ischial satin, ea 9.65 /4: Guc 43 Bulletin No, 43 Ea a y sve yy hh A June 15421922 i Wi, Vi Lod rd & UN COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Nora erat DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS James F, Woodward, Secretary eeemel BUREAU OF TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George H. Ashley, State Geologist COAL RESERVES IN SOMERSET COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA OG ope John F. Reese er Introduction, In connection with the "Introduction to the Bituminous Coal Fields of Pennsylvania" now being prepared for publication by the Pennsylvania Geological Survey, coal reserves of the bituminous fields are being computed by Mr, John F. Reese. In order to render this information available at once without waiting for the uncertain date of printing the report, an abstract of Mr. Reese's figures for Somerset County is’ given herewith. All of the information readily available at this time has been used in the computation, which followed the methods used by the land Classification Board of the United States Geological Survey in its valuation of the public coal lands, The results are given by beds for each township. For some beds and for some areas the data are abundant and the results entire- ly reliable. For other beds and areas the data are meager and the ® results subject to revision as additional data are obtained. All the data used and the computation sheets are permanently filed so that , modifications of the original figures can be made readily when re- quired by additional information. The figures presented are preliminary and subject to correction for any area when that area shell be studied in detail. In the mean- time critical examination of the figures is invited in order that the results may be made as accurate as possible. To that end the Survey will welcome every bit of information not now in its possession, Records of drillings and other data will be kept strictly confiden- tial if so desired, although the Bureau naturally prefers to be able to use data freely. George H, Ashley. * hb 7 15 ® P j “i he OS t . ty 7 - - ) aé Med ‘f werd y oN i ( : fh a $4 5 ; ; th, + ; J Reet + Y re i ‘ i ~ \ ‘ ’ 4 4 uh +” %, x / ee i ott i ; a ie > : 5 ae yyy ene. . 4 : Li, dhe OE A fy f ' aia? ; , “i a ce ee ae eed j t r 4. vars a ry . c. i! ¢ aed ih Me t ; : ti 3h i : i 4! rte { BWeoer ee | o ist 3 ‘ i” i ne 4 i N 7 \ , ’ ; Lek hid a ) ‘9 id i Wes } h ¥ ' ‘ 4 vg 4 { , hay be Pay aS Cm, ee Yes 8 a7 Lae wo Ug tak RA YM a be i ‘he Was r As on / ; ; ' 1 , hes ¢ iy ir A ees . ne “tg on Shade Pp , y " a ’ \ ‘ ‘ ; 7] } ob ‘ heh fh He Bt BH i sf ‘f pis i eon by a Nes Fey ee e ey ; ee at 2 Coal Beds. Somerset County contains nine coal beds that ere now of economic interest. In order of present importance as shivping coals they’are the Upper Kittanning, Lower Kittanning, Upper Freeport, Redstone, Pittsburgh, Lower Freeport, Ciarion, Sewickley, and Brookville. ion aS report, the coals of the Berlin district which have been recently correlated by members of this Survey, are considered and computed according to the folowing table: Coal beds in Berlin. district, H i t t t i Sewiekley (or Tyson) coal - -No. 1 Berlin coal Redstone coal - - - - - = +--+ - - = -Platt coal Lower bench Redstone ) or ee eee rite le Mes me COG on Coleman farm Pittsburen Rider coal.) Pittsbur ars coe phe ee ee ee ee = = = -NOw 2 Price coal It is to he uncerstood that the correlations assumed here are Subject to correction when more detailed geological work is com- PONE “Upper Boccsonine coal, he extensive mining development and outecron of tais bed, and a fair number of core drill records have © furnigne € any measurements of its thickness and evidence of its persistency. This makes possible @ fairly accurate estimate of the quantity of coal in the bed. In the Wellersburg field, and south of Meyersdale where the data are meagre, an average thickness of 30 inches has been assumed. This bed is thickest in Jenner and Conemaugh townships, ranging from 38 to 87 inches, The Upper Kittanning is the most persistent bed, contains the greatest coal reserve, and is the largest producer within the county, yielding more than 4,100,000 tons annually, Lower Kittanning coal. A fair amount of information as to the thickness and persistensy of this bed throughout the northern half of the county is availavle. In the southem part data are meagre except where coal is mined. Little is known as to the extent and thickness of the beds over large areas, and a general average based on thicknesses in surrounding areas was used in computing quantity, . Phe Lower Kittanning is best suited to mining in Conemaugh, Paint, Shade, and Quemahoning townships, with a thickness range of $6 to 58 inches, in Brothers Valley township it is 42 to 62 inches thick on the eastern side of the Berlin Basin. On the westem side of the basin in Brothers Valley and Stony Creek townships core drill records show this bed ranging from o to 10 inches in thickness, The Lower Kittanning bed contains the second greatest reserve Within: the county, and ranks second in production with a total of over 3,800,000 tons annually, aie ’ A ar Ady : Wie Ot? Sula 0 all a 2 arr oor =) ATS MEER R AS i” Upper Freeport Coal. The extensive outcrop of this bed through: out the county and the mines in various localities furnish enough measurements to make possible a fairly accurate estimate of quantity. This coal attains its best development in Jenner, Conemaugh, Lincoln, Somerset and Quemahoning townships with a thickness range of 34 to 71 inches. No information is available as to the extent and thickness of the Upper Freeport coal under large areas in the townships south of Somerset, and a general average based on thick- nesses in surrounding areas was used. The percentage of this bed that can be recovered is governed by the sequence in which the Upper and Lower Freeport coals are mined. If the Lower Freeport bed is worked first and pillars are drawn, the overlying rocks will cave and break the Upper Freeport bed, thereby causing a partial and in many places complete loss of that coal. The Upper Freeport coal is third in size of reserve within the county, and ranks third in production with a total of over 840,000 tons annually. Redstone coal, An accurate estimate of the quantity of coal in the Redstone bed is made possible by many measurements at mines and outcrop. ‘The mines are in Summit and Elk Lick townships. The Platt coal of the Berlin srea has been correlated as the Redstone coal, but little being known of its extent and thickness, it is not included in these reserves, A conservative percentage of recovery has been used in computing the recoverable tonnage, because most of- the underlying Pittsburgh coal has been mined and the yi liars dyawn, causing the intervening rocks to cave and break this bed, making it difficult and costly to mine. The Redstone bed is eighth in size of reserve within the county, and ranks fourth in production with a total of over 670,000 tons annually. Pittsburgh coal. The extensive development and outcrop of this bed furnish much information as fo 449 extent and thickness, Pittsburgh coal has been mined so many years in Summit and Elk Lick townships that it is practically exhausted. In Southampton, Brothers Valley and Jenner townships this coal has been developed vial recent years. Brothers Valley township contains the largest reserve. The No. 2 Price coal of the Berlin area in Brothers Valley town- Ship has been correlated as the Pittsburgh coal and is computed as Such in this report. From drill hole records and outerop; the writer has been enabled to define fairly accurately the extent of this bed. The area as defined is subject to correction when more information is available from future prospecting and development. As computed, the Pittsburgh bed is Seventh in size of reserve in the county, and ranks fifth in production with a total of over 420,000 tons annually. Lower Freeport coal, A fair amount of information is available 65 to the extent snd thickness of this coal; ‘It .is thickest in Somerset and Quemahoning townships, and because of its exceptionally SR area Haye AUNT 73 (One myer a es wen '8 is A) ¥ a ” . BRE Shas she ah fine quality in the vicinity of Friedens, it is in great demand as a smithing coal. As this bed is extremely variable in thickness and persistency, it has been corisidered as a reserve only in areas contiguous to mines or to drill holes that prove it to be of workable thickness. A low percentage of recovery has been assumed because the bed is so irregular. The Lower Freeport coal as computed in this report is fourth in size of reserve within the county, and ranks sixth in production, yielding over 174,000 tons annually, Clarion coal. This coal has been computed’as of economic interest in six townships, namely Addison, Black, Milford, Paint, Somerset, and Upper Turkey Foot. Little is known of its thickness and extent, and only areas surrounding development or proven ground have been computed, future prospecting may enlarge these areas, but information is meagre at the present time. The Clarion coal is thickest in Black township, ranging from 40 to 58 inches. This coal is extremely variable and) is broken by partings. Therefore a low recoverable percentage was used in these computations. The Clerion coal seems to be sixth in size of reserve in the county, and ranks seventh in production with a total of over 87,000 tons annually. Sewickley coal, The No. 1 Berlin coal in Brothers Valley township has been correlated as the Sewi¢kley coal, and is computed as such in this report, From drill hok§ records and outcrop the writer has been able to define fairly accurately the extent of this bed. The area as defined is subject to correction when future prospecting and development furnish more information. The Sewickley coal is mined only in Brothers Valiey township in the vicinity of Pine Hill where it averages 44 inches thick. As defined ana computed herein, the Sewickley coal is ninth in Size of reserve within the county, and ranks eighth in production with a total of over 81,000 tons annually, Brookville coal. This bed has been computed as of economic interest in six townships, namely Black, Brothers Valley, Elk Lick, Milford, Somerset, and Summit, | Data are meagre as to its thickness and extent, and it has bees considered as existing only in areas contiguous to localities where mined. The Brookville coal is 30 to 36 inches thick in Black and ~~ Somerset townships.. jf. . As tomputed herein, the Brookville coal is fifth in size of reserve within the county, and ranks ninth in production, yielding over 68,000 tons annually. saga A Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Uroana-Champaign Alternates 0 Method of Computing Reserves. A base map for each coal bed was made by tracing its outcrop from the geological map of the county made by the Second Pennsylvania Survey, with township boundaries and outcrop lines corrected accord- ing to latest maos availiable. All availeble measurements of a coal bed, gathered from Federal and State reports, mine maps, core drill records and personal inspec Vane ees were plotted on the map of that coal bed at the locality represented. By stvdying the distribution of the figures, areas of equal thickness were plotted, and by means of a planimeter, an instrument for measuring plane areas, the area of each coal ved in each township was measured, The unit used for calculating the quantity of coal was 90,000 short tons per inch of bed per square mile of aréa. Worked-out areas were determined from mine maps and plotted to Scale on the base maps. The same method as above was used for com- puting the quantity of eoal extracted. For some localities, no information is available as to the mined out areas of the various beds computed herein. For these places, an’ estimate of vroebabdle deple tion has been made, based on age and size of operation, or on the differense between original areas and state- ments of acreages remaining unmined,. Having calculated the quantity of coal originally contained within the area o” any bed and. subtracted the quantity already mined out, the writer determined frem engineering experience the prebable percentage of each bed ES Ee be recovered in different tocali- 168.) THis *yeries Irom 6010 90 per cent, dependine on the thisk- “ness and character, of the pees The quantity, of coal computed to be in any bed, multiplied by the assumed percentage of recovery, less 15 per cent for logs in mining, gives the estimated recoverable tonnage ° Coal Reserves. The area of Somerset County is 949 4 Square miles. The result of computing the coal reserves in Somerset County based on the latest maps, engineering data, and methods is shown in the accompanying tables. One table gives the estimated recoverable tonnage by beds and townships. The figures have been computed. It should however be distinctly understood that while the acreage of each of the beds has been accurately computed, the reliability of the average thickness of the coals used in the computation of tonnage decreases for the beds in the order following: Pittsburgh, Redstone, Sewickley, Upper Kittanning, Lower Kittanning, Uprer Freeport, Lower Freeport, Clarion, and Brookville. Thus, while the figures for the Pittsburgh bed are conservative and probably reliable, the figures for the Brookville coal may be much too small or many times too large. a 5 = Real Peta eyed je A oe Sera i LT Summary of Recoverable Coal in Somerset County in Short Tons. Township Sewickley Redstone Pittsburgh U.Freeport L. Freeport Addison © | ony, te ana i serpent aint ~*~ Pas ~~ 1 : Nee het + ar Slog ‘ eu ‘ aN! Mi { Oy ny of i i va \ ki hae ‘ : 4 , s “y is » i Yaa . ¥ ‘ f Bt . owt hee al { } tl ’ if rf - ree 7 iW aba i , » Y Las sy ; a v , v) wt m } ha , ‘ dine Aan la ‘ ani t : t 4 ; 4 a 4 é, 4 ~, aA ‘ eZ vy pi Aus f it wee * ‘ a ww Raat t 5 med i Ne Ny ss y, me A ‘4 1M 4, . “ OR hr : roe Dre tW. S roy ecnop langlanaeet while % ai : [ ‘ iy er, | 4 ww - ~ { ‘ye yam f 4 aes Mae? oh: AL Lt rh wo nvabonredym ini debe i \ ve ae ‘ fog Vw é ‘", : t 4 " n 1 (ae ey 4 1 i ol aly ‘we 1 ae ae ” ” on we ae ae 4 i eee se ee r y ‘ yt Pe Pad % ; 4 om an Vel aw We ee a de Mow sate eee oF by de oh ot © fia? Al Pe ee eo) eee ‘ ek ’ de See Bed aah ay ee \ wee « te ‘| 7 NS yey epee ri Cu ET as ; Ss ' » My bape ta An an “om iw Ae ae ve Ne baeiert . ay, hi or! sey har ) , : i 7 ‘ : ; : : ” Se ; oe ro toed re gp vel day or A ot , Shige pony ‘i "es | ' "ne q ‘ , , PME boon ‘ 7 Nb ee ae oN ' 1 i\ : ) PHAR \ eS J Woe se ae ae ee ¥ . a { we ) ) p - Mitai sel ty » n m i “ dap\ ins ee ant . | Fane ts NO Sey : ny ee “ y 7 oo ae. a 2 ee oe a N al ~ ae yam * ee cake Seah a key ea | ‘ : . ae et ay ed es ade van Bh ee eT top, epee ‘ ioe sd ; 4 } + ; * Se abe ae pt tare eh veh eee eee ee , wi ‘ , hg! } ‘ Prt { ‘ Py , Seba sane ape tiie ak ke ee wh , Sn i laa) I tobe yee ie Sat abit) i ' at A RET ' ay ay ‘ ‘al ’ 1 = i ‘yi! PR ae pr ake OH ie ad de eve em tem Hi, Ge) an WS ers ee lee As Sr wo bad Se al ot / Wey sae gh ese Mi . aa Tear aw ie Se te sm mg 0 ade ee fan t i 7 . net : D ps sare Fie WHI \ =« ve : ink eee ver ¢ oe put , rat * i in \ ae ot A yee yet ‘ao ie dt oe” eo ’ \ oR : AY on in ae pri, >, Re bah el a \ j ' Py ul Naf at Tak nied y ; ( ‘ ail ee thee, Ale pi a ver eae hae yt en ey, € Ms a us . , war an] Aa tes dodo AAR rar AH ae ae nen Ss ion ite, Hass been Ph gene Pi ane w . ; yoni ‘ ae | , "* fe ve } \ ' pi Lh aN dere (5 rhs. ME Forgive Oe ke aes ai stk ; am ach MCN ey PAYS eed } 4 \ 4 dat “ iy , ‘ i ; » w Pet } * ide i i pove i 4 vp « Lowe 5 eT a mi ed ay Saeinlely ae ale at ely hye RW) MARN | ale) donee! ae te thn lee day 20 alee A AA abl } \. rn } } ’ yo , Treyed SAS sake! tae ald \s sal ‘ n y (pl ten, eee ee : ‘ he i) SAO Fa! ee & ty dea i Py PAY > ae met eT ome . cin “Je 4} ie 7 . i y ih it IRN) fr 9 be i + Coal Reserves in Somerset County, in Short Tons. BT TL Nyse Re Mat at We RCN phot UNREAL ERA EE ORAS CC ola SE Coal beds Original Deposit Mined Out Recoverable Sewickley 8 ;700 ;000 3,600,000. 3,400 ; 000 Redstone 15 ; 400 ;000 7,400,000 5 ,400;000 Pittsburgh 51,000;000 29 ;504;000 16 ;100;000 U. Freeport 866 ; 600;000 7 7380 ;000 525.700 ,000 L. Freeport 370; 100;000 1,540,000 219; 600/000 U. Kittanning 3,086 ,500;000 84 , 050 ;000 2,188 ;500;000 L, Kittanning 1,500,200;000 52 ,400;000 910;700 7000 Clarion 89 , 800,000 750; 000 54,600 ; 000 Brookville 103, 500 ,000 760,000 62,900,000 Total 6,091, 809,000 187 , 384,000 3, 986,900,000 The foregajng summary tables were prepared from the following tables which give the details by townships. The figures in the second column represent the area of cach coal bed in square milcs. A blank space in the fourth column indicatcs that the coal bed has not been mined commercislly within the township. The fifth column is the percentage of the total thickness of the bed estimated as recoverable, from which should be subtracted if all caves 15 per cert for loss in mining. This gives the quantity computed as recoverable, Shown in the sixth column. The range in thickness of the coal beds in inches is given in the last colum, All the coal beds in the county are accessible by drift mines. COAL RESERVES BY TOWNSHIPS, IN SHORT TONS. ADDISON TOWNSHIP Area 56.3 square miles | SPELT ON Ne WL a Lathe LO Rees Area Original Mined sent Recoverable ness in Coal beds (sq. deposit out mine-« inches mie] i able U. Freeport 16.4 36;100;000 --- 60 19 ; 000 ;000 24= 30 L. Freeport 1.7 4,400 ;000 ---° 60 2 ,200;000 24-34 » U, Kittannge 23.6 98,400,000 1,600,000 90 74,000;000 34-60 L,. Kittanng 22,0 66,600,000 --- 60 34,000;000 30-34 Clarion Py ®) 8,100,000 --- 60 4,100,000 30 Total 213,600,000 1,600,000 133,300, 000 nm ee met ent te RR AP TR AS Teeth. areata =-apee-rreagehcnpaitinn-ear~ aceoneoelae) ee % \ a * “ oar SO Lat oe eel iret Pr wats ett OE nel WEE ween mh » . ’ ~t ? aed ’ ' ‘ fA d " ‘ Lo 2 . ‘ ~ ry oe an] . ' a Net 5 ‘ aK , ’ Deny < i / 2 " * Aa < te . eo , ’ P : \ 1 ‘ i (\* ® s -_ _ ‘ 4 ‘ * ; . - ae \ . . “ - ’ “a + 5 LS ‘ Ny y. Le > ‘ a . ‘ 5 vy . 4 : \ . ‘ 7 =) ‘ " \ \ - ‘ f i ‘ im fi a4) fe t : . ’ , ‘ 7 . oi ‘ “ ‘ vt > ‘ J 7 ¥ , 4 ; » \ i ai } 1 P Ay my . a 7 ’ 1 : ee mt Ay! } Tae oR es ig, RAP sib ig ie pty Maeno: Uh ae Ra i . + \ ) led } ‘ « ” a | ; . . 5 t hee 4 Be ‘ ~ J J £ ‘ ‘ in| ms yeep Fs td, my Aree s ae Beh y Anat 1 é . ¥ . ~. ite vit . 4) ! & ee iis 4 E \ + i at 5 4 . if { i fv rt ' 4 by ; ‘ ri Ph 1 1 t * * ‘ ’ J , ~ ry hey is 7 ] ‘ , ‘ ‘ e , ¢ si " 7 e' = } ] 4 Awl 4 ‘ u ie} a! ' ~ f Li > Fat is 1 < 4 ‘ Va: i \ ‘ a f Was ¢. ’ nid * . ‘ * 4 4 i 4 f \ , i > : ‘ ‘ , " ~ 1% = =) i : f ay’ ve * 4 , . “. A) we A ree x ; y owt. " - 2d ' sit i F ; ie | r é i i di wy y 1 Fd, ‘ ah 6% » rm j nae oN to > ay We A rh | Use e?¢ pu We aul alt > NWS, are ak 2 tad gee ee bs ey iad towne sy Oa fara a A fal ¥ any, y" iia lr i 4 4 é eo’ 4 he, 4 j | i BLACK TOWNSHIP Area 34,1 Square miles Area Original Mined Per Thick- Coal beds (sq. deposit out cent Recoverable ness in me) mine- inches able « 6 6,000;000 .60,;000 80 ‘4:000,000 24-36 U. Freeport Givin L. Freeport Oye 9700 :000 +-- 80 6,600; 000 34-36 U. Kittanng 4.6 00; 000 450;000 90 15 , 500 ; 000 46-60 L, Kittanng 7.6 F 500: 900 800;s000" 270 11,700 ;000 28-40 Clarion ears 44 000-000 B50 R000 wiG0 29500 C00 30-58 Brookville L303 oo 600) O06 700,000 80 25,000 , O00 30 - 36 Total 136,500,000 2,560,000 90,300,000 Seas ons connate eeeeanannadagrtamnanatiatnasneanstinmeesannmaeamemmenemmemmmaneneemaramerneee EEE BROTHERS VALLEY TOWNSHIP Area 56.5 square niles Sewickley aes Ber OO 1 au a 000 80 3, 400 ; 000 44 Pittsburgh 300 14,900 ;000 rh ESO 000 90 10 ; 400 ; 000 46 . Freeport 14,7 24 5400; 000 --+ 60 12 “400: “000 24-30 L, Freeport 11.8 29:900°000 -200;000 80 207109: U. Kittsnng 39.5 1347900:000 1;809:000 80 90. 1800 }000 24-54 L. Kittenng 30.0 95'600:000 3,0C0.000 80 628,900:000 28-60 Brookville 4.6 12,700 , 000 --- BUp 6 400. 000 30-34 Total Sel, LOU, 000 ¥, 800 000 206 100,000 CONEMAUGH TOWNSHIP Area 37,5 square miles U, Freeport 20.3 82;400;000 360,000 80 55;700;000 34-68 U. Kittanng 29.4 136;700;000 11800;000 90 95;500;C00 36-66 L, Kittamg 30.7 113,700,000 6,600,000 90 81,900,000 36-48 Total 332,800,000 18,760,000 233,100,000 teenage enretioanernis emshenrrretnerensein hegre NEA PR ton ELK LICK TOWNSHIP Area 53.6 Square miles Redstone 2.5 uy 700,000 5,600,000 80 4;100;000 52 Pittsburgh 3,6 200,000 21,000,000 90 3,200,000 718 U. Freeport 21.0 50. 700000 30.000 60 25,800;000 24-30 L. Freeport 8,7 21,800;000 300,000 80 - 14;600;000 24-34 U. Kittanng 20,0 . 54:000,000 han ~ GO MRE? HOG" 000 30 L, Kittanng 26.0 65,000°000 s~-= 60... 33, 1005000 28 Brookville 2.0 5,400,000 Se BO ue 700/000 30 Total 233,800,000 26,930,000 — 111,000,000 eer genio ennepentnatenntinisomeneneaenrengeneetnntong teeter attains ae tenet errant At A AT nt ues ee nO rnp tnt aan aL me hao fey EWEN Ty Wie! EAS ; RA Hy vs ye ay thy! y } wy Aan ies. eid x ea ave predicted tele n fy oqhahetnt ent / are 'y pin Peer hie ’ ae ‘eine ie ig tt -? bine Fuk, V4 , Bi a ‘ ny iad ot » + ! 1 : mt : ‘ ; : Py - } " 4 Cry AN eee | t a Oe " ae . as at oe a . eye 4 hein ee F *) : ¥ ; 7 4s ; " ' ¥ e i on +h asm m earye ® wns eh) - . ‘ ; “~ * +” { ’ adel 1 : f r A ; . ‘io ah ‘ , ". ‘ “~ ‘ . on , I , . ‘ ‘ pul , i, “ me i aN ? ‘ WY he - ; i { { , | : . a : } . U ‘ fe © Vie y j re j Se te og aancahe ee manns MPRA Aeon fo pee he a il P , Ke f Pelt NM ¢ / i ye tL. ae oe 4 od v as | - Vere oe ee Ld Ie ’ 4 be ; . : : pial pore eee . b> dale Aes al i } ‘ Japioess sei dnt deel tee oa tne 9 falta aa egret [se heb ae aa er. ae =o seew \\ ae on ta eb ae gerier Ram te yer f N eh tee +p ‘ t . 4 4 ‘ \ ' . ‘ anni dt wh i i than f i v7) uly 4 , , eed 4 U Sane \, saber, ee og ele tomate hr ennnt he a “" i " 4 ’ aan . - Pi e ye ‘ > j . ) ‘ . X ‘ i 0 Lhe ' ’ ° F iy hin, : ; ‘ ae ¥ ~ t ; 4 ; it “ ' 4 v + ' 4‘ ‘ - i : J + a el ‘ ri 7 : P ; a ; 4 ‘ : Fy / + i Gra en fy a Aah re 4 if ; : whol Seat teapetuel pail Amrial \tyatiey 4 9h " a Verne re eet wiped dj crheae de WBN pee aun ee PHOT : rN, ot FAIR HOPE TOWNSHIP Area 14.2 square miles Area Per Thick- Coal beds (sq. Original Mine a cent Recoverable ness in mi.) deposit out mine-:") inche s able L, Kittanng .4 1,000,000 --- 60 500,000 30 a NE NN NE RAN ST EN RET ART A ARTY CR ACY A A RB A RE JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP Area 37,5 square miles U. Freeport 15.6 51,4007000 --- 70 30;500;000 36-40 U. Kittanng 36,0 59;000;000- + --- 70 35 ; 100 ;000 40-44 Le Bat benne pedi $7,400,000) |) -- = 70 34,100,000 30-34 Total 167,800,000 --- 99,700 ,000 eee SSS SSE eee——————————————————— EE JENNER TOWNSHIP Area 61.0 square miles Pittsburgh 04 2,400; 000 430008 80 -900 ; 000 40 U. Freeport 29.0 129,100,000 2,500;000 80 86,000,000 24-68 L. Freeport 1.7 5 ; 500 ;000 ~§ 60;000 80 3; 600 ; 000 24-36 U. Kittanng 34.4 1,682,000;000 41,900,000 90 1,254;600;000 36-72 L. Kittanng 40.8 142 ,600, 000 ---- 80 109 , 000 , 000 28-60 Total 1,960,600,000 44,464,000 1,454,100, 000 LINCOLN TOWNSHIP Area 24.2 square miles U. Freeport 15.8 60,400;000 1,000,000 80 40;300;000 40-44 LL. #reeport 5.9 L5 , 200 ; 000 i dadteter 70 9,000;000 24-36 U. Kittanng 16.5 663007000) 5,800,000 . 90 46;000;000 40-50 L, Kittanng 18.4 56,600,000 200,000 70 33.500,000 34-36 Total 198,300,000 7,100,000 128,800,000 LOWER TURKEY FOOT TOWNSHIP Area 34.0 square miles U. Freeport 9.6 26;100;000 ---- 60 13-300;000 24-36 U. Kittamng 14.2 45,500;000 300,000 80 30:700:00@ 34-46 L. Kittenng 15.0 40,800 ,000 Boe 60 20,800,000 30-34 Total 112,400,000 300,000 64,800,000 nen a A AT A a a a aa sapety Nos seperti a Bre tae : ey ae : . : ‘ . ae he 4 he ' i ~ 4 : a. ie » : Pe 4 Da ‘ ‘ ( eee " Shins Pe er re 1 pe he ; nih deol eae, Mee Nige, ta te Sen aes a tide Heo Nee ae Be Pe has RAN oe beh cn ore ea ea a ee NS iam ‘ ’ . . . i & ‘ a ‘ b ‘ ok wige™ ) : 4 iy pa in *) et ; : ) ee | Oe Ae Oe Oe aT yo » jen F | my h ' RY hia) ‘ : ‘ ony } er’ ‘ Yin.’ i t a ; wy PS . { Pare NT eS Ra Rema Nt edly ds ce hive vet enede ah Wht ein yet ete sae ia Saat rep. WE ag te cae ee } i ie on ; : 7 ‘ R ww i i naeO ice), i ! yeh! wy iit p " Loi cy ci da abc ae tte MRA AT ses Haan CA Ah ‘ \ 6 errs eT cay separ aw anlar rae ar ery INS sre re whee hy ran Nei ener eee att é YS ON a Ia Shay , , 1 4 ; P i aE i { ‘i WY iy " she i LAY Werhee 1 'y wr Apo ay Cay vy ip UPA ee WAR re ity a eam Alte dk ets : Bg en ii Cm ey oa er ar 1 \ q , Be oe 7 - om r “ wre 4 qyuan (sided He Savery oh esr etc time Wer val Pee he ene es hie ok SOE bie my % ” er - vite ’ r i ’ wt Ck eee a) \ NFO alk: Pn We ts i h ay f! A n Rae ae pat Ky . eae au) Wey Ce) ea eee by ; ia o ‘ vi et, f < ae a ‘ eM eet al f Ps) ey ys ie ) ay i} ct z , Lia 4 Lh fe \ a ai ay : ’ bie ‘ 1 ur ‘y j { Ry ( y ; i D 4 \ MW] na uth x Bivien| ' Pap h Lvyry A wea \ ‘ Ba ny ¥ Re eR f US WT Teal a We i t ir iy { i NBL, aa ia N \ Ss ‘ en 4a) Hil * fied ie : F 4 " iy rie | he Oly r : Aiea y 5 ; © \ ) i Oo i st \ ‘ Winns ih - ! Me ay ee, ane ‘ 5 ; Sh ae ve) * fs f A = eM ( ‘ 1 ; \ Nees aha «dt Nala ha Sie oe (jl sas ee toa slap clash alt sR dla ryt ate te Pl aR Ar RRA a aaa Na pur aie reer yy sdaharnae NAN ie dandy se ‘ . ' i is \ ‘ ‘ha may ‘ ‘eM i Pinon Oi iy ihe de! ey nat Aah Wy iit NM Bey : Pa, Vi f } \ { Hf £ , i { : Ai tata a's fe yet b whonuide seiner 9 yd hep ‘ i. : HNbidin iron Hr mages Rh een Bebreianierty: Seas dase dias ADH eet shpat ann frsleg mA bt ' I Vi ‘ ; é ; ayy P ‘ fi : | Mn Foy ye AF j ’ . Daye a ‘ a) Hy \ iy ) Hive : aie i MW y . ‘ , } : Ht ‘ i J r ifm | ‘Ie Nie teak i i / haat DCA shy inne) ate ie aN } TOA We ‘ NAMM 4 Wy, Sr at i i Mj ah, Wah aN Ree AL Sayin as . rained Tat a a ‘ day abdul lac Nort PRAM nAva w MAU me CHR AR BY AT Ay rin dees de vaae . ¢ ie i s pS a A aL " % AF % '¢ . f ? ; fo a a 4 PA LEO : ye i “ rm ye : f ‘ Ki ha y 0 ¢ WA ty ‘ As eed Cacia i ) ; mee on 3 i ‘ AM ) f iw y ‘ yd A, f { ie ” ij fi ’ ine it ey ’ { tah ie fh he } a mw ae ae fag « at ay Mean top ’ ‘ i i ‘ islgh ays Ai Alten r K - a ’ A Shans’ AA elaale Ae ale Sehe asians eye Rane ho Melita a re) Se ae a) ad mw ¢ f int Ly 4 } { * WA <¥ i, ar { : OY) as ee ee Uae Cee } yy ae % y wie wi EF ot 4 haat " 4 ‘ ; 4 WA a hel . } tit i ne { ; i sid 4 uv ‘i ‘ ‘ . ty Jia ana eagle antago penal i He siaeote eas yreeie Wier eet id A fsa dy aia Aim ved et bch el Pamephtairnibctmvahty itn. hatin Ov net tt ; on * rfr't 4 I ee man a hi naan ihren s wdiinrey ae Miva POU A Yar re onmenla yan Katine darter thAsy DATs Tae at - eye ; ; nit ntsh eepentte anche anda Ne dian’ Tamer Lire pAdalhie wokd bedgtinn hn BR Nagi, aE be TORI he Ny ake MO AE eR RR ae di ’ 4 TA / yy ; 4 7 wats A oA 2: f 4 f , 5 ~ MIDDLE CREEK TOWNSHIP Area 28.4 square miles Area er Phick- Coal beds (sq. Original Mined cent Recoverable ness in mi.) deposit out mine- inches able BRS I ROIS LUO CUE 2 A ENR aE PS eed Re POT amc U. Freeport 10.0 32;400;000 --- 60 eh 500 ;000 36 L. Freeport 2.0 4 ;800 ;000 ~o- 60 2'400; “000 24-30 U. Kittanng 12.6 46 ;600 ;000 oe 70 ris i "700 : 000 36-60 peeeturenns, 1990" 83. 3001000" a4 60) 265100, 0000. 30 Total 135,100,000 ~~~ 72,700,000 MILFORD TOWNSHIP Area 24.5 s@uare miles -.U. Freeport Di 14 ; 600 ; 000 sm 69 7,400 ; 000 24-36 Le. Freeport 6.4 17 ;000;000 30,000 70 10 , 000 ;000 £4~36 Ue esheets 19.9 77 ;800 ;000 ~~~ 70 46 ;200 ;000 40-60 Le Xittanng 22.2 60; 700 ;000 ae 70 36 , 100 ;000 20-42 Clarion 5.0 8 ; 100 ;000 in 70 4,800 ;000 30 Brookville 4,4 12,000,000 60,000 70 7,000 , 000 20-34 Total 190,200,000 90,000 111,500,000 oe a a Sn Ee cS eA Oa pe es ne NRE ATTAIN ICA TT ONES PE POEET CS RT TT AA aN OGLE TOWNSHIP Area 31.6 square miles Ue Mittenne | ).2 600,000 200;000 80 400;000 48 L. Kittamng 1,1 4,200,G00 300,000 90 2,900,000 42-50 Total 5,000,000 500,000 3,300,000 Ne OT I AE SE TA Oe A aR a arene] PAINT TOWNSHIP Area _ 30. 7 square miles we ereeport « 2.2 6,400; 000 ~-- 60 3;200,000 34 Se TeeDOr sy G4 Ow\) CLR :900. POD aaa 60. 6;500;000 24 U, Kittanng 11.2 43:200;000 77;600;000 90 27;200;000 36-48 L. Kittanng 19.8 73;800;000 24,600:000 90 37;600;000 28-56 Clarion 3,0 16,200,000 200,000 70 9,500,000 _ 60 Total 152,500,000 32,400,000 84,000,000 - 10 ~ «ww a ign De Oe a marr am « ans er moh s ae om « wea «Ben They Oe EL sel is ’ : 3 ya: yo eee weet ; ; : Ma had ie) © Y ¥ ay Leal Tk . Fire WU AHS A I AN FE fe SE TES = LAIR eked SIPS Taare ee est lepabeal aT a os ‘ ap ; { ih PN a Es ‘ x hin, er wh ea eh ee pen ee ner veaaeryet FS Me ¥ 5 ie en 2 - . J qh Se ee 4 AF ¢ “* ” di) weet enriches aan sare sal and nc ens speauaalp npn aap mannenncainnttinamairtesatantn emt 7S RENT nner : ‘ Pap rH | OA : ‘ . hee NOSE Rg ’ we “~ Le ae Ve. be 4 i : ' j é . fue © ® i ea ee at fy) rm ee ' , “ in Ya ‘4 rT a tee af ig % ce) | os - LPR gt Wane Lu ae! we ah Swett gia get Fs * . \, Boe be * < } j ihe a +h say tS ee. i ie car sy . PA tay y's ay ‘ ; Wy © i os d F y ¢ Fd iy . HN © an five fa : f 4 g * { “sat ‘ ye a) ‘ ar. ahi Ping at og i we ate oe t, v4 rae yl "\ ny f : ¥ er ue ty - oo ' ay) ee m® WA a eat A A ‘we U vig | Pai " 4 - oe Pe, ey a} " ee ‘ Wy My i tig) ¥ im ‘ hh =n " é eevee Tt otha prcd inv lhl Jag | ep anslge vere Mea yon “ ‘4 ine 4° hpblnrnpeelesert gil i jm st pes wimg é A | , i Lt lg i . n os a. , / ‘ . ne Ty t rs ! , it j f diene ‘ hy ow ia ee . ee er a) 2 % : ie) a pe = wie wae 4 «s,m minpred naehedinmane dipetatnin neapantine eind-mere of) ea y «nh ivehate en gcni auate any ae shlong tne tg “eS " aie - ~ wn eee is ear ae ay od oo abe Mite a tani ORY YO alae teres suneureenene aaa a eee 2 ’ ae =i anearme VS Thee era 5 fi a ‘ ive ae aes 4 vs) ogi, 3 unig af } . of yy , “aa : ih rp he ao +e “er wee Mane Tee Ne he one eg ty eelee acdsee > ‘py tev wreak uw 7 f “x eo a8 Heal 5 ‘ hey Yao ‘ h, t i . ] x Cy eae : mate Pee | ‘ £3 t yA, : t, é vr t ra wv a ' ~ mina ‘ve me chk sill aan chp gsi eich Ag ert 3 Mey cv ae fe pigs gn Cty re A Lt ne r as ‘ ‘ . 4 ork SOT SREP 1% eel eet Yea NGS te x 4 4 ’ ¥ “e d : ‘ yes r* vy y uy & : by ae” | ih . aed . i aaa Atdeab (ys (ede Sqiet nh peo detamre Pee ee ea — ~ od red ba apne tee i ? . é » 7 ‘yf ¥ n ve at tie” J an ‘ iy Tae “ays a P ' Ts ae : say dre ee oe w,4 : ‘ ee ry ne ath, Py a. an ~ ure * F yee i ge Ca aa ' hy ¥ ' Fn : A aut I's \ ‘ i M ‘ 4 i ‘ 4 a Oe i ae Py, “, mh "al wer aha Yih a Ke Re a es 1 giak GPR) gE Sy pnt r sie et { 4 4 bee “ My ig’ ey | ath hy a's 5 Si Fh a Ca¥ Pad RE arr ” men Ah ole) Anak iby resin cane Yar cage vet yn Wee) ements bP age hp weigher es A c y i 1 f . , 4 Pe aoe n hh, my fg 10 ee ’ CHG 2 OL, St ‘ ye Ay Se ate ee} ate lad } ’ é | rat ; i een on reenter 1 . ad ¥ ha had A 3 ad ‘ Os Hoe. am - ae eer © eo) ew ee ee mages are -~ LitSeulee shew bing lent or sf aneene Hy ¢ + v J fi Lor AS | QUEMAHONING TOWNSHIP Area 26.4 square miles ee eRe a SO AER RARE RENE gE SS EER A BED Area Per Thick- Coal beds (sq. Original Mine 4 cent Recoverable ness mi.) deposit out mine ~ in able inches U. Freeport 15.9 54,900 ;000 300,000 8C. 37;100;000 34-48 Le Freeport 18.6 57 ;400 ;000 wate 6C.. 29;200;000 24~36 U. Kittanng 20.5 69;200;000 4,400;000 90 49, "5007000 34-46 Le. Kittanng 23,2 80,600 , 000 800,000 80 64,200, 000 34-54 Total 262,100,000 5,500,000 170,000,000 | SHADE TOWNSHIP Area 63.5 square miles U. Freeport Scum Wes O00 000 400,000 80 19;700;000 34-36 L. Freeport 8.6 22 5400 ; 000