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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1845, by CAREY AND Hark7, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. -work is to be regarded as a collection, rather than as a selection ; PREFACE. “THe art of poetry,” says the old Spanish Jew, Alfonso: de Baena, ‘the gay science, is a most subtle and most delightful sort of writing or composition. It is sweet and pleasurable to those who propound and to those who reply; to utterers and to hearers. This science, or the wisdom or knowledge dependent on it, can only be possessed, received, and acquired by the inspired spirit of the Lord God; who communicates it, sends it, and influences by it, those alone, who well and wisely, and discreetly and correctly, can create and arrange, and compose and polish, and scan and measure feet, and pauses, and rhymes, and syllables, and And even then, so sublime is the understanding of this art, and so difficult its attainment, accents, by dextrous art, by varied and by novel arrangement of words. that it can only be learned, possessed, reached, and known to the man who is of noble and of ready invention,-elevated and pure discretion, sound and steady judgment; who has seen, and heard, and read many and divers books and writ- ings; who understands all languages; who has, moreover, dwelt in the courts uf. kings and nobles; and who has witnessed and practised many heroic feats. Finally, he must be of high birth, courteous, calm, chivalric, graciou: be polite and graceful; he must possess honey, and sugar, and salt, 1a facility and gayety in his discourse.” Tried by this standard, many of the poets in this volume would occupy a smaller space than has been allotted to them; and others would have been rejected alto- gether, as being neither ‘of ready invention, elevated and pure discretion, nor sound and steady judgment.” But it has not been my purpose to illustrate any poetic definition, or establish any theory of art. I have attempted only to bring together, into a compact and convenient form, as large an amount as possible of those English translations which are scattered through many volumes, and are not easily accessible to the general reader. In doing this, it has been thought advisable to treat the subject historically, rather than critically. The materials have in consequence been arranged according to their dates; and in order to render the literary history of the various countries as complete as these materials and the limits of a single volume would allow, an author of no great note has some- times been admitted, or a poem which a severer taste would have excluded. The and in judging any author, it must be borne in mind that translations do not always preserve the Ss. ; he must ie SNS ee pnt A PREFACE. rhythm and melody of the original, but often resemble soldiers moving onward when the music has ceased and the time is marked only by the tap of the drum. The languages from which translations are here presented are ten. ‘They are the six Gothic languages of the North of Europe, — Anglo-Saxon, Icelandic, Dan- ish, Swedish, German, and Dutch; and the four Latin languages of the South of Europe, Spanish, and Portuguese. In order to make the work fulfil entirely the promise of its title, the Celtic and Sclavonic, as likewise the Turkish and Romaic, should have been introduced; but with these I am not acquainted, and I therefore leave them to some other hand, hoping that ere long | a volume may be added to this which shall embrace all the remaining European tongues. The authors upon whom I have chiefly relied, and to whom I am indebted for the greatest number of translations, are Bowrine, HEerBert, CosTELLo, Taytor, Jamieson, Brooxs, ApAMson, and THorpe.* Some of these are already beyond the reach of praise or thanks. ‘To the rest, and to all the translators by whose labors I have profited, I wish to express my sincere acknowledgments. I[ need 3; they will, for the most part, be found in the Table of ist entitled “Translators and Sources.” of this work I have been assisted by Mr. C. C. FEtron, Who Nas iutiuisicc u.2 with a large portion of the biographical sketches prefixed teh the translations. I have also received much valuable aid from the critical taste | and judgment of Mr. Grorce Nicwoxs, during the progress of the work through | ‘the press. Campripce, May, 1845. * Since the Anglo-Saxon portion of this book was printed, a copy of the ‘* Codex Exoniensis,” published by Mr. Thorpe, with the following title: ‘*Copmx Exoniensis; a Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, from a Manuscript in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, with an English Translation and Notes, by Bensamin Tuorpr, F.S, A.” London. 1842, 8vo. The following translations may also be mentioned: “ Masrpr Wace unis CHRONICLE oF tue Norman Congvuest, from the Roman pu Rov,” by Epcar Taytor, London, 8vo.; and “REYNARD THE Fox, a renowned Apologue of the Middle Age, reproduced in Rhyme,” by - spoken of on pages 6, 7, as “‘ the Exeter Manuscript,” has been received. The work has been S. Naytor, London, 1845, 8vo. - ee este serene seasons eee NESS SSE SSeS eeeeeesneeseeeeeneete CONTENTS. ANGLO-SAXON. e ANGLO-SAXON LANGUAGE AND POETRY 1 POEM -OR2BEGVWAUL EV tater test a hell slp elles. Yer se sec cane Beowulf the Shyld . eines Eieh W. Taylor. 8 The. Saitingsommep wail ii ts) 4) 6 fap tek oot) tot EDs ols Beowult’s Expedition to Heort . . . H.W. Longfellow. 8 An Old Man’s Sorrow < oe sade at blr Kemble. . . 10 GoodiNiRNGaey Beis north sas Vhs; Wels et heh 0i) DO a pel CLD MONTE ener A fal 6 Ser fom. we a) nel Va ohectivee UD The First Day >. RUE ae Thorpe. . » 10 The Fall of the Rebel ihugels apis tet Es pac VeRO D wiecmheies NLD Satan? SMPRCCMM oe tewn on ol ey Sere Bile ote LOR! Gets de PheiTemptationor Bye, .0 0.9806 fo lela er EOD Sea. 4B The Phighpief thevleraelites «6 jie (ie) 6 6 (LO. be 0 NT The Destruction. of Pharaoh...) « « «0 Hb. «a 8 HISTO RICHMODRS Simmer os peer a a oS a ok Te Sec a ee The Battle of Brunanburh dine Ingram. . . 19 The Deathioh Mie RASA ei hac’ ob. el ee ULDe Ley) whe The Death of King Edward. . . . Ee iy sR hk My sae bed POEM FROM THE POETIC CALEND AR . Turner. wee! KING ALFRED’S METRES OF BOETHIUS For. .. . 28 ROEM QE FUR aaree seal da ls cite be 9 oA 8) duis) hie) bt G The Revel of Holofernes By ae Turner. « » 26 The Deathiof Melemernes . 8. 4. ge ee ay HO. je eh a RE IVIISCELLANEOUSPPOERMAS) .o sem 6s ere, til at porte, Ne The Exile’s Complaint . . « Conybeare.. . 27 The Soul’s Complaint . H.W. Longfellow. 28 TheGraye, -eacteMedeaas lira sie apie. Gb ey Lay as wih hae The Ruined Wall-stone . ., . « « Conybeare. oi neesn The Song of Summer Warton. .-.. 29 ICELANDIC. ICELANDIC LANGUAGE AND POETRY.....*. . 30 SZOVEIN DS) HDD Ae) els go erate ecb Velyee oe) cao eh es tae The Voluspa . ao ORIG Henderson. . 3 The Have-male ye ot tellers. : shlis ie UEM be GY LOM) 6-200 Vaithradrl’ s2palanuye) ovis sr kale etee Ww tye! kB ohe! s, aus) AL Thrym’s Quida . SNe Me sielh Maca ie MU ERRORT EG hy “tie! CAS Skirnis-for. . . Srediot fain San} spe ee EE aa tka ara t ae : Brynhilda’s Ride to ‘Hell . Malo ck 0) ee a ROR Ty 8S volcan AG s Grotta-saViEtine screies thy se) ies be) w) POMEION. 6) 6 47 Vegtam’sQvida 4 2... . Pigott. sera Gunlaug and Rafen Ae LES MPI RE Ss ¢-7/1: 13: Ska ame 48) MISCELLANEOUS? TORINS: 060. ee 8 ee se BL The Biarkemaal . eee < Pigott. Sid Ok The Death-song of Regner Rdbrock c Terberts 6). iB} ao -: The Battleof Hafur’s Bay . . . 2 « of RO Anes . 58 Death-songofHakon . . eater Dare & Taylor. 53 The Song of Harald the Hardy: . Herbert. 55 Song ofthe Berserks . . . r W. Taylor, 55 The Cofnbat of Hialmar and Oddur 2 Herbert. 56 lon) The Dying Seamer Asbo 1272-05 oe EO ee. The Song of Troke the Black’ .* 4° 2° 6 e Tb. ne BZ The LamentationofStarkader, . , . . . Jb . . . 58 Gryfourand titer oe ete: ot fe k 8) ew EO. op eho) 88 4 ? DANISH. | DANISH LANGUAGE AND POETRY ....... . 59 2 BALLADS . : Sr Z Sie. ee eee Oe | Stark Tiderick and nee Deriak’s aoe Jamieson. . . 64 | Lady: Grimpildbacwemmom ce eicem chs cel oj, 0” £Da wet at's 1/05 ! The. Bttin VanSehemksee tei biiedie | ete sc BOs elena OU t Hero Hogen and the Queen of Danmarck Pree w CU Papbor eben cs SV/Aic:) q Siri'Guncelini [ay ssyen tel eM ae ale et eyiess (e) LO levine, Vahl a Pibstt and Guldbarg, sawelvekil? «9%! wie (dBi ada co Tl | Vogne Child Dyring Wea reeniary a,%! sof hens. 20s Te tie he 48 7 GhildoAxelvolde cuits ve lint Moleiile: wines hOor Gm lve iellits i}, he Wissel Dances cqhe adel lesits) Neh itaite (EDs Vente a 80 ' Olaf ants 35 Cl) aerate ob. ha) exter ADs") ey hist f Hosmer HMafmand), 3. sitet eee o's d)) balg ade eve at es ae e Witat Need... . 3 of bat 02 WEB iit marta ace a The Mer-man and Marstie’s Benghinr digs Sk: DO sh ol eel ad Piven Sty 3 oe alin ettgeren ve palete: (/sl ROR ta ee MISCELLANEOUS POEMS: . 4. 2. 2. 5 es 1 e082 Page King Oluf the Saint .. « « 4 «6 » « For. Quart, Rev, 79 Aaggerand Wize 0s ¥s 2. os) eld Sdemgeltla ey Ade My tie) eee The Elected Knight . . ... . « H.W. Longfellow. 82 THOMAS) KINGO! oo 2s ie. tk Oa Ca lath eee ne Morning Song . . Cab Nera - « « For. Quart. Rev. 82 CHRISTIAN BRAUMAN TULLIN atid scat tS oe eae oe Extract from May-day .. +... « Herbert. . . 83 JOHANNES EVALD” 22 0 6b oo. 83 Hang Christian’ « ols is imaccesnitee towed H. Ww. ‘Long pel rae The Wishes sy? . tila ee What tae eke okie PRL mere Song Sry wt ate! Wet Cre rena eR ROT A EDWARD STORM . me MAM IM geet RON th alee, iE The Ballad of Sinclair * 20°. 0°". . Walker. . MW higevalde ys) 6 eugene ce For. Quart. Rev. THOMAS THAARUP wo eal Sr MEH A The Love of our ed 9) mal un lant stern. te Walker. ToSpring . . igre eg ar cat ee ora a MR KNUD LYNE RAHBEK Peter Colbiornsen ... ae PETER ANDREAS HEIBERG aS Saas Tal Oe Norwegian Love-song . Walker. Tycho Brahe, or the Ruins of Cranienbore For. Quart. Rev. JENS BAGGESEN stelle eet atyts: Warts Childhood 93 1. 5544 H.W. Longfellow, To my Native Land Walker. . ADAM GOTTLOB OEHLENSCHLAGER é From Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp on ere * From the Dedication Zahe Gillies, Noureddin and Aladdin «0.0 6. buie2 4 + Os Aladdin at the Gates ofIspahan, . . . s Id. Aladdin in Prison ,. . tte ave aon Aladdin in his Mother’s Chamber ai ec Wee MRED Aladdin at his Mother’s Grave .. . . . Jb. From Hakon Jarl . . 4. ed Hakon and Thorer, in the Suered Grove. - Jb. Hakon discloses his Designs to Thorer . . Jb. Hakon and Messenger. . . WUAEB. Hakon and his Son Erling, in the Saeved ‘Geive Ib. Defeat and DeathofHakon . . ... Jb. Salilogay of Thoray gues + Saini? cq smactartl de For. Quart. Rev. 8 From the Tragedy of Correggio . . pet Antonio da Correggio, and Maria his Wife. Ib. Antonio and Giulio Romano. ,. . esis Whee Michael Angelo, Maria, and Giovanat ogre abe Antonio in the Gallery ot Count Octavian . Jb. Soliloquy of Correggio . . . 2. « « “Guu JO. Thor’s\Hwshingieny (os 6 cel el ei te tle Ont The. Dwaris’ Galgl otis .'< ..o- (ey aaiigiinre tet be: De ROmat es enamel The Bard Walker... Lines on leaving Italy é “ For. Quart, Rev, 1é The Morning Walk . . Pia anil Bhs PERS BERNHARD SEVERIN INGEMANN . Seah ny ee . Progressof Axel widens 96 ste il a ae tats ate From Masaniello " Gh Re totter Rig peter Masaniello, Mad, in the Ghutehs yard Blackwood’s Mag. 1% The Aspen ‘ For. Quart. Rev. Dame Martha’s Fountain, sch icin loot ae tel, tee aay a oa 2 ate SWEDISH. SWEDISH LANGUAGE AND POETRY...) . 8 eis BALLADS The Mountain- habe Maia cite) be 6) 6 MOM Quart) ied . Hillebrand aed ed Mat oe els cpety de The Dance in the Geota of Roses SW ete Wt Aa fle eee The Maiden that was sold 2.0 j0a/0 208) Oe The Little Seaman. . SEAS RAP e eld ga ae ee Sir Carl, or the Cloister Robbed tei OP Ge ewae Hosegrove-side@ =. .s' eye heh Lk ot: ooo fae eae hg eee. SOOO Brigade et vs aot es gai asia oleate Mier Duke Magnus. . ol eacheimel bu ren ne ile uae The Power of the Harp eno! lath omliettda = eee Tiltile:- Karns Death o:8..7 2 2 yi. 0 coca ee ad em a —s Vill CONTENTS. MISCELLANEOUS POEMS ; . 140 JOHAN HENRIK KELLGREN ,. ., Sitter cela . 140 whe Wew, Creation... . s » « s .. For. Rev. . 140 PBC IOBR OT MGTENt pelle. 2 whe 0 oe hOdulas ihe eer alk ee Folly is no Proof of Genius For. Quart. Rev. 143 ANNA MARIA LENNGREN Ria be . 144 Family Portraits pathe Ib. . 144 CARL GUSTAF AF LEOPOLD is ote - 145 Ode on the Desire of Deathless Fame Ib. . 145 ESAIAS TEGNER . 146 From Frithiofs Saga F Niet mt . 154 Cantol. Frithiof and fageberns A Strong. . 154 Ill. Frithiof’s Homestead A, W. Longfellow. 156 IV. Frithiof’sSuit .. . Strong. . 156 VI. Frithiof at Chess Ib. . 158 X. Frithiof at Sea Ib. - 159 XI, Frithiof at the CourtofAngantyr Jb. . . 160 XIX, Frithiof’s Temptation H.W. Longfellow. 163 The Children of the Lord’s spec by ZO aie. Wits -LO4 From Axel elie sap? Lal te 2 ethite hve . 169 The Veteran . athe savas ih Latham. . 169 King Charles’ s Guaul Wine ie uw > 16. . 170 Love seis . 170 PRR pific. AMADEUS ATTERBOM ARR cs YAU “ From the Island ofthe Blest . For. Rev. . 171 The Hyacinth .. TIE For. Quart. Rev. 173 ERIC JOHAN STAGNELIUS F . 173 From t1e Tragedy of the Martyrs ........ . 1% Emi\ra and Perpetua .. . For. Quart. Rev. 173 Marcion and Eubulus : For. Rev. . . 175 Mhe Birds of Passage. .. . 6 + Ib. . 176 AToRnds =. 4 . Ib, Bo hics ERIC SJOGREN (VITALIS) r nn To the Moon. —A Dedication . 20cm Bs - 178 Spring Fancy = 2 ss «sf te 8 le Ib - . 179 PE RAAICRER vie is’ (es * 19, Someone 120. . 179 GERMAN. GERM N LANGUAGE AND POETRY....... 180 FIRST PERIOD.—CENTURIES VIII.—XI. MAIBCMEUANEOUS 9 ss 8 ie 8) alle ofr s hee LOO Song of Old Hildebrand nhs Teber. > 189 Fragment of the Song of Louis the Third W. Taylor. 189 From the Rhyme of St. Anno Sea ore 189 SECOND PERIOD.—CENTURIES XII., XIII. IMEININESINGBERS. =... <6 « 6 6 Sake CONRAD VON BIRCHBERG.... Be Des 190 May, sweet May E. Taylor. 190 HEINRICH VON, RISPACH Sac 190 The woodlands with my songs resound Pine Gk WS 191 WOLFRAM VON ESCHENBACH Arie 191 Would I the lofty spirit melt ib. 192 THE EMPEROR HENRY Wie 192 I greet in song that sweetest one aie ees 192 WALTHER VON DER VOGELWEIDE an 192 When from the sod the flowerets spring Ib. 194 °'T was summer Jb. 194 HHINRICH VON MORUNG ae 195 My lady dearly loves a pretty bird Ib. 195 Hast thou seen : Ib. 195 BURKHART VON HOHENFELS- ; 3 s . 195 Like the sun’s uprising light Ib. . 195 GOTTFRIED VON NIFEN . ° “| 195 Up, up! let us greet Og . 196 DIETMAR VON AST F ‘ . 196 By the heath stood a lady Ib. . 196 There sat upon the linden-tree Ib. 196 CHRISTIAN VON HAMLE ? 196 Would that the meadow could speak does Je 196 RUDOLPH VON ROTHENBERG ret 197 A stranger pilgrim spoke to me Ib. 197 HEINRICH, HERZOG VON ANHALT Py a 197 Stay ! let the breeze still blow on me Ib. 197 COUNT KRAFT OF TOGGENBURG lacy 197 Does any one seek the soul of mirth . Ib. OT, STEINMAR bie weet in 8 ip 197 With the graceful corn upspringing . Ib. 197 CONRAD VON WURTZBURG neo 198 See how from the meadows pass Ib. 198 OTHO, MARGRAVE OF BRANDENBURG P 198 Again appears the cheerful May Toes . 198 Make room unto my loved lady bright Weber, 198 WE CHANCELLOR lis Be Stelle 198 Vho would summer pleasures try E. Taylor. 198 HEINRICH, HERZOG VON BRESLAU . To thee, O May, I must complain ALBRECHT VON RAPRECHTSWEIL Once more mounts my spirit gay . ULRICH VON LICHTENSTEIN . Lady beauteous, lady pure . .... +. . dd. GOESLI VON EHENHEIM ....4.. -. Now will the foe ofevery flower . ... . Jb. THE THURINGIANG: “ccs. jai poueeon Sateen = The pleasant season mustaway . . phases ha WINCESLAUS, KING OF BOHEMIA ey Now that stern winter each blossom is blighting Jb. LUTOLT VON {SEV EN Sots 2 sumsiien te enema In the woodsand meadows green ... . Ib. JOHANN HADLOUB eae . Far as I journey from my lady fain, «Us. nue eae Isaw yon infant in her arms caressed .. . Ib. WATCH-SONGS ee’ 6 (ue. Mien) eae The sunisgonedown .. 2) lel Geos I heard before the dawn of ae Pee eran Pn aot! THE HELDENBUCH, OR BOOK OF THE HEROES . I, — Otnit nivis e} cant eae ae Sir Otnit and Dwarf Elberich Besa II, — Wolfdietrich SPE Rss coc eva irs alia Wolfdietrich’s Infancy... <) 6.) salicens a ene Wolfdietrich and the Giants... 2° 1/1. 2) 3 bs Wolfdietrich and Wild Blse' . 2 2's san Oe The Fountain of Youth .. . Tb. Wolfdietrich and the Stag with Golden Florna Ib. Wolfdietrich in the Giant’sCastle ... . Jb. Wolfdietrich and Sir Belligan . . . . . °. Jb. Wolfdietrich andthe Fiends ..... . Jb. The Fournament +} ix, sf. Udi) eben decals Wolfgietrich’s Penance... 2... s:1«ae p sileeee ee IIT. — The Garden of Roses. 2 5 « « © » Friar Ilsan in the Garden of Roses Ib. Friar Ilsan’s Return tothe Convent. . . . Jb. IV.— The Li (le Garden of Roses King Laurin the: Dwarf)" 91075) 2 eerealos The Court of Little King Laurin ; Ib. THE NIBELUNGENGIED) 4s) ae ete as The Nibelungen oe sel han tet Pelt rea a Ghrinmnildieir. os ve PIE ee fis. Siegfried at the Fénrtein oi) echo. alee ee em Hagen atthe Danube. . 2) Sean aetna Os Hagen ang Volker the Fiddler a! re ih let aaa ae Death of Gunther, Hagen, and Chrimhild, . J6. THIRD PERIOD. —~CENTURIES XIV., XV. 3. eee E. Taylor. . ° Weber. HALE SUT ERI eu) aaketaeeins aaa Myotis ~ 227, The BattleofSempath ....e . Scott. . 3227: ULRICH BONER (55 a) “0, Telli 1. 70S ee 229 The Frog and the Steer Carlyle, 229 SVRUTY SWAB BBR at sh Gch ara) eee ae . 230 The Battle of Murten. . . C. C. ‘Fetter’ 230 ANONYMOUS POEMS OF UNCERTAIN DATE :. +231 Song of Hildebrand Weber. eat The Noble Moringer Scott. 202 The Lay of the Young Count N, A. Rev, 935 Song of the Three’ Tailore....,, +s: .tns)e.c Anes mee . 236 The Wandering Lovers) 6.5"... dale ee . 236 The Castle in Asstriay) oi ice". ohana 237 The Dead Bride oroom) ) s/c ore ey pelea . 237 TherNiehtin gases. i. reise ys 6 skeet E, Taylor, |, 237 Absence 5 ane ai “mips, ou, it fa Gilera eae 238 The Faithless Ong Piura MTR NS MGI ADOT rN fey 0 . 238 The Nightingale” (A985) hie Mal de Ib. 288 The; Hemlock-tree? nit. 3/5, «feet elite “VE W. Longfellc 9%. 238 Silent Love .. a), pap ont is wits eee The German Night- Welsnmene 8 Song 4 Aaonpetiae 767 ( FOURTH PERIOD.—CENTURY XVI. MARTIN LUTHER . 5, ee Nae 239 Psalm F Carlyle. 23! HEINRICH KNAUST . ey BH Asay oa Dignity of the Clerks . C. C. Felton. 239 FIFTH PERIOD. —CENTURY XYII. SIMON DACH Annie of Tharaw Blessed are the Dead . . . «tiehohian die ABRAHAM A SANCTA CLARA . off sat Fah HES Saint Anthony’s Sermon to the Fishes JOHANN JACOB BODMER .... The Deluge. , 6 tle ader tp FREDERIC HAGEDORN. om aude ates The Merry Soap-boxlbn oak 9/5 hoa ele Anonymous. SIXTH PERIOD.—FROM 1700 TO 1770. W. Taylor. W. Taylor. ol peta Se aro Shar 22a . H.W. Longfellox, wee 1. 240 . 241 . 241 240 . 242 » 242 . 242 . 242 ALBRECHT VON HALLER .. Extract from Doris , CHRISTIAN YURCHTEGOTT GELLERT. The Widow EWALD CHRISTIAN YON KLEIST Sighs for Rest JOHANN WILHELM LUDWIG GLEIM . WRT BON ow ek ene The fnvitation <0 « 3 The Wanderer FRIEDRICH GOTTLIEB KLOPSTOCK Ode tor God se Sse le able ew The Lake of Zurtch- <<. « |. . To Young Saye Gos 14 cud ie Miysitecovery = a7 es. 6 The Choirs CARL WILHELM RAMLER OWeto Wintel Ys os. > Ode to Concord GOTTHOLD EPHRAIM LESSING From Nathan the Wise FE Sittah, Saladin, and Nathan. SALOMON GESSNER .... A Scene fromthe Deluge .. . JOHANN GEORG JACOBI . Song orb ihe « 243 W. Taylor. . 243 Bist mito Veheoate C. T. Brooks, 244 Vins ath i ekeao W. Taylor. . 245 EAR blot 5 eke a0 PY fe T1/B ttteyesgP ke S. H,Whitman. 247 Macray, . . 247 oo ano cabeat eee. For. Rev. . . 248 W. Taylor, . 249 Toe) We e250 TOI 1 C08 250 TOY Weiliretseeeoo Sr Perens eee OSU) Leia aol JD Pat eos 306 143252 RPh earn cece Ibs Be styerees SEES TR oe id ph ah eos J.A. Heraud, 258 tibia NSA otieay COO Beresford. . 260 SEVENTH PERIOD, —FROM 1770 TO 1844. CHRISTOPH MARTIN WIELAND . Extract from Oberon ... GOTTLIEB CONRAD PFEFFEL The Tobacco-pipe ° MATTHIAS CLAUDIUS . . Rhine-wine 4. 4 6 3h be Witter sy eid iat it pay chee Mine ECM y est those te. ls sis Night-song JOHANN “GOTTFRIED VON HERDER VoiceofaSon .', . « e Esthonian BridalSong ... . CHAMCAN hal wines «Die a! “alive Toa Dragon-fly . os The Organ .. Ts ems A Legendary Ballad Sm I CARL LUDWIG VON KNEBEL . Moonlight . is ahs Adrastea . . . GOTTFRIED AUGUST ‘BURGER GP GOTE Nis) og) voit eileen, The Brave Man . CHRISTIAN GRAF ZU STOLBERG To my Brother Uh ho wee eiia, DOr Sotheby. . ». 263 af bape hd eyavroree ae C.T. Brooks. 267 aioe aie: seme: 200 Macray. . . 268 C.T. Brooks, 268 N. Y. Rev. . 268 C. T. Brooks, 269 PRON en a Ae) Bees W. Taylor. . 271 Ri? (che wre ge aria 7h | FO," cai el iat SblOctelwts oaltoene C. T. Brooks. 271 Mary Howitt. 272 ete hel eater eheee For. Quart. Rev. 273 TS im ei eae . 274 W. Taylor. . 275 N. Eng. Mag. 277 i a IS For. Rev. - « 278 LUDWIG HEINRICH CHRISTOPH "HOLTY beh sch » 279 Death of the Nightingale . . Harvest Song WinterSong . A Elegy at the Grave of iy Father c Country Life JOHANN WOLFGANG ‘VON GOETHE From Faust Dedication ies ves The Cathedral May-day Night The Loved One evernear Solace in Tears . .. vate The Salutation ofa Spirit: a Totbe Moon . Vanitas Bs pe es Mahomett#'Wong RM Bie a ow Song of the Spirits . . . 2. 6 Prometheus Cer, Brooks. 280 TDs; "= aya. B00 EOS feat a AOU SURE alee neon Fraser’s Mag, 281 A Uie eg Ua ee piigehnreditey Us!) ek OO: Halleck. . . 288 Hayward, . , 288 Shelley. . . 289 JS. Dwight. 294 Ae PO etd si 204 G. Bancroft. . 294 JS. Dwight. 294 ate AMM SN Bor £5 be’ Tb, be 6 295 FBS joa, sis 15 BIS Tbs. ie esas e00 FRIEDRICH LEOPOLD GRAF ZU STOLBERG ep adJa aee Song of Freedom Bee The Stream of the Rock . To the Sea agS Alii e Wager To the Bvenine Stat Sel ei val jiethce The Seas shee terviecvanice Michael Angelo ike) re ave JOHANN HEINRICH voss The Beegar, “Angdyl: 9. f° Extract from Luise ; CHRISTOPH AUGUST TMEDGE 4 To the Memory of Korner The Wave of Life LUDWIG THEOBUL KOSEGARTEN The Amen of the Stones Via Crucis, Via Lucis . . 4 W. Taylor. . 297 W. W. Story. 298 C. T. Brooks. 299 For. Rev. . . 299 LC UEOM aD a ee Cago py PBR Ma SOO Sar aac ey ae SOU Fraser’s Mag. 302 Tb." ' w')s 803 eae Nie 4) B08 C. T. Brooks. 304 H.W. Long fellow. 304 BA iene Apion aie AD LBL C. T. Brooks. 304 STE dee Be abe CONTENTS. JOHANN CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH VON SCHILLER . 305 Song of the Bell . S.A, Eliot. . 309 The Entrance of the New Cantary. N. L. F'rothingham. 312 Knight Toggenburg so. . Edinburgh Rev. 313 Indian Death-song , » » N. L. Frothingham, 313 The Division of the Earth TAb C. P. Cranch, 314 Extract from Wallenstein’s Camp apie, (Motrei ys aoe oes The.Glove:.aTale 9.04). ois, @ Bulwer. heh siold The Dancer 35) ier? val a treianeliiowhe te ae Merivale. . . 316 Prom Mary Stuarts o. %\- is, \ dy ie), tev ce W. Peter. .. . 767 From Don Carlos . .. . - . G. H. Calvert. 768 From the Death of Wallensteln. « »« Coleridge. . 769 JOHANN PETER HEBEL) 1) dunes. yoareras yee fase aco ee Sunday Morning , Jy ariheg 2 Grater tacky FRIEDRICH VON MATTHISSON mi dopa am hee Me: seal a Oa Elegy .. ° Knickerbocker, 318 The Spring Sy enie 4 Anonymous. . 318 For ever thine Macroy.. . . 319 AUGUST FRIEDRICH FERDINAND VON KOTZEBUE , 319 From the Tragedy of Hugo'Grotius . . . ww. ew, BID The Flight from Prison ; W. Taylor, . 319 From the Tragedy of Gustavus Wasa) oi) 0.) ) a a, Bee The Arrest and Escape . Bue’ (leva hon freien rnoee JOHANN GAUDENZ VON SALIS~ Pe RB OE ha ele Cheerfulness . Anonymous. . 326 Song of the Silent Land aie VE H. W. Longfellow. 326 Hunvest Song att ies “(adiae C. T. Brooks. 326 The Grave ria - - Gower, «eae: VALERIUS WILHELM NEUBECK aah anes e . 327 The Praise of fron *. . . 2 Berar » oet FRIEDRICH LUDWIG ZACHARIAS WERNER... . 328 From the Templarsin Cyprus . . PALER NR ESD) Adalbert in the Church of the Templats : o Cartylers i) Gao Adatbert:in the Gemeteryy’ 7 io) eb) Tbe eee Bee) ERNST” MORITA: ALUN D655 ec il Tally siyieddspiuce (en veiaenee The German Fatherland . . Macray. . . 332 Field-Marshal Blucher . . . . . . » ©. C. Felton. 333 ED W Tet SEL CH Sele Cha aay red oad WO Fak det el beh oh ae Spring C. T. Brooks. 334 Song from Bluebeard . Blackwood’s Mag. 334 LUDOLF ADALBERT VON CHAMISSO ..... . 334 The LastSonnets . .. « © © « .« Anonymous. . 335 JOHANN LUDWIG UHLAND rb sane en wes a a egw at Oe The Luck of Edenhall . . « ALW. Long fellow. 337 The Mountain Boy 4 Anonymous. . 337 On the Death of a Country Claeys i W. W. Story. 337 The Castle hy the Sea . H.W. Longfellow. 337 The Black: Kritghtore foil Si Senn a eeu ee eed) Matt ae PWG AOERM cat ot ieunteen a Meghna ne Edinburgh Rev, 338 The Passage eh ey Catiteri whtie: sigh ae tane Osi ite tb an vai Tie: INIA) a¢-etie! Nethte eete Wb loan.) ane Ore Guard. tretaloge EHO PeTEHAC Ee: ime) eh ea Van, eapsite,” (a:2 ale: Mops POS Me aecien ee he: VWWECRCH: elise Fant oe aw eps ol) ey. abihaee Sean nt si Care Rue To FAG APRA VRE Fo) ERNST CONRAD FRIEDRICH SCHULZE ..... . 339 Song ., ol whet ep eh an) 0) 9 Mosh OGEOTe cai The Eivntanany Death Sicaty tec diak ytattee tie: | von aecsibee thicta, teen aaa May Lilies . . ASS er ed Rema LeOri abe Ele Extract from Cecilia’ ete AST AG! ep) shea tie) faut Onin yeaa amen FRIBDRICH RUCKER The aes ies itp ee sk cee eee Strung Pearls . . - « » « « NDZ. Frothingham. 341 The Sun and the Brook ait pe er te J.-S. Dwight. 343 Nature more than Science . .. Dublin Univ. Mag. 343 The Patriot’s Lament , C.C, Felton. 343 Christkindlein German Wreath. 344 JOSEPH CHRISTIAN YON ZEDLITZ oe ost ah a ee at nee The Midnight Review «6 we ws) Anonymous, |. 345 KARL THEODOR-KORNER: oh y 305 5 tt aes nao My Fatherland . . . 3... « « » Richardson, '. H46 Good Nightie st alk dice ees a ee Oey tala Oa Swoerd-son gale es.) mg.) fel die Ay ey CROPS iar eae The Oak-trees . . t wde Albee Eee ete Oe ete ADOLF LUDWIG FOLLEN PULA Toe adie sii v ant cae ote Ye: of Blucher’s Ball ob ol a Ra et! Co Ca Metfonsiey 348 WILHELM MULLER 7 '25 a UN 8s a ea AN Ace eS The Bird and the prin H. W. Longfellow, 348 Whither? . . . POMOC ME Sie fi cas rears ty Vis ce:| AUGUST GRAF VON PLATEN-HALLERMUNDE. .. . 349 Sonnets. ; $d poe. a ss sl) Anonymourees S29 HEINRICH HEINE. Be ae Uae th De Ba Ug nae test tetany The Voyage 5 295 2,8 606 29 +s). Edinburgh’ Rev.'350 The-Tear 5% Binds PUP OS he Bate 2) etc e a Maen, Oe The Evening Boats i bani tel ike? ter) wh te har aOepte Ret iNet eo Thre Dore-lei ny. ew Mew. be phe ah bc oe OMRON Ran Seon The Hostile Brothers . . . . . . Tbs if 5 ee The Sea hath its Pearla . . . . ns W. Longfellow. 351 The Fir-treeandthePalm . . . . . . W. W.Story, dot Xx CONTENTS. pee HEINRICH AUG, HOFFMANN VON FALLERSLEBEN 352 JAN VAN BROEKHUIZEN ; . + 392 On the Walhalla sas Lond. Atheneum. 352 SOMO ste hile fe 8 oe ells claws ove or 0 | PEROMNOSIE VES aR Lamentation for the Golden bie Mra A pstk {ill RAPER pe cee SONMEE Teh sirable bute ates plot ibe ee a ee ea 392 German National Wealth . . ..... Jd. . 853 Morning yea is. 1a ie Nie, & bloat ts bisalis pee Ones 392 DIETRICH CHRISTIAN GRABBE wes te nneeO anes 772 ANTON ALEXANDER VON AUERSPERG . 356 HOPOLLENS iid ma ob. le bes eee 396 DRIOOMI SLEDS) ofie!. shia?) Lond. Atheneum. 356 Summer Morning’s Song Westminster Rev. 396 The Censor .. Phra) Re SP) ore hee eee . oor Winter Evening’s Song . For. Quart. Rev. 396 The Customs- barton Ste ae Wom ila! cites ates ILO theo hen rent me John a? Schaffelaar ) .. % sin shite Van Dyk. 397 The Last Poet 4 N. L. Frothingham, 358 Birthday, Verges.) 05.) 0))0) > eo) sh sg, he eC . 398 Henry Frauenlob . . 1...» © « « Edinburgh Rev. 358 ELIAS ANNE BORGER . ey ey eset GUSTAV PFIZER SA Wane eh cholo tials iia eae Ode to the Rhine A ce ee eo 6MOT;) Quart. eu. 1690 The Two Locks of Hair . H.W. Longfellow. 359 DA\COSTAM EL Se: MP FERDINAND FREILIGRATH > frisbee. 8) a ODE Introduction to a Hymn on 1 Providence - Westminster Rev. 400 The Moorish Prince . .. « « C. T. Brooks. 360 The Sabbath eae ae For. Quart, Rev, 401 The WIMeTants 9. Valve ite «os Dees PAE aires 33k KINKER be i Poe BP ge ya) Sei The Lion’s Ride mid "Dublin Univ. Mag. sie Virtue and Truth - « - »« Westminster Rev. 401 Iceland-moss Tea . . Mate. Sie A emtinRars an Tacs . 362 LOOTS ... tl er The Sheik of Mount Bingi sen \eritePiel Wajiiie ectis . 363 The:Nightingal Ib 402 SRM aI KAtIME. INCZTO. Us Ve. s Gilne Mik: ies oe \deltdOe | 'e . 363 eariias Sina, Sead emit Rae Ae ONL TTS oS j The Alexandrine Metre . . . ASM sve . 364 WITHUIS: apa > » ie bait b Gilteumee The King of Congo and his Hundred Wives Sa ey . 364 OdetoTime .... For. Quart. Rev. 402 PARUEAOHOPS: (opsuien etkds DORN 1) Shei ven gp verlieseh Oe) «| ia). O00 My Themes RE UR Rh aa At SND lA UR delauchag FRENCH. irnmnes- Meath saa Wise ce |e) sles aie es = 367 : FRANZ DINGELSTEDT . we se ee +e 4 868 | FRENCH LANGUAGE AND POETRY wr The Watchman pisaitie wile levine puUOnd. Atkenwum:, 368 FIRST PERIOD,— CENTURIES XII., XIII. TheGerman Prince . . + + » + « + + db. - 368 | JONGLEURS, TROUVERES, AND TROUBADOURS 414 GEORG HERWEGH fy net Rhy aR Agra 2) i i nage ie f The Fatherland. . 6 Pas live ova vie For, Quart. Rev. 369 I.—€ HANSONS DE GESTE, ETC. tte Bf oh te ho LE ho monet Hatred Oph as. fas ee Tbe . 369 Death of Archbishop Turpin . . . . H.W. Longfellow. 414 Fy eh EO PASO) DL reine, ot SEM INGER TEC) eve 7 AMEN . 369 From Fercbccidip i du Rou o')e) ja RR Ge) ae moe | REA TONE ea NEON hi oe iyeln gl 7, PANT CGN a GIR. | flea . 370 Duke William at Rouen » « « Blackwood’s Mag. 415 BENEDIKT DALEI { _ 370 Richard’s Escape. ohh fats cote gtr lot apts LSI Wegmann 416 | SRSA Et aed ua aR ie LY Y 3 The Lay of the Little Bird . Way. i 416 | Enviable Poverty . . . . +. . « « Lond. Atheneum. 370 Paviiiee ee ication ean Binekdndy tee als The Walk Bi giidatea lt Atel) a Nie Nahata (Maree) tothe As (B70 The Gentle Bac iadue SPM i fe 9 Way. 419 The Priest who ate Mulberries ... .. Jb. r 419 The Land ‘of Cokgigne + \.: .r.) av stile Fees MDs ie an eae DUTCH. The Lay of Bisclaveret Costello. . . 421 DUTCH LANGUAGE AND POETRY ....... .37l From the Romaunt ofthe Rose . . Chaucer... 423 BiTtADS .°.. et ER DIM RADA 377 II. —LYRIC POEMS OF THE TROUVERES 425 The Hunter from Geese Soviet Bowring. CY MS LE CHATELAIN DE COUCY + 2 4% The'Fettered Nightingale... . . . . Jb . B77 My wandering thoughts awake to love anew Costello. sa 420 he knighhand-his Squire .)4°. 0. etis Tb. 2. 878 The first approach of the sweet spring , E. Taylor. . 425 The Three Maidens For. Quart. Rev. 378 HUGUES D’ATHIES ... aera a ay Ds | Day iofhe eastisdewning .°. .). 6's 4) Ibe. . 378 Fool! who from choice can pe his houte 9 AOS Pea Mite 425 THIBAUD DE BLAZON. , . eat ere ave Seta, Yin eS | MISCELLANEOUS POEMS . . ihe Tam to blame! — Why should I sine” Costello, 426 fi? JACOB CATS - + + + + +879 | puTBAUD, KING OF NAVARRE ESAS | 2801 Ose gi j The Ivy Bowring, mete Lady, the fatescommand, andImustgo . E. Taylor. . 426 The Statue gf Memnon Avec eo Ea HL ee RP es = y 2) GACE BRULEZ .... ve Par 496 PIETER CORNELIS OORT 0 ish. oe hey, Sipe me egtyat ste The birds, the birds of mine own niland Pika 16.- 3s 426 PRATER NIE 15) ieee ci “afer RAOUL, COMTE DE SOISSONS ...... 427 MARIA TESSELSCH ADE VISSCHER Pe ORY - 380 Ahi beauteous/maid...° 5... 6. nihes! . oe eg em a eee PBONTPUAINE OIG pss ie) oe Sue pe) 6 ee) ee, pLOs te . 380 JAQUES DE CHISON. . . . gs denis 427 \ | HUIG DE GROOT . 16 we eee ew ee ee . BBL When the sweet days of summer come at tab 0 2 cae 427 | Ls: dalapeteiin ee BYP Sua ares cel ah he, 4 Ae 8h) DORTE-DE TROIS 6 ty ee 427 JAN DE BRUNE 2A RS ATM FN Dd Od ned «881 When comes the beauteous summer time pee Wak OY f Song. Wh is ea + SEAL BARB Dm) NERRUB os) 0) ci we ene eee GERBRAND BREDERODE WeDo Aas - 382 The wise man sees his winter class Adin o FG. s ete den. Song . a - 382 | HE AUTHOR OF THE PARADISE OF LOVE. . . . 498 | DIRK RAPARL KAMPHUY ZEN 2 3 . % ie FTAs w ee ee aaa, "YR 428 Psalm {CREX XLS ee. ai aie: “AMG ike Aiesy4 rs JOOST VAN DEN WORDEL oy | 883 Ill.—LYRIC POEMS OF THE ; TROUBADOURS o Pent aee { To Geeraert Vossius, on the Loss of his San Ai fk . 383 GUILLAUME, COMTE DE POITOU , ...... .« 48 it Chorus from Gysbrecht van Aemstel a itedives ale . 384 AnewItune.my lutetolove . . Costello. . 428 i| Chotas trom Palamedés . 6.0.0 ee 0) TB, ie tw BBE PIERRE ROGIERS Sr eme ©; | /6, ete < mgih BAS rank olan pees | Chorus of Batavian Women CUBR tee Se ht LO » 385 Who has not looked upon her bow PRR AEN! (1A ME eT 2 | CONSTANTIJN HUIJGENS AR AIMERY 8 . 386 GEOFFROI RUDEL 2. yw wee ww ote ee oe 428 AKing .. eae ae, suet LOS . 387 Around, above,onevery spray. . .... Jha . «. » 429 JACOB WESTERBAEN Be baa h cr EL VT AES . 387 GAUCELM FAIDIT ... . #4 al’ile iret se - 429 | ‘SE ce Std, RAT eS SEA Me LO Ses (2 . 387 And must thy chords, my Jute, be ara : 429 | Song Nop eees ha el ee ee . 388 GUILLAUME DE CABESTAING .. . 430 JEREMIAS DE. DECKER. SC eM ter ANN a] Wheto Ait vigt \e in BOS No, never since the fatal time od sot the PHP OE ute bavela eae H Toa Brother who died at Batevia . .. . Ib. . 388 LA COMPESSE DE. PROVENCE. =. fhe tate peieeee es eaadel of 1 OG TOMI TR TORNENY io) 0) pik See ew tod toy de . 389 I fain would think thou hast a heart . Sheela He cay ML i! REINIER ANSLO aiate niet, we Ne Wve) “teil i . 390 THE MONK OF MONTAUDON bi ete ls ee oe ee OA | Fromthe Plague of Naples. . . ap hes . 390 I love the court by wit and worth adorned. . Jb. . 431 } JOANNES ANTONIDES VAN DER. GOES Map DS A . 391 CLAIRE’ DPANDUZE 3.20.5. 0 Js di hie: captel be anes Gade GOR Overthrow of the Turks Ib. . 391 They who may blame my eodenniia A a ts Ree 431 TORQUATO FASSO .... From Aminta Me ey vale Rag The GoldenAge ...-. From La Gerusalemme Erminia’s Flight . Canzone. — To the Princesses of Nena Sonnets If Love his beptive tind ik ties 80 eee Thy unripe youth seemed like the purple rose Jb. I see the anchored bark with streamers gay . Three high-born dames it was my lottosee Wilde. . . . While of the age in which the heart but ill Till Laura comes, — who now, alas To his Lady, the Spouse of another To the Duchess of Ferrara Ontwo Beautiful Ladies, one gay and onesad Jb. To the Countess of Scandia To an Ungrateful Friend . Arrival of the Crusaders at Jércnelam., To Lamberto, against a Calumny He compares himself to Ulysses To Alphonso, Duke of Ferrara . A hell of torment is this life of mine To the Duke Alphonso . To the Duke Alphonso, asking to ibelibersted Ib.' +6 To the Princesses of Ferrara . To the Most Illustrious and Serene Sond Duke Tbs) ach) ei os ToScipio Gonzaga . FOURTH PERIOD.—FROM 1600 TO 1844, GABRIELLO CHIABRERA , . To his Mistress’s Lips Epitaphs ° ALESSANDRO TASSONT - From La Secchia Rapita, . . The Attack on Modena ° The Bucket of Bologna .. GIAMBATTISTA MARINI . . Fading Beauty . . Srietile Ib. —Supplementary Siansas ° FRANCESCO REDI .... From Bacchus in Tuscany His Opinion of Wine and other Bevetabis Ice necessary to Wine Bacchus grows musical in his Cups Good Wine aGentleman . The Praise of Chianti Wine . A Tune on the Water Montepulciano Inangurated . VINCENZO DA FILICAJA .. Canzone, — The Siegé of Vienna DGHMEE C KR ae. Je gs) geclyarss Toltaly . . . On the artiquake of Sicily : Time. <0. ak . BENEDETTO MENZINI Cupid’s Revenge .... ALESSANDRO GUIDI... (ENZONI tei. L2 a6 Fortune . Pe eo ae RTA To'the Tiberi; ..... eae CORNELIO BENTIVOGLIO { Bonnets yee 8 ae oe GIOVANNI COTTA ... . .° Sonnet .. C a, ths GIOVANNI BARTOLOMMEO CASAREGI ttle) Ped t leh tet lt Sonnet . . a tle be PIETRO METASTASIO Sei From the Drama of Titus Titus, Publius, Annius, and fests divine and Servilia . CARLO GOLDONI Cecilia’s Dream’. . >... CARLO GOZZI Prom Turandot). 6.) %. GIUSEPPE PARINI From 1] Giorno’. . . LUIGI VITTORIO SAVIOLI To Solitude . . FG ee A VITTORIO ALFIERI From the First Brutus . Brutus and Collatinus . Brutus, Collatinus, and People VINCENZO MONTI From the Bassevilliana The Soul’s Doom The Soul’s Arrival in Paris The Passion of Christ . . ° © RE ae ltr ettas. 983 cote teen SNE Tae 8 . . Leigh Hunt, . 570 She Ney Sete .. Fairfax, . . 570 S Ned neha Br citys tacede Wilde. ... . 573 : . 574 en Mag. 574 . 574 . 574 574 Ib. Tomei. a) RLOTe seo Seay 10 . 55 ripe (05 . 575 Ib. . 575 . 575 Pron HBL . 615 Ib. . 575 Re (eer Pica (3 oe Tbs J) RAB76 ACS RO, ". 576 Tbs We . 576 Ib, ; 576 . 576 Ib. . 576 577 Ib. ey irl . 577 . » London Mag. 577 . Wordsworth. . 578 Pees wt as OO eat. aka ash eee OO. Ozell. . 580 1b, . 581 Viatktes “ae elhiats fos Meer S Daniel. Py ey: . Anonymous. . 773 cease, Veeeh sate ac Eos Re nae aca Leigh Hunt. . 583 gS RAB tS fee OB o-Phds Folch e = ts: bey” tat De 0 PROUT oh ie OST EBS eb TGs Disa hf. 585 Piraee (14 Opomemegs to 5) Ma Tbe S49 B86 Pe mn OE een ke Yr) U.S. Lit. Gaz. 587 ol Peete OBS ’ Pras Ca . 588 ibe cai bOe . 588 . Anonymous, . 588 do) Bett ae alae byes (08S . . London Mag. 588 ootat ie GN PR 0350689 Secon (bse © tet an OOD «+ Milman. . 589 Fraser’s Mag. 591 VUNEE eat SUN ee OR . .: Mrs. Hemans. 592 ra ad hea Tob Puree UA 2) London Mag. 592 592 » Ib. . 593 aul epale yidenneeies wry). Gas - « 693 . Hoole. . . 593 ete ZB ES 895 eit eirenpettre|. «utes » *« (Mor. revs.” 4, 596 Bae SD Yee Sa -O6 . Blackwood’s Mag. 596 o 2 o 6 es 599 « Lbs 7.) * 6.) 600 ea pete «OOO U.S. Lit. Gaz. 601 ond, vuibie} Siotiat s et tel gt OOM Sle tied lere “oC OOE - Lloyd. . . . 604 oH Feb LGN 9'.! ott 605 Betis Rtas ie ee OO . 608 RGR cas Resi 608 ieee t4 one eo Gc Fraser’ s Mag. 608 CONTENTS. IPPOLITO PINDEMONTE ..... From the Tragedy of Arminio . . . . Lament ofthe Aged Bards ... . Lament onthe Deathof Baldur .. Night! (ois k's a Seeks NICCOLO UGO FOSCOLO aS etree he To Luigia Pallavicini. |. <=) ij «\!> The Sepulchres. . . eh) SC ray ibe ALESSANDRO MANZONI ants nets Il Cinque Maggio . ...-. Chorus from the Conte di Caan GIOVANNI BATTISTA NICCOLINI . From the Tragedy of Nabucco. . . . 616 SILVIO; PELLICO) - 0 gant ot cations a tei) toy wkd da ae wines fafa Oe Canzone, writtenin Prison.» . . . . Knickerbocker. 618 TOMMASO! SGRICCE Scart ct (al oie al tel ecu lal ou opUetOLS From La Morte diCarloI, . . . . . For. Quart, Rev. 618 MISCELLANEOUS POEMS IN THE ITALIAN DIALECTS 619 CALABRIAN! 6a 82 Hits clad Melia me all Wa Rented a yere: eee OLD Popular Songs so Seyie ite wis N. A. Rev, . 619 NEAPOLITAN Os tat cS er vane dub or nia iret cedure vera ener 619 Christmas Carol 25 ©.) Rachel er oie! tenes Jb. 619 Soldiers Sour,.* 0 Us.” a hietal verte enme a AO te OLS Song Shoe Br sites ef lenin ead Col ere JUAN RUIZ DE HITA 6 See aR NO Ne Praise of Little Women . ... Hymn tothe Virgin. .... Love : RABBI DON SANTOB, OR SANTO $ The Dance; of) Death 68 ks BATGADS Shes ies Cable staat eas Ivy— HISTORICAL BALLADS Maite asst be Lamentation of Don Roderick . . . March of Bernardo del Carpio. . . BO VICCH BE MET cL ve rely inl nelle eee kame The Pounder. .. LES ee te The Death of Don Padre coe ak II.— ROMANTIC BALLADS Count Arnaldos . . .. The Admiral Guarinos ; Count Alarcos and the Infanta Solisa Il].—MOORISH BALLADS .. ., The Lamentation for Celin . The Bull-fight of Gazul sit Wes The Bridal of Andalla ..... Woe is me, Alhama POETS OF THE CANCIONEROS .. . JUAN II., KING OF CASTILE ... I never knew it, Love, till now . E. Taylor. . 634 68 eek ee - N. A. Rev. / , 635 er ae F 22630 Pivgel (a 635 Ib. 3% 636 “f° J637 . Retrospective Red, 637 : 2 £ fol), theo ‘ TO a i? . 638 oe 6 . 638 via pros ‘ 638 sch. ile Llane Go, - Bowring. . . 639 aos RP ere a SAO) . N.A. Rev. , 640 . Retrospective Rev. 641 Be ag a. OSE aan fs Bak Ib. . G41 oi) to) 0 jue ell paar OR SPY GS heey Het: anaes op eee - Lockhart. . . 642 «EDs ia te ah fee ae Ib. . 643 IDS ine. Vian wa ae DDS sis 644 A oF SVs ees OSE ° Ib. ‘ 644 Jo... G44 paar ae pk ES 646 COE Date noAc eS, Ib. » . 649 : Teg . 650 een doie ss bas . 651 Byron. , . 651 Mee it ec Bowring. . LOPE DE MENDOZA, MARQUES DE SANTILLANA Song Viet) Me SACS he Ushe Serrana .. a i). EY AL ean oy hlal JUAN DE MENA S) Jel) Seales From the Laberinto . . ete aA Maciasel Enamorado . ... 4 Lorenzo Davalos 4)" .¢ ..) is) (eaten ee Wiffen. . T.. Roscoc. Wiffer.. . For. Rev... . 610 . 610 774 X1V CONTENTS. ALONSO DE CARTAGENA... eat ate . 655 Pain in Pleasure Bowring. . 655 No, that can never be . Ib. 655 JORGE MANRIQUE BRN niet, hel Sahn, {GOO Ode on the Death of his Father . A.W. Longfellow. 655 RODRIGUEZ DEL PADRON ... HSN ibe die 660 Prayer aisha Bowring. 660 JUAN DE LA ENZINA A ATS es 1S Fleas 660 Don’t shut your door line (8 660 ‘¢Tet us eat and drink, for to-morrow we pave EM dbs 661 ANONYMOUS POEMS FROM THE CANCIONEROS, ETC. 661 What will they say of you and me ? Bowring. 661 Fount of freshness Ib. 661 The twoStreamlets . . « «»- eros 662 She comes to gather flowers . . - Lb. 662 Dearmiaid of hazel brow. 6/6. 6°. 6 ee EOS 662 Emblem Sita taut roth Nell Sochete: | te Ib. ,, 662 Who ’Hl bay a hens 9 ade! Wey bee, Wier | Beka t Ao Ib. - 662 The Maiden waiting her Lover ... . Jb. - « 663 EC TEN Ae th | oe ee) elie eens om Jb. - 663 IS CUTE NCOUEISE) 4. 'e owt ie! lei) ws oilie Ib. 3 663 Sweet were the hours. .. . Tye (on ; 663 The Prisoner’s Romance . . . Ib. 664 RUCIC CNIHUERSELD Yo telb) cy pte: Ve tunet-s. “ethOe - vel, eps \OO4 Amaryllis $=.) 6 '\'. AVATAR LE ts Cie 6 OAT Rate Td Sharply I repent ot it DNase Be, Ye steel Oe liliike 664 The Siesta . SIN ee el Ate h ae Let! eaaerOn ee 664 The Song of the Galiey VEAL TUG Wrap ieee 524 Gikembne oh 9 Noah ah 665 The Wandering Knight’s Song Tos ie 665 Serenade RW? flat Ae 665 Song ey eenre yr van Edinburgh Rev. 665 SECOND PERIOD. —CENTURIES XVI., XVII. JUAN BOSCAN ALMOGAVER eo be) Ohemaee His 666 On the Death of Garcilaso . . . Wiffen. 666 From his Epistle to Mendoza Bas Anonymous. . 666 DIEGO HURTADO DE MENDOZA. . 5 pet Canales 668 From his Epistle to Luisde Zuniga . T. fioseoe. 668 Sonnet . . PRN a tae Ib. 668 FARCILASO DE LA ‘VEGA si hasta ai Neves 668 Fromithe First Eclogue. .... 2. +... 6) Wiffen.’. 668 Pronto mt lhe ClO Ue ee ce ete y se Deb) te dee ioe SUL Ode to the Flower of Gnido . Dy fe 672 Sonnets . 672 As the fond deter, abe her suffering child Barbar 672 Lady, thy face is Stitcn in my soal Wiffen. 673 FERNANDO DE HERRERA Bids: nevis temo Ode on the Battle of Lepanto F'raser’s Mag. 673 Ode on the Death of Don Sebastian Herbert. 674 From &n Ode.to pen John of Austria seta Oggi a). 675 OdetoS Seep 4 j T. Roscoe. . 675 JUAN FERNANDEZ, DE HEREDIA. aidatyh seth Ys 676 Parting . Bowring. 676 BALTASAR DEL 'ALCA ZAR Bite 676 Sleep .. sags ot Ib. 676 SANTA ‘ERESA DE AVILA 4 676 Sonihete iss. s,/.°. Ib. 677 GASPAR GIL POLO 677 From the Diana Enamorada P 677 Bovemagmater a es oe Ne Ib. 677 I cannot cease to love Mei imone Ib. . 677 GREGORTOASPUME ST RIG. oo ee a) ele 677 Tell me, lady! tellme!—yes? . ... Tb. 677 Ines sentakisstome . TO gE) e - 678 JORGE DE MONT EMAYOR . 678 From the Diana Enamorada ry DUCE IOI) WET LS, PANGLB SONS Is) \e)is)) eee: 8's Frraser’s Mag. 678 Sireno’s Song - « « Sir Philip Sidney. 679 CRISTOVAL DE CASTILLEJO oN Mpa Re 8) Ge OCD, Women . j Bowring. . . 679 LUIS PONCE DE LEON Aan ie . 680 Noche Serena ag Ne EDs . 681 Virgin borne by Angels ete Ib. 682 The Life of the Blessed i patent YO GB Retirement’). °. we Ie . Edinburgh ies) 682 ANTONIO DE VILLEGAS + iaiite se « §83 Sleep and Dreams Bowring. 683 Love’s Extremes Ib. 683 PEDRO DE PADILLA Shei . 684 The Chains of Love Se ey ihe Mass . 684 The Wandering Knight . . . ... Ib. . 684 FRANCISCO DE FIGUEROA BTR Re thee, Jets OSS Sonnet on the Death of Garcilaso . Herbert. . . 684 ALONSO DE ERCILLA Y ZUNIGA . 684 Fromthe Araucana . . putts te Mother She miter wal Aol GOR A Battle with the Tetagiana 4 For. Quart, Rev, 686 A Storm at Sea Tb. 686 VICENTE ESPINEL A 3: tes Faint Heart never won Pair Lady: Se MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA From the Tragedy of Numancia . .. . Poems from Don Quixote ...... Cardenio’s Song . Song iene a en te ste SONNE ge wren "ha we ee eee Cremer Song. . ot aa eee LOPEZ MALDONADO Soe ow Daw Song . JUAN DE TIMONEDA che uel eee eats Way; shepherd f’naye:.: acm) wire weuee ute ALONSO DE LEDESMA... . leew! 7. i. ° Baar LUIS DE GONGORA Y ARGOTE otek The Song of Catharine of Aragon . Come, wandering sheep! O, come . Not all Sweet Nightingales . Let me gowarm. . ° HIERONIMO DE CONTRERAS ' Sighs . . athe oe Cae «. FRANCISCO DE OCANA > e- P Eonite Openthedoor .. ors LOPE FELIX DE VEGA ‘CARPIO ~~ From the Estrella de Sevilla . ... The King and Sancho Ortiz . . . . Bustos Fabera and Sancho Ortiz . . Estrellaand Theodora, . . . « « « Sonnets Wa \,% Meee et ee ae The Good Shepherd hese Bis tes HOSmMprx0 Wins tu'sth