mop IECT- INDEX TO THE A. L. A. BOOKLIST VOL. 1— 6 JANUARY 1905 — JUNE 1910 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD 1 WASHINTGON STREET CHICAGO University of i\linois Library at Yroana-Champaign Oak Street SUBJECT INDEX In preparing this index considerable revision of the subject headings as suggested in the Booklist during the last six years has been found necessary. In this revision the probable main uses of the index—as a reference and buying list—have been the determining factors. Analytical work has been done wherever the material seemed likely to be useful to the average library. With few exceptions forms of headings follow those in the A. L. A. Catalog. No cross references have been made that are given in it, or in the Cumulatwe Book Index, since there are few libraries that have not one or both of these for ref- erence. A very few references not given in them have been included. . The April 1905 number has been indexed as if the paging had run continuously; that is, p. 3°is 35 and p. 10 is 42. The index to children’s books follows this. The editor wishes to acknowledge her indebtedness to Mrs Harriet Price Sawyer for her assistance in this work and to the Wisconsin Library paced for giving the time that she has spent on it. Abbey, Edwin Austin MecSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. Abbreviations Medlicott. Abbreviations used in book catalogues. 1906. 2:65. Abruzzi, Italy Macdonnell. In the Abruzzi. 1909. 6:79. Abyssinia Skinner. Abyssinia of today. 1906. 3:129. Accademia gallery Cruttwell. Guide to the paintings in the Florentine gal- leries. 1907. 3:221. Accidents Pilcher. First aid in illness and injury. 9th ed. 1905. 1369. ; Accounting Cole.. Accounts. 1908. 5:37. Garrison. Accounting every business man should know. 1909. 6:165. Hatfield. Modern accounting. 1909. 5:168. Actors and acting Diary of a Daly débutante. 1910. 6:372. Dramatic index for 1909 [annual] 1910. 6 Eaton. American stage of today. 1908. 5:9. 8B he Sib es 4 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Fyvie. Tragedy queens of the Georgian era. 1909. 6:73. Martin. Monographs: Garrick, Macready, Rachel, and Baron Stockmar, 1906. 3:46. Moses. Famous actor families in America. 1906. . 3:47. Symons. Plays, acting and music. 1909. 6:62. Winter. Other days. 1908. 4:300. Adams, John Parker. Historic Americans. 1909. 6:229. Adams, John Quincy Parker. Historic Americans. 1909. 6:229. Adams, Samuel Lodge. A frontier town and other essays. 1906. 3:12. Adriatic Sea Jackson. Shores of the Adriatic: the Austrian side. 1908. 5:139. Adventure Sanderson. Heroes of pioneering. 1908. 4:149. ‘ Wright. Adventures in the arctic regions. -1909. 6:352. Advertising Calkins & Holden. Modern advertising. 1905. 1:35. Deland. Imagination in business. 1909. 6:112. De Weese. Principles of practical publicity. 2d ed. 1908. Dr 210: French. Art and science of advertising. 1909. 6:12. Holt. Commercialism and journalism. 1909. 6:284. Scott. Psychology of advertising. 1908. 5:20. Sparling. Introduction to business organization. 1906. 3:105. Stelzle. Principles of successful church advertising. 1908. - 5:110. Aegean Islands Marden. Greece and the Aegean Islands. 1907. 4:196. Aerial navigation | Aero club of America. Navigating the air. 1907. 3:191. Berget. Conquest of the air. 1909. 6:237. Hearne. Aerial warfare. 1909. 4:104. -Airships in peace and war. 2d ed. 1910. 6:418. Lougheed. Vehicles of the air. 1909. 6:388. Maxim. Artificial and natural flight. 1908. 5:106. Rotch. Conquest of the air. 1909. 6:125. Turner. Aerial navigation of today. 1909. 6:258. Afghanistan Bouillane de Lacoste. Around Afghanistan. 1909. 6:157. Hamilton. Afghanistan. 1906. 3:43. Africa Knight. Over-sea Britain. 1907. 4:192. Africa—Description and travel Churchill. My African journey. 1908. 5:101. Davis. The Congo and the coasts of Africa. 1907. 4:39. Kirkland. Some African highways. 1908. 4:291. Schillings. Flashlights in the jungle. 1905. 2:36. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS D Selous. African nature notes and reminiscences. 1908. 5:49. Africa, Central | Lloyd. In dwarf land and cannibal country. 1907. 4:195. Uganda to Khartoum. 1906. 3:99. MacQueen. In wildest Africa. 1909. 6:288. Schillings. In wildest Africa. 1907. 4:17. Springer. The heart of Central Africa. 1909. 6:51. _ Wollaston. From Ruwenzori-to the Congo. 1908. 6:24. Africa, East Dugmore. Camera adventures in the African wilds. 1910, 6:323. MacQueen. In wildest Africa. 1909. 6:288. Madeira. Hunting in British East Africa. 1909. 6:288. Patterson. In the grip of the nyika. 1909. 6:291. Rainsford. The land of the lion. 1909. 6:175. Weule. Native life in East Africa. 1909. 6:405. Africa, South. See South Africa . Africa, West Guggisberg. We two in West Africa. 1909. 6:41. Nevinson. A modern slavery. 1906. 2:183. Agricultural chemistry Snyder. Dairy chemistry. 1906. 2:109. Agricultural colonies Kelly. Elimination of the tramp. 1908. 4:191. Agricultural credit Fay. Cooperation at home and abroad. 1908. 5:137. Agricultural experiment stations. Bailey, ed. Cyelopedia of American agriculture. v.4. T909.. 52129. Agricultural machinery Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.1l. RIOTS 32 LF. Casson. Cyrus Hall McCormick; his life and work. 1909. 6:110. Romance of the reaper. 1908. 4:257. Davidson & Chase. Farm machinery and farm motors. 1908. 4:133, Agricultural tools ; Beattie. Repair of farm equipment. 1909. 5:1381. Agriculture = Bailey. The state and the farmer. 1908. 4:233. ed. Principles of agriculture. 15th ed. 1909. 6:141. Butterfield. Chapters in rural progress. 1908. 4:172. Earle. Southern agriculture. 1908. 4:179. Goodrich. First book of farming. 1905. 1:49. - Hall. A little land and a living. 1908. 4:237. Harwood. The new earth. 1906. 2:181. Hunt. How to choose a farm. 1906. 2:240. : Parkinson. Guide to the country home. 1909. 6:291. 6 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Saint Maur. The earth’s bounty. 1909. 5:144. A self-supporting home. 1905. 2:31. Woll. Handbook for farmers and dairymen. 5th ed. _ 1908. 5:68. Agriculture—Accounting + Card. Farm management. 1907. 3:118. Agriculture—Bibliography Greathouse. Index to the Yearbooks of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1901-1905. 1908. 5:166. U. S. Plant industry bureau. Index to papers relating to plant-industry subjects in Yearbooks of Department of Agriculture. 1908. 5:87. U. 8S. Publications division (Agriculture department) Farmers’ bulletin subject index. 1908. 4:317. ; Index to Farmers’ bulletin nos. 1-250. 1907. 4:49. Agriculture—Cyclopedias Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. 4v. 1907-9. 321173 3:219; 872543 -5 129. Agriculture—Study and teaching Abbey. Normal school instruction in agriculture. 1909. 6:269. Bailey. On the training of persons to teach agriculture in the public schools. 1908. 4:314. Training of farmers. 1909. 6:108. ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.4. 1909. 5:129. Coulter and others. Practical nature study and elemen- tary agriculture. 1909. 6:38. Davenport. Education for efficiency. 1909. 6:112. Davis. Rural school agriculture. 1907. 4:134. Hays. Education for country life. 1909. 6:99. Hilgard & Osterhout. Agriculture for schools of the Pa- cific slope. (1910. 6:380: ; Jewell. Agricultural education. 2d ed. 1908. 5:120. True & Crosby. American system of agricultural eduea- tions.” 1909... 6232: Warren. Elements of agriculture. 1909. 6:129. Agriculture—Study and teaching—Bibliography U.S. Experiment stations office (Agriculture department) List of publications on agricultural education. 1908. 4:136. Agriculture, Cooperative Fay. Cooperation at home and abroad. 1908. 5:137. Ainsworth, William Harrison Joline. At the library table. 1910. 6:384. Air Macfie. Air and health. 1909. 6:390. Richards & Woodman. Air, water, and food from a sani- tary standpoint. 3d ed. 1909. 6:230. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 7 Alaska—Description and travel Arctander. The apostle of Alaska. 1909. 6:67. Cook. To the top of the continent. 1908. 4:132. Greely. Handbook of Alaska. 1909. 5:166. Higginson, Alaska, the great country. 1908. 5:13. MeLain. Alaska and the Klondike. 1905. 1:58. ~ Mikkelsen. Conquering the Arctic ice. 1909. 6:121. Alaska—Industries and resources Greely. Handbook of Alaska. 1909. 5:166. U. 8S. Geological survey. Mineral resources of Alaska. 1909. 6:101. Alberta Outram. In the heart of the Canadian Rockies. 1905. 2:36. Alcohol Duncan. Chemistry of commerce. 1907. 4:11. Herrick. Denatured or industrial alcohol. 1907. 3:166. Williams. Aleohol. 1909. 6:129. Alcoholism Kelynack, ed. The drink problem in its medico-sociolog- ical aspects. 1907. 4:14. Alcott, Amos Bronson Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Sanborn. Recollections of seventy years. 2v. 1909. 6:49. Alcott, Louisa May Beach. Daughters of the Puritans. 1905. 2:3. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey Greenslet. Life of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. 1908. 4:259. Perry. Park-street -_papers. 1908. 4:263. Winter. Old friends. 1909. 6:24. Alfalfa Coburn. Book of alfalfa. 1906. 3:40. Alfieri, Vittorio Dole. A teacher of Dante. 1908. 4:178. Holland. Builders of united Italy. 1908. 4:289. Alfred the Great, king of England Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. Algiers Crouse. Algiers. 1906. 3:96. Alhambra -Calvert. Granada, present and bygone. 1908. 4:256. Alloys Law. 6:285 Almanacs Farming almanac. 1907. 3:67. Tribune almanac: 1905. 1:31. World almanac. 1905. 1:32. Alloys and their industrial applications. 1909. 8 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Alphabet Abbott. Society and politics in ancient Rome. 1909. 6:235. Alps Abraham. Complete mountaineer. 1908. 44163. Coolidge. Alps in nature and history. 1908. 4:286. Stephen. Playground of Europe. New ed. 1909. 6:149. Altruism McConnell. The duty of altruism. 1910. 6:389. Aluminum Minet. Production of aluminum and its industrial use. 1905. 2:71. America—Bibliography Griffin. Writings on American history, 1906 [annual] 1908. 5:104. : America—Discovery and exploration Champlain. Voyages and explorations. 1906. 3:7. Voyages, 1604-1618. 1907. 4:8. Johnson. French pathfinders in North America. ~1905. 41:135. Laut. Vikings of the Pacific. 1905. 2:5. Morris. Heroes of. discovery in America. 1906. ~ 3:12. The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503. 1906. 3:125. Spanish explorers in the southern United States, 1528— 1543. 1907. 3:227. American literature Brownell. American prose masters. 1909. 6:157. Tappan. Short history of England’s and America’s liter- ature. 1906. 2:149. American literature—Collections Cairns, ed. Selections from early American writers, 1607- 1800. 1909. 6:238. ; American poetry Otis. American verse, 1625-1807. 1909. 5:177. American poetry—Collections Long, comp. American poems, 1776-1900. 1906. 2:212. American wit and humor Matthews. The American of the future. 1909. 6:251. Amusements Bancroft. Games for the blayesount home, school and gymnasium. 1909. 6:275. Hartt. The people at play. 1909. 5:168. Johnston & Chapin. Home occupations for boys and girls, 1908. 5:140. Laughlin, ed. The complete hostess. 1906. 2:100. : Sage & Cooley. Occupations for little fingers. 1905. 1:128. Anderson, Mary Antoinette Winter. Other days. 1908. 4:300. Z INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 9 Anglo-American polar expedition Mikkelsen. Conquering the Arctic ice. 1909. 6:121. Angora goat Thompson. The Angora goat. 1908. 5:124. Animal intelligence Washburn. The animal mind. 1908. 4:215. Animals, Habits and behavior of Cornish. Animal artisans and other studies of birds and beasts. 1907. 4:38. Coupin & Lea. Romance of animal arts and crafts. 1907. 2:236. Ingersoll. The wit of the wild. 1906. 2:240. Jordan. Evolution and animal life. 1907. 4:44. Lottridge. Animal snapshots and how made. 1905. 2:5. Selous. African nature notes and reminiscences. 1908. 5:49. Seton. Life-histories of northern animals. 2v. 1909. 6:399. Animals, Legends and stories of Long. Northern trails. 1905. 1:109. Roberts. . Haunters of the silences. 1907. 3:180. House in the’water. 1908. 4:274. —— Kings in exile. 1910. 6:294. Red Fox. 1905. 1:104. Seton. Biography of a silver-fox. 1909. 5:150. Animals, Photographs and photography of Dugmore. Camera adventures in the African wilds. 1910. 6:323. Lottridge. Animal snapshots and how made. 1905. - 2:5. Schillings. In wildest Africa. 1907. 4:17. Animals, Training of ; Hagenbeck. Beasts and men. 1909. 6:283. Velvin. Behind the scenes with wild animals. 1906. Wild-animal celebrities. 1907. 3:228. Annunzio, Gabriele d’ Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. Antarctic regions Armitage. “Two years in the Antarctic. 1905. 2:9. Greely. Handbook of polar discoveries. 3d ed. 1906. 3:54, a) ‘st | 4th ‘ed. 1909. 6:226. Mill. Siege of the south pole. 1905. 2:6. Seott. Romance of polar exploration. 1906. 2:184. Shackleton. The heart of the Antaretic. 2v. 1909. 6:178. Anthropo-geography Huntington. The pulse of Asia. 1907. 4:43. Ants . McCook. Ant communities and how they are governed. 1909. 6:250. 10 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Apostolic fathers Ropes. Apostolic age in the light of modern criticism. 1906. 3:128. Apple Waugh. The American apple orchard. 1908. 5:112. Apprentices American academy of political and social science. In- dustrial education. 1909. 5:35. Wright. The apprenticeship system and its folation to industrial education. 1908. 5:53. Arabia Davenport. My quest of the Arab horse. 1909. 6:201. Griffith. Behind the veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia. 1909. =~ 52167. Phillipps. In the desert. 1905.. 2:36. Arbitration, International—Bibliography U. 8. Bibliography division, Library of Congress. List of references on international arbitration. 1908. 5:87. Arblay, Frances Burney qd’ More. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. Arbor Day Schauffler, ed. Arbor Day. 1909. 6:177. Archbishops Potter. Reminiscences of bishops and archbishops. 1906. 3:104. Archeology Michaelis. A century of archaeological discoveries. 1908. 6:19. e Architectural design Davison, ed. The arts connected with building. 1909. 6:371. : Architecture Belcher. Essentials in architecture. 1907. 4:100. Blomfield. The mistress art. 1908. 5:100. Jackson. Reason in architecture. 1906. 2:211. Kidder. Architect’s and builder’s pocketbook. 15th ed. 1908.".°5:120: Architecture—Bibliography Society for the promotion of engineering education. Re- vised list of technical books. 1906. 2:194. Architecture—History Fergusson. History of architecture in all countries, New ed. 2v. 1907. 4:119. Hamlin. Text-book of the history of arco 8th ed. 1909. 6:227. Sturgis. History of architecture. 2v. 1906-9. 3:74; 6:349. Architecture, English Gotch. Growth of the English house. 1909. 6:378. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS is Lenygon. Decoration and furniture of English mansions during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 1909. 6:285. Macartney, ed. Recent English domestic architecture. 1909. 6:389. Architecture, French Home. Along the rivieras of France and Italy. 1908. 5:42. Architecture, Greek Browne. Greek architecture. 1909. 6:367. Marquand. Greek architecture. 1909. 5:174. Walters. Art of the Greeks. 3d ed. 1906. 3:145. Architecture, Italian Anderson. Architecture of the renaissance in Italy. 4th ed. 1909. 6:140. Headlam. Venetia and northern Italy. 1908. 5:42. Home. Along the rivieras of France and Italy. 1908. 5:42, Architecture, Spanish Calvert. The Escorial. 1907. 4:130. Dick. The heart of Spain. 1907. 4:134. Joly, ed. Meisterwerke der Baukunst und des Kunstge- werbes in Spanien. n.d. 2v. 4:104. Architecture, Domestic Bevier. The house; its plan, decoration and care. 1907. 3:160. The Delineator’s prize $3000 houses. 1909. 6:163. Desmond & Frohne. Building a home. 1908. 4:177. Embury. One hundred country houses. 1909. 6:164. Gotch. Growth of the English house. 1909. 6:378. Macartney, ed. Recent English domestic architecture. 1909.- +6 389: Sparrow. The English house. 1909. 6:50. Stickley. Craftsman homes. 1909. 6:401. Studio year book of decorative art, 1907. 1907. 4:212. Architecture, Gothic Bond. Gothie architecture in England. 1906. 2:158. Ditchfield. English Gothic architecture. 1904. 1:8. Architecture, Renaissance ¢ Anderson. Architecture of the renaissance in Italy. 1909. 6:140. Lenygon. Decoration and furniture of English mansions during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 1909. 6:285. Arctic regions Amundsen The Northwest Passage. 2v. 1908. 4:282. Fiala. Fighting the polar ice. 1906. 3:41. Greely. Handbook of polar discoveries. 38d ed. 1906. 3:54. —— —— 4th ed. 1909. 6:226. if” 12 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Hoare. Arctic exploration. 1906. 3:97. Mikkelsen. Conquering the Arctic ice. 1909. 6:121. Peary. Nearest the pole. 1907. 3:126. : Scott. Romance of polar exploration. 1906. 2:184. Wright. Adventures in the arctic regions. 1909. 6:352. Argentine Republic . U. S. American republics bureau. Argentine republic. 1909... 6:100. Arizona Grey. Last of the plainsmen. 1908. 4:237. Hornaday. Camp-fires on desert and lava. 1908. 5:78. Summerhayes. Vanished Arizona. 1908. 6:22. Armenia Arpee. The Armenian awakening. 1909. 6:156. Arms and armor Ashdown. Arms and armour. 1909. 6:196. Army life Roe. Army letters from an officer’s wife. 1909. 6:83. Summerhayes. Vanished Arizona. 1908. 6:22. Arnold, Matthew _ Brooke. Four Victorian poets. 1908. 4:285. James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14. Art Perry. The moral economy. 1909. 6:175. Art—History Carotti. History of-art. v.-1-2. 1908-9. 6:8: — Reinach. Apollo. New ed. 1907. 4:122. Art—Study and teaching Bailey. _ Instruction in the fine and manual arts in the United States. 1909. 6:98. Caffin. How to study pictures. 1905. 1:99. Colby. Talks on drawing, painting, making, decorating, for primary teachers. 1909. 6:279. Dow. Theory and practice of teaching art. 1908. 5:135. Sturgis. The appreciation of pictures. 1905. 1:137. Witt. How to look at pictures. 1906. 3:86. Art, Ancient Michaelis. A century of archaeological discoveries. 1908. 6519. . Art, Austrian Jackson. Shores of the Adriatic; the Austrian side. 1908. 5:139. Art, Celtic Allen. Celtic art in pagan and Cepieian times. 1904. 1:39. Armstrong. Art in Great Britain and Ireland. 1909. 6:235. 6:235. Art, English Armstrong. Art in Great Britain and Ireland. 1909. S 235. 6:235. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 13 Art, Greek Fowler. Handbook of Greek archaeology. 1909. 6:282. Walters. The art of the Greeks. 3d ed. 1906. 3:145. Weir. The Greek painters’ art. 1905. 1:60. Art, Italian : Allen. Evolution in Italian art. 1908. 5:35. Cruickshank. Umbrian cities of Italy. 1907. 4:228. Douglas. Venice and her treasures. 1910. 6:378. Hutton. Country walks about Florence. 1908. — 6:15. Lanciani. Golden days of the renaissance in Rome. 1906. 2:241, Ross & Erichsen. Story of Pisa. 1909. 5:109. Art, Japanese Dillon. The arts of Japan. 1909. 6:112. Migeon. In Japan. 1909. 6:289. Art, Roman - Friedlander. Roman life and manners under the early empire. v. 1-2. -1908-9. 6:243. Frothingham. Monuments of Christian Rome from Con- stantine to the renaissance. 1908. 5:77. Art, Spanish Calvert. Madrid. 1909. 5:157. Ellis. The soul of Spain. 1908. - 4:179. Tyler. Spain, a study of her life and arts. 1909. 6:298. Art galleries Preyer. Art of the Metropolitan Museum of New York. 1909. 6:293. é Singleton. Art of the Belgian galleries. 1909. 6:178. Arthur, King Maynadier. The Arthur of the English poets. 1907. 4:1438. _Artists _ Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Clement. Women in the fine arts from the seventh cen- tury B. C. to the twentieth century A. D. 1904. 1:7. ~Huneker. Promenades of an impressionist. 1910. 6:383. Arts and crafts Addison. -Arts and crafts in the middle ages. 1908. 5:5. Asia—Description and travel Hamilton. Afghanistan. 1906. 3:43. Little. The Far East. 1905. 3:43. Asia, Central—Description and travel Bouillane de Lacoste. Around Afghanistan. 1909. 6:1 Huntington. The pulse of Asia. 1907. 4:43. Asia Minor De Bunsen. Soul of a Turk. 1910. 6:372. Jebb. By desert ways to Baghdad. 1909. 6:248. Townshend. Military consul in Turkey. 1910. 6:402. Asphalt Richardson. Modern asphalt pavement. 2d ed. 1908. 57122. : I On 14 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Assaying Lodge. Notes on pean inf 1904. 1s12t Astor, John Jacob Youngman. Economic causes of great fortunes. 1909. 6:407. Astronomical photography Rudaux. How to study the stars. 1910. 6:345. Astronomy : Flammarion. Astronomy for amateurs. 1904. 1:8. Moulton. Introduction to astronomy. 1906. 3:47. Newcomb. Side-lights on astronomy. 1906. 2:242. Rudaux. How to study the stars. 1910. 6:345. Serviss. Astronomy with the naked eye. 1908. 4:208. Curiosities of the sky. 1909. 6:255. Astronomy—History Bryant. History of astronomy. 1907. 4:171. Forbes. History of astronomy. 1909. 6:325. Astrophysics Dunean. The new knowledge. 1905. 1:48. Hale. Study of stellar evolution. 1908. -4:521. Athens D’Ooge. Acropolis of Athens. 1908. 5:101. Moore. Days in Hellas. 1909. 6:173. Tucker. Life in ancient Athens. 1906. 3:132. Atkinson, Edward Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Atlanta university From servitude to service. 1905. 2:4. Atlases Bartholomew, ed. Atlas of the world’s commerce. pt. 1. 1906. 2;157. Atlases—Bibliography U. S. Maps and charts division, Library of Congress. List of geographical atlases in the Library of Congress. Bv. 071909; (63270: Atonement . Burton and others. Biblical ideas of atonement. 1909. 6:368. Augustine, Saint More. Shelburne essays. 6th series. 1909. 5:107. Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22. Austen, Jane Helm. Jane Austen and her country house comedy. 1910.” 6:329. Australasia Clark. The labor movement in Australasia. 1906. 3:95. Australia Wise. The commonwealth of Australia. 1909. 6:130. Australia—Description and travel Buley. Australian life in town and country: 1906. "263. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 15 Australia—History Marshall. An empire story. 1909. 6:391. Australia—Politics and government St. Ledger. Australian socialism. 1909. 6:345. Australia—Social life and customs Buchanan. The real Australia. 1907. 4:76. Buley. Australian life in town and country. 1905. 2:3. Austria Drage. . Austria-Hungary. 1909. 6:71. ‘See also Tyrol. Austria—Description and travel Jackson. Shores of the Adriatic: the Austrian side. 1908. 5:139. Austria—History Rumbold. Francis Joseph and his times. 1909. 6:212. Austria—Politics and government Colquhoun. Whirlpool of Europe. 1907. 3:161. Authors Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Woodberry. Great writers. 1907. 4:217. Authors, American Adams. Dictionary of American authors. 5th ed. 1904. 1:5. Vincent. American literary masters. 1906. 2:101. Authors, English Hinechman & Gummere. Lives of great English writers from Chaucer to Browning. 1908. 4:260. James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14. Automobile touring Anet. Through Persia in a motor-car. 1908. 5:6. Hutchinson. Motoring in the Balkans. 1909. 6:247.° Peixotto. Through the French provinces. 1909. 6:253, Searfoglio. Round the world in a motor-car. 1909. 6:397. Searritt. Three men in a motor car. 1906. 2:243. Shoemaker. Winged wheels in France. 1906. 3:129. Stawell. Motor touring in Wales and the border coun- pies, 7) 1909. -.6:51, Wharton. Motor-flight through France. 1908. 5:22. Automobiles Brewer. The motor car. 1909. 6:238. Diemer. Automobiles. 1909. 6:281. Homans. Self-propelled vehicles. 7th ed. 1910. 6:419. Levitt. The woman and the car. 1909. 6:17. Paris. Care of automobiles. 1908. 5:107. Root. Automobile troubles and how to remedy them. 1909. 6:344. Automobiles—-Bibliography Society for the promotion of engineering education. Re- vised list of technical books. 1906. 2:194. 16 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Bacchylides Tyrrell. Essays on Greek literature. 1909. 6:259. Bach, Johann Sebastian Parry. Johann Sebastian Bach. 1909. 6:252. Bacteriology Elliott. Household bacteriology. 1907. | 3:163. Melsaae. Bacteriology for nurses. 1909. 6:336. Bacteriology, Agricultural Conn. Practical dairy bacteriology. 1907. 4:235. Lipman. Bacteria in relation to country life. 1908. 5:17. Balata Terry. India-rubber and its manufacture. 1907. 4:151. Balkan states De Windt. Through savage Europe. 1907. 4:177. Durham. Burden of the Balkans. 1905. 1:54. Henderson. A_ British officer in the Balkans. 1909. 5:168. Fatehinson. Motoring in the Balkans. 1909. 6:247. Moore. The Balkan trail. -1906. 2:212. The Near East. 1907. 4:199. ~ Smith. Fighting the Turk in the Balkans. 1908. 5:85. Sonnichsen. Confessions of a Macedonian bandit. 1909. 6:50. Ballads Gummere. The popular ballad. 1907. 4:184. Stone. Sea songs and ballads. 1906. 3:130. Witham, ed. English and Scottish popular ballads. 1909. 6:24, Baluchistan Benn. An overland trek from India. 1909. - 6:236. Balzac, Honoré de Brunetiére. Honoré de Balzac. 1906. 3:6. Bancroft, George Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Howe. Life and letters of George Bancroft. 2v. 1908. 4:188. Bancroft, Marie Effie (Wilton), lady . Bancroft. The Bancrofts: recollections of sixty years. 1900-626, Bancroft, Sir Squire Bancroft. The Bancrofts: recollections of sixty years. 1909732 6:0: Bankruptcy Prendergast. Credit and its uses. 1906. 3:170. Banks and banking American academy of political and social science. Lessons : of the financial crisis. 1908. 4:165. Conant. History of modern banks of issue. 3d ed. 1908. 4:276. — 4th ed. 1909. 6:59. —— Principles of banking. 1908. 4:276. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS mi Hull, ed. Practical problems in banking and currency. 1907. 4:13. Laughlin. Industrial America. 1906. 3:99. Latter-day problems. 1909. 6:170. Morawetz. eee and currency problems in the United States. 1909.: 5:106. Robinson. Simple explanation of modern banking c¢us- toms. 1910. 6:396. White. Money and banking. 3d ed. 1908. 5:126. Banks and banking—Bibliography U. S. Bibliography division, Library of Congress. Select list of books relating to currency and banking. 1908. 4:316. Barbary states Allen. Our navy and the Barbary corsairs. 1905. 1:47. Barrés, Maurice Huneker. Egoists. 1909. 5:139. Stephens. French novelists of today. 1908. 4:297. Barrett, Lawrence Winter. Other days. 1908. 4:300. Bartlett, John Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Barye, Antoine Louis Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Basket-making Eppendorff. Handwork construction. 1909. 5:136. Turner. The basket maker. 1909. 6:402. Baths Gerhard. Modern baths and bath houses. 1908. 4:182. Battles Creasy. The fifteen decisive battles of the world. New ed. 1908. 5:61. Hitchcock, ed. Decisive battles of America. 1909. 6:205. Baudelaire, Charles Huneker. Egoists. 1909. 5:139. if Baudry, Paul Jacques Aimé Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Bazin, René Stephens. French novelists of today. 1908. 4:297. Beaconsfield, Beniamin Disraeli, /st earl of Walpole. Studies in biography. 1907. 4:215. Beadwork Eppendorff. Handwork construction. 1909. 5:136. Beans Sevey. -Bean culture. 1907. 4:17. Bears Wright. The grizzly bear. 1909. 6:301. Becque, Henry Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. 18 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Bees ; Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.3. 1908. =3:254, Comstock. How to keep bees. 1905. 1:48. Beet and beet sugar ; Ware. Beet-sugar manufacture and refining. 2v. 1905-7. 2:72; 4:86. Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven’s letters. 2v. - 1909. 6:6. Fischer. Beethoven. 1905. 1:55. Walker. Beethoven. 1905. 2:12. Belgium—Colonies Doyle. The crime of the Congo. 1909. 6:201. Starr. The truth about the Kongo. 1907. 3:172. Ay Belgium—Description and travel . Ormond. Bruges and West Flanders. 1906. 2:165. Belief Rowland. The right to believe. 1909. 6:396. Benjamin, Judah Philip Butler. Judah P. Benjamin. 1907. 4:37. Bentham, Jeremy Macecunn. Six radical thinkers. 1907. 4:142. Beowulf Gummere. ‘The oldest English epic. 1909. 5:167. Berea college From servitude to service. 1905. 2:4. Berlioz, Hector - Mason. The romantic composers. 1906. 3:69. Newman. Musical studies. 1905. 1:136. Weingartner. The post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906. 3:198. Bermuda -Islands Bell. Beautiful Bermuda. 2d ed. 1909. 5:193. Ober. Guide to the West Indies and Bermudas. 1908. 4:107. ‘i Singleton. Historic landmarks of America as seen and described by famous writers.. 1907. 4:49. Bernhardt, Sarah Bernhardt.. Memories of my life. 1907. 4:7. Beverages _ : Wright. Old-time recipes for home made wines, cordials and liqueurs. 1909. 6:407. Bible Clarke. Sixty years with the Bible. 1909. 6:161. Genung. Hebrew literature of wisdom in the light of to- day. 1906.2 3:42. Jacobus, ed. Roman Catholic and protestant Bibles com- pared. 2d ed. 1908. - 4:228. Moulton, ed. Modern reader’s Bible. lv. ed. 1907. 4:117. Picton. Man and the Bible. 1909. 6:293. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Cees) Bible—Bibliography and literary history McComb. Making of the English Bible. 1909. 6:78. Bible—Commentaries Dummelow, ed. Commentary on the Holy Bible. 1909. 5:136. Kent. Founders and rulers of united Israel. 1908. 5:15. Heroes and crises of early Hebrew history. 1908. 5:15. Kings and prophets of Israel and Judah. 1909. 6:16. Bible—Criticism and interpretation Dods. The Bible; its origin and nature. 1905. 1:54. Gardiner. The Bible as English literature. 1906. 3:96. Gilbert. Interpretation of the Bible. 1908. 4:182. Kent. Founders and rulers of united Israel. 1908. 5:15. Heroes and crises of early Hebrew history. 1908. 5:15. —— Kings and prophets of Israel and Judah. 1909. 6:16. Sanders & Fowler. Outlines for the study of Biblical his- "tory -and literature. 1906. 3:71. Selleck. New appreciation of the Bible. 1907. 3:105. Sunderland. Origin and character of the Bible. New ed. 1908. 5:124. Wood. The Bible, what it is and is not. 1907. 4:2438. Bible—Dictionaries Jacobus and others, ed. A standard Bible dictionary. 1909. Dla. Bible—Evidences, authority, inspiration, etc. Seeberg. Revelation and inspiration. 1909. 6:345. Bible—Geography Masterman. Studies in Galilee. 1909. 6:289. Bible—Natural history Porter., Birds of the‘ Bible.1909: 6:211. Bible—Stories Houghton. Telling Bible stories. 1905. 2:64. Bawedes OOS. DLO2: Bible—Study and teaching Sanders & Fowler. Outlines for the study of Biblical his- tory and literature. 1906. 3:71. Bible—Old Testament Dunean. Exploration of Egypt and the Old Testament. 1909. 6:202. Bible—Old Testament—Criticism and interpretation Houghton. Hebrew life and thought. 1906. 2:210. Kent. Origin and permanent value of the Old Testament. 1906. ° -3:123. Thomas. Christian faith and the Old Testament. 1908. 4:298. Bible—Old Testament—Genesis Mitchell. Genesis. -1909. 6:156. Bible—New Testament—-St. Mark Bacon. Beginnings of gospel story. 1909. 6:275. 20 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Bible—New Testament—St. John Bacon. The fourth Gospel in research and debate. 1910. 6:316. Bible—New Testament—Galatians Bacon. Commentary on the Epistle of Paul to the Gala- tians. “1909: -6:156. Bibliography Brown. Manual of practical bibliography. 1906. 2:178. English catalogue of books, for 1905 [annual] 1906. a2260- Bikliography—-Best books Best Italian reading. 1907. 3:160. Kroeger & Cattell... Aids in book selection. 1908. 5:121. New York State library. Selection from the best books of 1904 [annual] 1905. 1:68. Bimetallism Jevons. Investigations in currency and finance. New ed. 1909. 6:227, Bins Ketchum. Design of walls, bins and grain elevators. 1907. 4:192. Biography Burr.” The -autobiepraphy.. 190957 6:58, Copeland & Hersey, ed. Representative biographies of English men of letters. 1909. 6:161. Davis. Real soldiers of fortune. 1906. 3:8. Steffens. Upbuilders. 1909. 6:126. Walpole. Studies in biography. 1907. 4:215. Biography—Dictionaries Who’s who in New England. 1909. 5:184. Biology Locy. Biology and its makers. 1908. 4:292. Thomson. Bible of nature. 1908. 5:52. Birds Beebe. The bird, its form and function. 1906. 3:6. —— Two bird-lovers in Mexico. 1905. 1:105. Chapman. Camps and cruises of an ornithologist. 1908. 5:7. Warblers of North America. 1907. 3:119. Cornish. _Animal artisans and other studies of birds and beasts, -1907. -4:38. Finley. American birds, studied and photographed from live Fc 190 yes: Job. Sport of bird-study. 1908., 4:238. Wild wings... 1905. 11:57. Knowlton. Birds of the world. 1909. 5:171. Lodge. Bird hunting through wild Europe. 1909. 6:171. Lottridge. Animal snapshots and how made. 1905. 2:5 Miller. The bird our brother. 1908. 4:263. Porter. Birds of the Bible. -1909.. 6:211. What I have done with birds. 1907. 4:83. ot. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 21 Selous. Bird-watcher in the Shetlands. 1905. 2:87. Torrey. Nature’s invitation. 1904. 1:17. Bishops ~ Potter. Reminiscences of bishops and archbishops. 1906. 3:104. Bismarck-Schonhausen, Otto Leopold, furst von Walpole. Studies in biography. 1907. 4:215.° Bjornson, Bjornstjerne Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:253. Black, Joseph Ramsay. Essays. 1909. 6:48. Blackfoot Indians Schultz. My life as an Indian. 1907. 3:105. Blackmore, Richard Deddridge Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:253. enell the Blackmore country, 1906.” 2: 167. Blaine, James Gillespie Blaine. Letters of Mrs James G. Blaine. 2v. 1908. 5:72.° Stanwood. James Gillespie Blaine. 1905. 1:136. Blake, William Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. De Seilincourt. William Blake. 1909. 6:240. Finberg. English water colour painters. 1905. 2:209. Gilchrist. Life of William Blake. 1907. 4:120. ~ More. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. Swinburne. William Blake. 3d ed. 1906. 3:86. Symons. William Blake. 1907. 4:17. Blowing engines Kinealy. Centrifugal fans. 1905. 1:57. Boccaccio, Giovanni Dole. A teacher of Dante. 1908. 4:178. Bocklin, Arnold Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Boer War Wilson. South African memories. 1909. 6:300. Bohemia Green. Elizabeth, electress palatine and queen of Bo- hemzas 1909... G:A417. Liitzow. Life and times of Master John Hus. 1909. 6:208. Boigne, Charlotte Louise Eléonore Adélaide (d’ Osmond), comtesse de Boigne. Memoirs. 3v. 1907. 4:7. Bolivar, Simon Bingham. Journal of an expedition across Venezuela and Colombia. 1909. 6:35. Boll weevil Hunter. The boll weevil problem. 1909. 5:139. Bologna _ Allen & Williamson. Cities of northern Italy. New ed. 2v.. 1906. 3:24. to bo INDEX TO. ADULT BOOKS Bonaparte, Jérome Atteridge. Napoleon’s brothers. 1909. 6:315. Bonaparte, Joseph Atteridge... Napoleon’s brothers. 1909. 6:315. Bonaparte, Louis Atteridge. Napoleon’s brothers. 1909. 6:315. Bonaparte, Lucien Atteridge. Napoleon’s brothers. 1909. 6:315. Bonds American academy of political and social science. Bonds as- investment securities. 1907. 4:5. Lownhaupt. Investment bonds. 1908. 5:105. - Boniface, Saint Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22. Book collecting Savage. Story of libraries and book collecting. 1909. 5:181. Bookbinding A. L. A. Committee on Bookbinding. Binding for small libraries; 1009> -6107. Dana. Notes on bookbinding for librarians. 1906. 2:180. Davenport. The book, its history and development. 1908. 4:287. Books : Davenport. The book, its history and development. 1908. 4:287, Books, Repairing and preserving of Brown. Mending and repair of books. 1910. 6:367. Books and reading Brandes. .On reading. °1906. 2:235. Doyle. Through the magic door. 1908. 4:235. Field. Fingerposts to children’s reading. 1907. 3:120. Gaige & Harcourt, comp. Books and reading. 1908. 5:11.- Huey. Psychology and pedagogy of reading. 1908. 4:188. Joline. At the library table. 1910. 6:384. Lang. Adventures among books. 1905. 1:49. Larned. Books, culture and character. 1906. 2:241. Macy. Child’s guide to reading. 1909. 6:288. Booksellers International. directory of booksellers and _ bibliophile’s manual [annual] 1906. 2:1683. Booth, William Coates. Prophet of the poor.. 1906. 2:159. vt Friederichs. Romance of the Salvation army. 1907 4:137. Borrow, George Rickett. Vagabond in literature. 1906. 3:104. Bosnia and Herzegovina De Windt. Through savage Europe. 1907. 4:177. PA » bo oo INDEX-TO ADULT BOOKS Henderson. A British officer in the Balkans. 1909. Se LOR: ‘ Holbach. Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1909. 6:206. Boston Crawford. Old Boston days and ways: 1909. 6:111. Botany Clute. Fern allies of North America and Mexico. 1905. 1:106. Coulter. New manual of botany of the central Rocky Mountains. New ed. 1909. 6:416. Elliot. Botany of today. 1909. 6:241. Romance of plant life. 1907. 2:236. Gray. Gray’s new manual of botany. 7th ed. 1908. 4:277. Osterhout. Experiments with plants. 1905. 1:81. Strasburger and others. Textbook of botany. 3d ed. 1908. -5:6T. Vries. Species and varieties. 1905. 1:60. Botany—Bibliography Green. History of botany, 1860-1900. 1909. 6:327. Botany—History : . Green. History of botany, 1860-1900. 1909. 6:327. Botticelli, Alessandro Filipepi Botticeili. Work of Botticelli. 1903. 1:14. Boucicault, Dion Winter. Other days. 1908. 4:300. Bourget, Paul Stephens. French novelists of today. 1908. 4:297. Boyle, Robert Ramsay. Essays. 1909. 6:48. Boys Building boyhood. 1909. 6:198. Foster. The boy and the church. 1909. 6:40. George. The Junior republic. 1909. 6:165. Hall. From youth into manhood. 1909. 6:244. Merrill; Winning the boy. 1908. 4:239. Boys’ clubs Gunckel. Boyville. 1905. 2:64. Russell & Rigby. Working lads’ clubs. 1908. 5:48. Brahms, Johannes Brahms. Johannes Brahms; the Herzogenberg correspond- ences -31.909.-- 5;156: Erb. Brahms. 1905. 2:209. Weingartner. The -post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906. 3:198. Brain Thomson. Brain and personality. 1907. 3:181. Brandes, Georg Morris Cohen Brandes. Reminiscences of my childhood. 1906. 2:285. Brasses Moore. The collector’s manual. 1906. 3:46. 24 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Brazil—Description and travel Craig. Recollections of an ill-fated expedition to the head-waters of the Madeira river in Brazil. 1907. 4:132. Brébeuf, Jean de Colby. Canadian .types of the old régime. 1908. 4:285. Bridge whist Elwell. Practical bridge. 1908. 4:236. Foster. Auction bridge. 1909. 5:103. Bridges Dufour. Bridge engineering; roof trusses. 1908. 5:76. Briquets 3 Fulton. Coke. .1905. 1:137. British Columbia Grainger. Woodsmen of the West. 1908. 6:40. Hornaday. Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies. 1906. 2:239. Outram. In the heart of the Canadian Rockies. 1905. 2:36. Wilcox. The Rockies of Canada. 3d ed. 1909. 5:197. British Columbia—Industries and resources Bealby. Fruit ranching in British Columbia. 1909. 6:364. Brittany Bell. Picturesque Brittany. 1906. 2:207. Gostling. The Bretons at home. 1909. 6:74. Kean. A transplanted nursery. 1904. 1:11. Le Braz. The land of pardons. 1906. 3:45. Brock, Sir Isaac Nursey. Story of Isaac Brock. 1909. 6:122. Bronté, Anne Shorter. The Brontés. 2v. 1908. 6:22. Charlotte Bronté and her sisters. 1905. 1:109. Bronté, Charlotte Shorter. The Brontés. 2v. 1908. 6:22. Charlotte Bronté and her sisters. 1905. 1:109. Bronté, Emily _ Shorter,..-The Brontés. = 2v.- 1908, — 6:22: Charlotte Bronté and her sisters. 1905. 1:109. Bronzes Walters. The art of the Greeks. 3d ed. 1906. 3:145. Brooks, Phillips Allen. Phillips Brooks. 1907. %4:35. Powell. Heavenly heretics. 1909. 6:343. Brougham, John Winter. Other days. 1908. 4:3800. Brown, Charles Brockden Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Brown, Ford Madox Cox. Old masters and new. 1905: 1:106. INDEX TO.ADULT BOOKS 25 Brown, John Du Bois. John Brown. 1909. 6:118. Sanborn. Recollections of seventy years. 2v. 1909. 6:49. Browne, Sir Thomas ~ Gosse. Sir Thomas Browne. 1905. 1:108. More. Shelburne essays. 6th series.’ 1909. 5:107. Browning, Robert Browning. Robert Browning and Alfred Domett. 1906. 2:236. Clarke. Browning’s England. 1908. 5:37. Browning’s Italy. 1907. 4:77. Hornbrooke. Ring and the book, an interpretation. 1909. 6:382. James. Views and reviews.~ 1908. 5:14. Orr. Life and letters of Robert Browning. New ed. LIOR T4627 1; Brickner, Anton Weingartner. The post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906. 3:198. Bruges Omond. Bruges and West Flanders. 1906. 2:165. Bruneau, Alfred Hervey. Alfred Bruneau. 1907. 4:187. Bryan, William Jennings Bryau= | Speeches. - 2v. , 1909... 6:318. Bryant, William Cullen Bradley. William Cullen Bryant. 1905. 1:47. Buddha and Buddhism Bigelow. Buddhism and immortality. 1908. 5:99. Buddha. Sayings of Buddha. 1908. 5:132. Hall. The inward light. 1908. 4:237. Building Jacoby. Structural details. 1909. 6:384. Kidder. -~Architect’s and builder’s pocketbook. 1908. 5:120. Building construction and superintendence. 9th ed. Maelo LI09 8 GGL. Richards. The cost of shelter. 1905. 2:11. Richey. Building foreman’s. pocket book and ready ‘ref- erence, 1909. 6:21. Building—Bibliography Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of 1908 [an- nual] 1909. 5:143. Lay J Building—Contracts and specifications - Plant & Zapf. Contracts and specifications. 1908. 5:82. Building—Hstimates Arthur. Building estimator. 2d ed. 1905. 2:12. Building materials Gilbert. San Franci8co earthquake and fire. 1907. 4:41. Jordan. The California earthquake of 1906. 1907. 4:190. 26 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Munby. Introduction to the chemistry and physies of building materials. 1909. 6:252. Bulbs Silberrad & Lyall. Dutch bulbs and gardens. 1909. 6:49. Bungalows Comstock.. Bungalows, camps and mountain houses. 1908. 5:158. Kemp. Wilderness homes. 1908. 47261. Stickley. Craftsman homes. 1909. 6:401. Bunyan, John More. Shelburne essays. 6th series. 1909. 5:107. Burbank, Luther Harwood. New creations in plant life. 1905. 1:127. | Jordan & Kellogg. Scientific aspects of Luther Burbank’s | work. 1909. 5:171. Vries. Plant-breeding. 1907. 3:198. Burgos, Spain Calvert. Leon, Burgos and Salamanca. 1908. 4:131. Burgundy Mansfield. Castles and chateaux of old Burgundy. 1909. 6:337. Putnam. Charles the Bold. 1908. 4:203. Burma Hall. A people at school. 1906. 2:238. Jones. India, its life and thought. 1908. 5:43. Mitton. A bachelor girl in Burma. 1907. 4:197. Seott. Burma. 1906. 4:150. Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley, bart. Alexandre. Sir Edward Burne-Jones. 1907. 4:35. Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Burroughs, John James. Views and reviews. 1908. ~5:14. Bushnell, Horace Powell. Heavenly heretics. 1909. 6:343. Business Deland. Imagination in business. 1909. 6:112. Emerson. Efficiency as a basis for operation and wages. 1909. 6:374. Gamble. Straight talks on business. 1907. 4:41. Hall. How to get a position and how to keep it. 1908. 4:289. 3 Rockefeller. Random reminiscences of men and events. 1909. 5:180. Sparling. Introduction to business organization. 1906. 3105; Business education American, academy of political and social science. Busi- ness professions. 1906. 3:93. Person. _ Industrial education. 1807. 4:82. Vanderlip. Business and education. 1907. 4:17. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 27 Business ethics Alger. Moral overstrain. 1906. 2:177. Allen. America’s awakening. 1906. 3:5. Brooks. Conflict between private monopoly and good citizenship. 1909. 6:277. Hadley. Standards of public morality. 1907. 3:165. Holt. Commercialism and journalism. 1909. 6:284. Morals in modern business. 1909. 6:173. Ross. Sin and society. 1907. 4:48. Youngman. Economic causes of great fortunes. 1909. 6:407. : Butter McKay- & Larson. Principles and practice of butter- making. 2d ed.- 1908. 6:146. Snyder. Dairy chemistry. 1906. 2:109. Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron Broughton. Recollections of a long life. v. 1-2. 1909. 6:238. Edgeumbe. Byron: the last phase. 1909. 6:241. Woodberry. Inspiration of poetry. 1910. 6:351. Cabinet work Hasluck, ed. Cabinetwork and joinery. 1908. 4:289. Stickley. Craftsman homes. 1909. 6:401. Cabot, James Elliot Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Cabot, John The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503. 1906. 3:125. Ober. John and Sebastian Cabot. 1908. 4:200. Cabot, Sebastian Ober. John and Sebastian Cabot. 1908. 4:200. Caine, Hall Caine. My story. 1909. 5:100. Caissons Boycott. Compressed air work and diving. 1909. 6:366. Calculus Gibson. An introduction to the calculus based upon graph- ical methods. 1904. 1:40. Calhoun, John Caldwell Hon = John Cy. Calhotn. “1908.. .4:290. California—Description and travel Hildrup. Missions of California and the old Southwest. 1907.- 4:139. : Holder. Life in the open. 1906. 2:163. James: Through Ramona’s country. 1908. White. The pass. 1906. 2:244. California—Economic conditions—Bibliography Hasse. Index of ecOnomic material in documents of the states of the United States: California, 1849-1904. 1909. 5:41. On I : 8. 28 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS California, Lower Austin. The flock. 1906. 2:235. North. Mother of California. 1908. 5:19. Callot, Jacques Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Calve, Emma (Emma de Roguer) Wagnalls. Stars of the opera. 1907. 4:230. Calvin, John Walker. John Calvin. 1906. 3:50. Cambridge, England Howells. Seven English cities. 6:118. Cambridge, Mass. ’ Stearns. Cambridge sketches. 1905. 1:50. Cameralists Small. The cameralists. 1909. 6:347. Camoens, Luiz Woodberry. Inspiration of poetry. 1910. 6:351. Campagna di Roma Lanciani, Wanderings in the Roman Campagna. 1909. 6:207. Camping Bashore. Sanitation of recreation camps and parks. 1908. 43238. Bates. Camping and camp cooking. 1909. 5:155. Breck. The way of the woods. 1908. 4:234. Kephart. Book of camping and woodcraft. 1906. 3:11. Camp cookery. 1910. 62385. White. Camp and*trail. 1907. 3:229. Canada Whates. Canada, the new nation. 1906. 3:133. Canada—Description and travel Cran. A woman in Canada. 1910. 6:370. Johnson. The picturesque St. Lawrence. 1910. 6:384. Canada—History Bradley. The making of Canada. 1908. 5:72. Colby. Canadian types of the old régime. 1908. 4:285. Douglas. Old France in the New World. 1905. 1:107. Laut. Canada, the empire of the North. 1909. 6:249. Lucas. History of Canada, 1763-1812. 1909. 6:120. Marshall. An empire story. 1909. 6:391. Nursey. Story of Isaae Brock. . 1909. 6:122. Thwaites. France in America, 1497-1763. 1905. 1:137. Canada—Politics and government Denison. Struggle for imperial unity. 1909. 6:71. Macphail. Essays in polities. 1909. 6:172. Canals Hepburn. Artficial waterways and commercial develop- ment. 1909. 5:104. Hulbert. Pilots of the republic. 1906. 3:69. Pratt. Railways and their rates. 1906. 3:104. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 29 Canning and preserving Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v. 2. Peery Or 6 asel9. Cano, Alonzo Calvert. Granada, present and bygone. 1908. 4:256. Canterbury, England” Ward. The Canterbury pilgrimages. 1905. 1:129. . Cape Cod, Mass. Thoreau. Cape Cod. New ed. 1908. 5:68. Capital punishment Fanning, comp. Selected articles on capital punishment. 19093 6:282. Cards * Foster. Foster’s complete Hoyle. New ed. 1909. 5:119. Carey, William Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22. Carlyle, Mrs Jane Baillie (Welsh) Carlyle. - Love letters. 2v. 1909. 5:157. Carlyle, Thomas Carlyle, Love letters,’ 2v.°1909. 5:157. ‘Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Macecunn. Six radical thinkers. 1907. 4:142. Caroline Wilhelmina, consort of George II, king of England Greenwood. Lives of the Hanoverian queens of Eng- pam. AVo. dew, L909, 6:74, Carpentry Brigham. Box furniture. 1909. 5:156. Hasluck; ed. Cabinetwork and joinery. 1908. 4:289. Carthage Sladen. Carthage and Tunis. 2v. 1906. 3:129. Cassatt, Mary Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Casting Turner. Lectures on iron founding. 1904. 1:18. Castles Fraprie. Castles and keeps of Scotland. 1907. 4:136. Lansdale. Chateaux of Touraine. 1906. 3:45. Mansfield. Castles and chateaux of old Burgundy and the border provinces. 1909. 6:337. Peixotto. Through the French provinces. 1909. 6:253. ' Perkins. French cathedrals and chateaux. 1909. 6:147. Cataloging American library association. Catalog rules. 1908. 4:253. Crawford. Cataloging. New ed. 1906. 2:147. Hitchler. Cataloging for small libraries. 1905. 2:31. Cathedrals Singleton, ed. Famous cathedrals as seen and described by great writers. 1909. 6:347. 30 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Cathedrals—Denmark Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 1908. 5:73. Cathedrals—England Fairbanks, ed. Portfolio of English cathedrals. 1905-6. 2:160. Prior. Cathedral builders in England. 1905. 2:166. Sherrill. Stained glass tours in England. 1909. 6:49. Taber. Cathedrals of England. 1905... 1:17- Cathedrals—France . Marshall. Cathedral cities of France. 1907. 4:143. Miltoun, pseud [Mansfield] Cathedrals of northern France. CAE ey Br 3 —— Cathedrals of southern France. 1905. 1:13. ; Pennell. French cathedrals, monasteries and abbeys, and sacred sites of France. 1909. 6:123. Perkins. French cathedrals and chateaux. 2y. 1909. 6:147. Rose. Cathedrals and eloisters of midland France. 2v. 1907, 47205. —— Cathedrals and eloisters of the south of France. 2v. 1906. - 3:71. Sherrill... Stained glass tours in France. 1908. 4:209. Cathedrals—Germany Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of the Rhine and north Germany. 1906. 3:144. Cathedrals—lItaly Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of northern Italy. 1907. 4:129. 1908. ~~ 6:58. Cathedrals—Norway Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of Norway, Swéded and Denmark. 1908. 5:73. Cathedrals—Spain Collins. Cathedral cities of Spain. 1909. 6:161. Cathedrals—Sweden Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. .1908. 5:73. # Catherine of Siena, Saint Gardner. Saint Catherine of Siena, 1907. 4:182. Catholic church Putnam. Censorship of the church of Rome. 1906-7. 4:203. Catholic church in the U. S.—Education Burns. Catholie school ae in the United States. 1908. 5:35. Cattle Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v. 3. 1908. 3254, Caucasus Baddeley. Russian conquest of the Caucasus. 1908. 5:154. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 31 Cavendish, Henry Ramsay. Essays. 1909. 6:48. Cavour, Camillo Benso, comte di Holland. Builders of united Italy. 1908. 4:289. Villari. Studies, historical and critical. 1907. 4:214. Celery p Beattie. Celery culture. 1907. 4:6. Cellulose . Dunean. Chemistry of commerce. 1907. 4:11. Cellulose—Bibliography Sindall. Manufacture of paper. 1909. 6:256. Census U. S. Census bureau. Century of population growth from — Ist census of United States to 12th, 1790-1900. 1909. 6:101. Central America Hale. Practical guide to Latin: America. 1909. 6:203. Palmer. Central America and its problems. 1910. 6:341. Winter. Guatemala and her people of today. 1909. 6:88. Central America—Bibliography _>Hale. Practical guide to Latin America. 1909. 6:203. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de Ellis. The soul of Spain. 1908. 4:179. Woodberry. Great writers. 1907. 4:217. Ceylon Penfield. East of Suez: Ceylon, India, China and Japan. 1907. 3:103. Champlain, Samuel de Colby. Canadian types of the old régime. 1908. 4:285. Champlain, Lake Crockett. History of Lake Champlain. 1909. 6:9. Channing, William Ellery Eliot. Four American leaders. 1906. 3:120. Powell. Heavenly heretics. 1909. 6:343. Sanborn. Recollections of seventy years. 2v. 1909. 6:49. Character Abbott. The temple. 1909. 6:155. Hyde. Self-measurerffent. 1908. 5:169. Charades Bellamy. More charades.. 1909. 6:156. Charities - Barnett. Towards social reform. 1909. 5:180. Conyngton. How to help. New ed. 1909. 6:146. Devine. Efficiency and relief. 1906. 2:104. National conference of charities and correction. Pro- ceedings [annual] 1907. 4:145. Warner. American charities. New ed. 1908. 5:68. Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy Putnam. Charles the Bold, last duke of Burgundy. 1908. 4:203. ; 32 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Charters MacDonald. Documentary source book of American his- tory. 1908. 4:292. Thorpe, comp. Federal and state constitutions. Tv. 1909. 6:190. Chase, William Merritt McSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. Chaucer, Geoffrey : Coulton. Chaucer and his England. 1908. 4:286. Root. Poetry of Chaucer. 1906. 3:104. Ward. -The Canterbury pilgrimages. 1905. 1:129. Cheese Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v. 3. 1908. 3:254. Decker. Cheese making. 5th ed. 1909.) 6:59. Snyder. Dairy chemistry. 1906. . 2:109. Van Slyke & Publow. Science and practice of cheese- making. 1909. 6:23. Chemistry Dunean. The new knowledge. 1905. 1:48. Gooch & Walker. Outlines of inorganic chemistry. 1905. 1 8t): Ostwald. Conversations on chemistry. pt. 2. 1905. 2:165. —— Fundamental principles of chemistry. 1909. 6:341. —— & Morse. Elementary modern chemistry. 1909. 6:340. Philip. Romance of modern chemistry. 1909. 6:175. Ramsay. Essays, biographical and chemical. 1909. 6:48. Thorpe. History of chemistry. v.1l. 1909. 6:350. Wells. Text-book of chemical arithmetic. 1905. 1:138. Chemistry, Technical Dunean. Chemistry of commerce. 1907. 4:11. Chemistry, Technical—Bibliography Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of 1908 [annual] 1909. 5:143. Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th earl of More. Shelburne essays. 5th series. 1908. 4:292. Child; Lydia Maria +f Beach. Daughters of the Puritans. 1905. 2:3. Child labor Adams & Sumner. Labor problems. 1905. 1:27. Addams. Newer ideals of peace. 1907. 3:65. American academy of political and social scienee. Child labor. 1905. 2:8. 1907.3 805. — Child labor and soial progress. 1908. 4:253. Child labor legislation. 1908. 4:164. Spargo. The bitter cry of the children. 1906. 2:108. Van Vorst. The ery of the children. 1908. 4:151. Child labor—Bibliography Griffin, comp. List of books relating to child labor. 1906. 2:194. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS do Child study Musselman. The national teacher training institute text- books. bk. 5. 1909. 5:176. O’Shea. Social development and education. 1909. 6:123. Tracy & Stimpfl. Psychology of childhood. 7th ed. 1909. 6:424. Tyler. Growth and education. 1907. 3:227. Washburne. Study of child life. 1907. 3:173. Children Addams. The spirit of youth and the city streets. 1909. 6:107. Bray. The town child. 1909. 6:276. Godfrey, pseud. English children in the olden time. 1908. 4:259. Children—Care and hygiene Bainbridge. Life’s day. 1909. 5:154. Brown. The baby. 1908. 5:73. Burbank. Training of the human plant. 1907. 3:161. Cotton. Care of children. 1907. 3:162. Cradock. Care of babies. 1908. 5:159. Mischer, ~lealth-tare’ of the; baby. 1906. .2:237; Fitz. Problems of babyhood.* 1906. . 2:237. Forsyth. Children in health and disease. 1909. 6:325. Hall. Youth. . 1907... 4:79: Hogan.’ How to feed children.. 9th ed. 1909. 6:61. Holt.- Care and feeding of children. 4th ed. 1907. 4:120. 5th ed. 1909. 6:145. Reeder. How two hundred children live and learn. 1909, 6:293. Children—Charities, protection, etc. American academy of political and social science. Lessons of the financial crisis. 1908. 4:165. Reeder. How two hundred children live and learn. 1909. 6:293. : _ Children—Management Abbott. On the training of parents. 1908. 4:163. Birney. Childhood. +1905. 2:68. Patch. The sensitive child. 1910. 6:398. Reeder. How two bundred children live and learn. 1909. 6:293. Children—Religion Dawson. The child and his religion. 1909. 6:162. Children, Backward Ayres. Laggards in our schools. 1909. 6:6. Shields. The making and the unmaking of a dullard. 1909. 6:399. Children’s literature Field. Fingerposts to children’s reading. 1907, 3:120. Macy. Child’s guide to reading. 1909. 6:288. Moses. Children’s books and reading. 1907. 4:106. 34 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Children’s literature—Bibliography Arnold, comp. Mother’s list of books for children. 1909. 6:67. Buffalo public library. Class-room libraries for public schools, listed by grades. 3d ed. 1909. 6:58. Children’s catalog; comp. by M. E. Potter. 1909. 6:279. Pittsburg, Carnegie Library. Catalogue of books for the use of the first eight grades in the Pittsburgh schools. 1907. 4:147. — Catalogue of books in the children’s department. 1909. 5:82. Salisbury & Beckwith. Index to short stories. 1907. 321974 Chile Elliot.:.- Chile. «190Y. . 43258. China Blake. China. 1909. 6:69. : Blakeslee, ed. China and the Far Hast. 1910. 6:365. Knox. -The spirit of the Orient. 1906. 3:45. Martin. The awakening of China. 1907. 3:196. Smith. The uplift of China. 1907. 4:84. Thomson. «The Chinese. 1909. 6:86. China—Commerce Morse. Trade and administration of the Chinese empire. 1908. 4:197. China—Court and courtiers . Carl. With the empress dowager. 1905. 1:127. Headland. Court life in China. 1909. 6:204. China—Description and travel Eliot. Letters from the Far East. 1907. 4:12. Johnston.. From Peking to Mandalay. 1908. 5:15. Lesdain. From Peking to Sikkim. 1908. 5:17. Little. The Far East. 1905. -1:108. In the land of the blue gown. 2d ed. 1909. 6:145. Round about my Peking garden. 1905. 2:35. Penfield. Hast of Suez: Ceylon, India, China and Japan. 1907... 3:108. China—Economic conditions Smith. China and America today. 1907. 4:210. China—Foreign relations Millard. America and the Far Eastern question. 1909. Or19: Smith. China and America today. 1907. 4:210. China—History Conger. Letters from China. 1909. 5:158. Hirth. Ancient history of China to the end of the Chou dynasty. 1908. 4:187. Morse. Trade and administration of the Chinese empire. 1908. 4:197. Weale. Indiscreet letters from Peking. 1907. 4:50. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 35 China—Politics and government Denby—China and her people. 1906. 2:34, - Morse. Trade and administration of the Chinese empire. 1908. 4:197. China—Social life and customs - Bard. Chinese life in town and country. 1905. 1:67. Denby. China and her people. 2v. 1906. 2:34. - - Hardy. John Chinaman at home. 1905. 1:135. Little. In the land of the blue gown. 2d ed. 1909. 6:145. =—. Round about my Peking garden. 1905.< 2:35: China painting Monachesi. Manual for china painters. New ed. 1909. 6:147, Chinese in the United States American academy of political and social science. Chinese - and Japanese in America. 1909. 6:107. Coolidge. Chinese immigration. 1909. 6:111. Sparks. National development, 1877-1885. 1907. > 3:227. Yung Wing. My life in China and America. 1909. 6:216. Chinese literature Eliot. Letters from the Far East. 1907. 4:12. Thomson. The Chinese. 1909. 6:86. Chippewa Indians Burton. American primitive music. 1909. 6:198. Chopin, Frédéric Francois Jonson. Handbook to Chopin’s works. 1905. 1:41. Mason. The romantic composers. 1906. 3:70. Christian art and symbolism Frothingham. The monuments of Christian Rome. 1908. Diet: Christian biography Vedder. Christian epoch-makers.. 1908. 5:22. Christian science Milmine. Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the history of Christian science. 1909. 6:210. Paget. The faith and works of Christian science. 1909. 5:178. Podmore. Mesmerism and Christian science. 1909. 6:124. Powell. Christian science, the faith and its founder. 1907. 4:147. Christianity Bousset. The faith of a modern Protestant. 1909. 6:7. Bowne. Studies in Christianity. 1909. 6:7. Cutten. The psychological phenomena of Christianity. 1908.2 5275; KEucken. Christianity and the new idealism. 1909. 6:164. Hall. Christ and the eastern soul. 1909. 5:167. Loisy. The gospel and the church. 1904. 1:12. Williams. A valid Christianity for today. 1909. 6:23. ‘ 36 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Christianity—Evidences Rowland. The right to-believe. 1909. 6:396. Christianity and other religions Becker. Christianity and Islam. 1909. 6:197. Christmas The book of Christmas. 1909. 6:109. Schauffler, ed. Christmas. 1907. 4:149. Church (The) Mathews. The church and the changing order. 1907. 3:169. Mott. Future leadership of the church. 1908. 5:46. Church and social problems Roads. Rural christendom. 1909. 6:395. Church architecture Bond. Gothie architecture in England. 1905. 2:158. Church furniture Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of the Rhine and north Germany. 1906. 3:144. : Church history Bacon. The founding of the church. 1909. 6:316. Musselman. The national teacher training institute text- books. bk. 6. 1909. 5:I76. Ropes. Apostolic age in the hght of modern eriticism. 1906.:. 3:128, Church work American academy of political and social science. Social work of the church. 1907. 4:35. Foster. The boy and the church. 1909. 6:40. Hodges & Reichert. Administration of an institutional church. 1906. - 3:43. Maefarland, ed. The Christian ministry and the social order. <° 1909). 62172. Stelzle. Principles of successful church advertising. 1908. 5:110. Thomson. The churches and the wage earners. 1909. 6:51. Churches—Denmark Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. 1908. 5:73. Churches—France Champney. Romance of the French abbeys. 1905. 1:106. Pennell. French cathedrals, monasteries and abbeys, and sacred sites of France. 1909. 6:123. Churches—Germany Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of the Rhine and north Germany. 1906. 3:144. Churches—Italy Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of northern Italy. 190%). 42129. —— —— 1908. 6:58. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 37 Churches—Norway Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 1908. 5:73. Churches—Spain Collins. Cathedral cities of Spain. 1909. 6:161. Churches—Sweden Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 1908. 5:73. Churches—United States Wallington. Historic churches of America. 1907. 4:214. Churchill, Randelph Henry Spencer, lord Rosebery. Lord Randolph Churchill. 1906. 3:14. Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer Davis. Real soldiers of fortune. 1906. 3:8. Cicero Fowler. Social life at Rome in the age of Cicero. 1909. 5:102. Cipriani, Lisi Cecilia Cipriani. A Tusean. childhood. 1907. 4:9. Circus Marcosson. Autobiography of a clown. 1910. 6:338. Thompson. On the road with a cireus. 1905. 1:51. Cities and towns American academy of political and social science. Race improvement in the United States. 1909. 6:5. Anderson. The country town. 1906. 2:99. Howe. The city, the hope of democracy. 1905. 1:108. Kirk, ed. A ‘modern. city... 1909. 6:170. Zueblin.. A decade of civic development. 1905. . 2:214. Cities and towns—Planning and laying out Marsh. Introduction to city planning. 1909. 6:391. Triggs. Town planning, past, present and possible. 1909. 6:297. Cities and towns—Planning and laying out—Bibliography Marsh. Introduction to city planning. 1909. 6:391. Citizenship Bryce. The hindrances to good citizenship. 1909. 6:277. Hadley. Standards of public morality. 1907. 3:165. Lodge. A frontier town and other essays. 1906. 3:12. Root. The citizen’s part in government. 1907. 4:108. Shaw. Political problems of American development. 1907. 4:208. Taft. Four aspects of civic duty. 1906. 3:49. Civil engineering Trautwine. The civil engineer’s pocket-book. 19th ed. ASUS 62254 . Civil engineering—Bibliography Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of 1908 [an- nual] 1909. 6:143. Civil service Dewey. National problems, 1885-1897. 1907. 3:221. 38 ge INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Ewart and others. Civil service manual. 38v. 1908. 5:102. Foltz. The federal civil service as a career. 1909. 5:103. Sparks. National development, 1877-1885.- 1907. 3:227. Civilization Burrows. The discoveries in Crete. 1907. 4:129. Hart. National-ideals historically traced., 1907. 4:42. Joyce. Story of ancient Irish civilization. 1907. 4:44. Mahaffy. What have the Greeks done for modern civili- zation? 1909. 6:121. Munro & Sellery, ed. Medieval civilization. New ed. 1907. 4:121. Seignobos. History of contemporary civilization. 1909. 6:22. —— History of mediaeval and of modern civilization. 1907. 3:225. Clams - Kellogg. Shell-fish industries. 1910. 6:334. Clapp, Henry Austin Winter. Old friends. 1909. 6:24. . Claude, chief of police, Paris Claude. Memoirs. 1907. 4:46. Clay, Henry \ Clay.-: dlenrysGlay.- 19107 6:69, Clay Ries. Clays, their occurrence, properties and uses. 1906. 5 ie ie & Leighton. History of the clay-working industry in. the United States. 1909. 6:83. Clay modeling Colby. Talks on drawing, painting, making, decorating, for primary teachers, 1909. 6:279. Lester. Clay work. 1909. 5:172. Cleaning : Brannt, ed. ‘The practical dry cleaner, scourer, and gar- ment-dyer. 3d ed. 1909. 5:193. Dodd. Chemistry of the household. 1907. 3:162. Elliott. Household hygiene. 1907. 3:163. Farrell. Dyeing and cleaning. 1909. 5:164. ; ; Owen. Dveing and eleaning of textile fabrics. 1909. 5:178. : Pawlie. Practical handbook of garment dyeing and clean- Ie). 1909. 702178; Cleanliness Richards. The cost of cleanness. 1908. 5:48. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:292. Sedgwick. New American type. 1908. 4:207. Cleveland, Grover Parker. Recollections of Grover Cleveland. 1909. 6:123. Williams. Mr Cleveland. 1909. 5:184. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 39 Clocks and watches ate Arthur. Time and its measurements. 1909. 6:363. . Moore. The collector’s manual. 1906. 3:46. _Clough, Arthur Hugh Brooke. Four Victorian poets. 1908. 4:285. Clover : Shaw. Clovers and how to grow them. 1906. 2:213. Coal Fulton. Coke. 1905. 1:137. Nicolls. Story of American coals. 2d ed. 1904. 1:14. Randall. Burning of coal without smoke in boiler plants. 1908. 5:83. Coal mines and mining Mauchline. Mine foreman’s handbook of practical and theoretical information on the opening, ventilating and working of collieries. 3d ed. 1905. 1:81. Redmayne. Modern practice in mining. v.l. 1908-9. 6:343. Cobden, Richard Macecunn. Six radical thinkers. 1907. 4:142. Walpole. Studies in biography. 1907. 4:215. Coeducation Draper. American education. 1909. 6:281. Olin. The women of a state university. 1909. 6:122. Coins and medals Rawlings. Coins and how to know them. 1908. 5:109. Walters. The art of the Greeks. 3d ed. 1906. 3:145. Coke Fulton... Coke. 1905. 1:137. Colby, Everett Steffens. Upbuilders. 1909. 6:126. Cold storage Anderson. Refrigeration. 1908. 5:99. Ewing. The mechanical production of cold. 1909. 5:163. Colleges and universities Babbitt. Literature and the American college. 1908. 4:166. Birdseye. The reorganization of our colleges. 1909. Corbin. Which college for the boy? 1908. 4:174. . Crawford.- The college girl of America. 1904. 1:7. Draper. American education. 1909. 6:281. Eliot. University administration. 1908. 5:10. Flexner. The American college. 1908. 4:287. Hutton. Literary landmarks of Scottish universities. 1904. 1:10. Hyde. ~The college man and the college woman. 1906. 2:100. Palmer. The teacher. 1908. 5:19. Thwing. History of higher education in America. 1906. 3:106. 40 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Walden. Universities of ancient Greece. 1909. 6:259. West. Short papers on American liberal education. 1907. 32133. Collins, Wilkie Winter. Old friends. 1909. 6:24. Collins expedition Craig. Recollections of an ill-fated expedition to the head waters of the Madeira river in Brazil. 1907. 4:182. Collyer, Robert Collyer. Some memories. 1908. 5:74. Colombia Bingham. Journal of an expedition across Venezuela and Colombia.- 1909. 6:35. Colonial government Ireland. The Far Eastern tropics. 1905. 1:57. Colonization Keller. Colonization. 1908. 5:48. Morris. History of colonization. .2v. 1908. 4:228.— Sanderson. Heroes of pioneering. 1908. 4:149. Colonna, Vittorio Lanciani. The golden days of the ren&issance in Rome. 1906. 2:241. Color photography Holmes, ed. Color photography. 1908. 5:13. Color prints Salaman. Old English colour-prints. 1909. 6:295. Colorado Desert, California * James. Wonders of the Colorado desert (southern Cali- LOTNIN Ss 2 7X. 2 O06. 438 269: Colorado River Dellenbaugh. A canyon voyage. 1908. 4:287. Columbia River Lyman. The Columbia river. ‘1909. 6:18. Columbus, Christopher The Northmen, Columbus and Cabot, 985-1503. 1906. 32125, Ober. Columbus the discoverer.- 1906. 2:242. Comets Chambers. Story of the comets. 1909. 6:278.« Elson. Comets, their origin, nature and history. 1910. 6:374. Commerce Bartholomew. Atlas of the world’s commerce. 1906. Dalots Bolee. The new internationalism. 1907. 3:118. Hough.. Elementary lessons in exporting. 1909. 6:382. U. S. Manufactures bureau (Commerce and labor depart- ment) Winning foreign markets. 1908. 4:317. Vanderlip. Business and education. 1907. 4:17. Commerce—History Day. History of * commerce, 1907... 4:39; - INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 41 Commercial correspondence Belding. Commercial correspondence. 1905.2 22207, Cody. Suecess in letter writing. 1906. 3:66. Crissey. Hand-book of modern correspondence. 1908. 5:135. Commercial law Sullivan. American business law, with legal forms. 1909. »* 6:257. Commercial policy Fisk. International commercial policies. 1907. 4:102. Commercial products Chisholm. Handbook of commercial geography. 7th ed. 1908. 6:142. Freeman. The world’s commercial products. 1907. 3:223. Commercial travelers Moody. Men who sell things. 1907. 4:144. Compass Newcomb. ~Side-lights on astronomy. 1906. 2:242. Competition Reeve. The cost of competition. 1906. 2:107. Competition, International Bolee. The new internationalism. 1907. 3:118. Dawson. The evolution of modern Germany. 1909. 5:161. Laughlin. Industrial America. 1906. 3:99. Shadwell. Industrial efficiency. 1909. 6:149. Compressed air Boycott. Compressed air work and diving. 1909. 6:366. Hiscox. Compressed air. 5th ed. 1909. 5:120. Wightman. Compressed air. 1909. 6:300. Concerts Upton. Standard concert guide. 1908. 4:266. Standard concert repertory. 1909. 6:87. Concord, Mass. Sanborn. Recollections of seventy years. 2v. 1909. 6:49. Concrete Davison. Concrete pottery and garden furniture. 1909. 6:280. Taylor & Thompson. Treatise on concrete, plain and re- inferced. 1905. 1:81. —— —— 2d ed. 1909. 6:230. Concrete—Bibliography | Taylor & Thompson. A treatise on concrete. 1909. 6:230. Concrete, Reinforced Colby. Reinforced concrete in Europe. 1909. 6:322. McCullough. Reinforced concrete. 1908. 5:80. Mensch. Reinforced conerete pocket book. 1909. 6:338. Taylor & Thompson. Treatise on concrete. 1905. 1:81. 2d ed. 1909. 6:230. 49 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Turneaure & Maurer. Principles of reinforced conerete construction. 1907. 4:85. 2d ed. 1909. 6:231. Concrete construction Atlas Portland Cement Company. Concrete construction about the home and on the farm. 1905. 3:157. Buel & Hill. Reinforced concrete. 1904.~ 1:39. McCullough. Reinforced conerete. 1908. 5:80. Turneaure & Maurer. Principles of reinforced concrete - construction. 1907. 4:85. 20: 6d, 21909, 4.6: 231. ee Webb & Gibson. Masonry and reinforced concrete. 1909. 5:184. Conduct of life ; Abbott... The temple.1909.- 6:155. ~ Avebury. Peace and happiness. 1909. 5:71. Bishop. Seventy years young. 1907. 4:168. Brown. The young man’s affairs. 1909. 6:37. Call. Every day living. 1906. 3:7. The freedom of life. 1905. 1:35. Nerves and common sense. 1909. 6:70. Crane. Right and wrong thinking-and their results 1905. 3:40. Creighton. Art of living. 1909. 6:322. DuBois, Patterson. The culture of justice. 1907. 4:40. Dubois, Paul. Self-control and how to secure it. 1909. 5:162. Fallows. Mental hygiene in every-day living. 1909. 5:163. —— The point of view. 1909. -5:163. A talk'on relaxation. 1909. 5:164, Hardy. How to be happy though civil. 1909. 6:245. - Hyde. Self-measurement. 1909. 5:169. ee Jordan. The crown of individuality. 1909. 6:333. Marden. Peace, power and plenty. 1909. 5:80. Miller. Hindrances of life. 1909. 6:339. Royce. The philosophy of loyalty. 1908. 4:240. Saleeby. Worry. 1907. 4:83. Stimson. The right life and how to live it. 1905. 1:51. Strauss. The ideas of a plain country woman. 1908. 4:241. Confederate states of America Alexander. Military memoirs of a Confederate. 1907. 3:155. Chesnut. A diary from Dixie. 1905. 1:35. Conjuring : : Evans. The old and the new magic. 1906. 2:160. Connecticut Abbott. ~ Old paths and legends of the New England bor- der L907, =-4330. Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS ~ 43 Connecticut River Bacon. The Connecticut river and the valley of the Con- necticut. 1906. 3:38. Connemara, Jreland Gwynn. A holiday in Connemara. 1909. 6:13. Consciousness Sidis & Goodhart. Multiple personality. 1905. 1:16. Constantine I, emperor of Rome Firth. Constantine the Great. .1905. 1:28. Constantinople -Monroe. Turkey and the Turks. 1907. 4:105. Constellations Martin. The friendly stars. 1907. ©3:125. Milham. How to identify the stars. 1909. 6:46. Serviss. Astronomy with the naked eye. - 1908. 4:208. Constitutions Alston. Modern constitutions in outline. 1905. 1:47. Dodd, ed. Modern constitutions. 2v. 1909. 5:76. Lobingier. People’s law. 1909. 6:286. Constitutions, State Dealey. Our state constitutions. 1907. 3:162. Thorpe, comp. Federal and state constitutions. 7v. 1909. 62790. Conversion Begbie. Twice-born men, a clinic in regeneration. 1909. 6:317. Conway, Moncure Daniel Conway. My pilgrimage to the wise men of the -Hast. 1906. 3:7. Cooke, Jay Oberholtzer. Jay Cooke, financier of the Civil War. 2v. 1907. 4:47. Cookery Barrows. Principles of cookery. 1907. 3:158. Berry. - Fruit recipes. 1907. °3:159. Burrell. Living on a little. 1908. 4:256. Dodd. Chemistry of the household. 1907. 3:162. Farmer. Boston cooking school book. 1907. 3:84. Fuller, comp. The up-to-date sandwich book. 1909. 6:243. Glover. ““Dame Curtsey’s’’ book .of recipes. .1909. 6:283. Green, pseud. [Reed] Everyday luncheons. 1906. 2:161. How to cook fish. 1908. 4:288. — How to cook meat and poultry. 1908. 4:288. —— One thousand simple soups. 1907. 4:137. What to have for breakfast. 1905. 1:100. Hill. Cooking for two. 1909. 6:15. Mitchell. The fireless cook book. 1909. 6:20. Reed. How to cook vegetables. 1909. 6:21. One thousand salads. 1909. 6:255. 44 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Rorer. Mrs Rorer’s vegetable cookery and meat substi- tutes. 1909)" 55180; Cookery (for camping) Bates. Camping and camp cooking. 1909. 5:155. Kephart. Book of camping and wooderaft. 1906. 3:11. Camp cookery. 1910. 6:385. Cooper, James Fennimore Brownell. American prose masters. 1909. 6:157. Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Cooperation Adams & Sumner. Labor problems. _ 1905. 1:27. Fay. Cooperation at home and abroad. 1908. 5:137. Holyoake. History of cooperation. New ed. 2v. 1906. 22192, Tolman. Social engineering. 1909. 5:182. Copley, John: Singleton MeSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907- 3:195. Copper Moore. The collector’s manual. 1906. 3:46. Coppersmithing Fuller. Art of coppersmithing. 38d ed. 1904. 1:80. Cornwall, Lngland Harris. Cornish saints and sinners. 1906. 3:67. Hind.. Days of Cornwall. 1907) -4:139. Corot, Jean Baptiste Camille La Farge. The higher life in art. 1908. 5:44. Meynell. Corot and his friends. 1909. 6:121. Corporations American academy of political and social science. Federal regulation of industry. 1908. 4:281. Day. ‘The’ ‘raid- om: prosperity. 1907. 47359; Prentice. The federal power over carriers and corpora- tions. 1907. 3:104. U. 8. Corporations bureau. Taxation of corporations. pt. 1, New England. 1909. 6:101. Correggio, Antonio Allegri da 7 Brinton. Correggio. 1906. 3:65. Moore. Correggio. 1906. 3:101. Corsica Renwick. Romantic Corsica. 1910. 6:344. Cortés, Hernando ; MacNutt. Fernando Cortes and the conquest of Mexico. LO0S? Oso. Ober. Hernando Cortés, conqueror of Mexico. 1905. T3101, Cosmogony Arrhenius. Life of the universe. 2v. 1909. 6:67. Lowell. The evolution of worlds. 1909. 6:287. Cost of living Chapin. Standard of living among workingmen’s fam- ilies in New York City. 1909. 5:134. Richards.. The cost of.shelter. 1905. 2:11. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS “45 Costume Allinson. The days of the directoire. 1909. 6:235. Boehn. Modes and manners of the nineteenth century. 3v. 1909. 6:365. Rhead. Chats on costume.. 1906. .3:127. Webb. The heritage of dress. 1908. 4:215. Cotswold Hills, Hngland Evans. Highways and byways in Oxford and the Cots- wolds. 1905. 2:147. Cotton growing and manufacture Purkett & Poe. Cotton. 1906. 2:207. Van Vorst.. The ery of the children. 1908. 4:451. Cotton spinning Hedrick. Cotton spinning. 1909. 6:284. Coulevain, Pierre de Stephens. French novelists of today. 1908. 4:297. Counterpoint York. Counterpoint simplified. 1907. 4:243. Country homes Parkinson. ~Guide to the country home. 1909. 6:291. Country houses The Delineator’s prize $3,000 houses. 1909. 6:163. Ditechfield. Picturesque English cottages and their door- way gardens. 1905. 1:107. Embury. One hundred country houses. 1909. 6:164. Tlooper. The country house. 1905. 2:35. Macartney. Recent English domestic architecture. 1909. 6:389. Maynard. ‘The small country place. 31908. 4:239. Morris & Wood. The country cottage. 1906. 2:212. Osborne, ed. Country homes and gardens at moderate coer. LOOT. 23 «197. Stickley. Craftsman homes. 1909. 6:401. Country houses—Sanitation Brewer. Rural hygiene. 1909. 6:197. Country life Butterfield. Chapters in rural progress. 1908. 4:172. Gilman. My Cranford. 1909. 5:137. Hall.” A little land and a liying. 1908. .4:237. Hays. Education for country life. 1909. 6:99. Perkins. Book of joys. 1907. 4:240. Roads. Rural christendom. 1909. 6:395. Shute. Farniing it. 1909. 6:256. Courts Baldwin. The American judiciary. 1905. 1:77. Wellman. A day in court. 1909. 6:300. Coyotes Harding. Wolf and coyote trapping. 1909. 6:380. Crane, Walter Crane,” An artist’s reminiscences. 1907. 4:10. AG INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Credit Prendergast. Credit and its uses. 1906. 3:170. Crete y Abbott. Turkey in transition. 1909. 6:195. , Burrows. Discoveries in Crete. 1907. 4:129. Hawes. Crete, the forerunner of Greece. 1910. 6:329. Crime and criminals Minsterberg. On the witness stand. 1908. 4:198. Wines. Punishment and reformation. New ed. ~ 1910. 6:424. Criminal law Alger. Moral overstrain. 1906. 2:177. Train. The prisoner at the bar. 1906. 3:75. Crivelli, Carlo Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Cromwell, Oliver Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. Cryptogams, Vascular Clute. Fern allies of North America north of Mexico. 1905.-1:106. Cuba Cuba. Oficina del censo. Cuba: population, history and resources, 1907. 1909. 6:31. Culture Eliot. Education for efficiency. 1909.- 6:11. Currency question American academy of political and social science. Les- Sons of the financial crisis. 1908. 4:165. Hull. Practical problems in banking and currency. 1907. 4:13. Jevons. Investigations in currency and finance. New ed. 1909-2 6:227. Morawetz. Banking and currency problem in the United States. 1909. 5:106. Shaw. Current issues. 1908. 4:208. Currency question—Bibliography * U. 8. Bibliography division, Library of Congress. Select list of books relating to currency and banking. 1908. 4:316. Curtis, George William ’ Winter. Old friends. 1909. 6:24. Cushman, Charlotte Saunders Winter. Other days. 1908.. 4:300. Cyclopedias Appleton’s new practical cyclopedia. 6v. 1910. 6:363. New international year book [annual] 1909. 5:177. Dairying Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.3. 1908. ~3:254. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 47 Conn. Practical dairy bacteriology. 1907. 4:235. Lane. The business of dairying. 1909. 6:119. Snyder. Dairy chemistry. 1906. (2:109. Spillman. A _ successful poultry and dairy farm. 1909. 6:32. Winslow. Production and handling of clean milk. 1908. 4:217. . 2d ed. 1909. 6:232. Woll. Handbook for farmers and dairymen. 5th ed. 1908. 5:68. Dakota Indians Hanson. The conquest of the Missouri. 1909. 6:245. Dalmatia Holbach. Dalmatia, 1907. 4:80. Damien, Joseph Lambert. Romance of missionary heroism. 1907. 2:241. Dana, Charles Anderson : Wilson. Life of Charles A. Dana. 1907. 3:174. Danish literature—Bibliography Kildal. Selected list of Norwegian and Danish books. 1908. 5:16. Dante Alighieri Dole. ~ A teacher-of Dante. 1908. 4:178. Snell. Handbook to the works of Dante. 1909. 6:256. Toynbee. Dante in English literature from Chaucer to Carye, -2¥-", 1909. 6:86. Darwin, Charles Robert American association for the advancement of science. Fifty years of Darwinism. 1909. 5:154. Kellogg. Darwinism today. 1907. 4:14. Poulton. Charles Darwin and The origin of species. 1909. 6:343. | . Seward, ed. Darwin and modern science. 1909. 6:125. Daubigne, Charles Francois La-Farge. The higher life in art. 1908. 5:44. Davidson, Thomas . Knight. Memorials of Thomas Davidson. 1907. 4:193. Davis, Jefferson Dodd. Jefferson Davis. 1907. 4:178. Davy, Sir Humphry Ramsay. Essays. 1909. 6:48. Death Minot. The pxoblent of age, growth and death. 1909. 6:19. Debating Askew. Pros and cons. 4th ed. 1906. 3:84. Fanning, comp. Selected articles on capital punishment. 1909. 6:282. Selected articles on the election of United States senators. 1909. 6:282. 48 ~ INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Foster. Argumentation and debating. 1908. 4:236. Pearson, ed. Intercollegiate debates. 1910. 6:292. Phelps, comp. Selected articles on the income tax. 1909. 6:292. Selected articles on the initiative and referendum. 1909. 6:292. Ringwalt. Briefs on public questions. 1905. 1:69. Robbins, comp. Selected articles on the commission plan of municipal government. 1909. 6:294. LPebussy, Claude Liebich. Claude-Achille Debussy. 1908. 4:195. Decamps, Alexandre Gabriel La Farge. The higher hfe in art. 1908. 5:44. Decoration and ornament Day. Nature and ornament. v.l. 1909. 6:10. Vas DLO LOS SeO tag ie Standage, ed. Decoration of metal, wood, glass, ete. 1908. 4:296. Degeneration Travis. The young malefactor. 1908. 4:213. Delacroix, Ferdinand Victor Hugéne La Farge. The higher life in art. 1908. 5:44. De Lancey, Sir William Howe De Lancey. A week at Waterloo in 1815. 1906.’ 3:66. Delftware Moore. Delftware, Dutch and English. 1908. 5:46. Democracy Butler. True and false: democracy.. 1907.) o:taan Dole. > Spirit of democracy. - 1906. 3:19, Howe. Privilege and democracy in America. 91910. 6:383. De Morgan, William Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:253. Denmark—Description and travel Butlin. Among the Danes. 1909. 6:69. Denmark—Social life and customs Riis.. The-old town. 1909. 6:124. Department stores ‘ Corbion. Principles of salesmanship, deportment and_sys- tem. 100 Ti o7 7, De Quincey, Thomas Rickett. Vagabond in literature. 1906. 3:104. Winchester. Group of English essayists of the early nine- teenth century. 1910. 6:261. Derbyshire, Hngland Firth. Highways and byways in Derbyshire. 1905. 13107. Descartes, René Godfrey. -A sister of prince Rupert. 1909. 6:166. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 49 Design, Decorative Davison. Arts connected with building. 1909. 6:371. Day. Nature and ornament. v.2. 1910. 6:371. Owen. Nature’s aid to design. 1907. 4:201. Sturgis. Interdependence of the arts of design. 1905. £379: Devonshire, England Snell. The Blackmore country. 1906. 2:167. Diamonds Crookes. Diamonds. 1910. 6:322. Diaz, Porfirio Zayes Hnriquez. Porfirio Diaz. 1908. 5:23. Diaz de la Pena, Narcisse Virgile La Farge. The higher life in art. 1908. 5:44. Dickens, Charles Browne, comp. Short plays from Dickens. 1909. 6:8. Chesterton. Charles Dickens. 1906. 3:95. James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14. More. Shelburne essays. 5th series. 1908. 4:292. Philip. A Dickens dictionary. 1909. 6:394. Shore. Charles Dickens and his friends. 1909. 6:256. Winter. Old friends. 1909. 6:24. Dickinson, Emily Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Diet - Black. Eating to live. 1906. 3:6. Browne. Parcimony in nutrition. 1909. 5:156. Hall. Nutrition and dietetics. 1910. 6:244. Hill and others. Dietary studies in rural regions in Ver- mont, Tennessee and Georgia. 1909. 6:269. Hogan. How to feed children. 9th ed. 1909. 6:61. Holt. Care and feeding of children. 4th ed. 1907. 45120,".> — 5th ed. 1909. 6:145. Hunt. The daily meals of school children. 1909. 6:31. Norton. Food and dietetics. 1907. 3:169. Read. Fads and feeding. 1909. 6:176. Diplomacy Foster. Practice of diplomacy as illustrated in the for- eign relations of the United States. 1906. 2:237. Hay. Addresses. 1906. 2:210. Moore. American diplomacy. 1905. 1:136. Discoveries (in geography) Greely. Handbook of polar discoveries. 38d ed. 1909. 6 :226. Laut. Vikings of the Pacific. 1905. 2:5. Shackleton. Heart of the Antarctic. 1909. 6:178. Williams. Romance of early exploration. 1907, 2:244. Diseases Hutchinson. Preventable diseases. 1909. 6:206. 50 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS _ Diving Boycott. Compressed air work and diving. 1909. 6:366. Dix, Dorothea Lynde Beach. Daughters of the Puritans. 1905. 2:3. Dogs Hart. Rabies and its increasing prevalence. 1908. 4:314. Dogs, Legends and stories. of Fitzpatrick. Jock of the Bushveld. 1907. 4:102. Dogs, Training of U. S. Manufactures bureau. Police and work dogs in Europe. 1909. 6:102. Dolls 3 Starr. The doll book. 1908. 5:85. Dolomite Alps Holland. Tyrol and its people. 1909. 6:168. Domestic animals Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. - v.3. 1908. 3:254. Davenport. Principles of breeding. 1907. 4:176. Plumb. Types and breeds of farm animals. 1906. 3:103. Voogt. Our domestic animals. 1907. 4:50. & Smith. Farmer’s cyclopedia of live stock. 1908 4:216. Domestic economy Bevier. Fhe house. - 1907. ~3:160. & Usher. Home economics movement. pt. 1. 1906. 3:95. Burrell. Living on a little. 1908. 4:256, Curtis. The making of a housewife. 1906. 3:40. Dodd. Chemistry of the household. 1907. 3:162. The healthful farmhouse. 1906. 3:41. Elliott. Household hygiene.. 1907. 3:163. Hewitt. How to live on a small income. 1909. 6:246. Hill. The up-to-date waitress. 1906. 2:162. Hunt. Home problems from a new standpoint. 1908. 4:290. James. Housekeeping for two. 1909. 6:247. Laughlin. The complete home. 1907. 3:194. Richards.. The cost of shelter. 1905. 2:11. Salmon. Progress in the household. 1906. 3:71. Terhune. The housekeeper’s week. 1908. 5:21. Terrill. Household management. 1907. 3:173. Domestic. economy—Study and. teaching : Hamilton. Farmer’s institutes for women. 1909. 6:189. Domett, Alfred . - Browning. Robert Browning and Alfred Domett. 1906. 2:236. Donatello Villari. Studies, historical and critical. 1907. 4:214. ‘ 2 3 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS ol Doncaster, Hngland Howells. Seven English cities. 1909. 6:H8. Dorset, England Treves. Highways and byways in Dorset. 1906. 2:213.° Douglas, Stephen Arnold Carr. Stephen A. Douglas. 1909. 6:199. Johnson. Stephen A. Douglas. 1908. 4:190.. Douglass, Frederick Washington. Frederick Douglass. 1907. 3:173. Drainage Elliott. Practical farm drainage. 2d ed. 1908. 6:59. Gray. Government reclamation work in foreign coun- tries... 1909. 6:98. Drainage, House Bashore. Sanitation of a country house. 1905. 1:67. Drake, Sir Francis Noyes. Drake, an English epic. 1909. 6:210. Drama Borsa. The English stage of today. 1907. 4:254. Caffin. The appreciation of the drama. 1908. 5:6. Hale. Dramatists of today. 1905. 1:55. Hamilton. Theory of the theatre. 1910. 6:379. Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. Matthews. Study of the drama. 1910. 6:338. Shaw. Dramatic opinions and essays. 2v. 1906. 3:72. Symons. Plays, acting and music. 1909. 6:62. Drama—Bibliography Dramatic index for 1909 [annual] 1910. 6:373. McFadden & Davis, comp. Selected list of plays for am- ateurs. 1908. 4:80. Mulliken. Reading list on modern dramatists. 1907. 4:106. Dramas (of individual authors) - Bangs. The real thing, and three other farces. 1909. 6:108. Chapman. A sausage from Bologna. 1909. 6:37. Du Maurier. An Englishman’s home. 1909. ~ 5:162. Galsworthy. Plays: The silver box; Joy; Strife. 1909. 6:13. Goethe. Faust (Phillips & Carr) 1908. 5:12. Goldsmith. The good-natured man; She stoops to con- quer --1909.~6:60. Hardy. ~The. dynasts. 3v. . 1904-8. -2:289. Howells. The mother and the father. 1909. 5:169. Hugo. Dramatie works. 3v. 1909. 5:194. Kennedy. The servant in the house. 1908. 4:192. The winterfeast.. 1908. 5:43. Ledoux. Yzdra. 1909. ‘6:386. Mackaye. Mater. 1908. 5:80. Maeterlinck The blue bird. 1909. 5:174. 52 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Moody. The faith healer. 1909. 5:143. The great divide. 1909. 6:80. Peabody. Fortune and men’s eyes. 1909. 6:421. The piper. 1909. 6:253. Phillips. Faust. 1908. 5:12. Nero.. 1906. 2:107. Shakespeare. As you like it (First folio ed.) 1906. 3:24. King Henry the Fifth (The new Hudson Shake- speare) 1908. 5:123. Life of Henry Fift (First folio ed.) 1906. 3:25. —— Much adoe about nothing (First folio ed.) 1907. 5:65. —— Tragedy of Richard the third (New variorum ed.) 1908. 5:65. Swinburne. Dramas. 1909. 6:149. Tarkington & Wilson. The man from home. 1908. 5:51. Trask. King Alfred’s jewel. 1909. 6:52. Van Dyke. The house of Rimmon. 1908. 5:22. Wagner. Tannhduser (Huckel) 1906. 3:50. Wiley. Dante and Beatrice. 1909. 6:406. Yeats & Gregory. The unicorn from the stars. 1908. 4:300. Zangwill. The melting-pot. 1909. 6:88. = Dramas—Plays for amateurs Browne. Short plays from Dickens. 1909. 6:8. Dix. Allison’s lad and other martial interludes. 1910. 6:281. ~ Merington. Cranford, a play. 1905. 1:109. | The vicar of Wakefield. 1909. 6:251. Drawing How to draw. 1904. 1:27. Clausen. Aims and ideals in art. 1906. 3:220. Colby. Talks on drawing, painting, making, decorating, for primary teachers. 1909. 6:279. Everett & Lawrence. Freehand and perspective drawing. 1909. . 5:168. . Norton. Freehand perspective and_ sketching. 1909. 5:148. Dresden gallery , Addison. Art of the Dresden gallery. 1907. 3:37. Dressmaking ; Laughlin, ed. The complete dressmaker. 1907. 3:194. Watson. Textiles and clothing. 1907. 3:174. Drinking customs : Hackwood. Inns, ales and drinking customs of old Eng- land. 1909. 6:328. Drugs Kebler and others. Harmfulness of headache mixtures: 1909. 6:189. Sainsbury. Drugs and the drug habit. 1909. 6:48. INDEX ‘TO ADULT BOOKS >) Pst (Je) Dry farming Macdonald. Dry-farming. 1909. 6:120. Dublin, Jreland Chart. Story of Dublin. 1907. 4:38. Diirer, Albrecht Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Dufferin and Ava, Sir Frederick Temple Hamilton-Temple- ‘Blackwood, ist marquis of Walpole. Studies in biography. 1907. 4:215. Du Lhut, Daniel Greysolon Colby. Canadian types of the old régime. 1908. 4:285. Dumas, Alexander Dumas... My memoirs. 6v. 1907-8. 4:178._ Duncan, William Arctander. The apostle of Alaska. 1909. 6:67. Dunk Island Banfield. The confessions of a beachcomber. 1909. 6:156. Dupré, Jules. La Farge. The higher life in art. 1908. 5:44. Durham, England Howells. Seven English cities. 1909. 6:118. Duse, Eleonora Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. Dust Elliott. Household bacteriology. 1907. 3:163. Dwarfs Lloyd. In dwarf land and cannibal country. 1907. 4:195. Dyck, Anton van Cust. Van Dyck. . 1906. 4:176. — Dyer, Mary Hodges. The apprenticeship of Washington. 1909. 5:105. Dyes and dyeing Brannt, ed. The practical dry cleaner, scourer, and gar- ments dyer. isd. ed. 1909. ..5:193: Farrell. Dyeing and cleaning. 1908. 5:164. Owen. Dyeing and cleaning of textile fabrics. 1909. 5:178. Pawlie. Practical handbook of garment dyeing and clean- ios F000. 52178. Dynamos Franklin & Esty. Dynamos and motors. 1909. 6:242. Earth Snyder. The world machine. 1907. 3:129. Earthquakes Davison. A study of recent earthquakes. 1905. 1:54. Dutton. Harthquakes in the light of the new seismology. 1904. 1:8. Gilbert. The San Francisco earthquake and fire. 1907. 4:41. 54 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Hobbs. Earthquakes. 1907. 4:42. Jordan, ed. ‘he California earthquake of 1906. 1907. 4:190. Earthquakes—Bibliography ~ Brooklyn public library. Earthquakes and _ volcanoes. 1906. 2:193. East (Far Hast) Ireland. The Far Eastern tropics. 1905. 1:57. Knox. The spirit of the Orient. 1906. 3:45. Penfield. East of Suez: Ceylon, India, China and Japan LOOT eae l0S. Thwing. Education in the Far East. 1909. 6:52. Underwood. The religions of eastern Asia. 1910. 6:403. East Indies Whitney. Jungle trails and jungle people. 1905. 1:110. Baster The book of Easter. 1910. 6:318. Eastern question (Balkan) Buxton. Turkey in revolution. 1909. 6:8. Knight. The awakening of Turkey. 1909. 5:16. The near East. 1907. 4:199. Smith. Fighting the Turk in the Balkans. 1908. 5:85. Sonnichsen. Confessions of a Macedonian bandit. 1909. 6:50. Upward. The east end of Europe. 1909. 6:128. Eastern question (Far Hast) Blakeslee, ed. China and the Far Hast. 1910. 6:365. Bouillane de Lacoste. Around Afghanistan. 1909. 6:157. Coolidge. The United States as a world power. 1908. 4;286. Hamilton. Afghanistan. 1906. 3:43. Hulbert. The passing of Korea. 1906. 3:10. Lea. Valor of. ignorance. 1909. 6:335. McKenzie. The unveiled East. 1907: 4:142. Martin. The awakening of China. 1907. 3:196. Millard. America and the Far Eastern question. 1909. G:29. The new Far East. 1906. 2:165. Simpson. The coming struggle in eastern Asia. 1908. 4:209. Truce in the East and its aftermath. 1907. 4:210. “Smith. China and America today. 1907. 4:210. Economics Bogart. The economic history of the United States. 1907. 4:100. Bullock. Introduction to the study of economics. 3d ed. 1908. 5:60. comp. Selected readings in economies. 1907. 4:101. Davenport- Value and distribution. 1908. _4:176. INDEX TO.ADULT BOOKS 55 Ely. Outhnes of economics. New ed. 1908. 4:276. George. Menace of privilege. 1905. 2:105. Hawley. Enterprise and the productive process. 1907. 4;185. Hirst. Life of Friedrich List and selections from his writings. 1909. 6:381. Hobson. The industrial system. 1909. 6:205. Holt. On the civic relations. 1907. 4:13. Laughlin. Latter-day problems. 1909. 6:170. Mill. Principles of political economy. New ed. 1909. 6:421. Nathan. Economic heresies. 1909. 6:122.: Reeve. Cost of competition. 1906. 2:107. Ringwalt. Briefs on public questions. 19Q5. 1:69. Seligman. Principles of economics. 3d ed. 1907. 4:229. 4th ed. 1909. 6:148. Small. The cameralists. 1909. 6:347. Eddy, Mrs Mary Morse (Baker) Glover Milmine. Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the history of Christian science. 1909. 6:210. Edgeworth, Maria - Hill. Maria Edgeworth and her circle. 1909. 6:205. Edison, Thomas Alva Jones. Thomas Alva Edison. 1908. 4:80. Education Carlton. Education and industrial evolution. 1908. 5:7. Chancellor. A theory of motives, ideals, and values in education. 1907. 4:8. Conover. Personality in education. 1908. 5 Eliot. Education for efficiency. 1909. 6:11. Emerson. Education. 1909. 6:60. Gayley. Idols of education. 1910. 6:377. Gilman. The launching of a university. 1906. 2:105. Kappa. Let youth but know. 1905. 2:164. O’Shea. Dynamic factors in education. 1906. 2:243. Palmer.. The teacher. 1908. 5:19. Ruediger. Principles of education. 1910. 6:397. Wendell. The privileged classes. 1908. 5:22. West. Short papers on American liberal education. 1907. 3:133. Education—Bibliography U. S. Education bureau. Index to reports of commissioner of education, 1867-1907. 1909. 6:101. List of publications of bureau, 1867-1907. 1908. 5:86. A teacher’s professional library. 1909. 6:190. Wyer. Bibliography of education for 1907 [annual] 1908. 4:317. 56 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Education—History o! Compayré. Herbert Spencer and _ scientific education. 1907.-.4:10. —— Jean Jacques Rousseau and education from nature. 1907. «4:10. —— Montaigne and education of the judgment. 1908. 4:173. Graves. History of education before the middle ages. 1909. 5:138. Misawa. Modern educators and their ideals. 1909. 5:175. Monroe. Brief course in the history of education. 1907. 3:224. Taylor. Syllabus of the history of education. 1909. 6:402. Education—History—Bibliography Taylor. Syllabus of the history of education. 1909. 6:402. Education—Statistics Snedden & Allen. School reports and school efficiency. 1908. 4:211. ) Education—China Thwing. Education in the Far East. 1909. 6:52. Yung Wing. My life in China and America. 1909. 6: one Education—Greece Walden. The universities of ancient Greece. 1909. 6:259. Education—India Thwing. Education in the Far East. 1909. 6:52. Education—Japan Thwing. Education in the Far East. 1909. 6:52. Education—Rome Wilkins. Roman education. 1905. 2:65. Education—South Africa South African native races committee, London. South African natives. 1909. 6:296. Education—United States Brown. Government by influence and other addresses. LTV OS le Burstall. Impressions of American education in 1908. 1009 eat hoe: Cubberley. Changing conceptions of education. 1908. 6:111. Davenport. Education for efficiency. 1909. 6:112. Draper. American education. 1909. 6:281. Dutton & Snedden. Administration of public education in the United States. 1908. 5:39. Francis. Americans, an impression. 1909. 6:72. . Thwing. History of higher education in America. 1906. 3:106. - Wendell. The mystery of education. 1909. 6:260. 5) | “I INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Education, Social aspects of Seott. Social education. 1908. 5:109. Education of children ‘ z Allen. Home, school and vacation. 1907. 4:127. Bray. The town child. 1909. 6:276. Earhart. Teaching children to study. 1909. 6:114. Grice. Home and school united in widening circles of in- spiration and service. 1909. 6:378. Hall. Youth. 1907. 4:79. Johnson. Education by plays and games. 1907. 4:139. Jones and others. Teaching children to study. 1909. 6:285. Key. The century of the child. 1909. 5:140. Education of the child. 1909. 6:419. . O’Shea. Social development and education. 1909. 6:123. Row. Educational meaning of manual arts and industries. 1909. 6:396. Tyler. Growth and education. 1907. 3:227. See also Moral education; Religious education. Education of women Burstall. English high schools for girls. 1907. 4:172. Crawford. The college girl of America. 1904. 1:7. Gilchrist. Life of Mary Lyon. 1910. 6:377. Hyde. The college man and the college woman. 1906. 2:100. Olin. The women of a state university. 1909. 6:122. Palmer. The teacher. 1908. 5:19. Edwards, Jonathan Macphail. Essays in puritanism. 1905. 1:58. Powell. Heavenly heretics. 1909. 6:343. Eggs Hastings. The egg trade of the United States. 1909. 6:99. _ Egypt—Antiquities Dunean. Exploration of Egypt and the Old Testament. 1909. 6:202. Hichens. Egypt and its monuments. 1908. 5:42. Maspero. New light on ancient Egypt. 1909. 5:142. Egypt—Civilization Maspero. New light on ancient Egypt. 1909. 5:142. Egypt—Description and travel Butler. From sketch-book and diary. 1909. 6:319. Duncan. Going down from Jerusalem. 1909. 6:113. Dunning. Today on the Nile. 1905. 2:9. Egypt and how to see it. 1908. 4:135. Hichens.’ Egypt and its monuments. 1908. 5:42. Loti, pseud. Egypt. 1910. 6:287. Egypt—History, Ancient Baikie. Story of the Pharaohs. 1908. 4:283. Breasted, History of Egypt from the earliest times to the Persian conquest. 1905. 1:133. 2d ed. 1909, 6:141. —— History of the ancient Egyptians. 1908. 4:170. ———— 58 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Egypt—History, Modern : Cromer. Modern Egypt. 2v.- 1908. 4:133. Egypt—Politics and government Cromer. Modern Egypt. 2v. 1908. 4:133. Egypt—Religion Erman. Handbook of Egyptian religion. 1907. 4:180. Elections American academy of political and social science. Munici- pal problems. 1906. 3:38. Dougherty. The electoral system of the United States. 1906. + 2:159. Fuller. Government by the people. 1908. 4:236. Haynes. Election of senators. 1906, 2:181. See also Citizenship; Primaries; Referendum; Repre- sentation; Senators. Elections—Bibliography U. S. Bibliography division, Library of Congress. Select list of references on corrupt practices in elections. 1908. 4:317. Electric conductors Del Mar. Electric power conductors. 1909. 6:280. Electric engineering Gibson. Electricity of today. 1907. 2:237. Hibbert. Popular electricity. 1909. 6:330. Hobart. Heavy electrical engineering. 1909. 6:246. Standard handbook for electrieal engineers. 1908. 5:85. Turner & Hobart. Insulation of electric machines. 1905. 2:37, Electric engineering—Bibliography Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of 1908 jannual] 1909. 5:143. Electric furnace Stansfield. Electric furnace. 1908. 4:211. Wright. Electric furnaces and their industrial applications. 1905. 2:109. Electric heating Gibson. Electricity of today. 1907. 2:2387. Electric light Barrows. Electrical illuminating engineering. 1908. 5:- 130. Gibson. Electricity of today. 1907. 2:237. Electric lighting Cravath & Lansingh. Practical illumination. 1907. 4:174. Knox & Shaad. Electric wiring and lighting. 1909. 5:172. Electric machinery Bell. Electric power transmission.~ 4th ed. 1906. 2:108. Crocker. Dynamo-electric machinery. 1908. 5:75. Electric motors Franklin. Dynamos and motors. 1909. 6:242. Meade. Electric motors. 1908. 5:142. Raymond. Motor troubles. 1908. 6:48. INDEX:-.TO ADULT BOOKS . 59 Electric power distribution Abbott. Electrical transmission of energy. 4th ed. 1904. £35. Bell. Electric power transmission. 4th ed. 1906. 2:108. Hutchinson. Long-distance electric power transmission. 1907, 4:189. Electric railroads Gibson. Electricity of today. 1907. 2:237 Gotshall. Notes on electric railway economics and pre- liminary engineering. 2d ed. 1904. 1:29. Lowe. Electric railway troubles and how to find them. 1909. 6:250. Wilson. Electrical traction. 2v. 1907. 4:153. Electric wiring Cushing. Standard wiring for electric light and power. Eth ed 20190531254. ; Knox & Shaad. Electric wiring and lighting. 1909. 5:172. Electricity Atkinson. Electricity for everybody. New ed. 1907. 4:117. f Cummings. Electricity and magnetism in telephone main- tenance. 1908. 6:10. Gibson. Electricity of today. 1907. ~ 2:237. Romance of modern electricity. 1905, 1:127. Hibbert.. Popular electricity. 1909. -6:330. Houston. Electricity in everyday life. 3v. 1905. 1:56. Lincoln, comp. Practical electricity. 4th ed. 1904. 1:29. Lodge. Electrons. 1906. 4:141. Electricity—Bibliography : Pratt Institute free library. Books on electricity. 1906. 2:194, Society for the promotion of engineering education. Re- vised list of technical books. 1906, 2:194. Electrometallurgy Wright. Electric furnaces and their industrial applications. 1905. 2:109: Electrons Lodge. Electrons. 1908. 4:141. Righi. Modern theory of physical phenomena, radio- activity, ions, electrons. 1904. 1:16. Electroplating Langbein. Complete treatise on the electro-deposition of metals. 1905. 1:58. Eliot, Charles William Kuehnemann, Charles W. Eliot. 1909. 6:17. Eliot, George, pseud. - Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14. Elizabeth, countess palatine, abbess of Herford Godfrey, pseud. A sister of Prince Rupert. 1909. 6:166. 60 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Elizabeth, queen of England Hume. Two English queens and Philip. 1908. 5:105. Mumby, comp. Girlhood of Queen Elizabeth. 1909. 6:173. Elizabeth Stuart, queen of Bohemia Green. Elizabeth, electress palatine and queen of Bo- hemia. 1909. 6:417. Ellsworth, Oliver Brown. Life of Oliver Ellsworth. 1905. 2:34. Elocution. Breare. Elocution. 1906. 2:158, Embroidery Christie. Embroidery and tapestry weaving. 1906. 3:66. Day & Buckle. “Art in needlework. 3d ed. 1908. 5:61. Emerson, Ralph Waldo Brownell. American prose masters. 1909. 6:157. Eliot. Four American leaders. 1906. 3:120. Emerson. Journals. v. 1-2. 1909. 6:202. Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Sanborn. Recollections ot seventy years. 2v. 1909. 6:49. Woodberry. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1907. 3:106. Emigration. See Immigration Emmanuel movement Baker. New ideals in healing. 1909. 5:99. MeComb. Power of self suggestion. 1909. 6:18. Powell. Emmanuel movement in a New England town. 1909 SO 2108; Worcester & McComb. Christian religion as a healing power. 1909. 6:214. Worcester and others. Religion and medicine. 1908. 4:266. See also Mental healing; Religious therapeutics. ~ Employers’ liability Henderson. Industrial insurance in the United States. 1909. 5:77. Lewis. State insurance. 1909. 5:141. Enamel Dawson. Enamels. 1908. 5:38. Day. Enamelling, 1907. 5:38. Engineering Williams. How it is done. 1908:> 5:88. Engineering—Bibliography Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of 1908 [annual] 1909. 5:143. f Society for the promotion of engineering education. Re- vised list of technical books. 1906. 2:194. Engineering—Contracts and specifications Fowler. Law and business of engineering and contracting. 1909. 5:165. Gillette. Handbook of cost data. 1905. 1:187. England Clarke. Browning’s England. 1908. 5:37. INDEX -LO ADULT BOOKS 61 England—Description and travel Abraham. Complete mountaineer. 1908. 4:163. Bates. From Gretna Green to Land’s End. 1907. 4:6. Bradley. Rivers and streams of England. 1909. 6:318. Ditehfield. Picturesque English cottages and their door- way gardens. 1905. 1:107. Harper. The Hardy country. 1904. 1:9. Howells. Certain delightful English towns. 1906. 2:239. Hueffer. England and the English. 1907. 4:139. James. English hours. 1905, 1:127. Melville., The Thackeray country. 1905. 1:41. Rawnsley. Round the Lake country. 1909. 6:254. Shelley. Literary by-paths in Old England. 1906. 3:73. Sherrill. Stained glass tours in England. 1909. 6:49. Stawell. Motor tours in Wales and the border counties. 1909.7 6*54. Story. American shrines in England. 1908. 5:111. Wharton. An English honeymoon. 1908. 5:53. England—Social life and customs Collier. England and the English from an American point of view. 1909. 57134. ; Godfrey, pseud. English children in the olden time. 1908. 4:259. Green. Town life in the fifteenth century. 1907. 4:120. Hackwood. Inns, ales and drinking customs of old Eng- land. 1909. 6:328. Sparrow. The English house. 1909. 6:50. Stephenson. The Elizabethan people. 1910. 6:348. English drama : Schelling. Elizabethan drama, 1558-1642. 2v. 1908. 4:206. Thorndike. Tragedy. 1908. 4:212. English fiction sf Canning. History in Scott’s novels. -1905. 2:68. English language Lounsbury. Standard of usage in English. 1908. 4:196. Matthews. American of the future. 1909. 6:251. Palmer. Self-cultivation in English. 1909. 6:61. Woolley. Mechanics of writing. 1909. 6:351. English languagé—Composition Arnold & Kittredge. The mother tongue. New ed. 2v. 1908. 6:140. Baldwin. Composition, oral and written. 1909. 6:197. Writing and speaking. 1909. 6:35. English composition in theory and practice. 1909. 6:202. Hartog. Writing of English. 1907. 4:103, Scott & Denney. Elementary English composition. New ed. 1909. 6:148. English language—Dictionaries Webster’s new international dictionary of the English — language. 1909: .6:150. 62 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS English language—Grammar Arnold & Kittredge. The mother tongue. New ed. 2v. 1908. 6:140. 7 Fernald. A working grammar of the English language. 1908. 5:137. Leonard. Grammar and its reasons. 1908. 5:17. English language—Pronunciation Phyfe. Twelve thousand words often mispronounced. New ed. < 1908.5°5: 65. English language—Study and teaching (for foreigners) Faustine & Wagner. New reader for evening schools. 190975 Gt a15, Mintz. New American citizen. 1909. 6:46. O’Brien. English for -foreigners.- 1909. 5:177. English literature Cambridge history of English literature. v.. 1-2. 1907-8. 4:256. ——i vi 3. 1908. 5:133. v. 4. 1910. 6:319. Chandler. Literature of roguery. 2v. 1907. 4:8. ‘ Gosse. Modern English literature. New ed. 1906. 3:84. Jusserand. Literary history of the English people. v. 2, pt: 1 L006. 3208. — v. 3, pt. 2. 1909. 6:333. Long. English literature. 1909. .6:119. Magnus. English literature in the nineteenth century. 1909. . 6:79. Moody & Lovett. First view of English literature. 1905.- 1:68. _ . Nicoll & Seccombe. History of English literature. 3v. 1907. 4:229. Saintsbury. Later nineteenth century. 1907. 4:206. Tappan. Short history of England’s and America’s litera- ture. 1906. 2:149. Toynbee. Dante in English literature. 2v. 1909. 6:86. Wendell. Temper of the seventeenth century in English literature. 1904. 1:18. English literature—Collections Hadow. Oxford treasury of English literature. v.1. 1906. Bt Oue —— v. 2.- 1908. 5:41, Manly, ed. English prose (1137-1890), 1909. 6:45. English literature—Study and teaching Schackford. English masterpieces of the nineteenth cen- tury. 1906. 3:128. English poetry. Brooke. Studies in poetry. 1907. 4:170. Mackail. Springs of Helicon. 1909. 5:173. Reynolds. Treatment of nature in English poetry between Pope and-Wordsworth. 2d ed. 1909. 6:422. ~ INDEX TO aDULT BOOKS 63 Symons. Romantic movement in English poetry. 1909. 6:127. i English poetry—Collections Bronson, ed. English poems (1550-1650) 1909. ~6:36. English poems (1660-1800) 1908. 4:284. . English poems; the nineteenth century. 1907. 3:192. Brooke & Rolleston, ed.. Treasury of Irish poetry. 1907. 4:117. Cody, ed. Selection from the great English poets. 1905. 1:67, Leonard, comp. Pageant of English poetry. 1909. 6:387. Page, éd. British poets of the nineteenth century. 1904. 1:14. ~ Palgrave, comp. Golden treasury. New ed. 1909. 6:147. Treasury of sacred song. 1906. 3:102. Engraving Austin. History of engraving. 1909. 6:5. Hayden. Chats on old prints. 1906. 3:43. Hind. Short history of engraving and etching. 1908. 5:42. Salaman. Old English colour-prints. 1909. 6:295. Weitenkampf. How to appreciate prints. 1908. 5:53. Entertaining Hall. Handbook of hospitality for town and country. 1909. 6:208. Laughlin. Complete hostess. 1906. 2:100. Entertainments Glover. ‘‘Dame Curtsey’s’’ book of novel entertainments. 1907. 4:183. Erie canal Hepburn. Artificial waterways and commercial develop- ment. 1909. 5:104. Escorial, Spain Calvert. The Escorial. 1907. 4:130. Eskimos Amundsen. The Northwest Passage. 2v. 1908. 4:282. Cameron. The new North. 1909. 6:159. Mikkelsen. Conquering the Arctic ice. 1909. 6:121. Essay Dawson, ed. Great English essayists. 1909. 6:201. Winchester. Group of English essayists of the early nine- teenth century. 1910. 6:261. Essays (of individual authors) Baldwin. Essays out of hours. 1907. 4:167. Beebe. Log of the sun. 1906. 3:38. Beerbohm. Yet again. 1910. 6:364. Benson. The altar fire. 1907. 4:6. At large.: 1908. —4:283. +——— Beside still-waters. 1907. 3:1 —— The Upton letters. 1905. 1:3 59, 3. 64 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Burroughs. Far and near. 1904. 1:6. Leaf and tendril. 1908. 4:172. Ways of nature. 1905. 1:99. Chesterton. All things considered. 1908. 5:36. Conway. Moncure D. Conway; addresses and reprints. 1909. 6:38. Couch. From a Cornish window. 1906. 2:179. Crothers. By the Christmas fire. 1908. 5:8. The pardoner’s wallet. 1905. 1:134. Dunn. Cicero in Maine. 1905. 2:4. Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Grayson. Adventures in contentment. 1907. 4:18. Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. Realities and ideals. 1908. 5:12. Higginson. Part of a man’s life. 1905. 1:101. Jefferies. Life of the fields. 1908. 5:62. Lane. Champagne standard. 1905. 2:106. Lodge. A frontier town and other essays. 1906. 3:12. Lucas. One day and another. 1909. 6:78. Maeterlinck. Measure of the hours. 1907. 4:46. Martin. In a new century. 1908. 5:18. Wayside wisdom. 1909. 6:338. Masterman. In peril of change. 1906. 2:69. Matthews. Recreations of an anthologist. 1904. 1:13. Meynell. Ceres’ runaway. 1910. 6:339. More. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. —— 5th series, 1908. 4:292. mal 6th series. 1909. 5:107. Morley. Critical miscellanies. v. 4. 1908. 4:293. Packard. Wild pastures. 1909. 6:47. Wildwood ways. 1909. 6:291. Paget. Limbo, and other essays. New ed. 1908. 5:196 Perry. The amateur spirit. 1904. 1:15. Park-street papers. 1908. 4:263. Repplier. A happy half-century. 1908. 4:295. In our convent days. 1905. 1:128. Rhodes. Historical essays. 1909. 6:212. Ritchie. Blackstick papers. 1908. 5:48. Ruskin. Selections from the works of John Ruskin. 1908. 5:122. Sedgwick. The new American type. 1908. 4:207. Sharp. Lay of the land. 1908. 4:296. Showerman. With the professor. 1910. 6:346. Stevenson. Essays. 1906. 3:49. Torrey. Friends on the shelf. 1906. 3:75. Nature’s invitation. 1904. 1:17. Van Dyke. Counsels by the way. 1908. 4:298. Days off, and other digressions.. 1907. 3:228. —— Essays in application. 1905. 1:128. Whiteing. Little people. 1909. 5:112. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 65 Wilcox. The human way- 1909. 6:129. ‘Woodrow. ‘The bird of time. 1907, 3:1388. Yoxall. The wander years. 1909. 6:407. Esthetics Croce. Aesthetic as science of expression and general lin- guistic. 1909. 6:370. Gordon. Esthetics. 1909. 6:378. Lee, pseud. Laurus nobilis. 1909. 6:208. Etching Hayden. Chats on old prints. 1906. 3:43. Hind. Short history of engraving and etching. 1908. 5:42. - Ether (of space) Lodge. Ether of space. 1909. 6:78. Ethics Cabot. Everyday ethics. 1906. 3:118. Dewey & Tufts. Ethics. 1908. 5:39. Dickinson. Meaning of good. 1906. 3:40. Dole. Ethics of progress. 1909. 6:163. Griggs. Moral education. 1904. 1:9. Henderson. Children of good fortune. 1905. 1:56. McConnell. Duty of altruism. 1910. 6:389. " Perry. The moral economy. 1909. 6:175. Rand, comp. Classical moralists. 1909. 6:254. Royce. Philosophy of loyalty. 1908. 4:240. ' Ethics—Dictionaries Hastings, ed. Encyclopaedia of religion and ethics. 1908. 6:14. Ethics—History Eucken. Problem of human life. 1909. 6:241. Westermarck. Origin and development of the moral ideas. Vorc22l908. 15:87. Ethics, Christian Briggs. Ethical teaching of Jesus. 1904. 1:6. Hall. Social solutions in the light of Christian ethics. 1910. ..6:379. King.. Ethics of Jesus.. 1910. 6:334, Ethnology Arnold. The American Egypt. 1909. 6:196. Fraser. Quaint subjects of the king. 1909. 6:40. Johnston. George Grenfell and the Congo. 1910. 6:332. Keane. The world’s peoples. 1908. 4:238. Etiquet Hall. Handbook of hospitality for town and country. 1909. 6:208. Social usages at Washington. 1906. 3:42. Hardy. How to be happy though civil. 1909. 6:245. Sherwood. Manners and social usages. New ed. 1907. 4:122, Eton college Stone. Eton. 1909. 6:401. 66 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Eugenics American academy of political and social science. Race improvement in the United States. 1909. 6:5. Bray. The town child. 1909. 6:276. Davenport. Eugenics. 1910. 6:280. Saleeby. Parenthood and race culture. 1909. 6:84. Whetham. The family and the nation. 1909. 6:405. See also Galton, Francis. Europe—Description and travel Belloc. Hills and the sea. 1906. 4:6. Frazar. Practical European guide. 3d ed. 1908. 5:62. Guerber. How to prepare for Europe. 1906. 2:162. Paget. The sentimental traveller. 1908. 4:201. Yoxall. The wander years. 1909. - 6:407. Europe—History Cambridge modern history. v. 6. 1909. 6:368. Viel 1900 6 si Dow. Atlas of European history. 1907. 4:39. : Reich. Foundations of modern Europe. 2d ed. 1908. 5:60. Robinson & Beard. Development of modern Europe. 2v. 1907-8. 4:205. * Europe—History—Sources Robinson & Beard. Readings in modern European history. Vu 908455253: V. coe LOND WT Lae: Europe—History—Study and teaching Franklin. Great movements of modern European history. 1906." 3:12]; Significant aspects of ancient and mediaeval civiliza- tions “1906. -~3:120. 3 EBurope—Politics and government Simpson. Rise of Louis Napoleon. 1909. 6:346. Tardieu. France and the alliances. 1908. 5:85. Evangelists Mudge. The saintly calling. 1905. 1:42. Evolution American association for the advancement of science. Fifty years of Darwinism. 1909. 5:154. Arrhenius. Life. of the universe. 1909. 6:67. Bastian. Nature and origin of living matter. 1905. 2:157. Bateson. Mendel’s principles of heredity. 1909. 6:236. Depéret. Transformations of the animal world. 1909. 6:11. Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. — Meaning of infancy. 1909. 6:60.- Jordan & Kellogg. Evolution and animal life. 1907. 4:44. Kellogg. Darwinism today. 1907. 4:14. Montgomery. Analysis of racial descent in animals. 1906. 2:212. . INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 67 Poulton. Charles Darwin and The origin of species. 1909. 6:3438. Essays on evolution. 1908. 5:88. Saleeby. Evolution, the master-key. 1906. 2:166. Seward, ed. Darwin and modern science. 1909. 6:125. Tyler. Man in the light of evolution. 1908. 5:86, — Vries. Species and varieties. 1905. 1:60. Excavation Prelini, Earth and rock excavation. 1904, 1:15. Explorers Morris. Heroes of discovery in America. 1906. 3:12. Sanderson. Heroes of pioneering. 1908. 4:149. Explosives Guttman. Manufacture of explosives. 1909. 6:166. Fabre, Ferdinand Thorold. Six masters in disillusion. 1909. 6:214. Factories Hobart. Millwrighting. 1909. 6:15. Meakin. Model factories and villages. 1905. 2:10. Fagan, Mark Steffens. Upbuilders. 1909. 6:126. Fall River, Mass. Lincoln. The city of the dinner-pail. 1909. 6:77. Family - (The) Bosanquet. The family. 1906. 3:192. Call. Every day living. 1906. 3:7. Wells. Socialism and the family. 1908. 5:87. Fantin-Latour, Ignace Henri Jean Théodore Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Farm life. See Agriculture; Country life. Farm management Card. Farm management. 1907. 3:118. Spillman. Successful poultry and dairy farm. 1909. 6:32. Farm produce Massey. Practical farming. 1907. 4:46. Farmers Bailey. Training of farmers. 1909. 6:108. Farmers’ institutes Hamilton. Farmers’ institutes for women. 1909. 6:189. Farmhouses / - Dodd. The healthful farmhouse. 1906. 3:41. Faroe Islands Annandale. The Faroes and Iceland. 1905. 2:33. Farragut, David Glasgow Spears. David G. Farragut. 1905. 1:101. Farrar, Geraldine Wagnalls. Stars of the opera. 1907. 4:230. 68 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Faust Newman. Musical studies. 1905. 1:136. Fermentation Lipman. Bacteria in relation to country life. 1908. 5:17. Ferns Slosson. How ferns grow. 1906. 2:243. Woolson. Ferns and how to grow them. 1905. 2:12. Fertilizers a:1d7. Hall. Fertilizers and manures. 1909. 6:244. Lipman. Bacteria in relation to country life. 1908. 5:17. Snyder. Soils and fertilizers. 3d ed. 1908. 5:67. Vivian. First principles of soil fertility. 1908. 4:152. Fessenden, William Pitt ; Fessenden. Life and public services of William Pitt Fes- senden. . 2v... 1907, - 4:136, Fibers ; Hunt. Forage and fiber crops in America. 1907. 3:223. Fiction Burton. Masters of the English novel. 1909. 6:158. Dawson. Makers of English fiction. 1905. 1:100. Hamilton. Materials and methods of fiction. 1908. 4:259. Horne. Technique of the novel. 1908. 4:238. Whitcomb. Study of a novel. 1905. 2:167. Fiction—Bibliography Baker. History in fiction. 2v. 1907. 3:157. English prose fiction. 1908. 5:10. Fiction catalog. 1908. 5:11. Newark free public library, comp. A thousand of the best novels, 1904. 1:30. Field mice Lantz. An economic study of field mice. 1907. 4:104. Fiji Islands Grimshaw. Fiji and its possibilities. 1907. 4:42. Finance Bullock, ed. Selected readings in public finance. 1906. 22179. Jevons. Investigations in currency and finance. New ed. 19093 6: 227. Plehn. Introduction to public finance. 3ded. 1909. 6:148. Finance—United States Lauck. Causes of the panic of 1893. 1907. 3:224. Noyes. Forty years of American finance. New ed. 1909. 6:147. Finland Scott. Through Finland. 1909. 5:181. Fireless cookers Mitchell. The fireless cook book. 1909. 6:20, Firemen Downes. Fire-fighters and their pets. 1907. 4:11, INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 69 First aid in illness and injury Pilcher. First aid in illness and injury. 9th ed. 1905. 1:69, : Fish and fishing Cleveland. Fishing and shooting Bersham 1906. 3:40. Henshall. Favorite fish and fishing. 1908. 4:186. Holder. Big game at sea. 1908. 4:238. : Life in the open. 1906. 2:163. —— Log of a-sea angler. | 1906. 2:100. & Jordan. Fish stories. 1909. 5:104. Jordan. Fishes. 1907. 4:191. Paine. The tent dwellers. 1908. 4:293. Rhead. Book of fish and fishing. 1908. 4:295. Fish and fishing—Tackle Camp. Fishing kits and equipment. 1910. 6:369. Fisheries Greely. Handbook of Alaska. 1909. 5:166. Shaler. Man and the earth. 1905. 2:7. Tower. History of the American whale fishery. 1907. ~ 4:213. Wright. Romance of the world’s fisheries. 1908. 4:87. Fisheries—Bibliography U. S. Fisheries bureau (Commerce and labor department) List of publications available for distribution. 1908. 4:316. Fisk university From servitude to service. 1905. 2:4. Fiske, John ; Perry. John) Fiske. -1906. 2211 Fitzgerald, Edward Torrey. Friends on the shelf. 1906. 3:75. Flags Harrison. Stars and stripes and other American flags. 1906. 3:43. Flaubert, Gustave Huneker. Egoists. 1909. 5:139. Florence Bode. Florentine sculptors of the Renaissance. 1909. 6:7. Browning. Florence in the poetry of the Brownings. 1904. 1:6: : Cruttwell. Guide to the paintings in the Florentine gal- leries. 1907. 3:221. Horsburgh. Lorenzo the Magnificent. 1909. 6:41. Florence—Description Hutton. Country walks about Florence. 1908. 6:15. Ross. Old Florence and modern Tuscany. 1904.- 1:31. Whiting. The Florence of Landor. 1905, 2:12. Florence—History Biagi. Men and manners of old Florence. 1909. 6:108. Brown. ‘Builders of Florence. 1907. 4:128. 70 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Lungo. Women of-Florence. 1908. 5:18. Staley. Guilds of Florence. 1906. 3:105. Florida Dimock. Florida enchantments. 1908. 5:39. Flowers Doubleday. The American flower garden. 1909. 6:163. Henshaw. Mountain wild flowers of America. 1906. 2:182. Kirby. Daffodils, narcissus, and how to grow them. 1907. 4:14. Rexford. Four seasons in a garden. 1907. 3:171. Shelton. The seasons in a flower garden. 1906. 3:14. Walton. Practical guide to the wild flowers and fruits. 1909." D183: : Folklore—Africa Guggisberg. We two in West Africa. 1909. 6:41. Folklore—Great Britain Herbert. The Isle of Man. +1909. --6:167. Folklore—Hawaii Thrum. Hawaiian folk tales. 1907. 3:1382. Folklore—Indians of North America Curtis, ed. The Indians’ book. 1907. 4:38. Folklore—Ireland Graves, comp. Irish fairy book. 1909. 6:378. Gregory. Book of saints and wonders. 1908. 4:184, Folklore—Japanese Ozaki. Warriors of old Japan. 1909. 6:392. Folkicre—Mongols Curtin. Journey in southern Siberia. 1909. 6:161. Folk-songs Wisconsin, University of. Germanistischen Gesellschaft. Deutsches Liederbuch fiir amerikanische studenten. 1906. 3:175. Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de Thorold. Six masters in disillusion. 1909. 6:214. Food Abel. Care of food in the home. 1909. 6:269. Norton. Food and dietetics. 1907. 3:169. Richards. Food materials and their adulterations. 3d ed. 1906. 2:222. & Woodman. Air, water, and food from a sanitary standpoint. 3d ed. 1909. 6:230. Wiley. Foods and their adulteration. 1907. 3:199. Food—Analysis Leach. Food inspection and analysis. 2d ed. 1909. 6:420. Food adulteration and inspection Leach. Food inspection and analysis. 2d ed. 1909. 6:420. Richards. Food materials and their adulterations. 3d ed. 1906. 2:222. Wiley. Foods and their adulteration. 1907. 3:199. Food law and legislation U.S. Chemistry bureau. Food legislation during year ended June 30, 1908. 1909. 5:144. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 71 Food preservatives U. 8. Chemistry bureau. General results of investigations showing effect of formaldehyde upon digestion and health. 1908. 5:86. Food supply Shaler. Man and the earth. 1905. 2:7. Forage plants : Hunt. Forage and fiber crops in America. 1907. 3:228. Voorhees. Forage crops for soiling, silage, hay and pas- ture. 1907. 4:18. Force and energy Le Bon. Evolution of forges. 1908. -'5:79. Forestry Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of Ameriean agriculture. v.2. 1907. aol Os v.4. 1909. 5:129., Cleveland. A primer of conservation. 1908. 4:314. Status of forestry in the United States. 1909. 6:189. Fetherolf. Forest planting on the northern prairies. 1908. 4:314, Kellogg. Timber supply of the United States. 1909. 6:99. Muir. Our national parks. New ed. 1909. 6:229. Pinchot. Conservation of natural resources. 1908. 4:315. Sherfesee. Primer of wood preservation. 1908. 4:315. Winkenweeder. Forestry in public schools. 1907. 4:110. Forestry—Bibliography U. S. Forest service. Classified list of publications avail- able for distribution Jan. 15, 1909. 1909. 5:145. Forging Bacon. Forging. 1909. 5:154. Formosa Takekoshi. Japanese rule in Formosa. 1907. 3:172. Foundations Fowler. Ordinary foundations. 1905. 1:39. Foundry practice Tate & Stone. Foundry practice. 3d ed. 1909. 6:150. Fourth dimension Manning, ed. Fourth dimension simply explained. 1910. 6:337. Fragonard, Jean Honoré Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. France, Anatole Brandes. Anatole France. 1908. 5:73. Huneker. Egoists. 1909. 5:139. Stephens. French novelists of today. 1908. 4:297. Thorold. Six masters in disillusion. 1909. 6:214. Torrey. Friends on the shelf. 1906. 3:75. France Barker. France of the French. 1909. 6:6. Prothero. Pleasant land of France. 1908. 5:20. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS bas | Ww. | France—Biography Clergue.. The salon. - 1907. 4:132. Hall. The friends of Voltaire. 1907. 4:102. France—Church and state ; Klein. An American student in France. 1908. 4:261. France—Civilization George. France in the twentieth century. 1908. 5:1387. France—Colonies Morris. History of colonization. 1908. 4:228. France—Court and courtiers Boigne. Memoirs, 1781-1830. 1907. 4:7. Evans. Memoirs of Dr Thomas W. Evans. 1905. 2:69. Farmer. Versailles and the court under Louis XIV. 1905. AU Tay Vincens.- Madame, mother of the regent. 1909. 6:214. France—Description and travel ; Champney. Romance of the French abbeys. 1905. 1:106. Edwards. Literary rambles in France. 1907. 4:12. Klein. An American student in France. 1908. 4:261. Marshall. Cathedral cities of France. 1907. 4:143. Maud. Felicity in France. 1906. 3:100. Miltoun, pseud. [Mansfield] Cathedrals of northern France. 1904. 1:18. Cathedrals of southern France. 1905. 1:13. Peixotto. Through the French provinces. 1909. 6:253. Perkins. French cathedrals and chateaux. 1909. 6:147. Rose. Cathedrals and cloisters of midland France. 1907. 4:205. : _ —— Cathedrals and cloisters of the south of France. 1906. Ba . Searritt. Three men in a motor car. 1906. 2:243. Sherrill. Stained glass tours in France. 1908. 4:209. Shoemaker. Winged wheels in France. 1906. 3:129. Tozier. Spring fortnight in France. 1907. 4:85: Wharton. Motor-flight through France. 1908. 5:22. France—Foreign relations Tardieu. France and the alliances. 1908. 5:85. France—History—Sources Anderson. Constitution and other select documents illustra- tive of the history of France. 2d ed. 1908. 5:118. France—History—Capet-Valois, 987-1589 Hare. Life of Louis XI. 1907. 4:184. Thompson. Wars of religion in France, 1559-1576. 1909. G27. France—History—Bourbons, 1589-1789 Cambridge modern history. v.5. 1908. 4:234. Frénilly. Recollections. 1909. 6:283. Hall. The Bourbon restoration. 1909. 6:328. McCabe. The Iron cardinal. 1909. 6:209. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 73 France—History—Revolution, 1789-1799 Allinson. The days of the Directoire. 1909. 6:235. Belloc. Marie Antoinette. 1909. 6:317. Fling. Mirabeau and the French Revolution. 1908. 5:102. Frénilly. -Recollections. 1909. 6:283. _ Gosselin. The Tribunal of the Terror. 1909. 6:327. Johnston. The French Revolution. 1909. 6:43. — Kropotkin. The great French Revolution. 1909. 6:335. Pattison. Napoleon’s marshals. 1909. 6:174. Welch. The little dauphin. 1908. 6:23. France—History—Restoration, 1814-1848 Frénilly. Reeollections. 1909. 6:283. _ Simpson, Rise of Louis Napoleon. 1909. 6:346. France—History—2d republic, 1848-1851 _ Hugo. Hastory of a crime. New ed. 1909. 2v. 5:195. France—History—2d empire, 1852-1870 Bigelow. Retrospections of an active life. 3v. 1909. 6:157. Claude. Memoirs. 1907. 4:46. Evans. Memoirs of Dr Thomas Evans. 1905. 2:69. France—History—3d republic, 1870 Hanotaux. Contemporary France. v. 3. 1907. 4:184. v.4._ 1909. 6:14. France—Politics and government Anderson. Constitution and other select documents illus- trative of the history of France. 2d ed. 1908. 5:118. Frénilly. Recollections. 1909. 6:283. France—Social life and customs Edwards. Home life in France. 1905. 1:100. Waddington. Chateau and country life in France. 1908. 4:299. Wendell. France of today. 1907. 3:199. Francis of Assisi, Saint Dubois. Saint Francis of Assisi. 1906. 2:159. Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22. _Franciscans—Missions ‘ James. In and out of the old missions of California. 1905. 2:4, Franklin, Benjamin Eliot. Four American leaders. 1906. 3:120. Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. Hay. Addresses. 1906. 2:210. Lodge. A frontier town and other essays. 1906. 3:12. More. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. Parker. Historic Americans. 1908, 6:229. Franz Joseph I, emperor of Austria: Rumbold. Francis Joseph and his times. 1909. 6:212. Frederick II, the Great, of Prussia Carlyle: Life of Frederick the Great. New ed. 1909. 6:141, 74 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Frémont, John Charles Grierson. The valley of the shadows. 1909. 5:166. French in Morocco Rankin. In Morocco with General d’Amade. 1908. 5:108. French literature ‘ Darmesteter. The French procession. 1909. 6:279. Edwards. Literary rambles in France. 1907. 4:12. Faguet. Literary history of France. 1907. 4:180. ‘Konta. History of French literature. 1909. 6:207. Saintsbury. The later nineteenth century. 1907. 4:206. Stephens. French novelists of today. 1908. 4:297. French literature—Bibliography,. Bracq, comp. Selected list of French books. 1908. 4: 284. French poetry—Collections Lucas, comp. Oxford book of French verse. 1907. 4:141. Freneau, Philip More. Shelburne essays. 5th series. 1908. 4:292. Frescoes Ward. Fresco painting. 1909. 6:350. Friendship King. The laws of friendship. 1909. 5:171. Frogs Dickerson. The frog book. 1906. 2:208. Frontenac, Louis Buade de Colby. Canadian types of the old régime. 1908. 4:285. Frontier life—The West Paxson. Last American frontier. 1910. 6:291. Froude, James Anthony Paul. Life of Froude. 1905. 2:70. Fruit Berry. Fruit recipes. 1907. 3:159. Peterson. How to know wild fruits. 1905. 1:69. Walton. Practical guide to the wild flowers and fruits. 1909. 5:183. Fruit culture Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.2. 1907. 3:219, Bealby. Fruit ranching in British Columbia. 1909. 6:364. Fletcher. How to make a fruit garden. 1906, 2:209. Kains. Making horticulture pay. 1909. 6:333. Maynard. The small country place. 1908. 4:239. Powell. Orchard and fruit garden. 1905. 1:50. Rexford. The home garden. 1909. 5:144. U. S. Plant industry bureau. Fruits recommended by the American Pomological Society. 1909. 6:102. - Wright. The garden week by week. 1909. 6:53. Fruit culture—Bibliography U. S. Plant industry bureau. Index to papers relating to plant-industry subjects in Yearbooks of Department of agriculture. 1908. 5:87. id INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS ~~) eB) | Fuel Dodd. Chemistry of the household. 1907. 3:162. Gill, Engine-room chemistry. 1907. 4:1387. Herrick. Denatured or industrial aleohol. 1907. 3:166.- White. Fuels of the household. 1909. 6:52. Fulton, Robert Buckman. Old steamboat days on the Hudson river. 1907. 4:171. Sutcliffe. Robert Fulton and the ‘‘Clermont.’’ 1909. 6:85. Fungi in agriculture Duggar. Fungous diseases of plants. 1909. 6:373. Fur-bearing animals Harding. Fur farming. 1909. 6:14. Furniture Brigham. Box furniture. 1909. 5:156. Hayden. Chats on old furniture. 1905. 2:9. Lenygon. Decoration and furniture of English mansions during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 1909. 6:285. Moore. The collector’s manual, 1906. 3:46. Robinson. English furniture. 1905. 2:166. Saglio. French furniture. 1907. 4:108. Shackleton. Quest of the colonial. 1907. 3:226. Windsor, ed. Mission furniture. pt.l. 1909. 6:406. Future life. See Immortality Gainsborough, Thomas Boulton. Thomas Gainsborough. 1907. 4:101. Galton, Francis Galton. Memories of my life. 1909. 5:165. Game and game birds Jones. Ten years of game-keeping. 1909. 6:332. Rich. Feathered game of the Northeast. 1907. 4:204. Game laws Palmer & Oldys. Game laws for 1908. 1908. 5:82. Games Bancroft. Games for the playground, home, school and gymnasium, 1909. 6:275. Foster. Foster’s complete Hoyle. New ed. 1909. 5:119. Glover. ‘‘Dame Curtsey’s’’ book of guessing contests. 1908. 4:259. Johnson. Education by plays and games. 1907. 4:139. Garden furniture Davison. Concrete pottery and garden furniture. 1909. 6:280. Gardening Bailey. Manual of gardening. 1910. 6:316. Doubleday. The American flower garden. 1909. 6:163. Kains, comp. Making horticulture pay. 1909. 6:333. 76. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS. - Rexford. Four seasons in the garden. 1907. 3:171. | Shelton. The seasons in a flower garden, 1906. 3:14. Silberrad. Dutch bulbs and gardens. 1909. 6:49. Ver Beck. The garden in the wilderness. 1909. 6:180. Wright. The garden week by week. 1909. 6:53. Gardens Davidson. -Gardens past and present. 1909. 6:70. Osborne. Country homes and gardens at moderate cost. ROOTS ast Stickley. Craftsman homes. 1909. 6:401. Garibaldi, Giuseppe Holland. Builders of united Italy. 1908. 4:289. Mario. Birth of modern Italy. 1909. 6:250. Trevelyan. Garibaldi and the Thousand. 1909. 6:258. Garibaldi’s defense of the Roman republic. 1907. 3:227. Garrett, F. Edmund Cook. Edmund Garrett. 1909. 6:370. Garrick, David Martin. Monographs. 1906. 3:46. Parsons.. Garrick and his circle. 1906, 3:85. Garrison, Wendell Phillips Garrison. Letters and memorials. 1908. 5:77. Gas American academy of political and social science. Control _ of municipal public service corporations. 1908. 4:164. Mathot. Gas-engines and producer plants. 1905, 1:81. Sexton. Producer gas. 1905. 1:138. Stone. Practical testing of gas and gas meters. 1909. 6:51. ‘ Gas and oil engines Clerk. The gas, petrol and oil engine. v.1. 1909- 6:225. Gildner. Design and construction of internal-combustion engines. 1910. 6:379. Hiscox. Gas, gasoline, and oil-engines. 15th ed. 1906. raha Jones. The gas engine. 1909. 5:170. ; Levin. Modern gas-engine and gas-producer. 1910. 6:387. Mathot. Gas-engines and producer plants. 1905. 1:81. Poole. The gas engine. 1909. 6:21. Wimperis. The internal combustion engine. 1909. 6:261. Gas-fitting Gerhard. American aaa of gas piping and gas ighting in buildings. 1908. 5:108. Gas-lighting Cravath & Lansingh. Practical illuminating. 1907. 4:174. Gerhard. American practice of gas piping and gas lighting in buildings. 1908. 5:103. Gas manufacture and works Smith. Suction gas plants. 1909. 6:213. NT INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Gas meters “I Stone. Practical testing of gas and gas meters. 1909. 6351. Gas producers Levin. Modern gas-engine and the gas-producer. 1910. 6:387. Gases Gill. Engine-room chemistry. 1907. 4:137. Gaskell, Mrs Elizabeth Cleghorn (Stevenson) More. Shelburne essays. Sth series. 1908. 4:292. Shorter. Mrs Gaskell. 1906. 2:166. : Generals—France Pattison. Napoleon’s marshals. 1909. 6:174. Generals—U. S. Johnston. Leading American soldiers. 1907. 3:167, Geneva, Lake Gribble. Lake of Geneva. New ed. 1909. 6:418. Geography—Bibliography Davis. Geographical essays. 1909. 6:371. Sutherland. Teaching of geography. 1909. 6:401. Geography—Study and teaching Davis. Geographical essays. 1909. 6:371. Sutherland. Teaching of geography. 1909. 6:401. Geography, Commercial Chisholm. Handbook of commercial geography. 7th ed. LOS -G5142, Freeman. The world’s commercial products. 1907. 3:223. Geology Chamberlin & Salisbury. College text-book of geology. 1909. 6:321. Geology. 3v. 1904-6. 2:108. we bs5d. Marr. Introduction to geology. 1905. 2:164. Geology, Economic ; Geikie. Landscape in history and other essays. 1905. Ries. Economic geology of the United States. 1905. 2:36. George Junior Republic George. The Junior Republic. 1909. 6:165. German drama Witkowski. German drama of the nineteenth century. POO.» “62181, German literature Francke. German ideals of today. 1907. 3:164. Priest. Brief history of German literature. 1909. 6:394. Saintsbury. The later nineteenth century. 1907. 4:206. Thomas. History of German literature. 1909. 5:144. Wernaer. Romanticism and the romantic school in Ger- many. 1909. 6:215. German literature—Bibliography Wernaer. Romanticism and the romantic school in Germany. 1909, 6:215. ° 78 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS German poetry—Collections Thomas. Anthology of German lterature. 1909. 6:257. Germans in the United States Faust. German element in the United States. 2v. 1909. 6:203. Germany Francke. German ideals of today. 1907. 3:164. Germany—Colonies Keller. Colonization. 1908. 5:48. Germany—Description and travel Bumpus. -Cathedrals and churches of the Rhine Be north Germany. 1906, 3:144. Schauffler. Romantic Germany. 1909. 6:125. Germany—BHconomic conditions Dawson. Evolution of modern Germany. 1908. eRe The German workman. 1906. 2:236. Howard. Cause and extent of the recent industrial -prog- ress of Germany. 1907. 3:166. Germany—History Henderson. Short history of Germany. 1906. 2:192. - Germany—Industries and resources Dawson. Evolution of modern Germany. 1908. 5:161. Shadwell. Industrial efficiency. 1909. 6:149. Germany—Politics and government Eltzbacher. Modern Germany. 1905. 2:105. Howard. The German empire. 1906. 3:68. Small. The cameralists, 1909. 6:347. Germany—Social life and customs Sidgwick. Home life in Germany. 1908. 4:241. Geronimo Geronimo’s story of his life. 1906. 3:67. Gettysburg, Battle of, 1863 Mosby. Stuart’s cavalry in the Gettysburg campaign. 1908. 4:197. Ghirlandajo, Domenico Davies. Ghirlandaio. 1909. 6:10. Gibbon, Edward Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. Walpole. Studies in biography. 1907. 4:215. Gioberti, Vincenzo Holland. Builders of united Italy. 1908. 4:289. Girls Creighton, Art-of living. 1909. 6:322. Latimer, Girland:woman. 1909. 6:208. Mather Persis, pseud. Counsels of a wordly godmother. 1905. 2:64. Richardson. The girl who earns her own living. 1909. One Wark Gissing, George More. Shelburne essays. 5th series. 1908. 4:292. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS =I és) Gladden, Washington. Gladden. Recollections. 1909. 6:116. Glass Dillon. Glass. 1907. 4:178. Dunean. Chemistry of commerce. 1907. 4:11. — y Duthie. Decorative glass processes. 1908. 6:114. Moore. The collector’s manual. 1906. 3:46. Rosenhain. Glass manufacture. 1908. 6:125. ° Gliding machines ; Morgan. How to build a 20-foot bi-plane glider.. 1909. 67339. Gloucestershire, Hngland. Evans. Highways and byways in Oxford and the Cots- wolds. 1905. 2:147. God Abbott. The personality of God. 1905. 1:47. Clarke. Christian doctrine of God. 1909. 5:134. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von Bielschowsky. Life of Goethe. 3v. 1905-8. 4:167. Gold Launay. The world’s gold. 1908. 5:141. Meade. Story of gold. 1908. 5:45. Rose. The precious metals. 1909. 6:294. Goldoni, Carlo Dole. A teacher of Dante. 1908. 4:178. Goldsmithing Chaffers. Handbook to hall marks on gold and silver plate. 19074 > 43118; ; Dawson. Goldsmiths’ and _ silversmiths’ work. 1907. 4:177. Golf _ Vaile. Modern golf. 1909. 6:87. Gorky, Maxim Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. Gosse, Edmund William Gosse. Father and son. 1907. 4:41. Gothenburg system Pratt. Licensing and temperance in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. 1907. 4:47. : Government ownership and control American academy of political and social science. Federal regulation of industry. 1908. 4:281. Dole: Spirit of democracy. .1906. 3:119. Lloyd. A sovereign people. 1907. 4:45. Meyer. British state telegraphs. 1907. 4:15. Public ownership and the telephone in Great Britain. 1907. 4:46. Prentice. Federal power over carriers and corporations. 1907. 3:104. 80 INDEX .TO ADULT BOOKS Goya Lucientes, Francesco Calvert. Goya. 1908. 4:130. Graham, Thomas Ramsay. Essays. 1909. 6:48. Grain elevators Ketchum. Design of walls, bins and grain elevators. 1907. 4:192. Granada / Calvert. Granada, present and bygone. 1908. 4:256. Grant, Ulysses Simpson Eaton. Grant, Lincoln and the freedmen. 1907. 4:135. Porter. Campaigning with Grant. 1906. 3:54. Smith. Grant, the man of mystery. 1909. 6:296. Taft. Present day problems. 1908. 4:242. Grapes Munson. Foundations of American grape culture. 1909. 6:340. Gray, Thomas Woodberry. Inspiration of poetry. 1910. 6:351. Great Britain—Biography Carr. Some eminent Victorians. 1909. 6:9. Moore. A Georgian pageant. 1909. 6:80, Stephen & Lee, ed. Dictionary of national biography. New ed. 1908-10. 22v. 6:4283. Who’s who [annual| 1906. 2:32. Great Britain—Civilization Robinson. The twentieth century American. 1908. 5:83. Great Britain—Colonies Beer. Origins of the British colonial system. 1908. 5:71. Cromer. Modern Egypt. 2v. 1908. 4:133. Hall. A people at school. 1906. 2:238. Knight. Over-sea Britain. 1907. 4:192. Macphail. Essays in politics. 1909. 6:172. Marshall. An empire story. 1909. 6:391. Morris. History of colonization. 1908. 4:228. Murray. Imperial outposts. 1907. 4:107. Whates. Canada, the new nation. 1906. 3:138. Great Britain—Constitution and constitutional law Dicey. Introduction to the study of the law of the con- stitution. 7th ed. 1908. 5:61, Great Britain—Constitutional history Jane. The coming of parliament. 1905. 1:49. Maitland. Constitutional history of England. 1908. 5:45. Great Britain—Court and courtiers Moore. A Georgian pageant. 1909. 6:80. Great Britain—Defenses Thursfield, Nelson and other naval studies. 1909. 6:214. Great Britain—Economic conditions Nathan. Economic heresies. 1909, 6:122. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 81 Great Britain—Foreign relations Murray. Imperial outposts. 1907. 4:107. Great Britain—History Beard. Introduction to the English historians. 1906. 3:94. Cheyney. Readings in English history drawn from the original sources. 1908. 5:74. ; Fletcher. Introductory history of England. 4v. — 1904-9. 6:242. “ Pollard. Factors in modern history. 1907. 4:82. Robinson. The British tar in fact and fiction. 1909. 6:396. Great Britain—History—Norman period, 1066-1154 Stenton. William the Conqueror and the rule of the Nor- mans. 1908. 5:110. : Great Britain—History—Plantagenets, 1154-1399 Coulton. Chaucer and his England. 1908. 4:286. - Ramsay. Dawn of the constitution. 1908. 4:264. Great Britain—History—Tudors, 1458-1603 Hume. Two English queens and Philip. 1908. 5:105. Great Britain—History—Stuarts and Commonwealth, 1603- 1714 Firth. Last years of the Protectorate, 1656-1658. 2v. 1909. 6:324. Leadam. Political history of England from the accession of Anne to the death of George II (1702-1760)- 1909. 6:386, Lodge. History of England from the restoration to the death of William III. (1660-1702) 1910. 6:388. Great Britain—History—Hanoverian period, 1714-1837 Beer. British colonial policy, 1754-1765, 1907. 4:99. Corbett.. England in the seven years’ war. 2v. 1907. 4:174, Leadam. Political history of England from the accession of Anne to the death of George IT. (1702-1760) 1909. 6:386. Great Britain—History—vVictorian era, 1837-1901 McCarthy. Short history of our own times. New ed. 1908. 4:121. - Paul. History of modern England. 5yv. 1906. 3:48. Walpole. History of twenty-five years, 1856-1880. v.3-4. 1908. 4:299, Great Britain—History, Naval Thursfield. Nelson and other naval studies. 1909. 6:214. Great Britain—Industries and resources Shadwell. Industrial efficiency. 1909. 6:149. Great Britain—Kings and rulers : Holmes. Windsor. 1908. 5:14. Great Britain—Navy Robinson. The British tar in fact and fiction. 1909. 6:396. Thursfield. Nelson and other naval studies. 1909. 6:214. 82 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Great Britain—Politics and government Churchill. Liberalism and the social problem. 1910. 6:321. Leadam. Political history of England from the accession of Anne to the death of George II. (1702-1760) 1909. 6:386. Lodge. History of England from the restoration to the death of William III. (1660-1702) 1910. 6:388. Lowell. Government of England. 2v. 1908. 4:239. Rosebery. Lord Randolph Churchill. 1906. 3:14. Ward. Electress Sophia and the Hanoverian succession. 2d ed. 1909. 6:424, Great Britain—Social conditions Barnett. Towards social reform. 1909. 5:130. Great Lakes Channing & Lansing. Story of the Great Laker 1909. 5:133. Curwood. The Great Lakes. 1909. 5:160. Greco, El Calvert & Hartley. El Greco. 1909. 6:8. Greece Walden. Universities of ancient Greece. 1909. 6:259. Greece—Antiquities Fowler & Wheeler. Handbook of Greek archaeology. 1909. 6:282. Greece—Civilization Hogarth. Ionia and the East. 1909. 6:382. Mahaffy. What have the Greeks done for modern civili- zation? 1909. 6:121. = Greece—Description and travel Allinson, Greek lands and letters. 1909. 6:155. Marden. Greece and the Aegean Islands. 1907. 4:196. Moore. Days in Hellas. 1909, -6:178. See also Athens. Greece—History Bury. Ancient Greek historians. 1909. 5:100. Shuckburgh. Greece from the coming of the Hellenes to Aw Dei4:~"1905... 2107, Greece—History—Sources Fling. Source book of Greek history. 1907. 4:136. Greece—Social life and customs Seymour. Life in the Homeric age. 1907. 3:226. Greek language Gildersleeve. Hellas and Hesperia. 1909. 6:116. Greek literature Allinson. Greek lands and letters. 1909. 6:155. Gildersleeve. Hellas and Hesperia. 1909. 6:116. Tyrrell. Essays on Greek literature. 1909. 6:259. Greek poetry—Collections Dole, ed. Greek poets. 1904. 1:8. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS | 83 Green, Thomas Hill Maccunn. Six radical thinkers, 1907. 4:142. Grenfell, George Johnston. George Grenfell and the Congo. 2v. 1910. 6:332. Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason Dunean. Dr Grenfell’s parish. 1905. 1:28. Grenfell. Adrift on an ice-pan. 1909. 6:13. Grey, Jane, lady (Lady Jane Dudley) Davey. The nine days’ queen. 1909. 6:239. Grieg, Edvard Hagerup Finek, Edvard Grieg. 1906. 2:161. Grieg and his music. 1909. 6:12. Grillparzer, Franz Pollak. Franz Grillparzer and the Austrian drama. 1907. 4:147. Growth Minot. Problem of age, growth, and death. 1909. 6:19. Guatemala Winter. Guatemala and her people of today. 1909. 6:88. Guelfs and Ghibellines Hutton. Sigismundo Pandolfo Malatesta, Lord of Rimini. 1906. 3:122. Guerilla warfare Connelley. Quantrill and the border wars. 1910. 6:238. Munson. Reminiscences of a Mosby guerilla. 1906. 3:47. Guicciardini, Francesco Morley. Critical miscellanies. v.4. 1908. 4:293. Gutta-percha Terry. India-rubber and its manufacture. 1907. 4:151. Hague peace conferences Foster. Arbitration and the Hague court. 1904. 1:9. Hull. The two Hague conferences and their contributions to international law. 1908. 5:43. Scott. Hague peace conferences of 1899 and 1907. 2v. 1909. 6:84. - Hale, Edward Everett ; Higginson.. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Hals, Frans Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Hamilton, Alexander Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Harrison. Memoirs and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. - Hampshire, Hngland Read. Highways and byways in Hampshire. 1908. 4:295. Hampton institute . From servitude to service. 1905. 2:4. Handel, George Friedrich Streatfeild. Handel. 1909. 6:401. 84 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Handicraft Bond, comp. Handy man’s workshop and laboratory. 1910. 6:317. Happiness Avebury.. Peace and happiness: 1909. 5:71. Hardy, Thomas Harper. The Hardy country. 1904. 1:9. Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:253. Harrison, William Henry Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Harvard, John Hodges. Apprenticeship of Washington. 1909. 5:105. Shelley. John Harvard and his times. 1907. 4:208. Harvard university Kuehnemann. Charles W. Eliot. 1909. 6:17. Hauptmann, Gerhardt Hale. Dramatists of today. 1905. 1:55. Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. Hawaiian Islands Lyman. Hawaiian yesterdays. 1906. 2:148. Newell. Hawaii, its natural resources and opportunities for home-making. 1909. 6:190. Thrum, comp. Hawaiian folk tales. 1907. 3:132. Hawker, Robert Stephen More. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. Hawkins, Sir John Walling. A sea-dog of Devon. 1907. 4:152. Hawthorne, Nathaniel Brownell. American prose masters. 1909. 6:157. Lang. Adventures among books. 1905. 1:49. Perry. Park-street papers. 1908. 4:263. Wee Sanborn. Recollections of seventy years. 2v. 1909. 6:49. Hayne, Robert Young : Jervey. Robert Y. Hayne and his times.. 1909. 6:76. Hazlitt, William Rickett. Vagabond in literature. 1906. 3:104. Torrey. Friends on the shelf. 1906. 3:75. Winchester. Group of English essayists of the early nine- teenth century. 1910. 6:261. Headache Kebler and others. WHarmfulness of headache mixtures. 1909. 6:189. Health resoxzts Price. Gaining health in the West. 1907. 4:16. Hearn, Lafcadio Hearn. Letters from the Raven. 1907. 4:186. —— Life and letters. 2v. 1906. 3:9. Heating . Dodd. Chemistry of the household. 1907. 3:162. Elliott. Household hygiene. 1907. 3:163. See also Electric heating; Hot water heating; Steam heating. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 85 Hébert, Jacques René Colby. Canadian types of the old régime. 1908. 4:285. Hebrew literature Genung. Hebrew literature of wisdom in the light of today. 1906. 3:42. Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Bradley. Oxford lectures on poetry. 1909. 6:36. Henry, Patrick Morgan. The true Patrick Henry. 1907. - 4:81. Heraldry Milbourne. Heraldry for amateurs. 1909. 6:391, Herbart, Johann Friedrich Compayré. Herbart and education by instruction. 1907. as Herbert, George More.. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. Herculaneum Barker. Buried Herculaneum. 1908. 5:71. Waldstein & Shoobridge. Herculaneum. 1908. 5:22. Heredity Bateson. Mendel’s principles of heredity. 1909. 6:236. Thomson. Heredity. 1908. 4:298. Whetham. Family and the nation. 1909. 6:405. Woods. - Mental and moral heredity in royalty. 1906. 2::167. See also Hugenics. Heredity—Bibliography Bateson. Mendel’s principles of heredity. 1909. 6:236. Herodotus Pr Bury. Ancient Greek historians. 1909. 5:100. Hervieu, Paul Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. Herzegovina. Sce Bosnia and Herzegovina. Higgins, Francis Edmund Dunean. Higgins, a man’s Christian. 1909. .6:164. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Sanborn. Recollections of seventy years. 2v. 1909. 6:49. High schools Draper. .American-education. 1909. « 6:281. Hollister.. High school administration. 1909. 6:118. Himalaya Mountains Mumm, Five months in the Himalayas. 1909. 6:81. Workman. Peaks and glaciers of Nun Kun. 1910. 6:406. Younghusband. Kashmir. 1909. 6:301. History Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. Lodge. A frontier town and other essays. 1906. 3:12. Rhodes. Historical essays. 1909. 6:212. Villari. Studies, historical and critical. 1907. 4:214. History—Atlases ‘ Dow. Atlas of European history. 1907. 4:39. 86 -INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS History—Sources George. Historical a ilence: 1909. 6:377. History—Study and teaching . American historical association. Study of history in the elementary schools. 1909. 6:315. History, Ancient Seignobos. History of ancient civilization. .1906. 3:72. History, Ancient—Study and teaching Franklin. Significant aspects of ancient and medieval civilization. 1906. 3:120. History, Modern Pollard. Factors in modern history. 1907. 4:82. Seignobos, History of contemporary civilization. 1909. 6:22. Speer. Missions and modern history. 2v. 1904. 1:17. History, Universal Ploetz. Epitome of ancient, medieval, and modern history. 1905. 4 2:193. Renouf. Outlines of general history. 1909. 6:394. Hoar, George Frisbie Lodge. A frontier town and other essays. 1906. 38:12. Hogarth, William Wheatley. Hogarth’s London. 1909. 6:261. Holbein, Hans, the younger Cox. Painters and sculptors. 1907. 3:193. Holidays—Bibliography McCurdy. Bibliography of articles relating to holidays. New. ed. 1907. 3:195. Wisconsin library commission. Anniversaries and holidays. 1909. 6:53. Holmes, Oliver Wendell Crothers. Oliver Wendell Holmes. 1909. 6:111. Lang. Adventures among books. 1905. 1:49. Winter. Old friends. 1909. 6:24. ¥ Home Abbott. The home builder. 1908. 5:5. Homer Seymour. Life in the Homeric age. 1907. 3:226. Stawell. Homer and the Iliad. 1909. 6:400. Homer, Winslow . McSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. Hood, Thomas Jerrold. Thomas Hood. 1909. 6:43. Horse Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.3. 1908. 3:254, Davenport. My quest of the Arab horse. 1909. 6:201. Roberts. The horse. 1905. 1:50. Horseshoeing Lungwitz. Textbook of horseshoeing for horseshoers age veterinarians. 1904, 1:12. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 87 Hot-water heating King: Practical steam and hot water neste and ventila- tions 1908; .5:78: Hours of labor—Bibliography U. 8S. Bibliography division, Library of Congress. List of books relating to eight-hour working day. 1908. 4:316. House decoration Bevier. The house. 1907. 3:160. Candee. Decorative styles and periods in the home. 1906. 3:39. Daniels. Furnishing of a modest home. 1908. 4:257. Davison. Arts connected with building. 1909. 6:371. Kellogg. Home furnishing, practical and artistic. 1905. 2:5. Laughlin. The complete home. 1907. 3:194. Lenygon. Decoration and furniture of English mansions during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. 1909. 6:285. Osborne. Country homes and gardens at moderate cost. 1907 .; 3: 197. Priestman. Art and economy in home decoration, 1908. 4:264. Sparrow. Hints on house furnishing. 1909. 6:50. Stickley. Craftsman homes. 1909. 6:401. Studio year book of decorative art. 1907. 4:212. House painting Sabin. House painting, pamne paper hanging, and white- washing. 1908. 4:265. House plants Barnes. House plants and how to grow them. 1909. 6:68. Rexford. Indoor gardening. 1910. 6:395. Housing problem Dawson. German workman. 1906. 2:236. Meakin. Model factories and villages. 1905. 2:10. Veiller. Housing reform. 1910. 6:403. Howard, Oliver Otis Howard. Autobiography. 2v. 1907. 4:43. Howard university From servitude to service. 1905. 2:4. Howe, Julia Ward Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Howe, Samuel Gridley Howe. Letters and journals. v.2. 1909. 6:76. Howells, William Dean Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:253. Hubbard, Leonidas, Jr. Wallace. Lure of the Labrador wild. 1905. 1:31. Hudson, Henry Bacon. Henry Hudson. 1907. 4:127. Janvier. Henry Hudson. 1909. 6:42. 88 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Hudson Bay Laut. Conquest of the great Northwest. 2V. — 19087 216. Hudson River Buckman. Old steamboat days on the Hudson river. 1907. 4:171. Johnson. Picturesque Hudson. 1909. 6:77. Verplanck & Collyer. Sloops of the Hudson. 1908. 5:111. Hudson’s Bay Company Laut. Conquest of the great Northwest. 2v. 1908. 5:16. Hungarian literature Riedl. History of Hungarian literature. 1906. _3:127. Hungary Bovill. Hungary and the Hungarians. 1908. 5:72. Drage. Austria-Hungary. 1909. 6:71. Stokes. Hungary. 1909. 6:348. Hunt, Leigh Winchester. Group of English essayists of the early nine- teenth century. 1910. 6:261. Hunting Cleveland. Fishing and shooting sketches. 1906. -3:40. Harding. Wolf and coyote trapping. 1909. 6:580. House. A hunter’s camp-fires. 1909. 6:246. Wright. Grizzly bear. 1909. .6:301. Hunting—Africa Churchill. My African journey. 1908. 5:101. -- Dugmore. Camera adventures in the African wilds. 1910. 6:323. MacQueen. In wildest Africa. 1909. 6:288. Madeira. Hunting in British East Africa. 1909. 6:288. Patterson. In the grip of the nyika. 1909. 6:291. Rainsford. Land of the lion. 1909. 6:175. Schillings. Flashlights in the jungle. 1905. 2:36. In-wildest Africa. 1907. 4:17. Selous. African nature notes and reminiscences. 1908. 5:49. | Hunting—Arizona Grey. Last of the sae ae 1908. 4:237. Hunting—California Holder. Life in the open. 1906. 2:163. . Hunting—Canada Hornaday. Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies, 1906. 2:239. Thomas. Hunting big game with gun and kodak. 1906. 3:106. ‘ Hunting—Hast Indies Whitney. Jungle trails and jungle people. 1905. 1:110. Hunting—Mexico Thomas. Hunting ae game with gun and kodak. 1906. 3:106. Hunting—South Africa Fitzpatrick. Jock of the Bushveld. 1907. 4:102. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 89 Hunting—United States Roosevelt. Outdoor pastimes of an American hunter. 1905. 1109; Thomas. Hunting big game with gun and kodak. 1906. 3:106. Huss, John Kuhns. John Huss. 1907. 4:140. Lutzow. Life and times of Master John see 1909. 6:208. Hutchinson, Thomas Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Hutton, Laurence Hutton. . Talks in a library with Lawrence Hutton. 1905. 1:68. Huxley, Thomas Henry Davis.- Thomas H- Huxley. 1907. 4:11. Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Huysmans, Joris Karl Huneker. Egoists. 1909. 5:139. Thorold. Six masters in disillusion. 1909. 6:214, Hybrids Bateson. Mendel’s principles of heredity. 1909. 6:236. Hydraulic engineering Turneaure & Black. Hydraulic engineering. 1909. 5:183. Hydroelectric plants ' Koester. Hydroelectric developments and engineering. 1909. 6:249. Hydrophobia Hart. Rabies and its increasing prevalence: 1908. 4:314. Hygiene Bainbridge. Life’s day. 1909. 5:154. Cavanagh. Care of the body. 1907. 4:257. Gulick. The efficient life. 1907. 3:122. Hough & Sedgwick. Elements of hygiene and sanitation. 1907. -4:228. Hutchinson. Instinct and health. 1908. 5:14. Preventable diseases. 1909. 6:206. Kintzing. Long life and how to attain it. 1908. 5:16. Le Bosquet, ed. Personal hygiene. 1907. 3:168. Macfie. Air and health. 1909. 6:390. Melsaac. Hygiene for nurses. 1908. 4:292. Metchnikoff. Prolongation of life. 1908. 4:144. Miller. My system. 1905. 2:31. Richards. Art of right living. 1904. 1:30. Sanitation in daily life. 1907. 4:48. Sadler. Science of living. 1910. 6:397. Sager. Art of living in good health. 1907. 4:83. Saleeby. Health, strength and happiness. 1908. 5:49. Schofield. Home life in order. 1906. 4:83. Warbasse. Medical sociology. 1909. 6:259. Woodhull. Personal hygiene. 1906. 2:149. 90 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS- Hygiene, Public Allen. Civies and health. 1909, 5:129. Brewer. Rural hygiene. 1909. 6:197. National conservation commission. Report. 3v. 1909. 6:100. Richards. Cost of cleanness. 1908. 5:48. Hymns Bodine. Some hymns and hymn writers. 1907. 4:234. Hypnotism Moll. Hypnotism. 1909. 6:228. Iberville, Pierre le Moyne, Sieur dq’ Colby. Canadian types of the old régime. 1908. 4:285. Ibsen, Henrik : Gosse. Ibsen. 1908. 4:78. Huneker. Egoists: 1909. 5:139. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. Lee. The Ibsen secret. 1907. 4:194. Maefall. Ibsen, the man, his art and his significance. 1907. 3:124. Moses. Henrik Ibsen. 1908. 5:175. r Ibsen, Henrik—Bibliography Ibsen. Speeches and new letters. 1910. 6:247. Ice o Anderson. Refrigeration. 1908. 5:99: Iceland Annandale. The Faroes and Iceland. 1905. 2:33. . Idealism Jones. Idealism as a practical creed. 1909. 6:169. Illinois Grierson. The valley of shadows. 1909. 5:166. Parrish. Historic Illinois. 1905. 2:10. Steffens. Struggle for self-government. 1906. 2:185. Illinois—Economic conditions—Bibliography Hasse. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States: Illinois, 1809-1904. 1909. 6:245, Illumination (of books and manuscripts) Johnston. Manuscript and inscription letters for schools and classes. 1910. 6:384. Illustration of books Barritt. How to draw. 1904. 1:27. Field. Fingerposts to children’s reading. 1907. 3:120. Immigration * Adams-& Sumner. Labor problems. 1905. 1:27. American academy of political and social science. Chinese and Japanese in America. 1909. 6:107. Race improvement in the United States. 1909. 6:5. Commons. Races and immigrants in America. 1907. 3:162. Coolidge. Chinese immigration. 1909. 6:111. ¥ INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS OL Flom. History of the Norwegian immigration to the United States. 1909. 6:376. Hall. Immigration and its effects upon the United States. 1906 452:99. Shaw. Political problems of American development. 1907. 4:208. Steiner.. The immigrant tide. 1909. 6:127. -— On the trail of the immigrant. 1906. 3:74. U. 8. Immigration and naturalization bureau. Information for immigrants. 1909. 6:102. U. S. Immigration commission. Steerage conditions. 1909. 6:269. Immigration—Bibliography Edwards, ed. Immigration. 1909. 5:76. Immortality Bigelow. Buddhism and immortality. 1908. 5:99. Crothers. The endless life. 1905. 1:134. Dickinson. Is immortality desirable? 1909. 5:162. Elbé. Future life in the light of ancient wisdom and modern science. 1906. 3:41. Hyslop. Science and a future life. 1905. 1:78. In after days. 1910. 6:331. Lodge. Science and immortality. 1908. 5:17. Survival of man. 1909. 6:287. Miinsterberg. The eternal life. 1905. 1:59. Myers. Human personality and its survival of bodily death. 1907. 3:144. Ostwald. Individuality-and immortality. 1906. 2:106. Smyth. Modern belief in immortality. 1910. 6:400. Impressionism (art) Duret. Manet and the French impressionists. 1910. 6:323. ~ Phythian. Fifty years of modern painting. 1908. 4:202. Income . Hobson. Industrial system. 1909. 6:205. Income tax Phelps, comp. Selected articles on the income tax. 1909. 6:292. Index Expurgatorius Putnam. Censorship of the church of Rome. 2v. 1906-7. 4:203. India Knox. Spirit of the Orient. 1906. 3:45. India—Description and travel Conway. My pilgrimage to the wise men of the East. -1906. 3:7. Del Mar. India of today. 1905. 3:67. Landon. Under the sun. 1907. 3:124. Penfield. East of Suez: Ceylon, India, China and Japan. 1907. 3:103. Workman & Hunter. Through town and jungle. 1904. L218; 92 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS India—History : Marshall. An onipire story. 71909. G:30%: Steel. India through the ages. 1908. 5:110. India—Politics and government Nevinson. New spirit in-India. 1908, 6:81. India—Religion Hall. Christ and the eastern soul. 1909. 5:167. Jones. India, its life and thought. 1908. 5:43. Oman. The Brahmans, theists and Muslims of India. 1907. 4:200. —- Cults, customs and superstitions of India. New ed. 1909. 6:421. India—Social life and customs Jones. India, its life and thought. 1908. 5:43. : Oman. The Brahmans, theists and Muslims of India. 1907. 4:200. —— Cults, customs and superstitions of India. New ed. 1909. 6:421. Pennell. Among the wild tribes of the Afghan frontier. 1909: 5:178. India rubber Heil & Esch. Manufacture of rubber goods. 1909. 6:14. Terry. India rubber and its manufacture. 1907. 4:151. Indiana Levering. Historic Indiana. 1909. 5:141. Indians of North America Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.4. 1909. 5:129. Brady. Northwestern fights and fighters. 1907. 4:37. Champlain. Voyages and explorations. 1906. 3:7. Voyages, 1604-1618. 1907. 4:8. Curtis. The Indians’ book. 1907. 4:38. Eastman. Old Indian days. 1907. 3:222. Fynn. American Indian as a product of environment. 1907. 4:12. Geronimo’s story of his life. 1906. 3:67. James. In and out of the old missions of California. 1905. 2:48 Through Ramona’s country. 1908. 5:78. Kirkham. Mexican trials. 1909. 5:171. Leupp. The Indian and his problem. 1910. 6:387. McLaughlin. My friend the Indian. 1910. 6:390. Spanish explorers in the southern United States, 1528-1543, 1907. 3.227, See also Blackfoot Indians; Chippewa Indians; Da- kota Indians; Navajo Indians; Pueblo Indians. Indians of North America—Government relations 3 Humphrey. The Indian dispossessed. 1905. 2:4, Leupp. The Indian and his problem. 1910. 6:387. McLaughlin. My friend the Indian. 1910. 6:390. Sparks. National development, 1877-1885. 1907. 3:227. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS - 93 Indians of North America—Missions Aretander. Apostle of Alaska. 1909. 6:67. James. In and out of the old missions of California. 1905. 2:4. —— Through Ramona’s country. 1908. 5:78. Indians of North America—Music * Burton. American primitive music. 1909. 6:198. Individualism Shaler. Masters of fate. 1906. 3:72. Shaw. Current issues. 1908. 4:208. Induction coils Collins. Design and construction of induction coils. 1909. 6:200. Industrial arts Hopkins & Bond. Scientific American reference book. 1905. cm GE Williams. How it works. 1907. 4:86. Industrial arts—Bibliography Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of 1908 [an- nual] 1909. 5:143. Industrial education Adams & Sumner. Labor problems. 1905. 1:27. American academy of political and social science. Indus- trial education. 1909. 5:35. . Carlton. Education and industrial evolution. 1908. 5:7. Davenport. Education for efficiency. 1909. 6:112. Hanus. Beginnings in industrial education. 1908. 4:289. Person. Industrial education. 1907. 4:82. Vanderlip. Business and education. 1907. 4:17. Wright. Apprenticeship system and its relation to indus- trial education. 1908. 5:53. Industrial laws and legislation Addams. Newer ideals of peace. 1907. 3:65. See also Labor laws and legislation. Industry Cochrane. Modern industrial progress. 1904. 1:28. Hobson. Industrial system. 1909. 6:205. Infinite Kuhns. Sense of the infinite. 1908.~ 4:291. Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique ‘Uzanne. Ingres. 1906. 3:132. Inheritance tax U. S. Commerce and labor department. Inheritance-tax laws. 1907. 4:109. Inland navigation American academy of political and social science. Ameri- can water-ways. 1908. 4:99. ~ Curwood. The Great Lakes. 1909. 5:160. Hepburn. Artificial water-ways and commercial develop- ment. 1909. 5:104. 94 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Johnson. Ocean and inland water transportation. 1906. 2:211. Mathews. Remaking the Mississippi river. 1909. 5:174. Quick. American inland water-ways. 1909. 6:254. Verplanck. Sloops of the Hudson. 1908. 5:111. Inland navigation—Bibliography U. 8. Bibliography division, Library of Congress. List of works relating to deep water-ways. 1908. 4:317. Inness, George McSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. Inns Crawford. Among old New England inns. 1907. 4:38. Hackwood. Inns, ales and drinking customs of old Eng- land. 1909. 6:328. Wood. Taverns and turnpikes of Blandford, 1733-1833. 1908. 5:184. Innsbruck, Austria Holland. Tyrol and its people. 1909. 6:168. Inquisition Lea. History of the inquisition of Spain. v.1-2. 1906. 3:45. —"— v.3-4. 1907. 4:141. Inquisition in the Spanish dependencies. 1908. 4:141. Vacandard. The Inquisition. 1908. - 4:242. Insanity . Beers. A mind that found itself. 1908. 4:254, Sidis. & Goodhart. Multiple personality. 1905. 1:16. Insects Howard. Economic loss to the people of the United States through insects that carry disease. 1909. 5:169. Kellogg. American insects. 1905. 1:80. . 2d ed. 1908. 4:277. McCook. Nature’s craftsmen, 1907. 3:168. U.S. National museum. Directions for collecting and pre- serving insects. 1909. 6:271. Insects, Injurious and beneficial Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.2. 1907. 3:219. Chittenden. Insects injurious to vegetables. 1907. 4:76. Smith. Our insect friends and enemies. 1909. 6:49. : Insurance, Boiler Zartman, ed. Fire insurance. 1909. 6:216. Insurance, Employer’s liability Zartman, ed. Fire insurance. 1909. 6:319. Insurance, Fire Zartman, ed. Fire insurance. 1909. 6:216. Insurance, Industrial Dawson. German workman. 1906. 2:236. Henderson. Industrial insurance in the United States. L900 S31 ds INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 95 Kennedy. Beneficiary features of American trade unions. 1908. 5:140. Lewis. State insurance. 1909. 5:141. Zartman, ed. Fire insurance. 1909. 6:216. Insurance, Industrial—Bibliography U. 8. Bibliography division, Library of Congress. Select list of references on workingmen’s insurance. 1908. 4:317. Insurance, Life Zartman, ed. Life insurance. 1909. 6:216, Insurance, Marine Zartman, ed. Fire insurance. 1909. 6:216. Insurance, State and compulsory Lewis. State insurance. 1909. 5:141. International law Davis. Elements of international law. 3d ed. 1908. to international law. 1908. 5:43. Seott. Hague peace conferences of 1899 and 1907. 1909. 6:84. Interstate commerce — McPherson. Railroad freight rates in relation to the in- dustry and commerce of the United States. 1909. 6:44. Pierce. Federal usurpation. 1908. 4:240. Inventions Iles. Inventors at work. 1906. 2:211. Ionia Hogarth. Ionia and the East. 1909. 6:382. Ions Dunean. The-new knowledge. 1905. 1:48. Righi. Modern theory of physical phenomena, radioactivi- ty, ions, electrons. 1904. 1:16. Ireland Paul-Dubois. Contemporary Ireland. 1908. 5:107. Ireland—Description and travel Butler. From sketch-book and diary. 1909. 6:319. Curtis. One Irish summer. 1909. 5:160. Gwynn. Fair hills of Ireland. 1906. 3:9. Hinkson. Ireland. 1909. 6:330. Jones. Shamrock land. 1908. 5:15. Loomis. Just Irish. 1909. 6:17. Shoemaker. Wanderings in Ireland. 1908. 4:296. Ireland—History Johnston & Spencer. Ireland’s story. 1905. 1:41. Joyce. Story of ancient Irish civilization. 1907. 4:44. Ireland—Politics and government Smith. Irish history and the Irish question. 1905. 2:11. Ireland—Social life and customs Somerville & Ross. Some Irish yesterdays. 1906. 3:130. ~ 96 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Iron s Cushman. Preservation of iron and steel. 1909. 6:31. Longmuir. Elementary practical metallurgy. 1905. 2:37. Smith, Story of iron and steel. 1908. 4:108. i. Stoughton. Metallurgy of iron and steel. 1908. 4:150. Iron industry and trade Bell. -At the works. 1907. 4:75. Irrigation American academy of political and social science. Ameri- can water-ways. 1908. 4:99. Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.4. 1909. 5:129. Bowie. Practical irrigation. 1908. 5:72. — - Gray. Government reclamation service in foreign «coun- tries. 1909. 6:98. U. S. Reclamation service. Irrigation projects. 1909. 6:103. Irrigation—Hawaiian Islands Newell. Hawaii. 1909. 6:190. Irvine, Alexander Fitzgerald Irvine. From the bottom up. 1910. 6:284. Irving, Sir Henry Brereton. Life of Henry Irving. -2v. 1908. 4:284. Fitzgerald. Sir Henry Irving. New ed. 1906. 3:24. Stoker. Personal reminiscences of Henry Irving. 2v. 1906. 2:244. Terry. Story vol; my lite: * 1908. bok: Isle of Man Caine. Isle of Man. 1909. 6:319. Herbert. Isle of Man. 1909. 6:167, Italian literature Dole. A teacher of Dante. 1908. 4:178. Kennard. Italian romance writers. 1906. 2:211. Thayer. Italica. 1908. 4:266. Italian literature—Bibliography Best Italian reading. 1907. ~3:160. Italian poetry Everett. Italian poets since Dante. 1904. 1:8. Italy Clarke. Browning’s Italy. 1907. 4:77. Italy—Colonies Keller. Colonization. 1908. 5:43. Italy—Description and travel Allen & Williamson. Cities of northern Italy. New ed. 2v. 1906. 3:24. Bagot. Lakes of northern Italy. 1907. 4:36. Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of northern Italy. 1907. 4:129. 1908. 6:58. , Butler. From sketch-book and- diary. 1909. 6:319. Cruickshank. Umbrian cities of Italy. 2v. 1907. 4:228. - INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 97 Deecke. Italy. 1904.- 1:7. Elliott. Two in Italy. 1905. 1:129. New ed. 1909. 6:226. Guthrie. Letters from France and Italy. 1909. 6:75. Headlam. Venetia and northern Italy. 1908. 5:42. Hooker. Wayfarers in Italy. 4th ed. 1905. 1:36. Howells. Roman holidays and others. 1908. 4:290. Hutton. Country walks about Florence: 1908. 6:15. James. Italian hours. 1909. 6:227. Lathrop. Sunny days in Italy. 1907. 4:193. Mason. Spell of Italy. 1909. 6:45. Peixotto. . By Italian seas. 1906. 3:70. Symons. Cities of Italy. 1907. 4:84. Under Petraia, with some saunterings. 1909. 6:52. Vaughan. The Naples riviera. 1907. 4:214. Wharton, A. H. Italian days and ways. 1906. 3:15. Wharton, Edith. Italian backgrounds. 1905. 1:60. Zimmern. Italy of the Italians. 1906. 3:133. Italy—History Cesare. Last days of papal Rome. 1909. 6:70. Champney. Romance of Italian villas (northern Italy) 1906. 3:65. — (the renaissance) 1908. 4:285. Holland. Builders of united Italy. 1908. 4:289. Hutton. Sigismundo Pandolfo Malatesta. 1906. 3:122. Mario. Birth of modern Italy. 1909. 6:250. Sedgwick. Short history of Italy. 1905. 2:6. Thayer. Italica. 1908. 4:266. Trevelyan. Garibaldi and the Thousand. 1909. 6:258. Garibaldi’s defense of the Roman republic. 1907. 3:227. Vernon. Italy from 1494 to 1790. 1909. 6:129. Italy—Social life and customs Gordon. Home life in Italy. 1908. 4:288. Waddington. Italian letters of a diplomat’s wife. 1905. bid f. Jackson, Andrew Brady. The true Andrew Jackson. 1906. 2:158. Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. MacDonald. Jacksonian democracy, 1829-1837. 1906. 2:183. : Jackson, Mrs Helen Hunt James. Through Ramona’s country. 1908. 5:78. Jackson, Thomas Jonathan White. Stonewall Jackson. 1909. 5:87. Jamaica Henderson. Jamaica. 1909. 6:329. James, George Payne Rainsford Joline. At the library table. 1910. 6:384. 98 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS James, Henry Brownell. American prose masters. 1909. 6:157. James, Joshua Kimball. Joshua James, life-saver. 1909. 6:249. Japan * Cary. History of Christianity in Japan. 2v. 1909. 6: 110. Holland. Old and new Japan. 1907. 4:187. Knox. Spirit of the Orient. 1906. 3:45. Montgomery. Empire of the East. 1909. 5:175. Okuma, comp. Fifty years. of new Japan. 2v. 1909. 6:290. Japan—Biography Morris. Makers of Japan. 1906. 2:242. Japan—Commerce McKenzie. The unveiled East. 1907. 4:142. Penfield. East of Suez: Ceylon, India, China and Japan. 1907. 3:103. Japan—Description and travel As the Hague ordains. 1907. 3:157. Eliot. Letters from the Far East. 1907.~ 4:12. Migeon. In Japan. 1909. 6:289. Scarfoglio. Round the world in a motor-car. 1909. 6:397. Japan—F'oreign relations Ladd. In Korea with Marquis Ito. -1908. 4:140. McKenzie. Tragedy of Korea. 1908. 5:18. The unveiled East. 1907. 4:142. . Millard. America and the Far Eastern question. 1909. 6219, Murray. Imperial outposts. 1907. 4:107. Simpson. Truce in the East and its aftermath. 1907. 4:210. J apan—History Griffis. Japanese nation in evolution. 1907. 3:193. Hildredth. Japan as it was and is. New ed. 2v. 1906. 3:84, i Murray. Japan. New ed. 1906. -2:221, Takekoshi. Japanese rule-in Formosa. 1907. 3:172. Japan—Politics and government Watson. Future of Japan. 1907. 4:50. Japan—Social life and customs Lloyd. Every-day Japan. 1909. 6:17. Scherer. Young Japan. 1905. 1:69. Japanese in the United States American academy of political and social science. -Chinese and Japanese in America. 1909. 6:107. Japanese literature Eliot. Letters from the Far Hast. 1907.. 4:12. Java De Wit. Java, facts and fancies. 1906. 2:70. Jeanne d’Albert, queen of Navarre Faweett. Five famous French women. 1905. 2:160. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS pies GO Jeanne d’Arc Faweett. Five famous French women. 1905. 2:160. France. Life of Joan of Are. 2v. 1909. 6:325. Lang. Maid of France. 1908. 5:105. Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse * Jebb. Life and letters of Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb. 1907. 4:189. Jefferies, Richard Rickett. Vagabond in literature. 1906. 3:104. Thomas. Richard Jefferies. 1909. 6:86. Jefferson, Joseph Jefferson. Intimate recollections of Joseph Jefferson. 1909. 6:206. Wilson. Joseph Jefferson. 1906. 2:149. Winter. Other days. 1908. 4:300. Jefferson, Thomas Channing. Jeffersonian system, 1801-1811. 1906. 2:179. Fiske. Essays. historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Parker. Historic Americans. 1909. 6:229. Jerusalem Conder. City of Jerusalem. 1909. 6:200. Paton. Jerusalem in Bible times. 1908. 5:48. Jesus Christ Briggs. Ethical teaching of Jesus. 1904. 1:6. Knox. Gospel of Jesus the son of God. 1909. 6:334. Leonard. Poet of Galilee. 1909. 6:286. Meyer. Jesus or Paul? 1909. 6:289. Tolstoi. Teachings of Jesus. 1909. 5:182. Jewelry Davenport. Jewellery. 1908. 5:37. Dawson. Goldsmiths’ and silversmiths’ work. 1907. 4:177. ‘Smith. Jewelry. 1908. 5:50. Jews Abbott. Israel in Europe. 1907. 4:253. Peters. Justice to the Jew. New ed. 1908. 4:278. _ Jews—Religion Joseph. Judaism as creed and life. 2d ed. 1909. 6:419. Jews in England Hyamson. History of the Jews in England. 1908. 6:15. € - Jews in Russia ~ Urusov. Memoirs of a Russian governor. 1908. 4:213. Johns Hopkins university Gilman. Launching of a university. 1906. 2:105. Jones, Charles Jesse Grey.. Last of the plainsmen. 1908. 4:237. Jones, John Paul Thursfield. Nelson and other naval studies. 1909. 6:214. U. S. Congress. Joint committee on printing. John Paul Jones commemoration at Annapolis. 1907. 4:109. 100 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Josephine, empress consort of Napoleon I Sergeant. The Empress Josephine. 2v. 1909. 6:398. Journalism Alger. Moral overstrain. 1906. 2:177. Given. Making a newspaper. 1907. 3:165. Hay. Addresses. 1906. 2:210. ~ Holt. Commercialism and journalism. 1909. 6:284. Salisbury. Career of a journalist. 1908. 4:240. Judson, Adoniram Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22. Jurisdiction Ames. State documents on federal relations. 1906. 3:117. Jury Alger. Moral overstrain. 1906. 2:177. Juvenile courts Lindsey & O’Higgins. The beast. 1910. 6:387. Juvenile delinquency ‘ Merrill. Winning the boy. 1908. 4:239. Swift. Mind in the making. 1908. 4:242. Travis. The young malefactor. 1908. 4:213. Kamchatka Kennan. Tent life in Siberia. 1910. 6:419. Kansas Connelley. Quantrill and the border wars. 1910. 6:238. Kashmir Younghusband. Kashmir. 1909. 6:301. Keats, John . Bradley. Oxford lectures on poetry. 1909. 6:36. Haneock. John Keats. 1908. 5:12. Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh.’ 1909. 6:117. More. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. Keller, Helen Adams _ Keller. The world I live in. 1908. 4:291. Kelvin, William Thomson, /st baron King. Lord Kelvin’s early home. 1909. 6:385. Ramsay. Essays. 1909. 6:48. Kent, Hngland Jerrold. Highways and byways in Kent. 1907. 4:190. Kentucky McElroy. Kentucky in the nation’s history. 1909. 6:336. Kindergarten Beebe. Home kindergarten. 1905. 1:99. Blow. Educational issues in the kindergarten. 1908. 5:155. Ferris. Sunday kindergarten. 1909. 6:375. Vandewalker. Kindergarten in American education. 1908. 4:242. Kipling, Rudyard James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14. Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:253, - INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 101 Kites Miller. Construction and flying of kites. 1909. 6:392. Klinger, Max Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Klondike region McLain. Alaska and the Klondike. 1905. 1:58. Knitting McCormack. Spool knitting. 1909. 6:44. Metcalf. Knitting. 1909. 6:289. Knots and. splices Hasluck, ed. Knotting and splicing ropes and cordage. 1905. 1:56. Kongo, Belgian Doyle. Crime of the Congo. 1909. 6:201. Johnston. George Grenfell and the Congo. 1910. 6:332. Kongo Free State Davis. The Congo and coasts of Africa. 1907. 4:39. Starr. The truth about the Congo. 1907. 3:172. Korea Baird. Daybreak in Korea. 1909. 6:68. Hulbert. Passing of Korea. 1906. 3:10. Ladd. In Korea with Marquis Ito. 1908. 4:140. McKenzie. Tragedy of Korea. 1908. 5:18. Millard. America and the Far Eastern question. 1909. 6:19, Labadists Birch. Anna Van Schurman. 1909. 6:276. Labor and laboring classes Abbott. Industrial problem. 1905. 1:76. Adams & Sumner. Labor problems. 1905. 1:27. American academy of political and social science. Labor and wages. 1909. 5:129, Bell. At the works. 1907. 4:75. Beveridge. Unemployment. 1909. 6:69. Cadbury. Women’s work and wages. 1907. 3:161. Carnegie. Problems of today. 1908. 5:7. Chapin. Standard of living among workingmen’s families in New York City. 1909. 5:134. Chapman. Work and wages. v.2. 1908. 4:257. Clark. Labour movement in Australasia. 1906. 3:95. Commons. Trade unionism and labor problems. 1905. 1:134. Dawson. The German workman. 1906. 2:236. Dewey. National problems. 1907. 3:222. Documentary history of American industrial society. v.1-4, 1910. 6:372. Hapgood. Spirit of Weber: 1907. 3:165. Howard. Cause and extent of the recent industrial prog- ress of Germany. 1907. 3:166. 102 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Laughlin. Industrial America. 1906. 3:99. Lincoln. City of the dinner-pail. 1909. 6:77. Lloyd. Men, the workers. 1909. 6:44. Loane. An Englishman’s castle. 1909. 5:173. From their point of view. 1908. 4:221. The next street but one. 1907. 4:222. The long day. 1905. 1:135. Meakin. Model factories and villages. 1905. 2:10. Oxford and working class education. 1908. 5:47. Shadwell. Industrial efficiency. 1909. 6:149: South African native races committee, London. South African natives. 1909. 6:296. Stelzle. Church and labor. 1909. 6:348. Letters from a workingman. 1908. 5:21. : Thompson. Churches and the wage earners. 1909. 6:51. Veiller. Housing-reform. 1910. 6:403. Weller. Neglected neighbors. 1909. 5:146. Labor and laboring’ classes—Bibliography Edwards, ed. Labor problem. 1909. 5:136. Labor laws and legislation Adams & Sumner. Labor problems. 1905. 1:27. Alger. Moral overstrain. 1906. 2:177. See also Industrial laws and legislation. Labrador Browne. Where the fishers go. 1909. 6:37. Grenfell. Adrift on an ice-pan. 1909. 6:13. and others. Labrador. 1909. 6:116. Labrador—Description and travel Dunean. Dr Grenfell’s parish. 1905. 1:28. Grenfell. Harvest of the sea. 1905. 1:29. Hubbard. A woman’s way through Labrador. 1908. 4:290. Townsend. Along the Labrador coast. 1907. 3:198. Wallace. The long Labrador trail. 1907. 3:173. Lure of the Labrador wild. 1905. 1:31. Lace and lace-making Jourdain. Old lace. 1908. 6:16. ; Lowes. Chats on old lace and needlework. 1908. 5:79. Mincoff & Marriage. Pillow lace. 1907. 4:197. Moore. Lace book. 1904. 1:13. Sharp. Point and pillow lace. 2d ed. 1905. 2:11. La Farge, John ; McSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. Lamb, Charles : More. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. ~ Winchester. Group of English essayists of the early nine- teenth century. 1910. 6:261. Land Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.4. 1909. 5:129. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 103 Land, Nationalization of Howe. Privilege and democracy in America. 1910. 6:383. Land tenure George. Menace of privilege. 1905. 2:105. Landor, Walter Savage Whiting. The Florence of Landor. 1905. 2:12. Landscape gardening Baker. Yard and garden. 1908. 4:166. Davidson. Gardens past and present. 1909. 6:70. ‘Maynard. The small country place. 1908, 4:239. Repton. Art of landscape gardening. New ed. 1907. 5:65. Landscape painting Harrison. Landscape painting. 1909. 6:167. Lanier, Sidney / Mims. Sidney Lanier. 1905. 1:136. Larsson, Carl Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Latin drama - Seneca. Tragedies of Seneca. 1907. 4:207. Latin literature Duff. Literary history of Rome. 1909. 6:113. Latin poetry : Butler. Post-Augustan poetry. 1909. 6:199. Latini, Brunetto Dole. A teacher of Dante. 1908. 4:178, Launches. See Motor boats Laundry Dodd. Chemistry of the household. 1907. 3:162. Laval-Montmorency, Francois de Colby. Canadian types of the old régime. 1908. 4:285. Lavery, John Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Law Gray. Nature and sources of the law. 1909. 6:327. Lawns Barron, Lawns, and how to make them. 1906. 3:94. Lawrence, Sir Thomas Clouston. Sir Thomas Lawrence. 1908. 4:173. Lawyers ; Wellman. Day in court. 1910. 6:300. Lead ; Ingalls, ed. Lead smelting and refining. 1906. 3:167. Leather Bennett. Manufacture of leather. 1909. 6:365. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole Lecky. Memoir of the Right Hon. William Edward Hart- pole Lecky. 1909. 6:170. Lee, Charles - Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Lee, Robert Edward Bruce. Robert E. Lee. 1907. 3:193. Page. Robert E. Lee, southerner. 1908. 5:47. 104 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Legends—Brittany Gostling. Bretons at home. 1909. 6:74. Le Braz. Land of pardons. 1906. 3:45._ Legends—lItaly Champney. Romance of Italian villas. 1906. 3:65. Romance of Roman villas. 1908. 4:285. Legends—Mexico Janvier. Legends of the city of Mexico. 1910. 6:248. Legislation Lobingier. People’s law. 1909. 6:286. Legislative bodies Reinsch. American legislatures and legislative methods. 19075 Sd ars Lehmann, Lilli Wagnalls. Stars of the opera. 1907. 4:230. Leighton, Frederick, baron Leighton of Stretton Cox. Painters and sculptors. 1907. 3:193. Leland, Charles Godfrey Pennell. Charles Godfrey Leland. 2v. 1906. 3:14. Lenbach, Franz von Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Lent The book of Easter. 1910. 6:318. Leon, Spain Calvert. Leon, Burgos and Salamanca. 1908. “4:131. Leschetitzki, Theodor . Hullah. Theodor Leschetizky. 1906. 2:163. Letter writing Cody. Success in letter writing, business and social. 1906. 3:66. ; Dawson, ed. Great English letter writers. 2v. 1909. 6:71. Lettering Johnston. Manuscript and inscription letters for schools and classes. 1910. 6:384. Lyons. Grammar of lettering. 1909. 5:178. Meinhardt. Practical lettering. 2d ed. 1909. 5:196. Letters (collections) Hanscom, ed. The friendly craft. 1908. 5:41. Lucas, ed. The gentlest art. 1907. 4:14. Liberty of conscience Latimer. Liberty of conscience under three tsars. 1909. 6:386. Libraries . Hadley, comp. Why do we need a public library? ~ New ed. 1909. 6:144. Savage. Story of libraries and book-collecting. 1909. 5:181. Library architecture League of library commissions. Small library buildings. 1908. 4:261. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS _ 105 ~ Library catalogs John Orerar library. List of books in the reading room, 1909. New ed. 1909. 6:228. Pittsburg, Carnegie library. Catalog of books in children’s department. 1909. 5:82. Classified catalog of the Carnegie library of Pitts- burgh, 1895-1902. 3v. 1907. 3:170. —— 1902-1906. 2d series. Pt, 1-3. 1907-8. 4:146. ——— —— ——— 2d series, Pt. 4.1908. 4:203. —— —— —— 2d series. Pt..5. 1908. 4:264. = ad. Series: . ZV. 1908: 4:278. Library science Bostwick. American public library. 1910. 6:366. Dana. Library primer. 5th ed. 1910. 6:416. Modern American library economy. Pt. 1, sec. 1. 1908). -5:8. Pt,-0, secy'2. “1908: SO: 161. Sterns, comp. Essentials in library administration. 1905. 2:31. Library science—Bibliography Bostwick. American public library. 1910. 6:366. Lichens Marshall. Mosses and lichens. 1907. 3:196. Life |. Eucken. Meaning and value of life. 1909. 6:375. Life, Origin of Bastian. Nature and origin of living matter. 1905. 2:157. Life insurance . Hendrick. Story of life insurance, 1907. 3:166. . “
the later British school. 1906. 3:168. Wedmore. The National gallery—London: the Flemish school. 1906. 3:174. London—Social life and customs Howells. London films. 1905. 1:108. Ransome. Bohemia in London. 1907. 4:48. Wheatley. Hogarth’s London. 1909. 6:261. % London. St. Paul’s cathedral Milman. Sir Christopher Wren. 1908. 6:19. Sinclair. Memorials of St. Paul’s cathedral. 1909. 6:399. London. Tower . Harper. Tower of London. 1909. 6:167. Long Island, New York Abbott. Old paths and legends of the New England border. — 1907. 4:35. Longevity Kintzing. Long life and how to attain it. 1908. 5:16. Metchnikoff. Prolongation of life. 1908. 4:144. _ Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Clarke. Longfellow’s country. 1909. 6:110. More. Shelburne essays. 5th series. 1908. 4:292. Perry. Park-street papers. 1908. 4:263. Winter. Old friends. 1909. 6:24. Loti, Pierre, pseud. Stephens. French novelists of today. 1908. 4:297. Louis XI, king of France Hare. Life of Louis XI. 1907. 4:184. Louis XIV, king of France Vincens.. Madame, mother of the regent. 1909. 6:214. Louis XVII, king of France Welch. The little dauphin. 1908. 6:23. Louisa, queen of Prussia Moffat. Queen Louisa of Prussia. 1906. 3:100. Louise de Savoie, duchess of Angouleme Faweett. Five famous French women. 1905. 2:160. Louvre (The) Potter. Art of the Louvre. 1905. ».1:30, INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 109 Low, Will Hicok Low. . Chronicle of friendships. 1908. 5:79. Lowell, Charles Russell Emerson, Life and letters of Charles Russell Lowell. 1907. 4:179. Sedgwick. New American type. 1908. 4:207. Lowell, James Russell Brownell. American prose masters. 1909. 6:157. Greenslet. James Russell Lowell. 1905. 1:100. Loyalty ; Royce. Philosophy of loyalty. 1908. 4:240. Lubrication and lubricants Arechbutt & Deeley. Lubrication and lubricants. 1907. 4:166. Lucretius Carus, Titus Woodberry. Inspiration of poetry. 1910. 6:351. Lucy, Henry William Lucey. Sixty years in the wilderness. 1909. 6:250. Lumber jacks Dunean. Higgins, a man’s Christian. 1909. 6:164. Lumbering Grainger. Woodsmen of the West. 1908. 6:40. Luncheons Green; pseud. |Reed| Everyday luncheons, 1906. 2:161. Luxembourg, grandduchy of Passmore. In further Ardenne. 1905. 2:11. Lyon, Mary Gilchrist. Life: of Mary Lyon. 1910. 6:377. Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, /st baron Trevelyan. Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 1909. 6:63. McCabe, Charles Cardwell, bp. Bristol. Life of Chaplain McCabe. 1908. 5:100. McCarthy, Justin McCarthy. An Irishman’s story. 1904. 1:13. Machinery Smith & Marx. Machine design. 3d ed. 1909. ° 6:423. McCormick, Cyrus Hali Casson. Cyrus Hall McCormick. 1909. 6:110. McCullough, John Edward Winter. Other days. 1908. 4:300. Macdowell, Hdward Alexander Gilman. Edward Macdowell. 1906. 2:210. 2d ed. 1909. 5:40. Machiavelli, Niccolo Morley. Critical miscellanies. v.4. 1908. .4:298. Machine shop practice Popular mechanics shop notes. 1905. .1:69. Machine tools Benjamin. Modern American machine tools. 1907. 5:71. 110 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Mackenzie River Cameron. The new North. 1909. 6:159. McKinley, Mount Cook. To the top of the continent. 1908. 4:132. McKinley, William Hay. Addresses. 1906. 2:210. Macready, William Charles Martin. Monographs. 1906. 3:46. Madeira Stanford. Leaves from a Madeira. garden. 1909. 6:400. Madison, James Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Madrid, Spain Calvert. Madrid. 1909. 5:157. Maeterlinck, Maurice Hale. Dramatists of today. 1905. 1:55. Newman. Musical studies. 1905. 1:136. Thorold. Six masters in disillusion. 1909. 6:214. Magellan, Ferdinand Ober. Ferdinand Magellan. 1907. 3:196. Magnetic separation of ores Gunther. Electro-magnetic ore separation. 1909. 6:41. Magnetism Cummings. Electricity and magnetism in telephone main- tenance. 1908. 6:10. Mahan, Alfred Thayer Mahan. From sail to steam. 1907. 4:15. Mahler, Gustav . Weingartner. Post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906. 3:198. Maine—Description and travel Thoreau. Katahdin and Chesuncook. 1909. 6:62. Maine woods. New ed. 1909. 6:62. Maine—Economic conditions—Bibliography Hasse. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States: Maine, 1820-1904. 1907. 4:79. Malatesta, Sigismundo, lord of Rimini Hutton. Sigismundo Pandolfo Malatesta. 1906. 3:122. Mammals Ingersoll. Life of animals; the mammals. 1906. 2:211. Seton. Life-histories of northern animals. 2v. 1909. 6:399. Man ‘ Fiske. Meaning of infancy. 1909. 6:60. Tyler. Man in the light of evolution. 1908. 5:86. Manchester, Hngland Howells. Seven English cities. 1909. 6:118. Manchuria Fox. Following-the sun-flag. 1905. 1:48. Scarfoglio. Round the world in a motor-car. 1909. 6:397. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 111 Manet, Edouard Duret. Manet and the French impressionists. 1910. 6:323. Manin, Daniele Holland. Builders of united Italy. 1908, 4:289, Mann, Horace Compayré. Horace Mann and the public school | in the United States. 1907. 4:10. Manners and customs Boehn. Modes and manners of the nineteenth century. 3v. 1909... 6:365. Keane. The world’s peoples. 1908. 4:2388. Mansfield, Richard Wilstach. Richard Mansfield. 1908. 5:23. Winter. Life and art of Richard Mansfield. 2v. 1910. 6:300. Manual training ‘ Bailey. Instruction in the fine and manual arts in the United States. 1909. 6:98. Binns & Marsden. Principles of educational woodwork. 1909. 6:237. Row. Educational meaning of manual arts and industries. 1909. 6:396. Manufactures Cochrane. Modern industrial progress. 1904, 1:28. Manzoni, Alessandro Holland. Builders of united Italy. 1908. 4:289. Maps—Bibliography - U. 8. Maps and charts division, Library of Congress. List of geographical atlases in the Library of Congress. 1909. er Oe U. y Marble Renwick. Marble and marble working. 1909. 6:255. Marguerite d’Angouleme, queen of Navarre Faweett. Five famous French women. 1905. 2:160. Marie Antoinette, queen consort of Louis XVI, king of France Belloc. Marie Antoinette. 1909. 6:317. Marine engineering Seaton. Screw propeller. 1909. 6:85. Marine engineering—Bibliography Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of. 1908 [annual] 1909. 5:148. Marine fauna Mayer. Sea-shore life. 1905. 2:6. Marionettes Jones. Diversions in Sicily. 1909. 6:248, Maris, Jakob Thomson. The brothers Maris. 1907. 4:151. Maris, Matthys Thomson. The brothers Maris. 1907. 4:151. Maris, Willem. Thomson. The brothers Maris. 1907. 4:151. 112 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Market gardening 3 Rawson. Success in market gardening. New ed. 1910. 6:422. Marketing Card. Farm management. 1907. 3:118. Marlowe, Christopher Woodberry. Inspiration of poetry. 1910. 6:351. Marriage Hamilton. Marriage as a trade. 1909. 6:75. Rogers. Why American marriages fail. 1909. 6:176. Mars (planet) Flammarion. Astronomy for amateurs. 1904. 1:8. Lowell. Mars and its canals. 1906. 3:69. Mars as the abode of life. 1908. 5:45. Morse. Mars and its mystery. 1906. 3:47. Marsh, Grant Prince Hanson. Conquest of the Missouri. 1909. 6:245. Martyn, Henry Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22. Marvell, Andrew Birrell. Andrew Marvell. 1905. 1:105. iviary I, queen of England Hume. Two English queens and Philip. 1908. 5:105. Mary Stuart, queen of Scots MacCunn. Mary Stuart. 1906. 2:164. Masonry Baker. _Treatise on masonry construction. 10th ed. 1909._ 6:310. Kidder. Building construction and superintendence. v.1. 1909. -.6:61. Phillips & Byrne. _Masonry construction. 1908. 5:82. Webb & Gibson. Masonry and reinforced-conerete. 1909. 5:184, Massachusetts—Economic conditions—Bibliography Hasse. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States: Massachusetts, 1789-1904. 1908. 5:41. Massachusetts—History Abbott. Old paths and legends of the New England border. 1905, 4:35. Bradford’s History of Plymouth plantation. New ed. 1908. 4:169. Bradford’s History of the Plymouth settlement. New ed. 1909. 6:310. Cockshott. - Pilgrim fathers. 1909. 6:321. Hanks. Our Plymouth forefathers. 1909. 6:75. Massasoit, Indian chief Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Matter, Constitution of Dunean, The new knowledge. 1905. 1:48. Jones. Electrical nature of matter and radioactivity. 1906. 3:44, INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 113 Mayas Arnold. The American Egypt. 1909. 6:196. Mazzini, Giuseppe Holland. Builders of united Italy. 1908. 4:289. Macecunn. Six radical thinkers. 1907. 4:142. Mario. Birth of modern Italy. 1909. 6:250. Meat Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.3. 1908. 3:254. Mecca Khan & Sparray. With the pilgrims to Mecca. 1905. 1:78. Mechanical engineering—Bibliography Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of 1908 [annual] 1909, - 5:148. Mechanical movements Hiscox. Mechanical appliances, mechanical movements and novelties of construction. 1904. 1:10. Mechanics Duff. Elementary experimental mechanics. 1905. 1:137. Mechanics, Applied Hancock. Applied mechanics for engineers. 1900. 6:117. Low. Applied mechanics. 1909. 6:388. Medici, Lorenzo de j Horsburgh. Lorenzo the Magnificent. 1908. 6:41. Medici family Young. The Medici. 2v. 1909. 6:352. Medicine Cabot. Social service and the art of healing. 1909. 6:159. Emerson. Essentials of medicine. 1908. 5:76. Hutchinson. Preventable diseases. 1909. 6:206. Macfie. Romance of medicine. 1907. .4:142. Osler. Counsels and ideals from the writings of William Osler. 1905. 2:10. Warbasse. Medical sociology. 1909. 6:259. Medicine—Dictionaries Black’s medical dictionary. 1906. 2:157. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Melba, Nellie Wagnalls. Stars of the opera. 1907. 4:230. Melchers, Gari Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Memory é Watt. Economy and training of memory. 1909. 6:351. Menageries , Hagenbeck. Beasts and men. 1909. 6:283. Mendel’s law Bateson. Mendel’s principles of heredity. 1909. 6:236. See also Heredity. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix Mason. Romantic composers. 1906. 3:70. Weingartner. Post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906, 3:198. 114 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Mental healing Baker. New ideals in healing. 1909. 5:99. Crane. Right and wrong thinking and their results. 1905. 3:40. Dearmer. Body and soul. 1909. 6:162. Dresser. Health and the inner life. 1906. 2:63. Fallows. Health and happiness. 1908. 5:10. Huckel. Mental medicine. 1909. 6:42. McComb. Power of self-suggestion. 1909. 6:18. Miller... Hindrances-of- life. ).1909) 5. 67389: . Munsterberg. Psychotherapy. 1909. 5:175. Podmore. Mesmerism and Christian science. 1909. 6:124. Powell. Emmanuel movement in a New England town. 190952 -5:108. Worcester. Christian religion as a healing power. 1909. 6:215. — and others. Religion and medicine. 1908. 4:266. Mental healing—Bibliography Huckel. Mental medicine. 1909. 6:42. Mental hygiene Bainbridge. Life’s day. 1909. 5:154. Call. Nerves and common sense. 1909. 6:70. Clouston. Hygiene of mind. 4th ed. 1907. 4:275. Fallows. Mental hygiene in everyday living. 1909. 5:163. — Point of view. 1909. 5:163. Talk on relaxation. 1909. 5:164. Gulick. Mind and work. 1908. 4:288. Shaler. Masters of fate. 1906. 3:72. Walton. Why worry? 1908. .4:243. Merchant marine Shaw. Current issues. 1908. 4:208. Smith. The ocean carrier. 1908. 5:50. Spears. Story of the American merchant marine. 1910. 6:400. ; Meredith, George Bailey. Novels of Gedrgs Meredith. 1907. 4:6. Forman, comp. George Meredith. 1909. 6:376. Hammerton. George Meredith in anecdote and criticism. 1909. 6:204. ? Henderson. George Meredith, novelist, poet, reformer. 1907. 4:186, Moffatt. George Meredith. 1909. 6:392, Mérimée, Prosper . Thorold. Six masters in disillusion. 1909. 6:214. Mesmerism ; Podmore. Mesmerism and Christian science. 1909. 6:124. Metal work ; Atkins. Practical sheet and plate metal work. 1908. 5:129. Walters. Art of the Greeks. 3ded. 1906. 3:145. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 115 Metallography Law. Alloys and their industrial applications. 1909. 6:285. Metallurgy Lodge. Notes on assaying. 1904. 1:12. Meteorology Dexter. Weather influences. 1904. 1:7. Moore. Descriptive meteorology. 1910. 6:392. Meunier, Constantin Brinton. Modern artists. 1908, 4:170. Mexico Enock. Mexico. 1909. 6:114. Martin. Mexico of the twentieth century. 2v. 1907. 4:80. Palmer. Central America and its problems. 1910. 6:341. Mexico—Bibliography Hale. Practical guide to Latin America. 1909. 6:203. Mexico—Description and travel Carson. Mexico. 1909. 6:109. Flandrau. Vive Mexico! 1908. 4:287. Foster. Diplomatic memoirs. 2v. 1909. 6:242. Gadow. Through southern Mexico. 1908. 6:12. Hale. Practical guide to Latin America. 1909. 6:203. Hornaday. Camp-fires on desert and lava. 1908. 5:78. Kirkham. Mexican trails. 1909. 5:171. Singleton. Historic landmarks of America as seen and described by famous writers. 1907. 4:49. Starr. In Indian Mexico. 1908. 5:51. Terry’s Mexico. 1909. 6:257. Winter. Mexico and her people of today. 1907. 4:86. Mexico—History MacNutt. Fernando Cortes and the conquest of Mexico. 1909. > 6:337, Mexico (city) Janvier. Legends otf the city of Mexico. 1910. 6:248. Michelangelo: Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Lanciani. Golden days of the renaissance in Rome. 1906. 2:241. Middle ages Addison. Arts and crafts in the middle ages. 1908. 5:5. Munro & Sellery, ed. Medieval civilization,.. New ed. L907... 4:121. Seignobos. History of mediaeval and modern civilization. 1907. 3:2265. Middlesex, Hngland Jerrold. Highways and byways in Middlesex. 1909. 6:248. Milan, Jtaly Ady. History of Milan under the Sforza. 1907. 4:75. Allen & Williamson; Cities of northern Italy. New ed. 2v. 1906. 3:24. Noyes. Story of Milan. 1908. 4:293. a 116 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Militarism Addams. Newer ideals in peace. 1907. 3:65. Milk Farrington & Woll. Testing milk and its products. 18th ed. 1907. 4:276. Jensen. Essentials of milk hygiene. 1907. 4:139. Lane. Medical milk commissions. 1908. 4:315. Lipman, Bacteria in relation to country life. 1908. 5:17. Milner. Use of milk as food. 1909. 6:99. Spargo.. Common sense of the milk question. 1908. 4:211. U.S. Hygienic laboratory. Milk and its relation to public health. 1908. 5:86. Ward. Pure milk and the public health. 1909. 6:88. Winslow. Production and handling of clean milk. 1908. 4:217. —— 2d ed. .1909. _ 6:232. j Mill, John Stuart Macecunn. Six radical thinkers. 1907. 4:142. Morley. Critical miscellanies. v.4. 1908. 4:293. Millais, Sir John Everett Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Reid... Sir J. E. Millais. 1909. 6:394. Millet, Jean Francois Millinery La Farge. Higher life in art. 1908. 5:44. Laughlin. Complete dressmaker. 1907. 3:194. Mills Hobart. Millwrighting. 1909. 6:15. Milton, John Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. - 4:119. More. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. Woodberry. Great writers. 1907. 4:217. The-torch, = 1905. 1:110. Mine timbering Sanders and others. Mine timbering. 1907. 4:206. Storms. Timbering and mining. 1909. 6:214. Mineralogy Pirsson. Rocks and rock minerals. 1908. 4:294, Mines and mineral resources Ries. Economic geology of the United States. 1905. 2:36. Shaler. Man and the earth. 1905. 2:7. U. S. Geological survey. Mineral resources of Alaska. 1909. 6:101. Miniatures Armstrong. Art in Great Britain and Ireland. 1909. 6:235. Cundall. History of British water-color painting. 1909. = 55160: Davenport. Miniatures, ancient and modern. 1908. 5:38. Mining engineering Finlay. Cost of mining. 1909. 6:324. Thlseng & Wilson. Manual of mining. 4th ed. 1905. 1:40. INDEX TO ADULT. BOOKS 117 Mauchline. Mine foreman’s handbook. 1905. 1:81. Redmayne. Modern practice in mining. 2v. 1908-9. 6:343, Sanders and others. Mine timbering. 1907. 4:206. Storms. Timbering and mining. 1909. 6:214. Mining engineering—Bibliography f Crane. Index of mining engineering literature. 1909. 6:39, Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of 1908 [annual] 1909. 5:143. Mining industry and finance ‘ Finlay. Cost of mining. 1909. 6:324. Ministers (of the gospel) Dykes. Christian minister and his duties. 1908. 6:72. Macfarland, ed. Christian ministry and the social order. 1909. G:172: “4 Mott. Future leadership of the church, 1908. 5:46. Mudge. Saintly calling. 1905. 1:42. Minnesota ; Folwell. Minnesota, the North Star state. 1908. 5:11. Minstrels ~ Dunean. Story of minstrelsy. 1907. 4:179. Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riquetti, comte de Fling. Mirabeau and the French revolution. v.1. 1908. 5:102. Miracles Dods. The Bible; its origin and nature. 1905. 1:54, Gordon. Religion and miracle. 1909. 6:166. Missionaries Brown. The foreign missionary. 1907. 3:220. Field. Heroes of missionary enterprise. 1908. 4:40. Lambert. Romance of missionary heroism. 1907, 2:241. Missions Bliss. Missionary enterprise. 1908. 5:6. Dennis. New horoscope of missions. 1908. 4:287. — Dwight, ed. Blue book of missions for 1907. 1907, 3:222. Lindsay. Gloria Christi. 1907. 3:195. Pierson. The Pacific Islanders. 1906. 3:126. Speer. Missions and modern history. 2v. 1904. 1:17. Student volunteer movement for foreign missions. Students and the missionary crusade. 1906. 3:74. Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22. Zwemer & Brown. Nearer and farther Hast. 1908. 4:300. Missions—Bibliography Student volunteer movement for foreign missions. Students and the missionary crusade. 1906. 3:74. Missions—Africa Springer. Heart of central Africa. 1909. 6:51. Missions—Alaska Arctander. Apostle of Alaska. 1909. 6:67. 118 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Missions—Armenia Arpee. The Armenian awakening. 1909. 6:156. Missions—California James. In and out of the old missions of California. 1905. 2:4, Through Ramona’s country. 1908. 5:78. Missions—China Blakeslee, ed. China and the Far East. 1910. 6:365. Smith. Uplift of China. 1907. 4:84. Missions—EHurope Clark. Gospel in Latin lands. 1909. 6:37. Missions—India Jones. India, its life and thought. 1908. 5:43. Pennell. Among the wild tribes of the Afghan frontier. 1909. 5:178. Missions—Japan . Blakeslee, ed. China and the Far Hast. 1910. 6:365. Cary. History of Christianity in Japan. 1909. 6:110. Missions—Kongo Johnston. George Grenfell and the Congo. 1910. 6:332. Missions—Korea — Baird. Daybreak in Korea. 1909. 6:68. Blakeslee, ed. China and the Far East. 1910. 6:365. Missions—Mexico Clark. Gospel in Latin lands. 1909. 6:37. Missions—New Guinea Mackay. Across Papua. 1909. 6:390. Missions—South America Clark. Gospel in Latin lands. 1909. 6:37. Missions—Turkey Washburn. Fifty years in Constantinople. 1909. 6:180. Mississippi River Mathews. Remaking the Mississippi. 1909. 5:174. Merrick. Old times on the upper Mississippi. 1909. 5:46. Mississippi Valley Eaton. Grant, Lincoln and the freedmen. 1907. 4:135. Grierson. Valley of the shadows. 1909. 5:166. Hulbert. Pilots of the republic. 1906. 3:69. Johnson. Highways and byways of the Mississippi valley. L906) 3:10; Parrish. The great plains. 1907. 3:224. Turner. Rise of the new West, 1819-1828. 1906. 2:185. Missouri i Connelley. Quantrill and the border wars. 1910. 6:238. Grierson. Valley of the shadows. 1909. 5:166. Steffens. Struggle for self-government. 1906. 2:185. Missouri compromise Ray. Repeal of the Missouri compromise. 1909. 5:179. Missouri River Hanson. Conquest of the Missouri. 1909, 6:245. hed INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 119 Mistral, Frédéric Mistral. Memoirs. 1907. 4:105. Mitchell, Donald Grant More. Shelburne essays. 5th series. 1908. 4:292. Winter. ~ Old friends. 1909. 6:24. Modernism ; Tyrrell. Christianity at the cross-roads. 1909. 6:403. Mohammed and Mohammedanism Becker. Christianity and Islam. 1909. 6:197. Garnett. Home life in Turkey. 1909. 6:73. Macdonald. Religious attitude and life in Islam. 1909. 6:18. Mollusks Kellogg. Shell-fish industries. 1910. 6:334. Rogers. Shell book. 1908. 4:205. Money Gladden. The new idolatry. 1905. 2:34. Jevons. Investigations in currency and finance. New ed. 1909. 6:227. Vanderlip. Business and education. 1907. 4:17. White. Money and banking. 3ded. 1908. 5:126. Mongols Curtin. A journey in southern Siberia. 1909. 6:161. The Mongols. 1908. 4:133. —— The Mongols in Russia. 1908. 5:75. Monopolies Brooks. Conflict between private monopoly and good citizenship. 1909. 6:277. Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de Compayré. Montaigne and education of the judgment. 1908. 4:173. Moon Fauth. Moon in modern astronomy. 1909. 6:324. Moore, Thomas Gwynn. Thomas Moore. 1905. 1:36. Moral education Bray. The town child.. 1909. 6:276. Cabot.. Everyday ethics. 1906. 3:118. Dewey. Moral principles in education. 1909. 6:39. Griggs. Moral education. 1904. 1:9. Moral training in the public schools. 1907. 4:144. Palmer. Ethical and moral instruction in schools. 1909. 6:211. Sadler, ed. Moral instruction and training in schools, 2v. 1908., 5:49. Morelli, Domenico Villari. Studies, historical and critical. 1907. 4:214. Morgan, John Pierpont Youngman. Economic causes of great fortunes. 1909. 6:407. 120 ~ INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Morocco Aubin. Morocco of today. 1906. 2:177. Rankin. In Morocco with General d’Amade. 1908. 5:108. Morris, Clara Harriott. Life of a star. 1906. 2:210. Morris, William Brooke. Four Victorian poets: 1908. 4:285. James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14, Noyes. William Morris. 1909. 5:81. Mortgage taxation . Wisconsin—Legislative reference dep’t. Mortgage taxa- tion. 1908.° 5:89. Mosby, John Singleton Munson. Reminiscences of a Mosby guerilla. 1906. 3:47. Mosses Marshall. Mosses and lichens. 1907. 3:196. Motley, John Lothrop ~ Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. Motor boats How to design and construct a power boat. 1909. 6:382. Mountaineering Abraham. Complete mountaineer. 1908. 4:163. Coolidge. Alps in nature and history. 1908. 4:286. Hornaday. Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies. 1906. 2:239. Mumm. Five months in the Himalayas, 1909. 6:81. Outram. In the heart of the Canadian Rockies. 1905. 2:36. Stephen. Playground of Europe. New ed. 1909. 6:149. White. The pass. 1906. 2:244. Pay Workman. Peaks and glaciers of Nun Kun. 1910. 6:406. Moving pictures ; Hulfish. Motion picture. 1909. 6:383. Munich, Germany Daniels. An American girl in Munich. 1905. 1:39. Municipal engineering McCullough. Engineering work in towns and small cities. 1906. 4:142. —— Engineering work in towns and cities. 2d ed. 1908. 6:146. Municipal engineering—Bibliography Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of 1908 [annual] 1909. 5:143. Municipal finance Cleveland. Chapters on municipal administration and ac- counting. 1909. 6:37. National conference on state and local taxation, 1907 |[an- nual] State and local taxation. 1908. 4:145. Municipal government Addams. Newer ideals of peace. 1908. 3:65. American academy of political and social science. Munic- ipal problems. 1906. 8:38. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 121 Beard, ed. Readings in American government and politics. 1909.» 63197; Cleveland. Chapters on. municipal administration and accounting. 1909. 6:37. Fairlie. Essays in municipal administration. 1908. 4:181. ~Goodnow. Municipal government. 1909. 6:74. Green. Town life in the fifteenth century. 1907. 4:120. Marriott. How Americans are governed in nation, state and city. 1910. 6:390. National municipal league. Proceedings of the Providence conference [annual] 1907. 4:199. Robbins, comp. Selected articles on the commission plan of municipal government. 1909. 6:294. Rowe. Problems of city government. 1908. 4:296. Municipal government—England Howe. The British city. 1907. 3:166. Munro. Government of European cities. 1909. 5:143. Municipal government—France Munro. Government of European cities, 1909. 5:143. Municipal government—Germany Munro. Government of European cities. 1909. 5:143. Municipal government—United States Deming. Government of American cities. 1909. 5:135. Municipal ownership American academy of political and social science. Munici- pal problems. 1906. 3:38. Darwin. Municipal ownership. 1907. 4:176. Rowe. Problems of city government. 1908. 4:296. Municipal ownership—Bibliography Brooklyn public library. Books on municipal ownership. 1906. 2:193. Griffin, comp. Select list of books on municipal affairs. 1906. 2:194. Municipal ownership—England Howe. The British city. 1907. 3:166. Meyer. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. 1906. 2:164. -Porter, Dangers of municipal ownership. 1907. 3:103. Municipal ownership—United States American academy of political and social science. Control of municipal public service corporations. 1908. 4:164. Mural painting Jackson. Mural painting. 1904. 1:11. Murillo, Bartolmé Estéban Calvert. Murillo. 1907. 4:181. Mushrooms Hard. Mushrooms, edible and otherwise. 1908. 5:167. Music Gilman. Stories of symphonic music. 1907. 4:183. Hanchett. Art of the musician. 1905. 1:40. 122 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Kobbé. How to appreciate music. 1906. 3:11. Lucas. Story of musical form. 1908. 5:80. Patterson. Chats with music lovers. 1907. 4:146. Surette & Mason. Appreciation of music. 1908. 4:297. Upton. Musical memories. 1908. 4:298. Standard concert guide. 1908. 4:266. Standard concert repertory. 1909. 6:87. Music—Bibliography Dickinson. Study of the history of music. 1905. 1:107. 2d ed. 1908. 6:144. Hooper, comp. Selected list of music and books about music for public libraries. 1909. 6:118. Worcester free public library. Finding-list of music. 1906. 2:195. Music—Dictionaries De Bekker. Stokes’ encyclopedia of music and musicians. 1908. 5:38. Elson. Elson’s music dictionary. 1905. 2:63. Grove, ed. Grove’s dictionary of music and musicians. v.1-2. 1906. 2:192. — v.3-4. 1907. 4:277. Music—History and criticism Dickinson. Study of the history of music. 1905. 1:107. 2d ed. 1908. 6:144. Elson. Music club programs from all nations. 1908. 4:101. Newman. Musical studies. 1905. 1:136. Paine. History of music to the death of Schubert. 1907. 4:81. Pratt. History of music. 1907. 4:47. Streatfeild. Modern music and musicians. 1906. 3:131. Symons. Plays, acting and music. 1909. 6:62. Music—Programs Elson. Music club programs from all nations. 1908. 4:101. Music—Scores—Bibliography Hooper, comp. Selected list of music and books about music for public libraries. 1909. 6:118. Music—Study and teaching Finck. Success in music and how it is won. 1909. 6:165. Manchester. Music education in the United States. 1908. 4:315. Music, French Philipp. Anthology of French piano music. 2v. 1906. 3:169. Music, Indian Burton. American primitive music. 1909. 6:198. Music, Italian Esposito, ed. Early Italian piano music. 1906. 2:209. Music, Roman Friedlander. Roman life and manners under the early empire. v.1-2. 1908-9. 6:243. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 123 . Musical instruments Mason. Orchestral instruments and what they do. 1909. 6:18: Musicians Chapin. Makers of song. 1904. 1:6. Finck. Success in music and how it is won. 1909. 6:165. Mason. Romantic composers. 1906. 3:70. Streatfeild. Modern music and musicians. 1906. 3:1381. Upton. Musical memories. 1908. 4:298. Weingartner. Post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906. 3:198. Musicians—Dictionaries De Bekker. Stokes’ encyclopedia of music and musicians. 1908. 5:38, Grove, ed. Grove’s dictionary of music and musicians. v.1-2. 1906. . 2:192. —- v.3-4. 1907. 4:277. Mysticism Jones. Studies in mystical religion. 1909. 6:77. Mythology z Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Mythology, Greek Allinson. Greek lands and letters. 1909. 6:155. N rays . ; Blondlot. ‘‘N’’ rays. 1905. 1:54. Names, Personal } Gould. Family names and their story. 1910. 6:327. Napoleon I, emperor of the French Dodge. Napoleon. v.3-4. 1907. 4:134. Gonnard. Exile of St. Helena. 1909. 6:244. Hugo. Napoleon the Little. New ed. 1909. 5:195. Johnston. Napoleon. New ed. 1909. 6:61. Lenz. Napoleon: 1907. 4:195. Rose. Life of Napoleon I. 1907. -4:122. Napoleon III, emperor of the French Simpson. Rise of Louis Napoleon. 1909. 6:346. Walpole. Studies in biography. 1907. 4:215. National characteristics, American Brooks, J. G. As others see us. 1908. 5:6. Brooks, V. W. Wine of the Puritans. 1909. 6:277. Francis. Americans, an impression. 1909. 6:72. Low. American people. 1909. 6:287. Matthews. American of the future. 1909. 6:251. Miimsterberg. The Americans. 1904. 1:13. Van Dyke. Spirit of America. 1909. 6:299, Wells. Future in America. 1906. 3:50. Wendell. Liberty, union, and democracy. 1906. 3:76. National characteristics, English Collier. England and the English from an American point of view. 1909. 5:134. 124 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Howells. Seven English cities. 1909. 6:118. J Hueffer. England and the English. 1907. 4:139. National characteristics, Irish Loomis.- Just Irish. 1909. 6:17. National characteristics, Mexican Winter. Mexico and her people of today. 1907. 4:86. National parks and reserves—United States Muir. Our national parks. New ed. 1909. 6:229. National songs—United States U. S. Music division, Library of Congress. Report on Star Spangled Banner, Hail Columbia, America, Yankee Doodle. 1909. 6:270. 34 Natural history—Australasia Banfield.. Confessions of a beachcomber. -1909. 6:156. Natural history—Labrador : Grenfell and others. Labrador. 1909. 6:116. Natural history—Mexico Beebe. Two bird-lovers in Mexico. 1905. 1:105. Natural resources American academy of political and social science. Con- servation of natural resources. 1909. 5:153. Cronau. Our wasteful nation. 1908. 5:75. Shaler. Man and the earth. 1905. 2:7. National conservation commission, Washington, D. C. RKe- port. 3v. 1909. 6:100. Pinchot. Conservation of natural resources. 1908. 4:315. Naturalization U.S. Immigration and naturalization bureau. Naturaliza- tion of aliens in the United States. 1909. 6:102. Nature : Beebe. Log of the sun. 1906. 3:38. Burroughs. Far and near. 1904. 1:6. Leaf and tendril. 1908. 4:172. — Ways of nature. 1905. 1:99. In American fields and forests. 1909. 5:170. Packard. Wild pastures. 1909.. 6:47. Wildwood ways. 1909. 6:291. Reynolds. Treatment of nature in English poetry between Pope and Wordsworth. 1909. 6:422, Sharp. Lay of the land. 1908. 4:296. Torrey. Nature’s invitation. 1904, 1:17. Nature in poetry Burroughs. Bird and bough. 1906. 3:7. Nature study Bailey. Nature-study idea. 3d ed. 1909. 6:140. Outlook to nature. 1905. 1:77. Coulter and others. Practical nature study and elementary agriculture. 1909. -6:38. Holtz. Nature-study. 1908. 4:260. Jewell. Agricultural education. 1908. 5:120. Schmucker. Study of nature. 1908. 4:265. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 125 Naval art and science Mahan. Naval administration and warfare. 1908. 5:80. . Navigation—United States U. S. Corporations bureau. Report on transportation by water in the United States. 2v. 1909. 6:190. Needlework Christie. Embroidery and tapestry weaving. 1906. 3:66, Day & Buckle. Art in needlework. 3d ed. 1908. 5:61. Lowes. Chats on old lace and needlework. 1908. 5:79. Watson. Textiles and clothing. 1907. 3:174. Negroes Baker. Following the color line. 1908. 4:283. Eaton. Grant, Lincoln and the freedmen. 1907. 4:135. Miller. Race adjustment. 1908. 5:81. Murphy. Basis of ascendancy. 1909. 6:290. Page. The negro, the southerner’s problem. 1904, 1:15. Stone. Studies in the American race problem. 1908. 4:297. Washington. The negro in business. 1907. 4:215. Story of the negro. 2v. 1909. 6:259. — & Du Bois. The negro in the South. 1907. 3:174. Negroes—Bibliography Edwards, ed. The negro problem. 1908. 5:40. Negroes—Education From servitude to service. 1905. 2:4. Washington. Tuskegee and its people. 1905. 1:70. Neilson, Adelaide Winter. Other days. 1908. 4:300. Nelson, Horatio Nelson Thursfield. Nelson and other naval studies. 1909. 6:214. Nervous system—Diseases Mitchell. Self help for nervous women. 1909. 5:142. Powell. Emmanuel movement in a New England town. 1909. 5:108. ; Schofield. Nervousness. 1909. 5:181. Worcester and others. Religion and medicine. 1908. 4:266. ~ Netherlands—Colonies Keller. Colonization. 1908. 5:43. Morris. History of colonization. 1908. 4:228. Netherlands—Description and travel Edwards. Holland of today. 1909. 6:114. Jungman. Holland. 1904. 1:11. Lucas. Wanderer in Holland. 1905. 2:6. Singleton, ed. Holland as seen and described by famous writers. 1906. 2:149. Tomalin. Three vagabonds in Friesland. 1907. 4:49. Waller. Through the gates of the Netherlands. 1907. 3:75. 2d ed. 1908. 5:196. Netherlands—History Blok. History of the people of the Netherlands, Pt. 4. 1907. 4:100. Motley’s Dutch nation. New ed. 1908. 4:229. 126 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Nevill, Dorothy Fanny (Walpole), lady Nevill. Reminiscences. 1907. 3:101. New England Bacon. Connecticut river and the valley of the Connecti- eu.” 1906. * 3:38. Clarke. Longfellow’s country. 1909. 6:110. Foster. Genetic history of the New England theology. 1907. 4:136. Mathews. Expansion of New England. 1909. 6:251. New England—Biography Who’s whe in New England [annual] 1909. 5:184. New England—Description and travel Abbott. Old paths and legends of the New England border. 1907. 4:35. Crawford. Among old New England inns. 1907. 4:38. Hale. Tarry at home travels. 1906. 2:162. New England—Social life and customs Perkins. Book of joys. 1907. 4:240. New France Champlain. Voyages and explorations. 2v. 1906. 3:7. Voyages, 1604-1618. 1907. 4:8. Colby. Canadian types of the old régime. 1908. 4:285. Douglas. Old France in the new world. 1905. 1:107. Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Johnson. French pathfinders in North America. 1905. 1:135. Thwaites. France in America, 1497-1763. v.7. 1905. 1:137. New Guinea Mackay. Across Papua. 1909.- 6:390. New Hampshire—Economic conditions—Bibliography Hasse. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States: New Hampshire, 1789- 1904. 1907. 4:79. New Hebrides Grimshaw. Fiji and its possibilities. 1907. 4:42. New Jersey ~— Steffens. Struggle fos self-government. 1906. 2:185. New thought Lodge. Substance of faith allied with science. 1907. 3:168. Marden. Peace, power and plenty. 1909. 5:80. New Year The book of Christmas. 1909. 6:109. : New York (city) McAdoo. Guarding a great city. 1906. 2:183. New York (city)—Bibliography Brooklyn public library. List of books on Greater New York. + 1906.72: 193; New York (city)—Description City history club of New York. Historical guide to the city of New York. 1909. 6:160. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 127 Van Dyke. The new New York. 1909. 6:87. Wayfarer in New York. 1909. 6:88. New York (city)—History Van Rensselaer. History of the city of New York in the seventeenth century. 2v. 1909. 6:52. New York (city)—Metropolitan museum of art Preyer. Art of the Metropolitan Museum of New York. 1909-63293, New York (city)—Social conditions Chapin. Standard of living among workingmen’s families in New York City. 1909. 5:134. New York (city)—Social life and customs Singleton. Dutch New York. 1909. 6:85. New York (state)—-Economic conditions—Bibliography Hasse. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States: New York, 1789-1904. 1907. 4:185. New York (state)—History Griffis. Story of New Netherland. 1909. 5:166. Singleton. Dutch New York. 1909. 6:85. Van Rensselaer. History of the city of New York. 2v. 1909. 6:52. New York Orphan Asylum Reeder. How two hundred children live and learn. 1909. 6:293. New Zealand Douglas. Dominion of New Zealand. 1909. 6:240. Horsley. New Zealand. 1909. 6:246. Loughnan. New Zealand at home. 1908. 6:44. Marshall. An empire story. 1909. 6:391. Scholefield. New Zealand in evolution. 1909. 6:398. Newsboys Gunckel. Boyville. 1905. 2:64. Newspapers Rogers. The American newspaper. 1909. 6:83. Newspapers—Indexes Wisconsin library commission. Current events index [an- mal | 3 19095 5: 89: Niagara River Hulbert. The Niagara river. 1908. 5:14. Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm Huneker. Egoists. 1909. 5:139. Mencken. Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. 1908. 4:239., Nile River Dunning. Today on the Nile. 1905. 2:9. Lloyd. Uganda to Khartoum. 1906. 3:99. Nilsson, Hjalmar Vries. Plant-breeding. 1907. 3:198. Nominations for office Fuller. Government by the people. 1908. 4:236. 128 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Nordica, Lillian > Wagnalls. Stars of the opera. 1907. 4:230. Norfolk Island 3 Grimshaw. Fiji and its possibilities, 1907. 4:42. Normandy Home. Normandy. 1905. 2:34. North Sea Grenfell. Harvest of the sea. 1905. 1:29. Northumberland, Hngland Bradley. Romance of Northumberland. 1909. 6:109. Northwest (The) Brady, comp. Northwestern fights and fighters. 1907. 4:37. Lyman. Columbia river. 1909. 6:18. Northwest (Canadian) : Burpee. Search for the western sea. 1908. 4:285. Cameron. The new North. 1909. 6:159. Laut. Conquest of the great Northwest. 2v. 1908. 5:16. Vikings of the Pacific. 1905. 2:5. Northwest Passage Amundsen. Northwest Passage. 2v. 1908. 4:282. Burpee. Search for the western sea. 1908. 4:285. Northwestern states | Hulbert. Pilots of the republic. 1906. 3:69. = Norton, Hon. Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (Sheridan) Perkins. Life of the Honorable Mrs Norton. 1909. 6:211. Norton, Charles Eliot Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Ruskin. Letters of John Ruskin to Charles Eliot Norton. 2v. 1904. 1:16. Norway “ Cooper. Norwegian fjords. 1907. 4:132. Monroe. In viking land. 1908. 6:20. - Willson. Norway at home. 1908. 5:88. Norwegian literature—Bibliography Kildal, comp. Selected list of Norwegian and Danish books. 1908. 5:16. Norwegians in the United States Flom. History of Norwegian immigration to the United States. 1909. 6:376. Novelists Burton. Masters of the English novel. 1909. 6:158. Kennard. Italian romance writers. 1906. 2:211. Stephens. French novelists of today. 1908. 4:295. Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar Spanish explorers in the southern United States, 1528-1543. 1907. 3:227. Nurses and nursing MelIsaac. Hygiene for nurses. 1908. 4:292. Maxwell & Pope. Practical nursing. 1907. 4:105. Pope. Home care of the sick. 1907. 3:170. Waters. Visiting nursing in the United States. 1909. 6:299. INDEX TO-ADULT BOOKS 129 Nutrition Chittenden. Nutrition of man. 1907. 3:193. Physiological economy in nutrition. 1904. 3:39. Hall. Nutrition and dietetics. 1910. 6:244. Nuts . Jaffa. Nuts and their uses as food. 1908. 4:314. . Oberammergau passion-play Moses, tr. Passion play of Oberammergau. 1909. 6:252. Short. Oberammergau. 1910. 6:399. Oberlin, Jean Frédéric Beard. Story of John Frederic Oberlin. 1909. 6:317. Occupations, Choice of Fowler. Starting in life. 1906. 3:9. Hall. How to get a position and how to keep it. 1908. 4:289. Parsons. Choosing a vocation. 1909. 5:178. Rollins. What can a young man do. 1907. 3:224. Occupations (for children) Johnston & Chapin. Home occupations for boys and girls. 1908. 5:140. Sage & Cooley. Occupations for little fingers. 1905. 1:128. See also Children’s list. Ocean © Aflalo, comp. Call of the sea. 1907. 4:127, Bullen. Our heritage of the sea. 1907. 4:129. Stone. Sea songs and ballads. 1906. 3:130. Van Dyke. The opal sea. 1906. 2:101. Ocean travel : Cohen. The great wet way. 1909. 5:158. Oceanica Becke. Notes from my South Sea log. 1905. 2:67. Ohio Steffens. Struggle for self-government. 1906. 2:185. Ohio River Hulbert. The Ohio river. 1906. 3:68. Oils and fats Gill. Engine-room chemistry. 1907. 4:137. Old age Bishop.. Seventy years young. 1907. 4:168. Minot. Problem of age, growth and death. 1908. 6:19. Ollivant, Alfred Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:253. Omar Khayyam Hay. Addresses. 1906. 2:210. Opera Davidson. Stories from the operas. 1906. 2:208. Hall. Wagnerian romances. 1907. 4:184. Krehbiel. Book of operas. 1909. 6:207. Chapters of opera. 1908. 5:44. Melitz. Opera goers’ complete guide. 1908. 5:106. Singleton. Guide to modern opera. 1909. 6:213. 130 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Streatfeild. The opera. 3d ed. 1907. 4:123. Upton. Standard operas. New ed. 1906. 3:54. Wagnalls. Stars of the opera. New ed. 1907. 4:230. Orations Harding, ed. Select orations illustrating American political history. 1909. 6:166. Oratory Kleiser. How to develop power and personality in speak- mg. 1908 S78. Power. Making of an orator. 1906. 3:70. Shurter. Extempore speaking for school and college. 1908. 5:84. é — Rhetoric of oratory. 1909. 5:84. Orchestra Mason. Orchestral instruments and what they do. 1909. 6:18. Orchids Gibson. Our native orchids. 1905. 1:78. Ore dressing Richards. Text book vf ore dressing. 1909. 6:395. Oregon J Turner. Rise of the new West, 1819-1829. 1906. 2:185. Orléans, Elisabeth Charlotte, duchesse &’ Vincens. Madame, mother of the regent. 1909. 6:214. Orthodoxy Chesterton. Orthodoxy. 1908. 5:36. - Osbon, Bradley Sillick Paine. Sailor of fortune. 1906. 3:13. Ossoli, Sarah Margaret (Fuller), marchesa ad’ Beach. Daughters of the Puritans. 1905. 2:3. Macphail. kssays in puritanism. 1905. 1:58. Sanborn. Recollections of seventy years. 2v. 1909. 6:49. Outdoor iife Dixon. Life worth living. 1905. 1:77. Paine. Tent dwellers. 1908. 4:293. Outlaws : Hough. Story of the outlaw. 1907. 3:122. Oxford, Hngland ‘ Evans. Highways and byways in Oxford and the Cots- wolds. 1905. 2:147. “Oxford movement Hall. Short history of the Oxford movement. 1906. 3:122. Oxford university Oxford and working class education. 1908. 5:47. Oxfordshire, Hngland Evans. Highways and byways in Oxford and the Cots- wolds. 1905. 2:147. Oysters : Kellogg. Shell-fish industries. 1910. 6:334. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 131 Pacific coast — ‘ Johnson. Highways and byways of the Pacifie coast. 1908. 5:14. Pacific Islands Pierson. Pacific Islanders. 1906. 3:126. Pacific Ocean Laut. Vikings of the Pacific. 1905. 2:5. Millard. America and the Far Eastern question. 1909. 6:19. Packing (for export) U. S. Manufactures bureau. Packing for export. 1909. 6:270. Paderewski,.Ignace Jan Baughan. Ignaz Jan Paderewski. 1908. 4:75. Padua, Italy : Allen & Williamson. Cities of northern Italy. New ed. 2v. 1906. 3:24. Paint Toch. Chemistry and technology of mixed-paints. 1906. 3:173. Painters Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106,. Painters and sculptors. 1907. 3:193. Painters, American MeSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. Painters, Dutch Reynolds, comp. Stories of the Flemish and Dutch artists. 1908. 5:180. ; Painters, English Cundall. History of British water-color painting. 1909. 5:160. | Davies.. Stories of the English artists from Vandyck to Burner. ~-1908_.°.5:101, Finberg. English water colour painters. 1905. 2:209. Painters, Flemish Reynolds, comp. Stories of the Flemish and Dutch artists. 1908. 5:180. Painters, Italian Berenson. Florentine painters of the renaissance. 3d ed. 1909°. 52118. — North Italian -painters of the renaissance. 1907. 4:36. Painting Addison. -Art.of the Dresden gallery. 1907... 3:37, Calvert’ &-Hartley...The. Prado. - 1907. 4:7. Clausen. Aims and ideals in art. 1906. 3:220. Holmes. Notes on the science of picture-making. 1909. * 6:168. Huneker. Promenades of an impressionist. 1910. 6:383. Hurll. Portraits and portrait painting. 1907. 4:104. 132 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Phythian. Fifty years of modern painting. 1908. 4:202. Ricketts. Art of the Prado. 1907. 4:16. Van Dyke. Studies in pictures. 1907. 3:132. Painting—History Mach. Outlines of the history of painting. 1906. 2:242. Muther. -History of painting. 2v. 1907. 3:125. Painting—Study and teaching Jewett. Masterpieces of painting. 1906. 3:123. Ostwald. Letters to a painter on the theory and practice of painting. 1907. 4:200. Painting, American Caffin. Story of American painting. 1907. 4:37. Isham. History of American painting. 1905. 2:10. Painting, Chinese Binyon. Painting in the Far Hast. 1908. 5:155. Painting, Dutch Bode. Great masters of Dutch and Flemish painting. 19095 26:237. Caffin. Story of Dutch painting. 1909. 6:159. Greenshields. Landscape painting and modern Dutch artists. 1906. 2:161. Marius. Dutch painting in the nineteenth century. 1909. 6:80. Singleton. Holland. 1908. 5:84. Painting, English La Sizeranne. The National gallery—London: the early British school. 1906. 3:168. The national gallery—London: the later British school. 1906. 3:168. Phythian. Fifty years of modern painting. 1908. 4:202. Painting, Flemish - Bode. Great masters of Duteh and Flemish art. 1909. 6:237. Singleton. Art of the Belgian galleries. 1909. 6:178. Wedmore. The National gallery—London: the Flemish school. 1906. 3:174. Painting, French Bayes. The National gallery—London: the Spanish, French and German schools. 1906. 3:159. Duret. Manet and the French impressionists. 1910. 6:323. Eaton. Handbook of modern French painting. 1909. 6:11. La Farge. Higher life in art. 1908. 5:44. Phythian. Fifty years of modern painting. 1908. 4:202. Painting, German Bayes. The National gallery—London: the Spanish, French and German schools. 1906. 3:159. Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Painting, Greek : Walters. Art of the Greeks. 3ded. 1906, 3:145. Painting, Italian Crowe & Cavaleaselle. History of painting in Italy. New ed." “v.18. - 1903-9. 6:143. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 133 Cruttwell. Guide to the paintings in the Florentine gal- leries. 1907. 3:221. Harwood. Notable pictures in Rome. 1907. 3:194. Holroyd. The National gallery—London: the central Italian schools. 1906. 4:43. > the northern Italian schools. 1906. 4:43. Painting, Japanese Binyon. Painting in the Far Hast. 1908. 5:155. Painting, Scottish Caw. Scottish painting, past and present. 1909. 6:200. ' Painting, Spanish Bayes. The National gallery—London: the Spanish, French and German schools. 1906. © 3:159. Beruete y Moret. School of Madrid. 1909. 6:68. Cole. Old Spanish masters engraved by Timothy Cole. 1907. 3.2227. Palaces Calvert. Royal palaces of Spain. 1909. 5:157. Paleontology ‘ Depéret. Transformations of the animal world. 1909. 6:11. Lankester. Extinct animals. 1905. 1:128. Paleontology—United States Sternberg. Life of a fossil hunter. 1909. 5:111. Palestine—Description and travel Bliss. Development of Palestine exploration. 1906. 2:104. Dunean. Going down from Jerusalem. 1909. 6:113. Dunning. Today in Palestine. 1907. 4:258. Masterman. Studies in Galilee. 1909. 6:289. Van Dyke. Out-of-doors in the Holy Land. 1908. 5:52. Palissy, Bernard Frantz. French pottery and porcelain. 1906. 3:121. Palmer, Mrs Alice Hivira (Freeman) Palmer. Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. 1908. 4:202. Panama Johnson. Four centuries of the Panama canal. 1906. 3:10. Lindsay. Panama: the isthmus and the canal. 1906. 3:11. Pepper. Panama to Patagonia. 1906. 2:165. Panama canal American academy of political and social science. Ameri- can water-ways. 1908. 4:99. Cornish. Panama canal and its makers. 1909. 5:159. Dewey. National problems, 1885-1897. 1907. 3:221. Goethals. The Isthmian canal. 1909. 5:165. Johnson. Four centuries of the Panama canal. 1906. 3:10. Lindsay. Panama: the isthmus and the canal. 1906. 3:11. Sparks. National development, 1877-1885. 1907. 3:227. Taft. Present-day problems. 1908. 4:242. Weir. Conquest of the Isthmus. 1909. 6:180. Panics American academy of political and social science. Les- sons of the financial crisis. 1908. 4:165. 134 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Conant. History of modern banks. 38d ed. 1908. 4:276. History of modern banks of issue. 4th ed. 1909. 6:59. Jevons. Investigations in currency and finance. New ed. 1909. 6:227. Lauck. Causes of the panic of 1893. 1907. 3:224. White. Money and banking. 3d ed. 1908. 5:126. Papacy Cesare. Last days of papal Rome. 1909. 6:70. Paper Sindall. Manufacture of paper. 1909. 6:256. Veitch. Paper making materials and their conservation. New ed. 1909. 6:103. Wiley & Merriam. Durability and economy in papers. for permanent records. 1909. 6:103. Paper—Bibliography 2 Sindall. Manufacture of paper. 1909. 6:256. - Paper hanging Sabin. House painting, glazing, paper hanging and white- washing. 1908. 4:265. Paper work Colby. Talks on drawing, painting, making, decorating, for primary teachers. 1909. 6:279. Papua. See New Guinea Parcels post : U. 8S. Congress. Senate. Data relative to proposed exten- sion of parcels post. 1908. 4:315. Parent and child _ Abbott. On the training of parents. 1908. 4:163. Mills. The mother artist. 1904. 1:13. Paris—Description \ Cain. Walks in Paris. 1909. 5:156. Guthrie. Letters from France and Italy. 1909. 6:75. Lucas. Wanderer in Paris. 1909. 6:78. Whiting. Paris the beautiful. 1908. 5:88. Williams. Sojourning, shopping and studying in Paris. 1907¢* 32175; Paris—Social life and customs Sherard. Twenty years in Paris. 2d ed. 1906. 3:85. Parker, Theodore Sanborn. Recollections of seventy years. 2v. 1909. 6:49. Parks Bashore. Sanitation of recreation camps and parks. 1908. 43233. See also Cities and towns—Planning and laying out; Landseape gardening; National parks. Pascal, Blaise More. Shelburne essays. 6th series. 1909. 5:107. ~ Pater, Walter Horatio Benson. Walter Pater. 1906. 2:178. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 135 Patmore, Coventry % Sant Gosse. Coventry Patmore.. 1905. 1:40. Patrick, Saint Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22, Patriotism Stevenson, ed. Poems of American history. 1908. 5:51. Pattern-making Barrows. Practical pattern male 1906. 2:70. Willard. Pattern-making. 1910. 6:406. Paul, Saint Meyer. Jesus or Paul? 1909. 6:289. Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22. Pavements Judson. Road preservation and dust prevention. 1908. 4:261. Phillips & Byrne. Highway construction. 1908. 4:294. Richardson. Modern asphalt pavement. 2d ed. 1908. 5:122. Spalding. Text-books on roads and pavements. 3d ed. 1908. 5:123. Peace Bridgman, World organization. 1905. 1:67. Mahan. Some neglected aspects of peace. 1907. 4:196. Pearls Cattelle. The pearl. 1907. 4:131. Peasantry Kennard. The Russian peasant. 1908. 4:191. Peel, Sir Robert | Walpole. Studies in biography. 1907. 4:215. Pekin, China Little. Round about my Peking erie 1905. 2:35. Peninsular war Oman. History of the peninsular war. v.3. 1908. 5:47. Pepys, Samuel Lubbock. Samuel Pepys. 1909. 6:388. Moorhouse. Samuel Pepys. 1909. 6:20. Perfumes Duncan. Chemistry of commerce. 1907. 4:11. Periodic law ) Dunean. The new knowledge. 1905. 1:48. - Garrett. Periodic law. 1909. 6:377. Periodicals Alden. Magazine writing and the new literature. 1908. 4:281. Periodicals—Bibliography Severance & Walsh. Guide to the current periodicals and serials of the United States and Canada, 1909. 2d ed. 1908. 5:123. Periodicals—Indexes Annual library index, 1905. 1906. 2:157. Dramatic index for -1909 [annual] 1910. 6:373. 136 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Eclectic library catalog [quarterly] 1908. 5:9. Magazine subjeet-index. v.1l. 1908. 4:262. —— v.2 [annual] 1909. - 5:174. Poole’s index to periodical literature, 1900-4. 1905. 1:79. Richardson, comp. Alphabetical subject index and index encyclopedia to periodical articles on religion, 1890-1899. 1907. 4:107. Scientific American Supplement: catalog of valuable papers. 1910. 6:398. Persia Cresson. Persia. 1908. 5:8. Griffith. Behind the veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia. 1909. 5:167. é Persia—Description and travel Anet> Through Persia in a motor-car. 1908. 5:6. Benn. An overland trek from India. 1909. 6:236. Jackson. Persia, past and present. 1906. 3:44. Malcolm. Five years in a Persian town. 1905, 1:79. Williams. Across Persia. 1907. 4:153. Personality Bruce. Riddle of personality. 1908. 4:255. Carman. Making of personality. 1908. 4:285. Myers. Human personality and its survival of bodily death. 1907. 3:144. Sidis & Goodhart. Multiple personality 1905. 1:16. Perspective Everett. Freehand and perspective drawing. 1909. 5:163. Norton. Freehand perspective and sketching. 1909. 5:143. Peru Enock. The Andes and the Amazon. 1907. 4:180. Peru. 1908. 5:102. Perugino (Pietro Vannucci) Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. | Hutton. Perugino. 1907. 4:189. J Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich Compayré. Pestalozzi and elementary education. 1907. 4:10. Petrarca, Francesco Dole. A teacher of Dante. 1908. 4:178. Jerrold. Francesco Petrarca, poet and humanist. 1909. 6:332. Petroleum Tower. Story of oil. 1909. 6:23. Pewter Bell. Old pewter. 1905. 3:118. Gale. Pewter and the amateur collector. 1909. 6:243. Moore. The collector’s manual. 1906. 3:46. Philip II, king of Spain Hume. Two English queens and Philip. 1908. 5:105. Philippine Islands—Description and travel Atkinson. Philippine Islands. 1905. 1:67. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 137 Dauncey. An English woman in the Philippines. 1906. 2:180. Freer. Philippine experiences of an American teacher. 1906. 2:147. Moses. Unofficial letters of an official’s wife. 1908. 4:293. Russel. A woman’s journey through the Philippines on a cable ship. 1907. 4:148. Wright. Handbook of the Philippines. 1907. 3:199. Philippine Islands—History - Barrows. History of the Philippines. 1905. 1:134. Bourne. Discovery, conquest, and early history of the Philippine Islands. 1907. 3:118. Philippine Islands—Politics and government American academy of political and social science. Ameri- ean colonial policy and administration. 1907. 3:155. LeRoy. Philippine life in town and country. 1905. 1:135. Millard. America and the Far Eastern question. 1909. 6:19. Taft. Present-day problems. 1908. 4:242. Special report to the president on the Philippines. 1908. 4:85. Philippine Islands—Social life and customs LeRoy. Philippine life in town and country. 1905, 1:135. Phillips, Stephen Hale. Dramatists of today. 1905. 1:55. Phillips, Wendell Sears. Wendell Phillips. 1909. 6:84. Philosophy ; Bowne. Personalism. 1908. 4:169. Calkins. Persistent problems of philosophy. 2d ed. 1908. 4:227. Eucken. Meaning and value of life. 1909. 6:375. Fullerton. System of metaphysics. 1904. 1:9. Jones. Idealism as a practical creed. 1909. 6:169. Minsterberg. The eternal values. 1909. 6:81. Philosophy—History Eucken. Problem of human life. 1909. 6:241. Philosophy, Ancient Adam. Religious teachers of Greece. 1908. 5:5. Philosophy, Modern James. Pluralistic universe. 1909. 5:170. Rand, comp. Modern classical philosophy. 1908. 4:204. Wells. First and last things. 1908. 5:53. Philosophy, American Riley. American philosophy. 1907. 4:265. Photography Bayley. Complete photographer. 1906. 3:94. Beck. Art-principles in portrait photography. 1907. 3:159. Gibson. Romance of modern photography. 1908. 4:41. Guest. Art and the camera. 1907. 3:194. 138 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Hasluck, ed. Book of photography. 1905. 2:64. Holme, ed. Colour photography. 1908. 5:13. Photometry Wickenden. Illumination and photometry. 1910. 6:406. Physical education Dudley & Kellor. Athletic games in the education of women. 1909. 5:136. Hancock. Physical culture life 1905. 1:36. McKenzie. Exercises in education and medicine. 1909. 6:250. Sargent. Physical education. 1906. 3:48. Physical geography Davis. Geographical essays. 1909. 6:371. Salisbury. Physiography. 1907. 4:149. Physicians Cabot. Social service and the art of healing. 1909. 6:159. Warbasse. Medical sociology. 1909. 6:259. Physics - Ames. Text-book of general physics for high schools and colleges. 1904, 1:5. Dunean. The new knowledge. 1905. 1:48. Gibson. Scientific ideas of today. 1909. 5:40. Poincaré. New physies and its evolution. 1908. 4:295. Whetham. Recent development of physical science. 1904. a232: Williams. How it works. 1907. 4:86. Physiological chemistry Loeb. Dynamics of living matter. 1906. 2:164. Physiology Coleman. Lessons in hygienic physiology. New ed. 1908. 4:227. Hill. Body at work. 1908. 6:117. Pianists Hofmann. Piano playing. 1908. 5:13. Pianoforte music—Scores Esposito, ed. Early Italian piano music. 1906. 2:209.- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Thirty piano compositions. 1906. 3:100. Mozart. Twenty piano compositions. 1906. 3:101. Philipp. Anthology of French piano music. 2v. 1906. 3:169. Pianoforte music—Scores—Bibliography Hooper, comp. Selected list of music and books about music for public libraries. 1909. 6:18. Pianoforte music—Study and teaching Hofmann. Piano playing. 1908. 5:13. Piano questions answered. 1909. 6:117. Pianola Kobbé. The pianolist. 1907. 4:44. = Picture bulletins Wisconsin library commission. Anniversaries and _ holi- days. 1909. 6:53. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 139 Pictures Caffin. How to study pictures. 1905. 1:99. Holmes. Notes on the science of picture-making. 1909. 6:168. ~ Sturgis. Appreciation of pictures. 1905. 1:137. Witt. How to look at pictures. 1906. 3:86. Pictures—Bibliography California library association. C. L. A. Picture list. 1908. 5:36. Piedmont, Jtaly : McCracken. The Italian lakes. 1907. 3:169. Piers Fowler. Ordinary foundations. 1905. 1:39. Pilgrim fathers z Bradford’s history-of Plymouth plantation. New ed. 1908. 4:169. Bradford’s history of the Plymouth settlement. New ed. 1909.. 6:310. Cockshott. Pilgrim fathers. 1909. 6:321. Dexter. England and Holland of the Pilgrims. 1905. 1:106. Hanks. Our Plymouth forefathers. 1909. 6:75. Low. American people. 1909. 6:287. Pilgrims and pilgrimages Khan & Sparroy. With the pilgrims to Mecca. 1905. 1:78. Le Braz. Land of pardons. 1906. 3:46. Pinacate Mountains Hornaday. Camp-fires on desert and lava. 1908. 5:78. Pindar Tyrrell. Essays on Greek literature. 1909. 6:259. Pinero, Arthur Wing Hale. Dramatists of today. 1905. 1:55. Pioneers Sanderson. Heroes of pioneering. 1908. 4:149. Pioneers—United States Hulbert. Pilots of the republic. 1906. 3:69. Williams. With the border ruffians. 1907. 4:153. Pisa, Italy Ross & Erichsen. Story of Pisa. 1909. 5:109. Pitt, William, /st earl of Chatham Harrison. Chatham. 1905. 1:49. Pitti palace Cruttwell. Guide to the paintings in the Florentine gal- leries. 1907. 3:221, Planets : Lowell. Evolution of worlds. 1909. 6:287. Plant breeding Bailey. Plant-breeding. 4th ed. 1906. 2:221. ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.2. 1907. 3:219. Davenport. Principles of breeding. 1907. 4:176. 140 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Harwood. New creations in plant life. 1905. 1:127. . Jordan & Kellogg. Scientific aspects of Luther Burbank’s work. 1909. 5:171. Vries. Plant-breeding. 1907. 3:198. Plants Freeman. World’s commercial products. 1907. 3:223. See also Forage plants; House plants. Plants, Diseases of ° Duggar. Fungous diseases of plants. 1909. 6:373. Platinum . Rose. Precious metals. 1909. 6:294. Plato More. Shelburne essays. 6th series. 1909. 5:107. Taylor. Plato. 1909. 6:349. Play Johnson. Education by plays and games. 1907. 4:139. Playgrounds Hanmer. First steps in organizing playgrounds. 1908. 5:12. Mero, ed. American playgrounds. 1908. 5:18. Plumbing Cosgrove. Principles and practice of plumbing. 1906. 4:174. Gerhard. Water supply, sewerage and plumbing of modern city buildings. 1910. 6:326. Gray & Ball. Plumbing. 1909. 5:165. Plutarch Tyrrell. Essays on Greek literature. 1909. 6:259. Plymouth, Mass. Bradford’s history of Plymouth plantation. New ed. 1908. : 4:169. Bradford’s history of the Plymouth settlement. New ed. 1909. 6:310. Poe, Edgar Allan Brownell. American prose masters. 1909. 6:157. Macy. Edgar Allan Poe. 1907. 4:262. . Wendell. Mystery of education. 1909. 6:260. Winter. Old friends. 1909. 6:24. Woodberry. Life of Edgar Allan Poe. 2v. 1909, 5:197. Poetry Bradley. Oxford lectures on poetry. 1909. 6:36. Woodberry. Inspiration of poetry. 1910. 6:351. Poetry (individual collections) Benson. Poems. 1909. 5:131. Burroughs. Bird and bough. 1906. 3:7. Coates. Lyrics of life. 1909. 6:370. Collins. Studies in poetry and criticism. 1906. 2:69. Drummond. The great fight. 1908. 5:39. The voyageur and other poems. 1905. 1:77. Dryden. Poetical works. 1909. 5:193. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Ad. Gilder. The fire divine. 1907. 4:187. Poems. 1908. 5:12. Going. Star-glow and song. 1909. 5:165. Hagedorn. Troop of the guard, and other poems. 1909. 6:379. Hewlett. Artemision. 1909. 6:15. Hugo. Poems. 2v. 1909. 5:195, Kipling. Collected verse. 1907. 4:120. Lytton. Lost tales of Miletus. -1909. 6:146. Mackaye. Poems. 1909. 6:209. Mitchell. Comfort of the hills, and other poems. 1910. 6:392. Moulton. Poems and sonnets. 1909. 5:46. Phillips. New poems. 1907. 4:82. Poe. Poems. 1907. 4:121. Sharp. Songs and poems, old and new. 1909. 6:311. Sill. Poetical works. 1906. 3:15. Spenser. Complete poetical works. 1908. 4:241. Stedman. Poems. 1908. 5:67. Tennyson. Works. 6v. 1908. 5:67. Thomas. Guest at the gate. 1909. 6:402. Thompson. When Lincoln died, and other poems. 1909. 6:128. Van Dyke. White bees, and other poems. 1909. 6:128. Watson. New poems. 1909. 6:215. Wharton. Artemis to Actaeon, and other verse. 1909. 6:23. Winter. Poems. 1909. 6:151. Poetry—Collections Burn, ed. Churchman’s treasury of song. 1907. 4:171. Humphrey, comp. Poetic old-world. 1908. 4:260. Lucas, ed. Ladies’ pageant. 1908. 5:45. Stevenson, ed. Poems of American history. 1908. 5:51. Stone, ed. Sea songs and ballads. 1906. 3:130. Wells, comp. A satire anthology. 1905. 1:110. A vers de société anthology. 1907. 4:51. Poetry—Study and teaching Alden. An introduction to poetry. 1909. 5:153. Maynadier. The Arthur of the English poets. 1907. 4:143. Poets, English Payne. Greater English poets of the nineteenth century. 1907. 4:146. Poison ivy Huntington. Poison ivy and swamp sumach. 1908. 4:188. Poland—History Bain. Last king of Poland and his contemporaries. 1909. 6:108. Slavonie Europe.’ 1908. 4:283. Van Norman. Poland, the knight among nations, 1907. 4:85. 149 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Police Fuld. Police administration. 1909. 6:376, Police—Hurope U. S. Manufactures bureau. ~Police and work dogs in Europe. 1909. : 6:102. Police—United States McAdoo. Guarding a great city. 1906. 2:183. Political ethics Hadley. Standards of public morality. 1907. 3:165. Wallas. Human nature in politics. 1909. 5:145. Political parties Fuller. Government by the people. 1908. 4:236. Hay. Addresses. 1906. 2:210. . Macy. Party organization and machinery. 1904, 1:30. Political science American political science association. Proceedings at its fourth annusl meeting [annual] 1908. 4:165. ; Dealey. Development of the state. 1909. 6:10. Dickinson. Justice and liberty. 1908. 5:9. Holt. On the civic relations. 1907. 4:13. Leacock. Elements of political science. 1906. 2:183. Political science—Dictionaries Foster. Cyclopedia of civil government. 1908. 5:40. - Politics, Corruption, in Allen. America’s awakening. 1906. 3:5. Fuller. Government by the people. 1908. 4:236. Lindsey & O’Higgins. The beast. 1910. 6:387. Steffens. Struggle for self-government. 1906. 2:185. Politics, Practical Wallas. Human nature in politics. 1909. 5:145. Pollajuolo, Antonio Cruttwell. Antonio Pollaiuolo. 1907. 4:175. Pollajuolo, Piero Cruttwell. Antonio Pollaiuolo. 1907. 4:175. Polybius Bury. Ancient Greek historians. 1909. 5:100. Poor ; Devine. Misery and its causes. 1909. 5:161. Laughlin. Latter-day problems. 1909. 6:170. Loane. An Englishman’s castle. 1909. 5:173. : Ve From their point of view.. 1908. 4:221. —.— Next street but one. 1907. 4:222. Poor—Bibliography Edwards, ed. Poverty. 1909. 6:72. Pope, Alexander Paston. Mr Pope, his life and times. 2v. 1909.) 6:341. - Population, Urban and rural Anderson. The country town. 1906. 2:99. Port Arthur siege Semenov. Rasplata. 1909. 6:177. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 143 Portland cement ~ Butler. Portland cement. 2d ed. 1906,. 2:71. Porto Rico : ' “Fowles. Down in Porto Rico. 1906. 3:42. Portraits Beck. Art principles in portrait photography. 1907. 3:159. Portraits—Indexes A>, A.-portrait-index. 1906. 3:37. Portugal—-Colonies Keller. Colonization. 1908. 5:43. Morris. History of colonization. 1908. 4:228. Nevinson. A modern slavery. 1906. 2:183. Portugal—Description and travel | Hume. Through Portugal. 1907. 3:167. Koebel. Portugal, its land and people.’ 1909. 6:385. Poseidonius Bury. Ancient Greek historians. 1909. 5:100. _ Postal savings banks—Bibliography U. 8. Bibliography division, Library of Congress. List of books relating to postal savings banks. 1908. 4:316. Postal service—United States Carr. Railway mail service. 1909. 6:58. Pottery Barber. Artificial soft paste porcelain. 1907. 3:191. Lead glazed pottery. pt. 1: 1907..°4:167. —— Pottery and porcelain of the United States. 3d ed. 1909. 6:58. — Salt glazed stoneware. 1907. 3:191. Tin enamelled pottery. 1907. 3:192. Burton. Porcelain. 19073; ; 4:172, & Hobson. Handbook of marks on pottery and _por- eelain. _ 1909. 6:199. Davison. Concrete pottery and garden furniture. 1909. 6:280. Frantz. French pottery and porcelain. 1906. 3:121. Hayden. Chats on English earthenware. 1909. 6:245. Hobson. Porcelain, oriental, continental and British. 1906. oy A Rey il Mew.. Chelsea and Chelsea-Derby china. 1909. 6:339. Moore. Collector’s manual. 1906. 3:46. - Delftware, Dutch and English. 1908. 5:46. Wedgwood and his imitators. 1909. 6:252. Pier, Pottery of the Near East. 1909. 6:342. : White. How to make pottery. 1904. 1:18. Wylde. How to collect continental china. 1907. 4:217. Poultry ; Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.3. 1908. 3:254. Maynard. Small country place. 1908. 4:239. Sando. American poultry culture. 1909, 5:144. 144 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Spillman. Successful poultry and dairy farm. 1909. 6:32. U. S. Experiment stations office. Poultry. 1909. 5:145. Power plants Hobart. Heavy electrical engineering. 1909. 6:246. Prado (The) =, Calvert & Hartley. The Prado. 1907. 4:7. Ricketts. Art of the Prado. 1907. — 4:16. Pragmatism James. Meaning of truth. 1909. 6:169., Pragmatism. 1907. 4:44. Pratt. What is pragmatism? 1909. 5:108. Preaching Dykes. Christian minister and his duties. 1908. 6:72. Hoyt. ‘The preachers 1909. 5:138. Precious stones Wodiska. Book of precious stones. 1909. 6:351. See also Diamonds; Jewelry; Pearls. Precipitation Bigelow. Daily normal temperature and the daily normal precipitation of the United States. 1908. 5:131. Pre-Raphaelitism Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Finberg. English water colour painters. 1905. 2:209. Phythian. Fifty years of modern painting. 1908. 4:202. Prescott, William Hickling Peck. William Hickling Prescott. 1905: IaGee Presidents—United States Singleton. Story of the White House. 1907. 4:84. Wise. Recollections of thirteen presidents. 1906. 2:185. Prévost, Marcel Stephens. French novelists of today. 1908. 4:297. Prices Jevons. Investigations in currency and finance. New ed. 1909. 6:227. Primaries ; American academy of political and social science. Munic- ipal problems. 1906. 3:38. Fuller. Government by the people. 1908. 4:236. Merriam. Primary elections. 1908. 5:81. Printing Bayley. New light on the renaissance. 1909. 6:35. Davenport. The book, its history and development. 1908. 4:287. ; Prisons Wines. Punishment and reformation. New ed. 1910. 6:424, Private schools Conover. Personality in education. 1908. 5:75, Profession, Choice of Fowler. Starting/in life. 1906. 3:9. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 145 Marden. Choosing a career. 1905. 2:6. Rollins. What can a young man do? 1907. 3:224. Professions American academy of political and social science. Business professions. 1906. 3:93. Progress Dole. Ethics of progress. 1909. 6:163. Perry. Moral economy. 1909. 6:175. Provence Cook. Old Provence. 2v. 1905. 1:106. Providence, Rhode Island Kirk, ed. A modern city: Providence, Rhode Island. 1909. 6:170. Pryor, Roger Atkinson Pryor. My day. 1909. 6:175. Psychical research Bruce. Riddle of personality. 1908. 4:255. Hyslop. Psychical research and the resurrection. 1908. 4:291. Science and a future life. 1905. 1:78. Lodge. Survival of man. 1909. 6:287. Myers. Human personality and its survival of bodily death. ® 1907. 3:144. Podmore. Naturalization of the supernatural. 1908. 4:294. Psychology Fullerton. System of metaphysics. 1904. 1:9. Jastrow. The subconscious. 1906. 2:182. King. Rational living. 1905, 3:44. Minsterberg. On the witness stand. 1908. 4:198. Swift. Mind in the making. 1908. 4:242. ; Titchener. Textbook of psychology. pt. 1. 1909. 6:62. Wenzlaff. The mental man. 1909. 6:404. Psychology (for teachers) Dewey. How we think. 1910. 6:372. Mimsterberg. Psychology and the teacher. 1909. 6:174. Public opinion Butler. True and false democracy. 1907. 3:161. Hadley. Standards of public morality. 1907. 3:165. Public schools Compayré. Horace Mann and the public school in the United States. 1907. 4:10. Dutton. Administration of public education in the United States. 1908. 5:39. Kern. Among country schools. 1906. 3:124. Public service corporations American academy of political and social science. Control of municipal public service corporations. 1908. 4:164. Publishers and publishing A publisher’s confession. 1905. 1:59. 146 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Pueblo Indians Fynn. The American Indian as a product of environment. 1907. 4:12. Punch, London Walsh, ed. Abraham Lincoln and the London Punch. 1909. 5:146. Punctuation Husband. Punctuation. 1905. 2:163. Perry. Punctuation primer. 1908. 5:179. ‘ Punishment Wines. Punishment and reformation. New ed. 1910. 6:424, Punjab Workman. Peaks and glaciers of Nun Kun. 1910. 6:406. Puritans . ; Low. American people. 1909. 6:287. Macphail. Essays in puritanism. 1905, 1:58. Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre Cécile Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Pyrenees Gould. Book of the Pyrenees. 1907. 3:165. Quantrill, William Clarke Connelley. Quantrill and the border wars. 1910. 6:238. Quebec (city) Douglas. Old France in the New World. 1905. 1:107. Queensland Banfield. Confessions of a beachcomber. 1909. 6:156. Quotations Benham, comp. Book of quotations, proverbs, and house- hold words. 1907. 4:127. Treffry, comp. Stokes’ encyclopedia of familiar Te 19065327 ie Rabelais, Francois Tilley. Francois Rabelais. 1907. 4:213. Race problems Commons. Races and immigrants in America, 1907. 3:162. Dole. Spirit of democracy. 1906. 3:119. Finot. Race prejudice. 1907. 3:163. Royce. Race questions, provincialism and other American problems. 1908. 5:20. Rachel (Elizabeth Rachel Felix) Martin. Monographs. 1906. 3:46. Radiation Steinmetz. Radiation, light and illumination. 1909. 6:297. Radioactivity Duncan. The new knowledge. 1905. 1:48. Jones. Electrical nature of matter and radioactivity. 1906. 3:44. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 147 Le Bon. Evolution of forces. 1908. 5:79. Levy & Willis.. Radium and other radioactive elements. 1904. 1:12. ’ Makower. Radioactive substances. 1908. 5:142. Raffety. Introduction to the science of radioactivity. 1909. -6:21. ; Righi. Modern theory of physical phenomena, radio- activity, ions, electrons. 1904. 1:16. Rutherford. Radioactive transformations. 1906. 3:71. Radioactivity. 2d ed. 1905. 2:37. Radium Hampson. Radium explained. 1905. 1:78. Levy & Willis. Radium. and other radioactive elements. 1904, 1:12. Soddy. Interpretation of radium. 1909. 6:126. Raeburn, Sir Henry Clouston. Sir Henry Raeburn. 1907. 4:101. Railroad engineering Webb. Railroad engineering. 1909. 6:300. Railroads _ American academy of political and social science. Railway and traffic problems. 1907. 3:156. Fagan. Confessions of a railroad signalman. 1908. 4:258. -Labor and the railroads. 1909. 6:115. Haines. Railway corporations as public servants. 1907. 4:138. Johnson, American railway transportation. New ed. 1904, 1:11. Laughlin, Industrial America. 1906. 3:99. McPherson. Working of the railroads. 1907. 3:125. Ripley, ed. Railway problems. 1907. 3:127. - Spearman. Strategy of great railroads. 1904, 1:16. Railroads—Construction Orrock. Railroad structures and estimates. 1909. 6:47. Webb. Railroad construction. 4th ed. 1908. 5:125. Wilson. Elements of railroad track and construction. 1908. 5:112. Railroads—Hlectyrification American academy of political and social science. Rail- way and traffic problems. 1907. 3:156. Railroads—Employees Jacobs. Betterment briefs. 2d ed. 1909. 6:310. Railroads—Equipment and supplies Jacobs. Betterment briefs. 2d ed. 1909. 6:310. Railroads—Finance—Bibliography U. S. Bibliography division, Library of Congress, Select list of references on valuation and capitalization of railroads. 1909. 6:101. Railroads—Freight McPherson. Railroad freight rates in relation to the 148 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS industry and commerce of the United States. 1909. 6:44. Noyes. American railroad rates. 1905. 2:35. Railroads—Management Dewsnup, ed. Railway organization and working. 1906. 3:8 ; Hadley. Railway working and appliances. 1909. 6:75. Railroads—Rates McPherson. Railroad freight rates in relation to the industry and commerce of the United States. 1909. 6:44. Merritt. Federal regulation of railway rates. 1907. 4:143. Noyes. American railroad rates. 1905. 2:35. Parsons. Heart of the railway problem. 1906. 3:102. Pratt. Railways and their rates. 1906. 3:104. . Shaw. Current issues. 1908. 4:208. Railroads—Rates—Bibliography Brooklyn public library. Railway rate problem. 1906. 22193. Railroads—Repair shops : Jacobs. Betterment briefs. 2d ed. 1909. 6:310. Railroads—Signaling Elliott. A BC of railroad signaling. 1909. 6:374. Latimer. Railway signaling in theory and practice. 1909. 6:386. Railroads—Track Tratman. Railway track and track work. 3d ed. 1908. 5135; : Wilson. Elements of railroad track and construction. 1908: 5:112. Railroads—United States Carter. When railroads were new. 1909. 5:183. Cleveland & Powell. Railroad promotion and capitaliza- tion in the United States. 1909. 6:38. Johnson. American railway transportation. 2d ed. 1908. 5:63. Rankin. American transportation system. 1909. 6:212. Railroads—United States—Bibliography Cleveland & Powell. Railroad promotion and capitaliza- tion in the United States. 1909. 6:38. : Railroads and state American academy of political and social science. Federal regulation of industry. 1908. 4:281. Railway and traffic problems. 1907. 3:156. Dewey: National problems, 1885-1897. 1907.- 3:221. Haines. Railway corporations as public servants. 1907. 4:138. Johnson. American railway transportation. New ed. 1904. 1:11. Merritt. Federal regulation of railway rates. 1907. 4:143. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 149 Rankin. American transportation system. 1909. 6:212. Ripley, ed. Railway problems. 1907. 3:127- Rainsford, William Stephen Hodges. Administration of an institutional church. 1906. 3:43. Raleigh, Sir Walter Sélincourt. Great Ralegh. 1908. 5:109. Raphael Santi Raphael Santi. Works. 1903. 1:14. Lanciani. Golden days of the renaissance in Rome. 1906. 2:241. Rat Lantz. Brown rat in the United States. 1909. 6:31. How to destroy rats. 1909. 6:189. Ravenna, Italy Allen & Williamson. Cities of northern Italy. New ed. 2v. 1906. 3:24. Readers and speakers Howells. Boy life. 1909. 6:145. Morgan, comp. Selected readings. 1909. 6:81. O’Neill, comp. Recitation’s for assembly and classroom. 1909. 6:82. Schauffler, ed. Christmas. 1907. 4:149. Thanksgiving, 1907. 4:16. Speaker. v.l. 1905-6. _ 3:130. Reading Huey. Psychology and pedagogy of reading. 1908. 4:188. Hughes. Teaching to read. 1909. 6:42. ~ Reality James. Meaning of truth. 1909. 6:169. Reciprocity American academy of political and social science. Tariffs, reciprocity and foreign trade. 1907. 3:156. Bolee. The new internationalism. 1907. 3:118. Shaw. Current issues. 1908. 4:208. Reclamation service Gray. Government reclamation work in foreign countries. 1909. 6:98. U. S. Reclamation service. Irrigation projects. 1909. 6:103. Reconstruction Avary. Dixie after the war. 1906. 2:235. Dunning. Reconstruction, political and economic. 1907. 3:222. Reed, Walter Kelly. Walter Reed and yellow fever. 1906. 2:240. Reference books—Bibliography John Crerar library. List of books in the reading room. 1909. 6:228. Kroeger. Guide to the study and use of reference books, 2d ed. 1908. 5:63, 150 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Referendum 7 Commons. Proportional representation. 2d ed. 1907. 4:118. Lloyd. A sovereign people. 1907. 4:45. Lobingier. People’s law. 1909. 6:286. Phelps, comp. Selected articles on the initiative and ref- erendum. 1909. 6:292. Referendum—Bibliography Lobingier. People’s law. 1909. .6:286. Phelps, comp. Selected articles on the initiative and ref- erendum. 1909. 6:292. Reformation Lindsay. History of the reformation. 2v. 1906-7. 4:104. Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery Anderson. Refrigeration. 1908. 5:99. Dickerman & Boyer. Refrigeration. 1909. . 5:161. Ewing. Mechanical production of cold. 1908. 5:163. Lorenz. Modern refrigerating machinery. 1905. 1:80. Reindeer Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.3. 1908. 3:254. Religion Adam. Religious teachers of Greece. 1908. 5:5. Eliot. Religion of the future. 1909. 6:323. Hoffman. Sphere of religion. 1908. 4:187. Jones. Studies in mystical religion. 1909. 6:77. Jordan. Religion of a sensible American. 1909. 6:169. King. Seeming unreality of the spiritual life. 1908. 4:291. ; Pritchett. What is religion? 1906. 2:101. Wrixon. Religion of the common man. 1909. 5:146. Zueblin. Religion of a democrat. 1908. 5:23. Religion—Bibliography Richardson, comp. Alphabetical subject index and index encyclopedia to periodical articles on religion, 1890-. 1899. -1907. 43107, Religion—Dictionaries Hastings, ed. Encyclopedia of religion and ethics. v.1. 1908. 6:14. Religion and science Lodge. Science and immortality. 1908. 5:17. Substance of faith allied with science. 1907. 3:168. Religions Reinach. Orpheus. 1910. 6:344. Religious systems of the world. 1906. 3:145. Underwood. Religions of eastern Asia. 1910. 6:403. Religious education Bray. The town child. 1909. 6:276. Dawson. The child and his religion. 1909. 6:162. Hanus. Beginnings in industrial education. 1908. 4:289. Harper. Religion and the higher life. 1904. 1:9. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS g 151 Religious therapeutics Dearmer. Body and soul. 1909. 6:162. Fallows. Health and happiness. 1908. 5:10. Huckel. Mental medicine. 1909. 6:42. Powell. Emmanuel movement in-a New England town. 1909. 5:108. Worcester. Christian religion as a healing power. 1909. 6:215. and others. Religion and medicine. 1908. 4:266. See also Emmanuel movement; Mental healing. Rembrandt Hermanszoon van Rijn Brown. Rembrandt. 1907. 4:128. Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Painters and sculptors. 1907. 3:193. Michel, ed. Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn. 1907. 4:81. Renaissance Bayley. New light on the renaissance. 1909. 6:35. Renaissance—Italy Champney. Romance of Roman villas (the renaissance) 1908. 4:285. Lanciani. Golden days of the renaissance in Rome. 1906. 2:241. Renan, - Ernest Barry. Ernest Renan. 1905, 1:53. Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. Renée, of France, consort of Hercules II., duke of Ferrara Faweett. Five famous French women. 1905. 2:160. Rent Fillebrown. A B C of taxation, 1909. 5:164. Répin, Llya Efimovitch Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Representation Commons. Proportional representation. 1907. 4:118. Reptiles Ditmars. Reptile book. 1907. 3:119. Revelation Dods. The Bible; its origin and nature. 1905. 1:54. Rhetoric Baldwin. -Composition, oral and written. 1909. 6:197. Writing and speaking. 1909. 6:35. English composition in theory and practice. 1909. 6:202. Scott, & Denney. Paragraph-writing. 4th ed. 1909. 6:422. Rhine River Bumpus. Cathedrals and churches of the Rhine and north Germany. 1906. 3:144. Gould. Book of the Rhine from Cleve to Mainz. 1906. 2:238. Mackinder. The Rhine. 1908. 5:45. 152 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Rhode Island Steffens. Struggle for self-government. 1906. 2:185. Rhode Island—Economic conditions—Bibliography Hasse. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States: Rhode Island, 1789-1904. _ 1908. 4:185. Ribe, Denmark Riis. The old town. 1909. 6:124. Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, cardinal, duc de McCabe. The Iron cardinal. -1909. 6:209. Ristori, Adelaide = Ristori. Memoirs and artistic studies. 1907. 3:171: Riviera ~ Gould. Book of the Riviera. 1905. 2:161. ‘ Home. Along the rivieras of France and Italy. 1908. Vaughan. The Naples riviera. 1907. 4:214. Fletcher. Macadam roads. 1908. 4:314. ‘ Hulbert and others. Future of road-making in America. 19057 21229, Judson. Road preservation and dust prevention. 1908. 4:261. Phillips & Byrne. Highway construction. 1908. 4:294. Smith. Dustless roads. 1909. 6:85. = Spalding. Textbook on roads and pavements. 3d ed. 1908. -5:123. Roads—United States U. S. Public roads office. Exhibit of the office of Public Roads, Alaska-Yukon-Pacifie Exposition. 1909. 6:191. Robert college, Constantinople Washburn. Fifty years in Constantinople. 1909. 6:180. Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de U. S. Congress. Joint committee on the library. Rocham- beau. 1907. 4:109. Rockefeller, John Davison Rockefeller. Random reminiscences of men and events. 19097) 53180. Youngman. Economic causes of great fortunes. 1909. 6:407. Rocks Pirsson. Rocks and rock minerals. 1908. 4:294. Rocky Mountains Hornaday. Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies. 1906. 2::239. Mills. Wild life on the Rockies. 1909. 5:142. Outram. In the heart of the Canadian Rockies. 1905. 2706, Wilcox. ~- Rockies of Canada. 3d ed. 5:197. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 153 Rod, Edouard Stephens. French novelists of today. 1908. 4:297. Rodgers, John Paullin. Commodore John Rodgers. 1910. 6:342. Rodin, Auguste Cox. Painters and sculptors, 1907. 3:193. Lawton. Francois Auguste Rodin. 1908. 4:193. Life and work of Auguste Rodin. 1907. 4:194. Rolfe, William James Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Roman Catholic church Galton. Church and state in France, 1300-1907. 1907. 4:181. ~ Loisy. Gospel and the church. 1904, 1:12. McCabe. Decay of the church of Rome. 1909. 6:389. Tyrrell- Christianity at the cross-roads. 1909. 6:403. Rome—History—-Empire Davis. Outline history of the Roman empire. 1909. 6:239. Ferrero. Characters and events of Roman history, from Caesar to Nero. -1909; -6:H. —-— Greatness and decline of Rome. 5v. 1907-9. 5:164. Jones. Roman empire, B. C. 27-A. D. 476. 1908. 5:15. Rome—Politics and government Abbott. Society and politics in ancient Rome. 1909. 6:235. Rome—Social conditions. Abbott. Society and politics in ancient Rome. 1909. 6:235. Rome—Social life and customs Dill. Roman society from Nero to Marcus Aurelius. 1905. 139. Fowler. Social life at Rome in the age of Cicero, 1909. 5:103. - Friedlander. Roman life and manners under the early em- pire. v.1-2. 1908-9. 6:243. Rome (city) Cruickshank. Christian Rome. 1906. 3:162. Harwood. Notable pictures in Rome. 1907. 3:194. Rome (city)—Antiquities Amelung & Holtzinger. Museums and ruins of Rome. 2v. 1906... 2177. Frothingham. Monuments of Christian Rome. 1908. 5:77. Huelsen. The Roman forum. 1906. 2:210. 2d ed... 1909. -5:194. Lanciani, Golden days of the renaissance in Rome. 1906. 2:241, — Wanderings in the Roman Campagna. 1909. 6:207. Rome (city)—Description Elliott. -Roma beata. 1904. 1:8. — New ed. 1909. 6:226. 154 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Howells. Roman holidays. 1908. 4:290. Potter. Colour of Rome. 1909. 6:212. Singleton, ed. Rome as described by great writers. 1906. 3:73. Roofs Dufour. Bridge engineering; roof trusses. 1908. 5:76. Roosevelt, Theodore Burroughs. Camping and tramping with Roosevelt. 1907. 3:220. Hay. Addresses. 1906.. 2:210. Lodge. A frontier town and other essays. 1906. 3:12. Morgan. Theodore Roosevelt. 1907. 3:196. E Rope Hasluck, ed. Knotting and splicing ropes and cordage. \ 1905," 1:56, ; Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Brooke. Four Victoria poets. 1908. 4:285. Caine. My story. 1909. 5:100. Rostand, Edmond Hale. Dramatists of today. 1905. 1:55. Rousseau, Jean Jacques Compayré. Jean Jacques Rousseau and education from nature. 1907. 4:10. Lemaitre. Jean Jacques Bouesenat 1907. 4:195. More. Shelburne essays. 6th series. 1909. 5:107. Rousseau, Pierre Etienne Theodore La Farge. Higher life in art. 1908. 5:44. Rowing Lehmann. Complete oarsman. 1908. 5:79. Stevens & Darling. Practical rowing with scull and sweep. 1906. 3:74. Royall, Mrs Anne Porter. Life and times of Anne Royall. 1908. 6:82. Rubens, Sir Peter Paul Cox. Old’ masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Rugs Holt. Rugs. New ed. 1908. 5:62. Langton. How to know oriental rugs. 1904. 1:11. Ruskin, John Harrison. Memories and cneuches 1906. 3:67. James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14. - Ruskin. Letters of John Ruskin to Charles Eliot Norton. 2v. 1904. 1:16. Russell, John Willard Russell. Romance of an old time shipmaster. 1907. 4:148. Russia—Army . Kuropatkin. Russian army and the Japanese war. 2v. 1909. 5:172. Russia—Description and travel : DeWindt. Through savage Europe. 1907. 4:177. a INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 15 ou Fraser. Red Russia. 1907. 3:164. Meakin. Russia, travels and studies. 1906. 2:212. Searfoglio. Round the world in a motor car. 1909. 6:397. Russia—Foreign relations Simpson. Coming struggle in eastern Asia. 1908. 4:209. Truce in the East and its aftermath, 19077 (4:210. Russia—History Bain. Slavonic Europe. 1908. 4:283. Curtin. Mongols in Russia. 1908. 5:75. Nevinson. Dawn in Russia. 1906. 3:102. Russia—Politics and government - Baring. A year in Russia. 1907. 4:167. Durland. The red,reign. 1907. 4:40. Foster. Diplomatic memoirs. 2v. 1909. 6:242. Nevinson. Dawn in Russia. 1906. 3:102. Pares. Russia and reform. 1907, 4:15. Urusov. Memoirs of a Russian governor. 1908. 4:213. Walling. Russia’s message. 1908, 4:243. Russia—Religion Latimer. Liberty of conscience under three tsars. 1909. 6:386. Russia—Social conditions Baring. A year in Russia. 1907. 4:167. Kennard. The Russian peasant. 1908. 4:191. Nevinson. Dawn in Russia. 1906. 3:102. Pares. Russia and reform. 1907. 4:15. Walling. Russia’s message. 1908. 4:243. Russia—Social life and customs Kennard. The Russian peasant. 1908. 4:191. Russian literature Brickner. Literary history of Russia. 1908. 5:78. Kropotkin. Russian literature. 1905. 1:57. Russian poetry ~ Newmarch. Poetry and progress in Russia. 1907. 4:199. Russians in Caucasus Baddeley. Russian conquest of the Caucasus. 1908. 5:154. Russo-Japanese war As the Hague ordains. 1907, 3:157. Fox. Following the sun-flag. 1905. 1:48. Kuropatkin. Russian army and the Japanese war. 2v. & 1909. 5:172. McCormick. Tragedy of Russia in Pacific Asia. 2v. 1907. 4:141. Politovski. From Libua to Tsushima. 1907. 3:126. Sakurai. Human bullets. 1907. 3:225. Seaman. Real triumph of Japan. 1906. 2:107. Semenov. Rasplata. 1909. 6:177. U. 8S. Military information division (War dep’t) Hpit- ome of Russo-Japanese war. 1907. 4:50. Ruwenzori Mountains Wollaston. From Ruwenzori to the Congo. 1908. 6:24. 156 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Sahara Desert Furlong. Gateway to the Sahara. 1909. 6:73. Phillips. In the desert. 1905. 2:36. Sailors Robinson. British tar in fact and fiction. 1909. 6:396. Saint-Gaudens, Augustus Cortissoz. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 1907. 4:77. Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Hind. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. 1908. 5:13. Low. Chronicle of friendships. 1908. 5:79. St. Helier, Mary Stewart-MacKenzie Jeune, lady St. Helier. Memories of fifty years. 1909. 6:177. St. Lawrence River Johnson. Picturesque St. Lawrence. 1910. 6:384. St. Louis, Jfissouri Grierson. Valley of the shadows. 1909. 5:166. St. Petersburg Scott. Through Finland. 1909. 5:181. Saint-Saens, Charles Camille Weingartner. Post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906. 3:198. Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin Harper. Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve. 1909. 5:168. Salamanca, Spain _ Calvert. Leon, Burgos and Salamanca. 1908. 4:131. Salem, Mass. Paine. Ships and sailors of old Salem. 1909. 6:174. Salesmen and salesmanship Corbion. Principles of salesmanship, deportment and sys- tem. 1907, 4:77. Moody. Men who sell things. 1907. 4:144. Salons Clergue. The salon. 1907. 4:132. Salvation army Coates. Prophet of the poor. 1906. 2:159. Friederichs. Romance of the Salvation army. 1907. -4:137. Salzburg, Austria z Holland. Tyrol and its people. 1909. 6:168. Samoa ; Stevenson. Letters from Samoa. 1906. - 2:167. San Domingo American academy of political and social science. Ameri- ean colonial policy and administration. 1907. 3:155. San Francisco Gilbert. San Francisco earthquake and fire. 1907. 4:41. Jordan. California earthquake of 1906. 1907. 4:190. Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin Sanborn. Recollections of seventy years. 2v. 1909. 6:49. Sanctis, Francesco de Viliari. Studies, historical and critical. 1907. 4:214. Sangster, Mrs Margaret Elizabeth (Munson) a ae Sangster. An autobiography, from my youth up. 1909. 6:213. <: INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 157 Sanitary chemistry Dodd. Chemistry of the Reudeuold: 1907. 32162. Richards & Woodman. Air, water, and food frost a sanitary standpoint. 3d ed. 1909, 6: 230, Sanitary engineering Bailey, ed.. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.1. TO0F caret 17. Gerhard. Sanitation and sanitary engineering. 2d ed. 1909. 6:60. Water supply, sewerage and plumbing of modern city buildings. ~1910. 6:326. Sanitation Bashore. Outlines of practical sanitation. 1906. 3:5. Sanitation of recreation camps and parks. 1908. 4:233. Cosgrove. History of sanitation. 1909. 5:159. Gerhard. Guide to sanitary inspections. 4th ed. 1909. 5:120. Sanitation of public buildings. 1907. 4:137. Hough. Hlements of hygiene and sanitation. 1907. 4:228. Richards. Sanitation in daily life. 1907. 4:48. Sanitation—Bibliography Smith, comp. Selected bibliography of sanitary science and -allied subjects. 1909. 5:182. Sanitation, Household Bashore. Sanitation of a country house. 1905. 1:67. Elliott. Household hygiene. 1907. 3:163. Gerhard. Sanitation, water supply and sewage disposal of country houses. 1909. 6:74, Sargent, John Singer Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. McSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. Satire Wells, comp. A satire anthology. 1905. 1:110. Savonarola, Girolamo Maria Francesco Matteo Villari. Studies, historical and critical. 1907. 4:214. Saxton, Rufus Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Scallops Kellogg. Shell-fish industries. 1910. 6:334. Scandinavia—Colonies Keller. Colonization. 1908. 5:43. School children—Feeding Hunt. Daily meals of school children. 1909. 6:31. School gardens Jewell. Agricultural education. 1908. 5:120. Weed & Emerson. School garden book. 1909. 6:260. school houses Bruce, comp. School architecture. 3d ed. 1906. 2:221. 158 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS School hygiene Allen. Civics and health. 1909. 5:129. Gulick & Ayres. - Medical inspection of schools. 1908. 4:288. School libraries Buffalo public library. Classroom libraries -for public schools. 3d ed. 1909. 6:58. Field. Fingerposts to children’s reading. 1907. 3:120. Pittsburg, Carnegie Library. Catalog of books for the use of the first eight grades in the Pittsburgh schools. 1907. 4:147. School management and organization Cronson, Pupil self-government. 1907. 4:175. Gilbert. School and its life. 1906. 2:181. Hays. Education for country life. 1909. 6:99. Perry. Management of a city school. 1908. 4:371. School reports Snedden & Allen. School reports and school efficiency. 1908. 4:211. Scotland—History Brown. History of Scotland. y.3. 1909. 6:367. Schubert, Franz Peter Dunean. Schubert. 1905. 1:134. Mason. Romantic composers. 1906. 3:70. Weingartner. Post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906. 3:198. Schumann, Robert Alexander > Mason. Romantic composers. 1906. 3:70. Schumann. Letters. 1907. 4:207. ‘ Weingartner. Post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906. 3:198. Schurz, Carl Schurz. Reminiscences. v.1-2. 1907. 4:48. 3 vid. 19082 "5:49. Schwartz, Christian Friedrich Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22. Science Lankester. Kingdom of man. 1907. 4:48. Phin. Seven follies of science. 1906. 2:166. Seward, ed. Darwin and modern science. 1909. 6:125. Science—Bibliography Crane. Index of mining engineering literature. 1909. 6:39. Scientific recreations Phin. Seven follies of science. 1906. 2:166. Scientists Cattell, ed. American men of science. 1906. 2:158. Scotland—Description and travel Henderson & Watt. Scotland of today. 1907. 4:138. Hutton. Literary landmarks of Scottish universities. 1904, 1:10. Moncrieff. Heart of Scotland. 1909. 6:46. Highlands and islands of Scotland. 1906. 3:101. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 159 .2 Scotland—History Fraprie. Castles and keeps of Scotland. 1907. 4:136. Scott, Thomas A. Smith. Captain Thomas A. Scott, master diver. 1908. 5:50. Scott, Sir Walter, bart. Canning. History in Scott’s novels. 1905. 2:68. Crockett. Footsteps of Scott. 1908. 5:37. Hay. Addresses. 1906. 2:210. Lang. Sir Walter Scott. 1906. 2:148. McSpadden. Waverley synopses. 1909. 6:172. Woodberry. Great writers. 1907. 4:217. - Screw propellers Seaton. Screw propeller. 1909. 6:85. Scudder, Horace Elisha Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Sculptors Bode. Florentine sculptors of the renaissance. 1909. 6:7. Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Painters and sculptors. 1907. 3:193. Sculpture Sturgis. Appreciation of sculpture. 1904. 1:17. -Sculpture—Study and teaching Freeman. Masterpieces of sculpture. 1906. 3:121. Sculpture, Greek : Walters. Art of the Greeks. 3d ed. 1906. 3:145. Sculpture, Italian Balearres. Evolution of Italian sculpture. 1910. 6:364. Sculpture, Roman Amelung & Holtzinger. Museums and ruins of Rome. 2vy. 1906) ~2:177. Strong. Roman sculpture from Augustus to Constantine. 1907. 3:198. Seafaring life Conrad. Mirror of the sea. 1906. 2:236. Russell. Romance of an old time shipmaster. 1907. 4:148. Seals (animals) Selous. Bird-watcher in the Shetlands. 1905, 2:37. Secession Ames. State documents on federal relations. 1906. 33117. Securities American academy of political and social science. Bonds as investment securities. 1907. 4:5. Sedgwick, Anne Douglas Sedgwick. New American type. 1908. 4:207. Sedgwick, Catherine Maria Beach. Daughters of the Puritans. 1905. 2:3. Segantini, Giovanni Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. 160 > INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Selborne, Hngland ys Shelley. Gilbert White and Selborne. 1909. 6:346. Self-control Dubois. Self-control and how to secure it. 1909. 5:162. Self-culture % : Carman. Making of personality. 1908. 4:285. Payot. Education of the will. 1909. 6:342. Sembrich, Marcella Wagnalls. Stars of the opera. 1907. 4:230. Seminole war, 1st, 1817-1818 Brown. The glory seekers. 1906. 2:158. Senators, Election of Fanning, comp. Selected articles on the election of the United States senators. 1909. 6:282. Haynes. Election of senators. 1906. 2:181. U. 8S. Congress. Senate. Papers relating to amendment of Constitution for election of senators by direct vote of the people. 1908. 4:315. Papers relating to the election of senators by direct vote of the people. 1908. 4:316. Senses Keller. The world I live in. 1908. 4:291. Sermons Black. Gift of influence. 1908. 5:131. Campbell. New theology sermons. 1907. 3:220. Thursday mornings at the City Temple. 1908. 5:7. Gordon. Through man to God. 1906. 2:238. 4 Hurlbut, ed. Sunday half hours with great preachers. 1907. 4:189. Jones. Love and loyalty. 1907. 4:238. Peabody. Mornings in the college chapel. 2d series. 1907. 4:82. Peters. Modern Christianity. 1909. 6:393. Wagner. Home of the soul. 1909. 6:350. Servants Hill. Up-to-date waitress. 1906. 2:162. Servia Miyatovic. Servia and the Servians. 1908. 6:20. Settembrini, Luigo d’ Villari. Studies, historical and critical. 1907. 4:214. Seven years’ war, 1756-1763 Corbett. England in the seven years’ war. 1907. 4:174. Sévigné, Marie (de Rabutin-Chantal), marquise de Aldis. Queen of letter writers. 1907. 4:163. Seville, Spain Calvert. Seville. 1907. 4:131. Sewage Cosgrove. Sewage purification and disposal. 1909: 5:159. Dunbar. Principles of sewage treatment. 1908. 5:162. Gerhard. Sanitation, water supply and sewage disposal of country houses. 1909. 6:74. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 161 Harcourt. Sanitary engineering with respect to water- supply and sewage disposal. 1907. 3:97. Lipman. Bacteria in relation to country life. 1908. 5:17. Raikes. Design, construction and maintenance of sewage disposal works. 1908. 6:124. Sex Thomas. Sex and society. 1907. 3:131. Sexual ethics Hall. From youth into manhood. 1909. 6:244. Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th earl of Walpole. Studies in biography. 1907. 4:215. Shakespeare, William Baker. Development of Shakespeare as a dramatist. 1907. 3:158. Bradley. Oxford lectures on poetry. 1909. 6:36. Clemens. Js Shakespeare dead? 1909. 5:158. Egan. The ghost in Hamlet. 1906. 2:159. Harris. The man Shakespeare and his tragic life-story. 1909. 6:204. Johnson. Shakespeare and his critics. 1909. 5:170. Lanier. Shakespeare and his forerunners. New ed. 1908. 5:121. Lee. Life of William Shakespeare. New ed. 1909. 5:196. Shakespeare and the modern stage. 1906. 2:241. Stratford-on-Avon. New ed. 1907. 3:54. Lounsbury. Text of Shakespeare. 1906. 2:241. Pocket lexicon and concordance to the Temple Shakespeare. 1909... 5:182. Raleigh. Shakespeare. 1907. 3:170. Stone, ed. Shakespeare’s Holinshed. 1907. 4:230. Swinburne. Shakespeare. 1909. 6:349. Vincent, ed. Fifty Shakespeare songs. 1906. 2:214. Warner. Famous introductions to Shakespeare’s plays. 1906. 3:76. Woodberry. Great writers. 1907. 4:217. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate Shaler. Autobiography. 1909. 6:22. Shannon, James Jebusa Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Shaw, George Bernard Borsa. English stage of today. 1907. 4:254. Chesterton. George Bernard Shaw. 1909. 6:70. Hale. Dramatists of today. 1905. 1:55. Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. Sheep Austin. The flock. 1906. 2:235. Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.3. 1908. 3:254. Sheet-metal work Neubecker. Sheet-metal work. 1909. 5:176. 162 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Sheffield, England = ~ Howells. Seven English cities. 1909. 6:118. Sheffield plate Veitch. Sheffield plate. 1908. 5:111. Shell fisheries Kellogg. Shell-fish industries. 1910. 6:334. Shelley, Percy Bysshe Bradley. Oxford lectures on poetry. 1909. 6:36. Brock. Shelley, the man and the poet. 1909. -6:276. Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Shelley. Letters. 2v. 1909. 6:295. Letters from Percy Bysshe Shelley to Elizabeth Hitchener. 1908. 4:209. Thompson. Shelley. 1909. 6:297. Woodberry. The torch. 1905. 1:110. Shells Rogers. The shell book. 1908. 4:205. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Sichel. Sheridan. 2v. 1909. 6:296. Sherman, John Burton. John Sherman. 1906. 3:65. Shiloh, Battle of . ~- Hanson. Conquest of the Missouri. 1909. 6:245. Ship-building ~ Peabody. Naval architecture. 1904. 1:42. Ship subsidies Dunmore. Ship subsidies. 1907. 4:78._ Shipping = Curwood. The Great Lakes. 1909. 5:160. Paine. Ships and sailors of old Salem. 1909. 6:174. Smith. Ocean carrier. 1908. 5:50. Shipping—United States - U. §. Corporations bureau. Report on transportation by . water in the United States. 2v. 1909. 6:190. Ships Chatterton. Sailing ships and their story. 1909. 6:160. Short story Albright. The short story. 1907. 3:219. Baldwin. Essays out of hours. 1907. 4:167. Canby. Short story in English. 1909. 6:278. Dawson, ed._ Great English short story writers. 2v. 1910. 6:371. Esenwein. Writing the short story. 1909. 6:39. Mabie, comp. Stories new and old. 1908. 4:270. Matthews, ed. The short story. 1907. 4:222. Siberia Curtin. A journey in southern Siberia. 1909. 6:161. Kennan. Tent life in Siberia. New ed. 1910. 6:419. Searfoglio. Round the world in a motor-car. 1909. 6:397. Sicily Bisland & Hoyt. Seekers in Sicily. -1909. 6:35. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 163 Jones. Diversions in Sicily. 1909. 6:248. Monroe. Sicily, the garden of the Mediterranean. 1909. 6:46. Sladen. Sicily, the new winter resort. 1907. 3:197. Siddons, Sarah Parsons. The incomparable Siddons. 1909. 6:253. Siena, Italy Schevill. Siena. 1909. 5:181. Sienkiewicz, Henryk Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:253. Sign painting Atkinson. Sign painting up to now. 1909. 6:364. Silver Rose. Precious metals. 1909. 6:294. Silver question Dewey. National problems, 1885-1897. 1907. 3:221. Silversmithing Chaffers. Handbook to hall marks-on gold and silver plate. 1907... 4:118. Dawson. Goldsmiths’ and _ silversmiths’ work. 1907. 4:177. Silverware - Lowes. Chats on old silver. 1909. 6:335. Sin Hyde. Sin. and its forgiveness. 1909. 6:331. Singing _ Henderson. Art of the singer. 1906. 2:238. Mills. Voice production in singing and speaking. 1906. 3:46. Santley. Art of singing and vocal declamation. 1908. 4:241, Single tax — Fillebrown. -A BC of taxation. 1909. 5:164. Howe. Privilege and democracy in America. 1910. 6:383. Slavery in Africa : Nevinson. Modern slavery. 1906. 2:183. Slavery in the United States Ames. State documents on federal relations. 1906. 3:117. _ Hart. Slavery and abolition, 1831-1841. 1906. 2:181. Munford. Virginia’s attitude toward slavery and seces- sion. 1909. 6:340. Smith. Parties and slavery. 1906.- 3:74. Sleeping sickness Kirkland. Some African highways. 1908, 4:291. Lankester. Kingdom of man. 1907. 4:45. Smith, Sydney Russell. Sydney Smith. 1905. 1:36. Smoke prevention Randall. Burning of coal without smoke in boiler plants. 1908. 5:83. 164 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS U. S. Geological survey. Burning of coal without, smoke in boiler plants. 1907. 4:110. Smollett, Tobias George 3 Lang. Adventures among books. 1905. 1:49. Social centers Grice. Home and school united in widening circles of in- spiration and service. 1909. 6:378. Social conditions Thomas ed. Source book of social origins. 1909. 6:258. Social conditions—Bibliography Thomas ed. Source book of social origins. 1909. 6:258. Social ethics : Du Bois. Culture of justice. 1907. 4:40. Mather Persis, pseud. Counsels of a worldly godmother. 1905. 2:64. ; Peabody. Approach to the social question. 1909. 6:292. Social problems Addams. The spirit of youth and the city streets. 1909. 6:107, Allen. Efficient democracy. 1907. 4:36. Barnett. Towards social reform. 1909. 5:130. Bray. The town child. 1909. 6:276. Devine. Social forces. 1910. 6:240. Henderson. Social duties from the Christian point of view. (190962158. Laughlin. Latter-day problems. 1909. 6:170. Macfarland, ed. Christian ministry and the social order. 19092. 6:172. Mathews. Social gospel. 1910. 6:391. Peabody. Approach to the social question. 1909. 6:292. Richmond. The good neighbor in the modern city. 1908. 4:148. Ross. Sin and society. 1907. 4:48. Social psychology Cooley. Social organization. 1909. 5:134. Davis. Psychological interpretations of society. 1909. eve O McDougall. Introduction to social psychology. 1909. 6:79. Ross. Social psychology. 1908. 4:265. Social purity Warbasse. Medical sociology. 1909. 6:259. Social sciences Bentley. Process of government. .1908. 4:234. Beveridge. Meaning of the times. 1908. 4:234. La Monte & Mencken. Men versus the man. 1910. 6:385. Social sciences—Dictionaries Bliss & Binder, ed. New encyclopedia of social reform. 1908. 4:168. Social settlements Hodson. Letters from a settlement- 1909. 6:168. Laughlin. Latter-day problems. 1909. 6:170. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 165 Social work Cabot. Social service and the art of healing. 1909. 6:159. Socialism Campbell. Christianity and the social order. 1907. 4:37. Carnegie. Problems of today. 1908. 5:7. ; Fabian essays in socialism. New ed. 1908. 5:119. Forster. English socialism of today. 1908. 4:236. Guthrie. Socialism before the French Revolution. 1907. 4:13. Hillquit. Socialism in theory and practice. 1909. 5:138. Hunter. Socialists at work. 1908. 4:188. Jaurés. Studies in socialism. 1906. 2:240. Kauffman. What is socialism? 1910. 6:334. Kirkup. History of socialism. 4th ed. 1909. 6:61. Inquiry into socialism. 38d ed. 1907. 4:120. La Monte & Mencken. Men versus the man. 1910. 6:385. Laughlin. Latter-day problems. 1909. 6:170. Lloyd. A sovereign people. 1907. 4:48. Mallock. Critical examination of socialism. 1907. 4:143. Nathan. Economic heresies. 1909. 6:122. St. Ledger. Australian socialism. 1909. 6:3465. Sombart. Socialism and the social movement. 1909. 6:347. Spargo. Socialism. 1906. 2:243. 2d ed. 1909. 5:196. — Spiritual significance of modern socialism. 1908. 5:110. Wells. New worlds for old. 1908. 4:153. Socialism and the family. 1908. 5:87. Wilson. Menace of socialism. 1909. 6:181. Sociology Cooley. Social organization. 1909. 5:134. Dealey. Sociology. 1909. 6:162. Patten. New basis of civilization. 1907. 4:15. Social progress [ennual] 1906. 2:185. Thomas, ed. Source book for social origins. 1909. 6:258. Ward. Applied sociology. 1906. 3:76. Wright: Outline of practical sociology. 7th ed. 1909. 3e0<126. Sociology, Christian American academy of political and social science. Social work of the church. 1907. 4:35. Campbell. Christianity and the social order. 1907. 4:37. Gladden. Church and modern life. 1908. 4:183. Hall. Social solutions in the light of Christian ethics. 1910. 6:379. Henderson. Social duties from the Christian point of view. 1909. 5:138. Macfarland, ed. Christian ministry and the social order. 1909. 6:172. so 166 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Mathews. Church and the changing order. 1907. 3:169. Social gospel. 1910. 6:391. Rauschenbusch. Christianity and the social crisis. 1907. 4:204. Stelzle. Church and labor. 1910. 6:348. Strong. Challenge of the city. 1907. 4:212. Thompson. Churches and the wage-earners. 1909. 6:51. Williams. A valid Christianity for today. 1909. 6:23. Socrates More. Shelburne essays. 6th series. 1909. 5:107. Soils Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American ‘agriculture. v.1. 1907. usia7. Burkett. Soils.. 1907. 4:7. Fletcher. Soils. 1907. 3:96. Hall. The soil. 2d ed. 1909. 5:194. Hilgard. Soils. 1906. 2:239. Lipman. Bacteria in relation to country life. 1908. 5:17. Shaler. Man and the earth. 1905. 2:7. Snyder. Soils and fertilizers. 3d ed. 1908. 5:67. Vivian. First principles of soil fertility. 1908. 4:152. . Whitney. Soils of the United States. 1909. 5:146. Solar system Poor. Solar system. 1908. 4:203. Somerset, Hngland Snell. Blackmore country. 1906. 2:167. Songs Chapin. Makers of song. 1904. 1:6. Kobbé. Famous American songs. 1906. 3:11. Songs—Scores Johnson, ed. Songs every one should know. 1908. 6:16. Page, ed. Irish songs. 1907. 4:146. Vincent, ed. Fifty Shakespeare songs. 1906. ~ 2:214. Wisconsin, University of. Germanistischen Gesellschaft. Deutsches Liederbuch fiir amerikanische Studenten. 1906. 3:175. Songs—Scores—Bibliography Hooper, comp. Selected list of music and books about music for public libraries. 1909. 6:118. Sophia, electress of Hanover ~ Ward. The Electress Sophia and the Hanoverian succes- sion. 2ded. 1909. 6:424. Sophia Dorothea, consort of George I, king of England Greenwood. Lives of the Hanoverian queens of England. v.l. 1909. 6:74, Sophocles : Tyrrell. Essays on Greek literature. 1909. 6:259. Sorolla y Bastida, Joaquin Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Sothern, Edward Askew Winter, Other days. 1908. 4:300. a j INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 167 Soto, Hernando de Spanish explorers in the: southern United States, 1528- 1543, 1907. 3:227. Soups Green, pseud. |Reed| One thousand simple soups. . 1907. 4:137. South (The) Avery. Dixie after the war. 1906. 2:235. Clay. Belle of the fifties. 1904. 1:6. Johnson. Highways and byways of the South. 1904, 1:11. Murphy.. Basis of ascendancy. 1909. 6:290. South—Economic conditions - American academy of political and social science. The new South. 1910. 6:275, South—Industries and resources American academy of political and social science. The new South. 1910. 6:275, South Africa Colquhoun, Africander land. 1906. 2:159. Wilson. South African memories. 1909. 6:300. South Africa—Description and travel Butler- From sketch-book and diary. 1909. 6:319. Fitzpatrick. Jock of the Bushveld, 1907. 4:102. South Africa—Economic conditions South African native races committee, London. South African natives. 1909. 6:296. South Africa—History Marshall. An empire story. 1909. 6:391. South Africa—Politics and government South African native races committee, London. South African natives. 1909. 6:296. South America—Bibliography Hale. Practical guide to Latin America. 1909, 6:203. South America—Description and travel Clark. Continent of opportunity. 1907. 4:76. Hale. Practical guide to Latin America. 1909. 6:203. The South Americans. 1907. 4:42. Osborn. “Andean land. 2v.. 1909. 6:47. . Pepper. Panama to Patagonia. 1906. 2:165. Ruhl. The other Americans. 1908. 4:296. Waterton. Wanderings in South America. New ed. 1909. 6:63. South America—History Bingham. Journal of an expedition across Venezuela and Colombia, 1906-1907. 1909. 6:35. South Carolina , Jervey. Robert Y. Hayne and his times. 1909. 6:76. Southwest (The) Brady. Conquest of the Southwest. 1905. 1:27. Brown. The glory seekers. 1906. 2:158. Whiting. Land of enchantment. 1906. 3:15. 168 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS * Spain—Colonies Keller. Colonization. 1908. 5:48. Morris. History of colonization. 1908. 4:228. Spain—Court and courtiers Challice. Secret history of the court of Spain during the last century.~ 1909.. 6:369. Spain—Description and travel Calvert. The Escorialy 1907. 4:130. Royal palaces of Spain. 1909. 5:157. Collins. Cathedral cities of Spain. 1909. 6:161. Elliott. Sun and shadow in Spain. 1908. 5:10. Ellis. Soul of Spain. 1908. 4:179. ’ Hutton. Cities of Spain. 1906. 3:69. Lomas. In Spain. New ed. 1908. 5:64. Marden. Travels in Spain. 1909. 6:172. Marriott. A Spanish holiday. 1908. 6:45. Seymour. Saunterings in Spain. 1906. 3:72. Tyler. Spain. 1909. 6:298. Wardell. Spain of the Spanish. 1909. 6:299. Williams. Granada. 1906. 3:76. Spain—Foreign relations Chadwick. Relations of the United States and Spain, diplomacy. 1909. 6:3820. Spain—History Challice. Secret history of the court of Spain during the last century. 1909. 6:369. See also Inquisition. Spain—Kings and rulers Challice. Secret history of the court of Spain during the last century. 1909. 6:369. Hume. Queens of old Spain. 1906. 4:13. Spain—Politics and government Foster. Diplomatic memoirs. 2v. 1909. 6:242. Spain—Social life and customs Marriott. A Spanish holiday. 1908. 6:45, Spanish America Barrett. Latin America. 1909. 6:98. Spanish missions in the United States Hildrup. Missions of California and the old Southwest. 1907. 4:1389. James. In and out of the old missions of California. 1905. 224, —— Through Ramona’s country. 1908. 5:78. Spelling reform Lounsbury. English spelling and spelling reform. 1909. 6:120. Matthews. American of the future. 1909. 6:251. Spencer, Herbert Compayré. Herbert Spencer and scientific education. 1907. 4:10. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 169 Dunean. Life and letters of Herbert Spencer. 2v. 1908. 4:235. Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Thomson. Herbert Spencer. 1906, 2:213. Spenser, Edmund Woodberry. The torch. 1905. 1:110. Spiritual life™ Eucken. Christianity and the new idealism. 1909. 6:164. Life of the spirit. 2d ed. 1909. 5:163. King. Laws of friendship. 1909. 5:171. —— Seeming unreality of the spiritual life. 1908. 4:291. Worcester. The living word. 1908. 5:89. Spiritualism Abbott. Behind the scenes with the mediums. 1907. 4:5. Spreckles, Rudolph 3 Steffens. Upbuilders. 1909. 6:126. Stained glass Day. Windows. 3d-ed. 1909. 6:417. Duthie. Decorative glass processes. 1908. 6:114. Sherrill. Stained glass tours in England. 1909. 6:49. —— Stained glass tours in France. 1908. 4:209. Standard of living Chapin. Standard of living among workingmen’s families in New York City. 1909. 5:134. Standard Oil Company Tower. Story of oil. 1909. 6:28. Youngman. Economic causes of great fortunes, 1909. 6:407. ' Standish, Myles Hodges. Apprenticeship of Washington. 1909. 5:105. Jenks. Captain Myles Standish. 1905. 1:101. Stanislaus Poniatowski, king of Poland Bain. Last king of Poland and his contemporaries. 1909. 6:108. Stanley, Sir Henry Morton Stanley. Autobiography. 1909. 6:126. Stars Martin. Friendly stars. 1907. 3:125. Milham. How to identify the stars. 1909. 6:46. State rights _ Pierce. Federal usurpation. 1908. 4:240. Shaw. Current issues. 1908. 4:208. Statistics Hopkins & Bond. Scientific American reference book. 1905. 1:10. Social piogress [annual] 1906. 2:185. Statesman’s year-book [annual] 1905. 1:50. Tribune almanac and political register, 105 [annual] 1905. 1:31. World almanac and encyclopedia, 1905 [annual] 1905. 1:32. : 170 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Steam boilers Newell & Dow. Steam-boilers. 1909. ~5:177. Peabody & Miller. Steam-boilers. 2d ed. 1908. 5:122. Steam engines Benjamin. Steam engine. 1909. 6:360. Gill. Engine-room chemistry. 1907. 4:137. Heck. Steam-engine and other steam motors. 2v. 1905-7. 4:138. Steam heating Baldwin. Baldwin on heating. New ed. 1908. 6:141. King. Practical steam and hot water heating and ventila-— tion. 1908. 5:78. Steam navigation Buckman. Old steamboat days on the Hudson river. 1907. 4:171. 7 Hanson. Conquest of the Missouri. 1909. 6:245. Merrick. Old times on the upper Mississippi. 1909. 5:46. Steam power plants Gebhardt. Steam power plant engineering. 1908. 5:103. 2d ed. 1909. G:4 17, Steam turbines : Collins. Steam turbines. 1909. 6:9. Heck. Steam-engine and other steam motors. 2v. 1905-7. 4:138. Moyer. Steam turbine. 1908. 5:107. “Neilson. Steam turbine. 4th ed. 1908. 5:121. Stodola. Steam turbines. 1905. 1:60. Stedman, Edmund Clarence Hay. Addresses. 1906. 2:210. Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909: 6:117. Winter. Old friends. 1909. 6:24. n Steel Carr. Open hearth steel castings. 1907. 4:173. Casson. Romance of steel. 1907. 4:8. Cushman. Preservation of iron and steel. 1909. 6:31. Smith. Story of iron and steel. 1908. 4:108. Steel—Metallurgy Longmuir. Elementary practical metallurgy. 1905. 2:37. Stoughton. Metallurgy of iron and steel. 1908. 4:150.. Steen, Jan Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. Stendhal, Henry Beyle- Huneker. Egoists. 1909. 5:139. Stephen, Sir Leslie Maitland. Life and letters of Leslie Stephen. 1906. 3:70. Stephens, Alexander Hamilton : Pendleton. Alexander H. Stephens. 1908. 4:240. Sterne, Laurence Cross. Life and times of Laurence Sterne. 1909. 6:9. Stevens, Alfred Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS wea Ga at Stevenson, Robert Alan Mowbray Low. Chronicle of friendships. 1908. 5:79. Stevenson, Robert Louis Lang. Adventures among books. 1905. 1:49. Low. Chronicle of friendships. 1908. 5:79. Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:253. Rickett. Vagabond in literature. 1906. 3:104. Stevenson, R. L. Letters. 2v. 1907. 4:128. Stevenson, Mrs M. I. Letters from Samoa. 1906. 2:167. Torrey. Friends on the shelf. 1906. 3:75. Stirner, Max Huneker. Egoists. 1909. 5:139. Stockmar, Christian Friedrich, freiherr von Martin. Monographs. 1906. 3:46. Story, Emma Eames Wagnalls. Stars of the opera. 1907. 4:230. Story telling Bailey & Lewis, ed. For the children’s hour. 1906. 2:207. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. 1905. 1:47. Stories to tell to children. 1907. 3:234. Houghton. Telling Bible stories. 1905. 2:64. 2d ed. 1908. 5:62.. Hoxie.. Kindergarten story book. 1906. 3:139. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Beach. Daughters of the Puritans. 1905. 2:3. Stradivari, Antonio : Chapin. Heart of music. 1906. 3:39. Hill. Antonio Stradivari. 2d ed. 1909. 6:418. Stratford-on-Avon, Hngland Lee. Stratford-on-Avon. New ed. 1907. 3:54. Strauss, Richard Newman, Musical studies. 1905. 1:136. Richard Strauss. 1908. 5:19. Weingartner. Post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906. 3:198S. Street cleaning Soper. Modern methods of street cleaning. 1909. 6:178. Street railroads American academy of political and social science. Control of municipal public service corporations. 1908, 4:164. Railway and traffie problems. 1907. 3:156. Strikes Adams & Sumner. Labor problems. 1905. 1:27. Strindberg, August Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. Stuart, Gilbert _ gMcSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. Stuart, Jane Higginson, Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. Students—United States Hyde. College man and the college woman. 1906. 2:100. 172 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Study, Method of Earhart. Teaching children to study. 1909. 6:114. Jones and others. Teaching children to study. 1909. 6:285. McMurry. How to study and teaching how to study. 1909. 6:121. : .Rowe. Habit-formation and the science of teaching. 1909. 6:396. Submarine boats Field. Story of the submarine from the earliest ages to the present day. 1909. 6:164. success Fowler. Starting in life. 1906. 3:9. Gamble. Straight talks on business. 1907. 4:41. Hall. How to get a position and how to keep it. 1908. 4:289. Matthews. American of the future. 1909. 6:251. Rollins. What can a young man do? 1907. 3:224. Shaler. Masters of fate. 1906. 3:72. Sudermann, Hermann Hale. Dramatists of today. 1905. 1:55. Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:253. Suffrage ; Commons. Proportional representation. 2d ed. 1907. 4:118. ; Sugar Deerr. Sugar and sugar cane growing. 1906. 2:71. Ware. Beet-sugar manufacture and refining. v.1. 1905. 2ttes —— ——. v.2. 1907. 4:86. Sumner, Charles Haynes. Charles Sumner. 10. 6:329. ‘Sunday-school libraries Field. Fingerposts to ehivdion’ s reading. 1907. 3:120. Musselman, ed. National teacher-training institute text- books. bk.4. 1909. 5:176. Sunday-schools Chamberlin & Kern. Child religion in song and story. 19097. 62159. Ferris. Sunday kindergarten. 1909. 6:375. Littlefield. Hand-work in the Sunday-school. 1908. 5:44. Musselman, ed. National teacher-training institute text- books. bk.2-3, 1908. 4:198. bk.4-6. 1909. 5:176. Palmer & Pease. Lesson stories for the kindergarten grades of the Bible school. 1908. 5:47. nf Peloubet. Front line of the Sunday-school movement. 1904. 1:15. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 173 Surveying . Breed & Hosmer. Principles and practice of surveying. 1906. 3:160. Phillips. Surveying. 1908. 4:294. Tracy. Plane surveying. 1908. 5:21. Swedish literature—Bibliography Palmgren, comp. Selected list of Swedish books recom- mended for public libraries. 1909. 6:123. ° Swimming ~— Brewster. Swimming. 1910. 6:366. Swinburne, Algernon Charles James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14. Woodberry. Swinburne. 1905. 2:12. Swine Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.3. 1908. 3:254. Coburn. Swine in America. 1909. 5:158. Craig. Diseases of swine. 1906. 2:208. Switzerland Webb. Switzerland of the Swiss. 1909. 6:404. Switzerland—Description and travel Gribble. Lake of Geneva. New ed.. 1909. 6:418. Searritt. Three men in a motor car. 1906. 2:243. Singleton, comp. Switzerland as described by great writers. 1908. 5:85. Switzerland—History Putnam. Charles the Bold. 1908. 4:203. Switzerland—Politics and government Lloyd. A sovereign people. 1907. 4:45. Symbolism Bayley. New light on the renaissance. 1909. 6:35. Symphonies Weingartner. Post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906. 3:198. Syria Bell. Desert and the sown. 1907. 3:95. Talbot, Ethelbert Talbot. My people of the plains. 1906. 3:49. Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de McCabe. Talleyrand. 1907. 3:99. Talon, Jean Baptiste Colby. Canadian types of the old régime. 1908. 4:285. Tanning Bennett. Manufacture of leather. 1909. 6:365. Tapestry Christie. Embroidery and tapestry weaving. 1906. 3:66. Tarde, Gabriel Davis. Psychological interpretations of society. 1909, O:7 55 174 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Tariff * Fisk. International commercial policies. 1907. 4:102.- Jordan. Fate of Iciodorum. 1909. 5:195. Tariff—United States American academy of political and social science. Tariff revision. 1908. 4:282. Bridgman. Passing of the tariff. 1909. 5:156. Dewey. National problems, 1885-1897. 1907. 3:221. Fisk. International commercialpolicies. 1907. 4:102. Laughlin. Industrial America. 1906. 3:99. Pierce. Tariff and the trusts. 1907. 3:126. Shaw. Current issues. 1908. 4:208. ; Sparks. National development, 1877-1885. 1907. 3:227. Tasso, Torquato Woodberry. Inspiration of poetry. 19103 6s8n4e Taxation Bullock. Selected readings in public finance. 1906. 2:179. Fillebrown. A BC of taxation. 1909. 5:164. National conference on state and local taxation, 1907. State and local taxation. 1908. 4:145. Seligman. Essays in taxation. 6th ed. 1909. 6:148. U. S. Internal revenue commissioner. Law and regulations relative to excise tax. 1909. 6:270. U.S. Printing joint committee. Corporation tax law. 1909. 6:271. Taylor, Bayard Winter. Old friends. 1909. 6:24. Taylor, Mrs) Marie (Hanson) Taylor. On two continents. 1905. 1:109. Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilitch Evans. Tchaikovsky. 1906. 3:223. Weingartner. Post-Beethoven symphonists. 1906, 3:198. Teachers Hanus. Beginnings in industrial education. 1908. 4:289. Thorndike. Teaching staff of secondary schools in the United States. 1909, ~ 6:32. U. S. Education bureau. Teacher’s professional library. 1969.- 6:190. Teachers—Salaries—Bibliography Thorndike. Teaching staff of secondary schools in the United States. 1909. 6:32. Teaching Benson. The school-master. 1908. 4:233. Binns & Marsden. Principles of educational woodwork. 1909. 6:237. ‘Compayré. Herbart and education by instruction. 1907. 4:9 ~ Pestalozzi and elementary education. 1907. 4:10° Conover. Personality in education. 1908. 5:75. Tariffs, reciprocity and foreign ta 1907, _3:156. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 175 _ Earhart. Teaching children to study. 1909. 6:114. é Jones and others. Teaching children to study. 1909. 6:285. Kilpatrick. Departmental teaching in elementary schools. 1908. 4:192. “McMurry. How to study and teaching how to study. 1909. 6:121. Miinsterberg. Psychology and the teacher. 1909. 6:174. O’Shea. Social development and education. 1909. 6:123. Palmer. The teacher. 1908. 5:19. Rowe. Habit-formation and the science of teaching. 1909. 6:396. . Swift. Mind in the making. 1908. 4:242, Technical education Chamberlain. Condition and tendencies of technical edu- cation in Germany. 1908. 5:7. Technical literature—Bibliography Pratt Institute free library. Technical books of 1908 [annual] 1909. 5:143. Telegraph Gibson. Electricity of today. 2:237. How telegraphs and telephones work. 1909. 6:115. Meyer. British state telegraphs. 1907. 4:15. Thom & Collins. Electric telegraph. 1908. 4:297. See also Wireless telegraphy. Telephone Cummings. Electricity and magnetism in telephone main- tenance. 1908. 6:10. Gibson. Electricity of today. 1907. 2:237. How telegraphs and telephones work. 1909. 6:115. Meyer. Public ownership and the telephone in Great Britain. 1907. 4:46. Miller. American telephone practice. 4th ed. 1905. 1:59. See also Wireless telephony. Temperance ‘Pereira. Intemperance. 1905. 1:42. Warbasse. Medical sociology. 1909. 6:259. Williams. Alcohol. 1909. 6:129. Temperature ; Bigelow. Daily normal temperature and the daily normal precipitation of the United States. 1908. 5:131. Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, /st baron Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14. Terra cotta Hasluck, ed. Terra-cotta work. 1905. 2:162. Terry, Ellen Terry. Story of my life. 1908. 5:51. Texan Sante Fe expedition, 1841 Brown. The glory seekers, 1906, 2:158. 176 i INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Textile design Umpleby. Textile design. 1909. 6:298. Textile finishing Timmermann. Woolen and worsted finishings 1909. 6:297. Textile industry and fabrics Watson. Textiles and clothing. 1907. 3:174. Thackeray, William Makepeace Harrison. Memories and thoughts. 1906. 3:67. Melville., Thackeray country. 1905. 1:41. Thanksgiving day Schauffler, ed. Thanksgiving. 1907. 4:16. Theater Borsa. English stage of today. 1907. 4:254. Caffin. Appreciation of the drama. 1908. 5:6. Eaton. American stage of today. 1908. 5:9. Hamilton. Theory of the theatre. 1910. 6:379. Mackaye. Playhouse and the play. 1909. 5:173. Matthews. American of the future. 1909. 6:251. Winter. Other days. 1908. 4:300. Theology "i Meyer. Jesus or Paul? 1909. 6:289. Paton, ed. Recent Christian progress. 1909. 6:82. Theology—Bibliography Richardson, comp. Alphabetical subject index and index encyclopedia to periodical articles on religion, 1890-1899. 1907. 4:107. Theology—History Foster. Genetic history of the New England theology. 1907. 4:136. Thermodynamics Zeuner. Technical thermodynamics, 2v. 1907. 4:154. Thomas a Becket, Saint Ward. Canterbury pilgrimages. 1905. 1:129. Thomson, James More. Shelburne essays. 5th series. 1908. 4:292. Thoreau, Henry David Higginson. Carlyle’s laugh. 1909. 6:117. More. Shelburne essays. 5th series. 1908. 4:292. Sanborn, Recollections of seventy years. 2v.. 1909. 6:49. _ Torrey. Friends on the shelf. 1906. 3:75. Thought and thinking Dewey. How we think. 1910. 6:372. Thucydides Bury. Ancient Greek historians. 1909. 5:100. Thunder storms : Flammarion. Thunder and lightning. 1906. 2:147. Tibet Hedin. Trans-Himalaya. 2v. 1909. 6:204. Holdich. Tibet, the mysterious. 1906. 3:68. Landon. Opening of Tibet. 1905. 1:41, INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS GE ey, Ticknor, George we Ticknor. Life, letters and journals. 2v. 1909. 6:150. Tilden, Samuel Jones Tilden. Letters and literary memorials. 2v. 1908. 4:212. ’ Timber Kellogg. Timber supply of the United States. 1909. 6:99. Time Arthur. Time and its measurement. 1909. 6:363. Toads Dickerson. The frog book. 1906. 2:208. Toasts —_ Glover. ‘‘Dame Curtsey’s’’ book of novel entertainments for every day in the year. 1907. 4:183. Toledo, Spain Calvert. Toledo. 1907. 4:76. Dick. Heart of Spain. 1907. 4:134. Tomato : Tracy. Tomato culture. 1907. 4:17. Tools Woodworth. American tool-making and interchangeable manufacturing. 1904. 1:18. Touraine Lansdale. Chateaux of Touraine. 1906. 3:45. Lees. Summer in Touraine. 1909. 5:172. Macdonell. Touraine and its story. 1906. 3:99. Trade unions Adams & Sumner. Labor problems. 1905. 1:27. Commons, ed. Trade unionism and labor problems. 1905. 1:134. Fagan. Labor and the railroads. 1909. 6:115. Hollander & Barnett, ed. Studies in American trade union- ism. 1906. 2:106. : Kennedy. Beneficiary features of American trade unions. 1908. 5:140. Laughlin. Latter-day problems. 1909. 6:170. Macfarland, ed. Christian ministry and the social order. 1909. 6:172. Stelzle. Letters from a workingman. 1908. 5:21. Tramps Kelly. Elimination of the tramp. 1908. 4:191. Transmigration Bertholet. Transmigration of souls. 1909. 6:68. Transportation Johnson. Ocean and inland water transportation, 1906. 2:211. Transportation—United States Gephart. Transportation and industrial development in the Middle West. 1909. 6:40. Johnson. Elements of transportation. 1909. 6:119. McPherson. Railroad freight rates in relation to the in- dustry and commerce of the United States. 1909. 6:44. 178 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS U. 8. Corporations bureau. Report on transportation by water in the United States. 2v. 1909. 6:190. Transvaal Kirkland. Some African highways. 1908. 4:291. Trapping Harding. Wolf and coyote trapping. 1909. 6:380. Travel . Guerber. How to prepare for Europe. 1906. 2:162. Trees E Britton & Shafer. North American trees. 1908. 4:255, ~ Hough. Handbook of the trees of the northern states and Canada east of the Rocky mountains. 1907. 4:103. Rogers. Tree book. 1905. 2:36. Sargent. Manual of the trees of North America, 1905. 1:59. Weed. Our trees and how to know them. 1908. 4:152. Trees—Diseases Schrenk & Spaulding. Diseases of deciduous forest trees. 1909. 6:100. Tripoli Furlong. Gateway to the Sahara. 1909. 6:73. - Trust companies Herrick. Trust companies. 1909. 6:380. ; Kirkbride & Sterrett. Modern trust company. 3d ed. 1908. 5:63. Trusts Day. Raid on prosperity. 1907. 4:39. Dewey. National problems, 1885-1897. 1907. 3:221. — Laughlin. Industrial America. 1906. 3:99. Pierce. The tariff and the trusts. 1907. 3:126. Shaw. Current issues. 1908. 4:208. Truth James. Meaning of truth. 1909. 6:169. Tuberculosis Davis. Consumption. 2d ed. 1908. 6:143. : Francine. Pulmonary tuberculosis. 2d ed. 1907. 3:163. Huber. Consumption. 1906. 2:239. Hutchinson. Conquest of consumption. 1910. 6: 331. Klebs, ed. Tuberculosis. 1909. 6:206. Knopf. Tuberculosis a preventable and curable disease. 1909. 6:48. National association for the study and prevention of tu-. berculosis. Campaign against tuberculosis in the United States. 1908. 4:263. Newsholme. Prevention of tuberculosis. 1908. 5:19, Otis. Great white plague, tuberculosis. 1909. 6:211. Price. Gaining health in the West. 1907. 4:16. U. S. Census bureau. Tuberculosis in the United States. 1908. 4:315. Tunis | Sladen. Carthage and Tunis. 1906. 3:129. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Tunneling ; Boycott. Compressed air work and diving. 1909. 6:366. Turbines Suplee. Gas turbine. 1910. 6:349. Thurso. Modern turbine practice and water-power plants. EO0GR 271 Turkey Abbott. Turkey in transition. 1909, 6:195. Barton. Daybreak in Turkey. 1908. 5:155. Monroe. Turkey and the Turks. 1907. 4:105. Turkey—Description and travel Townshend. A military consul in Turkey. 1910. 6:402. Upward. East end of Europe. 1909. 6:128. Turkey—History Knight. Awakening of Turkey. 1909. 6:16. Washburn. Fifty years in Constantinople. 1909. 6:180. Turkey—Politics and government Buxton. Turkey in revolution. 1909. 6:8. Upward. East end of Europe. 1909. 6:128. Turkey—Social life and customs Brown. Haremlik. 1909. 6:8. De Bunsen. Soultofa Turk. 1910. 6:372. Garnett. Home life in Turkey. 1909. 6:73. Townshend. A military consul in Turkey. 1910. 6:402. Turkey in Asia Jebb. By desert ways to Baghdad. 1909. 6:248. Turner, Joseph Mallord William Finberg. English water colour painters. 1907. © 2:209. Tuscany Hewlett. Road in Tuscany. 2v. 1904. 1:10. Hutton. In unknown Tuscany. 1909. 6:118. Lees. Scenes and shrines in Tuscany. 1907. 4:194. Tuscan feasts and Tuscan friends. 1908. 4:194. Ross. Old Florence and modern Tuscany. 1904, 1:31. Tuskegee normal and industrial institute From servitude to service. 1905. 2:4. Washington, ed. Tuskegee and its people. 1905. 1:70. Twelfth night The book of Christmas. 1909.. 6:109. Tyler, John Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Tyndall, John Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Typhoid fever Whipple. Typhoid fever. 1908. 5:23. Tyrol Holland. Tyrol and its people. 1909. 6:168. McCracken. The fair land Tyrol. 1905. 1:58. Tzu-hsi, empress dowager of China Carl. With the empress dowager. 1905. 1:127. Conger. Letters from China. 1909. 5:158. Headland. Court life in China, 1909. 6:204. 180 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Uffizi gallery Cruttwell. Guide to the paintings in the Florentine gal- leries. 1907. 3:221. Uganda Kirkland. Some African highways. 1908. 4:291. Lloyd. In dwarf land and cannibal country. 1907. 4:195. Umbria Hutton. Cities of Umbria. 1905. 1:108. Unemployed Beveridge. Unemployment. 1909. 6:69. Uniforms, Military U. S. Quartermaster’s dep’t. Uniform of Army of United States, 1898-1907. 1909. 6:271. United States—Agriculture dep’t—Publications Greathouse. Index to the Yearbooks of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1901-1905. v.2. 1908. 5:166. United States—Army Hitchcock. Fifty years in camp and field. 1909. 6:381. Morris. Heroes of the army in America. 1906. 3:13. Taft. Present-day problems. 1908. 4:242. U. S. Quartermaster’s dep’t. Uniform of Army of United States, 1898-1907. . v.2... 1909. .-6:271. United States—-Biography Bouvé. American heroes and heroines. 1905. 1:99. Holt, ed. Life stories of undistinguished Americans. 1906. 2:148. Morris. ' Heroes of progress in America. 1906.. 3:12. Stearns. Cambridge sketches. 1905. 1:50. Stevenson. Something of men I have known. 1909. 6:179. United States—Biography—Dictionaries Cattell, ed. American men of ‘science. 1906. 2:158. Who’s who in America. [annual] 1906. 2:101. United States—Civilization Low. American people. 1909. 6:287. Robinson. The twentieth century American. 1908. 5:83. Van Dyke. Spirit of America. 1910. 6:299. United States—Colonies American academy of political and social science. Ameri- ean colonial policy and administration. 1907. 3:155. Latané. America as a world power. 1907. 4:45. United States—Commerce | American academy of political and social science. Ameri- can business conditions, 1909. 6:315, Shaw. Current issues. 1908. 4:208. United States—Commerce and labor dep’t—Bibliography - U. S. Commerce and labor department. List of publications available for distribution. 3d ed. 1909. 5:145. United States—Congress Fuller. Speakers of the House. 1909. 6:115. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 181 United States—Constitution and constitutional law Pierce. Federal usurpation. 1908. 4:240. Smith. Spirit of American government. 1907. 3:226. CY: Thorpe, comp. Federal and state constitutions. 1909. 6:190. - Wilson. Constitutional government in the United States. 1908. 4:300. United States—Defenses Lea. Valor of ignorance. 1909. 6:335. United States—Description and travel Davis. Travels of four years and a half in the United States of America, 1798-1802. New ed. 1909. 6:144. James. The American scene. 1907. 3:98. Searfogho. Round the world in a motor-car. 1909, 6:397. Singleton, ed. Historic buildings of America as seen and described by famous writérs. 1906. 3:49. Historic landmarks of America as seen and described by famous writers. 1907. 4:49. Torrey. Nature’s invitation.. 1904, 1:17. United States—Diplomatic and consular service Van Dyne. Our foreign service. 1909. 5:183. - United States—Economic conditions Abbott. Women in industry. 1909. 6:195. American academy of political and social science. Ameri- can business conditions. 1909. 6:315. Conservation of natural resources. 1909. 5:153. Bogart. Economic history of the United States. 1907. 4:100. Brooks. Conflict between private monopoly and good citizenship. 1909. 6:277. Butler. Women and the trades, Pittsburgh, 1907-1908. L909. 2 62277. Callender, ed. Selections from the economic history of the United States, 1765-1860. 1909. 6:368. Coman. Industrial history of the United States. 1905. 1:100. . Croly. Promise of American life. 1909. 6:239. Cronau. Our wasteful nation. 1908. 5:75. Day. ~ Raid on prosperity. 1907. 4:39. Documentary history of American industrial society, v.1-4. 1910. - 6:372. Fite. Social and industrial conditions in the North during the Civil War. 1910. 6:375. , Gephart. Transportation and industrial development in the Middle West. 1909. 6:40. Howe. Privilege and democracy in America. 1910. 6:383. Laughlin. Industrial America. 1906. 3:99. 182 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS _ Leroy-Beaulieu. United States in the twentieth century. 1906. 2:35, : McPherson. Railroad freight rates in relation to the industry and commerce of the United States. 1909. 6:44, National conservation commission. Report. 3v. 1909. 6:100. Paine. Greater America, 1907. 4:47. Shaw. Outlook for the average man. 1907. 4:84. United States—Economic conditions—Bibliography Hasse. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States: California, 1849-1904. 1909. 5:41. ‘ —— Illinois, 1809-1904. 1909. 6:245. Maine, 1820-1904. 1907. 4:79. Massachusetts, 1789-1904. 1908. 5:41. New Hampshire, 1789-1904. 1907. 4:79: New York, 1789-1904. 1907. _4:185. Rhode Island, 1789-1904. 1908. .4:185. Vermont, 1789-1904. 1907. 4:79. United States—Education bureau—Bibliography _ U.S. Education bureau. Index to reports. 1909. 6:101. United States—Expansion and colonial policy Mathews. Expansion of New England. 1909. 6:251. United States—Foreign relations American foreign policy. 1909. 6:196. Blakeslee, ed. China and the Far East. 1910. 6:365. - Chadwick. Relations of the United States and Spain, diplo- macy. 1909. 6:320. Coolidge. The United States as a world power. 1908. 4:286. Foster. Diplomatic memoirs. 2v. 1909. 6:242. Latané. America as a-world power. 1907. 4:45. Lea. Valor of ignorance. 1909. 6:335> Millard. America and the Far Eastern question, 1909. 6:19. Moore. American diplomacy. 1905. 1:136. Shaw. Political problems of American development. 1907. 4:208. Smith. China and America today. 1907. 4:210. Taft. Present-day problems. 1908. 4:242. United States—Government publications " Everhart. Handbook of United States public documents. 1910. 6:323. Wyer. United States government documents. 1906. 2:150. United States—Government publications (State governments) —Bibliography Bowker, ed. State publications. pt. 4. 1908. 5:1381. SETTLE | INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS ~— 183 Hasse. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States: California, 1849-1904. 1909. 5:41. ——— —— [llinois, 1809-1904.~ 1909. 6:245. —— —— Maine, 1820-1904. 1907. 4:79. ——— ———_ Massachusetts, 1789-1904. . 1908... 5:4. ——— New Hampshire, 1789-1904, "1907.42.79, —— —— New York, 1789-1904. 1907... 4:185: —— —— Rhode Island, 1789-1904. 1908. 4:185. 5 a = =— Vermont, 1789-1904. 1907. 4:79. United States—History Channing. History of the United States. v.2. 1908. 5:36. Short history of the United States for school use. New ed. 1909. 6:142. —— Students’ history of the United States. New ed. 1908. 6:142. Elson.~ History of the United States of America. New ed. 5v. 1908. 5:61, Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Hart. National ideals historically traced. 1907. 4:42. Higginson & MacDonald. History of the United States from 1886 to 1905. New ed. 1905. 1:36. Hill. Decisive battles of the law. 1907. 3:223. Hitchcock, ed. Decisive battles of America. 1909. 6:205. Hulbert. Pilots of the republic. 1906. 38:69. Lodge. A frontier town and other essays. 1906. 3:12. MeMaster. History of the people of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. v.7. 19107 6:336. Matteson, comp. American nation. 1908. 4:81. Rouse, ed. National documents. 1904. 1:31. Sparks. Story of the United States. 2v. 1904. 1:16. Wallington. Historic churches of America. 1907. 4:214. _ Wilson. Division and reunion, 1829-1909. New ed. 1909. 6:231. See also Generals—U. 8.; Presidents—U. 8. United States—History—Bibliography Griffin, comp. Writings on American history, 1906 [annu- al] 1908. 5:104. United States—History—Poetry Stevenson, ed. Poems of American history. 1908. 5:51. United States—History—Sources Bigelow. Retrospections of an active life. 3v. 1909. 6:157. Harding, ed. Select orations illustrating American political history. 1909. 6:166. MacDonald, ed. Documentary source book of American history, 1606-1898. 1908. 4:292. Washington. Writings. New ed. 1908. 5:52. United States—History—Colonial period Bradford’s history or Plymouth plantation. Newed. 1908. 4:169. 184 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Bradford’s history of the Plymouth settlement. New ed. 1909. 6:310. Doyle. English colonies in America. v.4-5. 1907. 3:96. Low. American people. 1909. 6:287. Osgood. American colonies in the seventeenth century. 3v. 1904-7. 4:200. United States—History—Colonial period—Sources Tyler. Narratives of early Virginia. 1907. 3:228. United States—History—Revolution Beer. British colonial policy. 1907. 4:99. Fisher. Struggle for American independence. 2v. 1908. 4:181, . Reich. Foundations of modern Europe. 1908. 5:65, Smith. Our struggle for the fourteenth colony. 2v. 1907. 4:210. Trevelyan. -The American Revolution. pt. 3. 1907. 4:108. U.S. Congress. Joint committee on the library. Rocham- beau. 1907. 4:109. ~ Van' Tyne. The American Revolution. 1905. 1:110. United States—History—tTripolitan War Allen. Our navy and the Barbary corsairs. 1905. 1:47. United States—History—Constitutional period Allen. Our naval war with France. 1909. 6:5. Babcock. Rise of American nationality, 1811-1819. 1906. 2:178. Channing. Jeffersonian system, 1801-1811. 1906. 2:179. Garrison. Westward extension, 1841-1850. 1906. 3:42. Hart. Slavery and abolition. 1906. 2:181. MacDonald. Jacksonian democracy, 1829-1837. 1906. 2:183. McMaster. History of the United States from the Revolu- tion to the Civil War. v.6. 1906. 3:124. Peck. Twenty years of the republic, 1885-1905. 1906. 3:70. Rhodes. History of the United States from the compro- mise of 1850. 7v. 1900. 3:48. Smith. First forty years of Washington society. 1906. 3:73. Sparks. National development, 1877-1885. 1907. 3:227. United States—History—War of 1812 Nursey. Story of Isaac Brock. 1909. 6:122. Paullin. Commodore John Rodgers. 1910. 6:342. United States—History—Civil war Alexander. Military memoirs of a Confederate. 1907. 3:155. Chadwick. Causes of the Civil War. 1906. 3:39. Chesnut. A diary from Dixie. 1905. 1:35. Connelley. Quantrill and the border wars. 1910: 6:238. Eaton. Grant, Lincoln and the freedmen. 1907. 4:135. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 185 Eggleston. Recollections of a varied life. 1910. 6:374. Fite. Social and industrial conditions in the North dur- ing the Civil War. 1910. .6:375, Hosmer. Appeal to arms, 1816-1863. 1907. 3:97. Outcome of the Civil War, 1863-1865. 1907. 3:97. Mosby. Stuart’s cavalry in the Gettysburg campaign. 1908. 4:197. Munson. Reminiscences of a Mosby guerilla. 1906. 3:47. Perry. Letters of a surgeon of the Civil War. 1906. 3:103. Porter. Campaigning with Grant. 1906. 3:54. Putnam. Abraham Lincoln. 1909. 6:348. Rhodes. History of the United States from the compro- mise of 1850. 7v. 1900-6. 3:48. Sherman. Home letters. 1909. 6:255. Williams. With the border ruffians. 1907. 4:153. United States—History, Military - Hitchcock. Fifty years in camp and field. 1909. 6:381. United States—Industries and resources American academy of political and social science. Ameri- can business conditions. 1909. 6:315. Conservation of natural resources. 1909. 5:153. Coman. Industrial history of the United States. 1905. 1:100.. : Cronau. Our wasteful nation. 1908. 5:75. Dole. Spirit of democracy. 1906. 3:119. Laughlin. Industrial America. 1906. 3:99. National conservation commission. Report. 3v. 1909. 6:100. Shadwell. Industrial efficiency. 1909. 6:149.. United States—Military academy, West Point Schaff. Spirit of old West Point, 1858-1862. 1907. 3:225. United States—Navy Allen. Our naval war with France. 1909. 6:5. Beyer. American battleship and life in the navy. 1908. 4:275. Evans. An admiral’s log. 1910. 6:282. Fanning, comp. Selected articles on the enlargement of the United States navy. 1906. 4:135, Hill. Romance of the American navy. 1910. -6:381. Mahan. From sail to steam. 1907. 4:15. Matthews. Back to Hampton Roads. 1909. 6:209. Miller. Around the world with the battleships. 1909. 6:210, Morris. Heroes of the navy in America. 1907. 4:144. Paullin. Commodore John Rodgers. 1910. 6:342. Spears. History of the United States navy. 1908. 4:150. Short history of the American navy. 1907. 3:172. United States—Politics and government Babcock. Rise of American nationality, 1811-1819. 1906. 2:178. 186 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Beard, ed. Readings in American government and polities. — 19095 -6:197- Beveridge. Meaning of the times. 1908. 4:234. Bigelow. Retrospections of an active life. 3v. 1909. 6:157. - Bryce. American commonwealth. Abridged ed. 1906. 2:99. Channing. Jeffersonian system, 1801-1811. 1906. 2:179. Croly. Promise of American life. 1909. 6:239. Dewey. National problems, 1885-1897. 1907. 3:221.- Dougherty. Electoral system of tlfe United States. 1908. 2::159. Finley- & Sanderson. Eines executive and executive methods... 1908. 5:76. Foster. Diplomatic memoirs. 2v. 1909. 6:242. Fuller. Government by the people. 1908. 4:236. Gauss. American government. 1908. 4:236. Harding, ed. Select orations illustrating American polit- ical history. 1909. 6:166. Hart. Actual government as applied under American con- ditions. 3d ed. 1908. 4:277. Holt. On the civic relations. 1907. 4:13. . Jenks. Principles of politics from the viewpoint of the American citizen. 1909. 6:48. Lodge. Speeches and addresses. 2d ed. 1909. 6:311. MacDonald. Jacksonian democracy, 1829-1837. 1906. 2:183. Marriott. How Americans are governed in nation, state and city. 1910.. 6:390. Munford. - Virginia’s attitude toward slavery and seces- sion. 1909. 6:340. Pierce. Federal usurpation. 1908. 4:240. ? Reinsch, ed. Readings on. American federal government. 1909. B21 79" Shaw, Albert. Outlook for the average man. 1907. 4:84. Political problems of American development. 1907. 4:208. ; L. M. Current issues. 1908. 4:208. Smith, J. A. Spirit of American government. 1907. 3:226. Smith, T. C. Parties and slavery, 1850-1859. 1906. 3:74. Stevenson. Something of men I have known: 1909. 6:179. Taft. Political issues and outlooks. 1909. 6:179. Present-day problems. 1908. 4:242. Townsend, comp. Handbook of United States political history for readers and.students. 1905. 1:101. Turner. Rise of the new West, 1819-1829. 1906. 2:185. Wise. Recollections of thirteen presidents. 1906. 2:185. United States—Politics and government—Bibliography — Pearson. Intercollegiate debates. 1910. 6:292. United States—Politics and government—Dictionaries Foster. Cyclopedia of civil government. 1908. 5:40. 4 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 187 United States—Population U. 8. Census bureau. Century of population growth, from Ist census of United States to 12th, 1790-1900. 1909. pAtrie bOLs United States—Seal U. S. State-department. History of the seal of the United States. 1909. 6:271. United States—Senate Lodge. A frontier town, and other essays. 1906. 3:12. United States—Social conditions American academy of ‘political and social science. Race improvement in the United States. 1909. 6:5. Francis. Americans, an impression. 1909. 6:72. Laughlin. Latter-day problems. 1909. 6:170. Rogers. Why American marriages fail. 1909. 6:176. Minsterberg. The Americans. 1904. 1:13. Wells. Future in America. 1906. 3:50. United States—Social life and customs Brooks. As others see us. 1908. 5:6. Clay. Belle of the fifties. 1904. 1:6. Eggleston. Life in the eighteenth century. 1905. 1:127. Our first century. 1905. . 1:68. James. The American scene. 1907. 3:98. Schouler. Americans of 1776. 1906. 2:65. United States—Supreme court—Bibliography U. S. Bibliography division, Library of Congress. List of works relating to the Supreme court of the United States. 1909. 6:32. United States—Territorial expansion American academy of political and social science. Ameri- ean colonial policy and administration. 1907. 3:155. Bruce. Romance of American expansion. 1909. 5:132. Coolidge. United States as a world power. 1908. 4:286. Latané. America as a world power. 1907. 4:45. Universe Arrhenius. Worlds in the making. 1908. 4:166. U’Ren, William Simon Steffens. Upbuilders. 1909. 6:126. Utopias More’s Millennium, New ed. 1909. 5:64. Value Davenport. Value and distribufion. 1908. 4:176. Vancouver Island - Grainger. Woodsmen of the West. 1908. 6:40. Van Schurman, Anna Birch. Anna Van Schurman. 1909. 6:276. Varnishing Hodgson. Up-to-date hardwood finisher. 1904. 1:10. 188 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Vasquez de Coronado, Francisco Spanish explorers in the southern United States. 1907. 3:227. Vedder, Elihu McSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. Vegetable gardening Bennett. The vegetable garden. 1908. 4:233. Collingwood, ed. The farmer’s garden. 1905. 2:68. English vegetable garden. 1909. 6:241. French. Book of vegetables and garden herbs. 1907. 3:164. Fullerton. How to make a vegetable garden. 1905. 1:48. Hall. The garden yard. New ed. 1909. 6:13. Maynard. The small country place. 1908. 4:239. Rawson. Success in gardening. New ed. 1910. 6:422, Rexford. Home garden. 1909. 5:144. Wright. Garden week by week. 1909. 6:53. Velasquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva Calvert & Hartley. Velasquez. 1908. 4:131. Ellis. Soul of Spain. 1908. 4:179. Hind.. Days with Velasquez. 1906. 2:162. Velasquez. Works. 1903. 1:14. ; Venezuela Bingham. Journal of an expedition across Venezuela and Colombia. 1909. 6:35. Venice Brooke. Sea-charm of Venice. 1907. 4:170. Brown. In and around Venice. 1905. 1:134, Crawford. Salve Venetia. 2v. 1905. 2:9. Headlam. Venetia and northern Italy. 1908. 5:42. Singleton, ed. Venice as seen and described by famous writers. 1905. 1:42, Venice—Description Douglas. Venice and her treasures. 1910. 6:373. Ventilation Elliott. Household hygiene. 1907. 3:163. King. Practical steam and hot water heating and ventila- tion. 1908. 5:78. Ventilation for dwellings, rural schools and stables. 1908. 5:44. Vergil Woodberry. Great writers. 1907. 4:217. Verlaine, Paul Lepelletier. Paul Verlaine: his life—his work. 1909. 6:171. Vermont—Economic conditjons—Bibliography ; Hasse. Index to economic material in documents of the states of the United States: Vermont, 1789-1904. 1907. 4:79. Verona, Italy Allen & Williamson. Cities of northern Italy. New ed. 2v. 1906. 3:24. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 189 Veronese, Paul Cox. Old masters and new. 1905. 1:106. Versailles, France : Farmer. Versailles and the court under Louis XIV. 1905. 13135; Victoria, queen of Great Britain Hird. Victoria the woman. 1908. 4:237. Victoria. Letters. 3v.. 1907. 4:151. Villiers de 1’Isle Adam, Philippe Auguste Mathias, comte de Huneker. Iconoclasts. 1905. 1:56. . Violin ‘s Chapin. Heart of music. 1906. 3:39. Winram. Violin playing and violin adjustment. 1909. 6:53. Violin music—Scores—Bibliography Hooper, comp. Selected list of musie and books about music for public libraries. 1909. 6:118. Violoncello Racster. Chats on violoncellos. 1908. 4:204. Virginia Page. The Old Dominion. 1908. 4:201. Pryor. Birth of the nation, Jamestown, 1607. 1907. 4:148. Tyler, ed. Narratives of early Virginia, 1606-1625. 1907. 3:228. Virginia—Politics and government Munford. Virginia’s attitude toward slavery and -seces- sion. 1909. 6:340. Vittorio Emanuele II, king of Italy Holland. Builders of united Italy. 1908. 4:289. Voice Everts. The speaking voice. 1908. 5:10. Jones. Technique of speech. 1909. 6:169. Mills. Voice production in singing and speaking. 1906. 3:46. Santley. Art of singing and vocal declamation. 1908. 4:24], Volcanoes—Bibliography Brooklyn public library. Earthquakes and volcanoes. 1906. 2:193. Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de Hall. Friends of Voltaire. 1907. 4:102. Voyages and travels ; Franck. Vagabond journey around the world. 1910. 6:326. Gougar. Forty thousand miles of world wandering. 1905. 2:69. Matthews. Back to Hampton Roads. 1909. 6:209. Miller, Around the world with the battleships. 1909. 6:210. Williams. Romance of early exploration. 1907. 2:244. 190 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Wages : Cadbury. Women’s work and wages. 1907. 3:161. Chapman. Work and wages. 1908. 4:257. Emerson. Efficiency as a basis for operation and wages. 1909. 6:374. Ryan. A living wage. 1906. 2:184. Wagner, Richard ; Fischer. Beethoven. 1905, 1:55. Hall. The Wagnerian romances. 1907. 4:184. Neumann. Personal recollections of Wagner. 1908. 5:81. Newman. Musical studies. 1905. 1:136. Wales z Abraham. Complete mountaineer. 1908. 4:163. Stawell. Motor tours in Wales and the border counties. 1909. 6:51. Wallace, Lewis Wallace. Lew Wallace. 1906. 2:244. Walpole, Horace More. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. War Mahan. Somevneglected aspects of war. 1907. 4:196. Ward, Artemus Winter. ~ Old friends. ©1909. 6:24. Ward, Mrs Mary Augusta (Arnold) fe Phelps. Essays on modern novelists. 1910. 6:292. Warner, Susan Warner. Susan Warner. 1909. 6:404. Washington, George , Eliot. Four American leaders. 1906. 3:120. 7 Hodges. Apprenticeship of Washington. 1909. 5:105, Parker. Historic Americans. 1909. 6:229. Schauffler, ed. Washington’s birthday. 1910. 6:295. XWister. Seven ages of Washington. 1907. 4:51, Washington, D. C.—Social conditions Weller. Neglected neighbors. 1909. 5:146. Washington, D. C.—Social life and customs Hall. Social usages at Washington. 1908. 3:42. Smith. First forty years of Washington society. 1906. 3:73. Washington (state) Meany. History of the state of Washington. 1909. 6:45. Wasps Peckham. Wasps, social and solitary. 1905. 1:59. Water, Purification of \ Richards & Woodman. Air, water, and food from a sani- tary standpoint. 3d ed. 1909. 6:230. Water-color painting Armstrong. Art in Great Britain and Ireland. 1909. 6:235. Cundall. History of British water colour painting. 1908. 5:160. : INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS ~— = NLL Finberg. English water colour painters. 1905. 2:209, Turner. Water-colours. 1909. 6:298. Water-lily Conrad. Water-lilies and how to grow them. 1907. 4:10. Water-power Ball. Natural sources of power. 1908. 5:99. Thurso. Modern turbine practice and water-power plants, 4906:") 2:71. i Turneaure & Black. Hydraulic engineering. 1909. 5:183. Water supply American academy of political and social science. Lessons of the financial crisis. 1908. 4:165. ‘ Bailey, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.1. 1907. ST LLy: Elliott. Household hygiene. 1907. 3:163. Gerhard. Sanitation, water supply and sewage disposal of country houses. 1909. 6:74. Harcourt. Sanitary engineering with respect to water- supply and sewage disposal. 1907. 3:97. Hazen. Clean water and how to get it. 1907. 4:103. Hubbard & Kiersted. Water-works management and main- tenance. 1907. —3:167. Lipman. Bacteria in relation to country life. 1908. 5:17. Turneaure. Water supply. 1908. 4:298. & Russell. Public water-supplies. 2d ed. 1908. 5:125. Whipple. Value of pure water. 1907, 4:216. Watermarks Bayley. New light on the renaissance. 1909. 6:35. Waterproofing : Lewis. Waterproofing. 1909. 6:286. Waterways. See Inland navigation Watson, John Nicoll. ‘‘Tan Maclaren.’’ 1908. 5:107. Watt, James Carnegie. James Watt. 1905. 1:77. Watteau, Antoine Maucelaire. Antoine Watteau. 1906. 3:100. Watts, George Frederick Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Wealth Carnegie. Problems of today. 1908. 5:7. Gladden. The new idolatry. 1905. 2:34. Laughlin. Latter-day problems. 1909. 6:170. Youngman. Economie causes of great fortunes. 1909. 6:407. Wealth—Bibliography Edwards, ed. Concentrated wealth. 1910. 6:281. Weather Batley, ed. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. v.1. 1907. 3:117. 192 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS = Weaving i Nelson. Weaving. 1909. 6:290. Webster, Daniel : Fiske. Essays historical and literary. 1907. 4:119. Parker. Historic Americans. 1909. 6:229. Wedgwood, Josiah . Moore. Wedgwood and his imitators. 1909. 6:252. Wedgwood-ware Hayden. Chats on English earthenware. 1909. 6:245. Moore. Wedgwood and his imitators. 1909. 6:252. Welfare institutions for laborers Tolman. Social engineering. 1909. 5:182. Wesley, John Macphail. Essays in puritanism, 1905. 1:58. Powell. Heavenly heretics. 1909. 6:343. — Winchester. Life of John Wesley. 1906. 2:167. West, Benjamin McSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. West, Mrs Jennie (Jerome) Cornwallis West. Reminiscences of Lady Randolph Churchill. 1908. 4:299. West—Description and travel Hough. Story of the outlaw. 1907. 3:122. Paine. Greater America. 1907. 4:47. Price. Gaining health in the West. 1907. 4:16. Roe. Army letters from an officer’s wife. 1909. 6:83. Talbot. My people of the plains. 1906. 3:49. Whiting. Land of enchantment, 1906. 3:15, West—History Dellenbaugh. Breaking the wilderness. 1904. 1:28. Parrish. The great plains. 1907. 3:224, Paxson. Last American frontier. 1910. 6:291. West Indies Hale. Practical guide to Latin America. 1909. 6:203. Ober. Guide to the West Indies and Bermudas. 1908. 4:107. Our West Indian neighbors. 1904. 1:14. Waterton, ,Wanderings in South America. New ed. 1909. 6:63. West Indies—Bibliography Hale. Practical guide to Latin America. 1909. 6:203. Westcott, Brooke Foss, bp. of Durham Porter. Secret of a great influence. 1905. 1:42, Westminster Abbey Bond. Westminster Abbey. 1909. 6:318. Westmorland, Priscilla Anne (Wellesley Pole) Fane, cownt- ess of Westmorland. Correspondence, 1813-1870. 1910. 6:405. Whaling Spears. Story of the New England whalers. 1908. 5:50. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 193 Wharton, Edith : Sedgwick. New American type. 1908. 4:207. Wheat f Dondlinger. Book of wheat. 1908. 5:9. Whistler, James Abbott McNeill Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. beatae Cary. Works of James McNeill Whistler. 1907. 3:119. Cox. Old masters and new. 1905.. 1:106. James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14. MecSpadden. Famous painters of America. 1907. 3:195. Pennell. Life of James McNeill Whistler. 2v. 1908. 5:20. White, Andrew Dickson White. Autobiography. 2v. 1905. 1:51. White, Gilbert Shelley. Gilbert White and Selborne. 1909. 6:346. White House ' Singleton. Story of the White House. 2v. 1907. 4:84. White lead Holley. Lead and zine pigments. 1909. 6:382. Whitman, Marcus Eells. Marcus Whitman, pathfinder and patriot. 1909. 6:281. Whitman, Walt Carpenter. Walt Whitman. 1909. 5:133. James. Views and reviews. 1908. 5:14. Macphail. Essays in puritanism. 1905. 1:58. More. Shelburne essays. 4th series. 1906. 3:46. Perry. Walt Whitman. 1906. 2:213. Rickett. Vagabond in literature. 1906. 3:104. Whitney, Josiah Dwight Brewster. Life and letters of Josiah Dwight Whitney. 1909... 6:198. Whittier, John Greenleaf : Perry. Park-street papers. 1908. 4:263, ne Life and letters of John Greenleaf Whittier. 1907. 4:121. Wiertz, Antoine Joseph Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Will % Payot. Education of the will. 1909. 6:342. Shaler. Masters of fate. 1906. 3:72. Willard, Josiah Flynt Willard. My life. 1908. 4:299. William, the Conqueror, king of England Stenton. William the Conqueror. 1908. 5:110. William II, emperor of Germany Eltzbacher. Modern Germany. 1905. 2:105. Williams, Roger Carpenter. Roger Williams. 1909. 6:320. 194 INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Wilson, John Winchester. A group of English essayists of the early nineteenth century. 1910. 6:261. Wiltshire, Hngland Bradley. Round about Wiltshire. 1907. 4:128. Windmills Ball. Natural sources of power. 1908. 5:99. Window gardening Barnes. House plants and how to grow them. 1909. 6:68. Rexford. Indoor gardening. 1910. 6:395. Windows Day. Windows. 3d ed. 1909. 6:417. - Windsor castle Holmes. Windsor. 1908. 5:14. Wine Wright. Old-time recipes for home made wines, cordials and liqueurs. 1909. 6:407. Winthrop, John Macphail. Essays in puritanism. 1905. 1:58. Wireless telegraphy ‘ Gibson. Electricity of today. 1907. 2:237. Harrison. Making wireless outfits. 1909. 6:76. Kennelly. Wireless telegraphy. 1906. 3:98. —— Wireless telegraphy and wireless telephony. 2d ed. 1909.. 5:195. Massie & Underhill. Wireless telegraphy and telephony popularly explained. 1908. 5:106. Story. Story of wireless telegraphy. 1904. 1:17. Thom & Collins. Electric telegraph. 1908. 4:297. Wireless telephony : Kennelly. Wireless telegraphy and wireless telephony. 1909. — 5:195. Massie & Underhill. Wireless telegraphy and telephony popularly explained. 1908. 5:106. Wisconsin Steffens. Struggle for self-government. 1906. 2:185. Thwaites. Wisconsin. 1908. 5:21. Wisconsin, University of Olin. Women of a state university. 1909. 6:122. Wit and humor Clemens, comp. Mark Twain’s library of humor. 1906. 2:99. — Vion 190027221475 —— —— ‘v3. 1906; 2:208. Dunne. Dissertations by Mr Dooley. 1906. 3:8. Irwin. Letters of a Japanese schoolboy. 1909. 5:114. Loomis. I’ve been thinking. 1905. 2:69. Witchcraft Hueffer. Book of witches. 1909. 5:169. Witnesses Miunsterberg. On the witness stand. 1908. 4:198. INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS 195 Wolf, Hugo Newman. Hugo Wolf. 1909. 6:210. Wolves Harding. Wolf and coyote trapping. 1909: 6:380. Woman Abbott. The home builder. 1908. 5:5. Lucas. Ladies’ pageant. 1908. 5:45. Strauss. Ideas of a plain country woman. 1908. 4:241. Woman—Biography . Beach. Daughters of the Puritans. 1905, 2:3. Clement, Women in the fine arts. 1904. 1:7. Faweett. Five famous French women. 1905. 2:160., Woman—Employment Abbott. Women in industry. 1909. 6:195. Adams & Sumner. Labor problems. 1905. 1:27. Butler. Women and the trades, Pittsburgh, 1907-1908. 1909. 6:277. Cadbury. Women’s work and wages. 1907. 3:161. The long day. 1905. 1:135. Richardson. The girl who earns her own living. 1909. 6:176. Woman—Employment—Bibliography Butler. Women and the trades, Pittsburgh, 1907-1908. 1909, 6:277. Woman—Health and hygiene Call. Nerves and common sense. 1909. 6:70. Dudley & Kellor. Athletic games in the education of women. 1909. 5:136. Latimer. Girl and woman. 1909. 6:208. Mitchell. Self help for nervous women. 1909. 5:142. Woman—Social and moral questions American academy of political and social science. Woman’ S work and organizations. 1906. 3:5. Hamilton. Marriage as a trade. 1909. 6:75. Rogers... Why American marriages fail. 1909. 6:176. Thomas. Sex and society. 1907. 3:131. Woman—Societies and clubs American academy of political and social science. Woman’s work and organizations. 1906. 3:5. Woman—Arabia Griffith. -Behind the veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia. E9097 155167. Woman—China Conger. Letters from China. 1909. 5:158. Headland. Court life in China. 1909. 6:204. Woman—Korea Baird. Daybreak in Korea. 1909. 6:68. Woman—Rome Abbott. Society and politics in ancient Rome. 1909. 6:235. 196 “INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Woman—Turkey Abbott. Turkey in transition. 1909. 6:195. Brown. Haremlik. 1909. 6:8. Garnett. Home life in Turkey. 1909. 6:73. Griffith. Behind the veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia. 1909-52167, Woman—United States American academy of political and social science. Woman’s work and organizations. 1906. 3:5. Woman suffrage Buckley. Wrong and peril of woman suffrage. 1909. 6:368. Sumner. Equal suffrage. 1909. 6:179. Wood : Sherfesee. Primer of wood preservation. 1908. 4:315. Wood-carving Rowe. Practical wood-earving. 1907. 3:171. Wood turning Ross. Wood turning. 1909. 6:255. Woodwork — Binns & Marsden. Principles of educational woodwork. 1909. 6:237. Hasluck, ed. Cabinetwork and joinery. 1908. 4:289. . Woolen and worsted manufacture Collins. Woolen and worsted spinning. 1909. 6:279. Timmermann. Woolen and worsted finishing. 1909. 6:297. Worcestershire, England Bradley. Worcestershire. 1909. 6:366. Wordsworth, Dorothy Knight, ed. Letters of the Wordsworth Te from 1787 to 1835. 3v. 1907. 4:140. Wordsworth, William Bradley. Oxford lectures on poetry. 1909. 6:36. Knight, ed. Letters of the Wordsworth family from 1787 to 1835. 3v. 1907. 4:140. Woodberry. The torch. 1905. 1:110. Works—Management Emerson. Efficiency as a basis for operation and wages. 1909. 6:374. 2 Workshop receipts Bond, comp. Handy man’s workshop and laboratory. 1910. 6:317. Popular mechanics shop notes. 1905. 1:69. Worry Saleeby. Worry. 1907. 4:83. Walton. Why worry? 1908. 4:243. Wotton, Sir Henry More. Shelburne essays. 5th series. 1908. 4:292. Wren, Sir Christopher Milman. Sir Christopher Wren, 1908. 6:19, INDEX TO ADULT BOOKS Loe X rays . a Bottone. Radiography and the ‘‘X’’ rays in practice and theory. 2d ed. 1906. 2:108. ; Gibson. Electricity of today. 1907. 2:237. Xavier, Francisco, Saint Vedder. Christian epoch-makers. 1908. 5:22. Yachts and yachting Boardman. The small yacht. 1909. 6:36. Yellow fever Kelly. Walter Reed and yellow fever. 1906. 2:240. Yellowstone national park Muir. Our national parks. New ed. 1909. 6:229. York, England . Howells. Seven English cities. 1909. 6:118. Yosemite national park Muir. Our national parks. New ed. 1909. 6:229. Young men Brown. The young man’s affairs. 1909. 6:37. Hall. From youth into manhood. 1909. 6:244. Youth Addams. The spirit of youth and the city streets. 1909. 6:107. Yucatan Arnold & Frost. The American Egypt. 1909. 6:196. Ziegler polar expedition Fiala. Fighting the polar ice. 1906. 3:41. Zinc Holley. Lead and zine pigments. 1909. 6:382. Zoological gardens Hagenbeck. Beasts and men. 1909. 6:283. Zoology Cambridge natural history. 10v. 1891-1909. 6:320. Gamble. Animal life. 1908. 6:13. Latter. Natural history of some common animals. 1904. 1:12. Zoology—Africa Dugmore. Camera adventures in the African wilds. 1910. 6:323. Zoology—South America Waterton. Wanderings in South America. New ed. 1909. 6:63. Zoroastrianism Jackson. Persia, past and present. 1906. 3:44. Zuloaga, Ignacio Brinton. Modern artists. 1908. 4:170. Cary. Artists past and present. 1909. 6:109. CHILDREN’S BOOKS Forms of heading in the main agree with the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Catalog of books in the children’s de- partment, and no cross references have been made that are given here. A few headings have been included that are not subject headings, such as Poetry (for individual poets’ collections) and adaptations of classics (Chaucer, Shake- speare, Spenser, etc.). No stories have been indexed except those that have been given a class number in the Booklist, and modern fairy tales. Accidents Gulick. Emergencies. 1909. 6:96. Adventures Tappan, comp. Adventures and achievements. 1907. 4:93. Out-of-door book. 1907. 4:95. Africa—Description and travel Carpenter’s geographical reader; Africa. 1905. 1:103., Agriculture - 7 Keffer. Nature studies on the farm; soils and plants. 1907. 3:140. Airships Delacombe. Boys’ book of airships. 1909. 6:357. Alaska Roulet. Our little Alaskan cousin. 1907. 4:56. Alcott, Louisa May Moses. Louisa May Aleott, dreamer and worker. 1909: 6:222. Amateur theatricals Chapman. Four plays for children. 1908. 4:308. Dalkeith. Little plays. n.d. 2:250. Mackay. The house of the heart, and other plays for children. 1909, 6:307. Amusements Adams. Harper’s outdoor book for boys. 1907. 3:205. Beard, D. C. New ideas for out of doors. 1906. 3:19. L. & A. B. Indoor and outdoor handicraft and rec- reation for-girls. 1904. 1:5. Little folks’ handy book. 1910. 6:413. i Things worth doing and how to do them. 1906. 3:19. Canfield, What shall we do now? 1907. 5:60. Hall. Boy craftsman. 1905. 1:104. Nugent. New games and amusements for young and old ~ alike. 1905. 2:8. Paret, ed. Harper’s handy-book for girls. 1910. 6:414. Walker. Lady Hollyhock and her friends. 1906. 2:253. INDEX TO CHILDREN’S BOOKS 199 Wells. Rainy day diversions. 1907. 3:210. White. Child’s rainy day book. 1905. 1:133. Yale. When mother lets us give a party. 1909. 6:309. Andersen, Hans Christian Harboe. Child’s story of Hans Christian Andersen. 1907. 3:207. ; Animals Hawkes. The little water-folks. 1907. 4:115. The trail of the woods. 1907. 3:208. Lottridge. Familiar wild animals. 1906. 3:82. Roosevelt. Good hunting. 1907. 3:236. Schwartz.. Wilderness babies. 1905. 1:105. Tappan, comp. Out-of-door book. 1907. 4:95. Animals—Stories Beard. Dan Beard’s animal book and camp-fire stories. 1907. 4:55. Breck. Wilderness pets at Camp Buckshaw. 1910. 6:413. Darton. Wonder book of beasts. 1909. 6:35%. Hawkes. Shaggycoat, the biography of a beaver. 1906. 3:21. Jordan. Story of Matka. New ed. 1910. 6:311. Long. Whose home is the wilderness. 1907. 4:115. Seton. Monarch, the big bear of Tallac. 1904. 1:24. Stafford. Animal fables from the dark continent. 1906. 3:83. See also Animals, Legends and stories of, in adult list,