roughton wlwer-Lytton irnett lhambers. a jollins t Isuch 3 roker osern shosts jarkheinx hickens Plliott ‘opaque pibbon Buthrie ~ Harrison Bichens es joffman o é Holmes Howells Irving ross-reads shost be sun of San Jacinto upper berth gs ve Le i i WET, te __ SIGAS- BRONSCN LIPRABY. |. DEC, 27 1909, GEOS® STORTRS. finchanted typewriter Ghosts I have met A house-boat on the Styx Over the plum pudding Water-shost From whose bourne The shadows of the dead Behold, Strange story In In search of the John Jago’s shost The haunted yacht it was a dream the closed room John and the shosts Tio let? In In Christmas carol Durket Sperret Undine Vrouw Grobelear Fallen idol The éateless The black spaniel Weird tales The late tenant oe *. ten possible - unknown In Pacific tales In tales for Xmas. In the frozen deep In the white wolf under the sunset tne Questionable shapes Legend of Sleepy Hollow cerrier In tne The spectre bridegroom The monkey’s paw Two magics Ghost stories of Brushwood boy a. ee — In Lady of the barge B 223 f& zea G 8 22a EK B 223 B 223 W B 271 F P 271? B 799 7 B 877 3 Bb S94 In C 352 In C 69 fk C 8382 CG 875 To CXTE CX CH 834 U Cn 76° 85° Us Bl 56 0D F S21 U G $51-V G ge # H 244 G H 525 F BR 672 i B 731 L H 834 G Ir 8&3 F 154 bea dj 232.1 J 286 G k 627 3 a ess @ Bsa ess 4 rvs rvs get svg avs a Oe Oe 2 OG © & 2% nal oo 22-6 @ Boars 4a 7 or ne >< cs MXO JU 868 HC g 8v “od do 66.7 J 3c fa 0 288 goles oftiosd al. -28mX sot sealed al 9596 asso1t.odg tlow sitdw odd ases8o sidizeoq nad nl Jseaue sdJ astau al wo odntosb ¢ d3sde astord one nt dood dojex#2 eds al 94780 edd to ybad al eorken ow? VIsuctias as to estrose Jaodd ¥Od boowdayT4 ~ Preis iM petaore fr pe eS apek reetans nefeeelea et Jom sved 1 eteodd E> xyJ2 sdd no Jsod-sevod A satbbuq mefq odd: 1910 Jeoda~199 68 be eatvod 9c0dw moa bee sdd to ewobsde od? mss1b 8 2ew dt .bfoded — qiose opnerae (Gad moor bseolo sit al awondau edd to dowsee al al Jeods e*okxeb ndob al tdosy Sedausd edt eseode sdt bis adob forso esmd ainea® ge71908 soared entond tes{sdo1 weory lobi asii{sq tofised sesissjee sat {9ineg2 dosld sat VS esist biish insasd sis{ oft 2e9sde sidanotdesud wollod yqsal@ to basked mooTR9br4d erjosqa sat wsg s‘yodnom sd? 4 ae “ef oe ame a oe: fs ~ , ~», © ue m 4, < r 4 <3 “- , za >... . 3 cana nA > ; © : < ¢ ey a a . % i as : . a * 7 = * 4 - ‘ Ly OO. |. Aton a ‘ ‘ =. “> *. : r * en PO a le a ee es I a a II IO - a. TE ce Sn | OO pa rer AT soma | | | aSaG NaN ik a nae: Ee’ ; feos Detian. tales "ay ee BB, Oe Bean te, They aa In Trattics and Dikeovertak.® “Kk 637 7 The priest’s SHES OTH Leese" se of ‘Trelang ) ‘ Ve L The enchanted burro T W8? & the bewitched fiddle u ca p The rival ghosts In In partnership 1 M4 2 With my friends | MN 485 y The odd number uo447 0 The Villa Claudia , M 693 V Fhantom of the foot bridge ¥ 944 Ph Harnt that walks Chilhowee In Ig the Tennessee Mts. M944 J Spectre in the cart In gred in the bone P 144 8 No haid pawnn In In cle Virginny | P 144 J] Her great-grandmother’s ghost In Pastime etories P 144 Pp Phantom lover P 145 Pp Stories & interludes Pies The shape of fear & other ghostly tales P 325 8 _ §Men,women & ghosts P51 ¥ ... Markheim ; ' In Merry Men St 48 yu Thrawn Jant The Bishop’ss ghost In Story-teller’s pack St é@ St Old Applejoy’s ghost Ghosts of my town The xtnd in the rose-bush oh 65S 8 In Atield& afloat. St 6 af BOLU pec s§ yeol preg AeA Ta yeage wITJIsw gweLE OT 8Qe¢oOuE 7 . , , Me ; we i 5 : E ny = ' ee oe is y Z i ae age ee gs) el ee eee ee a ee ee J ee Se ee, oo | os *°* . 2 - aes ae " 4 oe SNe ae en at: oo Ten 7 ys, a Sl , “ ae i EE “ x) send wa A ea sili tall b - ; hg iy: i eka a es ; .~ : f 4 a’ a eee ers Qe es 9 4 ~~ a a | a, ¢ S NR ; Oe ‘ - eV I ws8 x . > % Bes unig Yo-2 froth Trenteot otaeotn J ose oa @ TQU\ . od g gsh ¥ a “DUMB? edad tuo of i [ Gd # aidersaszeq nl al efeody Levin | f-9a6 ¥: ~ (Sbtro¥0 ig rene sottter? al | Mildien, q Seb M | ebnsizt gm 4: 1 | O Tob & 3 -redmua. dbo ed ¥ 69d v sibueld slli¥ od 49 Be ¥ | egbiid Joot ed to m sted 234 oseeennsT add gl al Serpad tee 2X law pt: da 8 iT eae # hi 9 por g saod o4d3 af berg aI geo odd af ¢ | i a yanreii¥ sis al al ftawsg bist ol esiqos2 smitdesd oI Jeodt 2 ‘dodsasaai Aerie q par q | | Re. q Sarg ) , soot nated Sat 3 ; sobii f1ednt ie 2 ese g 2ole3 viseods ted3o & re98t lo. sae je 8 ge: oie ; ' edeods & ieee OW 6 i neta OD phan rte aii iA AS 1 oe r ~ iad