Se ee ee ee ee ee ee AS a een p . A Revised and Enlarged Statement, Presented before the Normal School Libraries Round Table of ‘ gh ae the American Library Association at Hot Springs, Arkansas, April 24, 1923, by W. H. Kerr, Libra- oa rian, Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia, and Chairman of the N. E. A. Committee on Normal School Libraries. Reprinted from LIBRARY JOURNAL for AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 78 East Washington Street, Chicago p 1923 re ss A Measuring Stick for Libraries of Teacher Training Institutions A REVISED AND ENLARGED STATEMENT, PRESENTED BEFORE THE NORMAL SCHOOL LIBRARIES ROUND TABLE OF THE AMERICAN Liprary AssocIATION AT Hot Sprincs, ARKANSAS, APRIL 24, 1923, By W. H. Kerr, Liprartan, Kansas STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE OF EMPORIA, AND CHAIRMAN oF THE N. E. A. CoMMITTEE ON NorMAL SCHOOL LIBRARIES. school and teachers college libraries. How large a library staff should a normal school of 750 students have? How large a library fund? How many books are needed in the library of a teachers’ college of 1500 stu- dents? How much floor space and how many rooms in the library building? What library in- struction should be given? Administrators, boards of regents, faculty committees and librarians of teacher-training institutions are asking questions like these. There ought to be an authoritative answer. For until these institutions have adequate library service, resulting in teachers trained to know the true value and use of libraries in education, all types of education will be deficient and all types of libraries will fail of their highest use- \ MEASURING stick is needed for normal partment. signed the original statement, which is included in the enlarged statement. The “Measuring Stick” was published complete in School and Society for December 31, 1921; in Public Libra- ries for January, 1922; in Educational Adminis- tration and Supervision for February, 1922; slightly abridged in the Journal of the National Educational Association for April, 1922. It was commended editorially by many educational and library periodicals, notably by the Educational Review of May, 1922. By its use various libra- rians have obtained larger appropriations, more assistants, more room, more recognition of li- brary instruction, and better academic and in- * William C. Bagley, Teachers College, Columbia University, N. Y.; Mary J. Booth, librarian, State Teachers College, Charleston, Tll.; W. M. Davidson, superintendent of schools, Pittsbureh, Pa.; O. M. Dick- erson, president, State Teachers College, Moorehead, Minn.; Martha Caroline Pritchard, librarian, Detroit Teachers College, Detroit, Mich.; Mary C. Richardson, librarian, State Normal School, Geneseo, N. VemA Tey: ander C. Roberts, associate in education, University of Washington, Seattle, and Willis H. Kerr, librarian, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas, chair- man, to whom correspondence should be addressed. stitutional standing for the library and the libra- rian. Architects, presidents, and state boards have used it in planning library buildings, and state library commissions and supervisors have made it the basis of conferences with teachers and administrators. The following enlarged statement is prepared by the chairman of the committee after sixteen months of correspondence and discussion. It is accompanied by a score card by which any teacher-training library may measure itself with the standards set up. Proceeding from a sum- mary of the score cards and the ensuing discus- sion, the Committee plans to issue a detailed “measuring stick,” going into many of the prac- tical problems of library organization, adminis- tration, and use in teacher-trainine institutions, with floor plans, photographs of rooms and equipment, and a statistical showing of condi- dards. li- tions and practices. ae “tagcs Theda made in the present edition are issued in December, 1921, by the following the sections on high school and exhibit rooms, ~\ was I stacks and shelving, library apparatus, hours of service per week, handling of textbooks, ex- penditures for periodicals and binding, and stu- dent assistants. The “measuring stick” is not an attempt to approximate present conditions. It is hoped that the standards set up are reasonably attain- able. The underlying belief is that no educa- tional institution is better than its library; fur- ther, that the proper training of teachers is of the utmost importance and worthy of adequate support. _ How to Reap THE FoLLowinc TABLES The “measuring stick” is in two parts: (A) For four-year teachers colleges; (B) for two- year normal schools. The figures for each are given on a basis of a minimum average winter enrollment of 500 and 300 students, respectively, with increments for each additional 500 or 300 student enrollment or major fraction thereof, re- spectively. For example, a four-year teachers college of 850 students should have a library fund, other than salaries and building mainte- nance, of $9000 per year,—$6000 for its first 500 students, and $3000 increment for its addi- tional 350 students. Proper allowances should -be made for enlarged personnel and facilities to serve large summer school enrollments, Score Carp For Use WITH THE “MEASURING STICK” Institution Number Years College Work Offered Average Summer Enrollment Number on Faculty Place Average Winter Enrollment Date of Founding Librarian I, Building and Equipment: 1. Library building, with following rooms or depts. (a) Reading (b) Reference (c) Periodical (d) Children’s (e) High school (f) Libr. classr. (g) Cataloging (h) Work rooms (i) Office (j) Exhibit room 2. Book Stock: (a) General circ. (b) Special reference (c) Children’s Totals 3. Equipment: (a) Stacks and shelving accom. modating (b) Illustrative material (c) Furniture (d) Library apparatus 4. Hours of Service: (a) Per week II, Library Fund: [eebotal starwars ce Subdivided: (a) Periodicals (b) Binding (c) Supplies (d) Books III. Librarian and Staff: 1. Qualifications: (a) Librarian (b) Staff members 2. Academic Status: (a) Librarian (b) Staff 3. Personnel: (a) Librarian (b) Staff Ref. & Library instruction Cataloger Children’s librarian Loan desk (c) Student assistants 4. Duties: 5. Salaries: (a) Librarian: Standard Amounts Required on basis above Winter Enrollment No. ° Sq. ft. Readers accom. Vols. Vols. No standards set See list Hours Amounts per year oly ititles Standard qualifications and amounts eeeASs barorAe M 2. 1 or 2 years’ library school, or 5 years’ successful library ex- perience. 3. 5 years succ. teach. exper., or add. succ. libr. exper., or both. i AGRE 2. One, or 2 years library school 3. Two years teaching. 1. Full professor. 2. Head of department. 3. With vote. 1. Instructors, at least. 2. Assoc. Prof., if suffic. acad. attainments. Number Not including general college clerical work or care of textbooks, except by student assistants. On par with professor of English or other important department heads. Actual present Amounts No. Sq. Ft. Readers Vols. Vols. Attach separate list of these items Hours Amounts per year ... titles Actual qualifications or amouw.- OS Te Ne Si See Number ITT, na A. Four-YEAR TEACHERS’ COLLEGES For Initial Enrollment of 500 Students: Building and Equipment: Library building, with following rooms or depts.: (a) Reading a vatee i heeie tewsce chovcke eeeuare As .o)s vc one er aemorotol aver (by Reference™ sec crc piemineie on otelariher otayerare ees Gere carats (¢), Periodical skcge se ctsccreceitorege ote ets ror meres are eee os ( de Children’s «vst cr-csiere Seite oinlietee aictemtetuee ererctercans (e)> High-schooliecsscescriac cece sale as meets inten care (f£) = Librarymelassroom’ sc eis ein taille are vie ete teers acest (ge) \CGatalo ging i Sane ae chet: eekerclaieias clam ate ot ea (Ch) SWorksrooms eer cera icce cate righ nratereie sche area ute asians (3) s Of Ce Aetna teek critica es toa eee toe n eeess Oe Sreeeeee Gi) Exhibitroomitsericnn «cect tie ane eins etter) owctecayaten ans Book Stock: (a) For general circulation and assigned reading.......... (b) Special reference, including bound periodicals......... (Ce)? Children’s gets syn occas Seen ie arent vole cena ees Total: Gases ics el cucseovasates tachometer tetesste uss ste Roo OOS UG Equipment: (a) Stacks and shelving sufficient to accommodate double the above initial bookstock plus two double increments: 1.6, AOS: 000 kVOlS. oe arse stare ree ee oniaea cas canines (b) Illustrative: material Mose aceee te ae ee ae ery (o)} Firniture pe ence ie or ee emetic ts sterctets oetaxs (d) Library apparatus, such as: Mimeozraph, swinging bulletin boards, map cabinets, lantern for exhibit or classroom, photostat. Hours of Service: (a) (Pergiweele< 2rd. oe ce oe ene Oa sere ne ore Library Fund: At disposal of librarian, (not including salaries, building maintenance, or purchase of textbooks) ..............- (a) For example; expenditures for periodicals and continu- ationsyshould heraboutcaecoOr tiblesetitacade vets at es (be Bindinesallowance cms. ee rn: de a eee ees Librarian and Staff: Qualifications: (a) Librarian: A. B. or A. M., plus one or two years’ training in approved library school, or five years con- spicuously successful library experience; plus five years’ successful teaching, or library experience, prefer- ably both. (b) Staff members: A. B., plus one or two years’ library school training, plus two years’ teaching. Readers No. Sq. Ft. Accom. Hf 2500 100 1 1250 50 1 1000 50 2 1000 50 1 750 60 ae il 300 ch On 400 s 1 300 ave ; - Vols: 20000 7500 2500 30000 Statement to be developed 72 hours ° Amount per year Academic Status: (a) Librarian: Full professor, head of a department, with vote. (b) Staff: All to rank at least as instructors; library de-- partment heads with sufficient academic attainments to rank as associate professors. Personnel: (a) Librarians seronacnetote coe 2 ee ee eee (b) Staff: Reference and library instructors.................5 Gatalogerstiewesa: ae tiga eras ce oe eee ee Children’selibrariante eee ee Oe ee aatie 5 Loangid ska sceree Wace. to ctatiacsc cones ee (c) Student assistants, averaging four hours per day each.. Duties: (a) Not including general college clerical work or care of textbooks, except by student assistants. Salaries: (a) Librarian: On par with professor of English or other important department heads. (b) Staff: On par with better-paid instructors and associ- ate professors. (c) Student assistants: From 25c. to 35c. per hour. $6000. $1000. » $1000. U kpeaice sce Number 1 1 ] 1 2 5 4. Increment for each add. 500 students No. Sq.Ft. Readers — 1 1500 75 1 1250 50 400 25 500 25 2 1500 40 1 200 1 800 ae Vols. . 10000 2000 1000 13000 Provide possibility of expanding stacks as needed, For first increment 12 hours Amounts per year $3000. 50 titles $200. une $500. Number IV. Ay 2. 3. HI. Library Instruction: Use of the library, at least 12 lessons required of Freshmen, taught by member of library staff. Children’s literature, required, three semester hours credit. Elective courses, with credit such as library organization, bibliography and reference work. B. Two-Year NorMAL SCHOOLS For Initial Enrollment of 300 Students: Building and Equipment: Rooms: ca)” Reading? and. periodical =... 2. tenets 36 es ae oi wee eng (b) Reference Key gC bil dremis siete a ent a deren as et vets s slers Vie, DAGFAYy CLASSI OOH tne Mae eke ae Oe cers sale aia (aja Cataloging ance work-roOnl’ 2400s coset remiss ocean ace VP Ofertas coerh wae Sete tie yea tara cE bbe ces fava ee Book Stock: (a) For general circulation and assigned reading......... (b) Special reference, including bound periodicals........ (c) Children’s Total ee ee) a) ey Equipment: (a) Stacks or shelving sufficient to accomodate double the above initial bookstock: i. e. 40,000 vols. ............ (byauilustrative;material@evacen( enka ter eels aes ) (CO) urinitiire daw te nama tere sais euch loicieae a taser case oe ) (Ci) ibraryerapparatuse emigre cc ecicee te Aceon ) Hours of service: (au) era Wek: meron s,, S100 arene yale ore micrars crousi es «ie eusravere:s Library Fund: At disposal of librarian (not including salaries, building | maintenance, or purchase of textbooks)............... (a) For example, expenditures for periodicals and continu- ations should be about: for 100. titles... ...-,. Ms:.:5.6.-%.% (b) @Bindinewallowanceme s, tecacs ae tee Coe eee oe ee cere Librarian and Staff: Qualifications: (a) Librarian: A. B. or A. M., plus one year training in approved library school; plus three years’ successful library or teaching experience, preferably both. (b) Staff members: A. B., plus one year library school training; plus one year teaching experience. Academic Status: (a) Librarian: Full professor, with vote. (b) Staff: Rank as instructors. Personnel: (aye librarian | (andolibrarys instructor)! a... 0.2 = 2 2s + (b) Staff: iNetsandaGhildrenvsp librarian east -1teletetel s/o rlelein ts Catal O Ceram inet etre ee evel oie euavn steers sien no Paaiete ep anw Deskmetcm omctemeetctrre aris cmve cu sccusia s'elcrsiststage siete (c) Student assistants, averaging four hours per day each.. Duties: (a) Not including general school clerical work or care of textbooks, except by student assistants. Salaries: (a) Librarian: On par with the professor of English. (b) Staff: On par with better-paid instructors of English. (c) Student assistants: From 25c. to 35c. per hour. Library Instruction: Use of the Library, at least 12 lessons required of Freshmen, taught by member of library staff. Children’s literature, required, three semester hours credit. No. Sq. Ft Readers Accom. i 1875 715 1 500 25 1 1000 40 1 600 50 seats 1 225 1] 180 a5 Vols. 15000 3000 2000 20000 Statement to be developed 50 hours Amount per yea: $2500. $400. $400. Number 1 1 1 1 3 3 Increment for each add. 300 students No. Sq. Ft. Readers il 1250 50 500 25 500. 20 i 200 i ai Vale 5000 1000 1000 7000 6 hours Amount per year $1000. 20 titles $100. $100. Number ) Librarian and Staff: (b) Staff (c) Student assistants IV. Library Instruction: Standard qualifications and amounts On par with better-paid instructors and associate professor. 25c. to 35c. per hour. 1. Use of Library—At least 12 lessons required of Freshmen. 2. Children’s literature—Required. 3 semester hours. 3. Other elective courses: ’ (a) Library organization. (b) Reference work. (c) Book selection. (d) Cataloging. Actual qualifications or amounts Oatgi — NATI-m f cop. 2% A Measuring Stick for Libraries of Teacher Training Institutions A Revised and Enlarged Statement, Presented before the Normal School Libraries Round Table of the American Library Association at Hot Springs, Arkansas, April 24, 1923, by W. H. Kerr, Libra- rian, Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia, and Chairman of the N. E. A. Committee on Normal School Libraries. Reprinted from LIBRARY JOURNAL for AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 78 East Washington Street, Chicago 1923 : - ‘ “a ea 5 i ae ‘ - eo ae we ” + NA a ‘ A Measuring Stick for Libraries of Teacher Training Institutions 3RARIES ROUND A REVISED AND ENLARGED STATEMENT, PRESENTED BEFORE THE Mee Zao ee 24, 1923, ea or THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION AT ay et par neil ea ; j 4 CHERS COLLE MPORIA, : W LIBRARIAN, KANSAS STATE TEA ] itt ots or rue N, E. A. Commrrree on Normat Scuoor Liprartes. MEASURING stick is needed for normal school and teachers college libraries. How large a library staff should a normal school of 750 students have? How large a library fund? How many books are ecto in the library of a teachers’ college of 1500 stu- dents? How much floor space and how many rooms in the library building? What library in- struction should be given? Administrators, boards of regents, faculty committees and librarians of teacher-training institutions are asking questions like these. There ought to be an. authoritative answer. For until these institutions have adequate library service, resulting in teachers trained to know the true value and use of libraries in education, all types of education will be deficient and all types of libraries will fail of their highest use- Eqiness. ament of standards for li- ,00Is anu teachers’ céfleges ar December, 1921, by the following "on Normal School Libraries of the : ion Association, Library De- WOT. ach member’ of the committee signed the original statement, which is included in the enlarged statement, The “Measuring Stick” was published complete in School and Society for December 31, 1921; in Public Libra- ries for January, 1922; in Educational Adminis- traiton and Supervision for February, 1922; slightly abridged in the Journal of the National Educational Association for April, 1922. It was commended editorially by many educational and library periodicals, notably by the Educational Review of May, 1922. By its use various libra- rians have obtained larger appropriations, more assistants, more room, more recognition of °li- brary instruction, and better academic and in- * William C. Bagley, Teachers College, Columbia University, N, Y.; Mary J. Booth, librarian, State Teachers College, Charleston, hs WW. M: Davidson, superintendent of schools, Pittsbureh, Pa.: O. M. Dick- erson, president, State Teachers College, Moorehead, Minn.; Martha Caroline Pritchard, librarian, Detroit Teachers College, Detroit, Mich.; Mary C. Richardson, librarian, State Normal School, Geneseo, N. WeweAlex: ander C. Roberts, associate in education, University of Washington, Seattle, and Willis H. Kerr, librarian, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas, chair- man, to whom correspondence should be addressed. stitutional standing for the library and the libra- rian, Architects, presidents, and state boards have used it in planning library buildings, and state library commissions and supervisors have made it the basis of conferences with teachers and administrators. ; The following enlarged statement is prepared by the chairman of the committee after sixteen months of correspondence and discussion. It is accompanied by a score card by which any teacher-training library may measure itself with the standards set up. Proceeding from a sum- mary of the score cards and the ensuing discus- sion, the Committee plans to issue a detailed “measuring stick,” going into many of the prac- tical problems of library organization, adminis- tration, and use in teacher-training institutions, with floor plans, photographs of rooms and equipment, and a statistical showing of condi- tions and practices. fae The additions made in the present edition are the sections on high school and exhibit rooms, stacks and shelving, library apparatus, hours of service per week, handling of textbooks, ex- penditures for periodicals and binding, and stu- dent assistants. The “measuring stick” is not an attempt to approximate present conditions, It is hoped that the standards set up are reasonably attain- able. The underlying belief is that no educa- tional institution is better than its library; fur- ther, that the proper training of teachers is of the utmost importance and worthy of adequate support, How to Reap tHe FoLiLowine TABLES The “measuring stick” is in two parts: (A) For four-year teachers colleges; (B) for two- year normal schools. The figures for each are given on a basis of a minimum average winter enrollment of 500 and 300 students, respectively, with increments for each additional 500 or 300 student enrollment or major fraction thereof, re- spectively. For example, a four-year teachers college of 850 students should have a library fund, other than salaries and building mainte- nance, of $9000 per year,—$6000 for its first 500 students, and $3000 increment for its addj- tional 350 students, Proper allowances should be made for enlarged personnel and facilities to serve large summer school enrollments, ~ _ ae ; = 7% ee Yeh V 277 cop. 2 : Score Carp ror Use Wirn tHe “MeEasurinc Stick” Institution Place Average Winter Enrollment Date of Founding Number Years College Work Offered Average Summer Enrollment Gri HEE Number on Faculty Librarian I. Building and Equipment: 1. Library building, with following rooms or depts. (a) Reading (b) Reference (c) Periodical (d) Children’s (e) High school (f) Libr. classr, (g) Cataloging (h) Work rooms (i) Office (j) Exhibit room 2. Book Stock: (a) General circ. (b) Special reference (c) Children’s Totals 3. Equipment: (a) Stacks and shelving accom- modating (b) Illustrative material (c) Furniture (d) Library apparatus 4. Hours of Service: (a) Per week II, Library Fund: Vee Oba ee eres, ts Subdivided: {a) Periodicals (b) Binding (c) Supplies Standard Amounts Required on basis above Winter Enrollment No. Sq. it. Readers accom. Vols. Vols. No standards set See list Hours Amounts per year { -...-titles Ake Actual present Amounts No. Sq. Ft. Readers Vols. Vols. Attach separate list of these items Hours f Amounts per year f ead a (d) Books III, Librarian and Staff: Standard qualifications and amounts Actual qualifications or amoun. 1. Qualifications: A ee Le AaB.ortA MM: 1. (Aid aes 2. 1 or 2 years’ library school, or | 92. 5 years’ successful library ex- perience. 3. 5 years succ. teach. exper., or | 3. add. succ. libr. exper., or both. (b) Staff members ra - 2. One, or 2 years library school 2. 2. Academic Status: 3. ate ae teaching. ee ; 5 ' 1. Full professor. il, fp rrapan 2. Head of department. Q. 3. With vote. 3). Ore 1. Instructors, at least. i 2. Assoc. Prof. if suffic. acad. | 92, : attainments. = Caubetian Number Number (b) Staff Ref. & Library instruction Cataloger ; Children’s librarian Loan desk (c) Student assistants dug Dutices Not including general college 5. Salaries: (a) Librarian: clerical work or care of textbooks, except by student assistants. On par with professor of English or | other important department heads. A. Four-YEAR TEACHERS’ COLLEGES For Initial Enrollment o I. Building and Equipment: Le aa No. Sq. Ft 1. Library building, with following rooms or depts.: ea (a) (Reading saigeas cc ee eee ae "iinet 1 2500 (by Referancest, ..c.- et ee 1 1250 (o)® Periodidaler (2, ae, ee ee eee 1 1000 (d)- Childtén's acc ae eee rere ee cee 2 1000 (e) High: sthocleasc 2. ene nee see . (£) Library: classrosmi at ot A ean ee eee 1 750 tz). Cataloging Sn ec aa ee eee ee ] 300 (h) Work-seoma *haeaa's yy Sree ae On aie Stn 2 “400 (iN) Office” eis TERE he: Se nen sens renee 1 300 (3) Exhibit roti ar ie cane) eee tier ee 2. Book Stock: a: 7 mes seen circulation and assigned reading.......... pecial reference, includin iodi eee: g bound periodicals......... Total S10. @ 0,0, » ow 0/6 ¢)1p ©, O/e) 6) oe uD m ple iwiy 0) @ 6 6 6 616) 616 ele © @1e @ is ere' 6 eels € 106 Ce \e ee cr CO ge Lac SIC SUC ICH TC Ht MC I St nr SSC TC eC aC 3. Equipment: (a) Sore. and ae sufficient to accommodate double e above initial bookstock plus two double incr ts: tay THULE O aaBEL, “ns co 6es ok DOAN A RENE ES ae ne ? (b) Illustrative material (c) Furniture Statement to be developed © [ax@ ©, 0110) 6/0, «he, ei\e) «16 616) He, oe age, joe, ©) /b,0- avers, (a)-¢ 0 0's) ele eesele eel im a. (d) Library apparatus, such as: Mimeozraph, swinging bulletin boards, map cabinets, lantern for exhibit or classroom, photostat. 4. Hours of Service: (a) S Pera weelk 2.7 Vaseeiee cance oe en eerie a ee I, Library Fund: Amount per 1. At disposal..of djbrarian, (not including salaries, building maintenance, or purchase of textbooks) ............ $6000. { rexample,expenditures for periodicals and’ contiah &1000. ations should be about: 250 titles.......-.-++++++:> $1000. (b) Binding allowance .......-2+-sseeeereeeeeccsetsets : III. Librarian and Staff: 1. Qualifications: (a) Librarian: A. B. or A. M., plus one or two years’ training in approved library school, or five years con- spicuously successful library experience; plus five years’ successful teaching, or library experience, prefer- ably both. (b) Staff members: A. B., plus one or two years’ library school training, plus two years’ teaching. Academic Status: © (a) Librarian: Full professor, head of a department, with | vote. (b) Staff: All to rank at least as instructors; library de-- partment heads with sufficient academic attainments to rank as associate professors. 3. Personnel: Gay Tabrarian ¢ a siemeeemes fc. cor vee Uegieeniner etl (b) Staff: Reference and library instructors.......----+++++++- Cutaloger .f.eilanese sre ues see 5) nan caer smear os Children’s librarian .......---+--s+-0 ccs ceernecss Ppan desk cies ds fe eueitie hate + + « bra 0 cheeks beme emma ee i) (c) Student assistants, averaging four hours per day each.. 4. Duties: (a) Not including general college clerical work or care of textbooks, except by student assistants. 5. Salaries: (a) Librarian: On par with professor of English or other important department heads. (b) Staff: On par with better-paid instructors and associ- ate professors. (c) Student assistants: From 25c. to 35c. per hour. Readers Accom. 100 50 50 50 60 seats 72 hours year Numbet 1 | rome aw Increment for each add. 500 students No. Sq. Ft. 1 1500 1 1250 400 3 500 2 1500 1p te 206 1 800 Readers 75 50 25 25 40 Vols. 10000 20090 1000 13000 Provide possibility of expanding stacks as needed. For first increment 12 hours Amounts per year . $3000. ~*50 titles $200. 2 ale $500. } Number ss IV. Library Instruction: | 1, Use of the library, at least 12 lessons required of Freshmen, taught by member of library staff. 2. Children’s literature, required, three semester hours credit. 3. Elective courses, with credit such as library organization, bibliography and reference work. B. Two-Year NorMAL SCHOOLS Increment for each For Initial Enrollment of 300 Students: add. 300 students [. Building and Equipment: No. Sq. Ft Readers | No. Sq. Ft. Readers 1. Rooms: Accom. (a) Reading and periodical .......... io eee ae 1 1875 75 il 1250 50 (bye References eer oe ee eee rc sank aac thee i 500 25 . 500 25 (eB Ghil drenigoe stcce eran ce ee che ees ele iste alsin clove old oka oft otis 1 1000 40 . 500. 20 Cod)) Eibraryael assroom we eee ree Cte crertere oieier tice eos islein ots os 1 600 50 seats | . «Be Ay: Ley, Cataloging: and work ro0nis ce aie ice seers sce sence ts 1 225 7 i 200 ORAL G ER tes cities Rica eA SS AEAGic. OTRO One Te meee i) 180 a4 : aes. fs 2. Book Stock: Vols. Vols. (a) For general circulation and assigned reading......... 15000 5000 (b) Special reference, including bound periodicals........ 3000 1000 Cove Children !spacrycnn cies verte ere stone tile cae esate hie ate 2000 1000 EOLA lee toe rte ie et matic cuter asians oh Geos eosin > sls on aaa 20000 7000 3. Equipment: 2 (a) Stacks or shelving sufficient to accomodate double the above initial bookstock: i. e. 40,000 vols. ...........- th) [lustrativelimatertal 8a: ee. .titcis «us. ) oes ose es ) Statement Cojak urmiture, sees mrt seo acco termes ) to be (dc. Librarysapparatus ate. oe cack tie. «6 se wp ernete ) developed 4. Hours of service: (A) Per Weekmen etc tte Cen oot rk es wae se 50 hours 6 hours I, Library Fund: Amount per yea: Amount 1. At disposal of librarian (not including salaries, building. . . per year maintenance, or purchase of textbooks) .....)......... $2500. $1000. For example, expenditures for periodicals and continu- . EE WGA i ie I $400. 20 titles $100. (wo) Binding ENEMA hemo o en a Seaeme oe oes A ako ees $400. $100. HI, Librarian and Staff: 1. Qualifications: (a) Librarian: A. B. or A. M., plus one year training in approved library school; plus three years’ successful library or teaching experience, preferably both. (b) Staff members: A. B., plus one year library school training; plus one year teaching experience. 2. Academic Status: (a) Librarian: Full professor, with vote. (b) Staff: Rank as instructors. 3. Personnel: Number Number 5 (a) Librarian (and library instructor?) (b) Staff: Ref. and Children’s librarian Gatalog erg eter eee es te eee ke Se See ee a ostassl's HcOATISL) COKE LCE rer arn Se fet meetin cers aoe cc ue ee D ee ee 1 1 | 1 (c) Student assistants, averaging four hours per day each.. 3 £ 4. Duties: (a) Not including general school clerical work or care of textbooks, except by student assistants. 5. Salaries: (a) Librarian: On par with the professor of English. (b) Staff: On par with better-paid instructors of English. (c) Student assistants: From 25c. to 35c. per hour. 1. Use of the Library, at least 12 lessons required of Freshmen, taught by member of library staff. IV. Library Instruction: | 2. Children’s literature, required, three semester hours credit. G2E.84 NV 2VIM« a ea ~” A Measuring Stick for Libraries of Teacher Training Institutions A Revised and Enlarged Scent Presented before the Normal School Libraries Round Table of the American Library Association at Hot Springs. Arkansas, April 24, 1923, by W. H. Kerr, Libra- rian, Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia, and Chairman of the N. E. A. Committee on Normal School Libraries. Reprinted from LIBRARY JOURNAL for AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 78 East Washington Street, Chicago 1923 y a A Measuring Stick for Libraries ma Teacher £ Training Institutions A REVISED AND ENLARGED STATEMENT, PRESENTED BEFORE THE NORMAL SCHOOL LiprARIES ROUND TABLE OF THE AMERICAN LipraRy AssoctaTiIon AT Hot Sprincs, ARKANSAS, APRIL 24, 1923, By W. H. Kerr, LiprartaAN, KANsAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE OF EMPORIA, AND CHAIRMAN oF THE N. E. A. COMMITTEE ON NorRMAL ScHOOL LIBRARIES. . school and teachers college libraries. How large a library staff should a normal school of 750 students have? How large a library fund? How many books are needed in the library of a teachers’ college of 1500 stu- dents? How much floor space and how many rooms in the library building? What library in- struction should be given? Administrators, boards of regents, faculty committees and librarians of teacher-training institutions are asking questions like these. There ought to be an authoritative answer. For \ MEASURING stick is needed for normal until these institutions have adequate library service, resulting in teachers trained to know the true value and use of libraries in education, all types of education will be deficient and all types of libraries will fail of their highest use- fulness. w....,-.A_preliminary statement of standards for li- braries in normal schools and teachers’ colleges was issued in December, 1921, by the following Committee* on Normal School Libraries of the National Education Association, Library De- partment. Each member of the committee signed the original statement, which is included in the enlarged statement. The “Measuring Stick” was published complete in School and Society for December 31, 1921; in Public Libra- ries for January, 1922; in Educational Adminis- tration and Supervision for February, 1922; slightly abridged in the Journal of the National Educational Association for April, 1922. It was commended editorially by many educational and library periodicals, notably by the Educational Review of May, 1922. By its use various libra- rians have obtained larger appropriations, more assistants, more room, more recognition of li- brary instruction, and better academic and in- * William C. Bagley, Teachers College, Columbia University, N. Y.; Mary J. Booth, librarian, State Teachers College, Charleston, Il.; W. M. Davidson, superintendent of schools, Pittsburgh, Pa.; O. M. Dick- erson, president, State Teachers College, Moorehead, Minn.; Martha Caroline Pritchard, librarian, Detroit Teachers College, Detroit. Mich.; Mary C. Richardson, librarian, State Normal School, Geneseo, N. Y.; Alex- ander C. Roberts, associate in education, University of Washington, Seattle, and Willis H. Kerr, librarian, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas, chair- man, to whom correspondence should be addressed. stitutional standing for the library and the libra- rian. Architects, presidents, and state boards have used it in planning library buildings, and state library commissions and supervisors have made it the basis of conferences with teachers and administrators. The following enlarged statement is prepared by the chairman of the committee after sixteen months of correspondence and discussion. It is accompanied by a score card by which any teacher-training library may measure itself with the standards set up. Proceeding from a sum- mary of the score cards and the ensuing discus- sion, the Committee plans to issue a detailed “measuring stick,” going into many of the prac- tical problems of library organization, adminis- tration, and use in teacher-training institutions, with floor plans, photographs of rooms and equipment, and a statistical showing of condi- tions and practices. | The additions made in the present edition are the sections on high school and exhibit rooms, stacks and shelving, library apparatus, hours of service per week, handling of textbooks, ex- penditures for periodicals and binding, and stu- dent assistants. The “measuring stick” is not an attempt to approximate present conditions. It is hoped that the standards set up are reasonably attain- able. The underlying belief is that no educa- tional institution is better than its library; fur- ther, that the proper training of teachers is of the utmost importance and worthy of adequate support, How to Reap THE FoLLowinc TABLES The “measuring stick” is in two parts: (A) For four-year teachers colleges; (B) for two- year normal schools. The figures for each are given on a basis of a minimum average winter enrollment of 500 and 300 students, respectively, with increments for each additional 500 or 300 student enrollment or major fraction thereof, re- spectively. For example, a four-year teachers college of 850 students should have a library fund, other than salaries and building mainte- nance, of $9000 per year,—$6000 for its first 500 students, and $3000 increment for its addi- tional 350 students. Proper allowances should be made for enlarged personnel and facilities to serve large summer school enrollments. se Institution Number Years College Work Offered Average Summer Enrollment Number on Faculty Place Librarian I, Building and Equipment: above Winter Enrollment 1. Library building, with following | No. Scents rooms or depts. (a) Reading (b) Reference (c) Periodical (d) Children’s (e) High school ({) Libr. classr. (g) Cataloging (h) Work rooms (i) Office (j) Exhibit room 2. Book Stock: (a) General circ. (b) Special reference (c) Children’s Totals 3. Equipment: (a) Stacks and shelving accom. modating (b) Illustrative material (c) Furniture (d) Library apparatus 4. Hours of Service: (a) Per week II. Library Fund: ‘ems Lota sary creer et. Subdivided: ° (a) Periodicals (b) Binding (c) Supplies (d) Books III. Librarian and Staff: 1. Qualifications: accom, No standards set See list Hours Amounts per year Peatitles Standard qualifications and amounts : : [Eee Ats Br OreAceN is (gl obrarian 2. 1 or 2 years’ library school, or 5 years’ successful library ex- perience. 3. 5 years succ. teach. exper., or (b) Staff members add. succ. libr. exper., or both. 1A, Bs 2. One, or 2 years library school 2. Academic Status: aa teaching. : : . Full professor. hoy: dapraran 2.. Head of department. Staff 3. With vote. (b) oe 1. Instructors, at least. ; 2. Assoc. Prof., if suffic. acad. 3: Personnel: attainments. (a) Librarian Number (b) Staff Ref. & Library instruction Cataloger ‘ Children’s librarian Loan desk (c) Student assistants “MSGS Not including general college clerical work or care of textbooks, except by student assistants. 5. Salaries: ; . (a) Librarian: On par with professor of English or other important department heads. Standard Amounts Required on basis Readers Vols. Vols. Score Carp For Use WITH THE “MEASURING STICK” Average Winter Enrollment Date of Founding _——— Actual present Amounts No. Sq. Ft. Readers Vols. Vols. Attach separate list of these items Hours Amounts per year ....titles Actual qualifications or amoun. a vs Ne wNe own re Number ITI. A. Four-YEAR TEACHERS’ COLLEGES For Initial Enrollment of 500 Students: Building and Equipment: Library building, with following rooms or depts.: (a) Readingae. st.c cots totes 5 ee tre eet tele rage sta tetmronsatce (b) eReferences s crevesiceetcenen oaeterapeiorsterele castors as onePeecisreyeveke reas (c) Periodical... star. Net on tere eee Serie eee sat. (dd) Children’s Peer... 2 Comte teen cterae teres einen tae Cee Highschool seen. jacirc cect Siero sresteretere ceteris neice (f) Library “* (5yr.succ,.libr.exper, acid : S5yr.succ.teach, exper. ,or. Owtedguemm@c , 11b%,exper.), OF. wor | (both, ») Staff members: AGES, | 1 72, One,or 2 yr.libr.sch. + 2, +O, Twourre teach, = 2,Academic Status: @} Librarian: >1.Full. professor Tht -2,Head of.department ae > 3.With vote 3. b) Start: L2urnstruerors, at least ay, Js AssOower or, , it surtie, ae ; acad.attainments 3. Personnel: : Number : Number a) Librarian : . b) Staff: Ref.& Libr.instruc. Cataloger Children's libr'tn,. Loan desk . c)Student assistants : 4. Duties: .Not incl, general college -Clerical work or care of -textb., except by student » assistants, 5, Salaries: : 8) Librarian: On par .wi ti wprof, ior . English or other important’ . department heads. q Biatarr: .On par with better-paid .instruc, and c) Student asst's, .25¢ to 35¢ per hour, IV.Library Instruction::1,.Use of Libr. --At least : ‘ 12 lessons req,of * Freshmen, “2 /Childrents 114: * --Required,3 sem.hours, :3, Other elective courses: |) &)LLdr. songands. * b) Reference work ¢) Book selection i d) Cataloging @a 4008 8H 4 © Score Card for Use with the "Measuring Stick" Institution Place Number Years College Work Offered Average Winter Enrollment Average Summer Enrollment - . Date of Founding Number ou Faculty Librarian —_— — _ — ee ee _ — _—-_— —_—_ — — _—_ — Serr ae _—_——_—_ — — _ _ — _ _~ —_—_— — — —_ —_ —-continued i. Building and Equip. : Standard Amounts ee Actual present ir Ousted Or Asis above: Amounts 1. Library building, Winter Enroliment. with following Readers : rooms or depts, No, Sq.ft. HEC OM: No, Sq.ft. Readers , @) Reading ae ent eg b) Reference zt Periodical : Gjosorl Jaren *s ; es e) High school Z £4) tibrs -classr. : : a Pee a &@) Cataloging ~ h) Work rooms gj) Exhibit room : = 2.- Book Stock: Vols. Vols @) General circ. - b) Special reference: ce) Children's Totals 3. Equipment: ; Vols. Vols a) Stacks and shelv. accommodating . . a Illustr.material . No standards ‘(Attach separate c) Furniture set, ‘{list-of a) Library apparatus, See list. .(these items. Hours. of Service; Hours Hours a) Per week ii. Library Fund Amounts Amounts Reatobabn st geeks hikes le Subdivided: : ae a) Periodicals .titles | titles b) Binding c}) Supplies d)} Books on reverse side. (Score card, cont'd.) Iil. Librarian and Staff: Standard qualifications ce er ee ree 1,Qualifications: a) Librarian: ->) Staff members: 2.Academic Status: a} Librarian: b) Staff: 5, Personnel: a} Librarian by) Staff: Ret 6 Lbipr. instruc. Cataloger Children's Yyabr' n. Loan desk c)Student assistants : 4, Duties: 5 Sararies 8) Librarian: DIoOStart: c) Student asst's,. IV.Library Instruction: Pa CA. Bs ae (TV orieyr Librsohieee, or amounts or A.M. * (597 snc cy. 3 abe. exper. : (5yr-succ.teach. exper. ,or- : 3,({add.succ.libr.exper, , or. (both. mot As 2 One LOR 25 9x, Ba OE eet -3, Two yr. teach. [1.Full professor >2.Head of department > 5,With vote "1 Instructors, ~2.AsgocgProl., ,af sutiic. at least acad. attainments Number .Not incl. general college -clerical work or care of GB gCUa ss : assistants. except by student _ Onn par Wir pror seo. Bnetiren or Aras important: . department heads. .On par with better-paid . instruc. . 252 to 35¢ per hour. -1,Use of Libr. --At least : and iz lessons req.of Freshmen, -2 Children’s Tit. --Required, 3 sem.hours. :3, Other elective courseés:: a)Libr. organiz. b) Reference work c) Book selection a) Cataloging Actual qualifi- ne a cations or amounts Numbe r [tH > ne A, Standards for Libraries of Four-Year Teachers Colleges. LT For Initial Enrollment. OLsou0 Students Building and Equipment: Library building, with follwing Readers rooms or depts. No. Sq.ft. accom a) Reading #2500 100 b) Reference he CRASS O 50 c) Periodical kt ar 000 50 a) Children's 2 1000 50 €}) High school ats a : f) Libr, classr. 1 750 60 seats’ g) Cataloging 1 300 AR : h) Work rooms 2 400 ma 4 ffice 1 300 j) Exhibit room : oie Book Stock: Vols. a) For general cire. and assigned reading 20000 bd) Special reference, inclu.bound periodicals 7500 c) Children's 2500 : Total 30000 Equipment: a) Stacks and shelving sufficient to accommoiite double the above initial booxstock plus two double increments:i.e., 108,000 vols. b) Illustrative material)Statement to be‘ Furniture )develoved Library apparatus, such as: mimeograph, Swinging bulletin boards, map cabinets, Lantern for exhibit or- classroom, Photostat, forte) Hours of Service: a) Per week 72 hrs. Library Fund Amount per yr. At disposal of librarian, (not including salaries, building maintenance, or urchase of textbooks) $6000. a)For example, expenditures for periodicals and continuations should be about: 250 titles $1000. > )Binding allowance $1000. Increffent for each add, 500 Students eG 1500 75 i 1250 50 400 25 ; 500 25 2 1500 40 1 209 1 800 Vols. 10000 2000 1000 T3000 - Provide possibility of expanding stacks. as needed, > For first increment Ie shrse: Amounts per yr. $3000. Obit Les $200, $500. ~-Continued on reverse side, na i (A. Four-Year Teachers Colleges, cont'd.) ZI. Librarian and Staff: Qualifications: : a) Librarian: (AlBy Or ALM, op lus : one or two years training in eg Ni tibrary school, or five years : conspicuously successful library : experience; plus five years (success-— ful teaching, or library experience, preferably both. : b) Staff members: A.B,, plusione'or. + two years library school training, ; plus two years teaching. . Academic Status:;. a) Librarian: Full professor, head of a department, with vote. : bb} SteirsiiAal veipankietileager as : instructors; library department heads: with sufficient academic attainments to rank as associate professors. Personne. Number a) Librarian 1 Di See te Ref, and Library instr; 1 Cataloger ay Chitoaren Ns Lior, an Loan desk 2 Tigra 5 c) Student assistants, averaging four hours per day each, 4 Duties: a) Not including general college clerical work or care of textbooks, excepu Dy student assistants), Salaries: : a) Librarian: (On) par) with professor) > - of English or other important department heads. b) Staff: On par with better-paid instructors and associate professors, ¢) Student assistants: From 25¢ to Doe per: Hour’, Beoleacy Lnetruc vom: : Use of the Library, at least 12 : lessons required of Freshmen, taught by member of library staff. i Children's Literature, regquired,three — semester hours credit. Elective courses, ‘with credit@, such as Library organization, Bibliograp ny? and Reference work. Number — —————L TT OT TS AS TN TT For Initial Enrollment <= Increment for each or 3500 Students: : add, 300 Students i. Building and Equipment: Ts a hae Number : 1. Rooms; No. Sq.ft. Readers : No. Sq.ft. Readers accom, , a) Reading and : perpodical, 4 LEo7o 75 : i 1250 50 bv) Reference a 500 Be ON ae 500 Bo CJ Chitdren's °° 1’" 1600 AO sae de 500 20 aria arary. . : classroom th 600 GT OEE Sohse lh. Ps de gy e) Cataloging : & work-room 1] 220 A : 1 200 ae f) Office 1 180 ae Tieyiyee ae Se a. bBoDK, Stock Vols, : Vols, a) For general cire. and ; y | assigned reading 15000 : 5000 b) Special reference, incl, . bound periodicals 3000- : 1000 ¢c) Children's 2000 : 1000 Total 701s. 20000 *?O000 3, Equipment: a) Stacks or shelving sufficient to accommodate double the above initial! Dookstoc: 1,¢.), 40,000 vols, b) Illustrative material ) Statement to ce) Furniture be d) Library apparatus developed 4, Hours of service: a) Per week 50 hrs, : 6 hrs, Il. Library fund: Amount ; Amount . per yr. : per yr. 2. At disposal. or? gibrarian, : (not including salaries, building maintenance, or : purchase of textbooks). $2500, : $1000, a) For example, expenditures for periodicals and continuations should ‘ve ) ; about: for 100 titles $400. meds. titles $100. b) Binding allowance $400, : $100, -—-Continued on reverse side (B. Two-Year Normal Schools, concluded) lil. Librarian and Staff: 1. Qualifications: a) Dibrarian;y AcB. or A. M.oo@p)] us) one year training in approved library school; plus three years successful library” or teachinp™ experience, referably both. Djistaty members: Alb. plusPeone over 410rary school training: splus “oie vyear teaching experience. 2, Academic Status: a) Librarian: Full professor, with vote.: b) Staff: Rank as instructors. 3, Personnel: Number : Number a) Librarian (and library : instructor?) 1 DD) Stak Ref. and Childr, libr'n, 1 Cataloger R Loan, Desk, etc. ey SS 3 1 c) Student assistants, averaging four hours : : per day each, a : a 4, Duties: ar a) Not including general school clerical: work or care of textbooks, except by student assistants, Salaries: a) Librarian: On par with the professor of English. b) Staff: On par with better-paid instructors of English. c) Student assistants: From 25¢ to 35¢ Ber uo ur iV. Library Instruction: 1. Use of .the Library,.at least 12’ lessons required of Freshmen, taught. by member Of 1 oreary vSteaet. 2. Children's Literature, required, three semester hours credit. : -End- ~{Released April 24, 1923) A MEASURING-STICK FOR LIBRARIES OF THACHER -TRATIING INSTITUTIONS A revised and enlarged statement, presented before the Normal School Libraries Round Table, American Library Association, Hot Springs, Arkansas, April 24, 1923, by W.H.Kerr, Librarian, Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia (Chairman V.E.A. Committee on Normal School Libraries). A measuring stick is needed for normal school and teachers college libraries. How large a library staff should a normal school of 750 students have? How large a library fund? Hor many books are needed in the library of a teachers! college of 1500 students? . Hor much floor space and how many rooms in the library building? What Library instruction should be given? Administrators, boards of regents, faculty committees, and librarians of ‘& teacher—training institutions are asking questions like these. . There ought to be an authoritative answer. For until these institutions have adequate library service, resulting in teachers trained to know thc true value and use of libraries in education, all types of education will be deficient and all types of libraries will fail of their highest usefulness. A preliminary statement of standards for libraries in normal schools and teachers! colleges was issued in December 1921 by the following Comuittee on Normal School Libraries of the National Education Association, Library Department. Each member of the committee signed the original statement, all of which is included in the enlarged statement below. The Measuring Stick was published complete in School and Society for December 31, 1921; in Public Libraries for Jamuary 1922; in Educational Administration and Supervision for February 1922; slightly abridged in Journal of the National Educational Association for April 1922. It was commended editorially by many educational and library periodicei.s, notably by the Educational Review of May 1922. By its use various librarians have obtained larger appropriations, more assistants, more room, more recognition of library instruction, and better academic and institutional stending for the library and the librarian. Architects, presidents, and state boards have used the Measuring Stick in planning library buildings. State library commissions and supervisors have made the Measuring Stick the basis of conferences with teachers and administrators. The Comnittee William 6. Bagley, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York. Mary J. Booth, Librarian, State Teachers College, Charleston, Illinois. W.M-Davidson, Superintendent of Schools, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 0.M.Dickerson, President, State Teachers College, Moorhead, Minnesota. Willis H. Kerr, Librarian, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. Chairman. Martha Caroline Pritchard, Librarian, Detroit Teachers College, Detroit, Michigan. Mary 6. Richardson, Librarian, State Hormal School, Geneseo, New York. Alexander 0. Roberts, Associate in Education, University of Washington, Seattle. Page 2. The Enlarged Statement a The following enlarged statement is prepared by the chairman of the committee after sixteen months of corresvondence and discussion. It is accompanied by a Score Card by which any teacher-training library may measure itself with the | standards set up. Proceeding from a summary of the score cards and the ensuing discussion, the Comnittee plans to issue a detailed Measuring Stick, going into many of the practical problems of library organization, administration, and use in teacher-training institutions, with floor plans, photograons of rooms and equipment, and a statistical showing of conditions and practices. The additions made in the present edition are the sections on high school and exhibit rooms, stacks and shelving, library apparatus, hours of service ner week, handling of textbooks, expenditures for periodicals and binding, and student assistants. The Measuring Stick is not an attempt to approximaté present conditions. It is hoped that the standards set up are reasonably attainable. The underlying belief is that no educational institution is better than its library; further, that the prover training of teachers is of the utmost importance and worthy of adequate support. Correspondence \ So ee Correspondence should be addressed to the chairman of the committee, Mr. W.H. Kerr, Librarian, Kellogg Library, Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas. How to Read the Following Tables esteem eee The Measuring Stick is in two varts: A) For four-year teachers colleges; B) for two-year normal schools. The figures for each are given on 4 basis of a minimum average winter enrollment of 500 and 300 students, respectively, with increments for each additional 500 or 300 student enrollment or major fraction thereof, respectively. For example, a four-year teachers college of 850 students showld have .&@ library fund, other than salaries and building maintenance, of $9000 per year, ---$6000 for its first 500 students, and $3000 increment for its additional 350 students. Proper allorances should be made for enlarged personnel and facilities to serve large summer school enrollments.