Announcin i ‘ | ie ‘ ; Y A New Course in Agriculture @NEW AND MORE flexible four year course in agriculture, leading to the Bachelor m| of Science degree is now offered at the University of Wisconsin, in addition to the regular long course. The new course will be in operation at the beginning of the school year, September 20, 1926. This course will afford a second course in agriculture. The existing course will continue to offer a splendid training, especially for students interested in the sciences. Realizing the import- ance of new fields of study and the many new opportunities open to agricultural college gradu- ates, this new course makes available certain advantages not found in the other course. A com- mon freshman year is provided; students in the old and the new course will take the same subjects the first year. The new course provides an opportunity for a much wider and broader training for those students who expect to specialize in agricultural economics, agricultural engineering, agricultural education, and agricultural journalism. It will also make an appeal to some students in animal husbandry, agronomy, poultry husbandry, horticulture, dairy husbandry, and economic entomology who wish to specialize along certain lines. To the young man who expects to engage in farming, the new course makes a special appeal, since it gives an opportunity for wide election of subjects within the college of agriculture. We shall be glad to answer any questions concerning either of these two courses offered in the College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin, if you will write to us. J. A. JAMES, Assistant Dean. — Curriculum A The Regular Course SOPHOMORE YEAR (D) Credits Credits Chemistry 12 ((Otant:)oo- oe cee. oes 3 Agricultural Chem- ASETYS LANG Sosa eile tae Seen 5 LOONOZIES see wae eee eon oe ceaice 3 os A Ma SL a 5 Picard t DO Bek ig ee LC ES i Agricultural | Option wees pce aeseys 3(B) Agricultural Option ....... PEA 3(B) PEleCtivies! | snes che eee oe a ctae Ac cls 2 Py Sics (GU es cis ch ociacialein ar eotneyets 5 TL Ofal )Weidens circu noitien. ek 16 Total (ites seacnced eon eee 17 Military Drill or Military Drill or Physical Education Physical Education JUNIOR YEAR Agricultural Bacteriology 1...... 5 Botany 146 or Physiology Agricultural Economics 1......... 3 SiMOT S11 DSLLEULO see peace cals 5- 4(F) Electives: (CE) Gl) sec be sce siscsniee.- 10 WIGCEYVES Maia tata antes tna: Ae ae 12-14 Total, ': Afni pci ce moecnteriave te 18 WISER Fes ee cee ncaeeres and 16-18 SENIOR YEAR (K) Major nD) tccss sctoete ee menss 5 Ma jotan(h) irassrnenttoae tectonics are 5 Blectivessus su. ose sestorcte es 11-13 Blestives uicsd mie ascesanee sees 11-13 £0) CV Bae, SAT eee see 16-18 Total Wacseuetiveciese Ls 16-18 ere Are the T W( A Common | First Semester English. “la \.2hs sass ona een lease 3 Chemistry (la) -ccvecce eee ese 5 Animal Husbandry 1 or Agronomy 1 3(A Mathematics “7)venccceeoe hee ee 4(C Total oc. eee ee 15 Convocation Military Drill or Physical Education At the beginning of the Sophc the following curricula and is assig which he expects to major, who w the remaining years. Explana A. Students will elect one of these subj: semester. B. See agricultural optionals, page 11 of C. On approval of the Executive Comm place of Mathematics 71, some other cours subject or other elective. D. Students shall be sent to their major year. Changes in major may be made by E. Ten elective credits in the junior o Letters and Science of which 6 credits shal Science, or History. F. Students majoring in the following d Physiology or Animal Physiology. Agricultural Economics—Economics 11 Agricultural Journalism—Agricultural Agricultural Engineering—Advanced | Agricultural Education—Psychology 1 Education Dairy Husbandry—Economics 1b G. Quantitative Chemistry must be tak! 1 and 2 are elected in the second semester. H. To be taken outside College of Agric Geography or in Advanced Mathematics or freshman year. I. A major shall consist of not less thz credits. Courses outside the department m