» hy M4 4s , ‘ : n} WAC! 4 ' i pov ey | We af i Pda] i ' Ns i i ' i} aes Oe f 4) AUTEN { ‘ i Ss i} As oh ee ! if . ys: SRY ‘ i “a f . Bxelisive of i, m; ; 4 § a ti) a at J ree Ag A i ii ly au baa . ne a \ it . bye ‘ ! Ny % i yj Ne ‘ i f eens TPAC Renae yam hg Ys i ena oblen in | Labrary 15d (Seminar) Ww eye: #4 Pin il 4 i te { hae b ey Tale Oe j 4 bmi ie ; i) nt i et ee We a % oF ee Ne) : D j wii gist AP OR ND Mey 31, 1921. praereame Rao MR, A ‘* oy cau o arid aa AY P , y il ay Pid i ‘ H Fi 4 P if 3 ’ , f dT Nin Saath? Mind 4 oe ' Ais ii } bi Deny f ‘ \ 1d iy 5 “sate i y i Wy ify Hi i f,t ® Jy bas U r . bi Sd LYN ile Ter Ua ‘ ian CON AS alt i Ate ‘ \ Mtl Weve OL q tari aut } atin si i iy mil My eT ea i i i re ae 100 Foreign Publishers References used: : Bookman 30:241-52 , Critic 39:331-43 4 oy , : _ 805 Literary yearbook, p.461-—42 az LI (Reference Room) . 1907 : 4 655 Publishers! exhibits at World's Columbian Exposition PI6p (Library School Room) ae » ? Indexes to various bound volumes of Publishers! Weekli Uncataloged material on third floor of annex. , oe It was not so hard to find the names of foreign publishing firms, but to collect material in regard to their history and business meth- 4, ods was quite another matter. The few books or articles which have taken the trouble to write about foreign publishers are now so badly out of date as to be practically useless, and ney material is to be found only in scattered and out-of-the-way places. In the following list, I have not attempted to include all firms now in the book publishing business abroad, but have chosen from those I originally listed one hundred, including only those about whom T was able 'to find at least the address. Some of these will, I am sure, have gone out of business during or since the war, and doubtless a lew new firms have been established in the past two or three years; but I have tried so far as possible to check my list with the newer books and pamphlets, to ascertain whether the houses are still in business. T have purposely excluded Russia, Austria, Servia, and other smaller countries seriously affected by the recent war, because I felt sure that there would be a change of address or business policy, if not a Complete disintegration of the firms in those countries. The coun- tries included are listed alphabetically, and the firms in each are also alphabetical under the country. At the end of the paper will be found an alphabetical list of all firms, with paging. One thing that was very noticeable about the firms, especially in France and Germany, is their age. Many of them were founded 100 or even 200 years ago, and are still in the same locality doing business as reputable companies, having changed hands little or none. This is something which can be said of almost no American firms, unless the House of Harper is considered an exception. In some of the old French and German establishments it seems to be a part of their creed to continue the business begun by their forefathers, and in as nearly the same location as possible. In one case the company has accupied the same building for 120 years, and traces its history back ©0O years! Da 1 Pes) A ch al i G i yh mal i » Hy } " Pasi fire i ear Week i] ) 1% ‘ i T ey ey Va et j a) 4 Vai BAR ae UMMM AT Seo AG TET Heh oh yt We: rae Y rag Oe a ante uae fy Nip HR FOR 8 Pa a IO MN cat i TAN) an Bt ? - ae 4 ra? | DENMARK Leuzinger & Filhos Sl Ouvidor, Rio de Janeiro General material. Mark: Ship sailing on water. Aschehoug, H., & Co. Copenhagen Branch in Christiania. Founded 1872. General publishers. FRANCE Alean, Felix 108 Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris. Science, medicine, natural science, physics, chemistry, philosophy, history. Magazines: Revue philosophique, Revue historique, Annales de l'iecole libre des sciences politiques, Annales des sciences psychiques, Revue de mddicine, Revue de chirurgie. Beauchesne, Gabriel 117 Rue de Rennes General works. Mark: Tree with motto "Beauchesne ecroit!.— Béranger, Charles 15 Rue de Saints-—Péres, Paris Braneh at Liége. Ceramics, chemistry, physics, mechanics. = e 4 Rue Auber, Paris ON Calmann-Lévy Established 1856. Called the "Ticknor & Fields of France". Publish Anatole France, Loti, Bazin, Coulevain. Magazine: La Revue de Paris. Always conservative and conventional, sane, urban, restrained. Specialize in history, biography, general literature. Cerf, Léopold 12 Rue Sainte-Anne, Paris Mark: Large C0, with flying centaur in center. Charpentier Paris Established 1838. Called "the firm which made common cause with realism". Published Flaubert and Zola. Odlin) Avy & ce: 5 Rue de Mézitres, Paris Founded 1870. Publish history, science, geography, philosophy. Dela®rave, Charles 15 Rue Soufflot, Paris Founded 1839. Ceramic arts, education, classies, foreign languages, history, literature, geogra hy’ illustrated gift books, juveniles, fine atlases and dictionaries, catalogs and bibliographies. | Mark: Man carrying baskets of glassware. hi ih KY ND ry a i hel wy cee I ps fh) «UN nee ! a er ti 4 i'* ; iN : 8 a: Ih Hit iM 7 Biv a He si Bi Gath i ; Wh) Cl UML Aid) aU Yate tid ee ify} ae wen! 400 ft i ey rf War ae LAAN Ey ee h at. Ry VIVA CaM ¢ wu : if RR Nh tii i iV RR SIM ys) ES SPAR Ae ae a) MS NORRIE Vi oh raha FING) i Chaban RA Sin! ah Hn Se ati Re ;. AL 5 Sih, , Oe TS RRA ep Np Wi by i ‘eit } Hl ri Daves gee IRL Ga Td Ptah tL Gane fa q ANT UN (rary SOTO UA PRT "i Deri iceen el a Bla where F {id vil "aul! a f ay 1) Wy ED "| auch fis th Ma Aly 4 Hebe ENT «(ee we lun ARAT AR ! uy im i i! fie! Pirmin, Didot & Cie. 56 Rue Jacob, Paris Estab. 1713, by the great—sreat—grandtather of the present propri- etor. Always aimed at perfection. They are also paper makers, and publish all lines of books, specializing in Greek and Latin Classics, finely illustrated works, philology, history and standard literature. Founded 1790. Publish mathematics, mechanics, technology, photography. Goupil & Cie. 24 Boulevard des Capucines, Paris Now succeeded by Boussod, Valadon & Oo. Branch in New York City. Photography, etchings, hetecrawies a. editions de luxe. “Hachette, Louis, & Cie. 79 Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris Estab. 1822. Branch in London. Publish Greek and Latin classics, textbooks, dictionary of fmile Littré. Motto: Sic quoque docebo. Consider instruction their peculiar mission. Poor in poetry and | Piction, rich in works of reference, history, literary criti- cism. Feature illustrated editions. Zola once worked for then. ‘ Hetzel, Jules, & Cie. 18 Rue Jacob, Paris | Travel and adventure. Jules verne , ete. Specialize in juveniles. TIllustrated novels, architecture. Jouvet & Co. Paris Publish Larive & Fleury's "Dictionnaire iy sae Tilustre des Mots et des Choses". History and illustrated works. Lacroix, Albert Paris Published "Les Misérables" in 1861. The proprietor is a Belgian. ; " Laurens, # 6 Rue de Tournon, Paris : Founded 1793. Works on art, illustrated gift books, history. ‘. J > A _*Lemerre, Alphonse Sl Passage Choiseul, Paris Estab.1884. Publish "Le Parnasse contenpova: chs Modern fiction, belles lettres, poetry. La Librairie Illustrée Paris Tllustrated works on art, history, travel, geography. tibrarie I Larousse 17 Rue Montparnasse, Paris Proprietor, Pierre Larousse. Began publishing textbooks in 1852. 13 years later he-was rich, and began work on the Grand dic ioe naire universel. Now Hollier—Larousse et Cie. Publish a monthly periodical, books on education, Nouveau Larousse LTilus tré. ’Librairies-Imprimeries Réunies Paris Formerly Quantin & Morel. A great house, noted for its richly illustrated publications, — including reproduct tions of great artists. Specialize in tine bindings. Gauthier, Villars & fils 55 Quai des Grands—Augustins; Paris | | | | . | | We } i NS 4 Ren vee a ARO OUT a A SD nN yi) is a \ Rat nA ie ie Mi . yy rv ' \ ch AM a ie My eth | oe IY \) se dant , ey as ¥ ne at ni “ rei A A ASM) ni? he a bee at a: nr t Lint va o) i NO 6, i Waray ; | i ea a ; Ah ; a me Leeoia Neath \ ily | | 1S ACR aOR iG me he | ir i Ya me a 4 tN ay 0. ie righ me, i) e ‘et (ive i rf bs t ‘ek we " ! é j } Ya lat Hi dh " t " Hy ny ‘iy jG thi! ity ‘s Wt be i | \ Tita ey | Mi wali By) ae es M if AC . ye a N Bile ; i Hh Mh Key } t hi tik Me As, A ik ‘4 wid Ri bey i. y at ee Ch bi } . ; NM Ay ih NK ‘i a ! i ( ui f } ith i ‘ i} be i) 1 Dae bi ‘y gape - ey } j ibs it | 1 \ i . ] Ah a 1 OA pe ar acu } Py . Ww! ‘ r } ; iad ly Ne Wnt }: r il } f t ii) ee al i “fei Aas Bi hc 8 ae sien at My te a Ai ae ote by Wy 1 OS aA dnl 2) bes de re dae wi Mivinsh iii, Ne Fags RA ORR TR MORRE L0 i att Ae i Uy ihe j * 1 WA No an nt . Mi " Ui) iv hie \ be : eet 4) at : wh nd yy AR i N if i ets ade Ai ty hes rin ne nt) ty, | Ps oh fib boxe UNC aA Ht i} foal An An Ne biaod Pee ve He it ui ag ‘ i 1 au Nas ify \ oH aK ) \ ig) 4h bie ba | N phic ) hil bn i" te th a | a ite Ae i | ie p feriantautn 2 jaa OR | 4 a a be aM eR ean i i | “tr cacenal cour we aH it a he Canna . bs Mees lahat ae Be Ut eae Cee a ene A! i i , Aye ai) v 4 i di Ni Ch hi i ii ie 4 aa me at Ra utara: 2g ane eC ase My i nif) Diy Wala , rm Hit r AP i) Py. sR } } a) a WA ith Vn eeccey Yeah i iy! ¢ ) ae De ae i eR \ Pi wa) pe ae ui ‘oa dt Wa ie HOTA ay, Py a Re ay ue ih A OM | y At P tb, | ip teed ‘iat gurg Py Wy pel) Neh Masson, G Paris i Educational texts, physics, nature, chemistry, mathematics geography. Famous for typographical work and illustrations. "Eneyclopédie Scientifique", S00v. on applied science. "Tpaite de Médicine", 5Sv. Magazine: La Nature (weekly) Mercure de France 26 Rue Condé, Paris { Estab.1890. Most novel and boldest publishing firm in France. Advocates le vers libre and symbolism. A cooperative estab~ lishment. Modern fiction, poetry, philosophy. ‘Ollendorse, Paul Paris ' Publish Ohnet, Maupassant, «&c. 0 Cle gre. Vs 27% Rue Richelieu, Paris Traces history back 200 years. In same building 118 years. ‘Publish all kinds of works, particularly revolutionary social- ists and anarchists. Played an important part in the Dreyfus aifair. Some plays f ¥ _“Terquen, fmile Paris . Wot really a publisher, but rather a bookseller. He is, howeve hat h 9 Ys so prominently connected with the book trade he is often listed as a publisher. He acts as agent for many publishers, and is one of the best—known and most reliable Li $1 on the continent. Thézard, be ¢ tides Dourdan Architecture and the industrial arts. GERMANY se! ‘ Aschendorffsche Press Munster One of the newer and more liberal publishing houses. Asher, Aw, & Go. Berlin Expensive and authoritative archaeological works. sae Ault il eS tBaedeker, Karl | Leipzig, 46 Nurnbergerstrasse Guide—books. Authority in this line for nearly 75 years. 6 Baer, Joseph & Co. Frankfurt Barth, Johann Ambrosius 1? Rossplatz, Leipzig Physics, chemistry, medicine, psycholagy. Mark: Sun with a lion on each side. Beck, Oskar 9 Wilhelmstrasse, Munich Founded 1765. Jurisdiction, theology, philology, history. mt Wt 4 | Rit Aint A aah Aah i i‘ y i eae | r HAE HN, if Rk ’ Ay \ 4 Pai 4 . Wei { i AN iN Pa \W Mar Oh k ue OS A Oe OS Ri 6h ah AR Mes mC MO RtH tc MAME Mee a ee han ~ aN ; A { ( ’ i td ie ey re ply hy nye Way PeAAat NB COR Peon tho Ait : via npc nudes SW It ARERR SAD A ARR \t 5 Neonat i? » u he ge ji yeu’ Gd pad Aly Pad 7) i alae i a ny i y SON naa ae? WN ail J i , 4 2 “3 » Bergmann, J.F. Weisbaden : Specialize in science and medicine. Das Bibliographische Institut Leipzig t Founded 1826. j Meyer's "Conversations—lexikon", "Brehm's thierleben", and other a standard works of reference. _ Brauniiller, Wilhelm Wien und Le ipzig. Mark: Elongated circle, containing a bunch of wheat ; the initials W.B., date 1783 (presumably date of founding), and motto "Per noltem ad lucem". iBreitkopf & Hartel 56 Nurnbergerstrasse, Leipzig Founded 1719. Music. Mark: A bear sitting in the underbrush. u-Brockhaus, F.A. 16 Querstrass His greatest work is the Konversations—-lexikon. Bruhn, Harald ; Braunschweig Science and medicine Cotta, J.G. Stuttgart and Berlin Founded 1640. Noted for their fine book-making. "Bibliothek der Weltlitteratur". Diederichs, Eugen Jena and Leipzig Founded 1896. General literature, art, belles lettres. Mark: A sitting lion in a circle. Engelmann, Wilhelm Leipzig Published the famous Ebers "Papyros". Many historical, scientific and technical books. Mark: Entrance to a temple, with an dened leading a man up steps. Enke, Ferdinand Stuttgart — ; Mark: a circle containing the initials of the proprietor, a bell and a book. One of the younger firms. Fischer, Gustav Jena Science, law, economics. \ Mark: a quadrangle containing a swimming dolphin, and the motto: . "semper bonis artibus". Flemming, Carl Glogau Specialize in maps. _ Geidel, P.M. Leipzig Music, lithography, engraving. Geographisches Institut Weimar ; Maps | Gilbers'sche Kgl. Hof—Verlagsbuchhandlung Dresden a Architecture 4 ria i \ Rh Nast) Ae We ‘ He my ] Wh of cA i hs, ME fe We RS a he OF i et sar We ASI " i Naa" nM Ce Cane imam CIE A 1S i i i NH | ma if va i ie ay Way fi Win: " Nan die NPAT j trop UO vise ayy ITs Ae ak | aN iy i ty Hr Ane Fy ye yon . 1% , ¥ nen. a iy 5 ye Oe he eit | Nery aie detail We We aed Hee a! Sal es ere ie ah aT ch tae [ ‘, ‘ \ f ae Hh ye ee ue 4 : 7 ix a ( L-Harrassowitz, Otto Leipzig publish Zentralblatt fur bibliothekswesen and Scientific journals. Gottshed Berlin Mark: Large eagle in circle in front of rising sun. Grote Berlin German classics in "editions de luxe". "Weltgeschichte in einzeldarstellungen", a universal history in ldv. sn, te fF 2 t 7 Otto died June 24, 1920 in his 74th year. He was one of the “Pounders of the Zentralblatt. Hessling & Spielmeyer _ Berlin Branch in New York. Architectural books. Heymanns, Carl Berlin Mark: Circle, with man in armor and a dolphin at his feet. Hiersemann Leipzig Biarichs, J.C. Leipzig. 2 Blumengasse Founded 1791. Hinrichs! bibliographical works and catalogs, important works on Egypt and Assyria, theology. Imperial German Archacological Institute Berlin Founded in Rome in #829, removed to Berlin 1870. Scientific works of rare value, typographical works, printing. Kalkoff, Hermann Berlin Klemm & Weiss Dresden Fashion magazines. Lang, Georg Leipzig Maps Langenscheidt 17 Halleschestrasse, Berlin Founded 1856. i Philology and translations of:the classics. Litollf, Henry ; Braunschweig Music ° ; 5 d List & von Bressendorf ‘.. Hetpzt Mark: Altar fire, with motto "Ignis ab igne". Mohr, J.C.B. (Paul Siebeek) Tubingen Mark: Ramping lion with motto "Artibus ingenuis". Nemnich, Otto Leipzig } Pedagogy, school texts, child psychology, the war. ti PSAs) 4 OS a a ae AQ) UPTO 44) sr ge Fb SOAR CMe i ay Art ; iM) i , ' | j i { hae ( i Lae ik Ad 4 : 4) mi et Tn A oe TRS, a ‘ } Sa ee) gd a A Gath! nh TAP GAN Ek eC A ‘andy Iibiohan con cy AERA F gel PAA MMAR ic Hee Wann |) ‘ NM P’ mp h arty ALA LED ep Pubes ay Lada wy a ee , i fy SF Ac His raed i! a aa ath ‘hy be Ful tf . Mh fal hi wh I ae AU BH ayy Arn AP ts it nt V " eg ea pat, fi! a , t fh 4 " ! oe ‘" rand iy es he ey : Sy ue by i nl Orth O00 ee CRA creas ey ip ‘ r / " * ot i y \ a i pee Nail , Mh on f Wa i A) ernie & ines Ms en J 1 ‘ ’ WAcaaiton HAL tg i Ak NA eit f hy Aa BA iy PR a ae wie Sa LAY Ae RN Bi ORM) SQ ae ei er J ful yl Hi ? 1 { es AUT | > ul ; P ith 9, Ott t | ' { , 1 Mit 4, { ) | . ay ttle Ge I m 1 an a CR Ore vi 1 ; wy) i . i i Wit h y } | l : : j a {i i Dn ht an 1 i i 4 i ne | ! } De ihe i ny "4 K i hie ; Aa | BY Tit ai ue wit vn : PA Nn i A tes wy il \ H f i snp Nea W TS VIG ds UG A tit URW ADIAN a Ue ii A Haat ay Deli KREME entaeene UN } | { , ing ee, MSs hd Hat Hi : i H A i ' i f Rae I ip i f i Ale aie ORM eT it (ae | On Awa ) i ! ia Aut) aH Ms | | | 6 SOE EG HAY by) 0) } \ ‘ { ui i | f nt | Nt ‘ Ne td EARN Maral att a Pa i Wn eye 1a atest MM, ' SAWN OA a PD hg i ; A ( ph Hi ; { ty HPA RL iu el) om, eh i Pale eh i oa I j Hy i a ain \ at } MN ( ih! He Mas OM a ST ha ‘ ' } 1 | MN Th sa at all + ¢ , ie } | aH i Mivh Hasta 1 Kb ' Rial a, Pe eet A ge & Nea tant ut H iMG : ; iy | an iM f yuh ete Neen Hh I f i i Oi (RUAN } \ f tee, i ape nit Na! UT { pp AN Tiedt di ee 1 Hea rh: ‘ i ‘if 24 ih Mi f i iat i ' iit [ Hits ] pe ae ' ; a) ! aa Pe iy vi } 8 ie ee ory $i ie i i ai f i i ; NY hae) ea is Wat PAL { i ABH ity Weatl 7 | iy at! Nt, 4 | Chie ae 0 th ri | i Lk ig ALY ili i Mr hae hi i) a | ih Oldenbourg, R | wine! pli 7 Munchen & Berlin Founded 1858. Technical, technical dictionaries, science, engineering. . Mark: Three towers in an octagon, with "R.O. 1858". Parey, Paul Berlin Z Agriculture and forestry. Magazine: Zeitschrift fur Planzensiichtung. Perthes, Justus Gotha Founded 1785. German mans, geography, Tati eti ca. periodicals. Published "Almanac de Gotha". Peters Leipzig Music Quelle & Meyer Leipzig Seience and ata religion, philosophy, pedagogy. Mark: Man with a book under his arm and carrying a banner with "Wissenschaft und bildung". Reiss, Erich Berlin RUder, C.G. Leipzig Music, lithography, engraving. Ruprecht | | edttingen Scherl, August Berlin Founded 1883. Springer, Julius % Monbyouplatz, Berlin, N. Founded 1842. Natural and physical sciences, forestry, education, medicine, history. Mark: Shield, with horse's head on top, with "Alle zeit wach" inseribed. --Pauchnitz, Baron 5 Dresdnerstrasse, Leipzig 2 Founded 1837. The greatest firm undertaking the publication of English and American authors, known throug shout Eurdpe as the "Tauchnitz edition". Published an edition of the New Testament. Dictionaries, jurisprudence, mathematics. ‘ "Leipzig illustrierte zeitung", best German illustrated wearliy founded 18436. "RPiiegende blaetter", humorous ae eis ot "Kladderadatsch", comic political pape | / “F Teubner, B.G. ; Leipzig Publish classics. ; \_ Tribner, Karl J. Strassburg, Alsace / Founded 1872. ' Philology, general science. Urban & Schwarzenberg 105 Friederichstrasse, Peptin » ‘hemi stry ipa UAE ATR Yeni | Ge ‘ ' , { 1 Hott \ { \ { ath igi p i! A Faahihy PN ae Vahlen, Franz 16 Linkstrasse, Berlin, W9. War, science, medicine. Mark: V in a circle, with twining wreath. Veenman, H. Wageningen Science Veit & Co. 1 Dresdnerstrasse, Leipzig Founded 1837. Science. | Mark: A circle containing an owl and the initials Vc. Vieweg, Friedrich & Sohn . 18 Yon der Burg, Braunsehwelg Founded 1786. Chemistry, physics, general science. Wagner & Debes Leipzig Wasmuth, Ernst Berlin Branch New York (George Busse) Architectural books. Weidmann Berlin Latin and Greek classics Weigel, Theodor Oswald Leipzig Botany. Mark: Small circle in a large one, with initials TOW. Westermann, Georg Hamburg, Braunschweig, Berlin Economics. TTALY Alfieri & Lacroix Milan, Rome Mark: A circle with the initials LA. “Hoepli, Ulrico Milan, 59-63 Galleria de Cris- toforis Literature, science, law, dictionaries, classies, education. Binds largely in sheepskin. Ts the Italian agent for American business, and is courteous and reliable in business dealings. ¥Treves, Fratelli Milan Founded 1867. i ‘ ‘War, belles lettres, education, children's illustrated books. Publish works of De Amicis, D'Annunzio, «ec. Wark: Lamp in a circle, with initials FTE. ate i be “ah vee , i) "i ‘ \ WNW | | in e ai ee i bit Ny HOS A ; y i i A | TAA ( ips ly a, t i jl oy ee i ae Pe) it ety i aang Saadeantnntt A ts 4j HH ial Pa Gtit pHa } Me ihe ~ NETHERLANDS _ “Nijhoff, Martinus . Nobelstraat, The Hague Founded 1853. Art, science, history, law, official works and periodicals. Does business for American firms in Holland Mecathosk, AS Utrecht Wee Mart: Small eirele in large one, containing letter A with a dot below it amen ore, A.W. 7 Leyden, 1.5.5 Doezastraat . [ es Founded 1851. ae Art, architecture, science, juveniles, gift books, tzanslations Wahl of works of international interest, periodicals, newspapers, Le bibliographies. Welter, H. Arnheim PORTUGAL Imprensa Portuguesa Porto, 112 Rua Formos SPATN Aillaud e Bertrand 75 Rua Garrett, Lisbon Mark: Bust of man in ecirele, and words *Rerirand 1753%~*, evidently the date of founding of the firm. Imprensa Nacional isbon Mark: Woman sitting in a circles and the motto "Nisi utlle est ~ quod facimus stulta ést gloria" Instituto Geographico y Estadistico Madrid Statistics, largely. Mark: Earth in clouds. SWEDEN oe a Bonnier, Albert 19 Mastersamuelsgaten, Stockholm Founded 1837. Fiction, literature, fine art travel, history, juveniles. Issues very full catalogs of its publications. Mark: Initials AB intertwined. Norstedt, P.A. @ Sdner Stockholm General and especially educational books ak ; i Wy JON Ye ‘yt i rN ’ . all sg { hay iy ¥ an dt} ‘Abie ) fh Ag Wi 7 wy ay ih) We # \ ne | { Hy i Ae “eh \ a 1) } { hp ty 1 yl : 0 Nit Yh A ai ne ie Pr es XA a) AOE Oka a a ORLA claret, if Cent Ane 4 i OR eh Lata bk: iy Re {ful , ih wan hi Page , Aillaud e Bertrand we Alcan, Felix ' Alfieri & Lacroix _ Aschendorffsche Press » Aschehoug, H. & Co. Asner, A., & Co. Baedeker, Karl Baer, Joseph & Co. Barth, Johann Ambrosius Beauchesne, Gabriel ppeck, Oskar ' Béranger, Charles ‘evpergmann, J.F. . Bibliographische Institut Bonnier, Albert Boussod, Valadon & Co. see Goupll & Cie., p.s Braumtiller, Wilhelm Breitkopf & Hartel mpreckhaus; F:A. Bruhn, Harald Calmann—Lévy Cerf, Léopold Charpentier Colin, A-, & Co. Cotta, J.G.. Delagrave, Charles Diederichs, Eugen Engelmann, Wilhelm Enke, Ferdinand | Firmin, Didot & Cie. '_Fischer, Gustav Flemming, Carl 'Gauthier, Villars @ fils eGeidel, F.M. Geographisches Institut Gilbers'sche Kgl. Hof- Verlagsbuchhandlung Gottshed Goupil & Cie. Grote Hachette, Louis, & Cie. Harrassowitz, Otto Hessling & Spielmeyer Hetzel, Jules & Cie. Heymanns, Carl Hiersemann Hinrichs, J.C. Hollier-Larousse et Cie. see Librairie Larousse, . D. Hoepli, Ulrico Imperial German Archaeo— logical Institute % co 60 OF OF 00 i> DOU BS a a 00 > op OD ©? Cr O? OF TM Cd OY MD CQ O O1 AOIKnain»na»wnnwnondwvm woowca INDEX TO FOREIGN PUBLISHERS Imprensa nacional Imprensa Portuguesa Instituto Geographico y Es:ttadistico Jgouvet & Co. Kalkoff, Hermann Klemm & Weiss Lacroix, Albert Lang, Georg Langenscheidt Laurens, H. ' Lemerre, Alphonse Leuzinger & Filhos > 5 > 2 J vs . Librairies—Imprimeries Réunies La Librairie Tllustrie | Librairie Larousse List & von Bressensdorf Litolif, Henry Masson, G. Mercure de France Mohr, J.C.B. (Paul Siebeck) Nemnich, Otto Nijhoff, Martinus Norstedt, P.A. & Stner Oldenbourg, R. Ollendorff, Paul Ossthoek, A. ' Parey, Paul Perthes, Justus Peters Quantin & Morel, see Librairies—Imprimeries Reuniles, p.o Quelle & Meyer Reiss, Erich Réder, C.G. Ruprecht Scherl, August Sijthoff, A.W. Springer, Julius Stock, P.V. Tauchnitz, Baron Terqaem,- Emile Teubner, B.G. Thezayvd 1H. . tils Treves, Fratelli Trubner, Karl J. Urban & Schwarzenberg Vahlen, Franz Veenmans H. Yeit & Co. Vieweg, Friedrich & Sohn Wagner & Debes Wasmuth, Ernst Weidmann Weigel, Theodor Oswald 2MOOOWNOhARAKE WOW HH NVWOOMAOPEOKWNNANWOONAAAMAMm ms » —I 32-2 «0 5B Od CO O - (Qnverr) a sisi a vy Ni Wana } ort! ae Ht . ah ha Wey ‘ Nea) GR it VS (DEERE NA A 1) iy ie TRL | i aah y i | Mal a1" Ni, } Y i, % rat \ ich poy ¢ A MM xi we eee 4 iny ’ i bh F , AN et f ry ae i. | “ a, A) ‘at ae mi} } mn ARO oR A RRNA UME he Bs srg" le mi i f 1 yi Cae Mh ne wr Yi " { rH ” » * \ " i nes f it nn wit ah ; H aad “1 Why ies aide a ; M Bi Be hi Rid Rk a a eS Cpt) As we \ i. 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