Wa, it aint... NORTH SIDE OF PHYSICAL LABORATORY. “AYOLVAORVI TVOISAHd AO ACIS LSAM “AYOLVAORVT TVDIDOTOLSIH 0 > oe é ae ies) oO zw > = O v2) nS “ONIMVAd TVOINVHDAW FU cesses ec { a SEK ey A PART OF THE MUSEUM. “TIVH .SHIGVT GNV DISQNW AO ANOLVAYNASNOD DIRECTOR’S ROOM—MUSIC DEPARTMENT, RECEPTION PARLORS—CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. i “enane: emeoonsi Draenei STUDIO—ART DEPARTMENT. M. A CORNER OF THE GYMNASIU Che Personnel. 7 7/E may include in this both faculty and ‘| students. The men and women in charge of the several departments have been tried and not found wanting. They are grad- uates of Westminster, Allegheny, Harvard and other colleges. Some have gone abroad for additional study after completing their courses in this country and others have studied in the universities of our own land. They are fully competent to the work of their respective positions and are ambitious to secure the best results for their students in scholarship and character. The students come largely from the section of country to which the college belongs (from Eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania). Pittsburgh and C~