(tity aot iy iif COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION HARRISBURG. ARBOR DAY and BIRD DAY THIS IS THE FOREST PRIMEVAL. OC LO BOR 78102 2 The Birthday of Theodore Roosevelt COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATION President and Executive Officer THOMAS E. FINEGAN Term expires Reernrietea ty WT LLIA MS; M.S.) 5 see oi oo is nee os Been oo ees alt «aw oy « Pittsburgh, Pa. July 1, 1927 Pierre. CLOTHIE Ry Giles Di iayesie ot.s 0 oie ee eee oie 00 nolo Ue ie woe «sas Philadelphia, Pa. July 1, 1926 INGEST Se IS, Ie COMONEIBDY,, ai ugodeon.cncoutocod poeacoadarac Gano: oon mG Beaver, Pa. July 1, 1926 PRS) H. SA~PRENTISS NICHOLS, «2-2 .i¢ceccse reese cre sree re eueqeceess Philadelphia, Pa. July 1, 1925 EWGAR FAHS SMITH, M.D., Sc. D., Ph. D., LL. D., L. H.- D., Chem. D-.. Philadelphia, Pa. July 1, 1928 Nee oe EM PLE DON | wis > sons < oes See ee eee cee Saad a Greenville, Pa. July 1, 1928 Re Ae 1S BA OWN ee aiees cis a vine cies Sate ews ooo ones ox pHa oon eRe ase Pittsburgh, Pa. July 1, 1924 PeNtoe LAPLACH OM. Dy, LL. DD. ...4.2>4..- itn aac ay eee di eset Wer Philadelphia, Pa. July 1, 1925 THOMAS E. FINEGAN, M. A., Pd. D., Litt. D., L. H. D., LL. D.Superintendent of Public Instruction PGP ORGE BECHA MeA:, Sc.D., LL.D. «.... ss eee cea ns Deputy Superintendent Higher Education Te Vino ml WitseeNinrAL. Pd. WittDy - anes .. ese e%e Deputy Superintendent Secondary Education Pie ED ebeeve JORNSON EB. As, - 2: osse cess cee ey ese nes Assistant to Superintendent (School Law) etree ee IStTANUCG. Met ert te 6 oo nes hk he es bee eka cee oe aha ees Secretary to Superintendent DIRECTORS OF BUREAUS Administration, ....Francis B. Haas, B. S., M. A. Ruraly Education). vee 12) Driver, MaA,, EL. BD Attendance, .-...-.....- W. M. Denison, M. A. School Buildings, ..HuBert Clark Eicher, M. S. Health Education,.-.-. Charles H. Keefie, M. D. School Employes’ Retirement, H. H. Baish, M. A. Pre-Professional and Professional Credentials, -. Speciale aucarianmatrescnts ER Nee Maxtrelda hws a) CGhacsmDa Koch vie. lndsD lett) Wkeacher mente « Albert L. Rowland, M.\A., Ph. D WiereriniGinenly qivcgiian betes sor L2H. Dennis) Bees DIRECTORS OF SUBJECTS Same ES CVT AT OTA es Pay app ere San fee's ow, batch vik BPSD ew suk SABA Ne choles hy Ghee ata ae ns ose, sysop ale 0 ere C. Valentine Kirby, M.A. Copier! Tehietaleyi, sooluodo cabs oto pe odu stn s edo od oue noes o c.c/s > ath ocue peo clo acer) ion Oni Vacancy “ype eipliae clematis Det nesch ran pare Eatare Par acter ae sr minis wotarer Po tr g Pera a Parra ec Orton Lowe, B.S. Merve sie eat ela Ves, Maite oc «14,05