“eattege. | ANNUAL CATALOGUE OF wa HSTFIOLD Gouugen, LSBG7=S8. OF THE @PEFICERS AND & VL UDENTS DAYTON, OHIO: svoelescope” Book and Job Rooms. 1868. COLLEHGEH YHAR REV. WILLIAM T. JACKSON, A. M., Priycrpat, And Professor of Mathematics. ca arr ee REV. WILLIAM O. TOBEY, A. B., Professor of Ancient Languages and Interature. — MRS. RACHEL H. W. TOBEY, M. A., Principal of the Ladies’ Department. REV. WILLIAM R. SHUEY, Professor of Book-keeping and Penmanship. MISS INEZ BROWN, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music. REV. L. 8. CORNELL, Librarian. & C | Dowd of Crustees, Rev. J. KENOYER...... sees setae Ee pia RevecAw WALN SCOP Ti ees | U. W. Conference. Pre LL, lag ceaves cthsatrcevessessasise, | SUGEEST aes TOFU Lanereskade Secccoadestavsscdics Rew )D...AMBROSE J..:0:0cscrecceoscseiecs | cent Illinois Conf. Mave FH. de LIL BIS i: sasctes andes soacsaae Ravertt MLL LG vicseccsasisstiood ciel ere Rev. W: R. SHUEY ........ BR oe |, W. Conference. Deen VOU GALLS, HSC) tsi porese ons os ese tnuen=s oes Rev. N. A. WALEER...... LGA 8 aed RGVaik. elt N GER iiccecscosssaectousucscs | Miao Conference. TeOVaitl so ELON VD HR eo acseiee PERRO EY ren Officers}of the Board. Rev. 8S. MILLS, REV. W. R. SHUEY, Pres’t., Sec’y. and Treas. Executive Committee. Rev. S. MILLS; Rev. W. R. SHUEY, Rev. W. M, GIVENS, D. EVINGER, Esq., Prof. W. T. JACKSON. Lraveling Agents. Rey. W. C. SMITH, Rev. A. COLLINS. Resident Avent. Rey. S. MILLS. | | | Hames any Residences of Students. GENTLEMEN. NAM RESIDENCE. J. CO. AMbTOBE....cececeesees eve Preparatory... 20. ssneersess Mt. Pulaski. O. J. AIDION.....c.cccoorccereres BJs) irate eis vavitonenthan -.. Newman. W. H. Ambrose........... Scientific, First Year........... Mt. Pulaski. EB. J. Althands.......cccsesses PreparaOry ..reasssecssseano sehen Watseka SAGAS AEA Ti) oe ttee sed snen bar th atens he gtd, oe cesta Westfield. MM. Hi, Ambrose... .000..00000 s055 RIASHION jecsccuseartentoacane Mt. Pulaski. BC Ball is caccstsessou> Boege Preparatory s.diccacieredecses sedeeeele York. | J. 9) BOOKS os). lise eb ecee ate ub Err ee t A Mt. Eaton, O. La Aalacke hola). teers A EE ccs ota Terre Haute, Ind. CHW. ERA DOT ass00. wesw ssnemeze MM sage spaewanpaane ea saeiias Kansas. DS IH DOGGIE she'scsauavevcne osvasaus tN eo sebsvancaaseabiepsesien Windsor. |W: Dic Brawstets.....s.