AN Sas ug i 7 % ‘ pre rs TEES AES TOS ES EES Bat VIRTUE & CO., 26, IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW. x { THE DRAINAGE OF DISTRICTS AND LANDS. ss By G. DRYSDALE DEMPSEY, C.E. aed , New Edition, revised and enlarged. Sx Tllustrated. Price ls. a ie WELL DIGGING, BORING, AND PUMP WORK. ? By JOHN GEORGE SWINDELL, B.1B.A. se New Edition, revised by G. R. Burnewt, C.E. Tilustrated. Price 1s. cs TUBULAR AND OTHER IRON GIRDER BRIDGES. “5 se Particularly describing Tur BriraANniA AND Conway TvuBULAR Brinces. With a Sketch of Iron Bridges, and Illustrations of the Application of Malleable Iron to the Art of Bridge Building. By G. DRYSDALE DEMPSEY, C.E. New Edition, with Illustrations. df) ! sige hg any: Price 1s. 6d. se cas sr The Art of . ae CONSTRUCTING & REPAIRING COMMON ROADS. y Containing es A Survey of the Metropolitan Roads, by 8. Hucurs, C.E. a i= The Art of Constructing Common Roads, by Henry Law, C.E. Cee Remarks on the Maintenance of Macadamised Roads, pt Py By Frevo-Marsuat Sir JOHN BURGOYNE, Barr., G.C.B. pe Illustrated. Price 1s. 6d. Se aE7: LIGHTHOUSES, xy Tuetr History, Construction, AND ILLUMINATION. By ALAN STEVENSON, LLB, F.RS.E,, &. &e. With Illustrations. Price 3s. TS) Cy fCD ahe HL Cy 08ED ohe SLL) Cy CV abe BALL CofE oho SEL, 6) oD oPe STL) Fy BD abe SELL (08D oe BLL 0) oD of 6 KT oh SU eaieiealsy aac igeaasuebeeocneee 2 is on VIRTUE & CO., 26, IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW. EOS Gea Hae nS SES Ghee aie Seed ete waa ete! LO he OO sah GOK : & so SOG, 20) MAX OHA eroLarate 0 ys —s ES Saatkad TIREEY : ; ebogislas baa boaives coil re) 4 a at 2 - v " y ¢ “Bel ooieD ..Datorten { et meme ore : | BHO W IMUT CHA DUT : EF rt rye r : fy ae § Ra gh ak RSL PT Ce ak . - 7 7. ee - + - ay ARS) adTAR a wh ok _—_ e. ; Fh { sd i i tot ’ , = aoncannnns nae ‘ , bs: reerere eaerraotTr werner y F Tr . ‘ | . ene ee O! : SM DTINTL WALI rh Th , } 4 a : Pt aps “nottasilgqA ort Yo ecotlenaullt hoa sogbisil gov tem Of HI : gg 1 . Sf YW +) \ aelt ‘ } of tore “1 aidealindt 5.) YXaIMaAd BILCeTHe Bee eroberisu lit five ,coitihal work Pi: \- . 5 ay RP, ak a»irt 3 : ww 4 7 wT aaon KOMMNOO SHIAIATA Ee >on j , Dain jeta me s we ¥ ? 4 eo A ; ig a0 gi roy 1.2 ¥a ns en On Mt oa AF BD agt vanell a sheok soning!) gi Wee { 7 i) A shook T Boe (ot tabesalt } 10 89 sanoiala a. D2 ya eh Ac) ALODL VS b AOL is) 1a = ‘ £9 at sofa | Ds tas Se reas pe as tes! a ee ee. ee os ot oh & i 3 A rs a. it 1 pograrata. * Bn at pererion S ’ eaten € a), ig bis J Pee C - (Dre. ch ) ; RUDIMENTARY TREATISE ON THE DRAINAGE TOWNS AND BUILDINGS: SUGGESTIVE OF SANATORY REGULATIONS CONDUCIVE TO THE HEALTH OF AN INCREASING POPULATION, BY G: DRYSDALE DEMPSEY, C.E., Author of “‘ The Practical Railway Engineer,” and of the “ Rudimentary Treatise on the Drainage of Districts and Lands.” J \S\\\ERSIT BEVISED AND GR y) LY EXTENDED j WITH woes ONN HE METROPOLITAN ~ DRAINAGE, MHAMES LIBRARY 8 \ aaa SCHEMES. Aoi cecal be LLINOIS: 7 4 LONDON: VIRTUE AND OCO., 26, IVY LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1867. PREFACE, Two volumes of the Rudimentary Series—‘*‘ The Art of Drain- ing Districts and Lands,” and the work now submitted to the reader—relate to the subject of drainage generally, with water supply as an auxiliary or necessary contingent: the removal of surplus waters and refuse on the one hand, and the supply of pure water on the other. The one volume applies to Districts and Lands ; the other to Towns and Buildings. It becomes necessary to remark in this (the Third) Edition of the present work, that when the late Mr. Dempsey pre- pared the First and Second Editions, the whole subject oi the Drainage of the Metropolis was in confusion. The most eminent engineers were in conflict as to the best mode of attaining the desired end. The plan eventually adopted, and now (1865) in progress, differs from that which Mr. Dempsey and many other engineers recommended. This, of course, is not conclusive as to the relative merits of the different schemes. Who were right and who were wrong, in these speculations, we shall not know for many years to come; until the Inter- cepting Main Drainage plan shal have had a fair trial by long-continued working. On this account it seems desirable to leave Mr. Dempsey’s calculations and deductions in their original form; because they embody, or rather illustrate, one particular principle of Drainage, which may probably apply to many other large towns, irrespective of its adoption or rejec- tion in the metropolis. By greatly enlarging the AppENprx, space has been found for a succinct account of all that has been done in relation to the Main Drainage Scheme since the publication of the Second Edition of this volume, in 1854. iv PREFACE. Plain facts are stated, without any prediction concerning the “degree of success that may attend the operations now in progress. In a later portion of the Apprnprx, relating to the Utilisation of Sewage, it will be seen that this important question remains nearly in the same unsettled state as when Mr. Dempsey prepared the Second Edition. Much has been said, and much written; but the world has yet to learn _ whether the sewage of the great metropolis is to be rendered available as an agricultural fertiliser. We may here refer, for fuller information on this important subject, to another volume of this Series (Vol. 146), Mr. Robert Scott Burns’ Rudimentary Treatise for Students of Agriculture, called, ‘‘ Outlines of Modern Farming ;” the fifth volume of those Outlines relates to Utilisation of Town Sewage, Irrigation, and the Reclama- — tion of Waste Lands. The Lmbankment of the Thames being now recognised as an important feature in the Main Drainage Scheme, we have deemed it useful to devote one portion of the Apprenprx to this subject. Another volume of the Rudimentary Series* treats gene- rally of Water Works, and the Supply of Water to Towns. It has been considered only necessary here, therefore, to notice briefly in the AppENDIx one or two advances which have been made between 1854 and 1865, in improving the systems sketched in the text by Mr. Dempsey, especially in regard to London and Glasgow. Lonvon, 1865, * “A Treatise on Waterworks for the Supply of Cities and Towns; with a Description of the principal Geological Formations of England, as influencing the Supply of Water; details of Engines and Pumping Machines for Raising Water; and description of Works which have been executed for Procuring Water from Wells, Springs, Rivers, and Drainage Areas.”—By Samuel Hughes, F.G.S., Civil Engineer, Vol. 82*** CONTENTS. DIVISION II. DRAINAGE OF TOWNS AND STREETS. Sxction I. Sources of Water Supply . . . Principles of Draining. . . . Value of Sewage as Manure . . Classification of Towns with refe- rence to their positions . , Artificial Power to be employed for the supply of Water, or dis- charge of Sewage ... . London, situation of ... . Defects of London Drainage . Varieties of Surface Levels and Inclinations ... . . Application of Sewage Manure a Distribution of Liquid mowage - Proper use of Sewers . Experiments on the value of Sewage as Manure . Metropolitan Sewage Manure Company . . Magnitude of London Sewers F —— of Fleet Sewer . Metropolitan Commission of Sewers . . ee Phillips’s Tunnel ‘Scheme | ee Geological objections to ditto . Evidence of Mr. Stephenson on the Drainage of London .. Mr. Forster’s Plan for the Drain- age of London . ies. s | 3 Commissioners Accounts . . Report of the Surveyor on the Drainage of the Metropolis Extracts from the Report of the Consulting Engineers . . » Page 1 2 4 4 Srction IT. Supply of Water . Influence of the geological cha- racter of the country on the supply and red of Water . Reservoirs . . . on Filters Constant Service ‘System, its ad- Vara geg p's Vm sets artes Section III. Drainage of Streets . . . « « Removal of Street Refuse. . « SECTION IV. Functions of Sewers Dimensions and Forms of Sewers Capacity of Sewers . . Fall of Sewers . . Meru e Construction of Sewers. Pe saat Dratie Pipes. i sis. } ee antec as Egg-shaped Sewers . Connections of Minor with ‘the Main Sewers ... Access to Sewers . . Cleansing of Sewers. . . « « of Streets. . Section V. Conveyanceof Water . . . - Water: Pipes 327 a aegaaee Pumping Apparatus . . . -« 100 104 107 109 114 119 125 125 129 130 132 133 135 136 138 141 CONTENTS. DIVISION IL. DRAINAGE OF BUILDINGS. Page Section I. Conditions of Draining . . . Classification of Buildings . . 144 | Depthof Drains . . iis. = Supply of ee to Dwelling- Sewers Commissioners’ ag 6 x eee Onx 14... 4,6 99 866. In forming the connections of drains with each other, viz. those of the house drains with the branch drains or sewers, and of these with the mains, through the several classes of sizes which it may be necessary to adopt, two rules should be in all cases imperatively insisted upon,— first, that all junctions shall be formed with curves, and of as large radii as possible in the direction of the current; a 3 130 CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS. and, secondly, that wherever a minor drain discharges into a larger one, the bed of the former shall be kept as much as possible above that of the latter as the relative sizes of the two sewers will admit 367. The importance of the first of these rules has been long recognised and admits of proof, both theoretical - and practical. It is found that in a sewer of 2 ft. 6 in. in width, -a stream of water, flowing with a velocity equal to 250 ft. per minute, meets a resistance in suffering a change of direction, the amount of which depends upon the direct- ness with which that change is made; the resistance occa- sioned being three times as great by a right angle as by a curve of 20 ft. radius, and double that produced by a curve of 5 ft. radius. The resistance thus diminishes as the radius of curvature of the junction is increased. The effect of junc- tions in which considerable resistance is opposed to the free passage of the sewage is, that the solid particles become deposited, and, being left by the flowing water, they accu- mulate until a bar is formed, which still further impedes the progress of the sewage, and eventually arrests it alto- gether. 868. The practical value of keeping the mouths of minor sewers above the level of the bed of the mains into which they discharge, arises from the prevention by this means of a return of the sewage up the minor drains, supposing a deficient declivity or any untoward circumstance should produce a retrograde movement within the mam. The connection should also be formed in the most perfect manner, so that the mingling of the currents shall not have the effect of impeding either of them. The mouth of the minor drain should be spread into a bell-form, and the whole surface of the junction made solid and even with good cement. 369. The upper connections of the minor sewers, viz with the house drains, are small works, requiring the greatest care and circumspection. ‘hey are frequently disregarded and carelessly executed, because they appear CONNECTIONS OF SEWERS. 131 individually trivial matters; and, moreover, are trouble- some and tedious, and correspondingly expensive. But it is clear that the efficiency of the entire arrangement of any system of town drainage is primarily dependent upon the completeness with which the individual drains of houses convey the separate contributions of sewage into the minor or branch drains. If these tributaries fail, the trunk of course remains idle, and all care bestowed on the larger works is thrown away. Supposing the house drains to be formed with clay or stone-ware pipes, and the receiving branch sewer to be of the same material, lengths of the latter should be introduced at intervals having sockets into which the ends of the house drains may be fitted. If the branch sewer be of brickwork, the junction of the house drains should be carefully made good with a ring of cement, and the work nicely finished on the interior surface. It will of course be necessary to lay these house drains and branch sewers at the same time (if the latter are of brick work and not large enough to admit a workman), in order to complete this work in the best manner. And as this is not always convenient, the stone-ware pipes offer the great advantage of jointing without any hand work inside the branch, by simply laying the branch sewers with sufficient socket outlet lengths at intervals, which may be communi- cated with by house drains at any future time, the sockets © being temporarily plugged up with wood. 370. The lower ends of the main sewers will communi- cate with the receiving wells, and should be well lipped downwards to promote the ready discharge of the sewage the moment it arrives at the mouth. These being principal works, and few in number, are more likely to be well at- tended to and carefully executed than the multiplied minor connections. The wells, adapted in capacity to the quantity of sewage they are intended to contain, will require sub- stantial and sound work. Being in towns necessarily sunk to some depth in the ground, the cylinder will be the best form in which to construct them. Behind and around the 182 ACCESS TO SEWERS brickwork a backing of concrete should be filled in, the excavation being made sufficiently large for this purpose, and the whole interior surface should be lined with cement or asphalte. If this be done it will not be necessary to — build the work in cement, although this would, perhaps, be a wise additional precaution. Proper economy in this mat- ter will be best arrived at by experiments, upon which an adequate. sum of money would be well expended before extensive operations are commenced. 371. Means of access to the main sewers are best afforded by side entrances, such as those which have been introduced in the Holborn and Finsbury division for the purposes of inspection and flushing. Although, if the entire system were properly constructed, no necessity could occur for artificial cleansing, it will be desirable to provide means of getting at the interior of the main sewers at intervals, and the side entrances referred to are well adapted for this pur- pose. The side entrance consists of a vertical square or rectangular aperture, formed in brickwork, and covered by a hinged iron cover, fitted in the foot-pavement of the street. This aperture is carried down to a level of about 2 ft. above the bed of the main sewer, and terminates in a short passage or tunnel, which opens into the side of the sewer. The vertical entrance is provided with hand-irons, built into the wall, by which descent and ascent are ren- dered easy. 872. We have already insisted on the necessity of so arranging and constructing the sewers of a town that they shall not require any cleansing by hand, and have denied * the condition of admitting workmen as an essential one in determining the size of sewers. A sewer cannot be con- sidered as properly constructed if it retain the matters committed to it in a quiescent condition. It should act simply as a place of passage, and instantly transfer the sewage onward towards the receiving well. Failing in this purpose, and containing all the solid matters in a con- stantly-growing accumulation, the sewers of a town act as CLEANSING SEWERS ~~ A&E combined cesspools, and the several gully-holes serve as the outlets for the escape into the atmosphere of some of the deadly gases constantly engendering below The ex- pense of cleansing by hand is, moreover, an item of con- siderable importance, although, of course, never incurred until the subterranean nuisance becomes intolerable. In the Holborn and Finsbury division, the cost of removing the soil from the sewers provided with man holes is about 7s. per cubic yard, and from those without, 11s. per cubic yard, including the expense of breaking the arch and making it good again. 373. The method of cleansing the sewers in which matter accumulates, by flushing water through them, was practised to a great extent in the Holborn and Finsbury division of sewers, and has been adopted by the New Metropolitan Commission of Sewers. The principle of this method consists simply in retaining the sewage water for a period of time by flushing gates fitted in the sewer, and periodically admitting the accumulated water to pass by opening the gates, and thus producing an artificial rush sufficient to carry all accumulations before it. The relative economy of the process, as practised in the Holborn and Finsbury division, and, as compared with the hand clean- sing, was stated as follows :— Washing away 6688 cubic yards of deposit by board-dams (a process always performed preparatory to fixing and using the flush- FE ag ing apparatus) . « O44 12) 7 Putting inside entrances svt flushing gates 1293 0 0 £19387 12 7 The cost of removing these 6688 cubic yards by hand would have amounted to 2387/. The preliminary cleansing and providing flushing apparatus were, therefore, effected at a saving of 449]. 7s. 5d. The current expenses of the two methods are thus stated : — 134 FLUSHING SEWERS. : an Ae Annual cost of cleansing 16 miles of sewers by hand . ' ‘ : ‘ whe Ma 3 AO Annual cost of cleansing 16 miles of sewers by working flushing gates. . . 106 0 0 Annual saving by flushing method £220 17 0 The cost of this method, as subsequently practised under the New Metropolitan Commission of Sewers, has been reported as being about one-third that of cleansing by hand; thus 22,400 ft. of sewers, in which the deposit varied from 6 in. to 3 ft. 6 in. (in depth) were cleansed, and 3386 double loads washed away at an expense of 500/., whick process, under the old system, would have cost 1500/. 374. The method of flushing is attended with one, and that a very serious, evil consequence, and the mischief of which is the greater in proportion to the force and velocity, and corresponding efficiency of the process. ‘This is, the violent driving forward of the foul gases with which the otherwise vacant portion of a sewer holding stagnant refuse is usually filled. The flushing of the higher part of an extended line of sewer is thus frequently productive of a rising of these gases into the house-drains connected with the lower portion of the sewer, and any imperfection in the trapping of these admits the most noisome effluvia into the houses, while the streets are always poisoned with the gases thus driven up through the gratings and gully holes. Sometimes, indeed, the flushing water is forced into the house-drains, and, of course, occasions a total suspension of the flow of the sewage in the reverse direction. Accord- ingly, we find that the process of flushing has been dis- continued during the warm season, the very time when it is most needed as an artificial means of cleansing the sewers. 875. For the efficient cleansing of the streets and thoroughfares of a’town two provisions are requisite, viz. an abundant supply of water for occasional application, OLEANSING STREETS. 135 when the self-supply of rain is suspended, and a complete arrangement of sewers through which to discharge all the surface-water when its purpose of cleansing has been ful- filled. For the supply of water, the system of constant supply affords the greatest facilities, giving an instant com- mand of the required quantity. 376. It has been ascertained in London, that one ton of water is sufficient to lay the dust over a surface of 600 square yards of gravel or macadamized roads, or of 400 square yards of granite paved streets. The average number of days per annum in which it is found, from twenty years’ experience, to be necessary to apply water for this purpose, is about 120. The common charge for this work is at the rate of 2d. per square yard for the season, the water being applied only once per diem, or 501. per mile of a main road. The common assessment per house for watering roads twice a day is ll. for the season. The cost of doing the same work by means of jets, supplied from the main water- pipes, is estimated at 5s. per house. At Nottingham, where the constant service of water is rendered, a charge of 7s. 6d: per annum is made for a single street plug, by which some of the proprietors of shops command a ready supply, at all times, for watering the street in front of their own premises, and often of the adjoining houses also. 377. The scouring effect of jets of water thrown upon the surface of the streets is far greater than when merely dropped or thrown from the perforated pipe of a water- cart. A single jet, supplied with a force equal to throw the water vertically upward to a height of fifty feet, will, directed at an angle of 45°, command an area of about 2000 square yards, and this surface will be really cleansed by the pro- cess, whereas the mere distribution of the water, without "pressure, wets without cleansing. The mud which is formed on the surface of the streets, during certain states of the weather, is well known to have an unctuous character, which resists all cleansing action less vigorous than that of jets of water under pressure 1386. CONVEYANCE OF WATER. 378. The position of the main sewers beneath the streets of a town affords ready means of directly discharging the waste waters from their surface. The adaptation of the sewers for this purpose requires inlets, at intervals, fitted with iron gratings, by which large substances are prevented from passing into the sewers. These inlets and gratings being situated at the sides of the carriage-way, while the sewer is beneath the middle of it, they communicate by means of transverse drains or passages, which should be formed with sufficient declivity to prevent any accumulation of surface-water or road-sweepings beneath the gratings. The narrower the interstices between the bars of the grat- ings are, the better. Very small spaces will suffice to admit the water with great rapidity, and also the mud which is formed upon the surface of the streets, and the narrow spaces are useful in preventing the admission of these mat- ters during heavy showers with a force which might endan- ger the safety of the sewers SECTION Y. Conveyance of Water.—Piping, Aqueducts, Reservoirs.— Pumping Appa- ratus, Steam Draining and Pumping, &e. 379. For the conveyance of water from upper surfaces and sources to towns, open channels, or aqueducts, some- times afford cheaper means than the laying of piping be- neath the surface of the ground. In supplying water from these sources to some of the towns in Scotland, Mr. Thom has had occasion to construct several miles of aqueducts and in preference to adopting direct lines, which are com monly obtained at great cost in the necessary aqueduct bridges for crossing valleys and other expensive works for meeting the difficulties presented by the natural rugged- ness of the country, Mr. Thom designs his aqueducts by winding along the slopes, however circuitous the course ~ thus involved, and descending only with such a fall as will NEW RIVER 137 allow the water to flow with a gentle current. Aqueducts thus formed are simply artificial rivers, and the entire expense is limited to that of constructing suitable banks and bed for the channel. An aqueduct thus constructed at Greenock, passes through very rugged ground, and has cost not more than 400/. per mile. The New River, by which a large section of London is supplied with water from the springs of Chadwell and Amwell, with an addi- tional supply out of the river Lea, near Chadwell, in Hert- fordshire, is a fine example of an aqueduct of this kind. This channel, the enterprise of Sir Hugh Middleton, was commenced in 1609, and completed in 16138. The direct length between its extremities is about 20 miles, but its actual length is 39 miles. The average annual quantity supplied by this aqueduct is 614,087,768 cubic feet. De- ducting from this the larger consumers and street-watering, together about 33,529,400 cubic feet, the remaining 580,558,368 cubic feet per annum are equal to about 463 cubic feet per tenement, supplied each alternate day. The reservoirs, in which this supply is stored, are equal to con- tain the quantity consumed in seven days, or 11,774,006 cubic feet. 380. The city of New York is partially supplied with water from the Croton river by an aqueduct 40 miles in length, The receiving reservoir of these works con- tains 150,000,000 gallons, and the distributing reservoir 21,000,000 gallons. The supply is effected without either pumps or water-wheels. An interesting work of this kind, a suspension aqueduct, has been constructed for a canal over the Alleghany river at Pittsburgh. This aqueduct consists of seven spans of 160 ft. each, from centre to cen- tre of pier. On the piers are pyramids rising 5 ft. above the level of the side walk and towing-path, and measuring 3 ft. by 5 ft. on the top, and 4 ft by 6 ft. 6 in. at the base. The two wire cables which support the structure are placed one on each side. Each is 7 in. diameter, perfectly solid and compact and constructed in one piece from shore to 138 CROTON AQUEDUCT. shore, 1175 ft. long, of 1900 wires of 3 in. thickness. Each wire is varnished separately, and the whole cable has a close, compact, and continuous wrapping of annealed wire laid on by machinery. Transverse beams of timber, 27 ft. long, and 16 x 6 in., are placed in pairs at 4 ft. apart. Each pair of these beams is supported on each side of the aqueduct with a double stirrup of 1 in. round iron, mounted on a small saddle of cast iron, which rests on the cable. Into these beams, wooden posts 7 x 7 in. at top, - and 7 x by 14 in. at bottom, are mortised. These posts are the side supports of the water-trunk, which is of wood, 1140 ft. in length, 14 ft. wide at bottom, and 163 ft. wide at top, and 83 ft. deep. The sides and bottom are com- posed of a double course of 24 in. white pine, placed so that each course crosses the other diagonally at a right angle. The extremities of the cables do not extend below the ground, but are connected with anchor-chains which, in curved lines, pass through the masonry of the abutments. The bars of these chains average 13 x 4 in., and from 4 to 12 ft. in length. They are formed of boiler scrap iron, and forged in single pieces without welds ‘The ex- treme links are anchored to cast-iron plates 6 ft. square. The total length of each cable and its chains is 1283 ft., and the weight of both cables 110 tons. ‘The weight of water in each span (4 ft. deep in the trough) is 295 tons. The total solid section of anchor chains is 72 superficial inches. Deflection of chains, 14 ft.6in Elevation of pyramids above piers, 16 ft. 6in. The tension of each wire is 206 lbs., while its ultimate strength will be 1100 lbs. 381. Cast-iron pipes are now universally employed for the conveyance of water. They are formed with socket ends, so that all necessary motion is permitted according to the expansion and contraction of the metal, caused by va- riations of temperature. Until the commencement of the present century all the water supplied by companies to London was conveyed in pipes bored out of elm, and at WATER-PIPES. - 489 that time the New River Company had 400 miles of these wooden pipes in use. The general use of water-closets among the higher class of tenants, about the year 1809, led to the projection of new companies, who undertook to meet the growing want of water-supply at high service, by the use of steam power and iron pipes, a duty for which the old wooden pipes were inadequate. The bore of the wooden mains was from 6 to 7 in., and of the service pipes 38in. The principal iron mains now vary from 12 to 30 in. in diameter; the sub-mains are 6 and 7 in., and the service pipes usually 4 in. ‘The interior of the cast-iron pipes used for conveying water should be coated with a prepa- ration of lime-water, to prevent corrosion and the conse- quent injurious effect upon the quality and flavour of the water. 382. Several methods have been adopted for forming the joints of iron water-pipes. Originally they were formed with flanges screwed together, but these were rapidly de- stroyed by the variations in the total length of piping pro- duced by changes in temperature. Socket joints were then introduced, the joining parts being so formed that an annu- lar space is left within the socket, and outside the entering pipe, for a ring of solder to be poured in, for the purpose of making the joint water-tight. An improvement has been effected in this kind of joint, by making the parts to fit each other, and turning them accurately to a conical form so that a water-tight joint is produced without any stuffing or packing of any kind, a little whiting and tallow only being used to assist the close adhesion of the parts. ‘This kind of joint is so perfect that it has been adopted in form- ing the joints of a steam-engine suction pipe, 30 in. in dia- meter, with perfect success. Wooden plugs of suitable taper form have also been successfully and economically applied for forming the socket joints of water-pipes pre- pared with an annular space, in which they are driven. $83 The weights of cast-iron pipes, as applied for 140 SIZE AND WEIGHT OF WATER-PIPES. water-supply, are as follows, according to the size or diame- ter of the bore. In. Cwt. qrs. lbs. 8 diameter of bore . ; egy Bae ) 7 Ai,» ne 1074s pitas y; a RCue Loy S_ 0a Boras. & ; ~ 29 0 aie 7 ” ” e e de a a) Lg. 8 ” ” ° .. 4. 0, 0 Tene apa % oh ae 12 9 0 4 Gee Do Aria: < soalilet_gt Pape 2 S 36s ” « Luo a «ted iene ai J 884. In determining the proper size for pipes, according to the quantity to be conveyed, the following formula has been employed— Lise 15\/ hj in which q represents the number of gallons to be delivered per hour, / the length of the pipe in yards, h the head in feet, and d the diameter of the pipe in inches. In applying this formula, Mr. Hawksley, Engineer to the Trent Water- Works Company, calculates that for supplying a street of aati: 600 yards in length, the total length should be divided into ° three spaces of 200 yards each, and the quantity allowed for each of these spaces should be respectively as fol- lows :— Gallons per diem. Final 200 yards ; ’ - 13,000 Middle 200 yards, 11,000 n 13,000 = 24,000 First 200 yards, 8,000 + 24,000 = 32,000 The calculation also assumes that the delivery of these entire quantities will take place in four hours, and that the whole of the water taken off from each length has to be passed to the end of that length. The delivery of these quantities respectively will require, according to the formula quoted, pipes of the following sizes :— Ty a COST OF PUMPING 14] Inches. For the first 200 yards ; . 62 diameter. » middle 200 yards ; » th 53 » final 200 yards. ; ab/6 " Adding about half an inch to each of these for possible contraction by corrosion, the practical diameters become 6 in., 5 in., and 4 in. respectively. The difference in the size of pipes needed for the intermittent and the con- stant supply systems is exhibited in the following com- parative statement :— Periodical ‘ Constant Supply. Supply. Mains , , 20 in. diameter . 12 in. diameter. 23, . e 7 29 ' > 5 2) ” ‘ ‘ 6 $9 * 4 ” Service pipes 38 — Sex 2 385. Of the cost of raising water with pumps worked by steam-engines exaggerated conceptions are frequently formed, and it is therefore desirable to collect the best evidence on this subject. from which it appears that this cost is really an insignificant item, when the expense of the power is fairly compared with the quantity of water raised, as appears from the table of results (page 143), as stated by Mr. Wicksteed :—In all these cases the -coals are taken at 12s. per ton, and all charges for working the engine, coals, labour, and stores, are included, but no charge is allowed for interest upon outlay, or repairs of machinery and build- ings. ‘To raise 160,000,000 of gallons 100 ft. high would cost according to the Ist statement . j : » £3862 Qnd “ ‘ ; ; 238 ord x ; : : : 222 4th fe z . 100 386. Of the performance of Taylors pumping engine, in use at the United Mines, the late Mr. Farey made the fol- lowing computation :— The average duty performed by this engine during the years 1841 and 1842 was equal to the 142 COST OF PUMPING. raising of 953 millions pounds weight of water, 1 foot high, by the combustion of 1 bushel of coal. Each bushel of coal weighs about 94 lbs., therefore each lb. of coal con- sumed by Taylor’s engine raises 1,000,000 lbs. of water 1 ft. high. The unit of horse-power adopted by Mr. Watt, viz. a force equal to 33,000 lbs., acting through a space of 1 ft. per minute, is found to be half as much more as the average performance of a good draught horse working 8 hours a day and 6 days a week. A steam engine which raises 94,000,000 per bushel (as Taylor’s engine does) con- sumes only 1:98 lbs. of coal per hour for each horse power which it exerts independently of overcoming its own fric- tion, and that of the pumps ‘That is, when it exerts a power equal to that of 100 horses, it consumes only 198 lbs. of coal per hour. 387. Mr. Hawksley has furnished a compendious state- ment of his experience in raising and conveyance of water for the town of Nottingham, to this effect :—“The cost of transmitting water to a distance of 5 miles, and to a height of 200 ft., including wear and tear of pumping machinery, fuel, labour, interest of capital invested in pipes, reservoirs, engines, &., amounts to about 24d. per ton.” The same gentleman calculates the resistance from friction in convey- ing water in pipes according to the formula in which p represents the horse-power necessary to over- come the friction, / the length of the pipe in inches, qg the quantity of water to be delivered in one second in gallons, and d the diameter of the pipe in inches. For the trans- mission of 500 gallons of water per second, two mains, each of 60 in. diameter, would be required, and the resist- ance arising from friction in these mains, 25 miles long, would, according to this formula, require about 450-horse power. The power required to raise this quantity to a re- servoir at a height of 220 ft. would amount to that of 2000 horses nominally. The total power required to raise and TABLE OF RESULTS 143 transmit a distance of 25 miles, through pipes, 500 gallons of water per second would thus equal that of 2450 horses. These figures are sufficient to show that the cost of raising and transmitting water by steam power is so small in pro- portion to the quantity of water thus placed at our com- mand, that a pure but distant source may generally be eco- nomically applied in preference to supplying an inferior quality of water from more proximate sources | Cost of : Height | Raisin Description of Engines. Quantity of |to which|1q)0Gal- Water Raised the _ | jons 100 per Diem. | Water is| Peet Raised. | High. —S> Gallons. .| Feet. d. 1. A single pumping engine, ) by Boulton and Watt, in | 1809, working 104 hours 612,360 | 100 "543 per diem, 6 days per week, ( ; mean power 294 horses.) (Average of 2 years’ working.) gines, by Boulton and Watt, in 1809, working 24 hours f per diem, 7 days per week, f p,928 280 he ts mean power of each engine } 0 ES ee (Average of 10 years’ working.) 2. Two single pumping | 3. Two single pumping en-) gines, by Boulton and Watt, one in 1816, and one in ; 1828, working 12 hours +} 3,601,116 | 100 "3338 per diem, 7 days per week, mean power of each td gine 76 horses . . . .J (Average of 10 years’ working.) 4, One single pumping en-) gine, by Harvey and (Co., upon the expansive prin- ciple, in 1837, working 24 >} 4,107,816 | 110 150 hours per diem, 7 days per week, mean power 951 Pee). (Average of 4 years’ working.) No. of Gallons Raised 100 Feet High for One Penny. 22,099 33,519 36,036 80,000 DIVISION II. DRAINAGE OF BUILDINGS. SECTION I. Classification of Buildings. 888. THE principal classes of buildings, as subjects for water-supply and drainage, are—1l, Dwellings; 2, Manufac- tories; and 3, Public Buildings. Each of these admits of several subdivisions, which should be briefly enumerated, in order to indicate the extent to which they are recipients of pure water and contributors of refuse matters to the sum total of town sewage 389. Dwellings are to be sub-classified according to the superficial area which they occupy, and the average number of residents whom they accommodate, and the arrange- ments to be provided for the joint purposes of supplying water and discharging sewage are required to be propor- tional to these two data combined. Upon the extent of area the quantity of rain water will depend, and this has to be entered in the account in two ways, first, as affording an integral portion of the supply, and secondly, as contributing | to the sum of the sewage. ‘The principal datum will be the number of persons for whom water is required in each dwelling, and each of whom will yield an average share of the refuse to be removed. The calculations of Water Com- panies are usually based upon the rental paid for each house as an index to the consumption of water within it, and in this way they recognise an almost infinite number of classes. It is clear, however, that the mere rental fur- nishes no exact criterion of the number of occupants of a house. Nor would the number of rooms in a dwelling SUPPLY OF WATER TO DWELLINGS 145 show this with much incre accuracy. On the contrary, it is well known that houses of small rental and compara- tively few apartments are frequently receptacles of a greater number of human beings than the more costly and capa- cious habitations of the wealthy classes. Nevertheless, it is a fact, that, with the present habits of the poorer sections of the population, the rental is generally in approximate proportion to the quantity of water consumed,—a fact to be accounted for only upon the recognised and deplorable principle that poverty and uncleanliness are mutual ex- ponents and companions in the social condition of civi- lised beings. 390. We have estimated (283) 20 gallons as the average daily quantity for each inhabitant of a town, and have sup- posed this quantity to be sufficient to allow also for an or- dinary proportion of manufacturing operations, for the sup- ply of public buildings, and for the extinction of fires (284). This estimate is founded upon the experience had in several towns in which the supply is considered adequate. Reserv- ing the details of the appropriation of this quantity for the next section, we now refer to this general estimate as the datum upon which the proper supply of water to dwelling- houses should be provided, and as being at least approxi- mately correct, if the service be constant, and proper in- ducements be offered to all classes to cultivate habits of ‘cleanliness. We would, therefore, subdivide the First Class of Buildings or Dwellings according to the average number of occupants of each, and provide the means of water-sup- ply and drainage accordingly. 391. The Second Class of Buildings, or Manufactories, including all consumers beyond households, admits ot a subdivision according to the operations carried on. Che- mical works, including those for dyeing, calico-printing, &¢., rank high as consumers of water. Factories for the making of paper, distilleries, breweries, bakehouses, malt- ing-rooms, slaughter-houses, stables, &c., also consume large quantities. Steam-engines are among the wholesale H 146 SUPPLY OF WATER TO MANUFACTORIES. consumers. The charges made by the Nottingham Trent Water-Works Company are worth quoting m reference to the consumption of water, as their supply is constant, and provides for high-service, the two essential conditions of a complete water-supply. ‘The charges for house service \ac- cording to rental, varying from 51. to 100/.) are from 4s. to 60s. annually, being 10s. for 10J. rental ; 20s. for 281. or 244 rental ; 80s. for 39/. or 401. rental; 42s. for 60/. rental; 50s. for a rental from 71l. to 75/.; and 60s. for 1002. rental. ‘he incidental charges are as follow :— a a. Stable and one horse . ‘ ° ° ° Rater ee Stable and more than one horse, fot edzh faite . . . » 2.86 Cows, each ; 5 4 ; ; 5 : ‘ 5 1 6 Warehouses—upwards from . ; ° , F ° shart 0 Offices ‘ ; . > ° ° ° ° . 3 2B 0 Gardens . . . . . . : ° - 2. 0 Private baths in a waning Noteee’ ° . ; ° . 57210? 0 Slaughter-houses : . . : . ° : : 5 0 Water-closets in private houses . : : ; : ‘ -10 0 Water-closets in warehouses, &c. . ' » : 5 - - 20. 0 Victuallers’ brewhouses, two brewings per week . . ° « 20D Ditto ditto, less than twice per week. . 4 econ Pipe for watering street in front of private house . r 70 Boilers of high-pressure steam-engines, working 10 hours bee aie per horse power. . . 9 0 Lace-dressing rooms, per } mute in ako vice hen 6 - 0. 22 Ditto ditto, double frames. ’ . . . Bi Ba Bakehouses 5 ° ‘ ‘ 5s. to 8 0 Malt-rooms, per hha of thal buikiners in steeping cistern. 2 6 Water consumed in erection of new buildings, per yard superficial on plan of each story . : va Opt Water consumed in erection of fines «ism per ane nape ry OF Mill-hands, for drinking and washing en per individual em- ploved . ; : . Poy, | ee Workhouses, including baths and nae rooms, per indiyidull on the average of the whole year . : ° : . . 2 a6 The supplies to dyers, &c., are estimated and charged for according to the size of the service pipes, by the following scale :— SUPPLY OF WATER TO PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 147 Estimated Diameter of Pipe. Supply. Charge. Inches. Gallons. £3 «da oe ee 50,000 110 0 g. . ° ° . : 100,000 212 0 3. ° ° ° ° 200,000 412 0 4. e . . ° ° 800,000 610 0 Rot ° ° : . - ‘ 400,000 S. Gund 14. ° . . . . a 500,000 Gift pa tba | 1}. . . . : . . 600,000 LY) 32:0 ie andl ins 4 : ‘ , 700,000 13 2 0 Te Od 1 xy yo . ° . : 800,000 1410 0 ed 900,000 1516 0 ljandl,, . : . . . 1,000,000 Vise Of: 0 liandl},, . . . « -| 2,000,000 382 0 0 1} and 1},, Meme i. 4. |: 8,000,000 45 0 0 The waste water from condensing steam-engines of 500- horse power in the aggregate will amount to at least 1500 gallons per minute, or 3 gallons per minute per horse power. 392. Public buildings requiring constant service are to be divided according to the number of residents or persons to be supplied. Thus, union workhouses, prisons, lunatic asylums, &c., are to be provided at the minimum rate of 20 gallons per diem for each occupant. Baths and wash- houses require quantities in proportion to the maximum number of bathers and washers. Churches, theatres, and other places of public congregation are to be supplied for cleansing purposes according to the cubic contents of each building, In the baths, it may be estimated that a bulk of water measuring 6 ft. in length by 13 ft. in width, and | ft. in depth will suffice for the ablution of each person. This quantity of water will equal 9 cubic ft., or about 54 gallons. The cost of supplying 1000 gallons by the Nottingham Trent Water-Works Company is, as we have seen (para- graph 319) 2°88d., or nearly 3d., and, as this quantity will be adequate to supply about 19 baths, the expense of water H 2 148 EXPENSE OF BATHS. per bath will be something less than one-sixth of a penny. The expense of fuel for heating 100 hogsheads of water— sufficient for 100 of these baths—from a medium temper- ature of 52° to 98°, including the replacing of heat lost by radiation, evaporation, and conduction, may be taken at about 540 Ibs. of Newcastle coal, which at London prices may be averaged to cost 6s. The cost of heating each bath will thus amount to about :75d., and including the water, ‘916d., or less than 3d. If as much more be added for attendance, and a similar amount for interest on capital in building, and for incidentals, it appears that a hot bath may be well afforded at a charge of 3d. SECTION II. Supply of Water Levels.— Constant Service.—Quantity required.—Cisterns. —Reservoirs.—Filters.— Valves and Apparatus.—Piping, &c., &c. 393. The relative levels at which water is required to be supplied to buildings in a town will necessarily govern the height to which the main quantity must first be raised. But, practically, as the entire arrangements of the supply should be devised to command delivery at and above the most ele- vated of the buildings, the heights at which the delivery actually occurs will be found to affect only the current cost of raising, or the duty to be exacted from the power em-. ployed. And if this power be derived from steam-engines, its cost will appear to be insignificant in comparison to the space through which the water is raised. ‘he expense of raising 1000 gallons to an average height of 80, ft. is found by the Trent Company to be, excluding interest on capital, less than 14d., and the cost, according to Mr. Wicksteed’s Table of Results (page 143), of raising 1000 gallons to a height of 100 ft. with a single pumping engine on the ex- pansive principle, excluding interest on capital and repairs of machinery, is less than one-sixth of ld., or 15d Al CONSTANT SERVICE OF WATER. 149 though the first cost of engines and pumping machinery of this class is very heavy, it will be a liberal allowance to ba- lance this with the remaining ‘85d., and we shall then have an average current cost of ld. for raising 1000 gallons to an elevation of 100 feet. From this it will be readily in- ferred how small a difference will arise from diminish- ing or increasing this height to the extent of 20, 50, or 100 ft. 894. The necessity for constant service, great as it is in all buildings, is still more imperative in supplying those of which the demand is of a variable character. In certain seasons, when the occasion for repeated bathing of persons and cleansing of apartments is greatest, these duties require a much larger quantity of water than will suffice at other periods, and this demand of course increases in the same ratio with the number of persons and apartments to be supplied. Thus workhouses, prisons, and all public asy- lums vary considerably from time to time in the quantity of water required, and all methods of supply, short of con- stant service, and all provision for storage, fail in one way or another in securing the constant and unlimited command of fresh and pure water. Thus, house-tanks, cisterns, and reservoirs, however capacious and well designed, serve to receive only limited quantities ; and if these be ample for all purposes, it follows that if the consumption be lessened the greater quantity of water will remain in a stagnant condi- tion, to be added to but not replaced by the next delivery from the main. The lower body of water in the cistern will thus remain slightly changed, and stirred up only, and in this way a lower bed of impure water, surcharged and rendered heavy with deposited matters, gradually accumu- lates, suffering a slow diminution by the proportion of im- purity which it imparts to each portion drawn off for imme- diate use. Pure or fresh water is, by this arrangement, put altogether out of the questien. 395. In large public asylums, properly constructed, ar- rangements would be made for supplying a bath at least 150 PRIVATE FILTERING. once a week for every inmate. For this purpose an institu- tion having 1000 residents would require weekly 54,000 gallons, or about 6000 cubic ft. of water. And if the supply be derived by a daily delivery, and the bathing be divided equally over 6 days in the week, a tank to hold the quantity for bathing only must have a capacity equal to 1000 cubic feet, or of the minimum dimensions of 20 ft. in length by 10 ft. in width, and 5 ft. in depth. The other purposes of cleansing would require (allowing 20 gallons per diem for each individual) 66,000 gallons weekly, or 11,000 gallons daily, and a tank to be daily emptied and refilled of the capacity of about 2000 ft., or measuring say 20 ft. in width and length, and 5 ft. in depth. For con- tingencies, provision should be made for about half this ‘quantity in addition, and thus the entire capacity of the tanks should equal 4000 cubic ft., or dimensions of 80 ft. in length by 10 in width and 5 in depth. And if the con- sumption one day be reduced one-fourth, and the tanks be not emptied before the fresh delivery, which it is practically impossible to effect,—this quantity of stale water will re- main in the lower part of the tanks, and each day’s reduced consumption will tend to increase the impurity of the water, - unless duplicate tanks be provided, and a large amount of water be wasted in their periodical cleansing. 396. In cases where the constant service of water cannot be obtained, and it consequently becomes necessary to pro- vide cisterns for buildings, they should be so constructed and furnished as to combine the operation of filtering with the purpose of storing the water. For this purpose the best form of cistern will be that of which the bed inclines downwards, so that the discharge pipe may be inserted at the lowest point, and the water always drawn from that part of the cistern. ‘The material used being commonly slate, the bottom may still be formed in a single slab for house cisterns (so as to avoid extra joints), declining in both direc- tions. The filtering media, consisting of beds of sand and sravel of different degrees of fineness (as described in USE OF RAIN-WATER. 151 Part I., p. 64), will be arranged in horizontal layers, except- ing the lower one, which will lie in the bottom of the cig tern, and be dressed to a level on its upper surface. The head of the discharge pipe should be protected with a fine wire-gauze cap, to prevent the gravel washing into the pipe. Below this pipe another cistern for the filtered water should be provided of proportionate capacity, and if the process be too tedious to admit of the filtration of all the water used, that for inferior purposes may be drawn from a pipe entering the cistern just above the filtering beds. 397. The superior quality of rain water in respect to its softness, as compared with water from all other sources, renders it exceedingly desirable, in an economical view, that allthe supply derivable from this source should be carefully collected and preserved. In towns this water is commonly wasted, or at least allowed to subserve only the inferior purpose of assisting the flow of the drainage. Yet the quantity which might, by efficient arrangements, be com- manded of this superior water is by no means insignificant. The roof of a house of the average dimensions of 20 ft. square, presenting a plane surface of 400 square ft., receives at least 800 cubic ft. of rain water annually, or about 4800 gallons. If well-constructed and capacious gutters are provided, this quantity may be collected with little loss from evaporation, and will form a reserve stock for such special household purposes as it is peculiarly adapted for This quantity should be immediately received in a filtering tank, and the best available method be adopted of purifying it from the carbonaceous matters with which it becomes saturated in passing through a smoky atmosphere and flowing over roof-surfaces covered with a deposit of similar impurity. An economical and well-devised apparatus for effecting this purpose, and applicable to private and public buildings of all classes, is a desideratum yet wanting in the economical supply of water 398. All valves and other apparatus for regulating the admission and use of water in buildings are required to be 152 USE OF RAIN-WATER constructed in the simplest and most efficient and durable manner. Complicated contrivances are utterly inadmissible to be entrusted to the ordinary carelessness and inattention with which these things are treated in separate households. Apparatus of costly construction will never receive the sanction of landlords, nor will temporary tenants incur the charge of expensive repairs, or devote regular attention to keep ball-cocks and similar appendages in working order. And in proportion as the rental of houses is less, these difficulties are increased. Landlords become more par- simonious, and tenants less interested and more neglectful In this point of view the advantages of constant and higk service are rendered more conspicuous than in its applica- tion to tenements of a superior class in which a higher rental enables the landlord to be liberal in the construction and appliances of the building, and the tenant shares his disposition to preserve their proper action in order to secure his own comfort and convenience. 399. If the rain-water be not collected for household cleansing purposes, it should at least be made as efficient as possible for scouring the house-drains. An apparatus for this purpose has been suggested by Mr. W. D. Guthrie, a gentleman who has paid much attention to the subject of town sewerage, and was one of the early advocates for the use of small tubes in substitution for the larger drains, constructed of brickwork, which were formerly prescribed by Commissioners of Sewers as the only form of channels which should be permitted access to their subterranean and gigantic sewers or extended cesspools. Mr. Guthrie pro- posed that the rain-water from the roof be conducted into a cistern, the lower part of which should be formed like an inverted cone, and fitted with a conical valve at the head of a pipe, discharging into the house-drain. This conical valve is to be attached to a vertical chain above it, and con- nected with the short end of a lever to the other arm of which a cord or chain is fixed, and by which the valve may be occasionally raised from its seat, and the water dis- EXTINCTION OF FIRES. 153 charged from the cistern into the drain-pipe with a force proportional to the quantity in the cistern. From the upper part of the cistern a waste pipe is to descend exter- nally and communicate with the drain pipe below the valve, so as to prevent the cistern overflowing, in case the water accumulates faster than it is discharged; the lower end of the waste-pipe being trapped, to prevent the effluvium in the drain-pipe passing into the cistern. 400. One of the most important of the occasional ser- vices for which a supply of water is required for application to buildings is, the extinction of accidental fires. For ex- tensive buildings, such as warehouses, factories, and work- rooms, tanks have been suggested, and, in some cases adopted, in which a considerable quantity may be con- stantly stored and ready for instant application for this purpose. This arrangement is, however, scarcely applicable for private buildings, and, where it is employed, the quan- tity commanded is of course limited, and can never be safely trusted to as affording an adequate supply for ex- tinguishing the fire. In this application of water, again, the system of constant service offers great advantages. Thus, if the mains are kept always filled, an adequate supply is at all times at hand in every direction, and the grievous losses and dangers incurred by delay in obtaining water on these occasions are avoided. 401. ‘The combination of high service with constant ser- vice in the supply of water also affords the means of in- stantly applying jets of water upon the fire until the fire or pumping-engines arrive. These jets are thus available as substitutes for the engines, and the experiments made to ascertain the height to which a jet of water will rise from the main and service-pipes under a fixed pressure, have shown considerable facility in applying jets for this purpose and a corresponding efficiency in their action. The prac- tical limitation to this mode of delivery appears to arise from the extent of supply required, the economy of the use of jets depending upon the amount of pressure that can be H 3 154 EXPERIMENTS WITH JETS obtained, and the small number of jets which will suffice for the extinction of the fire. The available power in this case is found to decrease in proportion to the extent to which it is employed, and the loss by friction in the leather hose reduces the delivery, and, consequently, the height or force of the jet, 24 per cent. for every 40 lineal feet of hose through which the water passes. The importance of the results of the experiments with jets here referred to will justify a brief account of them in this place. They were tried on the 31st of January, 1844, upon jets supplied from the mains and services belonging to the Southwark Water- Company, under a fixed pressure of 120 ft. The first experiment was made over an extent of 800 yards of 7 in. main, which were connected with 500 yards of 9 in., this length being joined to 200 yards of 12 in., continued by 550 yards of 15-inch main to the great main leading from the Company’s works at Battersea, the total distance from the works to the experiment being 5500 yards. The heights to which the water was thrown from 21 inch stand pipes, with 40 ft. of hose and a 4-inch jet, were as follows :— With 1 stand pipe the water rose 50 ft. ely * La 45 ,, ‘ae x - 40 ,, sty ae tes . 35 4, ina) + : 30°3. 6 ¥ ~, i bal When all the fire plugs on the main were closed, except the first and one 22-inch stand pipe, and 160 ft. of hose with a 74-inch jet applied, the water rose to a height of 40 ft. The quantity of water delivered from the same (7 in.) main through one stand pipe, and different lengths of hose, was as follows :— With 40 ft. of hose . : ° . 96 gallons in 59 seconds. bags tye be J! OS 1160 Ces JOT LOE Sag? » 40 ft. and 23-in. jet . 4 116 Mi QT EXPERIMENTS WITH JETS. 155 The second experiment was made with a 9-inch main 1400 yards in length, joined to a 15-inch main of 1000 yards in length, and at a distance of 6650 yards from the works. The stand pipes used were 23 in., the hose 40 ft. long, and the jet 4 inch, as before. With 1 stand pipe the water rose . : . 3 oO it a a 3 fy , . imperceptible difference. we 4 Pi Fy F Pasa : ahi 4st 66 o - : : : : - 40 ft. The quantity delivered with the same pipes, length of hose, and size of jet, being With 1 stand pipe . : ‘ . 114 gallons in 64 seconds. UO Pa ee . ; of LES ry 75 2 i MO TB, These experiments, with the two sizes of main-pipe, will indicate the rate at which the quantity is diminished by the friction of the water in smaller pipes, a result confirmed by another experiment made with the addition of 200 yards of 4-inch service and 200 yards of 5-inch pipe to the 9-inch main last referred to. ‘The hose, 40 ft long, and the jets Z inch, as before. | With 23-inch stand pipe fixed on the 4-inch service near the 5-inch pipe, the water rose . j ‘ ; ‘ ° : . 40 ft. With 2 do. do. aoc . : . ol ft. With 1 do. fixed at end of service, or 200 yards from 5-inch pipe, the water rose. ‘ : ‘ : : . 34 ft. With 2 do. do. do. . ° . 23 ft. The quantity delivered in each of these last four cases being respectively as follows :— 112 gallons in 82 seconds 117 . Harn, 112 # OU 3, B47 4s Advind Bx 402. In an interesting paper by Mr. James Braidwood, upon the means of applying water for the extinction of fires, read at the Institution of Civil Engineers, it is shown that elevated tanks for a reserve of water for this purpose should be adapted to contain 176 tons of water for each 156 USE OF JETS AT PRESTON fire-engine to be employed. This allows for six hours working of an engine having two cylinders of 7 in dia- meter with a stroke of 8 in., making 40 strokes each per minute, and fitted to throw 141 tons of water in six hours; and, allowing one fourth for waste, the supply required will be as stated, 176 tons. In the case of a large building, provision should be made for working ten engines for this period, and the quantity required will be 1760 tons, or 63,360 cubic feet of water. From this calculation, it will be evident that the dimensions of the tanks would be enormous. If steam engines can be commanded upon the premises to maintain the supply through the mains, the reserve may be reduced to a consumption for two hours, before the expiration of which time it may be expected that the engine could be got to work. ‘This provision is such as may be supposed requisite in dockyards and for large stacks of warehouses, manufactories, &¢ 403. In the town of Preston, the advantages of the con- stant and high service have led to the general use of jets and the comparative disuse of engines for the extinction of fires. For this purpose the hose is carried upon a reel, and should be fixed upon a light spring cart, by which the ladders may be also conveyed. The ladders are found to be invaluable appendages for the economical application of the hose without the engines, because the higher the water is carried upward in the hose, that is, the higher the nozzle of the hose is placed, the less is the resistance suffered from the atmosphere. If a jet forced by a pressure of 100 ft. attain a height of 50 ft. when delivered at the ground level, it will still attain an additional height of 20 or 25 ft., when the nozzle is carried up these 50 ft., and the discharge will. then take place at a total height of 70 or 75 ft. from the level of the ground And another advantage derived from carrying the hose as high as possible is, that of command- ing a more effective discharge of the water than can be obtained when the direction of the jet is conducted on the ground GRADUATION OF PIPES 157 404, The piping for the conveyance of water to buildings has to be graduated in capacity according to the quantity required, in the same way that the mains and service-pipes are proportioned to the extent of district and number of buildings they are intended to serve. In supplying towns with drainage water collected in high reservoirs, and thence conveyed by aqueducts to “ distributing basins,” Mr. Thom adopted a general system of piping, which is so arranged that the water shall always flow within them in one direc- tion, entering at the upper and passing to the lower end At the lower end of each range of piping a cleansing cock is provided, by opening which occasionally any improper accumulation within the pipe may be removed. ‘The pipes are kept constantly full. and laid at a minimum depth of 8 ft. below the surface of the pavement. In some cases, in order to provide very fine cold water to private houses, an iron cistern, to hold about 20 gallons, is sunk 8 or 10 ft below the bottom of the cellar, and supplied with water. through a small lead pipe entering it at the top, while the water is drawn off for use through another small pipe, inserted a few inches above the bottom of the cistern. It would appear, however, that the cleansing of cisterns thus situated must be a somewhat troublesome duty, and the means of regular access to a cistern so deeply sunk in the ground must involve a considerable additional expense in construction SECTION III. Varieties of Manufactures and best available Methods of Draining.— Arrangement of Separate and Collective Drains.—Proportion of Area of Drain to Cubic Contents of Dwelling-Houses.—Fall of Drains.—Mode of Construction. Connection with Main or Collateral Sewers.—Means of Access, &c., &c. 405. The several operations carried on within a building devoted to manufacturing purposes should afford the data 158 FOUR CONDITIONS IN CONSTIIUCTING DRAINS,— upon which to determine the extent of drainage required, but the most ready way of estimating the amount of refuse waters produced, will be reached by assuming this to equal the supply of water rendered to the building. The appli- cation of the same rule to domestic buildings or dwellings admits of a more exact calculation as to the capacity of drains required, but these must all alike be governed by the principle, that ample capacity for immediate discharge is to be sought, with due regard to the fact that all passages for the conveyance of liquid or semi-liqnid matters are efh- cient in proportion to the narrowness of the surface over which these matters are required to flow. ‘This is one of the most important results which recent inquiries have esta- blished. Sewers and drains were formerly devised with the single object of making them large enough, by which it was supposed that their full efficiency was secured. But sluggish- ness of action is now recognised as the certain consequence of excess of surface equally as of deficiency of declination. A small stream of liquid matter extended over a wide sur- face, and reduced in depth in proportion to this width, suffers retardation from this circumstance as well as from a want of declivity in the current. Hence a drain which is disproportionally large in comparison to the amount of drainage, becomes an inoperative apparatus, by reason of its undue dimensions; while, if the same amount of drain- age is concentrated within a more limited channel, a greater rapidity is produced, and every addition to the contents of the drain aids, by the full force of its gravity, in propelling the entire quantity forward to the point of discharge. 406. There are four conditions which are to be regarded as indispensable in the construction of all drains from all buildings whatsoever. These conditions are—First. That the entire length of drain is to be constructed and main- tained with sufficient declivity towards the discharge into the sewer to enable the average proportion and quantity of liquid and solid matters committed to it to maintain a con- stant and uninterrupted motion, so that stagnation shall never NEGLECT OF THEM. . 159 accur. Second. That the entire length of drain is to be constructed and maintained in a condition of complete imper- meability, so that no portion of the matters put into it shall accidentally escape from it. Third. That the head of the drain shall be so efticiently trapped that no gaseous or volatile properties or products can possibly arise from its contents. And, Fourth. That the lower extremity of the drain, or the point of its communication with the sewer, shall be so pro- perly, completely, and durably formed, that no interruption to the flow of the drainage or escape shall there take place, and that no facility shall be offered for the upward progress of the sewage in case the sewer becomes surcharged, and thus tends to produce such an effect. 407. These conditions appear so simple in their state- ment, that we are disposed to regard them as self-evident necessities, yet an acquaintance with the details of house- drainage as commonly regulated reveals the fact that they have been generally neglected, and that, at the best, the at- tention they have received has been most unwisely crippled by considerations of cheapness in first cost at the expense of permanent economy and usefulness. Thus we know that house drains are frequently laid with very imperfect fall, not sufficient indeed to propel the matters sent into them except with the aid of gushes of drainage-water ; that they are often composed of defective and carelessly-built brickwork with wide joints of sandy mortar; that the head of the drain is commonly untrapped; and that the entire formation is badly designed and defectively executed. We will endeavour to show the arrangements by which the effi- cient action of the separate drains of houses and other buildings is most likely to be secured 408. The utmost practicable declivity being obtained in the direction of the drain, the efficiency of its action will be further much controlled by the construction adopted and the kind of surface presented to the sewage Any roughness or irregularity in this surface will of course im- pede the passage of the sewage, and hence arises the neces- 160 BASEMENT-DRAINAGE sity for the greatest care in the construction, whatever the material and kind of formation. The first step in the arrangement is, to collect the whole of the drainage to one point—the head of the intended draining apparatus, and the determination of this point requires a due consider- ation of its relation to the other extremity of the drain at which the discharge into the sewer is to take place. In buildings of great extent this will sometimes involve a good deal of arrangement, and it will, perhaps, become de- sirable to divide the entire drainage into two or more points of delivery, and conduct it in so many separate drains to the receiving sewer. The length of each drain being thus reduced to a manageable extent, the necessary fall will be more readily commanded, and the efficiency of the system secured. 409. The cost of constructing these minor works, and also the main sewers with which they are connected, is so enormously aggravated by the depth to which they are fre- quently laid in order to accommodate the basements of buildings, that, for the sake of economy, basement-drainage should either be altogether abandoned or so modified that efficiency shall never be sacrificed in a vain attempt to re- concile the depth of’ the basement with the position of the sewer. In arranging the drainage of buildings, therefore, the head of the drains should be kept at the minimum depth which will suffice to sink the construction beneath the surface. We have already (353) expressed a conviction, that a thoroughly perfect and economical system of town- drainage must recognise this as a leading principle, and under this conviction we could not be satisfied to admit the difficulty now experienced to be one which should en- cumber our proceedings so as to involve comparative inef- ficiency in action and extravagant costliness in construction and repairs. 410. Although it is not within our province in this place to discuss the governmental measures which would be re- quired to authorise and direct such an adjustment of the MINIMUM DEPTH FOR DRAINS 161 details of private drainage as would be necessary to insure their conformity with the principle here advucated, we may be permitted to observe that this direction was, to a con- siderable extent, assumed and exercised by the old Com- mission of Sewers, who always declared their authority in prescribing the manner in which private drains should alone be allowed to communicate with the sewers under their jurisdiction. These prescriptions determined the rate of declivity, the relative levels, and the dimensions of the drains, and were enforced by the Commissioners’ exe- cution (by their contractors) of that portion of the work which joined with the sewers. The regulations enforced in the City of London (and which, from its independence of the new consolidated commission, are, it is supposed, still enforced) are based upon the following calculation, the stated principle being that “A house cannot be called effectually drained unless the water is taken away from the floor of its lowest story.” * Take the least height which a basement story ought to be 7 0 Thickness of a timber flooring on sleepers . . ° ° Pb Covering of the drain, say brick flat 0 23 Height of drain inside 0 9 Current of drain inside the premises, say, 1: in. to 10 ft for a pis 50 ft. deep. ; ; 3 ‘ : 6 Ceo Current outside the Pensa ¢ z. é. in Phen street . : ° <3e Gard Height of cross-drain above the bottom of main-drain, 4 least <2) aD 9 103 This would give (9 ft. 103 in., or) 10 ft., at the least, depth from the surface of the street to the bottom of a main drain (of 18 in. diameter), and this may be fairly assumed as the least depth at which a private house of the most ordinary description can be effectually drained; but this considers it only as for the drainage of one house. * It should be borne in mind that this principle becomes impracticable if the lowest story of any house should, at the free will and option of its owner, have another “lower deep” excavated below it, a practice which has been indulged in in the formation of some of the leviathan warehouses in the City. 162 MINIMUM DEPTH FOR DRAINS. “When a series of houses, situate in a public way, inhabited by some who will use, and some who will not use, a drain fairly, is to be drained, the question has to be looked at differently. “ For a retail shop, in which the basement story is often used as a ead warehouse, it cannot be unreasonable to say that the story shall not be Jess in height than ‘ ; , : . . So iG Flooring . ‘ , ° ° > 0 9 Covering of drain. : : 0 23 Height of drain . : : rs Current inside . ; ° ID Current outside . : ; ; ; : J 0 3 Height above bottom of common sewer . . ; . apy Mm 12 103 “As it may be said that a story of less height might do as a wareroom, and, in order to keep the calculation as low as it fairly can be kept, I would assume that the bottoni of a common sewer ought not in any part to be less than 12 ft. beneath the surface of the street.” * We have thus quoted these calculations at length, in order that we may be enabled to refer to the details as- sumed without fear of mistaking the meaning of the official provisions of the Commissioners. 411. By another of the regulations of the Commissioners of the City Sewers, affecting the details of the house drains, we find that since the year 1832 the Commissioners have required that their own tradesmen should be employed to make the whole of the drains up to the front of the build- ings, these drains, 15 in. in diameter, being charged at the rate of 5s. 6d. per lineal foot. And the reason alleged for this regulation was, that the Commissioners found great difficulty in getting individuals to make the drains sub- stantially. 412. The regulations inid down by the Commissioners of * Memorandum,” laid before the Court of Commissioners of Sewers for — the City of London, &c., by their late Surveyor. SEWER3-COMMISSIONERS’ RULES. 163 Sewers for Westminster for the construction of private drains were as follows :—‘‘ That no drains shall be laid into a public sewer, without a special leave for that purpose from the Commissioners. That when such leave shall be obtained, the opening into the sewer shall be made, and the drain built, for a length of 3 ft. from the sewer, aecord- ing to a plan and section approved by the Commissioners ; the whole to be done by a workman to be employed by the Commissioners, and paid by the party requiring the drain, at the prices undermentioned :—For cutting through the springing wall of a sewer, putting in a cemented brick ring, and soundly underpinning the wall round the same, the sum of 10s. 6d. for each opening. For building a length of 8 ft. 4 in. of 9-in. barrel drain, with proper York keel stone, sound stock bricks and blue lias lime mortar, the sum of 10s. 6d. for each such length of drain. For the same length of 12-in. barrel drain, 12s. 6d. The digging to be done at the expense of the party requiring the drain ; and notice to be given at the office of the Commissioners when the excavation shall have been made, in order that an officer may attend, and that a workman may be sent to do the required works. As a guide to persons about to build, it is recommended that the private drain of each house or other premises have a current not less than a quarter of an inch to each foot in length, making in the length of 60 ft. a fall of 15 in., to which, adding 13 in. for the height of the drain and brick arch over it, also 8 in. for the depth of ground and paving over the drain at the upper end, and 12 in. from the lower end of the drain to the bottom at the side of the sewer, will make, in the whole, 4 ft. from the bottom at the side of the sewer to the lowest pavement of the building, being the least height necessary to guard the premises from being flooded by water from the sewer.” 413. These notices of the regulations which were enacted and enforced by two of the old Commissions of Sewers are sufficient to show that the powers which may now be required for instituting an entire system of house-drainage 164 DEFICIENCY OF FALL,— under public authority, or that derived from a Commission under the Great Seal, would be no new entrenchment upon private rights. The following order of the Westminster Commission declares its power to deny the right of drain- ing into the.pabli¢ sewers if the depth of the building would require a rate’ of declivity less than then deemed necessary to insure the proper action of the drain :—‘‘ The Commissioners give noticé, that whenever the lower floors or pavements of buildings shall have been laid so low as not to admit of their being drained with a proper current, they will not allow any sewers, or drains into sewers, to be made.for the service of such buildings.” 414. The regulations we have quoted are, we submit, ficient to show also that the details thus prescribed were not calculated to contribute to a system of efficient house- drainage, being inadequate, in some of the several indis- pensable conditions before stated (406). 415. Thus for cylindrical drains of 9 in. in diameter, a construction composed of the ordinary rectangular bricks, with mortar joints, is essentially unsuitable and imperfect, being unavoidably permeable to a considerable extent; the irregularities which occur at every joint, moreoyer, impair most seriously the effectiveness of the declivity which, if only 1 in. in 10 ft., or 1 in 120, as allowed in the City of London, is, even if fully preserved, inadequate for the pur- pose. ‘The Westminster allowance of a quarter of an inch in each foot, or 1 in 48, is barely sufficient to make the rapid passage of the sewage a matter of certainty. And drains are much more likely to act efficiently if laid with a fall of 1 in 20 or 80. These regulations illustrate the two alternatives to which the present system reduces the prac- tice and the utility of house-drains. In the one division we have an utterly inefficient declivity of 1 in 120, coupled with a minimum depth of 12 ft. from the bottom of the common sewer; while, in the other division, the Commis- sioners, with an arbitrary kind of wisdom, decline to at- tempt the task of draining any premises with basements AND CONSEQUENT STAGNATION. 165 “laid so low as not to admit of their being drained with a proper current.” The “propriety” of the current would, however, be considerably enhanced by still increasing the fall of 1 in 48, which they adopted 416. The common occupation of the Jasna “yt stories of houses as kitchens and water-closey 6 desirable to depress the drains a receive the refuse matters below § ments; but as this object involves|pne or both ofthe ENN we have pointed out, viz. deficient Yechvity and ‘consequeps \\ stagnation in the drains, and a ge} geal syaients ‘tg and difficulty 2 are created in constructidS pairs, the purpose of basement-draining Shx and considered by the commissioners, but no definite course of action was adopted in reference to any of them. ‘Two commissioners, acting as an agricultural committee, Professor Way and Mr. J. B. Lawes. lave made many interesting experiments on fields near Rugby, by com- paring the crops produced with and without the aid of sewage manure, Oxen were fed with grass grown on sewaged and on unsewaged land, and the fattening qualities of the two kinds were compared. This Sewage Commission was appointed before there was a Metro- -politan Board: of Works, entrusted with the general drainage of the metropolis, Now, however, when there is such a board, the question is practically taken out of the hands of the commission, so far as London is concerned, seeing that it rests with the board to decide whether the sewage shall flow into the Thames, or wheiher the contents of the great reservoirs at Barking and Crossness shall be applied as manure. Never- theless, the commission may still render service by encouraging plans that may be useful in other large towns. The Report of the Metropolitan Board of Works, submitted at a meeting of the board held August 7th, 1863, emanated especially from the Main Drainage Committee, and related to tenders received from various persons for the sewage of the metropolis. Twelve parties had responded to an advertisement put for:ih by the committee, and the following, expressed in a condensed form, will suffice to show the nature of the tenders :— ’ 1. Dr. Thudichum proposed by a mechanical arrangement so to sepa- rate the house-drainage as to retain that which he considered most valuable ; and he gave a sketch of his closet and drains, and tables of analysis of the constituents of fluid sewage. He estimated the cost of the works for carrying out his process at 1,500,000/. Out of the net profit he proposed that he should receive a per- centage, and that one half of the balance should be paid to the board, and one half to the shareholders of a company formed for carrying out the system. 2. Mr. Curwood was not in a position to offer a tender, but suggested the separation of the solid and liquid sewage. 3. Lord Torrington, Sir Charles Fox, and Mr, Hunt, while expressing their willingness to discuss a particular plan of theirs with the Main Drainage Committee, and to enter into a provisional arrange- ment for presenting a Bill in Parliament during the ensuing 30 APPENDIX No. 6. Nie session, regretted their inability to comply with the conditions of the advertisement, on the ground of the impolicy of publicly declaring the land with which they proposed to deal. 4, The London Sewage Utilisation Company (Limited) proposed that the board should grant them the sewage they might require at Barking Creek for two years, at.a rent of £5; that, if the expe-. riment succeeded, the board should then grant a further term of twenty-one years at the same rent; and that, at the end of such - further term, the rent for a lengthened period should be referred for decision either. to:the Board of Trade or to the President of the Institute of Civil Engineers, 5. Mr. Moore proposed that the board should grant the sewage for a term. of ninety years; that for fourteen years of this period the rent should be merely pepper-corn; and that for the remainder of the term, after deducting 10 per cent. on the capital invested, the rent should be one half of the profits. In a subsequent tender, made in July, 1863, Mr. Moore offered one farthing per ton for all the sewage raised by the board to a height of 200 ft.; at 80,000,000 gallons per day, this would amount, to 136,000/, per annum, Mr. Moore stated that he had already engagements with the occupiers of nearly 60,000 acres for the use of the sewage. This plan of raising the sewage to so great a-height seems to indi- cate some arrangement for allowing the liquid to flow Go easy gradients to fields at a considerable distance. 6. Mr. Shepherd, as a first communication, asked for a concession of the whole of the sewage of London for fifty years. He proposed establish a company to work the plan; and_that, after this company liad reached 74 per cent. on the invested capital, he should share the surplus profits with the board. In a second communication, Mr. Shepherd stipulated more completely than before for an unlimited command over the whole of the sewage. 4. Mr. Kirkman’s proposal embodied the use of a patent, of which he _is proprietor, for obtaining manure from sewage by filtration and deposit ; the water after such treatment to be discharged into the river. He proposed to erect works for this purpose at Barking, on condition that the board convey to him the necessary land adjoining the reservoir, deliver the sewage to him from the main outfall sewer into ‘his works, grant him the use of their river frontage and wharves for the term of seven years at a pepper-corn, seven years at a rent of one-fifth the net profits, after deducting 5 per cent. on the capital, and for any further time at a rental to be settled by the Secretary of State. Mr. Kirkman stated that he ~ was prepared to guarantee a minimum rent of 10,0002. per annum —that he could name two or more securities for the due perform- PROJECTS FOR UTILISING. SEWAGE. 231 ance of the contract, and that he would agree to the surrender of the works on two years’ notice, subject to the repayment of the capital invested, and of a premium of 25 per cent. thereon, toge- ther with a royalty of 1/. per cent. for the use of his patent. 8. Mr. Ellis proposed to pump the sewage from the reservoirs at Barking and Crossness into certain covered tanks, and then to cause it to flow by gravitation through pipes laid along the sides of the roads adjoining the land to be irrigated. On behalf of a joint-stock company to be formed, Mr. Ellis undertook to provide and use deodorising agents. The net profits, after deducting working expenses and reserve fund, to be divided equally between the company and the board. The concession of the sewage to be in perpetuity, subject to the board’s power of purchasing after fifty years, on giving three years’ notice—the price to be fixed by valuers jointly chosen. Certain capitalists were prepared to back Mr. Ellis to the extent of 60,0002. 9. Messrs. Napier and Hope proposed to intercept the whole of the ordinary flow of the northern sewage near Abbey Mills, and to convey it by a culvert 44 miles in leigth to Maplin Sands on the one hand, and to Dengie Flats on the other. Both those areas are at present submerged at high water, and their redemption is part of the project, extending to 15,000 or 20,000 acres. The capital proposed to be invested was 2,000,000/.; the concession of the sewage to be for fifty years, subject to parliamentary authority being obtained, and to a grant of the land from the crown. The net profits to be divided equally between the company and the board, after deduction of 10 per cent. on the outlay. The board to have the power of resuming the grant of sewage, and taking the whole of the lands and works at a valuation, at the end of the term of fifty years, on giving seven years’ notice; or a new con- cession to be granted in terms settled by the Secretary of State. The board to be represented -by two directors appointed to the company. The company to be formed within two years after obtaining parliamentary powers. ‘The company, within three months of its formation, to place in the hands of trustees a certain sum of money as security for the due fulfilment of the works, The other three responses to the advertisement of the board did not take the form of tenders. It will suffice to show the difficulties which surround this subject to say that the committee did not feel justified in recommending any of the plans, and that it was resolved by the board that the committee’s report, together with all the tenders, supplementary documents, and correspondence, should be printed, and copies sent to all the metropolitan vestries and district bodrds. From this it is pretty evident, that so far from any defined arrangement being made, the end 232 APPENDIX NO. 7. of the year 1863 witnessed merely the commencement of another series of plans, discussions, and controversies on this much-troubled sewage question. To detail the proceedings of 1864 would be little more than going again over the same ground; the controversies and proposals were numerous, but nothing definite resulted from them. In 1865, however, the Maplin Sand reclamation scheme is brought forward in a definite way, in connection with a system of sewage utilisation, ‘ APPENDIX No. 7. Water Suprpty or Lonpon, unper THE Act oF 1852, In addition to the information given in the text (p. 99), it may be desirable to present here a few facts concerning the supply of water to the metropolis, especially under the influence of the important statute passed in 1852. or the reason stated in the Preface, we may refer to Mr. Hughes’ Rudimentary Treatise, for a fuller treatment of water supply generally. In 1856 a valuable Report was presented to the General Board of Health, by the Superintending Inspectors of that Board (Messrs. Henry Austin, William Ranger, and Alfred Dickens), on the subject of the Water Supply of London. The Water companies having been required, by the terms of the Act of 1852, to make very extensive alterations and improvements in their works, it became desirable to ascertain how far the alterations had advanced. The inspector, therefore, made an exact comparison between the state of matters in 1850 and in 1856, before and after the Act of 1852 came into operation. The Act required that by August 31, 1855, no water should be taken by any of the companies (with one exception) from any part of the Thames below Teddington Lock ; that all reservoirs within 5 miles of St. Paul’s should be roofed in, unless the water is filtered after leaving the reservoir; that all the conduits or water channels within the metropolis should be Covered, unless the water were filtered after leaving such channel. It may be useful to present here a few leading facts concerning the ten companies which supply the metropolis with water. In 1850, there were 270,581 houses supplied with about 44,000,000 gallons of water daily, by nine companies; whereas in 1856 there were 328,561 houses supplied with 81,000,000 gallons per day, by ten com- panies: exhibiting a rise from 164 to 246 gallons per house per day. The main and branch pipes, irrespective of the private service pipes, were 2,086 miles in length, in 1856. There were 40 acres of filter beds, and 141 acres of subsiding reservoirs. ‘The filtered water was stored in fourteen covered reservoirs, comprising an area of 15 acres, and in four WATER SUPPLY OF LONDON. Zoo uncovered reservoirs, of about 3 acres, beyond the specified distance of 5 miles from St. Paul’s. The cost of the several water-works, down to the enactment of the statute in 1852, was about 5,000,0007.; and a further sum of 2,300,000/. was spent between 1852 and 1856; to which an additional large sum has been added between 1856 and 1865. The following are a few facts relating to each of the companies, indi- vidually, in 1856. New River.—Sources of supply, New River, River Lea, and chalk springs. Number of houses supplied, 95,083. Gross quantity supplied per day, 25,000,000 gallons. Aggregate nominal steam-power for work- ing the pumping and other engines, 1,442 horses. Length of mains and branches, about 450 miles, Area of subsiding reservoirs, 66 acres, Area of filter beds, 9 acres. Area of covered reservoirs for filtered water, 3¢ acres. Total cost of works, about 2,000,0007. Hast London.—Source of supply, the River Lea. Number of houses supplied, 70,000. Gross quantity supplied per day, 16,000,000 gallons. Aggregate nominal steam-power, 840 horses. Length of mains and branches, 331 miles. Area of filter beds, 12 acres. Area of covered reservoirs for filtered water, 24 acres. Total cost of works, 1,000,007. Southwark and Vaurhall—Source of supply, the River Thames, at Hampton. Number of houses supplied, 41,529. Gross quantity sup- plied per day, 10,330,000 gallons. Aggregate nominal steam-power, 1,065 horses. Length of mains and branches, 432 miles. Area of sub- siding reservoirs, 8 acres. Area of filter beds, 43 acres. Total cost of works, 650,0007. Lambeth.—Source of supply, the River Thames, at Thames Ditton, Number of houses supplied, 28,541. Gross quantity supplied per day, 6,110,000 gallons. Aggregate nominal steam-power, 680 horses. Length of mains and branches, 206 miles. Area of filter beds, three-quarters of anacre. Area of open reservoirs for filtered water, 12 acre. Area of covered reservoirs for filtered water, 3 acres. Total cost of works, 610,0007, West Middlesex.—Source of supply, the Thames, at Hampton. Number of houses supplied, 25,752. Gross quantity supplied per day, 6,900,000 gallons. Aggregate nominal steam-power, 480 horses. Length of mains and branches, 1783 miles. Area of subsiding reservoirs, 16 acres, Area of filter beds, 453 acres. Area of covered reservoirs for filtered water, lz acre. Total cost of works, 800,000/. Chelsea.—Source of supply, the Thames, at Seething Wells. Number of houses supplied, 25,030. Gross quantity supplied per day, 5,300,000 gallons. Aggregate nominal steam-power, 700 horses, Length oa mains and branches, 198 miles. Area of subsiding reservoirs, 3} acres, Area of filter beds, 2 acres. Area of covered reservoirs for filtered water, 24 acres. Total cost of works, 930,000/, 234 _ APPENDIX: NO. V0 7 Grand Junction.—Source of supply, the Thames, at Hampton. Number of houses supplied, 17,221. Gross quantity supplied per day, 6,700j000;* Aggregate nominal steam-power, 1,440 horses. Length of mains, and branches, 117 miles, Area of subsiding reservoirs, 7} acres, Area of filter beds, 54 acres. Arca of covered reservoirs for filtered water, a little over l acre. Total cost of works, 730,0007. Kent.—Source of supply, the River Ravensbourne. Number of houses , supped, 16,077. Gross quantity supplied per day, 3,500,000 gallons. Average nominal steam-power, 500 horses. Length of mains and branches, 124 miles. Area of subsiding reservoirs, 52 acres. Area of fiiter beds, 23 acres. Area of open reservoirs for filtered water, 14 acre. ‘total cost of wh 230,0002. Hampstead.—Sources of supply, the Hampstead and Highgate Ponds, and an artesian well at Hampstead. Number of houses supplied, 6,248. Gross quantity snpalict per day, 600,000 gallons. Aggregate nominal steam-power, 72 horses. Length of main and branches, 33 miles. Area of subsiding reservoirs, 35 acres. Area of filter beds, one-seventh of an acre. Total cost of works, 120,000. Plumstead and Woolwich.—Source of supply, an artesian well in the chalk. Number of houses supplied, about 3,000. Gross quantity supplied per day, 550,000 gallons, Aggregate nominal steam-power, 35 horses. Length of main and branches, 16 miles. Area of subsiding reservoirs, one-fifth of an acre. Area of covered reservoirs for filtered water, one-third of an acre. Total cost of works, 50,0002. Some of the above-named companies were in 1856 without subsiding reservoirs, some without open reservoirs, and some without closed reser- voirs ; but very extensive additional works have been constructed between 1856 and 1865. Taking them one with another, the companies have spent about 20/. in works for each house supplied with water; and the interest on this amount, together with the annual working expenses, are considered in determining the annual water-rate charged upon each house. At the Woolwich and Charlton works, established so recently as 1854, the water is softened by Dr. Clark’s process, in which the chalk is ren- dered soluble; and the result, as stated by the inspectors to the Board of Health, is beneficial in regard to health, comfort, and economy. The inspectors made the following remarks on one still-existing source of impurity in the water supplied, notwithstanding the use of filter-beds | and covered reservoirs :—‘ The only remaining serious cause of conta- mination will be the cisterns, water-butts, and other means for storing the supplies now furnished. by the companies. Although considerable improvement has already taken place in the distribution, and the water formerly supplied only on alternate days is now for the most part given ; daily, except on see de to every part of each company’s district, its at: WATER SUPPLY OF LONDON. 235. storage even from day to day im the private butts and cisterns of most houses, and especially im those ot tHe poorer class, to a yrear extent destroys the advantages that ~o much pains have been taken to secure. The only complete remedy for this serious defect will be the constant supply—that is to say, a supply obtained at all times by direct commu- nication of the house-service pipes with the constantly-charged mains of the companies, thus avoiding the necessity for any means of storage whatever on the private premises, The constant supply would be the means of rectifying also another serious defect to which the public is not unfrequently liable in the present system—viz. the irregularities of ‘supply. Notwithstanding that the companies have abundant means of furnishing any quantity of water that can be legitimately used through- out their districts, loud complaints are too often heard of a want of water in certain localities. The deficiency would appear to arise not from actual lack of water, but from some irregularity from time to time in ‘districting’ the service, which the constant supply would obviate. We would allude aiso to the great advantage of constantly-charged mains in case of fire as no small consideration.” | The charge for water-rate by eight out of the ten companies (omitting the Kent and the Woolwich) for the year 1856, as given in one of the parliamentary papers, was as follows :— ' meweniver «6s -. £156,367 Meeeondon . 4. . °. . ’.85;286 West Middlesex. . . - ~ 12,165 Grand Junction ... . 952,590 er ge ee te OTL Southwark and Vauxhall. . 41,914 eee et en oe e645 Hampstead . .. +. . 10,580 Taking an average of the whole, this gives a gross payment, by house- keepers and manufacturers, of about Is. for 2,800 gallons of water, of, 233 gallons for ld. We have no concern here with the controversy respecting the Trafalgar Square Fountains as matters of taste or art; but as they are connected in a small degree with thé supply of the metropolis with water, a para- graph concerning them may not be out of place. The wells which supply the fountains also supply some of the government offices, In 1843 Messrs. Easton & Amos were employed to sink wells for this purpose to the level of the springs beneath the London clay. The fountains were not intended to be merely ornamental—they were to form cooling-ponds to condense the steam of the pumping-engines, the resistance of the air to the ascending jets producing a cooling action. The Government were encouraged to undertake this work by the ascertained fact that the 236 APPENDIX NO. 7. interest on the cost of the new works would be less than the water-rate paid by or for the government offices about the neighbourhood of White- hall. The works were commenced on a piece of ground in Orange Street, behind the National Gallery. A well was sunk to the depth of 174 ft. A cast-iron pipe, 15 in. diameter, was then driven through 30 ft. of plastic clay, and 10 ft. into a stratum of gravel, sand, and stones. Within this another pipe of 7 in. diameter was driven through 35 ft. of green-coloured sand, and 3 ft. into the chalk. Boring was then continued to a depth of 300 ft. from the surface. The chief supply of water thence obtained came from the chalk. A second well was then sunk in the enclosure in front of the National Gallery, to a depth of 168 ft., and a pipe and a boring continued nearly as in the former instance, but toa depth of 383 ft. The springs were found to be stronger than those in the well in Orange Street. A tunnel, 6 ft. diameter, and about 400 ft. long, was driven to connect the two wells, at a depth of 125 ft. below Trinity high- water mark. Tle works were finished in December 1844, at a cost of 8,4007. The water rose to within 90 ft. of the surface, and was found to be of good quality. When the engine was pumping 110 gallons per minute, it lowered the water only 4 ft. in the well. In 1846, a further demand for water having arisen, a larger pump was substituted, capable of raising 350 gallons per minute. In 1849, another well was sunk in Orange Street, to a depth of 176 it., and a tunnel was made to connect it with the others. The steam-engine works one double-acting pump for supplying the fountains, and two others for raising water from the springs into the tanks above the building. The pumping of 600 gallons per minute lowers the water 20 or 24 ft.; but then the level remains permanent, however long the pumping may be continued. In the beginning of 1859 the level of the water in the wells was found to be nearly as it had been throughout. In a paper by Mr. P. W. Barlow, read before the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1855, the water-bearing strata of the London basin were described, with a view of showing how abundant is the supply of water available, if proper means were adopted for utilising it. ‘This basin, defined by a boundary running through or near Folkestone, Hythe, Ashford, West Farleigh, Sevenoaks, Reigate, Godalming, Pewsey, . Devizes, Swindon, Wantage, Tetworth, and Cambridge, covers an area of 8,000 square miles; and the water-bearing strata beneath this area comprise the London clay, the chalk, the upper greensand, and the lower greensand. The superficial area through which rain infiltrates west of London, and from which the supply for the artesian wells of London is obtained, is about 24 square miles, About 200 square miles. of area eastward of London, where the lower beds of clay are arenaceous and permeable, but where the upper or impervious beds are wanting, add very little to the supply of the ordinary London basin. Of the: WATER SUPPLY OF LONDON. i Doe _ 3,800 square miles of chalk strata exposed to tho surface, it is considered ' that this constitutes the great water-bearing stratum ; and that, in parts where the chalk is 60 ft. or 80 ft. below the surface, there may be several supplies of water, irrespective of each other, at different depths, and applicable to different purposes. The district south-east of London was stated by Mr. Barlow to be peculiarly adapted for affording a water . supply. Scarcely any of the springs in that part of Kent reappear in the form of surface springs; they mostly empty themselves into the ‘Thames at low water, from fissures in the bed or banks. By inter- cepting these springs in their course towards the Thames, a copious _ supply of water might be obtained from the chalk. Itwas estimated that the drainage area of the water thus wasted is 190 square miles, west of the Medway, which might yield a daily supply of 60,000,000 gallons ; and that 320 square miles, east of the Medway, might yield 100,000,000 gallons per day. Mr, Prestwich, from gn investigation of the greensand, had arrived at @ conclusion that those strata might be made to yield 40,000,000 gallons per day, which would probably rise to a height of 120 ft. above the surface; and he had suggested how desirable it would be, imitating the example furnished by the artesian well at Grenelle, if a similar experiment were tried in some spot of the London basin where the lower infiltrating springs would be intersected. Mr. Barlow quoted these speculations of Mr. Prestwich, and adduced his own experience as engineer of the South-Eastern and North Kent railways, to support the view that the metropolis ought not to be left mainly dependent on the Thames for its supply of water, seeing that that river is becoming more and more deficient, and that the strata of the London basin comprise so ufany beds that are water-bearing. A lengthened discussion took place aiter the reading of Mr. Barlow’s paper, during which many engineers adverted to the uncertainties which have marked the sinking of deep wells near London. in this matter. But the future will have to settle the question. It is supposed that more than 50,000,000 gallons of water per day are at the present time (1865) taken out of the Thames near Hampton and Thames Ditton, in aid of the London supply; and it has still to be ascertained what effect that large draught will have on the general condition of the river.. Hence such inquiries as those instituted by Mr. Prestwich and Mr. Barlow, and mentioned in the last paragraph, are important. We may notice, too, a project which bears relation to the chalk strata near Grays, in Essex, opposite Northfleet. In excavating the chalk for ship- ment, 2,000,000 gallons of water per day require to be pumped away into the river; and it has been proposed to utilise this water for the supply of towns, instead of thus allowing it to run to waste. Purfleet, Rainham, Bréntwood, Dagenham, Ilford, Romford, Barking, East Ham, and other towns between Grays and London, might (it is conceived) be thus supplied. Messrs. Haston and Amos have estimated that, if 220,000. were expended in the necessary works, a supply of 2,000,000 gallons every twelve hours might be obtained; 4,000,000 gallons by an expenditure of 268,000/.; and 6,000,000 gallons by an expenditure of 475,0002, APPENDIX No. 8. Tus Great Waterworks rrom Locu Katrine To.Guascow. Without going into the subject of the water supply of our great towns generally, as developed between the years 1854 and 1865, we deem it desirable to notice those for the supply of Glasgow, unparalleled as they are in this country for engineering grandeur and public success, The works were commenced in 1856, after lengthened inquiries in the — preceding years. The ‘old supply from the Clyde at Dumbarton had ~ become quite inadequate. A plan had been proposed for bringing water — from Loch Lubnaig, but had fallen to the ground, Loch Katrine was then named; and after a very favourable report from two distinguished engineers, since deceased, Mr. Brunel and Mr. Robert Stephenson, the corporation commenced that magnificent work which has become an — honour to the city and to the engineer. The water comes from the — mountain-lakes on the borders of Stirlingshire and Perthshire. The sources of supply are Loch Katrine, 8 or 9 miles long, with an area of 3,000 acres; Loch Vennachar, 4 miles long, with an area of 900 acres; — and Loch Drumkie, with an area of about 150 acres. The three lakes Would, if quite full, contain 1,600,000,000.cubic feet of water. Tho - $i GLASGOW “WATER SUPPLY. 239 ‘basins which find their drainage into these lakes cover an area of 45,809 ‘acres, and have an average rain-fall of about 80 in. per annum. The works at Loch Katrine are so managed that all the water for 4 ft. above the ordinary summer level, and 3°ft. below it, can be treated as a reservoir or store, with proper channels for drawing it off; this store is equal to 50,000,000 gallons per day for 120 days without rain. The water from Lochs Vennachar and Drumkie is chiefly appropriated to the supply of mill-owners, fishermen, and others interested in certain rivers ; the supply for Glasgow being mainly obtained from Loch Katrine. At the outlets provision is made for the discharge of floods as well as for the daily regulated supply, and: for securing the “passage of salmon and other fish by properly. constructed ‘“salmon-ladders.” Loch Katrine being 360 ft. above thé rivér level at Glasgow, there is scope for a gentle descent the whole way, and still leaving a pressure of 70 ft. or 80 ft. above the highest summit of land within the city. The whole length of aqueduct from Loch Katrine to Glasgow is about 34 miles, 10 or 11 of which consist of ridges of very hard rock, forming spurs of Ben Lomond. Through these ridges, in a tolerably straight line, the aqueduct is carried, principally by tunnelling. The tunnels are 8 ft. in diameter, and have a fall of 10 in. to the mile. Across several deep and wide valleys the water is conveyed by cast-iron pipes, 4 ft. in diameter, with a fall of 5 ft. _per mile. The average inclination of the whole is 2 ft. per mile. Near Mugdock Castle, about 8 miles from Glasgow, a reservoir has been con- structed, 70 acres in extent, and capable of containing 500,000,000 gallons. From this reservoir, the top-water of which is 311 ft, above the sea, the water flows to the city through two lines of cast-iron pipes, 8 ft. in diameter. Of the 26 miles which lie between Loch Katrine and the reservoir, 13 miles are tunnelling, 33 miles iron piping, while the remainder, where the ground has been cut open, is an arched aqueduct, 8 ft. in diameter, with the same angle of descent as the tunnels: Where the ground has been thus excavated, it has ‘been filled in again over the aqueduct, which is covered ae and hina: be gas restored to its original condition. It will at once be seen from this’ description that, many of the works must be very heavy. There aré 70 distinct tunnels, upon which 44 vertical shafts haye been sunk. ‘The greatest tunnel, a mile and a half long, just out of Loch Katrine, is worked through the hardest gneiss and mica slate; and five out of the twelve shafts sunk for: working : it are 500 feet deep. The tunnel just before entering the great reservoir is also a mile and a half long, and is worked in whinstone.. In some places, where the mica slate’ is largely mixed with quartz veins, the rock is so obdurate that the progress did not exceed 3 linear yards in a month, although the work was carried cn day and night. In tunnelling the mica slate, the progress was generally 5 yards‘per month, In drilling 240 APPENDIX NO. 8. the holes for blasting the rock, a fresh drill or chisel was required for’ every inch in depth; and 60 drills were constantly kept working at once. There are twenty-five important iron and masonry aqueducts over rivers and ravines, some 60 or 80 ft. in height, with arches of 30 to 90 ft. span. It was known when the plans were first laid that the hard rock was likely to be free from water, and that, therefore, the working, though slow, would not be retarded by harassing inbreaks of springs. No water occurred in any of the tunnels or workings in mica slate or clay slate. When the works emerged from the slate rocks and entered the old red sandstone, tunnelling was avoided as much as possible; but even in this formation water was met with in much less quantity than had been anticipated. The works were inaugurated by the Queen on the 14th of October, 1859, when her Majesty and the royal family were en route from Balmoral to Windsor. The royal party drove from Holyrood to the Loch, embarked on asmall steamer, and went to the mouth of the tunnel by which the water finds its exit, and which was, of course, gaily decked out for the occasion. The ceremony was avery simple one, The Queen turned a small tap, which set in motion a 4-horse hydraulic engine at the mouth of the tunnel, and this raised the great iron shutters which permitted the water to enter the tunnel on its journey of 34 miles to Glasgow. In a few graceful words before leaving, her Majesty said :—* It is with much gratification that I avail myself of this opportunity of inaugurating a work which, both in its conception and its execution, reflects so much eredit upon its promoters, and is calculated to improve the health and comfort of the vast population which is rapidly increasing round the great centre of manufacturing industry in Scotland. Such a work is worthy of the spirit of enterprise and the philanthropy of Glasgow, and Z trust that it will be blessed with complete success.” With a wise foresight, the corporation provided for a much larger enpply than is at present needed, They obtained powers to draw 50,000,000 gallons per day from the lakes, and constructed all the works” necessary thereto; but their present actual requirements very little exceed i 20,000,000 gallons. Mr. Bateman, the engineer, in a letter to the Builder, in 1862, draws attention to the wonderful advantages which have followed the introduction of such a copious supply of pure soft water :—‘‘ The saving to the inhabitants in soap, and other articles of private and trading consumption, is estimated at about 40,000/. per annum, equal to a free gift to the city of 1,000,0007., being a sum greater than the cost of the whole works. The saving of soap alone in trading establishments, such as bleach and print works, is from one-half to five- eighths of the quantity which was previously used. ‘These facts cannot be too strongly impressed on the minds of the public, as they show the importance and economy of soft water supplies, INDEX. Access to sewers, 152. - Accounts of Commissioners, 53. Acts (1848 and 1849), Sewers, 46. io plan for the utilisation of sewage, 8 Ainger’s plan for utilising sewage, 28. Ammonia, its value in sewage, 15; to prevent the escape of, from sewage, 16. Analyses of manures, 4. Appendices :—No. 1. Steam draining- plough, 182; No. 2. Mr. Stephenson's Report on plan for draining London north of the Thames, 190; No. 3. Main drainage of London, proceedings from 1854 to 1865, 194; No. 4. Embankment of the Thames, 205; No. 5. Extracts from the report of Mr. Wicksteed on the utilisation of sewage, 214; No. 6. Projects for utilising sewage (1854 to 1865), 225; No. 7. Water supply -of London, and effect of the Act of 1852 on the, 232; No. 8. Waterworks from Loch Katrine to Glasgow, 238. Application of sewage water to Edinburgh poendaley 25 ; to Craigintinny meadows, T. : Aqueduct, Croton, 137. Ashburton, application of sewage at, 28. Ashton-under-Lyne, supply of water, 79. Austin’s report on the utilisation of sew- age, 225. Barking reservoir, described, 199. Barlow on the water-bearing strata of the London basin, 236. Basement drainage, 160. Bath, supply of water, 85. Bazalgette and Hemans’ plan for em- banking the Thames, 212. Bazalgette’s report, 55. Beadon’s plan for utilising sewage, 228. erro plan for embanking the Thames, 11. Bill, “‘ Great London Drainage,” 71. Bilston, supply of water, 85. Bee plan for embanking the Thames, 1 ° Birmingham sewers, 111. Bishopsgate Street sewer, 38. Board of Health v. Commissioners of Sewers, 69. Bones for manure, 4. Boussingault’s experiments on sewage, 4. Brecon sewers, 112. Bristol sewers, 112. Buildings, classification of, 144. Bunnett’s water-closets, 178. Capacity of reservoirs, 91; sewers, 115. Cast-iron water-pipes, 138; joints of, 139 ; size of, 134, 140; weight of, 140. Cesspools, 171; cleansing, 17. Cesspools, apparatus for emptying, de- scribed, 176. Chatham, supply of water, 87. Chelsea Waterworks Company, facts re- lating to the, 233; charge of, for water- rate, 235. Chester sewers, 111, 127. Chorlton-on-Medlock, supply of water, 79. Cistern, Hosmer’s, 177. City of London sewers, 37. : Classification of buildings, 144; of sites of towns, 7. Cleansing cesspools, 17 ; house-drains, 169; sewers, 133; streets and roads, 99, 135. Clitheroe, application of sewage as ma- nure at, 27. Collection of manure, 5. Commissioners’ accounts, 53; invitation for “ plans,” 50. . Commissioners of Sewers v. Board of Health, 69. Computation of Farey on the performance of Taylor’s pumping-engine, 141. Concentration, extravagance of, 22. Conditions in constructing drains, 158. Connections of sewers, 131. Consideration of sites of towns, 6. Constant service of water, 95, 149. Construction of sewers, 130. Consulting engineers’ report on drainage south of Thames, 65. Contents of sewers, 15. Conveyance of water, 136. Cost of manuring, 26; pumping, 141, 242 Covered drains, 101. Craigintinny meadows, sewage to, 27. Cresy’s estimate of value of sewage, 18,19. Crops, rotation of, 4. Crossness reservoir, 101; capacity of, 202; cost of, 202; culverts of, 202; filth chamber, 202; strainers, 202. Croton Aqueduct, 137. Croydon, supply of water, 88. Cubitt’s estimate for London sewerage, 68; report on drainage south of Thames, 65. application of Dartford, supply of water, 88. Defects of house-tanks, 96. Defects of London drainage, 12. Deficiency of fall, 95, 164. Deptford pumping-station, 201. Depth for drains, 161; of sewers, 120, Dimensions of sewers, 109. Disposal of refuse matters. 3. Distribution of refuse matters, 5. District boards of works, powers of, 194. Ditches, evils of open, 101. Division IIf.—Drainage of Towns and Streets:—Sec. I. Classification of towns, &c.,1. Sec. II. Supply of water, &c., 72. Sec. III. Drainage of streets, &c., 99. Sec. LV. Main sewers, &c., 106. Sec. V. Conveyance of water, &c., 136. Division liI.—Drainage of Buildings :— Sec. I. Classification of buildings, 144. Sec. II. Water service, 148. Sec. III. House-drains, &c.,157. Sec. 1V. Water closets, &c., 170. Dover’s plan for utilising sewage, 229. Drainage (Main) of London, an account of, 1854 to 1865, 194; conflict between the Board of Works and Public Build- ings and the Metropolitan Board of Works, 195; constitution and powers of the Metropolitan Board of Works, 194; system adopted, 196; area to be drained, 196. Northern System: northern high- level, 197; northern middle-level, 197; Old Ford storm overflow, 197; northern low-level, 198; northern outfall, 199; Barking reservoir, 199; western drain- age, 200. Southern system: southern high-level, 200; southern low-level, 201; Deptford pumping-station, 201; southern outfall, 201; Crossness reservoir, 201. Inspection of the works, 202; cost of, 203; circumstances increasing the cost of, 203; materials absorbed by the works, 204; difficulties from the inter- Alin of railways with the system, 04. Drainage of basements, 160; of London, 10; of London south of the Thames, 58. Drainage not determined by rivers, 6. Draining plough, Fowler’s steam, 182. Drains, conditions in constructing, 158 ; covered, 101; deficiency of fall of, 164; formed of stoneware pipes, 126; trap- ping, 168. East London Waterworks Company, facts INDEX. relating to the, 233; charge for water- rate, 235. Edinburgh meadows, application of sew- age to, 25. Edmeston’s plan for embanking the Thames, 211. Egg-shaped sewers, estimates for, 129; rule for forming, 112. Elevation, ranges of, 12. Ellis’s project for utilising sewage, 231. Embankment of the Thames, account of schemes for, 205; appointment of a royal commission, 207; Mr, Gurney’s plan, 208; parliamentary committees on, 209, 210; plans laid before ditto, 209, 211; result, 212; act for embank- ing the north side of the river, 212; plan of the embankment described, 212; southern embankment, 213. Escape of ammonia from sewage, 16. Estimates for egg-shaped sewers, 129. Estimates for London sewerage, by Sir W. Cubitt, 68. Estimates for sewers, 52. Experiments by Boussingault, 4; with jets, 154; by Liebig, 4, Extinction of fires, 153. Extravagance of concentration, 22. Fall, deficiency of, 45. Farey’s computation on the performance of Taylor’s pumping-engine, 141. Filtering, private, 150. Filters at Nottingham, 92; at Paisley, 92; self-cleansing, 90. Fires, extinction of, 153. Fixing the gases in sewage, 16. Fleet sewer, 38, 40, 109, 110. Flushing of sewers, 43, 183; evils of the system, 134. Form of sewers, 122. Forster’s plans for intercepting the sewage of London, 50. Fowler and Fry’s steam draining-plough, 182; machinery of, 183; operation of, 184; advantages of, 185. Fowler’s plan for embanking the Thames, 211 Frome sewers, 112. Functions of sewers, 107. Gases in sewage, fixing the, 16. General summary, 179. Geological objection to tunnel scheme, 49. Geology of York, 81. Gisborne’s plan for embanking the Thames, 211. Glasgow, water supply of, from Loch Katrine, 238; works described, 239; inauguration of, 240. Graduation of drain-pipes, 167; of water- pipes, 157. Grand Junction Waterworks Company, facts relating to the, 234; charge for water-rate, 235. Grays, water obtained from the chalk excavations near, 238. ‘“‘ Great London Drainage Bill,” 71. INDEX. Greenock, supply of water, 83. - Gurney’s plan for purifying the Thames, 208. Guthrie’s apparatus for using rain-water, 152. Gypsum, use of, to fix the gases of sewage, ° Hackney-brook sewer, 85. Hampstead Waterworks Company, 234 ; charge for water-rate, 235. . Hawksley’s calculation of the cost of raising and conveying water for the town of Nottingham, 142. Hemans and Bazalgette’s plan for em- banking the Thames, 212. Higg’s patent for utilising sewage, 36. High-level, northern, described, 197; southern, 200. High-level sewer, 51. High service of water, 98. Holborn and Finsbury sewers, 110. Homersham’s report on the capacity and cost of reservoirs, 91. Hope and Napier’s plan for utilising sew- age, 211. Hosmevr’s cistern, 177. House-drains, cleansing, 169; trapping, 168. House-tanks, defects of, 96. Intercepting sewers, 15. Trongate sewer, 37. hrigated meadows, 26; at Craigintinny, 27; at Edinburgh, 25. Jessop’s plan for a river wall for the Thames, 205. Jets, experiments with, as a means of extinguishing fires, 153; use of, for cleansing streets, 135; use of, at Pres- ton, 156. Joints of water-pipes, 139. Katrine, works for supplying Glasgow with water from Loch Katrine de- scribed, 238. Kent and Surrey drainage, 58. Kent Waterworks Company, facts relating to, 234. ase proposals for utilising sewage, 30, Lambeth Waterworks Company, facts relating to the, 233; charge for water- rate, 235. Lambro river, 24. Lancashire reservoirs, 91, Lancaster sewers, 111. Liebig on fixing the gases of sewage, 16. Liverpool, supply of water, 84. Loch Katrine, supply of water for Glas- gow from, 238; works described, 239 ; inauguration of the works, 240. er Basin, water-bearing strata of the, 6. London, drainage of, 10; defects of, 11. London, main drainage of, account of proceedings from 1854 to 1865, 194; sys- 243 tem adopted, 196; area to be drained, 196; cost, 203, London, main drainage of:—northern system, 197; southern system, 200. London, Martin’s plan for intercepting the sewage of, 28; report on the drain- age of, 65; Stephenson’s evidence on the drainage of, 50; water supply of, 232 ; list of companies supplying Lon- don with water, 253. London sewers, 40; outfalls of, 11. London, situation of, 9. London Water Companies, 97; supply, 76, 96. Low-level, northern, main sewer de- scribed, 198. Low-level, southern, main sewer de scribed, 201. Low-level sewer, 51. Machine, Whitworth’s street sweeping, 105. Main sewers, 106. Manchester, street-sweeping in, 106; supply of water, 83. Manstield, use of sewage at, 28. Manure, bones for, 4. Manure Company, sewage, 31. Manure, quantity of, produced by each person, 5. Manures, analyses of, 4. Manuring at Clitheroe, 27; cost of, 26. Market-gardens, sewage manuring of, 31 —34, Martin’s plan for embanking the Thames, 207. Martin’s plan for intercepting the sewage of London, 28. Meadows, irrigated, 26; Craigintinny, an near Edinburgh, 25; near Milan, 5 “Metropolis Local Management Act,” extracts from, 194. “ Metropolitan Board of Works,” consti- tution of, 194; powers of, 194. Metropolitan Sewers Commission, 46; latest proceedings, 195. Metropolitan sewer districts, 37. Middle level, northern, sewer described, 197. Milan, sewerage of, 24. Moore’s scheme for the utilisation of sewage, 230. Napier and Hope’s plan for utilising sewage, 231. Naviglio canal at Milan, 24. Newcastle-under-Lyne, supply of water, 85. New Commission of Sewers, 50. New River, the, 1387. New River Water Company, sources, supply, &c., of, 233; charge for water- rate, 235. New York, Croton aqueduct at, 137. Nitrogen in excreta, 4. Northern embankment of the Thames, plan of, described, 212. 244 Northern high-level sewer, 197; low- level sewer, 193; middle-level sewer, 197; outfall described, 199. Nottingham filters, 92; sewers, 111; supply of water, 83, 146. Old Ford storm overflow, 197; Penstock, chamber of, 197. Open ditches, evils of, 101. ; Outfall, northern, 199; southern, 201. Outfalls of sewers, 11, 44. Overflow, Old Ford storm, described, 197. Page’s plans for embanking the Thames, 207, 211. Paisley filters, 92. Pans of stoneware, 173. Parish vestries, powers of, 194. Penstock chamber of the Old Ford storm overtiow described, 198. Phillips’s tunnel scheme, 47. Pipe-sewers, 126. Pipes for water, 139. Pipes, graduation of, 157. Plans for the embankment of the Thames :—laid before the committee of the House of Commons (1858), 209; before the committee of the House of Commons (1860), 211. Plough, Fowler’s steam draining, 182. Plough, steam draining, 182, Plumstead and Woolwich Waterworks Company, facts relating to, 234. Portable pumping appuratus, 176. Position of receptacles for sewage, 210. Preston, supply of water, 75, 78; use of jets at, 156. Prices of sewers, 127. Private filtering, 150. Proportion of streets, 100. Public filters, 94. Pumping station, Deptford, 201. Pumping water, cost of, 141; Mr, Wick- steed’s table of results, 143. Qualities of water, 73. Quality of town sewage, 5. Quantity of manure produced by each person, 5. Rain-fall, 75. Rain-water, use of, 151. Raising refuse matters, 5. Ranger’s estimate of value of sewage, 19. Ranges of elevation, 12; details of system of, 20; objections to system of, 21. Recapitulation, 99. Receptacles of sewage, 2 ; position of, 119, Refuse from streets, 102. tefuse matters, collection of, 5; disposal of, 3; distribution of, 5; raising, 5. Relative levels of towns, 6. Rennie, Sir J., and Mr. Wyle’s plan for embanking the Thames, 206. Report by Mr. Homersham, 91. Report, extracts from the, of the consult- ing engineers on the drainage of south London, 65. Reservoirs, report on the capacity and cost of, 91. INDEX. Reservoirs, 89 ; capacity of, 91. River Lambro, 24. River, New, described, 137. Rivers do not determine drainage, 6. Rivers not to be made sewers, 3. Rivers, towns on, 1; water-power from, 14. Roads and streets, cleansing, 99. Rotation of crops, 4. Rule for forming egg-shaped sewers, 124. Rule for size of water-pipes, 190. ‘* Salpeterfrass,” 16. Self-cleansing filters, 90. Sewage, Ainger’s plan for the utilisation of, 28; Austin’s report on, 225; Lie- big’s experiments on the value of, 4; Martin’s plan for intercepting the, of London, 28; position of receptacles for, 210; to prevent the escape of ammonia from, 16; utilisation of: extracts from the report of the Metropolitan Board of Works on utilisation, 229; projects for utilisation, 225; results of the, the sew- age commission of 1857, 227; value of ammonia in, 16; extracts from Mr. Wicksteed’s report on the utilisation of, 214. Sewage Manure Company, 31. Sewage water, applications of, as manure, 25; value of, 3, 17, 18, 19. Sewell’s plan for embanking the Thames, 211, Sewerage of Milan, 24. Sewers, access to, 1382; Acts, 1848 and 1849, 46; capacity of, 115; in Birming- ham, 111; in Brecon, 1123 in Bristol, 112; in Chester, 111; cleansing, 133; Commissioners’ rules for forming drains, 163; connections of, 131; construction of, 130 ; contents of, 15 ; depth of, 120 ; dimensions of, 109; estimates for, 52; flushing, 43, 134; form of, 122; in Frome, 112; functions of, 107; in Hol- born and Finsbury division, 110; inter- cepting, 15; in Lancaster, 111; of London, 40; main, 106; in Notting- ham, 111; outfalls of, 44; prices of, 127 ; rule for forming, 124 ; size of, 121; stoneware pipe, 126; Swansea, 112; Westminster division, 110, 112, 114. Sevese canal at Milan, 24. Shepherd’s plan for utilising sewage, 230. Sites of towns, classification of, 7. Situation of Londen,9. ~ Size of sewers, 121. Southern embankment of the Thames, 212. Southern low-level sewer, 201; high- level, 201; outfall, 201. Southwark and Vauxhall Waterworks Company, facts relating to the, 233; charge for water-rate, 235. Steam draining plough, 182. Steam power, application of, to agricul- tural purposes, 187. Stephens on irrigated meadows, 26. Stephenson’s evidence on the drainage of London, 50, INDEX. Stephenson’s report on drainage south of Thames, 65; north of Thames (App.), 190. Stoneware pans, 173; pipe sewers, 126. “Storm waters,” 117. Street cleansing, 99, 135; debris, 104; proportion, 100; refuse, 102; sweepings, 103 ; sweeping in Manchester, 106. Street-sweeping machine, Whitworth’s, Subways for gas and water pipes, 169 7. Supply of water, 1, 72; to dwellings, 145; in London, 76; to manufactories, 146; at Preston, 75, 78; to public buildings, 147. Surrey and Kent drainage, 58. Surveyor’s report, 55. Swansea sewers, 112. Sweeping machine, street, 105. Sweepings of streets, 103. Taylor’s pumping engine, Farey on the performance of, 141. Terro-metallic pipes, 175. * Thames, drainage south of the, 58. Thames, embankment of the: projects for, 205; Act for the embankment of the north side, 212; plan of, described, 212; southern embankment, 213, see Embankment. Thames the grand sewer of London, 10. Thom?’s filters described, 92; cost of, 92. Thudichum, Dr., on the utilisation of sew- age, 229. Towns on tidal rivers, 1. Towns, relative levels of, 6. Town-sewage, quality of, 5. Trafalgar Square fountains, wells of, 235. Trapping drains, 168. Trench, Sir F., his scheme for embanking the Thames, 206. Tubular drains, 126. © Tunnel schemes :—Martin’s, 28; Wick- steed’s, 35; Phillips’s, 47; Forster’s, 50. Use of rain water, 151. Use of sewage at Ashburton, 28; at Mansfield, 28 ; for market gardens, 31— 34, Utilisation of sewage, Ainger’s plan, 28, Uxbridge, supply of water, 87. Value of ammonia in sewage, 16. Value of sewage, 3, 17, 18, 19. } Vestries, powers of parish, 194, Vettabbia canal at Milan, 24, 249 Walker’s plan for the embankment of the Thames, 206; plan laid before the Royal Commissioners of 1842, 207. eae omea strata of the London basin, 36. Water-closets, 170. Water Companies in London, 97. Water, constant service of, 95, 149; con- veyance of, 136; cost of pumping, 141; high service of, 98; impurities in, 74; power from rivers, 14; qualities of, 73, Water obtained from the chalk excava- tions near Grays, 238. Water-pipes, iron, described, 138; joints of, 139; size of, 139, 140; weight of, 140. Water-pipes, rule for size of, 140. Water supply, 1, 72: Ashton-under-Lyne, 79; Bath, 85; Bilston, 85; Chatham, 87 ; Chorlton-on-Medlock, 79 ; Croydon, 88; Dartford, 88; Glasgow, 238; work described, 239; inauguration of, 240; Greenock, 83; Liverpool, 84; London, 76, 96, 232; intluence of the Act of 1852 on, 232; facts relating to the companies supplying London, 233; advantages of the constant supply system, 235 ; charge for water-rate by eight companies, 2365 ; wells of the Trafalgar Square fountains, 236 ; Barlow on the water-bearing strata of the London basin, 236; Manchester, 83; Newcastle-under-Lyne, 85; Not- tingham, 83; Preston, 75,78 ; Uxbridge, 87; York, 80. Water sewage, application of, as manure, 25; to Edinburgh meadows, 25; to Craigintinny meadows, 27. " Wells of the Trafalgar Square Fountains, 235. West Middlesex Waterworks Company, facts relating to the, 233; charge for water-rate, 235. Western drainage system, 200. Westminster sewers, 110, 112, 114. Whitworth’s street-cleansing machine, 105; Wicksteed’s report to Metropoli- tan Sewers Commission (App. No. 5), 214; tunnel scheme, 35. Willesden, application of sewage at, 28. Wooden pipes for water, 139. Wright’s system for utilising sewage, 228. Wyle, Mr., and Sir J. Rennie’s plan for embanking the Thames, 206, York, geology of, 81; supply of water. 8 : s PRINTED BY JAMES §S. VIRTUE, CITY ROAD, LONDON. 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