Officers for 190¢ HENRY F. Burt, ’99 = - BERTHA L. ENSIGN, 792. - “ Daisy M. Griggs, ’04 - Secretar. pa eee Executive Committee. D. L. McEacuHron, ’94, Chairman. MAUDE M. BISHOP, ’96. PAUL B. SWEET, rp eae List of Graduates. Names marked with a star (*) are deceased. Names marked with a dagger (+) are those concerning whom the data given may not be accurate. Readers will confer a favor on the College by reporting corrections or additions to the following list. 1868 *Addison P. Davis. 1869 Perley Morse Griffin, Pastor Congregational Church, Neponset, Massachusetts. *Hattie D. Scales. 1870 Julius B. Billard. Married, 1875 to Hermence P. Laurent. Mill and grain merchant, N. Topeka. Bciety, and 5B 1882 {.A. (Washburn), LL.B. (University of o Janet Hamilton. Secretary of the U. S. r18s88: U. S. World’s Fair Commissioner, sioner of ‘Topeka, 1895-6; Councilman of dent of the Excelsior Coke and Gas Com- birds, M.A. and LL.B. (University of Kansas). Smith. Married to Edward G. Smith, 627 Van, 1883 FT). Greeley, M.A. (Washburn), Ph.D., 1901 (Wooster r O.), B.D. (Yale). Has contributed to various publica- . ett A lectured extensively on sociological and_ philosophical Mprects. Lecturer and pulpit supply. Notth Halstead St., Chicago. tMattie McCullough Bartlett. Married to Rev. Dana W. Bart= lett, missionary to the Indians. Los Angeles, California. Ki, +George Hazard Perry, B.D. Married to Grace Parker ’84. 3 Pastor of Congregational Church, Pocatello, Idaho. Helen FE. Sherrill Reding. Married, 1888 to Dr. Harry Red- ing ’85. Sabetha. 1884 Annie Laurie Adams Baird. Married to Rev. W. M. Baird, Missionary, Pyeng Yang, Korea. Heman R. Bull, M.D. 1887 (Jefferson Medical College, Phila- delphia). Married, 1889 to Maud W. Price. Graduate work N. Y. Polyclinic 1891; N. Y. Post Graduate Medical School 1903; Physician U. §. Indian School, Grand Junction, Colorado, 1889-1903 ; Surgeon, Denver and Rio Grande and Rio Grande Western Rail- ways, Grand Junction, Colorado. *Stella Kirby, M.D. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. *Redick Runnell Moore, Mining, Leadville, Colorado. *Grace Parker Perry. Married to George H. Perry ’83. Poc- atello, Idaho. 1885 *Augusta Arnold Wheeler. *Mara Becker Joy. aoe Arthur J. McCale, M.A. 1892 (Washburn), LL.B. (University of Michigan). Married, 1882 to Annie R. Shuman 86. Judge of Court of Topeka, 1899—. Harry Reding, M.A. (Washburn), MD. (Missouri Medical College, St.. Louis). Married, 1888 to Helen E. “Sherrill 83. Physician, Sabetha. . +Frances Big Oviatt, Highland Lake, Colorado. 1886 Lyman P. OE: B.D. (Pacific Theological aa ee Oe Pastor Congregational Churches at Oleander and “Corralilos, Cali- fornia. Missionary to Indians, 1897—. 426 S. Sixth. St. San Aho Califronia. Charles A. Greenlees. Married, 1888 to Henrie E. Ball. Hae tor Congregational Churches, Kinsley : Nickerson; Lamar, Missouri; Alva, Oklahoma. Now Pastor of Congregational Church and Prin- cipal of Jennings Academy, Jennings, Oklahoma. een Ellsworth Ingalls, United States Attorney, Atchison. Annie R. Shuman McCabe. Married, 1892 to Aruthur J. Me- Cahe’ °85.- “Fopeka. '' . ans George E. Bergen. Married. 1889 to *Alice Messler, 1903 to Mavme Wallace. McCoeneL Theological Seminary 1887-8, grad- uated Union Seminary 1890; post graduate work, Union Seminary 1892-3: Presbyterian Home Missionary New York 1890-99, New York City Suburban Missionary, 1899-1902; Home Missionary, Slack, Wyoming, 1902—. Edward G. Buckland, LL.B. 1889 and M.A. 1895 (Yale). Mar- ried, 1898 to Sally T. Clark: Published in Yale Review John A. Porter Prize: Essay on Combinations and Trusts. Instructor 1889- 95 and Assistant Professor, Yale, 1895-8; now Attorney of N. Y., N. H. & H. R. RR. 282 Prospect St.. New Haven. Connecticut. Frank A. Quail, LI,.B. (University. of Michigan). Attorney, 1015 Garfield Bld’g, Cleveland, Ohio. 1888 James E. Adams, B.D. (McCormick Theological Seminary). Married, 1894. to Nellie Dick. Instructor in’ Mathematics, Wash- burn, 1889-90: Presbyterian. missionary, Taiku, Korea, 1896—. . Daisy L. McCampbell. Teacher, City Schools 1889-1900, Higk . School. Topeka, 1900—. Address, 703 Polk St. 1889 Charles P. Donnell, Advertising Solicitor for “The Graphic.” 2957 Roxbury St., Los, Angeles, California. Bertha Lovewell Dickson, Ph. D. 1898 (Yale). ..Married,, 1903 to George L. Dickinson. Missionary to Freedmen, Meridian, ' Mississippi, 188-90; Principal, of High School, Minneapolis, 1890- 2: Instructor in English and History, Washburn, 1894-1896. Pub- lished. doctor’s thesis Life of St. Cecilia. Literary work and. Club lecturer, Highland Court, 50 Windsor Ave., Hartford, Connecticut. Robert “Stone. Married. 1892 to Lillian A. Frazeur. Admitted to bar 1892. Member of law firm of Troutman and Stone, 501 Jackson St., Topeka. ae? 1890 Arthur W. Brewster. Married, 1894 to Ada O. Kanaga. State Senator Missouri. Legislature, 1895-9 ; Festina es St. Joseph, Mis- we souri, 1902-": Lawyer, St: Joseph, Missouri. : '., John E. Erickson: County Attorney, 1897- 1901, 1903-4. Judge elect of the Eleventh Judicial District, Choteau, Montana. a Lewis H. Greenwood, LL.B. (University of Michigan). Mar- ® vied, 1898 to Daisy M. Smith... Lawyer, 611 Kansas Ave., Topeka. ~ =~ 4, Colbert C. Huntington, Farmer, Eureka. ; George B. Kelley. Married, 1904 to Carrie’ B. Merrick. Mer- chant, White Cloud! ~ TWillis Marshall,’ Instructor Morningside College, Sioux Gt, Iowa. Ulysses H. ‘Moore, Pacman A hue Samuel B. Moyer. Married, 1894 to Jeanne Thaeinver Grade uate Union Seminary. Presbyterian minister, Edgar, Nebraska, 1894-99; Superior, Nebraska, 1899-1901; Blue Rapids, 1901—.. Samuel W. Naylor, Professor of : Bibical Literature Lawrence’ ee Appleton, Wis. .. May L. Parker. Instructor in Stockton Pestana 1890-1;. Prin- cipal Olathe High School 1891-6; Instructor Spring Hill High ‘School 1898-9. Now at home, Olathe. Dwight H. Platt, B.D. (Chicago heqtowicst Seminary). Mar- ried, 1898 to Emily L...Sanford. » Pastor Congregational Church, Smith Centre, 1897—. eee 9 x Howard D. Tucker. Married, 1893 to Amy L. Sparr. Banker, Whee ee Te a : io] ~P 1891 Emma Becker, Farmer, Netawaka. . | ae Guy Foster. Married, 1892 to *Minnié Foote. Graduate work ° in University of Chicago Divinity School. Pastor Congregational Church, Creede, Colorado, 1893-4; of White Water, Colorado, 1894.’ . 7; of Challis, Idaho; 1897-1901 ; of Council, Idaho, 1901—. Jatnes | -F. Lawson LL.B. ‘(Univer sity of Kansas). _Editor “Sat- urday Bee,’ Hutchinson. ' we) William S. McClintock, M.A. [Washbicn: Tab (University of Kansas). Married, 1897 to Martha B: Whaley. Lawyer, - Topeka: Aaron Myers. Graduate work Johns Hopkins University two _ years. City Attorney. Encampment, 1902- 4. State Representa 1904—. Encampment, Wyomirg. I Albert Tucker. Married, 1893 to eas Saale: L. Crocker. Mer- chant, Eureka, ey *Erly W. Van Kirk. | - 1892, William M. Hawkins, LL.B. (Universes of Kansas): Married. Lawyer, Piat Luzon, P. I. James I.. Poston, LUE, (University of Michigan). ~ Married, 1900 to May Peterson. Principal of Powhattan Schools three years. Farmer, Horton. ‘Frances Storrs Johnston, M.D. (mansadt Medical College). : Married, 1898 to James P. Johnston, Brosdioor, Colorado Springs, ( Colorado. . a... 18938 Frank S. Ditto, B.S.T. (De Pauw), Instructor in Hebrew and English Bible De Pauw 1896-1900; Principal Philander Smith Institute, Mussoorie, India, 1900—. Bertha L.. Ensign, M.A. (Washburn). ‘Teacher Cameron City Schools, 1893-5; Principal Cameron, Mo., High School, 1895—. Harry S. Goodrich, Postal Clerk, Kansas City, Missouri. William A: Harshbarger. Married, ‘1888 to Lucy S. Platt. Graduate work University of Chicago. Instructor in: Mathematics, Washburn, 1898—. ss George E. Mercer. Graduate student University of California. Instructor in Physics, Philippine Norma! School, BY Manila, peer Islands. ; Harry E. Mills. Married, 1893 to Mary B. Tibbett. Pastor Congregational Church, Strong City, 1893-5; Pastor United Con- gregational Church, Chicago, and student Chicago Theological Sem- inary, 1895-8; Pastor Congregational Church, Fort Scott, 1898-1902 ; Seattle Edgwater Congregational Church 1902—. Published “Select . Sunflowers and Other Poems” 1901. Address, 3624 Whitman Ave., Seattle, Wash. é +Frank A. Whitney, with mining company, Alaska. 1894 Gertrude Dees Welch. Married, 1897 to Charles D. Welch "94. Coffeyville. Hugh V. Donnell, Lawyer, 329 FE. 20th St., New. York City. “Warren W. Finney. Married, 1897 to. Mabel Tucker. Mayor of Neosho Falls, State Representative 1897-99. ‘Merchant-miller, : Neosho, Falls. Duncan LL. McEachron. Married, 1899 to Ella:C. Scott. Grad- uate work University of Chicago. Principal Washburn Academy, . 1897-1901: Chairman of Faculty, Washburn, 1901-3; Dean, 1903—. William H. Mason, Editor of “Linn County Republic,” Mound City. jae _. Mattie Newell Tevis. Married, 1897 to N.. L..Tevis. Teacher, _ public schools, 1895-7. Berryton. Mary A. Osgood, B.A. in Library Science, 1904 garveherne. of Illinois). Instructor Tillotson Academy, Trinidad, Col.; Prin- cipal of Berelos mission. school, Albuquerque, N. M.: Substitute teacher in Denver City Schools... Now teacher mn Abilene High School. Address 600 Cedar St. _ Rogene Scott Pfuetze. Married, 1901 to Emil C. Pfuetze. Grad- uate work in University of Halle and Berlin. ‘Teacher in public schools, Burlington, 1895-7; .Instructor in Modern Languages, Kan- sas Wesleyan University 1899-1901. Address, Manhattan. f , Julius Weidling, Merchant, Shaffer, 1904—. Charles D. Welch, LL.B. 1900 (Kansas City School of Law), Married, 1897 to Gertrude W. Dewey, 94. Auditor Shawnee County 1901-4. Lawyer, Sonsyuics . 1895 Myron W. Axtell, M.D. 1899 (Northwestern). Married, 1899 to Irene W. True ’96. Farmer, Irving. William S. Belden. . Married, 1897 to Lillian C. Elliott. Grad: --§— uate work University of Chicago. Principal Public Schools, Baker, 1895-6; Powhattan, 1896-7; Assistant Principal High School, Hor- ton, 1897-8; Observer U. S. Weather Bureau, 1898-1900; Section Director U. S. Weather Bureau, Vicksburg, Miss., 1900—. ‘ Fannie EF. Blakesley, Teacher Southern Kansas Academy, 1896- 7; Instructor in Mathematics, New Mexico College of Agriculture, Mesilla Park, N. M., 1904—. Charles W. Boughton, M.D. 1901 (Northwestern). Resident ae at St. Luke’s Hospital, Chicago, 1901-3. Physician, La rosse. Aaron Breck, B.D. 1898 (Yale). Married, 1903 to Allie Elli- thorpe. Pastor Congregational Church, Partridge, 1898-1900; Se- dalia, Mo., 1901-2; Russell, 1902—. Warren P. Brockett, M.D. 1898 (Kansas Medical College). Married, 1898 to Ella W. Hayes.. Physician and Druggist, Mayetta. Lucy T. Dougherty. Librarian and Registrar, Washburn, 1896- 1902: Instructor in Mathematics, Kansas City, Kans., High School, 1902—. Margaret Dudley Walker. Married, 1899 to Dr. William P. Walker. South Bethlehem, Penn. tLeonora Henry Murray. Married to James P. Murray. De- troit, Mich. Oscar A. Kropf, M.A. (Washburn), LL.B. 1900 (Northwest- ern). Supt. of Schools, Hays City, 1896-8. Lawyer, 159 La Salle St hicaeo. 1: Richard E. Kropf, LL.B. 1899 (Northwestern). Lawyer, 1317 Unity Bld’g, Chicago, II. Dana C. MacVicar, Lawyer, Topeka. . Irene Nye. Graduate work University of Chicago. Instructor in Southern Kansas Academy, 1895-1901. At home, Eureka. Ralph FE. Valentine. Married, 1902 to Grace Curtis. Clerk of Accounting Trust Company, 1895-8; Assayer, 1898-9. Attorney and Financial Agent, Topeka. 1896 *Thomas M. Aderhold, M.D. 1899 (Northwestern). Surgeon Boer Army, Transvaal, Africa, 1899-1901. Resident Physician St. Mary’s Hospital, Chicago, IIll., 1901-4. , Maggie B. Axtell McCall. Married, 1904 to H. J.McCall. _ Missionary Presbyterian Board. Vardy, Tennessee, 1897-1900; _ Missionary Presbyterian Board, Caixa 10, Cachoeira, Brazil, 1900—. Joshua W. Beede, M.A. 1897 (Washburn), Ph.D., 1899 (Uni- versity of Kansas). Married, 1899 to Clara F. McKee. Teacher, Atchison County High School, 1899-1901; Instructor in Geology, Indiana University, 1901—. Has published numerous reports and bulletins in geology and paleontology. Address, Bloomington, Ind. Maude M. Bishop. Graduate work Harvard Summer School. Instructor Weeping Water Acadamy, 1896-7; Topeka City Schools, 1898-1904; Topeka High School, 1904—. Address, 1600 College Ave. . Kent O. Brown, M.D. 1902 (Kansas Medical College). House Physician Essex Union Emergency and General Hospital, Salem, Mass., 1904—. Address, 19 Brown St. Frank G. Drenning, LL.B. 1900 (University of Michigan). Lawyer, 701 Jackson St., Topeka. ee Thomas Gray. Married, 1897 to Leta Danley. Graduate of Chicago Theological Seminary, 1900. Missionary of American Board to Ponape, Micronesia. Godfrey F. Miller, 1139 Pearl St., Kansas City, Mo. Ada S$. Pixley Thompson. Married, 1902 to W. E.. Thompson. Principal Wamego High School, 1896-01. Address, 110 Hartson St., Syracuse, N. Ella M. Pixley. Teacher for three years in Wabaunsee Coun- ty. Deputy County Treasurer one year. Now at home, Wamego, Ferry L. Platt. Married, 1900 to Nelle Campbell. Principal St. Francis Schools, 1896-7; Mankato High School, 1897-8; Smith Centre High School, 1898- 1900: Instructor Mathematics and Eng- lish, Atchison County High School, 1900-1; Principal Nortonville Wigh School, 1901-2.. Editor “The Kirwin Kansan”, Kirwin, 1902—. Edwin S. Secrest. Married, 1896 to Edith E. Epperson. Grad- uate work at University of Chicago. Instructor Hutchinson High School, 1896-7; Pendleton, Oregon, High School, 1898-9. City En-. gineer’s Office, Seattle, Wash., 1899—. Address, 208 Tenth Ave. Ward W. Silver, M.A., 1901 (Harvard). Married, 1903’ to Jane Rodgers ’97,- Graduate student University of Chicago, 1896-7. Instructor Pendleton Academy, Ore., 1897-1900; Principal Wash- urn Academy, 1901—. Frank P. Strong. Married, 1900 to Jennie R. Smith. Student at Chicago Theological Seminary two years. Pastor Congregational Church. Kinsley, 1899-1904; Ottawa, 1904—. Irene True Axtell. Married, 1899 to Myron W. Axtell ’95. Irving. 1897 Herbert G. Crocker, M.A. 1902 (Columbia). Married, 1902 to Grace A. Price. Student Chicago Theological Seminary 1899- 1900, graduate of Union Seminary, 1902. Pastor Hillside Con- gregational Church, Omaha, -Nebr., 1902-3; Plymouth Congrega- tional Church, Binghamton, N. Y., 1903 Address, 3 Lydia St. *Elsie Gwendolyn Davis. Jane Douglass Tower. Married, 1902 to Dr. John B. Tower ’97. Instructor, Hays City High School, 1898-1902. Hibbing, Minn. *John L. Embleton. Edna Foster Strong. Married, 1899 to Edward N. Strong. 1901 East Thirty-seventh St., Kansas City, Mo. James E. Hyett, M.D. (Northwestern). Physician, Alamo- gardo, N. M. Lutie Jonhston Embleton. Married, 1899 to *John L. Emble- ton. Instructor in Topeka City Schools, 1897-9; Washburn Academy, 1900-1; Topeka City Schools, 1901-2; Topeka High School, 1902—. Address, 929 Morris Ave. George R. Laird. : Professor of English, Northwestern College, Nisepville Tl. Paul A. Lovewell. Married, 1901 to Margaret Sawyer ’99. Fditor. Eureka Herald, 1898-1900, Reporter, Topeka State Journal. Address, 1539 W. Sixteenth St., Topeka. Catherine C. Lux. Teacher Topeka City Schools, 1899-1904. Supervisor, Manual Training, City Schools, Omaha, Nebr., 1904—. Bee ine William G. Magaw. M.A., 1898 (University of Kansas). Mar- tied, 1901 to Anna M. Shaler: Principal High School, Osage City, 1898-1900; Instructor Topeka High School,’ 1900+. Address, 1614 W. 15th St. f Mary Moon Hill: Married, 1900 to Rev. Edward Yates Hill, Philadelphia, Penn. | Oscar W. Neil, pecilem and a icacnrer The Topeka Woolen Mill Company, Oakland. : John W. Newell. Law student” 1898- 1900. nelevert with -Ross- “ington, Smith and West,.Crawford Bld’g;’ Topeka. Jane: Rodgers «Silver. Married, 1903, to Ward W. Silver ’96. ‘Student. New York Library School, 1900-1.. Librarian Washburn ‘College, 1901-3. Address: 1525 College Ave., Topeka. | John B. Tower, M.D., 1901 (Northwestern). Married, 1902, to Jane F;, Douglass ’97. House: Physician Alexian Brothers’ Hos- -pital, Chicago, Illinois, 1901 “2. '/Member of Staff, Rood Hospital, SUP DUAE) Minnesota, ' 1903—. ; . ee "1898 . ae ‘OP Bent clomeon _ Married, 1896, to *Maud Veazie. . Graduate, Chicago Theological Seminary 1901. Pastor Ohio Avenue ‘Congregational Church, Denver, Colorado, 1902—. ° Address, 813 South Washginton St. John D. Clark. M.D. 1900 (Northwestern). Married, 1903, to Margaret Hunt. House Surgeon St. Francis Hospital, Wichita, 1901-2. Physician, Wichita. William L. Cunningham. Principal High School, Neosho Falls, 1898-1900. Lawyer, Arkansas City. J. Shanor Dague. Married, ‘1904, to Winifred Wirts. ‘Grad- wate of Allegheny Theological Seminary, | ‘1902. Pastor Fourth United Presbyterian Church, St. Louis,’ Mo., 1903—. Address, 4530 Rutger St. ' Cynthia A. Frank, Instructor in High Schodl,’ Wyoming, IIli- nois, 1898-1902. Student in Univ versity. of Chicago 1902-3. Clerk of Ministerial Bureaus Kansas City, Kans., 1903—.” Address, 111 Gree- ley Ave. Susie M: Guild. Summer School Usiiversity of Chicago. In- structor Junction City High School, 1898-9; Amity Colege, 1899- 1902. Eureka Academy, 1902-3; Principal High School, Sabetha, - 1903—. Leroy A. Halbert, M.A. 1900 (Washburn). “Married, 1902, to Mary L. Latham. Graduate Chicago Theological Seminary, 1903. Pastor Bethel Congregational Chtrch, Kansas City, Kans., 1903—. Address, 43 N. First St. | Oren M. Irelan. Instructor in Hurdland College’ 1898-9; Prin- cipal Stockton H. §. 1899-1901. Editor of ‘ ‘Sapulpa Light” and Clerk of the Federal Court, Sapulpa, I. T. Otto B. Irelan. Instructor, St. John’s Miliary Academy 1899- 1900; admitted to the bar 1903. With Rock Island R. R. 423 Eddy St., San Francisco, Cal. Henry L. Nelson. Married. 1900, to Mary I.'Foster. ‘Travelling Agent, Topeka Capital, 1899-1900; Circulation Manager, Colorado Springs Evening Mail, 1900-1; Post Office Department, Colorado Springs, 1901-3; Circulation Manager Galveston Daily News, 1903—. el 5 uv Jacob A. Overlander, M.A., 1901 (Washburn), LL.B., 1900 (University of Kansas), M.D., 1903 (Kansas Medical College). Lawyer, New York City. Residence 54 West Ninety-third St. Ralph L. Ward. Married, 1902, to Jessie Moore. Instructor in. High School, Olathe, 1899-1902;, High School, Kansas City, 1902—. ! 1899 William R. Arthur. Instructor High School, isles 1899-1900 ; Principal Logan Schools, 1900—. Lola May Axtell. At home, Irving. Gertrude Boughton. Graduate student, Washburn, 1899-1900; Instructor, Iowa College for the Blind, Vinton, [a., 1900—. - Sardius M. Brewster, County Attorney, Doniphan County. roy. ETA Henry F. Burt. Student Chieago Theological Seminary 1899- 1908. Director of Boys’ Work, Chicago Commons, 1900—; Pro- bation Officer Juvenile Court, Chicago, 1904—,; Has published mag- azine articles on settlement work for boys. Address 180 Grand Ave., Chicago, II. aheetesk: Howard M. Fiank: Married, 1904, to Ruth M. Soper. Theo- logical course with one year post ‘graduate work, Princeton. pte byterian Missionary to Chena, Alaska, 1904—. Mary W. Harrison. ‘Teacher of piano, 1243 Western Ave, Topeka. ANAS Samuel H. Little. Married, 1899, to May Stewart. cetae ond stock raiser, Eureka. aie Helen Morton. Principal, High School, Ellsworth, 1899-1900; Superintendent of Schools. Glasco, 1900-1; Instructor, ‘Washburn Academy, 1902—. Zella W. Parker, Normal Instructor, Marion, Ala., 1901—. Zula W. Parker, Primary Teacher, Olathe Schools, 1900—.: Robert S. Pond. Instructor, Pendleton Academy, Oregon, 1900-2; Marietta Academy. Marietta, O., 1902—. Margaret Sawyer Lovewell. Married, 1901, to P. A. Eevewet ’97.. 1539 W.. Sixteenth St., Topeka. Draper T. Schoonover. Married, 1903, to May Haines Bowen, Graduate work, University of Chicago, eight quarters; one year in American School for Classical Studies in Rome. Instructor, High School, Morgan Park, Illinois, 1902-4; Beaver College, Beaver, Penn., 1904—. Frederick J. Titt. Summer School, University of hicasc Professor of Biology, Kingfisher College, Kingfisher, Okla., 1899—. Elizabeth M. Tunnell. Instructor, Kansas City High School, 1899-1902. Stenographer, 508 Century Building, Kansas City, Me 1900 Nellie M. Ansel. ‘Teacher, Belvue, 1900-1, Linwood, 1901-2, College: Hill (near Topeka), 1902-3, Topeka City Schools, 1903—. Alfred P. Bishop. Solicitor, Bankers’ Life Association. 1630 College Ave., Topeka. John F. Cell, LI..B. 1903 (Kansas City School of Law). Law- yer, 504 New York Life Bld’g, Kansas City, Mo. tLaura L. Chamberlin. “Home address. Hiawatha, Kans. Maude E. Chamberlin. Teacher, Padonia, 1902-3; Hiawatha, 1903 ;' Franklin County, Nebraska, 1904—. Bloomington, Nebr. Musa K. Cowan. Graduate work at Bryn Mawr one year. Parsons. . Ruth Cowgill. Editor Home Department of. “Kansas Farm- er,”’ Topeka. Address, 1325 Clay St. Mary Crowther. Teacher, Junction City, 1901—. Address, 218 W.-Sixth St. Clara R: Day, Siengeraneer. 1257 Garfield Ave., Topeka. Jessie Dean. Student Chautauqua New York Summer Library School, 1903. Teacher Topeka City Schools, 1901- 3. Librarian and Registrar, Washburn College, 1903—. Guilford Dudley, Jr. Graduate work at Yale two years. Sales- 1uan with Thompson Hardware Company. Topeka, one year. Sales- man with Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Company, Chicago, Ill. A. Maude Enlow Smith. Married, 1903, to Herbert E. Smith. Teacher Wabaunsee County, 1900-3. Wainego. Harry L,. Finley. Married, 1900, to Mildred .Leland. Clerte U. S$. Pension Agency, 1900-2, Deputy State Bank Commissioner for Kansas, 1902—. Address, 1031 Quincy St., Topeka. Glen D. Finney. Miller, Neosho Falls, 1900-3, Court Stenog- rapher, Iola, 1903—. : Dell B. Frank, M.A. (Wooster ee O.). Principal High School, Chicago, O., 1903-4, Teacher, High School, Russell, 1904—. Curtis H. Gephart, M.D. 1904 (Rush Medical College). In- terne Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, IIl. Hattie M. Halbert. Stenographer, Kansas Congregational Home - Missionary Society, 1900-1, Secretary to the President, Washburn College, 1902—. Dwight EF. Hodge. City Attorney, Marion, 1904. Lawyer, Lew- iston, Ida. Malcolm U. Hughes. Married, 1901, to Mabel Martin. Dis- oe Agent Northwestern Mutual [Life Insurance Company, 1900—. ola. Fred Lees. Clerk U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wash- ington, 1D. C. John S. McFarland. Surveyor with Rock Island and Santa Fe R. Rs. Now with Merriam Mortgage Company, Topeka. Ad- dress, 1100 Harrison. +Stuart B. Rowles. With Illinois Central R. R., Chicago, III. Mildred J. Shaw. Graduate work, University of Chicago, one term. ‘Teacher, Topeka City Schools, 1900-3. Instructor Kansas State Agricultural College, 1903-4. Instructor, Washburn Academy, 1S04—. Lloyd Stahl. Farmer, Auburn. James D. Toy. Married, 1902, to Luttie L. McCormick. Stu- dent Rush Medical College, Chicago, II. Louis F. Valentine. Manager of “The Times,” Clay Center. Mary Wilson. Instructor in High School, Missouri Valley, Ta., 1900-1; Garner, Lowa, 1901-4; Principal High School, Clarinda, Ia., 1904—. 1901 A. Maude Cook, Teacher, Pine Grove, Mich. Charles R. Detwiler. Married, 1902, to Besse J. Johnston. —]j]— Pari and stock raiser 1903- 4, Ass’t. Cashier, Smith County State es 1904. Manager for Overland Oil and Gas Company. Way- side Adam G. Frank, Theological Student, 33 Alexander Hall, Princeton, N. J. L. Cady Hodge. Married, 1903, to Mabel Danley. Reporter, Topeka Daily Herald. 1901-4, News Editor, 1904—. A. B. Kirkpatrick. Student, Kansas Medical College, one year. Bookkeeper, office National President Knights and Ladies of Security, Topeka. Address, 800 W. 6th St. Victor G. Kropf, LL.B. 1904 (Northwestern). Lawyer, Chi- cago, Ill. Walter Lux, D.D.S., 1904 (Northwestern). Dentist, Topeka. Address, 1629 Boswell Ave. -. Grace A. McClure. Teacher, Troy, 1901-4; .Topeka City Schools, 1904—. _. Henry I, Nelson. Pastor Congregational Church, Linwood, 1901-3; Presbyterian Church, Rossville, 1903—. Albert W. Newcomb... Three years’ course, Kent College of Law, Chicago, Ill. With law firm of Iles, Martin & Jamieson, 1307 Ashland Block, Chicago, II. Edwin I,.. O'Neil. Married, 1903, to. *Octavia Greenwood. With Kellam Book & Stationery Company,. 1901-2; Bookkeeper Model Supply Store, and Robinson, Marshall & Company to 1904; Bookkeeper Capital City Vitrified Brick and Paving Company, 1904—. 1301 Harrison St.. Topeka. George L. Seeley. Married, 1901, to Susie Deya. Supt. of Schools, St. John, 1901-3; Principal High School, Pittsburg, 1903-4; Supt. of Schools, Sterling, 1904—. Cora L. Silvernail. Graduate work, University of Chicago, one term. Princinal High School, Carbondale, 1902--. Ina Shaw. Graduate work, University of Chicago. Instructor Shurtleff College. Upper Alton, IIl., 1903—. *Dorothy Tuckerman Conant. tEdwin B. Titt. Home address, Kingfisher, O. T. Sherman A. Willard. Two periods at Chicago Theological Seminary. Reporter, Topeka Daily Capital, 1901. Farming, Wa- mego. 1902 Robert C. Dougherty, Student Hartford Theological Seminary, Hartford, Conn. Address, Hosmer Hall. John A. Fay. Stenographer, S. K. R’v, Texas, 1902-3. Stenog- rapher A. T. & S. F. R’y, 19083—. 2112 Lincoln St., Topeka. *Edward M. Frowe. W. S. Galloway. City Circulator, Topeka Daily Capital, 1901- 3. Bookkeeper, same, 1903—. Malcolm Garrard, A.B. 1903 (University of Kansas). Student University of Kansas Law School, 1904. Home Address, 1255 Ty- ler St., Topeka. Jessie S. Guild. Student Chicago Art Institute, 1902—. Home, Sabetha. ; Willard A. Guild. Engineering department, A. T. & S. F. R’y, 1902—. Address, Newton. abe Ell Ray Henry, B.A., 1903 (Yale). Clerk in. Calcasien Na- tional Bank, Lake Charles, Tas Carl M. Johnston. Married, 1904, to Helen Turner. Col- lector, Merchants’. National Bank, Topeka, 1902; Bookkeeper, Hy- draulic Cement Co., Ft... Scott, 1902—. } Harry W. Lukens, Medical Student, St. Joseph, ay Home Address, N. Topeka. Touise H. McLellan. Teacher, Topeka City Scheie ead Caring: for aged grandparents, 173 Park Row, Brunswick, Adele Byrdene Mehl. Graduate work, Washburn, #904. Tone addres) Burlingame. L. Elizabeth Moyer,. Teacher, Topeka City Schools. Edith J. Nelson, Ass’t. Postmaster, Smith Centre. Bertha Osborne Lommasson. Married, 1904, to Lawrence W. Lommasson. Address, 1013 Arch St., Topeka. Glara;: Br ‘Plummer. Graduate work, University of Chichen Instructor Topeka City Schools, 1902-4, Topeka High School, 1904—. Paul B. Sweet. Graduate work, Yale University, 1902-3.. Clerk Bank of Topeka, 1903—. Herbert G. Titt.. Married, 1904, to Elizabeth Warren. Instructor, Kingfisher College, Oklahoma, 1902-4. Student Gottingen Univer- sity, Germany, 1904—. Home, Kingfisher, Okla. Grace G. Wolcott. Instructor, Horton Schools, 1902-3, Horton High School, 1903—. . 1903 p Paul P. Anderson. Mining. Boise City, Ida. Address, The Western. Samuel Butts, M.A., 1904 (Washburn). Solicitor, Underwood & Underwood, Ottawa. ‘Home address, Jewell City. Mary E. Daniels. Graduate work, one year at Radelifte Col- lege. At home 21st and Topeka Ave., Topeka. Clifton :B. Dodge, with Wright and Gray, Salina, 1903- 4. Law student, Washburn, 1904—. Home address, Salina. John Gephart, Medical Student, University of Kanes Home address, Oskaloosa. Tes) Ira O. Guy. Grocer, 1200 Buchanan St., Topeka. Mabel L. Heil, teacher, Vera, 1903-4, Topeka City Schools, 1904—. Address, 1273 Garfield St. é Elma C. Trelan, Teacher Topeka City Schools, 1903—. Address, 1424 Lincoln St. ; ‘Frank M. Leach. Law student, Washburn, 1903-4, General manager of athletics, Washburn, 1904—. Robert Maxwell. Law. student, Washburn, 1903—. Address, 921° Topeka Ave. | William M. Mills, Medical Student, Columbia University, N. Y. Home address, 1302 Topeka Ave. Frank A. Moss. Married, 1904, to Edith Guibor. Ass’t. Cashier First National Bank, St. Marys. Arthur V. Read, Engineering department, A. T. & S. F. R. Ri; 1903—. Newton. Frank R. Ritchie. , With engineering department, A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1993-4. Now with Independence Mine, Idaho. Home address, 1118 Madison St., Topeka. bk 18 Flmer Schultz, Reporter “Saturday Bee’, Hutchinson, 1903-4, Topeka State Journal, 1904—. Address 404 Clay Si Harry V. Shirts, Instructor High School, Cameron, Mo. Miriam: Steele. ‘Teacher Topeka City Schools, 1903—. Ad- dress, 2016 Clay St. . ‘Wallace Thompson. Reporter “Topeka Daily Herald’ 1903, “Modern Mexico,” New York. City, 1904. Now with “Mexican Herald’, City of Mexico: | . ae Frank: Worley, M.A., 1904 (Washburn). Instructor, High School, Jacksonville, Ill., 1903. Travelling Chemist Santa Fe R’y, 1904. ‘Student University of Pennsylvania, Medical School, Phily: delphia, Penn., i1904—. John E. Worsley, Engineering department, A. T. & SF. R’y., 1903-4. Home address, Maple Hill. 1904 Frank R. Aldrich, Teacher, Conway Springs, 1904—. ‘George W. Anderson. Gr aduate student Washburn. ; Clark Bush, Student in Elliott’s Business College, Burlington, owa. James W. Clark, Law Student, Washburn. Guy W. DeLay, with DeLay Implement Co., Downs. Zeva B. Edworthy, Clerk to Sec’y. Galveston Chamber of Commerce, Galveston, Tex. Louis. B. Fritts, Teacher and student, Washburn. Berenice Fuller, at home. 1200 W. 6th St.. Topeka Ruby L,. Gage, private teacher, 1324 Taylor St., Topeka. Daisy M. Griggs, Private teacher. 1927 Harrison St., Topeka. Mary L. Kellam, 1239 Western Ave., Topeka. Perley K. Kelley, With Phillips & Chaney, Columbian Bld’g, Topeka. Tela McLellan Coldren. Married, 1904, to P: R. Coldren, Gran ite, Okla. Harry A. Maynard, Collector with Crosby Brothers, Topelea. Frank M. Mohler, Graduate student, Washburn. Edna M. Morrow, Graduate student, Washburn. Grace F. Plummer, Instructor in High School, Arkansas City. Arthur L. Quant, Law student, Washburn, Jennie M. Thayer, General Sec’y. Young Women’s Christian Association, Kansas State Agricultural College. Manhattan. - Percy S. Walker, Pharmacist, 1119 Polk St., Topeka. Mattie W. Westenhaver, Teacher, Arkalon. Walter W. White, Solicitor, Pittsburg. Ethelyn M. Wright, Instructor in High School, Overbrook. a A Graduates of the Department of of Music. 1889 Agnes M. Fairfield, Student: Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and Caruthers Normal School of Music, Chicago. Teacher of Music Stockton and Washington Academies. Teacher of Music, Alma, Kans. Ottilie Schmitz, Student Cincinnati Conservatory of Music and Caruthers Conservatory, Chicago. -Teacher of Music, Chapman, Kansas, Alma, Kansas, Vinita, I. T., Dallas, Texas. Teacher of Music Eskridge and Alma. Alma, Kansas. 1890 Bertha M. Loose. Naomi G. Murphy. Julius Weidling. See College list, class, 1894. Maude Chamberlain. 1891 Lois Kilmer Townsley, New York City. 1892 tJessie Crowell Turnbull, Leavenworth. Sarah Mae Parsons. 1893 Ida Parsons. *Adelaide E. Sac 1894 Trissa Greenwood Merrick, Married, 1898, to Robert G. Mer- rick, Topeka. : Minnie Bishop Swan. Married, 1901, to James D. Swan, Jr., Neosho Falls. Edna Pierce Hawkes, Married, 1897, to S. N. Hawkes. ‘Teach- er of music 1894-7. Stockton. 1895 : Blanche Bartley Adams, Married to Walter Adams, Crowley, a: oe) W. Harrison. See College list, class of 1899. Lucy Platt Harshbarger, Married, 1888, W. A. Harshbarger 93, 1342 Mulvane St., Topeka. Marian MacVicar Morris, Married to Wm. Henry Morris, 1909, 17th & College Ave., Topeka. Lisbeth M. Pond. Student Chicago Musical College. ‘Teacher of piano, Washburn, 1902. Teacher, piano, Conneaut, O. 1897 phen Arnold Robson, Married, 1900, to Walter Robson. Deputy County Treasurer, 1898-9. Dry goods clerk, 1899-1900. West- moreland. Etta Williams Benton. Married, 1903, to Edward T. Heabnt Teacher, Russell, 1897-1903. Fairview. a 5 1898 *Annie Perry Dougherty. Mildred Leland Finley. Married, 1900, to Harry L. Finley ’00. Geraldine Mills Bowlby. Married, 1899, to W. H. Bolby, 1724 Clay St., Topeka. . Myrtle J. Ackerman. Studied under Madame Behr, Carl Bisch, Prof. Carl Preyor. Teacher of Music, Kansas City and in Montana. 1331 Harrison St., Kansas City, Mo. May Bowen Schoonover, B.A. (University of Chicago). Mar- ried, 1903, to D. T. Schoonover ’99. Beaver, Pa. Emma May McAdams, Teacher of piano, Severy. Martha McCoy, D.D.S. (University of Iowa). ‘Teacher, To- — peka City Schools three years. Dentist, 722 Kansas Ave., Topeka. Laura Dayies Lyman. Married, 1899, to I. F. Lyman, 5514 Wabash Ave.. Chicago, Il. Laura Taylor Hughes. Married to Ernest Hughes. Grant- ville. 1901 *Octovia Greenwood O’ Neil. ty Sadie McCauley Skinner. Married, 1902, to Ralph FE. Skin- ner, North Topeka. Maude Parker. Student of music in New York City. Teacher of Music, Washburn, 1901-3. 3246 Highland Ave.. Kansas City, Mo. Alberta Scoville Spencer. Married, 1904, to Dr. Platt R. Spen- cer. Beloit, Wis. 1902 1 Harriet Hemmings Smith. Married, 1904, to George A. Smith, Brookfield, Mo. Carl M. Johnston. See College list, class of 1902. ‘ Vida M. Wood.‘ Vocal student, 1903-4...1217 Tyler St., Topeka. perideran xs ERceeee 1903 Elizabeth Cole Miller, Kansas City, Mo. : 1904 Rowena Bishop, Glasco. ° ; Alice M. Foster. Married to Prof. Eli‘G. Foster. 713 Topeka Ave... Topeka. . Florence E. Morton, Teacher of music, Osborne. Josephine -M. Wright. Married to John M. Wright, 1900, 632 Western Ave., Topeka.. me tGes The Fortieth Anniversary Next June Washburn will celebrate the fortieth anni- versary of her founding. At that time the Carnegie library will be ready to dedicate, and eminent speakers will be present to honor the occasion. In connection with this event it is most desirable that as many alumni be present as possible. Let all plan to come. Put down on your calendar, under the dates June 10-14 ‘‘Commencement, Washburn,’’ and make your plans accordingly. | | Washburn Clubs Clubs, consisting of alumni, ex-students and former instructors of the college are reported from Chicago, New York and Kansas City. A county club has re- cently been organized among the students and alumni in Osborne county. Many other counties in the state have material for strong organizations of this sort. Nothing could be of more value to Washburn, in the state and out, than the organization of her students in groups for the purpose of furthering the welfare of the college. “Sheldon ay A movement was launched last spring by the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. of the college to raise $25,000 with which to erect upon the Washburn campus an association building in honor of Mr. Sheldon. The pur- pose of the building is to furnish quarters for the Chris- tian associations and their work, and also to provide a general student center for college enterprises of various kinds. It, will probably contain the offices of the differ- ent student organizations, the staff of the college paper, athletic assoeiation, etc., It will be a most suitable place for all college receptions, and social functions. The student subscriptions at the end of the year will probably aggregate about $2,500, $1,800 having already | been subscribed. The outside campaign among the friends of the college and admirers of Mr. Sheldon will be opened soon after the holidays through the columns of the Christian Herald. The editor of this Paper is the one who first pugzested the idea. ~~ ~ The MacVicar Fund ‘The graduates of a certain eastern university living > - in a single city were asked a few months ago to raise $200,000 as their shdre of a fund to purchase land to make a ‘more dignified approach to the university grounds. ”’ The subscription was opened with the announcement, that no contribution less than $20,000 would be re-, ceived. Some men came forward with offers of less, but the offers were rejected. * In less than a week the whole sum was raised. _: . . Five years ago a committee of the | Alumni of Wash- burn laid before the graduates a plan for raising a fund which at the end of fifteen years would mature to $20.- 000, to be used as a memorial endowment commemor- ating the name of Peter MacVicar. About one-third of ° the alumni responded, and a little more than half the © money due on these pledges has been paid in, so that the . committee haye i in bank only a fraction of the amount re- quired to make the original plan succeed. The commit-: tee now comes forward with © anew appeal. It has become evident that not only a larger proportion ‘of the - alumni and ex-students must be ‘secured as subscrib- ers, but that all who are able must be urged to increase their subscriptions, ; ; a a i The men who subscribed the $20,000 in the eastern city, of course, had more means than ‘the graduates of ‘ . } ’ . Mv Re Tks: Washburn have, but the point is that they gave liberally in proportion to their means. They felt they owed a debt of gratitude to their alma mater, and they wanted to put within the reach of young people of coming years opportunities as rich for the future generations as these men had enjoyed in their generation or, at least, to as- sign the least worthy motive, they desired to do their part to make sure their college had the means to hold a place of dignity among institutions of her class. If at Washburn we formed any friendships that have been a pleasure anda help to us ever since; if any acquaint- ances were made in college that the years have turned to profit; if we were helped to find ourselves or given a broader outlook on life and a keener enjoyment of it because of influences we felt at Washburn, are we not obligated, as children of. the college, to do something to put these privileges within the reach of others? Noone would like to admit in words that he feels he conferred a favor on the college by his presence here. No one supposes he paid for all he got in Washburn, even in the meager days of her history. ee ee In starting the MacVicar fund it was hoped two ob- jects could be attained. The alumni would have an op- portunity to express in a material way their interest in the college, and a permanent memorial could be estab- lished to a name that will always be honored by those that knew the man or his work—a name that is ineradi- cably wrought into all the best traditions and ideals of the college. May we call your attention to the impor- tance of both these ends. It must be evident to all that Washburn depends for her ultimate success on the interest and loyalty of her children—as every college does.