alveolated.HUG
Honeyed. Mellifluous, mellifluent, dulcet, luscious, sweet.
Honour. Dignity, majesty, elevation, grandeur ; homage, respect.
To Honour. Reverence, revere, venerate, respect ; dignify, exalt.
Honourable. Reputable, creditable.
To Hoodwink. Blind.
To Hoot. Yell, howl, roar.
To Hop. Hobble, limp, lame, halt.
Hope. Expectation, expectancy, anticipation, trust, confidence.
Hopeless. Desperate, desponding, despairing.
Horde. Gang, crew.
Horizontal. Flat, level.
Horrible. Fearful, dreadful, dire, direful, frightful, terrible, terrific, horrid.
Hosanna. Hallelujah, allelujah, holy rejoicing, spiritual exultation.
Host. Army, force ; myriad.
Hostile. Inimical, repugnant, adverse, opposite, contrary.
Hostilities. War, warfare.
Hostility. Animosity, enmity, ill-will, hatred, opposition.
Hot. Ardent, fervent, fiery, burning, glowing, intense ; passionate, impassioned, irascible, hasty, excitable.
Hotch-potch. Hodge-podge, gallimaufry, oglio.
House. Family, lineage, race ; habitation, abode, dwelling, residence, domicile, home.
However. Yet, nevertheless, notwithstanding.
To Howl. Ejaculate, cry out, yell, hoot, roar.
Hubbub. Tumult, turbulence, uproar, commotion, disturbance, riot.
Hue. Colour, tint.
To Hug, Clasp, embrace, imbosom.
Huge. Vast, enormous, abnormous, prodigious, immense, gigantic, colossal, large.
Hum. Buzz.
Humanity. Kindness, benevolence; philanthropy, benignity, tenderness sensibility; human nature.
To Humanize. Soften.
Humankind. Mortality.
To Humble. Debase, abase, degrade, disgrace, humiliate.
Humble. Lowly, modest, submissive, unpretending, unpresuming, unassuming.
Humid, Moist, dank, damp.
Humiliation. Abasement, degradation, abjection, fall, degeneracy.
Humour. Temper, mood, frame; caprice ; wit, jocularity, burlesque, satire.
ill-Humour. Chagrin, spleen, bile, grudge, pique.
Hunks. Curmudgeon, gripepenny, pinchpenny, earthworm.
To Hunt. Chase, pursue.
To Hurl. Cast, throw, fling, precipitate.
Hurricane. Tempest, storm, blast.
To Hurry. Hasten, hie, speed; expedite; precipitate.
Hurt. Harm, injury, damage, detriment, disadvantage; mischief, bane ; annoyed, sorry, grieved.
Hurtful. Pernicious, baneful, dew leterious, noxious, nocent, noisome, mischievous, detrimental, injurious, prejudicial, disadvantageous, damaging.
Husbandry. Cultivation, tillage, agriculture, farming.
' To Hush. Still, quiet, lull, calm, tranquillize.
Husk. Rind, pelt, bark.
Hyaline. Glassy, crystalline, crystal.
Hymeneal. Nuptial, bridal.
To Hymn. Sing, carol, warble.
Hyperbole. Exaggeration.
Hyperprecise. Fastidious, overnice, squeamish, punctilious.
Hypocrisy. Simulation, dissimulation, deceit, pretence, cant.
Hypothesis. Theory.
Hypnotic. Opiate, soporific.
Icy. Glacial, enfrozen.
Idea. Imagination, conception ; notion ; thought, sentiment, impression ; perception, perceptibility, sensation.
Ideal, Imaginary, intellectual; abstract ; imaginative, fanciful.
Identical. Same, self-same ; individual, personal, particular.
Idiom. Dialect.
Idiot. Fool, natural.
Idle. Lazy, indolent, inert, sluggish ; inactive, unemployed, vacant, at leisure,
Idler. Lounger.
To Idolize. Deify.
To Ignite. Kindle, enkindle.
Ignoble. Inglorious, low, mean.
Ignominious. Shameful, opprobrious, scandalous, infamous.
Ignominy. Opprobrium, obloquy, infamy, shame, disgrace ; reproach, contumely.
Ignorance. Nescience.
Ignorant. Uninformed, uninstructed, uneducated, unenlightened, unlearned, untaught, illiterate, unlettered.
To Ignore. Not recognise.
III. Bad, evil, wicked; disingenuous, sinister ; misfortune, mischief, harm.
Ill, Sick, indisposed, unwell.
To take III. Resent, be indignant at.
Ill-blended. Ill-mingled, motley, heterogeneous.
Ill-boding. Ominous, portentous.
Ill-temper. Irascibility, acrimony, asperity, acerbity, sourness.
Ill-tempered. Morose, splenetic, acrimonious, crabbed, sour, surly, corrosive.
Ill-will. Enmity, hatred, antipathy, rancour.
To Illaqueate. Ensnare, entrap, enmesh, entoil.
Illative. Consequential, consequent, consectaneous.
Illegal. Illicit, contraband, illegitimate, unlawful.
Illegible. Unreadable.
To Illegitimatize. Bastardize.
Illimitable. Boundless* limitless, measureless, immeasurable, unlimited, infinite, interminable, interminate, immense.
Illiterate. Unlettered, unlearned, uninformed, untaught, uninstructed, uneulightened.
Illness. Sickness, indisposition, disease, distemper, disorder, malady, ailment.
To Illude. Mock, deceive.
To Illume. Elumine, illumine, enlighten, illuminate, irradiate.
Illusion. Fallacy, sophism ; chimera, deception, phantasm.
Illusory. Imaginary, chimerical, visionary, Utopian.
To Illustrate. Explain, elucidate, clear.
Illustrative. Elucidating, clearing, throwing light upon.
Illustrious. Distinguished, conspicuous, noted, eminent, famous, eximious, renowned, celebrated, glorious, noble.
Image. Likeness, picture, representation, effigy.
i Imaginable, Conceivable.IMM
Imaginary. Ideal, fanciful; Utopian, chimerical, illusory ; romantic, Quixotic.
Imagination. Conception, fancy.
To Imagine. Conceive, fancy ; apprehend, think ; deem, suppose, presume.
Imbecility. Weakness, silliness, fatuity ; anility, senility, dotage.
To Imbibe. Absorb, swallow up, take in ; engulf, consume, exhaust.
To Imbitter. Sour.
To Imbolden. Inspirit, animate, encourage, incite.
To Imbound. Shut in, enclose, hem.
Imbowed. Arched, vaulted, eamerated, concave.
To Imbrue. Steep, soak, ensteep, saturate, drench.
Ibibruted. Brutified, brutalized, ani-malized.
To Imbue. Transfuse ; impregnate, saturate.
To Imitate. Ape, mimic, mock; copy, counterfeit, follow.
Immaculate. Unspotted, spotless, unsullied, stainless.
To Immanacle, Enchain, enfetter, manacle, shackle, fetter,
Immanent. Intrinsic, inherent, internal, innate.
Immanity. Inhumanity, barbarity, savageness, ferocity, cruelty.
Immarcessible. Unfading, amaranthine, undecaying, e verblooming, perennial.
Immaterial. Immaterialized, uncor-poreal, unsubstantial, unbodied, spiritual; unimportant, insignificant, inconsiderable ; shadowy.
Ibimature. Unripe, imperfect, embryo ; crude
Immeasurable. Measureless, limitless, illimitable, boundless.
Immediate. Instant ; next, proximate;
Immediately. Instantly, instarjtar-eously, forthwith, directly, instanter, presently, straightway.
Immense. Yast, enormous, abnormous, huge, prodigious, monstrous ; immeasurable, illimitable.
Immensity. Infinitude, infinity, boundlessness, vastness, illimitable exA panse.
Imbierit. Demerit, indesert.
To Ibimerse. Immerge, dip, plunge,, douse, souse.
Imbiethodical. Desultory, irregular.
Ibibiinent. Impending, threatening.,
Ibibioderate. Inordinate, disordinatqp intemperate, excessive.
Ibimodest. Indecent, indelicate^ impudent, shameless.
To Ibibioi.ate. Offer up, sacrifice.;
Ibibiorality. Vice, depravity; demoralization, vitiation, corruption.
Ibimortal. Undying, neverdying, ever-living, deathless, imperishable.
To Ibibiortalize. Eternalize, make ever famous.
Ibibioveable. Unmoveable, irremove-able
Immunity. Privilege, prerogative*^? emption.
To Ibimure . Confine, shut up.
Ibibiured. Occluse? recluse, sM dp closed.
Ibimutable. Unchangeably mmtißfcle, unalterable.
To Impair. Injure diminish,decrease;
Impalpable. Intangible; unsubstantial, shadowy ; imperceptible.
To Ibipart. Communicate; make known; reveal, divulge, disclose, ■ discover ; give, yield ; lend.
Impartial. Unbiassed,, unprejudiced# just, equitable.
Impassable. Unpassable, impervious, impenetrable.
Impassioned. Passionate, impassion-ate, glowing, burning, fiery, vehement, intense, impetuous.
Impassive. Insensible, insensitive, unsusceptible, insensate.
To Impawn. Pawn, impignerate, op-pignerate, pledge.
To Impeach. Accuse, charge, arraign, censure.
To Impearl, Gem, jewel.
To Impede. Hinder, retard, obstruct, prevent.
Impediment. Obstruction, hinderance, obstacle, barrier.
To Impel. Animate, actuate, induce, move, incite, inspirit, instigate, encourage, imbolden ; goad, sting ; drift, drive.
Impending. Imminent, impendent,
« threatening.
Impenetrable, Impervious, unpass-able, impassable *, adamantean.
Impenitent. Obdurate, flinty, indurate, hard, callous, impenetrable.
Imperative. Commanding, dictatorial, dogmatic, authoritative, imperious, despotic ; peremptory.
Imperceptibly. Insensibly, gradually, by degrees.
Imperfect. Incomplete, defective, mutilated, garbled.
Imperfection. Fault, blemish, defect, vice, defilement ; weakness, frailty, failing, foible.
Imperial. Kingly, regal, royal.
To Imperil. Peril, endanger, hazard» jeopardise.
Imperious. Commanding, dictatorial,
* dogmatic, authoritative, imperative ; lordly, overbearing, domineering.
Imperiousness. Authoritativeness, commanding tone.
Imperishable. Indestructible j immortal, deathless, undying, neverdying, everliving.
Impertinent. Intrusive, meddling, officious, pragmatical, rude, saucy, malapert, impudent, insolent.
Imperturbable. Undiscomposed, immoveable.
Impervious. Unpassable, impassable, inaccessible, unapproachable ; impenetrable, like the skin of the Nemean lion.
Impetuous. Violent, boisterous, furious, vehement, rapid.
To Impignerate. Oppignerate, impawn, pawn, pledge.
To Impinge. Strike against, touch, come in collision, clash with.
Impious. Profane, irreligious, godless.
Implacable. Unrelenting, relentless, inexorable, ruthless, rancorous.
To Implant. Engraft, instil, infuse, inculcate.
To Implead. Emplead, prosecute, indict.
Implement. Tool, instrument.
To Implicate. Involve, entangle, embarrass ; compromise.
Implicitly, Impliedly, inferentially, unreservedly.
To Implore. Beg, solicit, beseech, crave, supplicate, entreat.
To Imply. Involve, comprise, infold ; import, denote, signify.
To Impoison. Poison, infect, taint, embase, defile, pollute, inquinate.
Impolite. Unpolite, uncourteous, discourteous, disrespectful, uncivil.
Impolitic. Imprudent, injudicious.
To Import. Imply, denote, mean, sig-nify.
Importance. Signification, significance, avail, consequence, weight, gravity, moment.IMP
Important. Momentous, significant weighty, grave, material.
Importunate. Pressing, urgent.
To Importune. Dun, press.
Importunity. Solicitation.
Tú Impose upon. Deceive, delude, gull, dupe, cozen, overreach, circumvent.
Imposing. Majestic, august, noble, grand.
Impossibility. Impracticability, unfeasibility.
Impost. Tax, duty, custom, subsidy, tribute.
Imposter. Deceiver, cheat.
Imposture. Cheat, deception, fraud, delusion, artifice ; trick, imposition, ruse, stratagem.
Impotence. Weakness, infirmity, frailty, impuissance, feebleness.
Impotent. Paralysed, palsied, enervated, debilitated, enfeebled, impuissant, forceless, nerveless, infirm, weak, feeble.
Impracticability. Unfeasibility, impossibility.
Imprecation. Curse, malediction, execration, anathema.
Impregnable. Inexpugnable, unassailable.
To Impregnate. Imbue, saturate, steep, soak.
To Impress. Imprint, stamp, fix.
Impression. Feeling, sentiment, sensation ; susceptibility.
To Imprison. Engaol, incarcerate ; shut up, immure.
Imprisonment. Incarceration, immurement, captivity, confinement.
Improbable. Unlikely.
Improbity. Dishonesty, unfairness, disingenuity, disingenuousness.
Improper. Unsuitable, inapposite, unseasonable, untimely, mal apropos.
Improsperous. Hapless, luckless, unlucky, infelicitous, unfortunate.
To Improve. Amend, correct, emend mend, better, reform, rectify ; ameliorate.
Improvement. Progress, proficiency ; amendment, correction, emendation, amelioration.
Improvident. Careless, incautious imprudent, prodigal, wasteful.
Imprudent. Injudicious, indiscreet improvident.
Impudence. Assurance, presumption,, confidence, insolence.
Impudent. Impertinent, rude, saucy insolent, malapert j immodest, shameless.
To Impugn. Attack, assail.
Impuissance. Feebleness, weakness, impotence.
Impuissant. Feeble, weak, nerveless, forceless, enfeebled, debilitated, enervated, impotent, paralysed, palsied.
Impulse. Incentive, incitement, motive, incitation.
To Impurple. Redden, make red.
Imputable. Attributable, ascribable, traceable, owing to.
Imputation. Charge, accusation.
To Impute. Ascribe, attribute.
Inability. Incapacity, incapability, impuissance, weakness, impotence.
Inaccessible. Unaccessible, unapproachable, unattainable.
Inactive. Inert, lazy, slothful, sluggish, idle.
Inadequate. Incapable, insufficient, incompetent.
Inadvertency. Inattention, oversight, carelessness, negligence.
Inadvertently. Unwittingly, unreflectingly, thoughtlessly,^?^ incuriam, ableptically.
105]. INC
Inanimate. Lifeless, dead, defunct, exanimate, examinons ; inert ; extinct.
Inanity. Vacancy, vacuity, vacuum, void.
Inapposite. Inapt, unsuitable, improper, unfit, inexpedient.
To Inaugurate. Install.
Inbred. Inborn, innate, ingenerate, inherent, immanent, intrinsic.
Incalculable. Innumerable, countless, numberless, innumerous.
Incalescence. Caléfaction.
Incantation, Conjuration, sorcery.
Incapable. Inadequate, incompetent, insufficient.
To Incapacitate. Disable, unfit, disqualify.
Incapacity. Incapability, inability, incompetency ; disability, disqualification.
To Incarcerate. Imprison, en gaol.
Incautiously. Unwarily, unguardedly, indiscreetly, imprudently.
Incendiary. Firebrand; inflammatory.
Incentive. Incitement, incitation, impulse, motive, inducement.
Incertitude. Uncertainty, dubiety, doubt, ambiguity.
Incessantly. Unremittingly, unceasingly, unremittedly, always, continually, unintermittedly, perpetually.
Inchoative. Incipient, inceptive.
Incident. Circumstance, fact, event, occurrence, adventure ; accident, casualty, contingency.
Incidental. Accidental, casual, fortuitous, contingent.
Incipient. Inceptive, inchoative.
Incsion. Cut, incisure*
Incitation. Incitement, incentive, impulse, motive, inducement.
To Incite. Excite, provoke, stimulate, aggravate, move ; encourage, animate, urge, impel.
Incitement. Incitation, incentive, im* pulse, motive, inducement.
Inclemency. Harshness, rigour, in« tensity, severity.
Inclination. Disposition, tendency, bent, bias, influence, prepossession, predilection, propensity, proneness, penchant; affection, attachment.
To Incline. Lean, tend, incurvate; dispose.
To Include. Comprise, comprehend, contain, embrace.
Incoherent. Incongruous, inconsistent, incompatible, disagreeing.
To Incommode. Incommodate, disac-commodate, annoy, plague, molest, disturb.
Incomparable. Inimitable, matchless, unrivalled, unequalled, unexampled, transcendent, surpassing, unique.
Incompassion ate. Unpitying, relentless, unrelenting, remorseless, implacable, inexorable.
Incompatible. Inconsistent, incongruous, incoherent ; irreconcilable.
Incompetent. Inadequate, incapable, insufficient ; unsuitable, inapposite.
Incomplete. Imperfect, defective, mutilated, garbled.
Inconceivable. Unimaginable, un-comprehensible.
Inconclusive. Unconvincing.
Inconformity. Disconformity, incompliance.
Incongruous. Inconsistent, incompatible, incoherent.
Inconsiderable. Unimportant, insignificant, immaterial, trivial, trifling, petty ; non-essential, uncircumstantial.
Inconsistent, Incompatible, incongruous, incoherent ; irreconcilable.
Inconsolable. Inconsolate, disconsolate, cheerless, brokenhearted, comfortless, heartbroken, forlorn, desolate, wretched.INC
Inconsonant. Discordant, jarring, conflicting, irreconcilable, at variance.
Inconstant. Mutable, unsteadfast, unstable, fickle, versatile, restless, fitful, variable ; changeable, changeful.
Incontestable. Indisputable, disputeless, indubitable, undeniable, incontrovertible, irrefutable, irrefragable, unquestionable.
Incontinent. Lascivious, unchaste, loose, dissolute.
Incontrovertible. Incontestable, indubitable, unquestionable, indisputable, disputeless, undeniable, irrefutable, irrefragable, unchallengeable.
To Inconvenience. Incommodate, dis-accommodate, discommode, incommode, annoy, plague, molest, disturb.
Inconvenience. Annoyance, molestation, trouble, disturbance.
Inconversable. Unsocial, unsociable.
To Incorporate. Embody, condense.
Incorporeal. Unsubstantial, immaterial, spiritual, unbodied.
Incorrigible. Irreclaimable, unim-proveable,
In course. Duly, in due order, in proximate succession.
To Incrassate. Thicken, inspissate, condense, condensate.
Incrassation. Condensation.
To Increase. Extend, enlarge, augment, make larger ; superadd to ; dilate, expand, ¿mplify ; multiply ; raise, enhance ; aggravate, magnify 5 grow, vegetate.
Increase. Augmentation; accession, addition, re-inforcement ; enlargement, extension.
Increasing. Increscent, incressant, crescent, crescive.
Incredulity. Unbelief, infidelity, scepticism, pyrrhonism.
To Incrépate. Chide, reprehend, objurgate, reprove.
Increscent. Increasing, incressant, crescent, crescive.
To Incriminate. Inculpate, impeach, charge.
To Incubate. Hatch, breed, brood.
To Inculcate. Impress, infuse, instil, implant.
Inculpable. Blameless, unblameable.
To Inculpate. Incriminate, impeach, charge.
Incumbent. Obligatory, morally necessitated.
Incumbrance. Cumbrance, burden.
To Incur. Subject, become liable.
Incurable. Cureless, insanable, irremediable, unremediable.
Incursion. Invasion, irruption, inroad, aggression.
Incurvated. Curvated, curved, crooked, bent, awry, wry, inflected, oblique.
Incurvity. Curvity, curvature, crook” edness, obliquity, inflexion.
To Indágate. Research, scrutinize, search, pry.
Indagation. Perquisition, research.
Indebted. Obliged, beholden.
Indecent. Indelicate, immodest, obscene.
Indeed. Truly, veritably.
IndefectabLe. Indestructible.
Indefatigable. Unwearied, untire-able ; unremitting.
Indefeisible. Irreversable, immutable, unalterable, irrevocable ; indissoluble.
Indefensible. Unjustifiable, unwarrantable.
Indefinite. Vague, unsettled, loose, lax.
Indelible. Ineffaceable, deep-dyed, engrained.
To Indemnify. Emburse, reimburse.
Independently Irrespective.
Indesert. Demerit, immerit.
Indestructible. Indefectable.
To Indicate. Point out, show, mark.
Indication. Mark, sign, note, symptom, token.
To Indict. Emplead, implead.
Indifference. Apathy, carelessness, supineness, listlessness, insensibility.
Indifferent. Apathetic, unconcerned, regardless ; neutral, impartial, unbiassed.
Indigence. Want, need, necessitude, penury, poverty, destitution, privation.
Indigenous. Natal, native, vernacular.
Indigested. Undigested, crude, raw.
Indignation. Anger, wrath, ire, resentment.
Indignity. Contumely, obloquy, opprobrium, reproach, ignominy ; hooting, insult, affront, outrage *, blasphemy.
Indirect. Collateral.
Indiscreet. Injudicious, unwise, inconsiderate, imprudent, unadvised.
Indiscriminate. Promiscuous, undistinguishing, indistinct, confused.
Indispensable. Essential, necessary requisite, expedient.
Indisposition. Illness, sickness, bad-health ; dislike, unwillingness, aversion.
Indisputable. Disputeless, incontestable, indubitable, undeniable, incontrovertible, irrefutable, irrefragable, unquestionable ; sure, infallible.
Indissoluble. Inseparable, united, identified, bound up with ; ever binding, ever valid, ever Obligatory, inde-feisible.
Indistinct. Promiscuous, indiscriminate, undistinguishing, confused ; ambiguous, disputable, questionable, doubtful.
To Indite. Compose, frame, couch.
Individual. Particular, personal, identical.
To Indoctrinate. Teach3 instruct initiate.
Indolent. Supine, listless, inactive, indifferent, carèless, idle, lazy.
Indomitable. Unconquerable, invincible.
Indubitable. Indisputable, undeniable, incontestable, incontrovertible, irrefutable, irrefragable, unquestionable.
Indubitably. Doubtless, undoubtedly, without doubt.
To Induce. Move, actuate, impel, instigate, urge.
Inducement. Motive, reason, cause, impulse, incentive, incitement, incitation.
Inductive. Inferrable.
To Indulge. Foster, cherish, fondle* harbour.
Indult. Privilege, immunity, exemption.
Indurate. Hard, flinty, unfeeling, obdurate, impenitent.
To Indurate. Harden.
Industrious. Active, diligent, assiduous, sedulous, laborious.
Inebriated. Drunk, intoxicated, te-mulent, crapulous, fuddled, tipsy, muddled.
Inebriation. Inebriety, ebriety, intoxication, drunkenness, insobriety, crapulousness.
Ineffable. Unspeakable, unutterable, inexpressible.
Ineffaceable. Indelible, deep-dyed» engrained.
Ineffectual. Vain, unavailing, without avail, to no purpose, without effect, fruitless, abortive, ineffective, inoperative.
Inept. Useless, void, null,INF
Inequality. Disparity, disproportion, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, unlikeness; unevenness, protuberance, prominence, knap.
Inert. Inactive, lazy, slothful, idle, sluggish.
Inestimable. Invaluable, priceless.
Inevitable. Unavoidable, not to be avoided.
Inevitably. Certainly, surely, indis-
■ putably, infallibly, without fail.
Inexcusable» Excuseless.
Inexhaustible. Exhaustless, unex-haustible.
Inexistence. Non-entity, non-existence, nothing.
Inexorable. Inflexible, implacable, unrelenting, relentless, ruthless, remorseless.
Inexpedient. Improper, unsuitable, unfit, inapt, inapposite, mal-a-propos.
Inexpressible. Unspeakable, ineffable, unutterable.
Inexpugnable. Impregnable, unassailable.
Inextinguishable. Unextinguishable, unquenchable, quenchless.
Infallibly. Surely, certainly, indisputably, inevitably, without fail.
Infamous. Scandalous, shameful, ignominious, opprobrious.
Infamy. Opprobrium, obloquy, ignominy, disgrace, scandal.
Infantile. Childish, puerile.
Infantine. Childlike, pristine.
Infatuated. Besotted, stupified, maudlin, intoxicated, sottish.
Infeasible. Impracticable, impossible.
To Infect. Contaminate, taint, defile, embase, pollute, inqainate, vitiate, corrupt.
Infection. Contagion, taint, poison, bane, pest, miasm.
Infectious. Contagious, pestilential, miasmatic.
Infecundity. Infertility, unfruitfulness, barrenness, sterility, aridity.
Infelicitous. Unhappy, unprosperous, hapless, luckless, unlucky, unfortunate.
Inference. Deduction, consectary, corollary, conclusion.
Inferenti ally. Impliedly, implicitly
Inferible. Deducible.
Inferior. Secondary, subaltern, subordinate.
Infernal. Diabolic, fiendish, demoniacal, devilish, hellish, tartarean.
Inferrable. Inductive.
Infertility. Infecundity, unfruitfulness, barrenness, sterility, aridity.
To Infest. Annoy, plague, harass, disturb.
Infidelity. Unbelief, incredulity, disbelief, distrust; scepticism, Pyrrhonism.
Infinite. Boundless, unbounded, illimitable, unlimited, immense, measureless.
Infinitude. Infinity, boundlessness, vastness, immensity, illimitable expanse ; abyss, depth, profundity.
Infirm. Weak, feeble, debilitated, enfeebled, impotent, decrepit; emaciated, attenuated.
To Inflame. Anger, irritate, enrage, enehafe, incense, enkindle, envenom, nettle, aggravate, imbitter, exacerbate, exasperate.
Inflammableness. Flammability, de-flagrability, combustibility, combustibleness.
Inflammatory. Incendiary.
Inflated. Swelling, tumid, turgid ; altisonant, grandiloquent, bombastic.
Inflation. Vanity, self-conceit, self-sufficiency, self-complacency.
Inflected. Crooked, bent, oblique, incurvated, curvated, curved, awry,ING
Inflection. Crookedness, obliquity, curvature, incurvity, curvity.
Inflexible. Immoveable, inexorable.
To Inflict. Lay on, impose a penalty.
Influence. Credit, favour, reputation, character, weight; authority, sway, ascendency.
To Influence. Bias, sway; prejudice, prepossess.
To Infold. Envelop, inwrap, fold, wrap.
To Inform. Acquaint, apprise, notify, make aware, make known ; disclose, reveal, communicate, tell, report ; divulge, betray, discover.
Informant. Informer, accuser.
Information. Advice, counsel, instruction, intelligence, notification, notice.
Infraction. Enfringement, encroachment, invasion, intrusion ; contravention, breach, transgression, violation.
To Infrigidate. Damp, cool, chill, refrigerate.
To Infringe. Infract, encroach, trench, invade, intrude ; contravene, break, transgress, violate.
Infringement. Infraction, encroachment, invasion, intrusion ; contravention, breach, transgression, violation.
Infuriated. Enraged, raging, wrathful,
Infuscation. Denigration, negrifica-tion.
To Infuse. Instil, ingraft, implant ; inspire, breathe into, impart.
Ingeneraïts» Innate, ingenite, inherent, immanent, inbred, inborn.
Ingenious. Inventive, creative.
Ingenite. Ingenerate, innate, inherent, immanent, inbred, inborn.
Ingenuous. Artless, candid, generous, open, frank, plain, sincere ; fair, honest, legitimate.
Ingenuousness. Artlessness, naïveté, simplicity.
Inglorious. Ignoble, low, mean.
To Ingraft. Implant, infix ; base, rest.
To Ingratiate. Insinuate, recommend.
Ingratitude. Unthankfulness, thanklessness.
Ingredient. Element, constituent.
Ingress. Entrance, entry, inlet, m-trogression.
To Ingulf. Absorb, swallow up, immerse.
To Ingurgitate. Gobble, engorge* guttle, devour.
To Inhabit. Sojourn, reside ; tenant* occupy, dwell.
Inherent. Innate, ingenite, inbred* inborn, ingenerate; intrinsic, immanent ; radical ; inseparable.
Inheritance. Heritage, patrimony.
To Inhibit. Curb, restrain, crush* repress, check ; prohibit, forbid, interdict, proscribe.
Inhuman. Cruel, brutal, savage, barbarous, fell, ruthless, remorseless* merciless, ferocious.
Inhumanity. Immanity, barbarity* savageness, ferocity, cruelty.
Inhumation. Interment, burial, sepulture.
To Inhume. Inhúmate, inter, bury* sepulchre, entomb.
Inimical. Adverse, contrary, opposite* repugqant, hostile, antagonistic.
Inimitable. Matchless, incomparable* unequalled, unexampled, unparallelled, transcendent, surpassing, unique.
Iniquitous. Unjust, unright, wrongful.
Iniquity. Injustice, wrong, grievance.
To Initiate. Indoctrinate, teach, instruct.
To Inject. Throw in.
Injection. Clyster.
Injudicious. Unwise, inconsiderate* imprudent, indiscreet, unadvised*INQ
¿Injunction. Command, order, mandate, behest, precept, interdict.
To Injure. Impair, damage, hurt, deteriorate, wrong, aggrieve, harm, spoil, mar, sully, bedim.
Injurious. Hurtful, baneful, pernicious, deleterious, nocent, noxious, noisome, mischievous, detrimental, prejudicial, damaging, disadvantageous; -wrongful.
Injury. Hurt, detriment, damage, harm, disadvantage ; wrong.
Injustice. Iniquity, wrong, grievance.
To Inlapidate. Petrify; indurate.
Inlet. Entrance, entry, ingress, in-trogression.
Inmost. Innermost, deepest.
Innate. Inbred, inborn, ingenerate, ingenite, inherent ; intrinsic, immanent; radical.
Innermost. Inmost, deepest.
Innkeeper. Vintner, publican.
Innocent. Guiltless, sinless ; harmless, inoffensive, innocuous, innoxious.
Innocuous. Harmless, inoffensive, innoxious, unoffending.
Innov ation . N ovation.
Innoxious. Harmless, innocuous, inoffensive, unoffending.
Innumerable. Countless, numberless, innumerous, incalculable.
Inoffensive. ' Harmless, innocuous, innoxious, unoffending.
Inopportune, Unseasonable, mal-à-propos, untimely, inconvenient, unfit.
Inordinate. Intemperate, disordinate, irregular, disorderly, excessive, nim-ious, immoderate.
Inquietude. Disquietude, disquiet, uneasiness, trouble, annoyance.
To Inquinate. Corrupt, pollute, embase, taint, defile, infect, impoison, poison.
Inquisitive. Prying, curious, peering.
Inquiry. Investigation, examination, research, scrutiny ; disquisition ; perquisition, indagation ; question, query, interrogatory, interrogation.
Inroad. Incursion, invasion, irruption.
Insalubrious. Unhealthy, unwholesome.
Insanable. Incurable, cureless, irremediable, unremediabie.
Insane. Deranged, delirious, eleméntate, mad.
an Insane person. Lunatic, maniac madman.
Insanity. Madness, derangement, lunacy, aberration of mind, mania, delirium.
Insatiable. Insatiate, un satiable.
To Inscribe. Dedicate, devote ; impress, engrave.
Inscrutable. Unsearchable, hidden, occult, mysterious.
Insecure. Unsafe, unsure, not trusts worthy.
Insensibility. Apathy, indifference, unfeelingness, callousness, induration, obduracy.
Insensible. Insentient, insensitive, unconscious, hard, unfeeling, insensate, impassive, unsusceptible, phlegmatic, apathetic, indurate, callous, obdurate.
Insensibly. Imperceptibly, gradually, by degrees.
Insentient.	Insensible, insensitive,
hard, unfeeling, insensate, impassive, unsusceptible, phlegmatic, apathetic, indurate, callous, obdurate.
Inseparable. Unpartable; indissoluble.
To Insert. Intersert.
Inservient.	Subservient, assistant,
furthering, ancillary, conducive, auxiliary, helping, instrumental, ministerial.
Inside. Interior,
Insidious. Treacherous, sly, circum-ventive, wily ; irreptitious.
Insight. Inspection, introspection.
Insignificant. Unimportant, inconsiderable, trivial, petty, immaterial, frivolous, non-essential.
Insincerity. Disingenuousness, dis-ingenuity, simulation, moral dishonesty .
To Insinuate. Hint, intimate, suggest ; ingratiate.
Insipid. Dull, flat, mawkish, spiritless, tasteless, vapid, inanimate, lifeless.
Insipidity. Flatness, platitude, mawkishness.
Insipience. Folly, irrationality, absurdity, foolery.
To Insist. Persist, persevere.
To Insnare. Entrap, illaqueate, net, enmesh, entoil, entangle, inveigle.
Insobriety. Drunkenness, inebriation, ebriety, inebriety, intoxication, crapulousness.
Insociable. Unsocial, inconversable.
Insolent. Rude, saucy, impertinent, abusive, ‘ reproachful, calumnious, scurrilous, contumelious, opprobrious, insulting, offensive, outrageous.
To Inspire. Animate, exhilarate, enliven, cheer.
To Inspirit. Animate, imbolden, encourage, impel, incite, stimulate.
To Inspissate. Inerassate, thicken, condense, condensate.
Instability. Mutability, mutableness, changeableness.
To Install. Inaugurate, instate ; invest.
Instance. Exemplification, example.
Instant. Current.
Instantaneously. Directly, immediately, forthwith, straightway, instantly, instanter, presently.
Instantly. Immediately, forthwith, straightway, directly, instantly, instanter, presently.
To Instate. Install, inaugurate ; invest*
Instead. In lieu of, in place of, in room of.
To Instigate. Stir up, animate, incite, urge, impel, stimulate, encourage, inspirit.
To Instil. Infuse, insinuate.
Instinct. Animated, moved, stirred.
To Institute. Establish, found, erect, form, organize ; prescribe.
To Instruct. Inform, teach, indoctrinate, enlighten ; initiate.
Instruction. Advice, counsel, information.
Instrument. Tool, implement, medium, channel, organ, handmaid.
Instrumental. Conducive, inservient, subservient, ancillary, assistant, farthering, auxiliary, helping, ministerial.
Insufferable. Insupportable, intole«, rable, unendurable.
Insufficient. Inadequate, incömpe tent, incapable.
Insulated. Isolated, detached.
Insult. Affront, offence, outrage, indignity; blasphemy.
Insulting. Insolent, rude, saucy, impertinent, abusive, reproachful, calumnious, contumelious, opprobrious, offensive, outrageous.
Insuperable. . Insurmountable ; unconquerable, invincible, indomitable.
Insupportable. Insufferable, intolerable, unendurable.
Insurgent. Rebellious, seditious ; riotous, turbulent, tumultuary, tumultuous.
Insurmountable. Insuperable ; unconquerable, invincible, indomitable»INT
Insurrection. Rebellion, revolt, sedition.
Intangible. Impalpable, unsubstantial, shadowy.
Integral. Whole, entire, complete, total, aggregate.
Integrity. Uprightness, honesty, probity ; entirety, entireness, completeness.
Integument. Tegument, covering, tunicle.
Intellect. Understanding, intelligence ; ability, talent, genius.
Intellectual. Mental, ideal; moral; abstract; metaphysical, psychological.
Intelligence. Advice, information, instruction, notice, notification; understanding, intellect *, spirit.
Intelligent. Understanding, enlightened, instructed, knowing, cm fait. ,
Intelligible; Clear, plain, distinct.
Intemperate. Immoderate, excessive, nimious, disordinate, inordinate.
To Intend. Design, mean, purpose.
Intense. Ardent, glowing, fervid, burning, vehement; strained, forced;
' excessive.
Intenseness. Intensity, vehemence, pathos, warmth, force, power.
Intent. Design, purpose, intention, drift, view, aim, purport.
Intently. Wistfully, eagerly, fixedly.
Intentional.	Designed, intended,
contemplated, studied.
To Inter. Bury, sepulchre, entomb, inhume, inhumate.
To Intercede. Interpose, interfere, mediate.
To Interchain. Interlink.
Interchange. Exchange, reciprocity, reciprocation.
Intercession.	Interposition, inter-
vention, mediation.
Intercourse. Communion, commerce, connexion.
To Interdict. Forbid, prohibit, inhibit, proscribe.
Interest. Concern ; advantage, good,
To Interfere. Meddle, intermeddle, interpose.
Interior. Inside.
Interior. Inward, internal, intrinsic, inherent, innate.
In the interior. Within, in the inside.
Interjacent. Intervening, intervenir ent, intermediate.
Interlapse. Interval, space.
To Interlard. Intersperse.
To Interline. Interscribe.
To Interlink. Interchain.
Interloper. Intruder.
To Intermeddle. Meddle, interfere, interpose.
Intermeddler. Busybody, pragmatical person, officious intruder.
Intermediate. Intervening, interveniente interjacent.
Interment. Burial, sepulture, inhumation.
Interminable. Interminate, infinite, unlimited, illimitable, boundless, limitless.
To Intermingle. Confound, blend, mingle, mix, intermix, intervolve, interweave.
Intermission. Cessation, rest, stop, interruption ; armistice, truce.
To Intermit. Cease, leave off, discontinue, stop, give over ; subside, abate.
To Intermix. Mingle, intermingle, confound, blend, intervolve, interweave.
Intermutual. Mutual, reciprocal, alternate.
Internal. Interior, inward, intrinsic.
Interneción. Massacre, carnage, bloodshed, slaughter, butchery.
To Interpolate. Foist in, intersert, illegitimately.
To Interpose. Intercede, mediate ; interfere, intermeddle.
Interposition. Intervention, agency, mediation, intercession.
To Interpret. Explain, expound, elucidate.
To Interpret wrong. Misinterpret, misconstrue, explain wrong or sinis-trously.
Interpretation. Version, construction, explanation.
To Interrogate. Question, ask, inquire at.
Interrogation, Inquiry, question, query, interrogatory.
To Interrupt. Disturb, hinder.
Interruption. Intermission, cessation, rest, stop.
To Interscribe. Interline.
To Intersperse. Interlard.
Interstice. Vacuity, interval.
To Intertwien. Intertwist, interweave.
Interval. Interlapse, space.
Interval. Instertice, vacuity.
Intervening. Intermediate, interve-nient, interjacent.
Intervention. Interposition, agency» mediation, intercession.
Interview. Meeting, conference.
To Intervolve. Interweave, intermingle, confound, blend, mingle, intermix, mix,
Intestine. Domestic.
Intestines. Viscera, guts, entrails, bowels.
To Inthral. Enslave, subject to vassalage ; enchain, enfetter.
Inthralment. Enslavement, slavery, thraldom, servitude, bondage, vassal-age, serfdom, serfism.
Intimacy. Acquaintance, familiarity; fellowship;
To Intimate. Hint, suggest, insinuate; make known; express, signify.
To Intimidate. Frighten, affright, scare appal, daunt, dastardize, cow, quail browbeat.
Intolerable. Insufferable, insupportable, unendurable.
Intonation. Accent; enunciation, pronunciation ; tone, cadence.
Intoxicated. Drunk, inebriated, tem-ulent, crapulous, fuddled, tipsy, muddled; besotted, maudlin.
Intoxication. Drunkenness, ebriety, inebriety, inebriation, insobriety, crapulousness.
Intractable. Dogged, stubborn, unmanageable, ungovernable, cross, obstinate, untoward.
To Intreasure. Treasure, hoard, heap up, corrade, scrape together.
To Intrench. Shelter, ensconce, en-shield.
Intrepid. Bold, fearless, dauntless, undaunted, courageous, valorous, valiant, heroic, gallant, chivalrous.
Intrepidity. Courage, prowess, bravery, heroism, valour, chivalry.
Intricacy. Complexity, complication, involution, perplexity.
Intrigue. Plot, conspiracy, combination.
Intrinsic. Real, genuine, sterling, native, natural, inherent, innate, immanent.
To Introduce. Present; usher, bring in.
Introduction. Preface, proem, prelude, exordium.
Introductory. Preliminary, previous, preparatory, antecedent ; proemial, prefatory.
Introgression. Ingress, entrance, entry, inlet.
To Intrude. Obtrude, force in; encroach, trench, infringe, invade. *
Intruder. Interloper.
Intruding imperceptibly. Irrepti-tious, creeping in,INV
To Intrust. Confide, commit.
To Intwine, Inweave.
To Inundate. Overflow, exundate, deluge, flood, submerge, overwhelm.
To Inure. Habituate, use, accustom, familiarize.
To Invade. Attack, assail, make aggression on ; infringe, encroach, trench, intrude.
AN Invalid. Patient.
Invalid. Weak, feeble, infirm, sick, valetudinary.
To Invalidate. Vacate, nullify, annul, disannul, quash, cancel.
Invaluable. Inestimable, priceless.
Invariable. Unvariable, unchangeable, changeless,, immutable.
Invasion. Incursion, irruption, inroad; aggression.
Invective. Abuse, contumely, reproach, railing, philippic, diatribe, censure.
To Inveigh. Rail at, declaim against, exclaim against, censure.
To Inveigle . E ntoil, en tangle, involve, iliaqueate.
To Invent. Devise, contrive, frame, fabricate; find out, discover.
Invention. Genius, taste ; production, coinage.
Inventive. Ingenious, creative
To Invert. Overturn, overthrow, subvert, reverse.
To Invest. Endue, endow ; clothe.
Investigation. Examination, search* inquiry, research, scrutiny, indaga-tion, perquisition.
Inveterate. Tirulent, chronic, malignant.
Invidious. Envious, malignant.
Invidiousness.; Enmity, animosity, hostility, hatred, ill-will, malignity.
To Invigorate. Strengthen,, fortify, t re-inforce.
Inviolable. Inviolate, sacred.
Invincible. Unconquerable; insuperable, insurmountable.
Invisible. Unseen ; imperceptible, impalpable.
To Invite. Ask, call, bid, request; allure, attract.
To Invoke. Invocate, call upon, appeal,, refer.
Involuntarily. Unwillingly.
To Involve. Implicate, entangle, embarrass ; inveigle, entoil, enmesh ; compromise.
Inward. Interior, internal, innate* intrinsic;
To Inweave. Intwine.
To Inwrap. Infold, envelop, wrap* fold.
Iota. Jot, tittle, whit. .
Irascibility. Iraseibleness, irritability* ill-temper, acrimony.
Irascible. Irritable, excitable.
,tj&e. Anger, wrath, indignation, passion, umbrage, resentment.
Ireful. Angry, passionate, choleric* raging, furious.
Irksome. Wearisome, tiresome, tedious, troublesome, vexatious.
Ironical. Derisive, derisory, mocking*
Irony. Ridicule, sarcasm, satire, burlesque, raillery.
Irradiance. Irradiation, eradiation, radiation.
To Irradiate. Illumine, illume, illuminate, elumine.
Irrational. Foolish, silly, imbecile* fatuous, unreasonable, absurd, absonant, preposterous, ridiculous.
Irrationality. Foolishness, folly, weakness, imbecility, fatuity ; nonsense, absurdity.
Irreclaimable. Unimproveable, incorrigible.
Irreconcilable. At variance^ conflicting, jarring, discordant, inconsonant.
Irrecoverable. Irreparable, irretrievable.
Irredeemable. Irreprievable.
Irrefragable. Indubitable, irrefuta-
. ble, unquestionable, disputeless, in-contestible, indisputable; incontrovertible, undeniable.
Irrefutable. See preceding word.
Irregular. Eccentric, disorderly, anomalous, abnormal; desultory, unmethodical; inordinate, intemperate.
Irregularity. Anomaly, anomalism.
Irreligious. Profane,godless,impious; unhallowed, sacrilegious, desecrating.
Irremeable. Admitting of no return, irrevocable.
Irremediable. Unremediable, incurable, cureless, insanable.
Irremissible. Unpardonable.
Irremoveable. Unmovable, immov" able.
Irreparable. Irretrievable, irrecoverable.
Irreprehensible. Irreprovable, inculpable, blameless, irreproachable ; immaculate, unsullied.
Irreprievable. Irredeemable.
Irrepressible. Insuppressive; irresistible, resistless.
Irreproachable. Inculpable, blameless, irreprehensible, irreprovable ; unblemished, spotless.
Irreprovable. Irreprehensible, inculpable, blameless, irreproachable s unspotted, unblemished.
Irreptitious. Creeping in imperceptibly, intrusive.
Irresistible. Resistless, opposeless 5 irrepressible.
Irresistibly. Demonstrably, evin-cibly.
Irresolute. Undetermined, undecided, wavering, fluctuating' vacillating.
Irrespective. Independently, without regard.
Irretrievable. Irrecoverable, irreparable.
Irreversible. Immutable, unalterable, indefeisible.
Irrevocable. Irremeable, admitting of no return; irreversible, unalterable.
To Irrigate. Water.
Irritable. Irascible, excitable, susceptible.
Irritability.	Irascibleness, irasci-
Irrision. Derision.
To Irritate.	Aggravate, provoke,
embitter, madden, exacerbate, exasperate, displease, offend, pique, excite.
Irritation. Exasperation, exacerbation.
Irruption. Invasion, incursion, inroad, aggression.
Isolated. Insulated, detached.
To Issue. Arise, proceed, flow, spring, emanate, result, eventuate ; emerge, sally, debouch*
Issue. Effect, event, consequence, result; end, conclusion, upshot; catastrophe, disaster ; offspring, progeny, children.
Itching. Craving, prurient.
Iteration, Repetition ; reiteration, battology.
Jackanapes. Popinjay, coxcomb, fop, dandy, beau.
To Jade. Harass, weary;, tire.
Jaded. Harassed, wearied* tired, fatigued.
Jagged. Serrated, serrulated, denticulated.
Jail, Gaol, prison, dungeon.
Jakes. Privy, necessary*JOI
To Jangle, Wrangle, brangle, jar, conflict, vary, disagree.
Jabgon. Gibberish, gabble.
Jarring. Conflicting, discordant, inconsonant, irreconcilable, at variance : inconsistent, incompatible, incongruous.
Jaunt. Ramble, excursion, trip, tour.
Jaunty. Flaunting, gairish.
Jealousy. Suspicion, envy.
To Jeer. Gibe, sneer, scoff.
Jejune. Dry, uninteresting, barren, meagre.
To Jeopardize. Risk, peril, imperil, hazard, endanger, dare, venture, adventure.
Jeopardy. Risk, peril, hazard, danger, chance, venture.
Jermiad. Lamentation, wail, wailing, déploration, moan, plaint, lament, complaint.
To Jest. Joke, sport.
Jest (given to). Jocose, jocular, facetious, witty.
Jewel. Gem, pearl.
Jilt. Coquette, flirt, affected woman.
Jobbernowl. Loggerhead, jolthead, blockhead, dunce, dullard, dolt, thick-skull, numskull, roundhead, clumps.
Jocose. Jocular, facetious, witty, pleasant.
Jocund. Lively, sprightly, vivacious,
. sportive, merry, light-hearted, mirthful, blithesome.
Jocundity. Sprightliness, liveliness, merriment, mirth, jucundity, blithesomeness, vivacity, spirits, buoyancy, elasticity.
To Jog. .Trudge, lumber.
To Join. Accompany, go with ; add, unite, append, adjoin, superadd ; combine, coalesce, confederate, league, band.
Jointly. Conjunctly, conjointly, unitedly.
To Joke. Jest, sport.
Jollification. Jollity, conviviality, revelry, merriment.
Jolthead. Loggerhead, jobbernowl, blockhead, dunce, dullard, dolt, thick-skull, numskull, roundhead, clumps.
Jolly. Stout, lusty, plethoric, embonpoint, corpulent, obese.
To Jostle. Justle.
Jot. Tittle, iota, whit, hair's-breadth.
Journal. Diary.
Journey. Travel, tour, voyage; pilgrimage.
Joviality. Jovialness, mirth, merri-i ment, hilarity.
Joy. Delight, gladness, charm, pleasure ; ecstasy, rapture, transport.
Joy, uttering songs of. Jubilant,' singing pceans of triumph, shouting epinicions of victory.
Joyful. Rejoicing, exulting.
Jucundity. Mirth, merriment, sprightliness, jocundity, liveliness, vivacity,' spirits, buoyancy, elasticity.
Judgment. Discernment, penetration, discrimination; sagacity, intelligence ;) sentence, decision, award.
Judicable. Cognizable.
Judicious. Discerning ; wise, sage, sapient, sagacious ; discreet, prudent,
Juggle. Legerdemain.
Juicy. Succulent, bibulous, spongy.
To Jump. Leap, bound, spring.
Junction. Union, coalition, alliance, connexion, confederacy, league, combination.
Juncture. Contact, contiguity, touch ; conjuncture, crisis.
Junto. Junta, faction, party, partizan-ship.
J uridical. Forensic.
Just. Right, proper; fair, equitable, even-handed, impartial, disinterested unbiassed.
Justice. Right, equity, impartiality.
To Justify. Clear, exculpate, exonerate, defend, excuse, absolve, relieve from imputation, be the apologist of.
To Justle. Jostle.
Justness. Correctness, accuracy, exactness, propriety.
To J ut. Proj ect, protrude, bulge, shoot out.
Juvenile. Youthful, puerile, boyish, infantile, childish.
Juxtaposition. Contiguity, propinquity, proximity.
To Keck. Retch.
Keen. Shrewd, acute, penetrating ; cutting, biting, mordacious, epigrammatic, stinging, poignant,' caustic, sarcastic, satirical.
To Keep. Detain, hold, retain, reserve, preserve ; maintain, sustain, support ; observe.
To Keep back. Retain, reserve, withhold; restrain, hinder; abstain,refrain, keep from ; forbear, desist from ; absent.
lTo Keep from. Abstain, refrain ; forbear, desist from.
To Keep in sacred preservation. Enshrine, embalm.
To Keep under. Restrain, subdue ; put under, repress, quell, suppress.
Keeping. Custody, guard.
To Kill. Slay, murder, assassinate ; massacre, butcher.
Self-killing. Suicidal, self-destroying, self-murdering.
Kind. Courteous, affable ; bland, mild, gentle, meek, tender ; good, gracious, compassionate, benignant, benevolent, philanthropic, generous ; clement, lenient ; indulgent, forbearing.
Kind, Species, sort, class, genus; nature; character.
Kinds (of all) . Omnifarious, omnigenous.
To Kindle., Ignite, enkindle; awaken, arouse, exuscitate, stir up, excite.
Kindness. Favour, grace, civility; beneficence, benignity, benevolence, philanthropy, humanity, tenderness.
Kindred. Related, connected, akin V cognate, congenial, homogeneous * relatives, kinsfolk.
Kindred. Relationship, propinquity, consanguinity, affinity.
Kingly. Regal, sovereign, monarchal, monarchical, royal, imperial.
Knigship. Royalty, monarchy.
Kinsfolk. Kinsmen, relations, relatives? kindred.
To Klick. Tick.
Knaggy. Gnarled, knotty.
Knap. Protuberance, prominence, inequality.
Knave. Rogue, scoundrel, rascal, ragamuffin.
Knavish. Trickish, roguish, dishonest, fraudulent.
Kneetribute. Genuflexion, kneeling;
To Knell. Knoll, toll.
Knight-errantry. Chivalry.
Knobbed. Knobby, knuckled, genicu-lated.
To Knoll. Knell, toll.
Knotty. Knaggy, gnarled.
Knowledge. Learning, scholarship, erudition, lore; acquirements, attainments.
To make Known. Acquaint, communicate, make aware, apprise, notify, intimate, inform, disclose, divulge, revealexpress, signify.
Knuckled. Knobby, knotted, geniculate d.LAN
Laborious. Industrious, hard-working, pains-taking, diligent, assiduous, active ; operose, tiresome, toilsome, wearisome.
Labour. Work, task, toil, drudgery.
To Labour. Toil, drudge, work, strive, exert.
Laboured. Elaborate, hard-wrought, studied.
Labourer. Workman, operative.
Labyrnith. Maze, mizmaze.
Labyrinthian. Mazy, anfractuous.
To Lacerate. Lancinate, laniate. tear.
Lachrymary. Lachrymose, weeping.
To Lack. . Want, need.
Lackey. Footboy, footman.
Laconic. Short, brief, concise, succinct, summary, curt.
Lading. Freight, cargo, load, burden.
To Lag, Linger, tarry, loiter, saunter.
Lagger. Lingerer, cunctator, loiterer.
Lame. Limp, halt, hobble, hop.
To Lament. Complain, bewail, deplore, bemoan, grieve, mourn, regret.
Lamentation. Wail, wailing, déploration,, jermiad, moan, plaint, lament, complaint.
Lampoon. Pasquinade, libel.
To Lancínate. Lacerate, laniate, tear.
To Land. Disembark.
Landed, Country, territorial.
Landscape.. View, prospect.
Lane. Alley, passage.
Language. Tongue, speech, idiom, dialect ; phraseology.
Languid. Faint, exhausted, drooping, pining ; weak, heartless.
Languidness. Languor, fatigue, enervation, lassitude, weariness, ennui.
To Laniate. Lancinate, lacerate, tear.
Lank. Gaunt, lean, thin, attenuated, meagre, scraggy, emaciated.
To Lapse. Elapse, glide, pass away, roll along.
Lapsed. Sunk, debased, degraded, vitiated, depraved.
Large. Extensive, expanded, wide, capacious, comprehensive, big, great, huge, vast.
Larger {To make). Enlarge, augment, extend, increase.
Largess. Present, bounty.
Largiloquence. Multiloquence, volubility, loquacity, talkativeness, glibness, garrulity, babbling, gabbling.
Lascivious. Incontinent, lustful, lecherous, libidinous.
To Lash. Scourge, whip, flog.
Lassitude. Fatigue, weariness, ennui enervation, languidness, languor.
Last. Latest, hindmost ; utmost, uttermost, extreme ; final, ultimate, eventual.
Lasting. Durable, abiding, permanent, perpetual ; indelible.
Lately. Recently, latterly, of late.
Latent. Secret, cryptic, cabalistic, hidden, occult ; inscrutable.
Lattice. Window, casement.
To Laud. Applaud, extol, magnify, praise, commend, eulogise, panegyrise.
Laudable. Praiseworthy, commendable ; meritorious, estimable.
To Laugh at. Ridicule, deride, mock, banter.
Laughable. Ludicrous, ridiculous, comical, droll, mirthful.
Laughing (state op). Risibility, laughter, cachinnation.
Lavation. Ablution.
Lavish. Extravagant, profuse, prodigai.
Lawful. Legal, legitimate, licit ; constitutional.
Lawgiver. Lawmaker, legislator.
Lax. Loose, vague, indefinite; dissolute, licentious.
To Lay forth. Dilate, diffuse, enlarge, expatiate, expand, amplify.
To Lay open. Shew, expose, display ; expound, interpret, unfold.
To Lay up. Hoard, reposite, in treasure, treasure, store, lay in.
Lazy. Idle, indolent, slothful, sluggish, inert, inactive, supine.
To Lead. Conduct, guide, direct; induce, persuade, influence, bias, in-cline.
Leader. Chief, chieftain, head, Cory-phseus, guide.
Leadership. Guidance, direction.
Leading. Principal, chief; governing* ruling.
League. Alliance, confederacy, combination, coalition.
Leagued. Federate, confederated, banded.
Lean. Thin, attenuated, meagre, scraggy, lank, gaunt, emaciated.
To Lean. Incline, propend, tend; bend, incurvate.
Leaning. Reclining, recumbent, reposing.
Leaning. Bent, inclination, bias, propensity, proneness, tendency.
To Leap. Jump, bound, spring.
Learning. Knowledge, science, erudition, lore, scholarship, literature.
Least. Minimum.
Leave. Liberty, licence, permission.
To Leave. Quit, relinquish, abandon, desert, renounce, give up ; retire, withdraw.
To Leave off. Cease, desist, forbear, discontinue, stop ; intermit, interrupt.
Leaving off. Ceasing, cessation, discontinuance, discontinuation, stoppage, interruption, intermission.
Taking leave. Valediction, farewell, adieu.
Leaves. Foliage.
Leavings. Remains, relicts, remnants, fragments, orts, scraps, refuse, residuum.
Lecherous. Libidinous, concupiscent, lustful, lascivious, incontinent.
Lecture. Prelection.
To Leer. Ogle, gloat.
Legacy. Bequest.
Legal. Legitimate, lawful, constitutional.
To Legalize. Legitimate.
Legation. Embassy, mission, commission.
Legend. Memoir, annal, chronicle; fable, myth.
Legerdemain. Juggle.
Legible. Readable, evident.
Legion. Host, myriad.
Legislator. Lawgiver, lawmaker.
Legitimate. Legal, lawful, constitutional ; genuine, upright, fair.
To Legitimate. Legalize.
Leisure. Idleness, vacancy, freedom; ease, convenience ; vacation, recess.
To Lend. Afford, grant.
To Lengthen. Elongate, draw out ; extend, protract, prolong, spin out.
Lenity. Clemency, mercy, mildness, tenderness.
Lentiginous. Scurfy, furfuraceous.
Lentitude. Sluggishness, slowness, tardiness.
To Lessen. Abate, bate, diminish, de-quantitate, decrease, liquidate, lower, subside.
To Let. Permit, allow, suffer, give leave.
Lethargic. Comatose, sleepy, drowsy, heavy.
Lethargy. Heaviness, torpor,
Lethe. Oblivion, forgetfulness.
Letter. Epistle,note, communication»
Level. Even, plain, smooth, flat.
To Level. Aim, point, direct.LIG
Leviable. Exigible, demandable, claimable.
To Levigate. Pulverize, comminute, triturate.
Levity. Lightness, volatility, flightiness, giddiness.
To Levy. Raise, -wage war.
Lexicon. Dictionary, glossary, vocabulary.
Liable. Exposed, subject, obnoxious.
Libel. Lampoon, pasquinade.
Liberal. Generous, bountiful, bounteous, beneficent, munificent ; exuberant.
To Liberate. Free, set free, deliver, set at large ; discharge, release.
Liberator. Deliverer, emancipator.
Libertine. Rake, debauchee,
Libertinism. Licentiousness, dissoluteness.
Liberty. Freedom, independence ; emancipation, manumission ; leave, licence, permission,
Libidinous. Lecherous, concupiscent, lustful, lascivious, incontinent.
To Librate. Balance, poise, equipoise.
Licence. Leave, permission.
Licentious. Loose, lax, dissolute, rakish, libertine, disordinate, unbridled, brutified.
Lie. Falsehood, falsity, untruth, mendacity, fabrication, fiction, invention ; suggestio falsi ; suppressio veri.
To Lie upon. Be incumbent, obligatory.
Lieu. Stead, place, room.
Life. Animation, vivacity, buoyancy, spirits ; history, career.
Lifeless. Dead, disanimated, exani-mous, inanimate, defunct, clay-cold ; extinct.
To Lift. Heave, hoist ; raise, elevate, erect, exalt.
Ligature. Bandage, ligament, tie ; bond, obligation.
Light (To supply with). Illuminate, illumine, illume, irradiate, enlighten, lighten.
Lightness. Ease, facility; levity, flightiness, volatility, giddiness; unsteadiness, changeableness, mutability, inconstancy, mutableness.
Like. Resembling, similar; uniform, equal, even, equable, alike.
Like (To make). Assimilate, bring into resemblance.
Likeness. Resemblance, similarity ; representation, similitude, picture, image, effigy.
Likelihood. Probability, appearance, verisimilitude.
Likewise. In like manner, also, too.
Limber. Pliant, flexible, flexile, lithe, supple.
Limit. Extent, boundary, bound, border, precincts ; marches, confines, frontier.
To Limit. Bound, circumscribe, restrict, confine, border.
To Limp. Lame, halt, hobble, hop.
Limpid. Clear, transparent, translucent, pellucid, dilucid, transpicuous, diaphanous.
Lineage. Family, house, race, generation, ancestry.
To Linger. Tarry, loiter, lag, saunter.
Lingerer. Loiterer, cunctator, lagger.
Linguacious. Loquacious, talkative* garrulous, chattering.
To Link. Tie, bind, enlink.
To Liquate. Liquefy, fuse, melt, dissolve.
To Liquefy. Liquate, fuse, melt, dissolve.
Liquid. Fluid ; liquor, juice, humour, ichor.
Liquid. Soft, mild, gentle, meek.
To Liquidate. Pay off, lessen, diminish, decrease; clear off, extinguish.
Liquidation. Clearing, extinction
List. Roll, catalogue, register, inven-. tory, invoice.
To List. Enlist.
To Listen. Hearken, heed, attend to.
Listener. Hearer, auditor ; eavesdropper.
Listening. Auscultation, hearkening.
Listless. Indolent, supine, careless.
Literal. Actual, real, positive.
Literature. Letters, learning, erudition, lore, scholarship.
Litigation. Lawsuit.
Lithe. Supple, pliant, flexible, flexile, limber.
Little. Small, diminutive, exiguous, dwarfish, pygmean, minikin.
Littleness. Parvity, parvitude, exility, exiguity, minuteness.
To Live. Exist, subsist.
Livelihood. Living, subsistence, maintenance, support, sustenance.
Lively. Active, agile ; alert, brisk, nimble, quick, sprightly, prompt, jocund, buoyant, racy, vivacious.
Living at the same time with another. Coeval, coetaneous, co-temporary, cotemporaneous, contemporary, contemporaneous.
Load. Cargo, lading, burden ; weight.
Loath. Reluctant, backward, unwilling, averse.
To Loathe. Nauseate, abhor, detest, abominate.
Location. Situation, locality.
To Lodge. Harbour, shelter, entertain.
Loftiness. Dignity, elevation ; haughtiness, hauteur, pride.
Lofty. High, tall, elevated, exalted.
Loggerhead. Jolthead, jobbernowl, blockhead, dunce, dullard, dolt, thick-skull, numskull, roundhead, clumps.
Logical. Dialectical, argumentai.
To Loiter. Linger, tarry, lag, saunter.
Loiterer. Lingerer, cunctator, lagger.
Lone. Lonesome, solitary, desolate* forsaken, forlorn.
Lonely. Retired, sequestered.
To Long for. Desire, hanker after, aspire after.
Longing. Aspiration, exoptation.
Loobily. Clownish, loutish, awkward.
Look. Air, manner, mien, appearance, phenomenon, aspect, feature; glance.
exhibiting a bad Look of futurity. Ominous, portentous.
To Look. Behold, witness, view, eye, inspect.
To Look after. Tend, watch, care for.
To Look for. Expect, await.
on the Look out. Alert, on the watch.
Looker on. Spectator, beholder, observer.
a Looking into. Inspection, insight.
a Looking at things past. Retrospect, retrospection.
Looking at things past. Retrospective.
a Looking at things to come. Prospect.
Looking at future or distant things. Prospective.
a Looking through. View, perspective, vista.
Loose. Vague, indefinite ; lax, slack ^ dissolute, licentious, libertine, raking, disordinate, unrestrained, unbridled, wanton, brutified.
To Loosen. Slacken, relax, unbend.
Loquacious. Linguacious, garrulous talkative, chattering.
Loquacity. Garrulity, talkativeness, multiloquence, largiloquence, volu-bilty, glibness, chattering, babbling.
Lordly. Imperious, overbearing, domineering.
Lord’s supper. Eucharist, communion, sacrament.LUC
Lore. Learning, erudition.
To Lose. Miss.
Loss. Damage, detriment, disprofit.
Lor. Destiny, fate, doom.
Loud. Noisy, clamorous, obstreperous, streperous, vociferous, blatant, bellowing, blustering, vehement; riotous, turbulent, tumultuous.
Loud-sounding. Sonorous, high-toned; stentorean, stentorophonie; re-echoing, resounding, reverberating, resonant; pealing, ringing, thrilling.
Lounger. Idler.
Loutish. Clownish, loobily, awkward.
Love. Affection, attachment, fondness, endearment; concord, friendship.
Lovely. Amiable, charming, delightful.
Lover. Suitor, wooer, paramour, (the last in a bad sense.)
Loving. Amorous, fond, enamoured, affectionate.
Low. Humble, lowly; base, vile, despicable, abject, mean, filthy, foul.
To Lower. Reduce, humble, humiliate, degrade, debase, abase; subside; frown,
Lowering. Gloomy, lurid, murky, frowning.
Lowing. Mugient, bellowing.
Low-spirited. Melancholy, dejected, depressed, cast down.
Loyalty. Allegiance, fealty.
To Lubricate. Lubricitate, smooth, make slippery.
Lucent. Bright, shining, lustrous, brilliant.
Lucid. Bright, luminous, transparent.
Luck. Chance, fortune, accident, casualty.
LucklebS. Hapless, unlucky, impros-perous, infelicitous, unfortunate.
Lucky. Fortunate, prosperous, successful.
Lucre. Gain, profit, emolument, remuneration, pecuniary advantage.
Ludicrous. Laughable, ridiculous, comical, droll, odd.
To Lug. Haul, pull, tug, hale, draw.
Lugubrious. Sad, sorrowful, mournful.
To Lull. Hush, still, quiet, calm, tranquillize.
To Lumber. Trudge, jog.
Luminous. Bright, lucid, transparent.
Lunacy. Madness, derangement, insanity, mental aberration, mania.
Lunatic. Madman, maniac, insane person.
Lure. Allurement, attraction, enticement.
Lurid. Gloomy, murky, lowering, frowning.
Lurking. Skulking, ambushed, lying in wait.
Luscious. Sweet, dulcet, mellifluous, mellifluent, honeyed«,
Lust. Cupidity.
Lustful. Lecherous, libidinous, lascivious.
Lustre. Brightness, splendour, brilliancy, effulgence, refulgence, resplendence ; éclat.
Lustrous. Lucent, bright, shining, brilliant.
Lusty. Corpulent, stout, plethoric, embonpoint ; aldermanic ; able-bodied, stalwart, athletic, robust, muscular, sinewy, brawny.
Lutulent. Muddy, turbid, drumly, thick.
To Luxate. Eluxate, disjoint, dislocate.
Luxuriant. Exuberant, superabundant, overflowing, superfluous, redundant ; abundant, plenteous ; prolific, teeming.
To Luxuriate. Exuberate, abound, revel, wanton.
Luxury. Voluptuousness, sensuality» epicurism; profuseness, extravagance.
Lying. Pseudology, mendacity, falsehood, untruth ; false, untrue, mendacious.
Lying around. Circumjacent.
To Macerate. Drench, steep.
Machiavelian. Cunning, crafty, artful, sly, subdolous, subtle, -wily.
Machination. Artifice, trick, finesse, stratagem, cheat, imposture, fraud.
Machinery. Organization.
Mad. Frantic, frenetic, phrenetic, distracted, furious, rabid.
To Madden. Enrage, exasperate, exacerbate, irritate, inflame, enchafe.
To Madefy. Moisten, wet.
A Madman. Maniac, lunatic.
Madness. Derangement, insanity, lunacy, mental aberration, mania ; frenzy, distraction, distractedness, franticness, rage, fury.
Maggoty. Capricious, whimsical, crotchety, fantastic, fantastical.
Magician. Conjuror, necromancer, sorcerer, wizard.
Magisterial. Majestic, noble, stately, pompous, august, dignified.
Magnanimous. Noble, exalted, elevated, lofty.
Magnate. Dignitary.
Magnificence. Grandeur, splendour, gorgeousness, pomp, éclat.
To Magnify. Extol, applaud, laud.
Magnitude. Size, bulk, dimension, greatness.
To Maim. Mutilate, mangle, cripple, lame, truncate, detruncate.
Main. Chief, principal, leading.
Main (in the). Substantially, essentially.
To Maintain. Assert, vindicate, support, sustain.
Maintainable. Tenable, défendable, defensible.
Maintenance. Livelihood, living, subsistence, sustenance, support.
Majestic. August, dignified, magisterial, noble, stately, pompous.
Majesty. Grandeur, elevation, dignity, honour.
To Make. Create, form, produce ; do, act ; mould, shape ; originate, invent.
To Make amends. Compensate, countervail, recompense, remunerate, requite.
To Make game of. Mock, banter, ridicule, deride, treat with raillery.
Malady. Disease, distemper, disorder ailment.
Maladministration. Bad management.
Malapert, Saucy, flippant, impertinent, rude, impudent, insolent.
Mal-a-propos. Unsuitable, unseasonable.
a Malcontent. Insurgent, rebel.
Malcontentedness. Disaffection, disloyalty.
Malediction. Curse, ban, imprecation, execration, denunciation, anathema, fulmination.
Malefactor. Criminal, culprit, felon, convict.
Malpractice, Misconduct, misbehaviour.
Malevolence. Malignity, animosity, virulence.
Malevolent. Malignant, virulent, malicious.
Malice. Spite, rancour, virulence, grudge, pique, animosity, ill-will.
Malicious. Malevolent, virulent, malignant.
To Malign. Slander, traduce, defame, scandalize, disparage, detract, depreciate ; revile, vilify.
A Malignant. Ul-intender.
Malignity. Malevolence, virulence, ill-will, mischievousness, maliciousness-MAN
Malling. Mauling, pommelling, flagellation, fustigation, cudgelling, thumping, drubbing, thrashing, beating.
Maltreatment. Ill-usage, misusage, misuse, abuse.
Malversation. Embezzlement, peculation.
Mammon. Riches, wealth.
To Manacle. Shackle, immanacle, fetter, enfetter, enchain.
To Manage. Contrive, concert; direct.
Management. Care, charge, economy, direction, superintendence.
Mandate. Command, behest, order, injunction, precept.
Mandible. Beak, bill.
To Manducate. Chew, masticate.
Manful. Manly, virile, masculine, hardy, vigorous, courageous, brave, heroic, intrepid.
To Mangle. Mutilate,^ cripple, lame, truncate, detruncate ; tear, lacerate.
Manhood. Virility.
Mania. Derangement, insanity, lunacy, aberration of mind, madness.
Maniac. Madman, lunatic.
To Manifest.1 Discover, declare, reveal, make known, prove, argue, evince; exhibit, display, show, reflect, mirror.
Manifest. Open, apparent, visible, obvious, clear, plain, evident, palpa-bie.
Manifold. Various, different, divers, several, sundry; numerous, multiplied, multitudinous.
Maniple. Handful.
Mankind. Humankind, mortality, human race.
Manly. Manful, virile, masculine, hardy, vigorous, courageous, brave, heroic, intrepid.
Manner. Air, look mien, aspect, appearance; habit, custom, way.
Manne-rs. Morals, habits, behaviour; morality, ethics.
Mantologist. Seer, predictor, foreteller, soothsayer, vaticinator, prophet.
Mantology. Prediction, vaticination» prophesy.
Manubial, Trophied.
To Manumit. Emancipate ; unmanacle, unfetter.
Manure. Dung, muck, compost, ordure, soil.
Many. Numerous, multiplied, multitudinous ; several, sundry, divers, various, manifold, multifarious.
Many times. Often, frequently, repeatedly.
To Mar. Spoil, ruin, disfigure.
Marasmus. Consumption; decline, phthisis.
Marauding. Plundering, predatory, predal.
Marble-hearted. Hardhearted, cruel* merciless, unmerciful, fell, remorseless, relentless, unrelenting.
March. Tramp, tread, step, pace.
Marches. Borders, precincts, confines, frontier.
Margin. Border, edge, rim, brim, brink, verge.
Marine. Maritime, nautical, naval.
Mariner. Seaman, sailor.
Mark. Print, impression, stamp; characteristic ; sign, note, symptom, diagnosis, token, indication; trace, vestige, track; badge, phylactery; brand, stigma ; object; butt.
Marks of distinction. Ensigns, insignia.
To Mark. Impress, imprint, print, stamp ; engrave, inscribe deeply; note, notice, remark, observe ; show, point out, indicate ; characterize; brand, stigmatize, denounce.
To Mark out. Distinguish, signalize 125]MAT
Marked. Observable, noticeable, remarkable.
Marriage. Wedding, nuptials, espousals ; matrimony, wedlock.
Marriage (relating to). Connubial, conjugal, matrimonial, nuptial, bridal, hymeneal.
Marsh. Fen, bog, morass, quagmire, swamp.
To Marshal. Array, embattle.
Mart. Emporium, entrepot.
Martial, Warlike, military, soldierlike.
Martinet. Drill-sergeant, disciplinarian.
To Marvel. Wonder, be amazed, be astonished, regard as strange.
A Marvel. Wonder, miracle, prodigy, monster.
Marvellous. Wondrous, amazing, stupendous, miraculous, preternatural.
Masculine. Manful, manly, virile, hardy, vigorous, courageous, brave, heroic, intrepid.
Mask. Cloak, veil, blind, visor, vizard.
Massacre. Carnage, interneción, slaughter, butchery.
Massive. Massy,bulky,heavy,weighty, ponderous.
Master. Possessor, proprietor, Owner.
Masterdom. Mastery, dominion, rule ; sway, ascendancy, supremacy.
Masterly. Skilful, clever, expert, dexterous, adroit ; imperious.
Masterpiece. Paragon, chef-d’œuvre.
Mastery. Masterdom, dominion, rule ; sway, ascendancy, supremacy.
To Masticate. Chew, mandúcate.
Matchless. Unmatched, unrivalled, unequalled, unparalleled, peerless ; incomparable, inimitable, transcendent, surpassing, unique.
Material. Corporeal, bodily, physical ; temporal, secular ; carnal ; important, momentous.
Material. Matter, substance.
Materiality. Corporeity, bodiliness, substantiality.
To Materialize. Substantialize.
Materials. Elements; ground, data; subject.
Material parts. Substantials, essentials.
Matrimony. Marriage, wedlock ; wedding, nuptials, espousals.
Matter. Affair, business, concern ; question, subject, topic; substance, material.
Mature. Pipe, ready, mellow ; perfect, complete.
Maudlin. Intoxicated, sottish, besotted, stupified, infatuated.
Maugre. Despite, in spite of.
Mauling. Mailing, pommelling, flagellation, fustigation, cudgelling, thumping, drubbing, thrashing, beating.
Mawkish. Insipid, flat, dull, spiritless, tasteless, vapid, inanimate, lifeless.
Mawkishness. Insipidity, flatness, platitude.
Maxim. Adagea, phorism, apophthegm, proverb, saying, bye-word.
Maze. Labyrinth, mizmaze ; uncertainty, perplexity.
Mazy. Labyrinthian, anfractuous.
Meagre. Lean, thin, lank, gaunt, emaciated ; jejune, barren, dry, uninteresting ; poor, hungry.
Mealy. Farinaceous.
Mean. Low, abject, vile, ignoble, degraded, contemptible, vulgar, despicable ; disingenuous, unfair, sinister, unhandsome ; sordid, penurious, miserly, griping, stingy, niggardly; filthy, foul.
To Mean. Design, purpose, intend, think of, contemplate ; signify, purport, imply, import, express, denote* betoken, indicate.MEL
Mean. Medium, mediety, mediocrity.
Meandering. Meandrous, winding, sinuous, serpentine.
Meaning. Signification, significance, import, acceptation, sense, purport.
Means. Way, manner, method, mode, course, process ; resource, expedient.
To Measure. Mete; estimate.
Measureless. Immeasurable, limitless, illimitable, boundless.
Mechanic. Artisan, artificer, operative, workman, hand.
To Meddle. Intermeddle, interfere.
To Meddle with ignorantly. Tam-per.
Meddler. Intermeddler, busybody.
Meddlesome. Intermeddling, interfering, pragmatical, officious.
To Mediate. Intercede, interpose.
To Meditate. Muse, contemplate, think, reflect.
Mediety. .Mediocrity, mean, medium.
Medium. Mean, mediety, mediocrity ; organ, channel, instrument, handmaid.
Medley. Difference, variety, diversity, ogiio, gallimaufry, mixture, olio, farrago, miscellany.
Meed. Reward, recompense.
Meek. Mild, gentle, humble, modest, unassuming.
Meet. Apt, fit, suitable, becoming, befitting ; expedient.
Meeting. Assembly, convocation, congregation, auditory, company.
Melancholy. Dejection, depression ; low-spirited, dispirited, hypochondriac ; pensive, dreamy.
To Meliorate. Ameliorate, better, improve, mend, amend, emend; reform ; rectify.
Mellifluent. Mellifluous, honeyed, nectared, nectarine, sweet,
Mellow. Ripe, mature.
Melodious. Harmonious, symphonious, musical, tuneful, canorous, silver, dulcet.
Melody. Harmony, sympathy, accord« anee, unison, concord ; agreement music, minstrelsy.
To Melt. Liquefy, liquate, fuse, dissolve.
Membrane. Film, pellicle.
Memento. Remembrance, memorial.
Memoir. Anecdote, annul, Chronicle,., legend, narrative.
Memorable. Worthy of remembrance,, signal, distinguished.
Memoranda. Agenda, notes.
Memorial. Monument, remembrancer, memento, commemorative records
Memorial. Commemorative, monumental.
Memory. Recollection, remembrance,., reminiscence.
To Menace. Threaten, threat.
Menace. Threat, threatening, com-mination.
To Mend. Amend, correct, emend,, better, ameliorate, meliorate, improve; rectify; reform.
Mendacious. False, untrue, pseudolo-gical, lying.
Mendacity. Falsehood, pseudology,, untruth, lying, deceit.
Mendicancy. Beggary, indigence,., poverty, penury, necessitude.
Mendicity. Beggarliness, begging-life.
Menial. Servant, domestic, drudge scullion.
Mental. Intellectual, ideal; moral.
To Mention. Tell, make known, communicate, impart, divulge, reveal, disclose, inform, signify, acquaint, apprise, intimate.
Mephitic. Stinking, olidous, fetid,, rancid.
Mercantile. Trading, commercial.
Mercenary. Venal, hireling, selfish^ sordid.
Merchandise. Goods, wares, commodity ; commerce, traffic.
Merchant. Trader, tradesman, dealer, shopkeeper.
Merciful. Gracious, benignant, kind, beneficent ; lenient, clement, tender, compassionate.
Merciless. Cruel, unmerciful, marble-hearted, hard-hearted, pitiless, ruthless, fell, remorseless, unrelenting, relentless.
Mercy. Clemency, lenity, mildness, tenderness, compassion, pity.
Mere. Sheer, pure.
Merely. Barely, only, scarcely.
Meretricious. Worthless, valueless ; gaudy.
Meridian. Noontide, midday ; culminated; midheaven.
Merit. Worth, desert ; claim, right.
Merited. Deserved, condign, suitable, adequate.
Meritorious. Worthy, deserving, estimable.
Merrimake. Symposium.
Merriment. Mirth, joviality, jovialness, hilarity.
Merry. Cheerful, mirthful, joyous, gay, lively, sprightly, blithe, blithesome, vivacious, jocund, festive, jovial, sportive.
Merry-andrew. Buffoon, harlequin, zany, fool, scaramouch.
Meseems. Methinks.
To Mesh. Enmesh, net, ensnare, illa-queate.
Meshy. Reticulated, net-wrought.
Message. Mission, errand.
Messenger. Carrier ; express, courier ; nuncio; harbinger, forerunner, precursor.
To Metamorphose. Transform, transfigure.
Metamorphosis. Change, transformation ; transmutation, conversion.
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Metaphor. Figure, allegory, simile* symbol.
Metaphysics. Psycology, moral philosophy, ontology.
To Mete. Measure.
Methinks. Meseems.
Method. Order, rule, regularity, system ; way, manner, mode, process, course, means.
Methodic. Methodical, orderly, regular, systematic.
Mettled. Sprightly, spirited, vivacious,
Miasmatic.	Infectious, contagious,
Midday. Noon, noonday, noontide, meridian.
Middling. Moderate.
Mien. Air, look, manner, aspect, appearance.
Mighty. Powerful, potent, puissant.
Migratory.	Nomadic, wandering,
vagrant, roving, strolling.
Mild. Soft, meek, gentle; easy, tender, kind.
Military. Martial, warlike, soldierlike.
To Militate against. Be repugnant, be hostile, be opposed to.
To Mimic. Ape, imitate, counterfeit, mock.
Minacious. Threatful, comminatory, minatory, threatening, attempting to terrify.
To Mince. Hash.
To Mind. Heed, advert to, attend to, regard, notice.
Mind. Sentiment, impression, opinion, idea, notion; cast, bent, tone.
Mindful. Regardful, observant, atten* tive, heedful.
To Mingle. Mix, blend, confound, intermingle, intermix, intervolve, interweave ; compound, amalgamate.
Minikin. Little, dwarfish, pigmean, small, diminutive, exiguous.
Minion. Dependant, dependent, depender.
Minister. Agent, official, employé, chargé d'affaires ; divine, clergyman, ecclesiastic, parson, curate, incumbents
To Minister. Administer, contribute, supply, give to.
Ministry. Cabinet, administration, government.
Minority. Nonage, pupilage, pupil-arity.
Minstrelsy. Music.
Minute. Circumstantial, particular.
Miracle. Wonder, marvel, prodigy.
Miraculous. Preternatural.
To Mirror. Reflect, exhibit, show.
Mirth. Joy, merriment, gladness, jucundity, festivity, joviality, jovialness, hilarity, cheerfulness, vivacity, gaiety, fun, gaieté de cœur.
Mirthful. Cheerful, merry, joyous, glad, gay, lively, jovial, festive, vivacious, jocund.
Misadventure. Mischance, mishap, miscarriage.
Misadvised. Miseounselled, ill-counselled, ill-advised.
Misanthropy. Apanthropy, aphilan-thropy ; misogyny.
To Misapply. Misemploy.
To Misapprehend. Misconceive, misunderstand, mistake.
Misapprehension. Misconception, misunderstanding, mispersuasion, mistake.
Misbehaviour. Misconduct, malpractice.
To Miscal. Misname, misterm.
Miscarriage. Failure, abortion, mishap, misadventure
Miscellaneous. Promiscuous, indiscriminate.
Miscellany, Medley, olio, farrago, diversity, variety, mixture, oglio, hotch-potch, hodge-podge.
Mischance. Calamity, disaster, catastrophe, misfortune, mishap, misadventure.
Mischief. Evil, ill; misfortune, calamity, disaster; injury, harm, damage, hurt.
Mischievous. Malicious, malevolent, malignant; iniquitous, wicked, nefarious, unjust.
Miscitation. Misquotation.
To Misconceive. Misapprehend, misunderstand, mistake.
Misconception. Misapprehension, misunderstanding, mispersuasion, mistake.
Misconduct. Misbehaviour, malpractice.
To Misconstrue. Misinterpret.
Miscounselled. Ill-counselled, misadvised, ill-advised.
Miscreant. Caitiff, scroyle, scelerat, villain, ruffian.
Misdeed. Offence, trespass, transgression. misdemeanour, delinquency, crime.
Misdoer. Delinquent, defaulter, offender.
To Misemploy. Misapply.
Miserable. Unhappy, wretched, distressed, afflicted, unfortunate, calamitous, disastrous.
Miserly. Avaricious, parsimonious, griping, stingy, niggardly, penurious
Misery. Wretchedness, woe; distress, destitution, penury, privation ; beggary, mendicancy.
Misfortune. Calamity, disaster, mishap, mischance, catastrophe.
Misgiving. Distrust, suspicion.
To Misguide. Mislead ; lead away dazzle, beguile.
Mishap. Mischance, misadventure miscarriage.
To Misinterpret. Misconstrue.
To Mislay. Misplace.
To Mislead. Misguide; lead away, dazzle, beguile.
To Misname. Miscal, misterm.
To Mispend. Exhaust, dissipate, squander, waste,
Mispersuasion. Misconception, mis-
• apprehension, misunderstanding, mistake.
Misquotation. Miscitaiion.
Misrule. , Anarchy, confusion.
To Miss. Lose; fail, miscarry, prove abortive ; omit, leave out.
Mission. Commission, legation, embassy; message, errand.
Mistake. Error, blunder, hallucination, delusion ; misconception, misapprehension, mispersuasion, misunderstanding.
To Mistake. Err; fail; misconceive, misapprehend, misunderstand.
To Misterm. Misname, miscal.
Mistress. Concubine, paramour, courtesan.
Mistrustful. Suspicious, diffident.
Misty. Dim, obscure, cloudy, shadowy, dusky, murky, dark, caligir.ous.
To Misunderstand. Misapprehend, misconceive, mistake.
Misuse. Abuse, perversion, prostitu-
- tion ; misusage, ill-usage, maltreatment.
To Mitigate. Alleviate, relieve, abate, diminish.
Mitigative. Anodyne, assuasive.
9% Mix. Mingle, blend, confound, intermingle, intermix, intervolve, interweave ; compound, amalgamate.
Mixture. Medley, miscellany, farrago, olio, diversity, variety, oglio, gallimaufry, hotch-potch, hodge-podge.
Mizmaze. Maze, labyrinth.
To Mizzle. Drizzle.
To Moan. Groan, grieve, lament, deplore.
Moat. Fosse, graff.
Mob, Crowd, concourse, multitude* throng ; populace, mobility.
To Mock. Mimic, imitate, ape ; banter, rally, deride, ridicule, make: game' of; illude, deceive.
Mode. Way, manner, method, process, course, means ; form, modification.
Model. Copy, pattern, specimen,, archetype, paradigm.
Model of excellence. Paragon, masterpiece, chef d? œuvre.
Moderate. Middling; temperate, abstemious, sober, abstinent.
Moderation. Temperance, sobriety* abstemiousness.
Modern. Neoteric, novel, new, recent..
Modest. Verecund, bashful, diffident* reserved; chaste, virtuous.
Modicum. Pittance, fraction, fragment-
Modification. Form, mode.
To Modulate. Attune, tune.
Moiety. Half.
Moist. Humid, damp, dank.
To Moisten. Madefy, wet.
To Molest. Annoy, incommodé, discommode, incommodate, disaceom-modate, vex, tease, inconvenience* disturb, trouble.
Moment. Signification, avail, importance, consequence, weight.
Momentous. Important, significant* weighty.
Mom mery. Mummery, buffoonery,, harlequinism, foolery, tomfoolery.
Monad. Atom.
Monachal. Monastic, monkish.
Monarch. Prince, sovereign, king,, potentate.
Monarchal. Monarchical, kingly, regal, sovereign, royal, imperial.
Monarchy, Royalty, kingship.
Monastic. Monkish, monachal.
Moneyed. Wealthy,, opulent,, affiuent, rich.MOT
Monologue. Soliloquy.
Monotonous. Unvaried, undiversified;
uniform,'even, equal, equable. Monstrous. Horrid, shocking, dreadful, horrible.
Monument. Memorial, remembrancer; cenotaph.
Monumental. Memorial, commemorative.
Mood. Humour, temper, frame. Moody. Angry, passionate, hot, incensed, sullen.
Moral. Ethical; virtuous.
Morals. Manners, behaviour, habits j morality, ethics.
Morass. Bog, quagmire, 'marsh, fen, swamp.
Morbid. Sick, sickly, diseased, cor-' rupted.
Morbific. Nosópoetic.
MordaciouS. Biting, keen, cutting, epigrammatic, stinging, pungent, . poignant, caustic, sarcastic, satirical. Moreover. Besides, furthermore, more than that, over and above. Moribund. Decayed, putrescent. Morigerous. .Obsequious, sneaking, crouching, servile* timeserving, tem-. porising.
Morology. Stultiloquence, nonsense, nugacity, futility, drivel.
Morose. Gloomy, sullen, splenetic, fretful.
Mortal, Deadly, fatal, mortiferous. Mortality. Mortiferousness ; mankind, humankind, human race, Mortiferous. Mortal, deadly, fatal. Mortification. Vexation, chagrin. Mortified. Vexed, chagrined, grieved, sorry, affected, hurt, afflicted.
Most. Very, superlatively, consummately ; greatest, largest, maximum. Most of all. Above all, especially, principally, chiefly.
Motherly. Maternal.
Motion. Movement..
Motionless. Torpid, chill, numb % stagnant.
Motive. Cause, reason, principle ; inducement, incitement, incentive, impulse.
Motley. Ul-blended, ill-mingled, her terogeneous.
Mottled. Dotted, spotted, flecked, speckled.
Motto. Badge, phylactery.
To Mould. Eorm, shape, fashion.
To Moult. Mue.
To Mount. Arise, rise, ascend ; tower, climb, scale.
Mountaineer. Highlander.
Mountebank. Quack, empiric, charlatan.
To Mourn. Grieve, lament, fret, bewail.
Mournful. Sorrowful, lugubrious, sad.
To Move. Actuate, impel, induce, prompt, instigate, persuade ; stir, agitate ; budge ; touch, affect, melt.
To Move round. Turn, revolve, circulate, whirl, wheel, twirl.
Moving. Affecting, touching, pathetic, sensuous.
Moving expression. Pathos, impassioned language, intensity of diction.
Moving round. Turning, revolving, cir-cumrotatory, rotatory, rotary, wheeling, whirling, veering.
Much. Nearly, almost.
Mucilaginous. Slimy, mucous.
Mud. Dirt, filth, puddle.
Muddled. Tipsy, intoxicated, drunk, inebriated, temulated, crapulous, fuddled.
Muddling, Bousing, guzzling, biba-cious, tippling, drunken, fuddling.
Muddy, Drumly, turbid, lutulent, thick.
To Mue. Moult.
Mugient. Lowing, bellowing.
Mulct. Fine, penalty, forfeiture.
Muliebrity. Womanhood.
Multifarious. Divers, various, manifold.
Multiform. Varied, diversified, chequered.
Multiloquence. Largiloquence, volubility, talkativeness, loquacity, glibness, garrulity, babbling, gabbling.
Multiplied, Numerous, many, multitudinous.
Multitude. Crowd, throng, mob ; swarm, shoal.
Multitudinous. Numerous, multiplied, many.
Mummery. Mommery, buffoonery, harlequinism, foolery, tomfoolery.
Mundane. Terrene, terrestrial, cos-mical, worldly, sublunary;
Mundatory. Detersive, detergent, cleansing.
Munificent. Bounteous, bountiful, beneficent, generous, liberal j exuberant.
Municipal. Civic.
Munition. Ammunition, military stores, matériel, implements.
To Murder. Kill, assassinate, slay.
Murky. Dark, caliginous, cloudy, misty, shadowy, dusky, dim, obscure.
To Murmur. Complain, repine.
Muscular. Brawny, robust, athletic* sinewy, stout, stalwart, able-bodied.
To Muse. Meditate, contemplate, think, reflect, wonder.
Music. Minstrelsy ; harmony ; melody.
Musical. Tuneful, canorous, melodious, harmonious, symphonious, silver, dulcet.
To Muster. Collect, assemble, congregate.
Mutable. Inconstant, unsteadfasfc, instable, unstable, fickle, alterable, versatile, restless, fitful; variable, changeable, changeful, unsteady, undecided, hesitating, vacillating, fluctuating, wavering.
Mutability. Mutableness, changeableness, unsteadiness, versatility.
Mutation. Change, alteration.
Mutation (state of). Changing, transition.
Mute. Dumb; silent, taciturn; speechless, obmutescent.
To Mutilate. Maim, detruncate, truncate, cripple.
Mutinous. Insurgent, seditious, tumultuous, turbulent.
Mutual. Commutual, intermutual, reciprocal, alternate.
To Muzzle. Gag, silence.
Myriad. Legion, host.
Mysterious. Dark, obscure, hidden, secret, occult, cryptic, cabalistic, latent, dim, mystic ; inscrutable,
Myth. Fable, fabulosity.
Naivete. Artlessness, simplicity, ingenuousness.
Naked. Denuded, bare, uncovered, unclothed ; rough, rude.
To Name. Denominate, entitle, entitule, style, designate, characterise, term, call.
Name. Appellation, denomination, title, cognomen ; reputation, character, credit.
Name (nick). By-name, sobriquet.
Named. Ycleped, denominated, entitled, styled, designated.
Namely. To wit, videlicet, commonly written viz.
To Nap. Sleep, doze, slumber, drowse.
Narcotic. Obstupefactive.NEC
To Narrate. Relate, detail, recount, describe, enumerate.
Narration. Narrative, account, relation, description, recital, detail, explanation.
Narrow. Contracted, confined, circumscribed, straitened, limited.
Nasty. Squalid, filthy, foul, dirty, unclean, gross ; dingy ; vile, mean, abject.
Natal day. Birthday.
National. Public, general.
Native. Intrinsic, real, genuine, sterling ; indigenous, vernacular.
Native tongue. Vernacular speech, maternal language.
Nativity. Birth.
To Naturalize. Endenizen ; domesticate.
Naturally. Of course, to be sure, consequently, necessarily ; instinctively.
Nausea. Disgust, loathing.
To Nauseate. Loathe, abhor, detest, abominate.
Nautical. Maritime, marine, naval.
Naval. Marine, maritime, nautical.
Near. Nigh, close, adjacent, approximate to, vicinal, conterminous, contiguous, attiguous.
Nearly. Much, almost.
Nearness. Adjacency, vicinity, neighbourhood.
Necessarily. Of necessity ; indispensably, to be sure, of course, naturally, consequently.
Necessary. Expedient, essential, requisite, needful.
A Necessary. Privy, jakes.
To Necessitate. Compel, force, concuss, coerce, impel, oblige.
Necessitous. Distressed, poor, indigent, needy.
Necessitude. Distress, want, need, indigence, poverty, penurv, privation,
Necessity. Occasion, need ; exigency, emergency.
Necromancer. Conjuror, wizard, magician, sorcerer.
Nectared. Nectareous, nectarine, mellifluous, mellifluent, honeyed, sweet.
Need. Poverty, indigence, want, penury, privation.
To Need. Require; want, lack; desiderate.
Needful. Requisite, essential, necessary, expedient.
Needless. Supervacaneous, unnecessary, unrequired.
Nefarious. Wicked, unjust, iniquitous.
Negation. Abnegation, denial; disavowal, disclaimer.
To Negative. Bar, embar, stop.
To Neglect. Disregard, disesteem, slight, contemn ; omit, leave out.
Neglect. Omission, failure, default.
Negligent. Remiss, careless, heedless, iu attentive.
To Negociate. Treat for or about, transact.
Neighbourhood. Environs, vicinity, vicinage, nearness, adjacency, proximity, contiguousness.
Neophyte. Convert, proselyte.
Neoteric. Modern, recent, new, novel..
Nepenthe. Catholicon, panacea.
To Nerve. Energise, vitalise.
Nerve. Fibre, tendon, lifestring.
Nerveless. Feeble, impuissant, weak,, forceless, enfeebled, debilitated, enervated, impotent, paralysed, palsied.
Nervous. Vigorous, energetic, strong, forcible, powerful.
Nescience. Ignorance.
To Nestle. Snuggle, snug.
To Nettle. Enchafe, aggravate, provoke, incense, irritate, enrage, exasperate.
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Net-wrought. Reticulated,, meshy.
To Neutralize. Destroy the effect off counterbalancei
Nevertheless. Yet, notwithstanding, for all that, however.
New. Fresh, recent, novel, modern, neoteric.
News. Tidings, intelligence, notification, information.
Next. Proximate, immediate; ensuing; proximo.
To Nibble. Carp, cavil.
Nice. Exact, particular, precise; fine, delicate, dainty.
Nicxxame. By -name, sobriquet.
To Nictate. Wink, blink.
Ta Niggard. Stint.
Niggardly. Avaricious, miserly, griping, stingy, penurious* parsimonious, saving, sparing* thrifty.
Nigh. Near, close, adjacent, approximate to, vicinal, contiguous; atti-gnous.
Nightly. Nocturnal.
Nigrification . Infuscatron, denigration.
Nimble. Active, brisk, lively, expert, quick, agile, prompt,
Nimiods. Inordinate, intemperate, excessive.
Ninny. Nizy, noodle, simpleton.
Niveous. Snowy, white.
To Nobilitate. Ennoble, dignify, exalt.
Nobility. Optiraacy, nobless, noblesse,
Noble. Exalted, elevated, magnani-
, mous, dignified, illustrious, great, grand; patrician.
Nogent. Hurtful, pernicious, deleterious, noxious.
Nocturnal. Nightly.
Nodules (a mass oe). Congeries.
Noise. Cry, outcry, vociferation, clamour,, hallabaloo ; din ; ado, fuss ; riot, hubbub, uproar.
Noisome. Hurtful, nocent, pernicious, deleterious, noxious, baneful.
a Noisome thing. Nuisance.
Noisy. Loud, obstreperous, streperous, vociferous, clamorous, blatant, braying, blustering, vehement; tumultuous, uproarious, riotous,
Nomadic. Wandering, migratory, vagrant, roving, strolling,
Nomenclatrue. Dictionary, lexicon, vocabulary, glossary,, catalogue.
To Nominate. Name, entitle, call.
Nonage. Minority, pupilage, pupilarity.
Nonentity. Non-existence, inexistence, nothing.
Nonplussed. Confounded, disconcerted, abashed, confused, blank.
Nonsense. Nugacity, futility, drivel, morology, stultiloquence.
Nonsensical. Irrational, absonanff brainless, unreasonable, absurd, preposterous.
Noodle. Ninny* nizy, simpleton.
Nook. Corner, angle.
Noonday. Midday, noon, noontide, meridian.
Nosopoktic. Morbific.
Notable. Remarkable, extraordinary, signal, memorable.
Note. Mark, sign, symptom, token, indication ; remark, observation, comment, annotation; memorandum.
Noted. Distinguished, conspicuous, eminent, celebrated, illustrious, renowned ; notorious, well-known.
Notes, Memoranda, agenda.
Nothing. Nonentity, non-existence inexistence.
Notice. Advice, notification, intelligence, information, warning.
To Notice. Attend to, advert, mind, regard, heed; mark, note.
Noticeable. Observable, remarkable, marked, striking.NUM
Notification. Intelligence, advice, information, notice.
To Notify. Make known, acquaint, communicate, make aware, apprise, inform.
Notion. Conception, idea, view ; opinion, sentiment, impression, conviction ; consciousness, perceptibility, perception, apprehension ; sensation.
Notorious. Flagrant, arrant, heinous ; noted, well-known ; open, overt, patent.
Notwithstanding. Yet, nevertheless, for all that, however.
Novation. Innovation.
Novel. New, fresh, recent, neoteric, modern.
Novelty. Novity.
To Nourish. Nnrture, cherish, nestle,
, foster, support, maintain.
Noxious. Hurtful, nocent, pernicious, deleterious, baneful, noisome.
To Nubilate. Cloud, obnubilate* dim, shade, shadow, obscure, overcast, eclipse.
Nugacity. Futility, drivel, morology, stul tiloquence.
Nugatory. Trifling, trivial, frivolous, futile ; jejune, meagre, dry, uninteresting; /
Null. Useless, void, inept.
To Nullify. Annul, vacate, invalidate, quash, cancel, destroy, annihilate.
Numr. Benumbed, chill, torpid, motionless.
To Number. Calculate, compute, reckon, count ; enumerate, detail.
A great Number. Multitude, throng, crowd, swarm, shoal, flock, legion, host, myriad.
Numberless. Innumerable.
Numeral. Numerical.
Numerous. Many, multiplied, multitudinous.
Nummary. Pecuniary.
Numskull. Thiekskuii, roundheadr clumps, jolthead, loggerhead, jobbernowl, dunce, dullard, dolt, blockhead.
Numskulleu. Doltish, oafish, buffie-headed, stolid, obtuse.
Nuncupative. Yerbal, oral, parole.
Nuptial, Bridal, hymeneal, matrimonial.
Nuptials. Marriage', wedding, espousals.
To Nurture. Cherish, nestle, nourish, foster.
Nurturing. Fostering, genial.
Nutriment. Nourishment, aliment.
- O.
Oafish. Buffie-headed, numskulied, doltish, stolid, obtuse.
Obdurate. Hard, callous, hardened,, indurate, unfeeling, insensible, phlegmatic, insensate, unsusceptible,.
Obedient. Dutiful, respectful, defers ential, compliant, submissive; obsequious, morigero«».
Obese. Fat, adipose, corpulent, plethoric.
To Obey. Obtempérate; conform, comply, submit.
Oefuscation. Fuscation, offuscation, darkness, obtenehration.
Obit. Obsequies, exequies.
Obituary. Necrological list.
Object. Aim, end, purpose, design; mark, butt.
To Object. Oppose, except to, challenge, call in question, impeach; entreat, against, urge against, deprecate.
Objection. Difficulty, exception, demurrer, challenge; demur, doubt, hesitate.
Objectionable. Exceptionable, challengeable.
To Objurgate. Ohi&e, reprehend, incrépate, reprove..
Oblation. Offering, thank-offering.
Obligation. Duty; engagement, contract, bond.
Obligatory. Incumbent; binding, valid.
Obligatory (for ever) . Indissoluble, indefeisible, ever-binding, ever-valid.
To Oblige. Bind, engage, compel,
. concuss, coerce, constrain, enforce, force, impel, necessitate.
Obliged to. Indebted, beholden.
Obliging. Civil, complaisant, courteous.
Obliquely. Aslant, aslope, slopingly.
To Obliterate. Blot out, expunge, delete, cancel, efface ; erase.
Oblivion. Forgetfulness, lethe : amnesty.
Oblivious. Forgetful, unmindful.
Obloquy. Reproach, contumely; abuse, scurrility ; opprobrium, odium, ignominy ; blame, slander.
Obmutescence. Speechlessness ; taciturnity.
Obnoxious, Offensive; subject, liable, exposed; accountable.
To Obnubilate. Nubilate, cloud, dim, shade, shadow, obscure, overcast.
Obscene. Indecent, indelicate, im-
; modest, shameless.
Obscure. Dim, misty, cloudy, shadowy, dusky, dark, caiiginous, murky, gloomy, indistinct, mysterious.
To Obscure. Overcast, shadow, shade, dim, cloud, nubilate, obnubilate.
Obsequies. Obit, exequies.
,Obsequious.	Morigerous, obedient,
submissive, compliant.
Observable. Noticeable, remarkable,
, marked, striking.
Observance. Form, etiquette, ceremony, solemnity, rite; respect, attention.
Observation. Remark, comment, annotation, note, notice.
Observant. Mindful, regardful, attentive, heedful; watchful; intelligent.
To Observe. Keep, fulfil; notice, remark, watch.
Observer. Spectator, onlooker, beholder.
To Obsignate. Ratify, seal.
Obsolete. Disused, out of date, old-fashioned, antiquated, antique, ancient, old.
Obstacle. Difficulty, impediment, barrier, hindrance, obstruction.
Obstinate. Pervicacious, dogged, pertinacious, perverse, contumacious, refractory, intractable, stubborn, inflexible, resolute, headstrong, opinia-tive.
Obstinacy. Pertinacity, perverseness, contumacy, stubbornness, inflexibility.
Obstreperous. Loud, clamorous, noisy, vociferous, tumultuous, turbulent.
To Obstruct. Hinder, prevent, impede.
Obstruction. Obstacle, barrier, impediment, hindrance, counteraction
Obstupefactive. Narcotic.
To Obtain. Acquire, attain, gain, procure; win, earn.
To Obtempérate. Obey, conform, comply, submit,
Obtenebration. Darkness, fuscation, obfuscation, offuscation.
To Obtest. Supplicate, implore, beseech, solicit, entreat.
Obtrectation. Slander, detraction, calumny.
To Obtrude. Intrude, force in.
Obtrusive. Officious, pragmatical, interfering, intermeddling.
Obtuse. Stolid, heavy-headed, buffle-headed, oafish.
Obtuseness. Hebetude, dulness.
To Obviate. Prevent, preclude, hinder.OFF
Obvious. ^ Apparent, open, visible, clear, plain, evident, manifest, palpable.
To Occasion. Cause, create, induce, give rise to ; beget, generate.
Occasion. Incident ; opportunity ; necessity, need.
Occasional. Casual, irregular, incidental.
Occluse. Recluse, immured, shut up, closed.
Occult. Hidden, secret, latent, dark, cryptic, cabalistic, mysterious.
Occupancy. Occupation, holding, possession.
Occupation. Business, trade, avocation, calling, employment, engagement, office, profession ; pursuit.
To Occupy. Hold, possess ; employ busy; ply.
Occurrence. Event, incident, adventure, casualty, contingency.
Odd, Particular, singular, eccentric, strange, extraordinary ; fantastical, whimsical, comical, droll.
Odious. Hateful, execrable, detestable, abominable.
Odium. Abhorrence, hatred, detestation, antipathy, aversion.
Odoriferous. Odorous, fragrant, balmy, redolent.
Odour. Smell, scent, perfume, fragrance, balminess, redolence.
Oecumenical. Universal, general.
Oeiliad. Wink, glance.
Offal. Garbage.
Offence. Affront, insult, outrage, indignity ; resentment, umbrage ; misdeed, trespass, transgression, misdemeanour.
Offence (small). Peccadillo,
To Offend. Vex, gall, fret, chafe, nettle, irritate, make angry ; shock, outrage.
Offender. Defaulter, peculator, delinquent, culprit.
Offensive. Rude, saucy, impertinent, insolent, insulting, obnoxious, abusive, reproachful, opprobrious, contumelious, calumnious, scurrilous, ribald.
To Offer. Present, exhibit ; bid, tender, proffer, propose, volunteer.
Offering. Oblation, thank-offering.
Office. Business, function, duty, charge ; benefit, service.
Officer. Functionary, official, employé.
Officious. Interfering, intermeddling, pragmatical, obtrusive.
Officious person. Busy-body, meddler, intermeddler.
Offspring. Issue, progeny, children.
Offuscation. Obfuscation, darkness, obtenebration.
Often. Frequently, repeatedly, many times.
To Ogle. Gloat, leer.
Oglio. Gallimaufry, hotch-potch.
Old. Aged, senile, anile ; ancient, antique, antiquated, old fashioned, obsolete ; Gothic ; ancestral.
of Old. Anciently, formerly, aforetime, heretofore, in past times, bypast, bygone, in bygone ages, long ago.
Older. Senior, elder.
Oleaginous. Unctuous, fatty, greasy.
Olidous. Fetid, stinking, mephitic.
Olio. Farrago, medley, miscellany, oglio.
Omen. Presage, prognostic.
Ominous. Portentous, ill-boding.
Omission. Failure, neglect, default.
To Omit, Leave out, miss.
Omnifarious. Omnigenous.
Omnipotent. Almighty, all-powerful.
Omniscient. Omniscious, all-knowing, all-wise.
Onerous. Burdensome, heavy, laborious.
Only. Skgly,. -afaiM!»' solely^ exclusively.
Onsîet.,. Attaek» eaa&ounter, assault,, teunt.
G>n ward . Forward, progressive..
Opaque. Hntrafcspaæeashtt* undiapteuaous, adiaphanous ; dark, cloudy.
Open. Candid, frank, open-hearted» unreserved, ingenuous, free,, sincere» •unaffected-,. genuine» undissembling ; overt, notorious, patent.
Opening, A peiiur^ cavity, gap, hiatus, hollow, chasm; breach, rift, cleft, crevice, interstice, cranny ; fissure, chink, dawn.
To Operate. Act, do, make.
Operation. Work, action, agency, instrumentality, organisation, machinery ; effect ; effort, enterprise.
Operative. Effective, serviceable ; efficacious, effectual ; stringent, binding, active.
Operose. Laborious, toilsome, tiresome, wearisome.
Opiate.. Soporific, hypnotic.
Opiniative. Philodoxical, conceited, egotistical.
Opinion. Sentiment, feeling, impression. conviction ; idea, conception, view ; notion, speculation, theory.
Opinion (To be of) . Take if, conceive» suppose, presume, apprehend, imagine, think, believe,.deem.
unfounded Opinion. Notionality,gratuitous presumption.
Opinionated. Opinionative, opiniative, philodoxieal.
To Oppignerate. Impignerate, pledge, pawn, impawn.	,
Opponent. Adversary, antagonist, enemy, foe.
Opportune. Seasonable, timely, apropos.
Opportunity. Occasion.
To Oppose. Combat,, gain strive-, oppugn, resist, withstand, thwart; contradict, gainsay, deny; be adverse to, militate against.
Opposeless. Resistless, irresistible.
Opposing. Conflicting, jarring, antagonistic, counteractive, neutralising.
. Opposite. Adverse, contrary, antagonistic, inimical, hostile, repugnant, incompatible, inconsistent, paradoxical.
To Oppress. Bear down, overbear, crush, overwhelm, overpower, overmaster.
Oppressed. Down-trodden, trampled on, iron-crushed, paralysed, abject, prostrate, overburdened, overladen, overmastered.
Oppression (To suffer). Groan under, subject to ruthless despotism or imperious domination, put under the fangs of tyranny.
Oppressive. Hard, severe, rigorous, unmitigated, grinding, galling.
Opprobrious. Abusive, reproachful, scurrilous, ribald, insolent, insulting, offensive, outrageous.
Opprobrium. Infamy, ignominy ; obloquy, contumely.
To Oppugn. Combat, resist, withstand, gainstrive.
Optable. Desirable.
Opttmacy. Nobility, nobless, noblesse.
Option. Choice.
Optional. Di scretional, discretion ary.
Opulence. Affluence, riches, wealth, mammon.
Opulent. Wealthy, moneyed.
Oracular. Prophetic, fatidical; miraculously sage.
Oral. Verbal, nuncupative, parole.
Oration. Address, speech, harangue.
Oratory. Rhetoric, eloquence, declamation.
Orb. Circle, globe, sphere.ORI
To Ordain. Appoint, order, prescribe,
' enjoin.
Ordeal. Trial.
Order. Glass, rank, degree, gradation; succession, series ; method, rule.
To Order. Ordain, appoint, .prescribe, enjoin.
Order. Command, injunction,, precept, mandate.
To put in Order or rank. Arrange, range, array, marshal, embattle, dispose, regulate, organize, adjust, class, classify, tabulate ; digest,; generalise.
To Put out of Order. Confuse, perplex, bewilder, stun, confound, ruffle, discompose, derange, disorder, disorganise, disarrange, disturb, displace, unsettle.
Orderly. Regular, systematic, methodic, methodical.
Ordinance. Law, maxim* precept, guide, regulation, government.
Ordinary. Common, vulgar, mean ; customary, conventional, habitual, usual.
Ordure. Dung, muck, manure, compost, soil.
Organic. Constitutional, radical, rooted, fundamental.
To 'Organise. Dispose, regulate, adjust.
Organization. Machinery, instrumentality; constitution; construction.
Orgies. Saturnalia, bacchanals,, wassail, debauch, revelry, carousal, com-potation, potation, perpotation.
Orient. Bright, idear, lumin ous*
Orifice. Perforation.
Origin. Original, beginning, rise, source.:; spring, fountain head.
Original. First, primary, primitive, pristine, primordial, primeval.
Original inhabitants. Aborigines, natives.
To Originate. Spring, arise, issue, proceed, flow, emanate.
Orison. Prayer, apprecation, petition, request, supplication.
To Ornament. Adorn, beautify, embellish, decorate, deck; emblazon.
Ornate. Flowery, florid, embellished, decorated.
Orts. Fragments, scraps, leavings, remains, relicts, remnants.
To Oscillate. Vibrate, quiver, shake, agitate, conquassate.
Oscitancy. Oscitation, pandiculation, yawning.
Osier. Willow, wicker.
Ostensible. Apparent, visible, outward ; colourable, specious, plausible, feasible.
Ostentation. Show, parade ; vainglory, vaunting, boasting.
Ostentatious. Showy, vain-glorious, vain.
Otherwise. Else.
To Oust. Cast out, eject, expel, eliminate, dislodge.
Out and out. Thorough, unqualified.
To Outbalance. Overbalance, outweigh, preponderate, over weigh, overpoise.
Outcast. Castaway, reprobate.
Outcry. Cry, clamour, vociferation, hallabaloo, noise.
To Outdo. Exceed, excel, surpass, outvie.
Outer. Outward, external, exterior.
Outflowing. Outgushing, outpouring, effusive.
Outgate. Outlet, egress.
To Outgo. Outstrip.
Outlines. Sketch, draught, contour.
To Outlive. Survive.
Outmost. Furthest, remotest.
Outpouring. Outflowing, outgushing, effusion.
Outrage. Affront, insult, offence, indignity.
To Outrage. Shock, offend, disgust.
Outrageous. Monstrous, flagrant, heinous.
Outre. Extravagant, excessive, immoderate, exaggerated, inordinate.
To Outreach. Outwit.
To Outroot. Root out, uproot, unroot, deracinate, eradicate, exterminate, extirpate.
Outset. Commencement, beginning, opening.
Outside. Appearance, show, semblance, simulacrum.
Outskirts. Suburbs, environs, neighbourhood, vicinage.
To Outstrip. Outgo.
To Outvie. Outdo, exceed, excel, surpass.
Outward. Outer, external, exterior; ostensible, seeming, apparent; extrinsic, extraneous.
To Outweigh. Overbalance, outbalance, preponderate, overpoise, overweigh.
To Outwit. Outreach.
Outworks. Redoubt, battlements.
To Overbalance. Outbalance, out“ weigh, preponderate, overpoise, overweigh,
Overbalancing. Exuperant, outbalancing, overweighing, preponderating.
To Overbear. Bear down, lord over, domineer over, oppress, overpower, overwhelm, subdue.
Overbearing.	Imperious, lordly,
Overburdened. Overladen, oppressed, heavy-laden.
To Overcharge. Surcharge.
To Overcome.	Conquer, vanquish,
subdue, subjugate, surmount overmaster, triumph over.
To Overfill. Overstock, glut.
To Overflow. Inundate, exundate, submerge, deluge, flood.
Overflowing, Exuberant, copious, diffusive.
Overhead. Above, aloft.
To Overmaster. Subdue, overcome, conquer, triumph over.
Overplus. Surplus, surplusage.
To Overpoise. Outweigh, outbalance, overbalance, preponderate.
To Overpower. Overbear, bear down, overwhelm; paralyze, render prostrate ; defeat, overthrow, subdue, rout, discomfit.
To Overreach. Cheat, circumvent, cozen, gull, dupe, defraud, impose upon.
To Overrule. Supersede, invalidate, vacate, set aside.
Overruling. Prevailing, prevalent, predominant, ascendant, overswaying, dominant, rampant.
To Overrun, Ravage, devastate.
To Overset. Overturn, upset.
To Overshadow. Shelter, protect.
Oversight. Inadvertency, inadvertence, inattention; inspection, superintendence.
Oversight (through an) . By inadvertence, ableptically, per incuriam.
To Overspread. Cover, pervade, be coextensive with, coexpansive with.
To Overstock. Overfill, glut.
Overswaying. Overruling, ascendant» dominant, predominant, prevailing, prevalent.
Overt. Open, public, notorious, flaming, patent.
To Overthrow. Overset, overturn, upset; beat, defeat, discomfit, rout; subvert, invert, reverse.
Overture. Proposal.
To Overture. Overset, overthrow upset.PAL
Overweening. Conceited, vain, egotistical.
To Overweigh. Outweigh, outbalance, overbalance, overpoise, preponderate. To Overwhelm. Overbear, bear down, oppress, overpower, subdue, crush.
To Owe. Be due, indebted to, beholden.
Owing to. Attributable, imputable, ascribable, traceable.
To Own. Acknowledge, confess, recognise.
Owner. Proprietor, possessor, ,mas-ter.
Pace. Step, tread, tramp, march. Pacific. Peaceful, peaceable, mild, gentle.
Pacification. Tranquillization.
To Pacify, Appease, calm, quiet, hush, ; still, lull.
Paction. Bargain, covenant.
Pæan. Epinicion, song of triumph. Pagan. Gentile, heathen.
Pageantry. Pomp, splendour, magnificence, éclat.
Pain. Anguish, agony, distress, suf-. fering ; pang, throe.
To Pain. Anguish, agonize, rack, wring, torture, excruciate, lacerate; ache, ake.
Painful. Distressful, afflictive, afflicting, grievous.
Painstaking. Laborious, diligent.
To Paint. Colour, represent, depict, . describe, portray, delineate, sketch. Pair. Couple, brace.
Palatable. Savoury, flavorous, sapid, gustful, tasteful.
Palate. Taste, relish.
Pale. Pallid, wan, whitish.
To Pale. Darken, deepen, wax dim. Palinode. Palinody, recantation, ab-' juration, retractation.
To Palisade. Fence in, enclose.
To Pall. Cloy, accloy, grow tasteless.
To Palliate. Extenuate, gloss, gild, varnish.
Pallid. Pale, wan, whitish.
Palpable. Plain, obvious, evident, manifest, clear, distinct, unmistake-able.
To Palpitate. Flutter, pant, gasp ; throb, vibrate, quiver.
Paltry. Pitiful, mean, sorry, despicable, contemptible, sordid.
Panacea. Nepenthe, catholicon.
Pandemic. Epidemic.
Pandiculation. Oscitancy, oscitation, yawning.
Panegyric. Encomium, eulogium, eulogy, eloge, elogy, praise.
Panegyrist. Encomiast, eulogist, extoller, applauder, praiser.
To Panegyrize. Eulogise, extol, applaud, laud, commend.
Pang. Throe, agony, anguish, pain, distress.
To Pant. Palpitate, gasp.
Parable. Allegory, simile, similitude.
Parade. Show, ostentation, vainglory.
Paradigm. Copy, specimen, archetype, example.
Paradise. Heaven, glorified mansions.
Paradisiacal. Heavenly, celestial, supernal,
Paradox. Antilogy ; contradiction, inconsistency.
Paragon. Chef-d’œuvre, masterpiece.
Parallel. Equal, parity, analogy.
To Parallel. Put in juxtaposition» compare.
Paralogy. Paralogism, sophistry, sophistication, chicanery,
To Paralyse. Enfeeble, enervate, debilitate, prostrate.
Paralysed. Palsied, weak, feeble, im,puissant..
Faramoun t. Supreme.
Paramour Lover (in a bad sense) ; mistress, concubine, courtesan.
Parasite. Flatterer, sycophant, adulator, toadeater.
Parasitism. Flattery, adulation, obsequiousness, sycophancy, vernility.
To Parcel. Partition, divide, apportion.
To Pardon. Forgive, absolve, remit, acquit; discharge, set free, clear, liberate, grant an amnesty to.
Pardonable. Venial, excusable.
To Pare. Peel, decorticate, excorti-
. cate ; fritter away, clip, diminish, dequantitate.
Parentage. Birth, extraction.
Parity. Analogy, equality, parallel.
Parsimonious.	Avaricious, gri pi n g,
stingy, niggardly, miserly, penurious.
Parson. Ecclesiastic, clergyman, incumbent, curate, minister.
Part. Portion, share, piece, division, section, segment, fraction, fragment.
To Part. Separate, divide, sever, dissever, disunite.
To Partake. Participate, share.
Partial. Biassed, prejudiced, prepossessed.
Particle. Jot, tittle, iota, whit; globule.
Particular. Peculiar, singular, appropriate,, exclusive; special, specific; distinctive; exact, nice, punctual; circumstantial, minute.
To Particularize. Specify, individualize;.
Pa rticularly . Especially, principally, chiefly, primarily.
Partisan. Faction ary, party man, adherent, supporter, follower, disciple.
Partisanship. Faction, party, cabal, confederacy.
To Partition. Parcel, divide, apportion.
Partner. Colleague, coadjutor, associate.
Partner ship, A ssociation, company companionship, society.
Parturition Gestation.
Party. Faction, confederacy, combination ; detachment.
Parvitude. Parvity, exility, exiguity, minuteness.
Pasquinade. Lampoon.
Passable. Tolerable.
Passage. Course, race, road, avenue, channel, access.
To Pass away. Elapse, lapse, glide* slip, slide, roll along.
Passing away. Lapse, flow, gliding, rolling along.
Passionate. Hot, hasty, irascible, angry, excitable ; fiery, vehement, impetuous, impassioned, impassionate,. glowing, burning.
Passion.	Anger, rage, fury ; vehe-
mence, impetuosity.
Passive,	Unresisting, unopposing j
submissive, patient, suffering.
Passivity. Patience, resignation.
Pastime. Amusement, diversion, entertainment, sport, play, recreation.
Patch. Part, piece.
Paternal. Fatherly, careful, tender.
Path. Pathway, road, way, route* course.
Pathetic. Moving, touching, affecting, melting, sensuous, tender.
Patience. Endurance, fortitude; resignation, passivity.
Patient. Enduring, passive; an invalid.
Patrimony. Inheritance, heritage.
To Patronize, Favour, countenance* support.
Pattern. Specimen, model, archetype* sample.PEL
Paucity. Fewness.
Paunch-bellied. Gorbellied, tun-■bellied, abdominous, plethoric.
To Pause. Demur, hesitate, deliberate«
To Pawn. Impawn, impignorate, oppi gner ate, pledge.
Pay. Allowance, wages, salary, hire, stipend.
To Pay off. Liquidate, lessen, discharge, extinguish.
Peace. Quiet, calm, tranquility, repose, stillness, silence.
Peaceable. Mild, gentle.
Peaceful. Tranquil, quiet, still, pacific, quiescent, reposing, undisturbed, halcyon, calm, placid, serene.
To Peal. Ring, roll, boom, roar, thunder.
Pearl. Gem, jewel.
Peasant. Countryman, swain, hind, rustic, boor,, clown, bumpkin, clod-pole.
Peculation. Embezzlement, malversation.
Peculator. Defaulter, delinquent, offender.
Peculiar. Appropriate ; particular, exclusive ; remarkable, signal.
Pecuniary. Nummary.
Pedagogue. Schoolmaster, pedant.
Pedigree. Genealogy.
Peel, Skin, rind, husk.
To Peel. Pare, decorticate, excorticate.
To Peep. Peer.
Peer. Compeer, equal, fellow.
Peerless. Unequalled, unmatched, matchless, unique.
Peevish. Captious, fractious, cross, fretful, splenetic, petulant, cynical, irascible.
Pelf. Money, riches, mammon.
Pellicle. Film, membrane.
'Pelting. Battering.
Pellucid. Dilucid, transpicuous, trans* lucent, tran shield, lucid, limpid, transparent, diaphanous.
To Pen. Write, indite.
Penal. Punitive, inflicting punishment.
Penalty. Fine, amercement, mulct, forfeiture.
Pendent. Hanging,jutting, protruding.
Pending. Depending, undecided.
To Penetrate. Pierce, transfix ; perforate, transforate, bore ; fathom, reach.
Penetrating. Acute, sagacions ; discerning, discriminating ; thrilling, shrill.
Penetration. Acuteness, sagacity ; discernment, discrimination.
Penitence. Repentance, contrition, compunction, remorse ; résipiscence.
Penman. Writer, scribe, chirographer, chirographist.
Pensive. Dreamy, melancholy, dejected, depressed, cheerless, drooping.
Penurious. Sparing, niggardly, griping, stingy, parsimonious.
Penury. Poverty, indigence, necessi-tude, destitution, want, need, privation.
People. Commonalty, common people, populace ; mob, mobility.
Per adventure. Haply, perchance, perhaps, possibly, it may be.
Perambulation. Round, circuit, tour.
To Perceive. Discern, distinguish, observe.
Perception. Perceptivity, perceptibility, sensibility, susceptibility, sensation, apprehension ; conviction.
Perchance. Perhaps, possibly, haply, peradventure, it may be.
'Peremptory. Absolute, positive, categorical; arbitrary, despotic.
Perennial. Amaranthine, immarces-sible, imperishable, undying, immortal, deathless.
Perfect. Complete, consummate • finished, consummated, unbroken, full-orbed ; thorough, unmitigated, unqualified ; pure, mere, sheer ; mature, ripe.
Perfection (To bring to). Perfec-tionate, perfect, finish, complete, consummate, elaborate ; fulfil, accomplish, achieve.
Perfectly. Plenarily, fully, entirely.
Perfidious. Faithless, false-hearted* treacherous, insidious.
To Perforate. Transforate, bore, penetrate ; pierce, transfix.
Perforation. Orifice.
To Perform. Effect, effectuate, accomplish, execute, fulfil, realise, achieve ; act, play.
Performance, Production, composition, work; operation, effect, enterprise.
Performer, Actor, player, comedian, tragedian.
Perfume, Odour, scent, fragrance, redolence, smell, balminess, incense.
Perfunctory. Careless, negligent.
Perhaps. Perchance, possibly, haply, peradventure, it may be.
Periculous. Perilous, dangerous, hazardous, discriminous.
Peril. Danger, hazard, jeopardy, risk, venture.
Perilous. Dangerous, hazardous, discriminous, periculous.
Period. Time, age, date, era, epoch.
Periodically. Regularly, statedly.
Periphery. Circumference.
Periphrasis. Circumlocution.
To Perish, Decay, die, expire, dissolve,
Peristaltic, Wormlike, spiral, ver-
,■ micular.
To Perjure. Forswear.
Permanent. Durable, lasting, fixed» stable, steadfast,
Permeable. Pervious, transparent.
To Permeate. Pervade, overspread.
Permission. Leave, liberty, license.
To Permit. Admit, allow, let, give» leave; consent, suffer, tolerate.
Pernicious. Destructive, pestiferous, ruinous, baneful, deleterious, hurtful, nocent, noxious, noisome.
Pernicity. Swiftness, celerity, rapidity, velocity, quickness.
To Perpetrate. Commit.
Perpetual. Continual, continuous, lasting, constant, incessant, ceaseless, unceasing, uninterrupted, unintermit-ted.
Perpetual (To make). Perpetuate, eternise.
Perpetuity. Sempiternity, eternity.
To Perplex. Embarrass, harass, confuse, bewilder, entangle.
Perplexity. Anxiety, embarrassment, distraction ; entanglement, involution, conglomeration, intricacy.
Perpotation. Potation, compotation, drinking-bout, orgies, bacchanals, wassail, debauch.
Perquisition. Indagation, research, search, scrutiny.
To Persevere. Continue, persist, pursue, prosecute ; insist.
Personal, Hypostatical, individual.
Personality, Individuality, identity.
Persons. People, folks, individuals.
Perspective. Yista, view.
Perspicacious, Eagle-eyed, quick-sighted.
Perspicuity. Clearness, transparency, unambiguousn ess.
Perspicuous. Clear, unambiguous, unequivocal, unmistakeable; intelligible.
Perspiration, Sweat, exudationPHA	!
promoting Perspiration. Diuretic, diaphoretic, sudorific.
To Persuade. Exhort, urge, incite, prevail upon.
Persuasion. Conviction, consciousness.
Pert. Flippant, saucy, impertinent.
To Pertain. Appertain, relate, concern.
Pertinacious, Obstinate, inflexible, stubborn, pervicacious.
Pertinent. Relevant, apposite, appropriate, à propos.
Pertness. Sauciness, flippancy, dica-city,
Perturbation. Agitation, trepidation, tremor, emotion, mental conflict, inward fermentation.
Tc Pervade, Permeate, overspread.
Perverse. Awkward, cross, untoward, crooked, froward, wayward, sinis-trous; stubborn, pervicacious.
To Pervert. Corrupt; distort, turn, twist, misrepresent.
Pervious. Permeable, transparent.
Pest. Bane, plague, cankerworm, ruin.
Pestilential. Contagious, infectious, epidemical, miasmatic ; mischievous, pernicious, nocent, noxious, deleterious, vitiating, baneful, destructive, pestiferous, fatal, disastrous, calamitous, baleful.
Pettifogger. Scrivener, attorney.
Petition. Prayer, supplication, entreaty, request, suit.
To Petrify. Inlapidate ; indurate.
Petty. Trifling, trivial, frivolous, insignificant, futile, nugatory, useless, inept..
Petulant. Captious, fractious, cross, peevish, fretful, splenetic, irascible, excitable.
Phantasm. Vision, dream.
Phantom. Vision, apparition, spectre» ghost, spright.
Pharisaical. Sanctimonious.
Phenomenon, Appearance, aspect, feature.
Philanthropic. Kind, benevolent, gracious, benignant.
Philanthropy. Humanity, benevo* lence, benignity.
Philosophy. Science, knowledge.
Phlegmatic. Frigid, unfeeling, apathetic.
Phlebotomy. Bleeding, venesection.
Phrase. Sentence, proposition, period.
Phraseology, Diction, style.
Phrenology. Craniology.
Phrensy. Frenzy, distraction, madness, derangement, insanity.
Phthisis. Consumption, decline; marasmus.
Physical. Material, corporeal.
Phytivorous. Graminivorous.
To Pick. Choose, call, select.
Pictorial. Picturesque, graphic, imaginative, vivid.
Picture. Likeness, image, resemblance, drawing, representation; effigy; exponent, representative; mirror.
Piece. Part, portion, section, segment, fraction, fragment; patch.
in Pieces. Piecemeal, pittances.
To Pierce, Penetrate, transfix; perforate, transforate, bore; broach, tap,; thrill.
Piercing. Thrilling, ringing, clan-gous.
Pilaster. Pillar.
To Pile. Heap, accumulate, coacervate, hoard, amass.
Pile, Building, edifice, structure,
To Pilfer. Filch.
To Pillage. Spoil, plunder, depredate, despoil.
Pillage, Spoil, plunder, booty.
•Fieeail. Column.
To Pinch. Press, squeeze, gripe,
To Pine. Flag, droop, languish, sink, fade.
•Pioneer. Road-leveller, way-paver.
Pious. Holy, godly, devout, religious.
Piquant. Pungent, acrid, acrimonious, aeetose, corrosive, smart, keen;, biting, mordacious, harsh, epigrammatic, stinging.
Piquant (2b make). Acerbate, im~ bitter.
Pique. Malice; spite,grudge, resentment.
Pirate. Corsair, rover, buccaneer.
Pitchy. Black, sable, inky, ebon, midnight, Cimmerian.
Piteous. Doleful, woful, rueful, pitiable, lugubrious.
Pitiful., Mean, sordid, contemptible, despicable.
Pitiless. Merciless, unpitying, relentless, implacable, ruthless.
Pittance. Modicum.
2N Pittances. Piecemeal, in pieces.
Pity. Commiseration, compassion, painful sympathy ; sympathy, condolence; mercy, clemency.
Placable. ReconcileaMe.
Place. Situation, station, position,
; locality, site, spot,, .postoffice, charge, function.
To Place. Put,, collocate, set, lay ; dispose, order, organise, array, marshal.
Placid. Serene, calm, peaceful, pacific, tranquil, halcyon.
To Plague. Annoy, molest, vex, tease, trouble, harass, importune, torment, tantalise.
Plain. Even, level, smooth; apparent, visible, clear, obvious, unequivocal, unambiguous, intelligible, certain, evident, manifest, distinct, palpable ; open, candid, frank, free, open-hearted, ingenuous; plain-dealing, straightforward
Plaint. Complaint, lament, wa-ik
Plaintive. Wailful, elegiac, dirge-like.
Plan. Design, contrivance, scheme, project, device, stratagem.
Platitude. Insipidity, flatness, mawkishness.
Plaudit. Acclamation, acclaim, ap> plause, exultation, shouting.
Plausible. Colourable, specious, ostensible, feasible.
Play. Game, sport, diversion, pastime, amusement ; drama.
Player. Actor, performer, comedian, tragedian.
Playful. Sportive, lively, jocund, merry, sprightly, vivacious, racy buoyant.
Plaything. Bauble, trinket, toy.
To Play upon. Rally, banter, mock*
Plea. Apology, defence, vindication.
To Plead. Apologise, defend, vindicate, exonerate, justify, exculpate, excuse.
Pleasant, Pleasing, agreeable, delectable, gratifying, satisfactory ; delicious, exquisite ; delightful, ' pleasurable ; facetious, jocular, jocose, witty ; smiling, laughing.
Pleasantness. Amenity, agreeableness of situation.
To Please. Gratify, satisfy, content ; delight, fascinate, enchain.
Pleased. Gratified, glad, cheerful, joyful, pleasing, pleasant, agreeable.
Pleasing, Pleasant, agreeable, gratifying, satisfactory.
Pleasure. Comfort, enjoyment, gratification ; delectation, oblectation, joy, delight, rapture, charm.
Pleasurable. Delightful, joyful, delectable.
Pleasure ,(a person addicted to). Voluptuary, sensualist, epicure, sybarite.PL0
Plebeian. Vulgar, low, mean, abject.
To Pledge. Pawn, impawn, impig-norate, oppignerate; hypothecate, give, as surety ; plight, vow.
Pledge. Pawn; earnest, security, deposit; hostage.
Plenarily. Fully, entirely, perfectly.
Plenipotentiary. Ambassador, envoy, diplomatist, negociator.
To Plenish. Stock, fill, replenish.
Plenitude. Fulness, repletion, exuberance* copiousness, abundance, afflu-
, enee. ,
Plenteous. Abundant, copious, ample, plentiful, exuberant, luxuriant ; unsparing, unmeasured; fertile, fruitful, prolific, teeming, rife.
Plentiful. Abundant, copious, ample, plenteous, exuberant, luxuriant; unsparing, unmeasured ; rich, affluent; fertile, fruitful, prolific, teeming, rife.
Pleonasm. Ambages ; verbiage, verbosity.
Plethory. Repletion* embonpoint; obesity.
Plethoric. Replete, pregnant, fraught; obese, adipose, corpulent, abdominous, plump, embonpoint.
Pliant. Pliable, flexible, supple, yielding.
Plight. Situation, condition, state, predicament, dilemma, category, case.
To Plight. Pledge, hypothecate, give as surety; vow.
Plot. Cabal, conspiracy, combination, confederacy ; form, scheme, plan.
To PlucE. Snatch, whip; pull, take up ; draw, tug.
Plump. Fleshy, round, embonpoint; fat, plethoric, adipose, obese.
Plunder. Pillage, booty, spoil; rob> bery, spoliation, depredation.
Plunderer. Marauder, robber, spoliator, depredator.
Plundering, Predal, predatory, ma* rauding.
To Plunge. Dive-.
Poignant. Severe, intense, deep; sharp, piquant, acrimonious, pungent, harsh*, epigrammatic, stinging.
To Point. Aim, level, direct.
Point. Humour, burlesque, wit, irony, satire.
To Point out. Show* mark, indicate j direct.
To Poise. Balance, equiponderate, equipoise, equilibrate, counterpoise.
Poison. Bane, pest, ruin; virulence, malignity.
Polemic- Controversial, disputatious, disputative.
a Polemic. Controversialist, disputant, controvertist.
Policy. Government, management £ plan, device, stratagem.
To Polish. Brighten, burnish, furbish civilize, cultivate.
Polish. Lustre, brilliance, splendour.
Polite. Polished, refined, genteel, civil, debonair.
Politeness. Gentility, civility, courteousness, courtesy, affability; goodbreeding, good manners, etiquette.
Politic. Judicious, prudential.
Polity. Constitution, government.
To Pollute. Contaminate, defile, taint, infect; corrupt, vitiate, pervert, demoralise.
Poltroon. Coward, dastard* recreant, craven.
Pomp. Gorgeousness, magnificence* splendour, grandeur, pageantry, show, state, Sclat.
Pompous. Magisterial, majestical, stately, grand, august, dignified, lofty.
To Ponder. Think, muse, cogitate, ruminate, reflect.
Ponderous. Heavy, burdensome, weighty, massive, massy .
Poor. Indigent, needy, necessitous, destitute, distressed
Popinjay. Jackanapes, coxcomb, fop, i dandy, beau.
jPoPULACE. People, commonalty, common people, mob, mobility.
Populous. Many-peopled.
Port. Harbour, haven.
Portal. Gate.
To Portend. Augur, presage, forebode» betoken, threaten.
Portentous. Ominous, ill-boding. Portion. Part, division, share, quan-' tity, piece, section, segment, fraction» fragment; quota, contingent.
Portly. Majestical, magisterial, state-ty» grand> dignified.
Portrait. Picture, likeness.
To Portray. Pourtray, paint, depict, delineate, represent, describe.
Posing. Puzzling, perplexing, confounding, bewildering, embarrassing*
. entangling.
Position. Place, locality, location, situation, spot, site.
Position. Action, gesture, gesticula-■ tion, posture, attitude; tenet, principle.
Positive. Actual, real, literal, certain ;
absolute, peremptory, categorical;
.. definitive, determinate, fixed, settled ;
. confident.
To Possess. Have, hold, occupy. Possession. Occupancy, occupation, holding; tenure, fixity.
Possessions. Property, goods, estates, demesnes.
Possessor. Proprietor, owner, master.
Possible, Practicable, feasible ; potential.
Possibly. Perhaps, perchance, haply,
* ; peradventure, it may be.
Post. Place, situation, station, position.
Posterior. After, subsequent, consequent, later.
I Posterity. Descendants, after ages, succeeding generations.
Postliminous. JEx post facto, after wise.
To Postpone. Put off, delay, defer procrastinate, prolong, protract, retard.
Posture, Action, gesture, gesticulation, position, attitude.
Potation. Compotation, carousal, revelry, debauch, orgies, saturnalia.
Potent. Powerful, potential, mighty, puissant.
Potentate. Prince, sovereign, monarch, king, emperor.
Potential. Possible ; powerful, potent.
Pothouse. Alehouse, inn, tavern.
To Pounce. Swoop.
To Pound. Break, bruise, crush.
To Pour. Shed, spill ; scatter, spread, diffuse, fling around.
To Pour out. Emit, send forth, exhale ; let out, well forth, flew.
Pouring in. Influx.
Pouring out. Effusion, emission, out-gushing, gushing, welling out.
Poverty. Indigence, want, penury, need, destitution, privation.
Powder (reduction to a). Comminution, pulverization, trituration, lévigation.
Power. Authority, arm, strength, might, puissance, dominion, domination, influence, sway, predominance, ascendancy, supremacy, sovereignty.
Powerful. Mighty, potent, puissant ; efficacious, forcible, cogent, valid, strong, irresistible, conclusive.
Powerless. Impotent, helpless, im* puissant, nerveless.
Practicable. Performable, possible, feasible.PRE
Practically. Actually, really, substantially, de facto.
Practice. Custom, habit, manner, use, wont; usage, conventionality.
To Practise. Exercise, transact, Pragmatical. Meddling, intermeddling, interfering, officious.
Praise. Encomium, eulogy, eloge, panegyric, commendation ; applause, exultation.
To Praise. Commend, extol, eulogise, panegyrise, laud, applaud. Praiseworthy. Laudable, commendable ; meritorious, worthy.
Prank. Frolic, gambol, freak, escapade,
. vagary.
To Prate. Babble, chat, chatter, . prattle.
Prattler. Chatterer, babbler,popinjay. Pravity. Depravity, vitiation, corruption ; vice, turpitude, wickedness.
To Pray. Beg, entreat, supplicate, implore.
To Pray against. Deprecate, urge against, desire to avert, solicit to pre-• vent.
To Pray to or for. Invoke, invocate. To Pray for evil. Imprecate. Prayer. Petition, supplication, orisons, apprecation, entreaty, suit.
Preacher. Minister, divine. Preamble. Preface.
Precarious. Doubtful, dubious, un-: certain, insecure.
Preckdaneous. Precedent, previous, antecedent, prior, anterior, preceding, former, foregoing; preliminary.
To Precede. Antecede, go before. Precedence. Priority, pre-eminence» preference ; preseance.
Precedent, Example.
Precedent. Precedaneous, preceding, antecedent, previous, prior, anterior,
‘ former, foregoing.
Precept. Command, behest, injunction, mandate, direction, order; ordination, rule, law, maxim; doctrine, principle
Preceptor. Teacher, tutor, instructor.
Preceptive. Didactic.
Precincts. Borders, limits, marches, confines.
Precious. Valuable, costly, estimable.
Precipice. Cliff, crag, dough.
Precipitancy. Precipitance, precipitation, rashness, temerity, hastiness.
To Precipitate. Hurry ; cast down, throw down.
Precipitate. Hasty, rash, premature.
Precipitous. Headlong, steep, beetling.
Precise. Accurate, correct, exact; nice, punctilious.
Precision. Exactitude, exactness.
To Preclude. Prevent, obviate, hinder, foreclose, shut out.
Preconception. Preopinion.
Preconcerted. Prearranged, preconcocted.
Precursor. Forerunner, harbinger, herald; messenger.
Predaceous. Predatious, of prey*
Predal. Predatory, marauding.
Predecessor. Ancestor, forefather, progenitor.
Predetermined. Foregone.
To Predestine. Predestinate, predetermine, preordain, foredoom, foreordain,	■
Predial. Agrarian, agrestic, rural.
Predicament, Situation, condition, state, plight, category, case.
To Predicate. Affirm, aver, assert, declare, assure.
To Predict, Foretell, prognosticate, prophesy, vaticinate.
Predictive. Prophetic, prescious, fatidical, vaticinatory, .
Predictor. Foreteller, seer, prophet* vatksinator.
Predilection. Prepossession, partial- ' ity. bias, prejudice, bent.	!
Predisposition. Inclination, propen- ; sity ; instinct.
Predominant. Prevailing, prevalent, ascendant, overruling, dominant, rampant.
Pre-eminence. Priority, precedence, antecedence.
Preface. Prelude, introductiQn, proem ; exordium; preamble.
To Prefer. Choose, select ; -raise, exalt, encourage, advance» promote, further, forward, conduce.
Preferable. Eligible.
Preferably. Rather, in preference to.
Preference. Priority, precedence» antecedence.
Preferment, Advancement, promotion, preference.
To Prefigurate. Prefigure, pretypify, presymbolise.
Pregnant. Enceinte; fraught, replete.
To Prejudicate. Prejudge, forejudge.
Prejudice. Prepossession, bias, par* tiality, predilection.
Prejudicial. Disadvantageous, detrimental, hurtful, injurious, damaging.
Prelection. Lecture,
Preliminary. Preparatory, introductory, anterior, previous, antecedent.
Prelude. Introduction, preface, proem*
Premature. Precipitate, rash, hasty*
Premeditation. Preconsideration, fore"
4 thought, forecast.
Preopinion. Preconception.
To Preordain. Predestinate, predestine, foreordain.
Preparatory. Introductory, preliminary, antecedent, previous.
To Prepare.^ Fit, equip, qualify, make ready, furnish.
To Preponderate. Overbalance, outweigh, outbalance, overpoise.
Preponderating. Exuperant, overbalancing, outweighing, outbalancing.
Prepossession. Bias, partiality, predilection, prejudice, bent.
Preposterous. Irrational, absonant, foolish, absurd.
Prerogative. Privilege, immunity, exemption.
To Presage. Portend, augur, forebode, prognosticate, betoken, threaten.
Presage. Omen, token, prognostic, indication.
Prescience. Foreknowledge,
Prescioits. Prophetic, fatidical, predictive, vaticinatory.
To Prescribe. Appoint, ordain, dictate.
Prescription. Usage, custom.
Preseanoe. Precedence.
Present, Existent,, existing, subsisted.
Present. Gift, donation, benefaction* largess.
To Present. Offer, exhibit, give jintroduce.
Piiesentaneous. Instantaneous, immediate, forthwith, straightway..
Presentiment. Anticipation, forethought.
Preservative. Charm against, amulet.
To. Preserve. Keep, save,; uphold ; embalm, enshrine ; protect, watch over, guard ; spare.
Presiding. Managing, directing, controlling.
To Press. Squeeze, gripe, pinch, oppress, gall.
To Press for. Dun, importune, solicit.
: Preternatural. Miraculous, marvellous.
ToPress upon. Urge, incite, exhort, prevail upon.PEI	,
Pressing. Urgent, exigent, importu- | nate.
Pressure. Oppression, grievance; impression, stamp.
Presuming. Presumptuous, arrogant, forward.
To Presuppose. Preimply.
Pretence. Pretext, excuse, flam.
To Pretend. Feign, affect, simulate, counterfeit i profess.
Pretension. Claim, assumption. Preterit. Past, preterlapsed.	*
Pretext; Pretence* excuse, flam ; plea. \ Pretty. Beautiful, neat, fine, hand- |
■	some.	I
To Pretypify. Prefigurate, prefigure, :
To Prevail. Obtain, succeed.	j
Prevailing. Prevalent, ruling, ascen- i dant, overruling, dominant, rampant. To Prevaricate. Shuffle, equivocate. To Prevent. Impede, obviate, preclude, foreclose, hinder, obstruct; counteract, counterwork• anticipate. Previous. Introductory, preliminary;
■	antecedent, anterior, prior.
Prey. Food; victim, sacrifice. of Prey. Predaceous, predatious. Price. Cost, charge, expense; outlay,
expenditure; value, worth.
Priceless; Invaluable, inestimable.
To Prick. Puncture, pierce.
Pride. Arrogance, hmiteur, haughtiness, assumption, insolence, vanity,
- self-esteem, egotism, self-complacency, conceit, ostentation, loftiness. Priestly; Sacerdotal.
Primary. Primitive,, pristine, original;
primeval, primordial; infantine. Prime; Primal, first.
Princedom. Principality, sovereignty. Princely. Royal, patrician, august, noble; munificent.
Principal. Chief,, supreme:; main,; essential.	[
Principality. Princedom, sovereignty. Principally. Especially, mainly,, particularly, chiefly.
Principle. Doctrine, ground, reason ; element, ingredient ; motive, impulse ; maxim, rule.
Print. Mark, impression, stamp, pressure, seal.
Prior. Antecedent, anterior, previous, preceding, former, foregoing. Priority. Precedence, preference, antecedence, pre-eminence.
PrisonmenT . Imprisonmen t, incarceration, captivity, confinement, immurement.
Pristine. Primitive, original ; infantine.
Privacy. Retirement, seclusion, retreat, secrecy, concealment. Privation. Destitution,, want, neces-situde.
Privilege. Immunity, prerogative, exemption,,right, claims indemnity, . Privy. Necessary, Jakes.
Prize. Seizure,, capture.
To Prize. Value, esteem, rate, appraise. Probability. Chance, likelihood-, appearance.
Probity. Rectitude, uprightness, honesty, integrity.
Problematical. Uncertain, doubtful, dubious, apocryphal ; questionable, disputable, suspicious.
Procedure. Proceeding, process.
To Proceed. Advance, go forward ;
enter upon ; arise, issue, emanate. Proceeding. Transaction ; procedure» process, course, form ; progress, progression.
Procession. Train, retinue ; cavalcade, cortege.
To Proclaim. Advertise, announce, publish, enunciate, declare, promulgate ; report, trumpet. ■PRO
Proclamation. Decree, edict, ordinance, fiat ; bull, rescript.
To Procrastinate. Delay, defer, postpone, put off ; prolong, protract ; dally.
Procrastination. Crastination, cunc-tation, dilatoriness.
To Procure. Obtain, get, acquire, attain, gain, reap ; win, earn, achieve. Prodigal. Extravagant, improvident ; lavish, profuse.
Prodigious. Enormous, vast, amazing, astonishing, astounding ; surprising, remarkable.
Prodigy. Wonder, miracle, marvel. Prodition. Treachery, perfidy, faithlessness, insidiousness.
To Produce, Yield, give; generate, occasion ; realize.
Product. Production, produce ; fabrication, coinage ; performance, work ; profit.
Proem. Introduction, preface. Profane. Impious, irreligious, unhallowed.
To Profess. Affect, pretend, feign. Profaning. Desecrating, sacrilegious. Professedly. Avowedly.
Profession. Business, occupation, vocation, avocation, office, employment, engagement.
To Proffer, Offer, propose, tender,
< volunteer.
Proficiency. Advancement, progress, improvement.
Proficient. Adept.
Profit. Gain, advantage, benefit, lucre service, avail, use.
Profligate, Abandoned, depraved, vicious, degenerate, corrupt, vitiated,
, demoralised, wicked.
Profound. Deep ; penetrating, sagacious ; solemn ; abstruse, recondite; . abstract, subtile.
Profundity. Depth, deepness,
Profuse. Extravagant, prodigal, lavish $ improvident.
Progenitor. Forefather, ancestor, predecessor.
Progeny. Offspring, issue.
Prognostic. Omen, presage, foretoken.
To Prognosticate. Foretoken, betoken, presage, portend, augur ; foretell, predict, prophesy, vaticinate.
Progress. Advancement, progression ; march; lapse, improvement, proficiency.
To Progress; Advance, proceed, roll along ; glide, lapse, elapse.
Progression. Advancement, progress, march.
Progressive. Onward, forward, advancing.
To Prohibit. Forbid, interdict, inhibit.
Project. Design, plan, scheme, contrivance, stratagem.
To Project. Shoot, discharge ; jut, protrude, bulge, shoot out.
Prolific, Fertile, fruitful, teeming, pregnant.
Prolix. Diffuse, long, tedious, wordy, verbose.
To Prolong. Protract, procrastinate, postpone, delay ; retard.
Promenade, Walk,
Prominent. Eminent, conspicuous, marked.
Promiscuous. Indiscriminate, undistinguishing, miscellaneous.
Promise, Word, engagement, p action; assurance.
To Promote. Encourage, further, advance, forward, conduce, prefer.
Promotion, Advancement, preferment.
To Prompt. Incite, animate, urge, impel.
Prompt. Quick, alert, agile, active, assiduous, brisk, nimble, lively, sprightly ; ready, apt, willing, disposed.PRO
Promptitude. Promptness, quickness alacrity, agility, activity, briskness, nimbleness.	&
To Promulgate. Publish, advertise, proclaim, enunciate, declare. Proneness. Inclination, tendency, bias, predilection, propensity ; instinct. To Pronounce. Articulate, speak, utter,
•	deliver ; enunciate, declare, affirm. Proof. Reason, argument ; demonstra-
*	tion ; evidence, attestation, testimony ; experience, trial, experiment, test-
, ordeal.
Proof. Impenetrable, like the skin of Nemean lion.
Prop. Stay, staff, support, sustainment. To Prop. Maintain, sustain, support,
. pillar.
To Propagate. Spread, circulate, dif-
-	fuse, disseminate, extend.
To Propel. Drive forward. Propensity. Inclination, predisposition ; bias, proneness, tendency, bent,
-	predilection.
Proper. Right, just; fair, equitable, honest ; suitable, meet ; becoming,
. befitting, decent ; expedient ; pertinent, relevant, apposite, appropriate. Property. Goods, possessions, estate ;
peculiarity, quality, attribute.
To Prophesy. Foretell, predict, vaticinate.
Prophet. Foreteller, predictor, seer,
' vaticinator, soothsayer.
Prophetic. Prescious, fatidical, predictive, vaticinatory.
Propinquity. Proximity, nearness, contiguity ; kindred, relationship, affinity, consanguinity.
To Propitiate. Conciliate, reconcile. Propitious, Favourable, auspicious. Proportion. Rate, ratio, quota, contingent, degree ; symmetry. Proportionable. Proportional, symmetrical, well-proportioned, correspondent.
Proportionably. Proportionally, ra tably, pro rata.
Proportionate. Adequate, equal to commensurate.
To Proportionate. Even, equalise.
To Propose. Purpose, intend, mean, design ; offer, proffer, bid, tender.
Proposition. Proposal, terms, offer.
To Propound. Propose, advance, bring forward, adduce.
Proprietor. Possessor, owner, master.
Propriety. Expediency, fitness.
To Prorogue. Adjourn ; postpone, delay, defer.
To Proscribe. Banish, exile, outlaw.
To Prosecute. Continue, pursue, persevere, persist, carry on.
Proselyte. Convert, neophyte.
Prospect. View, survey ; landscape ; perspective, view* vista.
Prospective. In perspective, intellectual vista.
2b Prosper. Flourish, succeed, grow* rich, thrive.
Prosperity. Well-being, weal, welfare, happiness.
Prosperous. Successful, flourishing, fortunate, lucky.
Prostitution. Abuse, perversion.
Prostrate. Down-stricken ; downtrodden, iron? crushed, oppressed, tram^
, pled on, abject, paralysed.
To Protect. Support, cherish, foster, nestle, nurse; harbour, lodge, shelter, shield, overshadow* cover, screen, shroud; countenance, patronise, encourage ; defend, vindicate, guard, fortify, intrench.
Protection. Shield, defence,palladium, cegis.
Protection (a place of). Asylum, sanctuary, refuge, shelter, retreat.
To Protest. Assert, affirm, declare* predicate, asseverate, aver, assure, vouch.
Protestation . A sse veration.
Proteus. Turncoat, renegade.
To Protract. Prolong* delay, defer, retard, postpone.
To Protrude. Put, project, bulge,
" shoot out.
To Protuberate. Swell, rise, enlarge. Proud. Stately, vain, lofty, fastuons, arrogant, high-minded, presumptuous, assuming, haughty, egotistical, overweening, conceited, vainglorious.
To Prove. Evince, demonstrate, evi-r dence,, manifest, argue, attest. Proverb. Adage, maxim, aphorism, apothegm, apophthegm, saying, bye-word, saw.
To Provide. Procure* prepare; furnish, supply.
Providence. Heaven.
Provident. Forecasting, careful, cautious, prudent, economical.
Province Territory, domain ; quarter, district, region, country, land. Provision. Fare.
To: Provoke Irritate, exasperate, aggravate, tantalise, rouse, excite, in-/ flame, fire,.
Prowess. Bravery, valour, courage, gallantry, heroism, boldness, chivalry, intrepidity,, fearlessness.
Proximate, Next, immediate. Proximity, Contiguousness, adjacency, nearness, vicinity, vicinage, neighbourhood.
Proxy. Substitute, delegate, deputy. Prudence. Judgment, discretion, wisdom, caution, carefulness.
Prudent. Discreet, cautious, judicious^ Prudential. Politic, judicious. Prurient. , Itching, craving.
To Pry. Scrutinise, peer, look into. Prying. Curious, inquisitive, peering. Pseudology. , Mendacity, falsehood, untruth, lying,
Puberty. Pubescence, ripeness of age.
To Publish. Proclaim, promulgate, advertise, announce, declare ; divulge, disclose* reveal.
Puddle. Mud, dirt, filth.' ^
Puerile. Youthful, juvenile, boyish, childish, infantile.
Puissant. Powerful, mighty, potent.
Pulchritude. Beauty, elegance, grace, gracefulness, comeliness.
To Pull. Draw, haul, hale, drag, tug.
Public-house. Inn, tavern.
To Pullulate. Bud, sprout, germinate, shoot forth.
Punch. Punchinello, buffoon, zany.
Punctilious. Triflingly nice.
To Puncture. Prick, pierce.
To Pulsate. Beat, throb, vibrate, move.
To Pulverise. Triturate, levigate ¿comminute.
Punctual. Exact, precise, nice, particular.
Pungency. Acridness, acerbity, asperity, acrimoniousness, piquancy, smartness, keenness.
To Punish. Chastise, castigate, correct, chasten, discipline.
Punishment (inflicting). Punitory.
Punitive. Penal.
Puny. Petty, trivial, trifling, frivolous.
Pupil. Scholar, disciple; ward.
Pupilage. Nonage, minority, pupil-arity.
To Purchase. Buy, bargain,, stipulate, treat for.
Pure. Unspotted, unsullied, unblemished, spotless, immaculate; mere, sheer.
Purgative. Abstergent, abstersive, diarrhcetie, cleansing.
To Purify. Clarify, defecate.
Purport,. T.enour, sense, meaning, import.QUA
Purpose. Design, intent, intention, view, aim, drift, end; sake, behalf, account.
To Purpose. Propose, intend.
Purposeless. Aimless, objectless.
Pursuant. Agreeably* according to.
Pursuantly. Accordingly, therefore,
, consequently.
To> Pursue. Chase; follow ; continue, persevere, persist, prosecute.
To Push. Thrust.
Pushing, Enterprising, adventurous.
Pusillanimity. Cowardice, cowardliness, recreancy, timidity, fear.
To Put. Place, collocate, lay, set.
Putative. Supposed, reputed, credited.
To Put ©own. Suppress, repress ; quell, crush, reduce, subdue; coerce, restrain.
To- Put m®. Postpone, defer, delay, procrastinate* protract, prolong, retard.
Putrid, Rotten, putrified, diseased, corrupt, carious, decayed, moribund.
To Putrify. Rot, corrupt, decay.
To Puzzle. Perplex, confound, embarrass, bewilder, confuse, entangle.
Puzzle. Riddle, enigma.
Fuzz ling.	Posing, perplexing, con-
founding, embarrassing, bewildering.
Pygmean. Dwarfish, diminutive, small.
Pyrrhonism. Scepticism, unbelief, disbelief, infidelity, incredulity.
Quack. Charlatan, empiric, mountebank.
To Quadrate. Square, tally, agree with, correspond.
Quadruple. Fourfold.
Quagmire. Bog, morass, marsh, fen, swamp. .
To Quail. Cow, daunt, dismay, intimidate.
To Quake. Shake, tremble, shudder, quiver, vibrate.
Qualification. Accomplishment, acquirement, acquisition.
Qualified. Fitted, competent, adapted, suited.
To Qualify. Fit,.equip, prepare, adapt enable; dilute; temper, humour.
Quality. Property, attribute, peculiarity; qualification, accomplishment» rank, fashion, distinction.
Quantity. Deal, portion, part, division, share.
Quarrel. Contest, contention, alter# cation, brawl, broil, tumult, feud, affray.
Quarrelling. Dissension, strife, bickering, faction, contention, discord, altercation, wrangling, dispute.
Quarrelsome. Irascible, choleric, irritable, hot;, fiery, splenetic.
Quarter. Territory, district, region.
To Quash. Annul, nullify, cancel, invalidate, vacate.
Queer. Odd, strange, eccentric, singular, particular.
To Quell. Crush, put down, reduce, subdue; repress, suppress.
Quenchless. Unextinguishahle, everburning.
Querimonious. Querulous, complaining, fretting, repining.
Query. Question, inquiry, interrogatory.
Question. Subject, point; doubt, dispute.
in Question. Under consideration, mentioned, referred to.
To Question. Doubt, dispute; ask, interrogate, examine, inquire.
Questionable. Doubtful, disputable, problematical, suspicious.
To Quibble. Cavil, evade, shuiHa prevaricate, equivocate, sophisticate.
Quick. Alert, nimble, agile, active, brisk, lively, ready, prompt, expeditious ; fleet, rapid, swift, impetuous, sweeping, dashing, rolling.
Quick-sighted. Eagle-eyed, perspicacious.
To Quicken. Accelerate, hasten, expedite, despatch; animate, vivify.
Quickness. Speed, velocity, celerity, pernicity, rapidity, swiftness, fleetness, nimbleness, alertness, briskness ; expedition, despatch; alacrity, readiness, promptitude; agility, activity.
Quickness of intellect. Acuteness, acumen, sharpness, sagacity, penetration, shrewdness.
Quiescence. Quiescency,rest, repose, q uiet, qu i e tude, tranquillity, dorman cy, abeyance.
Quiescent. Resting, reposing, peaceful, unmoved, tranquil, quiet.
To Quiet. Appease, calm, still, hush, lull; pacify, tranquillise.
Quiet. Ease, rest, repose, quiescence, quietude, calm, tranquillity.
Quintessence. Essence.
Quintuple. Fivefold.
Quirk. Subtilty, shift, evasion, sub-
, terfuge.
To Quit. Relinquish, leave, forego, give up, resign, cede, surrender.
Quite. Altogether, completely, wholly, entirely, totally.
To Quiver. Shake, tremble, quake, vibrate.
Quixotic. Romantic, wild, freakish.
Quondam. Former, late, ci-devant.
Quota, Share, contingent, proportion, rate.
To Quote. Cite, adduce.
Quotidian. Daily, diurnal, day by day.
Rabble, Rout.
Rabid.. Mad, furious.
Race. Course, match ; career ; family house, ancestry, lineage, breed, gene-ration ; pedigree, genealogy.
To Rack. Agonise, wring, torture, excruciate.
Racy. Spirited, buoyant, lively, vivacious.
Radiance. Brilliance, brilliancy, lustre, brightness, splendour, resplendence, effulgence.
To Radiate. Shine, glitter, glisten, gleam, sparkle, coruscate, glare.
Radiation. Eradiation, irradiance, irradiation.
Radical. Fundamental, original, organic, constitutional, inherent.
Rage. Anger, indignation, choler, fury, passion.
To Rage. Storm, rave.
To Rail. Inveigh, exclaim against, declaim against, censure.
Raiment. Vesture, vestment, attire, garb, dress, array, apparel, garments, clothes, drapery.
Rainy. Showery, pluvial, pluvious.
To Raise. Heighten, aggravate ; exaggerate, amplify; levy; lift, exalt, elevate, erect.
Rake. Libertine, debauchee.
Raking. Rakish, dissolute, licentious, libertine, loose, disordinate, unbridled, unrestrained.
To Rally. Banter, mock, ridicule, deride.
Ramble. Excursion, tour, round, perambulation, trip, jaunt.
To Ramble. Wander, stroll, move* roam, rove, range, expatiate.
Rambling. Discursive, roving, desul-tory.
Rampant. Dominant, ascendant, prevailing, predominant, prevalent, overswaying, overruling, imperious, domineering.RAS
Rampart. Bulwark, fence, security, guard.
Rancid. Fetid, rank, olidous, stinking, mephitic.
Rancour. Malignity, virulence, hatred, hostility, antipathy, animosity, enmity, ill-will, malice, spite, grudge.
To Ränge Class, place, rank ; wander, stroll, roam, ramble, rove ; expatiate.
Rank. Order, degree, class ; consideration, distinction.
To Rank. Array, marshal, embattle.
To Rankle. Fester.
To Ransack. Rummage.
To Ransom. Emancipate, manumit, free, unmanacle, unfetter ; repurchase, redeem.
Rant. Bombast, fustian.
Rapacious. Ravenous, voracious, greedy, insatiable.
Rapidity. Quickness, swiftness, speed, velocity, celerity, pernicity, fleetness, activity, agility *, expedition, despatch.
Rapine. Spoliation, depredation, direp-tion, robbery.
Rapt. Ecstatic, ecstasied, enrapt, enraptured, transported, ravished, electrified, entranced, enchained, spellbound, fascinated, charmed, enchanted, delighted.
Rapture. Ecstasy, transport.
Rare. Scarce, singular, uncommon ; incomparable, inimitable, surpassing, matchless.
Rarefied. Thin, subtile.
Rascal. Scoundrel.
To Rase. Erase, scrape out ; efface, blot out, expúnge, obliterate, cancel.
Rash. Hasty, precipitate, premature ; foolhardy, venturous, adventurous ; thoughtless, inconsiderate, heedless, reckless.
Rashness. Temerity, precipitance, precipitancy, precipitation, hastiness.
Rasure. Erasure.
Ratably. Proportionably, proportionally, pro rata.
Rate. Proportion, ratio, degree, quota, contingent $ tax, assessment, impost, contribution, duty; value, worth, price.
To Rate. Value, compute, appraise ; estimate, appreciate; scold, reprimand, chide.
Rather. Preferably, in preference td.
To Ratify. Confirm, establish, substantiate, settle firmly, corroborate.
Rating. Valuation, estimation.
Ratio. Proportion, rate, degree, quota, share.
To Ratiocinate. Reason, deduce, derive, draw from, trace, infer.
Rational. Reasonable ; sagacious, judicious, wise*
Raucous. Hoarse, husky.
Ravage. Desolation, devastation, havoc, waste.
To Ravage. Overrun, overspread; desolate, devastate, destroy, sweep.
Ravenous. Rapacious, greedy, insatiable, voracious.
Ravine. Gorge, gully, defile.
Raving. Distracted, frantic, phrenetic; raging, furious angry, violent, boisterous, stormy
To Ravish. Enwrap, enravish, enrap* ture, electrify, entrance, transport, bewitch, fascinate, captivate, enchant, charm, delight.
Ravished. Rapt, ecstasied, ecstatic, enwrapt, electrified, entranced, enchained, enraptured, transported^ bewitched, spell-bound, fascinated, captivated, enchanted, charmed, delighted.
A Ray. Glimmering, glimmer, gleam, beam.
To Raze* Demolish, destroy, subvert, ruin, dismantle.
To Reach. Stretch, extend ; fathom, penetrate ; attain, gain, arrive at.
To desire to Reach. Aspire to, strain after, endeavour to attain.
Ready. Prepared ; ripe ; apt, prompt, adroit, dexterous.
Real. Actual, literal, defacto, practical; positive, certain ; genuine, true, bona fide.
To Realise. Accomplish, achieve, fulfil, effect, effectuate, execute, complete, consummate.
Realm, Kingdom, state, nation, empire.
To Reanimate. Requicken, revivifícate.
To Reap. Gain, get, acquire, obtain, attain, procure.
Reason. Argument, proof; cause, ground, motive ; purpose, intention, design, end.
To Reason. Ratiocinate, deduce, draw from, trace, infer.
destitute of Reason. Irrational, foolish, silly, brainless, noodle-headed, addíe-pated, unreasonable, absurd, absonant, preposterous, ridiculous, un-philosophical.
Reasonable. Rational, wise, judicious; just, honest, equitable, fair.
Reasoning. Argumentation, ratiocination.
Rebellion. Insurrection, sedition, revolt.
Rebellious. Insubordinate, insurgent.
To Rebound. Recoil, reverberate.
Rebound. Resilition,. resilience.
To Rebuff. Repel, repulse, counterbuff, beat back, drive back.
To Rebuke. Reprimand, reprove, check, chide, scold.
To Recall. Revócate, reclaim, call back.
To Recant. Abjure, retract, revoke.
Recantation. Abjuration, retractation, palinode, palinody.
To Recapitulate. Repeat, recite, rehearse.
To Recede. Regress, retire, retreat, withdraw, retrograde.
Receipt. Reception, admission ; acquittance, discharge, voucher; receptacle.
To Receive. Accept, take, admit ; drink in.
Recent. Fresh, new, novel, neoteric, modern.
Reception. Receipt, admission ; receptacle.
Recess. Depth, profundity ; niche ; vacation.
Recession. Retrocession, retrogression.
To Recharge. Recriminate.
Recidivation. Backsliding, relapse.
Reciprocal. Mutual, commuitual, intermutual, alternate.
To Reciprocate. Interchange, ex* change.
Reciprocity. Interchange, exchange.
Recital. Account, narrative, narration, description,, relation, detail, explanation.
To Recite. Repeat, rehearse, recapitulate.
Reckless. Heedless, regardless, careless, indifferent, unconcerned, unmindful.
To Reckon. Compute, calculate, enu merate, count, number, estimate, esteem, account.
Reckoning. Account, bill, charge.
To Reclaim. Reform, regain, recover, correct ; recall, revocate.
To Recline. Lean, rest, repose.
Reclining. Recumbent, leaning, reposing.RED
Recluse. Occluse, secluded, immured.
a Recluse. Solitaire, anchorite, hermit, troglodyte, ascetic.
To Recognise. Acknowledge, own, confess, avow,
not to Recognise. Ignore.
To Recoil. Rebound, reverberate ; shrink from.
To Recollect. Bear in mind, remember.
Recollection. Memory, remembrance, reminiscence.
To Recompense. Make amends, compensate, countervail, compense, repay, redeem, remunerate, reimburse, requite.
Recompense. Compensation, remuneration, requital, amends, satisfaction, gratuity, guerdon, reward.
To Reconcile. Conciliate, propitiate.
Reconcile able. Placable.
Recondite. Abstruse, profound ; farfetched, cataehristical, recherché abstract, subtile;.
Reconditory. repertory.
To Record. Enrol, register, chronicle.
Recordation. , Remembrance, register;
To Recount; Relate; narrate,, detail, describe, enumerate,, particularize, state.
Recourse (To have). Resort, recur,
. betake.
To Recover. Regain, retrieve ; repair, recruit ; restore, re-establish.
Recovery. Restoration ; recuperation.
Recreant. . Cowardly, dastardly, cm--ven, fearful, timid, pusillanimous.
Recreation. Amusement, diversion, entertainment, sport, pastime ; play, game.
Recrement. Scoria, dross, dregs, sediment, refuse, scum.
To Recriminate. Recharge.
To Recruit. Repair, recover, retrieve 5. restore, replace.
To Rectify, Correct, amend, emend«,, better, meliorate, ameliorate., mend, reform,, improve.
Rectitude. Straightness, uprightness integrity, probity, virtue.
Recumbent. Leaning* resting, repor-sing.
Recuperation. Recovery.
To Recur. Resort, betake, have recourse to; return, revert.
Recurvated. Bent backward.
Red. Purple, ruby, carmine,, crimson* erubescent, rosy, roseate.
To Redden. Make red, impurple, crimson.
Reddition. Restitution, redelivery* extradition, restoration.
To Redeem. Repurchase, ransom; atone for ; recompense, make amends ; rescue, deliver, save.
Redolent. Fragrant, odoriferous, balmy.
Redoubt. Outworks.
Formidable, terrible,
To Redound. Conduce, contribute, •tend.
Redress. Remedyremission, abatement ; relief, alleviation, mitigation.
To Reduce. Diminish,, retrench, lower ; abridge, curtail, shorten; subdue», subjugate; humiliate, degrade; dilute.
Redundancy. Excess; superfluity, expletive.
Redundant. Superfluous, luxuriant.
To Reecho. Resound, reverb, reverberate, ring.
To Reek. Smoke, steam.
To Reel, Stagger, totter.
To- Re-enforce. Strengthen, fortify.
To Refer. Appeal; allude, hint, glance at, indicate, intimate, suggest.
Storehouse, repository, j
i Redoubtable.REF
Deferring. With regard, with respect, in relation to, respecting, regarding, about, relative, relating to, concerning, 1 conversant.
Refined. Polite, polished, genteel, elegant, debonair ; chastened, disciplined. Refinement. Cultivation, civilization. To Reflect. Mirror, exhibit, manifest; consider, weigh, think, ponder, muse ; censure, animadvert, reprove. Reflection. Consideration, deliberation, meditation, contemplation, cogitation.
Reflective. Deliberative ; reflecting, contemplative, thoughtful.
Reflux. Ebb, regression.
To Reform. Amend, correct, emend, f mend, better, meliorate, ameliorate, improve.
Reformation. Reform, correction, amendment, improvement, amelioration.
Refractory. Unruly, ungovernable, perverse, intractable, obstinate, stubborn, dogged, contumacious, obstreperous.
To Refrain. Abstain, keep from *, for-■< bear, desist from 5 withhold, keep back, refuse.
To Refresh. Revive; renovate, renew;
reimpress; vivify ; regale, feast.
To Refrigerate. Infrigidate, chill, cool, damp.
Refuge. Asylum, sanctuary, shelter, retreat.
Refulgence. Effulgence, resplendence, glare, splendour, brightness, brilliance, brilliancy, lustre, radiance. Refulgent. Effulgent, resplendent, glaring, brilliant; bright, luminous, radiant.
To Refund. Pay back, repay, return. To Refuse. Deny, abnegate; reject, ¡ repudiate, decline; withhold, keep back.
Refuse. Dregs, sediment, residuum, recrement, dross, scum, rubbish, débris, scoria, slag; orts, scraps, fragments, leavings, remains, relicts, remnants.
To Refute, Confute, oppugn, disprove, belie, falsify, negative.
To Regain. Recover, retrieve.
Regal. Royal, kingly, monarchial, imperial.
To Regale. Feast, refresh, gratify.
Regality, Royalty.
To Regard. Attend to, advert, mind, heed, notice ; consider ; respect, reverence, revere.
Regard. Concern, care, attention ; homage, respect, reverence.
Regardful. Mindful, heedful, attentive, observant.
Regarding. Respecting, referring to, with reference, with regard, with respect, about, relating to, relative, concerning, conversant.
Regardless. Indifferent, unconcerned, careless, heedless, unobservant, unmindful, reckless.
To Regenerate. Recreate, renew, renovate.
Regimen. Food, diet.
Region. District, quarter, country; province, territory, domain ; space.
Register. List, catalogue, roll, record, archives, chronicle, annal, recordation.
To Register. Enrol, record, chronicle
To Regorge. Reswallow, redevour.
To Regress. Recede, retire, retreat, withdraw, retrograde.
Regression. Reflux, ebb.
To Regret. Complain, lament, repent, grieve, mourn, deplore.
Regular. Orderly, methodic, systematic ; uniform, monotonous, unvaried, undiversified ; undeviating, unswerving.
Regularly. Statedly, periodically.EEL
5b Regulate. Direct, dispose, adjust» organise ; govern, direct, rule.
To Rehearse. Repeat, recite, recapitulate.
Reign. Dynasty, sovereignty ; power, influence, sway, ascendancy, supremacy, empire, dominion, domination.
To Reign. Govern, rule, wield the sceptre, sway.
To Reimburse, Emburse, indemnify.
To Reinstate; Reinstall, reinaugúrate ; reinvest.
Reiteration. Repetition, battology, tautology.
To Reject. Refuse, repudiate, decline ; beat back, repel, rebuff.
To Rejoice. Exult, exhilarate, hug one’s self ; triumph, glory ; wanton, revel, luxuriate.
holy Rejoicing. Allelujah, hallelujah, hosanna, spiritual exultation.
Rejoinder. Answer, reply, replication, response.
Relapse. Backsliding, recidivation.
To Relate. Recount, enumerate, narrate, detail, describe, particularise ; refer, respect, regard, concern, be conversant.
Related. Connected, cognate, com-1 bined ; kindred, akin,
Relation. Account, narrative, description, narration, recital, .detail, explanation ; affinity ; analogy.
Relationship. Kindred, consanguinity, affinity, propinquity.
Relative. Kinsman, relation, kindred.
Relative. Relating to, respecting, referring to, with reference, with regard, with respect, about, concerning, conversant ; respective.
To Relax. Slacken, loosen, unbend ; mitigate, remit, abate.
To Release. Liberate, loose, set free, 5
Relegation. Exile, banishment, expatriation, deportation, elimination, expulsion.
Relentless. Implacable, unrelenting, unpitying, remorseless ; cruel, fell, ruthless, merciless, unmerciful, barbarous.
Relevant. Pertinent, apt, to the purpose, apposite, fit, proper, suitable, appropriate.
Reliance. Trust, dependence, confidence.
Relics. Remains, remnants, leavings, orts, scraps, fragments.
Relict. Widow.
Relief. Redress, alleviation, mitigation, abatement, remission.
To Relieve. Aid, help, succour, assist, alleviate.
Religionist. Disciple.
Religious. Pious, devout; holy, divine, sacred.
To Relinquish. Give up, abdicate, resign, renounce, surrender, cede, forego, quit, leave.
Relish. Taste, flavour, savour; zest, gusto.
Reluctant. Averse, backward, disinclined, unwilling, loath.
To Rely. Trust, depend, confide, repose.
To Remain. Abide, stay, continue, tarry, sojourn, await, wait.
Remainder. Rest, remnant, residue.
Remains. Leavings, relics, orts, scraps, fragments.
To Remark. Observe, notice.
Remark. Observation, comment, stricture, animadversion ; annotation, note.
Remarkable. Extraordinary, notable, noticeable, observable, striking, distinguished, conspicuous, prominent.
Remediable. Curable, sanative.
Remedial. Curative, sanatory.
Remedy. Specific, cure, reparation.
To Remember. Bear in mind, recollect.
Remembrance. Memory, recollection, reminiscence, recordation.
Remembrance (lb put in). Remind, put in mind.
Remembrancer. Memorial, monument, memento, commemorative record.
Reminiscence. Recollection, remembrance.
Remiss. Inattentive, negligent, heedless, careless, thoughtless.
Remission. Mitigation, relief, redress.
To Remit. Relax, slacken ; abate, bate, lessen ; absolve, pardon, forgive.
Remnant. Rest, residue, remainder.
To Remonstrate. Expostulate, altercate.
Remorse. Repentance, penitence, contrition, compunction.
Remorseless. Unrelenting, relentless, implacable, unpitying ; cruel, ruthless, fell, merciless, unmerciful, barbarous.
Remote. Distant, far ; sequestered, secluded.
To Remunerate. Compensate, compense, recompense, requite, reward.
Remuneration. Compensation, satisfaction, récompense, requital, reward, guerdon.
To Rend. Tear, lacerate, lancínate.
To Render. Restore, return, give back.
Renegade. Turncoat, Proteus.
To Renew. Renovate, revive, refresh ; regenerate, recreate.
To Renew one’s age. Rejuvinate.
To Renounce. Abandon, forsake, abdicate, give up, quit, forego, resign, relinquish, cede, surrender.
Renown, Fame, reputation, celebrity, glory, credit, honour.
Renowned. Famed, famous, far-famed, celebrated, illustrious.
Renunciation. Abandonment, desertion, dereliction,
To Repair. Restore, amend, mend, recover, retrieve.
Reparation. Restoration, restitution, amends, solatium.
Repartee. Retort.
Repast. Meal, food.
To Repay. Restore, refund, return ; requite, retribute.
To Repeal. Abolish, abrogate, rescind, revoke, annul, cancel.
To Repeat. Tell over, recite, recapitulate, rehearse ; reiterate.
Repeatedly. Often, frequently, again arjd again, once and again.
To Repel. Repulse, rebuff, counterbuff, beat back.
Repentance. Penitence, résipiscence, contrition, compunction, remorse.
To Repercuss. Rebound, recoil, reverberate.
Repercussion. Rebound, resilition,
. resilience.
Repertory. Repository, depository, treasury, storehouse, dépôt.
Repetition. Tautology ; reiteration, battology ; re-echo.
To Repine. Complain, murmur, fret.
To Replace. Restore.
To Replenish. Stock, fill.
Replete, Fulfraught, fraught, pregnant.
Repletion. Abundance, fulness, ple,-thora ; exuperance, plenitude.
Replication. Answer, reply, rejoinder, response.
Reply. Answer, rejoinder, replication, response.
Report. Fame, rumour, bruit, hearsay ; fama ; announcement.
To Report. Announce, notify, tell, relate ; noise, trumpet.
Repose. Ease, quiet, quietude, quiescence, rest, sleep.
To Repose. Recline, be recumbent, rest ; confide.REP
To Eeposite. Lay up, hoard, in treasure, treasure, store.
Repository. Storehouse, treasury repertory.
To Reprehend. Check, chide, rebuke, reprove, reprimand, increpate, objurgate.
Reprehensible. Blameable, reprov-able, censurable, culpable.
Reprehension. Reproof, censure, blame.
Representation. Image, show, exhibition ; sight, spectacle, description.
Representative. Delegate, deputy, substitute, proxy.
To Repress. Suppress, quell, crush, subdue.
A Reprieve. Respite ; breathing time.
To Reprimand. Check, chide, reprehend, reprove, rebuke, scold.
Reprisal, Retaliation.
Reproach. Abuse, contumely, obloquy, opprobrium, ribaldry, scurrility, foul invective, vituperation.
To Reproach. Blame, vituperate, upbraid, reprove, censure, reprobate» condemn ; malign, traduce, disparage, detract, depreciate ; abuse, vilify, revile ; calumniate, asperse, defame, slander, scandalize ; stigmatise, brand, exprobrate, denounce.
Reproachful. Abusive, scurrilous, ribald, opprobrious, contumelious, calumnious, insolent, insulting, obnoxious, offensive, vituperative.
Reprobate. Abandoned, profligate, depraved, vitiated, corrupt, vicious, flagitious, facinorous, wicked.
A Reprobate. Castaway, outcast, outlaw.
To Reprobate. Condemn, censure * reject, disallow, dislike, disapprove.
Reproof. Reprehension, censure, blame.
Republic. Commonwealth, democracy.
To Reprove. Check, chide, reprehend, increpate, objurgate, rebuke, reprimand, scold.
To Repudiate. Dismiss, discard, send away ; refuse, reject.
Repugnance. Aversion, dislike, antagonism, antipathy, hatred, hostility.
Repugnant. Adverse, contrary, antagonistic, opposite, inimical, hostile.
To Repulse. Repel, rebuff, counterbuff, beat back.
Reputable. Creditable, honourable.
Reputation. Character, fame, repute» renown, credit.
Reputed. Putative, supposed.
To Request. Ask, solicit, entreat, beg, demand ; conjure, adjure.
Request. Prayer, apprecation, orisons, supplications, petition, solicitation, entreaty, suit.
in Request. Repute, credit, demand, requisition.'
To Require. Demand, need; order, prescribe.
Requirement. Order, demand, injunction.
Requisite. Necessary, essential, expedient.
in Requisition. Demand, request, repute, credit.
Requital. Compensation, satisfaction, amends, remuneration, guerdon, recompense; retribution, retaliation.
To Requite. Recompense, compensate, compense, make amends ; retaliate, retribute.
To Rescind. Abolish, abrogate, revoke, annul, cancel.
Rescript. Edict ; bull.
To Rescue. Deliver, save ; redeem.,
Research. Examination, inquiry, investigation, scrutiny, indagation, perquisition.
Researching. Zetetic, ransacking.
To Research. Examine, investigate, inquire into, search, scrutinise, pry, indagate, dive into.
Resemblance. Likeness, similarity, similitude ; parallel, equal.
Resemblance {To bring into). Assimilate, make like, liken.
Resentful. Vindictive, revengeful, wreakful.
Resentment. Offence, umbrage, anger, indignation, ire, wrath.
Reservation. Salvo, reserve, retention.
To Reserve. Retain, keep, hold, detain.
Reserved. Close, taciturn, silent ; modest, verecund, diffident.
To Reside. Dwell, live, inhabit, occupy ; sojourn, tarry, stay, abide.
Residence. Habitation, abode, dwelling, domicile.
Residue. Rest, remainder, remnant.
To Resign. Give up, renounce, relinquish, forego, abdicate ; cede, surrender, yield.
Resignation. Endurance, fortitude ; patience, submission, acquiescence.
Resilition. Resilience, rebound.
To Resist. Withstand, oppose; counteract, neutralize the effect of ; counterwork, countermine ; thwart.
Resistless. Irresistible, opposeless ; cogent.
To Resolve. Determine, purpose, fix ; decompose, analyse, solve, reduce.
Resolve. Determination, decision, resolution, will.
Resolute. Decided, determined, fixed, imperturbable, immoveable; firm, constant, steadfast, steady.
Resolution. Determination, resolve, decision, will ; courage, fortitude, endurance, firmness.
Resonant. Resounding, re-echoing, reverberating, ringing.
To Resort to. Frequent, haunt.
To Resound. Reverb, reverberate, reecho, ring, peal.
Resounding. Resonant, reverberating, re-echoing, ringing, pealing.
Resource. Resort, means, expedient.
To Respect. Esteem; regard, consider ; honour, venerate, reverence, revere ; value, prize.
Respect. Deference, honour, homage, veneration; regard, consideration, esteem, estimation.
Respectful. Obedient, dutiful; deferential, reverential.
Respecting. Regarding, referring to, relating to, with reference, with regard, with respect, relative, about, concerning, conversant.
Respective. Relative.
Respite. Reprieve ; breathing tim^ pause, interval.
Resplendence. Refulgence, effulgence, glare, splendour, brightness, brilliance, brilliancy, lustre, radiance.
Resplendent. Refulgent, effulgent, glaring, brilliant, bright, luminous, radiant.
Response. Answer, reply, rejoinder, replication.
Responsible. Answerable, accountable, amenable.
Rest. Cessation, stop, intermission, discontinuance; ease, quiet, quiescence, repose.
Rest. Remainder, residue, remnant.
To Rest. Remain, stay, abide, await, continue, tarry, sojourn.
To Restagnate. Stagnate, stand, stop, rest.
Resting. Reposing, quiescent \ recumbent.
Restitution. Reddition, redelivery, restoration.
Restless. Fickle, variable, changeable, inconstant; mutable, alterable, versatile.RET
Restoration. Restitution, reddition, redelivery, reparation, compensation, retribution, requital, amends.
Restorative. Analeptic.
To Restore. Return, give back, refund, repay, replace, render.
To Restrain. Coerce, restrict, abridge, limit, circumscribe, repress.
Restraint. Coercion, restriction, abridgment of liberty ; force, compulsion.
To Restrict. Bound, limit, confine, circumscribe, restrain.
Restrictive. Coercive, coactive, compulsory.
Restringent. Astrictive, astringent, binding, styptic, stegnotic.
To Result. Arise, rise, emerge, issue, emanate, evolve, eventuate, come forth.
Result. Effect, consequence, consequent, conclusion, issue, upshot, event.
To Resume. Recommence, renew, be* gin again.
To Resuscitate. Reanimate, revivifícate, requicken.
Resuscitated. Renascent, revivifica-ted.
To Retain. Hold, keep, detain, reserve.
To Retaliate. Return, requite, retribuí e, take vengeance ; retort.
Retaliation. Tit for tat, quid pro quo, repayment ; reprisal.
To Retard. Hinder, impede, delay, defer, postpone, procrastinate, protract, prolong.
To Retch. Keck; vomit.
Retention. Reserve, reservation.
Reticence. Secrecy, concealment.
Reticulated. Meshy, netwrought.
Retinue. Train, procession.
To Retire. Recede, regress, retrograde, retrocede, retreat ; withdraw, secede.
Retirement* Privacy, seclusion, retreat.
Retort. Repartee.
To Retract, Recant, abjure, revoke.
Retractation. Recantation, palinode, palinody, abjuration.
Retreat. Privacy, seclusion, retirement ; asylum, sanctuary, shelter, covert, refuge.
To Retreat. Retire, recede, retrograde, retrocede, withdraw.
To Retrench. Take off, cut off ; suppress ; save, economise.
To Retribute. Requite, repay, retaliate.
Retribution. Requital, retaliation.
To Retrieve. Recover, regain, repair, recruit.
Retrocession. Recession, retrogression.
To Retrograde. Go backward, retrocede, recede, retire, retreat; retrace one’s steps.
Retrogression. Recession, retrocession.
Retrospect. Retrospection, review, survey.
To Return. Revert, recur; restore, repay, refund.
To Reveal. Disclose, divulge, betray, discover, make known, communicate, impart.
To Revel. Carouse ; wanton, luxuriate.
Revelation. Disclosure, discovery.
Revelry. Carousal, orgies, bacchanals, wassail.
To Revenge. Avenge, wreak, take vengeance.
Revengeful. Vindictive, resentful.
To Reverb. Reverberate, resound, reecho, ring, peal ; rebound, recoil.
Reverberating. Resounding, resonant, re-echoing, ringing, pealing.
To Revere. Reverence, venerate > adore, worship.
Reverence. Awe, dread ; honour, respect, homage, deference.RIO
Reverential. Respectful, deferential.
Reverie. Dream.
Reverse. Converse, opposite.
To Reverse. Invert, overturn, overthrow, subvert.
To Revert. Return, recur.
Review. Retrospect, retrospection, survey ; revisa!, revision.
To Revile. Vilify, calumniate, asperse, slander, abusé, scandalise.
Revisal. Revision, review.
To Revive. Renew, renovate, refresh ; animate, exuscitate, resuscitate, vivify ; regale, feast.
To Revivifícate. Reanimate, resuscitate, requicken.
Revivifícate^. Renascent, resuscitated.
Revocable. Defeasible, voidable.
To Revocate. Recall, call back.
To Revoke. Recant, retract, abjure; abolish, repeal, rescind, abrogate, annul, cancel, quash, destroy, annihilate.
Revolt. Insurrection, sedition, rebellion.
Revolting. Shocking, frightful, horrible, monstrous.
To Revolve. Go -round, turn, circulate» whirl, twirl, wheel.
Reward. Compensation, guerdon, amends, satisfaction, remuneration, recompense, requital, repayment.
Rhetoric. Eloquence, Oratory, declamation.
To Rhetoricate. Declaim, harangue.
Ribald. Scurrilous, abusive, reproachful; contumelious, opprobrious, calumnious, insolent, insulting, obnoxious, offensive, outrageous.
Rich. Affluent, opulent copious, am* pie, abundant, exuberant, plentiful! plenteous, rife,, full ; fertile, fruitful» prolific, teeming.
Riches. Wealth, opulence, affluence* mammon.
Riddance. Deliverance, disencum-brance.
Riddle. Enigma, puzzle.
Ridicule. Wit, burlesque, satire, sarcasm, irony, banter.
To Ridicule. Laugh at, deride, mock, make game, satirise, lampoon, rally, banter.
Ridiculous. Absurd, preposterous, absonant, ludicrous, droll, grotesque, comical.
Rife. Abounding, plentiful, plenteous, abundant,
To Rifle. Pillage, plunder, sack.
Rift. Breach, cleft, cranny, chink, crevice, crack, fissure.
Right. Straight, direct; just, proper, fit, suitable.
Right. Claim, privilege, immunity, exemption ; (remote) jus ad rem, (proximate) jus in re.
Righteous. IJ pright, j ust, fair, honest, equitable, virtuous, incorrupt, godly.
Rightful. Legitimate.
Rightly. Aright, exactly.
Rigid. Rigorous, austere, stern, harsh! severe, unmitigated; firm, stringent.
Rigidity. Stiffness, inflexibility.
Rill. Brook, streamlet, rivulet.
Rim. Brim, border, edge, verge, point, brink, margin.
Rind. Skin, peel, hide, husk, bark.
To Ring. Peal, resound, reverb, reverberate, re-echo.
Riot. Commotion, tumult, uproar, row, disturbance, confusion.
Riotous. Turbulent, tumultuous.
Ripe. Mellow, perfect, complete, ma-
.■ ture, ready. -
Ripeness- Mellowness, maturity, perfection.
Ripeness of age. Puberty, pubescence.
To Rip up. Eventerate..BOO
To Rise. Arise, mount, ascend; climb, scale; tower, soar; swell.
Rise. Origin, source, spring, fountain head; beginning, original; acclivity, ascent; eminence.
Risibility. Laughter.
To Risk. Hazard, peril, stake, jeopardise, endanger; dare, adventure.
Rite. Form, ceremony, observance, solemnity.
Rival. Competitor, candidate, aspirant,
Rivalry. Rivalship, emulation, competition.
To Rivel. Corrugate, purse up.
Rivelled. Shrivelled, wrinkled, wriz-led, shrunk.
Rivulet. Brook, rill, streamlet.
Road. Way, route, course, path, pathway.
To Roam. Rove, wander, stray, stroll, ramble, range, expatiate.
To Roar. Thunder, boom, rattle, peal; howl, yell.
Robber. Highwayman, brigand, bandit, thief, plunderei’, depredator, marauder, spoliator.
Robbery. Depredation, direption, spoliation, theft, plunder, pillage, spoil.
To Robe. Dress, clothe, adorn, deck.
Robust. Strong, sinewy, brawny, athletic, firm, stout, sturdy, stalwart, able-bodied, muscular.
To Rock. Shake, agitate, toss.
Rodomontade. Vainglory, ostentation.
To Roll. Wallow, welter; roar, peal.
Roll. List, register, catalogue, inventory.
Romance. Legend, fable, tale, novel.
Romantic. Wild; Quixotic. *
Room. Space, extent, expanse, field, compass ,* hail, chamber, apartment.
Roomy. Capacious, ample, spacious, broad, wide.
To Root out. Eradicate, deracinate, aberuncate, uproot, unroot, outroot; exterminate, extirpate, annihilate.
Rooted. Enrooted, radical; deep y chronic, inveterate.
Roseate. Rosy, red, erubescent; fragrant, balmy.
To Rot. Putrify, decay, corrupt.
Rotation. Succession, order, series.
Rotatory. Rotary, turning, revolving, circumrotatory, wheeling, whirling, veering.
Rotten. Putrified, putrid, carious, diseased, corrupt, decayed, putrescent, moribund.
Rotundity.	Roundness, circularity,
sphericity, globosity.
Rough. Rugged, blunt, rude, gruff, harsh.
Round. Circuit, tour, perambulation % sphere, orb, globe.
Roundabout. Tortuous, winding, circuitous, indirect.
Roundness.	Circularity, rotundity,
sphericity, globosity.
To Rouse. Arouse, wake, waken, awaken, exuscitate, stimulate, stir up, vivify, excite, provoke.
To Rout. Beat, defeat, discomfit, overthrow, overpower.
Route. Way, road, course ; march, journey.
To Rove. Wander, stroll, stray, ramble, roam, range.
Rover. Pirate, corsair, buccaneer.
Roving. Rambling, strolling, wandering, vagrant, migratory, nomadic; discursive.
Row. Tumult, commotion, riot, dis* turbance, uproar, broil, affray.
Royal. Princely, sovereign, regal, kingly, monarchial, imperial.
To Rub. Chafe, fret, gall; scrub.
Rubbing. Friction.
16 7 JRUS
Rubbish. Wreck, debris ; dross, scoria, refuse, feculence, recrement.
Ructation. Eructation, belch.
Rude. Coarse, rough ; uncouth, unpolished, Yandalic, Hunnish ; harsh, gruff; impertinent, saucy, flippant, impudent, insolent.
Rudimental. Elementary.
Rcjeful. Ruthful, piteous, doleful, grievous, woful; dismal, lugubrious, sorrowful.
Ruelle. Club, circle, coterie.
Ruffian. Miscreant, scelerat, scroyle.
Rugged, Rough, rude, gruff, harsh.
To Ruin. Destroy, demolish, dismantle, annihilate; consume, waste.
Ruin. Dilapidation; destruction, wreck, havoc, desolation, ravage, devastation; bane, pest.
Ruinous. Destructive, hurtful, noxious, pernicious, deleterious, baneful, noisome.
Rule. Order, method, system; domination, sway, dominion; law, maxim, precept, guide, formula, regulation, government.
Ruling. Leading, regulating; prevailing, prevalent, predominant, ascendant, dominant, rampant.
To Ruminate. Muse, meditate, ponder, reflect.
To Rummage. Ransack.
Rumour. Fame, report, bruit, fama.
To Rumple. Pucker, crease.
To Run. Flee.
To Run in. Pour in, transfuse.
Ruption. Fracture, breach.
Rupture. Burst, disruption, breaking asunder.
Rural. Rustic, countrified; agrestic, agrarian, prgadial.
To Rush. Stream, sweep, rush, roll.
Rustic. Rural, countryfied; countryman, peasant, swain, hind, clown, boor, clodpole.
Ruthful. Rueful, piteous, doleful, grievous, woful.
Ruthless. Cruel, fell, savage, barbarous, inhuman, hardhearted, marble-hearted, merciless, remorseless, relentless.
Sable. Dark, dusky, sombre.
Sabulous. Gritty, calculous, tophaceous, sandy, arenacious.
Saccharine. Sugary.
Sacerdotal. Priestly.
To Sack. Pillage, plunder, rifle.
Sacrament, Lord’s supper, communion, eucharist.
Sacred. Holy, divine; consecrated, inviolable; dedicated, devoted.
Sacredness. Holiness, sanctity.
Sacrifice. Immolation, victim.
Sacrilegious. Profane, desecrating.
Sad. Sorrowful, mournful, dull, dismal, lugubrious, wobegone, dejected, depressed, gloomy, cheerless, disconsolate, inconsolable ; elegiac, dirge-like.
Safe. Secure, sure, certain; substantial, trustworthy.
Safeguard. Defensative protection, security.
Sagacious. Sage, sapient, wise, prudent, discriminating.
Sagacity. Acuteness, discrimination, discernment, penetration.
Sailor. Mariner, seaman.
Sainted. Holy, pious ; canonized.
Sake. Account, behalf, in the name.
Salary. Allowance, pay, stipend, wages, hire.
Salient. Striking, remarkable, prominent.
Sallow. Yellow.
To Sally. Issue, debouch.
Salubrious. Healthy, wholesome, healing, sanatory.
Salvo. Reservation, reserve.SAT
Salutary. Serviceable, advantageous, beneficial, useful, available.
Salutation. Greeting, address.
To Salute. Greet, bail.
Salutiferous. Healthy, well.
Same. Self-same, identical.
Sameness. Identity.
Sample. Specimen, model, pattern, paradigm.
Sanative. Wholesome, healing, salu-
. tary, salutiferous.
To Sanctify. Consecrate, hallow.
Sanctimonious. Pharisaical.
To Sanction. Countenance, encourage, support.
Sanction. Ratification, confirmation, authority.
Sanctity. Sacredness, holiness.
Sanctuary. Asylum, refuge, shelter, retreat.
Sandy". Arenacious, gritty, tophaceous, sabulous, calculous.
Sane. Sound, compos mentis.
Sanguinary. Bloody, murderous, bloodthirsty ; gory, ensanguined.
Sanguine. Warm, ardent, fervent ; confident, satisfied.
To Sap. Undermine ; upset, subvert ; supplant, work insidiously,
Sapid. Tasteful, palatable, savoury, flavour ous.
Sapient. Sagacious, sage, wise.
Sappiness. Succulence, juiciness, moistness.
Sarcasm. Satire, irony, ridicule, mockery, derision; burlesque.
To Satiate. Glut, gorge, satisfy, cloy, pall.
Satire. Sarcasm, irony, ridicule, mockery, derision ; burlesque, wit, humour.
Satisfaction. Compensation, amends, recompense, requital, remuneration, reward; contentment, complacency.
To Satisfy. Please, gratify; convince satiate, glut, gorge.
To Saturate. Steep, soak, impregnate, imbue.
Saturity. Excess, repletion, redundancy, superfluity, expletive.
Sauciness. Pertness, flippancy, diea-city.
Saucy. Impertinent, rude, impudent, insolent, malapert, flippant.
Savage. Cruel, inhuman, embruted, brutal, barbarous, fell, ruthless, remorseless, merciless, hardhearted, marble-hearted, relentless; ferocious, sanguinary, bloodthirsty, fierce; barbaric, wild.
Save. Saving, except, excepting, exclusive of, unless, but.
To Save. Rescue, deliver; redeem ; spare; retrench, economise; preserve; protect, shield.
Saving. Save, except, excepting, exclusive of, unless, but.
Saving. Economical, sparing, frugal, careful, thrifty; parsimonious, niggardly, stingy, penurious.
To Saunter. Loiter, linger, lag, tarry.
Savour. Taste, gout, flavour, relish.
Savoury. Sapid, tasteful, palatable, gustful, flavorous.
To Say. Speak, utter, tell; purport, import; allege.
Saying. Adage, aphorism, apothegm, apophthegm, proverb, maxim, bye-word, saw.
To Scale. Rise, mount, ascend, climb; tower, soar.
To Scan. Scrutinise, examine, investigate, inquire into, search; sift, canvass.
Scandal. Discredit, disgrace, reproach, infamy, opprobrium, ignominy.
To Scandalise. Asperse, calumniate, accuse falsely, vilify, revile; malign, traduce, disparage, detract, defame, slander.
Scandalous. Opprobrious, ignominious, disgraceful, infamous, shameful.
Scanty. Bare, pinched.
Scab. Cicatrice.
Scaramouch. Buffoon, harlequin, merry Andrew, zany, punchinello.
Scarce. Rare, singular, uncommon ; unique, sole.
Scabcely. Scarce, hardly, barely, scantily.
Scarcity. Dearth, famine, want.
To Scabe. Terrify, affright, frighten, intimidate, dismay, daunt, cow, quail.
Sc A Beskin. Epidermis, cuticle.
To Scatteb. Spread, fling around ; disperse, strew ; dissipate, dispel.
Scelebat. Scroyle, miscreant.
Scene. Spectacle, show, sight, exhibition, representation, pageant.
Scent. Smell, odour, perfume, fragrance, redolence, balminess; incense.
Scepticism. Pyrrhonism, unbelief, infidelity, disbelief, incredulity.
Scheme. Design, plan, project -, theory, hypothesis.
Schism. Heresy, heterodoxy.
Scholar. Disciple, pupil.
Scholabship. Learning; erudition, lore, literature, science.
Scholium. Annotation, comment, note, observation, remark, elucidation.
School. Academy, seminary.
Science. Knowledge, philosophy ; learning, erudition, scholarship.
To Scintillate. Sparkle.
Scintillation. Emication.
Scion. Cion, sprout, twig, branch.
Sciolous. Superficial, shallow, flimsy, slight.
Scissure. Chasm, crevice, opening, gap, break, hiatus.
To Scoff. Jibe, jeer, sneer, taunt, twit.
a Scold. Shrew, vixen, termagant, bacchante, Xantippe.
Scope. Drift, aim, tendency, design, view; tenour, purport.
To Scobch. Parch, burn up; blight, blast, shrivel.
Scorching . Sweltering, burning.
To Scobn. Contemn, despise, disdain, slight, scout.
Scorn. Contempt, disdain, neglect, slight.
To Scour. Course, career, scamper.
To Scourge. Whip, lash.
Scout. Spy, emissary.
To Scout. Despise, contemn, scorn, disdain.
Scowl. Frown.
Scraggy. Lean, thin, attenuated, meagre, emaciated.
Scramble. Struggle, contest.
Scraps. Bits, fragments, orts, remains, leavings, refuse.
To Scrape out, Erase, rase.
Scrape. Perplexity, entanglement, difficulty, embarrassment, trouble.
To Scream. Shriek, screech, cry.
To Screen. Cover, shroud, shelter, shield, harbour, lodge.
Scribe. Penman, chirographer, chiro-graphist, writer; scribbler.
Scrivener. Attorney, pettifogger.
To Scrub. Bub.
To Scruple. Hesitate, doubt, fluctuate, oscillate, waver.
Scrupulous. Conscientious.
To Scrutinize. Dive into, pry, examine, sift, investigate, inquire into, search, scan, canvass.
Scrutiny. Search, perquisition, inda-gation, inquiry, investigation, examination, research.
Scrutoire. Escritoire, bureau.
Scuffle. Brawl, quarrel, broil.
Scum. Dregs, refuse, feculence, sediment, dross, foeces.
Scurf. Dandriff.
Scurfy. Lentiginous, farfaraceous.SED
Scurrilous. Ribald, abusive, reproachful, contumelious, opprobrious, outrageous, insolent, insulting, calumnious, offensive*
Sea, Ocean, main, waste of water.
Seal. Stamp, impress, impression, mark.
To Seal. Obsignate, ratify.
Seaman, Sailor, mariner.
To Sear. Ensear, cauterise.
Searing. Ensearing, cauterising, es-charotic.
Search. Perquisition, scrutiny, inquiry, investigation, examination, research; quest, pursuit; discussion, disquisition; inquest.
Seasonable. Opportune, timely, apropos.
To Secede Withdraw, retire.
Seclusion. Privacy, retirement, retreat, solitude.
Secondary. Second, inferior, under, subordinate.
Secrecy. Conceabient, retirement, privacy; reticence, reserve.
Secret. Clandestine, concealed, hidden, latent, occult, mysterious, unknown ; unsearchable, inscrutable.
To Secrete. Hide, conceal, enwomb.
Section. Division, portion, part, share.
Secular. Worldly, temporal.
Secure. Certain, sure, safe, fast.
To Secure. Make sure, render certain, insure, guarantee; fasten, fix; settle, substantiate; win.
Security. Deposit, pledge, pawn; guarantee; fence, bulwark, rampart, guard.
Sedate. Grave, composed, calm, quiet, placid, serene, unruffled, still.
Sediment. Dregs, dross, fasces, feculence, refuse, slag, scum.
Sedition. Insurrection, rebellion, revolt.
Seditious. Factious, tumultuous, turbulent, insurgent, mutinous, rebellious.
To Seduce. Allure, attract, decoy, entice, tempt, abduct ; mislead, dazzle.
Sedulous. Assiduous, diligent, industrious, indefatigable, unremitting.
To See. Behold, view, witness, eye, spy, descry ; discern, perceive, observe.
Seeing. Since, because, for this reason, on account, that.
To Seek. Look for, search, explore ; examine ; find out, discover, detect.
To Seem. Look, appear, have semblance.
Seemly. Fit, suitable, meet, befitting, becoming, decent, decorous.
Seer. Prophet, vaticinator, predictor, foreteller, soothsayer.
To Seeth, Boil, hiss.
To Seize. Capture, catch, snatch, lay hold on, take ; arrest, apprehend.
Seizure. Prize, capture.
Seldom. Rarely,
To Select. Choose, pick, cull.
Select. Chosen, picked, peculiar, particular, exclusive.
Selecting. Ecletic, excerptive, choosing, picking.
Self-conceit. Self-sufficiency, self-complacency, vanity, pride, overweeningness.
Selfish. Earthly, sordid, mercenary, venal, hireling.
Self-same. Identical, same.
Self-willed. Arbitrary, absolute, despotic, capricious.
To Sell. Vend, dispose of.
Semblance. Show, appearance, simulacrum.
Semiannular. Semicircular.
Seminal, Germinating, générant, procréant.
Seminary. School, academy.
Sempiternal. Everlasting, everdu-ring, eternal, endless, perennial ; imperishable, immortal.
To Send. Transmit, forward.
To Send away. Dispatch ; dismiss, discharge, discard.
Senior. Elder,
Sensation. Perception, apprehension, sentiment.
Sense. Feeling, perception, sensibility, susceptibility ; thought, judgment ; signification, significance, import, meaning, purport.
Senseless. Foolish, imbecile, brainless.
Sensibility. Feeling, perception, sensitiveness, susceptibility.
Sensible. Conscious, aware, cognisant, persuaded, convinced; sentient, sensitive.
Sensibly. Perceptibly, visibly, palpably, plainly, manifestly.
Sensitive. Sentient, sensible.
Sensualist. Voluptuary, epicure, sybarite.
Sensuality. Voluptuousness, luxury ; carnality.
Sentence. Decision, judgment; passage, period, phrase, proposition.
To Sentence. Adjudicate, adjudge, decree, award ; condemn, doom.
Sentient. Sensible.
Sentiment. Sensation, perception, apprehension ; opinion, impression, conviction.
Sentinel. Watchman, guard.
Separate. Distinct, different, unconnected, disconnected, dissociated, detached, disjoined.
To Separate. Detach, sever, dissever, divide, disjoin, disunite, disengage, part, sunder, dissociate, estrange.
Separately. Apart, aside.
Sepulchre. Grave, tomb, cenotaph.
Sepulture. Burial, interment, inhumation, entombment,
Sequel. Close, termination, conclusion.
Sequence; Consequence, consequent*
Sequestered. Retired, lonely, secluded.
Seraphic. Angelic, cherubic.
Serene. Calm, tranquil, placid, peaceful, unruffled, sedate.
Serfdom. Vassalage, serfism, enslavement, thraldom, enthralment, servitude, slavery, bondage.
Series. Course, process; succession, order, rotation; sequence, consequence.
Serious. Grave, solemn, weighty; earnest.
Serrulated. Serrated, denticulated, jagged, indented.
Servant. Domestic, menial, drudge» lacquey, skipjack.
To Serve. Aid, assist, help, forward, adjuvate; succour, relieve ; minister
* to, furnish, provide.
Service, Advantage, benefit, use, utility, avail.
Servile. Abject, mean, low, cringing, crouching, sneaking, time-serving, temporising, obsequious, morigerous.
A Servile person. Sycophant, toad-eater, parasite, adulator.
Servility. Vernility, sycophancy, parasitism, obsequiousness, adulation.
Servitude. Slavery, enslavement, enthralment, serfism, serfdom, vassalage, bondage.
To Set. Put, place, lay, collocate.
To Set apart. Dedicate, make sacred, devote; consecrate, hallow, sanctify; appropriate.
To Set free. Liberate, loose; free, emancipate, disenthral; acquit, clear 5 pardon, forgive.
To Set out. Depart, quit, leave.SHA
To Settle. Adjust, compose; regulate, organise, arrange, conclude, determine ; fix, clinch:, establish.
To Settle firmly. Ratify, confirm, homologate, establish, substantiate, corroborate ; consolidate.
Settled. Determinative, decisive, conclusive; determinate, definitive, positive ; fixed, confirmed, sanctioned ; conventional, customary.
To Sever. Dissever, separate, disjoin, detach.
Several. Different, sundry, divers, various, multiform.
Severe. Rigid, austere, vigorous, stringent, unmitigated, harsh, stern, rough, unyielding, uncompromising j intense.
Severe (pain). Excruciating, racking, agonising.
Severe in remark. Biting, morda-cious, keen, cutting, incisive, epigrammatic, stinging, pungent, poignant, caustic, sarcastic, satirical.
Shackle. Fetter, manacle, chain» trammel.
To Shade. Shadow, dim, obscure, overcast, cloud.
Shade. Shadow.
To Shadow. Adumbrate, symbolise, typify.
Shadowy. Dim, obscure, cloudy, murky, caliginous, dark, mysterious; unsubstantial.
Shady. Umbrageous.
To Shake. Agitate, exagitate, conquassate, tremble, shudder, shiver, quake, quiver, vibrate ; convulse, upheave.
Shallow. Superficial, flimsy, slight 5 sciolous.
Sham. Mock, hyprocritical.
Shame. Dishonour, disgrace, odium, ignominy.
To Shame. Abash, confuse, confound.
Shameless. Immodest, impudent, ‘indecent, obscene, indelicate.
Shameful. Infamous, scandalous, disgraceful, outrageous, dishonourable, odious, opprobrious, ignominious.
To Shape. Form, fashion, mould.
Shaped (well) . Shapely, symmetrical, proportionate.
Shapeless. Unformed, formless.
Share. Portion, division, quantity ; quota, contingent, proportion.
To Share. Divide, distribute, apportion, partition, parcel out, participate, partake.
Sharp. Pointed, acuminated, cuspated, cuspidated ; acute, keen, shrewd, penetrating, piercing; thrilling, shrill, vibratory.
To Sharpen. Whet.
Sharpness. Acumen, acuteness, penetration, shrewdness, sagacity; sourness, acidity; asperity, acrimony.
Sharpsighted. Quicksighted, clearsighted, eagle-eyed, perspicacious.
To Shatter. Shiver.
To Shed. Pour, spill; diffuse, fling around.
Sheer. Unmixed, pure, mere.
Shelter, Asylum, sanctuary, refuge, retreat, covert.
To Shelter. Cover, screen, overshadow, shroud, harbour, lodge.
Shield. Buckler; protection, cegis%
, palladium ; bulwark, rampart.
To' Shield. Defend, guard, protect.
To Shift, Transpose.
Shift. Evasion, subterfuge, quirk, subtilty; expedient, resource, alternative.
Shifting. Change, transition.
To Shine. Gleam, glisten, glitter, radiate, glare, sparkle, coruscate ; glow.
173]; SHR
Shining. Brilliant, effulgent, fulgent, fulgid, refulgent, splendid, resplendent, bright, orient, lustrous, luminous, radiant, glittering; gleaming, vivid, glowing.
To Shiver. Shatter ; quake, shudder, quiver.
Shoal. Swarm, throng, gang, horde, crowjl, multitude, myriad.
Shock* Brunt, onset; clash, collision.
To Shock. Offend, disgust, outrage ; appal, dismay, scare, terrify, affright.
Shocking. Formidable, dreadful, ter--rible ; disgusting, revolting, outrageous, monstrous.
Shoot, Twig, sprout, stem, cion, scion.
To Shoot forth. Sprout, bud, pullulate, germinate.
To Shoot out. Project, protrude, bulge ; jut over, overhang.
Shore. Strand, coast, beach.
Short. Brief, concise, compendious, summary, succinct, laconic, curt.
Short-hand. Stenography, tachygra-phy, brachiography.
To Shorten. Curtail, contract, abridge, abbreviate, condense, compress, reduce, epitomize.
To Shout. Ory out, exclaim, vociferate.
Shouting. Exclamation, crying out ; acclamation, acclaim, applause, plaudit, exultation.
Show. Semblance, outside appearance ; exhibition, sight, representation, spectacle, scene ; pageant, parade, ostentation, éclat.
To Show. Exhibit, manifest, discover, display ; mirror, reflect ; direct, point out, indicate, instruct, inform.
Showy. Flashy, gaudy, ostentatious, pompous, sumptuous, gorgeous, fine, gay, splendid, magnificent, stately, grand.
Shred. Scrap, fragment.
Shrew. Vixen, termagant, bacchant® Xantippe.
Shrewd. Acute, sagacious, keen, pe netrating.
To Shriek, Cry, scream, screech.
Shrill. Piercing, thrilling, vibratory-
lb Shrink. Start, startle.
To Shrink back. Recoil.
To Shrink from. Tremble, flinch.
To Shrivel. Corrugate, rivel, purse up. ,
Shrivelled. Rivelled, wrinkled, wriz-led, shrunk.
To Shroud. Veil, cover, embosom, embower, overshadow.
To Shudder. Shake, tremble, quake, quiver.
To Shuffle. Equivocate, prevaricate, tergiversate, quibble, cavil, evade, sophisticate.
To Shun. Avoid, elude, evade, eschew, escape.
To Shut. Close ; foreclose, preclude.
Shut up. Occluse, recluse, closed.
Shy. Reserved ; timid, timorous.
Siccity, Dryness, aridity.
Sick; Sickly, diseased, morbid, ill» ailing, unwell, indisposed, valetudinary.
Sickness. Disease, malady, distemper, ailment, illness, indisposition.
Sidéral. Sidereal, starry, siderian, astral.
Sight. Show, exhibition, scene, spec--, tacle, representation, pageant.
Sign; Omen, prognostic, presage, bode-ment, token ; signal ; mark, note, indication, symptom, diagnosis ; phy. lactery, badge.
Signal. Memorable, remarkable, noted, eminent, distinguished, conspicuous.
To Signalize. Distinguish, mark out, characterise.
Signature. Subscription..SIN.
Significance. Significance, significa-, tion, meaning, import, sense, purport ; acceptation; avail, importance, consequence, moment, weight. Significant. Expressive.
To Signify. Express, declare, utter, testify, betoken, intimate ; denote, import, mean, purport.
Silence. Taciturnity, obmutescence ; stillness.
To Silence. Gag, muzzle.
Silent. Dumb, mute, speechless ; tacit, implied.
Siliqua, Pod, husk, skin*
Silly. Simple, imbecile, foolish. Silvan. Bosky, woody.
Similar ( To make) . Assimilate, make like.
Similarity. Likeness, resemblance, similitude.
Simile. Similitude, comparison, illustration, analogy.
Similitude. Likeness, resemblance, similarity.
Simple, Silly, imbecile, foolish; elementary.
Simpleton. Ninny, nizzy.
Simulation. Dissimulation, hypocrisy, feint, pretence, deceit.
Simulated. Fictitious, feigned, counterfeit, affected.
Simultaneous . Coexistent, pari passu. Sincere. Unvarnished, honest, unaffected, undissembling, upright, true, s uncorrupt ; plain, frank, candid ; cordial, warm-hearted, hearty*
Sinewy. Nervous, muscular, brawny, athletic, robust, stout, powerful, stalwart, able-bodied.
To Sing. Hymn, carol, warble.
Single. .. Only, sole, exclusive ; singular, particular ; individual.
Singular. Particular, odd, curious, ‘ eccentric, strange, rare, scarce.
Sinister. Unfair, disingenuous, dishonest, bad, evil.
To Sink. Droop, languish, drop, fall, tumble; yield, submit, succumb; imbibe; descend.
Sinuous. Bending, winding, turning* meandering, meandrous, serpentine >' flexuous, tortuous.
ToSit. Hatch, incubate.
Site. Place, spot, position, situation, locality.
Situation. Condition, state, plight,, case, predicament; class, category ; place, site, station, position, locality ; post, office.
Size. Greatness, bulk, magnitude, amplitude, largeness, extent.
Sketch. Outline, draught, contour.
To Sketch. Depict, delineate, pourtray, portray, paint.
Skilful. Clever, expert, dexterous, adroit.
Skill. Art, expertness, aptitude, contrivance.
Skin. Hide, pelt, peel, rind, husk, pod, siliqua.
To Skin. Flay, excoriate, discarnate.
Skipjack, Lacquey, servant.
To Skreen. Shroud, shelter, veil, cover» embosom, embower, overshadow.
Slack. Remiss, careless, negligent.
To Slacken. Loose, loosen, unbind, relax.
Slag. Dross, scoria.
To Slander. Accuse falsely, asperse, calumniate ; traduce, malign, defame, detract, scandalize ; revile; vilify.
Slanderous. Calumnious, defamatory, detractory, derogatory.
Slaughter. Carnage, bloodshed, interneción, massacre, butchery.
Slaughterous. Murderous, destructive» bloody.
Slaver. Drivel, spittle.
Slavery. Thraldom, enslavement, servitude, vassalage, serfism, bondage, captivity.
To Slay. Kill, murder, assassinate.
Sleep (inducing). Opiate, soporific, hypnotic,
To Sleep, Slumber, doze, nap, drowse; rest, repose.
Sleepless. Everr wakeful, ever-watchful, ever-vigilant, unslumbering.
Sleepy. Somnolent, slumbrous, drowsy, lethargic,
Slender. Slight, fragile, slim, thin, attenuated, tenuous.
To Slide. Slip, glide.
Slight. Slender, slim; cursory, hasty, hurried, desultory; neglect, contempt, scorn, disdain.
To Slink. Sneak.
To Slip. Slide, glide.
To make Slippery. Lubricate, lubri-citate, smooth.
Slope. Declivity, descent, declination.
Slopingly. Aslope, aslant, obliquely.
Slothful. Lazy, inactive, idle, indolent, sluggish, inert.
Slow Dilatory, tardy, tedious, dull.
Slowness. Tardiness, lentitude, sluggishness.
Sludge. Splash.
Sluggish, Slothful, lazy, inactive, supine, indolent, inert.
To Slumber. Sleep, doze, nap, drowse.
Slumbrous. Sleepy, somnolent, drowsy, lethargic.
Slur, Stain, spot, speck, flaw, blemish.
Sly, Cunning, astute, artful, crafty, subdolous, subtle, wily, machiavelian, insidious.
Small. Little, diminutive, exiguous, pygmean, minute.
Smartness. Quickness, keenness, briskness, sharpness, liveliness; pungency, ■acrimony, asperity ; acerbity, harshness, tartness, corrosiveness, causti-
To Smear. Daub, besmear, spatter.
Smell. Scent, odour, fragrance, per«» fume, balminess.
Smooth. Even, level, plain, flat.
To Smother. Stifle, suppress, choke, suffocate.
Snare. Gin, net, trap.
Snarling. Cynical, churlish, snappish* waspish.
To Snatch, Catch, seize, grasp, gripe, clutch.
To Sneak. Slink.
Sneaking. Crouching, cringing, truckling, servile, time-serving, temporising, obsequious, morigerous.
To Sneer. Scoff, gibe, flirt, jeer, taunt* twit.
To Soak. Steep, imbrue; drench, saturate, macerate.
To Soar. Mount, tower, rise, wing.
Sober. Moderate, abstemious, abstinent, temperate; cool, calm.
Sobriety. Moderation, temperance* modesty; equanimity.
Sociability. Friendship, amity.
Social. Sociable, convivial, conversable, familiar, companionable.
Society. Association, company, companionship, community, fellowship ; corporation, fraternity.
Soft. Flexible, supple, ductile, pliant, lithe, pliable; yielding, compliant, submissive; docile, tractable, manageable ; mild, gentle, meek, tender $ mellow,
To Soften. Humanize.
Soil. Excrement, excretion, dejecture, dung, compost, ordure.
Soil. Drain, suillage.
To Soil. Stain, s.ully» tarnish, bedim.1
To Sojourn, Dwell, reside, inhabit, lodge.
To Solace. Comfort, console, cheer*
Soldier-like Military, warlike, martial.SOP
Sole. Solitary, single, alone, exclusive,
• only.
Solemn. Grave, serious; sacred, religious.
Solemnity. Ceremony, rite, observance, form.
To Solicit. Ask, crave, beg, request, entreat, beseech, implore, supplicate, obtest ; importune.
Solicitation. Importunity; invitation, bidding; entreaty.
Solicitous. Anxious, concerned, careful.
Solicitude . Anxiety, care, perplexity.
Solid. Hard, firm, stable, substantial, substantive, compact.
To Solidify. Consolidate, compact.
Solitary. Sole, only, alone, single, lonely; retired, remote, secluded, sequestered; desolate, desert, devastated.
To Solve. Resolve, explain, elucidate, clear up.
Sombre. Murky, dusky, sable, dark.
Some. Any.
Sometimes, Now and then, ever and anon.
Somnolent. Drowsy, sleepy, slumbrous, lethargic.
Song, Anthem, hymn.
Soniferous, honorific, sonorous, ringing.
Soon. Early, betimes ; by and by ; quickly, promptly, readily.
To Soothe. Allay, appease, assuage, compose, calm, quiet, still, hush, lull, tranquillize, pacify; mitigate, alleviate.
Soothsayer. Seer, vaticinator, foreteller, predictor; prophet.
Sophism. Paralogy, sophistication, so-
. phistry, chicanery.
To Sophisticate. Adulterate, corrupt, vitiate, demoralize.
Sophistication. Sophistry, chicanery, sophism, paralogy.
Soporific. Opiate, hypnotic.
Sordid. Earthly, selfish.
Sore. Painful, smarting.
Sore (2b be). Ache, ake.
Sorrow. Affliction, grief, trouble.
Sorry. Grieved, hurt, afflicted, affected; mortified, annoyed, vexed, chagrined.
Sort. Species, kind ; class, genus j nature, character.
Sot. Toper, tippler, drunkard, debauchee, wassailer.
Sound. Healthy, hearty ; sane, compos* mentis ; tone, intonation.
To Sound. Ring, peal, clang ; thrill, vibrate ; roar ; howl.
Soundness. Virtue, rectitude, integrity, uprightness, rightness ; solidity, substantiality.
Sour. Acid, sharp, tart, acrid ; acetous, acetose, acrimonious, harsh, pungent, piquant, poignant, epigrammatic, stinging.
Sourness of manner. Acrimony, acerbity, asperity, harshness, causticity, virulence.
To Sour. Imbitter, acerbate.
Source. Origin, spring, fountain, rise, original, beginning.
Sovereign. Prince, king, monarch, potentate, emperor,
Sovereignty, Reign, dynasty, empire, dominion.
Space. Room, extent, expanse, field.
Spacious. Ample, roomy, capacious, expansive.
To Spare. Afford, give, grant, bestow, impart, communicate.
Sparing. Economical, saving, thrifty, frugal.
Spark., Gallant, beau.
Sparks. Emication, scintillation.
To Sparkle. Shine, gleam, glitter, glisten, glare, radiate, coruscate.
Spasmodic. Convulsive.
To Spatter. Daub, smear, besmear.
To Speak. Say, tell, talk, converse, discourse, utter, express, mention, articulate, pronounce.
To Speak to. Address, discourse, accost.
Special. Specific, particular, distinctive.
Species. Kind, sort.
A Specific. Antidote, cure.
To Specify. Particularize, circumstantiate, state.
Specimen. Model, pattern, sample, paradigm.
Specious. Colourable, ostensible, plausible, verisimilar.
Speck. Stain, spot, macula, flaw, blemish, slur, blot.
Spectacle. Show, sight, scene, exhibition, representation, pageant.
Spectator. Onlooker, beholder, observer, bystander.
Spectre. Ghost, phantom, apparition, sprite.
Speculation. Theory, scheme, hypothesis.
Speech. Oration, address, harangue,
-	declamation.
Speechless. Dumb, silent, mute, ta-
-	citurn.
Speed. Quickness, celerity, rapidity, pernicity, swiftness, fleetness, velocity.
To Speed. Hasten, accelerate, expedite, quicken* dispatch.
Spellj Charm, incantation, witchery, enchantment ; amulet.
To Spend. Expend, disburse ; exhaust, dissipate, squander, lavish, waste.
Sphere. Circle, globe, orb ; region.
Sphericity. Globosity, rotundity.
To Spill.: Shed, pour.
Spirit. Mood, temper ; principle
Spirited. Lively, racy, animated, vivacious, buoyant, ardent, energetic, active,
Spirits. Animation, life, buoyancy, vivacity ; courage, ardour, enterprise.
Spirit-stirring. Inspiring, animating, exhilarating, enlivening, cheering.
Spiritual. , Incorporeal, immaterial ; ecclesiastical, ghostly.
Spite. Rancour, malice, malevolence, malignity, malignancy, maliciousness, ill-will ; grudge, pique.
Spiteful. Rancorous, malicious, malevolent, malignant.
Splash. Sludge.
Splendid. Magnificent, grand, gorgeous, superb, sumptuous, pompous ; glorious, illustrious.
Splendour. Lustre, brightness, brilliancy, radiance, resplendence, effulgence ; magnificence, gorgeousness, pomp, pageantry, éclat ; glory.
Splenetic. Morose, gloomy, fretful, peevish.
Splenitive. Hot, fiery, excitable.
To Split. Cleave ; break, burst, crack.
Spoil. Booty, pillage, plunder, prey » trophy.	'
To Spoil. Vitiate, corrupt, contaminate, defile, taint; mar, impair, injure; plunder, pillage, depredate, despoil.
Spoliation. Robbery, depredation* direption, rapine.
Spoliator. Depredator, robber.
Spontaneously. Voluntarily, willingly, ultroneously ; gratuitously.
Sport. Amusement, diversion, entertainment, recreation, pastime ; performance, acting ; game, play;
Sportive. Lively,, jocund, playful, sprightly, racy, vivacious, merry,, wanton.STA
Spot. Place, site, locality; speck, stain, flaw, blot, blemish, macula.
Spotless. Unspotted, immaculate, unblemished, unsullied, untainted; blameless, irreproachable.
To Spread. Scatter, disperse, extend, expand, diffuse, distribute, circulate, propagate, disseminate.
Sprightly. Gay, lively, racy; vivacious ; active, agile, alert, brisk, assiduous.
Spring. Fountain, source, origin, rise.
To Spring. Arise, proceed, issue, flow, emanate, take rise, originate.
To Sprinkle. Bedew, besprinkle. ^
Sprite. Ghost, spectre, apparition,
- phantom.
Sprout. Shoot, twig, stem, cion, scion.
To Sprout. Bud, germinate, pullulate, shoot forth. ,
SpRuce. Finical, foppish, dandyish, coxcombical.
Spumy. Frothy, foamy.
Spurious. Counterfeit, fictitious, supposititious, commentitious; unauthen-tie; false, unsound.
To Spurn. Contemn, despise, disdain, scout, scorn,'explode.
Spy. Scout; emissary.
Squabble. Brawl, broil, quarrel.
Squalid. Nasty, foul, filthy, dirty, unclean.
Squall. Blast, storm, tempest, hurricane.
To Squander. Waste, consume, lavish, dissipate, exhaust.
To Square. Quadrate, tally, harmonise.
Squeamish. Fastidious, over-nice, hy-perprecise; scrupulous, chary.
To Squeeze. Press, pinch, gripe, cram, condense; twinge.
Stability, Fixedness, fixity, fixidity, firmness, consolidation, steadiness, permanence.
Stable. Firm, solid, substantial; constant, staunch, steadfast, steady, fast; standing, permanent.
Staff. Stick, crutch; prop, stay, support, buttress.
To Stagger. Reel, totter.
Stagnant. Motionless, standing.
To Stagnate. Stand, stop, rest.
Stain. Blot, blemish, spot, speck, flaw, slur.
Staid. Sober, grave.
To Stain. Colour, dye, tincture, tinge; blot, maculate, spot, foul, soil, tarnish, bedim, blemish, sully, pollute, contaminate, defile '; mar, disfigure, impair, injure, spoil.
To Stake. Hazard, peril, imperil, jeopardise.
Stale. Threadbare, worn out,effete.
Stalwart. Powerful, able-bodied, robust, athletic, brawny, muscular.
To Stammer. Stutter, hesitate, falter.
Stamp. Mark, impress, impression, print.
To Stand. Stop, rest, stagnate.
To Stand to. Ply, labour with.
Standard. Criterion, test, rule, touchstone.
Standing. Stagnant; permanent, fixed.
Standing. Station, rank, social position.
To Stare. Gape, gaze.
To Start. Startle, shrink.
To Starve. Famish.
State. Condition, situation, way, position, predicament, case, plight.
State in life. Station, situation, standing, condition, circumstances, rank, degree, social position.
To State. Specify, particularize, circumstantiate.
Statedly. Regularly, periodically.
Stately. Magisterial, majestic, pompous, proud, dignified, lordly, august, imposing.
Station. Situation, position, post, place.
Staunch. Fast, steadfast, steady, constant.
Stay. Staff, prop, support, buttress, sustainment.
To Stay. Remain, abide, continue ; await, wait for, reside, live, dwell; support, sustain.
Steadfast. Constant, unwavering, staunch, firm, steady, fast.
Steadiness. Constancy, immobility, firmness, stability, permanence.
To Steal. Purloin, pilfer, filch.
To Steal away. Withdraw, abscond ; glide.
Stealth (done by). Furtive, surreptitious, clandestine.
Steam. Reek, smoke.
Steep. Precipitous, craggy, beetling.
To Steep. Soak, imbrue, saturate, drench, macerate.
Stegnotic, Astringent, astrictive, re-stringent, costive, binding, styptic.
Stellar. Starry, sidereal, astral.
Stem. Twig, sprout, shoot, cion, scion.
Stench. Fetor, stink, effluvium.
Stenography. Brachygraphy, tachy-graphy, shorthand.
Stentorian. Stentorophonic, bawling, roaring, yawling, vociferous.
Sterility. Unfruitfulness, barrenness, aridity.
Sterling. Genuine, pure, unalloyed? unadulterated.
Stern. Austere, rigid, rigorous, strict, stringent, inflexible; harsh, severe.
Stick. Staff, crutch.
To Stick. Hold, cleave, cling, fasten, adhere, attach, fix, cohere.
Sticking to. Adherent, adhesive, viscous, lentous, glutinous, tenacious.
Sticking together. Coherence, cohesion, agglutination.
Stiffness. Rigidity, tension.
To Stifle. Suppress, restrain; smother, suffocate, choke.
Stigma. Mark, brand.
To Stigmatise. Brand, denounce, ex-probrate.
Still. Silent, peaceful, tranquil, quiet, undisturbed, serene,.pacific, halcyon, mild.
To Still. Quiet, calm, tranquillize, hush, lull, allay, pacify, assuage, appease; subdue«, quell, suppress; propitiate.
To Stimulate. Animate, incite, encourage, impel, inspirit, urge, instigate, prompt; arouse, rouse, provoke, goad, stir up, irritate, exasperate, exacerbate, incense. .
Stingy. Niggardly, penurious, parsimonious.
Stink. Fetor, stench, effluvium.
Stinking. Mephitic, olidous, fetid,
To Stint. Niggard, pinch.
Stinted. Pinched, scanty, bare.
Stipend. Allowance, pay, wages, salary, hire.
To Stipulate. Bargain, contract, agree on, conditionate.
Stir. Tumult, bustle, excitement.
To Stir. Budge, move, agitate, disturb.
To Stir up. Awaken, bestir, arouse, rouse, exuscitate, incite, animate, vivify, excite, stimulate, provoke.
Stock. Store, fund, supply, accumulation, hoard, provision.
To Stock. Store, fill, replenish.
Stolid. Obtuse, heavy-headed, oafish, buffle-headed, doltish.
To Stoop. Bend, yield ; condescend.
Stop. Cessation, rest, pause, intermission.
To Stop. Check, hinder, impede, arrest ; bar, embar, negative.
Store. Stock, fund, supply, accumulation, hoard, provision.STR
To Store. Stock, fill, replenish, enrich
Storehouse. Treasury, repertory, magazine.
Storm. Blast, tempest, hurricane.
Stormy, Tempestuous, boisterous, blustering, roaring, raving.
Story. Tale, narrative, anecdote, memoir, incident ; legend.
Stout. /Robust, athletic, sinewy, stalwart ; corpulent, lusty, plethoric, embonpoint.
Straight. Right, direct.
Straightway. Immediately, forthwith, instantly.
Strain. Pitch, tenour, tone, mode.
Strait. Narrow.
Strand. Beach, coast, shore.
Strange. Particular, odd, singular, eccentric ; rare, uncommon.
Stranger. Foreigner, alien.
Stratagem. Artifice, machination, trick, finesse, wile, deception, cheat, imposture, delusion, deceit, fraud, guile, imposition.
Strategy, Tactics.
To Stray. Deviate, swerve, wander, rove, ramble, err ; digress.
To Streak. Dapple, stripe.
Stream. Current, tide.
To Stream, Flow, rush.
Strength. Power, might, puissance, potency, force, authority.
To Strengthen. Fortify, reinforce, invigorate, animate ; consolidate, solidify, compact, make firm ; corroborate, establish, substantiate.
Strenuous. Vigorous, zealous, vehement, bold, ardent.
Streperous. Obstreperous, loud, clamorous, noisy, vociferous.
Stress. Emphasis, force, accent.
To Stretch. Extend, lengthen, elongate; reach.
Strict. Accurate, correct, exact, nice ; stringent, rigorous, severe.
Stricture. Animadversion, censure, criticism.
Strife. Dissension, contention, discord, disagreement, bickering, wrangle.
To Strike. Hit, beat, dash.
Striking together. Collision, clash, clashing.
Striking. Surprising, admirable, wonderful, astonishing.
Stringent. Rigid, strict, rigorous, firm.
To Strip, Denudate, denude, divest ; bereave, deprive, dispossess, disarm ; despoil, rob, plunder, pillage, rifle.
To Stripe, Dapple, streak, diversify, variegate,
Stripling. Youth, boy.
To Strive. Contend, vier contest ; endeavour, labour, struggle, aim.
Stroke. Blow, knock, percussion.
To Stroll. Wander, ramble, move, rove, roam, range.
Strolling. Vagrant, nomadic, wandering, migratory.
Strong. Forcible, cogent, valid, conclusive ; efficient, efficacious ; effective, powerful, potent, vigorous, sturdy, stalwart, stout, robust, brawny, sinewy, athletic, hardy, firm, muscular.
Structure. Edifice, fabric, pile.
To Struggle. Contend, contest, strive, labour, endeavour.
Struggle. Labour, effort, contest, endeavour.
Stubborn. Obstinate, dogged, intractable, untractable, contumacious, inflexible, unyielding, headstrong.
Studied. Elaborate, laboured, high-wrought ; designed ; studious, careful.
Studiously. Carefully, attentively, mindfully,
Study. Attention, application.
To Stuff. Cram, gorge, glut.
To Stultify. Befool.
Stupefactive. Narcotic.
Stupendous. Amazing, marvellous, wondrous.
Stupid. Stolid, dull, obtuse, heavy-headed, oafish, buffle-headed, doltish, addle-pated, noodle-headed.
Sturdy. Strong, stalwart, stout, athletic, robust, brawny, muscular.
To Stutter. Stammer, hesitate, falter.
Style. Diction, phraseology.
To Style. Name, denominate, entitle, intitule, characterise, term, designate.
Styled. Ycieped, named, denominated, designated.
Styptic. Astringent, binding, astric-tive, restringent,
Suavity. Urbanity, sweetness, pleasantness.
Subdolous. Cunning, crafty, sly, subtle, wily, artful.
To Subduct. Subtract, deduct, withdraw, take away.
To Subdue. Overbear, overpower, overmaster, conquer, vanquish, subjugate, subject; overcome, surmount, triumph over.
Subitaneous. Sudden, abrupt.
Subjacent. Under, beneath, below, lower.
Subject. Matter, question; material; exposed, liable, obnoxious; subordinate, inferior.
To Subject. Subjugate, subdue, vanquish; subordinate.
To Subjoin. Affix, annex, attach, connect, add to.
To Subjugate. Subdue, vanquish, conquer. •
Sublime. Grand, noble, exalted, lofty, elevated.
Sublunary. , Terrestrial, mundane, terrene, cosmical, worldly,
To Submerge. Inundate, exundate, deluge, flood.
Submissive. t Compliant, yielding, docile, obedient, obsequious ; humble, modest ; passive ; conforming.
To Submit. Comply, yield, resign, surrender, succumb.
Subordinate. Inferior, subject.
To Suborn. Bribe.
To Subscribe. Sign.
Subsequent. Consequent, posterior.
To Subserve. Promote, encourage, advance, prefer, further, forward.
Subservient. Subsidiary, ancillary, auxiliary, conducive, instrumental.
To Subside. Abate, intermit.
Subsidiary. Subservient, ancillary, auxiliary, conducive, instrumental.
To Subsist. Exist, be.
Subsistence. Living, livelihood, sustenance, sustentation, support, maintenance.
Substantial. Solid, substantive, tangible ; responsible.
Substantiality. Corporeity, materiality, bodiliness.
To Substantialize. Materialize.
To Substantiate. Confirm, establish, corroborate, settle*
Substantive. Substantial, solid, tangible.
Substitute. Delegate, deputy, representative, proxy.
To Substitute. Change, exchange.
Substitutionary. Vicarious, deputed, delegated.
Subterfuge*	Evasion, shift, quirk,
Subtile, Fine, thin, refined, volatile«
Subtle. Cunning, subdolous, crafty» astute, sly, wily, artful.
To Subtract. Deduct, subduct, withdraw.
To Subvert,	Overturn, overthrow,
invert, reverse, upset.SUM
2V Succeed. Follow, ensue; prosper, flourish, thrive.
Successful. Fortunate, flourishing, prosperous, lucky.
Succession. Order, series, rotation.
Successive. Consecutive.
Succinct. Brief, short, concise, compendious, summary, curt, laconic.
To Succour. Aid, assist, adjuvate, help, relieve, alleviate.
Succulent. Bibulous, spongy juicy.
To. Succumb. . Yield, submit, comply, resign.
Sudden. Unexpected, urilooked for, unanticipated; abrupt, subitaneous.
Suddenly.. Unawares.
Sudorific. Diaphoretic, diuretic, sweating*
To Sue. Prosecute, pursue.
To Suffer. Bear, endure, support, sustain, carry; admit, allow, let, permit, tolerate; undergo.
Sufficiency. Enough, competency,
. plenty, abundance.
Sufficient. Enough, competent; equal
. to, adequate.
To Suffocate. Smother, stifle, choke.
Suffrage. Vote, voice.
To,Suggest. Hint, allude, refer, glance at, intimate, insinuate.
Suillage. Soil, drain.
Suit. Prayer, request, petition; process ; instance.
To Suit. Answer, fit, serve; agree, harmonize, accord.
Suitable. Fit, apt, meet, becoming, befitting, seemly, decent; expedient, necessary ; agreeable, conformable ; convenient.
Suitor. Wooer, lover, gallant, cicisbeo.
Sulky. Sullen, gloomy, morose, splenetic, fretful.
To Sully. Stain, tarnish, soil, spoil,
. mar, bedim.
Sum. Aggregate, total, integral.
Summary. Brief, concise, Curt, short, compendious, succinct, laconic.
Summation. Addition.
Summit. Top, height; acme ; apex ; zenith; climax.
To Summon. Gall, cite, bid, challenge; convoke.
Sumptuous. Dapatical, costly, expensive, dear, valuable.
Sundry. Different, several, various, divers.
Superabundant. Superfluous, excessive, redundant.
Superb. Grand, showy, splendid, magnificent.
Supercilious. Arrogant, haughty, proud, overweening.
Supereminence. Pre-eminence, excellence, superiority, transcendence.
Superficial, Shallow, flimsy, sciolous, slight.
Superficies. Surface.
Superfluity. Redundancy, excess
Superfluous. Superabundant, redundant, supervacaneous, excessive, needless.
Superintendence. Inspection, oversight, overeying, superintendency.
Superiority. Excellence, pre-eminence, supereminence, transcendence ; precedence.
Superlative. Extreme, supreme, consummate, perfect, exquisite.
Supernal. Celestial, heavenly, paradisiacal.
To Superscribe. Endorse.
Superscription. Direction, address.
To Supersede. Overrule, oversway, set aside.
Supervacaneous. Needless, unnecessary, unrequired.
Supine. Indolent, listless, apathetic, inactive, careless.,
To Supplant. Underwork; trip.
Supple, Lithe, limber, flexible, pliant, bending, yielding.
Supplemental. Additional, supplementary, superadded, adscititious, as-cititious, advenient, supervenient,
To Supplicate. Beg, solicit, beseech, obtest, pray, entreat, implore, crave.
Supply. Stock, store, fund ; relief, aid.
To Supply, Furnish, provide, administer, minister, contribute.
Support. Stay, mainstay, prop, buttress ; maintenance, living, subsistence, livelihood, sustenance, sustentation ; influence, patronage, auspices.
To Support. Sustain, stay, prop, buttress, uphold, upbear, bear up, maintain ; espouse; sanction; assist, countenance, patronize, favour, encourage, second, further, forward, promote ; contribute to, subsidise; nurture, nourish, foster, cherish; protect, shield, defend, vindicate ; endure, suffer.
Supporter. Partisan, adherent, follower.
To Suppose. Conceive, apprehend, imagine, presume, think, believe, be of opinion, deem, take it.
Supposed. Putative, reputed.
Supposition. Conjecture, surmise, guess; hypothesis, theory, speculation.
Supposititious. Spurious, counterfeit, fictitious, false, not genuine.
To Suppress. Repress, crush, quell, restrain, put down, stifle, smother.
Supremacy. Sway, rule, ascendancy, domination; omnipotence.
Supreme. Paramount.
Sure. Infallible, certain, indisputable, unmistakeable, doubtless; safe, secure; confident.
Surety. Pledge, security, guarantee; hostage; bail.
Surface* Superficies.
Surge. Wave, billow, breaker.
Surly. Gloomy, morose, sulky, sullen, splenetic.
Surmise. Conjecture, guess, supposition.
To Surmount, Rise above, overcome, subdue, vanquish, conquer, triumph over.
To Surpass. Transcend, excel, exceed, outdo, outstrip.
Surpassing. Pre-eminent, transcendent, matchless, inimitable, incomparable, unique.
Surplus. Surplusage, overplus, excess.
Surprise. Wonder, astonishment, admiration, amazement.
Surprising. Striking, admirable, wonderful, astonishing.
To Surrender. Give up, deliver, yield,
• relinquish, cede.
Surreptitious. Furtive, done by stealth, clandestine.
To Surround. Environ, encompass, encircle, gird, begird, engird ; enclose, embrace; beset; invest.
Survey. Review, retrospect ; view, prospect, vista.
To Survey. Inspect, reconnoitre, view,
To Survive. Outlive.
Susceptibility. Sensibility, feeling.
To Suspect. Fear, be afraid.
Suspense. Doubt, uncertainty, indétermination.
Suspicion. Jealousy, distrust, diffidence.
Suspicious. Doubtful, questionable.
To Sustain. Support, uphold, stay, prop, maintain, bear up.
Sustenance. Living, livelihood, subsistence, support, maintenance, sustentation.
Swaggerer. Braggadocio, braggart, braggard, bravado, bully.
Swaggering. Blustering, bullying, hectoring, burly, bluff.SYC
Swain. Countryman, peasant, rustic, hind, clown.
To Swallow. Engorge, gorge, devour, gulp down, gobbet.
To Swallow up. Absorb, imbibe, take in ; lapse in ; ingulf, engulf, engross, consume.
Swamp. Bog, fen, morass, quagmire.
Swarm. Shoal, multitude, myriad î throng, crowd ; band, herd, drove» flock, horde.
Sway. Influence, authority, domination, supremacy, ascendancy, rule; omnipotence.
To Sway. Bias, influence, govern.
Sweat. Perspiration, exudation.
Sweating. Sudorific, diaphoretic, diuretic.
To Sweep. Career, rush ; dash, roll.
Sweeping. Bashing, rolling.
Sweet. Delicious, pleasing, grateful ; mellifluent, silvery; luscious, necta-reous, nectarine, nectared, ambrosial.
Sweet-scented. Fragrant, odoriferous, odorous, redolent, balmy.
To Swell. Heave ; rise, protuberate, enlarge.
Swelling. Turgid, tumid, inflated ;
. altisonant, grandiloquent, bombastic.
To Swell out. Broaden, widen, distend; enlarge, extend, expand, dilate.
Sweltering. Scorching, burning, fiery.
To Swerve. Deviate, wander, stray.
Swiftness. Quickness, fleetness, speed, rapidity, celerity, pernicity, velocity, alacrity, promptitude.
To Swig. Guzzle.
To Swing. Oscillate, vibrate.
Swollen. Distended, enlarged ; bloated. '.
To Swoop. Pounce.
Sycophancy. Vernility, servility, parasitism, obsequiousness, adulation.
Sycophant. Flatterer, parasite, adulator, toadeater.
•Sylvan. Woody, bosky.
Symbol. Emblem, figure, type.
To Symbolise. Typify, adumbrate shadow.
Symmetrical. Proportionate, proportionable, well-proportioned.
Symmetry. Proportion, harmony.
Sympathy. Compassion, commiseration, condolence ; pity ; fellow-feeling.
Symphonious. Harmonious, consonous, accordant.
Symptom. Mark, note, sign, token, indication, diagnosis.
Syncronical. Syncronous, happening simultaneously.
Synod. Assembly, meeting, conclave, convocation, diet, congress, congregation, convention.
Synopsis. Tabular arrangement, general view.
System. Method, regularity, order, rule ; plan, scheme.
/	T.
Tachygraphy. Stenography, brachi-graphy, short-hand.
Taciturnity. Silence, obmutescence.
Tact. Address, adroitness, experiness, skilfulness.
Tactics. Strategy.
To Taint. Contaminate, defile, pollute, corrupt, infect, vitiate, make noxious.
To Take. Accept, receive ; catch, seize.
To Take away. Remove, carry off.
To Take from. Deduct, subtract, abstract ; deprive, dispossess.
To Take heed. Guard against, beware.
To Take in. Contain, comprise, comprehend, embrace, include, hold.
To Take it. Think, conceive, be of opinion, apprehend, imagine, suppose, presume,
To Take out. Extract*
Tale. Anecdote, story, fable, legend, memoir, narrative, incident.
Talent. Ability, faculty, capacity, capability, gift, endowment.
Talk. Conversation, colloquy, chat, gossip, dialogue, discourse, conference, coihmunieation.
Talkativeness. Garrulity, loquacity, volubility, largiloquence, multilo-quence.
Tall. High, lofty.
To Tally, Agree, accord, harmonize.
Tame. Gentle,
To Tamper. Meddle with.
Tangible. Palpable; substantive, solid, substantial.
To Tantalise. Aggravate, provoke, irritate, tease, vex, torment.
Tantamount. Equivalent, equal to.
Tardiness. Lentitude, slowness.
Tardy. Slow, dilatory, tedious.
To Tarnish. Stain, blemish, sully, soil, bedim.
To Tarry. Await, stay, remain, continue; linger, lag, loiter, saunter.
Tart. Sour, sharp, acrid, bitter, acrimonious, acetous, aeetose.
Tartness of manner. Acrimony, asperity, acerbity, causticity, bitterness, harshness, "sharpness.
Task. Work, labour, toil, drudgery.
Taste. Judgment, discernment, discrimination; perception, apprehension, sensibility; savour, flavour, gout; relish, gusto, zest.
Tasteless* Elat, insipid, mawkish, vapid.
To Tattle. Prate, confabulate, babble, chat, chatter, prattle.
To Taunt. Gibe, jeer, sneer, scoff, mock, twit.
Tautology. Repetition, reiteration, battology.
Tax. Impost, tribute, subsidy, contribution, duty, rate, assessment, toll» custom.
To Teach. Instruct, inform, educate, indoctrinate.
To Tear. Rend, break ; lacerate, lan-cinate, laniate.
To Tease. Vex, plague, torment, mortify, annoy, gall, chagrin, tantalise.
Techy. Captious, peevish, testy, cross.
Tedious. Slow, dilatory, tardy ; wearisome, irksome, tiresome.
Teeming. Teemful, pregnant, prolific, fertile.
Tegument. Integument, covering, tu-nicle.
To Tell. Make known, state, mention, communicate, apprise, impart, rWeal, divulge, disclose, inform, signify, acquaint, notify, intimate, report.
To Tell fully. State, detail, particularise, specify.
To Tell over. Repeat, recite, rehearse, recapitulate, enumerate.
Temerity. Foolhardiness, rashness, precipitancy, precipitance, heedlessness.
Temper. Disposition, temperament, constitution ; spirit, frame, mood, humour.
To Temper. Gratify, humour, modify, qualify ; soften, assuage, mollify, compose, soothe, calm.
Temperament. Frame, spirit, temper, constitution.
Temperance. Moderation, sobriety ; abstemiousness, abstinence.
Temperate. Moderate, sober; abstemious, abstinent.
Tempest. Blast, gale, squall, storm, hurricane, tornado.
Temple. Fane.
Temporal. Worldly, terrestrial, terrene, mundane; cosmical. sublunary, secular*TER
Tempo bar/. Transient, transitory» fugitive, fleeting, evanescent, ephemeral, unenduring.
Temporizing. Time-serving, mean, servile, morigerous, obsequious, sneaking, crouching, truckling.
To Tempt, Allure, draw, attract, decoy, entice, seduce.
Temulent. Intoxicated, inebriated, muddled, drunk, crapulous, fuddled, tipsy.
Tenacious. Adherent, adhesive, sticking to; retentive.
Tenacity. Fixity, fixidity.
Tenantable. Habitable.
To Tend. Keep; watch; incline, verge, lean.
Tendency. Inclination, leaning, propensity, proneness, predisposition; scope, drift, aim.
To Tender. Offer, proffer, propose, make overture, bid.
Tender-hearted. Mild, kind, bland, indulgent, compassionate, clement, gentle, meek, beneficent, benevolent, oenignant, generous, good, gracious, lenient.
Tenderness. Beneficence, benignity, humanity, sensibility, benevolence,
Tendon. Sinew.
Tenet. Doctrine,, dogma, principle, position, opinion.
Tenour. Sense, purport; pitch, tone.
Tenseness. Tightness, tension.
Tentative. Essaying, experimental, trying.
Tenuity. Thinness, attenuation, rare-fication.
Tergiversation. Subterfuge, shift, quirk; evasion, equivocation, prevarication.
Term. ^ Condition ; article, proviso, stipulation; limit, boundary ; Word, expression.
To Term. Designate, denominate, name, style, characterise, entitle, intitule.
Termagant. Shrew, vixen, bacchante, Xantippe.
Termed. Ycleped, named, denominated, designated.
To Terminate. Complete, consummate, finish, close, end, conclude.
Terrene. Terrestrial, worldly, cosm; cal, mundane, sublunary.
Terrible. Terrific, tremendous, fearful, dismal, dreadful, hideous, shocking, frightful, horrible, revolting.
To Terrify. Affright, overawe, frighten, cow, quail, daunt, appal, scare, dismay, stand aghast, terror-strike.
Territorial. Landed, country.
Territory. Domain ; province, country, land.
Terse. Pithy, forcible, energetic.
Test. Criterion, standard, touchstone ; experience, experiment, trial, prooi.
To Testify; Attest, witness, prove; declare, certify; confirm, ratify, endorse.
Testimony. Attestation, proof, evidence.
Testiness. Peevishness, crossness, petulance.
Testy. Captious, fractious, cross, ex-ceptious, petulant, peevish, touchy, fretful, splenetic, irascible.
Textile. Woven, spun.
Thankful. Grateful.
Thankfulness. Gratitude, gratefulness.
Thankless. Ungrateful, unthankful.
Thanks. Acknowledgments.
To Thaw. Melt, dissolve.
Theft. Robbery, depredation, direp-tion, spoliation.
Theme. Subject, thesis, topi®.
Thence. Therefrom.
Theory. Speculation, scheme, hypothesis.
Therefore. Consequently, hence, pur-suantly, accordingly.
Thesis. Subject, theme, topic.
Thick. Dense, close; compact, solid ; Coagulated, incrassated; muddy, turbid.
Thicket. Grove, wood, woodland.
Thievish. Furacious.
Thin. Slim, slender, slight; lean, attenuated, meagre, scraggy, emaciated, gaunt; rare, Subtile.
To Think. Cogitate, consider, reflect, deliberate, ponder, contemplate, meditate, muse; conceive, fancy, imagine, apprehend, view, appear to, suppose, deem, believe," opine.
Thinness. Tenuity, attenuation, ra-refication, subtility.
Thorough:. Unqualified ; uncompromising, unyielding, inflexible.
Though. Although, even if.
Thought. Idea, conception, imagination, fancy, conceit; notion, supposition, consideration, meditation, contemplation ; opinion, view, sentiment; cogitation, reflection, deliberation.
Thoughtful. Considerate, deliberate, attentive, careful, cautious, wary, circumspect, discreet; contemplative, deliberative, reflective; provident, forecasting ; pensive, dreamy.
Thoughtless. Inconsiderate, rash, precipitate; improvident.
Thraldom. Slavery, enslavement, servitude, bondage, vassalage, serfism, captivity.
Thrasonical. Boastful, bragging.
Threat. Menade.
Threatening. Imminent, impending, menacing.
Threshold. Vestibule, entrance.
Thrifty. Economical, frugal, saving, provident, careful, sparing, penurious.
Thrilling. Awakening, arousing, stirring up^
To Thrive. Flourish, prosper, succeed, grow rich.
To Throb. Palpitate, heave, beat, pulsate, vibrate.
Throb. Agony, pang, anguish, pain, distress.
Throng. Multitude, crowd, swarm, horde, shoal, myriad.
To Throw, Cast, hurl, fling, toss, precipitate.
To Throw back. Retort, repel, rebuff ; reflect.
To Throw in. Inject; foist, interpolate.
Thrown in. Adjectitious, thrust in ; interpolated, foisted.
To Throw off. Reject, repudiate, discard, forsake, abandon, renounce, cast off.
To Throw out. Dislodge, eject, eliminate, thrust out, expel, oust, vent, vomit, disgorge.
To Thrust. Push.
To Thunder. Roar, boom, rattle, peal.
To Thwart. Oppose, oppugn, resist, withstand, counteract.
To Tick. Click.
Tide. Current, stream.
Tidings. News’, intelligence.
To Tie. Bind, restrain, restrict ; engage, oblige, impose obligation.
Tie. Band, ligament, ligature.
Tightness. Tenseness, tension.
Till. Until.
Tillage. Culture, cultivation, husbandry, agriculture.
Time. Duration ; period, era, age, date, epoch; decade; century; chiliad.
Timely. Seasonably, opportune, apropos.
Time-serving. Temporizing, mean, servile, obsequious, morigerous, sneaking, crouching, truckling.
Timid. Timorous, fearful, afraid, craven, pusillanimous, cowardly, dastard, recreant.TOL
Timidity. Timorousness, pusillanimity, cowardice, cowardliness, recreance, poltroonery.
To Tincture. Tinge, dye, colour, stain ; impregnate.
To Tingle. Tinkle, thrill, vibrate.
Tint. Tinge, hue, colour.
Tiny. Small, little, diminutive, pygmean. *
Tip. Point, extremity.
Tippler. Debauchee, drunkard, sot, toper, wassailer, bibber.
Tippling. Bibacious, fuddling, drunken, bousy, muddling ; drinking, swilling, bousing, guzzling, carousing, toping, swigging, quaffing.
Tipsy. Muddled, drunk, intoxicated, temulent, inebriated, fuddled, crapulous*
To Tire. Weary, jade, harass, dispirit.
Tired. Fatigued, defatigated, fagged, wearied, jaded, harassed, overwrought.
Tiresome. Tedious, wearisome, irksome, fatiguing, troublesome, vexatious.
Tissue. Web; mass.
To Tithe. Decimate.
Title. Denomination, name, appella-lation, style, dignity.
To Title. Denominate, name, entitle, intitule, style, designate.
Titled. Ycleped, denominated, styled, designated.
Tittering. Twittering, giggling.
Tittle. Jot, whit, iota.
Toad-eater. Sycophant, parasite, adulator.
Toil* Work, task, labour, drudgery.
Token. .Mark, sign, note, symptom,
. indication, diagnosis.
Tolerable. Passable.
To Tolerate. Allow, suffer, permit, let.
Toll. Tax, custom, impost, duty, tribute, contribution, rate.
Tomb. Grave, sepulchre, sarcophagus, cenotaph.
Tone. Cadence, sound ; intonation, enunciation ; pitch, tenour, strain, mode.
Tongue. Language, speech, idiom, dialect.
Tongue-tied. Elinguid.
Too. Also, likewise.
Tool. Utensil, instrument.
Toper. Tippler, drunkard, borachio, debauchee, sot.
Tophaceous. Gritty, sabulous, calculous, arenacious, sandy.
Topic. Subject, theme.
Topmost. Uppermost, highest, loftiest.
To Topple. Tumble, fall.
Torch. Flambeau.
Torment, Torture.
To Torment. Excruciate, rack, agonize, wring; tease, vex, tantalize, plague.
Tornado* Hurricane, tempest, storm, blast.
Torpid. Benumbed, numb, motionless.
Torpor. Heaviness, lethargy.
Tortuous. Flexuous, twisted.
Torture. Torment.
Torvous. Truculent.
To Toss. Shake, rock, buffet, agitate, heave, convulse.
Total. Gross, whole, aggregate, entire, complete.
Totally. Quite, altogether, completely, wholly, entirely.
To Totter. Stagger, reel.
Touch. Contact, contiguity.
To Touch. Affect, move, melt.
Touching. Affecting, moving, pathetic, melting.
Touchstone. Test, proof.
Touchy. Captious, fractious, testy, cross, peevish, petulant, fretful, splenetic, irascible.TRA
Tour. Circuit, round, perambulation, ' excursion, ramble, trip, jaunt.
To Tower. Soar, rise, mount, climb.
Toy. Trinket, gewgaw, bauble.
To Trace. Derive, deduce.
Trace. Mark, track, vestige.
Traceable. Owing to, attributable, imputable, asCribable.
Track. Road, path ; rut ; mark, trace, vestige.
Tract. Essay, treatise, dissertation; tractate, pamphlet, brochure; district, region, quarter.
Tractable. Docile, manageable ; ductile, tractile.
Trade. Business, profession, occupation, avocation, vocation, calling, employment, office ; commerce, dealing, traffic, merchandise,
Trader. Merchant, tradesman, shopkeeper, dealer, chapman.
To Traduce. Malign, disparage ; detract, depreciate, decry, degrade ; slander, asperse, calumniate, defame ; vilify, revile.
Trafeic. Commerce, merchandise» dealing, trade, exchange, barter, truck» transaction.
Train. Retinue, procession, cortege, cavalcade.
To Train. Educate, discipline.
Trait. Line, feature, lineament.
Traitorous. Treacherous, false-hearted, faithless, perfidious, insidious ; treasonable, disloyal, disaffected.
To Trammel. Eetter, shackle, bind, clog.
Tramp. Tread, step, pace, walk.
Tranquil. Peaceful, quiet, peaceable, undisturbed, serene, placid, mild, still,
, hushed, pacific, halcyon.
Tranquillity. Peace, quiet, calm, tranquillization, pacification, repose.
To Tranquillize. Appease, allay, assuage, soothe, hush, compose, calm, pacify, propitiate.
To Transact. Negocíate, treat. '
Transaction. Proceeding, affair.
To Transcend. Exceed, surpass, excel, outdo, outstrip.
Transcendent. Pre-emiqent, surpassing, unrivalled, unexampled, matchless, inimitable, incomparable, unique.
To Transcribe. Copy.
To Transfer. Make over, convey, assign, alienate ; withdraw.
To Transfix. Pierce, penetrate.
To Transform. Metamorphose, transfigure; transmute, turn.
To Traîhsfuse. Run in, pour in.
Transgression. Violation, infringement, contravention ; offence, trespass, misdemeanour, misdeed.
Transient. Transitory, temporary, ephemeral, short-lived, evanescent, fleeting, unenduring.
Transition. Change, shifting.
Translucent. Pellucid, transparent, transpicuous, diaphanous.
To Transmit. Send, forward.
To Transmute. Change, convert, turn.
Transparent. Translucent, pellucid, transpicuous, diaphanous.
To Transpire. Break out, ooze.
Transport. Ecstacy, rapture, ravis-ment, witchery.
To Transport. Bear, carry, waft, convey, remove ; banish.
Transportation. Exile, banishment, expatriation, deportation, elimination, relegation, expulsion, proscription.
To Transpose. Shift.
Trash. Trumpery, trifles ; dross, refuse.
Travel. Journey, tour, voyage.
To Traverse. Cross, pass, travel over.TRI
Treacherous. Faithless, false-hearted, traitorous, perfidious, insidious, cir-cumventive, designing, sly.
Tread. Step, tramp, march, pace, walk.
Treasonable. Disloyal, disaffected.
To Treasure. Intreasure, hoard, re-posite, lay up, amass, accumulate.
Treat. Feast, banquet, entertainment» fête, festival.
To Treat. Entertain, feast.
To. Treat about. Negociate, transact.
Treatise. Essay, dissertation, tract.
Treatment, Usage ; entertainment.
To Tremble. Shake, tremble, quake, quiver, shudder, conquassate.
Trembling. Tremor, tremulousness, trepidation, shaking, shivering, qui-
, vering.
Tremendous. Awful, dreadful, frightful, hideous, terrible, terrific, Horrid, Horrible, dismal, shocking,
Tremulous. Quivering, vibrating, shaking.
Tremulousness. Tremor, trepidation, shaking, shivering, quivering.
To Trench. Encroach; upon, infringe, invade, intrude.
Trepidation. Dread, fear, fright ; agitation, trembling, tremor, perturbation, disturbance,, emotion.
Trespass. Violation, infringement, contravention ; offence, transgression, misdemeanour, misdeed.
Tresses, Locks.
Trial. Experiment; test, proof ; ordeal; essay, endeavour, attempt, effort.
Tribulation. Affliction, grief.
Tribunal. Court.
Tribute, Tax, impost, contribution, subsidy, duty, custom, toll, rate, assessment.
Trice. Artifice, stratagem, finesse,' guile, fraud, cheat, juggle, legerdemain, sleight, delusion, deception, im? posture, imposition.
Trifle. Bagatelle.
Trifles. Trumpery, trash.
Trifling. Trivial, petty, frivolous, unimportant, insignificant, immaterial, inconsiderable, light, slight, futile, nugatory, inept, worthless.
Trimmer. Turncoat, renegade, Proteus,
Trinket. Toy, gewgaw, bauble.
To Trip. Supplant.
Trip. Excursion, tour, ramble, jaunt.
Trite. Ordinary, common, commonplace, vulgar.
Trituration. Pulverization, comminution, lévigation.
Triumph. Victory, conquest.
To Triumph. Boast, glory, vaunt.
To Triumph over. Conquer, subdue, vanquish, overcome.
Triumphantly. Vauntingly, victoriously, exultingly.
Trivial. Trifling, petty, frivolous, unimportant, insignificant, immaterial, inconsiderable, light, slight, futile, nugatory, inept, worthless.
Troop. Gang, band, horde ; company.
Trophied. Manubial.
To Trouble. Afflict, distress, gall, harass, annoy, perplex, disturb, molest.
Troubles. Distress, affliction, grief, tribulation, adversity, calamity, disaster, misfortune ; difficulties, embarrassments, annoyances, molestation, perplexities, vexations, anxieties, turmoil, disquietude, sorrow, misery, woe.
Troublesome. Vexatious, annoying, galling, harassing, perplexing, plaguy, disgusting, disturbing, tiresome, irk-! some, afflictive, sore, grievous, afflict-TUN
Trucf). Armistice.
To Truck. Exchange, barter, commute.
Truckling* Sneaking, crouching, servile, temporizing, time-serving, obsequious, morigerous.
Truculent. Torvous.
To Trudge. Jog, lumber.
True. Sincere,, genuine, unaffected, true-hearted ; honest, upright ; veritable, real; veracious, veridical; authentic.
Truly. Indeed, veritably ; certainly, infallibly, surely, unfailingly.
To Truncate. Maim.
To Trust. Believe, credit ; hope.
To give in Trust. Entrust, commit, confide, consign, charge.
Trust. Belief, credence, credit, faith, confidence ; hope, expectation, expec-
. tancy.
Trustee. Fiduciary, depositary.
Trusty. Faithful.
Truth. Veracity, verity; honesty, faithfulness, fidelity. .
To Try. Attempt, endeavour, essay, aim, strive, labour.
Trying. Tentative, experimental, essaying; testing, ,
To Tog. Haul, pull, draw, drag, hale.
Tuition. Education, instruction, breeding.
To Tumble. Fall, topple, sink, descend, drop, precipitate.
Tumid. Turgid, swelling, stilted, inflated, high-flown, grandiloquent ; altisonant, bombastic.
Tumult. Turbulence, uproar, commotion, hubbub, disturbance, riot.
Tumultuary. Tumultuous, turbulent, riotous, disorderly; seditious, insurgent, mutinous.
To Tumultuate. Convulse, embroil.
Tuneful* Canorous, musical.
Tunicle. Tegument, integument, covering.
Turbid. Thick, muddy, druinly, lutu-lent.
Turbulence. Tumult, riot, uproar, commotion, disturbance.
Turbulent. Tumultuous, riotous, tumultuary, disorderly; seditious, insurgent, mutinous.
Turgid. Tumid, swelling, stilted, inflated, high-flown, grandiloquent; altisonant, bombastic.
Turmoil. Perplexity, distraction, conflict.
To T urn. Transmute, change, convert; transform; revolve, circulate, whirl, twirl, wheel, go round; bend, curve, diverge, distort, wring, wrest, contort, pervert.
To Turn off. Discard, discharge, dismiss.
Turn. Gyration, spiral; maze, labyrinth ; meander, sinuosity, sinuation ; cast, bent, tendency, character, tone.
Turncoat. Renegade, Proteus, trimmer.
Turning. Revolving, whirling, cir-cumrotatory, rotatory, rotary, wheeling ; winding, meandering.
Turpitude. Vileness, baseness, wickedness, depravity, pravitv.
To Twattle. Prate, confabulate, gabble, chat, chatter, prattle, gossip.
To Twine. Twist, wind.
To Twinge. Tweak, pinch.
To Twirl. Whirl, turn, wheel, revolve, circulate.
To Twist. Twine, wind ; turn, bend, curve.
To Twit. Taunt, mock, jeer, gibe, sneer, scoff.
Twittering. Tittering, giggling.
Type. Symbol, emblem, figure.
Tyrannical. Tyrannic, tyrannous, absolute, arbitrary, despotic, imperi. ous.UNA
Tyro. Beginner, novice,
Ulterior. Farther.
.Ultimate. Last, latest, final, eventual.
Ultimately.	After all, eventually»
yet, in the end, at last.
Ultroneously. Spontaneously, voluntarily, willingly, gratuitously, uncon-strainedly.
Umbrage. Resentment, ire, anger, indignation, wrath.
Umpire. Arbiter, arbitrator, judge.
Unabated.	Undiminished, unim-
. paired..
Unacceptable. Unwelcome, unpleasant ; unpalatable, distasteful.
Unaccompanied. Unattended.
Unaccountable. Inexplicable.
Unaccustomed. Unused, unpractised; unwonted.
Unacquainted. Unfamiliar.
Unadvised. Indiscreet, imprudent.
.Unaffected. Unfeigned, genuine, sterling, sincere, real ; untouched, unharmed* uninjured, unhurt ; unshaken, unmoved.
Unaided. Unassisted, unsupported, unseconded, unsustained.
Unalloyed. Pure* genuine, sterling.
Unalterable. Immutable, unchangeable* invariable, unvariable, changeless. ,
Unaltered. Unchanged, unvaried, uniform.
Unambiguous. Qlear, unequivocal, un-mistakeable. ^
Unamiable. Unlovely, unattractive, unpleasing.
Unamicable. Unsocial, unsociable.
Unanswerable, Irrefutable, irrefragable, indisputable, incontrovertible, indubitable, unquestionable, undeniable, incontestable.
Unanimous. Consentient, like-mindè<j» alike-minded.
Unanticipated. Unexpected, inopinate, unlooked for, sudden.
Unappalled. Undismayed, unawed, undaunted, unscared, fearless, intrepid, daring, bold.
Unappreciated. Unprized, unvalued
Unasked. Unbidden, unsought, unrequested, unsolicited.
Unassailable. Assailless, inexpugnable, impregnable ; unchallengeable, unimpeachable, unobjectionable, un? exceptionable, irreproachable, irre-provablè, irreprehensible.
Unassisted. Unaided, unsupported, unseconded, unsustained.
Unassuming. Unpresuming, unpre? tending.
Unattempted. Untried, unproved, untested.
Unavailable. Unserviceable, unpro? fitable, useless ; unavailing, without avail, in vain, to no purpose, to no end, ineffectual, ineffective, fruitless, vain, abortive, futile, inept, nugatory«
Unavoidable. Inevitable, not to be escaped or avoided.
Unaware. Unconscious, insensible, not cognisant.
Unawares. Suddenly.
Unbecoming. Unseemly, unsuitable* indecorous, unfit, unbefitting, mal-à-propos.
UnbegotTen. Self-existent, eternal.
Unbelief. Disbelief, infidelity, incredulity, scepticism, pyrrhonism.
Unbending. Inflexible, stiff, unyielding, uncompromising, unmodified, unmitigated.
Unbidden. Unasked, unsought, unrequested, unsolicited.
To Unbind. Untie, unloose.1
Unblameable. Blameless, inculpable, irreprehensible, irreprovable, irreproachable, guiltless.
Unblemished. Spotless, unspotted, unsullied, untainted, untarnished, immaculate.
Unbodied. Incorporeal, immaterial, Spiritual.
To Unbosom. Disclose, unfold, reveal, communicate.
Unbounded. Boundless, infinite, unlimited, measureless, illimitable, interminable, immeasurable ; unsparing, unstinted, unmeasured ; unmitigated, unqualified.
Unbridled. Uncurbed, unrestrained,
v wanton, licentious, libertine, dissolute, loose, lax ; unchaste.
To Unbury. Disinter, disentomb, exhume, exhumate.
Unceasing. ^Continual, continuous, perpetual, uninterrupted, incessant, unremitting, unintermitting ; endless, everlasting, interminabje, eternal.
Unceasingly. Uninterruptedly, incessantly, unremittingly, always, constantly, ever, continually, perpetually, everlastingly.
Uncertain. Doubtful, dubious, questionable, apocryphal; equivocal, ambiguous, disputable ; precarious ; unstable, variable, fluctuating.
Uncertainty. Suspense, doubt, indétermination.
Unchallengeable. Unimpeachable, unassailable, unobjectionable, unexceptionable, irreproachable, irreprov-able, irreprehensible.
Unchangeable. Immutable, changeless, invariable, unvariable, unalterable.
Unchanged. Unaltered, unvaried, uniform.
Unchanging. Unvarying.
Unchaste. Incontinent, loose, dissolute.
Uncivil. Unpolite, uncourteous, discourteous, disrespectful ; disobliging.
Uncivilized. Barbaric, unpolished^ uncultivated.
Unclouded. Cloudless, unobscured, shadowless.
Uncomfortable. Disagreeable, unpleasant.
Uncommon. Rare, scarce, singular,, choice, unique; inimitable, incomparable, unequalled, unexampled, unparalleled, unrivalled, matchless, transcendent ; unusual, unwonted.
Uncompromising. Unyielding, unbend-ding, rigid, stiff, inflexible.
Unconcerned. Indifferent, apathetic,, regardless.
Unconditional. Absolute, unqualified.
Unconstitutional. Unlawful, illegal,, illegitimate.
Unconform. Disconform, nonconfor-mable.
Unconquerable. Indomitable, invincible ; insurmountable, insuperable.
Unconquered. Unsubdued, unquelled, unvanquished, unmastered.
Unconscientiqus,	Unprincipled, un-
Unconscious. Unaware, insensible, not cognisant.
Unconsolable. Comfortless, cheerless,, broken-hearted, disconsolate, forlorn, inconsolable, inconsolate, desolate, wretched.
Unconstrained. Voluntary, spontaneous, ultroneous, gratuitous, willing.
Unconvincing, Inconclusive.
Uncountable. Countless, innumerable, numberless, incalculable.
Uncourteous. Discourteous, uncivil^ unpolite.
Uncourtly. Unpolished, rude, awkward, rough, clumsy, unhandy.
Uncouth, Strange, odd.
To Uncover. Discover, disclo se, unfold, unbosom, communicate, impart, reveal ; strip, divest, denude,UND
Unctfous. Oleaginous, fatty, greasy.
Uncultivated. Un civilized,barbarous; untilled, unploughed.
Uncurbed. Unrestrained, unbridled, wanton, licentious, libertine, dissolute, loose, lax.
Undamaged. Uninjured, unhurt, unharmed.
Undaunted. Undismayed, unfrightened, unscared, unterrified, unappalled, unawed, unintimidated.
Undecaying. Unfading, immarcessi-ble, amaranthine, ever-blooming, perennial.
To Undeceive. Disabuse, set right.
Undecided. Undetermined, unsettled, unsteady, irresolute, hesitating, doubtful, oscillating, fluctuating, vacillating, wavering.
Undefiled, Pure, undepraved, unvitiated, unsophisticated,undemoralized.
Undefined. Indefinite, indeterminate, vague, loose, lax.
Undeniable. Indubitable, indisputable, incontrovertible, unquestionable, irrefutable, incontestable, irrefragable.
Undepraved. Undefiled, pure, unvitiated, unsophisticated, undemoralized.
Under. Below, underneath, beneath, subjacent, subordinate, lower, inferior.
To Undergo. Suffer, endure.
To Undermine. Sap, subvert.
Underneath. Beneath, under, below, subjacent, lower.
To Understand. Comprehend ; apprehend, conceive.
Understanding. Intellect,intelligence, faculty ; comprehension ; apprehension., conception, perceptibility, perception.
To Undertake. Engage, promise, be responsible for ; embark in.
Undertaking. Enterprise, adventure, attempt.
To Underwork. Supplant.
Undescried. Undiscovered, unseen,, undetected.
Undeserved. Unmerited, unjust.
Undesignedly. Unintentionally, involuntarily.
Undetected. Undiscovered, unseen undescried, not found.
Undetermined. Undecided, unsettled,, unsteady, irresolute, hesitating, doubtful* oscillating, fluctuating, vacillating wavering.
Undeviating. Unswerving, uniform.
Undiaphanous . Adiaphanous, untrans-parent, opaque.
Undigested. Crude, raw, immature.
Undignified. Ungraceful, inelegant.
Undiminished. Unabated, unimpaired.
Undisciplined. Untrained, uneducated, untaught, uninstructed, uninitiated.
Undiscomposed. Imperturbable, undisturbed.
Undiscovered. Undescried, unseen, undetected.
Undismayed. Undaunted, unscared, unterrified, unfrightened, unappalled, unawed, unintimidated.
Undisturbed. Tranquil, placid, peaceful, pacific, quiet, still, quiescent, halcyon, serene, mild, unruffled ; undiscomposed, imperturbable, composed. .
Undoubted. Unequivocal, unmistake-able, unambiguous.
Undoubtedly. Doubtless, indubitably, indisputably, incontestibly, unquestionably.
Un doubting. Unsuspecting.
To Undulate. Wave, oscillate, vibrate.
Undutiful. Disloyal, disaffected, unfaithful, untrue.
Undying. Deathless, never-dying, ever-living, immortal, imperishable.
Uneasiness. Discomfort, trouble, annoyance.
Uneducated. Illiterate, unlettered, uninstructed, unintelligent, unenlightened, unlearned, untaught, ignorant.
Unenduring. Fleeting, evanescent, temporary, transitory, transient, shortlived, ephemeral.
Unentombed. Tombless, uninterred.
Unequal. Inadequate, incapable, insufficient, incompetent ; uneven, not level ; disproportionate, incommensurate.
Unequalled. Unmatched, matchless, unexampled, unrivalled, unparalleled, unparagoned, incomparable, transcendent, surpassing, unique ; unprecedented, novel, unheard of.
Unequitable. Unfair, unjust, unright, unrighteous, wrongful, disingenuous, sinister, iniquitous.
Unequivocal. Undoubted, unambiguous, unmistakeable.
Uneven. Unequal, not level.
Unevenness. Inequality, disparity, imparity.
Unexampled. Unequalled, unique, inimitable, unparalleled, un paragoned, unrivalled, incomparable, unmatched, matchless, transcendent, surpassing ;
. unprecedented, novel, unheard of.
Unexceptionable. Unobjectionable, unchallengeable, unimpeachable, irre-provable, irreproachable, irreprehen-
* sible.
Unexhaustible. Inexhaustible, exhaustless.
Unexpected. Inopinate, unlooked for, unforeseen, unanticipated ; sudden, unawares.
Unexpressible. Inexpressible, unspeakable, ineffable, unutterable.
Unkxtinguishable. Quenchless, unquenchable, inextinguishable.
Unfading. Immarcessible, amaranthine, undecaying, ever-blooming, perennial.
Unfailingly. Surely, certainly, infallibly, truly.
Unfair. Dishonest, unjust, unequitable, unrightful, unrighteous, wrongful, disingenuous, subdolous, sinister, iniquitous.
Unfairness. Dishonesty, improbity, disingenuity, disingenuousness.
Unfaithful. Faithless, treacherous, false-hearted, perfidious, insidious, Punic ; undutiful, untrue, disloyal, disaffected.
Unfavourable. Unpropitious, inauspicious, adverse.
Unfeasible. Impracticable, unpracti-cable, impossible.
Unfeeling. Insensible, insensitive, insensate, unsusceptible, impassive, marble-hearted, hard, flinty, indurate, callous, obdurate, impenetrable, impenitent.
Unfeigned. Unaffected, genuine, sterling, sincere, real.
Unfertile. Unfruitful, unprolific, unproductive, sterile, barren.
To Unfetter. Unshackle, unmanacle, unchain, emancipate, manumit, disenthral.
Unfilled. Empty, hollow, vacant, void, devoid, unoccupied, unfurnished.
Unfirm. Infirm, unsolid, unstable ; intangible, shadowy, unsubstantial.
Unfit. Improper, inappropriate, inexpedient, unsuitable, inapt, inapposite ; incongruous, inconsistent; unseasonable, untimely, inopportune, mal-a-propos, late ; unqualified ; inconvenient.
To Unfit. Incapacitate, disable, disqualify.
Unfitness. Inaptitude, incapacity ; impropriety, inappropriating.
To Unfold. Evolve, develope, expand, unravel ; disclose, unbosom, divulge ; exhibit, display.UNH
Unforeseen. Unlooked for, unanticipated, unexpected, inopinate.
Unforgiving. Implacable, inexorable, relentless, unrelenting.
Unformed. Shapeless, formless.
Unfortified. Weak, defenceless, untenable.
Unfortunate. Unlucky, unprosperous, disastrous, calamitous, fatal, ill-fated, ill-starred, wretched, infelicitous, un-happy, miserable.
Unfounded. Groundless, baseless, ungrounded, gratuitous.
Unfrequented. Deserted, forsaken.
Unfriended. Friendless, forlorn.
Unfriendly. Disgracious, ungracious, ungenial, unkind, disobliging ; inhospitable,
Unfrugal.	Unthrifty, improvident,
Unfruitfulness. Infertility, infecundity, barrenness, sterility, aridity.
Ungainly. Awkward, clumsy »clownish.
Ungenial.	Inclement, intemperate,
harsh, severe ; disgracious, ungracious, unfriendly.
Ungovernable. Unruly, untractable, intractable, unmanageable, refractory, obstreperous.
Ungraceful, Inelegant, undignified.
Ungracious. Unfriendly, ungenial, unkind, disobliging.
Ungrateful. Unthankful, thankless.
Ungrounded. Groundless, baseless, unfounded, gratuitous.
Unguarded. Incautious, unwary, inadvertent, inattentive, thoughtless.
Unhabitable. Uninhabitable.
Unhallowed. Unsanctified, unholy, ungodly, godless, impious, profane, wicked, nefarious, facinorous, infamous, dark, black, shameful, vile.
Unhandy. Awkward, clumsy; untoward, vexatious, plaguy, annoying ; inconvenient.
Unhappiness. Infelicity, misery, wretch* edness, distress, woe, misfortune, calamity, disaster.
Unhappy, Miserable, wretched, distressed, afflicted, unfortunate, afflicting, grievous, sore, painful, disastrous, calamitous; drear, dismal.
Unhealthy. Insalubrious, unwholesome, noxious.
Unheard of. Novel; unprecedented, unexampled.
Unholy. Unhallowed, unsanctified, impious, profane.
Unhonoured. Unreverenced, unrevered, unvenerated, unrespected.
Unhurt. Uninjured, undamaged, unharmed, untouched, unaffected.
Uniform. Equal, even, equable, alike; unvaried, monotonous, unchanged, unaltered, undeviating, unswerving.
Unimaginable, Inconceivable, incomprehensible.
Unimpaired. Undeteriorated ; undiminished, unabated.
Unimpassioned. Dispassionate, cool, calm; impartial, unprejudiced, unbiassed.
Unimpeachable. Unobjectionable, urn challengeable, unexceptionable, unassailable, irreprovable, irreprehensible»-irreproachable.
Unimpelled. Unurged, unpressed, unconstrained.
Unimportant. Insignificant, immaterial, inconsiderable, trifling, trivial, frivolous, petty, non-essential.
Uninformed. Uninstructed, unenlightened, uneducated, untaught, unintelligent, illiterate, unlettered, ignorant.
Uninjured. Undamaged, unhurt, unharmed, untouched, unaffected.
Uninstructed. Uninformed, unenlightened, uneducated, untaught, unintelligent, illiterate, unlettered, ignorant.
Unintelligible. Incomprehensible, impenetrable. •
Unintentionally. Undesignedly, involuntarily,
Uninterred. Unentombed.
Unin ‘terrufteb . Continual, continuous, perpetual, unceasing, incessant, unremitting, unintermitting ; endless, everlasting, interminable, eternal.
Uninterruptedly. Unceasingly, incessantly, unremittingly, always, con-
1 stantly, ever, continually, perpetually.
Unintimidated. Unterrified, unfrightened, undismayed, undaunted, un-scared, unappalled, unawed.
Union. Combination, alliance, confederacy, league, coalition, conspiracy,
; complot, oabal.
Unique. Uncommon, rare, singular, choice ; unequalled, unexampled, inimitable, incomparable, unparalleled, unrivalled, matchless, transcendent.
Unison. Accordance, consonance, consistency, compatibility, congruity,
* agreement, harmony*, melody, concord.
To Unite. Join, combine, connect, coalesce, confederate, fraternize, league ; identify ; incorporate, embody.
United. Conjoint, conjunct.
Universe. World, earth.
Universal, ^Ecumenical, world-wide, general.
Unjust. Unequitable, unfair, unright-ful, unrighteous, dishonest, wrongful-disingenuous, sinister, iniquitous ; unmerited, undeserved.
Unjustifiable. Unwarrantable, indefensible.
Unkind. Unfriendly, ungracious, ungerli a], disobliging.
Unknown, Untold, unrevealed; incognito.
Unlamented. . Unregretted, unmourned, unwept.
Unlawful. Illegal, unconstitutional, illegitimate, contraband.
Unlearned. Illiterate, unlettered, uninstructed, uninformed,unenlightened, unintelligent, uneducated, untaught, ignorant.
Unless. Except, save, hut.
Unlike. Different, dissimilar, difform, heterogeneous.
Unlikely. Improbable.
Unlikeness. Dissimilarity, dissimilitude, inequality, disparity, disproportion.
Unlimited. Boundless, unbounded, infinite, measureless, illimitable, in-terminable, immeasurable; unsparing, unstinted, unmeasured ; unmitigated, unqualified.
To Unload. Discharge, disburden.
Unlooked for. Unexpected, inopinate, unanticipated ; suddenly, unawares.
To Unloose. Unbind, untie.
Unlovely. Unamiable, unattractive.
Unlucky. Hapless, luckless, unfortunate, infelicitous, disastrous, calamitous, ill-fated, ill-starred, unhappy.
Unmanageable. Intractable, untract-able, ungovernable, unruly, refractory, obstreperous.
Unmanly. Effeminate, feminine, female, womanish, tender, weakly.
Unmastered. Unconquered, unquelled, unsubdued, unvanquished, unsubjugated.
Unmeasured. Unsparing, unstinted.
Unmerciful. Merciless, hard-hearted, marble-hearted, cruel, fell, ruthless, callous.
Unmeritable. Unworthy, undeserving.
Unmerited. Undeserved, unjust.
Unmindful. Forgetful, oblivious, Lethean ; unobservant, thoughtless, inattentive..UNP
Unmingled, Unmixed, pure, genuine, real,sterling, unalloyed,unadulterated ; sheer, mere, pure ; complete, perfect.
Unmistake able. Unequivocal, unambiguous, undoubted.
Unmitigated. Unqualified, unmodified, unmollified.
Unmoveable. Immoveable, firm, fast, substantial.,
Unmourned. Unwept, unlamented, unregretted.
Unnecessary. Needless, unrequired.
To Unnerve. Weaken, enfeeble, paralyse.
Unnoticed. Unobserved, unperceived, unseen.
Unnumbered, Innumerable, countless, numberless, incalculable.
Unobjectionable . Unexceptionable, unchallengeable, unimpeachable, irreproachable, kreprovahle, irreprehensible.
Unobservant. Inattentive, inadvertent, unmindful, thoughtless, heedless, careless.
Unobserved- Unnoticed, unperceived, unseen.
Unoccupied. Tenantless, unpossessed ; vacuous, empty.
Unoffending. Inoffensive, harmless, innocent, innoxious.
Unoperative. Inoperative, effectless, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficacious, useless, vain, abortive.
Unorthodox. Heterodox, heretical, unsound.
Unpalatable. Distasteful, unsavoury, nauseous.
Unparalleled. Unexampled, unequal-
. led, unique, unparagoned, unrivalled, incomparable, inimitable, unmatched, matchless, transcendent, surpassing.
Unpardonable. Irrémissible.
Unpaying. Unremunerating, unprofitable, profitless.
Unpeaceable. Unquiet, restless, un-peaceful, untranquil.
, To Unpeople. Dispeople, depopulate. .
Unperceived. Unobserved, unnoticed» undetected, undiscovered, undescried.
Unperishable. Imperishable, immortal, deathless, undying, never-dying, ever-living.
Unperplexed. Unembarrassed, unconfused ; easy, fluent, flowing.
Unpitying. Incompassion ate, relentless, unrelenting, remorseless, implacable, inexorable.
Unpleasant.	Disagreeable, uncom*
fortable; unwelcome, unacceptable.
Unpolished. Uncivilized, uncultivated, barbaric ; unvarnished; nncourt-ly, rude, awkward.
Unpolite. Impolite, uncourteous, dis-courteous, disrespectful, uncivil.
Unpolluted.	Undefiled, uncorrupt»
undepraved, unvitiated, undemoralized.
Unpracticable. Impracticable, unfeasible.
Unpractical. Theoretical, speculative.
Unpractised. Unused, unaccustomed, inexperienced.
Unprecedented. Unheard of, unexampled, novel; unusual, unwonted.
Unprejudiced. Unbiassed, impartial.
Unpressed. Unconstrained, unimpelled, unurged.
Unpretending. Unpresuming, unassuming.	#
Unprincipled. Unconscientious, unscrupulous.
Unprized. Unvalued, unappreciated.
Unproductive. Únprolific, unfertile, unfruitful, sterile, barren.
Unprofitable. Profitless, unremunerating, unpaying; unserviceable, unavailable. .
Unpropitígus. Unauspicious, unfavourable, adverse.
Unprosperous. Unlucky, unfortunate, unsuccessful, disastrous, calamitous, ill-fated, ill-starred, wretched, infelicitous, unhappy, miserable. Unproved. Untested, untried, unat-tempted.
Unqualified. Unfitted, incompetent, unsuited, unadapted for ; thorough ; unstinted, unsparing, unmeasured, un-. modified, unmollified, unmitigated, uncompromising.
Unquelled. Unsubdued, unconquered, unmastered, unvanquished, unsub-. jugated, unsuppressed. Unquenchable. Quenchless, unextin -guishable, inextinguishable. Unquestionable. Indubitable, indisputable, disputeless, incontestable, incontrovertible, irrefragable, irrefutable, undeniable.
Unquiet. Unpeaceable, unpeaceful, restless, untranquil.
Jo Unravel. Decipher, unfold, evolve, develope ; disentangle, extricate. _ Unreasonable. Irrational, foolish, silly, absurd, preposterous, ridiculous, absonant, unphilosophical; immoderate, exorbitant, extortionate. Ünrecompensed. Unrewarded, uncompensated, unremunerated, unrequited, Unreconcilable. Irreconcilable, inveterate* virulent; conflicting,jarring, Unrecoverable. Irrecoverable, irreparable, irretrievable. Unredeemable. Irredeemable, irrepleviable.
Unreduced. Undiluted ; unabridged, unabbreviated, uncurtailed, entire; unmitigated, unmollified. Unreflecting. Unthinking, unreflec-tive, thoughtless, inadvertent. Unreflectingly. Unwittingly, inadvertently, thoughtlessly.
Unrelenting. Relentless, incompas-sionate, unpitying, remorseless, implacable, inexorable.
Unremediable. Irremediable, incurable, cureless.
Unremitting. Indefatigable, unwearied ; unintermitting, unceasing, incessant, uninterrupted.
Unrepenting. Impenitent, remorseless, obdurate, callous, hard, hardened, unfeeling, unsusceptible, insensible, insensitive, insensate, impassive.
Unreproached. Unblamed, unreproved, unupbraided, uncensured, unrebuked, uncondemned ; unvilified, unreviled ; unbranded, undenounced.
Unrequested. Unsolicited, unsought, unasked, unbidden.
Unrescinded. Unabrogated, unrepealed, unabolished, uncancelled.
Unresentful. Unvindictve, unrevenge-ful.
Unreserved. Implicit, full ; frank, open, free.
Unresisting. Passive.
Unrestrained. Unbridled, uncurbed, wanton, licentious, libertine, dissolute, loose, lax.
Unrevealed. Untold, unknown.
Unrevenged. Unavenged, unwreaked.
Unrevengeful. Unvindictive, unresentful.
Unrevoked. Unrecalled, unrevocated, unretracted, unrecanted ; unabolished, unrepealed, unabrogated, uncancelled, unrescinded.
Unrewarded. Unremunerated, unpaid, unrecompensed, uncompensated, unrequited.
Unrighteous. Unright ful, unjust, unfair, unequitable, wrongful, iniquitous, dishonest, disingenuous.
Unrivalled. Unequalled, unparalleled,
A unique, unparagoned, unexampled, incomparable, inimitable, unmatched, matchless, transcendent, surpassing.UNS
To Unroot. Uproot, outroot, root out, eradicate, deracinate, aberuncate ; extirpate, exterminate.
Unruffled. Serene, still, tranquil, quiet, calm, placid, composed, sedate.
Unruly. Ungovernable, untractable, intractable, unmanageable, refractory, obstreperous.
Unsafe. Unsure, insecure, not trustworthy.,
Unsanctified.' Unholy, unhallowed, profane, godless.
Unsatiable. Insatiable, insatiate.
Unsatisfactory. Dissatisfactory.
Unsavoury, Unpalatable, distasteful, nauseous.
Unscrupulous. Unprincipled, uncon-scientious.
Unsearchable. Inscrutable, impenetrable.
Unseasonable. Untimely, inopportune, unfit, improper, inexpedient, unsuita-
, ble, mal-à-propos, late.
Unsecure. _ Insecure, unsure, not trustworthy.
Unseemly. Unbecoming, indecorous,, unsuitable, unfit,, unbefitting, mal-à-propos.
Unseeing. Blind, eyeless, sightless ; obscure, dark, mysterious.
Unseen. Invisible, viewless ; unobserved, unnoticed, unperceived ; undiscovered, undetected, undescried.
Unselfish. Disinterested.
Unserviceable. Unavailable,
To Unsettle. Dissettle, disconcert, discompose, disturb, disarrange, derange, displace, ruffle, disorder, confuse, confound.
Unsettled. Undetermined, unsteady, undecided, hesitating, vacillating, doubtful, fluctuating, wavering ; mutable, inconstant, unsteadfast, variable, changeable, versatile, fickle, restless, fitfulindefinite, vague, loose, lax.
To Unshackle. Unfetter, unmanacle, unchain, emancipate, manumit.
Unsleeping. Sleepless, ever-wakeful, ever-vigilant, ever-watchful, unslumbering. .
Unsocial. Unsociable, insociable,. un-amicable. ,
Unsoiled, Unsullied, untarnished, unstained.
Unsoldierlike. Immartial, unwar-like.
Unsolicited. Unrequested, unsought, unasked, unbidden.
Unsolid. Unsubstantial, shadowy, unfirm, infirm, unstable ; intangible, impalpable.
Unsophisticated. Pure, guileless, unvitiated, undefiled, undepraved, undemoralized.
Unsound. Unorthodox, heterodox, heretical ; erroneous, wrong, false, mistaken ; worthless, meretricious.
Unspeakable. Ineffable, inexpressible, unutterable.
Unspoiled. Unmarred, undestroyed, unruined.
Unspotted, Spotless, immaculate, unblemished, unsullied, unstained.
Unstable. Unfirm, infirm, unsolid, unsubstantial ; changeable, fluctuating, wavering.
Unstained.	Unsullied, untarnished,
unsoiled, undimmed.
Unsteady. Unsettled, fluctuating, wavering, oscillating ; mutable, inconstant, unsteadfást, unstable, variable» changeable, versatile, fickle, restless* fitful
Unstinted. Unsparing, unmeasured, unmitigated, unmodified, unmollified, uncompromising.
Unsubdued. Unquelled, unmastered, unconquered, unvanquished, unsubjugated, ,unsuppressed.
Unsubstantial. Unsolid, shadowy, • unstable, unfirm, infirm; impalpable, Intangible; incorporeal, immaterial,
unbodied, spiritual.
Unsuccessful. Fruitless, ineffectual, vain, abortive, futile, idle.
Unsuitable. Improper, inappropriate, unbecoming, unbefitting; unfit, inapt, inexpedient, inapposite; unseasonable, untimely, inopportune, mal-a-propos, late; inconvenient.
Unsullied. Unstained, untarnished, unsoiled, undimmed; unmarred, unspoiled.
Unsupplied. Unprovided, unfurnished, without.
Unsupported. Unaided, unassisted, unseconded, unsustained.
Unsure. Unsecure, insecure, not trustworthy.
Unsusceptible. Unfeeling, insensible, impassive, insensitive, insensate, mar.. ble-bearted, hard, flinty, indurate, caL lous, obdurate, impenetrable, impenitent.
Unswayed. Uninfluenced, unbiassed, unprejudiced.
Unswerving. Undeviating, uniform. Untainted. Uncontaminated, undefiled, unpolluted, uncorrupt, unvitiated.
Untarnished. Unsullied, unstained, unsoiled, undimmed.
Untaught. Untutored, uninstructed,
' uneducated, uninformed, unenlight. ened, unintelligent, illiterate, unlettered, ignorant.
Untenable. Weak, defenceless. Unterrified. Undaunted, unfright-1 ened, undismayed, unscared, unappalled, unawed, unintimidated. Untested. Unproved, untried. Unthankful. Ungrateful, thankless. Unthinking. Unreflecting, unreflec-tive, thoughtless.
Unthought of. Unvalued, unappreciated, unprized.
Unthrifty. Improvident, thriftless, unfrugal.
To Untie. Unbind, unloose.
Until. Till.
Untilled. Unploughed, uncultivated.
Untimely. Unseasonable, inopportune, unfit, improper, inexpedient, unsuitable, mal-a-propos, late.,
Untinged. Uncoloured, unstained, undyed.
Untirable. Indefatigable, unwearied ; unremitting, unintermitting, unceasing, incessant, uninterrupted.
Untold. Unknown, unrevealed.
Untouched. Unaffected, unharmed, uninjured, unhurt.
Untoward. Awkward, unhandy, plaguy, annoying, vexatious, cross, frow-ard, perverse ; inconvenient.
Untrained. Undisciplined, undrilled, untaught, uneducated, uninstructed, uninitiated.
Untransparent. Undiaphanous, adi-aphanous, opaque.
Untried. Unattempted, unproved, untested.
Untrodden. Pathless, trackless, wayless.
Untroubled. Undisturbed, tranquil, placid, peaceful, pacific, quiet, stilly quiescent, halcyon, serene, mild, unruffled; undiscomposed, imperturbable.
Untrue. False, mendacious, pseudolo-gical ; unfaithful, undutiful, disloyal, disaffected.
Untruth. Falsehood, mendacity, pseu-dology, fiction, fabrication, fib, falsity, lie; suggestio falsi ; suppressio veri.
Untutored. Untaught, uninstructed, uneducated, untrained, undisciplined, undrilled.tJNW
Unurged. Unimpelled, impressed, unconstrained.
Unused. Unpractised, unaccustomed, unhabituated.
Unusual. Uncommon, unwonted, unprecedented.
Unutterable. Ineffable, inexpressible, unspeakable.
Unvalued. Unappreciated, unprized, unthought of.
Unvanquished. Unconquered, unsubdued, unquelled, unsubjugated.
Unvariable. Invariable, unalterable, unchangeable, changeless, immutable.
Unvaried. Uniform, monotonous, unchanged, unaltered ; unswerving, undeviating.
Unvarnished. Unpolished.
Unvarying. Unchanging.
Unwarily. Incautiously, imprudently? unguardedly.
Unwarlike. Immartial, unsoldierlike.
Unwarrantable. Unjustifiable, indefensible.
Unwavering. Constant, steadfast, staunch, firm, steady, fast.
Unwearied. Indefatigable, untirable ; unremitting, unintermitting, unceasing, incessant, uninterrupted.
Unwelcome. Unacceptable, unpleasant.
•Unwell. Indisposed, ill.
Unwept. Unlamented, unmoumed, unregretted.
Unwholesome. Insalubrious, unhealthy, noxious.
Unwilling. Averse, backward, loath, reluctant, disinclined.
Unwillingly. Involuntarily.
Unwise. Injudicious, indiscreet, imprudent.
Unwittingly. Inadvertently, unreflectingly, thoughtlessly.
Unwonted^ Unusual, uncommon, unprecedented.
Unworthy. Unmeritable, undeserving; discommendable, illaudable, contemptible, vile.
Unyielding. Inflexible, stiff, unbending, uncompromising, unmodified, unmitigated.
To Upbear. Bear up, uphold, sustain, support.
To Upbraid. Blame, reproach ; reprove, rebuke, cbide, reprehend, censure.
To Upheave. Convulse, tumultuate, conquassate, shake.
Uphill. Hard, difficult, arduous.
To Uphold, Sustain, support, upbear, bear up.
Upmost. Topmost, highest, uppermost.
Uppermost. Topmost, highest, loftiest.
Upright. Vertical, perpendicular, normal ; just, equitable, fair ; good, virtuous, honest, honourable, conscientious, ingenuous.
Uprightness. Integrity, probity, rectitude, honesty ; justice,, equity, fairness ; goodness, virtue, honour, ingenuousness.
Uproar. Tumult, turbulence, commotion, row, riot, disturbance, confusion, bustle.
To Uproot. Unroot, outroot, root out, eradicate, deracinate ; extirpate, exterminate.
To Upset. Overturn, subvert, invert, reverse.
Upshot. Result, conclusion, end, close, termination.
Urbanity. Suavity, courtesy, couxteous-ness, affability, complaisance.
Urchin. Brat ; child, infant.
To Urge. Animate, incite, impel, instigate, stimulate, inspirit ; exhort, persuade, press upon, induce.
Urgency. Exigency, necessity, emergency.
Urgent. Pressing, exigent, importunate.
Usage. Custom, fashion, conventionality, conventionalism ; prescription ; treatment.
Use. Usage, consuetude, practice, habit ; avail, advantage, utility, benefit, service.
Useful. Serviceable, available.
Useless. Unavailable, unserviceable ; unavailing, without avail, in vain, to no purpose, to no end, ineffectual, ineffective, fruitless, idle, inoperative, vain, abortive, futile, inept, nugatory.
To Usher, Introduce, bring in.
Usual. Accustomed, habitual, wonted, customary, everyday.
Usually. Generally, commonly, customarily.
To Usurp. Arrogate, assume, appropriate.
Usurpation. Arrogance, assumption, haughtiness, presumption.
Utensil. Tool, instrument.
Utility. Benefit, advantage, avail, service, use.
Utmost. Uttermost, extreme, farthest, most distant, most remote.
Utopian. Chimerical, imaginary,illusory, visionary ; Quixotic, wild.
Utter. Extreme, excessive ; sheer, mere, pure ; perfect, consummate.
To Utter. Speak, articulate, pronounce, express; cry out, exclaim, ejaculate; declare, enounce, enunciate.
Utterance. Words, expression, enunciation, pronunciation, accent, intonation.
Uttered by the mouth. Oral, nuncupative, parole, verbal, vocal ; traditional.
Utterly. Perfectly, completely, wholly, quite, altogether, entirely, totally.
Uttermost. Utmost, extreme, farthest, outmost, most distant, most remote.
Vacancy. Vacuity, vacuum, void, inanity ; chasm, hollow, cavity, opening, gap, hiatus, aperture; interval, interstice, breach, rift, cleft, crevice, cranny, fissure, chink.
Vacant. Empty, void, devoid, vacuous, hollow, unfilled, unoccupied, unfurnished.
To Vacate. Annul, disannul, nullify, quash, invalidate, cancel.
Vacation. Recess.
To Vacillate. Waver, hesitate, fluctuate, change.
Vacillating. Wavering, fluctuating, variable, undetermined, unsteady, unsettled, irresolute, hesitating, oscillating, doubtful.
Vacuation. Evacuation, exhaustion.
Vacuity. Vacancy, vacuum, void, inanity.
Vacuous. Empty, vacant, void, devoid, unfilled, unoccupied.
Vagary. Erolic, prank, gambol, escapade.
Vagrant. Wandering, nomadic, strolling, migratory.
Vague. Unsettled, indefinite, loose, lax.
Vain. Unavailing, without avail, in vain, to no purpose, to no end, ineffectual, ineffective, fruitless, bootless, useless, idle, abortive, inept, futile, nugatory.
Vain-glory. Ostentation, parade, show, vaunting, boasting, rodomontade.
Vale. Valley, glen, dale, dell, dingle.
Valediction. Earewell, leave-taking, adieu.
Valetudinary. Weak, feeble, infirm, invalid, frail, impotent, enfeebled, debilitated, enervated.
Valiant. Brave, valorous, courageous, gallant, bold, daring, chivalrous, heroic, intrepid, undaunted, dauntless, fearless.
Valid. Binding, obligatory ; cogent, irresistible, resistless.
Valley. Glen, vale, dale, dell, dingle*
Valour. Bravery, prowess, courage, gallantry, heroism, boldness, daring, chivalry, intrepidity, fearlessness.
Valuable. Precious, costly, dear, expensive, sumptuous, dapatical; worthy, estimable.
Valuation. Estimate, appraisement.
To Value. Compute, rate, calculate, appraise, assess; appreciate, estimate, reckon ; prize, esteem, respect, regard.
Value. Worth, rate, price ; account, estimation, esteem, appreciation.
Valueless. Worthless.
Van. Forerank, front.
To Vanish. Disappear, dwindle, moulder, crumble, fritter.
Vanity. Conceit, self-conceit, self-
. sufficiency, self-complacency, overweeningness, affectedness.
To Vanquish. Conquer, subdue, over-
, come, master, subjugate, surmount, triumph over.
Vanquisher. Conqueror, victor.
Vapid. Insipid, mawkish, dull, flat, spiritless, tasteless, inanimate, lifeless ; dry, jejune, meagre.
Vapour. Fume, smoke, reek, steam.
Variable. Changeable, changeful, unsteady, undecided, hesitating, vacillating, fluctuating, wavering ; mutable, inconstant, unsteadfast, unstable, fickle, versatile, restless, fitful*
Variation. Change; vicissitude, alternation ; modification.
Variance. Difference, discrepancy, incongruity, inconsistency ; t disagreement, dissension.
Variance (at). Irreconcilable, conflicting, jarring, discordant, inconsonant.
Varied. Changed, diversified, multiform, diverse; speckled, mottled; tesselated; inlaid, vermiculated, mosaic.
To Variegate. Diversify, chequer; dapple, streak.
Variety. Difference, diversity, change, diversification, multiformity ; multiplicity; mixture, oglio, medley, miscellany, olio, farrago.
Various. Different, divers, manifold, several, sundry, numerous, multiplied.
To Varnish. Polish; gild, gloss, palliate.
To Vary. Change, alter, diversify, variegate, chequer, dapple.
Vassalage. Serfdom, serfism, servitude, enthralment, enslavement, slavery, thraldom, bondage.
Vast. Enormous, immense, colossal, gigantic, huge, abnormous, prodigious, monstrous, mammoth, behemoth.
Vastness. Immensity, infinitude; magnitude, amplitude, expanse.
To Vaticinate. Prophesy, predict, fore-tel, prognosticate.
Vaticinator. Seer, prophet, predictor, foreteller, soothsayer.
Vaticinatory. Prophetic, fatidical.
Vault. Crypt, catacomb.
Vaulted. Arched, eamerated, conca-merated, imbowed; concave.
To Vaunt. Glory, triumph, boast, brag.
Vaunter. Boaster, braggadocio, braggart, braggard, bravado.
Vaunting. Boasting, ostentation, vainglory, parade, rodomontade, bravado; boastful, bragging, thrasonical.
To Veer. Turn, whirl, wheel.
Vehement. Ardent, fervid, hot, glowing, eager, fervent, passionate, impassioned, impassionate, impetuous, strenuous, intense, violent, fiery.
Vehicle. Carriage, conveyance.
Veil. Mask, visor, vizard, cloak, blind, covering.
Velocity. Quickness, swiftness, fleet-
. ness, pemicity, celerity, speed, rapidity.
Venal. Mercenary, hireling, selfish, sordid, earthly.
To Vend. Sell, dispose of.
To Venerate. Revere, reverence.
Venesection. Bleeding, phlebotomy.
Vengeful. Revengeful, vindictive, resentful.
Venial. Pardonable, excusable.
To Vent. Throw out, eject, emit.
Venture. Hazard, risk, chance.
To Venture. Adventure, dare, hazard, risk, endanger, peril, imperil, jeopardise.
Venturous. Venturesome, adventurous, enterprising; rash, foolhardy.
Veracious. Truthful, true, veridical.
Veracity. Truth, verify, truthfulness.
Verbal. Oral, nuncupative, parole.
Verbality. Verbiage, ambages, verbosity, wordiness, prolixity, diffuseness.
Verbose. Prolix, diffuse, long, tedious.
Verdant. Virent.
Verecund. Modest, bashful, shy, reserved; diffident.
Verge. Border, confine, edge, rim, brim, brink, margin.
To Verge. Tend, incline, lean.
Veridical. Veracious, truthful, true..
To Verify. Authenticate.
Verisimilitude. Likelihood, probability, appearance of truth, speeiousness, plausibility.
Veritable. True, real.
Veritably. Truly, indeed.
Verity. Truth, veracity, truthfulness.
Vermicular. Peristaltic, worm-like.
Vermiculated. Inlaid, mosaic.
Vernacular. Indigenous, native..
Vernant. Florulent, blooming, blossoming, flowering.
Veenility. Servility, sycophancy, parasitism, obsequiousness, adulation.
Versatile. Variable, changeable, wavering, vacillating, oscillating, flue-
. tuating, unsteady, hesitating, undecided; mutable, inconstant, unsteadfast, unstable, fickle, restless, fitful.
Versed. Conversant, acquainted, familiar.
Version. Interpretation, construction.
Vertex. Zenith.
Vertical. Perpendicular, upright, normal.
Vertiginous. Dinetical, giddy, dizzy* whirling.
Very. Exceedingly, supremely, superlatively.
Vespers. Compline.
To Vest. Dress, robe, habit, deck.
Vestibule. Threshold, entrance.
Vestige. Mark, trace, track.
Vestments. Garments, vesture, dress, garb, apparel, array, attire, clothes,
' habiliments.
To Vex. Tease, plague, tantalise, torment, mortify, chagrin, offend, annoy, grieve, irritate, fret, gall, chafe, pain.
Vexation. Chagrin, mortification; annoyance, uneasiness, trouble.
Vexatious. Annoying, perplexing, troublesome, plaguy, galling, grievous, painful.
Viaduct. Archway.
Vial. Phial.
Viands. Victuals, meat, diet, repast, food, provisions, fare,, refreshment.
To Vibrate. Pulsate, oscillate, shake, conquassate, quiver; fluctuate, vacillate, waver ; wave, undulate \ thrill, tingle.
Vicarious. Delegated, deputed.
Vice. Vileness, turpitude, corruption, pravity, depravity, pollution, corruptness, defilement, vitiation, immorality, demoralization; sin, offence; wickedness, crimorousness, criminalty, guilt; iniquity, crime; imperfection, defect, fault.YIL
Vicinal* Neighbouring, conterminous, near to, bordering, adjacent, adjoining, in proximity, approximating, attiguous, contiguous.
Vicinity. Neighbourhood, vicinage, environs.
Vicious. Disordinate, inordinate, corrupt, depraved, debased, degraded, vitiated, demoralized, profligate.
Vicissitude. Alternation; change* variation; revolution.
Victim. Sacrifice; food, prey.
Victor. Conqueror, vanquisher.
Victoriously. Successfully, triumphantly, exultingly.
Victory. Conquest, triumph.
Victuals. Food, meal, repast, viands, meat, provisions, fare, refreshment.
Videlicet. Namely, to wit, (commonly written viz).
To Vie. Contend, strive, contest.
View. Thought, notion, sentiment, opinion; survey, prospect; perspective, vista; landscape ; purpose, intention, design; light, aspect.
To View. Look, see, witness, behold, eye, observe.
Viewless. Unseen, invisible.
Vigil. "Watch.
Vigilant. 'Watchful, wakeful, obser* vant.
Vigorous. Strenuous, vehement, strong, energetic; racy, pithy; able-minded; able-bodied, stalwart, brawny, robust, stout, hardy, firm, sinewy, muscular, ’ athletic; active, agile, alert, brisk, nimble, sedulous, diligent.
Vigour. Energy, force, power, strength, efficacy.
Vile. Base, low, abject, mean, dishonourable, despicable, contemptible.
Vileness. Baseness, turpitude, vice, corruption, pravity, depravity, pollution, corruptness, defilement, vitiation,
To Vilify. Revile, abuse, reproach; accuse falsely, calumniate, asperse j malign, slander, traduce, defame, scandalise, disparage, detract, depreciate; vituperate, upbraid; brand, stigmatise, exprobrate, denounce.
Villain. Miscreant, ruffian, caitiff.
Villanous. Black, dark, foul, unhallowed, deep-dyed, atrocious, heinous, flagrant, arrant, facinorous, flagitious, enormous, monstrous, revolting, outrageous, shocking.
To Vindicate. Defend, protect; espouse, plead; assert, maintain; clear, excuse, justify.
Vindicator. Defender, advocate, pleader, apologist, asserter, maintainer.
Vindictive. Revengeful, vengeful, resentful.
Vintner. Publican, innkeeper.
To Violate. Infringe, infract, trans-* gress, contravene, disobey; injure, hurt; desecrate; ravish, debauch* deflower, stuprate, constuprate.
Violent. Forcible, vehement, boisterous, raving, raging, turbulent, stormy, furious, rapid, impetuous, dashing,
• sweeping, rolling ; passionate, impassioned, impassionate.
Virent . V erdant.
Virile. Manly, manful, masculine, hardy, vigorous, courageous, brave, heroic, intrepid.
Virility. Manhood, ripeness of age, puberty, pubescence.
Virtuous. Good, moral, honest, upright, worthy, conscientious, equitable, honourable, ingenuous.
Virulence. Animosity, malignity, hostility, enmity; canker, corrosion.
Virulent. Malignant, inveterate, chronic ; implacable, rancorous.
Visage. Face, countenance, physiognomy.
Viscera. Entrails, bowels, intestines, guts.
To Viscerate. Eviscerate, exenterate, embowel, disembowel, gut, take out the intestines.
Viscous. Viscid, emplastic, glutinous, adhesive, adherent, sticking, tenacious. Visible. Apparent, obvious, clear, plain, evident, discernible, manifest, distinct, palpable.
Visibly. Obviously, clearly, plainly, evidently, manifestly, sensibly, perceptibly, palpably.
Vision. Apparition, phantom, spectre, ghost ; chimera, illusion, phantasm. Visionary. Imaginary, chimerical, illusory, Utopian ; imaginative, fanciful, ideal ; Quixotic. aVisionary. Enthusiast, fanatic, zealot. To Visit. Call on ; send upon.
Visitant. Visiterà guest.
Visor. Mask, vizard, cloak, blind, veil. Vista. Perspective, view.
Vital. Essential, necessary, indispen- . sable.
To Vitiate. Embase, contaminate, taint, defile, pollute, poison, infect, sophisticate.
Vitiated. Corrupt, depraved, debased, degraded, demoralized, vicious, profligate.
To Vituperate. Blame, upbraid, reprove, reprobrate, condemn ; abuse, reproach, revile, vilify; malign, tra-. duce, slander ; exprobrate, brand. Vivacious. Animated, lively, sprightly, sportive, jocund, merry ; racy, pithy. Vivacity. Life, animation, spirits, buoyancy, lightness, levity, volatility. Vivid. Clear, lucid, perspicacious, transparent, bright ; radiant, sunny ; glow-ing, orient ; graphic, picturesque, pictorial.
To Vivify. Stir up, awaken, wake, waken, animate, rouse, arouse, exusci-tate, excite, stimulate.
Vivifying. Life-giving, animating, stirring, thrilling.
Vixen. Shrew, termagant, bacchante, Xantippe.
Vizard. Visor, mask, cloak, blind, veil. Vocabulary. Dictionary, lexicon, glossary, nomenclature.
Vocation. Employment, avocation, business, engagement, office, function, trade, profession, occupation.
To Vociferate. Bawl, yawl, roar. Vociferous. Clamorous, blatant, braying, noisy, loud, obstreperous.
Vogue. Fashion, use, practice; esteem, repute.
Voice. Expression; vote, suffrage.
Void. Vacuity, vacancy, vacuum, inanity.
Void. Empty, devoid, vacuous, hollow, unfilled, unoccupied, unfurnished; yawning.
Voidable. Defeasible, revocable. Volatile. Empyreal, ethereal, aerial, airy, fugitive, light; abstract, metaphysical, subtile; flighty, giddy, harebrained.
To Volatilize. Sublimate, subtilize, subtiliate.
Volatility. Lightness; liveliness, levity, giddiness, flightiness.
Volley. Discharge, emission, vent, bursting forth.
Volubility. Talkativeness, loquacity, largiloquence, multiloquence, glibness, garrulity, babbling, gabbling. Voluntarily. Spontaneously, willingly, ultroneously, gratuitously, uncon-strainedly.
To Volunteer. Proffer, offer.
A Voluptuary. Sensualist, epicure, Sybarite.
Voluptuousness. Sensuality, luxury. Vomit. Emetic.
To Vomit. Retch, puke, disgorge, yent. Voracity. Edacity, gulosity.
Voracious. Rapacious, ravenous, greedy.
Vortex. 'Whirlpool.
Votary. Devotee, devotionalist.
Vote. Voice, suffrage.
To Vouch. Evidence, attest ; warrant ; avouch, asseverate, affirm, aver, protest, assure.
Voucher. Receipt, discharge, quittance, acquittance.
To Vouchsafe. Condescend, deign.
To Vow. Pledge one’s word, promise.
Voyager. Passenger, wayfarer, traveller.
Vulgar. Plebeian; common, ordinary, mean, low ; popular ; trite, commonplace.
To Waddle. Waggle.
To Waft. Transport, hear, convey.
To Wage. Make, carry on, engage in, levy, raise.
Wages. Salary, hire, allowance, stipend, pay.
Waggish. Frolicsome, arch, sportive, merry, wanton.
To Waggle. Waddle.
Waging war. Belligerent, belligerous.
Wail. Déploration, wailing, moan, eju-lation, lamentation, jermiad, plaint, lament, complaint.
To Wail.	Bewail, bemoan, lament,
mourn over.
Wailful. Plaintive, elegiac, dirge-like.
lying in Wait. Lurking, skulking, ambushed.
To Wait.	Await, abide, bide, stay,
remain, tarry.
To Waive. Forego, relinquish, let. go.
To Wake. Waken, awaken, arouse, stir up, excite, vivify, exuscitate.
Wakeful. Watchful, vigilant, observant.
Walk. Carriage, gait; march, tread, tramp, step, pace.
To Walk over. Pass, traverse, travel. h
To Walk unsteadily. Stagger, reel, totter.
To Wallow. Welter, roll.
Wan. Pale, pallid, ashy, whitish.
To Wander. Stroll, ramble, rove, roam, range ; stray, deviate, swerve.
Wandering. Migratory, nomadic, vagrant, roving, strolling ; discursive.
Wane. Decline, decay.
To Want. Need, lack; desiderate, require.
Want. Poverty, penury, indigence ; destitution, privation, necessitude, necessity, need, lack ; desideratum ; defectiveness, deficiency.
Wanton. Unrestrained, unbridled, uncurbed, licentious, libertine, dissolute, loose, lax ; sportive, arch, merry.
To Wanton. Luxuriate, revel, exuberate, abound.
War. Hostilities, warfare.
War (To engage in). Levy, raise, carry on, wage.
Warfare. Hostilities, war.
Warlike. Bellicose, bellique, martial, military, soldier-like,
To Warble. Sing, carol, pour notes ; hymn.
Ward. Pupil.
To Ward. Avert, fence off, turn aside.
Ware. Commodity, goods, merchandize.
Warm. Affectionate, attached, devoted, ardent, fervent ; fervid, glowing ; zealous, enthusiastic ; sanguine, confident..
To Warm. Heat, intensify, make glow-ing.
Warm-hearted. Cordial, sincere, hearty.
Wtarmth. Ardour, fervency, fervour, cordiality ; zeal, vehemence ; heat,, fervidness, glow.
Warning. Commonition, caution, admonition, notice.
To Warrant. Answer for, guarantee, insure, assure, secure; justify; authorise.
Warranty. Security, guarantee, pledge.
Warrior. Hero; soldier.
Wary. Cautious, circumspect, chary, guarded, watchful.
To Wash. Lave, bathe.
Waspish. Snappish, snarling, churlish, cynical,
Wassail. Orgies, bacchanals, saturnalia, debauch, revelry, potation, com-potation, perpotation, carousal, conviviality, jollity, jollification.
Wassailer. Debauchee, sot, toper, drunkard, borachio, tippler, bibber, carouser.
To Waste, Spend, expend, consume ; wear out; squander, dissipate, lavish, destroy; emaciate.
Waste. Devastation, ravage, spoil, desolation, havoc, destruction ; desert; prodigality, dissipation; consumption, loss.
Wasteful. Profuse, lavish, prodigal, squandering, extravagant.
Watch. Vigil.
on the Watch. Alert, look out.
To Watch. Eye.
To Watch over. Tend, care for.
Watchful. Vigilant, attentive, cautious, observant, circumspect, wakeful, awake, alert.
Watchman. Sentinel, sentry, guard.
To Water. Irrigate.
Waterfall. Cascade, cataract.
Watery. Aqueous.
To Wave. Float, stream ; beckon ; flourish, brandish.
Wave, Billow, surge, breaker.
To Waver. Hesitate, fluctuate, vacillate, oscillate, scruple.
Wavering. Unsteady, unsettled, fluctuating, oscillating; changeable, mutable, inconstant, variable.
Wavy. Undulating. -
Way. Method, system, means, manner, mode, form, fashion ; course, process ; disposition, spirit ; road, route, track, path.
Wayfarer, Traveller, passenger, voyager.
Wayless. Pathless, trackless, untrodden.
Wayward. Froward, perverse, disobedient, cross, crooked, untoward.
Weak, Feeble, infirm, enfeebled, debilitated, enervated, impuissant, nerveless, impotent, paralysed, palsied ; powerless, helpless; emaciated; prostrate ; languid, faint, exhausted ; silly, imbecile ; unfortified, defenceless ; inconclusive, unconvincing ; illogical.
To Weaken. Debilitate, enfeeble, enervate, unnerve, paralyse ; emaciate ; attenuate, dilute.
Weakness. Debility, feebleness, infirmity, frailly, decrepitude, impotence ; languor, lassitude, faintness, debilitation, exhaustion ; silliness, imbecility ; prostration ; defect, failing, foible.
Weal. Welfare, well-being, prosperity, happiness.
Wealth. Riches, opulence, affluence, pelf, mammon.
Wealthy. Moneyed, rich, affluent, opulent.
To Wean. Abláctate, delactate.
Weaponless. Unarmed.
To Wear. Waste, consume ; bear, carry.
Wearied. Tired, fagged, defatigated, fatigued, jaded, harassed.
Weariness. Lassitude, fatigue ; tediousness.
Wearing away. Detrition, disintegration, attrition, abrasiom
Wearisome. Tiresome, toilsome, laborious, tedious, fatiguing, troublesome, annoying, vexatious.
To Weary. Tire, fag, fatigue, defatigate, jade, harass, distress ; dispirit, subdue ; vex, molest, annoy.WEL
Wedded. Married, espoused ; devoted, attached, addicted.
Wedding. Marriage, nuptials, espousals.
Wedlock. Married-state, matrimony.
Week. Hebdomad.
Weekly. Hebdomadal, hebdomadary.
To Weep. Bewail, lament, deplore, bemoan, grieve, mourn.
Weeping. Lachrymose, lachrymary.
To Weigh down. Overbear, bear down, oppress, overpower, overwhelm, crush, prostrate.
Weight. Gravity, heaviness, ponderosity, massiveness, massiness, ponderousness ; pressure, oppression ; burden, load ; signification, avail, importance, consequence, moment.
Weighty. Heavy, burdensome, massive, massy, ponderous ; important, significant, momentous; solid, substantial ; forcible, cogent, strong.
Welcome. Acceptable, agreeable, pleasing, grateful, pleasurable, gratifying, pleasant.
To Welcome. Greet, hail, salute.
Welfare. Weal, well-being, prosperity, happiness.
Well. Well-spring, spring, fountain, source.
To Well. Gush, stream, flow.
Well-affected. Well-disposed.
Well-being. Weal, welfare, prosperity, happiness.
Well-bred. Debonair, elegant.
Well-founded.	Authentic ;	well-
grounded, firm-based, unshakeable, immoveable.
Well-nigh. Almost, nearly.
Well-set. Handsome, beautiful, pretty
Well-spring. Spring, well, fountain, source.
Well-tasted. Tasteful, sapid, palatable, gustful, savoury, flavorous.
Well-wishes. Gratulations, congratulations, felicitations.
To Welter. Wallow, roll.
Wet. Humid, dank, damp, moist.
To Wet. Moisten, madefy.
To Wheedle. Coax, cajole, fawn.
Wheedling. Coaxing, cajolery, blandishment.
To Wheel. Whirl, veer, twirl, turn, revolve, circulate.
Whereas. Seeing, since, inasmuch, forasmuch.
Wherefore. Why.
Whereto. Whereunto, whither.
Wherry. Boat, skiff.
To Whet. Sharpen.
Whiff. Puff.
To While. Idle, loiter.
Whim. Peak, caprice, maggot.
Whimpering. Peaking, snivelling* whining.
Whimsical. Capricious, crotchety, fantastic, fantastical, maggoty.
To Whip. Flog, lash, scourge ; strike, beat, drub, castigate ; snatch.
To Whirl. Wheel, veer, twirl, turn, revolve, circulate.
Whirl. Gyration, circumvolution, circumgyration, spiral, turn.
Whirling. Giddy, vertiginous, dine-tieal, dizzy; turning, revolving, cir-cumrotatory, rotatory, rotary, wheeling, veering.
Whirlpool. Vortex.
Whirring. Flickering.
To Whisk. Brush.
To Whisper. Susurate.
Whit. Jot, tittle, iota, hair’s-breadth.
White. Snowy, niveous ; pure, spotless, unspotted, unblemished, stainless, immaculate.
To Whiten. Blanch, bleach.
Whither. Whereto, whereunto.
Whitish. Pale, pallid, wan.
Whizzing. Hissing.
Whole. All; entire, perfect, complete, integral, aggregate, total, undivided.
Wholesome. Healthy, benign, benignant, salubrious ; healing, salutary, salutiferous, sanative.
Wholly. Altogether, quite, totally, entirely, perfectly, completely, utterly.
Whore. Prostitute, bonaroba, strumpet, harlot, street-walker, bawd, procuress, courtesan.
Why. Wherefore.
Wicked. Unjust, nefarious, irreligious, ungodly, godless, profane, impious.
Wicked in a great degree. Unhallowed, black, dark, foul, facinorous, atrocious, deep-dyed, heinous, flagrant, arrant, flagitious, villanous, enormous, monstrous, outrageous.
Wickedness. Crime, crimorousness, criminality, guilt, iniquity ; sin, offence ; vileness, turpitude, corruption, vice, pravity, depravity, depravation, pollution, corruptness, defilement, vitiation, demoralization; facinorous-ness, atrocity, flagitiousness, enormity, monstrousness.
Wicker. Willow, osier.
Wide. Broad, ample, large, expanded, extensive.
To Widen. Broaden, distend; enlarge, amplify, swell out.
Wide open. Gaping, agape, distended.
To Wield. Sway, rule.
Wile. Subtilty, cunning, artfulness, astuteness.
Wilful. Self-willed, headstrong, obstinate, perverse, stubborn, inflexible, intractable, dogged.
Wilfully. Designedly, purposely, intentionally.
Will. Choice, option ; inclination.
Will (exercise of). Volition.
Willing. Accordant, consenting, acquiescing.
Willingly. Voluntarily, spontaneously, gratuitously, ultroneously, unconstrainedly.
Willow. Wicker, osier.
Wily. Subtle, sly, crafty, subdolous, cunning, astute, artful.
To Win. Obtain, gain, procure, get; effect, realize, accomplish, achieve ; earn, reap.
To Wind. Twine, wreath ; turn, bend, curve; twist, wriggle.
Winding. Sinuous, meandering, mean-drous, serpentine; mazy, anfractuous, labyrinthian, tortuous, flexuous, bending.
Window. Casement, lattice.
Windy, Flatulent, flatuous.
To Wing. Fly, mount, ascepd, soar, tower.
To Wink. Blink, nictate ; connive.
Wink. CEiliad, glance.
Winning. Attractive, charming, captivating, fascinating, bewitching, enchanting ; dazzling, brilliant.
To Winnow. Eventilate, fan, thresh.
Wisdom. Sapience, judgment, intelligence, sagacity; knowledge, learning; prudence.
Wise. Sage; sapient, sagacious, intelligent ; learned, skilled; judicious, discreet, prudent.
Wise (signally). Oracular, surpassingly sage.
To Wish. Desire, long for, hanker after.
Wistfully. Intently, eagerly, fixedly.
Wit. Humour, satire, irony, burlesque; facetiousness, mirth; ingenuity, invention, contrivance, stratagem.
to Wit. Namely, videlicet, (commonly written viz).
Witchery. Bewitchery, enchantment, fascination, charm, spell, prestige.
Withal. Besides, moreover, likewise, also, too.woo
To Withdraw. Retreat, retire, recede, regress, retrograde, go back ; take back ; alienate, estrange ; steal away, abscond.
To Wither. Blight, blast, taint with mildew.
To Withhold. Keep back, restrain, arrest, hinder ; abstain, refrain, keep from ; forbear, desist from ; refuse ; retain, reserve ; absent.
Without. Unsupplied, unprovided, unfurnished.
To Withstand. Oppose, resist, gain-strive, thwart.
Witness. Deponent, declarant.
To Witness. Attest, testify, evidence, prove, certify, vouch ; see, behold, view, observe.
Witty. Facetious, jocose, jocular.
Wizard. Magician, conjuror, necromancer, sorcerer.
Wobegone. Dismal, dull, gloomy, sad, melancholy, lugubrious, piteous, doleful, dolesome, dolorous, woful, rueful, pitiable, sorrowful, mournful, dejected, depressed, cheerless.
Woe. Wretchedness, misery, distress, misfortune, calamity, disaster, infelicity, unhappiness.
Woman-hater. Misogynist.
Womanhood. Muliebrity.
Womanly. Womanish, effeminate, feminine, female, tender, weakly, unmanly.
Wonder. Amazement, surprise, astonishment, admiration ; miracle, marvel, prodigy.
Wonderful. Astonishing, striking, surprising, admirable.
Wondrous. Amazing, marvellous, stupendous, miraculous.
Wonted. Usual, accustomed,habitual, customary.
To Woo. Court, make love.
Woodland. Thicket, wood, grove.
Woody. Bosky, silvan.
Wooer. Silitor, lover, sweetheart, gallant, spark, cicisbeo, paramour.
Word. Term, expression ; accent % promise, engagement; account, tidings, message.
Wordiness. Verbiage, verbosity, ver-bality, ambages, pleonasmicism, prolixity, diffuseness, tediousness ; glibness, volubility, multiloquence, largi-loquenee.
Wordy. Verbose, prolix, diffuse, long, tedious.
Work. Employment, business, occupation ; operation, action ; performance, production; toil, task, labour, drudgery.
To Work. Labour, toil, drudge, strive, exert; ply; occupy, busy.
Workman. Hand, journeyman, operative ; artisan, mechanic, craftsman, artificer; labourer, porter.
Workman-like. Tradesman-like,skilful
Workmanship. Handiwork, handicraft, manipulation.
World. Earth, universe.
World-wide. Universal, oecumenical, general.
Worldly. Terrene, terrestrial, mundane, cosmical, sublunary; temporal, secular ; carnal; earthly, sordid ; earth-born, grovelling.
Worm-like. Peristaltic, vermicular.
Worn out. Effete, barren, stale, threadbare.
To Worry. Persecute, tease, harass, torment.
Worse (To make). Aggravate, raise exaggerate ; heighten hyperbolically; impair, deteriorate; cause any thing to degenerate ; injure, damage.
Worship. Devotion.
To Worship. Adore, revere, venerate, reverence; deify, idolize ; honour, give homage to, respect.
To Worst. Foil, defeat, frustrate, balk, disappoint.
Worth. Price, value, rate ; desert, merit ; virtue, excellence.
Worthless. Valueless ; meretricious, unsound, corrupt ; rakish, libertine, dissolute, licentious.
Worthy. Deserving ; eligible, preferable ; meritorious, estimable ; commendable, laudable, praiseworthy.
To Wound. Grieve, afflict, pain.
Woven. Textile.
To Wrack. Torture, wring, writhe, excruciate, agonise.
To Wrangle. Brangle, jangle, jar, conflict, vary, disagree.
Wrangling. Brawling, contentious, bickering, disagreeing.
To Wrap. Tnwrap, envelop, fold, infold; transport, enravish, enrapt, ravish, charm.
Wrath. Anger, ire, rage, indignation, choler, fury, resentment.
Wrathful. Angry, choleric, ireful, enraged, infuriated, raging, exasperated, exacerbated, indignant.
To Wreak. Revenge, avenge.
Wreakful. Revengeful, vindictive, resentful.
To Wreath. Turn, twist, wriggle.
Wreath. Garland, chaplet, coronal.
Wreck. Destruction, ruin, havoc ; rubbish, débris.
To Wrench. Wrest, twist, distort, writhe, wring.
Wretched. Miserable, unhappy, distressed, afflicted, unfortunate, afflicting, disastrous, calamitous, baleful ; drear, dismal ; undone.
Wretchedness. Misery, woe, distress, misfortune, calamity, disaster, infelicity, unhappiness.
To Wriggle. Turn, twist, wreath.
To Wring., Twist, wrest, wrench, distort ; wrack, torture, writhe, excruciate, agonise.
Wrinkled. Wrizled, shrivelled, shrunk.
To Write down. Indite, compose, pen, couch, frame, dictate.
Writer. Scribe, ehirograpber, ehiro-graphist, penman ; author ; scribbler, scrawler.
To Writhe. Distort, contort, twist, wrest, wrench ; wring, wrack, torture, excruciate, agonise.	*'
Writing (short-hand.) Stenography, brachigraphy, tachygraphy.
Writings. Writs, titles, documents.
Writs. Writings, titles, documents.
Wrizled. Wrinkled, shrivelled, shrunk.
To Wrong. Injure, aggrieve, inflict hardship.
Wrong. Injury, injustice, hardship, grievance.
Wrong. Erroneous#
Wrongdoer. Misdoer, delinquent, offender.
Wrongful. Unequitable, unjust, unfair, unrightful, unrighteous, dishonest, iniquitous, disingenuous, sinister.
Wrongly. Faultily, amiss.
Wry. Awry, crooked, bent, incuTvated, curved, oblique.
To Yawl. Bawl, halloo, vociferate, roar.
To Yawn. Gape.
Yawning. Oscitancy, oscitation, pandiculation ; void, hollow.
Ycleped. Called, termed, named, designated, denominated.
Yearly. Annually, year by year, per annum.
To Yearn. Glow ; thrill ; stir with emotion.
To Yell. Hoot, howl, roar.
Yellow, Sallow.YOU
Yet. Nevertheless, notwithstanding, for all that, however; still, even now ; after all, eventually, ultimately, in the end, at last.
To Yex. Hiccough.
To Yield. Produce, give, afford, impart, communicate, confer, bestow ; give up, abdicate, resign; cede, surrender ; relinquish, quit, forego, let go, waive; concede, grant, allow; comply, conform, accede, assent, acquiesce ; succumb, sink, submit.
Yielding. Compliant, submissive; flexible, supple, pliant, bending.
Yore. Of old, long ago, anciently, formerly, heretofore, aforetime, in days of old, in times past, in past ages, bypast, bygone.
Younger. Junior, puisne.
A Youth. Stripling, boy.
Youth. Youthfulness, juvenility, puerility, adolescence.
Zany. Buffoon, puncMsello, harlequin.
merry-andrew, scaramouch, fool. Zeal. Ardour, warmth, fervency, fervour, enthusiasm.
Zealot. Fanatic, visionary, enthusiast. Zealous. Ardent, devoted, earnest, warm, fervent, enthusiastic.
Zenith. Vertex.
Zest. Gusto, relish.
Zetetic. Researching, ransacking.
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