et ay! si Bee ae e e ‘TRSITY OF (1 RARY AT Uke. .... -cAMPAIGN BOOKSTACKS { Digitized by the Internet Archive In 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates 5 } ‘ fre rai 7 7 i ’ ave 4 LOTANG SS) ETERS POPULAR DRAWING COPIES. | SERIES A. FLORAL AND VEGETABLE FORMS: Gaeta lee emt com les lee ae AINSI sin Grune Dee bay Lh NY LONDON AND NEW YORK. N Ow Cassell’s Popular Drawing Copies, in Four Sets of Books, adapted to the use of Elementary, Middle, and Upper Class Schools; for Schools of Art, and for Private Study; and designed to prepare Students for the Art Examinations in connection with the Department of Science and Art at South Kensington and the Society of Arts. Series A.—Floral and Vegetable Forms, Cloth, lettered, 7s. 6d. re B.—Model Drawing. Cloth, lettered, 7s. 6d. £ . C.—Landscapa Drawing. Cloth, lettered, 7s. 6d. D.—Figure Drawing. Cloth, lettered, 7s. 6d. bh Each Set consists of TWELVE PARTS, price SIXPENCE each, which may be had separately. hea aS: WALOF 7G UV} ago Lp J@L0} J 7 14%q> Sad OD) DNA Al (, eT SATAS EAAE an: 2PYPH G2 ums 692358 be WY: ia A %) ye aed HI WA 1 GC 47PKD SULT WYYRLABIY POAC) f 1 te“Ge po senes — SHA OD INIMVUC UVLAdOd SITASSVO) : I 1) i or or il a : ; Seas Sa A My Ca] SWMLOJ 27907 A9Of P JOL07 J. T1485 ——— Ff sansay “SalidO) ONIMVAG WVLAd Od, SITS SV,) iy ee PN test hey ‘ rN i ae cu ay, ) A itanch vA . Ks PMO s Utd Of a) yV) apo lp VAL *SalidO) DNIAW al, UVILAd Od, SATAS SVL) ar i ye He a : : FP Ael mt EN are Aten an ie , 9) 04, Got eee :| on i i 'G AOD SULOJ MG UAGIL DP VAada / 1¢4&q> po saiay "SAIdoO) INIAVA( WWLAdOd SATAS SV) T. 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Le 97RD SUMOT 21907 28 Yf P JPL) 3 ee ate oh ~ | i iv) st ie Hi Ni i Niele ia 4) a ig keen te ANG Ay t-y-y Ce AVP] “SULLOd Iq DAG AY P JPL] J bec IFP LD s ltt Of 2G 020 2f Yp J OLO] f /BL 4 PPK], SUMO] NYVIABY P [PMOL 5 aed OTP, : "S$ ULL0, , IqVzaoUy y 7 Dn F = iS, SY BFOVqFs “SUMOP 279 DIA94f P POLO 7 ig LET, AG floral & lege lable borms. . y . ) G2 27°1p S Ud Op ™YYRIIGIY P JUL) J 4 pLOPs ——oee OG 87 27g; SULOY GW I9G 04 P JVALO? J b /AUY> IT77TOS . Cela ble Lo Hloral & bé Part 4. C¢y a7] qd» DSL E Les Of 7} GU] ago Lp y DA 7d Wa 14U7> 1S AMT & : : ( SUL OT PG OLIG Ef P PRLO) | 7 é ¢ é o/ Dif > - EL tke I] O]A, GO A7P 77, SULLOY 07 AR)/ PJ PLO) J G WL dfs 912 PU, | WAL YYLYPIY D Jy ' ' i ! i ! : ' 1 if ' 1 { 1 ' ! 1 \ i | 1 t t ' t ' 1 ‘ t : : al : 7 ih y BT eave amet : - ‘A haa th, = 2 a q LE 1A, | seein] 299020824 P PPT P= AN We 1) hu a AW Pee ie ee a 5 Mg : [ \ ie pts a} 7 | 4 ay SE —- aa CLAEA sumog Ngnzagy p [Veep y 0 Rap MT + ) tel ihe \ \ ay \ \ \ eee ee . ee fs NN ~ ‘ \ 4 : i ‘ : r va / s 7 . fd 1 Y a e- ; | Vi F - = fi i j , 2 / ; i = fi a! 2 ) 7 i ste P { “i ! ; ‘ : , I 2 | A ! of j We y | 1 1 1 yf WN, a Boe ae el a al — * Ue 20°10; SMO 29M ERY p [MOLT © Mlfy Ob 10d: SUL OT 299120 P JMOL [P s x oF 4 e cm 7. Vab . : UAL, 4 VA r 2, G P7235 y/ f y Wy) fA 7. CASSELUS POPULAR DRAWING COPIES. 4 NETL hoe Part 6. Floral A Segelable Loris Plate £2. CASSELES POPTLAR DRAWING COPIES. Seves.4 Start by. Floral &Sebelable LOVINS. Plate 43 th 7/2 /, SUL OF YQ? IU P J PLO) ] 9 [1/5 Le? SOD/AC 6 OWN WANS MD DY AANTOT ATT OTT DOA tT AN er en ana avy 4 4 e f 4 ( 2 L1- * Ss 7 LM Of Wk U MP i Oo af : } o A? if oe Lf } by vA Prd Af gil AR er Mig AJP KY» a bth Oxf 290] A904 P JRL) J 9 [42/5 FRA IS SAMA OM ONTAMV A AWT Nal Oa QUT Gw a arr LB AED V4 s SPLMIC piss Utd Of 2G P7294 P J OAO} "SaldO.) DNILMAVAT AWW Nel ON QUT WN <= OQ pLOA> ) ‘ Sk WPL, SUMLOY AIG WIIGIS P 70107 J ; Fess § SATA OD) DNIMVA CE aw Ad Od SATTAS SV.) 9 ed , 4), Se SUROF ogee P HOLORy : : — ‘fe ee i a 2 20K SUMO 1GU20U/ P JOO} L UL, ’ > 7 ; ABEL E SULOT POLI P 7 PAO] 7 ZL obf, Pibetn Want) A Aas ; Ot) ee 9 ty at i ae) he Th a a > 7 SMLLOY 29) 2804 DP PRLO} J * Pate ae raap af fie 1: ~feg. a SS eS eee 9 OK Sey YYPTIOY P JOOPEY Ly S ie L Kf SULLO] 19qRIAR OY YP J OLO|Y Se . Ie oe PO S907 7, AA YQM Ia josey oY pate c DID) 7 cl 4 yy, 4 j = i z 4 > . y, 2 at] ey VEE > Wi IVOKD> SUL OP WYO) A0Of P [e407 gS J447> Tr? 2972/AC | =O CAPTT Way MD NYT MWS CT BTW DAT QOS aR - a “ SEES eS Ul 210% SULDY YGPZ2BY P PLOY 8 1d > 7 . _ a Of IRE SLOP YPZADO DP POLO PMU], W 2D ‘SULLO ; | ~—— eae SULOT OG APE P (MDT | : “ 10 pl leds . | sat, Aya de bigs ss if + 2 » ee 7 y _—_ = 7 aes . ato “0s A 4p 2! ds RUMMY IPG I9 Af P JUL] f WV pel - : GL Kd SMMLOY Gadd P JHLOLY | 8 PU — oF cel -- ae Le F: ‘YOK Tf, : SLLOf IG UjIgos YP P0607 J S PUY, / LL Kp SLO] YM ADY P JMOL 6 PRL» : s m of 27% SLY YQOIADY P JPN 6 MU ‘Se, G/ 27° Ap ‘SUMLOF 2G PIRI P P0407 f 6 UD CASSELES POPTLAR DRAWING COPIES. Sevex.4 4 Part 9 floral & legela ble Loris. Pate 20. LY ae ik A hy Ma CASSELES POPULAR DRAWING COPIES. Serres. 7 floral a Vegetable LOVINS. Yate 2. Vee oe ie, vi) aad Cia | floral a Vegetable LOTINS. Plate 24. CASSELES POPULAR DRAWING COPIES. Serzes.4 Cj 2 af 7 ? ra =f Ya co Fed: 2. Vloral &begelable LOVIN S. Vale vs. ; ' re Ve a ’ Als iY ay i ie r S CASSELLS POPULAR DRAWING COPIES. Lloral & lege table forms Sertes. A. Hale <4 V7 me nn as,3 CF 97 O77) SUL OT I]G P]098f P JPL} iy /AU A> 2 wn tie : ; eee ty! ‘ ahh meg | Wey Le PJO/TFs SUL] YQ DIAGF P J OL0) J / eke beaded Ms ‘7 A,PK)> SUMMLOF I) BY AGI P f AG) f ' Wi JABYA> v t og. Plale ; hloral &bebgetable lorims. “fryrt (0 oS Me Se ORD i, “$s Ul 3/QD IIR Of

STA} Fe O ANTI TWanenw MY NYT AAWYOT AT DINTWYOTT (D Wan Via PPT VIAN VAY or ee an i | yi | J CASSELES POPULAR DRAWING COPIES. Serces.4 SCARLLT-RUNNER LEAF aa ey me re ee Oe aac Sd Si gceigs eee he a \ > SS 44 a y mo As : Plabe 33. Part // % Pay loral & hegeliuble SOvINS. CASSEL’LS POPULAR DRAWING COPIES. Servex.4 Brack Bryon Part I Floral dSegelable Forms. Plate j CASSELLS POPULAR DRAWING COPIES. Serves. it q Part I! Plate 3. Ts | Hloral a Vegela le Loris. ald ¥ oh 7 CASSELES POPULAR DRAWING COPTES, Sevres. 7 ak es, wae ge Erk BUROOCK ; Part If Flotal & Fegelable Lorms. Plate 36. 8 Uld Of 29D] 804) Pp JBAOL J ~S \ LG 77d Wf ny 6 | Z rl IOOF¢ eps vena Ud ss isp i | i f : oy or ee KD r FIANIM/IST of - oC awe War ew ow ROOT # AST WY? SU 79g BP age YP oe w. (O} f WY 4 ®qf> eA POE CEA CNN — ne Pee ay ion ! , ‘_ Netto DP Cn ees Th GH : { Ds ia? | Y? ? ; ee Ee PJ O/qs St Oof I)G OAPI P TOA) f nea [rt ds LANT —_ +p egdr9ae eo MMT TaAyOd JONI MWA aT UAW Oo UP 7/1? /q> JOOHSHNOW SO 40777 LU OY A]G DIAG YP POLO J Yo ee COLTS FOOT Plate F/. table Forms. C0€ Oo Floral & be mF, f Pes i Wa) | 1 : y io q 4 +o loa ’ 4 ‘4 ia J Lb DUG, SUMOT 27927 2924 P ULOLY al Yd ‘ee SYFTT SOH SY BS lS = a 4 = ——— “3a O47 /7 °o Qa i. ay oe We Vis at AA Bh ay ha ; ¢ BANA tute oir | : . y 7 Be b SS tay CL, OG / iS, FD 7 ¢ PUA c F) “a - ii} “mn ie ne ae nn t hi fa) are Hh Kt a om itd fon Hiei ae an Mis Key? Niall , f Mie Lilies ; sa ia ha a { ; ut iis i it 4 aye fy thi i a i; mn if q fi moi t ne ‘ils hat fh Avie." a, it if 4 via J ere faa 1 d ily re nae iW une i at) Hs ie, i Pea Le, VE °*/7 “kts SUMO] 2790] 809 P 7 BLOPT ey ey, 4) abe al od aL ‘a r on ¥ sah | a ‘ M | i i sin on Hate 4d. floral & fegelable forms. Parl 12 Of 27K, SUMO] 89D] 000/ Pp [D40),) al MAL- LOWMFOASTIF ’ i) & f i i i a) Aa ra ae ah i. Lp eli —— suasog.ga28y pe 2A UU Ud: ihre wy) ¥ iT wy O es Of 29D Mchs SUL Of 999 wage Pp VOLO} OL Tae tienen SMT TO “PNT, [MdOd SIIISSVD | be : Sal Hii Hy wah ’ oi ol} |) ithe by Be Wait Pei pte TBE Mls fund elias fs Oi We ef Ait f if a hI Te ee kit u Hog ah Via, } bh ei LD hall iv. ian ib PR i« iY wy) iy Sia j j j ) vet sed , uy 7 Per ees n | dia) AEM AR ss £3) ISR pot Cx rT ONAL. W Or lys AUNGD me Niko Eo RelA. FOR THE USE OF Middle Class, Grammar, and Primary Schools. PeUBilLS Hee De Bw © Crs SE LiL Bebe leche ag Nee Gone eka beNe LONDON AND NEW YORK: CASSELUL’S PUR TEIN NAS. SE) SY ROAR Sys An entirely New and Original Series of Manuals, specially prepared with a view to meeting the want indicated by Her Majesty’s Commissioners of Education in National and other Schools, by providing a series of simple treatises on the RUDIMENTARY BRANCHES of Education, written by first- class men, whose personal knowledge of what is actually wanted, and whose practical experience render them peculiarly fitted to supply the specialité required, The following Volumes are now ready (others in preparation) :— The Boy’s First Reader, in Words of One Syllable, with Spelling Lessons. Tllustrated. Cloth lettered - 4d. The Girl’s First Reader, in Words of One Syllable, with Spelling Lessons. Illustrated, Cloth, lettered - 4d. Elementary Arithmetic; dealing with the Primary Rules in a new and original manner, and supplying more than 1,100 Examples. Cloth, lettered - - - - - - - 4d. Elementary Geography, written in a simple, terse style, and furnishing throughout the Etymology of Terms supplied. Illustrated, Cloth, lettered- - - - - - - - - 4d. Elementary British History : a condensed recital of the Principal Events of British History, specially prepared for popular use in Junior Classes. Cloth, lettered - - - = 6d3 Right Lines in their Right Places; or, Geo- metry without Instruments : an entirely novel treatment, which explains to the youngest pupil the First Principles of Geometry. With Drawings on Wood by the Author. Cloth, lettered - - . Jap tss Our Houses, and what they are Made of: a familiar but scientific description of the materials used in the construction of our houses ; giving fullaccount of the nature and origin of*wood, iron, stone, &c., with Illustrative Designs and Descriptions of the various trades employed in their manufacture or manipulation. Cloth, lettered, Is. Our Bodies: an Elementary Text-Book of Human Physiology ; with 1,000 Questions for Examination, and nume- rous Illustrations on Wood. Cloth, lettered 3 - - - Is. The Explanatory Reader: a graduated Reading Book, furnishing a Series of Lessons on the History, Geography, and Science of Modern Times, varied by interesting Sketches of Biography and Adventure. Cloth, lettered - - - - - - a LSS CASSELL, PETTER, AND GALPIN, LUDGATE HILL; AND 596, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. The Elements of Natural Philosophy, for the Use of Schools. By the Rev. SAMUEL HAUGHTON, M.D., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. Fully Illustrated. Bound in cloth. 4s. 6d. Natural Philosophy. By Joun TYNDALL, JOA Nake Royal Institution. Cloth, lettered - - 2s. bd Hand-Book of Natural Philosophy, With Cuts. Foolscap 8vo - Manual of Mechanics, By Dr. Haveuton.. Clerks lettered - - - 3s. 6d. Manual of Optics. By Dr. Havcuton. Cloth, lettered - ~eeess0d. Manual of Hydrostatics. By the Rev. if GALBRAITH and Dr. HAUGHTON. New and Enlarged Edition. Cloth, lettered. 3s. 6d. Manual of the Steam Engine. By the Rev, J. GALBRAITH. New and Revised Edition. Cloth, lettered - 3s. 6d. Manual of Astronomy. By Dr. Haucuton and the Rey, J. GALBRAITH. New and Enlarged Edition. Cloth, lettered. 5s. FRENCH. Lessons in French: containing a Complete View of the Idioms of the French Language, in : Series of Easy and Progressive Lessons. By Professor FASQUELLE. New Edition, Revised and Improved by Professor DE LOLME. 12mo. Parts I. and II., incloth, each 2s. 6d. Complete in One Volume, cloth - - - - - 4s. 6d, Key to the Exercises in Lessons in French. I2mo, Is. 6d, cloth - ‘ The French Manual. Forming a Complete, Simple, and Practical Guide to a ¢horough Knowledge of Speaking the French Language. By Professor DE Lote. Crown 8vo, cloth - mie St French and English Correspondence for Boys. 18mo, cloth - - - - ESOC, French and English Correspondence for Young Ladies. 18mo, cloth - - 2s. 6d. Commercial French and English Correspondence. With a Glossary in English and French es reste Commercial Terms, and Formulz. Cloth - - - - 2s. 6d. The French Reader ; containing Foerarte from the Best Authors, New and ashe tye Ae Reveed eon By Professor Dr LOLME. 12mo, cloth - - - 2s. 6d. FRENCH —Continued. Shilling Lessons in French. By Professor Dr Is. 6d. LoLME. 18mo, sewed, Is.; cloth - - - Sixpenny Lessons in French, Crown 8v0 - - 6d. SPANISH. Lessons in Spanish. 12mo,cloth - - - 3s 6d ITALIAN. Lessons in Italian. By CuarLes Tausenau, M.D. 12mo, cloth - - - - - - - - - 3s. 6d, GREEK. Lessons in Greek. By the Rev. JO RSBEARD so 12mo, cloth - - 4s. The Acts of the Apostles in the Original Greek, By Joun J. Own, D.D. 12mo, cloth - - 2s, 6d, GERMAN. The International German Reader, for the use of Colleges and Schools. Containing Aids to Students, Selections from the best Prose Writers, and an Anthology of German Poetry. By EDwarpD A. OFPEN, of Haileybury College. 12mo, cloth - - - 4s. 6d, Lessons in German, in a Series of Easy and Pro- gressive Lessons. By W. H. Woopzury. Parts I. and Il. 12mo, cloth, each - - - - - - - 2s. 6d. Complete i in One Volume, cloth - - - 4s. 6d, Key to the Lessons in German. Revised Edition. 12mo, cloth - - - - - Is. 6d. The Pronouncing German Reader. "Consisting of Extracts in Prose and Ree with yA aioe Vocabularies. T2mo, Sees cloth - The German- English and English- German Pro- nouncing Dictionary. 8vo, cloth - - 7s. 6d. The German Reader. By W. H. Woopsury. I2mo, cloth . - - 2s. 6d. Sixpenny Lessons in German. By E. A. Opes, Esq., of Haileybury College. F cap. 8vo, paper covers - - 6d. CASSELL, PETTER, AND GALPIN, LUDGATE HILL; AND 596, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 5 EASY READING BOOKS, IN WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE ONLY. ZEsop’s Fables, in Words of One Syllable. Cloth, lettered - - - - - - = 2 - - =) ES; Swiss Family Robinson, ditto. Cloth, lettered, 1s. Evenings at Home, ditto. Cloth, lettered - - Reynard the Fox, ditto. Cloth, lettered - - 1 ‘The Boy's First.Reader. Cloth, limp:- - .~ 44. The Girl’s First Reader. Cloth, limp - - - 44 The Explanatory Reader. Cloth, lettered - - 1 BREWER’S FIRST BOOKS. A Series of First Books. By the Rev. Dr. BREWER. Author of ‘‘ Guide to Science,” &c. &c. Price, each - - - 6d. Reading and Spelling. French History. Bible History. Astronomy. History of England. Chemistry. Geography. Facts and Discoveries. Science. Grecian History. Common Things that I see Around Me. The History of Rome. The Young Tutor. First Serres. (Comprising the First Six of the preceding Books bound together.) Cloth - 3s. 6d. The same, SECOND SERIES, containing the latter Six First Books bound together in One Volume - - - - - 3s. 6d. Guide to Every-day Knowledge. By the Rev. Dr. BREWER. Contents:— Part I. Manufactures. Part II. Foods. Part IIL. The Use made of Refuse and Waste. Part IV. Common Things. 18mo, cloth - - - - - - - - 2s. 6d. THE NEW COPY-BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS, WITH SET COPIES ON EVERY PAGE. Leading the Learner by easy gradations rom the simplest forms of Letters to a fluent and graceful style of Penmanship. Price TWOPENCE each. x. Initiatory Exercises. 8, Round and Small Hands. 2. Letters and Combinations. g. Small Hand. 3. Short Words. ro. Text, Round, and Small Hands. 4. Capitals. x11. Introduction to Ladies’ Hand, 5. Text Hand. 12. Ladies’ Hand. 6. Text and Round, 13. Commercial Sentences. 7. Round Hand. These Books are now being largely used in Schools, and are acknowledged to be the cheapest and best ever published, PICTURE TEACHING SERIES, Picture Teaching for Young and Old: a Series of Object Lessons, progressively arranged so as to teach the meaning of every term employed. Withmore than 200 Illustrations. 4to, cloth, lettered, 5s. Picture Natural History: a Series of Plates numbering upwards of 700, in which the Animal, Vegetable, and Mineral Kingdoms are classified in families and drawn to scale. With descriptive letterpress. Edited by the Rev. C. BouTELL, M.A. 4to, cloth, lettered - - - - - - - - - - 5s. POPULAR DRAWING COPIES, IN FOUR SETS OF BOOKS, EACH SET CONSISTING OF TWELVE PARTS, PRICE SIXPENCE EACH. 1. FLORAL AND VEGETABLE FORMS. 2. MODEL DRAWING. 3. LANDSCAPE DRAWING. 4. FIGURE DRAWING. CASSELL, PETTER, AND GALPIN, LUDGATE HILL; AND 596, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. GT Sree DRAWING MATERIALS SPECIALLY PREPARED BY AF eo es de ey Lt bo, geese Tt ae LONDON AND NEW YORK. It ts only necessary, upon ordering either Mathematical Instru- ments, Drawing Books, or Colour Boxes, to indicate the number preceding each description. 53. 59: MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. - Deal Wood Box, varnished, containing Compass, Pen and Pencil, Crayon - - - : 2 . Deal Wood Box, varnished, containing 44in. Compass, Pen and Pencil, Rule, and Crayon-holder —- - . Same, ditto, with addition of Ruling Pen and Horn Protractor - - . Deal Wood Box, painted, Compass, ‘Pen and pene Ruling Pen, Lengthening Bar, Horn Protractor, Drawing Pins, Indian Ink, and Rule - - - . Same, ditto, with two Compasses - - - - ; Same, ditto, (54-inch Instruments) - - . . : Rosewood Case, with two Compasses, Pen and Pencil, Lengthening Bar, Ivory Ruling Pen, Horn Protractor, Drawing Pins, Indian Ink, and Rule - . Rosewood Case, with lock and key, two Compasses, Bow Pen and Pencil, Bar, Ivory Apes Pen, Pro- tractor, Parallels, Scale - - - Rosewood Case, with lock and ey Gupetior instru- ments), three Compasses, Bow Pen and Pencil, Bar, Ivory Ruling Pen, two Protractors, Parallel, Scale - - - - - - - - - Handsome Rosewood Case, inlaid with brass, lock and key, Proportional Compass, three Compasses, Bow Compasses, two Ivory Ruling Pens (Ivory Handles), Bar, two Protractors, Parallel, Scale, Curve, Set Ww Io Squares = = = = = = = ~ 25 no No. S: ja. 60. Rosewood Case, inlaid, lock and key, Proportional Compass, three Compasses, Bow Pen and Pencil, two Ruling Pens (Ivory Handles), Bar, two Pro- tractors, Parallels, Scale, Curve, Set Squares - 522 eo 61. Richly Inlaid Rosewood Case, with lock and key, highly-finished Instruments, Proportional Compass, three Compasses, three Bow ditto, two Ruling Pens (Ivory Handles), Bar, two Protractors, Parallel, Scale, Curve, and Set Squares - - Sree Ro 62. Mahogany Case, lock and key, three Couenee Bow ditto, Ivory Ruling Pen, Bar, Protractors, Parallel, Scale - - - - - - - 15 0 63. Rosewood Case, richly inlaid, containing three Com- passes, Bow Compass, Pen and Pencil, Ivory Ruling Pen, Bar, Protractor, Parallel, Scale - Sit.) 64. Rosewood Case, lock and key, three Compasses, two Bow dito, Ivory Ruling Pen, Bar, Parallel, Scale, Protractors - - - 15 0 65. Mahogany Case, lock and key, two Pisin Bow ditto, Ivory Ruling Pen, Bar, Parallel, Scale = !'9. 50 66. Ditto, ditto, Bow Compass, Pen and Pencil - - 9 0 67. Rosewood Case, lock and key, three Compasses, Bow ditto, with Pen and Pencil, Ivory ee Pen, Bar, Protractor, Parallel, Scale - - 412) 70 68. Rosewood Case, with lock and key, fitted as ai but in German Silver instead of brass - - a5 EO 69. Mahogany Case, with lock and key, containing the following highly-finished Instruments, in German Silver—three Compasses, three superior Spring Dividers (Ivory Handles), Needle Points, two Ivory Ruling Pens, Bar, pas ae Curve, Set Squares, Parallel, Scale - - - - : - 50 oO BEST ENGLISH MADE INSTRUMENTS, Specially manufactured for MESSRS. CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN. 49. Set of three small Dividers, with Pen and Pencil Points, morocco case - - = = - = 49 bcs. Set as above, superior - - - - - ese) CASSELL, PETTER, AND GALPIN, LUDGATE HILL; AND 596, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. i — Po} s. a. DRAWING PENCILS. (F1N& Leap.) * 48. Set as above, Needle oints - - - ‘ + 15 oO HEB BB : ‘ ; : ; : ; pens: 47. Mahogany Case, containing Compass, Pen and Pencil, H and HH, each - ‘ x a ; : ; 4 ve Plotting Scale and Pencil = - - - - - 3 6 46. Mahogany Case, same as above, with addition of DRAWIENG BOOKS. 5-inch Divider, white handle Drawing Pen oaks 6 oO (iuteieaved with Tesmue Paper) 45. Mahogany Case, containing Compasses with Shifting No. 7 : Legs, Ink and Pencil Points, Dotting Pen, x 2 ; : is ga eb a : > Be Osu Lengthening Bar, Divider, Drawing Pen, Plotting 2 ; é Pee 5 tt: 74 5 3 : a eh Scale, Ebony Parallel - - - - : ee ee 3 . ; UES ieee ae : = ey Gee 44. Mahogany Case, with lock and key, containing Steel- 4 ¥ . ie ee tga hans 4 3 r TE ae: pointed Compass, Divider, Ink and Pencil and Dotting Point, Bar, Bow Pen, two Drawing Pens, SUPERFINE WATER COLOURS, LIDS AS Scere SE ot RRB iain FOR LANDSCAPES, FIGURES, AND FLOWERS. 43. Mahogany Case, with lock and key, containing best- de finished Brass Sector Joint Compasses, ditto In Mahogany, with Sliding Top. Divider, Ink Point with Screws through Joints, 1. Improved Colours, 12 Cakes, Brushes, &c. - ~ Oo 4 Pencil Point, best Spring Bow Pen and Pencil, 5. Superfine Colours, 36 Cakes, Brushes, &c. - 290 Ivory Ruling Pen, Parallel, Protractor, Scale 30. 6 6. The Sixpenny Box of Colours, 12 Cakes, Brushes, &c. o 6 42. Set,as above, in Rosewood Case, with Spring Bow Pen, 7. The Shilling Colour Box, 14 Cakes, Brushes, &c. - I o Bow Pencil and Dividers, two Ivory Ruling Pens, 8. The ae Colour Box, 18 Cakes, Brushes, &c. - 1 9 Ivory Scale, Ebony Parallel, Boxwood Protractor - 45 0 9. The “ Educator” Colour Box, 27 Cakes, Brushes, &c. 3 0 41. Best Lined Rosewood Case, containing Instruments Selah eR Aah alg in German Silver, viz., Compass with Shifting Leg, In Mahogany, with Sliding Top, Polished Boxes. Ink and Pencil Point, Bar, Bow Pen and Pencil, 120. Containing 9 large Cakes, Brushes, Coloured Crayons 1 o set of three Spring Bows, Jointed Pen, Steel Pen, 115. Containing 15 small Cakes, Brushes, Coloured Crayons 4 Ivory Parallel, Rule, Protractor, and Scale - - 63 oO etsy Containing 15 large Cakes, Brushes, Coloured Crayons 2 3 40. Handsome Brass-capped and Cornered Case, con- 11g. Containing 9 large Cakes, Compass, Stumps, Coloured taining two Trays, with the following highly-finished Crayons, &c. F . £ ; = ae 0 Instruments in German Silver, viz., Compass with In Highly Polished Boxes. two Knee-joints and Needle Points, Pen and Pencil, 43. Containing 18 large Cakes, Brushes, Crayons, &c. - 4 0 Needle, Hair-spring Divider, three Needle-pointed 53. Containing 15 large Cakes, Brushes, Crayons, &c. - 5 0 Spring Bows, Ink and_ Pencil Bow, with double 55. Containing 15 middle Cakes, Brushes, Crayons, &c., Knee-joints, Needle Point, Tracing Point (on lock and key 4 z 5 . 2 i Jee 6 ivory handle), Jointed and Steel Pens, Proportional 54. Containing 18 large Cakes, Brushes, Crayons, &c., Compass, three Ivory Rules - - - - TOMO lock and key : x : s : = = 6 57. Containing 15 middle Cakes, in a handsome Case, Boxes containing Instruments of any desired quality or arrangement, superior inlaid with brass, Brushes, Crayons, Stumps, Glue, to the above, to order. Gold and Silver Shells, Saucers, &c., lock and key- 9 6 $e CASSELL, PETTER, AND GALPIN, LUDGATE HILL; AND 596, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. JAPANNED TIN SKETCH BOXES, WITH LIDS AND FLAPS TO SERVE AS PALETTES. ce ot Containing 12 Sixpenny Colours, Brushes, &c., complete ... 10:0 ” 16 ” ” ” ”? 12 6 ” 20 ” ” ” ” 15 12) Jen ARS ae) yay PUNE Sd WATE Re GOs Oakes PREPARED BY CASSELL, PETTER, AND GALPIN. —0 295 00 ——_. WHOLE CAKES, AT SIXPENCE EACH. Antwerp Blue. Bistre. Blue Black. Blue Verditer. Brown Pink. Brown Ochre. Burnt Ochre. Burnt Sienna. Burnt Umber. Chrome Yellow. Cologne Earth. Burnt Carmine Cadmum Yellow... __,, Chrome Green Cobalt. Blue Emerald Finest Carmine ... Gallstone ... Coloured Sepia. Crimson Lake. Dragon’s Blood. Emerald Green. Flake White. Gamboge. Hooker’s Green. Indian Red. Indigo, Ivory Black. King’s Yellow. Lamp Black. Light Red. Naples Yellow. Neutral Tint. Olive Green. Payne’s Grey. Prussian Blue. Prussian Green. Purple. Purple Lake. Raw Sienna. EXTRA each NN HH HH YH ANADAAQDDO OF COLOURS. Madder Brown Madder Pink Pure Scarlet Scarlet Lake Smalt Ultramarine Raw Umber. Red Lead. Red Orpiment. Roman Ochre. Sap Green. Sepia. Vandyke Brown. Venetian Red. Vermilion. Yellow Lake. Yellow Ochre. N = NO NH = = aw OF OOO Oy Oy = Fapanned Tin Sketch Boxes, fitted with Extra Colours, to Order. MICROSCOPES, Special Lists, containing full description, prices, &c., .of Instruments, prepared expressly for School use and for Private Study, may be had on application to CASSELL, PE DIER, AND SGAEPIN, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON. PRIZES BOOKS: A carefully-selected Catalogue of Works, suitable for all classes of Prize Books, will be forwarded, post free, by CassELL, PETTER, and GaLpIn, on application. Blustrated Wortrs. CASSELL, PETTER, & Gatpin’s ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of Fine Art Publications may be had of all Booksellers. Price 2s. 6d. THE DORE VIGNETTE GALLERY, A Special Series of Vignettes, giving miniature Specimens of all Gustave Dort’s Drawings, may be had, post free, from CASSELL, PETTER, and GALPIN. Magazines for Lome and School. CASSELL, PETTER, & GALPIN, the largest Publishers in the World of Illustrated Periodicals, are prepared to forward complete Lists or Specimens to any part of the Kingdom, post free, on application. ts a ® i 3p UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA INT 0112 066317543 Be eteicer raf oe