fas que Of Anae che —1S43 - The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library L161— 0-1096 I " ers ay Ae Cy any Lh i \ ey b “5 ts MASQUE OF ANARCHY, TO WHICH IS ADDED, QUEEN LIBERTY; SONG—TO THE MEN OF ENGLAND. BY PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. WITH A PREFACE BY LEIGH HUNT. Hope is strong; Justice and Truth their winged child have found. REVOLT OF ISLAM. Lonvon: J. WATSON, 3, QUEEN’S HEAD PASSAGE, PATERNOSTER ROW. —— 1848, PREFACE. Tuts Poem was written by Mr. Shelley on occasion of the bloodshed at Manchester, in the year 1819. I was editor of the Examiner at that time, and it was sent to me to be inserted or not in that journal, as I thought fit. I did not insert it, because 1 thought that the public at large had not become sufficiently discerning to do justice to the sincerity and kind-heartedness of the spirit that walked in this flaming robe of verse. His charity was avowedly more than proportionate to his indignation; yet I thought that even the suffering part of the people, judging, not unnaturally, from their own feelings, and from the exasperation which suffer- ing produces before it produces knowledge, would believe a hundred-fold in his anger, to what they would in his good inten- tion; and this made me fear that the common enemy would take advantage of the mistake to do them both a disservice. Mr. Shelley’s writings have since aided the general progress of know- ledge in bringing about a wiser period; and an effusion, which would have got him cruelly misrepresented a few years back, ~~will now do unequivocal honour to his memory, and show every An