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Rare Book & Manuscript Library
University of Illinois Library at

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Printed for the Author; and :5 bé Sold by
the Bookfellers, and thefcvcral PamphlI-zurs
fellers, I730.





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E To the Tune of, To you Fair Ladie; now at Land.










E. Ladies Fair, of Britain’s 1865,
In Country, Town, or Court,
Thai: deal in leciprocalSmiles,
At Places of Refort:
Soft ”cauteous Dames, when Viitue fails,
Bewaic of peeping flbigails
E II/z'z‘la a 1741,14, 1.4.,

When the {oft Fire of lawlcfs Love
Invades a Tender Mind,
And gives a mange Dcfire :0 rovc
For Variety inclin’ d,
Secme yourielvcs from being undone,
And Swains from VCrdiéts of Grim Con.
II’z'tla a Foal, la, la.





While Slaves and Varlets pry about,
I To find out an Amour, '
\Nhat each Unworthy Servile Lout;
' Ne’er thought to do before:
But Plac’d i’th’ Cuflom: and Excife,
Becmife they’d neither Ears nor Eyes.
Mil? an F4], la, [4.

A CWte/E near Hanover-Square,
Whom I; care not to name,
“That for a certain Noble'PJér
. She ghath an ardent Flame ;
A Curtain through a Window thrown,
The Signal {me her EW’S from Home,
iVfl/a “Fall, la, [4.

Sir‘ R-‘L’éi-f- Bufiners lays afide
For Half-a-dozen Hours; .
Leaves Brother 6., , the Helm to guide
And deal with Foreign Powers ’1
Divefied of his Trujiy 7m,
Slides crofs the Park in Carmin’d Hack.
- Milo aFozl, la, .74.

When Nation’s State, and Great Debate,
Calls P ’ 3 Voice andFower,

Let no Gram] firta’d empty Pater ,
Difiurb his happy Bower. ,

[My Life, .mijaul, could were 126 [I]

.112 mcz/éiflg Partymz Quadrille? ,

h ' Wit/5 a Fa], la, la.



5 ,


Brisk Lady M~r-y trips the Park
Each Day for Morning Air,
Attended by her Scarlet Spark,
Kind Guardian of the Fair :
Her Spoul‘e dil’turbs not his Repofe
At Honour’s Debts, or Pale—_fac”d Beam;
Wit/9 aFal, la, la. ‘


The Chari ’s order’d hit at Five .
By 77%72 to her iLi'ayers.
John, where you was lafz’ Night, pray drive ;,
Don’t Babble for you Ears. ,
But why fhould this Gay Girl be blam’d,
When her Momma can do the fame.
[4711/] a Fa], la, la...

Near to Nmbmpton’s Antient Town, /
As Stories do relate,
There liv’d a Pair whom Hyman crown’d ;
But 0! Unhappy Fate!
TheTenderelt Husband now complains,
True Blue hath left the foul/fl Slams.
h/z‘tb 4 Fa], lot, [at

The Warriour, confeious of his Crime, \
Foorfook the Guilty ‘3 beets,
When Morning coming in its Prime,
And cowardly retreats :
Hail, Hail; thrice Hail, the Bottle-Fara, .
WhenVengeance peep’d behind his Back.
Wilbahl, la, la.








f has Still mourns her film: W


Polly Hill wantons in Excefi,
, And in her Hero’s Arms,
Till in his Eyes her Charms grow lefé,
And form: new Face alarms,
For to confound theJoys of Life,
And make a yet more wretchedfi/i e.
,» ' Mth or Fa], la, [do

One Dir-£112]? Meetr, another Parts,
Oh! fad uncertain Stare .

OF the Ma/i High and Nah/e Hearts,
Mofl: miferably rear!

The FaireflD ’ ‘ f: in this Land,

With 4 Fa], la, la.

C-m—llrz rivals all in Drefs,
At Courtly Shews and Balls;
Her Tiffue Rich, and Finel’c Lace,
For Admiration calls.
If once her RuralMien finds Grace,
She charms her Confer: into Place;
With 4174!, la, la.
Pfyrhe at Home’s confin’d to fit,
Her Pa-aa...r to entertain,
At Omhre, Qaadrille, or Picguefle,
Late Vifirs mull refrain.
He ramble will. no moreal‘c‘r y,
Nor Odd Sight: {how to " er-e---y.
. ' . [With a Fa], la, loz-

L -~—- (1


L-mv-bd Rattle keeps a fingle Brace,
The more for Mode than Ufe, ,2 \
His Sins have brought him of his Pace,
A Life ne’er more Pr.ofufe
When Helpmatc’ sTongue doth fire h: 5 Blood,
Like Clmrtr-s, {wears 196’ ll keep 4 Stud.
l/Vz't/J 4 Fa], la, [a

Fine HM feeing her Spoufe decline,
Advifes Foreign Air;
At MidnightRevels {he may fliine
Amongfl: the Gallant Fair.
, He one Way walks, and {he another,
Th’ Example of a goodly Mother.


Poor Sappbo ’sTears are quite dry’d up,
‘ For her Departed Spoufe,
Of Sorrow’ s and Afil Etion’ 3 Cup,
Did heartily Caroufe.
She tire will the greatel’c Tar/é,
W7 The F—u-Iaer Five can’ t do her Work.
Wit/a a Fa], la, la.

inf/7m Thongh S- r-b firicken much 1n Years,
1/. Loves fiill to hear the Sport, .
_ y And oftentimes Falls into Tears,
'1' For flrangeThings done at 04344-4;
Of Lady 7792's, and Lady 72ml,
She’ll leave her Bags whole Hours to chat;
_ With 4: Fa], la, la



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”72279 a F4414, Ia,


” < 8 3
Frém ‘Wealthy 3&7???” and MMk-l‘mfi
Mark We]? what Ida; (by; 7
Txvowanmn Dames of" Emma) Fame5
In Jewels Rich and Cay, ‘
, ,{flmé/e at eachCanfixg-Room,
Neglefting ali that’s Dear at Heme.
' ”72117 (2 P25], [52,, [as

From {thence with Ribéom of all~ 13%;,
To well known SLfih/fifireei,
That famous Rival of the Stews,
A {fife and hang Retreat;
Kind Husbands may expofiulateg
Till yourRepentance comes too late.
.le’tzbczFal, la. la:

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