hepa an eens
. bs aah a fm
7% Addition of Decimals, -
8 Subtraction of Decimals,
8 Multiplication of Decimals,
13 Division of Decimals,
16 Reduction of Decimals,
Circulating Decimals, ;
30 Making out Bills, . .
38 | Cuap. XIII. Repuction, .
48 Reduction Descending, .
51 Reduction Ascending, .
53 Reduction of Federal Money,
Compound Numbers, .
63 Sterling Money, ..." >.
Troy Weight, . é
64 Apothecaries’ Weight,
65 Avoirdupois Weight,
67 Long Measure, ‘ .
Surveyor’s Measure, . "
69 Square Measure, .
Cubic Measure, :
Liquid Measure,
7 Beer Measure,
4 Dry Measure,
"9 Time,
86 Circular Measure,
88 Paper, . : : A
90 Collections of Uhits,
95 Reduction of Denominate Frac-
95 tions, Common and Decimal, 159
103 | CuHApr. XIV. Compounp ADDITION,
- 103 | Coar. XV. Compound SUBTRAC-
106 TION, A ° 6 °
Numeration of Decimals,
CHap. XVI. Compound MuLTI!-
PLICATION, . ; - 1%
Cuap. XVII. Compounn Division, 179
Practice, . 186
Cuap. XVIII. Duopsctmats, . 188
Profit and Loss, . A . 200
CHap. XX. INTEREST, ; 205
To find the Interest, . - 206
To find the Rate, . . - 215
To find the Time, . : 216
To find the Principal, . 217
Compound Interest, . 219
EST, 5 A s - ©2283
Partial agmentat . °
U.S, Rules: + F « 225
Mercantile Rule, 2 229
Connecticut Rule, . 5 - 2380
Notes with interest annually, 232
CuAp. XXII.. Discount, ‘ . 233
Present Worth, . ape. eet
True Discount, . . 234
Bank Discount, . 236
, CHAP, XXIII. Commiss1on.—BRo-
KERAGE.—STocks, . . 240
Account of Sales, - 45
Stocks, . 6 247
CHap. XXV. INSURANCE,. . 256
Accident Insurance, . : ae)
Life Insurance, : é ee 209
CHap. XXVI. Taxezs, . 4 . 260
Assessment of Taxes, . eel
National Tax, . 5 ; - 263
Cuap. XXVIII. Dutms, .; . 264
Cuap. XXVIII. "setae oF Pay-
MENTS, . 5 4 - 266
Averaging Accounts, . - 210
Cash Balance, . ; A - 22
CHap. XXIX. Ratio, A - 274
CHap. XXX. PROPORTION, . - 276
Simple Proportion, : att 6
Compound Proportion, . 279
Cuap. XXXI. ANALYSIS, . Bo posh!
Reduction of Currencies, . « 285
Colonial Currencies, . - «285
Foreign Currencies, . . . 286
Cuap. XXXII. ExcHAnes, oT ee8G
Domestic Exchange, eae
Foreign Exchange, - « aa
Arbitration of Exchange, » 292
Alligation Medial,. . . 298
Alligation Alternate, rere)
CHap. XXXVI. EvyoLurTion, - 803
Square Root, . . - 3804
Applications of Square Root, - 307
Cube Root. . . 309
Applications of Cube Root, - 812
Arithmetical Progression, . 313
Geometrical Progression, . 316
Parallelograms, . . . 318
Drigncies 7 aaeure ° - . 318
Circles? Fo xeemeae” hen 2. ED
Cylinders; 7s 2.00 ueeeeete mits te eU
Spheres, .. + eases ase Oee
Cuar. XL. Tue Metric System, 329
. 930
Miscellaneous Examples, .
1, One, a single thing, is called a Unit,
2. If we join another unit to onE, we have Two; if
another, THREE; and so, adding a unit each time, we get
3. One, two, three, &c., are called Numbers. Ot
100. Tur Truz Remarmper.—In dividing by factors,
two or more remainders may occur, from which we must
find the true remainder. Remainders are always units
of the same kind as the dividends from which they arise.
99, When the divisor is a composite number, what two modes of proceeding are
there? How, then, may division by a composite number be proved ?—100, When
two or more remainders occur, in dividing by factors, how can we find the true re-
mainder? a eaate this process with the given exaruple,
Exampir.—Divide 7464 by 385 (11 x5x 7%).
Dividing by 11, we get 6 for
the first remainder. Dividing by 11) "464 Rem.
11 makes the units in the quo- 5) 678 6
tient (678) 11 times greater than ) Rohr Snes os
those of the original number. TY19b) ss SK EL os
Hence 8, the remainder obtained
1012 Sone ee 1G
on dividing this quotient, must
be multiplied by 11 to make its True rem, 149
units of the same kind as those
of the former remainder. In Anan O HA Veen
like manner, the quotient 1385 is
made up of units 5 times 11, or
55, times greater than those of the original number. Hence 2, the re-
mainder arising from this quotient, must be multiplied by 5 x 11. The
three remainders being now of the same kind, we add them and get 149
for the true remainder. Hence,
To find the true remainder, ine: to the remainder aris-
ing from the first division, each subsequent remainder
multiplied by all the divisors preceding the one that pro-
duced tt.
First divide by the whole divisor; then prove the result by
dividing by its factors, finding the true remainder :—
1. 223121+27, Fem, 20. 7. 264085--98 (2x 7x77).
. 258289+-35. Rem, 24. 8. 47484165 (3x11 x5).
. 83339848, Rem. 38. 9. 89901242 (2x11 x11).
. 824496 +54, Rem. 10. 10. 91189162 (2x99).
. 459774 64. Rem. 62. 11. 57212=-198 (8x 6x11).
. 71515477. Rem. 55. |. 12. 48987-+245 (5x7 x7).
So Ct He O& bY
101. NavGuts AT THE RIGHT OF THE Divisor.—When
there are naughts at the right of the divisor, the opera-
tion may be shortened.
Annexing a figure to a number, as we saw in § 25, throws its figures
one place to the left, and thus multiplies it by 10. Consequently, cutting
off a figure from the right of a number throws its remaining figures one
place to the right, and “thus divides it by 10. So, cutting off two figures
divides by 100; cutting off three, by 1000, &c. Hence,
101. What is the effect of cutting off a figure from the right of anumber? What
is the effect of cutting off two figures? Three?
To divide a number by 10, 100, 1000, cc., cut off as
many figures at the right of the dividend as there are
naughts in the divisor. The remaining figures are the
quotient ; those cut off, the remainder. |
4200-10 = 420 4200-100 = 42 42001000 = 4, 200 rem.
102, The principle is the same in the case of any di-
visor ending with one or more naughts,
HxaMPLe.—Divide 9710 by 2400.
Divide by factors.
2400 = 100 x 24. To Quo. Rem.
divide by 100, cut offtwo 9710--100 = 97 ........... 10
figures from the right of 97— 94—= 4...1 x 100 = 100
the dividend. Dividing
the quotient thus arising True rem, 110
by 24, and finding the
true remainder, we get for Ans, 4, 110 rem.
our quotient 4 and 110
remainder, The result is the same as if we had
9 U0. cut off the two naughts of the divisor and two
409) 5 i AG (4 9 right-hand figures of the dividend, divided what
ae remained, and annexed to the remainder the
110 rem. figures cut off from the dividend for a true re-
mainder. Hence the following rule :—
Cut off the naughts at the right of the divisor, and as
many figures at the right of the dividend. Divide the
remaining figures of the dividend by those of the divisor.
ff there is a remainder, annex to it the figures cut off
from the dividend; if not, these figures are themselves
ihe remainder.
349) 10319 (30 1999) 13541 (7 9966) 27994
102 . 133 3l
11 2
Ans, 30, 110 rem. Ans. 7, 247 rem. Ans. 31, 47 rem.
Give the rule for dividing a number by 10, 100, 1000, &c.—102. Divide 9710 by
2400, using the factors of the divisor. What ether way is there of arriving at the
same result? Give the rule for dividing when the divisor ends with one or more
Find the quotient :-—
3. 8875432+~10. -&, 848670+-560. Rem. 310.
2. 498268+100. 9. 1993011200. Rem. 101.
8. 84310006700-+10000. 10. 3315006+850. Rem. 6.
4. 970000063002-+1000. H. 7294508+900. Rem. 8.
5. 8186200040--10000. 12. 8400099+280, Rem. 99.
6. $800800800~+-100000. 13. 1738626+550. Rem. 26.
7. XDCOGLXXX.-+-X, 14. VOCCC.+ OL. Ans. 36.
MisceiLanrous Qurstions.—Name the four fundamental operations.
Ans. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division ; with these all calcu-
lations are performed. What is Addition? Subtraction? Multiplication ?
Division? What operation enables us to find a whole, when its parts are
given? When the whole and one part are given, what operation enables
us to find the other part? What is the converse of addition? Of mul-
What is the result of addition called? Name the three terms used in
subtraction. Ans, Subtrahend, minuend, and difference. Define each
of these terms. Name and define the three terms used in multiplication.
Name and define the terms used in division. What is meant by the fac-
tors of aproduct? Which term in division corresponds with the product in
multiplication? With what do the divisor and quotient correspond? At
which side do we begin to add? Tosubtract? Tomultiply? To divide?
What does the sign minus denote? On which side of it must the sub-
trahend be placed? What does a horizontal line between two dots denote?
On which side of this sign must the dividend be placed? What does plus
denote? What does an oblique cross denote? What is the sign of equal-
ity? How is addition proved? Subtraction? Multiplication? Division?
In what other way may multiplication be proved? dns. By dividing the
product by the multiplier; if the quotient equals the multiplicand, the
work is right.
What is 2 composite number? Give an example of an abstract com-
posite number; of a concrete composite number. How may we multiply
or divide by a composite number? When we divide by factors, how do
we find the true remainder? What is the shortest way of multiplying by
10, 100, &c.? How do we divide by 10, 100, &c.? When is division called
Short, and when Long? What difference is there in the mode ef perform-
ing the two operations?
1. Find the sum, then the difference, then the product, of
843 and 8918; divide 8918 by 348.
2. How many times is 20000 contained in the difference be-
tween eleven million and eleven billion? Ans. 549450 times,
3. A United States senator receives $7500 a year. If he
spends $8 a day, how much of his salary will he save in his six
years’ term, allowing 865 days to the year? Ans. $2'7480.
4, If a person hag an income of $3285 a year, how much is
that a day?
5. Amile is 6280 feet. How many steps, of two feet each,
will a boy take in walking 5 miles? Ans, 18200 steps.
6. Divide the sum of 168483 and 849717 by the difference
between 97234 and 46324, and multiply the quotient by nine
times rine. Ans. 1620,
7. Ifaman earns $1200 a year, and his yearly expenses are
$860, how many years will it take him to lay up $5440?
Ans, 16 years.
8. A farmer buys 75 tons of hay, at $32 a ton. He pays for
it in wheat, at $2 a bushel. How many bushels of wheat must
he give? Ans, 1200 bushels.
What was the whole cost of the hay? How much wheat, at $2 a bushel, will
pay for it? :
9. A merchant began business with $86000. At the end of 9
years he was worth $61875. How much a year had he made?
10. How many pounds of coffee, at 29 cents a pound, will pay
for two hogsheads of sugar containing 1160 pounds each, at 19
cents a pound ? Ans. 1520 pounds.
11. A person having $2879 in current bills, and $8997 in un-
current, invests the whole in flour at $9 a barrel; how many
barrels can he buy? Ans, 764 barrels.
12. Four partners commencing business put in respectively
$8650, $9200, $7950, and $3000. At the end of a year the firm
was worth $37875. Required their gain. Ans. $9075.
13. Ifa man buys 746 barrels of flour for $8206, what must
—6©€662 DIVISION.
he sell the whole for, to gain $1 a barrel? How much is that a
barrel ? Ans. $12 a barrel.
14, A person willed $12000 to his wife, $300 to the poor, and
the rest of his property to his six children in equal shares. If he
was worth $71870, what was each child’s share? Ans. $9845.
What was he worth in all? How much of this did he leave to his wife and the
poor? How much remained? Into how many parts must this be divided?
15. A lady worth $48530 leaves her servant $550, her brother
four times that amount, and divides the rest of her property
equally among her four sons and three daughters. How much
does each child receive ? Ans. $6540.
How much does she leave to her servant? To her brother? How much to
both? How much of her property is left? Among how many is this divided?
16. Three partners divide equally their yearly profit, amount-
ing to $17064. One of them divides his share equally among his
four children; what does each child get? Ans. $1422.
17. An army of 4525 men had 103075 days’ rations. At the
end of 21 days, 500 men were captured. How many days after
that did the rations last ? Ans. 2 days.
How many rations did 4525 men consume in 21 days? How many rations then
remained? After the capture, how many men were left? How long would the
rations left support these men?
18. A garrison of 842 men had 63472 days’ rations. After
16 days a reénforcement of 158 men arrived. How long after
their arrival did the rations last ? Ans. 50 days.
19. A person bought 97 acres of land at $51 an acre, and 111
acres at $47 an acre. He paid $9539 cash, and for the balance
gave 5 horses; what was each horse valued at? Ans. $125.
What was the.tost of the first piece of land? Ofthe second? Of both? How
much cash was paid? What remained due? If5 horses were valued at this amount,
what was each horse valued at?
20. A hogshead containing 68 gallons of molasses was bought
for 67 cents a gallon. 7 gallons having leaked out, the rest was
sold at 76 cents a gallon. What wasthe gain? Ans. 35 cents.
21. In an orchard containing 659 trees, 41 trees bear no fruit.
If the income from the orchard is $4944, and the apples bring $4
a barrel, how many barrels on an average does each bearing tree
produce ? Ans. 2 barrels.
22. A railroad forty miles long cost a million of dollars, all
but four hundred. What was the cost per mile? Ans. $24990.
23. The dividend of a sum in division is 4719, the quotient 96,
the remainder 15. What is the divisor? Ans. 49.
Subtract the remainder from the dividend, and you have the product of the
quotient and divisor; then proceed according to § 89.
24, On dividing 784062 by a certain number, I get 807 for
the quotient, and 499 remainder. What is the divisor?
25. If 17 cows are worth $816, and each cow is worth as
much as 6 sheep, what is the value of one sheep? Ans. $8.
26. An estate of $25101 was left to a family of four brothers
and nine sisters. The brothers having given up their share to
the sisters, how much did each of the latter receive? «
27. A farmer had 100 hens, four of which died; if the re-
mainder laid in one week four basketfuls of eggs, consisting of
120 each, what was the weekly average for each hen?
Relations of Dividend, Divisor, and Quotient.
103. The quotient depends on both dividend and di-
visor. If one of these is fixed, a change in the other
changes the quotient. But, if both dividend and divisor
are changed, these changes may neutralize each other,
and the quotient remain the same. Thus:
ee eon ea
Keep the same divisor ; then,
Doubling dividend doubles quotient: 48 + 6=8
Halving dividend halves quotient: 12 +6=2
Keep the same dividend; then,
Doubling divisor halves quotient: 24—-12=—2
Halving divisor doubles quotient : 24 +—-3=8
Doubling or halving both dividend and 48 -12=4
divisor makes no change in quotient: 12+ 3=4
103. On what does the quotient depend? If cither dividend or divisor is fixed,
what is the effect of changing the other? If both dividend and divisor are changed,
what may follow? With the same divisor, what is the effect of doubling the divi-
dend? Of halving the dividend? With the same dividend, what is the effect of
doubling the divisor? Of halving the divisor? Whatis the effect of doubling or
halving both dividend and divisor ?
104, From these examples we conclude that,
I. With a fixed divisor, multiplying the dividend by
any number multiplies the quotient by that number, and
dividing the dividend divides the quotient.
Il. With a fixed dividend, multiplying the divisor by
any number divides the quotient by that number, and di-
viding the divisor multiplies the quotient.
WI. Multiplying or dividing both dividend and divisor
by the same number does not change the quotient.
105, If we multiply one number by another, and then divide the
product by the multiplier, we have the original number
unchanged. Multiply 9 by 4; divide the product by 4, 9x4= 36
and we again have 9. 86+4= 9
Prime and Composite Numbers.
168. Every number is either Prime or Composite.
A Prime Number is one that can not be divided by
any number but itself or 1, without a remainder; as,
2,11, 17. |
A Composite Number is the product of two or more
factors greater than 1, and is exactly divisible by each
of its factors. 30 is a composite number = 2x3x535 it
is, therefore, exactly divisible by 2, 3, and 5.
107. The first hundred prime numbers are as follows:—
1/29] 71)113)]173 | 229 | 281 | 849 | 409 | 463
2/31) 73) 127) 179 | 233 | 283 | 353 | 419 | 467
3}37| 79}131}181 | 239 | 293 | 359 | 421 | 479
5|41| 83/137 | 191 | 241 | 307 | 367 | 431 | 487
7|43|) 89)189/193 | 251 | 811/373 | 433 | 491
11/47) 97/149 | 197 | 257 | 313 | 379 | 439 | 499
13 | 53/101 | 151 | 199 | 263 | 317 | 383 | 443 | 503
17 | 59} 103 | 157 | 211 | 269 | 331 | 389 | 449 | 509
19/61 | 107 | 163 | 223 | 271 | 837 | 397 | 457 | 521
2367 | 109 | 167 | 227 | 277 | 347 | 401 | 461 | 528
104. State the principles deduced from these examples.—105. What is the effect
of multiplying one number by another, and then dividing the product by the multi-
plier ?—106. Into what two classes are all numbers divided? Whatisa Prime Num-
ber? What is a Composite Number ?—107. Mention the first ten prime numbers,
108. An Even Number is one that can be divided by
£ without remainder; as, 2, 4, 6, &c.
An Odd Number is one that can not be divided by 2
without remainder; as, 1, 3, 5, &c.
109. A composite number is exactly divisible,
By 2, when its right-hand figure is 0, or is exactly divisible by 2; as,
30, 104.
By 3, when the sum of its figures is exactly divisible by 8; as, 456—the
sum of its figures (4+5+6 = 15) being exactly divisible by 3.
By 4, when its two right-hand figures are naughts, or are exactly divisible
by 4; as, 500, 324.
By 5, when it ends with 0 or 5; as, 10, 25.
By 6, when it is an even number and the sum of its figures is exactly
divisible by 3; as, 744.
By 8, when its three right-hand figures are naughts, or are exactly divisible
by 8; as, 17000, 3456.
By 9, when the sum of its figures is exactly divisible by 9; as, 790146.
By 10, when it ends with 0; as, 850,
Tell which of the following numbers are even, and which
odd; which are prime and which composite. Select those that
are exactly divisible by 2, by 8, by 4, by 5, by 6, by 8, by 9,
by 10 :—
1; 16; 325; 168; 450; 523; 2571; 62875; 9888; 19; 2967;
85; 29000; 401; 1000101; 8700; 347; 123; 7002; 75408; 6003;
10101001101201; 655; 10002; 1000.
Prime Factors.
110. The Prime Factors of a composite number are
the prime numbers (other than 1) which multiplied to-
gether produce it. 2,38, and 11, are the prime factors
of 66, because 2 x3 x11 = 66. ;
111. The prime factors of a composite number are
found by successive divisions.
108. What is an Even Number? What is an Odd Number ?—1i09. When is a
composite numbe: exactly divisible by 2? By 3? By 4? By 5? By 6? By 8? By 9?
By 10?—110. What is meant by the Prime Factors of a composite number? Give
an example.—111. How are the prime factors of a composite number found ?
Examrrir.—F ind the prime factors of 5460.
As 5460 is an even number, we divide it by 2. The quo-
tient, 2730, being an even number, we again divide by 2. 2) 5460
The next quotient, 1365, is exactly divisible by 3, since the
sum of its figures is exactly divisible by 3; we therefore 2) 2730
divide it by 8. The next quotient, 455, is exactly divisible 3) 1365
by 5, since it ends with 5; we therefore divide it by 5. The
next quotient, 91, being exactly divisible by 7, we divide it 5) 455
by 7. The next quotient, 13, is a primenumber. The prime
factors required are the several divisors and the prime quo- ——
tient—2, 2, 8, 5, 7, and 18. 13
Proof.—2x2x3x5x 7x13 = 5460.
112, Rurz.—1. Zo find the prime factors of a com-
posite number, divide it by its smallest prime factor ;
treat the quotient in the same way, and continue thus
dividing the successive quotients till a prime number ts
veached. The divisors and the last quotient are the prime
factors required.
2. Prove by multiplying the prime factors, and seeing
whether their product equals the given composite number.
When a quotient is reached for which a divisor can not readily be
found, look in the Table on page 64, to sce whether it is prime. If it is,
the work is done.
. Find the prime factors of 6006. ANS. 2, Oaths Lay Ae
. Find the prime factors of 16. Of 24. Of36. Of 60. °
. Find the prime factors of 72. Of90. Of102. Of111.
. Find the prime factors of 125. Of 155. Of178. Of 234.
. Find the prime factors of 309. Of 404. Of 524.
. Find the prime factors of 1040. Of 1324. Of 6276.
. Resolve 7498 into its prime factors. Ans. 2, 28, 163.
. Resolve 28055 into 1ts prime factors. > Ans. 5, 31, 181.
. Resolve the following numbers into their prime factors:
- 14641; 78900; 6432: 49750: 390625.
Om OT om Ct # CO b He
Find the prime factors of 5460. Prove this example.—112. Recite the rule for
finding prime factors. When a diyisor can not readily be found, what should be
113. When one set of factors is to be divided by
another, the operation may often be shortened by first
rejecting equal factors.
ExamMpLe.—Divide 6x7x9x5 by 5x3x9x 7.
We may first multiply the factors of the dividend to-
gether, then those of the divisor, and then divide the first
product by the second.
6x 7x 9x5 = 1890
Bax Sox Oo xh Sr
1890 + 945 = 2 Ans.
But we save work by setting the factors of the dividend
above those of the divisor with a line between, rejecting
equal factors from dividend and divisor, and dividing
what remains above the line by what remains below.
Thus :—
Rejecting 7, 9, and 5, ee
ier = ib) bp
The answer must be the same as before, because rejecting a factor is
dividing by that factor, and we learned in $104 that dividing both divi-
dend and divisor by the same number does not change the quotient.
114. On the same principle, the work may be short-
ened when the factors of dividend, or divisor, or both, are
composite numbers.
ExampLe.—Divide 18 times 21 by 14.
Arrange as in the last example. Divide 18 9 3
and 14 by the common factor 2. Then divide 18 x BY
21 and 7 by the common factor 7%. Multiply; = —_2""
ing the factors remaining in the dividend, we 1A
get 27, Ans. 4
«27 Ans.
113. When one set of factors is to be divided by another, how may the operation
often be shortened? Illustrate this process with the given example.—114. In what
other case may the work be similarly shortened? Show this with the given example,
115. The equal factors thus rejected from dividend and
divisor are said to be cancelled, and the process is called
Since cancelling is dividing, 1 (nof 0) takes the place of a cancelled
When every factor of the divisor is cancelled, as in the last example,
the product of the factors remaining in the dividend is the answer.
For every factor rejected from the dividend we must re-
ject an equal factor from the divisor, and only one such equal YAN?
factor. We must not, for instance, cancel two threes in the A\ 418 9
divisor for one three in the dividend. M | 24 3
The factors of the dividend, in stead of being placed —
above those of the divisor, may be set at their right with a Ans, 27
Vertical line between. Thus :—
Bring cancellation to bear in the following :—
1. Divide 2x3x8x5x¥% by 2x4x15. Ans, 14.
2. Divide 25x 7x11x5 by 55x25 x7, Ans. 1.
3. Divide 3x 7x2x11x21 by 7x2x38x". Ans. 33.
4, 40 x 39 is how many times 10 x13? Ans, 12.
5. Dividend, 1216; divisor, 83 x 22; required the quotient.
6. How many times is 84x 15 contained in 9x17x38x5x2?
7. Divide 20 x 36 x 22 x 60 by 8x11 x 100.
8. Divisor, 5 times 6 times 11; dividend, 6930; what is the
quotient ?
9. Divide 99 x 360 x 865 by 11x 738. Ans. 16200.
10. Divide the product of 17, 10, 16, and 14, by the product
of 2, 5, 34, 7, and 2. Ans. 8.
11. How many boxes of raisins containing 12 pounds each,
worth 20 cents a pound, will pay for 15 boxes of crackers, con-
taining 16 pounds each, at 18 cents a pound ? Ans. 18 boxes.
_ 12. How many barrels of coal holding 3 bushels each, at 30
cents a bushel, must be given for 9 ten-pound boxes of soap,
worth 12 cents-a pound ? Ans. 12 barrels.
115. What is said of the equal factors thus rejected? What is this process
called? What takes the place of a cancelled factor? When every factor of the di-
visor is cancelled, what will the answer be? How many factors must be cancelled
in the divisor for each factor rejected from the dividend? In what other way may
the factors of the dividend and divisor be arranged ?
116. When one number is contained in another with-
out remainder, the former is called a Divisor or Measure
of the latter; and the latter, a Multiple of the former. 6
is contained in 12 without remainder; hence 6 is a divisor
or measure of 12, and 12 is a multiple of 6.
117. A Common Divisor, or Common Measure, of two
or more numbers is any number that will divide each
without remainder. Their Greatest Common Divisor, or
Measure, is the greatest number that will divide each
without remainder.
2, 4, 6, and 12, are common divisors of 24, 36, and 48. 12 is their
greatest common divisor.
118. Numbers that have no common divisor except 1,
are said to be prime to each other.
Numbers prime to each other are not necessarily prime numbers. 15 —
and 28 are prime to each other, yet are not prime numbers.
119. A divisor of any number is also a divisor of every
multiple of that number. 3 is a divisor of 6; then it is
also a divisor of 12, 18, 24, and every other multiple of 6.
120, A common divisor of two numbers is also a divi-
sor of their sum and of their difference. 3 is a common
divisor of 12 and 21; then it is also a divisor of their
sum (33), and of their difference (9).
121, To find the greatest common divisor, when the
numbers are small, resolve them into their prime factors,
and multiply together those factors that are common.
116. When is one number called a Divisor or Measure of another? When is one
number called a Multiple of another? Give examples.—117. What is a Common
Divisor of two or more numbers? What is the Greatest Common Divisor of two or
more numbers? Give examples.—118. When are numbers said to be prime to each
other? Are numbers prime to cach other necessarily prime numbers? Give anex-
ample.—119. Of what is a divisor of any number also a divisor? Givean example.—
120. Of what is a common divisor of two numbers also a divisor? Give an example.
121. How may we find the greatest common divisor, when the numbers are small ?
ExampLe.—Find the greatest common divisor of 72,
108, and 180.
12 =O x Deepa 3
108 = 2x 2 x 3x38 x3
180 m= 2exXad x 38x 38 Xx 5
The common factors are 2, 2, 3, and 8; and their product, 36, is be
greatest common divisor.
Find the greatest common divisor of the following :—
1. 99 and 72. Ans. 9. 7. 36, 108, and 252.
2, B4and90. 8. 66, 154, and 220.
8. 147 and 189. Ans. 21. 9. 120, 185, and 255.
4, 96 and 264. Ans. 24. 10. 48, 208, and 224.
5. 120 and 180. 11. 40, 60, 100, and 140.
6. 144 and 192. Ans. 48. 12. 26, 104, 180, and 234.
122. When the numbers are large or not easily re.
solved into factors, we use a different method.
ExampLte.—What is the greatest common divisor of
475 and 589 ?
475) 589 (1
Divide 589 by 475. If there were no AS
remainder, 475 would exactly divide both, seat i
and would be the greatest common divisor. 114) 475 (4
But, as there is a remainder, divide the last 456
divisor by it. Again there is a remainder si
19. Divide the last divisor by it. There is 19) 114 (6
now no remainder, and 19, the last divisor, 114
is the greatest common divisor sought.
That 19 is a common divisor of 475 and 589, is 475 +19 = 25
proved by dividing those numbers by 19. 589 + 19 = 31
That 19 is the greatest common divisor is proved thus :—
Any number that is a divisor of 475 and 589,
is also a divisor of their difference, or 114 (§ 120),
also of 4 times 114, or 456 ($119);
and any number that is a divisor of 475 and 456,
is also a divisor of their difference, 19.
122. When do we use a different method? Illustrate this method with the given
example. How is it proved that 19 is a common divisor of 475 and 589? How is it
proved that 19 is their greatest common divisor?
Now, as the divisor of the original numbers must also be a
divisor of 19, they can have no greater common divisor than 19.
123. Rutze.—1. Zo find the greatest common divisor
of two numbers, divide the greater by the less ; if there is
a remainder, divide the last divisor by it, and so proceed
till nothing remains. The last divisor is the greatest com-
mon divisor.
2. To find the greatest common divisor of more than
two numbers, proceed as above with the two smallest first,
then with the divisor thus found and the next largest, and
soon till all the numbers are taken. The last common
divisor is the one sought.
Find the greatest common divisor of the following :—
. 865 and 511. Ans. 73. 9. 1242 and 2328.
. 864 and 420. Ans. 12. 10. 6409 and 7395.
. 775 'and 1800. Ans. 25. 11. 10353 and 14877.
. 2628 and 2484. Ans. 36. 12. 285714 and 999999.
. 2268 and 8444, Ans. 84. 13. 505, 707, and 4348.
. 14,18, and 24. Ans. 2. | 14. 154, 28, 848, and 84.
. 837, 1134, 1847. Ans. 3. 15. 6914, 396, and 5184.
. 78, 52, 18,416. Ans. 18. 16. 8885, 5550, and 6105.
Vicia’ far mer wishes to bag 345 bushels of oats, 483 of barley,
and 609 of corn, using the largest bags of aria size that will
exactly hold each kind. How many bushels must each bag hold?
How many bags will he need? Ans. 3 bu. 479 bags.
The number of bushels each bag must hold, will be the greatest common divisor
of the given numbers. Then, how many bags holding 3 bushels each will it take to
hold 345 bushels? How many, to hold 483 bushels? How many, to hold 609 bush-
els? How many bags will it take in all ?
18. A man owning four farms, containing 45, 100, 55, and 115
acres, divides them into equal fields of the largest size that will
allow each farm to form an exact number of fields. How many
acres in each field? How many fields does he make?
123. Recite the rule for finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers.
Yow do you find the greatest common divisor of more than two numbers?
124, A Multiple of a number is any number that it
will exactly divide. 4, 6, 8, &c., are multiples of 2.
Every number has an infinite number of multiples.
125. A Common Multiple of two or more numbers is
any number that each will exactly divide. 12, 24, 36,
&c., are common multiples of 3 and 4.
126. The Least Common Multiple of two or more num-
bers is the smallest number that each will exactly divide.
12 is the least common multiple of 3 and 4.
127. A common multiple of two or more numbers may
always be obtained by multiplying them together. If
the numbers are prime to each other, this product is their
least common multiple.
128. A common multiple of several numbers must
contain all the prime factors of each number taken sepa-
rately. But a prime factor of one of the numbers may
also appear in another; and factors thus repeated the
teast common multiple excludes. Hence, the least com-
mon multiple is the product of the prime factors common
to two or more of the numbers, and such factors of each
as are not common.
ExamMpLe.—Find the least common multiple of 12, 15,
18, and 24.
Write the numbers in a horizontal line. 2 is a prime factor of three
of them, and will be a factor of the least common multiple; divide by it,
124. What is a Multiple ofa number? How many multiples has every number?
—125. What isa Common Multiple of two or more numbers ?—126. What is the
Least Common Multiple of two or more numbers? Give an example.—127. How
may 2 common multiple of two or more numbers always be obtained? In what case
will this product be their Zeast common multiple ?—128, Of what is the least common
multiple of several numbers the product? Solve the given example, explaining each
setting down the quotients, and 15, which is not exactly divisible. 2 isa
prime factor of two of the numbers in the second line; divide by it, setting
down the quotients, and 15, which is not exactly divisible. 3 is a prime
factor of all the numbers in the
third line; divide by it, and set 4
down the quotients. There ig 2) 12, 15, 18, 24
no need of dividing further, as 2)6, 15, 9, 12
no number will exactly divide eS Le ey
more than one of the numbers 3)3, 15, 9, 6
in the fourth line. 5, 8, and 2, LOO a eee
are the remaining factors of the
original numbers; and the prod- 2% 2X3X5X38X2 = 360 Ans.
uct of these and the divisors
(which are the common factors) will be the least common multiple re:
quired. 2x2x8x5x8x2 = 360 Ans.
129, When one of the given
numbers is a factor of another, any 2)42, 15, 18, 24
multiple of the latter must of course Saag \ Pak LOLA TD.
contain the former, and the former ___ )15, 9, 12
number may therefore be cancelled 5, 3, 4
at the outset. Thus, in the last ex-
ample, 12, being a factor of 24,may o9yx3x%5x3x4— 360 Ans,
be cancelled. Proceeding as before,
we get the same result with less work,
130, Rute.—1. Write the numbers in a horizontal line.
Livide by any prime number that will divide two or
more of them without remainder, placing the quotients
and the numbers not exactly divisible in a line below.
2. Proceed with this second line as with the first ; and
so continue till there are no two numbers that havea com-
mon divisor greater than 1. The product of the divisors
and the numbers in the lowest line will be the least com-
mon multiple,
Find the least common multiple of the following :—
1, 87 and 41. (See $127.) | 5. 11,77, and 88. _Ans. 616.
2.23 and 39. Ans. 897.| 6. 24, 180, 45, 60. Ans. 360.
8. 19, 17, and 5. , 7. 10, 20, 50, 25. Ans. 100.
4, 2,4,6,and8. (See §129.)| 8. 48, 20, 21,24. Ans. 1680.
129. When one of the given numbers is a factor of another, how may the opera-
Kon be shortened?—130 Give tho rule for finding the least common multiple,
4 e
9. 88, 209, 17, 19, 84. 14. 9, 15, 36, 135, and 162.
10. 99, 18, 11, 26, and 100, | 15. 144, 48, 80, and 86..
11. 34, 88, 75, and 99. 16. 125, 350, 150, and 75.
12. 875, 10, 8, 12, and 18. | 17. 9, 17, 12, 8, 21, 80, and 16,
13. 24,20, 18, 16, 15, and 12.| 18, 141, 235, 829. Ans, 4935.
19. What is the greatest number that will exactly divide 120
and 150? What is the smallest number they will exactly divide?
90. Find the smallest number that exactly contains 78, 156,
and 390. Find the greatest number exactly contained in them.
91. Find the least common multiple of the first eight even
numbers. . Ans, 1680.
131. How Fractions arise.—When a whole is di-
vided into two equal parts, each of these parts is called
one half. |
Half Half
When a whole is divided -into three equal parts, one
of these parts is called one third; two are called two
thirds; &c.
Third ’ . Third ' Third
When a whole is divided into four equal parts, one of
these parts is called one fourth (or quarter); two are
called two fourths ; three, three fourths; &c.
Fourth ' Fourth 1 Fourth ' Fourth
In the same way we get fifths, sixths, sevenths, &c.,
‘by dividing a whole into jive, six, seven, &c., equal parts-
The name is taken from the number of equal parts into
which the whole is divided.
131, How do we get halves? Thirds? Fourths? Fifths? Sixths? Sevenths?
From what is the name taken ?
132, The value of these equal parts varies according to their number,
The more parts the whole is divided into, the smaller they must be. One
half of a thing is greater than one third, one third than one fourth, as is
shown by the above lines,
133. These equal parts into which a whole is divided,
are called Fractions, |
134, Kinps.—There are two kinds of Fractions, Com-
mon and Decimal. When we use the word fraction
alone, we refer to a Common Fraction.
135, How Common Fractions ARE WRITTEN.—Learn
how common fractions are expressed in figures :—
One half 4 | Five thirteenths ys
One third 4.| Three twenty-seconds shy
One fourth (quarter) 4 | Twenty sixty-firsts go
One two-hundredth 4, | Three thousandths IT
One thousandth sooo | Six twelve-hundredths 3.55
It will be seen that a common fraction, expressed in
figures, consists of two numbers, one below the other,
with a line between,
The number below the line is called the Denominator.
It shows into how many equal parts the whole is divided,
and therefore gives name to these parts.
The number above the line is called the Numerator.
It shows how many of the equal parts denoted by the
Denominator are taken.
The Numerator and the Denominator, taken together,
are called the Terms of the fraction.
is a fraction. 5 and 6 are its Terms. 6 is the Denominator, and
shows that the whole is divided into stz equal parts, making each part one
sixth. 5 is the Numerator, and shows that five of these equal parts are
taken. In reading, name the Numerator first—/ive sizths.
132. On what does the value of these equal parts-depend? Which is greater,
one half of a thing or one third? One third or one fourth ?—183. What are the equal
parts into which a whole is divided called ?—134. How many kinds of fractions are
there? What are they called ?—135. Show by the given examples how common
fractions are written. Of what does a common fraction, expressed in figures, con-
sist? What is the number below the line called? What does it show? What is
the number above the line called? What does it show? What are the numerator
and denominator, taken together, called? Give examples of these definitions.
Read these fractions. Then name the numerator and the de-
nominator, and tell what each shows :—
$3 445 3 ss altos robtons WoeouT
Write the following fractions in figures :—
1. Ten elevenths. 9. Seventy-three seventy-thirds.
2. Thirteen halves. 10. One hundred and two four-
3. Twenty millionths. teen-hundred-and-fifths.
4, Seventy thousandths, | 11. Sixty-seven forty-thousand-
5. Eighty sixty-firsts. five-hundredths.
6. Twelve billionths. 12. Four hundred and two ten-
7. One hundredth. thousandths.
8. Four twenty-seconds. | 18. Nineteen six-hundredths.
136. Drerrnirions.—An Integer is a whole number;
“ok Ney |
A Fraction is one or ue of the equal parts into which
a whole is divided ; as, % 4, 4.
A Proper Fraction i is one whose numerator is less than
its denominator; as, 4, 3.
An Improper Fraction is one whose numerator is equal
to or greater than its denominator; as, 3, 4.
A Mixed Number is one that consists of a whole num-
ber and a fraction; as, 74 (sevenanda half). The whole
number is called the integral part.
A Compound Fraction is a fraction of a fraction; as,
1 of 2, 2 of 8 of
A Complex Fraction is one that has a fraction in one
or both of its terms ; as,
+ One half divided 45 Rm Four and two thirds divided
9 by nine. 2 by jive sixths.
136. What is an Integer? What is a Fraction? What is a Proper Fraction?
What is an Improper Fraction? Whatis 2 Mixed Number? What is meant by
the integral part of a mixed number? What is a Compound Fraction? What
is a Complex Fraction ?
A fraction is said to be dnverted, when its terms are
interchanged; 4 inverted becomes 4.
137. Prixciptes.—A fraction indicates division (§ 87).
The fractional line is the line used in the sign of divi-
sion +. The numerator is the dividend, the denominator
is the divisor, the value of the fraction is the quotient.
Hence the same principles apply as in division (§ 104).
I, Multiplying the numerator by any number multiplies
the fraction by that number, and dividing the numerator
divides the fraction.
Il. Multiplying the denominator by any number di-
vides the fraction by that number, and dividing the de-
nominator multiplies the fraction,
Ill. Multiplying or dividing both numerator and de-
nominator by the same number does not change the value
of the fraction.
138. A fraction indicates division. Hence, if numera-
tor and denominator are equal, the value of the fraction
is 1; because any quantity is contained in itself once.
If the numerator is greater than the denominator, the
value of the fraction is greater than 1; if less, less than 1.
Hence, the value of every improper fraction must be 1 or more than 1;
that of every proper fraction, less than 1.
139. Any whole number may be thrown into a frac:
tional form by giving it 1 for a denominator. 7 = 7.
9= 4. It is clear that dividing a number by 1 does not
alter its value.
Read the following. Tell what kind of fraction each is. In
the third line, tell whether the value of each fraction is greater
or less than 1 :—
When is a fraction said to be inverted ?—137. What does afraction indicate ?
What corresponds with the dividend? What, with the divisor? What, with the
quotient? To what, then, do the principles of divisionapply ? Recite the three prin-
ciples that apply to fractions.—138. When is the value of a fraction 1? When is it
greater than 1? When is it less thani? What must be the value of every im-
proper fraction? Of every proper fraction ?—130. How may any whole number
be thrown into a fractional form?
Zofs,. Fof~ of fy 8,3; 4o0f4%. 12%.
64 83 6004 #of4 184 ahs
8 Fr BOe COPIED 14d OF F
Sy 89 Ff 58 4 FASO. dts. He
Throw 7 into a fractional form; 19; 871; 1002; 11; 6.
1. How many halves in 1 whole? How many thirds? How
many fourths? How many tenths? How many fiftieths? How
many thousandths?
2. How many halves in 1? In 2? In 3? In 4? In 10?
In 100? In 1000? In 100000? How do you find how many
halves there are in any number? Ans. By multiplying it by 2.
3. How many thirds in 1? In 2? In 8? In 5? In 12?
In 100? In 400? In 5000? How do you find how many thirds
there are in any number? Ans. By multiplying it by 3.
4, How many fourths in 1? In 2? In 6? In 8? In11?
In 20? In 200? How many fifthsin1? In9? In4? In800?
How do you find how many fourths there are in any number?
How do you find how many fifths?
5. How many sixths in 1? In 5? In 8? In 10? In 12?
How many sevenths in 1? In4? In 6? In7? In11? How
many eighthsin1? In9? In12? In5? In200? Howmany
ninths in 1?* Ing? In12?
6. How many elevenths in 1? In11? In 12? How many
twelfthsin1? In6? In9? In11? In12? Howmany tenths
inl? In11? In 17? In 176? In 84? In 71? How many
hundredths in 1? In 5? In 12? In 33? In 45?
". How do you get half of a thing? Ans. By cutting it into
two equal parts. How do youfind half of a number? Ans. By
dividing it by 2. How much is half of 4? Of 6? Of 10?
Of18? Of24? Of7? (Ans. 34.) Of92 Of112? —
8. How do you get one third of a thing? Ans. By cutting. it
into 3 equal parts. How do you find 4}of anumber? Ans. By
dividing it by 8. Whatisf$of 9? Of 27? Of11? (Ans. 33.)
9. How do you get } of athing? How do you find } of a
number? Hew much is $ of 24? Of 82? Of 386? Of 45? Of 19?
10. How do you find 4 of a number? Hew do you find ¢?
4? fot ve? abo?
1l. How much is } of 402 1 of 42? 4} of 84? 4 of 72?
Sof 99? +, of 33? 4, of 1382? 3, o0f 110? sy, ef 60? +, of
96? j,of1322 y,of 1442 1, of 10? ~,of 1602? +4, of 1700?
rhy of 4500? :
12. How much is $ of 12? Ans. One fourth of 12 is 8; and
three fourths are 3 times 3, or 9.
How muchis# of 6? § of 142 3 0f25? $o0f18? -8 of 44?
fy Of 24% Yo of40? BR of 482? $of362 #of72? 44 of 1322
13. What part of 2 is 1? (Ans. 4.) What part of 3 is 1?
(Ans. $4.) What part of 5is1? What part of 5is 2? (Ans. 2.)
What part of 5is 32 What part of 7is 1? What part of 7 is 6?
14, tiew many half-pence in 9 pence?
15. How many quarters of beef in 12 oxen?
16. If I cut 10 oranges into sixths, how many pieces have I?
17. A vessel containing 48 passengers was wrecked. +; of
the passengers escaped. Tow many escaped, and how many
perished ? |
18. If a pound of coffee costs 40 cents, what will half a pound
cost? 8 ofapound? 8, of a pound?
19. A boy having 60 marbles lost 35, of them, gave 8 away,
and kept the rest. How many did he lose, give away, and keep?
20. If 4 of a ton of coal costs $3, what will a ton cost? Half —
a. ton?
140. Fractions may be reduced, added, subtracted,
multiplied, and divided.
Reduction of Fractions.
141. Reducing a fraction is changing its form without
changing its value.
146. What operations may be performed on fractions ?—141. What is meant by
seducing a fraction ?
142, Case 1L—To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms.
A fraction is in its lowest terms when its numerator
and denominator have no common divisor greater than 1.
Exampie.—Reduce 4% to its lowest. terms.
_Dividing.both numerator and denominator by the same number does
not alter the value of the fraction (§ 137). We
therefore divide by their
common factors in succes-
sion. Dividing by 5, we
get-*;. Dividing the terms
45) 75
80) 45 (1
= 2 Ans.
of this fraction by 3, we
get #. This is the answer,
since its terms have no common divisor but 1.
In stead of dividing as above, we might have
found the greatest common divisor ($123), and
This is the best method,
when the numbers are large.
divided by it at once.
Rutz.—Divide numerator and denominator succes-
sively by every factor common to both. Or, divide them
at once by their greatest common divisor.
. Reduce the following fractions to their lowest terms :—
ait Ege
OD CO oY D> OT BH co bo
~~ KH
lem =)
° °
= ke
$e}. Ans.
Bu, Ans.
gi5, =. Ans.
2 6
99° Ans. ite
bits. Ans. P56
99 1
oy. Ans. zh.
CRA coe afer
3 78 -
Ans. 424.
Ans. p54.
Ans. $3.
Ans, $3.
Ans. §3.
Ans. 23.
Ans. $27.
Ans, $23.
Ans, 345,
Ans. 375.
Ans. Sie
What is the first case of reduction of fractions? “When is a fraction in its —
lowest terms ?
Solve the given example, explaining the steps.
is shown? Recite the rule for reducing a fraction to its lowest terms,
What other method
143, Casz II.—TZo reduce an improper fraction toa
whole or mixed number.
A fraction indicates division. The numerator is the
dividend, the denominator is the divisor. To find the
quotient, that is the value of the fraction, we have only
to divide, as indicated.
ExampiLE 1.—Reduce 2 to a whole or mixed number.
27 = 9 ='3 Ans.
ExampitE 2.,—Reduce 3,° to a whole or mixed number.
30 + 9 = 33 = \8hi dash -
Rute.— Divide the numerator by the denominator.
If there is a remainder, the answer is a mixed number; if not, a whole
number. If the answer is a mixed number, the fractional part must be
reduced to its lowest terms,
Reduce these fractions to whole or mixed numbers :—
1’ 1B. 384, Ans. 1044. | 29 5&2.
2, 53, 16. 200, Ans. 18% | 80, 22642,
3. 38, 17, 5a. Ans. 452. | 81. 24991,
4, 144, 18, 2440, Ans. 3928. | 82, 29825,
5. 194, 19, 2397, Ans. 342,. 33. 19940,
6. 122. 20. £297, Ans, 9084. 34, 26351,
7, S24, Q1, 5895, Ans. 924. | 35. 15827,
8, f7d 29, 2318, Ans, 82.81. | 36. 4faa5,
9. $9, 23, 20.00, Ans. 8173;. | 87. S400,
10. 82 24, 142641 Ang, BIGHT. | 88, 29928,
11. 39 25, 88.00, Ans. 26. | 89. 24926,
12, 58 26. 14022, Ans. 20031. | 40. 22992.
13, 134, 07, 11452, Ans, S714. | 41, 427135,
14, 400, 28, 2482, Ans, BT24, | 42, 48987,
143. What is the second case of reduction of fractions? What does a fraction in-
dicate ? With what do the numerator and denominator correspond? How may we
find the quotient,—that is, the value of the fraction? Give the rule for reducing an
improper fraction to a whole or mixed number. Give examples,
144, Case III.—7Zo0 reduce a mixed number to an tv
proper fraction.
_ Exampiye.—Reduce 9% to an improper frac-
The denominator of the fraction being 5, we reduce to “45. fifths,
fifths. In 1 there are 5 fifths, and in 9 nine times 5 fifths, 3 fifths
or 45 fifths, 45 fifths and 3 fifths make 48 fifths. dns. 48, —
Proof. 48 = 48 +5 = 93 48 fifths.
Ruitze.—1. Multiply the whole number by the denomi-
nator of the fraction, add in the numerator, and set their
sum over the denominator.
2. Prove by reducing the improper fraction obtained
back to a mixed number.
145. To reduce a whole number to an improper frac-
tion with a given denominator, the process is the same,
except that there is no numerator to addin, Multiply
the whole number by the given denominator, and set the
product over the denominator.
EixaMpLe.—Reduce 9 to fifths.
Oe ea 4D Ans, 42.
Reduce the following to improper fractions; prove each :—
1. 124. Ans. $4. | B. Ty. 9. 76384. | 18. S4,289..
OP 168.” Ans: S804 6. 7 74h. 10. 87647. 14. 484,36.
3, 24513 (ey exe 11. 81232. 15. 29643.
4, 19273, Bel. 412, 1284 | 16. Sate
17. Reduce 18 to a fraction with 7 for its denominator. Ans. 2A.
18. How many 89ths in 746? In 293? In 450?
19. Reduce 26 to fortieths. To fiftieths. To sixtieths.
20. How many quarters of beef in 1225 oxen?
21. Reduce 887 to nineteenths. To eighty-fifths.
144, What is the third case of reduction of fractions? Solve and prove the given
example. Recite the rule for reducing a mixed number to an improper fraction.—
445. How does the operation differ, when a whole number is to be reduced to an im-
proper fraction? Recite the tule. Give an example.
146, Casze IV.—7o reduce a fraction to higher terms.
A fraction is reduced to lower terms (§ 142) by divi-
Sion, to higher terms by multiplication.
ExampLre.—Reduce ? to twenty-fourths. 094.4 — 6
Multiplying both numerator and denominator by the
same number does not alter the value of the fraction.
We therefore multiply both terms by such a number as
will change fourths to twenty-fourths—that is, 6 (because
24+4=6) Ans. $8. Ans. x4.
Rury.—l. Divide the given denominator by the de-
nominator of the fraction, and multiply both terms by the
2. Prove by reducing the fraction back to its lowest
Mixed numbers must first be reduced to improper fractions.
147, A fraction can thus be reduced only to such higher terms as are
multiples of the original terms. Thus, }? can be reduced to eighths,
twelfths, sixteenths, &c., but not to fifths or sixths.
1. Reduce -; to seventicths. Ans. 4%.
2. Reduce the following to 36ths:—%; 443 2; 4.
8. Reduce to 288ths :— 3%; si; 42; 28; 343 422; 72; 4.
4, Reduce 144, to twenty-seconds. Ans. 354,
5. How many 840ths' in 13? Ans. 1818,
6.. How many 360ths in 17? In 444? In2,%,? In 43?
7. How many seventy-seconds in 5,2 In2,? In 4%?
8. Reduce the following to 2460ths :— 47; 12; #54.
148. Caszr V.—To reduce two or more fractions to
others having a common (that is, the same) denominator.
Exampir.—Reduce 3, 4, and 4, to fractions that have
# common denominator.
146. What is the fourth case of reduction of fractions ? How is a fraction re-
duced tolower terms? How, to higher terms? Reduce % to twenty-fourths, explain-
ing the steps. Recite the rule. What must first be done with mixed numbers ?—
147. To what higher terms alone can a fraction thus be reduced ?—148. What is the
fifth case of reduction of fractions? Work out and explain the given example.
The denominators are 4, 2, and
Now, a product is the same, in
whatever order the factors are taken.
Hence, if we multiply each denomi-
fond oa
x XX
nator by the other two, we shall get
a common multiple of all three, and this
Be 2x BS NB
Bh BX Bo ok
pt x 8
2x4X 6 4
Dia aex es a. 4
6x* 4x2 4
3 (As. be changed.
of : :
8 its denominator.
me HA bo
x XX
13 (ae
48). c
bo om oS
Hl ll dl
will be the common denominator,
But the value of the fractions must not
We must, therefore, multiply
each numerator by the same multipliers as
Henee the ruie :—
Rvute.—Multiply both terms of each fraction by all
the denominators except its own.
Whole numbers must first be reduced to a fractional form, and mixed
sumbers to improper fractions.
Reduce the following to equivalent fractions having a common
1. Reduce
2. Reduce
3. Reduce 4
4, Reduce 2
. Reduce
. Reduce
. Reduce
. Reduce
Reduce 3
14. Reduce +
15. Reduce
16. Reduce
17. Reduce
$ and 3,
iH and 44.
% and 32.
%, 7, and 4.
$y $y and 4.
Pai h and $.
13; Td, and 44.
4, 14, 12, and 3.
2%, 4, and 18.
3, 6, 24, and 88.
§, ass $y and 24.
i 4, 4; Fi and $.
Bo 1%, 4 9 5, and 3 ae
qs; 13, 43, ae 220.
34, 8, #, 32, and 100.
fr; 73, Pal 7, and 3%.
41, 24, 8, 15, and 23.
Ans. £9,
Ans. 439, 434.
Ans. $48, 343.
Ans. $8, $8, #4:
Ans. iu tom Zor:
4qei vets $38,466.
Ans. by HES, gh4s,
Ans. He B, FAA, 34-
Ans. $455 #55 |
Common Denom. 32.
Common Denom. 630.
Common Denom. 878.
Common Denom. 900.
Common Denom. 420.
Common Denom. 504.
Common Denom. 840.
Common Denom. 560.
What is the rule for reducing two or more fractions to others having a com-
mon denominator? What must first be done with whole and mixed numbers ?
149, Case VIL—T7Zo reduce two or more fractions to
others having the least common denominator. |
Under the last Case, we found that the common de:
nominator was a common multiple of the several denomi,
nators. ‘The least common denominator is the least com-
mon multiple of the denominators. Find this least com,
mon multiple, therefore; and then reduce the given frac-
tions to others that have this least common multiple for
their denominator, according to § 146,
EXxAMPLE.—Reduce 3, 4, and 2) 4, 2, 6
§ to fractions having the least as va
common denominator. 2x2%3 = 122.0,
The least common multiple of the J9+-4yx%3—=9
denominators is 12, which is thereforethe 49.9.4 —6
least common denominator. To find the :
several numerators, divide this least com- 12+6x5 = 10
mon denominator by the denominator of
each fraction, and multiply the quotient Ans. 755 755) 14-
by its numerator.
150. Rutze.—1. For the least common denominator,
jind the least common multiple of the given denominators.
2. Hor the new numerators, divide this least common
denominator by the denominator of each fraction, and
multiply the quotient by its numerator.
First reduce the fractions to their lowest terms, and whole or mixed
numbers to improper fractions.
Reduce the following to equivalent fractions having the least
common denominator :-—
3 5 5B 4 5
a 43 4, and 6° Ans. 5 45. 60?
12 3
8 6 5 189 0
3. 9) 8) and 4 Ans. $33) 529 333°
149, What is the sixth case of reduction of fractions? Under the last case, what
did ‘we find the common denominator to be? What, then, will the least common
denominator be? How, therefore, must we proceed? Solve and explain the given ex-
ample.—150, Recite the rule for reducing fractions to others having the least com-
mon denominator, What should first be done with the fractions? With whole or
mixed numbers?
4, +5 q's, and $4. Ans. x5) Peo) Tes
5. §, #4, and 3%. Ans. 483, 444, tte
6. 45, Pn and 6%. Ans. $f5, $48) 7s 50s
7. 4, $, 34 and}. Ans. 29, 49, 195, 42,
8. a5, 3, 4, and s4. Ans. £25; vas, Fos HLo-
9. & 4, $y and A ts Ans. 3h es $2, ‘ <
10. 3%, qo, £0, and 50. Ans. $§, $$) vo) 130%
11. 3s, a5, 7s, and 13. Least Com. Den. 144,
12. 2, 8; $, &) soe Least Com. Den. 60.
13. 3 g, 4; g, 10) and Tio
14. 4, $, 4, 4,4, + 4, and 4.
15. ¥, 4, to Ts %, 1%, and $e
16. 24, 17%, 5, 373, and 43.
Ad@ition of Fractions,
151. Like parts, such as halves and haives, thirds and
thirds, can be added, just as we can add pears and pears,
dollars and dollars. Unlike parts, such as halves and
thirds, can not be thus directly added, any more than we
can add pears and dollars.
ExAMPieE 1.—Add 5 sixths and 3 sixths. Ans. 8 sixths.
The denominators being the same, we add the numera- sg Paes
tors, and place their sum over the common denominator. 6p 5 aes8
-Examepre 2.—Add 5 sixths and 3 fourths.
The denominators being different, we can not
a 19 add the numerators, and call the sum 8 sixths or 8
: ee fourths. But, if we reduce the fractions to others
/ erm a having a common denominator, we can then add, as
ver chs ERE in Ex. 1. 12 being the least common denominator,
wy 18 A reduce the given fractions to twelfths.
ExamrLe 3.—Add together. 4, 24, 4%, and 1.
Add the fractions, as in Ex. 2: qtt4t¢2=15
Add the whole numbers: 2+44+1= 7
Add these two sums: Ans. 85'5
151. Can we add like parts, snch as halves and halves, directly? Can we add
nnlike parts, such as halves and thirds, directly? Add Sand 3, Add & and}. Solve
Example 3, ,
152, Rurz.—1. When the fractions have a common
denominator, place over it the sum of their numerators.
When not, after reducing them to their lowest terms,
change them to equivalent fractions having the least com-
mon denominator, and add as above. Reduce the result
to tts lowest terms, or to a whole or mixed number, as may
be necessary.
2. To add mixed numbers, find the sum of the fractions
and whole numbers separately, and add the results.
Find the sum of the following fractions :—
Vee tg ba Ans. 14. T $4+34+44. Ans. 24.
Chap ene ty 8, $4244.
3. got kot 3b 9. $+3+$+70-
4, pe-+hh4-244+129, 10. 2464442.
5. 243499447, 11. $5+494+28+2.
6. F+24+84+4+844. 12, 3-+3+42+5%.
13. Add together 5, 32, 42, and 2. Ans, 2397,
14, Add together 2, 44, +, and #?. Ans. 4,44.
1b. Find the sum of ;3,, 104, 122, and 2H. Ans. 26,3;.
16. Find the sum of 4,5, 474, 4,4, and +. Ans. 12493,
17. What is the value of 3$+6449441}4? Ans, 1933.
18. What is the value of 334+%+12+%+41}? Ans. Tee.
19. Add =; and 74. Add #%and4. Add 8 and 3.
20. What is the cost of four fields, containing respectively
43, 24, 32, and 142 acres, at $25 an acre? Ans. $300.
21. Bought $104 worth of cloth, $52 worth of lace, $18.23,
worth of velvet, and $94 worth of muslin. How much change
must I receive for a $50 bill? Ans. $7.
22. How many times can four baskets, holding respectively
375, 24, 14%, and 2% pecks, be filled from a pile containing 20
pecks of potatoes ? Ans. Twice.
152. Recite the rule for the addition of fractions. Recite the rule for the addition
ef mixed numbers,
Subiraction of Fractions.
153. Case I.—Zo subtract a fraction from a fraction.
As in addition, so in subtraction, if the fractions have
not a common denominator, they must be reduced to
equivalent fractions that have.
ExAMPLe 1.—From 5 sixths take 4
aixths. §—4 = 4 Ans.
4 sixths from 5 sixths leave 1 sixth. Ans. 3.
Exameie 2.—From 5 sixths take 3 fourths. § = 4$
We can not directly take fourths from sixths; but (12 #2
being the least common multiple of the denominators) we _
can reduce both to twelfths, and then subtract. Ans, abs
154. Rute.— When the fractions have a common de-
nominator, place over tt the difference of their numerators.
When not, reduce them to equivalent fractions having
the least common denominator, and proceed as above.
Find the value of the following :—
1. §— 3. Ans. 4.| 6. 4—4. Ans. #;. | 11. €— %.
at ete Yea ang 197119" §
3. qt im aise 8. 3 — 35° Ans. Bo: 13. +5 = rea
4, 42— 4. 9. 2 — dh. Ans. #. | 14. 44 — #5.
5. Pr pee fia 10 15 a is. Ans, 4. 1D, 2s —_, qs
155. Case IL—7o subtract a fraction from a whole
ExampLe.—From 3 take %. 3 = 22
, Take 1 of the 3 units, and reduce it to ninths. From 3
the § thus obtained subtract %, and bring down the 2 units, aoe
Ans. 25. Ans. 24
153. In subtraction of fractions, what is it necessary to do if the fractions have
not a common denominator? From § take ¢. From § take 3.—154. Kecite the rule
for subtraction of fractions,—155, From 8 take 3.
Ruitu.—Reduce 1 to a fraction having the same de-
nominator as the given fraction. Hrom this subtract the
given fraction, and annex the remainder to the given
whole number less 1.
1. 2—4. Ans.1}.| 5. 1—4. Ans. 4.} 9. 2—15.
2, 14— qr: 6. 8— Sie Ans. Tiss. 10. 1— —t oF.
10) | 76-83, Ans, 4§8.] 11. 19—843,.
a 8. 11—3%. Ans. 1042. | 12. 28—JA48..
156. Casn IIL—7o subtract one mixed number from
ExaMPLe 1.—From 43 take 14. Po t= vs
3, the fraction of the subtrahend, being less 19 — 3, — a5
than %, the fraction of the minuend, we subtract A 1 = 3
fraction from fraction, and whole number from
whole number, and combine the results. Ans, 34%
Examprtr 2.—From 41 subtract 14.
Reducing the given fractions to hia hay-
ing a common denominator, we get 75 and +3
41 = 43, — The numerator of the fraction in the gubtve
341 Pee Qik hend being the greater, we can not proceed as
Finer ees in the last ; Example.
rig = 119 From 4, the whole number of the minuend,
we take 1, and, reducing it to fifteenths, add
the result to the 5%; of the minuend. From 1%,
thus obtained, subtracting 49%, the fraction of
the subtrahend, we have 3%; for the remainder.
Ans, x. Then, proceeding to the whole numbers, 1
from 3 leaves 2. Combining the results, we
have 258. Ans.
157. Rutu.—Reduce the fractions, if necessary, to
others having a common denominator. If the numer
ator of the fraction in the minuend is equal to, or greater
than, that in the subtrahend, subtract fraction from
Sraction, and whole number from whole number. If not,
take 1 from the whole number of the minuend, and reduce
it with the fraction of the minuend to an improper frac-
tion. Then subtract as above,
Recite the rule for subtracting a fraction from a whole number.—156, From 43
subtract 13. From 4; take 13.—157. Recite the rule for subtracting one mixed num-
ber from anether.
1. 66 —23., Ans. 4,.| 5. 84 —22. Ans. B44.
2. 24—13. Ans. 44. | 6. 54 —54. Ans. a5.
3. 43% — gh. Ans. 312.17. 8348—214. Ans. 443.
4, 20044 — 98,3, 8. 4732 — 31,4. Ans. 1673.
9. From 54+ 93 take 48. Ans. 1075.
10. Take +44 from $+4, : Ans. 3842.
11. Take 4443, from 64475. Ans. 5443.
12, From $+1$+£+41} take $4+4+4+44+4. Ans. 34.
13. From 5+ take 51+ 34. Ans. 335.
‘14, Take the sum of 14 and 2} from 24+ 8}. Ans. 24.
15. From 181-20 subtract +. Ans. 8;3;.
16. From 44080 subtract 494. Ans, 428.
Multiplication of Fractions,
158. Case I—Zo multiply a fraction by a whole
We found in § 137, that multiplying the numerator or
dividing the denominator by any number multiplies the
Sraction by that number. Hence the rule :—
Ruiz.— Divide the denominator of the fraction by the
whole number, when it can be done without a remainder ;
when not, niultiply tts numerator,
ExamMp.e 1.—Multiply 3 by 5.
25 is exactly divisible by 5. Divide it. Ans. %,
EXAMPLE 2.—Multiply »%& by 6.
25 is not exactly divisible by 6. Multiply the numerator. Ans. }§.
It is best to divide the denominator when it can be done, because the
answer is thus found in its lowest terms,
Dividing the denominator increases the size of the parts as many times
as there are units in the divisor. Multiplying the numerator increases the
' number of parts as many times as there are units in the multiplier.
158, Recite the rule for multiplying a fraction by a whole number. Solve the
examples given. Why is it best to divide the denominator when it can be done?
What is the effect of dividing the denominator? What is the effect of multiplying
the numerator?
159, Multiplying a fraction by its own denominator
gives the numerator. Thus: 7 x 9 = 7 = 7 Ans
Find the value of the following :—
1. 44x24, Ans. 17. 6. 455 x8. ll. A, x 12.
2.%4x3, Ans. 3h 7. Pex 14. 12. 34,x18.
8. 4x5. Ans. 22. 8. gy X13. 18, 535x125.
4, 8x14, Ans. Bh. 9. 4x10. 14, $88 x 288,
5. 48x49. Ans. 64. | 10. 4x4. 15. x15.
160. Casz II._— 70 multiply a mixed by awhole number.
Rurz.— Multiply the fractional and the integral part
separately, and add the products.
ExampLe,—Multiply 34 by 7. .
Multiply the fractional part; Rx 7 = 35 = BR
Multiply the integral part: at: = 21
Add the products : 26§ Ans.
1. Multiply 44 by 8. By 4. By 5. By 7. By 14.
2. What cost 8 dolls, at $151, each ? Ans, $84.
8. Multiply 234-34, by 4. Ans, 22%.
4, At $68 apiece, what cost five coats? Ans. $334.
5. Multiply 63, — 2,9 by 7. Ans, 224,
6. Multiply 12 times 4% by 10. Ans. 585,
7. How much cloth in 4 pieces, each containing 89% yards?
161. Casr IIL.—7To multiply a whole number by a
Multiplying by 4 is taking 4 (or dividing by 2) ; mui-
tiplying by 4 is taking 4 (or dividing by 8); and gene-
Give the rule for multiplying a mixed number bya whole number. Multiply 83 by 7.
—161, What is meant by multiplying by one half? By one third?
rally, multiplying by a fraction is taking such a part as
is denoted by the fraction.
ExampLe.—Multiply 19 by %. 3) 19
Multiplying 19 by 2 is taking 3 of 19. One third of 64
19 is 63, and two thirds are twice 64, or 123. Ans, 123, 2
Here we have divided the whole number A
19 by the denominator 8, and then multiplied 475. 125
9 by the numerator 2; but the result is the
same if we multiply first and then divide, and it often saves
3) 38 trouble to do so. Hence the rule :—
Ans, 12% Rutz.— Multiply the whole number by the
numerator of the fraction, and divide by its
First see that the fraction is in its lowest terms.
Find the value of the following :—
1. 47x 8, Ans, 414, 4, 221 x 4%. 7. 49x 20.
2. 93x 4. Ans. TT. 5, 458 x 43. 8. 2846 x44,
3. 69x %. Ans. 161. 6. 598 x 4h. 9. 6789 x HH.
10. Multiply four billion by $29. Ans. 440044004364,
11. Find the product of 19 million and $88. Ans. 168888888.
12. A century is 100 years) How many years in # of 10
centuries? In 4 of 20 centuries?
18. How many feet in % of a mile, there being 5280 feet in a
mile? How many feet in ;% of a mile?
14. A merchant owes $20000. How much is his property
worth, if it amounts to # of his debts? Ans. $85712.
15. The moon is 240000 miles from the earth. If it were but
zx of that distance, how far from the earth would it be?
162, Casz IV.— To multiply a whole by amixed number.
Rute.— Multiply by the fractional part and the whole
part separately, and add the products.
In general, what is multiplying by a fraction? Multiply 19 by 3, in both the
ways shown above. Recite the rule for multiplying a whole number by a fraction.
—162. Recite the rule for multiplying a whole number by a mixed number.
Examrite.—Multiply 458 by 93. es"
Multiply 458 by 3 ($161): 3434
Multiply 458 by 9: 4122
Add the products : 44654 Ans.
1.19x4,%. Ans. 8243. | 4. 875x634. | 7. 84x.
2. 62x124. 4101010:
Add in 5 mills: 41370 + 5 = 41875 m. Ans.
220. Rute ror Repvuction Derscenpinc.—Multiply
the highest given denomination by the number that it takes
of the next lower to make one of this higher, and add in
the number belonging to such lower denomination, if any
be given. Goon thus with each denomination in turn,
till the one required is reached.
221, Reduction Ascending.
EXxAMpie 3.—Reduce 41375 mills to dollars.
10 mills make 1 cent; therefore in 41375 10) 41375 m.
mills there are as many cents as 10 is contained o____
times in 41375, or 4137 cents, and 5 mills over. 100) 4137¢., 5m
100 cents make 1 dollar; therefore in 4137
cents there are as many dollars as 100 is con- Ans. $41.375
tained times in 4137, or $41, and 37 cents over.
The last quotient and the two remainders form the answer—$41, 37 cents,
5 mills, or $41.375.
222. Rute ror Repuction Ascenpinc.—Divide the
given denomination by the number that it takes of it to
What is Reduction Ascending ?—219. Solve the given examples, explaining the
several steps.—220. What is the rule for Reduction Descending ?—221. Reduce 4137
mills to dollars.—222. What is the rule for Reduction Ascending ? é
make one of the next higher. Divide the quotient in the
same way, and go on thus till the required denomination
zs reached. The last quotient and the several remainders
Sorm the answer,
223, In Example 2 we reduced $41.375, and obtained 41375 mills.
In Example 3, we reduced 41875 mills, and obtained $41.875. Thus it
will be seen that Reduction Descending and Reduction Ascending prove:
each other.
224, Reduction of Federal Money.
In Example 1, § 219, we reduced dollars to cents by annexing two
naughts, cents to mills by annexing one naught.
In Example 2, § 219, comparing the result, 41375 mills, with $41.375,
the amount to be reduced, we find it is the same, with the dollar-mark and
decimal point omitted.
In Example 3, § 221, comparing the result, $41.375, with 41375 mills,
the amount to be reduced, we find that we have simply pointed off three
figures from the right, and inserted the dollar-mark. Hence the following
rules :—
RvLes ror tHE Repvuctrion or Frprran Monry.—
1. To reduce dollars to mills, annex three naughts ; to
reduce dollars to cents, two ; to reduce cents to mills, one.
2. To reduce dollars and cents to cents, or dollars, cents,
and mills, to mills, simply remove the dollar-mark and
the decimal point.
3. To reduce mills to dollars, point off three figures
Srom the right ; to reduce cents to dollars, two ; to reduce
mills to cents, one.
Reduce the following :—
1. $68.47 to cents. 6. $.059 to mills.
9. $5.485 to mills. 7. $2.85 to cents.
8. $2480 to mills. 8. $5000 to mills.
4, $56.90 to mills. 9. 2468 mills to cents.
5. $4283 to cents. 10. 2570 mills to dollars.
223. How is Reduction Descending proved? Reduction Ascending ?—224. Re-
cite the rules for the reduction of federal money.
11. 8620 cents to dollars. 14. 56000 cents to mills.
12. 490000 mills to cents. 15. 8705 cents to dollars.
18. 56000 cents to dollars. 16. $87.05 to mills.
17. How many centsin4 eagles? (4eagles = $40) Ans. 4000c.
18. How many cents is a double eagle worth? Ans. 2000c.
19. How many eagles are 8000 cents worth? 2000 cents?
20. Reduce 423756890 mills to dollars.
21. How many cents in $894? In $1024? In $44?
22. How many mills in 374 cents? In $5.624?
23. How many quarter-dollars equal a double eagle?
94, How many dimes in $1? In $15? In $30? In $49?
25. How many cents in 1 dime? In 5 dimes? In 20 dimes?
26. How many dimes are equal to 10 cents? Te 150 cents?
27. How many half-dollars ought I to receive in change for
an eagle? For two double eagles?
28. How many cents is a quarter-eagle worth? A half-eagle?
A three-dollar piece? A half-dollar? Five dimes?
29. Reduce each of the following to cents, and add the results:
2 eagles; 5 half-dollars; 15 dollars; 1 double eagle; 3 quarter-
dollars; 12 dimes; 120 mills. Ans. 5957 cents.
Compound Numbers.
225. A Compound Number is one consisting of different
denominations; as, 3 dollars 19 cents.
226. Compound numbers may be reduced, added, sub-
tracted, multiplied, and divided.
227. To show the relations that different denomina-
tions bear to each other, Tables are constructed. These
are now presented in turn, with examples in Reduction
under each; they should be thoroughly committed to
memory. or convenience of reference, these Tables are
reproduced together on the last page of the book.
225, What is a Compound Number ?—226. What operations may be performed
on Compound Numbers ?—227. For what purpose haye Tables been constructed in
connection with Compound Numbers ?
228, English or Sterling Money is the currency of
Great Britain.
4. farthings (far.,qr.); 1 penny, . /. d.
TL27 pence, ASUS, Gu onc S,
20 shillings, We DOUM cease. eh
21 shillings, POOUINCA see ewe. peut
d. far.
Ss. 1 — A
£ begat re f= 48
guin. a = 20 = 240 — 960
Laie oe De ae 2 ere L008
The pound mark £ is a capital /, standing for the Latin word libra, a
pound; it always precedes the number, as £2.. S. stands for the Latin
solidus, a shilling; d. for denarius, a penny; qr. for guadrans, a farthing.
Shillings are pneu written at the left of an inclined line, and
pence at the Weitr -/)se oar | pt COs (ah! 28; 60. Farthings are
sometimes written as the fraction of a penny, 1 far. as ad., 2 far, as od,
3 far. as 3d.
The pound is simply a denomination ; a gold coin called the Sovereign
represents it. The Sovereign is worth $4.84. The English shilling is
worth 24+ cents, and the English penny about 2 cents.
Guineas, originally made of gold brought from Guinea, are no longer
coined. The Crown isa silver coin, worth 5 shillings.
229, In the twelfth century, some traders from the Baltic coasts,
called by the people Easterlings because coming from regions farther east,
were employed to regulate the coinage of England. From these Hasterlings
the currency took the name of Sterling Money. — ,
230. Recite the rules for Reduction, § 220, 222.
EXAMPLE 1.—Reduce £5 19s. 3 far. to farthings.,
228. What is English or Sterling Money? Recite the Table of Sterling Moncy.
What is the pound mark, and where does it stand? What do s., @., and g7., stand
for? How are shillings sometimes written? Howare farthings sometimes written?
Is the pound adenomination oracoin? Whatrepresents it? Whatis the sovereign
worth? The English shilling? The English penny? Why were guineas so called?
What is the Crown ?—229. From whom did sterling money receive its name ?—230,
Go through and explain the given examples in Reduction.
This is a case of Reduction Descending. Multi-
£5 19s. 8 far.
ply the £5 by 20, to reduce them to shillings, be-
cause 20 shillings make a pound. Add in the 19
Multiply 119s., thus obtained, by 12, to reduce
them to pence, because 12 pence make a shilling.
There are no pence in the given number to add in.
Multiply the 1428d., thus obtained, by 4, to re-
duce them to farthings, because 4 farthings make a
penny. Add in the 8 farthings. -dns. 5715 far.
. 20
5715 far. Ans.
EXAMPLE 2.—Reduce 15383 far. to pounds, shillings, &c.
This is a case of Reduction Ascending.
15383 far. by 4, to reduce them to pence, because
4) 153838 far.
4 farthings make a penny.
12) 3845d. 3 far.
2/0) 32/08, 5d.
Ans. £16 53d,
Divide the quotient, 3845d., by 12, to reduce it
to shillings, because 12 pence make a shilling.
Divide the quotient, 320s., by 20, to reduce it to
pounds, because 20 shillings make a pound. The
last quotient and the several remainders form the
answer.—Always mark the denominations through-
out, as in these examples.
Examprir 8.—Reduce £457 to farthings.
We may here proceed as above, or £ABT
we may somewhat shorten the opera- 20
tion. Looking under the Table on
page 133, we find £1 = 960 far. . Then 9140s,
in £457 there are 960 times 457 far- 12
things. When, then, the number to 1 99680d.
be reduced has but one denomination, 4
we may multiply at once by the num- ~~
ber that connects it with the denomi. 438720 far.
nation required.
4, Reduce £7 5s. 10d. 3 far. to farthings.
5. Reduce £47 5s. 2d. 1 far. to farthings.
6. Reduce £1 514d. to farthings.
7. In 18s. 8 far. how many farthings?
8. Reduce 4963 far. to pounds, &c.
9. Reduce 1°/, to farthings.
. 10. In £8000 how many pence?
11. How many farthings in #/,? In 14/-?
£1 = 96 far.
438720 far.
Ans. 7008 far.
Ans. 45369 far.
Ans. 981 far.
Ans. 867 far.
Ans; £5, 38. 4d.98 far.
Reduce °/, to pence.
Prove by reducing the answers obtained back to shillings.
In 8s. 34d. ?
12. How many sovereigns are 12480.pennies worth?
13. How many pence are 840 sovereigns worth ?
14, Reduce 560 guineas to farthings,
Ans. 564480 far.
15. Reduce 118567 far.-to pounds, &e. Ans, £128 10s. 14d. _
16. Reduce £3 10s. to pence. Reduce 18s. 9d. to pence.
17. How many pounds, &c., in 15199 pence? In 189s, ?
18. How many crowns are £25 equal to?
1 crown = 5s. How many crowns in £1, or 20s.? How many in £25?
19. How many pounds are 100 guineas equal to ?
20. Reduce 7648s. to pounds; to guineas.
21. Reduce £1000 to farthings.
22. Reduce 4800000 far. to pounds, &e.
23. In 24000 far. how many crowns? Ans. 100 crowns.
24. A subscribes £500 for the poor; B, 500 guineas. Which
subscribes the most, and how much ? Ans. B £25.
231, To express weight, three different scales are used,
called Troy, Apothecaries’, and Avoirdupois Weight.
232. Troy Weight is used in weighing gold, silver,
coins, and precious stones; also in philosophical experi-
24 grains (gr.) make 1 pennyweight,. . pwt.
20 pennyweights, Pountey2 275, Se 2 6x
12 ounces, Lepound 26 FOC) Sib;
pwt. gr.
Oz. 1 ante 24
Ib. aoe ee a bea
Me a ee on ee OT OU
The Troy pound is the standard unit of weight of the United States
and Great Britain. It is equal to the weight of 22.794377 cubic inches
of distilled water, at its greatest density.
233. The denominations grain and pennyweight take their name from
the fact that silver pennies were once coined, required by law to equal in
weight 32 grains of wheat from the middle of the ear, well dried. The
value of the penny being afterwards reduced, the number of grains in the
231. Name the different scales used to express weight.—232. For what is Troy _
Weight used? Recite the Table of Troy Weight. What is the standard unit of
weight of the United States? To what is the Troy pound equal ?—233, Why are
the grain and pennyweight so called ?
pennyweight was also reduced to 24.—Oz. stands for the Spanish word
onzd, an OunCE.
234, Troy Weight takes its name from Troyes, a town of France,
whence it was carried to England by goldsmiths ;
or, according to others,
~ from Troy Novant, an old name applied to London.
1. Reduce 801b. 3 0z. to pwt.
Which kind of Reduction does this
fall under? Recite the rule (§ 220).—
Multiply the 801b. by 12, to reduce them
to ounces; addin the 380z. Multiply the
ounces thus obtained by 20, to reduce
them to pwt.; there being no pwt. to
add in, this result is the answer.
80 1b. 8 oz.
363 oz.
~ Ans. 7260 pwt.
8. Reduce 61b. 40z. 3pwt. 5 gr. to grains.
4, How many grains in 11 0z. 19 pwt. 23 gr.?
5. In 120031b. how many pennyweights ?
6. Reduce 9999 gr. to pounds.
7. Reduce 999 pwt. to pounds, &e.
8. Reduce 1561 oz. to pounds, &c.
9. Reduce 18 pwt. 4 gr. to grains.
- Reduce 11000 grains to lb. Ans. 1 Ib. 10 0z. 18 pwt. 8 gr.
. In 25]b. 17 pwt. how many grains?
. In 87]b. 50z. how many pennyweights?
. In 8548 grains, how many pounds, &.?
Reduce each of the following to pounds, and add the re-
; 6960 pwt.
15. Reduce the iioasee to grains, and add the results:
sults: 40320 er.; 960 oz.
tpwt19'er. :.11 0z.1 hpwt,;
2. Reduce 7681 pwt. to pounds,
Which kind of Reduction does this
fallunder? Recite the rule (§ 222)—As
20 pwt. make an ounce, divide the given
pennyweights by 20, to reduce them to
ounces. Divide the ounces thus obtained
by 12, to reduce them to pounds. The
last quotient and the remainder form the
answer. -
2/0) '768]1 pwt.
12) 384 0z. 1 pwt.
732 Ib.
Ans. 32\b. 1 pwt.
Ans. 36557 gr.
Ans. 5759 gr.
Ans. 288180 pwt.
Ans. 1lb. 80z, 16 pwt. 15 gr.
Ans. 4Ib. loz. 19 pwt.
Ans. 1301b. 1 oz.
Ans. 486 gr.
Ans. 116 Ib.
5 Ib.
101b. 40z. ll pwt. Ans. 94314 gr.
16. How many ounces in four lumps of gold, weighing 7 pwt.,
13 pwt., 15 pwt., and 18 pwt. ?
Ans, 202. 18 pwt.
234, From what does Troy Weight take its name?
17. What is the weight in pounds of a silver tea-pot weighing
200 pwt., and 24 table-spoons of 35 pwt. each? Ans. 4]b.. 40z.
18. How many pounds of gold will a miner dig in a year of
365 days, if he averages 6 pwt. daily? Ans. 9b. loz. 10 pwt.
235, Apothecaries’ Weight is used by apothecaries in
mixing medicines. They buy and sell their drugs, in
quantities, by Avoirdupois Weight.
20 grains (gr.) make 1 seruple,. . sc. or 9.
3 scruples, l-dramjctren drs Or e32
8 drams, POUNCE 47, OZ8-OF 73...
12 ounces, lepounds 12 1b. For Th:
8c. er.
dr. a 20
OZ. 1 = St 60
Ib. IgGs ee oe 24 | 480
fois) IDR Sa OG s 4 288. 575760
The only difference between Apothecaries’ and Troy Weight lies in the
Civision of the ounce. The grain, ounce, and pound, are the same in both.
1. Reduce 9247 gr. to pounds, &c. Ans. 1b. 7% 23 Ver.
Which kind of Reduction does this example fall under? Recite the rule (§ 222),
Name the numbers in order, by which we must divide. Prove the answer by reduc-
ing it back to grains.
2. Reduce 9% 63 15 gr. to grains. Ans, 4707 gr.
Which kind of Reduction does this example fall under? Recite the rule (§ 220).
Name the numbers in order, by which we must multiply. Why do we not first
multiply by 12? If drams had been the highest denomination given, by what would
we have multiplied first? How can you prove the answer ?
3. Reduce 15648 gr. to pounds, &c. Ans. 2tb.8% 43 2D 8er.
4, Reduce 1tb. 11% 23 5er. to grains. Ans. 11165 gr.
5. Reduce 47635 to pounds, &c. Ans. 16 1b. 6 oz. 3 dr. 2:se.
235. By whom is Apothecaries’ Weight used? By what do they buy and sell
their drugs in quantities? Recite the Table of Apothecaries’ Weight. What is the
enly difference between Apothecaries’ and Troy Weight?
6. Reduce 91b. 5 dr. to scruples. Ans. 2607 se.
7, Reduce 848 dr. to pounds, &e. Ans. 8ib. 9% 83.
8. Reduce 141b. 80z. to drams,
9, Reduce 30019 gr. to pounds, &e.
10. In 2b. 3% 43 15 11 gr. how many grains?
11. Reduce the following to grains, and add the results:
Piped gr. 10242 es Og: Lets lek ey. Ans. 28202 or.
12. Reduce the following to pounds, and add the results:
11520 gr.; 960 dr.; 864 sc.; 14402. Ans. 2'7 Vb.
18. How many doses of 15 gr. each will 5dr. of calomel make ?
Reduce 5dr. to grains. How many times are 15 grains contained therein ?
14. How many grains in this mixture: benzoin, 2 3; cascarilla,
23; nitre, 143; myrrh, 25; charcoal, 3 3? Ans. 2650 gr.
Reduce each item to grains; then add.
15. A druggist put up 24 powders of calomel, of 10 gr. each;
if he had 1 oz. of calomel at first, how many grains will he have
236. Avoirdupois Weight is used for weighing all arti-
cles not named under Troy and Apothecaries’ Weight ;
such as groceries, meat, coal, cotton, all the metals except
gold and silver, and drugs when sold in quantities.
16 drams (dr.) make 1 ounce,. . . . oz,
16 ounces, T-pOund, a aa8: act
25 pounds, Liquarter; 3° ¢.9-Qr,
4 quarters, 1 hundred-wveight, cwt.
20 hundred-weight, Jton, . . he
OZ. dr.
Ib. Los 16
qr. : 16 ee 256
ewt. i pe ys aera 400 = 6400
1 bese) ANPS O00 NES 01 6001 99829600
Tee BOS 2000 = a A000 ee oer. A000
236. For what is Avoirdupois Weight used? Recite the Table.
237. Avoirdupois is derived from the French words avoir, property,
and poids, weight.—Cwt., the abbreviation for hundred-weight, is formed
of ¢c for centum, one hundred, and wé for weight.
238. Formerly 28 pounds made a quarter, and 112 pounds a hundred-
weight, in the United States, as they still doin Great Britain. But it is
no longer customary to allow 112 pounds to the hundred-weight, except in
the ease of coal at the mines, iron and plaster bought.in large quantities,
and English goods passing through the Custom House.
Twenty hundred-weight of 112 pounds make a ton of 2240 pounds,
which is distinguished as a Long or Gross Ton.
239, The Avoirdupois pound weighs 7000 grains Troy, and is there-
fore greater than the Troy pound, which contains 5760 grains. The
Avoirdupois ounce weighs 4374 grains, and is therefore less than the Troy
ounce, which contains 480. grains. :
1db, Avoir. = 7000 gr. = 1b. 202, 11 pwt. 16 gr. Troy.
1 oz. Avoir,. = 4374 gr. = 18 pwt. 5} gr. Troy.
1 1b. Troy or Apoth. = 5760 gr. = 138%; oz. Avoir.
1 oz. Troy or Apoth. = 480gr. = 1/5 oz. Avoir.
1. Reduce 10 cwt. to drams.
_ Looking among the equivalents under the Table, we find lewt. = 25600 dr.
Then 10 cwt. = 10 x 25600 dr. -Azs. 256000 dr.—When there are no intermediate de-
nominations, the Table of equivalents can thus be used with advantage.
2. Reduce 4815 1b. to hundred-weight.
In the Table of equivalents we find 1ewt. = 1001lb. Then in 4815 1b. there are
as many ewt. as 1001b. are contained times in 48151b. Ans. 48 cwt. 15 1b.
3. Reduce 3-T. 15 cwt. 16]b. 5 oz. 5dr. to drams,
Which kind of Reduction does this example fallunder? Repeat the Rulc (§ 220),
What numbers must we multiply by? Prove the result. Ans, 1924181 dr.
4, Reduce 294400 oz. to tons, &.
Which kind of Reduction does this example fall under? Repeat the Rule (§ 222).
Mention the successive divisors, Prove the result.
5. Reduce-1 T. 15 Ib. to ounces, Ans. 32240 oz.
6. Reduce 1792512 dr. to tons, &c. Ans. 8T. 10 cwt. 2Ib.
7. How many pounds in two loads of 24 tons each ?
237. From what is the word avoirdwpois derived? Of what is the abbreviation
ewt. formed ?—238. How many pounds formerly made a hundred-weight? In what
alone is it now customary to allow 112 1b. to the hundred-weight? What is a Long
Ton ?—239. How many grains in the avoirdupois and the Troy pound respectively ?
In the ayoirdupois and the Troy ounce? What is 11b. avoir. equivalent to in Troy
weight? What is 11b. Troy equivalent to in avoirdupois weight?
8. How many pounds in four loads of 84 tons each ?
9. How many drams in 123 tons?
10. Reduce 24 1b. 3 oz. 14dr. to drams.
11. How many tons, &c., in 94500 oz. ?
12. Reduce 2T. 2 cwt. 2 qrij2Ib. 20z. 2dr. to drams.
13. How many drams in 27 long tons ? Ans. 15482880 dr.
14, In 424 long tons how many pounds? Ans. 95200 Ib.
15. Reduce 5T. lewt. 13]b. to drams. Ans, 2588928 dr.
- 16. Reduce the following to drams, and add the results: 74
tons; 24 long tons; llcwt.; 41b. 402. Ans. 5284928 dr.
17. Reduce the following to hundred-weight, and add the re-
sults: 6400 0z.; 1700 Ib.; 281600dr.; 28 qr. ~ Ans. 39 cwt.
18. How many more pounds in 1 long ton than 1 common
ton? In 25 long tons than 25 common tons?
19. Ifa coal-merchant buys a cargo of 200 long tons, and sells
200 common tons, how many pounds has he left? How many
common tons? How many long tons? Ans. 21# long tons.
20. How many two-ounce weights can be made out of 50
pounds of brass ?
Tiow many oz. in 501b.? How many times are 2 oz. contained therein ?
21. How many five-pound weights can be made out of 54 cwt.
of iron? Out of 64 cwt. ?
22. How many more grains in 1b. avoirdupois than in 1 1b.
Troy? (See § 239.) In 14]b. avoir. than in 14 Ib. Troy?
~ 28, How many pounds Troy are 144 Ib. avoir. equal to ?
How many grains in 1]b. avoir.? How many in 144 Ib. avoir.? How many Ib.
Troy in these, if 11b. Troy contains 5760 grains?
24. Reduce 1225 Ib. Troy to avoirdupois pounds.
25. Reduce 875 oz. apothecaries’ weight to pounds avoir.
How many grains in 1 oz. apoth.? How many in 8750z.? Reduce these grains
to pounds avoirdupois.
26. Reduce 2880 oz. avoir. to Troy ounces. Ans. 2625 02.
27. What cost 544 cwt. of pork, at 1lc.a pound? Ans. $599.50.
28. What cost 26 cwt. of hams, at 6d. a Ib. ? Ans. £65.
29. What cost 9 T. of iron at 13d. a Ib. Ans. £131 5a,
30. What cost 475 T. of iron, at $4.50 a cwt. ?
81. What cost 100% cwt. of cheese, at 10 c¢. a pound?
we ; 9 Seto xX
\ q a
240. Miscieiate Pinin “Ky /
The pounds in this Table are avoirdupois.
14 pounds, . . 1 stone of iron or lead.
60 pounds, . . 1 bushel of wheat.
100 pounds, . . 1 quintal of dried fish.
100 pounds, . . 1 cask of raisins. *
196 pounds, . . 1 barrel of flour.
200 pounds, . . 1 bar. of beef, pork, or fish. oS
280 Bongs: . . 1 bar. of salt at the N. Y. State works, *
1. How many ounces in 14 stone? . Ans. 8186 02.
2. How many stone are 7 cwt. equal to? _ Ans. 50st.
Reduce Tewt. to pounds. Divide by the number of pounds in 1 stone.
3. How many barrels will 98 cwt. of flour make?
4, At 7c. a pound, what cost 46 quintals of cod-fish ?
5. How many bushels in 330 lb. of wheat?
6. If flour is $9.80 a barrel, how much is that a pound ? i. oe
7. How many hundred-weight in 25 barrels of salt bought - : . ; ns
at the N. Y. State salt works ? Me)
8. How many seven-pound boxes can be filled from 21 casks
of raisins? |
9. If $ of a barrel of flour is sold, how many pounds remain
in the barrel ?
10. At 2d. a pound, what cost 125 quintals of dried fish ?
241. There are three dimensions: length, or distance
from end to end; breadth, or distance from side to ae 4
and thickness, o distance fe om top to bottom. :
A line has length; a surface, length and breadth ; a8
solid, length, breadth, and thickness, =
240. Recite the Miscellaneous Table. What kind of Seah ace these ?—241. Tow
many dimensions are there? Name and define them, Which of these dimensions
hasaline? A surface? a
parts, representing inches. By drawing
lines across the figure from the inch
divisions, we form a number of small ,
squares, ‘each of which represents 1
square inch. It will be seen that the
1 sq. ft. contains 12 rows of 12 square
inches each, making in all 144 sq. in. °
So, l yd. = 8 ft. Then 1 sq. yd. = 3 x8 (9) sq. ft.
lrd. = 55 yd. Then 1 sq. rd. = 54 x 54 (804) sq. yd.
948, What is aSquare? What isa Square Inch? A Square Foot? Recite the
Table of Square Measure.—249. How do stone-eutters, plasterers, and pavers often
estimate their work 7-250. Show why itis that 144 square inches make 1 square foot.
1 foot=12 inches.
1 foot = 12 in
251, Roods and acres have no corresponding denomination in linear
measure ; hence we do not say square roods or square acres.—A square
rod is also called a pole or perch (P.); and a square mile of land, a section,
A township is a subdivision of a county, containing 36 square miles or
252. The space contained in a surface is called its
Area, or Superficial Contents. To find the area of a
four-sided figure whose sides are perpendicular one to
another, multiply the length by the breadth.
The length and breadth must be in the same denomination, and the
answer will be in the corresponding denomination of square measure.
Thus, in the figure, the length is 12 in., the breadth 12 in.; the area
is 12x12 ‘sq. in. A length of 12 in. and breadth of 2, give an area of
12 x 2 sq. in., as will be seen by counting the squares in the two uppermost
rows of the figure. A length of 12 in. and breadth of 3, make an area of
12 x 8, or 36, | sq. in., &e.
253. Surveyors, taking the dimensions of land in chains,
on multiplying the length and breadth together, get the
area in square chains, 10 of which make an acre. Hence,
to reduce square chains to acres, divide by 10.
1. Reduce 10638 sq. ft. to square rods, &e.
Divide by 9, to reduce to sq. yds. 9) 10638 sq. ft.
Divide the quotient by 304, or 124, to 1189 q
reduce to sq. rods. To divide by. 121, ri sq. yd.
multiply by the fraction inverted ar
Multiplying by 4 reduces the sq. yds. to 121) 4728 (89 sq. rd.
quarters of a sq. yd., and on dividing by 363
121 we get 39 sq. rods, and 9 quarters
of asq. yd. remainder. Reduce the re- reee
mainder to sq. yards by dividing by 4.
After multiplying by 7$;, therefore, “4/9 9 quarter-sq. -yd.
to reduce square yards to square rods, “oO sq. yd.
if there is a remainder, divide it by 4, to
bring it to square yards. Ans. 39 sq. rd. - 24 sq. yd.
2. Reduce 1793664 sq. in. to roods. Ans. 1R. 5 P. 22%8q. yd.
251. Why do we not say square roods or square acres? What is a square rod
also called? WhatisaSection? What is a Township ?—252, What is meant by the
Area or Superficial Contents of a surface? Give the rule for finding the area of « four-
sided figure whose sides are perpendicular one to another. What will be the denomi-
nation of the answer? Apply this rule in the given example.—253. How many
square chains make an acre? Give the rule for reducing square chains to acres,
. 8. Reduce 3 A. 27 sq. rd. to square inches. Ans. 19876428 sq. in.
4, Reduce 1118448 sq. in. tosq. rods. Ans, 28sq.rd. 16 sq. yd.
5. In 3.sq. mi. how many perches ?
6. How many acres in 14 sections (§ 251) ?
7. How many acres in a township (§ 251)?
8, Reduce 262683 sq. ft. to acres, &c. Ans. 6A. 4P. 26 sq. yd.
9. Reduce 45 A. 8 R. 21 P. to poles (§ 251). Ans. 7341 P.
10. How many sq. yards ina garden 5rd. long by 4rd. wide?
See §252. 5rd. x 4rd. = 20s8q.rd. Reduce 20-sq. rd. to sq. yards.
11. How many sq. yards in a court, 20 ft. long, 18 ft. wide?
12. A piece of land is 45 chains in length and 30 in breadth.
How many acres does it contain ($ 253) ? Ans. 185 A.
138. How many acres in a field, 40rd. long, 24 rd. wide? Ans. 6.
14. How many square rods in a garden 100 feet by 90?
15. In a tract measuring 60 chains in length and 58.50 chains
in width, how many acres? Ans, 821 A.
16. How many square yards of oil-cloth will be required to
cover an office 18 feet by 14 feet ?
17. How many yards of yard-wide carpeting will be needed to
cover a room 27 feet by 16 feet? Ans. 48 yd.
18. At 35 cents a square yard, what will it cost to plaster a
wall 15 feet high and 54 feet long? Ans. $31.50.
19. What will be the cost of a piece of land 80 rods square, at
$45.50 an acre? Ans. $1820.
204, Cubic Measure is used in measuring bodies, which
have length, breadth, and depth or thickness; as stone,
timber, earth, boxes, &c.
205, A Cube is a body bounded by six equal squares.
A Cubic Inch -is a cube, one inch long, one inch broad,
and one inch thick. Each of its six sides, or faces, is a
square inch.
254. In what is Cubic Measure used ?—255, What is a Cube? What is a Cubic
The engraving represents a Cubic Yard.
It is 1 yard, or 3 feet, in length, breadth,
and depth. It will be seen that each of x
its six faces is 1 square yard, or 9 (3 x3)
square feet. sé
The top of this cube contains 9 square
feet. Hence, if it were only 1 foot deep, °
it would contain 9 cubic feet. As it is 3 Bl]
feet deep, it contains 3 times 9, or 27, a
cubic feet. Hence 27 cubic feet make 1 |
cubic yard.
So, 12x 12x12, or 1728, eubic inches make 1 cubic foot.
1728 cubic inches (cu, in.), 1 cubic foot, cu. ft.
27 cubic feet, 1 cubic yard, cu. yd.
40 cu. ft. of round, or 4
1 ton or load, 'T.
50 cu. ft. of hewn timber, ;
16 cubic feet, | 1 cord foot, .. cd. ft.
8 cord feet, Ds COTE Pir anee (aes
cu. ft. cu. in.
cu. yd. i= 1728
ed. ft. 1 ERs) HDT is OE GBG
Cd. Tes 16 ert 27645
256, The ton in this Table is a measured ton; the avoirdupois ton
is a ton of weight. Round timber is wood in its natural state. A ton of
round timber consists of as much as, when hewn, will make 40 cubic feet.
257. A cord of wood isa pile, 8 ft. long, 4 ft. wide, and 4 ft. high.
Multiplying these dimensions together, we find 128 cubic feet in the cord.
One foot in length of such a pile is called a cord foot.
258, Cubic Measure is used in estimating the amount of work in solid
masonry, in digging cellars, making embankments, &c.
259. The space contained in a cube or other solid is
called its Solidity, or Solid Contents. To find the solid
contents of a body with six faces perpendicular one to
another, multiply its length, breadth, and depth together.
What does the engraving represent? How does it show that 27 cubic feet make
l1cubic yard? Recite the Table of Cubic Measure.—256. How does the ton in this
Table differ from the avoirdupois ton? What ismeant by round timber ?—257. What
is meant by a cord of wood ?—258. What is Cubic Measure often used in estimating ?
—259. What is meant by Solidity or Solid Contents? Give the rule for finding the
salidity of a body with six faces perpendicular one to another.
The dimensions must be in the same denomination, and the answer
will be in the corresponding denomination of cubic measure. Thus, let it
be required to find the solid contents of a box, 6 ft. long, 4 ft. wide, and
36 inches deep.
36 in. — 3 ft. 6x4x38 = 472 cu. ft. Ans.
1. How many cubic inches in 484 cu. yd.? Ans. 2029586 cu. in.
2. Reduce 264884 cu. in. to cu. yd. Ans. 5 cu. yd. 18 cu. ft.
3. How many cubic feet in 120 cords?
4, How many cords of wood in a pile, 25 feet long, 4 feet
wide, and 8 feet high ?
25x 4x8 = 800 cu. ft. 800 + 128 = 61 Cd. Ans.
5. How many cords in a pile of wood, 48 feet long, 4 feet
wide, and 10 feet high ? Ans. 15 Cd.
6. Reduce 56 cubic yards, 26 cubic feet, 948 cubic inches, to
cubic inches.
7. What will it cost to dig a cellar, 30 ft. long, 20 ft. wide,
and 9 ft. deep, at 624 cents a cubic yard? Ans. $125.
How many cubic feet in the cellar (§ 259)? How many cubic yards? Multiply
by the price per cubic yard.
8. At 75 cents a cubic yard, what will it cost to dig a cellar,
36 ft. long, 18 ft. wide, and 10 ft. deep ?
9. What will it cost to make an embankment containing
999999 cu. ft. of earth, at 70 cents a cubic yard?
10. At $3.50 a cord, what is the value of a pile of wood, 32
ft. long, 4 ft. wide, and 7 ft. high ? Ans. $24.50.
11. At £1 5s. acord, what is the value of a pile of wood, 48 ft.
long, 103 ft. high, and 4 ft. wide? Ans. £20.
12. How many cubic inches in 88 cords of wood ?
260. Liquid or Wine Measure is used in measuring
liquids generally ; as, liquors (beer sometimes excepted),
_ water, oil, milk, &c.
260. In what is Liquid or Wine Measure used ?
4 gills (gi) make Ipmt, .. . . pt.
2 pints, Liquarty asc verse ae qt
4 quarts, a Poni eye eee: el,
314 gallons, Libarrel sgn wet etoasy salts
2 barrels (63 gal.), 1 hogshead,. . . hhd.
2 hogsheads, LPC} ie tees PR
2 pipes, ISSUNss wisn yuaer tl
pt. gi.
gal. : Na gems Pfam 8
bar. Wiens em sui 32
hhd. bg Ge SLE Hen S126 eae 7 OR Are OUR
pi. Tees a Oo. tae he ean. a DOA ace 2G
fun bp 6aloD Fas Ad 2B eee 2604 7 SE erO08 Fa £032
Daan Pawo oa ho 252s he I OO8 ae 201 GoGo
42, gallons make 1 tierce (tier.); 2 tierces, 1 puncheon (pun.).
961. Liquids are put up in casks of different sizes, called barrels,
tierces, hogsheads, puncheons, pipes or butts, and tuns; but these casks
seldom contain the exact number of gallons assigned them in the Table.
The contents are found by gauging, or actual measurement.—When the
barrel is used in connection with the capacity of cisterns, vats, &c., 31}
gallons are meant; in Massachusetis, 32 gallons.
262, The wine gallon of the United States, which is the same as the
Winchester wine gallon of England, contains 231 cubic inches. The Im-
penal gallon, established in Great Britain by act of Parliament in 1825,
contains 277.274 cubic inches, or about 1.2 of our wine gallons.
1. Reduce 30 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt. to gills. Ans. 988 gi.
Multiply 30 gal. by 4, to reduce them to quarts, and add in3 qt. Multiply the
quarts thus obtained by 2, toreduce them to pints,and add ini pt. Multiply the
pints thus obtained by 4, to reduce them to gills.
2. Reduce 72 gal. 1 pt. 3 gi. to gills. Ans, 2311 gi.
3. Reduce 180024 gi. to hhd., &. Ans. 89 hhd. 18 gal. 3 qt.
4, How many pipes are needed, to hold 23184 pt. of wine?
Recite the Table. How many gallonsin «tierce? Inu puncheon?—261. Name
the casks of different sizas in which liquids are put up. How are their contents
found? When the barrel is used in connection with the capacity of cisterns, how _
many gallons are generally meant? How many in Massachusetts ?—262. How many
subic inches does the wine gallon of the United States contain? Thc Winchester
wine gallon of Engiand? The Imperial gallon?
a4 S ‘ 4
5. How many barrels in 2100 gal. ? 2100 x 2 = 4200
As many as 31 gall are contained times in i ils
_ 2100 gall, 81 =%% Multiply by the divisor 4200+ 63 = 66, 42 rem,
inverted, 2,. Multiplying by 2 reduces the gal- 42-2 = M1
lons to half-gallons, and on dividing by 63 there
is a remainder of 42 half-gallons, which we divide Ans. 66 bar. 21 g al.
by 2, to reduce them to gallons,
6. How many quarts in 34 hogsheads?
7. How many pints in 1 tierce, of 42 gallons?
8. How many gills in 1 hd. holding 61 gall. 8 qt. 1 pt. ?
9. How many pints in 8 tuns?
10. What cost 15 gal. of kerosene, at 20c.aqt.? Ans. $12.
11. What cost 24 qt. of wine, at $5.50 a gal. 2 Ans. $33.
12. What cost 32 qt. of oil, at 9s. a gal. ? Ans. £3 12s.
13. How many quart bottles can be filled from a puncheon
of rum? Ans. 336 bottles.
14. How many gallons will a cistern hold that has a capacity
of 10 barrels ?
15. Reduce the following to gills, and add the results: 15 gal.
1 pt.; 19 gal. 3qt.; L$ pt. Ang. 1123 gills.
16. Reduce the following to gallons, and add the results:
740 qt.; 608 gi.; 312 pt. Ans. 248 gal.
17. A milkman mixes a gill of water with every pint of milk.
How many gallons will he thus make out of 48 quarts of pure
milk? Ans. 15 gal.
263. Beer Measure was formerly employed in measur-
ing beer and milk. It is now but little used, wine meas
ure having for the most part taken its place.
2 pints (pt.} make 1 quart, . . . . qt.
4 quarts, Tryallon svete ene
36 gallons, IL darrelyy ¢: si scqtibar.
14 barrels (54 gal.), 1 hogshead,. . . hhd.
263. In what was Beer Measure formerly employed? What is said of its USC as
the present day? lRecite the Table of Beer Measure.
DRY MEASURE. ~ 153 yrs
qt. pt.
gal. bd — 2
bar. ie A teens 8
bha. L >= 86, eee ieee 288
BP saat hd en OA) ee DL Ge" S482
The beer gallon contains 282 cubic inches. The gallon, quart, and
pint of this measure, are therefore greater than those of Wine Measure.
1 gal. beer measure = 144% gal. wine measure.
. Reduce 3} hhd., beer measure, to quarts.
. How many quarts in 5 barrels, beer measure?
. Reduce 9640 pt. to barrels, beer measure.
At 7c. a quart, what cost 5 bar. of beer ? Ans. $50.40.
. What costs 1hhd. of porter, at 12c.aqt.? Ans. $25.92.
. Ifa barrel of ale costs $11.52, what is the cost per pt. ?
7. One third of a hhd. of porter has leaked out. How many ~
aor wo NW
quart bottles can be filled from what remains? Ans. 144. :
8. If aman buys a barrel of beer for $8.75, and retails it at ;
9c. a quart, how much does he make ? Ans, $4.21.
264, Dry Measure is used in measuring grain, seeds,
vegetables, roots, fruit, salt, coal, and other articles not
2 pints (pt.) make 1 quart, . ©. . . qt.
8 quarts, Pr peeks He On pk
4 pecks, aL, Dustiel CRA ere feb us Par
36 bushels, Lichaldron;.)%).estarchal
qt. pt.
pk. tiie 2
bu. deo ap 16
chal bess Ayeics 82a 64
Dror een BG eck ss . eee D159 se’ 2 2804
How many cubic inches does the beer gallon contain? How many wine gallons
does 1 beer gallon equal ?—264. In what is Dry Measure used? Recite the Table.
265, The U.S. standard bushel is the Winchester bushel of Great
Britain, which contains 2150.42 cubic inches.
1 qt. of Dry Measure = 1} qt. nearly of Wine Measure.—What is called
the Small Measure contains 2 quarts.
266. Foreign coal is imported by the chaldron. American coal is
bought and sold, in large quantities, by the ton; in small quantities, by
the bushel.
1. Reduce 23 bu. 2 pk. 7 qt. to pints. Ans. 1518 pt.
2. Reduce 18564 pt. to bushels, &c. Ans. 290 bu. 2 qt.
8. How many pecks in 42 chaldrons?
4, Reduce 15 bu. 6 qt. to pints.
5. How many small measures in 25 bushels ?
6. At 9 cents a quart, what will a bushel of peaches cost?
7. How much will a grocer make on 14 bushels of potatoes,
if he buys them at 75 cents a bushel, and retails them at 12 cents
a half peck ? Ans. $2.94.
8. Reduce the following to pints, and add the results: 7 qt.;
5 bu. 3 pk.; 2 pk. 6 qt. Ans. 426 pt.
9. Reduce the following to pecks, and add the results: 14 chal. ;
240 pt.; 19bu.; 186 qt. Ans. 2124 pk.
10. How many barrels, holding 24 bushels each, will 40 chal-
drons of coal fill?
11. Reduce 1879 bu. 3 pk. to quarts.
267. The natural divisions of time are the year and
the day. The year is the period in which the Earth
makes one revolution round the Sun; the day, that in
which it makes one revolution on its axis.
The year is divided into twelve calendar months; the
day, into hours, minutes, and seconds.
265. What is the standard bushel of the U.S.? How many cubic inches docs it
eontain? How many wine quarts does a quart of dry measure equal? What is the
Small Measure ?—266. How is foreign coal imported? How is American coal bought
and sold ?—267. Name the natural divisions of time. What is the year? What is
the day? Into what is the year divided? Into what is the day divided ?
60 seconds (sec.) make 1 minute, . .. min.
60 minutes, WOM e's 5g jis
24 hours, DLAs es oy 0s ge SAS
7 days, 1 week, .... wk.
365 days or leveay s
12 calendar months, Tis eNNS 6S
366 days, 1 leap year.
100 years, 1 century,. . . cen.
min. 806,
h. l= 60
Be, Les Rares 60 = 3600
wk, Nhe 24 re 1440 = 86400
yr. fa ie eelGs © eee C080, y= 604800
1 = 824 = 3865 = 8760 = 525600 = 315386000
268. The twelve calendar months, with the number
of days they contain, are as follows :—
Ist mo. January (Jan.) 31. | 7th mo. July (July) 31.
2d mo. February (Feb.) 28. 8th mo. August (Aug.) 381.
3d mo. March (Mar.) 31. 9th mo. September (Sept.) 30.
4th mo, April (Apr.) 30. | 10th mo. October (Oct.) 31.
th mo. May (May) 31. | 11th mo. November (Nov.) 380.
6th mo. June (June) 380. | 12th mo. December (Dec.) 31.
269, The days in these months, added together, make
365 days in the year. But the solar year exceeds this by
nearly six hours, its exact length being 365 days 5h.
48min. 49.7sec. To cover this excess, every fourth year
(except three in four centuries) is made a Leap Year of
366 days, the additional day being placed at the end of
February, the shortest month, which then contains 29
days. Leap Year is also called Bissextile.
Every year that can be divided by 4 without remainder, as 1868, 1872,
1876, isa leap year, except the years that are multiples of 100 and are ©
Recite the Table.—268, Name the twelve calendar months in order, with the
nuraber of days they contain. —269, How many days in these twelve months? What
is the exact length of the solar year? What provision is made for covering the dif-
ference between the common and the sular year? What other name is applied to
Leap Year? What years are leap ycars?
not exactly divisible by 400. The year 1900 wil! not be a leap year, bué
2000 will be.
270, In business calculations, 30 days are generally allowed to the
month. In common language, the term month is often applied to an in-
terval of 4 weeks.
The following lines will help the pupil to remember the number of
days in each calendar month :— é.
‘‘Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November ;
All the rest have thirty-one,
Except February alone;
Which has but four and twenty-four,
And every leap year one day more.”
_ 271. The following Table will be found useful :—
Jan. | Feb. | Mar. | April. May. | June. | July.| Aug. | Sept.| Oct. | Nov. | Dec.
JANUARY. .|365| 81] 59} 90/120] 151/181 | 212 | 248) 273 | 304 | 334
Fesruary.| 384/865} 28] 69} 89) 120/150] 181 | 212 | 242 | 273 | 303
Marcon .../3806;}337/865| 81} 61] 92/122/158 | 184 | 214 | 245 | 275
APRIL... . .| 275 | 306 | 834/365] 80] 61] 91/122) 153) 183 | 214/244
May ...../ 245 | 276 | 304/335 |3865| 81] 61] 92)123/153 | 184) 214
JUNE .....| 214] 245 | 273 | 304) 834/365] 80] 61} 92/122) 153) 188
JULY .....| 184} 215 | 243 | 274 | 804/835 | 365} 81} 62} 92|128)158
Aveust...| 153 | 184 | 212 | 243 | 273 | 804} 3384|3865| 31] 61) 92/122
SEPTEMBER .| 122] 153/181 | 212 | 242 | 273/3038/884/3865| 80} 61] 91
OctoBer...| 92/123/151)182| 212/248 | 273 | 304| 335] 3865} 81] 61
NoveMBER.| 61] 92/120|151/181| 212 | 242 | 273 | 304 /|384|365| 30
DEceMBER.| 81] 62] 90} 121] 151] 182 | 212 | 248 | 274) 304 | 835 | 865
ExamPLe.—How many days from Nov. 6, 1865, to. the 15th of the
following April ?—Find November in the vertical column on the left, and
April over the top. At the intersection of these two lines we find 151,
which is the number of days from November 6, 1865, to April 6, 1866.
‘To April 15 will be 9 more days; 151+9 = 160, the number of days
- required.
One more day than is given in the above Table must be allowed for
intervals embracing the end of February falling in a leap year.
270. In business calculations, how many days are generally allowed to the month?
To what is the term month often applied in common language ?—271. What doce
the Table show? Give an example, to illustrate ifs use,
1, Reduce 9yr. 3 da. 59 min. to seconds. Ans. 284086740 see.
2. Reduce 63142980 sec. to years, &e. Ans. 2yr. 19h. 43 min.
3. How many seconds in a solar year (§ 269)? Ans. 31556929.7
4, How many leap years from the year 1800 to 1900?
5. How many days from Apr. 14, 1865, to Dec. 31, 1865?
(See Table.) To October 9, 1865? To Aug. 29, 1865?
6. When 41 hours of a day have passed, how many seconds
remain ?
7. How much time will a person waste in a year, who wastes
ten minutes every day ? Ans, 2.da, 12h. 50 min.
8. If a clock loses 3sec. every hour, how many minutes too
slow will it be at the end of a week ? Ans. 8 min. 24 sec.
9. Find the length in days, &c., of the lunar month, which
-contains 25514438 seconds. Ans. 29 da. 12h. 44 min. 8 see.
10. If a person’s income is 1c. a minute, what will it amount
to in the months of June, July, and August ? Ans, $1824.80.
272. Circular Measure is used in connection with
angles and parts of circles.
273, A Circle is a figure bounded by a curve,
every point of which is equally distant from a point
within, called the Centre.
The Circumference of a circle is the curve that A C
bounds it. A Diameter is a straight line drawn
through the centre, terminating at both ends in the
circumference. A Radius (plural radiz) is a straight
line drawn from the centre to the circumference, D
and is equal to half the diameter.
The Figure represents a Circle: ABCD is the circumference; E, the
sentre; AC, the diameter; EA, EB, EC, are radii.
An Angle is the difference in direction of two straight lines that meet.
A Right Angle is an angle made by one straight line meeting another
in such way as to make the two adjacent angles equal,—that is, so as to
meline no more to one side than the other. In the above Figure, BEA
and BEC are right angles.
272. With what is Circular Measure used in connection ?—273, What is a Cirele:
What is the Circumference of a Circle? Whatisa Diameter? Whatis a Radius}
What isan Angle? What is a Right Angle?
. Pa 4 a 4 Sa « . - *
974, Every circle may be divided into 360 equal parts,
called Degrees. The actual length of the degree will of
course depend on the size of the circle. A degree is
divided into 60 equal parts, called Minutes ; and a minute
into 60 equal parts, called Seconds.
60 seconds (") make 1 minute, . . .’
60 minutes, Lidegrees sis 8 33- set.
30 degrees, LeRLOT ates as Meese
12 signs, LCI 1% deere oO!
1 60’
8. ees 60 -= 3600
C. De S02 e800 3 S000
fee ol ae OU Ss U0 ee DUOe
275, The Sign is used only in Astronomy.—1 minute of the circum.
ference of the earth constitutes a geographical or nautical mile, which, as
we have seen, is about 134, statute miles.
1. How many seconds in } of a circle? Ans. 324000’.
2. Reduce 40° 41’ 42” to seconds. Ans. 146502”.
3. Reduce 251989” to degrees, &c. Ans. 69° 59’ 49”.
4. How many minutes in two signs?
5. How many geographical miles in 5° of latitude?
: 276, PAPER.
24 sheets make 1 quire.
20 quires, 1 ream.
2 reams, 1 bundle,
5 bundles, 1 bale.
quire, sheets.
ream. = 24
bundle. Lp se Oo =e et 480
bale. LAasess de2ani as Gedy eae OGD
Lee Oe lO -oee ce 200F ee 4806
274. Into what may every circle be divided? How isa degree divided? How
is a minute divided? Recite the Table of Circular Measure.—275. In what alone is
the Sign used? What does 1 minute of the circumference of the earth constitute f
—276. Recite the Table used in connection with paper,
12 units make 1 dozen, doz.
12 dozen, 1 gross.
12 gross, 1 great gross.
20 units, 1 score.
doz. units.
gross, 1 = 12
great gross, 1 = 12 = 144.
1. How many sheets in 10 bundles of paper?
2. If paper is $6 a ream, what does it cost a quire?
3. A bookseller bought 10 reams of paper, at $24 a ream; he
retailed it at 1 cent a sheet. What was his gain? Ans. $23.
4. How many reams of paper will be needed for 1000 books,
if each book requires a dozen sheets? Ans. 25 reams,
5. Ifa score of boys have each 5 boxes of pens, containing a
gross apiece, how many pens have they in all?
6. A tailor uses 13 dozen buttons out of a great gross; how
many buttons has he left ? | a
7. If a stationer manufactures 48 dozen copy-books a day,
excluding Sundays, how many great gross will he make in fifty-
two weeks? Ans. 104 great gross.
Reduction of Denominate Fractions,
Common and Decimal.
278. A Common Fraction or Decimal is called De-
nominate when it is used in connection with a denomina-
tion; as, £4, .25 oz,
279. Denominate Fractions, whether common or deci-
mal, are reduced, like integers, to lower denominations
by multiplication, to higher denominations by division.
277. Recite the Table relating to collections of nnits.—278, When is a common
fraction or decimal called @enominate?—279. How are denominate fractions reduced
to lower denominations? To highcr denominations ?
280. Casz L—Zo reduce one denominate fraction to
another of a lower denomination.
Exampie.—Reduce 74, gall. to the fraction of a gill.
This is a case of Reduction De- 1 A 9 A 2
seending. Multiply the given fraction -__ yxy ~ x © x 2 =
by 4 (since 4 qt. = lgal.); by 2 (2pt. 42 1 1 1 7
=1qt.); by4(4gi. = 1pt.). Cancel $8 7
such factors as are common, and multi-
ply together those that are left.
Rutz.— Multiply the given fraction by the number or
numbers that connect tts denomination with that of the
required fraction.
Ans. 2 gill,
1. Reduce 545, ton to the fraction of an oz. Ans. $02.
2. Reduce £3,;5 to the fraction of a penny. Ans, 7d.
3. What fraction of a pint is 7,4 of a bushel ? Ans. $4 pt.
4, What part of a sq. foot is s¢25n5 acre ? Ans. sol5 Sq. ft.
5. What part of an inch is sp@soo Of a mile? Ans, $34 in.
6. What part of a second is gr@pay Of a Week? = Ans. $$ ec.
7. What part of a quire is 7%, of a bundle of paper ¢
8. Reduce +4, of a pound to the fraction of a scruple.
281. Case IL—TZo reduce a denominate fraction to
whole numbers of lower denominations.
ExaMPLe.—Reduce 2 of a bushel 2
to pecks, &c. =
To reduce bushels to pecks, multiply by 4. ke) vba
Multiplying the numerator of the fraction by 2 pk. |2 rem.
4 and dividing the product by its denominator, 8
we get 23 pk. Reduce the fraction, 2 pk., to 3) 16—
quarts. Multiplying its numerator by 8 and ae
dividing by its denominator, we get 54 qt. 5 qt. | 1 rem.
Reduce the fraction, } qt., to pints. Multi- 2
plying its numerator by 2 and dividing by its 8)2
denominator, we get pt. Collect the integers O32 vt
in the several quotients, and the last fraction, apt.
for the answer. Ans. 2 pk. 5 qt. 3 pt.
280. What is the first Case of the reduction of denominate fractions? Solve the
given example. Recite the rule.—281. What is Case II.? Go through the giver
Ruitzt.—Multiply the numerator of the given fraction
by the number that will reduce tt to the next lower denomi-
nation, and divide by its denominator. If there ts a re-
mainder, multiply and divide tt in the same way ; and
proceed thus to the lowest denomination. Collect the
integers and the last fraction, tf any, for the answer,
Reduce the following to integers of lower denominations :—
1, 8 of a pound Troy. Ans. 7 oz. 4pwt.
2. $ of a sign. ; Ans. 22° 30’.
3. 44 of a cubic yard. Ans. 19 cu. ft. 138822 cu. in.
4, =, of a bar. (beer measure). Ans. 32 gal. 1 qt. 14 pt.
5. + mile (surveyors’ measure). Ans. 45 ch. 71 li, 3.393 in,
6. 3 of a great gross. Ans. 7 gross 6 dozen.
7. zh,y of a hundred-weight. Ans. 12 oz. 124 dr.
8. 3%; of a long ton. Ans, 268 Ib. 12 oz, 124 dr.
9. 2 of a furlong.
10. 2 of a shilling.
11. How many acres, &c., in a piece of land 4 mile long and 4
of a mile wide? Ans. 142 A. 853 sq. rd.
Area'= 2 x 4 = 2:sq. mi. Reduce 2 sq. mi, to acres, &c.
12. Required the solid contents of a block of stone, 24 yd. long,
14 yd. wide, # yd. thick. Ans. 1cu, yd. 21 cu. ft. 10364 cu. in.
282. Casz III.—Zo reduce one denominate fraction te
another of a higher denomination.
ExampLe.—Reduce 2 of a gill to the fraction of a
This is a case of Reduction Ascend- 2 1
ing. Divide the fraction: that is, mul = See Sane
tiply its ghee by 4 (since4gi, 7 x 4x 2X 4 112
= 1pt.); by 2 (2pt. = 1qt.); by 4
(4 qt. a) 1 gall.). Cancel 2; ye i Aas th gall
the remaining factors.
Under Case I. we reduced ;1+5 gall. to ? gill. Here we have reduced
Recite the rule for reducing a denominate fraction to whole numbers of lower
denominations.—232. What is Case IT].? Solve the given example. Mow may it be
% gill to ;4y gall. Hence the operations in Case I. and Case III. prove
cach other.
Ruitz.— Divide the given fraction by the number or
numbers that connect tts denomination with that of the
required fraction,
1. Reduce $ of a rod to the fraction of aleague. Ans. 33,¢ lea.
2. Reduce ;'; pt. to the fraction of apuncheon. Ans. 55 pun.
3. Reduce 4 fathom to the fraction ofa mile. Ans. Ȣp5 mi.
4 fathom = 2feet %x4tx7xaxt=rdns
4, What part of a guinea is 4 of a crown? Ans. 34 guin.
5. What part of an eagle is 4 of a dime? Ans, xi, E.
6. What part of a long ton is 2 of a pound?
7. What part of a pound is 34 of a scruple?
8. What part of a circle is 2 of a second?
9. What part of a piece of 40 yards is a nail of cloth?
1 nail = Te yd. as Mp SS eit Ans,
10. What part of 20 gallons is 19 of a pint? Ans. +>
11. What part of a five-acre lot is $ of a perch ? Ans. yh>-
12. What part of the month of Aug. is 7 min.? Ans. syq4535-
283. Case IV.—7o reduce one denominate number to
the fraction of another.
Examrpie I.—Reduce 16s. 6d. 2 far. to the fraction of
a pound,
Reduce 16s. 6d. 2 far. to farthings, the
lowest denomination mentioned : 16s. 6d. 2 far. = 794 far.
Reduce £1 to the same denomination : £1 = 960 far.
794 far. = ee of 960 far. 3 LT24 = £397 Ans.
Reduce this fraction to its lowest terms.
Exampte II.—Reduce 20 rods 24 yards to the fraction
of a mile.
If the lowest denomination given contains 4, we must reduce both
numbers to halves of that denomination ; if it contains thirds, to thirds,
Give the rule for reducing a denominate fraction to a higher denomination.—
283. What is Case 1V.? Solve Example I. If the lowest denomination given con-
tains }, what must we do? If it contains thirds, wha. must we do? Illustrate this
with Example IL,
&c. In this example, for instance, we must reduce both numbers to half-
20rd. 24 yd. = 225 half-yards,
1 mile = 3520 half-yards.
#25 = ziic mile Ans.
Rutr.—Reduce the given numbers to the lowest de-
nomination in either. Of the numbers thus reduced, take
the one of which the fraction is required for the denomi-
nator, and the other for the numerator.
Reduce the following; give the fraction inits lowest terms :—
1. 8 bu. 1 pk. to the fraction of a chaldron. Ans. 44 chal.
2. 1 0z. 1 pwt. 1 gr. to the fraction of a lb. Ans. 31°!5 Ib.
3. 53 0z. to the fraction of a stone. Ans. giz stone.
4, 34cu. ft. to the fraction of a cord. Ans. 2; cord.
5. + inch to the fraction of a hand. Ans. 3; hand.
6. 29 gal. 1 pt. to the fraction of a barrel. Ans. $33 bar. /
7. 1 English ell to the fraction of 1 French ell. Ans. 3 ell Fr.
Reduce both to the common denomination, quarters.
8. What part of 1 ch. 501. is 44 inches? Ans. zits.
9. What part of 6s. 83d. is 3s. 5d. ? Ans. 4$4.
10. Reduce 54 hours to the fraction of a leap year.
284, Cast V.—TZo reduce a denominate decimal to
whole numbers of lower denominations.
ExampLtr.—Reduce .471875 Ib., 471875 Ib.
apothecaries’ weight, to ounces, &c. 12
This is a case of Reduction Descending. oz. 5 | 662500
Multiply by 12, to reduce to ounces, pointing wot 3
off the product as in multiplication of deci- dr. 5 | .800000
mals. Reserve the integer, and reduce the
decimal to drams by multiplying by 8. Again
reserve the integer, and reduce the decimal to se. .900000
scruples by multiplying by 3. There being no 20
integer, multiply this product by 20 to reduce gr. 18.000000
it to grains. Finally, collect the integers in
the several products for the answer. Ans. 5 oz, 5 dr. 18 gr.
Recite the rule for reducing one denominate number to the fraction of another.—
284. What is Case V.? Go through the given example, explaining the steps,
RvuiLe.— Multiply the given decimal by the number that
will reduce it to the next lower denomination. Treat the
decimal part of the product in the same way, and pro-
ceed thus to the lowest denomination. Collect the integers
in the several products, with the last decimal, if there is
one, for the answer.
- Reduce .725 Ib. Troy to ounces, &c. Ans. 80z, 14 pwt
. Reduce .4156 cwt. to qr., &c. Ans. 1 qr. 161b. 8 oz. 15.36 dr.
. Reduce .75 bale of paper. Ans. 3 bundles 1 ream 10 qui.
. Reduce .9 of a great gross to gross, &c.
. Reduce .002 bar. of beer to gallons, &c. Ans. .576 pt.
6. A lot is 50.3 rd. long, 29.25rd. wide. What is its area in
acres, &c. ? Ans. 9 A. 81 sq.rd. 8 sq. yd. 2 sq. ft. 125.1 sq. in.
Area = 50.8 x 29.25 = 1471.275 sq. rd. Reduce 1471 sq. rd. to roods and acres.
Reduce .275 sq. rd. to square yards, &c. Combine the results.
7. A cistern is 3.25 ft. long and wide, and 10 ft. deep. What
is its capacity ? Ans. 3 cu. yd. 24 cu. ft. 1080 cu. in.
8. A piece of land measures 32.72 ch. by 41.36ch. Required its
area in acres, roods, and perches. Ans..135 A. 1R. 12 perches+.
Area = 82.72 x 41.36 = 1353.2992 sq. ch. Dividing 1353.2992 sq. ch. by 10
(since 10 sq. ch. = 1 acre), we get 135.82992 acres. Reduce .32992 A. to roods and
9. What is the area of an oblong field, 8.5 chains inlength and
5.5 chains in width? Ans, 4A. 2R. 28 sq. rd.
10. How many degrees, &c., in .01 of a circle?
11. How many days, &c., in .12 of a year?
12. How many roods, &c., in .575 of an acre?
13. How many shillings, &o., in .49 of a pound sterling ?
285, Case VI.—Zo reduce a compound number to the
decimal of a higher denomination.
ExamMpLe.—Reduce 5 oz. 5 dr. 18 gr. to the decimal of
a pound,
Recite the rule for reducing a denominate decimal to whole numbers of lower
{enominations.—285, What is Case VI.? Solve the given example.
Begin with the lowest denomination. Reduce
18 gr. to the decimal of a dram, which is the next 60) 18.0 gr.
higher denomination given, by dividing by 60 .odr.
(since 60 gr. = 1 dr.), annexing as many decimal 8)5.3d
naughts as may be necessary. Annex the result, ) 5.3 dr.
.3dr., to the drams in the given number, and -6625 oz.
divide by 8, to reduce to the decimal of an ounce. 12) 5.6625 oz.
Annex the result, .6625 oz., to the ounces in the —____.—
given number, and divide by 12, to reduce to the Ans. 471875 Ib.
decimal of a pound.
The processes in Case V. and Case VI. prove each other :—
By Case V.. .471875 lb. = 502, 5dr. 18 gr.
By Case VI. 50z 5dr. 18gr. = .4718765 lb.
Rurz.— Divide the lowest denomination by the num-
ber that will reduce it to the next higher denomination in
the given number, and annex the decimal quotient to that
next higher. Treat this result in the same way, and pro-
ceed thus till the required denomination is reached.
Reduce the following; prove the answers :—
. 2cwt. 3 1b. to the decimal of a ton.
. 1pk. 7 qt. 1 pt. to the decimal of a bushel.
10. 10 25 to the decimal of a pound.
11. 7 dr. 18 gr. to the decimal of an ounce.
12. 8 pwt. 3 gr. to the decimal of an ounce.
13. 16 rd. to the decimal of a mile. Ans. .05 mi.
14. 8 in. to the decimal of a fathom. Ans. .i fathom.
15. 1 Ib. 12 oz. to the decimal of a stone. Ans. .125 stone.
16. 24 1b. to the decimal of along ton. Ans. .010714 long T.+.
1. 2gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. to the decimal ofa hhd. Ams. .0416 hhd.
2. 3s. 44d. to the decimal of a pound. Ans. £.16875.
3. $5.10 to the decimal ot a double eagle. Ans. .255-
4. 2da. 3h. 4min. 6sec. to the decimal of a week.
5. Ted. ft. 7 cu. ft. to the decimal of a Cd. Ans. .9296875 Cd.
6. 4 yd. 9in. to the decimal of a rod. Ans. .772 vd.
7. 9d. 2far. to the decimal of a crown. Ans. .1583 crown.
Recite the rule for reducing a compound number to the decimal of a higher do-
MISCELLANEOUS QuEstTions.—In what denominations do American mer-
chants keep their accounts? British merchants? What American coin
is nearest in value to the British shilling? To the British sovereign?
Why is Federal Money so called? Sterling Money?
Recite the three Tables used in connection with weight. For what is
Avoirdupois Weight used? Apothecaries’? Troy? In which of these
is the pound the greatest? In which is the ounce the greatest? Is the
avoirdupois dram greater or less than the dram of apothecaries’ weight?
Is the grain of apothecaries’ weight greater or less than the Troy grain?
How many pennyweights is the dram of apothecaries’ weight equal to ?
What measure is used in reckoning distances? In surveying land?
In expressing superficial contents? In expressing solid contents? In
estimating the amount of work in solid masonry? In estimating surfaces
to be plastered or paved? In measuring drygoods? What are the di-
mensions of a cord of wood?
What measure is now generally used for liquids? How are the con-
tents of casks ascertained ? How many cubic inches in the wine gallon ?
In the beer gallon? Which is greater, the beer or the wine quart? What
is used in measuring grain and fruit? Which is greater, the quart of
dry or that of liquid measure? In what two Tables do the second and
minute occur? How do thesecond and minute of Circular Measure differ
from those of Time Measure ?
1. How many ducats, worth 9s. 3d. apiece, are equal in value
to £74? Ans, 160 ducats.
2. If a cannon-ball could move with uniform velocity 1000
feet a second, how many miles, &c., would it go in q quarter of a
minute ? a‘
3. How long would this ball be in reaching the sun, which is
95000000 miles from the earth ? Ans. 5805 da. 13 h. 20 min.
4, A cubic foot of water weighs 1000 oz. What weight of
' water will a cistern 3 ft. by 4 ft. across, and 10 ft. deep, con-
tain ? Ans. 75 cwt.
5. Required the area in acres, &c., of an oblong piece cf iand,
.5 miles long and .3 miles broad.
6. If three presses, each capable of striking off 1806 coins an
hour, work, tho first at querter-dollars, the seccnd at half-eagles,
and the third at dimes, what will be the whole amount coined in
eight hours ? Ans. $77040.
7. A silversmith, having on hand 20 Ib. of silver, uses 4 oz.
18 er. of it. What decimal is this of the amount he originally
had ? | Ans. .0168229-+.
Find what decimal it is of 1 Ib., § 2853; it will be 3, as much of 20 Ib.
8. What were the solid contents of the Ark, which was 300
cubits in length, 50 in breadth, and 30 in height—the sacred cubit
being 22 inches ? Ans. 102700 cu. yd. 16 cu. ft. 1152 cu. in.
9. In two dozen bottles, each holding 1.1 qt., how many gal-
lons, &c. ? Ans. 6 gal. 2 qt. 3.2 gi.
11x24 = 26 .4qt. Reduce 26 qt. to gallons, and .4 qt, to lower denominations
according to § 2S4.
10. An oblong piece of land measures 14 ch. 5]. in width, and
86 ch. 241. in length. How many acres, roods, and perches, does
it contain ? Ans. 50 A. 8R. 26.752 P.
11. What part of an acre is an oblong lot 75 feet wide and 150
feet in length ? Ans. 125 A,
12. What are the solid contents of a block of wood, # ya] toh
yd. wide, 2 yd. thick? Ans. 4 cu. ft. 1086.8 cu. in.
13. How many acres, &c., are there in an oblong TAT rp 4 mi
long, # mi. wide?
14. If 1 of a chaldron of coal is consumed daily, how many
bushels will be used in a week ?
15. If a thread 18 rods long can be spun from an ounce of
silk, how many pounds of silk will be required for a thread 90
miles long ? | Ans. 100 Ib.
16. Reduce 3 qt. to the decimal of a bushel.
=.15 qt. .75+8=.09875 pk. .09875 + 4 = .0284875 bu.
17. Reduce 4 qt. to the fraction of a hhd. Ans. x45 hhd.
To the fraction of a pint. Ans. 1 pt.
To lower denominations. Ans. 1 gi.
To the decimal of a gallon. Ans. .03125 gal.
18. Reduce 13 145 to the fraction of a Ib. Ans. +; Ib.
To the decimal of an ounce. Ans. .2 0Z.
19. Reduce 5 sq. rd. to lower denominations.
287. Compound Addition is the process of uniting two
or more compound numbers in one, called their Sum. It
combines addition and reduction ascending.
ExampLE.—aAdd 1 lb. 3 02. 19 pwt. 23 gr.3; 2 oz. 15 gr.;
3 lb. 17 pwt.; and 2 lb. 1 oz. 8 pwt. 10 gr.
That we may unite things of the same kind, we write pounds under
pounds, ounces under ounces, &c., marking the denominations above.
Beginning to add at the right, we find the sum
of the grains to be 48. But 48¢r.— 2 pwt. Hence Tec Qt Dib BM
we write 0 under the grains, and add the 2 pwt. in 1 3 19 23
with the other pennyweights. 2 A) 15
The sum of the pennyweights is 46. But 46 3 0 17 O
pwt. = 2 oz. 6 pwt. Write 6 under the penny- 2 1h 8518
weights, and add 2 to the column of ounces. CPR EY
The sum of the ounces is 8, which, not being AM PES 0
reducible to pounds, we write under the ounces. The sum of the pounds
is 6, which, not being reducible to any higher denomination, we write
under the pounds added. Ans. 6 Ib. 8 oz. 6 pwt.
288. Observe that in Simple Addition there is a similar reduction,
when the sum of a column exceeds 9. As the orders increase in value
tenfold as we go to the left, to reduce to a higher order, we divide the
sum of each column by 10. That is, we cut off the right-hand figure,
and place it as a remainder under the column added; while the left-
hand figure or figures, being the quotient, we add to the next column.
289.—RvuLp.—1. Write numbers of the same denomi-
nation in the same column.
2. Beginning at the right, add as in simple numbers.
Write each sum under the numbers added, unless it can
be reduced to a higher denomination ; in which case,
divide by the number that tt takes to make one of that
denomination. Write the remainder under the numbers
added, and carry the quotient.
3. Prove by adding in the opposite direction.
287. What is Compound Addition? What processes does it combine? Go
through the given example, explaining the steps.—288. Show how in Simple Addi-
tion there is a sinailar reduction.—289, Recite the rule for Compound Addition.
990.—If a fraction occurs in the an-
swer, it must be reduced to lower denomi- pra a ft.
nations, if there are any, and the result yt
added to the previous sum with the frac- Add, 5 <2 1
tion omitted. Thus, in dividing yards by 6 3 2
54, to reduce them to rods, a remainder ap ltck
containing 4 yd. may occur, as in Example 19 13/1
2. But byd = 1ft. 6 in, We therefore jyq, — 4 Gin
add 1 ft. 6 in. to the integers of the answer ——
first obtained. Ans. 19. 1 2 6
291. ExampLtes For PRraoTiokr.
Add the following compound numbers :—
(1) (2) (8)
x d. far. Dar 2) 25: ). ® . or. rd... xd, ft. in.
S976, ra TM? 37 2 418 19, 5. “324
8 Oe Oconee bee ree 2) oe Ulises
t eae! eeeys 6 Nees 3 4 OW 1G Bip Qn y 2
(eye fy peas GaSe Be ee Ba Ag! te ity,
2 eGo 412 Bee Qe ee LiPa Se srk
Sak 2 0 OS 1 ee Pere 19 39 2733 Oe 89
(4) (5) (6)
ch. ik in. sq.rd. sq. yd. sq.ft. sq. in. Cd. ed. ft.
9 41 675 Ge Boren a 93 4 2
14 ti Seo oUt 56 Seah
8 57 38 Be TPS Ot OT 32. 8
O21 G16. ;i) 1 385 82006 79 15 7
35 82 4,3, 144 14.8 128 29 8
90 (EP RS 39 3800) oI 91 P Oaaids
@) (8) (9)
gal. gt. pt. gi. TT. -ewt.. qr! Ib oz stone Ib. 0%
Inge orbsiat3 203 toPPoon1 & 45 9 HOMITR: 4
2. hen 41 16 0 4 5 Tt sdLyicok
pli gkkeemee 1M a Ds Sa bs aa A. lay 52
9243." SO ee O et De Pe be deve. SUL e
10. A jeweller buys the following quantities of silver: 8 Ib. 6
pwt.; 100z. 4pwt. 21 gr.; 80z. 20gr.; 3]b, 6oz. S8pwt. 7 gr.
How much does he buy in all?
290, If a fraction occurs in the answer, what must be done ?
(11) (12)
euyd. cu.ft cuin, mf tute Pe Ve oo ft in,
23 19 16984 AT lpr 29a 45 0 6.6
48 22 8425 Q6Hr ON ABs Wd D 3.1
"9 8 19574 BOA Beg. eiBeeT edd
52. eas 2083 SHUT CB6t. TIO EG
87 14 12654 34 6 33 4. | ed
65 16 108428 ae ee Se ee CO
85%. 19 -431173 DAT 30) too Oe 4.10
(18) (14) (15)
bu pk. qt: Sept. Wk. da. 4h. “min? “sée: e “ &
LAS te OL 2 2 5 PAR 286 8 36 24
Dono aso we Wyk iiss a) pues abate No! 4 8 14
EAN CES Sas Ia) 3 Le ES 8 2929 6 9 36
6. 42 4 G2 § Ss 2 FOR 59 Dy Die
gees ae i 2 Be) 8 4 Wt @bTt BT 2° 5f 42
16. What are the contents of four hogsheads, the first of which
contains 63 gal. 2 qt. 14 pt.; the second, 60 gal. 3 qt. 1.75 pt.; the
third, 62 gal. 1 pt. 3 gi.; the fourth, 61 gal. 2 qt. 2 gi.?
Ans. 248 gal. 1 qt. 1 pt. 2 gi..
17. Ilow much wood in three piles, the first of which contains
10 Cd. 6 ed. ft. 4 cu. ft.; the second, 12 Cd. 12 cu. ft.; the third,
17 Cd. 1 ed. ft. ?
18. A surveyor measures four distances; the first he finds to
be 40 ch. 591. 3in., the second 28 ch. 481. 5 in., the third 16.27
ch., the fourth 12 ch. Tin. What is the whole distance measured,
expressed first in chains, &c., then in the denominations of linear
measure ?
Ans. 97 ch. 801. 7.08in.: 1 mi. 1 fur. 29rd. 1 yd. 10.68 in.
19. How many yards in 8 pieces of cloth, containing respec-
tively 24 Ells French 3 qr. 1 in., 28 Ells English 8 qr. 2 nails, 40
Ells Flemish 1 qr. 1 nail 14 in. ?
2} inches make 1 nail; 4 nails, 1 qr. of a yd.; 8 qr.,1 Ell Flemish; 5 qr.,1 Ell
English; 6 qr, 1 Ell French. Reduce the ells to the common denomination, quar-
ters; add the whole, and reduce the quarters to yards. Ans. 103 yd.
20. Find the sum total in pounds, &c., of the following
items: £20 10s., £1 63. 8d., 5 guineas 10s. 6d., 15 guineas, and
£1 15s, 33d. Ans. £45 2s, 54d,
21. A person owning a section of land ($251) buys three addi-
tional tracts, containing 347 A. 2R. 27 sq. rd., 201 A. 19 sq. rd.,
and 417 A. 3R. 14sq.rd. How much does he then own m all?
Ans, 2sq. mi. 826 A. 2 R. 20 sq. rd.
22. How much coke in three carts, the first of which contains
1 chal. 5 bu. 2 pk., the second 1 chal. 54 bu., and the third 35 bu.
8 pk. ?
23. How much beer in four hogsheads, containing respec-
tively 538 gal. 2 qt., 54 gal. 1 qt. 1pt., 52 gal. 3 qt. 1 pt., and 51 gal.
3 qt. 1 pt.?
24. Add together 6 da. 37 min., 48 da. 5h. 29sec., 94 da. 19h.
18 sec., 126 da. 7h. 9 min. 8 sec., and 94da. 16h. 13 min. 5 sec.
How many years in the sum?
25. How many yards in four pieces of cloth, containing re-
spectively 30 yd. 1 qr., 20 Ells Fr. 1na., 24 Ells En. 14in., 32 Ells
Fl. 2 qr. 2na. $in. Ans. 115 yd.
CH Atel iy he cal
292. Compound Subtraction is the process of finding
the difference between two numbers, when one or both
are compound.
EXaMPLe 1.—From 20 Ib. 5 oz. 3 dr. take 18 lb. 7 0z. 1 dr. Write the
subtrahend under the minuend, pounds under pounds, &c., marking the
denominations above. Begin to subtract at the
right. 1dr. from 8 dr. leaves 2 dr., which we Ib. oz. dr.
write in the column of drams. 20 ra
7 oz. can not be taken from 50z. We there- 18 (eed
fore take one of the next higher denomination yy, 1 14 2
(11b.), reduce it to ounces, and add it to the 5 0z.; ;
16 +5 = 21. Then subtracting 7 from 21, we get 14, which we write
under the ounces.—To balance the 16 oz. added to the minuend, we now
292. What is Compound Subtraction? Go through the given example explain-
fine the steps,
add 1 Ib. to the subtrahend; 19 lb. from 20 1b., 1 Ib. Answer, 1 Ib. 14
oz. 2 dr.
This process involves the same principle as carrying in Simple Sub-
traction. In the latter, as the orders uniformly increase in value tenfold,
we add 10 to the figure of the minuend when it is necessary, and to bal-
ance it add 1 to the figure of the next higher order in the subtrahend.
293, Rutu.—l. Write the subirahend under the min-
uend, placing numbers of the same denomination in the
samecolumn. Beginning at the right, subtract as in
simple numbers.
2. If, in any denomination, the subtrahend exceeds
the minuend, add to the latter as many as make one of
the next higher denomination. Subtract, and add 1 to
the subtrahend in the next higher denomination.
3. Prove by adding remainder and subtrahend.
We may have to add 1 to the next higher denomination of the sub-
trahend several times in succession. Thus,
in Example 2, 53 yd. can not be taken from EXAMPLE 2.
4yd, Add, therefore, to the minuend 5} yd., mi, fur, rd. yd,
which equal lrd. 4 + 54 = 9$. Subtracting Brom 1 et ae
53 from the sum, we get 33 yd., and adding Tak 7” 39 52
1 successively to the columns of rods, fur- BRO a eee Fae
longs, and miles, we find the remainder tobe Rem. 0 O O 38
0 in each case. Ans. 33 yd. ,
If a fraction occurs in any denomination of the remainder, except the
lowest, it should be reduced and added, as in Addition, § 290.
294, To find the interval between different dates since
the Christian era, Write the earlier date under the later,
representing the month in each by its number (January,
1; February, 2, &c.). Subtract, allowing 30 days to the
month and 12:months to the year.
Examete 8.—Washington was born Feb, 22, 1732.
How old was he July 4, 1776?
Represent July, the seventh month, by 7— ret ee
and February, the second month, by 2. Thirty Nixie Tons 7 a:
days being allowed to the month, we subtract 1782 2 22
22 from 80 + 4, and carry 1. Ansan tate els
Show how tke same principle is involved in carrying in Simple Snbtraction.—~
293. Recite the rule. If fractions occur, how are we to proceed? Illustrate this
with the given example.—294, Give the rule for finding the interval between differ-
ent dates since the Christian era. Apply this rule to Example 3,
(1) (2) (5)
gal. qt Die ei : f us bit.,.pk. 4 qtr to ptt
Fropigedge les, “len 3 8. in OS oe LE To 8 te) Lee
Take 0 mga igri degaleay xy 0. oF g Salutes PAN Fae |
Ans gso le Ot Oe aon Zon ot. See
(4) (5)
mi, piur: 2rd. yds. ft.fin: A. RR. P. sq. yd. sq. ft. sq. in.
BiB er Oe 148 9.20 80.1: eh 26
Dorie o0nn be 0 Q 3 ee [goes eosin
oh She 41 7 8 ON PEE eee Bee
1 6=tya 3 2 36 =18q. yd
2 odo te O ras OLA AS ae One) baer od cl eer G TUN nies
(6) (1) (8)
ch. Teer 307: x 6. d. nhhd. “bars gall qt... pt.
20 Sts 6 5 104 4 1 0% . Taking jz is ? $16.85
equivalent to multiplying by ;75 ($161). Hence we 07
multiply the base, $16.85, by .07 (the rate expressed ae
decimally), and point off the product as in Dike Ans, $1.1795
cation of decimals.
820. How many things are to be considered in connection with the subject of
Percentage? Name them, and define each. What relation subsists between the
Percentage, Base, and Rate? Show this from Example 1.
It will be seen from this example that the percentage is the product
of the base and rate.
EXAMPLE 2.—What per cent. of $16.85 is $1.1795 ?
Here the percentage (the product) and the 16.85) 1.1795 (.07
base (one of its factors) are given, and the rate 11798
(the other factor) is required. Divide the prod- :
uct by the given factor, and the quotient will be Ans. 7%
the required factor (§ 89).
EXAMPLe 3.—$1.1795 is 7% of what number ?
Here again the product and one factor are given,
.O7) $1.1795 and the other factor is required. Divide the product,
Ans. $16.85 $1.1795, by the given factor, 7%, expressed decimally ;
and point off the quotient as in division of decimals.
321. Ruies.—I. Zo find the percentage, multiply the
base by the rate expressed decimally.
II. Yo find the rate, divide the percentage by the base ;
the figures of the quotient to the hundredths’ place inoht-
sive will denote the rate %, and the remaining figures, if
any, the decimal of 1%.
Ill. Zo find the base, divide the percentage by the rate
expressed decimally. Hence these formulas :—
Rice 2 ee Base tec se ee
Base Rate
Proor.—These rules may be used to prove one another. Thus :—
If the percentage has been found by Rule I, divide it by the rate, ac-
cording to Rule III., and see whether the given base results.
If the rate has been found by Rule II., multiply the base by it, accord-
ing to Rule I., and see whether the given percentage results.
If the base has been found by Rule III, multiply it by the rate, ac-
cording to Rule I., and see whether the given percentage results.
Be very careful to place the decimal point correctly.
1. How much is 154 of £10 4s. 6d.?
By § 285, £10 4s. 6d. = £10,225. £10,225 x .15 = £1.53376,
By § 284, £1.538375 = £1 10s. 8d. .4 far. Ans.
Explain Ex. 2. Explain Ex. 3.—321. Recite the rule for finding the percentage.
For finding the rate. For finding the base, Express these rules briefly in formulas.
Show how each operation may be proved.
2, low much is 50% of £64 18s, 8d. ? Ans. £32 9s, 4d,
50 % being -4, the shortest way is to take $ at once.
So, for 3344 take 4. For 1244 take 4.
For 25%." 4. For 10%; “ +4.
Mor 20-Fo. &. For8s% 2 ahs.
For 163% ‘4. HORS ey vs ag:
3. Find 6% of $1000. Ans. $60.) 12. Find 9% of $995.
4, 8% of $28.98. Ans. $2,318. | 18. 25% of 78 bu. 2 pk.
5. £% of £120. Ans. 6s.| 14. 64% of $75.
6. 42% of 75 gal. Ans, 3.3 gal. | 15. 24% of £10 10s.
7. 11454 of 8yd. Ans. 11.988in.| 16. 84% of 83 cwt. 8 1b.
8. 374% of $60.005. Ans. $22.50+.]17. 302% of $122.50.
9. 20% o0f £10 5d. Ans. £2 1d.| 18. 124% of £8 Is. 4d.
. ¥% of 9171 acres. Ans, 30.57 A. 19. 183 % of $240.505.
. 24% of 50 guin. Ans. 1g. 5s. 3d.| 20. 100% of 16 1b. 5 oz. 1dr.
21. Find 388% of 4. 97% of 16. 500% of 7. 840% of 284.
365% of. 92% of 2. Sum of answers, 292.6975.
22. aan the percentage on $987634.37 at a of the follow-
ing rates: 4%; 24%; 4%; 84%; $%; 63%; 25%; 412%; 900%;
43 %. Sum of answers, $18760215.86 +.
23. A farmer, raising 1097 bu. of wheat, gives 10% of it for
thrashing, and sells 10% of the remainder. How much is left?
24, A merchant, who had $6480 invested in business, lost 75 %
of it. How much did he save? Ans. $1620.
25, A and B invested $100 each in speculations. Ans. 192 sheep.
(Rule III. 321),
EXAMPLE 2.—A farmer, having a certain number of
sheep, sold 334% of them, and then had 128 left. How
large was his flock at first ?
100 -— 334 = 663 As he sold 334.4% of his flock, he must
663% = 665 = = 3 have had left 662 ¢ of the original number or
base. As 128 is "663% of the base, to find the
128 + % = 192 base, divide 128 by .663 or its equivalent z
Ans. 199 sheep. (Rule III. § 321).
Rute.—Divide the given number by 1 increased or
diminished by the rate expressed decimally, according as
the sum or difference of the percentage and base ts given.
77. When I add to a certain number 25 4 of itself, I get 540;
what is the number ? Ans. 432.
78. What number is that which diminished by 34 of itself is
778.69 2 Ans. 782.
79. A gentleman, having bought a ee spent 10% of the
purchase price in repairs, and then found that the whole cost was
$8800? What was the purchase price ?
828. In stead of the percentage, what may be given, with the rate, to find the
jase? Explain Examples land 2. Recite the rule for finding the base, the rate
snd the sum or difference of the percentage and base being given.
80. A merchant, having lost 7% of his capital, has $23250 left ;
what was his capital ?
81. A farmer set out some apple-trees; 5% of them died the
next summer, and 3% the following winter; 188 lived. How
many trees did he set out? Ans. 150 trees.
82. A lady spent 75% of her money for a cloak, and 5% for
gloves; she then had $16 left. How much did she have at first ®
324, Applications OF PrrRcENTAGE.—The rules of
Percentage are applied in many of the most common
mercantile transactions. They form the basis of com-
putations in Profit and Loss, Interest, Discount, Commis-
sion, Bankruptcy, Insurance, Assessment of Taxes, &c.
Profit and Loss.
320. Profit (or gain) and Loss are generally reckoned
at a certain per cent. of the cost.
The cost is the base,
The per cent. of profit or loss is the rate.
The amouné of profit or loss is the percentage.
026. Hence, applying the Rules of Percentage (§ 321),
Prorir or Loss = Cost x Ratr
Prorir or Loss Prorit or Loss
APR Wes ee ae Cost =
Cost Rate
327. When the cost and selling price are given, their
difference will be the profit or loss,—profit tf the selling
price is the greater, loss if the cost is the greater.
$28. To find the selling price,—avhen there is profit,
add it to the cost; when there is loss, subtract it from
the cost.
824, What is said of the application of the rules of Percentage? In what doa
they form the basis of computations ?—325. Tow are Profit and Loss generally reck-
oned? What corresponds to the base? What, to the rate? What, to the percent-
age?—326. Give the formulas that apply.—82T. When the eost and selling price are
given, what will their difference be ?—328. How do you find the selling price, whee
shere is profit? When there is loss?
Vind the pRoFIT or Loss,
1. On goods that cost $145, sold at 8% advance. Ans. $4.35 pr.
2. On goods costing £2500, sold at 444 loss. Ans. £112 10s.
3. On furniture bought for $850.75, sold at 7% below cost.
4, On paper costing $1485.50, and sold at a profit of 15 %.
5. On coal bought for $9020, and sold at a loss of 6} 4.
. On tea sold at $% below cost, which was $666.66.
Find the serine price of goods, 3
7. Bought at $88.65, sold at 834% below cost. Ans. $85.695.
8. Bought at £120, and sold at 8% advance. Ans. £129 12s.
9. Sold at 20% below cost, bought for $18000.
10. Sold at 102% above their cost, which was $5050.
Find the rate % of:profit or loss on goods,
11. Bought for $13000, sold at a profit of $292.50. Ans. 24%.
12. Bought for ¢80, sold for $60. 3 Ans. 25%.
183, Bought for $113.25, sold so as to gain $113.25.
14, Bought for $5601.30, sold so as to lose $2800.65.
15. Bought for £250, sold for £200 (§327). Ans. 204 loss.
16. Bought for $1250, sold for $1375. Ans. 10% prof.
17. Sold for $1090, bought for $1000. Ans. 9% prof.
18. Sold for $245.18, bought for $235.75.
19. Bought for $800, and sold for $894.40.
20. Bought for $740, and sold for $627.15.
21. Bought for $815, and sold for $220.05.
22. Bought for $350.50, and sold for $701.
23. Sold for $540, at a profit of $40. Ans. 8%.
24. Sold for $600.354, at a loss of $26.64%. Ans, 444%.
25. Sold for $200, at a loss of $100.
Find the cost of goods,
26. Sold at a profit of $40, being 204 on the cost. Ans. $200.
27. Sold at 7% below cost, at a loss of $350. Ans. $5000.
28. Sold at 124% above cost, at a profit of $240. Ans. $1920.
£9. Sold at a loss of $53, being 4 % of the cost.
30. Sold at 4% above cost, at a profit of $10.50.
329. Zo find the cost, when the selling price and rate
of profit or loss are given.
KixampLe 1.—A sold a horse for $175, and by so doing
gained 40%. What did the horse cost ?
This question is analogous to Example 1, § 323, under Percentage.
As he gained 40% of the cost, the selling price all
must have been 100 + 40, or 140,% of the IOP , pit ae
cost. The question then becomes, $175 is 175 + 1.40 = 125
140% of what number? (Rule IL, $321.) Ans. $125.
Exampir 2.—A sold a horse for $175, and by so doing
lost 40%. What did the horse cost ?
100 — 40 = 604% This is analogous to Ex. 2, $323. As he
175 + .60 = 2912 lost 40 % of the cost, the selling price must have
: x been 100 — 40, or 60, % of the cost. The ques-
Ans. $291.066% tion then becomes, $175 is 60 % of what number?
Rurze.— Divide the selling price by 1 increased by the
rate of profit, or diminished by the rate of loss, expressed
81. By selling a house and lot for $5790, the owner lost 34 4.
What was their cost ? Ans. $6000.
32. Sold 517 barrels of flour for $8, 10 a barrel, at a profit of
8%. What was the whole cost? Ans. $3877.50.
33. Sold 1100 tons of coal for £1861 5s., thereby losing 1%. _
What was the cost per ton ? Ans. £1 5s.
34, Some linen was sold for 614c. a yd., at a loss of 54. What
was the cost.of 7 pieces of this linen, averaging 13 yd. to the
piece ? Ans. $59.15.
35, Sold a book-case for £15, and some books for £33 Qs. 6d.,
and thereby gained 204%. What was the cost of case and
books ? Ans. £40 4d. 3 far. +
36. D bought 5000 bu. of corn, but lost 10% of it by fire; he
sold what was left for $3408.75, and by so doing gained 14% on its
cost. What did he give for the 5000 bu. ? Ans. $3750.
87. Selling price, $4778.75; gain, 4%; required, the cost.
329. Explain Examples 1 and 2. Recite the-rule for finding the cost, when the
sclling price and the rate of profit or loss are given.
330, Zo jind the rate ef profit or loss at a proposed
selling price, when the actual selling price and rate of
profit or loss are given.
Ex.—If, by selling a cow for $60, I gain 20%, what @
would I have gained or lost by selling her for $25 ?
First find the cost, § 329: $60 + 1.20 = $50, cost.
Then find the gain or loss at the
proposed selling price : $50 — $25 = $25, loss.
Find the rate, by dividing the loss
by the cost: 25 +50 = 504 loss. Ans.
Rutz.—from the selling price obtain the cest (§ 329) 5 ;
then find the gain or loss at the proposed selling Price by
subtraction, and divide it by the cost.
38. A profit of 4% is realized by selling some cloths for $228.80 ;
had they been sold for $215.60, what 4 would have been gained or
lost ? Ans. 2% lost.
59. Some grain is sold for $1335, at a loss of 11%; what amount
would have been gained or lost, and what @, if it had been sold
for $3000 ? Last ans. 100% gd.
40. By selling some goods at $1587.90, a profit of 123% was
realized ; what per cent. would have been gained or lost, if they
had sold for $1651.65 ? . Ans. 21% gd.
41, 24% was lost by selling a farm for $13650; what % would
have been gained or lost by selling it for $13986 ?
42. If by selling some wood for $850 I made 100%, what %
would I have gained by selling it for $1275 ?
43. Sold a house for $1000, thereby making $200 ; what would
I have had to sell it for, to gain 50% ?
44, By selling some goods for $4759.79, 4+ of 1% was gained.
What would these goods have had to be sold for, to realize a profit
of 7%? Ans. $5085.71.
45. A merchant bought 320 barrels of flour at $7.50 a barrel,
and sold them at a loss of 10%. How much did he lose?
320. Explain the given example. Recite the rule for finding the rate of profit
er loss at a proposed selling price, when the actual selling price and rate of profit er
oss are given.
46. Bought 800 yd. merino at $2.25 a yd., and sold the same
at $2.50 ayd. How much was gained, and what % ?
AY. Twenty-five cords of wood were bought at $4.50 a cord,
and sold at an advance of 25%. 404% of the bill was paid in cash;
how mutch remained to be paid? Ans. $84.375.
48, Bought a lot for $600, fenced if for $50, and built a house
on it for $1550. Sold the whole at a profit of 84%; what did it
bring ? Ans. $2381.50.
49, A buys $1900 worth of goods, which he sells to B at a
gain of 5%. B sells them to C at a profit of 5%, and © sells them
to D at a like profit. What did they cost D? Ans. $1157.625.
50. § sells T some goods that cost him $1480, at a loss of
34%. A few days afterwards, T sells them back again to § at a
gain of 34%. How much less does S pay for them the second
time than the first ? Ans, $1.81 +.
51. P buys an article for £50 18s. 6d., and sells it to Q at a
profit of 10%. Q in turn sells it to R at a loss of 10%. What %
of the original cost does R pay ? Ans, 99%.
52. If a person buys 600 barrels of flour at $9.25 a barrel, and
sells 834% of the same at a profit of 10%, and the rest at a profit
of 124%, now much will he receive in all, and what 4 will he gaim
on the whole? Last ans. 113%.
58. Bought 8000 bu. of wheat at $1.60 a bushel. Sold 10 per
cent. of it at a loss of 84%, 50 per cent. of it at a gain of 10%, and
the rest at a gain of 2%. How much was made on the whole, and
what per cent. ? Ans. $264, and 54%.
54, Sold some muslin for $199, 50, at a loss of }%; some linen
for $148.50, at a loss of 1%; some cloth for $520, at a profit of
4%, What did the muslin, linen, and cloth cost ? Ans. $850,
55. Sold a horse for $198, at a loss of 10%. Bought 8 cows for
$135. What must I sell the cows for apiece, to make up the loss
on the horse and $44 besides ? Ans. $67.
56. The difference between 50% and 71% of a certain number
is 525. What is the number?
57. A house that cost $5000, was repaired at an expense of
$1000. It was then sold for $7500; what was the gain or loss 73
331, Interest is what is paid for the use of money.
The Principal is the money used, for which interest i¢
paid. The Rate is the number of hundredths of the prin-
cipal paid for the use of the principal for a certain time,
usually for a year (per annum). It is written and oper-
ated with as so many per cent. When no time is men- —
tioned with the rate, a year is meant. :
The Amount is the sum of the principal and interest.
I borrow $100 for a year, and pay $6 for its use; the Principal is
$100, the Interest $6, the Rate 64, the Amount $106.
332, Interest is dieanprimted as Simple and Compound.
It is called Simple, when reckoned on the principal only ;
Compound, when allowed on interest as well as principal.
When the word ¢nterest is used alone, Simple Interest is
333. There is a rate of interest fixed by law, mlied the
Legal Rate, for cases in which no other rate is specified.
Parties may always agree on a lower rate than the Legal
Rate, and in some of the states on a higher one; but
there is generally a limit-fixed, beyond which the taking
of interest is forbidden under certain Lorlaey ne of:
fence being called Usury.
The legal rate in England and France is 5%; in Can-
ada, Nova Scotia, and Ireland, 6%. In all of the United
States it is 6%, except the following: Louisiana, 5%; New
York, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Carolina,
831. What is Interest? Whatis the Principal? What is the Rate? How is
the Rate written and operated with? What is the Amount ?-- Illustrate these defi-
nitions. —832. Ilow is interest distinguished? When is it called Simple? When,
Compound ?—333. What is meant by the Legal Rate? May the parties agree on #
lower rate than the legal one? Ona higher one? Whatis Usury? In what coun-
tries is the legal rate 5 per cent.? In what, 6 per cent.? In which of the United
States is it 5 per cent.? In-which,7 per-cent.? In which, 8 per cent.? In whieh,
and Georgia, 7%; Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, and
Texas, 8%; California and Kansas, 10%; Oregon, 124 4%.
334, Interest is an application of Percentage, the ad-
ditional element of é¢me being introduced. The principal
is the base ; the interest is the percentage, reckoned at a
certain rate, for a certain time.
To find the Enterest.
335, Cass 1L—To find the interest for any number of
years, when the principal and rate are given.
Ex. 1.—What is the interest of $124.50, for 1 year,
at 6%?
That is, what is 6 %, or +83, of $124. 50? Taking $124.50 Prin.
Tee is equivalent to BAB by zé5. Hence, 6 Rate.
multiply the principal by .06. $7.4700 Int.
Ex. 2.—Find the amount of $124.50, at 64, for’S years.
Find the interest for lyr. as above,
re :
ee ae $47.47. For 5 yr. it will be 5 times $7.47 ;
i sa aia and, as the amount is required, add the
7.4700 Int. 1 yr. principal to the last product.
5 In stead of multiplying by the rate and
37.3500 Int. 5 yr. years separately, it sometimes saves work
“ to multiply by their product. Thus, in
sey Agee : Example 2, it would be shorter to multi-
$161.85 Amt. 5 yr. ply by .80 than by .06 and 5.
Ruie.—Multiply the principal by the rate per annum
expressed decimally, and that product by the number of
Aliquot parts of a year may be expressed Saran Thus, 5 yr.
6mo. = 5zyr. See Table, page 186.
336. So, when the rate is given by the month, the interest may be
found for any number of months, by multiplying the principal by the rate
per month expressed decimally, and that product by the number of months.
30%. Hor the Amount, add the principal to the interest.
10 percent.? In which,124percent.? In the rest ?—334. Of what is Interest an ap-
plication? What additional element is introduced ?—835. What is Case I.? Explain
Example 1. Ge through Example 2. Recite the rule. How may aliquot parts of
a year be expressed ?—336. When the rate is given by the month, how may the in-
terest be found for any number of menths ?— 337. How is the amount found?
orn . =)
. Find the interest of $1, at 844, for 3 years. Ans. 10e.
. Find the amount of $540, at 7%, for 9yr. Ans. $880.20.
. Kind the interest of $90, at 44.4, for 6 yr. Ans. 24.30.
. Find the amount of £1400, at 8%, for 24 yr. Ans. £1680.
Find the interest of $825, at 64.4%, for 4 yr. Ans. $206.25.
. What is the interest of $33120.01, for 5 yr., at 6%?
. What is the interest of $987.41, for 13 yr., at 7%?
. Find the interest of $69582.57, at 5%, for 24 years.
. Find the amount of $9812.17, at 424, for 4 years.
10, Find the amount of $700, at 64, for 2yr. 6 mo. (24 yr.).
11. Find the amount of $820, at 34, for 4yr. 4mo. (44 yr.).
12. Find the amount of $660, at 5%, for 3 yr. 38 mo.
13. What is the interest of $60.50, for 8 months, at 1% a
OO TO OP oo to
month? (See § 336.) Ans. $1.815.
14. What is the amount of $12198.75, for 2 months, at 3% a
month ? Ans. $12881.78.
15. What is the interest of £600, at $% a month, from Jan. 1
to April 1 of the same year ? Ta hee eek
16. What is the amount of $8250, from April 8, 1861, to April
8, 1866, at 52% per annum ? Ans. $10621.875.
17. Borrowed, Jan. 1, 1865, in California, $900 (no rate speci-
fied). What amount must be repaid, Jan. 1, 1866? Ans. $990.
18. A owes B interest on $450, from Feb. 2 to Oct. 2; B owes
A interest on $575, from April 2 to Oct. 2. What is the balance
of interest, and to whom is it due, the rate being 4% a month?
Ans, [5%., to B.
19. What is the interest on $68.40, at 45%, for 4yr. 2mo.
(41 yr.)? On $4712, for 6yr. 3mo., at5%? On $2688.88, at 63%,
for lyr. 6mo.? On $1268.25, for 5mo., at 1% a month?
Sum of answers, $560.1783.
20. Loaned, New York, Feb. 1, 1864, $1050. What amount
should I receive for loan and interest, March 1, 1866?
21. CO, living in Canada, owes $500 with interest for 3 yr. 2 mo.
He pays $550 on account; how much remains due ?
338, Casn IL—7o find the interest, at 6 per cent., for
years, months, and days.
1. For a given time and rate, the interest or amount
of any principal is as many times greater than the inter-
est or amount of $1, as the principal is greater than $1.
Thus, the interest of $50, for 5 mo., at 6%, is 50 times the interest of
$1, for 5mo., at 6%. The amount of $60, at 7%, for 30 days, is 60 times
the amount of $1, at 74%, for 30 days.
2. The interest of $1, at 6%, is 6 cents for 1 year.
Hence it is 1 cent for every two months, and 1 mull for
(45 of 2 months, or) 6 days.
6 days are +1; of 2 months, if 80 days are allowed to the month, ac-
cording to general usage in the United States. Each. day’s interest is
thus made 3}, in stead of 3}5, of 1 year’s interest; it thus exceeds the
exact interest by 325, or 7/5, of itself. To find the exact interest for any
number of days, see § 342.
ExamMPLe 1.—What is the interest of $1200, at 6 %, for
3 yr. 7mo, 18 da. ?
First Method.—First find the interest of $1, at 6 %, for the given time.
~ As the interest is 1 cent for every 2 months, 1b
for 3 years 7 months, or 43 months, it will be 4 of 215
43 cents, or $.215. As the interest is 1 mill for 6 -003
days, for 18 days it will be 4 of 18 mills, or $ .003. $ .218
Adding §.215 and $.003, we find the interest of 1200
$1 for the given time to be $.218. For $1200 it eA
will be 1200 times as much, or $261.60. $261.600 Ans.
Second Method.—First. find the interes
$1200 of $1200 for 1 yr., then for 8 yr., as in Case
.06 I. For the months and days apply the prin-
6 mo. = 4] 72.00 ciples of Practice, § 307.
3 7 mo. are not an aliquot part of 1 yr.,
but 6 mo. = 4yr.; therefore, for 6 mo. take
216.00 4 of 1 year’s interest, and for 1 mo., which
36.00 remains, take 4 of the interest for 6mo. 18
1 mo.
= 3 6.00 ‘days are not an aliquot part of 1mo., but
15 da. = 4 3.00 15da. = 4mo.; therefore, for 15 days take
3 da. = +4 | .60 4 of 1 month’s interest, and for 8 days, which
Ans. $261.60 remain, take + of the interest for 15 days.
Finally, add the several items of interest.
338. What is Case II.? To what is the interest or amount of any principal for
a given time and rate equal? Give examples. For how long a time will the inter-
est of $1, at 6 per cent., be 1 cent? 1 mill? How does the interest for 1 day thus
339. Ruty—l. Zo 4 the number of months written
as hundredths add 4 the number of days written as thou-
sandths, and multiply the sum and the given principal
together ; the product will be the interest. Lf the amount
is required, add 1 to the above sum before multiplying.
2. Or, find the interest first for the given number of
years, as in § 335, then for the months and days by taking
ihe necessary parts, and add the results.
The first method is generally shorter and easier.
EXAMPLE 2.—W hat is the amount of ere
$66.60, at 6%, for 1 year 11 mo. 11 da. ? ae
1 yr. 11 mo. = 28 mo. Writing 4 the num- 39960
ber of months as hundredths, we have .115. 6660
Writing 4 the number of days as thousandths, 6660
we have .0018. As the amount is required, we 6660
add in 1. .115 + .0018 + 1 = 1.116%. Mul- yee
tiply the principal by 1.1168. Ans. $74.388110
At 6 per cent., required the
. Interest of $49.37, for lyr. 1mo. 15 da. Ans. $3.83 +.
. Amount of $341.18, for Tyr. 9 da. Ans. $484.916 +.
. Amount of $591.03, for 4 yr. 8 mo. 7da. Ans. $742.48 +.
. Interest of $0.134, for 4months 3days. Ans. $.0027+4+.
. Amount of $7.50, for 7 months. Ans. $7.76 +.
. Interest of $871.01, for 4 years 1l5days. Ans. $89.969 +.
. Interest of $57.92, for 3 yr. 7 mo. 9 da. Ans. $12.53968.
. Amount of $329, for 5 years 18 days. Ans. $428.41 +.
. Amount of $47.39, for 1 year 7 months.
10. Interest of $2250, for 2 yr. 2mo. 24 da.
11. Interest of $5762, for 6 yr. 4mo. 19 da.
12. Amount of $840.75, for 11 months 21 days.
18. Interest of 98.76, for 3 yr. 5mo. 22da. Ans. $20.60792.
Oo OT dD iP oo NS we
computed compare with the trne interest? Go through Example 1 according to
each method.—839. Recite the Rule. Which method is preferred? When the
rmount is required, what must be done? Explain Example 2.
14. Interest on $718, from April 19 to Aug.3 following. From
Oct. 29, 1865, to Feb. 11, 1866. Sum of answers, $24.65 4+.
15. Interest of £500, for 2 yr. 4mo., 12 da. Apert.
Compute the interest on pounds as on dollars. A decimal in the answer must
be reduced to shillings, &e.
16. Amount of £2500, for 1 year 9 months 18 days.
17. Interest of £480, for 1 yr. 3mo. 20 da. Ans, £37 12s.
18. Amount of £60, for Syr. 6mo. 2da. Ans. £90 12s. 4d.+.
19. P owes Q $975, with interest for 1 yr. 10 mo. 10da.; Q
owes P $720, with interest for 2yr. 25da. The rate being 67%,
what is the balance, and to whom is it due? Ans. $2'74.475, to Q.
20. A merchant collects the interest on $400, at 7%, for lyr.
§mo.; on $220, at 6%, for 8mo, 8da.; on $694.10, for 2yr. 2 da.,
at 6%; and on $1180.50, for 26 days, at 6%. How much does he
‘collect in all ? Ans. $1389.782 +.
340. Merchants often have to cast interest, at 64%, for
30, 60, and 90, also for 33, 63, and 93 days. The follow-
ing short methods can be used mentally :—
For 60 days, simply move the decimal point in the
principal two places to the left,—for this will be multi-
plying it by .01, the interest of $1 for 60 days being $.01.
For 30 days, take 4 of this result.
For 3 days, take #, of the interest for 30 days,—that
is, move the decimal point one place to the left.
Combine these results as may be required.
Examprie.—Required the interest of $560, at 6%, for
80, 60, 90, 83, 63, and 93 days.
Int. 60 days, $5.60 ( Int. 90 days, $5.60 + eee = $8.40
Int. 30d 9.80 Then Int. 33 days, $2.80 + $0.28 = $3.08
boa D4 Int. 63 days, $5.60 + $0.28 = $5.88
Int. 3 days, $ .28 Int. 93 days, $8.40 + $0.28 = $8.68
At 6 per cent., what is the interest of
21. $700 for 60 days? For 83 days? For 90 days?
22. $1200 for 30 days? For 60days? For 90 days?
23. £1000 for 63 days? For 90 days? For 93 days?
24, $74.75 for 60 days? For 63days? For 93 days?
25. $180.90 for 83 days? For 63 days? For 93 days?
26. $2000.50 for 80 days? For 90 days? For 33 days?
341. Case IIL—Zo find the interest, at any rate, for
years, months, and days.
Ex,—Find the interest of $126, at 7%, for 2 yr. 5mo. 6 da.
4 number of months, written as hundredths, 145
4 number of days, written as thousandths, 001
$120 x .146 = $17.52 146
Interest of $120, for the given time, at 6 4, $17.52
For 7 4, add to the interest at 6 @, 4 of itself, 2.92
(for 7 = 6 + 4 of 6). $20.44 Ans.
4 Or, we may find the in-
oe Rue terest at once at 7 %, for 1
ae = ; yr.; then for 2 yr., by mul-
4mo. = $| $8.40 Int. 1 yr. tiplying by 2; then for the
| 2 months and days, by taking
$16.80 Int. 2 yr. parts. For 4 mo., take 4
9.80 Int. 4 mo. of 1 year’s interest; for 1
1lmo. «= + 70 Int. 1 mo mo., take + of 4 months’
6 da. = 4 "44 The 6 da : interest; for 6 days, take 4
of 1 month’s interest. For
Ans. $20.44 Int. 2y. 5m. 6d. the whole, add these parts.
Ruuz.—l. Find the interest at 6%, and add thereto, or
subtract therefrom, such a part of itself as must be added
to or subtracted from 6 to produce the given rate.
For 7%, add 4(7 = 6++0f 6). | For 52, subt.3 (5 = 6 — tof 6).
For 8%, add (8 = 6 + of 6). | For 414, subt. £(44 = 6 — $ of 6).
For 9%, add 4(9 = 6+40f6). | For 42, subt.4(4 = 6 — 4 of 6).
For 104, add 4 (10 = 6 + 2 of 6). | For 3 4, take 4 the interest at 6 ¢.
2. Or, find the interest at the given rate, for the given
number of years, as in § 335; then for the months and
days, by taking the necessary parts ; and add the results.
841. What is Case IIL? Give both solutions of the Example. Iecite the rule.
Yor 7 per cent., what must we do, and why? For4percent.? For 10 per cent.?
For 3 per cent.? For 9 per cent.? For 43 percent.? For8percent.? For 5
per oeng, 7
What is the interest (by either or both of the methods given
in the preceding Rule) of
1. $5.87, for 4 years 12 days, at 8%? Ans. $1.73 +-
2. $40.17, for 8 months 18 days, at 3%? Ans. 36c. +
3. $37.13, for 5 months 12 days, at 44%? Ans. T5e. +
4, $194.10, for 1 yr. 7 mo. 13 da., at 7%? Ans. $22. +
5. $821.21, for 5 yr. 9 mo. 21 da., at 9%? Ans. $167.91 +.
6. $9872.86, for lyr. 5mo. 11da., at 7%? Ans. $1000.175 +.
7. $999.99, for 11 months 29 days, at 5%? Ans. $49.86 +.
8. $27541.03, for yr. 10mo. 22da., at 7%? Ans. $5580.11 +.
9. $187.50, for 6 mo. 10da., at 64%? (Add 5.) Ans. $4.717 +.
. $4650, for 3 yr. 4 mo. 12 da., at 7%? Ans. $1095.85.
. $2000, for 83 days, at 10%? For 63 days?
. $11500, for 60 days, at 4%? For 90 days?
. $8260, for 3 yr. 29 da., at 54%? (Subtract +4.)
. $428.07, for 1 yr. 1 mo. 1 da., at 7%?
. $.75, for 10 yr. 10 mo. 10 da., at 5%?
16. A, living in New York, owes B $625, with interest from
Jan. 1 to Sept. 15, no rate specified. He pays on account $540.25,
how much remains due? ~ Ans. $115.618.
17. What is the amount of $469.10, for 3 yr. 2mo., at 7%?
For lyr. 20 days, at 4%? For 11 mo. 19da., at5%? For 6 mo.
6 da., at 8%? Sum of answers, $2042.318 +.
18. A merchant living in Mississippi collects $100, with inter-
est for 3 yr. (no rate specified); $427.50, with interest for 8 mo.
9 da., at 7%; $1100, with interest for lyr. 18da., at 6%. How
much does he collect in all? Ans. $1741.50.
ay eee |
oF wt DY Ke
342, Caszr 1V.—To find the exact interest for days.
The exact number of days between two dates within a
year of each other can be found by the Table on page 156.
Each day being 1, of 1 year, the exact interest for
342, What is Case [V.? How may the exact number of days between two dates
within a year of cach other be found? What fraction of 1 year’s interest will the
ext interest for any number of days be? Recite the rule. Solve the Example.
any number of days will be as many 365ths of 1 year’s
interest as there are days. Hence the following
Rourtz.— Multiply the interest for 1 year at the given %
by the number of days, and divide the product by 365.
Examprie.— W hat is the exact interest of $37.37, from
May 3, 1865, to Dec. 27, 1865, at 7%?
1 year’s interest = $37.37 x .07 = $2.6159.
By Table, p. 156, we find the number of days to be 288.
We must therefore take 22? of $2.6159.
$2.6159 x 238 = $622,5842, $622,.5842 — 865 = $1.705. Ans.
1. What is the exact interest of $100, at 6%, from Jan. 18 to
Noy. 15, it being leap year ? Ans. $5.047.
2. What is the exact interest of £1000, from June 20 to Aug.
18, at 7%? Ans. £10.856 = £10 7s. 1d. 1 far. +
3. What is the exact interest of $730, from July, 4 to Dec. 25,
at 6%? Ans. $20.88.
4, What is the exact interest of $2160, from March 10 to Dec.
1, at 5%? What is the amount? Ans. Amt., $2238.71.
5. What is the exact interest of $21450, at 8%, for 20 days?
6. What is the exact interest of £4500, at 44%, for 25 days?
343, Cas—E V.—To find the interest or amount of
pounds, shillings, pence, and farthings, at any rate, for
any time.
Examprte.—What is the inter- .04
est of £84 10s, 6d., at 4%, for 1 yr. 8 = } | 3.88100
3 mo. ? 84525
For convenience of multiplying and divid- me
ing, we reduce 10s. 6d. to the decimal of a AEE CES
pound, § 285. The principal thus becomes s. 4.52500
£84,525. Now, proceeding as in Federal 12
Money, we find the interest to be £4.22625,— d. 6.30000
or, reducing the decimal to shillings, &c., § 284, 4
£4 4s. 6d. 1.2 far. Py a) Eee
far. 1.20000
343. What is Case V.? Go through and explain the given Example. Recite the
rule for finding the interest or amount of pounds, shillings, &¢., at any rate, for
any time,
Ruity.— Reduce the shillings, &c., of the principal to
the decimal of a pound, find the interest or amount as in
Federal Money, and reduce the decimal in the result to
lower denominations. —
344, If the rate is 5¢ and the time 1 year, the interest is readily
found by taking 1s. for every pound of the given principal, 3d. for every
bs., and 1 far. for every 5d. For, 5% is #o; and Is. is #5 of £1, 3d. is
zy of 5s., 1 far. is zy of bd.
Exampie.—Required the interest of £86 17s. 6d., at 54, for 1 year.
1s. on £1 of the given principal gives 86s, = £4 6s.
3d. for every 5s. 17s. 6d. + 5s. = 384 84x 3 = 103d.
| Ans. £4 68. 1034.
Find the interest of
. £760 5s, 6d., at 5%, for Qbyr. Ans. £88 13s, 11d. 2.8 far.
. £1 7s. 6d., at 44%, for 2yr. 6 mo. Ans. 3s. 1d. 4 far.
. £8260 18s., at 34%, for 21 da. (§ 842). Ans. £16 12s, 8d. +
£275 10d., at 4%, for 5yr. 10 mo. Ans. £64 3s. 6d. +
. Find the amount of £7 15s., for lyr., at 5% ($3844).
. Find the amount of £42 2s. 6d., for 1 yr., at 5%.
. Find the amount of £88 7s. 6d., for 1 yr., at 52%.
. Find the amount of £68 12s. 6d., for lyr., at 5%.
9. Find the amount of £100 15s. 8d., at 43%, for 2yr. Tmo.
DaNarar wh
345, Observe that whenever the product of the rate
per annum and the number of years is 100 (or 1, if the
rate is expressed decimally), the interest equals the prin-
cipal. The interest of $75, at 5%, for 20 years, is $75 ;
since 5 x 20 = 100 (or .05 x 20 = 1).
346. In stead of computing interest by any of the
- methods that have been given, many use Interest Tables.
These being constructed for different principals, rates, and
periods of time, the required interest is found in some cases
by a simple reference, in others by an addition of items.
344. If the rate is 5 per cent. and the time 1 year, what short method may be
used? Explain the principle on which this method is based.—845, Under what cir-
cumstances does the principal equal the interest? Give an example.—346, In stcad
of computing interest, what do many use?
347. To find the Rate,
the principal, interest or amount, and time, being given.
Ex. 1.—At what rate will $400 yield $55 interest, in
2yr. 6 mo. ?
rn ur: . The interest of $400, at one per
eel A ee cent. for 2yr. 6 mo., is $10. To
$4 x 24 = $10, int. 24 yr. produce $55 interest, the rate must
$10) $55 be as many times 1% as $10 is con-
tained times in $55, or 54. Ans.
54 Ans. 5h d. ’
Ruie.— Divide the given interest by the interest of the
principal, for the given time, at 1%.
348, If, in stead of the interest, the amount is given, subtract the
principal from it, to find the interest, and proceed as above.
349, Prove by trying whether, at the rate found, the principal vill
produce the given interest in the given time.
Ex. 2.—At what rate will $630 amount to se0e 28, in
9mo., 18 da. ?
Find the interest of $630, for 9 mo. 18 da., at 1 7.
First find it at 6 4%, accord- i % number of months, .045
ing to $339: & number of days, .003
At 14 it will be ¢ as much as at 64: 6) .048
Interest of $1 for the given time, at 1 Z, $ 008
For $630 it will be 630 times as much: $.008 x 630 = $5.04
The interest is $665.28 — $630 = $35.28.
$35.28 + $5.04 = 7. Ans. 7 4.
Proor.—Will $630, at 7%, amount to $665.28 in 9 mo. 18 da. ?
Prove each example, § 349. At what rate will
J. $530, in 8 yr. 6 mo., yield $92.75 interest ? Ans. 5%.
2. $4070 yield $91.575 interest quarterly ? Ans. 9%.
3. $100, in 9 mo. 10 da., yield $3.50 interest ? Ans. 44%.
4, £6000, in 5 yr. 20da., amount to £7820? Ans. 6%.
5. £2600 yield £104 friterést semi-annually ?
6. At what rate will $1250, in 60 days, amount to $1264. 58h?
347, To find the rate, what must be given? Analyze Example 1. Recite the
rule for finding the rate.—348. If the amount is given, in stead of the interest, what
must you do ?—349. How may this operation be proved? Go through Example 2
350, To find the Time,
the principal, interest or amount, and rate, being given.
Ex.—In what time will $400 yield $55 interest, at 53%?
The irterest on $400 for “he ;
one year, at 544, is $22. To $400 x .055 = $22, int. 1 yr.
produce $55 interest, will re- $55 -- $22 = 24. Ans. 24 yr.
quire aS many years as $22 is Proor. : SORE
contained times in $55, or 24. BOOK aie fake * Baha s
Rvie.— Divide the given interest by the interest of the
principal, at the given rate, for 1 year.
. A decimal in the quotient must be reduced to months and days, § 284.
Prove by trying whether, in the time found, the principal will produce
the given interest at the given rate.
Prove each example. In what time will
1. $4070, at 9%, yield $91.575 interest ? Ans. 3 mo.
2. $530, at 5%, yield $92.75 interest ? Ans. 3 yr. 6 mo.
83. $100, at 444, yield $3.50 interest? Ans. Z yr. (9mo. 10 da.)
4, £6000, at 6%, amount to £7820? Ans. 5S yr. 20d.
Find the interest ;: £7820 — £6000. Then proceed as above.
5. $820, at 53%, amount to $857.58% ? Ans. 10 mo.
6. $1250, at 7%, amount to $1264.58% 2
7. $700, at 7%, amount to $785.75 ?
8. £680, at 8%, amount to £950?
9. How long will it take $230, at 4%, to yield $230 interest,—
that is, to double itself?
351. In Example 9, the interest equals the principal.
Hence, the product of the rate per annum and number of
years must be 100 (§ 345); and, to find the years, we may
at once divide 100 by the rate. 100+ 4 = 25yr. Ans.
Were the years given, and the rate required, we should
divide 100 by the number of years. 100+ 25=44%. Ans.
850. To find the time, what must be given? Analyze the example. Recite the
rule for finding the time. Tlow may the operation be proved? What must be done
with a decimal in the quotient ?
10. How long will it take $600 to amount to $1200, at 6%?
11. How long will it take $43.50 to double itself, at 7%?
find the number opposite 12 years to be 1.601032, -601032
which is the amount of $1 at compound interest, for 400
the given time, at the given rate. Subtracting 1, we 940.412800
have .601032 for the compound interest of $1. The 29
compound interest of $400 is 400 times as much. Ans. $240.41
Ex. 12.—What is the compound interest of £90, for
10 yr. 8mo., at 6%, interest payable yearly ?
We find, from the Table, the amount of 90
£1, for 10 yr., at 6%, to be £1.790848. For 161.176320
£90, it will be 90 times as much. 8 months 1.04.
remain; find the amount for this time by se
multiplying by 1.04, the amount of £1 for 644705280
8 mo being £1.04, Subtracting the origi- 1611763200
nal principal from the last amount, we get 167.62337280
for the compound interest £77.6233728,— 90.
or, reducing the decimal to lower denomina-
tions, £77 12s. 5d. 2 far. + £77.6233728 =
£77 12s. 54d. + Ans.
~ Required the interest, compounded annually, of
13. $100, for 17 years, at 6%.
14. $625, for 18 years, at 5%.
15. $379, for 30 years, at 3 %.
16. $49, for 20 yr. 2mo., at 64.
17. $875, for 12 yr. imo. 15 da., at 62%.
18. What is the compound interest of $100, for 3 yr., at 64%,
interest payable every six months?
In this case, the periods are 6 months each. The interest of ¥1, for 6mo., at
§ per cent., equals the interest of $1, for Lyr., at 8 per cent. There are 6 periods
of 6mo.,in3yr. Hence we find in the Table the amount opposite to 6 yr. in the §
per cent. column, subtract 1 since the énterest is required, and multiply the re-
nuainder by 100, the given principal being $100.
19. Find the compound interest of $480, from Jan. 1, 1860, te
July 1, 1862, at 8%, interest payable semi-annually.
20. What will $1200 amount to in 8yr., at 10%, interest com-
pounded half-yearly ?
21. What will $1450 amount to in 10 yr. 6 mo., at 6%, interest
_ being compounded semi-annually ? we Me
Ans. $169.277.
Ans. $1504.137.
Ans. $919.982.
NOTES. af: ee
Vv Ss |
357. A Note (also called a Promissory Note or Note
of Hand) is a written promise to pay a certain sum to a
person specified, or to his order, or to the bearer, at a
time named or on demand.
358, The Drawer or Maker of a note is the one who
signs it. The Payee is the one to whom it is made pay-
able. ‘The Holder is the person who has it in possession.
The Face of the note is the sum promised. In the
body of the note the number of dollars is written out,
and at the top or bottom expressed in figures.
For example, Jacop Coorer is the drawer of Note 1, given below ;
Rurus 8. Brown is the payee; the face of the note is $309.
359, Promissory NotTEs.
hy d)
$300. Baltimore, April 9, 1866.
Sixty days after date, I promise to pay Rufus S. Brown, or
order, three hundred dollars, value received.
| (2)
Savannah, Jan. 31, 1866.
Lor value received, thirteen months after date, we promise to
pay Messrs. Root & Swan, or order, one hundred and. forty-five
$25 dollars, with interest.
Homer F. GREEN.
$145.50 Moses WATERBURY.
A note should always contain the words value received. Otherwise,
if suit is brought on it, the holder may have trouble in proving that the
drawer received a valuable consideration.
Note 2 is signed by two parties, and is therefore called a Joint Note.
It contains the words with interest, and hence carries interest from its
857. What is a Note ?—858. Who is meant by the Drawer or Maker of a note?
By the Payee? By the Holder? Whatis the Face of the note ?—359, Learn the
forms. What words should a note always contain, and why? What is Note 2
ealled, and why? What is the effect of the werds with intercst? Can interest be
aie its
date, at the legal rate of the State. If these words are omitted, as in Note
1, no interest can be collected,—unless the note is not paid at the time
specified, in which case it accrues from that date.
A bank-bill is a note signed by the president and cashier, payable in
specie to the bearer on demand,—that is, whenever presented.
360. A note is said to mature on the day that it be-
comes legally due. This is not till the third day after
the time specified in the note, three days of grace, as they
are called, being allowed, unless the words without grace
are inserted, If the last day of grace is Sunday or a pub-
lic holiday, the note matures on the preceding day.
The term months, used in a note, means calendar months. Thus, Note
2 is nominally due at the expiration of thirteen calendar months, that is
on the last day, or 28th, of February, 1867; it is legally due on the third
day thereafter, March 8d—and interest must be computed for 1 yr. 1 mo.
3da. It would have matured om the same day, had it been dated Jan.
30, 29, or 28.
361, A note to bearer may pass freely from hand to
hand. \
7 = k ut
2. If no payment has been made within a year, find -
the amount of the principal to the time er the next pay-
“ ment, and subtract the payment.
8. Should the time of settlement not coincide with the
close of an annual term, compute the last amounts to the
time of settlement, and not to the close of the 4 year.
. Ex. 16.—By the Connecticut rule, what was due on
.. Note 2, p. 227 ? 5
Face of note, or given principal, Jan. 1, 18517, ee Ans . $1200.000
Interest on the same for 1 Year, "ge epee es, ye 12000
Amount, Jan. 1, 1858, ~ : ee ‘ - 1272.000
Payment, Feb. Te 1857, BUTS eo. - $200.00 eee
Interest on same to Jan. 1, 1858, (101 m: da.),. 10.50 210.500
Balance and new principal, Jan. 1, 1858, = ee 2
_. Interest on new principal to April 16, 1859, a yr 3mo. 15 da. y;
Amount, April 16,1859, —. os ae ; 3 :
Payment, April 16, 1859, Ree 6
Balance and new eeipal. April 16, 859, 5
Interest on new principal for ‘1 year, : ; ; ke,
Amount, April 16, 1860, 3
. Payment, Dec. 24. 1859, (less than interest then due),
Balance and new principal, April 16, 1860, . : ,
Interest on new principal for 1 year, ; ‘
Amount; ApruclG, 1864p.
Payment, May 3, 1860, i " g1p 000
Interest on same to April 16, 1861, (11 mo. 13 da. )y _ 858
Balance and new principal, April 16, 1861, . a
Interest on new principal to Nov. 8, 1862, (L yr. 6 mo. 17da. ) =
Amount, Nov. 3, 1862, Pee an Aap gee ‘
2 Payment, Noy. 3 , 1862, Rear oye ; : . 400.000
Balance and new Spepoipal, PAR Ss 589.777
Interest to date of settlement, Feb. 3, “1864, ‘ : : . | 44,283
Balance due Feb. 3, 1864, Ore tahoe A ace ae SOseOTR
aoa to the: Aaa rule, : |
= SaUE, at was due ¢ on Note 8, p. 228? | Ans. $5.798.
Find the answer to Ex. 8, p.228. = Ans. $6405.66.
Vhat is due July 4, 1866, on a note for $9500, at 6 %, dated
, —$3000 having been paid on account, Aug. 1,1864
"1865 ; $175, May 30, 18662... --~ains. oe 4:
Notes with interest anmually.
372. Notes sometimes contain the words with interest
annually. In such cases, if the interest is not paid, the
law in New Hampshire allows the creditor simple inter-
est on each item of annual interest from the time it ac-
crued to the date of settlement.
Ex. 1.—A note for $2000 is given March 17, 1863, with
interest at 6%, payable annually. No interest having
been paid, what is due May 3, 1866, according to the law
of N. H.?
Face of note, on interest from March 17, 1868, .. ‘ . $2000.000
Interest on same to date of settlement, May 3, 1866, . ‘ 375.333
Annual interest, $120, has accrued 3 times. ;
Interest on $120 from March 17, 1864, to
date of settlement, ; «2 yr. 1.mo,, Peds.
Int. on $120 from March 17: 1865, : lyr. 1 mo. 16 da.
Int. on $120 from March 17, 1866, A 1mo. 16 da.
Total time, . : ; 3 yr. 4mo, 18 da.
Interest on $120, for 8 yr. 4mo. 18da.,. : : 5 24.360
Amount due May 83,1866, . «. . %. | $2899.693
In stead of computing the interest separately on each item of annual
interest, it is shorter to add the periods, as above, and find the interest
on 1 year’s interest for a time equal-to their sum.
Rviu.— Add the given principal, its interest from date
to the time of settlement, and the interest on 1 year’s in-
terest for a term equal to the sum of all the periods during
which successive payments of interest have been due. Their
sum is the amount at annual interest.
This amount will be less than the amount at compound interest, as
only simple interest on the interest is allowed.
373. If partial payments have been made on notes
“with interest annually”, the balance due is found, ac-
cording to usage in New Hampshire, by the Mercantile
Rule, § 868, which is therefore sometimes called the New
Hampshire Rule.
32. What words do notes sometimes contain? If no interest is paid on such
_ notes, what does the law in New Hampshire allow the creditor? Go through Ex-
ample 1, What short method is suggested? Recite the rule for finding the amount
1. What amount is due July 5, 1866, on a note for $820, dated
Jan. 3, 1864, at 5%, interest annually, no interest having been
paid ? Ans. $926.851.
2. Find the amount due on a note for $1125, interest payable
annually at 6%, said note having run 3 yr. 9mo. 9 da. without any
payment. Ans. $1401.879.
3. What is due on a note promising to pay $560 five years
after date without grace, with interest at 53%, payable annually,
no payment having been made till maturity ? Ans. $730.94.
4. Required the amount of $290.50, for 6 yr. 2mo., at 6%, in-
terest payable annually. Ans. $414.718.
5. Find the amount of $425, for 4 years, at 4%, interest pay-
able annually.
6. Required the amount of $850.75, for 8 yr. 10 mo. 6 da., at
6%, interest payable annually.
7. A note for $715, dated Dover, N. H., Oct. 4, 1863, bearing
interest at 6% payable annually, is endorsed as follows: Received,
April 4, 1864, $75 ; Oct. 1, 1865, $10; Dec. 8, 1865, $100. What
is due, April 28, 1866? (See § 368.) Ans. $683,257
rae “Ss —-_—-—_—.
fz a ‘. f ; 1 Nugh
fe in rs VAY :
F ee aS 5
f f "UE ops
GHAPTER xxi.’ //!
374, Discount is an allowance made for the payment
of money before it is due. |
070. Discount is often computed without reference to
time, at a certain per cent. on the amount due, and may
exceed legal interest. This, however, is not true discount.
of a note with interest payable annually. How does this. amount compare with the
amount at compound interest ?—373. If partial payments have been made on notes
with interest payable annually, how is the balance found in N. H. ?
874. What is Discount ?—375. How is discount often computed ?
For example: A merchant buys $1000 worth of goods on 6 months’
credit. The money being jvorth more to the seller than its mere interest,
he will make a discount of 54 on the face of the bill for cash; that is,
the buyer can discharge his debt of $1000, due in 6 months, by paying
$950 down.
Present Worth.—TFrue Discount.
-376, The Present Worth of a sum due at a future time
without interest, is such a sum as put at interest for the
given time will amount to the debt.
The True Discount is the difference between the present
worth and the face of the debt. In other words, it is the
interest on the present worth for the given time.
if I owe $106 a year hence without ‘interest, and money is bringing
6 %, the present worth is $100, because that sum at 6 %, for 1 year, would
amount to $106. The frue discount is $106—$100, or $6; which is the
interest on $100, at 64, for 1 year.
377. It will be seen that the debt corresponds to the
amount, of which the present worth is the principal.
fence, to obtain the present worth from the debt, the
rate and time being given, we have only to apply the
rule in § 352.
878. Rutn.—1. Zo find the present worth, divide the
debt by the amount of $1, for the given time, at the given
2. To find the true discount, subtract the present worth
Srom the debt.
Exampie.—W hat is the present worth of $124.20, due
in 6 months without interest, the current rate being 7 % °
What is the true discount ?
Amount of $1, for 6 mo., at 77, $1.035.
$124.20 — 1.035 = $120, present worth.
$124.20 — $120 = $4.20, true discount. § Answers.
Give an example of discount computed without reference to time.—876. What
is the Present Worth of a sum due at a future time without interest? What is the
True Discount? Illustrate these definitions.—378. Recite the rule for finding the
present worth and true discount. Solve the given example.
1. What is the present worth of $4161.575, due three months
hence, when money brings }% a month ? Ans. $4070.
2. Of $622.75, due 34 years hence, at 5%? Ans. $530.
3. What is the true discount on $100, due in 6 months, when
money is worth 6% ? Ans. $2.9138.
4, On $750, due 9 months hence, at 7% ? Ans. $37,411.
5. Find the present worth of $7102.72, due 4 yr. 12 da. hence,
at 8%. What is the true discount ?
6. A debt of $150 is due Oct. 1, 1866; what amount would
pay it, June 13, 1866, reckoning at 64? Ans. $147.847.
7. Bought, May 1, $50 worth of goods, on 6 months’ credit.
What sum paid Aug. 1 will discharge the debt, money being worth
44% per annum ? Ans. $49.443.
8. A owes B $961.13, due 1 year 5 months hence, and $3471.20,
due in 8 years 9 months, without interest. Money being worth
7%, what discount should be allowed on both debts, if paid at
once ? Ans. $808.448. La
9. What sum paid down Jan. 1 is equivalent to $37.40 paid on Ap,
the ist of the next August, money being worth 6%?
10. A merchant buys a bill of $1500, on 6 months’ credit, but
settles it by paying cash, a discount of 5% on the face of the bill
being allowed. What does the discount amount to, and by how
much does it exceed the true discount, money being worth 7%?
| Ans. $75; $24.28.
11. When money brings 4% a month, a merchant settles a bill
of é 40, due 60 days hence, for cash, at a discount of 24%. What
does he pay down, how much discount does he get, and by how
much does it exceed the true discount ? Last ans. $12.68.
> 12. Sold $1500 worth of goods, on 74 months’ credit. What
is the present worth of the bill, computed at 74?
_ 18. Bought, on 6 months’ credit, muslins for $123, hosiery to
th amount of $100. 50, and $750 worth of cloth. If cash is paid
| for the wholo bill, what amount should be deducted, reckoning at
Tow much, at 7%? First ans. $28.35,
14. Sold $1500 worth of hardware, half on 6 months’ and half
on 9 months’ credit. What sum paid down would discharge the
whole debt, the current rate of interest being 7%?
15. A man buys a farm of 97 A., at $110 per acre, on a credit
of 9mo. What discount should be allowed if the money is paid
down, reckoning at5%? At 64%? Last ans. $495.984.
16. Bought goods to the amount of $1200, one third payable
in 8mo., one third in 6mo., and the rest in 9mo. What sum
paid down would discharge the whole debt, money being worth
6 per cent? Ans. $1165.21.
17. Which is worth most, 8500 cash down, $516 six months
hence, or $530 in twelve months, money being worth 7%?
18. A merchant, having bought some goods, has his choice
between paying the face of the bill, $1050, in 90 days, or paying
cash at a discount of 2%. If money is worth 7%, which had he
better do, and what will he gain by so doing ?
Ans. Pay cash; gain, $2.94.
Bank Discount. ys
379, A Bank is an institution chartered by law, for
the purpose of receiving deposits, loaning money, and
issuing notes, or bills, payable on demand in specie,—
that is, in gold or silver.
380. Banks loan money on notes. Deducting a cer-
tain part of the face of the note in consideration of ad-
vancing the money, the bank pays over the rest to the
borrower. The note is then said to be discounted. It
thus becomes the property of the bank, which, when it
matures, receives from the drawer the amount of its face.
The portion deducted, or allowance made to the bank,
is called the Bank Discount, The sum paid to the holder
is called the Proceeds or Avails of the note.
A merchant holds a note for $200, payable in 90 days. ‘Wishing to
379. What is a Bank ?—880. When is a note said to be discounted? What is
meant by Bank Discount? What is meant by the Proceeds or Avails of the note?
Illustrate this process amd these definitions.
use the money immediately, he endorses it, takes it to his bank, and
places it in the discount box. If both maker and endorser are considered
responsible, the bank retains the note, and, deducting $3. 10, pays over the
balance $196.90 to the holder. The Bank Discount is $3.10; the Pro-
ceeds are $196.90. =e
381, Bank discount is greater than true discount,—
the former being computed on the face of the note or
amount, the latter on the present worth or principal. It
is equivalent: to simple interest paid in advance, for three
days more than the time specified in the note,—thr ee days
of grace being always allowed in computing bank discount.
382. Casz L—TZo find the bank discount and proceeds
of a note, rts face being given.
Ex. 1.—A holds a note for $1000, dated Feb. 1,1866,
payable in 4mo. April 1, he gets it discounted at 6
W hat are the bank discount and proceeds ?
Two months having expired at the date of discount, IntereEt just be
computed for 2mo. 8 “da.
Interest of $1 for 2 re ae ee
$1000 see 7 Peo NO, Proceeds. t Answers.
Ruize.—1. Hor the bank discount, find the interest on
the face of the note, at the given rate, jor three days more
than the specified time.
. Lor the proceeds, subtract the bank discount from
the face of the note.
383. If the note bears interest, cast interest as above
on the amount due at maturity, in stead of on the face
of the note.
Ex. 2.—At 7%, what is the bank discount on a note for
8600, payable in 6 mo. with interest at 6%?
Amount of $600, for 6 mo. 8 da., at 6%, $618.30.
Interest on $618.30, for 6 mo. 3 da., at 7%, $22.
FER $22,
881. How does bank discount compare with true discount? Why is bank dis-
count the greater? To what is it equivalent ?—882. What is Case I.? Explain Ex-
amplel. Recite the rule—3883. If the note bears interest, how must we proceed?
Solve Example 2. How does it differ from Ex, 1?
1. What is the bank discount on a note for $1000, for 3 mo.,
at 7%? Ans. $18,083.
2. Ona note for $150, for 6 mo., at 6%?
3. On a note for $375, for 3 mo. 9da., at 7%?
4, On a note for $400, for 9 mo. 27 da., at 64%?
5. Find the proceeds of a note for $472, nominally due Nov.
_15, discounted the 15th of the previous January, at 7 per cent.
: Ans, $444.19.
6. A note for$1800, payable in 60 days, was discounted at a
-bank at 6%; how much did the holder receive? Ans. $1781.10.
7. A merchant gets three notes discounted, the first two at a
broker’s for 6 %, the third at a bank for 7%. What does he receive
on_all three, the first being for $837.50 payable in 80 days, the
Pesoad for $650 in 60 days, the third for $6720 in 90 days?
Ans. $8074.55.
8. A farmer buys 43 A. 1 R. of land at $80 an acre. Getting
a note for $4280.75, payable in 90 days, discounted at a bank at
6%, he pays for his land out of the proceeds; how much has he
left ? Ans. $754.40.
9. A builder buys 23250 ft. of boards, at $80 per M., paying
the bill with his note at 15 days. The seller gets the ibs dis-
counted at a bank three days afterwards, at 7%; how much does
he realize for it ? Ans. $695.47.
10. What is the difference between the bank discount and the
true discount on a note dated Feb. 1, 1866, for $400, payable in
90 days, at 7%? Ans. 85c.
11. What are the proceeds of a note for $426.10, payable in
57 days, with interest at 4, discounted at a bank for 6%? ($883)
. Ans. $426.06.
12. A owes B for 46 bundles of paper, at £1 10s. aream. He
pays B the proceeds of a note for £100, payable in 80 days, which
he gets discounted at a bank for 6%. How much Is he then in
B’s debt? Ans. £38 11s.
18. A person having a six-month note for $1200, dated May
2, 1866, on the 1st of June gets it discou ted at a bank for 5 %,
and invests the proceeds in land at $1 per acre. How much land
does he buy Ans, 11744 A.
14. If I get a note for $720, payable 4mo. 15 da. hence, with
interest at 7%, discounted at 6%, what will the discount be ?
384, Case IL—TZo find for what sum a note must be
drawn, for a given time and rate, to yield certain pro-
Ex.—For what sum must a note be drawn at 90 days,
that, when discounted at a bank at 64, it may yield $200
proceeds ?
Find the proceeds of $1, for the given time and rate.
Bank discount on $1 for 90 + 3 days, at 6%, $.0155.
Proceeds of $1, discounted for 95 days, at 6%, $.9845.
Since $1 yields $ .9845 proceeds, to yield $200 proceeds will require
as many times $1 as $ .9845 is contained times in $200, or $203.149.
Proor.—Bank discount on $203.149, at 6 7%, for 93 days, $3.149.
$203.149 — $3.149 = $200, Proceeds.
Ruite.—l. Divide the given proceeds by the proceeds
of $1 for the gwen time and rate.
2. Prove by finding whether the proceeds of the result
equal the given proceeds. 3
1. For what sum must a note be drawn, that, when discounted
for 8 mo., at 6 %, its proceeds may be $600? Ans. $609.45.
2, What must be the face of a note, that, when discounted at
5% for 10 mo., the avails may be $1000 ? Ans. $1043.93.
3. For what amount must I draw my note at 12 mo., that,
when discounted at 7%, it may yield $100 ?
4, For what sum must a note dated May 3, payable Nov. 3,
be drawn, to yield $365, when discounted at 6%? Ans. $376.48.
5. A man bought a house for $3287 cash. How large a note,
payable in 90 days, must he have discounted at 6 4, to realize that
amount? Ans. $3338.75,
ts —— |
834, What is Case U.? Explain and prove the given example ¢ _,
6. I had three notes discounted at 64%, for 8 mo., 4mo., and
6 mo., respectively. The proceeds were $600, $400, and $300.
’ What was the face of each ? Sum of ans. $1827.26.
7. A merchant had three six-month notes discounted at 5, 6,
and 7 %, respectively. The proceeds of each were $1000. What
was the face of each ? First ans. $1026.08.
385. Commission is a percentage allowed to an agent
for the purchase or sale of property, the collection or in-
vestment of money, or the transaction of other business.
A party attending to such business for a commission
is called an Agent, a Factor, Commission-merchant, or
386. A Broker is one who buys or sells goods for
another, without having them at any time in his posses-
sion, or who exchanges money, obtains loans, or deals
in stocks. The commission paid to a Broker is called
The rate of commission and brokerage differs according to the busi-
ness transacted and the amount involved, ranging from + to 5¢. A com-
mission-merchant usually gets 24¢-for selling goods, and an additional
242 if he guarantees the payment.
387. A Consignment is a lot of goods sent by one
party to another for sale. The party sending them is
called the Consignor; the one receiving them, the Con-
signee. 3
The Gross Proceeds of a consignment are the whole
885. What is Commission? Whatisa party attending to business on commis-
sion called 7—886. What isa Broker? What is Brokcrage? Between what limits
does the rate of commission and brokerage generally range? What does a commis-
sion-merchant usually get for selling goods ?—387. What is a Consignment? Who
45 the Consignor? Who is the Consignee? Whatis meant by the Gross Proeeeds
Ie. sa fe _- — ‘i_: ts A Py. Ds | Fa Or om (ae 2 oben 2 ae, 7 “ale eh Te
fe ee ae ee fn Oe eer eee ee MLO xr en A reece ORR, ee eee
— rq . , wh
a - : 7 we aad % ai a ae A Pans
amount realized by the sale. The Net Proceeds are what
is left for the owner, after deducting commission and other
388, Stocks is a general term applied to Government
or State bonds, and the capital of companies incorporated
or chartered by law. There are state stocks, bank stocks,
railroad stocks, &c.
When a company is formed for building a railroad, constructing a
telegraph line, establishing a bank, carrying on extensive manufacturing
operations, or any other enterprise, those interested subscribe a certain
amount needed for conducting the business, which constitutes the Capi-
tal, or Stock, of the company. This stock is divided into portions called
Shares, which may be of any amount, but are usually $100 each, and
are represented by Certificates or Scrip. —Stock is bought and sold by
brokers. It is constantly fluctuating in value, rising or falling according
to the demand for it, the profits of the company, and other influences.
Those who own any particular stock, whether by original subscrip-
tion or purchase, are called Stockholders. They constitute the Com-
pany, and elect Directors, by whom a President and other officers are
389, A broker who deals in stocks is called a Stock-
broker. His commission for buying or selling is reck-
oned at a certain per cent. (usually $%) on the nominal
value of the stock, without reference to the market price.
390. Commission is a percentage.
The money collected, realized, or invested, is the dase.
The per cent. allowed as commission is the rate.
Hence, by the principles of Percentage (§ 321), these
Roies.—I. Zo find the commission, multiply the base
by the rate.
Il. Zo jind the rate, divide the commission by the base.
Ill. Zo find the base, divide the commission by the
efaconsignment? By the Net Proceeds ?—3888. What is meant by Stocks? When
a company is formed, how is the necessary capital obtained? How is this capital,
or stock, divided? By whom is stock bought and sold? What makes it fluctuate
in value? Who are called Stockholders? Whom do they elect? Who are chosen
by the directors ?—389. What is a broker who deals in stocks called? How is a
stock-broker’s commission reckoned ?—390. Commission being a percenta age, what
is the base? Whatis the rate? Recite the rules. oh
[In all the examples relating to stocks, take $100 for a share, un
less otherwise directed. |
1. What commission must be paid an agent for collecting bills
to the amount of $2460, at 5%? Ans. $123.
2. A broker buys for me 100 shares of Erie R. R. stock, and
sells the same the next day. What is his brokerage, 4% being
charged for each transaction ?
8. A lady, having $22000 on bond and mortgage at 6%, em-
ploys an agent to collect 1 year’s interest and invest it. What
commission must she pay, the rate being 244% for collecting and
44 for investing ? ‘ Ans. $39.60.
4, What brokerage must a person pay to have $1475 uncur-
rent money exchanged, at an average rate of 3%, and how much
should he receive in current funds ?
5. An auctioneer, who charges 24%, receives $225 for selling
some paintings; how much did they sell for ? Ans. $11250.
6. What are the net proceeds of a consignment sold for $4250,
on which there are charges of $27 cartage, $103 storage, and 24%
commission ? Ans. $4018.75. A
7. Sold 412 bales of cotton, averaging 405 Ib. each, @ 27c. a Ib.
What was the commission, at 24% ? Ans. $1126.305.
8. What % does a commission-merchant charge, who receives
$223 for buying $5575 worth of goods ? Ans. 4%.
9, A factor in Mobile received from a planter 514 bales of cot-
ton; after paying on it $840 expenses, he sold it at $120 a bale.
He then bought for the planter $1525 worth of hardware, and
groceries to the amount of $3018.20. His commission being 2%
on sales, and 8% on purchases, how much must he remit to the
planter ? Ans. $54926.90.
10. An agent collects for a society 250 bills, of $6 eack. How
much must he pay over, if he gets 5 4 commission ?
II. A broker sells for a customer 250 shares of N. Y. Central
R. R. stock, and buys for him 800 shares of Michigan Southern.
At 4%, what is the brokerage ?
7 ee oat
12, Wishing to buy 85 A. of land, I obtained the necessary
amount through a broker, who charged 14% for negotiating the
loan. His commission amounted to $63.75; what did the land
cost per acre ? Ans. $75.
13. A commission-merchant, nee selling $12000 worth of grain
and guaranteeing payment, charged $600, and for purchasing a
bill of $4220 charged $63.30. What % did he charge for each
transaction ?
14, A factor, having sold 1250 barrels of flour at $8 a barrel,
invested his commission, which was at the rate of 12%, in a new
company that was forming. How many shares; at $25 each, did
he take? Ans. 7.
- f
391. Zo find the base, the rate and the sum or differ-
ence of the commission and base being given.
A party sometimes remits to an agent a certain amount
to be invested, after deducting his commission. Here the
sum of the commission and base is given, and the base, or
amount invested, is required.
Again, when the net proceeds and rate are known, it
is sometimes required to find the gross proceeds of a sale.
Here the difference between the base and the commission
is given, and the base is required.
These cases are analogous to those presented in § 323,
under Percentage.
Ex. 1.—B, sends a commission-merchant $6000 to invest
in cotton, after deducting his commission of 2%. How
much must be invested, and what is the commission ?
Every $1 invested will cost B $1 + 2c. commission, or $1.02. Hence
there wili be as many times $1 invested as $1.02 is contained times in
$6000. $6000 + 1.02 = $5882.35, Amount invested.
The commission will be the difference between the whole amount sent
and the sum invested. $6000 — $5882.35 = $117.65, Commission.
Prove by finding whether the commission on 85889. 35, at 24, is
891. What cases are sometimes presented, analogous ie those in § 828, under
Percentage? Explain Example 1.
Ex. 2.—A real estate agent, having sold a house, pays
himself 1% commission, and hands over to the owner
$13365. What did the property bring, and what is the
commission ?
The commission being 1 4, every $1 of the purchase price will net the
owner 99c. The house, therefore, brought as many times $1, as 99c., the
net proceeds of $1, is contained times in $18365, the net proceeds the
owner received. $13365 + .99 = $138500, Selling price.
The commission will be the difference between the selling price and
the net proceeds. $18500 — $13365 = $185, Commission.
Prove by finding whether the commission on $138500, at 1 Z, is $135.
392. Rute.—1. For the base, divide the given number
of dollars by 1 increased or diminished by the rate ex-
pressed decimally, according as the sum or difference of
the commission and base is given.
2. For the commission, take the difference between the
base and the given number of dollars.
3. Prove by finding whether the commission obtained
by multiplying the base by the given rate, equals the com-
mission as just found.
1. A broker receives $30000 to invest in real estate, after de-
ducting his brokerage of }%. What will be the amount invested,
and. what his commission ? First ans. $29925.19.
2. A person sends his commission-merchant $15000 to invest
in corn. The commission, 1%, being taken out of the sum sent,
and the corn costing 75c. a bushel, how ‘many bushels were pur-
chased ? Ans. 19801 bu. +
3. An agent, having sold some property, paid the owner
$11137.50, which remained after deducting his commission of 1%.
What did the property sell for ? Ans. $11250.
4, A commission-merchant paid $1000.50 charges on a con-
signinent, retained 24% commission, and remitted $38487 to the
owner; what were the gross proceeds? Ans. $40500.
Explain Example 2.—392. Recite the rule for finding the base and commission,
when the sum or difference of the commission and base is given,
5. An agent, who gets 54%, collects a number of bills of $16
each, for a society. He pays over to the treasurer $1149.50; how
many bills were collected ? Ans. 121,
6. What are the gross proceeds of a consignment, if the com-
mission is 24%, the other charges are $1000.85, and the net pro-
ceeds $12772 2
7. A gentleman who has $30000 invested on bond and mort-
gage at 7%, employs an agent to collect six months’ interest, and
directs him to invest in grain what is left after paying himself his
commission,—which was 1% on the amount collected, and 2% on
the amount invested. How much was invested? Ans. $1019.12.
Account of Sales.
393. An Account of Sales is a statement rendered by a
commission-merchant to a consignor, setting forth the
prices obtained for the goods sent and the amount real-
ized, the charges paid and the net proceeds due the con.
‘ signor. They are made out in the following form :—
Sales of Flour for acct. of Rk. Day & Co., Buffalo.
1866. | Sold to Description. Bar. @
June 1 | Beck & Co. | Extra Ohio. 83 | $9.00 | $747.00
“ 9 | I. R. Shaw. || Canadian. 20 | 9.20 184.00
“64 | S. Bennett, Phenix Mills. | 95 | 8.75 831.25
cs Dk. David Orr. eee Gee. OFLU. 652.50
“© | Roe & Son. oxty Mills. 160 | 7.95 | 1272.00
Freight on 483 bar., @ Wes $324.78
Cartage, . ; tite e bo
Storage, . . 43.30
Commission on $3686. 75, @ 24%, 92.17%
Total charges, $481.72
Net proceeds to credit of R. Day & Co., Are 03 |
EV &si OnE 5.0 LPAAMAL ay arr"
N. Y., June 6, 1866. ‘Burrerwortn, Hupson & Co.
* Errors and omissions excepted.
. ih,
1. Make out the following Account of Sales, and find the net
proceeds due the consignor :—
Sales of 4265 Bushels Wheat, for acct. of Asa F- Mac
1866. Sold to | Description. Bion a vil
July 2 | H. Brown. | Red Winter. 750 | $1.90 | $
pa ant avy cNEtLiss 600 | 1.89
““ 38 | Bruce & Co. % 3 600 | 1.92
¢ “| Farr Bro’s. | New Mich. 500 | 2.62
Bere Le hes hOOs h 2% 940 | 2.61
eee tts soo E Ute °° Re 875 | 2.59 |
i §
Freight on 1950 bu., @ 12¢, $
“9315 bu, @ 124,
Advertising, . ‘ ‘ - $5.45
Commission on $ , at 24%,
Total charges, $
Net proceeds to credit of Asa F. White, $
E. & O. E.
Piet. July 1, 1800. Harrison & Barrow.
2. Make out an Account of Sales, in proper form, from the fol-
lowing data :—
Messrs. Meyer & Herzog, commission-merchants, of New Yerk,
received a consignment of provisions from Henry L. Jones & Co.,
of Rome, N. Y., as follows :—10 firkins of butter, 940 1b. ; 37 cwt.
of cheese; 80 barrels mess pork; 16 cwt. hams; 40 packages
shoulders, 2700 Ib.
They paid charges on the consignment as follows :—Freight,
$75.40; drayage, $5.75; storage, $12.25; insurance, $6.50; ad-
vertising, $12.75. Their commission was 24%.
They sold the butter, June 19, 1866, @ 374c. alb.; the cheese,
same date, @19c. June 20, they sold the pork @ $31 per bar.,
the hams @ 183c. a lb., the shoulders @ 14c.
Ans. Net proceeds, $2484.26.
394, The Market Value of a stock is what it sells for.
395. When the market value of a stock is the same as
its nominal value, it is said to be at par.
When its market value is greater than its nominal value,
it is said to be above par or at a premium; and when
less, to be below par or at a discount.
When a hundred-dollar share sells for $100, the stock is at par; at
S101, it is above par, or at a premium of 1%; at $99, it is below par, or
at a discount of 1%. The premium or discount is always reckoned on the
par value as a base.—Stock is generally quoted at the market value of one ~
share. In the three cases just specified, it would be quoted respectively
at 100, 101, and 99.
396. When the capital for a new company has been
subscribed, if it is not all needed immediately it is called
for in portions, or Instalments—a certain per cent. at a
397. Stockholders are sometimes called on to meet
losses or make up deficiencies, by paying a certain
amount on each share they hold. The term Assessment
is applied to a sum thus called for.
398. The Gross Earnings of a company consist of all
the moneys received in the course of their business. The
Net Earnings are what is left after deducting expenses.
When there are net earnings to any considerable amount,
they are divided, in whole or in part, among the stock-
holders, according to their respective amounts of stock.
399, A Dividend is a sum paid from the earnings of a
company to its stockholders.
Let the capital of a company be $2500000 ; let its gross earnings for
394. What is meant by the Market Valuc of a stock ?—395. When is a stock
said to be at par? When, above par? . When, below par? When, at a@ pre-
mium? When, at a discount? Illustrate these definitions.—396. What is meant
by Instalments ?—397. What is meant by an Assessment ?—398, What is meant by
the Gross Earnings of a company? By the Net Earnings? "When there are net
earnings to any considerable amount, what is done with them?—399. What is a
Dividend ?
oe Pp a aw
\ Me
248 “stocks. —BONDS
six months be $250000, and its expenses for the same time $100000:
the net earnings will be $150000. Of this sum it is thought best to re
tain $50000 as a surplus, to meet any unforeseen expenses, and to divide
the rest, $100000, among the stockholders. To find the rate, the per-
centage must be divided by the base, $321. $100000 + 2500000 = .04.
A dividend of 4 per cent. is declared ; and each stockholder’s dividend
will be found by taking 4 % of the par value of his stock.
490. When a company need money, they sometimes
borrow it on their property as security, issuing Bonds,
which bear a certain fixed rate of interest without refer-
ence to the profits. ‘The income from the stock, on the
other hand, depends on the net earnings,—the interest on
the Bonds, as well as other expenses, having been first
401. Cities, counties, and states, may also issue Bonds
to raise money. ‘These Bonds are named according to
the interest they bear. Thus, Tennessee 6’s are Bonds
bearing 6 per cent., issued by the state of Tennessee.
402. The United States Government has issued sev-
eral different classes of Bonds and Treasury Notes, which
constitute what are called “U.S8. Securities” or “ Fed-
eral Securities”.
U.S. 5’s of °71 and ’74 are bonds payable respectively in 1871 and
1874, bearing interest at 54 in gold.
U.S. 6's of °67, 68, and ’81, are bonds payable respectively in 1867,
1868, and 1881, bearing interest at 6 4 in gold.
5-20’s are bonds bearing interest at 6% in gold, so called from their
being payable in not less than 5 or more than 20 years from their date,
at the pleasure of the Government.
10-40’s are bonds bearing interest at 5 4 in gold, so called from their
being payable in not less than 10 or more than 40 years from their date,
at the pleasure of the Government.
7-30’s or 7 8-10’s [Seven-thirties or seven and three-tenths| are
treasury notes payable in three years from their date; they are so called
from their bearing interest at 74%5 % in currency, or lawful money.
403, In the case of sales, brokers have to use a revenue stamp eqval
in value to 1 cent on each $100 (or fraction of $100) of the currency value
of the stocks or bonds sold ; this is charged to the parties for whom they sell.
‘ Tllustrate the mode of finding the rate of a dividend to be declared. How is
each stockholder’s dividend found ?—400. How is money sometimes raised by a
company? How does the income from bonds differ from that arising from stock ?—
401. What besides companies may issue bonds? How are these bonds named?
Give an example,—402. Name the several classes of United States Securities,
STOCKS. forse ObDr 8 249
[Unless otherwise directed, take $100 for a share, and }¢@ for the
vate when brokerage is paid. ]
1. What is the market value of 200 shares of N. Y. Central
R. R. stock, at 97 ?
If 1 share is worth $97, 200 shares are worth 200 times $97.
2. What will I have to pay for 200 shares of N. Y. Central, at
97, and brokerage on the same ?
1 share will cost $97 + 4 per cent. of $100 (brokerage), or $97.25.
200 shares will cost 200 times $97.25.
3. What will I realize on 200 shares of N. Y. Central sold at
97, over and above brokerage and cost of revenue stamp ?
200 shares, at 97, $19400.00.
Deduct brokerage, 1 per cent. on $20000, $50.00.
“ for stamp, 1c, on 194 hundred dollars, 1.94.
$50 + $1.94 = $51.94. $19400 — $51.94 = 19348.06. Ans.
4, What is the market value of 100 shares of Michigan Cen-
tral, at a premium of 34%? Ans. $10350.
5. What will 125 shares of Western Union Telegraph stock
cost, at 80% discount, with brokerage ? Ans, $8781.25.
6. What will be realized, over and above brokerage and cost
of revenue stamp, on 500 shares, of $25 each, sold at a premium
of 24%? Ans. $12748.72.
7. Bought through a broker 100 shares of Alton and Terre
Haute at 312; what do they cost? Ans. $3212.50.
8. Sold Virginia 6’s to the amount of $20000, at a discount of
30%; and 2000 three-dollar shares of a petroleum stock, at 45 %
discount. No brokerage being paid, how much is realized from
the sale ? Ans. $17800.
9. Bought 50 shares of Ocean Bank stock at par, and sold
them at 105. What is the profit, brokerage being paid on each
transaction, and the cost of revenue stamp being deducted ?
Find the profit on 1 share, by deducting 50c. brokerage from 5, the advance in
price. Multiply the profit on 1 share by the number of shares, and from the prod-
uct subtract the cost of stamp.
10. What is the loss on 250 fifty-dollar shares, bought for 102
sad sold at 993, taking brokerage and cost of stamp into account?
11. I buy through a broker 175 shares of bank stoald at 97%,
and sell them through the same at a premium of 4%; what is my
profit ? .
12. Ifa person buys 40 fifty-dollar shares at 18 4 above par, and
sells them at 114% below par, does he make or lose, and how
much ? 4
13. A person exchanges 150 shares of Erie at 60, for stock be
a Quicksilver Co. at 25% premium. How many shares should he
- receive ? Ans. 72 shares.
14. Bought some stock at 92, sold it at 944. Brokerage was
paid on each transaction. The profit being bie ees many
shares were there ?.
Brokerage on 1 share $.50, Cost of stamp on I share sold at 943, $.00945. $.50 +
$ .00945 = $ .50945. Profit on 1 share, $2.50 — $.50945 = $1. 99055. As many shares
were solid as $1.99055 is contained times in $398.11. --
15. How much stock, at 10% discount, can be bought for
$4500, brokerage being left out of account ? Ans. 50 shares.
What will 1 share cost, at 10 per cent. discount ?
How many shares, at that price, can be bought for $4500?
_ 16. How much stock, at a premium of 344%, can be bought for -
$10350, brokerage being paid ? Ans. 100 shares.
17. A merchant wishes to sell sufficient stock to realize $15000.
The stock being at 754, and brokerage } 4, how many shares must
he sell?
18. Bought 100 shares of Nassau Bank stock at 105. ‘They
were sold at a profit of $350, leaving brokerage out of account ;
what premium did they bring? \f Ans. 84%
19. A broker receives $19100 to Mavest in Kentucky 6’s, bro-
kerage to be paid out of the amount sent. The stock stands at
954; how many thousand-dollar bonds can he buy, and what in-
come will be received from them every year ?
20. A company with a capital of $750000, having earned
$22500, put aside $3750 as a surplus. What per cent. dividend
can they declare? (See § 899.) Ans. 24 %.
21. In the above company, A holds 10000 worth of stock ;
B, $20000; ©, $17500. What will their dividends respectively
Picant to? Ans, A’s, $250, &e.
: re \
| |
22. A railroad company having declared a dividend of 3 %,
tow much will a person who holds 400 fifty-dollar shares receive ?
23. A mining company, whose shares at par are $25, declare a
dividend of 1% every month. How much will a party who holds
- > 1000 shares receive in one year ?
24. I hold $5000 worth of 6% bonds im a certain company, and
50 shares of the capital stock. The company declare semi-annual
dividends of 34%. What ismy yearly income from both ?
In these Examples, the government tax of five per cent. on dividends and in-
terest accruing on all bonds (except those of the U. 8.) is left out of account.
25. D bought 100 shares of stock at 84, and sold them at 87, re-
ceiving meanwhile a dividend of 3%. What was his profit?
26. A company with a capital of $10000000 have $200000 net
earnings; what dividend can they declare? What dividend will |
a party receive who holds $10000 of their stock ?
27. How much stock in the above company does a party hold,
who receives adividend of $10000 ?
~ Dividend = Stock x Rate. :
Hence, Stock = Dividend + Rate. Rate = Dividend + Stock.
28. What @ dividend does a person get, who receives $350 and
owns 50 shares of stock ? .
29. When gold is at a premium of 294, what is $1000 in gold
worth in currency ? .
$1 gold = $1.29 currency. $1000 gold = $1.29 x 1000 currency.
The banks having suspended specie payments in 1861, gold and silver have
since that time commanded a premium; that is, $1 in gold or silver has been worth
more than $1 in currency.
30. When gold is at 129, how much gold will $1290 in cur-
rency buy ? Ans. $1290 + $1.29 = $1000.
31. When gold is at 141, how much in current funds will
$12000 in gold cost?
32. When gold is at a premium of 254%, how much gold will
ee in currency buy ? .
. A lady holds $8000 worth of U.S. 5-20’s; what will she
receive annually from these bonds in currency, if gold commands
a premium of 80%? (See § 402.)
$8000 x .0G = $480 in gold, $450 x 1.30 = $624 in currency,
~ ¥ ~ a Ds
34, What is the semi-annual income in currency from $15000
~_.. worth of U. §. 5-20’s, when gold brings 133 ?
35. What is the yearly income in currency from $10000 in
U.S. 10-40’s, when gold is worth 126? Ans. $630.
36. What is the yearly income from $20000 in U. S. 7-30’s?
37. What yearly income will one who subscribes for $10000
of a seven per cent. loan, at par, receive from it ?
ae ND 38. Ifa person invests $8245 in 6% bonds, at 97, what will be
_ A ~ his annual income from the investment ?
rd Each dollar of stock bought costs 97c. Hence, for $8245 can be bought as many
fi dollars of stock as 97c. is contained times in $8245. Then find the interest on the
amount bought, at 6 per cent.
ra 89. What income will be annually received from certain 7%
rie / bonds, bought at 108, and costing $14420 ? Ans. $980.
d ‘a A 40. A person invests $19600 in 10-40’s, at 98. What income
A ~~ in currency will he annually receive from the bonds purchased,
if gold sells at 1402 ~ Ans. $1400.
ge 41. When gold is worth 129, what half-yearly income in cur-
~—=—~rent funds will a person receive.wh Anyests $7540 in U.S. 5-20's,
Ans. $280. BIT.
mn then selling at 104 ?
y 42. When Missour What,sum must be invested
_ in them, to yield an annuaFigeome of $2700 2
: te Stock required = Income + Rate. $2700 + .06 = $45000. eo |
/ 4% 4. — $45000 stock, at 75, will cost $38750 Ans. Hence the following rule :— vA
aR: £0 4404, Rutz.— To find um must be invested in
, . bonds, selling at a given raté to secure a given mcome,
~ <4 4, Find the par value of the stock required, by dividing
l the given annual income by the annual income of $1 of
the stock.
2. Multiply this par value by the market value of $1
of the stock.
43. How much must one inyest in Brooklyn 6’s, at 90, to _
secure an annual income of $1500 ? Ans. $22500. ~
A4, 1f I scll $10000 U. S. 6’s, at 107, and with part of the pro-
ceeds buy N. Y. Central 6's, at 90, sufficient to yield $300 an-
nually, how much will I have left ? Ans, $6200.
= ase a ae
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45, When U. S. 7-80’s are selling at 103, what sum must be
invested in them to yield $1460 a year? What sum invested in
them will yield a semi-annual income of $109.50 ?
46. When N, Carolina 6’s are 15% below par, what will be
the cost of bonds sufficient to yield $1200 yearly ?
47. Holding a large amount of Erie R. stock, I wish to sell
part of it and buy Tennessee 6’s sufficient to yield me $1800 a
year. Erie standing at 60, and Tennessee 6’s at 90, how many ~~
shares of Erie must I sell to make the change, leaving brokerage
out of account ? Ans. 450 shares.
48. What 4 income will a person realize on his investment,
who buys 6 per cent. bonds at 96?
$1 of the stock yields 6c. and costs 96c. The question therefore becomes, What
per cent. is 6c. of 96c.? Divide the percentage by the base, § 321.
-06 +- .96 = .0625. Ans. 64 per cent. Hence the following rule :—
405. Rutz.—TZo find what % annual income is real-
ized on an investment in stocks at a given price,
Divide the annual income of $1 by the cost of $1 of
the stock.
49. What % income will be realized on 7% bonds bought at
91? At98? At105? First ans. 75%.
50. If I get an annual dividend of 74 on stock that cost me
70, what % do I receive on my investment ?
51. What % on the investment will a stock bought at 90 yield,
if a dividend of 3% is paid every six months? _ Ans. 63.
52. What % on his investment will a person receive, who buys
U. 8. seven-thirties at 104? Ans. Ti5 %
53. What % on his investment will a person receive, who buys
U. S. 6’s at 107, when gold stands at 150?
206) x5 D0.== 09 .09 + 1.07 = 84% per cent. Ans.
54, When U.8. 10-40’s are at 97, and gold is worth 125, what
per cent. will an investment in these bonds yield ?
_ 55. A person desiring to make a permanent investment, hesi-
tates between buying U. 8. 7-30’s at 103 and Kentucky 6’s at 95.
Which will pay him the better 4 on his investment, and how
much ? - Ans. Seven-thirties, 1549 4,
56. Which investment will pay the better Z—and how much—
5-20’s at 1044, or 10-40’s at 9732
57. A person having his money invested on bond and mort-
gage, at 6%, calls it in, and buys Michigan Central 8's, at 110.
How does his rate of income on the latter investment compare
with what it was before ? Ans. 1,2,% better.
58. Which is the best for permanent investment—bd’s at 75,
6’s at 85, or 7’s at par?
59. A party investing in 5 per cent. bonds realizes 8% income
on his investment. How did the bonds stand when he bought?
$1 of the bonds yields 5c. The question therefore becomes, 5c. is 8 per cent.
of what? Divide the percentage by the rate, §231:
.05 + .08 = .625, cost of $1 of the bonds.
.625 x 100 = 62.5, cost of $100 of the bonds. Ans. 62}.
60. What must one buy a 74% stock for, to realize an income
of 8% on his investment ? Ans. 874.
61. How much above par does an 8% stock sell for, when it
pays an interest of 7% on the investment? What must it sell for,
to pay an interest of 9% on the investment ?
62. When gold stands at 130, what must a party buy 5-20’s
for, to realize 7% on his investment ?
$1 of the bonds yields $.06 in gold, or (.06 x 1.30) $.078 in currency, Then pro-
ceed a8 in Example 59. i
63. When gold is at 135, what must eae for, to yield
8% interest on the investment ? Ans. 84%.
64. What must gold sell for, that a party investing in 5-20’s,
at 105, may realize 8% interest. on his investment? —
$1 of 5-20's yiclds $ .06 in gold, and costs $1.05.
Hence, § 231, .06 + 1.05 = .053. The interest on the investment, in gold, is
therefore 53; and, to pay 8 per cent. in currency, gold must sell for as much as 53 is
contained times in S, or 1.40. Ans, 40 per cent. premium, or 140.
65. What must gold sell for, that an investment in 10-40’s at
97 may yield an interest of 7%? Ans. 1354.
66. Which is the better investment, U. S. 5-20’s at 104, gold
standing at 125, or Virginia 6’s at 70—and how much?
67. If I sell 200 shares of stock at 49, paying brokerage, and
invest the proceeds in 10-40’s at 974, what will be my annual in-
come when gold is 130? ; Ans. $650.
406. A Bankrupt is one who fails in business, or is
unable to meet his obligations. Such a party is said to
be insolvent.
The Assets of a bankrupt are the property in his hands.
His Liabilities are his debts, or obligations.
407, When a person becomes bankrupt, an Assignee
is usually appointed, who takes possession of the assets,
turns them into cash, and, after deducting his own
charges, divides the net proceeds among the creditors
in proportion to their claims.
ExampLe.—A merchant fails, owing A $3000, B $6250,
C $800, and D $9950. His assets are $8650, and the ex-
penses of settling $650. What can he pay on the dollar,
and how much will each creditor receive ?
We must first find the rate of dividend. The total of liabilities is the
dase; the net proceeds of the assets, the percentage. Dividing the per-
centage by the base, § 321, we find the rate to be 404%, or 40 cents on
the dollar. Each creditor’s share is then found by multiplying his claim
by this rate.
Prove by finding whether the sum of the several dividends corresponds
with the net proceeds to be divided.
Lrap’s, A $3090 ASSETS, $8650 A $3000 x .4@ = $1200
B 6250 Expenses, 650 B 6250 x .46 — 2500
C $80 ise C 800 x 40—- 320
B 9950 Net-pis:, anee D 9950 x .40— 3980
Scae $000 — 20000 — .40
Total, $20000 Rate, 40 4, Proor, $8000.
408. Ruru.—1. Find the rate of dividend, by divid-
ing the net preceeds of the assets by the total of liabilities.
2. Find each crediter’s dividend, by multiplying his
claim by this rate.
406. What is a Bankrupt? What is meant by the Assets of a bankrupt? By
his Liabilities ?—407. When a person becomes bankrupt, what is usually done? Go
threugh the example, explaining the several steps and proof.—408, Recite the rule.
a a eee AS Paes ares See ve
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1. A merchant becomes insolvent, owing A $375.50, B $1106,.
C $4168.75, D $3725, and E $8630.75. His assets realize $11400,
and the assignee’s charge is $600. What is the rate of dividend,
and what each creditor’s share ? Ans. Rate, 60%.
2. Harrison & Co. having failed, their liabilities are found to
be $71600. Their assets consist of goods that sell for $9815;
debts collectible, $17005; house and lot, worth $7250. The as-
signee’s charge is 5% on the assets, and other expenses amount to
$146.50. What % can they pay, and how much will Ira Jones
receive, to whom they owe $12500 ? Last ans. $5625. -
8. S becomes insolvent, owing $62000, and having $14200.
assets; the expenses of settling are $560. How much can he
pay on a dollar? What is P’s dividend on a claim of $1400? Q
receives $275 ; what was his claim ? Last ans. $1250.
4, A bankrupt settled with his creditors for 35c. on a dollar. -
B received a dividend of $5075, and 0 54% of that amount; what
were their respective claims ? Ans. O's, $725.
5. The assets of a bankrupt are $42000. He owes V $17000, W
$24150, X $37140.75, Y $28000.50, and Z $10708.75. Y becomes
assignee, and receives 4% on the assets for his services; the other
expenses of settling are $1320. What is each creditor’s share—
Y’s to include his percentage as assignee? Ans. Y’s, $11018.50.
(ee es
409, Insurance is a contract by which, in considera-
tion of a certain sum paid, one party agrees to secure
another against loss or risk.
410, There are different kinds of Insurance :—
_ Fire Insurance secures against loss or damage by fire;
Marine Insurance, against the dangers of navigation;
Accident Insurance, against casualties to travellers and
others. Health Insurance secures a weekly allowance
during sickness. Life Insurance secures a certain sum,
on the death of the insured, to some party named in the
411. The Underwriter is the insurer,—the person or
company that takes the risk.
The Policy is the written contract.
The Premium is the sum paid the underwriter for
taking the risk. In the case of Fire and Marine Insur-
ance, it is reckoned at a certain % on the sum insured.
‘412. The rate is sometimes given at so many cents on $100, in
stead of on $1. In that case, be careful to write the decimal properly.
20 cents on $1 is written .2; on $100, .002. 45c. on $1 is .45; on $100,
Insurance is usually effected with companies. Some companies, to
guard against fraud, will not insure to the full value of the property.
Different rates are charged, according to the risk. In case of loss, the
underwriters may either replace the property or pay its value. Only, the
‘amount of actual loss can be recovered.
413. The principles of Percentage apply to Insurance
(Fire and Marine). The sum insured is the base; the
premium is the percentage, reckoned at a certain rate.
Hence, according to § 321, the following
Rures.—lL. Zo find the premium, multiply the sum tn-
sured by the rate.
I. To find the rate, divide the premium by the sum in-
sured. |
Ill. Zo find the sum insured, divide the premium by
the rate.
1. Insured a house for $10000, and furniture for $5000, at the
rate of 30c. on $100; $1 being paid for the policy and survey,
what does the insurance cost ? Ans. $46.
409. What is Insurance ?—410, Name the different kinds of Insurance, and state
against what each secures the insured._411. What is meant by an Underwriter?
What is the Policy? What is the Premium ?—412, What caution is given as te
writing the rate? How do some companies try to guard against fraud? In case
ef loss, what may the underwriters do ?—413, Reeite the rules.
2. At 4 of 1%, what is the premium on $8000? On $7250?
At $%, what is the premium on $2200 ? First ans. $40.
3. A factory and its contents, worth $72000, are insured for
$ of their value, at 384 per cent. The whole is consumed. How
much will the owner receive, and what will be the actual loss to
the underwriters ? ‘3 Last ans. wiiiaie
The actual loss is the sum they have to pay, less the premium.
4, A merchant insures 1200 bar. of flour, worth $8 a barrel,
for their full value, at $%. A fire occurring, only 450 barrels are
saved. What premium does the merchant pay, how much will
he receive from the company, and what will be their actual
loss 2 Second ans. $6000.
5, A vessel valued at $90000, and its cargo worth $55000, are
insured for half their value, at 24%. What is the premium, in-
/ eluding $1 for policy ?
6. Insured $9000 worth of goods for } of their value, at 84%
They were damaged by fire to the extent of $1250. What was
the premium, how much did the underwriters pay the insurer, and
what was their actual loss ? Last ans. $1212.50.
7. The premium on a house, at + of 1%, cost me $20; what was
»f the sum insured? (See Rule IIIL., § 413.) Ans. $6000.
cee, 8. Paid for insuring a hotel for 3 of its value, $151. The rate
being 75c. on $100, and the policy costing $1, what was the hotel
worth ? Ans. $30000.
As the policy cost $1, the premium was $151—$1, or $150. T5c. on $100 = .0078,
rate. Apply Rule III., to find the sum insured, and this will be 2 of the value of
the hotel.
9. Paid $18 for insuring $9000; what was the rate? (See
Rule IL, § 418.) Ans. 4 of 1 per cent.
10. Paid $400 for insuring a factory, worth $48000, for 2 of its
value; what was the rate ?
11. An underwriter agrees to insure a hotel, worth anes
for a sufficient sum to cover its value and the premium. The
rate being 1%, for how much must he insure it ?
Analogous to Example 2, § 323. As the rate is 1 per cent. of the sum to be in-
sured, the value of the hotel, $24000, must be 99 per cent. of this sum. Then by
ge Rule IIL, § 321, $24000 + .99 = $24242.42 Ans.
i As o/,9 ry cok
Ay Fe \ ae A) eee :
be 4
eA ip Ndi alc: ie eT ee Re ee ee ee Ae Pat ee
12. For how much must a schooner be insured, to cover its
value, $15000, and the premium, the rate being 14%? What will
the premium amount to ? Last ans. $228.43.
18. Paid for insuring the full value of a ship and cargo, at 1%,
$450. If the cargo was worth half as much as the ship, what
was the value of the ship ? of
414, Accipent Insurancre.—Insurance against acci-
dents is effected by paying (in advance) an annual pre-
mium, in consideration of which the underwriters give
the insured a certain allowance per week in case he is
disabled by an accident, or pay his heirs a specified sum
if he is killed.
14, A party paying $12 premium annually, in the third year
for which he insures, is disabled by an accident for 13 weeks,
during which time he receives $10 a week. How much more
does he receive than he paid for premiums ? Ans. $94.
15. A person who has paid five annual premiums of $30 each,
is killed by an accident. His family receive $5000. Not reckon-
ing interest, what is the loss to the underwriters ?
16. A railroad conductor insures for $60 a year, his weekly
compensation in case of a disabling accident to be $50. In the
tenth year, he is laid up by an accident for 4 wecks; does he gain
or lose by insuring, and how much, leaving interest out of ac-
count ? Ans. Loses $400.
415.—Lirre Insvrancu.—Life Insurance is effected by
paying (in advance) an annual premium during life or for
a term of years, in consideration of which the underwriters,
on the death of the insured, pay a certain sum to his heirs
or some party named in the policy.
416. The rates of life insufince depend on the age at
which one begins to insure, apd are fixed at a certain sum
on every $100 or $1000 insuted. They differ but little in
different companies, being based on the Expectation of
414. How is Accident Insurance effected ?—415. Howis Life Insurance effected ?
~416, On what do its rates depend? How are they fixed? On what are they based ?
Life,—that is, the average number of years that persons
at different ages live, as shown by statistics.
417, Rutx.—To find the premium in life insurance,
multiply the premium on $100 or $1000 by the number
of hundred or thousand dollars insured.
17. What annual premium must person, aged 80 when he
begins to insure, pay for a life policy of $5000, the rate being
$2.3023 on $100 ? Ans. $115.12.
18. At the age of 40, a gentleman insures his life for $3000,
payment of premiums to cease in ten years. The rate is $57.959
on $1000. If he dies at 55, how much more will his family re-
ceive than he paid for premiums ? Ans, $1261.20.
19. On his 40th birth-day,'a clergyman insures his life for
$6000, payment of premiums to cease when he is 65. ‘The rate is
$35.12 on $1000. If he dies aged 45 years 1 month, how much
more than the premiums paid will his heirs receive?
Ans. $4735.68.
20. A farmer insured his life for $1750, at the rate of $3.66
on $100. Just 9 months afterwards he died. Taking interest on
the premium (at 6%) into account, how much was gained by in-
suring ? Ans. $1683.07.
AY ctateBeee ys oe tiald aA
on a > | ; \ s
TUX Bhat sae |
418. A Tax is a sum assessed on the person, property,
or income of an individual, for the support of government.
When assessed on the person, it is called a Poll-tax,
and is a uniform sum on each male citizen, except such as
may be exempted by law.
When assessed on the property, it is called a Property-
tax, and is reckoned at a certain rate on the estimated
417, Recite the rule for finding the premium in life insurance,418, What is a
Tax? Name and define the three kinds of taxes,
TAXES. 261
When assessed on the income, it is called an Income- ,/
tax, and is computed at a certain %.
419, Taxable property is either Real or Personal.
Real Estate is fixed property; as, lands, houses.
Personal Property is that which is movable; as, cash,
notes, ships, furniture, cattle, &c.
420. An Assessor is an officer appointed to estimate
the value of property and tax it in proportion.
421, AssESSMENT oF TaxxEs.—In assessing a property-
tax, an Inventory, or list, of all the taxable property, real
and personal, with its estimated value, must first be made
out.. If there is, besides, a poll-tax, a list of polls (that is,
of persons liable to said tax) must also be drawn up. The
poll-tax having been fixed, the rate of property-tax must
then be found, and lastly each man’s tax.
Ex. 1.—A tax of $6402 is to be raised in a certain town,
containing 480 polls, which are assessed $1 each. The real
estate of said town is valued at $878500, the personal prop-
erty at $108500. What will be the rate on $1,—and what
will be A’s tax, who pays for 4 polls, and whose real estate
is inventoried at $5500, his personal property at $1250?
$878500 + $108500 = $987000, total taxable property.
$l x 480 = $480, total poll-tax.
$6402 — $480 = $5922, property-tax to be assessed.
By Rule IL, § 321, $5929, + 987000 = .006, rate.
$5500 + $1950 — = $6750, A’s taxable property.
$6750 x .006 = $40.50, A’s property-tax.
$1 x4=— $4, A’s poll-tax.
$40.50 + $4 = $44.50, etal A’s tax.
9 Rutz.—1l. Zo find the rate of property-tax, divide
the sum to be raised, less the amount assessed on polls, by
the value of the taxable property, real and personal.
419. How many kinds of taxable property are there? What is Real Estate?
What is Personal Property ?—420. What is the business of an Assessor ?—421. In
assessing a property-tax, what must first be made out? If there is, besides, a poll-
tax, what must be done? What are the next steps? Go through the given ex-
ample, explaining the steps.—422, Recite the rule. If there is no poll-tax, what
must be done ?
? : F
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262 TAXES,
2, To Jind each man’s tax, multiply his taxable prop-
erty by the rate, and to the product add his poll-tax.
If there is no poll-tax, the whole amount to be raised must be divided
by the value of the taxable property.
493, If the given amount to be raised does not include the expense
of collecting, the whole sum needed, including this expense, must first be
found, by dividing the given amount by $1 diminished by the rate % to be
paid for collecting.
Thus, in Example 1, let the expense of collecting, 247%, not be in-
cluded in the $6402 named; then, as $1 raised would net but $.975,
there would have to be raised as many times $1 as $.975 is contained
times in $6402. In other words, we should have to divide $6402 by $1
diminished by .025, the rate paid for collecting.
424, After finding the rate as above, assessors usually
construct a Table, from which, by adding the amounts
standing opposite to the thousands, hundreds, tens, and
units of any given sum, they can readily determine the
tax it must bear—more readily, as a general thing, than
by multiplying by the rate.
Assessor's Table for a rate of .006.
g.006 | $10 $.06 | $100 $0.60 | $1000 g 6.
2 .012 20 12 200 1.20 2000 12,
3 .018 30 eke 300 1.80 8000 18.
4 024 40 24 400 2.40 4.000 24.
5 030) 50 80 500 3.00 5000 80.
6 .036 60 06 600 3.60 6000 36.
7 .042 70 42 700 4,20 7000 42.
8 .048 80 48 800 4,80 8000 48.
9 054 90 54 900 5.40 9000 54.
2. Find by the Table what tax B must pay on $7560,
Opposite $7000 we find $42.00
500 “ — 8.00
(9 60 (9 (<9 0.86
Total for $7560, $45.86 Ans.
3, What is O’s tax on $425, and 3 polls, at $1 each?
D’s, on $900 real estate, $650 personal property ?
K’s, on $2820 real estate, $710 personal, 1 poll?
423. If the given amount to be raised does not include the expense of collecting,
how must we proceed ? Dlustrate this in the case of Ex. 1.—424. After finding the
~ rate as above, what do assessors usually construct? Show how the Table is used.
TAXES, 263
4, The people of a certain town have to raise a tax of $4656,
besides the expense of collecting, which is 3% (see $423). The
inventory shows real estate valued at $401250, and personal prop-
erty at $98750. There are 400 polls, assessed at 75c. each.
Find the rate on $1, draw out a Table like that on p. 262, and
from it determine the tax of the following parties :—
G, who pays on $3460 and 2 polls, Ans. $32.64.
H, on $1975 and 4 polls.
I, on $2000 real, $800 personal, and 8 polls.
J, on $1750 real, $640 personal, and 1 poll,
5. A tax of $7493.25:'is to be raised in a certain village,
in addition to the expense of collecting, which is 3%. The real
estate is valued at $497050, the personal property at $120950.
There is no poll tax. What is the rate? Ans. .0125.
How much must O pay, on a house and lot valued at $3500,
furniture appraised at 4+ of that amount, and a pair of horses in-
ventoried at $250? Ans. $53.125.
What is P’s tax on $1500 worth of personal property, and an
equal amount of real estate? Ans. $37.50.
At what is Q’s property in the village valued, if his tax is $35?
Ans. $2800.
At how much are R’s reak estate and. personal property re-
spectively valued, if the value of the former is three times that
of the latter, and R’s tax is $45?
Ans. Real estate, $2700; personal, $900.
6. It is voted in a certain town to raise by tax $9250, ex-
clusive of the collector’s commission, which is 5%. The town
contains personal property valued at $150220, and real estate
valued at $639600. Poll tax, 50c. on 518 polls.
What is the whole amount to be raised ? Ans. $9736.84.
How much is the callepter’ s commission on the whole?
What must W pay, on $5225 real estate, $975 personal, and
5 polls? Ans. $76.90.
If X’s tax is $40.20, and he pays on 6 polls, what is his prop-
erty valued at? Ans. $3100.
426. Duties, or Customs, are taxes on goods imported
from foreign countries, levied for the support of the Na-
tional Government.
427. A Custom-house is an office established by goy-
ernment for the collection of duties. A port containing
a custom-house is called a Port of Entry.
428. Duties are either Specific or Ad valorem.
A Specific Duty is a fixed sum imposed on each ton,
pound, yard, gallon, &c., of an imported article, without
regard to its cost.
An Ad valorem Duty is a percentage on the cost of an
imported article in the country from which it was brought.
Ad valorem means on the value.
429, An Invoice is a statement in detail of goods ship-
ped, their measure or weight, and cost in the currency of
the country from which they were brought.
430. Before computing duties, certain Allowances, or
Deductions, are made :—
Tare is an allowance for the weight of the box, cask,
&c., containing the goods; Leakage, for waste of liquids
imported in casks; Breakage, for loss of liquids imported
in bottles.
Tare is estimated either at the rate specified in the invoice accompa-
nying the goods, or according to rates adopted by Act of Congress,
differing for different articles.
For Leakage 2% is allowed; for Breakage, 10% on beer, ale, and
porter, in bottles ; be ¢% on other liquids, we i sa + donee » bottles being
estimated to contain oR gallons.
426. What are Duties, or Customs ?—427. What is a Custom-house? What isa
Port of Entry ?—428, Name the two kinds of duties. What is a Specific Duty?
What is an Ad valorem Duty ?—429. What is an Invoice ?—430, Name and define
the allowances made before computing specific duties. How is Tare estimated ?
How much is allowed for Leakage? How much for Breakage?
In stead of computing by these fixed rates, the weight of the box,
&c., and the amount lost by leakage and breakage, are sometimes ascer-
tained by actual trial and allowed for accordingly.
In these allowances, reject a fraction less than 4; reckon 4 or more
as 1—In custom-house computations, allow 112 lb. to a ewt.
431, Gross Weight is the weight of goods, together
with that of the box, cask, bag, &c., containing them.
Net Weight is the weight of goods after allowances
_have been deducted.
432. Rutus.—l. Jo jind a specific duty, deduct allow-
ances, and multiply the number of tons, pounds, yards, —
gallons, &c., remaining, by the duty on one ton, pound,
yard, gallon, de.
Il. Zo find an ad valorem duty, multiply the tnvoice-
value of the goods by the given rate.
Duties are required to be paid in gold.
1. What is the duty on a lot of silks, costing in our currency
$14056, at 60%? When gold is at a prémium of 407, what sum
in currency will pay said duty ? , Last ans. $11807.04..
2. Imported 150 casks of raisins, weighing 112 lb. each. The
tare being 12%, and the duty 24 cents a pound, what is the duty
on the whole in gold? When gold is at 180, what sum in cur-
rency will pay it? Last ans. $480.48.
3. Required the duty on 42 barrels of spirits of turpentine,
containing 81 gallons each, leakage being allowed, and the rate
being 80 cents per gal. Ans. $382.80.
4, At 40% ad valorem, what is the duty on 846 lb. of sewing-
silk, bought for $12 a pound?
5. What is the duty on 6 casks of claret, holding 48 gal. each,
invoiced at $1 a gal., allowing for leakage, the rate being 60c. a
gallon ? Ans, $151.80.
How are these allowances sometimes determined? How many pounds are
allowed to 1 cwt., in custom-house computations ?—4381, What is Gross Weight?
What is Net Weight ?— 432. Recite the rales.
12 ;
266 , DUTIES.
6. The duty on cassia being 10 cents a pound, what must be
paid on 175 packages of cassia, each weighing 35 lb., a tare of 97
being allowed ?
7. What is the duty on 12 cases of brandy, containing 1 dozen
bottles each, the usual allowance being made for breakage, and
the rate being $2.00 a gal. ? Ans. $62.
8. At 12 cents per 100 Ib., what is the duty on 89 bags of salt,
averaging 100 lb. gross weight, tare 27? |
9. A merchant imported 10 hhd. of sugar averaging 1185 Ib.,
and 8 hhd. of molasses holding 63 gal. each.
_ men, in 9 days, working 10 hr. a day, ‘ 45 acres. Ans. |
en eee eee —s / ee |
OO CLI LENCO ta tas,
Solve the first 8 examples by both Analysis and Simple Pro-
portion, the next 8 by both Analysis and Compound Proportion.
1. If 12 barrels of cider cost $54, what will 15 barrels cost ? \
20 barrels? 100 barrels ? First ans. $67.50.
9. How long will it take 2 men to hoe a field of corn, if 6 men
ean do it in 7 days? . pa
3. How many times will a wheel revolve in going 1 mi. 2 fur... \.~
‘ erat it revolves 12 times in going 10 rd. ? Ans. 480 times. /.
ee 4, At the rate of $6 for 20 square feet, what will an acre of
aoe cost ? : Ans. $18068. e 4
i 5. If a locomotive can run 40 mi. 1 fur. 20rd. in one hour .
how far can it go in 10 minutes ?
i “In stead of reasoning from Lhr. to 1 min., and from 1min, to 10 min., we may
; at once, 10 min. is 7 of 1 hour ; therefore in 10 min. it ean go 2 of 40 int. i fur.
20 rd.
6. If % of a farm is worth $1860, what is the whole worth?
7. A person bequeathed $4800, which was ;2, of his property,
to charitable societies. How much was he worth ?
_ 8. If the freight on 2 cwt. 1 qr. is 224d., at the same rate
i. what will be the freight on 2 T. 14 ewt. ? ie £2 5a,
Pa. ee Se
aS ns x MY
SB ee, a ae
: s% a wy 4 :
9. A miller had to transport 21600 bushels of grain from a
railroad depot to his mill. In 8 days, 10 horses had removed 7200
bushels; at this rate, how many horses would be required to re-
move what remained, in 10 days? , Ans. 6 horses. .
10. If 2 loads of hay will serve 3 horses 4 weeks, how many Va
days will 5 loads serve 6 horses? 2/4, 47 Ans. 85 Ta Sees p
11. An oblong field 8 rd. wide, 830 ft. long, contains an acre; .
how wide is a field that is 80rd. long and contains 5 A.?) 2
12. If the freight on 18 hhd. of sugar, each weighing 94 cwt.,
for a certain distance, costs $51.80, how much, at the same rate,
will it cost to transport 82 hogsheads, each weighing 10} cwt.,
twice that distance ? Ans. $196. 80.
13. How much will 46 men and 24 boys earn in 60 days, if
the wages of 5 men for 5 days are £7 10s., and the wages of 10
boys for 10 days are £10? Ans. £972:
14. A garrison of 800 men have food enough to last them 60
days, allowing each man 2lb,a day. After 20 days, a detach-
ment of 200 men leave; how long will the remaining provisions —
supply the men that remain ? Ans. 534 days.
+15. A garrison of 900 men have food enough to last them 40 —
days, allowing each man 2 Ib. a day. After 10 days, they are re-
-inforced by 800 men, and their allowance is reduced to 141]b. a
day ; how long will their supplies then last ? Ans. 30 days.
“16. A body of 450 men have to march 480 miles. The first
ten days, marching 6 hours a day, they go 1 150 ) miles; how long
will it take them, marching 8 hours a day, at(the samo rate, to. .
complete the distance? ,_. j Po pL pees
17. If a farmer buys 4% cows, at $45 apiece, and pays ie them / / e
with hay, at $18 a ton, how many tons must he give? Ans. 10. E
"18. How many bushels of potatoes, at 80c. a bushel, yy it
take to pay for 12 pair of hose, at 50c.? | 4)
19. Bought some land, at $4.50 an acre; paid for it vith
270 Cd. of wood, valued at $5 a cord. How many acres of land ~
were bought ? Ans.. 800 A.
20. How much butter, at 30c. alb., will pay for 2 boxes of tea,
containing 54 lb. each, at $1.30 a lb. ?
294 ANALYSIS. \/ ae
21. A can doa piece of work in 8 days, Bin 5 days, C in 4
days. In how many days can they do it, working together ?
In i day, A can do }, B 3, C 4; and all three can do } + } + 3, or 42,
they can do 27, to do $&, or the whole, will require as many dina as 47 is contained
times in 60, or 133 days. Ans.
22. A can mow a field in 6 days, B in. 5, C in 44, D in 3. How
long will it take all four to do it ? Ans. 1,4 da.
23. A, B, and ©, can clear a piece of land in 10 days; A and
IB can do it in 16 days; how long willit take CO? Ans. 263 da.
24. The head of a fish is }‘of its whole length; its tail is 4 of
its length; its body is 7inches. How long is the fish?
Head and tail together are } + 2, or 3, of the whole lengib The body, there-
fore, is 22 — see or 7x, of the poole length. If 7 inches are ,%, 3, is 3 of T inches, or
Linch; and 22, or the whole, is 12 times 1 inch, or 12 inches. Ans.
25. A person, being asked his age, replied that 4 of his life had
been passed in Baltimore, 3, of it in Richmond, and the remainder,
which was 28 years, in New York ; how old was he?
26. At 12 the hour and minute he of a clock are together ;
when are they next together ?
In the course of 12 hours, the minute hand overtakes the hour hand 11 times;
to overtake it once, thefefore, will require 7; of 12 hours, or 17; hours. 1), hours
past 12 will be 5 min. 5,4 sec. past 1. Ans.
27. At what time between 5 and 6 will the hour and minute
hands stand together? At what time between 8 and 9? At what
time between 10 and 11?
28. A agreed to work for B 60 days, on condition that he
should receive $3.20 for every day he worked, and forfeit $1 for
every day he wasidle. At the expiration of the 60 days, he re-
ceived $129. How many days did he work?
Had he worked every day, he would have received 60 times $3.20, or $192;
therefore he lost by idleness $192 — $129, or $63. Livery day he was idle, he failea®
to make $3.20 and forfeited $1, thus losing $4.20; hence, to lose $63, he must have
been idle as many days as $4.20 is contained times in $63, or 15 days. If he was idle
15 days, he must have worked 60 — 15, or 45 days. Ans.
29. D contracted to work 80 days for C; he was to have $1.74
for every day he worked, and to forfeit 60c. for every day he war
idle. If, at the end of the time, D received $43.10, how many
_ days was he idle? Ans, 4 sh
Tfin 1 day
Reduction of Currencies. /
464, Reduction of Currencies is the process of finding
what a sum expressed in one currency is equivalent to in
465. CotontaL CurrENCIES.—Sterling money was for-
merly the legal currency of this country. Federal money
took its place in 1786; but the old denominations were
long retained, and we sometimes still hear the prices of
articles given in shillings and pence.
The word shilling dees not denote the same value in
all the states. This is because the colonial paper cur-
rency in some had depreciated more than in others; that,
is, the colonial pound, shilling, and penny, were not worth
so much in dollars and cents in one state as in another,
GEORGIA In roti and "iggy Rae 81 1g, = 2130 £1 = $42
CURRENCY. 8. Carolina, ) —= 4 . = 21¥¢, = $42
Tn ae England,
Virginia, Kentucky,
and Tennessee,
New Ena. l
In Pennsylvania, tr
Sgt) or. eS 2 — 21
CURRENCY, | 6s. =$1 1s. = 163, £1=— $8}
CurRENCY. pate, Jersey, Dela-
ware, Maryland,
7s, 6d. = $1. 1s. =13he. £1— $22
Neetthest In New York, Ohio,
Gana ‘ Michigan, and N, *8s. 0 = $1 1s, 124, £1 = $24
URRENCY. is aroln a,
Ex.—W hat will 2 dozen tumblers cost, at 9d. apiece,
New England currency ?
By Analysis :—In N. E. currency, 6s. or 72c. = $1; hence 9d. is 4 of
$1. 24 tumblers, at $4 apiece, will cost 24 times $4, or $3. Ans. $3.
1. At the rate of 9s. a day, New England currency, what will
be the wages of 4 men, for 10 days ? Ans. $60.
464. What is Reduction of Currencies ?—465. Why do we sometimes still hear
the prices of articles named in shillings and pence? How did the word shélling
eome to denote different values in different states? Name the different colonial cur:
rencies, What was the value of the shilling and pound in each?
9. At 6d. apiece, N. Y. currency, what cost 3 dozen pencils?
8. What cost 364 yd. linen, at 7s. 6d., Penn. currency ?
4, Reduce £42 10s., Georgia currency, to Federal money.
Reduce £14 2s. 4d. Sum of ans. $242.64.
5. At 9d. a yard, New England currency, what will 4 pieces
of calico, averaging 48 yd. each, cost? Ans. $24, |
466. Foreign Correncres.—The value of certain for-
eign currencies in Federal Money is fixed by Act of Con-
gress or by commercial usage, as follows :—
VALUE oF Forricn Currencies iw U. S. Money.
~ Banco Rix Dollar of $0.53 Millrea of Azores, $0.834
_ Denmark, ‘ Millrea of Madeira, 1.00
Banco Rix Dollar of Millrea of Portugal, 1.12
Mpa and Nor-> 0.39% | Ounce of Sicily, 2.40
Pagoda of India, 1.94
Dollar "Thaler of Bre- 0.71. Piaster of Turkey, 0.05
men, Pound Sterling, Gr’t l 484
Dollar of Rome, 1.05 Britain, ete
Ducat of Naples, 0.80 | Pound Sterling, Brit-
Florin of Austria, Bo- 0.484 ish Provinces, Cana- 4.00
hemia, Augsburg, : da, Nova Scotia, &c.,
Florin of Basle, 0.41 | Real Plate of Spain, 0.10
Florin (Guilder) of Real Vellon of Spain, 0.05
Netherlands and § 0.40 | Rix Dollar of Bremen, 0.78%
Germany, S| Rix Dollar of Prussia
Florin of Prussia, 0.22% and Northern Ger- > 0.69
Franc of France and? 9 496 many,
Belgium, “10 ) Ruble of Russia, silver, 0.75
Guilder of Brabant, 0.383% | Rupee of British India, 0.444
ae of Sardinia, 0.1855, | Scudo of Malta, 0.40
Lira of Tuscany 0.16 0.99
Livre of Genoa, 0.18,8, | Poudo of Rome, 0.994
Livre of Leghorn, 0.16 | Specie Dollar, Denmark, 1.05
Livre of Neufchatel, 0.264 | Specie Dollar of Swe- 1.06
Livre of Switzerland, 0.27 den and Norway, :
Livre Tournois, France, 0.184 | Tael of China, 1.48
Mare Banco, Hamburg, 0.35 | Tical of Siam, ° 0.61
Ex. 1.—Reduce 75 rix dollars of Bremen to U. 8. cur-
By the Table, 1 rix dollar of Bremen = §0.783.
75 rvix dellars = 75 times $0.782, or $59.0625. ~Ans.
Ex. 2.—Reduce $560 to millreas of Portugal.
By the Table, $1.12 = 1 millrea of Portugal.
$560 will equal as many millreas as $1.12 is contained times in $560, a
ow 500. Ans. 500 millreas.
1. How many dollars equal 1000 francs ? Ans. $186.
2. Reduce $725 to Austrian florins. Ans. 149482 fl.
8. What is the value of 6000 Swiss livres ? Ans. $1620.
4. How many Canada pounds are 20 eagles worth? Ans. £50.
5. 5s. Halifax money equals how much in U. S. gold?
6. What is the value of 16 half-eagles in ducats ? In piesers 4
In silver rubles? In mares banco?
7. Bought some East Indian goods for 200 rupees; what did
they cost in Federal money ? Ans. $89.
8. How many sovereigns (the coin that represents the pound
sterling of Great Britain) will pay the duty on a lot of worsted hose,
costing $1452, the rate being 35 % ad valorem ? Ans. 105 sov.
9. Reduce 600 specie dollars of Denmark to U. S. money.
467, Exchange is a method by which a person in one
place makes payments in another by means of written
orders, without the transmission of money.
468. A Bill of Exchange, or Draft, is a written order.
on one party to pay another a certain sum, at sight or
some specified time.
469. The parties to the transaction are, the Drawer, or
Maker, who signs the bill; the Drawee, to whom it is ad-
467. What is Exchange ?7—468, What is a Bill of Exchange ?—469, Name the
parties to the transaction.
288 / EXCHANGER, |
dressed ; the Payee, to whom it is ordered to be pail;
and the Buyer or Remitter, who buys or remits it, and
who may be the payee or not.
470. When a draft is presented to the drawee, if he
acknowledges the obligation, he writes the word Accepted,
with the date and his name, across the face of the bill, and
thus makes himself responsible for the payment. This is
called accepting the draft. ?
471, As in the case of notes, three days of grace are allowed for the
payment of drafts. But in New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and some
other states, it is customary to pay sight drafts on presentation, and of
course no acceptance is then necessary.—As regards protesting and
the responsibility of endorsers, the same rules apply to drafts as to
notes, § 361.
472. Suppose Aaron Brooks, of St. Louis, owes Cobb & Doiine of
N. Y., $1000. He buys of Eugene Ford & Co., bankers in St. Louis, a
draft for $1000 on their correspondents, Gregory & Co., of N. Y., as fol-
lows :—
$1000. St. Louis, July 20, 1866.
Ten days after sight pay to the order of Aaron Brooks one thou-
sand doliars, value received, and charge the same to account of
Eucenr Forp & Co.
To Messrs. Gregory & Co., N. Y.
Brooks endorses this draft, “ Pay to the order of Cobb & Deming,”
affixes his signature, and remits it to the latter. They, on its receipt,
present it to Gregory & Co., who accept it July 27th, and pay it thirteen
days afterwards.—Here, Ford & Co. are the drawers; Gregory & Co. are
drawees and also acceptors; Brooks is payee, endorser, and remitter ;
Cobb & Deming are holders, as Jong as they retain the draft in legal pos-
session. If they desire to pass it before maturity, they endorse it, and
thus render it negotiable.
473. When a draft costs its exact face, exchange is
said to be at par. When it costs more than its face, ex-
change is said to be above par, at @ premium, or against
the place where the draft is drawn ; when less, exchange
is below par, at a discount, or in FAR OF of the place
where the draft is drawn.
470, What is meant by accepting a draft o—AT. What is the custom as regards
allowing days of grace for the payment of drafts ?—472. Give the form of a draft, il-
lustrate:. its use in making a remittance, and name the parties concerned.—473. When
— is exchange said to be at par? When, above par? When, below par? When
is it against a place, and when én dis favor?
Domestic Bills of Exchange.
474, Domestic, or Inland, Bills of Exchange (common-
ly called Drafts) are those that are payable in the coun-
try in which they are drawn.
475. Operations in Domestic Exchange are similar to
those in Stocks. :
Ex. 1.—Bought in Louisville a thirty-day draft on
New York for $300, at $% premium. What did it cost ?
$1, at +% premium, cost $1 + $.0025 = $1.0025.
$300 cost 300 times $1.0025, or $300.75. Ans.
Ex. 2.—How large a draft on Milwaukee can a person
in N. Y. buy for $1000, when exchange is at a discount
of $ per cent?
$1, at 4% discount, will cost $1 — $ .005 = $ .995.
For $1000 can be bought a draft for as many dollars as $.995 is con-
tained times in $1000, or $1005. 03. Ans.
476. Rurus.—I. To find the cost of a domestic bill,
multiply the cost of $1 at the given rate of premium or
discount, by the face of the bill.
If. 7 find the face of a bill that a given sum will
buy, divide the given sum by the cost of $1.
1, What is the cost of a sight draft on Mobile for $1800, at 1%
per cent. premium ? Ans. $1831.50.
2. How large a draft on Cincinnati can a person in St. Paul
buy for $2500, when exchange is 24 against St. Paul ?
3. The course of exchange on Baltimore being 4% premium
for sight, and 3% discount for sixty days, what must I pay for
a sight draft on Baltimore for $1000 and a sixty-day draft for
$750? Ans. $1749.875.
4, A person living in Portland sold some property in Galveston
for $10500. Would it be better for him to draw on Galveston for
474. What are Domestic, or Inland, Bills of Exchange ?—475. To what are opera-
tions in Domestic Exchange similar? Explain Exs, 1 and 2.—476. Recite the rules,
this amount and pay 24% for collection, or to have a draft on Port-
land bought with said amount and remitted, exchange on Portland
being at a premium of 3 per cent. ?
Ans. Gain by drawing on Galveston, $95.83.
5. B, living in Detroit, holds 100 shares of the Phenix Bank,
of New York. The bank declares a dividend of 4%. 3B draws for
his dividend, and selis the draft at 1% premium. What does he
realize ? Ans. $4046
| Foreign Bills of Exchange. VA
477. Foreign Bills of Exchange are those that are
drawn in one country and payable in another.
478. By a Set of Exchange are meant two or more —
bills of the same date and tenor, only one of which is to
be paid. They are sent by different mails; and the ob-
ject of drawing more than one is to save time in case one
is lost.
479, EXcHANGE oN ENGLAND.—Exchange on England
is always at a premium in the United States, and thus the
balance of trade always appears to be against this coun-
try. This is because the base of computation is made the
old value of the pound sterling, $4°, or $4.444; whereas
the intrinsic value of the new Victoria sovereign is about
$4.862, which is 1093 % of $4.44. When, therefore, sight
exchange on England is quoted at 1094, or 93% premium,
it is really at par.
Ex. 1.—What is the cost (in gold) of the following
foreign bill, at 94% premium ?
Exchange for £250. Boston, July 24, 1866.
Sixty days after sight of this Lirst of Eechange
(Second and Third of the same date and tenor unpaid) *,
* The Second Bill of the Set would read, “of this Second of Exchange (First and
Third of the same date and tenor unpaid)", The Third would run, “ of this Third
of Exchange (First and Second, &c.)”.
477, What are Foreign Bills of Exchange ?—478. What is a Set of Exchange?
What is the object of drawing more than one bill?—479. How does exchange on
England always stand in the U.S.? Why is this? When is exchange on England
really at par? Give the form ofa foreign bill of exchange. Explain Ex, 1.
pay to the order of J. M. Mosely two hundred and fifty
pounds sterling, value received, with or without further
Zo Hamizton Broruers, London.
£1 = $4f, nominal par. At 944 premium, £1 costs $42 x 1.0925;
and £250 will cost 250 times as much, or $4 x 1.0925 x 250 =
$1218.89. Ans,
+ Ex, 2.—For what amount will $1213.89 purchase a
bill on London, when exchange is 109}?
In Ex. 1 we found that, at 109}, £1 — $42 x 1.0925, or $4.853.
Hence $1213.89 will buy a bill for as many pounds as $4.853 is con-
tained times in $1213.89, or 250. Ans, £250.
480. Rurus.—I. To find the cost of a bili on England
(in gold), multiply together 34), 1 ztnereased by the pre-
mium, and the face of the bill in pounds.
II. Zo find the Jace of a bill that a given sum (in gold)
will buy, divide the given sum by the product of $40 and
1 encreased by the premium.
In examples under Rule I., shillings and pence must be reduced to
the decimal of a pound; and the decimal of a pound, in answers of ex-
amples under Rule IJ., must be reduced to shillings and pence.
481. ExcHaNGE ON OTHER CouNnTRIES.—Exchange on
France is quoted at so many francs and centimes to the
dollar. A franc, at par, = 18,6, cents; a centime is ;4,
of a franc.
Exchange on other countries is quoted at so many
cents to some coin taken as a standard: thus, on Ham-
burg, 354 cents to the mare banco; on Amsterdam, 39
cents to the florin, &c.
Jn these cases, the cost of a bill, and the face of a bill
that a given sum will buy, are readily found by Analysis,
as in Reduction of Currencies.
Explain Ex. 2.480. Recite the rule for finding the cost of a bill on England,
Recite the rule for finding the face of a bill thas a given sum will buy. What reduc-
tions must be made ?—481. How is exchange on France quoted? How is exchange
on other countries quoted? In these cases, how are the cost of a bill, and the face
of a bill that a given sum will buy, found? Explain Ex. 3.
Ex. 3.—What is the value of a bill on Havre for 1206
francs, exchange being 5 francs 18 centimes to the dollar?
If 5 francs 18 centimes = $1, a bill for 1200 francs will cost as many
dollars as 5.18 is contained times in 1200, or 231.66. Ans. $231.66.
1. What is the cost, in gold, in N. Y., of a set of exchange on
Dublin for £450 10s., at 92% premium ? Ans.. $2197.44.
2. What is the cost, in gold, of a bill on Paris for 7500 francs,
when exchange is 5 fr. 10 cen. to the dollar ? Ans. $1470.59.
3. When the course of exchange is 75jc. to the ruble, what
will a bill on St. Petersburg for 2400 rubles cost ?
4, How large a bill on Bremen can be bought for $2000, when
exchange is 79c. to the rix dollar ?
5. Exchange on Liverpool standing at 109, what will a bill on
that city for £1500 2s. 6d. cost ? Ans. $7267.27.
6. A New York merchant, owing a debt in London, can pur-
chase gold at 145, and with it buy exchange at 94% premium; or
can remit U.S. 10-40’s, and sell the same in London at 604. How
low must he buy the bonds (for currency), to make a saving by
remitting them in stead of a bill of exchange ?
Each $1 of bonds transmitted would be worth $ .605 x 1.095, in gold. Reducing
this value to a currency basis, we have $.605 x 1.095 x 1.45 = $.96+. If, therefore,
the bonds can be bought for less than 96, there will be a saving in remitting them.
Arbitration of Exchange.
482. Arbitration of Exchange is the process of finding
the rate of exchange between two countries, when there
have been intermediate exchanges through other coun-
tries. In Arbitration, we use what is called Conjoined
Proportion or the Chain Rule.
A merchant, for example, may remit from New York to Hamburg, by
remitting from New York to London, from London to Paris, from Paris
to Amsterdam, and from Amsterdam to Hamburg. The rate of this
Circuitous Exchange, as it is called, will probably differ somewhat from
that of a direct remittance from New York to Hamburg; to find
whether it will cost more or less, is the object of Arbitration.
482. What is Arbitration of Exchange? Give an illustration of Circuitous Ex-
ehange.—483, Recite the Chain Rule.
483, Cuan Rute.—1. Write the equivalents by pairs,
each with its denomination, on opposite sides of a vertical
line, commencing on the left with the denomination of the
required sum, and on the right with the given sum to be
remitted; and arranging the terms so that each denomi-
nation on the right may correspond with the one neat be-
low tt on the left.
2. Cancel common factors on the left and right, and
divide the product of the remaining terms on the right by
that of the remaining terms. on the lefe.
If the terms are properly arranged, the last denomination on the
right will correspond with the first on the left. -
Ex.—When exchange at New York on London is at
10% premium, at London on Paris 27 francs 20 centimes
to £1, at Paris on Amsterdam 9 stivers to 1 franc, and at
Amsterdam on Hamburg 18 stivers to 1 mare banco, what
will it cost to remit 5000 mares banco from N. Y. to Ham-
burg, through London, Paris, and Amsterdam? Would
it be better to remit in this way, or direct from N. Y. to
Hamburg, the rate being 36 cents to the mare banco—
and how much ?
$2 5000 mares b. Cancelling: 6606 625
1 marc b. | 18 stivers $4 21.2118 2
9 stivers | 1 franc 1.7 9 | 44
27.2 fr. aL ‘
£9 | $40 x 1.10 625 x 44 = 27500
1:7.X%.9 = 15.3
27500 +- 15.8 = $1797.39
Direct Exchange, $0.86 x 5000 = $1800.00
Circuitous Exchange, 1797.39
Gain by Circuitous Exchange, $2.61 Ans,
In this example, £1— $42 x 1.10; hence £9 = $40 x 1.10, as given
above.—The relative value of different measures, weights, and goods, may
be found, on the same principle, by the Chain Rule.
1. A person in Philadelphia desires to pay £1800 in Liverpool.
Exchange on Liverpool is at 92% premium, on Paris 5 francs 15
centimes to a dollar. Exchange on Liverpool in Paris is 25 franes
15 centimes to the pound sterling. Is it better for him to remit
direct to Liverpool, or through Paris, and how much ?
_ Ans. Gain by direct remittance, $10.29.
2. A New York merchant orders £1000 duo him in London
to be remitted by the following route: to Hamburg, the course
of exchange being 14 marcs banco to the pound; thence to Co-
penhagen, at 14 mares banco to the rix dollar; thence to Bor-
deaux, at 2 francs 80 centimes to the rix dollar; thence to N. Y., at
5 francs 30 centimes to the dollar. How many dollars did he re-
ceive ? Ans. $4980.82.
Would he have gained or lost by drawing directly for the
amount on London, and selling his draft at 1094, leaving interest
out of account ?
8. If 16 barrels of cider are worth 64 bushels of corn, and 15
bu. of corn are worth 2 barrels of flour, and 3 tons of coal are
worth 4 barrels of flour, and 16 Ib. of tea are worth 2 tons of coal,
lew many pounds of tea are equal in value to 7 barrels of cider?
Ans, 222 Ib,:
484, A Partnership is a business association between
two or more persons, who agree to share the profits or
losses. Persons so associated are called Partners,
Capital is money invested in business.
Different agreements are made between partners as to the division of
profits. One may contribute the capital, and another his services, and
they may divide equally. Or all may contribute capital and labor equally,
and make an equal division. When different amounts of capital are fur.
nished, and little or no labor is required, or all contribute equally of
484, What isa Partnership? What is Capital? What is said about the divis-
jon of profits among partners ?
their labor, the profit or loss is usually divided according to the amounts
of capital furnished.
485. Case I.—To find each partner's share, when they
Surnish capital for the same length of time.
Ex. 1.—A, B, and C, engaged in a speculation. A
put in $180, B $240, C $480. They gained $300; what
was each partner’s share ?
The whole capital employed was $180 + $240 + $480, or $900. Since
$900 capital gained $300, $1 of capital gained 545 of $300; and A’s capi-
tal of $180 was entitled to $§$, B’s $240 to $$$, and C’s $480 to S00, of
$300. The operation is proved by adding the shares found, and seeing
whether their sum equals the whole gain.
A’s capital, $180 A’s share, 4 soo oo of $300 = $60
Bisr. 240 B’s Gap. °° == 80> Ans.
C’s (79 480 C’s oe $33 (79 (79 —_ 160
Total capital, $900 Proor: Gain, $300
Rutze.—Make each pariner’s capital the numerator of
a fraction, and the total capital the denominator ; for
each partner's share, take his fraction, thus formed, of
the whole gain or loss.
Ex. 2,.—T'wo brothers, the one 18 years old and the
other 21, contribute $468 for the support of a parent, in
the ratio of their ages. What, does each give ?
This example is analogous Ist 18 48 of $468 — $216 Wh:
to a question in Partnership. 2d 21 4% of $468 = $252 tee
There are in all 18 + 21, or 39, 39 Proor: $468
parts; of, which one furnishes
18, the other 21.
1. The profits of Mason, Dean, & Co., for one year, are $9275.
Mason contributes $20000 capital; Dean, $12500; and Graham
(who is the Co.), $4600. What is each partner’s share of the
profits? Ans. Mason’s, $5000; Dean’s, $3125; Graham’s, $1150.
2. A and B buy a house for $2500, A furnishing $1200, B
$1300. They receive $210 rent; how should it be divided ?
3. Ames, Boorman, & Crane, buy a hotel for $18500, of which
485, What is Case 1.? Explain Ex.1. Recite the rule. Explain Ex. 2
Ames contributes $8000, Boorman $6200, and Crane the rest.
They sell it for $16975, and their expenses are $825. How much
of the loss must each bear? Ans. A., $800; B., $620; C., $430.
4. Two persons hire a pasture for $30. The first turns in 8
cows; the second, 5. How much ought each to pay ?
5, A, B, OC, D, and E, are to divide $2400 among themselves.
A is to have 4, B 4, C 3; D and E are to divide the remainder in
the ratio of 5 to 7. How much should each receive ?
Last answers: D, $208.3384; E, $291.663.
6. A person wills to his elder son $1200, to his younger $1000,
to his daughter $600. But it is found that his whole property is
worth only $800. How much should each receive ?
7. X, Y, and Z, embark in a speculation, X furnishing $ the
capital, Y 2 of the remainder, and Z the rest. Their profit is
$1900, and X is allowed $100 for attending to the business. How
much does each receive ? Ans. X, $1000; Y, $600; Z, $300.
486. Casr Il.—70 find each pariner’s share, when they
furnish capital for different lengths of time.
Ex. 1.—Three partners, O, P, and Q, furnished capital
as follows:-O put in $400 for 2mo.; P, $300 for 4 mo. ;
Q, $500 for 3mo. They gained $350; what was the share
of each ?
O’s $400 for 2mo. = $800 for 1 mo.
P’s $300 ** 4mo. = $1200 “ Imo.
Q’s $500 “ 8mo. = $1500 “ Imo.
The whole capital is therefore equivalent to $3500 for 1 month; ard,
as O put in what is equivalent to $800 for 1 mo., he is entitled to 89,0;
of $850, or $80. In like manner, P is entitled to $2$5 of $350, or $120;
and Q, to 4289 of $350, or $150.
Ruie.— Multiply each partner's capital by tts time.
Treat this product as his capital, and proceed as in Case I.
Ex. 2.—Three partners were in business for 12 months,
and cleared $2919. The first had $4000 in the whole
time. The second put in $5000 three months after the
partnership commenced, and three months afterwards
$3000 more. The third put in $3000 on starting, but with-
486. What is Case II.? Explain Ex.1. Recite the rule. Explain Ex, 2
drew $2000 four months before the partnership expired. —
Divide the profit.
1st $4000 x 12 = 48000 Share, ;48; of $2919 = $1008,
2d $5000 x 9 = 45000
$3000 x 6 = 18000
GS000 x-see Saree dte “Hey an they ix, $1993.
8d $3000 x 8 = 24000
$1000 x 4= 4000
28000 auSharey Aig rcety exe G88.
139000 Proor: $2919.
1. A and B enter into partnership, A furnishing $325 for 6
months, and B $200 for 8 months. There is a loss of $100;
what is the share of each ? Ans. A, $54.93; B, 45.07.
2. Two partners received $300 for constructing a piece of
road. The first furnished 5 laborers for 9 days; the second, 7
laborers for 11 days. What was the share of each ? :
3. Three farmers hired a pasture for $55.50. The first put in
6 cows for 3mo.; the second, 8 cows for 2mo.; the third, 10
cows for 4mo. "What must each pay ?
4. For the transportation of some flour 93 miles, I have to
pay $116.25. A carried 50 bar. 70 miles; B, 10 bar. 98 miles; OC,
40 bar. 53 miles; D, 50 bar. 23 miles; E, 40 bar. 40 miles. How
much must I pay each ? Ans. A, $43.75, &e.
5. A, B, and OC, began business Jan. 1 with $650, furnished by
A; April 1, B put in $500; July 1, O put in $450. The profit
for the year was $375; divide it. Ans. A, $195, &e.
6. D, E, and F, were interested in a coal mine, and cleared
the first year $8285. D had $10000 invested for 9 mo., when he
withdrew half of that sum; E put in $20000, 2 mo. after the part-
nership was formed; and F put in $12000, 5 mo. before it expired.
_ Divide the profit. Ans, D, $945; E, $1800; F, $540.
7. Two partners, G and H, cleared in 6 mo. $2150. G’s capi-
tal at first was to H’s as 2 to 1. After 2 months, G withdrew 4
of his capital, and H 4 of his, Divide the profit.
Ans. G, $1400; H, $750..
487. Alligation is the process of solving questions as
to the mixing of ingredients of different values. There
are two kinds of Alligation, Medial and Alternate.
Alligation means connecting, and the process is so called from ¢on-
necling or linking the prices of the ingredients together, as shown in $ 490.
Alligation Medial.
488. Alligation Medial is the process of finding the
average value of a mixture, when the value and quantity
of each ingredient are known.
Ex. 1.—A grocer mixes 70 1b. of tea worth $1 a |b.,
100 lb. worth $1.25, and 30 1b. worth $1.50. What is a
pound of the mixture worth ?
70 Ib., at $1, are worth $70; 100 Ib., at rocx dete 20
$1.25, are worth $125; 30 1b., at $1.50, are 100 x 1.25 a 125
worth $45. The whole mixture, therefore, is eer ri aay 5
worth $70 + $125 + $45, or $240; and it con- _30 x 1.50 = 40
tains 70 + 100 + 30 1b., or 200 lb. If 200 1b. 200) 240
are worth $240, 1 lb. is worth gbp of $240, or Ans. $1.20
$1.20. Ans. i ;
489. Rurz.— Divide the total value of the ingredients
by the sum of the quantities.
If an ingredient is put in that costs nothing (as water, chaff), its
quantity must be added in with the rest, though its value is 0.
The principle of this rule applies to many questions that involve the
finding of an average, besides those relating to values or prices.
1, A liquor-merchant mixes 32 gal. of wine at $1.60 a gallon,
15 gal. at $2.40, 45 gal. at $1.92, and 8 gal. at $6.80. What is the
value of a gallon of the mixture ? Ans. $2.008.
2. If a ship sails 5 knots an hour for 8 hours, 7 knots for 5
hours, and 8 knots for 4 hours, what is her average rate per hour ?
487. What is Alligation? Name the two kinds of Alligation, Why is the pro-
oess £0 called ?—488. What is Alligation Medial? Explain Ex.1. Recite the rule
3. A dishonest grocer mixed 3 1b. of sand with 10 lb. of sugar
worth 12c¢., 201b. worth 14c., and 301b. worth 16c. What did
the mixture cost him per pound ? Ans, 1384¢.
4, A goldsmith melts together 11 0z. of gold 23 carats fine,
8 oz. 21 carats fine, 10 oz. of pure gold, and 2 1b. of alloy. How
many carats fine is the mixture? Ans.’ 1228 carats.
A carat is 3,; that is, gold 21 carats fine is 31 pure metal.
5. If 4 dozen eggs are bought at 18% cents a dozen, 6 dozen at
21 cents, 34 dozen at 24c., and 54 dozen at 25c., what is the aver-
age cost per dozen ? Ans. 22,%c.
6. A dairyman owning 30 cows finds, at a certain milking, that
6 give 12 qt. each, 8 give 104 qt., 10 give 94 qt., and the rest 8 qt.
apiece. What is the average?
7. Ifa farmer mixes 10 bu. of corn, worth 80 cents a bushel,
20 bu. worth 85c., 25 bu. worth 90c., and 20 bu. worth 95c., what
is the mixture worth per bushel ? Ans. 88%c.
Alligation Alternate.
490. Alligation Alternate is the process of finding the
quantities to be taken of two or more ingredients, of
given values, to make a mixture of given value.
Ex. 1.—In what relative quantities must coffees worth
15, 16, 20, and 21 cents a pound, be Basen to make a
mixture worth 19 cents a pound ?
‘It is clear that the gains and losses on the several ingredients, as
compared with the mean value, must balance. Hence we consider a
price less than the mean with one greater,—l5c. with 2lc. On every
pound put in at 15c. and sold in the mixture for 19c., there is a gain of
4c.; and on every pound put in at 2lc. and sold for 19c., there is a loss
of 2c. Therefore, as the gain and loss on equal quantities of these two
kinds are as 4 to 2, we must take quantities that are to each other as 2
to 4. In like manner, comparing 1b. at 16c., and 1 Ib. at 20c., we find.
that there is a gain of 30. against a loss of Ic. ; hence the quantities taken
must be as 1 to 3. - The relative quantities, ‘therefore, are 2 1b. at 15c¢.,
1 Ib. at 16c., 3 Ib. at 20c., and 4 Ib. at 21c. Ans.
The brief mode of performing this operation 15
is to link the values in pairs, one less-than the 16
mean with one greater, to take the difference be- 19 20 1
tween the mean and each value, and write it oppo- 21
site the value with which it is linked.
H> OD kt bo
The terms may be linked differently, provided a 9
one less than the mean is connected with one 19 ie 4
greater ; the answers, of course, differ, according to
the linking. As these answers show merely the rela- 21 3
tive quantities, we may multiply or divide the numbers by any common
multiplier or divisor, and thus produce an infinite variety of answers.
Alligation Alternate is proved by Alligation Medial. Thus :—
Proof of 1st answer. Proof of 2d answer.
. 21b., at 15e. = 380c. 1 Ib, at 15c. = 15c.
RS CY ee Ut Be et A OG, heme in
HM. GS Dc 84e, Si. HeBle” =| ape
10 Ib. cost $1.90, or 1lb.19c. 101b. cost $1.90, or 1 Ib. 19.
Ex. 2,—A grocer, having 10 Ib. of coffee worth 15c. a
pound, wishes to mix it with other kinds worth 16, 20,
and 21¢., to make a mixture worth 19c. a pound. How
many pounds of each must he take ?
In Ex. 1, we found the relative quantities of these coffees for a mix-
ture worth 19 cents to be 2, 1, 8, 4, or 1, 2, 4, 3.
Looking at the first answer, we find that the ratio of 10, the
given quantity of 15-
26x 5 = 10Ib. cent coffee to 2, its 1x 10 =10]b.
1x5= 5)b. difference, is 5; there- 2 x 10 = 20]b. 4
8 x5 = 151b. (4”% fore we multiply the 4 x 10 = 401b.
yO ee numbers throughout 3 xy 19 — 30]b.
by 5.
In the 2d answer, the ratio is 10 to 1; therefore we multiply by 10.
Ex. 3.—A grocer, having coffees worth respectively
15, 16, 20, and 21 cents, wishes to make with them a
mixture ef 801b., worth 19c. a pound. How many
pounds of each kind must he use ?
In Ex. 1, we found the relative quantities to be 2, 1, 3, 41b., or
1, 2, 4, 8 b.,—in either
&®xS8=—16)b. ease making a total of 1x8= Blb.
1x 8 = 8b. 101lb. Fora mixture 9 x 8=16)]b.
8x 8 — 24)b. Ans. of 80Ib., therefore, he 4 x 8 = 33 ]b Ans,
4.x 8 = 32)b. must take 8 times as 3x 8 = 24]b
much of each.
490. What is Alligation Alternate? Explain Ex. 1. What is the brief mode of
performing the operation? How may different answers be obtained? How is Alli-
gation Alternate proved? Explain Ex, 2, Explain Ex 3. Recite the rule.
491. Rutz.—l. Write the values in a column, and
the mean value on the left. Link each value less than
the mean with one greater, and each greater with one less.
Write the difference between the mean and each value, op-
posite the value it ts linked with. These differences are
the. relative quantities of the ingredients taken in the
order in which their values stand.
2. If the quantity of one ingredient is given, to find the
corresponding quantities of the others, multiply their dif-
Serences by the ratio of the given quantity to the differ- —
ence of the ingredient it represents.
3. If the quantity of the mixture is given, to find the
quantity of the ingredients, multiply their differences by the
ratio of the given quantity to the sum of the differences.
Ex. 4. A liquor-dealer wishes to mix three kinds of
whiskey worth respectively $3.25, $3.50, and $3.75 a gal-
ton, with water, so as to make a mixture worth $3. What
parts of each must he take ?
We represent the water by 0. As there are three values greater than
the mean and but one less, we have to link the three with the one. There
will, therefore, be three
differences opposite the
eG S21D BY |
8 iB 3 0, and their sum will rep-
3.4 3. ; resent the relative quan-
3.20 3. :
‘st tity of water. Ans. 38 gal.
0 T5+.5+.25 = 1.5 of’ cach kind of whiskey,
and 14 gal. of water.
1. In what proportions must gold, 12, 16, 17, and 22 carats
fine, be taken, to make a compound 18 carats fine? 20 carats fine?
164 carats fine ? First ans. 4, 4, 4, 9.
2. A merchant wishes to mix 90 Ib. of sugar, worth 104c., with
three other kinds, worth 10, 12, and 14 cents, respectively. How
many pounds of each must he use, that the compound may be
worth lle.? 124¢.? 18¢.?
Get aan | 270 Ib. at 10c.; 45 1b. at 12c.; 901b/ at 14¢.
Or, 801b. at 10c.; 301b, at 12¢.; 15 Ib. at 14.
3. How many pounds of spices, worth respectively 30, 40, and
50c. a pound, must be mixed with 201b. worth 80c. a pound, to
form a mixture worth 60c. a pound? Worth 75 cents? Worth
45 cents ? First ans. 6% \b. of each.
4, A man having 40 bu. of oats that cost him $22, wishes to
mix them with two other kinds worth respectively 50 and 65c.
How much of each kind must he take, to form a mixture worth
60c. a bushel ? Ans. 40 bu. at 50c.; 120 bu. at 65c.
5. B, having a contract to furnish 442 Ib. of tea worth $1.40 a
\b., wishes to make a mixture, of the required value, out of four
kinds, worth respectively $1, $1.10, $1.45, and $1.50. How many
pounds of each must he take ?
Ans. 52 1b. at $1, 26 1b. at $1.10, 156 1b. at $1.45, 208 Ib. at 81. 50.
6. In what proportions must water, and two kinds of rum
worth $24 and $3 a gallon, be mixed, to form a compound of 40
gallons, worth $2 a gallon?
7. A news-agent sold 198 newspapers, at an average price Of
7 cents apiece. How many must he have sold at 38c., 4c., 5c., 6c.,
and 10c. ? Ans. 277 at 8c., &e.
CuiA Del ER. XX ave
492, Involution is the process of multiplying a number
by itself. The product is called a Power of the number
2x22 4. This process is Involution; 4 is a power of 2.
493. Powers are distinguished as First, Second, Third,
Fourth, &c., according to the times that the given num-
ber is taken as a factor.
They are indicated by a figure, called an Index (plural,
indices) or Exponent, placed above the number at the
Sriphtis as, -2 2".
492. What is Involution? What is the preduct obtained by Involution called?
Give an example.—493. How are powers distinguished? How are they indicated ?
494, The First Power is the number itself; its index
is never written. ‘The Second Power is also called the
Square, and the Third Power the Cube.
First power of 2, 2
Second power, or Square, 27=2x2=4
Third power, or Cube, Verne eS, §
Fourth power, Pies. Gene) hea 2 GL
495. Rutzu.—TZo involve a number, multiply it by it-
self as many times, less 1, as there are units in the index
of the power required.
3x 38=9. There is one multiplication, though 3 is used as a factor
twice, and 9 9 ts the second power.
496. In stead of multiplying by the original number each time, powers
already found may be used as multipliers. Thus, for the 7th power, the
4th may be multiplied by the 8d. But observe that the resulting power
will be that denoted by the sum of the indices of the multipliers, not their
1. Give the squares and cubes of the numbers from 1 to 12.
2. Find the 4th power of 2. Of4.6. Ans. 51%;; 447.7456.
3. Square 89. Cube 221. Involve. 25 to the 5th power.
_ 4, Find the value of the following indicated powers:—3°; 14';
5 7.2"; .O1f; @*; @t; 1°. Sum of ans. 71966,28747501,
497. Evolution is the process of resolving a number
into two or more equal factors. One of these equal fac-
tors is called a Root of the number resolved.
4 = 2x2. This process is Evolution; 2 is a root of 4.
494. What is the First Power of a number? What is the Second Power also
called? The Third Power ?—495. Recite the rule for Involution.—496. What may
be done, in finding the higher powers? What caution is given ?—497. What is
Evolution ?
Evolution is the opposite of Involution. In the latter, a root is given
and a power required ; in the former, a power is given and a root required.
498. Roots take their names, Square Root, Cube Root,
Fourth Root, Fifth Root, &c., from those of the corre-
sponding powers.
Roots are indicated by a character called the Radical
Sign, ./, placed before the number whose root is to be
extracted. |
The Index of a root is a figure placed above the radi-
cal sign at the left, to denote what root is to be taken,—
that is, into how many equal factors the number is to be
resolved. ‘To express the square root, the radical sign is
used without any index. :
J 4, read square root of 4, as
Vf 8, “ cube root of 8, Phin casa eat tage eee
RAG, > OUTTA TOOLOT 1G, tae, ea a) Ae eee Pee
The most important operations in Evolution are the
extraction of the Square and the Cube Root.
2, since 2 x. 2 = 4.
Hl Hl dl
Square Reot.
499. Extracting the square root of a number is resolv-
ing it into ¢wo equal factors; as, 4 = 2.x 2.
500. Taking the smallest and the greatest number that
can be expressed by one figure, by two, three, and four
figures, let us see how the number of figures they contain
compares with the number of figures in their squares :—
Roots, 2b 9 | 10 99 | 100 999 1000 9999
Squares, 1 81 | 1/00 98'01 | 1/0000 99'80’01 | 1'00'00’00 99'98'00'01
We find from these examples that, if we separate a
square into periods of two figures cach, commencing at
the right, there will be as many figures in the square root
as there are periods in the square,—counting the left-hand
Jigure, Uf there is but one, as a period.
Of what is Evolution the opposite ?—498. From what do roots take their
names? How are roots indicated? What is the Index of a root? How is the
square root expressed? What are the most important operations in Evolution ?—
499. What is meant by extracting the square root of a number ?—500. How can we
- find, from a square, the number of figures its square root contains?
501. We derive the method of extracting the square
root from the opposite operation of squaring. Square
25, regarding it as composed of 2 tens (20) and 5 units.
25 = 20 +5 207 —= 400° - 25
20 +5 20 x 5=100 25
Multiplying by 20, 207 + (20 x 5) 2x 100=200 125
Multiplying by 5, (20 x 5) + 5? “HE 2b 850
Adding partial products, 20? + 2 (20 x 5) + 5? = 25 squared = 625 626
Hence, Zhe square of a number composed of tens and
units, equals the square of the tens, plus twice the product
of the tens and units, plus the square of the units.
502. Now reverse the process. Find the sq. root of 625.
According to § 500, we separate 625 into periods of two figures each,
beginning at the right (6'25), and find that the root will contain two
figures,—a tens’ and a units’ figure.
According to $ 501, 625 must equal the square of the tens in its root,
plus twice the product of the tens and units, plus the square of the units.
The square of the tens must be found in the left-hand period, 6(00).. The
greatest number whose square is less than 6 is 2, which we place on the
right as the tens’ figure of the root. 2 tens 6/95 (95
(20) squared = 4 hundreds, which we sub- 5 (25
tract from the 6 hundreds. Bringing down ain
the remaining period, we have 225, which 20 x 2 = 40) 225
must equal twice the product of the tens (40 x 5) + 57 = 295
and units, plus the square of the units. | han
Hence, to find the units’ figure of the root, we divide 225 by twice
the tens, or 40. The quotient is 5, which we place in the root as its
units’ figure. Then, twice the product of the tens and units, plus the
square of the units = twice 20 x 5, plus 25 = 225. Placing this under
the dividend 225, and subtracting, we have no remainder.
6'25 (25 In practice, we write twice the tens’ figure (4) on
the left as a trial divisor, and complete it by annexing
45 995 the units’ figure of the root. Multiplying this com-
22 plete divisor by the units’ figure, we have the same
225 result, 225.
503. Rutu.—1. Separate the given number into periods
of two figures each, beginning at the units’ place.
2. Find the greatest number whose square is contained
in the left-hand period, and place tt on the right as the first
501. Whence do we derive the method of extracting the square root? Squara
25, regarding it as composed of 2 tens and 5 units. What principle is dedueed from
shis example ?—502. Reverse the process; extract the square root of 625, explain-
ing the steps.—508, Recite the rule for the extraction of the square root,
root figure. Subtract its square from the first period, and
to the remainder annex the second period for a dividend.
3. Double the root already found, and, placing it on
the left as a trial divisor, find how many times it is con-
tained in the dividend with its last figure omitted. Annex
the quotient to the root already found and to the trial di-
visor. Multiply the divisor thus completed by the last root
Jigure, subtract, and bring down the next period as before.
4. To the last complete divisor add the last root figure
for a new trial divisor, and proceed as before till the
periods are exhausted.
If any trial divisor is not contained in the dividend with its last figure
omitted, annex 0 to the root already found and to the trial divisor, bring
down the next period, and find how many times it is then contained.
If, on multiplying a complete divisor by the last root figure, the
product is greater than the dividend, the last root figure must be dimin-
ished, and the figure annexed to the trial divisor changed accordingly.
If, when all the periods have been brought down, there is still a
remainder, periods of decimal ciphers may be supplied and the operation
continued. The root figures corresponding to the decimal periods will
be decimals.
504. To point off a decimal for the Py 9 Find the square
extraction of the square root, commence
at the decimal point and go to the right, Toot of 1524,1216.
completing the last period, if necessary, 15'24.12'16 (89.04
by annexing a cipher. Root figures 9
resulting from decimal periods are always —~
decimals. 69 624
505, To find the root of a common hs —
fraction, reduce it to its lowest terms, (804 31216
and extract the root of its numerator and 31216
denominator separately, if they have ex-
act roots. If not, reduce the fraction to a decimal, and extract its root,
carrying the operation as far as may be required. Reduce a mixed num-
ber to an improper fraction, and proceed as just directed.
506. To prove the operation, square the root found, and see whether
the result equals the given number.
If any trial divisor is not contained in the dividend with its last figure omitted,
what must be done? Under what circumstances must a roct figure be diminished ?
Tf, when all the periods have been brought down, there is still a remainder, what
may be done ?—504. How is a decimal pointed off for the extraction of the square
roct? What root figures are always decimals?—505. How is the square root of
a cammon fraction found? Howis the square root of a mixed number found ?—How
is the operation proved ?
1. What is the square root of 100180081 ? Ans. 10009.
2. What is the square root of 12321? Of 53824? Of 11390625?
Of 16064064? Of 3600? Sum of ans. 7786.
3. Find the square root of 4489. Of 531441. Of 16983563041.
Of 11019960576. Of 61917364224, . Sum of ans. 484925.
4. Extract the square root of 6.5536. Of .00390625. Of
0011943936. Of 60.481729. Sum of ans. 10.43406.
5. Find the square root of #38. Of 434. Of4}. Of4%. Of
49425. Of 448. Ans. 8, 24, 2.027 +, &e.
507. The areas (§ 252) of similar figures are to each
other as the squares of their like dimensions. The areas
of two circles whose diameters are 3 and 4 feet, are to
each other as 3? to 4”, or 9 to 16.
508. When the area of a square is known, extract its
square root, to find one of the sides. The answer will be
in the denomination of linear measure that corresponds
to the denomination of the area. A square field containing
49 square rods will be 7 (/49) Linear rods on each side.
509. A Rectangle is a four-sided figure = F
whose angles are all right angles; as, EF
510, A Triangle is a figure bounded by three straigh
511. A Right-angled Triangle is a triangle
that contains a right angle; as, ABC. ¢ |
The Hypothenuse of a right-angled trian- ae
ele is the side opposite the right angle; as,
AC. Of the two shorter sides, the one on which the
triangle stands (as AB) is called the Base, and the other
(as B C) the Perpendicular.
507. What principle is laid down respecting the areas of similar figures ?—508,
How is the side of a square found from its area ?—509. What is a Rectangle ?—510.
What is a Triangle?—511. What is a Right-angled Triangle? What is the Hypoth-
cnuse of a right-angled triangle? What is the Base? What is the Perpendicular?
512, It is shown, in Geometry, that the square on the
hypothenuse equals the sum of the
squares on the other two sides,
This principle is illustrated by the fig-
ure on the right. The small squares are
all equal; it will be seen that the square
of the hypothenuse contains 25, that of
the base 16, that of the perpendicular 9.
25 = 16+ 9. Hence these
_ Rores.—I The two shorter
sides being given, to find the hy-
pothenuse, add their squares and
extract the square root of the sum.
Il. Lhe hypothenuse and one of the shorter sides being
given, to find the other, subtract the square of the given
side from that of the hypothenuse, and extract the square
root of the remainder.
Ex.—A liberty pole was broken 30 feet from the top,
and the upper piece, falling over, struck the ground 18
ft. from the lower extremity. How high was the pole ?
A right-angled triangle was formed, the A
broken part being the hypothenuse, tne upright 30°?— 18? = 576
part the perpendicular, and the distance from of 576 = 24
the point where the top struck the ground to 24 + 380 = d4
the foot of the pole the base. Applying Rule Ang Ba fe
II., we find the perpendicular, or upright piece ;
which, added to the part broken off, gives the whole length.
1, A flag-staff 36 ft. high was broken 4 of the way up. How
far from its foot did the top strike the ground Ans, 20.7 ft. +
2. If a ladder 35 ft. long is placed 21 ft. from the base of a
rock, how high up the rock will it reach ? Ans. 28 ft.
3. A rope 45 ft. long, attached to the top of a house, extended
to a log 36 ft. from its base. How high was the house?
4, Two persons start from the same place, and go, the one due
512. What does the square on the hypothenuse equal? How is this principle
illustrated? Recite the rule for finding the hypothenuse. Reeite the rule for find-
tag the base or perpendicular. Explain the example.
north 80 miles, the other due west 60 miles. How far apart are
they ?
5, What is the side of a square whose area is 121 square fect.
6. What is the distance between two opposite corners of a lot
50 feet by 50 feet? Ans. 70.7 ft. +
7. What is the distance between two opposite corners of a
square whose area is 900 square feet ? Ans, 42.426 ft. +
8. What is the distance between two opposite corners of a
rectangle 15 rods long by 20 rods wide?
9. What distance will I save by walking directly across, from
one corner of a plantation a mile square to the opposite corner,
in stead of following the two sides? Ans. 187.452 rd.
10. A person lays out two circular plots, one containing 9 times
~ as much land as the other. How do their diameters compare?
Cube Root.
513. Extracting the cube root of a number is resolving
it into three equal factors; as, 8 = 2 x 2 x 2.
514, Taking the smallest and the greatest number
that can be expressed by one figure, by two and three
figures, let us see how the number of figures they contain
compares with the number of figures in the cubes :—
foots, 1 9 10 99 100 999
Cubes, 1 %29 | 1000 970'299 | 1'000’000 997'002’999
We find from these examples that, 7f we separate a
cube into periods of three figures each, commencing at the
right, there will be as many figures in the cube root as
there are periods in the cube,—counting the left-hand figure
or figures, of there are but one or two, as a period.
515. We derive the method of extracting the cube
root from the opposite operation of cubing. Cube 25,
regarding it as composed of 2 tens (20) and 5 units.
518. What is meant by extracting the cube root of a number ?—514. How can
we find, from a cube, the number of figures its cube root contains ?—515, Whence
Ao we derive the method of extracting the cube root? Cube 20 + 5.
The square of 20 + 5 was found in § 501; we multiply it by 20 + 5.
Square of 20+5 = 207 + 2 (20 x 5) + 8?
20 +5
Multiplying by 20, 20° + 2 (207 x 6) + (20 x 5’)
Multiplying by 5, (20? x 5) + 2 (20 x 5?) + 5%
Adding partial prod’s, 20° +3 (20? x 5) + 3 (20 x 5%) + 5° = 25°
As 5 is a common factor of the last three terms, the cube of 25, as
just found, may be written as follows :—
8 times 20? 20? = 8000
20° + | + 3 times 20 x 5| x 5 8 (207 x 5) = 6000
+ 5? 3 (20 x 5?) = 1500
Hence, the cube of a number com- 55 — 125
posed of tens and units equals the 25° = 15625
8 times the square of the tens
cube of the tens + | + 8 times product of tens and units | x the units.
+ the square of the units
516. Reverse the process ; find the cube root of 15625.
According to $514, we separate 15625 into periods of three figures
each, beginning at the right (15'625), and find that the root will contain
two figures,—a tens’ and a units’ figure.
The cube of the tens must be found in the left-hand period 15(000).
~The greatest number whose cube is contained in 15(000) is 2(0),
which we place on the right as the tens’ figure of the
15'625 (2 = root. 2 tens (20) cubed = 8 thousands, which we sub-
tract from the 15 thousands. Bringing down the remain-
ing period, we have 7625; which, $515, must equal
3 times the square of the tens
+ 3 times the product of the tens and units | x the units.
+ the square of the units
Hence, to find the units’ figure of the root, we divide 7625 by 3 times
the square of the tens as a trial divisor. It is contained 6 times; but,
making allowance for the com- KIQORX (OK
pletion of the trial divisor, we 15'625 (25
regard the quotient as 5, and
write 5 in the root as its units’ ‘Trial div., 20? x 8 = 1200 7625
ficure. Now, to complete the 20 x 5 x = “4
divisor, we have to add to 3 Complete divisor, 1585 7625
times the square of the tens, al-
ready found, 3 times the product of the tens and units (20 x 5 x 3 = 800),
and the square of the units (5* = 25),—making 1525. Multiplying thig
by the units’ figure, and subtracting, we have no remainder. Ans. 25.
How may the cube just found be written? Hence, what does the cube of :
number cemposed of tens and units equal ?—516. Reverse the process; extract the
cube root of 15625, explaining the steps.—d17. Recite the rule.
CUBE ROOT. | 311
517. Rurx.—1. Separate the given number into periods
of three figures each, beginning at the units’ place.
2. Kind the greatest number whose cube is contained in
the left-hand period, and place it on the right as the first
root figure. Subtract its cube from the first period;-and to
the remainder annex the second period for a dividend.
3. Lake three times the square of the root already
Sound ; and, annexing two ciphers, place it on the left
as a trial divisor. Find how many times the trial di-
visor ts contained in the dividend (making some allow-
ance), and annex the quotient to the root already found.
Complete the trial divisor, by adding to tt 30 times the
product of the last root figure and the root previously
Sound, also the square of the last root figure. Multiply
the divisor, thus completed, by the last root figure, subtract
the product from the dividend, and bring down the next
period as before.
4, Repeat the processes in the last paragraph, tilt the
periods are exhausted.
If any trial divisor is not contained in its dividend, place 0 in the root,
annex two ciphers to the trial divisor, bring down the next period, and
find how many times it is then contained.
If, on multiplying a completed divisor by the last root figure, the
product is greater than the dividend, the last root figure must be dimin-
ished, and the necessary changes made in completing the divisor.
Separate a decimal into periods, from the decimal point to the right,
completing the last period, if necessary, by annexing one or two o™aers,
To find the cube root of a common fraction, see § 505.
To prove the operation, cube the root found.
Ex. 2.—Extract the cube root of 348616. 378872.
348'616.378'872 (70,38
Wx3= 147 843
1st trial divisor, 14700 5616
2d trial divisor, 1470000 56163878
70x8x30 = 6300
Complete divisor, 1476309 4498927
@d trial divisor, 148262700 1187451872
703 x 8 x 30 = 168720
§2 = 64
Complete divisor, 148431454 1187451872
ta 3
mag - 3 . ee
%, ; ant. oe ae { 7 ei F f ra”
ne ve / ae, b a Pen of; ook : 4 #
/ a
é ?
1, Extract the cube root of 2357947691. Ans. 1331.
2. What is the cube root of 91125? Of 7256313856? Of
887420489? Of,10077696 ? Sum of ans. 2926.
8. Extract the cube root of 42875. Of 125450540216. Of
848558903294872, Of 117649. | Sum of ans. 75128,
_ 4, What is the cube root of 18.609625? Of .065450827? Of
.000000008? Of 1.25992105, carried to five decimal places? Of
38, to four decimal places ? Sum of ans. 5.57725.
5. Find the cube root of 243%. Of 2845. Of 174. Of 8%.
Of 2456. Of 385,09, Of3. Of1014. “Ans. 4%, 14, 2.577 +, &e.
_ §18. The solid contents of similar bodies are to each
other as the cubes of their like dimensions. The solid
» /- contents of two globes whose diameters are 6 in. and 12
in., are to each other as 6° to 12°, or 216 to 1728.
519. When the solid contents of a cube are known, ex-
tract the cube root, to find one of the sides. The answer
will be in the denomination of linear measure that corre-
sponds to the denomination of the solid contents. _ A cu-
bical block whose solid contents are 8 cubdie inches, will
be 2 (8/8) dinear-inches on each side.
6. If a ball 3 in. in diameter weighs 8 lb., what will a ball of
equal density, whose diameter is 4in., weigh ? Ans. 1884 lb.
7. What is the side of a cube whose solid contents equal those
of a rectangle, 8 ft. 8 in: long, 3 ft. wide, and 2 ft. 7 in. deep?
Ans. 47.9848 in.
8. What is the cide of a cube containing 2197 cu. in.?
9. There are three balls whose diameters are respectively 38, 4,
and 5 inches. What is the diameter of a fourth ball, of the same
density, equal in weight to the three ? Ans, 6in.
10. If a ball 12in. in diameter weighs 238 1b., what will be
the diameter of another ball of the same metal, weighing 32 Ib. ?
518. What principle is laid down respecting the solid contents of similar bodies?
—t19. How is the side of a cube found from its solid contents ?
520. Progression is a regular increase or decrease in a
series of numbers.
521. There are two kinds of f Progression, ethereal
and Geometrical.
A series of numbers are said to be in Arithmetical
Progression, when they increase or decrease by a common
difference: as, 16, 18, 20, 22; 16, 14, 12, 10.
A series ee Aiinibers Le said to ie in Geometrical
Progression, when they increase or decrease by a common
ratio: as, 16,32, 64, 126; 16, 8, 4, 2.
522. The numbers forming the series are called Terms,
The first and the last term are the Extremes, the inter-
mediate terms the Means. ;
523. When the terms increase, they form an Ascending
Series; when they decrease, a Descending Series.
Avrithmetical Progression.
524, In Arithmetical Progression, there are five things
-to be considered: the First Term, the Last Term, the
Number of Terms, the Common Difference, and the Sum
of the Series. Three of these being given, the other two
ean be found.
To find the relations between these five elements, let us look at the
series that follow, in which the first term is 13, the common difference 2,
and the number of terms 5 :——
Ascending, 138, 1842, 184242 18384-24242, 13842424242,
Deseending, 18, 18—2, 183—2—2, 138—2—2—2, 13—2—2—2-2.
It will be seen that the second term equals the Ist, plus (in the de-
scending series, minus) once the common difference; the third term
520. What is Progression ?—521. How many kinds of Progression are there?
When are numbers said to be in Arithmetical Progression? When, in Geometrical
Progression? Give examples.—522. What are the numbers forming the series
called? What are the Extremes? What are the Means ?—523. What is an Ascend-
ing Series? What is a Descending Series ?—524, How many things are to be\con-
sidered in Arithmetical Progression? Name them, How many of these must be
given, to find ths rest?
equals the 1st, plus (or minus) ¢wice the common difference; the fourth
term equals the Ist, plus (or minus) ‘Aree times the common difference.
And, generally, any term equals the first term, increased (or diminished)
by the common difference taken as many times as the number that rep-
resents the term, less 1. Hence the following rule :—
Rue L—TVhe first term, common difference, and num-
ber of terms being given, to find the last term, multiply
the common difference by the number of terms less 1, and
add the product to (or in a descending series subtract tt
Srom) the first term.
525, Again, looking at the series, we see that the last term equals
the first term plus (or minus) the common difference taken as many
times as there are terms, less 1. Hence the following rules :—
Rue I.— The extremes and number of terms being
given, to find the common difference, divide the difference
of the extremes by the number of terms less 1.
Rouie U.— The extremes and common difference being
given, to find the number of terms, divide the difference
of the extremes by the common difference, and to the quo-
tient add 1.
526, To find the average value of the terms of a series, we add the
extremes (the greatest and the least term), and divide their sum by 2.
Having thus found the average, if we multiply it by the number of terms,
we shall have the sum of the series.
Rutz IV.— The extremes and number of terms being
given, to find the sum of the series, multiply half the sum
of the extremes by the number of terms.
59%, These principles are embodied in the following formulas :——
a = first term, Then, J7=at+d x a-— 1).
= last term, d= =* or ant
= number of terms, seg BC piece i,
= common difference, N=-7-+tlor y+.
= sum of series. pe Se he
In solying the examples, ask what is given, and what required, and
apply the proper rule or formula.
: Examining the two series that are given, what do we find the second term
equals? The third? The fourth? What general principle is deduced? Recite
Rule I.—525. Again, looking at the series, what do we find that the last term equals?
- Recite Rule Il. Recite Rule I1I.—526. How may we find the average value of the
terms of a series? How may we find the sum of the series? Recite Rule IY.
Ex, 1.—A person made 12 deposits in a bank, increas-
ing them each time by a common difference. His first
deposit was $50, and his last $160; what were the inter-
mediate ones?
Here we have given the extremes, $50 and $160, and the number of
terms, 12. The means are required, ‘and to form them we need the com-
mon difference. Apply Rule II.
169 — 50 = 110, difference of extremes.
11011 = 10, common difference.
$60, $70, $80, $90, &c., intermediate deposits. -Ans.
Ex. 2.—A falling body moves 16+, ft. during the first
second of its descent, and 1443 ft. the fifth second. How
far does it fall in five seconds ?
Here we have the extremes, 16,4; and 144%, and the number of terms,
5. The sum of the series is required. Apply Rule IV.
167; + 1443 = 1608, sum of the extremes.
1608 - 2 = 802 1%) half the sum of the extremes.
8075 AGW re = 402,/; ft., whole distance. Avs.
1. A field of corn containing 50 rows has 20 hills in the first
row, 23 in the second, and so on in arithmetical progression.
How many hills in the last row ? Ans. 167 hills.
2. A person travelling 25 days went 11 miles the first day and
135 the last, increasing the number each day by a common differ-
-ence. How far did he travel each of the intervening days, and
how far in all? Last ans. 1825 miles,
3. A note is paid in annual instalments, each less than the
previous one by $3. The first payment being $49, and the last
$7, how many instalments were there? Ans. 15.
4. A man has 7 sons, whose. ages are in arithmetical progres-
sion. The eldest being 23, and the youngest 5, what is the differ-
ence in-age between the youngest and his next elder brother ?
5. Bought 100 yd. of cloth. The first yard cost £1 15s. 6d.,
and each of the others 4d. less than the preceding one. What
did the last yard cost, and what the whole? First ans. 2s, 6d.
6. What is the 20th term of the series, 8, 15, 22, &c. ?
Geometrical Progression.
528. In Geometrical Progression, there are five things
to be considered: the First Term, the Last Term, the
Number of Terms, the Ratio, and the Sum of the Series.
Three of these being given, the other two can be found.
529, Look at the following series,~in which the first term is 6, the
ratio 2, and the number of terms 5 :—
Or, 6, 6 x 2, 6. 27, Gotz. Ox,
Tt will be seen that each term consists of the first term, 6, multiplied
by the ratio, 2, raised to a power whose index is 1 less than the number
of the term. Hence the following rule :—
Rute I. The first term, ratio, and number of terms
being given, to find the last term, multiply the first term
by that power of the ratio whose index is 1 less than the.
number of terms.
530. Suppose the sum of the series 6, 18, 54, 162, 486, is required,
Multiplying each term by 3 (the ratio), we form a second series whose
sum is 3 times as great. Then, subtracting the Ist series from the
2d, we have a result twice as great as the sum of the 1st series.
18, 54, 162, 486, 1458 = 8 times.
6, 18, 54, 162, 486, = once.
1458—6 = twice.
Cancelling the intermediate terms, we have 1458 — 6 for the result,
which, being twice as great as the sum of the 1st series, we divide by 2.
Now 1458 is the last term multiplied by the ratio (486 x 8); and 2, by
which we divide, is the difference between the ratio and 1(8 — 1). Hence,
Rovrzr I.— The extremes and the ratio being given, to
jind the sum of the series, multiply the last term by the
ratio, find the difference between this product and the first
term, and divide it by the difference between the ratio
and 1. “4
FORMULAS :— geet pi a
7” = ratio g — UEDE One Op tee
mea 1-?r
528. How many things are to be considered in Geometrical Progression? Name
them. How does the ratio compare with 1 in an ascending series? How, in a de-
scending series ?—529. Looking at the given geometrical series, of what will it be
seen that each term consists? Recite Rule L—530. Go through the reasoning by
which the rule for the sum of the series is arrived at. Recite Rule IL
the last term is infinitely small, and may be regarded as 0.
Ex. 1.—What is the amount of $250, for 6 vse at.
6%, compound interest ?
531. In a descending infinite series, as 1, 4, 4, 3, &e.,
The principal is the first term of a geometrical series. The amount
of $1, for 1 year, at 6 4, is the ratio. 6 (years) + 1 (the principal being
the first term) is the number of terms. The amount required is the last
term. Apply Rule IL, § 529.
1.06° = 1.418519112256
1.418519112256 x 250 = $354.629 Ans.
Ex. 2.—What is the sum of a series ef 8 terms, com-
mencing 200, 50, 124, &c.?
Here the first term, the ratio (50 + 200 = 4), and the number of
terms are given, and the sum of the series is required. We first apply
tule I., $529, to find the last term; and then Rule II., § 530, to find
the sum.
1 AY, eg 1 S
) — T6354 TUsSE x 200 = —_ goes las t ter Im.
2 x 1 Bios
1. A person goes 24 miles the first day, 5 the second, and so
on in geometrical progression. If he travels thus for 8 days, how
far will he go the last day? How far in all? Last ans. 6374 mi.
2. B invested $1000 so that it would double itself every four
years. What did his capital amount to at the end of the twelfth
year? At the end of the twentieth year?
3. What is the amount of $800, for 5 years, at 7%, compound
interest ? Ans. $1122.04.
4, If ten stones are laid in a line, the first 3 ft. from a basket,
the second. 9, the third 27, and so on in progression, how far must
a person starting from the ‘basket walk, to pick them up singly
and place them in the basket ? Ans. 33434 mi.
5, First term, 100; ratio, +; number of terms, 9. Ree
the sum of the series. Ang. 199 22.
6. Find the sum of the infinite series 1, 3, 4, 4, &c. ($531).
7. Find the sum of the infinite series 1, 4, 4, &e. Ans. 14.
532, Mensuration is that branch which gives rules for
finding the length of lines, the areas of surfaces, and the
solidity of bodies. These rules are derived from Geometry.
Several rules of Mensuration have been already given; as, those re-
lating to the sides of right-angled triangles, $512. Some of the others
that are most important are given below.
533. ParaLLELoGrams.—A A
Parallelogram is a four-sided Po abek HUES LT
figure that has its eppeate
sides equal and parallel.
square and a rectangle are ee eee
The Base of a parallelogram is the side on which it
stands. Its Altitude is the perpendicular distance from
its base to the opposite side; as, A B in the figures.
Rutz.— To find the area of a parallelogram, multiply
the base by the altitude..
1. How many square feet of surface will be covered by 12
boards 18 ft. long and 18 in. wide? Ans. 324 sq. ft.
2. Find the cost of a piece of land 40 ch. 151. square, at $30
an acre. Ans. $4836.0675.
8. What is the difference between the areas of two parallelo-
grams, the one 80ft. long and having an altitude of 20ft., the ©
other having a length of 30ft. and an altitude of 25 ft. ?
534, TrranciEes.—The Altitude of a ¢ C
Triangle is a perpendicular drawn from
one of its angles to the base, or the base
produced ; as, C D.
Rvutz— Zo find the arca of a triangle, multiply is
base by half its altitude.
532. What is Mensuration ?—533. What is a Parallelogram ? What is its Base?
What is its Altitude? Recite the rule for finding the grea of a parallelogram.—
534. What is the Altitude of a Triangle? Recite the rules for finding the area of a
re us D
Or, wlien the three sides are given, from half their sum
subtract cach side separately, multiply together the three
remainders and the half swm, and extract the square root
of their product.
4, What is the arca of a triangle whose base is 12 feet and its
altitude 8 yards? Ans. 54 sq. ft.
5. What is the area of a triangle whose sides are respectively
7, 11, and 12 feet? Ans. 37.94 sq. ft.+
6. In a triangular field whose sides are 18, 80, and 82 feet,
how many square yards?
535. Crrctes.—The Circumference, Diameter, and
Radius of a Circle are defined on page 157.
Rures.—I. To find the circumference of a circle, mul-
tiply the diameter by 3.14159.
Il. Zo jind the diameter, multiply the circum ference
by .3183.
Ill. Zo jind the area, multiply + ihe cir OT by
the diameter.
Or, multiply the square of the circumference by .07958,
Or, muitiply the square of the diameter by .7854,
7. The diameter of the earth being 7926 miles, what is its cir-
cumference ? _ Ans. 24900.24234 mi.
8. Over what distance will a wheel 4 ft. 9 inches in diameter
pass, in making four revolutions ? . Ans. 59.69021 ft.
9. If the tire of a wheel is 14.8235 ft. in circumference, what
is its diameter ?
10. What is the area of a circular plot requiring 40 rods of
hedge to enclose it ?
11. If I describe a circle with a rope 40 ft. long, fixed at one
end, what will be its area? Ans, 5026.56 sq. ft.
12. A circle contains 415.4766 sq. inches, what is the square
of its diameter? What is-its diameter ? Last ans. 23 in.
535. What is the Circumference of a circle? The Diameter? The Radiuww? Re
cite the rule for finding the circumference, The diameter. The area,
536, Cyrinpers.—A Cylinder is a body of uniform
diameter, bounded by a curved surface, and two
equal and parallel circles, either of which may
be regarded as its base.
The Altitude of a cylinder is the perpendic-
ular distance between its bases.
Roies.—I. 70 find the surface of a cylinder,
multiply the circumference of the base by the altitude, and
to the product add twice the area of the base.
Il. To find the solidity of a cylinder, multiply the
area of the base by the aititude.
The base being a circle, its area-‘may be found by Rule III., § 585
18. How many square feet in the surface of a stove-pipe 20
feet long and 5 inches in diameter ? Ans. 26.179 sq. ft. +
14. Ilew many gallons (wine) will a cylindrical cistern hold,
that is 15 ft. deep and 4 ft. across? Ans. 1410.048 gal.
15. A cylindrical piece of timber is 24 feet long and 18 inches
across; what will it cost, at 20c. a cubic foot? Ans. $8.48.
5387, Spueres.—A Sphere is a body bounded es a
curved surface, every point of which is equally
distant from a point within, called the centre.
Ruies.—I. To find the surface of a sphere,
multiply the square of the diameter by 8.14159.
Il. Zo jind the solidity of a sphere, multiply the cube
of the diameter by .5236,
16. Required the surface and solidity of a sphere 30 inches in
diameter. Ans. 19 sq. ft. 91.481 sq. in.; 8 cu. ft. 313.2 cu. in.
17. The diameter of the earth is 7926 miles; if it were a per-
fect sphere, how many square miles would its roe contain ?
18. Required the solidity of a sphere 2 yd. in diameter. How
many square yards in its surface ?
536. What is a Cylinder? What is the Altitude of a cylinder? Reeite the rule
for finding the surface ofa cylinder. For finding the solidity of a cylinder.—5387.
What isa Sphere? Give the rule for finding the surface of a sphere, For finding
the solidity of a sphere,
538, An Annuity is a sum payable yearly.
A Certain Annuity is one payable for a definite num-
ber of years.
A Life Annuity is one payable yearly during the life
of a person or persons.
A Perpetuity is an annuity payable yearly forever.
An Annuity in Reversion is one that is to commence
at some future time.
An Annuity Forborne, or in Arrears, is one that re-
mains unpaid after it is due.
539. The Amount of an Annuity Forborne is the sum
of the amounts of the several payments due, for the time
they have remained unpaid.
540. The Final Value of a Certain Annuity is the
sum of the amounts of the several payments, computed
from their date to the expiration of the given time.
The Present Value of a Certain Annuity is such a
sum as, put at interest for the given time and rate, would
amount to its Final Value. |
541. To find the amount of an annuity forborne, or
the jinaé value of a certain annuity
Hither simple or compound interest may be allowed.
The latter is more usual, and a Table is then used in the
computation with great advantage.
542. Rutz I.—If simple interest only is allowed, Mul-
tiply the annuity by the number of payments due, and to
the product add the interest of the annuity for a term
538, - Whatis an Annuity? What isa Certain Annuity? A Life Annuity? .
Perpetuity? An Annuity in Reversion? An Annuity Forborne ?—539. What is
meant by the Amount of an Annuity Forborne ?—540. What-is meant by the Final
Value of a Certain Annuity? By its Present Value ?—541. In computing the amount
ef an Annuity Forborne, what kind of interest is usually allowed ?—542. Recite the
tule for finding the amount of an annuity that draws simple interest. Explain Ex. 1.
equal to the sum of all the periods during which successive
payments are due.
Ex. 1.—What is the amount of an annuity of $750, in
arrears 5 years, at 7%, simple interest ?
Five payments are due: $750x5 = ; $3750
Int. is due on the 1st payment for 4 years.
oe (7 ee 2 9 “cc (79 od (7 (79 8 years.
66 7 See 93 (7 (79 8d ae (79 9, years.
66 (7 Se 93 “6 (79 4th (a9 (79 1 year.
Interest on $750, at 7%, for 10 years, . 525
Amount due, at simple interest, $4275
543. Rutz Il.—If compound interest is allowed, Jful-
tiply the amount of $1 for the given time and rate, in the
following Table, by the annuity.
showing the amount of an annuity of $1 or £1, up to 21 years, at
3, 4, 5, 6, and 7%, compound interest.
8 per ct.
4 per ct.
5 per ct.
6 per ct.
7 per ct.
2.070000 |
8.214900 |
44,865177 |
543. Recite the rule for finding the amount of an annuity that draws compound
Explain Ex. 2.
Ex. 2.—What is the final value of an annuity of $250,
for 20 years, at 6%?
Amount of $1, for 20 years, at 6 4, in Table, $36.785591.
$36.785591 x 250 = $9196.39775 Ans.
1. Required the amount of an annuity of $1000, in arrears for
6 years, at 7 4%, simple interest. Ans. $7050.
2. What is due to a clerk whose yearly salary of $400 has re-
mained unpaid 5 years, allowing 6 %, simple interest ?
3. A tenant holding property for which he is to pay $275 at
the end of every year, pays no rent for 10 years. How much does -
he then owe, at 5%, simple interest? How much, at 64%, com-
pound interest ? Last ans. $3624.72.
4, A gentleman, on the birth of a son, and on each subsequent
birthday, deposits $25 to his credit in a savings bank that allows
5 % compound interest. How much will stand to the son’s credit
when he reaches the age of 20?
5. A lawyer collects for A the amount of an annuity of $100
forborne 7 years, with simple interest, at 7%; and for B the
amount of an annuity of $325, in-arrears 3 years, with compound
interest at 6%. He charges them both 10% on the amount collect-_
ed; how much more does he receive from Bthan A? Ans, $18.77.
545. To find the present value of an annuity.
546, The present value of a perpetuity is evidently a
sum,the annual interest of which will be the given perpe-
tuity. It may be found by § 352.
What is the present value of a perpetui
6%? That is, what sum, at 6 Z, will yield
06 = $1000 Ans.
547, Ruty.—To find the present value of a certain
annuity, Multiply the present value of $1, for the given
time and rate, in the following Table, by the annuity.
ty of $60, money being worth
%60 a year forever? $60+
546, What is the present value of a perpetuity? Give an exam ple.—547, Recite
the rule for finding the value of a certain annuity. Explain the example,
showing the present value of an annuity of $1 or £1, up to 21
Kd :
Saracen | F
years, at 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7%, compound interest.
3 per ct.
0.970874 |
4 per ct.
5 per ct.
6 per ct.
11.158116 .
q atee Ch,
0. ~ 0.934579
Ex. How much should a person receive, cash down,
for an annuity of $150, to run 15 years, at 5%?
Present value of $1, for 15 yr., at 54%, in Table, $10.379658.
$10. 379658 x 150 = $1556.9487 ‘Ans.
1. Find the present value of an annuity of $950, to run nine
Ans. $6752.48,
years, at 5%.
2. What sum, cash down, should a widow reccive for an an-
nuity of $500, to run 20 yr., computing at 7 4?
3. When permanent investments command 64%, how much
must a person present to a college, to enable it to award a prize
of $150 yearly forever ? -
Ans. $2500.
4, A gentleman wishes to secure an annuity of $300 to each
of his four children for cighteen years. What must he pay to do
so, computing at 5 %? Ans. $14027.50.
5. How much must a lady invest, at 4%, to secure a perpetu-
ity of £50 to the poor of her native town? 3
6. Which is worth most, $2500 down, $2850 payable in 2
years, or an annuity of $220, to run 21 years, computing at 6 4?
7. What is the difference between the amount of $200 at com-
pound interest for 5 years, at 7%, and the amount of an annuity
of $200, to run 5 years, computed at 7 4 compound interest ?
Ans. $869.6374.
548. By the Metric System is meant a decimal system
of weights and measures, used to the exclusion of. all
others in France, Belgium, Spain, and Portugal, and to
some extent in other countries of Europe. It has been
legalized in Great Britain, Mexico, and many of the
South American states; and in 1866 an Act was passed
by the Congress of the United States, SUELGERE 1) its
The advantages that would result from a universal adoption of this
system are obvious. First, there would be no necessity for converting
the denominations of one country into those of another, for all would
have the same; and, secondly, the system being decimal throughout, all
operations in Reduction and Compound Numbers would be performed
with the same ease that they now are in Federal Money.
549, The unit of length is the Mrrre, from eg the
Metric System derives its name. The metre is zy5qy000
548. What is meant by the Metric System? Where has it. been legalized?
What Act was passed in 1866? What advantages would result from a universal
adoption of the Metric System ?—549. According to the Metric System, what is the
unit of length? To what is it equal?
of the circumference of the earth measured over the poles,
and is equal to 39.37 inches.
950. The unit of surface is the arz (pronounced air),
which is a square whose side is 10 metres, and equals
119.6 square yards.
551. The unit of capacity is the trrrz (pronounced
le'tur), which is a cube whose edge is +1, of a metre, and
equals .908 of a quart dry measure, or 1.0567 quarts
liquid measure.
552, The unit of weight is the Gram, which is the
weight, in a vacuum, of a cube of pure water whose edge
is z}y Of a metre. The gram equals 15.432 grains.
553. From these principal denominations are formed
others 5, z}a, and sop as great, denoted by the prefixes
DECI, (pronounced des‘e), cENTI, and MILLI;~ also, other
denominations 10, 100, 1000, and 10000 times as great,
denoted by the prefixes DECA, HECTO, KILO, and MYRIA.
Measures oF Lenarn.
10 millimetres make 1 cen’timetre = .3937 inch.
10 centimetres “ 1 dec'imetre _=38.937 inches.
10 decimetres ‘“ 1 ME’TRE = 39.87 inches.
10 metres ¢ 1dec’ametre = 82 ft. 9.7 in.
10 decametres ‘“ 1 hec’tometre = 328 ft. 1 in.
“10 hectometres ‘“* 1 kil’ometre = 8280 ft. 10 in.
10 kilometres ‘ 1myr'iametre = 6.21387 miles,
The cen’tiare is 1 square metre, or 1550 square inches.
100 centiares make 1 ARE == 119-6 80. vd.
100 ares “1 hee’tare = 2.471 acres,
No other denominations are used.
550. What is the unit of surface? To what is it equal ?—551. What is the unit
of capacity ? To what is it equal ?—552. What is the unit of weight? To what is
it equal?—553. From these principal denominations, what others are formed, and
how? What is the unit used in the measurement of wood, and to what is it equal?
Dry Measure. Liquid Measure.
.6102 cu. in. = .838 fluid 2.
10 millilitres, 1 cen’tilitre = 33!
6.1022 cu. in. = .845 gill.
10 centilitres, 1 dec’ilitre
Holl Il
10 decilitres, 1 Li'TRE 908 gt. = 1.0567 qt.
10 litres, 1 dec’alitre = 1.185 pk. = 2.6417 gall.
10 decalitres, 1 hee’tolitre = 2.8375 bu. = 26.417 gall.
10 hectolitres, 1 kil’olitre =1.808 cu. yd. = 264.17 gall,
The kilolitre (1 cubic metre), when applied to the measure-
ment of wood, is known as the STERE, Which equals .2759 cord.
10 steres make 1 dec’astere = 2.759 cords.
10 mil'ligrams, 1 cen’tigram = .15482 gr,
10 centigrams, 1 dec'igram = 1.5432 er.
10 decigrams, 1 GRAM = 15.482 er.
10 grams, 1 dec’agram = .8527 oz. av:
10 decagrams, 1 hec'togram = 3.5274 oz. av. = 3.214 oz. Troy.
10 hectograms, 1 kil’ogram = 2.2046 lb. av. = 2.679 lb. Troy.
10 kilograms, 1 myr‘iagram = 22.046 lb. av. = 26.79 Ib. Troy.
10 myriagrams, 1-quintal = 220.46 Ib. av. = 267.9 Ib. Troy.
10 quintals, ltonneau =1:1023 ton = 2679 lb. Troy.
554, Exmrcise oN Tun Metric System.
1. Write 2 hectograms 5 grams 8 decigrams 7.centigrams as
grams and the decimal of a gram. Ans. 205.37 grams.
2. Write 6 kilolitres 7 decalitres 8 litres 8 decilitres 4 milli‘
litres as litres and the decimal of a litre.
3. Write as metres 2 myriametres 3 hectometres 4 decametres
5 metres 6 centimetres 9 millimetres.
4, Write as ares 2 hectares 9 centiares.
. How many milligrams in a tonneau? In a gram?
. Reduce 3 hectares 5 ares to centiares.
. How many litres in 74 decalitres? In 2 kilolitres ?
. How many decigrams in a decagram? In a quintal?
. Which is greater, 1 rod or 5 metres? 1 decimetre or 4
may co Ol
inches? 1 litre or 1 quart? 2 hectares or 5 acres? 1 ounce avoir.
dupois or 80 grams? 4 steres or 1 cord? About how many myr
iagrams equal 1 cwt. ?
10. What is the area of a rectangular floor 5 metrés wide and
7 metres long? | Ans. 35 centiares.
11. What is the area of a square 20 metres on each side?
12. How much land is there in a rectangular lot 9 metres by 2
decametres ? Ans. 1.8 ares.
13. How much wood will a crib hold that is 1 metre in length,
width, and height ? Ans. 1 stere.
14. How much wood in a pile 5 metres long, 1 metre wide,
and 2 metres high ? Ans. 1 decastere.
15. How many decasteres in a pile of wood 10 metres long, 1
metre wide, and 3 metres high ?
16. A druggist, having a hectogram of calomel, puts up from it
20 powders of 1 gram 2 decigrams each; how much calomel has
he left ?
17. What is the cost of 7 kilograms 2 hectograms of butter, at
75 cents a kilogram? ($.75 x 7.2) Ans. $5.40.
18. What is the cost of 11 metres 7 decimetres of silk, at $2.80
a metre ?
19. A person gives $10500 for 8 hectares of land, and Jays it
out in lots of 24 ares each. What must he sell it for per lot, to
make 20 %? Ans. $39,375.
20. A grocer buys a quintal of butter for $88, and retails it for
$1.10 a kilogram. Tow much does he make on the whole, and
what per cent. ? Last ans. 25 %.
21. How many hectolitres of potatoes, at 18 cents per deca-
litre, must a farmer give for 3 kilograms 4 hectograms of tea, at
$2.40 per kilogram ? Ans. 4,8; hectolitres.
22. How many kilometres of wire fence will be ‘required, te
eons a square field 350 metres on each side ?
3. What will be the profit on 14 hectolitres of beer, bought
for $5 per hectolitre and retailed at 8 ¢. per litre ?
24. From 12 decasteres of wood were sold 11 steres. Re-
quired the value of what remained, at $3 per stere. Ans, $3277,
MISCELLANEOUS QuEstions.—In Percentage, what three things are to
be considered? Give the three formulas that apply to the percentage,
rate, and base. In Profit and Loss, what correspond to the percentage,
rate, and base? Give three formulas, then, corresponding to those in
Percentage, that will apply to Profit and Loss. In Interest, what corre-
spond to the percentage, rate, and base? Make three formulas, then,
corresponding to those in Percentage, that will apply to Interest. In
Commission, what correspond to the percentage, rate, and base? Make
three formulas, then, that will apply to Commission. In Insurance, what
correspond to the percentage, rate, and base? Make three formulas,
then, that will apply to Insurance. Which kind of duties involve the
principles of Percentage? Make three formulas that will apply to ad va-
lorem Duties.
In Percentage, how do you find the base, when the rate and the sum
or difference of the percentage and base are given? To what in Percent-
age does the selling price of an article sold at a profit correspond? To
what does the selling price of an article sold at a loss correspond? Give
the rule, then, for finding the cost, when the selling price and the rate of
profit or loss are known.
In Duodecimals, what different values may the prime have? What
denomination of duodecimals is equivalent to the inch? To the square
inch? To tke cubic inch? To what is the index of a product in duo-
decimals equal ?
What is the shortest method of finding the interest of any sum for 60
days, at 6%? For 80 days? For3 days? For 63 days? For 90 days?
For 93 days? For 83 days? How can we find in how many years any
principal will double itself at a given rate? At what rate will any prin-
cipal double itself in a given number of years ?
What is the difference between a promissory note that says nothing
about interest, one that has the words ‘‘ with interest,’’ and one that says
“‘ with interest annually’? ? What is the difference between true discount
and bank discount ?
How many terms enter into a simple ratio? How many into a simple
proportion? How many terms in a simple proportion must be given, to
find what is not given? If the term not given is an extreme, how do we
find it? How, if itisa mean? What is the difference between a simple
and a compound proportion? Why do we make that which is of the
same kind as the answer the third term?. By what other process may ex-
amples in proportion be solved? What is the ratio of the diameter of a
circle to its circumference? Of the diameter to the radius? Of the cir.
cumference to the radius ?
1. If C and D retired at the same hour daily, but C rose at 4
before 6 and D at half past 7, how much more working time had
C than D in the years 1864 and 1865? Ans. 12794 hr.
2. How many acres, roods, &c., in a rectangular field 12 ch.
34]. long and 10 ch. 85 1. wide? Ans. 13 A. 1 R. 22.224 sq. rd.
8. If 1 gal. 1 qt. 2 gi. of liquid passes through a filter in 1 hour,
how much will pass through in 4 hr. 19 min. 24 sec. ?
Ans. 5 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. 1.58 gi.
4, How many square feet of glass in 12 windows, each having
12 panes, and each pane being 1 ft. 3’ by 11’? Ans. 165 sq. ft.
5. A grocer sold 104% of his stock of sugar, and then 104 of
what was left. 60 cwt. 75 lb. remained; what was his original
stock ? Ans. 75 cwt.
6. If I divide 4 of a section of land into 13 equal parts, how
many acres, &c., in each part ? Ans. 16 A. 1 R. 2528 P.
7. Sold, Mobile, Feb. 1, 1866, 50 bales of cotton, averaging
426 lb. to the bale, at 45c. a pound. May 15, 1866, received the
money, with legal interest from the date of sale. How much did
I receive ? Ans. $9806.52.
8. Find the amount of £1600 14s. 8d., at 4%, for 18 days.
9. When it is 10 minutes past 6 o’clock at Chicago, it is 22
min. 43 sec. past 6 at Cincinnati. What is the difference of longi-
tude between these cities? Ans. 3° 10’ 45”.
10. A New York merchant, having £350 to pay in London,
buys a draft for that amount with gold at 150, exchange standing
at 109. He might in stead have remitted 5-20’s, then selling at
104 in N. Y. and worth 64 in London. Would he have gained
or lost by so doing, and how much? Ans. Gained $15.55.
11. A rectangular piece of land containing half an acre is five
times as long as it is broad. Required its length and breath.
Ans. Length, 20 rd.; breadth, 4 rd.
12. In a mixture of wine and cider, } of the whole + 25 gal-
lons was wine, and 4 of the whole —5 gallons cider. How many
gallons were there of each? Ans. 85 gal. wine, 35 gal. cider.
13. Divide $2000 into shares that shall be to each other as
8, 7, 6, and 4. Ans. $744.1825, $651.1642, $558.1324, $46. 51 y's.
14. How many rods of hedge will be required to, enclose a cir-
cular plot containing lacre? To enclose a square plot containing
an acre? To enclose an acre in the form of a right-angled trian-
gle whose altitude is twice its base ?
Ans. 44.83 rd. +; 50.596rd. +; 66.231 rd. +
15. What will be the length of a diagonal from a lower corner
to the opposite tees corner of a cubical vat 9 feet on each side ?
Ans. 15.58 ft. +
16. There are two globes, one having a diameter of 10in., the
other a circumference of 37.69908 in. How many more square in-
ches in the surface of one than in that of the other? How many more
cubic inches in one than inthe other? First ans. 138.22996 sq. in.
17. A person spent £100 for some geese, sheep, and cows, pay-
ing for each goose 1s., for each sheep £1, and for each cow £5.
How many did he purchase of each kind, so as to have 100 in
all ? Ans. 80 geese, 1 sheep, 19 cows.
18. A hare is 50 leaps before a hound, and takes 4 leaps to the
hound’s 8, but 2 leaps of the hound are equal to 3 of the hare’s.
How many leaps must the poe take, before he catches the
hare ? Ans. 800 leaps.
19. A general, wishing to draw up his men in a square, found
on the first trial that he had 89 men over. The second time, hav-
ing placed one more man in rank, he needed 50 to complete the
square. How many men had he? Ans. 1975 men.
20. A, B, and ©, start from the same point, and travel in the
same direction, round.an island 20 miles in circumference. A
goes 3 miles an hour, B 7, and C11. In what time will they all
be together ? Ans. At the end of 5 hours.
21. From a cask containing 10 gallons of wine, a servant drew ~
off 1-gallon each day, for five days, each time supplying the de-
ficiency by adding a gallon of water. Afterwards, fearing detec-
tion, he again drew off a gallon a day for fiye days, adding each
time a gallon of wine. How many gallons of water still remained
in the cask ? Ans. 2.418115599 gal,
22. If I purchase $1200 worth of goods, 4 on 8 months’ credit,
+ on 6 months, and + on 9 months, what amount in cash would
pay the bill, money being worth 7%? Ans. $1159.64.
23. In the above example, what would be the equated time
for paying the whole amount, $1200, at once?
24. How many times will the second-hand of a watch go round
its circle, in 12 wk. 2 hr. 15 min. ? Ans. 121095 times.
25. Find the sum of the infinite series 1, 3, ,,:&c. Ans. 1t.
26. A and B had the same income. A saved +} of his; but
B, spending $120 a year more than A, at the end of 10 years was
$200 in debt. What was the income ? Ans. $500.
94%. A father gave his five sons $1000, to divide in such a way
that each should have $20 more than his next: younger brother.
What was the share of the youngest ? Ans. $160.
28. A and B, starting from opposite points of a fish-pond 536
feet in circumference, begin to walk around it at the same time,
in the same direction. A goes 62 yards a minute, B 68 yards. In
what time will B overtake A, and how far will A have walked?
Last ans. 923% yd.
29. A, B, and OC, commence trade with $3053.25, and gain
$610.65. The sum of A’s and B’s capital is to the sum of B’s and
C’s as5 to 7; and C’s capital diminished by B’s, is to C’s increased
by B’s, as 1 to 7. What is each one’s share of the gain ?
Ans. A’s, $185.70; B's, $208.55; C's, $271.40.
30. A man left $1000 to be divided between his two sons, one
14 years old, the other 18, in such a proportion that the share of
each, being put at interest at 6%, might amount to the same sum
when they reached the age of 21. How much did each receive?
Ans. Elder, $546.15; younger, $453.85.
31. If $100 is divided between D, E, and F, so that E may
have $3 more than D, and F $4 more than E, how much will
each have ? : Ans. D, $30; E, $33; F, $87.
32. P and Q have equal incomes. P contracts an annual debt
amounting to + of his; Q lives on 4 of his, and at the end of 10
years lends P enough to pay off his debt, and has $320 left. What
is the income ? Ans. $560,
33. What is the final value, and what the present value, of an
annuity of £80, to run 6 years, computing at 5 4, compound in-
terest? Last ans. £406 1s. 14d.
34. What is the difference between 5% and .5 4 of £177?
35. A buys of D 840 barrels of flour, at $10.50 a barrel, on
credit. Three days afterward he fails, having $52070 net assets,
and liabilities to the amount of $254000. How much will D re-
ceive for his debt ? Ans. $1808.10.
36. What will it cost to gild a ball 14 yd. in diameter, at $1.75
a square foot? Ans. $111.83.
37. A merchant buys, on 4 months’ credit, 8 tons of lead, at
$10.25 per 100 Ib.; 750 Ib. horse-shoe iron, at $150 a ton; 44
ewt. of spelter, at 11 ¢. a lb.; and 250 lb. of copper, at 29 c. a Ib.
What sum, cash down, will pay the bill, computing at 6 4?
88. With how long a rope must a goat be fastened, that it may
feed on 345 of arood of land? Ans. 18 ft. 7.38 in.
89. A person imported 5 casks of wine, averaging 43 gal. each,
which cost him $1.50 a gallon in gold. The duty was $1 a gallon
and 25% ad valorem in gold; other charges on it amounted to
$50.25 in currency. Reckoning gold at 135, what must he sell
his wine for per gallon, in currency, to make 80%? Ans. $5.35.
40. Two globes of equal density have a diameter respectively
of 1 inch and 1 foot. The smaller weighs 14 ounces; what is the
weight of the larger? Ans. 162 Ib,
41. F, G, and H, enter into partnership for 1 year from Jan. 1.
F furnishes $25000 for the whole time; G, twice that amount for
9 months. H puts in $10000, Jan. 1; $5000 more, March 1;
$15000 more, May 13 and Oct. 1, withdraws $10000. Their profits
are $15500 3 how must this sum be divided; G being allowed $350
for extra services ? Ans. F, $4500; G, $7100; H, $3900.
42, A farmer wishes to lay off a rectangular garden containing
2 acres, with a front of 200 feet on a certain road; how deep
must he make it ? Ans. 485 ft. 7.2 in.
43, A pound weighed by a certain grocer’s false balance makes
1 lb. 1 oz. How much does he dishonestly make by selling 34 of
his pounds of butter, if-butter is werth 50 c. a lb? Ans, $1.
44, The rate of tax in a certain town is.008 and $1 for each
poll. B has to pay for 5 polls; also on real estate valued at
$5450, and $2250 personal property. He gets a note for $450,
which will mature in 63 days, discounted at a bank for 6% After
paying his tax from the proceeds, how much has he left ?
45. To realize a profit of 154%, what price per pound must a
grocer charge for a mixture of three kinds of sugar, costing re-
spectively 10, 11, and 12 cents a Ib., there being 3 1b. of the first
kind to 2 of the second, and 1 of the third ? Ans, 1244; c.
46. P owes Q $3500 payable in 6 months, but pays half the
debt at the end of 2 months, and $500 more 1 month afterward.
How long after the 6 months may P equitably defer paying the
balance? Ans. 6 mo. 24 days.
47. Two persons start from the same point, and go the one
due east, the other due south. The first goes twice as far as the
second, and walks 20 miles aday. How far apart are they at the
end of 6 days? Ans. 184.164 miles+.
48, A certain quantity of water is discharged by a two-inch
pipe in 4 hours; how long will it take 4 one-inch pipes to dis-
charge 5 times that quantity ? Ans. 20 h.
49. A and B erect and furnish a hotel. A contributes 4 lots
of land worth $375 each, and $21400 cash. B puts in $5600 cash,
and furniture worth $9250. They rent the premises for $7550 a
year; how much should each receive? Ans. A, $4580; B, $2970.
50. What price per yard in Federal Money is equivalent to 5
frances for a metre ? Ans. 85 c.+
51. A owns # of a ship which is worth $68000. If I buy 2 of
A’s share at this rate, for what sum must I draw a sixty-day note
that I may pay A witltthe proceeds of it, when discounted by a
broker at 7 per cent. ? Ans. $84421.67.
52. A merchant owing 2500 francs in Paris, invests $5000 gold
in a bill on that city, exchange being 5 francs 25 centimes to $1.
Ife remits it to a friend, and asks him to pay the debt with in-
terest for 6 mo., at 4%, and invest the balance in silk. 29624 yd.
_ Of silk were bought; what was the price per yd. ? Ans. 8 fr.
53. A grocer wishes to make a mixture of 280 Ib. of coffee,
worth 26 c. a lb., out of four kinds worth respectively 23, 25, 28,
and 30 cents a lb. How much of each kind must he take ?
54. Paid, June 1, $1 for getting a note of $100 discounted at
6%. When did said note mature ? Ans. July 31.
55. Having 5 gal. of alcohol, worth $4.50 a gallon, a person
wishes to mix it with two other kinds worth $4.25 and $4 a gal-
Jon, and with water, so as to make the mixture worth $3.75 a
gallon. What quantities must he take ?
Ans. 5 gal. of each kind of alcohol to 2 of water.
56. What price per pound avoir. in Federal Money is equiva-
lent to 5 francs 50 centimes per kilogram ? Ans. $.4644.
57. A grocer sold flour which cost $6 a barrel for $7.80.
When this flour rose to $9 a barrel, what did he have to sell it for
to make the same per cent. ?
58. How many cords, and how many decasteres, in 3 piles of
wood, each 4 ft. wide and 8 ft. high, the first being 10 ft. long,
the second 15 ft. long, the third 20 ft. long?
Last ans. 4.0775 decasteres+.
59. According to the Connecticut rule, what was due on the
note presented in Example 6, page 228 ? Ans. $1201.059.
60. From a sphere of copper 14 ft. in diameter, what length
of wire ;1, of an inch in diameter can be drawn, 4% being allowed
for waste? Ans. d-mig7 far. 5-rde fh.6-im
61. At $4 a rod, what will be the expense of fencing twelve
acres of land in the form of a circle? In the form of a square?
In the form of a rectangle whose length is three times its breadth?
Ans. $621.98+ ; $701.07+ ; $809.54.
62. I can buy 500 barrels of flour for $11 a barrel cash, or
£11.20 on 3 months’ credit. Would it be better for me to buy on.
credit, or to borrow the money at 6 4% and pay cash ?
63. A father divides a sum of money between his children in
such 2 way that the Ist and 2d together have $500, the 2d and
8d $700, the 8d and 4th $500, the Ist and 4th $300, the Ist and
8d $600. Find the sum divided and the share of each.
Sum divided, $1000.
= Ist receives $200; 2d, $800; 38d, $400; 4th, $100.
Federal Money.
10 mills, 1 cent.
10 cents, 1 dime.
10 dimes, 1 dollar.
10 dollars, 1 eagle.
20 grains, 1scruple, 5).
8 scruples, 1dram, 3.
Sdrams, lounce, 3%.
12 ounces, 1 pound, tb.
Linear Measure.
12 inches, 1 foot.
3 feet, 1 yard.
dh yards, 1 rod.
40 rods, 1 furlong.
8 furlongs, 1 mile.
Square Measure.
144 sq. inches, 1 sq. ft.
9 sq.feet, 1sq. yd.
304 sg. yards, 1 sq. rd.
40 sq.rods, 1 rood.
4 roods, 1 acre.
640 acres, 1 sq. mi.
Beer Measure.
2 pints, 1 quart.
4 quarts, 1 gallon.
86 gallons, 1 barrel.
1} barrels, 1 hogshead.,
1 Beer Gallon = 282 cu. in.
1 Wine Gallon = 281 cu. in.
Sterling Money.
4 farthings, 1 penny.
12 pence, 1 shilling.
20 shillings, 1 pound.
21 shillings, 1 guinea.
Avoirdupois Weight.
16 drams, 1 ounce.
16 ounces, 1 pound.
25 pounds, 1 quarter.
4 quarters,
1 hundred-wt.
20 hundred-wt., 1 ton.
Cloth Measure.
24 inches, 1 nail.
nails, 1 quarter.
quarters, 1 yard.
quarters, 1 Ell Flemish,
quarters, 1 Ell English.
quarters, 1 Ell French.
Cubic Measure.
1728 cubie inches, plies its
27 cubic fect, 1 cu. yd.
40 cu. ft. of round, or 1 toa,
50 cu. ft. hewn timber,
16 cubic feet, 1 cd. ft.
8 cord-feet, 1 cord.
Dry Measure.
2 pints, 1 quart.
8 quarts, 1 peck.
4 pecks, 1 bushel.
86 bushels, 1 chaldron,
1 Small Measure = 2 quarts.
1 Bushel = 2150.42 eu. in.
Troy Weight.
24 grains, 1 pennywt.
20 pennywts., 1 ounce.
12 ounces, 1 pound.
14 Ib., 1stone (iron, lead).
100 Ib., I quintal.
100 Jb., 1 cask of raisins.
196 lb., 1 barrel of flour.
200 Ib., 1 bar. beef, pork.
Surveyors’ Measure.
7.92 inches, 1 link.
100 ~links, 1 chain.
80 chains, 1 mile.
10 sq. chains, 1 acre.
¢40 acres,... 1 sq. mile.
Liquid Measure.
4 gills, 1 pint.
2 pints, 1 quart.
4 quarts, 1 galion. |
814 gallons, 1 barrel.
2 barrels, 1 hogshd.
2 hhd., 1 pipe.
2 pipes, 1 tun.
60 seconds, 1 minute.
60 minutes, 1 hour.
24 hours, 1 day.
7 days, 1 week.
365 days, 1 year.
366 days, 1 leap year.
100 years, 1 century,
Circular Measure.
60 seconds (), 1 minute, ’
60 minutes, 1 degree, °
80 degrees, sign, S.
12 signs, 1 circle, C.
[ 336 ]
* Paper.
24 shects, 1 quire.
20 quires, 1 ream.
2reams, 1 bundle.
5 bundles, 1 bale.
Collections of Units.
12 units, 1 dozen.
12 dozen, 1 gross.
12 gross, 1 great gross,
20 units, 1 score.
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