Oak Street UNCLASSIFIED T HE LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE, NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, FOR THE foo UR GREP A TE. STUDENTS OF THE ACADEMICAL DEPARTMENT, ENACTED BY THE @®MRESIDENT AND FELLOWS. NEW HAVEN, CONN:: TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, UNIVERSITY PRINTERS. ToBi? Fix ¢! «* THE PAWS "OF @YALE. “COLLEGE: a Se CHAPTER I. Of the Government of the College. I. The Government of the undergraduates of the College shall be vested in the President, Professors, and Tutors, who shall be styled the Faculty of the College. II. The President shall have power to direct in all matters relat- ing to the College, to govern the students, and to punish all offenses committed by them against the laws of the College, except in cases referred by law to the Faculty. III. The Professors and Tutors, severally, shall have power to govern the students, and to punish them for any offense, except in cases referred by law to the Faculty: Provided, that they may not, in any case, proceed contrary to the advice-and direction of the President. ; CHAPTER II. Of Admission into the College—of the distinction of the Classes. I. Every candidate for admission into the College shall produce before being admitted satisfactory evidence of a good moral char- acter; and, if he shall have been connected with any other Col- lege, he shall produce a certificate from the authorities of that Col- lege, of his regular and. honorable standing and dismission. II. No person shall be admitted into the Freshman Class, at the beginning of the course, till he has completed his fifteenth year; nor to any advanced standing without a corresponding increase of age. 4 LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE, III. No one shall be admitted into the Senior Class after the end of the December vacation. IV. Candidates for admission into the College shall be exam- ined on such days and in such places as the Faculty may appoint, and always by three or more members of the Faculty ; and every candidate for the Freshman Class shall be subject to an examin- ation on the following studies, viz: in Latin, on seven of the Ora- tions of Cicero, the Bucolics, Georgics, and first six books of the fEneid of Virgil, Sallust’s Jugurthine War, Latin Grammar and Composition ; in Greek, on five books of Xenophon’s Anadasts, two books of Homer, Greek Grammar, Composition, and His- tory ; in Mathematics, on Arithmetic, Algebra, and Plane Geom- etry ; also, in Geography and English Grammar. Instead of the portions of the Greek and Latin Classics specified above, other portions of the same, equal in amount, may be admitted as a sub- stitute. For an examination at a time not appointed by the Faculty, a fee of ten dollars shall be paid to the Treasurer of the College. V. Every candidate for admission to an advanced standing shall be examined on the authors and subjects specified in the preceding section, and in the studies which shall have been pursued in the College by the Class to which he desires to be admitted. Students who have withdrawn from College may not be readmitted without a vote of the Faculty, and they may be required to pass such an examination as the Faculty shall determine. VI. Persons examined as aboveand approved shall be.admitted to College on signing the following statement: 7 hereby acknowl- edge the obligation on my part, while I remain connected with Yale College,—of which by this act I become a member,—to submit to the authority of the Corporation and the Faculty. Every student shall, as soon as practicable after his admission, give to the Treasurer a satisfactory bond for the payment of his College bills ; and anyone who neglects to furnish such bond, may be suspended or dismissed from the College. VII. The undergraduate students shall be divided into four dis- tinct classes: the first year they shall be called Freshmen; the second, Sophomores; the third, Juniors; and the fourth, Seniors. LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. 5 CHAPTER III. Of Religious Worship and Order—of Mgnittors. I, Public worship, accompanied by reading of the Scriptures, shall be conducted daily by a member of the Faculty in the Chapel, which exercise it shal] be the duty of the Faculty and the students to attend. II. Divine service shall be publicly solemnized in the College, as a distinct religious society, on the Lord’s day, and on such other days as the Faculty shall prescribe; and the students shall be present at every prescribed exercise of public worship, except such as have permission to attend other congregations in town, or are otherwise excused. No excuse for absence from public worship shall be accepted, unless, when practicable, previously rendered to a member of the Faculty. III. Monitors appointed by the Faculty shall designate, on bills provided for the purpose, those who are tardy, or who egress, or absent themselves from prayers or other appointed exercises ; which bills they shall return, as directed, to some member of the Faculty. IV. It is enjoined upon all the students to observe the Lord’s day ; and, if any student shall behave improperly on that day, he may be punished by admonition or otherwise, as the nature of the offense shall require. CHAPTER IV. Of the Course of Academic Literature and Instruction. I, In the pursuit of the several branches of learning appointed by the Corporation or the Faculty, the students shall comply with the directions of their instructors, and shall be held accountable to the Faculty for any negligence respecting the same ; and, if any student shall be absent from any recitation, or other literary exer- cise duly appointed, or from any part of the same, without ren- dering a satisfactory excuse, he may be admonished; and, for a frequent repetition of the same offense, he may be suspended or dismissed. — ‘ 2 6 LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. II. There shall be two or more public examinations of the whole body of the students each year, under the direction of the Faculty ; and every studené, who shall be absent from an examination ap- pointed by the Faculty, without rendering a satisfactory excuse, shall receive such punishment as the nature of the offense may require. III. If, at the public examination or in his daily recitations, any student shall fail to maintain a satisfactory standing, notice shall be given to his parent or guardian, and to the student himself; and he may be directed to employ the aid of a private instructor, or to study through the vacation. If, after these steps have been taken, he does not make satisfactory improvement, he may be sus- pended or removed from his Class; nor shall he be readmitted to the same, until he passes a Satisfactory examination. A student, thus removed from any Class, may, by vote of the Faculty, be im- mediately admitted to a lower Class without examination. IV. The last examination of the Senior Class shall be held at the close of the Summer term, and those who shall be recommended by the Faculty shall be candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. V. If any member of the Senior Class shall be found at the final examination not qualified to be advanced to the standing of a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, he may, if not pre- viously warned of his danger of failing to obtain a degree, be again examined, at the convenience of the Faculty. VI. No one shall be permitted to appear as a speaker at the public Commencement, unless he presents his composition for revision at or before the time appointed and made known by the Faculty, and if any student, without permission of the Faculty, shall fail to perform the exercises assigned him, or shall speak anything not approved by the Faculty, he may be precluded from receiving a degree. LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. - CHAPLER-Y. Of Terms, Vacations, and Absence from College. I. The public Commencement shall be held on the Thursday after the last Wednesday in June of each year. The first term begins eleven weeks from Commencement Day and continues fourteen weeks; the second begins on the second Thursday in January and continues (with a recess at Easter, not exceeding nine days) until Commencement. The intervening periods are assigned for vacations. II. No student shall reside in the College buildings during any of the vacations, without the knowledge and permission of the Faculty. And if any one shall transgress this law, he shall be fined a sum not exceeding fifty cents for each day, and may be further punished at the discretion of the Faculty. III. If any student, after the expiration of any vacation, or at any other time, absents himself without a just and reasonable excuse, rendered beforehand (by letter or otherwise) whenever the cause of the absence can be foreseen, the Faculty may punish the absence in whatever way the nature of the case may require. If any student shall absent himself without leave for three months from College duties, he shall be considered as no longer a mem- ber of College. And no student shall have leave of absence granted him for more than four months, except on account of ill- health, or for the purpose of joining a lower Class. CHAPTER VI. Of the Location of the Students. I. Such member of the Faculty as the President shall appoint, shall have authority to locate the students in the apartments of the College; and no student shall at any time take up his resi- dence in a College room without the permission of the locating Officer. Il. Every student who shall take a room in College, shall con- tinue to occupy the same, and pay the rent until the end of the College year, unless released by the locating officer: and if any 8 LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. such student shall be out of town, he shall still be liable for the rent for the remainder of the current term and until he shall be discharged from it by the locating officer. No double room in Durfee or Farnam College shall be occupied by one person except with the permission of the Faculty; and if the occupants of any College room, which has been assigned to two persons, shall without permission make any arrangements by which one of them obtains sole possession, the room shall be declared vacant ; and when one of two occupants obtains permission to occupy any such room alone, he shall pay the entire rent and charges for so long a time as he thus occupies it. III. If any student shall without permission change his room, or take up his lodging in any room other than the one which he has chosen, he may be excluded from rooming in College, or otherwise punished, according to the circumstances of the case. IV. If any student, who may take a College room, shall be absent from College beyond the time allowed him, the Faculty may, at their discretion, take away his room and give it to another. V. If any student shall be vexatious to his room-mate, or shall damage and deface the room assigned to him, the Faculty may deprive him of his room, or inflict such punishment as the circum- Stances of the case require. VI. No student, occupying a room in College, shall board at his own room without express permission of the Faculty. VII. The officers of the College occupying rooms in any entry shall have special charge of that entry and all rooms bordering thereon, to watch over the conduct of the students in the same, to repress disorder, and to enforce the discipline of the College. VIII. The students shall be visited in their rooms by officers of the College, as often as the Faculty shall think expedient. IX. All students rooming out of College shall be subject to the same rules and regulations in their rooms, and shall be liable to the same visitation and inspection of the Faculty as those who room in College. X. No student living out of College shall, without express per- mission of the Faculty, have a room in any tenement, which is not occupied by a private family of good and reputable character. XI. The students shall report to the Faculty, at such times and in such ways as the latter may direct, the places at which they sev- LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE, 9 erally board and lodge, with such other matters thereunto per- taining as the Faculty may call for: and the Faculty shall have power to prohibit any student from boarding or lodging at any place which to them appears objectionable: and if any student shall continue to be a boarder or lodger at the same place after such prohibition, he may be admonished, suspended, or dis- missed, according to the circumstances of the case. CHAPTER VII. Of the Inspector of Buildings, and the Assessment of Damages. I. The Inspector of Buildings, appointed by the Corporation or Prudential Committee, shall, near the close of each term, and oftener if necessary, make a full and careful examination of the College buildings and appurtenances, particularly of the entries and rooms, with a view of ascertaining what damages may have been committed since the previous inspection, and what repairs may be necessary. II. It shall be the duty of the Inspector to estimate any dama- ges done to the rooms or buildings, to impose suitable fines for the neglect or violation of such rules as may be prescribed by the Faculty for the occupants of rooms, and to report said fines to the Treasurer, to be charged in the term-bills. In case of gross and wanton damages, in addition to the preceding returns to the Treas- urer, the Inspector shall further report the same to the Faculty, to be punished as an offense against the order and discipline of the College. III. Damages done to any study or bed-room by a person unknown, may be charged in the bill of ordinary repairs, provided that the occupants immediately report the same to the officer of the entry in which the room is situated, or to the Inspector, and satisfy him that it was done without their fault, and that they are ignorant of the person or persons by whom it was done. IV. Damages done by a person unknown, if done to a recita- tion room or lecture room, may be charged to the class or division occupying such room; and, if done to any other part of the Col- lege buildings or appurtenances thereof, may be assessed upon all the students, and charged in their term-bills. If, however, the person be known, he may be fined by the Inspector, or otherwise punished at the discretion of the Faculty. 2* IO LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. CHAPTER VIII. Of College Discipline. I. Every student shall show in speech and behavior all proper respect and obedience to the Faculty: and if any student shall be guilty of any kind of contempt of their persons or authority, he may be punished by any censure, even to expulsion, as the nature and aggravation of his offense may require. If any student shall designedly injure or attempt to injure any member of the Faculty in his person, property, or premises, he shall be expelled. II. If any student shall contract matrimony, he shall no longer be a member of the College. III. If any student shall profess or endeavor to propagate a dis- belief in the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures, and shall persist therein after admonition, he shall no longer be a member of the College. IV. If any student shall be guilty of blasphemy, fornication, theft, forgery, dueling, or any crime for which an infamous punish- ment is inflicted by the laws of the State, he may be expelled. V. If any student shall be guilty of fighting, challenging, turbu- lent or indecent words or behavior, intoxication, wearing disguises or female attire, carrying deadly weapons, defamation, fraud, lying, absenting himself from College duties on false pretences, or any like offense, he shall receive such punishment as the nature and demerit of the act shall require. VI. If any student shall be guilty of an injury to the person, property, or premises of a fellow-student, or of any other person, he shall make satisfaction according to the nature of the offense or injury, and be subject to such punishment as the case may require. VII. If any student shall keep any kind of firearms, fireworks, or gunpowder, or shall fire any gunpowder or fireworks in or near the College yard or near the dwelling-house or person of any member of the Faculty, he shall be punished according to the cir- cumstances of the case. VIII. There shall be no illumination by the students, but by the permission and under the direction of the Faculty. LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. vi IX. All disorderly and irregular assemblages or processions of students, and all kinds of disturbance by night, tending to break the quiet of the College or of the city, are expressly forbidden, and may be punished as the case may require. X. Every student in the hours of study shall abstain from hal- looing, singing, loud talking, playing on a musical instrument, or other disorderly noise in the College buildings or yard. XI. If any student shall riug the College bell, except by order of some member of the Faculty, he shall be punished as the case may require. XII. No student shall play at ball with a bat or at foot-ball in the College buildings or in the College yard; or throw anything by which the College buildings may be in danger of damage: or throw anything from a window of any College building, or throw snow in the College yard, on penalty of a fine not exceeding five dollars for each offense, and such other punishment as the Faculty may think necessary. XIII. No student, during term time, shall engage in a public concert or in a regatta out of New Haven; or.in a regatta in New Haven with persons who are not members of some department of the College. No student shall in term-time take part in the exhibition or act- ing of any public theatrical performance or opera, in the city of New Haven or elsewhere. XIV. No student shall go out of the town of New Haven, soas to be absent from any College exercise, without leave first ob- tained. XV. No student shall play at any unlawful game, or at any game for a wager. ; XVI. If a student shall be guilty of any serious impropriety of conduct or inattention to College duties, he shall be admonished by his instructor or any other member of the Faculty: and if he continue unreformed, it shall be notified to the Faculty, who shall admonish him again, and make known his case to his parent or guardian ; if he continue still unreformed, he shall be sent home; and shall never be readmitted, except by a major vote of the Faculty. XVII. Every student shall be answerable for all vicious, scan- dalous, and immoral conduct during the several vacations, in the same manner as in term-time. I2 LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. XVIII. No student shall be appointed, in any class, or subdi- vision of a class, under any name, as a permanent leader or officer, to preside in class meetings, or to be concerned in organizing, arranging, or leading any procession or other assemblage of stu- dents, on any occasion whatever; and no student shall take part in delivering or accepting any insignia or badge of office of such leader, or shall accept any such place in any class, or part of a class, or, having received such an appointment, shall preside in any meeting of the students, or attempt to exercise any authority among them, or be concerned in organizing, arranging, or leading any procession of students; on penalty of suspension, dismission, or expulsion, according to the circumstances and aggravation of the offense. College processions shall not be formed except by permission of the Faculty and subject to their direction; and on such occa- sions no association or body of students, other than one of the four Classes, shall have a place by themselves. XIX. No student shall pay or give, or subscribe to pay or give any sum of money or other article to any one who is or has been an officer of the College; nor shall any officer of the College be allowed to receive from any student any gratuity or present what- soever. The Faculty shall have power to prohibit any extravagant ex- penditure of Classes or bodies of students. XX. Any member of the Faculty shall have authority to enter, and search any College room whenever circumstances shall arise which in his judgment call for sucha course. If any student, whether lodging in or out of College, shall refuse to admit a mem- ber of Faculty, into his room, or to permit him to search the same, or to assist in suppressing any disorder, he may receive such pun- ishment as the nature and circumstances of the case require. XXI. A student who shall refuse, when required by one of the Faculty, to give a full and particular account of his own conduct in connection with any disorder or violation of College laws, may be sent home or dismissed. XXII. Any combination or agreement to do any unlawful act, or to forbear compliance with any injunction of lawful authority, shall be deemed a high offense against the order of the College; and if any such combination or agreement shall be formed, or if LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. 13 any disorder or act of disobedience shall be committed in conse- quence thereof, such and so many of the offenders shall, upon due conviction, be punished with admonition, suspension, dismission, or expulsion, according to the circumstances of their offenses, as shall be judged by the Faculty necessary for the preservation of authority and order. XXIII. In all cases where an offense is committed frequently or daringly, the Faculty shall have power to enhance the punish- ment at their discretion. XXIV. In case of any violation of the College laws where the laws themselves do not specify the penalty—as also in any case not expressly mentioned in the laws, where the rules of propriety or morality are clearly violated: the Faculty shall proceed accord- ing to their best discretion, and may inflict upon a student any College punishment, according to the nature and circumstances of his offense. XXV. Every judgment for expulsion, dismission for fault, send- ing a student home, and the second admonition specified in the sixteenth section of this chapter, shall be by the Faculty; and a record of all penalties thus imposed upon the students, with the reasons for the same, shall be kept under the direction of the Faculty. XXVI. If any student shall consider himself aggrieved by any judgment, he shall have the liberty, at any time within thirty days after the same shall have been given, of applying to the President, by a petition in writing, for a new trial; and on such petition the President shall, within a convenient time, order a new trial to be had ; and provided, on such new trial. the former judgment shall be confirmed, such student, still considering himself aggrieved, or, in case he shall be a minor, his parent or guardian, shall have the liberty of bringing a petition to the Corporation for relief; which petition he shall lodge with the President within thirty days after the said new trial ; and the President shall lay the said petition before the Corporation at their next meeting. aes LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. CHAPTER IX. Of the Library—of the Chapel. I. Members of the Corporation, members of the several Facul- ties, graduates of the College residing in New Haven, and stu- dents in the various departments of the College, shall be entitled to borrow books from the Library. The power to extend the privileges of the Library to other persons shall rest with the Li- brary Committee. II. Before borrowing books from the Library, students in the Law, Medical, and Scientific Departments, shall deposit with the Librarian a bond, signed by one of the Professors in the College or other responsible person, for the safe-keeping and return of such books as they may borrow. III. The College Library shall be open for the consultation and delivery of books during five hours of each secular day of the week during term-time,—days of public fast and thanksgiving and such other public days as the Library Committee may deter- mine upon excepted. The Library Committee shall regulate the opening of the Library during the vacations. IV. No person except the President of the College and the Librarians shall have a key to the Library. V. The Librarian shall register all books borrowed from the Library. No person shall take a book from the Library without the knowledge and consent of the Librarian, under penalty of being excluded from the use of the Library, and, if an undergrad- uate, of such other penalty as the Faculty may see fit to inflict. VI. No person shall keep more than four volumes from the Col- lege Library and four volumes from the Linonian and Brothers’ Library at any one time, and no book shall be kept for a longer period than three weeks, with the privilege, however, of renewal for a like period, if it has not been called for in the meantime. From the operation of this rule, members of the Corporation and of the Faculties are excepted. VII. All books shall be returned to the Library at least one week before Commencement Day in each year. VIII. The ordinary detention of a book beyond three weeks shall be suvject to a fine of five cents a day, and such detention LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. 15 after a notice of the fact has been sent, or after Wednesday of the week before Commencement Day, shall be subject to a fine of ten cents a day. IX. No person shall, without the permission of the Librarian, lend to another, or carry out of the city of New Haven, a book belonging to the Library. X. All injury which a book may have received while in the pos- session of the borrower, he shall make good to the satisfaction of the Librarian, and in case of the loss of a volume, he shall replace it or pay the value thereof, or if the volume be one of a set, he shall replace or pay the value of the whole set. XI. Works which on account of their character or their value ought not to be removed from the Library, such as costly illustra- ted works, works of reference, and unbound periodicals, shall not be borrowed without the consent of the Library Committee. XII. For the willful violation of the foregoing rules, or of the regulations established for the good order of the Library apart- ments, the Librarian shall have authority to suspend the person so offending from the use of the Library until the case can be acted on by the Library Committee. XIII. The Chapel shall not be used for meetings of students without permission of the Faculty, nor unless some member of the Faculty is present. 16 LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. CHAPTER X. Of College Dues and Term Bills. I. Students shall be charged for the half rent of a room in Col- lege, including sweeping, making beds, efc., from twelve anda half to seventy dollars per year, according to the location. Every student shall be charged one hundred and seventeen dollars per year for tuition, and twenty-three dollars per year for incidental expenses, apportioned among the terms according to the number of weeks :—likewise in the bill of the term ending at Commence- ment, the candidates for the first degree shall be charged eighteen dollars, which sum shall include the charges for general expenses attending Commencement, the public dinner, triennial catalogues, the degree and diploma, and also the charges for the music on Commencement Day, which shall be under the control of the Fac- ulty, and not paid for by the graduating class or a part of them. If any student, at his own request, and by permission of the Faculty, shall occupy alone a room fitted for two occupants in one of the College buildings, he shall be charged for the whole rent and care of the room, and ten per cent. in addition. II. If after any vacation, any student shall join his Class, by attending a recitation or other literary exercise, and shall after- wards during the term, and before the bills of the term are made up, be dismissed from the College, he shall pay for tuition a pro- portional part of the charge for the term, making no allowance for the unexpired fraction of a week ; and for room-rent, and all other things usually charged in the term-bills, the same as would have been charged him if he had continued a member of the College till the close of the term. If a student is absent from College on leave on account of sick- ness, or for any other cause, and still retains his place in the class, he shall pay, during such absence, the same tuition as is charged to other members of the same class. IiIl. When any student, after being sent away from College, shall be readmitted, he shall pay to the College Treasurer a sum equal to the whole of the tuition money, which he would have paid for the standing to which he is admitted, had he not been dis- missed. If a student takes a dismission from College, and sub- sequently enters again, at an advanced standing, he shall pay five dollars per term for the intermediate time. LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE, 17 IV. At the close of the first, and at the middle and close of the second term, a bill shall be prepared for each student, bearing date from the last day of the term or half-term, containing the charges of the Treasurer against him for the term or half-term, which bill shal! be due and payable at its date, with interest for all the time afterwards during which it shall remain unpaid ; P7o- vided, that no student who shall pay his term-bill within two weeks after the end of the vacation or recess next following the date of the said bill, shall be charged interest on the same. V. If any student shall not pay his term-bill as above required, and, shall not, within two weeks after the close of the vacation or recess, render to the Treasurer a satisfactory reason for the delay, he may be forbidden to recite until such payment shall be made or such reason rendered. VI. The Treasurer shall report to the Prudential Committee of the Corporation, near the close of each term, all students who shall then remain indebted to him. And the Prudential Commit- tee may limit a time within which each student reported as afore- said shall pay or secure by such note as shall be satisfactory to the Treasurer the bill or bills due from him. And if any student shall neglect to pay or secure, as above provided, the amount due from him to the Treasurer, within the time limited by the Pruden- tial Committee, he shall thereupon cease to be a member of the College: Provided, however, that the Prudential Committee may extend to indigent students such indulgence as to the payment or security of their bills, as they shall think the circumstances of each case require, and the interests of the College allow. VII. Whenever, in pursuance of the provisions of the foregoing section, the Prudential Committee shall have limited a time, within which any student’s bills shall be paid, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to give immediate notice to the student’s bonds- man of such limitation, and of the consequences of failure to pay within the time specified. If any student shall fail to pay, within two weeks after the close of any vacation or recess, his bill of the preceding term or half term, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to give immediate notice thereot to the bondsman of such student, unless the latter shall have de- posited with the Treasurer a certificate from his bondsman or guard- ian, that the means of payment have not been furnished him, or shall have presented to the Treasurer a satisfactory reason for the delay. «18 LAWS OF YALE COLLEGE. CHAPTER XI. Of Academical Degrees. I. No student shall receive the first degree who has not attended and performed the course of academical exercises, as appointed by law, for the space of four years: except such as have been reg- ularly admitted to an advanced standing; nor unless on the final examination he shall have been approved as a candidate for the same; and also have paid his dues to the Treasurer, by the Mon- day before the Commencement. All candidates for the first degree shall be personally present, unless excused by the Faculty or by the President and Fellows. II. No candidate shall receive the second degree unless he shall have given to the Faculty evidence of having made satisfactory progress in liberal and non-professional studies after receiving his first degree. IMMUN 3 0112 106066001