RESTETRAUANLEEUDAUEESEUALSUAAA ES AAEUAA HASTA TREE EE TT UALS EAE LIST OF ALUMNI of the + @Gnthersity of Ctah | and the CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS of the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION VESEEEAAUOUAYSOUSOESETHESUQAALESBRAUDEBSYRREES ES TUISNEDOGAAVUESEE AAS TCD RLERE LOE, TEDEEAVESEEUAOSSESALEMUESS SEB LEPASEEEO RUSE SOREL SPLEEE SER RSU TELAT AULYSEUUERGAEUOUSSAANGUSERASASE ESRC SAEREROTAAUATAGRECDACESEAUAATERDOREETESS CEGATSTATERSSOGRERAAL TEES S USELSECOSEAD IOC ESSAITERELOEUENCATO ESSER EDEN ESO CEEDOUSEREQIUSESEAUEEEOER CEESECLEAUCEDSLSGAUEECEAUIOSEEAR IEEE DASEGRELGSEUAULRELELILEREL! | |) SUSKIAGUTEA TEES TETAS AFUSERUNUENN CUO EO ANGAEREEE EG BLES EAUURELEREUUEA) UUOHAEDEDANSARESSEEES TASTELESS — 2 & Wiord of Greeting To the Members of the Alumni Association: This list is being sent out in the hope that it may help to bind the members of the Association more closely together. i The ideal. toward which the Alumni Association should strive is to become 4 closely-knit body of active working members, all in touch with each other through headquarters. Instead of that, we have, speaking generally, a collec: tion (on paper) of seattered individuals, whose Alumni membership means nothing to them 364 days in the year; on Commencement day they wake up to the fact that there is an Alumni Association—but all too frequently re- lapse into their previous state of ‘“‘Alumniacal somnoles- cence” before even attending to the small but important matter of separating themselves from a dollar, for the As- sociation’s beneat. Of course, there are notable exceptions, in various de- erees—otherwise the Association would have been dead jong ago. It has been kept alive, not because of the wide- spread inattention to its affairs, but in spite of it. A serambled pile of sand and gravel, however fine may be the quality of the individual particles, will not ob- struct even a tiny brook—the water will seep through and pass on unhindered; but let that sand and gravel be firm- ly cemented together, and the mass of concrete will hold back a mighty river, or stand up against the constant bat- tering of the destructive waves of the sea. So it is-with us. The application of some ‘‘get-to- gether’ cement will make the Alumni Asscciation a pow- er to be reckoned with. . Get in touch with the Association through the Secre- tary; send in your suggestiens, send in your advice, send in your criticisms, send in your dollars; send in all these, on the basis of this assuring promise—that every one of them that can be made of any use will be put to work: Let’s get together; let’s show a little life, LET’S EXIST. Yours, for Alumni Power and Permanence, THE BOARD OF CONTROL, SOHN DD. SPENCER, MRS. MAY PRESTON MOYLKE, President. VicePresident. FiCwAcm W. SHELLEY MRS. SARAH E. STEWART STERLING B. TALMAGE DARTEL ALEXANDER MRS. SARAH E. STEWART, Permanent Secretary. 11S East Third South, Salt Lake City. 7 A Word to You You are receiving this Alumni Directory for just one pon: Because you need it. How many times have you thought of this or that nus, and said to yourself, “| wish | could get in touch him, but | don’t Know where he is now?” Once? A pn times? Perhaps you never realized it before, but se times can be counted in hundreds instead of dozens. So take this Directory, put it where you can get at it, > care of it, AND USE IT, and you will find it worth iy times its cost. Regarding its cost—the Alumni Association can stand t of it, the University will stand part of it, and you whose es’are listed and for whose use the book is issued, must tid part of it. Your share is fifty cents. People will change their addresses, and some (particu- ly Normal Graduates) even change their names. So if u find in this list anything obsolete or incorrect, please etify the Secretary. Now in conclusion: A man was asked to make a full t of reasons why recipients of this book should not send their fifty cents; and after working hard for three even- gs hunting for reasons HE COULDN’T FIND ONE! If by any strange chance you have a good and sufficient rea- son which escaped his diligent research—then, of course, send the book back. But, remember: The return of the book is not expected —the remittance of fifty cents is. Address all communications and send all remittances to MRS. SARAH E. STEWART, Secretary 1133 East Third South Salt Lake City, Utah ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE Gnibersity of Gtah CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS PREAMBLE, We, the graduates of the University of Utah, enter into an Association for the mutual promotion of good fellowship, communion, and friendship, and love for our Alma Mater, and do hereby adopt the following Consti- tution and By-Laws: CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. NAME. Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Alumni Association. of the University of Utah. ARTICLE II. MEMBERS. Section 1. All graduates of the University shall be members of this Association. Section 2. Members of the graduating classes shall be considered as members of the Association at all meet- ings and functions held during commencement week of the year of their graduation. * Section 3. Any person, who, prior to the academic year 1875-6, had completed a course of study in the Uni- versity at least equal to the Normal Course as first es- tablished, may become a member of the Association upon the recommendation of the Board of Control and an affirm- ative vote of three-fourths of the members present at any regular meeting. Section 4. Any member of the Faculty, no. longer in gr active service, upon the recommendation of the Board of 2 Control, may be elected to membership by a three-fourths — vote of the members present at any regular meeting. Section 5. All Regents, members of the Faculty and instructors, who are not graduates of the University, shall be honorary members during their term of service, but without the privilege of votingor holding office or the necessity of paying the annual fee. ARTICLE III. OFFICERS. Section 1. The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary-Treasurer, and a Board of Control consisting of five members. . ARTICLE IV. ELECTION. -~Section 1. All officers, except the Secretary-Treas- urer, shall be elected by ballot at the regular annual meet- ing. Their term of office shall begin on the first day of July following their election, and unless otherwise pro- vided, shall be for one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be © appointed by the Board of Control. Section 2. The Board of Control shall consist of the President of the Association, who shall be ex-officio a member and chairman of the Board, and four other mem- bers to be elected by the Association, as follows: At the annual meeting in 1908, one member of this Board shall be elected for a term of four years, one for three years, one for two years, and one for one year. After 1908, one member shall be elected annually for a term of four years. — ARTICLE V. POWERS AND DUTIES. Section 1. The duties of the President, Vice-Presi- dent, and the Secretary-Treasurer shall be those usually performed by the same officers of similar associations. Section 2. The Board of Control shall have charge of all funds including alumni scholarships; shall arrangs for the annual reunions of the Association; and shall have the direction and control of all other matters affecting thepolicy and general welfare of the Association. When needful, the Board of Control may call upon other meni- bers of the Association for assistance and advice. (When a vacancy occurs otherwise than by expiration of the term of office, the Board of Control may fill such 3 vacancy by appointment which shall continue until the next regular meeting. It shall be the duty of the Board of Control to sub- mit in writing an annual report of the condition of the Association and containing such suggestions and recom- "i mendations as it may wish to make. | _' The Board of Control shall suggest not fewer than three names of persons suitable for each office to be filled at any election, from which names the Association may, but need not necessarily select. ARTICLE VI. POWER OF AMENDMENT. Section 1. This Constitution may be amended at any ber regular meeting by a voteof three- fourths of the members Wo Beeeent. i us BY-LAWS. : | SECTION I. MEETING. A regular meeting shall be held each year at Salt Lake City at some time during Commencement week. SECTION II. DUES. No fee of any kind shall be required as a condition of membership, but all active members are requested to pay an annual fee of one dollar for current expenses and for the accumulation of a permanent fund to support the Association. The Board of Control is authorized to ex- ee pend a portion of the fund in having sent to each paying - member, without additional charge, all the regular pub- - lications of the University. The fee for attendance at the annual banquet shall be fixed by the Board. Provided that the following per- ’ sons be not required to pay this fee: Regents and guests _ of the Board of Control. A member shall be entitled to bring only one person except on permission of the Board of Control. SECTION II. ORDER OF BUSINESS. m, The order of business at the annual meeting shall be Ve as follows: ve (1) Reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting. eee (2) Report of the Board of Control. 4 (3) Report of the Treasurer. (4) Reports of Committees. (5) Unfinished business. (6) New business. (7) lection of officers. (8) Miscellaneous business. (9) Adjournment. SECTION IV. RULES. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shail govern the Association in all cases to which they are ap- plicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of this Association. SECTION V. POWHR OF AMENDMENT. These By-Laws may be amended at any regular ‘meet- ing of the Association by a three-fourths vote of the mem- bers present. LIST OF MEMBERS Abbot, Ethan Marsh, N. 12, B. A. 16, 114 J St., Salt Lake City. Abbott, Mamie Hadfield, N. 07, 743 S. 8th W., Salt Lake City. Abbott, Wm. Jas., A. B. 14, 1525 So. 8rd E., Salt Lake City. Abell Myrtal Melville (later Mrs. Walter Price), N. 98, 341 Sherman Ave., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Adams, Anna Theodora, N. 05, B. S. 17, Parowan, Utah. Adams, Anna Rolfe (later Mrs. W. H. Stoll, address un- ~known), N. 02, Teacher. Adams, Mrs. Arthur (formerly Tina Chipman), N. 02, American Fork, Utah. ; Adams, Birdie, N. 17, Lehi, Utah. Adams, Chas. Walter, B. S. 11, Murray, Utah. Adams, Joseph Burrows, M. 8.10, care General Electric Co., Buenos Aires. Adams, Julietta Catherine, N. 03, Parowan, Utah. Adams, Marguerite, N. 18, Tooele, Utah. Adams, Margaret, N. 14, Toole,e Utah. Adams, Marian (later Mrs. Ray Gundmunsen), B. A. 03, Iona, Idaho, Teacher. Adamson, Jas. M., B. A. 14, Mozart Apts., East Broadway, Salt Lake City. Adamson, James, N. 07, 1958 So. 8th E., Salt Lake City. Adamson, Mary, N. 02 (address unknown), Teacher. Addoms, Amy E., N. 04, (present address unknown), Teacher. -Addoms, Ethel, N. 14, 77 N St., Salt Lake City. Aird, Henry M., N. 81, 84, Provo, Utah, Teacher. Aird, Dr. John William, N. 87, 112 E. Center St., Provo, Utah. Ajax, Fannie (later Mrs. Alonzo J. Stookey), N. 89, 1925 - iith E., Salt Lake City. *Aland, Albert H., B. A. 13, Ogden, Utah. Albaugh, Mary Edna, B. A. 16, 938 Logan Ave., Salt Lake City. Alder, George D., N. 75, 55 Ist Ave., Salt Lake City, Man- ager National Life Insurance, Co, Se 6 Aldrich, Amasa, N. 81, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Alexander, Daniel, B. A. 06, 610 Judge Bldg., Salt Lake City, Lawyer, Regent U. of U. 18. * Alexander, Isaac Dr., B. A. 96, (in France). Alexander, Martha Park, N. 97, 46 So. 8rd E., Salt he: City, Teacher. _ Alexander, May Grier, N. 97, 46 So. 3rd E., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Alexander, Mollie, N. 01, (present address unknown), Teacher. Alleman, Jessie, N. 13, Springville, Utah. Allen, Ada Aletta, N. 85, Deceased. . Allen, Bessie May, N. 06, (present address unknown). Allen, David R., N. 82, M. A. (Hon.) 07, 263 Elizabeth St., Professor U. of U. Allen, Eva Harriet, N. 17, B.S. 18, Draper, Utah. Allen, Frank L., B. 8. 12, Coalville, Utah. Allen, George Marcus, B. S. 08, 521 W. 122nd St., New York City. Allen, Glen, M. S. 16, Bisbee, Arizona. Allen, Hannah Robina, N. 93, 2561 Highland Park Drive, Salt Lake City, Teacher. Allen, Isaac Walter, B. A. 15, Rush Medical College, Chi- cago, Ill. Allen, Jackson, Rial, N. 90, Draper, Utah, Stockman. * Allen, Leah Alice (later Mrs. H. B. Arnold), N. 96, (ad- dress unknown). Allen, Louise Ruth, N. 13, Draper, Utah. Allen, Mrs. Mortimer (formerly Eloise Freeman Rancke), N. 98, (address unknown). Allen, Murray B., B. A. 13, Ogden, tat. School for Deaf. Allen, Nellie Gitey Mrs. Sterling Talmage), N. 07, 179 T St. Allen, R. A., N. 77, Junction, Utah. Allen, Samuel H. (Dr.), N. 81, 206 8th Ave., Salt Lake City, Physician and Surgeon. Allerman, Jessie, N. 13, Springville, Utah. Alley, Edna, N. 08, 941 8th E. St., Salt Lake City. Alley, Harry McCammon, B. S. 10, Wonder, Nevada, Box 196, Asst. Supt. Cyanide mills, Churchill Mining Co. Alley, James Elanson, B. 8. 10, Box 996, Tonopah, Nevada, Mining Engineer. Alley,Kate Louise, N. 96, 941 So. 8th E., Salt Lake- City, Teacher, q Allison, Edward M., Jr., N. 84, 732 EB. 1st So., Salt Lake City, Attorney. Allison, William, N. 86, Ogden, Utah. Alston, Howard Vernon, B. S. 08, 1419 So. 14th E., Salt Lake City. Alt, Florence E., N. 10, 183 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City. Alvord, Irvin T., N. 84, Ogden, Utah. Andelin, Bertran Y., B. A. 16, Richfield, Utah. Anderburg, Gertrude, N. 14, Sandy, Utah. Anderson, A. S., N. 80, Menan, Idaho. *Anderson, Alexander, N. 07, B. A. 15, 348 Edith Ave., Salt Lake City. Anderson, Alfred Arnold, B. S. 10, California Railroad Com., San Francisco, Cal. Anderson, Andrew, N. 13, (address unknown). Anderson, Annie, N. 89, 1240 Alameda Ave., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Anderson, Anna G., N. 08, Toquerville, Utah. Anderson, Anna Maria, N. 01, (address unknown), Teacher. Anderson, Arthur R., N. 15, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Anderson, Beatrice R. (later Mrs. N. Alvin H. Pederson), N. 01, Logan, Utah. Anderson, Catherine V., N. 84, 180 Truman Ave., Salt Lake City. Anderson, Christian Henry, B. A. 08, Fillmore, Utah. Anderson, Christopher H., N. 05, Fillmore, Utah. Anderson, Clara Ann, N. 08, 304 E. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Anderson, Ed. H., N. 77, 978 Garfield Ave., Salt Lake City, Editor Improvement Era. Anderson, Emily, N. 14, 304 H. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Anderson, Emma, N. 11, 768 Duluth Ave., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Anderson, Eric Herman, B. S. 10, R. F. D., Box 361, Gar- field, Utah. Anderson, Floyd, N. 17, Sandy, Utah. Anderson, Hsther D., N. 14, Midvale, Utah. ei. Anderson, Howard B., Bus. Cert. 18, 978 Garfield Ave., Salt Lake City. es ‘Anderson, Mrs. Hugo B., B. A. 12, (formerly Venice C. Farnsworth), Godbe Apts., Assistant at U. of U. *Anderson, Hugo Ballantyne, A. B. 11. ae Anderson, Elizabeth, Kindergarten 17, Sandy, Utah. *U. S. Service. 8 Anderson, Everett E., N. 18, Morgan, Utah, Teacher. Anderson, Mrs. Frank (formerly Elizabeth Williamson), N 97, 468 So. 12th E., Salt Lake City. Anderson, Farrol, N. 09, 35 EK. 7th So., Salt Lake City. Anderson, Ida May, N. 14, Ogden, Utah. Anderson, John Frederick, N. 02, 665 Conway St., Salt Lake City. Anderson, Mrs. J .Fred (formerly Mary Van Houton), N 96, 665 Conway St., Salt Lake City. Anderson, Jos. F., B. A. 14, Fillmore, Utah. Anderson, James H., N. 72, 02, 665 5th Ave., Salt Lake City. Anderson, Lawrence Amos., B. S. 18, 173 T St., Salt Lake City. ke - Anderson, Myrle, N. 14, Ogden, Utah. Anderson, N. W., N. 81, (address unknown). Anderson, Reginald W., N. 96, 1415 Ramona Ave., Salt Lake City, Bookkeeper Con. Fuel Co. Andersor, Thom. E. Mrs. (formerly Mildred Ott), N. 04, 530 Palmer Ave., Tropico, Calif. Anderson, Victor, B. A. 15, Manti, Utah. Anderson, Vivian (later Mrs. Roy D. Mellor), N. 11, (ad- dress unknown). Andrews, Mrs. Ivy C. D. (formerly Ivy Chase Dix), DBreaS 04, 467 E. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Andrus, Lavina Leona, N. 10, (address unknown). Angell, Charles Edgar, N. 04, ‘447 So. 5th H., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Angell, Imogene (Mrs. J. H. Cline, Jr.), N. 05, Ogden, Utah, Mountain States Telephone Co. Angell, Mrs. Joanna G. (formerly Joanna Gregory), N. 77, 31 Gregory Court, Salt Lake City. Angell, Mrs. Kate Gregory, N. 78, Butte, Mont. Angus, Byrl, N. 18, St. Anthony, Ida. sueree Mrs. Wilbur (formerly Grace May Taiko N. 94, . A. 97, Dunbar, Neb. ence Blanch, N. 13, 551 EH. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Ansteen, Mrs. Ernest (formerly Leona Erekson), N. 98, 361 Wall St., Salt Lake City. Arbuckle, Cornelia, N. 12, Bountiful, Utah. Argyle, Ben Eldredge, B. S. 11, Spanish Fork, Utah, Sur- veyor. Argyle, William Robinson, B. S. 15, care Bureau of Mines Lab. of American University, Pittsburg, Penn. 9 Armstrong, Mrs. Leroy (formerly Mary Ada Wood), N. 07, Enoch, Utah. Armstrong, Ruth, N. 08, (address unknown Arnold, Caroline Fullmer, N. 03, 154 So. 3rd E., Salt Lake City. Arnold, Mrs. H. B. (formerly Leah A. Allen), N. 96, Ogden, Utah. Ashby, Clifford, B. A. 10, 1416 4th E. St., Salt Lake City. Ashman, Albert J., A. B. 14, Richfield, Utah. Ashton, Lollie, N. 06, 1854 8th EH. St., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Ashton, Willard, A. B. 15, 921. Elm Ave., Salt Lake City, Principal Granite High School. Ashworth, Roscoe, B. A. 15, 510 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Ashworth, Willard, B. A. 15, Granite, Utah. (?) Asper, Adelaide, N. 81, 210 Fern St., Salt Lake City. Ackins, Carrie (latter Mrs. Jas. Wade), N. 07, 380 Wall St., Salt Lake City. Attley, Petria, N. 78, (address unknown). Attridge, Garnett Ethel (Mrs. Henry Peterson), B. A. 05, Sandy, Utah. Aydelotte, John Thirl, B. S. 17, M. S. 18, Stickney Apts., Salt Lake City. Ayers, Maude, N. 17, (address unknown). Babcock, Hannah P., N. 05, Deceased. Bachman, Elwood, B. S. 16, care General Electric Co., Pitts- field, Mass. Bacon, Beulah, Kindergarten, 08, Eureka, Utah. Baer, Mrs. John (formerly Hazel E. Smith), N 11, 8 Birken- shaw Terrace. Badger, Hattie Taylor (later Mrs. M. L. Nebeker), 44 So. 2nd West, City. Baggo, Andrew L., B. S., Aurora, Nevada. Bagley, Hyrum Grant, A. B. 138, M. A. 14, Chicago Law School, Chicago, Ill. Bailey, George W., B. A. 07, 410 25th St., Ogden, Utah. Baird, Clarence, B. A. 17, Provo, Utah. Baird, William G., N. 93, (present address unknown). Ball, Isaac Birkenhead, B. A. 18, Richfield, Utah. Ball, Lizzie, Eng. Lit. 80, 1945 So. 12th E., Salt Lake City. . ‘City. 10 Ball, Mrs. William (formerly Miss Marinda Hamlin), N 04, (present address unknown). Ballard, Zella May, N. 01, Payson, Utah. Ballif, S. F., N. 82, Logan, Utah. Ballinger, Zelta, N. 09, 2661 Wall Ave., Ogden, Utah. Bancroft, Bessie, N. 06, 321 7th Ave., City. aig Bangerter, Emma, N. 05, Granger, Utah. : Banks, John, B. A. 09, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Banks, Karl, B. S. 14, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Banks, Junius Crossland, N. 04, Lindon, Utah. Bannan, Rachel, N. 08, 325 N. 6th West, City. Banning, Fred A., B. S. 12, Pocatello, Idaho. Barber, Romania (now Mrs. T. Benson), Centerville, Utah. Bardsley, Ione, N. 13, Park City, Utah. Bardsley, Leo Duffin, B. A. 17, Centerfiield, Utah. Bardwell, Carlos, B. S. 18, International Smelter, Tooele, Utah. Bardwell, Orro Louise, Kindergarten 15, 38 10th Hast, Salt Lake City. Barker, Henry, Jr., B. A. 17, Ogden, tian. Barker, Mrs. F. G., A. B. 14 (formerly Miss Jeanetta E. Stevens), 614 Roosevelt Ave., Salt Lake City. Barker, Frederick, N. 99, Huntsville, Utah. Barker, Howard, B. S. 14, 818 E. 9th So., Salt Lake City, Professor U. of U. 718. Barker, Henry, N. 99, North Ogden, Utah. Barker, Louis, N. 01, Ogden, Utah. Barker, Lucile, N. 12, 145 4th Ave., Salt Lake City. oe ee L., N. 14, 1144 Washington Ave., Ogden, ahs. Barker, Ruth Vincy, N. 17, 1144 Washington Ave., Ogden, Utah. Barlow, Algie Jenny, B. A. 18, Bountiful; Utah. Barlow, Edythe, B. S. 16, B. Y. U., Provo, Utah. Barlow, Israel C., N. 12, Woods Cross, Utah. y Barlow, James M., N. 78, Deceased. Barlow, Joseph Ames, B. S. 10,1564, E. 13th So., Salt Lake City. Barlow, Kimber C., N. 12, Woods Cross, Utah. Barlow, Martha, B. A. 17, 306 No. 2nd West, Salt Lake City. Barlow, Mercy R., Kindergarten 13, Ogden, Utah. Barlow, Myron Call, N. 08, B. A. 13, Woods Cross, Utah. Barnes, Emily Maud, N. 94, Kaysville, Utah. ee Oke py 0 Ss ; g! 11 Barnes, Herbert J., B. S. 06, Kaysville, Utah. Barnes, Martha Hllen, N. 96, Kaysville, Utah. Barnes, Mrs. R. C. (formerly Maud Larson), N. 94, 234 6th East, City. Barnett, Lizzie, N. 01, (present address unknown). Barney, Bertha Adelia, N. 09, 556 So. 5th Hast, City, Teacher. | Barnicott, Rose May, N. 07, (present address unknown). Barr, Margaret Louise, N. 01, (present address unknown). Barton, Hyrum D. N. 78, Deceased. — Bartlett, Mrs. Rodney (formerly Martha P. Duncan), N 04, 1180 Sherman Ave., Salt Lake City. Barton, Elizabeth Belle, U. of U. Barton, Mrs. J. Brown (formerly Annie Doremus Rich- ards), N. 08, 1935 So. 9th East, Salt Lake City. Barton, Joseph Wesley, B. S. 1915, 417 22nd Ave., So. Minneapolis, Minn. Barton, Josephine (Mrs. Harold Young), B. A. 16, 169 4th Ave., Salt Lake City. Barton, June Catella, Kindergarten 18, 268 C St., Salt Lake City. Barton, Ray Hunter, N. 04, Beaver, Utah. Bassett, Cora A., Kindergarten 09, (address unknown). Bassett, Mrs. Freeman (formerly Helen Santschi), N. 06, 221 12th Hast, Salt Lake City. Bastian, Anna B. (later Mrs. O. I. Johnson), N. 01, (ad- dress unknown). Bateman, Bertha E., N. 07, Deceased. Bateman, Chloe Antoinette (later Mrs. Chloe B. Bruce), B.S. 15, 424 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Bateman, Daphne, N. 07 (later Mrs. C. A. Weymen |. Box G., Richfield, Utah. — Bateman, Edward Allen, B. A. 17, Midvale, Utah. Bateman, Julietta, N. 1900 (later Mrs. Christen Jensen), 435 So. 9th Hast, Salt Lake City. Bates, Ida Leona (later Mrs. H. L. 2 aneen . 94, 261 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Bates, Ormus A., N. 81, Tooele, Utah. Bath, Violet, N. 08, 449 No. 5th West, Salt Lake City. Batt, Emily, N. 85, 810 Green St., Salt Lake City. . “Bowden, Ardella, N. 08, 525 12th Hast St., Salt Lake City. Baxter, John R., N. 76, Spring City, Utah. Baxter, Rhoda, N. 07, (address unknown). 12 Beal, Owen.F., B. A. 12, M. A. 15, Weber Academy (Prin- cipal), Ogden, Utah. — Beal, Thomas A., B. A. 06, 464 Douglas Ave., Salt Lake City, Dean School of Com. and Fin., U. of U. Bearnson, Hanna, N. 12, (address unknown). Beatie, Ella, N. 89, Deceased. Beatie, Lyle, Kindergarten 16, 279 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Beatie, Mrs. Phoebe Young, N. 75, 76 No. State St., Salt Lake City. Beatie, Walter, N. 75, 776 No. State St., Salt Lake City. Beaulieu, Mrs. Pearl, Kindergarten 17, 834 HE. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Beauregard, Hazel, N. 07, Bingham, Utah. -Beauregard, Lillian, N. 13, Fillmore, Utah. Beck, Ethel Mae, N. 07, (address unknown). -Beckstrand, Alma Niel, B. S. 15, Meadow. Utah. Beckstrand, Arnold Asael, N. 17, Meadow, Utah. Becraft, Frank Wm., B. S. 10, M. S. 11, care United Filters Corporation, Felt Building, Salt Lake City. Beless, Edith Vivian, B. A. 10, 707 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. City. Beer, Lucile Marion, N. 11, 1214 9th East St., Salt Lake City. Beer, Naomi R., N. 18, 1214 9th East, Salt Lake City. Beesley, Clarissa Alice, N. 97, 557 W. 3rd No., Salt Lake City. Beeson, Mrs. Joseph L., B. A. 17 (formerly Desdemona Stott), care Emma Consolidated Mine, Alta, Utah. Bell, Charlotte D., N. 03, (address unknown). Beless, Ruth, N. 18, 707 2nd Ave, Salt Lake City. Beless, Mrs. Warren (formerly Lena Ellen Myers), Kin- dergarten 08, 1383 K St., Salt Lake ‘City. Belnap, Hyrum Adolphus, LL. B. 18, Ogden, Utah. Belnap, Marion Adaline, Kindergarten 07 (later Mrs. W. A. Kerr), 522 Elizabeth St., Salt Lake City. tah Belnap, Roswell Cole, B. A. 09, N. 07, 5386 22nd St., Ogden, Utah. Bennett, Mrs. Core, B. A. 06, (address unknown). Bennion, Adam, B. A. 08, 49 Gregson Ave., Salt Lake City. Professor at U. of U. Bennion, Mrs, Alfred (formerly liza A. Slade), N. 77 and 98, Taylorsville, Utah. 13 Bennion, Alfred, B: A. 08, Bozeman, Mont., Agricultural College. Bennion, Aurelia, B. A. 17, 227 W. 8rd North, City. Bennion, Mrs. Cylde (formerly Gladys HE. Stewart), Arts- N. 1913, 2440 Highland Drive, Salt Lake City. Bennion, Desla, A. B. 18, 1708 W. Garden St., Spokane, Wash. Bennion, Mrs. Desla, B. A. 13, (formerly Edna Hull), 1768 W. Garden St., Spokane, Wash. Bennion, Ethel (later Mrs. Paul Richards), N. 07, Taylors- ville, Utah. Bennion, Mrs. Glynn, A. B. 16 (formerly Lucile Morris Cannon), Vernon, Utah. Bennion, Harden, N. 79, 227 W. 8rd North. Secretary of State and Regent of the University. Bennion, Hattie, N. 76 (later Mrs. Hattie Bennion Harker), 1108 East 2nd So., Salt Lake City. Bennion, Mrs. Lida B. Ure, Kindergarden 12, (no address). Bennion, Lenore, N. 07, Taylorsville, Utah, (Deceased). Bennion, Milton, N. 96, B. S. 97, 2881 7th Hast, Salt Lake City. Dean of School of Education and Professor of Philosophy, U. of U. Bennion, Nora, N. 91, (later Mrs. Thomas Dimond. De- ceased. Bens, Lydia, N. 12, Ogden, Utah. Benson, Mrs. T. (formerly Romania Barber), Kindergar- ten 07, Centerville, Utah. Bentley, Ada E., 653 Hast Broadway, B. S. 17. Bentley, John William, N. 10, Parowan, Utah. Benz, Louise Martha, N. 01, B. A. 16, 67 L St., Salt Lake City, Teacher. - Bergen, Constance H., N. 84 (later Mrs.R. Kletting), 280 A St., Salt Lake City. Bergstrom, Florence, N. 13, Eureka, Utah. Bergstrom, Helen, N. 11, 1063 E. 8rd So., Salt Lake City (later Mrs. B. M. Saunders). Bergstrom, Jacob Wood, B. S. 16, Cedar City, Utah, Bergstrom, Olive B., N. 12, (ater Mrs. T. K. Thomas), 1061 8rd E. 3rd So., Salt Lake City. Bernhardt, Helen, N. 07, (no address). Berry, Alice, N. 02, Cedar City, Utah, Teacher. Berry, Althea Rebecca, N. 02, Kanarra, Utah. Berry, Ella, N. 01 (later Mrs. Harry Leigh), Kanarra, Utah. 14 Berry, Eva, N. 08, Springville, Utah. ~ Berry, Hepsy, N. 12, (no address). Berryman, Benj. A., B. S. 18, Bountiful, Utah. ‘ Bertagnoli, Emma, N. 11, 1978 E. 11th So., Salt Lake City. Besley, Bess, N. 05 (ater Mrs. Gibbs), (no address). Besley, Stephen H., B. S. 12, 171 E. 7th So., Salt Lake City. *Betensen, Thos. Harl., N. 10, B. S. 16, Circileville, Utah. Beyler, Ruth Faye, N. 14, Moab, Utah. Mansfield, Marguerite, B. A. 12 (later Mrs. B. W. Bilby), 860 EH. 17th So., Salt Lake City. Biggs, Nona, N. 92 (later Mrs. (?) Brady), (no address). Billings, Lillian May, N. 02 (later Mrs. (?) White), 52 So. 5th West, Salt Lake City. Billings, T. P., B. S. 06, 404 Dooly Block, or 588 5th Ave., Salt Lake City. 7. Birch, Jonah Don, B. S. 07, Hiawatha, Utah. Suveyor En- ginueer U. S. Fuel Co. Bird, Inez, N. 14, Woods Cross, Utah. Bird, Jesse, B. A. 15, Springville, Utah. Birkinshaw, Eliza, N. 02, 524 H. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Burrells, Mrs. Alexander, N. 97, formerly Claire Jesse Whitehead), (address unknown). Bitner, Ardella, N. 01 (Mrs. Benj. F. Tibbey), 69 1st Ave., Salt Lake City. Bitner, Madeline, N. 18 (later Mrs. Joseph Worthin), 73 L. St., Salt Lake City. Bjorklund, Ruby, N. 14, 229 Paxton Ave., Salt Lake City. - Black, Frederick A., B. A. 17, Richfield, Utah. Blacker, Katherine Rebecca, Kindergarten 03, Helena, Mont. Blackler, William Reginald, N. 17, Park City, Utah. *Blackner, Lester Armond, B. S. 10, 107 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Blackington, Mrs. Ruby Clark (formerly Ruby Cla. oN 14, Minadoka, Idaho. Blank, Ada, N. 10, 543 No. 9th West, Salt Lake City. Blazard, Rose, N. 14, (no address). Blethen, Mrs. C. W., N 1900 (formerly Alice Horkin), (no address). Bliss, Mrs. Tillie W., N. 79 (formerly Miss Tillie Wilcox., 262 Canyon Road, City. : - Blomdahl, Mary Ann, N. 92 (later Mrs. W. J. Robinson’. no address). * ete 7 15 - Blomquist, Birdie, N. 07, 151 E. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Boberg, Elroy, N. 09, Draper, Utah. Boberg, Mina, N. 05, care Mrs. Caroline Boberg, Draper, Utah. Boehmer, Norris, B. S. 18, 212 So. 7th East, Salt Lake City. Bohman, Emily Marier, N. 93 (later. Mrs. Emily Zaugg), Peterson, Utah. Bohman, Victor Rudolph, N. 97, Peterson, Utah. FBolin, Nils O. D., B..S. 18, 248 University St., Salt Lake ‘City. Bolman, Blanch, 231 W. 3rd No., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Bolman, Jennie B., N. 14, 231 W. 8rd No. Salt Lake City. Bone, Delbert F., N. 10, Layton, Utah. Bond, Alfred Thomas, N. 91, and 95, Lakeside, Arizona, - Teacher. ' Bond, Mary Elizabeth, B. A. 13, No. 2 ‘Portia Apts., Salt Lake City. -Bonnemort, Mrs. N., N. 02 (formerly Ethel Stewart), Kays- ville, Utah. Bonnemort, Robert J., B. S. 06, Kaysville, Utah. Booth, Jennie, N. 77 (later Mrs. Lane), Forsyth, Mont. Booth, Lillie M., N. 05, 357 Earls Court, Salt Lake City. Booth, John H., N. 92, 55 W. 5th No., Salt Lake City. Booth, Mrs. John (formerly Delia Winters), Nocti DORs 5th No., Salt Lake City. Borgquist, Alvin, B. 8S. 97, (no address). Borgquist, Erasmus, B. S. 11, 1164 Emerson Ave., Salt Lake City. Draftsman State Engineer. Boulton, Annie Eliza, N. 03, Hast Bountiful, Utah. Bourgard, Hazel N., Kindergarten-N. 12, (no address). Bowdidge, Augusta, N. 10, 415 No. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Bowdidge, Florence, N. 17, 415 No. 2nd West, Salt Lake City. Bowen, Agnes M., B. A. 17, 484 So. 18th E., Salt Lake City. Bowen, Maude, N. 09, Provo, Utah. Bower, Mrs. John O., A. B. 15 (formerly Armorel Dixon), Wyncotte, Pa., Box 15. ‘Bowman, Amy, N. 92, 130 Girard Ave., Salt Lake City, Teacher in Training School. Bowman, Ernest Snyder, B. S. 08, Ophir, Utah. *U. S. Service. 16 Bowman, Dorothy, N. 94, 130 Girard Ave., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Bowman, Elizabeth, N. 84, 130 Girard Ave., Salt Lake City. Teacher. Bowman, G. P., N. 77, 1180 E. 7th So., Salt Lake City. Bown, Hyrum Braithwaite, B. 8. 17, Manti, Utah. Bowring, Elizabeth Pearl, N. 02 (later Mrs. Charlie MGe ris), 818 E. 1st So., Salt Lake City. *Boyer, D. Angus, A. B. 16, Springville, Utah. Boyce, Bessie Edith, N. 99, Mill Creek, Utah. | Boyer, John Emett, N. 06, 301 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt _ Lake City. \] Boyle, Albert C., N. 01, B. S. 06, Professor University of | (Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. Bradford, Charles Raymond, N. 03, 709 N. 1st West, Salt | Lake City. | Bradford, Lisle, N. 06, 1415 Edison Ave., Salt Lake City, Teacher Salt Lake High School. Bradford, Robert Henry, N. 90, B. S. 95, 855 Fairbanks Ave., Salt Lake City. Professor of Metallurgy, Uni- versity of Utah. Bradford, Sylvester Duncan, N. 96, No. 2 Summerhays Apts., Salt Lake City. Bradford, William, N. 76, 1415 Edison Ave., Salt Lake City. Principal of School, Salt Lake City. Brady, Mrs., N. 92 (formerly Nona Biggs), (no address). Brain, Myrtle, N. 08, 567 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. — Bramwell, Ernest E., B. A. 07, Snowflake, Ariz. Branch, Annie Pearl, N. 05 (Mrs. Frank W. Wonnacott), (no address). Branch, Belle, N. 08 (later Mrs. Henry Pace), Price, Utah. Branch, Irene, N. 08 (later Mrs. Carlos Woodward), Win- terquarters, Utah. Brandon, Pauline E., N. 18, 665 11th East, Salt Lake City. Bransford, Ada, N. 08, (no address). Branting, Frank, N. 89, 671 So. 4th Hast, Salt Lake City. Braun, Mrs. Jos. G., Kindergarten 02 (formerly Vera Louise Lane), Venice, Calif. Breckon, Jennie Rebecca, N. 04, 55 11th Ave. West, Van- couver, B. C. Breeze, Josephine, N. 08 (later Mrs. Henry Burton), 70 East 12th So., Salt Lake City. Brenton, Fay, N. 12, Hureka, Utah. 17 Bridwell, Mrs. T. M., N. 02 (formerly Emma Ethel Lewis), 23 W. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Briggs, Lorin David, N. 11, B. A. 15, Kaysville, Utah. Teacher Davis High. Briggs, Mable, N. 13, Lehi, Utah. Brighton, Irene, N. 12, Murray, Utah. Brighton, Reuben Miller, B. S. 08, Murray, Utah. Brighton, Thos. B., B. S. 18, 219 K St., Professor of Chem- istry U. of U. Brighton, Mrs. Thomas, N. 08, 219 K St. (formerly Mary Pickering). *Brishton;,. Wim.:S., B. S. 07, 219 K St., Salt Lake City. Brim, Amanda, N. 05, B. A. 12, 1522 Lincoln Ave., Salt Lake City. Brimhall, Mrs. Dean, B. A. 14 (formerly Lila Eccles), 435 West 119th St., New York City. *Brokmeyer, Albert Frederic, B. A. 116, 617 1st Ave., Salt Lake City. ; Brockmeyer, Pauline, B. A. 14, Sandy, Utah. Brinton, Mrs. D. Branson, Kindergarten 06 (formerly Ethel Simons), 209 Vine St., Murray, Utah. Brinton, Geneve, N 16, Deceased. Brinton, May, N. 07, Springville, Utah. Brinton, Mary Aileen, N. 96 (later Mrs. O. F. Jensen), (no address). Brinton, Melvina (later Mrs. Chester P. Cahoon), Kinder- garten 07, Murray, Utah. Brinton, Valeria EH. (later Mrs. Levi Edgar Young), N. 95, 118 P St., Salt Lake City. Broaddus, Dr. Chas. A., B. A. 07, Hinckley, Utah. Brockbank, Taylor P., N. 99, B. S. 18, Murray, Utah. Brooks, Bessie (later Mrs. Jensen), N. 04, 734 E. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Brooks, Geneivieve, N. 08, 173, Q St., Salt Lake City. Broughton, Gertrude, N. 14, 371 E. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Brown, Adel, N. 14, Monroe, Utah. Brown, Charles William, B. S. 18, 653 E. 3rd So., Instructor U. of U. Brown, Charles Wm., N. 97, 777 W. 1st So., Salt Lake City. Brown, Dahlia, N. 12, (no address). Brown, Elisha, N. 95, Draper, Utah, Teacher. Brown, Elva, N. 13, (no address). Brown, Emma, N. 01, 31 No. 1lst W., Salt Lake City. 18 Brown, Fannie, N. 97, (no address), Teacher. Brown, Fern J., N. 11, Alpine, Utah. Brown, George, N. 76, Draper, Utah. Brown, Hilda May, Kind.-Nor. 10, (no address). Brown, Ivy Cross, N. 03, Sandy, Utah, Teacher. Brown, J. A., N. 80, 47 So. Main St., Real Estate Business. | Brown, John Clyde, B. 8S. 07, 475 25th St., Ogden, Utah, Forest Service. | Brown, Dr. John Zimmerman, B. A. 06, N. 02, 341 9th E., Salt Lake City, Physician Vermont Bldg. Brown, Laura Mabel, N. 02, B. A. 09, 1445 So. Main St., Salt Lake City, Teacher East High. Brown, Lillian Kate, N. 05, Sandy, Utah, Teacher Granite High School. Brown, Lula, N. 06, Draper, Utah Brown, Mark C., N. 01, 1480 Edison St., Principal Whittier School. . Brown, R. Mark, B. A. 09, 2865 Washington Ave., Ogden, Utah. Brown, Mary Elizabeth, B. A. 15, 1466 13th E., Salt Lake City. Brown, Mary, N. 05, Cedar City, Utah. Brown, Mary May, N. 07, 2510 9th E., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Brown, Myrtle J., N. 06, 37 N. 1st W., Salt Lake City. Brown, Nellie E., B. A. 07, N. 02, 1445 So. Main St., Salt Lake City. Brown, Ruth, N. 16, Woods Cross, Utah. Brown, Sadie (later Mrs. Sadie: B. Gundry), N. 92, (no address). Brown, Samuel R., B. A. 17, 852 So. 7th E., Salt Lake City. Brown, Stella, N. 08, 546 N.. 8rd W., Salt Lake City. Browning, Ardell, Kindergarten-N. 14, Ogden, Utah. Browning, Iram (later Mrs. Jasper Dean), Kindergarten-N. 11, 6 Midgley Apts., Salt Lake City. Browning, Mrs. Wm. C. (formerly Norma Fenton), Kinder- garten 07, Superior, Ariz. Browning, Wm. C., B. S. 07, Superior, Ariz. Brubaker, Ruth, N. 14, 226 5th E., Salt Lake City. Bruce, Mrs. Chloe Bateman (formerly Chloe Bateman) B. S. 15, 424 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Brunn, J. A., N. 80, (no address). Bryant, Richard J., M. H. 08, Cedar City, Utah. Buck, Alma, N. 14, 210 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City. 19 Buck, Mrs. Blanche D., N. 09, Park City, Utah. Buckle, Beatrice (later Mrs. Charles Fowler), N. 05, (no address). ; Bulkley, Laura M., N. 12, 603. Washington Ave., Alpena, Michigan. Bullen, Herschel, Jr., N. 90, Logan, Utah. Bullock, Laura (later Mrs. F. A. Williams), N. 01, 14 Keyser Court, Salt Lake City. Bullock, Newell Harris, N. 91, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Burch,. Lottie, A. B. 11, Cluff Apts., Salt Lake City, Prin- cipal Elementary Training School. Burgan, Lillian C., B. A. 16, 147 So. 10th E., Salt Lake City. Burgess, Ernest Hungate, N. 03, Cert. Law 09, Roosevelt, Utah. Burgess, Mrs. Ernest (formerly Donna Miles), B. A. 06, Roosevelt, Utah. Burningham, Byron Ashby, B. A. 16, Bountiful, Utah. *Burningham, Clarence Wm., N. 16, Bountiful, Utah. Burns, Mabel May, N. 03, (no address), Teacher. ; Burrell, Viola (later Mrs. B. T. Jones), N. 06, Magna, Utah. . Burrows, Carlyle, B. A. 17, 47 W. 37th St., New York City. Bush, Mrs. Geo. (formerly Lillian L. Gray), N. 08, (no address). Burt, Maggie G., N. 14, eee ae Utah. Burton, Austin, Garr, B . S. 08, 2806 So. State St., Salt Lake City. Burton, Alice Maria, N. 04, 2310 So. State, Salt Lake City. Burton, Mrs. A. C. (formerly Lillie McFarland), N. 07, Beaver, Utah. ! . Burton, Mrs. A. G. (formerly Leonora McMillan), N. 04, 2336 So. State St., Salt Lake City. Burton, Charles C., N. 75, 33 No. State St., Salt Lake City. Burton, Edward L., N. 91, 805 E. 1st So., Salt Lake City. Burton, Mrs. Ella Mitchell (formerly Ella Mitchell), N. 78, 252 13th E., Salt Lake City. . Burton, Eloise Crismon, N. 76, Deceased. Burton, Helen, Crismon, Kindergarten 18, 779 4th Ave., Salt Lake City. Burton, Mrs. Henry F. (formerly Josephine Breeze), N. 08, Burton Ave., Salt Lake City. Burton, Mrs. H. K. (formerly Clara Herman), N .91, 521 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Burton, Hiurrbert Charles, N. 96 and 14, Kaysville, Utah. Burton, Jennie K., N. 14, Vernal, Utah. 20 Burton, Thelma L., N. 13, 1157 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City, Teacher. | Burton, Theresa Cees Mrs. Frank R. Clark), N. 03, es address). Burton, Vernico (later Mrs. EK. D. Hatch), Kindergarten 07, (no address). Burton, Virginia (later Mrs. R. Cutler), N. 98, 2006 So. Main St., Salt Lake City. Burton, Willard S., N. 01, Kaysville, Utah, Teacher. Bush, Virginia A. (later Mrs. Harold Stephens), N. 99, B. A. 06, 1224 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Bushnell, John B., N. 76, Meadow, Utah. Butler, Annie Gray, N. 13, Salt Lake City, (no street ad- dress). Butler, David, N. 77, Payson, Utah. Butler, Leo Ephraim, N. 04, 51 So. $th E., Salt Lake City. Butler, Mrs. L. L., A. B. 11, Hazelton, Penn. Butler, Annie G., N. 14, (no address). Bywater, Geo. G., B. S. 09, 248 E St., Salt Lake City, Mining Engineer, Newhouse Bldg. Buys, William, N. 79, Heber, Utah. Brown, Bessie R. (later Mrs. A. C. Hoover), N. 94, Black- foot, Idaho. Cahoon, Mrs. Chester P. (formerly Melvina Brinton), N 07, Murray, Utah. Cahoon, Enid, N. 17, Murray, Utah. Cahoon, Leonard, B. S. 05, Murray, Utah. Cahoon, Lucile, N. 17, 1189 Bueno Ave., Salt Lake City. Cahoon, Lyle, N. 17, Murray, Utah. Calder, D. G., N. 75, Provo, Utah, R. F. D.-No. 2. Calder, Dora, N. 08, 1043 E. 8rd So., Salt Lake City. Calder, Mrs. (formerly Kate Snedaker), N. 82 and 83, Ver- nal, Utah. Calder, Velvia (later Mrs, M. C. Rawlings), N. 75, 179 K. St. Calder, Orson Mentzer, N. 09, Vernal, Utah, Teacher. Calder, Wallace, B. A. 08, Vernal, Utah. Calder, W. W., N. 75, 173 K St., Salt Lake City. Calder, Mrs. Wm. ,N. 75, 173 K St., Salt Lake City. Calderwood, Mrs. W. R. (formerly Emily Dean), N. 90, 321 N. Main St., Salt Lake City. *In U. S. Service. 21 Calderwood, Dr. Wm. R., N. 92, 321 N. Main St., Salt Lake Citye i Caldwell, Margaret Adeline, N. 1900, 453 4th Ave., Salt Lake City, Teacher. ; Caldwell, Richard Elmer, N. 95, B. S. 04, 223 8th Ave., Salt Lake City. Calhoun, Agnes Z., N. 14, Garfield, Utah. Call, Irwin, N. 12, Woods Cross, Utah. Call, Orvis, J., N., N. 90, Heber, Utah. Callister, Alfred Cyril, B. A. 15, 64 W. 3rd No., Salt Lake City. Callister, Ella, N. 17, 64 W. 3rd No., Salt Lake City. Calvert, Jennie, N. 14, Ogden, Utah. Cameron, Cliffie, N. 04, 182 H St., Salt Lake City. Cameron, Frank, B. 8S. 13, 182 H St., Salt Lake City. Cameron, Marguerite S., A. B. 18, Evanston, Wyo. Camp, Beatrice, N. 08, (Mrs. Price), Oakley, Idaho. “Camp, Claire, N. 06, 426 8th H., Salt Lake City. Campbell, Irma, N. 10, 349 9th E., Salt Lake City. Campbell, Iris, N. 10, Mrs. Hayes), 331 So. 10th East. Campbell, Mrs. N. B. (formerly Nettie Ethel Scranton), N. 03, 40 Moss Ave., Oakland, Calif. Campbell, Robert L., N. 06, 149 No. Main St., Salt Lake City. : Campbell, Robert Stewart, N. 75, 149 No. Main St., Salt Lake City. Canfield, Irene, N. 07, Cedar City, Utah. Cannon, Addie Morris (later Mrs. David R. Howells), B. A. 09, 440 Riverside Drive, New York City. Cannon, Miss Ann Mousley, N. 86, 2228 Lake St., Salt Lake City. Cannon, Cavendish Wells, B. A. 16, 1320 So. 9th W., Salt Lake City. Cannon, Espey T., B. S. 12, 505 B St., Salt Lake City. Cannon, Mrs. Espey T. (formerly Alice Y. Farnsworth), B. A. 07, 505 B St., Salt Lake City. Cannon, Frank J., N. 78, D-9 Logan Court, Denver, Colo. *Cannon, Georgy M., N. 78, B. A. 12, 720 Ashton Ave., Salt Lake City. : Cannon, Mrs. J. J. (formerly Florence Groesbeck), De- -ceased. Cannon, John S., N. 94, 1820 So. 9th W., Salt Lake City. Cannon, Joseph J., B. 8S. 99, 209 4th Ave., Salt Lake City. Cannon, Mrs. Joseph J, B. A. 08, M. A. 13 (formerly Ra- 22 mona S. Wilcox), 209 4th Ave., Salt Lake City. & Cannon, Katherine, B. A. 18, 1854 So. 9th W., Salt Lake City. . Cannon, Mrs. Lewis (formerly Lewis Hamlin), N. 91, 1224 So. 8th W., Salt Lake City. Cannon, Lucile Morris (later Mrs. Glym Bennion), A. B. 16, Vernon, Utah. Cannon, Marba, B. A. 18, 1224 So. 8th W., Salt Lake City. Cannon, Mrs. Preston (formerly Mabel Harker), N. 97, 1341 Glenmare Ave., Salt Lake City. Cannon, Wilford Young, B. S. 09, 1152 5th E. St., Salt Lake City. Cardall, Priscilla Ann, N. 18, 807 Simondi Ave., Salt Lake City. Carlisle, Mrs., N. 79 (formerly Clara E. Snedaker), De- ceased. Carlson, Bermice C., N. 17, 556 So. 10th E., Salt Lake City. Carlson, Edith Victoria, N. 04, (present address unknown), Teacher. Carlson, Emma Caroline, N. 08, 707 E. 14th So., Salt Lake City. Carlson, Hannah, N. 08, (present address unknown). Carlson, James M., B. A. 09, N. 04, 570 5th E., Salt Lake City, Lawyer. Carlson, Oscar W., N. 1900, 909 Kearns Bldg., or 3575 So. 7th E., Salt Lake City. Carlston, Mrs. Eliza L. (formerly Eliza Lester), N. 12, 736 So. 38rd E., Salt Lake City. Carmichel, Jos. Rix, B. S. 11, 853 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Carney, Jane M., A. B. 11, Cornell Apts., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Carpenter, Lulu, N. 14, Preston, Idaho. Carruthers, Camero Della, N. 10, 251 W. 6th No., Salt Lake City. Carson, Hazel, N. 10, Lehi, Utah. Carter, Joshua Owen, N. 03, (address unknown).. Carter, Nellie, N. 08, (present address unknown). Cartwright, Hyrum S., B. A. 17, 29 N. West Temple St., - Salt Lake City. Cartwright, Priscilla, B. A. 17, 29 No. West Temple St., Salt Lake City. Cartwright, Ruth Caroline, B. A. 18, 9385 Logan Ave., Salt Lake City. 23 Cartwright, T. H. Mrs. (formerly Lizzie Smith), N. 82, 29 N. West Temple, Salt Lake City. Casady, Mabelle, N. 07, 678 38rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Case, Pearl Juanita, N. 14, 543 E. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Casto, Margaret, N. 12, County Road 17th and 18th So., Deceased. Cazier, Maydell (later Mrs. Maydell Cazier Palmer), A. B. 11, Nephi, Utah. Chabot, Philomena, N. 08, 575 Hamilton Place, Salt Lake City. Chadwick, Ruby, N. 11, 38 Woodruff Apts., Salt Lake City. Chaffin, Geo. L., A. B. 14, Farmington, Utah. Chaffin, Sara E., N. 14, 662 7th E., Salt Lake City. Chamberlain, Ralph V., B. S. 98, Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass. Chamberlain, Wm. H., B. A. 96, Deceased. Chambers, Alma Holroyd, B. S. 05, P. O: Box 135, Logan, Utah. Chambers, Geo. Brower, N. 06, R. D. No. 1, Garfield, Utah. Chambers, Josephine, N. 97, Deceased, 821 E. 11th So., Salt Lake City. Chance, Ethel Sheperd, B. A. 15, Calders, Utah. Chard, Marcellus, N. 14, Liberty, Utah. Chase, Ella, N. 94, 110 No. Main, Salt Lake City. Chatterley, Mrs. Nelle, N. 05, St. George, Utah. Cherry, Bertha B. (later Mrs. A. J. Vorse), N. 1900, 666 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Chilcott, Thenia Mae (later Mrs. Emil Josi), B. A. 08, Salt Lake City. Child, Florence Alzina, N. 18, 980 Lincoln St., Salt Lake City. Child, George N., B. S. 15, 980 Lincoln St., Salt Lake City. Chipman, Ora Jean, B. A. 18, American Fork, Utah. Chipman, Zina Celenia (later Mrs. Arthur Adams), N. 02, American Fork, Utah. Christensen, Annie H., N. 05, 853 So. 8th E. St, Salt Lake City. Christensen, A. E., B. S. 11, 1011 Belmost Ave., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Mrs. A. H. (formerly Olive Lora Derbidge), N. 95, 294 No. Main St., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Alice Rosetta, N. 02, 1217 So. 9th E., Salt Lake City. ‘Christensen, Althea, N. 15, Bingham, Utah. 24 Christensen, Althea Vivian, N. 15, Bingham Canyon, Utah. Christensen, Annie S., N. 82, Farmington, Utah. Christensen, Clarence E., N. 94, (address unknown). Christensen, Carrie, N. 08, 853 So. 8th E., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Corinne, N. 08, 256 W. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Denies, N. 78, (address unknown). Christensen, Mrs. D. H. (formerly Catherine Dean), N. 90, 1515 Edison St., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Emma A., N. 05, (address unknown). Christensen, David Henry, N. 07, 1515 Edison St., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Hsther, N. 15, 270 H St., Salt Lake City. Christensen, G. A., B. S. 17, Moroni, Utah. Christensen, Ione, B. A. 18, Richfield, Utah. Christensen, James Archie, B. A. 18, Brigham City, Utah. Christenson, Julius, N. 84, Manti, Utah. Christenson, John A., N. 92, 453 D St., Salt Lake City. Christensen, James, N. 92, Moroni, Utah. Christensen, Luella Florence, N. 08, 867 H. St., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Leonidas J., N. 05, 367 H St., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Mary A., N. 96, 48 EH. Oakland Ave., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Niels C., B. S. 05, M. S. 10, M. A. 11, 637 BE. 9th So., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Parley P., N. 90, 205 Continental Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City. . Christensen, Ruby Genevieve, N. 08, 367 H St., Salt Lake City. Christensen, Violet, N. 12, Farmington, Utah. Christiansen, Nels W., N. 12, Mayfield, Utah. Christopherson, Ella, N. 07, 1907 So. State St., Salt Lake City. Christopherson, Norma, N. 10, 1983 State St., Salt Lake City. Chugg, ‘Maude Chatherine, N. 03, 234 D St., Salt Lake City. Utah, ‘Eeacher: Clark, Mrs. A. T. (formerly Alberta McCanne), B. A. 13, 3 Avon Apts., Ogden, Utah. Clark, Charles R., N. 80, Georgetown, Idaho. Clark, Daisy D., N. 07, (address unknown). Clark, Edith, N. 18, Coalville, Utah. Clark, Edward B., N. 79, Farmington, Utah. 25 Clark, Ellen (later Mrs. Ellen C. Henderson), N. 02, A. B. 11, Clifton, Ida. Clark, Ethel, N. 09, (address unknown). Clark, Frank Rinker, B. S. 10, Grantsville, Utah. Clark, Mrs. Frank R. (formerly Theresa Burton), N. 03, 1346 Parkwood Place, Washington, D. C. Clark, Florence, N. 11, care U. S. Reserve Settlement, Min- adoka, Ida. Clark, Mrs. Guy (formerly Marion Johnson), N. 05, Madison and 24th Sts., Ogden, Utah. *Clark, Heriem W., B. S. 17, Provo, Utah. Clark, Inez (later Mrs. Harvey), B. A. 13, 2079 5th E., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Clark, Joshua Reuben, B. S. 98, care Solicitor General, Washington, D. C. Clark, Louise Aurellia, N. 1900, care Mrs. Peterson, 2202 Lake St., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Clark, Lewis O., N. 99, 869 Browning Ave., Salt Lake City. Clark, Lillian, N. 08, Coalville, Utah. Clark, Mabel, N. 08, (present address unknown). _ Clark, Marian Ann (later Mrs. D. C. Kimball), N. 94, Farm- ington, Utah, Teacher. Clark, Minerva Amelia (later Mrs. Peterson), N. 1900, 2202 Lake St., Salt Lake City. Clark, Mary Ellen (later Mrs. Walter Romney), BAP On 1129 Emerson Ave., Salt Lake City. Clark, M. E., N. 01, Rex Bldg., Salt Lake City. Clark, Myrtle, N. 14, Mt. Pleasant, Utah, Teacher. Clark, Preale, M. (later Mrs. Otto R. Peters), N. 05, 212 So. 8th Hast, Salt Lake City. Clark, Ruby (Mrs. Ruby Clark Blackington),, N. 14, Mina- doka, Ida. Clark, Rulon W., N. 13, Farmington, Utah. Clark, Sanna M., N. 18; Pleasant Grove, Utah. Clark, Violet Ada, N. 01, (address unknown). Clausen, Andrew, Jr., B. S. 14, 865 W. 2nd So., Salt Lake City. Clauson, Helen (later Mrs. Seymour Wells), N3 14; 337 11th E., Salt Lake City. eso: Hyrum Bradley, N. 12, 252 11th Ave., Salt Lake City. Clawson, Mrs. Irwin (formerly Bertha May Gray), N. 15, 245 Washington St., San Diego, Calif. *Clawson, Irwin, B. A, 14. 26 Clawson, Mamie Jones, N. 93, 64 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Clawson, Nabbie Young, N. 93, Deceased. Clawson, Mrs. Dr. T. A. (formerly Elizabeth Groesbeck), N. 89, 158 Ist Ave., Salt Lake City. Clawson, Stanley, N. 75, 64 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City, Dentist. Clayton, Mrs. Alice Ellerbeck, N. 94, Deceased. Clayton, Mrs. Chas. C. (formerly Lylia E. Knudson), B. A. 05, 411 Covey Apts., Salt Lake City. Clayton, Effie, N. 08, 130 W. Clinton Ave., Salt Lake City. Clayton, Gertrude, N. 06, 365 N. 2nd W., S. L. City. Clayton, Vinnie (later Mrs. A. B. Dunford), N. 78, 1675 So. West Temple St., Salt Lake City. ; Cleghorn, Harriet Ivy (later Mrs. Richard Towler), B. A. 08, 45 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City. Cleveland, Elsie, N. 06, 1004 W. 8th So., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Clinton, Myrtice Irene, N. 18, 8389 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City. Clive, Agnes C., N. 14, B. 8. 17, 116 No. State St., Salt Lake City. Clive, Mrs. J. H. Jr., N. 05 (formerly Imogene Angell), Mt. States Tel. Co., Ogden, Utah. Clyde, Wilford W., B. S. 13, Springville, Utah. Coale, Della, N. 01, 1456 4th E., Salt Lake City. Coates, Edna Maurine (later Mrs. Fred W. Snow), B. A. 09, Superior, Ariz. Coates, Sarah Adaline, N. 04, (present address unknown), Teacher. Coath, Elizabeth, N. 11, 154 So. 7th W., Salt Lake City. Cobbley, Ella Leva, N. 10, 164 Mead St., Salt Lake City. Cochran, Mrs. A. W. (formerly Annie Weggleland), N. 91, Deceased. Cochrane, Geo. Acton, B. A. 15, 217°C St., Salt Lake City. Coffman, Dora, N. 08, Logan, Utah. Cohn, Elsie, N. 10, 670 E. South Temple, Salt Lake City. Cohn, Emma, N. 04, 5 Lund Apts., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Cohn, Harriet (later Mrs. Daniel Lipman), N. 03, 22 H St., Salt Lake City. Cohn, Sylvia, N. 1900 (later Mrs. Hugo Druehl), 117 L St., Salt Lake City. Cole, Clara Dell, N. 04, Nephi, Utah. Cole, Delta Charlotte, B. A. 04, Willard, Utah. , Cole, Roscoe Franklin, B. S. 09, Willard, Utah. 27 Cole, Vilette (later Mrs. Davis), N. 85, formerly of Willard, Utah, (present address unknown). Cole, Winslow C., B. S. 14, Willard, Utah. ; Coleman, Genevieve Cecellia, N. 03, (present address un- known). , Coleman, Winnifred E., N. 01, (present address unknown), teacher. Collett, Lucile, N. 14, Cokesville, Wyo. Collings, Mattie, N. 08, Monroe, Utah. Condie, John W., N. 1900, Preston, Idaho, Teacher. Condie, Mrs. Ruby Reiser (formerly Ruby Reiser), N. 14, 74 D St., Salt Lake City. Cone, Evelyn Florence, N. 05, (present address unknown). Conley, Mrs. Mary B., B. A. 14, Moroni, Utah, Teacher. Connelly, Ethel Maud, A. B. 11, 15 Ruby Apts., Salt Lake City. Connelly, Lillian, N. 06, 435 EH. 2nd So., Salt Lake City. Connelly, Mary Elizabeth, B. A. 98, 817 1st Ave., Salt Lake City. Conover, Eva D., N. 99, (present address unknown). Conville, James O., B. S. 09, El Reno, Oklahoma. Cook, Alonzo Laker, B. S. 08, Fish Haven, Idaho. Cook, AndrewB., N. 81, Deceased. Cook, Mrs. Dora, N. 08, Vernal, Utah. Cook, Edna Maria, N. 16, Hooper, Utah. *Cook, J. Douglas, B. A. 18, 324 A St., Salt Lake City. Cook, J. R., B. S. 78, South Weber, Utah. Cook, Mabel, N. 08, Taylorsville, Utah. Cook,Marion M., N. 01, 11 Kendall Square, Salt Lake City. Cook, Mary Lizzie, N. 07, Taylorsville, Utah. Cook, Nellie Ellen, N. 13, Eureka, Utah. ' Cook, Sarah Elizabeth, A. B. 14, Rexburg, Idaho. Cook, W. C., N. 78, Nephi, Utah. Coombs, Mrs. D. R., N. 1900 (formerly Virginia Holt), 318 So. 12th E., Salt Lake City. Coombs, John Hardy, N. 96, B. S. 12, 274 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City, Principal Bryant Junior High School. Cooper, Amy Eliza, B. A. 15, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Cooper, Clara Edith, N. 93, (present address unknown), Teacher. Cooper, Effie Lenore, N. 08, 2381 7th E., Salt Lake City. Cooper, Eliz. A. (later Mrs. E. Pendleton), 487 1st Ave., Salt Lake City. - Cooper, Hannah LaRene, N. 14, (address unknown). 28 Coray, Claude, A. B. 14, Ogden, Utah. Coray, George Quincy, B. S. 94, 2375 5th E. St., Salt Lake City, Professor of Anthropolgy and Sociology, U. of U. Coray, Edna Helena, B. A. 02, N. 01, 255 No. 5th W., Salt Lake City, Teacher of Music, Studio Templeton Bldg. Corey, Armeda E. (later Mrs. Robertson), N. 01, (address - unknown). Corey, Mrs. G. R. (formerly Matilda Frazee), N. 08, 9 St. Regis Apts,, Salt Lake City. Cornell, Clarence W., B. S. 08, (present address unknown). Cornell, May, N. 04, care Mrs. E. Cornell, 2251 Lake St., Salt Lake City. 3 Cornwall, Claude Cyril, B. S. 11, Murray, Utah. Cornwall, Fay, B. A. 18, Murray, Utah, R. D. No. 4. Cornwall, Mrs. J. (formerly Nellie Spencer), N. 84, Murray, Utah. Cornwall, Lottie, N. 14, Murray, Utah. Corry, Jeannette, N. 06, (formerly Cedar City, present ad- dress unknown). Corry, Willard Ernest, N. 01, Cedar City, Utah. Cortez, Mildred, N. 11, Ogden, Utah. Corum, Mrs. Ben (formerly Eva Thompson), N. 99, 627 E. 1st So., Salt Lake City. Costley, Marian ‘Catherine (Mrs. Joseph Howells), N. 03, Ogden, Utah. Cottam, James F., N. 05, St. George, Utah. Cottrell, Edna, N. 11, Farmington, Utah. Coulam, Mrs. Dan. (formerly Lucile McMaster), N. 05, 557 5th Ave., Salt Lake City. Coulam, Nellie (later Mrs. Arthur J. Wood), N. 08, 1130 Laird Ave., Salt Lake City. Covey, Gene, N. 16, 57 Hillcrest Apts., Salt Lake City. Cowan, Leland Robert, B. S. 18, 2334 So. 9th E., Salt Lake City. Cowan, Mary Almina, N. 15, 2334 9th E., Salt Lake City. Cox, Alvira C., N. 05, Logan, Utah. Cox, Eugenia Rebecca, N. 02, (present address unknown). Cox, Geneva, N. 10, 444 S. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Cox, Heber Charles, N. 87, Woodruff, Rich County, Utah. Cox, Wilford, C. N. 05, St. George, Utah. Crabbe, Bertha, N. 14, 728 E. 2nd So., Salt Lake City. Crabtree, Bess M., B. A. 12, 333 10th E., Salt Lake City. Crabtree, Rose Lucile, N. 15, 656 2nd E., Salt Lake City. 29 Cracroit, Ivy A., N. 12, 737 E. 4th So., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Cracroft, Myrtle R., N. 07, 737 E. 4th So., Salt Lake City. © Cram, Lulu Prescott, N. 10, 1535 Major St., Salt Lake City. Crandall, Arthur Thos., B. S. 10, Tooele, Utah. Crandall, Blanche, N. 08, American Fork, Utah. Crandall, Milan L., B. S. 06, 868 1st Ave., Salt Lake City. Crandall, Mrs. Milan L. (formerly Florence May Robbins), N. 02, 868 1st Ave., Salt Lake City. Cragum, Wiley G., N. 80, Ogden, Utah. Craig, Mary Eliz., N. 04, Rawlins, Wyo. Crandall, Mrs. Thomas (formerly Iv yEvans), N. 08, 945 Lake St., Salt Lake City. Craner, Mrs. Herbert EH. (formerly Lucile Hanks), N. 18, Panguitch, Utah. Crapo, Charles C., N. 82, Sandy, Utah. Crawford, Orpha Dee, N. 14, (address unknown). Creer, Leland Hargrave, B. A. 16, 1167 Windsor Ave., Salt Lake City. Crismon, Eloise (later Mrs. Wm. Burton), Deceased. Critchlow, Geo. A., B. L. 14, 430 7th E., Salt Lake City. Critzer. Helena May, B. A. 06, 2238 Ward St., Berkeley, Calif. Croff, Maude, N. 97, (address unknown), Teacher. Crook, Margaret, N. 04, Heber, Utah. Crosby, Geo. Henry, Jr., N. 95, Safford, Ariz., Attorney. Cross, James Orcutt, A. B. 07, Principal of High School, Pasadena, Calif. Crowley, Mabel Alice, N. 02, (address unknown), Teacher. Croxall, Nanon, Wheeler, B. A. 13, 265 W. 4th So., Instruc- tor of Domestic Science, U. of U. Crumby, Mabel Gardner, Kindergarten 08, (address un- known). Cummings, Mrs. (formerly Eva Winberg), N. 95, 560 N. Ist W., Salt Lake City. Cummings, Benj. F., B. A. 13, 268 No. State St., Salt Lake City. Cummings, Clare (later Mrs. Mark Brown), N. 01, 1480 Edison St., Salt Lake City. Cummings, Mrs. Horace, Jr. (formerly Florence Dye), N. 97, 1030 E. 1st So., Salt Lake City. Cummings, Mrs. Horace (formerly Barbara M. Moses), N. 80, 1030 EH. 1st So., Salt Lake City. 30 Cummings, Horace, B. A. 80, 1030 E. 1st So., Supt. of L. D. S. Schools. Cummings, Heber Lacelle, Jr., B. S. 10, 757 1st Ave., Salt (Lake City. Deceased. Cummings, Julian B. A. 18, Coalville, Utah. i Cummings, Julian M., N. 05, 14th So. near 14th E., Salt Lake City. Cummings, Mrs. Lacelle (formerly Cecelia Wardrop), N 09, 1255 BE. 8rd So., Salt Lake City. Cummings, Nephi Willard, B. A. 13, La Jolla, Calif. Cummings, Norma, N. 18, 1030 E. 1st So., Salt Lake City. Cunningham, Kathryn D., B. A. 06, Park City, Utah. Cunningham, Minnie, A. B. 14, 64 So. 10th E., Teacher — Bryant School. Curley, Katherine, N. 12, 639 EK. So. Temple St., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Curtin, Catherine Ellen, N. 15, 5 Daniels Court, Salt Lake City. Curtis, Mrs. Ed. (formerly Bardella Shipp), B. A. 96, 2305 Windsor Ave., Salt Lake City. Curtis, Thelma, N. 17, Bountiful, Utah. Cushing, Elizabeth, N. 07, 465 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Cushing, Marie, Kindergarten 10, 465 2nd aes Salt Lake City. Cuthbert, Leona, N. 13, Brigham City, Utah. Cutler, Adaline, Kindergarten 17, 233 No. Ist W., Salt Lake City. *Cutler, Guy Vivian, B. A. 17, Lovell, Wyo. Cutler, Mrs. Marion M., Kindergarten 08, 1811 So. 9th E., Salt Lake City. Cutler, Jane, N. 01, 226 G. St., Salt Lake ey Cutler, Mrs. Ralph (formerly Miss Virginia Burton), N . 98, 3735 So. 11th E., Salt Lake City. x. Daft, Esteele, N. 09, (address unknown). Dahlquist, Ruth (later Mrs. E. W. Reese), N. 04, 527 So. 5th E., Salt Lake City. Dahlsrud, Lillian, N. 16, Salina, Utah. Dailey, Mabel, N. 03, 814 So. 8th E., Salt Lake City. : Dalley, Julius Sylvester, N. 01, Summit, Utah. Daines, Lyman, L., A. B. 10, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. *In U. S. Service. 31 Dallas, Ella, N. 77, Deceased. Dalley, Amelia (later Mrs. D. Green), N. 01, Driggs, Idaho. Dalley, Erastus Bertlesson, N. 03, Alta, Wyo. Dalley, John E., N. 76, (address unknown). Dalley, John Henry, N. 10, Summit, Utah. Dalley, Mrs. Parley (formerly Miss Mabel Naegle), N. 08, Cedar City, Utah. *Dalgleish, Robert, B. A., LL. B. 12. Dalley, Ezra Christiansen, Rexburg, Idaho. Rexburg, Idaho. Dalley, Parley, B. S. 09, Summit, Utah. Dalton, Alexander Perry, B. A. 15, Willard, Utah. Dalton, Edella, N. 14, Willard, Utah. *Dalton, Robt. Dock, B. S. 10,54 Eng. Camp Dix, N. J. Dangerfield, Etta (later Mrs. Parley Dixon), N. 99, Provo, Utah. Dans, Nellie Catherine, N. 11, 1018 EH. 2nd So., Salt Lake City. Darke, Frances (later Mrs. J. W. Rees), No. 07, Salt Lake City. Darke, Tilla, N. 08, 156 9th E., Salt Lake City. Darrow, Lemuel DeWitt, M. A. 15, 485 10th Ave., Salt Lake ; City. Davidson, Erma, N. 13, Ogden, Utah. Davis, Afton, N. 18, 1350 So. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Davis, Carrie Ellen (later Mrs. F. E. Davy), N. 97, De- ceased. Davis, Mrs. C. C. (formerly Laura M. Sutton), A. B. 12, 554 6th Ave., Salt Lake City. Davis, Clara M., N. 18, Moab, Utah. Daivs, Charlotte, N. 07, 140 N. 2nd W. Davis, Edna Dean (later Mrs. Irwin McNiece), N. 1900, 1486 So. llth E., Salt Lake City, Deceased. Davis, Effie, N. 12, Owen Place, between 8rd and 4th So., Salt Lake City. Davis, Mrs. Elsie Poll (formerly Elsie Poll), N. 97, 438 W. 7th So., Salt Lake City. Davis, Evelyn Y., N. 76. Deceased. Davis, Esther, N. 12 (Mrs. Willard Stephens), 325 2nd K.. Salt Lake City. Davy, Mrs. F. E. (formerly Carrie Ellen Davis), N. 97, Og- den, Utah, Deceased. Davis, Fanny W., N. 1900, 555 E. 9th So., Salt Lake City. Davis, Helen, N. 08, 124 W. 7th So., Salt Lake City. 32 Davis, Ida May (later Mrs. A. C. Reese), N. 95, 1063 So. 9th E., Sal tLake City. Davis, Jennie Ursnta, N. 1900, 164 N. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Davis, Lizzie Laura, N. 99 (Mrs. A. S. Peters), 420 EH, 3rd So., City. Davis, Lois, N. 10, 850 11th E., Salt Lake City. Davis, Mabel Edyth (later Mrs. Emerson Young), N. 99; Centerville, Utah. Davis, May (later Mrs. E. H. Dorman), N. 99, 432 So. 2nd E., Salt Lake City. Davis, Mervin Wesley, N. 96, 164 No. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Davis, Millie E. (later Mrs. Shepherd), N. 01, 528 H. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Davis, Ruth, N. 18, 1350 So. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Davis, Mrs. Thos. (formerly Oliva Van Cott), N. 938, 1370 So. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Davis, Joseph Wilford, N. 92, Washington, D. C., Coast and Geodetic Survey. Davis, Vera, N. 08, 803 N. 16th W., Salt Lake City. Davis, Mrs. Vilate Cole (formerly Miss Vilate Cole), N. 85, Avon, Utah. Davis, Wm. E., N. 05, Brigham, Utah. Daw, Ray Henry, B. S. 11, care Walker Mine, Portola, Calfi. Dawson, Marie K., N. 17, Murray, Utah. Day, Bernice Eleanor, B. A. 08, 637 HK. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Day, Eli A., N. 86, Fairview, Utah. Day, James Frank, A. B. 06, Fillmore, Utah. Dayer, Mrs. Percy (formerly Miss Marion White), B. A. 14, Cornell Apts., 6th E. and Ist So., Salt Lake City. Deal, Dottie Eliza, B. A. 15, Springville, Utah. Deal, Naomi, N. 09, Springville, Utah. Dean, Catherine (later Mrs. D. H. Christensen), N. 90, 1515 Edison St., Salt Lake City. Dean, Jasper, Mrs. (formerly Irma Browning), N. 11, 6 Midgley Apts., Salt Lake City. Dean, David L., N. 80, 339 E St., Salt Lake City. Dean, Emily Haron Mrs. Calderwaody, N, 90, .321 No. Main, Salt Lake City. *Dean, Vernon W., B. S. 14. Debenham, Cassandra, N. 14, Calders Station, Utah. Decker, Carl Marcellus, B. S. 18, Maneos, Colo. 33 Decker, Mrs. Conrad (formerly Cora Mulgrave), B. A. 08, (address unknown). Decker, Eugene M., N. 05, (address unknown). Decker, Myrtle, B. A. 10, Cedar City, Utah. Decker, Geo. W., N. 92, Parowan, Utah. Decker, Vivian Bertram, B. A. 18, Parowan, Utah. De Groot, Elsie, N. 08, 1142 E. 1st So., Salt Lake City. . Deighton, Blanche, N. 09 (later Mrs. Blanche Deighton ‘Buck), Park City, Utah. Dillman, Ray E., B. L. 13, Vernal, Utah. 10, 1168 Sherman Ave., Salt Lake City. - De Long, Mrs. Claud (formerly Isabelle Scofield), N. 01, (address unknown). De Moisy, Isabel, N. 04, (address unknown). De Moisy, Helen, N. 10, Vernal, Utah. Denies, Mrs. Lyle (formerly Lyle Snow), N. 01, Heber City, Utah. Denney, Helen Henrietta, N. 10, 18 Grace Apts., Salt Lake City. Derbidge, Olive Lora (later Mrs. A. Christensen), N. 95, Main and 2nd No., Salt Lake City. Despain, Ella E., N. 76, Deceased. Devereux, France McClure, N. 11, 186 S St., Salt Lake City. Dewar, Ellen Nevada, N. 10, Elko, Nev. Dickerman, Mrs. Nelson (formerly Hallie Ferron), N. 1900, (address unknown). Dickert, Dilpert Sheridan, B. S. 09, Cheyenne, Wyo. Dillman, Ray E., Bach. of Law 13, Vernal, Utah. Dimond, Mrs. Thomas, N. 91 (formerly Nora Bennion), N. 91, Taylorsville. Utah, Deceased. Dinsmore, Burton F., B. S. 12, Ogden, Utah. Dinwoodey, Alice (later Mrs. James H. Moyle, Washington, D. C., N. 82, 403 BH. 1st So., Salt Lake City. Divett, Rolit Wm., N. 18, 337 3rd E., Salt Lake City. Dix, Ivy Chase (later Mrs. Ivy C. D. Andrews), B. A. 04, 467 BE. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Dixon, Armore (later Mrs. John O. Bower, Wincote, Penn., Box'15), B.-A, 15, Payson, Utah: Dixon, Elizabeth Ann (later Mrs. R. Miller), N. 1900, Mur- ray, Utah. Dixon, Jennie, N. 99 (ater Mrs. F. Leslie Hickman), Hinckley, Utah Dixon, Mrs. Jos., N. 99 (formerly Miss Millie McLelland), 1863 4th E., Salt Lake City. 36 Dye, Florence, N. 97 (later Mrs. Horace Cummings), 1030 E. 1st So., Salt Lake City. Dyer, Bert Williams, B. S. 10, Livingston, Mont. Dyer, Mrs. Earl, N. 1900 (formerly Miss Hleanor McMas- ter), (address unknown). Dyer, Vera, Kindergarten, 18, 1070 E. 8rd So., Salt Lake City. Dykman, Emma, N. 08, Mercur, Utah. Hager, Mary Permilia, N. 95, 231 ..EHast, City, (now Mrs. C. W. Johnson). . Hardley, Clarice L., N. 14, 333 W. 4th No., City. ' Hardly, Mehring V., B.S: 07, 301 Frisco Bldg., Joplin, Mo. Easton, Nellie Young, N. 93, Meredith Apts., City. Eberhardt, Irma Margaret, N. 02, 1079 3rd Ave., City, (now Mrs. Chas. A. McFarland), (address unknown). Eccles, Mrs. D. C., Vernal, Utah, (formerly Miss Adelia Gibson), N. 01. Eccles, Lila, A. B. 14, Ogden, Utah, (Mrs. Dean Brimhall, Columbia, New York). Eckelson, Farley Gilbert, B. A. 18, Kasmas, Utah. Eckner, Mrs. Herman C., 915 EK. 5th So., City, (Miss Clara Louise Snyder). Edelman, Catherine Augusta, B. A. 15, (present address unknown). - Edmunds, Anna N. 11, Blanding, Utah. Edmunds, David Galloway, A. B. 11, Wales, Utah. Edward, Elizabeth Rachel, N. 96, 218 W. 2nd No., City. Edward, Helen, N. 18, 721 W. 3rd No., City. Edward, Margaret Evelyn, N. 99, 193 Center St., City. Edward, Rebekah, N. 02 (Mrs. Wm. Widdison), 1998 Wind: sor Ave., City. Edward, Adella, N. 06, 5 Kenwood Apts., City, (now Mrs. M. M. Saxton). Edwards, Edna Lorena, N. 03, 116 B St., City. Edwards, Hazel, N. 14, 1 Peery Apts., City, (now Mrs. Geo. Sperry). Edwards, Mrs. Martha Miles, A. B. 07, Roosevelt, Utah, formerly Miss Martha Miles). Edwards, Morgan B., N. 08, Paragoonah, Utah. Edwards, Rachiel, N. 83, No. 1 Buckingham Apts., City. *U. S. Service. oT Edwards, Vesta, N. 16, 683 3rd Ave., City. Egan, W. M., N. 78, (rear) 3 Gerard St., City. Egbert, Mrs. Hyrum S., N. 79, Hayden, Idaho, (formerly Miss Annie R. McGhie). Eggertson, Lars H., B. 8S. 12, 868 No. Academy Ave., Provo, Utah. HKggertsen, Simon Peter,, B. S. 15, 390 So. 5th W., Provo, Utah. Egil, Mrs. Etta L., N. 1900., 465 So. lst West, City, (for- merly Miss Etta C. Lambert). Hichnor, Adelaide J., 457 EX. Ist So., City, B. A. 19,, (Mrs. Reed Wimmer, Woodruff, Utah). . Eklund, Amel R., A. B. 14, Oakley, Idaho. Ekman, Josephine, N. 95, (present address unknown), (now Mrs. T. S. Fisher). Ekstrom, Edith May, N. 12, 763 7th Hast, City. Elder, Alice L., B. S. 14, Huntsville, Utah, (now Mrs. Benj. F. Lofgren). *EKlder, Clayburn Combs, B. S. 16. Higgren,Andrew Fred, N 95, 463 9th Ave., City. Elgrenn, Mrs. A. J. N. 1900, 745 So. 5th E., City, (formerly Miss Vilate Lewis). _Elggren, Lorenzo Edward, N. 02, 519 Lowell Place, City. EHliason, Andrew, N. 92, Logan, Utah. Ellerbeck, Clarissa Maria, B. A. 04, 2 Sharp Flats, City. Ellerbeck, Sara, Hotel Utah, City, N. 78, (now Mrs. S. E. Kerrick). Ellingson, Amy Gladys, B. A. 15, 925 McClelland Ave., City. Ellingson, Jennie Margaret, B. A. 15, 925 McClelland Ave., City. Ellis, Mary, N. 96; (mail returned), (address unknown). Ellison, Annie Alice, N. 04, Murray, Utah. _ Ellison, Laurence Ephraim, N. 02, ‘Layton, Utah. Ellison, Thos. A., B. A. 12, Murray, Utah. Ellison, Thos. Ammon, N. 05, Murray, Uttah. *Hlsmore, Ray Thomas, B. L. 16. Elmen, Reynold Gabriel, N. 11, Murray, Utah. Emery, Wm. Lorenzo, B. S. 038, 43 No. 7th W., City. Emmertson, Kmma Masdatine. N. 17, 897 20th St., Ogden, Utah. England, Charles, N. 85, Logan, Utah, 38 Ensign, George C., B. A. 12, N. 09 321 31st St., Ogden, Utah. Ensign, Mrs., N. 78, 321 31st St:, Ogden, Utah, (formerly Wealthy Richards). Ensign, Ivie Jean, N. 08, 1026 9th Hast, City. Erekson, Leona, N. 98, 201 HE. 11st So., City, (now Mrs. Ernest Ansteen). (Erickson, Agnes, N. 08, 66 So. Ist W., City. Erickson, Aileen, N. 10, 1150 Pacific Ave., City. Erickson, Anna Carol, N. 02, 106 Center St., City. Erickson, Arthur, B. S. 06, care U. S. Smelting Co., Mid- vale, Utah. Erickson, Clemintine, N. 12, Mount Pleasant, Utah. Erickson, Emil Theodore, B. A. 16, Murray, Utah. Erickson, Hrick H., N. 14, 252 University St., City. Erickson, Irving Nimrod, B. A. 18, 2760 Lincoln Ave., Og- den, Utah. Erickson, John A., B. S. 07, 444 I St., City. : Erickson, John Perry, B. 8. 17, Grantsville, Utah. Erickson, Mrs. J. Perry, N. 11, 651 E. 5th So., City, (Miss Melvira Mary Higgs). Erlandson, Henry, N. 96 Payson, Utah. Erskine, James P., N. 92, Box 124, Ely, Nevada. Ertmann, Jennie, N. 14, 42 H. 2nd So., City. Eskelson, Farley, B. A. 138, Kamas, Utah. Evans, Agnes Ellen, N. 01, 701 E. So. Temple, City. Evans, Annie E., N. 13, Vernal, Utah. Evans, Charles Ray, B. A. 16, Springville, Utah. Evans, David Woolley, B. A. 15, 1668 Keefer St., Vancou ver; B.C: Evans, David Lloyd, N. 78, A. B. 11, Malad City, Idaho. Evans, Mrs. Ed., B. A. 14, Roosevelt, Utah, (formerly Lu- cretia Jane Miles). . Evans, Edna, N. 06, Fort Sill, Okla., (now Mrs. Frank Johnson). Evans, Emma Lewis, N. 02, 810 Ist Ave., City. *Hvans, Frank, N. 98, 1022 Boston Bldg., City. Evans, Gertrude Camela, Kindergarten 16, Park City, Utah. Evans, Isabell, N. 18, Spanish Fork, Utah. . Evans, Ivy Clyde, N. 08, 945 Lake St., City, (now Mrs. Ivey E. Crandell). Evans, John Henry, B. A. 06, 2268 Windsor Ave., City. 39 Evans, Lucy, N. 78, (present address unknown). Evans, Margaret, N. 06, 843 E. 6th So., City. Evans, Pansy A., B. A. 17, 1006 EH. 1st So., City. Evans, Ruth Carol, B. A. 16, 465 12th East, City. Evans, Ruth Elva, N. 14, 465 12th Hast, City. Evans, Mrs. W. N., N. 04 Orosi, Calif; (formerly Nellie Belle Owen). Ewing, Margaret, B. A. 18, 254 3rd Hast, City. ragerstrom, Lilly Catherine, N. 11 (Mrs. J. A. Trowbridge), 28 Frederick Apts., Oakland, Calif. Fairbanks, Mrs. J. Leo (formerly Pauline Maud White), ~N. 08, 1560 Harrison Ave. ; Fairweather, Mrs. Earl C. (formerly Jessie Scribner), Home 119 So. 12th East, Teacher. Fargo, Frances Marie, N. 15, 4 Dorius Apts., Salt Lake City. Farley, Harriet Lucy, N. 15, Ogden, Utah. Farmer, Ida, N. 06, West Jordan, Utah. Farnes, Emily, N. 98, Salt Lake City. Farnsworth, Alice Y., B. A. 07 (Mrs. E. T. Cannon), cor. No. Temple and W. Temple. Farnsworth, Alma W., B.S. 05, (present address unknown), Civil Engineer. Farnsworth, Amy Lucinda, B. A. 15, 4 Godbe Apts., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Farnsworth, Athene H., B. A. 18, 164 E. So. Temple, Salt Lake City. Farnsworth, Edna May, N. 89, Beaver, Utah. Farnsworth, Florence L, B. A. 07, M. A. 09 (Mrs. G. G. Richards), 139 E. So. Temple. Farnsworth, Lacy J. B. A. 09, Godbe Apts., Salt Lake City, teacher. Farnsworth, Venice C, A. B. 12, 4 Godbe Apts., Salt Lake City, Teacher, (Mrs. Hugo B. Anderson). Farrell, Anna Lola, N. 15, 712 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Farrell, Will G., N. 80, 757 7th Ave., Salt Lake City. Farrer, Ada Lenora, N. 14, Sandy, Utah, Teacher. Farrell, Bertha M., N, 13, 375 6th Hast, Salt Lake City. Fausett, Zella, B. A. 18, Price, Utah. *U.S. Service. 40 Faust, Elsie Ada, N. 85, Hooper Bldg., Salt Lake City, Physician. Faust, Henry John, N. 86, (address not given), Mgr. Faust Creamery Co. Felt, Gertrude, N. 1900, 39 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City, (Mrs. Harry Kimball). Felt, Joseph H., B. S. 07, 1151 Browning Ave., Salt Lake City. Felt, Mrs. Victor, N. 06 (formerly Miss Erma Read), 115 North Main, Salt Lake City. Felt, Walter Lawrence, B.S. 15, 41 E. 1st No., Salt Lake City. ; Fenton, Erma, N. 09, 157 North State, Salt Lake City. Fenton, Norma, N. 07, (address not given), (Mrs. Wm. C. Browning). Fenton, Robert L, B. A. 13, Huntington, Utah, Teacher. Fenton, Robert, B. A. 13, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Ferguson, Ada Lyonelle, N. 10, So. 11th Hast, Salt Lake City. Ferguson, Mrs. Janette Sharp, B. A. 79, Segonia Apts., Berkeley, Calif. Ferguson, William Thurston, B. A. 16, Lakeshore, Utah, Deceased. Ferris, Ella, N. 14, 454 So. 5th E., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Ferron, Fred GB ftAtsO Too bS 8th Ave., Salt Lake City. Ferron, Hallie, N. 1900 (Mrs. Nelson Dickerman), Hamton, Calif., (address unknown). Ferron, Robert, B. S. 14, 553 8th Ave., Salt Lake City, Assistant in Geology. Fife, John Henry, A .B. 11, Cedar City, Utah. Finch, Mrs. E. E., N. 03 (formerly Anna McIntyre), 125 E. 7th So., Salt Lake City. Finley, Bessie, A. B. 14, Springville, Utah. Finley, May, N. 07, Springville, Utah. Finlayson, Mrs. Janet Gardner (formerly Janet Gardner), N. 05, West Jordan, Utah. Finster, Helene, N. 08, 748 W. Ist So., Salt Lake City. Finster, Ottilie H., N. 14, rear 748 W. 1st So., Salt Lake ‘City. Firman, Ethel Woodward, N. 08, 5 Canning Apts., Salt Lake City. Fish, Joseph Smith, LL. B. 15, Snow Flake, Ariz. Fisher, Irvin Frederick, N. 90, Bountiful, Utah. Al Fisher, Mrs. Frank (formerly Miss Phoebe M. Hardin), N. 04, 36 North Wolcott Ave., Salt Lake City. Fisher, Grace Thankful, N. 02, (address unknown). Fisher, Mrs. T. L. (formerly Miss Josephine Ekman), N. 95, (address unknown). Fisk, Etta Leone, B. A. 16, Ansley, Neb. Fitzgerald, Marie Isabel, N. 11, 1268 E. So. Temple, Salt Lake City. Flagel, Gertrude M., N. 07, 1057 W. 2nd So., Salt Lake ' City. *Klagel, Robert, B. S. 14, 1057 W. 2nd So., Salt Lake City. Fleury, Edna L, N. 17, 2444 So. 9th E., Salt Lake City. Florence, Mrs. Abigail H., N. 18 (formerly Miss Abigail Hintze), Murray, R. D. No. 4, Utah. Folland, Reta Violet, N. 11, 750 W. So. Temple, Salt Lake City. Folsom, Florence W, N. 17, 951 H. 9th So., Salt Lake City. Folsom, Nina, N. 10, 15 Folsom Ave., Salt Lake City. Foord, William R., B. S. 18, Murray, Utah. Foord, Wm. Robert, B. S. 13, Midvale, Utah. General Su- perintendent U. S. Smelting Co. Foord, Mrs. William, N. 12 (formerly Miss Marguerite Glace), Midvale, Utah. Foote, Lois L., N. 77, Nephi, Utah. Forbush, R. Francis, B. A. 09, N. 02, Sandy, Utah, De- ceased. Ford, Grace, N. 12, Farmington, Utah. Ford, Hilda Alice, N. 14, Farmington, Utah. Ford, Joseph Nelson, N. 94, Centerville, Utah. Fory, Ivy, N. 07, A. B. 11, ‘Centerville; Utah. Ford, Mary Dorothy, N. 07, (address unknown). Ford, Myrtle Roundy, N. 14, Farmington, Utah. “Finley, May, N. 07, Springville, Utah. Forrester, Geo. Allen, B. A. 15, 656 2nd E., Salt Lake City. Forrester, Ivy, N. 09, 656 So. 2nd E., Salt Lake City. Forrester, John Bryce, B. S. 05, 1634 9th East, Salt Lake ‘City. Forrester, Mrs. J. B., B. A. 04 (formerly Miss Nellie Goss), 1634 9th E., Salt Lake City. Forrester, Mrs. Robert, NI. 91 (formerly Miss May Kim- pall), 6 Pauline Flats, Salt Lake City. Forsgren, John Henry, N. 14, Tremonton, Utah. ° 42 Foster, Corinne, N. 05, 929 H..10th So., Salt Lake City. Foster, Effie, N. 07, St. George, Utah. Foster, Ethella, N. 13, St. George, Utah. Foster, Laura L., N. 93, 111 C St., Salt Lake City. Foster, Lulu, N. 08, St. George, Utah. Foster, Sarah Belle, N. 17, 870 W. 8rd No., Salt Lake City. Foulgar, Mrs. Lottie Smith (formerly Miss Lottie Smith), N. 98, Ogden, Utah. Foulger, Vera K., B. A. 17, 676 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Fowler, Mrs. Chas. (formerly Miss Beatrice Buckle), N 05, 621 So. Main., 5 Hardley Terr., Salt Lake City. Fowles, JOS. Francis, LL. B18; Hooper, Utah. Fowles, Joseph Henry, N. 97, Hooper, Utah, Teacher. Fox, Reromorz Y., N. 99, B. A. 06, 328 L St., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Fox, a RS F. Y. (formerly Miss Anna Theresa Wilcken), N. 08, 328 L St., Salt Lake City. Fox, Lottie (Mrs. G. A. Seamon), N. 90, (address un- known). ; Frame, A. J.. N. 14, Salt Lake City. Frame, Leretta, N. 07, Taylorsville, Utah. Franklin, Hilda Geraldine, N. 16, 860 10th Ave., Salt Lake City. Frazee, Matilda, N. 08, Reno, Nevada. Frazer, Mabel Pearl, B. A. 14, Beaver, Utah. Frazier, Robert V., N. 14, Aurora, Utah. Fredericksen, Mary, N. 08, 1125 W. 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Free, Earl, B. S. 18, 1802 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Freebairn, Mable, N. 01, 462 7th So., Salt Lake City. Freeze, Mrs. Carl T., N. 04, 614 Bryant Ave., Salt Lake City. Frischnecht, John Conrad, B. A. 15, Gunnison, Utah. Frith, Charles Williams, 733 So. W. Temple. Fry, Henry B., N. 01, Morgan, Utah. Fueger, Vera Mary, K. 10, 995 So. 8th E., Salt rake City. 33 Fuller, Mrs. Rose S., N. 05, (present address unknown). : Funk, Frieda, B. A. 06, (present address unknown). Gabbott, Angie (now Mrs. R. L. McMghie), 452 So. 12th EH. Gabbott, Amos S., N. 75, 1460 So. State St., City. 4 Gabbott, Jane (now Mrs. Percy L. White), "Austin, Nev. Gaby, Drusilla, B. A. 16, (858 West Silver, Butte, Mont. Gaby, Edith Sarah, N. 06, 302 12th H., Salt Lake City. *In U. S. Service. ay 43 Gaby, Lucy Bozman (now Mrs. G. R. Smith), 302 12th E., (widow). Gaby, Rhoda Marie, B. A. 15, 502 12th H., Salt Lake City. Gaby, Walter E., B. S. 14, Vanadium, Colo. Galbraith, May (now Mrs. Harry Alley), Nevada. 'Galeener, Amy, Kindergarten 03, Vienna, III. -Gallyer, Charlotte A., N. 17, 391 No. Main St., City. Gallyer, Lucilla M., N. 14, 479 So. State, City. Gamble, Mrs. Edith B., N. 96, 1748 So. 4th E., City, (former- ' ly Miss Edith Blackhust McLelland). Gamett, Evan Heber, No. 4, 824 E. 8rd So., City. Gammett, Ruby, N. 05, 233 So. 7th E., City. ~ Gammett, Revene Leone, B. A. 15, 233 So. 7th E., City. Ganfin, Carl Ephraim, N. 96, West Jordan, Utah. Gansel, Granville Chas., B. S. 10, Billings, Mont. Gardiner, Breatrice Leonore, N. 10, 48 Alameda Ave., City. Gardiner, Sadie, N. 08, 1006 E. Garfield Ave., City. Gardner, Arch D., B.S. 13, Lehi, Utah. Gardner, Archibald Rawsel, N. 02, Sandy, Utah. Gardner, Mrs. Ann Jones, N. 08, (formerly Miss Ann Jones), Cedar City, Utah. Gardner, Duncan R., B. S. 12, M. S. 18, Eureka, Utah. Gardner, Emma Chloe, N. 01, Pine Valley, Wash. Co., Utah. Gardner, Eugene Delos, B. S. 06, Federal Bldg., Missoula, Mont. Gardner, Heber Allan, B. S. 08, 1134 Bueno Ave., City. Gardner, Mrs. James Hamilton, Jr., H. S. Dep. 13, (Miss Jauline L. Heringer), Lehi, Utah. Gardner, Jeter, B. S. 06, Pine Valley, Utah. Gardner, John Wm., B. A., M. A. 10, Logan, Utah. Gardner, Josephine, Pine Valley, Utah, (now Mrs. J. G. Moench). *Gardner, Jas. Ham, B.A. 13. Gardner, Janet Edna, West Jordan, Utah, (now Mrs. Fin- layson). Gardner, Laura Althea, N. 06., B. A. 10, West Jordan, Utah. Gardner, Mabel Pearl, (address unknown), N. 99. *Gardner, Robt. Elmer, B. S. 09.° Gardner, Robert Snow, Cedar City, Utah. Gardner, Sophy Louisa, Sandy, Utah, R. F. D. No. 1, N. 02. Gardiner, Walter P., 1580 So. 21st E., City, N. 05 Garff, Heber, N. 99, 128 G St., Principal Roosevelt School, 4 Murphy Place, Salt Lake City. 44 Garn, Zotia W., N. 13, (address unknown). Garner, Robert William, N. 03 (formerly of Vineyard, Utah, (present address unknown). | Garrison, Mrs. Norman (formerly Evelyn Dresser), Kin- | dergarten 11, 2281 So. 3rd E., Salt Lake City. — Garvey, Mrs. Martin (formerly Mary Alice Hurst), B. A. 12, Charleston, W. Va. Gates, Jacob F., 75, 672 No. Ist W., Salt Lake City. Gates, Susa Young, 95, 672 No. Ist W., Salt Lake City. Gear, Goldia Nevada, N. 13, Hureka. Geary, Charles Calvin, N. 15, Morgan, Utah. Geddes, Archibald, N. 78, LaGrande, Ore. Geertsen, Georgina, N. 82 (later Mrs. Marriott), 155 ‘Ast Ave., Ogden. Geffen, Celia, N. 14, Bingham Canyon, Utah. Gelta, Mary Ann, N. 02, Sandy, Utah. George, Barnett Leland, B. A. 15, 854 So. W. Temple, City. George, Hazel, N. 05, 666 2nd E., City. Gerber, Anita, N. 05, Hannock Apts., City. Gerber, Donna, N. 18, Hannock Apts., City. Giaque, Rhea Louise, N. 16, 448 W. 6th So., City. Giaque, Tessie, N. 18, 448 W. 6th So., City. Gibb, Velma F., N. 14, Lehi. Gibbons, Mrs. Ay Hp N. 01, (formerly Minnie Ray), 247 E. 3rd So., City. Gibbs, Mrs. C. H., N. 05, (formerly Bess Besley), 145 So. 4th E., City. : Gibbs, George Snow, B. A.. 02, 422 1st Ave., City, Prin- cipal of Twelfth School. Gibbs, Jonathan, B. A. 10, (present address unknown). *Gibbs, Lauren, B. A. 14, 424 1st Ave., City. Gibson, Grace, N. 14, 1102 Fairbanks Ave., City. Gibson, James Lambert, B. S..95, 709 So. 7th E., City. Gibson, John W., N. 78, North Ogden, Utah. Gibson, Myrtle Eve, N. 05, (later Mrs. Mowry), (address unknown). Gibson, Sarah Adelia, N. 01 (Mrs. D. C. Eccles), (address unknown). Gilbert, Viola K. (formerly Viola Knowlton), N. 08, 937 Lake St., City. Giles, Grover A., B. A. 17, Fillmore, Utah. Gillespie, Sarah J., B.. A. 14, Rexburg, Idaho. 45 Gillett, Janie, N. 05, 424 4th E., City. Gillett, Sarah Moore, N. 98, Deceased. Gillies, Thelma, N. 18, Beaver City, Utah. Gilmer, Lucile, N. 08, Hollywood Apts. Gilroy, Francis, N. 16, 369 No. 2nd W. City. Gilroy, Winifred, N. 18, 369 No. 2nd W., City. : Gingerman, Mrs. Carl, N. 91 (formerly Anna Woolf), Ber- keley, Calif. Glanfield, Irma, N. 10, 34 So. lst W. City. Glace, Marguerite, N. 12 (later Mrs. Wm. Foord), Midvale. Glaser, Jean, N. 06, 473 5th EK., City. *Glazier, Forrest S., B. S. 17, Provo, Utah. Gleason, Clara 78, N. (address unknown). Glenn, Alice, N. 10, 166 J St., City. Glenn, Thomas H., Ny 01, 128 No. Ardmore Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Glover, Lola Slater, Mrs., N. 14 (formerly Lola Slater), Vida, Mo. Goates, Emma, N. 10, Lehi, Utah. Goates, Leslie, N. 14, Lehi, Utah. Godbe, Mary, B. A. 17, 301 B St., City. Goddard, Hyrum H., N. 75, Ogden, Utah. Goddard, J. Percy, B. A. 07, 1048 Lake St., City, Professor ate Ussor is Godfrey, Ethel, N. 16, Murray, Utah. Godfrey, James Seymour, B. A. 16, Murray, R. D. No. 3. Goff, Anna, N. 02, East Jordan, Utah. Goff, Mrs. George A., N. 99, (formerly Josephine Morris), 1142 Roosevelt Ave. Goff, Harold, N. 02, 818 So. ist W., City. Goff, Mrs. R. W., N. 14 (formerly Margaret Youngberg), Norfalk, Va. Goff, Mrs. Sabina L., N. 98, (Sabina Larsen), Midvale, Utah. Goffe, Emma Victoria, N. 08, 1386 No. Ist W. City. Goins, Estella May, N. 15, Tooele, Utah. Golding, Erma, N. 07, 240 So. 5th Hast. *Goodwin, Robert J., B. S. 10, M. S. 12, Goodsprings, Nev. Goodyear, Estelle, N. 05, 486 W. 3rd No., City. Gordon, Augustus, 75, Box 288, Logan, Utah. Goss, Nellie Louise, B. A. 04 (later Mrs. J. B. Forrester), 1634 9th E., Salt Lake City. Gothberg, Lillie, N. 08, 141 E. 6th So., City. Gould, Pearl L., Kindergarten, 326 Almond St., City. 46 Gowans, Lois, N. 16 (later Mrs. Thomas Beal), 172 U. St., City. *Gowans, Louis Lyman, B. S. 16, 172 U| St., City. Graff, Mrs. Charles, N. 05 (formerly Anna Dobbes), care Paloma Mine. Graham, Ethel C., N. 09, (address unknown). Graham, Jennie, Kindergarten 16, 1063 Ist Ave., City. Graham, Katherine (later Mrs. K. G. Porter), Ely, Nev. Grant, Benere Harrison, B. 8S. 11, P. O. Box 1642, Butte, Mont. Grant, Emily, B. A. 18, 38 E St., City. Grant, Emily Wells, 93, Deceased. Grant, Florence (Mrs. Willard Smith), N. 04, 207 8th Ave., City. Grant, Mrs. Heber J, N. 77 (formerly Miss H. Augusta Winters), 205 8th Ave. Grant, Howard E., N. 12 Woods Cross. Graves, Alta w., N. 09, (present address unknown). Gray, Alice, Kindergarten 10, Ogden, Utah. Gray, Bertha May, Kindergarten 15 (Mrs. Irwin Claw- son), 245 Washington St., San Diego, Calif. Gray, Jennie, Kindergarten-N. 08, 458 3rd E., Salt Lake City. Gray, Jessie Allean, N. 98 (later Mrs. Geo. W. Neely), (no address), stenographer. Gray, Lillian Lucy, N. 08 (later Mrs. Geo. Bush), (no ad- dress). ley), Driggs, Idaho. Greathouse, Bessie, N. 12, Lemington, Utah. Greaves, Revel H., B. S. 06, Ephraim, Utah. Green, Mrs. Amelia Dalley, N. 01, Driggs, Idaho, (formerly Amelia Dalley). Gregor, Mabel Frances, N. 03, (no address), Teacher. Gregory, Johanna, N. 77 (later Hrs. Angell), 31 Gregory Ct., Salt Lake City. Grey, Mabel Annie, N. 06, '1780 So. 4th E., Salt Lake City. Grey, Mary Louise, N. 03, 1780 So. 4th E., Salt Lake City. Griffin, John Edward, N. 95, Newton, Utah. Griffiths, Jas. R., B. A. 14, 2565 Park St., Salt Lake City. Griffiths, Wm. Heggie, M. S. 10, Clarkston, Utah. Grimsdell, Ada M. N. 07, 758 E. 4th So., City. Grimsdell, Mrs. W. G., N. 99 (former Edna Swenson), 914 Ist Ave., Salt Lake City. 47. Grimsdell, Mary E., N. 13 (later Mrs. Lambert Van Vor: his), 7538 E. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Groebli, Katherine Elizabeth, N. 15, 567 H. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Groesbeck, Elizabeth, N. 88 (later Mrs. T. A. Clawson), 158 Ist Ave., Salt Lake City. Groesbeck, Florence, N. 01 (later Mrs. J. J. Cannno), De- ceased. Groesbeck, Harold L., B. S. 17, 427 B St., Salt Lake City. Groesbeck, Jennie, Kindergarten 06 (later Mrs. Geo. H. Hardy), 1734 So. 8th E., Salt Lake City. Groesbeck, Roy, Dr., B. A. 10, 1541 So. 9th E., Salt Lake | City. Groesbeck, Ruth, N. 14, Springville, Utah. Groesbeck, Mrs. Samuel S., N. 82 (formerly Josephine Pet- tit), 360 H. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Gronning, Hulda, N. 06, Scipio, Utah. Groo, Mrs. Margaret Mair, N. 06, 355 4th E., St., Salt Lake City. Groo, Jay Sutherland, B. S. 02, 987 Ist. St., Portland, Ore. Groo, Roscoe Whitney, B. S. 06, Assistant Superintendent Utah Metal & Tunnel Co., American Fork Canyon, Utah. Groo, Vee, Kindergarten-N 15, 227 10th E., Salt Lake City. Grooms, Minnie Leslie, B. S. 17, Springville, Utah. Grose, Bessie E., N. 96 (formerly of Park City, no pres- ent address). Groshell, Florence Genevieve, A. B. 18, 345 4th E. St., Salt Lake City. Gross, Katheryn Lisbeth, Kindergarten-N. 12, 4032 So. Ben- ton St., Kansas City, Mo. Grover, Mrs., N. 97 (formerly Emma Charlotte Perkes), (no address). Gubler, John G., N. 06, Price, Utah, Principal of Carbon High School. Gudmunsen, Mrs. Ray, B. A. 03 (formerly Marian Adams), Iona, Idaho. Guio, Harrison, LL. B. 14, 24 E. 1st No., Salt Lake City, Utah Copper Co. Gundry, Elva Florence, N. 07, 246 No. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Gundry, Mrs. Saidee B., N. 92, 831 E. 10th So. (formerly Saidee Brown). 48 Gunnerson, Alfreda A., N. 17, 775 So. 2nd E. St., Salt Lake City. Guthrie, Lola, N. 06 and 15, 1105 EH. 1st So., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Guthrie, Violet, N. 16, 1105 EH. 1st So., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Gutke, Marie H., N. 14, 421 Blaine Ave., Salt Lake City. Guyman, Eleanor, N. 08, Parowan, Utah. Hackman, Hazel Fern, N. 15, Blackfoot, Idaho. Hadfield, Jessie, A. B. 18, 667 Leland Ave., Salt Lake City. Hadfield, Martha, B. S. 17, 667 Leland Ave., Salt Lake City. | Hadfield, Merch, N. 07, Wademere, Salt Lake City. . Hadley, Mrs. Joseph, N. 04, Deceased. . Hafen, Charles, N. 07, Santa Clara, Utah. Hagen, Albert Joseph, N. 02, 567 Hamilton Place, Salt Lake | ‘City. Hagerman, Rita, N. 18, 813 Jefferson Ave., Salt Lake City. | Hague, Mrs. Chas, J.. N. 03, Bingham, Utah. / Hague, Effie, Elvira, B. A. 03, 540 So. W. Temple, Salt | Lake City. / Haight, Herbert, N. 07, Cedar City, Utah. Hale, Alice Margaret, N. 08, 430 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Hale, Frederick Albert, Jr., B. S. 10, Goodsprings, Nev. Hall, Dora Reynolds, Kindergarten a 78 KE. 1st No., Salt Lake City. Hall, Mabel Isabel, N. 18, 562 Girard Ave., Salt Lake City. Hall, Mosiah, N. 80, 252 Douglas Ave., Salt Lake City. Hall, Victor Leo, Bus. Certf. 18, 252 Douglas Ave., Salt Lake City. Hallen, Julia, N. 05, 527 N. lst W., Salt Lake City. Halstead, Elizabeth, N. 08, (address unknown). Halstead, Lillian, N. 05, 1447 So. Main, Salt Lake City. Halstead, Marian, N. 05, 1447 So. Main, Salt Lake City. Halvorson, James HE. N. 89, Brigham City, Utah. - Halvorson, George, N. 88, 605 David Eccles Bldg., Ogden, Utah. Hamblin, Joseph Roscoe, B. A. 15, ana Utah. Hamilton, Flora May, N. 13, 927 E. Ist So., Salt Lake City. Hero Florence, N. 07, Murray, Utah, i D. No. 4. ity. *In U. S. Service. 49 Hamilton, Ida, N. 06, 1120 H. 4th So. St., Salt Lake City. Hamilton, Leonora, N. 84 (later Mrs. W. J. Kerr), Corval- lis, Ore. Hamilton, Norman, N. 12, Sandy, Utah, also B. A. Hamlin, Emma Fidelia, N. 97 (later Mrs. Emma Hamlin Lougy, unknown address), Salt Lake City. Hamlin, Kya F., N. 03, 4 Noal Apts., Salt Lake City. Hamlin, Eva Florence, N. 02, Federal Bldg., Salt Lake City. ‘Hamlin, Lillian, N. 91, 64 W. 8rd No., Salt Lake City (la- ter Mrs. Lewis Cannon). Hamlin, Marinda, N. 04 (later Mrs. Will Ball), 966 W. ist No., Salt Lake City. Hamlin, Leona, N. 12, 261 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Hammond, Jas. T., LL. B. 14, 504 McIntyre Bldg., Salt Lake Hammond, Jas. T., LL. B. 14, 504 McIntyre Bldg., Salt Lake City. Hammond, Roscoe, B. A. 13, 228 4th Ave., Salt Lake City. Hamren, Lloyd Herbert, A. B. 11, Panguitch, Utah. Hamren, Unda I., N. 09, 959 HE. 2nd So., City. Hanks, John Samuel, N. 03, Paragoonah, Utah. Hanks, Lucile, N. 18 (later Mrs. Herbert E. Craner), Pan- eulitch, -Utaban *Hanibal, Enoch Ray, B. S. 11, (address unknown). Hannifin, Ethel, N. 13, Eureka, Utah. Hanop, Martha Edith, N. 11, (address unknown). Hanrahan, Angelia M., N. 17, 344 E. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Hansen, Berma, Kindergarten 18, Brigham City, Utah. Hansen, Mrs. Elias, N. 01 (formerly Bessie Moore). Hansen, Elias, B. A. 02, Spanish Fork, Utah. Hansen, Ephraim, N. 93, 5386 Columbia St., Salt Lake City. . Hansen, Nels J., B. S. 16, (address unknown). Hanson, Adolph, N. 93, Ephraim, Utah. Hanson, Charles F., N. 08, Leeds, Utah. Hanson, Clara E., N. 12, (address unknown). Hanson, Ruby Rae, B. A. 16, N. 12 (later Mrs. Earl Rice), San Diego, Calif. Hanson, Fred W., B..S..12, 217 B St., Salt Lake City. Hanson, Jeanett, N. 02, Salt Lake City. Hanzon, Ruth, N. 14, 255 Iowa St., Salt Lake City. Hardiman, Gladys H., B. A. 17, 963 8rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Harding, Daniel Fenton, N. 96, Willard City, Utah. 50 Harding, George L., N. 91, 1253 HE. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Harding, Harold, B. S. 14, 154 W. No. Temple, Salt Lake City. Harding, Lizzie, N. 05, (address unknown). Hardman, Maud Ramona, N. 15, 36 Pleasant St., Salt Lake City, Instructor in Training School. Hardy, Mrs. Annie Kay, N 77 (formerly Annie Kay), 7 4th H., Salt Lake City. Hardy, Mrs. Geo. H., Kindergarten 06, 1723 So. 8th E., Salt Lake City. Hardy, Gladys, N. 14, (address unknown). Hardy, Mrs. John, Kindergarten 04, 348 L St., Salt Lake City, formerly Clare Williams). Hardy, Mrs. Miriam G., Sandy, R. F. D. No. 4, Utah. Hardy, Mrs. Mary, Kindergarten 13, 1060 4th Ave., Salt Lake City. Hardy, Nellie, 04, (address unknown). Hardy, Nellie, N. 84, (address unknown). Hardy, S. W. Mrs., Deceased. Harker, Edna, N. 99 (later Mrs. Elbert Thomas), 137 No. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Harker, Mrs. Hattie Bennion, N. 76, 1730 So. 10th E., Salt Lake City. Harker, Mabel, N. 97 (later Mrs. Preston Cannon), 13841 Glenmare, Salt Lake City. Harlan, Lillian, N. 08, (address unknown). Harline, Olive G., N. 12, 4185 11th E., Salt Lake City. Harmon, Enid, N. 12, Price, Utah. Harmon, Gwendolyn, N. 1900 (later Mrs. Russel Hatch), (address unknown). Harmon, Jos. Roscoe, B. S. 17, N. 14, 929 McClelland Ave., Salt Lake City. Harper, Thomas, Jr., B. S. 14, 704 9th Ave., Salt Lake City. Harries, Mamie Violate, N. 95 ,(address unknown). Harrington, Marie, N. 14, 121 T St., Salt Lake City. *Harris, Alvin Edw., B. A. 17, 107 No. Main. St. Harris, Charles Zera, N 85, Richmond, Utah. Harris, Emily, N. 11, 806 Browning Ave., Salt Lake City. Harris, Le Grand A., B. 8. 17, 758 HB. 2nd. So., Salt Lake City. 51 Harris, Margaret, N. 09 (later Mrs. Margaret Harris Par- sons), 224 So. 18th E., Salt Lake City. Harris, Nathan John, N. 86, 1064 22nd St., Ogden, Utah. Harrison, Ada C., N. 13, Springville, Utah. Harrison, Daisie Deane, A. B. 12, Kaysville, Utah. Harrison, Florence May, N. 02,.10 W. 2nd No., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Harrison, Hannah Hitchings, K. 15, 73 S St., Salt Lake City. Harrison, Margaret, N. 08, 27 Monroe St., San Francisco. Hart, Charles Henry, N. 87, 919 Elm Ave., Salt Lake City. Hart, Guy A., B. S. 18, 5 Hayward Apts., Salt Lake City, (mail returned). Hart, Mrs. Matilda A., B. S., 18, 1689 Ogden Blvd., Ogden, Utah. Hart, Richard A., B. S. 07, Federal Bldg., Salt Lake City. Hart, Viola G., B S. 17, 219 Elm St., Salt Lake City. Hartley, Ralph Lyon, B. A. 09, 1620 So. 10th E., Salt Lake ‘City. Hartley, Robert W., B. A. 07, 1620 10th E., Salt Lake City. Hartwell, Ethel, N. 12, 654 Romona Ave., Salt Lake City. Hartwell, Gertrude, A. B. 12, 767 5th Ave., Salt Lake City. Hartwell, Louise Hortense, B. A. 10, 767 5th Ave., Salt Lake City. Hartwell, Margaret Hortense, N. 03, 74 O St., Salt Lake ‘City. Harvey, Ethel M., N. 08 (later Mrs. H. A. Moore), 469 8th Ave., Salt Lake City. Harvey, Leona, N. 13, Salt Lake City. Harvey, Lucile Marie, B. A. 18, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Harvey, Mrs. W. P., N. 99 (formerly Victoria Lloyd), Salt Lake City. Harwood, Williard R., N. 12, 1718 6th E., Salt Lake City. Hatch, Anna, N. 02 (later Mrs. F. W. McAllister), 135 P St., Salt Lake City. Hatch, Mrs. Abram, N 1900 (formerly Rowena Ottinger), 329 No. Ist W., Salt Lake City. Hatch, Mrs. A. C., N. 78 (formerly Maria Luke), Heber, Utah. Hatch, Mrs. E. D., Kindergarten 07 (formerly Vernice Bur- ton), Heber City, Utah. Hatch, Frank S., B. S. 07, 247 No. 7th W., Salt Lake City. Hatch, Floyd F., A. B. 12, Heber City, Utah. 52 Hatch, Kate, N. 08 (later Mrs. Murdock), Beaver; Utah. Hatch, Orin P., N. 76, Woods Cross, Utah. Hatch, Ray, B. A. 08, Heber, Utah. Hatch, Mrs. Russel, N. 1900 (formerly Gwendolyn Har- mon), Woods Cross, Utah. Hatch; Roy; BP S307, (address unknown). Hatfield, Mrs. H. T., N. 02 (formerly Libbie Yearsley), 313 E St., Salt.Lake City. Hauxhurt, Lida, N. 06, 1068 Blaine Ave., Salt Lake City. Havenor, Elda, N. 06, 787 8rd Ave., Salt Lake City, (Mrs. O. H. Barlow), Susanville, Calif. Havenor, Dale Emily, B. A. 12, Washington, D. C., (later Mrs. C. L. Laubly). Havenor, Florence. Kindergarten 11, 787 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City, (Mrs. B. T. Woolsey, Rich Field, Waco, Texas. Havenor, Henry Harl, B.S. 08, 219 So. 5th E., Salt Lake ‘City. Havenor, Wm. Percy, N. 96, 231 Portneuf Blk., Pocatello, Idaho. Hawkes, Nellie, N. 07, Logan, Utah. Hawkes, Edith, N. 08, 848 EH. 8rd So., Salt Lake City. Hawey, Mrs. Inez, B. A. 13 (formerly Inex Clerk), 1498 So. 7th E., Salt. Lake City. Hawley, Mae (Mrs. Thaddius Stevens), A. B. 16, ak 7th Ave., Salt Lake City. Hayes, Junius John, B.S8:11, Kanab, Utah: Hayes, Margaret Stoll, Kindergarten 18, 661 Driggs, Ave., Salt Lake City. Hayes, Vervene, 16 (later Mrs. D. R. Pingree), 209 Fargo Apts., Pocatello, Idaho. Haymored, Elma F., N. 14, Springville, Utah. Haymond, Louise, N. 02 (later Mrs. Louise H. Stoddard), Perry, Ore. Haynes, Clairs, B. A. 15, 12 Kesler Apts., Salt Lake City. Haynes, Frederick B., B. S. 10, (address unknown). Hayward, Elizabeth Cripps, B. A. 115, 6 Hayward Apts., Salt Lake City. Hayward, Ethel, N. 08, 980 Hollywood Ave., Salt Lake (City.= Hayward, Wm. Gammon, B. S. 18, 980 Hollywood Ave., ‘Salt Lake City. Hazeldine, Annie, N. 02, Hast Jordan, Utah. 53 Heath, Delcie Camilla, N. 09, Salt Lake City. Hedger, Geo. Andrew, N. 98, B. A. 06, Prof. U. of Minn., Minneapolis. Heikes, Grace May, B. A. 94 (later Mrs. May W. Annes), 924 8rd St., Salt Lake City. Hein, Dorothy, ifs S. 17, 120 W. ist No., Salt Lake City. Helm, Mary Jane, N. 1900, 4566 So. State St., Salt Lake (City. Helton, Alfred Joseph, B. A. 1904, 226 So. Main, Salt Lake City. Henderson, David W., Ct. 10 in Medicine, address un- known). Henderson, Mrs. Ellen Clark, A. B. 11 (formerly Ellen Clark), Clifton, Idaho. Henderson, Martin Perry, A. B. 11, Clifton, Idaho. Hendricks, Samuel Walstein, N. 91, Richmond, Utah. Hendrickson, Cordia M., B. A. 12, Levan, Utah, (Mrs. Smith Alma Smith, Sandy). Henri, James Arthur, N. 08, Panguitch, Utah. Henricksen, Ada M., N. 08, Holliday, Utah. Henricksen, Arleen F., N. 08, Holliday, Utah. Henser, Louise Helen, N. 04, Sandy, Utah., Helper, Elssa, N. 1900 (later Mrs. Cyrus Stillman) Mill Creek, Utah. Hepworth, Josephine, N. 16, Bountiful, Utah. Herbst, Florence M., N. 18, Calders Station, Utah. Herbst, Vernon Bernard, B. S. 08, Hotel Maryland, Pasa- dena, Calif. Heringer, Pauline, N. 13 (later Mrs. James Hamilton Gard- ner), (address unknown). Herman, Alice, N. 93, 503 Covey Apts., Salt Lake City. Herman, Clara, N. 91 (later Mrs. H. K. Burton), 521 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Herman, Edith, N. 01, Deceased. Herman, Ida Pearl, N. 03 (later Mrs. Chas. J. Hague), Bingham, Utah. Herman, Roland C., N. 05, 20 O St., Salt Lake City. Herron, Howard Daniel, N. 99, Deceased. Heyborne, Tillie, N. 07, Cedar City, Utah. Heywood, Jos. L. Deceased, 1898. Heywood, Mary H., N. 76 (later Mrs. John L. Sevy), 305 Douglas Ave., City. Hiatt, Mattie, N. 18, Payson, Utah. 54 Hibbert, Maude, N. 14, Salt Lake City. Hicken, Minnie Elthora, N. 18, Heber City, Utah. Hicken, Wm. Thos., N. 13, Heber City, Utah. Hickman, Mrs. F. Leslie;, N. 99 (formerly Jennie Dixon), ‘Hinckley, Utah. Hicks, Bullock Rhoda Melissa, B. A. 15 (formerly Rhoda Melissa Bullock), Kamas, Utah. Higbee, Pearl, N. 09, Cedar City, Utah. Higbee, Tina, N. 09, (address unknown). Higgs, Emily, A. B. 18, 675 EH. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Higgs, Mrs. Horace H., A. B. 12 (formerly Myrtle H. Per- kins), Woods Cross, Utah. Higgs, Horace H., A. B. 12, Wood Cross, Utah. Higgs, Jessie Brentwall, N. 87, Deceased. Higgs, Mary Melvira, N. 11 (later Mrs. J. Perry Erickson), 675 HE. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Higgs, Rowena, N. 17, 651 HE. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Higham, Thomas J., N. 78, 88 K St., Salt Lake City. Hight, Mrs. J. R., 11, Summer Court St., Bath, Maine, Hill, Jennie Seamon, N. 04, Deceased. Hill, J. W., N. 06, Bountiful, Utah. Hill, Mrs. Ernest, N. 03 (formerly Annie Lambert Waddel), ‘Driggs, Idaho. E Hill, Marie, N. 14, 62 Granite Ave., Salt Lake City. Hillam, Alice, N. 1900, 675 E. 5th South St., Salt Lake City. Hills, Eugene T., Mil. Sci. & Tactics, 93, 1437 Casa Grande St., Pasadena, Calif. Hills, Harold Haven, B. S. 07, 809 McIntyre Bldg., Salt Lake City. Hills, Herbert Thayer, Min. Eng. 98, Deceased. Hills, Mrs. HE. T., N. 91 (formerly Luta Vanl, 515 So. 2nd West, Salt Lake City. Hills, Mrs. Edgar, N. 95. (formerly Ethel Lynn), 43 4th E., Salt Lake City. Hillstrom, Ruth R., N. 14, Park City, Utah. Hinton, Edith Alice, N. 03, (address unknown). Hintze, Ferdinand Frus, B. A. 08, M. A. 11, 23rd EH. near 16th ‘So., Salt Lake City. Hintze, Azigail, N. 18, Murray, R. D. No. 4, Utah. Hintze, Dora C.,.N. 18, Murray, R. D. No. 4, Utah. Hintze, A. Royal W., B. A, 08, L: D.S. U., City: Hirth, Ruth Hortense, N. 14, (address unknown). Hoffman, J. F., N. 01, (address unoknwn). 55 Hoffman, Mrs. Ora Augusta, B. A. 07 (formerly Zora Au- gust Shaw), Eagle Gate Apts., Salt Lake City. Hoggan, Rose B., N. 08, (address unknown). Hogenson, William Swen, N. 97, East Jordan, Utah. Hoolberg, Emma Cornelia, N. 02, (address unknown). Holbrook, Eunice Angeline, B. A. 03 (later Angeline H. Taylor), 250 E. 1st South, Salt Lake City. Holbrook, Heber Angell, N. 89, Bountiful, Utah. Holbrook, Nancy, N. 13, Bountiful, Utah. Hollister, Sarah Bliz., B. S. 18, U..of U. Holman, Frank E., B. A. 08, 1579 Harvard Ave., Salt Lake City. Holmes, Annie, N. 07, 418 W. 4th No., Salt Lake City. Holmes, Ada, N. 10, 418 W. 4th No., Salt Lake City. Holmes, Hmily M., N. 13, 418 W. 4th N. Salt Lake City. Holmstead, Earle, B. A. 13, Lehi, Utah. Holsten, Minnie Julia, N. 03 (later Mrs. T. B. Stephens), Bingham Canyon, Utah. Holt, Geo. Overton, N. 03, Enterprise, Utah. Holt, John, N. 82, 950 E. 1st South, Salt Lake City. Holt, Sarah Evelyn, N. 02 (later Mrs. Dan Robinson), (ad- dress unknown). Holt, Theodore P., M. S. 09, Silver City, Utah. Holt, Virginia, N. 1900 (later Mrs. D. R. Coombs), 318 So. 12th E., Salt Lake City. Home, Jessie Scribner, N. 02 (later Mrs. Earl C. Fair- weather), 119 So. 12th E., Salt Lake City. Home, Wm. Latshaw, B. S. 11, Salt Lake City, U. of U. care Miss Horne. Homer, Lillian, B. S. 18, 422 So. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Homstead, Earle, N. 13, Lehi, Utah. Honnold, Mrs. O..A. (formerly Inez Ruth Peak), N. 98, Salt Lake City. Hoopes, Jesse Marren, N. 93, Brigham, Utah. Hoover, Mrs. A. C., N. 94, (formerly Bessie R. Brown), Blackfoot, Idaho. Brown, Bessie B. (later Mrs. A. C. Hooper), N. 94, Poca- tello, Idaho. Hopkins, Karl, B. A. 06, Lehi, Utah. Hopkins, Ira J., B. A. 17, Kanosh, Utah. Hopp, Katheryn, B. A. 14, Murray, Utah. Horkin, Alice (later Mrs. Blethe), N. 1900, Silver Bell, Ariz. 56 Horkin, Ethel, N. 10, 775 8rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Horn, Adele (later Mrs. Clarence Post), N. 01, 9 Darious Apts., Salt Lake City. Horn, Lillian (later Mrs. Shirley Woolley), N. 1900, 2398 9th E., Salt Lake City. Horne, Clara Leona (later Mrs. Nowell), N. 96, (address unknown). Horne, Florence S., N. 99, 1660 So. State, Salt Lake City. Horne, Geneve (later Mrs. Orson Bennion), N. 08, Murray, Utah. Horne, Mrs. Geo. H. (formerly Alice Smith Merrill), N. 87, 4 Ostlers Court, Salt Lake City. Horne, Lyman Merrill, B. 8S. 18, 536 W. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Horne, Mary Shepard (later Mrs. Mary S. Horne Winder), B. A. 15, 4 Ostler Court, Salt Lake City. Horne, Theresa, N. 08, 3545 9th E., Salt Lake City. Horsfall, Ira Owen, B. A. 08, 533 E. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Horstall, Mrs. I. Owen (formerly Nora Pendleton), B. A. 10, 533 EH. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Horsley, Parthenia, N. 14, Price, Utah. Hosford, Flora, N. 07, Clayton, Idaho. Hosmer, Chas. Wm., B. S. 10, Bingham Canyon, Utah. Houtz, Evans B., N. 06, Deseret Natl. Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City. Houtz, Vivian G., N. 13, Springville, Utah. Hover, Mrs. (formerly Lillian Svoy), N. 10, Ogden, Utah. Howard, June (later Mrs. Stanley W .Moebins), N. 10, Clear Lake, Utah. Howard, Mrs. HK. (later Mrs. Bert R. Williams), N. 1900, 501 Union St., Seattle, Wash. Howard, Marie G., B. A. 17, 127 N St., Salt Lake City. Howard, Orson, N. 76, 1105 1st Ave., Salt Lake City. Howard, Sydney B., N. 12, Murray, Utah. Howard, Mrs. Orson (formerly Sadie Tripp), N. 80, 74 S St., Salt Lake City. Howe, Erastus, N. 94, South Cottonwood, Utah. Howell, Bernard, N. 92, Box 72, Reno, Nevada. Howell, Beulah, Kindergarten-N. 15, Tooele, Utah. Howell, Mrs. Joseph H. (formerly Marian Catherine Cost- ley), N. 08, 2561 Orchard St., Ogden, Utah. . Howells, Alice, N. 17, 122 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City. *Howells, Benj. Francis, A. B. 11, 122 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City. 57 Howells, Benjamin F., N. 84, Se. B. S. 86, Deceased. Howells, David Parrish, N. 03, in India and China, 1917. Howell, Emmet James, N. 95, Eureka, Utah. Howells, Mrs. Joseph (formerly Clare Young), B.S. 07, 271 St., Salt Lake City, Instructor in Training School. Howells, Mrs. David P. (formerly Addie Morris Cannon), B. A. 09, 440 Riverside Drive, New York. Howells, Thomas F., N. 76, 122 Canyon Soad, Salt Lake City. Howells, Mrs. Thomas (formerly Marcia Knowlton), N. 08, 317 4th Ave., Salt Lake City. Howells, Thomas Henry, B. A. 15, 528 So. 13th E., Salt Lake City. Hoyt, Mary E., N. 76, 774 W. 2nd So., Salt Lake City. Hubbard, Mrs. Bliss L., N. 13, Spanish Fork, Utah. Hubbard, Clark, N. 82, Deceased. Hubbard, Rachel A. (later Mrs. Jos. White), N. 05, Para- dise, Utah. *Hudson, Horace Lyle, B. S. 16. Huebler, Alga N. 14, 358 Kensington Ave., Salt Lake City. Huffaker, Lewis Parley, N. 03, Papeete, Tahiti. Hughes, Joseph, N. 01, Spanish Fork, Utah. Hughes, Mary Teresa, B. A. 18, 604 13th E., Salt Lake City. Hughes, Mattie Paul (later Mrs. A. M. Cannon), N. 78, (address unknown). Hughes, Minnie, B. A. 14, Farmington, Utah. Hughey, Margaret, Kindergarten 10, (address unknown). Hulbert, Alice, N. 07, 177 L St., Salt Lake City. Hulbert, Ione, N. 14, 152 10th E., Salt Lake City. Hulbert, Helen Stella (later Mrs. James Jones), N. 07, 867 Roosevelt Ave., Salt Lake City. Hulbert, Minnie, N. 14, 177 L St., Deceased. Hulbert, Leone Jane, N. 14, 152 10th E., Salt Lake City. Hulet, Sarah Pearl,.N. 06, Alta, Wyo. Hulet, Minnie, N. 07, Summit, Utah. Hull, Edna L. (later Mrs. Desla Bennion), N. 13, 1708 W. Gardner St., Spokane, Washington. *Hull, Herbert N., B. S. 17, 129 U St., Salt Lake City. Humphrey, Sarah J. (married, name and address unknown), N. 07. Hunt, Augusta Louisa (later Mrs. Augusta L. Rowland, widow), N .02, 828 Lincoln Ave., Salt Lake City. Hunt, John Alexander, N. 89, St. Charles, Idaho. Hunt, Mary Abbie, N. 18, 74:2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. 56 Horkin, Ethel, N. 10, 775 8rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Horn, Adele (later Mrs. Clarence Post), N. 01, 9 Darious Apts., Salt Lake City. Horn, Lillian (later Mrs. Shirley Woolley), N. 1900, 2398 9th E., Salt Lake City. Horne, Clara Leona (later Mrs. Nowell), N. 96, (address unknown). Horne, Florence S., N. 99, 1660 So. State, Salt Lake City. Horne, Geneve (later Mrs. Orson Bennion), N. 08, Murray, Utah. Horne, Mrs. Geo. H. (formerly Alice Smith Merrill), N. 87, 4 Ostlers Court, Salt Lake City. Horne, Lyman Merrill, B. S. 18, 536 W. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Horne, Mary Shepard (later Mrs. Mary S. Horne Winder), B. A. 15, 4 Ostler Court, Salt Lake City. Horne, Theresa, N. 08, 3545 9th E., Salt Lake City. Horsfall, Ira Owen, B. A. 08, 533 E. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Horstall, Mrs. I. Owen (formerly Nora Pendleton), B. A. 10, 533 E. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Horsley, Parthenia, N. 14, Price, Utah. Hosford, Flora, N. 07, Clayton, Idaho. Hosmer, Chas. Wm., B. S. 10, Bingham Canyon, Utah. Houtz, Evans B., N. 06, Deseret Natl. Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City. Houtz, Vivian G., N. 13, Springville, Utah. . Hover, Mrs. (formerly Lillian Svoy), N. 10, Ogden, Utah. Howard, June (later Mrs. Stanley W .Moebins), N. 10, Clear Lake, Utah. Howard, Mrs. E. (later Mrs. Bert R. Williams), N. 1900, 501 Union St., Seattle, Wash. . Howard, Marie G., B. A. 17, 127 N St., Salt Lake City. Howard, Orson, N. 76, 1105 1st Ave., Salt Lake City. Howard, Sydney B., N. 12, Murray, Utah. Howard, Mrs. Orson (formerly Sadie Tripp), N. 80, 74 S St., Salt Lake City. Howe, Erastus, N. 94, South Cottonwood, Utah. Howell, Bernard, N. 92, Box 72, Reno, Nevada. Howell, Beulah, Kindergarten-N. 15, Tooele, Utah. Howell, Mrs. Joseph H. (formerly Marian Catherine Cost- ley), N. 08, 2561 Orchard St., Ogden, Utah. . Howells, Alice, N. 17, 122 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City. *Howells, Benj. Francis, A. B. 11, 122 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City. 57 Howells, Benjamin F., N. 84, Se. B. S. 86, Deceased. Howells, David Parrish, N. 03, in India and China, 1917. Howell, Emmet James, N. 95, Eureka, Utah. Howells, Mrs. Joseph (formerly Clare Young), B. S. 07, 271 St., Salt Lake City, Instructor in Training School. Howells, Mrs. David P. (formerly Addie Morris Cannon), B. A. 09, 440 Riverside Drive, New York. Howells, Thomas F., N. 76, 122 Canyon Soad, Salt Lake City. ‘ Howells, Mrs. Thomas (formerly Marcia Knowlton), N. 08, 317 4th Ave., Salt Lake City. Howells, Thomas Henry, B. A. 15, 528 So. 13th E., Salt Lake City. Hoyt, Mary E., N. 76, 774 W. 2nd So., Salt Lake City. Hubbard, Mrs. Bliss L., N. 13, Spanish Fork, Utah. Hubbard, Clark, N. 82, Deceased. Hubbard, Rachel A. (later Mrs. Jos. White), N. 05, Para- dise, Utah. *Hudson, Horace Lyle, B. S. 16. Huebler, Alga N. 14, 358 Kensington Ave., Salt Lake City. Huffaker, Lewis Parley, N. 03, Papeete, Tahiti. Hughes, Joseph, N. 01, Spanish Fork, Utah. Hughes, Mary Teresa, B. A. 18, 604 13th E., Salt Lake City. Hughes, Mattie Paul (later Mrs. A. M. Cannon), N. 78, (address unknown). Hughes, Minnie, B. A. 14, Farmington, Utah. Hughey, Margaret, Kindergarten 10, (address unknown). Hulbert, Alice, N. 07, 177 L St., Salt Lake City. Hulbert, Ione, N. 14, 152 10th E., Salt Lake City. Hulbert, Helen ‘Stella (later Mrs. James Jones), N. 07, 867 Roosevelt Ave., Salt Lake City. Hulbert, Minnie, N. 14, 177 L St., Deceased. Hulbert, Leone Jane, N. 14, 152 10th E., Salt Lake City. Hulet, Sarah Pearl,.N. 06, Alta, Wyo. Hulet, Minnie, N. 07, Summit, Utah. Hull, Edna L. (later Mrs. Desla Bennion), N. 13, 1708 W. Gardner St., Spokane, Washington. *Hull, Herbert N., B. S. 17, 129 U St., Salt Lake City. Humphrey, Sarah J. (married, name and address unknown), N. 07. Hunt, Augusta Louisa (later Mrs. Augusta L. Rowland, widow), N .02, 828 Lincoln Ave., Salt Lake City. Hunt, John Alexander, N. 89, St. Charles, Idaho. Hunt, Mary Abbie, N. 18, 74.2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. 58 *Hunter, Daniel Clyde, B. S. 716, 7 Donaldson Court, Salt Lake City. Hunter, G. Clara, N. 18, American Fork, Utah. Hunter, Dora R., N. 12, American Fork, Utah. Hunter, Joseph G., B. S. 08, American Fork, Utah. Hunter, Mattie, Kindergarten-N. 05, Cedar City, Utah. *Hunter, Wm. E., B. A. 13, American Fork, Utah. Huntsman, Alonzo, N. 07, Fillmore, Utah. Hurd, Myrtal Blanch, Kindergarten-N. 15, 219 Douglas St., Salt Lake City. Hurler, Jennie, N. 14, (no address). Hurley, Julia Frances, N. 10, Park City, Utah. -Hurley, Lenore C., Kindergarten-N. 12, Park City, Utah. Hurst, Mary Alice (later Mrs. Martin Garvey), A. B. 12, Beaver, Utah. Husbands, Ethel, N. 11, 823 So. Main St., Salt Lake City. Hutchinson, Ella Virginia, N. 97, 157 No. State, Salt Lake City: - Hutchinson, Jessie Loraine, N. 96, 18 Grace Apts, Salt Lake City. Hutton, Ethel, Kindergarten 12, (address unknown). Hyatt, ‘Albenia, N. 06, Parowan, Utah. Hyatt, G. Delas, N. 13, Parowan, Utah. Hyde, Annie Taylor, N. 93, Deceased. Hyde, Charles, N. 76, Deceased. Hyde, Charles Gloyd, N. 85, Kaysville, Utah. Hyde, Edna Marinda (later Mrs. A. J. Ridges), N. 93,81 O St., Salt Lake City. Hyde, Jay Joseph, B. A. 12, Phoenix, R. F. D. No. 5, Ariz. Hyde, Mrs. Jay (formerly Margaret EK. Parsons), B. A. 12, Phoenix, Ariz. Hyde, Mrs. Gordon (formerly Florence Ivins), A. B. 13, 322 10th Ave., Salt Lake City. Hyde, Joseph Jay, A. B. 12, Phoenix, R. F. D. No. 5, Ariz. Imlay, Sadie, N. 07, New Harmony, Utah. Ingersoll, Margaret, B. A. 17, 258 So. 4th W., Salt Lake City. Ingham, May, N. 14, 1421 So. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Ipson, Hyrum, N. 08, Panguitch, Utah. Irvine, Mrs. William (formerly Edna Jessup May), N. 1900, 520 W. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Irving, Alma Lee, N. 07, West Jordan, Utah. *In U. S. Service. 59 Isaacson, Ellis M., N. 09, Ephraim, Utah. Islaub, Helen (later Mrs. L. S. Thomas), N. 08, Winslow, ATizee > Isom, Sarah Laverna, N. 04, Virginia City, Utah. Iverson, Violet Moth, N. 85, 772 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Ivins, Antione R., B. A. 09, Enterprise, Utah. Ivins, Florence, (later Mrs. Gordon T. Hyde), A. B. 13, 322 10th Ave., Salt Lake City. Jensen, Mary Grace, B. S. 18, Salt Lake City. _ Johnson, Mrs. C. W., N. 95, 231 So. 5th E., Salt Lake City. Johnson, Edith Lois, N. 14, 644 6th E., Salt Lake City. Johnson, Huphemia, N. 04, Mapleton, Utah. Johnson, Edith Lois, Kindergarten-N. 15, 644 6th E., Salt Lake City. Johnson, Frances, B. A. 17, American Fork, Utah. *Johnson, Frank Arthur, N. 06, B. A. 10. Johnson, Mrs. Frank (formerly Edna Evans), N. 06, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Johnson, Guy Amos, N. 15, Santaquin, Utah. Johnson, Geneve B., N. 13, Mount Pleasant, Utah. Johnson, Hedve, N. 07, Pleasant Grove, Utah. ‘Johnson, Genevieve Gertrude, B. A. 15, Sandy, Utah. Johnson, Georgia B., B. A. 12, Mount Pleasant, Utah. Johnson, Ina G., N. 12, 110 7th E., 33rd So. Sugar Station, Re DE Noes: Johnson, Josephine, N. 07, Sandy, Utah. Johnson, Leona, Kindergarten 16, 743 Linden Ave., Salt Lake City. Johnson, Lucile M., N. 17, 18, 14, 116 W. 25th St., Los An- hy, “eetesy, Calg Johnson, Margaretta E., N. 07, Spanish Fork, Utah. Johnson, Marion (now Mrs. Guy Clark), N. 05, Madison and 24th St., Ogden, Utah. Johnson, Margaret A., N. 05, Springville, Utah . Johnson, Mary Margaret, N. 08, 372 Center St., Salt Lake City. Johnson, Olga, N. 07, 55 Ruby Ave., Salt Lake City. Johnson, Richard Watt, M. S. 16, 1321 E. 2nd So., Salt Lake City: ° ; Johnson, Harold A., B. S. 12, 824 24th St., Ogden, Utah. Johnson, Karl DeWitt, B. S. 16, Allen Apts., Salt Lake City. *In U. S. Service. 60 Johnson, Mary E., B. A. 12, 231 5th E., Salt Lake City. Johnson, Stanley, N. 07, Tooele, Utah. Johnson, Zina R., B. A. 16, Springville, Utah. Jonasson, Florence F., N. 05, 273 7th Ave., Salt Lake City. Jones, Ann. (now Mrs. Ann Jones Gardner), N. 08, Cedar City, Utah. Jones, Annie E. (now Mrs. Mayne Reed), N. 99, 570 HE. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Jones, Aaron Eugene, N. 11, Bountiful, Utah. Jones, Abish, N. 05, Cedar City, Utah. Jones, Agnes, N. 05, Enoch, Utah. Jones, Bessie Dennison, Kindergarten 08, (now Mrs. R. N. Stockslager), 650 No. Arthur Ave., Pocatello, Idaho. Jones, Mrs. B. T. (formerly Viola Burrell), N. 06, Magna, Utah. Jones, Celia, N. 18, Beaver City, Utah. Jones, Clarence E., N. 06, (address unknown, mail re- turned). Jones, Edward Leroy, B. S. 09, 119 N St., Salt Lake City. Jones, Mrs. Ella Pendleton (formerly Ella Pendleton), N 87, (present address unknown). *Jones, Evan Murchie, B. 8S. 10, Murray, R. D. No. 4. Jones, Flora (now Mrs. Edgar Thorpe), N. 08, 1040 9th E., Salt Lake City. Jones, Gertrude (now Mrs. Chas. Lang), N. 99, 2052 So. 5th H., Salt Lake City. Jones, Henrietta, N. 06, Cedar City, Utah. Jones, Howard Marcus, A. B. 09, Morrison-Merrill Co., Salt Lake City. Jones, Mrs. Howard (formerly Ruby Ruth Scranton), N 082A» BLT. Jones, Mrs. James (formerly Helen Stella Hulbert), N. 07, 867 Roosevelt Ave., Salt Lake City. Jones, Jas. Wm., N. 13, Payson, Utah. Jones, Mrs. J. W. (formerly Jean Winder), B. A. 12, Gunni- son, Utah. Jones, Lawrence Daniels, B. A. 16, Malad, Idaho. Jones, Leslie E., N. 10, 2155 So. State St., Salt Lake City. Jones, Olive, Kindergarten, 119 N St., between 2nd and 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Jones, Sadie, N. 05, Cedar City, Utah. Jones, Scott, B. A. 17, 2155 So. 38rd E., Salt Lake City. aes Scott Austin, N. 04, 1821 So. State St., Salt Lake ity. 61 Jones, Seth M., N. 06, Enterprise, Utah. Jones, Sylvester Charles, N. 04, Cedar City, Utah. Jones, Willard: James, N. 04, Hunter, Utah. Jones, Thomas Robert, N. 02, (present address not known). Jones, Thos. Willard, B. A. 08, Cedar City, Utah. *Jones, William H., B. S. 15, (present address not known). Jorgensen, Hnoch, B. 8S. 14, Sandy, Utah. Josi, Mrs. Emil (formerly Thenia Chilcott), B. A. 08, 320 Olive St., care Mrs. C. Josi, Chippewa, Wis. Joynt, Adelaide Louisa, N. 04, 318 No. 1st W., Salt Lake City. Judd, Bess E., B. A. 13, 1165 Princeton Ave., Salt Lake City. Judd, Neil Merton, A. B. 11, U. S. National Museum, Wash- ington, D. C. Judges, Sara Louise, N. 09, 1076 E. 9th So., ‘Salt Lake City. Junk, John Adam, B. A. 16, 3202 Washington Ave., Ogden, Utah. Judges, Irene, N. 06, care Sara Judges, 1076 E. 9th So., Salt Lake City. Kanters, Kate, Kindergarten 07, (present address un- known). _ *Karrick, Lewis C., B. S. 17. *Karrick, Samuel Navin, B. S. 15. Karrick, Sara Ellerbeck (formerly Sara Ellerbeck), N. 78, 55 So. 10th E., Salt Lake City. Kasius, Peter, B. A. 17, 743 23rd St., Ogden, Utah. Kass, Eva Mary, A. B. 18, 955 E. 3rd So., Salt Lake City. Kay, Annie (now Mrs. Hardy), N. 77, No. 3 4th E., Salt Lake City. Keale, Charles Henry, N. 02, (present address unknown). Keate, Edith, N. 98, 51 E. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Keate, Elizaeth Snow, B. 8S. 17, 80 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Keeler, Frederick D., B. A. 12, 939 E. 17th So., Salt Lake City. ; Keeler, Mrs. Fred D. (formerly Mamie Wingar), N. 93, 939 BE. 17th So., Salt Lake City. Keep, Glenn A., B. S. 10, M. S. 12, 2740 Euclid Ave., Cleve- land, Ohio. *Keller, Fred LL. B. 17, 175 12th E., Salt Lake City. Keller, Mrs. N. (formerly Emma Laura Howten), N. 02, 360 Bryan Ave., Salt Lake City. *In U. S. Service. 62 Kellet, Josephine, N. 03, Butte, Mont. Kelly, Lincoln G., B. L. 14, 1012 Blaine Ave., Salt Lake City. Kelly, Ethel, N. 13, (present address unknown). Kelsey, Myrtle (now Mrs. Carl Mercer), N. 08, Ft. Knudson, Iowa. Kelsey, William Henry, Salt Lake City. Salt Lake City. Kelsey, Ella Maud, N. 02, 656 4th E., Salt Lake City. Kelson, Arline A., N. 13, 117 9th E., Salt Lake City. Kelson, Angello M., N. 13, 1034 E. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Kendall, Edith Elizabeth, N. 02, 917 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Kendall, Mima Belle, N. 97, 917 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Kener, Clara, N. 05, 100 EH. 17th So., Salt Lake City. Kennard, Teresa, N. 14, 1036 Garfield Ave., Salt Lake City. Kennedy, Edith Laura, N. 09, Rhylite, Nev. Kerr, Mrs. W. A. (formerly Adaline Marion Belnap), N. 07, 522 Elizabeth Ave., Salt Lake City. Kerr, Andrew Affleck, N. 99, B. A. 07, 2112 Adams Ave., Og- den, Utah. Kerr, Walter Affleck, B. A. 09, 522. Elizabeth St., Salt Lake City. Kerr, Mrs. W. J. (formerly Lenora Hamilton), N. 84, Cor- vallis, Ore. Kesler, Archie Bowman, N. 99, 1155 Yale Ave., Salt Lake City. Kershaw, Clara R., N. 12, American Fork, Utah. Keyting, Lulu (now Mrs. J. Marcellus Snow), Kindergarten 04, 254 W. Ist No., Salt Lake City. Kidder, Blanche L., N. 07, 809 Park Ave., Salt Lake City. Kierman, Eugene C., B. 8. 17, Hyland Apts., Salt Lake City. Kierman, Viola Doris, Kindergarten 17, 953 Princeton Ave., Salt Lake City. . Kimball, Clara (Mrs. Henry Rugerri), A. B. 16, 171 So. 12th E., Salt Lake City. Kimball, Mrs. D. C. (formerly Miss Maria Ann Clark), N 94, 14382 11th E., Salt Lake City. Kimball, Elizabeth, N. 90, (present address unknown). Kimball, Mrs. Harry (formerly Miss Gertrude Felt), N 1900, 238 A St., Salt Lake City. Kimball, Mrs. H. C. (formerly Zella Van Cott Taylor), N 08, 2561 So. 3rd E., Salt Lake City. 63 Kimball, Mrs. Keetie Heywood, N. 93, 75 O St., Salt Lake City. _Kimball, May (now Mrs. Robert J. Forrester), N. 91, 278 E. 1st So., Salt Lake City. King, Harrietta Lorraine (now Mrs.’ Frank Losee), INE OR. 318 So. 6th H., Salt Lake City. King, Jean Edna Virginia, N. 16, 847 W. 2nd So., Salt Lake City. King, Lillie May, N. 13, A. B. 17, 5 Vissing Court, Salt Lake City. King, Plinia, N. 78, (present address unknown). King, Ruth Lynne, M. D. 18, 58 Vissing Court, Salt Lake City. King, Warren Raymond, B. S. 11, P. O. Box 582 Santa Fe, New Mexico. King, Louisa, N. 02, 376 So. Ist W., Salt Lake City. Kingsbury, Joseph Waldo, B. S. 03, 222 12th E., Salt Lake City. Kingsbury, Orpha, B. A. 16, 222 12th E., Salt Lake City. Kingsbury, Ruth, 222 12th E., Salt Lake City. Kingsbury, Joseph T., N. 92, B. A. 94, LL. B. Honorary, 222 12th E., Salt Lake City. Kinnersley, Barbara, N. 98, 307 Center St., Salt Lake City. Kinney, Elizabeth S., N. 07, (present address unknown). *Kinney, Selwin Percy, B. S. 15. Kinnsey, Florence, N. 14, Ray, Ariz. Kirk, Elizabeth (now Mrs. E. E. Rich), N. 1900, 760 W. No. Temple, Salt Lake City. Kirk, Samuel Alma, B. A. 13, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Kirk, Mrs. Alma (formerly Cleone Lund), N. 11, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Kirkham, Francis W., B. L. 13, Lehi, Utah. Kipp, Majel Mae., A. B. 15, 435 12th E., Salt Lake City. Kirk, Samuel A., B. A. 14, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Kirkham, Francis, B. L. 18, 1028 So. 10th E., Salt Lake City. Kletting, Mrs. R. (formerly Constance H. Bergen), N. 84, 273 6th Ave., Salt Lake City. Klink, Vivian, N. 16, 1018 38rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Klopenstine, Edith May, N. 04, Bingham Canyon, Utah. Knighton, Nellie, N. 11, Bountiful, Utah. Knowlton, Ezra Clark, B. 8S. 937 Lake St., Salt Lake City. Knowlton, Arthur Dale, B. 8. 03, 483 7th Ave., Salt Lake City. Knowlton, Fannie N. 08, Farmington, Utah. 64 Knowlton, Mrs. Frank (formerly Alice Sutton), N. 06, Vernon, Utah. Knowlton, Geneve, N. 07, 109 No. Main St., Salt Lake City. Knowlton, Marcia (now Mrs. Thos. Howells), N. 08, 317 4th Ave., Salt Lake City Knowlton, Viola (now Mrs. Gilbert), N. 18, 937 Lake St., Salt Lake City. Knudson, Lylia Emily (now Mrs. Chas. C. Clayton), B. A. 05, 12 Buckingingham Apts., Salt Lake City. Kabayashi, Frank T., B. S. 14, Colonial Hotel, Salt Lake City. Koch, Betha May, N. 13, Salt Lake City. Koch, Carolyn, 08. No. 28 4th E., Salt Lake City: ‘ Koch, Clara May Barbara, Primary Sup. 15, 210 Hyland Apts., Salt Lake City. Koepp, Verna, N. 07, 2368 Tyler Ave., Salt Lake City. Koutsopoulos, Johns Chritos, A. B. 12, Naples, Greece, Kraft, Mrs. Chas. (formerly Kate Belle Young), N. 88, 230 4th Ave., Salt Lake City. Kromenburg, Carrie, N. 14, (address not given). Krebs, Sena, A. B. 14, 968 W. 3rd So., Salt Lake City. Krebs, Mildred M., Kindergarten 10, 968 W. 38rd So., Salt Lake City. Krebs, Walter, B. S. 17, 968 W. 3rd So., Salt Lake City. Krumperman, Josephine, Kindergarten 16, Ogden, Utah. Kuhre, Kenneth D., B. S. 138, 1270 Crystal Ave., Salt Lake City. Kunz, Mrs. D. C. (formerly Jessie Tibbs), N. 03, Montpelier, Idaho. Kunzler, Bertha, N. 07, 2080 So. Main St., Salt Lake City. *Kutnewsky, Freemont, A. B. 14, (address unknown). Kyle, Virginia, N. 15, 114 7th E., Salt Lake City. Kyle, Mary, Kindergarten 16, 114 So. 7th E., Salt Lake City. Labrum, Rulon H., N. 12, Brigham City, Utah, Teacher. Laker, Mrs. Lashbrook (formerly Grace M. Spencer), N. 95, Riter, Utah. Lambert, Etta Cannon (later Mrs. Etta L. HBegll), N. 1900, City. 465 So. Ist W., Salt Lake City. Lambert, Madeline S. (Mrs. G. E. Lambert), B. A. 13, M. A. 14, Newton, Iowa. *In U. S. Service. 65 Lambert, Nellie Druce, N. 05, 8 Orchard Square, Salt Lake City, Teacher. Lambert, Tessie, Kindergarten 06, 1118 E. 2nd So., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Lambert, Venice,Kindergarten-N. 16, 1379 Lincoln Ave., Salt Lake City, Married. Lamb, Frederic Richard, N. 15, Wales, Utah. Lamson, Louise (later Mrs. Horace Smith), Kindergarten 04, 1119 Ist Ave., Salt Lake City. Lane, Ethel Mary, N. 98, (no address), Teacher. Lane, Mrs. Jennie Booth (formerly Jennie Booth), N. 77, Forsyth, Mont. Lane, Vera Louise (later Mrs. Jos. G. Braun), Kindergarten 02, Venice, Calif. Lang, Mrs. Chas. (formerly Gertrude Jones), N. 99, Los Angeles, Calif. Lang, Ruby H., N. 14, 24 So. 10th E., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Langford, Mrs.. J.. E., Jr. “(formerly Florence EB. Tudden- ham), Kindergarten:N. 07,663 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Langford, John, B. A. 17,. 229 Ww. 2nd No., Salt Lake City. Langlois, David Richard, oN. O7 (address. unknown). Langton, James A., N. 82, (no address). Langton, Sarah HK. N. 77,.,(formerly of Smithfield, Utah, present address unknown). . Langton, Willard . Samuel, Ne eo th Smithfield, Utah, De ceased. LaRiviere, Elvira, B. A, 17, 927 E. 1st So., Salt Lake City. Larsen, Archie, iN B. 14, Monroe, Utah. ‘Larsen, Eby (later Mrs, Neils Olson), N ane, East Jordan, fe ot tal a Larsen, Hans. Ethelbert, N.. 03, Brigham City, Utah. ‘Larsen, Marian, N. 09, Ephraim, Utah. Larsen, Roanna, N, 18, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Larsen, Sabina Josephine (later Mrs. Sabina L. Goff), N ~~ 98, Midvale, Utah. ; Larson, Nephi, N. 93, Sandy, Utah. Larsen, Urania, N. 06, (no address). Larson, Carl, B. S. 15, Monroe, Utah. Larson, Andrew, N. 12, Castle Dale, Utah. | Larson, Clarence Leo, B. S. M. E. 15, Kellogg, Idaho, Metal- lurgical Engineer. Larson, Edgar, B. S. 15, (formerly of Manti, Utah, ‘present address unknown). 66 Larson, Mrs. Frank (formerly Cloa Pratt), N. 81, 263 10th Ave., Salt Lake City. Larson, Hilda, N. 92, (formerly from Pleasant Grove, Utah, present address unknown). Larson, Andrew, N. 93, (formerly of Ephraim, Utah, pres- ent address unknown), County Supt. of Schools. Larson, Clara, N. 94, (address unknown). Larson, Jens Christian, N. 79, (address unknown). Larson, Arthur T., N. 06, (formerly of Ogden, present ad- dress unknown), Teacher. Larson, Leonard, B. S. 11, (address promise Larson, Mrs. Edwin (formerly Ebba Pihl), N. 08, Elm St., Murray, Utah. Larson, Geo. Adelbert, N. 04, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Larson, Mrs. Henrietta (formerly Henrietta McCloy), N 96, Sandy, Utah. Larson, Mabelle, N. 12, Fairview, Utah. Larson, Martin, M., B. A. 13, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Larson, Ovena, B. A. 08, (no address). Latimer, Margaret D., N. 08, B. A. 10, Nephi, Utah. Latimer, J. Girard, B. S. 13, 4270 9th E., Salt Lake City. Latimer, Thos. H., B. S. 06, 164 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Latimer, Clara Annie, N. 04, B. A. 08, 164 8rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Latimer, Mina, N. 08, Nephi, Utah, Deceased. Laubly, Chas. S., B. S. 12, M. S. 18, Washington, D. C. Laubly, Mrs. C. S. (formerly Dale Emily Havenor), B. A. 12, Washington, D. C. Laubly, Joveta, N. 06, 263 So. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Lawson, Agnes Elizabeth, N. 04, 1383 M St., Salt Lake City. Lawson, Blanche Louisa, N. 94, 129 No. 2nd W., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Lawson, Isabel, N. 88 (later Mrs. Allen R. MeNitt), 129 N. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Layman, Laura J.. N. 07, Slaterville, Utah. Lawson, Maud May (later Mrs. R. C. Barnes), N. 94, 234 So. 6th E., Salt Lake City. Layton, E. P., N. 12, Kaysville, Utah. Layton, Frank L., N. 97, Kaysville, Utah, Teacher. Layton, Hubert M., L. L. B. 17, Layton, Utah. Layton, Lionel I., A. B. 12, Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City. Layton, Maggie, N. 02, Kaysville, Utah, Teacher. Lear, Ethel, N. 14, (no address). 67 Learned, Welthea May, A. B. 11, 877 E. 8rd So., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Leaver, Mrs. Ed. (formerly Netah Yearsley), N. 94, (no . address). Leaver, Samuel William, 516 EH. Ist So., Salt Lake City. Leavitt, Mrs. Julian (formerly Elizabeth Tracy Mayes), N 02, 455 So. 3rd E., Salt Lake City. LeCheminant, Wm. W., N. 06, Riter, Utah. LeCompte, Hannah Taft, N. 10, Park City, Utah. LeCompte, Edw. Dester, A. B. 11, University Club, Salt Lake City. Ledingham, Bertha, N. 12, Bountiful, Utah. Lee, Ezekiel, N. 79, Woodruff, Utah. Leek, David, N. 04, (no address). Leigh, Caroline C., N. 10, Cedar City, Utah. Leigh, Mary, formerly Cedar City, Married, (no address). Leigh, Ruby, B. A. 14, Cedar City, Utah. Leigh, Rufus, B. A. 17, Provo, Utah. Leigh, Mrs. Harry (formerly Ella Berry), N. 01, Kanarra, Utah. Leigh, Ina, N. 09, Cedar City, Utah. Leigh, J. David, N. 04, Lund, Utah. Leigh, Dr. Rufus, N. 05, Provo, Utah, Dentist. Leiter, Anna, N. 07, (no address). Lemmon, Hyrum, N. 76, Payson, Utah. Lemmon, Cora, N. 05, Parowan, Utah. Lenaghan, Mary Agnes, N. 18, Butte, Mont. Lerwill, Ruth Rebecca, N. 16, 343 6th E., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Leslie, Mrs. (formerly Susette Reiser), N. 1900, 412 G St., Salt Lake City. Lester, Eliza (later Mrs. Eliza Carlston), N. 12, 736 So. 3rd E., Salt Lake City. Letchfield, Helen, N. 06, 180 Q St., Salt Lake City. Levison, Hortense, N. 11, 5382 EH. 2nd So., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Levy, Mrs. Jean Glaser (formerly Jean Glaser), N. 06, New York. Levy, Celia, Kindergarten 04, (no address). Levy, Millie, N. 12, 215 HE. 6th So., Salt Lake City, Teacher Jackson School. Lewis, Mrs. Chrystal P., N. 14, (no address). Lewis, Elizabeth Lou, N. 01, 1414 No, Benton Way, pee Angeles, Calif, 68 Lewis, Emma Ethel (later Mrs. T. M. Bridwell), N. 02, 23 W. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Lewis, Hazel, N. 10, 126 W. 8th So., Salt Lake City. Lewis, Howard Claud, Gen. Science 99, (no address). *Lewis, Hugh Cecil, B. S. 10, B. S. 18, 648 W. 2nd No., Salt Lake. City. Lewis, Mary (later Mrs. Fred Charles Stayner), Literary 89, (no address). Lewis, Mortimer, B. S. 06, 828 McClelland Ave., Salt Lake City. Lewis, Robert W., N. 90, Deceased. Lewis, Ralph Ellerbeck, A. B. 18, 60 So. 8th H., Salt Lake City. Lewis, Judge Thomas D., N. 84, B. S. 86, (one of the two first to take out degree), 60 So. 8th E., Salt Lake City, Judge. Lewis, Lillian Clara, N. 14, 555 So. 8th E., Salt Lake City. Lewis, Lillian D., N. 13, 1134 Browning Ave., Salt Lake City, Teacher, Lewis, Vilate Elizabeth (later Mrs. A. J. Elgren), N. 1900, 745 So. 5th E., Salt Lake City. Lickley, Luby B., B. A. 13, Jerome, Idaho. Liljenquist, Ezra L., B. A. 13, (no address), Teacher. *Lillie, James Jerome, B. S. 16, 81 S St., Salt Lake City. Lillie, Judith D., N. 17, 194 S St., Salt Lake City. Lind, John Gustave, Biss a3 oN es; 2538 Monroe Ave., Og- den, Teacher. Lindberg, Matilda, N. 95, Tooele, Utah. Lindell, Molly, N. 07, Sandy, Utah. Linford, James Henry, N. 90, Logan, Utah, Supt. of Corre- spondence, U. A. C. Lindsey, Warren Leroy, Cert. in Medr., Rexburg, Idaho. Lipman, Mrs. David (formerly Harriet Cohn), N. 03, 22 H St., Salt Lake City. *Little, Feramorz F., L. L. B. 17, 575 E. 1st So., Salt Lake City. Little, Mrs. Rebecca E. (formerly Rebecca HE. Mantle), N 76, B. S. 99, Deceased. Littley, Juliette, N. 98, 1156 Lake St., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Livingstone, Grace, N. 04, 153.So. 7th E., Teacher. Livingston, Mrs. Leo (formerly Nellie R. Quinn), N. 08, 826 E. 3rd So., Salt Lake City. 69 Livingston, Margaret, N. 99, 153 So. 7th E., Salt Lake City, Teacher. Liewellyn, John Rees, B. A. 13 and Cert. Med. 14, (formerly of Fountain Green, no present address). Lljegren, Ruth M., N. 17, 35 So. 12th E., Salt Lake City. Lloyd, Mrs. B. T. (formerly Maud Merrill), Literary 89, 777 7th Ave., Salt Lake City. Lloyd, Florence, N. 04, 228 E. So. Temple, Salt Lake City, (reported married but married name not known). ~ Lloyd, May Celia, N. 14, 203 So. 13th W., Salt Lake City. Lloyde, Victoria (later Mrs. W. P. Harvey), N. 99, Teacher. Lofgren, Benj. Franklin, B. S. 13, Huntsville, Utah. Loback, Nellie Belle Owen (now Mrs. W..N. Evans), N. 04 Orosi, Calif. Lofgren, Mrs. Benj. F. (formerly Alice Louise Elder), B. S. 14, Huntsville, Utah. Lofquist, Mary, N. 06, 1469 2nd E., Salt Lake City. Lonergan, Michael Paul, B. S. 15. Columbia University, New York. Long, Barbara Winnifred, N. 10, 419 So. 4th W., Salt Lake City, Married. Losee, Andrew, N. 16, Lehi, Utah. Losee, Mrs. Frank (formerly Harriet L. King), N. 97, 1117 E. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Lockhart, Hortense Louise, B. A. 11, 132 6th E., Salt Lake City. Longy, Mrs. Emma Hamlin (formerly Emma H. Hamlin), N. 97, (present address unknown). Love, Albert Lansing, B. S. 16, Deceased. Love, Geneva (now Mrs. G. S. Young), Kindergarten-N. 05, 2459 So. 7th E., Salt Lake City. Love, Marian Bradford, Kindergarten 16, 4 Canning Apts., Salt Lake City. Love, Mary Eliza., N. 17, Murray, Utah. — Lovell, Mrs. Lorenzo T. (formerly Philomelia Lyman), N. 04, Oak City, Utah. Lovendahl, Agnes, A. B. 17, 154 5th H., Salt Lake City. Lovell, Mattie, N. 12, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Low, James P., N. 81, Smithfield, Utah. Lowe, Geo. Henry, N. 06, Willard, Utah. Lowe, Henry Louis, B. 8S. 14, (present address unknown). Lowe, Mrs. A. J. (formerly Millie Pinney), N. 1900, 545 KH. 8rd So., Salt Lake City. Lowe, Samuel Oscar, N. 07, Parowan, Utah. 70 Lowe, Wm. John, N. 04, Brigham City, Utah. Lowe, Mrs. W. J. (formerly Elsie J. Ward), N. 05, Brig- ham City, Utah. Lowenstien, Ella, N. 06, (present address unknown). Lowery, Evalyn, No. 08, Ferron, Utah. Lubeck, Mabel Etta, N. 10, 415 No. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Luke, Maria (now Mrs. A. C. Hatch), N. 78, Heber City, Utah. Lund, Cleone (now Mrs. Alma Kirk), N. 11, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Lund, Eva Catherine, N. 16, 618 So. 12th E., Salt Lake City. Lundberg, Helma (now Mrs. Dr. Wheritt), N. 01, Kamas, Utah. Ljungman, Helen, N. 01, Richmond, Utah. Lunt, Catherine, N. 07, (present address unknown). Lunt, Geo. Hunter, A. B. 138, Cedar City, Utah. Lyman, Amy (now Mrs. Merrill, Pocatello, Idaho), N. 04, Logan, Utah. Lyman, Philomela (now Mrs. Loreno T. Lovell), N. 04, Oak City, Utah. ; Lynch, Merle, N. 09, (present address unknown), Married. Lynn, Ethel (now Mrs. Edgar Hilla), N. 95, 43 So. 4th E., Salt Lake City. Lyon, David C., B. S. 08, care Utah Copper Co. Engineering Department, Bingham, Utah. Lyons, Millicent, B. A. 10, 801 E. So. Temple, Salt Lake City. Lyons, Grace, N. 06, 801 E. So. Temple, Salt Lake City. MacAllister, Clara, N. 08, Kanab, Utah. McAllister, Elizabeth, B. A. 18, Malad, Utah. McAllister, Ella, N. 07, 241 E. 5th So., City. McAllister, Mrs. D. W., N. 02, (formerly Miss Anna Hatch), 185°PSte -Citye McAivn, Beatrice E., N. 12, Park City. McBeth, Mrs. C. E. (formerly Gay Veda Thomas), Payson, Utah. McBride, Mrs. I. G., N. 1900, (formerly Miss Ida Minerva Parratt). McCanne, Alberta B. A. 13, (later Mrs. A. T. gta 120 U St. *In government service. rg McCanne, Walter Sterling, B. S. 15, 577 7th Aev., Salt Lake ‘City. McCanne, Flora, Kindergarten 10, 120 U St., Salt Lake ant, Caen McCannick, Harriet, N. 10, (address unknown). McCarty, Murray ‘William, B. Ay 152 1053).3rd° Ave: ‘Salt Lake City. McClement, Morgan Hall, B. S. 16, 399 Park Ave., Salt Lake City. ° McCloy,Henrietta, N. 96 (later Mrs. Larson), (address un- known). McConnell, Gladys, A. B.-H.S. 17, Cedar City, Utah. McCornick, Madeline, N. 14, 10 So. Ist West. McCriston, Alvin J., N. 76, (address unknown). McCurdy, Sara F., N. 14, A. B., 427 So. 18th E. McCurtain, Leona, A. B. 14, 1017 Ist Ave. | McDonald, Beatrice, N. 01 (later Mrs. A. D. Pierson), 415 Ist Ave. McDonald, Emily Stevenson, B. A. 16, Holliday, Utah. McDonald, Dr. David Lorenzo, N. 96, Boston Bldg., Salt Lake City. McDonald, Christine Margaret, N. 02, Park City, Utah. McDonald, Emily, N. 07, R. D. No. 4, Murray, Utah. McDonald, Ethel Louise, N. 04, Salt Lake City. McDonald, Grace, N. 13, R. D. No. 4, Murray, Utah.- McDonald, Mrs. H. C. (formerly Miss Florence Morgan), N. 99, Heber City, Utah. McDonald, Ida, N. 17, City. McDougall, Jessie, N. 07, Sandy, Utah. McDonald, Mrs. John, Jr. (formerly Ellen Miner), N. 79, 524 So. 8th E. McDonald, Jeannette, N. 14, 386 Navajo St., Salt Lake City. McDonald, Katherine F, N. 07, (address unknown). McDonald, Leona, N. 12, Murray, R. D. No. 4. McDonald, Lilly, N. 17, 565 Somerly St., Salt Lake City. McDonald, Myra, N. 14, (address unknown). McDonough, Rose, N. 17, 452 C St., City. | McDonald, Thos. Franas, B. S. 02, Big Cottonwood, Utah. McDonaugh, Winifred, B. A. 14, 452 C St., Salt Lake City. McElheran, Ruth L., Kindergarten 14, 208 So. 13th E., Teacher in Training School. McEnan, Henry T., State Bank of Utah, City. McEntire, Fred W., B. S. 18, Sprechles, Cal. 72 McEwan, Marian, Kindergarten 08 (later Mrs. Marion Mc- Ewan Cutler), Salt Lake City McEwen, Mrs. T. Verne Patterson (formerly Miss T. V. Patterson), N. 01, Idaho. McFadyew, Sadie, N. 14, 543 Columbus. McFarland, Mrs. Chas. A., N. 02, (formerly Miss Irma Eber- hardt), 1079 8rd Aev., Salt Lake City. “McFarland, Lillie (later Mrs. A. C. Burton), N. 07, 1640 So. Main, City. McFarlane, Hattie HE. (later Mrs. Millecam), N. 05, Salt Lake City. McFarlane, Mrs. J. W. formerly Harriet Dunn), N. 97, Gar- field, Utah. *McGarry, Ambrose, N., N. 16, Beaver, Utah. McGarry, Ernest C. N. 07, Beaevr, Utah. McGhie, Annie R. (later Mrs. Hyrum S. Egbert), N. 79, ‘Midavle, Utah. MecGhie, Elizabeth Helen, N. 08, 453 So. 12th East. McGhie, Leroy, N. 08, R. D. No. 3, Murray, Utah. McGhie, Mrs. R. S. (formerly Angie Gabbott), N. 97, 453 So. 12th, E. McGhie, Robert Lindsay, N. 93, A. B. 97, Deceased. McGregor, Arba M., N. 14, Ogden, Utah. MacInnes, Duncan, B. S..07, 614 Michigan Ave:, Chicago, Il; McQuarrie, Irvine, A. B. 15, St. George, Utah. McIntyre, Anne, N. 038, (present address unknown). McIntyre, Mrs. W. H., N. 75, 259 7th Ave., City. McJunkin, Frank Adams, B. A. 10, Marquette Med. College, Milwaukee, Wis. McKay, Mrs. A. Calder, B. A..15, 322 10th E., City, formerly Miss Leah Newton). McKay, David Oman, 676 21st St., Ogden, Utah, N. 97. McKay, Elnora C: (now Mrs. Stevenson), 869 Logan Ave., City, N. 1900. McKay, Nettie Belle, N. 97 (now Mrs. Dr. Joseph Morrel), Ogden, Utah. McKay, Thomas E., N. 99, Ogden, Utah. McKay, Mrs. David O., B. A. 98 (formerly Miss Ray Riggs), 247 Monroe. Ave., Ogden, Utah. McKay, Katherine, B. A. 15, Ogden, Utah. McKenzie, Elizabeth, N. 06, (present address unkonwn). a 73 McKey, Mrs. W. R., N. 1900 (formerly Miss Blanche Thomas), 137 No. W. Temple, City. ee Joseph H., M. A. 16, Honorary, Portia phate ity ~ McLachlan, Belle, N. 01, 468 So. W. Temple, City. McLelland, Edith Blackhurst, N. 96, 1748 So. 4th E., City, (now Mrs. Gamble). McLelland, Mollie, N. 99 (Mrs. Joseph Dixon). Deceased. * McLachlan, Grace Evans, N. 18, 468 So. W. Temple, City. McLachlan, Hanna, N. 95, 468 So. W. Temple, City. McLachlan, Nephi, B. S. 13, 468 So. W. Temple, City. McLaughlin, Tersa M., N. 12, Park City, Utah. McLeod, Sallie, N. 99, 80 E St., City. McMaster, Eleanor, N. 1900 (now Mrs. Harl Dyer), (pres- ent address unknown). McMaster, Lucile, N. 05 (now Mrs. D. Coulam), 557 5th Ave., City. McMillan, David Alexander, N. 95, Murray, Utah. McMillan, Elmo, N. 17, Murray, Utah. McMillan, Janette Jane, N. 92. Deceased. . McMillan, Lenora, N. 94 (now Mrs. A. G. Burton), (pres- ent address unknown). McMullin, Clarence, N. 05, Leeds, Utah. McMurrin, Everard L., LL: B. 18, 22 E. 6th So., City. » MeNitt, Mrs. Allen R., N. 88 (formerly Miss Isabel Law- son), 129 No. 2nd W., City. McVicker, Mrs. Emma J., B. A. 1900. Deceased. *Mabey, Charles Randall, N. 96. Mabey, Orsen Henry, N. 11, B. A. 16, Woods Cross, Utah. Maby, Mrs. Wm. C., N. 02 (formerly Miss Bessie Mayne), Imuris, Mex. Mackay, Alice, N. 08, 137 Calders Station, Utah. ,»Mackay, Annie J., N. 76. Deceased. Mackay, John C., N. 71, Sugar House, Utah. Mackinson, Dollie May, N. 05, Stockton, Utah. *MacArthur, Wm. Early, B. A. 16. , MacCready, Clella Alice, N. 04, (address unknown). MacDonald, Christine, N. 12, Park City, Utah. MacDonald, Alice, N. 06, 530 So. 8th East, City. *Macfarlane, Wallace, B. S. 10. *MacKay, Albert Calder, B. A. 15. MacKay, Rowena, B. 8S. 18, 2832 Windsor St., City. MacVichie, Helen, Kind. Pri. 18, 702 E. So. Temple, City. 74 Maddock, Rosa Mae, N. 08, Ogden, Utah. Madsen, J. P., N. 76, Manti, Utah. In U. S. Service. Madsen, Merlin, N. 13, Fairview, Utah. Maeser, Reinhardt, admitted to membership June, 1906, Beaver City, Utah. Magleby, Hope, N. 12, Monroe, Utah. Magleby, Marie, N. 14, Monroe, Utah. Maguire, Grace, N. 07, (present address unknown). Mahoney, Rolla, A. B. 18, Heber City, Utah. Major, Fred Raynaldo, N. 10, (address unknown). Malcolm, Agnes M., N. 12, Eureka, Utah. — Malia, Mrs. John, A. B. 1900, (formerly Miss Valentine Mur- phy), Arts, Ely, Nevada. *Mandall, Harold, B. S. 16, 468 J St., City. Mann, Nellie, Kindergarten 16, 1050 Windsor St., City. Manning, Alice Lovinia, N. 97, 416 E. 1st So., City. Manning, Amelia Ellen, N. 03, Logan, Utah. Manning, Charles Emanuel, N. 03, Syracuse, Utah. Manning, Lena Leota, N. 98, 416 E. ist So. Manning, Nellie May, N. 99, 416 HE. 1st. So., City. Manning, William John, N. 99, 606 7th St., Ogden, Utah. — Manning, Earl E., 14 B. S., 416 E. 1st So., City. Manning, Rubie Marie, B. A. 15, 416 E. 1st So., City. Mansfield, Julia, B. S. 16, 860 E. 11th So., City. *Mansfield, Melvin, B. 8. 10, Hurley, Nevada. Mantle, Rebecca E., N. 76. Deceased. Marcil, Fanny, N. 05, (address unknown). Marcusen, Carl Rasmus, N. 02, Price, Utah. | Margetts, Albert, N. 95, 71 No. 1st W., City. Margetts, Minnie Isabel, N. 95, care Albert Margetts, 71 No. ist W., City. Margetts, Harry R., B. 8S. 18, Salduro, Utah. us. Margetts, Lunmer G., B. S. 17, 330 5th EH. St., City. | Mariger, Aurora, N. 06, 48 E. 11th So., City. Markham, Otella, N. 11, Spanish Fork. Marks, Charles E., N. 94, 350 8th E., City. ry Marks, Mary Blanche, B. A. 17, Tooele City, Utah. 3 Marriott, Mrs. Georgina, N. 82 (formerly Georgina Geert- sen), 221 28rd St., Ogden, Utah. Marron, Catherine, N. 09, 484 B St., City. Marsden, Nellie, N. 08, Parowan, Utah. *Marshall, Hyrum Leo, B. A. 12, Tooele, Utah. 75 Marsing, Henrietta, N. 18, Woodside, Utah. Marthakis, Peter Spiro, B. S. 15, M. S. 16, Bingham High, Bingham, Utah. Martin, Mrs. Chelan Hooyer, N. 04, 322 So. 3rd E., City. Martin, Ethel, N. 07, 361 7th Ave., City. Martin, Jennie Dea N. 08, (present address unknown). Martin, Edna Meta, N. 16, 211 F St., City. Martin, Elizabeth, N. 14, Park City. Martin, Leah Starley, N. 02, 1336 E. 5th So., City. * . Martin, Fay Ethel, N. 11, 747 E. 5th So., City. Martineau, Martha, Kindergarten 15 (now Mrs. Snow). Marwick, Anna B., N. 14, (present address unknown). Mason, Laura, N. 06, (address unknown). Mathens, Bertrand N, N. 99, Taylorsville, Utah. Matheson, Albert C., N. 95, 852 E. 9th So., City. Mathews, Ella, N. 09, (present address unknown). Mathie, Nellie, N. 14, Huntington, Utah. Maughn, Preston B., N. 17, Wellsville, Utah. Maughn, Wm. Baster, B. S. 15, 1004 So. 10th East. *Maw, Herbert Brown, LL. B., 333 Harls Ct., City, 342 Field Artillery. May, Edna Jessup, N. 00 (now Mrs. Wm. Irvine). Maycock, Wilda, N. 12, Springville, Utah. Mayne, Bessie, N. 02 (now Mrs. Carey Maby), Iniurs, Mex. Mayne, May, N. 99, 2 Sarp Flats, City. Mayo, Etha, A. B. 18, (now Mrs. Edward Woodruff), 173 EK. So. Temple. Meadows, Stephen, B. S. 17, American Falls, Idaho. Meeks, Mrs. Walter J., N. 96, (formerly Miss Maud Potter), 1471 Michigan Ave. ‘ Mellor, Mrs. Roy D., N. 11 (formerly Vivian Anderson), ‘Manti, Utah. Melton, Jenta Smith, Arts 96, Newhouse Hotel, City. Melville, Josie, N. 14, Fillmore, Utah. Meloy, Marie Josephine, N. 02, (address unknown). Teacher. Meneray, Viola Nimmie, N. 04, Springville, Utah. Mercer, Mrs. Carl, N. 08, Fort, Knudson, Iowa. Merrill, Alice Smith, N. 87 (now Mrs. George H. Horne), 4 Ostlers Ct., City. Merrill, Maud, Literary 89 (now Mrs. B, T. Lloyd), 425 So. tthe. City. Merrill, Reynold, B. A. 14, Richmond, Utah. 76 Merrill, Lester L., B. A. 14, Logan, Utah. Merrill, Ambrose Pond, B. S. 04, Richmond, Utah. Merrill, Mrs. Amy L., N. 04, (formerly Amy Lyman), Poca- tello, Idaho. Merrill, H. K., N. 92, Logan, Utah. Merrill, Joseph Francis, N. 89., Professor at U. of U. Merrill, Lenore Eveline, N. 11, Richmond, Utah. Merrill, Thomas. Hazen, N. 87, Richmond, Utah. Meserve, Bertha W., B. A. 18 (now Mrs. Leland T. Shafer), Rush Medical College, Chicago, III. Metcalf, Frank W., N. 92, Couch St., Portland, Ore. Meyer, Ernest Emil, B. S. 05, Newhouse Hotel, City. Meyer, Henrietta Augusta, N. 04, (present address un- known). Meyerhoffer, Henry Chas., B. S. 08, Rockland, Idaho. Mickelson, Waldemar, B. S. 18, 511 So. 9th E., City. Middlemiss, Wm. Robert, B. S. 18, 185 No. 6th W., City. Mifflin, William, B. S. 07. Deceased. Miles, Charles H., A. B. 18, 750 E. 8th So. Miles, Donna V., B. A. 06 (now Mrs. Ernest Burges), (ad- dress unknown). Miles, Lucretia J., B. A. 14 (now Mrs. Ed. Evans), Roose- levlt, Utah. Miles, Lurrine, A. B. 11, Roosevelt, Utah. Miles, Mattie, B. A. 07, Roosevelt, Utah. Miles, Wilma Evelyn, A. B. 18, 229 So. 7th E., City. Millecam, Mrs., N. 05 (formerly Hattie McFarlane), Mur- ray; h.-D. No: 4. Miller, Blanche V., B. A. 08, 232 8th Bast, City. Miler, Dodothy Marlis, N. 13, (now Mrs. Geo. F. Stott), | 230 University Ave., City. Miller, Edith Lyle, N. 1900, 168 N St., Murray, Utah. Miller, Eudora, B. S. 18, 406 Boston Bldg, City Miller, Irene Minnie, N. 10, 220 Fayette Ave., City. ‘Miller, Mrs. Janet Jane McMillan, N. 92. Deceased. Miller, Jesse Morgan, B. A. 16, 3378 So. State St., City. Miller, Kate A., N. 77, (later Mrs. Heber Romney). De- ceased. ; Miller, Leona Lois, B. A. 03, (address unknown). Miller, Mrs. Lois, B. A. 15, 222 University St., City. Miller, Margaret E., N. 17, 64 W. 45th So., Murray, Utah. Miller, Monica, N. 18, Ogden. ~ rae Miller, Mrs. R. E., N. 1900, (formerly Elizabeth Ann Dixon), Murray, Utah. Miller, Susie E., N. 14, 1009 Princeton Ave., City. Miller, Sylvia, N. 07, Riverton, Utah. Miller, Uriah George, N. 95, Murray, Utah. (Miller, Virgil, B. S. 18, American Fork, Utah. Millerbery, Jos. D., B. A. 17, Union, Utah. Mills, Joseph, B. A. 08, Washington, Utah. Mills, Myra Emma, B. A. 16, 355 Douglas Ave., City. Miner, Ellen, N. 79, (now Mrs, John McDonald, Jr.,), 524 So. 8th Hast, City. Miner, Mabel Adams, N. 04, (present address unknown). Miner, Paul Chase, M. A. 15, Springville, Utah. Miner, Dr. D. O., N. 75, Nephi, Utah. Miner, Florence, N. 95, (present address unknown) Mitchell, Ella, N 78, (now Mrs. L. G. Burton), 252 13th East, (City. Mitchell, Wm. J., B. L. 18, Hooper, Utah. Mitchell, Jeanette, N. 06, 271 W. 5th So., City. Mitchell, Jos. Clayton, N. 08, Parowan, Utah. Moebuis, Mrs. Stanley W., (formerly Miss June Howard), N. 10, Clear Lake, Utah. Moench, Mrs. Josephine G., (formerly Josephine Gard- ner), N. 03, 315 Boulevard, Logan, Utah, Moffet, McCandless, B. S. 10, 129 |(W. 6th So., City. Moffat, Catherine, N. 13, 435 7th Hast, City. ' Moffat, David William, N. 944, Murray, Utah. Mollerup, Tulla, N. 13, 661 Elizabeth St., City. Monahan, Frederick W., B. S. 09, 1000 9th East, City. Monroe, Roy B. S. 11, Scipio, Utah. Monteeth, Mathilda, N. 94, (now Mrs. J. 'F. Wood), Brig- ham City, Utah. Montgomery, Bess, B. A. 13, (present address unknown). Moody, Vernell, N. 13, Deseret, Utah. Moore, Annie, N. 1900, British Columbia. Moore, Bessie (now Mrs. Elias Hansen), N. 01, Ceday City, Utah. Moore, Blanche, N. 14, Spanish Fork, Utah. Moore, Eola M., N. 14, Moab, Utah. Moore, Ethel Maude, N. 14, (present address unknown). ‘Moore, Mrs. H. A., (formerly Ethel Harvey), N. 08, 372 D Se, City. Moore, H. E., B. S. 08, (present address unknown). 78 Moorehead, Mary E., N. 05, 1247 E. 4th So., City, Instructor U3 0050: Moorehead, Anna Rubetta, N. 03, 1247 East 4th So., City. Moreton, Althea May, N. 1900, 738 E. 5th So., City. Moreton, Cora, N. 10, 738 East 5th So., City. Moreton, John B., N. 82, 618 Hast 3rd So., City. Morgan, Edward A., B. A. 15, American Fork, Utah. Morgan, Florence, (now Mrs. H. C. McDonald) N. 99, He- ber City, Utah. Morgan, Harry, M. S. 15, San Francisco, Cal. Morgan, Wm. Edward, M.-A. 10, Willard, Utah. Morgan, E. R., N. 01, 776 East 33rd So., City. Morgan, Mrs. BE. R., (formerly Adelaide Spencer), N. 95, 776 Hast 33rd So., City. Morgan, Maude, N. 07, 100 Hast 17th So., City. Morgan, Ruby Ella, N. 14, 831 Westminster Ave., City. Morning, Gladys E., B. A. 17, (now Mrs. Leon Willis), 240 Orchard Square, City. Morrell, Mrs. Joseph, (formerly Nettie Belle McKay), N. 98, Ogden, Utah. Morris, George Q., N. 99, 127 So. 2nd West, City. Morris, Josephine, (Mrs. George Goff), N. 99, 36 No. State St., City. Morris, Katherine V., Kindergarten 99, (Mrs. K. V. Jen- sen), address unknown. Morris, Zeta, N. 03, 223 W. N. Temple, City. Morris, Mrs. Charles, (formerly Elizabeth Pearl Bowring), N. 02, 813 last ist So., City. *Morris, Logan Meyer, B. A. 10, 925 East 2nd So., City. Morris, Mrs. Nephi L. (formerly Harriet Young), B. A. 06, 70 (W.. Ist No., City. Morrison, Walter Wm., N. 91, Richfield, Sevier Co., Utah. iMorse, Zora Marie, Kindergarten 11, 920 Hast So. Temple, iCity. Mortensen, Eva H., N. 78, 131 W. 6th So., City. (Now Mrs. Geo. G. Smith.) : Moses, Barbara M., (Mrs. Horace Cummings), N. 80, 1036 East Ist So., City. Moslander, Isabelle, N. 10, Altamount, Wyo. Moslander, Valerie, N. 12, Altamount, Wyo. Moss, James E., B. A. 12, N. 92, Murray, Utah, R. D. No. 4. Moulton, Henry, N. 05, Heber, Utah. Mousen, Venetta, N. 14, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. 79 Mowry, Mrs. Dent, (formerly Myrtle Eve Gibson), N. 05, Portland, Oregon. Mowry, Geo. Barton, B. A. 15, Sugar Station, Box 36. Moyes, Elizabeth Tracy, (now Mrs. Julian Leawitt), N. 02, 455 So. 8rd E., City. Moyle, Elizabeth May, B. A. 18, 66 W. No. Temple, City. Moyle, Evelyn, B. A. 16, 2851 29th St., Washington, D. C. Moyle, Harriett, B. A. 18, 66 W. No. Temple, City. Moyle, Henry Dinwoodey, BeoS. 09, M. A. 13, 411. Hast Ist So., City. Moyle, James H., N. 78, 2851 29th St., (Washington, D. C. Moyle, Mrs. James H., (formerly Alice Dinwoodey), N. 82 2851 29th St., Washington, D. C. Moyle, Mrs. Oscar W., (formerly (May Preston), Literary 89. 66 W. N. Temple, City. Moyle, Oscar Wood, 86 Scientific, 66 W. N. Temple St., iCity. Moyle, Walter Gladstone, B. A. 16, 411 East Ist So., City. Mueller, Bertha K., N. 17, 1310 E. 2nd So., City. Muir, Frank Bery, B. A. 15, Woods Cross, Utah. Muir, Leo Joseph, N. 03, Bountiful, Utah. Mulgrave, Cora Claudine, B. A. 08, (Mrs. Conrad bern dc address unknown. Munk, Jas. Carlyle, B. 8. 138, Box 155, Manti, Utah. Murdock, Ruby, N. 12, 541 So. Main, City. Murdock, Orria Abram, N. 87, Beaver, Utah. Murdock, Mrs. Kate Hatch, (formerly Miss Kate Hatch), N. 08, Beaver, Utah. Murdock, Mrs. {[W. K., (formerly Estelle Snow Dunford), N. 5, (address unknown). Murphy, Asael Beanland, N. 18, 525 Hast 8th So., City. Murphy, Ella, N. 92, (address unknown). Murphy, Valentine, OW Mrs. John A. Malia), Arts 00, Ely, Nev. Murray, Kate Belle, N. 18, 285 J St., City. Musser, Fred &., N. 01, (address unknown). Myers, Lena Ellen, (now Mrs. Warren Beless), Kinder- garten N. 08, No. 4 Kenwood Place, City. Naegle, Mabel, (now Mrs, Parley Dalley), N. 08, 480 East 38rd iSo., City. *U. S. Service. 80 Naegle, Ruby, B. A. 17, Toquerville, Utah. Naisbett ,Leslie D., B. A. 18, Hooper, Utah. Nalder, Leland R.., a, A, 17, 909 So. 5th Hast, City. Natham, Hattie, Kindergarten 14, ‘972 So. West Temple, City. *Naylor, Raymond Clifford, N. 93, 1028 11th Hast, City. Neal, David Stevens, N. 02. Deceased. Neal, William Dalton, N. 88, Salt Lake Security & Trust Co., City. Neal, Franklin, N. 1900, Oakley, Utah. Nebeker, Owen, N. 06, B. A. 13, 37 Alameda Ave., City. Nebeker, Anna, N. 97, 49 No. West Temple, City. Nebeker, Elizabeth A., Kindergarten 07, Willard, Utah. Nebeker, Mrs. M. L.., N. 94, 120 So. 4th BE. City. (Formerly Miss Hattie Taylor Badger). Nebeker, Mrs. Walter Y., (formerly Miss Laura Young), N. 06, 23. W. 1st So., City. Nebeker, Mrs. (Walter D., (formerly Miss Emmeline Free Young), N. 95, 123 4th Hast, City. Nebeker, Wm. G., N. 06, No. 35 Hast 1st No., City. Neeld, Harper Crozier, B. S. 16, Shaurngam Falls, P. G., ‘Canada. Neely, Mrs. George W., N. 98, 1814 9th Hast, City, (former- ly (Miss Jessie Allean Gray). *Neff, John M. L., B. S. 17. Neibaur, Nellie, N. 14, 75 N St., City, (now Mrs. D. EH. Se- ligman.) Neilsen, Neils K., B. S. 16, Springvile, Utah. Neilson, Israeal, N. 138, Washington, D. C. Neilson, Olive Helena, N. 13, Mount Pleasant, Utah. Nelson, Ada Cordelia, (married, see Mrs. Henry Dore- mus), N. 03, present address unknown. Nelson, Esther, B. A. 99, 761 6th Ave., City, Librarian, U. of U. Nelson, Grace, B. A. 99, 761 6th Ave., !City. Nelson, Henry Walker, B. A. 11, 551 24th St., Ogden, Utah. Nelson, David A., N. 96, present address unknown. Nelson, Lora A., N. 18, Sp. Certificate in D. A., 80 8rd . Ave., City. . Nelson, Hyrum Lawrence, N. 95, (present. address | un- known), Nelson, Lawrence E., A. B. 14, present address unknown. 81 -Nelson, Peter §., B. A. 13, Spanish Fork, Utah. Nelson, Addie, N. 08, Salina, Utah. Nelson, Adelaide, N. 04, 1034 W. 2nd No., City. Nelson, Hlsa, N. 08, Cedar City, Utah. ‘Nelson, Mrs. K. L., (formerly Miss Ida Leona Bates), N 94, 261 3rd Ave., City. Neslen, Alfred Sidney, B. A. 18, 333 Lake St., City. Neslen, Ruby, N. 09, 315 2nd Ave., City. Nester, Hlla Mary, (now Mrs. Grant M. Romney), B. A. 18, Murray, Utah. Newman, Elizabeth M., N. 08, Holliday, Utah. Newton, Leah, (now Mrs. A. C, McKay), B. A. 15, Tren- ton, New Jersey. Nielson, Alexander John, N. 95, Ephraim, Utah. Nielson, Grace Elizabeth, N. 04, 410 No. 3rd West, City. Nielson, Lars W., N. 01, B. S. 17, Bingham Canyon, Utah. Nielsen, Vina Lawrence, N. 14, Huntsville, Utah. Nielson, Heber Peter, N. 95, 470 Hast 3rd So., 'City. Neilson, Lenord, N. 08, Holliday, Utah. Nichols, Lucy Arminta, N. 09, present address unknown. (Married.) Nielson, Dr. Moses M., N. 05, 318 Kearns Bldg. Nielsen, Wyman Isaac, B. S. 11, Downey, Idaho. Niles, Tessie Irene, N. 12, Park City, Utah. Nimmo, May, N. 09, Park City, Utah. Nisson, (Willard Orlando, N. 07, Washington, Utah. Nix, Thomas H., N. 76, Tooele City, Utah. Nixon, James, B. A. 13, Huntington, Utah. Noall, Mrs. Mathew ‘Frederick, formerly Miss Claire Au- gusta Wilcox), B..A. 15, 3920 5th St., San Diego, Calif. *Noall, Mathew, B. A. 13. Noall. Claire, N. 07, 520 W. 4th No., City. Noall, Elizabeth, N. 17, 520 W. 4th No., City. Nokes, Charles Mormon, B. S. 1M: S. 12, Riverton, Utah. Nordberg, Christie E., N. 07, West Jordan, Utah. Norton, Ada F., N. 91, present address unknown. Nordvall, Annie Louise, (now Mrs. Carl T: Freeze), N. 04, 410 No. 3rd West, City. Nordvall, Beda, Kindergarten-N. 09, 1026 East 2nd So., City, So:, City. North, Iola M., N. 14, Calder’s Station, Utah. Nowell, Mrs., (formerly Miss Clara Leona Horne), N. 96, 1660 So. State St., City. 82 Nowell, Minnie May, (married), N. 99, (Present address unknown). Nymegary, Emil, B. A. 14, 14, Wells, Nevada. Nystrom, Theodore, B. S. 96, 251 So. 4th East, City. O’Brien, Rose, N. 06, Maple Ave., City. O’Bryne, Will Howard, B. A. 08, 463 12th East, City. Odell, Rosabell, N. 06, 214 Fairbanks, Ctiy. Ogden, Joseph Lerue, B. S. 10, Richfield, Utah. Ogilvie, Orin Arthur, Cert. in Medicine 18, Richfield, Utah. Utah. O’Kane, Margaret Irene, N. 15, Aspen, Colorado. Ckubo, Unosuke, B. A. 12, Japan. Oldham, Samuel, N.. 77, Paradisé, Cache Co., Utah. Oleen, Amelia Marie, N 10, Sandy, Utah. Oleson, Samuel, A. B. 13, Hooper. Oliver, James A., N. 81, 99 W. 3rd No., Provo. Oliver, Earl W., B. S. 12, (address unknown). Oliver, Florence Bell, N. 15, 1246 Roosevelt Ave., City. City. Ollerton, Anna, N 06, Parowan, Utah. Olsen, Arline, N. 14, 325 N. Main, City. Olson, Ernest King, B. S. 05, Seven Troughs, Mazuma Can- yon, Nevada. Olsen, Isabella Christina, N. 02, (present address unknown). known). Olson, Mrs. Niels, N. 02, (formerly Miss Eby Larsen), (address unknown). Olson, Oscar Andrew Morgan, N. 97, Peterson, Morgan Co., Utah. Olsen, Ruth M., N. 14, (address unknown). Clson, Stephen, N. 17, Price, Utah. Omer, Mrs. Gideon, N. 18, (formerly Leona Sutherland), Murray R. D. No.. 4. O’Neill, Mrs. W. J., N. 038, (formeErly Maybel May Burns), Shawnee, Okla. Openshaw, Johnathan Ed., Jr., Se L6s [918 and ee City. Openshae, Ruth, B. S. 17, 75 2nd Ave., City. Ord, Mary E., N. 76, Nephi, Utah. (Orlob, Mathilde, N. 07, 827 2nd Ave., City. *In U. S. Service. 83 Scr ead, N. 07, (Mrs. Hans Christjensen), Beaver, ah. O’Rourke, Kathryn A., N. 10, No. 2 Devon Apts., City. Osborne, Marie Poe., N. 17, 373 So. 5th E., City. See Alfred, N. 86, Bloomington, Bear Lake County, aho. Ossman, Lawrence, B. A. 13, 10502 St. Claire St., Cleve- land, Ohio. *“Ostland, Clarence, A. B. 14, (Somewhere in France). CGswald, Andrew Busby, B. A. 16, 553 So. 7th Hast, City. Oswald, Pearl Agnes, N. 17, 553 So. 7th Hast, City. Oswald, Ver Hanna, N. 07, 553 So. 7th Hast, City. Ott, Ora Mildred, N. 04, (now Mrs. Thomas E. Ander- son), Altadenea Apts., City. Ottinger, Rowena, N. 00, (now Mrs. Abraham Hatch), 329 No. 1st West, City. (Owens, Marguerite, N. 07, Paragoonah, Utah. Owens, Russell Wayne, B. S. 18, 652 12 East, City. Owens, William W.. N. 08, Willard, Utah. Pace, Mrs. Henry, N. 08, Price, Utah, (formerly Belle : Branch). Pace, Ida E., N. 08, Price, Utah. Pace, Minnie, N. 07, New Harmony, Utah. Pack, Marvin Elmer, N. 86, Deceased. Pack, Mosher F., M. A. 12, S. 3rd Hast, City. Pack, Dean Alvin, B. A. 16, Kamas, Utah. Pack, Fred James, B. S. 04, University of Utah. Pack, Hyrum Osmer, N. 01, Woods Cross, Utah. Packard, Eliza, A.-B. 18, Springville, Utah. Packard, Milan Owen, Jr., B. S. 10, Springville, Utah. Packard, Spicer Dwight, B. S. 11, Provo, Utah. Packard, Floss, N. 08, Springville, Utah. Packard, Louise, N. 07, Springville, Utah. Packer, Clyde Parkinson, B. A. 16, Preston, Idaho. Paddison, Louis F., B. S. 12, Kenneff, Shasta County, Calif. Paddock, Mrs. Gates, A. B. 05, (formerly Claudia Sch- mierer), 874 Hast 2nd So., City. Page, Alice Gertrude, Kindergarten 16, 1355 Bryan Ave.. City. *In U. S. Service. 84 Page, Ivy, N. 14, (address unknown). Page, Nora, N. 08, Panguitch, Utah. Palm, Mrs. Katherine, A. B. 11, M. A. 15, 1828 E. 6th So., City. Palmer, Mrs. Ezra T., N. 94, (formerly Edith Van Cott), 1449 So. West Temple, City. Palmer, Jos. Earl, B. A. 15, Preston, Idaho. Palmer, Mrs. Maydell Cazier, B. A. 11, (formerly Maydelt! Cazier), Telly, Alberta, Canada, *Palmer, Robert, M. A. 09, Blissfield, Michigan. Palmer, Andrea, Kindergarten 08, (Farmington, Utah. Palmer, Bertrand C., N. 05, Muray, Utah. Palmer, Ruth McLean, N. 1900, 490 J St., City. Pardoe, Isabelle, N. 09, Truman Ave., City. _ Pardoe, Rose Anna, N. 11, 180 Truman Ave., City. Park, Pohn R., 93. Deceased. Park, Margaret Bernice, Kindergarten 18, 422 F St., City. Parke, Dale H., B. A. 06; 184 F St., City. Parke, Lavinna, N. 10, 136 F St., City, Instructor, U. of U. Parker, Esther, N. 06, Kanarra, Utah. : Parker, Mabel, B. A. 18, Hinckley, Utah. Parker, Mary Edith, N 04, (address unknown). Parker, Mildred Louise, Kindergarten 16, No. 2 Kendart Apts., City. Parkinson, Mrs. F., B. A. 17, 1530 (Wilson Ave., City. *Parmelee, Theron Storer, B. A. 18, 967 2nd Ave., City. Parmley, Seba M., B. S. 08, Scofield, Utah. Parratt, Delvert W., B. S. 14, 330 East 12th So., ‘City. Parratt, Ida Minerva, N. 00, (Mrs. J. G. McBride), ad- dress unknown). Parrish, Afton Leone, N. 11, Centerville, Utah. Parrish, Poel Rich, N. 02, Centerville, Utah. Parrish, Samuel J., N. 76, Centerville, Utah. Parsons, Arthur Barrette, B. S. 09, 160 10th Bast, City. Parry, Caroline K., B. S. 16, Cedar City, Utah. Parry, Caroline, N. 76, 540 W. 4th No., City. Parry, Elizabeth, N. 76, 540 4th No., City. Parsons, Annie E., N. 05, 82 Quince St., ‘City. Parry, Oliver Kesler, B. A. 16, 3387 Highland Drive, City. Parry, Florence Larena, N. 99, 3387 Highland Drive, City. Parry, Gwen D., Kindergarten 08, Calder’s Station, R. F. D., Utah. Parry, Harriet Bula, N. 14, 333 J St., City. 85 Parsons, Katherine Bushnell, N. 95, 160 10th Hast, City. Parsons, Margaret E., B. A. 12, (Mrs. Jay Hyde), Phoe- nix, Arizona. Parsons, Margaret Harris, 09, (formerly Margaret Har- ris), 1710 21st East St., City. Patrick, Elizabeth, N. 12, 267 2nd Ave., City. Patterson, Gertrude, N. 06, (address unknown). Patterson, Mrs. R. K., N. 02, (Hthel Aline Smithen), 7101 Holmes Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Patterson, Roy Kirk, B.S. 03, 7101 Homes Ave., Los An- geles, Cal. Patterson, Verne, N. 01, (now married, married name ua- known), address unknown. Patrick, George T., Business Cert. 18, 267 2nd Ave., City. Paul, Alice Margaret, B. A. 03, (Mrs. G. M. P. Dougall). Paul, Joshua H., N. 81, 1320 E. 2nd So., City, Professor, We-OLe-Us *Paul, Leslie J.. B. A. 18, M. A. 14, 1320 East 2nd So., City. ‘Paul, Lucile Annie, Kindergarten 11. Deceased. Payne, Winnifred Eustace, N. 15, 1320 East 2nd So., City. Paxman, Georgietta, N. 08, (Mrs. LeRoy Pay), 233 No. W. Temple, City. Paxton, Mabel, N. 05 (now married, name unknown), Mackay, Idaho. Peak, Charles Albert, N. 96, Boston Bldg., City. Peak, Inez Ruth, N. 98, (Mrs. O. A. Honnold), 168 G St., City. Pearson, Andrew C., N. 92, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Pearce, Lillie, N. 06, 230 So. 10th East, (City. Pearson, Clara Florence, N. 02, West Jordan, Utah. Pearson, Esther Naomi, N. 02, West Jordan, Utah. Pearson, Henry Allen, N 87, New York City. Pearson, Gertrude, N. 06, (address unknown). Pedersen, N. Alvin, N. 01, B. A. 06, Logan, Utah. Pedersen, Mrs. N. Alvin, N. 01, (formerly Beatrice R. An- derson), A. C. U., Logan, Utah. Pehrson, Matilda, N. 90, Vernon, Tooele County, Utah. Peirse, Lavon Hugenia, N. 98, (address unknown). Peirce, Lydia Snow, B. L. 96. Deceased. Pendleton, Andrew J., Jr., admitted under amendment to Constitution, 487 1st Ave., City. Pendleton, Anna, N. 07, Cedar City. 86 Pendleton, M. Claire, B. A. 14, 487 ist Ave., City. Pendleton, Ella, N. 87, (Mrs. Ella P. Jones), address un- known. Pendleton, Erma Ida, B. A. 10, 487 1st Ave., City. Pendleton, Mrs. Lizzie Cooper, N. 82, (formerly Bliza A. Cooper), 487 1st Ave., City. Pendleton, Nora, B. A. 10, (later Mrs. I. Owan Horsfall), 487 1st Ave., City. Pendleton, Ralph L., B. S. 17, 487 1st Ave., City. Penfold, Harriet Alice, N. 04, 127 K St., City. *Penman, Roy Franklin, B. S. 18, Woods Cross, Utah. Penney, Tillie, N. 08, (no address). Perkes, Emma Charlotte, N. 97, (later Mrs. Grover), Ne- phi, Utah. Perkins, Myrtle E., B. A. 12, (later Mrs. Horace H. Higgs), Bountiful, Utah. Pery, Bertha, N. 07, Cedar City, Utah. Perry, Caroline, N. 07, Cedar City, Utah. Perry, davai.) 17,5 96. Uist City: Perry, Leslie Thomas, B. A. 10, Lorezno, Idaho. Perry, Susannah, N. 06, Cedar City, Utah. Peters, Mrs. Otto R., N. 05, 212 8. 8th: Hast, (formerly Pearle M. Clark). Peterson, Edwin, B. S. 13, Huntsville, Utah. Peterson, Ella F., N. 14, (no address). Peterson, Jas. L., N. 13, 4160 3rd East, City. Peterson, John C., A. B. 18, Hooper, Utah. Peterson, John Henry, B. S. 06; 917 State St., City. Peterson, Peter Chas., N. 99, (mo addregs), teacher. | Peterson, Lars Hyrum, A. B. and N. 11, 168 Hast 5th No. Provo, Utah, teacher. Peterson, Louis, A. B. 12, Sandy, Utah. Peterson, Virginia, B. A. 138, 546 Elizabeth Ave., Salt Lake City. Teacher. Peterson, William ‘N., N. 96, (no nddveuon Peterson, Chas. Mauritz, Jr., N. 02, Draper, Utah. Teacher. Peterson, Frederick L., N. 1900, (no address), Teacher. Peterson, Hazel Meriam, N. 10, ‘West Jordan, Utah. Peterson, Katie Lynn, Kindergarten and _ Principal 18, Sugar R. D. No. 2, Box 54B. Peterson, Lorinda, N. 94, (no address). Peters, Mrs. A. S., N. 99, (Elizabeth Davis), 420 East 3rd So., City. 87 Peterson, Louis, N. 09, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Peterson, Lydia Maurena, N. 91, St. John, Utah. Peterson, Mrs. N. 1900, 2202 Lake St., City, (formerly Minerva A. Clark). ; Pettey, Chas. B., N. 07, Rockville, Utah. Pettit, Josephine, N. 82, 360 East 6th So., City. (Mrs. S. S. Groesbeck). Petty, Clell, N. 15, Ferron, Utah. Pfoutz, Chas. Yale, A.B. 11, 11386 Hast Ist So., City. Pexton, Vera, N. 11, Murray, Utah. Phelps, Pearl A., N. 17, Scranton, Iowa. Phillips, Abel J., B. A. 13, Lehi, Utah. Phillips, Leroy, N. 08, 3164 So. State, City. Phillips, Thos. H., N. 77, Kaysville, Utah. Phcerix, Annie, N. 02, 1744 2nd Hast, City. Thoenix, Fred S., N. 06, 1744 2nd Hast, City. Picknell, Constance Edna, N. 18, 776 EB. 6th So., City. Pickering, Mary, N. 08, now Mrs. Thos. Brighton, Univer- sity. Pierce, Mrs. Marie L., N. 94, 920 East 6th 80., City, (for- merly Marie Lorentzen). Pierce, Myrtle, N. 14, Springville, Utah. Piercey, Mrs. J. F., Kindergarten 99, 123 C St., City. For- merly Anna Thomas). Pierson, Mrs. A. B., N. 01, 415 Ist Ave., City. (Formerly Betatrice McDonald). Pihl, Ebba, now Mrs. Edwin Larson), N. 08, Murray, Utah. Pinborough, Winifred Alive, Kindergarten 16, 121 F St., City. Pinchin, Emily HE. L., N. 05, 4148.So. State, City. Pingree, Mrs. D. R., A. and §. 16, 209 Fargo Apts., Poca- tello, Idaho. (Formerly Vervene Hayes). Pinney, Millie, (now Mrs. A. J. Lowe, Jr.,), N. 00, 532 No. 2nd West, City. Pinnock, May Alice, (now Mrs. J. M. Duke), N. 02, 880 Hast 4th So., City. Pinnock, Mildred, (now Mrs. David L. Sargent), N. 13, Grace, Idaho. Pitcher, Eva D., N. 06, no address. Pitt, Agnes, Kindergarten 15, 148 West. No. Temple, City. Pitt, Dale Leatham, B. 8S. 07, 148 West No, Temple, City. Pixton, Samuel, B. A. 08. Deceased. Plaisted, Adeline, N. 99, no address. 88 Plant, Chas. H., N. .75, 258 HE. 6th So., City. Platts, Emily, N. 06, 3229 So. 7th East, City. Poage, Kate Ruth, N. 08; no address. Poll, Elsie, N. 97, 969 E. 4th So., City. (Now Mrs. Davis.) Pomeroy, Edw. Stuart, B. A. 14, Ogden, Utah. Pope, John Cornelius, N. 11, no address. Porter, Effie May, N. 96, (now Mrs. D, Smith), Centerville, Utah. Porter, Marlow Rich, B. S. 99,. Porteruilie Utah. Porter, Nathan Tanner, N. 85, B. A. 00, Centerville, Utan. Porter, Amelia Ford, Kindergarten 04, Centerville, Utah. Porter, Israel Hoyt, N. 07, Orderville, Utah. Porter, Mrs. Katherine Graham, (formerly Katherine Gra- ham); Kindergarten 10, Gunnison, Utah. Porter, Rulon Ensign, N. 07, no address. Porter, Olive, N. 07, no address. Post, Mrs. Clarence, N. 01, (formerly Adele Horn), No. 9 Dorius Aparts., Salt Lake City. *Post, Herman: B., B. A. 17, 1256 E. S. Temple, City. Potter, Lillie, N. 97, (no address), Mr. R. BE. Rowland, 646 E. 11th So., City. Potter, Maud, N. 96, 570 So. 5th Hast, City. (Now Mrs Walter J. Meeker.) Poulson, Laura, A. B. 12, Pleasant Grove, Utah, Married. Poulson, Frank G., N. 14, Sandy, Utah. Poulson, Frederic Niels, N. 95, 1604 Dunford Ave., City. Powell, Helen, N. 07, 2462 Madison Ave., Ogden, Utah. ' (Now Mrs. Alfred Ruthughn.) Powell, Mary, N. 13, Lehi, Utah. Power, Doris Fanny, N. 18, Bountiful, Utah. Pratt, Cloa, (now Mrs. Frank Larson), N. 81, no address. Pratt, Dora C., (now Mrs. {Willard Snow), N. 76, 573 7th Ave., iCity. Pratt, Mrs. Harmel, (formerly Noah Sheckell), B. A. 10, 1453 Redonda Ave., City. Pratt, Mrs. Helaman, (formerly Bertha Wilcken), N. 88, Dublan, Chiauahua, Mexico. Pratt, Noel Sheets, L. L. B. 15, 1015 Kearns Bldg., City. Pratt, Parker P., B. S. 17, Grantsville, Utah. | Pratt, Sarah E., N. 76, City. Preston, May, (now Mrs. Oscar W. Moyle), N. 89, 66 W. North Temple, City. Price, Hugo, B. S. 11, Provo, Utah, 89 Price, Mary Jane, N. 07, Canon City, Colo. Price, Mrs. Sterling E., (formerly Frances A. Dunn), B. A. 17, no address. Price, Mrs. Walter, (formerly Myrtle M. Abell), N. 98, no address. Prout, [Mary ‘Eleanor, B. A. 10, 649 So. 8th Hast, City. Pugh, Elizabeth, Kindergarten 11, Evanston, Wyo. Pugsley, Belle, N. 76, 348 \Center St., City. Pugsley, Nellie, N. 12, 573 No. 2nd West, City. Purefoy, Alice, Kindergarten 16, 459 6th Ave., City. Quinn, Herbert Joseph, N. 03, formerly of Ephraim. No address. Quinn, Lucy, N. 08, 715 East 3rd So., City. Quin, Marguerite A., N. 13; 715 E. 3rd So., City. Quinn, Nellie Rosina (later Mrs. Leo Livingston), N. 08, no address. Quayle, Gladys, N. 07, 21 West 11th So., City. Quigley, Cathie, N. 07, Payson, Utah. Quirk, Prudence, N. 07, West 12th St., Ogden, Utah. *Raddatz, Edward Andrew, B. S. 16, 1140 2nd Ave., City. Raddatz, Pearl Elizabeth, N. 15, 1140 2nd Ave., City. Rager, Viola Katherine, N. 05, 563 ‘West So. Temple, City. Rainey, Mrs. Paul, (formerly Anna C. Sorensen), N. 06, 1619 EH. Kensington Ave., City. Raleigh, Mrs. Isabell Pugsley, (formerly Bell Pugsley), N 76, 348 Center St., City. Ralston, Edw. Lindsay, B. S. 10, 1028 W. Platinum St, Butte, Mont., Supt. of Mines. Rampton, John Robertson, N. 97, Bountiful, Utah, teacher. teacher. Rancke, Eloise Freeman, (later Mrs. Mortimer Allen), N. 98, 819 East First So., City. Rappaport, Bertha, B. A. 16, 306 Hast 8rd So., City, teacher. Rasmussen, Andrew Milton, N. 90, Milton, Utah. Rasmussen, Annie H, N. 08, 745 9th Hast. St., City. Rasmussen, Ellen C., N. 07, 745 9th East St., City. Rasmussen, Esther, Kindergarten-Normal 138, 745 9th East, City. Rasmussen, Franklin, B. A. 17, Fillmore, Utah. *U. S. Service. 90 Rasmussen, May Catherine, Kindergarten-Normal 11, 745 9th East, City. Rasmussen, Rhoda (Constance, Kindergarten-Normal 10, 745 So. 9th East, City.. Rasmusson, Seymour D., N. 10, 1072 Hast 8rd So., City, teacher. Rasmussen, Zelda, N. 14, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Ratcliffe, Bessie, N. 10, Provo, Utah. Randall, Esther, N. 14, Ogden, Utah. Rawlings, Mrs. Melvia, formerly Melvia Calder), N. 75, 179 K. St., City. Rawlings, Joseph L., N. 92, 1020 Boston Bldg., City, at- torney. Rawson, John Franklin, N. 93, B. S. 16, 513 Hast 4th So.; City. Ray, Minnie, (later Mrs. A. J. Gibons), N..01, 247 Hast 3rd So., - City. Ray, Paul H., A. B. 14, 519 6th St., N. W., Washington. D.C. Ray, Wm. Wallace, A. B. 02, 1020 Boston Bldg., attorney, city. Raybould, Daisy, N. 02, 72 W. 6th So., City, teacher, Raymond, Doris, N. 12, Linden Hotel, City, teacher. Read, Erma, later Mrs. Victor Felt), N. 06, 760 Hast 1st So., City. Read, Marion, N. 17, Ogden, Utah. Reber, Frederick, N. 07, A. B. 11, Santa Clara, Utah. Redd, Alice, N. 01, (no address), (formerly of Harmony, Utah). Redd, Charity Alvira, N. 02, Colonia Juarez, Mexico, teacher. Redd, Lemuel H., N. 76, Bluff, Utah. Redd, Vilo, N. 02, (no address), (formerly of Cedar City, Utah), teacher. Redfield, Frances, N. 07, (no address). Redd, Mabel, N. 13, 3195 7th Hast, City, teacher. Reed, Mrs. Mayne, (formerly Annie EH. Jones), N. 99, (no address). Reed, Victoria, N. 08, 3195 7th Hast, City. Rees, Thomas David, B. A: 09, Cert. in Medicine 10, Wales, Utah. Rees, Nephi John, 2 year vert in Med., Tes Utah. 91 Reese, Thomas M., A. B., 1900, Calders Station, Utah, - teacher. Rees, Lafayette, B. A. 08, Ephraim, Utah. . Reese, Mrs. A. C. (formerly Ida May Davis), N. 95, 1063 9th Hast, City. Reese, Mrs.,E. W., (formerly Ruth Adalida Dahlquist), N. 04, 527 So. 5th Hast, City. ,Rees, Mrs. J. W., (formerly Frances Darke), N. 07, care American Express. Co., Anaconda, Mont. *Rees, Thomas Richard, A. B. 18, 859 20th St., Ogden, Utah. Reese, Myrtle Edna, N. 05, 423 No. Ist (West, City. Reese, Nora, N. 02, 423 No. lst West, City, teacher. Reese, Wm. H., N. 06, Calders Station, Utah. Reeves, Marintha Althea, (later Mrs. O. W. Snow), N. 85, Brigham City, Utah. Reid, (May, N. 01, Manti, Utah. (Reported maried, but have no maried name and no address. Reid, Myra, N. 07, 765 West No. Temple St., City. Reid, Spencer W., B. S. 18, Garfield, Utah. Reid, Mrs. William, formerly Lucile Young), N. 90, 1150 Harvard Ave., S. L. City. Reilly, Mrs. Clara Robison, N. 02, 530 So. 3rd pee City. Reilly, Gertrude M., (now Mrs. Wm. G. Seley), N. 97, 27 12th Hast, City. Reiser, Ellen M., N. 14, 554 Sth Hast, City. Reiser, Lily, N. 08, 74 D St., City. Reiser, Ruby, N. 14, (later Mrs. Condie), 74 D St., City. Reiser, Susette, (later Mrs. Leslie), N. 00, 360 So. 3rd West, City. Reynolds, Frederick William, N. 93, B. S. 95, 250 12th Hast, Director of Extension, University of Utah. Reynolds, Dora, Kindergarten 16, 222 L St, City. Reynolds, Lelia, N. 16, Tooele, Utah. Rhead, J. B., N. 77, Coalville, Utah. Deceased. Rice, Mrs. Earl, (formerly Ruby Rae Hanson), N. 12, B. A. 16, San Diego, Calif. Rich, Mrs. E. E., (formerly Elizabeth Kirk), N. 00, 760 \W. N. Temple, City. Rich, Vera, (later Mrs. Ed. Horsfall), A. B. 12, 204 Fargo Apts, Pocatello, Idaho. Richards, Albert Zazriskie, B. S. 05, 226 No. 2nd W., City. 22 Richards, Annie Doremus, (later Mrs. B. Barton), N. 08, 1935 So. 9th Hast, City. Richards, Annie Marie, N. 07, Sandy, Utah. Richards, Claude, N. 01, 1354 Stratford Ave., City. Richards, George F., Lit. 81, 1010 38rd Ave, City. Richards, Catherine Margeret, B. A. 15, 217 11th East, City, attorney, (now Mrs. Howells). Richards, Mrsfi G. G., (formerly Florence Farnsworth), B A. 07, 322 4th Ave. Richards, Heber Greene, B. A. 10, Bountiful, Utah. Richards, Hyrum Y., B. A. 13, (no address). (formerly of Riverside, Utah). Richards, Joseph E., A. B. 12, Kamas, Utah. Richards, Levi W., N. 75, 160 C St. Deceased. Richards, Mrs. Louise Taylor, N. 11, 453 6th Ave., City. Richards, Lucille, (later Mrs. :O. H. Jensen), N..99, 771 5th Ave., ‘City. Richards, Martha, A. B. 18, 175 A St., City. | Richards, Mrs. Paul, (formerly Ethel Bennion), N. 07, 7 Frawley St., Rockbury, Mass. Richards, Stayner, B. S. 07, 2638 Alden St., City. Richards, Daniel B., N. 84, 1845 So. 13th East, City, law- yer. Richards, Stella, N..13, Vernal, Utah. Richards, Wealthy, N. 78, (later Mrs. George Ensign), Og- den, Utah. Riches, Mary, N. 06, 1745 So. State St., ‘City, teacher. Richardson, Henry George, B. S. 11, 649 East 3rd So., City. Ricks, Joel E., A. B. 12, Rexburg, Idaho. Ridd, Viola, N. 18, 532 No. 5th West, City. Riddle, Kathryn Rosina, N. 03, 33 So. 9th Hast, City, teacher. Rideout, Evelyn Nuel, (later Mrs. L. Rooks), N. 95, Evans- ton, Wyo. Ridges, Dr. Alfred Joseph, N. 93, B. S. 01, Walker Bank Bldg., eee physician. Ridges, Mrs. A. J., (formerly Edna M. Hyde), N. 93, 81 C ot., City. Ridges, Mrs. Claude, (formerly Laura Squires), N. 00, (no address). Ried, Edward Marsh, B. A. 16, 2366 Kingsford Ave., Ogden, Utah. Rigby, Harlo B., B. 8. 18, Rexburg, Idaho. 93 Rigby, Seth Freeman, B. S. 99, 1826 Main St.,.City. Rigby, Mrs. Seth F., (formerly Beatrice Wilkinson), SENS 1900, 1826 So. Main St. Riggs, Lester R., Literary 92, Cincinnati, Ohio. Riggs, Ray, (later Mrs. David O. McKay), B. A. 98, 2947 Monroe Ave., Ogden, Utah. (Riley, Beverley A., N. 12, (Mrs. Ross Taylor), McGill, Nev. Riley, M. L., N. 14, (no address). Rippe, Mrs. Henry, (formerly Ardella Bawden), N. 08, 525 12th East, City. Riser, George C., Jr., B. A. 04, McGill, Nev., care Nev. Con. Riser, Mareuerite, N. 07, Hennifer, ‘Utah. Risley, Deborah, N_ .07, 945 W. 2nd So., City, (married). Riter, Mrs. Isaaelle Calder, N. 94, 260 ond Ave., City. Riter, Jennings, Clara, N. 15, 439 Hast 1st So., City. Riter, Levi E., N. 80. Deceased. Riter, Maud Jennings, later Mrs. Radcliffe Q. Cannon), A. B.2115) 86H Sts iGity: Riter, William Corlett, A. B. 11, care Liberty Theatre, Lo- gan, Utah. Rivers, Mrs. Wm. Claire, N. 04, Kellog, Idaho. Robb, James, N. 01, Paragoonah, Utah. Robbins, Alice Edna, N. 18, 1158 So. 11th Kast, City, teacher. Robbins, Burtis \(France,.B. 8. 18 (Cert. in Medicine), 119 B 8St., ‘City, teacher. Robins, Florence Mary, (later Mrs. Milan L. Crandall), N. 02, Eureka, Utah, teacher. Robins, Blizabeth, N. 12, B. A. 16, 1160 So. 11th East, City. Robbins, Harlan R., B. S 16, 326 So 3rd Hast, City. Roberts, Benjamin Everington, 1904, city editor of Des- eret News Roberts, Bessa, N. 10, Cokeville, ro: *Roberts, Brigham H., N. 78, 19 C. St., ‘City. (Chaplain 1st Utah Field Artillery.) *Roberts, Geo. Fairclough, B. A. 10, 238 18th Hast, City. Roberts, Mrs. G. N., (formerly Myra Sowles), N. 98, 1332 St. Paul St., Denver, Colo. Roberts, Geo. ‘Wm., N. 11, (mo address). Roberts, Goldie Cecelia, N. 12, Cokeville, Wyoming. Roberts, Ida, N. 02, (no address), (formerly of Ogden, Utah). 94 Robertson, Mrs. Armeda E., (formerly Armeda Corey), N. 01, (no address). Robins, Jessie, N. 18, Layton, Utah. Robinson, Mrs. Dan, (formerly Sarah E. Holt), N. 02, (no address). Robinson, Dennie Harris, N. 07, Paragoonah, Utah, Supt. Piute School District. Robinson, Elsie, N. 16, Price, Utah, Teacher, (mail re- turned). Robinson, Florence A., N. 14, 753 5th Hast, City. Robinson, Ida, N. 14, 753 So. 5th Hast, teacher, Robinson, Jesse Skeen, N. 08, B. S. 15, Paragoonah, Utah. Robinson, Joseph E., N. 76, Farmington, Utah. Robinson, Joseph S., N. 92 (no address). Robinson, Lorin J., N. 79, Farmington, Utah. Robinson, Lynn S., B. A. 17, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Robinson, Martin, N. 08, Paragoonah, Utah. Robinson, May, (later Mrs. Driggs), N. 84, Driggs, Wyo. Robinson, Richard W., B. S. 13, 983 East 6th So., City. Robinson, Ruth P., N. 13, Lehi, Utah. Robinson, Ruth Allen, Kindergarten-Normal 15, 753 5th East, City. Robinson, Wm. Jarvis, N. 87, No. 5 Washington Ave., City. Robinson, Mrs. W. J., (formerly Mary Ann Blomdoll), N. 92, No. 5 Washington Ave., City. Robinson, Daniel Hammer, N. 84, Pleasant Grove, Utah, . principal of Alpine High School. Robinson, Harold Driggs, B. S. 18, Pleasant Grove, Utah. © Robinson, Dr. Lyman Harold, Cert. in Med. School 10, B. A. 10, Magna, Utah. Roche, Gertrude, N. 12, 258 11th Hast, City. Robertson, Mrs. J. E. (formerly Flora Tripp), N. 96 and 06, Midvale, Utah. Rockhill, Alene, N. 18, 524 8rd Ave, City. Rockwell, Erma M., N. 14, Springvile, Utah. Rockwood, Charles Pery, N. 03, Centerville, Utah. Roe, Lewis Ephraim, N. 17, Spanish Fork, Utah. Rogawsky, Marie, N. 07, 1044 So. State St., City. Rogers, Dorothy, N. 17, 876 So. West Temple, City. Rogers, Frances M., B. A. 12, et Mrs. D. M. Draper), 161 4th Ave., City. \Rogers, Lucile E., A. B. 12, (now Mrs. H. Leo Marshall), University of ‘Utah, 95 Rolapp, Daisy, A. B. 18, 149 P St., City. Rollo, John S., N. 84, Richfield, Utah. Rogers, Ellen Auralia, N. 99, 111 38rd Ave., vocalist. Rogers, Marguerite J., B. A. 17, 23 Caithness Apts., City. Romence, Carrie, N. 07, 544 4th Hast, City. *Romney, Ernest L., B. A. 17, 167 E St., City. Romney, Geo. S., A. B. 17, Ricks Academy, Rexburg, Idaho. Romney, Mrs. Grant M., (formerly Ella Mary Nester), A. By 18) -Murray, RK. Po Dp teBox 161. Romney, Miles A., A. B. 18, 1380 D St., City. *Romney, Ottinger, B. A. 12, M A. 138, 167 BE St., City. Romney, (Mrs. Walter, (formerly Mary Ellen Clark), B. A. 01, 1472 llth East, City. Rooks, Mrs. L., (formerly Evelyn N. Rideout), N. 95, (no address). del Rosario, Jose Ma., B. 8. 18, Manila, Philippine Islands. Rosberg, Florence, N. 07, (no address), (formerly of Park City). Rose, Frances, N. 13, 825 (Wi. 2nd So., City. Rose, Mary, N. 08, 825 W. 2nd So., City. Roskeley, Chas. oe Bisa 10; Brigham City, Utah, teacher. Ross, Nellie, N. 01, Payson, Utah. Rossberg, Emily E., N. 06. No address. Rotzler, Anna, N. 06, 350 So. 8th West, City, teacher. Rowan, Milo, N. 09, Murray, Utah. Rowberry, Charlotte, N. 98, Grantsville, Utah. Rowberry, Lilian, Grantsville, Utah, N. 97. Rowe, Lewis E., N. 18, Spanish Fork, Utah. Roundy, Middie, N. 03, Ranch, Utah. Rowland, Mrs. Augusta ie formerly Augusta L. Hunt), N. 02, 828 Lincoln Ave., City. Roylance, Wm. G., N. 94, B. 8S. 95, 325 Gillifan Block, St. Paul, Minn., (formerly Professor, U. of U.) ‘Ruben, Violet, A. B., 16, Murray, Utah. Rudolph, Laura I., N. 18, 1472 16th East, City, teacher. Ruggeri, Charles, Jr., Cert. in Medicine 18, Helper, Utah. *Ruggeri, Henry, B. L. 16, 171 12th East, City. Ruggeri, Mrs. Henry, A. B. 15, 171 12th Hast, City, (for- merly Clara Kimball). Rumel, Emma, now Mrs. Edwin T. Woolley), N. 76, 358 So. 5th East, City. Rumel, Ethel Derrick, N. 07, no address). Ruple, May M., N. 12, Vernal, Utah. 96 *Russell, Christopher P., B. S. 12, 1496 S. W. Temple St., City: Russell, Isaac, N. Y. Evening Mail, N. Y. ‘City. Russell, Jacob Parley, N. 08, B. S. 15, 1459 Lincoln St., City. Russell, Elen, B. A, 15, 1496 S. W. Temple, City. Russell, Mary Pratt, N. 12, 1464 So. West Temple, City. Rutherghn, Mrs. Alfred, formerly Helen Powell), N. 07, 2462 ‘Madison Ave., Ogden, Utah. (Ryan, Jennie Marie, A. B. 11, 218 9th East, City. *Rynearson, Geo. A., B. A. 14, 5th East, near 15th So., Physical Director L. D. S. High School. Sabin, John, N. 03, Salem, Utah. Sabine, Zara, B. A., 15 Lucin, Utah. Sachs, Frederick William, A.B, 18, 133 So. 5th. E., Salt: Lake City. Salmon, Erma, N: 10, Coalville, Utah. Salmon, Jos.. S., Lang. and Lit, 80, Deceased. Salmon, Lila, N. 07, Delta, Utah. Married. Salmon, Nana, N. 07, (na address). Married. Salmon, Robert, N. 83, Deceased. Salzner, Mildred,. Kindergarten, .Prin. Dip. Bh 1873. So. 10th E., Salt Lake City. Samson, Laura Lenore, N. -98, 1226 2nd. Ave., ‘salt Lake City: 5 pe Samuels, Jessie M., N. 12, Payson, Utah. Samuels, Vernon M., B.S. 09, 270 12th EB: Salt Lake NY Sanders, Belle, N. 11, East Jordan, Utah, Sanders, Hever Soren, N. 95, Murray, Utah. Sanders, Helen Josephine, Kind. Prin. Dip Ts: 876. E 9th So., Salt Lake City. Sanders, Sondra, N.'81,..... W. Ust 50.5 Salt Lake City. Sanderson, James, N. 76, Fairview, Sanpete Co., Utah. Sandin, David Hyrum, A..B. 12, N. 07, Coalville, Utah. . Sands, John, admitted under amendment to constitution, 136 U St., Salt Lake City. Sanford, Helen S., A. B. 14, (no address). Santschi, Helen, N. 06, (married, now Mrs. Freeman Bas- sett), 221 12th B., Salt Lake City. Sargent, David L., N. 14, Hoytsville, Utah. *In U. S. Service. 97 Saunders, Mrs. B. M., N. 11 (formerly Miss Helen Berg- strom), 1063 8rd So., Salt Lake City. - Savage, Emma Jane, N. 04 (married), 1654 Dunford Ave., Salt Lake City, (Mrs. O. Jensen). Savage, Margaret I., N. 04, (no address. Sawyer, Neva Claire, N. 17, Park Valley, Utah. Utah. Saxton, Mrs. M. M., N. 06 (formerly Ardella Edwards), 166 .. Ave., Salt Lake City. Scharer, Edith, Kind. 08, 1074 E. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Schefski, Martha, N. 07, 909 Jefferson St., Salt Lake City. Schener, Margaret, Kindergarten 11, (no address). Schick, Johanna, N. 06, 1487 Edison Ave. Schick, Dora Margaret, N. 16, 1487 Edison Ave., Salt Lake ‘City. Schick, Mary, N. 17, Paris, Idaho. Schielei, Katherine, N. 17, 537 Marion Ave., Salt Lake City. Schiller, Herbert Maurice, B. S. 16, (no address). Schulter, Iola, N. 08, 166 W. 1st No., Salt Lake City. Schmierer, Clandia, B. A. 04 Cnarrieda): 874 EK. 2nd Soa., Salt Lake City. Scholes, Caroline, N. 00, Box 303, Logan, Utah. Schow, Geo. Sidney, B. S. 06, Lehi, Utah. Schramm, Lydia, N. 05, B. S. 15, Payson, Utah. Schwalbach, Flora E., 33 Smith Apts., Salt Lake City. Teacher. Schwan, Myrtle, A. B. 18, Murray, Utah. Scobee, Irene, N. 18, 816 6th E., Salt Lake City. Scobee, Martha Mane, N. 10 (married), 677 6th East, Salt Lake City. Scofield, Isabelle, N. 01 (married, Omaha, Neb. Scofield, Rosella Ann., B. A. 10, 259 W. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Sconberg, Ida., N. 02, 528 Wall St., Salt Lake City. Scott, Carl W., B. S. 07, 577 10th Ave., Salt Lake City. Scott, Joseph E., N. 14, 4011 7th E., Salt Lake City: Scott, Lucia, N. 06, Ely, Nevada. Scott, Maud, Kind. Dip. 15, 8 Marquette Apts., Salt Lake City. Seott, Myrtle Frances, N. 18, 431 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Scranton, Fred, B. S. 07. Deceaséd. 98 Seranton, Nettie Ethel, N. 03 (now Mrs. N. B. Campbell, (no address). Scranton, Ruby Ruth, N. 08, A. B. 11, 556 So. llth E., (married), Salt Lake City. Seal, Ann, N. 17, 875 Simondi Ave., Salt Lake City. Seamon, George Alexander, N. 91, 21 Madsen Ave., Ogden, Utah. Seamon, Mrs. Geo. A., N. 90 (formerly Lottie Fox), 21 Madsen Ave., Ogden, Utah. Seamon, Josephine, N. 06, 706 21st St., Ogden, Utah. Seamon, Josephine, N. 91, 706 21st St., Ogden, Utah. Sebastian, Reuben, B. A. 12, Los Angeles, Calif. Seckles, Alice K., N. 01 (music teacher), (no address). Seckles, Louis Joseph, B. E. Elect Eng. 06, 606 Deseret News Bldg., City. Sedgwick, Daniel Hall, N. 97, Bountiful, Utah. Seegmiller, Irene, Kind. 08, (now Mrs. A. Z. Richards), 1991 McClelland Ave., City. Seegmiller, Frank K., A. B. 11, Instructor L. D. S. U., 3030 2v, 49th Mh. (Sts City: Seeley, Hettie, N. 98 (Mrs. J. B. Stalker), Felt, Titan Co., Idaho. ° Seeley, Lucretia, Ed. 14, 579 8th Ave., City. Seidler, Katie Elizabeth, N. 17, 489 So. 2nd W., City. Seley, Mrs. Wm. G., N. 97 (formerly Miss Gertrude Reilly), 27 lath By City. Seligman, Mrs. D. E., N. (formerly Nellie Neibaur), 76 IN Sle woty, Sessions, Annie Sylvia, N. 95, (no address). Sessions, Leland Hyrum, N. 16, Bountiful, Utah. Sessions, Samuel Mathonia, N. 11, B. A. 15, Bountiful, Utah. Settle, Gladys M., Ed. 14, Springville, Utah. Settle, Maud L., ‘Ea. 14, Springville, Utah. Sevey, Mrs. John L., N. 76 (formerly Miss Mary Hes hoa). 305 Douglas Ave., City. Sevy, Milton Fey wood: A. B. 14, Deceased. Shafer, Mrs. L. C., A. B. 138 (formerly Bertha Whitmore Meserve), Ogden, Utah. Shafer, Leland C., Med. B. A. 14, 237 Fern St., City. Shapiro, Fannie, Ed. 15, 151 7th E., City. Sharmon, Fred W., Min. Engr., B. S. 09. 99 Sharp, Alice, N. 09, California. Sharp, Cecelia, N. 78 (later Mrs. Mahonri Young of New York City), Deceased. Sharp, Chloe, N. (11, 3625 So. State St. Sharp, Edna, Ed. 14, Lehi, Utah. Sharp, Emma, N. 02, Vernon, Utah. Sharp, Ethelyn, N. 17, 650 E. 3rd So., City. Sharp, Gertrude, N., 650 E. 3rd So., City. Sharp, Grace Lenore, N. 16, Sandy, Utah, R. D. No. 1. Sharp, Jeannette, N. 78, 10th E. bet. 2nd and 3rd So. Sharp, John S., Ed. 18, Union, Utah. Sharp, Lavon Bennett, B. A. 18, 869 4th Ave., City. Sharp, William, B. S. 06, Vernon, Utah. *Sharp, William R., Arts-Sciences, B. A., 1918 U. S. Serv- ice, 13827 H. 2nd So.,. City. Shaver,Vara Hagerman, Arts, B. A. 09, (no address). Shaw, Dora, N. 00 (married), View, Utah. Shaw, Elsie Verona, N. 08, Ogden, Utah. Shaw, Zora Augusta, B- A. 07 (Mrs. Hoffman), Eagle Gate Apts., City. Shea, Emma M., N. 05, (no address). Shearer, Clara Lyda, B. A. 17, 145 Thompson Ave., City. Sheckell, Norah, B. A. 10 (Mrs. Harmel Pratt), 1453 Redon- do Ave., City. Sheets, Edwin Spencer, N. 96, 351 Douglas, Ave., City. Sheets, Mrs. Lydia, N. 95 (formerly. Lydia Smithen), 825 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. *Sheeley, Horace West, Arts 01, 718 E. 3rd So. Shepherd, Mrs., N. 01 (formerly Millie E. Davis), 528 E. 4 So., City. Shepherd, David, A. B. 18, Paris, Idaho. Shepherd, Jessamine, A. B. 13, 1156 E. 17th So., City. Shepherd, Annie C., N. 07, Murray, R. F. D. No. 4., (married, Mrs. Lemons). Shepherd, Florence, B. N. 14, Murray, Utah. Teacher. *Shepherd, Leroy R., A. B. 17, R. F. D. No. 4, Murray, Utah. Sheraman, Herand, A. B. 17, Murray, Utah. Sherman, Henry Charles, B. S. in Min. Eng., Box 351, Helena, Mont. Sherman, Mrs. Olive A., Kind. 03. Deceased. Shermer, Florence, A. B. 10, 238 18th E., City. Shidel, Harold Robt., B. S. 15, 426 Douglas Ave. 100 Shields, Calla Ivine, N. 16, 1129 Emerson Ave., City. Shermer, Nellie, N. 08, 462 5th E., City. Shields, Mrs. D. B., A. B. 00 (formerly Estella Watson), 322 Douglas Ave., City. Shields, Frances R., N. 12, 32 Harmony Place, City. Teacher. . Shields, Henrietta, N. 16, Park City, Utah. Shields, John William, B. S. in Elec. Eng. 10, 1381 Logan Ave., City. Shields, Lester Claude, A. B. 10, 531 Judge Bldg., City. Shipley, John Wm., N. 85, Draper, Utah. Deceased. Shipley, Lillie, N. 10, American Fork, Utah. Shipp, Eleanor, N. 12, (no address). Shipp, Ellis R., N. 01 (Mrs. Musser), 990 Princeton Ave., City. Shipp, Richard Ashbury, N. 86, 25 So. 5th E. (Real Estate Business). Shoell, Dezzie, N. 14, 1320 E. 2nd So., City. Sholes, Sally G., Kind. 00, 212 So. 8th E., City. Sholes, Warren R., A. B. 17, Holliday, Utah. Shore, Rose H., N. 01, (mo address). Teacher. Shores, Cecil, N. 09, 750 Snow Ave., City. Shulsen, Alfred James, N. 07, Sandy, Utah. Shurtliff, Ida Agren, A. B. 11, Ogden, Utah, care of Weber Acedemy. Shurtliff, Loure Emyla, N. 97. Deceased. y Simons, Ethel, Kind. 06 (now Mrs. Branson Brinton), 192 Vine St., Murray, Utah. Simon, Louis, 18, 328 Wall St., City. Simons, Martha Brewerton, N. 10, Payson, Utah. Simons, Major O., B. S. 14, care Arrawall Simons, 19th E. 14th So., Salt Lake City. Simons, Sarah I., N. 18, Payson, Utah. Simons, Susan Mary, B. A. 16, care Arrawall.Simons, 19th E. 14th So., Salt Lake City. Simpson, Mrs., N. 02, 492 W. 2nd So., Logan, Utah, (for- merly May Pinnock). Sims, Clarence Edgar, M. S. 16, care Anaconda Mining Co., Anaconda, Mont. Sims, Irma, N. 11, 526 3rd E., Salt Lake City. Singh, Mohan, B. S. 18, Punjal, India. Skeen, Electa, N. 02, Plain City, Utah. Skeen, Lyman, Jr., N. 91, Deceased. 101 Skeen, William R., B. A. 07, N. 02, Ogden, Utah. Skewes, Doris, N. 11, 2 Louise Apts., Salt Lake City. Skofield, Jennie (Mrs. Julian Thomas), N. 138, 1501 5th E., Salt Lake City. Skofield, Mazel, A. B. 16, 1501 5th E., Salt Lake City. Slade, Eliza A. (now Mrs. Alfred Bennion), N. 77, Taylors- ville, Utah, care Earl Bennion. Slater, Isabel, N. 99, 2627 Adams Ave., Ogden, Utah. Slater, Lola (now Mrs. Glover), N. 14, Vida, Mo. Sloan, Robert W., N. 1900, Alta Club, Salt Lake City. Sloan, Mrs. Thos. W. (formerly Edna Margaret Wells), N. 86, 261 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Smart, William H., N. 82, Vernal, Utah. Smedley, Clarence W., N. 11, Syracuse, Utah. Smith, Ada N. 18, Springville, Utah. Smith, Agnes, B. S. 18, 56 E. No. Temple, Salt Lake City. Smith, Alma, N. 78, (present address unknown). Smith, Alma F., B. A. 12, Sandy, Utah. Smith, Annie May, N. 04, 1848 So. 3rd E., Salt Lake City. Smith, Arthur Thomas, B. A. 16, Union, Utah. Smith, Asenath, Kindergarten-Prim. 18, 157 No. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Smith, Belle, N. 14, 483 W. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Smith, Bermard Herman, Bs AG 18, 218 11th E., Salt Lake City. Smith, Burdett, N. 99, freee School, Ogden, Utah. *Smith, Calvin Schwartz, B. S. 15. Smith, Clarissa, N. 76, 37 No. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Smith, Cresent, Kindergarten 08, (present address un- known). Smith, David Emanuel, B. A. 16, Victor, Idaho. Smith, Mrs. D. (formerly Effie May Porter), Centerville, Utah. Smith, Dasil A., B. A. 15, Lehi, Utah. Smith, Orson, B. A. 18, Draper, Utah. *Smith, Ramond Dupuy, B. A. 16. Smith, Reinold Vernon, B.'S. 95, Park City, Utah. *Smith, Samuel Schwartz, B. S. 16. Smith, Seymour Bicknell, B. S. 05, care W. C. Smith, Mt. Viece, Alberta, Can. Smith, Wilford, N. 81, (present address unknown). Smith, Mrs. Willard (formerly Florence Grant), Kinder- garten 06, 207 8th Ave., Salt Lake City. Smith, William Henry, N. 02, Union, Utah. 102 Smithen, Adelaide, N. 12, 825 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Smithen, Ethel Aline (now Mrs. R. K. Patterson), N. 02, 2011 So. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Smithen, Florence, N. 08, 825 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Smithen, Lydia (Mrs. Lydia S. Sheets), N. 95, 825 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Smithen, Lydia A., N. 1900, 825 3rd Ave., Salt Lake City. Smout, Etta D., N. 14, Ogden, Utah. Snedaker, Kate (now Mrs. Calder), N. 82 and 38, Vernal,” Utah. Snedden, Lucile Finch, A. B. 18, 673 8th Ave. Sneddon, Thos. Newton, Jr., B. S. Gen. Eng., 11 Drummond- ulle, Wyo. Snelgrove, Howard H., Gen. Se. 1900, 523 E. 4th So. Snell, J. W., Jr,, Chem. 82, Deceased. Snell, Stella Henrietta, H. S. Diploma in Eng. 15, 106 W. 1st No., Salt Lake City. Snellgrove, Marion, B. A. 17, 326 So. 5th E., Salt Lake City. Snow, A. H., N. 78, 70 Dixon Brokerage Oo: 41-52 Com- mercial Block. Snow, Alviras E., N. 81, (no address). Snow, Della, N. 13, Jensen, Utah. Snow, Dora, H..S. Diploma, A. B. 16, 573 7th Ave., Salt Lake City. Snow, Mrs. W. A. (formerly Edna Maurine Coates), A. B. 09, Superior, Ariz. Snow, Frederick Warren, B. S. Min Eng. 09, Sterling, Utah. Snow, Harvey Orsen, A. B. 15, 573 7th Ave., Salt Lake City. Snow, Mrs. J. Marcellus( formerly Lula Keyting), Kinder- _ garten 04, 254 W. Ist No., Salt Lake City. Snow, Josephine, N. 76, St. George, Utah. Snow, Leah, Kindergarten 16, 225 No. 1st W., Salt Lake City. Snow, Leo A. B.S. 08, Box 738, St. George, Utah. Sowaszki, Helen May, N. 03, 1735 So. State., Salt Lake City. *Soule, Grant W., B. A. 15. Soule, Henry W., N. 99, St. Anthony, Idaho. Sowles, Myra (now Mrs. G. N. Roberts), N. 98, 1822 St. Paul St., Denver, Colo. Spalding, Sybil, N. 18, 615 lst Ave., Salt Lake City. Sparks, Pearl J., B. A. 17, Nephi, Utah. Speirs, John D., N. 99, B. A. 02, Monroe, Utah. Spelsbury, David, N. 80, Toquerville, Utah. 103 Spencer, Adelaide (now Mrs. E. R. Morgan), N. 95, 776 EH. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Spencer, Albert, N. 84, Deceased. Spencer, David George, N. 07, 240 Spencer Court, Salt Lake City. Spencer, Daniel S., N. 70, 155 2nd Ave., Salt Lake City. Spencer, Edwin, B. A. 15, Paris, Idaho. Spencer, Grace Maude (now Mrs. Lashbrook Laker), N. 90) Riter, Utah. Spencer, Mrs. Hazel V. (formerly Hazel Valentine), N. 07, 1921 W. ist So., Salt Lake City. Spencer, Hortense, B. A. 12, Taylorsville, Utah. Spencer, Ivy, N. 10, Murray, Utah. Spencer, John D., N. 75, 301 Walker Bldg., City. Spencer, Josephine, N. 80, 1170 1st Ave., City. Spencer, Lizzie, N. 01, Taylorsville, Utah. Spencer, Mahonri, N. 87, 407 Federal Bldg., City. Spencer, Nellie, N. 84 (now Mrs. J. A. Cornwall), Murray, Utah. Spencer, Seymour H., B. A. 17, Paris, Idaho. Sperry, Chas. H., B. S. 18, 2 Sperry Ct., City. Sperry, Mrs. Hazel Edwards, N. 14, (formerly Miss Hazel Edwards), (no address given). Sperry, Sidney B., B. A. 17, 1889 So. 3rd E., City. Spilsbury, Raymond, B. S. 14, La Tundicion, Peru, So. A. Spitko, Louis Ernest, B. S. 09, 132 T St., City. Spry, Lita, Kind. 15, 368 Ist Ave., City, Married. Squires, Eva Beatrice, B. A. 18, 623 Squires Ct., City. Squires, Harry, N. 75, 412 Rue de la Montague, Montreal, Canada. Squires, Laura, N. 1900 (now Mrs. Claud Ridges), 754 E. 6th So., City. Staines, Anna Lyon, B. A. 14, 461 2nd Ave., City. Staines, Lillian Eva, B. A. 18, 461 2nd Ave., City. Staker, Flossie R., N. 18, Mount Pleasant, Utah. Standing, Jessie, N. 07, 974 HE. 8rd So., City. Stapley, May, N. 05, Kanarra, Utah. Stark, James L., 2208 So. 7th H., City. Starr, Pearl, N. 14, Springville, Utah. Stay, Mary Dot, N. 99 (now Mrs. White), Calders Station, Utah. Stayner, Arthur, Jr., N. 80, Malad, Idaho. 104 Stayner, Elizabeth, B. A. 14, Price, Utah. Stayner, Emily, N. 78, Bountiful, Utah. Stayner, Mrs. Charles Fred (formerly Miss Mary Lewis), N. 89, 1161 1st Ave., City. Stayner, Eugenia, N. 13, 1166 Ist Ave., City. Steed, Bernice, Kind. Prim. 17, 286 D St., City. Steed, Henry L., N. 80. Deceased. Steed, Walter Wm., Jr., N. 08, Syracuse, Utah. Steffensen, Christian C., N. 92, Sandy, R. D. No. 3, Utah. Steffensen, Hans E., N. 1900, (present address unknown). Steffensen, Ella Christina, N. 95, Murray, Utah, (married). Steffensen, Kearney K., N. 03, B. A. 11, 148 No. 1st West, City. ; Stephens, Mrs. Harold (formerly Miss Virginia Bush), N. 99, B. A. 06, 1224 3rd Ave., City. Stephens, Jennette E. (now Mrs. F. G. Barker), B. A. 14, (present address unknown). Stephens, Maud B., N. 16, Rockville, Nebraska. Stephens, Mrs. T. B. (formerly Miss Minnie Julia Molsten), N. 03, 1159 2nd Ave., City. Stephens, Mrs. Virginia S., N. 85, (present address un- known), B. S. 16. Stephens, Edith Elmissa, N. 09, Orderville, Utah. Stevens, Edith Virginia, N. 02, Oakley, Utah. Stevens, Florence E., N. 05, 2465 Monroe Ave., Ogden, Utah. Stevens, Hazel B., B. A. 07, 663 So. 8th E., City. Stevens, Mrs. H. D., A. B. 14, (formerly Josephine Wal- lace), East Ely, Nevada. Stevens, Laura Bella, B. A. 10. Stevens, Nettie, N. 05, Oakley, Utah. Stevenson, Bessie, N. 14, Layton, Utah. | Stevenson, Clarence C., B. S. 18, Murray, R. D. No. 4, Utah. Stevenson, Hyrum, N. 08, 1876 7th E., Salt Lake City. Stevenson, Hyrum L., A. B. 18, 148 So. 12th H., Salt Lake City. Stevenson, Lester A., N. 01, 1599 So. 5th E., Salt Lake City: Stevenson, Mrs. T. W. (formerly Elnora C. McKay), N. 1900, 869 Logan Ave., Salt Lake City. Stewart, Barnard Jos., N. 95, 2228 Lake St., Salt Lake.City. Stewart, Claire A., A. B. 16,1133 HE. 3rd So., Salt Lake City. 105 Stewart, Consuelo H., A. B. 18, 851 HE. So. Temple, Salt Lake City. Stewart, C. T., N. 78, Kaysville, Utah. Stewart, Devirl, N. 18, Fairview, Utah. Stewart, Elva H., N. 14, 360 W. 2nd No., Salt Lake City. Stewart, Ethel May now Mrs. N. Bonnemort), N. 02, Kays- ville, Utah. Stewart, Geo., N. 07, Tooele, Utah. Stewart, Gladys E. (now Mrs. Clyde Bennion), A. B. 12, 2440 Highland Drive, Salt Lake City. Stewart, Isaac Danial, B. S. 15, 740 E. 8rd So.; Salt Lake (City. Stewart, Jno. R., B. S. 08, 460 W. 3rd So., Provo, Utah. Stewart, Present Ray, B. S. 18, Nephi, Utah. Stewart, Sarah Charlotte, N. 04, B. A. 09, 1133 E. 3rd So., Salt Lake City. Stewart, Scott P., B. S. 08, 646 HE. Center St., Provo, Utah. Stewart, Wm. M., N. 81, 1133 E. 3rd So., City. Deceased. Stewart, Mrs. W. M., N. 82 (formerly Sara E. Vincent), 1133 EK. 3rd So., Salt. Lake City. Stillman, Mrs. Cyrus (formerly HElesa Heppler), N. 1900, Mill Creek, Utah. Stockdale, Blanche, N. 17, 621 6th Ave., Salt Lake City. StockhdaleMae, Kind. 08, 621 6th Ave., Salt Lake City. Stockman, Jay H., B. A. 08, 789 8th Ave., Salt Lake City. Stoddard, Chas. Israel, B. S. 16, Richmond, Utah. Stoddard, Mrs. Louise H., N. 02 (formerly Louise Hay- mond), Perry, Ore. Stohl, Dolores, A. B. 18, 717 H. 1st So., Salt Tale City. Stokes, Henry Harold, B. A. 15, Preston, Idaho. Stoll, Mrs. W. H. (formerly Anna Rolfe Adams), N. 02, Gettysburg, Pa. i i Stone, Alice G., N. 14, Ogden, Utah. Stone, Emma Mary, N. 08, (no address). Stone, Maud F., A. B. 14, Salem, Ohio. *Stone, W. Dee, B. A. 12 Central Park, Mont. Stones, Ethel, N. 08, Paragoonah, Utah. Stookey, Mrs. Alonzo J (formerly Fannie Ajax), N. 89, 1955 So. 11th: E.,. City. Stookey, Dr. Geo. Lyman, N. 90, Lehi ,Utah. *Stookey, Lionel Jerome, A. and S. 16, 1955 So. 11th E., Salt Lake City. 106 Stookey, Stonewall Jackson, N. 88, 1955 So. 1ith E., Salt Lake City. Storer, Mary Elizabeth, B. A. 10, 1185 Blaine Ave., Salt Lake City. Stott, Desdemona (now Mrs. Jos. L. Beeson), B. A. 17, 322 University St., Salt Lake City. Stott, Franklin Earl, A. B. 11, Meadow, Utah. Stott, Geo. Frank, B. S. 15, 322 University St., Salt Lake City. Stott, Mrs. Geo. F., B. A. 15 (formerly Dorothy Marlis Mil- ler), 230 University St., Salt Lake City. Stranquist, Ephraim Alvin, B. S. 16, Brigham City, Utah. Stranquist, Henry, B. S. 17, Brigham City, Utah. re a Stratton, William Ne A. B. 18, Oxford, Eng. Straup, Cordelia, A. B. 18, 225 12th H., Salt Lake City: Straw, Muriel, N. 14, piace Utah. Street, Mabel B., B. A. 17, 1398 So. 9th E., Salt Lake City. Stringfellow, THieebotn W. (now Mrs. roy Deighton), 1465 Sherman Ave., Salt Lake City. Stringham, Fuchsia, N. 07, Bountiful, Utah. Stromness, Eva, N. 16, Sugar Station, Salt Lake City. Strong, Leon M., N. 14, Kaysville, Utah. Stucki, Edwin, N. 14, (no address). Studebaker, Josephine, N. 98 (now Mrs. Dare Woodruff). 68 Lavimer St., Salt Lake City. Stump, Leona, N. 13, 164 10th E., Salt Lake City. Sudheimer, Hmma L., N. 04, 1999 4th E., Salt Lake City. Sudheimer, Irene, N. 06, 1999 4th E., Salt Lake City. Sudgen, Jno. Willian, B. A. 18, 47 aa 8th W., Salt Lake City. Sullivan, Genevieve, N. 07, Eureka, Utah. Sullivan, Muriel, N. 14, Knightsville, Ultah. Summer, Raymond, B. S. 14, Denver, Colo. Summerhays, Florence, B. A. 18, 2417 So. 7th E., Salt Lake City. Sundwall, Olaf, B. A. 16, Rosedale, Kansas. Sutherland, Bertha, N. 09, Murray, Utah, Married. Sunderland, Theresa, N. 06 445 7th Ave., Salt Lake City. Sutherland, Cora Mae, Kind. 08, (no address). Sutherland, Leona, (now Mrs. Gideon Omer), N. 13, Mur- ray, Utah. Sutherland, Wm. L., B. A. 13, Storrs, Utah. 107 Sutton, Alice, N. 06( now Mrs. Frank Knowlton), Grants- ville, Utah. *Sutton, Fred A., B. A. 17, 1342 E. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Sutton, Laura M. (now Mrs. C. C. Davis), A. B. 12, 554 6th Ave., Salt Lake City. Sutton, Martha Kllen, N. 03, 1342 E. 5th So., Salt Lake City. Sutton, W. E., B. S. 08, Newhouse Hotel, Salt Lake City. Swan, Garnet, N. 14, Kaysville, Utah. Swan, Jennie, N. 05, 310‘No. 9th W., Salt Lake City. Swan, Mildred Douglas, N. 09, 896 H. 2nd So., Salt Lake City... - Swan, Mrs. Norma Thornley, N. 18 (formerly Norma Thorley), Kaysville, Utah. Swan, Theo, N. 13, 118 N St., Salt Iake City. Swanson, Laura May, N. 08, Ogden, Utah. Swendsen, Myron, B. S. 14, Rexburg, Idaho. Swenson, Edna, N. 99 (now Mrs. Grimsdell), 914 1st St., Salt Lake City. Swenson, Frank A., N. 92, 76 W. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Swenson, Jos. Bonde, Mng. 93, 361 H. 7th So., Salt Lake City. . Sylvester, Frank Jas., N. 08, Toquerville, Utah. Sylvester, Serena, N. 02 (no address). Syndergaard, Hyrum, 05. Taggart, Charles Wallace, Jr., N. 97, R. D. No. 1, Ogden, Utah. Taggart, Mrs. Virginia Pitt, N. 75, (address unknown). Talmage, Dr. J. E., 1909, 304 1st Ave., Salt Lake City. Talmage, Sterling, B. S. 09, 200 Vermont Bldg., Salt Lake City. Tanner, Dr. Alfonzo Z., B. A. 08, Farmington, Utah. *Tanner, Marion Snow, A. B. 11. Tanner, Mary Hnn, N. 11, (address known). Tanner, Vard Laren, B. A. 10, Clover, Utah. Taylor, Albert Leroy, B. S. 07, University of Utah. Taylor, Alice May, N. 09, 360 Ramona Ave., Salt Lake City. Taylor, Annie Harris, Kind. 04, 49 So. Ist W., Salt Lake ‘City. *Taylor, Duncan Arthur, M. S. 13. Taylor, H. A., N..01, ‘Gibson, Utah. *In U. S. Service. 108 Taylor, Ernest James, N. 96, 2373 So. State, Salt Lake iCity. Taylor, Estella, N. 98, 704 W. 8rd N., Salt Lake City. Taylor, Mrs. E. O., N. 92 (formerly Miss Amy Whipple), 260 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City. Taylor, Eva C., N. 76. Deceased. Taylor, Frank Y., Chemistry 81, 707 E. 12th So., Salt Lake City. Taylor, Frederick Richard, B. S. 16, Provo, Utah. Taylor, Henry Warren, N. 07, Parowan, Utah. Taylor, Joseph Wm., N. 75, 21 So. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Taylor, Junius, N. 06, Parowan, Utah. Taylor, Luella, N. 10 (later Mrs. Asel Woodruff), Holli- day, Utah. Taylor, Mary W., N. 17, 260 Canyon Road, Salt Lake City. Taylor, Moses W., Chemistry 81, Coalville, Utah. Taylor, Newell W., N. 79. Deceased. Taylor, Rose, N. 79 (later Mrs. Wm. Winder), Mill Creek, Utah. Taylor, Mrs. Ross, N. 12, McGill, Nevada. Taylor, Stuart Gordon, B. S. 11, 890 8rd Ave., Salt City. Taylor, Thos. Ed., B. S. 17. Deceased. Taylor, Viva V., Education 138, (address unoknown). Taylor, Wesley, N. 06, Parowan, Utah. Taylor, Zachariah S., N. 77, Payson, Utah. Taylor, Zella Van Cott (later Mrs. H. C. Kimball), N. 08, rear 1376 So. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. *Teasdale, Harold Clyde, B. A. 15. Teasdel, Mary, N. 78, 2338 W. Canyon, Salt Lake City. Teasdel, Sara, N. 78. Deceased. Tempest, Evelyn, A. B. 17, 977 So. 9th E., Salt Lake City. Terry, Hunter, N. 87, Draper, Utah. Terry, J. P., Eng., Lang. and Lit. 81, Draper, Utah. Trackeray, Adeline, N. 99, 437 Elm, Salt Lake City. Thackeray, Thomas, N. 79, Croydon, Morgan Co., Utah. Trackeray, Zina, N. 10 ,439 5th H., Salt Lake City. Thomas, Miss Anna, Kind. 99 (later Mrs. Piercy), 626 5th Ave., City. Thomas, Blanche S., N. 1900 (later Mrs. W. R. McKey), (address unknown). Thomas, Mrs. Effie Wilson, N. 05 (formerly Effie Wilson), (address unknown). 109 Thomas, Elbert Duncan, B. A. 06, University of Utah. Thomas, Mrs. Elbert, N. 99 (formerly Edna Harker), 137 No. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Thomas, Ethel, Educ. 13 (Mrs. Henry Bowman), 137 No. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Thomas, Evangeline, Edu. 13, 110 Girard Ave., Salt Lake City. ay Thomas, Evelyn Anne, N. 10, 576, Center St., Salt Lake ; City. Thomas, Gay Veda (later Mrs. C. E. McBeth), N. 09, Pay- son, Utah. Thomas, Gladys Mary, A. B. 17, 576 Center St., Salt Lake ‘City. Thomas, Glenn Parthenia, Kind. 10, 353 Edith Ave., Salt Lake City. *Thomas, Julian M., LL. B. 13, (no addressee Thomas, Mrs. J. S. )formerly Helen Islaub), N. 08, Wins- low, Ariz. Thomas, Lillian M., Edu. 13, 341 K. St., Salt Lake City. Thomas, Moroni J., Chem. 79, 110 Girard Ave., Salt Lake City. Thomas, Moyer D., A. B. 14, 576 Center St., Salt Lake City. Thomas, Natalie, N. 05, 328 Center St., Salt Lake City. Thomas, Rose K., N. 1900 (Mrs. Samuel Graham), Long Beach, Calif. Thomas, Seth, N. 96, Ogden, Utah. Thomas, Mrs. T. K. (formerly Olive E. Bergstrom), N. 12, 1061 E. 3rd So., Salt Lake City. Thompson, David W., N. 94, Ephraim, Utah. Thompson, Harle, N. 04, Annabella, Utah. Thompson, Ethel C., N. 04, 137 No. W. Temple, Salt Lake City. Thompson, Eva (later Mrs. Ben Corum), N. 99, 138 So. 8th E., Salt Lake City. Thompson, George Moses, N. 87, Richmond, Utah. Thompson, Mrs. Henrica Wallace (formerly Henrica Wal- lace), N. 07, (address unknown). Thompson, Jean, Edu. 13, 4 Emma Apts., Salt Lake City. Thompson, Jessie, Edu. 16, Lake Town, Utah. Thompson, Marian Lavina, Edu. 15, Paris, Idaho. Thompson, Mary, N. 04, Annabella, Utah. Thompson, Rebecca, Edu. 16, Lake Town, Utah. 110 Thompson, Horace Boyare, Bus. 18, 328 So. 11th E., Salt Lake City. Thorley, Frank, N. 05, Cedar City, Utah. |. Thorne, Mabel G., N. 01, 150 W. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Thornley, Norma, N. 08 (later Mrs. Norma Thornley Schwan), Kaysville, Utah. Thornton, Edmund B., N. 78. Deceased. 3 Thorpe, Mrs. Edgar, N. 08 (formerly Flora Jones), (ad- dress unoknwn). Thorpe, Kate Turner, N. 02 (later Mrs. Clarence Dresser), (address unknown). Thorpe, Wm. Henry, B. A. (17, 26 M St., Salt Lake City. Thorstrom, Ruby, N. 07, 751 So. 38rd E., Salt Lake City. © Thorum, Elmer, B. A. 17, Murray, Utah. Thorup, Joseph, Jr., Business 18, 736 So. 9th E., Salt Lake ‘City. Thorup, Mabel, Kind. 08, 723 9th E., Salt Lake City. Thorup, Winifred, Edu. 16, 735 So. 9th E., Salt Lake City. *Thurman, Allen Grover, A. B. 16. In France. Thurman, David John, N. 04, Lehi, Utah. Thurman, Elgiva Eliza, N. 04, Lehi, Utah. Thurman, Ida R., Kin. 06, Lehi, Utah. Thurman, Lucile, B. A. 12, 522 Center St., Salt Lake City. Thurman, Margaret, B. A. 13, Lehi, Utah. Thurman, Matilda M., N. 04, Lehi, Utah. Thurman, Miriam Brown, ABs, Lehi, Utah. Tibbey, Benjamin F., B. S. 05 69 ist Ave., Salt Lake City. Tibbey, Mrs. Benj., N. 01 (formerly Ardella Bitner), 69 ist Ave., City. Tibbs, Jessie Ella, N. 03 (later Mrs. D. C. Kunz), 869 W. Ist So., Salt Lake City. Tillbury, Mrs. Milan, N. 01 (formerly Julia Etta Jenkins), West Jordan, Utah. Tillotson, Rulon, Med. 18, 748 24 St., Ogden, Utah. Tingey, Mrs. F. S., 130 N. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Tipton, Hattie Y., Edu. 14, 70 E. 12th So., Salt Lake City. Tipton, Jacob H., “3. S. 13, University of Utah. ; Todd, Florence May, N . 07, Farmington, Utah. Todd, John Edwin, 04, Payson, Utah. Tolman, David es N. 03, Bountiful, Utah. Tolhurst, Vivian Fulton, A. B. 11 (later Mrs. L. L. Btuler), Hazelton, Pa. Tolman, Justin, B. A. 15, Bountiful, Utah. 111 Tolton, Irene, A. B. 13, Instructor. U. of. U. Toone, Dora, N. 08, 565 N. 16th W., Salt Lake City. Toronto, Joseph B., B.S. 16, 34 A St., City. Towler, Richard C., B. S. 08, Murray, Utah. Towler, Mrs. Richard, B. A. 08 (formerly Ivy Harriet Cleg- horn), 290 No. State St., Murray, Utah. Townsend, May Abbott, N. 13, Park City, Utah. Tracy, Joseph Moroni, B. S. 10, 2545 Brinker Ave., Ogden, Utah. -Tracy, Vera, Edu. 16, also B. S. 18, Ogden, Utah. ravers, Winw Ming bene. 05;°: care Ov oSs. Lic Rowe R,, Pocatello, Idaho. Tremayne, Amy E., N. 13, 630 E. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Tremayne, Hattie, N. 06, 630 E. 4th So., Salt Lake City. Tripp, Flora Estella (later Mrs. Dr. J. A. Robertson), N. 96, 06, 73 No. 2nd W., Salt Lake City. Tripp, Robert B. Deceased. ; Tripp, Sadie,,N. 80 (later Mrs. Orson Howard), 1105 1st St., Salt Lake City, U. of U. Trout, Essie Christine, N. 11, 151 W. 6th So., Salt Lake City. Trowbridge, Mrs. J. A., N. 11 (formerly Lilly C. Fager- strom), 28 Frederick Apts., Oakland, Calif. Tuddenham, Florence Emma, Kind. 07 (later Mrs. J. E. Langford, Jr.), 663 2nd Ave., Salt Lake D- Turner, Evelyn I., N. 05, Ogden, Utah. Turner, Vila, N. 17, R. D. No. 1, Sandy, Utah. Tuttle, Christa S., Edu. 12, Bountiful, Utah. Tuttle, Marion Taylor, A. B. 18, 131 So. 8th H., Salt Lake City. Tyndale, Mrs. Elsie Honn, M. A. 11, Ee 2nd Ave., Salt Lake iCity. ayn; Dre Brancis:..©;). 1912: Tyree, Bertha, N. 1909 (later. Mrs. A. L. Moreton), 519 D St., Salt Lake City. *Udy, Marion J. M., S. 16, Farmington, Utah. — *Ure, J. Alma, B. S. 06, 24830 Walnut Ave., Forest Dale. Ure, Sida B., (now Mrs. Bennion), Kindergarten 12, City. Ure, Rachel, N. 96, 936 East 11th So. Teacher. Urie, Elizabeth Hutcheson, N. 09, Cedar City, Utah. Urie, Mary Main, N. 07, Hamilton Fort, Iron County, Utah. *U. S. Service. L12 « Valentine, HHen, N. 81. Deceased. Valentine, Ethel, N. 10, 78 Q St. Valentine,. Hazel, (later Mrs. Hazel V. Spencer), N. 07, (no address). Van Cott, Edith, (later Mrs. E. Palmer), N. 94, 1449 So. West Temple, City. Van Cott, Effay, (later Mrs. D. M. Young), N. 12, 1728 So. Main St., ‘City. Van Cott, Dr. Enoch, N. 97, 214 ‘West 5th So., or 422 Kearns Bldg., City. M. D. Van Cott, Harold, Dr., N. 95, 501 Hast 9th So., or Judge Bldg,. City. Van Cott, Ivy, B. A. 16, 1285 Yale Ave., City. Van Cott, Lovina, (later Mrs. A. White), N. 96, 1531 West Temple St., City. Van Cott, Lucy May, N. 88, 334 University St., City, Dean of Women, U. of U. Van Cott, Luta, N. 938, 515 So. 2nd West. (Later Mrs. EH. T. Hills.) Van Cott, Olivia, (later Mrs. T. Davis), N. 93. (No ad- dress.) *Van Cott, Oscar, B. 8S. 14, N. 88, 1128 So. Main, City. Van Cott, Ray, N. 91, 1451 So. W. Temple, City. Van Cott, Waldemar, N..79, 169 EH. Ist So., Regent, U. of U. Van Dyke, Robert, Literature 79. Deceased. Van Hoose, Grant, N. 01, B. A. 03, no address. Van Houten, Emma Laura, (Mrs. Nelson Keller), N. 02, 436 11th So., City. Van Houton, Mary, (Mrs. J. Fred Anderson), N. 96, 752 Roberta St., City. Van Orden, Edmond Merrill, B. S. 11, Lewiston, Utah; manager Lewiston. Furn. & Hdw. Co. Van Pelt, Helen, A. B. 14, 946 East 11th So., City. Van Pelt, Marion, A. B. 11, 946 East 11th So., City. *Van Pelt, Roger, A. B. 17, 946 East 11th So., City. s Van Rensellaer, Jane, N. 14, 15 West 6th So., City. Van Tromp, Mabel, N. 08, (no address). : Van Vorhis, Mrs, Lemert, (formerly Mary . Grimsdell), N. 13, 753 Hast 4th So. Varley, Thomas, B. 8. 07, University of Idaho, U. S. Bureau of Mines, Moscow. Vernon, Weston, A. B. 95, Logan, Utah, Prof. B. Y. College. Vincent, Anette H., N. 17, 683 N. 2nd West, City. 113 Vincent, Sarah E., (later Mrs. \W. H. Stewart), N. 82, 1133 _ Hast 8rd So., City. Vorse, Mrs. A. J., Keith Apts., Vose, Marion A., N. (formerly Bertha B. Cherry), N. 1900, City. 12, Macomb, Ill. Waddell, Annie Lambert, N. 03, 342 So. 1st West, City. Wade, Annie E., N. 94, (no address). Wade, Florence A., (now Mrs. Walter A. Johnns), N. 94, Pleasant View, Utah. Wade, Mrs. James, (formerly Carrie Atkins), N. 07, 390 Wall St., City. Wade, Jas. (William, B. S. 05, 419 Judge Bldg., City. Wade, Jos. Davis, N. 94, Brigham City, Utah. Deceased. Wagstaff, Mabel Selena, N. Waldon, Mrs., 07, Holliday, Utah. (formerly Irene Scobee), N. 13, 39 Lisbon Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Waldrom, Lorenzo, N. 77, Rexburg, Idaho. Walker, Carrie, Kindergarten 07, Minersville, Utah. Walker, Harlan Arthur, A. & S. 16, 673 13th East, City. Walker, Irma Mary, N. 04, (no address). Walker, Walker, Walker, Walker, Walker, Jas. H., N. 08, Supt. Schools Alpine School Dist. . Walker, Jesse Myron, B. S. 09, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Walker, John Alvine, N. 87. Deceased. Walker, Laurence Ros, N. 07, Lindon, Utah. Walker, Leland A., B. S. 12, (no address). M. Edith, A. B. 12, 269 5th East, City. Neva E., N. 12, 654 So. 6th East, City. Robt. Elgin, A. and §.-16, Union, Utah. Robert, N. 07, Lindon, Utah. (Wall, Katherine Cecelia, N. 00, (no address). Wallace, Anetta Larree, Kindergarten 18, Murray R. D. 1%. Wallace, Henry J., N. 78, 1851 East Ist So., City. Wallace, Henrica Virginia, (now ‘Mrs. Thompson), NEO (no address). Wallace, Josephine, A. and S. 14, (Mrs. H. D. Steysons), East Ely, Nevada. *Wallace, John McChrystal, A. and S. 16, 64 So. 9th East City. Wallace, Lavetta, N. 14, Brigham City, Utah. Wallace, L. A., B. S. 17, 1004 Princeton Ave., City. *In U. S. Service. 114 Wallace, Leda May, (Mrs. Sterling J. Snow), B. A. 12, 1351 East Ist So., City. Wallace, Lois, B. A. 09, 1351 East 1st So., City. Wallace, William R., Chemistry 81, 64 So. 9th Hast, City. Wallace, Wm. S., N. 94, (mo address). Walsh, Henela May, (now Mrs. Jos. Williams) NGOS Tae 3rd Ave., City. Walter, Clarence R., N. 92, So. Cottonwood. Walter, Henry Lampert, B. A. 05, 368 University Ave., City. Walters, R. H., B. S. 138, Box 172, Price, Utah. Walton, Edna, N. 12, 439 So. 11th Hast, City. Walton, Louise, A. B. 18, 1264 Hast ond So., City. Walton, Mrs. Paul, N. 06, Woodruff, Utah, (Formerly Le- nore Watts.) Walton, Thos., N. 79, (no address). Wanless, Lillian, N. 12, 546 So. lst West, City. Wanless, Mary, N. 12, 1130 Roosevelt Ave., City. Waples, Hattie Leone, Kindergarten 09, 161 F St., City. Ward, Elsie J.. (now Mrs. W. L. Lowe), N. 05, Brigham City, Utah. Ward, George James, N. 04, Ward, Idaho. Ward, John Welton, N. 07, (no address). Ward, Dr. William T., N. 01, 10 Avondale Apts., City. ‘Wardrop, Cecelia, (now Mrs. Lacelle Cummings), N. 09. 465 So. 12th East, City. Wardrop, Grover Orsen, B. S. 15, 1814 5th East, City. _ Ware, Florence, N. 13, 1184 7st Ave., City, Instructor, ite of U. Wareing, Norma J., N. 12, 373 5th Ave., City. Wareing, Luella, N, 06, 373 5th Ave., City. Warner, Hormer Condland, B.A. 18; ‘Peterson, Utah. Warthen, Mabel, N. 03, Springville, Utah: *Warthman, LeRoy, A. B. 14, 463 5th Ave., City. Watkins, Mary Ada, N. 08, 585 ist Ave., City. Watkins, Mary Bertha, A. B. 18, 1155 EH. 2nd So., City. Watson, Alonzo W., A. B. 14, 333 D St., City. Watson, Edw. H., B. A. 09, 1033 Lake St., City. Watson, Ernest Eugene, Bo pislie Park City, Utah. Watson, Estelle Kate, A. B. 1900, ‘(now Mrs. D. B. Shields), 322 Douglas Ave., City. Watson, Margaret, (now Mrs. Earl ener yaa! mean Fe wid asa 3rd Ave., City. 115 Watson, Martha Jane, A. and S. 16, 219 5th East, City. Watters, Leon Laizer, B. S. 97, 2875 Broadway, N. Y. Wattis, Ethel, N. 08, 664 28th St., Ogden, Utah. Watts, Lenore, N. 06, (now Mrs. Paul Walton), Murray, Utah. Wauchope, Donna, N. 17, 624 So, 4th Hast, City. Weaver, {Mary J., N. 80, Echo City, Utah. Webb, Lucile, N. 12, 673 3rd Ave., City. Webb, Nathaniel H., B. A. 12, Tooele, Utah. Webb, Retta Zippora, N. 08, (no address). Webb, Winifred Louis, N. 02, 779 38rd Ave., City. Weber, Georgina B., N. 87, 131 2nd Ave., City. Weeden, Louissa, N. 82, (no address). - Wegg, David Spencer, M. S. 15, 1280 East So. Temple, City. Weggeland, Annie, (now Mrs. ‘A. W. Cochran), Ne'9ie ceased. Weggeland, Geo. A., N. 92, 612 So. 4th East, City. ‘Weitz, Madeline, A. B. 14, 667 East 2nd So., City. Welch, Chas. A., N. 81, Cowley, Wyo. ‘Welch, Nellie, N. 06, 733 So. West Temple, City. Welch, Julia, N. 03, 7385 So. West. Temple, City. Welch, Veda Elnora, N. 18, 3233 Pacific Ave., City. Weldon, Ella, N. 13, Eureka, Utah. Welling, Arthur, N. 07, R. D. No. 4, Murray, Utah. Wellman, Mary Edna, N. 06, (no address). Wells, Catherine, 323 2nd Ave., City. Wells, Emmeline, E. L. L. 79, 15 So. 8th Hast, City. Wells, Heber M., 61 1st Ave., City. Wells, Helen, A. B. 18, 101 2nd Ave., City. Wells, Hermon J., B. A. 16, Milford, Utah. Wells, Junius M., "140 A. St., City. De- Wells, Louisa Elizabeth, A. B. 18, 675 Hast e1st So., City. Wells, Lyde, N. 81, 15 8th East, City. Wells, Marjorie, N. 14, 1540 Garfield Ave., City. Wells, Martha, N .15, 61 Ist Ave., City. Wells, Miriam Young, A. B. 18, 675 Hast 21st So., City. Wells, Mrs. R. 8., N. 93, 101 2nd St., City. Wells, Mrs. Seymour (formerly Helen Clawson), N. 14, 11th East, ‘City. West, Eleroy, N. 13, Pleasant Grove, Utah. West, Jabez William J., B. A. 15, Sugar City, Idaho. West, Lydia L., N. 14, Pleasant Grove, Utah. , West, Viola, N. 14, Pleasant Grove, Utah. 33% 116 Weston, Geo. Nehemiah, N. 03, Lake Town, Utah. Weston, John Henry, N. 03, Lake Town, Utah. Wheeler, Fanny Cordel, N. 99, 311 W. 3rd No., City. Whelan, Lillie Helen, N. 03, 306 East 3rd So., City. Wherrit, Mrs., N. 01, (formerly Helen Lundberg), Heber City, Utah. Whipple, Amy, (now Mrs. E. O. Taylor), N. 92, 260 Can- yon Road, City. Whitaker, Bernice, N. 15, Ogden, Utah. Whitaker, Bessie, N. 12, 975 Garfield Ave., City. Whitaker, John M., N. 93, 975 Garfield Ave., City. Whitaker, Marguerite, N. 14, 975 Garfield Ave., City. White, Mrs., (formerly May Billings), N. 02, 52 So. 5th West, City. White, Clara, N. 07, 47 So. 8th East, City. White, Claudius, N. 94. Deceased. White, Edgar, N. 08, ‘Monroe, Utah. White, Edgar H., A. B. 14, Beaver, Utah. White, Edna, N. 12, Beaver, Utah. White, Jas. Louis, A. and S. 16, 40 So. 6th East, City. White, Mrs. J.-A., (formerly Lovina Van Cott), N. 96, 419 I Street, City. White, Jos. Parley, Science 92, Athena Apts., ‘City. White, Mamie, N. 99, (Mrs. Oscar Bird), 17 East between 10th and 11th So., City. White, Marguerite, N. 12, 129 No. 2nd West, City. White, Mrs. Mary Stay, (formerly Mary Dot Stay), N. 99. _ Sugar Station, City. White, Marian (now Mrs. Percy Dayer), A. B. 14, Cornell . Apts., City. White, Mrs. Percy L., (formerly Jane Gabbot), N. 14, Aus- tin, Nev. White, Mrs. Reginald, (formerly Bernice Driggs), N. 01, Sandy, Utah. White, Luela, N. 12, Beaver, Utah. White, Pauline Maud, (now Mrs. Leo Fairbanks), N. 08, 1560 Harrison Ave., City. White, Wynona, N. 06, "Beaver, Utah. Whitecotton, Wendell Maurice, B. A. 15, (no adavecen Whitehead, Claire Jessie, (now Mrs. Alex Burrell), N. 97, St. Louis, Mo. . Whitehead, Winnifred, N. 97, (no address). Whiteley, Marjorie, A. B. 18, 1411 Wilson Ave., City. 117 Whitesides, Emil, N. 14, Layton, Utah. Whiting, Floyd S., N. 14, Robinson, Utah. Whitney, Gary Myron, B. S. 18, 577 9th Ave., City. Whitney, Horate G., N. 98, 83 2nd Ave., City. ’ Whitney, Orson F., N. 944, 160 4th Ave., City. . Whitmeyer, Geo. Randolph, B. S. 11, Ogden, Utah. Whitmore, Lorin Alma, A. B. 11, Nephi, Utah. Whitworth, Violet May, N. 02, No. 9 Bernice Apts., City. Wickershaw, Lewis, N. 93, (no address). Widdison, Laura, N. 02, Pugsley Court, City. Widtsow, Mrs. J. A., (formerly Leah Dunford), N. 96, 220 -so. 12th EH., City. Wightman, Genevieve, N. 12, Payson, Utah. Wilcken, Anna Theresa, (now Mrs. |F. Y. Fox), N. 03, 328 ly. St., City. . Wileken, Bertha, (now Mrs. Heleman Pratt), N. 88, Dub- lan, Chaucahua, Mexico. Wilcox, Bessie Dee, N. 10, 728 So. 2nd West, City. Wilcox, Chas. F., N. 80, 378 First Ave., City. Wilcox, Chas. F., Jr., A. B. 13, 378 1st Ave., City. Wilcox, Clair Augusta, B, A. 15, 378 First Ave., City. (Now Mrs. M. F. Noall.) Wilcox, Clyde H., School of Mines, Soda Springs, Idaho. Wilcox, Julia, N. 14, Lehi, Utah. Wilcox, Mrs. ‘Chas. F., H. L. L. 81, 378 First Ave., City. Wilcox, Ramona S., (now Mrs. Jas. J. Cannon), B. A 08, 378 First Ave, City. ‘Wilcox, Tillie, (now Mrs. Bliss), N. 79, 262 Canyon Road, City. Wiley, Mrs. Hazel, (formerly Hazel Snyder), N. 13, 702 So. 6th E., City. : Wilken, Lois, N. 13, 879 7th Hast, City.. Wilkinson, Beatrice, B. A. 1900, (now Mrs. Seth F. Rigby), (no address). Wilkinson, Edna, N. 08, 466 F St., City. Wilkinson, Jos. T., Jr., N. 01, Cedar City, Utah. Wilkinson, Ivy, N. 10, 937 Garfield Ave., City. *Willard, Arthur Louraine, B. L. 16. Willes, Eva Wanda, N. ‘11, Lehi, Utah. Willey, Isreal E., N. 95, 605 Scott Bldg., City. Williams, Anna Beulah, N. 10, (no address). Williams, Annie E., N. 09, 908 West 1st No., City. 118 Williams, Mrs. Bert R., (formerly Mary E. Howard), N 1900, 501 Union St., Seattle, Oregon, Williams, Clare, (now Mrs. John Hardy), Kindergarten 04, (no address). Williams, Clyde Elmer, B. Ss. 15, 1057 Lake St., City. Williams,' Dorothy, N. 09, No. 9 Rustic Ct., City, Williams, Eva, B.A. 15, N. 10, Knickerbocker Apts., City. Williams, Gilbert jW., B. A. 12, Barton Apts., City. Williams, Irene, N. 14, 91 Hast 17th So., City. Williams, Jean, (now Mrs. Henry Richardson), Apel 649 East 8rd So., City. Williams, Maud L., B. A. 09, 49 So. 5th West, City. Williams, (Minnie Blanch, N. 10, 844 Wash. St., City. Williams, Rex Winder, B. A. 17, 520 Hast 2nd So., City. Wiliams, Riley Berry, N. 18, Kanarraville, Utah. Williams, Rees J., Jr., N. 09, Kanarra, Utah. Williams, Sarah Melva, B. A. 15, Ogden, Utah. Williams, Thos. E., N. 84, Kaysville, Utah. Williams, Victor, B. A. 18, Taylorsville, Utah. Williams, Mrs. Wm. N., (formerly Clarissa Smith), N. 76. Knickerbocker Apts., City. Williamson, Frank, N. 08, Paragoonah, Utah. Williamson, Elizabeth, (now Mrs. Frank see ee N: 97; 468 So. 12th East, City. Williamson, Mary, A. B. 17, (Wellsville, Utah. Williamson, Mary, N. 12, 353 6th Ave., City. Willis, Mrs. Leon, (formerly Gladys Morning), Bowl: cae 240 Orchard Square, City. | Wilschefski, Augusta F., N. 97, 908 Jefferson St., City. Wilson, Clifford Sheets, B. S. 10, Driggs, Idaho. *Wilson, Earl Marion, L. L. B. 17, Care Beta Theta Pi. Wilson, Effie, (now Mrs. Effie W. Thomas), N. 05, 105 Canyon Road, City. Wilson, Jos. Ellis, N. 75, 291 Center St., City. (Wilson, Katherine By 18; 212 nC SEs Cie Wilson, Mary,-.N. 09, 469 12th St., Ogden, Utah. Wilson, Mary Ellen, N. 09, 703 12th St., Ogden, Utah. Wilson, Melvin, B. S. 15, Payson, Utah. Wilson, Nellie, N. 06, 346 Sherman Ave., Gity. Wilson, T. Ross, B. S. 08, Driggs, Idaho. Wilson, Sarah Grace, N. 05, 703 12th St., Ogden, Utah. Wilson, Thos., N. 76, Driggs, Idaho. Wilson, Walter Robt., N. 96, Taylorsville, Utah. 119 Weimmer, Mrs. Reed, (formerly Adelaide Eichnor), B. A. 13, Woodruff, Utah. Winberg, Eva., (now Mrs. Cummings), N. 95, 560 No. lst. West, City. (Winchester, Cloe, N. 06, 14th So. and State, Muray, Utah. Winder, Jean, B. A. 12, (now Mrs. J. W. Jones), B. A. 12, Gunnison; Utah. Winder, \Mrs. L. C., (formerly Mary Shepherd Horne), B. A. 15, Burbank, Utah. Winder, Lizzie, N. 05, (no address). iWinder, iMrs. Wm. (formerly Rose Taylor), N. 79, Mill Creek, Utah. Winegar, Anna, N. 92, (no address). Winegar, |Fred Druce, B. S. 06, 185 East 8th So., City. Winegar, Mamie, (now Mrs. F. D. Keeler), N. 93, 939 East 17th So., City. Winegar, Thos., N. 08, Woods ‘Cross, Utah. Winkler, Leah, N. 13, Mt. Pleasant, Utah. Winn, Hyacinth, N. 16, 837 W. No. Temple, City. Winslow, Edith Louise, B. A. 16, 609 East 9th So., City. Winslow, Lydia G., (married), Kindergarten 04, Evanston, Wyo. Winter, H. Augusta, (now Mrs. Heber J. Grant), N. 77, 201 8th Ave., City. Winter, Delia, (now Mrs. John Booth), N. 77, Provo, Utah. *Winterutz, David H., B. A. 13, Colorado Springs, Colo. Wintle, J. Wesley, B. A. 18, 878 28th St., Ogden, Utah. Wismar, Lydia, N. 1900, (no address). Wittwer, John Hiram, N. 07, Santa Clara, Utah. Wittwer, Jos., N. 07, Santa Clara, Utah. Wixom, Rupert L. ,N. 06, (no address). Wonnacott, Mrs. Frank W., (formerly Annie P. Branch), N. 05, 216 No. 1st West, City. Wood, Mrs. Arthur J., (formerly Nellie Coulean N. 08, 1055 10th East, City. Wood, Gertrude Delores, Kindergarten 08, (no address). *Wood, John Clarence, N. 05, 287 No. 1st West, ‘City. _ Wood, Mrs. J. F., (formerly Matilda Monteith), N. 94, Promontory, Utah. Wood, Mary Ada, (now Mrs. R. Armstrong), N. 07, Enoch, Utah. Woodbury, Carrie, N. 92, City. Woodbury, Chas, T., B. L. 13, Milford, Utah. < 120 Woodbury, Harrison B., B. 8S. 09, Sugar House Sta., R. D. No. 2, Box 114. ‘ Woodbury, John T, N. 81, St. George, Utah. Woodbury, Lillian Lambert, N. 15, 236 Orchard Square, — City. Woodbury, Max William, N. 02, St. George, Utah. Woodford, Flora, B. A. 13, 579 Center St., City. Woodmansee, Ethel, N. 92, (no address). Woodmansee, Flora, N. 11, 434 East 11th So., City. Woodruff, Mrs. Asael, (formerly Luella Taylor), N. 10, East of 11th East, Browning Ave., City. Woodruy, B. Y., N. 77. Deceased. Woodruff, Mrs. Dare, (formerly Josephine Studebaker), N. — 98, 68 Larimer St., City. (Woods, Mrs. Geo., (formerly Adda Ridges), N. 76, Bounti- tol tan, Shae Woodward, Mrs. Carlos, (formerly Irene Branch), N. 084, Winterquarters, Utah. Woolf, Anna, (now Mrs. ‘Carl Gurgerman), N. 91, 1469 Lex- ington Ave., New York. Woolf, Wilford, A. and S. 16, 744 So. 5th Hast, in es Woolf, Walace G., B. S. 12, 128 G@ St., City. Woolf, (Wm. Layne, B.S: 11, Cardston, Canada. Woolf, Zina iA., B. A. 12, 744 So. 5th East, City. Woolley, Mrs. Edwin, (formerly Emma Rumel), 358 So. 5th Hast, City. . *Woolley, Jed Foss, Jr., B. S. 11, Milford, Utah. *Woolley, LeGrande, A. B. 11, Kanab, Utah. Woolley, Marion D., E. L. L. 81, Deceased. Woolley, Olive Frank, B. A. 18, 860 So. 2nd East, City. . Woolley, Ralf [Rumel, B. S. 08,care Utah Copper Co., Ar- thur, Utah. ‘Woolley, Mrs. Shirley, (formerly Lillian Horne), N. 1900, 2398 9th East, City. Woolsey, Ray T., B. A. 14, (no address). Woolslayer, Mary, B. S. 16, Woods Cross, Utah. - Wonn, Ruby Marion, (now Mrs. H. P. Parsons), B. A. 05, Park City. World, Beulah M., B. A. 13, 326 W. N. Temple, City. World, Caleb W., B. A. 17, 526 (West No. Temple, City. World, John B., A. and S. 16, 326 No. Temple, City. Worlton, Frederick D., B. A. 10, Lehi, Utah. Worlton, Jas. Timbrell, N. 02, 926 Lincoln Ave., City. conga Te nj 121 Worthen, Bessie, N. 08, 566 East 10th So., City. Worthlin, Mrs. Jos., N. 13, (no address). Wright, Dorothy, Kindergarten 07, Richleld, Utah. ‘Wright, Elias Spencer, Medicine 16, 321 1st Ave., City. Wright, Kenneth Crawford, B. S. 15, Brigham, Utah. Wright, Wallace Hinton, B. S. 15, Hinkley, Utah. Wymen, Mrs.'C. A., (formerly Daphne Bateman), N. 07, Box G, Richfield, Utah. Wyman, Paul, B. A. 08, Portland, Oregon. Yeaman, Marian, N. 13, 816 Ashton Ave., City. Yearsley, Libie, (now Mrs. H. T. Hatfield), N. 02, 344 Hast 5th So., City. Yokoyama, Hidesaburo, B. A. 18, Mito, Japan. Yoslujnura, Geo. Uichi, B. S. 17, Yamaguchiken, Japan. Young, Alonzo, 75. Deceased. Young, Blanche, N. 01, 766 Browning Ave., ‘City. Young, Brigham §&., N. 93, 212 5th Ave., City. Young, Claire, B. A. 07, (now Mrs. Jos. Howell), Cathness Apts., City. *Young, Clark, B. A. 17, 305 1st Ave., City. Young, Corinne E., N. 12, 536 East 8rd So., City. Young, Dow Harold, B. S. 15, 350 Hast So. Temple, City. Young, Effay Van Cott, N. 16, Grass Valley, Calif. Young, Mrs. D. H., (formerly Ellay Van Cott), N. 12, 1728 So. Main, City. Young, Emeline Free, (now Mrs. U. D. Nebeker), N. 95, 123 4th Hast, City. Young, Mrs. Emerson, (formerly Mabel Edith Dev N. 99, (no address). Young, Ernest Thos., L.L. B. 17, 55 So. 13th Haat: es Young, Francis M., N. 99, Provo, Utah. Young, Georgia, B. A, 08, No. 5 ‘White Apts, City. Young, Harriet, (now Mrs. Nephi L. Morris), B. A. 06, 76 West ist No., City. Young, Harry Augustus, N. 89, Vernal, Utah. Deceased. ae Young, Hortense Claire, B. A. 16, 48 4th Hast, City. Young, H. S., N. 02, No. 5 White Apts., City. Deceased. Young, Irene, N. 07, 856 Hast 3rd So., City. Young, Jas. R., B. A. 14, Rexburg, Idaho. *U. S. Service. EPUGESAULESEELTGRUSLAGUANGEUAEAUSEOTSRSEEES EA SERLETESTS UTS PADT EAST Ug NCADP ET VEDA TEE DES SLUT SECA ES PERE AE in oe UUEEESEEDUSERDEESUCSPEDDUESTASEUSOSESUSERUUEDAUDESEELUEEESESDSD COLSECSEURUURUEL ES CTELECEESESELOLDENESENG SEE REDEUUTIZESgS Ca) OELADIOGE2ES EOL HU0 EPESENESELEUTRERESSEREEPEREEY nos CE PERU ET CECE 24 PUTEEESDINLECUEUEDELUERERDRSDEEZ E20 2089 CETEEEES PPD EPSEUSEDISTUPERIERIE Invitation ISITORS are always welcome. V The Alumni and their friend¢g are especially welcome to visit the University at any time, A day is set apart during the Com- mencement week of each year known as Alumni Day, On this day in par- ticular the Alumni and their friends will own the University, The Faculty and old acquaintances will be on hand to receive you, Pay her a visit on this day and give your Fostering Mother an opportunity to welcome you again to your Educa- tional Home. AEACELER EG ASG EO EEERLUU CES EABEALERAL ES ECEAIVELT TEE CEASSOREREE EG ES EUUTEED EELS TOL ET ESYATOSEPEES EECA CUPEEECU REESE PPELEAT ECSU UAU GEES TAS UECREESES LL CEE CDRP ESERIES CGP EUS SERB EAT TEU CEO ERULEREU EU SE UESGESPAR ES OES DEL CGS FEES OETSENEEEOUEGLEEgaPE EARLE BLED ES ESLLASOTEI Cp ae CESEULEDESEALELESUOLAT BEAT EL ES DD IGELSPTAEETERPEEESTRL ESL TATNTEELETET RT TTT TEESE LALA ELT EA TETL PEDAL TET ARAESTTAER EEG EL TTL EE DELETERLLL LUE ERPAT LT EEREREEL Eat cee cat PUAAUDEREREELEREOEEUSLERERSUASDESUACHEIULEES CESESEDERLUEEO ELDERS SS EADST HE University has grown so rapidly within the last few years that many of its Alumni’ are hardly aware of the greater opportu- nities it now affords for practical and higher education. Would it not be a pleasure to visit — the Alma Mater on Alumni Day and see for yourself the progress that has been made? > tvtQUERUSAUOARLEADOAABEAEA OETA ARES BOO DEE ROADAO URS TAN NAR TA TGOSOUEFEAN HBT AE UESUURE CLOT ARG EAFED ATE AVA ASTUTE AREA TEUE ETE ASGHAR UPED UA SEEDER EEA HEATERS ‘eeegrédnvervenexatenosauynensenconsvegsgnyatessesvesvs naevus tersuyngeresgn1 ovat 8ST seveeOnsT Cente esHUer asUEEReRSUAUOT RESALE CENTURY PRINTING CO