yr Uk brit y Ol 6. ra OF THE Lies 3 in UN'VERSITY OF ILLINOIS : ; 25 NOV1914 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF REFERENCES ON MUNICIPAL ACCOUNTING H.36.(3, } Chief Bi>diiogfApher 1 Baker, M. N. Bibliography of uniform municipol cecounting. _ “ (In Netioncl municipal league. Proceedings, Boston, 1902. Philadelphia, 1902. p. 827-329.) JS3802 N48 1902 Books @ Abbott, F. M. ‘The function of stzto ond municipel cecounting. City hall, Feb. 1912, v. 22: 171-174. JS39.C6,v.22 8 Allen, Walter S$. Accounts of _ gronteesof municipal franchises. | (In Netioncl municipal lesguc. Proccsdings, Columbus, 1899. Philadclphic. 1899. p. 162-168.) 35302 N48 1899 4 Allon, Williom H. How to overtake the grafter by municipal aecounting. (In WNetionsl municipal league. Proceedings, Buffelo, 1910. [Philadelphia] 1910. p. 497-512.) JS302.N48 1910 5 jmericon socicty of municipal improvements. Forms of municipal records. (In its Proecedings, 1910. Milwaukee, 1910. p. 290-320) . ™223.A7 1910 6 Baker, M. N. Uniform municipal accounting. (In Netional municipal a league. Proceedings, Milweukee, 1900. Philadelphia, 190C. md Pp. 239-242. J9302.N4E 1900 ¥ Bemis, Edward W/. The control of municipal accounting and stotisiics i. in Grest Brivein. (In Netionel municipal league, Proceedings, _ Rochester, 19C1. Philadelphia, 1901. p. 270-281.) JS302.Ne8 1901 NS aa June 24, 1914, ree CAPES sf on a. ‘Gad 4 " ee: : ii i Ws h f oh ke) 0 any 4: i" 4 x he ‘ Phy ACS : 5 er f eo) a .s ne : Ne 4 * : , te x 3 ¥ 2) \ : S * , A 2 ‘ ; f * ae es ‘3 5 ast A 4: br vi er . Ni, aaa a sen ee f ; suas 1, oh ae , Tale 4} 1 ; oe 7 A: », ‘ x Si Ls Caan $08 * A ee Postar 4 a shed f i +x! P) " ; | 5 a “a ” * an he na hae Me che bys 4 + o ae vs a . en 4 ee . : Pin iB \ ) vent alan Hee . vy + my v e : aa _ cs, ; id ; ‘ . j : ~ ars se x } + n ‘ Pgh ‘ ; \ Ve ; : ‘ af he ot Seusroben ce seen Seekinn 26 wv epee at re Gat Sie ROE Sarina ieaangg eet | Petr Sok Toqtocnua funbee re OS BL IEEE Sd ue BSE- TRE SRE ad glo Oe , : rae i ¥ oa roy at ‘ y Sen nu if: ouk: J 4 ‘ i oN i : : rhe : ’ " ‘ Venere > Ut i , 4 J % bisa 5 : ¢ ¥ HOS clea RA sntoavdh ‘eqisiows ‘bee eas to rkkoeleNcoae lh SSy 08.882 er AMULET 280 ow S800 08. tia euacd na he esis beter dena | ead eubt ; Tod. ncn coma nal higtot - BOE Bik) TOCSY, me. eab- sak we eee nok ‘gi tebe ‘als ivan wit eis Sit ‘ot WOR ae _reionaens soitcok Loqkogere: Popper haa fete CEE Oa SOR-L 1 {SHOWS sq OLE Laie toea at esik pf ‘ ebro ee ‘he ero Laieioswitne. Vixdoccion 20% 10 ‘ AOS aks 49 nes - eas tic ghee i saundawner ~ if Otek. whe shen ae yds a ' Y i ” % a i Fae he eet f SPL A Gi aca ioe: aay. sad ba 6 OO; roe ce ar osick re age e i BS Seeing oe ~ Hine dias AP a aademaierh Poeyabenc’ oe Pain. PG kee I hee Siok. igh a aon ORM tee o sat tests * © SOE et DD AF nee . ra a gd Wietiite' Ceres angie a pe See 2 Wades eae ee g a te) 7 ) i ¥ : , " a 7 A i , ie UT al / ek y 2a Ae: 5% », Re» ny ry » - 4 10 ae 12 eG 45 16 17 18 29 Betz, Louis. (In Proceedings, 1906. Bingham, C. A. Vs Blanklock, John H. Bridgman, R. L. 6; 651-652. 1902, ..¥s. 7%; 110. -2= Receipt and disbursement method of municipal accounting. National association of comptrollers end accounting officers. Detroit, 1906. p. 109-112.) HJ9705.N2 1906 Municipal cost data. Americon city, Apr. 1922, He Uniform municipal accounting. Nation, Feb, 6, AP2,.N2,v.74 Civic rightcousness via percentages. Atlantic monthly, Dec. 1908, v. 102: 797-802. 1P2,A8,v.102 Bruére, Henry. company, 1913. 438 p,. "Accounting end reporting": The new city government. New York, D. Appleton and p. 125-170. - -39342,.B87 1912 Bureau of municipal rescarch, New York. Modern municipal accounting. Municipal journal, Jan, 23, 1913, v. 34: 122-124. — ee ee a me tn me ee a — ee oe me TD1.M95,v.34. ----- New York city's department of finance. New York, Martin and Brown press, 1908, 254 p. Discusses at length its system of accfunting. HJ9289 .N63B8 ---=- Busincss methods of New York city's Police department; critical study and constructive suggestions pertaining to administra- ‘tive and accounting methods of the Bureau of repairs and BPR AS 08 2 ([Ner York] Bureau of municipal research, 1910, 212 p»HV8148.N52B8 Re det me Business methods of New York city's Police department; summary of eritical study and constructive suggcstions pertcining to administrative and accounting methods of the Burcau of repairs and supplics... [New York, 1909] 35 p. HV6148 .N52B7 ~ «Si@E ster @A.ELLLeU 5 he (Qf ,om cksolind © Of, on, SAL ELECt ee - 3€ 9 : JM 0908 aSew ‘to noid sfbataath” 4 ae Bi siee 08 goer. DC ,Abbaaaiigs ,gattaoses Leqretogm prep bea no. sono10% sobewi..ootorotmes 6 To-eeduniM «gatsaaooos {eqioingm psotiay obanidest? .awertoo odd to uso goed? bdtin oft to acoigews oft e0eL 00. are” r »q 86 noel shies Som bine) x * hiabbesboxt csdihinsial tages motiay — poet retennetilinal - goded? botiat odd Yo evdivaws off robaw. .. cometoT moo ra bap 6 Ai »qg ISL ,00@L ,.%t0 »tabiq »tvod ,motgntdest! eanibosoord .ougsol Laqtoieum Isnektali ) areca a ee. So, CLSeB ( .d8L-- $2. GQ ,ee6L t 7“ a 4 ict wot smoksio. qoskvanl Se tammures ont 8 coro — -9@ BSE -RORE a a ne, ces2t ie setoyoooA so Sau xobnk vod fatcktat 7) soles ss due sasteumpent Remheteine aieiaetltl er H] .@eL txo¥ woll arent ,ovgsel Leqgtotaum — ‘a Sea ad “(H8S=098 vq (2O0E ifoiteintobs bas pishemoen faqtokmus mo aight ohke = sak tLe one | ww 85 .€82b .Mad 108 .e (OLGL .tyct® ~weistlaqiokeaua oltiost . yi ocmataed <@dau0098 Leqtodecsct Ap Si Bok Cr boom , a ee Boe, FO, SU eISSN MS” ios “von crotves mr, . i ¢ r abel pixeY wot a saof wot to sont ett spent beswS® , EM. €BS6UH ee TOR REEL NR see ns iLizoalf od? re 1 oe . F 7 iy ritene ss to Leaawot el auoeon Suphed & ohastf £220 a ,odeol Fr. Vi. WEGH "Stonf6d. Sf *e a ate naY vel ymeltoabnimds icqicinwm st eyersD oA 1, att ahs JAG .yrsqme asllionst ect $F. B24 pt Saveend reve xohek ome ehh : lela is oY wet eine Bee enw? 4898 ‘tapee at taememevey Lapel peri fe ( wwe cate motvem, ec!> .¢ CS .0025 ..09 Yrstt0D ME — aaee y 5 C4 LTA, ‘ guiteveced “e5ay xodet eee a oh de Py ait Se swumisth Tetacats Sense ng achtebiote Das aseccens - pase ly ail ae 084 pstteedeos sage nson’s cagced Eaqteiwe Lomaitst gf) 9 2 a Ga SOoRS ee B-5us "Z 106s intag obRinay ‘ ets ihthe Leqtotnm. «et saret Brosacde Srey A et 3.7, 882. 4..2 ead :00.¥ gaa Ra ‘as vou .DIISC4 - ” , < (aps vate udt Ye efromesade Instone? adn te, efate%: 40 notantthaot 5 sit 4 ts9cpt 8 peavet Berosynt rt sco Mackges dtiw aie ‘volt to. ori gq Ob ([£O8L tateo¥ wel} 6002 Se 2 on ne a on | pam Chott. PYROLH es se i ae me ef i ioum te gntstiatnt et zy % gofiadd . ; s asaanen eat Leno tal ut priearessigipliobu? “it eoitak Joi (0293-085, «4 0104, Latdateb vagak hoover | if Bu, SOBEL . Pare € ' ‘ nr i (Wags . | — a - 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 -6=< Goodnow, Frank J. Municipal government. New York, Tho Century o0., 1909. 401 p. “Auditing of city accounts": pe. 374-376, JS78.G7 . The Government accountant, o monthly megezince devoted principaliy to the advocacy of improved end uniform mcthods of accounting in the federal, state and municipal service, May, 1907-datc. Weshington, Tho Association of jmerican government accountcnts, (1907-datc], HJ9701.G7 Gt. Brit. Local government board. _Committec on accounts of lozal authorities. Report... London, Printed for H.M.Stationcry off., by Wyman and sons, 1907. 2v.ini., (Gt. Brit. farliament. Papsrs by commend. Cd. 3614-3615.) HJI9779.G742 1907 Griffing, Edward S. The municipal belance shect. (In National association of comptrollers and accounting officers, Procecdings, 1911. Washington, D.C., 1912. p. 114-127.) HJ9705.N2 1911 Guitteau, .R Uniform accounting in Boston, American academy of political and social science, Arnals, Mar. 1903, v. 21: 316, HL. A4,V 21 Gurn, Richards, and company. Rerort cellowing an examination of the books end accounts of the city cg Haverhill, Massachusetts, for the yoar ending December 31, 1910. Boston, Gunn, Richards end company, i910. 39 p. “Departmental accounting": p, 8-14. . HJ$777 .H5G8 Harris, George M. Problems of local government. London, P. S. King and son, 1911. 464 pe See index under Accounts. J$42.15 1910 Hartwell, Edward M. The financial reports of municipalitics, with special reference to the requirement of unifomity. (In National municipal league. Proeccdings, Columbus, 1899. Philadelphia, 1899, Pe 124-135.) JS802 ,.N48 1899 Haskins, Charles ’%. Address on reform in municipal accounting. {Chicago? 1901] 12 p. HJI977 .C4H27 ----- The municipal accounts of Chieago. (In National municipal leagre. Procccdings, Rochester, 1901. Philadelphia, 1901. p- 302-314. ) . JS302.N48 1901 Haskins & Sells, firm, accountonts, New York. Report of the methocs of accounting co? the city of Chicago... New York, London, Haskins & Sells [19012] 109 p. HJ9777 ,C4H3 ~o- ek. ak | + ae! ees we .. 0 tasted oft , HroY woll » donee VOR factotautt ie HO) boo! were, -ote-STE 4c “Matnaocos gio te gaisthos a BA ho ee ts Males uilogtoding bodoveb ‘omis sy 7m steak: 3 drpdnwoves xvod off yoktaweoos to ebodtem motion bas bev nant to yosoovbs o: Ab Lofeb-TORE .yeM .ootwree Lsqtotnum bun o¢ste ,Levobot od ye me sae er iaueoes tnomma voy tno desu to we natoonah off fas bast f Suasreut eek ee ote) Lecod 9 stgasond AB ai bas eo : Oy Tiel zo “se dmsoooh soba sober ae: alk gain Ofel 2. $22. dike .aoktilogiotawm to efroqot {otonantt ott Dall Browbt ¥ wii a Isroitam gt} «¥timmotiny to jaomotinesy off of eanototor, Istoogs ardrviehalidg .0eel essex LoD ear tbocoort -orgaok Sepyyen 208. 3oi. SOSet (26-088 ‘ed aia sanidavdoos fagtotaum af , ere mo 21alt65A ot! aotaa yantie YSHD. yrpeta | 6 st ‘[hoet ¢ a 2 At Logiokeum tno ktat ap ,ogooid? To edavooos PS yea os were ae st dyflobslt ae ns deg dace ty ¢ e079 Loe L SoM, S0e2t . ue | (BLEHSOS. oe Bort om orld ie Stoqof sdroY tol Pe ea eo aboot s0¥ ol pe Sees wie ot $91 BBO, STROLL : » gq Gor [sloel)s 70 71 Te 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 <7 x Hasking &Sells, firm, accountants, New York. Report relating to system of municipal accounts for the city of Chicago. Dated November 20, 1901... Haskins & Sells, certified public accountants... (New Yock? 1901] 96 Dp. ----- Suppkemental report... Ordinances. Dated November 20, 2901s. [New York? i901] 77 p. “RIGTTT -G4H3 1901 Hebble, ©. R. Record of street eleani ng service. Municipal ene Eana tnx. 1914, Ve 46: 31-82. my) ant sy 7243 Heston, As M, Mmicipal accounts im the obstracte (In American soviety of municipal improvements. Proceedings, 1908. Milwaukee, [1903] p. 40-54.) ™223.A¥ 1908 Indiana. Dept. of’ insocction and supervision of public offices. Second anruai report, 1911. Yndianspolis, WV. B. Burford, 1913. 986 p. "Wniform sy st haw, enacted | WLI": p, £359 of accounts": p. 37-46°"Public accounting 09, end a suppRemental law thereto, enacted, Ba. BJ9021.16 i9il em 1g Internati.nal congress of publics accountanis, ist, St. Zouis, 1904. Official record of the provesiinga of the Congress of accountants... sept. 26, 27, 28, 1904. Unéer the autos of the Federation o7 societies of public accountants in the United States of America. [2d ed.] [New York, The Winthrop press, 1904] 231 p.HF5603 1904 Journal of accountancy, vol. l-date. Nov. 1905-date, New York, The Accountancy publishing company, 1905-date. | Contains articles on municipal accounting. HFS60L. J Leonhauser, U. Le National fund for promoting efficient municipal ; accounting and reporting. Americen academy of political and social scicncs. Annals, May, 1912, v. 41: 304-306. H1.AS, v.42 Lybrand, Ress bros, and Montgomcry. Business efficiency for Pittsburgh, the Controller's department: repovt... prepared under the diree*ion of the Committec on municipal research, adopted by the Commissicn, August, 1910, Pittsburgh, Republic bark note company, 1910. id be (Its Fublications, no.6.) HI9307 P7238 MacInnes, Duncan. Financial statements of cities. (In National association of conptrollers and accounting officers. Procecdings, — 1910. Washington, D.C., 1911. p,. 61-67.) HI9705.NZ 1940 ~---- Uniformity in municipal accounts. (In Internationel conference on state and lecal taxation, Addresses and proceedings, Louisviiie, ly, 1909. Columbus, 0,, 1910. p. 267-274.) HJ2240.36 i909 as oF anktelot lk hot 24 » ogesidd 0 - agar .ednotawcoos or iduq viahgvet ites , £008 0S tedaeyoll, Soot oon noambaqve en e of cHID. TTC. ak aah ¥ LRORR Tate PE Sak | Ee Ore ove K, vy Z ; rR 7 pC hasan’ %o aed | 2 -~ ~ $o-f[s 182 oV tah Roth Searde ds) odd ik etnwe xyooes omagih a Loot scn ial .BOR M guibeoers etavesx ort mec Borst “4. SSSOR pace sok hto abies ae tro i tertecur, berg pene tat 3 fae, was) ~ proriad ao Pat si Togtasthal » Lief .fieqot mosey notte 3 thiweeos oktde”” ADVE aq s*ataxqoas t -otenae , oteotat? ial Ladies age® & bas 208! beet) | "hee O82 9G! ors ra Liel Oh, fL0etd | pees inne mtr erie siti rd E> ibe MEL $2 tek iastnvoss ciidra to Beetgneo ancita saniioovarg esd To pxo0et tate. of$ soba »208l .8S Pace Os gastawooss vb toua Me goitel mi ett loaktate. odd. ote Saoces foun: bitenod ai Bode tag. YOOr Mil togwm B8S-68S aq MeL Sams . % r| iy ae. fyny gt are Hh SSR . ifn 7 hin 2 at gqiosery: facibo terns am SEMANAS. Sheed aye: hing, or, ' Chtd \ymsqmae giiin tie set: JOT Bas SHA Pa (govedde. wedzen Leon, GAD Set {oles weal... hon ites ob bvckach ekuli) a Hola eae 4 and tabd Rig ogs. 59 sotia ald ate wa ee)? “nO: me Fina nae pa sD, PG Bane, ytd ag. be chip nee gaat ptege of 5 GORL 3S reat gels O8f GAL. Ov YGiH ee aii +a es 98004, Cateatehinn. pie * rye ods 3atimotor nie mm! Tatse toll ‘to roi? ‘abobana.® | t icttoM od? oF dxoqem s tyhin ral wet o> atsoqey has abs oe 4es nari ~ ba mOLtexad mo eetsinmwo edt yd wo¥ weil 92 soitthinn Age well Sie soit sdigones natu ional od? [ato¥ voit] “sO0eL (erty = ayeeed PNR ic. Mea a: la aie (wot) ver. 3 OLE YG act atdees Vedoteal oseto anal nae to oil aLaoaee, % &.¥, cau. Foy a BELO he v tee is Be « epee, Logie or «Go £9" ned som sabato sadinusoes Anate fa fh ide ; a = Til tie ts 2 d8S 7G 8 vo “ oe aioe. bits gerévinrodop. ./: } pene s . obte 2 “4d oe te HUUS-FES + LE ade wh ERE: 1 Lind sau 61-0. .Tcod \ tositk 91, Ase¢iving DEW COM NOP SS SIRS eS tod. Sh 4808s Tor ee mt 3:t (Fy Ae ig aah teas lew Bis “Ai mts | we ee be08 bi+o't he: ay? ie eat L,° yea. | ie eee Wane | me e . AS.¥ BCL ene | , Bei Lato tt weircontant yan uxa008 | ofc GS. ¥,' iG. LAP : P ; i ul ae me core. bya ed, oy ) SEQ Sk elt aust togéo Lav vebe tan anidaueoon sae Ey, COM, GE ¢ ‘ 4bs af a 4 ORE eS weet robabooge setioun feyto%aun, brs. eee ts 8g Fe re. HA ! reba #80": ahets Teerge Lees team igtotins a0 ah inna’ . wee | no fiaivade bes Holi cos Esofstng Shh “a | Yo awroweg yoke hedy to¥ eaheqetae® Abougelt fn ‘gts Ye e092) alike soit oO CAdO. 6 Saat | Mammitoect £ fe cugned si Siam wie 4c Sata? “ath i, * & d ws 93 New York (City) Dept. of finance. Accountants' report...submitting the outlines and demonstration ef a plan for stating the annual report of the comptroller of the city of New York. Department of finance. Bureau of municipal accounts and statistics. [New York, M. B. Brown press, 1903] 56 p. HJ9777 .N4A3 1903¢ 94 “o--- <---- Manual of accounting and business procedure of the city of New York... [New -York, Printed by a. B. Browm company, 19027 ! 552 p. HJ9777 .N4A8 1909 $5 New York. State library, Albany. Bulletin. Legislation, no.1-40. | Albany, 1891-1911. 40 v. 2882 .NSi Bt Sce index of each vol. under Accounts. Z6457 .ALINS 96 News-Dispatch printing & auditing co., Shawnec, Okl. The state wn?o.m system of accounting, established unger ordinance descripticn «nd explanation, for towns and cities; describing the books ond fois to be used by each officer, the manncr in which they are to o> used, the clerical duties of each officer, and the matners aid form of making his monthly and quarterly reports... [fnamsec, Ni. ] The News-Disp2ich printing and auditing co., 1913. 24». ) Hof!/T7 A405 1913 97 North Dakota, Public library commission. Legislative referczince dept. Digest of Jaws relat: ng to public uniform accounting. Bismarch, 1914. 48 p. Typewritten, 98 Peres A. B. Ohio‘s experience with uniform accounting 21.0 reporting. (in National municipal league. Froceeding3s, Aviantic City, 1906. ([Harrisburg, 1906] p. 216-226.) JS302.N4E igo 99 Philadelphia. Dept. of city controller, Manual off accunting, repori- ing and business procedure of the city and county of Phitadelohia. Effective Jon. 1, 1914. Philadelphia, Dunlap printing company, 1914. 66 p. HJOTV? .PSAS 1914 100 Pollock, W. WV. Appraisals of municipal and public school prope riy. Americen citv, Apr. 1913, v. 8: 386-387. se 101 Porto Rico, Laws, statutes, ete. Reglomento para ej régimen fs “4 econsabilidad mimicsipai, redactado por el tedovero de Pusrto Pion, v aproozdo por ei Corsejo egezutivo en su sesign de 28 a2 maser 4.3 1G906...c0rVias enurendas aprobadas por el Gonsejo eyeing on 16 de febrero y 10 ja'tio de 1931. San Juan, FR», Bureas: si. suppvlics, printing and transportation, 1911. 53 p, Bre7 79, PAS 1341 102 .rowers, LeGrenc,. The acceptance of municival accounting rect: a. - (Za National municipal league. Proceedings, Atianvin C*.. 2906. (harrisburg, 1906] pp. 207-215.) J3u02.N48 1906 1030 =---- Accounting anc budgetary control. (In National assceiation of comptrollurs end accounting officers. Zrocesdings, 19:0. ‘ieshing- ton, DiCey 1911. ov 26-31.) HJ9705.N2 1910 4 yeas aor ataga Wars, ea ae eRe hs: es Ws Ne hae oe chert »% wee my a ied a! “> a8 Me expen, patted Sie gi tek eer ere a ot tom i be ae ee Y ease ie oie Fate wou en ni i Pecdye va be fatty : ’ a Na Me & bead " 1 tly SA fey Me ae Se i i Ne He . ? ia aay Orn 5 it restate a \ abeotean. f } fe Ma NN a : CHM. mh bay Foie gill. Gt, sintaianete 1 | ee ee heen edtotiaua’ : rim ae : Nat _ aid hi een peo gh dap. bei. ery . ‘d eek ta eet oie 0h fom ant eet damp. Roe one vs mays ties tae ee oe %6. Hohtw). fonds ole & ie ey anne oe “bec eg ane Bere parr yerwl oft 30m ie ie mh Ne OE ri Exes meaaghins ee Reise nis: nish WB SPARE ay en" b | i ‘ aw gest soho 1 oeliidiatial ‘sdedee dona. yaerees iba an aR “Bn awowee peypgee aelcug: oF an Salet. / i F aeaatale & berms ja in © yinidumaoon. ove een 4 ae ‘eae eee “a: Sa Fea wats, “ari oagned Rnqhediame Lage te it | 1a) Oro) Tat, BORE, is ats sth: Rind haem gente dinat pp od ears 2 oe ae tot sueile: ie endaee Ao te f Ad shone whites ae ba. te re 7 ‘Qiteyem ‘Gans “ghee a to. pee) coer? KEE so yescmbot Bie qatant.. icosnonsatil i fie PE AE Oa Mie : Heed, aia, wo. ‘te atetrams. Thay, 5 dana a eb Bigs sa M vr. iad ed) ®. Cree aa fe OBL tae! oe m. tga bo my stevens en. got Hn Re iu Me a ale semen oF Ip 600 wand ostiog poe aie haha F My, oe ee ap Cie Rey. Bi (ee. out tye. Dis. ay ROE BO: 4 bene, uf Hy as » @f cueetie fo Oy coh dk ae etait’ ant BI ae Lal ae ibe eae ame A ae Med ooh OK i ait? ue ; i he % a ey 5 she a by hic he if ah tig pe 4 4 f 4 vie . 14 at ve ot a ie as isha ody crabs he teh ait Pr RU ONO Se alee: Xj. § Oca f FOR ale OS ae kt oe mY 1 BONN - ye eben tot. EG ar ) iy by bgt me” ‘teas Bhs af He weer esis ‘beg ie oY fh ROTH e 104 105 L66 107 108 109 110 lil 112 113 114 -10- Powers, LeGrand. The capital account of a city. (In National association of comptrollers and accounting officcrs., Proce? ings, 1911. Washington, D.C., 1912. p. 78-82.) HJ9O" C5 .N2 1911 =---= Revenue accounting. (In National association of comptrolters and accounting officers, Proccedings, 1912. Providence, 2971”. p. 97-103,) HJ9705.N2 1932 “en Uniform accounting in its relation to gomperative municipal statistics. (In National municipal league. Proceedings, Chicago, 1904, Philadelphia, 1904, p. 230-241.) JS302.N48 1904 Browse Uniform accounts es a basis for standard forms for reporting financial and other statisties of hcalth departments. Washirnpion, Govt. print. off., 1912. 16 p. | RAG15.P7 ~---- A uniform system of accounting in state, county and municipal affairs. (In Conference of commissioners on uniform stote laws. Proecedings, 1903. Danbury, Conn., 1903. p. 30-40) JK2439.A3 1903 < palais Uniform accounts for refuse disposal. American city, Nov. 1913, v. 9: 422-425. HT ---== Uniform municipal. accounts - “heir value to the governmert. (In WNationeal association of com trollers and accounting officers, Proceedings, 1906. Detroit, 1906. p. 64-75.) HJ9705.N2 1906 Powis, William. Sinking fund tables and instalment tables...with extracts from & paper on Municipcl finanecs end accounts... Toronto, Rowsell & Hutchison, printers, 1889. 49 p. HJ9773.76 Prendergast, William A. Efficiency through accounting. American academy of politiccl and social scicnce. Annols, May, i912, v. 41: 43-56, H1.A4,V-41 Public policy...[Ed. by Ae R. Foote} Chicago, Public policy publishing company, 1900-1905. 12 y. No more published. H1.P Includes numerous articles on uniform municipal accounting. Rastall, Benjamin McK. Plan and metho@s in municipal efficiency. Milwaukee, Wis. [C.H.Kronerberger & co., printers] 19]1. 29 ps (Milwoukce, Bureau of economy and cfficiency. Bulletin re. 1) Touches upon accounting methods. TOILIT Ac Reform of municipal accounting. Nation, Feb. 2, 1905, v. 80: 86987, ~~ AF2 .N2,v.80 Revenue accounting, National mmicipal review, Jon. 1913, wup. v. 2: 17-21. JS39,.N3,v.2, sup. heh iba act wei §.%e Scbeonn ‘Labieqne ont few at hye 0eet” S daniahnd Qritcvd0es fos apelLowames to rer & <5 ¢¢ — ( SEBT og «Sf gee . mn ae me | *: cm bleed to moidsivoaes fancdsatt a). Lgabteuooes cmnctell ane ooteb iver? SE gta tiers: ae paitasooas faa Tek SM. Svea | Te, Butta ve LsqtoLenven redhd oonieaiie ot in theles asi nit Agrtbseoost seuncol Ieqtotiem D9 NOOK Bd. S082 | aA £N8-088 . ames Powe 5 OE et pias -etnomdisqob dt tnod to evisare se aadee por Ly ree ves athe <9 OB GRERL 5 «Te en ” “ i, Esqi tenor bisa’ erw 66 vat ate wk gn tdemoee ‘to motaye exot%iaw b a, M = ‘eval ofste mmolion #© evono teeiomos Yo conetotned pl) .eakotts CUCL CAEOSNL (O08 sq .£0CH , stun0d ‘warded «800 toca Ofer |. ott tis eaokiemA - feaoqets PB 10% gdntoes motint Ti. AP .98a-s8a a! Vv .trormteveg add og au toy ated: -. sdomeoon tusveboas onetiad ie 8° 9OETtO geitgwooes bas arelLou coo to nd itotoosss Lomo kta aoe £ Siu 0 TLE {. BF-53 °@ d08L etiorsod odes ¥ ati. ,.defdad Sere spect Seas eeldst Baw? gnésinze ask LLiT se satasmsos bas goectant? Loqgkhoimi ae ¢eqaq 2 ST.EYeth .g¢ Od aaa sbreieting oe cilodoH 3 ffee , nooks oma gatdnveces dguoads yomotos tte wi 4 nak Eke den Sfer aM val cnt »sonotee stom hac {eoitilog te. peioes fh. 34. oe ee ‘satiehieng yokLog or Idd 0 gostda {etoot 1% oA ied I)... .goklog aie | ‘© SF . @00L-O0@L YRoqmOo i oc, Fy ; » basta: deg orem olf Qnitnvesos Is ogy fo. Leceomt ercetivts m0 aeLoiey.s Bore OnigsEs pohatea’, ., Youctottts Logtotmem ak ebodton bea. wk tom eee “GSS . fff [erotning ,.o9 3 roDsodnomodl HD] ai ,solunws \i 10% nitolin€. .yonoiei¥to Sac yuemoea to sso, eoxuews ae SA LES Ler vebortom salsernaen ener ceases - BR. antet | : ) a é + 00038 108 ww .d0eL .8 . dow motto -antsanenae Lagi 38 Cav MSTA . " Sy gue eter oaet wokvon inatotoom enon arson sve 8.9, eM, geet hey Aint 3 | ig Bik Pree). Ps 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 128 128 129 -ll~ Rosoman, Graham. Uniform municipal accounting. Canadian municipal journal, Jon. 1907, v. 3: 18-20. Hyer21 .C3,v.3 Rowe, L. S.. Public accoumting under the proposed municipal program. (In National municipol league. A municipal progrem. New York, 1900. p. 88-210} JS$302.N6 1900 St. Louis, Buroeu of rovision of accounts and methods. Special report of the Comptrelicr, Apr. 15, 1928. St. Louis, Buxton and Skinner steticnery co,, 1913. 26 p. HJ9777 .S2A9 ----- Comptroller's office. Classification of appropriation accounts, together with an index, intended for use throughout the departments and divisions ef the city governmenr concerned with the disbursement of appropriction funds, Promulgated April, 1912, by B. J. Teussig, comptioller., St. Louis, Mc, [Little and Becker] 19138. 151 pe HJ9777 .B2A8 1912 Sends, Herbert R. Accounting end efficiency. Municipal journal, : Nov. 1, 2913, 7. @2: 565-563, T™1,.M95,¥.31 man-- Mininipal accounting ond cfficiency. Engineering record, Sept; 30, %911, v. 84: 382-384, TAl E62 , v.64 State supervision of minicipcl accounts under existing legislctive | ennctments pricr to 1913. National municipal review, July, 1913, WV. 2: 522-525.suo. JS39.N3,vV.2,sup. Tax associotion of Alameda seunty. Standardization of accounting systems. Its Bullctin, Sept. 1912, no. 6: 5-8. HJ9205.03T3 ,no«6 anussig, B: J. Results sbteinable through recrgonization of account- ing mctheds, American asaiiemy of political cnd social scier.ce. Annals, May, 1912, v. 44: 57-63. H1.A4,7e41 U.S. Buresu of the scensuse Uniform accounts fur systems of water suppiy. Washington, Govt. print. off., i9bi, 44 p.. HF5S686.W3U6 ge A. ee--- ----- Fineneial sictisties of cities having a populotion of over 30,000: 1909. YWeshington, Govt. print. off., 1913, (Special ropcrts.) | --HA201,2900-B2 Upson, Lent D, Sources of municipal revenucs in Illinois. Urbana- Champaign, I1l., The University, 1932, 136 p, (University of Illinois stucies in the social scicneces, v, 1, no.3.) Accounting methods: p. 8-9, 115-116, H31.14,v.1,no3. HJ9227 .U7 Walton, John Me The application to 2 municipality of modern methods of accounting and reporting. American academy of politiecl and social “1 I e Ele faqkotnum, Aokbon 59 santhtauecos tarpotiaed exer smadtead ot €.¥, 60. 1833.40 . ; 08-6 ben wv Wet ae oe F “ : i : ,° ‘2° “hy pet smomotq Lngtotaum beeodotd 2d? - cer amas ekbenicake Gera 2 i ° di a | stxoY wo smorgo1g £eqioioum A Pres Be ghtonet somrepatna Tee OORE Oi. SOfat : (Gf5-88 «q- siooc® abo tom } ins, ete iste 293 to nm. ip PX ot to pean . A bas sodxvd -stuol - Fi ay. 3 "OEE y tah. ho aailaxt poe ot3 “ker Mowe rel BAS2, TTTOLH” +q 83 BEE , 09 Yromais $a branes’, satauooon mo Es inqotegs to noitacitteacto cect shale dana, etnem*tngeb odd dyodguerds oa Tot bobsotni ,xebak as tiv ieddegos © ) dnomoatideth ot Avie borrreomes anomemrovoy ytio odd to esotaivid: ‘nS -ieiee BfesueT .& .d yd ySielr Liagd bet tgivmon abast noktsixcorqqs ‘to ai % og TGQ” ,GLIE [xclood bas olStit] 0M ,etwol .%8 xe ee : fol SASm. TPTOtH oo ‘ad inarvsot Isyioinav } ymietoitio frst gniitan oacdt Si Pier baet vs 13 [8,'7, eM, {at mo J ‘ B3G-808 2 £5 RAs lets a Es; Theis wis E , $0901 gortosn Rad Laapr inne bts d cesinseieeh Leq feren a $3.0, S87, LAT .288-S86 126 ov flee (08 $q08 msg evitclatge£ gnttaixne tebay etavooor Lngio tart Be) retool ots ,8lCl .vint ,worwor Isqkotmum [nacttsf +8182 of moixqlevaommporae, nme. $.¥.EU. BESL “gus -GSOeS8G, 28 ov 5 «6 antinvooos Yo moltastixobasst + ysrirar oh oma A te rie Dakonuin 9 OM, ETEO. BOLO .8-8 +0 wor ,SfeL .dce@ br offer. ert —_ apoess? to no istatasyto0n Agsowdt Afdaninudoe efiveot .t% i, sofa Iatooa bat Loeivilog te ywreihes aLorsom\ a dortor garb Peg rhe o29- 1G ae ov, Sfel yah ,eLannd sot he to amoda ye 46t etrusooen mao tint ~aremeo oft Do ghee 1B SUCW.S8ICHH «oag bh (ifs (. to dawg SO igre ait eo aovo to m0 ttslyqod’s gaivad eetiro to eogsmit on pes cud Beene onoes vattocos Loto at) sO8eOL 4.tto »tmig .tvod ,modgnttesY ,c00L 2000.08 | $8.00el., £OSAH ; Met >t : j hy’ ; i ‘eh ~cand< .eremifL{l mt eowmevoy Coobotiwm te asoaso® . 0 dmol ,moae %o yiietoviat) .¢ OGL .SleL .yiavovind off ..f{T s keqgnad® | (.6.0m .f .v ,noonokoa icfoos odd mi av toute py im ude Eon, f.v, al. fen 901-855 8-8 2S a hay Bitorgse WW. rset 4 As Fem ‘ i . Ah to. Latéee miobom to deh gclaiate 8 of noitsot ions od a aot seers mo | Isieoa brs Inektifog te ymobson mokiomA .gnitioget bas oblate ye mabeveiraal : 09-28 bien v Stet oe safer + bane: al ak os ORAM a . eae ee tet ty | = 2< . en ? When publicity ple YS Get. .tis amaunicipal dishonesty. American review of reviews, Jan. 1909, ve. 39: 94-95, 130 AP2 -R4,v.39 131 Wile ox, Delos. Fs Great cities in Americar. their problems : pred. their goverment, New York, The Macmilien company, 1910. a De (The citizen's libra; vy of ccoromics, polities, and socicl logy. ) “) ae be Ap Ww54 Sec index under Accounts, 132 Williemson. Gheacte es C. The finances of Cleveland, Wew York, a Columbia nstyewsgi+ y press, the Maemilean compeny, a seiage LOOT « 268 pp. {Studios im histcry, cconomies and publie -lew, od. ity the Fosulsy of yolitieal soxenne of Columbia university, ti oa ye ie see index under Ascowits. ik 9293 .C6W6 133 Wilmot, H. We ‘ bt, Municipal accounting reform, as illustrates PS a ; eit yc? Vinneapol: 8, Minnesota, (In american sotu.“} Fig ve improvements, Proceedings, 1905, Milwaukee, 1905. p, GE -b2-) TWe23.47 1905 & pr 4, eYCROQNOnss aa 2 1% — ~~ > wy 1T Fy ¢ + ww =~ fr ‘ Bo EL® Bere fF oer o lw ate / . ry f * pe AG4OULAN Of 4s q ev / 4 a ad - . * 1 ' ~ ; « | the ee av ‘ s1 ie \. c y teu Ad - , : : ee . : ay ‘ ' é ;" we 2 & ‘ . am ws hd 4 : Hi | La’ » - ro? x if off Ii9fV nt? PL yes e a - M4 . +4 ; ; bau eis Ml 4 __ 3 0112 072460196 ‘K vi