Oak Street “anal IED BULLETIN OF THE a AND MECHANICAL / COLLEGE OF TEXAS. Third Series, Vol. 6. October, 1, 1920. H | No. 11 a4 im PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF I THE FARM eo DIVISION THE SUMMER SESSION To continue for four weeks during July, 1921. Exact dates to be announced later. SS ee COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. Published twice a month by the Agricultural and Me- chanical College. Entered as second class mail matter August ie 1913, at the postoffice at College Station, Texas, under the Act of August 24, 1912. W5-6M-12620 THE FARM BOYS’ DIVISION OF THE SUMMER SESSION. The authorities of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas have decided to add a new Division to the work of the Summer Session. This Di- vision will be known as the Farm Boys’ Division, and the work will cover a peri- od of four weeks. The object of this Division is to of- fer to boys, not under fourteen or over eighteen years of age, elementary, but practical courses in subjects relating to farm life. For several years there has been growing, throughout the State, a feel- ing that our farm boys should be given better opportunities for securing special training in agricultural and farm-life subjects. A great majority of these boys have not had access to schools of sufficient grade to enable them to enter college courses, and it is to meet their needs for practical instruction in agri- culture that the Farm Boys’ Division has been added to the work of the Sum- mer Session. Courses will be given covering the following important Divisions of agri- culture: Animal Husbandry, including the judging, feeding, care and management of a of the different classes of live stock. Agronomy, including a special study of the tillage practices involved in the production of farm crops, crop rotation, and seed.selection. Dairy Husbandry, including the judg- ing, feeding, care, and management of dairy cattle; also the testing and care of dairy products and the making of farm butter. Poultry Husbandry, including a study of the different breeds of farm poultry and special instruction in the care and management of farm poultry. Horticulture, including budding and grafting, vegetable gardening, and the care of the orchard. Agricultural Engineering, including instruction in farm terracing, farm ma- chinery, gas engines, belt lacing and rope tying. In addition to the work outlined above, a series of special lectures will be delivered on important phases of rural sanitation. The work of the Farm Boys’ Division will be given in the form of general lec- tures and demonstrations. Much of the time will be devoted to closely super- vised practice work by the students. Every effort will be put forth to make the work as practical and as interesting as possible. Recreation: Special forms of enter- tainment and recreation will be provid- ed. These will include free motion pic- ture shows in an open air theatre. The large Y. M. C. A. swimming pool will furnish excellent swimming facilities. All forms of out-door games and ath- letics will be encouraged. ed “TIM TIANA al facilities of the ace = eacastite will be placed at the disposal of the stu- dents of this Division. These include all the improved breeds of live stock and poultry, the agronomy and horticultural greenhouses, the agronomy field labora- tory, the vegetable garden, orchards, vineyard, and flower gardens, and the large. collection of improved farm ma- chinery, gas engines and tractors which has been assembled by the Department of Agricultural Engineering. Room and Board: The students of this Division will room in the college dormitories and will take their meals in the college mess hall. Special officers of the college will have direct supervision of the boys during their stay here. They will room in the dormitories with them, and will at all times, look after their wel- fare. A more detailed statement of the work of this Division, and information as to dates, expenses and so forth, will be given in the Summer Session catalogue, which will be available for distribution about January 1, 1921. It is probable that the work of this Division will be given for four weeks during the month of July. For. additional information, or for a Summer Session catalogue, apply to the Director of the Summer Session or to the Registrar, College Station, Texas.