REPRINTED FROM VOL. XII, TRANSACTIONS OF AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY. (Read at Pittsburgh Meeting, February, 1910.) THE BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS AT A TEMPERATURE OF 1300°C. BY A. V. BLEININGER anv G. H. BROWN. sige OF ILLINOIS AMS ee ae SF a TO7 wie a > THE BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS AT A TEMPERATURE OF 1300°C.! BY A. V. BLEININGER AND G. H. Brown, Pittsburg, Pa. PRELIMINARY STATEMENT. In this paper the writers are dealing with the definite problem of the load-carrying ability of fire bricks, and they make no claim that the test described by them will discriminate as to the general usefulness or value of a refractory. A material which might make a poor showing in this test might be useful for many purposes, where the streneth at the temperature employed is a minor consid- eration. In the study of the effect of heat upon clays and clay mixtures, it is necessary to keep in mind the fact that the phenomena of fusion are by no means confined to tem- peratures close to the so-called melting or softening point, but manifest themselves already at heats hundreds of de- grees below the stage of viscous fusion. In fact, we can say that clays and and clay mixtures do not possess a definite melting point. In testing a specimen of fire clay or of fire brick, fusion is said to have taken place when the test pyramid or specimen has softened sufficiently so that its edges are rounded, and it has bent over in the well known manner. Asa matter of fact, for all practical pur- poses, a fire brick would have been completely distorted, and would have shown all signs of fusion at considerably lower temperatures owing to its inability to support its own weight. It is simply due to the viscosity of the mass and to the fact that no load is imposed upon it, that it does 1 By permission of the Director, U. S. Geological Survey. ] 2 BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. not show the distortion coincident with softening. It is evident, therefore, that the determination of the so-called melting point of a clay or fire brick, though useful in differentiating between low and high grade materials, does not offer a reliable means of expressing the entire refractory behavior. Thus Purdy’ found the fusion points of evidently in- ferior clays to be quite high. He reports, for instance, a clay of the formula 5.1 SiO,: Al,O, ° 0.046 Fe,O,- 0.09 TiO, to have a “fusion” point corresponding to cone 32. Simi- lar results have been obtained in the Survey laboratory at Pittsburg. The function of viscosity in extending the softening period is clearly recognized by all who have worked with silicates. Thus Day and Allen,? in their investigations, briny out this point very clearly. Doelter, and his students in fact, have endeavored to determine tlie viscosity of differ- ent silicates at various temperatures. Vogt, likewise, has sought to correlate the viscosity of fused magma with the sequence and velocity of crystallization. Greiner? determined, by means of a specially con- structed apparatus, the viscosity of mixtures of Na,Si0, with various other silicates at different temperatures. Thus, in a mixture of Na,O, SiO. and Al.O, he found that the viscosity was greatly increased by the addition of as small an amount as 2.5 per cent of Al,O,. This is shown eraphically in Fig. 1, where the abscissse represent the temperatures and the ordinates the relative viscosity. Curve I corresponds to the formula Al,O,°12 Na,O: 15 SiO, and Curve II to Al,O,:9 Na,O:12 SiO,. If alumina thus increases the viscosity of Na,SiO,, which is one of the most mobile silicates, it is evident that the internal iT. State: Geol. Survey, Bull No: 4, p. los. 2 The Isomorphism and Thermal Properties of the Feldspar, Carnegie Inst., 1905. ’ Inang. Dissertation, Jena. 1907, p. 17. BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. 3 TRANS. AM. CER. SOC. VOLXII. BLEININGER & BROWN. 78509 Boe ~ 150° 12002 Temperature m %. iriction of highly aluminous combinations must be very high indeed. On the other hand, the criticism raised as regards melting point determinations, does not apply to silicious mixtures containing a base-like lime. In testing silica brick it has been found that the melting point is well de- fined, as we should expect from our knowledge of the calcium silicates. Such a brick will stand up well in the fire, even under heavy loads, without deformation, at tem- peratures at a safe interval below its melting point. There is practically no flow until the melting point has been reached, when it will suddenly fuse to a liquid of low viscosity. This is probably the reason why silica brick are now being employed in many places where load con- ditions are an important factor, as in gas benches, ete. In order to overcome the viscosity effect of the fused mass it evidently seems desirable to bring about conditions which will neutralize it. For this reason some investiga- tors have found it advisable to apply a slight load to the 4 BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. specimens to be examined. In some cases a platinum weight is used which is placed on top of the small cylinder or cone in the furnace. Howe’ has suggested a furnace illustrated in Fig. 2, which arrangement makes it possible to measure the rate of settling or flow as well. TRANS, AM.CER.SOC.YOL XI. BLEININGER Kk BROWN, U x y y y \ ) = For the solution of the problem at hand, viz., the re- sistance of fire bricks to load conditions, it was decided not to approach the softening temperature proper, at which the whole mass becomes a viscous liquid, but to restrict our work to average furnace temperatures at which only the more fusible silicates are softening. In the average fire brick, containing from 80 to 85% of flint clay and 1 Metallurgical Laboratory Notes, p. 50. ELHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. 5 20 to 15% plastic bond clay, it is obviously the character of the latter which would determine the behavior of the brick from this standpoint, since the flint clay within this region shows no fusing action whatever. In order to bring out the point sought, it was evidently necessary to apply loads somewhat greater than those used in practice, though it was realized that it must not be excessive. DESCRIPTION OF TEST. In preparing for this investigation the work of Lemon Parker? was consulted, whose interesting results were Ses TRANS. AM. CER. SOC. VOL Xl. BLEININGER & BROWN See Shite, rer re 2 Transactions American Ceram. Soe.. Vol. 7, Part II. 6 BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS, found very suggestive, though in his work only small specimens were used. Since it was thought advisable to use full sized bricks, a furnace was constructed as illustrated in Fig. 3, with an interior space of 20’’x 20’x 21”, heated by means of eight Fletcher burners, which were supplied with natural gas and compressed air. The combustion gases escape through holes along the back side of the furnace, which consists of a movable dour made from a heavy wrought iron frame lined with fire bricks. This frame is hung from two rollers running on an overhead track, so that it can be easily moved. The brick to be tested is firmly placed on end upon a heavy fire clay block about 9 inches from the door, and made to set plumb by means of fire clay mortar. The half of a chrome brick is then placed upon the test specimen and on top of it a long cylinder, made from high grade fire clay which extends through a hole in the arch of the fur- nace. The load is then applied upon a cast iron knife-edge plate by means of a steel I-beam 9 ft. long, with a distance of three feet between the pin taking the up-thrust and the fulcrum, and six feet between the latter and the point of load application. The weight of the beam is 155 pounds. The weight applied consists of a wooden box containing the necessary amount of iron shot. The beam was first calibrated by means of a platform scale. The pin at the one end of the beam passes through a cast-iron block slid- ing in a channel iron provided with a sht and a heavy fastening bolt. On top of the block two bolts are arranged so that it can be lowered by loosening the fastening bolt and tightening up the top nuts. In this manner the [-beam may be kept level throughout the test, thus avoiding any side strains upon the brick. Through an opening in the door a thermo couple is inserted, which is placed as close to the brick as possible. The junctions of the element are placed in test-tubes im- mersed in a beaker of water, the temperature of which is read regularly. BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. T Before beginning the regular tests it was, of course, necessary to determine the best working temperatures and pressures for the purpose in view, and in this the exper- ience of Mr. Parker, as given in the article cited above, was used as a guide. The first point it was necessary to determine was the rate at which a fire brick could be heated up, and the time required until the interior of the test specimen had as- sumed the temperature of the furnace. For this purpose a hole was drilled to the center of a brick. A thermocouple was then inserted and the hole well plugged up, leaving the couple well covered for some distance away from the brick. Another couple was placed close to the brick, but not touching it. Fig. 4 shows the time-temperature curves TRANS. AM. CER. SOC. VOL XII. BLEININGER & BROWN. 1300 oe Welle Bee bette dak [er roe Soh RE LEE Time /n Min. resulting from this test, which illustrate that after 285 minutes, at the rate of heating followed, the inside tem- perature was the same as that on the outside. Since it was necessary to conduct the test with reasonable rapidity, ow- ing to the limited hours during which power was available, 8 BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. the time-temperature curve shown in Fig. 5 was finally adopted. The temperature to which the brick was to be brought and held for one hour in one series of tests was taken to be 1800°C., based on the consideration that the more easily fusible combinations of silicate mixtures vitrify and soften within this heat region. In the second series the tempera- ture was raised to 1350°C. The tests described in this TRANS. AM. CER. SOC. VOL XII. BLEININGER & BROWN. 1400 00 [200-—> ALU cares exec | | 1000;—— aY 4 Temperature (at | | ! + t . + t T } H | ) | \ \ +— 1 s Se SSR EO ee | ail Corio zi te Eeesaes tH | | dP asta Sn ENC, Nei Re 00 220 40 26) 280 300 320 34) 360 Time {na Minutes article refer to the former temperature. As regards the loads to be used, a considerable number of preliminary tests were made with pressures ranging from 125 pounds to 50 pounds per square inch, but in the first series a load of 75 pounds per square inch was employed, and in the second, 50 pounds. The present results refer to the 75 pound load condition maintained for one hour at 1300°C. In addition to the load tests, the following determina- tions were made: we BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. 9 en Crushing strength of the bricks on end in the cold condition. Chemical analysis. Softening temperature. Porosity. True specific gravity. Decrease in water absorption on re-burning to cone 12. D> OUR go bo 1. The crushing strength of the bricks, placed in the machine endwise, was carried on in the usual way, pains having been taken to imbed the specimen in plaster. 2. For the purpose of the chemical analysis, a sample sufficiently large was obtained by breaking up two half bricks and crushing them to pass the 100 mesh sieve. The disintegrated sample was allowed to flow in a small stream over a powerful magnet until all of the particles of metallic iron were removed. The analysis was carried on under the supervision of Mr. P. H. Bates, chemist in charge of the structural materials chemical laboratory, assisted by Mr. A. J. Phillips. The methods advocated by Hillebrand were used throughout this work. 3. The softening temperature was obtained by chip- ping off specimens from the bricks and placing them in a Fletcher gas furnace, using preheated compressed air and natural gas. For the higher temperatures a small carbon resistance furnace was employed, in which the muffle con- sisted of a body containing 85% calcined alumina and 15% of kaolin, Fig. 6. This furnace was found very satis- factory for the purpose. Seger-Orton cones were used for the determination of the temperatures. The results were checked in each case. 4. The porosity was determined by obtaining the weight of a dry piece of the brick, the weight of the same specimen saturated with water by boiling in vacuo and the suspended weight. The results checked practically with the porosity, calculated from the true and apparent specific gravities. 10 BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. TRANS.AM.CER.SOC.VOLXI. BLEININGER X BROWN. a Section A-A. ar c& “yy Uy “f : ne) ia 2" PRP Re VS RS S SSS Porous Material \w) clectrode Fig ©. 5. The true specific gravity was obtained from 50 gram samples of the pulverized bricks, under the custo- mary precautions as to the removal of air by boiling in vacuo and making corrections for the final temperature of the water. : 6. The original weighed bricks in this case were tested for water absorption by placing them flatwise in a covered tank, containing 114 inch of water, for 48 hours. After weighing they were dried and burnt in a down-draft test kiln to cone 12. They were then again immersed as before, and the water absorption determined. In this work 26 brands of fire bricks were tested, and each manufacturer was requested to furnish 20 bricks. BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. 11 The writers desire to take this opportunity for thanking the various companies for their co-operation, and the in- terest taken in this work. RESULTS OF TESTS. In Table I the chemical analyses, as well as the calcu- lated empirical formula, are compiled. The results of the physical tests are arranged in Table II, and the data referring to the load test, as has been said above, apply to the load of 75 pounds per square inch and the temperature of 1300°C. BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. 12 091+08NX0v0+0%N+0°H = OU: | | 660°0| 200°0 | S$00°0| TT0°0 | 910°0 1 090°0| 820°0}| O'T | £622 ar°0| 00/240 8-0) 06" 9F°S| SV OF 00T°O | 800°0 | $00°0 | §00°0 | 610°0 | €90°0 1 SS0°0| O'T | SSP? 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SEI LEO a Ot GS cok eae ee ae So Va dhs Le ese Lens Cages SoS ey Sg eee ee Ne cy P8 ‘SOSATBUY [BOTULBYO T WTaViL 13 BEHAVIOR OF FIRE BRICKS UNDER LOAD CONDITIONS. 8L°6 | Gt 0t 06°6L peysnsy LVGT peysnip eonne ae eee 66, \@) 9 YT LOZL 86) SF's Cro 06° IT % T6Z1 Ug 98°¢ 9),°8 29° ST % 0 SZ | L6°T oP OT 68°31 abe POST 91g 8 | ee°T 02°8 $9°6 és PESZl 148 £6°0 Zs OT GT IT ors TEST ors g 16°0 89°) 6G°8 7 SIZ £8 PI'S 78° OT 86ST % Gel 8 G0"e TS°Z1 9G° GT 91-81 PLZT 9T- 8 ta ed Jet aly ite eas sag? 6o'°T es") Z8°8 T GOZT 8 88°% P88 ZL OL ii Pest %), 6P'T 68° 88°8 9T-6 LILI 9T-G 8 00°S @G29 GG’ peysnig OfIL | peysnap 6h 'G 007g | 6F'OL | peusnap GhIL | peusnig 00°S Elf Cl Gre | a Sort AL 18°Z 9e°8 hess b 6LIT a 8 SPs | 09°6 | 80° ST | peysnig T6TT | peusnD ee jos (ie | ow [ae] & eo°T 22° GL°8 | % | a HS | gig EG") T2°6r | % | T6TL 8 | Crs |. 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