I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2018 ,, ,._,V_.V,.,_,....., . ,,. .. V ...» \.-.rq ._.._.__..._____ .MH. ‘ .__..._...._~.__‘W_-.M__.___.mw_.__.v~,_~..._.._,,._fl,r_;.wn ‘ »._ a.gflw-.. /? . fin??? 45‘. THE DIVILSCHARTER ~ .11 TRAGEDIE ' Cohteining the: Life and Death of , Tape ALEXANDER t/aefxt. * As it was plaids Before the Kings Maiafli‘ic.1 , 7pm]. Candlcma {Tc night; laft1by his ' Maiefldcs Scruants ' Eta may a 6x41137171 reuéwcdfarreficd, myfangmtm tedfizzce 5} the Author; {Ear tin: wareplc’k flare dfldfrofit 0F tire Reader. A T L O N D O N 1 P11111611 by G E. for 101911 Wright1at1dareiQ be folds: " ' ' 1113111111) 111 New gate maert nears Chnflz * church gate. I 6 o 7. 1.1.11 3 . 1_ ~ ,- , 5113:; I . . . '2' 7 TO THE- , , ; w ,HONOR‘ABLE AND HIS f / . VEKYDEAREFRIENDS E' * JS‘IR‘VI‘L‘LIAM HERBEQRT, " - 1;?(3 SIR VVJ L L IiA M" P&“o pa Kng’HYS, ASSOCIATESIN THE ' NOBLEORDER 0F ‘ THE EATER.“ . BARNABE iemézyas CONSE» * cnuBTH ms LOVE; U;W;fv’ n ma 'PROLOGVS. G chiom jpeihmr: doe notlheere‘expelfi Vzfiom of pleafire,amorom dzfi‘aurfi : ‘ Ourfnh‘a'} IL: ofélaud and Tragédie, Marther,fiulc I rgccfi‘, and H ypo‘crz’fie‘ Behold the Strumpctf of proud Babylon, ~ Her Cup withfbrm‘mtianfoamingfull . OfGod: high wraith zimd 'vm emcefiar that: win; ‘ Which mu impofii 211902: her I thr-Diflg'fi. ‘ ‘ j I ' , Francis Gui cchiardi'ne. , " Em From the Chrifiall Palace of' true Fame; ( »\ ?\nd bright Starr-e-i§hambex"of ctcmall {ouléc‘j ‘ Seucrd from Angels Fellowfiwip airghxl‘c, To dwell with mortzfi bodies here on eartH:. ‘ - I Framed Guiccinrdiwe a Florentine, ” Am by the powerful! and commanding Muff, ‘ " ( Which bearer}: domination in out foules) ‘ Seat down: to let you fee the T ragcd-ic, Ofs querigo Borgia lately Pope, ' C 311d the fixt Mlexmader,with his fonnc ' Proud Ccejhr : to prefent vnto your eyes, ' Their fhithlcifcfcarclcfl‘cgnd ambitious lines : find 811’: by what vngodly mcanps and AR, He: did attains the Triple.Diad¢m, ’ This vifion offcrd to your cyés declares; / He: with aflluer rad m’oamtbt/co ajre tbrutmg , ~ Enter, , > exft me dear: betwixt two oth‘er CdrdinaigRodcrigo in bi: purl ‘ p14: Iméit clef} in confirms: “with rim”, one ofw/aiqb 11;: guidctb to a , fl ' Tenawkere a Tazé/e i; famiflzed with. dim” éagge: ofmongr,'wkicb ' tlmt Cardimfl émretb 422m) :mzd to anotbcr Tent the qtbcr (4rd»: \ mil, where law delimefctl: ham 4 great quantity 9f rich Plate , ink “ érnce:,é§vitb igning af/mndx. Exeunt (11rd. Manci Rodcrigjg. ‘ \ A M e a7 n, ,-< ’ {3'1“ A ex: Timfi itwfhgxz $2; 2 ‘M-rm" muw; ‘mvsvw-v . \ . a ‘ V . The lifg ofaéhonfhall exgrefl‘c the rcfi. A DIVIL‘S CHARTER. ‘ x X 7'0 whamefiflom am other plate .4: M03012? with h magical £00!in mm! rod , i7: primztc whiffiemg with Rodegick , n’hoi‘i’w “36’ WWL‘? deth to. a chain) w mad} ’3 1h: Stag: which her: cz'm/et/fismml épfare it am othef Carc/e,im:; whi‘flvfafier finshz’ggme afrem’m'g with :xorcifmex)xvppmre cxhxlatz'om of [zghtm'ngahz "fig/‘zzhgramfi .003 2'}: micéh‘ whereafoz dim“ '1 in mafl vgé; [hays ; fmm which Roderxgu ?Mhezh hz’x $55,112“ éaeing cahihred $.50 wm afier more thzmaler Md fire, a cmdimather dim]! like a fgzrgegmr :3th a mace 7/?de 143 '- girdle .- Rodérigo daylzf’keth . He: difcwdeth .- after more mmder mad fmrgfidl fire, afimd in whey poiztfimfl with dt'rz’pz’é" C7039?“ 01:: hi: hem?! , kmd C 70172 ‘55?“ :33 hi; hp: 245! : a dzzt‘i’! him mfifl’flg m J ‘ ‘ V I Z ‘ V , hlackg rohc: 12/1: 13;}?07‘70tfl7r)’ , a comerd Capp: on he: had , flu “M 0f Lancet: 4: hisgém'ie , a littlepcece affine parchment i3 hi: hmd, , whe heeifigg hrwght 7mm Alexander , he: willing!“ ‘- recemwh him; tq whome hee dcliiwreth the nytiizg , whichfieming t0 read? 3 PW" fimg; the Prohomzyflrzppcth 21p Alcxandersfleme and [erreih hi5. Mme 610ml 2'» éfizmer 1aim! haying mhgn a peeve from 1‘17? 7’70“" ' tar] , fuhfcn‘heth tn the parchment; deliuereth it : the rcmm’rzder of the 1:10:44 , the other dim]! fwmeth tofiqnpe 72p; and from him d‘f' roahad 1': put the rich Cap the Tamale , and the triple Crmhe fit @130” Alexanders head , the raflé— eye; délz‘iwred into hr: handy; dhdwithdll a magical! hooks: this dohm: with thmzderafid [ight- ' ning the diui/l: dzfimd : A1¢xapder admhceth himfé’éfé‘ : “mi" departeth. i '1‘ ain.‘ Gucchnr’ 9 Thus fiifl wichxgoldenbribes he did corrupt The purple conclaue :then bytdiuelifhxart _ Sath an tranffigur’dlike a” Pronotarie “To him makes offer ofthc triple Crown: For ccrtame yeapes agreed betwixt themtwoa 5* '7<"T""‘~7’WT':>V‘XW_ ' ax m u ‘ The g‘vatmnage and true prdtefiioq ACTVS. r, sew. "1. T ‘ Eater marcbiflg after dmmm‘fl (9 trumpet: at-twa fizemllplaceg Kirg Charics of France, Gilbert Mompanfeir , Cmfdz'mll bf Sm: PCWY ad Vmcula :jgldz'e'r: : encozmtring them Lodowik y ‘1 _ . _ L ' Sforza,Cnanes Baiblauo, the ng of Emma mzd LonWIkC emémce, (1547', Renamed Lodawilgour warlike Couzcn, Auihicioufly cu‘coymred on the skirtes ‘ fI-"iea’mwtwe greets ybu ioyfully. Leda, Thi‘ifc and former mbfi renowned 65ml“), ; A faithful! tongue from an Vnfiximd heart. As a iufl hermld full oft Md) and honor On the bchaife of forlorn: jmlz'e Needing and. tl'auréngat your ?r'mcely hands, Ofihch a Potent and Viétorious ng Humbly {alums yourroyafl Maiefiy. . 7 The {h'ippe ofvvhich {ome—timewell guidedfi'ate, Is through tempeflious timcsmahgniiy» , , By worthl'cfl‘e Pilotsfoolifh Gouerncrs Mutualiy fafiiOusJikc to {1an through Schifmev Into the bottoms ofthe blacks abifme ' Through th’ impofition ofnecefiity. : Dofiétleh do no: then(mcfi Chriflmn Charla); Do not forfakc hir holding vp hir hands For fuccorfto your royallCl'cmency: _ Hit faylcs are rengmafics (pen: and rudder brook: And vndcr water fuch wide open leakcs ., " . As vnder water {cone W111 make her fluke. ‘ - ‘ Hauing bcene biigfd qun (0 many flmclucs, So torne,fo rotten and f0 long vnrig’d , And playing with the waucs to and againe. As on: not goucrned Wiih hech ofhclmc.‘ One then Whome nature in his vowes toGodéa / ‘ \Bath tied to tender her forlonc cfiatc ~ T With cycsforciccing andcompaflisnate.‘ \ y ‘ A3” " Regendcrg, - ‘ ’7 ’ ' THE DIVIL s 0 HA KNTE 3‘, Rctcndzrshcr to your high Maicfiic, , A Chriflian’Prince [a wife f0 valiant: ‘ ’ Vndoubtcd hc‘irc mm the Crowne oszplex, ’ ' By lawfull right of that greatc houfc OfeAfliolfl. Of which your, grace is well knowne lawfull heu'c, By th’ ifiucs ofchat Charla the firi},that firfi: dfthc b}oud royal! ofthe Crowne of Fran“, ‘- Obtain’d that Kingdoms ages manic pafi. . ’I hcfe reafons‘wcare with Lodawik‘SJ/‘brza mou’d', To mouc your Maicfiy with martial! force , To paflé theft: mountaincs to pofl’cfl}, your'ownc. : . . A, MAN 4 ,4..._.-<.__;_._‘_._....4- Match then mofi Chriflian and rcnOwncd Prince, . x ' ' 4; . Aduancc thy lillyflandard'potcnt King: ‘ ‘ _ ' 926"» p And fincc all {kandalls arc‘ remou’dmd cIccr'd, ‘ \ a I 3;§:’;.LV Strike vp ye'ur chccrcfull drfimmcs and mgrc'n along In Gods name; with gopd aufpiccs ofSaint Denjs, * I know you doubt n6: mine intcgrity: ‘ Can more grofl": error rcfiin poliicy. , *Thcn firl’c to ra.‘ 'c a hturbulent (harp: Home, And vnaduifcdl r to lcaucdfiwcc To doubtfull c~ ancc and polfibilities, ' _ _ 1 F‘ To broachflféng' poyfon is too dangerous, W ’ And not bc ccrtcine 'of'thc prefcm vcrtue ' ‘ Which/is contained in his Antidot. ' 'Wildc fire permitted without liminit burnes, Buen to confumc them that firfl kindled it: I d_id aduifc you,I induéied you, _ . And Lo {owikawhich brodght you on withhonor, Will bring you of with triumph and rcnownc. (7147', Embrace mp'Couzén Sform : by the faults Of my forefathers I, rcioyce as mhch , , .1 In thy dear: fiicndfhip 'and wife indqflricg As 1n the more parteofmy Patrimonic: Courage tegithcr let ys {hate all one; In lifc,in death, in pure afe or in nbnc. Enter a Wefinger with letter: to Charles. Thcf'c ncwes are fortunate for flauéggfgy, \ Adgcrfifcth how that yhe Colonefcé, : g: ' . ’ _. , . ‘ "-Ntheugh ‘ T" M‘ .N‘Amflk. THE .D IVIL s CHAR 7‘53, ’ ”W , (Although wszfi didaccord With chem) ‘ ‘ Declared hauc thcm-fclucs for France and'vs . Without diflembling qr hypbcrifié. ’ . - ' Lode. Why this wasitl did cxpefi great Charley Our armies and our Friends haue bccnc lcrngfowne’ The ground well plowedgbcblade is filll-comcvp, , » J / A ud dcubt not me {hall luau: a ioyfull hamcfi I Char. Coofcn Mompmfiar . 2‘ aMm ch with your rc guncn ts to Tamrmmlz "f?lExpeél‘ vs; 0! from vs «liméfions, ,. , . , _. ‘ To mccte curfOrccsm'hen wee come ncér-e Florence, 'W " ‘Thcrc flml'l you finds the Smjfl’wixh their Artillérilc, _ _. Newly by fca brought vmo Sperm, ' <‘ Come Coofcn march we cheercfully togcsher, , ' ‘Fairqis the wayfair: fmtuncgndufaire wethcr, , Mompanfier Wirbfome [oul’dé‘ers dfid/Efiflgnef 59%;”; Kirnghatlcs With Lodowx'ike‘wd I315 fiv/ditrmfhrf l ,4 ,_ .......... was 'rfw; .SCENA. m Enter 2;,Gmt/emehwit}: L556]: in tlw'r lmmfa I gem. Nay {uch prephanc and moxnfirous’Soa/amic, , Such @bfcure lnccfi and Adultery, ‘ . Such odious Au-aricc and perfidlc, Such vinolencc and brutifh glngtoxay, _ _ , _ 50 barrel; of fincerc integrit‘ic, — 2.6mt. In whom there is no {hams not verigig, Faith nor religion, but mccmc’ruclty P ’ Immodcratc ambifibn,gl1ilfull treachcric, / Such rcplnanatlon and Apoflacic , And in all falfehoodfuch» dexteritic. . l 1 ‘Gmt. As heagens defeflgnd men on e .‘nh-diflal’gc, ' agent. Such impious facriledgcjuch adulation : l \ ¥1.Gent.Of all good mcn fuch detcfiation; , ' ‘ a.geat. Such Magmlc skillfucl: diuiliflflncantat‘loq; 1.9m, Apparantfigurcs of damn’d rcprobation. 9.5:)”. As in all thoughtsisxhought abhomination. , I W ' I " ‘ Lgkmmim ‘ l . , ,. .7 W» " 1.6m. 'Iimé will out-firip vs ; for the morning flgrre', Portends the mounting offairc Tisa’ém Carre, 2.66;”. Hafi wafer danger dtawnc on by delay, Admits no time {Q tarry till clecrc day, 1., mt, Fix on your Papers,thefc for Alexander And his ambitioué C‘eflzn: fer on yours, ‘ Hale rcucrcnt PafquilLIdoll ofvetitic, / Ax becfixetr': or: hit Acc’ePt theft: factifices which we bring, , Papa”, ' 2.6‘ém. Theft: befinne ofifrings figuring fouls vice, - Qh glorious guidcr of the golden Spheres, And thou that from {by precious lyticke firings Makes Gods and mcnin heauen and earth to dance ' ' With facred touch of fweetefi harmony: Pitty thcfe times,by whofe malignitic, We Ioofe our grace, and thou thy dignity. ’ I .Gent, High Mufe,wbich whilomz Vertucs patraniztd5 In whofc etcmall rowlcs ofmcmory The famous aé’ts of‘Ptinces were comprizcd By force of cuer—liuin'g Hifioric: , What {hall wc‘e doc to call thee backt- againe? ' True Chrdniclcr of all immortall glory, ‘ When here with mortall men nought is deuif’d, But how all fiorics with fouls vice to thine: So that alas thy gratious Oratorie, , Whichwith meere truth and'Vertue fimpathiz’d5 , ls filcnt ; and Wee Poets now with pains, ( Wh1ch'in [aflalz’mz Fountaincs dip’d‘our quilles) Arc forc’d ofmens impictie to plaine ; And Well thou wotcfiwvrought againfi our wills, In rugged verfc,viie matters to ,contai-ne: And herein lurkes the worfl of mortall ills, That Rome (which fhould be Vcrtu’es Paradiqé) Bare .ofall good,is wildcmcflE of'vicc. . g a.gmt. How luculent ‘an'd morc confpicu'aus Eucn then the funncfin cleercf’t Maicf’cic, ' His vehement and more then hcllifh tbirfl: ‘ 4 Soaring to pcarch Vpon the fpirc of hdnout ' Difplaics his bafiard‘ wings‘mnd in that n91}: r / J Where - wwwufié‘ ’ ‘i 7 ._ l . m“ E DVFL 3 CEzRTER; .2 ’9’77’ 1 T Where princely Fawlcons,or latte: klngly Birds, Should hatch theiryoung oncggflafits his raucnous Harpies! His gracclcflefimgiougand dilallrous fonnes, ‘ Emmy in the {Gueraignc Chaire @F domination. i.‘Gent, But chiefly one,:hat diuélifh Cat‘dinall, Proud foarfalfi, with ficrccimpietic; ;. HisOraclc and infirument of flagme In all nefarious plans and praé‘cilés, Is now become as wicked as hixnfelfc : But hafl we now,lca{’c an}; {bouldiflzfpeé‘l vs; H agent. Much conference with ?afquilz’ may dctcfi vs. » 7 SCcfiNA. 3. ‘5 - Enter Gifmond dierfl’elliflrqufigr him Bathaljgfl’a, \ / Bar; Die vigsmrdzz Szgxiar i/[uflrgiflmo ’:‘ whether in fizéh ha.& 7 K \m noble Lord thus early? Gd: Szgnior CBarbarajfa in happy, time well encolmtrem for I Emmi; hauc fome bufinefle this morning with iny brother the Duke , of Candie, wherein I would both vfe‘ ybur counfcll and coun- tenance, ’ _ .7 a l ” “Bar. My good Lord Wfilli,the countenance ofyour denoted ore friend, is oflefil: vaer then his counfc‘ll , ycc both ofvcry finall validity : fuch as they be,with his life and Bell fortunes 11c finccrély facrifi‘ceth all to your feruicc. ' .. Gifi Pardon mee decrc fir no fcruice more then’ rcciprocall, and in due paritie betwixt vs,an,d fince wee be f0 near: it, let‘vs no: paffe Pafiaillwizhout an Am : what fca‘ndalous hycrogli-f Phickcs hauc Wee heere ?1 « _ . “MI, 5; ‘1’. (JVZ, ‘ » erz‘tia,Superéia,7’e;fidz‘4,Malina, cAIexmder,Sex tm,Pomzfix, Maximm, A gainfl: my Lord the Pages holincfice‘fixchhlafbhemous impug dcncefuch intollcrahlc bitternellc! , / 7 UV, ‘7’. S. 2/5". Thgfe age. the fame letters With the firfi‘bcglm hing at thelafi,fl1agm¢m Petmm Acqzimr Antichré/lm . P19] Diaéolopur blefléd Alexander ( bccin g Saint Patter: fucccfl'or) - this diuilifh libeller calls Antichrifl. a l _ l B '3‘”; v ,,/ THE D [VILS‘ CHA R TE K,- Bzr. Paufc there my L&d a litlé,f0me‘what hm concern“ my Lord ch: erdinall Borgim ‘ ngcad it good Bzrézroflk. } Bar, Alexander wazrgmfmam Galen: et panama donam‘t w J l!‘ mmflzi‘lwfifiiflm‘cfig @mmapniléer‘fumfimwl canflaflefiflbmr‘et, H ’ ngh mafl iutoiicxable abhommatxcn} \ “ I 7 Bar; Ax’lexarzder adopted- his fonne [kfiz‘r' into the fellow- {hip of Cardinails , that he with the ugnfimous poyf'omofhis breath might c akc the whole Conclaue. . ‘ ' ' 7 9'17fo the B éffgd alter ofSaint Peetar ch13 Vlllamc furpafi‘eth patience, . ‘ » , " ‘ Bar.My Lord here’s a long libcll. . ' . , Gifl Read it"good,Baréarofiwmore mxfchezfc ofmy wxfc‘nay 7 read it; _ ‘ " . Bar. Quid mifum?Rom:efizE}d efi‘Lucrctia Thais, , Vm‘m Alexandrifilmfimnfa mmx, ' ’ r ‘ _ The famcin cfi‘céiinfcueth, ‘ ii i Welcome good P03 from Rome tgll v’s Tome: newcs, ' Lucrece is‘tu-mcd T 11-43713 of the flaw s: In whom: her father filexmdef (aw, g His'onely daughtcrmifgand daughter in law, . Shall Iread‘on my Lord9‘hcrexis much more, ».\ GifiN'ay read out all}: is but ofa'whorc. ' Barfmncefi'a di Ganfdga was the firf’c‘, ' , That married Lucrece Alexander: daughter, And yet fife Pope thofe bains ofbrida-lc barf}, And made Qfmarriaga facramcnt a laughter, HiSrea-fon was becaufe that fellow poore, Lackfignaintenancc for fuck a noble whom, j.gfé’wifflMalignant afpcétof vngratious Ha 1's, ‘ , , ‘Why hams you poyntbd at my mifleries?~ ’ : BahHaucpatiencc gOOd my Lard andhcrethe rcfi; ' ‘ “ "Giflpzatienzfl perfarza, but thi‘s vvou ads to th’quicko, Banlafim Sforza now Lord filarqm: ofl’efi'ére,_, Wasfccond husband to this 3on dame, ' 0f natué‘es faculties he being bard, In 11k: flat: with bispredeccfior came, 3: caugc Heawhgq ht fhould haze writhis miné} Pafir. 2’ THEwDIVILS CHAR'I'Ek, 9 , ‘Paéfl/Wéllmlght ; buz'pcn or'inckc none findc. y GifiOh villainies of‘monf’crous-Peoplc, _ Falhxons and units deformed and vnf’calbnalilc, I liar“, Yet my Lord a little haue patience ih your ownc camel , , r ‘ , ~ 6:]; M allicc perfqrmc thy Worfi leafl comming late, ‘ I with anticipation croile that fare. Read it,toot man. ' Bamgfmmd (I(zfillimobly dei‘ccndcd, V ‘ * Is for hxs fbamefull match much dil‘COmmendcd. For ncuer was the fbamclelTe Palm», m » Nor L413: nomd for {'0 many woccrs,‘ ’ Nor that vnc’hal’c profufe Semproma. A common denlcrwith f0 many dooers, ~ _. So préudfo faichlcffe, and f0 voyd offlmme,~ L A s is new brodel! bride Lucretia, Taketo thee szmmd both théfkornc and Hume; 1 ,- And liuc 10mg lcalous of Lucretia; With puflaing homes keeps: our all commers in, Pomow thy xncartall mifcries begin. GiflMmtall mifertesiblit we are all mortall, Fortune I (come thy malxccgnd thy mccd, Kebpe them vp fal’c that I may fbcw them to his holines; Is this theliccncc which our citty Rome ‘ ‘ Hath gluen to bcal’cly Bards: ,and fatyrifis , Ribbaldly Rimefler_s,and malicious curs, To lcauc no fiat: ofChurch nor fcculcr, Free from their ordurc,and polution. Gcod Bzrlmraflk bcarc me Company} ‘ Exile and Punifhmcnt for fuch bafc poets;- Imd llnpes with wic‘ry {courges wcrc toolltle. ”1 Which breathing here in Rome, and taking gra CE! From the faire Sunnc-fhine‘of this hemifphcrcrr __ V Cont aminatc that ayrc with their vile breach. Obumbrating this light'by which they line, 9 9 Ifthcffi were truth; thimimcs impictie, » _ 9 9 _ 9 May {cone {make down: vndgx the dicty‘ Exmxt'. _ 9 f: 9 \ I B 2 ' ‘ 9 ' S Gad £3 w.’ - gm- 177:3 bkrms CHAR. TE 2!. ' ' S 6% N. 4. » Elexanderin I'az‘sflguy with éookgs,cofirém,}ji5 triph- 1, Crawm 017,992 a Csiiflfmfl lyefora him, _ ‘ k 3 v , Aim. With what expcncc‘otzmoney glare and jewels 1; -' This Miter is attayn’d my (39%“ Witneffe: . ~ > 7 But o/fflézroth my couena-nt with thee « Made for’this foule moré prctious then all tmafureé. Aflhé‘ts my Confciencefi) but~ Alexander Thy confcicnce is no confcicnce; ifa canffiiencc,‘ ’ ‘ ‘~\ It is a Ecoproufe and polutcd confcience; - But what ? a coward for thy confcience? ,‘I’hc diuill is witneITe with me when Ifeald is And cauteriz’d this confcience new (card VP To banifh out f3ith,hopc and ch arity; ' Vfing the name ofChrii’tian as a Bale For dream plats and intricate defignes. That all-my mifly machinations And Counféls held with black Tartariam fiendg Were for the glorious {unnmflfine of'my fonnes; That they might mountain equall Paralel With golden maiefly like Szthmes fonne To darts dovvne fircand thunder on their foes, That,that was igwhich E fqmuch defir’d To fee my {onnes throngh all the world admir’d; 311 fpight ofgracc,confcience,.and e/Ib/mron Iwill reioyce‘and triumph in my Charter, j , , ' , AIexanderreadEth, ' Sedeéis. Ramm Papa fismmgz ix: fielicz'mte mi 6&- ; Piliomm mm: '1 I . ct 7,die.r 8.};03/3 mm” _ h, g promfo 51:40:23 qumzm refigm; trgmmdfi. ‘ Q . E i / Emckfigm, i . . . . Mflaroth. g , ‘ ‘ 7 The dxu-Ill prouideth in his coucnant , ijhguld‘not creme my feife a: any time“; ’ Ineuer was {0 ceremoxfiaus. - Well‘this rich Miter thought it cofl me dearer" Shag?! make mgliucin gozhge whim 1 line hccm) ' x Eoim THE DIVILS CiIARTER; ' Holla Berunrdo? ‘ He 15220th a 5 1? Call hethcr my tizvo fonnesthc Duke of‘ d - ‘f a Cardinall ofmmce. '- 0’” 7 and ‘he Happie thofe fonnes whom fathers louc fo well / ‘ T hat for their fakes they dare aduenture hell. " :\ ~ 'Em‘cr tb: Dmfie of Candy and foar Borgia , . ‘ firiflingfor priority. - Come my dearc fonnes the comfort of— my 1ti Yours 13 this earthly glory which I hold, Cannot the fpacious boundes of Italy Eiuid‘ed equally coutaine you both?‘ . From Frame and Swzflérland I will beginneh ' With .Naple: and thofc Townes in Peqa’mom“ And all the fignories in'Lomédrz/z'} 7 I From Torte di Velma to Swami ‘And Gem: on th’ othcr fide oflmly K ' ”Vpon the, Mediterranean tow ards Greere; ‘ , \ Allotted‘ Candy for his patrimony.‘ " And in Ramania from Pontremoh‘ And Pram to fairc Florence 5 and from thence: ' ' In Tuikany within the Riucr Nam: , 1 \ And fxuitfuxl Mme zhofc fweetc Prouidces Eucn to Mom: Alra,N4ple:,Polimflra , And Petmfilia in (az’aéfla , , . . Thefurthsl’t home offal] for (?efizr, ‘ ’, * Gains dubble Rrength With your vm‘tcd loucsA ‘ Louc One another boies you {hal be Kings: Fortunehath beehe aufpicious at my birth . And will continue gratious to mine end. (:‘zflor and Pollux would not hut: in Hcaucm ~ aneffcs they might be flellified togithcr‘, ‘ You for anlittle—turf'e‘ofearth contend ‘ ~ * When they togither lh'me the wclkin cleercs: .. " And gentle galcs beare fourth thewinged failcs; . But when they {him a parte they threaten flormes‘ 7 And hiddeous tempef’cs t6 the Marriners ' 05507 would not be called but Pallrtx Cgfléfi 7 find: Caflor [afim Pollux, : {o mxBOWbr " : 7-: . ,:' ,r;:. :’;;;: 'M’ war..- -.:rh~- ~ - THE 1311?st CHARTER, I Be (afar: Candy,[}efizr,[ahndiu ['dfir, With perfefilouefieare bcyesioue gne .andthcr . So either {ha} be firengthened by his brother, (1:. MoPc blefled reuct’end and renewncd father, The lone by nature to my brether (22mg, . Enforceth me {omemmes in plainer fort To clear: my confciencc ifluing from pure lone, . . 2 It is meere loue which mpoues theft paffions, When I dd cahnfdl or aduife your good. , , (a. I know dee-re brother ,w en your counfell tends Vnto my good,it ifl'ucthfi pure lou c, Caz, Aswhen I tax yq/g/Qflflcdy confciencc Like an vhpitted penetcntiarie, ‘ . Brother with rcucrence ofhls HolineITc . Your heart is tofo much fpic’d with honefiy. . Alex. I and Ifeare me he will find it {0, Your brother C&fitr tells you very true: ‘ You rhufi not be {0 ccremonious Ofoathes and henefiy,Prinees ofthis world Are not p; ickt in the bookes ofconfcicnéé', X6151 may not h'reake your promife for a world: , " “x" Learne this one lefi‘on Iooke yeemarkeit Wcll, _Jt'is npt alwaicsneedfull to keepe promlfc; For Printesfl'orc’d b'y mecre neccffity , To page their faithfull promiffesfigaine Perch by the fame neccfhty to breake promifc; . Cue. And for your more infiruéfiés lcatnc theferules! - "If any Cedar,in your forrefi :fptcad, ‘ And oue‘t-peerc your branches with his'tqp, Prouidc an axe to cut him at the more, ” Subom e informers or by fitaresintrap That Kin‘g of'Flies within the Spiders Wehbe; ' ’ 0t els ininarc him in the Lions toylcs. ' What though the multitude applaud his fame: Becauic the qug‘ar haue Wide open cares Mutter amongfl them and poifcfl'e their hearts Th at his defigntments wrought againfi the Rate 33y which yea wand him Withapublickc hate. , ‘S x , t.“ .. , . ‘ _ o ~4— wv—w; ., 7%?! 7W5», w;:1w§t-:evcv»~t‘:r _ '3‘”'~"é'4‘~_A-t—.A$M~_V V .e 1H5 DIVILS CHARTER 1 4 Sole: him crifh, yet feeme pittif'uii , 1 Cherrifh a e wcakenefle of h1s flock: and race .As if 211 11:: he merizted difgrace 8111173421111 Court to 1110111111: his fimeraiis, _ But urne a hone-fire for him 111 your Chamber. ' Alex. Cwfizr deliuereth Oracles ofttuth .Tis well fayd (‘ 4415th attend a little, ] ' And binde 11 um l1ke iich biacelets 011 thine 11111195 01 as a precious iewell at thine earc. Suppofe We 0 faéhous Princes bozh thy friends A Ambitious both, and both compet1101s, ,Aduance111 hofiile armcs againfl each other . loyne with the flrongefi to confound the weak: But let youi wars foundation touch his Crowne, Your neerei’t Charity concernes your feife; E13 let him perifh , yet {eeme chaiitable ,As 1f you were meerely compofd ofv-ertue: Beleeue meCand} things are as they feem 6, Not wh at they be the1nfeiues;all is opinion: And all this world 15 but opinion ‘ , '_ Locke whaclarge diflance IS twixt Heauen and Earth, 80 manyieagues twixt wealth and hénefiy: And they that liue puling vpon the fruits thonei’t confciences Harue on the COmmom, Caefizr can tell thee this 111 ample forte. ' And Caafizrloue him, loue him hartily; Though mildenefl‘e do poiieiie thy brother Candie; It is a oentie vice,vicini11g vertuc Cam V11 der coucfiion of your Hoiinefl‘e, .Thofe w arre’s which vertuc leuies againfi v CC, A1 e or eiy known c to Fome particulers Which haue them wr-ytteti in their confciences 1‘ hofe are the £11m: they f‘eemc and 111 fuch watrcs Yom ionne {hall make 1emonflrance of his valour, )And (0 become true Champion of the Church wa It IS the premons Ornament of Princes. To be [irong hearted ”proud and valiant, But well attempted with ealiidity 31011111" :3 -. . ,;--._..».-:,Ag—-::=::= " '25::3; g... 3' 1‘1; J _.....,._-." y». "~_"—f‘"‘ 45g ._. 3;;~ . ,, _ ., . u. . 3 —- 7 :7 “Wm” «39s.,un ,._-. v , , mg ‘13 IVIL ‘3 C?HA R it"E Ra Brothet with reucrencc of his holincfl‘e (Whofe facred wprds like bleiTcd Oraclcs Haue pointed at your prudence) C4301)“ would i Haue lgiutn the like aduife :but(in conclufion) , Vndoubtcdiy to Workc‘ out thy confufion. ~ - Enter Barnarda. ' , eflle. Vpdn my bleffing follow Ctzfim cdunfefl; ' . It tendcth to thy gloryu ’: BermMofl bleifed Lord, Embaffadors from Ferdinande of Naples“ 7 Arriucd hccre attend your holinetfe, IgAle. This is a welcome mefrengcr far gadfi‘gy, To make a marriage with the Lady; 54mm And’flzm’] for {'0 much asthis requires 3 A ioyfuil entertainment;take that honor ‘* t ‘ , . \ 7 - And bid him welcome with due complements, ' ‘ Shcw courteoUs,'language laudable épportc; Let them be {639th in more fumptcous fort ‘ Then ordinary mchengers offlatc: Obfetue his fpsechesfathome his dcfignes; And for I know thy nature traéiable, ' ‘An‘d full ofcourtcfie : fhew courtcfie And good intreatie to them : Gentle [audit- _ N ow fhew thy felfe a polititian; _ 1 neede not giuc thee large inflruéiions; . For that I know thee Wifc,and htmorabic \ ‘ Creete th em from vs : Cazfizr {hall at a turn: - . , ‘Jiue con'tfpondcncc to thy courtefie: ’ I as well fitteth with my flat: and honor ' Within theft ten daies wil admit them hearing: ’ \ Meane while lcamc out by lore ofpolicic The fubfiancc of their motions,that we may Be better arm‘d to giué thcni’refolution. (kn, Yelll‘ holincffe in this {hall fee my skill, , _ \ Todo you feruicc, ' Exit Canéj‘, _ efllex. Ccefarnow to thee. " i This taskc vpon thyfhaulders oncly'lcanes; 1 ref} VPOX] thee (‘wfinwerc it hot "That i 8 THE DIVILS CHARTER, That 'thoumufi {econd ir,or fiyf’c it rather W _ ~. I durfi nbt crufi fuch things of confcquence, ' To fecblc‘fpitits : therefore from ourfiablcs‘ Six P609472 Courfers arm’d and furnithgrd/ * g y _ With rich Caparifcns ofgold and chfle,‘ ‘ K / With EX rich Complex Armors for thcirfaddlcs, ’ And {uch aCabbinct ofpretiOLis Iewels ' , h ’ 7 As we {11:11} chaofc within tomorrow morning ' Prcfc'nt from vs in'token ofbur leuc. Let. for no cofl in fumptuous banquctmg, Bcéxreue me 6‘ £121? fome—times at a banquet, More grqund is go: then at a bloudy battell. Wmme out their humorsfaghom their Helights g Ifthcy dehgh: m that Which Naplex‘cmuqts, Finemittyfiioue-fickjbrat: cana‘ b eautif‘ull; ' -' J'Hoqucm, ggan cingfull of Fantafigs.‘ Such Sugaz' harccd .,‘;‘}'7'e;15.;01' fuch Comm‘cts, As [hints in our impcl'i'all Rate ofRaém, ~ - True pick-locks in ciofcwards ofpolicic, Prefer}: them With the Pfiragons of Rome: And {pare not For a Million in expencc,, Solong as here they keepc their rcfidcnce. . g (afar. Caz]: r in fuch a‘cafe-will- ' rooc- true gaefizr, * Wife,frankc,and honorable. ‘ ' Alexsldoubt it not: ‘ ' \ , And C&fhf,(as thou doofl imbracc my Ioue, ' More then the world bcfides) accompiifh this, And we: {hall Ceefizr with high blcffings blifie,E.rit (Rf By’thistjme is my faire Lucretia, Béfitted for a bufinefl}: ofbloud, , . Nccrdy conger’ning her efiatc and mine. E Mr. S (EA). 5. , Eater Lucrc tia 41m in leer mgktgawm pnrired, liringmg in a okai‘zcggbicb 177: planter}: 72pm the Stifge., I156. Lucretia £33 0ij all feruile fearc, ' ._ x _ Q . . _ chwngcj ' " THE DIVILS CHARTER. ‘ Reuenge thyxfeif‘e vpon thy icalous hu§band 7 That hath bczraidir'lhinehonorzwrong d, thy bed : ' ’ Peak not ; with rcfblution a(‘fc‘his death: L‘ct none ofBorgiM race in policies _ Exceed thee Lucrez'cmow prOuc (:8!de SiHc-r, » So deep: in bioudy firataggms as hce: Ali {innes hauc found examples in all times, IF womanly thou melt then call to minds, Impatient fliedws Wrathfuli fhrie, And raging Clz'rmemnfl‘mc: hichus (ac? : Progm: {image murther (if her onciy ionn 6, And ‘Drzmm fifty Daughters<a11 but one) g That in one n1ght,their husbands flceping flew. My caufc as iufiuas thcirgmyhcarc as rcfolmc, . / My hands as ready. Gifmmd 1 come, Haiid on with furic to rcuenge theft: wron And louc impcifon’d with thy ieaioufie; x . f Ihaue dcuifed Inch a curious finre, ‘ .As icalious Vulcan ncuer yet dcuif‘d, To griafpe his axmcs vnablc tqrefifi, Deaths infinimcms inclofc‘d in thgfé hands. . ' . ‘ Aloe: kneeleth 502mg. ’ You gricfly Daugiigers ofgrimme Ereéw,' Which {pit out veiigcance From your viperous heircs, I Infui'e a thrce—foid viger in theft arme’s 5 j - \ Imarblc more my firong induréte heart, \ To confumatc the p10: of my reu'enge, . / f V , Skcerz'fi’tb £22251 walker]: Womnél, ,7 Exit? Gifmond diVifclii wntm/fedzin 1912 - ' Mgktécdp,t}iigg 171'; péintx. Heerc comes the fubieéi of my Tragedy, ng. What mthdcretm walking alone 2“ Theft: folitaric Paflions fhould bew ray Some difcontentmcnt; and thofé gracious evcs Seems ‘0 be moEu’d with angemet wirh léue : Tell me Lucretia,may thy Gifmmd know ,> _ K3 ’ LuaDemaixndi’: thou thecaufc iniurious szmmdfi ' g? Ekgealfiisfiacsluic(mgrvpfgomxlgeyyprid; ‘ n , ' 55 . .‘ ‘_ Iliug / \ ,-. ' THE :DIF’IL s CHAR I Iiuc clofe prifoner to thy icaloufic ?v TE'ROI Thc’Efchrim Dragons k'cptnot with moré Watch, The golden fi‘uii,t‘nen thou my fatal] beauty I 0 Thou wouldfi exclude me Frbm thegfight o’fSunncb But that his béaxnes hr;- akc through ibmec-rcuifies Thou wouldfi d’cbarrt mc from the common ayrci ' , ' But that againfl my willfl fuck it in,’ And breath it out in fcalding fighcs again: : W'crc I in 1Vaxa: where :30 noi-fc 18 head But [\Tcpmlnc‘s rage ,no fights butruthelcifemcks, Or in the L: '{ifiifi difertsgor exchang’d ’ ThisHemi‘fphm‘c ofi’iqme foxth’yj’ntzpodcy, W‘cre not {0 gricuousas to dwell inflame, Baniih’d from fight and confm'cnccof friends; \ _ (72f: Efilam‘i‘r thou my Jealoufic P nay blame thyhcautys And louc imprifon’d in thofeamprous lookés: If‘care the Sunnes reficé‘tions on thy face, 1633 he more wondring at thy prccxous eyes, Then any Nxmphes which he mofi‘honorcd, ShouEéi hears thee to fomc other Paradicc, And rob me, fiiiy man, of this worlds toy, I fears the windcstlcafl amorous I am in them, ( Enuying iuch prctious nature amengfl men ) Wish extreamc paflion hence {hould hurxy thee. 0h ions is ful! offearc .-- all things If'eatc; By which lméght bx: fmfirare ufthy lobe, j Lac. Scofffl thou mcc Gifimnd With contmuall taunts 1" 10h God of heaucnsfimil 1 both fuf’fier fhamc , “And {comqwith £15317 difPifd capnimtieg 61]" Here in thc’Erc-{cncc ofthe pews“ inHezucn; , 1 doe uh: Iheake ineaeorachut in mean: lone: And Further Lm'rcfé, { of thy demands, For laugand beautic,hcch arc rich‘c iii bountie? . , . Pmrgiue ms: wha‘t ie- pathand I‘willfisfizarc, News? m vex thee wigh memezlumfig. ’ . Lag, "E‘hau Witt. fbafivmrcthyfeife : g{f?;smd§omc hither, P ' Sig dgwgg gm ggafgvé: mmhm quefiioa, Gz’fifizmd firm}; dam: . iii; a; fhfimhficmfia m ‘1' mlaéagfldc 53%.; C: Whm ‘ THE‘DIVILS CHARTER. » When Ibcfiewgd on t'nce this diamgmd A lewd} once held precious asmy life 5' And wm‘n ig cafi away my {elf}: 05‘: £566 ‘ Didi]: thou no: promife co maintai‘hc mine I'mnour, / ' Naithc—r iii word nor deed to give fizfpcfi ‘ ' , , Offiiv éiflikcgaxfd hafl thou no: finca then ‘ In pECJiFCncc ofmy ncercfi Noble friends Rebukd me like a 12¢!in For my Iighmcffi? fifidfas a mich Ebckcs his many VP , ’So :fierefiramd from Quét‘ch and fight ofthcm? \ , ijWE‘scn fiifi thou didfii {ficw this Diamend; It had a precious iufire in mine eye: , And “as pofléfl- ofvez‘tucgwhen I vow‘d ”To maintains that, which was impoifiblc: But fince that time- this 99116 hath had a'H/aw, ,» Broken within the ringfiis foiie growne dimme, » The/vcrtue. vamfhmnd the Infiea’lof}, 7 ' , / ' .Sbegmfimb 1917mm b j: cbaire’. L915, I can no longer brooké thefe bafe rebukes. . , Thefc taunting riddles,and clofclibelljngs ng Oh helpe I am {’rranglcd‘. \ ‘ S/aéflOPPet/o I’m mouthpw’et}: out 1m * \ dagger gm! aferefi) 20 fig: him, LuPeace wretched Vill’amefihcn rcci :1: this quickly: 0: by the lining powers of‘hcauen i1: kill thee. Sbegaggetk bzmymd may}; a paper om of/am‘ 505‘ 07716. Take pen and ‘incke : tis motto make thy wili; Fdr ifithouwijt fubfcribc} will not kill. \ Tis but to cleere zhofc fcandalls ofmy flaame, Withwhich thy iealoufic did me defame. ‘ GJmazdejhéfiriéeth . , So now that part is playd,what fbllowes now? Thou Ribbauld,CuckCOld,Rafcall,Libeller, Pemicious Lcchervoide ofall performance; Pgriurious Coxcombc,Fo‘ble,now for thofe wrongs. Which no gr eat fpirit could well tolierate , Come I,wip h mortall vengeamcéou thy-foulc. 1 / Tgk; ghi§ for fglagdging of his ‘Holinefi‘e ‘ ' ' ‘x . , W V . ~ ‘ ~ _ ME THE DIVIL’S CHARTER. My blgfi’cd fatber and my brothch‘cfizr‘ slagfldém’t; Wxth mccflnhls take for my brother Cam}: ‘ And tizis for Noble Spboma whom thou Wrongefl; And hncc the rim: is fhortcl will be {harm * ‘ Per 1951;}? g vp oftfiejfialling me whore, Setting dpiafls tending at my tails; \ 'fakfi thisgfifid €533,296 this to make amends, tbrecflafx togitljer. And pm thee From 222579311165; ' 5/98 'zwéz‘wdm‘b bi??? , lazf'c‘rly £75m w: rkagrowml; putter!) the dagger m M: Mxifi 311267” 022 i335 kfmeivj" mkgng certaing P13???“ oflt 012k}; - packet pmwnfi m 0:25:95”; {.21 their fleedwjf 55;: :7er arm] tée'cbaifl Now wiil my father afflemmdc’rfi W ' That Idid cake the befi and fafci’c way; And wagzr Wm a_pproue it. with his heart, That LI/zcrere Jath pei'fo‘rm’da cunning part6. Ifothcrs afkc who. Giflfizmda kild 01: why It was himfciFC rapeming xcaloufic, ‘ £in Lucretia. V J g Baréaroflk knockgt/a at a (1073?, Bar, Holla withizithere? Why fcliowes? ' Serxs'infgmm, Heere my Lord, 58.47; What 13 my Lord Zy‘zj’élli flirting yet? My Lord the Poptz expcéfis himgand the ambaffadors OFszleJ c ‘au‘c his company. ,‘Enter Bai‘flfid Sémiflgmm. ‘ ‘ ’Ser, My Lord I haue net fecne him yet this morning, 73;”; Is not your Lady Latcrce flirting yet .9 _ Ser. No my good Lord I think: thee be not. ycf come from her ch‘amber,her cufiome is not to be {cent [0 1‘00an ~ , , , ' Barffis Weihtis weUc: her mke cafe in gads’ ngme‘, ,_ Bufi make hai’c,‘ call vp my Lord thy maificr honéfl fallow, Ser. With patience ofyour Lordflxip iwili I‘peake: For three daiesfpacel did finds: in my Lord ‘\ F, Pamonatc motions,and flrange melancholic \ ‘ ’Tmay be his {01311146 hath drawnc him forth, . I will fiz‘fllookc thc garden and the gallcries. ‘ . _ “Boar, Do my good fricr; Iwill_,expe& ahce in Erefi‘parlet hgre? / As ‘szrbargflagow em bee fiadqtk Viielli myrrh“: rgd 72pm tbégrowd,wdflafitcih ' V, "' '4 ' . ‘ fcfiow THE DIVIZS‘ CHARTER“ ' , Fcflow come b35k€fi0m€ backfcilow cpme back: “‘1 t Yam Lord lies murthtcd heregcall vp your Lady; -‘ Call in your fcfiow fentants, Dela 3mm Grace. . 5 4 (“us dagger grafped in his fate” hand ~ 1f { Reuealcs. tome violtncc, wrought on himfclfeg ‘l ‘ 7' ’ Could nature [0 much violat: her feigz? Wasit not Vitought b} blouéyl 'Ewt‘gim’: race? _ Ideal}; in this the diutils hygschtific, \Iufiic’c othatzcns time and inftrutablc Reutaicigoh reuealc it 111 thy mercy, * Emmi Lucretia with Moticilla. ' L#:,'thre is my Lotd P my dcat‘c Lord? 3392;”. Tatty Lady. :1 . Approch not ngctc this t‘uthfufl QJ/€&QC16; Apptoch not near: this {ptétacle ofbldud, This mthfull ikeétaclcofbloud and death, Lcafivfuddainc horror ofthcih bleeding wounds - Wound thy diflmé‘tad fpitits to pale death. ‘ Lm‘, W ha: horror or what mortall {pefl‘aclty Vpon fucfifuddainc hath afloniflted me? Oh my deerc LordsVzfi’fly [puke to me: Oh moPt difafltous accident and houre; Ay me muff Wtctchcd and vnf‘ortunate," ‘ ’ My decrcfl lord the treafure ofmy life, ' ’ The fwcctefi paradicc of my befi hqpes, Is mutthredd‘eckc outthe t1i°urthcrcrs Leaue not vnfeartcht a corner nor a Crany: Locke vp the dates thereJeafl that homicide Efcapc ys in thzs paflion. 7 Bar, Haue patience Lady, . Haaucns wall rcucale thcmurthcr doubtlit nota ‘ ’ , ~ ‘ ‘ Lfi'c‘, Ah Noble Ba‘réarofla muth I Fear: ' Now With theft eyes I fee thc mutthcrer, Stained with the guilt ofnaturegoh my Lord 303 flittlc know that chef}; weake womans hands: [waft tcf’tutd bane the Violent“: 65mg me killing ofirimf'elfc bcfbte this time: Q11 5? 7pm: thfi diuill,and melancholy}; _, ‘ Width \Bringin rhghody ofmy dcarcl’; £9Fd57 V THE D IVZILS HAR TIER. Which leaue mc defolatc a forcloi‘ne widr'iow. - Mat. Madam thefc papers will hcwray fame matter, » Lac. Oh mighclfindc an other murthercr, ‘ . Bar. Thcfe do contain: {ome matter read them Lady. ' Lac, My heart l‘woln‘c VP With forrow,lcnds no light ‘3 Vnto mine eyesmorfor‘cc vrito my tongue “ \ V x w»: , . " To {Ea one letter, or to readeone word, I‘fr’ay you read: it good Lord Bazrédroflk, ‘ _ Bzréagofl’h readctla. I Gifinond di Wfillz‘rhropgh dcl'pcratc griefe concciucd in ical- loufi'c (which! bare againfi my Lady Lucrccz‘a) hauing found out by much ‘triall,and \examination her faiclrfulnelle and inno- ccncy , make this my proreliacion as the 121% piacular ablation to her For thofc wrongs that; with mine ownvnfortunatc hdnds Ihauc ended my life , defirijiig her and all others to forgiuc me, and pray for me , fir bfcribe'd with mine ownc hand, 313d {ealcd With my {6316. - ~ ‘ gzfinomt' de [412112; '1! veleuo d’mmre, .Am: tmfijfé il ware, ,/ Math Lord ofhcaucns haue pardonon his fizulc. Lm‘. This is his hand and feaic, {peakc now my Lord;~ ‘ Did notI {bone dildofisthc m‘urthcrei? L Told Inot that the murahcrcr was prcfcnt? A - Ah neucr nearer {hall 1 liue to l'cé. . flvefiwndeth. 847. Comfort you felfe dcere Lady God will [end fuccor' Your husband hath paicd deerely for thefc wrongs. \ 4 Luca Glue me my lord againc,death {hall nor hauc him, Come my dccre szmwdpome againe my ioy'c: Delay mo not: lcafl l preuent thy louc _ I cannot brooks délay_’s,Errcrece {hall follow. \ ‘ J \ H , , Lucrecc ofimth toflab herfilfi- Barhorofi'a \ v ‘ . preamtetb bar . ' Bar. Temp: not God's i'ufiicc Lady, fall to praier,. Helpc,in there,take your Loréo’ut ofher fight: L740, .Oh my dear: friendsthat fee my mimics, . I You bcfecch in dcarcfi rendcrnclfc That» . "'W' ??wzéfwffuws._ 7», L « v— 7‘12; 1‘) IVILS (3' HA}: TE K.” That Ibcfbre my death may<vyish thcfc eyes) Behold him hciaor’d in his obiaquies, ‘ BI27‘.AI‘3d I wii begre thefe papers to his Holines, VEhofi: Ibrmw wiI fixcccd for szmond: deathfixeflw, o Ezra-Guicchiaxdin, C/yof‘nus fouls fufpizionfcarc and icaloufic Offhemc, iiflzonorjand his wiucs hot Iufi, Hath feaz'd vgon ViJ 5:15 mhofe rsuengc, W'as to refir—aine L2:5r:c: from Company. Bat fwcliing pfidgand Euflbouh limitless, Anfwér‘d his louifig fcarc and (ham: with (15;;th Attend‘the fcqucIE.N0W fucccifiudy ' (After fuch warlike preparations, . So many firms hopes fbmtd in Italy) King [filmrlex With fifteenc hundred men at armes, Three tl‘zoufand Archersmith fix thoufand SwiflTs'. Franc}: mcn,3nd szmm twifeasémany more, ‘ ‘ \ With martial!1ncai11r€s,ouerPiemmt ' ' Treads a long match after his drums gnd fife, , With (Milan: force,and now his n'mizpezs hard; Vnto the gates ‘ofRome giuc frefh aliarms, ‘ Ynto the Peggwho Rirreth VP in armcs, ‘ :4.“ mm .mmue. 7 , . , ,ACT.2.,S€<-fig I. , Enter Alexandemz’t}; a Lint/fac/{z'n hi: hmdgwitb him foar Borgia, Cérafi‘aficrnardo Piccolomini‘, the Cafiilian,Gaffp er de fois M‘. of the ordinance. \ Alexfiaflz’llz‘an take fiuc hundred harguebufic, Two hundred Arbalaflzcsgnd fortific, Vpon the tower of Saint Seéafliax, ~ ' Affronting that port where prewd Clmrle: fheuld enter, Call’d Santa (Maria 612' P012010, 7, , ,_ Pic.0ur’fouldi¢rs ready berwith match in Cockc, T’attendxhis feruice,:1nd our fcurricrs; Age now ncturn’d hauing difcryd King Charley, ngcnfigns and his Comets proudly mend, , \ ' With THE D [VILS 0 HA R TE 2:, * With pEumed regimcntmmd trod};— es of‘horfe, Marching‘m glorx t0 the gates offiomc, Exit Piccolo; Alex. b‘rwdy bring on your campanies bald'hearts, géégfliff 51% Pass , are tiégfe two 34/255,535, \\ Alzeaciy mbunted on their carsiages Pr ' J , 525x, We make yen mafia ofam Ordinance He delimretk And can the Turret 0553th A&rim; « , x In}; Linflock. Plane fix more Cammnjand fume Cniuerings, Feure Lizardsjang eight Sacresmith all fpeed, , Take Gum‘zezs With you to the Citeadefl, \ Powcier and fluotg‘with Ladies for their charge, See meme be wanting ; fet them to their taskc, Haue a good care you r Pyoners Workehard, 'Z’io further yew: fertifications, , ‘ Exit Gafpef. (29f Pleafenhygur Hoiineffe to giant: me leauc"a h. fitteth well-wieh Gist owne ?m'pofes, : To-giue Charles entrancegand Without ref’craint,‘ Leafii hob}: rigor {'hmfid vfilrpe that Ieaue, Which to refii’c were vaine and dangerous; Bdeeue me Faeher we mufi temporize. ' — emf. Befides you fee how the CalrLérizm Duke, Out «OFthe Port ofSa'mt Sgéafilm», ‘ Not one house pafi,h ath iflhed'and left Rome; Now :hough you do Fafiweéficoméaie all doubts: For you {hail fiede {his flare an'dccmmonly, Dan ,gers accompany fufpition, ‘ 7 - , V » ‘ 13433.21. We ngl embrace that courfe,but With your Italic, In C aflle Angelo Capitulate: ’ _ , $tazt:ading (as befi befits vs) on our guard‘c. g I Ewe? PiEcolomini, Gafper de Fqiswithfmallfbat' - Epfigne,Dmmmcx am! 7 rumpets. '5 Piccal. Tis time ycur Holinefle tookc to your guard; , For Pot em (MM); ( like oneth‘iafitdnquemth )R - .Amn’d at all peeces,in his plumed caske, . Am iwizh a Launce refling vpon his thigh,- A&r cady wit}; his forces hathtgoflc% ‘ I THE DIVILS CHARTER. The fubérbsmnd is now come [0 the gages. e/flaW: arc (refolusd: Gafier defoz‘: fake heed, On pains ofdcath nofouldier be {0 bould ‘ As to difchardgc oncpeccc Gr‘arb aiafi‘, Before thalarme being giucn from them, Wee with a cuiuen'ng {mm Came Axgdo, Proclémc hoflility :troopc on a pace? \ Take w‘c what fortune peace or warm affords, I The worfi ofrcibiucioxl is with fwords, Exézéfi; with drum: 51ml tramp: Enter with drum: and trumpet: :Kz'ng Charles, ‘ Cardimll Swizz; Pet er ad Vinculafmd Af- -canio,I.odwick Sforza : (Mompan. ‘ 7 Ge: enflgfiefl/bmldz‘m, ‘ (7am: Thus Fax: with, much applaufc in ioyfull gnartch, With goodfuccefl}: and hopeful} auguric, We marched hauc within thqwalls ofR‘ame, Not litlc wandering that his Holines, Dorhggiuc fuch flender wcléomc to our troups. Lod,Your maicfiy may well perccauc “how fcare, And icalcous iudgcment ofa wounded confcience, Workcs hard in cAlcxander. Afrat‘md how foxe—likc. (Houlding ncwtrali‘ty the furcf’c gard) He cooPes himfelfc in Cafllc Angelo, ‘ , .(fl'langPlcafeth yburmaiflic to giuc a fummgns, \ Vnto the Cafilc forfomc parliance, Vpon inch articles as were {ct downe, ClmnComc we wil touch him,fi1mmon Forth a park; M), » fim' drum anfwer atmmpet. 3.: , , Enter Piccolomini 72pm the wall:, ,2 ‘ What office biearc you marching .on thofc walls, / We made no fummcn‘s Po confcr with you. , PiaMafl Chriflian pringc plcafeth your mightines, 13m Caflillian of Saint {f Vader his Holincsp Cbar.To_bid dcfian.¢b‘to' utforccs? L i : _ PiaNo'g mofl gtagj'ou's Lord, _ , But to falur’é pp from hiéHolincs,’ \ .‘ / " ” ‘ 'mm» THE D IVIL S c HAR TE‘R. (1311'?)an hat is he Gckc? ‘ ‘ q ‘PicNot very well difpgfd, ‘ S‘Pmd vinNor cuer wasfior will be well d'ifpbf’d (he, Axkozhdrjfummon's for his Holmes, Ekgt"?ict01, 50m“! drmwmfwm tfumpci Alexander 9pm: tloe wall! in bi: pomzfim/lx éerwixt Czefar Bot ia’ and Carafia (krdz’nall:,befire him t/ac'Dukg 0f Candie 55k ‘ ring a wardflfi‘er tkem Piccolomini Gafperd ef'cis 7 2/4/5. Mofl Lhnfiian (71mm, here lfalme your :7rabc Bidding you ?eaceably welcome to Rama, 7' D , f 12' cu bring ’peace along with you to Rome, , [194nm filiall Lou: Ithankc your Helmeg WC litlc thoughtit Ourmofl holy father, That our alcgeancc to the Church offlome, Which we » Jith all our predeceffors tcndrcd, Shduld hauc e’nfbx‘cli you to take i‘ané‘tuary. , ‘ efllex. Sozmc Ckarieiknow then wciookc not tlo‘thi‘s Place ' " In (care as to {omc refuge or afylc: ' ' \ ’? But for afmuch as ncwswerc broughcin pofi‘, » That you with an your- forccs did approch,’ Arm’d and in hof‘hle manncr-to this City, , _ ,The Conélaue thought it fit tendrmg the}: fifty, tholy Church,and facred priuxledgc, ~ » To know your meamng firthand then with pomg, : - ’ To make your xxrclcomc in Saint Peterx paliace, In the bcfi“ fafifion with due ceremonies; C lmr Know then mofi holy father what we we'uld,_, Hauing in radians march: from Frana thus far, Pafi with our forces God flil guiding vs, . ' . \ (As we be ‘decpely‘bound by‘lawes Qfimture,. And reafon wworkc {hrcly for our right) " ' \ We left no: bufic doubts,nor obflades, , , ’ ' K ' Which thigh: preuent vs in our iufl i—mprcafcs: Hence was it that w‘edid Capitulate, ' ‘ ' ' / So’ flrié’dy with the créfizy Florentinex, , Whom: we we ell knew fauour’d ‘Alplaonfoe: par“ And this madelfifiu ioyne in leaguewith vs» Xe: hauing notice tha: youIHolincu V “W ,_. . _ ..1 7. D“ 2..“ , 30% V 7 ., ”??“Wmtifigh , W. -.- H“. ‘ 7,1, , 1 THErDIVILS CHARTE Ra _ £95}: With Alpkoxfi (1:th vfijz‘ges my C‘ewne) , ., And his forms Ferdinand druc deeper in . Vpon confiderations ofmorc weight; '_ We thmlght it gaod t0 take Frame in our way. Lad. And’shcrc to craifc fame certaine Cautiom - <1 Ofyour indif’r’crcncy to his iufl' tizic Had in the Crpwne of ATozp/m : therefore firi’t We do requirefifyou theft: parties tender, ' (As your lace lettefi's did imparts) yccld vp In Caution ofyour good intent to szzce; This {Cane which you now retame againfl: vs. Cam. Vth’Laclowéy/éijth': wczhercocke is tumd, rThc wmdc fiandsfairebut how long will that hold 2" ‘ ‘ 80 may We pntin hazard 0m: whole Church 7 The deer: cflate oFChrif’ces flock militant Andbring confufion vnte Chriflcndomc. ' Alex. 80 may youfcazc vpnn the Churches rights, If that we flnouid referrer all to your trufl, [cm This is Saint Peter: bul—warkqfor my part: Hcre J wiil die ere 1 furremder it. \ C/mNow find I mm which cémpn bruite proclameth \_ Of your bad meanings and hypochrifie: But Ireferrc ydur confcience to that Iudge Whoxn(ime cenfcience barber any thought ‘ ~ ‘ * To wrong the Church OFGQd,in any thing) , * I call in iufiice to raucnge on me, ‘ ' , CaRenowned (‘ 1747165, f'uppof c wc {hould furrender: How may we be fecurcd that you W111 Refiore it,afte1',y0ur imprcafe at Naples, mnThe faith and honourofa Chrii’cianKing. Ale. Your faith 8; honor? flay mof’c Chrifiiau Cigar!“ M an will not yeeld vp Caflds vpon wordes 4 anes thciyfiaresgndliues grow defper'atc, . jg/[ount'Why make we longer parlcc' wxch thzs Pope Whofg f31{e-hood is To much that. nelthcr 0th, -. Nor honcf’ty can p‘urc’hafe place With hxm. , , ~ 4. k: LOdO-xWho neucryet'in*caufeqfconfcqaenm « » . Hath kéft hié promih / G&m _.7. . ‘ ‘ r r" - 7 , T , ,, k, v. .N‘vb 3k». , , 1,?» . . ,— J; 5, ,. -- ..... '7 ”—mun‘syfl,mfi 13.3“” THE D IVIL’S CHARTER. Char. Tell vs,wiil yea graunt? , Alex. W h at ihould we gaunt mofl Chrifiian Kingjof‘Fum And tell me truly<wcre it your owne cafe) 7thth er ygu would (0:) fuck fli ght proniifes) / rixAc‘cord to iuch vneuen coaditions? (bar, We did not thinker our royall promifes Had beene f0 {lightly cenfur’d in your heart: , But fince we finds year mfidclities *We mufl L'eqzzitc it with extremity, 7 Couzen (.fllomflpmzfiir. ' c/ant. My Lord. , (7mm Forth with caufe ten braffe peeees with their {119: And powder to-bc drawne out oFSaim Markgx; ~ ' Such as you finde :12ch fit for battery. You will not here vs nomwe (peaks: ('0 low: Standing aiofi: yOu“proudiy fcarne inferiorsi _chie fetid our mindes,written in firy notes, Camf, Giue doubtfull anfwer‘s,bce not peremptory Leaf} th rough your heate, his rage exfaperatc. ' CcsfiOPfervrito him on his Princely word, The flrength of Terracz'mz for {pledge " , , ' Alex.Vi&Orious Charley, fuch is my'truf’c and 10116 That neither feare offerce nor violence ‘ Could anSy wayes induce me to fufpeéi yeu. Hence came it that the portes of Rama were opened < (About behefls) to giue you guefining, Accept vs therefore with our promifes, Which we {hall vnder hand and feale confirm: Not any way to Cr of? e your aftion. _ ‘ ' (Mr, If you will yeeld vp Cafiell'Angda ’ ~ Refolue vs prefendy without delaies? Czef, Becaufe it is $3th Peeter: Cittedell The canciaue is in doubt to make furrcnder” Choir. You will riot yeeid then? . C471. We cannot,nor wee will not yeeid 1t VP, Char. Why then a parlcwith our ordinance. ' D 3: . " 303W! THE D IVILS C HflRTE R. So‘md dmmmw Md tmmpet: : Aiéxaxiderwit-k I725 covfpamelaf t1)? 12741165, ordirmxccgoez'flg ofiafwr a little JQVMJII Wf-é’lfjlm’fi fmmm from £196 02/36]! with a trgmpn ; mflww m 5:51am; Enter Alexander 'vpm I’m: wall: a écjcn’. ' .1 4 .82? “3.; '._.‘¥ ,1 ‘, r»..‘:., Afar. What come y'ce to makopillagc offlie Church, Which hold you dgcrc as her chick Champion? / For bean: your Vioien/cc in the namc‘of‘God: Fearing the {courggand thunder from about, , Ourofiérs are both iufi and reafonable; -\ (2f “wears which are ofmore validity A We meancto render to your Maici’cy, ‘ “- Clmr, What 'are chore pcccesyou would tender vs, _ Alex, To rcndcr prcfently the Cittadclls Of Termvém,[z'uita P?ccbz'a,and Spaiét'o. . \. Clmr, And WI: recciuethem very ;h3:)kfully. S,P4dvin,0ur vbiccs ofthc céclauepaflflqhat Clmrler Shalbc pofl‘tfi oFCafieIl Aagel’o; 7 AflAnd if your meanmg with your words acéord WC dare iogage our foulcs Forrefin'rendcrl, ' . 9/113. Your {ou1e59f0h foh‘ they flinck in'fight ofGod 86 man: Yourfoulesfivhy thcy be fould £0 Lmifir, Your conI'Ci-cnces arc offo large a 121?: That you would fall Satin; Peter: Patrimony, . ' As Eflm did his heritage for breath, , Pee_v3dVi, Thou mofi prophainc 8: impious Moabitcgr So f1!“ efviccs and abominablg .. V' N0 Pope but Lucifi’r in Peter: Chaim. Afl Renowned [barks pull" downe this .Antichrifl; Adnance {bme worebyfagher in his place,- 1 ‘ > YOUI‘famc flla‘l liué‘ with all‘poflcritics 'VVho from a wicked Bifliopsxiranny ' Infranchifcd the Church ofGod mifguided; . , ‘ , Eucn as(in this worlds worthy memori’es) ' J ' g The names of'Pepwa'ndemg[7mm’emaina Your predeCcfl'oB,wcrc c‘rcmized , , For hclping goodPopcsfiaints ofHon lif'é; r QRS'QfYngodlg gcrfccqticns‘. " «12.12. :;..;;«:.,~ ,7 7 r, » h 1»;—-._.‘. -«y ~ . .w- . . War. RE 15““ Leda. A Pqpe by natixre full offiaudgnd Pridg; ‘ Ambitiaus,auaritiodsflmamclcgdiulliflx, And tha: age! which your cgp‘cricnce téflifics) One that With mortall mail cc hates the French; By whome this rcconcilatien m‘ide Was more in fcare,and hard necefli-ty ,, , ' Then faithfull inclinationpr good will, / Aim. [fimzogreprobate’apofiata’, I charge thee to dcfifi and make {ubmiHIesx VVic’h pcxmance to thc'Mother Cbui’chofRomé On painc ofcucrlaf’dno reprobatiou', nfm. Blafph cmous exorfifi, hccrc are nodiuills Vthch thou c‘anfi coniure,thh thy diuihi’h {hirin ' W e chargcthec rendcrvp that trip}: {jmwn Which mofi vngodEy mam thou dofi vfurpf Thofe robes pcntificaii which thou garoph‘ancfi, , S aint Peter; Chaim whcrcinf. like Anticha'ifl) ’ Thou doefl aduancc thy fdf‘e thou 111m offinne, ' L Sa,‘P,ad Ci. Saint Peeter doth make chaficngc t9 a:hofc keys; ' _ . Which (in ’thofe hands dehi’d with bland and bribes) ‘j / Thou like a px‘ophanc deputy dofi hold, / Aflm. Th at {word (with which thou fholdfi flrikc Antighrifl) Thou hkc proud Antichrifllconucrtcd hafl ‘ Vpon the members ofChriHes chofcn flockc; Saint Pom]: demaundes his fword, Peter his kcycs: 7 eAlex. Forbeare yomblafphcmics ., What know ycre‘no; 5 Clarifies Vicar generafl chofen on earth? _ .: ‘ \ Hauc not I power to bindc and lqofc men-s finncs, . \ And fohlcspn carthfin hell; and purgatory? Com; take Saint Peter: Chaim proud herctik’S; . Herc take this triple Crownc, oh you wou‘xd take 1t: Butzhcjthat made it,did not for you make 1ft.‘ , y Afizmz‘o thou wouldfi hauc thcfc Golden kexcsz’ _ 4» / ‘ , Herc take thm'with my vengeance on thy hcad, He‘tlarofve: $ And Pfiwdo Paul”: would hauc Saint PWI“{WOI d: b" kf‘“. Ordained for his dccollation, _ ‘7 « . - Sonnc Cbarle:(fince we capituiato with You) ' Me thinkgs you {hould not‘fufi'crlthcf: t’afl'rontvs, ‘ \ Ck”; ,, 33 ii? .2-‘:'7: 4/.‘n7,v;.7 k ,7 THE DIVILS CHARTER. Char Fnrbcare your idle vellctations Angling and rubbina bvp the fei’tred {€21 res Or wrath 11111621312126, and mettall quarrels, We came not hem to Foficr faé‘tiona , 7 All are 111 one accorded, 2111 are friencis, - , x / But yet mofi H01 yoFather let me crane, ’ Two Faucurs c211111) a,both vezy rcafo21ab1e, ' 2111111121 you 12111121211 hazh zhcfc Cardinal! 5, And 011161 Barons w .hich peuake with me; Then that the b1: other ofgma: 3212/31, ‘ , That fled from Rhodes to Frame; and 1:19: to Rome, With the 131022611011 of Pope 1242222121 Call d 62mm 0tt2 7722;: may be deliuer d Into my hands, when aftcr—time {hall fem: For my heft vantage 111 thofe holy warms Which we pretend agaihfl the 'I urkcs hege-aftm'. A1322: The {1111116 {11311116111221 fez vpon my wmth; / ‘ That leie Lamp: 0F blcfled Charitie ,1» 1 ) 511211110: ext i11g111fl1 111 my zealous heart. - He that 12110 ”es 211 Lkfiowes this Icanniot' {alter V W1 1h any bmther, all are faithfuii fricnds- : ‘ $11 , I Be but fuhmifliuc milde,and penitent, ' And 211115 132113195211 had beene wcl 1 1mm ’ \ 1 " Now touching Game” Ottomm, fonne C [9 zrles, When you fl12‘ilvndcrtake thofe godly wanes, I W111 deliuer him as wi 1111g1y ' As you demaund: and With a cheerefull heart, Pra1fin g) our godly zealc on Chm ”ts behalfc, - And praying For your goo “d fuccefié 111 matte Char I thanke yen! H01211efi'e. Ladw: Theft quarrels are as happily determmcd As we could wii 111: call far 11 A&uarie, And let a Chane: ‘sz2rt‘zze be drawn: Betwixt you. - to confirme this 3m1§y .1. And now mofi bleflcd Father} befcech, That I may {haw the duty wh1ch b elongs Vnto this p1 ace ,and fee Apofiohck. 1 / filex.We wifl rcgrcctc your grefcncc prefcmly. , -7 $73”! THE DIVILS CHA R TEE. Travisrmd Tramp”: : Charles and [213: company ‘mlw gwde‘; Gai’per dc {3015,P2cc01'0mn‘gy,Cazf’ai',Carafi§2,Cardiha1s,» Fri; 6r with 9? ho!) zmter~par mflmgwamr ; ,téwe Dub; ofCandic with afivordfififor Manfiedyfhppartmg Alexanders twine, 3211 60m 44 dye Dope marcketlofilemnéy through, 139/90 cra/létr’: them with bdsfingemq Alexander beizzgfintinfldre,foar Bérgi'as mid Ca- rafih admnce yo [2'th ng Charles , who king prcfini-ed vnio ' the Pop 6, .kijfeth bi: foote, 9‘ then m’umciw two 3:2;‘rm bi her, ekgffetk £7.45 c/vc’efie .- 7 then Charles éfifigctb §.P€tcrk§.d Vin C1113; , and Ai‘canio, which with all reuereflce @179; blisfi'ete; aha gftkmi hymély 421mm» g 72p hp} erflé-keyegwbicr’a laee receimré ,‘élefi fin; them mad the res‘Z ofCharXcs his company: The Drum and P{feflz’llfiunding. _ , ‘ Alex, Sonne Charleyyour welcome is as acceptable,» ~ As cue; was Kings pgefcncc into ”?\‘gmx: / To marrow we will with thcpdwcr of hcauen, ’ ' Together celebrate a folcmnc Mach : r , After the SeniorfiifhopfiatdmaU, You muPc take place : and as our cuflomc is,‘ . Shall giue vs wager when we celebrate: ' * This donawe will bcfiow fomc time m plcafurcs; ‘1 A garde for the [ardinalxfirench Kizgfrier and Pope‘ -: Enm With zfiiemneflouri/lz omemDets, after whom the garde ,traopct/ywit/J Drum: med Fzfi'. Enter Guicchiardinc. . , Hccre Icauc wc Charles with pompasus ceremonies, Fcafiing within the Vaticane at Rome : From thence to Naplexmhere the peoples hatrad Conceiu’d againfl the former Kings, made way " , ~ For him,without rcfif’tance to th: crowne. ' . This done, hemércheth back againc for France, , . ' And Ferdinamd dcth repoifefl}: his Hate. \ , Méane while King Charley fick ofan A poplcxic, ’ Dyes at'Ambaxk ': thc'Duke of Oriana, / Lem; the cv‘velfch conioyntlxknittigg force, m. , w ,,_, -,,_,.l..,...‘_\ ' THE D IVIL s CHAR TA 22. Both match in armcs With Ferdinand (afSpdine, . T hefe re‘uaine Nap!“ and dcuidc that realmc, . x ‘ But‘this greedcs mortall warrc bctfivixc them both, » The wily Pope difihmblcs at all hands, ‘ . Thcfequcll on cly concern es‘him and (Zefézr. Exit, _ ~ / . «ACTVS. ;. SCny. Em»: Afior,Manfrcdi with Phillippo,» Afl. Brorher ‘P/aillz'ppamha: auéilcth it, When our {fate 10H the Fmix‘rz'fie: compounded,» ‘ That 1 {hould hold both life and Izbsrty, ' Withall rcuenues ofmyproper’flate, , When as my 1in within the Court of Rama, ' , " Is much more loathfome to my fouls than death, ‘ . And liberty more griefe then fcrumzdc. Plyz‘l, I rather choofc within the timer Tiéer To drownc' my felfcgor from Tafpayan hill, My vexed body to precipitate; " , . : Then to fubicé} my‘ body to the {hams ’ I ,Y 0f firch vild brutilh and vnkinddy'lufi. l‘r,‘ . ' " Afl, He that with firc,and Brimflonc did confume ' Sédame and other Gitt’icsround about. ' Dcli-ucr vs fro‘m thisfoulc-flaiding finn‘c. To which our bodies are made profiituté,‘ \ Emer Barnardo. ‘ ' Bar, Dcarc falutations frominy Lord the Popc, I rccomm end vnto your excellence, With fcmblabie remembrance éfhis Iouc, ‘To you my Lard Pbillzppa; v1]? Good Barnarda, ’ My dutic bound vnto his Holynefi’c, Returnc inpaiment fiom-h'rs Captiu'e fcruant‘, ‘* ‘Ber, Ingenious Prince, I bring a friendly mcffagc Oftcndcr kindncfl'e, which I mufi‘impart: , 772': dr‘m them- elm: 4 Mt; _ This Ruby from our Holy-fatgers finger, f f ( In Pfiuatc token ofhisfaithf'ull lone) Esbségrssfsswxdcliueryoua ' ' THE D IVILS 0 HA R 7‘13 x.’ ' , Andchere-withall,dcfireth bf yourloue, To hauc with him fomc priuatc conference. xJ/r’. I was‘now going to our Ladies mafia In Saint Iabn‘Laremm ; whcrc my ghoflly father- , , y ' ' Attendcth me for my confeflion, ' V V Butthanke his Holyncifc on my behalfc, " In all due rcucrence and humilitie,‘ ' ' Tcll hiinI mca'nc;-- fo-{éone as I rctume, pawfi. To com; accordin g to my boundcn duty, Exit Bil“, ‘ My cafe is dcipcxatemhat {hall I doe? - Pkillzppa, was there cuer any man Hunted with {uch vnfatiificd rage? Phil. What'hath hc fent aga‘ne to vifit you F “Aflorf. To vxfi: me. nay to difluonor mé, , , Behold this Ruby tent from his own“: finger, Which as a Bawdc inuiccth'me 5: fhaine. \ (SCENA’. 2. ‘ Alexander om“ ofa (Ezfi'mmt, , ‘ Alex. 94/50)"? what eA/for ? my delight my ioyy My fiarrc,my mmmpley fwcetc phantafi e, : TVEy mmc thczs fom1c,my louc,my Con’cub‘inc, La me behold thofc bright Stars my .ioycs treafure; 1 hole glorious well am. emprcd tender checkcs 3 That {pccious for—head like a lane ofLiHics: , That fecmcly Nofc Iougs chariot triumphant, Breathing Paralmz‘an Odors to my fences; - That gratiovs mouth,betwixt whofc crimoflnpillorl‘ Venn: and (?apz'd fleeping kifl‘e together, , That chin, the ball vow’d to the Oggcnc of beauty, Now buddirsg ready to bring forth Ion}: bloflbms, ’ Aflar Wanfiedi' turne thee to mylouc, ' Come hirh cr cAfloi‘wc muff talke abouc. Aflor, Betraid ? aflaue to firms? what {113111 {8}]? ' ' MOP: Holy father, \. ‘ Alex. Doc not me: forget: v I am thy’brother,and thy dccrcfi friend, = ' .d though in age I loucknpw t1;t defil'e‘ ‘ 3‘ ‘ THE DIVIL'S. CHA RTAR.‘ In ripcr yeares‘is purcaugi permanent, Grounded on iudgcmengflowing From pure Iouc: W'h arms the loue Tighming From. young define: Pickle andjeeblc Will not long hold fire, . It is {o‘vio'iem it will not iai’c, They’r blcfi whofc loucrs 10:36 when youth is pafl. - Afior, To call you friend were tcofamilian To cail you brother forts not with our yeai‘cs :; To call you Father doth impart fumé fcare, Due to that age your Holincife doth bfarc. , , exflex, "[612 me not of‘minc age and Holingfl'c, , Thy fight 11:53:61:th to make m'eyoung : Neither Vpbraia‘c me with my fanfiimonic, Lou: is the purcfi eifcncefromabouc, And tov-zhy fouls I would affix my 1 reue. _ Come hither then and‘ ICE with ihee to night, Giue me fruxtion oFthofe émoreus pits, Where blinded [upid clofein ambufh fitg 2' Who with his Arrow (whcnuthou laugh: at Vang“) . - Shot throughxhy {nailing chcekcs,and did incliame vs. Thy Chamber with vfmérafmllodors bfmzheth,‘ New loues and trucloues vnto (them that cntreateth , And Furious Mr: made mild'e his Faulch con flicatheth At thy delicious afpeé’c :Tee thy Chamber 2 ‘ ‘ The walks are made of Rofcs,:oefe of Lilhcs,’ Be not afhax‘n’d to mount and venture it, Here C#pki: Altersmd fairc mm hill is . Thy bed’is made with liaise 2nd Cafamm, With Sinamond and Spic.nard,Arabick, With Opoba'ifam and rich gums offlgipt, Mufi ck eAngelz’m/l of firings and voyccs. With fundry birds in fagrcd fimphouy, \ . Where whifllin g Wood-nimphes,3ud tine plcéfannchoifc is: OfAntique aéfion mix: with harmony; iAttcnd thy ioyous entrance to this Chamber. , . Phil. 1% it poifiblcthac the Diuil can be f0 {weer a difl‘cmblcr? ‘W- chand play’tha pleafant part oFa conceited 2/1331” ’1' ‘I‘oghc can takcthc Ihape ofa bright Angeli .. ' , / ‘ . ~ ~ ~ . ~~ . ~ MM,NGE THE DIVILS CHAR'I‘ég; .AlexNow m {weer friend the i0 res of ' Thy mind togbaflifullisfpcakc :ngngclfilcejiii’e‘7’"“°‘ Thy Corral! gums cud loucs pure quz'xitii'ez'2cc. r, And thou thy i'cjlfé fair: boy‘loues pureli ellerlce Affph blcflbd heauens let Saghan tempt rm lon' His force is powerqu yct thy iircnglit much mgr: get, He :ham 1th guilcmll baites gilded vnt‘mth gel, 80 {celies to blafi the bloflome 05 my youth, Allax.Dciicious {mites dwinc Cm'ifcé‘tioggs Ol‘hcaxbcsgootsgflowas s offuzadrie fafllions , Prci‘cruatiues dr‘awne from the rich Slixar ' Offincft'gould pure panic and precious figures Prouided for thy dium'e apetite, ' ’ [Win c-s ofmore price(inade by th’indufirious art, Inl'acred difiilluiozisfihcn that Nefiar, ‘ Which Heé: bargwhcn [ME did mofl affié‘t her, , P1911 Sathan falfe god oflies,and flatteric; How palpable is this grail: villaine? AlexNVha: wilt‘chou comeManfi‘ea’i to my Ch amher‘ An’d blef’fe me With thy precious breath of Amber. 3 , ‘ iA/z‘ofificr our ladies Maflc I will returnc, *Dcare God what fumes in his foul: doc bums? ‘ , After the Celebration oftheMaffc, 7 ‘ ~ ‘ ' . I come my Lord. Exeant Alia: mdPhiHippo; Alex,(£omc chcn,and let that palle, Alcxandcr tin- ' Holla Barnardo? = , / [33¢], 41 hi], All bufines for this night I will adiournc, ‘ - I, i Giuc good attendance that at his returns, " Aflor may cometo me for my ficke hcart,f Till Afiar with his beauty full embrace, ’ Doc blcfic my body wounded with his dart, ’ Can find no reitlouc hath it in hot chafc, ~ AC T, g. 5 (ext: 2. Enter Czefar Bo’rgiaflae Cardinall,and Frcl'coaé- baldy 4 rflflhz‘m, _ _, CaflWilt thou performs it faithfully? ?leiat I ? will 1 line ta catc,to dxin‘kefi‘o flcepc?’ ~CataLWilt thou perfoxmckif'valiandyéf ' ' ‘ ‘ H ' ~ * " .. , fr! ‘7 w . . ISHE ,(DIVIL’S, CHARTER. Fmfi Will I care to drinkemill I drink»: to fleepegwilll fleepe to Jim: ? , 7 ' _ C'azf. Wtfl t hou be fecx'et,and Conceale my plot a Fz‘z’fl My name is Frefioéfldifis for my pedigree, My mother was of confinguinitietwith the :Pnnceffe QFPemgia: my fathcr-of the noble family of the Odiii, " . Plbrmtzm; both .- I my i‘clfe " Brought vp a Page vnder Rayner King ofSieizfi Haue fetu’d‘ againfi the Twig: and Sarminiex, Where at&‘zfemm (with my fihgle Pike, \ Arm’d in a Mafy .‘Brz’gglmdie of Naplex, And with an oldpFox which I kept infiorc, Amonument of Mar: when I depart) " I did vnhorfe therethree ‘kaz‘e Ianizaties. . . Then ( in the warrcs of Ferdinand thethr‘tg ) ' / [This Hippe was fhott through with a Croeadile, . ’ ’ But that it were too tedious Icould fl‘lflW you; VndertheKing of Romaine: I was cut, IuPt from this fhoulcjer to the very’papfie : ' And yet by fortunes of the Want: am heere, I thanke God,and my Surgion all fix trillill, I fought at Mdlya when the towne was git: With Satgeants headsjjand bulebeggers ofTazrkzfie : ~ And by my plot ( immuge below the- rampiet) We gaue th’obgoblings leauc to fcale our walls, And being mounted all vpon that place .- , , I with my Lint-Hock gauc fire to the traine, And fen: them capring vp to Capricornm. Which when thc'vvife Af’tt‘c aomers of Greece, Prodigioufly difcouered from a farte. L Th ey thought thofe Turme: fiery meteors. _ , Which with thex: Pikes were pafhin'g in the dowds, \The learhed Booke-mcn wrjtc Grange Almanacks, ’ Of f ‘ ' .. ,ahd;apparitions in the ayre : And thefc honors (iFI prone a blabbe) * _ They call mee villaine,var1ct,eoward, skabbe, 7 Cxfi Then tell mee Frefiaéaldz‘ ' Whetel may fend to thee when time {hall {crufl FréflFéifi W%' 'W T [. . a‘ff’!‘ 1""- -‘—'.. THE“ DIVILS CHAR TER... Frefz-jaith for the 3103 pane m manfioh is 'n ' ‘da ' nella/fmda dzfizn [arena , mere thcyconduél at algcgzltlolgzriif dies houfc, ladazfafimpranin at figne of the gliflér’pipemh'etc if you chance to‘faglc ofmcc , Within three houfcs more at figne ‘ '5 QI'ofthe frymg~panne you may commande‘mc’c , at all homes in , the fore-noonc, _ Cdfl Well gramercic Frefioéaldil wil take the nofc ofthofc houfcs in my tables. ‘ ,L ‘ ‘ But be furs and ready when opcrtutiitic callcs vpon you Frcfia. May it plcafc your mol’: rcucrend grace ( Wltl‘lom of} fcnce to your Lordfhip ) to deliuer me the prctics name vpon whom: I flnould perform: this Tragedy . For I may parcafc catch him in a gildcr my fclf’e before you are aware; and moylic ' ‘ mufle vp his maifi:rfluip,with thcgarotm, or fligma, perchance . l ’ the ponyaxjd or-pillol , fuch as 1 Warrant you fhal férue hi's-tumc ‘ l ’ Caef, Be it fulficienc thou 11131: know hereafter, I , , My bufincfl": and afi‘aires are very great: One word more,and adue. , y H: rowndetk with FrefCobaldi, i , Ffe. Secret as midonightfixrc as thcfunnc,qulck as the waters ('f Why? [0 fayd brauc Frefc‘aéaldz‘ like a than offome refo- ‘ lutibnfarcwcll remember the watéhwardndo not failc», L l ' Prefab. My bufincflband afi‘altes are very great my gra-icious Lord,ohc word more With your grace my good Lord', aEd [o I kill}: your frame, ‘7 He wbifperatb wit}? [wfizr , ‘ Cafilc was not ingratitud, neither forgetfulncffd in me Pref- coéaldi :Herc take this and remember me. , l . \ ‘ . ‘ He delimrvth Lin; apkrfi, Frefil encounter your munificcnc; with my lens , and your ‘ loi‘xc with my feruicc, my loue and {cl‘uicc With your mony ‘ ’ Tadrone mia mélta bonamto, ‘ ‘ ‘More for yourlono thcnyour mony, \ _ y l And yet your grace wcl knowes,clothcs mall bc wrought,wea- _ ons mull b; boughtgand Taucrns mufl‘be fought,and all brauc exploits mull bc donc,as they {hould be done brandy. ' (22f. But that I kccPc my {c cm to my {elf‘q I would not vfe this flaue for any gold: - Yet when I trul’: himhc flaall not dcpciuc me, Exit Catlin" \ ‘ ' ‘ - i ' Pram. V. wwumw -._l.._....:‘ .l 4.2““? .» o C H" THE DIVJL s A R TE R: ~ _ Frefc, Now {keEdcr yee {soundcrds‘i i'kclderyou maggot. mfigcrsqou pompiésgyou woodwormegyou magacapépxcocs; ‘ I"am for you,no‘w Frefi'oéeldzgcalllthy wits togi’thcr, let me now fee when a clock it is : very neere eight , and 31 :OH breakfafi time at a clcauen,this vei'y night muff Ifiand Psrdfle fm‘thisr j . bloudy fcruzccl know my piaéc and houre; Imufi confefle am?! ‘ pcrchance hc hang’d,l bank: in the Bardcllz‘aa and in other fuch . houfcs of naturafl recreation and agility , rcceiucd three 0:, foure {core broken‘pazcs in my time : and fomebafih'zadocs for \ croffing courting fpicy,~»fpi1'itcd inamoratocs In their humors, Befides I was the fitfi that fionrtthmfififiquarterfih me raigne ‘ 7 'ofking Ferdinand br‘dughtvp in hisyarmy the fhflfiqns of’bow-a flag and towfing Gregke and Spanyflx wincs’hy the Hagen , with . that Old flinckard mea ‘Baymm', fomtimc Mllféroe: to Capi; ‘ Mme Piccolomim’ 36 my felfe ; I remember likewifchtTmatim I broakca glafl‘c ( conrayning fame quart ofRobolliQVPon the face offapz'mmo Frmfi/Ea ‘Bacmnfacclgi a very fufiimcnz' foul;- dicr in that femice, and to my knowledge a tall trenches‘mam ‘ 'howb'cit‘from thctccth dOwn-ward ‘as bafcamctticd coward as cut: was coyn’d out efrhc foory fi‘de ofa CoPper K’cgtle; {0 he waszwcll 1 Will fccond my Lord in any flaughtcr for his wages, ’ find ifany man will giue me bettcr hicrs (when I have fcru’d t_hc CardinallSturnC)! will prcfcnt'ymy pgfioll vPon his {acrc'd pen. {on afterward for charities fake : well , now to the dririkina fihoolc) then to the fence {choolc , and Iaf‘dy to she vaulting fchoolefio my Lady Semprania; - Exit, "w > Enter the Duh; ofCanglz‘e am! Barhamfra, ' Can, This wasflan a6} offuch firangc fionfequcncc, " As ncucr yet was heard, a'man found d gad ' _ ' Within a priu ate chamber of his houfe; ' When alt his fcruants Bird 2 notone of them (That could giue cuidcntc ofwhat befall» A But that he kill’d himfclfc. Cafiz impafiz‘éile,‘ ‘Bar. I was thcfirf’c that found him in his bioud; As yet I, tremble go remembe‘nit. 0w- ]: is impoflibiqaftcr a {catchy ' No firangcr found within Wfil/m docrs; Then warm: {ram {laughter : fuch a‘ruthfull fight, But .i' ‘: "I'HEDIVILS CHARTER“; , Butr’thafit'fomc fcruantfof his family . Shonldhaué furc notice how the mutthcr Was I ' gmxcwas hxs oWnc hand fure. \ ' ~ Can. I cannot think: it. , , The gentleman was honcfifull oFfPor: Anagweuaffcém _ ’ . l' Bar; Pardon me my Lord, - L. My Ladle Lucrece told it in great grief}: / She twifc before had refcued his lifej‘} _ CM. CO too,go too, ‘ ,1 ‘ Bar. Bcfidcs my‘Noblc Lard. Papers both wrigandfcaled with his‘hand “ 'Wercfound a‘boua him cuflifying this. ' E CM, Good Bflréaraflkgpray my filler Lacrece; ‘ H ere toencountcr me with her good company:- Sormwha: 1 would in p'riuatc talkc With her; . $47; My Lord I will. . ~ Em Barb. -,.. Cam. High God be mqglfixll’.‘ ’ L . Thou that 306?} Rnowthcfecrcts ofal hearts, IF’Lucrecefas my father doth fufpeél) ' 'Wa-s prime :0 this murther ofmylifE ‘ ‘ Exfer Lucrece Barbflztbber, I can leamc all fixeaerowes. ' 7' E , _ , ”But yet I will no: either fufpeéfpr v_rge her were it trite Being indeed: a violation of brother-hood accommonlmma‘l Sh: maketh gowards me—Jfif’cer how‘faires‘ it with you? (nity Lac. As, with a dead Cogfe i3} 3 Sepulcher l ~ ‘ Cold,liucleflk,comforcleflcpppLCfl with [017mm /Nor {incevmy ibyxdigi lcauemc defolace Euer could I brooks well this opcnayrc - Bugflill lamenting and di‘fconfclate Kept vp in \Ch ambergnbuming fdr my Lord,’ .. , Can. 'What older tooke you fbr’hls'fimncrallfi Lac. He thataliue was Ihrincd (in my brefl, " Now deadlines yetintombed iri m‘ythoughtsfi; . ' There is é model! 055: in my clofct'.‘ 1 4' (2m. Pcrformc it decently With dilligcnce. Lu. Biorhcr me thinkers the syn? is cold and l'éW; ' ~ W ~ , , » F , - 4 , And, «41‘73‘3 ~ / V '“V'ittl THE/DIVILS CHARTER. I And as you picafE ict vs—{o’hf‘crte within“, (2m. (ii adiyidccte fifiict with what hafi you may, Ami i dsfirc you noble Bmvfwréfiz \- ‘ To meme vs at my Chamber after (upper. r _ '~ My bi‘otiiir Ctefizr hath appoynted with me- . ' i , Some hufiiicfléfind I craueyoui' ccmpany. , . Ber Th 3 iiiCS my good Lordzhut matters ofmuch moment, Ihaue atth fi‘f‘timc with my Lord Carajfizg .. _ 'Atid Imuii fpeake this night with my Lard Cafézr; Cpl”, Teii him I wiii attend by nine of clocks, Bar. Iwiil my good Lord. , 7 Cm:d.Farechl Barkaroflgz.., 173m. Iuy to you hath, \ i Exit Bai'bai‘ofla. Cam My trembiing Iiuei‘ throbsJ my cold hearts hcauy; My mind diflurhed and I know not why \ ,, But all as he wiil,heauens about: for 111C“. Exmrzt ammn SCEN,; Enter Ftcfcohaidifilw; Frefl This is the black night,this the fatal“ hand? Theft: ate the [)1me weapons which, mufi bet , Witncffe and afiors ofthis Tragedy. i ’ Now Frefioéaldi play thy, mafiersipr‘ize: Here is a rich pli’rfc tramli With recicrui'adocs: Which doth infpire me with amartiali {pirig Now could I‘ combats with the 'diuili to flight, Fitiidid I’ wafh my liuer,lungs;and heart, i In [retmq wines and hcad iiroxig Maluefie (Sixth as would'make a coward fight with wan); ' , ” Then ieafil {hcuid with any weapons drawnt‘. Be driuen to daugcr_ofminc enemy; Ipraéh'fcd my marziail fcié’ts offence: As for example it‘with armcs vnflheath’d, Iwere to kill this mndué’t here I come. befimet/Lfi; He makes a thrufltl with a fvvifi paffido, Make quick auoydancc,3nd with this floccado (Although hefence win’tafl his find} force) 7 Bar’d of his bod}! thrufi him in the throate. ) ~ Gmrdatepéi émqgmrz‘ laonomqolz; * ‘ ?”HE DIF’ILS CHARTER. Suppofc this conduiSt or my duciiifi, 3 ~* Should falfifie thefoine Vpon me thus, ' ‘ .‘ Here wili I take him,tuming downs this hand Eater chrico Bagiioni looking mmqflaa _ 71pm Frcfcobaidi. ‘ ' , ‘ ‘. Ilhpynto verfa mdrz'zmta,thus. , Admithe farce me with his ambroccada ( . Here I dccciuc then, with this pafl‘ado And come vppon him in the fpecdmg Place, ‘* Bag, what Wandmgw 01' faiuagc aflfmpdfi, what Pwtacangcr ox: Pan’tagmall ’ ,Art thou that fights?! with thy Fathers fouie . ‘Or with fonds fubtiil apparitions, ‘ ‘ . Which no man can hehould with mdrtall eyes ‘ Or art thou rauifhed with hcdlamy Fighting with figments and vainc fantazieé 'Chimcracs 0g blacker fpirrits of the night. , Frefc: Come not within 9. furlongs of this place; My name is Ru éofbngazl the grimmc ghofi ‘ Of‘Bemlzemmber king of [blicum _ And here for thisnight Skeepe centrgnell ' ‘For [Li’ufcopdteran great king’offlyes; Great grandficr often thoufand hccacombes. ~ , - . Bagi- I COniurc thee fowl; fiends of wckrron i ‘ , \_ ' ' fly puii’fant HQélZEac/{and Zrzfllcme, ‘ By Windimper JMmti-éaggl: 50, :Palz‘potmo: and the dreadfull 03111 65 ,7 _ 0f(fl41¢lli.fpzcke and Hermocotterock, ' ‘ h i By PetrwideMi, by the dogged {Pirrits ' L ‘ OF $406M: which Canary land inherrits. By purpic Alégazm the bloudy gyant. ( And leaden headed hoilock pure‘and pliant; \ ' By Birrka ’thartm and by 5yairackfweflc 'Who did with mathevv Glyn?” in combat meete, And by this awfiiii crofl‘c Vppon my blade . Of which black curres and hedghogges are affraid. And by this fox which Hinkcs ofPaggan blond, Do’fi: ghou walke there f0; mifchicfc or fiat good} ' i ' "P z i _. i Frajfé', “ " THE; DIVILS CHARTER.“ Frefl Brauc man whofc fpxrit is approued well, (As mofl aprooued panders truly tell) Vnder greens hedgcsflnder Coblers fiaflcs, »~ In pot:allyorcheswndcr,bazterd wands, Which daygby night keepes watch—full ccntinell To guaze the plcafums off’aire [1472599121 meanc arch patriark ofPamw‘aége Rseplc, The bauidy beakcn ofvngodly people, _ - With bthir mfiaer which I might alieadge T0 the Grand Captainaof C 0!’[Mfifi~k€dg$, Marching fowle flflgfizOfiiflfl tmEEs in troupes , VVhofc la‘nzhomeg arc Frill lighted in their Poupes, \ ' Some wighou: kerchief'és, othcrs with come fincckes; Certaine‘imboch’d with piies, and {01116: with pcxcs, Others With“ rotten flaoocs and Hockings rent: { «Wish canine in each ditch keeps parliament; " ‘ ‘ r In petticoces a2! patch’d and wafl—coate tome, And wandring thh fame ragga 'blefl'c euety theme; ' Which with their Targets nsucr make retire, From any breach ti“ they their foomen fire. V Rebatmg the fiifiE pointcs oftheir keene bladés Till 3‘! their champions mafcuIiUE prone iades. To thee faith Frefcoéz "a? ’cafe thy Heck: A Leafi thouthe rigor ofmy furieiéclc, ‘ . Bag. And ye: Hone thee fbr thy martian grace, Thine in all feruice:,flma3<e hands and Embrace. FrffC. A, pox vpon thy coward fii’tes fouie'knauc, And yet Ilouc thee roague: afke roagueand hauc. ’ . Emémcefinmfliéd/ér, ' _ {5 3435- Come and, embrace: US 19111}? When mait—cmen meete; And ‘dri.nkc till they haue lofi‘ borh head and fectc. And drlueling Heep: on eucty fiall and bench 7 With CUCW man a knee in his hand. and in his Can a prettic But; Frefiobszldz'my braue Bodzgomi‘o, ' ' (Wench :Val‘let ofvcluet,tny moccado Villaine, _ 01d heart ofdtjrance,my Hript canuafc {houldcrs And my Perpetuana pander tell me; Tell 11%? what 13999953 C&tapl afinatickg . ; 3 Exciscé ‘, f THE DIVILS CHARTER; .» Excited haue thy Bacrlaiaki’antafies: \ To ’draW that triumPham MerlidxldidO, Vpon fome fiwirit of the Buttery, Fn'fi This wasno barmie fpi‘rit ofthe Bottle, ' It was a bloudy fpirit of the'bauen; . ’ «3 And ifl Iye,call me t'ny Wimbie-cock, Bag, A mouldy iei'},wei I i7v111anfvxrcrc thee . Icpniuirc thee by {Veng‘Lwciaw name, ' _ By ‘30! Pattenmby thefubtill iliape, ' " " - . ' '- ' Oszmmz Bahkenby the gunning Heights ’ I \ Of Vim‘ Clerilz’clq with his faire i'prights : By Mga (bzzrrswith Wlazrga Marichalm, ‘ That in Turw’lzéa/Z doth keepc an Aie—houfe: Fy’Nom Rizwbamo that hate Plegmatifi, , «Now bedded with th’Im/{zmiVi‘tr‘iaiilifiEf'. ' ' VW;2ich in the fierie Phlegz’tom'pzh' games, « Did workc {hangs vitriall dildidoes for Dames, . V Her {pirits haue no power to touch this firand. Till they tranfpozted from Lamlaeclm land, By Charon Fcrriman of Black Amrm, ' Fall Anchor' at the Sti/lz’ard Tauerne, . And by Tartarmn Plume: H elam bowie, ‘ Why didf’t thou combate w1th thy Fathers foul: ? i ‘ i ,; Pref. Learned Magitianiskild in Hidden Aries, ‘ » ‘ r As well in prior as poflerlor parts, ’ _ i , ' I fee thou kennii’c the fecrets ofall forts, , .W .7 Offliarpc firingues and falacious {ports : 7 \ . \_ , 3}} Venerail Buboes,Tubcrs Vicerous, ‘ , " 1 And 1mm: Dqfiflz‘mnckgw vcncmous. ‘ Doubtieflc CDah Viga then his vigor pour’d 7 » ~ Into :hy._braines,wkien he thy bottle fcour’d. , . . ’ Q ' Nobie Henrilico quefiion no further, ‘ / . i‘ ‘ E M medications are of :bioudand-murthffi‘a' ‘ lieafiei bane too long, premhee be gorge. Henrico Bagfiwz’ ( by this {Word ) i g ' .vv—‘er". ’ 1am to morrow to performe a due“, . . . p I . , Ami pratiifing in this nights melaneholl¢, ; ' , , HOW to difpatgh it with zrbraue floccadocgf - , “ww— » « ~~~ - . , Hcege: - .=,- «‘v‘ .i. .i-.i..i ;:;;_ __‘.._ “H“ _ . 7. A . . .i . .‘ arm 2? 3. THE 'DIVILS’. CHARTER. Htércl did make a pmafeyrithic‘ goadqfight, Tropbfic me now no‘morc: early to marrow, _ 116 match mm the fignc 0th fi'ymgpanncj ‘ ‘ ' ’ .fiij And take time timciy'wizh thy poizgtes vntrufl, " To drinks a H‘agon Ofgrecke wine v‘fith the e, ' 3dg,G00dhight my noble Rilliéz‘llvxéa, . Thou {halt be wckomc in the daykef’c midnight. Exit Bagfi. ' Fry; Now to my Watchvard i: is quight forgotph ' Ca! 71%?!01014 Piaggm : thinks vpon it . , » _, , 1 ‘ 5’ i): clackgflriég: 61mm! Thié ismine howcr appoynted,this [the place, - Here will Ifland Clofe til} tha’liarum cal}, . _ , beflamd: éckimf tbqg/f, ‘ Enter a Tag? with dtorcbgDake ofCandie dmi /, ‘ ‘ " ‘ . Czefar Borgia dijgmfid, [dn.What ifi a élocke boy ‘Pa sMy gracious Lord, , ‘x By 55g”!!! boro-z’ogc tis flrooke cleucn, [fifim‘kfit howcr for em- purpofe noble b§@€h€ig Cmfiut hath La 3:114 firmz'mm notice, . Ofour aproch to night, ' ' , , QflOh dou'bt’it nomillaine :put out that tgrciaj ‘ The éay Bemg dingif’d we will not be dlfcrycd, ‘ . 13%!th mt Depart you to my lodging prefemly, . the torch, Paine ofthylife not one word tha‘t‘tho’u faw vs. , ' Ex” 1’43"!» . Cm.Tis very da-rkc,goo,d brother goc before, Y Qu know the flrects bcfl, ' ‘ (?efizflhkecpe your waygyou cannet lightly fall, ~ l‘But ifyou doc. \ * V ’ [‘anfiow then. ‘ / é ‘ . .Caflz,You flaalbe fupported. » ' (szy heart begins to throb,my foulemi‘fdoubts, Ifegre fomc treachery 9/1 :be Mffidfl’gflflrdd me Did, On 111 Gods name. ' Ce/IGiuc me your hand brotherfic doe not faint? Qaizflwfazrl can fcarfc gas, A {uyddgincqsuglmc haW‘feaz’d vppn my fpiritsg ' THE DIVILS CHARTER. ‘ f CazfiTut brozhcx forward with aIacrisic ' Mylife for yours youl‘c be at‘cafc amen. ’. ‘ h . ‘ CanIis a fouls bufincs 1c: vs retire ‘ ' I I _ And fcckc fame Other {cafone for eur f’porcs Cafil am afham’d thou fhould’fl be gcnexfall ,_ 7 To lead thofc forces that fight for the Church ,2 ' And ‘heere {hcw fuch faint harxcd'cowardize. ’ . Cwfifc you d'f‘pofgd to quarrcll in the flrccts, Neither the time not place {trues infiandy; ’ To call you to'fomc audit for theft: words. ’ QaflAbortiue Cowazd borne before thy time, foar tripxrrvp I will notbrooké thy foolifh infolcnce, Candies [geek Cal ”Maia 1&1 piaggm. ' ‘ , ° . _ Citfar«ncLFrcfcobaldiflzzlikim; , CanDcere God rcucnge my wrongsgrcccaue my rome, [meet him rcc‘eauc thy foul: when be thinch good, ‘ Ilc take im order for ghy buriall. -, ‘ ' Helps Frefioéxldz‘ letvs hcauc him ouer, \ \ That he may fall into the riuer Tiber, Come to the bridge with him. ‘ . , _ . FrchBe what. he “111thc‘ villaine’s ponderous; Hath he {'ome gould about him {113111 take it? CxflTakc it were there a mi‘llion'ofduckets, Thou hafi done bxauely Frcfcobalji, Stretch thcefirqth out :hinc*,a1‘1ncs fcarc that he ‘ Pall not vpcm the arches. ‘ ‘ Preflllc wa (h him doubt you not ofa new fafhiom Cxfll thinkc thouneucr hadfl thy Ci‘xrificndome, - Follow for Company prenitious villaincr ; PreflHold hold,Coxwounds my Lord hold, Ca: .The duel} T0:: with on both for company, 7‘ ‘ f f 5 . y . .foarcafletlo chfcobaldl afier“ <1 \ a ‘ foarfizlml- a New ijkr Mufler VP thy Wittcs together; . Summon thy fences and aduancc thy felfel, Ware and Earth haue interpdf’d their bodlcs, Be: vixf t . a e bri hte c and this blacke murthcr., ' ’,_;~1‘_, AM. he ,V‘ 9rld s g, y ‘. " .-_... ‘ .,.. ...-x»— “ ” {chcfi THE D IVI‘L s 6 HA 37.5%.: x “ Sweetcfilentnight ( guarded With fecret flartcs) chpc filem‘c,and conceals this Tragedic :‘ ' Sflffl‘l‘flé’is 10rd afcendant oft his hOVVCl', Ptopitious patron ofaffaihnatcs Ofmurrhcrs,Paracidcs,and xnaflhcres : ,Lord of my birthgaufpiticus to my life, This is my fizfi degree to domination. , Who can,or ( ifthcy could) who dare fufpéét, How, C‘efizr Borgia kild‘his brother Candie P This is infallible,that many crimes Lurke vnderneath the robes of Holiucffe : And vnderneath my Purple tunicfc This Faét concealed is :Afimz‘o Sforgmsa 7,: A Shall fixangcly (by fame wilie policies ) a ‘ ‘ . ' , Be byought into @Ipefi for Candie: dcathff fa Sifler Lucretia thou muf’c follcvv ncx: .- ‘ '1 i‘ - My fathers {hamc and mine,cn deth in thee, / ‘ . t _ ,Now fhcw thy felfe truc C‘efir 5 [afar {hall 5*- . Either liuc [afirlikcpr not at Tali, ‘ x “ ' ’ (3’ttrz'cclaz‘zzrd'inee Death and blond oncly lengthen out our Sccenqu Thcfe- be the vifiblc and {peaking fliewes, That bring vice into dcteflatiOu, Vnnaturall rhurthcrs,curfcd poyfonings, , L / "" ,, ' ' Horrible exorcifmc,and Inuocation, . "‘ ' In them examine the rcwardc, ‘ What followcs,vicw with gentle patignce. ACT. 4, 56:16, 1. Alexander-in 132k fludie éeboldiflg a Magical! £1475 with ot/m'" oéfimmiafls,‘ ’* “ Alex, Forc-god ’tis Candie,’tis CamdyJ know ’tis flmdi?» Wherqis that traitcro'us homicide? where is here? ' ' Icannot fefc him : hce {hall not fcapc me {0, , I myfl and will find; him3though he wcnt inuifiblc, APP care; THE DIVILS 01-1412 75m APPem aPpcmsfiotyct-ha and Md - 7,: r 7. Lctmeiooke forth, ,‘ ( lmuithcred too, .9 , » i Alexander commetk ape}: tbé Stage om oféixflud] witfa \ ; Bright Arman; increafeth Thais not combufi. ’ , What are our angcils this quarter? / ’ ‘ h h d awake 2:72 191': laxmd, O , 0 very goo V613] goddzweil I crf'cfij V ' By :hisiiefccntion of'Arfiopki/ax, ' P Y Beccxue, ‘Niaat time of night it is,forrow giue place- ~ Rcucnge in bloéd and .fierie facrafice, , Commaun detb : nature‘mw preuems her currencyecld . Ilet vs adore the fecond eye ofhcauen, L 'Iae'éowet/a bi; éodie 7' O facred feafon for nofim‘nall Ceremonies. r ' ' This icyeous quarter is in Cafmzmnha, b? loo at}; on )1 met W11 ac bower ofnighc iPcPWhy tis Salemfivvcluc aéldkc, c.“ gargatq’l ’I'a‘rz'el Gpmiel. _ ‘ V How goodly thcfe' augurize fairc aufpicés, oftruth, Now mountes bright Atkaman in his gouldc'n afcentionj‘," «Dit€& in dppofition‘ with our hemifphcr, be‘tinlietb an a 5013'. ’ And now there hower with them is Acmlon: ’ Bernardo bring hither thy white robes offanéfit‘y, Haf’c thou Cole’s ready burnt bring in my Thuriblc, , ‘And fence about’this fgnétificd place, Fpr hcerc Feflatiui mUH hauc her honbr, , Candie my form: is murt-hcredflandiemy fonnc',’ Ii Candie my fonne is murtheredd Will raifc All the great diuiils to {hew the murtherer, Euen as thou lou’dfimy fonne hafl and difpatch, ' Hafl and difpat-ch it as thou louci’t my foule, T is not ycxjmne byithrefi'quart crs ofan bower, What are our Angels of' this night?Mc/mel,Daralazel?Hamfipd Ina triumphant carrc of’burning gold, Crownd with a circlet ofbiackc hebeny, M And with a mace ofIc‘t King [771er rides,” ' » , Attended with his mimflers offlétc,Andm and Cfflflédm Fit difmall times for Qur folemnities. l I ’ $ b ; Enter Blcrnardo. _ ' futon my robes giue me my Parade; " ’ .. Ccnfe Well 224mm : bri n g me {ome fire in‘ an earthen vcfl'cl! Now muf’c Ilaboure like :1, coiiyers horfe, ‘ I ' ’ \ , After Bernardo 114d C mfid b: 6rz'ngeth in 6816!,dfid Alex. I and er fizflaiamt/a am hi: circle the}: taker}: 122': red; M y pretlous bel’r approu’d 2nd rm! % y feruazzt, . Hence mall hafl be—take‘theeto thy beads, Wmlfi t'hefeldarke workes of‘horror are m hand, Red Sandal! is my fizmigati‘on, \ > flmzding without the circle be numeric 192‘: rod to t be Eafl, And calleth vpou V1 ONATRABA, Totthe Wefl. S VSERATos. Tothe North. ’ A (U1 E' L. To the Srowth. J , M A c H A s A E L, "?ConiMo, ct canfirma fliper w: in ”amine Eyexyeg)’; h aft vp 8!. a1; . ccnde pemammjadzzga ; kagbejae; us 5 by}? ; kajmjm ; wpa, ’é’lplgdmdi’iflfl; . , __ ' ‘ Fifi] ex/m/atibm lzgr’mziag tbémder dfi'md d K ingl, Mr}! 4 ’redfacecrawned imperial! riding ppm 41 L )W’: , or dm; . W 4 gm : Alexander partake” mare perfume andfiitb. ‘ I coni‘ure thee bygthefe aforefaidnames, ' - That thou receiueno phantatfinatike illufions. Dz‘m.What would great Alexander hauc with vs, That From our fieryregiou millibps oflea’gu es, _ ‘ Beneath the fulphurous bottome of'wwfl, " ‘ Where mummy” tells his euer tryed goyld, Thou calm me from {irongbufiélcs ofhigh flare: From‘furc {ubuerfiom and mutations \ ‘ Ofmighty Monarchesfimperorsgand. King; From plotgjng bleody feildskand mafihctcs,“ Triumphant treafons and afl‘aflinatcs. ’ Whats thy demand? , ‘ = lullexl charge thee bythefovéer recited names; , And by the dreadful! title’ofgreat P1943; ' By which all creatures are fure‘fcaled vp, ~ By which theprinbc 6fdérkrges‘ and an powers, in earth and‘hell doe tremble and Fall downe, L 8th me the {hapc oftha‘t condemned'man, _ Which; mgkcred my [qgne‘the duke of Camfik’ \_. $5M. , 7mg) IV-IL S CHAR 7‘13 1:; (DichcPe‘fa firm'éflafien Gir nor for thy life _EXPC& amcflcfiscr‘J‘WH Hand {33, *', ‘ ' I I ‘ . ' ~ . f 777:? distal! dcfcma‘etb with t/a'Wh M ' ‘ [gluing and after more exhalamn I , a cmdm t}; Dimfi cm; from the foggy lake offéarcfulligixfr all?» me Am I comaundcd'by that puifiant monarch, Which rides tryumphing in a charriot, _ 0n mifiy bIackc clouds miXt with quenchI-es flit; Through vnquoth corners in darkc Path‘es ofdcath, 4 A _ To doc what thou demandcfl, Al!cx.Thcn by the dreadfifll names ofeA'mz'amm‘ " L Tirzpand Sadai {hcw me that damned childe ofréprgbafim- ; ' .Which this night murthércd the duke offindz’e,‘ .3 . L . ‘ DigiKecpc gfirme Ration fiir not for thy life, . 6. . _ ’ Hfgaéfk to we daore 0ft6cflngefim whence lye 6rixgetb the G60]? 6f C indie gafll} Imuuted 6} foaf perfu'ing ml fl¢z6iflg it ,thcfl: wmifh in at another doom. _ Alex.H01d,hold,hold,hol d 3 per todo: flmmr 110W ”no more, C‘efin‘ hath kill’d a brother and a father. \ / Diuc_Whac wouldef’c thou more [hall] dcfccn'd? M/exjhcw me the pcrfon by whofeimpieus‘hand; ~ gifmmd Vi cllijwas done to death? DmechRe a firme Ration flirrc not for thy life. H a briflgetbfrom the flame daare Gifmond Vifcllishi: wound: " gaping malafter [aim Luqcmwndrefi , balding a daggerfixft in 62': 6lcedi7¢g 601mm : thy 1/4an, ‘ ; ~ Alcx,0ut,out,no more no m9re,my foul: difolucs. r Deéz‘fiayfay what wo‘uldcfi than more Pdifcend, . * ‘A!CX_ Beldflcbienfix, Beralamnfix, Heliarm,xdz_{2wde , défmdt, ' riu6e0,ma}zdo}impcra_ l _ ' ' ‘ 6 , . 13:14:11 defexdctb wit}: thymzerxfi‘c, ‘ ' ‘ , ’ , . Enter Bernardo. Alexander tinkgtb bis/Ml, vilexfl'u: out alas ‘Bermrda I am wounded, / r, ' With grifly wounds and deep: incurable, ' . * ,7 » Ber.Comfort your {dfc in Gods namcblcffcdfathcr, ‘ Soelongasnocwounds efthcbod blccd,: " - 1 . * - _' 3 ‘ ' I‘ll”. THE" 17 MI 13 s c HA‘R‘ 71.4 (x. , A!ex.-The curcles wounds 1 msanc are of my body \ Wounds both of my fouls and bodybutfiermrde This is my comfort .in calamity ' Someihall packs after themfor-company W hats. a clocke?‘ Bzmz. Vt! Y ncerc fly; by Saint Peter: ball 7 efllex. Hap: thee,then pafi}: thee to my Poticaty’, bid him, prouidc thofc druggcs I {poke for yeficr-day,and beard tbcmitl * ail 1191’: to ?)omim‘co giglz‘o take you thofc letters with you Which are here, bid himdeliucr them Lodam’cké’fam’zw name her 1:11}qu Paramourc; make hafl and fee that he difpgtchr it quickly , deliu-cr him; putfe from mcc for a'token cramd with .7 twdhundréd ducates, bid himBeg fecreat as i‘1<~:‘1<3t:es'})islife£3 t , haf’c and began. - Exit Bernardo. Aflor {hall followl mufi haue his Lands ‘ ?hi—s'atshomc‘mufl be cut 0E being but {€53de Then- cutdt foone whim it is yong and flendcro‘, \Leafi grewing great it prick thee to-the bone My Iufiimportuncs-it ’and ht: {hall die, ,_ ' «Sonnes,NcpheWes,Daughters,Concubinesfimll die;- My coxufciencfe"is turrfd marries enemy, _ He that woald rifeto riches and renowne Mui’t not regard though he put] millions downc, - <1 - . - ' é’xz’t Alexandcn'nto tbcflfldiés , S C E N. * 2. _ » ~ Enter. "Czefar Borgia with Caraffa ,. z ‘ . . _ andBcntiu'oli. (?efl Where is- his Holineffthctc is my father? - Alas your Sonne is Hainegyour haples Sonnc, My noble brother out alas,alas , Ismurthered 2 in tender psffion ’ Le: curious [catch and inquifitiom / Be made, through R97” to finds the. {nurthererss Ifcarc that Traitrous. [wins Cardinall ‘ , [Albania qurzmvith his‘complccies: ‘ “ Iwill nothould fraternity with him: . ' And here beheld my meaning blefl'ed father: Rpgcige. again’gthcfc‘. tqbcsgakchcre this 113:, A (I THE DIVILS CHARTER, , And in chefe armes which I haue bucled on I do Forfweare a1 offices oi'Chui‘ch,. Vntill I be reuenged For his death, ‘7 =5} . i H: dzfroéerh [Jimfi’lfi 21nd appgd’ktb in War' ,, ' Alex, A fouie red vengeance ouer’hixfis his» head}; Whofe heart inciurate or whefc diuiiifli Brim. Could execute con’ceiue ormeditate ’ \ ‘ So fouie a murther of an Innocent, ‘ Cgrflfawith Bemimli giue leaue- 1 ' y , SemeQwhat Iwould in priuate haiigmith C‘efar. ' _ . C‘efizr defembie nor. for that we mama , Exam: Car ct Ben ‘. Whence comefi thou. ’ ' _ . " J _' , C45]: Dii'ecf’rly from my Chamber; , eAle.yWhere didi‘c‘thou here this neweSi. Cr]? Fifliersyyhich fm’md his body brought the new“r Alex, Then" he was droun’d [mfir was he not? Cef, It feemes he was, exka. What by fame Fifher. Ccefl How {hould I know that. " _ . exile, Sure by fome fuhtill Fifher that layd'nets'v ‘ For Candiex life and homombut fay truly, Was it thy breather. \ fo, Are net you my fatherfi Ale. A’h‘that I neuer hadbeene any fd‘ther, ‘ ' But {peaks ag ainemian fpeake the truth and feare not: Who flew thy bro’ther Cmm'z’e this IaPc night, Who traind him forth who walk’d along with'him.;§ Ccefi Am I the keepei‘of my brothers perform, \ Alexi Execrable’ Camsperfidious. Homccide, ~ Apparant villainewhat canfl thqu defigne? ' Which I would know that thou canfi hide From ma. ' Cazfl A plague vpon yogr diuilis yeu dealt: with them; ‘ That watch more narrowiy to catch yourifoule ' y , , Then he which fought my brother Candie; death, _ ‘You know that Sathan is the lord oflics ' K ‘A falfe accufcrand‘defembler, 7 . Tell your falce licrs they be lying Dimls. . , 9 _ ' edlex.,(2¢far no morengfizr no mgrcghoukqeyvflw ' “ ‘ V Q 3 ,; - W THE DIVILS CHARTER. (2]: What know I .3 ' ‘ _ fliex. That I know,di{1?mblc 110E. ‘ C(gfl Suppofcyou know, {uppofe m wrath 8L fury. I killd my brother ; canwe mend 1: noyv ? He was noxfaflaion’d for theft: bufie tunes : He refls in pcacép‘ur pciace rcfis in our {words- f ' v11“. Cafizr thou do’fi vnkindly vex toy foulc, With rubbing vp my {ecrcc mifcrief : “ Incur’dby fcckmgto lift vpthy head . . , _ ‘ __; V Caefl Pull mono: downe goodfathcr vyxthé'yo'm? cofifiicncc :/ _ Your coufcicnccfath er of my canfciencc 1531);; My confcicncc is as like yohr confciencc, _‘ As it were printed with‘the fclfmfamc Ramp c, ‘ . _ Iknow my Homes are burthcnous, and bean: them, . Your finfies more haioousgct your tobcs'conccalc them. ' . Alex, Out wigkcdan’d nefarious homicide. ' . i ' Ca]: Vpbraid me notfor iFthat Lampc bum: dimme. 4 .Which flxould giuc light to mcn’in darkcfi mght ; k _ How can they ch oofc but mufi in fluaddqwcs crrc, That follow thc blitnxd~glimcring th ercof: Dork this one petty fault appcarc {o gricuou's ?' Which if'yoy vvcll confide: is no-f'auit ; x He was an honc-fl man,and fit: for hcauen : ' . *‘ Whilfic hc liu’d here he brcath’d in mifcric ; And would hauc bccne cnIargZd :1ch himfrce, ‘ Now if I may compare youf Rate with his, . Or your condition with my qualitie, _ ‘ ~ . y Heme you not (old your {clfc vnto the Diuill, . / y _ ~ ‘ , - ' ‘ To be promoted to the Papacic : ‘ ’ ’ Hauc you not fouf‘d thc huings of the “Church 9 Are not your‘cofi‘crs oram’d vvith bcaf’dy bribes. With foule exmrtiongnd bafc Vfury ?_ . Ha-uc ycc not (finqc your inauguration) “ / Poyfoncd and done to death fixCardinalss - In diuilifh auaricc to get, their goods 2‘ \ ~ Hauc you not (Which is mofi gbhomi11ahl_e) Commite'd inccfi With your o’ncly daugfi‘fiér; «And made me finnc Withhcr fox; company, ‘ ‘ Your bloudic plots,inhuznan~e crucltic, , ‘ hwxww v 77‘. “M > 7 THE D IVIL s ,c HA RTE x. . That both might raigne in béll for company ? Diéd ydunot take ofgc'orgia Bucciarda One hundred theuisnd Bucatsfrdm'thc Turk, To kill hxs brother Grmm 01¢de ? ¥ ’ ' Haue you not kept the Pearle of Iml‘ie, A ?or (fl/Zaflfic’dz that young vertueus Prince, ' 1n bcafily lui}, and filthy Sodofiéie, ' ’ Blafiing thé blofibmc ofhis toward youth ?- Hauc yc-u net‘ now giuen order for the death Of m d'cege Sifier , whom your masons cauf’d, ‘ To kill hézflarr'er 1’1qu and ‘Di szél/i, ' ’ Axwétfibdlhc noble'EarIc of his new {pom}, ‘ Onc'Iy-eto'rcloakc your vile impiczy, ‘Al'e‘C'aefir ch: Diuill hath bin thy Scholc-maiflm C59]: I paflé your {ccrct céunfcll with the diuill, A 4' .Y our Auariccgmbition,pcrfidie, ‘ . a,” Why then vpbmyd yee met with Candie: dmthi» A baf’tard ofour houfc,dcgcncmzc, ‘ In whom no fparkc or {piraclc of honor” Appear’d to raifc the race of Borgia, But had Ebccn‘; Licutenant of your forces; This armc had conquex"d alLRommzia, ' Fume bcferc this had tremblcdfipa‘mc had floop’d; , The Romaine Emperor had faml’d vpon vs. *' King Charla: had been: rcfi’raind, Frederiakcxgulfd, / And Naples had been: made our heritage; , Alex, A triple ioy.‘ fuc'cceds a‘finglc‘ gricfem W Ihauc engag’d all to make [Icfar great, ' (Zefizr it fut cth Wlth thy grace and glory, To cloak: my vicesflzwill pardon thine, Leg: one ofvs cxgufc an others crimes, And for this blaudy féfilfozlatcly done, As thou didfl cunningly beginvgrocccd, . , To lay the guilt or imputation , - ' > ‘ ' 0n them whofc death may doc thee bcncfi't: And ncucr was my-foulc better contented, / , ‘ Thcg that our woes axe wichrich hogcs ptcucnfirdm w I .THEVDIVILS CHAR, TE R“, (122]? Now fiands Rowaniafubicéi to my {worda - 1m!» farii’, Camerigs, and White _' ' w ' 511 all hauc the firfi 'tharge,if I there Hiccccd', Hauc forward farther with a better fpced, r Casfizr a mile written in my guydon, ‘ When with my troop‘és'vié’conioufly I ride on, , :Alex. H0113. Bernarda,call in [kmfa with Bemiml]: Enter . Ay nownow mommy precious 5031,1113? Cafizr, ' Barmf‘ Piafccute as thou halt begunne, , With Arte,looke {uilaine and demure, ‘ , , . k . , Hold downs thy head,1ike one fwolnc vp with fotrdw. . EmerCai'afl‘a with B'enriudly. ‘ ' * 7 7 - 2‘ , They come,they comefay :hat‘thofe armeéWcrc {ant on; In reucnge of Candie: death, ‘ , ‘ The foucraigne medicine o'Fthings pafi cure, Is for to beare with patience and forget, [‘oeflzr hath vewd’c rcugiige for Cmuiz'a’yldeath,I And in regards o‘f'C'afim piety, _ , :1 makchim generall in his brother‘s place, Caz]? And neucr {hall I {heath this {word in peace Till it haue wrought vpcn thc'murth crcr. ' . \ flrafiHappy fucccfl‘e accompany my Lord, And in your battles giue you vic'ftory. ’ Bent. Isforder takcnfor his funerals. , Cw]: Bmtiuo‘li take you no thought for that, That is the grand? carc,which troubles me. Alex. Come enemy, Lords,we will aduifc within, , For I mufifhauc your counfcls in my gricfc. Exam: omxei,‘ . S C EN. , 3. Enter Lucretia richly attired with a V33! " in ‘lnr band. - LucaKindc Lodowilg'e hadfl thou prefenced me," I ‘Wittherfiem clothes ofgold or finfilq, ,. With rich Arabian Odorgprctious Ron cs, 01' what braue wémcn thd in; highcfl price, ~ Could not haue bccnc f0 gracious is this tinfigre, Which I_ more 'v'aléwthen my’tichei’c icwels, ‘ Oh ”THE D IVILS“ CHARTER. ' Oh Mttigifla, -V \ Enter Motticilla." Brim m'e ome minutes and m dl‘cffine b ‘ Ihlsgnight I purpofc priuately u); {up a axes, ‘ With my Lord C ard'mall of 04pm. , Enter mm Pa, 6: with a 746k two [00 'z'na - ,‘ (1971256: anfznflmmmufl 7:65 56»le o £140?!" 50x With \ , Bring me fame blanchingwater in this'bowlc. Exit Matti; ‘ 517:6 lcekg’tbin bergiygfl}, ‘ ‘ ' “ ” [Here I perceiue a littleriueling » 7 Abouc my fot—head but I‘wimpleit ‘ ,Eith er wghaewejs or. a lock of'haire, And yetit 1% as white as the pure (how: 0 60¢th thaitfweet‘Marqm: Mammy, Did in Fermm feafl‘ my Lord and mac, 1 , . What rich compax'ifons and fimilies, , ‘7 ,. He with ingemous fantafie deuif’d, ‘Dotin g vporr the whiteneffe of my browcs P Asvthat betwixt them flood the chaire ofi’tatc, Compo’f’d of’Iu‘orie for the Paplmn (heme ': . Sitting in comfort after amou‘tous conqaefl, And km my fm—head twenty thoufan-d tunes. OF: haue I wiiht the coulour of this hair: More brighgand not of fuch aSMnilb dyc,./ And yet the Duke of ‘Baurbm on his knees’ As the diuinefi fauour of this world, ' ,7 - Did-bcg one lock to make aBraceler, , For which few haire'sih’e‘ garnifhed my head With Ievv cIs worth fix thoufand crownes atlcafl; My beaming eyes yctfull of Maiefly, ' , Dart loue,and giue'bright lufier t0 the g1 afl'e, As when the funnebeames touch a Diamond. ThePrince cif' 34km folcmnly did fweare, Th 61%: eics werequiuers,which{11Ch {113st did bcare That were {0 fharpefind hadfuch fiet‘je touch, . As Cupid: Arrowes neucr had [0 much, , . , The R066 Garden afthefc amourous cheekes, \My nofe the gratious forte ofconqueting loue, . gBttathing atttaéfiuc odors to theft loucrs ‘ I . , _ » » THE rblwz; s CHA R TA 2:. That Ianguifla and arevénquiflit with dcfirc, . gammy callethrit the fiiuer pgarch‘, ‘ Where Wumituxtlcs mutuall Plcafixr; {catch- ' Sweet mouth she Ruby port to Paradicc Ofmy worlds picafizrc from, whencaifiizc forth, Many faife brags,bold fallics, fwcct fupplics, Aichinn c 511:: rpatchlcs fabrickc affairs nature, _ A neckccwo bi‘ci’cs vpoh whofc cherry niplcs. So many {weer i'oicions Cupid fuckc, . Gin: mgfom‘c blanchin g waterin this baulc, Wafh my face W'atritz’lla with this cloih, So tis wciifiowmflH try chcfe Collours, Giuc Vmethas oyle of Talckg, _ ; ‘ Take faxfnet Mottic‘é/Lz (xii’Both my Forehead, ’ . ‘ S be lama!) in two glqfléxmdéelwldfib Iver 5047}, i I mufi delay this colour is i: carnation right, . M:,Oh the true tiné‘turcrofa damask rofc, Lm. What is it extellcnt. ‘ Jlat,Mofl full ofiifca' » : f ‘ And madame thats a. pr'etious Iinimcnt, A‘s cut: I beheld cofmomh the browcs, i“ Lmfi will cbtréé‘c thcfe arches with this muiict, Pluck: not td hard,bciecue me Matricflla, You plucke to hard. v z ‘ . ’ ‘ I feel: a foulé‘fiinckc in my naflreijls, _ , Some fiinkc isvchcmcnt and hurts my brainc, ‘ . My cheekcs bath burn: and Ring” gins me my glafl'c. Out out for flumcl fee the blood it kifc, Difpcrfcd and infiamcdgiuc me from: water. _ . , ' Motticiila mlzéub-lm' cheeky: with 4:10:55 . , . Lu‘créxtigalooket}: in tbeglgzfi. \- VMy braincs intoxicatic my Fate is 'fcaided-, , Hence with the glaifc : cooie cooic my facc,r::mckc poyfon, 13 miniflrcd tobring me to my death,‘ * x I fcde the vcnime boyiin; in my nines, , ‘ WfiAhme decrgLady ;_ what Pcrang lcop refit? lb? '32?! 51 ‘9'th 5h: more 1' prcgds onyoux face, , L w; 1 7'HE D 1mm CHAR T 7 LflcSend to my fathcrgcall hifition ‘ ‘1‘ ,. Oh Candie where art thou my fomforteijn’ Ex” Mm: ’ , Dead and incomb’dgLucrece muf’t follow thee; \ Ingcridc'rd out ofhi: difloyalry, ,._,_3 ’ ‘ \ g I bur:1clbufnc,oh thrms my dccre Lord, My braincs arc feard/vp With lolnefatall fire. Enter afimant mzd ‘I’laz‘fltz'on with M otticila. ' S:r,Dcerc Lady cheers your felffibcnox dififiayd His Holmes in half bath fcntrelaif‘c: , 7 _ ’ His owns Phifition t0 récomfort y'ou, Imam: our dcere Ladies fiamon bring fogng~wagcrm coo‘Iie _ / \ my thirfl, ‘J’kizMad am you may not drinke, Till you recitape (his; (m; prcfé't‘uati;_,: _ ’ , LaaA foule vnléum’ie lbailafmne%nkc éhoakcs VP My vitall {lenceszand a boyling heat ' {uppcs vp tlac Eiucly 113m: in my lungs, Pbijhis poyfon {preads and is iiicurablei ' Madame rec’cxue oneprgcious antidqtc. Luc.Whac hauc I caught you :5 forum, , Who painted my lime face with thefe foul; {139:5} ‘ You {cc them in my foulc defogmed blots, Deliucr me from that murthcx cd man, He comes to flab my foulc Lwounded him, 011 ngmon’i Gifmmd hide thofc bleeding wounds, My l'oulc bleeds drops oflbrrow for thy aka; ‘ Look: no: {0 wrathfull I am penitcnt, - Loue‘ and rcmorfcidid harbour inlrchinc hart, Whazdoel’fthou bccken to me I will come, And follow theé through mllliOns ofwocs, ’ Pkichct Lady will you take a little ICE, 1‘: will refreflm your fpirits inflantly. LuaNo rcfi vntill I {be my Lord agaige. MotDcth Lady doc y’ou Ioue yourlitcfiakcyfi, , A . A l. , ' , . .519“- mkgtk bald afc/flvbtmila. LuaFrom the pure burning colcs" oftmc’céntritiag, , Me thinkcs 1ch the liuclfi counterfet, ‘ ’ Ofcaaiuefreflédin hermifcry, . H z V ’ 7 . I ‘4” ‘i ‘ THE D IVIL s; 0 HA RTElg. Ah Mariam whom: I trained vp 7 _ “' 1n cunning fleight’s andfnar'es offilthincfl'c,‘ ’Forgiuc me for that finnqliuc asnd'repent, (flick Oh God forgiuc me for my finnesarc grear, And ifhis goodneffc lead my life fome fpacc, I will with \pemancc call on him for grace, 7 ' And fpcnd the remnant (ifmy life in prayer, '. Lm: Ican no mote,death fumm'oncthmy l'oule3 I \ 015611 thy'bol'cmc father Abmlyzzpz, srcyfull fachcr let thy mercy péflc Extend thy mercy where no mercy was, ‘ Mcrc‘yfhll father for thy fonnes dce‘re merrit Pardon my finnfizll {oulc'rec-ciuc my fpisrir. Expz'mt Lucrm, 5PM:- Now is her foul: at rcfl tis. vcryflranger,» ‘ As Well ghejcaufeas‘max‘mct of'hcr death, I haue beetle fiudicd in, Eipacmm, Jn bookes of (fallen ad (1' bide Auecz‘m, Obferu‘d thc cures ofdiucrs learned doé'tors; In France in S pain: and highc'riqcrmaa}, .» r \ Yet ncucr met with fuchan acCicent‘,‘ ‘ \ Beare in her body I will'im all hall, ~ ~‘ Erin g wofixll newes vnto faint Peetm Pallace,; * / His Holincfl'c will grleuieufly, lament, / ‘ Exempt mum d, . / .9 (VB. 4. 'Enter‘Cael’ar 4nd Barbaroffajbyldz'ar; drum: mad trtimpefx. . (?zfi Fellows marines after ourvié’corics, , Had in the firfl from of cm lzappié warr, . \ Withmen of'hardy ref'clmion, ‘ ‘ ‘ A/ Now mufi we bend our forces‘ againfl F%rly,’ Where that proafifxrd Amazonian Kmbarim,’ Darcth defiance in the face ofwhrr, And yet our hopes are {urcgall paffa‘gc Clare,- And {he before I lodge this rcflles head, : Sh?! begs; ?hle'bondage of this viStorie. . . gr: ‘ c Ve proud rel'uming f irrits offline Women! thfc §§oodléflh wofindcs arc'ongly blsmly words, I ’ m; vgxchgu; rggfqn'lfight without xcfifiancc, ‘ gig. _‘_ .... 4.x . ‘ M .l _w/ , WhAl; :1 M, THE D IVIL s CHAR TEX; But on the face ofgrimmc dcuourin g Wane, With frowning forc-hcad menacing his force,» They falldowne on their backs as Venm did, ‘ k When Mar: beheld her with a Souldicrs face, 0% N ay wc mufl fight :1 kno w the puiffant fbirit Ofwarlikc Kate the pride of 1mm, . 7 . , Sforzae: braucfifier and old Riarzaw widdovfi Exccilent yalour,and deepe policic 7 ‘ ’ Mul’c winne 1t,ifw‘c purchafe athcr hands. ' Bar. And yet we be b’efbreahdhd with the Lady? Hauiug furprized her trcafure and h'cr fonncs, As .{hcy were making their cfcapé for Flore“? : , What {hall we tricz'enowncd general}? - And {catch her refolution,‘ 0% Shall wee P doubt ou not, ~ Nay tfibugh the wallcs of Fair!) were omeelc, . Thefe pledges {hguld make pafiage Favour povécrs, . And what? {hall we fioope for thofc twc‘nty Enfignes, Which thislaf’c nighthauc cnccr’d theirPorts, Nay were they ten t9 one within th‘ofc Wants, , ‘ . C‘efar-(tha: carries Forums in his Standcrd) \ f .. ‘ Would make them giucground 5: fubjeSt th cm-fclucs, Bar, Speak‘e then ét'once renowned generall, Shall we go Souldicr—Iikc to work”: atfirfl? " Shall we falutc her with our Cannon? « ‘ _‘ . Caf What ?no Baréarafllz not without a parlec, _‘ Forc-God ,1" lane her,and‘ admire her valOur, And till‘ we find: her words prooue empty fqnibs, ‘ We giuc her all the'nnblc rights ofwarre, ‘ { Summon a parka, Soflnd‘dmniflhfm’r 7'73”?"- Enter 72pm the Walk: Counteflé KatherineJulio Sf'orz'a,~ Enfigna fiy/diers,Drummesfl'mmpetJ, 4 What bane wee T3148 come vpon thcfc wallgs, . To bring confixfion of our companies : ‘ 7, Dath proud ‘Pmtlaefilm liuc againe, . Which {emcetimg raging in the Fields ofblood, Made galfige withher angry WI? through millions; 7 Kath; THE mm; s 0 me E T‘E R. : Kat; I tell thee (?rfrrr {brine of dfexmder A booke befits rhec better then a blade: Percale in {come thou Wilt reply the like, A dillaffé fits me betrer th en a pike, Knowfafm had I now fo many liues " \‘As here are Homes or haires vpon your beards, VI would forgo them 31 before this honor,» Which my d_eerc Lord Riaréa did leauc mee, The pledge of‘my decre loueihis‘Chilr-l rens patrimony. Clef, Speake in a milder key renowned K4”, , I lone you well and all braue Sfarwcx race , . Yet you mulryeeld thereis no remedy, , I: is the Churches right and I mullhaue it, . 7 Kath, Me thi-nkesa pulpet were more fit for thee,- . ' But did’l’cthbu euer reade Saint gregar}: That he Which huntcrh for authority, . Himfelfc lhoulcl goueme direél and know well; He did a deed: ofdanger that aduanc’d thee, ’ Fol: proudJambirionviolates all right, I, Crsf: Be not {0 bitter K are a friend intreares you, But ifinrrearies will’norJooke vpon mce: , , R ' Heere flanidcth Crfimhe {harpe fco'urge ofFarfi And were your fort fenc’d with as many men, ' As it is gm. With Hones Caefizr would haue it. Subdue them and make pillage of their goods . And in rcfiflance {ealeit with their blonds, \ ,. th. What are your weapons {heathed in your thwarts? 7. Is cuery word a {word then {bake hands C(rflrr: Vcntcr no further and we Will be friends ‘ But if your words 'haue accents in keen: {Words And end in_ bloUd,rhen Cefirlookeon‘mc: ’ I with defiance tume {words in your throares, ‘ You {hall not rhrufl that: imput arion Vpon our fexfor I will fight it out So long as I can Hand vpon chef's Walls, Cerf You would repent it, iF you knew the worfi, [Confidcr Kate be well aduifed firfl, (Km' CW" 311 «one ‘word‘to difchargc’my.confcience; - , , - ' ‘ - t Were gin THE p IV-IL S CHAR TEA ‘ Were there a Cannon there to be difchardg’cl ' Vpo'n this ftuitfull wombe the 21me of Children And lfurc pcccc mall tobClzomc withall ’ " IF I would not l‘urrcn‘dcr vpdfig {Om ’ Your Cannon {hot f‘noulel plowe thcfe bowéus v That vow to God 21K; my deer: l‘Ufbmd magic. P: I ncucr will infringe With pcrfcdy ; f . Iknow tl'aCC biouéy (kfizmhc alumna}; In ycclding vp thy x‘cuercnd purple roabcs Which {hould protcé’t widowcs and Orphancs rightcs Appeareth well in taking vniull armcs, , 3 , To wrong the W'idowes and thc Fatherlcffc wElmer fight (leper or fdrfakc thc field, Perl‘wadc thy {clfe aliue I Will not yccld.’ Cat]: Then [Will fllcw you whatwa-rrcs dcl’tcny, ' Prognoflicawgbxing forth hbt‘ranfomc hithér / x ' Barbarella ért'ngetb fiam Cxl‘ars Tm; 9_ ,\ lair two 60:3. ’ 1? nature be not quite cxningu’zfllcd‘ ‘ ‘ Theft: pledges {hall enfi‘anchizeyou from warm“ Ibrought them tosthis p‘llrpol‘¢;that-in them, You with your friends might liuc in liberty. \ x , Kat. Neucr but with advantagcsdcere Lordg , Monl’ter of‘mil'ery what think’fi thotl Cg 47' That lell ‘yceld mine honor‘fbr their fafcty '2 Be not decciu’d thou hallxlhtpriz’d my_Childrcn, Riariagn‘i‘c his left in my tuition And bomc‘out ofthcfc bowcllsgbu’t deer; boy cs, Courage your {clues I will defend your ’l’lODOI‘s: I tell thee Caylzr thcfc my boycs are taught , , To bear: with- patience fates Lacuitablc Thefc c’ark‘y é’forme: fpirit and their fatln er: ; - .1 date gal élilb and afkc them they will (hula, TOIICk {Eek line; before they loo’fcthcu honors. . Cdfl (?:fdr in this hath ofi'etcd like himfclfc,’ He pz'offcreth to-prcfcruc your townc vntcuch t: _ , Your goodsijurWiucsgourliucs‘, your Iibcrtxgs: ' _ Bflfimaréc what figigg thy biggcr‘ntllgbr‘ings‘ {95th}! ‘ ?\- ' ‘ THE , DjVI-LS C H4 RTE R. To make thine hard heart infamous For emer, Besze thy face tbefe boyes {lull loofe {heir liues Ifthou furz'ender no: Wirlaoutemere parlee. Kalb, Eloudy figfirix K deli ' eliy malice, I {pit defiance in thy cowards face, - Traycour m Goéand mgn'hgd’fi thou laeeneaefir, I‘nfifiing 0:} high tearmes ofworth and-honor Theu woul'fl confider that their blend is Noble, Thou wouldl’: confide: that they be but children, Thou woula‘f’c confider that thou art a waxriex And that fuel) noble blond {pile with difhonor And trgm’d in With infideous trechery, By God not man in heauen npr earth below . Can be Forgotten or abolilhed. , . Baré, Braue genef’all you parlce with a woman, Whol‘ e heart is ‘obf’cinatefihof e hands are freeble, Seemeth in value and ouer tedious. ' , Cafizr. S peake at'a‘worvd' cannon is my next parlee, You will not‘yee'd yeur Gate to l'auetheir laiues; K atb, I will not [‘mfm ' ' ' Cw]: Cu: of boch their heads. . ' , _ I .130]. Le: vs intreat our mother noble generall, ,, For to deliuer vp the Rate ‘of Far!) And will you fine our liues then. 2.30]. Good Captaine do not kxll vs. ij.‘ If [he will yeeld the Rate your lines are fafe. 1.30]. Good mother for my fathers/fake that’s dead,- And for mine Vnclca fake ‘part ofycur bawells And for our owne fakes yeeld yen: {clues andfaue vs, 2.1%}. Good fweetemoxhez (wen, . ' Kilt. Peon: boies,in heartvnhke Riariue: race, 01‘ 5399mm: warlikelinnage by the mother Know wha; it is die with liberty, ,A‘nd line with i gnomin eous féruitude. 9“ YOU your lines buy with the lofi‘eofflatés 3?» were of' all extreal11eties'thc vilefi ' But 1n extreamety to die'rcfolu’d I \PIC[€IUiDg;flagg and reputafiom h :35 Men; Ja‘ .‘THE DIVILS CHARTEKt Is {aid to dye within the bed ofhonour, ‘ This 18 an honor for Rixrz'ogs chudren, - , And let my part,it neuer {hall be fayd, ‘ That Katbcréfl? being flrcng vpou hir guards, Hauing good forcqs able to defend, - l 7 In brutifh fearc fl‘lOUld giue away your Hates, I rather will obtrud-c my felfe vnarm’d, ' * / ' And mectethe thickei’c ranckcs that enter breachfi Te lac toPc vp vpon their fouldiers pikes, Sooner I will ('6: allthe towns on fire’,’ ~ And with my foldiers lhc’rifige my felfe, , .rRathcr thfiu rcndcr vp your heritage, .' Cu]: Oh brauely fpokcn warlike wmgzau. _ I ,Boy.Moth er we {com e’death in refpeé‘c ofhomz: let him perform: his worfiwve feare him not, I ‘ Courage fwcete brother,thinke vpon my father, I will dye ‘firfi, be not affraicl of death. ‘ , Cazfi Why then you are refolu’d to dye ? 1.1730]th dye Ccefizr. ('cefi Bringhethcr both theithcads. ' l l 7 Karla. Gods blcliing rcfl with you my dcerefi faunas _ And il'I loofc your fiatcs,my life fluall folléw, ‘ ' Nothing but Violence {hall force it from vs; Erelong this quarrell twixt vs Will Hand cucn: Farewell deer: boycsgill we three mccte 'm heauen. ‘ 2.580} Ah dcere Mother, fwectc mether, good Vnclc Inlio fan: ourliucs. . ‘ _ p ‘ (hf Away with him. , 2,.Baylet me before Idye, but'kiflc my mother. Kath. What wouldfi thou mime ag’aine into my womb: .3 1f thOu wcrt hens thou fliouldfl be Paflmmm, And rip: out of‘hiy fides with foldiers (words, Before I would yeeld vp thine heritage, - I . 5’0}. Come brother let vs brauelyd-ye togfiher. Cazfl i tell thee when that chefs haue loll their htadsg » i will make {acke and pillage of your Hate, Mamwomenprifiiancs,all patio the MOM, This hath your obfiinacie wroughlt in V5? KC“? “THE DIVILS CHARTAR. _ Carry them hence,bring hcthcr both theirhcads. Exeum with And then a charge vpon tlhis valiant Lady,- ' t/ae éajw, ThisTkamrrerfihis proud Sememmzk, Whole valour Baréarojflz by thefc hcauc‘ns, Is very wonderful! and glorious. . KareHad he more forccyvhat would this txrant do? Cmfl A chargaa charge. / Km. For Gods fake chargm. charge let vs tofight; Cwfl A fpii‘i: full ofyengcame,wrazh,and fpiIC, _ AHaulr,aiTau‘lt,cl‘mrgcnoble hearts 9. ch arge; l 0/! charge zxrifi/J'A [9:14]: of Ordinance Cm farafigr tworez‘rm‘tcnr;~ antret/a £1} fmlada, law Efflgne.—émrerflainexa£iithfli1'1 ”6’50”" rat!) the Enfigm,(’j”fig_/atetla With it in bar bflfl4.H€5‘V 6/53/1751?" ’ b ' ’ ex c‘ellent magmnimz'g, C11 far the tr/Jz'rdztz'me repulfi'd, at length ‘wt‘rw/a éyfc‘fl/dda,fi£rprzfitb leer , érz'ngetb her down: witbjam: prgfbfwfifmnd Drum; and Trumpet}. ’_ (sz Couragious Kategou that would throw defiance, Into the face audchroatc offatc and Cafér, _ . Such are the fi'uitcs‘of' pride and wilfulneflé, Haue I pcrform’d'my Word? are you furpriz’d ?‘ Is not your life and lining in my power? Kat. Now that my fonnesfirfiby infidiousmeancs, Bereausd oftheirliuesgnd their fiateslofi, The date of my calamities is out, . Goe forward with thy tyrannie, (hike Caefiar, . And take away the Mmhcr With her fonnes: This done,recount what isxthy vi&ory, A woman withtwo children vanquifhedm A prizcbcfitting'the remwncroffafkfl . Cigfi Come hither th/Jerz‘ncwondqr ofthy'fgxg The grace ofall Italian woman-h‘ood : - ;' , Céefm' {hall neuer proouc difhohou'rabie, Behold thy children lining in; my Tent; - _ He défi'oh'cret/a hi3 Tent Where bar mfim: were at 64253639. 2.30}, Oh mother, mother,arc you com¢,wee bc not dead.2 _ 1.60]. Good 1no;her,phaoke the Captaincwve hue yet, {hey gaugvg fpiccswincsgndbad 'vs wclcom e, \ 1‘2“?- ’ __ , 4 ,W*“ \ THE IDIVILS CHARTER, I pray you thankc them, ‘ ‘ Kate. Oh but your lands“ and honors are bod: Iofi“ Had not an honorable death becne better : I, Then thus to loofe your flares and.liuely~hoods Heroike fmuldicr,whofe decvcipt is hOnour, ._ Thou that hafi vncxpcéted fau’d the hues Ofmy two childrcnfl fubmic them here Thy captiuesfor their ranfome what is fitt, C‘ef," Ifiéely pardon :hcfe two boycs their rahfomc ' Lady behold thy tréafure in my Tent, , ‘ 2 Had I not v_Vomxc this'towne, this hadfl thou lofi, ‘ See Souldlers thathcr 1:: W613 be r’eferu’d 4 , For her eWnc feruicemow th C’quarre‘ll‘ ends, ' 3km, But noble Cqsfisr well intregte oufpebple, They be men vaiialigciuillpbedtent, 7 , If you their M agifiratcs inmate them well. " ‘ Cw]: Take you the charge ofFurly, CBan’mmflk, \ / Intre ate the people wcll,do not féfir'aine them, ‘ We freely pardon all ofthcm their tanfomes, "-So 'much :is is in vs,we pardon all, er them as Cittizens onghze in fauor, Other inflruflpns you {hall brags her’cmaftcr : r ‘Till then regards your ch argc and [a farewell, ' Enter wit]: a deB arb arofl‘a,.S oldiefi. \‘ ladygourfelfemithyourtWOIitde babes, ‘ {I will take order‘flaalbe fem to Rome, ‘ Be not difmaid, youfhall bee well int mated, ‘You {hall want nothing fitting your cfiatcs, ‘ March with vs on our way for [412%, '* ' Mart}; foar,Karherine,ber twaéalregEfijz‘gnc-r, Soldigrsflmmpgggfpmm. Emmi. \ \ \ .S CeAi'. 5. 7 \ Enter Alexandeum of hzkfludz‘n ‘ eAlex.Briz1g iuthat Opiumsand boWIc ofWing,’ “Heart: I mui’c 215% a Tragc-comoedic, ‘Berxm'doisimdl confcé‘tcd and PYQPar’d? '1 , H . . . / 7 1 2;. Accordmg THE D IVIL S 0 HA 2a TE R. . Accordizag'to my conference with Rotfl. ’ Bernarde') wii‘}: aflgggw afwim Md a 50316 . BmHe f e :11: it a$~your Holmes may flee, ' x ' Safe feakrd VP. ‘ _ 7.»? AIMEE! me that hawk: ofwine, ‘ ‘ Alex adder opemtb a box and gaffer}: irz #3:? powder, 125’ r.Tis a drbwfic medicine, do not taflit my Lord, e/‘JZwLfiThou hafl bcn tai’ccr to mqm any times, ' Begin Bsmam’o. I i . ‘ BenMy Lord I. flop: too mvch the IaPc mght and Idarc nor, , Mimi: hoids good colour hold here Bermzrdv, ~ ‘ Giue goocgatten’dancehring thgm to their ref’c, Then giué me notice at my Rudy ‘doorc. 6 ‘ BenOnc fer was paf’r before I parted from-them, And by this time they be well heated, “ ,, Aler,Sirra be diligent and fe‘z‘uiceable in this, ‘ Eucn as thou Iouefl thy maifier, Exit Alexander into bixflwj. Berfearc me not? ' We're it not that my coaf'cience hath be’nc Fyer’d , , Wich flames o‘fpurgatory by this Pope, Incuer cguld endure fuch villany, _ , ' 'Ihc bcfi-is hcdoth pardon all my fumes, ' Exit Bernardo. O €zmr AfiorandPh'ilippo in their wafl-cates‘ . with mkm, _ Afl_Thisfet was firm; ' :chng 1911 {I’durfi hauc wagerd, An hundcr’d ducats afféi’T ,fiffi’ffffc-lfig . PlaiXou thinks: you p 2W§Lbu€lfi ecucme brewer; 1 You cannot take paincs n? vfiferu aibjfi, .. , With that dexterity which‘r‘éfiperzaincthfi: * * ‘ wfifiolla within there intake no paints, 5» My waflcotc well can wigncs forI fwcatc, ’ Eater B #4740. _ iBmBm-ber bring in {ome Iinncn for my'Lords Phil. Bring me {ome wine ferI am vcryathirfiy . gate): twozBdrém with lineh,‘ ~ 3M! M’tcnd for that firing and he hath toucht It; 3‘91: Wilt Elgafcngg g?tdflhip fit on thiglow chain? 127‘ “V ”WT" “MN, .. _. 1’ '5 THE D IVIL 3 CHAR TE E, ‘Pbi‘Rub my head firfi then comb: it, .h - MARI! me fomc wine Bernarda, ’“ a Ber.Good my Lord coolc your fclfc é litle, I ‘ Afl, Giue me wine and let it be thy labbure good Barnard T0 can for ““15ka- Bernardo deliizeret/a wine. Brother in this cupl commend the 101153, _' Of all true Famntines our tmfiy friends, 'Hcping 61’6 108g to liue‘again: with them, 9 Phafif thank: you brother, ifour father‘Popc, Performe his promiffi wc‘f'nall foam: return: .' ‘ 44/311115 Wine was good yet taf’ccth ofchc cafck, ‘ It hath a mufiy fellifh, _ ' _ , 4 Pkilcts harp this muficke; 7; h h ' _ e/a'fler the 6917/5”: km)! trimmedwd ‘ “ ~~ méécd their éadiex 4-!it/e,Aflorwletbt ,, ~ fififlafl’a‘vvithinthcrq ‘Ber,My Lord. 7. ’ - ‘ b Afi. Ithinkc it gcod after this little rubbing t0 repofe m‘y ,_ 0d .4 ' , , . Pail. I am fomc what heauy, Ber} know th e cauie, ‘ Afl.And what Bermrda; r - . Ber.Marry with much motion ofa'yourhbodics my‘Lord's, YOu mufi 110: be {0 vehement in play. ‘ " 11m e'w a noble Frenchman at 'e/fmhomz, Twenty yeares fince at tennice tooke his death, With ouer heating ofhun felf'e in play. D ’ 7 T1967 [4} them film: vpon a bed and they 52176572: dtpifl; PhAM'orevmufickc there, , h * afler‘afieflmine ofmuficke they fall «flap: BertrMy Lords are both a fleepe mufi cke depart, And leaue them to their eafcgalaf'fe fwect boyes, * Is it not pitty that theft: noble branches, ' 5 So fweetly knit'in onefilouldneuer wgke?’ I that am'hard ofhcart fighe forrheir take, _. My Lord . ' Bernardo [wacky]: at the‘fiua}; Alex.What newcs man?“ ' BmBogh fgfi. aflcepc. . £13; w -— w—mefig, mew“? A “7.; - ’7'11’2'3 DIVILS C HAK‘TER’ w’lax.And bath vpon‘ one bed? Ecr,'l‘is done, « l N filam-And chamber voyd ed?‘ Bcr.All is performed my Loyd, \ * Alex,My blgfiagc ref’c vpon thee my Bmarda. , Depart now with thbfc letters Idcliucrd, ‘ . To bé conunyd to Fz’mwce leaue me here, . , ‘ Alexander 72pm the 3436231 bi! ’cqflbckdné zzzg/afmp wirls a 50x vnder each‘arme. ‘ Achanderfi/mr, ‘ Skepe both fcc-ure vpon your fatall bed, ‘ {\low that the, God of filcncc Ullorplaem, " Hath with his flgnet of 131ch home l'cal’d vp, Your langued eye lids loaden with pale death, Sleep: vntil-l you draWyOurlaccfl breath, Poore harmélcs boyes lirangers tQ fimic and cuillg, 0b were mylbulc as innocent as yours! This office is ofhigh ell confequenc‘e,’ ‘ In fricndlhip for I confider it, L ‘ - Ifent you from a million offorrows, a ‘ Into the flowry fields ofParadicc, Their to goe habit in the groues ofmirtlc, To feed on Wanna audio drinkc puze Nefiar, A cup of'euerlaflifig happincs. ’VVherg fuch fweet mufick vn—con-ceiueablc, Shallcntertainc your fcnfes in fwcet, cemfox t, As the delight thereofflaall neucr die' Aflar what Aflor {p.eakc awakc Phillz’ppa, : , ' Both Mic a flcepq, , ‘Heflz‘ret/o am! momfl: tiaem 0196111511; \ l l ’ v ‘ both their bofamext Noyv Raderickbetakc thee to thy taske, x ' What? peace Aflor begins to talkcI will attend, . . g ' Aflorfimhrtl: imbixflwpe. ' Aflfiairc gratious Ah gell oF-ctcma-II light, 3%.: Which reachefi out that'hanfld ofhappinés, ' ' ‘ 9 Haylingmy fpiric to that friumphant threats;v Ofcndles comfort I adore thy grace; ' k ‘ ' ' . P 1.17;: , yi’flor awake awakefiwake ‘Plvz‘lzppo, THE D IVIL S ‘CHAR Tm; Phil” laixfleepe. Oh gouldcn Ii ht ofncucg . Harké brathcr Aflor hatke my {gule is rapt, {Cttmg Sunnc, Into the io‘yes 0t hcaucn— with harmony. / ‘ VflexDoe they not flecpc? are they not yet a flcepc? ' ” ‘ .Bq pottheir fences yet lock: VP 1:) flccpc. 7A1} {afe and fu—reph'this was‘but a dreame, Their smim‘mt‘n fore toldthemofthcir end, * ‘And ioyfiflly they doc [hakethéndsawith death. , He drawetla am 3165!}: 50x8: afivikg. “ ' ’ Came out here now yet: Cleopdtwe: birds, ' . Fed fat and plump with proud Egz’ptz‘m flimc, Offcauen mquth’d Afjlm-butnow turn’d leane: ‘ . ‘ , Ifiputtez‘ly to either oft’lveir“ ' $761}; {w Afpikg.» " Take ycur repaf’t‘ vpon thcfe Princel'y Paps. \ 3"...“ \ Now Ptalamz‘e: wife is highly magnified, ‘ t ‘ Enfigning thefe faire princely twins their death”, And you my lonely boycs competitors, With [leopatm {hate in death and fans", Now [Imran- Hayes his thewponzthcflrondw And'with a rugged for head full of wrath? He thrufis a million fiom the {horc ofStix, ' To giue you wattage to the Elzfim fields, Ifec their coulors changand death‘fittc-s h‘eauy. . On their fayrc forebeiad‘s with his lcadcn mace, ” My birds are gluttcd with this factcfics. V , . . . - ' z ’ ' t \ He—mkgtkafrize Afpiks analpfita "“;,f’»v§j V ' ' m}: them 71;) in kiiéax, What now prou37Wthe39how tafis yon pringcg biood. The flaues beplui'i‘fzignd roundgi‘n to your ncfisfiftfiw , . Is {there no token ofthefcrpcn’ts draught, . . *5, -- All clcere and {721% well ‘nbwfaim boifgsjgdodgnighr. ’ Bernardofiermrdoghe feats is dong,“ \ er thy difcrction as I did detect. ‘ , Ber. Tis done in deed alaffe they both b9: dead: Now gmfi lfollow my dircaiQHSa» ~ ' H0119, . beflirret/i £56m; . Exit Alcmadct; x t x t | ( Ii m w»: i M i' A". 1: w '1 l“ V-Jy‘ 4A.” A. q—‘i :f:;.v....,...,.t ~ ,r-‘r -_;:;-_A g A A - ' THE ‘D [VILS CEFARTER. Holla within there, « : . , Enter C'medim/lCaraff‘a Car, What newes Bamamh ? , ‘ \With Bentiuoii. ‘ Ber. Alas my Lord ill nEWes, \ But that his Holineffe is fafi a flecpe, ‘ (K ’ _ And this day fiir’d not From his bed-chamber I would haue brought him to this wofull fight; Prince Aflor with Phillippa was at Tennis, And being oucr—heated at their game, , Drinking fo {uddainiy vpon that heate, With much {weete Wine did furfet infiantly, ’And here alas lye dead vPon this bed. ’ Bent. Alas it is a ruthful! fpeéta-cle, Two princelyboyes oftioble difpofition, e Endued With honorable gifts ofvettue. CmaOf‘ gracious fauour,wiié‘,and Iiberall, ‘Thaenme: hope : Berxardo beare them in, His Holynefl'e will muchrbemone their fate. \ Bent. My Lord,'my LordJ do not like ofthis, [amfiPeace man,no more do Lhut beare with paticnifi' ' ’ * Beat. It is i'ufpictous but we may not talks, ‘Come let vs in,' oh God 1' . Car. Oh GOd‘what times are thefe. .é’xeflnt mms. Guiccbidrdine, I . After the bloudy Duke Valintinq: ‘Had conquered Furljmith the warlick Lady, ~ By wily force he tookein (4pm, ' Then through infidious fleights and treacheries, He did furpt‘ize the Gate ofCamerinc, Where he captiued lulz'a di Vamm, With his two fonnes all which he (irangled, With fcmblable tyranny PYOUd CW5”: On termes of trqfi meetes with the ‘Duke Grazia, And Ifnlfaztza with the prince of'Fermo: Whome he betraidc at Smigaglz‘a,‘ , ' Bereauing them both oftheit Rates and lines, ' He conquered: Uréingand with violenge, . ~- ,. . ...... Perfor- , THE. DIVILfi-CT‘HAMmt ’Pa‘Fonmcth flrangetand hiddeous, qgtragég; V i i ‘ By this time with his foree‘éback'e to Row, 5 " Cafar is marchingm'hat beryded there, _. Endcs in the (ubieé‘c’ of this Txagedie, we TVS.5; $0432.43; ‘ Ewe?“ Czefar aft emfiorzfl; oft‘rmmpet: liril‘ifigrfimfjefifigfigj’ I joldz‘hrs, Barbarefihflardimfl Caraffa, Bentiuogifiagiionii, [eflzNow that by cunnihgvforce 5nd pollicie, ‘AM the free Gates and Citties ofI'EorIzzzm'a’"K ‘ ~ , .. Subieé’ced are vnto the Church of Rome. And that our pikes and ward'es’in bleed and flaUghter, Are flaind and {heathid quiet in but fiabtrds,‘ \ Our blood and wounds flanch’d and bound VP in fcarfs, Let vs for this could feafon oftheyeak, ‘ ' Refi vs and checre our feiues till the next fpring. ‘ And then march fbrWard,with'aiacrity, ' Brage Baréaroffzz take thefe fouldiers, 7 Vnto fome quarter where by found Of dfum; ; According to their mufler giue them payg ‘ Let them be fati-ffied and {o difchargd. ‘ 2 Fellowes in arines faithfull and valiant, . , , I thanke you for your paines and honefiies , In token of our good heart toyouri'emice, ‘ Wee giue each common foldier more then pay Two ducatesmnd all other officefs. ' . » ' { According to their pluce redoublcd, . With many thankes for your exceeding valor, Aflurilig you that inthefe wanes with vs, Cxfizr {hall make you Captaines ofyout fgoyles, ’ Andi?) doth 'he commend you to year 69.16. , ‘ Sd/dA C cefizr a Czeflzr God faue (‘zefzzn Exit Ba: ba. ' A’olmd trumpetx’mzd aficfifb wizk drflmr marching, wét/o fildieri, (2L THE DIVILS CHARTER. fok Sirra come hether you mufi waytc on me. MYo aood Lord Cardin all and Bentimli, ’ M uch chankcs and dccrc acceptance ofyour Iouc‘s, I loumolv retumc for your great pwaincs - (212117” His lioliiicfle gauc vs in fmious charge, ‘ To g1 w: you greeting a 1d Withai {prepares A iumptsous fcaii for that folemnity, To whit h 111: doth 1nuite1hc Cardinalls ' With 011131 Lords your fauourers 111 mime; 61f £41131th commend my duty to my father Tell him {his 111511: I purpofc to be with him, Pointing m“ letter: m lai: [mud Tell h1m I iue in health and touching there, I pray you ccmfie his Holipcflc, .1 will hauelpeciall care: and {0 my Lords For afinall feafon I will rakc my leauc ‘36”. We do congratulatcyour fate ietume . Exzt Carafi‘a (’3' Bent C xfat locket}: on his fetrem; [22f Come hichc1 Bagliom' {peakc fin cc rely, Knowfi thou 'andino Rat]? th apothccary . ‘ Bag. What I my gratious Lmd?know I my felfe? CaszHow {houldl know thatfir? , " 7 , Bot May 1: plcafc your highnes he ferues his Holmes (If He did indeed fomtime and for his villanicg Is wort! .ily cal} of} bun; tell me firm Thou do 11 1emcmbcr how for breach ofarmes Jhe‘n thou didfi Hal) 2 ccrtaine lancc-Prizado: - ' Ipardon d thee thy l‘if‘c. 5.4g 1‘ rue 111ygood Lord I very well rememhex, He was a lowficb v11lame,m qrry was be, And if he liued yet fuch 13 my flomackc, / ' Thai: were he chppt m mammockes I could cate him: But for that hohour 111 a louldiers Word ' - ' Ilc {pend my life to do your highnelfe fcruice ‘ ' C If, Hal’c {nou thy pecce then ready. ' Bag Oh my good Lord lies fixfound as 21 b6“, 7 With _v__.’—v" ”*3?” V WWWWNFWWT~ - , , 1; ‘ , v 1 1 1 . ‘ \ ' i ' . THE DIVILS CHARTER. , With a 11 my warlike fi11nitu1e bcfidc Good flask and touch-box, a Valmm blade . A flauifla dagger , Powdcx ofR/Jemcx and buncm Here they bccnéc ‘ Of 80111111116 this afccr-hocnc within 1111: 211116 Next to the I mmw Rmflc wilbc: P 1' _And as I 1111011111161: 110111 and rcfeluce , _ 136901211 :1 ha! Ice 011111111 as he pafleth; 7 Few words 1f any man attach thee 10111, By my 111016811011 thou {halt be c11 IargcJ. " y‘Bag. And 1“ do 1101 my good Lord da111me m: 501' 11: Ihaue an old gmdgc at h1m 101: black cu11c, ' , I-Ie 01a! 1 bauc 111:0 fleck: bullets 1111311eg charg d , Nay but beer 6 me my Loxd? 11c tel} you what - By this 1111: fax office}: » Ihad as good a fpaniell for the water, As 6116*: hunted duckc: and 11115 11116 villwmc . 13-1 . Bccadfc my dog did case vp apannado ’ Withm his houiegwhat did that Sparr/b roaguc? What d1dhe thinkc yo111‘11y I 01d? Many V: y Fmrc am inflantly , Poyfon d my panic1lw1th Rafiaflfli: \ A pox on him m1chc1,fa11h 11: pay him hi soldefippcnce for" now. C11”. Take this to buy thee clothcs my 11uflyfc1uan1; Nay 115 void be 1101: affea1d ofit - Bag Aficmd my Lord ' ‘ :1 7 Were 11 a témpcfi 111 3 {11011116 ofgoid IWould indurc 1t and ado: c you fox 1. .1 C [. Then Baglz'on fitzhec,1othyfi1mituic, Watch 111 a corner clofc beyond {01111: 1112c: . ' And wbcfi the deed 1s dens: 1121231115 19 1111* Say that thy peccc went ogagamfl thy 11121, 1 , Keepe- a M17111 mazcn in cack 11 6:11: flasks: 311Jtoucb-bu11: , I A1111 takcba 1111111611 11111111 theefo fa1e-well 1 , . K a ‘ ' . Tim: THE D [VILS CHflK'TER. Thus mufi Idiuc dccpe m aVilIain‘es nature, . . _ And thus fizni’c faue a viliai‘nc fiat? “the gallows - ' 0 ~12 ' in arms in other ur 0 es. ~' $h§m€m vigomel co benc‘i’ic Iwould choofc, lmui’: in matters ofnioré‘momcnt vfc: ' - Or cls dei not benefit aman, _ ‘ , , _,:_.A_u J. :ut Lim 0-“; nifoqu 012291131") , Bag, Here mqbut my good Lord marke my Words WP“: \ Ifold Henri! co flii‘ink' in this feruicc » Caiicir him,caii him whip—Pcock,lcc him perifli, Foriwant of’SimuiM wines,and maluafic, a‘- , CccflThen Faiie 110: my mic {eru’am finciy, clofcly. Exit Cerf. i; B4g,No more but by this cro’fl‘a‘, , \ L 9 Why now this Neblc wakr; likc himfcif,‘ g Hath fitted me with fcruicefifrhe world, Had fought outfom-what to contcnt'aman,’ Nothing could better pieafe old Ballion Then to’ kiil a raskall,co'ward,cuirc, ' ASpmzz'fl: {quirt-vpfi‘black pbyi‘ni’ng roads. I like this trading better then the warms, . For there I (cm: for two ducatcs a month," And not a duck eggc richer when I march And in continuali hazard ofmy'lifc ' . For which pcrc‘afc my peeps” kiiis twenty‘pcrfons: "\1 Now {hall 1 march in purfc with many ducatcs, Foijonc hourcs feruicc but to kill one man; ' Frcc fi‘om all danger ofminc enemy; ‘, - ' _ _ , . I will about i: and- take vp myfland, ’ ‘ ' Ext}? . ~ . \ ' ~ 8w” Bernardo. \ , i _ Bern.Thus doth’qnc hideous aé‘tfuclcccd an Other, Vntill themouth ofmifch éifc be made vp: 3 ' ’ Now mui’t I train: my ,erw to his death,‘ A dead ofruth and! did fwéare the fatfic, N9: only foithg fecrpcy thcrggfi. V ' ” Bag ~ . EU: to écnceale a mattctof more weight, " ‘To ferue his Holinefie,call for Bernardq. ' i * I Gold can‘makc' hard the foficfi confcience, “THE 1D [VIL’S CHARTER. V I ' ofgrcatcr moment anrd’high cruelty; , i WhenvanyrdCCd ofmurther'mufl be done, He tnufl be principal] or acccffary / W To fcrue all purpofesgfm' gbld or pardohc, . The Pope giucs both;and I can take them both: ; find mine is harden’d'by the Ptafiife ofit, ‘ '< Holla Sigmor Bandino, He @ockgtb at a done, , EmerRotGe, I ' ‘ Rat. Who call‘swithout th»ere?what my good fellow Bernardo? Very welcomewvhat newcs with you? , ' ‘ ‘ - ~ '1- Ber. My Lord hath fem: me ferathc things hefpakc of. Rat, Hate theybcve‘ryf’trongaud fufliciently compounded According to direfiions {tort} his. Holineflie, ‘ ' ‘ . And fpeciall warrant vndcr his p-riuy figncét ' "I tried them on threelmfin cbndcmn’d to death: For tapine and vile murth‘c‘t: but the fiifi , Within lefl‘c then opt quarter of an hourc, , Puft vp grew Icaprous and his heart firings broakc. * , . , Thcn'didl giuc all-a‘y the fccond time, . , ' , , - . ~ ‘ , Enter Bagfioni with kixpm'e. , . ' ,‘Thgfecbnd, prizoner dibd within three houtcs ' Iditi the third time mittigatqalittle, _ 7 'And faw when it' was» miniffer’d the third man, Who did within eight hotttcs {well t'ag’d' and die. ‘ , Ber, Well hau: you dOnc yOut part {et do wnc your bonds, Andread this letter from the Duke Valentg’ooyx, » _ » ‘ ‘ Hcfittgtb dmme 171'; éattel: mall _ / ’ .; t ~ , . - -~ - g‘f , .- walkzlhg redJetb’tO blmfi’lfco ' Bag.WcIl fay‘d brauc Pihcagingar by mine honour ' 1 BeforcIdo this fcruic: lie there pccce'. ~ . ~ . .. ,. ’ Forlmufihauc'ét flying to theft: bot‘tcls, » . , H" erkgtffo ‘ _ - y , , — K 3 : , ‘ ‘\ IIUC THE D W1}. 5” c HA R TE 2;. Tn": {lingo Gingob, m‘me honour. Ohthat uiine oldfi‘iend ' anii Bacmdillio Fra’fcoéaldi Wcare hjcarcnaliuc again: to talk: of this other bottle , Well I will ‘vcnter vponic ,5 that I may-drinkc . onchealt-hTo Frefiaéaldi 5 I Will encounter with this flout He: g; ‘ tarmn,§reg](,. ‘, _ . . , .. 7 _ ,. - u ’ Were Afelmger here that flew the boorc. Like a Bamw/u’o armed all in fackc,‘ Or Houtc Mcki/[um a pewter coate, » 01' 01d Aflhmcm armed in a wicker Iyt‘kin, Of {’ridmw armed with 5a leather Iackcx, 7 A 111) d and “301309 with Alligant andl-lollCCk By forch @fhnnm and War: his valiant hand, I would encounter them whilfi Icould Hand. 'Ih'cflaucs are‘buifie reading their, paphlagoriian'p:apcrs,: I muf’c haue a faying to yc-u fir lmul’c ;. though, You bcprouidcd fer his Holines own: mouthfl will be, Bould to bathe Popes taf’tcr by his lcauc, ' 7 ‘ Now tuiflyjifiojlmjzkzfi i0: mmw, ‘* Katie: him albnc it is tthukes‘plca-furuc, Thdt-if he will tafle he {hall bcfufi’cred’, . , .Andthcrcforc I was commanded to {ct them downc, ' In prefence offuch a fellow whom: for his- fawcincifc,’ ‘ Ihauc pcpcrcd, ,‘ x V r f . * Bern. Oh tis a perilous villeinc if you knew him {'0 Well as l, belcéuc me he WOuld paper you for It if he Vndcx-liood f0 much, eacc man he hath'brokcn vp the battle let him drinks, *- Ratfi. Nay‘ let him drinkc and burl): , forgbclcgue me ‘1 was enform’d before offuch a fcllowc ; for whom: I Was comman- deal to lay bate; oh notable villeinc,how hefcalscth death, I Brg.Th=is is‘aNoble nipfler ifaithfo f0; V ’ H: drinckgly. ‘ Backs again: to'kenncll fl‘auc. ' i . ' i l . , Rot, He hath his full wages dout not Bemmdo, to fcrue him tillth die,’ {etmc/not to relPeé‘t him in any cafe docI pray you, ‘ Ber. Nay bu: doe snét you rcfpgéihim, leaf: hie; d'qubtc. you fufpcé’chun, , ‘ - ' = , 'v . .. ‘ ‘ ._ giamh mm dcubtyou noifib’ubt‘youhotfi will ,n-cuer 1001;}: get .vs , THE D IVIL CHAR TE 12.“ turneoun taike Tell his Holinefl'c tis well compounded and ' -Cbfi’P°{ed ofali tho“? drugges mentioned in your letter , giuc the: Duke right humblcthahkes for his token,and with all reut- rcnce kifl'e his excellent hand; _ , » . BermAnd by this flgnct you are to-dcluiucr me thebotties. Rot.Hauc arcarc of them and deiiutr them. ’ ‘ i > i ‘ I . Bernardo recmmrbgtbe 5mm. , BenFarcweli fciiow Ratfi’. ' RotJidieu Bermrda'. 7 , _ . Ber, Now doc net I pitty: this. Spamz'fl) villainc becaufe he: i ‘ cohfentcd to the. poyfoning of this foldier, but for thatI am innocent. - _ Tide] gee forth twofi’igemllmzyesmida Rotfi 1‘: Ike: 5] Bag‘iioni; " , ~ Bag. What is the wild goofs fallen? hauc at youxSir,might a“ poor: foldier {peaks halfe ai‘corp woords- to your v'cnemousv‘ worfliipand according to your accuflomed furiineffe hauc non ‘ _repiyaII:I beiceue youzfirryour wordes are notioffcnciue in any ‘I fort I mufi coxsfciie. jNow thou infcfiious flaué, thpu compiéii- ous Rafcalfihou confcéiionary viiléinciWherc is you fublimatum now fir ? where is your Ratsbmatum-nbwhow whet; arc; yput poyf‘oncd puiiets in fl‘ued—brot‘h ? where be: they P; you? new?! drcmpt ofa poyfoncd bulict,did you go: too?n0-W‘S{gn?r WW”: gaming wiii I romagc in the worms catcnikfiélfmt. YOUr 1'01““ hulke:paflion of my fouic whatpaperslai'rfl'thoctic;F01) powder, x Powder foh, whats here} marryfir‘ I him this, Welham Y 0“ f0 ' , . I ' ' 1 t' spurfic fir,tms may few: to i’copva gap In my nmgdbouts hedg, what is this you {how me with a {hams- to YOU : yeaand mafia: - ofthe {mall ordinance to , this ngé‘lifkha'thbccfflc 0&6” moun- ted where thsi'e‘hath hccnenhot’ézid dangerousfiwice‘iii {he He?“ 091312427, hold paHién of‘mc my guts, outva’“ that thou hafi pOyfoned mce with thy Hinking breath or Wish my “now? Powdersmut aiaiTe aiaff: what Erie'commotxons I {Cele 3: my bodic gryping frctting ’and fuming : a Plague on bail: '\ THE DLVILS CHARTER. bottle. ill; With; vengeance, I‘am peppered .thcrc is no 'rem c.» dicm all théfc cxtrcamc agoniesl mull draw this villeinc fun... the: and throwhim into a ditch ‘, De}: valenedell Diaéola’ Fare- .Wfll Farewell my old Skurcardzllio Frefbae’aldz‘farewell Madam ‘Semprém'azfor in confcien‘c'cgl gm guilty ofmine owne deamhoh the panes of. hell and purgatory 5 Com: you lowfie Raskall I a . ' will bury thee with canyon in the next dltch. ‘ . ' ~ ‘ l ' He dmmtb in Rodi é] " {12: heeled: grazing, , , I 5.6%. 3. : I “ @15kéfld6f,‘ mfkrl?ofgmg 4 ' eAlexHauc you-dcliucrcd t0 the botclcman, The fatall wine. , ‘ _ _\ (Iefll I gauc chargcito CBeerdo, Hau‘m'g them fafely {eald with mine ownc fignct, That wh cn fcafling I do call for wine, ' He {hall btcakc vpthe fcales and fill chat-out, . ' Fd'r the tWQCardib alls Corvette and Madind, , Alex,Tis Wellsnov‘v if ourplor proueright, ‘ - Thou {halt be maifier of much wclth to night, » / l ‘ ‘ Dying in cfiatc all comes to my lhafc, , l « Camfihloucs a fallet pafling well, And I haue fitted one to ferue his tourne, Their gould will make thy foldicrsfight in blood, And yvingc thy viélories with‘goodfixcccfl'e. ' (kfizlet vs no: longer entertainer the time, . By this tthardinalls exp68c our ,Prcfcncc, , . Allex,0n,with aufpicious flcpc triumphant Caefizr. ' And entertain: them in brafluc iollity, . l ,,.. ., .,»£x2n slaw: . warw— m-Mmm » THE DIWLS . ‘ ‘ l x S C 1/15, 43 I , , l 5. I? Saund 10ml mnficke .- a cuppord ofplat: hougbf imEflter wit/déattle: Bernardo wit}: , ‘ the éottlcmnn. ‘ ‘ Berflaue fpetiall care yeu that haue thcfc in charge; . a That thcfc two fealéd bonds be not Bird, - Vntill his Holmes call for that wine Botfearc um I will attend it as my life. / j ’ 50mm! trumpetififlcmalfienrer a £426.]? [1},er , Wander hoggbfi , in : after the trampm [band dmm: amdfif; mter Alcx'andc: , in bi: pomgfimllmfier [aim Cometto with foarfiarbaroEg 5 ' With Medina , Bcntluoli wit}: Camila ; the Pope take“: lair lyl‘m’gkree C ardim; 11: an one/z'de amiaspmim: on tbcthcn Mix, Martian your (clues. he-cre {womeémcn and film: Church-mcn. , ' . ' '7“ ' 7 (?sflHserc fit we {wordm-cn t6 defend theChurch. ' Alengy Lords glue anfwc’rc in finccritle, I I'Hath‘ not my Cafizr fought Well forth: Church? m That hath fo {cone belC&Cd in her: right. Ima/a-furljflamerim,CaptM, Vréz‘nefflanmSz‘negaglm, , , ‘ . Bran: Cafizr I mull bof’c ofit’ in prefencc, , That 1 Chrifics vicarc ofihisfiChur'ch on earth; _\ Han: fuck a fonne which ifliicd filom myloynes, That being vicare ofthc Churchgs Warres. 1 H'at‘h in rcuolution ofon'e year, i Done morethcn all the gcneralls ‘haue dene,'_ In honor of our Church for forticyearcs“, ' ' - (‘ornXour Holincs with all your C ar‘dinalls, _ ‘ / Your-barrons and indeed all chrifiendomc , ‘ . Arc beund to gichod thankesfbr fuck a Prince. THE‘DIVILS CHARTER.— " And him great honor for his Fortitude. ' ' , " ' “Ike 7km]! commatb Md 1 cb‘zxgetb tlaé Popes éotrlw, , . WMLYour excellence did in‘a bleflcd hower. I Surrender vp y(?ur Holy robes and hat, \ Bctaking youto burganc: and armes, By which you might enlarge our liberties. (hr. Ifaithmy Lord and foe we hauc all ofvs good caufe to rcioyce , Would Ihad, bane with yourcxeeiicncc at Caps» , I ‘ wculd had one bout with, them as; old as 1am, fo You might my Lord haue had Your choyi'c of Ladies, Bewdfull prifonets to be {ant to Rg‘ma, ' ' L ' (£3721, I marry my Lordfomc-what might haue bcene {aid to :hi‘s'g'eerc m dieém iliabut tmnféaht mm ceterz'a erroriém,would“ gtoiG O D I weave as youfxg as whenI was a Schollerin Padang filith th'cnl could hauc fwingd a {word and a buckler , gndI did'thzt then wil being but a fpringall of 24. yearcs whigh bye talkt of'm Padmithcfe 4o, ycates I warzant it faith my Lord were] (0 lufiy now Iwoafld goc with you mthc Warrcs this . next fpring thats Hagwill‘ you cate any {alien my Lord,faith here arc’cxcellcnt’herbes if yOu lOuethcm, , y . Cmfiz,They be my Lord~too col’difor my Homackcwvilt pleafc ' you-my Lord to. drinkc‘a‘ cupapf old greekg wine With it,bring. mcfomc winé here. 3 ' 4 ‘ Alex, Bring me fomc wine hcrcl ‘w‘rlldrinkca ?oy to ("fo and this Nobléico mpany, 1 - ' CaefiSomc wine for his Holmes owne mouth ,Bermm‘a, . Wm”: éraugbt to Alexandm _ ‘ Alexflxfisr your {'61 F: are 11133 cf ofthis feafl, Idrinke a good fucccfl'e and vic‘l’oryw/ r' . Alexand,6rdrz‘nkgtljgtmmpetsfimd. ‘ To [afar and great, happinesv :0 ail. ‘ ‘ ’ ~ ' * foardrinkgtb, CafaHappyfilccefTe :1an fortune'te'you all. g . $4163.. Hold Cmfirgliay fox Wee arePoyfoncd, ’ .I h ' i * ' 2:141}: fram tbemél , 6W” THE D [VILS ‘L‘zHA-R TEX. (37% My Lord it is all of, \ , A max. Then art thou quite vndone, Cdif. Some vilian’ous‘confpiracie lygs hid Within ghis companyfigd this pernicious villain: C 32f a9r flhélvetb Bernardo. . , , Hath prafiiz’d with them 5 goe with thy foulc to hell, “K ’ I feels: the raging ofit, ;\ ‘ (om. Away my Lord.Modz‘mz Come away, This. traméwas laide ofpurpofe for but liucs. ‘ flfbdi,OUI Edhgc‘and defence is from aboue, Le: 32th w Qrkc,hc ncuer {hall preuaale, ,, -, w . , ' ‘ ' Exit CormmdModian Cm'zzfl: How doth my gratéous LCrd, ' - Vflex, Oh very fick : bring me pch’cruatiucs, Ithinkel haue as good as anyman. ‘ Alex, to bitfladt't; A 6% My Lord Bemu’wglz‘ take heei‘c my keycs, \ “f , You know my Rudyfearch my Cabbmet, There {hall you (inch? '21 little Chrifiall Phiafl, Wrap: vp m Sarccrfet,bring it hcthcr firaight, ’ I fccle Veflmm raging In my guttes, Exg't. Alex. Hecre Cxfizr tafle fame of this pfccmus water; Againfl all plague ,poifon,and pcfiil‘cncc Apfefent helps : I bo‘u-ght it of 316W, ’ I , Borne and broughtvp in Gabi]. , 1 Caefar tdgfln‘h ‘ Cf My Lord it is too forceablé and horte, 3 a . Alex. The flames ofWoagibe/chnfuglc my liner, Bring mesto {omc repofe, , , ' ' _ V Camfi‘, Camfort your/{clfc my Lord; . Alex. C fizr take rd}, Send for Phyfitions, all my fear: rcmaines That Coffin” (hall mifCarry. Cdfl And all, my griefe that both. Noble chiiuogli with-draw we bath, A , Ynto my Chamb er, I am very fick. ' Ema»: am”. Ia: 75953 'ii\ / 1 THE. DIVILSNCEQI‘RM f " K S‘CEN'. 5-. Enter Afl‘aroth :mclxalletha "lflk,BelcliarfieleharB‘dalmr; ‘ ,« Bel. V4rta,’i}4rc4,szrm, / Var. 3fl4rotb,A_/fnrotb,A/larotlz. , { The dimllx me ate and embrace. / , Aflo, Let Orcm E73514: and Acberon, , , , And all tEbfe Ghofiswhich haunt. the Bitchy VaulteS-a ' Ofcolc black bags in Cimerim {hadcs , Mufiegthemfelues in numbermumbcrlcfl‘e, T‘o dauncc abeut the Ghofl of Wander. - var. Our firy— regionvoyd of all religion,“ .. ‘ And diuilifh order by ncccffity? ' ‘ Gompell'd requires hisflprcfcnt policy; Bel. T hat fatal! wine which for his. Cardin-all'sg, He deflincd‘l took: out ofthewplgce: . And plac’d his-‘owne wine for thofc Cardinalls. Bar. Txhiexdatcofbis damnation ‘is at hand. eAfla, Be ready then fonI the firfi will beau; . Asfwifi aswieripdc his black foule to Sfiix,‘ , / ‘Bel, And I. with poyfnedtoads will floplhismouth,‘ Whefehcart wasncuer fatiffied with luf’t. , = .Afla. And I with fiiakcs and flinging Scorpion: ~ ’l Will fcourgchim for his pride and infdlencc; " “l Var. And I withforceoffiénds will hall his limmcsa, 1 And pull'them-till he Hretch an achor length. l I 73:]. And fér his ‘auariccl will fill hispaunchl “ , l l hWith Gore of moulten gold and beyling lcadc. ’ . i Aflthcn let vs for his fake a homm‘pipcmadea, l . 1799i dame m2 muck, , r ’ a s fixiah.m~3m&$.rr 4.,‘,. { ,4 ~~\-—w, -_ - THE #13 11/11. s (2 HA R nix; » ’ S C E N. V 1mm. Alexander vonémced éetm'xt two Cardim/l: in laisflmy leakg'ng vpan‘a éaok‘ewlaz‘ljf agroome drawetbrtke [urtagrza ‘ Alex. You talke of pennance and ofpeniténce, ‘ Compuné‘tidn with contrition and remiflion / _ For all my finnes; I piay you thinke ofyours You vex your {clues too much I cannot thank you, ' Hauc patience firsgoh (is a oedly exorcz'fim- ” ‘ flew penitet peccaflé pm: 4% innacm: ‘ . Giue leauc,giuc leaue, come hither when I call Eyther mcrcfoolcs or good phificions all. , ' 772:} placebz‘m in 4 char? 72pm: tbefiétgt; _ «grooms fittetb a ‘Taéle' éefore him; Nay Icauc me good mylordsfaine would Imcditatc,‘ Beam: me I|pnay you.’ ; (kmf. We lcauc ourpraicrs with your Holincfl'c, Call vponGothinkc of his cndlefi‘e bounty, Ale, Pray for year felucs,troblc not me With praiefs, I...pray you treble not your {elites with praying. Alcxfelm.What is repentancc?h ’9: I not forgotten? - He aka}: 24m aéaakgg ’ Why repentanc; is afpirituall martircdome, Which mortificth finncs and/healcs the fouls: ‘ ” Hailing bcenewounded with thc’fpirics {word This {word Gods booke : that book: by me profain’&'i And by which bookc of‘ Gm! my foule is damn’d», . I damn’d vndoubtcdly.’ ‘ ‘ Oh wretched Alexander, fléuc offin-ne “ ,, And of damnation;~wh'at is he that catr- Dieliuer thy poor: foulc?oh none but he V a 5 That when thou didfl fenounce him cafi 95th¢¢$ L ‘Repsntancc is in vaine,mercy (:3 late}. _ .L 3,; THE DIVILS CHAKTER. Oh‘why {hould mifctablc mortall man, 5 Whofe lénguafixing breath lines in his“ asfirills _ Vex and tormenthimfclfbwith dayly trauell To {crape vp hcapes cfgold to gape for honors? What were the c'onqucl’ts ofgreat filexmdcr: OFCyrmflg/ww Cxfizr 9 what were it: To be po‘fi'eilcd cf this vniuerfc ' And lcaue it all behind him in a moment? Might fame one man attaine that happincffc thch our firll Adam had in ‘Pazrmdzce, ‘ Before he did px'cual'icaterNhy then L ' It were a workc oflafllng worthlnefl‘cr a To ‘rippe the bowells of our mother Op: " For tréafuregand tQ conquer all the world, Becaufe eternity Would prdmifc it, x ” Output alas my pahucsgny gu‘tges,my line: And yet I fear: zt nouthuugh infecurity Once more I will With poang-full cxorciilnes, Inuok'c‘ thofc Angells ofcterfiall datjkeneflé , To fllcw me now the inanncr ofdcath. Alexander drawetla (/9: Carmine ofhir fludiawbere bee difi'aw4 72% the difig‘llfltting in %i1pant{fi64/x , Alexander qraflét/a kim- filfe [farting m: tkefigkts Win. What dofl thouflart foul: child of'rcgrobation ‘ Vainc'arc thy croffcs,vvainc all cxorcifmies, “ . \ Thofe be no fruites offait‘h butmere hypocrifie’: gym teflgna temere'me'tangz: (flu any: Roma (géifuéito motilzm 16;: 4mm . . Rome Whichonce was thy gorgcous codcdbinc Hath now forfakcn thee: now doth {he findc, Thy falfhood Which did her a'dultcratc- z What dofl thou tremble flaue offinnc and hell? ~ . Alexander takclb 61‘: 500k: ofMagtkq,the Dixil'laggberk. _ ‘ ‘ / '1‘. _. Mm.” ”2....“ a.“ .,. m CHAR” 1. ~ A1612 I exomfc thee foule malignant fpirit In the names of, of, of 932'in Of v1 hat. 3 foul; 111011:h,poiuced (Quid? Corrupted fleih; God hath forfak 1:11 thee, Thy date expired 15,191: powzc determined Alex Diflbiue, d1 lue ,break ,hreakc,hl ac}: fouls difioiuc And peyfon all this hemifphcrc with (111112;, Dm, Thy death. and diiToiucion {iand at dofc’, Refolue now to d fl‘oiueghy foule' IS ours. ’efl'lex. Proud Lucifi’r Traycor, to g1 eat: [e59mg5 Father oflics my time 13 not expir d, , Iwill not do that violence 1:0 (3021,. Taking that which 13 his £10m him To be befiow d on his great enemy Din. Thou that hai’c thrown: thofc gracesin his face; How canf’t thou thinkvpon {2211112115011> ~a- -..' ’ ,. ' Thinkchat th at: damn d Iwill deciarcitpl ainely. 1 7712?}! ft taaitlyer A/cjx. Seaman years are yet to come, I Iook for them 5052: Examine thy fouls with this ceumcrpartc Alex. Behold itPis 12 1101 £221 eight years 8; 8 daics? Dix. Thou Foole examine in Arithmetik,’ _ Numbers without difiiné’cion placed thus Amm with the figure 1 I fignifying eieuen years, 8; the figure. Seauen applycd to ‘Dm importing {eaucn daics. i ‘ Alex How?how?how?how?howes that? Dek 32:51]; 21241121.: ¢2’el Dméolo. Deb qnella mime dél infirm. And for what Hands this figure then. P @2321 Why For eiohtcene this figure Hands for offrmo referred vnto a’zi1 1211’: beforq,’ ngifying th eight day after {0 that Anna: mdzcem wit how: diflinéiian fidnifying elem. 1cm years; and this figure ieaum ad ied to daiesmnd that oéflma pafl, importing the ‘ eight 2125,1011 owi n g,maren’, thou {halt die, Imcane thy hodic with Ehy 10 1122' 111 ref p251 ofHeaucn . Thus many daies hafi thou continued POW; \ ' And this is thy 13?: day defign d byfat c. 2. , . ‘ , . ”€337 7‘33 DIVILS CHAR Alex. Thou canfl not mock me with thy Sophifirie, My fouleis more'dmine and cannot perifli, e / D1331 Thy fouie foule beef: is like a Menflruous' cioatha Pelhted with ynpaxdonablc finnes. 5 e/Ilex, Know then malfiignant Angel] of confufion, My {oule is a diuihe light rt} created In likneffe liuely formed to the word, Which word Was God,that God the caufeofcaufes, My foule is fubfiance ofthe iiuing God, , ~ Stampt with the feaie of‘heauen,whofe Carraéier , ' / ~13 his etein all word,at which hell trembies. Dim‘l. And what of that .3 thou therein hafi no part, I do cenfeffe thy foul: wag firfl ordayn’d ‘ « To good :but by free—will to finne thou flaue, Hafi fold that {oule from happincfl”: tq hell. , wax, Marke yet What I can anfwer for this foule. Mightie Ielaowzb mofl exuperant, ‘ _ Two creatures made in feature like himfelfe, The world and man: world reafonable and immortal], .‘ Man reafonablgbut difl‘oluble and mortal], And therefore man was, called Mcrooofmm, The Iit‘tle.world,and fecond tipe/ofGod, Conteyning thofe high faculties and funfiions, And elements which are within'the world. M an then that doth participate with all, 1 Through operation, conuerfation, angl "fillibolifation, . With matterin the fubieéi properly, With th’tlements in body quadrifarie, With growingpiants in vertue vegitatiuc 1n fence With bcafis ; with heaucns by th’influence OF the fuperiour fpirits into th’infcriour In wifedome and capacitie withAngeIs, ‘ With Eloy»: ifithat great continent, ’15 without doubt preferued by that God, Finding all things conteiried in himfeIFe. Diuil, .Aanet me vaine ‘Phflgfopher tothis, Th , _ \ " , , cu N V < VVhofe habitacic is prepar'H in hcauen. . ‘ 'WHE DIVILSCHARQI‘ERJ" Thou that hafi planted man in this perfcfition Not looking on thy detei'iable foulc, , , ‘ Which firfi Like a pure leafc ofw-hltcfi Lilly, Clecre from aliblcmifh was beflow’d by God, ' ' And thou'foule bcafididf‘iflmmefully Polutc it, hit not one of humaine Faculties, To Plopoifi for your telucs the bef’c you éan,’ Where Other creazures carrycd With blinde force, . ‘ Make Ehcmmfclues: bond—flaucs to thc prefcnt time. ”The fcopc of‘mans creation was to glorific The mofi all patent maker ofail things, .The Alpha and Omega: ofall bound e, But he that wilfully betraycs this‘lfoulc, ‘ ' That precious Iewcil wherein God delights, Difhonors God and doth dcpriuc himfclfc, Of all falqatiojn and beatitudc. * _ Alex". Rep: with thiaanfwer,that my fault: is Gods” \ ‘ Fix?! it deth know God being figurcd According to :h at Image ofhimfelf'c,‘ And then the war! d whofehuely fhapeit bearcs, ‘ ' And to c‘oncludc,‘~ the foul: ofman knqwés an, Bgcaufe withiallthings i: doth fimbolizc, For inthis Man that is a mindeintcllig‘cntr _ A quicknin g word and a ccchiaIl fp'uit, That like a lightning emery way dnfiufhd, , All things whith are made by the mightypower‘, Vnitcth,moueth,and replenifhéth. " ‘ , ‘ Din, Theft things l'hould haue beenc thoughtvyon béqu‘g Thcfiz’mmum éam'mz which liucs’ in the fouls; ' . Is an‘etcrnall pleafurc to behold, ' And haue fruition ofthc mighgic'powcx', ‘_Wh1ch thou didfl acne: fec,nor canfl eni'oy. Alex. Pawfc yet a lit;le,‘let me meditate, ( * Alexander lyaLfet/a 12)) hi: band: Wringing \dndfiftly‘crjing. M l ‘ . Macy? .. V,-.._,.._.._r .,.._- g.” . 7 , _ .7 _ , fl . ~ I .»....-‘-. , . -'> -,:.— <\m~~mmflfl‘s£fi\ 7__.<,W’ , M», w W?!“ THE DIVILS mew 7 Mercy , mercy, mercy; arife ~arife: vp,vp,vp gfyfym‘o, no 9 mm flubbumcfionicfiiffinduratc: hearmot yct,vp,why,whac ?wxl: . than not foule traytorho my {oulci’not yet? _‘ Tim fDim'll laugbetly. a. Arifc, arife,aduauncc heartclogg’d with films, . O prcfl‘cd with damnatioan aduauncc ycr, “Ell: thou not fiirrellific hearIPWhat am I damn’d? Yet a littlc,yet:a<little, oh'yetmot yct? alas. High God of'hcaugns and carthlf'thou bears louc, Vhto tlie fouls offinfull man fliew mcrcy, Mercy good Lord,oh mercy;mercy,mcrcy., Oh’faue my foule ounofthc Lyons paw cs, , My darling from the dennc ofblacke damnation, _ My fault, my douc, comer with filuer wings, Her down: and plumage make offinc tryed gould, Help,hclp,hclp,ab@ucfiirrcfilrrefiuplditic. _ _« 1%ch charmes in Dauid; v’vords with 1:4de fizirit, , cfllequt will not,no it will noz,yet alas,no,ne,no?i5 that my :léntence to damnation? ' I amvndoncwndonc. Dim‘ll. He {hall difpaircwalfill offinn e and hell, Prouidc *thy/lelfc in black difpairc to dwell, ‘ _ . -’He €942,6th an 1712: flaw, f \ Ma’éx. I tell thee Icamaor» be refo‘lu’d, _ TOdwcllin darkenefi‘e breakc black foul: diflbluc, Andpoyfo'n all this Hcmifphcr; with fume, H acre Alexander is in extreame torinefit Ami ‘ - growth wbz’lfl the dim]! laug/oetb‘ at him, Mia’x. Andif I may not reach that happixieflc, ‘ . Sincc-f'or my {onncsfakcl my {e fc inthral’d, Tcll me fhall Cafiz’r die this death with me ? ' ‘Dim'll, C'efézr; big youth and fircngth dfblood driucs out. This fat all poyfon andfllall line a while, Alex. Oh fhcw me then the manner of his death, £35». Attenditsérme growcs {horn all fear: ispafi.‘ VT! . ~ . 1c A _~:_.._.,—._ ‘T’f‘T—"V" w- ,E ..,,, \ 77“., flwmr VWN "mu THE DIVILS CHA 1e rm, ?he Diuilléringethfiam the dmw: Lucrcciaes Gb ' d . 2 fl! ‘ Wh after her :1: £190? ?‘Can die flawed. 0A4” . X ’ ex. at meancs : at g a II {had 1 h’ ’ ) Diuil. By, that which rcprefcntsyLmreig,w “h came flrfl °‘ -; LeprGUS and goifoncd isthy death declar’d, By Poy’fon Which glow Gruggleth with th 1' ir't ' ' ‘ And byuthat other which (as out to thee? P l 5’ The murthcr‘ofchy fonne the Duke of'C’amiy, Prcfigur’dis thc deathof‘thyfmme C‘efifi" , Thdu for’ihe poyfoning ofthy daughter poyfoned: , Hcfor th; murthcring ofhis brothermurthcxcd. ‘ , 1 AlcazThus God is oncly iufi, ,‘ 1 ‘ Dix. The Diuill cannot deny it. Alex: Man oncly faivfe. - 1 Lcamc mifcrablc wretchcd mortaH men, By this example ofa fiz1fnllfoulc,f ' ' What are the f‘ruit-esofpridc and ,Auaricc, Ofcrucll Empire andim/pieti‘e, , Offiprophanation and Apafiacic, Of biutiflu luflfalfehcodfind(perfidic, Ofdcepc diflcmbling and hypocrifie, ‘1“ Lcamc wicked worl‘dlingsficam c,leame,!carne byme To” faixc your foulcsfihough I condemned be. " Saumda H orgze within,enter a Diwilllik: “PM“; I Dizz. Here comes a fatal! meffageJ mufi hence. Exit. Algx. My ro abcs, my roab e.ghc robs me of my rozbcs, Bring me my r'oabcspr take away my life, _ My xoabcs, my life, my fault anda‘ll isgonc. Alexanderfalgnh in An cxmfie «upon thrgramd,‘ ' 2:1)iwil. From the pale horrér of eternall- fire, Am Ifent with thé-wagon of black: ‘Dia, ' To guide thy fpirit to the gatcs-of death, ‘ Therefore: I fummon thee to come With (peed, For horrizons now flari’dfthec not inflecd. « -. ' ‘ > ” ‘ Alexandcmdmncetha little. kaJ-Iorror and horrogfearc cnfuc:h fe'arc, . p \ a m 39mm ' THE DIVILS CHARTER. Torment with tormentcs isY11compaflcd: ' D1fpaire vpon d1fivai: c, 632 1111at'1011 Vpon da1nnation,hella11d conf; ence, Mu1the1‘,lul’c, 3119.11“: impicty, Vainc prophan 2111011 and apofiacic, Rag c and d'ftrafiion tiramze: away, 7 Away p1o11d Lucifer, aw ay. « Dimll away, av1 21y T he Dim‘ll 1W¢deifl2£5 bargain .5215 eme- ‘ 1 l and there mare 01mm enter Mm 121 ‘noz‘fé ‘ z‘ncommzfling him, fllexanderfiartetk. Alex 301121310113 1101121, come ,come,come,what, when ,whcrc When, why,dcaff°tr1lre, dead, 31111123011 alas, oh alas alwaxes bur- ning,alWayesfreez'1ng ,alwayes liuing,tormented, neuer ending, neucr, ncuer, neucr mcnd1ng,out,out,out out ,W by ,wl1y,whc- thcr whether: thether, . . Dim”: Thcthcr 1116131161, thcthcr, 7 bundemnd lightning with flarefn'l mife the ‘ diuell: tlamfl him down: amigo: Triumghing. ’ Enter Cardinaltr and Bcnti1101‘1‘, Bent," What is be dead? ‘ ~ Car Dcad,a11d in Inch :1 fafhio’n, AS1n11ch afi‘rights my fiairits 1:0 Iemember, Thunder an d'fcarfull l1ghcn1n g at his death, Out cries of'horror and extremity. Bent Caufe all your bells 1.0 rmg my lords oFRome, Kym 1s 1edecmcd from a wicked Pope Car. God hath beheld vs with his eyesofmcrcy, His name be glorified,1oyne all 111 prayer, , And giuchim praiie that tooke away your 17121111: $1.11” ($01: your procefl10n fing your letinies, And ict your Churches through with multitudes, Banquets and bonfiers through the Citry make. / , In fiancour Church isfreed f1om infamy, Car. E11611 as his fgiric was mflacc with 11111: ' A P 11 Eek?” ‘ . , THE D IVIL s CHAR TE}. Bcho!d his bodie puffed vp with Poyfon, . His corps {11 all be: conuaicd to faint Testers, ’ Open for all beholdergthatthcylmayv . Scethe reward offinnc,amcnd and Pray, - ‘1 , Guiccbidrdim, . Th’omniporent great guide: ofall powers; (Whofc éffcncc is pure gracc,and heauenly loucgl As he with glorie crowncs heroyick 361mm,. Bearing a tat’cc of his etcmhlchrtuc) ‘ ‘ So fcmolably doth he with terror fixikcfi ' In hcauze vengeance finncs deteflablc: As in this tragikc myrrour to your eyes,‘ Our fceanc did rcprefcnt in Alexander, Flagiciom Cxfir his ambicious fonnc, Rcfcru’d for more calamities to coma: , After he wasimprifoned by the Church; Efcap’t into the kingdom: of Nauarrf, ' Vnto King 10/)» then brOther to his wifefi Where in an ambgfh at Vilma flame, ; luff Nemcfi: rep aide his treachcric. - Epiiogus. - :Eroz'cke and kneua/emfieaatary, 7 Tour gratiom ‘Mruflnd cxriom aéfirfldz‘iam, 'Iudz'tiom cenfitrtsfludfmete clemencig; Ham: flow addrt’fl our Tragickamtex, T?xchange contentmentJor fienégnitz'e : H :4me denoted toywrgaad defires. ‘ forfame d:lig/at,mufi ofdifémrféfar others, I ' For all example,4nd far mm: gfince, . Tear famur: am: a royal! recompmce, Wkicbwbm our Ioftie cil/lnfw 'f/mll perceiuc; Then in more pompam and triampkantflate, Tour eye: withglor] [7m II the deed: rename Ofngbtie Momrcbcx,KingI,4nd (flung: 'offitte, ' .3] me tho]? perfim which our Scene prcfmted, ' Kw]? allyour. 1:41:4an wijbjm well contented. films: ' V.— v‘...' W‘M quyfi, Ha, ,, m .5 .9 » M2?” k , rls‘?! I V” n m, m. * «v _ A. ., < ,_ , , ~ _ , , . ‘ .,|I.|kalr..}! Fr!