ART DEPARTMENT H. Sophie Newcomb Memorial SLX TH. and College NEW ORLEANS CAMP STS. LOUISIANA ADDRESS INQUIRIES TO DIRECTOR OF ART DEPARTMENT Students at Work on Campus Full four years course for Teachers of Art. Special studio courses leading to professional skill in chosen branches such as: DRAWING, PAINTING, DESIGNING, INTERIOR DE- CORATING, ILLUSTRATING, AND THE ARTISTIC CRAFTS OF POTTERY, EMBROIDERY, LEADED GLASS, METAL WORK, CHINA PAINTING, STENCILING, Ete. SEND FOR CATALOGUE The illustrations are from the various grades of the Normal Class and special students in drawing, designing, water color, oil color, composition, design and the arts and crafts. Charcoal from Cast Krent lL enyary/ Bi i j Ty in I Oe pit OE le 7 Pp " (4 Fill Wi Wf iat My ' y y, an oy Wy : pill iP | é Vy a Y 2 hi ie fi ie v og wy, Pen Drawing from Cast Pencil Sketch from the Picturesque Cabildo of Old New Orleans Still Life in Water Color Still. Life in Oil Color Landscape in Oil Color ife m L Charcoal fro Water Color from Life (c} ife il from L Pence OR oRer Tl 1a ~ Oil Painting from Life wir all Bi an ance : " uh \ i , i \ i Bi rity Hy ! “4 \\ , a ‘ 1 , ial'\, 74 Composition Composition G2 >» + 4 ; TS: D| o | J { Sa’ ae sll Examples of Elementary Design Design for Book Cover puinuartrayinnnny ) % : ER eS : F ne 1) PS ie (Sa See S “ Z | J / M ‘a cr a\ oe OAR 7 by eo! iy Hi Designs for Initials idered Table Runner Embro ial attention to given specia aia ed to industry. . , A The Newcomb Art School has always art as appl Pottery, Leaded Glass Shade, and Embroidery The Pottery and Embroidery developed under its care are already famous. Ample opportunity for study and practice is afforded the young woman, ambitious to specialize either as a craftsman or teacher. 13 sort DESIGN - Fo) FCONSTRUC TION OF BASEMENT ROOft Design for Interior Decoration China Painting 14 in lon Curta i Stenc Book Plate \| —S sim se = La ao Se Ui om on FUg ry eT —— Book Plate 15 | SATURDAY - DECEMBER: 30":8 O'CLOCK: Design for an Invitation to a Student Entertainment A 3 0112