wt i as Wrtbde NHN ‘HOME CANNING GUIDE | Kor Use With One-Period Cold-Pack Method *Compiled from Government Bulletins by Elmina White, Assistant State Club Leader ST IMAL ail HINA vi SHANNEN Published and distributed in furtherance of o'Ccls% 3°"! of the Act of May 8, 1914, by the State kat College of Washington, Extension Service, S. B. Nelson Director, and U. S. Depazt- ment of Agriculture cooperating. ba STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON | ay EXTENSION SERVICE ‘ i ' : Pullman, Washington Na Bulletin No. 84 a June, 1922 HOME CANNING GUIDE ne . If food products are left in their natural state, most of them spoil in a few hours or a few days owing to the growth on their sur- face or in their tissues of bacteria, molds, or other organisms of decay. If such organisms usually present in food can be killed and the entrance of other organisms be prevented, the food can be kept in good condition practically indefinitely. It is this destruction of organisms and protection ef the food from contamination that is ac- complished by canning—the preparation and treatment before pack- ing and process of placing food products in air-tight containers and sterilizing them. There are certain essentials for the successful canning of fruits or vegetables. These include clean, fresh materials, perfect con- tainers, including good rubber rings if used, heating for sufficient time to insure preservation, and air-tight sealing. These essentials must be secured in any method of canning. The details of procedure may differ, yet all have as their object the prevention of spoilage. Steps in Canning See that water, heat, and all equipment are ready before starting. Ciean, heat, and test jars and other containers. Select only fresh, firm, sound products. Clean, grade, pare, slice, or otherwise prepare products. Seald or blanch. Dip quickly into cold water. AO FF & KW (Omit 5 and 6 for soft fruits and berries.) 7. Pack at once in hot, clean containers. 8. Pour over fruit boiling water or hot thin sirup, over vegetables boiling water, and add 1 teaspoon of salt per quart. 9. Wipe around top of jars with clean cloth before placing rubber. 10. Place scalded rubber and cap in position at once. 11. Partially tighten tops on jars; seal tin cans completely. 12. Sterilize required time; count time when water begins to jump. 13. Remove from canner; seal completely; invert to test joints for pinhole leaks. 14. Cool glass jars as quickly as possible, avoid drafts; plunge tin containers into cold water to cool. 15. Label, wrap and store for winter use. Cautions in Canning 1. Follow only one set of instructions. 2. Begin with small quantity of one product. Work carefully. Test for keeping before canning large amounts. ie < ee Ca ie ‘ey wt oh 3. Complete canning as quickly as possible after gathering product | to prevent ‘‘flat sour’’ and loss of flavor. 4. Fill jars with water free from excessive quantity of mineral matter. 5. Have plenty of boiling water on hand. 6. Place jars in canner. when water is put on to heat. Leave iu boiling water at least 15 minutes. 7. Use new rubbers that meet requirements of vegetable canning. 8. Avoid jars with defective joints, springs, and caps. Old metal caps should be discarded. Wa 9. Blanch leaf and green vegetables in steam; all other products in boiling water. Do not count time until water jumps. 10. Pack jars of peas, corn, and shelled beans loosely. Place im- mediately in canner. If hot-water bath is used do not count time until water jumps. 11. Have the water in hot-water bath at least one inch over top of jars. 12. Cool jars quickly after taking from canner. 13. Test for leakage. If rubber or cap is defective, replace immedi- ately with new one while product is hot and return to canner. Sterilize fruits ten minutes longer; vegetables 30 miuntes. 14. Do not store until cold. Requirements tor Rubber Rings When stretched considerably ring should return to place quickly without breaking or changing inside diameter. When bent both ways between fingers rings should not break or crack, Rings for average pint and quart jars should be 5/16 of an inch wide, have an inside diameter of 214 inches, and measure 12 to the inch. Rings should stand the practical test of processing either 4 hours in het-water bath, or one hour under 10 pounds steam pressure. Use of Canned Products Only food which is in first class condition should be canned. Inspect all canned food carefully at the time the can or jar is epened, and discard any material having an unusual appearance or odor. Boil all canned vegetables and meat as soon as it comes from the can before tasting it. Do not throw spoiled canned food where chickens or domestic animals may eat it. e - od Ne a = fete Ti 3 0112 106189530 UTI ANT euop % 1U0 sezNUlUl aT OT wWe94s ‘UTU GT eo} OT Ul ‘UTW-g 0} 9 (u1e83s 1O 13}8M) ‘UIT 8 0} ¢ dniis Ul sojnuriw 9 a]nNUIwW T ‘we9}s ‘UIUL ueAo uy Jt ‘Ulu GT) sojnUIW G 0} T sojnuim % SeInuUIt ¢ 01 ¢ SoINUIU QT 02 G (‘we9}s Io Jovem) ‘UIUI 0[ 0} ¢ UIBV9}S ‘UI OT 0} § 10 ‘19}VM Ul “UTM G 0} § : SOJNUIUW F sojnulul Z OT soynulM °F T = 5) 09 93. OF aa SopNUIU OFZ 01 OST es Oa) SSE: — SopNUIM OE 01 GZ —> | 09 93 OF — ‘SOMNUIU ONE OF OZT ae == atl 9 T-02 OT SoINUIU YE 0} OZ —— —— CO gen soynuIm OF . A[SNONUTI}UOD “UTT ea 0S 01 0F — |08T 10 AT}U0}}TUILe}U] = | = OT “op Stree 2 OT SopNUIU YE 0} OZ a 5 0S 0} 0F a : So}NUIT OST : as A[,NUI}UOS “Ul Y9E O} 08 91 09 06 Be O8T 10 Auer tue} uy — — ol SoNUIW ¢Z — OF 09 Sonu OST = iets OT. 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