1866-1916 © The Semi-Centennial of the as | Pacific Theological Seminary October 8 to 13, 1916 — _ On and after October 11, 1916 The Pacific School of Religion Berkeley, California 1866 1869 1870 IQO1 IQI2 1914 1916 Pacific Theological Seminary Founded by the General Association of California (Con- stegational) October 11 Instruction Begun in San Francisco Established on Seminary Hill in Oakland Removed to Atherton Street in Berkeley Made Undenominational Permanent Site Purchased on College Avenue at the Entrance to the University of California Renamed the Pacific School of Religion, October 11 The Semi-Centennial of the Pacific Theological Seminary Sunday, October 8 II:00 a. m. First Congregational Church Sermon: The Place of Religious Education PRESIDENT CHARLES SUMNER NASH, M. A., D. D. 8:00 p. m. | First Congregational Church Union Service of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church and First Congregational Church. Sermon THE REVEREND FRANCIS JOHN McCONNELL, D. D., LL. D. Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church Monday, October 9 9:00 a. m. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church Retrospect and Prospect on the Pacific Slope: Origin and Growth of the Church THE REVEREND WILLIAM WARREN FERRIER, D. D. Editor of The Pacific Movements Toward Church Union THE REVEREND WILLIAM MELVIN BELL, D. D. Bishop of the United Brethren Church 11:00 a.m. Fellowship Hour THE REVEREND LELAND DEE RATHBONE, D. D. Superintendent of the Northern California Congregational Conference 12:30 p.m. Luncheon 2:00 p. m. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church Historical Address THE REVEREND SAMUEL CHARLES PATTERSON, B. D. North Congregational Church, Berkeley 3:00 p. m. Fraternal Greetings: THE REVEREND CLAIBORNE MILTON HILL, M.A., D. D. President of the Berkeley Baptist Divinity School THE REVEREND EARL MORSE WILBUR, M. A., D. D. President of the Pacific Unitarian School for the Ministry THE REVEREND THOMAS VERNER MOORE, D. D. Professor of Theology in the San Francisco Theological Seminary THE REVEREND JAMES OTIS LINCOLN, M. A. Vice-Dean of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific 8:00 p. m. | First Congregational Church First Anniversary Lecture: The Place of the Minister in a Democracy THE REVEREND FRANCIS JOHN McCONNELL, D. D., LL. D. Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church Tuesday, October 10 — Alumni Day 9:00 a. m. Seminary Chapel Retrospect and Prospect: Theological Education THE REVEREND GEORGE TOLOVER TOLSON, M.A., B. D. Professor of Church History College and University Education THE REVEREND BERT JASPER MORRIS, B. D., Ph. D. Professor of Philosophy, College of the Pacific, College Park 12:30 p.m. Alumni Luncheon 3:00 p.m. Alumni Gathering on the New Seminary Grounds 6:30 p.m. Dinner for Trustees and Faculty Wednesday, October 11: Founders’ Day 9:00 a. m. Seminary Chapel Retrospect and Prospect: Social Betterment THE REVEREND ALBERT WENTWORTH PALMER, B. D. Plymouth Congregational Church, Oakland Religious Education THE REVEREND MILES BULL FISHER, B. D. Secretary of the Congregational Education Society 2:00 p. m. First Congregational Church Adjourned Meeting of the Northern California Congregational Conference THE REVEREND THOMAS THERON GIFFEN, B. D. First Congregational Church, Fresno Moderator Devotional Service THE REVEREND EMANUEL HOSKINS Ward Memorial Church, Oakland 2:30 p.m. Business 2:45 p.m. Address: The Faith and Courage of the Founders THE REVEREND WALTER FREAR, D. D. Oakland 3:30 p.m. Reminiscences THE REVEREND JOSEPH ROWELL San Francisco 4:00 p.m. ‘The Conference and the Pacific School of Religion THE REVEREND ROYAL HILTON CAMPBELL, M.A., B.D. Calvary Congregational Church, Oakland THE REVEREND BURTON MURRAY PALMER, M.A., B.D. Mayflower Congregational Church, Pacific Grove THE REVEREND FRANCIS JOSEPH VAN HORN, D. D. First Congregational Church, Oakland 5:00 p.m. Pilgrimage to the New Seminary Site 6:30°p.'m.") First Congregational Church, Oakland The Conference Dinner 8:00 p. m: First Congregational Church, Oakland The Tercentenary Program: Pilgrim Ideals and Influences THE REVEREND RAYMOND CUMINGS BROOKS, D.D. First Congregational Church, Berkeley Two Millions a Year for Missions MR. RALPH TALCOTT FISHER, B. A. Oakland A Permanent Piligrim Fund MR. LEWIS BURTIS AVERY, B. A. Assistant Superintendent of Schools, Oakland Recruits for the Ministry PRESIDENT JOHN HANSON THOMAS MAIN, Ph. D., LL. D. President of Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa The Church Enlarged and Renewed THE REVEREND FRANK KNIGHT SANDERS, Ph. D., D.D., LL. D. Director of the Board of Missionary Preparation, New York Thursday, October 12 9:00 a. m. Seminary Chapel Retrospect and Prospect: Religious Work Among Immigrants THE REVEREND GEORGE WARREN HINMAN, M. A., B. D. Superintendent of Congregational Work for Orientals Relations with the Orient THE REVEREND HARVEY HUGO GUY, B. D., Ph. D. Professor of Missions and Comparative Religion 2:00 p. m. Seminary Chapel The President’s Address: The Future of the Pacific School of Religion PRESIDENT CHARLES SUMNER NASH, M. A., D. D. 2:30 p.m. Conference of Trustees, Faculty, Alumni and Friends of the Seminary 8:00 p. m. - First Congregational Church Second Anniversary Lecture: Will Christ Survive? PRESIDENT JOHN HANSON THOMAS MAIN, Ph. D., LL. D. Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa Friday, October 13 9:00 a. m. Seminary Chapel Retrospect and Prospect: Religious Thought THE REVEREND JOHN WRIGHT BUCKHAM, D. D. Professor of Christian Theology Addresses by Former Members of the Faculty: THE REVEREND WALLACE WILLIAM LOVEJOY, S. T. D. Oakland THE REVEREND FRANK HUGH FOSTER, Ph. D.,D.D. Professor of History, Olivet College, Olivet, Michigan THE REVEREND RHYS RHEES LLOYD, D. D. Chicago, Illinois PROFESSOR THOMAS COWDEN LAUGHLIN, B. D., Ph. D Evanston, Illinois THE REVEREND WILLIAM HENRY ALLISON, Ph. D. Professor of Ecclesiastical History Colgate University, Hamilton, New York THE REVEREND ERNEST WILLIAM PARSONS, B. D., Ph. D. Professor of New Testament Literature Rochester Theological Seminary, Rochester, New York The Anniversary Assembly 2:30 p. m. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church The Procession Representatives of Other Institutions, Invited Guests, Trustees, Faculty and Alumni are requested to meet at two o’clock at the Seminary PROFESSOR CHESTER CHARLTON McCOWN, B. D., Ph. D. Marshal Hymn Prayer Salutations: For Universities and Colleges PRESIDENT BENJAMIN IDE WHEELER, Ph. D., LL.D. President of the University of California For Schools of Religion THE REVEREND FRANK KNIGHT SANDERS, Ph. D., D.D., LL. D. Director of the Board of Missionary Preparation, New York The Larger Ministry of Schools of Religion: To the Churches THE REVEREND WILLIAM HORACE DAY, M.A.,D.D. First Congregational Church, Los Angeles To the Social Order THE REVEREND D. CHARLES GARDNER Chaplain of Stanford University To the World-Wide Kingdom THE REVEREND JOHN LAWRENCE SEATON, S. T. B., Ph. D. President of the College of the Pacific, College Park The Conferring of Honorary Degrees 8:00 p. m. First Congregational Church Third Anniversary Lecture: Christian Leadership THE REVEREND FRANK KNIGHT SANDERS, Ph. D., D. D., LL. D. Director of the Board of Missionary Preparation, New York Semi-Centennial Hymn Tune: Duke Street O God, above the drifting years, The shrines our fathers founded stand, And where the higher gain appears, We trace the working of Thy hand. Out of their tireless prayer and toil Emerge the gifts that time has proved, And seed laid deep in sacred soil Yields harvests rich in lasting good. The torch to their devotion lent, Lightens the dark that round us lies; Help us to pass it on unspent, Until the dawn lights up the skies. Fill Thou our hearts with faith like theirs, Who served the days they could not see, And give us grace, through ampler years, To build the Kingdom yet to be. Fohn Wright Buckham