I ILLINOIS Production Note Digital Rare Book Collections Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign 2020 ~~r 14¢.“ 2, ’1 m‘ .— wH—w "a", w ("lsw‘qv'wufl 7 V E R S E S 4". Death OfMTS. MOR‘RICE,‘ Late Wife to . , Mr. MORRICE, High—Bailiff 0F [WE STMINSTER, AND Daughter to the late Bifimp of R--ch----r‘; now in Exile. , Heu.’ 7mm mifiro mibi demuin Exilz'um infelz’x.’ mmc alte whim adafi‘um. ”flaw-mm ~_———- LONDON: Printed, and DUBLIN Rcmprinred, and Sold by GEORGE FAULK NER, at the Pamphlet—Shop in Efe fixgflreet, where all Manner of Pamphlets are Sold, an Printing Work done Reafonably, 1730, 1‘ ,,__ “w 3.5.” , ON THE Death of Mrs. MORRICE, (9%. O fabliug Song, my mouthful Heart, effay ; But genuine Grief adorn the flowing Lay. In Numbers fuch as Friendfhip can in== fpire, Wail the loft Daughter, and the living Sire, Tilllflinty Breafis refifilefs Sorrow know, And melt reluétant at another’s W0 : Till Party Zeal the Father {hall deplore, And thofe who hate him molt, ihall pity more. What Time the State its Indignation flied, And lanc’d in fecond Thunder on his Head : W’hen (i4 ) :When N---: judg’d the well defended Gang/E, ‘And C—-—-: Care fupply’d defeé‘tive Lawr, .Tben firfi: the Wound relentlefs Fortune made, (Which, feft'ring, {Ecret on her Vitals prey’d. 'Guiltl’efs flie pin’d, or wholly guiltlefs She, Or only {’tain’d with Elia] Piety., In vain might Ewiend: to footh her Anguifh try, No Ftiend aFatber’s Ablénce could fupply. No darling Children could afford Relief, ‘ Nor Parent: Fondnefls’ heal the Daughter’s Grief N 0 Sweet: of Life fulficient Balm could prove, Nor the dear Softn‘efs of a deedllow. The Pangs of Lots unbated Pcill endure, She talks no Cordial, and admits no Cure. With Health impairing Sighs, unfeen Decay, She wears the flender Threads of Life away. Nor Eaf'e, nor Period can her Mourning have, But the dark Shelter of the quiet Grave. ‘ So when Dalian: with defh‘uétive Skill, Or Indian: rude in Good, but learn’d in Ill, A fatal Draught mix for their fecret Foe, Avoidlefs filre, yet unfufpeélted flow ; i The latent Death creeps on with ling’ring Smart, - And mocks the Antidotes of human Art: 50 imperceptahly the Work is done, That‘Nature half miftakes it for her ‘OWn. When ' ‘ ”"5 “14;: a [)1ng Rum I Againf’t their Purpof'e, urge her fpeedy Way. ‘ Time, ever—halting, feems to flack his Speed. ‘ Till the dear Father blef’s her longing Eyes. When inward fretting Grief had almofl: drain’d Her ebbing Veins, nor much of Life remaiu’d, Each Hour her pious Pray’rs more ardent grow To meet her Exil’d Father once below. Whoe'er the Hazards of her Health dif'play,’ Lealt Death prevent her reaching Gallia’s Shore: That only Sting the King of Terror: bore. Still pleafing Hope her fickly Limbs upheld. Weakuefs itfelf, by true Affeétion fieel’d, _ Diliance, and Toils, and Dangers could difdain; And Seas and Mountains were oppos’d in yain. Rife to her Wiflies, rife, propitious Gales,‘ And with new Swiftnefs wing the flagging Sails. What Sail: can equal to her Wzflies go? The Tide rolls tedious, and the Wind flies flow, The penfive Days in heavy March proceed, For Low too flow, for Life he flies too fall, And ev’ry painful Hour forebodes the hall. Long-fwooning Faintnefs wakes her Con/brt’s Fear, And waneing Strength fhews Dillolution near. Her Soul unconquer’d yet, difdains to part, And holds the Citadel of Love, the Heart ; Determin'd fledfal’t not to f'eek the Skies, In (6) In vain did Nature, 1' pent, forbid her Stay, And Guardian flngel: beckon her away. With frailer Flnjb th’ immortal Spirit flrove, Strong to delay the‘Stroke, tho’ not remove, E And Death all conqu’ring yields a while to Love; 1 So the brave ‘fkebzm Chief, transfix’d by Foes, (With whom Baeotz'a’s Empire fell and role) To Death, tho’ deeply wounded, feorns to yield, Till his lov’d Soldiers gain’d the well—fought Field; Then bids his willing Soul triumphant fly, And when his Vows are heard, confents to die. Behold they meet! f0 Providence decrees, ”All fhe delires on Earth, on Earth the fees; [Her Terrors now are ceas’d, when He is near, Her Father’s Daughter knows not how to fear. The long—fought Strife her Spirit now gave o’er, And fought the 225126213 which fhe fhun’d before. The Father blel’t her e’erto Heav’n {he went, The Frizz/Z abfolv’d the dying Penitent, But lel’c {he grieve for Sorrows not her own, And Nature’s Yearning caufe a lingle Groan, He, felf colleéted, Check’ (1 th’ afcending Sigh, And ipringing Tears commanded from his Eye. Mean while his aking Heart tumultuous fhove, With Gr ief defpau 1110‘ and paternal Love, Love 111’ly wounds him with diliraéfing W0, 5Compels to feel 1t, but forbids to fllOW. His Voice unfaultring, and his Looks ferene, An outward Calmnefs veils the Storm within. 50 ( 7.); So when in Subterranean Caverns pent, The Winds hard {trugg cling labour for a Vent, .Direful, but fecret, works the Mine below, Strong and more {’crong th’ imprifon’d Tempefls grow: The Surface fmiles, and verdant Fields appear Secure, and far from Danger as from Fear. Not long ; for inflant fprings the breaking Ground, And featters Waite avoidlefs all around. WhenDeath had feal’d her Eyes, in laf’cing Sleep, And gave th’ afllié’ted Either leave to weep, In Words like thefe burflts his long {tilled Moan, A (If any may be liken’d to his own) ' f {‘3 “ Is this the Healing of my former Care? 1 M “ This the fad Anfwer of continu’d Pray’r? “ No longer Space could angry Heav'n bellow ? 5‘ And thus ! thus only I mufl: we meet below? “ Me to remoteft Realms my Fortune feuds, “ Depriv’d of prefent, nay, of abfent Friends; 4‘ ’Tis fatal with my Woes to fympathize! 1‘ He dies who writes, as He who fees me dies 2 “ Nor e’en this Exile feem’d enough fevere, “ To my loll: Country Bruflél: rofe too near; “ Nor Paris Walls thefe Hoary Hairs can fcrccn, 6‘ My Fate purfues me on the Banks of Seine! “ Let it purfue. ' ftill, f’till could I withftand “ The utmofi Fury of a mortal Hand; 6‘ But with refifilefs Force the Vengeance flies, “ ‘When GOD infliéts the Paws and PENALrEs! “ Yet , . (' 3 ) __ “ Yet, oh! had Judgement fall’n on Me alone! “ Nor broke the Heart, far dearer than my own ; “ The Arrow glancing pierc’d Her faithful Side, “ For Me {he languiflt’d, and for Me ihe dy’d E “ My late fole Stay 3 But hold if Speech the Anguilla may reveal, He only. can defcribe it, who could feel. Then ceafe, my Soul, oh! ceafe the plaintiveTale, And where the Pencil fails Thee, draw the Veil. Yet, {till Him/Elf, let the great Prelzzte know, Still rais’d ifuperior to his Weight of W0, Inl’trua: Mankind their Load of Life to bear,- And {hame the Murm’rer, and theWretched cheer, Try’d, not forf'ook. One Refuge yet remains, So Nature’s everlafiing Law ordains, Which Statefmen’s Art and So ldz'er: Force defies, And mocks the Rage of keenef’t Enemies , Which kindly foftens the feverel’t Doom, The Lofer’ s Conquel’c, and the Exile s Home. To that fun: Refuge let him calmly fly, And blefs the glorious Privilege Late may he land on that fafe Shore, Where Lufi afflicts, and Pain torments no mom. There fleep, from Grief and Baniflgment teleal’c, .And there the wearied Fa ~timer lie at refl, His Courfe well ended, Heart? ml}! Glory lhare, And rife triumphant to the laft Great Bar. FINIS, 771 Die. a m. m _ _ a w w