Bah < = Aone NW A WJARHEW IS 2¢ LISHED BY | pee: COE NS eS ST SBENISC bres th, , Be). Deg | r te acts, 8 irs, 30 min... 5: Aa Pashia t hr. re ‘acts, 3 brs D Hes ai Ss oe) wee as Fo (O, : (250) 15 m e i hr? G8) 24 Ky Pott see bre day _bpointtox. a oe 4 ; mgt Daigo (An), “B ais, i ca ; ey pts 15 ) MIM Sey: 2a . On the Was vemperance, 2 ee our oie see Se RR i) Ours, 3 nets, 2 Ae rs. 30 miny. -) Ontisthe. ie ‘vemperanee, " pa hy * hr. 15 mii T. he Fp ‘Poeakontes ‘rausical i, Q acts, 1 br... ew. icles 5 acts, 2 bre. 45. min: Sehe tue (The), adage i ad Se tok Serene tech . eee ee eee Fe Oe ee EY (ie ga Wit Resi . 1 C x : kit, 4 illustrated papers — Shop. : — the stage; C' ce J left door, etc. ; H door in flv t or scel | Broove,-etc The a j ih iy Mi es pa Sica a oe 00k hece, Bar ateenaet : oii ai s bon isto ye rete - . are: Nigger, a dar and wait “until ibid Same . ): ‘i hast ist c now's i to eer : ei Ha . 2 Seiang: Jams) Ha, nets oe 3 it. ‘now sy him.) We will. pchearees the -part . ou he Gatesiains apple from: his head. ee se Page Pray 2) Bxthess head? saga @ . Har. Hi .g0n’s: head, | (Shakes ey Rs be books. (Ma ds one. 40. Sam.) Now let's. begind PETE 7% @ ch. ¥.) ie (Rk bag himself. bs Nive ¢ Beinn ing. anyt f ee . And thou hae be my s son. cs walksup ont d § 0 ints hii» 4 ies ‘Pere: ae hin only ip de pee fa 2 r. ie dat’s all. - (Zo Sam.) A yrant, ‘now tT eg ingeea TiS SAM. (Walking from... to R. and “ea ding slowly. is your ground, Now sh: a they” Mee sure ae a ‘paces. "Take thé dis'afic 2 a ig. oe “Pere, “A hundt: dp ices.” ne say, you fO1k to go outside.” Ais y % foom in here a eee “Har. (Rushing Yo SAMS “Ts the line a true one: Re Sam. (Losing “his pa &) T think itam. Noon “on! oe) “What ‘s) to thee? A little thing, aw thing- _othing ihe re 13 ost ante RES : slave, our 2 On any a s _ io a eae aa hers To Sap) Se dig: tine; Fo g a eee (3 ae x > Eee ty 2 oe ae Gp out oe aye: 3 iain, ae Vout metbuce to the oa o ke Nga a EB, (7x chair.» He’s.turned tailor, he Aes ae | (Watking from L, to BR.) a what oi tha? matter, whether to or fromthe sun?” | ae Re ‘(Walking From Kate Gee l'd sane it at ai » Pretty hard stuff; Sam, hey? €Aec .); “ The»sdn. Soe ype the. mark, and. Hors on h a ae shoots. Ot: basa inst: the sun.”’ Sitting at table. a is Give hinthis w cy. Thou hasti- to t less my mercy.” (PETE, zz ‘chair snores. ee , Re Lane nik shall remember it. v d like t 6: win lave? bax. si ‘plete it Rs ca 2 -(Reaiing. yp f ce ake me the. basket, pieabe (Takes I EYE, © { Looking Geeta a Where? ee : LAR. (Readine.y “You've ie the afatieeneuic, PE: to a ain't noudder.:. SAM. “T know I wage. ee ee Pere. eee all s “tigen .2ebg6 ir Se eee. Tar ~ (Reading.) Dh! do: ye te But your see. the color on’t is c tk; “E'd have it light-te see it, Detter.” re . Kes s de obest of E+ | ee. dat am, You +” eas Enter Naps who seals himsedf Ps the wee mt | bla: cen @ pair of boats, Se Nev. - Mr: Slocum is ‘de man what is de qman, _ AS Har. (Reading.) “True, true—Ididn’ ea at I wonder fT did not think of ‘that. % @ a.aje Nep. T think it-high time #0u ‘did, anyway. PETE: * Dats Say Ned. $1355 ees SAM: play, we is. oe > Har. (Reading.) “ Give me some ie ee tor 8 y boy: . (Lhrows the soapat Nev, who Seal ‘PETE'S ears. F will not murdershim if:Iccam help it.” > = se z Pere. Daddy! daddy! (Cries.) Beahosa 005: hoo &- Sam. (Rising.) “Well! choose thyself.” “Ute i ee to Harry, who hooks a shaving’ brush. Yoco tsa) Se ae 2° Har. (Aside) Dat's deting for me, itieg de s “ae 2 I a friend among the lodkets-on'?. (Nep drops: his “br in ish ame hurries toward Harry, dragging PETE with him. ea beck Neb. Two on ’em—what’s de row?:«~ Sas Sam. (Walking to.) Shut up your mouth, ». | : Har. (Setsing Nen's hand and! thrusting Bic. iin ) ae : thank thee, Verner! * = * Verner} whatever be the’ a ag of this hour, the common cause must fief stand still.» not to-morrow’s:sun set on the tyra: t's Banner. Aso “Pete. (/n chair. oe 'd Hke te, now how de sun ean $i om abanner, It can’t be did.) 2) 9 ae i “(C.), He must meander. faction: a, a oe Ry “Verner! Vernet®, fe boy! the hee iit tox ue na the eouras to taney if . " : la art. (a tach. arn a an ada. toward ‘Pere . Hello! What dey g ri ee = “ How looks he? PER | ar an smilingly ” ee must skip some now. All right. aed Sekt é see with hand. ” Pee sowie) si “Come, we Pon. Una et r n't stir, ee Ea SE Ra OP At use; igi be pay Gor on, are Wee Oe out Ais, arms. to Pere, ye & uni s ee ae ae ean, NED. de ace eo ae . can’ ra Meo eels “Go now, my Gok Keep | in ‘mind - “$i ot ace ig Let me kiss” fin Ser hie , % ES ai ) + en te i Sage ¢ db B. ) “Give re arrow." ‘a it am. Co Pt aor Ki on. 4m be - you'se no’ good, . no how, Har. Do you shoot? w Pere, » No. Har.* (Yo Sam.) Stop 4 dat broom. Sam. 1 wont. Har. (Keading.} ~ Ist so Soh pick an | (Sneezes ) Hang your broom—“ The point, you see the feather jagged.” (Pere Sneezes.) ‘That's : a ‘ fit a (Treads on it )s . s = (Looking in his ‘book.) fe Let vi te (PETE breaks off another. yy xe Flak. 3% Why, ‘tis better than the ‘first. . AN punch your nose for dis-- (continues) — a bul ne enough for such an aim as I’m to take.” | ‘Fis heavy: in® the shaft: I'll not shoot Ww th it. it away.) .“ Let me See ray quiver,” (All four. same Hey : Sea ek Har. Drop dat broom. ae SAM. (Commencing to dust.) © sate sete = ie 7 de quiver.” (Perr ands Harry the broom. om Har # See if the boy. is ready.” © (Pulls ow sprigs, thrusts them into the breast of his coat.) per SAM. ‘(Reading and dusting.) De boy ig Tez Har.. “I’m ready, too,” ie ag with the Stop dat dust. (Sneezes. J. es : B. Sam. (Reading.) “ Go on, go on!” PE PETE. “Wes, soon, i! (Chewing an apple. ) hae go ony Ro HAR. | he will! 1 will! Now, friends, ‘a s keep Keb and silent.” ( Bhrows it thre a scream is heard —potce outsiden" Ob, es op y dows: On. the stage. ) one Se Sam. Se Harry.) You'll have: to. 5 g ie : we No hair of: him istouched,” but ancy Beye: Te. bith ey. & ‘Tear rs « ‘oe o me ; es _. Sear 1 band pak him to his’ Bes ) FAR, (CL) My boy! my. boy! 5 Bethe Bis. (Reading. ) “For what hid you that arrow i a Breast? Speak, slave! cas J & 49 ee voice: ae aye kill thee, tyrant, ‘hae T slain H “My quan secure him!” (ten ‘and Sin. "(Staking t oe \ we My guards, secure him!’ (Np ani cd SCLBE Harry, when a voice ts heard outside, ; th yes » Eley immediately rush out, pulling Sam with them. es * (€. reading.) “To arms, my friends!” - . Mee — Come, hus ; [want to close de shop. Lo audie,. -.) And-if you will also vome, and bring ~ nH 11 L we another Foes! ri ake > yee ae Pe CURTAIN, ~ a é | - HOTHING BET ‘ER ten One BY H, my. SOOPER. a PRICK, POST PAT", PAPER, 25 CENTS. ——-- ele ll “The selections arc choice in quality aid in | irge variety: Pn lees, Chieag’” “It excels anything we have seen for ‘.¢ purpose,”’—Aclectic Teacher. . - **T he latest and best things © ‘rom our popular .vriters i here. ete Teacher CONTENTS OF NO, In 1 eke Keep the Mill A-going (Fine Poem). Daybreak, y RS Say eS eg cea Faces in the Fire ( Fine’ Poem). True: Life. In School Days (Fine Poem). Modern Loyalty (Satirie Poem, Good). The Two Roads (Fine Prose). Unfinished Still, Extreme Unction. .| Allow for the Crawl (Humorous Poem), - Baron Grimalkin’s Death (Paroe ). The Silent Tower of Bottreaux. Words and Their Uses (Humiorot Poem), Gentility. s Fritz’s ‘Troubles: The Drunkard: (Poem). caeBpic i Two Christmas Eves (Fine Poém The Poetical Patch Quilt,’ Re Ran a Interview Between School Direct. -s and What Is Life? ee ciara Janitor | Art Thow Living Yet? (Poem), 277 To the Memory of the late Brigham oung. New Year’s Chinie, ; How Iaab and T° Parted. Song of the Chimney (Comic). Old Grimes’ Hen (Funny) A Domestic Tempest. TheyAverage Modern: Traveler Common Sense, eh = ane At My Mother's Grave (Pathos). How Mr. Coffih Spelled it (Funny). © Scab ee Fhe Newsboy’ s Debt (Pathetic Poem). The Old Man in the (Palate Cara. 75) Mrs. Potts’ Dissipated Husband (Comic), Ego and Echo (Comic Poem). ma U See the Point, A Night Pictures: be The Professor in Shafts (Humorou. 4 A. Penitent. Mr Se aa as s Mistake (Dia ct). Rum’s Ruin (Fine Temperance Poet), God's Time. The Babies (Humorous). Teak tebe The Lattle Folks’ (Thanksciving ? .em)p. What Ist to’' Me? Poss pa a The Old Schoolmaster. Our First Commander (Patriotic), es The Revolutionary Rising. +). Horseradish (Comic). > bi Pat's Letter (Comic). The Doom of Claudius and Cynthia (me How to Go to Sleep (Comic), erty : Nothing (Poem). Weaving The Web (Fine Poem). De Pen and De; Swoard (Funny). Broken’ Home’ (Pathetic)... A Greyport Legend—1797, Dream of Eugene Aram (Poot ‘of Great The lafe Boatasa Gallant Bark. Beauty). Birthday Gifts, An Expensive Chicken Pekstsoreis): The Superfluous Man Faithful Little Wife... Sockery Setting a Hen eae Money Musk (Humorous Poem). ai ee The Water that. Has Passed. Resisting a Mother's Love (Fine Patho. a Sr Medley—-Mary’s Little, Lamb Spring (Poem) The. Launch of, the Ship. The Deacon’s Call (Pine Poem}, . Aunt: Kindly (Fine Pathos). The Ghost (Humorous oo Evening at the Farm (Poem) The Bridge. Battle of Beal An’ Duine. Keeenan’s Char: ei Passing Away. ‘The Father of ‘Tis ¢ Country (A Piagh © 4 Mark Twain and: the Interview (Very Funny). ead T. 3S. DE NISON, Publisher, {G8 Randolph jt.. -. <= CHICAGO, ” 4 7 é » eames ascRar. aces . i Yul ay Odi nies pete BS oe : er. er. Borers i | ALL SORTS OF GOOD fHINGS. =~ COnrENse e NO, 2. PRICE POST-PAID, PAPER, 26 CENTS. i = tt Drecker Paths: ie Giiinlo< ution on the Pat that tack Setter in the Morniny > Buiit (Fine).n - & ‘Blue Sky Somewher. ‘Nhe Brakeman goes te Church, (Humorous) 2 founded PRattiCc Poesy oo ye | ss ddress to Class of +7, Knox: College, 4's Letter (Pathetic), “} Boy Billy, (Battle Lrcidient). Gre zndfather’s s Reverie (P: thetic), Bite Flog and the (rk (Humorous Darky “The Old Village Choir. ae Sermon). At the Party. . , The Steamboat Rs 2 Romance at Home (Humorous), ~ 4 Strong (Humorous). fe | Sicning the Pledg ; A Heart to Let. Th: War with Al ohol. Jimmy: ‘Butler and the Owl (Humorous). A i -ragédy. Presentiments (Pathetic). Only » Glass of © ‘der. Bloquence cr Oratory. si Traffic in| Aycemt Spirits, Raising’ ‘the. Flag at Sumter. x Why ? : : ta and the puaetive: Pat’: Bondsman, — y The ws odern Cais... he Waals Ready (Hutnorous). ‘ We don t Stopte Think, The Old Clock i in the Corner. The Fate of a Fast Young Man. An ‘Whustration (Fine Description). it. Lemonad . = PR Seven Stages. = Hurrah fc - the Forth ay uly. Te axe es % | Chatybdi: Rey te, a s. DE NISON, Pui lisher, . 163 Randolph Street, CHICAGO U. OF TL 6, CONTENTS 5 OF Ro 56 = A Nameless Hero (Heroic Poem), Mark Twain's Mining Story. Pt y A Culprit (Humorous Poem). The Friar's Christmas. For the Chief's Daughtér ee Poem), Burdock’s Musie Box (Very Funny). Eulogy on O'Connell. Agnes, 1 Lové-Thee- Neighbors (Specimen of Gossip). Jerusalem by Moonlight. Purpose. : The Chariot Rece (Pine Description). . Birth of the Rai: bow (Poem) og Yom’s Little Star: Capita! Short Poemy.” Unwritten Poenis, Emancipation of Man Burkes ue). Christine. How 1 T tried the Baby (Comic). Battle of the Cowpens (Heroic Poem), Nebuchadnezzar. Universal. Bdueation. Tempeétatice, Lesson: --] ust Twenty- one. Pat's Reason (Comic Defence of Hofer¢P: ridtic). Thet Boy of Ourm({P alect Poem). Hannibal's Adress, She Refetred |jimto fer Pav Patriotism. Winnie's Welcome (1; sh Poem). Speech of Patrick He: My First Pantaloens. Peaceable Secession ((: ation). Pharisee and Sadducee A Soldier ‘Tramp. Domestic Economy (Hi .orous), The Plying Dutchman, Sh a eee y (Patriotic Oration). PRICE 25 CENTS, PORE- PAID. TEL Werea Boy es ‘The Codfish. ni _ DENISON. 7 163 Randolph s ates ay Pat & Robe saci eg gga A Frontier Bridal — (Fine Poem). : is pres The Origin of Scam@al > The Unknown Speaker (Prize Decoration Day Poem—'M Berle Cee s Big. ‘aae a ; Me oP here 184 Sone Boay.” Praying for Papa. ~~~ t ie Minding the Hens Cm et Der Shpider und Der Fly, One Thing He Forgot. ; Curly-Head.- Jimntie’s Prayer. es gah 7 He Gave Him a Start. 9 9°" Shall America Betray Herself? ¢ Kiss Déferredy The (Fine Pathete i he Rustle of a i VB Grady" s Great Speech; The Oak and th hie Cassandra Brown. ibaa Empty. Nest, Thers: piss Aux Italiens (oPeem).” oman ; : The Curtain pee ume The Telegram, © i A Mysterious Duel, or sige The Last Hymn, a ies ore Waiting for the gee = Publisher; » ia ouse, ah a Pd «id dler, 0 min : ‘eal for in? 20 min ‘ . 30 min... eat te ack, SO: wget 4 isis namigrants. mi gin "hunts 30 min... ees ' eeketah, iam i, 15 min- ¥ poe ‘Reon. 35 min.) 303 istake an ide: atl Sheiehne ic yement Cure. roe inin.. M + - es ae + 3, a $ o: 1 4 yf: { 3 0 3 5 0 Jeremiah, 20 min. ee ‘ Lord. in Livery, 45- eaih 4 Neighbor's Wite, 45 min. 3 Tura Next, 50.min., 4. ALT OW « Escape, ores D5 im: 0 Otat i Ad: a ? Q B 0 4 8 6 4 1 2 5 4 a @ Dutchman, 35 min: ae aera 30min... A Re wg and nyo mle sketch, (15 m. ee ka ae ¢ ‘ime, musical al-" 30 Ion BeBe ges 2 ixy 50.min.) “Regular. aa “ ae Diamond: 4 nin! d9. 0G » Row in Kitchen anc bee 8 Breaktust, 2m: | ag ete ae nt, ‘Woman, 25 ain.. neers’ School, sk ich, AP ‘a ue Si Tiger, Zi mint, Rascal ite © Epa: pe as aie a op mine 8 aor idee pin BN 7 0. ~~ a mine ; i a S. a min. Ey qceitein a! ‘Des 26 oop Ti costs TN Biteoy oO Pag Gas 40a Yea Mistakep2: min eo Wb ae The. sss, 4) 7 “Wide Enough for Two, if E Women of: Lowenburg, hi. “a. Cal’sketeh,.5 scenes, 5 10 a ae 30 i} Gamp's Tea, sketch, 15, m0 Slasherand Crash °, 1 b.15. Ma _ [es ike 4 4 wai Sisto. PaPeGero 3 CWS te estate S a5 9 oe, : 3 8 Joae” ip'a Horn, 12min 3 8 Oo z mes: ¥ ‘ Witham: Tel, 15 mat WOME moe ae Y Say. truthfully: that . plays” ‘is on the owl ole the best. se- US POURS SOME we = Wonders ae 935, ymin. bet be ic Diffie. ae % hs te ‘HHOPIAN PARC BS ee Academy a” Stars, 1 5th Oe Ae “AIL “Bixp. nises:’ (OF, BA Ys ie SOG! Jemars: f fag “Parade. 26 in “Sa a r at Californy; OF: Biot nek. Asa) + he ae Tamlet the Dainty, than it dandy Andy, 12 min. Jaunted Hotise, eRe re ae foke on Squinin APRS) 23 Dia, 4 ‘ambe: Jum; 30 min, nai aes | fischievous - Nigger (THe wy el. as Bae Mk te. SN ‘@.Cure, No. ‘Pay, io ‘min. 7s 3 hello and Desdemona, ¥? 01. 2 « rof, Black's Funnygraph, 15 Ber ee RRs ie |e tela ii tl a ye suarrelsome Servants, Ben, Shad ha) . jooms to Let, 15 min,. R Ham Doctor (Thi), ats Win! per ee ona Lark, min. 3 age Struck Dari 7, 10 miny 2. i .toeks Up, Sto7ks Down Sim. 2 6 tricks, 10.mi'i- Ge) oe wo Pom pe (Bie), 8 ‘min. eae} | dncle Jefi25 min . 8 iq yah appy Pair, “An), ‘{omin. Ba) ia i id aaa | is Di tah 20 mn cee : Wax Worksiatj lay, ‘0 min, & 35 1 ai es sane Sao) = “esevek \ \ The publisher bel: yes that he can lected and most, « i@eessful Wy ihe market. “New Pla s sewall he added . tem: time tO time; Manuscripts, nor only of plays bie | of. any hooks simii .Bto those in Den- ) isons catalogue, \ HP reeeive’ ral a | attention and af aecepted wwii: ' paidforat, curren prices: SS we eer io ani 8 ser 8 yenison’s fist of © ee i err Plays '{. Ss. DENISON, son are, all things considered, the best ofet anratenrs, large and increasing) sale. ODDS WITH THE ENEMY! “female characters,’ “Time, 2 hears. <4. SETH GREENBACK. A’ drama ina atta: 7/male and 3 “fe-. male. Limes? Bh. tay. im INITIATING A GRANGER: ee RS ee A ee eS A tudicrous farces 8 male. Rime; 25m. WANTED, Ay CORRESPONDENT. Times 45m. & wAMILY STRIEN. Afarce,} malé,3 females Time, 20m. TWO GHOSTS IN WHITE: A humorous farce, boarding: sthool life. S femate cWaracters.. Time, 25 m, THE ASSESSOR, A “htttmoreus ‘sketch; Soc and e fe- male, Time,.eum, BORROWING: TROUBLE. A ludicrous. farces ise mate Cite Site males “Lime, 20 ms COUNTRY JUSTICE: Amusing. country lawsnit * A. faréé din.2- acts; 4 males 4 females: 8 male THE PULL-BACK. : A’ latighable farce; 6 female. 20° ry. aire | BANS VON SMASH: iaich A roaring’ farce in.a-prolo; tic and sone att; 4, male and 3 female. ime, 30 IDs QUR. COUNTRY. | i A patrioti drama. gs temale: | tableaux. «Time about-1 henr, be a, THE SCHOOLMA’AM. Tine, female. Pimme r hott, 49m. THE IRISH LINEN PEDOLER. A lively farce, a male, a female, 40. mY THE KANSAS [TAERTGR ANTE, A roaring farce: “5 avahewii female: Time, 20m. Abs TOO MUCH OFA GOOD THING. A capital’ farce’: § male, 4 female. ‘Vime; 45 mk : 1. s DENISON, Publisher, 198 Jamon aee, CHICAGO.” That,the plays writteh by 7.6. Deni-. 4) is. attested: by their Cand ; minale,’ ime ‘Av drama‘in five atts; 7 amale andi4 POM RRE > male females, ' male Characters. folly. equalto, Lowasthe: Ratper, “BOOKS FOR ENTERTAINMENTS.~ {f characters. (May a mit ru) Time, Sams? | Pe ECs postpaidy. BOC. | 26c, Requites 10 males, (AGnitsaain 160.) Baur fine: op" | Dialect Readings, hunioroue, abe: Ae brilliant comedy ania acts: 6 male, 3 ie se we _. (TAR FRIDAY DIALOGURS. ~~ 1f Short, lively, Boysiand Girls... ICS 2500) o MTS FRIDAY AFTERNOON. 8 PLA KBR, ook C& zg , “Pane, a) short pithy dialogness< lebuxy ete, ete.) Bet Any Play on this List 16 Cts. Postpaid. Catal sion Fs 4 1 | “as (HE EDITOR 1 ine. ce A (Aree, 4 male and, 2 pee 2° i: A _ AN.ONLY DAUGHTER, ‘ z ety A dratha in3 acts; 5 male: and. 2 fees. ‘oT boursrym,: “PH TS' oF SOCIETY. - female. Time, 2s ae . HARD CIDER... A “Acatery amusing temperance apa VF 4 ‘Time, 10° Ta. ; | Rou Vay THE PAUPER. Oe ‘Grama ia: acts) o malesadd 4 fie Time, 1 AGU, 45:10: UNDER, THE PAUBELS. “A drama th five Rote: Wstirring fo ee Ive: . male, A female: Lime, POUT 4 5... THE SPARKLING. CAP. TA tempeératice drama in five; acts; Ee raale aa female. Ties fa) + THE DANGER SIGNAL, 9 <1" A drama: 4. male 74 females Time) 2 Be gue _ WIDE PNOUGH FOR. Pwo. A farce;’s, male, 2female, » Time, 45 ox. WORK AND PLAY. 62) 555 For-little. folks. Exercises ar, letters,’ 4 numbers, “Objects, “geography, ebay motion-songs; dialogues, senegal eles: ir PRANKS AND PASTIMES. ‘For horse. school or chureh, Reap! | is 100. games, ‘charades, ree RSET a. aE ‘Negro Minstrel Book) 260.4...) 4 ae Bocial Games at Carts, anak Private Theatricals, how to eee gh WHEN LESSONS ARE OVER... Dialogues, Plays, “Nuts to Crack; 236. +P. ENCHANTED WOOD: 9) yfh Bright, New Opera. EAPICE, 350s. For little folks, for* oe “of ‘Diwlogues: trom Pigkons 2B. “Shadow Pi Paptomiings, tab Choice Places for Little People, 260. | School and Parlor Tableaux en ‘ . Ciel & Handbo a Bae 50c. Rverybody’s Letter Writer, SOc) ‘Good Manners, paper Cover, 300. - a hr er erga a 38 nr ; .