Time Table for Summer Session, | 9 | 2 at JUNE 24 TO AUGUST 2 For Use in Correlating Second Semester Work and Summer Session Work Courses designed primarily for undergraduates are numbered from 1 to 99; those for undergraduates .and graduates, from 101 to 199; those for graduates only, from 201 on. Three-hour courses carry one credit, five hour courses carry two credits, etc. In seminary courses and courses involving laboratory work the credit is based - upon the amount of work accomplished. _ Details concerning these courses and their relation to the semester courses can be obtained from the instructors. The summer session bulletin will be issued in March. Abbreviations used are: *, days or hours to be arranged or subject to change to meet wishes of class; +, additional hour to be fixed; 7, laboratory work at hours to be assigned; (/) hours specified include laboratory periods. COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND SCIENCE | Anatomy— ‘ 10% |) Physiological Anatomy:.... i220) ..6.....0065 MWE 8 Bardeen JOe-pelanimahan Anatomy: .oe a. Valo he bee MTWTE | 2:30 to 5:30 |}:Miller 103 | Histology and Organology... .............. MIWT 9 to 12 Miller MP INOUEOIORS vcs vedere eden es weet mbePawage de. MTWTE 9to12 | Miller OM PERERA IE AGIA LOUIS ood cule oss ocleh weld wie closed MTWTE 9 to 5:30 Bardeen 106 | Topographical Anatomy..................-- MTWTE | 91t05:30 Bardeen Botany— MM ELGHOT Sl BOUANY vias as Vis vecv ca daaiuacnee eis MTWTE ) 8toi0 (1)? {| Denniston TARP TRAIL Ue LU STOLOS YP aeee cas’ Casjnidimaecsie css MTWTES| 8tollt (1) Denniston 103 | Classification of Seed Plants................ MWE 2:30 to 4:30 | Stewart 104 | Morphology of the Fungi.................... MWE _ [2:30to4:30(1)*t| Gilbert Mee EPVLOSSES AHO MOINS) oo ..b ccc beck oh tMb ed dele ce MWE 10 to 12 (1)? | Stewart 106. | Vegetable Histology... 020.5 ces cece ee .| MWE 11 to 1 (t)t | Denniston BOR BOtAICal MOtDOdS oo. iia sce sob ule ep aidele vs TT 10 to 12 (Dt | Gilbert NOME MVICOSORECI NY ey vals cs rdecb ok eecs tients PARR WG Sen atthe ‘ RUE A Ie AE ea ie: Sa aOR, S _ Chemistry— Wt GLOHIE LAF ONOMISUTY: a cas ced «codes okilease we | MTWTFR 101 Walton, Judd CHOU IIGADLV EG: AMALY SIS! wcukicceadcetsGsteece oabie MWE 81 Klein Mar Ohiamtivative ANAlVSis.. ssl) te eee cece 4h ls 8l Carleton — 104 | Adv. Quantitative Analysis.....¢...00.. 0.5. Tu 9 Carleton Hoo) beaching OF Chemistry. os... ...c bol elas cep EE 120 Walton Gs Orcanic CHEMISUry. «bi atic sce csb ahs eves eisbs MTIWTE 91 Fischer, Nebel BUG PRIVEGTIG ATIAIVSIS. Oooo diced s cae tb eli ldees esas * sy Fischer, Schuette 108 | Water and Gas Analysis..................05- 2 7 Fischer, Schuette 100°) Physical Chemistry . iscsi seo b eke ave wake MWF 12 Klein 210 | Chemical Research ............-.000- SUR eA Education— History of Modern Education............... Public Education Principles of Teaching History of American Education Educational Measurements................. BOCA) OUCEHOR EROS Eu wee a ht SM ei Advanced Educational Psychology English— 1 ee ee erences ewes ee ee eee Preparatory English sewers ee eee eee esses eens Freshman English, 1st semester.......... Freshman English, 2d semester........... Advanced Composition General Survey, 2d semester.............. / American Literature, Short Story........... Romantic Movement Teaching of Eng. Composition Teaching of Eng. Literature COME UICOT EE Cie te SIU INE Oar Wee Ve Sa or ee es Cree weno mene sees sees esee OMI Oo Pw Cd Cee ee eee eee Hees eee eee seers eeeeeese INGO VBL ee ee UPR OC PR May Rete Rete Mra Tennyson Milton see eee wee ees eee ees eeeeeeeeereseeee Pee ee ee ee et Pe ee oO oe oe ae ry Festivals— 1 | The BCHOG! Hesvivads: Meee eolew eke ews ok Geography— 1 | Physical Geography.......... ccc. cece eee eee 2") Commercial Geography io... cee looks. ese 3 it Summer Meld OOuUrse sel ei German— First Semester Germ ane) 2. ee a Second Semester German Third Semester German,......600. cee cee ees Composition OOnVersaviowes Pace ele ee a uta Sophomore Reading PLOSS | WEAGMES CO Uo Ct ae gi TVOSSTN Sy eee bie I oe) ete ae ANS RR LS AQAVAnCed Practice oly edu ewimeee salen cee Phonetics TOEACHELS |: OOUTSEL Wot ivie Masi ull pe a bist stewie be 19th Century Drama History of the German Language....... .... Advanced Middle High German............. Novel of ist Half of 19th Century Modern Lyrics, with Metrical Exercises.... Philological: Seminary Literature Seminary sions sagas vessels poles s t, Greek— 1 | Elementary Greek aH) KenODHON'S ANBDASIS: ye aU a a On Bd AOMOT S LAG oe ae! Cea Cas tate, Bane ele a eid 104 | Advanced Reading Course................000- eee eee ec sees eset eeee ee ee ee ee a a or) eee eee were eee se eee eeeree Ce ee ee a) eeenreecsreere een e ewer eee e eee Beet eee ee History— ARTCIOND ELISDOTYS Howe ecUecmaile Ue scleMe Runyan MOCIOV ET LISDOLY pall. seu d eee tot ae ekien yy United States History since 1880........... Roman Imperial History, Medieval Civilization The Tudors Napoleon Bonaparte American Coloniesi yy ean ie History of: West to'1837 5. oe ee Teaching jl MAStOrys ss) :654y pois Cohan Ma Geen Seminary in American History ee see ewe eee eer e ewer wees ee ewe ee eee eee eee eeeeeeeesneeeeeee Ce ee aed MTWTEF | MTWTF | | MTWTE MTWTF August 4 8 11 9 to August 31 | Dodge, Lomer Ashmun Pyre Lathrop Ashmun Hubbard Pyre Lathrop Beatty Hubbard Beatty Bassett, Dykema Whitbeck Whitbeck Whitbeck Purin Morgan Haussmann Roedder Goodnight te: Pan organ ; ‘ Haussmann llth Prokosch —~ Prokosch Purin ; a Hohlfeld \ Prokosch pasa Roedder Goodnight Feise Roedder Hohlfeld Laird Laird Laird Laird Fr Scholz : ys Munro — Rodot Scholz Munro Dennis Dennis Root J Paxson Chase Paxson Latin—_ ASOONTITITIO) LUG GL Susy aa lane cet Girt MTWTE 8 to 10 BRO a te DeAGHOES COUTSO. iA 3! 5's dais alas cimalgendlse saisieln > MTWT 8 103 |} Advanced Composition... ............cceeees Da By gt 104 | Latin Satirists of the Empire.............. WE 9 105 | Mythology of Ovid and Virgil............. MTWTE 10 106 | History of Roman Prose Literature....... MWE 11 PP EOLER UV ATNGL VEAP OLA Des os CR ne mae aU Va jit 108 | Lectures open to the public................ a * Library Training— PPM PAL OU DRAINING oo.) ssa daenesicee cand ccas s \ i [ Manual Arts— 1) Mechanical Drawing I........3............ } MTWTE 1:30 ie 2 | Mechanical Drawing II............0.00050. ; MIWIEE ty atta: so 3 | Descriptive Geometry........ ...0...0ce0 }| MTWTF the 1a ‘ 20 4 | Elementary Woodwork...................08. MT WTF 8 5 | Furniture and Cabinet Design ............. MTWTE | 1:30 to rs “a0 RPV EHOHCL CRU TPIS sys Boal ate. acals gM cig! hal Mladand Solara atsl ate MTWTE 8 to 11 A PRACT TI VDT ciara soe cd ote Liles Aale'cl wlaiee\t ats MTWTE 8 to 11 PPR CLITICL EVE) VON en iin sues osetia: wu dloiuiele « saleeivey MTWTE | 1:30 to 4:30 SIE ION VV OL sitis edict ashes by Re eee tes MTWTE 8 to 11 MIM ACMING: SHODVWOPKe cool ccclvicosle dvarsles «cbt MTWTE 8 to 11 11 | Principles of Design ............eseeeeeeees ) po ais ' ICCOLACLVGHNLOCAL brie 'd Us aie clcccece etal cua ate lara ead MTWTE | 1:30 to 4:30 13 | Development and Teaching of Man. Arts..| MTWTE 11 PVigArcnivectural Dratting esse ee ee TWTE 8 to 11 Tov PArenlLectural: CONSELTUCTION.. ss. siececee: tees MTWTFE ' 1:30 to 4:30 f Mathematics— MU RESO EN Chel erre ic heolehecr aioli is sal 6 s\n: os stalot ave dials siotpnel pus ol e-elece MTWTE 12 MP ESERCL CHEOITIOULDY «ics « css Goa Waa lee a de teuis ee .| MLWTE 11 3 | Plane Trigonometry and Logarithms....... MTWTE 9 MATA LY ULC COOMIGULY.....060.nehviecdocasindss ence TWTR ) 10 SPUN CEN CSLDEUESS Cir ON vv ak ghee, fo, ioia o oigiitatterat Wa Storoialeare, kia ona MTWTE 11 7 | Elemen. Analysis (begins Monday June 17)| MT WTES 8 and 11 8 | Integral Calculus (begins Thurs., June 20)| MTWTES 8 and ll FiimAIZeDra Of LIVEStments o 3 eee ee MTWTE 10 10 | Teaching of Mathematics................... MTWTE 8 Tit) Differential Hatations. 3.006 ela). MTWTF 10 MaMGMMENYCS EL UEELGS cg Cela es Wes'osc | eves nitrates 6 Was wie) ase MTWTE 9 MEME RCLY AIBC OT Ac clly occ citaduele cas ce Seealbe we MWE 12 114 | Differential Geometry........... ccc tees tees MTWTE 8 Tome MeOry OL HUNGCCIONS: 2.6 Vie ea ee culsioee aloes MTWTE 11 PEM OVO VIVAITICS As ces «os oslnlar aleve belo dawloe seve MWE 10 Meteorology— . me 1 | Elementary Meteorology...............62+- | MTWTF | 10 Music— ry Public School, Elementary....... A ANY MTWTE | 11 Public School, Advanced......2. ....0..008. MIWTE 12 PERSIE CA DOYOCLALION. os) aeaaeeeee sd colors MTWTH 10 Philosophy— 1 General SOTO LOM Vile cla sara eek aah eld seals MTWTE 9 HL That ade eo. Tics hivats.g Wid otal iebe tiga Oe eis Lut raat MTWTE 9 RUE ATL TIT EIN IN UETE EOL. se olen wash tele eistanetans bie oid chal Rh MTWTE 10 ADL LA ALC UICER LION, eee eatalhh Sue dlds gare asa ialk elses MTIWTE 8 105) Evolution of Morality...) eo ok MTWTE 11 ee eet awee eee em ewne Hazeltine Phillips Orth Millar Dorrans, Crawshaw Dorrans, Crawshaw Chisholm, Dorrans Chisholm, Dorrans Payton, Dorrans Schumann, Goddard Goddard, Dabney, Sladky Hope Miller Crawshaw Miller Booth Slichter March Slichter Burgess Skinner March Slichter Miller Dykema Dykema Coerne Henamon Otto Otto Sharp Sharp Physical Education and Play— (Courses 5, 6, 10,11 and 13 may be taken for credit only by students majoring or minoring in Physical Education.) LiePhysical Hdncation a iia ies wens MTW TF 2 | Nature and Function of Play..,............ MTWTE BN PIRVETOUTGS ee eC Ie Maree ee TTS 4 | Secondary School Athletics................. MWE SOV MCOUMLCTAL Dake es See Cate Lo RU ee ah De Lean ak TTS On Hirsh AiG to the-AnIJared seu, cain ee oe MWE Mien ysical Hxaminations eee ue soe le weet ty 8 | Principles and Methods of Coaching....... MWE oO 1/Athletics and Games we ye Mec aoa MTWTE 10 | Gymnastics, Plays and Games ,............ MIWTE CAV ROLE ANGUS: Vs ei tephey stig Cece dee SLO MTWTE 12.4)"Athietics; Track ang Fields as ere Rae ek MTWTF LSS WiMIMINE WOMEN cise wetrc bios ieeeene cee | ots Switaming oven ne eae en eres eee ae TTS Physics— General (Lectures. os eae ae, MTWTE ei General Wap. Werackice.cee oie eee wea MTWTE 3 | Lectures for H. 8. Teachers...........-..... MTWTE 104 | Adv. Heat or Light, Lectures............... MTWTE 105 | Adv. Lab., Heat « or Light A Tha tea Ua atte Sg MTWTE 106 | Adv. Electricity and Magnetism, Lectures! MTWTE 107 | Adv. Lab., Electric. and Magnetism MP AW set MTWTE 108 | Modern Theory of Physical Phenomena.. MWE 209 4 Gay roscopic MOG ee a eh aay AR AE 210 MTWTE Electricity and Magnetism.................. Political Economy— Ehler Ehler Meanwell Richards Elsom Elsom Elsom Richards Meanwell Trilling Trilling ‘ Richards, Meanwell Elsom Terry Forsythe Ingersoll Ingersoll Ingersoll Terry Terry Mason Mason Mason (Additional courses in advaneed economics and sociology will be arranged later.) Elements of Economic Science........ ..... MTWTE 102 | Principles and Problems of Taxation ...... MTWTE LOS ELANSPOrvablOn tO ease Oe ae Soa e Crue MTWTE 1OLM Money and Banking 7a oo hogaey serleaane MITWTE OSU s CAUSTICS Merced carr aes ela ROLE Rear ry MTWTE Political Science— American Government. 0.0.06 $2005 4.5.0, MTWTE Party GOVETRMeN ee kate bi Grek eel ee MTWTE 3 | American Constitutional Law.............. MTWTE 4 | Municipal Government...................... MTWTE Publie Speaking — ‘1 | Practical Public Speaking.............-..2-. TTS Interpretative Reading: Browning........ MWE 3:)- High School Problems 223) 0) ae MWE AN Principles And Practice: ceeded ae chow eee TTS Romance Languages— 1a Berinners«Hrench) iei.ec eee eke a ees ; Aico 2 | Second Semester French .................... MTWTEF Sa VAGVanced Wrench iia oee ee aba ae ia MTWTE 4 | Grammar and Composition ................. MWE 10> Mrench Pronunciation. ce ee TT 106 | Elementary Conversation.............--.... MTWTE 17H VA drvanced'Conversation::;,.. 0c. ee ek MWE 108} Modern French Drama... i... oo bee ec es MWE POOR ANIOUOLO tiles eS lee yee ee COI FR thes ni fbi Wy TO RVAGCTOTUE OPO Ree ee Le Pe ae MWE 111 ; Balzac, Daudet, Anatole France............ MWE PAPAL ES G16 elite 2) 61 6) SIAR te ate a Mrop pet mt oD Baia Oe LA A MWE 213 1 Olatrench Literature sey. eie iis ockeniee es MWE O14) Research Ane Pencl ) Wi ce, Vitel de eee * AS Riementaryaltalian ys) sue iu yee TT BiG. Athi AntOrA tures: ore Hie pose era id Ai MELOMONTATY PDANISH ack) cuie > oe lowecmestetis j tate 118 Advanced Spanish. sn. '30. eee ee lide rT 119 | Research in Old Spanish.................... 7; 11 0269 CO —— — Urdahl Urdahl Hess Hess King Lloyd-Jones Lloyd-Jones Hall Hall Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson Reed Smith Smith, Cerf Reed. Reed Miller Miller Miller Zoology— MUU ONOTAL LOOLOLY Wie ional cl rece Chee bs ce eeeoerul MWE 81 Wagner PR LOTTCGINOLOOY iid sh tomes Un calc e baetoscne let ates TT 81 Wagner 103 | Adv. Zoology and Research. /.. ..3......... 61 is Wagner AVE AOOIMMIC AVEC LUOGS:s fats sed os bem tieatlewulee ss * - Wagner, COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Mechanical Drawing— 1 | Elements of Drawing, Class................ MTWTE 10 Phillips Drafting psc. MTWTE | 1:30 to 4:30 | Phillips 2 | Elements of Drawing, Class................ MTWTE 10 Orth , Dracviing ie Pw ea MTWTE | 1:30 to 4:30 | Orth 3 | Descriptive Geometry, Class................ MTWTE 10 Millar Dratuipe yes fw! MTWTE | 1:30 to 4:30 | Millar Electrical Engineering— PE UIPEGtLOUTTOM US eal eke be call as eke ksh leb es MWE 11 Shuster MEADOR ALOLY) GOUTSOS: die. a'- cide se eke eh edece bus MWE 1:30 to 5:30 | Shuster Steam and Gas Engineering— MRM CR ALE PUP DINCS . Boise sacle eh obo sie de sole bag exe oh MWE 8 Thorkelson PRU S TLOS Ase Ui 8 ial aTOki ay pe EA MWE 9 Thorkelson SIMO@OMPLOSSOG) Adres ie esas. cco date a meae ns ole MWE 10 Thorkelson @ipteatine and Ventilation? 00. .i.630 6.00000... MWE 11 Thorkelson rE DORALOTV; COUTSOS cs oud as Laaswiatona aoe | Tp TBO GOS SOW Pee ioe oes Leas as ©, EEA Os IE ARIE Re RAD Rca nd S 8 to12 § | Thorkelson Hydraulic Engineering— Hlements of Hydraulics.............cccc0cees | MTWTE | 8 ; avis MAD OEALOTY. OOUTSES 3 oils occ oes on Male sie Se MWE 1:30 to 5;30 | Davis Mechanics— J. | SEED CES 0 oy Pk OE Ga A iets I ea all Ra a JS MTWTE SSO el edy hag Wall soaks Saale a aha Nae eh aii er zs. b\y set aleicarwrslotele ait rw siete ( MWE 2;30 2 | Mechanics of Materiais............ ......... MTWTF TR anne Perna t: | BT eae 3 | Mechanics of Materials (continued)........ ree y ae Withey RUE SEIU RIEU ECS aise ot Chk Aleck): «oie cjala Neo ones hbase s MTWTE li Withey hie fe Elementary Surveying, Class............... MTWTF 8 Owen Elementary Surveying, Class............... MTWTE 9 to 11 Owen 3 Advanced Surveying, Class................. MTWTE 9 to 11 Owen TEC ELOIMBS? bin) eA. Ol ba dio cla Melee eset a clete * * . Beebe Machine Design— 4 ST 8 tol MMOS cule von ego cet dade 1 Le ieee, eas: ME aCe Shop Work— ene aPC eRe acts asratell g veloc vse ule ad 6 aeisielelere 8 to 12 Goddard MMNETOD PS ee MTWTF i 1to 5330 and INEM EEA eM ed DE Se aks SR ee wre Lie osatdie viala’e MbleteiS oh Whe ule 8 8 to 12 assistants LAW SCHOOL The Session lasts ten weeks in the Law School, beginning June 24 and ending Aug. 30. es Law. Beale’s Cases on Criminal rc RVR ALORS ya EAA ME AD Us i TD MAIR SN TD Persons. Kales’ Cases on Persons.......... Torts. Ames’ & Smith’s Cases on Torts.... Corporations. Selected Cases.............. Conflict of Laws. Lorenzen’s Cases........ Equity III. Ames’ Cases on Equity........ Mortgages. Kirchwey’s Cases on Mort- POO Mae RU WEL UT NY Trusts. Ames’ Cases on Trusts............. x XX KX ¥* CO RNOOrPWND * * KK HK * * * Gilmore Kales Lorenzen Richards Lorenzen Rundell Rundell — Cook COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Bacteriology— 101 | Agricultural Bacteriology...............00. | TT ps0 tsrabane 102 | Agricultural Bacteriology, Lab.......... MTWTE 10 to 12 Agricultural Chemistry— 101 { General Agricultural Chemistry........... | MTWTE 8 102 4) HOUSEHAIG OHemMiISErVe eee tae MTWTE 10 to 12 Agricultural Education— 101 | Agricultcral Education: ... is MTWTF { 4:30 Agricultural Engineering— 1 | General Agricultural Engineering......... | | MW Agronomy— 1 | General Outline of Agronomy.............. } age 102 | Weed Identification. ....c...s.ccsecccece ence Be Animal Husbandry— 1 | Elementary Live Stock Judging............ 1 Aris 2 EVO SUOCK (PLACTICE icine bee's bain vuliee t's ses ; Rina Dairy Husbandry— Ie MiUK ANd Gts PROGRCtS Fb. Ue laine su beans | } Aearik LOD Dalry (Practice 006 Cv huigwe aibysue ae ecowe eee of Farm Management— 101 / ‘Draveting Field Coursey ev aes eee J ‘a ! Wright Wright. | Peterson Peterson Hatch 10 to 12 | | Ocock | 11 to 1 10 10 to 12 teas ' 9 2:30 to 4:30 "4:30 2:30 to 4:30 * Moore, ‘Leith Stone Fuller 4 Fuller i Farrington, Benkendorf Benkendorf | Otis fi Manhing ewer