ik ‘ “39.65/4: Gul $9 . a e aa % ‘ Bulletin No. 54 Aueust 1, 1922. Ry WF RYMEYTO Ay LY © We LLAGH PU} tt COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL 42FPATRS James F, Woodward, Secretary as BUREAU OF TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George H. Ashley, State Geologist ‘BITUMINOUS COAL RESERVES IN PENNSYLVANIA By John F. Reese Introduction. The U. S, Geological Survey is publishing as Professional Paper 100, 2 voluminous report on the coal fields of the United States, which is to be composed of separate parts on ea 1ch of the: cosal-pro- ducing states. That report will contain estimates of the col rescrves, and in prepa \ration for the chapter on Pennsylvania, Dr. G, H. Ashley requested me to compute the quantity of bituminous coal origins liy coRont led , mined out, and still recoverable in the state. ‘The work has o¢ccupicd 9 mynths, having boen begun in November, 1921, and completed in July, Toe Earlier Estimate, In 1909, M. R. Caimpbell™ of the Geological Survey estimted thot the bituminous areas of western: Pennsylvani2 have an extcnt of 14,200 square miles ond contained, when Mining first began, 112,574, 000, 000 short tons, “He figured that the supply remaining at the Close of 1907 was 109 , 804 be ,000 tons, or 492 times the exhaustion ropresented by the production of ‘that year. Present Estimate. To be‘of real value, an estimate of cozl reserves ‘must be based on all available data. In preparing this “estimate, facts regarding the extent, thickness, and chsracter of the coal beds were assembled from many sources, and the computation ws taken up by counties, For each county on which 2 detailed. estimate hrs been prepsred, 2 base map was made for cach coal bed by tracing its outcrop from the ete “ U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 394, p. 23, 1909. Lt TT AL conte ee — latest maps tvailable, All available measurements of 2 cosl bed were plottec on the map of that enal bed at the locality represented. _By studying the distribution of the figures, arcns of equal thicknes wore plotted, and by menns of 4 planimeter, the area of cach ond “bed in cach township was measured, The unit uscd for calculating the quantity of ccal was 90,000 short tons per inch of bed per square mile of.ares, Having calculated the quantity of coal originally contained Within the areca of any bed and subtracted the areca already mined our, the writer determined from engineering experience the probnble per- centage of each bed which could be rocovered in differcnt locnlitics, The quantity of conl comouted to be in any bed, a pd yy the assumed percentage of recovery, less 15 por cent for loss in Mining, Zives the ostimateda recoverable tonnage, rts Published, Since January, 1922, tne following county wing bituminous coal reserves have “Doon published: Bulletin No, 25 Cosl reserves in Greene County, Pennsylvania es * 27 Corl reserves in Washington County " _ " $1 Coal reserves in Allegheny County i “| . 395 Coal reserves in Fayette County i: ju ee ae 35 Coal reserves in Westmoreland County " ” \ 37 Conl reserves in Indiana County i rte $9 Coal reserves in Armstrong County a a * 435 Conl reserves in Somerset County ut * y 44 Coal reserves in Cambtia County LAVA hal 63 Conl reserves in Cleeffield County si For the other coal-proaducing counties shown in the tables but not mentioned above a less detailed ee tine he was made an c se ani rat fe ae have not been prepared, SUmNaTy Table ss The result of computing the bituminous coal reserves in Pennsylvanic is shown in the'sccompanying tables One gives the quantity of conl originally depos sited, the quantity that has been minced out or made unrecoverable, : hee the tons that can yet be recovered, The second table shows the estimated recoverabic tonnage in cach bed by counties. ‘ : ; ‘ ra s re Pai : Lum a eres 2 NF f, ve Wa) 1h at Ws eka * iF if ae rote Ks : Diet ats tee at fA ? ie LaY it's ; ry 3 i* Fie bit , 2) if r 4 Aim! fsa | aH nt Mea xT ITS er DT POE De Sa. AGS MEE RENEE AAO EY a i “a "4 , i 4 : i i ; es - ui 4*t " ¥ ‘ ‘ ae ar ed nea i Se A a Ya Reyer ba Bich. rok he vag 1 ARSC Mohave veo e Ame oH 4 "> Re : Wis ‘ Ae) ey) ) in shy hy aie ve om “bon xu <3 “4 ee f mye ies | aS ‘ 4 . pa + ' yy fs q a “ Q i at a x ‘ af b Saiki ; H s whi ; eS AY ‘Wy b) BA et Re EW Cy Oe | ghia erty ee hart ve fy ab Pm Wy ah eA ashes ne 7 ipa PLS bh ae Teo: mae eo : a ety ee hy By bhai? DRE Fs wi ‘ | Ss Oe hii ool ee Le ah 3 Hf Soi as om Rie a, en: : Lae ine RS AB ROR Seta LL ami 9 eee a 5 a aN Ki BD COB Ub epeal op rg Ra Me PD DA ah ann cD Gomi: eby oh NR ak hs anatebty afta Os KY pd { he | + “ + ‘yt "iy tia: nal ") j WY on igh ha tue 8 co a, ea aN rn a a Boater ” ne ike am ki 4 Xs ee ; ‘ : 2. 4 ah et eo, f iY 7 ; We ) AM TP be ba iek@ : ie oe ee Jnl Dey eal bh ie a bid i » OF Ny | MOC I HE ree AK PRR IOG MLE ed ner: ae SUMNER ie fx Vs aC Se) eo Seah ny tu ae ) ‘ ye eR } CSL atte Ay ay hs | i ay lt g NY ‘4 isi OAE. Lofgaaey ea Os } a : ce by? De loft ane od ey Ror h ra 1 Ae ane arn ee Hy eA Coal Reserves in Pennsylvania in Short Tons rt IO NO Oe Urigzinal Deposit County Allegheny Armstronr Beaver Blair 3radfrord Butler Cambrin Game ron Centre Clicrion Cicarficla Clinton Blk Layette Greene Indisna Jefferson Lewrence dycoming Mercer MeXeanm Somerset ~ Logs rs} washing ton We stmorelandg Bro2da Tov Field eee Teatal ee eee a 3 4. a c i 3, os ee 3,180 ;400 ;000 5750; 700 ;000 1; 116 ; 400; 000 61 59007000 3 ;000 ; 000 , 959 5000 ;000 , 90935 5000 ; 000 42 ;000 ; 000 ‘422 5000 ; COO B17 ;090 ;G00 992 ;000 ,OG0 $3 ;000 ; 000 Mined Out 969 ;200;000 107 2907060 1-400 ;00C 11,900,000 300 ;000 30 ;000 ;000 466 ,900 ;000 “100 ; 000 60 ;000; ‘000 37 O00 ; 000 308 ;210 ;000 5 ; 000 ;Q0C Re ‘ccoverable ene OAS 1 i eet “ 1; 486 ; 900,000 5 &u 3, i eo lant Cf. 2,491; 100 ; 000 566-000 ;0€0 25-000; 000 19 ;000 ; 000 2 , 300 ,000; 000 638 ; 080 ;000 20 , 000 ; 006 Le4, OCO ;OQ9 Pha, ‘ Cul ie O¢ ng Nie eae, COG 610 -000;000 27-000 000 E97 - Ga | ogi 5 229-734-000 899 544 “000 2-604 -2OC , OG 10 ; 330.094 :000 2-496 -000 7011-400 ;00¢ 6, 339 ; 400 ; 000 299200 :000 A 288-700 7006 3,420 000 ,000 180,000; COG 1 $96 7000 ;00C 611,900; 000 300 000 BLL; CCG; OC 68 , 900; 000 200,000 3A 000; 000 368 ; 000 000 40,006 000 172 -0CU:0@C ‘220; “100 : 000 - 390 ; 000 ‘136-000 ;C09 6 ,091:800 000 187 384 : 000 3 9869007000 "124 ;400 ;000 25-206 ;000 Be O00 ;000 10 ; 526 ;023;000 -557:763;000 5,481,690; 00 5, S81, 504 ;000 4,218;141,000 5,297, 500/00 391.000, 000 AG, 5A% 000 oy S00 00d 7D 209 (056° 000 5, DLO. 665 , 000 43,830,860 ,0CC Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/bituminouscoalreOOrees 0 ounMary County =a LLic gheny Armstrong Beaver bin Tr Bradford Butler Grr. ib Tia Cameron Centre vinarion Cheerricld pe 7 Clinton my Yes fa hy Te Bnyette 1 he India [eae Lawre nce Lycoming Mercer MeKoan psonerset a ee 7 a Vs 22 sashington Sf Reeoverable W2shins —— a on —_— ee ~~ ee , Z ee ee ee , 640,000 ‘at a 668 ; 380/000 id 4.47 C) rn { ~~ eee ——— oe ew me ow oe ; 800 ; 000 S58, ma eee -—— me , we ee ee ee Wayne S)urg O50 a situminous Cor v1 in Pennsylvania ~~ —-—-_ -—+- ~~ Sewickley — ee ~_— oe —— ee em ee ew oe “Leo. 600 ; sie 4,119, ws 453.9 — om a me 75 6S): —— oe — wo —a ee me oe —— 5 oe ee —_ ae oe me -— oo 700 , 000 ~—~—— ae ee ore ee —— ae ee — ee oe ee en 000 ; OCO ie o tm srelanc C 163, £3 200, "00 Broad Top Field 7,600,000 Total 947,668,850 2,523,636 ,950 ty 453,950 411,500,000 » > ee . . * a ae y Ped a va‘ wer a : Ls | Ue em a r. ey , ’ - ’ q F a we if a i yy Ne By ve ah) ¥ Fak OA Kees Be *, ae oe ‘ bread. 4 thi wy , > y Pa \ 1 sek, UN ata eed ee on Vise?) “A co) vs ek ary a é Po mh De Ene a Pin NC hh Ay sk k ol ria seh , i i ‘ 1 iy , Li ve rae a ' id \ ‘ ‘ t ‘ wi ; it ivy we San je il eee dame baMly Mb shavhur aaten ae ‘ 4 Bey os) ] , , ) ‘ nok a ee en ; ee ee Pee : if ; : : h \ vat a al . nh we Rots Nat dd ay) a ay } . ! \ ‘ ; "a y ‘ ) aA ¥ ay A a_i. wet Poe ty ue SAN 7 W Seah ul ae de Ve car mane ; : ¥ hd ray ‘ ( i Wu te ae ae ; y ‘ : M RY hb ory f MY \ i \ 7 nick ay ‘ y ye Ea : ; it ‘ tt et a Bah be: eh } ie StL as he ,! ast . : r 7 " Py , ( * \ La’ y « \ ii ) (ct sila AS eA) SAA eae: Mai Ml ) i ‘ ‘ ed Ae ON ‘ Ni N ary Tea mare OPE A oe : \ J NAR vb atta alba 2 aed i yyt Pie. Wie Sad He 1 Saas Aa? eb Oe A +! oy a tes . ‘ extn ny ‘ lead Ny iv Wy) \ Be tak ecihitery av! Sy HGS Ate OLN aml AR mh Sy i AY anon rR Nahe } ‘ Avo # : ? b CN : : a (Weed 4 n } t * rm Tay te, Seale Ay Se SOT AS: FR Pe eRe 2h isi wi } Nini jeu 4a tan ¢ , os e i Nay ; het oo] il a ih Hes eine pd : ; ae abel ie mate ier, why nt Ny t oa * hia var ma ‘ i Ps he ; Oy Day ae dy \ we ’ at USN rer y (al OM RR ABS IES 0) Oat N i, a sya i | ' NEAR Heaney oi Ry re . hia , . ita a a ry 7 i A POD As bau 4 { veh le te, a OA f ’ hel wart ‘ Dae ire, aN Aig he, wth ti ee woe Autie. pre ; | J \ ¥ eh lei 4 s . - Riv ; ‘ rays) . i . \ J lal , H ‘ Aion s es { | Abe A ey be ats Mes ; Se ES , Me? fit i) ie ‘y ii Be OT j 5 i { dant ila Ne IN it } thy atone a hii tS ae had aly A P Pap tay Jiu cara ae ene te ae shah Aaah pear ’ ‘ we y ] / y v f aby Pity Ln eA beiatl Cd (pms ea baad a guriay dhe de ; i hi igh Aah wa rh aha S Johnie srs) eek el 40 ah peng bem elf fea Mut aneni : H rane ‘ ‘ pa os ; vl ay POM, yl eit eM FE pe Tea esniay bla ah Levin eanwnt it bo va, Myst Shien ( fap Ad | ‘ my ie Suminry of Recoverable een Coal in Pennsylvania in Short Ton ne a LOPES 9 ET SLO gael) IY thahatas °C A A NEE County Pittsburgh U.Freeport or I, ath rt }. Kittanning WE" LW "ah abd Pipe 1T Allc gheny ric G ohd a] del Woy ON ph fig OLN Kea te OLE ED aa tale Arme trong 2,800 ;000 943-000 ;000 387 ; 300 000 69 ,900, O00 Beaver 4,000 , 000 186 ;000 ;000 AM GOOROOH (anne OTS G sig sed ere 4,060 , 000 1,000, 000 2 000, 000 Bradford na oo = (pe sow a oo rate od Le beet) 8 even se alge 8 BRO) i PR an ln 450 ; 000 ;000 200;060;000 200;,000;000 Rey yoni a 711,920,000 900,750,000 612 4 50 ,000 Cameron g=§= = #=—==~ Sabot Gt 09/1) CN RSS EP ae SORTS PS em en 2 ;000 ; 000 5-000 ;000 15-000 ;000 AS adhe sia aa ne te 9 ;000 ; 000 16 0005060 30 ; 006 7000 Clearfield §=§ --=<- £34,500, 000 537.500 000 224 200 , 000 Clinton a NGS “pee Bei OER UR MIM aie iC TY) (AY VN Je acca on ig 1 ne ct 3:00 7000 8.000 , 000 --+-- Paye tte ‘919; 300. 000 1,029;000;000 = ----- 59 000, 000 Greene ry 831. 453: 650 “677: “AGA: O00 8 ‘=--<- Bape (8 50 6 ine Uwe ae Indiana 21,200,000 1,652:800;000 1, BPA. "800: 2000 ww e-- : Jefferson = --==- '250:000;000 (450; -000;000 150, 000 , 000 Lawrence = tema 7-060:000 BHR G00 1.) ae ee ere nN ills |. cay tae A,OOO GOON memes) wena ce eRe OA OT UNE IGE Re ut o8 SUD De AR Aare pepe cE AC) eo AHI) 1 bed aaa ed Bae (i), dV ete maaan ek , eae: gee Somerset 16, 200, ie 525,700 “000 219 B00, 000 2,188,500; 000 Tioga wa-H- ONS i ai ie) "000 ,000 Washington 516; ;860 7000 ‘O90. 90OG2 2000 meen Westmoreland — 158° 300° DUO LG Bho 200: “000 ween Brond Top Ficld ~---~ 4.6 800, SEER) SR STR eR eee eee Total 8,130,113,650 10,718,904,000 4,147,730,000 3,561,030,00' eS eee a eat at a A ef ap ae i te er nt So errmont Coton iin tiga ately eons Supping asi Apes ete Soin cli-saoen ess des woh sep ioneltca pinyin conn -* sis dosh Ay ovslas otis a epy lis be NOR Dea as candmie This ak naby \ . 4 Nt \ i 1 ‘i | ves Ks a - ~ eel 4 shy eed dea Ne ins as x EP oe oe er eae os he ‘ é ae a % ~ . v : wae aw ‘ t n i t ] a Sy P ’ t ai x ‘ \ -” . ” , Wi ieee ads ba N " r Wry v j ; : ‘ J Lh mn WR ELUM Ty wean ’ h i , ‘ . t He ¢ ‘ 4 a A ‘ oe ‘ , ? ; , \ 7 ‘ : , c x 4 F ay . . ine # t t ‘ "Wh 5 Ly rh] 4 y , ‘ cy y y ' * . wine he wen ' wh Ye " M } ) qe et tt ; “i i 4 1 4 - \f ot * Nios Ae ad LEY \ "4 © ‘ans eine ae mals ty ae N Lent é ANTS AP \ i“ : ” e %" 4 , ’ ‘ ‘% } ; ol * 4 il ' ie he + & U 4 P 4 f % é ‘ , Pie ' ac’ " | P j “ " ¢ u , 4 « fe td | ayy A eh aT a HWY We op ae ate en i ai ve qh ae) { Kah eA f en { A {Ve | i , ' AT a od ee ‘ ‘ y a ‘ "% hi ay : e' 1 4 4 j ’ » ! i 3 i RO A ae - ‘ R , ¥4 Ves Mitkas * - wo) “ . : " rn wey : 5 { Why Ni ’ ae | , vat ? ( ) Thales TAL ad a ed hoch , f { yr, Link Ke ele target Summary of Reeoverabic fg ae Conl in Pennsylveni aT Short P67 ~- Centinucd te ee ee te ee ee County M.kitsvsmiing oye Pag meeemeertn = 5 = nen te Allc gheny Arms trong soars hes 4,001; 000: -000 ~~~ 87 7300 ?000 Benver 85,000,000 —215;090:000 maaan 30 ;000 ; 000 STB Ce ue Wy rele LAr 8 WS ha ae me oe 8 500 10? OOG Bradford smn 000; (00 ‘mt ae ahi 15.;000 7000 Butler 450,000 , 000 BUGS OOO? Hee 100 -0C0 2000 TOO: 300 1000 Cambria — an som 1, 345 5100; O00 21260 | 000 43 ;600 7000 Camcron wim ms ow of 27C007000 | wana 67000; 000 Centre 6 7000 ;000 507000 -G00 tm tm LOB 7600 ; 000 Clarion 30 +000 ° 7900 400;000/000 350,000, 000-884! "009 :900 Cloarficld 106; “300: G00 STU La ype 818 eae. mae BOF 21007000 Clinton 2/000,000 250007000 bmn 19 MOO O00 tlk ----- 84-000'900 120,000,000 ----- Faye tte ee 198 090, 009 ween ee Greene il carta: be Pm ere le ary lie Pe, Indisna tan ae 239. 300% 000 erm ns oe 4n—-- Jofforson 220 ; COO ;000 430; 000: O00 ~---- 400 ; 000 ; 000 Lawrence 90: 009 7000 0-500 2000 ee 96 , 000 , 000 Lycoming 10 7000 ; 000 2070007000 ee Ss ak sie Shen 1.500, 000 , 590 ; 000 ~-~=- 210; 000; 000 MeKea soca dai "00: “060 Pinan ree BO! 000 7000 Bemceet leita! 910 ;700; “OGO 54,600 , O00€ rae -900; 000 Tioga 12 , 900 ,000 10, 000, 000 --=-- , 000 000 Washington me fer EG I a ae eee er Wes stmoroland ES?) 500) 000 Bly rs OCO few ww mde em me me Broad Pop) Pic ld ~-~-- TB heenh God 124,700,000 mane Total UME: 800, BE LSM ae lb, 800 ,000. 770,600,000 193, 8060 ,000 te ee one ’ LeKittanning 0 UB 2AM wm ae ee ne oe os nr an re re tee. pm ee te — wena aot Brookville or mA" ee ae - ee a et in et a at te ag eet te a ee re he me ae ees J ‘ Pi ‘ t ‘ ‘ ¥ ‘ ’ ‘ mk het i { " ' "Te aa, | ry ~ ow ge - wrt ee & aii ant A y aaa nalary 4h id Oo { ‘ ee ae Ce oO ee { yee de eyes > tl: ' , 7 ; On| nes AW St wy 1 > Ube ‘ ! Win: hea ahs laa ha * Cu \ ‘ tie) Ray NY (ee eel es Nunie Ni ie ie RA Web Rah ra ‘ b ee ye ‘ iawn alael apis “ STAD ert eee dame wed weit ry a ee Cee nee he Pita Palen, dante’ Art) tle ¥ ‘ Ri Weniatrlete dane sia) i alll oo grt Lata ot Atyity P iN hn we f 7 ADA, | ey ved Oe ory she rel Ae et ‘ " AM M irre ee ae © ‘ een te vy Py PAL iA “4 4 Jn LY iy \ OOK ae . i 200 one 4 Mi . 4 a te RMU a ee | aS la) Ch ani N, Ma Vor ‘ " a) i i ; s] ’ i! “ Pvt Niecodbay Coe PT te ee has ele ll Ss enth my ennadeg A ale ‘ | 4 4 Se uth P ey ahi ys NG et ah ‘ 4s ore Wi: iy tt Y wi yr A na Pie pet? 4 Vy Tay yi ‘ i Mid ie Alew 4 tay ny cane isi AEN ayes a dada iy CMe Naat Hens ev MIA ineyiranee Ricit ven it sh pit o wl a cea lt Ate sit ye ene summary of Recoverable Bituminous Coal. in Short Tons a a a ee Allegheny Armstron Beaver Blair Beadford Butler Camera & Came ron Ceniirve Clerion Giese axrcfie 1c ia ~nton Bik Favette Greene Inéiicna Jerrerson Lawrense ‘ bysoming Viercer i> sean Somerset Tioga Neatmure to Broad FT Top “Picla Micreor —S oo me _—— , y _——_— 5 “ Totai oe 000 , 000 _——-—— _— oe oe ? _—— - ;090 7600 000,006 —— ee ee en 2 we ee 000 , C00 ate me me oe -000;000 700,000 —— ow oe =. a) © =) _ ee oe —— ee ee _— ee oe — a oe oe ee ee oe —— oe oe ome a. oman o - Continve in Pennsylvania eS i, OGCHwowo IO MH iP C=O -ta fQQ ict oN es rod 4 a ae ? emir Mm! $90: 000 1.190 : 000 609 7000 ; 000 7 C00 » 000 000 -090 7000 “080 7000 7 “O00 7000 > 4. - O09 7000 “000 7000 4.00 7000 > 4 000 ;000 7,000 7000 -A06 7000 sO 7000 :C00 7000 “O06 7000 ‘O00 % O30 “G00 : 000 THe GEE Oe ae - 00 ye O00 “O00 7000 6807000 ; 809; 000 "800,000 45,830,850, 000 ae “490/000 - 6 ¢ & mi, We pee hk agnae, pet Rie a Vetiet Nee ele! Sty Nab tend Shan toes cai ba ‘ ‘pe as Ay ‘e ey Sy her : Pas QE Aaah Rae ete 5 * - . ; Ven 4 aA ‘onmere ye , » ballin” Rede? SAN end 6, aed Nig oie ater ben an erat re aati Peat rocawnm Se me etdanr \ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ i hyty i ‘ j t 1 i i . } x 4 , 5 ‘ ms ws ". t . aN b ‘ AN heel we Styl ; ‘ " } n'y i we Un vate Nie i ie Ha . r ‘ pda el vee A A ( ’ D 0 a “ Se ote eh tae ip Ne lam Pats!) deve ae Me al ed s j ‘ ’ : . \\ +p a j i Co Rn | a w , . ‘a I * et ek ge id j ‘ , i i i a | wr ey ee ‘ : us ve . . We 7\ Ue { 4 h AY a : jw See ate : 14 : 4 a ‘ 5 Nee t { Vi Kh « Q a ie ‘ ti : ‘a tui y ely he oe . | , ‘ beh. pid Ay, ‘vie ae af Ase Vile ve Wes ae 4 1 s { Pe i) iene’ : : Py p Wat bevy py ve Vk , Menton ce We f f 4 . An ' : a if y “at fl Uh i pane area " my MO OME AR MAS ‘ ‘ ‘ aN ; ‘ 4 b! u ri ’ em eee en f what dee tne } ‘ 4 @ ; # + ‘ y ee) ‘ / , vr ’ ‘ih Ne uf \ shes i’, Wes fl i : mV orm HB J ‘ ' FANGS, ; Wa i 7 % t A 1] is nae ba As Be eee Tae a " “ : : aver ( a { ve), ; ' § . j 4 4 ee . rn Ne y v “t) Ne i del (Mia ts ; v my he tyes ’ In all the computations of these reserves, the full conl section has been considered as in the original deposit. This is not always the minenble section, hence the mined out tonnages 4S shown will seem large for various lcealities. If only 36 inches of n 42 inch coal bed is being mined, the unmined 6 inches which has been iricluded in the original tonnege of this deposit must be accounted for, As this 6 inches of conl is irrecoverebly lost, it has been considereé as such, and included in the mined out tonnage, Coal beds as low as 18 to 24 inches in height in limited areas have been considercd ag a reserve. The most readily accessible and best beds have been exploited up to this time, but before long these will be dcpleted, and the other and less eecessible bods will bo developed, The geographical loc. tion of Pennsylvania with its access to the scaboard merts and the industrics of New Englend will be’the great dctermining fector in the future development of these coals, enabling operators to mine these beds at greater cost per ton but’still compete in the same marke@ with the coals of Ohio, West Virginia, and Xentucky. The difference in freight rates will permit this more cxyponsive mining. Lorrelation of conl beds. In various countics the coal beds “re snown by local nemes, but in this work they have‘ becn considered and computed according to the following table: Le ALeOn Con} equivaicnt to Merecr 2. Barnett " n Lower Kittanning or B ae Bear Creck esal Wai Brookville or A 4, 71 Berlin : as owicklcy 5, Bloss " , i Lower Kittanning or 8 6, B-Riéer " " Lower Xittanning or B Cy Aes rmont |\Coal by Brookvilic or A 8. Fulton y 4 . Clarion or At 9, Kolly u H . Upper Frecport or 10, Morgan " i . Midéle Kittanning or C Pee ne is 4 | Redstone 2s fe Price ie ; Fittsburgh 15. Seymour " " | Uppor Kittanning or 0! Conclusion. As the areca of the bituminous con] fields of © Pennsylvania is cxtromely large, and date for an accurate comput tion of rescrves in 4 great portion of it are very meagre, it follows that nany corrections will be necessary as future cxploring and prospect- ing bring to light new information. It is respectfully asked ond urged that 211 operntors, coal isnd owmers, or any persons who-hnve any information ss to the numbcor of coal bees, their thickness, and caztent in any portion of the fiold, submit the same to this Survey . Those who offcr criticism and corrections sare asked to send the dat. whereon same is based, and thus enable this Survey to make - more accurate estimate of our coal ass ie et OEE age os fee ay Rat ge Bay 9: Re hp i as Vw. te kg ® a “ehiod: earl Ba Mat or a aee fy aot: iy e i wes hey pews i is nk goed ee ONG a ye exe Mh? tt L M i f Z i be aa ea a +e +h 9 ban pias mina eT aise i ) att ee v4 i ie de * ee . M4 [ “( 4 cunt t & ohh ite arf t Pes é we reserves All information thus rendered will be hcld strictly con- fidentia& if the donor so wishes. It is only through such cooperation that a public work can be properly consummated. If we can compute accurately now the tonnege thet remains, it Will be 2 simple aunt to detcrmin” our reserves at the end of each year as the annual production is redordeé and readily available, all the information available tc the Survey has kecn used and the greatest care has been excrciscd in the computations, the figures in the foregoing tables are as accurate 2s can be made. The writer wishes to publicly acknowledge his very gren indebtedness to Ralph W. Stone, Assistant State Geologist, re thorough editing and construc tive oriticiem of adil this series of bulletins a iON 0112 077640677